Spark Creativity: Writing Ideas for Senior Citizens

Welcome, senior citizens! Are you ready to ignite your creativity through the power of writing? Whether you’re looking to preserve memories, exercise your mind , or simply find a new outlet for self-expression, creative writing can be a valuable and fulfilling practice for older adults. In this article, we’ll explore various writing ideas and projects specifically designed for senior citizens.

Key Takeaways:

  • Journaling is a powerful tool for seniors, promoting memory preservation , exercising the mind, creating routine, boosting creativity, and providing stress relief .
  • Journaling prompts can help seniors get started with their writing practice, whether it’s writing about day-to-day events, childhood memories, or favorite books and movies.
  • Engaging in creative projects like photo collaging , finger painting , and decorating flower pots can tap into seniors’ artistic side and provide a fun and meaningful activity.
  • Joining a book club can offer seniors the opportunity to dive into fiction and explore their preferred genres, including the option of enjoying audiobooks .
  • Narrative writing allows seniors to share their personal stories and experiences, unleashing their creativity through fictional and personal narrative prompts .

The Benefits of Journaling for Seniors

Journaling is a valuable practice for seniors, offering numerous benefits for their overall well-being. Not only does it provide a means of recording thoughts and experiences, but it also plays a vital role in memory preservation . By engaging in regular journaling, seniors can exercise their minds, creating routine and structure in their daily lives.

One of the key advantages of journaling for seniors is its ability to boost creativity . Putting pen to paper allows for self-expression and the exploration of new ideas. It can also serve as a stress reliever, providing a safe outlet for expressing worries and anxieties.

Furthermore, journaling offers seniors the opportunity to sharpen their memory recall skills. By writing about their experiences and reflecting on their thoughts, seniors can strengthen their ability to remember details and important information. This aspect of journaling is particularly beneficial for seniors who may be dealing with memory challenges or cognitive decline.

Journaling is not just about capturing the present moment; it is also about creating a legacy. Seniors can write with the knowledge that their words will be cherished by future generations, providing a window into their lives and wisdom.

The Benefits of Journaling for Seniors:

  • Promotes memory preservation
  • Exercises the mind
  • Creates routine and structure
  • Boosts creativity
  • Provides stress relief

Journaling Prompts for Seniors

Journaling is a wonderful way for seniors to express themselves and engage in self-reflection. It can be a therapeutic practice that promotes mental well-being and cultivates creativity. If you or a loved one are interested in starting a journaling practice, here are some prompts to get you started:

Prompts for Day-to-Day Reflection

  • Write about your favorite part of the day.
  • Describe a small act of kindness you witnessed or experienced.
  • Reflect on a recent conversation that made you smile.

Prompts for Memory Exploration

  • Recall a cherished childhood memory and write about it in detail.
  • Describe a favorite family tradition and what it means to you.
  • Write about a memorable trip you took and how it impacted your life.

Prompts for Connecting with Nature

  • Observe a flower or a tree and write about its beauty and significance.
  • Describe a peaceful outdoor spot that brings you joy.
  • Write about a favorite season and the sensory experiences it evokes.

Prompts for Exploring Interests

  • Write about a book that has had a lasting impact on you.
  • Share your thoughts on a movie or a TV show you recently enjoyed.
  • Describe a concert or a live performance that brought you joy.

These prompts are just a starting point, and you can tailor them to your own preferences and experiences. Remember, journaling is a personal journey, so feel free to explore different themes and topics that resonate with you. Happy writing!

Creative Projects for Seniors: Photo Collaging

Engaging in creative projects can have numerous benefits for seniors, including enhancing cognitive abilities, fostering self-expression, and providing a sense of accomplishment. One popular creative activity for seniors is photo collaging , a versatile and enjoyable way to preserve memories and spark conversations.

Photo collaging involves arranging and pasting photographs onto a surface, such as a themed scrapbook or poster board . Seniors can gather their favorite photos from different stages of their lives and create a visual representation of cherished moments and relationships. This process encourages reminiscence and can be a catalyst for sharing stories and experiences with loved ones.

A themed scrapbook is a creative project that allows seniors to organize and display their photographs around a specific topic, such as family vacations, milestone events, or hobbies. By curating images and adding captions or descriptions, seniors can create a personalized narrative that encapsulates their life journey. Themed scrapbooks also make meaningful gifts for family members and friends.

Poster board collages offer seniors a larger canvas to express their creativity. They can attach photos, quotes, and decorative elements to create visually captivating displays. Poster board collages can be hung on walls or displayed on easels, serving as conversation starters and decorative pieces in their living spaces.

Creative Projects for Seniors: Finger Painting

Finger painting is a fun and easy way for seniors to exercise their creative muscles. It provides a unique opportunity for self-expression and allows seniors to explore their artistic abilities in a forgiving and playful manner. Unlike traditional painting techniques that may require fine motor skills, finger painting allows seniors to use their fingers to apply paint directly onto the canvas, creating vibrant and colorful artwork.

One of the advantages of finger painting is that it doesn’t require any prior painting experience or expertise. Seniors can simply squeeze easily manageable bottles of finger paint onto their canvas and use their fingers to spread and blend the colors. The forgiving nature of finger painting allows for experimentation and exploration, making it an ideal art style for seniors who may be new to painting or are looking for a more relaxed and enjoyable creative outlet.

“Finger painting is a great way for seniors to reconnect with their inner child and tap into their creativity. It can be a therapeutic and enjoyable activity that promotes relaxation and stimulates the senses,” says art therapist Sarah Johnson.

Not only is finger painting a stimulating and enjoyable activity, but it also offers numerous cognitive and emotional benefits for seniors. Engaging in artistic activities like finger painting can help improve cognitive functions such as memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. It also provides a means of self-expression and can serve as a valuable tool for emotional release and stress reduction.

In addition to the individual benefits, finger painting can also be a social activity for seniors. It can be done in group settings, allowing seniors to bond, share their artwork, and engage in meaningful conversations. Finger painting can be incorporated into senior centers, art therapy programs, or even family gatherings, creating opportunities for connection and companionship.

Overall, finger painting is a versatile and accessible creative project for seniors. It allows them to explore their artistic side, exercise their creative muscles, and experience the joy of self-expression. Whether done individually or in a group, finger painting offers a therapeutic and enjoyable activity that can enhance the overall well-being of seniors.

Creative Projects for Seniors: Decorating Flower Pots

As spring approaches, seniors can engage in a fun and creative project by decorating flower pots . This activity not only celebrates the season but also brings the beauty of the outdoors inside. By personalizing their pots, seniors can add a touch of their unique style and creativity to their indoor plants .

To begin, seniors can choose different types of indoor plants , such as succulents or peace lilies, that thrive in the comfort of their homes. Once they have selected their plants, they can start decorating the pots using various materials. Paints, decals, and even nail polish can be used to add vibrant colors, patterns, and designs to the pots.

Seniors can let their imagination run wild when decorating their flower pots. They can create intricate patterns, write inspiring quotes, or paint scenes from nature. This activity not only allows seniors to express their creativity but also gives them a sense of accomplishment as they see their personalized pots come to life. The decorated flower pots can be displayed on windowsills, tabletops, or anywhere that needs a touch of nature and color.

Decorating Flower Pots: Tips for Seniors

  • Choose plants that are suitable for indoor environments and require minimal maintenance.
  • Experiment with different painting techniques such as stenciling, sponge painting, or using paintbrushes.
  • Consider adding a clear coat of varnish or sealant to protect the artwork and make the pots more durable.
  • Explore using different types of materials like ribbons, beads, or buttons to add texture and dimension.
  • Invite friends or family members to join in the activity for a fun and collaborative crafting session.

Decorating flower pots is not only a creative project for seniors but also a therapeutic and rewarding experience. It brings joy, fosters self-expression, and adds a personal touch to their living spaces. So, grab some brushes and paints, let your imagination bloom, and enjoy the process of transforming plain flower pots into unique works of art.

Creative Projects for Seniors: Join a Book Club

Joining a book club is a creative and engaging activity for seniors who have a love for fiction and a desire to connect with others who share their passion. Book clubs provide seniors with the opportunity to immerse themselves in captivating stories, explore different genres, and expand their literary horizons. Whether it’s a physical gathering or a virtual club, participating in a book club offers numerous benefits for seniors.

Seniors can choose a book club that focuses on their preferred genre , whether it’s mystery, romance, science fiction , or historical fiction. By reading and discussing books with like-minded individuals, seniors can dive into the intricate plots, complex characters, and thought-provoking themes that fiction has to offer. Sharing insights, opinions, and personal interpretations of the stories can spark creativity and inspire seniors to explore their own storytelling abilities.

In addition to reading physical books, seniors can also enjoy the convenience and accessibility of audiobooks . Audiobooks allow seniors to indulge in captivating stories while engaging in other activities such as walking, gardening, or relaxing at home. This multi-sensory experience can enhance the enjoyment and imagination sparked by the narrative, providing a stimulating and enriching experience for seniors.

Benefits of Joining a Book Club as a Senior:

  • Engages seniors in the world of fiction
  • Allows exploration of preferred genres
  • Offers opportunities for stimulating discussion
  • Enhances creativity and storytelling abilities
  • Provides social connections and community

By joining a book club, seniors can embark on an exciting literary journey, immersing themselves in the power of fiction while nurturing their creativity and connecting with fellow book lovers. Whether it’s through in-person meetings or virtual gatherings, book clubs offer a space for seniors to share their reflections, delve into captivating stories, and appreciate the magic of storytelling.

Narrative Writing for Seniors: What is Narrative Writing?

Narrative writing is a form of storytelling that allows individuals to share their experiences, ideas, and emotions through a structured narrative. It involves crafting a story with a beginning, middle, and end, using various literary elements to engage the reader. Seniors can explore the art of narrative writing to express themselves creatively and reflect on their own personal narratives .

At its core, narrative writing involves the use of characters, settings, problems, and solutions to create a cohesive and engaging story. It allows seniors to delve into their memories, imagination, and observations to shape compelling narratives. By focusing on personal experiences, seniors can add authenticity and depth to their stories, making them more relatable and memorable.

Through narrative writing, seniors can not only preserve their own stories but also leave a lasting legacy for future generations. These personal narratives can chronicle important milestones, adventures, lessons, and significant moments in their lives. Whether it’s a heartfelt memoir, a fictional tale, or a reflection on a particular event, narrative writing provides seniors with a creative outlet for self-expression and storytelling.

Narrative Writing Prompts for Seniors

Writing narratives can be a fulfilling and imaginative activity for seniors looking to explore their creativity. Narrative writing prompts can provide that spark of inspiration to get seniors started on their storytelling journey. Whether it’s writing fiction or personal narratives , these prompts are designed to ignite the imagination and bring stories to life.

Fiction Prompts

  • Imagine you wake up one day with the ability to fly. Write a story about how it changes your life.
  • Write a fictional tale about a hidden treasure that is discovered in an unlikely location.
  • Create a story set in a futuristic world where robots have taken over human jobs.

Personal Narrative Prompts

  • Write about a proud moment in your life and the emotions you felt.
  • Share a heart-racing experience that left a lasting impact on you.
  • Describe a memorable vacation and the adventures you had along the way.

Storytelling Prompts

“Every great story starts with a great character.” – Unknown

Storytelling prompts can help seniors tap into their storytelling abilities and create engaging narratives. These prompts provide the opportunity to develop interesting characters and explore captivating plotlines. Seniors can let their creativity flow and share stories that captivate readers.

So, grab a pen and paper or your favorite writing device, and get ready to embark on a storytelling adventure. The creative writing ideas for elderly individuals are endless, and with the help of prompts, seniors can unlock their imagination and share their unique stories with the world.

Narrative Writing Rubrics for Seniors

Narrative writing rubrics are valuable tools for assessing and evaluating the writing skills of senior citizens. These rubrics provide clear guidelines and criteria for measuring the quality and proficiency of narrative writing. They help both students and teachers understand the expectations and standards of narrative writing and can be tailored to be student-friendly, teacher-friendly, and time-saving.

Student-friendly rubrics are designed to be easily understood by seniors and provide them with a framework for self-assessment. These rubrics break down the elements of narrative writing and provide clear descriptions of each level of proficiency. By using student-friendly rubrics , seniors can independently evaluate their own writing and set goals for improvement.

Teacher-friendly rubrics , on the other hand, are comprehensive tools that allow teachers to assess seniors’ narrative writing effectively. These rubrics provide a detailed breakdown of the different elements of narrative writing and assign scores to each aspect, ensuring that all areas are objectively evaluated. Teacher-friendly rubrics save time by streamlining the assessment process and providing consistent evaluation standards.

For both seniors and teachers, using time-saving rubrics can be highly beneficial. Time-saving rubrics are designed to minimize the time required for assessment while still providing valuable feedback. These rubrics focus on key elements of narrative writing and provide concise and clear evaluation criteria. By using time-saving rubrics , teachers can efficiently assess seniors’ writing without sacrificing the quality of feedback.

Overall, narrative writing rubrics offer a structured and objective approach to assessing seniors’ writing skills. Whether it’s using student-friendly rubrics for self-assessment or teacher-friendly rubrics for evaluation, these tools provide seniors with the guidance and feedback they need to enhance their narrative writing abilities.

Creative writing is a wonderful outlet for seniors to express themselves, share their stories, and ignite their imagination. Whether through journaling, engaging in creative projects, or exploring narrative writing, seniors can find joy and fulfillment in their writing practice.

Journaling provides a powerful tool for seniors to exercise their minds, promote memory preservation, and find stress relief. By starting with journaling prompts, seniors can easily dive into their writing practice and explore their thoughts and experiences.

Engaging in creative projects such as photo collaging, finger painting, and decorating flower pots allows seniors to tap into their creative muscles and express themselves through art. These activities provide opportunities for reminiscing, celebrating the seasons, and personalizing their living spaces.

Narrative writing opens up a whole new world for seniors to share their personal stories and explore their creative writing skills. With narrative writing prompts and the use of elements such as characters, settings, and problems, seniors can craft compelling narratives that captivate their readers.

Overall, creative writing offers endless possibilities for seniors to engage in a fulfilling and enriching writing practice. It provides a platform for self-expression, connection, and the preservation of their stories. So, whether it’s journaling, creative projects, or narrative writing, seniors can embark on a journey of creativity and self-discovery through their writing practice.

What are the benefits of journaling for seniors?

Journaling promotes memory preservation, exercises the mind, creates routine, boosts creativity, and provides stress relief for seniors.

How can journaling prompts help seniors?

Journaling prompts can help seniors get started with their writing practice, providing them with ideas and inspiration for what to write about.

What are some creative projects for seniors?

Creative projects for seniors include photo collaging, finger painting, decorating flower pots, and joining a book club.

How can photo collaging benefit seniors?

Photo collaging allows seniors to reminisce about memorable people and places in their lives and can spark conversations with others.

Why is finger painting a good creative project for seniors?

Finger painting is a fun and easy way for seniors to exercise their creative muscles, as it doesn’t require fine motor skills and can be forgiving.

How can seniors decorate flower pots creatively?

Seniors can personalize their flower pots with paint, decals, or even nail polish, celebrating spring and bringing the outdoors inside.

Why should seniors join a book club?

Joining a book club allows seniors to immerse themselves in the world of fiction, engage their creative energy, and enjoy audiobooks while walking or exercising.

What is narrative writing for seniors?

Narrative writing is the art of telling a story with a beginning, middle, and end, including elements such as characters, settings, problems, and solutions.

How can narrative writing prompts inspire seniors?

Narrative writing prompts can inspire seniors to write fictional stories about volcanoes, wishes, zoo adventures, as well as personal narratives about proud moments, heart-racing experiences, and memorable vacations.

How can narrative writing be assessed for seniors?

Rubrics are a helpful tool for evaluating seniors’ narrative writing. There are different types of rubrics, including student-friendly, teacher-friendly, and time-saving rubrics, which can be used for assessing narrative writing .

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creative writing courses for seniors

Creative Action

Creative Action supports lifelong learning and creativity through arts-based classes for adults ages 65+, which growing research shows promotes social, physical, and cognitive health among older adults. Participants engage in creative writing, storytelling, visual art, creative movement, and community-building activities, culminating in a final sharing for friends and family at the end of each session.

Continuing Creativity members are encouraged to learn a new skill or explore an artistic field they’ve always wanted to try. Memories and lived experience are unlocked and honored through the creative process.

The safety of our class members is of utmost importance to us. During this unprecedented time, we are delivering art projects and experiences free of charge to interested individuals age 65 and better.

These projects are provided free of charge . To register, contact Christie Jean-Jacques at [email protected] or call 512-442-8773 x123.

Want to learn more about Legacy Leaders, our unique volunteering team for older adults? Click here .

creative writing courses for seniors

This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department and the Texas Commission on the Arts.

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Learn How to Write a Novel, Join Tom Bromley for a writing master class.

Learn How to Write a Novel

Join Tom Bromley for a writing master class and finish your first draft in 3 months.

31 Best Adult Creative Writing Classes in 2024

Showing 31 courses that match your search.

Writing a Resume For Success

Kansas City Public Library

Applying for college or a new job is a daunting task, but having a good resume can alleviate some of the stress. In this class, gather tips and guidelines on how best to showcase your skills.


Categories: Adult

Start date:

Open all year round

Prerequisites: No prerequisites

Story Writing: How to Build Background With Imagery and Setting

This class is all about writing sensory descriptions and creating a sense of place in writing fiction. Discover how descriptive language can help ground your reader and create thought-provoking imagery that adds to the tone and intrigue of your story.


April, 2024

(Re)writing as Therapy

One of the most potent powers of writing is its ability to remold the past. In this class, we’ll use writing to explore past events, discovering how imagination can reframe good or bad times. You’ll even have the opportunity to literally rewrite a past event if you’d like.


creative writing courses for seniors

How to Write a Novel

Your story matters. Unlock your potential with daily video lessons from bestselling ghostwriter Tom Bromley, and finish your first draft in just 3 months. Learn more →

Reedsy's course, led by Tom Bromley, is a 101-day program aimed at helping writers finish their first novel draft. It includes daily video masterclasses, a structured approach for drafting, and access to a forum and live webinars for interaction and feedback. The course covers various aspects of novel writing, including preparation, character development, plot skills, and writing techniques.


Andrea Beginners Creative Writing Course March 2024

In this practical class, you'll learn techniques to unlock your creativity even when inspiration seems scarce. By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with a toolkit full of writing hints and tips. Additionally, you'll join a supportive global community of Black Women & Women of Colour writers, fostering connections and support.


March, 2024

Adult Writers Circle

The Writers Circle

Led by Judith Lindbergh, this virtual 11-week workshop caters to adults 19 years and older. It focuses on various writing forms and genres, offering a supportive environment for developing writing skills. Key aspects like structure, character development, and style are emphasized, along with guidance on the publishing market.


Creating Complex Characters

Dive into character development in this class, where students learn to add real human depth to their characters. By creating detailed backstories and understanding life-altering scenes, students will move beyond standard roles to develop characters whose personal traits make their story roles not only feasible but essential.


The Creative Writing Project

Contemporary Arts Center

The Creative Writing Project is a series of workshops tailored for adult writers at all levels. It provides a platform to delve into creative writing, supported by a community of writers and educators. Each month-long series features guidance and instruction from a diverse group of local and published writers.


Bring Your Book to Life

This 10-week live webinar series is designed to help participants write, publish, and monetize their non-fiction books. It provides guidance on taking a book idea to the first draft in just 10 weeks, offers strategies for efficient writing, and helps in structuring and titling the book to resonate with the target audience. The program also includes a private book writing consultation session with Lisa Tener, personalized feedback on outlines, and advice on finding the right tone and structure for the book.


Prerequisites: Before the first weekly class, you should have a book concept, content and structure.

How To Write A Book Online

Writers Write

This course provides a personalized learning experience for aspiring authors, focusing on turning ideas into plots, creating memorable characters, and the art of show-not-tell in writing. It includes eight 45-minute Skype sessions with a writing coach, immediate access to 60 modules, a printable workbook and PDF course, and practical exercises with feedback. The course is designed to be engaging and interactive, ensuring students receive personalized guidance and support in their writing journey.


The Write Your Memoir Course

UK Writers College

Ideal for anyone with a life story to tell, this course guides you through crafting a compelling memoir. With the support of a published writer, you'll learn traditional editing techniques, find your voice, structure your story, and start your manuscript with a 10,000-word target. The course includes seven modules with personalized feedback, fitting around your schedule over a 12-month period​​.


The Classic Storytelling Course

The Novelry

This self-paced, year-long course consists of 55 lessons and includes a 45-minute coaching session. It focuses on developing storytelling skills, creating compelling characters, and constructing engaging storylines. With access to over 40 live classes and workshops a month, it's ideal for writers at all stages, including beginners, and is designed by a Booker Prize-listed author​​.


How to choose an adult creative writing class

Looking to build your writing skillset, learn more about your genre, or finally finish that book you’ve been working on? You’re in the right place. That’s why we built this directory of the best creative writing courses.

However, creative writing classes aren’t one size fit all. If you’re planning to join an adult creative writing class in particular, you’ll want to make sure that it matches what you’re seeking to learn about the genre.

So make sure to consider the following questions when you’re researching adult writing courses:

  • Who is the instructor? How many years of experience do they have in writing books?
  • Is there something in particular you’d like to learn in a writing class for adults? Does this course include it?
  • How long is the course, and where is it taught?
  • How much does the adult writing course cost? Does it fit into your budget?

More creative writing resources

Whether you’re a new or established author, there are always evergreen resources out there to how to get a headstart on writing books. 

Free online materials

  • Creative Writing Prompts (resource)
  • Book Title Generator (resource)
  • Character Name Generator (resource)
  • Plot Generator (resource)
  • Reedsy's blog guide to novel writing basics
  • How to Edit a Book (blog post)

Recommended books

  • For writers in the UK:  Writers' & Artists' Yearbook  
  • For writers in the US:  Writer’s Market 2020

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Creative Writing

Explore methodologies across all writing categories as you refine both your personal style and voice utilizing the most effective tools and techniques. Schedule flexibility combined with a variety of elective options allows you to tailor the curriculum based on personal interests and skill sets. Build your platform and grow your brand as you work to successfully achieve your writing goals.

Creative Writing Certificate

Essentials of creative writing, introduction to screenwriting, narrative writing workshop, poetry workshop, funny business: finding humor, even funnier business: finding humor 2, the business of creative writing, writing inspired by surrealist art, film, and poetry, writing your truth: memoir, advanced revision workshop, certificates.

A writer at work

Our customizable Creative Writing Certificate program provides individualized guidance from experienced instructors who have published works in multiple genres.

A writer at work

Through weekly lectures, readings, and opportunities to share your work in a supportive environment, you will begin to hone your craft, learning tips for how to create compelling characters, snappy dialogue, and satisfying story structures.

creative writing courses for seniors

Do you think you have a great idea? Join our class as we combine professional screenwriting formatting lessons and story structure in order to create entertaining and engaging screenplays.

creative writing courses for seniors

This writing-intensive course takes a hands-on approach to the craft of storytelling, exploring the tools, materials, and mechanics used to construct powerful narratives, whether fictional or factual.

creative writing courses for seniors

In this class, we will cover the “how-to” of haiku, in addition to reviewing the basic elements underlying poetry of any length or style—meter, metaphor, and musicality.

a comedy writer at work

You have a funny bone, but you seem to have misplaced it in your writing. How can you create a balance with all those pesky narrative components while adding humor? This course will set you on the path to highlight moments with humor.

woman at a desk with a laptop

Get ready to have even more fun than before (if that’s possible). Even Funnier Business will give you access to more techniques and styles to further develop what you consider to be humorous and myriad ways to access it.

creative writing courses for seniors

Learn how to identify your brand and build your platform, as well as to evaluate the commercial potential of your work and understand the paths toward monetizing your writing.

creative writing courses for seniors

Tap into the endless flexibility of your imagination by utilizing Surrealist techniques to generate and express your wildly creative ideas.

creative writing courses for seniors

This course will set you on the path to discovering your truth, highlighting your supporting cast of characters, and determining the urgency behind your own story.

creative writing courses for seniors

During this workshop, our instructor—an experienced editor and writer—will provide valuable constructive feedback for participants and their respective works. Participants must submit a sample of work.


Inspiring Readers & Writers

Senior memoir workshops.

Inprint offers free memoir writing workshops for senior citizens at diverse community centers across the city.

Based on the theory that good writing and storytelling are keys to a healthy mind, Inprint Senior Memoir Workshops enliven memories and involve seniors in a stimulating group activity. Workshop participants write about their lives, recording them for their children and grandchildren, themselves, and their communities. By writing, reading aloud, and revising their stories with a skilled teacher, the seniors experience a sense of accomplishment, enhanced mental alertness, and increased wellbeing. These workshops also provide the seniors with an all-too-rare opportunity for personal growth and new friendship. One long-time participant has since published her poetry in regional literary magazines, and has read her poetry at the Houston Poetry Fest and the Round Top Poetry Festival.

Workshops are led by accomplished local writers, including students, alumni, and faculty from the prestigious University of Houston Creative Writing Program. Courses run every fall and spring for 6 – 10 weeks, meeting 2 hours per week. At the end of the year, each workshop leader collects work from the seniors to publish in an anthology. The workshops end with a joyous celebration where participants give a reading for family, friends, and community members.

Inprint Senior Memoir Workshops are currently being offered at Harris County Precinct One’s Finnigan Park Community Center and the Evelyn Rubenstein Jewish Community Center. In the past, workshops have been held at Amazing Place, Talento Bilingüe de Houston, Lincoln Park Community Center, Denver Harbor, Hester House, Ripley House, and Magnolia Multi-Purpose Center.

Inprint is deeply grateful to The Samuels Foundation and Robin Angly and Miles Smith for providing underwriting support for this program.

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The Home of Creative Writing

Festival of writing.

Arvon is a charity that runs creative writing courses, events and retreats both in-person and online. Our courses are tutored by leading authors and include a powerful mix of workshops and individual tutorials, with time and space to write, free from distractions of everyday life. Grants and concessions are available to help with course fees.


Starting to Write , Theatre

Online Writing Day: Write a Short Play in a Day

From idea to script

creative writing courses for seniors

Masterclass: The Poetry of Care

How to write a poem when you've got 100 more important things to do (and how it can help)

creative writing courses for seniors

Fiction , Poetry , Short Story , Other

Online Writing Week: Starting to Write

Honing your working class voice

creative writing courses for seniors

Fiction , Starting to Write

How I Write: Isabel Waidner

Q&A and Reading

Masterclass: Poetic Metaphor

Nailing the mechanics of metaphor

creative writing courses for seniors

Hebden Bridge Town Hall

Arvon Writing Festival: Lemn Sissay

Let the light pour in

creative writing courses for seniors

Fiction , Poetry , Screenwriting , Other

Arvon Writing Festival: Henry Normal

Everything and more

creative writing courses for seniors

Fiction , Poetry , Non-Fiction

Festival of Writing Day

creative writing courses for seniors

“Every time I’ve taught at Arvon - going back over fifteen years now - I’ve seen how much difference just a handful of days can make in the life of writers. There’s a perfect mix of tutorials, writing time, socializing, and discussion - all those elements come together to create an atmosphere in which writing projects move in that longed-for but often unattainable direction: forward.”

— Kamila Shamsie

creative writing courses for seniors


Our online programme of courses, events and writing support

Virtual versions of our famous Writing Weeks, plus Masterclasses, free How I Write events, Online Writing Weekends, Writing Days and more . . . all accessible from the comfort of your sofa.

creative writing courses for seniors


Arvon North is an ambitious capital project to adapt Lumb Bank into a beacon of creativity for the North

Help us transform Lumb Bank into an engine-house for creative writing development in the North of England, connecting the rich literary collateral of the region with a community of writers locally, regionally, nationally and globally.

creative writing courses for seniors


Give your writing the time and space it deserves with Arvon’s dedicated Writers Retreat at The Clockhouse

The Clockhouse is specifically designed for writers on retreat. It has four apartments for writers, each with bedroom, study-lounge and bathroom. All food is provided for you, so you can spend your time as you please.

creative writing courses for seniors


Do you believe that everyone should have the opportunity to unlock their creative potential?

Arvon is a charity that believes everyone deserves the freedom to imagine, write and explore ideas regardless of their age or financial background.

creative writing courses for seniors


We offer residential weeks for schools, young people and adult groups.

Our weeks for schools and groups follow the same pattern as our adult course programme – led by two professional writers, with tutorials, group workshops, and time and space to write.


creative writing courses for seniors

My Arvon Week: Jessica Eve Watkins

15 Apr 2024 / My Arvon Week

A preview of Jessica Eve Watkin’s experience on a week-long writing retreat at Arvon’s writing house, The Hurst. “ ‘The…

creative writing courses for seniors

SI Leeds Literary Prize 2024

07 Mar 2024 / General

A writing prize that helps discover exciting new talent from underrepresented groups will be accepting entries again next month. The SI…

creative writing courses for seniors

Arvon and Creative Minds Calderdale to Develop Writing for Change Project

28 Feb 2024 / News

Arvon and Creative Minds Charity, hosted by South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, are embarking on an exciting project aimed…

creative writing courses for seniors

My Arvon Journey: Gráinne O’Hare

27 Feb 2024 / My Arvon Journey

When I logged on to my first online Arvon workshop, it was autumn 2022 and already chilly at my writing desk;…


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UCLA Extension

Creative Writing

Develop creative writing skills in multiple genres of interest including fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and more. This customizable program culminates in a capstone project in which students make significant progress on a polished collection of work. This certificate can be completed online or in the classroom.

This program is perfect for...

  • Those new to writing who want to explore various genres while cultivating their skills
  • Writers looking to hone their craft and develop a solid portfolio of work in a particular genre
  • Writers considering graduate-level writing study, including those who wish to polish pieces for submission to MFA programs
  • Individuals who want to become part of a vibrant and supportive community of artists who share their passion

What you can learn.

  • Identify your creative writing goals and develop a plan to achieve them
  • Deepen your practice within a chosen genre, or explore various forms of creative writing
  • Discover techniques of powerful storytelling, craft compelling characters, and write memorable scenes and stories
  • Receive guidance from successful writers and workshop in a group of supportive peers

Achieve results and reach your writing goals.

Stack of books published by Writers Program instructors

Whether you are new to writing, have a specific project you'd like to get off the ground, or are preparing to apply to an MFA program, the Certificate in Creative Writing is an immersive program for developing professional writing skills.

Our fully customizable certificate honors each individual student’s journey, allowing you to pursue the coursework that is most meaningful to your specific writing goals and level of expertise. 

The program offers the opportunity to specialize in genres like poetry, short stories, novel writing, essay writing, memoir writing, or to explore writing across genres, hybrid genres, and new forms without the limitation of a prescribed curriculum. 

The only required course, the Creative Writing Certificate Capstone , allows you to compile and further refine your writing from prior coursework into a final portfolio representing the finest examples of your craft. 

Taught by a prestigious roster of instructors who are published writers and active professionals, courses in this certificate program can be taken onsite, online, or a combination of both. 

Expect more from your education.

MFA, fiction writer, author of the story collection Once Removed (UGA Press) and winner of the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction. 

Colette Sartor


Writers Studio 

Join a community of aspiring writers and jumpstart your creativity. Choose from 9 workshops taught by professionals in the fields of feature film, television, fiction, and creative nonfiction writing.

August 1 - 4, 2024 THURSDAY-SUNDAY, 10am-6pm

My UCLA Extension coursework, teachers, and colleagues have shaped my writing life, fueled the creation of my novel, and provided continual inspiration.

Certificate Curriculum

The Certificate in Creative Writing is fully customizable. You may follow a Writers’ Program sample curriculum plan based on specific writing goals, or design your own program of study.

Students must complete 21 total units comprised of the 3-unit Creative Writing Certificate Capstone course and 18 units of 400-level Creative Writing coursework.

Sample Program Tracks:

Novel I WRITING X 411.1

Novel II WRITING X 411.2

Novel III WRITING X 411.3

Novel IV WRITING X 411.4

Novel V WRITING X 411.5

Dialogue and Point of View WRITING X 462.1

Creative Writing Certificate Capstone WRITING X 460

Personal Essay I WRITING  X 422.1

Personal Essay II WRITING X 422.2

Personal Essay III WRITING X 422.3

Storytelling for Social Justice WRITING X 424.21E

Writing the Thinkpiece WRITING X 424.15E

The Art of Creative Research WRITING X 461.23

Poetry I WRITING X 431.1

Poetry II WRITING X 431.2

Poetry Toolbox WRITING X 432.10E

Prose Poetry WRITING X 432.11E

Reframing the Form WRITING X 432.7E

The "F" Word: Innovative Poetic Forms WRITING X 432.8E

Cuento Poems WRITING X 432.32E

Click below to view the required and elective courses, if applicable, for this program.

Students must complete 18 units of elective coursework. Select from courses numbered WRITING X 400-499 in the following areas:

Students may select courses in the following area with advisor approval:

Editing and Publishing

How to Get Started

Courses in this program are open enrollment, and each course is paid for individually.

Sequential courses should be taken in numerical order, starting from the lowest course number and progressing to higher numbers.

You may take Creative Writing courses without committing to the entire program.* However, by establishing candidacy in the program, you will receive  many benefits exclusive to our certificate students such as priority placement on waitlists and access to the UCLA Career Center's job board. Creative Writing Certificate students can also receive a customized curriculum tailored to your writing goals.

Need assistance? If you have any questions or need advice on course selection, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] .

Benefits exclusive for Writers' Program certificate students:

  • Advising : Receive a 30-minute, one-on-one goal-setting consultation with a Writers’ Program advisor. During this consultation, the advisor will customize a certificate program curriculum tailored to your experience, interests, and writing goals.
  • Enrollment Advantages : Receive quarterly notice when Writers’ Program courses open for enrollment each quarter and receive preferential placement on wait lists.
  • Manuscript Consultation : Within six months of completing certificate program coursework, receive 50% off a one-on-one manuscript consultation with a Writers' Program instructor. Learn more .

Advanced standing at Antioch University*

Students who complete the Certificate in Creative Writing can receive Advanced Standing in Antioch University Los Angeles’s MFA in Creative Writing .

Advanced Standing allows a student to enter the MFA program with the equivalent of one semester completed. In addition, you may be eligible for Antioch’s fellowships and scholarships.

Additional benefits exclusive to all UCLA Extension certificate students:

  • Career Resources : Access UCLA Extension’s Career Resources including online career coaching, workshops, networking events, and other resources.  Learn More .
  • Handshake Access : Explore thousands of job and internship postings through UCLA Career Center’s online job board. Learn More .
  • UCLA Alumni Association Membership : Upon completing your certificate, join the nationwide Bruin family as a member of the UCLA Alumni Association. Learn More .
  • Graduation Celebration : Attend the annual UCLA Extension Graduation Ceremony on campus to celebrate your achievements. Learn More .
  • UCLA Recreation Facilities : Enjoy access to UCLA Recreation facilities as a student affiliate. Learn More .
  • Bruin ID Card : Obtain an affiliate/Guest UCLA Bruin ID Card for additional student-related benefits. Learn More .

How to Apply - Establish Certificate Candidacy

  • Click the Apply Now button below
  • Login or create a new student account
  • Once you are logged into the student portal, you can select “My Applications” from the left side menu at any time to return to your application. Click the yellow “Start” button to proceed.
  • On the Certificate Application page, follow the instructions and click save. Then submit your application. 
  • Proceed to checkout and pay the nonrefundable candidacy fee to finalize your application. 

Estimated Cost Breakdown

All courses in this program are paid for individually, unless otherwise noted. An application form is required to establish candidacy in this program. From the 'Apply Now' button, complete the online application and pay the application fee if applicable.

Application & Candidacy Fee

Estimated program tuition, estimated program textbook/materials.

*The Application & Candidacy Fee establishes your candidacy in the program for a period of time covering normal progress toward completion and may allow you to access a variety of program benefits.


Internships Available


Approved for International Visa

VA Benefit Eligible

VA Benefit Eligible

Financial Aid

Federal Financial Aid

The U.S. Department of Education requires colleges and universities to disclose certain information for any financial aid eligible program that, “prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation”. This information includes program costs; occupations that the program prepares students to enter; occupational profiles; on time completion rate; and for the most recent award year: the number of students who have completed the program, the number of students who complete the program within the estimated duration, the job placement rate, and the median Title IV and private loan debt incurred by those who complete the program. For gainful employment information for this program, visit our  Financial Aid page.


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Morningside Campus Access Updates

Creative writing.

The Creative Writing Department offers writing workshops in fiction writing, poetry, and nonfiction writing. Courses are also offered in film writing, structure and style, translation, and the short story.

For questions about specific courses, contact the department.

Registration Procedures and Course Approval

All creative writing classes have limited enrollments and require instructor or departmental approval prior to registration.

Students should visit the Writing Department's website for details and instructions.

Registration Procedures


Intermediate workshops are for students with some experience with creative writing, and whose prior work merits admission to the class (as judged by the professor). Intermediate workshops present a higher creative standard than beginning workshops, and increased expectations to produce finished work. By the end of the semester, each student will have produced at least seventy pages of original fiction. Students are additionally expected to write extensive critiques of the work of their peers. Please visit  for information about registration procedures.

Course Number

Times/location, section/call number, intermediate fiction workshop writ2100w002 3 pts, intermediate nonfiction wrkshp writ2200w001 3 pts.

The intermediate workshop in nonfiction is designed for students with some experience in writing literary nonfiction. Intermediate workshops present a higher creative standard than beginning workshops and an expectation that students will produce finished work. Outside readings supplement and inform the exercises and longer written projects. By the end of the semester, students will have produced thirty to forty pages of original work in at least two traditions of literary nonfiction. Please visit  for information about registration procedures.


Intermediate poetry workshops are for students with some prior instruction in the rudiments of poetry writing and prior poetry workshop experience. Intermediate poetry workshops pose greater challenges to students and maintain higher critical standards than beginning workshops. Students will be instructed in more complex aspects of the craft, including the poetic persona, the prose poem, the collage, open-field composition, and others. They will also be assigned more challenging verse forms such as the villanelle and also non-European verse forms such as the pantoum. They will read extensively, submit brief critical analyses, and put their instruction into regular practice by composing original work that will be critiqued by their peers. By the end of the semester each student will have assembled a substantial portfolio of finished work. Please visit  for information about registration procedures.

BODY & WORD WRIT3037W001 3 pts

Our writing often appears primarily as a product of cognitive faculties, and we easily overlook the profound influence our bodies exert on our thoughts and, consequently, our writing. Our perception of language itself is tied to how we perceive our physical selves. We can understand our bodies materially, as intricate structures of bone, muscle, and cells, or kinesthetically, through movement, force, and tone, intertwined with a spectrum of sensations like pain and pleasure, which intersect with our psychological and emotional landscapes. Through a series of movement exercises, readings, and writing assignments, this seminar delves into the profound impact a deeper understanding of our bodies and their movement can have on our writing, and conversely, how writing can influence our bodily experiences. Using various artistic mediums such as dance, film, literature, and fine arts, we aim to enhance our ability to articulate and write the body's presence and movement through space and time. Students from all concentrations are encouraged to join.


Building on the work of the Intermediate Workshop, Advanced Workshops are reserved for the most accomplished creative writing students. A significant body of writing must be produced and revised. Particular attention will be paid to the components of fiction: voice, perspective, characterization, and form. Students will be expected to finish several short stories, executing a total artistic vision on a piece of writing. The critical focus of the class will include an examination of endings and formal wholeness, sustaining narrative arcs, compelling a reader's interest for the duration of the text, and generating a sense of urgency and drama in the work. Please visit for information about registration procedures.


Senior fiction workshop writ3101q001 4 pts.

Seniors who are majors in creative writing are given priority for this course. Enrollment is limited, and is by permission of the professor. The senior workshop offers students the opportunity to work exclusively with classmates who are at the same high level of accomplishment in the major. Students in the senior workshops will produce and revise a new and substantial body of work. In-class critiques and conferences with the professor will be tailored to needs of each student. Please visit for information about registration procedures.


Apocalypses now writ3125w001 3 pts, the ecstasy of influence writ3132w001 3 pts.

What does it mean to be original? How do we differentiate plagiarism from pastiche, appropriation from homage? And how do we build on pre-existing traditions while simultaneously creating work that reflects our own unique experiences of the world?

In a 2007 essay for Harper ’ s magazine, Jonathan Lethem countered critic Harold Bloom’s theory of “the anxiety of influence” by proposing, instead, an “ecstasy of influence”; Lethem suggested that writers embrace rather than reject the unavoidable imprints of their literary forbearers. Beginning with Lethem’s essay—which, itself, is composed entirely of borrowed (or “sampled”) text—this class will consider the nature of literary influence, and its role in the development of voice.

Each week, students will read from pairings of older stories and novel excerpts with contemporary work that falls within the same artistic lineage. In doing so, we’ll track the movement of stylistic, structural, and thematic approaches to fiction across time, and think about the different ways that stories and novels can converse with one another. We will also consider the influence of other artistic mediums—music, visual art, film and television—on various texts. Students will then write their own original short pieces modeled after the readings. Just as musicians cover songs, we will “cover” texts,  adding our own interpretive imprints.


Seniors who are majors in creative writing are given priority for this course. Enrollment is limited, and is by permission of the professor. The senior workshop offers students the opportunity to work exclusively with classmates who are at the same high level of accomplishment in the major. Students in the senior workshops will produce and revise a new and substantial body of work. In-class critiques and conferences with the professor will be tailored to needs of each student. Please visit  for information about registration procedures.


Writing about art writ3215w001 3 pts.

Prerequisites: No prerequisites. Department approval NOT required. 

This course will introduce students to writing about visual art. We will take our models from art history and contemporary art discourse, and students will be prompted to write with and about current art exhibitions and events throughout the city. The modes of art writing we will encounter include: the practice of ekphrasis (poems which describe or derive their inspiration from a work of art); writers such as John Ashbery, Gary Indiana, Eileen Myles, and others who for periods of their life held positions as art critics while composing poetry and works of fiction; writers such as Etel Adnan, Susan Howe, and Renee Gladman who have produced literature and works of art in equal measure. We will also look at artists who have written essays and poetry throughout their careers such as Robert Smithson, Glenn Ligon, Gregg Bordowitz, Moyra Davey, and Hannah Black, and consider both the visual qualities of writing and the ways that visual artists have used writing in their work. Lastly, we will consider what it means to write through a “milieu” of visual artists, such as those associated with the New York School and Moscow Conceptualism. Throughout the course students will produce original works and complete a final writing project that enriches, complicates, and departs from their own interests and preoccupations.


Life stories writ3225w001 3 pts.

In this seminar, we will target nonfiction that tells stories about lives: profiles, memoirs, and biographies. We will examine how the practice of this kind of nonfiction, and ideas about it, have evolved over the past 150 years. Along the way, we will ask questions about these nonfiction forms: How do reporters, memoirists, biographers, and critics make sense of their subjects? How do they create work as rich as the best novels and short stories? Can criticism explicate the inner life of a human subject? What roles do voice, point-of-view, character, dialogue, and plot—the traditional elements of fiction—play? Along the way, we’ll engage in issues of identity and race, memory and self, real persons and invented characters and we’ll get glimpses of such key publications as The Atlantic Monthly, The New Yorker, Esquire, Harper’s, and The New York Review of Books. Some writers we will consider: Frederick Douglass, Louisa May Alcott, Walt Whitman, Henry Adams, Joseph Mitchell, Lillian Ross, James Agee, John Hersey, Edmund Wilson, Gore Vidal, Gay Talese, James Baldwin, Vladimir Nabokov, Janet Malcolm, Robert Caro, Joyce Carol Oates, Toni Morrison, Joan Didion, and Henry Louis Gates Jr. The course regularly welcomes guest speakers.


This poetry workshop is reserved for accomplished poetry writers and maintains the highest level of creative and critical expectations. Students will be encouraged to develop their strengths and to cultivate a distinctive poetic vision and voice but must also demonstrate a willingness to broaden their range and experiment with new forms and notions of the poem. A portfolio of poetry will be written and revised with the critical input of the instructor and the workshop. Please visit  for information about registration procedures.

Ecopoetics WRIT3321W001 3 pts

“There are things / We live among ‘and to see them / Is to know ourselves.’”

George Oppen, “Of Being Numerous”

In this class we will read poetry like writers that inhabit an imperiled planet, understanding our poems as being in direct conversation both with the environment as well as writers past and present with similar concerns and techniques. Given the imminent ecological crises we are facing, the poems we read will center themes of place, ecology, interspecies dependence, the role of humans in the destruction of the planet, and the “necropastoral” (to borrow a term from Joyelle McSweeney), among others. We will read works by poets and writers such as (but not limited to) John Ashbery, Harryette Mullen, Asiya Wadud, Wendy Xu, Ross Gay, Simone Kearney, Kim Hyesoon, Marcella Durand, Arthur Rimbaud, Geoffrey G. O’Brien, Muriel Rukeyser, George Oppen, Terrance Hayes, Juliana Spahr, and W.S. Merwin—reading several full collections as well as individual poems and essays by scholars in the field.

Through close readings, in-class exercises, discussions, and creative/critical writings, we will invest in and investigate facets of the dynamic lyric that is aware of its environs (sound, image, line), while also exploring traditional poetic forms like the Haibun, ode, prose poem, and elegy. Additionally, we will seek inspiration in outside mediums such as film, visual art, and music, as well as, of course, the natural world. As a class, we will explore the highly individual nature of writing processes and talk about building writing practices that are generative as well as sustainable.


The lyric has often been conceived of as timeless in its content and inwardly-directed in its mode of address, yet so many poems with lasting claim on our attention point unmistakably outward, addressing the particulars of their times.  This course will examine the ways in which an array of 21st poets have embraced, indicted, and anatomized their cultural and historical contexts, diagnosing society’s ailments, indulging in its obsessions, and sharing its concerns.  Engaging with such topics as race, class, war, death, trauma, feminism, pop culture and sexuality, how do poets adapt poetic form to provide meaningful and relevant insights without losing them to beauty, ambiguity, and music?  How is pop star Rihanna a vehicle for discussing feminism and isolation?  What does it mean to write about Black masculinity after Ferguson?  In a time when poetry’s cultural relevancy is continually debated in academia and in the media, how can today’s poets use their art to hold a mirror to modern living?  This class will explore how writers address present-day topics in light of their own subjectivity, how their works reflect larger cultural trends and currents, and how critics as well as poets themselves have reflected on poetry’s, and the poet’s, changing social role.  In studying how these writers complicate traditional notions of what poetry should and shouldn’t do, both in terms of content and of form, students will investigate their own writing practices, fortify their poetic voices, and create new works that engage directly and confidently with the world in which they are written.


The science fiction writer Ursula K. Le Guin, in her sly, radical manifesto of sorts “Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction,” proposes an idea of the “bottle as hero”: instead of conflict serving as our central organizing theory for narrative, she suggests that “the natural, proper, fitting shape of the novel might be that of a sack, a bag.” In other words: a container. These containers needn’t only apply to novels, I contend, but many types of literary narratives, whether they are classified as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or some hybrid of forms.

With this in mind, the generative cross-genre craft seminar Stories within Stories aims to uncover beautiful and practical approaches to gathering small narratives into a larger, cohesive whole. Readings will include Svetlana Alexievich’s devastating novels in voices, Percival Everett’s incendiary novel-within-a-novel Erasure , Ted Chiang’s mesmerizing historical fantasy, Robin Wall Kimmerer’s braided essays of restoration, Nâzım Hikmet’s epic in verse Human Landscapes from My Country , Renee Gladman’s cross-disciplinary approaches to writing and drawing, Yevgenia Belorusets’s dispatches from Ukraine, Edward Gauvin’s identity-memoir-in-contributors’ bios, Saidiya Hartman’s speculative histories, Gary Indiana’s gleefully acerbic roman à clef Do Everything in the Dark , Alejandro Zambra’s standardized test-inspired literature, W. G. Sebald’s saturnine essay-fiction, and Lisa Hsiao Chen’s meld of biography and autobiography, as well as fiction and nonfiction by Clarice Lispector, Vauhini Vara, Eileen Myles, Olga Tokarczuk, and Julie Hecht, among other texts. 

In addition, we will also read essays on craft and storytelling by Le Guin, Gladman, Zambra, Lydia Davis, Walter Benjamin, Garielle Lutz, Ben Mauk, and more. What we learn in this course we will apply to our own work, which will consist of regular creative writing responses drawn from the readings and a creative final project. Students will also learn to keep a daily journal of writing.


Fiction workshop writ5100r002 6 pts, fiction workshop writ5100r003 6 pts, fiction workshop writ5100r004 6 pts, fiction workshop writ5100r005 6 pts, fiction workshop writ5100r006 6 pts, fiction workshop writ5100r007 6 pts, fiction workshop writ5100r008 6 pts, fiction workshop writ5100r009 6 pts, fiction workshop writ5100r010 6 pts, nonfiction workshop writ5200r001 6 pts, nonfiction workshop writ5200r002 6 pts, nonfiction workshop writ5200r003 6 pts, nonfiction workshop writ5200r004 6 pts, poetry workshop writ5300r001 6 pts, poetry workshop writ5300r002 6 pts, poetry workshop writ5300r003 6 pts, poetry workshop writ5300r004 6 pts, poetry workshop writ5300r005 6 pts, special projects workshop writ5500r001 6 pts, cross-genre seminar writ6010q001 3 pts.



Cross-genre seminar writ6010q003 3 pts, cross-genre seminar writ6010q004 3 pts, cross-genre seminar writ6010q005 3 pts, cross-genre seminar writ6010q006 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r001 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r002 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r003 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r004 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r005 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r006 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r007 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r008 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r009 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r010 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r011 3 pts, fiction seminar writ6110r012 3 pts, nonfiction seminar writ6210r001 3 pts, nonfiction seminar writ6210r002 3 pts, nonfiction seminar writ6210r003 3 pts, nonfiction seminar writ6210r004 3 pts, nonfiction seminar writ6210r005 3 pts, nonfiction seminar writ6210r006 3 pts, nonfiction seminar writ6210r007 3 pts, poetry seminar writ6310r001 3 pts, poetry seminar writ6310r002 3 pts, poetry seminar writ6310r003 3 pts, poetry seminar writ6310r004 3 pts, poetry seminar writ6310r005 3 pts, translation workshop writ6400q001 3 pts, translation workshop writ6400q002 3 pts, translation workshop writ6400q003 3 pts, translation seminar writ6410r001 3 pts.



Fiction lecture writ6510r001 3 pts, nonfiction lecture writ6520r001 3 pts.





Nonfiction thesis workshop writ8200r002 9 pts, nonfiction thesis workshop writ8200r003 9 pts, nonfiction thesis workshop writ8200r004 9 pts, nonfiction thesis workshop writ8200r005 9 pts, research arts writing writ9000qra1 0 pts.

Research Arts for MFA Writing Program - Students Must Have Completed 60 Points to Register


Interenship for MFA Writing Research Arts Students

Creative Writing Program

creative writing courses for seniors

Linda A. Cicero | Stanford News Service

Cultivating the power of individual expression within a vibrant community of writers

It’s here that I fell deeper and deeper in love with writing, and I can say without a shadow of doubt that I met mentors, peers, and friends for life. The generosity with which the Creative Writing Program has shaped me will sustain—it’s truly been life-changing.

creative writing courses for seniors

Creative Writing Minor

Discover your writing prowess and push the imaginative bounds of prose, poetry, and screenwriting with our undergraduate minor.

creative writing courses for seniors

Stegner Fellowship

An opportunity for promising writers to develop their craft in the company of peers and under the guidance of Stanford faculty.

creative writing courses for seniors

Stanford University

Our Community

Meet the faces of Creative Writing--the faculty, lecturers, staff, and visiting writers who guide and support our students and fellows.

In the Spotlight

creative writing courses for seniors

Associate Professor of English, Kirstin Valdez Quade awarded John S. Guggenheim Fellowship

We are absolutely delighted to share the news that Kirstin Valdez Quade has been awarded a 2024 John S. Guggenheim fellowship.  

creative writing courses for seniors

2023-24 Creative Writing Undergraduate Prizes

The Creative Writing Program is accepting submissions for 2023-24 Creative Writing Undergraduate Prizes. 

creative writing courses for seniors

12th Annual Poetry Into Film Contest

The 12th Annual Poetry Into Film Contest is accepting submissions for the best short film inspired by a poem.

Recent News

creative writing courses for seniors

  • In the News

Description dances off the page at final Stegner Fellow reading

creative writing courses for seniors

Familiar words in novel contexts: Arthur Sze translates the human condition

creative writing courses for seniors

The beautiful and the terrible: Carmen Maria Machado reads queer horror and sci-fi

Upcoming events.

creative writing courses for seniors

Native American Stories – Greg Sarris: A Reading, Conversation & Book Signing

This April, Greg Sarris, tribal leader, university professor, playwright, producer, and award-winning author, published …

This April, Greg Sarris, tribal leader, university professor, playwright, producer, and award-winning author, published…

creative writing courses for seniors

Colloquium with Arthur Sze, the Mohr Visiting Poet

The Creative Writing Program is pleased to announce the next event with the Mohr Visiting Poet: A Colloquium with Arthur Sze…

creative writing courses for seniors

Winter Stranger

creative writing courses for seniors

The Fight Journal

creative writing courses for seniors

When I Waked, I Cried To Dream Again

creative writing courses for seniors

Things I Didn’t Do with This Body

creative writing courses for seniors

All the Yellow Suns

Time in Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia now

  • Tokyo 07:19AM
  • Beijing 06:19AM
  • Kyiv 01:19AM
  • Paris 12:19AM
  • London 11:19PM
  • New York 06:19PM
  • Los Angeles 03:19PM

Time zone info for Elektrostal

  • The time in Elektrostal is 8 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on standard time, and 7 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on daylight saving time.
  • Elektrostal does not change between summer time and winter time.
  • The IANA time zone identifier for Elektrostal is Europe/Moscow.

Time difference from Elektrostal

Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for elektrostal.

  • Sunrise: 04:02AM
  • Sunset: 08:43PM
  • Day length: 16h 41m
  • Solar noon: 12:23PM
  • The current local time in Elektrostal is 23 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

Elektrostal on the map

  • Location: Moscow Oblast, Russia
  • Latitude: 55.79. Longitude: 38.46
  • Population: 144,000
  • Best restaurants in Elektrostal
  • #1 Tolsty medved - Steakhouses food
  • #2 Ermitazh - European and japanese food
  • #3 Pechka - European and french food

Find best places to eat in Elektrostal

  • Best chinese restaurants in Elektrostal
  • Best pizza restaurants in Elektrostal

The 50 largest cities in Russia


  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Moscow Oblast


Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Elektrostal and the biggest cities of Russia.

Elektrostal Map

Locate simply the city of Elektrostal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal weather.

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

Russia Flag

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  • Distance /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#dist1
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  1. Senior Creative Writing Majors' Reading

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  2. Top 10 Creative Writing Courses in 2022 (Updated)

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  1. Senior Planet's Creative Writing Club

    Creative Writing Club is not just a time to write and play, but to assess greater phenomena in our world and explore ways to transform communities through storytelling, essentially being the change we'd always hope to see. The most exciting element of these programs is the humility and openness of our staff and our members.

  2. Best Creative Writing Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    In summary, here are 10 of our most popular creative writing courses. Creative Writing: Wesleyan University. Write Your First Novel: Michigan State University. Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop: California Institute of the Arts. Introduction to Psychology: Yale University.

  3. Creative Writing For Seniors: Unleash Your Imagination And Tell Your

    Creative writing for seniors offers an excellent opportunity for older adults to express themselves, stimulate their minds, and connect with like-minded individuals. Creative writing classes designed specifically for older adults cater to their unique needs and interests, providing a supportive environment for learning and growth.

  4. Spark Creativity: Writing Ideas for Senior Citizens

    Boosts creativity. Writing in a journal encourages seniors to tap into their creative sides, providing an outlet for self-expression and exploration of new ideas. Provides stress relief. Journaling offers seniors a safe space to express worries, anxieties, and emotions, promoting emotional well-being and stress relief.

  5. Continuing Creativity

    Creative Action supports lifelong learning and creativity through arts-based classes for adults ages 65+, which growing research shows promotes social, physical, and cognitive health among older adults. ... Participants engage in creative writing, storytelling, visual art, creative movement, and community-building activities, culminating in a ...

  6. Online Courses: Creative Writing

    Stanford Continuing Studies' online creative writing courses make it easy to take courses taught by instructors from Stanford's writing community. Thanks to the flexibility of the online format, these courses can be taken anywhere, anytime—a plus for students who lead busy lives or for whom regular travel to the Stanford campus is not possible.

  7. Get Social....and Start Writing

    The Writers Room, NYC's and the nation's first nonprofit, provides a shared writing space it calls a "silent sanctuary," and is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Writers Studio, founded by a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, offers online and in-person writing workshops designed to help students discover and nurture their own voices.

  8. Stanford Creative Writing Courses

    Choose from writing courses in creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, memoir, magazine writing, travel writing, the short story and more. Stanford Continuing Studies offers writing workshops and online and on-campus writing courses, so you can choose the format that best fits your schedule. Open to all adults.

  9. Creative Writing

    CREATIVE WRITING. What's your story? Whether you're just beginning to write or putting the finishing touches on your first novel, our on-campus and online writing courses offer expert instruction, individual attention, and supportive feedback at all levels, in all genres of creative writing. Please visit The Writer's Spotlight page to learn ...

  10. Best Online Creative Writing Courses and Programs

    Learn creative writing with online courses delivered through edX to advance your career today.

  11. 31 Adult Writing Classes in 2024

    Reedsy's course, led by Tom Bromley, is a 101-day program aimed at helping writers finish their first novel draft. It includes daily video masterclasses, a structured approach for drafting, and access to a forum and live webinars for interaction and feedback. The course covers various aspects of novel writing, including preparation, character ...

  12. Creative Writing

    Essentials of Creative Writing. Through weekly lectures, readings, and opportunities to share your work in a supportive environment, you will begin to hone your craft, learning tips for how to create compelling characters, snappy dialogue, and satisfying story structures. Essentials of Creative Writing Course Details.

  13. Senior Memoir Workshops

    Workshops are led by accomplished local writers, including students, alumni, and faculty from the prestigious University of Houston Creative Writing Program. Courses run every fall and spring for 6 - 10 weeks, meeting 2 hours per week. At the end of the year, each workshop leader collects work from the seniors to publish in an anthology.

  14. [2024] 180 Free Online Writing Courses to Improve Your Skills

    Free Creative Writing Courses. Start Writing Fiction The Open University via FutureLearn Get started with your own fiction writing, focusing on the central skill of creating characters, with this hands-on course. ... I am a retired senior citizen [85 years] who enjoys writing. I have a Bachelors's Degree and plan to enroll in a graduate ...

  15. Programs

    The nation's leading and largest center for creative writing for over 25 years, GrubStreet offers classes and events for writers from all stages and… Special Note: Virtual Open House & Info Session —Join us this Thursday, May 16th at 5:30pm for our Virtual Open House to talk about upcoming Summer 2024 classes, membership, and more!

  16. The Best Free Online Writing Courses for Creative Writers, Fiction, and

    Free Creative Writing Courses. Creative writing courses are amazing because they can be applied to just about anything you want to write, from memoirs to novels…even nonfiction! ... Neale is the Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at The Open University and splits his time between teaching, supervising PhD students, developing new courses ...

  17. Arvon

    2. Arvon is a charity that runs creative writing courses, events and retreats both in-person and online. Our courses are tutored by leading authors and include a powerful mix of workshops and individual tutorials, with time and space to write, free from distractions of everyday life. Grants and concessions are available to help with course fees.

  18. Creative Writing Certificate Program

    The Certificate in Creative Writing is fully customizable. You may follow a Writers' Program sample curriculum plan based on specific writing goals, or design your own program of study. Students must complete 21 total units comprised of the 3-unit Creative Writing Certificate Capstone course and 18 units of 400-level Creative Writing coursework.

  19. Creative Writing

    All creative writing classes have limited enrollments and require instructor or departmental approval prior to registration. ... Seniors who are majors in creative writing are given priority for this course. Enrollment is limited, and is by permission of the professor. The senior workshop offers students the opportunity to work exclusively with ...

  20. Creative Writing Program

    Thursday, May 16, 2024. 7:00pm - 9:00pm. McMurtry Building. 355 Roth Way, Stanford, CA 94305. Oshman Hall. This event is open to Stanford affiliates and the general public. Registration is encouraged but not required.….

  21. Time in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia now

    Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Elektrostal. Sunrise: 04:06AM. Sunset: 08:40PM. Day length: 16h 34m. Solar noon: 12:23PM. The current local time in Elektrostal is 23 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

  22. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal , lit: Electric and Сталь , lit: Steel) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ...

  23. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  24. The flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia which I bought there

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