How To Write A Letter Of Introduction For Job Seekers (Samples Included)

Jeff Gillis 0 Comments

letter of introduction

By Jeff Gillis

Updated 6/14/2022.

For many job seekers, nothing’s more frustrating than the words, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”

What if you don’t know anyone? Perhaps you’ve moved to a new city, switched industries, or simply didn’t recognize the importance of networking until recently. How can talented individuals in this situation play catch-up and get their careers started?

It isn’t impossible, and you don’t have to be obnoxious to get in front of the right people. In fact, there’s an entire method for introducing yourself to people you’ve never met but would like to know. It’s called sending a Letter of Introduction.

What Exactly Is a Letter of Introduction?

So, what is a letter of introduction? A letter of introduction is, according to Military One Source , correspondence that “notifies an employer of your qualifications and interest to be considered for potential future positions.”

However, it can also be more. For example, you could send a letter of introduction to a potential new network contact, allowing you to expand your circle.

Essentially, the letter of introduction is a way to reach out to someone asking to make their acquaintance and, if they’re willing, find out about job opportunities or forge new connections in your desired industry. It’s a polite way to get your name in front of important people without infringing on their time or accosting them in a coffee shop.

It’s also important to understand what an introduction letter is not. It isn’t your resume , it’s not a cover letter , and it’s not a short story detailing your early life, dreams, and ambitions. You don’t send one in response to a current job posting.

Instead, it’s a brief, clear, and concise explanation of who you are as a professional and why you are writing. This reason could be that you’re looking for a job, or you’re hoping to chat with them to gain some insight into the industry you wish to enter.

Types of Introduction Letters

An introduction letter can be used to introduce yourself to someone new or to introduce a friend or colleague to someone you know. Introduction letters are either formal or informal. Typically speaking, an informal introduction letter is used in the second case where Person A is introducing Person B to Person C.

How to Write the Different Kinds of Letters of Introduction

Writing an informal introduction letter to introduce someone to a third party is rather simple. Since you know the person you’re introducing them to, you can rely on your own judgment when choosing your wording. For this article, we’ll focus on a relatively formal letter, even if it’s to a colleague. Such a letter should include the following features:

  • An explanation of why you’re writing
  • A brief description of who you’re introducing them to, relevant details like their job, and how you personally know them
  • A few lines on what that person needs (i.e., advice on entering the tech world with a finance background) and why you thought your colleague would be a useful resource
  • The job seeker’s contact information, ideally both their telephone number and email address

Today, most people send letters of introduction via email. Be mindful of how you send that email. For instance, there’s a difference between sending a letter of introduction and a referral letter.

Let’s say your friend needs a freelance copywriter. You worked with a great copywriter previously, and you tell your friend you’ll send their details.

In this case, you’re mainly sending a referral, as you’re connecting a professional connection to a friend with a specific need. While this is an amazing thing to do – as 72 percent of interviews are referrals – it isn’t the same as a letter of introduction.

Now, let’s change the circumstances a bit. In this scenario, let’s pretend your friend owns a copywriting agency.

Your professional connection is looking for a full-time gig and asks you to introduce them to someone who works in an agency. When you send the message out, you aren’t referring your professional contact for a specific opening. Instead, you’re letting your friend know a bit about who they are and providing contact details that allow your friend to reach out to your professional connection if they so choose. That’s an introduction letter.

When writing a letter of introduction for yourself, the steps are almost identical with a few subtle differences:

  • Dive right into who you are and what you do
  • Include a few lines about why you’re writing to them and specific details about what you’d like from them, like industry insights or information on job opportunities.
  • Provide information on how they can reach you, how you look forward to speaking with them, and a thank you for their time
  • End with a respectful sign-off

Letter of Introduction Samples

In some cases, it’s far easier to see how to approach a situation by checking out a few examples. Here is a sample letter of introduction for when you’re writing on behalf of someone else and another for when you’re writing on behalf of yourself:

Introductory Letter on Behalf of Someone Else

Hi Jane Doe, It was a pleasure catching up with you at the networking event last week! I’d like to take a moment to introduce you to John Smith, a project manager with nearly a decade of experience, specifically in the technology niche. I’ve personally worked with him several times during his time with ABC Corp, and I’ve grown to trust his expertise over the years. Currently, John is exploring new opportunities and was hoping to connect with you about potential future openings at your company. I’ve attached his resume for you to review, and you can also find him on LinkedIn using the link in that document. If you’d like to touch base by phone, you can contact him at 555-555-5555. While I’m not aware of any current hiring needs on your end, I do believe John would be an asset. Sincerely, James

Introductory Letter on Behalf of Yourself

Dear John Doe, My name is Jane Smith, and I’m a marketing manager with ten years of experience in the field, focused mainly on the food and beverage space. I’ve long been a fan of your company – XYZ Inc. – particularly its recent campaign for leading snack food manufacturer ABC Co. If you have the time, I would love to talk to you about opportunities with your company, as well as gain career insights from a leader in the field, such as yourself. If you’re available, I can be reached at 555-555-5555. You can also reply to this email and view my portfolio using the link in my signature. Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you. Best, Jane Smith

These are rather formal examples of an introductory letter, focusing on professionals in the project management niche. Additionally, they’re relatively simple, showing you the general structure to follow.

In some cases, you could expand on various points based on the nuances of the company and what the job seeker has to offer. However, it’s crucial to keep things concise. Now isn’t the time to tell someone’s life story. Instead, the goal is to make an initial connection that can be built upon later.

It’s also true that less formal letters sometimes work. However, you don’t want to run the risk of alienating someone you don’t know with what feels like a gimmick or a sales letter. That’s why formal is often the way to go, regardless of whether you’re introducing yourself or someone else.

Use these examples as a letter of introduction template, giving you a solid starting point. Then, adjust the details as needed to ensure it makes the best possible impression.

Putting It All Together

A letter of introduction allows you to even the playing field when it comes to the game of “who knows who.” If you can dedicate time to send a letter (or email) of introduction each week to people you’d like to meet, a certain percentage will likely reply back – so long as you don’t simply cut and paste the same letter for everyone.

Whether it’s to land a new job or break into a new industry, take advantage of the power of introductory letters.

introduction letter when starting a new job

Co-founder and CTO of Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site , with his work being featured in top publications such as INC , ZDnet , MSN and more.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Jeff gillis.

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Co-founder and CTO of Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site , with his work being featured in top publications such as INC , ZDnet , MSN and more. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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Career Sidekick

How to Write a Letter of Introduction (With Examples)

By Priya Jain

Published: January 22, 2024

Priya Jain

Writer & Career Coach

Writing a letter of introduction serves as a tool for individuals and businesses to establish new connections, explore opportunities, or introduce services and products. An effectively written letter of introduction can open doors to job opportunities, business collaborations, and networking.

Whether you’re a freelancer seeking new clients, a business looking to forge new partnerships, or an individual exploring job opportunities, a compelling introduction letter can set the stage for fruitful interactions.

In this article, we explain what a letter of introduction is, explore what to include, and give examples you can use while creating your letter. 

What Is a Letter of Introduction?

A letter of introduction is a document that introduces one party to another. It can serve various purposes in different contexts, including professional, academic, or personal settings. 

This letter can be used to introduce oneself or by someone else to introduce a third party. The key purpose is establishing a connection or a rapport with the recipient, usually with a specific goal, such as exploring job opportunities, proposing business collaborations, or extending networks.

Individuals can use letters of introduction in social settings, like joining a new club or group, where you want to introduce yourself to the members. These letters often introduce a third party, like a colleague or a friend, to your contacts. This can be particularly helpful in professional networking or recommending someone for a job or project .

The Difference Between a Letter of Introduction and a Cover Letter

A letter of introduction and a cover letter are very different. Letters of introduction are generally used when you want to establish a new relationship that may or may not be job-related. It could be an introduction to a potential business partner, a networking contact, or a new community or group. 

On the other hand, a cover letter is job-related. It’s sent alongside a resume when applying for a job. The cover letter focuses on why the applicant is suitable for a specific job, highlighting skills and experiences directly relevant to the job description. It’s more tailored to a particular role or company.

Letter of Introduction Examples

Here are some examples you can take inspiration from:

Job Application Letter of Introduction

This letter aims to introduce yourself to a potential employer, highlight relevant skills and experiences, express interest in the position, and provide a glimpse of your personality.

You can use this example to write a job application introduction letter:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my keen interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. With [X years] of experience in [relevant field/industry], I have developed a comprehensive skill set that aligns with your team’s requirements.

My experience at [Previous Company] involved [mention key responsibilities or projects related to the new job]. I am particularly excited about the opportunity at [Company Name] because of [reasons specific to the company or role].

Enclosed is my resume, which further outlines my achievements. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how my experience and skills can contribute to the continued success of [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your esteemed team.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Networking Introduction Letter

A networking introduction letter is a valuable tool for establishing new professional connections . It’s a way of introducing yourself to someone in your industry or field whom you haven’t met but wish to connect with for networking purposes.

Here’s an example:

Dear [Contact’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am [Your Name], currently working as a [Your Job Title] at [Your Company]. I came across your profile on [LinkedIn/Professional Event] and was impressed by your extensive experience in [relevant field/industry].

I am reaching out to expand my professional network in the [specific industry or field] and would value the opportunity to learn from your insights. [Mention any mutual connections or shared interests, if applicable].

If you are open, I would appreciate talking with you briefly. I want to hear about your experiences, particularly regarding [specific topic or question].

Thank you for considering my request. I understand the value of your time and would be flexible to accommodate your schedule.

Best regards,

Cold Outreach Letter of Introduction

A cold outreach letter of introduction is used when contacting someone who does not know you or is not expecting your communication. It’s typically used professionally to introduce yourself, your company, or your products/services to a potential client, partner, or employer.

Here’s an example:  

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am the [Your Position] at [Your Company]. I am reaching out to introduce our company and the innovative solutions we offer in [specific service or product area].

I believe that [Recipient’s Company] could significantly benefit from our [services/products], especially in [specific area of improvement or opportunity you’ve identified in their business]. We have partnered successfully with companies like yours, such as [mention any relevant clients or case studies], and achieved [mention specific results or improvements].

I would love the opportunity to discuss this further with you. Would you be available for a brief call next week? I am also attaching a brief overview of our services for your reference.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to working together.

Warm regards,

Letter of Introduction Template

Creating a letter of introduction involves a structured approach to presenting your information effectively.

Here’s a template that you can adapt based on your specific needs:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Company/Organization Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

[Introductory Paragraph: Briefly introduce yourself, stating your name and current position or role. Explain how you came across the recipient, their work, or their organization.]

[Second Paragraph: State the purpose of your letter. Are you seeking a job opportunity, looking to network, or proposing a collaboration? Be specific about your intentions and why you are contacting this particular individual or company.]

[Third Paragraph: Concisely overview your relevant background and experience. Focus on key aspects of your career or education that align with the purpose of your letter.]

[Fourth Paragraph: Highlight one or two significant accomplishments or skills. Use specific examples demonstrating your capabilities and how they relate to the recipient’s needs or interests.]

[Fifth Paragraph: Mention any personal qualities or soft skills that set you apart and are relevant to the context of your introduction. Relate these traits to how they can be beneficial in achieving the goals outlined in your letter.]

[Call to Action: Clearly state what you hope to achieve with this letter. Whether it’s a follow-up meeting, a phone call, or further discussions, provide a clear action you’d like the recipient to take.]

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I am very interested in [discussing further, learning more about, etc.] and look forward to the possibility of [working together, meeting you, etc.]. Please contact me at [your email address] or [phone number].

[Your Name] [Attachments: Mention attachments such as your resume, portfolio, or other relevant documents.]

What You Need to Include in a Letter of Introduction

Incorporating specific elements in your letter of introduction can significantly enhance its effectiveness.

Here’s a breakdown of what to include following your provided structure:

Begin with a formal greeting. This is the initial greeting and sets the tone for the letter. Use a formal tone like “Dear [Recipient’s Name]”. If the recipient’s name is unknown, “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom It May Concern” are alternatives. Personalizing the salutation, however, is preferable if you know the recipient’s name.


Introduce yourself by stating your name and your current position or role in a professional context. This section should be brief, offering a snapshot of who you are. For instance, “My name is Jane Doe, and I am a Marketing Manager at XYZ Corporation.”

Purpose of the Letter

Clearly articulate why you are writing this letter. This might be to introduce yourself in a job search context, to propose a business collaboration, or to establish a new professional relationship. Be specific about why you’re contacting this particular individual or organization.

Background Information

Provide a concise overview of your professional background relevant to the purpose of your letter. This could include your current job, professional journey, or key areas of expertise. The aim is to give the reader context about your professional standing.

Relevant Accomplishments

Highlight significant achievements that are pertinent to the recipient. These could be successful projects you’ve led, awards you’ve won, or specific contributions you’ve made in previous roles. The objective is to showcase your competence and success in areas relevant to the letter’s purpose.

Personal Qualities

Share personal attributes that make you well-suited for the intended purpose of your letter. For instance, you might emphasize qualities like leadership, innovation, or collaborative skills if you are applying for a job. This part is about showing your personality and fit.

Call to Action

This is a crucial component where you suggest the next steps. It could be a request for a follow-up meeting, a phone call, or an invitation to review your application. Make it clear what you want the recipient to do next.

Conclude your letter with a formal and professional closing. Common closings include “Sincerely”, “Best regards”, or “Kind regards”, followed by your full name. This part signifies the end of your letter respectfully.


If you include additional documents, such as a resume or portfolio, mention them here. For example, “Enclosed, please find my resume, which provides further details about my professional experience.”

What Not to Include in a Letter of Introduction

When writing a letter of introduction, it’s important to be aware of certain elements that should be avoided.

Here are what not to include: 

Unsubstantiated Claims

Your letter should avoid making broad statements about your abilities or achievements without providing specific examples or evidence to support them. For instance, rather than simply stating that you’re an excellent communicator, provide a brief example or mention a relevant accomplishment demonstrating this skill. The goal is to be as concrete and specific as possible to build credibility.

Clichés and Overused Phrases

Avoid overused phrases and clichés that don’t add substantive information to your introduction. Phrases like “team player,” “hard worker,” or “go-getter” are commonly used and don’t distinguish you from other candidates. Instead, use unique descriptions specifically tailored to your experiences and qualifications.

Unrealistic Promises

Be cautious about making promises or commitments that you might not be able to fulfill. Overpromising to impress can backfire if you cannot deliver on those promises later. It’s important to be honest and realistic about what you can offer to the potential employer or contact.

Best Practices for Writing Letters of Introduction

When writing a letter of introduction, following these best practices can greatly enhance the effectiveness and professional impact of your letter:

Tailoring the Letter to the Audience

By researching and familiarizing yourself with the recipient’s work and organization, you can ensure that your letter speaks directly to their needs and interests. Personalization in the letter demonstrates that you have taken the time to understand who they are and what they value, which can significantly increase the effectiveness of your message.

Keeping It Concise and Focused

An effective letter conveys your message in a clear, succinct manner. Long letters can dilute the impact of your key points and lose the reader’s interest. 

Structuring your letter with a clear beginning, middle, and end helps maintain this focus. The introduction should grab attention, the body should elaborate on your purpose and relevant qualifications, and the conclusion should reiterate your intent and suggest the next steps.

Showcasing Personality and Authenticity

An impactful letter is about what you say and how you say it. Infusing your letter with genuine personality and authenticity makes your message resonate more with the recipient. It’s about striking the right balance between professional decorum and personal touch.

Sharing your motivations, interests, or perspectives in a way that aligns with the professional context can make your letter memorable and establish a more personal connection with the recipient.

Proofreading for Clarity and Professionalism

The final yet crucial step in drafting your letter is thorough proofreading. This step is imperative for ensuring your letter is free from grammatical errors and typos and communicates your message.

A well-written and professionally presented letter reflects your attention to detail and commitment to quality. Having someone else review your letter is often beneficial, as a fresh pair of eyes can catch errors and provide feedback on your message’s overall clarity and tone.

Priya Jain

About the Author

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How to Write a Letter of Introduction: Tips and Examples

Stephen Greet

Understanding the Letter of Introduction

Preparing to write your letter of introduction.

  • Step-by-Step Guide
  • Leveraging Templates and Examples

Letter of Introduction FAQs

If you want to put yourself on someone’s radar, a good way of doing this is to send them a letter of introduction. These types of letters are used when you want to make a connection, whether it’s to introduce yourself, your business, or even one colleague to another.

While it cannot replace writing a cover letter , a letter of introduction can potentially help you get a job. It’s one way to get your foot in the door before anyone else realizes that the door is even open!

Unsure how to write a letter of introduction that gets the reader’s attention? No worries—we’re here to guide you. Check out our tips on writing an effective letter of introduction that gets you your desired result!

Understanding the Letter of Introduction

A letter of introduction is easy to confuse with other types of business-adjacent letters, such as a letter of interest or a cover letter. However, this type of letter is its own thing, and it’s important that you know what you’re walking into before you start writing one.

introduction letter when starting a new job

What is a letter of introduction?

The concept of an introduction letter is exactly what it says on the tin: you’re reaching out to someone to make a connection. In this letter, you’ll include useful information about yourself or your business.

Each letter needs to be highly tailored—as should be cover letters, but for that, you can use a cover letter generator .

While a well-tailored resume and cover letter are used for a specific job that you’re applying for, a letter of introduction is an elaborate “hello.” It can be a way to help you get a job, but it’s also often used for networking purposes in various industries, including business-to-business communication.

You may also send these letters to introduce someone else to a person you already know, such as informing a business partner that you have a new project manager that they should now communicate with.

Long story short, you can send letters of introduction to alert a particular person or company of your (or someone else’s) existence, while a cover letter is something you add to a resume and apply to a job with.

introduction letter when starting a new job

The many faces of introduction letters

There’s no one-size-fits-all explanation for what a letter of introduction is, and that’s simply because it’s such a diverse tool.

Let’s go over the various use cases of introduction letters.

  • Job-seeking. This is a good way to display that “proactive” attitude that many employers expect from applicants. In those cases, a letter of introduction can resemble a letter of interest; you can send it to a company to express your interest, no matter if it’s hiring or not.
  • Networking. If you admire someone in your industry and want to make a connection, this is your way of saying who you are and why they should include you as part of their professional orbit.
  • Educational and professional advancement. These letters have been known to open many doors, both in academic and professional settings. You can use them to introduce yourself to potential advisors, reach out for research opportunities, or contact industry leaders.
  • B2B and team introductions. Whether you’ve got your own business and want to make connections with another company (that might later result in doing some business together!) or you want to introduce a new employee to a colleague, a letter of introduction is your friend.

Remember that there’s no hard rule as to when you can or cannot send a letter of introduction. As long as you word it properly, most people will appreciate it and see it as a sign of your interest!

Preparing to Write Your Letter of Introduction

The best thing about letters of introduction is that no one expects to receive them, so you get to cash in on that positive surprise and show that you’re not shy. However, that’s also the worst thing about them, as they can be treated as spam and therefore, completely disregarded.

This is why it’s super important to write an engaging letter of introduction that grips the reader from the get-go, and we’ll show you how down below.

introduction letter when starting a new job

Essential elements to include in every introduction letter

To write a compelling introduction letter, make sure that it contains all the crucial elements that lead to success. Your end goal is to have the person get back to you and respond positively, so it’s not just about following rules but also about standing out from the crowd and writing something attention-grabbing.

First, the greeting. In this type of letter, the greeting pretty much has to be personalized. You’re introducing yourself to a person, so do some digging and try to address them directly to capture their interest!

Follow up with a quick explainer on who you are and why you’re reaching out to them. It’s a good idea to explain the relevance if it’s not obvious, too, such as mentioning an industry connection or your pertinent expertise.

Next, dive into the purpose of the letter and talk more about your background if it’s applicable. It’s totally fine to spend a paragraph just talking about this and giving them some context.

Make sure to also include a call to action. For instance, if you’re hoping they’ll get back to you about a potential interview, mention that you’re looking forward to talking to them. Close the letter by providing your contact details.

introduction letter when starting a new job

Types of introduction letters and their unique features

Letters of introductions come in many different shapes and sizes, so let’s go over their different types and discuss their specific objectives in some more detail.

  • Job applications: These are targeted and personalized letters that are meant to serve as a way of introducing yourself to a company you really want to work for. You should discuss your background and achievements to show that you’re the right candidate. You could even power up a resume builder and attach your resume!
  • Networking: This one’s less about selling yourself and more about making connections. Introduce yourself and show that you’re familiar with the achievements of the person you’re writing to, but also, feel free to name-drop potential mutual contacts!
  • B2B: If you want to introduce your company or services, make your letter all about what you can do for the other company. Spend a little time researching potential pain points so you can address them in your pitch.
  • Teaching and educational roles: Here, zone in on your academic interests and credentials. Express the kind of research you’re interested in, your background, and what you hope to bring to a particular institution or placement.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing an Effective Letter of Introduction

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing an Effective Letter of Introduction

We’ve gone over the elements of a letter of introduction, but how do you weave them together into an effective pitch?

Here’s our secret recipe for writing an irresistible letter that gets you replies!

Starting strong: How to write an engaging greeting and opening line

Starting out on a good note is the key to success with a letter of introduction, no matter the purpose.

Just as you discard various emails if the opening line seems irrelevant, so does everyone else—but if you can get past that initial barrier, they’re much likelier to keep on reading!

The first thing is that the greeting needs to be personalized. Skip the generic “Dear Sir/Madam” or the “Dear [Company] Team.” If you’re introducing yourself, it’s only fair that you know who the recipient is.

The next sentence should focus on capturing the reader’s attention, and first impressions are key here. Personalize the greeting, quickly explaining who you are and why you’ve contacted them , of all people.

For example, you could say: “I’m reaching out because of our shared interest in semiconductor fabs, and as a fellow engineer, I have been impressed by your extensive contributions in that field.”

introduction letter when starting a new job

The body: Showcasing your qualifications, achievements, and intentions

The body of your letter is where you get into the nitty-gritty of who you are, what you’re looking for, and why you’re absolutely worth replying to.

There are different ways to approach this depending on your end goal—after all, networking and job applications are two different beasts—but the general rules stay the same.

Use a couple of paragraphs to elaborate on your work experience and background, and make sure to keep it relevant to your recipient. For instance, if you’re writing to an HR manager at a company you’re eager to be employed by, there’s no reason to go over your hobbies & interests . Instead, make it all about your achievements, qualifications, and job skills .

It’s also a good idea to showcase measurable impact and how your cooperation can have a positive impact on the person or the company.

Let’s say you’re introducing yourself to a renowned professor because you’re hoping to become their research assistant. In that case, try to dig into why your past work impacted the projects you worked on and highlight the value you can bring to the reader.

Lastly, underscore that connecting is of mutual benefit to both of you and not just a favor to you. Lean into mutual connections, knowledge and skills that you can contribute, or services you or your company can provide.

introduction letter when starting a new job

Concluding your letter with a clear call to action

Even if you write the best letter of introduction ever , you don’t want the person to finish reading with a shrug and a “They sound great, so what?”

To avoid that, craft a clear call to action and weave it into your letter so that it looks natural.

Be clear on what you want to happen next—do you want them to call you, meet up with you, or just get back to you? Maybe you just want to connect on LinkedIn so that you can follow their professional development more closely. Make it crystal clear and encourage them to reach out to you.

Make sure that your letter includes contact information and circle back to that in your signoff. Lastly, thank them for their time, and close the letter with a respectful: “Sincerely, [Your Name].”

Leveraging Templates and Examples for Success

Leveraging Templates and Examples for Success

Even with all the knowledge already in your arsenal, it can be hard to figure out how to structure your letter. Fortunately, a good template can always help, be it a resume outline or an example of a letter of introduction—so here they are!

introduction letter when starting a new job

Templates for crafting your letter of introduction

Letters of introduction have many uses. Below, we’ll go over the most common ones and give you handy templates to fill in with your own information.

Letter of Introduction for Job Seekers

Use this when you’re interested in a specific company but cannot apply to it directly. It doesn’t replace a cover letter, though. This is just a way to say, “Hey, I want to work here!” even if there are no openings that suit your qualifications.

Here’s an example of an outline you could use:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

[Today’s Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to introduce myself as a professional in [your profession/field] with a keen interest in the [specific role or area of work] at [company name]. Having followed your company’s progress and achievements in [industry/field], I am impressed by your commitment to [mention any known company values, projects, or goals relevant to your expertise].

With a background in [mention your background, e.g., marketing, engineering, etc.], I bring [number of years] years of experience, specializing in [specific skills or areas of expertise]. My recent projects include [briefly describe a relevant project or achievement], which [explain how it added value, solved a problem, or achieved a goal], underscoring my capacity for [mention a key quality or ability, e.g., problem-solving, strategic planning, etc.].

I would be thrilled to explore how my background, skills, and interests align with the needs of your team. I am looking forward to the possibility of discussing this exciting opportunity with you. Please find my resume attached for more detailed information about my experiences and achievements.

Thank you for considering my introduction. I hope to hear from you soon to discuss how I can contribute to [company name]. Feel free to contact me at [your phone number] or via email at [your email address].

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Business Letter of Introduction Template

This is the ideal way to introduce yourself, your services, or your business to potential clients, be they individuals or other companies. It’s not strictly a sales pitch, but it’s not far removed from it; your goal is to outline why your services or products could be useful to the recipient or their business.

Here’s an example of what that might look like:

[Your Name] [Your Job Title] [Your Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

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[Your company] has been around since [year], and during that time, we’ve established ourselves as market leaders in [industry]. We specialize in [briefly describe your core business activities and strengths]. Our work has been featured in/contributed to [insert proof of accomplishments, such as companies you worked with or a magazine that described your work]. [Your company]’s expertise in [an area that’s useful to the recipient] can help [recipient’s company] scale your business and achieve unprecedented growth.

I am convinced that a partnership between [your company] and [their company] could be mutually beneficial, enabling you to [mention a problem area/growth area that could be positively impacted for the recipient].

Would you be available for a brief call or meeting to discuss this further? I am flexible with my schedule and can adjust to a time that works best for you.

Thank you for considering working with [your company]. I am looking forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Job Title] [Your Company] [Contact Information]

Networking Letter of Introduction Template

This one is a bit different than the two above. After all, you don’t reach out to someone for networking purposes in order to immediately get hired or sell your services to them. However, it can happen in the long run—and for now, you just want to be on their radar and mutually benefit from connecting.

Here’s an example of a letter of introduction template that can be used for more effective networking . Remember to modify it for LinkedIn messages, as things like your address will not be necessary there.

[Your Name] [Your Current Position/Role] [Your Company/Organization (if applicable)] [Your LinkedIn Profile/Website] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Company Name] [Recipient’s Address (if applicable)]

I have been thoroughly impressed by your achievements and/or contributions in the field of [industry], and as an avid follower of your work, I’m reaching out to introduce myself. My name is [your name], and I’m a [your work or academic title] at [company/school]. I wanted to express my admiration for your work as well as explore the possibility of connecting with you.

As I share your interest in [field], and also contribute to it on a regular basis with projects such as [project/paper, initiative, etc.], I believe that exchanging ideas could be mutually beneficial. I am keen to learn more about your approach to [specific project or subject], in particular, and would be eager to share my own experiences in [area].

I completely understand that an expert of your caliber would have a busy schedule. However, I would be grateful for the possibility of a chat, be it through a quick video call or a coffee in [city]. I am especially curious about your work on [project] and would love to learn your perspective on the matter.

Thank you for considering my connection request. I am looking forward to the possibility of joining your network and learning from your vast experiences. If you’re interested in a chat, please let me know a time and format that works best for you, and I will do my best to accommodate.

[Your Name] [Your Position/Role] [Your Contact Information] [Optional: Attach your business card or link to your professional portfolio]

Educational and Teaching Job Letter of Interest Template

Educational letters of interest can be twofold. You might want to send one due to being interested in a particular internship or research opportunity, or even just a straight-up job. However, they’re also often sent out for networking purposes.

Below, we’ll show you what to say if you’re subtly applying for an educational opportunity. For networking purposes, our earlier template above will work great!

[Your Name] [Your Current Position/Role, if applicable] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Recipient’s Institution] [Recipient’s Address] [City, State, Zip]

My name is [your name] and I am currently a [your current role] at [institution or organization, such as a high school or a college]. I have been following the academic success of [institution] for many years, and as it has been a source of great inspiration in my own educational journey, I’m reaching out to express my strong interest in the [position].

In my current role at [Your Current Institution or School], I have successfully [mention a significant achievement or project related to education]. My particular academic interests lie in [mention research area or field, or teaching methodology], and to that end, I have completed [mention degree or coursework]. I am on a never-ending journey for knowledge and believe that my drive and skills would be an asset to [institution].

I would be thrilled to bring my expertise in [mention any relevant skills or areas] to your esteemed institution. I am looking forward to the possibility of discussing this exciting opportunity with you in more detail.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to [institution].

Real-world examples of effective letters of introduction

Having a useful template is one thing, but seeing a real-world example of a letter of introduction that actually did the trick can be even better, so that’s what we’ll show you below.

(Hint: Remember, if you’re attaching a resume, don’t forget to run it through a resume checker !)

Job Application Letter of Introduction

Martina Joseph 123 Pretend Ave Anytown, CA 12345 [email protected] 123-456-7890

April 7, 2024

Ms. Keira Basinger Hiring Manager Intel Corporation 123 Pretend Rd. Anycity, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Basinger,

I hope this finds you well. My name is Martina Joseph, and I have been inspired by Intel’s groundbreaking developments in the field of CPUs and NPUs for years—in fact, Intel is what inspired me to become a software engineer. Now, with over 5 years of experience as a Java developer, I am reaching out to express my immense interest in working with Intel.

I spent most of my career researching and developing applications optimized for performance and scalability. In my current role with AMD, I led a project that resulted in a 58% reduction in processing time for our core product by integrating innovative machine learning algorithms similar to the techniques employed in Intel’s latest NPU architectures.

My lifelong interest in computer science and in-depth understanding of machine learning and artificial intelligence position me to be an asset at Intel.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this more in a call or meeting at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, and I thank you for your consideration.

Martina Joseph

Business-to-Business Letter of Introduction

Jonas Stefansson CEO Forever Fit Tech 123 Pretend Ave Anytown, CA 12345 [email protected] 123-456-7890

December 1, 2024

Ms. Karen Rodriguez CEO Peloton 123 Pretend Rd. Anycity, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Rodriguez,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Jonas Stefansson, and I am the CEO of Forever Fit Tech, a company that specializes in advanced health-tracking software. Our tech solutions helped thousands of people improve their lives, and I am reaching out to discuss a potential collaboration with Peloton so that we can expand the reach of both of our companies even further.

At Forever Fit Tech, we’ve developed comprehensive wellness solutions that integrate seamlessly with fitness equipment to enhance user experience and engagement. We work with a team of industry-leading experts who specialize in designing apps that offer health-tracking solutions, challenges, and community-driven engagement. We have worked with several fitness influencers of international fame, such as Liam Land, to spread our message and diversify our product lines.

We respect Peloton’s commitment to transforming the fitness industry through innovative solutions, and we are excited about the prospect of collaborating with your team. We believe that by integrating our health-tracking software with Peloton’s cutting-edge equipment, we can create a more comprehensive fitness experience for users worldwide.

Thank you for considering my offer. I would love to discuss this with you over a call. Please let me know a suitable time for you and my team and I will prepare a comprehensive offer for you to consider.

Jonas Stefansson CEO Forever Fit Tech 123-456-7890

Networking or Team Letter of Introduction

Priva Shah Junior Data Scientist Insight Analytics and Science [email protected] 123-456-7890

January 23, 2024

Zachary Steinbrenner Head of Data Analytics Google 123 Pretend Rd. Anycity, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Steinbrenner,

My name is Priya Shah, and I have long been following your contributions in the fields of data science and analytics. As a fellow data scientist, I would love to connect and explore possibilities for collaboration and networking.

I started my journey with data science by completing a master’s degree in Data Science and Analytics from the University of Michigan, where I specialized in predictive modeling. This provided me with a solid foundation in computational techniques which now help me excel in my role at Insight Analytics and Science.

Your recent work on developing the advanced predictive modeling system for urban planning has been particularly inspiring to me, and the impact of it, as well as that of your team, is clearly felt through the reduction of traffic congestion in the area. This project mirrors my own interest in the clever use of data as a tool to solve real-world problems, particularly in the realm of urban sustainability.

Connecting with you would be a fantastic opportunity that would allow me to learn from an industry expert I admire. In return, I should be happy to contribute to any open-source projects your team might be working on as a way to develop my skills and lend my time to a cause I believe in.

Thank you for your consideration. I would be delighted to arrange a meeting or a call to discuss this at your convenience.

Priya Shah 123-456-7890

Letter of Introduction for Teaching Positions

Nikos Mitrakas [email protected] 123 Pretend Rd. Anycity, NY 54321 123-456-7890

September 19, 2024

Dr. Mila Rosenberg Principal Lincoln High School 123 Pretend Rd. Anycity, NY 54321

Dear Dr. Rosenberg,

I trust that this message finds you well. My name is Nikos Mitrakas, and I used to be a student at Lincoln High nearly 10 years ago. Now, with my own academic journey nearing completion, I am reaching out to express an immense interest in returning to the institution that shaped my educational path, this time in the role of a chemistry teacher.

Lincoln High and the excellent guidance of Mr. Janecki, spurred in me an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a love for biochemistry that inspired me to pursue a master’s in Chemistry from Boston University. Having also completed a second degree in Education, I feel ready to help shape young minds at the very school that ignited my passion.

In my previous role at Brighton Secondary School, I focused on helping my students learn the complexities of chemistry. As a result, they achieved a consistent 20% increase in their standardized test scores in the subject. I also led a team of students to win a national competition in 2023, which is now one of my proudest achievements.

I would love to discuss the opportunity to discuss how my skills in curriculum development and engaging teaching could contribute to Lincoln High. Please let me know a time and date when it might be possible for us to meet.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Nikos Mitrakas

Maximizing the Impact of Your Letter of Introduction

Maximizing the Impact of Your Letter of Introduction

You only get one shot at making a fantastic first impression, so before you hit that enticing “Send” button, here’s how to make sure that your letter of introduction is really the best it can be.

Pro tips for an impressive letter of introduction

Here’s a bite-sized guide to writing a letter of introduction that the recipient will be floored by:

  • Tailor it to the recipient. No one likes receiving spam mail out of nowhere, and if your letter is generic, that’s what it’s going to be taken as. Address the recipient by name and express interest in them and their work in the very first paragraph.
  • Keep it professional but not boring. Talking as if you swallowed a thesaurus is unwelcome, even if you’re writing to a person who holds a doctorate in English Literature. Keep your tone professional but engaging.
  • Be concise. Keep your letter direct and to the point. We recommend sticking to 3 to 4 paragraphs for the best effect.
  • Proofread. Proofread once, and then do it some more. An ill-timed typo can ruin all your efforts.

The Path Forward: Using Your Letter of Introduction to Open Doors

Using Your Letter of Introduction to Open Doors

Now that your letter of introduction is as perfect as it can be, it’s time to fight a different sort of demon—your own confidence.

Look, we know it’s hard to put yourself out there—we’ve all been there. But, if you’ve read through your letter time and time again and perhaps slept on it for a night to be extra sure, there’s nothing more to be done than to just send it .

March in there with confidence and introduce yourself. It might get you a cool new job, a business collaboration that helps you scale your company to new heights, or help you connect with that pro expert you only know from LinkedIn posts.

In any case, if you don’t try, you’ll never know—so go ahead and send your letter!

Letter of Introduction FAQs

The general idea of an introduction letter is that it’s meant to introduce someone or something to a person or an organization. Unlike other types of correspondence, such as cover letters or letters of interest , letters of introduction serve as the “Hello” that opens the door to something more.

For a successful cover letter or letter of introduction, personalize the first paragraph to the maximum. Include a mention of what interests you in that particular company or person, and then, tie that into how it perfectly aligns with your own experience.

No, it’s not the same, but it can be similar. Letters of introduction can sometimes be sent out as a way to apply for a job that hasn’t been officially listed. In such cases, they’re similar, but in others, they can be vastly different. Cover letters are always targeted at a particular job that you’re applying to.

You absolutely can. While it’s common for another person to introduce you to a new contact, you can also introduce yourself. If you have a mutual contact, it’s not a bad idea to refer to them in your letter, as that will build the reader’s confidence in connecting with you.

If you’re serving as the person who introduces someone to a person you already know, make the new contact the focus of the letter. You already know your colleague or business partner, so it’s okay to keep it less formal.

Drive a connection to something you share with your contact, then go on to introduce the person you’re writing about. Discuss their job title and responsibilities, and make sure to finish with a clear call to action that tells your colleague what you’d like them to do once they’ve been introduced.

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Writing a Letter of Introduction for Employment

Quick Navigation:

What is a letter of introduction for employment?

What should be included in a letter of introduction for employment, how to write a letter of introduction for employment, letter of introduction for employment example.

A letter of introduction can serve as a professional connection between you and an associate’s next employment opportunity. People who are between jobs or careers, have recently moved to a new city or are simply having a hard time networking may need to ask you for a letter of introduction. This letter can establish a connection to help that individual find their next professional position. This article will explain the purpose of a letter of introduction for employment and how to write one when someone asks you for an introduction letter.

A letter of introduction for employment is a type of communication, usually an email or a formal business letter, that is used to introduce two people in your network. Essentially, you’re writing this letter to help someone attain a position of employment. 

During your career, you may need to write these letters to introduce:

  • New team members
  • Job candidates
  • Customers or clients
  • Freelancers or contractors

A professional letter of introduction can provide context and background related to the person you are introducing. A letter of introduction is a respectful way of getting a person’s name in front of influential people without imposing on their time.

An introduction letter for employment is not a resume, cover letter, reference letter or biography that covers every aspect of someone’s life. Rather, it is a concise and clear explanation as to why you’re writing and how the introduction may be beneficial to the reader. While a letter of introduction for employment may be used in various situations, there are a few standard components that should be included. As you begin writing the letter, be sure to only include pertinent information that may be beneficial to all parties.

Today, most letters of introduction will be sent via email. When composing the message, make sure to use clear, unambiguous language. Many people who are short on time may not even read a lengthy email. Therefore, it is a good idea to write your email as concisely as possible without leaving out any critical information.

Here are some steps to follow as you begin writing a letter of introduction for employment:

1. First, start with a greeting and explanation of why you’re writing the letter

Compose a brief greeting to the influential party to begin the letter. You should include their name on the first line, followed by a social opener. 

Example greeting:

Hi Shanice, I hope you’re having a great week!

2. Second, add a short description of why you’re introducing the two parties

Explain why you’re contacting the influential person to provide context.

Example description or reason why you are writing:

I’m writing as a follow-up to our department meeting about streamlining some of our accounting tasks.

3. Next, include any relevant details such as the name, current position and your knowledge of the person you’re introducing

Present these details and identify why you think their experience relates to the reader.

Example of introduction details:

I’d like to formally introduce you to David Miller. I worked with David at Ackermann Foods, where he held the title of finance project manager. During this time, he helped lead our department through the process of streamlining our accounting system.

4. Then, give the reason you think the two parties would benefit from an introduction

Explain why and how you’re planning on making an in-person introduction. This is the ideal time to mention why you think the two parties should meet.

Example of the reason why you would like to plan an introduction:

After speaking with David about our department meeting, he mentioned that he could assist us in streamlining our accounting tasks. He also stated that his latest project is coming to an end and that he would be happy to meet with us next week about joining the team.

5. Next, include contact information on behalf of the person you’re writing the letter of introduction for

Be sure to include their email address or other relevant contact information. Do not CC the person that you are introducing, as this may make the recipient feel uncomfortable.

Example of contact information to include:

If you feel that David may be a good fit for the team or if you have a question, feel free to contact him at [email protected] or on his cell phone at 555-312-8788.

6. Then, conclude with any other vital information and next steps

Be sure to include any other relevant details that the recipient should be informed about.

Example of how to include next steps:

I’m going to meet with David next week. If you would like me to introduce you to him, I will gladly do so. Please let me know by Friday.

7. Finally, add your name and current position

End the correspondence with a professional closing like ‘Thanks for your time’ or ‘Best regards.’ On the next line, add your name, title and contact information. If you’re writing a physical letter, add your signature before the contact information.

Example of professional closing: 

Sincerely, Margaret Yang Controller [email protected]

Here is an example of a letter of introduction for employment that you can use when creating your own: 

Dear Rachel,

I hope you had a great weekend! I’m writing to you today because I know that there is a sales position currently open. I’d like to introduce you to Duncan Washington. I worked with him at Justworks, where he was the No. 3 salesperson. After I spoke with Duncan and explained our basic requirements, he was excited about the possibility of meeting you.

If you feel that Duncan may be a good fit for the team or if you have a question, feel free to contact him at [email protected] or on his cell phone at 555-321-7777.

You can also read more about Duncan’s experience at

Best Regards, Emily Sprout Marketing Director [email protected]

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Letter of Introduction Examples and Writing Tips

introduction letter when starting a new job

Types of Introduction Letters

Tips for writing a letter of introduction, letter of introduction examples, related types of letters.

Sam Edwards / Getty Images

Do you need to write a letter introducing yourself to a prospective employer, networking contact, or potential new client? A well-written letter of introduction can result in a valuable relationship, and help you find a new job or acquire a new client. As a result, you should learn why and how to send a letter, email, or LinkedIn message introducing yourself that makes the best possible impression on the reader.

Not every networking success story involves a direct connection. Sometimes, it’s less about who you know, and more about who your friends know. A letter of introduction is one way to forge a new connection.

There are two types of letters of introduction.

In the first type, you introduce a connection to someone else you know. That someone might be a potential candidate for employment, or someone looking for career assistance.

In the other type of letter of introduction, you write to someone you haven’t met. You introduce yourself to ask them for a  job referral  or  request assistance with a job search.

A letter of introduction can be a useful way to network and gain job search advice, or even possibly a job opportunity.

The most important tip to remember when writing a letter of introduction is to keep it short and to the point. The person you are contacting is a busy professional, and you want to get his or her attention right away.

Use a Professional Tone

When writing your letter, make sure the tone matches your relationship. If you are close friends, you can write in a slightly less formal style. However, if you are introducing yourself, make sure your letter is extremely professional.

Mention Who You're Introducing

First, include a quick introduction that explains who you are, or a short synopsis of the person you are introducing.

Explain Why You're Writing

Then, briefly describe what you would like to accomplish by sending your letter. Does the other person wish to apply for a job opening? Are you hoping to set up an  informational interview  for yourself? Be as clear as possible.

Share Your Contact Information

Conclude with a description of how the recipient of the letter can either get in touch with you or the third party. Make it as easy as possible for the recipient to respond.

Proofread and Edit

Whether or not you are already acquainted, be sure to thoroughly edit and proofread your letter before sending it.

In many cases, the letter can be sent via email because that's the quickest and easiest way to connect.

This is a letter of introduction example for introducing two people. This type of letter is typically sent to someone you know well. Download the letter of introduction template (compatible with Google Docs and Word), or see below for more examples.

The Balance

Letter of Introduction Example: Introducing Two People

Barbara Nygaard 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-212-1234

April 11, 2024

Bob Smith Talent Evaluation Acme Recruiting 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

I'm writing to introduce you to Janice Dolan, who I have the pleasure of being acquainted with through the Brandon Theater Group. I am the Technical Director for the group, as you know, and I have worked with Janice on several local theater projects. She is a terrific stage manager with over ten years of experience.

Janice is interested in relocating to the San Francisco area soon and would appreciate any recommendations you could offer her for conducting a job search for a theater position and any help you can provide with the logistics of relocating to California.

I've attached her resume for your review, and you can contact her at or 555-555-5555. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Barbara Nygaard

Letter Introducing Yourself

This letter is an example of a letter written to introduce yourself.

Letter of Introduction Example Introducing Yourself

Subject: Introduction From Katherine Sussman

Dear Mr. Randall,

My name is Katherine Sussman, and I am currently a recruitment associate for XYZ Recruiting. I have been working as a recruiter for the past three years.

I am interested in moving from recruitment work in a large corporation to internal recruitment for a nonprofit. I used to work in development for ABC Nonprofit and would love to bring my current skills to a similar nonprofit. I know you do this kind of work for Sunshine Nonprofit, and I would appreciate hearing a bit about your experience in this field. I would love to arrange a time to meet with you for an informational interview.

I have attached my resume for your review. If you have time for a brief conversation, please let me know. You can contact me via email ( or phone (555-555-5555). I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you so much.

Katherine Sussman

More Introduction Letter Examples

Here's more information on introducing yourself, including how to introduce yourself in a job interview, and tips on reaching out to others for career advice.

  • Tips for Writing a Letter Requesting Career Advice
  • How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview
  • How to Introduce Yourself at a Job Fair

People often confuse a letter of introduction with other types of job search letters:

A cover letter is a document sent with your resume and other job application materials. Your cover letter serves as an introduction to your resume. Sometimes, you’ll mention a referral from a mutual acquaintance who told you about the job or passed on the hiring manager’s name. The letter explains why you are qualified for the specific job for which you are applying.

A referral letter is a letter you write to someone you don’t know following a lead by a mutual acquaintance. In the letter, you would begin by mentioning your common contact, and then make your request—perhaps you are applying to a job they have available, or you are looking to conduct an informational interview or learn about career opportunities.

A letter of recommendation is a letter written by someone who is familiar with your academic work or your job skills and can endorse your candidacy for a position. The letter would be addressed to the admission officer, department head, or hiring manager, and would include specific skills and experiences that highlight your suitability for the position you’re applying to.

Key Takeaways

  • A letter of introduction can forge a new connection. Use these letters to introduce yourself to a potential new client or employer, or to do the same for one of your contacts.
  • Keep your letter concise and to the point. The reader is a busy professional. State your purpose early on.
  • If time is of the essence, emailing your note can help make an introduction quickly.
  • Edit and proofread before sending. Even if you know the recipient well, make sure your letter is perfect before you mail or send it.

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Letter Of Introduction: Examples And Tips

  • Best Business Salutations
  • Letter of Introduction
  • Close a Business Letter
  • Job Application Letter
  • Business Letter Layout
  • To Whom It May Concern
  • Letter Of Interest
  • Letter Envelope
  • Experience Letter
  • How To Write A Letter

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There may come a time when you have to introduce yourself to someone you’ve never met. Writing a letter of introduction is a great way to do this.

Whether you’re introducing yourself or someone else, we’ll go over how to write a letter introducing yourself, provide a sample letter introducing yourself, as well as some tips to keep in mind when writing a letter of introduction.

Key Takeaways

Your letter of introduction should be professional but still personable.

You can write a letter of introduction to introduce yourself to a stranger or to introduce one acquaintance to another.

A letter of introduction is not the same as a cover letter , a letter of recommendation, or a referral letter.

Letter of Introduction

Types of introduction letters

How to write a letter of introduction, letter of introduction examples, letter of introduction templates, tips for writing a letter of introduction, what an introduction letter isn’t, letter of introduction faq.

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The two main types of introduction letters are when you write to someone you haven’t met or to introduce a connection to someone you know. Here is more detail on the two types of introduction letters:

A letter of introduction for yourself. If you’re writing to introduce yourself, it’s usually to share what you do and ask about any job opportunities they know of or advice they may have for where to apply. Maybe you’ve moved to a new city and need some guidance for your job search , or perhaps you found a company that you’d absolutely love to work for, but there aren’t any job openings that fit your skill set.

A letter of introduction for someone else to a person you already know. If you’re writing to introduce someone else, it’s often for the same reasons as you would write to introduce yourself , but there are some additional situations where this may be necessary:

You may need to introduce a new team member to the rest of your colleagues.

You may need to introduce a client to their new account representative .

You may need to introduce a contractor or freelancer to a coworker for a special project.

To write a letter of introduction, start with a professional salutation and then state your reason for writing. Here is a more detailed list of how to write a letter of introduction:

Begin your letter with a professional salutation followed by a brief sentence or two about who you’re introducing, whether it’s yourself or another person. Be sure to include any qualifications or connections that make the person relevant to the recipient.

Some examples of professional salutations include:

Dear Mr./Mrs. [Last name]

State your reason for writing. The next paragraph or two should be about why you’re introducing them and what you’re asking of the recipient. This will vary depending on the situation, but make the purpose of the letter clear.

Explain why the subject is relevant to the recipient. Regardless of whether you’re introducing yourself or someone else, explain why this person is of interest to the recipient. The goal is to create a connection out of basically nothing, and you need to be compelling to achieve that.

Suggest how the two parties may benefit from further discussion. Next, mention how both individuals would benefit from meeting and indicate why you believe that.

End with a call to action. The final paragraph explains any next steps that need to be taken and should include the contact information of the person you’re introducing. If there needs to be a follow-up meeting or if the person you’re introducing is going to be reaching out, be sure to include that information as well. This is also a good place to mention any additional documents such as a resume or portfolio you’ve attached.

Thank the recipient for their time , sign your name, and add your contact information if you haven’t already included it.

Here are some example letters of introduction for introducing yourself to someone new or introducing a connection to someone else:

Introducing yourself example introduction letter. Here is an example of a letter of introduction written to introduce yourself. This one is formatted as a formal, physical letter, but you can put the same message in an email format.

Dear Mr. Marshall, My name is Mika Stevens, and I’ve been a sales associate at Worker Enterprises in Albany, New York , for the past four years. While I’ve enjoyed my time at Worker Enterprises, I’m going to be moving to Charleston in the next few months and am looking for new professional opportunities there. I’ve heard positive things about your company over the years, and I would appreciate any recommendations you could offer for beginning a job search as a sales representative in Charleston. I have included my resume for your review, and if you have time, I’d love to talk with you for a few minutes about any suggestions you may have for me. Please let me know when would be best for you. My email address is [email protected] and my phone number is 432-543-6543. Thank you so much for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Mika Stevens (handwritten signature) Mika Stevens

Introducing someone else example letter of introduction. Here’s another example of an introduction letter, this time for when you’re introducing someone else to a colleague you know well. This one is formatted as an email instead of a formal letter.

Subject: Introduction From Allison Parker Hi Jim, I hope your week is going well! I’m writing to introduce you to a past intern of ours, Bryce Howard. Bryce is a recent college graduate who has a degree in information technology, and he is interested in learning more about Ytech and the work you do there. Since you started in IT just a few years ago, I thought you might be able to give him some good insight into what it’s like to work in the field and at your company. I’ve copied him on this email, but in case you need it, his phone number is 222-333-4444. Feel free to reach out with either method and please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you for your help! I hope you have a great rest of your day. Thanks again, Allison

Here are some letter of introduction templates to help you get started on yours:

Letter of introduction template for yourself

Dear [Recipient’s title + last name] , My name is [Your Name] , and I’ve been a [job title] at [company name] for the past [# of years working for the company] . [Reason you’re writing — job opportunity, interest in the industry, details of local opportunities in your field, etc.] I’ve heard nothing but good things about [recipient’s company name] , and I would appreciate any help you could give me regarding [subjects you’re interested in discussing] . I have included [any supporting documents you’re attaching] for you to look over at your convenience. If you have time, I’d greatly appreciate the chance to talk more and hear your suggestions about [what you’re interested in] . You can reach me at [your email address] or call at [your phone number] — whichever works best for you. Thank you so much for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, [Your name]

Letter of introduction template for someone else

Dear [Recipient’s first name] , I hope everything’s going well with you. I’m writing to introduce [person’s full name] , [how you know the person] . [Person’s first name] is [description of the person — job title, area of interest, etc.] Because of your background in [relevant subject] , I thought you might be the perfect person to talk to [person’s first name] . I’ve cc’d [him/her/them] on this email, but you can also contact [person’s first name] at [alternate email] or [phone number] . Thanks for taking the time to look this over and I know [person’s first name] looks forward to hearing from you. Thanks again, [Your name]

Be sure that you address a specific person in your letter and be brief and to the point in your letter. Here are some more tips to keep in mind when writing your letter of introduction:

Address a specific person. When you write a letter of introduction, you need to know exactly who you’re addressing; opening with “ To Whom It May Concern ,” “Dear Sir or Madam,” or “ Dear Hiring Manager ” won’t cut it.

It’s relatively easy to find someone at the company you can write to, and the recipient will be much more receptive to a personalized letter than they would be to a cookie-cutter message.

Even if you aren’t entirely sure that the person is the best one to send your letter to, you can add a caveat and say, “If there is someone else at your company who you feel could better answer my questions, please feel free to forward my message.”

Get to the point. No one wants to read a rambling message about how you met this person at that one amazing conference in New York City where the food was great, but the coffee was only okay, and how you bonded over trying to find a good coffee shop.

Match your tone to your relationship. If you know the person you’re writing to and are introducing someone else to them, you can be a bit more casual in your letter.

Research the recipient. Whether you’re writing to a prospective employer, client, or partner , knowing their background will help simplify your writing process. You’ll know what tone to take and what qualities they’ll value most (and should therefore highlight).

Proofread it multiple times. No matter how well you know the person you’re writing to, always check your letter several times for grammatical, spelling, and formatting errors. This will ensure that your letter maintains its professionalism and reflects well on you.

Say thank you. And no, using “thank you” as your signoff isn’t enough. Whether you get a response to your letter or not, you need to thank the recipient for their time and consideration.

Follow up. This is an optional step but following up can help answer any questions or provide any additional introduction details.

It’s crucial that you also know the difference between an introduction letter and some other, similar professional letters. Introduction letters aren’t cover letters or letters of recommendations.

These letters may share some of the aspects of an introduction letter, but they aren’t interchangeable. Here is a more detailed list of what an introduction letter isn’t:

A cover letter. While you are technically introducing yourself in a cover letter , it serves a different purpose than a letter of introduction.

A letter of recommendation. A letter of recommendation or reference letter is written on your behalf by someone familiar with you and your skills but isn’t necessarily familiar with the person they’re writing to.

A referral letter. This type of letter is commonly confused with both a recommendation letter and an introduction letter because it’s a combination of both.

You write a referral letter to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know, just like you do in a letter of introduction, but in this case, you’re doing so because a mutual acquaintance told you to.

What is a letter of introduction for a job?

A letter of introduction for a job is a letter you write to tell an employer that you’re interested in a job and what your qualifications are.

Usually, you write a letter of introduction if you want to work for a company but don’t see any jobs posted that you qualify for. (You don’t generally send a letter of introduction along with a job application.)

How long is a letter of introduction?

A letter of introduction is less than one page long. Your letter of introduction should not be as long as a cover letter, so while a cover letter fills a whole page , just a few paragraphs will suffice for a letter of introduction.

Can I write my own letter of introduction?

Yes, you can write your own letter of introduction. When you do this, state your reason for writing, give a basic overview of your credentials, and include a call to action such as requesting to talk further. Always close by thanking the recipient for their time as well.

What tone should I use when writing a letter of introduction?

You should use a professional tone that matches the relationship you have with the recipient when writing a letter of introduction. While the letter should remain professional, it should also match the relationship with the recipient. For example, if you have a more casual or relaxed relationship, you don’t have to use as many professional terms and you can be more casual in your writing.

Rocklin Alternative Education Center – Letter of Introduction Template

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Abby is a writer who is passionate about the power of story. Whether it’s communicating complicated topics in a clear way or helping readers connect with another person or place from the comfort of their couch. Abby attended Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she earned a degree in writing with concentrations in journalism and business.

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WTO / Letters and Emails / How to Write a Letter of Introduction (with Examples)

How to Write a Letter of Introduction (with Examples)

Across the business world, people are gaining access to jobs, contracts, and networking opportunities by sending an important document. This document is called a letter of introduction, and it is different from cover letters, letters of recommendation, reference letters, and even job application letters.

This letter is just as important, and sometimes, depending on your industry and the purpose of the letter, more important than the above-mentioned letters. In this article, we will go over the definition of a letter of introduction, the importance of this letter, and how to write this letter.

What is a Letter of Introduction

It is a document written to someone in your industry to introduce yourself or another person to them to try to build a business relationship with them or to see if they can assist you in getting a job opportunity or connecting you with other people in your industry in relationships that could be mutually beneficial to both parties.

By this definition, a letter of introduction is a formal way of getting yourself known by people in your industry (usually influential people) without trying to run into them at the mall or in a coffee shop when they are trying to spend some time alone.

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Impact of a Well-Written Letter of Introduction

Many people are so focused on other types of letters, like cover letters and job application letters that they ignore the equally powerful introduction letter. This letter, when done well, can have a lot of impact on how the person on the other side views you.

A good letter can tell the receiver, with a few words, that you are the right person for a job or that working with you could yield tremendous benefits for them. Either way, it helps the person make a key decision.

On the other hand, a poorly written letter could be a serious hit on your credibility and show the person you are looking to work with that you are a terrible fit for them. So how do you write a proper introduction letter for the best benefit available?

How to Write a Letter of Introduction

Writing a good letter is just like cooking: even if you don’t know how to do it, you can pull it off with the right recipe.

You can write a good introduction letter by following a few key steps:

Write a suitable greeting

The letter should be treated as a serious document and, as such, should not have lengthy greetings. A very short greeting like “Dear Jacob. I hope you are doing well” should be fine. Don’t start talking about families or golf to sound friendly. Many serious business people will dump your letter in the trash if you ramble too much.

A brief introduction about yourself

Think about what you do that is beneficial to the reader and focus on that for your introduction about yourself. Don’t add your hobbies, birthplace, or mother’s maiden name unless you are sure it is important to build the relationship you wish to build.

, let’s say you are a freelance graphic designer , writing to the head of graphic design at a video game company you wish to work for. You can say:

“My name is Jill West, and I am a freelance graphic designer with over 2 years’ experience in character design and cover art creation for video games.”

An explanation about why you are writing the letter

This part is very important, and you should spend most of your time here. When writing an explanation, you need to think deeply about why the person on the other end would need your services or your relationship as a business acquaintance. If you are a graphic designer and have noticed some errors in the current design of the company you are writing to, you might want to make a slight reference to them. Or maybe you have seen something that their competitors are doing that they are missing out on.

Whatever it is, try writing in a way that shows that you are a person of value and that meeting with you would be a valuable one.

Information and links to reach you

This letter is written to prompt the person on the other end to want to meet with you, not to make the person hire you immediately. When written properly, the person on the other end will feel the need to contact you to get further information about you and your services. For this reason, you need to include your information, like a phone number or email address. You can also include a website of your portfolio for a quick review.

A remark like “ Best regards ,” “ Warm regards ,” or “ Looking forward to hearing from you ” is a good closing remark to end the letter.

Avoid writing generic letters and copying all of them to various people. Try to write a customized letter for every company executive you send, addressing specific problems in the company and how you plan to use your skills to solve them. You will get more responses that way.

Template Letter of Introduction

[Your Name]

[Your Position/Title] (if applicable)

[Your Contact Information] (optional)

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Position/Title]

[Company/Organization Name]

[Company/Organization Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am [your position, relationship to the recipient, or reason for writing if you are introducing yourself]. I am writing to you today to [briefly state the purpose of the letter, e.g., introduce a new team member, express interest in a job opportunity, propose a potential collaboration, etc.].

[If introducing someone else:]

I would like to introduce [Name of the person being introduced], who has recently joined [Your Company/Organization Name] as a [Position of the person being introduced]. [Name] comes to us with an extensive background in [briefly describe the person’s background, experience, or relevant achievements]. I believe [Name] will be a valuable addition to our team and can significantly contribute to [specific project, goal, or the recipient’s needs].

[If introducing yourself:]

I am reaching out to introduce myself and to express my interest in [specific opportunity, area of collaboration, or reason for reaching out]. With a background in [briefly describe your background, experience, or relevant achievements], I am eager to explore how my expertise can align with the goals of [Recipient’s Company/Organization Name] or how we might work together in the future.

[Optional: Next Steps or Call to Action]

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further with you at your convenience. [If introducing someone else, you might add: “I have asked [Name] to reach out to you directly to schedule a meeting.” If introducing yourself, consider: “I am available for a meeting or a call at your convenience to discuss potential synergies between our work.”]

Please find attached [mention any attachments, e.g., resume, portfolio, business proposal, etc.]. I look forward to the possibility of working together and am happy to provide any additional information needed.

Thank you for considering this introduction. I hope to hear from you soon.

Warm regards,

[Your Signature] (if sending a hard copy)

[Your Typed Name]

Types of Introduction Letter

It gives the reader an idea about the person that you’re introducing. The good thing about an introductory letter is that it can be as elaborate as you choose, with no restrictions. You can introduce yourself, a second person, or even your company and services to the reader, giving them an overview of who you are and what you do.

There are different types of introduction letters, as discussed below :

Introduction on your behalf

This type of letter is written to introduce yourself to a businessperson you wish to help you get opportunities with or make acquaintances with. In this letter type, you can give detailed information about your qualifications, and services and promote your ideas that may be beneficial to the reader. You must be able to describe yourself in the best light and also capture the reader’s attention.

An example of such a letter is given below:

Sample letter

Dear Professor Lee,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is Dr. Alex Rivera, and I am an Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Green Earth, where I specialize in sustainable urban development and green infrastructure projects. I have followed your work and the initiatives of the Global Innovation Institute with great interest, particularly your recent projects on renewable energy solutions for urban areas.

The purpose of my writing to you today is to explore the possibility of a collaborative effort between our institutions. I believe that a partnership could leverage our mutual interests in sustainable urban planning and significantly contribute to the advancement of practical, eco-friendly solutions in our cities.

My recent projects include the development of a rainwater harvesting system designed for urban residential areas and a study on the impact of green roofs on air quality in metropolitan environments. I am keen to discuss how these projects might align with your current research interests and explore areas where we could collaborate, perhaps in joint research initiatives, shared grant applications, or co-authoring articles for publication.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further with you at your convenience. I am available for a meeting or a call to delve into potential synergies between our work and to identify specific areas where a collaboration could be most fruitful. Please find attached my curriculum vitae, which provides a detailed overview of my projects and publications.

Thank you very much for considering this proposal for collaboration. I am excited about the prospect of combining our expertise to contribute to meaningful and impactful research in the field of sustainable development. I look forward to the possibility of working together and am happy to provide any additional information needed.

Dr. Alex Rivera

Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences

University of Green Earth

[email protected]

Introduction on behalf of someone else

This type is written on behalf of another party. The writer serves as a guarantor for the person on whose behalf they are writing. To write an excellent introduction letter on behalf of someone else, you must know that person’s best traits and polish them to captivate the reader’s attention.

An example is given below:

Dear Thomas,

I hope this message finds you well. It’s been a while since we last caught up at the Global Tech Symposium, and I hope all is progressing well with your projects at Advanced Solutions Group.

I am writing to you today to introduce a remarkable individual, Jamie Lin, who has recently concluded an internship with us at Tech Innovations Inc. Jamie graduated with honors in Computer Science from Stanford University and has shown exceptional skill and dedication in the field of software development, particularly in AI and machine learning applications.

During Jamie’s time with us, they contributed significantly to the development of our AI-driven analytics platform, showcasing not only technical expertise but also a remarkable ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams. Jamie’s innovative approach and problem-solving skills have been invaluable to our project’s success, and I have no doubt they will bring the same level of excellence and dedication to any future endeavors.

Given your company’s leading work in AI solutions and Jamie’s interest in applying their skills to innovative projects, I thought it prudent to make this introduction. I believe Jamie would be an excellent fit for your team, and their skill set aligns well with the pioneering work being done at Advanced Solutions Group.

Jamie is currently exploring new opportunities where they can further develop and apply their skills. I have attached Jamie’s resume for your consideration and would be happy to provide any additional information or facilitate a meeting between you two.

Thank you for considering this introduction. I believe that Jamie could significantly contribute to your team and that Advanced Solutions Group could provide the challenging and innovative environment Jamie is seeking.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions or need further details. I look forward to the possibility of seeing Jamie thrive in an environment as dynamic and forward-thinking as yours.

Best regards,

Maria Gonzalez

Director of Engineering

Tech Innovations Inc.

[email protected]

Email introduction

When writing an email, you have to pay specific attention to the headline of the email. Write a headline that will prompt the reader to open it. For the example we’ve been using, you can write a headline like “Graphic design for XXXX company” to get the attention of the receiver.

Subject: Introduction – Exploring Collaboration Opportunities in Renewable Energy

Dear Dr. Thompson,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Jordan Lee, and I am a Renewable Energy Consultant with GreenTech Innovations, based in San Francisco. I recently came across your insightful article on the future of solar energy technologies in the “Innovative Energy Journal,” and I was truly impressed by your forward-thinking approach and the practical applications of your research.

With over five years of experience in the renewable energy sector, focusing primarily on solar and wind energy projects, I have developed a keen interest in how emerging technologies can be integrated into existing energy systems to enhance efficiency and sustainability. My work has involved collaborating with technology developers, policy makers, and academic researchers to pilot innovative energy solutions in urban environments.

Given the alignment of our interests and expertise, I am reaching out to explore the possibility of collaborating with you. I believe that combining our knowledge and networks could lead to impactful advancements in renewable energy applications. Specifically, I am interested in discussing potential joint research initiatives or co-authoring a paper on the integration challenges and opportunities for solar technologies in urban areas.

I will be in Boston for the Renewable Energy Conference next month, from the 15th to the 17th, and I wonder if you might be available for a coffee or a brief meeting. It would be a great opportunity to discuss our mutual interests in person and explore how we might collaborate effectively.

Please find attached my resume and a summary of a recent project I led, which I believe might be of interest to you. I am very much looking forward to the opportunity to discuss this further.

Thank you for considering my proposal, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Renewable Energy Consultant

GreenTech Innovations

[email protected]

(555) 123-4567

Uses of Introduction Letters

An introduction letter is important to the following groups of people:

Job seekers

Job seekers can build solid connections and even get jobs directly by attaching a good introduction letter. It is also extremely effective for job seekers when done by someone in authority in an attempt to connect them with other major players in the industry.

Real estate

Real estate agencies can send letters of introduction to leads in an attempt to get them to work with them to buy, sell, and rent properties for the customer. If you have been able to generate powerful leads in the industry, the next thing you should consider doing is sending them an introduction letter to open the lines of communication between you and the prospective customer.


As seen in the example above, freelancers can get great jobs and opportunities by sending letters of introduction to companies and agencies they wish to work with. They can also rely on help from big influences in the industry to help them get introduced to other major players in the industry they work in.

Business-to-business sales

Business executives can open lines of communication with one another by sending letters of introduction. These letters are aimed at other executives in companies they wish to work with and can help build great business relationships.

Searching for new distributors

For companies that wish to expand their sales into new states or cities, sending this letter to established distributors is a good way to start a business relationship between both parties. The distributors can help you sell more of your products in the new city you wish to venture into.

Tips and Tricks for You

There are some additional spices or tricks you can add to your recipe to make it tastier to the recipient:

Do a proper analysis

Before sending this letter, think about why the company needs your services. Learn more about the company you wish to work for and try to identify the key people to send your letter to. If possible, call to find out who is in charge of the department you want to work in and try to send that person the letter directly.

Try to know the company culture

Knowledge of the company culture can be really helpful in writing a specific letter that will resonate with the person you are writing it to.

Keep it brief and to the point

Many company executives are busy people. They don’t have time to read about your family history or why your mother, who needs surgery, needs the money. Be brief and remove everything that does not directly address why you are sending them the letter.

Tell about your purpose first

Hit the nail on the head. Tell them the reason why you are writing the letter to them as soon as possible because many executives will scan your letter, and if they don’t find a purpose, they will dump it.

Frequently Asked Questions

As long as it needs to be. Ensure you don’t write one extra word more than is required. Generally, two to three paragraphs apart from the greeting should do the job.

No, a cover letter is usually written along with an application or resume. A letter of introduction is a standalone document.

If you follow the steps outlined in this article, you should have no problem writing a killer introduction letter. Remember to spend some time researching the company and the company executive you wish to write to. It also helps to outline the services you can provide and how you think they can be helpful to the company.

About This Article

Michael R. Lewis

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50 Example Phrases: How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview

By Editorial Team on January 9, 2024 — 9 minutes to read

How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview

When introducing yourself in a job interview, it’s important to tailor your introduction to the specific job you are applying for.

To customize your introduction:

  • Research the company and job position : A successful introduction demonstrates your knowledge about the company and the position you’re pursuing. Take the time to learn about the organization’s values, culture and key accomplishments. Understand the main requirements and duties of the job, and be prepared to discuss how your skills or experience relate to them. Example: “I’m very excited to be here for this marketing coordinator position. I’ve been following your company’s growth and the award-winning campaigns you’ve produced, and I feel strongly aligned with your innovative and results-driven approach.”
  • Highlight relevant skills and experience : You don’t need to list all your skills or work accomplishments. Choose a few that are directly related to the job and will be of interest to the interviewer. Focus on your strengths that match the position’s requirements and explain how they can benefit the company. Example: “In my previous role as a content marketing specialist, I gained experience in writing engaging newsletters, managing multiple social media accounts, and coordinating with freelance designers. I believe my background in content creation and project management would make me a valuable member of your team.”
  • Connect your values to the company’s : Emphasize the shared beliefs that make you a good fit for the organization. Talk about what you admire in their work and demonstrate how your personal values align with the company’s mission or culture. Example: “I value your company’s focus on sustainability and community involvement, as I have been volunteering at a local environmental nonprofit for the past two years. I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute to your marketing initiatives and benefit both the environment and our community.”

Examples of Effective Introductions

  • The Classic Approach: Start by briefly mentioning your name, current role, and your key accomplishments. For example, “I’m Alex. I recently completed my degree in Marketing and managed a successful social media campaign for my university’s annual event.”
  • Highlight Your Skills: Mention one or two skills that are relevant to the role you’re applying for. You could say, “I’m a web developer with extensive experience in JavaScript and PHP, and I’ve created several high-performing websites for local businesses.”
  • Connect with the Company: Show your enthusiasm and knowledge about the company by mentioning a specific project or accomplishment that resonates with you. For instance, “I’m a graphic designer with a passion for eco-friendly product packaging. I was impressed by your recent sustainable packaging initiative and would love to contribute my creativity to your team.”
  • Tell a Short Story: Use a brief, engaging anecdote that aligns with the job you’re interviewing for. This can demonstrate your personality and ability to think on your feet. For example, “I’m Emma, last year I organized a charity event where I managed 50 volunteers and raised over $10,000 for a local hospital. I’m excited about the opportunity to apply my project management skills to this position.”
  • Emphasize Mutual Connections: If you have a connection with someone who already works at the company, mentioning it can provide a personal touch. Just make sure to ask for permission first. An example could be, “Hi, I’m Mike. I’ve been working as a data analyst for five years and recently met your colleague, Laura, at a conference. She spoke highly of your company, and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to interview for the team.”

How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview: 50 Example Phrases

  • Hi, my name is [Your Name].
  • Thank you for inviting me to interview for [Position Name].
  • I’m excited to be here and learn more about this opportunity.
  • I’ve always been interested in [Industry Name].
  • My background is in [Your Field].
  • I studied [Your Major] at [Your College/University].
  • While attending [Your College/University], I [Relevant Experience].
  • My most recent role was as a [Your Previous Position].
  • I have [Number of Years] of experience in [Your Area of Expertise].
  • I’ve worked with companies such as [Company Names].
  • I’ve held positions like [List Relevant Positions].
  • I’ve successfully managed projects like [Project Names or Descriptions].
  • My skills include [List Relevant Skills].
  • I’m particularly adept at [Specific Skill or Experience].
  • I pride myself on my strong work ethic and dedication.
  • My attention to detail has led to various successes in my career.
  • I’m a strong communicator, both written and verbal.
  • People often describe me as [Positive Personal Trait].
  • I enjoy working in teams and believe in the importance of collaboration.
  • I excel at working under pressure and meeting tight deadlines.
  • I am particularly passionate about [Area of Interest].
  • In my spare time, I like to [Personal Interest or Hobby].
  • I’m always eager to learn new skills and take on new challenges.
  • I have experience with [Software/Tools] commonly used in this field.
  • I’ve taken courses in [Relevant Coursework].
  • My proudest accomplishment in my career so far was [Achievement].
  • I think my experience aligns well with the requirements for this position.
  • I’m drawn to this opportunity because [What Attracted You to the Job].
  • I believe I can make a strong impact in this role by [How You Can Contribute].
  • I have a proven track record of [Positive Outcome].
  • I’m confident in my ability to take on this role and exceed expectations.
  • I understand the importance of [Key Concept in Industry].
  • I’ve kept up-to-date with recent developments and trends in [Industry].
  • I am well-versed in [Industry Knowledge].
  • My experience includes working with [Diverse Groups or Clients].
  • I’ve honed my leadership skills through [Experience or Specific Role].
  • In addition to my professional experience, I have a [Certification or License].
  • I am fluent in [Languages Spoken].
  • My technical skills include [Programming Languages or Other Technical Skills].
  • My expertise covers [Broad Aspect of Your Field].
  • I’m eager to bring my unique perspective and experiences to this position.
  • I’m confident in my ability to work independently and efficiently.
  • I enjoy connecting with others and building strong relationships.
  • My approach to problem-solving is both analytical and creative.
  • My resilience and adaptability have been valuable assets throughout my career.
  • I have experience working with [Specific Demographics or Clientele].
  • I’ve developed a strong understanding of [Industry-Specific Processes].
  • I’m not afraid to tackle complex projects head-on.
  • I am confident that my experience and passion make me an ideal candidate.
  • I’m looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and grow in this role.

Closing Your Introduction

To leave a lasting impression at the end of your introduction, it’s important to emphasize your enthusiasm for the role and tie your experiences to the position. Use a simple yet strong closing statement that reiterates your enthusiasm for the job. For example, you can say:

Thank you for this opportunity, I am really excited about the prospect of joining your team and believe my skills are a great fit for this position.

When closing your introduction:

  • Reiterate your interest : Showing genuine interest in the job lets potential employers know that you are truly passionate about the role.
  • Highlight your skills again : Remind your interviewers of your key skills and how they make you the ideal candidate. You can use a phrase like “ I am confident that my expertise in [your top skills] would make a valuable contribution to [company name] “.
  • Stay positive and upbeat : Maintain a friendly and positive tone at the end of your introduction to give the interviewer a sense of your attitude and energy.
  • Show gratitude : Don’t forget to express your appreciation for the interview opportunity, because it leaves a good impression and shows your respect for the process.

Following Up After the Interview

In order to make the most of your job interview experience, following up is a crucial step that you should not overlook. Here are some key points to remember when it comes to following up after the interview:

Example 1 Hi [Interviewer’s name], Thank you for taking the time to discuss the [job position] with me. I enjoyed learning more about [company name] and the role, and I believe my skills and experience, such as [mention specific skills], would be a great fit for this position. Please let me know if there’s any additional information I can provide. Best regards, [Your name]

Example 2 Hi [Interviewer’s name],

I hope all is well. I was wondering if there’s any update regarding the [job position] hiring process. You mentioned the selection process might take around two weeks, and I wanted to follow up on my candidacy. Please let me know if you require any further information from me.

  • Keep track of your interviews: It’s helpful to maintain a record of all the companies you have interviewed with, including their contact information, interview date, and position you applied for. This way, you can easily monitor your job search progress and organize your follow-ups in a timely manner.
  • Stay connected on LinkedIn: If you had a positive interview experience and you believe there could be future opportunities at the company, consider connecting with the interviewer or relevant team members on LinkedIn. This can help keep you on their radar for potential future openings and strengthen your professional network.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an effective structure for a self-introduction in a job interview.

An effective structure for a self-introduction consists of a greet, stating your name, a brief overview of your background, sharing your relevant experience and skills, and expressing your interest in the position. This format allows you to convey the most pertinent information while displaying enthusiasm for the opportunity.

What are some key points to include in a self-introduction as a student in an interview?

When you’re a student, key points in your self-introduction should focus on your educational background, any relevant coursework or projects you have completed, and your passions or interests that align with the job at hand. Be sure to mention any extracurricular activities, internships, or volunteer work that showcase your skills and enthusiasm for the position.

Can you provide an example of a good self-introduction for a fresh graduate at a job interview?

“Hello, I’m Jane Smith. I recently graduated from (…) University with a degree in (…). During my time in school, I developed my (…) skills and completed an internship at (…) Company, where I worked on (…). I’m excited to apply my knowledge and skills to this position, and I believe my strong work ethic and eagerness to learn make me a great fit for your team.”

How should an experienced professional introduce themselves in a job interview?

“Hi, I’m John Smith. I have over ten years of experience in the marketing industry, with a focus on digital marketing. I’ve had the privilege to work with clients in various sectors, including finance and technology. My expertise in social media marketing has resulted in increased visibility and revenue for those clients. I’m enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to your organization and help drive further success.”

What are some tips for crafting a memorable and engaging self-introduction for an interview?

To make your self-introduction memorable and engaging, practice emphasizing your unique qualities and experiences that set you apart from other candidates. You can tell a brief, impactful story about a relevant accomplishment or how you overcame a challenge. Also, tailor your introduction to the particular company and role to demonstrate your genuine interest and understanding of their values and goals.

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These Are The Emails You Should Send When You Start A New Job

When you start a new job, one of your first things you should do is build relationships with your coworkers.

These Are The Emails You Should Send When You Start A New Job

[Photo: Mad Fish Digital /Flickr]

BY  Kat Boogaard and The Muse 5 minute read

It’s your first week on the job , and age-old wisdom tells you that it’s important that you make a splash and hit the ground running .

But, uhhh . . . how? What the heck are you supposed to say in order to impress these people who are all still strangers to you?

Start by sending a few of these emails (use your best judgment–there’s no need to clog up people’s inboxes unnecessarily) during your first week on the job.

Related: Do This In Your First Hour, Day, Week, And Month In Your New Job 

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The Best Email to Send Your New Boss Before Your Job Starts

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There’s nothing like making a great first impression. When you walk into a new job on the first day, you want your coworkers—and most importantly, your boss—to know just how friendly and enthusiastic you are.

You probably already showed off these qualities during your interviews and when you accepted the job, but you can also communicate these sentiments in an email to your new boss right before you start the job.

You’re probably writing goodbye emails to your previous coworkers, planning your first-day outfit, researching your commute, and doing all the night-before things on this checklist , so add this quick email to your to-dos as you transition from one job to another.

Taking a few minutes to send a simple email to your future boss will ensure you’re prepared and help cement a great impression as a proactive go-getter before you even walk through the door.

“It’s a chance to reestablish your commitment and excitement and reaffirm that you made the right choice,” says Muse career coach Leto Papadopoulos . You’re telling them, “I can’t wait to be there, and this is the job I want.”

What should your email actually say? It should express your gratitude, show your excitement, confirm your start date, find out what you can do to prepare for a successful first day, and ask any lingering questions. Try something like this:

Sample emails to send your new boss before you start

Sample email No. 1:

Hi [Boss’s Name],

I’m so excited to be joining [Company] in [Number of Weeks/Days] and can’t wait to start working with you and the team. Is there anything I can read or do ahead of time that would help me hit the ground running?

Have a great rest of the week and see you on the [Date]!

[Your Name]

Sample email No. 2:

Hi [Boss’s Name]:

I’m looking forward to joining the [Company] team on [Date]! I can’t wait to meet the whole team and dive into my role.

I appreciate you sending me some background information about the company’s history. It provided helpful insight into understanding your mission. Is there anything else I should be reading to help me prepare for my new role?

I was also wondering where I should park on the first day. It looks like there’s a parking garage across the street. Is it OK to park there?

Thank you and have a great rest of the week. See you soon!

Sample email No. 3:

I’m so excited to meet the team and get started in my role as [Role]. Just to confirm, my first day is [Date], and I should be there by [Time].

I know the first day will be focused on getting acquainted with the company and my new coworkers. Is there anything I can do beforehand to prepare? Are there specific documents or other information that I should bring to streamline the onboarding process?

Thanks again for this opportunity! See you on [Date], and I hope you have a great day.

Sample email No. 4:

I’m looking forward to starting at [Company] on [Date]. I’ve always wanted to work for an organization with such a strong sustainability mission, and I can’t wait to contribute to the impact you make.

I’ve completed the new employee checklist and onboarding paperwork that you sent me, and I will bring that on the first day. Is there anything else that I can do to prepare in advance?

Thanks again for this exciting opportunity. I hope you have a great day—and, see you soon!

If there’s a skill or program you know will be a major part of the job—and you don’t have much prior experience with it—Papadopoulos says you can mention it in your email and ask your new boss if there’s a website or other resource they’d recommend you review to get acquainted or brush up.

The bottom line

You can of course tweak these templates to sound more like you, or to fit with the company’s culture and level of formality. In general, you should use the same excited and friendly tone you did when you accepted the offer, while keeping it professional, according to Tanaz Mody , Head of People Operations for venture capital firm Lerer Hippeau.

“The timing of this email is also key to setting the tone,” Mody says. In other words, don't send this email on a Friday afternoon before a Monday start date. She says that would be even worse than not sending an email at all, “setting the stage that you don’t plan in advance.”

Mody and Papadopoulos both agree on the biggest catch: If you send this email and your soon-to-be boss replies with something for you to read or do, make sure you follow through! That means keeping an eye on your inbox, responding if needed, and reading or doing whatever they suggest. Otherwise “You’re just going to look like a joke,” Papadopoulos says.

And while you don’t have to send a note like this—Papadopoulos adds that it matters more what you do when you actually show up—it is a great way to demonstrate initiative and that you’re excited about your new role and what you can contribute.

Erica Sweeney contributed to the updated version of this article. 

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A rebuttal: part 3.

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Letter to the Editor (Graphic Illustration/MetroCreative)

This rebuttal continues the “Beware of Biden” 6/2 saga. The Georgia voter scam was last.

Another series of indictments centers around the cache of TOP SECRET documents Trump took with him to Mar a Lago. Requests by national archivists to return documents were ignored. The FBI with a search warrant found many boxes of documents stored everywhere, including the bathroom. Pictures of this made national TV.

W. Nauta, a Trump employee, was indicted because on Trump’s orders he tried to fly documents to another hiding place. While this was going on, employees of Biden and Pence found small quantities of top secret documents in their possession, and these were quickly returned.

Trump’s lawyers are trying for trial delays with frivolous lawsuits and the judge, a Trump appointee, with little experience is actively helping. If Trump were to get elected, she might get an appellate judgeship. The trial delays are Trump’s hope to have federal charges dropped when he wins the election. This is just another indication of Trump’s guilt.

Trump is reputed to share our nuclear submarine with an Australian businessman and other information with someone at his Bedminster club. This is the height of narcissism. I have all this top secret information; therefore I am better than you.

I was in Canada when this happened, and they were furious. We share top secret information, and this includes information sources. All U.S. and the Canadian sources will stop providing information if they are going to be revealed by Trump. It takes a lot of effort to recruit new sources instead of maintaining existing ones. Even worse is death of a revealed source. This is another example of Trump’s narcissism and lack of common sense. He cares more for himself than the country!

Trump’s trial delays lead me to say he is guilty of all charges, in the court of public opinion. The election is like a job interview. Trump’s legal rights can be resolved in court. Writer of the June 2 letter calls Trump a patriot. He got a medical draft deferment and went skiing the next weekend. I served voluntarily while he was skiing. Trump refers to servicemen like John McCain as losers. Some patriot.

If you would not approve of your daughter dating someone with these legal and moral problems, then don’t vote for Trump!

Gregory Cigal


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Introduction of new NHS vaccination programmes against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

Published 24 June 2024

Applies to England

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24 June 2024

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Dear Colleagues,

Introduction of new NHS vaccination programmes against respiratory syncytial virus ( RSV )

Following guidance from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation ( JCVI ), we are writing to systems to set out next steps for delivery of 2 new respiratory syncytial virus ( RSV ) vaccination programmes from 1 September 2024, for older adults and during pregnancy for infant protection.

RSV  is a common respiratory virus that that can cause serious lung infections. While RSV infection can occur at any age, the risk and severity of RSV and its complications are increased in older adults and in neonates and small babies, and it has a considerable impact on individuals and NHS services during the winter months.

Following successful completion of a competitive tender and with funding approved from the Department of Health and Social Care ( DHSC ), we are pleased to be able to provide further information about the programme. We ask that you share this with all local partners involved in commissioning and delivering the programme.

Programme for older adults aged 75 to 79 years old

All adults turning 75 years old on or after 1 September 2024 will be eligible for the routine programme and should be offered a single dose of the RSV vaccine on or after their 75th birthday. A one-off catch-up campaign for those already aged 75 to 79 years old on 1 September 2024 should be undertaken at the earliest opportunity with the aim of completing the majority by 31 August 2025. To offer the best protection, we are asking systems and providers to vaccinate as many people as possible during September and October 2024 prior to the expected RSV season. In line with JCVI guidance, individuals will remain eligible until the day before their 80th birthday, with the exception of people who turn 80 in the first year who have until 31 August 2025 to get vaccinated.

This campaign will be commissioned from general practice as an essential service, starting from 1 September 2024. In addition, NHS England ( NHSE ) will be commissioning a number of community pharmacies to deliver the programme. Further details will be shared in due course.

Programme for pregnant women to protect infants

All women who are at least 28 weeks pregnant (the eligible cohort) on 1 September 2024, should be offered a single dose of the RSV vaccine, through commissioned services. After that, pregnant women will become eligible as they reach 28 weeks gestation and remain eligible up to birth. The ideal opportunity to offer vaccination would be at the 28-week antenatal contact ( ANC ), following prior discussion at the 20-week ANC . Providers should aim to vaccinate those already eligible on 1 September as soon as possible.

Information provided in the annexes of this letter:

Annexe A : detailed information and guidance for healthcare professionals about the RSV older adult offer.

Annexe B : detailed information and guidance for healthcare professionals about the RSV vaccination offer for pregnant women to protect infants and the high-risk infant offer.

Annexe C : detailed information and guidance for healthcare professionals – both programmes.

For any operational queries, please contact your NHS England Regional Public Health Commissioning Team. For clinical queries or queries about supporting programme resources, please email [email protected] .

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in commissioning and delivering the national immunisation programme in England.

Yours sincerely

Steve Russell, National Director of Vaccinations and Screening, NHS England

Dr Mary Ramsay CBE, Director of Public Health Programmes (including immunisation), UK Health Security Agency

Annexe A. Detailed information and guidance for healthcare professionals – Older adult programme

The joint committee on vaccination and immunisation ( jcvi ).

In June 2023, based on impact and cost effectiveness modelling, the JCVI advised that an RSV immunisation programme, that is cost effective, should be developed for older adults aged 75 years old and above. The JCVI further advised it favoured a one-off campaign as the strategy for this programme with the initial offer covering several age cohorts and then a routine programme for those turning 75 years old, with its delivery and implementation to be determined through further consultation between NHS England, DHSC , UKHSA and the devolved administrations.

Funding and service arrangements

Routine NHS-funded vaccinations and immunisations are delivered as essential services under the GP Contract from the 1 September 2024, the RSV vaccination programme will be included, as set out in this letter. Details of how the service will be commissioned will be shared via an NHS England deployment note and relevant contracting arrangements will be put in place accordingly.

Practices will be required to undertake call/recall for patients as they become eligible for the programme from 1 September. Accurate and timely recording of all vaccines given, and good management of all associated documentation, is essential as per the standards set out in the GMS Regulations and Statement of Financial Entitlement ( SFE ).

Funding will be part of the Public Health Allocation to regional commissioners annually to disseminate, as required locally.

Vaccine coverage data collection

Single dose coverage of the RSV vaccination will be collected. GP practice-level RSV vaccine coverage will be based on data automatically uploaded via participating GP IT suppliers to the ImmForm website (a website used by UKHSA and NHS to collect data on vaccine coverage and provide vaccine ordering facilities for the NHS). For the maternal programme, data will be collected monthly with an 8 week lag to allow for transfer of records and recording of live births and immunisations in women’s records. For older adults, data will be collected quarterly.

From September 2024 data will be collected on the following:

For older adults:

Denominator: the number of patients in the relevant age bands registered with a participating GP on the data extraction date.

Numerator: the number of patients in the denominator that have received the RSV vaccine between 1 September 2024 and the extraction date.

The data will be validated and analysed by UKHSA to check data completeness, identify and query any anomalous results and describe epidemiological trends. Reports will be available on GOV.UK.

Annexe B. Detailed information and guidance for healthcare professionals – pregnancy vaccination for infant protection programme

In June 2023, based on impact and cost effectiveness modelling, the JCVI advised that a RSV immunisation programme, that is cost effective, should be developed for infants. Further details can be found in the JCVI RSV statement .

Women should be offered RSV vaccination in each pregnancy from 28 weeks gestation. Infants at high risk of RSV disease should also receive passive immunisation against RSV in accordance with criteria in the Green Book, chapter 27a regardless of whether the mother was vaccinated during the pregnancy.

Where appropriate and in accordance with procurement legislation, the service may be provided under a variation to the NHS Standard Contract with current providers as determined by regional commissioners, based on population need and using the nationally provided template schedules. Where a new non-primary care provider is commissioned in accordance with procurement legislation, then the nationally provided standard contract templates must be used.

Opportunistic or on request GP delivery of immunisations will be commissioned as an essential service in the GP contract. Where commissioners may want general practice to routinely provide this service, this will need to be commissioned locally over and above the core opportunistic or on request offer and giving due regard to procurement legislation.

Funding will be provided as part of the Public Health Allocation to regional commissioners annually to disseminate, as required locally.

Vaccination event data recording

Vaccination events should be recorded using nationally agreed applications. Vaccinations provided in a GP setting will be recorded directly onto GPIT systems. Supporting information on vaccine event recording requirements will be provided to regional commissioners and commissioned providers.

Single dose coverage of the RSV vaccination will be collected.

For the maternal programme:

Denominator: the number of women registered with a participating GP on the data extraction date who delivered in the survey month regardless of gestational age at birth.

Numerator: the number of women in the denominator recorded as having received RSV vaccination between week 28 of pregnancy and delivery.

The data will be validated and analysed by UKHSA to check data completeness, identify and query any anomalous results and describe epidemiological trends.

Annexe C. Detailed information and guidance for healthcare professionals – both programmes

Vaccine supply.

The RSV vaccine Abrysvo® will be made available to order online via the ImmForm website . See the ImmForm helpsheet for information on registering for an ImmForm account. The vaccine is expected to be available to order from early August. The same Abrysvo® vaccine will be used for both the older adult and the infant programmes but will be separate items on ImmForm and the product should be managed independently where possible. Ordering controls may be in place to enable UKHSA to balance incoming supply with demand. Details on ordering will be available on ImmForm and in Vaccine Update in due course. Providers should plan to include Abrysvo® with their usual ImmForm vaccine orders rather than placing additional orders and ensure that local stocks of vaccine are rotated in fridges so that wastage is minimised. It is recommended that practices hold no more than 2 weeks’ worth of stock.

Patient Group Directions (PGDs)

A new RSV PGD template will be produced by UKHSA for NHS England areas to authorise for their commissioned services. This will be available from the PGD collection on GOV.UK.

Information and guidance for healthcare practitioners

Detailed clinical guidance on RSV and RSV vaccination is contained in chapter 27a of Immunisation Against Infectious Disease (the Green Book).

Healthcare practitioner information and guidance to support the RSV programme including an Information for Healthcare Practitioners document and a training slide set will be available from the RSV vaccination programme webpage .

Patient information materials

Patient information materials will be available on the RSV vaccination programme webpage .

All patient facing resources can be ordered free of charge from Health Publications . All users need to register to receive deliveries. If you register as a health professional, you can order 500 to 1,000 copies on the website. For larger quantities, please call 0300 123 1002.

Guidance on informed consent can be found in chapter 2 of the Green Book .

Black Triangle Scheme and reporting suspected adverse reactions

Abrysvo® is part of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s ( MHRA ) Black Triangle Scheme for new medicines and vaccines to allow rapid identification of new safety information. Health professionals and those vaccinated are asked to report suspected adverse reactions through the online Yellow Card scheme , by downloading the Yellow Card app or by calling the Yellow Card scheme on 0800 731 6789 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

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    Letter of introduction template for yourself. Dear [Recipient's title + last name], My name is [Your Name], and I've been a [job title] at [company name] for the past [# of years working for the company]. [Reason you're writing — job opportunity, interest in the industry, details of local opportunities in your field, etc.]

  14. How to Write a Letter of Introduction (with Examples)

    My name is [Your Name], and I am [your position, relationship to the recipient, or reason for writing if you are introducing yourself]. I am writing to you today to [briefly state the purpose of the letter, e.g., introduce a new team member, express interest in a job opportunity, propose a potential collaboration, etc.].

  15. Introduction letter examples, tips and templates

    Letter of introduction examples If you're planning on writing an introduction letter, consider the following examples: Example: Dear Mr Gardener, My name is Bethany Jones, and I'm interested in finding out more about copywriter agency work, a topic you're experienced in with your position at Writing Co. I am currently a freelance copywriter who specialises in writing content for commercial ...

  16. Letter of Introduction Writing Guide + Samples

    If you are writing a letter of introduction to introduce yourself, you can follow a similar structure, though the result may read slightly differently. Here's an example of how you may introduce yourself to a potential new contact: Hi Mr. Shah, My name is Penelope Adamos, and I'm a marketing associate at Firm Y.

  17. How To Write An Introduction Letter (With Types And Samples)

    You can refer to these steps to understand how to write an introduction letter: 1. Consider your audience and purpose. Before writing your letter, take time to reflect on the letter's purpose and audience. By understanding the context of the letter and the expectations of the reader, you can draft a document that uses the correct professional ...

  18. How To Write a Letter of Introduction (With Examples)

    Writing a letter of introduction entails including specific components in a particular order. Follow these steps to create a letter of introduction: 1. Start with a greeting. Start the letter with a greeting. Address the letter to whomever you're sending it to and follow it with a kind message that's positive and short.

  19. Make a Good Impression With a Self-Introduction Email to ...

    Likewise, give your team a little background information about who you are and what your previous professional experience is. 5. Show your enthusiasm. Starting a new job is an exciting endeavor, so show this in your email. By being friendly from the start, you are creating a good first impression for yourself.

  20. 50 Example Phrases: How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview

    How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview: 50 Example Phrases. Hi, my name is [Your Name]. Thank you for inviting me to interview for [Position Name]. I'm excited to be here and learn more about this opportunity. I've always been interested in [Industry Name]. My background is in [Your Field].

  21. These Are The Emails You Should Send When You Start A New Job

    When you start a new job, one of your first things you should do is build relationships with your coworkers. [Photo: Mad Fish Digital /Flickr] BY Kat Boogaard and The Muse 5 minute read

  22. The Best Email to Send Your New Boss Before Your Job Starts

    See you on [Date], and I hope you have a great day. [Your Name] Sample email No. 4: Hi [Boss's Name]: I'm looking forward to starting at [Company] on [Date]. I've always wanted to work for an organization with such a strong sustainability mission, and I can't wait to contribute to the impact you make. I've completed the new employee ...

  23. Climate change is still made up

    Once again, I see another letter from our Climate Gurus that says the sky is falling. We must do something to help Mother Nature. All the gloom and doom of the Climate Change mantra is evident in ...

  24. Mental & Behavioral Health

    • Letter of Introduction (Must be about the position applying for.) • Current Resume • Three (3) professional letters of recommendation (Must be dated within the past year.) • Recommendation letters from co-workers, family, friends, or the community will not meet professional recommendation letters' requirements.

  25. A rebuttal: Part 3

    This rebuttal continues the "Beware of Biden" 6/2 saga. The Georgia voter scam was last. Another series of indictments centers around the cache of TOP SECRET documents Trump took with him to ...

  26. Introduction of new NHS vaccination programmes against respiratory

    This campaign will be commissioned from general practice as an essential service, starting from 1 September 2024. In addition, NHS England ( NHSE ) will be commissioning a number of community ...

  27. The Daily Show Fan Page

    New Episodes Thursdays. Jon Stewart and special guests tackle complex issues. Listen Now. Powerful Politicos. Highlight - President Biden Gives an Oval Office Tour. The Daily Show. 4m; 02/09/2024; Watch this content. Lindsey Graham - Russia, Trump & More - Extended Interview. The Daily Show. 12m;