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Jollibee Foods Corporation Case Analysis and Case Solution

Posted by Peter Williams on Aug-09-2018

Introduction of Jollibee Foods Corporation Case Solution

The Jollibee Foods Corporation case study is a Harvard Business Review case study, which presents a simulated practical experience to the reader allowing them to learn about real life problems in the business world. The Jollibee Foods Corporation case consisted of a central issue to the organization, which had to be identified, analysed and creative solutions had to be drawn to tackle the issue. This paper presents the solved Jollibee Foods Corporation case analysis and case solution. The method through which the analysis is done is mentioned, followed by the relevant tools used in finding the solution.

The case solution first identifies the central issue to the Jollibee Foods Corporation case study, and the relevant stakeholders affected by this issue. This is known as the problem identification stage. After this, the relevant tools and models are used, which help in the case study analysis and case study solution. The tools used in identifying the solution consist of the SWOT Analysis, Porter Five Forces Analysis, PESTEL Analysis, VRIO analysis, Value Chain Analysis, BCG Matrix analysis, Ansoff Matrix analysis, and the Marketing Mix analysis. The solution consists of recommended strategies to overcome this central issue. It is a good idea to also propose alternative case study solutions, because if the main solution is not found feasible, then the alternative solutions could be implemented. Lastly, a good case study solution also includes an implementation plan for the recommendation strategies. This shows how through a step-by-step procedure as to how the central issue can be resolved.

Problem Identification of Jollibee Foods Corporation Case Solution

Harvard Business Review cases involve a central problem that is being faced by the organization and these problems affect a number of stakeholders. In the problem identification stage, the problem faced by Jollibee Foods Corporation is identified through reading of the case. This could be mentioned at the start of the reading, the middle or the end. At times in a case analysis, the problem may be clearly evident in the reading of the HBR case. At other times, finding the issue is the job of the person analysing the case. It is also important to understand what stakeholders are affected by the problem and how. The goals of the stakeholders and are the organization are also identified to ensure that the case study analysis are consistent with these.

Analysis of the Jollibee Foods Corporation HBR Case Study

The objective of the case should be focused on. This is doing the Jollibee Foods Corporation Case Solution. This analysis can be proceeded in a step-by-step procedure to ensure that effective solutions are found.

  • In the first step, a growth path of the company can be formulated that lays down its vision, mission and strategic aims. These can usually be developed using the company history is provided in the case. Company history is helpful in a Business Case study as it helps one understand what the scope of the solutions will be for the case study.
  • The next step is of understanding the company; its people, their priorities and the overall culture. This can be done by using company history. It can also be done by looking at anecdotal instances of managers or employees that are usually included in an HBR case study description to give the reader a real feel of the situation.
  • Lastly, a timeline of the issues and events in the case needs to be made. Arranging events in a timeline allows one to predict the next few events that are likely to take place. It also helps one in developing the case study solutions. The timeline also helps in understanding the continuous challenges that are being faced by the organisation.

SWOT analysis of Jollibee Foods Corporation

An important tool that helps in addressing the central issue of the case and coming up with Jollibee Foods Corporation HBR case solution is the SWOT analysis.

  • The SWOT analysis is a strategic management tool that lists down in the form of a matrix, an organisation's internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats. It helps in the strategic analysis of Jollibee Foods Corporation.
  • Once this listing has been done, a clearer picture can be developed in regards to how strategies will be formed to address the main problem. For example, strengths will be used as an advantage in solving the issue.

Therefore, the SWOT analysis is a helpful tool in coming up with the Jollibee Foods Corporation Case Study answers. One does not need to remain restricted to using the traditional SWOT analysis, but the advanced TOWS matrix or weighted average SWOT analysis can also be used.

Porter Five Forces Analysis for Jollibee Foods Corporation

Another helpful tool in finding the case solutions is of Porter's Five Forces analysis. This is also a strategic tool that is used to analyse the competitive environment of the industry in which Jollibee Foods Corporation operates in. Analysis of the industry is important as businesses do not work in isolation in real life, but are affected by the business environment of the industry that they operate in. Harvard Business case studies represent real-life situations, and therefore, an analysis of the industry's competitive environment needs to be carried out to come up with more holistic case study solutions. In Porter's Five Forces analysis, the industry is analysed along 5 dimensions.

  • These are the threats that the industry faces due to new entrants.
  • It includes the threat of substitute products.
  • It includes the bargaining power of buyers in the industry.
  • It includes the bargaining power of suppliers in an industry.
  • Lastly, the overall rivalry or competition within the industry is analysed.

This tool helps one understand the relative powers of the major players in the industry and its overall competitive dynamics. Actionable and practical solutions can then be developed by keeping these factors into perspective.

PESTEL Analysis of Jollibee Foods Corporation

Another helpful tool that should be used in finding the case study solutions is the PESTEL analysis. This also looks at the external business environment of the organisation helps in finding case study Analysis to real-life business issues as in HBR cases.

  • The PESTEL analysis particularly looks at the macro environmental factors that affect the industry. These are the political, environmental, social, technological, environmental and legal (regulatory) factors affecting the industry.
  • Factors within each of these 6 should be listed down, and analysis should be made as to how these affect the organisation under question.
  • These factors are also responsible for the future growth and challenges within the industry. Hence, they should be taken into consideration when coming up with the Jollibee Foods Corporation case solution.

VRIO Analysis of Jollibee Foods Corporation

This is an analysis carried out to know about the internal strengths and capabilities of Jollibee Foods Corporation. Under the VRIO analysis, the following steps are carried out:

  • The internal resources of Jollibee Foods Corporation are listed down.
  • Each of these resources are assessed in terms of the value it brings to the organization.
  • Each resource is assessed in terms of how rare it is. A rare resource is one that is not commonly used by competitors.
  • Each resource is assessed whether it could be imitated by competition easily or not.
  • Lastly, each resource is assessed in terms of whether the organization can use it to an advantage or not.

The analysis done on the 4 dimensions; Value, Rareness, Imitability, and Organization. If a resource is high on all of these 4, then it brings long-term competitive advantage. If a resource is high on Value, Rareness, and Imitability, then it brings an unused competitive advantage. If a resource is high on Value and Rareness, then it only brings temporary competitive advantage. If a resource is only valuable, then it’s a competitive parity. If it’s none, then it can be regarded as a competitive disadvantage.

Value Chain Analysis of Jollibee Foods Corporation

The Value chain analysis of Jollibee Foods Corporation helps in identifying the activities of an organization, and how these add value in terms of cost reduction and differentiation. This tool is used in the case study analysis as follows:

  • The firm’s primary and support activities are listed down.
  • Identifying the importance of these activities in the cost of the product and the differentiation they produce.
  • Lastly, differentiation or cost reduction strategies are to be used for each of these activities to increase the overall value provided by these activities.

Recognizing value creating activities and enhancing the value that they create allow Jollibee Foods Corporation to increase its competitive advantage.

BCG Matrix of Jollibee Foods Corporation

The BCG Matrix is an important tool in deciding whether an organization should invest or divest in its strategic business units. The matrix involves placing the strategic business units of a business in one of four categories; question marks, stars, dogs and cash cows. The placement in these categories depends on the relative market share of the organization and the market growth of these strategic business units. The steps to be followed in this analysis is as follows:

  • Identify the relative market share of each strategic business unit.
  • Identify the market growth of each strategic business unit.
  • Place these strategic business units in one of four categories. Question Marks are those strategic business units with high market share and low market growth rate. Stars are those strategic business units with high market share and high market growth rate. Cash Cows are those strategic business units with high market share and low market growth rate. Dogs are those strategic business units with low market share and low growth rate.
  • Relevant strategies should be implemented for each strategic business unit depending on its position in the matrix.

The strategies identified from the Jollibee Foods Corporation BCG matrix and included in the case pdf. These are either to further develop the product, penetrate the market, develop the market, diversification, investing or divesting.

Ansoff Matrix of Jollibee Foods Corporation

Ansoff Matrix is an important strategic tool to come up with future strategies for Jollibee Foods Corporation in the case solution. It helps decide whether an organization should pursue future expansion in new markets and products or should it focus on existing markets and products.

  • The organization can penetrate into existing markets with its existing products. This is known as market penetration strategy.
  • The organization can develop new products for the existing market. This is known as product development strategy.
  • The organization can enter new markets with its existing products. This is known as market development strategy.
  • The organization can enter into new markets with new products. This is known as a diversification strategy.

The choice of strategy depends on the analysis of the previous tools used and the level of risk the organization is willing to take.

Marketing Mix of Jollibee Foods Corporation

Jollibee Foods Corporation needs to bring out certain responses from the market that it targets. To do so, it will need to use the marketing mix, which serves as a tool in helping bring out responses from the market. The 4 elements of the marketing mix are Product, Price, Place and Promotions. The following steps are required to carry out a marketing mix analysis and include this in the case study analysis.

  • Analyse the company’s products and devise strategies to improve the product offering of the company.
  • Analyse the company’s price points and devise strategies that could be based on competition, value or cost.
  • Analyse the company’s promotion mix. This includes the advertisement, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion, and direct marketing. Strategies will be devised which makes use of a few or all of these elements.
  • Analyse the company’s distribution and reach. Strategies can be devised to improve the availability of the company’s products.

Jollibee Foods Corporation Blue Ocean Strategy

The strategies devised and included in the Jollibee Foods Corporation case memo should have a blue ocean strategy. A blue ocean strategy is a strategy that involves firms seeking uncontested market spaces, which makes the competition of the company irrelevant. It involves coming up with new and unique products or ideas through innovation. This gives the organization a competitive advantage over other firms, unlike a red ocean strategy.

Competitors analysis of Jollibee Foods Corporation

The PESTEL analysis discussed previously looked at the macro environmental factors affecting business, but not the microenvironmental factors. One of the microenvironmental factors are competitors, which are addressed by a competitor analysis. The Competitors analysis of Jollibee Foods Corporation looks at the direct and indirect competitors within the industry that it operates in.

  • This involves a detailed analysis of their actions and how these would affect the future strategies of Jollibee Foods Corporation.
  • It involves looking at the current market share of the company and its competitors.
  • It should compare the marketing mix elements of competitors, their supply chain, human resources, financial strength etc.
  • It also should look at the potential opportunities and threats that these competitors pose on the company.

Organisation of the Analysis into Jollibee Foods Corporation Case Study Solution

Once various tools have been used to analyse the case, the findings of this analysis need to be incorporated into practical and actionable solutions. These solutions will also be the Jollibee Foods Corporation case answers. These are usually in the form of strategies that the organisation can adopt. The following step-by-step procedure can be used to organise the Harvard Business case solution and recommendations:

  • The first step of the solution is to come up with a corporate level strategy for the organisation. This part consists of solutions that address issues faced by the organisation on a strategic level. This could include suggestions, changes or recommendations to the company's vision, mission and its strategic objectives. It can include recommendations on how the organisation can work towards achieving these strategic objectives. Furthermore, it needs to be explained how the stated recommendations will help in solving the main issue mentioned in the case and where the company will stand in the future as a result of these.
  • The second step of the solution is to come up with a business level strategy. The HBR case studies may present issues faced by a part of the organisation. For example, the issues may be stated for marketing and the role of a marketing manager needs to be assumed. So, recommendations and suggestions need to address the strategy of the marketing department in this case. Therefore, the strategic objectives of this business unit (Marketing) will be laid down in the solutions and recommendations will be made as to how to achieve these objectives. Similar would be the case for any other business unit or department such as human resources, finance, IT etc. The important thing to note here is that the business level strategy needs to be aligned with the overall corporate strategy of the organisation. For example, if one suggests the organisation to focus on differentiation for competitive advantage as a corporate level strategy, then it can't be recommended for the Jollibee Foods Corporation Case Study Solution that the business unit should focus on costs.
  • The third step is not compulsory but depends from case to case. In some HBR case studies, one may be required to analyse an issue at a department. This issue may be analysed for a manager or employee as well. In these cases, recommendations need to be made for these people. The solution may state that objectives that these people need to achieve and how these objectives would be achieved.

The case study analysis and solution, and Jollibee Foods Corporation case answers should be written down in the Jollibee Foods Corporation case memo, clearly identifying which part shows what. The Jollibee Foods Corporation case should be in a professional format, presenting points clearly that are well understood by the reader.

Alternate solution to the Jollibee Foods Corporation HBR case study

It is important to have more than one solution to the case study. This is the alternate solution that would be implemented if the original proposed solution is found infeasible or impossible due to a change in circumstances. The alternate solution for Jollibee Foods Corporation is presented in the same way as the original solution, where it consists of a corporate level strategy, business level strategy and other recommendations.

Implementation of Jollibee Foods Corporation Case Solution

The case study does not end at just providing recommendations to the issues at hand. One is also required to provide how these recommendations would be implemented. This is shown through a proper implementation framework. A detailed implementation framework helps in distinguishing between an average and an above average case study answer. A good implementation framework shows the proposed plan and how the organisations' resources would be used to achieve the objectives. It also lays down the changes needed to be made as well as the assumptions in the process.

  • A proper implementation framework shows that one has clearly understood the case study and the main issue within it.
  • It shows that one has been clarified with the HBR fundamentals on the topic.
  • It shows that the details provided in the case have been properly analysed.
  • It shows that one has developed an ability to prioritise recommendations and how these could be successfully implemented.
  • The implementation framework also helps by removing out any recommendations that are not practical or actionable as these could not be implemented. Therefore, the implementation framework ensures that the solution to the Jollibee Foods Corporation Harvard case is complete and properly answered.

Recommendations and Action Plan for Jollibee Foods Corporation case analysis

For Jollibee Foods Corporation, based on the SWOT Analysis, Porter Five Forces Analysis, PESTEL Analysis, VRIO analysis, Value Chain Analysis, BCG Matrix analysis, Ansoff Matrix analysis, and the Marketing Mix analysis, the recommendations and action plan are as follows:

  • Jollibee Foods Corporation should focus on making use of its strengths identified from the VRIO analysis to make the most of the opportunities identified from the PESTEL.
  • Jollibee Foods Corporation should enhance the value creating activities within its value chain.
  • Jollibee Foods Corporation should invest in its stars and cash cows, while getting rid of the dogs identified from the BCG Matrix analysis.
  • To achieve its overall corporate and business level objectives, it should make use of the marketing mix tools to obtain desired results from its target market.

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Jollibee Foods Corporation Case Study solution


The current case solution is published by 247caseanalysis and focuses on Jollibee Foods Corporation. The case presents an overview of the strategic and managerial issues that the Jollibee Foods Corporation faces in the growth and development of the business. The case solution focuses on understanding the central issue(s) in the case. The case study solution then uses strategic tools and models to solve the case and makes strategic recommendations for the Jollibee Foods Corporation (Abratt & Bendixen, 2018; Iacobucci, 2021).

The case study and the case solution for the Jollibee Foods Corporation are intended to give a comprehensive and holistic perspective regarding real-world business situations and challenges to the reader. Like all HBS case studies, it is important for the reader to first read the case for the Jollibee Foods Corporation. The proposed case study solution for the Jollibee Foods Corporation has encompassed the needs of all stakeholders while addressing the central challenge effectively (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

External environment analysis

The Jollibee Foods Corporation cannot directly influence the external environment. The Jollibee Foods Corporation must ensure to assess and continually review the external environment to identify potential challenges and opportunities (Abratt & Bendixen, 2018). This is needed because:

The external environment is dynamic and keeps changing.

External environment factors and dynamics, directly and indirectly, influence Jollibee Foods Corporation operations (Anthony, 2021).

PESTEL Analysis

The Jollibee Foods Corporation needs political stability to maintain business development and growth globally.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation must also pay heed to local and global taxation implications for operations carried on site, as well as in other countries.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation is directly impacted by the policies and regulations devised by the governments in its host as well as home countries (Chernev, 2018).

Lower interest rates facilitate the Jollibee Foods Corporation as it leads to increased instances of borrowing.

Lower interest rates also lead to increased consumer power, and increased demand for products of Jollibee Foods Corporation (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

The operations and demand for Jollibee Foods Corporation are directly influenced by the GDP and economic growth in the countries where it operates and exports (Buchanan & Huczynski, 2019).

Increased focus on education and higher literacy rates have allowed the Jollibee Foods Corporation to benefit from a more skilled and talented labor pool.

The higher portion of the youth has also benefitted the Jollibee Foods Corporation in creating a high demand for its products and services (Iacobucci, 2021).

Assessment of the population and consumer trends have allowed the Jollibee Foods Corporation to refine its segmentation and targeting strategies – leading to improved positioning of its portfolio offering (De Mooij, 2019).


Jollibee Foods Corporation has high internal innovation capabilities.

Jollibee Foods Corporation invests in research and development for improved creativity and technological progress.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation makes use of innovative and advanced technology to make its internal processes more efficient and work towards achieving economies of scale.

Jollibee Foods Corporation also benefits from knowledge sharing through global operations and transfers technology internally (Baines, Fill, & Rosengren, 2017).


The Jollibee Foods Corporation follows and abides by environmental regulations imposed in various countries.

Consumers for Jollibee Foods Corporation have rapidly adopted green lifestyles and green consumption.

Incorporating environmentalism into its strategic goals and direction has enabled the Jollibee Foods Corporation to become more efficient in this resource allocation (Stead & Stead, 2014).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation ensures to follow the equal employment and equal opportunity law.

Through the equal opportunity act and regulations, the Jollibee Foods Corporation ensures that it does not discriminate against different groups in its HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT practices.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation also ensures to abide by the health and safety regulations.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation makes sure to follow regulations regarding employment contracts and employer responsibilities to ensure fair policy-making and high performance (Lasserre, 2017).

Porter Five Forces

Industry rivalry.

There is high competitiveness and rivalry in the industry.

The market is highly fragmented, which leads to increased competition for Jollibee Foods Corporation.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation faces industry rivals of various sizes and operations.

The competition for Jollibee Foods Corporation is local as well as global in nature.

The increased rivalry in the industry ensures that all players, including Jollibee Foods Corporation, offer high-quality products and services to consumers at competitive prices (Varadarajan, 2015).

The threat of new entrants

The threat of new entrants is moderate.

There are entry barriers such as government regulations and financial capital needed for setting up operations.

This ensures that only powerful players with high financial muscle enter the market where Jollibee Foods Corporation is operating.

New entrants ensure that the Jollibee Foods Corporation maintains its focus on competitiveness and high quality (Wunder, 2019; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

Threat of substitutes

The threat of substitutes is moderate to high.

There is direct well as indirect substitutes available for Jollibee Foods Corporation offerings.

The high number of players and market fragmentation has led to the increased availability of substitutes for Jollibee Foods Corporation products.

There are low switching costs for consumers between substitutes (Sahaf, 2019; Kotabe & Helsen, 2020).

Bargaining power of buyers

Jollibee Foods Corporation operational a highly fragmented industry.

The bargaining power of the buyers is high.

Players, including Jollibee Foods Corporation, do not have a retail setup (Phillips & Moutinho, 2018; Chernev, 2018).

Bargaining power of sellers

The bargaining power of suppliers is high in the industry where Jollibee Foods Corporation operates.

There're numerous players in the industry, and suppliers have contracted with most of them.

The raw materials provided by suppliers are restricted, and limited owing to quality needs and benchmarks (Kotabe & Helsen, 2020; Joyce, 2022).

Internal environment analysis

The internal analysis allows an insight into the factors that Jollibee Foods Corporation can directly influence. These factors and capabilities are used by the Jollibee Foods Corporation to ensure that:

It is able to capitalize on the opportunities from the external environment.

It is able to mitigate risks and manage challenges and threats appropriately.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation is able to set the right strategic direction and use internal capacities towards its attainment (Stead & Stead, 2014; Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has a strong brand image and a positive consumer perception in the market.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation invests in research and development, which helps the company focus its new product development as well as marketing capabilities (Phillips & Moutinho, 2018).

The company has a strong financial revenue earning ability and enjoys high profits.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has a global distribution network, which is strong and has allowed it to enjoy high business growth.

International expansion has allowed the Jollibee Foods Corporation to understand diverse cultures and their knees – and engage in the localization of its product portfolio (DuBrin, 2013).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation is criticized for high prices for its product portfolio.

The company has suffered negative PR owing to the recall of some of its products which were faulty.

Despite engagement with advanced technology, Jollibee Foods Corporation continues to use manual systems internally, which leads to time ineffectiveness (Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has an organizational culture that is resistant to change and, as a result, exhibits slow adaptation to new trends.

The product design for the Jollibee Foods Corporation’s offerings is imitative.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has undifferentiated products in its portfolio with respect to the competition (Phillips & Moutinho, 2018; Baines, Fill, & Rosengren, 2017).


The Jollibee Foods Corporation has the opportunity to expand to developing and emerging economies.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can develop outsourcing partnerships to further maintain cost-effectiveness.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can also engage in green production and work towards environmental sustainability (Stead & Stead, 2014; Lasserre, 2017).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can also develop strategic partnerships and alliances to facilitate business growth and development.

Target niche markets, and develop new products.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can benefit from the evolving media trends for marketing purposes – including using social media content creation to target new consumer groups (Varadarajan, 2015; Wilson, 2018).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation is facing high competition.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation is also experiencing high imitation of its products.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation faces threats from the increased price volatility of raw materials as well.

The unstable government and government policies are also a threat to the operations of the Jollibee Foods Corporation- especially internationally.

Slow change adaptation may lead the Jollibee Foods Corporation to become an industry laggard (Anthony, 2021; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

Marketing mix

The product offerings by the Jollibee Foods Corporation maintain consistently high quality.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation engages in brand-building activities to ensure that its product and service offerings are well received by the target audience (Chernev, 2018).

Brand-building activities build positive associations for Jollibee Foods Corporation and lead to repeat purchases as well as high consumer loyalty.

Jollibee Foods Corporation ensures that its products are available in different SKU sizes to cater to the needs of different groups within its target audience.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation also offers a warranty for its products (Khan, 2014).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation ensures competitive pricing in the industry among the high number of market players.

For new products, the Jollibee Foods Corporation maintains an introductory pricing strategy to encourage trials and purchases (Kareh, 2018).

For its star products, the company maintains penetrative pricing strategies to allow maximum trial.

For mature products, the Jollibee Foods Corporation engages in aggressive and competitive pricing.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation offers regular discounts to appeal to consumers, clear stocks, as well as for increasing footfall (Išoraitė, 2016).

Jollibee Foods Corporation ensures that all its product offerings are highly accessible.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation places products in physical retail setups like supermarkets and hypermarkets.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation also places products with e-tailers such as amazon so consumers can easily access the products (Iacobucci, 2021).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation also has an online system on its website for managing orders placed directly with the company.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has a strong distribution network, as well as competent and quick consumer service. (Kareh, 2018; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation uses traditional promotional platforms of television to reach the masses with its product portfolio.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation also engages in radio and print promotional activities and advertisements (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation also uses social media to reach out to its audiences and influence them.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has developed expertise in interesting and relevant content creation, which attracts its primary as well as secondary target consumer groups (De Mooij, 2019).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation frequently uses influencers to create a positive buzz and hype regarding its products, as well as to ensure high reach.

All promotional content is integrated and uses emotional appeals to create a lasting relationship with the consumers (Chernev, 2018).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has a strong global presence and strong business development capabilities.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation focuses on research and development internally to identify market gaps and demands.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation makes use of AI in its production operations and marketing functions to increase cost efficiency as well as affectivity (Dimitrieska, Stankovska, & Efremova, 2018).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation engages and invests in acquiring advanced and progressive technology for operational efficiency. (Joyce, 2022).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has a strong retail setup and a strong distribution network across the globe (Gillespie & Swan, 2021; Chernev, 2018).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has access to unique raw materials, which helps it maintain high quality as well as differentiation in its product offerings.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation holds special patents and licenses for manufacturing processes, as well as for being able to manufacture off-site in other countries (Grewal & Levy, 2021).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation undertakes and participates in sustainable and eco-friendly manufacturing processes.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has also developed a green packaging solution for its product offerings and portfolio (Gillespie & Swan, 2021).

The leadership within the Jollibee Foods Corporation is visionary and charismatic.

The organizational culture within Jollibee Foods Corporation is robust, innovative and creative.

The organizational culture is based on the unique values, and implementation of the same – including transparency, honesty, and commitment (Groucutt & Hopkins, 2015).

The human resource management policies within the Jollibee Foods Corporation support employee development and engagement – leading to high employee satisfaction and high employee morale (Machado, 2019; Anthony, 2021).

The compensation framework within the Jollibee Foods Corporation is advanced and focuses on extrinsic as well as intrinsic drivers for employee performance.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation enjoys high brand equity based on consistently high deliverance of product quality (Hitt, Miller, Colella, & Triana, 2017; Grewal & Levy, 2021).

The technical infrastructure within the Jollibee Foods Corporation comprises new and advanced technology as well as network development to support its operations (Griffin, 2021)

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has access to advanced physical infrastructure as well which helps support its technical advancements, as well as its manufacturing and related operations (Valeri, 2021)

The international exposure that the Jollibee Foods Corporation has received owing to its expansions has allowed it to develop and apply innovation as well as new knowledge for improving existing processes and schedules within the company (Hitt, Miller, Colella, & Triana, 2017; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018; Valeri, 2021).

Value chain

The core capabilities and strengths of the Jollibee Foods Corporation have enabled it to overcome obstacles and challenges and achieve its strategic goals and targets.

The core strengths and competencies of Jollibee Foods Corporation form an important part of the company’s value chain (Chernev, 2018; Anthony, 2021).

Primary activities

Jollibee Foods Corporation works directly and owns part of its operations in the value chain.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation also works through different third parties as well as contracts with other parties for managing operations in other countries (Anthony, 2021).

For inbound logistics, the Jollibee Foods Corporation ensures that all raw materials are transferred to warehouses and manufacturing sites in a timely fashion using company-owned transportation.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation manages its operations directly as well as through third parties.

The operations of the Jollibee Foods Corporation are spanned in its hometown as well as conducted overseas at other locations (Deepak & Jeyakumar, 2019).

In offshore countries, the Jollibee Foods Corporation manages operations through partners and agents – who look after distribution and marketing activities for the Jollibee Foods Corporation.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation engages in invested marketing activities – based on consumer and market research (Dimitrieska, Stankovska, & Efremova, 2018; Chernev, 2018).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation also makes use of AI for its marketing and promotional activities.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation regularly trains its employees to develop skills regarding consumer service.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has maintained strict policies regarding consumer service as well as ensuring high quality and increased customer satisfaction (Joyce, 2022).

Secondary activities

The Jollibee Foods Corporation has a strong human resource management department, regulated by modern policies and practices.

The human resource management department at the Jollibee Foods Corporation supports the organizational culture and the leadership through its various functions – such as hiring, training and compensation management (DuBrin, 2013).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation makes use of advanced technology to support its operations and achieve strategic goals and targets (DuBrin, 2013; Joyce, 2022).

The advanced technology is acquired internationally (Iacobucci, 2021).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation engages in regulated procurement with selected suppliers.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation ensures its contracted suppliers provide consistently high-quality raw materials to maintain high quality for end consumers (Gillespie & Swan, 2021).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation is used to resolve its managerial and strategic challenges using one of the following strategies.

The strategies recommended will allow the Jollibee Foods Corporation to expand and develop, as well as manage its risks and challenges effectively.

Using these strategies, the Jollibee Foods Corporation will also be able to remain competitive in the market.

Market development strategies

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can engage in informative and emotional marketing to appeal to the target audience in the market and increase brand awareness.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can devise and run educational campaigns to help understand the importance of the product, and its need (Išoraitė, 2016).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can work with influencers and celebrities to help spread the message through social media as well as conventional media.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can use a team on the ground to interact with the target audience, brief them about the product and its benefits, and influence them positively towards purchase decisions. (Baines, Fill, & Rosengren, 2017).

Market penetration strategies

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can increase its marketing spending and use emotional appeals to influence the target audience.

The marketing strategies should be focused on maximizing the reach of the brand's message and promise (Iacobucci, 2021).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation is recommended to make its products accessible through an increased number of supermarkets and hypermarkets.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can also open its own retail setups to increase footfall and reach across different regions (Sahaf, 2019).

Product development strategies

The Jollibee Foods Corporation is recommended to and can engage in market and consumer research for product development.

Encouraging innovation and discussion of new ideas within the Jollibee Foods Corporation can also lead to rapid new product development (Varadarajan, 2015).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can also optimize the development of new products by making its manufacturing and testing processes more effective.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can also create innovation labs and labs for new product development and testing (Sahaf, 2019; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

Diversification strategies

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can expand horizontally and add new product lines.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation can also expand vertically and add new products to the existing product line

The diversification will allow the Jollibee Foods Corporation to attract new consumer groups (De Mooij, 2019).

The diversification will also allow the Jollibee Foods Corporation to increase its penetration and reach amongst existing consumers.

The Jollibee Foods Corporation will be able to increase brand awareness through diversification as well (Iacobucci, 2021; Abratt & Bendixen, 2018).

The Jollibee Foods Corporation needs to strategically align its resources for optimization and to achieve its strategic goals and targets. The Jollibee Foods Corporation should continue to use its internal capabilities to realize new opportunities and for mitigating risks and weaknesses. In addition, the Jollibee Foods Corporation should also make use of other strategic models to understand the managerial challenges that the organization faces and devise suitable strategies and actions for overcoming them. The leadership of the Jollibee Foods Corporation will play a critical role in ensuring that the organization overcomes the challenges by focusing on the organizational culture and values, which will then impact the operations and performance at large.

Abratt, R., & Bendixen, M. (2018). Strategic marketing: Concepts and cases. New York, United States: Routledge.

Anthony, H. (2021). Understanding strategic management. New York: Oxford University Press.

Baines, P., Fill, C., & Rosengren, S. (2017). Marketing. New York, United States: Oxford University Press.

Buchanan, D., & Huczynski, A. (2019). Organizational behaviour. London: Pearson UK.

Chernev, A. (2018). Strategic marketing management. Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Cerebellum Press.

De Mooij, M. (2019). Consumer behavior and culture: Consequences for global marketing and advertising. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.

Deepak, R., & Jeyakumar, S. (2019). Marketing management. New Delhi, India: Educreation Publishing.

Dimitrieska, S., Stankovska, A., & Efremova, T. (2018). Artificial intelligence and marketing. Entrepreneurship, 6(2), 298-304.

DuBrin, A. (2013). Fundamentals of organizational behavior: An applied perspective. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.

Gillespie, K., & Swan, K. (2021). Global marketing. New York, United States: Routledge.

Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2021). M: marketing. New York, United States: McGraw-Hill Education.

Griffin, R. (2021). Management. Boston, Massachusetts, United States: Cengage Learning.

Groucutt, J., & Hopkins, C. (2015). Marketing. London: Macmillan International Higher Education.

Hitt, M., Miller, C., Colella, A., & Triana, M. (2017). Organizational behavior. Hoboken, New Jersey, United States: John Wiley & Sons.

Iacobucci, D. (2021). Marketing management. Boston, Massachusetts, United States: Cengage Learning.

Išoraitė, M. (2016). Marketing mix theoretical aspects. International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 4(6), 25-37.

Joyce, P. (2022). Strategic Management and Governance: Strategy Execution Around the World. Oxfordshire United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.

Kareh, A. (2018). Evolution of the four Ps: Revisiting the marketing mix. Retrieved June 2022, from Forbes:

Khan, M. (2014). The concept of ‘marketing mix’and its elements. International journal of information, business and management, 6(2), 95-107.

Kotabe, M., & Helsen, K. (2020). Global marketing management. Hoboken, New Jersey, United States: John Wiley & Sons.

Lasserre, P. (2017). Global strategic management. London: Macmillan International Higher Education.

Machado, C. (2019). Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management. Berlin: Springer.

Phillips, P., & Moutinho, L. (2018). Contemporary issues in strategic management. London: Routledge.

Sahaf, A. (2019). Strategic marketing: Making decisions for strategic advantage. New Delhi, India: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Stead, J., & Stead, W. (2014). Sustainable strategic management. London: Routledge.

Valeri, M. (2021). Organizational studies: implications for the strategic management. Berlin, Germany: Springer Nature.

Varadarajan, R. (2015). Strategic marketing, marketing strategy and market strategy. AMS review , 5(3), 78-90.

Wilson, F. (2018). Organizational behaviour and work: a critical introduction. New York: Oxford university press.

Wunder, T. (2019). Rethinking strategic management: Sustainable strategizing for positive impact. Berlin: Springer Nature.

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Jollibee north america announces expansion plans following record-breaking performance in 2023 and strong q1 2024.

West Covina, California--(Newsfile Corp. - June 25, 2024) - Jollibee North America, home of the Best Chain Fried Chicken in America as proclaimed by, continues to gain momentum in the market with a solid start to 2024 and ambitious growth plans.

BUZZING IN NORTH AMERICA. Globally loved restaurant chain Jollibee continues its upward momentum in the North America region, which is a pillar market in its parent company Jollibee Group's vision to become among the top five restaurant companies in the world. To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

In its recently released Q1 2024 results, Jollibee North America reported a strong 25.9% system-wide sales growth and 12.3% same store sales growth, contributing significantly to its parent company Jollibee Group's overall global success and its vision to become one of the top five restaurant companies in the world.

Customers continue to flock to the brand's signature bestsellers, Chickenjoy, Spicy Chickenjoy, and Chicken Sandwich, with the brand securing the third-highest average daily sales among chicken restaurant chains. The brand also continues to attract a diverse customer base, with most stores maintaining a 50:50 split between its Filipino fanbase and local American non-Filipino patrons.

Jollibee North America has 100 stores across the USA and Canada, 12.4% growth in its store network with 3 new stores as of Q1 2024. The brand reached a milestone with the opening of its 100th store in North America in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. It plans to add 14 new stores this year.

Jollibee Group's Mid-Term Goal of Tripling the Business in Five Years

Ernesto Tanmantiong, President and Chief Executive Officer of Jollibee's parent company Jollibee Group, highlighted the Company's commitment to international expansion, particularly in the U.S. and Canadian markets: "Our results in North America showcased our ability to deliver sustained sales and profit growth. Looking ahead, we will continue to focus on our priorities, one of which is expanding the Jollibee brand internationally as a key driver of scaling our business. We remain committed to accelerating our expansion in North America as a key pillar of this global expansion."

Part of its mid-term strategy involves ramping up its digital transformation, bringing its capabilities on par with those of global Quick Service Restaurant leaders to increase efficiency and further improve customer experience and revenue management.

Tanmantiong added, "While we work on driving JFC's long-term growth, we will remain committed to governance, ethics, sustainability, and responsible business practices. Our strategies combined with a portfolio of strong and valuable brands and the support of our talented global team give me the confidence that we will be able to achieve our goal to triple our value in five years."

Jollibee Group Chief Financial Offer, Richard Shin, commented, "The Jollibee Group had a strong finish to 2023 and I am pleased that we are once again kicking off the year in a position of strength with the first quarter off to a good start. We are slightly ahead of our guided growth rates. Our business fundamentals are strong, and we are poised to continue our growth trajectory, leveraging the strength of our brands and strategic investments to support our long-term growth plans."

Spreading joy to more places in North America

Jollibee North America's growth strategy focuses on states where the brand has existing presence, such as California, Texas, Florida, New York, Nevada, Maryland, Arizona, Virginia, Illinois, and Washington, among others. Additionally, the brand is exploring new markets in more states across the US.

Recently, Jollibee has been recognized as the second fastest-growing restaurant brand in the world, according to the latest annual brand ranking report by Brand Finance, the world's leading independent brand valuation agency. Surging by an impressive 51% to $2.3 billion USD in brand value, Jollibee ascended from rank 20 to rank 17 in this year's Global Restaurant Rankings.

The brand further solidified its position by achieving fifth place in the strongest restaurant brand category, elevating its rating from AA- to AAA. Jollibee is also the only Philippine brand listed in the 2024 Top 25 Most Valuable Restaurant Brands and Top 10 Strongest Restaurant Brands.

Furthermore, its parent company, Jollibee Group, continues to make progress in its sustainability efforts, with MSCI upgrading its ESG rating to BB.

Jollibee North America is part of the Jollibee Group, one of the largest and fastest growing restaurant companies in the world. To know more about the Jollibee Group, visit .

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About Jollibee Group

Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC, also known as Jollibee Group) is one of the fastest-growing restaurant companies in the world. Its mission is to serve great-tasting food and bring the joy of eating to everyone through its 18 brands with over 6,800 stores across 33 countries. The Jollibee Group has eight wholly owned brands (Jollibee, Chowking, Greenwich, Red Ribbon, Mang Inasal, Yonghe King, Hong Zhuang Yuan, Smashburger); four franchised brands (Burger King, Panda Express, and Yoshinoya in the Philippines, and Tim Ho Wan in certain territories in China); 80% ownership of The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf; 60% ownership in the SuperFoods Group that owns Highlands Coffee; and 51% ownership of Milksha, a popular Taiwanese bubble tea brand. JFC also has a business venture with award-winning Chef Rick Bayless for Tortazo, a Mexican fast-casual restaurant business in the United States. The Jollibee Group, through its subsidiary Jollibee Worldwide Pte. Ltd. (JWPL) owns 92% participating interest in Titan Dining LP, a private equity fund that owns the Tim Ho Wan brand. The Jollibee Group has a joint venture with the THW Group to open and operate THW restaurants in Mainland China. The Company also established a joint venture company that will own and operate Tiong Bahru Bakery and Common Man Coffee Roasters in the Philippines. Recently, the Jollibee Group signed agreements to own 10% ownership in Botrista, a leader in the beverage technology space. The Company also owns a 90% participating interest in Titan Dining Partners II Ltd to further grow Asia Pacific food service brands and/or bring strong global food service brands to Asia Pacific. The Jollibee Group has launched its global sustainability agenda dubbed Joy for Tomorrow , which aims to strengthen the Company's commitment to sustainable business practices. The agenda centers on the key pillars of Food, People, and Planet, and consists of 10 focus areas namely: food safety, food quality, nutrition & transparency, employee welfare, farmers livelihood, community support, good governance, packaging & recycling, waste reduction, and energy & water efficiency. Each focus area sets goals and initiatives that contribute and align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The Jollibee Group was named the Philippines' Most Admired Company by the Asian Wall Street Journal for ten years. It was also honored as one of Asia's Fab 50 Companies and among the World's Best Employers and World's Top Female-Friendly Companies by Forbes. The Company is also a three-time recipient of Gallup's Exceptional Workplace Award and was recently cited in TIME's List of the World's Best Companies.

Contact Information: Katz Bernardo [email protected] Pulse Communications

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Jollibee Investigates Alleged Data Breach Affecting Millions

jollibee foods corporation case study answers

Jollibee Foods Corp., the largest restaurant operator in the Philippines, is investigating an alleged data breach that may affect millions of its customers.

“We take this matter seriously and have launched an investigation to better understand the scope of the incident,” Jollibee said in a statement on Saturday. The company, famous for its fried chicken and one of Asia’s biggest fast-food chain operators, said its e-commerce platforms are “unaffected and remain operational.”

Cyber security group Deep Web Konek reported the alleged data breach on June 20, saying a user in a cybercrime forum claims to possess personal data of 32 million customers and 650 million records related to Jollibee’s food delivery operations. The compromised data included names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of customers, it said.

“We have implemented response protocols in addition to enhanced security measures to further protect data against threats,” Jollibee said in a statement. “Parallel to these efforts, we are working closely with relevant authorities and experts.”

Earlier this week, Philippine health maintenance organization Maxicare reported an alleged unauthorized access to the information of about 13,000 members, or less than 1% of its clients.

Top photo: A service assistant prepares a customer’s take-out order at the Jollibee Foods Corp. restaurant in Taguig City, Manila, the Philippines, on Saturday, March 13, 2021. Jollibee will boost capital spending by a fifth to open 450 new stores mostly overseas, as the Philippines’ largest restaurant operator foresees a return to profit this year following its first annual loss in nearly three decades.

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    This case study analyzes Jollibee Food Corporation's international expansion opportunities in Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, and California. It identifies human resource, operational, financial, and marketing issues Jollibee faces, such as strained relationships between domestic and international operations and management problems at Hong Kong locations. A SWOT analysis and Porter's five forces ...

  19. Answer #2 CASE STUDY: Jollibee Foods Corporation closed down a

    Asked by BrigadierElk2247. Answer #2. CASE STUDY: Jollibee Foods Corporation closed down a branch of its fast-food chain in Bonifacio Global City for three days, after a viral video tweet showing that a deep fried towel had been served to a customer instead of fried chicken. Because of this, sales of Jollibee gone down and another fast food ...

  20. Jollibee North America Announces Expansion Plans Following Record

    West Covina, California--(Newsfile Corp. - June 25, 2024) - Jollibee North America, home of the Best Chain Fried Chicken in America as proclaimed by, continues to gain momentum in the ...

  21. Jollibee- Foods- Corporation-Case-Study 2

    Jollibee Foundation believes in harnessing the strengths of its parent company, Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC), and those of its partners, for community development. The Foundation builds into the design of its programs the relevant strengths of JFC as a foodservice company so that program sustainability would have a fairly good chance.

  22. Jollibee Foods Corporation Case Study

    The document summarizes and analyzes two franchise applications for a Jollibee Foods Corporation franchise. Mr. Alberto Artiaga currently owns and manages a gasoline station and applies to open a Jollibee nearby. Mrs. Carmencita Ng previously owned a pawnshop but it closed after 5 years. Both applicants are analyzed based on their experience ...

  23. Case study of jollibee foods corporation's "chicken sad" moment

    The subject of this question is Business, specifically a case study of Jollibee Foods Corporation's 'Chicken Sad' moment. Jollibee Foods Corporation is a popular fast-food chain in the Philippines, and the 'Chicken Sad' moment refers to an incident where customers experienced negative health symptoms after consuming the chicken salad at one of ...

  24. Jollibee Investigates Alleged Data Breach Affecting Millions

    Top photo: A service assistant prepares a customer's take-out order at the Jollibee Foods Corp. restaurant in Taguig City, Manila, the Philippines, on Saturday, March 13, 2021.

  25. Case Study Jollibee

    case study Jollibee - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Jollibee Foods Corporation Inc. (JFC) faces allegations of unfair labor practices from thousands of employees of its service contractors. An investigation by the Department of Labor and Employment found that two of JFC's nine service contractors were not providing job ...