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How to Write a Book on Wattpad: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Write a Book on Wattpad

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Wattpad is a popular online platform where writers can share their work and connect with readers from all over the world. With over 90 million users and millions of stories available to read, Wattpad has become a go-to destination for those who love to read and write. If you’re an aspiring author, Wattpad can be an excellent platform to start writing your book.

Writing a book on Wattpad can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. The platform offers a range of tools and features to help writers get started, including a user-friendly interface, writing prompts, and the ability to connect with other writers and readers. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and tricks for writing a book on Wattpad, from getting started to building an audience and promoting your work.

Setting Up Your Wattpad Account

writing tips in wattpad

Setting up your Wattpad account is the first step towards writing and publishing your book on the platform. It’s a simple process that requires you to create a profile, understand the content guidelines, and choose the right category for your book.

Creating Your Profile

Your profile is the first thing readers will see when they come across your book . It’s essential to make a good first impression by creating a profile that reflects your personality and writing style . When creating your profile, keep the following in mind:

  • Use a profile picture that represents you or your book
  • Write a bio that tells readers who you are and what you write about
  • Add links to your social media profiles and website, if you have one

Understanding Content Guidelines

Wattpad has strict content guidelines that all writers must adhere to. These guidelines ensure that the platform remains a safe and welcoming space for all readers. Before you start writing your book , make sure you understand the content guidelines. Some of the key points to keep in mind are:

  • Wattpad does not allow explicit sexual content or graphic violence
  • Hate speech, discrimination, and harassment are strictly prohibited
  • Plagiarism is not tolerated

Choosing the Right Category

Choosing the right category for your book is crucial to its success on Wattpad. The platform has a wide range of categories to choose from, including romance, fantasy, science fiction, and more. When selecting a category, consider the following:

  • Which category best fits your book’s genre and theme?
  • What kind of readers are you targeting?
  • Are there any popular books in the category that your book could be compared to?

By following these steps, you can set up your Wattpad account and start writing your book with confidence. Remember to always follow the content guidelines and choose the right category to attract the right readers.

Crafting Your Story

writing tips in wattpad

Crafting a story that will captivate readers is a challenging task. But with the right approach, anyone can write a book that will keep readers engaged from beginning to end. In this section, we’ll explore some key elements of crafting a compelling story on Wattpad.

Developing Ideas and Plot

The first step in crafting a great story is to develop a strong idea and plot. This involves brainstorming and outlining your story, identifying key plot points, and mapping out the story arc. It’s important to have a clear idea of where your story is going before you start writing.

One helpful technique is to create a mind map or a list of all the ideas you have for your story. This can help you organize your thoughts and identify which ideas are most important. Once you have a solid idea of what your story will be about, you can start outlining the plot, including major events and turning points.

Writing Compelling Scenes

To keep readers engaged, it’s important to write scenes that are both interesting and relevant to the overall story. Each scene should serve a purpose, whether it’s to advance the plot, reveal character traits, or build tension.

One way to ensure that your scenes are compelling is to focus on action and conflict. Scenes that involve characters doing things, rather than just talking, are often more engaging. Additionally, conflict between characters or within a character can create tension and keep readers invested in the story.

Building Characters and Dialogue

Characters are the heart of any story, and it’s important to create characters that readers will care about. This means developing complex, multi-dimensional characters with strengths, weaknesses, and flaws.

Dialogue is also an important aspect of character development. Dialogue can reveal a character’s personality, motivations, and relationships with other characters. It’s important to write dialogue that sounds natural and believable, while also advancing the story.

By focusing on these key elements of storytelling, writers can craft compelling stories that will keep readers engaged from beginning to end. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, these tips can help you create a successful book on Wattpad.

Publishing on Wattpad

writing tips in wattpad

Once a writer has completed their book, the next step is to publish it on Wattpad. This section will cover some key elements to keep in mind when publishing on Wattpad.

Designing an Attractive Cover

The cover of a book is the first thing a reader sees, and it’s important to make a good impression. Wattpad offers a cover design tool that allows writers to create their own covers, or they can use a pre-made template. When designing a cover, it’s important to keep the following in mind:

  • Choose an image that reflects the story’s genre and tone
  • Use easy-to-read fonts for the title and author name
  • Keep the design simple and uncluttered

Writing a Captivating Description

The book description is the second element that will grab a reader’s attention. A good description should give readers a sense of what the book is about and make them want to read more. When writing a description, writers should:

  • Keep it short and to the point
  • Use language that is engaging and descriptive
  • Highlight the book’s unique selling points

Using Tags and Titles Effectively

Tags and titles are important for helping readers find a book on Wattpad. Writers should choose tags that accurately reflect the book’s genre and themes, and use titles that are catchy and memorable. When choosing tags and titles, writers should:

  • Use specific keywords that will help the book appear in relevant searches
  • Avoid using too many tags, as this can make a book appear spammy
  • Test different tags and titles to see what works best

By keeping these elements in mind, writers can publish their book on Wattpad in a way that is both attractive and effective.

Engaging with the Community

writing tips in wattpad

Wattpad is a community-driven platform that allows writers to connect with readers and other writers. Engaging with the community is a crucial aspect of writing on Wattpad, as it can help writers to grow their audience and improve their writing skills. In this section, we will explore some of the ways in which writers can engage with the community on Wattpad.

Sharing and Receiving Feedback

Sharing your work on Wattpad is a great way to get feedback from readers and other writers. The platform allows readers to leave comments on your work, which can be a valuable source of feedback. Writers can also join writing groups on Wattpad, where they can share their work and receive feedback from other writers.

Receiving feedback can be a great way to improve your writing skills. It can help you identify areas where you need to improve and give you ideas for how to make your writing better. When receiving feedback, it’s important to keep an open mind and be willing to make changes to your work.

Growing Your Audience

Growing your audience on Wattpad can be a challenge, but there are several things that writers can do to increase their visibility on the platform. One of the best ways to grow your audience is to engage with other writers and readers on the platform. This can involve leaving comments on other writers’ work, joining writing groups, and participating in writing contests.

Another way to grow your audience is to promote your work on social media. Wattpad allows writers to share their work on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, which can help to increase visibility and attract new readers.

Leveraging Social Media

Social media can be a powerful tool for writers looking to promote their work on Wattpad. By leveraging social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, writers can reach a wider audience and attract new readers to their work.

When promoting your work on social media, it’s important to be strategic. This may involve targeting specific groups or communities, using hashtags to increase visibility, and engaging with other writers and readers on the platform.

In conclusion, engaging with the community on Wattpad is an important aspect of writing on the platform. By sharing your work, receiving feedback, and promoting your work on social media, you can grow your audience and improve your writing skills.

Beyond Wattpad

Once an author has gained a following on Wattpad, they may want to explore opportunities beyond the platform to further their success. This section will discuss two options for authors who are interested in expanding their reach.

Exploring Wattpad Stars Program

Wattpad offers a program called Wattpad Stars for writers who have a large following on the platform. This program provides writers with additional resources to help them succeed, such as access to professional editors, marketing support, and the opportunity to have their work published in print.

To qualify for the Wattpad Stars program, an author must have at least 100,000 reads on one story or have a large following on the platform. The program is highly competitive, and not all authors who apply will be accepted. However, for those who are accepted, it can be a valuable opportunity to take their writing career to the next level.

Transitioning to Other Platforms

While Wattpad can be a great place to build a following, some authors may want to explore other platforms to reach a wider audience. One popular option is Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform, which allows authors to self-publish their work and sell it on Amazon.

To publish on KDP, authors will need to format their book for Kindle, create a cover, and set a price. KDP offers a variety of resources to help authors with this process, including tutorials, templates, and a community forum. Once a book is published on KDP, it will be available for purchase on Amazon’s website and can be read on the Kindle app for iOS and Android devices.

In conclusion, while Wattpad can be a great place to build a following, there are opportunities beyond the platform that authors can explore to further their success. The Wattpad Stars program and Amazon’s KDP platform are two options that authors may want to consider.

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4 story structures all writers should know

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A story structure is a plot mapping tool used to further character development and build a captivating arc. Writing a story or novel is a marathon, not a sprint—and it's common for authors to experience many peaks and valleys while crafting them. If you find yourself struggling with your tale, you can always turn to classic story structures to help guide the way.

Here are some of the tried and tested story structures you can use to ensure you leave no stone unturned in the development of your plot: 

The three-act structure

The three-act structure divides a story into three separate acts: the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution.

Here's the breakdown of acts:

  • Setup: The writer establishes the status quo. An incident occurs and the protagonist attempts to address the challenge, setting the plot into motion.
  • Confrontation: The stakes grow high as the protagonist encounters new allies and enemies. At the midpoint, an event disrupts the protagonist's mission and they fail a test. This spurs doubt about their ability to succeed in achieving their overarching goal.
  • Resolution: The protagonist experiences a painful period of suffering and must choose between continuing their journey or failing. This builds towards a climax where the protagonist faces off against their enemy, and usually succeeds. The denouement begins and establishes a new status quo.

The three-act structure

The Hero's Journey

When it comes to narrative structures, writer's note the Hero's Journey for its excellence. Joseph Campbell popularized hero myth pattern studies, and George Lucas repurposed them in theStar Wars series. This narrative structure suits stories that involve epic journeys of courage and triumph.

If you're looking for an accessible way to delve into the hero's journey structure, look no further. Disney development executive Christopher Vogler created a simplified 12-step version you can follow :

  • The Ordinary World: The hero is living their everyday life.
  • The Call to Adventure: The inciting incident of the story occurs.
  • Refusal of the Call: The hero experiences some hesitation to answer the call.
  • Meeting with the Mentor: The hero gains the supplies, knowledge, and confidence needed to begin the adventure.
  • Crossing the First Threshold: The hero commits to the adventure.
  • Tests, Allies, and Enemies: The hero explores the new world, faces trials, and makes both friends and enemies along the way.
  • Approach to the Innermost Cave: The hero nears the center of the story and the new world.
  • The Ordeal: The hero faces the greatest challenge yet and confronts death and rebirth.
  • Reward: The hero experiences the consequences of surviving death.
  • The Road Back: The hero returns to the ordinary world or continues to an ultimate destination.
  • The Resurrection: The hero experiences a final moment of death and rebirth. They are pure when they re-enter the ordinary world.
  • Return with the Elixir: The hero returns with something to improve the ordinary world.

The Hero's Journey

Freytag's Pyramid

This five-point story structure has roots stemming from classic Greek tragedies like Sophocles, and Euripedes. Novelist Gustav Freytag developed this structure as a description of something fiction writers have used for many years. It's a simple and popular framework that can be used for nearly any genre.

Here's the breakdown:

  • Introduction: Set and setting established. An inciting incident occurs.
  • Rising action: The protagonist pursues their goal. The stakes rise as three major events add suspense to the plot.
  • Climax: Tension builds to a peak, leading to a turning point for the protagonist.
  • Falling action: In the aftermath of the climax, tension continues to unravel, leading to catastrophe.
  • Resolution: The protagonist stoops to their lowest point. They realize their greatest fears.

Freytag's Pyramid

Fichtean Curve

The Fichtean Curve structure places the protagonist in a series of crises on their journey to achieving their goals. The Fichtean Curve skips the typical introduction, going straight to the inciting incident. It is an ideal story structure for writers looking to weave tension into the fabric of their story. Looking at you, thriller and mystery writers!

  • Rising action: The inciting incident plays out immediately. The protagonist faces a series of mini-crises. The final crisis begins the turning point that spurs the protagonist in a new direction.
  • Climax: The protagonist confronts the story's conflict.
  • Falling action: The story addresses unfinished business from the plot. The protagonist establishes their new normal.

Fichtean Curve

Many writers claim their stories come to them in a stream-of-consciousness manner. Others harness the power of story structuring to kick off their process. Regardless of your technique, try exploring new ways to strengthen your writing. You may find a new way to break through the writer's block, and you'll develop your unique style that leaves your fans wanting more. 

Learn more about mastering the art of storytelling by accessing our writing essentials for creators. 

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  • EXPLORE Random Article

How to Write a Good Wattpad Fanfiction

Last Updated: May 29, 2022

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 25 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 43,624 times.

Fanfiction is an interesting and enjoyable category on Wattpad. After reading a few, you may become interested in writing your own. This article will help you to produce a good piece of fanfiction that will be loved by many Wattpad readers.

Step 1 Choose a character, book, or couple you want to write about.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Use italics and SCREAMING strategically, if at all. Do not overdo it. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't let people rush you with comments saying "Update please!" Just go at your own speed and notify fans when you have your next chapter ready. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't self-advertise. This won't help. In fact, this will reduce your reads. Unless it's on a trailer description you should not consider this. Just wait for people to notice your stories and be grateful when they do, no matter how long it takes. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Save your drafts and, if at all possible, back them to a flash drive or to the cloud. If you don't, you're putting your chapter at risk of being wiped. Thanks Helpful 34 Not Helpful 0
  • Always read through your work. Thanks Helpful 36 Not Helpful 1
  • Get a trusted friend or fellow writer to help you edit. Thanks Helpful 8 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't give too many author's notes; readers may get bored that way and will lose interest in following the story if you haven't finished it. Thanks Helpful 8 Not Helpful 0
  • Remember to update as often as possible, otherwise you will lose readers. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 0

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writing tips in wattpad

Wattpad for Authors: 14 Tips for Making the Most of the World’s Largest Community of Readers and Writers

Wattpad for Authors

Wattpad is the world’s largest community of readers and writers with over 30 million people using the platform. I’ve heard that only 10% of these users are writers, making it 90% of readers looking for their next great read. This is where Wattpad is superior to other writing sites that I’ve used in the past where it’s just been writers reading and commenting on other writers’ work. Sure it’s great to connect with other writers, but Wattpad offers the unique experience of attracting masses of actual readers.

I started an account on Wattpad earlier this year and I now have followers from places as far as Mexico, Latvia, Vietnam, India and the Philippines. I’ve been lucky enough to have my short novella Bequest  showcased on the homepage and as a featured story. Bequest  is about a man that has been almost fully tattooed by a well-known artist and he wants to donate his skin to the National Gallery when he dies. This story attracted almost 30,000 chapter reads on Wattpad and is now being published as a short eBook by Tenebris Books.

A few years back I became stuck at around 30,000 words on a YA novel of mine called Silver . I loaded a handful of chapters on Wattpad, just to test the waters with it. Given that there are so many teens on the site, I was curious to find out what their response would be to that story. Very quickly I started receiving comments from people saying ‘you have to finish this story!’ They started telling me what they wanted to hear more about, which characters they liked, who they hated. And it inspired me to finish writing it. It’s been such an interesting experience, after working in solitude for so many years, it’s almost as though Wattpad readers have helped shape this novel.

After using the platform for a while now, here are my best tips for writers using Wattpad:

  • Have a good author profile picture and a professional-looking book cover. Write a short, catchy blurb for your stories. Include something interesting about yourself on your profile page, as well as links to other social media sites.
  • Load your chapters separately, because every chapter someone reads or votes on counts! If you’ve got short stories, consider making them a collection – this consolidates the votes you receive and helps with your rankings.
  • Follow some people and introduce yourself in clubs.
  • Consider serialising your fiction and posting a chapter or two a week on regular days.
  • If you’re unsure where to start with reading, check out the recommended reading lists to find something to your taste. Create your own reading lists – these are like a personal library, so once you save a story in there, you can come back to it easily. Comment and vote on other people’s stories and invest some time in the Wattpad community – they’re really friendly! I’ve used other author sites before, but Wattpadders are especially supportive and encouraging.
  • Don’t ask people to read your work, I find that bad manners! If I find something and like what I see … I’ll read it!
  • Use multimedia to promote your work. I’ve created book trailers in Animoto for a few of my stories and posted these in the sidebar.  In my story Bequest  his tattoos were based on historical images – so I posted those actual images in some of the chapters as a reference for readers – taking the reading experience beyond the normal text format. I’ve even heard of Wattpad fans drawing illustrations of characters they love and authors can post these too!
  • Include a ‘call for action’ at the end of each story. Ask readers to vote and comment and tell them where they can read or purchase your other work.
  • Use the newsfeed to see what your ‘friends’ are liking. On Wattpad the audience has an audience, so if someone comments on a story all their followers can see this too. This helps with discoverability. The notification tab tells you what has been happening on your own work (this tab took me a long time to find, but is now my favourite tool!)
  • If you see that someone has liked a number of your chapters, stop by their page and say thank you. If they take the time to comment, respond! Being approachable and friendly goes a long way. Wattpad is all about interactivity.
  • Pay attention to the stats on your stories – these are valuable market research tools for writers. I can see chapter-by-chapter stats of how many reads, votes and comments I’ve received. If I lost a whole heap of readers on chapter 4, then that tells me something needs fixing.
  • Don’t expect to become popular overnight. Like any community, it takes a while to find like-minded people. Give it time, be patient and open minded. There’s no need to be a snob on there – yes, there’s lots of 1D fan fiction, but there’s a place for everyone on Wattpad. I see anyone reading or writing anything as a really positive thing! And maybe even us more ‘mature’ writers can learn a thing or two about popular culture from those teens on there (I’ve recently discovered what youtubers are, for example!).
  • Once you build up a fair amount of reads and followers, contact [email protected] and ask to be considered for the ‘featured’ stories list. If you can get on the featured list, then the almighty Wattpad power machine kicks in and you can sit back and watch your read stats soar.
  • Use your other social networking platforms to promote your work on Wattpad. I often tweet my microfiction or put links to them on Google+. I even listed Bequest as a Wattpad book on Goodreads and have received a number of reviews. This is great advanced endorsement on Goodreads before it is published by Tenebris Books.

Wattpad - Bequest by Rowena Wiseman


' src=

this is really amazing. To see a community of writers that helps one another. I am new in writing and currently finishing the novel that I started a couple of days ago. These tips are really good and will help a lot to those who do not know how to start. Kudos!

' src=

What is the name of your novel

' src=

Eager to join as a writer of this wattpad waebsite and would like to know how to register with it

' src=

hey it is really easy to use wattpad…u can download the app form playstore and for desktops u can just go to the website…it is a wonderful app!!

' src=

I really want to join Wattpad as a reader and writer but I don’t know how to go by it ANY HELP PLEASE.

' src=

I think i can help a little, You should, install the wattpad app in your playstore app in your phone, and then after you downloaded it and install it, you can sign up to it and connect it to any of you social media account. And viola you can be A member of wattpad!. Hope this helps!

' src=

Thanks! this is going to help me so much!

' src=

I thank you for this, really appreciate it.

' src=


' src=

Honestly, I have always been scared to write publicly, but seeing as writers are in support of each other here I’ve been more encouraged than ever. Thanks for the tips!

' src=

Thanks for the tips am also an inspiring wattpad writer am currently writing a story

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I prompted AI to summarize Google's 45-page book about how to write the best AI prompts. Here are the key takeaways.

  • Google  handed out free guides on how to write successful AI prompts for Gemini at Google I/O.
  • The booklet covers best practices for Google Workspace and gives examples for various professions.
  • Some tips include drafting 21-word prompts that include persona, task, context, and format.

Insider Today

Google handed out booklets about how to write successful AI prompts at its big summer developer conference, Google I / O .

But you're still in luck even if you weren't one of the developers or press in attendance — Google has a free PDF version available for download on its website.

The guide breaks down how to best write AI prompts for Gemini for the company's Google Workspace apps, which include Gmail, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Meet, and Google Slides.

But there are some great takeaways in general for writing AI prompts.

It lists some helpful tips, like how the most successful AI prompts average around 21 words, and users should refrain from making them too long or too short. The guide also went over the four key points to hit in every prompt to receive the most useful responses.

The guide showcases how different roles can use Gemini to improve productivity. For example, an HR manager might use Gemini to create a script for an onboarding presentation, while a sales representative may use it to create an elevator pitch for a client.

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While the digital version is only 45 pages long, we uploaded the booklet to Google's Gemini to see the biggest takeaways (yes, we prompted AI to summarize a book about AI prompts).

Here's what it said in response.

Gemini for Google Workspace: A Guide for Busy Professionals

This guide is a comprehensive resource for anyone who wants to learn more about using Gemini for Google Workspace to improve their productivity and creativity. It covers a variety of use cases for different roles (Recruiter, HR Manager, Marketing Manager, Project Manager, Sales Manager) and provides specific prompts and examples to help them leverage Gemini's capabilities.

Key Takeaways

  • Gemini for Google Workspace integrates with various Google Workspace apps (Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet) to assist with tasks like writing, organizing, summarizing information, creating visuals, and more.
  • Effective prompts for Gemini should include Persona (who you are), Task (what you want to achieve), Context (background information), and Format (desired output style).
  • Gemini can be used across various departments to improve productivity and streamline workflows.

Additional Tips

  • Level Up Your Prompt Writing: The guide offers additional tips to help you improve your prompt writing skills. These include breaking down complex tasks into smaller prompts, using constraints to generate specific results, and tailoring your prompts to the desired tone and audience.
  • Stay Up-to-Date: The guide recommends checking workspace.google.com and workspace.google.com/blog for the latest information on Gemini for Google Workspace.

Overall, this guide is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about using Gemini for Google Workspace to enhance their work within the Google ecosystem.

On February 28, Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, joined 31 other media groups and filed a $2.3 billion suit against Google in Dutch court, alleging losses suffered due to the company's advertising practices.

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    In this article, we'll explore some tips and tricks for writing a book on Wattpad, from getting started to building an audience and promoting your work. Setting Up Your Wattpad Account. Setting up your Wattpad account is the first step towards writing and publishing your book on the platform. It's a simple process that requires you to ...

  7. 4 Story Structures All Writers Should Know

    The three-act structure divides a story into three separate acts: the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution. Here's the breakdown of acts: Setup: The writer establishes the status quo. An incident occurs and the protagonist attempts to address the challenge, setting the plot into motion. Confrontation: The stakes grow high as the ...

  8. Writing and promoting stories

    Writing and promoting stories. Once your email address is verified, you will be able to publish stories. Writing a story on Wattpad can be as easy or elaborate as you like. You can simply create a story and add story parts as you finish them, or you can create a cover, add inline media and header media to your story parts, include a list of ...

  9. Wattpad 101

    Hey fresties! Kicking off Wattpad Wednesday Week with a video I've somehow never done: talking all about the basics of Wattpad that I often see people get co...

  10. Writing: Tips and Tricks!

    No one is like you, so make sure your book is not like anyone else but you. 1) let the inspiration find you. 2) don't force yourself to write anything : won't work. 3 )be interested in your own writing! You're an artist! 4 )the WRTIE (😂) audience will find you, write for yourself - not for anyone else.

  11. How To: Write a Wattpad Fanfiction! (Basics, Making Covers, Tips

    heyo, today I decided to help some of you out, I gave so much information on how to become a Wattpad writer. What to do and what not to do, I hope this helpe...

  12. 5 Tips on Getting More Reads

    1) The Basics. These are a) things I've written tips on [check parts after this] or b) things that are kinda obvious. 1.1) The Summary. There is a whole part on this. 1.2) Your Beginning. There is also a whole part on this. 1.3) Grammar and Spelling. Make sure your grammar and spelling are, at the very least, decent.

  13. 5 tips on how to get started on Wattpad

    Hey guys, today I'll be talking about how to get started on Wattpad. If you're interested in writing online, I hope these tips to write on wattpad help you o...

  14. How to Write a Good Wattpad Fanfiction: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

    Fanfiction is an interesting and enjoyable category on Wattpad. After reading a few, you may become interested in writing your own. This article will help you to produce a good piece of fanfiction that will be loved by many Wattpad readers.

  15. Wattpad for Authors: 14 Tips for Making the Most of the World's Largest

    Online community Wattpad has a large and dedicated following around the world. In this guest post Rowena Wiseman explains how writers can use Wattpad to reach a whole new audience.. Wattpad is the world's largest community of readers and writers with over 30 million people using the platform. I've heard that only 10% of these users are writers, making it 90% of readers looking for their ...

  16. Writing-tips Stories

    243 8 34. 211 expert tips for non-fiction writers is part college course, part one-on-one training, and part motivational tool. It's designed for anyone who writes non-fiction, or... non-fiction. writing-non-fiction. learning-to-write. +8 more. Read the most popular writing-tips stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform.

  17. Writing tips Stories

    writing tips writingtips help advice guide writinghelp howto writer tipsandtricks howtowrite tricks wattpad grammar characters nonfiction author writers helpful write 338 Stories Sort by: Hot

  18. the FASTEST ways to GROW on WATTPAD

    Happy Wednesday fresties!! 🐸 In a previous Wattpad Wednesday I talked all about getting more reads on your story, and today's video is sort of like a sequel...

  19. Tips Stories

    length. +22 more. # 12. Tips & Tricks to Writing on Wattpad by JJ Jiang. 1.2M 35.8K 32. Part guide, part rant. Everything I've learned on writing, from Wattpad, experience, or how-to writing books. Leave requests on the second chapter :) Completed.

  20. I Asked AI to Sum up Google's Guide to Writing the Best AI Prompts

    I prompted AI to summarize Google's 45-page book about how to write the best AI prompts. Here are the key takeaways. The booklet covers best practices for Google Workspace and gives examples for ...

  21. Tips for writing a resume summary according to ex-Nvidia recruiter

    3 tips for writing an effective resume summary, says ex-Nvidia recruiter: 'Leave out the years of experience'. Former Google and Nvidia recruiter and current HR consultant Stefanie Fackrell ...