legal careers guide

6. legal cvs and covering letters.

Despite the widespread use of application forms, the CV is still a vital tool in the recruitment process. This Step guides you through the process of constructing a legal CV and writing a successful covering letter.

Updated Resource Book coming soon

Writing Legal CVs and Covering Letters

The curriculum vitae (CV) is the traditional method of application and is widely used throughout the legal profession. You will still need a CV, even if you are applying to organisations that use application forms, for two main reasons.

  • The information on your CV forms the basis of many of the answers you will need to give on application forms
  • Having an up-to-date law CV is useful when applying for work experience or to give information to a useful contact.

Before you start drafting

Think about the type of organisation or specific organisation you are applying to. What are they likely to be looking for in a candidate? See your work from Step 1 and 4.

Know what skills and experience you have to offer a prospective employer. See your work from Step 2.

Know what you want to use the CV for. Is it to apply for work experience or a speculative application? See your work from Step 2 and 3.

Tips for a good law CV

  • Target your legal CV – you need to adapt your CV to each individual recruiter so that they are able to see how you could fit in with their organisation.
  • Length – keep it to no more than two sides of A4 paper.
  • Make it easy to read – create a clear structure, leave enough white space and make use of formatting like headings.
  • Look professional – use plain white paper, a size 11 standard font like Arial or Calibri, and avoid photos and exclamation marks.
  • Correct spelling and grammar is essential – don’t rely on spellcheck; proofread several times to make sure your CV is error free.
  • Be honest whilst ensuring you are making the most of what you have to offer.
  • Focus on your cover letter as much as your CV.

Legal CV structure and layout

There is no single correct way to lay out a law CV and you will have to try different structures to see which one works best for you.

A traditional structure contains the following information:

Personal details

Include your name and contact details such as address, email address and phone number as a heading. You don’t need to put the words ‘Curriculum Vitae’ on your CV.

Education and training

Arrange your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent example displayed first. Include the name of the institution, subjects, dates and your grades. Detail any professional legal qualification you have such as the Legal Practice Course (LPC) or the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) . Don’t forget to mention the areas of law that you studied and state your dissertation title if relevant.

Employment and work experience

Depending on how much experience you have, you might want to separate out and highlight any legal, commercial or voluntary experience. Describe your key tasks and responsibilities, mentioning the positive results of your actions. Apply your law work experience to demonstrate your passion and part-time or voluntary work to show your transferable skills such as teamwork and communication.

Additional skills

A brief mention of other relevant skills you have such as the languages you speak, a proficiency in software packages or technical skills such as programming languages.

Extracurricular activities

Mention things you do outside of work and the classroom such as sports and clubs. Experiences such as membership in the Law Society or starting a new club at the University will help you stand out.

Stating ‘references available on request’ will usually suffice.

Legal Covering letter tips

  • Aim for a professional and personable tone
  • Fonts and formatting – maximum of one side of white A4 paper, with the same font as your legal CV. Proofread carefully to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Find out who you are addressing – find out the name of the recipient if possible and sign off ‘Yours sincerely’. Try to avoid using Dear Sir or Madam, but if you do remember to use ‘Yours faithfully’ instead.
  • Signing off – be polite, say thank you and that you look forward to hearing from them.

Legal Covering letter structure and layout

The purpose of your application.

Talk about the opportunity you are applying for and where you saw it.

Why are you applying to them?

Explain why you are interested in their organisation.

Why should they pick you?

Explain what you have to offer that is relevant to them and the opportunity. This could be your performance on your degree, recent work experience with a similar organisation or experience in their area of practice.

Activity – CV Makeover

In this activity, you can practise applying your knowledge of CV writing as you try to improve the legal CV of a fictitious student named Georgina Berry.

Download CV Makeover Activity ➔

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m making speculative applications. who do i address the covering letter to.

Call the firm you’re targeting, explain that you’d like to send your CV in as a speculative application and ask who to best address the letter to.

If you’re unable to get a specific name, use “Dear Sir/Madam” and you’ll need to sign off as “Yours faithfully”.

I spoke to someone at a law fair recently. Should I mention this in my cover letter?

Definitely mention that you spoke to a representative from the organisation, and give the name of the event. This is evidence to back up your interest in the organisation and shows that you have done your research.

It is a useful tip to write down the name of whoever you speak to as soon as possible. Usually exhibitors wear name badges but if not, politely ask if you can take their name at the end of your discussion.

I have a substantial previous career. Is it important to fit it all on 2 sides of A4?

It is important to keep to the two page limit, so you will need to work out a way of cutting down the content without losing your key selling points.

If you’ve accepted your place or are currently studying with us, seek advice from our careers advisers.

Next step: 7

Go to step 7 in the Student Employability Programme.


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Lawyer Cover Letter Example (w/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

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You've come a long way to reach your legal goals.

From your early dreams to helping justice thrive to making a career in the world of law, your journey has been amazing. 

But as you’re preparing for your next big professional step, there's a challenge: writing a great lawyer cover letter.

We don’t blame you; showing off your legal skills can be tough. 

That’s why, in this article, we'll help you create a cover letter that highlights your skills and gets you closer to your dream legal job.

Here’s what’ll cover: 

  • An Outstanding Lawyer Cover Letter Example
  • 5 Essential Steps to Crafting a Top-tier Legal Cover Letter
  • 3 Lawyer Cover Letter Tips

...and much more!

Lawyer Cover Letter Example

Lawyer Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Law Cover Letter

You've just had a glimpse of what a stellar cover letter looks like, and now you're well-equipped to craft your own . 

It's as simple as following a few straightforward steps to make it shine, starting with:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Your cover letter should start with your contact information neatly placed in the header, just like on your resume. 

Here's what you should include:

  • Full Name: Your complete name should be at the top of the page.
  • Professional Title: Tailor your professional title to match the precise job you're seeking. Hiring managers juggle applications for several roles at the same time, so making the position you’re interested in clear can help make their lives easier.
  • Email Address: Opt for a professional and straightforward email address, like a combination of your first and last name. Those quirky high school email addresses won't cut it. (e.g., [email protected] is good, but [email protected] isn't)
  • Phone Number: Ensure the number you provide is accurate for easy contact. If you're applying for an international position, include the appropriate dial code.
  • Location: Typically, your city and state or country suffice. However, if you're pursuing a remote position or considering relocation, make that clear in your lawyer cover letter.
  • Relevant Links (Optional): You can include links to pertinent websites or social media profiles, such as your LinkedIn.

Next, it's time to include the hiring manager's details:

  • Company Name: Specify the name of the company you're applying to.
  • Hiring Manager's Name: If possible, identify the hiring manager for the department you're interested in. You can check the job listing, the company's website, or their LinkedIn page to find this information.
  • Hiring Manager's Title: If you discover the name of the hiring manager for the specific job listing and realize they're the head of the department, use that instead of "Hiring Manager."
  • Location: Mention the city, state, or country, particularly for globally operating companies. If you want to be more specific, you can add the company's exact street address.
  • Email Address (Optional): If available, include the hiring manager's email address.
  • Date of Writing (Optional): Consider adding the precise date when you composed your cover letter for a professional touch.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

After jotting down all the necessary contact details, ensure you address your cover letter to its intended audience.

And, skip the old-fashioned "To Whom It May Concern" while you’re at it.

The way you address your cover letter can set a positive tone with the recruiter, especially if you give it some thought.

Start with a bit of digging around. Scour the job advertisement, law firm's website, or LinkedIn profile to pinpoint the person in charge of hiring for the position you're eyeing. A bit of effort can help you discover their name and email contact.

Next, greet them respectfully. Opt for Ms. or Mr., followed by their surname. If you're uncertain about their gender or marital status, simply use their complete name. For instance:

  • Dear Mr. Thompson,
  • Dear Jordan Thompson,

If you can’t find out their details, though, no worries! You can address your letter to the specific department or the law firm more broadly:

  • Dear Legal Department,
  • Dear Legal Hiring Committee,
  • Dear HR Selection Team,
  • Dear Lead Attorney,

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers often spend just seven seconds scanning an application to decide whether it’s worth their time and attention.

So, it's crucial to grab their attention fast with your lawyer cover letter.

Start your cover letter with your name and why you're interested in the legal job. Show your passion for law to make them want to know more about you.

Researching the law firm also helps. Knowing about their work and values lets you show what a great fit you’d be for the job. Not to mention, it proves you're really interested in this specific role, not just any role out there.

If you've got lots of legal experience, mention an important achievement , like a big case you've won, or special skills you have that are relevant to the position. But remember to keep your introduction short. Your aim is to get the hiring manager to read the rest of your cover letter.

Check out our other cover letter examples to write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph. 

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The main part of your legal cover letter lets you explain why you're the right fit for the job in more detail.

The trick here is to not merely repeat your lawyer resume. This is where you get to put your top legal skills and experiences into the spotlight. Your goal? To show the hiring manager you're the best choice among all the candidates. 

For starters, mention any big achievements in law and explain how you accomplished them or what skills it took you. Let the job ad guide you through for the best possible outcome. For example, if the role you’re gunning for is related to intellectual property law, focus on your knowledge of that instead of other law areas.

Additionally, show that you know about the firm's big cases or how they work. This proves you're really interested in working with them and that you fit their culture.

End by showing how passionate you are about the role. Say how you believe you can add value to their team with your legal skills and experience.

Also, make sure to avoid making any of these common cover letter mistakes to make sure your application is spotless. 

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Ending your cover letter is like giving a strong closing in court.

Make sure your ending leaves the hiring manager convinced about your abilities and interested in calling you in for an interview. It should build trust in what you offer and remove any doubts that you may not be the right fit for the role.

Your cover letter’s ending is your time to summarize your top legal skills and why you're a great fit for their team. Alternatively, talk about your biggest achievements or the unique things you can bring to the table. 

After that, urge the hiring manager to take the next step by including a call to action. That could be a chat or an in-person meeting. This shows you're invested in the position and could help you get an interview.

Finally, when you sign off, stay professional. End with a simple sign-off and your full name. For example:

Should you wish for further clarification or insights regarding my legal qualifications, please reach out via the provided email or contact number. I eagerly anticipate the prospect of delving deeper into how I can contribute to your esteemed legal firm.

Yours sincerely,

If you feel "Yours sincerely" is rather commonplace, here are some alternative sign-offs tailored for the legal profession:

  • In utmost respect,
  • With appreciation,
  • Thank you for your due consideration,

lawyer cover letter structure

3 Essential Law Cover Letter Tips

You've mastered the cover letter fundamentals! Let's step it up and delve into some key cover letter tips specifically designed for lawyers to make your letter truly stand out:

#1. Match Your Resume

When applying for a legal position, consistency is your best friend.

Make sure your cover letter matches your resume visually as much as it matches it in content quality. This will help you come across as attentive to detail and well-organized.

Your name and contact details should sit tidily on the page. Also, keep your fonts and their sizes uniform throughout both documents. Remember to also adjust the margins and space between lines to keep your cover letter to a single page . 

Ready to make a great impression?

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Starting from scratch can be a drag. 

Take advantage of our cover letter templates for a swift fix. Together with our free resume templates , they can be the solution you’ve been looking for. 

Made hand-in-hand with global hiring pros, they hit all industry marks and just pop. Go on, match that resume with style!

lawyer cover letter examples

#2. Emphasize Your Achievements

Highlighting your achievements isn't just about a humble brag; it's about showcasing the tangible results of your dedication and expertise. 

When hiring managers sift through stacks of cover letters, they're not just looking for claims. They want evidence. They want to see that spark of exceptional talent and commitment. Achievements offer a snapshot of what you've accomplished and hint at what you're capable of achieving in the future.

Now, here's the tricky part. While your resume might list your achievements in bullet points, your cover letter should weave them into a compelling narrative. Think of it as telling a story, where your achievements serve as key plot points and demonstrate your ability to handle challenges and achieve results.

For instance, instead of just stating you led a high-profile case, delve a bit into the complexities of the case and how your innovative approach made a difference. Link these accomplishments directly to the requirements of the job you're applying for. This not only reinforces your capabilities but also illustrates your deep understanding of the role.

#3. Add Any Relevant Links

Including relevant links in your cover letter is like opening a door for hiring managers to step right into your professional world. While your resume provides a structured outline of your career journey, links offer a more dynamic glimpse into your accomplishments, be it published articles, notable cases, or a well-curated LinkedIn profile.

Imagine the hiring manager's perspective. They’re intrigued by your cover letter and think you might be a good fit. Now, instead of Googling you or hunting down that specific case you mentioned, they have instant access via a link you provided. It's immediate, efficient, and showcases your proactive nature.

Links also offer a chance for you to steer the narrative. By guiding hiring managers to specific pages or platforms, you're highlighting the parts of your career you're most proud of. It might be a detailed portfolio, showcasing your prowess in legal briefs, or perhaps glowing recommendations on your LinkedIn profile.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to crafting a stellar lawyer cover letter! Hopefully, you’re on track to secure that ideal legal position in no time.

But before you send off your cover letter, here are some main points from our article:

  • Start your lawyer cover letter by detailing both your contact information and that of the hiring attorney or law firm's HR representative. Ensure your details are accurate so that they can reach out to you for a potential interview.
  • The opening paragraph of your lawyer's cover letter should capture the interest of the hiring party, compelling them to continue reading.
  • In the main section of your cover letter, emphasize your most notable achievements and skills that align with the legal role you're pursuing.
  • It's effective to include a persuasive call to action towards the conclusion of your law firm cover letter, prompting the hiring party to consider calling you or arranging an interview.
  • Maintain a consistent design between your cover letter and resume. If you're short on time, think about using one of our resume and cover letter templates for a cohesive appearance.

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Cover Letter Advice & Samples

Cover letter advice and samples.

An image showing a sample cover letter

Section Menu

  • Draft your cover letter knowing it is your first writing sample.
  • Understand that a cover letter should persuade the reader.
  • Use the cover letter to “connect the dots” of your experiences.
  • Resist the temptation to restate your resume.
  • Keep your cover letter to one page.
  • Use the font style and point size that match your resume.
  • Remember that the reader is busy: less is more.
  • Ensure your cover letter is error free.

Cover Letter Construction

Address block and salutation.

Sample cover letter address block and salutation

  • Address the cover letter to an actual person.
  • Research websites or call employer to determine recipient’s name.
  • If you cannot find the name of a hiring contact, address your letter to the head of the unit, department, or office.
  • While this is the least-preferred option, you may address your letter to “Dear Hiring Committee” if you cannot locate the name of an actual person.
  • For firms, address your letter to the recruiting director. For larger firms, contact information for recruiting directors is available at in the Basic Information section.
  • In the salutation, include the recipient’s title and last name (e.g., “Dear Ms. Raintree”) or write the recipient’s entire name (e.g., “Dear Jamie Morales”).

Paragraph One

Sample cover letter paragraph one

  • Tell the employer who you are and what you are seeking.
  • Highlight (past, present, and future) geographic connections.
  • Indicate if you have talked to students/faculty/friends/alumni who speak highly of the organization.

Paragraph Two

Sample cover letter paragraph two

  • Show that you understand the employer’s mission/practice, the work its attorneys do, and the clients it serves.
  • Demonstrate your proven interest in and connection to that mission/practice, work, and clients.

Paragraph Three

Sample cover letter paragraph three

  • Describe skills you will contribute to support that mission/practice, work, and clients.
  • Provide evidence from your experiences and coursework.

Paragraph Four

Sample cover letter paragraph four

  • List the documents included with the letter.
  • Tell the employer how to get in touch with you by email, telephone, and mail.
  • Convey your availability for a conversation, mentioning upcoming trips to the area.
  • Thank the employer for considering you.
  • Mention availability of Yale summer funding, if applicable.
  • Optional: Promise that you will follow up in a few weeks if you think the employer would appreciate the diligence.

Sample Cover Letters (PDF)

First Year Student Examples | Second Year Student Examples | Third Year Student Examples

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Legal Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Julia Gergelova — Resume Writer

Writing a compelling legal cover letter is your ticket to landing an interview in the legal field. Whether you're an experienced attorney or an aspiring paralegal, understanding how to build an attention-grabbing cover letter is just as important as your resume . 

Judge Cover Letter Sample

In this guide, we'll deep-dive into practical tips, share some compelling examples, and teach you the art of creating a standout legal cover letter!

Keep reading and find out more about:

  • Formatting your cover letter
  • Building an effective legal cover letter header
  • Crafting an eye-catching cover letter headline
  • Writing a strong legal cover letter introduction
  • Highlighting your skills and accomplishments
  • Writing a compelling conclusion
  • Avoiding common mistakes in a legal cover letter
  • Average salary and job outlook for legal professionals
  • Job seeking resources for legal professionals

1. How to properly format your legal cover letter

Correct formatting is vital when it comes to leaving a strong first impression. Here's how you can refine your legal cover letter, ensuring it's smooth to read and easy to navigate:

  • Choose a clear layout: Stick to traditional cover letter format. Start with your contact information, the date, the employer's contact details, a formal greeting, the body of the letter, closing, and your signature.
  • Use professional font: Use simple, professional fonts like Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. The font size should ideally be 11 or 12 points.
  • Margins and spacing matter: Aim for 1" margin on all sides of your document. Single or 1.15 spacing between lines ensures readability.
  • Get straight to the point: Legal professionals appreciate conciseness. Immediately introduce the purpose of writing the letter in the first paragraph. 
  • Organize your content: Use bullet points or short paragraphs to discuss key accomplishments or qualifications. This will help guide the reader's eye to the most important information.
  • Close with confidence: Summarize why you're the right candidate and express appreciation for consideration in the concluding paragraph. 

Create your cover letter fast with artificial intelligence.

2. how to write a header for your legal cover letter.

The header of your cover letter plays the role of introducing your personal and professional details. It should be crisply formatted, containing accurate, necessary information. 

The contents of the header should include:

  • Your full name
  • Your phone number
  • Your professional email address
  • The current date
  • The hiring manager's name and title
  • The law firm's name and address

Understand better with the following examples:

Incorrect legal cover letter header example

Lawyer Tom Phone: 123456789 Email: [email protected]

To: Pearson Specter Litt

Why isn't this correct? This example doesn't reflect the standard professional legal cover letter header. Here's why:

  • The name should be the full name without any titles.
  • The phone number isn't correctly formatted. It is standard to include area code in brackets followed by the rest of the number.
  • The email address isn't professional. Stick to a combination of your name/initials, avoiding nicknames. 
  • The current date and your personal address are missing, both of which are customary inclusions.
  • The hiring manager's name, title, and firm's full address are missing, which are fundamental to a strong, professional header.

Correct legal cover letter header example

Thomas Brennan (123) 456-7890 [email protected] March 3, 2023

To: Mr. Jonathan Adams Hiring Manager Pearson Specter Litt 456 Barrister Blvd, New York, NY 10012

What makes this correct?

  • The full name is used and it's professional. 
  • The phone number is correctly formatted.
  • The email address is professional and easily identifiable. 
  • The date is specific and current. 
  • The hiring manager is respectfully addressed. 
  • Law firm's complete address is mentioned.

By following these tips, you ensure your header is professional, making it easier for the hiring manager to contact you.

3. How to craft an eye-catching legal cover letter headline

Your cover letter's headline is essentially your first impression, making it key in capturing the hiring manager's attention . A powerful headline is concise, targeted, and indicates the value you bring to the role.

Incorrect legal cover letter headline examples

  • Looking for Legal Position
  • Law Graduate Seeking Job

Why are they weak?

  • They're vague and generic. 
  • The headlines don't convey any specific value or differentiate the candidate from others. 

Strong legal cover letter headline examples

  • Results-Oriented Attorney with 10+ Years in Corporate Law
  • Harvard Law Grad Specializing in Environmental Legislation

What makes them strong?

  • They're specific and tell the hiring manager immediately what the candidate offers.
  • They use targeted language that portrays a strong, professional image.
  • They highlight impressive achievements or unique specialization areas. 

Remember that your headline works similar to a captivating tagline representing your professional identity. Invest thought into crafting it. Showcase your unique strengths and features boldly.

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4. How to personalize the greeting on your legal cover letter

Addressing your cover letter properly is a crucial step that shouldn't be overlooked. It shows respect, professionalism, and that you've done your homework. 

Customizing the greeting specifically for the hiring manager takes your game up a notch. Ideally, you can find their name on the job posting or on the company's website . If not, LinkedIn and the firm’s official website are other good places to look for it.

Personalized cover letter greeting examples

  • Dear Mr. Adams,
  • Dear Mr. Michael Adams,
  • Dear Hiring Manager Micheal Adams,

When the hiring manager's name is unknown , it's best to use a generalized professional greeting. Avoid using "To whom it may concern," as it's overly formal and outdated. Here's how to better address your cover letter:

Generalized professional greeting examples

  • Dear Hiring Manager, — This is a safe and universally acceptable option. It's appropriate for any circumstances.
  • Hello Legal Team, or Dear [Lawfirm's Name] Team, — These are great options when you want to address the whole team. It signifies that you see yourself fitting in with the group.
  • Dear [Lawfirm's Name] Recruiter, — Use this option if you know that your cover letter will be read by a recruiter or if the job posting was shared by a recruiter.

Remember, every detail counts. Tailoring your greeting demonstrates initiative and respect, and these small touches could give you a competitive edge over other candidates.

5. How to craft a strong introduction for your legal cover letter

The introduction of your cover letter sets the tone for the rest of the document. It should capture interest, radiate enthusiasm, and briefly highlight professional achievements or academic acumen. 

Include why you're applying for the specific position, and if applicable, leverage a mutual connection to further enhance your credibility.

Incorrect legal cover letter introduction

I came across your job posting and thought I should apply, given my background in law.

Why is this not effective?

  • It lacks enthusiasm and appears insincere.
  • It fails to share any relevant experiences or qualifications.
  • It doesn't articulate why you're interested in the role.

Correct introduction for an experienced attorney

As an accomplished attorney with over 12 years of experience in corporate law, and a track record of securing favorable outcomes in over 85% of my cases, I am excited by the opportunity to bring my skills and expertise to ABC Law Firm's legal team.

What makes this good?

  • It shows the candidate's experience upfront.
  • It reveals a specific achievement that stands out.
  • It expresses interest in the job posting.

Just out of law school and ready to conquer the legal world? Now, let's see how a hard-hitting introduction for a recent law graduate should look like:

Correct introduction for a recent law graduate

With a Juris Doctor degree from XYZ University and an internship experience at a reputable law firm, I am keen to apply for the Associate Attorney position at ABC Law Firm. My academic achievements and hands-on experience in handling various legal cases make me a strong candidate for this role.

What sets this apart?

  • It highlights relevant academic achievement and professional experience.
  • It expresses an eagerness for the specific job role.
  • It forwards the prospect's suitability for the role.

In crafting your cover letter's opening, be bold and specific. Highlight the best parts of your career or educational background and make them intrigued to keep reading.

legal cover letter opening examples

6. How to highlight your skills and accomplishments in a legal cover letter

The body of your cover letter is essentially your stage, it's where you impress the audience with your star qualities. In a neat and structured format, it should showcase your top skills , key achievements , and explain how these align with the requirements of the job role. 

To effectively spotlight your legal skills and achievements:

  • Use bullet points or short paragraphs for clarity and brevity.
  • Quantify your achievements if possible. Legal professionals appreciate hard data. 
  • Tailor your skills to match those requested in the job description.

Top legal skills that you might highlight in a legal cover letter

  • Detail-oriented
  • Strong research skills
  • Excellent communicator
  • High moral integrity
  • Proficient in legal software 

These are just a few examples of the key skills you might want to highlight when applying for a legal role. Remember, it’s not just about listing your skills, but demonstrating how they have made a tangible impact in your career or studies.

Cover letter body paragraph example for experienced legal professionals

My successes in the legal field have been thanks to my combination of skills and experience. For example:

  • I saved my previous firm a substantial $2M through effective negotiation strategies.
  • I implemented new legal software, reducing the research time by 30%, increasing productivity within the team.
  • My rigorous attention to details was upheld in over 250 cases, where I found critical information that swayed the case in our favor.

If you're just starting your legal career , focus on transferable skills , academic achievements , or relevant internships . Perhaps you led a successful group project in your law course, or you have honed your researching abilities during your internship. Make these the highlight of your letter.

Cover letter body paragraph example for fresh graduates

Despite my lack of professional experience, my training and academia have equipped me with a robust skill set:

  • My detail-oriented approach was recognized during my internship at XYZ law firm where I examined a complex 200-page contractual document and unearthed crucial irregularities.
  • As a graduate, I managed a successful law project that involved research into data privacy, displaying my ability to handle intricate details and understand complex legal terminologies.

Remember, writing a cover letter is about promoting yourself without sounding boastful. The goal is to show the reader why you're the best fit for the job. So shine a large spotlight on your skills, qualifications, and experiences that align with the requirements of the job.

Estate Manager Cover Letter Example

7. How to write a strong legal cover letter conclusion

The conclusion of your legal cover letter is equally as important as the introduction. This is your closing argument and final chance to emphasize your interest in the position, and how you can be an asset to the company. 

Your conclusion should include:

  • A reiteration of your interest in the role
  • When and how you can best be reached, and an expectation of hearing from them
  • A commitment to follow-up within a certain time frame
  • A formal sign-off

Here's an example of an effective conclusion for a legal cover letter

I am genuinely excited about the prospect of bringing my unique blend of skills and experience to your esteemed legal team. I am confident that my expertise in corporate law will be beneficial to XYZ Law Firm. I can be reached at any time via phone or email, and I am looking forward to your feedback by the end of this month, at the latest. In case I have not heard from you by then, I will take the initiative to follow up to ensure my application has been received. Thank you for taking time to consider my application.

[Your Name]

Remember, a persuasive conclusion leaves a lasting good impression, and that's exactly what you're aiming for. Wrap it up professionally, confidently, and courteously.

cover letter conclusion tips

8. How to avoid common mistakes in a legal cover letter

Despite your best intentions, easy-to-make mistakes can creep into your legal cover letter, potentially jeopardizing your chances of landing the job. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid :

  • Lack of specificity: Saying you're a "hard-working legal professional" is good, but not enough. Highlight specific skills and experiences related to the job.
  • Typos and Grammar Errors: These can cast doubt on your attention to detail. Always proofread your cover letter, if possible, have someone else review it too.
  • Being too lengthy: Employers don't have time for prolonged narratives. Stick to a single page, highlighting your key skills and experiences. Scrutinize each sentence — if it doesn't clearly add value, consider revising or removing it.
  • Repeating your resume: Your cover letter should complement, not duplicate your resume. It's an opportunity to present your skills and experiences in a narrative format that connects them to the needs of the job.
  • Addressing it to the wrong person: Failing to address the correct person can send your application straight to the trash. Always double-check the recipient’s name and title. If it isn't mentioned in the job ad, consider calling the company to ask or do an online research.

By circumventing these common errors, you enhance the potential of your application, making it more compelling and professional.

9. Average salary and outlook for lawyers

Choosing a career in law comes with impressive financial prospects. According to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the average yearly salary for lawyers as of May 2022 was a handsome $135,740 . This salary can of course vary depending on your specialization, location, and level of experience.

But it's not just about the money — the job outlook for lawyers is also promising. Employment of lawyers is set to grow 8 percent from 2022 to 2032 . This growth rate surpasses the average for all other occupations, making the legal field a viable and attractive career path.

Digging deeper, the data reveals an anticipated average of 39,100 openings for lawyers each year over the next decade.

With its attractive salary and robust employment outlook, pursuing a career as a lawyer could lead to a bright and prosperous future.

lawyers salary and job outlook

10. Job seeking resources for legal professionals

Navigating the job market can be challenging, and having the right resources at your disposal can make a significant difference. Whether you're a student considering a career in law or an experienced lawyer seeking a new opportunity, the following resources can be invaluable: 

  • Legal job boards: Websites like or compile countless job listings in the legal field, making it easy to find opportunities that align with your interests and qualifications.
  • Networking: Connect with other legal professionals on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Moreover, consider joining legal associations and attending industry conferences to meet peers and mentors in the legal profession.
  • Continued education: To advance in the legal field, consider acquiring additional certifications or attending workshops and seminars. Websites like Coursera or Lawline offer a range of online courses and seminars.
  • Legal blogs/news: Keeping up-to-date with the latest industry trends and topics is crucial. Sites like or the ABA Journal provide updated news, articles, and insights on the legal landscape. 
  • Mentorship: Reach out to experienced lawyers who can share their experiences and give you insights into the profession.
  • Career counseling: Many universities and colleges offer career counseling services for their students and alumni. These can help with resume and cover letter writing, interview practice, and job search strategies.
  • Social media engagement: Harness the power of social media. X , for example, is a dynamic platform to engage with legal influencers, partake in industry discussions and stay abreast with the latest industry updates. Following relevant hashtags like #LawJobs or #LegalCareer can open up a treasure trove of information and potential job leads.

Stepping into your legal career or seeking the next big opportunity can be a daunting task. However, using these resources can guide you on the right path, equipping you with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in your legal profession. All it takes is a little direction and a hefty dose of determination. Good luck!

Legal Cover Letter FAQ

Your tone should be professional and confident. Though you're writing a formal legal document, avoid overly complex legal jargon. It's essential to show your personality and passion for the role.

In your cover letter, make it clear why you're interested in the job and willing to relocate. However, focus primarily on your qualifications and why you're the best choice for the role.

If you have significant employment gaps , it may be wise to address them briefly in your cover letter. Be straightforward, focusing on the positive outcomes like any skills or knowledge learned during the gap.

It's always best to customize your cover letter for each job application. Using the same cover letter for different job applications might come across as lazy and could potentially cost you the job.

Only include references if the job advertisement specifically asks for them. Otherwise, wait until the interview. When choosing, find professional contacts who can attest to your skills and qualifications.

Julia Gergelova — Resume Writer

Julia Gergelova

Julia is a professional writer, translator and graphic designer. She holds degrees in translation and interpretation, and has international work experience from a number of different countries in Europe as well as China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and as a graphic designer contributed to outlets such as  The Business of Business . She has a passion for lifelong learning and good coffee.


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law placement cover letter

Oct 14, 2019

Written By Jack Collins and Anna Vall Navés

How to write a cover letter for law

Although many applications are now done in digital forms, many firms still favour the traditional CV and cover letter combination. Whether it’s a speculative application or one targeted at a specific job advertisement, the cover letter is a key ingredient in this process. But how can you make your cover letter stand out?

Perfecting your cover letter is an essential part of securing a job in the legal sector. A well-organised, carefully thought out cover letter can make the difference between getting an interview offer or a rejection letter. With this in mind, you should really put in the effort to make your cover letter as persuasive as it possibly can be to any employers reading it. 

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law placement cover letter

What's the point of a cover letter?

The ultimate aim of a cover letter is to convince an employer that you’re the ideal recruit and to move your application on to the interview phase. It will often be the first impression you make on your employer, so you have to make it count!

A strong cover letter will let an employer know who you are, why you want to work in that specific law firm, your relevant skills and work experience and your knowledge of the law firm and the legal sector more broadly. 

What does an employer want?

An employer wants to read a cover letter that’s interesting, to the point, and that quickly shows them why they should hire you. If your letter goes off on tangents or fails to show them exactly why you’re qualified for the position, your application might get thrown out without a second thought. Likewise, for job openings as competitive as those in the legal sector, it’s often important to make your letter stand out—whether that be through an interesting experience in your career or through your excellent written communication skills. 

In short, the employer reading your cover letter doesn’t want to have to guess why you’re a good fit for the law firm, and they also don’t want to have to comb through irrelevant material. Keep your letter concise (no longer than one page), focused, and targeted to the specific law firm you’re applying to. 

In order to give your application the best chance of making it to the interview stage, here is the general structure that most recruitment consultancies and employers recommend:

1. Who are you and why are you writing to me?

Whether your application is for a job opening or it’s speculative (as in the case of some mini-pupillages ), you should provide your employer with this information within the first few lines.

The opening paragraph of your cover letter should not be longer than a couple of sentences, and it should briefly explain who you are, the position you’re applying for and how you found out about it.


2. Why do you want this specific job?

Before you start writing this section, make sure you’ve thoroughly researched the law firm you’re applying to. You should discuss why you want to complete a vacation scheme or a training contract at this firm in particular, perhaps mentioning your interest in the specific area of law it focuses on, or some recent deals that have sparked your interest.

Be honest. Discuss the job responsibilities you’re excited about and demonstrate your enthusiasm in an original but appropriate way. Explain where you are in your career, and highlight experiences that have convinced you that you want to be a solicitor or a barrister, such as open days, mini-pupillages or insight days.

Above all, take the time to understand the organisation in-depth: where it’s located, who it works with, how its training works and its work culture. If you’re applying for a training contract, make sure you understand how seats work at this company. Some don’t have compulsory seats and some don’t have a structure at all. Explain what it is that appeals to you about a more or less defined training structure, and why you’re a good fit for it.

3. Why should you be offered the job?

Research the requirements for the role you’re applying to in the job description or person specification. Make sure your CV covers all of the requirements, and be prepared to tailor your cover letter to what the firm is looking for. 

Show that you’re the ideal candidate by tying your work experience and extracurriculars to the skills the employer is on the lookout for. For instance, if the person specification includes good public speaking skills, make a point of mentioning your mooting experience. Don’t claim you’re good at public speaking without substantiating your claim. Additionally, don’t try to mention every single thing you’ve done in the past few years (that’s what your CV is there for!)—but do elaborate on some of the most relevant experiences on your CV and show what you can bring to the firm.

It’s important that you sell yourself well and highlight your most important achievements, but be wary of exaggerating. It’s important that you’re honest, as any lies could easily be detected by a recruiter. 

4. Ending your cover letter

Briefly detail any practical issues (when you’re available for interview, for instance). Finally, mention that you’ve attached your CV and that you look forward to hearing back from the firm. 

Before you hit send, make sure you proofread your letter a few times, and perhaps ask a family member or friend to do the same. Any spelling or grammatical errors will not put you in good favour!

Double-check that your cover letter is concise, appropriately tailored to the job and emphasises the relevant qualities that make you perfect for the job. And most importantly: good luck!

Next article: Law CV template

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How To Write A Legal Job Cover Letter (With Examples)

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Find a Job You Really Want In

While your application shows hiring managers that you check their boxes, your cover letter shows them why they should hire you over any other highly qualified candidate. For this reason, it’s important to write a solid cover letter when you’re applying for a legal job.

To help you with this, we’ve put together some instructions and tips on how to write an excellent legal job cover letter. We’ve also included an example letter to give you an idea of what yours should look like.

Key Takeaways

Use your cover letter to show why you’re the best candidate for this particular job at this particular law firm.

Your cover letter should highlight and expand upon your most impressive and relevant qualifications — don’t try to fit everything on your resume into your letter.

Match your cover letter to the position by focusing on how you meet the qualifications listed in the job description and the firm’s cultural values.

How to Write a Legal Job Cover Letter

How to Write a Legal Job Cover Letter

Cover letter example, tips for writing a legal job cover letter.

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Use correct legal cover letter format. Like all legal documents, legal cover letters need to be precisely formatted . Your legal job cover letter isn’t the place to show off unique and creative layouts, as it is quite a formal and traditional industry. A cover letter with sloppy formatting isn’t likely to be taken very seriously.

Use a simple, professional font such as Helvetica with 1.15-inch line spacing and one-inch margins on all sides.

Match the header to your resume. For a professional cover letter, you’re going to want to make sure that all the details — both visually and in content — match your resume. Your resume and cover letter should look like two halves of the same whole.

Aside from ensuring that all your information matches that listed on your resume , a legal cover letter has all of the following in this order:

Your full name (You generally want to make this the largest piece of text on your cover letter)

Your current occupation (Optional)

Your address, city, state, and zip code

Your phone number

Any other relevant contact information or social media (Optional)

Today’s date

The full name of the person who will be reading your cover letter. If you don’t know who to address your letter to , try looking online for the hiring manager ’s name at the law firm you’re applying to.

The title of the person reading your cover letter. E.g. “hiring manager” or “ partner ”

The name of the law firm or organization

The address, city, state, and zip code of the law firm or organization

Start with a personal greeting. Addressing your cover letter is pretty straightforward, given you know the name of the person you will be speaking to. Use the format “Dear Ms./Mr./Mx. [full name or last name of partner or hiring manager],” for an always appropriate yet personal greeting.

If you have a prior relationship with this person, you can consider addressing it “Dear [first name],” but tread very carefully with this one. As discussed, the legal profession tends to be more formal, and thus traditional greetings are often more appropriate.

Introduce yourself and specify the position you’re applying for. In the first sentence of the first paragraph, you’ll want to introduce yourself in a basic way and clearly identify the position you’re applying to. You don’t need to re-state your name, but just give a small piece of info about who you are.

It’s important to state clearly and upfront the specific position you’re applying to, as that’s the reason you’re writing this letter and a point you really want to land.

Explain why this position and law firm matter to you. Talk about the job and the company as you understand them. The person reading your cover letter will want to know why you applied to this specific job at this particular organization. So let them know why you would value this job and be a great fit.

Company’s not only want to find someone who is a dedicated, experienced worker, but they want someone who will be a good “ culture fit .” This means that they want someone whose values and goals align with that of the company.

Highlight your best, relevant skills and experience. At the heart of your cover letter is the chance to detail and explain your skills and experience. The way you choose to describe what you’ve done and the knowledge you possess can significantly impact how others view your experience.

Try to re-state the requirements and qualifications listed in the job posting, and explain how you align with these. You’re going to want to use the exact language they used in their posting to ensure that your application doesn’t get passed over by any kind of software they may be using to screen applicants .

Focus on them and how you can serve them. Psychologically, humans tend to be most focused on and interested in themselves and their own lives. With this principle, you can get a hiring manager to read on in your cover letter by simply focusing on the organization, why they’re great, and how you can help them be even better.

A little bit of flattery goes a long way. Try mentioning successes or achievements in the company’s history or the company philosophy. This shows that you are not only aware of what this company does, but you value it.

Include a call to action at the end. A good ending for a cover letter is crucial. You’ve already gotten past the hard part, which is getting them to read the contents of your letter. You know they are at least partially interested in hiring you, so now’s the time to put a little pressure on them.

End with a professional closing. After you’ve written the body of your letter , include an appropriate professional closing to tie it all together. Something like “respectfully,” “kind regards,” or “sincerely.” Anything that you think is appropriately formal.

Proofread for perfect spelling and grammar. Your final step is to proofread, proofread, proofread. Make sure all the spelling, grammar, and details are correct and accurate. It’s imperative to make sure that your cover letter looks polished and professional.

To be sure you’re including everything you need to and doing it all right, review the example below. This cover letter demonstrates proper formatting and makes good use of the above tips.

Begin with this sample, which you’re free to take inspiration from, then use the above steps and other cover letter tips to create a perfect cover letter all your own.

Leah Kim Lewis Clark Law School Student 618 Seneca Drive Portland, OR 97205 503-998-0286 [email protected] 10/29/20 Wilma Corwin Partner The Immigration Law Office of Jacobson, Nicolas, and Corwin 919 Hope Street Portland, OR 97204 Dear Ms. Corwin, I’m a second-year honors student at Lewis Clark Law School, and I’m writing to apply for your 2021 summer internship position. I first learned about the incredible work of Jacobson, Nicolas, and Corwin during Janet Leech’s lecture for the Lewis Clark Law Society last year. After noting my continued interest, Ms. Leech recently informed me that your office has begun accepting admissions for the summer internship program. I’m eager to use my passion for immigration and public interest law, research and writing skills, and case preparation experience to assist your office in smoothly and efficiently serving its clients. Since attending Ms. Leech’s lecture, I have been intensely fascinated with Jacobson, Nicolas, and Corwin’s creative solutions motto. In my work, both on-campus and off, I’ve demonstrated the innovative thinking, leadership drive, and excellent communication skills you require for your interns. During my time as a student, I optimized the LC Law Society legal journal and won three legal writing competitions at the state level. As an intern for Stoltenberg-Gibson, I participated in drafting legal research and helped prepare and assign around 50 cases. I bring not only academic and professional experience but real-life experience as well. As a second-generation immigrant, I am passionate about serving local immigrant communities. In my volunteer work, I’ve utilized my fluent Korean language skills and my written and verbal communication skills to advocate for five immigrant families. I am eager to take on any translation, intake, research, organization, or case preparation work. I am excited to be applying to such a well-known and well-regarded law office. Thank you so much for your consideration of this application. My resume and enclosed references will further demonstrate why I would be a great fit for your summer internship position. I would love to schedule a call or meeting to discuss how my writing and advocacy skills can assist the Immigration Law Office of Jacobson, Nicolas, and Corwin to offer creative strategies to their clients. Respectfully, Leah Kim Lewis Clark Law School Student 503-998-0286 [email protected]

Customize your letter. If your cover letter is too generic, hiring managers will wonder if you actually care about the position you’re applying for or if you just want a paycheck.

Research the law firm you’re applying to to find out what they value in their culture and what they’re looking for in an employee, and then talk about how you’d fulfill those.

Keep it short. Your cover letter should only be one page long, so there is no room to beat around the bush. Be personable but brief in your writing so that you can make the most of the space you have.

Match your tone to the law firm. Every law firm has its own voice and culture, which you’ll probably notice when you read through a few different firms’ websites. Pay attention to the tone the firm you’re applying to uses, and then try to match that in your letter.

Highlight your skills. This may sound obvious, but it’s important to remember. Use your cover letter to talk about what makes you special as a candidate and what you’d add to the organization.

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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How to write winning covering letters for law firms.

targetjobs editorial team

24 Mar 2023, 17:42

When applying for a training contract or vacation scheme, your covering letter may be the first part of your application a law firm considers.


Your covering letter creates a powerful first impression, so make it easy for the recruiter to see that you have strong potential as a lawyer.

Many law graduate jobs at solicitors’ firms in the UK will ask you to apply for a training contract with a covering letter. Read this advice from recruiters at Slaughter and May, Cleary Gottlieb and Ince & Co, then follow our law cover letter template.

Some recruiters will want you to upload your covering letter as part of an online application form (such as Baker McKenzie and Jones Day), while others – usually smaller, high street law firms – will want you to send the letter alongside a CV (see our law CV example here ).

  • Cover letter template: see our annotated law covering letter sample for more tips and format examples .

How to write a law cover letter tip #1: use the letter to explain why you want to be a solicitor at that particular law firm

A covering letter is a golden opportunity to explain your motivations for becoming a lawyer and for applying to that specific firm. ‘My advice is to use the cover letter to introduce yourself and to explain why you are applying to that firm,' says Janine Arnold, trainee recruitment manager at Slaughter and May . ‘Be sure to include any additional information that you feel is relevant to your application.’

If you’re uploading a covering letter as part of a larger application form you should avoid repeating examples you’ve used to answer questions on the form. Give as broad a picture of your skills and experience as possible and only repeat something if you think it is particularly significant to that law firm. Your covering letter is an introduction to get the recruiter’s attention – a sample of your potential, if you like – not your overall application.

‘A well-written, succinct, persuasive covering letter crafted by an aspiring trainee solicitor who has really thought about the firm stands out,’ says Nichola Rowe, director of legal human resources at Cleary Gottlieb . ‘Ask yourself: what sets this firm apart from other law firms and how do my individual skills and experiences marry with that firm?’.

How to write a law cover letter tip #2: how long should it be?

A covering letter should be a maximum of one page, with a font size of 11 or 12. Slaughter and May ’s Janine Arnold agrees: ‘A lengthy covering letter is not necessary; aim for it to be no longer than one side of A4.' Remember that some firms will give a word count for the covering letter they want you to write as part of your application. It's important to stick to that word count. It shows that you can write succinctly and follow instructions.

Get the insights and skills you need to shape your career journey with Pathways. We’ll show you exactly what goes into a convincing cover letter, so you can give yourself the best chance of getting to the next stage of the application process.

How to write a convincing cover letter

How to write a law cover letter tip #3: the format law firms like

The best law cover letter examples have a clear structure, such as:

1. The introduction to your cover letter

Introduce yourself, explain what stage you are at in your degree course (including the university you’re attending), state that you are applying for a training contract and where you read about the law firm. This should only be a sentence or two.

2. A paragraph on why you want to work at that law firm

The second paragraph should cover why you want to be a solicitor and why you want to work for that law firm in particular. Highlight any experiences you’ve had that have convinced you that you want to be a solicitor, such as vacation schemes, open days or insight days. You can even mention mini-pupillages – it will impress graduate recruiters if you’ve put the effort into comparing the two sides of the legal profession, as long as you have good reasons for picking a career as a solicitor (this could come up at interview).

Make it clear why you want to work in the particular area of law that the firm focuses on. For example, if it’s a commercial firm you’ll want to draw on any work experience you’ve had at other commercial firms. Show off your research about the firm by explaining your interest in their main legal practice areas – don’t just say ‘I am interested in shipping law’, for example, but provide evidence of that interest.

You might also want to mention the firm’s training structure. Some firms will have compulsory seats, in which case you’ll need to show an interest in those areas. If you’ve chosen a firm that doesn’t have compulsory seats, or has no seat structure at all (such as Jones Day for example), then you could explain why this appeals to you above a more defined training contract structure.

3. A paragraph highlighting why you're a good fit for the law firm

Next, you need to pitch yourself to the recruiter. Make it clear that you are suited to a career as a solicitor: highlight achievements that show you have the competencies the firm has asked for. If the firm hasn’t specified exactly what it's looking for, see our article here on the skills most legal recruiters want from applicants. Don’t just say ‘I have good communication skills’ – you need to mention an achievement that hinged on your use of those skills.

4. The ending to your law covering letter

Close by referring the recruiter to your CV or application and stating your availability for interview(s) or assessment centre(s).

How to write a law cover letter tip #4: explain any extenuating circumstances

'Covering letters should also explain any mitigating circumstances relating to exam results and to address any questions that you may reasonably expect to arise from your application, such as any gaps in your CV,’ explains Janine.

How to write a law cover letter tip #5: proofread your cover letter before you hit ‘send’

Once you’ve put your covering letter together, don’t be tempted to rush it off. Ask friends, family and your university careers adviser to check it. ‘There is no good excuse for spelling errors, especially when you’re applying for a job that requires scrupulous attention to detail,’ points out a legal recruitment adviser at Ince & Co . ‘The number of applications we receive that contain errors is surprising. Your application is all we’ve got to go on, so you owe it to yourself to ensure it’s not let down by something so easily avoidable.’

Remember that law firms will be judging your ability to communicate professionally with clients on the professionalism of your covering letter – you’re making a pitch, just like you would do as a practising lawyer.

Legal recruiters at major law firms read through hundreds, if not thousands, of applications from aspiring trainee solicitors each year and will only spend a minute or so reading your covering letter. Some recruiters say that they make their decision paragraph by paragraph – if you haven't impressed upon them that you would be a good fit for their firm halfway through the cover letter, they might not even read the rest. Your covering letter creates a powerful first impression, so make it easy for the recruiter to see that you have strong potential as a solicitor by following the tips above.

In other news: Massive changes to the way solicitors qualify are on the horizon. Do you know how they will affect you? Find out here .

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This describes editorially independent and impartial content, which has been written and edited by the targetjobs content team. Any external contributors featuring in the article are in line with our non-advertorial policy, by which we mean that we do not promote one organisation over another.

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How to Write the Perfect Law Cover Letter

law placement cover letter

In the modern legal market, you have to have a competitive edge, this means you need to know how to write the perfect law cover letter. This article covers the very basics of writing a cover letter every employer would dream of receiving.

Want more advice on writing great cover letters?  Take 30 seconds to sign up to TLP and receive more top cover letter tips straight to your inbox!

What Should I Write in my Law Cover Letter?

When writing a piece of text like a training contract cover letter , for example, you need to answer these three questions:

1. Why this area of practice?

Think of this question as the theme for the opening paragraph of your law cover letter: in it, you will need to set out who you are, the role you are applying for , a very brief summary of your experience and a concise line or two on why these experiences have directed you to this field. It should be clear to the reader the kind of lawyer you will be throughout.

Put in your own unique style, as long as it is clear why this area, that is enough.

2. Why this firm/chambers?

The real question this is asking is what do you know about us  and about our culture? So, this is a two-pronged question that enables you to show off research skills, commercial awareness and to lead into how you would fit into the company.

There are business and personal reasons for employers’ interest in this: on the business side, the less time spent in training, the more you can earn and they are looking for long-term rainmakers. On the personal side, they want to know if you will get along with other members of staff and be happy with the work-life balance .

This information can be attained in many ways:  you might have been a long-term reader of the company blog or attended insight days or talks. Better yet, you might have interned there or worked with associates through an affiliated company . Whatever the details, you need to show an interest in the company and the people via your law cover letter.

3. Why you would be a good fit?

If you have played your cards right and been selling your motivations and understanding of the company effectively so far, odds are you have done a great job of leading up to this question. In the mind of the reader, you may already be a good fit.

At this stage, you need to sell the value you bring to the company. Maybe you have noticed they are struggling with GDPR and need an expert, and it just so happens that besides commercial law you also have specialist knowledge of computing and data security acquired in your work/study which will be of great assistance.

You need a few USPs here, as well as the ability to match up your skills to the role.

Partners, recruiters and QCs at chambers all agree this is a good starting point for any good cover letter.

What to Avoid in a Law Cover Letter

Saying a lot without selling yourself to the employer is one of the main pitfalls when writing a law cover letter. Make sure you make it clear what you can contribute to the firm – don’t simply rewrite your CV in long form.

The second most common is demonstrating ignorance of the company. This prevented promising candidates being offered jobs they were qualified for. Make sure you do plenty of research and that this is reflected in your cover letter. 

Lastly, make sure your letter is written coherently and follows a clear structure. If you’re worried about grammar and spelling, ask someone to check it before you submit your application!

Words: Cameron Haden

Find out more on making the best applications employers have ever seen:

  • 4 Essential Law Firm Research Strategies
  • How to Write the Perfect Pupillage Application
  • 6 Vital Things You Should Include in a Work Experience Cover Letter

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Writing a Cover Letter for a Law Internship Application

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Penny Loretto is the Associate Director in the Career Development Center at a Skidmore College, a small liberal arts college. She has her own career counseling practice, Career Choice, where she works with adults in career transition. She conducts career planning workshops including researching career options, job search strategies, and resume development.

Internships go hand-in-hand with law school . If you're currently pursuing your law degree, you’ve probably heard countless times how important it is to complete an internship before you graduate. Many experts recommend that you do several internships to give yourself the best chance of getting a full-time job.

Setting Yourself Apart From the Crowd

But it can be difficult to set yourself apart from other candidates when you’re a student with limited work experience. This is where a well-written, thoughtful cover letter comes in. It can be a powerful tool for securing a law internship, an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise, work ethic, knowledge, and passion for the subject. 

Don’t just repeat and retell your resume. Tailoring your cover letter to a particular firm's specialties and needs can help you stand out as a polished and professional applicant. Your cover letter should show your personality and give specific examples—either from your work your education or in a previous internship—of how you can fulfill the internship's responsibilities.

Some Tips and Some Things to Keep in Mind 

You’ll notice from this sample cover letter that the student wastes no time explaining who she is and what she’s accomplished so far. It’s right there in the first sentence, and that's good. This is important information. Don’t make your reader hunt for it.

The third paragraph in this sample letter demonstrates the writer’s knowledge and understanding of the law firm she's applying to. She understands the types of cases it takes on and what it seems to want to achieve. The writer uses this to mention why she would be a good match for this firm given these considerations. 

Close by expressing your gratitude for the opportunity and for the time this individual has already invested in reading your letter and your resume because the words “thank you” can go a long way.

It’s always better to offer more contact information than less. Consider if you only provided your cell number, then you lose your phone. The law firm can't reach you and might decide to just move on to the next candidate. You want to be reachable 24/7.

You might also pave the road for follow-up. Mention that you’ll be in touch by phone within a certain period of time if you don’t hear anything back.

Sample Cover Letter for a Law Internship

This is a law internship cover letter example. Download the law internship cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Sample Cover Letter for a Law Internship (Text Version)

Helen Marie Jenkins 4 Birch Court Los Angeles, CA 43212 902-777–3333

September 1, 2018

Ms. Kerry Ann Monroe Vice President of Human Resources l Jones, Mills, and Peters, LLC 566 Treeway Avenue Newport Beach, CA 89079

Dear Ms. Monroe:

As a current law student and previous intern with the prestigious law firm of Jenks, Jenks, and Jenks, LLC, it is with great enthusiasm that I am writing to apply for the summer internship position as a legal intern for Jones, Mills, and Pets, LLC. My knowledge, skills, and experience are a perfect match for this summer internship, and I think you’ll agree that I meet all of the qualifications as stipulated in the LA Gazette.

As president of the Student Government Association at UCLA, I participated in numerous clubs on campus and assisted in identifying and working on many causes for the betterment of the community. Our environmental club initiated a project that cleaned and restored safe drinking water in a local stream bed that had become polluted over time, and our Community Action Club worked with the local domestic violence and homeless shelters to offer assistance and compensation for clients to get back on their feet after experiencing hard times and social isolation. I worked with each of the club presidents to develop a financial plan that not only increased revenue but also permitted donations to stream into these local charitable organizations.

I am a community-minded citizen who wants to make a positive change in the world. I believe my talents and motivation would be an asset to Jones, Mills, and Peters, LLC, in the work they do for the local community and their commitment to making the city a safer and better place to live. The mission of Jones, Mills, and Peters, LLC, is exactly the type of environment in which I hope to work upon graduation next year.

I am excited about the possibility of speaking with you further about this outstanding opportunity with your firm. I will call next week to discuss my candidacy in hopes of securing an interview in the near future. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Helen Marie Jenkins

You're Not Finished Yet 

Write your letter, proofread it, then proofread it again. You must avoid any grammatical errors or typos. Both can indicate that you just don’t care about your work. Consider asking someone else to read your letter, too. A cold eye can add a layer of insurance even when it comes to your delivery—if your reader doesn't understand a certain point you're trying to make, odds are that the law firm won't either.

Above all, double-check to make sure you have the name of the firm and its hiring personnel correct. Can you spot the error in the sample letter here? You can bet Ms. Monroe will. 


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Cover Letters for Legal Interns: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are a law student aspiring for the position of a legal intern, it is important to craft an effective cover letter. A cover letter allows you to highlight your professionalism, skills, and genuine interest in the legal field. This is why your cover letter should accurately showcase your qualifications, academic achievements, and relevant experiences that align with the internship requirements. To help you draft the perfect cover letter for a legal intern position we have developed this detailed guide.

Table of Contents

Essential Sections to Include in a Cover Letter for a Law Internship

A cover letter for a law internship is essential to introduce yourself as a candidate to a law firm or legal department and express your interest in the internship position. It highlights your relevant skills, experiences, and academic achievements to show the recruiters that you are a good fit for the role. Overall it serves as a personalized introduction, demonstrating your enthusiasm and qualifications for the law internship opportunity. You must include relevant sections in the cover letter for a legal internship.

1. A Letter Header

It is important to start with a professional letterhead to create a cover letter for a legal intern position. This should include your full name, phone number, and email address. Besides these basic contact details, include the name of your city and the postcode of the state you reside in.

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2. Salutation

The salutation section of your cover letter for a law internship should maintain a professional tone and not be too informal. To maintain a professional tone, it is advisable, to begin with a greeting and follow it with the recruiter’s name, for instance, “ Dear Arjun”. However, if you can’t find the name of the recruiter, it is okay to address the recruiter as “Dear Hiring Manager”.

3. Introductory Paragraph

When writing your introductory paragraph, it is important to include personal details about yourself to give the reader a clear understanding of who you are. Begin by introducing yourself with your name and stating which position you are applying for.  It is also beneficial to mention if you are currently enrolled in law school or have recently graduated from one. Additionally, use this opportunity to showcase any notable accomplishments or experience that demonstrate why you would be an excellent fit for the role at hand. It is crucial to tailor your cover letter for a law firm internship to make a genuine connection with the hiring manager and demonstrate your enthusiasm for their organization.

4. Body Paragraphs

When writing the body for the cover letter for an internship at a law firm, focus on showcasing your achievements and abilities while also connecting them to the goals of the organization you are applying to.  If you have limited experience in law, it may be helpful to mention relevant coursework, volunteer work, or skills that can transfer over from other jobs. For instance, if you are seeking an internship at a public defender’s office, highlighting your top score in criminal law class could be beneficial.

5. Closing Paragraph

The closing paragraph of your cover letter for legal internship is a chance to make a lasting impression. It is crucial to show appreciation for the recipient’s time and consideration. Furthermore, include your contact information, such as a telephone number or email address for further discussion.

6. Conclusion and Signature

It is important to maintain a professional tone when concluding your legal intern cover letter. It is also important to avoid sounding overly familiar. Ending phrases such as “Sincerely,” “Kind regards,” or “Yours truly” are all appropriate ways to sign off on a cover letter for a law firm internship.

Also Read:   How to Write Cover Letter for Internship

Legal Intern Cover Letter Template

Take a look at this template for a cover letter for legal interns to get an idea of what your cover letter should look like.

Explore our comprehensive guide on  cover letter formats  and craft a winning application today!”

Cover Letter Sample for Law Internship

Here is a professional cover letter sample for a legal internship to help you create your personalized letter. Make sure to follow the tone and style of writing mentioned here:

Tips For Crafting a Compelling Cover Letter for a Law Internship

Here are some practical tips to help you create a professional cover letter for internship at law firm.

1. Be Concise

It is essential to only include relevant and well-written details. A lengthy and unfocused application letter for a law internship will not be engaging or effective, so it is best to keep the content concise yet informative.

2. Use Professional Tone

Maintaining a professional tone throughout your legal internship cover letter is paramount. The legal field demands a high level of professionalism, and your cover letter should reflect your ability to communicate in a formal, polished manner. Avoid casual language, slang, or overly colloquial phrasing that could detract from the seriousness of your application.

3. Customize Cover Letter

Avoid using the same cover letter for every legal internship you apply to. Personalize your cover letter by including relevant information about the specific role or company. A generic cover letter shows little enthusiasm for the position at hand.

4. Use Proper Formatting

Cover letters are typically limited to one page, so it is important to express yourself succinctly. Make sure your margins are set at a minimum of a three-quarters inch on the left, right, and topsides, and half an inch on the bottom. Choose a clear and easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Helvetica that matches the font used in your resume.

5. Review and Proofread

Ensure your legal intern cover letter is error-free and well-written. Proofreading is essential before submission. Additionally, it’s recommended to seek feedback from others on your cover letter for a legal internship as they may catch mistakes or offer valuable insights that you might have overlooked.

Crafting an effective cover letter for a legal intern requires careful consideration and attention to detail. It is important to showcase your relevant skills and experience while also conveying your enthusiasm and passion for the field of law. By tailoring your cover letter utilizing proper formatting, and evaluating and reading your cover letter, you can increase your chances of standing out from other applicants and securing a valuable internship opportunity in the legal industry. If this has been helpful to you, let us know your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section below. Also, check out our blog on the top 10 highest-paying law jobs in India .

Answer: You can compose a cover letter for a legal internship using the following format, “Dear [hiring manager’s name], Based on my [relevant education and experience], I believe that I possess the qualities necessary to excel in the role of an intern at [company name]. My proficiency in [two, or three skills] makes me well-suited for this opportunity.”

Answer: Typically, a cover letter for a legal internship should range from half a page to one full page. Ideally, it should contain 250-400 words and consist of three to six paragraphs.

Answer: Avoid starting the cover letter with, “My name is (),” phrase as the recipient already knows your name and it may make you appear inexperienced.

Answer: Begin by stating your purpose for writing and specify the job or field you are seeking employment in. Also, mention where you learned about this opportunity.

Answer: A cover letter is typically one page and submitted with your job application, along with your CV or resume. Its main function is to introduce yourself and provide a brief overview of your work experience.

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Harshita is an English Literature graduate from the University of Delhi with 3 years of experience in Content Writing and Editing. Dedicated to her craft, she loves creating magic with words. She is a big fan of hoarding cute planners and journals and can be seen watching FRIENDS (almost EVERYTIME) in her spare time. Her meticulous attention to detail makes her stand out from the crowd. A typo epidemic is her worst nightmare!

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Writing a legal CV and cover letter

If you want to succeed in the competitive field of law, it helps if you get the basics right. To ensure your applications don't fail at the first hurdle learn how to craft a strong legal CV and cover letter

When it comes to selling your qualifications, skills and experience to potential employers your CV and cover letter are your shop window.

Despite many firms now using online forms for their applications, a CV and cover letter are important as they allow you to gather all your information in one place. They're also useful for speculative or ad hoc opportunities. Having a strong up-to-date CV and cover letter means you will be ready for any opportunity which might arise.

What should I include in my legal CV?

Your legal CV should be around two pages in length, and follow this general structure:

  • Personal details  - At the top of the page, include details such as your name, address, email and telephone number.
  • Education and qualifications  - Detail any professional memberships (e.g. the Law Society) or qualifications you possess, such as the  Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE)  or the  Legal Practice Course (LPC) . List your degree, A-levels and GCSEs; when discussing the former, mention the  areas of law  that you studied while at university and state your dissertation title.
  • Work experience  - Profile your work history, including the organisation you worked for and its location, plus your job title and, if applicable, your practice areas. Describe your key tasks and responsibilities, paying close attention to the significant results of your actions. You could separate your work experience into different categories, such as legal, commercial and  voluntary . Use your  law work experience  to demonstrate your passion for a career in the field, and your part-time work to exhibit your transferable skills such as commercial awareness.
  • IT and language skills  - Outline your level of proficiency with relevant software packages such as Microsoft Word and Excel and mention any additional languages that you speak.
  • Activities and interests  - Avoid listing irrelevant hobbies such as reading or listening to music. Instead, discuss your involvement in sporting teams and other organisations, highlighting any positions of responsibility you've held or awards you've gained. Experiences - such as starting a new club or society at university - can help you stand out.
  • Referees  - You don't necessarily need to give references at this stage. Stating 'references available on request' will usually suffice.

'Make sure your CV is in chronological order with your most recent work experience and education at the top of each section,' advises Katherine Sharp, early careers manager at Dentons.

As a general rule your CV should contain facts, while your cover letter provides the narrative around the facts.

For more advice on what abilities recruiters in the legal sector are looking for, see  7 skills for a successful law career .

How do I fine tune my law CV?

'Law firms receive thousands of applications. The best advice is to make it easy for the person reviewing your application by having clear sections with heading, including all of the relevant information so they don’t have to contact you for more detail,' explains Katherine. 'Make sure that it is consistently formatted with a simple layout. Sell yourself, don't just say 'I worked for X firm as a Y.' Tell us what you actually did, the skills you developed and what you achieved.'

As well as following the above advice, you should also ensure that your CV is:

  • presented using bold sub-headings and bullet points
  • if necessary, printed on good-quality paper
  • read by a friend, family member or careers adviser before submission
  • submitted well before the deadline
  • typed in size-11 Arial, or a similarly clear and professional-looking font.

It doesn't matter if you're completing a bespoke application form or drafting your own legal CV, the basics stay the same. You need to:

  • Pay attention to detail  - 'Double check spelling and grammar – a lack of attention to detail will inevitably mean that you do not progress to the next stage of the recruitment process,' says Katherine. Ask someone else (a family member, friend or careers adviser) to check your work. After all, spelling a firm's name incorrectly doesn't give the best first impression.
  • Remember that relevant work experience doesn't always have to be legal  - Other types of work and volunteering experience can demonstrate that you are customer-focused, well organised, a good team player and a successful problem solver. Firms like to see what you have been up to outside of your studies. Rather than thinking 'I have no experience' try to work out how to articulate the experience you do have in a way that firms will see as relevant.

For more tips on how to write a good CV see  how to write a CV .

What should I leave out of a legal CV?

When writing a law CV, you shouldn't:

  • leave any unexplained gaps in your career history
  • add too much detail
  • include 'personal details such as your date of birth, marital status, nationality or a photo,' says Katherine.
  • include your age, gender, marital status etc. as these are irrelevant details and  recruiters don't like to see them included
  • use overly outlandish formatting
  • use pictures or tables
  • write bland profile or objective sections
  • write 'CV' or 'curriculum vitae' at the top.

It should go without saying, but also avoid lying on your CV. Be authentic. Integrity in law is everything.

How do I write a legal cover letter?

As the number of applications often far outweighs the number of jobs available, writing a strong cover letter is essential for any law career, as it helps to persuade employers that you'd be a fantastic recruit. It should be one page long, and:

  • demonstrate your knowledge of the law firm and wider  legal sector
  • elaborate on your key skills, experiences and characteristics, without simply repeating your CV
  • explain why you aspire to work for the organisation.

Bear in mind that employers look at your legal cover letter as an indication of your written communication, so make it interesting.

Write about why you want to work for a particular firm. For example, if you're applying to a niche sports law firm have you had work experience with a sports company or are you part of any sports teams or clubs? If you're applying to an international firm, is it because you have language skills or have you had experience of working abroad?

Make sure to read job adverts carefully. What is the firm telling you they want in a candidate? Do they mention communication skills, attention to detail etc.? This is your chance to choose something from your experience to demonstrate those skills. As prospective lawyers employers want to see you using evidence to support the points you make. If you're a good communicator what's the evidence?

To achieve these objectives, your legal cover letter should follow this general structure:

  • Opening paragraph  - Briefly mention the position you're applying for and how you found out about it.
  • Second paragraph  - Tell the recruiter who you are and what stage of your career you're at. Explain how your qualities can benefit the firm with practical evidence from your work experience, academic history or extra-curricular activities. Use powerful and positive language throughout without exaggerating.
  • Third paragraph  - Tell the organisation why you're specifically attracted to them and their work citing, if possible, any current or recent cases of interest.
  • Closing paragraph  - Mention that you've enclosed your CV and look forward to hearing from the firm. Explain when you'd be available for interview and cover any practical issues you've been asked to address, such as salary expectations.

Highlight what makes you stand out and make your cover letter punchy and accurate.

Find more general advice on  cover letters  and discover  5 things to avoid when writing a cover letter .

How do I target my application to a law firm?

It's much wiser to submit between five and ten highly targeted applications than dozens of generic, copy-and-paste ones. Every application should be treated as an individual project.

Consider why you're applying to a particular firm, because it's more than likely you'll be asked this question at interview stage. What attracts you to certain areas of law and particular firms? Do your values match the firm you’re applying to?

Thoroughly research the prospective organisation - the more you know about the firm, the more tailored your application will be. Regularly checking the news sections of firms' websites will allow you to reference current cases and projects in your application and understand which skills would come in useful. What's more, possessing such knowledge will allow you to address your application to the most relevant individual.

All of this also helps you to determine whether your skills and career preferences would be suited to the specialist work that the firm undertakes and vice versa.

This is as invaluable when  choosing a law firm  as it is when attending law fairs, open days and  vacation schemes .

How do I make my application stand out to legal employers?

You are more than the sum total of your academic studies and work experience so be brave and tell prospective employers what it is about you, over and above the academics and work experience that makes you the ideal candidate.

If your legal CV and cover letter do their job and your application is progressed to the next stage, learn more about the  questions you might be asked in a law interview .

Find out more

  • Get more advice on writing CVs and cover letters .
  • Discover top interview tips .

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8 September 2023

Writing a Placement & Work Experience Cover Letter

Alt Text!

When you apply for a placement, you’ll need to send a cover letter along with your CV. A placement cover letter supports your application by explaining who you are and why you’re interested in the role.

The aim of your cover letter is to persuade an employer to read your CV, (over the fifty others they received), and eventually invite you for an interview.

Want to write the perfect one? Read on for the how…

  • What goes into a work experience cover letter?

How to write a cover letter for a placement

Placement cover letter example.

  • Things to remember

What goes into a work experience cover letter

Although you should always tailor your cover letter for each job you apply for, there are a couple of things that all cover letters must include.

On top of the usual letter niceties, these are…

  • Your name and contact details
  • The role you’re applying for
  • Why you’re interested in the role
  • Your skills and previous experience
  • What you’ll bring to the company
  • Your career goals

Step 1: Dear Sir / Madam?

The first three words of your cover letter are crucial. Make no mistake!

Recruiters and employers get itchy eyes when they read a work placement cover letter addressed to [Dear Sir/Madam]. And they really lose their minds when they see [To whom it may concern]. It’s best to address your letter to the reader directly. So…

Dear Full Name , e.g. Dear David Attenborough – this is ideal as it’s gender-inclusive and doesn’t rely on the use of ‘Mr’ or ‘Ms’

Dear Mr Surname , e.g. Dear Mr Attenborough

Dear Ms Surname , e.g. Dear Ms Attenborough – never presume marital status. Write Ms instead of Miss / Mrs.

Don’t know who to address your cover letter to? There’s a few things you can do.

1. Browse LinkedIn – Lots of companies have a profile that lists their employees

2. Contact the employer – Ask for the name of the person who is tasked with reading placement cover letters. You can do this by phone or email

3. Address your cover letter to the department manager

4. If you can’t locate the person who handles recruitment, address your placement cover letter to someone who works in HR .

law placement cover letter

Step 2:  Swift intro

Next, you need to disclose what placement you’re applying for. 

A company might be hiring placement students in a number of different departments. Be specific to make sure you’re being considered for the right role.

Write something like this –

“ I am writing regarding the vacancy for the marketing placement with IBM, as advertised on RateMyPlacement. Please find my attached CV. “

Let the recruiter know where you found the vacancy for the placement. Employers are always keen to know what channels students use to find jobs. It makes a good impression.

Step 3:  Why are you interested?

Now you’ve introduced yourself, it’s time to explain why you’re interested in the chosen placement or work experience scheme.

It’s important to do some research about the company you’re applying to and the content of the programme. Use it to give convincing reasons for your interest in the placement.

Step 4: What can YOU bring?

In this section, you want to explain what you’ll bring to the company as a placement student. There’s no need to mention everything.

Be specific and keep it relevant to the role. What unique skills will you bring to the organisation?

It’s also a chance to talk a little bit about your hobbies and interests – keeping them relevant to the role you’ve applied to.

“ I am halfway through a Marketing degree, and on course to achieve a 2:1. So far, I have focussed on digital marketing modules, which have imparted strong analytical and problem-solving skills. I am also now proficient in basic coding. My three years at Mecca Bingo have provided experience with customer service practices and other useful soft skills. “

law placement cover letter

Step 5: Final flourish

Aptly named the final flourish, you will end your placement cover letter in this section. Thank the recruiter for considering your application, and register your interest in attending an interview.

“Thank you for considering my application, I’m looking forward to the prospect of discussing the placement in greater detail in an interview. “

Step 6: Farewell

If you found the name of the recruiter/employer, end your placement cover letter with ‘Yours Sincerely’. If you rebelled and wrote “to whom it may concern”, put ‘ Yours Faithfully’.

Want to set yourself up for success with your work experience application? Sign up to our FREE Career Coaching Course, a four-day virtual programme in October, to upskill yourself on CVs, applications and interviews.

Here is an example of a placement cover letter. This is the structure and general length you should be aiming for (approx 250 words) …

Dear Mr Attenborough,

I am writing regarding the vacancy for the marketing placement with IBM, as advertised on RateMyPlacement. Please find my attached CV.

I am particularly interested in this placement at IBM because of the focus on different areas of digital marketing. IBM is at the forefront of the digital marketing industry, and I am fascinated by the cloud-based software IBM provides for companies on email, web and social media. 

I have been reading about IBM’s most recent project, which aimed to improve customer experience across the buyer journey. It links closely to a project I completed in the first year of my Marketing degree, which centred around optimising the user experience for online retail.

I am halfway through a Marketing degree, and on course to achieve a 2:1. So far, I have focussed on digital marketing modules, which have imparted strong analytical and problem-solving skills. I am also now proficient in basic coding. My three years at Mecca Bingo have provided experience with customer service practices and other useful soft skills.

Thank you for considering my application, I’m looking forward to the prospect of discussing the placement in greater detail in an interview.

Yours Sincerely,

Kevin McCloud.

Things to remember…

Now you have the tools needed to craft a superb piece of career prose, there are a few things to keep in mind…

Online Placement Applications

1 . If you’re applying for a placement online, you’ll need to write your cover letter in a text box. Write it in Microsoft Word or Pages first, then copy and paste it into the text box. That way you can check your grammar and spelling beforehand.

2. If you’re sending your cover letter via email or attaching it to an online application, save it as a .pdf rather than a Word/Pages file. All computers can read PDFs, so there’ll be no problem when an employer opens the file.

3 . Always save your cover letter as ‘[Your Name] Cover Letter ‘. It looks clean, and employers will be able to find you easier.

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law placement cover letter

Written by Conor

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law placement cover letter

StandOut CV

Placement cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

Placements are a great way to gain valuable experience, but this is also the reason these roles are so competitive.

Your cover letter gives you a chance to expand on your CV and persuade the employer to invite you for an interview over the other 50 applicants. So it needs to be good!

Find out how to write an attention-grabbing application with our detailed guide and placement cover letter examples below.

CV templates 

Placement cover letter example 1

Placement cover letter 1

Placement cover letter example 2

Placement cover letter 2

Placement cover letter example 3

Placement cover letter 3

The example cover letters here should give you a good general idea on how your Placement cover letter should be formatted and written.

The rest of this guide gives more specific guidance on how to create your own cover letter in this format, and even includes some templates you can copy and paste.

How to write a Placement cover letter

A simple step-by-step guide to writing your very own winning cover letter.

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

You should write your cover letter in the body of the email (or messaging system if sending via a job board) and never attach it as a document.

The reason for this?

You want your cover letter to start connecting with the recruiter from the moment they open your application.

If they have to open a document to read it, it will slow things down and they may not even bother to open it.

Write cover letter in body of email

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

To kick your cover letter off, start with a friendly greeting to build rapport with the recruiter instantly.

Your greeting should be personable but professional. Not too casual, but not too formal either

Go with something like…

  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Avoid old-fashioned greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very formal companies.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try these methods to find it.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

Once you’ve opened up the cover letter with a warm greeting to start building a relationship, it is time to identify which role you want to apply for.

Recruiters are often managing multiple vacancies, so you need to ensure you apply to the correct one.

Be very specific and use a reference number if you can find one.

  • I am interested in applying for the position of *Placement position* with your company.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 406f57393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advert for a junior project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The sole objective of your cover letter is to motivate recruiters into to opening your CV. And you achieve this by quickly explaining your suitability to the roles you are applying for.

Take a look at the job descriptions you are applying to, and make note of the most important skills and qualifications being asked for.

Then, when crafting your cover letter, make your suitability the central focus.

Explain why you are the best qualified candidate, and why you are so well suited to carry out the job.

This will give recruiters all the encouragement they need to open your CV and consider you for the job.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

It is best to keep your cover letter brief if you want to ensure you hold the attention of busy recruiters and hiring managers. A lengthy cover letter will probably not get read in full, so keep yours to around 3-6 sentences and save the real detail for your CV.

Remember the purpose of your cover letter is to quickly get recruiters to notice you and encourage them to open your CV, so it only needs to include the highlights of your experience.

Sign off professionally

To round of your cover letter, add a professional signature to the bottom, giving recruiters your vital contact information.

This not only gives various means of contacting you, it also looks really professional and shows that you know how to communicate in the workplace.

Include the following points;

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Warm regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network – e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Gerald Baker Senior Accountant 07887500404 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip : To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application email, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate document that you could copy in.

Email signatures

What to include in your Placement cover letter

Your Placement cover letter will be unique to your situation, but there are certain content guidelines you should stick to for best results.

To attract and entice recruiters, stick with the following key subjects in your cover letter – adapting them to fit your profession and target jobs.

  • Your professional experience – Employers will be keen to know if your experience is suitable for the job you are applying to, so provide a good summary of it in your cover letter.
  • Your qualifications and education – Highlight your most relevant and high-level of qualification, especially if they are essential to the job.
  • The positive impact you have made – Employers love to hear about the benefits you can bring to them, so shout about anything impressive you have done, such as saving money or improving processes.
  • Your reasons for leaving – Use a few words of your cover letter to explain why you are leaving your current job and ensure you avoid any negative reasons.
  • Your availability – Let recruiters know when you can start a new job . Are you immediately available, or do you have a month notice period?

Placement cover letter templates

Copy and paste these Placement cover letter templates to get a head start on your own.

I hope you are well. I would like to apply for the Health and Social Care academic placement at Lifetime UK. With a heartfelt commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of individuals who require support, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute towards delivering success to organisation.

I am in my final year of my BSc in Social Psychology at the University of London, where have gained fundamental knowledge of how psychological principles apply to behavioural problems. In my current role as a volunteer at Ellesmere House Care Home, I treat each individual with dignity, respect, and kindness, as well as believe in tailoring care to people’s unique needs, preferences, and routines to promote comfort and well-being.

I maintain a safe environment and have played a role in helped conduct exercise sessions that increased residents’ physical health and mobility by 20% as measured by physicians. Additionally, I was pivotal in preparing nutritious meals which lowered obese lowered obese residents’ weight by 10%.

Enclosed is my CV, which provides further details about my skills and additional achievements. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience to schedule an interview.

Kind regards

James Goldstein

Good day Mark

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Accounting Placement opportunity at Jameson Stone LLP, as advertised on the company’s website. As a current BSc Finance student, I am excited about the opportunity to expand my knowledge by learning from my experienced team members.

During my academic tenure I have developed a solid understanding of accounting principles, financial reporting, and taxation. Alongside my studies I work part-time as a Retail Assistant at McColl’s Retail Group, where I have exceeded snack sales targets by 10% and helped boost CSAT score by 25% through offering outstanding customer service. Moreover, I played a key role in revamping the store’s visual merchandising layout, resulting in a 30% increase in the visibility of featured food products.

My bookkeeping and ledger management knowledge, commitment to professional growth, career aspirations, as well as attention to detail makes me the perfect candidate for the placement opportunity.

I welcome the opportunity of discussing my other achievements and competencies in an interview, at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Neil Stapleton

Good afternoon, Shannon

I would like to write to express my interest in the culinary placement opportunity at Accor Hotel. As a culinary arts student with a strong desire to learn/grow within a professional kitchen environment, I am excited about the opportunity to develop my competencies under your mentorship.

My culinary journey began as a volunteer at ND Care & Support, where I experimented with different flavours and techniques in the home’s kitchen. I had the privilege of honing my knife skills, and expanding my knowledge of cooking methods and food safety standards to ensure that all residents were served with nutritious meals, which is demonstrated by improving residents’ health outcomes by 15% on average through preparing well-balanced dishes, as well as supporting the implementation of ingredient inventory management processes that resulted in a 30% reduction in food waste.

This passion has only grown stronger over time, leading me to pursue formal culinary education, and I am now seeking a placement opportunity to further hone my skills and experiences.

Thank you for considering my application. I am immediately available for an interview and look forward to discussing the possibility of joining your esteemed hospitality company.

Harry Arnold

Writing an impressive cover letter is a crucial step in landing a Placement, so taking the time to perfect it is well worth while.

By following the tips and examples above you will be able to create an eye-catching cover letter that will wow recruiters and ensure your CV gets read – leading to more job interviews for you.

Good luck with your job search!


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  2. Law (Clerkships) Sample Cover Letter

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  6. Employment Lawyer Cover Letter Perfect Photos Comfortable

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  1. Rebecca: My Junior Paralegal placement at Beale & Co

  2. Placement achievements in the year 2023-2024

  3. JOB PLACEMENT SERVICE, If you are already in Australia / NZ / UK / Canada / Malta.#jobsinaustralia

  4. Pistol Course II

  5. Where should be signature placed at the end of the letter?



  1. How to Write a Cover Letter for Law Firms (with Examples)

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  2. Writing legal CVs and covering letters examples

    Legal Covering letter tips. Aim for a professional and personable tone. Fonts and formatting - maximum of one side of white A4 paper, with the same font as your legal CV. Proofread carefully to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes. Find out who you are addressing - find out the name of the recipient if possible and sign off 'Yours ...

  3. Lawyer Cover Letter Example (w/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

    Top ↑ Lawyer Cover Letter Example 5 Steps for the Perfect Law Cover Letter #1. Put Contact Information in the Header #2. Address the Hiring Manager #3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement #4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details #5. Wrap It Up and Sign It 3 Essential Law Cover Letter Tips #1. Match Your Resume #2.

  4. Cover Letter Advice & Samples

    Overview. Draft your cover letter knowing it is your first writing sample. Understand that a cover letter should persuade the reader. Use the cover letter to "connect the dots" of your experiences. Resist the temptation to restate your resume. The Basics. Keep your cover letter to one page. Use the font style and point size that match your ...

  5. Legal Cover Letter—Samples & Tips [also for No Experience]

    First, let's set a precedent with our two legal cover letter samples. See how they present their evidence to the jury and make their argument. 1. Legal Cover Letter Samples. The first legal cover letter example comes from Frank, who is applying to be a paralegal with a few years of experience already.

  6. Legal Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

    The current date and your personal address are missing, both of which are customary inclusions. The hiring manager's name, title, and firm's full address are missing, which are fundamental to a strong, professional header. Correct legal cover letter header example. Thomas Brennan. (123) 456-7890.

  7. Legal Cover Letter: Examples & Ready-To-Use Template

    [email protected]. These were two legal cover letter samples that will get a unanimous verdict. First, let's set up your legal cover letter. 2. How to Write a Legal Cover Letter Step by Step (Template) Here's how to write a job-winning legal cover letter: 1. Use The Correct Cover Letter Format.

  8. How to write a cover letter for law

    4. Ending your cover letter. Briefly detail any practical issues (when you're available for interview, for instance). Finally, mention that you've attached your CV and that you look forward to hearing back from the firm. Before you hit send, make sure you proofread your letter a few times, and perhaps ask a family member or friend to do the ...

  9. Legal Cover Letter Examples & Expert Tips ·

    The legal cover letter example below gives an overview of how to create your own application: Copyable example for a legal cover letter. Dear Ms. Cleary, I am writing to convey my sincere interest in being considered for the Legal Assistant position currently seeking candidates at Hutchins & Hutchins.

  10. How To Write A Legal Job Cover Letter (With Examples)

    The title of the person reading your cover letter. E.g. "hiring manager" or " partner ". The name of the law firm or organization. The address, city, state, and zip code of the law firm or organization. Start with a personal greeting. Addressing your cover letter is pretty straightforward, given you know the name of the person you will ...

  11. 6 Things to Put in a Law Work Experience Cover Letter

    Generally, your cover letter should be made up of the 3 C's: Concise, Compartmentalized, Coherent. It is a piece crafted to convince your future employers of both your unique capabilities and suitability. Here is a guide to planning your law work experience cover letter from start to end.

  12. How to write winning covering letters for law firms

    A covering letter should be a maximum of one page, with a font size of 11 or 12. Slaughter and May 's Janine Arnold agrees: 'A lengthy covering letter is not necessary; aim for it to be no longer than one side of A4.'. Remember that some firms will give a word count for the covering letter they want you to write as part of your application.

  13. How to Write a Law Cover Letter (With Example and Template)

    Follow these four steps to craft a legal cover letter for your next position: 1. Include your personal information. Write your full name, along with relevant certifications, at the top of your cover letter. Beneath this information, include your phone number, email address and current location. Add a vertical pipe between each item in your ...

  14. 3 Legal cover letter examples [Get noticed]

    Legal cover letter examples. Andrew Fennell. Your CV can help you to start outlining your legal experience and relevant qualifications, but the recruiter certainly won't object to an accompanying cover letter. In fact, this is likely to boost your chances of being invited in for an interview. To help you perfect your application so the ...

  15. How to Write a Legal/Law Cover Letter [Examples]

    1. Start your law cover letter with a professional header and salutation. Start writing your cover letter by formatting the header like any other business letter: Right-align your contact details (incl. email and phone) Left-align your hiring manager's details. Put down the date. State the subject (i.e. the position) of your legal cover letter.

  16. How to Write the Perfect Law Cover Letter

    Think of this question as the theme for the opening paragraph of your law cover letter: in it, you will need to set out who you are, the role you are applying for, a very brief summary of your experience and a concise line or two on why these experiences have directed you to this field. It should be clear to the reader the kind of lawyer you ...

  17. Best Law Student Cover Letter Samples (Email Examples)

    Sample 01. Dear Ms. Harper, I am a second-year law student at New York Law School, with a keen interest in civil litigation and family law. It is with great enthusiasm that I submit my application for the Summer Internship Program at Harper & Associates Law Firm, as advertised on the NYLS Career Services Board.

  18. A Sample Legal Internship Cover Letter

    Sample Cover Letter for a Law Internship (Text Version) September 1, 2018. Dear Ms. Monroe: As a current law student and previous intern with the prestigious law firm of Jenks, Jenks, and Jenks, LLC, it is with great enthusiasm that I am writing to apply for the summer internship position as a legal intern for Jones, Mills, and Pets, LLC.

  19. Cover Letters for Legal Interns: Tips & Template

    1. A Letter Header. It is important to start with a professional letterhead to create a cover letter for a legal intern position. This should include your full name, phone number, and email address. Besides these basic contact details, include the name of your city and the postcode of the state you reside in. 2.

  20. Writing a legal CV and cover letter

    When writing a law CV, you shouldn't: leave any unexplained gaps in your career history. add too much detail. include 'personal details such as your date of birth, marital status, nationality or a photo,' says Katherine. include your age, gender, marital status etc. as these are irrelevant details and recruiters don't like to see them included.

  21. Writing a Placement & Work Experience Cover Letter

    There's a few things you can do. 1. Browse LinkedIn - Lots of companies have a profile that lists their employees. 2. Contact the employer - Ask for the name of the person who is tasked with reading placement cover letters. You can do this by phone or email. 3. Address your cover letter to the department manager. 4.

  22. Placement Cover Letter (for Work Experience): Example & Tips

    See how to write your own letter for work experience: 1. Head up your placement cover letter with a well set-out header. Use the right header format for your placement cover letter. Simply align to the right your full name, postal address, email, and phone number. Leave a line and add the date of writing. Leave another line and align to the ...

  23. 3 Placement cover letter examples [Get the job]

    Placement cover letter example 3. CV templates. The example cover letters here should give you a good general idea on how your Placement cover letter should be formatted and written. The rest of this guide gives more specific guidance on how to create your own cover letter in this format, and even includes some templates you can copy and paste.