20 Revolut Interview Questions and Answers

Prepare for the types of questions you are likely to be asked when interviewing for a position at Revolut.

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When it comes to interviews, preparation is key. And if you’re hoping to land a job at Revolut, a leading financial services company, you’ll need to know how to answer Revolut interview questions.

While you can’t predict exactly what you’ll be asked, you can get a sense of the types of questions that may be asked by preparing for common interview questions. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of sample Revolut interview questions and answers that you can use to develop your own responses.

From questions about your experience with mobile banking and foreign exchange to more general questions about your problem-solving skills and ability to work in a fast-paced environment, you’ll need to be prepared to answer a range of Revolut interview questions.

So, whether you’re a experienced financial services professional or a recent graduate looking to break into the industry, make sure you brush up on your Revolut interview questions before your big day.

Revolut Interview Process

The interview process at Revolut is relatively long, taking around two months from start to finish. However, the difficulty level of the interviews is generally considered to be low, with most candidates finding them to be more conversational in nature. Overall, the experience is generally positive, with many candidates feeling that the company is very transparent throughout the process.

  • Why do you want to work at Revolut?
  • Do you have any experience with foreign exchange markets?
  • What would you say makes a successful product owner?
  • Are you comfortable working in a fast-paced environment?
  • How would you describe your management style?
  • Describe an occasion where you had to manage a difficult customer or situation. What did you do?
  • Explain what FinCrime is and why it’s important for businesses like Revolut.
  • Would you be interested in cross training from the Customer Support department to another area of the company, such as Product Management?
  • Give me an example of a time when you were hired to fill a role that wasn’t exactly what you expected. How did you handle it?
  • If there was one thing you could change about Revolut, what would it be?
  • Tell us about a time when you had to adapt quickly to a new way of doing things. How did you approach it?
  • Please tell us about a time when you worked effectively under pressure.
  • Can you give me some examples of how you use data analytics to make decisions?
  • Tell me about a time you helped someone learn something new. How did it go?
  • When you first started with Revolut, what will be your top three priorities?
  • Have you ever had to deal with multiple changing priorities on a project? How did you keep everything organized?
  • What are the most important skills for a product manager?
  • We’re looking for someone who can take initiative and get things done without being asked. Tell us about a time when you demonstrated this type of behavior.
  • Our team has to work closely together to accomplish our goals. Can you tell us about a time when you worked well in a team?
  • How do you think the landscape of banking will change over the next 5 years?

1. Why do you want to work at Revolut?

This question is an opportunity to show your enthusiasm for the company and its mission. When answering, it can be helpful to mention a specific aspect of Revolut that you admire or something about the company’s culture that appeals to you.

Example: “I want to work at Revolut because I am passionate about financial inclusion. Your company has made international money transfers more accessible than ever before, which is especially important in developing countries where many people don’t have access to traditional banking services. I think this technology could help so many people around the world.”

2. Do you have any experience with foreign exchange markets?

This question can help the interviewer determine whether you have experience with foreign exchange markets and how much experience you have. If you do, share your experiences with them. If you don’t, explain that you’re willing to learn about it if hired.

Example: “I’ve never worked in a foreign exchange market before, but I am familiar with how they work. In my last job as a financial analyst, I was responsible for researching different companies’ stock prices and comparing them to their competitors’. This helped me understand how currency rates affect businesses and consumers.”

3. What would you say makes a successful product owner?

The interviewer may ask this question to learn more about your leadership skills and how you would apply them in a role as product owner. Use examples from past experiences where you were the product owner or similar roles that required you to lead a team of developers, designers or other professionals.

Example: “A successful product owner is someone who can clearly communicate their vision for the product while also being open to feedback and suggestions from others on the team. I have been the product owner for several projects at my previous job, and I always made sure to meet with each member of the development team regularly to discuss progress and answer questions they had about the project.”

4. Are you comfortable working in a fast-paced environment?

Working in a startup environment can be challenging, but it also offers unique opportunities for growth and development. Employers ask this question to make sure you’re ready to work hard and adapt to change. In your answer, explain that you enjoy working in a fast-paced environment as long as there’s structure and clear expectations. Explain how you thrive under pressure and are willing to do whatever it takes to meet deadlines.

Example: “I am definitely comfortable working in a fast-paced environment. I thrive under pressure and have no problem adapting to changing circumstances. At my last job, I was responsible for managing multiple projects at once. While some of the tasks were repetitive, others required me to think on my feet and come up with creative solutions. I’m confident that I can handle anything that comes my way.”

5. How would you describe your management style?

This question can help the interviewer get a sense of how you would interact with your team members and other employees. Describe your management style in terms that highlight your strengths, such as communication skills, problem-solving abilities or leadership qualities.

Example: “I believe my management style is collaborative. I like to involve my team members in decision making processes so they feel invested in the company’s overall success. I also value transparency, which means I share information about our progress regularly so everyone knows what’s going on. This helps me build trust among my team members.”

6. Describe an occasion where you had to manage a difficult customer or situation. What did you do?

This question can help the interviewer understand how you handle conflict and stress. Use examples from your previous experience to highlight your problem-solving skills, communication skills and ability to work under pressure.

Example: “In my last role as a customer service representative for a software company, I had a client who was upset with our product because it didn’t have all of the features they wanted. Instead of getting defensive or frustrated, I listened to their concerns and explained that we were working on adding those features in future updates. They seemed satisfied with my response and thanked me for being so helpful.”

7. Explain what FinCrime is and why it’s important for businesses like Revolut.

FinCrime is a term used to describe financial crimes that involve money. It’s important for businesses like Revolut to understand FinCrime because it can help them prevent fraud and other illegal activities from occurring on their platform. When you answer this question, make sure to explain what FinCrime is and how it affects the business.

Example: “FinCrime refers to any crime that involves money. These types of crimes are usually committed by people who want to steal or embezzle funds from others. For example, if someone were to hack into your account and transfer all of your money to another account, that would be considered FinCrime.”

8. Would you be interested in cross training from the Customer Support department to another area of the company, such as Product Management?

This question is a great way to show your willingness to learn and grow within the company. If you have experience in multiple areas of business, it can be beneficial to mention this when answering this question.

Example: “I would love to cross train from Customer Support to another department at Revolut. I am passionate about customer service and helping people, but I also enjoy learning more about technology and how businesses operate. I think that working with the Product Management team would be an excellent opportunity for me to expand my knowledge.”

9. Give me an example of a time when you were hired to fill a role that wasn’t exactly what you expected. How did you handle it?

This question is a great way to show your problem-solving skills and ability to adapt. When answering this question, it can be helpful to explain how you used the information you learned from the role to help you find another opportunity that was more suitable for you.

Example: “I once applied for a job as an accountant at a small business. I had my CPA license and experience working in public accounting, so I thought it would be a good fit. However, when I started the job, I realized that they didn’t have any of the software or processes in place that I needed to do my work effectively. I spoke with my manager about my concerns, and we decided together that I should leave the company after two months.

After leaving, I found a position at a larger firm where I could use my skills and knowledge to their full potential. The smaller company hired someone else who was able to implement the systems and processes I recommended.”

10. If there was one thing you could change about Revolut, what would it be?

This question is a great way to test your problem-solving skills and ability to think critically. When answering this question, it can be helpful to consider the company’s mission statement or values when deciding what you would change about Revolut.

Example: “If I could change one thing about Revolut, I would make sure that all of our customer service representatives were more empathetic toward customers. In my experience as a customer service representative for another financial services company, I learned how important it is to listen to customers’ concerns and respond with empathy. If I had the opportunity to implement this practice at Revolut, I believe it would improve the overall user experience.”

11. Tell us about a time when you had to adapt quickly to a new way of doing things. How did you approach it?

This question can help the interviewer understand how you adapt to change and challenges. Use examples from your experience that show you’re willing to learn new things, even if it’s something outside of your comfort zone.

Example: “When I first started working in customer service, my manager asked me to answer questions about our company’s products over email rather than on the phone. At first, I was hesitant because I wasn’t sure if I could provide the same level of service as when speaking with customers face-to-face. However, after a few weeks, I realized that this method actually helped me better understand the product and provided more detailed information for customers.”

12. Please tell us about a time when you worked effectively under pressure.

This question can help the interviewer learn more about your ability to work under pressure and how you handle it. When answering this question, think of a time when you had to meet a deadline or complete an important task while also managing other responsibilities.

Example: “In my previous role as a customer service representative, I often worked with tight deadlines. One day, I was helping multiple customers at once and one of them asked me for assistance with their account. While still working with another customer, I used my computer to access their account and helped them resolve their issue.”

13. Can you give me some examples of how you use data analytics to make decisions?

This question is a great way to show your analytical skills and how you can use data to make decisions. When answering this question, it’s important to highlight the importance of data analytics in business and how you’ve used them in the past to help improve processes or solve problems.

Example: “In my last role as an IT manager, I was tasked with finding ways to reduce costs for our company while maintaining high-quality service. After analyzing our current systems, I found that we were spending too much money on server maintenance. By implementing new software that reduced our server usage by 50%, I was able to save the company thousands of dollars each month.”

14. Tell me about a time you helped someone learn something new. How did it go?

This question is a great way to show your communication skills and how you can help others learn. It also shows that you are willing to take on challenges and support others in their learning process.

Example: “I have experience teaching people new things, especially when it comes to technology. I once had a friend who was interested in cryptocurrency but didn’t know where to start. I offered to teach them about the basics of blockchain and cryptocurrencies so they could understand what they were investing in. They ended up buying some Bitcoin and Ethereum.”

15. When you first started with Revolut, what will be your top three priorities?

This question is a great way to show the interviewer that you have an idea of what it takes to succeed in your role. When answering this question, be sure to include specific examples of how you would prioritize these tasks and ensure they are completed on time.

Example: “My top three priorities when I first started with Revolut were increasing customer satisfaction, improving internal communication and streamlining processes. To increase customer satisfaction, I worked with my team to create a new app feature that allowed customers to request help from us directly through the app. This helped our support team respond more quickly to customer concerns and questions.

To improve internal communication, I created weekly meetings where employees could ask me any questions they had about their roles or company policies. These meetings also gave me the opportunity to give updates on current projects and initiatives. Finally, I streamlined processes by creating a task management system for each department within the company.”

16. Have you ever had to deal with multiple changing priorities on a project? How did you keep everything organized?

This question can help the interviewer understand how you manage multiple tasks and prioritize your work. Use examples from previous projects to show that you’re organized, detail-oriented and able to meet deadlines.

Example: “In my last role as a project manager, I had to oversee several different teams of developers who were all working on separate aspects of a large website redesign project. Each team was responsible for different pages or sections of the site, so I needed to make sure each group knew what other teams were doing and when they would be ready to launch their part of the project. I used an online project management tool to keep track of everyone’s progress and ensure we met our deadline.”

17. What are the most important skills for a product manager?

This question helps the interviewer understand your skills and how they relate to the position. A product manager is responsible for overseeing all aspects of a company’s products, including marketing, sales, customer service and development. Your answer should include examples of what you’ve done in these areas.

Example: “I believe that communication and collaboration are two of the most important skills for a product manager. As a product manager, I would need to work with many different departments within the organization to ensure that our products meet the needs of customers. Collaboration allows me to get input from others on my ideas and make changes as needed. Communication is also essential because it allows me to share information about the product with other team members.”

18. We’re looking for someone who can take initiative and get things done without being asked. Tell us about a time when you demonstrated this type of behavior.

This question is a great way to determine how well you work independently and with others. When answering this question, it can be helpful to think of an example that shows your ability to take initiative while also working collaboratively with others.

Example: “At my previous job, I noticed that our social media accounts weren’t being updated regularly. This was something that could have negatively affected the company’s reputation online. So, I volunteered to create content for all of our social media platforms. It took me about two weeks to get everything up and running, but now we’re able to post on all of our channels at least once per day.”

19. Our team has to work closely together to accomplish our goals. Can you tell us about a time when you worked well in a team?

This question can help the interviewer understand how you interact with others and your ability to collaborate.

Example: “In my last position, I worked in a team of five people who all had different responsibilities but were all working toward the same goal. We each had our own strengths that we used to support one another when needed. For example, if someone was out sick or on vacation, we would work together to cover their duties until they returned.”

20. How do you think the landscape of banking will change over the next 5 years?

This question is a great way to gauge your candidate’s knowledge of the industry and how they think about trends. It also helps you understand their opinions on what will happen in the future, which can be helpful if you’re looking for someone with specific ideas or goals.

Example: “I believe that banking will become more digitalized over the next five years. I think we’ll see an increase in mobile-only banks as well as apps that offer all of the services of traditional banks but are easier to use. I also think there will be more competition between banks and other financial institutions like PayPal.”

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Revolut pays some senior talent up to $300,000 in base salary and is still hiring. Here are 3 valuable traits in applicants, according to its global head of HR.

  • Banking unicorn Revolut is hiring for over 200 positions, as mass layoffs hit the tech industry. 
  • Getting a job at Revolut is a highly competitive process, its global head of HR said. 
  • She offered three valuable traits the firm looks for when hiring including problem-solving. 

Insider Today

Mass layoffs are hitting the tech industry in the US and Europe, but unicorn banking startup Revolut announced plans to increase its workforce by 20% in August.

Major firms such as  Meta, Microsoft, and Tesla have all laid off staff or frozen hiring . Revolut's fintech peers such as Coinbase, Robinhood , and Klarna have also slashed roles. 

Revolut is growing and "expanding in many countries," global head of HR Alexandra Loi said in an interview. The company is being "cautious" in the downturn about hiring the right people for the right roles, but it is still "fully going on with recruitment." 

Revolut was launched by founders Nikolay Storonsky and Vlad Yatsenko in 2015, offering banking services globally. Users can make online payments and purchases across various currencies through its apps and debit cards. The firm's valuation has grown to $33 billion, though Storonsky has ruled out an IPO for the time being .

In 2019, the firm was accused by then-employees of creating a culture of burnout, unpaid work, high turnover, and tough goals, in an investigation by Wired in 2019 . Storonsky published an open letter  in 2019 responding to these claims saying "we haven't always gotten things right," but that the company is not the same as it was "12 to 18 months ago when these mistakes were made."  

Loi described the culture as "diverse" and "supportive" adding that there remain high expectations and a "high-performance culture."

The firm isn't hiring gung-ho, introducing some cost-cutting measures including rescinding offers for four graduate roles in September. Loi said that the company is still hiring for over 200 roles , primarily in engineering, sales, and other corporate functions. She emphasized that people with STEM-related degrees or degrees from top universities are strong candidates. 

There's a range of open roles currently on Revolut's website including for a 3D designer , a backend software engineer in crypto, and a growth marketing manager in Europe. Loi said the firm received more than 250,000 applications in the first three months of the year across 576 positions.

Senior staff at the company are compensated with six-figure base salaries depending on location, according to previous Insider reporting on the company's foreign-disclosure-hire data in the US between 2019 and 2021. The highest paid salary in the data set was $300,000 for an operations partner. A head of crypto made $250,000 and a senior backend engineer made $175,000. 

The hiring process includes sending a résumé and Linkedin profile; a phone screening; three interviews to check technical skills, problem-solving skills, and cultural fit. 

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Loi explained three traits the firm looks for when hiring. 

1. People who get things done 

Two of the firm's most "critical" values are "get it done," and "delivering wow," according to Loi. 

"This means we know what we're after, we push through, we don't have roadblocks and we make things happen," Loi said. "So we don't use excuses, we do not go with 'I cannot do it,' we find a way, and we have the determination to deliver, finding the ways and breaking through."

Storonsky previously said the company is about "getting s**t done," in 2017.

"Delivering wow" means finding ways to create "seamless or amazing," products and experiences for customers. 

Specific skills are required to embody these values and this includes 'problem-solving,' Loi added. 

"It's about being open-minded, using your logic, reason, common sense, and being able to think deeper about problems and come up with the right solutions," she said. "We need people that will not say, 'Okay, that's fine,' but will always ask, 'What can we do more? How can we strive for excellence? How can we be the best at what we do?'" 

2. Authenticity is valued 

The best way to impress Revolut recruiters is just "being yourself," because they can then really judge if you're "the right fit" for the job. 

"If I go into an interview and try to impress by over-emphasizing some aspects that are not necessarily true or underemphasize some others, and I get accepted to get the job, then what we have seen out of statistics is that the probability that this person doesn't stay long is higher than someone who has fully been themselves in the interview," Loi explained. 

She advises candidates to be confident and share their knowledge, aspirations, interests, and who they really are. 

"Show us who you are, not who you want us to think you are," Loi said.

3. An understanding of the company 

One of the most common reasons job applications get rejected in any industry is not preparing for the interview and researching the company in advance.

Loi urges applicants "to do a bit of research" and have a "concrete reason" for wanting to join the company. 

"Know why you want to go into a company apart from the fact that it's a great brand name," she said.

Loi said candidates should "check out the product" and assess whether they actually like the app and services. Additionally, research the company culture to figure out if it aligns with your values and if you can really see yourself fitting there.

She added: "My overall advice to every person who would want to be part of this journey is to be themselves. Are you hungry? Are you motivated? Do you like to solve problems? Most probably it's a great place for you. So we're really looking forward to more applications, more people coming in, and developing strong talents. We're very open." 

The Revolut USA Prepaid Visa® and Prepaid Mastercard® are issued by Metropolitan Commercial Bank pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. for Visa cards, and Mastercard International for Mastercard cards, and may be used everywhere Visa or Mastercard are accepted. Banking services are provided by Metropolitan Commercial Bank, Member FDIC, and are subject to the terms of a Cardholder Agreement. “Metropolitan Commercial Bank” and “Metropolitan” are registered trademarks of Metropolitan Commercial Bank © 2014. A note from Metropolitan Commercial Bank: Funds in your Revolut Prepaid Card Account are held at an FDIC insured institution. Your funds will be held at or transferred to Metropolitan Commercial Bank, an FDIC-insured institution. While there, your funds are insured up to $250,000 by the FDIC in the event Metropolitan Commercial Bank fails if specific deposit insurance requirements are met and your card is registered. See for details. FDIC insurance does not protect your funds in the event of Revolut’s failure or from the risk of theft or fraud. See Terms & Conditions for details. Revolut is a financial technology company. Banking services provided by Metropolitan Commercial Bank, Member FDIC.

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Revolut Software Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

Revolut Software Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

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Founded as a transparent solution to expensive cross-border spending, Revolut currently helps make 400 million transactions a month. Its services were initially limited to the UK, but Revolut now has expanded to 37 countries, including the US. Revolut also has grown its catalog to cover stock exchanges and cryptocurrency trades.

As an app-based business, Revolut significantly depends on software engineers like yourself to elevate the product experience, develop backend services, and establish server-side integrations. So, the interview for the software engineer role will be a bit detailed and thorough, requiring you to have a degree of understanding of several programming languages, algorithms, and frameworks.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the interview process for the Revolut software engineer role and discuss a few recurring behavioral and technical questions.

What Is the Interview Process for the Software Engineer Role at Revolut?

As a software engineer candidate, you’ll be thoroughly vetted to assess your technical prowess and alignment with Revolut’s culture . Depending on the category of software engineer role (Android, backend, data, Java, etc.), expect a multi-stage interview process with an assortment of phone and on-site rounds. Here is how it typically goes:

Filling Out the Application Form

Revolut has embraced a streamlined approach to job applications with a single-page online form. Apart from leaving contact details and uploading your CV, you’ll need to answer a few surface-level questions about the specific software engineer job role. If you haven’t been approached by a Revolut recruiter, you can find the job you want at Revolut Career Portal .

Consider going the extra mile to upload an updated and tailored CV to increase your chance of getting shortlisted for the primary interview rounds.

Telephone Screening Round

Someone from the Revolut hiring team will contact you to verify the details of your CV and ask a few pre-defined questions regarding your experience in the industry and in specific roles. Hiring managers often bypass this step and make direct contact to accelerate the process. If this happens, expect behavioral questions and a discussion about your technical background.

Technical Problem-Solving Round

Next, you’ll move on to the technical problem-solving stage, engaging in live coding challenges, take-home assignments, and technical discussions. Depending on the job role, specific programming language-related questions will also be asked. Be prepared to face multiple Revolut software engineer interviewers.

On-Site Assessment Centre

After successfully passing the previous interview stages, you will be invited to your nearest Revolut assessment center. During this session, you’ll meet the hiring manager and other key stakeholders for multiple one-on-one interviews and a group assessment.

Partner Interview

This is potentially the final stage of the Revolut software engineer interview. You’ll meet senior engineers and team directors to discuss your responsibilities and answer behavioral questions. Following that, you’ll receive a call or email confirming your employment details.

What Questions Are Asked During Software Engineer Interview at Revolut?

Revolut software engineer interviews usually revolve around SQL, Python, and algorithm problems, followed by behavioral questions. Here are a few of them discussed with ideal answers:

1. How do you prioritize multiple deadlines and stay organized when you have multiple deadlines?

This question will assess your ability to manage time effectively and stay organized under pressure. These are essential skills for a software engineer at Revolut, where development is fast-paced.

How to Answer

Mention how you prioritize tasks based on their urgency and impact on project milestones. Discuss tools like task trackers or project management software to track deadlines and progress.

“I prioritize multiple deadlines by first assessing the urgency and importance of each task. Then, I break down each task into smaller, manageable subtasks and allot time accordingly. Using tools like Trello or Jira helps me stay organized by visualizing deadlines and tracking progress.”

2. What is your approach to resolving conflict with co-workers or external stakeholders, partially when you don’t really like them?

Revolut may ask this question to gauge your ability to handle conflicts diplomatically, crucial in a team environment.

Discuss how you approach conflicts calmly and objectively, finding common ground and understanding the perspectives of others, even if you don’t particularly like them.

“In resolving conflicts, I maintain a professional demeanor and address the issue objectively. I work to understand the other person’s perspective and find common ground to reach a resolution, even when personal feelings are involved.”

3. Tell me about a time when your colleagues disagreed with you. How did you bring them into the conversation and address their concerns?

This question evaluates your communication and collaboration skills, essential for fostering a productive team environment at Revolut.

Mention your listening skills and how you use them to address your colleagues’ concerns and perspectives. Let the interviewer know you encourage open dialogue and collaboration to find a mutually acceptable solution.

“When my colleagues disagreed with me, I initiated a discussion to understand their concerns. By listening and considering their perspectives, we found common ground and adjusted to address their concerns.”

4. Describe a situation where you faced a technical challenge or obstacle in a project. How did you approach solving it, and what was the outcome?

As a software engineer candidate at Revolut, you may be asked this question to evaluate your problem-solving skills and resilience, crucial for tackling complex projects.

Explain how you broke down the technical challenge into smaller, manageable components. Mention research and resources like documentation, forums, or talk with colleagues. Discuss how you iterated and tested potential solutions until the challenge was resolved, keeping stakeholders informed of progress.

“In a recent project, I faced a technical challenge with optimizing database queries for performance. I broke down the problem, researched optimization techniques, and consulted with senior engineers. Through experimentation and testing, we implemented query optimizations that significantly improved performance and met project requirements.”

5. How would you explain a complex technical concept or solution to a non-technical audience, ensuring clarity and understanding?

This question checks your communication skills and ability to convey complex technical concepts clearly and understandably for collaborating with non-technical stakeholders at Revolut as a software engineer.

Mention tailoring your explanation to the audience’s level of understanding, avoiding jargon and technical details. Discuss how you use analogies, visuals, or real-world examples to illustrate complex concepts.

“When explaining technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, I focus on simplicity and relevance. For example, when describing machine learning algorithms, I use everyday analogies like how recommendation systems work like personalized movie recommendations on streaming platforms, which resonates with non-technical audiences.”

6. Given the integer list nums with length n, create a function that converts each integer in the list into its corresponding Roman numeral representation. The Roman numeral symbols and corresponding values are provided in the table below. The function must be able to handle integers up to 1000.

Your interviewer for the software engineer role may ask this question to evaluate your ability to manipulate data structures and implement algorithms.

Create a function that iterates through the given integer list. Inside the loop, you can use a dictionary to map integer values to their corresponding Roman numeral symbols. Then, implement logic to convert each integer into its Roman numeral representation based on the provided table.

7. Given a list of tuples featuring names and grades on a test, write a function  normalize_grades  to normalize the values of the grades to a linear scale between  0  and  1 .

Your ability to manipulate data and perform mathematical operations will be assessed through this question by your Revolut interviewer.

Determine the minimum and maximum grades in the input list. Then, normalize each grade using the formula: (grade - min_grade) / (max_grade - min_grade). Finally, return the list of normalized grades.

8. Given an array filled with random values, write a function  rotate_matrix  to rotate the array 90 degrees clockwise.

This question assesses your ability to manipulate matrices and implement algorithms as a software engineer candidate at Revolut.

The approach involves transposing the matrix and then reversing the order of rows to achieve a 90-degree clockwise rotation.

9. Write a function to get a sample from a standard normal distribution.

Your technical interviewer at Revolut will assess your understanding of probability distributions and your ability to use relevant libraries.

Your approach would be to utilize libraries like NumPy to generate samples from a standard normal distribution.

10. You are given a list of integers called  numbers . Write a function to return any subset of  numbers  where the elements  sum  to  zero  and that does not contain the number  0 . If there are no combinations of elements that sum to zero, return an empty list.

or any other subset that sums to zero and doesn’t include  0 .

This question assesses your problem-solving skills and ability to manipulate lists efficiently, which are critical as a software engineer at Revolut.

Iterate through subsets of the given list and check if the sum of elements in each subset equals zero. Return any subset that meets the criteria.

11. Write a query that, for each page, gets the percentage of the users who recommended it and reside in the same postal code as the page.

Note: A page can sponsor multiple postal codes.

page_sponsorships  table

recommendations  table

users  table

Revolut may ask this question to evaluate your SQL proficiency, as understanding user behavior and demographics is crucial for optimizing product features and marketing strategies.

You’ll need to join the page_sponsorships , recommendations , and users tables on the appropriate keys ( page_id and user_id ). Then, group by page and postal code, calculate the count of users in the same postal code who recommended the page and divide it by the total count of users who recommended the page to get the percentage.

12. Write an SQL query to create a histogram of the number of comments per user in January 2020.

Note: Assume bin buckets class intervals of one.

Note: Comments that were created outside of January 2020 should be counted in a “0” bucket

comments  table

This question evaluates your SQL skills, as a software engineer, in data aggregation and manipulation, specifically in generating histograms.

You’ll need to use the users and comments tables and group comments by user, counting the number of comments per user in the month of January 2020. Then, generate a histogram by counting the frequency of users in each bin bucket.

13. Explain the concept of Python generators and provide a scenario where they could be used to optimize memory usage in a Revolut backend service.

Your interviewer for the software engineer role at Revolut will check your understanding of Python generators and their practical application in memory optimization in backend services.

Explain the concept of generators and how they differ from regular functions, and provide a scenario in a backend service where memory optimization is critical, such as processing large datasets or streaming data.

“Python generators are functions that allow you to generate a sequence of values lazily, on the fly, rather than storing them all in memory at once. They are defined using the yield keyword instead of return. For example, consider a scenario in which Revolut’s backend service needs to process a large number of financial transactions stored in a database. Instead of fetching all transactions into memory at once, which could lead to memory exhaustion, we can use a generator function to fetch and process transactions one by one. This way, we can optimize memory usage by only loading a small portion of the data into memory at any given time, making it suitable for handling large datasets efficiently.”

14. How would you implement error handling and logging in Python code used for processing financial transactions at Revolut, ensuring both reliability and traceability?

Technical interviewers at Revolut may ask this question to evaluate your ability to write robust and reliable code that can handle errors gracefully and provide sufficient logging for traceability and debugging.

Explain the importance of error handling and logging in financial transaction processing systems. Discuss techniques such as try-except blocks for handling exceptions and Python’s logging module for logging informative messages. Provide examples of implementing error handling and logging in Python code to process financial transactions.

“In Python code used for processing financial transactions at Revolut, implementing robust error handling and logging mechanisms is crucial for ensuring reliability and traceability. I would use try-except blocks to handle exceptions that may arise during transaction processing, ensuring that the system gracefully handles errors without crashing. Additionally, I would use Python’s logging module to log informative messages, including transaction details, error messages, and timestamps. By configuring different log levels (e.g., DEBUG, INFO, ERROR), we can control the verbosity of logs and ensure the needed information is captured for auditing and debugging. Overall, combining effective error handling and logging practices would help enhance the reliability and traceability of the Python code used in processing financial transactions at Revolut.”

15. Revolut’s mobile app backend relies on external APIs for various functionalities. How would you design Python code to handle API rate limits and retries effectively, ensuring a smooth user experience?

As a software engineer candidate at Revolut, your answer will demonstrate your ability to design robust and fault-tolerant Python code for interacting with external APIs, considering factors like rate limits and retries.

Explain the importance of handling API rate limits and retries to prevent service disruptions and ensure a seamless user experience. Discuss strategies such as rate limit monitoring, backoff mechanisms, and exponential retry strategies. Provide examples of implementing these strategies in Python code to handle API rate limits and retries effectively.

“In designing Python code to interact with external APIs for Revolut’s mobile app backend, it’s essential to handle API rate limits and retries effectively to maintain a smooth user experience. One approach is to implement rate limit monitoring, where we track the rate limits imposed by the API provider and adjust our request rate accordingly to avoid exceeding the limits. Additionally, we can incorporate retry mechanisms with exponential backoff strategies to handle temporary failures or timeouts gracefully.”

16. Discuss the differences between SQL’s ACID and BASE consistency models and their implications for database design in a financial institution like Revolut.

Your understanding of database consistency models and their implications for designing databases in a financial institution setting will be assessed through this question.

Explain the concepts of ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) and BASE (basically available, soft state, eventually consistent) consistency models in database systems. Discuss the differences between these models, highlighting their implications for database design, transaction processing, and data consistency.

“The ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) and BASE (basically available, soft state, eventually consistent) consistency models represent two different approaches to ensuring data consistency and reliability in database systems. ACID emphasizes strong consistency guarantees, where transactions are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable. In contrast, BASE prioritizes availability and partition tolerance over strong consistency, allowing for eventual consistency and trading off immediate consistency for improved system scalability and fault tolerance. In Revolut, where data integrity is paramount, ACID consistency may be preferred for critical transactional systems, and for non-transactional data or systems requiring high availability and scalability, BASE consistency may be more suitable.”

17. Revolut offers budgeting features for users to track their expenses. How would you use SQL queries to calculate and present monthly spending trends for a user’s account?

This question evaluates your SQL skills and ability to interpret financial data to derive meaningful insight to help implement budgeting features and provide financial insights to Revolut users.

Describe how you would structure SQL queries to retrieve and aggregate transaction data for a user’s account, focusing on transactions within a specific month. Discuss techniques such as filtering by date range, grouping transactions by category or merchant, and calculating total spending.

“To calculate and present monthly spending trends for a user’s account in Revolut’s budgeting feature, we can use SQL queries to aggregate transaction data for the desired month. First, we would filter transactions by the user’s account ID and the transaction date falling within the target month. We can then group transactions by category or merchant and calculate the total spending for each category or merchant. For example, to calculate total spending for January 2024:

This query retrieves transaction data for the specified user’s account for January 2024, groups transactions by category, and calculates the total spending for each category. Similar queries can be used to calculate spending trends over multiple months or to compare with previous months to track changes in spending.”

18. Revolut aims to optimize currency conversion for users while minimizing exchange rate fees. Describe an algorithmic approach you would use to find the best conversion rate for a given currency pair in real time.

The interviewer at Revolut may ask this question to assess your problem-solving skills and knowledge of algorithms for optimizing currency conversion.

Outline an algorithmic approach to finding the best conversion rate for a given currency pair in real time. Discuss factors to consider, such as current exchange rates, transaction fees, and liquidity of currency pairs. Consider approaches like direct conversion, triangular arbitrage, or querying multiple liquidity providers.

“To optimize currency conversion for users in real time, we can implement an algorithmic approach that considers factors such as exchange rates, fees, and liquidity. One approach is to query multiple liquidity providers and compare their conversion rates for the given currency pair. We can then factor in transaction fees and any additional costs associated with the conversion. Additionally, we can consider triangular arbitrage opportunities to leverage cross-currency rates and minimize conversion costs. The algorithm should dynamically adjust based on market conditions and user preferences to provide the best conversion rate while minimizing fees.”

19. Explain time and space complexity in algorithm analysis. How do you evaluate an algorithm’s efficiency using these metrics?

Revolut may ask this question in the software engineer interview to assess your ability to compare algorithms based on time and space requirements.

Define time complexity as the measure of the time an algorithm takes to complete as a function of the input size. Explain space complexity as the measure of the memory space required by an algorithm as a function of the input size. Discuss Big O notation and its significance in expressing the upper bound of an algorithm’s time and space complexity.

“Time complexity refers to the measure of the time an algorithm takes to complete its execution as a function of the input size. It helps us understand how the runtime of an algorithm grows as the size of the input increases. Space complexity, on the other hand, refers to the measure of memory space required by an algorithm as a function of the input size. It helps us see how much memory an algorithm consumes based on the input size. Both time and space complexity are commonly expressed using Big O notation, which provides an upper bound on the growth rate of an algorithm’s runtime and memory usage. By assessing the time and space complexity of algorithms, we can compare their efficiency and choose the most suitable algorithm for a problem based on its performance characteristics.”

20. Explain dynamic programming and provide an example of a problem that can be solved using dynamic programming techniques.

Your understanding of dynamic programming and its application to solving complex problems will be assessed through this question at the software engineer interview at Revolut.

Define dynamic programming as a method for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems and storing their solutions to avoid redundant computation.

“Dynamic programming is a problem-solving technique that involves breaking down complex problems into simpler subproblems and storing their solutions to avoid redundant computation. One classic example of a problem that can be solved using dynamic programming is the Fibonacci sequence. Instead of recursively computing Fibonacci numbers, which leads to redundant computations, we can use dynamic programming to store the solutions to smaller subproblems and build up to larger Fibonacci numbers efficiently.”

How to Prepare for the Software Engineer Role at Revolut

To crack the Revolut interview, you will need to prepare yourself in other domains of software engineering, including problem-solving scenarios, case studies, and coding challenges. Here is a guide on how to effectively prepare:

Review the Job Description

Carefully read the job description to determine where you shine and what skills you lack. This will also help you tailor your CV and answers to the keywords in the job description. For example, if it says that you’ll be building mobile APIs as a software engineer, emphasize your proficiency in that aspect.

Practice Coding Challenges

During the technical and on-site interview rounds, you’ll be given real-world problems to solve with your analytical thinking and coding knowledge. Ensure you understand how to interpret and approach complex problems, particularly in Python and SQL . You may also take coding challenges and answer our software engineer interview questions to prepare better for the Revolut interview.

Focus on Technical Fundamentals

Since Revolut emphasizes practical skills, proficiency in technical fundamentals, such as data structure and algorithms, is critical. Assuming you already have the basics covered, dive deeper into understanding linear regression, random forest, SVM, and sorting algorithms.

Practice Common Interview Questions

In addition to the questions we discussed, practice more behavioral and technical questions to prepare for the Revolut software engineer interview. Our database, with hundreds of potential questions with their solutions, will help you improve your interview skills further.

Refine Your Communication Skills

Participate in our P2P mock interview sessions to refine your communication skills. In addition to improving your skills and refining your answers, familiarity with the process will ease your nerves and help you relax during the actual Revolut interview.

How much do software engineers make at Revolut in a year?

Average Base Salary

Average Total Compensation

View the full Software Engineer at Revolut salary guide

Software engineers at Revolut earn an average basic salary of $109,000 with a total compensation of $131,000 per year. Senior engineers, however, command a more robust base salary of over $160,000 and over $260,000 in total compensation. Read more about the industry standards in our software engineer salary guide .

Where can I read about other candidates’ experiences in the Revolut software engineer role?

We have a strong Slack community where interview details are shared, and new candidates can ask about the process. Feel free to join us and leave your impression of the Revolut interview process afterward.

Does Interview Query have job postings for the Revolut software engineer role?

Yes. Discover available job positions through our Job Board and apply to your desired role directly. Moreover, some organizations share their requirements directly with us so you can apply immediately.

The Bottom Line

We’ve discussed the process, common questions, and a few tips to crack your software engineer interview at Revolut. Hopefully, you’ll now be able to prepare better for the behavioral and technical rounds during the interview. Before we part, consider exploring our main Revolut interview guide to gain more insight into the company and learn about other roles, including data analyst and data scientist jobs.

Best of luck with your Revolut software engineer interview—we’re rooting for your success! You’re welcome to share your experience with us after the interview.

problem solving interview with revolut

Jumping on board: Pamela’s story joining the Risk & Compliance team

People  ·  25 July 2023 Alex Carril

Since Pamela Bonafini joined the rocket ship as a Financial Crime Compliance Manager for Revolut Brazil in February 2023, she’s already been an integral part of the company’s compliance strategy and launch of our first products in Brazil. Here’s Pamela’s experience on what it’s like to be part of the Risk & Compliance Team that never settles.

Tell us about your experience so far in your first few months with the company.

As most of my colleagues say, time at Revolut runs quickly, so I feel like I’ve been here longer! Since the selection process until now, I've felt supported. As a customer before starting, I know first-hand the benefits of using a single financial super app, and now having the opportunity to be a part of the expansion here in Brazil motivates me a lot. Every day is different, and I have the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone. I'm still living in a honeymoon period and everything delights me.

Can you talk about the hiring process you went through?

It was a long and interesting journey! I had around 5 stages in the recruitment process: a chat with an HR rep, a technical problem-solving interview, a general problem-solving interview, the bar raiser interview that was totally related with my previous experience, and the last one was an interview with Glauber Mota, CEO for Revolut Brazil. For each stage, HR was available to help with any doubts and provide assistance with resources that helped me to get prepared. It was a long process, but it’s clear the company wants to make sure you are a good fit and align with our values.

problem solving interview with revolut

What can you say about the company culture at Revolut, and how do you feel you’re fitting in?

It's a balance between the technology and the financial sectors, which was particularly what I was looking for. Working with local and global Revoluters, I quickly saw how operations, marketing, risk & compliance, and FinCrime teams all work together to maintain our controls and provide the highest level of security to our customers.

At the beginning, I was worried about starting from scratch and the time it would take to be recognised for my work in a new company. Revolut showed me I am in the right place — I am recognised, my work is seen and praised, and I feel accomplished with the leadership and the team that I am part of in Brazil.

What resources and training have you had that helps new hires like you succeed in their role?

When I joined the company, the probation period gave me the opportunity to take training courses to understand the company's values, strategy, and culture, as well as my obligations as an employee. I had a buddy during this phase, which helped a lot to feel welcomed on board. I met many stakeholders from the global team who were inviting and gave me lots of tips on how to succeed at Revolut. I had time to prepare and study for the challenges ahead, but this learning is daily and motivating. A special thanks to my team, line manager and buddy that have been making this journey so light and pleasant.

How have you been able to manage your work-life balance since you started?

I manage my tasks and responsibilities in a way that I can also have my “me time”. I really believe that people are more productive in a flexible environment. I can take time to walk my dogs, enjoy my hobbies, like pilates and circus classes, and spend time with my family and friends. This is the part I love most about Revolut — the flexibility of being able to balance my work life with my personal life.

problem solving interview with revolut

Are there any benefits you’re already taking advantage of or plan to in the near future?

We have a top standard health plan here in Brazil, in addition to benefits such as food/meal vouchers, half-yearly bonuses and, my favourite, the ability to work abroad!

What advice would you give someone considering a career in risk & compliance at Revolut, based on your own experience so far?

Be resilient, embrace the company values, and just be you. The support you need for your growth and career evolution will be provided by Revolut. Ready to embark on your own adventure? Join us at Revolut and become a part of our vibrant team revolutionising the financial services industry.

Explore our open positions 🚀


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    Revolut interview details: 2,246 interview questions and 2,025 interview reviews posted anonymously by Revolut interview candidates. ... at revolut and I'd like to know their case studies if possible, to help me prepare for it. In particular, for their problem solving and technical skills rounds. I'd given these two rounds of interviews for ...

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    I interviewed at Revolut (Madrid) in 01/04/2024. Interview. I had an interview in April 2024 and want to share my experience with the live coding part. 1. The way the upcoming live coding was described by the recruiter and in the emails did not reflect what actually happened, which was somewhat misleading. Initially, the emails highlighted TDD ...

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    Problem Solving Interview - A 45 min case study interview where they give you a problem statement outside your area of expertise and expect you to come up with a structured solution. The interviewer was awesome. Refer consulting interviews on youtube to prep, 4. Bar Raiser Interview - I got rejected in this stage.

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  20. Interview Result : r/Revolut

    Welcome to the unofficial Revolut subreddit - for users and anyone interested in the discussion about Revolut. Please check out the rules before posting. ... My problem solving interview went very well and I got to know from the Recruiter that the interviewer feedback was exceptional for that round. So just wondering if that'll help anyway in ...

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    Unsure of next move- hate going again on the interview treadmill which is depressing. Originally interviewed for Community Relations Coordinator for set asking salary of $65k. Now owner wants to change title to Branch Manager, increased responsibilities, but primarily still CRC role. Same salary and now will decrease to $50k after one year with ...

  22. Jumping on board: Pamela's story joining the R&C team

    It was a long and interesting journey! I had around 5 stages in the recruitment process: a chat with an HR rep, a technical problem-solving interview, a general problem-solving interview, the bar raiser interview that was totally related with my previous experience, and the last one was an interview with Glauber Mota, CEO for Revolut Brazil.

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    Revolut should consider reducing the number of interviews or combining the two problem solvers as they both intended to assess communication and problem-solving skills. Revolut also justifies its interview process by saying they're trying to create 'high-functioning teams' and uses a bunch of MBB-esque buzzwords.