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The permissions granted to user 'domain\username' are insufficient for performing this operation. --

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reporting services error the permissions granted to user

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SQL Server Reporting Services Report Manager Site Permissions Error After Installation

By: Dallas Snider   |   Comments (12)   |   Related: > Reporting Services Security

After a successful installation of SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 on a personal computer such as a laptop, a permissions error is received when accessing the Report Manager site for the first time. The message typically states the following: "User DOMAIN_NAME\userID does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed." This error can occur even though you the user, installer and database administrator have full administrative rights on your device.

SQL Server Reporting Services Permissions Error After Installation

Depending on your situation there are two methods that will typically resolve this problem. We will start with the easier solution first before moving to the more complicated solution. The goal of both solutions is to get the Site Settings to display in the top right corner as shown below. Site Settings is not displayed in the image above containing the error message.

The goal of both solutions is to get the Site Settings to display in the top right corner as shown below

1. The first method involves starting Internet Explorer by using the Run as administrator option as shown below.

MSSQLTips.com Sample Image

2. If Site Settings is not displayed, please skip to step 8. If Site Settings is displayed in the top right corner, click on Site Settings. Click on the Security tab on the left. Next, click on New Role Assignment.

If Site Settings is displayed in the top right corner, click on Site Settings

3. On the New System Role Assignment page, enter your group or user name and then select the System Administrator checkbox. Click on OK.

select the System Administrator checkbox

4. After clicking on OK, the system role assignments will be shown.

After clicking on OK, the system role assignments will be shown

5. Next, click on Home in the top right and then click on Folder Settings.

click on Folder Settings

6. Click on New Role Assignment. Add your group or user name and then choose the desired roles to be assigned. Click on OK when finished.

Click on New Role Assignment

7. If you have made it this far, then the problem should be resolved. Exit from Internet Explorer and reopen Internet Explorer normally without running as administrator and navigate to your local Report Manager site.

If you have made it this far, then the problem should be resolved

8. The second method involves temporarily changing the User Access Control settings.

The second method involves temporarily changing the User Access Control settings

9. Change the settings from the default level as shown above to "Never notify" shown below. After clicking OK and rebooting your computer, attempt steps 1 through 7 above. When successfully making these changes, make sure to set the User Access Control settings back to the default level and reboot.

UAC Disabled

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reporting services error the permissions granted to user

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rsAccessDenied - SQL server 2008 reporting services

I am running SQL server 2008 developer edition on windows vista home premium. I created a reporting services project that was built successfully in BIDS. When I try to deploy it it gives the following error:

The MYSELF account is the only account on the system. It has administrator rights. The reporting service is running with the LocalSystem service account.

If I log in with the MYSELF account into reportmanager, I cannot see the site settings tab. Without the site settings tab, how do I add or change the roles for MYSELF account.

In summary, please help me to open the reportmanager in the browser with the site settings link so that I can change the role of the user account.

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2 Answers 2

I found the answer.

I had to log into the system with the built in administrator account and then add the current user account to the administrator role in the Reporting services manager.

Note that built in administrator account is different from an account which is part of administrators group.

To elaborate on rboorgapally's answer...

  • On Windows 7, click on the Start button and then right-click on Computer
  • Click on Manage
  • Expand Local Users and Groups in the left panel
  • Click on the Users folder
  • Right-click on Administrator in the center panel
  • Click on Properties
  • Uncheck "Account is disabled" then click OK
  • With Administrator still selected, click on More Actions in the right panel
  • Select Set Password and provide a password

You can now log in to http://localhost/Reports as Administrator. Now set yourself as a System Administrator for Reporting Services by clicking on Site Settings in the upper-right hand section of the page and clicking on Role Assignment.

Finally, click on Home. Click on Folder Settings and set yourself as a Content Manager.

You may now disable Administrator and use your account to administer Reporting Services.

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reporting services error the permissions granted to user

rsAccessDenied on SSRS 2016

Points: 18131

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September 4, 2016 at 7:42 am

I have a test environment on my laptop running Windows 10 and SQL Server 2016 CTP3. The Reporting Services instance is naturally also 2016.

I installed the report server without any problems using my account which as expected is also a local administrator on the laptop. Because of that I can't understand why when I open the Web Service URL I get the following error message:

The permissions granted to user 'LAPTOP\burge' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)

On opening the Report Manager URL I get.....

User 'LAPTOP\burge' does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed.

UAC is turned off completely so I can rule that out (I hope....)

My own local administrator account is the service account.

I have been through the three .CONFIG files and nothing springs out as a potential problem.

Has anyone else experienced this and how did you recover from it?

Looking forward to your answers... 🙂

Points: 90860

September 4, 2016 at 10:51 am

Open your browser using Run As Administrator and access the URL that way. Once connected, add your account to the administrators on the SSRS site.

September 4, 2016 at 11:06 am

thanks for the tip but I have tried that. I have also tried opening the browser in Edge, IE and Firefox but nothing seems to be working.

September 4, 2016 at 11:19 am

You need to do the Run As Administrator - it doesn't matter if you are an administrator on the box or if you are in the Administrators group. All three work differently. If you do Run As Administrator for IE and get a login failure, try checking the SSRS log itself.

September 4, 2016 at 11:25 am

thanks.....the tip was perfect.

I had opened the RS Configuration Manager with "Run As Administrator" and foolishly assumed that selecting the links would open up Explorer accordingly.

Many, many thanks!

Now to get SSIS working as well.... 🙂

Regards Kev

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The permissions granted to user 'PBIUser' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)

Good morning,

I tried to register my SSRS server with Power BI, in order to be able to pin the SSRS charts to dashboard tiles in Power BI. However, after struggling with the registration in Report Server configuration manager, I now face a new error (the one in the title)

I must say I have no trace anywhere of a user called "PBIuser" in our AD, so I don't know where it comes from. Basically, on my SSRS portal, when I go to "My Settings" > "Connect to Power BI" > "Sign In", after signing in, I receive this error.

Did I miss anything during the configuration ?

SQL Server Reporting Services A SQL Server technology that supports the creation, management, and delivery of both traditional, paper-oriented reports and interactive, web-based reports. 2,818 questions Sign in to follow

Hi @Romain KEISER Has your issue been resolved? If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. If the answer is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it. Best regards, Aniya


So I will try to register it again, maybe with a different user this time and come back to you.

Hi @Romain KEISER The user performing the Power BI integration needs to start the Reporting Services Configuration Manager either with the account used to install Reporting Services, or the account the Reporting Services service is running under. I think you can check this. Best regards, Aniya


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    You need to grant access rights to user you're accessing the reports server. There are MSDN tutorials for that: 1, 2, but short steps are: Open reports portal. Go to Settings page -> Security tab, and add your domain\user to the list of users as administrator.

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  6. Solved: Re: The permissions granted to user 'domain\userna

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    The permissions granted to user 'DOMAIN\user' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) Get Online Help I had this issue in the past with Windows 10 and the solution was to run it in IE 11 under administrator as per this article:

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    This browser is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support.

  10. SQL Server Reporting Services Report Manager Site Permissions Error

    3. On the New System Role Assignment page, enter your group or user name and then select the System Administrator checkbox. Click on OK. 4. After clicking on OK, the system role assignments will be shown. 5. Next, click on Home in the top right and then click on Folder Settings. 6. Click on New Role Assignment.

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    Reporting Services - SharePoint Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint Products. I installed all of those with a specific Windows Domain account and made the user member of the following User Groups, Administrators, ISS_IUSRS . But when I try to open the Web Service URL, or the Report Manager URL, i get this error: The permissions granted to ...

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    testaccount has the same level access as they are both in the same group for the report library, but when trying to view a report, the user is greeted with the error: The permissions granted to user 'MYDOMAIN\ryanhayes' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) SSRS is set up in SharePoint integrated mode.

  13. rsAccessDenied

    Click on Manage. Expand Local Users and Groups in the left panel. Click on the Users folder. Right-click on Administrator in the center panel. Click on Properties. Uncheck "Account is disabled" then click OK. With Administrator still selected, click on More Actions in the right panel. Select Set Password and provide a password.

  14. Grant user access to a report server

    Add a user or group to a system role. Start the web portal. Select the Gear icon in the upper right and then select Site Settings from the dropdown menu. Select Security. Select Add group or user. In Group or user, enter a Windows domain user or group account in this format: <domain>\<account>. Note.

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    Right click on the "Temporary ASP.NET Files" and select properties->secutity. See if the "NETWORK SERVICE" is already part of the "User/Group" section. If not add it by typing "Network Service". If it's already there then grant the write permissions. Share. Improve this answer. answered Jun 15, 2016 at 15:54.

  16. rsAccessDenied on SSRS 2016

    September 4, 2016 at 10:51 am. #1899127. Open your browser using Run As Administrator and access the URL that way. Once connected, add your account to the administrators on the SSRS site. Sue.

  17. SSRS 2019 permissions granted to user domain\user are insufficient

    The permissions granted to user 'DOMAIN\user' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) Get Online Help I had this issue in the past with Windows 10 and the solution was to run it in IE 11 under administrator as per this article:

  18. sql server

    Open the rsreportserver.config file located at D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer. Hit CTRL+F to look up RSWindowsNegotiate. Replace RSWindowsNegotiate with RSWindowsBasic. Save the file and launch the URL.

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    -----Try to start rs.FireEvent(TimedSubscription)!!!!!Got an Exception System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: T he permissions granted to user 'box\myAccount' are insufficient for performing this operation. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.AccessDeniedException: The permissions granted to user 'box\myAccount' are ...

  20. The permissions granted to user 'PBIUser' are insufficient for

    You can check if the wrong user is logged in on the Report Manager page. ! For more Power BI integration requirements, you can refer to this link: power-bi-report-server-integration-configuration-manager. To grant the corresponding permissions to users, you can check this link: configure-a-native-mode-report-server-for-local-administration-ssrs.