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What Does a Data Annotator Do?

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In the era of artificial intelligence and machine learning, data annotation has emerged as a critical process.

This article delves into the role of a data annotator, an often-underestimated professional who aids in training AI systems by labeling and categorizing data.

We explore the skills required, the importance of this role in the AI domain, its practical applications, and discuss potential challenges and solutions within the field of data annotation.

Understanding the Role of a Data Annotator

The essence of a data annotator’s role lies in the meticulous processing and labeling of data, which serves as the bedrock for developing and refining machine learning models. As a critical player in the data pipeline, a data annotator is entrusted with the task of creating annotations that provide context and meaning to raw data.

The annotation process is an intricate one, requiring precision and attention to detail. Data annotators are expected to produce high-quality annotated data that can be used to train machine learning algorithms. The accuracy of annotation is paramount, as any inaccuracies can compromise the validity of the machine learning model.

Annotation analysts work closely with data annotators, overseeing the annotation methods used and ensuring that the highest standards are maintained. They scrutinize the quality of the annotations, ensuring that they are comprehensive, relevant, and accurate.

The Process of Data Annotation Explained

Data annotation, a complex and multifaceted process, involves the application of labels to raw data and, at the same time, requires a deep understanding of the subject matter to ensure accuracy and relevance.

The process of data annotation explained here revolves primarily around the use of annotation software, which assists annotators in labeling data based on pre-established annotation guidelines. These guidelines provide a framework for how the annotation matter should be handled to maintain consistency across the board. Annotators, then, use this framework to apply labels to the data, transforming it from an unstructured mass into an organized set of information.

This labeling of data is crucial in the development of machine learning models and artificial intelligence algorithms, which rely on annotated data to learn and predict future outcomes.

Human-handled data annotation is often preferred over automated methods. This is because human data annotators possess the ability to understand context, nuances, and complex instances better, leading to more accurate and relevant annotations.

The entire process, therefore, while intricate and demanding, plays a crucial role in driving the advancement of technology.

Skills Required to Become a Data Annotator

Acquiring proficiency as a data annotator demands a blend of technical knowledge and soft skills, both of which contribute to the meticulous and nuanced task of data annotation.

To effectively aid machines in pattern recognition and understanding, a data annotator must have a deep understanding of semantic annotation. This involves marking data with metadata that aids in intent annotation, thus helping machines understand the context and meaning behind data.

To become a proficient data annotator, the following skills are crucial:

  • A strong understanding of language models : This allows annotators to interpret and annotate data accurately, helping machines comprehend text, speech, or other data forms.
  • Proficiency in semantic segmentation : This skill involves dividing data into segments, each carrying a specific meaning.
  • Familiarity with a crowdsourcing platform : This is essential as many data annotation tasks are performed on these platforms.
  • Strong attention to detail: This is pivotal to ensure high-quality, error-free annotations.

The Importance of Data Annotation in AI and Machine Learning

In the realm of artificial intelligence and machine learning, both of which heavily rely on data, the role of precise and comprehensive data annotation cannot be overstated. Data annotation serves as the cornerstone of these disciplines, forming the foundation upon which advanced algorithms and predictive models are built.

The significance of data annotation is best demonstrated when considering its application in various sectors. For instance, in the development of self-driving cars, data annotation teams meticulously label and categorize countless images and sensor readings, teaching the AI how to interpret and respond to different scenarios on the road.

Similarly, in the realm of finance, data annotation is fundamental to understanding complex market trends and patterns. Here, finance data annotation is utilized to create advanced models capable of predicting stock market movements and financial trends.

In social media analytics, sentiment annotation is employed to understand human emotions and online behaviors, allowing businesses to tailor their strategies accordingly. The same level of precision is required in industrial data annotation, where properly annotated data can significantly improve efficiency and productivity in manufacturing processes.

Everyday Applications of Data Annotation

While many may not realize it, virtually every aspect of our digital lives is influenced by the work of data annotators. These behind-the-scenes professionals play a crucial role in shaping the digital environment around us.

The work of data annotators is widely applied in various everyday applications. Here are a few examples:

  • Social Media : Data annotation is used to create algorithms for personalized content suggestion, enabling platforms like Facebook and Instagram to recommend posts and advertisements based on your preferences.
  • Online Shopping: It helps in product recommendation systems, making your online shopping experience more personalized by suggesting items that align with your past purchases.
  • Healthcare : In the healthcare sector, annotated data assists in diagnosing diseases from medical images, improving patient care.
  • Autonomous Vehicles : Data annotators help train autonomous driving systems to recognize and respond to different road signs, pedestrians, and other vehicles, enhancing safety on the roads.

Through these applications, and many more, data annotation significantly influences our digital experiences. It shapes how we interact with technology on a daily basis, and continues to do so as technology evolves.

A deeper understanding of this process helps us appreciate the often-overlooked work of data annotators.

Potential Challenges and Solutions in Data Annotation

Data annotation, despite its critical role in shaping our digital world, presents a unique set of challenges, and understanding these obstacles is key to developing effective solutions.

One of the primary hurdles is maintaining the accuracy and consistency of annotations, which can be compromised by human error or differing interpretations among data annotators. A potential solution is the implementation of strict guidelines and regular quality checks to ensure high standardization.

Another challenge is data privacy, especially when dealing with sensitive information. Annotators often need access to personal data, which could lead to privacy breaches if not handled correctly. One solution is to anonymize data before it is annotated, thereby protecting individual identities.

Furthermore, scalability can be a difficulty as machine learning models often require vast amounts of annotated data. Manual annotation can be time-consuming and costly. To combat this, companies can employ automated annotation tools. However, these tools are not perfect, so a human-in-the-loop approach is often preferred.

Lastly, language and cultural nuances can also pose a challenge in data annotation. This is particularly apparent in Natural Language Processing projects. A potential solution is to engage native speakers or cultural experts in the annotation process. Doing so can help to mitigate misinterpretations and biases.

Bringing the Future Closer to Us

The role of a data annotator is becoming more and more pronounced in the realm of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Their job of adding metadata to data sets requires precision and analytical skills, and has widespread applications in our digital era.

Therefore, the significance of data annotation and annotators will continue to grow as we advance in technology.

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The role of a data annotator in machine learning

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Data annotation in machine learning models, ai-based applications: why do we need a machine learning model, data annotation methods and types, crowdsourced data annotation, being a crowd contributor: what is data annotator job, types of data annotation tasks, data annotation analysts and csas, become a data annotator, about toloka.

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The two synonymous terms “data annotator” and “data labeler” seem to be everywhere these days. But who is a data annotator? Many know that annotators are somehow connected to the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), and they probably have important roles to play in the data labelling market. But not everyone fully understands what data labelers actually do. If you want to find out once and for all is data annotation a good job, especially if you’re considering a data labeling career – read on!

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Data annotation is the process of labeling elements of data ( images , videos, text , or any other format) by adding contextual information which ML models can learn from. It helps ML models understand what exactly is important about each piece of data.

To fully grasp and appreciate everything data labelers do and what data annotation skills they need, we need to start with the basics by explaining data annotation and data usage in the field of machine learning. So, let’s begin with something broad to give us appropriate context and then dive into more narrow processes and definitions.

Data comes in many different forms – from images and videos to text and audio files – but in almost all cases, this data has to be processed to render itself usable. What it means is that this data has to be organized and made “clear” to whomever is using it, or as we say, it has to be “labeled”.

If, for example, we have a dataset full of geometric shapes (data points), to prepare this dataset for further use, we need to make sure that every circle is labeled as “circle,” every square as “square,” every triangle as “triangle,” and so on. This turns a random collection of items in the dataset into something with a system that can be picked up and inserted into a real-life project, a bunch of training data for a machine learning algorithm. The opposite of it is “raw” data, which is essentially a mass of disorganized information. And this is where the data annotator role comes in: these people turn “raw data” into “ labeled data ”.

This processing and organization of raw unstructured data – “ data labeling ” or “data annotation” – is even more important in business. When your business relies on data in any way (which is becoming more and more common today), you simply cannot afford for your data to be messy, or else your business will likely run into serious troubles or fail altogether.

Labeled data can assist many different companies, both big and small, whether these companies rely on ML technologies, or have nothing to do with AI. For instance, a real-estate developer or a hotel executive may need to make an expansion decision about building a new facility. But before investing, they need to perform an in-depth analysis in order to understand what types of accommodation get booked, how quickly, during which months, and so on. All of that implies highly organized and “labeled” data (whether it’s called that or not) that can be visualized and used in decision-making.

A training algorithm (also referred to as machine learning algorithm or ML model) is basically clever code written by software engineers that tells an AI solution how to use the data it encounters. The process of training machine learning models involves several stages that we won’t go into right now.

But the main point is this: each and every machine learning model requires adequately labeled data at multiple points in its life cycle. And normally not just some high-quality training data – lots of it! Such ground truth data is used to train an ML model initially, as well as to monitor that it continues to produce accurate results over time.

Today, AI products are no longer the stuff of fiction or even something niche and unique. Most people use AI products on a regular basis, perhaps without even realizing that they’re dealing with an ML-backed solution. Probably one of the best examples is when we use Google Translate or a similar web service.

Think ML models, think data annotations, think training and test data. Feel like asking Siri or Alexa something? It’s the same deal again with virtual assistants: training algorithms, labeled data. Driving somewhere and having an online map service lay out and narrate a route for you? Yes, you guessed it!

Some other examples of disrupting AI technologies include self-driving vehicles, online shopping and product cataloging (e-commerce), cyber security, moderating reviews on social media, financial trading, legal assistance, interpretation of medical results, nautical and space navigation, gaming, and even programming among many others. Regardless of what industry an AI solution is made for or what domain it falls under (for instance, Computer Vision that deals with visual imagery or Natural Language Processing/NLP that deals with speech) – all of them imply continuous data annotation at almost every turn. And, of course, that means having people at hand who can carry out human powered data annotation.

Data annotation can be carried out in a number of ways by utilizing different “approaches”:

  • Data can be labeled by human annotators.
  • It can be labeled synthetically (using machine intelligence).
  • Or it can be labeled in a “hybrid” manner (having both human and machine features).

As of right now, human-handled data annotation remains the most sought-after approach, because it tends to deliver the highest quality datasets. ML processes that involve human-handled data annotation are often referred to as being or having “human-in-the-loop pipelines.”

When it comes to the data annotation process, methodologies of acquiring manually annotated training data differ. One of them is to label the data “internally,” that is, to use an “in-house” team. In this scenario, as usual, the company has to write code and build an ML model at the core of their AI product. But then it also has to prepare training datasets for this machine learning model, often from scratch. While there are advantages to this setup (mainly having full control over every step), the main downside is that this track is normally extremely costly and time-consuming. The reason is that you have to do everything yourself, including training your staff, finding the right data annotation software, learning quality control techniques, and so on.

The alternative is to have your data labeled “externally,” which is known as “outsourcing.” Creators of AI products may outsource to individuals or whole companies to carry out their data annotation for them, which may involve different levels of supervision and project management. In this case, the tasks of annotating data are tackled by specialized groups of human annotators with relevant experience who often work within their chosen paradigm (for example, transcribing speech or working with image annotation).

In a way, outsourcing is a bit like having your own external in-house team that you hire temporarily, except that this team already comes with its own set of data annotation tools. While appealing to some, this method can also be very expensive for AI product makers. What’s more, data quality can often fluctuate wildly from project to project and team to team; after all, the whole data annotation process is handled by a third party. And when you spend so much, you want to be sure you’re getting your money’s worth.

There’s also a type of large-scale outsourcing known as “crowdsourcing” or “crowd-assisted labeling,” which is what we do at Toloka . The logic here is simple: rather than relying on fixed teams of data labelers with fixed skill sets (who are often based in one place), instead, crowdsourcing relies on a large and diverse network of data annotators from all over the globe.

In contrast to other data labeling methodologies, annotators from the “global crowd” choose what exactly they’re going to do and when exactly they wish to contribute. Another big difference between crowdsourcing and all other approaches, both internal and external, is that “crowd contributors” (or “Tolokers” as we call them) do not have to be experts or even have any experience at all. This is possible because:

A short, task-oriented training course takes place before each project in labeling data – only those who perform test tasks at a satisfactory level are allowed to proceed to actual project tasks.

Crowdsourcing utilizes advanced “aggregation techniques,” which means that it’s not so much about individual efforts of crowd contributors, but rather about the “accumulated effort” of everyone on the data annotation project.

To understand this better, think of it as painting a giant canvas. While in-house or outsourced teams gradually paint a complete picture, relying on their knowledge and tenacity, crowd contributors instead paint a tiny brush stroke each. In fact, the same brush stroke in terms of its position on the canvas is painted by several contributors. This is the reason why an individual mistake isn’t detrimental to the final result. A “data annotation analyst” (a special type of ML engineer) then does the following:

  • They take each contributor’s input and discard any “noisy” (i.e., low-quality) responses.
  • They aggregate the results by putting all of the overlapping brush strokes together (to get the best version of each brush stroke).

They then merge different brush strokes together to receive a complete image. Voila – here’s our ready canvas!

This methodology serves those who need annotated data very well, but it also makes data annotation a lot less tedious for human annotators. Probably the best thing about being a data annotator for a crowdsourcing platform like Toloka is that you can work any time you want, from any location you desire – it’s completely up to you. You can also work in any language, so speaking your native tongue is more than enough. If you speak English together with another language (native or non-native), that’s even better – you’ll be able to participate in more labeling projects.

Another great thing is that all you need is internet access and a device such as a smartphone, a tablet, or a laptop/desktop computer. Nothing else is required, and no prior experience is needed, because, as we've explained already, task-specific training is provided before every labeling project. Certainly, if you have expertise in some field, this will only help you, and you may even be asked to evaluate other contributors’ submissions based on your performance. What you produce may also be treated as a “golden” set (or “honeypot” as we say at Toloka), which is a high-quality standard that the others will be judged against.

All annotation tasks at Toloka are relatively small, because ML engineers decompose large labeling projects into more manageable segments. As a result, no matter how difficult the actual request to label data made by our client, as a crowd contributor, you’ll only ever have to deal with micro tasks. The main thing is following your instructions to the word. You have to be careful and diligent when you label the data. The tasks are normally quite easy, but to do them well, one needs to remain focused throughout the entire labeling process and avoid distractions.

There are many different labeling tasks for crowd contributors to choose from, but they all fall into these two categories:

  • Online tasks (you complete everything on your device without traveling anywhere in person)
  • Offline tasks, also known as “field” or “feet-on-street” tasks (you travel to target locations to complete labeling assignments).

When you choose to participate in a field task, you’re asked to go to a specific location in your area (normally your town or your neighborhood) to complete a short on-site assignment. This assignment could involve taking photos of all bus stops in the area, monuments, or coffee shops. It can also be something more elaborate like following a specific route within a shopping mall to determine how long it takes or counting and marking benches in a park. The results of these tasks are used to improve web mapping services, as well as brick-and-mortar retail (i.e., physical stores).

Online assignments have a variety of applications, some of which we mentioned earlier, and they may include text, audio, video, or image annotation. Each ML application contains several common task formats that our clients (or “requesters” as we say at Toloka) often ask for.

Text annotation

Text annotation tasks usually require annotators to extract specific information from natural language data. Such labeled data is used for training NLP (natural language processing) models. NLP models are used in search engines, voice assistants, automated translators, parsing of text documents, and so on.

Text classification

In such tasks (also called text categorization) you may need to answer whether the text you see matches the topic provided. For example, to see if a search query matches search engine results — such data helps improve search relevance . It can also be a simple yes/no questionnaire, or you may need to assign the text a specific category. For example, to decide whether the text contains a question or a purchase intent (this is also called intent annotation).


Text generation

In this type of text annotation, you may need to come up with your best description of an image/video/audio or a series of them (normally in 2-3 sentences).


Side-by-side comparison

You may need to compare two texts provided next to each other and decide which one is more informative or sounds better in your native tongue.

Named entity recognition

You may need to identify parts of text, classify proper nouns, or label any other entities. This type of text entity annotation is also called semantic annotation or semantic segmentation.


Sentiment Annotation

This is an annotation task which requires the annotator to determine the sentiment of a text. Such datasets are used in sentiment analysis, for example, to monitor customer feedback, or in content moderation. ML algorithms have to rely on human-labeled datasets to provide reliable sentiment analysis, especially in such a complicated area as human emotions.


Image annotation

Training data produced by performing image annotation is usually used to train various computer vision models. Such models are used, for example, in self-driving cars or in face recognition technologies. Image annotation tasks include working with images: identifying objects, bounding box annotation, deciding whether an image fits a specified topic, and so on.

Object recognition and detection

You may be asked to select and/or draw the edges (bounding boxes) of certain items within an image, such as street signs or human faces. A computer vision model needs an image with a distinct object marked by labelers, so that it can provide accurate results.


Image classification

You may be asked whether what you see in an image contains something specific, such as an animal, an item of clothing, or a kitchen appliance.



You may be given two images and asked which one you think looks better, either in your own view or based on a particular characteristic outlined in the task. Later, these annotated images can be used to improve recommender systems in online shops.


Audio annotation

Audio classification.

In this audio annotation task, you may need to listen to an audio recording and answer whether it contains a particular feature, such as a mood, a certain topic, or a reference to some event.


Audio transcription

You may need to listen to some audio data and write or “transcribe” what you hear. Such labeled data can be used, for example, in speech recognition technologies.


Video annotation

Image and video annotation tasks quite often overlap. It's common to divide videos into single frames and annotate specific data in these frames.

Video classification

You may have to watch a video and decide whether it belongs to a certain category, such as “content for children,” “advertising materials,” “sporting event,” or “mature content with drug references or nudity”.


Video collection

This is not exactly a video annotation task, but rather a data collection one. You may be asked to produce your own short videos in various formats containing specified features, such as hand gestures, items of clothing, facial expressions, etc. Video data produced by annotators is also often used to improve computer vision models.


When we explained how crowdsourcing works using our example of a painted canvas, we mentioned a “data annotation analyst” (who are also sometimes data scientists). Without these analysts, none of it is possible. This special breed of ML engineers specializes in processing and analyzing labeled data. They play a vital role in any AI product creation. In the context of human-handled labeling, it’s precisely data annotation analysts who “manage” human labelers by providing them with specific tasks. They also supervise data annotation processes and – together with more colleagues – feed all of the data they receive into training models.

It’s up to data annotation analysts to find the most suitable data annotators to carry out specific labeling tasks and also set quality control mechanisms in place to ensure adequate quality. Crucially, data annotation analysts should be able to clearly explain everything to their data annotators. This is an important aspect of their job, as any confusion or misinterpretation at any point in the annotation process will lead to improperly labeled data and a low-quality AI product.

At Toloka, data annotation analysts are known as Crowd Solutions Architects (CSAs). They differ from other data annotation analysts in that they specialize in crowdsourced data and human-in-the-loop pipelines involving global crowd contributors.

As you can see, labeling data has an essential role to play in both AI-based products and modern business in general. Without high-quality annotated data, an ML algorithm cannot run and AI solutions cannot function. As our planet continues to go through exceedingly more digitization, traditional businesses are beginning to show their need for annotated data, too.

With that in mind, human annotators – people who annotate data – are in high demand all over the world. What’s more, crowdsourced data annotators are at the forefront of the global AI movement with the support they provide. If you feel like becoming a Toloker by joining our global crowd of data annotators, follow this link to sign up and find out more. As a crowd contributor at Toloka, you’ll be able to complete micro tasks online and offline whenever it suits you best.

Toloka is a European company based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands that provides data for Generative AI development. Toloka empowers businesses to build high quality, safe, and responsible AI. We are the trusted data partner for all stages of AI development from training to evaluation. Toloka has over a decade of experience supporting clients with its unique methodology and optimal combination of machine learning technology and human expertise, offering the highest quality and scalability in the market.

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Data Annotation in 2024: Why it matters & Top 8 Best Practices

annotation analyst meaning

Annotated data is an integral part of various machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and GenAI applications. It is also one of the most time-consuming and labor-intensive parts of AI/ML projects. Data annotation is one of the top limitations of AI implementation for organizations. Whether you work with an AI data service , or perform annotation in-house, you need to get this process right.

Tech leaders and developers need to focus on improving data annotation for their data-hungry digital solutions. To remedy that, we recommend an in-depth understanding of data annotation.

Our research covers the following:

What is data annotation?

  • Why it matters?
  • What its techniques/types are?
  • What are some key challenges of annotating data?
  • What are some best practices for data annotation?

Data annotation is the process of labeling data with relevant tags to make it easier for computers to understand and interpret. This data can be in the form of images, text, audio, or video, and data annotators need to label it as accurately as possible. Data annotation can be done manually by a human or automatically using advanced machine learning algorithms and tools. Learn more about automated data annotation.

For supervised machine learning, labeled datasets are crucial because ML models need to understand input patterns to process them and produce accurate results. Supervised ML models (see figure 1) train and learn from correctly annotated data and solve problems such as:

  • Classification: Assigning test data into specific categories. For instance, predicting whether a patient has a disease and assigning their health data to “disease” or “no disease” categories is a classification problem.
  • Regression: Establishing a relationship between dependent and independent variables. Estimating the relationship between the budget for advertising and the sales of a product is an example of a regression problem.

Figure 1: Supervised Learning Example 1

The image shows the supervised learning example. The training dataset has all kinds of fruits with different labels. the test set only has 2 types of fruit.

For example, training machine learning models of self-driving cars involve annotated video data. Individual objects in videos are annotated, which allows machines to predict the movements of objects.

Other terms to describe data annotation include data labeling, data tagging, data classification, or machine learning training data generation.

Why does data annotation matter?

Annotated data is the lifeblood of supervised learning models since the performance and accuracy of such models depend on the quality and quantity of annotated data. Machines can not see images and videos as we do. Data annotation makes the different data types machine-readable. Annotated data matters because:

  • Machine learning models have a wide variety of critical applications (e.g., healthcare) where erroneous AI/ML models can be dangerous
  • Finding high-quality annotated data is one of the primary challenges of building accurate machine-learning models

Here is a data-driven list of the top data annotation services on the market.

Gathering data is a prerequisite for annotation. To help you obtain the right datasets, here is some research:

  • Top data crowdsourcing platforms on the market
  • Guide to AI data collection.
  • Data-driven list of data collection/harvesting services.

What are the different types of data annotation?

Different data annotation techniques can be used depending on the machine learning application. Some of the most common types are:

Reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) was identified in 2017. 2 It increased in popularity significantly in 2022 after the success of large language models (LLMS) like ChatGPT which leveraged the technology. These are the two main types of RLHF:

  • Humans generating suitable responses to train LLMs
  • Humans annotating (i.e. selecting) better responses among multiple LLM responses.

Human labor is expensive and AI companies are also leveraging reinforcement learning from AI feedback (RLAIF) to scale their annotations cost effectively in cases where AI models are confident about their feedback. 3

2. Text annotation

Text annotation trains machines to better understand the text. For example, chatbots can identify users’ requests with the keywords taught to the machine and offer solutions. If annotations are inaccurate, the machine is unlikely to provide a useful solution. Better text annotations provide a better customer experience. During the data annotation process, with text annotation, some specific keywords, sentences, etc., are assigned to data points. Comprehensive text annotations are crucial for accurate machine training. Some types of text annotation are:

2.1. Semantic annotation

Semantic annotation (see figure 2) is the process of tagging text documents. By tagging documents with relevant concepts, semantic annotation makes unstructured content easier to find. Computers can interpret and read the relationship between a specific part of metadata and a resource described by semantic annotation.

Figure 2: Semantic Annotation Example 4

The image shows an example of tagged words in a text document.

2.2. Intent annotation

For example, the sentence “I want to chat with David” indicates a request. Intent annotation analyzes the needs behind such texts and categorizes them, such as requests and approvals.

2.3. Sentiment annotation

Sentiment annotation (see Figure 3) tags the emotions within the text and helps machines recognize human emotions through words. Machine learning models are trained with sentiment annotation data to find the true emotions within the text. For example, by reading the comments left by customers about the products, ML models understand the attitude and emotion behind the text and then make the relevant labeling such as positive, negative, or neutral.

Figure 3: Sentiment Annotation Example 5

The image shows the process of labeling texts in documents

3. Text categorization

Text categorization assigns categories to the sentences in the document or the whole paragraph in accordance with the subject. Users can easily find the information they are looking for on the website.

4. Image annotation

Image annotation is the process of labeling images (see figure 4)  to train an AI or ML model. For example, a machine learning model gains a high level of comprehension like a human with tagged digital images and can interpret the images it sees. With data annotation, objects in any image are labeled. Depending on the use case, the number of labels on the image may increase. There are four fundamental types of image annotation:

4.1. Image classification

First, the machine trained with annotated images then determines what an image represents with the predefined annotated images.

4.2. Object recognition/detection

Object recognition/detection is a further version of image classification. It is the correct description of the numbers and exact positions of entities in the image. While a label is assigned to the entire image in image classification, object recognition labels entities separately. For example, with image classification, the image is labeled as day or night. Object recognition individually tags various entities in an image, such as a bicycle, tree, or table.

4.3. Segmentation

Segmentation is a more advanced form of image annotation. In order to analyze the image more easily, it divides the image into multiple segments, and these parts are called image objects. There are three types of image segmentation:

  • Semantic segmentation: Label similar objects in the image according to their properties, such as their size and location.
  • Instance segmentation: Each entity in the image can be labeled. It defines the properties of entities such as position and number.
  • Panoptic segmentation: Both semantic and instance segmentations are used by combining.

Figure 4: Image annotation example 6

An image showing the different types of image annotation including classification, Semantic segmentation, object detection, and instance segmentation.

5. Video annotation

Video annotation is the process of teaching computers to recognize objects from videos. Image and video annotation are types of data annotation methods that are performed to train computer vision (CV) systems , which is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI).

Video annotation for a retail store surveillance system:

Click here to learn more about video annotation.

6. Audio annotation

Audio annotation is a type of data annotation that involves classifying components in audio data. Like all other types of annotation (such as image and text annotation), audio annotation requires manual labeling and specialized software. Solutions based on natural language processing (NLP) rely on audio annotation, and as their market grows (projected to grow 14 times between 2017 and 2025), the demand and importance of quality audio annotation will grow as well.

Audio annotation can be done through software that allows data annotators to label audio data with relevant words or phrases. For example, they may be asked to label a sound of a person coughing as “cough.”

Audio annotation can be: 

  • In-house, completed by that company’s employees.
  • Outsourced (i.e., done by a third-party company.)
  • Crowdsourced . Crowdsourced data annotation involves using a large network of data annotators to label data through an online platform.

Learn more about audio annotation.

7. Industry-specific data annotation

Each industry uses data annotation differently. Some industries use one type of annotation, and others use a combination to annotate their data. This section highlights some of the industry-specific types of data annotation.

  • Medical data annotation: Medical data annotation is used to annotate data such as medical images (MRI scans), EMRs, and clinical notes, etc. This type of data annotation helps develop computer vision-enabled systems for disease diagnosis and automated medical data analysis.
  • Retail data annotation: Retail data annotation is used to annotate retail data such as product images, customer data, and sentiment data . This type of annotation helps create and train accurate AI/ML models to determine the sentiment of customers, product recommendations , etc.
  • Finance data annotation: Finance data annotation is used to annotate data such as financial documents, transactional data, etc. This type of annotation helps develop AI/ML systems, such as fraud and compliance issues detection systems.
  • Automotive data annotation: This industry-specific annotation is used to annotate data from autonomous vehicles, such as data from cameras and lidar sensors. This annotation type helps develop models that can detect objects in the environment and other data points for autonomous vehicle systems.
  • Industrial data annotation: Industrial data annotation is used to annotate data from industrial applications, such as manufacturing images, maintenance data, safety data, quality control, etc. This type of data annotation helps create models that can detect anomalies in production processes and ensure worker safety.

What is the difference between data annotation and data labeling?

Data annotation and data labeling mean the same thing. You will come across articles that try to explain them in different ways and make up a difference. For example, some sources claim that data labeling is a subset of data annotation where data elements are assigned labels according to predefined rules or criteria. However, based on our discussions with vendors in this space and with data annotation users, we do not see major differences between these concepts.

What are the main challenges of data annotation?

  • Cost of annotating data: Data annotation can be done either manually or automatically. However, manually annotating data requires a lot of effort, and you also need to maintain the quality of the data.
  • Accuracy of annotation : Human errors can lead to poor data quality, and these have a direct impact on the prediction of AI/ML models. Gartner’s study highlights that poor data quality costs companies 15% of their revenue.

What are the best practices for data annotation?

  • Start with the correct data structure: Focus on creating data labels that are specific enough to be useful but still general enough to capture all possible variations in data sets.
  • Prepare detailed and easy-to-read instructions: Develop data annotation guidelines and best practices to ensure data consistency and accuracy across different data annotators.
  • Optimize the amount of annotation work: Annotation is costlier and cheaper alternatives need to be examined. You can work with a data collection service that offers pre-labeled datasets.
  • Collect data if necessary: If you don’t annotate enough data for machine learning models, their quality can suffer. You can work with data collection companies to collect more data.
  • Leverage outsourcing or crowdsourcing if data annotation requirements become too large and time-consuming for internal resources.
  • Support humans with machines: Use a combination of machine learning algorithms (data annotation software) with a human-in-the-loop approach to help humans focus on the hardest cases and increase the diversity of the training data set. Labeling data that the machine learning model can correctly process has limited value. 
  • Regularly test your data annotations for quality assurance purposes.
  • Have multiple data annotators review each other’s work for accuracy and consistency in labeling datasets.
  • Stay compliant: Carefully consider privacy and ethical issues when annotating sensitive data sets, such as images containing people or health records. Lack of compliance with local rules can damage your company’s reputation.

By following these data annotation best practices, you can ensure that your data sets are accurately labeled and accessible to data scientists and fuel your data-hungry projects.

You can also check our video annotation tools list to choose the fit that best suits your annotation needs.

If you have questions about data annotation, we would like to help:

External links

  • 1. Diego Calvo. (2019). Supervised learning. Diego Calvo. Accessed: 29/September/2023.
  • 2. Christiano P.; Leike J.; Brown T.B.; Martic M.; Legg S.; Amodei D. (2017). “ Deep reinforcement learning from human preferences “
  • 3. Bai Y.; et al. (2022). “ Constitutional AI: Harmlessness from AI Feedback ”. Retrieved January 1, 2024
  • 4. Articles Hubspot. (2019). What Is Text Annotation in Machine Learning, Examples and How it’s Done? . Accessed: 29/September/2023.
  • 5. Sentiment Annotation – Quick Start Guide. Accessed: 29/September/2023.
  • 6. Ashely John. (2020). Why Data & Data Annotation Make or Break AI. Medium. Accessed: 29/September/2023.

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5 crowdsourcing image annotation benefits in 2024, video annotation: in-depth guide and use cases in 2024, top 10 open source data labeling/annotation platforms in 2024.

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Data annotation career: Scope, opportunities and salaries

annotation analyst meaning

  • Published on February 18, 2022
  • by Kartik Wali

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The demand for data annotation specialists has gone up with the rise in language models, training techniques, AI tools, etc. Data annotation– a critical step in supervised learning–is the process of labelling data to teach the AI and ML models to recognise specific data types to produce relevant output. Data annotation has applications in diverse sectors ranging from chatbot companies, finance, medicine to government and space programs. 

The market for AI and ML data labelling has seen exponential growth of late.  According to market research firm Cognilytica , the data labelling market will grow from USD 1.5 billion in 2019 t0 USD 3.5 billion in 2024.

Types of data labelling

A model is as good as the data it’s fed. Hence, it is imperative to ensure data quality of the highest grade with accurate labelling to optimise AI/ML models.

Let us delve into the types of data annotations:

  • Visual data annotation

Visual data annotation analysts facilitate the training of AI/ML models by labelling images, identifying key points or pixels with precise tags in a format the system understands. Data vision analysts use bounding boxes in a specific section of an image or a frame to recognise a particular trait/object within an image and label it. 

According to , the key skills required for visual data annotation include:

  • Analytical mathematics
  • In-depth knowledge of ML libraries
  • Programming languages like Python, Java, C++, etc.
  • Image analysis algorithms
  • Visual Database Management
  • Understanding of dataflow programming
  • Knowledge of tools like OpenCV, Keras, etc.
  • Audio data annotation

Audio data labelling has applications in natural language processing (NLP), transcription and conversational commerce. Virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri respond to verbal stimuli in real-time: Their underpinning models are trained on large labelled datasets of vocal commands to generate apt responses. Startups like Shaip are providing auditory data annotation services to tech giants like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft and Google. 

The skills required for this field are:

  • Spectrogram analysis
  • Programming Languages like Python, Java, C++, etc.
  • Auditory Database Management
  • Knowledge of tools like Audacity, Adobe Audition, Cubase, Studio one, etc.
  • Text data annotation

A major part of communications worldwide, be it business, art, politics or leisure, relies on the written word. However, AI systems have trouble parsing unstructured text data. Training the AI systems with right datasets to interpret written language enables the machines to classify text in images, videos, PDFs and files as well as the context within the words. One of the important applications of text data annotation is in chatbots and virtual assistants.

The key skills required for this field are:

  • Knowledge in computational linguistics
  • Experience in machine learning
  • Database management
  • Knowledge of tools like GATE, Apache UIMA, AGTK, NLTK, etc.

Emerging field with high salaries

The AI and data analytics industry is booming in India, and as a result the demand for data engineers, data analysts, data labellers and data scientists are exploding. Data annotation specialists should be adept in various skillsets ranging from machine learning to knowledge of tools specific to the type of annotations. The job demands long periods of focus, attention to detail, and ability to handle different aspects of the machine training process. 

The freshers in the field of data annotation can expect packages ranging from INR 1.1 lakhs to INR 3 lakhs per annum.

According to a survey by Glassdoor , multinational corporations like Siemens, Apple, Google, etc., offer up to INR 7-8 lakhs/annum packages based on the skills and experience of the individuals.

Labelled data of high quality is the primary requirement for the smooth operation of any AI model. Hence, the demand for the implementation of a secure and cost-effective method of data labelling is of paramount importance now. 

The emerging names in the business of data labelling services are:

  • Acclivis technologies : Founded in 2009, this Pune based company provides high-end services in machine vision, deep learning, artificial intelligence & IoT. The job profiles the company is currently looking for include ML engineer, Image processing engineer, etc.
  •   Zuru .ai : The AI-powered data labelling company, founded in 2019, offers high-quality training datasets at scale. 
  • Cogito Tech : Founded in 2011 by Rohan Agarwal, this UP-based company offers data labelling services through its platform-agnostic strategy across sectors such as healthcare, automotive, agriculture, defence, etc.
  • IMerit : Founded in 2011, this company extends end-to-end, high-quality data labelling across NLP, computer vision and various content services. The job profiles the company is currently seeking are – ML engineer, ITES executive, etc. IMerit’s control centre is in West Bengal. 
  • Wisepl :  Founded in 2020 and based out of Kerala, this company applies different labelling techniques like Semantic Segmentation, KeyPoint Annotation, Polygon Annotation, Cuboid, Polylines Annotation, etc. Professionals interested in the field of data annotation can apply on Wisepl’s website .  

With international conglomerates outsourcing AI-based services , India has become one of the leading names in the data labelling market globally. 

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Data Annotation – A Beginner’s Guide

Farooq Alvi February 21, 2024 Leave a Comment AI Careers Tags: data annotation 2024 Data Annotation tools what is Data Annotation

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At the heart of computer vision’s effectiveness is data annotation , a crucial process that involves labeling visual data to train machine learning models accurately. This foundational step ensures that computer vision systems can perform tasks with the precision and insight required in our increasingly automated world.

Data Annotation: The Backbone of Computer Vision Models

Data annotation serves as the cornerstone in the development of computer vision models, playing a critical role in their ability to accurately interpret and respond to the visual world. This process involves labeling or tagging visual data —such as images, videos, and also text—with descriptive or identifying information. By meticulously annotating data, we provide these models with the essential context needed to recognize patterns, objects, and scenarios.

This foundational step is similar to teaching a child to identify and name objects by pointing them out and naming them. Similarly, annotated data teaches computer vision models to understand what they ‘see’ in the data they process. Whether it’s identifying a pedestrian in a self-driving car’s path or detecting tumors in medical imaging, data annotation enables models to learn the vast visual cues present in our environment.

Understanding Data Annotation

The essence of data annotation.

In computer vision, data annotation is the process of identifying and labeling the content of images, videos, or other visual media to make the data understandable and usable by computer vision models. This meticulous process involves attaching meaningful information to the visual data, such as tags, labels, or coordinates, which describe the objects or features present within the data. Essentially, data annotation translates the complexity of the visual world into a language that machines can interpret, forming the foundation upon which these models learn and improve.

Types of Data Annotations in Computer Vision

The process of data annotation can take various forms, each suited to different requirements and outcomes in the field of computer vision. Here are some of the most common types:

Types of Data Annotations in Computer Vision

Image Labeling

Image labeling involves assigning a tag or label to an entire image to describe its overall content. This method is often used for categorization tasks, where the model learns to classify images based on the labels provided.

Bounding Boxes

Bounding boxes are rectangular labels that are drawn around objects within an image to specify their location and boundaries. This type of annotation is crucial for object detection models, enabling them to recognize and pinpoint objects in varied contexts.


Segmentation takes data annotation a step further by dividing an image into segments or pixels that belong to different objects or classes. There are two main types:

Semantic Segmentation: Labels every pixel in the image with a class of the object it belongs to, without distinguishing between individual objects of the same class.

Instance Segmentation: Similar to semantic segmentation but differentiates between individual objects of the same class, making it more detailed and complex.

Key Points and Landmarks

This annotation type involves marking specific points or landmarks on objects within an image. It’s particularly useful for applications requiring precise measurements or recognition of specific object features, such as facial recognition or pose estimation.

Lines and Splines

Used for annotating objects with clear shapes or paths, such as roads, boundaries, or even the edges of objects. This type of annotation is essential for models that need to understand object shapes or navigate environments.

Why Data Annotation Matters in Computer Vision

Ensuring quality and accuracy in data annotation.

Accurate annotations train models to understand subtle differences between objects, recognize objects in different contexts, and make reliable predictions or decisions based on visual inputs. Inaccuracies or inconsistencies in data annotation can lead to misinterpretations by the model, reducing its effectiveness and reliability in real-world applications.

The Cornerstone of Model Training

Data annotation is the foundation upon which their learning is built. Annotated data teaches these models to recognize and understand various patterns, shapes, and objects by providing them with examples to learn from. The quality of this teaching material directly influences the model’s performance—accurate annotations lead to more precise and reliable models, while poor annotations can hamper a model’s ability to make correct identifications or predictions.

Impact on Model Performance and Reliability

The performance and reliability of computer vision models are directly tied to the quality of the annotated data they are trained on. Models trained on well-annotated datasets are better equipped to handle the nuances and variability of real-world visual data, leading to higher accuracy and reliability in their output. This is crucial in applications such as medical diagnosis, autonomous driving, and surveillance .

Accelerating Innovation and Application

Quality data annotation also plays a vital role in driving innovation within the field of computer vision. By providing models with accurately annotated datasets, researchers and developers can push the boundaries of what computer vision can achieve, exploring new applications and improving existing technologies. Accurate data annotation enables the development of more sophisticated and capable models, fostering advancements in AI and machine learning that can transform industries and improve lives.

Challenges in Data Annotation

The process of data annotation, while crucial, comes with its set of challenges that can impact the efficiency, accuracy, and overall success of computer vision models. Understanding these challenges is essential for anyone involved in developing AI and machine learning technologies.

Scale and Complexity

One of the significant challenges in data annotation is managing the scale and complexity of the datasets required to train robust computer vision models. As the demand for sophisticated and versatile AI systems grows, so does the need for extensive, well-annotated datasets that cover a wide range of scenarios and variations. Annotating these large datasets is not only time-consuming but also requires a high level of precision to ensure the quality of the data. Additionally, the complexity of certain images, where objects may be occluded, partially visible, or presented in challenging lighting conditions, adds another layer of difficulty to the annotation process.

Subjectivity and Consistency

Data annotation often involves a degree of subjectivity, especially in tasks requiring the identification of nuanced or abstract features within an image. Different annotators may have varying interpretations of the same image, leading to inconsistencies in the data. These inconsistencies can affect the training of computer vision models, as they rely on consistent data to learn how to accurately recognize and interpret visual information. Ensuring consistency across large volumes of data , therefore, becomes a critical challenge, necessitating clear guidelines and quality control measures to maintain annotation accuracy.

Balancing Cost and Quality

The process of data annotation also presents a significant cost challenge, particularly when high levels of accuracy are required. Manual annotation , while offering the potential for high-quality data, is labor-intensive and costly. On the other hand, automated annotation tools can reduce costs and increase the speed of annotation but may not always achieve the same level of accuracy and detail as manual methods. Finding the right balance between cost and quality is a constant challenge for organizations and researchers in the field of computer vision. Investing in advanced annotation tools and techniques, or a combination of manual and automated processes, can help reduce these challenges, but requires careful consideration and planning to ensure the effectiveness of the resulting models.

Tools and Technologies in Data Annotation

A variety of tools and technologies that range from simple manual annotation software to sophisticated platforms offering semi-automated and fully automated annotation capabilities.

Manual Annotation Tools

Manual annotation tools are software applications that allow human annotators to label data by hand. These tools provide interfaces for tasks such as drawing bounding boxes, segmenting images, and labeling objects within images. Examples include:

LabelImg : An open-source graphical image annotation tool that supports labeling objects in images with bounding boxes.

VGG Image Annotator (VIA) : A simple, standalone tool designed for image annotation, supporting a variety of annotation types, including points, rectangles, circles, and polygons.

LabelMe: An online annotation tool that offers a web interface for image labeling, popular for tasks requiring detailed annotations, such as segmentation.

Your Image Alt Text

Semi-automated Annotation Tools

CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool) : An open-source tool that offers automated annotation capabilities using pre-trained models to assist in the annotation process. : A free online tool that provides semi-automated annotation features, streamlining the process for various types of data annotation.

Automated Annotation Tools

Fully automated annotation tools aim to eliminate the need for human intervention by using advanced AI models to generate annotations. While these tools can greatly accelerate the annotation process, their effectiveness is often dependent on the complexity of the task and the quality of the pre-existing data.

Examples include proprietary systems developed by AI research labs and companies, which are often tailored to specific use cases or datasets.

The Emergence of Advanced Annotation Platforms

Several commercial platforms have emerged that provide additional functionalities such as project management, quality control workflows, and integration with machine learning pipelines. Examples include:

Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) : While not specifically designed for data annotation, MTurk is widely used for crowdsourcing annotation tasks, offering access to a large pool of human annotators.

Scale AI : Provides a data annotation platform that combines human workforces with AI to annotate data for various AI applications.

Labelbox : A data labeling platform that offers tools for creating and managing annotations at scale, supporting both manual and semi-automated annotation workflows.

Also Read: Computer Vision and Image Processing : Understanding the Distinction and Interconnection

Getting started with data annotation.

Here are some tips and recommendations to get you started:

Educate Yourself Through Online Tutorials

Several online platforms offer courses specifically designed to teach the fundamentals of computer vision and data annotation. These tutorials often start with the basics, making them ideal for beginners. 

Recommended tutorials:

CVAT – Nearly Everything You Need To Know

The Best Way to Annotate Images for Object Detection

Practice on Annotation Platforms

Hands-on experience is invaluable. Several platforms allow you to practice data annotation and even contribute to real-world projects:

LabelMe : A great tool for beginners to practice image annotation, offering a wide range of images and projects.

Zooniverse : A platform for citizen science projects, including those requiring image annotation. Participating in these projects can provide practical experience and contribute to scientific research. : Offers a user-friendly interface for practicing different types of data annotation, with no setup required.

Label Studio : This is an open-source data labeling tool for labeling, annotating, and exploring many different data types.

Participate in Competitions and Open-Source Projects

Engaging with the community through competitions and open-source projects can accelerate your learning and provide valuable experience:

Kaggle : Known for its machine learning competitions, Kaggle also hosts datasets that require annotation. Participating in competitions or working on these datasets can offer hands-on experience with real-world data.

GitHub : Search for open-source computer vision projects that are looking for contributors. Contributing to these projects can provide practical experience and help you understand the challenges and solutions in data annotation.

CVPR and ICCV Challenges : These conferences often host challenges that involve data annotation and model training. Participating can offer insights into the latest research and methodologies in computer vision.

Also Read: Your 2024 Guide to becoming a Computer Vision Engineer

Data annotation is a critical yet underappreciated element in developing computer vision technologies. Through this article, we’ve explored the foundational role of data annotation, its various forms, its challenges, and the tools and techniques available to overcome these hurdles.

By understanding and contributing to this field, beginners can not only enhance their own skills but also play a part in shaping the future of technology.

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What is Data Annotation?

annotation analyst meaning

Building an AI or ML model that acts like a human requires large volumes of training data . For a model to make decisions and take action, it must be trained to understand specific information. Data annotation is the categorization and labeling of data for AI applications. Training data must be properly categorized and annotated for a specific use case. With high-quality, human-powered data annotation, companies can build and improve AI implementations. The result is an enhanced customer experience solution such as product recommendations, relevant search engine results, computer vision, speech recognition, chatbots, and more. There are several primary types of data: text, audio, image, and video

Text Annotation

The most commonly used data type is text - according to the 2020 State of AI and Machine Learning report , 70% of companies rely on text. Text annotations include a wide range of annotations like sentiment, intent, and query.

Sentiment Annotation

Sentiment analysis assesses attitudes, emotions, and opinions, making it important to have the right training data. To obtain that data, human annotators are often leveraged as they can evaluate sentiment and moderate content on all web platforms, including social media and eCommerce sites, with the ability to tag and report on keywords that are profane, sensitive, or neologistic, for example.

Intent Annotation

As people converse more with human-machine interfaces, machines must be able to understand both natural language and user intent. Multi-intent data collection and categorization can differentiate intent into key categories including request, command, booking, recommendation, and confirmation.

Semantic Annotation

Semantic annotation both improves product listings and ensures customers can find the products they’re looking for. This helps turn browsers into buyers. By tagging the various components within product titles and search queries, semantic annotation services help train your algorithm to recognize those individual parts and improve overall search relevance.

Named Entity Annotation

Named Entity Recognition (NER) systems require a large amount of manually annotated training data. Organizations like Appen apply named entity annotation capabilities across a wide range of use cases, such as helping eCommerce clients identify and tag a range of key descriptors, or aiding social media companies in tagging entities such as people, places, companies, organizations, and titles to assist with better-targeted advertising content.

Real World Use Case: Improving Search Quality for Microsoft Bing in Multiple Markets

Microsoft's Bing search engine required large-scale datasets to continuously improve the quality of its search results – and the results needed to be culturally relevant for the global markets they served. We delivered results that surpassed expectations. Beyond delivering project and program management, we provided the ability to grow rapidly in new markets with high-quality data sets. (Read the full case study here)

Audio Annotation

Audio annotation is the transcription and time-stamping of speech data, including the transcription of specific pronunciation and intonation, along with the identification of language, dialect, and speaker demographics. Every use case is different, and some require a very specific approach: for example, the tagging of aggressive speech indicators and non-speech sounds like glass breaking for use in security and emergency hotline technology applications.

Real World Use Case: Dialpad’s transcription models leverage our platform for audio transcription and categorization

Dialpad improves conversations with data. They collect telephonic audio, transcribe those dialogs with in-house speech recognition models, and use natural language processing algorithms to comprehend every conversation. They use this universe of one-on-one conversation to identify what each rep–and the company at large–is doing well and what they aren’t, all with the goal of making every call a success. Dialpad had worked with a competitor of Appen for six months but were having trouble reaching an accuracy threshold to make their models a success. It took just a couple weeks for the change to bear fruit for Dialpad and to create the transcription and NLP training data they needed to make their models a success. (Read the full case study here)

Image Annotation

Image annotation is vital for a wide range of applications, including computer vision, robotic vision, facial recognition, and solutions that rely on machine learning to interpret images. To train these solutions, metadata must be assigned to the images in the form of identifiers, captions, or keywords. From computer vision systems used by self-driving vehicles and machines that pick and sort produce, to healthcare applications that auto-identify medical conditions, there are many use cases that require high volumes of annotated images. Image annotation increases precision and accuracy by effectively training these systems.

Appen image annotation facial recognition

Real World Use Case: Adobe Stock Leverages Massive Asset Profile to Make Customers Happy

One of Adobe’s flagship offerings is Adobe Stock, a curated collection of high-quality stock imagery. The library itself is staggeringly large: there are over 200 million assets (including more than 15 million videos, 35 million vectors, 12 million editorial assets, and 140 million photos, illustrations, templates, and 3D assets). Every one of those assets needs to be discoverable. Appen provided highly accurate training data to create a model that could surface these subtle attributes in both their library of over a hundred million images, as well as the hundreds of thousands of new images that are uploaded every day. That training data powers models that help Adobe serve their most valuable images to their massive customer base. Instead of scrolling through pages of similar images, users can find the most useful ones quickly, freeing them up to start creating powerful marketing materials. (Read the full case study here)

Video Annotation

Human-annotated data is the key to successful machine learning. Humans are simply better than computers at managing subjectivity, understanding intent, and coping with ambiguity. For example, when determining whether a search engine result is relevant, input from many people is needed for consensus. When training a computer vision or pattern recognition solution, humans are needed to identify and annotate specific data, such as outlining all the pixels containing trees or traffic signs in an image. Using this structured data, machines can learn to recognize these relationships in testing and production.

Real World Use Case: HERE Technologies Creates Data to Fine-Tune Maps Faster Than Ever

With a goal of creating three-dimensional maps that are accurate down to a few centimeters, HERE has remained an innovator in the space since the mid-’80s, giving hundreds of businesses and organizations detailed, precise and actionable location data and insights. HERE has an ambitious goal of annotating tens of thousands of kilometers of driven roads for the ground truth data that powers their sign-detection models. Parsing videos into images for that goal, however, is simply untenable. Our Machine Learning assisted Video Object Tracking solution presented a perfect solution to this lofty ambition. That’s because it combines human intelligence with machine learning to drastically increase the speed of video annotation. (Read the full case study here)

What Appen Can Do For You

At Appen, our data annotation experience spans over 20 years. By combining our human-assisted approach with machine-learning assistance, we give you the high-quality training data you need. Our text annotation, image annotation, audio annotation, and video annotation will give you the confidence to deploy your AI and ML models at scale. Whatever your data annotation needs may be, our platform and managed service team are standing by to assist you in both deploying and maintaining your AI and ML projects.

Contact us today

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What it Takes to Be a Data Annotator: Skills and Requirements

Becoming a  freelance data annotator  provides  flexibility  and the ability to work from home. Data annotators label data points used to train machine learning models. They perform various types of  data annotation  tasks, such as bounding boxes, video marking, transcription, translation, and text copying. Freelance data annotators have control over their hours and schedules, and they are responsible for their own productivity. They are paid per data point labeled and must ensure  accuracy  and consistency in their work.

Key Takeaways:

  • Data annotators label data points used to train machine learning models.
  • They perform tasks such as bounding boxes, video marking, transcription, translation, and text copying.
  • Freelance data annotators have  flexibility  in their hours and schedules.
  • Accuracy  and consistency are crucial for earning potential as a data annotator.
  • Data annotators are responsible for their own productivity and  meeting deadlines .


The Benefits of Freelance Data Annotation

Freelance data annotators enjoy the  flexibility  and  work/life balance  that comes with their  independent work . They have the freedom to choose when and where they work, allowing them to create a schedule that suits their needs. Whether it's working from the comfort of their homes or a cozy coffee shop, freelancers have the luxury of being in control of their work environment.

Working remotely offers convenience and comfort. Freelancers can avoid the stress of commuting and the expenses that come with it. Instead, they can focus on their projects, ensuring they have a quiet and distraction-free space to perform their  data annotation  tasks.

Freelancers also have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, exposing them to different industries and annotation requirements. This not only keeps their work interesting but also expands their knowledge and skillset. With each project, freelancers learn about the goals and objectives, and tailor their annotations accordingly to deliver the best results.

Freelance data annotators play a crucial role in advancing technology and AI. Their annotated data helps train machine learning models, leading to improved  accuracy  and efficiency in various applications. By contributing to the development of cutting-edge technologies, freelancers make a significant impact on the future of AI and its widespread adoption.

Overall, the benefits of freelance  data annotation , such as flexibility,  work/life balance , and the opportunity for personal growth, make it an attractive choice for those seeking  independent work  in the field.

Freelance vs. Employed Data Annotator

Freelance data annotators and employed data annotators have distinct differences in their work structure and benefits. While freelancers work on a per-project or per-task basis, employed annotators follow a traditional employment structure. Let's explore the key variations between these two roles.

Work Structure

Freelance data annotators enjoy the flexibility of setting their own hours and working on a project-based arrangement. They have the autonomy to choose the assignments they want to take on, providing them with a sense of independence in their work. In contrast, employed data annotators adhere to regular work schedules and are assigned tasks by their employers. Their work hours and tasks are typically determined by the company's needs and requirements.

Employee Benefits

Freelance data annotators do not receive  employee  benefits such as  paid time off  or  health insurance . They are responsible for managing their own time off and taking care of their healthcare needs. Additionally, freelancers are responsible for handling their own taxes, including the payment and reporting of income. On the other hand, employed data annotators enjoy the benefits provided by their employers, such as  paid time off ,  health insurance  coverage, and the convenience of having taxes withheld from their income.

Compensation Structure

The compensation structure for freelance data annotators is typically based on the number of data points labeled. Freelancers have the opportunity to earn more based on their speed and accuracy, as they are often paid per data point. In contrast, employed data annotators receive regular salaries or hourly wages, regardless of the number of data points they annotate. Their compensation is determined by their employment contracts or agreements.

In summary, freelance data annotators enjoy the freedom and flexibility of  contract work , setting their own hours and choosing their projects. However, they do not receive  employee  benefits such as  paid time off  or  health insurance , and they are responsible for handling their own taxes. Employed data annotators have the stability of traditional employment, with benefits provided by their employers. The table below provides a comparison of the key differences between freelance and employed data annotators:

Understanding the differences between freelance and employed data annotation can help individuals determine the work structure and benefits that align with their preferences and goals.

Skills for Successful Freelance Data Annotators

Successful freelance data annotators possess a range of essential skills that enable them to excel in their work. These skills include:

  • Computer Skills:  It's crucial for data annotators to be comfortable working on computers and have basic  computer skills  to navigate through  data annotation tools  and software.
  • Attention to Detail:  Accurate and precise data annotation requires a high level of  attention to detail . Annotators must carefully analyze and label data points according to specified guidelines.
  • Self-Management:  As freelancers, data annotators need to practice  self-management  to ensure productivity and meet deadlines for each project. They must efficiently organize their tasks and work independently.
  • Quiet Focus:  A quiet working environment is essential for data annotators to concentrate and maintain focus while performing annotation tasks. Distractions can affect the accuracy and quality of their work.
  • Meeting Deadlines:  Meeting project deadlines is vital to maintaining a steady flow of work as a  freelance data annotator . Annotators must prioritize tasks and deliver results within the given timeframes.
  • Knowing Strengths:  Understanding one's strengths and limitations as a data annotator allows for better task allocation and efficient use of time. Specializing in areas where one excels can contribute to increased accuracy and productivity.
  • Organizational Thinking:  Effective  organizational thinking  is crucial for data annotators to manage multiple projects, prioritize tasks, and ensure smooth workflow. Annotators need to strategize and plan their annotation approach based on project requirements.

By cultivating these skills, freelance data annotators can excel in their work, satisfy clients' expectations, and build a  successful career  in the field of data annotation.

The Importance of Hard Skills in Data Annotation

Data annotators require a mix of hard and  soft skills  to perform their tasks effectively. While  soft skills  enable effective  communication  and  problem-solving ,  hard skills  provide the technical foundation necessary for accurate and efficient data annotation.

"Hard skills are the technical competencies that data annotators need to perform their tasks with precision and proficiency."

Within the realm of data annotation, several  hard skills  stand out as essential for success. These skills include:

  • SQL Proficiency:  The ability to query and manipulate databases is critical for accessing the relevant data needed for annotation tasks. Knowledge of Structured Query Language (SQL) allows annotators to effectively retrieve and analyze the necessary information.
  • Keyboarding Skills:  Proficiency in keyboarding and typing accuracy is crucial for data annotators to process large amounts of information quickly and accurately. The ability to swiftly input data ensures efficient annotation workflows.
  • Programming Languages:  Familiarity with  programming languages , such as Python, R, or Java, is valuable for automating annotation tasks and creating custom annotation tools or pipelines. Annotators with programming skills can streamline the annotation process and enhance productivity.
  • Attention to Detail:  Maintaining precision and accuracy is paramount in data annotation. Annotators must possess keen  attention to detail  to ensure that every annotation is exhaustive, consistent, and aligned with the specific  annotation guidelines .

By honing these  hard skills , data annotators can enhance their proficiency and effectiveness in performing annotation tasks.

Specialization in Data Annotation Across Industries

The demand for  specialized annotators  has grown significantly as industries recognize the importance of  data accuracy  and relevance. To meet this demand, companies like Keymakr Data Annotation Service offer in-house teams of  specialized annotators  who possess  industry-specific expertise . These annotators understand the nuances of various sectors, which enables them to provide more accurate and effective data annotation.

Having  specialized annotators  dedicated to specific industries ensures that the annotations are tailored to meet the unique requirements of each sector. For example, in  waste management , annotators with expertise in this field can accurately label different types of waste materials, helping companies improve waste sorting and recycling processes. Similarly, in the  retail  industry, annotators with knowledge of product categorization and attributes can provide precise annotations for e-commerce platforms, enhancing product search and recommendation systems.

By leveraging  industry-specific expertise , specialized annotators contribute to higher  data accuracy , which is crucial for training machine learning models. With their deep understanding of the industry context, they can annotate data with greater precision, reducing errors and improving the overall quality of the labeled datasets.

Freelance Data Annotator

Benefits of Specialized Annotators:

  • Enhanced  data accuracy : Specialized annotators possess domain knowledge and understanding that enables them to annotate data with precision and relevance.
  • Industry-specific insights: These annotators understand the unique requirements and challenges of specific industries, resulting in more effective annotations.
  • Increased efficiency: Specialized annotators are familiar with industry-specific  annotation guidelines , tools, and techniques, allowing them to work quickly and efficiently.
  • Improved data quality: By leveraging their expertise, specialized annotators contribute to higher-quality datasets, leading to better machine learning model performance.

Companies across various sectors are recognizing the value of specialized annotators and investing in collaborations with data annotation service providers. This ensures that their data annotation tasks are performed by professionals with the necessary industry-specific knowledge. Ultimately, the contribution of specialized annotators leads to more accurate and relevant data annotations, paving the way for improved AI and machine learning applications in specific industries.

With the increasing importance of data accuracy and  industry-specific expertise , the demand for specialized annotators is expected to continue rising. Their contributions play a crucial role in advancing various sectors and optimizing AI-driven processes.

The Role of Soft Skills in Data Annotation

Soft skills  are essential for data annotators to excel in their work. Effective  communication , strong  teamwork ,  adaptability ,  problem-solving  abilities,  interpersonal skills , and  critical thinking  all play a vital role in the success of data annotation projects.

When working on complex projects, data annotators rely on effective  communication  to ensure clarity and understanding among team members. This is especially important in remote collaborations, where clear and concise communication is crucial for project efficiency.

In addition to communication, strong  interpersonal skills  contribute to successful data annotation outcomes. Collaborative efforts require individuals to work well with others, listen actively, and provide constructive  feedback . This fosters a positive working environment and promotes efficient  teamwork .

Effective communication and strong  interpersonal skills  enhance collaboration and efficiency in data annotation projects.

Another key soft skill for data annotators is  adaptability . Data annotation tasks can vary in complexity and require the ability to adapt to new techniques, tools, and guidelines. Adaptable annotators can quickly learn and apply new skills, ensuring the accuracy and consistency of their annotations.

Problem-solving  abilities are crucial for data annotators when faced with complex annotation tasks. Being able to analyze and tackle challenges with  critical thinking  enables annotators to make informed decisions and produce high-quality annotations.

Ultimately, soft skills play a significant role in the success of data annotation projects. Effective communication, strong  teamwork ,  adaptability , problem-solving abilities, interpersonal skills, and  critical thinking  collectively contribute to accurate, consistent, and impactful data annotations.

Essential Soft Skills for Data Annotators

In addition to technical skills, data annotators need to possess essential soft skills. These include the ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.  Prioritization  allows data annotators to determine the order in which tasks should be completed based on their importance or deadline.  Time management  skills enable annotators to allocate their time efficiently, ensuring that deadlines are met and productivity is maximized.

Another key soft skill for data annotators is  critical thinking . This skill is necessary for analyzing complex data sets and making informed decisions during the annotation process. Data annotators must be able to think critically to identify patterns, solve problems, and ensure accurate annotations.

Accuracy and  attention to detail  are vital for data annotators. They must be  detail-oriented  to ensure error-free annotations and maintain data integrity. Annotators need to pay close attention to every aspect of the data, ensuring that all relevant information is captured accurately.

Effective communication and  teamwork  skills are also crucial for data annotators. They often collaborate with others on annotation projects, and clear communication ensures that everyone is on the same page. Working effectively in a team allows annotators to share insights, tackle challenges, and produce high-quality annotations.

Developing and strengthening these essential soft skills will not only make data annotators more successful in their roles but also improve their overall performance and contribute to the success of data annotation projects.

Problem-Solving Skills for Data Annotators

Problem-solving skills  play a crucial role in the work of data annotators. These professionals need to analyze complex problems, identify appropriate solutions, and make informed decisions about annotations. By leveraging their  problem-solving skills , data annotators ensure accurate and meaningful data labeling.

Data annotation often involves working with numerical data. Having strong  numerical skills  allows annotators to understand and manipulate data effectively. They can interpret patterns, trends, and relationships within the data, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding annotations and contribute to the overall success of machine learning models.

Data visualization  is another important skill for data annotators. The ability to present data visually allows annotators to communicate complex information in a clear and insightful manner. By using  data visualization  techniques, such as charts, graphs, and diagrams, annotators can enhance the understanding of data and facilitate better decision-making.

Critical thinking is a fundamental skill for data annotators. It enables them to evaluate and analyze data, identify potential errors or inconsistencies, and make sound judgments. With critical thinking skills, annotators can ensure the quality and accuracy of annotations, contributing to more reliable machine learning outcomes.

Attention to detail is paramount for data annotators. They must have a meticulous approach, carefully examining each data point, annotation guideline, or labeling requirement. Attention to detail ensures that annotations are accurate, consistent, and aligned with the specified guidelines, enhancing the overall quality of the labeled data.

Example of Problem-Solving Skills for Data Annotators:

Data annotators with strong problem-solving skills,  numerical skills ,  data visualization  abilities, critical thinking, and attention to detail are well-equipped to excel in their role, making valuable contributions to the development of AI and machine learning technologies.

Continuous Learning and Self-Improvement

Data annotation is a field that is constantly evolving, with new  industry developments  and advancements happening regularly. In order to stay relevant and meet the demands of the industry, data annotators need to prioritize  continuous learning  and  self-improvement . By actively seeking out  training sessions  and attending workshops, annotators can enhance their skills and stay updated with the latest tools and techniques.

Feedback  is also a crucial aspect of  self-improvement . By seeking  feedback  from peers and supervisors, annotators can identify areas of improvement and work towards enhancing their performance. This feedback loop allows them to learn from their mistakes and continuously refine their annotation skills.

Continuous learning  and  self-improvement  are not only essential for personal growth but also contribute to professional success. As the field of data annotation advances, annotators who prioritize their development and acquisition of relevant skills will stand out and excel in their careers.

Benefits of Continuous Learning and Self-Improvement:

  • Staying updated with  industry developments  and advancements
  • Enhancing annotation skills through training and workshops
  • Improving accuracy and efficiency in data annotation tasks
  • Adapting to new tools and techniques
  • Positioning oneself for  future opportunities  and career growth

Continuous learning  and self-improvement are key ingredients for success in the fast-paced and ever-changing field of data annotation. By embracing a growth mindset and actively seeking new knowledge and skills, annotators can stay ahead of the curve and unlock new opportunities in their careers.

Becoming a successful  freelance data annotator  requires a combination of technical skills, attention to detail, and strong soft skills.  Data annotation skills  play a vital role in accurately labeling data points for machine learning models. Attention to detail ensures the quality and consistency of annotations, while soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving contribute to effective collaboration within data annotation projects.

Continuous learning and self-improvement are crucial for freelance data annotators to stay competitive in the field. As technology advances, staying updated with  industry developments  and acquiring new skills are essential for career growth. Data annotators should actively seek out  training sessions , attend workshops, and stay informed about the latest tools and techniques.

Freelance data annotation offers a flexible and rewarding career path. As the field of AI and machine learning continues to grow, there are ample  future opportunities  for freelance data annotators. Continuous learning and self-improvement will enable them to adapt to evolving technologies and stay ahead in their successful careers as data annotators.

What are the job requirements for a data annotator?

Job requirements for a data annotator typically include  data labeling experience , knowledge of  data annotation techniques  and tools, familiarity with annotation guidelines,  data curation  skills, and the ability to ensure  data quality control , accuracy, and consistency in labeling.

What are the benefits of freelance data annotation?

Freelance data annotation offers flexibility,  work/life balance , and the ability to work remotely. Freelancers have control over their hours and schedules, can work from home, and choose projects that interest them.

How does freelance data annotation differ from employed data annotation?

Freelance data annotators work on a per-project or per-task basis and have the freedom to set their own hours. They do not receive  employee benefits  and are responsible for their own productivity, while employed data annotators have a traditional employment structure with benefits provided by their employer.

What skills are important for successful freelance data annotators?

Successful freelance data annotators should have  computer skills , attention to detail,  self-management  abilities, and the ability to work in a quiet environment with focus.  Meeting deadlines , knowing one's strengths, and organizing tasks efficiently are also important skills.

What are the essential hard skills for data annotation?

Hard skills such as  SQL proficiency ,  keyboarding skills , and knowledge of  programming languages  like Python, R, or Java are important for data annotators. Attention to detail is crucial for maintaining accuracy in the annotation process.

How does specialization play a role in data annotation?

Specialized annotators who understand the nuances of specific industries contribute to more accurate and effective data annotation. Companies like Keymakr Data Annotation Service provide in-house teams of specialized annotators tailored for various industries.

What soft skills are important for data annotation?

Effective communication, teamwork, adaptability, problem-solving abilities, interpersonal skills, and critical thinking are important soft skills for successful data annotators.

What are the essential soft skills for data annotators?

Essential soft skills for data annotators include the ability to prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, think critically, pay attention to detail, and communicate and work well with others.

What problem-solving skills are important for data annotators?

Data annotators need problem-solving skills to analyze complex problems, identify solutions, and make informed decisions about annotations.  Numerical skills  and data visualization abilities also help annotators work with numbers and present data effectively.

How important is continuous learning for data annotators?

Continuous learning is essential for data annotators to stay updated with industry developments. They should actively seek training sessions, attend workshops, and stay informed about the latest tools and techniques. Seeking feedback and continuously improving skills are also crucial for personal and professional growth.

What are the future opportunities in the field of freelance data annotation?

Freelance data annotation offers a flexible and rewarding career path, with  future opportunities  in the growing field of AI and machine learning. Continuous learning and self-improvement in  data annotation skills  are crucial for staying competitive in the field.

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Hiring Challenges in Data Annotation

Data Annotation refers to the tagging, labelling, and classification of raw data in the form of images, videos, text, and audio into annotated data sets that can be read and understood by machines. This annotated data is used for the training and development of new AI algorithms.

The Importance of Annotated Data

Behind the pomp and show of advanced AI technologies such as self-driving cars, ChatGPT, MidJourney, and DALL-E, is a huge amount of human-annotated data that powers and trains these systems.

Data annotation is the fuel for this AI revolution. Annotated data allows AI systems to understand context, learn patterns, recognize objects, understand language, and make predictions. Therefore, accurate and well-annotated data is essential for building reliable and effective AI solutions.

Hiring Challenges in Data Annotation Jobs

Scarcity of skilled ai training specialists.

For businesses building AI models, finding skilled AI trainers who can provide accurate and diverse annotated data sets is a major challenge. Since data annotation is a highly analytical process, it needs individuals who have an understanding of annotation tasks, possess domain knowledge, and have the ability to maintain consistency and accuracy with data analysis.

However, the demand for qualified annotators often exceeds the supply, making it difficult for organizations to find suitable candidates for jobs.

High Turnover Rates

Annotation is a repetitive and mentally demanding process that requires focus and precision. This leads to high turnover rates, i.e., people dropping out due to making mistakes, experiencing fatigue and boredom, or feeling tired. Large turnover also disrupts project timelines and piles up costs as new annotators need to be trained regularly.

This also affects the performance and consistency of committed data annotators and increases the costs incurred by businesses in industry.

Quality Control and Consistency

High-quality, ethically sourced, and diverse data is crucial for the best possible training and development of reliable AI and ML models. The issue arises when there are variations in annotation styles or inaccuracies that lead to biased results or low-efficiency algorithms.

Businesses tackle this problem by outsourcing data solutions to reliable and training-centric data solution companies that deploy well-trained AI Training Specialists and analyst who possess domain expertise along with specialised skills like data analysis and data annotation skills.

Solutions: Pre-Annotated Data Sets vs Crowdsourcing Platforms

These hiring challenges for data annotation job are usually dealt with the following two solutions:

Using Pre-Annotated Data Sets:

Pre-annotated data sets are curated collections of annotated data that have already been labelled by experts or experienced annotators. Such sets of data are reliable and can be used by multiple organisations to train and develop their AI systems.

For businesses looking to save time and effort, and generic annotated data sets., pre-annotated data sets are a viable option. Although not the most effective or smartest solution, pre-annotated data sets are widely used.

Pre-annotated data sets are sourced from various sources, including public repositories, research institutions, or specialized data providers. Data providers such as IndikaAI , Clowdfactory , and Appen provide pre-annotated data sets for their clients as a solution to the problem.

Issues with Pre-Annotated Data Sets:

1. Limited Customisability: These datasets come with pre-defined labels that might not alight with the specific project requirements of a company. Customisation, while possible, is a separate challenge that requires additional manual efforts.

2. Potential Biases: Annotations have subjective interpretations or inherent biases that might influence the labels assigned to the data.

3. Lack of Contextual Understanding: Pre-annotated sets might not capture subtle nuances, dependencies, or relationships that can be crucial for accurate model predictions and techniques.

4. Compatibility Issues: For seamless model development, ensuring compatibility between the data sets and the project requirements is essential. In cases of pre-annotated data sets, the labelling formats, schemes, or annotation conventions may vary which might require pre-processing or standardisation.

Crowdsourcing Platforms:

A better and more effective solution to the data requirements is Crowdsourcing platforms. For businesses looking for fresh and specified annotated data around particular industries, multiple crowdsourcing platforms are brilliant. 

These platforms connect businesses with a large pool of remote workers who can contribute to the process of annotation and help the development of artificial intelligence systems with diverse, high-quality, and ethically sourced data sets.

Even with these advantages, crowdsourcing platforms too have a shortcoming, i.e., inexpert and unspecialised annotators. By crowdsourcing data, the reliability and quality of data might suffer. Platforms like FlexiBench have emerged as a final call in this space. They offer a flexible, reliable, and cost-effective solution to the problem of AI training. One of the main advantages of FlexiBench is that they provide a diverse,talented, skilled and managed workforce that caters to specific hiring as well as project requirements. Available under many flexible hiring options, they provide customisable crowdsourcing solutions without compromising the quality and expert-level accuracy of pre-annotated data sets.

Strategies Solution: Partnering with Data Solution Companies with Specialised Skill Training Programs

Therefore, the issue of skill, quality, and consistency can easily be resolved by outsourcing data requirements to companies like FlexiBench which offer pools of skilled individuals annotation training along with domain knowledge to generate targeted AI training data.

By offering comprehensive skill training, such organisations create a pool of qualified annotators and reduce the hiring burden on companies looking for data solutions jobs and projects.

Another benefit of outsourcing recruitment to such organisations is that they also provide much more diverse data sets as they provide remote work opportunities which significantly expands the hiring pool. Remote work allows these companies to tap into a global pool of individuals.

In addition to that, remote work also decreases fatigue and boredom and brings down turnover rates and increases job satisfaction.

In a Nutshell

Data annotation is a crucial step in training machine learning models, but hiring qualified annotators for jobs poses significant challenges for organizations. The scarcity of skilled annotators, high turnover rates, quality control, and security concerns are common obstacles. 

However, by outsourcing data requirements to organisations focusing on specialised training programs, collaboration and remote or online work opportunities, companies can easily overcome these hiring challenges and build robust data annotation teams.

What does data annotator do?

Data annotator tags, labels, and classifies raw data to turn it into annotated data sets used for AI development and training.

What are the skills of data annotation?

Data annotators are detailed oriented, precise, possess language and comprehension knowledge, and have a decent understanding of computer systems and the Internet.

What is the salary for data annotation?

The average salary of a person working as a data annotator varies from somewhere around 2 LPA and goes up to but is not limited to 8-9 LPA.

What are data annotation types? 

There are 4 main types of data annotations: Image Annotation, Video Annotation, Text Annotation, and Audio Annotation. These types of annotations also have sub-types.

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Data Annotation Tutorial: Definition, Tools, Datasets

Nilesh Barla

Data is an integral part of all machine learning and deep learning algorithms .

It is what drives these complex and sophisticated algorithms to deliver state-of-the-art performances.

If you want to build truly reliable AI models , you must provide the algorithms with data that is properly structured and labeled.

And that's where the process of data annotation comes into play.

You need to annotate data so that the machine learning systems can use it to learn how to perform given tasks.

Data annotation is simple, but it might not be easy 😉 Luckily, we are about to walk you through this process and share our best practices that will save you plenty of time (and trouble!).

Here’s what we’ll cover:

What is data annotation?

Types of data annotations.

  • Automated data annotation vs. human annotation

V7 data annotation tutorial

Annotate your video and image datasets 10x faster

Ready to streamline AI product deployment right away? Check out:

  • V7 Model Training
  • V7 Workflows
  • V7 Auto Annotation
  • V7 Dataset Management

Essentially, this comes down to labeling the area or region of interest—this type of annotation is found specifically in images and videos. On the other hand, annotating text data largely encompasses adding relevant information, such as metadata, and assigning them to a certain class.

In machine learning , the task of data annotation usually falls into the category of supervised learning, where the learning algorithm associates input with the corresponding output, and optimizes itself to reduce errors.

Here are various types of data annotation and their characteristics.

Image annotation

Image annotation is the task of annotating an image with labels. It ensures that a machine learning algorithm recognizes an annotated area as a distinct object or class in a given image.

It involves creating bounding boxes (for object detection ) and segmentation masks (for semantic and instance segmentation) to differentiate the objects of different classes. In V7, you can also annotate the image using tools such as keypoint, 3D cuboids, polyline, keypoint skeleton, and a brush.

💡 Pro tip: Check out 13 Best Image Annotation Tools to find the annotation tool that suits your needs.

Image annotation is often used to create training datasets for the learning algorithms.

Those datasets are then used to build AI-enabled systems like self-driving cars, skin cancer detection tools, or drones that assess the damage and inspect industrial equipment.

💡 Pro tip: Check out AI in Healthcare and AI in Insurance to learn more about AI applications in those industries.

Now, let’s explore and understand the different types of image annotation methods.

  • Bounding box

The bounding box involves drawing a rectangle around a certain object in a given image. The edges of bounding boxes ought to touch the outermost pixels of the labeled object.

Otherwise, the gaps will create IoU (Intersection over Union) discrepancies and your model might not perform at its optimum level.

💡 Pro tip: Read Annotating With Bounding Boxes: Quality Best Practices to learn more.

The 3D cuboid annotation is similar to bounding box annotation, but in addition to drawing a 2D box around the object, the user has to take into account the depth factor as well.  It can be used to annotate objects such on flat planes that need to be navigated, such as cars or planes, or objects that require robotic grasping.

You can annotate with cuboids to build to train the following model types:

- Object Detection

- 3D Cuboid Estimation

- 6DoF Pose Estimation

Creating a 3D cuboid in V7 is quite easy, as V7's cuboid tool automatically connects the bounding boxes you create by adding a spatial depth.  Here's the image of a plane annotated using cuboids.

Plane annotation using 3D cuboid in V7

While creating a 3D cuboid or a bounding box, you might notice that various objects might get unintentionally included in the annotated region. This situation is far from ideal, as the machine learning model might get confused and, as a result, misclassify those objects.

Luckily, there's a way to avoid this situation—

And that's where polygons come in handy. What makes them so effective is their ability to create a mask around the desired object at a pixel level.

V7 offers two ways in which you can create pixel-perfect polygon masks.

a) Polygon tool

You can pick the tool and simply start drawing a line made of individual points around the object in the image. The line doesn't need not be perfect, as once the starting and ending points are connected around the object, V7 will automatically create anchor points that can be adjusted for the desired accuracy.

Once you've created your polygon masks, you can add a label to the annotated object.

Apples annotated using the polygon tool un V7

b) Auto-annotation tool

V7's auto-annotate tool is an alternative to manual polygon annotation that allows you to create polygon and pixel-wise masks 10x faster.

💡 Pro tip: Ready to train your models? Have a look at Mean Average Precision (mAP) Explained: Everything You Need to Know.

Keypoint tool

Keypoint annotation is another method to annotate an object by a series or collection of points.

This type of method is very useful in hand gesture detection, facial landmark detection, and motion tracking. Keypoints can be used alone, or in combination to form a point map that defines the pose of an object.

Keypoint annotation of joints in V7

Keypoint skeleton tool

V7 also offers keypoint skeleton tool—a network of keypoints connected by vectors, used specifically for pose estimation.

It is used to define the 2D or 3D pose of a multi-limbed object. Keypoints skeletons have a defined set of points that can be moved to adapt to an object’s appearance.

You can use keypoint annotation to train a machine learning model to mimic human pose and then extrapolate their functionality for task-specific applications, for example, AI-enabled robots.

See how you can annotate your image and video data using the keypoint skeleton in V7.

💡 Pro tip: Check out 27+ Most Popular Computer Vision Applications and Use Cases.

Polyline tool

Polyline tool allows the user to create a sequence of joined lines.

You can use this too by clicking around the object of interest to create a point. Each point will create a line by joining the current point with the previous one. It can be used to annotate roads, lane marking, traffic signs, etc.

Bike lane annotation using polyline tool in V7

Semantic segmentation

Semantic segmentation is the task of grouping together similar parts or pixels of the object in a given image. Annotating data using this method allows the machine learning algorithm to learn and understand a specific feature, and it can help it to classify anomalies.

Semantic segmentation is very useful in the medical field, where radiologists use it to annotate X-Ray, MRI, and CT scans to identify the region of interest. Here's an example of a chest X-Ray annotation.

AI chest X-Ray annotation analysis in V7

If you are looking for medical data, check out our list of healthcare datasets and see how you can annotate medical imaging data using V7.

Video annotation

Similar to image annotation,   video annotation is the task of labeling sections or clips in the video to classify, detect or identify desired objects frame by frame.

Video annotation uses the same techniques as image annotation like bounding boxes or semantic segmentation, but on a frame-by-frame basis. It is an essential technique for computer vision tasks such as localization and object tracking.

Here's how V7 handles video annotation .

V7 Go interface

Automate repetitive tasks and complex processes with AI

Text annotation

Data annotation is also essential in tasks related to Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Text annotation refers to adding relevant information about the language data by adding labels or metadata. To get a more intuitive understanding of text annotation let's consider two examples.

1. Assigning Labels

Adding labels means assigning a sentence with a word that describes its type. It can be described with sentiments, technicality, etc. For example, one can assign a label such as “happy” to this sentence “I am pleased with this product, it is great”.

2. Adding metadata

Similarly, in this sentence “I’d like to order a pizza tonight”, one can add relevant information for the learning algorithm, so that it can prioritize and focus on certain words. For instance, one can add information like “I’d like to order a pizza ( food_item ) tonight ( time )”.

Now, let’s briefly explore various types of text annotations.

Sentiment Annotation

Sentiment annotation is nothing but assigning labels that represent human emotions such as sad, happy, angry, positive, negative, neutral, etc. Sentiment annotation finds application in any task related to sentiment analysis (e.g. in retail to measure customer satisfaction based on facial expressions)

Intent Annotation

The intent annotation also assigns labels to the sentences, but it focuses on the intent or desire behind the sentence. For instance, in a customer service scenario, a message like “I need to talk to Sam ”, can route the call to Sam alone, or a message like “I have a concern about the credit card ” can route the call to the team dealing credit card issues.

Named Entity Annotation (NER)

Named entity recognition (NER) aims to detect and classify predefined named entities or special expressions in a sentence.

It is used to search for words based on their meaning, such as the names of people, locations, etc. NER is useful in extracting information along with classifying and categorizing them.

Semantic annotation

Semantic annotation adds metadata, additional information, or tags to text that involves concepts and entities, such as people, places, or topics, as we saw earlier.

Automated data annotation vs. human annotations.

As the hours pass by, human annotators get tired and less focused, which often leads to poor performance and errors. Data annotation is a task that demands utter focus and skilled personnel, and manual annotation makes the process both time-consuming and expensive.

That's why leading ML teams bet on automated data labeling.

Here's how it works—

Once the annotation task is specified, a trained machine learning model can be applied to a set of unlabeled data. The model will then be able to predict the appropriate labels for the new and unseen dataset.

Here's how you can create an automated workflow in V7.

However, in cases where the model fails to label correctly, humans can intervene, review, and correct the mislabelled data. The corrected and reviewed data can be then used to train the labeling model once again.

Automated data labeling can save you tons of money and time, but it can lack accuracy. In contrast, human annotation can be much more costly, but it tends to be more accurate.

Finally, let me show you how you can take your data annotation to another level with V7 and start building robust computer vision models today.

To get started, go ahead and sign up for your 14-day free trial.

Once you are logged in, here's what to do next.

1. Collect and prepare training data

First and foremost, you need to collect the data you want to work with. Make sure that you access quality data to avoid issues with training your models.

Feel free to check out public datasets that you can find here:

  • 65+ Best Free Datasets for Machine Learning
  • 20+ Open Source Computer Vision Datasets

Training data collection

Once the data is downloaded, separate training data from the testing data . Also, make sure that your training data is varied, as it will enable the learning algorithm to extract rich information and avoid overfitting and underfitting.

2. Upload data to V7

Once the data is ready, you can upload it in bulk. Here's how:

1. Go to the Datasets tab in V7's dashboard, and click on “+ New Dataset”.

New dataset creation in V7

2. Give a name to the dataset that you want to upload.

Naming new dataset in V7

It's worth mentioning that V7 offers three ways of uploading data to their server.

One is the conventional method of dragging and dropping the desired photos or folder to the interface. Another one is uploading by browsing in your local system. And the third one is by using the command line (CLI SDK) to directly upload the desired folder into the server.

Once the data has been uploaded, you can add your classes. This is especially helpful if you are outsourcing your data annotation or collaborating with a team, as it allows you to create annotation checklist and guidelines.

If you are annotating yourself, you can skip this part and add classes on the go later on in the "Classes" section or directly from the annotated image.

Data import in V7

💡 Pro tip: Not sure what kind of model you want to build? Check out 15+ Top Computer Vision Project Ideas for Beginners.

3. Decide on the annotation type

If you have followed the steps above and decided to “Add New Class”, then you will have to add the class name and choose the annotation type for the class or the label that you want to add.

Class creation

As mentioned before, V7 offers a wide variety of annotation tools , including:

  • Auto-annotation
  • Keypoint skeleton

Once you have added the name of your class, the system will save it for the whole dataset.

Image annotation experience in V7 is very smooth.

In fact, don't believe just me—here's what one of our users said in his G2 review:

V7 gives fast and intelligent auto-annotation experience. It's easy to use. UI is really interactive.

Apart from a wide range of available annotation tools, V7 also comes equipped with advanced dataset management features that will help you organize and manage your data from one place.

And let's not forget about V7's Neural Networks that allow you to train instance segmentation, image classification , and text recognition models.

Unlike other annotation tools, V7 allows you to annotate your data as a video rather than individual images.

You can upload your videos in any format, add and interpolate your annotations, create keyframes and sub annotations, and export your data in a few clicks!

Uploading and annotating videos is as simple as annotating images.

V7 offers frame by frame annotation method where you can essentially create a bounding box or semantic segmentation per-frame basis.

Annotating videos frame-by-frame in V7 and labels stacking

Apart from image and video annotation , V7 provides text annotation as well. Users can take advantage of the Text Scanner model that can automatically read the text in the images.

To get started, just go to the Neural Networks tab and run the Text Scanner model.

annotation analyst meaning

Once you have turned it on you can go back to the dataset tab and load the dataset. It is the same process as before.

Now you can create a new bounding box class. The bounding box will detect text in the image. You can specify the subtype as Text in the Classes page of your dataset.

annotation analyst meaning

Once the data is added and the annotation type is defined you can then add the Text Scanner model to your workflow under the Settings page of your dataset.

annotation analyst meaning

After adding the model to your workflow map your new text class.

annotation analyst meaning

Now, go back to the dataset tab and send your data the text scanner model by clicking on ‘Advance 1 Stage’; this will start the training process.

annotation analyst meaning

Once the training is over the model will detect and read text on any kind of image, whether it's a document, photo, or video.

annotation analyst meaning

💡 Pro tip: If you are looking for a free image annotation tool, check out The Complete Guide to CVAT—Pros & Cons

Data annotation: next steps.

Nice job! You've made it that far 😉

By now, you should have a pretty good idea of what is data annotation and how you can annotate data for machine learning.

We've covered image, video, and text annotation, which are used in training computer vision models. If you want to apply your new skills, go ahead, pick a project, sign up to V7, collect some data, and start labeling it to build image classifier or object detectors!

💡 To learn more, go ahead and check out:

An Introductory Guide to Quality Training Data for Machine Learning

Simple Guide to Data Preprocessing in Machine Learning

Data Cleaning Checklist: How to Prepare Your Machine Learning Data

3 Signs You Are Ready to Annotate Data for Machine Learning

The Beginner’s Guide to Contrastive Learning

9 Reinforcement Learning Real-Life Applications

Mean Average Precision (mAP) Explained: Everything You Need to Know

A Step-by-Step Guide to Text Annotation [+Free OCR Tool]

The Essential Guide to Data Augmentation in Deep Learning

annotation analyst meaning

Nilesh Barla is the founder of PerceptronAI, which aims to provide solutions in medical and material science through deep learning algorithms. He studied metallurgical and materials engineering at the National Institute of Technology Trichy, India, and enjoys researching new trends and algorithms in deep learning.

“Collecting user feedback and using human-in-the-loop methods for quality control are crucial for improving Al models over time and ensuring their reliability and safety. Capturing data on the inputs, outputs, user actions, and corrections can help filter and refine the dataset for fine-tuning and developing secure ML solutions.”

annotation analyst meaning

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Data annotation: The key to AI model accuracy


There has been a surge in interest and investment in Artificial Intelligence (AI) across industries. However, the success of AI initiatives depends considerably on high-quality data. Without quality data, AI algorithms cannot function effectively and can even lead to inaccurate or undesired outcomes. Hence, the discourse on AI is slowly shifting to optimizing AI solutions with high-quality data. As per Global Enterprise Data Management Market Size Report, 2030 , the enterprise data management market was valued at USD 89.34 billion in 2022 and is expected to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.1% from 2023 to 2030.

To develop AI models that can closely emulate human behavior and make decisions or execute actions just like humans would, high volumes of high-quality training data are required. However, preparing high-quality data for training AI models requires appropriate and accurate annotation. Data annotation is a technique used to categorize and label data for AI model training.

Proper data annotation ensures that AI implementations can achieve the desired performance, accuracy, and effectiveness in solving specific tasks or problems. For example, annotated data can enable computer vision -based models to identify and classify images accurately, resulting in improved visual search outcomes. Likewise, chatbots trained on accurately annotated data can understand user intents and offer more natural and intuitive interactions.

Annotated data can also enhance speech recognition systems, allowing for greater accuracy in transcribing speech and making voice-based interfaces more user-friendly. Search algorithms can better understand the user’s query context with data annotation, leading to more accurate results. This technique is also highly important for building recommendation systems, which involves training an AI model to detect consumer behavior and preference patterns to offer personalized recommendations to each user.

Clearly, data annotation is vital for AI systems to successfully accomplish their intended purposes, driving a notable growth in demand for both human annotators and annotation tools. As per Data Annotation Tools Market Size Report, 2030 the value of the global data annotation tools market was USD 805.6 million in 2022, and it is predicted to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.5% from 2023 to 2030.

This article offers a comprehensive overview of data annotation, encompassing its operational mechanics, types, various tools and techniques, and other pertinent aspects.

What is data annotation?

Types of data annotation, data annotation tools, how does data annotation work, annotation techniques, the impact of data annotation quality on ai systems, the key indicators of quality in data annotation, how to annotate text data, use cases of data annotation.

Data annotation is adding labels or tags to a training dataset to provide context and meaning to the data. All kinds of data, including text, images, audio and video, are annotated before being fed into an AI model. Annotated data helps machine learning models to learn and recognize patterns, make predictions, or generate insights from labeled data. The quality and accuracy of data annotations are crucial for the performance and reliability of machine learning models.

When developing an AI model, it is essential to feed data to an algorithm for analysis and generating outputs. However, for the algorithm to accurately understand the input data, data annotation is imperative. Data annotation involves precisely labeling or tagging specific parts of the data that the AI model will analyze. By providing annotations, the model can process the data more effectively, gain a comprehensive understanding of the data, and make judgments based on its accumulated knowledge. Data annotation plays a vital role in enabling AI models to interpret and utilize data efficiently, enhancing their overall performance and decision-making capabilities.

Data annotation plays a crucial role in supervised learning, a type of machine learning where labeled examples are provided to train a model. In supervised learning, the model learns to make predictions or classifications based on the labeled data it receives. when fed with a larger volume of accurately annotated data, the model can learn from more diverse and representative examples. The process of training with annotated data helps the model develop the ability to make predictions autonomously, gradually improving its performance and reducing the need for explicit guidance.

Virtual personal assistants, like Siri or Alexa, rely on data annotation to precisely recognize and understand commands given to them in natural language. Data annotation enables machine learning models to grasp the intent of a user’s speech or text and to enable more precise replies and actions. When a user requests a virtual assistant to “set a reminder for a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday,” data annotation enables the machine learning model to correctly identify the reminder’s date, time, and objective, enabling it to set the reminder successfully. The virtual assistant could overlook crucial information or misinterpret the user’s intent if the data is not properly annotated, resulting in mistakes and inconvenience for the user.

Data annotation can take various forms depending on the type of data and the purpose at hand. For instance, image recognition may entail drawing bounding boxes around items of interest and labeling them to the appropriate object categories. Data annotation in Natural Language Processing (NLP) may involve assigning named entities, sentiment scores, or part-of-speech tags to text data. Data annotation in speech recognition may involve converting spoken words into written text.

Data annotation finds application in two prominent fields of AI: computer vision and natural language processing. And the choice of data annotation technique varies according to the nature of the data involved.

Computer vision (CV): In computer vision , data annotation involves labeling and annotating visual elements in images, photographs, and videos to train AI models for tasks such as object recognition, facial detection, motion tracking, and autonomous driving. Annotations provide the necessary ground truth information that enables AI models to understand and interpret visual data accurately.

Natural language processing (NLP): In NLP, data annotation focuses on textual information and language-related elements. It involves annotating text within images or directly processing textual data. NLP data annotation aims to train AI models to understand human speech, comprehend natural language, and perform tasks like text classification, sentiment analysis , named entity recognition, and machine translation.

Annotating data can take many different shapes in CV and NLP. Let’s discuss the types of data annotation in CV and NLP.

Computer vision tasks where data annotation plays a vital role

Image categorization

Image annotation plays a significant role in facilitating the training of machine learning models and enhancing their capabilities for visual data analysis and decision-making. The importance of image annotation in preparing datasets for machine learning can’t be overemphasized. Image annotation involves labeling or classifying photos, providing the necessary information for machine learning models to understand and identify patterns and characteristics within the data. Various techniques such as bounding box annotation, semantic segmentation, and landmark annotation can be employed during the annotation process.

By annotating photos, supervised machine learning models can be trained to make informed judgments about unseen images. This process is particularly valuable for computer vision tasks like object detection, image recognition, and facial recognition. Proper image annotation is essential to achieve high accuracy in machine learning and deep learning applications within the field of computer vision.

Object recognition/detection

One of the most important computer vision tasks is object recognition, which is applied in many real-world applications, such as autonomous vehicles, surveillance systems, and medical imaging. Identifying and labeling the existence, location, and number of objects in an image is known as object recognition. The objects of interest in the image can be marked using various methods, including bounding boxes, polygons, and annotation tools like CVAT, label boxes, etc.

In some instances, objects of various classes can be labeled inside a single image using object recognition techniques. This enables fine-grained annotation, where distinct items with distinctive labels may be recognized and labeled individually within the same image. Object identification can be used in more complex environments like medical images, such as CT or MRI scans. Continuous or frame-by-frame annotation can be employed to mark objects or features of interest, particularly in multi-frame or time-series data. This enables machine learning models to recognize and track changes in the data over time, which can be beneficial in medical diagnosis and monitoring.

Accurate object recognition and annotation are essential for building precise machine-learning models that automatically recognize and categorize items in unlabeled photos or videos. It plays a vital role in the creation of reliable computer vision systems for various applications.


Segmentation is a complex image annotation technique that involves separating an image into sections or segments and labeling them according to their visual content. Semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, and panoptic segmentation are the three most common segmentation types.

  • Semantic segmentation Establishing borders between related objects in an image and labeling them with the same identifier is known as semantic segmentation. It is a computer vision technique that assigns a label or category to each pixel of an image. It is commonly used to identify specific areas or objects in an image, such as vehicles, pedestrians, traffic signs, and pavement for self-driving cars. Semantic segmentation has many applications, including medical imaging and industrial inspection. It can classify an image into multiple categories and can differentiate between various classes, such as a person, sky, water, and background. Let’s consider the example of annotating photographs of a baseball game, specifically identifying players in the field and the stadium crowd. By marking the pixels corresponding to the crowd, the annotation process can separate the crowd from the field. This annotation technique enables machine learning algorithms to easily identify and differentiate between different elements present in a photo or scene. This shows how data annotation can label specific objects or regions of interest within an image or video, making it easier for machine learning algorithms to identify and differentiate between different elements in the photo or scene. Machine learning models can be trained to recognize and respond to specific objects or scenarios in a given context by providing this annotated data.
  • Instance segmentation Instance segmentation is a more advanced version of semantic segmentation, which can differentiate between different instances of objects within an image. Unlike semantic segmentation, which groups all pixels of the same class into a single category, instance segmentation assigns unique labels to each instance of an object. For example, in an image of a street scene, instance segmentation can identify each car, pedestrian, and traffic light within the image and assign a unique label to it. Instance segmentation is a complex task that requires advanced computer vision algorithms and machine learning models. One popular approach to instance segmentation is the Mask R-CNN model, which combines object detection and semantic segmentation to accurately identify and segment individual instances of objects within an image. It has many applications in autonomous driving, robotics, and medical imaging. In autonomous driving, instance segmentation can help a self-driving car identify and track individual vehicles, pedestrians, and other objects on the road, allowing it to navigate safely and avoid collisions. In medical imaging, for instance, segmentation can identify and separate individual organs or tissue types within an MRI or CT scan, helping doctors diagnose and treat medical conditions more accurately.
  • Panoptic segmentation Panoptic segmentation is a computer vision task that combines both semantic segmentation and instance segmentation to produce a comprehensive understanding of an image. It aims to divide an image into semantically meaningful regions and identify every object instance within them. This means that in addition to labeling every pixel in an image with a category label, it also assigns a unique identifier to each object instance within the image. It typically involves a two-stage process. In the first stage, the image is segmented into semantic regions, similar to semantic segmentation. In the second stage, each instance within each region is identified and labeled with a unique identifier. The output of panoptic segmentation is a pixel-wise segmentation map of the image, where each pixel is labeled with a semantic category and an instance ID.

Boundary recognition

Image annotation for boundary recognition is essential for training machine learning models to identify patterns in unlabeled photos. Annotating lines or boundaries helps in various applications, such as identifying sidewalks, property boundaries, traffic lanes, and other artificial boundaries in images. In the development of autonomous vehicles, boundary recognition plays a crucial role in teaching machine learning models to navigate specific routes and avoid obstacles like power wires. Machines can learn to recognize and accurately follow these lines by adding boundaries to photos.

Boundary recognition can also be used to establish exclusion zones or distinguish between the foreground and background in an image. For instance, in a photograph of a grocery store, you may label the boundaries of the stocked shelves and leave out the shopping lanes from the algorithmic input data. This may help narrow the analysis’ emphasis to particular areas of interest. Boundary recognition is often used in medical pictures, where annotators can mark the borders of cells or aberrant regions to help find diseases or anomalies.

In video labeling, object tracking is a common type of annotation. Video annotations are somewhat similar to image annotations, but they take a greater amount of work. To begin with, a video needs to be broken up into separate frames. After that, each frame is considered a separate image, and the algorithm needs to detect objects because it enables it to establish links between frames, informing it of the objects in different frames that appear in different positions. The technique is called background subtraction or foreground detection. Background subtraction involves comparing each frame to a background model created from previous frames. Pixels significantly differing from the background model are classified as part of the foreground, representing moving objects.

Background subtraction methods vary, including simple frame differencing and more sophisticated approaches that account for illumination changes and camera noise. After identifying foreground pixels, further analysis can be performed, such as tracking object motion or extracting features for object recognition and classification.

Data annotation in natural language processing

In natural language processing (NLP), data annotation involves tagging text or speech data to create a labeled dataset for machine learning models. It is crucial for developing supervised NLP models for tasks like text classification, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis , and machine translation. Different types of data annotation methods are used in NLP, such as:

Entity annotation

This method involves annotating unstructured sentences by adding labels to entities, such as names, places, key phrases, verbs, adverbs, and more. It helps in finding, extracting, and tagging specific items within the text. This type of annotation is commonly used for chatbot training and can be customized based on specific use cases. Let’s understand this annotation technique by delving into its subsets.

  • Named Entity Recognition (NER) Named Entity Recognition is a subset of entity annotation that entails locating and extracting particular named entities from text, such as names of people, companies, places, and other significant entities. Identifying and extracting named entities is essential for comprehending the meaning and context of the text for information extraction, sentiment analysis , and question answering.; NER is frequently employed in various NLP applications.The example sentence “John works at Redmond-based Microsoft” demonstrates the application of Named Entity Recognition (NER) for data annotation. NER is used to identify and annotate specific entities within the sentence. In this case, “John” is recognized as a person’s name, “Microsoft” as the name of an organization, and “Redmond” as a place name. By annotating these entities using NER, the sentence becomes structured, and the identified entities are labeled accordingly.
  • Keyphrase extraction Keyphrase extraction is an entity annotation that entails finding and extracting keywords or phrases that represent the major ideas or themes in the text. Identifying keywords plays a crucial role in understanding the main ideas or context of a text. Keyphrase extraction is a technique used to extract these important keywords from the text. This application of keyphrase extraction is commonly used in tasks such as document summarization, content suggestion, and topic modeling. By extracting the keyphrases, it becomes easier to summarize the content, provide relevant suggestions, and analyze the main topics discussed in the text. For example, in the sentence, “The article discusses climate change, global warming, and its impact on the environment,” keyphrase extraction can be used to annotate the terms “climate change,” “global warming,” and “environment” in this statement.
  • Part-of-speech (POS) POS tagging is a type of entity annotation in which each word in a sentence has a grammatical label or tag to indicate its syntactic or grammatical role. POS tagging is a crucial activity in natural language processing (NLP) to analyze and understand the grammatical structure of phrases. This understanding is useful for many downstream NLP tasks, including parsing, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and translation. The POS tag represents the syntactic category or grammatical function of a word in a sentence, such as a noun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction and pronoun. POS tags are intended to clarify definitions and provide context for words used in sentences by indicating a sentence’s subject, object, or verb. POS tags are often assigned depending on a word’s meaning, where it appears in the sentence, and the nearby terms. For example, in “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” the following words and phrases could be used as POS tags: “the” (article), “quick” (adjective), “brown” (adjective), “fox” (noun), “jumps” (verb), “over” (preposition), “the” (article), “lazy” (adjective), and “dog” (noun).
  • Entity linking Entity linking (called named entity linking or NEL) is an entity annotation technique that involves locating and connecting named entities in the text to the relevant entries in a knowledge base or database. Entity linking tries to clarify named entities in text and link them to particular entities in a knowledge base, which might offer further details and context on the named entities mentioned in the text. For example: In the sentence “Barack Obama served as the President of the United States,” entity linking would recognize “Barack Obama” as a person and link it to the appropriate entry in a knowledge base, such as a database of people, which may include more details about Barack Obama’s presidency, biographical information, and professional accomplishments.

Contact LeewayHertz’s data annotation experts today!

Ensure your AI models’ accuracy with our data annotation service

Text classification

Text classification refers to the process of labeling a piece of text or a collection of lines using a single label. It is a widely used technique in various applications, including:

  • Document categorization Document categorization, sometimes referred to as text classification, is the process of automatically classifying documents into one of several predefined groups or labels based on the content of the documents. It involves reviewing a document’s text and selecting the most relevant category or label from predefined categories. Natural language processing and machine learning are frequently used to categorize documents, and it has a wide range of real-world applications. This tool can arrange, categorize, and manage large amounts of textual content, including articles, emails, social media posts, customer reviews, and more. In fields such as journalism, e-commerce, customer service, and marketing, it can also be utilized for content suggestion, information retrieval, and content filtering.
  • Sentiment annotation Sentiment annotation, often called sentiment analysis or opinion mining, automatically detects and classifies the sentiment or emotional tone expressed in a given text, such as positive, negative, or neutral. It entails examining the text to ascertain the attitude of the words, phrases, or expressions used in the sentence. Natural language processing and machine learning are frequently used in sentiment annotation, which has numerous applications in customer sentiment tracking, social media monitoring, brand reputation management, market research, and customer feedback analysis. Sentiment annotation can be done at several levels, such as the document, phrase, or aspect levels, where particular qualities or aspects of a good or service are annotated with the sentiment. For example, in the text, “The movie was okay, and it had some good moments but also some boring parts,” sentiment annotations would be: “The movie was okay” – Neutral “It had some good moments” – Positive “But also some boring parts” – Negative Overall sentiment: Neutral (with mixed positive and negative sentiments)
  • Intent annotation Intent annotation, also known as intent categorization, is figuring out and labeling the intended purpose or meaning behind a passage of text or user input. It entails classifying the text according to predetermined groups or divisions based on the desired action or request. For example, in the text “Book a flight from New York to Los Angeles for next Monday,” the intent annotation is- “Book a flight from New York to Los Angeles for next Monday” – Request for flight booking. The creation of NLP systems, including chatbots , virtual assistants, and language translation tools, frequently uses text annotation. To deliver appropriate answers or actions, these systems rely on their ability to comprehend intentions or meanings effectively.

A data annotation tool is a software that can be used to annotate training data for machine learning. These tools can be cloud-based, on-premise, or containerized and are available via open-source or commercial offerings for lease and purchase. They are designed to annotate specific data types, such as image, video, text, audio, spreadsheet, or sensor data. Some of the frequently used data annotation tools are:

Labelbox is a data labeling platform that offers advanced features such as AI-assisted labeling, integrated data labeling services, and QA/QC tooling. With its user-friendly interface and various labeling tools, including polygons, bounding boxes, and lines, Labelbox allows users to annotate their data easily and provides strong labeler performance analytics and advanced quality control monitoring to ensure high-quality labeling results.

Labelbox’s superpixel coloring option for semantic segmentation significantly improves the accuracy of image labeling tasks. The platform also offers enterprise-friendly plans and SOC2 compliance, making it a reliable solution for large-scale data annotation projects. Its Python SDK allows users to integrate Labelbox with their existing machine-learning workflows, making it a versatile and powerful tool. Labelbox is an excellent choice for businesses and organizations seeking a comprehensive data labeling platform.

Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT)

CVAT is a web-based, open-source platform for annotating images and videos. It provides an intuitive interface for labeling objects, such as polygons, bounding boxes, and key points for object detection and tracking tasks. With CVAT, users can also perform semantic segmentation and image classification tasks and benefit from advanced features like merging, review, and quality control tools to ensure accurate and consistent results.

CVAT’s flexible architecture makes integrating it with machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch easy. It also offers customization options, allowing users to tailor the platform to their annotation needs. CVAT is free to use as an open-source tool and leverages community-driven development. It is a great choice for researchers and developers who require a customizable, open-source platform for their image and video annotation tasks.

Diffgram is a data labeling and management platform that aims to simplify the annotation and management of large datasets for machine learning tasks. It allows you to perform various annotation techniques, such as polygons, bounding boxes, lines, and segmentation masks, with tools for tracking changes and revisions over time. Its intuitive and user-friendly web-based interface offers team collaboration features, automation options, and integration with other machine-learning tools.

Diffgram stands out with its live annotation feature, allowing multiple users to annotate the same dataset simultaneously and in real-time. This makes it useful for collaborative projects and speeding up the annotation of large datasets. Diffgram offers advanced data management capabilities such as version control, data backup, and sharing. These features ensure accurate and consistent annotations while streamlining the machine-learning workflow for businesses and organizations.

Prodigy is an annotation tool designed to simplify and expedite the labeling process for machine learning tasks. It boasts a user-friendly interface that allows users to annotate text, image, and audio data easily. Prodigy’s advanced labeling features include entity recognition, text classification, and image segmentation, and it also offers support for custom annotation workflows.

One of the key benefits of Prodigy is its active learning functionality, which allows users to train machine learning models more efficiently by selecting only the most informative examples for annotation. This saves time and reduces costs while improving model accuracy. Prodigy is also equipped with various collaboration features, making it ideal for team projects with large datasets. It integrates seamlessly with popular machine learning libraries and frameworks, such as spaCy and PyTorch, making it an excellent addition to your existing workflows. Overall, Prodigy is a powerful and versatile annotation tool that offers advanced features, active learning capabilities, and easy integration with existing workflows, making it an essential asset for machine learning projects.

Brat is an open-source tool that helps annotate text data for natural language processing tasks. Its user-friendly interface allows users to annotate various entities, relations, events, and temporal expressions. Brat provides advanced features like annotation propagation, customizable entity types and relations, and cross-document annotation.

Brat also supports collaborative annotation and enables easy management of large annotated datasets. What sets Brat apart is its flexibility, allowing users to define their custom annotation schemas and create unique annotation interfaces. The tool also provides an API for programmatic access to annotations, making it easy to integrate with other workflows. Brat is a powerful and flexible annotation tool widely popular among researchers and developers working on natural language processing projects. Its open-source nature and API access make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking an effective text annotation solution.

Data annotation typically involves the following steps:

Define annotation guidelines: Before beginning the data annotation process, it is crucial to develop precise rules that guide the annotators on how to label the data. Annotation guidelines may outline the precise annotation tasks to be completed, the categories or labels to be applied, any particular rules or standards to adhere to, and samples for use as a guide.

Choose an annotation tool: Once you have defined the annotation task, you must choose relevant tools. Many tools are available for data types, such as text, images, and video. Some popular annotation tools include Labelbox, Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth, and VGG Image Annotator.

Prepare the data: Before annotating data, you must prepare it. This involves cleaning and organizing the data to be ready for annotation. For example, if you annotate text, you might need to remove any formatting or special characters that could interfere with the annotation process.

Select and train annotators: Annotators are individuals responsible for labeling the data based on the guidelines. Annotators can be domain experts, linguists, or trained annotators. It’s important to provide adequate training to annotators to ensure consistency and accuracy. Training may involve providing examples, conducting practice sessions, and giving feedback.

Annotate data: Once the annotators are trained, they can start annotating the data according to the established guidelines. Annotations may involve adding labels, tags, or annotations to specific parts of the data, such as entities, sentiment, intent, or other relevant information, based on the annotation tasks defined in the guidelines.

Quality control: Quality control must be made during the annotation process to ensure the correctness and consistency of the annotations. This can entail reviewing the annotations regularly, giving the annotators feedback, and clearing up any questions or ambiguities. Quality control techniques are crucial for the annotated data to be valid and reliable.

Iterative feedback and refinement: Annotating data is frequently an iterative process that involves constant feedback and improvement. Regular meetings or discussions with annotators may be part of this to answer concerns, explain rules, and raise the quality of annotations. To ensure a seamless and efficient annotation process, keeping lines of communication open with annotators is crucial.

Data validation: After the data is annotated, it’s important to validate the accuracy and quality of the annotations. This may involve manually reviewing a subset of the annotated data to ensure the annotations align with the defined guidelines and meet the desired quality standards.

Post-annotation analysis: After the data has been validated and annotated, it can be analyzed for various activities in NLP or machine learning, including model training, evaluation, and other downstream tasks. The annotated data acts as a labeled dataset that may be used to test the efficacy of NLP algorithms or train supervised machine learning models.

Data annotation is a critical step in NLP and machine learning workflows, as the quality and accuracy of the annotated data directly impact the performance and reliability of the subsequent models or applications.

After selecting your annotation method, the data annotation technique must be decided. This is the method that annotators will use to add annotations to your data. For instance, they might create multi-sided polygons, draw squares around objects, or attach landmarks. Here are some annotation techniques:

  • Bounding boxes In computer vision , object detection tasks often involve the use of bounding box annotation, which is a fundamental type of data annotation. In this annotation method, a rectangular or square box is drawn around the target object in an image or video frame. Bounding box annotation is popular in many applications since it is straightforward and adaptable. It is particularly suitable when the precise shape of the object is not crucial, such as in cases of food cartons or traffic signs. Additionally, bounding box annotation is valuable when determining the presence or absence of an object in an image is the primary requirement. In such cases, annotators mark a bounding box around the object to indicate its existence or absence, without focusing on detailed shapes or contours. Bounding box annotation, however, has limitations when working with complex objects that lack right angles and when thorough information about what’s happening inside the box is required.
  • Polygonal segmentation When defining the location and bounds of a target object in an image or video frame, complicated shapes, commonly polygons, are used as a version of the bounding box annotation technique. Polygons can depict complicated shapes like those of automobiles, people, animals, logos, and other items more accurately than bounding boxes, which can only represent objects with right angles. By removing pointless pixels that can throw off the classification algorithm, polygons in data annotation enable more exact delineation of object boundaries. This improved accuracy can be especially helpful when doing tasks like object recognition or segmentation, where the item’s geometry is crucial to success. However, it may also have limitations when dealing with overlapping objects or complex scenes, requiring careful annotation strategies to ensure accurate and meaningful annotations.
  • Polylines Polylines are a technique that involves plotting one or more continuous lines or segments to indicate the positions or boundaries of objects within an image or video frame. Polylines are especially helpful when significant characteristics of objects appear linear, such as establishing lanes or sidewalks for autonomous vehicles. Polylines are frequently used in jobs where the objects of interest are linear in character, and a basic bounding box or polygon may not adequately capture their shape or location. For instance, using polylines to define lanes and sidewalks in road scene analysis for autonomous vehicles can result in more accurate and thorough annotations than other methods. Polylines, however, might not be applicable or appropriate for all situations, particularly when objects are non-linear or wider than one pixel.
  • Landmarking Dot annotation or landmarking, is frequently used in computer vision and image analysis applications, such as item detection in aerial footage, facial recognition, and studying human body position. This entails placing tiny dots or marks on particular locations of interest in an image. In face recognition, landmarking is used to recognize and pinpoint facial characteristics like the mouth, nose, and eyes so that they may later be used to identify people uniquely. Similarly, landmarking can be used to annotate important body points like joints to assess the posture and alignment of the human body. When analyzing aerial imagery, landmarking can be used to find important items like cars, buildings, or other landmarks. However, landmarking can be time-consuming and prone to errors, particularly when working with huge datasets or complicated images.
  • Tracking Annotating the movement of objects over numerous frames in a video or image sequence is known as tracking, object tracking or motion tracking. It is frequently employed in many computer vision applications, including surveillance, action recognition, and autonomous driving. Interpolation is a tracking technique where the annotator labels the object’s position in one frame, skip the next few, and then has the annotating tools fill in the movement and track the item through the frames. As opposed to manually annotating each frame, this can save time, but good tracking still requires high accuracy and dedication. However, tracking can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, particularly when working with lengthy recordings or complicated scenarios that contain numerous moving objects. Frame-by-frame annotation can easily become prohibitively expensive, especially for huge datasets. Furthermore, tracking might be difficult when objects are obscured, alter appearance, or have complex motion patterns. Researchers and professionals are creating automated tracking methods that use computer vision algorithms, like object detection and tracking algorithms based on deep learning or other machine learning methods, to overcome these issues. By automatically recognizing and following objects across frames, these automated tracking technologies seek to minimize the manual work and expense involved in tracking.
  • 2D boxes Computer vision tasks frequently employ 2D bounding boxes, commonly called object bounding boxes, as a data annotation technique. They entail drawing rectangular boxes to locate and categorize objects of interest in an image. This annotation style is utilized in numerous applications, including autonomous driving, object recognition and detection. When annotating a picture, bounding boxes are drawn around any objects with the top-left and bottom-right corners being specified. The bounding boxes show the objects’ spatial extent and detail about their position, dimensions, and shape. Due to the simplicity in implementation and interpretability, 2D bounding boxes are frequently employed in various computer vision tasks to annotate objects in images. However, they might not be appropriate for applications that call for more in-depth annotations and may not capture fine-grained features of objects, such as their exact shape or position. For instance, 2D bounding boxes might only sometimes be sufficient for precise object localization and tracking in complicated situations with occlusions or overlapping objects.
  • 3D cuboids The concept of 2D bounding boxes is expanded into the third dimension by 3D cuboids, commonly referred to as 3D bounding boxes or cuboid annotations. They are used to annotate objects in pictures or videos with extra details on their three-dimensional (3D) spatial characteristics, such as size, position, orientation, and movement. The most common way to depict 3D cuboids is as rectangular prisms or cuboids with six faces, each corresponding to a bounding box with a distinct orientation (for example, front, back, top, bottom, left, right). By recording an object’s position and size, orientation, rotation, and anticipated movement, the 3D cuboid annotations can offer a more thorough and accurate depiction of objects in 3D space. In computer vision applications like 3D object detection, scene understanding, and robotics that call for more in-depth knowledge of objects in 3D space, 3D cuboid annotation is very helpful. It can offer deeper information for tasks like assessing object postures, tracking objects in three dimensions, and forecasting future object movements.In contrast to 2D bounding boxes, annotating 3D cuboids can be more difficult and time-consuming since it calls for annotators to precisely estimate the 3D attributes of objects from 2D photos or videos.
  • Polygonal annotation The process of polygonal annotation, sometimes called image segmentation or polygon annotation, involves tracing the outline of objects in photographs using a network of connected vertices to create a closed polygon shape. Complex object shapes that are too intricate for simple bounding boxes to depict accurately can be captured using polygonal annotations. Compared to bounding boxes, polygonal annotations offer better precision since they can accurately capture the shape and contour of objects in pictures and videos. They are especially helpful for natural objects with uneven shapes, curving edges, or many sides. Annotators can more precisely define the boundaries of objects and provide more specific information about their spatial characteristics, such as their precise size, shape, and location in the image, using polygonal annotations. Contrary to other annotation techniques, polygonal annotation might be more time-consuming and difficult because annotators call for meticulous and exact delineation of item boundaries. Accurate annotation of complicated item shapes may require additional skill or topic knowledge. Polygonal annotations, however, are a potent technique for capturing precise item forms and offering extensive data.Although many data annotation techniques exist, your choice should be based on the use case at hand. Each technique has its own limitations, and it is important to be aware of these limitations, even if you have limited options in selecting a technique. Some techniques may be more expensive, which can impact the amount of data you can annotate within your budget. On the other hand, techniques that introduce variation in annotations may require careful consideration of how small discrepancies can affect the performance of your model.

The quality of data labeling profoundly impacts the performance of AI systems. Just as students’ education shapes their abilities, labeled data’s accuracy, consistency, and relevance determine how effectively an AI system learns and performs. High-quality annotations ensure that data points are correctly labeled, consistent across the dataset, and relevant to the task at hand. This accuracy, consistency, and relevance are vital in domains such as sentiment analysis and autonomous vehicles, where mislabeled or inconsistent data can lead to incorrect predictions or safety risks. Data labeling quality significantly influences an AI system’s learning and performance, making it essential to prioritize accurate and reliable labeling to achieve optimal results. Here is how the quality of data annotation impacts AI systems:

Model accuracy and performance: High-quality annotated data is essential for ML models to learn efficiently and accurately from existing data. Poorly annotated data can have detrimental effects on the model’s usefulness, leading to misinterpretation, decreased performance, and inaccurate predictions.

Better generalization: ML models trained on high-quality annotated data are more likely to generalize effectively to unseen data. In contrast, models trained on poor-quality data run the risk of overfitting to the specific training set, resulting in poor performance when confronted with real-world scenarios.

Saving time and money: Investing in the quality of data annotation can yield long-term time and cost savings. Models trained on high-quality data require fewer iterations and less fine-tuning, enabling faster deployment and reducing expenses associated with retraining and re-annotating data.

Adoption and reliability: The adoption of AI and ML solutions heavily depends on their reliability and trustworthiness. High-quality data annotation is crucial in creating trustworthy models that customers can confidently use across various applications. This fosters greater acceptance and adoption of ML-based solutions in different industries and domains.

The key quality indicators in data annotation are:

Accuracy: Accuracy represents the extent to which assigned labels accurately represent the true nature and characteristics of the data. The importance of accuracy lies in enabling AI models to learn the correct associations and patterns from the data. Precise predictions and decisions heavily rely on accurate labels, ensuring that the models understand the underlying information correctly. For instance, accurately labeling a news article about technology as ‘Technology’ in a text classification task allows the AI model to learn the association between the article’s content and the corresponding category. This association is crucial for the model to accurately classify similar articles in the future.

Consistency: Consistency is a critical aspect of data labeling that involves applying a consistent standard throughout the entire dataset. It means that similar data instances should receive the same labels, regardless of their location in the dataset. Consistency ensures that AI models learn stable and reliable patterns from the data, enhancing their predictability and stability. When labeling is inconsistent, it can introduce variability in the model’s performance, leading to what is known as “model variance.” Inconsistent labeling can hinder the model’s ability to generalize patterns accurately, impacting its overall reliability and performance.

Relevancy: It ensures that the assigned labels directly apply to the addressed problem. The labels should provide the specific information the AI model needs to learn to perform its intended task effectively. For example, in the context of developing an AI model for predicting stock prices, the labels in the training data should specifically relate to stock prices and relevant market indicators. Including irrelevant information, such as weather conditions, would introduce noise and hinder the model’s ability to learn the patterns necessary for accurate predictions. By ensuring relevance in data labeling, developers can provide the AI model with the appropriate information it needs to excel in its designated task.

Completeness: Completeness in data labeling refers to the extent of label coverage across the dataset. It emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all data points have corresponding labels. Missing labels can create gaps in the learning process of AI models, potentially impeding their ability to make accurate predictions. By ensuring that every piece of data is appropriately labeled, developers can enhance the overall quality of data labeling, providing comprehensive information for the models to learn from. This ensures that the models completely understand the data, enabling them to make more reliable and precise predictions.

Timeliness: Timeliness in data labeling refers to the availability of labeled data when it is needed. In the AI development processes or situations where AI models must adapt to evolving data patterns, timely access to high-quality labeled data becomes crucial. Timeliness ensures that the labeled data aligns with the most recent trends and patterns in the target domain, allowing the AI models to learn and adapt effectively. It enables developers to keep up with real-time changes and make timely model adjustments.

Diversity and representativeness: Quality data annotation ensures that labels encompass diverse instances, variations, edge cases, and rare scenarios, enabling the AI system to learn and handle various situations effectively. By providing a representative dataset, the AI system gains the ability to generalize and make accurate predictions across different scenarios, enhancing its overall performance and reliability.

Here, we will see how text annotation is done using Python.

Step 1: First, install streamlit and then install this library using pip.

Step 2: Import the text to annotate for labeling.

In the code above, we use the annotated_text function from the annotated_text package to display a text with annotations.

The annotated_text function takes a series of arguments, where each argument can either be a plain string or a tuple with two elements: the annotated word and its label. The labels indicate what type of word or phrase is annotated (e.g., Noun, Verb, Adj, Pronoun, etc.).

The example has a string with several annotated words and labels. For instance, the word “is” is annotated as a “Verb”, the word “annotated” is annotated as an “Adj”, and the word “text” is annotated as a “Noun”. The annotated_text function will render this text with each annotated word highlighted and its corresponding label displayed next to it.

The result is a visually appealing way to highlight and label specific words within a body of text, making it easier to understand the meaning and context of the text.

Step 3: Pass nested arguments

You can also pass lists (and lists within lists!) as an argument:

Hello, my dear Adj world Noun

The output here is a formatted string with the annotated text, where the annotated words are highlighted, and the corresponding labels are displayed next to them.

Step 4: Customize color

If an annotation tuple has more than two items, the third item will be used as the background color, and the fourth item will be used as the foreground color.

In the above code, the third item in some of the annotation tuples contains a hexadecimal color code (e.g., “#8ef”), which is used to set the background color of the annotated text. The fourth item, if provided, would set the foreground color (i.e., the color of the text). The default text color will be used if the foreground color is not provided.

The output will be a formatted string with the annotated text, where the annotated words are highlighted with the specified background color and the corresponding labels are displayed next to them. The words with no label will be displayed with the specified background color but no label.

Step 5: Custom style

The annotated_text module provides a set of default parameters that control the appearance of the annotated text, such as the color, font size, border radius, padding, etc.

You can customize the parameters module by overriding their default values by importing the parameters module.

In the example code you provided, the SHOW_LABEL_SEPARATOR parameter is set to False, which means that the separator between the annotated text and the label will not be shown. The BORDER_RADIUS parameter is set to 0, meaning the annotated text will have square instead of rounded corners. The PADDING parameter is set to “0 0.25rem” meaning the annotated text will have smaller padding than the default value.

By customizing these parameters, you can create different styles for the annotated text to match your needs.

Step 6: Further customization

If you want to go beyond the customizations above, you can bring your own CSS!

Hello world!noun

The above code uses the annotation function to create an annotated text with a custom CSS style. The annotation function takes the annotated text as its first argument and any CSS style properties as additional keyword arguments.

In this example, the annotated text “world!” is given the label “noun” and is styled with a custom font family (“Comic Sans MS”) and a border of 2 pixels dashed in red.

By using custom CSS styles, you can have full control over the appearance of the annotated text and create styles that match your specific needs.

Step 7: Have a look at the output

Data annotation has numerous use cases across industries. Here are a few examples:

Autonomous vehicles

Data annotation is used to create labeled datasets of images and videos for training self-driving cars to recognize and respond to various objects and scenarios on the road, such as traffic lights, pedestrians, and other vehicles. It enables self-driving cars to recognize and respond to objects and scenarios on the road, determine their position, and confidently navigate complex roadways.

Data annotation labels medical images, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, to train machine learning models to identify tumors, lesions, and other anomalies. It also labels electronic health records to improve patients’ health for effective outcomes.

Data annotation is used in e-commerce to analyze customer behavior patterns such as purchase history and preferences. This information is then used to provide personalized recommendations and improve product search results, increasing customer satisfaction and sales.

Social media

Data annotation is used to analyze content and detect spam, identify trends, and monitor sentiment analysis for marketing and customer service purposes. This enables businesses to understand their customers and their needs better and engage with them more effectively on social media platforms.

Data annotation is used in robotics to label images and videos for training robots to recognize and respond to various objects and scenarios in industrial and commercial settings. This enables robots to perform tasks more efficiently and accurately, increasing productivity.

Sports analytics

Data annotation labels video footage of games like soccer and basketball to analyze player performance and improve team strategies. This enables coaches and analysts to identify patterns and insights that can lead to more effective training, game planning, and performance optimization for athletes and teams.

Data annotation is used in various real-life scenarios to improve machine learning models and create more efficient and effective systems in numerous industries.

Data annotation is an essential component of ML technology and has played a vital role in developing some of the most advanced AI applications available today. The increasing demand for high-quality data annotation services has led to the emergence of dedicated data annotation companies. As the volume of data continues to grow, the need for accurate and comprehensive data annotation will increase. Sophisticated datasets are necessary to address some of the most challenging problems in AI, such as image and speech recognition. By providing high-quality annotated data, data annotation companies can help businesses and organizations leverage the full potential of AI, leading to more personalized customer experiences and improved operational efficiency.

As AI continues to evolve, the role of data annotation will become increasingly critical in enabling businesses to stay competitive and meet the growing demands of their customers. By investing in high-quality data annotation services, organizations can ensure that their machine-learning models are accurate, efficient, and capable of delivering superior results.

Enhance your machine learning models with high-quality training data – start annotating now! Contact LeewayHertz experts for your requirements.

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Akash Takyar

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