Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7 Format, Examples, Exercises


Newspaper report writing involves presenting factual information about events, incidents, or issues in a structured format. It is a fundamental aspect of journalism, aiming to inform readers about current happenings. Developing proficiency in newspaper report writing not only enhances communication skills but also nurtures critical thinking and research abilities.

Understanding Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

Definition of Newspaper Report Writing

Newspaper report writing can be defined as the process of summarizing news events or stories and presenting them in a clear and concise manner. It requires gathering information, organizing it logically, and conveying it effectively to readers. The primary goal is to provide accurate and unbiased information while maintaining reader engagement.

Importance of Newspaper Report Writing

Newspaper report writing holds immense significance in the field of journalism. It serves as a medium through which reporters convey news to the masses. Well-crafted reports help readers understand complex events, raise awareness, and facilitate informed discussions. Additionally, mastering this skill empowers students to articulate their thoughts and observations with precision.

Also Read: Report Writing On Road Accident For Class 10

Format Of Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

To ensure consistency and readability, newspaper reports follow a specific format. Familiarizing oneself with this format is essential for students to create effective reports. The key elements of a newspaper report include:

Headline The headline captures the essence of the news event or story. It should be catchy, concise, and provide a glimpse of the main topic.

Byline The byline identifies the author or reporter who wrote the report. It adds credibility to the information presented.

Date and Place Including the date and place of the event provides context and helps readers understand the timeline and location of the incident.


The introduction, also known as the lead, sets the tone for the report. It should provide a brief overview of the event, answering the questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Body The body of the report presents the main details of the event or incident. It expands on the information provided in the introduction, presenting relevant facts, quotes, and statistics.

Conclusion The conclusion summarizes the key points and brings the report to a logical close. It may include additional insights or future implications related to the event.

Examples Of Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

To illustrate the practical application of newspaper report writing, let’s consider two examples:

Example 1: Sports Event Coverage

Headline: Thrilling Soccer Match Ends in a Draw

Byline: By John Smith

Date & position May 23, 2023- City Stadium

preface history, the largely awaited soccer match between Team A and Team B took place at City Stadium. suckers from both brigades went to see the thrilling match.

Body The battle began with both brigades displaying skill and determination. Team A gained an early lead with a thing in the 15th nanosecond, but Team B incontinently responded, equating in the 30th.

The tension increased in the second half as both sides fought tooth and nail to grab a lead. Despite multiple close calls and outstanding saves by both keepers, neither team was able to break the tie. The match concluded with a final score of 1-1, leaving the spectators on the edge of their seats.

Quotations from the platoon captains showcased their studies on the match. Captain A expressed,” It was a tough game, but we gave our stylish. We will come back stronger coming time.” Captain B remarked,” We fought hard and merited the draw. It’s a positive result for us.”

Conclusion: The thrilling soccer match between Team A and Team B ended in a well-fought draw. Both teams displayed commendable skills, leaving fans eager to witness their future encounters.

Example 2: Local Community News

Headline: Community Garden Inaugurated, Promoting Sustainable Living

Byline: By Emily Davis

Date and Place: May 22, 2023 – Green Acres Community Center

Introduction: Green Acres Community Center celebrated the inauguration of its new community garden yesterday. The initiative aims to promote sustainable living and provide residents with fresh produce.

Body: The inauguration ceremony commenced with a speech by the community center director, highlighting the importance of sustainable practices. Local residents and representatives from environmental organizations attended the event, symbolizing their support for a greener community.

The community garden spans an area of 1,000 square feet and is equipped with raised beds for vegetable cultivation. Local volunteers and gardening enthusiasts have pledged to maintain the garden and organize workshops on organic farming.

Residents expressed their excitement about the new initiative. Jane Thompson, a local resident, stated, “It’s wonderful to see our community come together for a greener future. The garden will not only provide fresh produce but also foster a sense of unity.”

Conclusion: The inauguration of the community garden at Green Acres Community Center marks a significant step towards sustainable living. The initiative promises to provide residents with fresh, organic produce while promoting environmental consciousness and community involvement.

Exercises For Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

To enhance the newspaper report writing skills of Class 7 students, the following exercises are recommended:

Exercise 1: Writing a Headline

Create an attention-grabbing caption for a report on an academy wisdom show.

Exercise 2: Preface casting

Write an interesting beginning to a report about a recent field trip to a historical landmark.

Exercise 3: Body Development

Expand on the information provided in the introduction and develop the body of a report on a charity event organized by the school.

Exercise 4: Concluding the Report

Summarize the key points and conclude a report on an inter-school debate competition.

Exercise 5: Adding Quotes and Facts

Include relevant quotes and interesting facts in a report on a cultural festival celebrated in your city.

Tips For Effective Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

To excel in newspaper report writing, consider the following tips:

  • Use a Clear and Concise Writing Style: Write in a manner that is easily understandable to a wide range of readers. Avoid unnecessary jargon or complicated language.
  • Stick to the Inverted Pyramid Structure: Place the most important information at the beginning of the report, followed by supporting details. This structure ensures that readers grasp the main points even if they only read the initial paragraphs.
  • Include Relevant Details and Quotes: Provide specific details that add depth to your report. Incorporate quotes from relevant individuals to enhance credibility and provide different perspectives.
  • Edit and Proofread Your Report: Ensure your report is free from grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and inconsistencies. Edit for clarity and coherence, and proofread multiple times before finalizing.

Conclusion On Newspaper Report Writing Topics For Class 7:

Newspaper report writing is an essential skill for Class 7 students. By following the prescribed format, examining examples, and engaging in exercises, students can hone their abilities to present information accurately and effectively. Mastering this skill opens doors to effective communication and nurtures critical thinking abilities.

CBSE board- Report Writing Format, Samples and Examples

CBSE board- Report Writing Format, Samples and Examples

1. To promote healthy eating habits amongst school children your school recently organized a ‘Nutritious Food and Snacks Competition’. The competition was open to both parents and students. The participation was very encouraging. The famous nutrition expert, Dr. Shikha Sharma was the chief guest. As Anjum, the student editor of your school magazine, write a report about this event in 100 words.

Ans:                                                    SECRETS TO HEALTHY SNACKING

Hundreds of parents and students participated in the ‘Nutritious Food and Snacks Competition’ organized by Vaibhav Public School, Hastinapur, yesterday, to increase awareness about healthy eating habits. The awareness campaign was aimed at both students, who snack by grabbing burgers, fries, potato chips, or chocolates, as well as for parents, who are juggling busy schedules where fast food becomes a convenient option. The school organized a Healthy Cooking Competition wherein all recipes involved healthy food like salads, whole-grain bread and roasted snacks.

The winner amongst parents was Ms. Neeru Mittal and amongst students was Noor AM Kajani of XII B.

The eminent nutrition expert, Dr. Shikha, the chief guest said, ‘When it comes to smart snacking, think small portions, think healthy potions!’ This competition was an eye-opener for one and all.

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2. Write a newspaper report on a Bus Accident taking ideas from the following hints:

Shimla, April 4, Bus skidded, Chamba district, Koti village, 10 killed, villagers, 25 injured, third incident, mini truck accident, a pickup van fell into the gorge.

Answer                                                        Ten Killed In Himachal Accident

(Thursday, April 04, 2013, by TANS)

Shimla, April 4

The people were killed and 25 injured when a private bus skidded off the road and fell into a gorge in Himachal Pradesh’s Chamba district Monday morning, police said. This is the third major road accident in Chamba district in less than a month. The accident took place in Koti Village, about 22 km from Chamba town where it was headed to. Superintendent of police Madhusudhan told TANS over the phone from the spot. He said the injured were admitted to the zonal hospital, some 450 km from state capital Shimla. The dead were mainly men and belonged to nearby villages. Last month, 32 members of a marriage party were killed when their mini-truck rolled into a 500-metre deep gorge near Sherpur village, some 50 km from Chamba. On the same day in the other accident, a pick up a van carrying employees of a private company executing a hydropower project fell into a gorge near Bharmour, 65 km from Chamba, killing nine people on the spot.

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3. Given below are some notes of a newspaper reporter. Using given notes write a news report for a        National Daily.

  • Anna Hazare refuses to end hunger strike, • 73 yr old, lost weight, • felt a little weak • invoke the memory of Mahatma Gandhi, • popular political tactics, • Candlelit vigils; • Mumbai, Lucknow, • Jaipur, • Bollywood stars, • Fast until death, • to stamp out graft, • the third day of a strike.

Answer                                    Indian Activist Anna Hazare Refuses To End Hunger Strike

Sunday, 7 April 2013: New Delhi :

A 73-year-old Indian anti-corruption campaigner has refused to end his “fast until death” despite government’s concessions on his demands for a powerful new body to stamp out graft in the country. On the third day of his hunger strike i.e. Thursday, he said he had lost weight and “felt a little weak” but could continue without food for at least another week.

Hunger strikes invoke the memory of those undertaken by Mahatma Gandhi. They are popular political tactics in India and are frequent features of public life. However, this most recent campaign against corruption has mobilised millions of Indians. Hazare’s Facebook page has more than 80,000 friends and supporters. Tens of thousands also joined the protests, ranging from hunger strikes to candlelit vigils in cities all over the country including Mumbai, Lucknow and Jaipur. A number of Bollywood stars have also come out in support of Hazare, a former soldier and veteran social activist.

4. You are school correspondent Mr Jagdish Valecha. Your school Patna Central School organised the Prize Distribution Function on March 2, 2014. The school patron Sh. Sudarshanji Maharaj was the chief guest of the function. Write a detailed report for the school magazine.

  Answer                                                 School Holds Awards Function

March 2, 2014, Patna

Patna Central School organized its Awards Function–Rshirwad-2014’—here on Tuesday on its school campus. The talented students were awarded for their achievements in various fields. These included writing, painting, fancy dress competition, science exhibition, folk dance, slogan writing and sports like kho-kho, kabaddi, volleyball, basketball and chess. As many as 34 students were awarded for 100% attendance. School patron Acharya Shri Sudarshanji Maharaj gave his blessings to the students. In his speech, he said that all children are talented but they need proper moulding and guidance. This can be done only by a teacher. The school principal read out the Annual Report. He exhorted students to take part in extra-curricular activities. A dance ballet on various aspects of Goddess Ma Shakti was performed by the students and a devotional song was sung by Saloni Sharma. The function ended with the singing of National Anthem.

Some More Solved Examples of Report Writing Are:-

5. Report Writing Samples: Chaos After Crackdown

6. Report Writing Samples: Blue lines Off, But Auto Rickshaws Make A Kill

7. Report Writing Samples: Boy Immolates Himself

8. Report Writing Samples: University Opens On A Peaceful Note

9. Report Writing Samples: An Event to Remember

10. Report Writing Samples: A Rare Heavenly Event

11. Report Writing Samples: Robbery At Gunpoint

12. Report Writing Samples: Caught in a Shower

13. Report Writing Samples: Chain Snatches Strike Again

14. Report Writing Samples: Teachers’ Day Celebration

15. Report Writing Samples: A Noble Gesture By Students

16. Report Writing Samples: Van Mahotsava Celebrated

17. Report Writing Samples: Golden Jubilee Celebrations

18. Report Writing Samples: Devastating Fire Consumers Crores

19. Report Writing Samples: The Prize Distribution Function

20. Report Writing Samples: Sports Day Celebration

21.Report Writing Samples: India Vs Pakistan Cricket Match

22.Report Writing Samples: Sworn

23.Report Writing Samples: Electricity Board–Not Listening

24.Report Writing Samples: Demolition And Sealing Continue

25.Report Writing Samples: Ghastly Road Accident

26.Report Writing Samples: Students Thrash The Crew

27.Report Writing Samples: Silver Jubilee Celebration

28.Report Writing Samples: Platinum Jubilee Souvenir

29.Report Writing Samples: ‘No Tobacco Day’

30.Report Writing Samples: Inter-School Debate Competition

31.Report Writing Samples: Friend Kills FRIEND To Claim Insurance

32.Report Writing Samples: Delhi-On High Alert

33.Report Writing Samples: March Against Elevated Metro

34.Report Writing Samples: Ghastly Tragedy At Deewana

35.Report Writing Samples: Man Crushed To Death

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How to Write a News Report? - Tips and Points to Remember

Writing a news report would be an easy task if you are interested in the news and are constantly updated with the latest events. A report is a brief story of an event that is happening or has already happened. Being a report writer, you must aim to write the report in an understandable way and ensure the message is conveyed to the readers. It must, therefore, be written in simple language. The subject of the news report has to be presented clearly, and the style of writing must be precise.

Read through the article to learn how to write a news report in English.

Table of Contents

How to write a news report, visiting the site, interviewing witnesses, transcribing the interviews, introduction of the report, body of the report, answering the 5ws and the h, writing in short sentences, attribution, factual check, concluding the news report, catchy headline, frequently asked questions on how to write a news report.

We all have the practice of reading the newspaper. At times, we just read the headlines. We decide to read the full news article only if the headline is interesting. The body also has to sound interesting or must be engaging enough; otherwise, we skip the news. Writing a news report is very different from writing a general article. A news report is an informative report, not an opinionated article. Take a look at the following section to understand how you can structure your news report.

Structure of a News Report

A news report should include the following,

  • Headline: It tells what the story is about.
  • Byline: It tells about the writer of the story.
  • Lead: Covers the most important facts.
  • Body: Includes a detailed account of the event/occurrence.
  • Ending: Talks about the solution or something to think about.

To get a better understanding of how to write a news report in English, we have provided a few tips for your reference.

Collection of Information

Collecting the right information is the primary thing before writing a news report. The main purpose of writing a report is to help the readers get true information about an event. To provide true information to the readers, you will have to provide proper evidence supporting it. Therefore, it is essential to collect as much information as possible to prove your point. There are multiple ways to collect and present information, some of which are mentioned below.

Site visiting is an interesting way of collecting and gathering all the information related to the event. It will help you find the exact data regarding the event. You can note everything you see and capture images to showcase as evidence.

While surveying, you can find a lot of people around you so that information can be collected from the witnesses. Their accounts may sound a little exaggerated at times; be smart enough to separate facts from fabricated information. To ensure you do not miss out on any information, you can record all your interviews.

After you have collected all the interviews, you can transcribe them to make them understandable to the readers.

Writing the Report – Steps to Follow

For a news report, the most important information comes from the headline and the first line of the report. The style of writing a news report must be like an inverted pyramid where the important information must be written in the first paragraph. The body of the report covers other information and supporting details related to the event. And the less important information must be added in the concluding paragraph.

While writing the report, make sure to start with the introductory paragraph, which must include the main story. The people involved, place and date have to be mentioned in this paragraph. This can be followed by a detailed account of the event/occurrence.

The body of the report must include other relevant information about the event. You can describe whatever you noted during the site visit and add the interviews you took. Make sure that the report is written in the third person point of view and in a neutral voice. It must be written in a way that sounds more informative rather than opinionated. There is not much place for personal emotions in a news report; it has to be objective.

While writing a news report, make sure you answer all the WH questions

  • What was the event?
  • Where did it take place?
  • When did it take place? (Date and Time)
  • Who was involved in the event?
  • Why did it happen?
  • How did the event happen?

After you have collected all these answers, you can begin writing the news report.

While writing a report, keep in mind that the sentences must be clear and concise. Do not write complex sentences. This will also help in using the apt vocabulary and in reducing grammatical errors.

Always acknowledge where you acquired the information unless it is common knowledge. Not giving credit to someone can get you in trouble.

A news report is different from an opinion piece in that only factual information is provided in a news report. Therefore, while writing a news report, make sure to collect all the facts and evidence and present them well in your report.

In the concluding paragraph, you can summarise your findings and also provide information related to a possible follow-up.

The headline plays a very crucial role in news report writing as it attracts the readers. A proper headline can be framed for a news report only after the writing is completed.

What is a news report?

A news report is a factual account of an event or an occurrence written with the intention of spreading information about what is happening in and around the world.

How do I write a news report?

Always follow the inverted pyramid style to write a news report. The important information is written at the beginning while leaving the less important parts until the end of the report. Write a catchy headline and keep the language simple and direct. Stick to facts and attribute facts to the source from which you acquired the information.

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newspaper report writing class 7

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Report writing for class 7, about report writing for class 7 children.

A report is a written account of what one has witnessed, heard, done, or investigated. It's a logical and well-organized presentation of facts and findings from a previously occurring event. For Grade 7 kids, as per the academic requirements they are supposed to write a report. It is a factual paper and needs to be clear and well-structured. English report writing for grade 7 children requires the child to make correct use of tenses grammar and spelling. The format must be followed for the report writing assignment. Also, the children need to make sure that they have referenced fully and correctly. Considering all the requirements of Report Writing, it becomes important that the child is enrolled in the best report writing Course for class 7th.

In Grade 7, students are required to write in a more sophisticated and structured way to enhance and expand on previously taught information and abilities. Students in Class 7 are required to write clear, concise, and focused reports regularly. English report writing Course for class 7 kids helps in developing the writing standards which are specified as per the abilities required for proficient writing at this grade level. Parents need to play a very important part to assist their children in meeting grade-level objectives or report writing required by 7th-grade 

A glimpse of children in the video  

Benefits of Planetspark Classes for report writing for class 7 children

English report writing Course for class 7 helps the children in many ways, some of which are given below :

 Reading and writing fluency.

Ability to summarise, paraphrase and compare texts

Provides your children with a strong English foundation as well as Report Writing abilities.

Small class sizes ensure that each student receives individual attention.

Fully immersive, creative learning environment.

Qualified and experienced faculty.

Educates and prepares children for future academic, social, and personal success.

English report writing Course for grade 7  is going to open up doors of Creative writing also for your child. So what are you waiting for, click here to book a free trial for our courses.

Curriculum Details for Classes for  Report Writing for Class 7 Children

The curriculum for the report writing development Course for class 7 includes the following elements :

Understanding the Topic

Persuasive Writing 

Reading strategies for different genres of text, comparing and contrasting texts;

Descriptive writing.

Generating and Collecting Ideas

Focus / Meaning

Organizing and Structuring Information

Elaborating on Ideas

Word Choice

Grammar and Punctuation

Fact or Opinion

Point of View


Report writing Training for class 7th children includes a curriculum that is inviting and interesting for a Class 7 child. Children are taught the format for report writing which includes the following :



Opening Paragraph

Date And Place( For newspaper reports)

Account Of The Event Reporting  

Report writing is not  like other types of writing; it’s formal, it’s objective, and has to be kept in mind while writing. A lesson plan about report writing  makes the child understand the rules they need to follow, and once they have understood the rules, they can take up any kind of writing. A piece of report writing, whether it’s a newspaper report or a magazine report, or any other project the child needs to adhere to a very specific style and formatting standards. It should also have the right tone and terminology for a report.

Class wise links and level-wise links

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Topic-wise Links

Activities & worksheets for report writing for Class 7 Children

7th-grade report writing classes are integrated with Worksheets and activities, which are very critical for the children to practice what they have learnt in the class. A few examples are given below :

News Report Assignment: Children are asked to write a news report based on one of the stories they would have read in the paper. Eg: The chief minister of India is supposed to attend the event along with other delegates at Azad Maidan. Report the event within the 150-200 word limit. 

Diary Report: The kids must create a newspaper story based on the diary's events and personalities.

Magazine Report on Science Exhibitions: The children are required to write a report on a Science Exhibition about the "Effect of Global Warming" which took place in their school.

Report on a Train accident: This is a formal report, in which children practise writing for a newspaper article, reporting a train accident. Details about the same are given to the class in pointers.

Report writing for class 7 children's free online classes

In the report writing for class 7 children, every part of the writing process is used by 7th graders, who continue to expand their understanding of writing norms. For reports, the children gather data from a variety of sources like Periodical Literature, a computer catalog, periodicals, newspapers, and dictionaries. Children in 7th-grade report writing classes write to express clear and accurate opinions by posing pertinent and precisely constructed information about the topic and get trained to prepare the report in a very organised manner.

Report writing skill for class 7 children is a very essential skill that a child is required to improve their academic performance as well. Along with this, the child develops critical and thinking skills.

7th class report writing training enables the children to choose and employ many types of writing for certain reasons such as informing, persuading, or entertaining others. Reports are used as a form of written assessment to find out what the children have learnt from any reading, research, or experience and to give the readers an experience of an important skill that is widely used.

Teacher's Profile

PlanetSpark teachers hold a Bachelor's degree (or higher), relevant years of teaching experience, excellent communication skills, and have qualified for the PSAT (PlanetSpark Aptitude Test), which is taken by over 1 lakh teachers worldwide before taking up the course tracks.

A PlanetSpark Teacher Partner is a combination of a mentor, learner, and entrepreneur. Our teachers make certain that your kid leaves class happy and eager to share what they've learned with you. They provide inspiring classroom experiences that motivate your youngster to learn.

What is the report writing class for class 7?

Children in 7th Grade are supposed to write a report as per the curriculum prescribed. It is a brief, crisp, and concise document created by the children for a specific intended audience. It must contain all the relative details and should not reflect a biased approach, written in a structured manner.

What are the benefits of joining a report writing class for my class 7 kids?

The benefits of joining for the report writing classes are many. Once the child completes report writing Training for class 7th children he or she will have all the tools necessary to continue writing, in other fields as well. The foundation is built in the report writing classes. The child will have improved general writing skills and be more confident with their writing skill.

Do you offer trial classes?

Yes, we do offer a trial

class that allows you to experience what the child will be learning during the class. Find out more about our classes.

How much total fees for this report writing course for class 7?

Please, click here to know more about the course fees and other details about the course. 

How to enrol my class 7 kids into report writing class?

To enrol your child in the online report writing course for grade 7 you can register your ward by visiting this page .

 What is PlanetSpark and what do they do?

PlanetSpark platform leverages powerful technology to provide live online classes to K8 learners on English Communication, Public Speaking, Grammar, Creative Writing, Debating, Vlogging, and other 'new age' skills. PlanetSpark is on a journey to make the traditional and unorganized tuition obsolete through its virtual classroom. PlanetSpark is creating the World Leader in Communication Skills for children aged 4 to 14, preparing them for a bright future and future employment, regardless of their chosen vocation

What is the importance of report writing in a Grade 7 child?

Reports provide sufficient information on a variety of subject matters. Reports are used to communicate all of the individuals' abilities and expertise. Problem-solving is also improved in the online training for report writing skills.

What do you teach in Report Writing classes at PlanetSpark?

In the report writing classes, children are taught the basics of report writing, how to structure the report, how to find the information from different sources, and comparing the texts to comprehend better , persuasive and descriptive writing styles. To get a complete information for the course, please register your child for a free trial class.

How will parents know if the child is progressing well?

You will be given access to a parent dashboard where you can easily monitor your child’s writing, achievements, and the feedback they are receiving from their class teacher.

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Newspaper Report Writing

newspaper report writing class 7

One of the essentials of becoming a journalist is writing a newspaper report. When writing the said report in the newspaper, it is essential that your report must be able to answer these following questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. But aside from these questions, the most important one remains to be: so what? The question “so what” refers to the impact of the said news report and how it affects the general public in any way. For instance, Cable News Network (CNN) reports that North Korea and US representatives will meet in Finland.

So what will this meeting mean to the American citizens? What about to the North Koreans or even the South Koreans? Who are the participants going to be? Will the concept of peace talks between the two countries push through? Is it going to be successful? And if ever it does, does that mean that North Korea is planning to go for denuclearization? These are the kinds of questions that the journalist needs to ask for the curious public to know and find out as they read about it.

According to the book The Elements of Journalism written by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel in their book, they stated that the first two principles of journalism would be to the truth and to its citizens. You may or may not be taking up journalism or any of its related courses, but it is important for you to know how actual journalists gather the news. You may also see news article outline example .

Skillswise Football Newspaper Article Example

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How to Write a Newspaper Report

Figure out what to write about.

Normally, it would be the assignments editor or the desk editor that would give you the occasion or incident that you would need to write about. Other styles of journalism are better for things like profiles, advice articles, and opinion pieces. But there are times that they would not be around to hand you your assignment for the day. So what would you then? You may also see Interview Report Examples .

a. The first thing you can do is to ask around for story ideas, especially government officials and public relations representatives.

b. Take a copy of today’s newspaper and check for an interesting news article that piques your interest, or maybe you can scan the news to see what is already happening. This could lead to you finding other story ideas that are related.

c. Check for any updates in social media to find out about the local events that might be occurring soon.

d. Attend city council meetings to find out if there are any local issues happening in your area. For instance, you can sit in with the regional health department and listen to the seminars or any health advisories given by the doctors on a certain disease.

e. If you are assigned to cover as a court reporter, sit in on trials at the courthouse and see if anything interesting happens that you could report on.

Newspaper Report

Go to the scene

Journalists are not office people. Let’s get that straight. They do not get their news by sitting in the office, browsing through social media just waiting for it to happen. The journalist has to go out and get his or her hands dirty (figuratively, and not literally nor morally). Once you find out what you want to write about, conduct some field work. It might take minutes, or it might even take hours, but regardless, you still need to go out there. It will be difficult to write about something that you are not present at. You may also see How to Write a Report .

a. Write down everything you see and everything that takes place.

b. Record and take notes of any speeches that occur at events. Make sure to get the names, position and contact details of the speaker in case you might have further questions or clarifications that need answering.

newspaper report writing class 7

Conduct interviews

Who your interview will depend on what you are reporting on. But take note that you cannot interview just anyone. For instance, if your report will be about the effects of marijuana in the body, interviewing just any doctor would not suffice. You would need to interview a specialist whose field and research lies on these illegal drugs. You would want to get a broad range of quotes for your report, so try to interview an array of people.

Good people to interview are event coordinators, lawyers, police, business owners, volunteers, participants, and witnesses. If you need to find people to schedule interviews with them, use the internet to find contact information or gather contact information about them in the field. You can also interview people directly at the scene, depending on your news report topic.

a. If the story is controversial or political, make sure to get multiple points of view from different sides of the issue. In journalism, only getting two sides is considered “armageddon”, meaning it only represents a good and evil side.

b. Prepare a sample list of questions. But do not always stick with them. Ask more questions should the need arise to make your report as comprehensive as possible, making your story newsworthy.

c. Think of an interview as a conversation. Do not be too casual, and do not be too demanding as well. It is important to speak to someone with authority. You may also see Report Outline Examples .

d. Record the interview. But as you record the interview, make sure that you take down notes as well in the interview and jot the specific time frame as to when the answer was given so that you would not have to listen to the whole interview for that specific comment.

e. Make sure to get the full names (spelled correctly) of anyone you interviewed. Try to get their contact details as well so that you can ask them for further questions or clarifications.

newspaper report writing class 7

Transcribe the interviews and speeches

This would probably be the most tiring of step of them all, but you gotta do it anyway. Every word, every pause, every sentence. Take note of them all. So that it would be easier on your part to find all the necessary quotes required for the story. In case if a certain quote needs clarification, best contact the source so that he or she can verify that.

Do research on the subject

Research, research, research. If you do not know something and would like to find out about it, Google it. Almost everything can be found on the Internet now. One important thing about conducting research is that you can add additional information about that certain topic which can make your story more substantial and newsworthy. You may also see Recommendation Report Examples .

The Daily News Report Example


Size: 379 KB

The Elements of News

There are elements that need to be considered when one writes a news report. In the book “The Daily Miracle: An Introduction to Journalism”, Conley and Lamble (2006) present these eight updated elements of news as the basis in determining newsworthiness for news stories that are being published namely: impact, conflict, timeliness, proximity, prominence, currency, human interest and unusual.

newspaper report writing class 7

1. Impact. According to the proponents, an impact is equivalent to newsworthiness. This value not only represents a story’s importance to society but also mirrors a greater significance of the decisions one makes in his or her life.

2 . Conflict. When one thinks about conflict stories, the first thing that would pop in mind would be issues surrounding murder, crimes of any scale, terrorist attacks, even political clashes and war between nations. Conflict-based stories usually entice interest to the general public. You may also see Progress Report writing .

3 . Timeliness. This is the quality that pertains to “being news”. Currency and timeliness are both similar news values since they relate to the significance of the ‘when’ element.

4 . Proximity. This value is particularly associated with the ‘where’ element of the story. Sometimes, proximity-based stories involving ethnic and cultural differences would result in gaps among the minorities and community at large. A national story can also be considered a local news story if the story is framed in a local context. You may also see Short Report 

5 . Prominence. This value most often associated with people who are highly recognizable locally, nationally and even internationally that the common public takes an interest in their solo lives as well. However, prominence is more associated with credibility than with position.

6 . Currency. Also known as the concept of “now”, currency not only relates to controversy, trends but also towards lifestyle and technology. But in determining news value through currency leaning on a more serious light, the media must be able to assess on whether the strength and relevance of the new conditions being added to the ongoing story incite intellectual discussion. You may also see Business Report .

7 . Human interest. One thing that comes to mind when human interest is mentioned is a feature or ‘soft’ stories in newspapers; though it can be said that all news stories possess a human interest to a certain degree. Human interest stories can range from humorous to tragic incidents to the basic necessities that are sometimes taken for granted like food clothes, and shelter, to rising social issues. It is these types of news that can sometimes ‘give a human face’ to the issue that can sometimes bring out the best of a person’s good heart and nature. You may also see Formal Report .

8 . Unusual. And finally, there is the news value of the unusual which from the word itself, dictates that the story is simply out of the ordinary; not to mention it conflicts with existing practices and contradicts current trends as well.

School Newspaper Report Writing Example

School Newspaper Report Writing Example

Size: 450 KB

The Basic News Structure

Writing the news takes practice and skill that requires you to gather the necessary information that the public needs to be aware of. Most, if not all journalists follow a specific format called the inverted pyramid wherein the most important information is written first all the way down to the least important information. Remember that in news writing, a sentence is equivalent to a paragraph, so it is important to only place one thought per sentence in order for the article not to become too wordy in one paragraph. The inverted pyramid consists of four parts:

1. Lead.  This opening paragraph is considered most essential part of a news report that can be written in one to two sentences or 27 words to be exact. A good lead manages to grab the audience’s interests and must answer the question: “So what?” The lead gives readers the most important information in a clear, concise and interesting manner. It also establishes the voice and direction of an article. You may also see  Performance Report Examples

2. Context or Contrast or Controversy or Conflict.  Context is defined as the parts of a discourse that surround a word (or in this case, an event). What parts do you think the audience already knows and what do you think is new they would need to know? Contrast presents the readers with opposites of the said issue.

3. Quote.  Quotes add substantial basis to the said issue at hand, and it is one way to prove that the reporter is not lying and that the source has really said it. Quotes are also written to give the people a voice that allows them to be heard by society.

4. Core.  The core is the final part of your news outline wherein all other supporting details that the journalist would want to include is going to be written there.

You may also see writing entertainment news outline to give you another idea on how the ‘soft’ news can be written. Writing the news is never easy. It is challenging and tough. There are days that the source will not answer your questions, or the story itself is bigger than it seems that you are not able to submit the story on time. It’s OK. Just remember to do what you can in your situation and be persistent!


Report Generator

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Subject: Literacy for early years

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity


Last updated

1 November 2023

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newspaper report writing class 7

A set of 10 worksheets with answers on teaching and learning resources of newspaper report writing based on New Bloom’s Taxonomy.

After completing these worksheets students will be able to:

SESSION 1: Recognise, retrieve and name the key elements of a report. SESSION 2: Interpret and classify the authorial techniques in a report. SESSION 3: Implement and execute report writing techniques. SESSION 4: Demonstrate the knowledge of reporting in writing. SESSION 5: Check and critique a given report. SESSION 6: Compose and produce the final report.

This download includes worksheets on:

EXERCISE 1: Identifying newspaper report types (images). EXERCISE 2: Identifying newspaper report types (text). EXERCISE 3: Finding, listing and describing the different sections of a newspaper EXERCISE 4: Explaining the author’s use of language and vocabulary and its impact in a newspaper report. EXERCISE 5: Using the planning frame to assemble a sample newspaper report through sequencing. EXERCISE 6: Using the template to organise a draft of a sample newspaper report on a given topic. EXERCISE 7: Using the checklist and the rubric to evaluate each other’s work. EXERCISE 8: Using the PQP and TAG technique to peer-review each other’s work with constructive feedback. EXERCISE 9: Using your knowledge of newspaper reports in writing. EXERCISE 10: Answering the following questions to demonstrate the knowledge of newspaper report writing.

Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:

  • To challenge early finishers
  • For effective tutoring
  • As ESL stations and sub tubs
  • As holiday work and homework
  • For small group collaborations
  • For an end of unit assessments
  • For reinforcement and enrichment

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A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

Mastering the Art of Newspaper Reporting - Bundle

"Mastering the Art of Newspaper Reporting" is a comprehensive resource designed to help students of all levels grasp the fundamentals of newspaper report composition. From the building blocks to the advanced techniques, this resource provides a structured learning experience for all. This resource provides a holistic learning experience, offering reading and writing rubrics for marking, passages for planning and writing newspaper reports, and opportunities for self-checking answers. By the end of "Mastering the Art of Newspaper Reporting," students will be well-equipped to craft engaging, informative and professional newspaper reports. This download includes: * Scaffolding Notes: 11 Handouts * Worksheets with Answers: 16 Exercises * Unit Lesson Plan with Resources: 23 Pages * PowerPoint Presentation: 37 Slides * Google Slides: 37 Slides


This bundle of 8 products (Worksheets with Answers) is perfect for teaching Reading and Writing. These no prep activities would be great for ELA lessons or ELA centers. Your students will love these self-grading exercises that are gamified for student engagement. After completing these activities, the students will be able to: * Identify the components of the structure of the writing. * Identify the language strategies employed in in the writing. * Identify the features of the writing. * Follow the structure and strategies to plan a sample writing. * Follow a checklist to peer-check a structured writing. * Follow the structure and strategies to write a well-structured writing. This bundle includes Google Slides on: * Narration: 14 Exercises * Description: 17 Exercises * Persuasion: 17 Exercises * Argumentation: 23 Exercises * Newspaper Report: 16 Exercises * Biography: 26 Exercises * Information Text: 50 Exercises * Diary: 40 Exercises Here are some other possible uses for these in your classroom: * To challenge early finishers * For effective tutoring * As ESL stations and sub tubs * As holiday work and homework * For small group collaborations * For an end of unit assessments * For reinforcement and enrichment ◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈ Save 50% on this BUNDLE! Note: These are also sold separately! ◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈

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Writing news reports

Newswise values.

This lesson focuses on  all  of the  NewsWise values .

Learning objective

To inform and engage an audience (first draft).

Learning outcomes

Write a first draft of a news report, using the structural and language features of news reports.

Explain how a news report meets the four NewsWise values.

Evaluate a peer’s news report, providing feedback on the language and structural features used.

Starter/baseline assessment

Pupils spend five minutes reviewing their pyramid plan, to remind themselves of the order of information in their reports, while also referring to their original news report plans for detailed information.

As a class, recap the structural and language features of news reporting. How will you begin your news report? Which information will you include in the middle section? How many quotes will you include? How will you end your report? What do you need to remember about using paragraphs in news reports?

Learning activity

Pupils write the first draft of their news reports, using the planning sheets which they created in previous lessons.

Give pupils deadlines throughout the session to replicate the newsroom experience. You may wish to split the sections of the report into separate tasks with a deadline for each one, eg: 5W introduction; quotes and reported speech from interviews; additional research on the topic; final paragraph.

Refer back to the class News report toolkit, as well as the Model news reports and News reporting language word banks from lesson 11 to support pupils to write in an authentic news report style and structure.

See Creating a newsroom for further ideas on how to create a newsroom in your classroom.

Note: pupils do not need to add ‘page furniture’ at this point - this happens in  lesson 15 .

Pupils share their news reports with a partner, providing feedback to each other based upon the following questions: which language features have they included in their news report? Have they begun their news report with a 5 W introduction? Have they included  interesting  information? Have they started a new paragraph for every new point? Is the news report  balanced ? Do you think it is a  truthful  and  fair  report? Why?

Questions for assessment

What is the purpose of your news report? 

Who is your audience? 

What do you need to include in your news report? 

How will you make sure that your news report is truthful, fair, balanced and interesting?

Core knowledge and skills

In this lesson, pupils write the first draft of their news reports (without the ‘page furniture’). 

Conduct the lesson as a writing lesson, in line with your usual practice. Remind pupils of the structural and language features of news reporting by referring to your class’s ‘news report toolkit’.

Use success criteria to remind pupils of the key features of a news report, including: inverted pyramid structure - beginning with the most important information, moving on to additional interesting details and quotes, finishing with what might happen next/similar stories that have happened before/a really good quote that sums up the story; 5 Ws introduction, starting with Who or What, not When; short paragraphs; concise, formal language; written in the third person and past tense; reported and direct speech; relative clauses.

Lesson plan pdf

Creating a newsroom in your classroom

News report toolkit

Inverted pyramid structure

5 W introductions

Model news reports

News reporting language

Curriculum links

Selecting appropriate form, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation; using paragraphs to structure ideas; building cohesion     

Reviewing and editing writing


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Lesson 14: Subediting news reports

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Lesson 12: Recognising news report language

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Article Writing For Class 7

Article Writing For Class 7 Format, Topics, Examples, Exercises

Article writing for class 7 with answers.

Articles are written to give information in a wide range of contexts for magazines or newspapers. They are a relatively long and sustained piece of writing. They give information on a variety of themes such as describing an event, person, someone’s life and actions, places, and experiences. They can also be an expression of the writer’s opinions on topics of social interest or arguments for or against a topic and they often offer suggestions.

Looking for an easy way to Learning of new elementary English grammar and composition for class 7 answers, Solutions. You have to learn basic English Grammar topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

Also Check: Article Writing For Class 8

Article Writing Topics For Class 7 CBSE Format, Examples Pdf

Articles express the personal opinions of the writer. Input for an article/speech may be in the form of verbal/visual input. The output may be descriptive or argumentative.

Articles express the personal opinion of the writer and present information on a variety of themes.

Article Writing Format Pdf

  • Write the HEADING/TITLE at the top.
  • Write the name of the writer below it.
  • a. Paragraph – 1: Introduction – briefly tell what the Article is about, giving some startling fact or quotation to arouse interest.
  • b. Paragraphs – 2 and 3: Highlight the cause and effect of the problem. Give Examples: to support your views. Compare and contrast.
  • c. Paragraph – 4: Conclusion. Briefly offer suggestions and solutions to improve the situation. Predictions and personal observations may be included.
  • Systematic presentation of ideas is a must.
  • Pay attention to grammatical accuracy and use good vocabulary.
  • Use sentence linkers to ensure continuity – e.g. firstly, finally, moreover, etc.
  • Remove irrelevant information and repetition.
  • Follow the word limit. (150 – 200 words)

Write a good ending: In an article, it’s better to give the readers something to think about, perhaps by asking them another question or giving them a call to action. Often, the best endings link back to the starting point in some way. Use of quotes, slogans, and couplets may be incorporated as per the requirement and relevance.

Article Writing Exercises For Class 7 With Answers

Sample: Cruelty to animals is growing day by day due to human greed. This is not good for the ecosystem. Animals too are a part of our life. You have been asked to write an article ‘Live and Let Live’ in order to create awareness. You are Rohit.

Recommended Reading: Article Writing Topics for Class 7

Article Writing Exercises for Class 7 CBSE

  • Living a healthy lifestyle is the top priority for many people. In light of the above statement, write an article on ‘Keeping a healthy lifestyle’ in not more than 100¬150 words.
  • Women walk long distances to fetch water in certain parts of the country. There is not only a scarcity of water but water in most places is also contaminated. Using the hints given below together with your own ideas, write an article in about 125 words on the scarcity of clean drinking water, suggesting ways to improve the situation.

Scarcity of clean drinking water

  • Women travel long distances in certain areas like Rajasthan and Gujarat to fetch water
  • Contamination of water
  • Linking rivers
  • Awareness of clean drinking water habits
  • Rainwater harvesting/water conservation

Creating a Classroom Newspaper

newspaper report writing class 7

  • Resources & Preparation
  • Instructional Plan
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Students will enjoy this creative, exciting, and stimulating lesson in writing as they create authentic newspaper stories. As they are transformed into reporters and editors, they will become effective users of ICT in order to publish their own classroom newspaper. Various aspects of newspapers are covered, including parts of a newspaper, writing an article, online newspapers, newspaper reading habits, and layout and design techniques.

Featured Resources

  • Printing Press : In this online interactive tool, your students can choose the "newspaper" option to help them complete their newspaper section.
  • Newspaper Story Format : Your students will find completing their newspaper article a snap by first filling out this useful handout that helps them identify each key element of an authentic newspaper article.

From Theory to Practice

  • Encouraging children to read and write in ways that allow them to make sense of real language in real contexts is more likely to help them develop the skills necessary to become fluent readers and writers. Creation of a class newspaper provides such a real context, and thus makes an excellent choice as the basis for a project designed with this goal in mind.
  • Use of the computer motivates students to learn and students' attitudes toward the newspaper genre are affected by active participation in the production of an authentic and original newspaper of their own.
  • Abilities in formal writing are best developed with a "process approach" that goes through five distinct phases: prewriting, composing or drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Using this approach helps students more fully understand the process of producing formal written documents, such as magazines and newspapers.

Common Core Standards

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts

  • 4. Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.
  • 5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
  • 6. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts.
  • 8. Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.
  • 11. Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.

Materials and Technology

  • Computer lab with Internet access
  • Multimedia software
  • Access to a library of images/graphics
  • Scanner (optional)
  • Digital camera (optional)
  • Deadline! From News to Newspaper by Gail Gibbons (HarperCollins, 1987)
  • The Furry News: How to Make a Newspaper by Loreen Leedy (Holiday House, 1993)
  • Freddy and the Bean Home News by Walter R. Brooks (Puffin, 2002)
  • Inverted Pyramid Format
  • Newspaper Story Format
  • Story Feedback Form
  • Newspaper Writing Assessment
  • Reporting Tips
  • Reporter's Guide


*Prerequisite skills: Familiarization with an appropriate multimedia software program

Student Objectives

Students will

  • Identify the parts of a newspaper
  • Identify the format of a news article
  • Write a newspaper story
  • Edit newspaper articles
  • Use ICT equipment and software
  • Layout and publish a classroom newspaper

Hold up a sample front page from a selected newspaper. Ask students what they notice about the format that is different from other texts they read (e.g., black and white ink, graphics, headline, column format). Divide the students into groups of three to four members. Explain to the students that they will explore a newspaper, paying attention to the layout and format. Instruct students to study the front page first and discuss what different parts they notice. Ask each group to report back to the whole class what members noticed was contained on the front page. Make a list of parts on the board. (e.g., title, headlines, pictures or graphics, captions, date, subtitles, table of contents/index, etc.). Students should notice similarities between different newspapers. Discuss with the class how newspapers use a standard format. In their groups, have students continue to explore copies of newspapers. What kinds of things do they notice? Students should begin to identify sections and features that are specific to newspapers. Have the groups again report to the whole class what types of items they noticed in their paper. Continue keeping the list of items on the board. (Additional items may include: editorials, cartoons, horoscope, local news, weddings, classifieds, advertising, etc.) Explain to the class that people read newspapers differently than other types of texts. Discuss how people read newspapers. Reading a newspaper matches people's interests in certain things. They scan headlines, subtitles, and images to see if the story interests them or not. Read some sample headlines from newspapers. Ask, "How many of you would be interested in reading this story?" For homework, have students ask their family members what newspapers they read regularly and what sections they read most often. Give an example of your own newspaper reading habits. (For example, "First I check the weather to help me decide what to wear to school. Then I go to the local news to see what is happening in my town. Finally, I scan the headlines to see what is happening in the world. If I have time, I start the crossword puzzle.")

Ask the students to report about their family's newspaper reading habits. Make a list of newspapers that are read and determine which are the most common. List the words who, what, where, when, and why on the board, overhead, or chart paper. Answer each of the five W questions using the popular rhyme "Jack & Jill." Example:

  • Who? Jack and Jill
  • What? Fell down and broke crown
  • Where? On the hill
  • When? Sometime in the past
  • Why? Trying to fetch water

Read "Bad Fall Injures Children" article from page 4 of the Grandview Newspaper lesson plan . Students clarify their previous responses to the five W s according to the article. Explain how these five questions help to summarize a news story. Put students in groups of three to four members. Ask the students to choose another famous rhyme or fairy tale and answer the five W questions. Have each group read just the answers to their questions, and then have the class try to guess what fairy tale or rhyme it is. Explain that these five W s help with the organization of a news story and that they make up the most important details of the story. Demonstrate to the class the organization of a good news story using the Inverted Pyramid Format overhead. Use a sample newspaper story to illustrate an example of this format For homework, ask students to select a newspaper article that they are interested in reading and bring it to school the next day.

Give students time to read the newspaper article they brought from home. Hand out the Newspaper Story Format sheet. Students should then complete the sheet using details from their particular article and share the summary of their newspaper article. Ask the students to rewrite the newspaper article in their own words as if they were a reporter for their local newspaper. What changes would they make and why? Have the students share their stories with a classmate using the following questions to guide their discussion:

  • Were changes made to the lead? Why?
  • Were changes made to the five W s? Why?
  • Were changes made to the details? Why?

As a class, discuss fact versus opinion. Explain that news articles do not include the reporter's opinion. Have students go back and see if the changes that were made to their articles were strictly factual. Refer to original articles as needed for examples of fact-based stories.

Read-aloud to the class from one or more of the suggested titles:

  • Deadline! From News to Newspaper by Gail Gibbons
  • The Furry News: How to Make a Newspaper by Loreen Leedy
  • Freddy and the Bean Home News by Walter R. Brooks

Have students brainstorm the types of articles they would like to write and list them on the board. Look at the list and ask students if the articles could be grouped into categories or "newspaper sections." Use the Reporting Tips overhead to present how to make newspaper articles more interesting. Go over each point and clarify any questions that students may raise. Group students based on interests to form an "editorial staff" for each newspaper section. Have the groups meet to decide who will write which stories. Students can use the Reporter's Guide handout as a guideline. When they have finished, students can begin collecting facts for their stories.

Session 5 and 6

Take students to the computer lab and have them write their first draft. They should not worry about font, size, or columns at this point. Be sure that they save their work and print a hard copy of their article for editing. Students' stories should then be self-edited and edited by two other members of their editorial staff (using the Story Feedback Form ). Students should make necessary revisions to their stories based on the comments from the Story Feedback Form.

In the computer lab, have students access the Internet Public Library website and explore newspapers from around the world. They should pay particular attention to the design and layout elements. For example, some articles may include graphics (e.g., photos, charts, graphs). Discuss what patterns of layout design the students noticed. As a whole class, discuss newspaper layout, addressing the following points:

  • Headline News: Top priority articles are near the front (1-2 pages). These are typically of high interest to your entire audience of readers (e.g., town news such as a new park or community center). Long front-page articles can be continued on an inside page to provide room for other headline news.
  • Feature Articles: Stories about topics or events that are of interest to a certain group of readers (e.g., sports, animal stories, academic topics, interviews with school staff, book reviews). These are typically grouped into sections.
  • Pictures or graphics: The image should always appear with the story. A caption can be included. The size usually depends on how much space is available in the layout.

Give students the opportunity to explore these layout items in newspapers in the classroom and online. Students should look at the Junior Seahawk Newsletter to get ideas for their own layout.

Session 8 and 9

In the computer lab, students should complete final story revisions. They may then begin the newspaper layout using appropriate software. The ReadWriteThink Printing Press includes an option for creating a newspaper. Each editorial staff works together to complete their newspaper section. Note: 8 ½ X 11 size pages are optimal. They can be printed and copied back to back on 11 X 17 paper that can be folded like a real newspaper. The completed paper must have an even number of pages for this format. Pictures can be drawn or pasted into the layout. Depending on the available resources, pictures can also be scanned or downloaded from a digital camera. Tell students to play around with fonts and columns. They should experiment and be creative! Once pages are completed, they should be printed. The editorial staff should do a final reading for errors. Pages are then submitted to the teacher for publishing.

Distribute the class newspaper to the students and allow them time to read it. When they have finished, hand out the Newspaper Writing Assessment sheet and ask them to fill it out.

Student Assessment / Reflections

Assess students' comments from the Newspaper Writing Assessment sheet.

  • Calendar Activities
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The interactive Printing Press is designed to assist students in creating newspapers, brochures, and flyers.

Students analyze rhetorical strategies in online editorials, building knowledge of strategies and awareness of local and national issues. This lesson teaches students connections between subject, writer, and audience and how rhetorical strategies are used in everyday writing.

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Technical Writing

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technical writing in 11 reviews

It's an amazing begin for peoples that need to have a first contact with the technical writing.

I enjoyed learning technical writing course from Coursera.

The entire "first week" is background information about the university and instructors, along with a short animation related to technical writing with no commentary that seems like it was made to be inserted into a video but was uploaded alone instead.

You can skip straight to Week 2 "Characteristics of Technical Writing" and not be any worse off for it.

", could've easily been combined with the course information in a text document or with "Characteristics of Technical Writing" for a more robust understanding of what technical writers do and how it relates to their writing.)

For how much the course tries to impress that technical writing should be clear, concise, and well-presented, it fails in nearly all of those aspects.It's not unwatchable and there's solid information to be found, but those are only part of what makes a quality educational video.

Great course and got great insights about Technical Writing.

Adding some Technical Writing Tools would have been even nicer.

This course was a great opportunity to learn the pros and cons of technical writing.

This course is very helpful for developing technical writing skill.

Is a product description an example of marketing or technical writing?

I think the information you learn about the reasons for technical writing as well as the types, and intricate parts of a body of work are valuable information.

This course is a great gateway to the world of technical writing.

The course was very well structured... a perfect balance between theoretical and practical aspects of Technical Writing.

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The latest on the massive solar storm

By Angela Fritz, Elise Hammond and Chris Lau, CNN

Incredible lighthouse picture from Maine

From CNN's Chris Lau

A long-exposure photo shows the aurora borealis over Portland, Maine, on May 10.

Among a flurry of surreal images capturing the dazzling auroras is one taken by Benjamin Williamson of a lighthouse in Portland, Maine.

"It's one of the most incredible things I've ever seen, the awe and wonder," Williamson told CNN.

He said he used a long-exposure technique to snap the shot, but did not edit it.

Watch the full interview with Williamson here .

Things could be about to ramp up

If you still haven't seen the aurora, hold on for another 30 minutes to an hour, according to CNN meteorologist Chad Myers.

The next wave of coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, which cause the aurora, is about to arrive, he said.

"Just wait a minute because things are going to start to ramp up here," he said, adding that the increase could arrive "anytime now." "When it comes, get outside, get ready, put your coat on."

For those who are too busy to witness the phenomenon tonight, Myers said the aurora is expected to last three nights.

Why does the aurora last for a weekend?

By CNN's Chris Lau

The northern lights can be seen from Eaton Rapids, Michigan, on May 10.

Generally, it takes just eight minutes for light to travel 93 million miles to the Earth from the sun, but astrophysicist Janna Levin said the energized particles causing the current wave of aurora travel a lot slower, causing the phenomenon to last for the weekend.

"Some of these mass ejections are trillions of kilograms," she said. "They're slower. So they're taking longer, but still hours, maybe tens of hours."

Here's how the solar storm looks in the South and on the East Coast

The aurora was visible across the East Coast and in the South Friday.

Here's how it looked in Chester, South Carolina.

Down in Florida, waves of color swam through the sky.

Up north in New Jersey, a purple-ish haze could be seen in the sky.

Will solar storms get more intense and risky in the future?

The answer is probably not in the short term, according to astrophysicist Hakeem Oluseyi.

He said scientists study what is constantly happening on the surface of the sun and have found a pattern.

“Geological data shows us that in the past the sun was way more active than it is today. It has cycles where it goes very quiet ... and you have events that show that the solar activity was much, much greater,” he told CNN. “So there's no evidence that we're going to see those big maxima this cycle." 

But the astrophysicist also spoke of a caveat - the limitations of modern science.

“Even though it's predictable in the short term, we still don't quite understand what creates the magnetic fields in the sun,” he said, adding: “That's why NASA has so many satellites looking at the sun.”

In Pictures: Auroras light the sky during rare solar storm

From CNN Digital's Photo Team

The northern lights glow in the night sky in Brandenburg, Germany, on May 10.

A series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun are creating dazzling auroras across the globe .

The rare solar storm may also disrupt communications. The last time a solar storm of this magnitude reached Earth was in October 2003, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center.

See more photos of the aurora from tonight.

Behind dazzling aurora could lie “real danger,” Bill Nye the Science Guy says

Bill Nye the Science Guy speaks to CNN on Friday, May 10.

The massive solar storm could present “a real danger,” especially with the modern world relying so much on electricity, according to Bill Nye the Science Guy , a science educator and engineer.

Scientists are warning an increase in solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun have the potential to disrupt communication on Earth into the weekend. Solar flares can affect communications and GPS almost immediately because they disrupt Earth’s ionosphere, or part of the upper atmosphere. Energetic particles released by the sun can also disrupt electronics on spacecraft and affect astronauts without proper protection within 20 minutes to several hours.

In comparison to tonight's event, Nye drew comparisons with another incident in 1859, known as the Carrington Event, when telegraph communications were severely affected.

“The other thing, everybody, that is a real danger to our technological society, different from 1859, is how much we depend on electricity and our electronics and so on,” Nye said. "None of us really in the developed world could go very long without electricity."

He noted that there are systems in place to minimize the impact, but “stuff might go wrong,” stressing that not all transformers are equipped to withstand such a solar event.

“It depends on the strength of the event and it depends on how much of our infrastructures are prepared for this the sort of thing,” he said.

Bill Nye breaks down significance of the solar storm | CNN

Bill Nye breaks down significance of the solar storm | CNN

This post has been updated with more details on solar flares' impact on electronics.

Here's where clouds will block the view of the northern lights in the US

From CNN's Angela Fritz

An infrared satellite image taken around 10:30 p.m. ET.

After an incredibly stormy week, most of the Lower 48 has clear skies to see the northern lights. But there are some areas where clouds and rainy weather are spoiling the view.

A deck of clouds is blocking the sky in the Northeast, from parts of Virginia into Maine, as an area of low pressure spins off the East Coast.

In the Midwest, the aurora will be hard to see through thick clouds in parts of Wisconsin, Michigan — including the Upper Peninsula — and Illinois.

A stripe of clouds is tracking across Texas, including Dallas-Forth Worth, and into Louisiana.

And in the Southwest, patchy clouds across the the Four Corners region could make the northern lights difficult to spot.

Aurora seen at least as far south as Georgia

Barely visible to the naked eye, the aurora can be seen in Atlanta in the 10 p.m. ET hour. 

It is easier to see through photographs using a long exposure. The photos below, taken by CNN's Eric Zerkel and Emily Smith, used 3- and 10-second exposures.

Aurora seen in Atlanta around 10:15 p.m. ET.

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newspaper report writing class 7


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