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A substantial body of theory and empirical evidence exists to attest to the fact that motivation and productivity are concepts which have been subjects of immense interest among researchers and managers. The objective of this paper is to conduct a literature review and analysis on theories and empirical evidence on the relationship between employee motivation and organizational productivity with a view to drawing important lessons for managerial practice. To achieve this, the paper conducted a review of some of the key theories and empirical studies on motivation and its impact on employee productivity drawing experiences from diverse organizational settings in Nigeria and several other countries. The study revealed that there are different factors to consider in motivating employees: some monetary or financial such as pay and others are non-financial like recognition and challenging jobs. Important implications are presented for managerial practice.

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review of literature for employee motivation

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SAU Journal of Management and Social Sciences

Prof. Oyedokun E M M A N U E L Godwin , Modupeola Adeolu-Akande

The researchers investigated the impact of motivation on employee productivity in the Nigerian Baptist Convention, Survey research design was adopted while questionnaire was used as the questionnaire of data collection. The reliability of the research instrument was calculated and all variables have Cronbach's alpha value, ranging from 0.907 to 0.935, which achieved the minimum acceptable level of coefficient alpha above 0.70. The data collected were analysed, using the Special Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) to generate tables as well as percentages. This was done to ensure an easy and clear understanding of the work. Multiple linear regression and correlation were used to test the validity of the hypotheses to establish the link between motivation and productivity. The R-square coefficient of the variables (work environment, training and development, recognition, leadership style and workers' efficiency) was 0.999. This shows that the variables constitute 99.9% of total variance which is a high coefficient on the employment motivation (dependent variable). This shows that they have a significant impact on employee motivation at Nigerian Baptist Convention. Thus, organisations, managers and employers should take the issue of motivation seriously.

SSRN Electronic Journal

Stephen Dugguh

Employees are the most important resources in any organization. They are needed to use inputs to enhance outcomes. Low productivity in manufacturing companies in Nigeria in general may be traceable to poor employee motivation. The objective of the paper therefore is to determine how certain theories of motivation could be applied to increase productivity in Cement Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria. The paper is theoretical in nature and draws from various literatures on motivation and productivity and concludes that motivation has a link to productivity since ‘motivated employees are productive employees’. The paper further suggests that relevant motivation theories should be applied to elicit and drive employee performance and increase the level of productivity in Cement Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria.

Samuel Ajayi

ABSTRACT This study examines the relationship between Motivation and Employee productivity, using First Bank Nigeria Plc. as a case study. First Bank of Nigeria, is a Nigerian multinational bank and financial services company. It is the country’s largest financial services company serving about eight Million (8,000,000) strong customer base through over 750 nationwide branches , as well as online services, with its global reach and currently it is Nigerian's largest bank by assets. Just like any long standing big organization First Bank Plc. is faced with the problem of developing and sustaining staff engagement through motivation to achieve high employee and organization productivity and prevent low employee morale and low overall organizational performance, the paper aimed at identifying various strategies and motivational techniques that exist in the organization, determination of the best motivational techniques that bring the best out of employees and to determine ways of improving overall organizational performance through appropriate motivational approach. This study was carried out among the employees of First bank Nigeria Plc. spanning through branches and the headquarter in Lagos, Nigeria. 450 well –structured questionnaire were administered on the six (6) geopolitical zones of Nigeria where First Bank Plc is evenly represented in branches with a total of 300 questionnaires received back and passed through statistical analyses. Research questions were raised based on the research objectives and hypotheses. Chi ( ) statistical test was deployed to test the various hypotheses formulated in the study. The result showed that quality of supervision has positive effect on employee motivation to work better. It was also found that workers perception on what obtained in his organization will motivate him to greater productivity. Financial motivation involving monetary rewards have greater impact on performance and organizational productivity.

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Francis Amaeshi

Using selected manufacturing firms in Aba, Abia State, we investigated the effects of motivation on workers' performance in Nigeria. The objective of the study is to compare our primary research findings with the findings in the extant literature for the purpose of identifying common patterns as well as, controversies within the secondary data directly related to the research area thereby validating the theories of motivation through this work. Adopting a survey design with well-structured questionnaire, we collected quantitative data and analyzed same using descriptive and inferential statistics. In the attempt to answer the research questions, we used the multiple regression models on four selected motivational variables of Reward System, Motivational Factors, Employee Motivation, and Good Management Practices. The results of our study showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between the Motivational variables (Motivational factors and Management Practices) and Workers' Performance. All the motivational factors considered in this study with their positive coefficients met the a priori expectation. Our conclusion reinforces existing knowledge that motivational variables are important in encouraging better performance among employees in the work place.


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A Brief Literature Review on Employee Motivation

Employee Motivation

The role of facilitating quality subordinate-superior communication at various levels effectively employing a wide range of communication channels has been praised by Shields (2007) in terms of its positive contribution in boosting employee morale. Shields (2007) stresses two specific advantages of such a practice that relate to offering employees a chance to raise their concerns and put across their points regarding various aspects of their jobs, as well as, supplying them with the feeling of engagement and appreciation.

According to Lockley (2012) offering training and development programs that effectively contributes to personal and professional growth of individuals is another effective employee motivation strategy. At the same time, Lockley (2012) warns that in order for motivational aspects of training and development initiatives to be increased, ideally they need to be devised and implemented by a third party with relevant competency and experience.

Alternative working patterns such as job-rotating, job-sharing, and flexible working have been branded as effective motivational tools by Llopis (2012). Moreover, Llopis (2012) argues that motivational aspects of alternative working patterns along with its other benefits are being appreciated by increasing numbers of organisations, however, at the same time; many organisations are left behind from benefiting from such opportunities.

An interesting viewpoint regarding the issue has been proposed by Wylie (2004), according to which members of management primarily should be able to maintain the level of their own motivation at high levels in order to engage in effective motivation of their subordinates. Accordingly, Wylie (2004) recommends managers to adopt a proactive approach in terms of engaging in self-motivation practices.

Furthermore, Wylie (2004) recommends concentrating on specific variations of intangible motivational tools such as celebrations of birthdays and other important dates with the participation of whole team

According to Thomas (2009) the main challenge of motivation in workplaces is identifying what motivates each individual employee taking into account his or her individual differences. In other words, individual differences have been specified by Thomas (2009) as the major obstruction for management in engaging in employee motivation in an effective manner.

Lockley (2012), on the other hand, addresses the same issue focusing on cross-cultural differences between employees in particular. Namely, culture can be explained as knowledge, pattern of behaviour, values, norms and traditions shared by members of a specific group (Kreitner and Cassidy, 2012), and accordingly, cross-cultural differences is perceived to be a major obstruction in the way of successful employee motivation.

This point has been explained by Lockley (2012) by insisting that certain practices such as engaging in constructive arguments and dialogues in workplace can prove to be highly motivational for the representatives of Western culture, whereas the same set of practices can prove to be counter-productive for employees from Asian countries due to vast cross-cultural differences.

Llopis (2012) draws attention to the increasing relevance of the work-life balance problem for modern employees and stresses its negative impact on the level of employee motivation. Specifically, Llopis (2012) reasons that unless employees achieve an adequate level of work-life balance in personal level, management investment on the level of employee motivation can be wasted.

This viewpoint is based on Hierarchy of Needs theoretical framework proposed by Abraham Maslow (1943), according to which there is a certain hierarchy for individual needs, and more basic human needs need to be satisfied in order for the next level needs to serve as motivators.


Bruce, A. Pepitone, J.S. (1999) “Motivating Employees” McGraw-Hill International

Kreitner, R. & Cassidy, C. (2012) “Management” Cengage Learning

Llopis, G. (2012) “The Top 9 Things That Ultimately Motivate Employees to Achieve” Forbes, April 6, 2012

Lockley, M. (2012) “The Secret to Motivating a Team” The Guardian, January 6, 2012

Maslow, A.H. (1943) “The Theory of Human Motivation”  Psychological Review , 50(4)6

Shields, J. (2007) “Managing Employee Performance and Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies” Oxford University Press

Thomas, K.T. (2009) “Intrinsic Motivation at Work: What Really Drives Employee Engagement” 2 nd edition, Berrett-Koehler Store

Wylie, K. (2004) “Managers Get the Staff They Deserve” GRIN Verlag

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Employee Motivation in Contemporary Academic Literature: A Narrative Literature Review

  • Petra JARKOVSKÁ Škoda Auto University, Department of Human Resources Management, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic
  • Martina JARKOVSKÁ Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic

Background: Using the correct type of motivation is pivotal in triggering employees’ affirmative work attitudes, such as work performance, job satisfaction, or voluntary retention, ultimately leading to increasing the organization’s overall efficiency. Despite the ongoing academic debate, academics provide practitioners with mixed results on which motivation factors are relevant for targeted employee groups whose needs are under the economic and socio-psychological pressure of the rapidly evolving environment. Elton Mayo was the first to acknowledge these socio-psychological factors as significant motivation drivers almost a century ago. Methods: Therefore, the purpose of this paper, using the narrative literature review method (supported by a systematic search strategy) on 83 articles, is to evaluate the research findings on employees’ motivation (related to their affirmative work attitudes) and to unfold the motivation theory’s advancement. Results: Key motivation drivers were identified and unified into five motivation sets applicable to different employee groups. The findings also suggest that most academic works, theoretically grounded in classical motivational concepts, are quantitative analysis-based. Conclusion: To increase the efficiency of employees’ performance, internal motivation or internalization of external motivation seems to be the best solution. Employees’ “floating” needs call for practitioners to be trained in techniques from psychology.

Keywords: Elton Mayo, Employee motivation, Motivation factor, Motivation theory


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Employee Motivation and Its Impact on Organizational Performance with Mediating Role of Leadership Approach: A Study of Select Hospitality Organizations in Uttarakhand (India)

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  • Bhawna Chahar 18  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ((LNNS,volume 303))

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  • International Conference on Information Systems and Management Science

299 Accesses

The present research aims at examining mediating role of leadership approach in the relationship between employee motivation and organizational performance of hospitality organization in Uttarakhand state (India). A survey using propulsive sampling of 217 employees associated with different hospitality organizations located in Uttarakhand state (India) using questionnaire as a primary data collection instrument was carried out. The research focuses on three specific variables for analysis. Organizational performance was taken as dependent variable, factors of employee motivation were taken as independent variable and leadership approach was taken as mediating variable. Four different hypotheses were proposed and evaluated using descriptive statistics and regression analysis, respectively. The research findings indicate employee motivation have positive relationship with organizational performance (β = .602, t = 8.089 and R 2  = .233). Similarly, it was found that employee motivation has positive influence on leadership (β = .757, t = 12.715 and R 2  = 429) and Leadership practices in the organization have positive influence on organizational performance (β = .668, t = 11.559 and R 2  = .383). It is also found that leadership approach has mediating effect between employee motivation and organizational performance. Study offers some meaningful suggestion to improve employee motivation and enhance organizational performance. Some of the managerial implication, limitations and scope of future research are also presented in the study.

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Chahar, B. (2022). Employee Motivation and Its Impact on Organizational Performance with Mediating Role of Leadership Approach: A Study of Select Hospitality Organizations in Uttarakhand (India). In: Garg, L., et al. Information Systems and Management Science. ISMS 2020. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 303. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 05 September 2021

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    LITERATURE REVIEW Employee Motivation Motivation is a broad concept which includes preferences for particular outcomes, strength of effort (half-hearted or enthusiastic) and persistence (in the face of problems and barriers). Managers strive to motivate people in the organization to perform at high levels.

  16. A Brief Literature Review on Employee Motivation

    A Brief Literature Review on Employee Motivation. Bruce and Pepitone (1999) propose an interesting viewpoint according to which managers cannot motivate employees; managers can only influence what employees are motivated to do. The role of facilitating quality subordinate-superior communication at various levels effectively employing a wide ...

  17. PDF Employee Motivation and Institutional Frameworks- A Literature Review

    A Literature Review Starting from the 1960s researchers have shown great interest in motivation. Along with research in areas such as Human Resource Management and Organizational Be- havior employee motivation has become a fascinating research topic also for Man- agement academics. The research focus has been placed on the motivation process of ...

  18. PDF A literature review on Employee motivation

    A literature review on Employee motivation Sireesha Nethi Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, Samskruti College of Engineering and Technology, Kondapu (V), Ghatkesar (M), Medchal (D), Telangana. E-mail ID: [email protected] ABSTRACT Research on employee motivation has attracted both the academics and corporate companies from the

  19. Satisfied and high performing? A meta-analysis and systematic review of

    Literature Review; Systematic Review; Meta Analysis. Supplemental Material. Other(Internet) Grant Sponsorship. Sponsor: Projekt DEAL ... Kumari, K., Barkat Ali, S., un Nisa Khan, N., and Abbas, J. (2021). Examining the role of motivation and reward in employees' job performance through mediating effect of job satisfaction: an empirical evidence ...

  20. Performance Appraisal on Employees' Motivation: A Comprehensive

    The existing systematic literature review illustrates the importance of the performance appraisal fairness on employee's motivation, which is affected by other important factors. This study is trying to examine the collected studies by focusing on the factors that determined on performance appraisal and employee's motivation [ 18 ].

  21. Employee Motivation in Contemporary Academic Literature: A Narrative

    Methods: Therefore, the purpose of this paper, using the narrative literature review method (supported by a systematic search strategy) on 83 articles, is to evaluate the research findings on employees' motivation (related to their affirmative work attitudes) and to unfold the motivation theory's advancement. Results: Key motivation drivers ...

  22. Systematic Literature Review: The Importance Of Work Motivation To

    Manuscript received 16 th February 2023, Revision 25 th March 2023, Issue 28 th March 2023. Abstract. Work motivation is on e of the cr u cial keys to improving employee performance. This study ...

  23. Leadership, Communication, and Job Satisfaction for Employee ...

    This research focuses on the determinants of employee engagement in family businesses in Peru. The study is based on previous research that showed the importance of organisational culture, leadership, and human resource management practices to achieve effective business performance. The methodological strategy was to conduct a qualitative, quantitative, and documentary analysis research. The ...

  24. (PDF) A literature review on motivation

    A literature review on motivation. December 2013; Global Business Perspectives 1(4) ... In order to study the various issues highlighted in this paper related to employee motivation, a large body ...

  25. PDF Literature Review on Employee Motivation

    International Journal of Education and Humanities ISSN: 2770-6702 | Vol. 10, No. 1, 2023 147 Literature Review on Employee Motivation Xiaosong Li

  26. Motivating Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry. A Literature Review

    Based on the literature review, human motives are divided into two main categories: intrinsic, such as the possibility of new challenges and assigning more responsibilities to employees, and extrinsic, which include mainly financial rewards. ... Ramlall, S. (2004). A review of employee motivation theories and their implications for employee ...

  27. Employee Motivation and Its Impact on Organizational ...

    To conclude the existing literature review related to study variables and hypothesize the relationship among social media marketing, brand loyalty and customer experience, ... The effect of team leaders on employees' motivation: call center review. Acad. Look Mag. (32), 1-21 (2012)