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Writing Back

Writing Back is an award-winning pen pal project which pairs students with older residents across Yorkshire to help tackle loneliness and social isolation.

Writing Back

Writing Back – tackling loneliness one email at a time

Loneliness is an issue for many older people, especially those with limited mobility; equally, many university students may experience homesickness or a desire to better connect with others. The project will match you with a pen pal based on your interests and encourages you to exchange emails at least once a fortnight.

Writing Back Leeds is part of the wider Writing Back model founded by Dr Georgina Binnie. Read this blog to find out more:  Writing Back Project and Event

How to sign up

Applications for the Writing Back project are now closed and will re-open in October 2024.  Register your interest in the programme to be notified when applications open.

If you have any questions, please email:  [email protected]  

How we manage your data

For the purposes of administering the scheme we have a legitimate interest in processing your data (e.g. name, email, address).

Your data will be stored securely and used by staff to administrate the scheme. Your data is treated confidentially and will not be shared with any third parties without your permission, unless there is a safeguarding risk.

We will delete your details after 6 years, except where we have to keep a record of a safeguarding issue. We will only contact you in relation to your participation in the scheme. If you would like to access, amend or remove your data from our records, please contact the Writing Back Team at [email protected].

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Writing Back, a fulfilling volunteering experience

The more good we do for others, the better we feel. Volunteering provides a sense of accomplishment and is likely to increase our self-confidence. At the same time, it can help us acquire new skills, gain experience and even discover something about ourselves. And giving it a try in another country (we are from Argentina and Malaysia, two places located around 10,000 miles from each other and from Leeds itself) sounded all too exciting!

writing back university of leeds

These are some of the reasons we both found to apply to participate in Writing Back , an award-winning letter writing project which pairs students with older residents across the Yorkshire region in order to help tackle loneliness and social isolation. It may not surprise you that loneliness is an issue for many elderly people, especially those with limited mobility. But it also affects newer generations and, indeed, many young people who attend university do experience homesickness or a desire to better connect with others. With this topic in mind, Writing Back —established by Dr Georgina Binnie in 2014— aims to shed light on this issue and encourage cross-generational friendships by bringing together individuals from these two different demographics. Since 2019 Writing Back has been delivered by the University's Global Community Team. Let us tell you how it went for us:

Ken & Francisco

There was a time before emails and WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram messaging in which people wrote letters to each other. Although it took a lot longer to reach the other person and some readers might have struggled with appalling calligraphy, there was some true magic to it. And penpalling —something I had never done before— is an attempt to keep alive this tradition of deep and meaningful communication.

Through my letter exchanges with Ken, who has lived in or around Middlesbrough for the past 50 years, I learned about his volunteer work at the local library and his passion for sports, in particular football and cricket. I learned about a time in England in which trams had not yet been replaced by buses. I learned about his fortnightly walks with his wife to the nearby national parks. I learned that they both have five grandchildren and, most importantly, that, together, they live a very happy life.

And I also learned about myself. The experience of telling Ken about my life in Argentina and about my decision to come study at the University of Leeds proved immensely fulfilling and rewarding. It helped me rationalise who I am, how fortunate I have been, and why I am here right now. It’s been an absolute joy.

Lydia & Ngoi

It was a chilly autumn when I first received Lydia’s letter. Holding the small envelope collected from the School of English, I kept wondering about the messages within. My name is written above the printed address. On the upper right corner is a blue stamp, a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. Wearing a crown, she is facing the left of the envelope. Her demeanour of gazing to her front is calm and elegant, as though she is gazing through the ocean of time.

If the ocean of time was what lay between Lydia and me, then the letters we wrote were boats carrying our best wishes to each other. Very much like me, Lydia is a person who loves nature. Having a keen eye for animals, the avian friends are never some anonymous ‘birds’ in her observation. From her letters, I learned a new list of bird names, for instance, goldfinches, greenfinches, coal tits, hedge sparrows, and so on. She is also observant about the unfortunate incidents in nature, for instance, a bird hunted by the sparrow hawk and a badger which died on the road. Her affinity with nature is further manifested when she admits her delay in growing her spring flowering bulbs and tulips. This instance echoes the passion that my mother and I have for gardening. The cultivation of plants is, for us, the cultivation of joy. I believe this is how Lydia feels too, especially when plants and animals merge into harmonious pictures of her life. I could feel her happiness when encountering the migratory redwings in the garden. There must also be a smile on her face when she sees her neighbours’ cats hiding in the undergrowth.

For Lydia, nature is not just ‘the other’ on the periphery of her life. The inspiration from nature, which she integrates so well into her writing, shapes the way she views the world. It is plausible to posit that she, who perceives nature as part of her life, also cares about other humans in her life. The everyday stories she shared paints her as someone who cares a lot about her family. Instead of just narrating stories about herself, she often shares her time with her family. She spends a lot of effort taking care of her mother-in-law and her husband due to certain reasons. Although the caring responsibilities are challenging, her life is still sprinkled with joy from her grandson. She loves sharing the moments spent with her grandson who loves Spiderman. I imagine it to be a loving scene when she describes how her shy grandson would at least thank the Santa for the gift received.

I was surprised to learn that Lydia had a commitment to the University of Leeds in a certain phase of her life in the past. Apart from showing how we are interconnected, the correspondence prompts me to examine the concept of time. Both Lydia and I are nature lovers associated with the University of Leeds, but it took us so many years to get to know each other through Writing Back. I could sense familiarity with the scenes depicted in her letters, as though her stories are, in one way or another, related to my unconscious.  I was only aware of the resemblance between her stories and certain pieces of my memories after reading her letters. Perhaps the significance of every choice made will only be revealed to us after some time.

writing back university of leeds

The same conception can be translated into the act of writing letters and waiting for replies too. Because we know that we will have to wait for some time before receiving any replies, we will read the letters carefully and think properly of what we should write. However, how our pen pals interpret the sentences might vary from how we intended them to be. Again, this instance exemplifies how time will only illuminate the significance of the choices made after a period of time.

Indeed, the experiences of both Francisco and Ngoi as delineated are our reflections on Writing Back, which had unfortunately been suspended due to the lockdown. Nevertheless, we believe that we and our pen pals will develop some new understanding when we reread the letters a long time after this. To a certain extent, this process resonates with a kind of discovery, both internally and externally, as determined and constituted by time. The portrait of Queen Elizabeth II on the stamps is as composed as ever, which harks back to her reassuring Coronavirus broadcast.

writing back university of leeds

Sadly, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the traditional Writing Back Meet Up Event, where we would have met our pen pals, did not take place. But we are glad to know our English pen pals whom we have met through letters. We sincerely hope that they can stay healthy and live their lives to the fullest.

100% Digital Leeds

Supporting older people’s digital confidence with University of Leeds’s Writing Back project

Writing Back is an intergenerational digital pen pal project which pairs students at the University of Leeds with older residents across Yorkshire to exchange emails. The scheme was established to help tackle loneliness and social isolation but organisations supporting older people have found involvement in the scheme supports members to develop transferable digital skills and confidence. Burmantofts Community Friends have partnered with the Writing Back team to connect six of their members with students for a year.  Engaging with the scheme has motivated members to build digital skills and confidence. 100% Digital Leeds is partnering with the Writing Back programme to support them to identify and build relationships with Leeds organisations working with older people interested in taking part in the programme.

“It’s good to be able to connect with someone different and it’s also good for teaching skills.” Kelly, Outreach and Digital Engagement Worker, Burmantofts Community Friends.

Supporting improved digital skills and confidence at Burmantofts Community Friends

Burmantofts Community Friends is a charity supporting people aged over 60 in and around LS9, the neighbourhood with the lowest average household income in Leeds. Recognising that lack of motivation is a significant barrier to their members engaging with digital, Burmantofts Community Friends take a creative approach to supporting digital inclusion. The organisation embeds opportunities for digital engagement across their service offer, highlighting the ways digital tools and services can support members to continue living independently. Their Breakfast and Browsers group supports members to develop transferable digital skills such as using QR codes, making online payments, and scanning and uploading documents through creative projects such as day trips and reminiscence work.

Yesterday some of our members and volunteers from Breakfast and Browser group caught the bus into Leeds to visit Stick or Twist, where they ordered their own breakfasts on the Wetherspoons app! A fun morning and delicious breakfasts were enjoyed by all! #LS9 #leeds9 #burmantofts pic.twitter.com/ck0qNxQ2fS — BSA Leeds (@BSA_Leeds9) September 26, 2023

The opportunity to take part in the Writing Back project came about at the same time that Burmantofts Community Friends received funding to gift tablets with 4G data to their Breakfast and Browsers members unable to afford their own devices. After supporting members to set up email addresses, Burmantofts Community Friends faced the challenge of how to best support members to practise sending and receiving emails, an essential skill needed to keep in touch with friends, family, and services, without one-to-one support from the organisation. Taking part in the Writing Back programme enabled Burmantofts Community Friends to offer an email pen pal for each member interested in hearing about members’ hobbies and interests.

After initial reluctance, feedback from Breakfast and Browsers members has been positive. Participants were excited about receiving a reply, which motivated them to keep the conversation going and to further practise their email skills, including developing new skills such as how to send emails with attachments. One member’s first pen pal email was five words long, and by the end of the six month programme she was sending full paragraphs.

“I had members saying ‘I’ll never be able to do it’ and by the end they were doing it on their own, sending emails backwards and forwards to their pen pals. People were excited to look at their emails, not stressed. People like sharing their stories.” Kelly, Outreach and Digital Engagement Worker, Burmantofts Community Friends.

The Writing Back programme

Established in 2014, the award winning Writing Back programme is based in the International Student Office and Global Community Team at The University of Leeds. In addition to providing support around health and wellbeing the team signpost students to volunteering opportunities. Writing Back started life as an intergenerational letter writing programme to tackle loneliness and social isolation for both international students and older people across Yorkshire. During the pandemic the programme moved to using email, which resulted in an added dimension of improving digital literacy skills and digital communication.

I can honestly say it has been an incredibly enjoyable experience so far. The premise of the project revolves around connecting with people from diverse backgrounds, exchanging thoughts, stories, and ideas through the written word. It’s a fantastic opportunity to explore different perspectives and cultures, creating a true global conversation. Feedback from International student, University of Leeds

Student participants attend training to prepare them for the role. Going forwards, 100% Digital Leeds will deliver additional digital inclusion awareness training for students involved in the programme, helping them to understand how they fit into the larger digital inclusion network of support being delivered across Leeds.

Taking part in Writing Back

The University of Leeds is interested in partnering with organisations supporting older people in Leeds. For more information, or to register your interest in taking part,  contact us .

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Writing back.

Bringing together first University of Leeds students with older residents who are well-established in the local community.

Group sitting down at the table

This project tackles loneliness and isolation using a pen pal exchange between university students in Leeds and older residents in Yorkshire. The scheme is now in its fourth year, and part of its success has been its ability to re-evaluate and adapt as it grows.

Writing Back brings together students in their first year at the University of Leeds with older residents who are well-established in the local community.

A common factor between the two demographics is the issue of loneliness. Students often feel the most lonely and vulnerable in their first year away from home, when they are unfamiliar with their new surroundings. While older people, many of whom may be living alone, can also fall victim to social isolation.

By brokering a penpal relationship between the two groups, Writing Back is able to foster unique friendships, while increasing the emotional well-being of the participant groups.

The project has grown each year, starting with 28 in its pilot year, rising to more than 200 in the third year.

In order to kick-start the written exchanges, participants were encouraged to share their interests, and were also provided with archive photographs by partner agencies. These pictures provide a source of inspiration for writing, with older residents able to explain to the new student arrivals how the area has changed.

One of the challenges faced by the research team has been how to accurately evaluate the effect of the project on loneliness. A questionnaire was devised using existing tools devised by the Campaign to End Loneliness. The results suggested that contrary to what the researchers predicted might be the case, it was in fact the younger people who appeared to be suffering most from the feeling of loneliness.

writing back university of leeds

Project partners

Writing Back benefited from a strong lead role played by the main project officer, together with a solid base of support from both community groups and the University of Leeds itself

  • The project is led by Dr Georgina Binnie, Project Officer from Writing Back at the University of Leeds. The students she recruited to take part in the project were undergraduates from her department. The older participants were recruited through third sector organisations across Yorkshire.
  • The Leeds ‘Libraries at Home’ Service referred older participants to the scheme, as did the Leeds Neighbourhood Networks and charities from across Yorkshire.  
  • Archive partners included the Brotherton Library, Leeds Central Library, the West Yorkshire Archive Service, ULITA – an Archive of International Textiles, and the M&S Company Archive (based on campus).

The aim of the project was to increase the emotional wellbeing of participants. 

The purpose of the engagement was to encourage participants to hear what each did, to learn from each other and to change attitudes and behaviour.

It has created unique friendships, and from the students’ perspective it has allowed them to challenge their views on older people, and indeed the role of the university in the community it serves.

A key aim was to attempt to measure the success of the act of letter-writing in helping alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation.

There is some evidence that writing had a particularly positive effect on the young students’ mental wellbeing.

The project came about as a result of project leader Dr Georgina Binnie’s previous earlier experience with letter writing and its potential to ease loneliness.

As a student, Dr Binnie had exchanged letters with her grandmother throughout her time at university, and she became aware of the power of the letter as a tool to facilitate dialogue, and to foster emotional well-being. Dr Binnie recognised that students at Leeds might also benefit from exchanging letters with older and established members of the community.

It is not always the case that it is the older generation which suffers more from feelings of loneliness and despair.

A study in 2010 by the Mental Health Foundation showed that 18-34 year olds were more likely to feel lonely more often than their older counterparts.

At the same time, the British Red Cross say more than 3.7m people over the age of 65 are thought to live alone, and a third of British citizens over the age of 65 say they have nobody to turn to.

The project began with the Leeds 'Libraries at Home' Service referring older participants to the scheme, as did the Leeds Neighbourhood Networks and charities from across Yorkshire.

Their letters are matched with students who similarly express an interest in taking part. The matching is also based on common identified interests.

Letters are exchanged via a pigeonhole at the School of English Student Office at Leeds University and are photocopied to be included in a project archive.

The participants exchanged letters approximately once every two weeks. They write about a huge range of things – from hobbies, travel, poetry and music. In the initial pilot, the letters were themed, the topic being the First World War. This enabled some students to share their love of war poetry, for example.

In the early stages, the pen pals are encouraged to share historic photographs of Yorkshire which were provided for the project by the archive partners.

In the first year of the project, Special Collections at the Brotherton Library and the Leodis photographic archive provided copies of historic photographs of Yorkshire to be used with the students' letters. Meanwhile the west Yorkshire Archive Service also provided images, and also referred a group of older ex-miners to take part in the project itself.

These photographs prompted topics of conversation within the letters, enabling the older people to outline how their communities have changed over time, and for the younger students to gain a better understanding of life in their newly adopted area…and hence, a greater sense of belonging there.

For evaluation purposes, the letters then became a source of data in themselves. A questionnaire was devised to track any impact the act of letter-writing had on feelings of loneliness.

At the end of the project a closing event was held where those participants who are able to travel to the University are able to meet their pen pal in person. For housebound participants, the student will often visit their pen pal directly or phone them as a means of facilitating a virtual meeting.

The project is now in its fourth year and has seen the number of participants grow each year. In the pilot year 28 participants took part, which included the letter writing and an optional meeting at the end. In the second year, 112 people took part, rising to 202 participants in the third year.

There are two ongoing strands of research.

The first focus is investigating loneliness and social isolation in the student and older demographics. By using the loneliness measurement tools devised by the national Campaign to End Loneliness the project is able to evaluate how letter writing functions as a tool to aid emotional wellbeing.

Second, the project examines how to encourage engagement with Yorkshire archives. Students are given copies of historic photographs of Yorkshire by the Brotherton Library, Leeds Central Library and the WY Archive Service, the M&S company library and ULITA, which they share in their letters to their pen pal.

The letters are copied as part of the scheme and became a form of data in themselves, as did the number of participants that take part in the project and attend the events.

Loneliness is notoriously difficult to evaluate. However, using loneliness measurement tools developed by the Campaign to End Loneliness a questionnaire was devised to use with participants. These voluntary questionnaires were given out at lunch events - which were held in order for the pen pals to meet up - or they were sent to housebound participants in the post.

Of the participants who opted to return the first questionnaires, 25% of the older pen pals sometimes or often felt lonely and 62% of the students sometimes or often felt lonely. However, given that not all participants returned the survey this is not representative of the whole cohort of pen pals (something which the project hopes to address in the following year).

At the end of last year, 94% of students indicated that writing to their older pen pal had a positive effect on their mental wellbeing and 6% gave a neutral response. 95% of older participants advised that writing to their student pen pal positively impacted their mental wellbeing and 5% did not respond to this question.

The questionnaires offer a positive indication as to the impact of letter writing on the emotional welfare of the participants. The project will now compare data between the different years.

Lessons learned

  • There was a presumption that it would be the older participants who would be keener to take part than the students. The opposite proved to be the case. Recruitment became easier when the project focused on selling the mutual benefits of taking part. In order to engage more, older pen pals, an emphasis was placed on how they might help the students familiarise themselves with their new environment. The elder participants saw this offered genuine benefits to the students and were more willing to take part.
  • The project demonstrated the impact students can have on the local community via their engagement in volunteering. Georgina Binnie believes that it has provided real evidence of the need to engage the local, older populations surrounding the University in our research, with their participation in the project having made a vast impact on the wellbeing of our students.
  • A future ambition is to enhance the digital profile of the project so that a digital online repository of letters could be created. 
  • It is clear from the results of the questionnaires that the project is not necessarily recruiting the most lonely participants to take part. Older people who attend the Leeds Neighbourhood Network groups are already creating social links in their local area. Going forward the project aims to work with more housebound participants via a collaboration with Leeds Social Services.
  • The participants indicated that they would like a better understanding as to the relevance of the use of archives. In response to this, participants can bring in images of Yorkshire to be digitised and recorded along with their own stories regarding these images. 

In the summer of 2017, letters from the project were dramatized and turned into a new production which was performed at the Headingley Arts Centre in Leeds.

The project has attracted some positive coverage in the media, with a large feature, for example, in the Yorkshire Evening Post, which was also in the process of running a loneliness campaign and made a virtue of linking the two initiatives.

A wealth of friendships now exist that would not have been possible without Writing Back. The project leader believes that impact on the emotional wellbeing of participants has been profound. One older participant said: ‘Writing to my student friend change[s] my day-to-day way of living’. Pen pals regularly meet up with one another outside of the project.

The cultural contribution offered by the archive of letters provides a permanent reminder of the legacy of the student contribution and their ability to make a difference.

The experiences of current participants suggest that there is a significant scope for cross-generational communication to be used to target homesickness, to encourage mutual learning and to aid the development and formation of friendships.

The letters exchanged during Writing Back indicate that the letter has a universal and nostalgic function that cannot be readily replicated in an alternative technological form. As universities increasingly look to enhance their impact profile, the student and older participants provide a successful example as to the emotional and physical benefits of facilitating engagement via the act of local, letter writing.

For further information, please see the Writing Back website  or listen to our interview with Dr Georgina Binnie .

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Writing Back: Spreading Kindness One Letter At A Time

Impact and research fellow and founder of Writing Back at the University of Leeds

writing back university of leeds

A 2016 report by the British Heart Foundation and Co-Op found that 9 million people in the United Kingdom often or always felt lonely. Loneliness doesn’t just affect older people. In a 2010 survey by The Mental Health Foundation , 36% of 18–34 year-olds worried about feeling lonely. Letter writing is routinely decried as a ‘dying’ art but, at the University of Leeds, students and older members of the community are helping to tackle loneliness and improve wellbeing by exchanging letters with another. In 2014, I founded Writing Back , an intergenerational letter writing project that matches University of Leeds students as pen pals with older Yorkshire residents. Having arrived at the University of Sheffield for my undergraduate studies in 2007, I found comfort in regularly exchanging letters with my grandma. Four years later, after teaching School of English students at the University of Leeds, and volunteering at a local care home, I decided that I wanted others to be able to experience the same solace that I had found in intergenerational letter writing. Just as the care home residents that I spent time with expressed a desire for greater communication and companionship, so too did my student cohort. In matching these two groups as part of the Writing Back programme, I have now facilitated letter writing between over two hundred people and have witnessed first-hand the generosity of spirit in their letters.

In Jo Cox’s maiden speech , she advocated for a kinder society, arguing that ‘We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us’. Writing Back adheres to this ethos of common human values. Despite the students and the older participants’ differing ages and backgrounds, their letter writing frequently leads to the formation of long-lasting friendships. Reflecting on this relationship, student Olivia noted, ‘I’ve become good friends with Val, my pen pal, and it’s been a great chance to chat with someone very different that myself’. She further described the project as being ‘a lovely way to get involved with the community in Leeds’, writing, ‘I really like the fact it makes a difference in elderly people’s lives. It’s opened my eyes to the experiences of people very different from myself’. At university, students can find themselves moving between their accommodation, the campus and the city centre, without always venturing further afield. Many of Writing Back’s older pen pals have lived in Leeds and Yorkshire for the entirety of their lives, and they are able to share their wealth of knowledge with their younger partners. The students are also provided with historic photographs of Yorkshire and are encouraged to send these images with their letters. This exchange of words and images led one student, Ian, to comment, ’I have grown in confidence and learnt more about the surrounding area and how it’s changed over the years, as well as being able to make use of some of the unique documents the Brotherton Library houses’. Ian further acknowledged of the project, ‘Not only have I made some great friends across various different levels of English, but [I] have made a long-lasting friendship with my pen pal, Joyce, who I recently described as my ‘Northern grandmother’!’

writing back university of leeds

For the older participants, the benefits of the project can be profound. One of the older letter writers described how ‘The Writing Back project has allowed me to write to someone whom I would otherwise never have come across. It is interesting to exchange letters with a much younger person, to hear her views, discover her interests and share topics of “written conversation” without necessarily having met one another’. There is something inherently personal about receiving a handwritten letter in the post, particularly when considerable care has gone into this correspondence. Reflecting on the benefits for the student participants, an older pen pal, Margaret, wrote, ‘I think it helps them get over the early term homesickness knowing that a letter on the mat one morning for them shows some cares, someone is quietly supporting’. For Margaret, the scheme ‘is breaking down barriers - there is no them and us’.

An older participant writes to her student pen pal.

In putting pen to paper, what might initially seem like a small act of kindness has the potential to transform lives and communities. Many of the students who join Writing Back will have never had a pen pal, and some will have never written or received a handwritten letter. Writing Back challenges its participants to look beyond their initial differences and champions intergenerational correspondence as a tool for fostering a more tolerant and understanding society.

E ve ryone hates January. The post-Christmas comedown hits us hard, especially with 2017 being such a tough year. Kindness 31 is our antidote to that. Every day we’ll share a good news story about someone (or a group of people) and their act of kindness or how they helped others. If you want to get involved, email [email protected]. Alternatively if you’d like to nominate someone to be featured, fill in this form.

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Writing Back dataset

Binnie, Georgina (2019) Writing Back dataset. University of Leeds. [Dataset] https://doi.org/10.5518/613

Dataset description

This dataset contains letters exchanged between University of Leeds students and older, Yorkshire residents in 2017-18, written as part of the University's Writing Back Project. This includes letters written by School of English students and University-wide international postgraduate students. The international and undergraduate strands of the scheme relate to different participants and different data.

Additional information: This dataset is not publicly available. Click the link under ‘Related resources’ to request access via the RADAR Restricted Access Data Repository. You will be asked to complete a request form explaining why you need access to the data. You will receive an initial response to your request within 5 working days.
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Binnie, Georgina University of Leeds


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Firstly you'll need to give us notice that you’re leaving. Typically this'll be given in writing to your line manager. How much notice you need to give depends on what grade of staff you are and when you were appointed. For further details check the resignation and periods of notice policy .

Your last pay day will depend on when your last day of employment is and also what category of staff you are.

Payroll will automatically be informed of your leave date and will generate a P45 for you, which they'll send out to the home address we have on file for you.

We’d also like you to fill in an exit questionnaire to help us understand why you’re leaving and how we can help to improve the process for future leavers.

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Writing Back Penpal Programme

Writing Back is an award-winning University of Leeds letter writing project matching School of English undergraduate students as pen pals with older Yorkshire residents. Now in its third year, the project has seen 140 people write to one another so far. Our students are often away from home for the first time and welcome the chance to write to someone new.

Letters are sent via the School of English so that addresses do not need to be exchanged. The scheme is fully funded, with optional meet-up events being held during the course of the academic year. Students are given historical images of Yorkshire at the start of the project and are encouraged to share these images in these letters. Participants can choose to have their letters added to our project archive.

Writing Back are keen to reach more potential letter writers. One of the aims of the project is to tackle loneliness and social isolation in both the student and older demographics, although many of our letter writers would not class themselves as ‘lonely’! Optional questionnaires will be distributed as part of the project. This is a great opportunity for older members of the community to share their knowledge and experiences with our student population.

The students say: “I feel especially now it is important that the generation gap be bridged as, much as would like to think there is, there is not much difference between us.”

The older participants say: “It’s such a great idea getting young and old ages staying up to date with how they’re tackling life. Writing to my student friend change[s] my day-to-day way of living.”

Anyone who is interested in finding out more should contact: 

Georgina Binnie [email protected] School of English  University of Leeds  Leeds LS2 9JT 07398 759 479

English Literature with Creative Writing BA

Year of entry 2025, open days 2024.

Register your interest for our October Open Days. Register here

Course overview

Students in library

Take a tour of our School

Get a taste for life as a student in the School of English as undergraduate student Malgorzata takes you on a tour of the School building as well as some campus highlights.

Develop your creativity and sharpen your critical abilities with this course that will equip you with valuable skills as both a reader and a writer. You’ll produce creative work across various genres, such as fiction, poetry, life writing, and travel accounts. 

You'll also learn how writers of the past and the present have used words and literary forms to express their ideas and engage with their times’ social and cultural issues. 

You’ll encounter historical and modern texts in English from around the globe, which explore themes relevant to how we live today, including race and ethnicity, gender, climate change and nature, social class, disability and wellbeing. 

Learn how to shape language to convey your ideas and experience, work in groups, discuss your writing with other students, and build an individual portfolio of work that will set you on track for a creative or cultural industries career.

A student stands at a lecturn in a traditional looking library setting. He speaks into a microphone to the crowd of people sitting in the foreground. Behind him are two banners that read Leeds Lit Fest 2023.

Our expertise

The School of English has a long and prestigious history in creative writing. Creative Writing at Leeds has a great history of alumni and former staff, including Wole Soyinka, Geoffrey Hill, JRR Tolkien, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Hannah Copley, Luiza Sauma, literary agent Caroline Hardman, and our recent Douglas Caster Poetry Fellows Helen Mort, Anthony Vahni Capildeo and Malika Booker.

Our current staff includes UK Poet Laureate Simon Armitage, JR Carpenter, Kimberly Campanello, Zaffar Kunial, Sarah K. Perry, Jay Prosser, Jess Richards, Ross Raisin, Caitlin Stobie and John Whale. Our practices and passions run across creative and critical writing. They include: visual and experimental poetry; eco poetics; the contemporary novel and contemporary lyric poem; literature and medicine; disability studies; autofiction; and transgender memoir.

We are home to the University of Leeds Poetry Centre , which brings together the University’s strength and heritage in creative writing. It hosts regular poetry readings by visiting international poets and supports a poetry reading group.

We regularly host readings and talks by well-known and emerging contemporary writers and you’ll have access to a vibrant community of researchers and creative practitioners. The highly respected literary magazine, Stand , is produced in the School, and publishes the best in new and established creative writing.

Our creative writing community benefits from partnerships with llkley Literature Festival , Leeds Playhouse and Leeds Grand Theatre. We also support a thriving range of events and workshops with visiting writers. 

Brotherton Library Reading Room

Specialist facilities

The world-class Brotherton Library has an array of archive, manuscript and early printed material in its Special Collections, including extensive archives of original materials from writers old and new, from the Brontë family to Tony Harrison. 

You’ll also have opportunities to learn traditional printing and typesetting techniques using our period printing presses and learn more about print and publishing history.

Take a look around our libraries:

Brotherton Library Laidlaw Library Edward Boyle Library

Course details

At Level 1, you will take Reading Between the Lines and Writing Matters, introducing you to university-level study, equipping you to read critically and write with rigour and persuasion. You will also take Writing Creatively to introduce you to the techniques of creative practice, and will be presented with a choice of optional modules focusing on poetry, fiction, drama, theatre and further creative approaches. At Level 2, in addition to Developing Creative Writing, you will take two English Literature core modules, Writing Environments and Body Language. These modules explore two urgent contemporary challenges, the climate crisis and personal wellbeing, and will examine how these issues can be understood and expressed through literary texts. You will also select two modules from a choice of several options, ranging historically and geographically from Medieval to Contemporary, and from Postcolonial to American.

Level 2 will deepen and enrich subject knowledge and intellectual skills, preparing you for more independent learning at Level 3, where you can select from a range of specialist research modules.

At Level 3, you will take two core Creative Writing modules. The final year Creative Writing Project enhances active research skills, enabling you to define, plan and produce work on a literary subject of your choosing. The module Page, Publication and Audience allows you to develop an understanding of the relationship between creative writing practices and the creative industries, exploring methods of reaching your audience.

After your second year of study, you may apply for transfer to an International Degree at one of a wide range of universities with which the University of Leeds has established links. You may also spend a year in industry on a work placement as an optional third year of your degree programme

The course information shown below represents typical modules/components studied and may change from time to time. Read more in our terms and conditions .

Most courses consist of compulsory and optional modules. There may be some optional modules omitted below. This is because they are currently being refreshed to make sure students have the best possible experience. Before you enter each year, full details of all modules for that year will be provided.

For more information please read BA English Literature with Creative Writing in the course catalogue .

Year 1 compulsory modules

Writing Creatively (20 credits) - In this module you will develop your creative writing skills by focusing on a range of elements of the writer’s craft. You will learn to read texts like a writer and, through examining a range of exemplary published texts, you will study elements of the writer’s craft which may include voice, metaphor and characterisation. You will develop your critical skills through workshopping your written pieces with your peers and your tutor. Within the supportive environment of the writing workshop, you will learn to give and receive constructive criticism and, guided by this feedback, you will hone your redrafting and editing skills. By the end of the module, you will begin to see how your work fits within contemporary writing practice.

Writing Matters (20 credits) - Writing and communication skills are vital to most professional careers, but they are especially valuable in the field of English studies. This module explores debates around a canonical literary text, examining theoretical approaches and rhetorical strategies used to write about literature. Students will hone their own writing skills by engaging ethically with the text and the ideas of others, developing structured arguments, expressing ideas clearly and concisely, working with feedback, and practising writing as a process. As a result, students will cultivate a deeper understanding of how writing works, learn how to share insights with greater efficacy and sophistication, and practice how to transfer this knowledge to future workplace contexts.

Reading Between the Lines (20 credits) - This module equips students with a critical vocabulary for sophisticated literary study, introducing the creative, argumentative and exciting discipline of ‘English Studies’. Through close analysis of specific texts across a range of periods and forms, students will encounter some of the varied theories that have shaped and continue to underpin the discipline. Students will find out how an English degree might change the way we read and see the world, while developing their academic skills through guided critical reading, collaboration with peers in group presentations and seminar discussions, and a variety of assignments designed to introduce them to the different formats of assessment required throughout the degree.

Year 1 optional modules (selection of typical options shown below)

Drama: Text and Performance (20 credits) Modern Fictions in English: Conflict, Liminality, Translation (20 credits) Poetry: Reading and Interpretation (20 credits) Race, Writing and Decolonization (20 credits) Creative Writing Workshop (20 credits) Writing Science-fiction, Fantasy & Horror (20 credits)

Year 2 compulsory modules

Developing Creative Writing (40 credits) - This module continues to provide you with the regular points of tutorial and teaching support, the learning community, and the ongoing guidance that will help you develop further the new creative writing projects that you produce in an academic environment. Regular small groups with published writers again allow you space and a professional atmosphere in which to consider your own practice of creative writing.

Writing Environments: Literature, Nature, Culture (20 credits) - This module examines what it means to live as human beings on a more-than-human planet. We’ll investigate how literary texts from different times and places have understood the relationship between nature and culture. We’ll address human impacts on the environment in relation to historical phenomena such as colonialism. And we’ll explore the insights that literature can offer at a time of concern about climate change and other environmental issues.

Body Language: Literature and Embodiment (20 credits) - This module explores the relationship between embodiment, language and representation across a range of literary forms, genres, and periods, addressing questions such as: what does it mean to be ‘human’? Can technology change who we are? How do we navigate the relationship between the body and the mind? It examines how critical theorists and creative writers and life writers have treated and imagined this relationship between material bodies and literary representation, in order to better understand both the possibilities and limitations of literary expression.

Year 2 optional modules (selection of typical options shown below)

Style and Authorship (20 credits) Contemporary Literature (20 credits) Renaissance Literature (20 credits) Medieval and Tudor Literature (20 credits) Modern Literature (20 credits) Postcolonial Literature (20 credits) The World Before Us: Literature 1660-1830 (20 credits) Other Voices: Rethinking Nineteenth-Century Literature (20 credits) Script Writing (20 credits) Travel and Journalistic Writing (20 credits) Power of Language (20 credits) Theatre, Society and Self (20 credits) Writing for Children and Young Adults (20 credits)

Year 3 compulsory modules

Creative Writing Project (40 credits) - This module encourages independent, self-directed learning, providing a culmination to the research strand emphasised in other modules. It fosters a wide variety of responses to the challenges it offers students, since any final year project might take one of a number of forms. Most importantly, it promotes academic creativity and the exploration of individual intellectual interests.

Page, Publication and Audience (20 credits) - This module focuses on publishing and presentation to the public through the production and launch of our literary journal Tenter Hook. You will develop an understanding of the relationship between creative writing practices and the creative industries, exploring methods of reaching your audience. You also consider your own creative writing practice in the context of industry processes and professionalisation.

Learning and teaching

We use various teaching and learning methods to help you benefit from our tutors' expertise. Group seminars and workshops are at the heart of this degree.

You'll also encounter:

  • Guest masterclasses
  • One-to-one tutorials and supervisions
  • Online learning through Minerva, our Virtual Learning Environment. 

Independent study is a vital element of this course since it enables you to develop your research and critical skills and form your ideas. Our expert academics will teach you on this course, from lecturers to professors. You’ll have access to the unique and internationally important holdings of the Brotherton Library’s Special Collections, to take inspiration from and see first-hand how some of the top writers of this and previous ages went about crafting their writing.

You may also experience teaching led by published writers or professionals from the cultural industries, as well as trained postgraduate researchers, connecting you to some of the brightest minds on campus. 

On this course you’ll be taught by our expert academics, from lecturers through to professors. You may also be taught by industry professionals with years of experience, as well as trained postgraduate researchers, connecting you to some of the brightest minds on campus.

In your Creative Writing modules, you’ll produce a creative portfolio in various genres, such as life writing, fiction, poetry, short fiction, and travel accounts. 

Some modules will also include wikis, podcasts, research exercises or oral presentations.

Your final year project comprises a long independent creative piece and a critical reflection. English modules are assessed using various methods, including exams, essays and shorter written assignments. 

Entry requirements

A-level: AAA including English (Language, Literature or Language and Literature).

Where an applicant is taking the EPQ in a relevant subject this might be considered alongside other Level 3 qualifications and may attract an alternative offer in addition to the standard offer. If you are taking A Levels, this would be AAB at A Level including A in English and grade A in the EPQ.

Alternative qualification

Access to he diploma.

Pass diploma with 60 credits overall, including at least 45 credits at level 3, of which 30 credits must be at Distinction and 15 credits at Merit or higher. The Access course must follow a Humanities pathway and/or include English modules. An interview and a piece of written work may be required.

We will consider the level 3 QCF BTEC at Subsidiary Diploma level and above in combination with other qualifications. Please contact the Admissions Office for more information.

Cambridge Pre-U

D3, D3, M2 including D3 in English.

International Baccalaureate

35 points overall with 17 at Higher Level including 6 in English at Higher Level.

Irish Leaving Certificate (higher Level)

Irish Highers (Leaving Certificate): H2, H2, H2, H2, H2, H2 including H2 in English.

Scottish Highers / Advanced Highers

AA in Advanced Highers including English and AABBB in Highers or A in Advanced Highers English and AAABB in Highers.

Welsh Baccalaureate

The Welsh Baccalaureate is not typically included in the academic conditions of an offer made to you for this course. If you choose to undertake the Welsh Baccalaureate we would strongly encourage you to draw upon these experiences within your personal statement, as your qualification will then be taken into account both when your application is initially considered by the selection panel and again when reviewed by the admissions tutor at the time your A-level results are passed to us.

Other Qualifications

European Baccalaureate: 85% with 8.5 in English.

Read more about UK and Republic of Ireland accepted qualifications or contact the School’s Undergraduate Admissions Team.

Alternative entry

We’re committed to identifying the best possible applicants, regardless of personal circumstances or background.

Access to Leeds is a contextual admissions scheme which accepts applications from individuals who might be from low income households, in the first generation of their immediate family to apply to higher education, or have had their studies disrupted.

Find out more about Access to Leeds and contextual admissions .

Typical Access to Leeds offer: ABB including an A in English (Language, Literature or Language and Literature) at A Level and pass Access to Leeds.

Arts and Humanities with Foundation Year

This course is designed for students whose backgrounds mean they are less likely to attend university (also known as widening participation backgrounds) and who do not currently meet admissions criteria for direct entry to a degree.

The course will give you the opportunity to be taught by academic staff and provides intensive support to enable your development of academic skills and knowledge. On successful completion of your foundation year, you will progress to your chosen degree course. Find out more about the Arts and Humanities with Foundation Year


We accept a range of international equivalent qualifications. For more information contact the School of English admissions team .

International Foundation Year

International students who do not meet the academic requirements for undergraduate study may be able to study the University of Leeds International Foundation Year. This gives you the opportunity to study on campus, be taught by University of Leeds academics and progress onto a wide range of Leeds undergraduate courses. Find out more about International Foundation Year programmes.

English language requirements

IELTS 6.5 overall, with no less than 6.0 in any component. For other English qualifications, read English language equivalent qualifications .

Improve your English If you're an international student and you don't meet the English language requirements for this programme, you may be able to study our undergraduate pre-sessional English course , to help improve your English language level.

UK: To be confirmed

International: To be confirmed

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2024/25 Tuition fees for UK full-time undergraduate students are set by the UK Government and will be £9,250 for students starting in 2024/25.

The fee may increase in future years of your course in line with inflation only, as a consequence of future changes in Government legislation and as permitted by law.

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2025/26 Tuition fees for UK full-time undergraduate students starting in 2025/26 have not yet been confirmed by the UK government. When the fee is available we will update individual course pages.

Tuition fees for international undergraduate students starting in 2024/25 and 2025/26 Tuition fees for international students for 2024/25 are available on individual course pages. Fees for students starting in 2025/26 will be available from September 2024.

Tuition fees for a study abroad or work placement year If you take a study abroad or work placement year, you’ll pay a reduced tuition fee during this period. For more information, see Study abroad and work placement tuition fees and loans .

Read more about paying fees and charges .

There may be additional costs related to your course or programme of study, or related to being a student at the University of Leeds. Read more on our living costs and budgeting page .

Scholarships and financial support

If you have the talent and drive, we want you to be able to study with us, whatever your financial circumstances. There is help for students in the form of loans and non-repayable grants from the University and from the government. Find out more in our  Undergraduate funding overview .

Apply to this course through UCAS. Check the deadline for applications on the UCAS website .

Read our guidance about applying.

International students apply through UCAS in the same way as UK students. Our network of international representatives can help you with your application. If you’re unsure about the application process, contact the admissions team for help.

Read about visas, immigration and other information in International students . We recommend that international students apply as early as possible to ensure that they have time to apply for their visa.

Admissions policy

University of Leeds Admissions Policy 2025

This course is taught by

School of English

School of English Undergraduate Admissions

Email: [email protected] Telephone:

Career opportunities

A degree in English with Creative Writing equips you with a range of valuable skills and attributes. Your skills and experience as a flexible and imaginative writer will open up a range of pathways within the creative industries. 

Our graduates have gone on to find success in areas such as the creative industries, marketing, education, journalism, law, publishing, media, business charity work, civil service, management consultancy and leadership. 

Many have also progressed to postgraduate study. 

On this course, you’ll develop your abilities as an excellent communicator who can present well-reasoned arguments and conclusions. 

Learning in groups with others and reading about human problems and social situations will develop your interpersonal skills and understanding of ethical and cultural complexities. 

You’ll have strong creative and verbal skills, and be able to conduct research, interpret complex information, think critically and express yourself clearly. Employers are always looking out for people with these critical skills.

Careers support

We encourage you to prepare for your career from day one. That’s one of the reasons Leeds graduates are so sought after by employers.

Leeds for Life is our unique approach to helping you make the most of University by supporting your academic and personal development. Find out more at the Leeds for Life website .

The Careers Centre and staff in your faculty provide a range of help and advice to help you plan your career and make well-informed decisions along the way, even after you graduate. Find out more about Careers support .

Study abroad and work placements

Study abroad.

On this course you have the opportunity to apply to spend time abroad, usually as an extra academic year. We have over 300 University partners worldwide and popular destinations for our students include Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Africa and Latin America. 

Find out more at the Study Abroad website .

Work placements

Practical work experience can help you decide on your career and improve your employability. On this course you have the option to apply to take a placement year module with organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors in the UK, or overseas.

Find out more about work experience on the Careers website .

Related courses

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36th in the world for English Language and Literature

Complete University Guide 2025

13th in the UK for English

Student profile: Elliot Johnston-Coates

Receiving constructive feedback from my peers and tutors has really helped my confidence to grow and inspired me to pursue a career in the creative industry. Elliot Johnston-Coates, Undergraduate

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  • Study and research support
  • Referencing

Leeds Harvard introduction

Leeds harvard basics.

The University uses a variation of the Harvard referencing style called Leeds Harvard.

To reference in Leeds Harvard:

  • Insert an in-text citation and a corresponding reference in an alphabetical list at the end of your work for every source you quote, paraphrase, summarise or refer to.
  • Include the author's surname ( family name ) and year of publication in the citation, and the full details of the item in the reference.
  • Include page numbers in your citation if you quote directly from the text, paraphrase specific ideas or explanations, or use an image, diagram, table etc from a source.

If your school has asked you to reference using the Leeds version of Harvard, then your tutors should also follow this guidance when marking.

How to incorporate citations into your work

It is good practice to vary the way you incorporate in-text citations; this will help enhance the flow and style of your academic writing.

You may sometimes use the author's name in the text, or just refer to the author in brackets, and citations might appear at the start, middle or end of your sentences.

You can also refer to multiple authors at once; this will not only help to make your writing more succinct, but will also improve the synthesis of sources, research or ideas within your assignments.

  • Biggs and Smith (2012) offer a convincing argument...
  • In contrast, Grayson (2012) identified the main determinant as...
  • Ramirez (2010), Schneider (2011) and Roberts (2013) discuss the challenges faced by...
  • There seems to be a correlation between students' use of the library and high degree marks (Stone and Collins, 2012).
  • The research of Dalton (2012) has been challenged by...
  • A number of studies have shown that ... (Richards, 2007; Graham, 2009; Elston, 2011; Chan, 2012)
  • Socio-economic factors such as class and education, as well as "hereditary determinants" (Civaner and Arda, 2008, p.267), can have a detrimental effect on an individual's health.

Further help

For more information, take a look at the following handy resources and guides:

  • Referencing made simple tutorial (opens in a new window)
  • Leeds Harvard referencing examples
  • Harvard referencing quick crib sheet
  • Harvard reference list example (PDF)

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Writing Rebooted Aims

Wooden blocks with lettering spelling writing rebooted.

You may have already seen that LAHRI's Writing Rebooted returns this coming Friday - 22nd September at 10am.  Writing Rebooted - get your pens/keyboards ready... | Leeds Arts and Humanities Research Institute

Thinking ahead to this welcome return, LAHRI Manager, Hilary Potter , reflects on why she is happy to be hosting the sessions as well as what she aims to get out of them.

What's so good about Writing Rebooted? 

Writing Rebooted provides the time, space and community support to help you to get on with your writing. It is really easy to fall out of the habit, to let other jobs take over, meaning the thought of writing can also become just stressful. It can also be really challenging to get back into writing when you've had a period away. Also I think there is something just wonderful about spending time immersing yourself in a world of ideas. Writing Rebooted offers the chance to do just that.

What are your aims for the sessions? 

Personally, aside from facilitating others, I aim to finish my half-written book - a how to guide on turning your PhD thesis into a monograph, as well as writing up a long overdue article. I'm in need of that easing back in after a period away. I'm in the middle of a house move, which is wreaking havoc on my writing time, so the return of Writing Rebooted makes me really happy.

When are the sessions and why have you changed the times? 

For this semester they are every Friday online from 10-1pm. We previously alternated between morning and afternoon sessions but we want to test out how having a fixed slot works.

How do we join?

The sessions are run on Zoom and you can access the session via the   LAHRI Hub SharePoint page or our LAHRI What's On page . If for any reason you cannot access the link then email the LAHRI inbox [email protected]

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Developing your Academic Writing

In partnership with the Language Centre, we currently offer 3 workshops to help PGRs with their academic writing. Each workshop is suitable for a different stage of your PhD.  The workshops aim to facilitate the development of PGRs as academic/thesis writers, using the idea of the academic/thesis writer as an ‘authority’.

The series is comprised of the following workshops – please choose the one suitable for your current stage:

The Beginning Thesis Writer

The developing thesis writer, the finishing thesis writer.

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LLLC2303 Writing for Children and Young Adults

Reading List

  • Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View timetable
  • Credits: 20
  • Class Size: 25
  • Module Manager: Sally Brown
  • Email: [email protected]
  • This Module is approved as a Discovery Module

Discovery module overview

Module Summary

Module Summary

You will be shown and write stories for three key age-ranges using genre, and age suitable content and language. Technical creative writing skills, e.g., in plotting and dialogue will be developed alongside critical skills. You will learn about contemporary children's literature, paying particular attention to questions of diversity. Teaching and learning will take place in interactive workshops. The module is assessed wholly by coursework and requires your active and regular participation in writing exercises and discussions of students' work-in-progress.

On completion of this module students will:

  • 1. be able to identify a range of age-specific genres designated under 'writing for children', primarily picture book (3-6), middle grade (7-11), tween (12-14) and young adult (14 +) fiction
  • 2. have an awareness of the importance of representation of diverse child characters to child readers (for example, through ethnicity, disability or gender diversity of primary and/or secondary characters)
  • 3. have some awareness of the historical development of writing for children
  • 4. have developed critical reading skills in relation to work by published authors, and to be able to identify different writing skills that make the texts succeed as engaging stories
  • 5. have gained practical experience of writing using a variety of craft skills appropriate for children

This module examines Writing for Children from a range of critical and creative perspectives. Both creative writing craft skills and critical editorial skills will be taught and practised in the workshop. Issues and areas to be explored may include: genre; popular versus 'educational' books; humour; representation, including ethnicity, gender, disability, class, and sexuality.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following learning outcomes relevant to the subject:

  • 1. demonstrate understanding of who the gatekeepers of children's literature are (agents, publishers, librarians and parents)
  • 2. identify the commonly used age categories and what material might be expected within these (subject matter, language use and length) and articulate how their writing fits their chosen category
  • 3. develop their own writing for children and create engaging characters and stories with an understanding of genre, diversity and representation
  • 4. Demonstrate critical understanding of their own writing process and editorial decisions in a way which responds appropriately to peer and tutor feedback
  • 5. Demonstrate understanding of how commercial considerations affect the publication of children's fiction

Skills Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following skills learning outcomes:

  • 1. Enterprise: Demonstrate commercial awareness through the presentation of creative work which appeals to a particular target audience (LO’s 1, 2, 3, 5)
  • 2. Work ready: Critically reflect on creative process and development, taking into account feedback (4)
  • 3. Academic: Develop academic argument drawing on evidence to show relevance of their own work to particular critical and creative contexts (2)

Assessment and teaching

Assessment and teaching

Assesment type Notes % of formal assesment
Assignment Creative piece, Critical Commentary (1000 words) + Submission package. To develop skills in writing for children and young adults To deepen understanding of own writing practice in relation to industry and cultural context To develop skills in articulating process for an audience/to industry. 100
Total percentages (Assessment Coursework) 100

Progress Monitoring

Throughout the module, there will be at least three opportunities for in-depth peer feedback on your creative writing. You are also expected to submit half a draft of your creative work and critical commentary for written feedback from your tutor on the date specified in Minerva, approximately Week 6 or 7 of the semester. This feedback will assist you when producing your creative piece and the accompanying critical commentary and submission package. There will be an opportunity to discuss this with your tutor in Week 8 or 9. Verbal feedback will be provided within sessions; this will help with the continuing development of your creative and critical work, as well as with the final letter and synopsis you will produce.

Teaching methods

Delivery type Number Length hours Student hours
Practical 11 2 22
Private Study Hours 167
Independant Online Learning Hours 11
Total Contact Hours 22
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) 200

Reading List

Reading List

Back to Discovery Themes


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  • Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures
  • School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies

BA Fine Art student Ed Green nominated for Freelands Painting Prize 2024

School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies news Monday 20 May 2024

BA Fine Art student Ed Green nominated for Freelands Painting Prize 2024

F inal year BA Fine Art student Ed Green is one of 43 students from across the UK nominated for this year’s Freelands Painting Prize.

Launched in 2020, the Freelands Painting Prize celebrates outstanding painting practice at undergraduate level, culminating in an annual Painting Prize exhibition at Freelands Foundation ’s Chalk Farm gallery in the Autumn.

Each year, all higher education institutions around the UK that offer a BA Fine Art or Painting course are invited to nominate for the prize a final-year student. Each nominated student submits three works representative of their practice; either paintings or works exploring painting in the expanded field.

Each year's winning artists are selected anonymously by an independent jury – this year’s judging panel includes Michael Archer, Vanessa Carlos, Séamus McCormack and Zadie Xa. The winning artists will be announced at the end of May.

Artwork by Ed Green

Ed Green, Skip, 2021. Drone photograph of installation.

Ed Green , a visual, multimedia artist in the final year of a BA Fine Art degree, was nominated to represent the University of Leeds .

Dr Julia McKinlay , Lecturer in Fine Art in the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies , said:

“Ed has been nominated for the Freelands Painting Prize 2024 because, over the course of his degree, he has developed a site responsive and highly ambitious art practice.

“He is inspired by his environment, noticing places and materials in public spaces and responding to them in either in situ, or by relocating aspects of the outside world into the gallery in large scale installations. Consistent throughout all his works is own unique sensitivity to colour and composition which he explores across light, posters, found materials and paint.

“Sustainability and working with recycled materials is central to Ed’s practice following an international year working in Spain, Sri Lanka and Japan and where he experienced alternative approaches to recycling reusing materials. Ed makes use of material that is discarded, finding beauty in their form, surface and colour.

“Congratulations, Ed, on your nomination and best of luck as you progress in your career as an artist.”

Artwork by Ed Green

Ed Green, Proposal for a Tennis Court, 2023. Recycled paint on found MDF boards.

Ed Green said:

“I feel very honoured to be nominated for this prize.

“As a visual artist, I am obsessed with colour, space and composition. My practice predominantly makes use of the discarded, with a bricolage approach and I am inspired by and responsive to my environment. I am driven by creating an experience for the audience and bridging the gap of subjectivity.”

Find out more about the Freelands Painting Prize and this year’s nominated artists.

Feature image

Photo of BA Fine Art student Ed Green.

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Leeds 10K 2024: 33 fantastic pictures as runners blaze through the city - and two new records were set

Dennis Morton

The  Leeds  10K was back on Sunday (June 23), with hundreds of participants challenging themselves at the charity race from Parkinson Steps to Headrow.

The race included the 10K as well as the Mini and Junior races, with runners of all ages taking part.

Timothy Kibet Kosgei won the Men’s Race and set the new all-time Run For All 10K record with a time of 29 minutes and one second.

A new Leeds 10K female record was also set by Heath Townsend with a time of 33 minutes and 41 seconds.

Here are 33 fantastic pictures of the race:

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Runners take off from University of Leeds.

1 . Leeds 10K 2024

Runners take off from University of Leeds. | Steve Riding/YEP

The Leeds 10k Runners on The Headrow towards the finish.

2 . Leeds 10K 2024

The Leeds 10k Runners on The Headrow towards the finish. | Steve Riding/YEP

Heather Townsend of Leeds City winner of the Women's Race.

3 . Leeds 10K 2024

Heather Townsend of Leeds City winner of the Women's Race. | Steve Riding/YEP

The Leeds 10k Runners on The Headrow towards the finish.

4 . Leeds 10K 2024

The Leeds 10k Runners on The Headrow towards the finish.

5 . Leeds 10K 2024

The Leeds 10k Runners on The Headrow towards the finish.

6 . Leeds 10K 2024

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  1. Writing Back

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  2. For Students

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  5. Supporting older people's digital confidence with University of Leeds's

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  6. Writing Back

    Writing Back. 9 minutes. Shortlisted for the NCCPE Engage Awards 2016 in the Individual-Led Projects category. This project tackles loneliness and isolation using a pen pal exchange between university students in Leeds and older residents in Yorkshire. The scheme is now in its fourth year, and part of its success has been its ability to re ...

  7. New video for Writing Back

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  8. Writing Back: Spreading Kindness One Letter At A Time

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  10. Writing Back intern blog

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  11. Writing Back dataset

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  15. PDF Writing Back Intern Experience

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