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16 Writing Memes That Perfectly Depict the Writer’s Life

funny creative writing memes

by Holly Riddle

If you’ve been writing for a while, then you know a few things.

One: the writer life is, in reality, not at all like the glamorous perception you’ll see in movies and on TV.

Two: your friends, unless they’re writers too, just aren’t going to understand challenges like your writer’s block, procrastination when it comes to actually getting something on the page, or how much you can hate writing and find it fun at the same time.

Three: sometimes, the best thing to do about your writers woes is to just laugh about them—and that’s where these funny writer memes can come in handy.

Here are some of our 16 favorite funny writing memes that perfectly encapsulate the highs, lows, and humor of the writer’s life, from the struggles with a first draft to the constant story ideas to the way your characters just live in your head rent-free (even if your novel doesn’t technically exist yet).

1. Oh, you thought you were actually going to finish that novel?

Think again! Time for procrastination to set in. Writers do whatever they can to not finish that WIP (Work In Progress), until something kicks their butt into gear, whether it be National Novel Writing Month, a challenge with a writer friend, etc.

Source: Writers Write

2. Unfortunately, a writer only has themself to blame

Alas, even though you try to blame everything else in the world for your procrastination—the dog needed walking, the laundry needed doing!—you just can’t at the end of the day. Get that idea down on paper!

Source: September C Fawkes

3. Some days the new ideas just keep flowing… other days, not so much

You know how it goes. Once you get into your writing flow, the shiny new ideas begin—until they dry up completely and you have a bad case of writer’s block.

Source: Writing About Writing on Facebook

But guess what? We have a super helpful article on dealing with this very problem .

4. Don’t worry, though…

Daydreaming about writing and writing are actually the same thing… right?

Totally. Definitely. We relate.

Source: Aela Writes

5. You started? Great! Now, where’s the plot?

Once you get started on that novel, though, inevitably there’s going to be a time that you sit back, look at what you wrote, and really start to question whether or not your words actually form a cohesive plot. That’s where, of course, a writing schedule that incorporates a little beta reading can come in handy.

Your writer friends are the best folks to give insight into whether or not you truly have a story.

And! You can also swing by our article on finding the perfect plot .

6. Sometimes, you just gotta plow forward

Occasionally, though, you have to just keep writing, plot or no plot.

Source: Daddies Drarryy

7. Writing is just rewriting

Eventually, you’ll have to go back and address those rambling sentences. Newbie writers may not recognize it yet, but the old pros will. Sometimes, being a writer is just rewriting, rewriting, and rewriting some more—especially those pesky opening pages.

Source: Liz Lawson on Twitter

8. That said, perfection isn’t everything

Not everyone is going to love what you write and, frankly, that’s okay.

Source: Aye Write

9. Your biggest fan is you

Because, after all, you won’t be happy unless you write things you actually want to read. Don’t aim to please readers or other writers when you’re the first audience you’ll ever have.

Source: Writeous Writing

10. But maybe try to keep the tenses straight?

Past tense, future tense, present tense—it’s hard enough just deciding which one you want to use on a new project, let alone sticking to it while you write.

Source: Macademmia

To help you through this troubling time, check out our post on narrative tenses .

11. You and your characters are best friends forever

Oh, don’t mind me. I’m not talking to myself; I’m talking to my novel characters.

Don’t get us wrong—we love a good cast of heroes and villains .

12. Being a writer isn’t as easy as it looks

Yes, we all love writing (we hope you you do, anyway, since you’re here). Unfortunately, when many of us say we like writing, we like having written more than the actual getting the words on the page.

Source: The Darklings

13. No one understands

But no matter how easy or hard friends and family think your writing is, chances are they have no real clue what you really do.

Your parents call your writing “cute.” Friends think you lay around. You think you’re a big shot. You’re really just drinking coffee at your desk and creating stories from the looping picture in your head.

Source: Jenni Merritt

14. An editor will not make your life easier

Editors are amazing. They make your book better. If you have a publishing deal with a big publisher, they vouch for your book and make your writing dreams a reality. They don’t make your life easier, though.

That first edit letter? Ouch.

Source: The Mom Who Runs

15. So just enjoy the ride!

It’s not always easy to enjoy the ride that is the writing life, but at least try to. And stop feeling guilty about not keeping to your writing goals for the day/week/etc.!

Source: Memes for Writers on Instagram

16. And whatever you do…


We believe in you! And if you ever need to step back from the pain and existential angst of being a writer, you’ll always have these writing memes here to help you have fun on your creative journey.

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funny creative writing memes

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15 Memes for Writers That Will Crack You Up

15 Memes for Writers That Will Crack You Up

Table of Contents

15 writing memes that will leave you in splits.

  • Key Takeaways 
  • Conclusion 

Not everyone is born with a passion to write. Writers are often faced with the struggle to write with the flow. The process of producing relevant content can be quite jarring. Anyone who has ever attempted to become a writer—or is a writer already—may be quite aware of concepts like writer’s block or the notorious distraction that is the internet. If you find yourself nodding to this, you will most definitely relate to the memes for writers we have included in this blog. They are hilarious, but they are also true. They speak of the sad truth about a writer’s life , which is typically quite far from the glamorous perception of it most have. 

With the freelance writing business being so much in vogue these days, the picture of a serious writer at their desk drowned in their thoughts, or furiously typing away at their computer, has become quite common. You all must be acquainted with a friend or relative who is a writer. Naturally, writing memes have also become a thing now. 

The 15 creative writing memes discussed in this article will surely resonate with the writer in you. It may also leave you in splits, making you picture yourself in that situation. So, go ahead and give yourself that much-needed comic relief through this curated list of funny writer memes. 

1. The secret first draft

The first draft of your writing is like a gold mine: to the reader. It requires polishing and refining to a level that only a writer can understand. And the pain associated with the process can only be felt, but not defined. 

funny creative writing memes

2. The pull of distraction

Many memes for writers are centered on the common experience of being distracted by everything but writing. Some content writing memes specifically uphold this reflection of what is, in reality, the biggest challenge to writing.

funny creative writing memes

3. Cancel your internet subscription

A huge source of distraction for writers is the internet. Because a lot of the writer’s research comes from this source, it is extremely easy to get carried away by a nice Tweet or an article on Facebook. And writing memes have really capitalized on this weakness. 

funny creative writing memes

4. Hell hath no fury like a writer disturbed

Creative writing memes are a true reflection of why writers and creators should not be interrupted during their tasks. It can be an unpleasant experience for the one interrupting the writer’s flow and, of course, for the writer, who might end up experiencing their 20th writer’s block in a day!

funny creative writing memes

5. Procrastination is the writer’s greatest enemy

A lot of writing memes focus on the arch-enemy of a writer: procrastination. Because writers are creators, their eureka moment comes every once in a while. The rest of the time, it is just planning and thinking about getting the work done, but not really getting on with it. 

funny creative writing memes

6. Waiting for that one big gig

A lot of writers are self-doubters. They don’t believe in writing as a hobby or a means to earn money. For them, writing is a passion that needs to be respected and rewarded. Some creative writing memes capture this beautifully (and hilariously!)

funny creative writing memes

7. When you’re tangled up in our own plot

Creative writing, especially if you are a fiction writer, takes its toll. You are constantly trying to tie together characters, but you keep getting lost in your own story. There are so many memes for writers that have tried to reflect this story of all writers’ lives. 

funny creative writing memes

8. The voices in the head

A writer is a creative person. And sometimes, creativity can be heavy. Many writers are known to overthink and overanalyze. Sometimes, they are even more sensitive than non-writers. 

funny creative writing memes

9. That eureka moment

You will find so many memes for writers that talk about their eureka moments. It feels especially celebratory if it comes after a prolonged period of writer’s block. 

funny creative writing memes

10. Good old writer’s block

Writer’s block is considered a menace in the life of a writer. Every writer, living or dead, has had to deal with it at some point in their life. It’s nearly impossible for a funny writer meme to not mock writer’s block.

funny creative writing memes

11. Dealing with perceptions

Funny writer memes are all about depicting the different aspects of a writer’s life or mind. It is said that a creative writer thinks differently from a technical writer. Similarly, a non-fiction writer thinks differently from a journalist. But what about the rest of the world? How do they perceive what you do?

funny creative writing memes

12. Decoding the freelance writer’s mind

Memes on freelance writers are a different genre altogether. That’s because the domain itself is extremely different from regular writing jobs.

funny creative writing memes

13. The dreadful editor’s feedback

Writing is only one part of the job. And then come the incessant revisions of the first draft. This is why editors are probably the biggest fear of a writer’s life. No wonder, so many memes for writers are designed around this equation.

funny creative writing memes

14. Dealing with guilt

All writers need a break. However, many writers get carried away by breaks, and end up feeling guilty for wasting time. And you will find a lot of funny writer memes around this. 

funny creative writing memes

15. Every writer ever

Writing means letting your emotions out on paper. It is the best way to express what verbal communication can’t.

funny creative writing memes

Key Takeaways

  • The life of a writer is not always as fascinating as people make it out to be. 
  • Writer’s block is something most writers struggle with. 
  • Writers often struggle to concentrate on their tasks, as they are easily distracted. 
  • Writing memes can help provide comic relief, and give insights into the challenges writers face. 

Writing requires the creator to put forward their best effort to tell a story, which is not devoid of challenges. We can go on and on about funny memes for writers. They never get old or boring. And they are surprisingly close to reality: and that is precisely why they are considered so relatable. 

funny creative writing memes

Memes for writers are specially curated memes to encapsulate and reflect what writers go through in the profession.

It is an online tool that lets you generate your own writing memes, using standard templates or by uploading your own pictures and text.

The most popular creative writing meme is probably the “You Should Be Writing” meme that reflects procrastination.

Memes can be used to express a complex idea through simple imagery and text. They are eye-catching and precise.

Writer’s block or the unwelcome disruption to the flow of writing is often the most common challenge experienced by all writers. And meme-makers have tried to depict this through funny writer memes.

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77 Funny Book Writing Memes for Authors and Writers

Hey, writers. It’s good to see you here instead of hard at work on your current writing project. Of course, we know that it’s important to have some downtime and to have a bit of a laugh, which is why we’ve collected these 77 fun memes that do a rather good job of poking fun at the truth of what it is to be a writer. Have fun checking them out. You might just see a bit of yourself in them.

“Why Can’t You Just Get Your Book Published?”

Just tell a publisher to publish the book…. You beautiful genius, why didn’t we writers think of that?

Why Cant You Just Get Your Book Published Book Writing Memes

Writers When They’re Determined to Do Anything

Why finish a book when there are so many other important things to do, like, well, anything except finish? After all, the crevices in the keyboard don’t clean themselves, do they?

Writers When Theyer Determined to Do Anything Book Writing Meme

Getting Those Thoughts Down on Paper

It always feels like the best characters are trapped inside our big brains, but we aren’t quite smart enough to help them get out and on the page.

Getting Those Thoughts Down On Paper Book Writing Meme

How I Tell a Story

Does this sound familiar? It’s not our fault. What some may see as scatterbrained, we can tell ourselves, is simply a mad genius at work.

How I Tell A Story Book Writing Meme

When You Find a Typo in a Published Book

Ah, yes, the dichotomy of typos. It feels so good when you find a typo in someone else’s published book, but so bad when you see one in your own.

When You Find A Typo In A Published Book Book Writing Meme

Red Pill or Blue Pill?

Overcomplicating things and spending hours creating the perfect Spotify playlist for a story that will never see the light of day hits close to home, doesn’t it?

Red Pill or Blue Pill Book Writing Meme

Respond to Bad Reviews

All publicity’s good publicity, right? While bad reviews aren’t going to do you any favors, lashing out against a reviewer will hurt your brand… no matter how good it might feel.

Respond to Bad Reviews Book Writing Meme

Picking Between Past and Present Tenses

Few things make writers tenser than talking about tenses.

Picking Between Past and Present Tenses Book Writing Meme

I Just Hope I Find It Along the Way

This is how a lot of great stories start . It’s also how a lot of manifestos tend to start, so be careful.

I Just Hope I Find It Along the Way Book Writing Meme

Rewriting the Beginning 50 Times

The middle is where many writers fear to tread. Surely, if you just tweak the beginning another one or fifty times, the middle will be easier.

Rewriting the Beginning 50 Times Book Writing Meme

Who’s Been Keeping Me From Writing

Writing isn’t easy, but it’s a lot harder when your biggest obstacle to getting things done is the weirdo staring back at you from the mirror.

Whos Been Keeping Me From Writing Book Writing Meme

The World Right Now

The real world can be a bummer. It’s no wonder writers spend so much time in their own heads. It’s often the best place to be.

The World Right Now Book Writing Meme

Writing vs. Editing the First Draft

It appears you even threw the kitchen sink into the first draft. Sounds good now, but just wait until you have to edit.

Writing the First Draft vs Editing the First Draft Book Writing Meme

Two Kinds of People 

Want to make a writer curse like Yosemite Sam and fight like a Spartan? Go ahead and dogear the pages in their favorite books.

Two Kinds of People Book Writing Meme

Most Difficult Things About Writing

Admit it. We’ve all gone down the rabbit hole of character names for hours and days on end, searching for that perfect name with meaning, history, and gravitas. And then we wind up using Jack or Kate because it’s easier to type.

Most Difficult Things About Writing Book Writing Meme

The Present Tense

With this type of tense problem, it might just be easier to give up and learn a completely new skill. Maybe basketweaving.

Present Tense Interstellar Book Writing Meme

“Your Parents Are Dead”

Seriously, how many characters have one or more dead parents to give them “character”? In literature and pop culture, from Bambi to Batman, parents have it rough.

Your Parents Are Dead Book Writing Meme

My First Draft

Your brain is a wonderful, powerful tool, but that first draft always comes out like a child’s first finger painting. It’s messy, it might be a dog or a dinosaur, but it can be turned into something special. Probably.

My First Draft Book Writing Meme

When Someone Finds Your First Draft 

The only thing worse than cringing when reading your first draft is finding out that someone else has seen your first draft.

When Someone Finds Your First Draft Book Writing Meme

“I Trusted You”

Just keep telling yourself that it’s only a fictional death. Tell your therapist and your tissue box the same thing.

Author Kills Character Star Wars Book Writing Meme

Being a Good Writer

And here you are… reading these memes and telling yourself that it’s still “writing work” because you are “getting ready”.

Being A Good Writer Book Writing Meme

A Day in the Life of a Writer

Hey, this is rather accurate, except we’re missing the parts about feeling like an imposter and wondering whether that new show you want to stream is out yet.

A Day In The Life Of A Writer Book Writing Meme

Genius Level of an Author

Even worse is the location where you tend to have those great ideas. We all know that it’s usually in the bathroom.

Genius Level Of An Author Book Writing Meme

I Think I Did a Pretty Good Job

If only we all had this kind of confidence in ourselves as writers! Honestly, though, don’t write reviews for yourself… the Internet will find you and make sure you know how wrong you are.

I Am The Author Amazon Review Book Writing Meme

I Wonder if…

Well, this is a great way to start a horror story . Now what happens when they start trying to get in touch with you?

Kermit the frog wondering at a rainy window: "I Wonder If Those Fictional Characters Are Thinking About Me Too"

How I Feel When I Write a Plot Twist

Oh, that plot twist feels so great when you come up with it… until you realize that you confused twist with a trope.

How I Feel When I Write A Plot Twist Book Writing Meme

Trying to Work Out if the Plot Ties Together

Plot seems easy, but we all know it’s not. It’s like doing long division in your head while walking barefoot across a floor filled with Legos.

Trying to Work Out If The Plot Ties Together Hangover Mathematics Book Writing Meme

The List of Books That I’ve Actually Finished Writing

Yeah… but at least you have a list.

List Of Books That Ive Actually Finished Writing Book Writing Meme

Writing in the Middle of the Night

Honestly, there’s not much of a difference between vampires and writers, except that vampires tend to be more organized and better dressers.

Writing In The Middle Of The Night Book Writing Meme

I Will Find You

It’s not a lack of ideas that plagues most writers. It’s the lack of a pen and paper to write them down while on the toilet.

I Will Find You Book Writing Meme

Brace Yourself and Kill the Character 

Yes, kill the character, but make sure you wear gloves and bury the body deep.

Brace Yourself And Kill The Character Book Writing Meme

I Have No Memory of This Place

This is where you convince yourself that you never really liked the story, so you can start that new idea.

I Have No Memory Of This Place Book Writing Meme

If we’re being honest, most of us are actually some combination of the first and the sixth image here. I mean, we sometimes look at a sheet of paper.

Writer What People Think Book Writing Meme

When You Write Something Really Dark 

And then you start to worry about the authorities checking your online search history.

When You Write Something Really Dark Book Writing Meme

Me Listening to Music While Writing

We all know that we have those ideal “theme songs” for everything we write. Don’t pretend you’re any different.

A raccoon thinking about how a song fits as music for the trailer of book movie adaptation Book Writing Meme

The Reality of My Writing

With a little massaging and edits even this could work… or not.

The Reality Of My Writing Book Writing Meme

When People Try to Read Your Unfinished Writing

This is when it’s time to start poking at some eyes and smacking hands.

When People Try To Read Your Unfinished Writing Book Writing Meme

New Project vs. Unfinished Projects

There’s nothing sweeter than the kernel of a new idea. Until you’ve actually thought about it and played around a bit. Then there’s that next new idea.

New Project vs Unfinished Projects Book Writing Meme

My Creativity

Creativity is like the friend who tries to hype you up to do something dangerous and then just leaves you standing alone in the middle of the restaurant in your underwear.

My Creativity Book Writing Meme

20 More Words for a Paper 

And here’s why writing toward word counts can be a problem. I mean, “here is”.

Needs 20 More Words For A Paper Book Writing Meme

Writers have more excuses than a kid who wants to get out of gym class on dodgeball day.

My Brain Excuses Book Writing Meme

Finding Your First Typo in Your Published Book

If you’ve ever wanted to know what it feels like to have your heart drop into a bucket of ice water and embarrassment, here it is.

Finding Your First Typo In Your Published Book Book Writing Meme

I Wrote a Novel in Second Person

To be honest, the writer deserves to be there. Second person for a novel is an abomination.

I Wrote A Novel In Second Person Book Writing Meme

How to Be Successful

“Here’s what you need, kid. You need a little luck, a little talent, and a couple of those plot things from Jersey Jim down on 52nd Street. Yeah, that’s how you do it.”

Me Showing Other Writers How To Be Successful Book Writing Meme

A Famous Writer

You would probably be better off with a career in just about anything else aside from venomous snake wrangler. And even then…

When You Tell People That You Want To Be A Famous Writer Book Writing Meme

Time to Get to Work

So, this is what it’s like when people feel called out about something. Not cool, Padme. Not cool.

Time To Get To Work Book Writing Meme

A Serial Killer’s Google Search History

Seriously, if there’s a serial killer in the city and the authorities started looking at search histories, writers are screwed.

The overlap of Google search results from a fiction writer and a serial killer Book Writing Meme

The Main Villain

This is a little like turning a raging wolf into a tiny lap dog wearing a jaunty hat. It doesn’t always work, and it can take away some of the allure and mystery from your original Big Bad.

The Main Villain Book Writing Meme

A Character With Living Parents

Well, that’s impossible. Characters don’t have living parents. Time to pack it up and become a full-time blueberry farmer.

A Character With Living Parents Book Writing Meme

A Total Emotional Hellscape

Sure, it makes us sad. Yet, we continue to do it. We writers are sadistic gods of our created worlds, and we like the power.

Pablo Escobar who is sad because he has written his beloved fictional characters into a total emotional hellscape Book Writing Meme

Writers After Killing Your Favorite Character 

Writers have a heart. Honest. We just keep ours in a little jar in the cabinet.

Writers After Killing Your Favorite Character Book Writing Meme

When You Write 200 Years of World History 

Worldbuilding is nature’s way to keep the population of fantasy writers in check.

When You Write 200 Years Of World History Book Writing Meme

Adverbs Everywhere

Think of adverbs as characters you don’t like. Kill them with impunity and smile while doing it.

Adverbs Everywhere Book Writing Meme

Story Idea vs. First Draft

At least you recognize that the first draft is a little goofy… some writers just press submit.

Story Idea vs First Draft Book Writing Meme

It’s Called an Oughtobiography

Instead of reading this clever meme, you “ought to be” writing.

Its Called An Oughtobiography Book Writing Meme

Delete Charakter

When you have a character that doesn’t fit… just pluck them out of the story like aliens beaming up a farmer in Indiana. Find another story for them.

A crying frog deleting a loved character Book Writing Meme

Manuscript Evolution

I’d like to say that it gets easier with time, but I don’t like to lie.

Manuscript Evolution Book Writing Meme

All the Random Subplots Without Cohesion

Don’t worry. No one will notice. Honest. Wait, I don’t like to lie.

All The Random Subplots Without Cohesion Book Writing Meme

When I Finally Write the End

Honestly, there’s no better feeling. So, to get that good feeling faster, start your books backwards.

When I Finally Write The End Book Writing Meme

Something Useless and Unpractical

It’s a good feeling. All that worldbuilding is great. You aren’t getting any further on your story, but hey, you do you.

Something Useless and Unpractical Book Writing Meme

Where Does It Hurt

Everyone says technology is the way of the future. This happens too often, and everyone starts looking for stone tablets and chisels.

Where Does It Hurt Book Writing Meme

When Only 10 People Read Your Book

It’s not the size of your audience that counts, it’s the journey. You’ll grow stronger, and maybe some fresh “eyes” to see where you can do better.

When Only 10 People Read Your Book Book Writing Meme

I’m Going to Become a Writer

This is disturbingly accurate. Of course, it would’ve been nice if the guidance counselor had actually told me this. At least then, I could’ve made an informed decision.

I’m Going to Become a Writer: So You've Decided to Become Isolated and Weird Book Writing Meme

Alright… “Chapter 1”

You laugh, but how many would-be writers are slowly decaying in front of the blank page right now. Not so funny now is it?

Alright Chapter One Book Writing Meme

At the Third and Last Act of Editing 

Editing has to be some sort of karmic retribution we’re all suffering because of the transgressions of some writer from the past, right?

At The Third And Last Act Of Editing Book Writing Meme

Some Sort of Bullshit Energy

If you use enough fancy high-tech-sounding words and have people with lab coats and clipboards in scenes, no one will notice.

Some Sort Of Bullshit Energy Book Writing Meme

How I Speak vs. How I Write

Writers have two creatures living in us. One is refined, charming, and intelligent. It doesn’t get out much. The other creature is rabid, weird, and always present.

How I Speak vs How I Write Book Writing Meme

What Gives People Feelings of Power 

It doesn’t seem like it takes much to please a writer. Just finish a chapter… just finish a chapter. Little do people know that’s like milking a cobra.

What Gives People Feelings Of Power Book Writing Meme

Villain vs. Mentor Character

Sometimes, we do get attached to the characters. We don’t want to let them go. But our villains have to be villainous. They can’t just shake their fist at the sky.

Villain vs Mentor Character Book Writing Meme

After a Character Runs Out of Meaning

Of course, for fantasy, urban fantasy, and horror authors, the coffin just ends up adding more character meaning.

After A Character Runs Out Of Meaning Book Writing Meme

Am I Researching or Just Procrastinating

To the untrained eye, it appears as though I’m procrastinating. But am I researching? No, I’m procrastinating!

Am I Researching or Just Procrastinating Book Writing Meme

It’s Free Character Development 

Well, it’s part of humanity, so it can be part of a character. Of course, this often serves as a dark mirror for many writers.

Mental Disorders Book Writing Meme

Finishing the Current Chapter

Yes, this is procrastinating, but it’s also writing… so, we should probably come up with another word for it. Procrastin-writing?

Finishing The Current Chapter Book Writing Meme

Very Little Overlap 

These little circles show the truth. But when you hit that sliver in the middle, it’s like magic.

Very Little Overlap Book Writing Meme

That Plot Twist

This is like a surprise fart, but one that you and others will enjoy because it doesn’t stink.

Even You Didnt See That Plot Twist Coming Book Writing Meme

The Tone I Wanted to Write the Story in

Honestly, this might say a lot about you and what you have inside. Not that it’s a bad thing.

The Tone I Wanted To Write The Story In Book Writing Meme

Killing New Characters, You’re Attached to

Sometimes killing makes us sad, sometimes it makes us happy. If we weren’t writers, we’d be in prison.

Killing New Characters You're Attached To Book Writing Meme

How many times did you see yourself in these memes? Let’s be honest. Writers who have been at it for more than a couple of days are sure to find a lot of humor and a lot of truth in the memes. Hope you had fun with them and even more importantly, isn’t it time you got back to that work in progress?

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Yves Lummer

As the founder of BookBird, Yves Lummer has pioneered a thriving community for authors, leading more than 100,000 of them towards their dreams of self-publishing. His expertise in book marketing has become a catalyst for multiple best-sellers, establishing his reputation as an influential figure in the publishing world.

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by Gatekeeper Press | Mar 22, 2021 | Blog , Writing


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Anyone who has ever attempted to write their first book already knows how flabbergasting a process writing can be. Along with the perceived benefits, such as working from anywhere, setting your own schedule, and having a creative outlet, there are plenty of challenges with the author territory. In fact, the glamorous perception of a writer’s life is likely to be vastly different from the realities of the actual vocation.

For example, how many friends and family members picture you seated at a mahogany desk, facing out a picture window while typing furiously away at your latest novel? With much envy, they conjure up a snapshot of your writing endeavors in their imaginations, with zero ideas of what a day in a writer’s life looks like. Cue the noisy gardener, kids, phone, and various other distractions while you stare at a blank screen with absolutely no idea of what to type. In that vein, let’s take a look at some hilarious and relevant writer memes for a nice chuckle. Surely many of these author memes will have you nodding, laughing, and sharing with fellow writers. Enjoy!

20 Hilarious Author Memes that Perfectly Encapsulate What Writers Go Through

1. nonexistent book catalog.

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Meme courtesy of

In your mind, you see a long list of book titles you are for sure going to get to, but somehow the reality doesn’t seem to reflect that.

2. She’s a Writer

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Meme courtesy of

A little quirky? Ok, yes, we writers sometimes do get a bad rap.

3. Audacity To Be a Writer

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Meme courtesy of Bryan Hutchinson

Fear is the author’s number one barrier to success! Conquer fear and complete your manuscript .

4. Writer Expectations

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Meme courtesy of

A perfect rendition of the life of a writer as viewed through various prisms.

5. Screwed Either Way

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Meme courtesy of

Some very famous authors have well-known reputations as, shall we say, oddballs.

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Oh, that dastardly second page! Sometimes it just needs to be coaxed out of you.

7. Novelist’s Inspiration

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Meme courtesy of

Novelists seek inspiration from all around them. Don’t be surprised if you become the basis of a great character.

8. Sensitive Bunch

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Meme courtesy of Bill Platt

Oh, yes, we writers are a sensitive bunch! Please say you liked my book, pretty please.

9. “Constructive” Feedback

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Meme courtesy of

Say what?! Nothing is more humbling than receiving “constructive” feedback from an editor .

10. You Should Be Writing

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Meme courtesy of

All authors are guilty of procrastination…hey, it’s part of the creative process. We must mull ideas over before putting pen to paper. But that little voice in our head reminds us to get on with it already.

11. Blank Stare

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Meme courtesy of

Novelists get it! Sometimes all those great ideas get stuck inside your head.

12. I Don’t Know

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Meme courtesy of

Nonfiction writers can relate—especially when you are supposedly an expert in the field you are writing about!

13. Just Keep Writing

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Meme courtesy

As author Anne Lamott says, just write something every single day.

14. Writer’s Block

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Meme courtesy of

Oh boy, we know that stupefied look all too well. The lights are on, but nobody’s home.

15. Half-finished Novels > Friends

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Novel writing meme courtesy of

Even with all that writing talent, we writers seem to lack that whole stick-to-itness thing.

16. Kill the Character

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Meme courtesy of

Yep, sometimes you have to sacrifice a lousy go-nowhere character for the good of the manuscript. Ouch.

17. Try Self-publishing

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Well, if only it were that easy, right? Why not give self-publishing a whirl?

18. It’s Fantasy

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Says no fantasy writer, ever…but you can dream.

19. When You Finish Your Book

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Getting lost in your manuscript? Yes, getting from page one to The End can seem to be a lifetime. But you’re one step closer to becoming an author !

20. “Affect” VS “Effect”

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Meme courtesy of

Let’s face it, no matter how good a writer we might be, we all get tripped up from time to time and just need a good proofreader .

Writer Memes are Funny But Writing a Book is Serious Business

A little humor is a great way to smooth out some of the bumps along the road to authorship. But when you’re ready to buckle down and tackle the serious business of self-publishing , you’ll need some editing talent in your back pocket. Just enjoy writing your amazing book, and when it’s finished, go ahead pass the manuscript off to the master editors at Gatekeeper Press .

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