How to Write a Perfect Project Handover Report (+ Example and Best Practices)

By Vic on March 24, 2022 — 5 minutes to read

  • What is a Project Handover Report? Part 1
  • How to Write a Perfect Project Handover Report? Part 2
  • Example of a Project Handover Report Part 3
  • Project Handover Report Best Practices Part 4

What is a Project Handover Report?

Project handover report is a document that summarizes the work done on a project and provides information about the next steps of the project. It is usually created by the project manager and delivered to stakeholders.

Project handover report contains information about what was done during the project, what was not completed, risks encountered, lessons learned and recommendations for future projects.

When a project is completed, it is important to document the handover process. A project handover report document can be used as a reference for future projects and can help ensure that all aspects of the project are properly addressed.

A project handover report should include sections for:

  • Project overview
  • Project goals
  • Highlights from the project
  • Lessons learned (if applicable)

Part 2 How to Write a Perfect Project Handover Report?


The following steps should be followed when handing over a project:

Step 1. Handover meeting

The handover meeting should be planned in advance to ensure that all aspects of the project are covered. 

The following topics should be discussed at the meeting:

  • Project objectives
  • Actions completed and/or remaining to be completed
  • Any issues or problems that have arisen during the project
  • Future plans

Project handover meetings are not only useful for gathering information for your project handover report, but it is also important as it provides an opportunity for people to reflect on their work so they can improve in the future. 

A successful project handover meeting starts with a clear agenda outlining the goals and objectives of the meeting. It is important that everyone involved in the meeting understands their role and their part in achieving those goals. The team should be able to summarize what they did, how they did it, when they did it, and why they did it by answering these questions:

  • What was our goal?
  • What were we trying to achieve?
  • How did we do?
  • Did we meet our objective?
  • Why or why not?

Step 2. Prepare your project handover report

  • Write down information about the project. This includes information about the objectives of the project and who was responsible for completing different parts of the project.
  • Write a timeline of events for the project. This will help you track who was responsible for what during the course of the project.
  • Summarize key points from each stage of the project in an executive summary. This will help you provide a clear overview of what happened.

Step 3. Complete the handover report

A project handover report is a document that is created to summarize the results of a project. It also includes information about what went well, what did not go well, and what could be improved for the next time:

  • The first part of this document should include the name of the project, who was involved in it, and any other relevant information.
  • The second part should include a summary of how each task was completed and any issues that arose during this process.
  • The third section should contain some recommendations for how to improve this process in the future.
  • Finally, there should be a list of any resources that were used during this project at the end of the report template.

Part 3 Example of a Project Handover Report

A typical project handover report usually contains the following items:

Project Handover Report Example:

  • Project name : ______
  • Project start date : ______
  • Project end date : ______
  • Project manager’s name : ______
  • Team members’ names :______
  • Project objectives (overview, goals) : ______
  • Scope of work: ______
  • Timeline: ______
  • Resources: ______

Depending on the project type, sometimes some of the following information can be added:

  • Changes made during project execution
  • The status of all tasks, including those that were completed as well as those that are still outstanding
  • A list of any issues or concerns with the implementation of the project
  • A list of any assumptions made during the course of this project
  • The rationale for decisions made during this project
  • R isks encountered, lessons learned and recommendations for future projects

Check the following article for examples of project reports (free downloads): 30 Free Downloads: The Best Project Report Samples

Part 4 Project Handover Report Best Practices

The project handover report is a document which defines the scope of work, the deliverables and the acceptance criteria. It also provides a summary of what was achieved, what were the challenges faced and what were the lessons learned. When handing over a project, it is important to ensure that all aspects of the project are properly documented. A handover report can be an invaluable tool in this process, providing a clear overview of the project status and ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of the final product.

It is important to w rite a clear and concise report that provides key information about the project. Here are some tips for writing a successful handover report:

– Start with a brief overview of the project timeline and objectives .

– Describe each stage of the project, including goals and objectives achieved. Make sure to include all relevant information in your report, such as project goals, timeline, and key results .

– Summarize key results and lessons learned from the project .

– Detail any issues that arose during the course of the project, and how they were resolved .

– Use effective language to keep your readers engaged. Make sure the report is concise, organized, and easy to read .

– Keep the report short and concise: include all relevant information in the report and do not include irrelevant information.

– Use bullet points to summarize what was done .

– If applicable, include screenshots or photographs as visual aids for your readers .

Digital Project Report Forms on ProsperForms

Templates on ProsperForms:

project status report form template

Edit and use this template

monthly status report form template

More Downloads:

  • A Handy Project Summary Report + Free Template Download
  • How to Write a Project Management Report + Free Template Download
  • How to Write a Project Progress Report + Free Template Download

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7 Free Project Handover Templates for Efficient Transitions

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 13, 2024

Want to know the number-one rule for saving time in your workday? Don’t reinvent the wheel. Translation: Don’t do the same task twice—even if round two is completed by a separate individual.

When projects get handed off between two or more people (let alone two or more departments), there’s always a risk of duplicate tasks. And duplicate workloads carry zero benefits.

Instead, both parties become frustrated because their time, talents, and energy could have been used elsewhere. And the project team or project manager gets lost in a frenzy of duplicate work.

So, how do you avoid it?

Simple: You craft the perfect project handover between parties, ensuring those working on a project in the future know precisely what was completed in the past. To do all of the above, you need a project handover template.

How to choose the best project handover template

1. clickup project handover template, 2. clickup project handover sop template, 3. clickup change of shift report template, 4. clickup change management plan template, 5. clickup employee onboarding template, 6. clickup employee onboarding gantt template, 7. clickup employee exit sop template.

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What is a Project Handover Template?

A project handover template outlines all the details of a project or role so it can be easily (as the name implies) handed off from one party to another.

A project handover template outlines the project scope , deliverables, deadlines, processes and procedures , and other instructions in an easily digestible manner. The goal of a project handover checklist is two-fold:

  • It prevents duplicate work and outlines all the project details that have yet to be done or have been done to reach project completion
  • It saves the company (and your project manager) time and resources with a solid project handover document. Instead of having to schedule countless meetings to discuss the project handover process, key stakeholders can simply refer to the project handover notes

Collaborating and editing in ClickUp Docs

The best project handover documents are concise, accurate, and collaborative—allowing a smooth transition to take place. All handover notes should outline all project details, thereby preventing confusion between parties and duplicate workloads. 

According to a survey by Zippia , a site that updates jobseekers on company culture, 50% of employees have 1-3 hours of meetings per week, and 20% believe those meetings are a waste of time. By selecting the right project handover template, complete with all necessary information, tasks, and priorities for a project, you decrease the need for unnecessary meetings.

A successful project handover template decreases confusion, frustration, and wasted resources surrounding a given project.

To choose the best project handover template for your organization, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who will be using the template ? Will this template be used by a single individual, a department, or the executive team? Understanding the stakeholders is key to choosing the right layout for the project handoff
  • What tools do you need? Do you need a calendar of deliverables, a way to attach important documents, or a means to visually track progress? Understanding the process mapping tools available to you and how to use them will help you select the right template
  • Which layout is easiest to understand? Do you need a checklist, table, calendar, or workflow? While many templates offer multiple, customizable views, knowing which layout would be most usable will ensure the most efficient execution of the project

7 Free Project Handover Templates for Easy Transition

The right project handover template prevents project roadblocks, outlines priorities, and creates a contingency plan for new or existing team members. Below, find seven must-try templates for project handovers in your organization.

ClickUp Project Handover Template

Handing off a project from one department to another? Ensure there’s no missed opportunities with the use of ClickUp’s Project Handover Template .

This project handover report template can be personally branded to your company, allowing space for your company name, logo, tagline, and contact information at the top. To kick things off, write the project name and author (i.e., the person filling out the report), followed by a brief description of the project.

From there, the template dives into all aspects of the project, preventing confusion across department lines. The “Handover Participants” section offers space for a photo, name, and role description of each collaborator on the project. 

The “Requirements” section offers a particularly handy timeline, where you list each task, the department responsible for that task, and the associated deadline for all actions required before a transition can take place. Finally, the “Transition Tasks” section allows team members or a project manager to log all completed activities for the project, thereby preventing duplicate work.

ClickUp Project Handover SOP Template

Let’s face facts: The people assigned to a project won’t always stay the same. Employee turnover is a simply part of running a business. When you bring on new team members, you want to get them onboarded and up-to-speed as soon as possible.

Using a standard operating procedure (SOP) template ensures new employees understand what to do and how to do it, within any given role. ClickUp’s Project Handover SOP Template provides clear and consistent guidelines so all employees follow a standardized approach for completing tasks, thereby reducing the risk of error.

To assist new employees on understanding their role and responsibilities, fill out the “Scope” section with various aspects of their assigned tasks. Then, outline standardized processes in the “Procedure” section, complete with numbered steps and images (if helpful for the project team). 

Finally, give colleagues the tools they need to be successful by linking to necessary resources (such as folders, tasks, and/or files) and filling out a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section.

ClickUp Change of Shift Report Template

If you manage a group of employees who work in shifts, a handover document template could save countless hours per week. To prevent a lull in productivity as one shift ends and another begins, take advantage of ClickUp’s Change of Shift Report Template .

A change of shift project handover plan provides a detailed account of what took place over the course of the previous shift and outlines priorities for the upcoming shift. This handoff template could prove invaluable to virtually any hourly-based business, from hospitals and nursing homes to coffee shops and car-washing services.

A change of shift report should be used on a daily basis—excuse us, a multi-daily basis—with the date, shift start and end times, location, and supervisor filled out at the top. If necessary, the “Employee Information” section can be filled out so each team member provides their own report. 

From there, the “Shift Duties and Responsibilities” section provides a detailed account of all tasks, subtasks, employee responsibilities, and the status of each task, so each colleague knows their top priorities when they clock in. Lastly, utilize the “Challenges and Recommendations” section to discuss any roadblocks for the day’s tasks.

ClickUp Change Management Plan Template

A good manager makes the entire organization run more efficiently—assigning tasks, delegating responsibilities, and setting priorities for the rest of the team. Company supervisors oversee all aspects of change management —adapting to shifting priorities, transitioning projects, and even employee turnover.

Set managers up for success with ClickUp’s Change Management Plan Template . The out-of-the-box template divides the project transitions into three phases (although this can be expanded to fit your unique organization or project team). 

Under Phase 1, managers identify which changes are needed to prepare for a project transition. Under phase 2, managers move the project from one department to another, identifying a communication plan, major events, and a resistance management plan. Lastly, Phase 3 collects stakeholder feedback, celebrates wins, and identifies gaps for future transitions.

With 100+ pre-built Automations to choose from, this change management template helps automatically assign tasks, post comments, and move statuses, saving precious time in the workweek. 

Plus, the template equips managers for keeping each project on-task with an easy-to-understand color-coded system, a Table view with columns for all relevant information, and progress bars for various steps.

ClickUp Employee Onboarding Template

When hiring a new employee, you want the individual to contribute to company projects as soon as possible. Unfortunately, a lack of planning could delay the onboarding process by weeks (if not months).

To shorten the onboarding process and increase the productivity of new employees, leverage ClickUp’s Employee Onboarding Template . This template provides a detailed workflow beginning with an employee’s first day on the job. The itemized list breaks down the onboarding process into weekly priorities, allowing the new team members to check off each task as they go.

This new employee progress report can easily be customized to fit your unique company or department. Consider expanding on each task by adding subtasks (for example: the “Fill out HR documents” task includes subtasks for health benefits, 401(k) contribution, and tax deductions). Or add attachments, supervisor sign-offs, deadlines, or notes to make the onboarding process run as smoothly as possible.

ClickUp Employee Onboarding Gantt Template

A successful onboarding process isn’t reliant on just getting the new hire up-to-speed. It’s also reliant on all team members—even those who have worked for the company for years—working together as one, productive unit.

It truly takes a village to set up a new employee for success, with employees from HR, legal, and security teams working in tandem. Therefore, the handover process and overall knowledge transfer to a new hire must be overseen at the director or executive level—which is precisely where ClickUp’s Employee Onboarding Gantt Template comes into play.

This template creates a streamlined transition plan for new employees at the organizational level. With the Gantt chart, each department (i.e., human resources, legal, security, and training) is given its own folder, with tasks delegated to each employee. Each individual is given their own progress bar, offering a high-level overview of completed project deliverables.  

For example, a human resources manager might be responsible for completing background checks, filling out an I-9 form, verifying the new employees’ government ID, and filing necessary benefits forms. Meanwhile, someone from the security or tech department will be responsible for setting up the new hire’s login, their time-tracking application, and their keycard access. 

With such a detailed template at your disposal, you prevent duplicate work while offering maximum support to new team members.

ClickUp Employee Exit SOP Template

Project handoffs don’t just happen when a new employee joins your team. They happen when someone leaves your team as well.

With ClickUp’s Employee Exit SOP Template , you can collect all necessary project information from an employee exiting the company, thereby preventing any drops in productivity. Using the Calendar view , you can schedule the employee’s exit interview, while the ClickUp Docs feature lets you collect, store, and manage any necessary paperwork.

This succession planning template allows for a seamless knowledge transfer to take place, and ultimately sets a new team member up for success. You can collect the project status for all delegated tasks, create a checklist of key tasks and information, and assign roles and responsibilities to other team members. With this handy template, you can establish project goals for new hires and keep the company running smoothly.

Prevent Drops in Productivity With a ClickUp Project Handover Template

Keeping a project running efficiently requires multiple moving parts. As shifts end, new hires come onboard, employees leave, or management changes, you want to keep things running without any disruptions.

The right project handover template can help boost team productivity across department lines. Whether you start with one of ClickUp’s many handover templates or build from scratch, you can assign duties and subtasks, create a calendar of deadlines, track progress in real-time, and make a seamless handoff of important documents. 

With ClickUp, you can easily customize views, fields, headings, or text to fit the unique needs of your company. And with over 1,000 integrations at your disposal, you can effectively manage each project.

Ready to see how ClickUp can make your organization run more efficiently? Give it a try for free today .

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Free Project Handover Templates

By Kate Eby | June 7, 2022

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We’ve compiled the most useful project handover templates for project managers, clients, contractors, and other project stakeholders working in multiple industries, including construction, software, and IT.

On this page, you’ll find a simple project handover report template , a construction project handover checklist template , a project handover plan template , a project handover report template , a software project handover document template , and an IT project handover template . Plus, learn about the elements of a project handover template .

Simple Project Handover Template

Project Handover Template Simple

Download Simple Project Handover Template Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF | Google Docs

Account for all components of a successful project handover with this simple project handover report template. Enter general project information, overview details, scope, schedule, costs, benefits, customers, risks, constraints, and assumptions. This template is the perfect tool for project managers looking to successfully transfer a project to another manager, team, or client.

For more helpful project management tips and resources, see this collection of free, downloadable project management templates .

Construction Project Handover Checklist Template

Construction Project Handover Checklist Template

Download Construction Project Handover Checklist Template – Microsoft Excel  

This construction project handover checklist template is an all-inclusive document for your construction project handover, either from one project manager to another or from a contractor to a client. This customizable template allows you to indicate which construction project tasks are completed and to establish and monitor due dates, dates completed, priorities, and statuses. The template also includes pre-built Required Testing, Warranties / Guarantees, Certificates, and Final Submittals sections. Fill out each section to ensure that you’ve accounted for everything in your construction project.

Project Handover Plan Template

Plan for Project Handover Template

Download Project Handover Plan Template Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word  

Use this dynamic project handover plan template to proactively prepare for a project handoff. Enter the project’s goals, risks, and assumptions in order to provide the project manager, project team, or client with a high-level overview of the project’s purpose. Use the template’s Task / Assignment section to specify each transition role, project task, and any suggested or required training for a successful project handover.

For helpful tips on successful project planning, see our collection of free project plan templates for Microsoft Excel.

Project Handover Checklist Template

Project Handover Checklist Template

Download Project Handover Checklist Template  Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF

Account for all components of a successful project transition with this project handover checklist template. Enter a unique ID number and description for each project activity, as well as its owner, due date, status, and any additional comments. The template includes fields for Planned Work Completion Date, Actual Work Completion Date, Planned Project Closeout Date, and Actual Project Closeout Date . Complete these fields to ensure that the new team has all relevant project activities information, including project completion and closeout dates. 

For additional resources related to project closure, read this comprehensive guide to project closure .

Project Handover Report Template

Project Handover Report Template

Download Project Handover Report Template  Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF

Provide project sponsors, clients, and other project stakeholders with comprehensive project details for a successful project handoff using this project handover report template. Enter a project summary, roles and responsibilities, deliverables, expenses, schedule, and any lessons learned or recommendations for the new project manager or team. By doing so, you can ensure a seamless project transition. This template is a perfect solution for a project implementation team handing off their project to a project maintenance team, or a project manager handing off a project to another project manager or client.

Project Client Acceptance Sign-Off Form

Project Client Acceptance Sign-Off Form

Download Project Client Acceptance Sign-Off Form  Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word | Adobe PDF

Provide clients with a comprehensive project handover document using this project client acceptance sign-off form. The form includes fields for a project summary, contract data, project schedule, final project costs, project funding sources, and final deliverables. This unique template also allows you to list supporting documents and includes a Project Acceptance section where providers and clients can add dated signatures upon project acceptance.

Software Project Handover Document Template

Software Project Handover Document Template

Download Software Project Handover Document Template  Microsoft Excel | Adobe PDF

Designed with software teams in mind, this project handover document template provides a new project manager, Scrum master, project team, or client with everything they need to know for smooth project handoff. Enter organization details, contact information, and project overview details, background, resource requirements, scope of work, deliverables, and milestones. The template also includes a built-in, software-specific Stakeholders list to ensure that the new manager, team, or client can successfully implement the project after handoff.

IT Project Handover Template

Project Handover Template for IT

Download IT Project Handover Template Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Word

IT project managers and other IT personnel can use this customizable project handover template for a comprehensive, organized project transition between departments or teams. Enter project overview details, scope, tentative schedule, resources, and benefits, such as cost savings, higher productivity, improved compliance, and lower maintenance costs. Use this template to ensure that project details are available to team members, project recipients, and other stakeholders in a single, shareable report.

Sales-to-Customer-Success-Handoff Template

Sales to Customer Success Handoff Template

Download Sales-to-Customer-Success-Handoff Template  Microsoft Word | Google Docs

This all-inclusive sales-to-customer-success-handoff template provides project managers with an easy-to-use project transition form that helps facilitate transitions between sales and customer success teams. Enter customer information, customer team information, internal team information, high-level goals, and details about the customer’s decision to work with your company. The template also includes space to include key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring success, as well as growth opportunities, so that all sales and customer success team members are aware of how proactive customer service can strengthen client relationships.

What Is a Project Handover Template?

A project handover template is a document that helps ensure that a project transitions smoothly between managers or from an internal team to a client. These templates usually include key project information, such as deliverables, scope, schedule, and milestones.

By filling out a project handover template, you can ensure that all team members, board members, project managers, and clients understand the project’s objectives, goals, business case, and the problem or issue that the project will resolve. A project handover template enables project managers to clearly communicate to the handoff team what work has been done on the project and what the additional work will entail. With a comprehensive handover document in hand, all stakeholders can be confident that they have accounted for every essential project component. 

Once the project handover document is completed, the team, project manager, or client should have a clear understanding of what remaining work must be completed in order for the project to succeed. 

Although project handover templates vary, most project handover templates include the following components: 

  • Project Name: Enter the name of the project that you will hand over to another project manager, project team, or client. 
  • Project Manager: List the name of the project manager who is currently responsible for the project handoff. 
  • Project Sponsor: Provide the name of the project’s primary sponsor or the project board that will oversee the project’s handover.  
  • Organizational Unit: Enter the name of the team, department, or unit handing off the project.  
  • Project Status: Provide the project’s current status for the receiving team.   
  • Handover To: Enter the name of the project team, individual project manager, or client receiving the project. 
  • Start Date: Provide the date the project will commence, so that it’s clear to the receiving project team when work begins.
  • Completion Date: List the expected date the project will finish or the date the current team finished their portion of work.  
  • Project Objectives: List the project’s primary goals. What does it hope to achieve?
  • Problem or Issue: List the primary problem or issue that the project will solve.
  • Purpose of Project: Briefly describe the purpose of the project. Why was it undertaken?
  • Business Case: Describe the business case for the project. Why is this the best solution to the problem?
  • Goals and Metrics: Explain how you will measure the success of the project.
  • Expected Deliverables: List the individual deliverables of the project. 
  • Risks, Constraints, and Assumptions: Provide the receiving team with a list of project risks, constraints, and assumptions that they should account for in their project plan. 
  • Project Scope: Describe what is in scope for the project, and be specific about what is out of scope. 
  • Project Transition Plan: Provide a high-level description of the project tasks and deliverables that the receiving team must complete.  
  • Tentative Schedule: Provide a proposed due date for the project.  
  • Milestones: List key milestone dates and deliverables that the receiving team should aim to meet. 
  • Project Roles and Responsibilities: List each project role and responsibility. 
  • Tasks: List the remaining tasks that the new team must complete after project handover. 
  • Training: Detail any training the new team members will need in order to successfully complete the project.

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Must-Have Handover Report Templates with Examples and Samples

Must-Have Handover Report Templates with Examples and Samples

Kavesh Malhotra


"Succession is critical to business sustainability." - Lailah Gifty Akita,   enthusiastic inspirational writer.

The essence of true leadership and project management lies in the seamless transition of responsibilities. It's a critical juncture for any business as it can propel the project with renewed energy or lead to setbacks. This handover process is often marred with confusion and challenges that impact the project outcome. Whether handing over a project to a new Project Manager, a building project, or sales integration, it's easier said than done!

The challenge here is to ensure the complex information is delivered in a simplified and digestible manner. This helps the new team push the project forward with even more vigor and speed. Another challenge is to ensure that the core project objectives are balanced, which can disrupt the workflow. This task is daunting, especially for businesses with small or medium-sized workforces. That's where the handover report templates can come to the rescue of such companies.

At SlideTeam, our experts have designed simple, crisp, and visually appealing project handover templates. These content-ready and easily editable templates can simplify the handover process. As these templates present data in a visual format, it dramatically reduces the complexities for the new team. So, if you are preparing for a project handover soon, we recommend downloading this template to enhance your process.

Let's dissect each template individually and understand how these templates can be a game changer for your subsequent project handover.

Template 1: One-Pager Sales Handover Document PPT 

Sales handovers are one of the toughest nuts to crack! It requires maintaining the momentum during the process for the company to retain the order.

This sales handover document helps transition client information for collaborating, preparing, and carefully monitoring every step of the process. It captures all the information and allows professionals to convey error-free information.

This one-pager covers essential sales information like key accounts, negotiation stage, client interaction summaries, sales measurement, priority status, and sales status report of each lead. Such detailed information helps the next team to take over easily with increased chances of conversions. So, if your team is regularly involved with the sales handover, download this template right now and optimize your sales process quickly.

One Pager Sales Handover Document

Download now

Template 2: Construction Project Handover Process Report

Assigning the correct priority level to the right task during a handover can avoid delays in numerous construction projects. For example, a study found that ineffective handovers can lead to up to 20% loss of value in such projects.

But fret not! Our handover process report template presents critical information like project name, handoff date, implementation details, etc., to help you categorize the responsibilities and tasks into multiple categories. There is also an option to assign a specific priority level at the top. This ensures the next team knows precisely which task needs more resource allocation and must be prioritized.

This is a perfect template for project managers and firms in the project handover stage. The decision-making can be quick and effective as each piece of information is available visually.

You can also check our project completion report templates that can aid you in building a robust strategy for your construction projects.

Construction Project Handover Process Report

Download Now

Template 3: Handover Process with Project Plan and Status Report

Handing a project to a new Project Manager is always a challenge. The #1 cause of concern is the loss of critical information, miscommunication, and misalignment of the goals amongst members. Use this PPT Template to offer the new project manager a clear roadmap. This handover process report template includes critical elements like the Project Handover checklist, Handover instructions, Project Status Report , Briefing for the new Project Manager, and introduction of the existing team. This will ensure the chances of any possible issues are quickly negated. 

Handover process with project plan and status report

Template 4: Training Project Handover Process Report

Training project handovers have a different set of challenges. There are issues of ambiguity about the role of the project , project plan , data loss, confusion about the methodology of training, and more. As the new project manager or trainer takes the lead, they might have to deal with some of these issues. But this PowerPoint Slide addresses all these concerns with a simple visual representation. The elements in the template include the project name, stakeholder and employee training methods, and other handover details.

It can also add notes if the old team leader wants to share crucial details. This template ensures the new project manager can save time on redundant training exercises. Moreover, the evaluation of the existing training methods too becomes easy. So, the new project manager can optimize the current methodology or even overhaul it entirely. Last but not least, it has complete information about the logistical details like the date, time, and location of the handover. 

Training Project Handover Process Report

Final Thought

Handover processes can be a headache if not handled properly. So, it's essential to have a proper system and strategy to do it. Utilizing SlideTeam’s PPT Templates can be a perfect starter and help you save time and effort. So don't wait; download it now and simplify your handover process for better results. 

You can also check these work report templates , which can be added as supplementary reports. If you want something for monitoring and evaluation, explore our list of monitoring and evaluation framework templates that can help you.

Related posts:

  • Top 10 Findings Report Samples with Templates and Examples
  • Top 10 Project Scoping PowerPoint Presentation Slides For Efficient Management
  • An All-Encompassing Guide to Project Status Reports (30+ PowerPoint Templates Attached)
  • Delight Your Boss With an Illustrative Project Status Update Template [Free PDF Attached]

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Your Advanced Guide to Project Handover (Checklist Included!)


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Your Advanced Guide to Project Handover (Checklist Included!)

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Have you ever played ball with a kid? The best fun ever, right? Well, only if both of you know the basic rule – before throwing the ball, you should make sure the other one is in the position to catch it.

The same is true for project handover. You don’t pass the project on to another manager or a client and wish them good luck. You take the time to prepare for the handover, do it properly, and ensure successful completion.

In project management , complicated processes can get out of control and turn into a mess; that’s why project handover is a big milestone in your diary and requires your full attention.

From early planning all the way through to handover and closeout, project managers have to deal with a lot of documentation (and quite rightly so). Overseeing this process in a professional manner is an absolute must.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll dive deep into the concept of project handover, learn about the types, stages, and essentials of it, discover the best practices, and get a checklist to use for your next project.

What is Project Handover?

What is project handover?

Project handover is the point in the project management lifecycle when the completed tasks are being transferred to the deliverable owner. It marks the completion of delivery and the start of the closure stage of your project.

Basically, the project goes from the Project Manager to the Operational Manager (sometimes referred to as an Integration Manager). Hence the description of project handover as transition from design to use.

Project Management Processes

Source: Project Management Knowledge Hub

At first sight, this may sound simple enough. However, you should spend time clarifying what this definition means in your particular context.

Be careful. A lack of certainty around the definition can be detrimental to the project’s success. The crucial part is to agree – in advance – how your team and partners understand project handover and when the project is considered to be done. You should also get clear on what is being handed over – ownership, operational responsibility, management, continuity, knowledge, benefits realization or anything else. Make sure the project management plan gives all the answers by outlining everyone’s responsibilities and aligning everyone’s efforts to a common goal.

Moreover, if we view projects from the point of view of benefits delivery, handover is only the start , not the end. A good project handover is when it does what you all agreed it would, and the client gets what they’ve paid for. Here’s an example: projects that deliver a technical solution, but don’t work as intended, are a failure because they simply don’t work for the end users.

Types of project handover

Although the overarching definition is that project handover is the transition of information and responsibility from one to another, project handover may refer to different schemes in different industries and situations.

In construction, it can be the completion of a building or the end of the first year’s warranty period of the building. In IT and software development, project handover might be when members of the project team are no longer involved in the project and you’ve transferred it to another company or a client. Some teams can define it in terms of timing – when all requirements and tasks are signed off as complete. In certain contexts, it might even be when the benefits have been delivered to the end user.

With all this diversity, it’s important to have an agreed position between all parties; otherwise, you’re all aiming for completely different targets.

The Stages of Project Handover

The stages of project handover

As with all processes, the project handover can be viewed and discussed in terms of phases – before, during, and after. The following model helps us to split the entire process into three stages: pre-handover, handover, and post-handover.


This is the preparation stage when you specify all details of the project handover. Several steps can be outlined here:

Step 1: Design the transition plan. Poor planning in project management can have damaging results, so divide the handover process into manageable parts and make a checklist of your transition components .

Step 2: Clarify everyone’s roles in the project handover process, including the ones who will be involved in the process from the recipient side.

Step 3: Set a deadline when the handover should be completed and communicate it to all parties involved.

Step 4: Create a communication plan that outlines who communicates which information to whom and when.

Step 4: Agree upon deliverables required at handover and design end-of-job documentation. Note that the end-of-job documentation needs to be meaningful and consistent to the owner.

Time for the project handover.

Step 1: Conduct a handover meeting to discuss any necessary details and updates after the first stage is completed. Define what is actually handed over.

Step 2: Have knowledge-sharing sessions. Knowledge shouldn’t be transferred during lunch breaks; you need pre-planned meetings to answer questions and provide clarifications as needed.

Step 3: Transfer the ownership. Provide access to documentation and all information needed, including accounts, credentials, requirements, as well as third-party services and tools.

Step 4: Run a quality check before you say, “We’re done.”

Step 5: Project handover sign-off. Congratulations! It’s time for handshakes and signatures!


Post-handover is the follow-up or the support stage to make sure the end user has received all deliverables . The project is now in a live setting. At this stage, you sustain what you’ve created by making sure all snags are taken care of. As a rule, this stage stretches from one to six months.

Step 1: Carry out a project performance review.

Step 2: Support the end user. This can be either on-site or off-site support, depending on the industry you’re operating in or the type of project you’ve delivered.

Step 3: Do monitoring and course-correcting. Explain what the flow is and make suggestions of how people should make use of it. If any issues pop up after observations, update documentation as needed.

Step 4: Collect stakeholders’ feedback. Keep this data organized; you’ll surely need to consult it sooner or later.

Sounds overwhelming? No worries. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Past failures have already taught industry practitioners useful information.

Essentials For Creating a Handover Plan In Project Management

Essentials for creating a handover plan in project management

The handover of your next project will go smoothly and without excessive stress, if you’re aware of the possible pitfalls and best practices. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the lessons learned the hard way.

1. Take a benefits-based approach.

First, let’s have a look at the definition of a project as formulated by the Association of Project Management :

“A project is a unique, transient endeavour, undertaken to achieve planned objectives, which could be defined in terms of outputs, outcomes or benefits.”

As you can see, the heavy emphasis is placed not on the effort part but on the outputs , outcomes and benefits projects deliver to the end user. When we view project management from this perspective, we can make a loud and clear statement: “A project is considered to be failed if it isn’t delivering the promised benefits.”

The same is true about project handover. Without a benefits-based approach to the handover process, your team is mainly concerned about getting this project done and rushing on to the next one. In this case, there is little attention and focus on real-life execution.

Therefore, project handover shouldn’t be treated as a date. You should take the time to clearly establish the benefits and prepare the client for using the product and handling any issues that may pop up.

2. Set measurable criteria for success.

What’s one of the most frequent reasons for failed projects? Perhaps the project team doesn’t deliver on their promise? Or maybe the client doesn’t properly understand what they want? The shortest answer will be – it’s a mix.

Avoid vague and general statements. Not being clear about the outputs can jeopardize the project’s overall success. Note that the benefits should not only be established but also communicated to all stakeholders at the outset. If the project hasn’t been delivered and the criteria to measure success haven’t been established initially, both the project team and the client are to blame.

By the way, it’s the responsibility of the project manager to create a balance between delivering project objectives on the one hand and ensuring the benefits realization on the other. Therefore, a wise decision would be to have an assigned team member measure the criteria and report to the project manager on a regular basis.

3. Know your client.

Clients come in all shapes and sizes, so understanding the many different types of clients is essential.

You’ll meet clients who expect you to take their hand and guide them every step of the way. You’ll come across those who are resistant to change and lack the readiness to experiment. You’ll have to handle know-it-all clients who have all answers before you tell them what works and what should be avoided.

Take the time to learn more about the challenges they have and the solutions they’re seeking. Above all, find the answer to one critical question upfront: “What does a good transition mean to my client?”

4. Plan for mini handovers.

Project handover is not something one and done. It’s a transition, not a single date.

Most project management methodologies will place handover within the project integration and project closure stages. That’s why in the case of big projects, teams usually plan for multiple handovers rather than a single release.

To keep everything under control, consider planning mini handovers throughout the project implementation. You might even set time for quick celebrations to keep the team’s spirit up!

5. Aim for usable documentation.

Put data in a shared environment to enable just-in-time access to the information. Make sure all documentation is in a usable and searchable format. This will hinder doing things twice and save everyone precious time.

Pro tip: documentation must be written for the end users . Yes, it may cause inconvenience and force you to take a fresh approach to your traditional way of creating documentation. But for written data to support knowledge transfer, it needs to be meaningful, applicable, and relevant to your end users.

6. Maintain the knowledge.

Things happen. Your team member may get sick or quit unexpectedly. Put every effort to keep the most valuable folks on board, but if it’s not an option, you should get your priorities clear. Remember the golden rule: if you can’t maintain the people, maintain the knowledge. By the way, this is why it’s important to have the requirements written in as much detail as possible.

That’s it. You now have a detailed overview of the project handover stages and know the essentials you should try to put into practice.

Improving Project Handover: Tips And Best Practices

Improving project handover: tips and best practices

Learning how to hand over a project effectively can take a hard toll on you. Ready for expert tips to help you create a successful project handover plan? Let’s get started!

  • Keep the information from previous projects within reach . Take a systematized approach to handover. Bring to the table the knowledge and lessons learned from your previous experiences. Keep that information at hand and actively review it before you embark on a new project. No matter if you’re a newbie or a seasoned professional in the field, view each handover as an opportunity to collect valuable information for your upcoming endeavors.
  • Produce handover materials from the end user’s perspective and plan the knowledge transfer from the beginning of the project. Documents should offer the extra level of detail and serve as a roadmap to making informed decisions and avoiding pitfalls.

Have end user representation on the project team. Those who are going to use the project outputs should be represented on the project team throughout the project lifecycle. This will guarantee that all parties understand and are prepared to support handover.

The client’s role is pivotal. Their representation should be programmed into the project instead of being a last-minute thought. So plan for such representation and put this at the back of your project. Get the client in and use their input to guarantee the successful completion of the project. Learn how to increase participation in meetings to get the most out of your regular sessions.

Have a member of the project team on-site or as a point of contact. After you’ve handed the deliverables over to the end users, continue being in touch. The more you can retain the transfer, the better. Handle any possible modifications and ensure the compliance of deliverables with the agreed requirements.

Don’t involve all your team members; bring in a reduced project group to support the live setting. Usually, this takes two weeks at a minimum but can extend to a six-month period depending on the complexity of the delivered project.

  • Incorporate end user training into the completion stage. Use the period leading up to the handover as efficiently as possible. Plan for imparting the information. Training sessions before the project handover will ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page and agree on the deliverables. Some companies will opt for concentrated training sessions just before the handover, while others will prefer longer and more detailed meetings. Do your best to cater to those specific business needs.

Remember that at the end of the day, good performance on a project is likely to lead to referrals and repeat work. Successful handover is a good indicator that more prospects are going to seek your partnership and hit the purchase button.

Project Handover Checklist

Project Handover Checklist

Grab this checklist to guide you throughout the project handover process, keep everyone informed, and help your team enjoy a smooth transition.

1. Preparing for the handover

  • Identify the point(s) of contact.
  • Clarify the frequency of communication and the top priority topics.
  • Identify who is involved in the handover process from the project team. Clearly outline all roles and responsibilities.
  • Set the timeline for milestones (or mini handovers).
  • Set the date when the handover should be completed.
  • Outline the deliverables (what exactly is going to be delivered).
  • Outline the project outcomes (what the deliverables should provide to the end user).
  • Have a breakdown of tasks and responsibilities to be transitioned to the end user.
  • Identify any financial aspects involved.
  • Details about change and risk management. Who is responsible for managing unexpected twists and turns?
  • Set up training for all users.
  • Complete all testing before you proceed.
  • Create a communication plan on how you communicate the handover process to all stakeholders.

2. Handing over the project

  • Set up your handover meeting.
  • Have a detailed presentation to make everything visually perceptible and easy to follow.
  • Discuss the project handoff document and address all questions.
  • Confirm the upcoming due dates and the deadline for project handover.
  • Update the project handoff document once the meeting is complete.
  • Return hired and borrowed equipment (if applicable).
  • Hand over all project documentation.
  • Transfer codebase, accounts & credentials ownership (applicable to app development companies).
  • Closeout contracts.
  • Sign-off contractors.
  • Update systems and records.
  • Prepare a report to be used for reference.

3. Maintaining the handover

  • Complete project closure activities.
  • Carry out a performance review.
  • Complete course-correcting activities.
  • Follow the transition according to planned documentation and provide support to the end user.
  • Collect feedback and document any post-handover changes.

One final note before we wrap up. Don’t forget to customize the checklist and add any project-specific items.

The cutting of a ribbon is a heart-warming ceremony, and you should try your best to reach that milestone with a proud smile.

In project handover, you can’t merely pass off the keys and let others handle the rest. Your handover plan should be well thought out in advance because hurried steps increase the likelihood of omitting vital details. Those who take over the project should be in the best position to continue the work or put the results to use (very much like the kid who should catch the ball during the game).

Keep your team and your clients happy by creating a staggering success story. Happy clients will come back for more projects and will keep you busy with new and interesting endeavors.

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Elementor Team Writes: How to Successfully Hand off a Website To Your Clients

  • Donna Cavalier
  • on Business Development

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About the author: Donna Cavalier, Technical Writer @ Elementor

Donna Cavalier is a novelist and WordPress specialist, who has been in the website design and online marketing industries since 2003.

When a web designer or agency has completed a project for a client, the sense of “it’s finally done” is a feeling of relief that often comes with the urge to tell the clients the site is live, process the payment, and move on quickly. But there is still one very essential step that needs to be taken before wrapping it all up. The last step is the formal handoff of the site to the client. 

This handoff should be a well thought out process that is taken as seriously as each of the previous steps were taken during the build. If you are just starting a new web design business , or you simply want to make your established business a little more professional, incorporating a solid handoff process will bring many benefits to both you and the client. 

Over the years, I’ve gone from sending a simple email to the client, saying “It’s done!” to a process that is quite a bit more professional, and much less prone to future headaches. The end result is what I’d like to share with you now.

Table of Contents

Why is the website handoff process so important, pre-website handover checklist, spellcheck and grammar check, marketing and calls to action, all users have been considered, payments and billing, step-by-step guide to handing over the website to the client, your company branding, project summary, login ownership/admin access, file sharing (scripts, stylesheets, media), post-handover support, continuing the client relationship after the website handover.

  • It imparts critical information to the client and reduces future support time : Your client needs to be given quite a bit of information about their site including items such as WordPress login credentials, hosting company login credentials, Registrar, and DNS information, special instructions, etc. By giving this information upfront in a clear and concise document, you won’t have to worry about the client emailing you multiple times in the future to obtain this info. Having this information all in one place also helps you in the future if you ever do need to refer back to it.
  • It ends the project on a high note : No matter how many setbacks or miscommunications may have occurred over the project’s timeline, the end of a site build is always a time for celebration. Ending the project with a professional handoff leaves a favorable impression, which can overshadow any previous issues.

Prior to initiating the handover process, designers should ensure that nothing has been missed and that the project is 100% complete. The first thing I usually do is cover these items:

  • Check all text for misspelled words
  • Check that there are no grammatical errors
  • Ensure there is no “Lorem ipsum” text left anywhere on the site
  • Are the marketing messages targeted to the audience appropriately?
  • Are calls to action prominently displayed and are not conflicting with one another?
  • Do social media links and buttons have correct links to social media accounts?
  • Have accessibility requirements been met?
  • All invoices due to date have been sent and paid
  • Any future invoicing has been set up and automated

But that’s not everything. There is more to do, but luckily, we’ve got you covered there. Review our Website Launch Checklist: 25 Must-Dos Before A Website Launch , which includes important steps such as:

  • Check that consistent branding is used throughout
  • All legal content is in place
  • Everything works!
  • SEO is ready to go
  • Client expectations have been met
  • And everything else you need to double-check before launch

Note : Although it’s well beyond the site planning stage at this point, you might also be interested in checking out our Website Design Questionnaire , which you could use for your next client project.

Once the project has been marked as completed, it is time to begin the handoff process. This should involve an offboarding package, which at the very least will include a document, preferably a well-designed PDF, that includes all of the information the client will need in the future. It’s best to create a document template that you can reuse with all clients.

Of course, you’ll edit and make adjustments as appropriate for each client, but a template will save you a lot of time in the future, and it will also ensure you don’t miss anything. Let’s take a look at each of the items that should be included in your handoff template in detail.

Make sure your logo and contact information is included.

  • Importance : The client will likely refer to this document many times in the future. Keeping your brand top-of-mind will ensure that they will come back to you for other projects they may need.
  • What to look out for : Only include the type of contact information that you actually want them to use. If you don’t want phone calls, don’t include your phone number. If you prefer to only be contacted via email, use the email address that is specifically set up for client support. 

Best practices : Include this in the header or footer of every page of the report. If someone prints the report and later loses the first or last page (if that’s the only place you included this information), then they may not know who to contact.

This is a short summary of the project, its goal, its main characteristics, its timeline, and its status – which should always be “final” or “launched”.

  • Importance : This orients anyone as to the purpose and importance of this document. Future employees or stakeholders who may not be familiar with the project will immediately understand the importance of keeping this document on hand.
  • What to look out for : Don’t include any negative issues that occurred over the course of the project or any time or cost overages that may have cropped up. 
  • Best practices : Keep this summary short and positive, making note of how this project has completed the goals as originally outlined.

There are usually several different login credentials that should be shared with the site owners. Some common ones include:

  • WordPress Admin user credentials
  • WordPress Editor user credentials
  • Hosting login credentials
  • Domain Registrar login credentials
  • CDN login credentials
  • Importance : It is vital that the site owner have all the login credentials needed for every aspect of the site. You don’t ever want to have to answer the question “what’s my password for my hosting account?”. Having this documented and stored away for yourself will make answering that question very easy if necessary. In many cases, however, the user will change the password, either immediately, or at various times in the future, so your document could quickly become out of date.
  • What to look out for : Sharing passwords in plain text over email is not secure. Consider sharing the passwords separately from the usernames via secure sharing services such as Privnote . These types of services self-destruct the note once it’s been read. Also keep in mind that the user will likely change the password, either immediately, or at various times in the future, so your document could quickly become out of date. For that reason, you should create a user account for yourself so that you can always login if needed.
  • Best practices : Double-check each login credential before sending it to the client. Make sure every one of them works. One typo can cause far more frustration than you want to have at this point. 

In most cases, all of the site files reside on the client’s server and can be accessed there. However, if accessing the files is difficult, or if there are additional files that you want to share, such as a web design style guide , you may want to consider collating them and sharing them with your client via a file sharing service such as Dropbox .

  • Importance : Your client needs to have access to all relevant files
  • What to look out for : Some hosts make it difficult to access files. If your client might have problems using SFTP or other methods of access, then giving them easier access via file sharing might be advisable.
  • Best practices : If using a file sharing service such as Dropbox, be sure to have the files well-organized in a client-specific folder that is shared exclusively with them.

Hopefully, you’ve already made a plan with your client, well in advance, as to how you’ll handle support in the future. In the best-case scenario, you’ve signed up your client for a maintenance plan. In that case, now would be a good time to remind the client that the maintenance plan will begin shortly, and you’ll reiterate what the costs are, and what services you’ll provide. If you haven’t already discussed this, or you have but the client has rejected the plan, now is a good time to give them one last chance to sign up.

  • Importance : The client needs to understand what support they will get in the future from you, and how that process will work.
  • What to look out for : Some clients are reluctant to sign up for a maintenance plan because they don’t understand the benefits of the service. All they see are recurring costs, so you need to make sure they understand the value they will be getting, and the pitfalls they will face without that service.
  • Best practices : Getting service commitments finalized in the beginning of the project is best, but if that hasn’t happened, now is the time to do so. Regardless of whether or not the client agrees to a maintenance plan, let them know now how support from you will work in the future. Be sure to note hourly costs, time expectations, and methods of contact. Ensuring the client understands the reality of timely support is critical. If you don’t plan to offer 24/7 support, now is the time to make that clear to the client.

The future with this client is not only about support. There are many post-launch services you could provide, and you may reap many benefits later by keeping in contact with the client.

  • Importance: If you hope to work with the client again on new projects, or would like to get referral business from this client, making a good impression at this stage is crucial. 
  • What to look out for : It’s easy to forget about a client once the next client and the next project fills up space in your mind. To avoid this “launch and forget” problem, create automated processes to remind you of the client and remind them of you, well in advance.
  • Best practices : Set CRM or calendar reminders at various intervals in the future to get in touch with your client. This may include a mix of social / holiday greetings and sales pitches . When getting in touch with your client later, be sure to let them know that you wanted to check in with them to see how things were going with their website. This will hopefully inspire them to remark that although things are going well, they could use your help with some ideas they had for expanding the site.

In the handoff document, you should give them a quick list of services you can provide for them in the future, especially if you offer more than web design. Perhaps you can help them with other web design niche services such as eCommerce, SEO, content marketing, graphic design, social media, and so on, but if they aren’t aware that you are experienced in these areas, they may not think to ask for your help. If they see it here in the document, you’ll stand a greater chance of earning more of their business later.

One more tip : It can sometimes be difficult to find web design work . Be bold and upfront and actually ASK for referrals. This is the perfect time to include a short request, asking the client to refer friends or business associates to you for their own projects. Word of mouth is the number one way most designers generate new leads, so make sure your client knows that you would like referrals. You could even provide them with a link that leads to your design portfolio , making it super easy for them to share with their friends and associates.

Following this guide to handing off a website to your client will accomplish several important goals:

  • It will make the offboarding process easy to implement.
  • It will make the client feel as though they were smart to choose you because you’ve delivered a professional service and given them vital information.
  • It will prevent unnecessary support requests later on, but will also help generate new projects or bring in new clients in the future. 

Good luck with your site handoff, and if you have any additional processes you routinely follow when handing a site over to a client, let us know in the comments below.

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24 Mar 2022

How to Perform a Project Handover

Role of the Project Manager | By Duncan Haughey | Read time minutes

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All good things eventually end. Or as a colleague of mine is fond of pointing out, nothing lasts forever – and that's especially true for projects. However, it's sometimes necessary to hand over a project to a different project manager mid-stream. No matter the reason, it's natural to focus on the future. You may feel excited about a new role or retirement and less attached to your outgoing project. But the professional thing to do is a thorough project handover to your successor. So how do you ensure continuity and prevent disrupting the project?

The key to a successful handover is good preparation. The person stepping into your shoes needs the project information documented clearly, concisely and in an accessible form. Also vital is allowing enough time for your project handover, the process of which is anything but easy. To get your successor up to speed enough to fully realise the project goals, you thus need both planning and time.

At a minimum, your project handover notes should contain the following information:

  • Who's working on the project (including non-team members, e.g., advisors and subject matter experts).
  • What people are doing (including their roles and core skillsets).
  • List of important milestones on the project (including a milestone project timeline).
  • List of future meeting dates (including team and status update meetings).
  • Updated status report (including your latest project meeting minutes).
  • Customer contact details (including communication preferences).

To cover that information and more in the actual handoff, include these six essential areas in your project handover to ensure it's a success.

1. Planning

Providing a project plan showing the key milestones and milestone dates will be invaluable to your successor. This plan will form a roadmap for the rest of the project and ensure they understand not only the route to the destination but also what success looks like. To ensure everyone buys-in and has a stake in making the plan work, ensure the whole project team is also familiar with the plan.

2. Deliverables

Your replacement must understand the deliverables that result from the project. To ensure that understanding comes to fruition, make sure you're answering all potential questions. What is the customer expecting? What are the features of the deliverables? Are any items out of scope or part of a future backlog? Your business analyst should be able to assist with this step by documenting the features of each deliverable.

Providing your successor with an up-to-date budget statement is a must-have item in your project handover. The statement should show what you've spent to date and how you've phased the remainder of the budget. Ensure you include any rate cards, statements of work, purchase orders and other relevant documentation as part of the handover.

4. Risks & Issues

Running your successor through any risks and issues on the project will avoid unpleasant surprises. Look at the severity of each risk or issue and the mitigation plans you have in place. Talk about the most significant risks and issues. What happens if you miss a deadline, run over budget or a critical person is away? Having the answers to those questions and more will help you prepare your successor.

5. Documentation

Ensuring project documentation is clearly labelled and in a shared space will avoid your replacement wasting time searching for missing information. It helps if you provide an index detailing each document, explaining its value within the project. If you find documentation with little value or that's out of date, discard it.

6. Team Introductions

I like inviting the new project manager to my team meetings and status update meetings, which lets me formally introduce my successor to the project team and customer. It helps for the new project manager to sit in on these meetings to gain an understanding of the project and the team dynamics.

A smart businessman and businesswoman high-fiving in a modern office setting

Now that you know what to cover, how should you do it? To start, try to avoid long, detailed emails with your successor, and set up in-person meetings wherever possible. You'll achieve more in less time in face-to-face sit-downs, and in my experience, in-person project handovers are more successful than a game of email tennis.

Also keep in mind that, for any project, the relationship between the project manager and business analyst is a critical one. It's worthwhile for your successor to spend time with your business analyst to thoroughly understand the project requirements and end goal. The business analyst can share and explain any requirements specifications and wireframes with the new project manager.

You'll also want to keep your customer and stakeholders updated throughout the handover process. They may be concerned about the future progress of the project once you leave. Knowing a thorough project handover has taken place with your successor will reassure both the customer and stakeholders. Shortly before you leave, it's a good idea to have an in-person meeting with your stakeholders as well, which gives you an opportunity to answer any questions or address any uncertainties.

Finally, don't leave your handover documentation until the last minute. Get started early, and gradually build up the project information. Start with anything that won't change before you leave. Then, adding to your handover notes incrementally over time will be less stressful and produce a more accurate result. Creating a checklist will also help keep you on track.

The Handover Checklist

When you create a checklist of activities to complete as part of the project handover, you're less likely to forget important tasks and leave your successor with a problem. What should be on your checklist? Some companies have a standard project handover checklist, but if one isn't available, here are a few ideas on what to add to your list:

  • Communicate a precise handover date creating and sharing your handover notes at least one week before you leave.
  • Introduce new project manager to the project team, the customer and the main stakeholders.
  • Do preparation work with the customer before you go.
  • Conduct an in-person knowledge-sharing meeting with successor.
  • Write a list of the project team's skills and core competencies.
  • Write a list of customer-side roles (e.g., sponsor, finance person, daily operational contact, etc.).
  • Brief your successor on the project and lay out the entire project plan.
  • Share the project backlog and all change requests.
  • Provide an updated milestone timeline and next steps on the project.
  • Provide an updated budget statement, including dates of any software licence renewals.
  • Provide the minutes of your last status update meeting, including any risks and issues.
  • Deposit all project documents in a shared location, such as a Microsoft Teams site.
  • Ensure your successor has access to all the systems required in the project manager role, including access keys, correct system permissions and access to the shared location.
  • Carry out a final check a few days before leaving to ensure you haven't forgotten anything.

Whatever activities make it onto your own list, simply having the project handover checklist will help you provide project continuity and ensure a smooth transition to the new project manager.

Download a free Project Handover Template & Checklist

Finish Well

It pays to put in the effort to leave any job or project on good terms. A well-reasoned and thorough project handover can facilitate those good terms. After all, who knows when you might cross paths again with former team members or customers. And apart from anything else, you'll feel happy and content about leaving the project in good order and, hopefully, safe hands.

Have I missed anything? How do you manage project handovers?

Useful Tools

  • Microsoft Teams (create a shared Teams site containing your project documentation).
  • Microsoft OneNote or Evernote (create and share a notebook containing meeting minutes and a project overview).

Duncan Haughey is a project manager with decades of experience in private organisations, both large and small.

Recommended read: How to Do RACI Charting and Analysis: A Practical Guide by Royston Morgan.


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Table of Contents

35+ handover report templates, free handover report template, report template bundle, handover template when leaving a job, work handover report template, job handover report template, handover document format, handover template word, handover notes template, project handover report template, handover takeover format, handover report template, handover form, handover report sample, handover report example pdf template, business accountant handover report example,  simple final project handover report template, sample shift handover report template, sample nursing handover report template, basic equipment handover report template, final project handover report, asset handover report template, handover report with duties & responsibilities, formal report template in ipages, professional report template in word, church property handover report, commissioning and handover report, building inspection handover report, business administrative assistant handover report, compliance officer handover report, blank supervisor handover note template, handover procedures template with checklist, warehouse handover report template, task handover report template, resignation handover report template, minutes of handover handover report, training hotel security handover report, what is a handover report, why is a handover document used, what to keep in mind while writing a handover report, dos and don’ts, we are here to help, 1. what is a handover report, 2. what does a project handover mean, 3. what is included in a handover report, 4. what is the main purpose of a handover report, 5. why is it necessary to prepare a good handover, report templates, 35+ handover report templates in ms word | pdf | google docs | pages.

A Handover Report is an essential tool for seamless project transitions, ensuring continuity and efficiency. Our expertly crafted report examples , including detailed project report formats , provide a structured approach to documenting and transferring vital information. Ideal for both small-scale tasks and large projects, these reports encompass essential details such as project status, responsibilities, and key contacts. Utilize our versatile examples and templates to create a comprehensive handover report, ensuring a smooth and informed transition for all stakeholders involved

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 Project Handover Report Letter Template

project handover report letter template

  • Write a brief sample editable job description of all that you did and all that you were expected to do while on the job. You do not have to go into the details. All you need to do instead is add your representative job description to the report.
  • First, evaluate your position and status in the company. For example, are you required to organize a board meeting in a matter of minutes? These are the kind of important details you need to include in your report.
  • List all the projects you worked on. That will help the reader understand the nature of your job. It will also allow the successor to prepare for all the projects that are underway.
  • Prepare a crib sheet. It contains handover notes, information, and observations that may prove helpful.
  • Describe all major tasks he will be expected to perform. You can also see the Project Status Report Templates .


  • Don’t go into excessive details in handing over notes.
  • Don’t forget to maintain clarity in your explanations.
  • Status of Ongoing Projects
  • Upcoming Deadlines and Events
  • Awaiting Action
  • Troubleshooting Issues to be Wary of
  • Log In Timings, etc.

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How to Create Handover Documents in 7 Easy Steps (+ Free Templates)


Whether an employee is leaving the company, changing departments or transferring a project, handover documentation is the secret to a smooth transition.

In fact, studies show that companies with a formal handover process improve retention by 14 percent and are 11 percent more likely to see improved engagement.

For handovers to be effective, we need focused planning, clear guidelines and a thorough review.

Check out our 7-step process for creating handover documents, and find the tools and templates that help you make handover documents fast.

TL;DR: Handover documents 

  • Handover documents are crucial for smooth transitions in a company, improving retention and engagement.
  • There are different types of handover documents, including project handover, employee offboarding, change management, and knowledge transfer SOP.
  • Handover documents maintain organizational knowledge, prevent data losses or mistakes, and increase regulatory compliance.
  • To create a handover document, develop an action plan, define project goals and expectations, identify key stakeholders, document deliverables and timelines, consider potential risks, compile training resources, and transfer ownership of resources and knowledge.

What are handover documents?

Handover documents are written reports created by an employee leaving a company or temporarily or permanently changing their role.

They're a form of visual communication that documents the employee's:

  • Role, responsibilities and expectations.
  • Project workflows.
  • Status and progress.
  • Important milestones and deadlines.
  • Points of contact and key stakeholders.

Creating a transition plan ensures that whoever takes over has all of the information they need to continue ongoing projects, understand various processes and keep the business moving forward.

Types of handover documents (+ Templates)

There are handover documents for all different methods of change in a company.

Here are the most common types of handover documents we run into in business, with handover document templates to help you get started!

  • Project handover document.
  • Employee offboarding handover document.
  • Change management handover document.
  • Knowledge transfer SOP.

1. Project handover document

‎A project handover (or handoff) document is for a shift in project ownership. This could mean that a new department is taking over the effort or a different employee was assigned to take over.

This can minimize the risk of miscommunication, missed deadlines and lost information during the project's lifespan.

A project handover document typically outlines:

  • Project goals.
  • Potential risks.
  • Hypothesis and success indicators.
  • Project roles and responsibilities.
  • Process breakdowns and guides.
  • Training materials.

2. Employee offboarding handover document

‎The purpose of an employee offboarding handover is twofold:

  • To help the departing employee with final paperwork and transitional materials.
  • To prepare the team or replacement to take over ongoing projects and responsibilities.

This standardized guide supports leave management for when employees retire, resign or take extended leave.

The handover document will break down the company policies and procedures that the offboarding employee will need to follow, with a lists of tasks they need to accomplish. This includes:

  • Information on final paychecks and benefits.
  • Return of company property.
  • Confidentiality agreements.
  • Exit interviews.
  • Project and task handovers.

💡 ‎ Scribe tip: Create an employee offboarding checklist to manage employee departure consistently and securely.

3. Change management handover document

‎ Change management means exactly how it sounds: the process of managing your employees through all types of organizational change — be it a change in processes, tools, or leadership.

A change management handover document helps teams with change management activity , including:

  • Assessing and planning changes.
  • Acquiring the necessary approvals.
  • Implementing the changes department or company-wide.
  • Conducting post-implementation reviews. 

In this plan, you'll find:

  • Change request information.
  • An impact assessment.
  • A change plan.
  • Change approvals.
  • Change implementation processes.
  • Post-implementation reviews.

✨ ‎Check out our list of the top free change management software to guarantee easy transitions for your entire organization.

4. Knowledge transfer SOP

‎A knowledge transfer SOP outlines the steps and procedures involved in transferring knowledge or skills from one person or team to another within an organization. Essentially, it's the plan that helps you execute all other forms of handover documentation.

The standard operating procedure formally dictates the handover processes and requirements. It includes:

  • The purpose and scope.
  • Transfer procedures and tasks.
  • A list of references.
  • The revision history.

The importance of handover documentation

Handover documentation isn't just useful. In a lot of cases, it can be the difference between success and a costly mistake.

Here are three reasons why you should create handover documents.

1. Maintains organizational knowledge

Handover documentation helps new hires pick up loose ends to understand what tasks are ongoing and how to start managing new processes. Documentation along with solid knowledge management strategies can help you save explicit knowledge as well as tribal knowledge — the unspoken wisdom of how your company runs.

This cuts costs and can even positively impact revenue. Businesses that implement a handover process see a 50% rise in sales and a significant reduction in training costs.

In short: handover documents ensure that your company's knowledge doesn't walk out the door with former employees.

2. Prevents possible data losses or mistakes

By documenting everything needed in the handover, you can confirm that your departing employee won't keep access to vital logins or information.

This reduces the chance of a potential data breach (which cost companies a whopping $4.35 million in 2022 ).

Make sure to use a standard format and knowledge base with clearance permissions to maintain your document security .

✨ Scribe tip: ‎Use a knowledge-base Chrome extension to cut the time you need to build your knowledge base.

3. Increases regulatory compliance

Some teams have seen that having the right handover documents in place not only maintains compliance — it can make it even stronger.

Coronis Health , a healthcare Revenue Cycle Management company, saw an increase from 80-90 percent in participation and compliance after implementing stronger SOPs.

To create effective documentation quickly and efficiently for their 10,000+ employees, Coronis Health uses Scribe, an AI-powered process documentation tool, to create, update and share their guides in half the time.

"We’ve already been able to transfer 50-60 hours of labor using Scribe alone." — Coronis team member

Generate handover documents in minutes ➜

How to create a handover document

Although the exact format of your handover document depends upon whether your employee is leaving a role or transferring a project, here’s a step-by-step guide for building your own handoff reports from scratch.

1. Create a handover action plan

Before creating handover documents, develop an action plan so you don't miss out on any critical details. Talk to your manager about the ongoing projects and devise a communication plan. 

You don’t want to leave any loose ends and ensure every task is delegated. Use these question prompts to make a foolproof action plan at the start:

  • What’s this transition about?
  • What are the key responsibility areas (KRAs) in this transition?
  • Who will be involved in creating the handover plan?
  • Are there any guidelines to follow for this plan? 

📌 ‎Check out our free transition plan template

2. Define project goals, expectations & metrics 

While creating a detailed plan, clearly define the project's end goals in terms of the deadlines, measuring units and risks involved. Also, mention what you expect from the stakeholders regarding the tasks to be completed within a deadline.

Involve all key stakeholders in a meeting to discuss these crucial elements of the handover. This will help keep everyone on the same page when the handoff occurs.  ‍

3. Identify key stakeholders involved in the project

Identify key stakeholders for every task to ensure you don't miss out on handing over the duties to all the personnel responsible. List the people currently handling a particular role and the ones who'll be handling it once the project is transferred.

(Source) ‎4. Document the deliverables, milestones & timelines 

Handover documents should have specific timelines and important milestones, like due dates, meetings and other forms of communication.

This is important for ensuring that nothing goes off course and the project moves forward as it would have.

Use a project management tool like Notion , ClickUp or Asana to track and assign project deadlines and even automate handoffs.

5. Consider potential risks & roadblocks beforehand

Make sure that you add additional context and concerns in your handover document. This can include any potential roadblocks like:

  • Lacking in a certain skillset or area of expertise.
  • Trouble bringing stakeholders together.
  • Bottlenecks.
  • Necessary approvals.

Add your inputs in the comments section and suggestions on how employees can handle the situation.

6. Compile training resources and guides

Now that you've documented what to do and when, it's time to show how.

Create how-to guides for any process the employee goes through. This should include:

  • A task overview.
  • A step-by-step breakdown.
  • Annotated screenshots or illustrations for each step.
  • A list of needed resources.

Use a documentation app like Scribe to quickly generate visual guides you can link or embed in your handover document.

7. Transfer ownership of all resources & knowledge 

Once you have prepared all the handover documents, manuals and SOPs , it’s time to transfer the ownership of these resources. 

Send a list of accounts and credentials for login. You can also transfer the accessibility for app accounts, guides and documentation via Google Drive and Jira.

Make project transitions more seamless with handover documentation

Handover documentation is the best way to maintain company knowledge, ramp up team members and prevent major errors during any transition.

This vital business documentation requires collaboration, effort and a well-executed plan. Follow our seven easy steps to build handover documents that keep your team pushing forward. Want to work even faster? Take advantage of our free handover document templates and tools!

Create handover documents in minutes — for free!

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Handover Report

Report Generator

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It would be best if you had a contingency when employees are absent, on vacation, or unavailable for some reason. One of these is called a handover report . Unexpected circumstances like employee resignation , issues on absenteeism, and the like led to its development. But it can also be made to prepare a new employee for the tasks that he or she needs to execute for a given period.

What is a Handover Report?

A Handover Report is a document detailing the transfer of responsibilities, projects, or tasks from one individual or department to another. It outlines completed work, ongoing projects, pending tasks, and essential information for a seamless transition.

What is an Example of Handover Report?

Title: Handover Report – Marketing Department Transition

Prepared By: [Your Name] Date: [Date of Report]

Introduction: This report documents the transition of responsibilities and projects within the Marketing Department from [Your Position] to [Incoming Personnel’s Name].

Summary of Completed Work:

  • Completed the marketing campaign for [Project X] achieving [specific results].
  • Executed social media strategies resulting in a 20% increase in engagement.
  • Finalized the content calendar for the upcoming quarter.

Ongoing Projects:

  • Project A: Brief overview, current status, and pending tasks.
  • Project B: Details of progress made, tasks pending, and upcoming deadlines.
  • Project C: Summary of project scope and the next steps.

Pending Tasks:

  • List of tasks remaining to be completed, deadlines, and any associated details or dependencies.

Key Information and Resources:

  • Access details to important databases, software, or tools used.
  • Contact information for stakeholders or team members involved in ongoing projects.

Challenges and Recommendations:

  • Any challenges faced or anticipated during the transition.
  • Recommendations for a smooth handover and continued success in ongoing projects.

Conclusion: This report aims to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities and projects within the Marketing Department. I’m available for any necessary discussions or clarifications.

Prepared By: [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

29+ Handover Report Examples

1. editable handover report example.

Editable Handover Report

  • Google Docs

Size: 27 KB

2. Employee Handover Report Example

Employee Handover Report

  • Apple Pages

Size: 39 KB

3. Project Handover Report Example

Project Handover Report

Size: 32 KB

4. Sample Job Handover Report Example

Sample Job Handover Report

Size: 25 KB

5. Job Handover Report Template Example

Job Handover Report Template

Size: A4, US

6. Handover Report Template Example

Handover Report

Size: 108 KB

7. Final Project Handover Report Example

Final Project Handover Report

Size: 41 KB

8. Asset Handover Report Example

Asset Handover Report

Size: 42 KB

9. Shift Handover Report Example

Shift Handover Report

Size: 48 KB

10. Sample Handover Report Example

Sample Handover Report

Size: 33 KB

11. Work Handover Report Example

Work Handover Report

12. Nurse Handover Report Example

Nurse Handover Report

Size: 20 KB

13. Equipment Handover Report

Equipment Handover Report

Size: 38 KB

14. Business Handover Report

Business Handover Report

15. Free Blank Handover Report Example

Free Blank Handover Report

16. Property Handover Report Example

Property Handover Report

17. Resignation Handover Report Example

Resignation Handover Report Example

Size: 510 KB

18. Handover Report Template Example

handover report template MOCKUP

Size: US, A4

19. Handover Document for Reporting Example

Handover Document For Reporting Example 001

20. Handover Progress Report Example

Handover Progress Report Example 1

Size: 195 KB

21. General Building Information Handover Guide Example

General Building Information Handover Guide Reporting of Principles Methodology and Case Studies Example 01

22. Project Handover Report and Other Project Management Documents Example

Project Handover Report and Other Project Management Documents Example 01

Size: 704 KB

23. Project Handover in Middle-Size Organization Reporting Practices

Project Handover in Middle Size Organization Reporting Practices and Guidelines Example 01

24. Clinical Handover Report at Nurse Shift Changes Example

Clinical Handover Report at Nurse Shift Changes Example 01

Size: 512 KB

26. Detailed Handover Report Example

Detailed Handover Report Example 1

27. Work Handover Report Form Example

Work Handover Report Form Example 1

Size: 335 KB

28. Handover Statement of Financial Accounts and Assets on a Change of Headteacher for Reporting Example

Handover Statement of Financial Accounts and Assets on a Change of Headteacher For Reporting Example 1

Size: 256 KB

29. Handover Report for a New Committee Example

Handover Report For a New Committee Example 1

Size: 781 KB

30. Handover Report Example

Handover Report Example 1

Size: 56 KB

How to Make a Handover Report

As mentioned by an article by Forbes, the biggest challenge of new managers is how to transition from being a peer to managing their peers. One way of mitigating that is through the creation of a well-written handover report. Here are some of the ways that can help you ensure the effectiveness of the handover report that you will come up with.

1. Specify Your Content

Be specific and tailor your content based on what you do in your job. For example, in nursing, the handover reports are tailored for medical workers to understand easily. Do not write your handover report in a general manner. Doing that will only make it vague and give your readers a long time to figure out what they need to do right away.

2. Use the Appropriate Format

When creating your handover report, keep your notes organized to make it easy for the reader to understand. For example, if you work in a construction project , you can present your daily tasks in a checklist form when making the handover report for your audience. This will help them quickly orient themselves during work and get things done.

3. Highlight the Immediate Tasks

Things need to be attended to right away, and it doesn’t matter whether the person responsible has just gotten the job. When making your handover report, highlight the urgent tasks that need to be attended by the new employee. For example, if you work in the security business, then whoever is taking over your job responsibilities should know what to handle first such as meeting with a client or checking the inventory.

4. Leave Helpful Instructions

This will make it easier for the transition to be as efficient and as effective for you and the new employee. You can specify the location of all reports, meeting notes , emails, and other materials to allow the new employee to adapt to the work environment and the designation given to him or her.

Importance of a Handover Report

  • Continuity: Ensures the seamless transition of responsibilities, projects, or tasks between individuals or departments, preventing disruptions in operations.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Facilitates the transfer of critical information, ongoing projects, and pending tasks, preserving institutional knowledge and preventing loss of crucial insights.
  • Clarity and Accountability: Provides a documented record detailing completed work, ongoing commitments, and pending tasks, clarifying expectations for both outgoing and incoming parties.
  • Efficiency: Helps in reducing downtime by enabling incoming personnel to quickly grasp ongoing projects, tasks, and responsibilities, thereby maintaining productivity.
  • Risk Mitigation: Reduces the risks associated with misunderstandings, miscommunications, or overlooked tasks during transitions, ensuring smoother operations.

How do you write a handover report?


  • Start with an introduction, stating the purpose and context of the handover report. Mention the position, department, or projects being handed over.
  • Outline completed tasks, projects, or initiatives. Include achievements, outcomes, or milestones reached.
  • Detail ongoing projects or tasks, specifying their status, progress made, and any pending or upcoming deadlines.
  • List tasks yet to be completed, indicating their priority, deadlines, and any necessary context or resources.
  • Provide access details to crucial documents, databases, tools, or contacts relevant to the responsibilities being handed over.
  • Address any challenges encountered or anticipated during the handover process. Offer recommendations for a smooth transition.


  • Summarize the key points of the handover report. Express readiness to provide further assistance or clarification if needed.

How do you write a shift handover report?

Header Information:

  • Include date, time, and specific shift details (e.g., morning, evening).
  • Start with a brief overview, stating the purpose of the shift handover report.

Tasks Completed:

  • Detail tasks completed during the shift, highlighting any significant achievements or completed projects.

Ongoing Tasks:

  • Outline ongoing tasks, their status, and any relevant updates or progress made during the shift.
  • List pending tasks, specifying their priority, deadlines, and any dependencies or additional information needed.

Incidents or Issues:

  • Document any incidents, challenges, or issues encountered during the shift. Include how they were addressed or require attention.

Key Information:

  • Include crucial information for the next shift, such as important instructions, updates, or noteworthy points to consider.

Recommendations or Suggestions:

  • Offer recommendations for improving efficiency, addressing challenges, or ensuring a smoother transition to the next shift.
  • Summarize the key points of the shift handover report and emphasize any critical issues that need immediate attention.


What are the duties of an outgoing project manager during a handover.

The outgoing project manager must give information such as the names of roles and people involved in the project. They must notify customers and stakeholders of the handover as well.

What is the benefit of using a handover report?

The benefit of using a handover report is that it ensures all essential information passes on to the successor of a job role and to neglect nothing important during the transitioning of functions. It highlights all the relevant details to ensure continued productivity.

What is the importance of a handover report?

A handover report helps convey important information to the incoming person when transitioning of roles takes place between two people due to a transfer, a vacation, or a resignation from the position. Without the smooth transition of information, miscommunications may occur, leading to business losses.

To maximize and deem a handover report highly functional, it should convey all the details essential to the person who will receive the document. The features and functions of a well-formulated and properly formatted handover report are among the most effective means of communication between people involved in the same work.


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Home » Report Templates » Free Handover Report Templates (PDF)

Report Templates

Free handover report templates (pdf).

A handover report template is a useful tool used to specify the transfer of responsibilities or projects from one employee or department to another. This report is usually made at the end of a day, project, or when the employee leaves the company.

Table of Contents

What is a handover report?

A handover report is a crucial document that ensures the smooth running of any organization. It is used to transfer responsibilities, knowledge, expertise, and projects from one employee to another. This report contains information about completed work, ongoing projects, and pending tasks.

Furthermore, a handover report helps to maintain the continuity of work by ensuring that the knowledge gained during a project or shift is not lost when an employee leaves. It provides incoming employees insight into the following aspects;

  • Ongoing tasks/projects
  • Relevant work schedules
  • Pending projects/tasks
  • Upcoming events
  • Upcoming deadlines
  • Log-in details and many more

The importance of a handover report:

You can use a handover report in many scenarios such as;

  • When there is a change in personnel
  • When you are assigned to a different project
  • When you have to take over for another person because they are on vacation

The report must include all details about a specific task or project that will be handed over. Write it professionally with appropriate language. Here are some reasons why you should create a handover report;

  • The report prevents disruptions in operations by ensuring consistent transition of responsibilities, projects, or tasks between employees or departments.
  • It helps to preserve institutional knowledge and to prevent the loss of important insights. In addition, the report facilitates ongoing projects and pending tasks.
  • The handover report clarifies expectations for both outgoing and incoming employees by providing a documented record detailing completed work and pending tasks.
  • It ensures smoother operations and reduces the risks associated with overlooked tasks during transitions.

What to include in a handover report?

A handover report should include the following sections;


The introduction section states the purpose and context of the handover report and the department or projects being handed over.

Summary of completed work

The summary includes the completed tasks or projects, achievements, and outcomes.

Ongoing projects

This section details the ongoing projects such as their status, progress achieved, and any pending or upcoming deadlines.

Pending tasks

The tasks yet to be completed should be included in this part. Specify their priority, deadlines, and any necessary resources.

Challenges and recommendations

Any challenges encountered during the handover process, outline them and offer recommendations.

In the conclusion section of a handover report, summarize its key points and show readiness for further assistance.

Business Handover Report For the New Council

Free handover report template, handover notes template, handover progress report template, how to make a comprehensive handover report.

Consider the following steps to create a comprehensive handover report;

Discuss the progress of the projects

First, create a list of the ongoing plans or projects before writing the contents in the official report. Write down the progression of each project by using a handover report template. In the case of a construction project, the handover report comes along with the construction project report for the assistance of the succeeding engineer or supervisor. Usually, the outgoing employee creates and gives this report to the incoming employee.

The deadline schedule

The predetermined schedule is an important aspect of a handover report. This report should also specify the deadlines of ongoing projects along with the business control plan. Highlight the set schedule and target dates of the plan while customizing the template.

Set a to-do list for the incoming employee

To minimize the workload of the incoming employee, specify their duties and responsibilities. With the handover report, the employee determines the results and the activities under their supervision.

State the ongoing difficulties

A list of challenges in the workplace should also be included in the report. The report should mention the issue in case the current employee cannot complete the task.

Some additional tips to create a handover report:

These are as follows;

  • Depending on what you do in your job, be specific and tailor your content. Don’t write the report in a general manner as it gives the incoming employees a long time to figure out what their responsibilities are.
  • Keep the handover report organized so that it will be easier for the reader to understand.
  • Highlight the tasks that need the sudden attention of the new employee.
  • Leave instructions to make the transition effective and efficient for both incoming and outgoing employees. The instructions should be in detail so that it would be easier for the new employee to adapt to the work environment and the designation assigned to them.

Creating a handover report provides the following advantages; 1- Smooth transitions 2- Continuity of operations 3- Minimize errors 4- Effective knowledge transfer 5- Improved productivity

The outgoing manager should provide details like the names of employees involved in the project and their roles. Also, specify the customers and stakeholders of the handover.

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How to Write a Handover Report

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A handover report is a compilation activity summary that’s often used in job sharing or temporary work assignments. It can also be useful when a person is transitioning out of a position and handing over the reins to a new staffer. In short, a handover report allows one employee to sum up the work they’ve done for a different employee who is taking over the role or project.

Importance of a Handover Report

A handover report helps ensure that nothing important is overlooked when two people are transitioning roles. Whether you’re filling in for someone on vacation or completely taking over a new position, there are both large and small issues that need to be conveyed to ensure a smooth transition. If key information is omitted, it can result in diminished productivity, mistakes, miscommunication and even lost business.

Contents of a Handover Report

While the specific contents of a handover report will vary from one type of job to another, there are some basic components to include:

  • Status of projects in the works: Be as detailed as possible in describing projects that are underway, including critical next steps. Provide backup materials as needed, such as reports, meeting minutes or email chains.
  • Upcoming deadlines : If deadlines are approaching, make note, and include details on the delivery process of work product. If other people are involved, note them and their positions and responsibilities.
  • Upcoming events: Note key events on the horizon such as meetings, seminars,  conferences, travel or key deliveries. Provide all pertinent details including time, date, location and participants.
  • Action items: List all job functions that have an outstanding action pending. For example, if you need to approve report edits, order toner cartridges, arrange catering or confirm hotel reservations, action items should be detailed with specific instructions and contact information.
  • Awaiting action: Often, the action of one party is dependent on the action of another. This might include a directive to order new letterhead after the new logo is approved or to reserve appropriate conference space once a guest list has been confirmed.
  • Troubleshooting issues to be aware of: There may be looming issues an incoming person needs to be aware of, and they should be included in the handover report. For example, a supplier who is notoriously late with delivery, a slow-paying client or a customer who regularly finds fault.
  • Important people, places and things:  Be specific in listing important people, places and things of note. For example, rather than indicate, "the manager holds conferences in his office every two weeks," say, "Bob Smith holds bi-monthly conferences on the 1st and 15th in his office, room 1123." 

Include a Catch-all Category

Not every notable issue falls into simple categories, so include a summary overview and a catch-all section to better prepare the person taking over your responsibilities. It could include:

  • Instruction on how to access buildings and offices.
  • The location of items like office supplies and coffee.
  • Tips for getting tricky equipment to work correctly.
  • Who to call for tech assistance.
  • Protocol for office celebrations.

Brainstorm any and all items you may have missed before issuing the report. The next person in your shoes will thank you for the effort.

  • Bizfluent: How to Write a Handover Report
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Lisa McQuerrey has been an award-winning writer and author for more than 25 years. She specializes in business, finance, workplace/career and education. Publications she’s written for include Southwest Exchange and InBusiness Las Vegas.

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Sample Handover Reports

handover report

In business, the external and internal procedures continue throughout the whole week, including Saturdays and Sundays. From delivering goods to tracking the sales and profit, the business operations do not end even when the clock struck closing time. When the assigned employee checks the inventory report from the previous shift, he or she requires a tool to know the progress and delays of the current company work plan . With that, handover reports come in the picture to assist the personnel. Learn more about the importance and uses of this tool by reading this comprehensive article.

Handover Report Template

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Employee Name: John Doe Position: Senior Marketing Analyst Department: Marketing Resignation Date: March 31, 2024 Report Date: March 24, 2024

Introduction: This handover report is prepared by John Doe as part of the resignation process from the position of Senior Marketing Analyst in the Marketing Department at Globex Corporation. The purpose of this report is to ensure a smooth transition of duties and responsibilities to the successor or temporary in-charge. It outlines ongoing projects, key responsibilities, important contacts, and any other relevant information necessary for the seamless continuation of work.

Key Responsibilities:

Daily Duties and Tasks:

  • Conduct daily market analysis using tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush.
  • Coordinate with the content team to align on SEO strategies.

Ongoing Projects:

  • Market Expansion Analysis: Currently in the data collection phase with a deadline for initial findings on April 15, 2024.
  • Project Lead: Emily Turner, [email protected]

Upcoming Deadlines and Priorities:

  • Finalize and present the Q2 Marketing Strategy by April 5, 2024.
  • Prioritize the analysis of competitor marketing strategies due by April 20, 2024.

Important Contacts:

Internal Contacts:

  • Marketing Director: Alex Smith, [email protected]
  • Content Team Lead: Sarah Chen, [email protected]

External Contacts:

  • SEMrush Account Manager: Michael Johnson, [email protected]
  • Google Analytics Support: [email protected]

Documents and Files:

  • Marketing strategies and reports are stored on the Globex shared drive under “Marketing Strategies 2024”.
  • Access to Google Analytics and SEMrush through credentials stored in the Marketing Passwords document.

Pending Issues and Challenges:

  • The Q2 Strategy needs more competitor data. Consider extending the research period or using alternative data sources.

Recommendations for Successor:

  • Keep a close eye on the SEMrush updates; they’re crucial for our SEO efforts.
  • Continue the weekly check-in meetings with the content team for alignment.

Additional Information:

  • The marketing team’s weekly meeting is every Wednesday at 10 AM; it’s a great time to discuss strategies and address any issues.

Conclusion: I, John Doe, hereby confirm that the information provided in this handover report is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and am available for any questions or clarifications during the handover period.

Employee’s Signature: John Doe Date: March 24, 2024

handover reports after resignation

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Employee Name: Sarah Johnson Position: Accountant Department: Finance Resignation Date: October 15, 2024 Report Date: October 1, 2024

Introduction: This report outlines key information, ongoing tasks, and responsibilities that I, Sarah Johnson, am transferring to my successor or the interim accountant following my resignation. It is designed to ensure a seamless transition and continued efficiency of the finance department’s operations at Global Tech Solutions.

  • Financial Reporting: Manage monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reporting to internal and external stakeholders. Ensure accuracy and compliance with GAAP and IFRS standards.
  • Accounts Payable and Receivable: Oversee the processing of invoices, receipts, and payments. Maintain updated records of all transactions in QuickBooks.
  • Budgeting and Forecasting: Contribute to budget preparation and financial forecasting activities. Monitor budget variances and report significant issues to management monthly.
  • Tax Compliance: Ensure timely filing of tax returns, including VAT, income tax, and other statutory deductions. Keep abreast of changes in tax laws and regulations, especially the recent updates in VAT compliance procedures.
  • Payroll Administration: Oversee the payroll process, ensuring accurate computation of salaries, benefits, and deductions using ADP software. Resolve any payroll-related discrepancies or queries promptly.

Ongoing Projects and Deadlines:

  • Financial System Upgrade: Currently implementing a new accounting software system, NetSuite. Expected completion date: December 31, 2024. Next steps include data migration and staff training scheduled for November 2024.
  • Year-End Closing: Preparation for year-end financial closing and audits. All accounts should be reconciled by December 20, 2024.
  • Finance Director: Mark Thompson, [email protected]
  • HR Manager: Emily White, [email protected]
  • External Auditors: Grant & Sons Accounting, Contact Person: David Grant, [email protected]
  • Tax Consultant: Jennifer Lee, [email protected]
  • Financial Reports: Stored in the Finance shared drive under “FY 2024 Financial Reports”.
  • Tax Records: Archived in the cloud storage “Global Tech Tax Documents”, including previous years’ returns and receipts.
  • Invoice and Payment Records: Located in QuickBooks, categorized by vendor and date.
  • Outstanding Receivables: A list of clients with outstanding payments past 30 days is maintained in QuickBooks. Follow-up actions include sending reminder emails and calling the top five clients with the highest outstanding amounts.
  • Tax Query: Currently addressing a query from the tax office regarding VAT discrepancies for Q2 2024. Relevant documents are filed in the “Tax Queries 2024” folder in cloud storage.
  • Regularly update cash flow forecasts to manage liquidity effectively, especially during the end-of-year sales season.
  • Maintain open communication with department heads to ensure budget compliance and address any financial concerns early.
  • Weekly finance team meetings are held every Thursday at 9 AM to review financial status, discuss issues, and plan for upcoming tasks.

Conclusion: I assure the accuracy of the information provided in this handover report and am willing to offer further clarification or assistance if needed during the transition period.

Employee’s Signature: Sarah Johnson Date: October 1, 2024

accountant handover report

Project Name: Green Horizon Initiative Project Manager: Alex Rivera Start Date: January 15, 2023 Expected Completion Date: December 31, 2023 Handover Date: November 1, 2023

Introduction: This document serves as a comprehensive handover report for the Green Horizon Initiative, managed by Alex Rivera. The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed account of the project status, achievements, pending tasks, and key information necessary for the successful continuation and completion of the project by the succeeding project manager or team.

Project Overview: The Green Horizon Initiative aims to reduce the company’s carbon footprint by 25% by the end of 2023 through the implementation of sustainable practices and technologies across all operations. This project is significant for the organization’s commitment to environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Achievements to Date:

  • Completion of the solar panel installation at the main office facility on March 30, 2023.
  • Successful implementation of a company-wide recycling program on June 15, 2023.
  • A comprehensive report on the company’s current carbon footprint and reduction strategy.
  • Employee sustainability training modules and workshops.

Pending Tasks and Upcoming Milestones:

  • Finalization of the green procurement policy.
  • Installation of energy-efficient lighting in manufacturing plants.
  • Launch of the green procurement policy scheduled for December 1, 2023.
  • Completion of energy-efficient lighting installation by November 30, 2023.

Issues and Risks:

  • Delay in delivery of energy-efficient lighting fixtures due to supply chain issues.
  • Potential increase in project costs due to rising prices of sustainable materials. Recommended mitigation strategy includes securing fixed-price contracts with suppliers.

Budget Status: The project budget was set at $500,000, with $350,000 expended to date. The remaining budget is allocated for the completion of pending tasks, though mindful monitoring is required due to potential cost overruns.

  • Sarah Lee, Sustainability Coordinator
  • Mark Chen, Operations Manager
  • Project management software (Asana) for task tracking.
  • Energy consumption analysis tools.
  • Documentation: Located on the company’s shared drive under “Green Horizon Initiative/Documents.”

Stakeholder Communication: Monthly project status updates are communicated to stakeholders via email newsletters and quarterly meetings.

Handover Items:

  • Access Credentials: Login details for project management software and energy analysis tools.
  • Internal: CEO, John Doe – [email protected]
  • External: Solar Solutions Inc., Project Lead, Mike Taylor – [email protected]
  • Contracts and Agreements: Copies of agreements with external vendors and contractors are filed in the project documentation folder.

Recommendations for Continuation: Prioritize the completion of pending tasks while maintaining open communication with suppliers to mitigate any further delays. Consider exploring additional sustainable practices that could be implemented within the budget constraints.

Conclusion: The Green Horizon Initiative is well-positioned to achieve its objectives by the end of 2023. I am confident in the project’s future success under the guidance of the new project manager or team.

Project Manager’s Signature: Alex Rivera Date: November 1, 2023

project handover report

Shift Date: October 5, 2024 Shift Time: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Handed Over By: Michael Chen Received By: Laura Smith Department: Customer Service Location: Downtown Office, Suite 305

Introduction: This report outlines the activities, occurrences, and status of tasks during the shift from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on October 5, 2024. It aims to ensure a smooth transition between shifts and maintain continuity of operations in the Customer Service Department.

Key Activities and Tasks Completed:

  • Successfully resolved 25 customer inquiries via phone and email, focusing on subscription issues and product inquiries.
  • Completed weekly report on customer feedback trends, highlighting an increase in inquiries related to our new product line.

Pending Tasks and Ongoing Activities:

  • Follow-up needed with 5 customers regarding their ongoing complaints about shipping delays. Case details are noted in the CRM system.
  • Continue monitoring the customer service email inbox, which has approximately 10 new messages since 3:00 PM.

Incidents and Issues:

  • Experienced a brief internet outage around 10:30 AM, which temporarily disrupted our service hotline. IT resolved the issue within 20 minutes. Recommend reviewing our backup communication plan.

Observations and Recommendations:

  • Noticed an uptick in calls related to billing confusion with our new pricing plan. Suggest creating a quick reference guide for the team to ensure consistent information is provided.
  • Recommend additional training on our new product features, as several team members had questions today.


  • Received updated product FAQs from the Product Development team, which have been shared with all staff via email.
  • Informed by management about a planned system update tonight; no disruptions to customer service operations are expected.

Equipment and Resource Status:

  • Headset for workstation 14 is malfunctioning and needs replacement.
  • Office supplies, especially notepads and pens, are running low and should be restocked.

Health and Safety:

  • No health and safety incidents were observed during the shift. The newly installed ergonomic chairs have received positive feedback from the team.

Handover Acknowledgment: All relevant information, documents, and tools have been handed over to Laura Smith for the upcoming shift. This report aims to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the day’s events and ensure preparedness for continued departmental success.

Signature of Handing Over: Michael Chen Signature of Receiving: Laura Smith Date: October 5, 2024

shift handover report

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job handover report template

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importance of a handover report 1024x530

A handover report is a critical document that ensures the seamless transition of tasks and responsibilities from one individual to another, particularly during shifts changes, resignations, or project transitions. Its importance lies in several key areas:

  • Continuity of Operations : It provides the successor with a clear understanding of ongoing tasks, upcoming deadlines, and current project statuses, ensuring that operations continue smoothly without interruption.
  • Knowledge Transfer : A handover report facilitates the transfer of crucial information, including insights, strategies, and specific issues or challenges, minimizing the learning curve for the new individual.
  • Accountability : By documenting the state of affairs, responsibilities, and pending tasks, it holds individuals accountable for their areas of work, ensuring that no tasks fall through the cracks during transitions.
  • Efficiency : This report aids in the efficient allocation of resources and prioritization of tasks, helping the incoming individual to hit the ground running and focus on areas of immediate importance.
  • Risk Management : It highlights any potential risks or issues, along with mitigation strategies, allowing for proactive handling rather than reactive management, thus reducing the potential for setbacks.
  • Quality Assurance : Ensuring that all relevant procedures, protocols, and standards are communicated, the handover report helps maintain the quality and consistency of work, even with personnel changes.
  • Communication : It serves as a formal means of communication between outgoing and incoming team members or between shifts, ensuring that all relevant parties are well-informed and aligned.
  • Closure for Outgoing Staff : For individuals leaving a position, it provides a sense of closure, allowing them to summarize their contributions and leave knowing they have provided all the information necessary for the organization’s continued success.

In essence, a handover report is indispensable for maintaining the stability, continuity, and efficiency of organizational operations during transitions, serving as a cornerstone for smooth changes in personnel or shifts in responsibility.

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Size: A4 & US

handover report template

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key components of a handover report 1024x530

  • Introduction and Overview : Begin with a brief introduction that includes the purpose of the handover, the name of the outgoing and incoming individuals, and relevant dates (such as the handover date). This section sets the context for the report.
  • Key Responsibilities and Daily Tasks : Detail the primary responsibilities and daily tasks associated with the position or project. This ensures the incoming individual is aware of what is expected in their new role.
  • Status of Ongoing Projects : Provide an update on all ongoing projects, including current progress, next steps, and any deadlines. This information helps the successor manage and prioritize their workload effectively.
  • Pending Tasks and Immediate Priorities : List tasks that have not yet been completed and highlight those that require immediate attention. This section helps the new individual to hit the ground running by focusing on critical activities first.
  • Important Contacts : Include a list of key internal and external contacts, such as team members, clients, and suppliers, along with their contact information. This facilitates smooth communication and collaboration.
  • Access to Documents and Files : Specify the location of essential documents and files, both digital and physical. Providing clear instructions on how to access these resources ensures the continuity of work.
  • Issues, Challenges, and Recommendations : Outline any known issues or challenges, and offer recommendations for their resolution. Sharing insights and proposed solutions can greatly assist the incoming individual in navigating potential obstacles.
  • Additional Information : Any other relevant information that might assist in the transition process should be included here. This could range from login credentials for systems to protocols for reporting and communication.

Each component plays a vital role in ensuring a thorough and effective handover, facilitating a smooth transition and maintaining the continuity of operations.

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On a regular working day, shifts take place in the workplace. The replacement receives the hand-off report or a shift handover report when the other employee leaves the office. Instead of guessing the next assignment or duty, the new worker can take over and continue the task. The handover report acts as the summary report of the activities completed by the previous personnel. It also contains the present responsibilities and functions of the other worker. The employees follow a handover format to make the writing process of the document easier. Additionally, the handover document can be for the transitioning period of two company workers—the one resigning from the position and the other taking the job offer .

Different professionals use handover reports for their respective work. For instance, construction projects have construction field reports to assess the improvements in the plans. In addition, nurses use nursing handover templates to complete their reports, which will be handed to the next-in-charge. The Covid-19 virus has been a constant threat in the past months. Doctors and nurses are using handover reports as part of the health and safety plan to continue checking the progress of patients. According to the Australian Financial Review, the verbal and handwritten handover reports from a doctor stationed in the Ruby Princess cruise ship helped determine the possibilities of virus infection happening in the vessel. Consequently, handover reports are necessary tools to use for various jobs.

Besides workers using handover reports, the general manager of the establishment also receives a copy of the document. The officers have a handover form to organize the flow of information. Most companies use the contents in the report when making the management weekly report . Additionally, they have a quality assurance plan to go with the material to ensure the proper condition of products produced. So, what are the steps in creating a useful handover report?

Before writing the contents in the official report, you have to create a list of the ongoing plans or projects. Using a handover list template, you can jot down the progression of each project handled by the management. For construction companies, the construction project report comes with a handover checklist for the convenience of the succeeding engineer or supervisor. When an employee leaves the company, he or she gives a job handover checklist containing plans to the next worker. When done, it should be enumerated on the document.

An essential aspect of a handover report is the predetermined schedules. Besides looking at the business control plan , the handover report should also include the deadlines of ongoing projects and issues within the work area. When revising the format of the work handover template, you should highlight the set schedule and target dates of the plan.

Next, you have to write down the duties to lessen the workload of the incoming employee. With the retail daily report and the distribution report , the following worker can analyze the results and determine the activities under his or her supervision. It may take some time to complete the list, but it will assist the transition of work from one person to another.

And lastly, the handing over report should also have a list of challenges in the workplace. From here, the workers can look at the operations management plan to settle the ongoing problems. If the current employee cannot complete the task, the document should mention the issue. The shift handover would run smoothly if the material has all the necessary information.

By utilizing the handover report, workers can avoid overlooking specific activities and tasks. With the material at hand, all crucial information regarding the work will be acknowledged by the employees handling the project or program. In addition, the report can complement other documents such as financial status reports and quality reports .

Yes, the business can use the handover document when finishing deals with buyers. Store owners use a vehicle handover form to complete the transaction. More than that, the document can also accurately measure the profits of the business in the weekly report .

Every construction plan requires a project progress report . Part of the report is the handover template created to inform the incoming head officers about the improvements in the design. Many construction companies use a job handover report to avoid missing details and necessary information. Moreover, they make use of project completion report templates when the establishment is nearly done.

A handing over report is a document used in business or project management to provide a comprehensive account of the status, progress, and details of a task, project, or role to the incoming individual or team taking over responsibilities. It typically includes information about ongoing tasks, pending issues, completed work, and any necessary instructions or guidance to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of operations.

  • Start with a clear title and date.
  • List key tasks and responsibilities.
  • Provide status updates for each task.
  • Highlight pending work or issues.
  • Include any important documents or contacts.
  • Offer recommendations or suggestions for the successor.
  • Conclude with a summary and contact information for assistance.

An example of a handover is when an outgoing manager or employee provides a detailed report or briefing to their successor, outlining their responsibilities, ongoing tasks, and key information to ensure a smooth transition. This handover helps the incoming person take over the role effectively.

The purpose of a handover summary report is to provide a comprehensive account of tasks, responsibilities, and key information to facilitate a smooth transition between an outgoing and incoming individual or team, ensuring continuity and efficiency in operations.

  • Smooth transitions.
  • Continuity of operations.
  • Reduced errors and misunderstandings.
  • Effective knowledge transfer.
  • Improved collaboration and productivity.

The growth of a company depends on different elements working together within the walls of the enterprise. With the right tools, the business will continue growing despite the challenges and changes in the sector. The company needs handover sample reports when assessing the situation of the production team, management, and other important stakeholders. By having this document, businesses and individuals save time, energy, and resources—and ensure a proper and accurate transition from one party to the next.

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Getting Error Sorry, OneDrive can’t add your folder right now” while trying to sync MS Team files with local PC

Getting Error Sorry, OneDrive can’t add your folder right now” while trying to sync MS Team files with local PC

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Replies (5) 

Leo Marcha

  • Independent Advisor

Hi SitanshuGS, Thank you for reaching out. My name is Leo, a user just like you. I'd be happy to help you with your concern. May I know if you are using a personal or corporate account? Is the folder you are trying to add created by you or owned by someone else? Are you able to add a different folder? For this issue, as part of the troubleshooting steps, I recommend resetting your OneDrive. You won't lose any data by resetting OneDrive. Follow the steps below: "1. Press the Windows key and R to open the Run dialog box, enter wsreset.exe, then select OK. 2. A blank Command Prompt window will open, and after about ten seconds the window will close. You can close the Microsoft Store window. 3. If OneDrive is still not syncing, press the Windows key and R again. 4. Copy the exact text below and paste it into the dialog window, then press OK. %localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\onedrive.exe /reset If you see a "Windows cannot find..." message, copy and paste the text below instead, then press OK. C:\Program Files\Microsoft OneDrive\onedrive.exe /reset If you see a "Windows cannot find..." message, copy and paste the text below instead, then press OK. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft OneDrive\onedrive.exe /reset 5. Manually restart OneDrive by going to Start, type OneDrive in the search box, and then click on the OneDrive desktop app. Login your account." Check if it resolves the issue. We the community users are always here to help. Thank you! I pulled the above steps from Official Microsoft Support website. For reference, here's the link below: Your understanding and patience will be highly appreciated. I hope I provided a helpful information regarding your concern! Let me know if you have any further questions. Be safe always! Best Regards, Leo

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Thanks for your response. Let me answer your questions first:

1. I'm using corporate account.

2. I'm trying to sync the MS Team files to my local desktop. I will insert image showing the exact error.

3. Any folder I try to sync gives the same error message.

4. My OneDrive syncs fine but when I try to sync MS Team folders I get the error message.

5. Please refer to the attached images.

6. Step-1 - Clicked on sync(circled in green). Step-2 - Getting the attached error message.

website handover report

Thank you for clarifying and providing the screenshot, SitanshuGS. It seems that the problem is with Teams. Have you also tried clearing the cache and reinstalling your Teams app? When you use the online version of Teams via, do you also receive the same error message?

Yes. I have tried access teams from web and getting the same message.

Hello, Unfortunately, I don't have any further troubleshooting to offer. Since this is a corporate account, I recommend reaching out to your work IT administrator for further assistance with this issue. There are also many other knowledgeable users active on the forum and I hope that someone else can offer further insight on your issue. Thanks, Leo

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Biden moves to block release of audio of his classified documents interview with special counsel Hur

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden has asserted executive privilege over audio recordings of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur, the Republican federal prosecutor who declined to recommend charges against him over his handling of classified documents.

Hur wrote in his report that one reason not to bring a case against Biden is that he would be sympathetic to a jury and could portray himself as an “ elderly man with a poor memory .” Biden defended his abilities, and Attorney General Merrick Garland later said it would be “absurd” for him to have tried to block Hur’s language about Biden’s memory.

White House counsel Ed Siskel notified Reps. James Comer, R-Ky., and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, of the decision in a letter Thursday after Garland recommended that Biden assert executive privilege. The Justice Department had already given House Republicans transcripts of the interviews .

“It is the longstanding position of the executive branch held by administrations of both parties that an official who asserts the President’s claim of executive privilege cannot be prosecuted for criminal contempt of Congress," Justice Department official Carlos Felipe Uriarte  wrote in a letter to Jordan, of Ohio, the chair of the House Judiciary Committee, and Comer, of Kentucky, chair of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.

Garland wrote in a separate letter to Biden that the audio recordings "fall within the scope of executive privilege" and that giving the recordings to Congress "would raise an unacceptable risk of undermining the Department’s ability to conduct similar high-profile criminal investigations — in particular, investigations where the voluntary cooperation of White House officials is exceedingly important.”

In comments to the media Thursday morning, Garland said the Justice Department had "gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that the committees get responses to their legitimate requests, but this is not one."

Releasing audio of an interview, he said, "would harm our ability in the future to successfully pursue sensitive investigations," saying it was part of a "series of unprecedented and, frankly, unfounded attacks" on the Justice Department, including efforts to hold Garland in contempt to obtain the audio.

"This request, this effort, to use contempt as a method of obtaining our sensitive law enforcement files is just the most recent," he said. "The effort to threaten to defund our investigations and the way in which there are contributions to an atmosphere that puts our agents and our prosecutors at risk, these are wrong. Look, the only thing I can do is continue to do the right thing. I will protect this building and its people."

House Republicans have been using their bully pulpit to undermine the criminal prosecutions of Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, and to attack Biden ahead of their 2024 election rematch. Hours after Biden asserted executive privilege, the House Judiciary Committee voted 18-15 to send a report to the full House recommending that Garland be held in contempt of Congress. The House Oversight Committee advanced its own contempt resolution Thursday evening after several of its GOP members were in New York earlier in the day to attend Trump's hush money trial .

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., did not commit to a timeline for putting the contempt resolution on the floor for a full House vote, saying at a news conference Thursday morning, "We’ll see how that develops, one issue at a time.”

While a transcript of Biden's interview has already been released, the House Jan. 6 committee illustrated that audio and visuals can pack a much harder political punch with the American public than dense, written reports that very few voters will actually read.

News outlets, including NBC News, have joined in the push for the release of the audio under the Freedom of Information Act, arguing that transcripts are no substitute for audio recordings.

John Fishwick, who was a U.S. attorney in the Obama administration, told NBC News that the Justice Department "should not stand on a flimsy executive privilege argument to stall the release of President Biden’s audio interviews with special counsel Hur" and that Biden and the Justice Department "should promote full transparency of the Hur investigation and release the audio recordings now."

Trump, who faces four criminal cases in which he has pleaded not guilty, did not sit down with then-special counsel Robert Mueller's team during the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election , a decision that paid off for him. Trump said he was "f---ed" when he learned about Mueller's appointment, and he said it would be the "worst thing that ever happened" to him. Publicly, Trump claimed he wanted to talk to Mueller, even saying he'd " override " his lawyers, but he ultimately never sat down with investigators.

Trump's 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, did sit down with the FBI during the investigation into her handling of classified documents. Clinton has called the bureau's decision to reopen the investigation just days before the 2016 election "the determining factor" in her loss to Trump.

In 1998, President Bill Clinton testified before a federal grand jury as part of the investigation into whether he lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.  That video was made public by the House Judiciary Committee about a month later.

Then, as now, the White House argued that the video was being released only to embarrass the president. In that case, independent counsel Kenneth Starr willingly turned over the Clinton video to Congress. The independent counsel statute expired in 1999 , and special counsels now operate under different regulations.

In comments to the media the week he called Trump's hush money trial " an atrocity ," Johnson, the House speaker, said Biden was "using his authority to defend himself politically." (Trump has used the authority of his former office to fend off trial on federal election interference charges by arguing all the way up to the Supreme Court that he's covered by presidential immunity, successfully delaying a trial that was supposed to be underway back in March and would most likely have resulted in a verdict by now.)

"President Biden is apparently afraid for the citizens of this country and everyone to hear those tapes,” Johnson said. “They obviously confirm what the special counsel has found and would likely cause, I suppose, in his estimation, such alarm with the American people that the president is using all of his power to suppress their release."

Johnson struck a much different note after the Mueller probe ended five years ago in 2019, telling NPR that "it's time to move on" and that "trying to redo" the special counsel investigation "would be a waste of our time" and pointing to the importance of Justice Department regulations about releasing sensitive information.

"There are current DOJ regulations that prohibit [then-Attorney General William Barr] from revealing classified information for obvious reasons, secret grand jury information, other sensitive information," Johnson said then.

The House Oversight Committee was supposed to hold a hearing Thursday morning to consider recommending contempt charges against Garland, but the Trump trial took precedence.

Several members of the panel made plans to show their allegiance to Trump by appearing at the courthouse Thursday, forcing Comer to pull the plug on the 11 a.m. hearing and move it to 8 p.m. The House members have no official role in the trial.

website handover report

Ryan J. Reilly is a justice reporter for NBC News.

website handover report

Ken Dilanian is the justice and intelligence correspondent for NBC News, based in Washington.

website handover report

Monica Alba is a White House correspondent for NBC News.

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A construction project handover is needed to transfer responsibility from the contractor to the client. It ensures that the project meets quality standards, safety regulations, and includes all necessary documentation for operation and maintenance. Resolve any outstanding issues before the final acceptance so both sides are happy with the outcome.

Using this digital construction project handover checklist template can save you time rather than creating your own from scratch in Word or Excel.

Construction Project Handover Checklist Template

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Using this construction project handover checklist template can be run like a digital Site Diary and gives you a lot more flexibility and functionality than building it in Word or Excel:

  • Record or update project handovers while on site via mobile or tablet so it's easy to run through every checklist item in person.
  • Customise your checklist items depending on the project requirements with the drag and drop form builder.
  • Use photos and videos to showcase issues with timestamps and geotagging to build a strong audit trail.
  • Share completed construction project handovers as professionally formatted PDF or CSV to internal team members or external clients.
  • Maintain compliance by using digital eSignatures for project signoff.

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Streamline construction project handovers to avoid costly future disputes and reworks

Construction project handovers might seem like a formality when everything goes right, and a waste of time and effort to put in more than the bare minimum, but even one time having an issue and using a proper process will show how important it is.

Standardising the fields and sections you want captured will set your construction project handover template apart from those that just wing it, invariably missing important information that needs a digital papertrail.

A good project handover should include:

  • Certificates and warranties
  • Defects found
  • Keys, fobs and access passes handed over
  • Signoff from both sides

The completed report should be exported and saved in case of an audit or issue post-handover.

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Pekka Ala-Pietilä Elected Chairman of SAP Supervisory Board — Strong Shareholder Support

Pekka Ala-Pietilä Elected Chairman of SAP Supervisory Board — Strong Shareholder Support

MANNHEIM — SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) today announced that at the company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM), Pekka Ala-Pietilä (67) was elected as a new member of the company’s Supervisory Board. Ala-Pietilä’s election was supported by 95.50% of shareholders. Subsequently, Ala-Pietilä was also elected the new Chairman of the SAP Supervisory Board, completing the handover from former Chairman of the Board, Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Hasso Plattner.

“I am happy to pass the baton to Pekka Ala Pietilä to accompany SAP’s ongoing successful transformation,” said Plattner. “Pekka profoundly understands SAP and the technology industry and will strongly support the company in expanding its leadership in cloud ERP and business AI.”

Ala-Pietilä added, “I am grateful to the SAP shareholders and Supervisory Board for the opportunity to rejoin Europe’s most important software company and I’m looking forward to help SAP broaden this strong position.”

As announced in 2023, SAP Co-Founder and former Chairman of the Board Hasso Plattner left the SAP Supervisory Board after the 2024 AGM.

During Plattner’s tenure as Chairman of the Supervisory Board (May 2003 to May 2024), SAP’s market capitalization increased from c. €30 billion to c. €200 billion, making SAP Germany’s most valuable listed company. Plattner’s innovative and competitive spirit has been a foundation of SAP’s success for more than 50 years, from the company’s first pioneering innovations in ERP to its strategic shift as an enterprise cloud and business AI leader. He will continue to serve as an advisor to SAP, ensuring his knowledge and experience remain available to the company.

Aicha Evans (55), Gerhard Oswald (70) and Dr. Friederik Rotsch (51) were re-elected as members of the Supervisory Board with 93.39%, 89.82% and 92.45% of the vote respectively. Prof. Dr. Ralf Herbrich (50) was elected with 99.29% of the vote as successor to Punit Renjen, who left the SAP Supervisory Board at the end of the 2024 AGM.

The AGM also supported all other proposals of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board. That included approving the actions of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board for fiscal 2023, 99.51% and 99.44% support respectively, and approving the adaptation of the compensation of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. An overview of the resolutions of the Annual General Meetings 2024 and of previous years can be found here .

For 2023, SAP shareholders will receive a dividend of €2.20 per share. This is an increase of €0.15, or seven percent compared to the dividend paid for 2022. The total payout to shareholders will thus amount to around €2.6 billion. The dividend is expected to be paid out from May 21, 2024.

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  2. 7 Free Project Handover Templates for Efficient Transitions

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  10. 35+ Handover Report Templates in MS Word

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  24. Federal Register :: Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet

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