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Mobile App Development for Businesses A Complete Guide

The mobile application development market is growing at a massive rate. In this ever-evolving digital landscape,

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12 Successful Hybrid App Examples: Key Lessons to Inspire

September 4, 2023, samantha jones.

top 13 hybrid app examples

Overview: A hybrid application combines elements of both native and web applications. Hybrid app is an app that can be downloaded and installed on multiple platforms like Android and iOS. It allows Mobile App Developers to write one code that can be used everywhere. The most popular “hybrid app examples” are Instagram, Twitter, Gmail, Uber, App Store, iBooks, Evernote, etc.

Mobile Apps have been essential for businesses to reach out to their customers and create a visible brand identity. The mobile industry has rapidly expanded its range of powerful software and tools for app development. In 2012, Facebook revolutionized mobile app development services by introducing the concept of hybrid apps.

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an app developer, you have surely heard about hybrid apps. When developing a mobile app, the first decision to make is whether to create a web app, native app, or hybrid app. Each type has its own pros and cons, but hybrid apps are superior due to their advantages in areas such as cost, UI/UX, and user experience. Looking to increase code reuse and compatibility across platforms? Consider reaching out to a mobile app development company like TechnBrains.

In this blog, discover what hybrid apps are and check out the top hybrid app examples dominating the current market. These examples will help you figure out features your business’ mobile app must have and facilitate better communication with an app development company. So, without further ado, let us get into it.

What is a Hybrid Application or “Hybrid Apps”?

A hybrid application is a software app that combines elements of both native and web applications . Hybrid apps have a native app shell that connects to whatever capabilities the mobile platform provides through a browser that is embedded in the app. The browser and its plug-ins run on the back end and are invisible to the end user.

Hybrid apps allow developers to write code for a mobile app once and still accommodate multiple platforms, but they may perform slightly slower than native or web versions of the same app. To create a native app appearance, developers utilize WebView and Apache Cordova. These platforms hide the browser bar, filter website data, and create app features. Hybrid apps still connect with phone functionalities such as cameras and contacts, but plug-ins are required. You can distribute them on marketplaces like Apple App Store and Google Play Store, pending approval. We will also discuss the best Hybrid App examples for your inspiration.

Features of Hybrid Apps

The features of hybrid applications include

  • Functioning offline
  • Integration with the device’s file system and web-based services
  • Embedded browser for dynamic online content.

Hybrid vs. native vs. web

Developers create native apps for specific platforms to utilize device hardware. These apps are written in the same language as the platform’s OS, such as Objective-C and Swift for iOS. On the other hand, web apps, which are written in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, do not require downloading and are accessed through a web browser. They cannot take advantage of a device’s hardware.

12 Hybrid App Examples to Inspire You for 2023

We recommend checking out the best hybrid app examples below before contacting an on-demand app development company . These hybrid apps prove that multi-platform frameworks can perform just as well as native apps:

1.      Twitter

twitter logo

Twitter is a well-known social networking site with approximately 237.8 million active users. Its hybrid app handles high traffic and offers remarkable features, such as live streaming, posting tweets, and offline mode. It performs speedily and smoothly, disproving the common drawback of slow performance associated with hybrid apps.

Recently, the Bird Has Fled, New Twitter Logo Is Officially an ‘X’ still makes it the best hybrid app example. Here is what makes it one of the prime hybrid app examples:

  • Twitter’s hybrid design ensures a consistent user experience across devices.
  • It offers real-time updates and offline access for users.
  • Cross-platform compatibility reaches a wide audience efficiently.
  • Cost-effective development and easier maintenance with a single codebase.
  • Adaptive design and frequent updates enhance user satisfaction.

2.      Uber

uber logo

Uber Technologies Inc . is also one of the hybrid app examples that operates through digital means and connects with customers through its hybrid app. Its extensive network and advanced technology enable the provision of various services, including food, grocery, mobility business, and other delivery services. The company’s application aims to bridge the gap between customers and service providers. Be it Uber Eats or Uber itself, an app like Uber is sure to be a hit in the world of hybrid apps.

It is worth mentioning that Uber’s application was one of the fastest-loading apps, even compared to native apps. This impressive feat is a testament to the company’s commitment to providing a seamless user experience. Here is how Uber makes it on the list of hybrid app examples:

  • Uber is available worldwide, offering its ride-sharing services on both iOS and Android devices, ensuring accessibility to a global user base.
  • The hybrid app provides real-time tracking of drivers and their estimated arrival times, which is essential for ride-sharing services.
  • Developing a single hybrid app instead of separate native apps for iOS and Android can be more cost-effective, helping Uber allocate resources efficiently.
  • Uber can roll out updates and improvements swiftly due to its hybrid approach, ensuring the app remains up-to-date and user-friendly.

Ready to create an app like Uber to revolutionize ride-sharing apps? Get in touch with us now.

3.      Gmail

gmail logo

Powered by Google, Gmail has become the go to app for many people out there. Gmail is the essential hybrid app example that have made us surprised by being the third on the list. Seeming simple yet customizable, it is a perfect example how Native and Web features synchronize so well together. It is a whimsical app for daily professional and personal life routines.

Gmail has given the market for cross-platform applications a fresh viewpoint. This is a request for a reliable email service. It has millions of downloads right now from app stores. The HTML5 app development is partly responsible for Gmail’s success. With a variety of useful, straightforward features and functionalities, it has improved the user experience. Gmail is as one of the best hybrid app examples for these reasons:

  • Gmail is accessible across various platforms, including web browsers, iOS, and Android, ensuring users can access their email seamlessly from different devices.
  • It provides a consistent and familiar user interface, regardless of the platform, making it easy for users to navigate and manage their emails.
  • It incorporates progressive web app (PWA) features, allowing users to access and respond to emails even when offline, which is crucial for productivity.
  • It can push updates and security enhancements simultaneously across platforms, ensuring users have access to the latest features and protection against threats.

4.      Instagram

instagram hybrid app

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in 2023. With its hybrid approach, Instagram can analyze various types of media and support data in offline mode. It is one of the best instances of a hybrid app on the market, with more than 2 billion users . Instagram, operated by Meta, enables users to post photos and share them with their contacts. The platform has fundamentally altered both the social media landscape and the way we live. However, why is Instagram listed as one of the hybrid app examples? Here is why:

  • It is available on iOS Android, and as a web app, ensuring a wide and inclusive user base.
  • The app offers a uniform user interface across platforms, making it easy for users to navigate and interact with content.
  • Instagram’s hybrid design allows for limited offline access, enabling users to browse content and leave comments even without an internet connection.
  • Developing a single hybrid app reduces development costs and time compared to separate native apps for iOS and Android, making it a cost-effective choice.

You can create the next app like Instagram and skyrocket your sales. Why wait when TechnBrains is here to build a legacy for you?

5.      Netflix

netflix logo

When you find Netflix on the list, you must be thinking, “Netflix is a Hybrid App?” The answer is yes. The hybrid app examples that we have are listed from every industry, so you can be inspired by everything. Netflix is a cutting-edge, over-the-top subscription streaming service and one of the best examples of a modern application. Despite the fact that Netflix does not offer hybrid app design and development, its advantages warrant notice. In addition, Netflix offers a Progressive Web App (PWA), which makes it comparable to the method used to create the previous hybrid app instances. For the following reasons, Netflix is one of the top hybrid app examples:

  • Netflix’s hybrid design makes it available on a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and web browsers, ensuring users can enjoy content on their preferred platform.
  • Subscribers can enjoy offline viewing due to Netflix’s hybrid capabilities.
  • Multi-platform accessibility ensures users can watch content on their preferred devices.

6.      Airbnb

airbnb logo

One of the most notable hybrid app examples, Airbnb , gives users access to a virtual marketplace for lodging options like hotels and vacation rentals. Users have the option to reserve either short- or long-term stays. Users can currently book vacation experiences at their selected locations through the program. However, from Airbnb, one of the best examples of a hybrid app, what can be the reason? Let’s look at a couple of points below:

  • Airbnb’s hybrid design allows it to serve a worldwide audience, accommodating travelers and hosts on both iOS and Android devices.
  • The app offers a uniform and intuitive interface, ensuring a seamless experience for users, whether they are booking accommodations or hosting guests.
  • Users can access booking information and communicate with hosts even without an internet connection, enhancing convenience and reliability during travel.
  • Airbnb benefits from cost-effective development by maintaining a single hybrid app, reducing development and maintenance expenses compared to separate native apps for each platform.

Ready to create your own app like Airbnb? Let us start building your dream vacation rental app today.

7.      WhatsApp

whatsapp is a hybrid app

WhatsApp stands out as one of the most versatile and widely used messaging apps, primarily due to its hybrid app design. This app seamlessly bridges the gap between iOS and Android, offering a unified messaging experience across platforms. Beyond accessibility, WhatsApp’s hybrid approach grants users the flexibility of offline messaging and ensures cost-efficient development, making it a prime choice for both developers and users alike. So why did WhatsApp make it to the list of hybrid app examples? Let us highlight its key features and advantages:

  • WhatsApp is available on both iOS and Android platforms, allowing for a broad user base globally.
  • The app provides a consistent and user-friendly interface across platforms, ensuring a seamless messaging experience for users.
  • WhatsApp’s hybrid design enables users to send and receive messages when offline, with messages queuing up for delivery as soon as an internet connection is restored, enhancing communication reliability.

8.      Evernote

evernote logo

The Evernote software assistant is still thought to be a Native app by users. Of course, there are no doubts because of its flawless performance and excellent use on every device. However, Evernote is also one of the hybrid app examples. The success of Evernote today is a result of the extensive effort its developers put into building its features, security, and user interfaces. With camera capture and scanning, automated data synchronization, self-design, discussion, and note sharing, it can provide users with the most help possible.

  • Synchronizes user notes across several different devices.
  • Enables individuals to assist people they know by sharing notes.
  • Provides a scanning function with camera access.

9.      Spotify

spotify is also a hybrid app

Over 517.69 million people are Spotify users as of 2023, of which 229 million are premium subscribers. As a result, it is without a doubt one of the best hybrid app examples, as well as one of the top music streaming services. In the following ways, the app serves as a hybrid app examples model:

  • Native technologies were used in the development of Spotify’s user interface to ensure a smooth user experience on both Android and iOS.
  • Spotify provides optimized performance and is simple to integrate with other device functions because of this.
  • For the seamless view and integration of web-based functionalities, the app combines WebView components with native app features.
  • Users can continually browse and engage with the various features because of this.

10.  JustWatch

justwatch logo

A hybrid app for TV streaming services is known as JustWatch. It can stream media from a variety of well-known websites, including Netflix, Dish Network, Amazon Prime, and others. It is a fully functional hybrid app example that locates internet videos from a variety of sources and streams them to you is well understood.

Right now, JustWatch sees millions of monthly active users. It is a fantastic illustration of a hybrid app with fast performance.

  • JustWatch maintains a consistent and user-friendly interface across different platforms, ensuring that users have a familiar experience whether they are using a web browser or a mobile app.
  • It is accessible through web browsers on desktops and laptops as well as through native mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices.

11.  Apple App Store

apple app store hybrid app

A hybrid app created on HTML5 is the Apple App Store . It is also one of the hybrid app examples that had people reconsider the potential of hybrid apps. Users may quickly and easily find the mobile apps they need with the search tool by following a few easy steps. Additionally, it is one of the Hybrid App examples that is the very user-friendly layout and many exceptional features. It instantly displays to users the newest and trendiest mobile apps.

12.  Crypotchange

cryptochange hybrid app example

Crypotchange is a powerful cryptocurrency app, and Blockchain Development Company loves it. It was developed with the intention of tracking price changes in cryptocurrencies. In the top 100 crypto apps, it was ranked in the top 100 crypto apps, so you can say that it needs to be in the list of best hybrid apps examples. This accomplishment was made possible in large part by being the currency app that is the best Hybrid App example.

TechnBrains can build the Successful Hit Hybrid App for you

At TechnBrains , we’re dedicated to delivering excellence in the world of hybrid app development. We understand that your business needs an application that seamlessly combines the best of both native and web-based technologies. That’s why we pride ourselves on being the go-to experts in crafting the perfect hybrid app solutions tailored just for you.

Hybrid apps are the perfect blend of native and web apps, offering the best of both worlds. They provide a consistent user experience across multiple platforms while keeping development costs in check. Whether you’re a startup looking to make a mark or an established enterprise seeking to expand your digital footprint, choose from these Hybrid App examples to be the game-changer you need.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level with a cutting-edge hybrid app? Let TechnBrains be your trusted partner in this exciting journey. Contact us today to discuss your project, and together, we’ll build an app that sets you apart in the digital landscape. Your success is our priority, and we can’t wait to be a part of it.

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13 Best Hybrid App Examples

Written by Katie Iannace , Oct 17, 2023

13 Best Hybrid App Examples

A hybrid app is a way to build an app in one language framework that functions across all platforms. Smartphones have overtaken larger devices as the primary way people access digital information. So, solutions now exist to make mobile development easier. Relatively new on the scene, hybrid mobile apps have a unique code structure. This allows for a distinctive cross-platform experience for the user. 

What Is a Hybrid App? 

A hybrid app is an app created to run on all platforms. It combines elements of both native apps and web apps to produce this blended third option, written in a single codebase. Instead of rewriting apps in different operating system languages, developers create one app for all the app stores. One set of code in a single codebase will work on both Android and Apple OS mobile phones. Hybrid apps use coding languages as well as integrations and plugins to achieve this functionality.

If there is ever a change made to the app, instead of updating the code once for the Android app and a second time in the Apple app, developers can just do it once. Then, they can push that change to the apps on both operating systems. This saves development time, maintenance time, and money while providing a more effective platform for the user.

Learn more: Launching your App on iOS or Android – Which is Best?

To provide some context, let’s consider how hybrid apps are different from native apps. 

Hybrid App vs. Native App

Native App Explained  

Consider a commonly used navigation app: Waze. This is what is known as a “ native app .” If two users pull up Waze side-by-side on an Android and iOS phone, the app will look nearly identical. The way users enter a destination, track accident reports, and see upcoming directions is nearly the same. 

However, these two apps were developed with different coding languages. One was specific to Android (Kotlin/Java) and another for iOS (Swift/Objective-C). Developers had to create two versions of the same app, each one specific to either the Android or iOS platforms, making Waze a native app. When Waze accesses GPS to give a user directions, it’s doing so directly with the phone’s hardware and no layers between them. 

Hybrid App Explained

A hybrid app is the opposite—developers use one coding language to create two apps that run on different platforms. Uber is an example of a hybrid app built with one codebase. So, no matter which OS users have on their phones, they will download the same Uber app from their respective app stores. The functionality and the design across platforms will be the same. Let’s say you were to open the app on phones with different operating systems and hold them side by side. There would be no UX or UI differences, unlike with native apps. 

Because the hybrid app relies on a cross-platform codebase instead of a phone’s native design, there is more functionality freedom. For example, instead of relying on a phone’s native GPS, the Uber app integrates with services such as Google or Mapbox to provide directions.

Hybrid App vs. Progressive Web App

Progressive Web App Explained

A progressive web app is a third option, which deserves its own mention and delineation from native apps and hybrid apps. Progressive web apps (PWAs) are websites that function like apps. Often, companies take a website and wrap some extra code around it so that the website can be downloaded in app form and installed on a device’s home screen. 

The Starbucks app is a great example of a PWA. Ordering a peppermint mocha on their website looks very similar to placing an order on the app. The app offers a recognizable UX experience with a similar UI design. This way, if users who usually order from the Starbucks app order from the website, they add an extra shot to their latte intuitively. PWAs can be downloaded outside of app stores, as well as from them. A progressive web app offers the same UX experience on multiple devices, like desktop and mobile, at the same time in different formats. So, it can also be saved as an app on both platforms. Unlike a hybrid app, which is only hosted on the app store, a PWA can be ‘saved.’ Then, users can add it to a home screen or desktop like an app.

what is a hybrid app and examples

Why Build a Hybrid App? 

A hybrid mobile app could be the best solution for your development needs—particularly if speed and cost are important. A major benefit to using one cross-platform framework is that it can be released to the market quicker than building two native apps. That means less expense in development hours.

Additionally, hybrid apps have garnered a lot of support from the tech giants who drive the industry. For example, Google created Flutter to serve as its main cross-platform language. Facebook, now Meta, invented React Native. Shortly afterward, many other apps began using these languages as well. As these major players start to put more emphasis on using only these languages to create a hybrid app, native app languages will become less used. A few key players drive the tech industry, and when they make a decision on a coding language, everyone else will follow. Focusing on hybrid app coding languages is the current trend. 

Pros of Hybrid Apps

  • Less Development Time : As mentioned above, developing just one app instead of two reduces development time by half. If you have a market-ready idea and you’re itching to get it out on the app store , cross-platform frameworks are the quickest way to bring a product to life. This way, the app will be ready for both the Google Play and Apple App Stores. A hybrid approach allows the app to be in the hands of all users faster than if each app was coded and deployed individually.
  • Lower Cost : Less development time means fewer billable hours. As long as hybrid apps take fewer hours to create (and they currently do), they will remain cheaper than building native apps. 
  • Wider Audience : Sometimes, for budget reasons, apps are rolled out to one platform for a long time before they’re rolled out to a second. Naturally, this will limit the reach of an app. Users cannot download the app if they’re waiting for it to be hosted on their phones’ operating systems. By contrast, when a hybrid app is okay to launch, it can go live on Android and iOS app stores ready for any interested user.
  • Easier Bug Fixes and Maintenance : Hybrid apps let you send out one patch and bug fix to repair issues across all devices. This process is easier than solving the problem for, say,  iOS first and then a second time for Android.
  • Scalability : Hybrid apps can scale more quickly as it’s easier to add new features. Waze, a native app, created a feature that allowed drivers to view the app on their dashboard. This feature was integrated with Android Auto in August 2018. The parallel feature on Apple CarPlay wasn’t available to iOS users until more than one month later. Naturally, the delay and difference caused some friction with users. With hybrid apps, feature delays like this are avoided.

Cons of Hybrid Apps

  • Operating Slower : Native apps are seen as “closer to the metal” as they can access a phone’s native features, like GPS and audio. Unlike hybrid apps, native apps are built within Google or Apple’s own coding languages. This can yield overall better performance and speed. Hybrid app coding languages have come a long way. At this point, the notion that they’re slower overall is largely an outdated myth. However, operating speed can be slower for some niche apps in certain instances. 
  • Longer Testing Process : Before it goes live, a hybrid app has to get the green light on multiple platforms, not just one. This means a longer testing process to remove errors and bugs on all relevant platforms. It also means that a single app has to adhere to both Apple and Android app store rules, which can be restrictive. 
  • Playing Catch up to Platform Updates : If Google or Apple updates their software, the companies roll out “Software Development Kits” (SDKs). These instructions let developers know how to update apps written in those languages. Because hybrid apps are written in a third-party language, developers might need more time to figure out how to adjust to software changes and update a hybrid app to be compatible.
  • Less Complex Functionality : If you have a complex app that requires high performance or one that relies heavily on 3D graphics, a native app might be more suitable. Hybrid apps don’t compete as well in this category as native apps.

13 Best Examples of a Hybrid App 

Many companies either started as or transitioned into hybrid apps. Most users don’t realize that the apps they use the most are probably hybrid. Below are 13 examples of hybrid apps:

hybrid mobile app

1. Instagram 

Instagram started as one of the first major online products built as a native app, only for mobile use. That changed as its popularity grew and it became part of the Facebook ecosystem. Instagram needed to be accessible offline and be able to scale quickly. Facebook, now Meta, rewrote Instagram in React Native, the hybrid app codebase it invented. 

2. Discord 

The popular chat network for gamers has been a hybrid app from the beginning. The developers behind the brand prioritized the fast implementation of UI components and the speediness of over-the-air patches for quick fixes. Both are possible with a single codebase. 

3. BMW App 

It was easier for BMW’s mobile team to develop the iOS version of their vehicle companion app. Eventually, the Android version’s features were far behind iOS. So, BMW needed to play catch-up to make their products similar. They switched to Flutter , Google’s cross-platform framework. By focusing all their efforts on one hybrid app, the development team was able to implement the same features to all users quickly.

4. X (formerly Twitter) 

Social media platform Twitter, now known as X, was a trendsetter for hybrid apps. Many businesses followed Twitter’s lead and switched to a hybrid app. The platform handles more than 200 million active users each day. At one time, the app was plagued by performance issues, but when the company switched to a hybrid app, many of those issues disappeared.  The hybrid app has allowed developers to push through bug fixes more efficiently. 

5. NerdWallet 

When the brains behind the website NerdWallet decided to shake off their “website-first” persona, they wanted a market-ready app, and they wanted it quickly. After hitting roadblocks with native codebases, the developers opted for a cross-platform framework. The hybrid app approach reduces friction and time spent in development.

6. Travelstart

If you’ve ever traveled within Africa, there is a strong chance you’ve used Travelstart. It’s the top travel site in multiple countries. With such a large user base, the company migrated from multiple codebases into a hybrid app, reducing its codebase by 90%. This made the app faster and more efficient. Additionally, the cross-platform language meant the app and website all stemmed from the same code. This provided a fluid and seamless customer experience.

7. Microsoft Teams

Microsoft software is ubiquitous, with many personal and business users. With remote work ever popular, Teams is used on everything from phones to the web and across platforms, be it Windows, Apple, or Android. To support all these clients, Microsoft chose to build its hybrid app in React Native. So, users can log onto a work meeting on any device and have the same functionality. 

8. Tesla App

Tesla owners enjoy many fun bells and whistles in their cars. They can turn on the heat or A/C remotely and even flash the lights of their cars silently to find them in a parking lot. All this happens through the Tesla hybrid app. Through the app, users can connect and send commands to their cars right from their phones. The single codebase allows the Tesla developers to push patches over the air to the app quickly, as well. 

9. eBay Motors

Car enthusiasts have often looked to eBay to buy specialty used cars. So, in 2018, the company needed to produce an app for car buyers. The company wanted the app to look like the main eBay app, have a full feature set, and release it in under one year. By using Flutter, developers were able to build the eBay Motors app within their time constrictions and still push it out to all users. 

The financing platform Klarna allows users to make a purchase on any website and split the total cost into monthly payments. Klarna is popular on third-party shopping websites and apps that use Klarna. So, the businesses needed to make sure any partner would be able to use their services. By building a cross-platform app, the company could easily create SDKs that websites and apps, in turn, could pop into their own code. The hybrid app approach allowed Klarna’s customers to use the benefits of their product.

11. Baskin Robbins

Users across many platforms and devices will be happy to know they can get their favorite ice cream from the same Baskin Robbins app. With a single codebase, developers can push updates, as well as promotions and deals, to the app quickly.

12. Evernote 

Core to Evernote’s value is providing a single place for documents, notes, and media. To deliver that seamless experience across devices, the company chose a hybrid app approach. With great design and excellent usability, users don’t miss any features, even though the app was not tailored to one single platform. 

13. Uber 

Because it’s built as a hybrid app, Uber has the freedom to pull in services like Google Maps, instead of relying on a device’s native GPS. Though load-time was once a concern for hybrid apps, Uber has no performance issues with loading. That’s critical for its function. Uber users rely on its speedy service to find and book a ride to their destination as soon as possible. 

When to Build a Hybrid App

There is no “one right answer” for how to build an app. It’s almost always a good idea to consider a hybrid app, though. Especially if you’re building an MVP , a hybrid app is a great way to get faster feedback for your app and speed through the bug patches. If you value flexibility, a strict budget, and timeliness, then using this type of codebase provides a lot of opportunities. While a hybrid app isn’t the right answer for everyone, it’s definitely worth a look!

Curious to learn if a hybrid app is right for your idea? Let’s talk about it!

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11 Best Hybrid App Examples in 2024

example of hybrid application

These hybrid app examples show you can build high-quality mobile apps without the cost and complexity of native development.

Hybrid apps offer a lot of advantages over native apps. Most notably, they’re quicker (and therefore cheaper) to build and maintain. That’s why some of the biggest companies in the world chose to go the hybrid route.

Perhaps you’re still skeptical that hybrid apps can provide the same level of user experience. If so, read on. We'll show you a few examples of hybrid apps from several huge brands that show you that hybrid can actually be the best way to go.

What Are Hybrid Apps?

A hybrid app is a mobile application that uses a combination of web technologies and mobile app frameworks.

This allows hybrid apps to function the same on the web and on mobile devices, without needing a unique build for each.

Hybrid app development is often used to convert web apps to mobile apps. The hybrid app reuses a lot of the code from the web app, while being able to function on iOS and Android devices, like a native mobile app would.

The result is a much quicker time to market, and less complexity maintaining each platform, as there is shared code across each.

11 High-Quality Hybrid App Examples

Hybrid apps are, in a sense, a shortcut to launching mobile apps.

Shortcuts might work for small businesses, but it’s not going to fly for big brands, right?

Not necessarily. The following hybrid app examples show there can be very little difference in the end product between native and hybrid apps.

Here are some examples of the best hybrid apps out there today:

example of hybrid application

One of the most popular and ubiquitous apps in the world, Gmail, is widely believed to be an example of hybrid development.

The tech stack behind Gmail is extensive (as you'd expect from a Google product), and proprietary (as you'd also expect from Google). But it is routinely accepted that the app uses webviews and HTML in places to provide a consistent cross-platform experience.

example of hybrid application

The Uber mobile app is another of our popular hybrid app examples. It uses webviews to show content from inside a dedicated browser in the app. This allows the platform to remain consistent across its apps on all different platforms - an important thing when you may have a driver on Android and a customer on iOS.

Twitter Lite

example of hybrid application

Twitter's downsized Twitter Lite app is an example of a cross-platform web/mobile hybrid app.

It's basically a Progressive Web App - which is what you'll see when you access . But it's also available for download in the Google Play Store as an actual mobile app, using a very basic webview setup to allow users to install the app directly on their device.

Burger King

example of hybrid application

Burger King uses the Ionic Framework, a widely-used hybrid app development platform.

This case study looks at how they used the Ionic-based tool Capacitor to use their existing UI library across multiple platforms.

Southwest Airlines

example of hybrid application

Southwest Airlines used Ionic to build their SWA U app, built for onboarding and assisting new hires. The app utilizes one codebase, which covers both Android and iOS platforms.

example of hybrid application

Sworkit, a fitness app with over 2.5 million active users, is built with a combination of web frameworks HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It uses the Ionic and Cordova hybrid app development frameworks to allow it to function as a cross-platform hybrid app.

There are nine apps in total under the Sworkit banner, all using Ionic. Founder Ryan Hanna states that the hybrid app approach cut development time in half and saved more than $200,000 for the business.

example of hybrid application

Untappd, a community beer-rating app, is a hybrid app. It initially used PhoneGap and Cordova to build a multi-platform app, and has since progressed into using Ionic to build a user interface with native elements to support their existing web code.

example of hybrid application

The My BMW App is another of our top hybrid app examples. It utilizes Flutter, yet another multi-platform development framework.

BMW moved to hybrid development for their app in 2018, when they realized there had become too many discrepancies between their iOS and Android apps. The solution was to use Flutter , and build hybrid apps that work on multiple operating systems.

example of hybrid application

eBay built their dedicated app for buying and selling cars, eBay Motors, as a hybrid app. The app, like BMW’s, uses Flutter , sharing 98.3% of code across its Android and iOS apps.

Only & Sons

example of hybrid application

The Only & Sons shopping app uses MobiLoud , a hybrid app development tool that makes it simple to convert a website to mobile apps with a native experience.

Only & Sons is just one brand under the Bestseller umbrella, which features more than 20 brands in total. They've also gone the hybrid route with the ONLY - Women's Fashion app, and are in the process of converting several other native apps to hybrid apps with MobiLoud .

John Varvatos

example of hybrid application

The John Varvatos shopping app is another of our hybrid app examples using MobiLoud . The brand used this solution to launch their mobile shopping apps for Android and iOS, after first building a large following through their website and physical retail stores.

In this case study , their director of IT discusses how hybrid development allowed them to launch their own ecommerce app, despite having no mobile app developers on their team, or the budget to pay for a native app project.

Advantages of Hybrid Apps vs Native Apps

Why do all these companies prefer a hybrid approach to native app development?

Here are a few advantages of a hybrid app over a native app:

  • It saves time . Instead of coding multiple apps in different frameworks, you only need to build once. Cutting development time in half (or more than half, if you can reuse your web code).
  • It’s more cost-effective . Less development time also means a much lower cost, with less time spent paying costly developers.
  • There’s one code base to maintain . There’s much less complexity going forward, as much of your code can be reused across each platform. That makes updates, maintenance and bugfixes significantly easier.
  • You’re able to maintain cross-platform consistency . It’s easier to keep your UI, UX and messaging consistent across each platform, and you don’t need to worry about your Android app working differently to your iOS app.

There are some disadvantages to hybrid apps as well. In the past, they tended to perform worse than native apps. It can also be tricky to make hybrid apps look great in different environments. For example, what looks great on web may look off on an Android device.

But with the hybrid app tools available today, it’s much easier to make great-looking hybrid apps that are indistinguishable from native apps. The hybrid app examples from this post can attest to that.

You can read a deeper dive into hybrid, native and web apps, including the key differences and advantages of each, in this post .

How Hybrid Apps Work

There are a number of ways to create a hybrid application.

First, there are several hybrid app development frameworks. We've mentioned a few already in the examples above.

These frameworks require a dev team to build and maintain. They're more efficient than coding in different frameworks for each app, but if you only have web developers on your team, they'll require additional expertise.

Most hybrid app platforms use “ webviews ” in some form. Briefly touched on earlier, a webview is like a dedicated browser window within an app, that shows a live version of the mobile-optimized website.

You add mobile UI elements around the webview, which make it look and feel like a native app, despite the majority of the app coming from the existing web code.

quora native web

Hybrid App Platforms and Tools

Here are some of the most popular frameworks and tools used for building hybrid apps.

Ionic is used by brands including Burger King and Southwest Airlines from our hybrid app examples above. Others using Ionic include Disney, T-Mobile and the BBC.

It’s an open-source framework with a large and active community. It supports multiple web frameworks, letting developers translate their web code to a native mobile UI.

Apache Cordova is, like Ionic, a cross-platform, open source framework, built to allow you to reuse web code and build hybrid mobile apps. Cordova used to power a tool called PhoneGap (which has since been discontinued), a simplified and user-friendly way to translate a web app to mobile apps.

Untappd was originally built with this solution (though it’s since transitioned mostly to Ionic).

Flutter is a hybrid app framework developed by Google. It gives you the ability to build high-quality, sophisticated cross-platform apps and hybrid app examples like those featured above.

We mentioned eBay and BMW who use Flutter. Other examples include Toyota, The New York Times, CapitalOne, and apps from Google themselves.

Meteor is a slightly lower-profile hybrid app framework, compared to the likes of Flutter and Ionic. There aren't as many well-known hybrid app examples to be found from Meteor, but it does allow you build cross-platform apps that share code across desktop web, mobile web, iOS and Android.

React Native

React Native is a cross-platform framework developed by Facebook/Meta. Meta uses this in all of their apps, and a number of other huge brands - such as Microsoft, Shopify, Tencent, Walmart and the NFL - also use React Native.

example of hybrid application

It essentially allows you to reuse the majority of your code across iOS and Android apps, instead of coding two separate apps. However, despite what a lot of people claim, it's not technically a hybrid app framework. That's because it doesn't combine web technologies with mobile app development. You don't build hybrid apps in React Native, rather you build cross-platform native apps .

The number of apps, as well as the profile of these apps, makes React Native one of the popular cross-platform development frameworks today. However, if we're being strict about what is and isn't considered a "hybrid" app, then apps built with React Native don't meet the criteria.

The tools above are all hybrid development frameworks. They save time over native development. But they do require a developer or a team of app developers to utilize.

Our tool, MobiLoud , is a bit different. It’s a no-code app builder that uses webviews to create Android and iOS versions of your existing website or web app.

MobiLoud adds to the webview (a live version of your website) native UI elements to create a clean, high-quality app with a native mobile feel. It’s quicker and more cost-effective than building with a hybrid app framework like Ionic or Flutter, yet gives you 90% of the functionality.

example of hybrid application

The other element that makes MobiLoud different to the likes of Ionic and Flutter is that MobiLoud is a service, not just a framework or DIY app builder. Our team builds your hybrid apps based on your configuration and needs, and we take care of maintenance and updates too.

That makes it a great fit for anyone wanting to build a hybrid app, but doesn’t necessarily have the resources (or want to spend them) on a development team.

Build Your Hybrid Application with MobiLoud Now

It takes just 2 weeks to launch an app with MobiLoud, for low four-figures up front. As sophisticated as hybrid app frameworks have become, you’re not going to get anywhere near this in terms of time and cost with another solution, whether you’re paying in-house or freelance developers.

Getting started with MobiLoud is simple.

  • First, book a free consultation to discuss your project.
  • Sign up for a MobiLoud plan . Plans require no long-term commitments, a 60 day money-back guarantee, and start from $298/mo plus a one-time setup fee.
  • Our team will do all the heavy lifting to bring your hybrid app to life, including all coding, tweaking your UI for the apps and testing to ensure the apps are fast and bug-free.
  • We ship the final build, we submit your app to the Apple and Google Play app stores, taking care of 100% of the submission process (which is notoriously complicated for first-time app publishers).
  • Once your app is live, we'll handle all updates, tweaks, bugfixes and maintenance for your mobile apps as long as your MobiLoud subscription is active, helping you keep delivering a modern and professional UX to your users.

Anyone with a mobile-optimized website can launch hybrid apps with MobiLoud. It requires zero code on your part (although there is space to make customizations to the code if you should want or need to).

You’ll retain 100% of the functionality of your website, while building mobile apps that look, feel and perform almost exactly like native apps.

We also stay with you to keep your apps up to date and maintained. The cost of the MobiLoud subscription is less than what you’d spend to keep a developer on staff doing the same.

Get in touch now to start building your mobile app with MobiLoud .

example of hybrid application

Convert your website into a mobile app

Bestseller's logo.

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What are Hybrid Applications - Complete Guide

Mobile applications play a crucial role in our lives, especially today, when everything is accessible on mobile devices. They help us stay connected, productive, and entertained on the go. One term that you might have come across is “hybrid mobile apps.” But what exactly are these apps, and how do they work? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about hybrid applications in simple terms.

What are Hybrid Mobile Apps?

Hybrid mobile apps are a clever fusion of two different types of app development: native and web . Think of them as a blend of the best features from both worlds. These apps are designed to work on multiple platforms, such as Android and iOS, using a single codebase. This means developers write the code once and can deploy it across different devices without needing to create separate versions for each platform.

Understanding Hybrid Applications

These apps are designed to work across different platforms, such as iOS and Android, by employing a single codebase. Instead of crafting separate versions for each platform, developers create one codebase using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and then use frameworks like Apache Cordova or Ionic to package this codebase as a native app for various platforms.

Hybrid Mobile App Examples

To help you understand hybrid apps better, let’s look at some examples:

Yes, even Instagram is a hybrid app! It uses a combination of native and web technologies to deliver the familiar and smooth user experience you love.

The Uber app is another great example. It seamlessly combines native elements with web views to provide real-time ride-hailing services.

Twitter’s app is a hybrid too. It combines the speed of native navigation with the flexibility of web content for tweets and timelines.

What are Hybrid Android Apps?

Hybrid Android apps are a specific type of hybrid mobile app that is built to run on devices that use the Android operating system. These apps combine the flexibility of web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with the power of native Android features. This combination allows developers to create apps that look and feel like native Android apps while also being able to adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

Technologies in Hybrid App Development?

Hybrid mobile app development is the process of creating these versatile apps. Developers use technologies like HTML , CSS , and JavaScript to build the user interface and functionality. Then, a special layer called a “WebView” bridges the gap between the web and the native components of the app. This WebView displays the web content within the app, allowing for a consistent experience across platforms.

Hybrid apps can access certain device features, such as the camera or GPS, using plugins that connect the web code to the device’s native capabilities. This means you can create feature-rich apps without sacrificing compatibility.

In a nutshell, hybrid app development combines the convenience of web development with the performance and accessibility of native apps.


Hybrid mobile apps are all about offering the best of both worlds – the versatility of the web and the power of native features. Techxpert provide smart solutions for businesses and developers who want to reach a wide audience without spending excessive time and resources on separate app versions.

So, the next time you use an app that seems to run smoothly on both Android and iOS devices, you’ll know that you’re most likely experiencing the magic of a hybrid app in action!

example of hybrid application

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Popular Hybrid App Examples Knows in 2024

example of hybrid application

With the use of web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, hybrid mobile apps offer a flexible approach to creating cross-platform applications that retain native device functionality. Hybrid applications are considered the best option for companies of any kind, size, or nature. Each of these applications offers advantages, whether it’s through raising brand recognition, product sales, generating income, or other associated things. 

What is Hybrid Mobile App Development?

Just like any other app, hybrid mobile apps are installed on a device. They are made for a specific platform, like iOS or Android, and contain parts of web apps combined with native app components. These hybrid applications function similarly to browser-based web pages and operate like apps. A hybrid app utilizes a single code base for all OS, unlike native app development, which requires developers to use a platform-specific programming syntax to construct apps for various OS. Many factors, including cross-platform functionality and quick development, drive up hybrid app demand. 

Why Build a Hybrid App?

A hybrid mobile app can be the best option for your development needs—especially if cost and speed are crucial considerations. The ability to bring a cross-platform framework faster to market than two native apps is a significant advantage. 

Advantages of Hybrid Mobile App:

Ease of development: .

Since developers only need to write code for a single app, creating hybrid apps is simpler than creating native ones. Every operating system does not require them to master a different programming language. The key web technologies used in the development of hybrid mobile applications include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Simple Scaling:

In the process of developing mobile applications, scalability is essential. More flexibility, dependability, security, and the capacity to add new features and capabilities are all provided by scalable apps. Because developers of hybrid mobile apps don’t have to make significant adjustments to scale the app across platforms, scaling is made easy. 

Compatibility Across Platforms:

Cross-platform interoperability is one of the main advantages of creating a hybrid application. Coders only need to write code once, and it will execute on various platforms. Hybrid apps aren’t platform-specific like native apps are. For companies who don’t want to invest time or resources in developing different apps for every platform, this makes them perfect.

Less expensive: 

A shorter development period results in lower hourly rates. Hybrid apps will continue to be less expensive than native apps as long as they need fewer hours to construct, as they already do. 

User encounter:

You can apply the same design principles to different operating platforms with hybrid mobile app development. It guarantees that consumers will have the same experience on all platforms, enhancing the brand’s perception.

Basic maintenance:

Because developers of hybrid apps don’t have to manage several code bases and platforms, maintaining the application code is made easier. They can update the apps instantly across all platforms using a single back-end.

A Comparison of Native App vs Hybrid App

A native app is any software that can be downloaded and set up on a mobile device. Native apps typically require a variety of tasks to operate, and they run autonomously on your device. Even when products or services are offered online as web applications, proper mobile apps differ from the website. 

Native apps are designed to run on a particular platform (e.g., Android, iOS from Apple). The programming languages developers use to write code must be consistent with the platform’s software. The developers can more easily guarantee improved speed and security with these apps since they have access to all native device functions. However, one of the biggest disadvantages of native apps is that they are expensive to develop and maintain.

However, with hybrid app development, you can write the code only once and have it run on several different platforms, including Windows, iOS, and Android. You have more options by selecting from various programming languages and frameworks. One example of a hybrid app created with a single codebase is Uber. Therefore, customers will download the identical Uber app from their various app stores regardless of the operating system on their phones. The design and functionality will be identical on all platforms. 

Best Hybrid App Examples for 2024

We recommend looking through the top hybrid app examples below before contacting an on-demand app development business.

Uber Technologies Inc. is, without a doubt, the best example of a hybrid app. It operates online and connects with consumers through an application. The company’s extensive network and technologies provide food, shopping, mobility, and other delivery services. Uber’s app is among the best illustrations of a hybrid app because:

  • User Interface: Uber creates a unified customer experience across platforms by utilizing HTML for the app’s structure, CSS for layout design, and JavaScript for interactivity.
  • Native Container: Uber’s code is contained within a native container because most of its code is web-based. This ensures that Uber’s code is suitable for mobile platforms and runs on them. 

Do you want to build an Uber-like app? To get started, contact a competent development company right now!

Airbnb, a leading example of a hybrid app, provides users with an online marketplace for hotels, homestays, and other properties. Customers have the option to reserve either a short- or long-term stay. Users of the app can currently reserve vacation experiences at the destinations of their choice. But given that Airbnb is one of the best instances of a hybrid app, what can we learn from it? 

Let’s examine a few tips below:

  • User Interface: To improve interaction and enable users to utilize the program on devices with varying screen dimensions and resolutions, Airbnb also uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Platform-Specific Connections: Web technologies are unsuitable for developing the camera and location access needed by Airbnb’s mobile application. For greater functionality, this is the reason why developers employ JavaScript interfaces to access platform-specific APIs.
  • App Distribution: Airbnb may be found on the Google Play and Apple App Store, much like other native and hybrid apps. The application is simple to install and operate on the user’s selected device.

Netflix is a cutting-edge, over-the-top subscription streaming service and one of the best instances of an application on the market. Even though it does not offer hybrid app design and development, Netflix has advantages over other app development services. But you should also keep in mind that Netflix provides a Progressive Web App (PWA) comparable to the other instances of hybrid apps’ development methodology.

Over 517.69 million people use Spotify as of 2023, of which 229 million are premium users. As such, it’s safe to say it’s among the best hybrid app examples and music streaming services. In the following ways, the app demonstrates hybrid app development:

  • Integrated User Interface: Spotify’s user interface is designed to work seamlessly on iOS and Android devices thanks to native technology integration. For this reason, Spotify provides optimum performance and seamless integration with other gadget features precisely.
  • WebView Integration: To enable the smooth view and integration of web-based functions, the app combines WebView components with native app features. Users can, therefore, regularly peruse and engage with the many functionalities.

5. Instagram

Instagram is one of the greatest examples of a hybrid app in the market, with over 2 billion users. which Meta owns, lets users upload photos and share them with their social media networks. The platform has fundamentally transformed social media and altered how we live our lives. 

Common characteristics include:

  • User Interface: Web technologies are used for some of Instagram’s features and interfaces, even though the app was developed using native Android and iOS technology.
  • Web View: This feature provides a smooth user experience by rendering web-based code within a native application.
  • Additional Hybrid Features: Instagram implements a few other hybrid features to carry out specific operations and interfaces. Users access the app’s content recommendation and user algorithms through its web-based elements, which are executed on the server side.

Despite being a free service provided by Google, Gmail is among the best hybrid apps on the market. Among its attributes are:

  • Enables emails to be more effectively arranged into the relevant categories.
  • Protects hostile senders and spam mail.
  • Obtainable by users on many devices.

Twitter is another well-known social networking site and one of the best instances of a hybrid app. Common characteristics of the application include:

  • Enables people to upload content and spread it to their audience.
  • For improved usability, users can make use of third-party programs.
  • Combines polls, comments, and various other features with photo-sharing functions.
  • Email categories and filters that work automatically. 
  • Smart Email Draft and Smart Email Reply. 
  • Email alerts with high importance and prodding. 
  • Navigate to and manage your Gmail travels. 
  • Calendar events are created using event details. 
  • Composing and analyzing search recommendations 

8. Evernote

Evernote, one of the most well-known productivity apps, is also an excellent instance of a hybrid app. Its best features are the application’s robust performance and elegant design, which contribute to a flawless user experience. Among Evernote’s features are:

  • Synchronizes user notes between numerous devices.
  • Enables users to assist people they know and share notes.
  • Provides a scanning function that requires camera permissions.

9. Whatsapp

WhatsApp is one of the best instances of a hybrid app and one of the best cross-platform messaging apps. In addition to offering excellent VoIP services, WhatsApp facilitates accessible communication among users.

10. Microsoft Teams

Microsoft software is widely used by both individuals and businesses. Teams are used on all platforms—Windows, Apple, Android—as well as on phones and the web, where remote work is becoming more and more common. Microsoft decided to use React Native to handle all of these clients when creating their hybrid application. As a result, participants can access a work meeting using any device and enjoy the same features. 

Why is Instagram a Hybrid App?

Since Instagram incorporates features from both online and native apps, it is regarded as a hybrid app. While Instagram uses web technologies through a WebView for some functionality, the platform mostly uses native code for its essential functions. Instagram wants users to have a uniform experience on many platforms, including iOS and Android. Instagram integrates web material into the program, including user profiles and external connections. 

Is Netflix a Hybrid App?

For its mobile apps, Netflix largely employs a native app strategy. To provide the best possible speed and user experience, Netflix creates distinct native apps for each platform—iOS and Android, for example—based on the requirements and capabilities of each.

It is noteworthy that technological decisions and app architectures are subject to change over time, and Netflix, like other tech companies, may opt for distinct approaches in response to the evolving terrain of mobile app development.

Summing Up 

The cost and time involved in creating mobile applications for every platform are high. Benefits like cost-effectiveness, quicker time to market, and cross-platform compatibility are driving the popularity of hybrid apps. Making the appropriate decision when developing your mobile application is essential, though. Making the right choice is aided by considering variables such as target audience, time, and development costs.

As a one-stop shop offering services for developing mobile apps, iSyncEvolution has you covered. Our company offers top-notch services for developing mobile apps for Android, iOS, Hybrid, and Flutter platforms. We create powerful hybrid mobile apps utilizing the newest cross-platform tools and technology, making us one of the top cross-platform hybrid mobile app development services . Cross-platform mobile technology is now on pace with native applications thanks to new tools and enhanced app performance.

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What is Hybrid App Development? The Ultimate Guide

What Is Hybrid App Development? the Ultimate Guide


In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of hybrid app development, exploring its definition, advantages, and key considerations.

Whether you're a business owner, an aspiring developer, or simply curious about the technology behind hybrid apps, this guide will provide you with a solid foundation to understand hybrid app development and what is hybrid app development .

From understanding the basics of hybrid apps to exploring the underlying technologies, we will cover it all.

You'll discover the unique features and benefits of hybrid apps, their compatibility with different platforms, and the tools and frameworks commonly used in their development.

Additionally, we will discuss key considerations such as performance, user experience, and the cost-effectiveness of hybrid app development.

Whether you're considering building a hybrid app for your business or evaluating the best approach for your next development project, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to make informed decisions.

Join us on this journey as we unravel the world of hybrid app development and empower you to unlock new possibilities in the ever-evolving mobile app landscape.

What is Hybrid App Development?

Hybrid app development is a modern approach to building mobile applications that combines elements of both native and web development.

In simple terms, a hybrid app is essentially a web app wrapped in a native shell, allowing it to be deployed and run on multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android.

Unlike native apps that are developed specifically for a particular platform using languages like Swift or Java, hybrid apps leverage web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

This enables developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, saving time and effort.

The core concept behind hybrid app development is the use of a web view, a native component that displays web content within a native app container.

This allows the app to render web pages, access device features, and interact with the underlying system through a bridge that connects the web view to native APIs.

One of the key advantages of hybrid app development is its cross-platform compatibility.

By using frameworks like React Native, Ionic, or Flutter, developers can create apps that look and feel like native apps while sharing a significant portion of code across platforms.

This approach streamlines the development process and reduces costs, making it an attractive option for businesses and developers.

Hybrid apps also offer the advantage of easy updates and maintenance.

Since the core codebase is shared across platforms, any updates or bug fixes can be applied universally, ensuring a consistent user experience across devices.

What is Hybrid App Development? The Ultimate Guide

Hybrid App vs Native vs Web: What are the difference?

In the world of mobile app development, there are three main approaches: hybrid app development , native app development , and web app development .

Each approach has its own advantages and considerations, making it essential to understand the differences before embarking on a mobile app project.

The choice between hybrid, native, or web development depends on various factors such as project requirements, target audience, performance needs, development time, and budget.

Hybrid apps offer the advantage of cross-platform compatibility and code reuse, while native apps provide superior performance and access to native device features.

Web apps, on the other hand, offer broad compatibility but may lack some advanced functionality.

What is a Hybrid App?

A hybrid app is a type of mobile application that combines elements of both native and web applications.

It is built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and wrapped in a native container.

This container allows the app to be installed and run on different platforms, such as iOS and Android, using a single codebase.

The key advantage of hybrid apps is their ability to leverage web technologies while still providing access to native device features.

This means that developers can write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, saving time and effort.

Hybrid apps also offer a consistent user experience across different devices and operating systems.

Hybrid app development frameworks are Apache Cordova (formerly known as PhoneGap) or React Native.

They bridge the gap between web and native technologies.

These frameworks provide a set of APIs that allow developers to access device features like the camera, GPS, and push notifications.

While hybrid apps offer many benefits, they may not always match the performance and responsiveness of fully native apps.

Native apps are specifically built for a particular platform, utilizing its native APIs and taking advantage of the platform-specific optimizations.

However, with advancements in hybrid app development frameworks and device capabilities, the performance gap between hybrid and native apps has significantly narrowed.

Example of Hybrid Apps

Here are some examples of popular hybrid apps:

  • Instagram : Instagram, a widely used social media platform, started as a native app but eventually transitioned to a hybrid app using the React Native framework. This allowed them to maintain a consistent user experience across iOS and Android platforms while sharing a significant portion of the codebase.
  • Airbnb : Airbnb, a popular accommodation booking platform, also adopted hybrid app development using React Native. By leveraging this approach, they were able to streamline their development process, deliver a consistent experience to their users, and efficiently maintain their app across multiple platforms.
  • Untappd : Untappd, a beer-tracking and social networking app, is built using the Ionic framework, which is a popular choice for hybrid app development. This allows them to have a single codebase for both iOS and Android platforms, reducing development time and effort.
  • Pacifica : Pacifica is a mental health app that offers tools for stress and anxiety management, meditation, and self-improvement. It is built using React Native, enabling the app to be available on both iOS and Android devices with a shared codebase.
  • Trello : Trello, a project management app, uses the hybrid approach by employing technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript wrapped in a native container. This allows Trello to provide a consistent experience to users across different platforms.

These examples demonstrate the versatility and success of hybrid app development in various industries. They showcase how hybrid apps can achieve cross-platform functionality while delivering a native-like experience to users.

What is Hybrid App Development? The Ultimate Guide

What is a Native App?

A native app is a type of mobile application specifically designed and developed for a particular operating system (OS) platform, such as iOS or Android.

Unlike hybrid or web apps, native apps are built using platform-specific programming languages and development tools.

Native apps offer several advantages. First, they provide the best performance and user experience since they are optimized for the specific OS and take advantage of its features and capabilities.

Native apps can seamlessly integrate with the device's hardware, utilize advanced functionalities, and offer smooth animations and transitions.

Another benefit of native apps is their ability to access native APIs and SDKs, allowing developers to leverage platform-specific features such as camera, GPS, push notifications, and in-app purchases.

This level of integration provides enhanced functionality and flexibility for app developers.

Moreover, native apps can be distributed through app stores, making it convenient for users to discover, install, and update them.

They can also take advantage of app store features like ratings, reviews, and app monetization options.

However, developing native apps requires expertise in different programming languages, such as Swift or Objective-C for iOS and Java or Kotlin for Android.

It also involves separate development processes for each platform, which can increase development time and cost.

What is a Web Application?

A web application, also known as a web app, is a software application that runs on web browsers.

Unlike native apps that are installed on a specific device, web apps are accessed through the internet using a web browser.

They are built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and are designed to be platform-independent, meaning they can run on various operating systems.

Web apps offer several advantages. First and foremost, they are easily accessible as users can access them from any device with a web browser and internet connection.

This accessibility makes web apps highly convenient and eliminates the need for users to download and install anything on their devices.

Another advantage of web apps is their cross-platform compatibility. Since they are built using web technologies, they can run on different operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile platforms like iOS and Android.

This makes web apps versatile and allows for a broader user reach.

Additionally, web apps are easier to maintain and update compared to native apps.

Developers can make changes to the application code on the server-side, and users can immediately access the updated version without the need for manual updates or app store approvals.

However, web apps may have limitations compared to native apps in terms of performance and access to device-specific features.

They rely on browser capabilities and are subject to browser compatibility issues.

Moreover, they may require a constant internet connection to function properly.

Key Features: Native, Web, & Hybrid Apps

When it comes to app development, there are different approaches to consider: native, web, and hybrid apps.

Each approach has its own unique features and benefits, making it essential to understand the key features of each type before deciding on the best option for your specific project.

What is Hybrid App Development? The Ultimate Guide

const t="undefined"!=typeof HTMLImageElement&&"loading"in HTMLImageElement.prototype;if(t){const t=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-main-image]");for(let e of t){e.dataset.src&&(e.setAttribute("src",e.dataset.src),e.removeAttribute("data-src")),e.dataset.srcset&&(e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset"));const t=e.parentNode.querySelectorAll("source[data-srcset]");for(let e of t)e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset");e.complete&&(,e.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("[data-placeholder-image]").style.opacity=0)}}

Advantages of hybrid application development.

As a result of developing hybrid apps we found next advantages:

  • Cross-platform compatibility : One of the significant advantages of hybrid app development is the ability to build applications that can run on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and web browsers. This cross-platform compatibility allows businesses to reach a broader audience without the need to develop separate native apps for each platform.
  • Cost-effective development : Hybrid app development offers cost advantages compared to building separate native apps. Since hybrid apps use a single codebase that can be reused across platforms, it reduces the development effort and time required. This results in cost savings for businesses, as they can develop and maintain a single app instead of multiple separate apps.
  • Faster development cycle : Hybrid app development frameworks, such as React Native and Flutter, provide tools and libraries that streamline the development process. These frameworks allow developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, significantly reducing the development time and effort.
  • Access to device features : Hybrid apps can leverage the device features and capabilities through plugins and APIs. They can access features like the camera, geolocation, contacts, and more, providing a rich and interactive user experience similar to native apps.
  • Seamless updates and maintenance : Hybrid apps can be easily updated and maintained since the codebase is shared across platforms. Developers can push updates to the app without requiring users to download and install new versions. This ensures a seamless user experience and allows businesses to roll out bug fixes and feature enhancements quickly.
  • Offline functionality : Hybrid apps can incorporate offline functionality by caching data and content locally. This allows users to access certain features and content even when they are not connected to the internet. Offline capabilities are particularly useful in scenarios where users may have limited or intermittent internet connectivity.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Application Development

As a result of our tests, we have determined that, hybrid app development has next disadvantages:

  • Limited performance : Hybrid apps often face performance limitations compared to native apps. Since hybrid apps run inside a web view, they may not deliver the same level of performance and responsiveness as fully native apps. Performance issues can be noticeable when dealing with complex animations, heavy graphics, or intensive computations.
  • Restricted access to device capabilities : Although hybrid apps can access certain device features through plugins and APIs, they may not have the same level of access as native apps. Some advanced or platform-specific features may be challenging to implement or may not be supported in hybrid frameworks. This limitation can affect the overall user experience and functionality of the app.
  • Dependency on framework updates : Hybrid app development relies on frameworks such as React Native or Flutter. While these frameworks are continuously evolving, developers need to keep up with updates and changes to ensure compatibility and security. Compatibility issues or changes in the framework can lead to additional development efforts and maintenance challenges.
  • Limited customization options : Hybrid apps often need to maintain a consistent user interface across different platforms, which can limit the level of customization compared to native apps. Design elements may need to follow platform-specific guidelines, resulting in a less unique or tailored user experience.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting complexities : Hybrid app development involves working with multiple layers, including the web view, the hybrid framework, and native device functionalities. This complexity can make debugging and troubleshooting more challenging, as issues may arise from different layers of the app.
  • Reliance on internet connectivity : While hybrid apps can incorporate offline functionality to some extent, they still heavily rely on internet connectivity for fetching data and content. Features that require real-time data or continuous internet access may not perform optimally in offline scenarios.

Hybrid App Development: Key Points To Know

In this section, we will delve deeper into the topic of hybrid application development.

We will discuss the processes and concepts involved, aiming to provide a better understanding for readers who may be unfamiliar with how it works.

Hybrid app development combines the best of both worlds, incorporating elements of both web and native app development.

By leveraging web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, developers can create applications that can run on multiple platforms, including iOS and Android.

The development process for hybrid apps involves creating a single codebase that can be deployed across different platforms, eliminating the need for separate native code development.

This approach saves time and effort, allowing developers to reach a wider audience without duplicating development efforts.

Hybrid App Development Frameworks

When it comes to hybrid app development, frameworks play a crucial role in simplifying the development process and enhancing the functionality of the apps.

Let's explore some popular hybrid app development frameworks that developers often utilize:

  • Apache Cordova (PhoneGap): Cordova is a widely-used framework that allows developers to build hybrid apps using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides access to native device features through a set of plugins, enabling developers to create apps that can run on multiple platforms.
  • Ionic : Ionic is a powerful open-source framework that combines AngularJS, HTML, and CSS to build hybrid mobile apps. It offers a rich set of UI components, pre-built app templates, and plugins, making it easier for developers to create visually appealing and interactive apps.
  • React Native : React Native, developed by Facebook, is a popular framework that enables the creation of hybrid apps using JavaScript and React. It allows developers to build apps with a native-like user interface by using reusable components. React Native also provides direct access to native APIs, resulting in high-performance apps.
  • Flutter : Flutter, developed by Google, is an open-source UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms. It uses the Dart programming language and offers a rich set of customizable widgets and a reactive framework, enabling developers to create visually stunning and highly performant hybrid apps.
  • Xamarin : Xamarin, owned by Microsoft, allows developers to build cross-platform apps using C# and the .NET framework. It provides a single codebase that can be shared across multiple platforms, resulting in faster development and reduced maintenance efforts. Xamarin offers seamless integration with native APIs, providing access to native device functionalities.

These frameworks provide developers with the tools, libraries, and pre-built components to streamline the hybrid app development process.

They offer cross-platform compatibility, code reusability, and access to native device features, making it easier to create feature-rich and platform-independent apps.

By selecting the right framework based on project requirements, developers can harness the power of these frameworks to expedite development, improve app performance, and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Hybrid App Development: Stages

Hybrid app development goes through several stages, each playing a vital role in the overall development process. Let's delve into the key stages involved in creating hybrid apps:

  • Planning and Analysis : This stage involves gathering requirements, defining the app's purpose, identifying the target audience, and conducting market research. It is crucial to understand the app's goals, features, and functionalities before moving forward.
  • Design and UI/UX : The design stage focuses on creating a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for the app. It involves wireframing, prototyping, and creating UI/UX elements that align with the app's branding and user expectations.
  • Development : In this stage, developers start building the app using hybrid app development frameworks such as Apache Cordova, Ionic, React Native, or Flutter. They write code using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, leveraging the chosen framework's capabilities to create a cross-platform app.
  • Integration and Testing : Once the app's core functionality is developed, it's time to integrate APIs, third-party services, and backend systems. Thorough testing is crucial at this stage to identify and fix any bugs, ensure smooth functionality, and maintain a high-quality user experience.
  • Deployment and Distribution : Once the app is tested and ready, it is packaged for distribution. For hybrid apps, this typically involves submitting the app to app stores like Google Play Store and Apple App Store. App store guidelines and submission processes need to be followed to make the app available to users.
  • Maintenance and Updates : After the app is launched, it requires ongoing maintenance and updates to address bug fixes, security patches, compatibility issues, and feature enhancements. Regular updates help keep the app optimized, secure, and aligned with evolving user needs.

Each stage in the hybrid app development process requires careful attention to detail, collaboration between designers and developers, and thorough testing.

By following these stages diligently, developers can ensure the successful development and deployment of hybrid apps that deliver value to users across multiple platforms.

Costs of Hybrid App Development

When considering hybrid app development, it's essential to understand the associated costs. The cost of developing a hybrid app can vary depending on various factors. Here are the key cost considerations to keep in mind:

  • Development Team : Hiring skilled hybrid app developers or a development agency will contribute to the overall cost. Rates may vary based on location and expertise, so it's important to budget for the development team's expenses.
  • App Complexity : The complexity of the app plays a significant role in determining the cost. Apps with advanced features, intricate designs, and extensive functionalities may require more development time and effort, resulting in higher costs.
  • Platform Compatibility : Hybrid apps are designed to run on multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android. However, ensuring seamless performance and compatibility across different devices and operating systems might require additional development work, impacting the overall cost.
  • App Design : Creating an appealing user interface and intuitive user experience is crucial for a successful app. Investing in professional app design can enhance the app's visual appeal but may also contribute to the development cost.
  • Integration and APIs : If the app needs to integrate with third-party services or utilize APIs, additional development effort and potential licensing costs may arise.
  • Maintenance and Updates : Post-launch, ongoing maintenance, updates, bug fixes, and feature enhancements are necessary to keep the app running smoothly. Allocating a budget for these activities is important for the long-term success of the app.

It's important to note that the cost of hybrid app development can vary significantly based on project requirements, complexity, and other factors.

To get an accurate cost estimate, it's recommended to consult with experienced app development professionals who can assess your specific needs and provide a tailored cost estimate.

By considering these cost factors and working closely with a development team, you can plan your budget effectively and ensure a successful hybrid app development project within your financial constraints.

How to Know if Your Business Need Hybrid App?

Determining whether your business needs a hybrid app requires careful consideration of various factors. Here are some key points to help you assess if a hybrid app is the right choice for your business:

  • Target Audience : Consider your target audience and their preferred platforms. If your target audience is spread across different mobile operating systems like iOS and Android, a hybrid app can be a cost-effective solution to reach a wider audience without the need for separate native apps.
  • App Functionality : Evaluate the functionality and features required for your app. Hybrid apps are suitable for relatively simple and content-driven applications, such as e-commerce, news, or information-based apps. However, if your app relies heavily on device-specific capabilities or complex functionalities, a native app might be a better choice.
  • Development Time and Cost : Hybrid apps can be developed faster and at a lower cost compared to native apps since they share a single codebase across platforms. If you have a limited budget or need to launch the app quickly, a hybrid approach can be advantageous.
  • Maintenance and Updates : Consider the long-term maintenance and update requirements of your app. Hybrid apps often offer easier maintenance and updates as changes can be made to the shared codebase, reducing the need for separate updates on each platform.
  • User Experience : Assess the importance of a seamless and native-like user experience for your app. While hybrid apps have improved significantly in terms of performance and user experience, they may not match the level of responsiveness and smoothness offered by native apps.
  • Integration Needs : Determine if your app requires integration with device features or third-party services. Hybrid apps can leverage plugins and frameworks to access certain device capabilities, but complex integrations may be better suited for native apps.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about whether your business needs a hybrid app.

It's advisable to consult with experienced app developers who can assess your specific requirements and guide you on the most suitable approach for your business goals.

In conclusion, hybrid app development offers a range of benefits, including cost-effectiveness, faster development time, and broader audience reach.

However, it is important to carefully evaluate your specific business needs and requirements before deciding whether to opt for hybrid app development.

Outsourcing hybrid app development can be a viable option for businesses that want to leverage the expertise of experienced professionals while minimizing costs and time investment.

Outsourcing allows you to access a global talent pool and benefit from specialized skills in hybrid app development.

Before outsourcing, ensure you thoroughly research and select a reputable development partner with a proven track record in hybrid app development.

Communication, collaboration, and clearly defined project goals and expectations are essential for a successful outsourcing experience.

Ultimately, the decision to outsource hybrid app development should align with your business goals, budget, and timelines.

With the right outsourcing partner like Uran Company , you can leverage their expertise to create a high-quality hybrid app that meets your business needs and engages your target audience effectively.

What is Hybrid App Development? The Ultimate Guide

Hybrid App Development - FAQs

How much does it cost to develop an hybrid app.

Hybrid apps are known for their cost-effectiveness compared to native apps as they leverage a single codebase that can be used across multiple platforms.

This eliminates the need to develop separate apps for iOS and Android, reducing both development time and cost. The cost of developing a hybrid app typically includes various components such as app planning, UI/UX design, front-end and back-end development, testing, deployment, and ongoing maintenance.

Additionally, factors like third-party integrations, database setup, and server infrastructure may contribute to the overall cost.

It is important to note that the cost of developing a hybrid app can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the app, the number of features required, and the level of customization needed.

According to our experience a basic hybrid app with standard features can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000, while more complex apps with advanced features and intricate designs can range from $50,000 to $150,000 or more.

To get an accurate estimate of the cost to develop your specific hybrid app, it is recommended to consult with a professional app development company like ours.

We will assess your requirements, discuss your vision, and provide you with a detailed cost breakdown based on your unique needs.

How long does it take to develop an Hybrid app?

The development timeline for a hybrid app can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the app, the number of features, the design requirements, and the experience of the development team.

While it's challenging to provide an exact timeframe, we can give you a general idea of the different stages involved in developing a hybrid app and the time they typically require.

  • Planning and Requirement Gathering : This initial phase involves discussing your app idea, defining the requirements, and creating a detailed project plan. Depending on the scope of the app, this phase can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.
  • Design : The design phase includes creating wireframes, UI/UX design, and visual mockups. The time required for design can vary based on the complexity of the app and the number of revisions needed. Generally, it takes around 1-3 weeks to complete the design stage.
  • Development : This is where the actual coding and development of the app take place. Hybrid app development leverages technologies like React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin, which allow developers to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms. The hybrid application development timeline depends on the complexity of the app, the number of features, and any integrations required. On average, it can take anywhere from 4-12 weeks to develop a hybrid app.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance : Once the development is complete, the app undergoes thorough testing to identify and fix any bugs or issues. This phase can take 1-3 weeks, depending on the app's complexity and the extent of testing required.
  • Deployment and Launch : After successful testing, the app is prepared for deployment to the app stores. This process involves app store submission, app review, and final preparations. The time required for this phase can range from a few days to a couple of weeks.

It's important to note that these timeframes are estimates and can vary depending on the specific requirements of your hybrid app. Collaborating with our experienced development team will help ensure a more accurate timeline based on your project's unique needs.

How to choose Hybrid app developers?

When it comes to choosing hybrid app developers for your project, there are several factors you should consider to ensure you find the right team.

Here are some practical tips to help you make an informed decision:

  • Expertise and Experience : Look for developers who have extensive experience in hybrid app development. Check their portfolio and previous projects to gauge their expertise in technologies like React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin. Look for examples of apps they have developed in the past to see if their style and quality align with your expectations.
  • Technical Skills : Evaluate the technical skills of the developers. They should have a strong understanding of hybrid app frameworks, programming languages, and related technologies. Consider their knowledge of front-end and back-end development, API integrations, and database management. A skilled hybrid app developer should be versatile and adept at solving complex technical challenges.
  • Platform Knowledge : Determine if the developers have a good understanding of both iOS and Android platforms. They should be familiar with platform-specific guidelines, design principles, and performance considerations. This knowledge ensures that your hybrid app will deliver a consistent and optimized experience across different devices and operating systems.
  • Collaboration and Communication : Effective communication and collaboration are crucial for a successful development partnership. Choose developers who are responsive, proactive, and willing to understand your project requirements. They should be able to effectively communicate ideas, provide regular updates, and address any concerns or questions you may have throughout the development process.
  • Client References and Reviews : Request client references or read reviews and testimonials from previous clients. This will give you insights into the developers' professionalism, reliability, and ability to deliver on time. Reach out to their past clients to inquire about their experience working with the team and the quality of the final product.
  • Cost and Budget : Consider the developers' pricing structure and how it aligns with your budget. While it's important to find developers within your budget, prioritize quality and expertise over cost alone. Remember, investing in experienced developers may yield a higher-quality app and a better return on investment in the long run.
  • Support and Maintenance : Inquire about post-development support and maintenance services. A reliable development team should provide ongoing support, bug fixes, and updates to ensure your app remains functional and up-to-date.

By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can choose hybrid app developers who align with your project goals and deliver a high-quality app that meets your requirements.


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Key Lessons from 13 Successful Hybrid App Examples to Spark Inspiration

Carmela boyles.

  • August 10, 2023
  • No Comments

example of hybrid application

Table of Contents

Mobile apps have become an essential component of our daily life for incorporating diverse requirements and preferences. When it comes to developing mobile apps, businesses have two primary choices: native apps and hybrid apps. Hybrid apps, in particular, have gained popularity due to their ability to combine both – native and web technologies. This article will explore key lessons from thirteen successful hybrid app examples to inspire and guide your app development journey.

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What are Hybrid Apps?

Hybrid apps are mobile applications that are developed using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and then wrapped in a native app shell. This allows hybrid apps to be installed and run on multiple platforms, including iOS and Android, using a single codebase. Hybrid apps leverage web technologies and frameworks to deliver a consistent user experience across different devices, making them a cost-effective and efficient choice for app development.

Importance of Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps have gained significant importance in mobile app development services . They offer a range of benefits that make them an attractive choice for businesses. Hybrid apps allow for faster development and deployment, reduced costs, and wider reach across multiple platforms. They also provide access to device features and can be easily updated and maintained. These advantages make hybrid apps a valuable tool for businesses looking to expand their digital presence and engage with a broader audience.

Native Apps Vs Hybrid Apps

In order to understand the benefits of hybrid apps, it is essential to compare them with native apps. Native applications are constructed with a singular focus on a specific platform, like iOS or Android, employing programming languages and development tools unique to each platform. While native apps offer high performance and access to native features, they require separate development efforts for each platform. Hybrid apps, on the other hand, provide a cross-platform solution, enabling businesses to reach a wider audience with reduced development efforts. However, native apps may still be preferred for resource-intensive applications or those requiring extensive access to device capabilities.

Advantages of Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps offer several advantages that make them a popular choice for businesses. These advantages include:

1. Cost-effectiveness

Hybrid app development costs compared to any mobile app development costs are less because they allow businesses to develop a single codebase that can be deployed across multiple platforms. This eradicates the necessity for distinct development teams and diminishes the amount of time and effort required.

2. Faster Development and Time-to-Market

Developing hybrid apps reduces the development time compared to building separate native apps. Developers can write code once and easily deploy it across multiple platforms, saving significant time and effort. This accelerated development process enables businesses to bring their apps to market faster, gaining a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

3. Cross-Platform Compatibility

One of the primary advantages of hybrid apps is their ability to run on multiple platforms with a single codebase. This means that businesses can reach a larger audience by targeting both iOS and Android users without the need for separate development efforts. Hybrid apps eliminate the dilemma of choosing one platform over the other and ensure wider accessibility.

4. Easy Updates and Maintenance

Hybrid applications offer effortless updates and maintenance as any modifications made to the codebase are instantly reflected across all platforms. This ensures consistent user experiences and allows for quick bug fixes and feature enhancements.

5. Access to Device Features

Hybrid apps have access to a wide range of device features, such as camera, geolocation, and push notifications, through plugins and APIs. This enables businesses to leverage native features while building hybrid apps.

6. Seamless User Experience

Hybrid apps offer a seamless user experience by combining the advantages of native apps and web technologies. They provide access to device features and native functionalities, such as camera, geolocation, and push notifications, while maintaining the flexibility and versatility of web technologies. This ensures a consistent and intuitive user experience for a successful mobile application design .

7. Offline Functionality

Hybrid apps can also incorporate offline functionality, allowing users to access certain features and content even without an internet connection. This offline capability enhances user engagement and ensures continuous app usage, particularly in areas with limited or unstable connectivity.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Apps

While hybrid apps offer numerous advantages, it is essential to consider their limitations as well. Some disadvantages of hybrid apps include the following:

1. Performance Limitations

Hybrid apps may not match the performance of native apps, especially for complex and resource-intensive applications. The reliance on web technologies and the additional layer of the native app shell can impact performance.

2. Limited Native Functionality

Hybrid apps may not have access to the full range of native functionalities and APIs available to native apps. Certain advanced features may require additional customization or plugins, which can add complexity to development.

3. Compatibility Challenges

Ensuring compatibility across different devices and platforms can be a challenge for hybrid app development. The app may behave differently on various devices, requiring additional testing and optimization efforts.

Hybrid App Examples: Exploring Cross-Platform Frameworks

Hybrid apps are typically built using popular cross-platform frameworks. Let’s take a look at some frameworks and the hybrid app examples associated with them:

Best Hybrid App Examples Frameworks

  • React Native : A JavaScript framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using React, a popular JavaScript library for web development.
  • Flutter: An open-source UI software development kit (SDK) created by Google, which enables the development of high-performance native-like apps using the Dart programming language.
  • Ionic: An open-source framework that uses web technologies like HTML , CSS, and JavaScript to build hybrid mobile apps with a native-like look and feel.

13 Top Hybrid App Examples

To gain insights and inspiration, let’s explore thirteen successful hybrid app examples across different industries in Texas.

Example 1: E-commerce App

Poshmark is a popular social commerce platform that connects buyers and sellers of fashion items. This one of the best hybrid app examples allows users to buy, sell, and discover fashion items easily. It leverages the advantages of hybrid app development to provide a seamless shopping experience across platforms.

Example 2: Transportation App

Lyft, a well-known ride-sharing service, utilizes a hybrid app to provide its services to both iOS and Android users. This is one of the famous hybrid app examples that offer real-time ride tracking, easy payment options, and a user-friendly interface, demonstrating the effectiveness of hybrid apps in the transportation industry.

Example 3: Food Delivery App

DoorDash is one of the leading food delivery platforms and the most popular hybrid app examples that connect users with local restaurants. The app provides a smooth ordering experience, real-time tracking of deliveries, and personalized recommendations, showcasing the capabilities of hybrid apps in the food delivery industry.

Example 4: Health and Fitness App

MyFitnessPal, a popular health and fitness app, uses a hybrid app to help users track their diet and exercise. This is among the most prominent hybrid app examples that offer features like calorie counting, workout tracking, and personalized recommendations, demonstrating the flexibility and user-friendly nature of hybrid apps in the health and fitness domain.

Example 5: Banking and Finance App

Financial institutions are also adopting hybrid app development to enhance their services. Mint, a personal finance management app, and PayPal, a leading online payment platform, are the best hybrid app examples that perfectly demonstrate the versatility of hybrid apps in the banking sector.

Example 6: Travel App

Airbnb, a renowned accommodation marketplace, utilizes a hybrid app to connect travelers with hosts worldwide. The app offers a range of features, including search filters, booking management, and secure payments, demonstrating the scalability and reach of hybrid apps in the travel industry.

Example 7: News App

Flipboard is a popular news aggregation app. It uses a hybrid app to curate personalized news feeds for users. This one of the biggest new hybrid app examples provides a visually appealing interface, smooth navigation, and social sharing capabilities, highlighting the capabilities of hybrid apps in delivering content-rich experiences.

Example 8: Social Networking App

Instagram is one of the leading hybrid app examples that allow users to share photos and videos, engage with content, and connect with others. The app’s seamless user experience, real-time updates, and robust features make it a prime example of a successful hybrid app in the social networking space.

Example 9: Entertainment App

Netflix, a renowned streaming platform, uses a hybrid app to deliver its vast library of movies and TV shows to users. The app provides a personalized content recommendation system, smooth video playback, and offline viewing capabilities, showcasing the versatility and performance of hybrid apps in the entertainment industry.

Example 10: Education App

Udacity, an online learning platform, leverages a hybrid app to provide access to its courses and learning materials. The app offers features like course enrollment, progress tracking, and interactive quizzes, highlighting the effectiveness of hybrid apps in the education sector.

Example 11: Gaming App

We can’t deny the popularity of gaming apps and the AR/VR integration in them. PokĂ©mon GO is one of the popular augmented reality hybrid app examples that bring the PokĂ©mon universe to life. The app seamlessly blends the real world with virtual elements, providing a captivating gaming experience and demonstrating the potential of hybrid apps in the gaming industry.

Example 12: Productivity App

Trello is a widely-used project management tool. It uses a hybrid app to enable users to organize and collaborate on tasks and projects. This is one of the best hybrid app examples that offers features like task management, file attachments, and real-time updates, showcasing the flexibility and productivity-enhancing capabilities of hybrid apps.

Example 13: Utility App

Evernote, a versatile note-taking and productivity app, leverages a hybrid app to provide users with a seamless note-taking experience across devices. The app offers features like synchronization, rich formatting options, and cross-platform availability, making it one of the successful hybrid app examples in the utility sector.

How to Choose One of the Best Hybrid Apps for Your Business?

When choosing the best type of app for your business, consider the following factors:

  • Business Objectives: Determine your business goals and how a mobile app can help achieve them.
  • Target Audience: Identify your target audience’s preferences, device usage, and platform preferences.
  • App Requirements: Define the specific features, functionalities, and performance requirements for your app.
  • Budget and Timeline: Consider your budget and project timeline to determine the most feasible app development approach.

Final Thoughts

Hybrid apps provide a powerful and cost-effective solution for businesses looking to develop mobile applications. By combining the advantages of native and web technologies, hybrid apps offer a wide range of possibilities for businesses across various industries in Texas. Learning from successful hybrid app examples can inspire businesses to leverage hybrid app development to drive innovation, engage users, and achieve their business objectives.

Remember, collaborating with a custom software development company experienced in hybrid and mobile app development can provide valuable insights and expertise to ensure the success of your app venture.

1. Can hybrid apps match the performance of native apps?

Hybrid apps offer excellent performance due to advancements in cross-platform frameworks. While they might not achieve the exact performance level of native apps in all cases, hybrid apps can provide a seamless and responsive user experience.

2. Are hybrid apps suitable for complex applications?

Yes, hybrid apps can handle complex applications with ease. Cross-platform frameworks have evolved significantly, enabling developers to build feature-rich and sophisticated hybrid apps for a wide range of industries.

3. How does a hybrid app ensure compatibility across different devices?

Hybrid apps are designed to adapt to various screen sizes and device capabilities. Through responsive design techniques and platform-specific optimizations, developers ensure that the app functions smoothly on different devices and operating systems.

4. Can hybrid apps access device-specific functionalities?

App frameworks best hybrid app hybrid apps mobile app web app.

Picture of Carmela Boyles

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Top 9 Hybrid App Examples That Will Change Your View Towards Mobile Apps

Mayur Panchal

Learn why Hybrid App Technologies is the right choice in 2022 and which hybrid apps are making a huge name this year? Begin your business startup with the best Hybrid mobile app solution.

So, are you thinking about developing a mobile application for your business?

Then you must have been a part of native versus hybrid mobile app debate.

The battle between hybrid apps and native apps is never-ending. Both have their own majors and minors. But frameworks of hybrid platforms are actually giving a tough competition to the native applications.

People have always underestimated hybrid app development’s powerful functionality and speed. The performance of the hybrid app frameworks is increasing drastically. We’ll explore some of the advantages of the top hybrid app frameworks over native app development, and talk about the Best Hybrid App Examples.

We know you may have many questions like

Which are the best Hybrid Mobile App Examples?

  • What are the benefits of Hybrid Mobile App Development?

Why Go for Hybrid Mobile App Development?

Read this blog to get the correct answers to all these questions and a lot more and make the right decisions when it comes to hybrid app development.

There are various hybrid applications available that have a high performance and quick response. We all are using amazing hybrid mobile applications, but we might not be aware of it.

What can be the best way to learn about hybrid app development?

The answer is hybrid applications examples. Let’s consider some of the familiar and widely used hybrid examples.

Most Popular Hybrid App Examples

Instagram icon

Adopting the hybrid approach has allowed developers to build an app that supports both offline data and rich media. The best example of this is the signature short videos. The app lets the user access the media even when they are offline or at least displays an error message.


I know it is difficult to believe, but Twitter is also among the top hybrid app examples. To handle a high level of traffic, Twitter is using a hybrid approach. It is proof that performance is not an issue for hybrid apps.

Evernote icon

Evernote is the best example to show that performance is not an issue now for hybrid applications. In spite of its beautiful design, Evernote is extremely efficient in driving productivity. The intuitive and flawless functionality of Evernote is built with (mention the framework).

Baskin Robbins

Baskin Robbins

Your favorite ice cream store has a hybrid mobile app. The application uses HTML5 to provide the best offline access to users with a similar UI on various platforms. The way Baskin Robbins has combined native and HTML5 features is impressive.


Pacifica app has one of the best UI. Pacifica has a set of various videos to be added as the background. The video theme background of the application gives a native-like look and feel. The rows of features are loaded as the web layer and wrapped in native navigation.

Remote PoS

The Remote POS app is to manage and handles a whole restaurant through a single mobile application. It works offline and needs internet connectivity for printing the final bill of the customer. For this, the application has local data storage as well as cloud storage. Along with this, it allows easy staff handling and order management.


The application is the ultimate guide to working out and exercising, providing interactive video sessions. It is connected with the iMessage app and apple watch to give it a more native-like appearance and reliability. Also, the user can sync the application with Google fit application to track the data.


Yes, the mobile app you are currently using to make your traveling comfortable and easy to access is one of the most popular hybrid app examples. The easy navigation and simple user interface make this app extremely popular among its rival apps.

Gmail Icon

Google has been using HTML for its popular internet mail service for a long time. It is astonishing to see how Google has made a new version of the mobile application of Gmail using both native and HTML elements.

What are the benefits of Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks?

With frameworks like React Native, Flutter, Ionic, and Phonegap, the performance of hybrid apps has reached a new extent. Mobile app development companies are utilizing these benefits to provide better mobility solutions.

Unified Development

“Code once and run anywhere” feature allows the single coding of the application. No need to develop and maintain separate codes for different mobile platforms.

Offline Support

Even when the app is not connected to the internet, hybrid apps can work perfectly offline. Users are able to load the app and access the previously loaded data.

Better Market Reach

As the hybrid framework is able to work on various platforms, it has a broader reach toward the users.


The main reason to choose hybrid app development over native app development is their cost-effectiveness.

Ease of Maintenance

Hybrid apps are easy to maintain because it is developed on the same codebase.

Minimum Requirements

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the only languages required to develop fully functional Hybrid mobile apps and web apps. On the contrary, the native app development approach uses a lot more languages, like Java, Swift, Objective-C, and C#.

The above hybrid app examples give the perfect response to why Hybrid frameworks are a leading choice. If you still have doubts, comparing native app examples with hybrid apps examples is the best way to gain clear understandability. We can help you get a clearer idea of hybrid and native app development processes.

Mayur Panchal

Mayur Panchal

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Mayur Panchal is the CTO of Excellent Webworld . With his skills and expertise, He stays updated with industry trends and utilizes his technical expertise to address problems faced by entrepreneurs and startup owners.

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What Is Hybrid Mobile Applications and How Does It Work?

In an era where smartphones have become extensions of ourselves, mobile applications have become the lifeblood of our digital experiences. Whether ordering your morning coffee, catching up on the latest news, or staying connected with friends and family, mobile apps have seamlessly woven into the fabric of our daily lives. But have you ever wondered how these apps, compatible with iOS and Android, come to fruition? Enter the world of hybrid mobile applications; a powerful and versatile solution that marries the best of both native and web development .

In this blog post, we’ll journey to demystify hybrid mobile applications. We’ll uncover what exactly makes them tick, explore the technologies behind their creation, and shed light on why businesses and developers alike are increasingly turning to hybrid approaches.

What is a Hybrid Application?

A hybrid application, also known as a hybrid app , is a type of mobile application that combines elements of both native and web applications . It is designed to work on multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, using a single codebase. Hybrid apps are created using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and then wrapped in a native container that allows them to be installed and run on a user’s device, just like a native app.

hybrid mobile application

What are the characteristics of hybrid Mobile applications?

Hybrid applications offer a range of features that make them a popular choice for mobile app development. These features combine elements of both web and native apps, providing a versatile solution for businesses and developers. Here are some key features of hybrid applications:

hybrid app

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Hybrid apps are developed using a single codebase that can run on multiple platforms , such as iOS, Android, and sometimes even web browsers. Cross-platform compatibility cuts down on costs and development time .

Web Technologies

Hybrid apps are built using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Developers with web development skills can leverage their expertise to create mobile apps.

Native Container

Hybrid apps are wrapped in a native container that allows them to be installed and run on a user’s device. This container provides access to device features and ensures the app can be distributed through app stores.

Access to Device Features

Hybrid apps can access native device features, such as the camera, GPS, contacts, accelerometer, and more, through plugins or APIs. This enables developers to incorporate device-specific functionality into their apps.

Cross-Platform Development Tools

Various frameworks and tools, such as Apache Cordova (formerly PhoneGap), Ionic, React Native, and Xamarin, facilitate the development of hybrid apps. These tools provide pre-built components, libraries, and plugins to streamline development.

Offline Functionality

Hybrid apps can store data locally and offer offline functionality, similar to native apps. They can cache content and synchronize data when a network connection is available.

Faster Development and Updates

Since hybrid apps share a single codebase across platforms, updates and changes can be implemented more quickly compared to maintaining separate native codebases. This speeds up development cycles and allows for faster feature rollouts.

Cost-Effective Development

Developing a hybrid app can be more cost-effective than creating separate native apps for each platform. Code reuse and a single development team can lead to significant cost savings.

Wide Audience Reach

Hybrid apps can reach a broad audience since they are compatible with multiple platforms. This can be especially advantageous for businesses targeting a diverse user base.

App Store Distribution

Hybrid apps can be published on app stores, just like native apps, making them accessible to users through popular app marketplaces.

It’s important to note that while hybrid apps offer many advantages, they may not provide the same level of performance or access to all device features as fully native apps. The choice between hybrid and native development depends on the specific requirements and goals of the project.

WebView Component

Hybrid apps typically use a WebView component to display web content within the native app shell. This WebView can render HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, enabling the integration of web content seamlessly.

Simplified Maintenance

Maintaining a single codebase for hybrid apps simplifies ongoing maintenance and bug fixes, reducing the effort required to keep the app up to date.

Difference between Native vs Hybrid Mobile Applications

Native applications are built specifically for a single platform , such as iOS or Android, using platform-specific programming languages and tools. This approach allows for optimal performance, a seamless user experience consistent with the platform’s design guidelines, and direct access to device features. Native apps can fully leverage the hardware capabilities of the device and are typically distributed through platform-specific app stores, which can enhance visibility and trust among users. However, developing separate native apps for different platforms can be time-consuming and costly, requiring developers with expertise in the specific languages and tools for each platform.

On the other hand, hybrid applications are developed using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They offer a cost-effective solution for cross-platform development, as much of the code can be shared across different platforms . While hybrid apps have made significant strides in performance and user experience through frameworks like React Native and Flutter, they may not match the performance and native feel of their native counterparts. Access to device features often relies on third-party plugins, which may not be as comprehensive or up-to-date as native options. Hybrid apps can be distributed through app stores but may face additional scrutiny due to potential performance and user experience issues. The choice between native and hybrid development depends on factors like project requirements, budget, timeline, and performance needs, and developers should carefully weigh these considerations when making a decision.

native app vs hybrid app

Hybrid App: How does it work?

Hybrid apps are typically built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and they run inside a native container. Here’s how a hybrid application works:

Hybrid Mobile App Development

Hybrid app development begins with writing the core application code using web technologies. This codebase includes the User Interface (UI), business logic, and application features. Frameworks and tools like Apache Cordova (formerly PhoneGap), Ionic, and React Native can be used to facilitate hybrid app development. These frameworks provide access to native device capabilities through JavaScript APIs.

hybrid mobile app development

Compilation and Packaging

Once the core application code is ready, it is wrapped or packaged within a native container for the target mobile platform e.g., Android or iOS. The native container is essentially a web browser component (WebView) that can display web content within a native app.

The compiled hybrid app can be distributed through app stores e.g., Google Play Store for Android and Apple App Store for iOS just like native apps. On their smartphones, users download and install the software.

User Interaction

Users interact with the hybrid app as they would with a native app, unaware that the majority of the UI is powered by web technologies. User inputs and interactions trigger JavaScript functions and logic, updating the app’s behavior and UI dynamically.

Offline Support

Some hybrid apps are designed to work offline by caching resources and data locally.

Data synchronization and offline capabilities are implemented using technologies like Service Workers or other storage mechanisms.

When updates are needed, developers make changes to the web-based code and package a new version of the app. Users receive updates through their app store, just like native apps.

In conclusion, hybrid mobile applications have emerged as a versatile and cost-effective solution for businesses and developers looking to reach a broad audience across different platforms. Hybrid apps fill the gap between native and web applications by utilizing web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They offer the advantage of code reuse , making it easier and more affordable to maintain an app for both iOS and Android. However, it’s essential to be mindful of the potential trade-offs, such as slightly reduced performance and challenges in achieving a truly native look and feel.

In today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape, hybrid applications have emerged as a powerful solution to bridge the gap between native and web-based mobile apps. And at Fegno Technologies, we take immense pride in being at the forefront of delivering the best-in-class services in hybrid application development. 

Our journey in the realm of hybrid app development has been marked by innovation, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. We understand that the future of mobile app development lies in crafting solutions that seamlessly blend the performance of native apps with the versatility of web apps. This is where our expertise shines.

So, if you’re looking for a partner who can turn your hybrid app dreams into reality, look no further. Fegno Technologies is your trusted ally, dedicated to providing the best service in hybrid mobile application development .

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To keep pace with the dynamic environment of digitally-driven business, organizations continue to embrace hybrid cloud, which combines and unifies public cloud, private cloud and on-premises infrastructure, while providing orchestration, management and application portability across all three.

According to the  IBM Transformation Index: State of Cloud , a 2022 survey commissioned by IBM and conducted by an independent research firm, more than 77% of business and IT professionals say they have adopted a hybrid cloud approach. By creating an agile, flexible and scalable computing environment, hybrid cloud offers valuable use cases for businesses to accelerate growth and gain a competitive advantage. 

What is hybrid cloud ?

A  hybrid cloud  environment consists of three basic components: 

  • On-premises  (also referred to as “on-prem”) is a traditional form of computing that involves an organization running and managing computing resources, networking, storage and software on hardware and servers at its own physical location, such as in an office building or at an on-premises data center .
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) for computing, storage and networking resources.
  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)  for developing, running and managing cloud-native applications.
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)  for end-user applications (e.g., Google Workforce and Salesforce).
  • Private cloud  is a cloud computing environment where all resources are isolated and operated exclusively for one customer.  Private cloud  combines many benefits of cloud computing with the security and control of on-premises IT infrastructure. 

Initially, hybrid cloud computing focused on incorporating portions of on-premises data into private cloud infrastructure and then connecting that infrastructure to public cloud infrastructure hosted off-premises by third-party cloud providers, such as AWS. This was accomplished using a packaged hybrid cloud solution like Red Hat® OpenShift® or middleware and IT management tools to create a single API or dashboard. This  ‘single pane of glass’  gave IT teams a unified view of their applications, networks and systems. 

Today, hybrid cloud architecture has expanded beyond physical connectivity and basic cloud migration to offer a flexible, secure and cost-effective environment that supports the portability and automated deployment of workloads across multiple environments. 

Hybrid cloud vs. multicloud

Hybrid cloud is frequently confused with  multicloud , which refers to using cloud services from more than one cloud vendor. A multicloud environment helps prevent vendor lock-in, which can result in technical incompatibilities, legal restrictions and excess costs tied to using just one vendor.

It’s important to note that modern hybrid cloud architecture has evolved to where hybrid cloud and multicloud settings work in sync with each other. Most modern enterprise businesses have adopted hybrid multicloud environments, which combine the integration of public cloud, private cloud and on-premises infrastructure, along with public or private cloud services from at least two cloud service providers. 

The modern hybrid cloud platform

A unified hybrid cloud platform plays an important role in application modernization —the software approach that allows developers to transform monolithic applications into  microservices  focused on specific business function. Microservices are an architectural approach in which a single application comprises many loosely coupled and independently deployable smaller components, or services. These applications are then deployed in containers —lightweight packages of software comprised only of the application code and virtualized operating system dependencies needed to run in any environment depending on the workload. A container orchestration platform—usually  Kubernetes —then automates that deployment across hybrid cloud and multicloud environments.

Additionally, modern hybrid cloud environments no longer require physical locations to “connect,” as they did when organizations ran private clouds exclusively on-premises. In contrast, these environments are now often hosted in off-premises data centers, on virtual private networks (VPNs), virtual private clouds (VPCs) or on rented infrastructure from third-party providers.

Six common hybrid cloud use cases

Workloads, infrastructure and processes are unique to each enterprise. To that end, a hybrid cloud—or hybrid multicloud—strategy allows organizations to customize solutions to meet their specific technical demands and business needs. 

Here are six compelling use cases that demonstrate how hybrid cloud adoption delivers significant business benefits.

1. Digital transformation

Regarding digital transformation , a hybrid cloud setting provides multiple ways to modernize IT infrastructure specific to each workload. Let’s look at a couple of scenarios. 

A recent jump in cloud computing demands took place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses needed to modernize their IT infrastructure and create more resilient business operations to handle supply chain disruptions, accommodate remote working and optimize e-commerce service, and they turned to hybrid cloud to meet these sudden needs.

In relation to remote work, a hybrid cloud solution allows organizations to migrate sensitive data to their private on-premises servers while making key applications and services on the public cloud accessible to any employee in any location. This creates the flexibility, security and availability needed for employees to gain secure access to corporate resources and share tools like work management platforms to collaborate inside and outside the organization. 

Financial institutions are part of a heavily regulated sector that still relies to a degree on legacy systems (e.g., mainframe-based platforms) to deal with a large amount of sensitive data. A hybrid cloud solution provides a flexible alternative way for banks to isolate this data by hosting applications on industry-compliant public clouds and storing sensitive information on-premises in their private cloud. Hybrid cloud also enables  DevOps  methodologies for banks to rapidly build customized solutions on software applications that streamline banking operations and deliver better customer experiences (e.g., fast and secure mobile banking apps). 

2. Disaster recovery (DR)

Disaster recovery (DR) involves IT technologies and best practices designed to prevent or minimize data loss and business disruption resulting from catastrophic events. Potential disasters include equipment failures, natural disasters, power outages, cyberattacks , civil emergencies or military attacks. A DR strategy is widely considered mandatory for many workloads in most organizations. 

A hybrid cloud strategy frequently includes a cloud-based disaster recovery plan. Such a plan involves housing systems and data in a private cloud and backing up that infrastructure on a public cloud. If a disaster strikes, the organization can quickly and smoothly move workloads to the public cloud with minimal disruption and continue running business applications. 

Many of today’s cloud providers offer cloud management services, such as Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaas). This service allows organizations to back up their data and IT infrastructure and host them on a third-party cloud provider’s infrastructure. In the event of a catastrophe, the cloud provider can implement and orchestrate the company’s DR plan to ensure business continuity. 

3. Development and testing (dev/test)

A hybrid cloud environment offers clear advantages for developing and testing applications as there is no need to purchase and set up on-premises physical hardware. DevOps teams frequently use public cloud platforms and other services, such as cloud storage , to host development projects. Compared to launching a testing environment in a private cloud, a dev/test approach in a public cloud offers cost-savings, flexibility and faster time to market. Once a team has developed an application in the public cloud, they may decide to migrate it to a private cloud environment, based on business needs or security factors.

Building and testing in a public cloud setting can also help advance an organization’s overall application modernization strategy, aiding in developing and testing microservices architecture designed for monolithic legacy applications. 

4. Cloud bursting

Many companies deal with dynamic workloads prone to rapid spikes in resource demands (e.g., an e-commerce website during a holiday sale). Here’s where cloud bursting, a hybrid cloud deployment technique, comes in. A cloud burst is a configuration between a private cloud and public cloud that uses load balancing to redirect traffic overflow. When a private cloud has reached 100% capacity, external workloads that would otherwise overwhelm an organization’s private servers “burst” to external third-party cloud services.

Besides avoiding interruption to business applications during sudden workload surges, cloud bursting can free up local resources for other applications and reduce capital expenditures tied to on-premises infrastructure costs.

5. Edge computing

Edge computing  is a distributed computing framework that places computer workloads as close as possible to data sources (e.g.,  IoT devices ). Edge computing has many business applications, ranging from predictive maintenance on a factory floor to in-hospital patient monitoring.

Edge computing has become a critical part of hybrid cloud architecture especially as endpoints, applications and data become more distributed. Edge computing— and mobile edge computing on 5G networks—keeps compute capacity closer to endpoints, resulting in low latency and high bandwidth availability. 

A modern hybrid cloud strategy combined with edge computing creates a seamless end-to-end solution that allows for the flexibility to run applications in private or public data centers and on the edge, bringing compute resources to end users, IoT devices, etc. In instances that require low-latency data transfer—such data analytics in self-driving vehicles or for real-time retail customer insights—hybrid cloud enables select infrastructure and application services at the edge. 

6. Hybrid cloud and AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform how businesses function by streamlining processes, increasing efficiency and reducing costs. By leveraging AI, businesses can automate repetitive tasks to free up their workforce, reduce errors and improve decision-making. A hybrid cloud environment forms a critical foundation for AI capabilities, including generative AI, which has become a top priority for enterprises worldwide. 

The  large language models (LLMs)  associated with  generative AI  demand enormous computing power to process high volumes of data in an environment that supports security and rapid scalability. A hybrid cloud architecture enables businesses to scale computing resources on demand and allocate resources during peak usage periods.

Data privacy, data security and cyberthreats are chief concerns with generative AI and LLMs. A hybrid cloud environment provides companies with the flexibility to store and process sensitive data locally in a private cloud setting, thus safeguarding information from outside threats and ensuring regulatory standards are met.

Advantages of hybrid cloud

 A hybrid cloud strategy provides the following benefits:

  • Agility:  A unified hybrid cloud platform helps organizations easily adopt agile DevSecOps (development, security and operations) methodologies, eliminating bottlenecks and speeding time to market. 
  • Scalability :  Businesses can scale up quickly, automatically and inexpensively in response to unexpected traffic spikes using hybrid cloud.
  • Security and compliance:  A hybrid cloud infrastructure lets organizations control how and where they place data storage and workloads based on security and regulatory compliance needs.
  • Business continuity:  In the event of a surge in web traffic or a network outage, a hybrid cloud architecture allows businesses to continue operations with minimal interruption.

IBM and hybrid cloud

The operational demands on organizations today are increasingly complex, which is why a seamless and connected IT infrastructure remains a critical business imperative. The  IBM Transformation Index: State of Cloud revealed a strong link between hybrid cloud adoption and progress in digital transformation, with 71% of those surveyed stating they believe it’s difficult to realize the full potential of a digital transformation without having a solid hybrid cloud strategy in place. 

Modern hybrid cloud architecture continues to offer powerful use cases for overall business transformation and innovation that are in lockstep with broader IT strategies, such as the integration of generative AI. As a leading global provider of hybrid cloud solutions, IBM is helping clients gain powerful data-driven insights, streamline business processes, enforce cloud security measures and save costs.

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What is hybrid application: 

  • A hybrid application is a software application that combines elements of both native apps and web applications .
  • It is the combination of web apps and native apps which needs to be downloaded inside your devices like native apps but the program that are used to build the Hybrid application are written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • The browser of our devices access is HTML, JavaScript and native APIs to the particular hardware.
  • It can run both online and offline, if the hybrid software does not depend on data from the database then it can be use offline.
  • It runs across various platform but need to deploy the app’s wrapper.
  • Example of hybrid application: Uber, Ola, Twitter etc.

What is Native app:

  • Native apps are created by software programs (like java, kotlin, ruby etc) that runs on the particular devices and platforms.
  • We need to download the native apps from the app stores (Google play, Apple’s store) as it does not run in the browser Unlike our smartphones where each application after installation from the app stores have access to an icon on the screen of our device home screen.
  • Native apps are developed specifically for one platform and can accessed all the features of our devices like camera, file manager, contacts, GPS etc.
  • They are various platform on which we can build Native apps like desktop, smartphones, smartwatch etc.
  • Native apps can work offline by using system notification.
  • Example of Native apps: Facebook, WhatsApp etc.

What is web application :

  • Web application is a software or program that runs and accessible using web browser unlike Native app which run on particular devices.
  • We don’t need any particular SDK for developing web application. Frontend part is mostly created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, bootstrap etc. and backend part could use MEAN stack, Hibernate etc.
  • Unlike Native app, web application cannot be installed as it run inside the browser.
  • Web application are connected through the server. The server requires bandwidth which helps web application to run on the browser all the time.
  • Client displays the data of web application and take very little disk space on the client side. If the server connection get lost then the whole data may be lost.
  • Example of web application: MakeMyTrip, Oyo, Flipkart, Amazon etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages of hybrid apps: 

  • Here we are free to use the Hybrid app across various platform.
  • It can be work both offline and online.
  • Hybrid apps comes with various updates across the time which improves the quality of apps.
  • It is cheaper to develop unlike native apps where it cost double to develop two versions for two platforms.


  • As hybrid application works on various platform, the GUI or the appearance may differ from platform to platform from user side.
  • The hybrid application needs to be tested across various platform, it runs to ensure proper operation of app.

Various frameworks used for Hybrid application: 

1. React Native framework:

  • It is the most popular framework for hybrid application development.
  • It supports various IDE and tools for the development.
  • One of the best thing about React Native is that you can see the result of the code.
  • Because of the faster result, it is time efficient.

2. Flutter:

  • It is very easy to use and implement. For the developer who is new can easily get their hands on it.
  • Flutter bear various languages thus it helps the developer to use the language of their own on various platform.
  • It is best used for mobile app development.
  • It uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • It is used open source HTML5 development platform.
  • It uses single database for the development of hybrid application.

4. jQuery Mobile:

  • It is the JavaScript framework fully dependent on the plugins available in JavaScript like Content Slider, Image Slider, Pop-up Boxes, etc.
  • It is easier to implement as compared to other JavaScript libraries.
  • In this very less code is required to program.

 5. Appcelerator Titanium:

  • The benefit to use Appcelerator Titanium is that it uses its own API i.e. it has independent API that easily access device hardware.
  • It can be reused across different platforms and apps.
  • It receives UI component.

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What is a Hybrid Cloud?

A hybrid cloud is a mixed computing environment where applications are run using a combination of computing, storage, and services in different environments—public clouds and private clouds, including on-premises data centers or “edge” locations. Hybrid cloud computing approaches are widespread because almost no one today relies entirely on a single public cloud. 

Hybrid cloud solutions enable you to migrate and manage workloads between these various cloud environments, allowing you to create more versatile setups based on your specific business needs. Many organizations choose to adopt hybrid cloud platforms to reduce costs, minimize risk, and extend their existing capabilities to support digital transformation efforts. 

A hybrid cloud approach is one of the most common infrastructure setups today. Cloud migrations often naturally lead to hybrid cloud implementations as organizations often have to transition applications and data slowly and systematically. Hybrid cloud environments allow you to continue using on-premises services while taking advantage of the flexible options for storing and accessing data and applications offered by public cloud providers, such as Google Cloud.

Hybrid cloud defined

Hybrid cloud solutions include applications, or their components such as compute, networking, and storage, when deployed across public and private clouds. On-premises servers are also often referred to as private clouds.

Hybrid cloud examples

The most common hybrid cloud example is to use public cloud with private cloud services and on-premises infrastructure. However, there’s no one hybrid cloud configuration or one-size-fits-all architecture. 

A hybrid cloud could combine a public cloud and a private cloud running on-premises or on the edge. It could also combine a public cloud with another public cloud (a.k.a., multicloud). 

Hybrid models are meant to allow an organization to mix and match environments and to choose what works best for the specific applications and data. For instance, hybrid solutions are popular with companies in highly regulated industries that have strict data privacy requirements for how they store, process, and interact with their data.

Another common example is adopting a hybrid cloud approach when transitioning to using a public cloud to scale capacity dynamically when computing or processing demands exceed a data center’s capabilities. Many cloud migration projects inevitably lead to hybrid cloud deployments as workloads and applications are slowly and strategically shifted over to the cloud. 

Is hybrid cloud the same as multicloud?

While these terms are often used interchangeably, they are not in fact the same. Hybrid cloud features different interconnected public and private clouds working together, sharing data and processes to perform the same task. On the other hand, multicloud approaches use services from more than one public cloud to perform various tasks, regardless of where they are hosted. Organizations that do not want to depend on a single cloud provider may choose to use resources from several providers to get the best benefits from each unique service.  

A hybrid cloud approach can also be considered multicloud if it includes resources from a private cloud and resources from at least two public cloud service providers. In other words, multicloud setups include hybrid cloud setups but a hybrid cloud is not automatically considered multicloud.

How does a hybrid cloud work?

Hybrid clouds work by combining the resources and services from two or more separate computing environments. Hybrid cloud architectures require integration, orchestration, and coordination so you can share, shift, and synchronize information quickly. 

Strong hybrid cloud networking is critical for a hybrid cloud deployment to function correctly. Interconnectivity between environments is typically established using a local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), virtual private network (VPN), and application programming interfaces (APIs).

Similar to other cloud computing architectures, hybrid cloud platforms leverage virtualization, containerization, and software-defined networking and storage technologies to abstract and aggregate resources. Dedicated management software allows organizations to allocate resources and enable on-demand provisioning to different environments. 

What is a hybrid cloud approach used for?

A hybrid cloud approach is suited for you if you want to take advantage of the scale and security of a public cloud, such as Google Cloud, while keeping your data on-premises to comply with data residency laws or supporting computing needs closer to your customers. For some of you, with critical systems operating in private and public clouds, hybrid computing is a great option.

Here are just a few examples of the benefits of adopting a hybrid cloud:

  • Modernize at your own pace. With a hybrid cloud you can migrate applications to the cloud at the pace that makes sense for your business and transform your technical infrastructure over time.
  • Maintain regulatory compliance. Many industries have rules surrounding where your app can operate. Hybrid can help you use private and public clouds while adhering to any regulatory requirements.
  • Running apps on-premises. You may have regulated applications that need to remain on-premises or mainframe systems that are difficult to move to the cloud. 
  • Running apps at remote edge locations. If you are operating in industries that demand edge hybrid computing for low latency, such as kiosks in retail or networks in telecom, a hybrid approach lets you run select apps at the edge. 

Hybrid cloud solutions

Today, IT teams are looking to architect hybrid cloud environments that make use of the same technology stacks to keep pace with the adoption of cloud-native technologies, microservices and container-based architecture, and infrastructure as code. 

Over time, hybrid cloud solutions have become less focused on interconnectivity between locations and increasingly shifted towards workload portability and automated deployment to the most optimal environment for the business use case. 

Therefore, we recommend thinking about hybrid cloud platforms based on what they do, rather than solely in terms of location and ownership. 

A hybrid cloud solution should: 

  • Consolidate IT resources, services, and functionality
  • Automate scale-out and provisioning
  • Move workloads freely between environments 
  • Orchestrate processes and provide unified management
  • Automate deployment of applications in both private and public clouds, as well as edge locations 

What are hybrid cloud benefits?

Effective application governance.

A hybrid approach allows you to decide where your application sits and where hybrid computing happens. This can help improve privacy and ensure compliance for your regulated applications.

Improved performance and reduced latency

Sometimes, distributed apps at remote locations benefit from a hybrid cloud solution. For applications with low latency requirements, hybrid computing happens close to the end users.

Flexible operations

Hybrid computing gives you the flexibility to operate in the environment that’s best for you. For example, by building with containers , you can create portable applications and easily move between public and private clouds. 

Improved ROI

By adding a public cloud provider to your existing on-premises infrastructure, you can expand your cloud computing capacity without increasing your data center expenses. 

Sometimes, distributed apps at remote locations benefit from a hybrid cloud solution. For applications with low latency requirements, hybrid computing can happen closer to the end users.

Faster innovation

Hybrid cloud models provide access to the latest technologies like AI and machine learning without having to extend or replace your existing infrastructure. You can maximize resources and increase productivity to speed up the development and delivery of apps. 

Hybrid cloud disadvantages

While hybrid cloud deployments offer many advantages, it may not be the right fit for your organization.

Since hybrid cloud models include the use of private cloud and on-premises infrastructure, you still have to invest and maintain in-house hardware and any additional software and tools needed. Hybrid cloud adoption often requires new technical expertise from both IT teams as well as business users. 

Hybrid cloud environments may also be complex. It can be difficult to establish visibility into all the systems, applications, platforms, and processes contained in your hybrid cloud, which can cause you to miss critical issues or opportunities. In addition, on-premises and public cloud environments are not always compatible, making it difficult to synchronize transmission of data. 

That’s why it’s important to carefully assess whether the benefits of cloud match with your specific priorities, budget, and the skills of your team. It’s also important to evaluate cloud vendors and tools that support open platforms and provide hybrid cloud management capabilities.

How to set up a hybrid cloud

Workloads, infrastructure, and processes are unique. As a result, your hybrid cloud strategy will ultimately be defined around your business requirements. What works for one organization may not work for you. 

When you build your hybrid cloud strategy , you will need to create a plan to: 

  • Define your vision. Create a vision statement that evaluates your current approach and environments to help you define what you want to optimize and how a hybrid cloud deployment will enable you to reach your goals. 
  • Assess workloads . Decide the workloads that will run in or be migrated to each environment. Where workloads run can have a huge impact on the success of your hybrid cloud strategy. Putting a workload in the right place can make it more effective and efficient, while the wrong one can complicate your deployment. 
  • Identify patterns. After you prioritize your workloads, you can evaluate which architecture patterns best match your requirements. Although your workloads are unique, there are common hybrid cloud architecture patterns you can use to help you make the most of your environments. 
  • Choose technology and network topology. Once you have decided on the architecture patterns for your workloads, decide which common network topologies and technologies will allow you to connect your environments in a secure and reliable manner. 

Solve your business challenges with Google Cloud

Modernize at your own pace.

With a hybrid cloud you can migrate applications to the cloud at the pace that makes sense for your business and transform your technical infrastructure over time.

Maintain regulatory compliance

Many industries have rules surrounding where your app can operate. Hybrid can help you use private and public clouds while adhering to any regulatory requirements.

Running apps on-premises

You may have regulated applications that need to remain on-premises or mainframe systems that are difficult to move to the cloud. 

Running apps at remote edge locations

If you are operating in industries that demand edge hybrid computing for low latency, such as kiosks in retail or networks in telecom, a hybrid approach lets you run select apps at the edge. 

Related products and services

Google Cloud makes your hybrid experience simple and prioritizes security. That’s why we offer Anthos , a consistent Kubernetes experience for your applications across on-premises and multiple clouds. Using Anthos, you get a reliable, efficient, and secured way to run Kubernetes clusters where you choose. When running in Google Cloud, you can manage your applications using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), our managed Kubernetes service for running containerized applications.

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What is enterprise hybrid cloud, and how does it work?

With an enterprise hybrid cloud, organizations can leverage the scalability and cost-effectiveness of public cloud services while retaining control over their data and applications in a private cloud environment. It’s designed to meet all an enterprise business’s cloud computing requirements, eliminating the need to make tradeoffs. 

It comes as no surprise, then, that 73% of enterprises are using a hybrid cloud approach in 2024, and many more will likely follow suit.

However, what is an enterprise hybrid cloud, and how can it be implemented?

In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits and challenges of enterprise hybrid cloud computing and look at how to establish a thriving hybrid cloud environment for your business.

What is an enterprise hybrid cloud?

Why choose an enterprise hybrid cloud, challenges of an enterprise hybrid cloud, how to build an enterprise hybrid cloud, final thoughts: enterprise hybrid cloud — what you need to know.

An enterprise hybrid cloud combines infrastructure from private and public clouds.

An enterprise hybrid cloud is a mix of two or more data storage and computing environments, such as a public cloud, third-party-hosted private cloud, or on-premises infrastructure. It combines these different environments to create a unified platform for an enterprise organization’s computing data.

That makes it an excellent option for enterprises looking to leverage the best features of multiple infrastructure models. After all, there’s no such thing as the perfect cloud solution.

Hybrid clouds can be tailored to meet your needs and requirements. You can choose the best computing model for each workload and application based on factors like cost, regulatory compliance, security, and performance.

Siemens is a great example of an enterprise using a hybrid cloud to its advantage. It collaborated with Red Hat and IBM to develop a hybrid cloud program for its Internet of Things (IoT) solution that offers manufacturers and plant operators real-time insights into their operations.

Understanding your business requirements, securing your data, and selecting the right mix of public and private cloud resources are all necessary components of creating a hybrid cloud strategy for your enterprise.

Having the necessary skill set to manage and monitor the environment effectively is also crucial unless you choose to go with fully managed cloud services. 

Overall, if you want to maintain control over your data while taking advantage of cost-effective public cloud resources, an enterprise hybrid cloud could be exactly what you need.

Private and public clouds

A private cloud refers to a computing environment that’s solely reserved for a single user or organization. It includes dedicated server resources, customizable infrastructure, and a higher level of security compared to public cloud services. Private clouds are especially beneficial for businesses that need to meet stringent compliance requirements. 

A major drawback that comes with a private cloud is the price, as it requires a substantial investment in hardware and labor upfront.

Public clouds are owned and operated by a third-party provider. With this type of cloud, computing resources are accessible to multiple users over the internet. Companies can leverage nearly limitless scaling capabilities with public clouds. In addition, users don’t have to worry about managing the resources themselves, as the cloud provider generally handles it.

Since public clouds are shared environments, their drawbacks include limited control, potential security issues, and fewer customization options.

By leveraging the strengths of both private and public clouds, you can unlock a host of benefits for your business.

By opting for hybrid clouds, enterprises can unlock many benefits, such as scalability and cost-effectiveness.

An enterprise hybrid cloud model offers numerous benefits to enterprise organizations. It’s no wonder that hybrid clouds have gained immense popularity in recent years. Let’s explore some of the most significant advantages:

Resource scalability 

A hybrid cloud environment comes with on-demand scalability — you can scale IT resources up and down as needed without incurring unnecessary costs. This is in part because established public cloud platforms, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, include copious amounts of capacity. As a result, certain operations can be moved to the public cloud to meet spikes in demand.

And at Liquid Web, our cloud dedicated servers offer resource isolation while providing you with the instant provisioning and flexibility of the cloud. As such, you can scale at any time to ensure peak performance regardless of how much traffic you receive.

Overall, with an enterprise hybrid cloud setup, you can maintain optimal performance and adapt quickly to changing needs without any hassle. 

Security and compliance

There are higher levels of security in enterprise hybrid clouds. This is because a private cloud or on-premises infrastructure gives you complete control over your data and can host critical and highly sensitive information, such as intellectual property, health care, and financial data. 

In short, sensitive data and workloads that require heightened security can benefit from a private cloud’s protection. You can then use a public cloud ecosystem to house less sensitive operations.

It’s worth noting that security in the public cloud is a shared responsibility between you and your vendor. So, it’s important to know what cloud security measures are provided and what you need to do to safeguard your own data. 

On the other hand, many private clouds give you the flexibility to implement the security controls that best suit your needs, like access controls, encryption, and an intrusion detection system (IDS).

Lastly, a private cloud can help you meet applicable industry-specific or regional compliance standards, like the: 

  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS)
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Noncompliance can result in hefty fines and legal repercussions, not to mention reputational damage and financial losses. 

With an enterprise hybrid cloud architecture, you can accelerate your time to market by using your public infrastructure for testing and deployment. What this means is that a public cloud offers greater agility than a private cloud. Your developers can quickly spin up additional resources to test new apps so you can get your product to market faster. A faster time to market can also help you gain a competitive edge.

As soon as the application proves its value or moves into production, it can be moved to a private cloud for better security and control.

Business continuity

Another key advantage of an enterprise hybrid cloud is the ability to maintain business continuity and support your disaster recovery plan. You can replicate data and apps across both private and public clouds. 

So, if one cloud service goes down or a disaster occurs, the other can spring into action. As a result, you can continue to operate without any interruptions.

Cost reduction

A private cloud-only approach can be costly for enterprise businesses as it typically requires significant upfront investments in hardware, software, network infrastructure, and labor. You may also be responsible for hardware management tasks and maintenance.

You can mitigate these expenses by supplementing third-party private or on-premises infrastructure with public cloud services. For example, you can achieve cost savings by shifting some of your operations to a public cloud environment. 

Moreover, you’ll be able to scale operations without investing in additional equipment and only pay for the resources you consume with a public cloud’s pay-as-you-go pricing model.

In addition, Liquid Web’s VMware private cloud includes simple resource-based pricing. This allows you to purchase only the resources you need for your hybrid setup without adding additional hardware.

On the whole, a combination of private and public cloud systems can result in a lower total cost of ownership.

While an enterprise hybrid cloud offers many benefits, its potential challenges include cost management and visibility.

While hybrid cloud environments provide numerous benefits, they also present challenges that organizations must deal with, such as cost management and integration. Let’s discuss these issues in greater detail and see how you can overcome them: 


One of the biggest challenges of an enterprise hybrid cloud setup is achieving complete visibility and control over your entire infrastructure. It can result in increased operational complexities and make it difficult to identify and troubleshoot problems. For instance, high-latency issues and data transfer bottlenecks can impact a hybrid cloud. 

However, a cloud monitoring tool can help you attain a holistic view of operations so you can resolve any issues that may arise, attain high levels of performance, and ensure the smooth operation of your enterprise’s hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Technical expertise

Single-cloud environments can be difficult to deploy and maintain, but hybrid clouds present an even greater challenge. That’s why a hybrid cloud system requires specialized knowledge and expertise, which your internal IT department may not have. 

Without the necessary skills, you may run into costly mistakes that result in breaches and potential downtime. And if you opt to invest in training and upskilling programs for existing staff or when onboarding new employees, the costs can quickly add up. 

Partnering with a cloud provider like Liquid Web, that can provide guidance and support during migration and beyond, can help. We offer managed cloud services, so you won’t have to worry about the complexities of deploying a hybrid cloud solution. Instead, you can focus on the business side of things, and we’ll handle all the technical details.

Cost management

A Cisco report shows cost management is among the top challenges for businesses when using a hybrid cloud.

While hybrid clouds offer cost optimization opportunities, managing costs can still pose a challenge. In fact, a Cisco report found that it’s one of the top three challenges organizations face when using multiple clouds. 

To overcome this and attain more accurate IT spend forecasting, enterprise organizations should understand the costs associated with managing a hybrid cloud environment. 

Moreover, there are several tactics you can use to reduce expenses. These include automating resource management and determining which workloads are better suited for the public cloud and which should be hosted in the private cloud or on-premises data center. 


Hybrid cloud deployments often involve systems with distinct application programming interfaces (APIs), data formats, and network protocols. As such, integrating disparate cloud systems can be a tall order. Integration solutions can help you bridge these differences and enable efficient and effective communication across the hybrid cloud environment. 

It’s also worth noting that legacy systems may not be compatible with your new cloud environment. But at Liquid Web, we’ll help you lift and shift your applications and data to the cloud without rewriting code.

Be sure to consider the above challenges and how to address them as you build your hybrid cloud infrastructure. 

Create a well-thought-out enterprise hybrid cloud strategy to ensure successful implementation.

Now that you’re aware of the advantages and challenges of a hybrid cloud configuration let’s go over the steps to implement it:

Know your requirements 

When building an enterprise hybrid cloud model, the first step is to identify your requirements. Consider the following questions:

  • What are the key goals of transitioning to a hybrid cloud model?
  • Which workloads and applications will you move to the new cloud environment?
  • How will the hybrid cloud setup meet your compliance requirements?
  • Which method will you use to connect the diverse cloud environments?

It’s essential to involve people beyond the IT team when assessing your requirements. For example, they may not have a solid grasp of your business needs, so input from departments like finance and human resources can lead to better decision-making. 

Choose the right hybrid cloud provider

Benefits of choosing Liquid Web enterprise hosting solutions for your hybrid cloud setup.

Once you’ve identified your requirements, you need to choose a hybrid cloud provider that can meet those needs.

Ensure the provider is knowledgeable and provides 24/7 support (via multiple channels). In addition, make sure to review the service-level agreement (SLA) with a fine-tooth comb. Take a look at the uptime guarantee and data security measures. 

For example, Liquid Web’s SLA guarantees 100% uptime. You can also expect to get help within 59 seconds via phone and live chat.

Also, check if the provider includes any penalties or compensation in the event that these obligations are not met. 

Last but not least, ensure your cloud service provider can scale with your business as it grows in size and that it’s compatible with your existing IT infrastructure.

Set up your network connectivity

Connecting hybrid clouds can be achieved through various methods, such as APIs, virtual private networks (VPNs), and wide area networks (WANs). A VPN, for instance, can provide a secure and encrypted connection between your private and public clouds. 

Implement security measures

When data is distributed across multiple environments, ensuring its safety and security is no easy feat. And any failures can be costly.

For example, according to a survey by Information Technology Intelligence Consulting (ITIC), 44% of midsized and large enterprises said that just one hour of downtime could cost them over $1 million.

You can protect your data in transit and at rest through encryption. Other security measures you can use include identity and access management and firewalls.

In addition, a backup and disaster recovery strategy should be created to ensure data can be recovered in case of a cyberattack, system failure , or other unforeseen events. 

Train and educate employees

As mentioned earlier, integrating and managing diverse cloud environments in an enterprise hybrid cloud requires specialized skills and expertise. Therefore, to ensure that your employees can handle the complexities of a hybrid cloud deployment, provide them with training.

What’s more, creating a culture of continuous learning can be beneficial, as the cloud landscape is constantly evolving.

Test your hybrid cloud solution

Finally, test your hybrid cloud to ensure it works as it should. 

While an enterprise hybrid cloud allows you to choose the best environment for your workloads, you should evaluate them regularly to determine if the current placement is the most suitable for achieving the desired results or if a different approach would yield more significant value.

By leveraging private and public cloud infrastructure, you won’t limit yourself to just one type of IT environment. Instead, you can get the best of both worlds and the flexibility to choose the most suitable environment for each workload.

If you’re looking for a hosting provider who understands the nuances of both on-premises and cloud environments and can help you implement and manage a secure and reliable enterprise hybrid cloud, check out Liquid Web.

We offer cloud dedicated hosting that includes on-demand flexibility and scalability and fully managed VMware private cloud plans built on enterprise hardware.

Plus, you’ll get 100% network uptime, DDoS protection, and round-the-clock support from our team of experts.

Contact us today to learn more about our reliable solutions.

Related Resources

Enterprise cloud security guide for cloud-based applications: What you need to know

How to plan and manage your enterprise cloud migration

7 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Hybrid Cloud Strategy

Maximize your ROI with VMware Private Cloud

Securing cloud computing environment in 2024: Techniques, tips, and best practices

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