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Goodnotes Planner

GoodNotes Planner | With 108 Free Templates

We’ve created this GoodNotes planner for any digital planner enthusiast or anyone who wants to be more organized with their tasks, schedule, and life.

This free GoodNotes planner features a stunning high-quality design, packed full of useful pages, hyperlinked for easy navigation.

Over 100 GoodNotes templates are included in this digital planner. When it comes to GoodNotes, this is simply the best planner you’ll find.

free digital planner

  • What’s included in the GoodNotes Planner
  • Popular GoodNotes templates

What you can do with this GoodNotes planner

  • Get more accessories for your GoodNotes planner

Common questions about GoodNotes

  • How to get the free GoodNotes planner

See what’s included in this GoodNotes Planner

You’ll find over 100 useful templates within the pages of this planner.

Every page of this GoodNotes planner is designed in a colorful style, and features hyperlinked tabs to help you quickly go to the pages you need.

This hyperlinked planner works with many popular apps for your tablet, such as GoodNotes, Notability, Penly, and more.

Features include:

Key features:

  • Stylish color design
  • Hyperlinked Tabs and Clickable Index for easy navigation.
  • Blank Lined Paper for simple note-taking
  • Dot Grid Paper for design and ideas
  • Blank Checklist
  • Digital Notebook Pages
  • Digital Notepad pages
  • Custom Sections (x6)
  • Stylish Cover

The hyperlinked tabs and menu page make it great for easy navigation. Just tap the icons or toolbar menu to jump to any page instantly.

goodnotes daily planner template free

Over 100 GoodNotes templates included

This planner is packed full of over 100 GoodNotes templates . You’ll find pages that include:

Daily Planner – use the daily pages to plan your day ahead, prioritize your tasks, schedule, and more.

Mood and Habit trackers – ideal for wellness and self-care.

Meal planners for planning your family’s healthy meals. Plus planners for tasty recipes and more.

Dated planners including monthly calendars are perfect for planning each and every month of the year.

Weekly spreads – use the weekly pages to plan your schedule, tasks, appointments, and activities for the week ahead.

Monthly budget pages are perfect for managing your money. You’ll find trackers for savings, debts, expenses, and more.

Undated planners , including daily, weekly, and monthly pages, so that you can create as many copies as you need.

Page templates , including lined paper, dot grid pages, checklists, blank pages, and more.

Custom sections , are great for personalizing with pages that you can tailor for yourself.

There are simply so many useful free GoodNotes templates included, that you’ll have everything you need for everyday planning.

Goodnotes templates

The cute digital planner has been designed to work beautifully with GoodNotes and is fully hyperlinked and good to go.

You will have so much fun navigating through this planner and organizing your tasks, schedule, and more.

We have a huge amount of free digital planners and planner inserts that will help you create a digital planner that suits your every need.

You can get this free digital planner below and start planning now.

Popular GoodNotes templates included

2024 goodnotes calendar.

Use the GoodNotes calendar template to see every day of the year at a glance. We’ve included a 2024 and 2024 calendar.

goodnotes calendar template

2024 and 2025 calendars are included.

Monthly Calendar

You’ll also find a stylish monthly calendar dated for every month of the year. Perfect for planning each month.

goodnotes calendar

12 calendar planners are included, for January through to December. The GoodNotes planner features tabs along the side for each month, so you can quickly jump to any month with ease.

GoodNotes Weekly Planner

Use the weekly planner to plan your schedule for the coming week. You’ll also find a weekly to-do list that you can use to plan all of your tasks for the week ahead.

goodnotes weekly planner template

The weekly planner pages include columns for each day, with lined rows for adding important appointments and events so that you can see the important things for the week at a glance.

GoodNotes Day Planner

There are also useful GoodNotes daily planner templates that you can use to plan your schedule each day. Plus we’ve also included a daily to-do list to help plan the tasks you need to do each day.

goodnotes day planner

The day planner has lots of space for you to detail everything that’s happening each day, including space for priorities, schedules, to-do’s, and notes.

Monthly Planner

There is a GoodNotes monthly planner template that’s perfect for anyone who needs an undated digital planner

goodnotes monthly planner

The calendar helps you see everything that’s coming up for the current month and is a great place for writing birthdays, appointments, and more.

Home Planning & Recipe Planner

Every homemaker could benefit from a planner page that’s designed to help you manage everything you need to do at home. From chores, meals, errands, and more.

goodnotes templates free

Plus we’ve included a recipe planner, great for helping you write down any new recipes you want to try.

Personal Planning & Improvement Planner

We’ve included wellness and lifestyle templates too. These are great for anyone who wants to live a healthier life, both mentally and physically.

Digital personal planner template

There’s plenty of space for details such as this weeks focus, important reminders, goals, health and fitness, and more.

Habit Tracker & Mood Tracker

Track your moods and your habits with these two tracker templates. These pages are beneficial to many people, and can help you track how you’re feeling.

digital habit tracker template

These two trackers are side by side on one spread, as they can contribute to each other very well.

GoodNotes Meal Planner

Plan your meals in style with the daily and weekly meal planners and be more organized, eat healthier, and even save money by being more organized with groceries and meals.

goodnotes meal planner

The daily meal planner and weekly meal planner are side by side, so you can see everything for the current day, as well as the week ahead, designed to help you plan your meals more effectively.

Goal Planner

The goal planner template helps you plan your goals and set deadlines for achieving them. You can list all of the actions you need to do to help you complete your goal and mark each as achieved when you’ve reached it.

Digital Goal Planner Template

There’s space for multiple goals, and you can see them all within this two page spread.

Digital Project Planner

The project planner is helpful for anyone who likes to make and plan projects. Write your project idea, objectives, and any tasks that make up the project.

Digital project planner

There’s space for multiple projects and you can see them within this section.

GoodNotes Budget Template

Manage your budget and bills with these budget templates. You can track your spending, log your income, and much more. There’s also a bill payments checklist, great for tracking all of your bills and when you pay them.

goodnotes budget template free

This two-page section helps you stay on top of your budget and bills within one area, so no more flipping pages when trying to organize your money.

Savings Tracker & Debt Tracker

Use the savings tracker to set savings goals and to track your savings as you work towards them. The debt tracker is useful for keeping tabs on your debts with the aim of helping you pay them off as quickly as possible.

Digital Savings Planner Template

Having these two pages side by side, helps you see and manage your money better.

Weight Loss Tracker & Weight Chart

Log your weight, set weight goals, and track your weight loss with these useful weight templates.

digital weight loss template

Having these two pages side by side helps you track your weight more effectively.

Workout Tracker & Calorie Intake Tracker

Use the digital meals and workouts tracker to log your meals, calories consumed, and workouts.

Digital workouts tracker

These two pages also work well together, and by having them on screen at once helps you track your meals, calories, and workouts more effectively.

Digital Spending Tracker

Use the digital spending tracker to log your spending throughout the month so that you can account for the money you’ve used and how you’ve paid for things. There’s also a digital holiday budget tracker that’s great for setting a budget for a vacation or for the holiday season.

digital spending tracker

These pages will help you manage your spending better, no matter the time of year.

Digital Grocery List

Use the digital grocery list to write down what you need to buy when you go grocery shopping.

Digital grocery list

These two pages help keep your groceries and other shopping neatly separated but together on the screen to help you shop more efficiently.

Custom Digital Planner

You’ll also find six custom sections that you can use for anything. Custom sections are great for planning or logging things that are unique to you.

Goodnotes custom section

Customize these sections for any type of planning that you need to do. You can also add printable planner inserts of any kind into these pages, to make a unique planner that’s custom to you. We have lots of planner inserts right here on our website.

Digital Notepad

This has to be the best digital notepad that you’ll find for GoodNotes. Featuring a stylish look and plenty of space for all of your notes.

Use it to write down notes as you go, or for thoughts and ideas. Simply copy the pages as many times as you need to create your own digital notebook.

digital notes template

There’s no need for a separate notebook when you have these included within the planner.

You’ll also find many more planner pages for things that matter, including:

  • Thoughts and Notes
  • Master List
  • Bucket List
  • Contact List
  • Password Tracker
  • Events & Key Dates
  • Improvement Planner

There’s also a printable version too!

If you like this GoodNotes planner and would also like a printed version, then we’ve got you covered!

Our cute printable planner has all of the pages that you see here, in a printable format. Just print it out and use it as a regular planner.

good notes kalender

There is so much that you can do with this GoodNotes planner. All you need is the good notes app, or any similar app, such as Notability, Noteshelf, Penly, or Xodo.

Just import this free GoodNotes planner into your chosen app, and start your planning in style.

Use this planner for simple things like a digital notebook, writing notes, ideas, reminders, and more.

Simply use your device for any type of handwriting, from creating daily plans to seeing your week at a glance, or simply just for doodles!

goodnotes weekly planner

Get more for your GoodNotes Planner

Personalize your planner with more planner pages , digital stickers , and more.

We’ve created a huge range of freebies that will help you extend your planner in so many different ways.

You’ll find even more of the pages that you need from hundreds of different planner templates and individual PNG files which you’ll find throughout our website for free. Just add them to your planner to make it the ideal planner for you.

Plus, decorate your planner with fun free accessories!

See our range of digital stickers and choose from thousands of stickers that you can add to your planner for free.

The perfect way to create your own personalized planner.

The best digital planner for GoodNotes designed for you

This cute digital planner for GoodNotes has been carefully designed to help you get the most out of digital planning, with many pages ready for you to start planning, tracking, and prioritizing.

This planner and our other full digital planners work with the GoodNotes app and other popular PDF annotation apps such as Notability, Noteshelf, Xodo, and more.

Goodnotes daily planner

It’s the perfect planner for anyone looking to take notes, make plans or organize their daily life digitally.

A digital GoodNotes planner that’s free and easy to use

We make it so accessible for anyone to start digital planning and we put a lot of time and love into our digital planners all of which have a perfect blend of features and style.

Our free digital planners are updated regularly, so be sure to check back often for updated versions, and new releases.

Just save this digital planner to your iPad or Android tablet, open it in your favorite digital notebook app such as GoodNotes, and start using it now! It comes in PDF format, for easy importing and is compatible with many similar apps and devices.

Start planning 2024 the right way with this free 2024 digital planner

If you’re looking for more GoodNotes planners, be sure to see our huge range of the Best Digital Planners that you’ll find for many more different styles of planners that you can use for free.

full digital planner

How to get this free GoodNotes planner

You can get this free GoodNotes planner right here below at the bottom of this page, click to jump down to the GoodNotes digital planner . All of our planners are completely free for personal use. Never buy another digital planner again.

Just save the digital planner to your iPad or Android device, then import it into Goodnotes or a similar PDF annotation app such as Notability, Penly, or CollaNote, then start planning! It will instantly feel like you’re using a paper planner. It’s very easy to navigate and use.

This planner isn’t suitable for printing, but don’t worry – if printable planners are more your thing then we have lots of them that you’ll love. Check out our full range of planners .

free goodnotes templates

Are digital planners better?

There are many reasons why digital planners are better than regular printed planners.

You can copy and reuse pages as often as you need, cutting down costs. They’re better for the environment as there’s no paper used and no waste either. They’re also great time savers, as you can copy and paste anything from tasks, schedules, and more instead of having to rewrite. You can also search through your planner to quickly find anything that you’ve written previously.

Digital planners are also very affordable, especially when you use high-quality free digital planners like those that we offer here on our website.

Best of all, they’re portable and accessible from anywhere. You can sync them between devices, back them up, share them, and even access them from the web using GoodNotes web viewer.

Can GoodNotes be shared?

GoodNotes planners can be shared so that you and others can work together on the same planner.

Can GoodNotes work offline?

GoodNotes works offline, there is no need for an internet connection unless you want to sync your planner between devices.

When will GoodNotes be available for Windows?

GoodNotes is only developed for iOS devices as the majority of people use iPads for digital planning. There are no plans for a Windows version.

However, there is a GoodNotes web viewer that can be used to view your notes on Windows.

When will GoodNotes 6 be released?

GoodNotes 6 isn’t due to come out in the near future. There have not been any official announcements.

Where to get GoodNotes templates

You can find many GoodNotes templates free right here on our website. Check out our full range of digital planners that work with the Goodnotes iPad app. You’ll find many styles of templates to choose from.

The templates come in PDF format that you import directly into any annotation app.

Which planner should I get?

There are many different styles of planners that you can get. The planner that you choose comes down to style and features.

You can choose from dated and undated planners in a range of stylish designs.

There are also planners dedicated to things such as meal planning, budgeting, wellness, and more.

Our all-in-one planners combine all aspects of life and work into a planner bundle, so you’ll have all of the pages that you need to plan and organize the things that matter.

See our Best Digital Planners guide for our recommendations for the best digital planners for 2024.

Check out our full range of planners – you’ll find printable and digital planners in a variety of styles.

Free Printable 2024 Planner

Love our free digital planners but would rather have a paper version? If you’re more of a fan of traditional planners, then take a look at our free printable 2024 planner that features the same planner pages that are featured in this planner, but in a printable format.

We’re constantly adding more new freebies to help you make the most of the things that matter, such as free digital planners, stickers, and planner printables. Make sure you sign up for our newsletter to get occasional updates on our latest freebies that you can enjoy.

weekly to do list

How to get this free digital planner

You can get the digital planner right here. Just choose either a Sunday start version or a Monday start version.

It is recommended that you save the digital planner directly to your tablet, then import it into your note-taking app such as Goodnotes, and then start planning! It will instantly feel like you’re using a paper planner. It’s very easy to navigate and use.

This planner isn’t suitable for printing, but don’t worry – if printable planners are more your thing then we have lots of them that you’ll love. Check out our full range of planners.

Get the free digital planner

Get the digital planner from our archive pages below.

Choose from a Sunday start version or a Monday start version.

COPYRIGHT This digital planner is for personal use only and is the copyright of World of Printables – you cannot redistribute, reproduce, or resell, although you can link back to our website.

Want some free digital planner stickers ? They’re so cute you’ll love them!

You’ll also like…

We’ve got many more free digital planners for you to start using right now.

Free Printables

For many more free digital planners like this for free, see our Freebie Vault .

More Free Digital Planners for iPad

Looking for more free digital planners or awesome freebies?

Did you know that we have many other digital planners that you can use for free?

We like to pride ourselves on our generosity, and we love to give back to our friends, so we’ve created an amazing collection of free digital planners for you to use.

They are all hyperlinked, with tabs, buttons, and clickable index, with customization options, and each of them varies in style, colors, and contents, including dark black page versions for a stylish look.

Just browse our digital planners and find the perfect one for you.

Don’t say we don’t love you!

We think you’ll really enjoy using these free digital planners:

  • Choose your favorite Digital Planner from this amazing free collection

Free Digital Planner For 2024

  • Best Digital Planner – Free 100-Page Planner For GoodNotes, iPad & Android
  • Digital Planner PDF | Free Stylish 2024 Planner
  • Free Black Digital Planner For iPad & GoodNotes
  • Digital Day Planner – The Free Day Planner That Everybody’s Talking About
  • Digital Weekly Planner – The Free Weekly Planner That People Can’t get enough of
  • Free Digital Monthly Planner
  • Free Digital Bullet Journal With Black Pages

Free Digital Bullet Journal

  • GoodNotes Notebook Covers – 250 Free Planner Covers To Choose From

Why not get one of these free digital planners?

We’ve got many more free digital planners for you to start using right now. Here’s our latest:

bullet journal apps

Happy Habit Planner | Free Digital Planner

Goodnotes Notebook Covers

Goodnotes Notebook Covers | 250 Free Planner Covers

Digital Planners for iPad, GoodNotes, Notability, Xodo, Noteshelf, Collanote.

Digital Planners – 10 of the best in 2024, all free!

Best Digital Planner - For iPad GoodNotes and Notability

Best Digital Planner – Free 100 Page Planner For GoodNotes, iPad, Android

Free Digital Planner

What other planners are there?

Did you know that our printable planners are hugely popular? We’ve created a huge library of different planner pages, in many different styles, covering everything from meal planning to day planning.

You can print these and use them as a regular paper planner, or import them into your digital planner app for use with our other digital planners.

Many people use our planners to plan things like schedules, meals, workouts, finances, weight, and so much more. We have planners designed specifically for all types of things and in many different styles.

Start planning next year now with our totally free 2024 Planner

If you love our GoodNotes Planner, then you’ll also love our free 2024 digital planner bundle.

Free Digital Planner For 2024

Why not make 2024 an amazing year? Set goals, plan how you’re going to achieve them and make the most of the things that matter. Great for use as a personal planner, or for use at work.

Our 2024 digital planne r is packed full of useful planner pages to help you get more done, stay organized, and live healthier and happier.

Get this awesome free 2024 digital planner bundle.

Make the most of your new free digital iPad planner!

I really hope you use and enjoy our cute free digital iPad planner. Be sure to recommend it to your friends! Follow us on Instagram or Pinterest , as it’s a great way for you to keep updated with our latest freebies.

Follow World of Printables on Pinterest

What do other people do after viewing this?

Digital Day Planner

Digital Day Planner – The Free Daily Planner Everybody’s Talking About

Digital Monthly Planner

Digital Monthly Planner – Stylish & Free

free goodnotes digital planner

World of Printables

About the Authors: Ellie Watson and Don Watson are the creative minds behind World of Printables. They are both professional graphic designers with over 30 years of combined experience in the graphic design industry and have dedicated their careers to crafting beautiful and practical printables. Through their articles, they share their expertise and insights to help readers make the most of these printable designs. Whether it's printable planners, calendars, templates, or educational worksheets, Ellie and Don are passionate about adding value to your life through their printable creations. Stay inspired and organized with Ellie and Don's expert tips and designs at World of Printables. Learn more .

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  • Digital Planners
  • Goodnotes Templates

Quick jump to:


Paper planners are gradually becoming a trend of the past as digital tools are taking the stage. Here is the collection of the best digital planners for Goodnotes to help you update your life, organize your tasks, goals, and other things. Take your note-taking and planning experience to the next level with the Goodnotes Templates Digital Planners available in PDF format.

Daily Goodnotes Templates

Get daily digital planner downloaded on your device. Start using a handy tool for daily planning right now. Choose your favorite daily planner and enjoy the ease of management that comes with a hyperlinked page structure with clickable tabs and buttons.

Ultimate digital planner for iPad / Android

Undated Goodnotes Templates

If you want to be well-organized and productive, be sure to take a closer look at these great planners. They will help you manage your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly activities comfortably and efficiently.

good notes kalender

  • All-in-One Access
  • 2024 Calendars
  • Kindle Scribe
  • Christmas Planning
  • For Teachers
  • For Students
  • iPad Planners
  • Supernote Planners
  • Onyx BOOX Planners
  • Goodnotes Planners
  • Notability Planners
  • Notability Templates
  • Noteshelf Planners
  • Digital Planner Stickers
  • Digital Planner Covers
  • Penly Templates
  • Invitations

Recently added:

  • Digital Meal Planner for iPad (Light Theme)
  • Digital Bullet Journal (Dark Theme)
  • Weekly To-Do Digital Planner for iPad
  • Daily Productivity Digital Planner (Light Theme)
  • Digital Bullet Journal (Light Theme)

good notes kalender

  • All Planners
  • 2024 Planner
  • 24/25 Planner
  • Remarkable Notebooks
  • Business Planner
  • Digital Stickers
  • Daily Planner
  • Hobo Planner
  • Vertical Planner
  • Notebook digital
  • Digital Journal
  • Weekly Planner
  • Teacher Planner
  • Student Planner

GoodNotes 6 Honest Review

What is the difference between goodnotes 5 and goodnotes 6.

GoodNotes 6 honest review

 I'll quickly remind you what is GoodNotes - it's an app for handwritten notes and digital planning in Digital Notebooks and PDF Planner on the iPad using Apple Pencil or any other iPad-compatible stylus ( and recently there has become available GoodNotes for Android and GoodNotes for Windows ) 

I switched to GoodNotes 6 about half a year ago, so let's review the main differences between GoodNotes 5 and GoodNotes 6. At this time GoodNotes iPad app is my TOP  bettwen all my note-taking apps for iPad. The smallest thing you should not even pay attention to is the Goodnotes file library, they removed a few bottom buttons there, they removed them and that's fine :-)

Table of Contents

  • GoodNotes 6 Toolbar vs GoodNotes 5 Toolbar
  • What's Wrong With GoodNotes 6
  • How To Customize Toolbar and Move Undo Redo Tool?
  • The Artificial Intelligence Tool in GoodNotes 6
  • Best New Tools in GoodNotes 6
  • GoodNotes 6 Updates: Discover Marketplace
  • GoodNotes 6 Troubleshooting and FAQs

1. GoodNotes 6 ToolBar vs GoodNotes 5 toolbar

GoodNotes 6 tool bar

2. What's Wrong With GoodNotes 6

Dislikes are huge in GoodNotes 6 . Not everything is so smooth and convenient in it. The Forward-Back cancel buttons have been moved to the left side of the toolbar - under the button to return to the file library. As you can see on the photo they are very close to each other and this leads to accidental exit from the document.

In practice you make notes and want to cancel something and without looking you click on the upper left corner of toolbar, hoping to get to the button to cancel the action one step back, but in fact you click on the button to exit to the GoodNotes document gallery. This happens to me very often, Write in the comments and how is it for you?

GoodNotes 6 toolbar and Nav Bar

3. How To Customize GoodNotes 6 Toolbar and move Undo Redo Tool?

Writing this blog prompted me to search for a solution to Undo and Redo buttons, I think many of you had the same problem . It's a pity that Good Notes didn't make a toolbar settings button like Notability (it's right there on the toolbar). So:

  • Open the GoodNotes file library
  • Click on the Settings button ⚙️ in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Library view > Settings > Document Editing >  Undo and Redo position ( left and right) 
  • if you wan Customize Tool Bar - Library view > Settings > Document Editing > Toolbar customization

If you already have a document open, open the More menu (...) in the top-right corner > Document Editing.

How to customize goodnotes 6 tool bar and undo rendo tool

4. The Artificial Intelligence Tool in GoodNotes 6

GoodNotes Spell Checke r  is a new cool and useful feature . Now we have our own handwriting grammar supervisor.

  • You take digital notes or plan your work week and meetings in the digital planner and make common mistakes.
  • GoodNotes sees the mistakes and  spelling on the fly and highlights them in red.
  • Now tap on the highlighted text and select the word to be corrected.
  • Good Notes replaces handwritten text in the style of your handwriting.

GoodNotes 6 Ai tools

5. Best New Tools in GoodNotes 6

These are the two new features that really made me a Goodnotes 6 fanatic. 1) New "Circle to Select " gesture. Now you don't have to switch to the Lasso Tool to select an object,

  • Just circle any object with your pen.
  • Touch and hold the circle for a while. (the written circle will turn into a normal selection).

A little secret about "Circle to Select" tool   - if you miss and put a dot next to the selected circle instead of the selected one, the circle will turn into a drawn element and it will be impossible to turn it into a selection, so be careful when you use the new "Circle to Select" gesture.

2) Goodnotes 6 "Scribble to Erase" - Thanks to my favorite notes app - now we don't need to activate Erase to erase a piece of text.

  • Just sketch with a pen what you want to erase and the text is erased.

It's cool, now we don't have to constantly switch between the Erase, Lasso Tool and Pen tools. Pen tool with its new gestures replaces 3 tools at once. This is a huge time and attention saver, whether you're in a lecture or in a business meeting taking business notes ot make digital planning for 2024 - 2025 years like in these  GoodNotes Templates

6. GoodNotes 6 Updates: Discover the New iPad Digital Planner Marketplace

Students who are preparing for the exam will find the long awaited Interactive Exam Practice feature. Digital planning enthusiasts will be able to find the new GoodNotes 6 digital planners and digital notebooks for 2024 or 2025. Also you can find there some test  free goodnotes planner.

By the way, check out my digital planner store and pick one up for yourself. digital daily planner,  weekly pdf planner  or goodnotes planner

GoodNotes digital planner

7. GoodNotes 6 Troubleshooting and FAQs

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Goodnotes Calendar Template

Free Goodnotes Calendar Template

This Goodnotes calendar template comes in three different magical moon designs! They are undated so you can reuse them every single month if you’d like.

Don’t have Goodnotes? No problem! I have included the PDF version of the calendar templates for those of you who are using another PDF notes app. 

How to use your Goodnotes calendar template

  • Click the download button under the photo below. 
  • Go to your downloads. 
  • Open either the PDF file or the Goodnotes file. 
  • Share to Goodnotes. 
  • Use as is and just keep copying and pasting or copy and paste the page you want where you want it. 

Other Goodnotes Templates

We have more than calendar templates for Goodnotes! 

We have weekly, daily, lined, dotted, graph, and so many more templates for Goodnotes! Be sure to check them out and don’t forget to add the page to you favorites as new templates are added all the time. 

Here are some of the examples of the the other Goodnotes templates you can find on our page:

Free Daily Goodnotes Templates

Printable Calendars

If you like the designs of these calendar templates, but don’t have Goodnotes you can always download the printable version! 

Here are a few examples of our printable calendars:

Printable October 2022

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  • Setups & Tech
  • iOS & Mac

The 15+ Best GoodNotes Digital Planner Templates for Your iPad

Looking for a GoodNotes digital planner for your iPad, but can’t seem to find one that fits all of your needs?

There are so many different options out there when it comes to GoodNotes planner templates, you can choose a template based on aesthetics, from minimal, colorful, to themed designs – or you can pick a planner catered to your business, life schedule, or even your personal goals.

The choices are endless, but we’ve scoured the internet and different marketplaces to find the best GoodNotes planner templates for you to choose from. Check out our top choices!

If you’re looking for more cute template ideas, check out our roundup of the most aesthetic GoodNotes templates !

Wanna level up your productivity? Subscribe to The Flow — our free quick, snappy, value-packed focus and recharge newsletter:

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All-in-One GoodNotes Digital Planner Templates

Everything you need to organize your life and plan your days, months, and year – these all-in-one GoodNotes template pack a punch. Providing more than just the standard fill-in-the-blanks for you to write your to-dos in, these premium packs give you prompts, GoodNotes covers , digital stickers – and are all beautifully designed!

Best-Seller: Modern GoodNotes Planner Template (Light & Dark Mode)

Template Available Here

Modern GoodNotes Digital Planner Template

All-in-One Digital Planner & Journal Template Pack

Digital Planner & Journal Template for GoodNotes

The Ultimate Digital Planner for GoodNotes

Digital Planner for GoodNotes

All-in-One GoodNotes Digital Life Planner Template

GoodNotes Digital Life Planner Template

Minimalist GoodNotes Planner Templates

Keep things simple with a more minimalistic planner template for GoodNotes. Pick from one of these minimally designed templates to write out your days and organize your life!

Minimal GoodNotes Planner Set (Daily, Monthly, Yearly)

Minimal GoodNotes Planner

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Digitaler Planer 2024 - Der Gamechanger

Der digitale Planer unterteilt sich in Organisation, Produktivität & Persönliches. Er beinhaltet zahlreiche Vorlagen, womit du den Planer perfekt auf deine Bedürfnisse und Erlebnisse deines Alltags anpassen kannst.

Apple Kalender & Erinnerungen App Erstelle direkt im digitalen Planer einen Termin für deinen Apple Kalender oder füge eine neue Aufgabe zu der Erinnerungen App hinzu. Lasse dir alle anstehenden Termine und Aufgaben im digitalen Planer anzeigen. Weiterhin kannst du auf Apple Geräten folgende E-Mail-Dienste in deinen Apple Kalender synchronisieren und hast somit immer Zugriff auf folgende Kalender:

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Google Kalender

Erstelle direkt im digitalen Planer Termine für deinen Google Kalender. Zudem hast du die Möglichkeit, dir alle anstehenden Termine vom Google Kalender direkt im digitalen Planer anzeigen zu lassen.

Unterschied Gamechanger und Minimalist:

Der Gamechanger beinhaltet neben den Kalenderseiten eine Vielzahl an Vorlagen, womit du den Planer endlos gestalten und erweitern kannst. Damit kannst du ihn perfekt für dein Privat- und Berufsleben nutzen. 

Der Minimalist hingegen beinhaltet nur die Kalenderseiten (Monate, Wochen und Tage). Er ist minimalistisch und clean im Design und lenkt deinen Fokus nur auf die wesentlichen Dinge, wie Termine und Aufgaben. 

Du erhältst:

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Für das bestmögliche Planer-Erlebnis empfehle ich grundsätzlich folgende Ausstattung:

Tablet/iPad + Stift + Notizen-App = 💯

✏️  Stift : Der Stift ermöglicht dir handschriftliche Notizen. Er ist aber nicht zwingend erforderlich, da du auch mit Textfeldern arbeiten kannst.

💻  Tablet : Du kannst den Planer auch auf deinem Laptop oder PC nutzen und mit Textfeldern arbeiten. Ebenso kannst du ihn auf deinem Smartphone nutzen, was ich jedoch nicht als Hauptnutzung empfehle, sondern lediglich als Ergänzung (z.B. iPad+iPhone mit GoodNotes).

📲 Notizen-Apps:  Für die Nutzung des Planers ist eine Notizen-App, die Hyperlinks unterstützt, zwingend erforderlich. Beliebte Notizen-Apps sind:

iOS/iPadOS : Goodnotes 6 (alternativ GoodNotes 5) Android : Samsung Notes/ Penly Windows : Drawboard PDF

Hinweis zu den Notizen-Apps: Es können zusätzliche Kosten bei der Nutzung der empfohlenen Notizen-Apps entstehen.

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About the Author

Headshot of Kira M. Newman

Kira M. Newman

Kira M. Newman is the managing editor of Greater Good . Her work has been published in outlets including the Washington Post , Mindful magazine, Social Media Monthly , and, and she is the co-editor of The Gratitude Project . Follow her on Twitter!

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Albert brooks on comedy’s good old days and the “worst notes” stanley kubrick gave him for ‘lost in america’.

The comedian reminisces on the way the industry has changed with lifelong friend and director of 'Albert Brooks: Defending My Life' Rob Reiner.

By Matthew Jacobs

Matthew Jacobs

[email protected]

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Albert Brooks and Rob Reiner

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Onscreen, Brooks tells stories about the early days of Saturday Night Live and Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show , his friendships with Carrie Fisher and Stanley Kubrick, the seven movies he’s written and directed and the marriage that made him a new father in his 50s. Many of today’s wry humorists owe a debt to Brooks, who satirized showbiz tropes and deconstructed standard joke setups long before it was trendy. He’s a thinking person’s comic, and Defending My Life catalogs the ways he pushed pop culture forward. The pair talks with THR about making the film, which is eligible for the Emmy for outstanding documentary or nonfiction special prize, and how the industry has changed. 

Rob, what did it take to persuade Albert to make this documentary?

ROB REINER An enormous amount of money. No. That’s a joke. I’ve got negative dollars, and at this point he’s got the same. I wanted to do this for years. When the film My Dinner With Andre came out, I said, “Albert, come on, we’ll go to a deli and it’ll be My Lunch With Albert .” He never wanted to do it. Time went by, and finally we both thought it could be more than the two of us talking. It would also go into his career, because to me, Albert is a genius. So many young people don’t know him, and I wanted everybody to be able to see what I’ve seen for 60 years now. 

What was it like to see all these famous comedians and actors gush about you in the film?

REINER What really gets to me is that these people look up to Albert. They all recognize that Albert is in a class by himself. Some of them were intimidated when first meeting him. It’s, “Oh, this guy who does stuff that nobody else does — I wonder if he’ll like what I do.” 

BROOKS That’s not something I walk around thinking. When I meet people, I’m always on a level playing field. So when Rob says that, it’s flattering and I sort of blush because I don’t know how I would deal with that. People always say you can get 40 good reviews and one bad review and you’ll know the bad review. It’s the same with meeting people: If you meet some jerk, you’re more likely to remember that than the people who are in love with you. 

Can you feel the way your influence has spread throughout the past 60 years of comedy?

BROOKS I can watch things and say to myself, “Gee, I did that in 1971.” That’s as good as it can get. But let me tell you something: When you have children, all of that disappears. You can think like that until your child is old enough to speak, and then you’re dead to them because you’re an old person. My kids were never going, “Dad, you changed comedy!” But I’m not an idiot. I can watch something that was done three years ago and turn to my wife and say, “I did this bit that was exactly that.” You can feel pride about it, but it’s not a feeling that exists all the time.

Who’s someone who has told you that you influenced them?

BROOKS Andy Kaufman came up to me early in his career and said, “I’m doing this because of you.” He came out onstage, and he certainly was the antithesis to, “Take my wife, please!” He changed the form. 

It has been nearly two decades since you directed a film, Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World , which was essentially dumped. After that, did you decide making movies just wasn’t worth it anymore?

BROOKS A number of things happened. It got to a point during those few years where the struggle to raise the money was getting more difficult. Then, when I got energy back, right in front of my very eyes, a new thing started to happen: Movie theaters were taking second place. This world where you would make things and they would be seen on television was so different. One of the things that was most enjoyable about making a movie was, even if you didn’t get a 2,000-theater release, you could create a moment. Now, it’s like when you used to make a comedy album. Unless you drive that thing to a friend’s house, you’ll never hear anybody listen to it. 

REINER If you put it on a streamer, the only pleasure you can get is the pleasure of making something. 

Something similar could be said about many aspects of the careers the two of you forged. Do you miss the old days of late night, before the priority shifted to creating YouTube clips?

BROOKS One hundred percent. I can tell you when it started to change. After the years of Johnny Carson, I went to Letterman. You didn’t need to tell anyone you were on — it was in the zeitgeist: “Who’s on Lettermantonight?” Then Conan came to NBC, and Jimmy Kimmel came to ABC, but that stopped. When I was on Carson, I never had to call anybody. That all went away in the early 2000s. People underestimate how the ability to time-shift what you watch on TV changed everything. I had this experience at lunch today. I was sitting with a friend and wanted to talk about a show, and I said, “Hey, did you see this?’ And they said, “Don’t say anything!”

REINER You can’t talk to anybody about anything because they’re only on season one or only on episode two. We’re not having a shared experience. 

Modern Romance gave you something of a friendship with Stanley Kubrick because he admired the film so much. Did the two of you keep in touch in later years?

BROOKS Stanley Kubrick said, “When [Julie Hagerty] leaves you in the middle of the movie, she should never come back. And then when you go back to New York and take the job, one day, months later, you can round the corner and she’ll be standing there.” I said, “I hear you. But what I’m trying to do is talk about two people who made the biggest mistake of their lives. Really the movie is about eating shit, and I don’t see that ending.” You gotta be afraid to ask your heroes for anything.

REINER Tell that story about how you had to come up with a bit on the Golddiggers show and you went and talked to my dad. 

BROOKS That was a huge life experience because I was coming up with bits weekly, and Rob was still living at home, so I went by his house. He wasn’t there, but [Rob’s father] Carl [Reiner] was there. I said, “I want to show Rob this bit I have to do today,” and Carl said, “Oh, show me.” I did the bit, and Carl said, “I don’t think so. I just don’t see it.” And I couldn’t do anything — it was three o’clock, and I had to be at NBC at 3:30. So I did the bit, and it killed. It was one of those lessons where you go, “Hey, I might know what I’m doing.” I tell that to my daughter, who’s a singer-songwriter. The thing that breaks my heart about young people is the opinions that they are under siege with continuously with social media. I wouldn’t have had a career!

BROOKS I am aware of it because I have become friends with Ari. When Criterion released Defending Your Life , Ari wrote the essay. He’s the first one to tell me what I’ve meant to him, and I was very happy about it because he’s really good. The most thrilling thing is if someone you think is good says to you that you’ve influenced them — as opposed to someone you can’t stand.

This story first appeared in a May standalone issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Click here to subscribe .

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If Trump’s Conviction Lands Him in Prison, the Secret Service Goes, Too

The former president could face probation or prison time. Either option would be without precedent.

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Former President Donald J. Trump in a dark suit.

By William K. Rashbaum

  • May 30, 2024

With Donald J. Trump’s unprecedented felony conviction on Thursday, what has long been a remote and abstract concept could move closer to a stunning reality: a former president of the United States behind bars.

But that wouldn’t happen fast.

A jury in Manhattan convicted Mr. Trump of 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree, a crime that under New York State law carries a possible sentence that ranges from probation to four years in prison.

But Mr. Trump is no ordinary defendant. And while most experts think a prison sentence is unlikely, the judge in the case, Juan M. Merchan, has made it known that he takes white-collar crime seriously. The judge set sentencing for July 11.

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The Trump Manhattan Criminal Verdict, Count By Count

Former President Donald J. Trump faced 34 felony charges of falsifying business records, related to the reimbursement of hush money paid to the porn star Stormy Daniels in order to cover up a sex scandal around the 2016 presidential election.

If Justice Merchan hands down a punishment that lands the former president behind bars — what is known as a custodial sentence — Mr. Trump would be no ordinary prisoner.

That’s because the United States Secret Service is required by law to protect former presidents around the clock, which means its agents would have to protect Mr. Trump inside a prison if he was sentenced to serve time.

Even before the trial’s opening statements, the Secret Service was in some measure planning for the extraordinary possibility of a former president’s incarceration. In the days before the trial began in April, prosecutors asked Justice Merchan to remind Mr. Trump that attacks on witnesses and jurors could land him in jail even before a verdict was rendered.

Shortly thereafter, officials with federal, state and city agencies had an impromptu meeting about how to handle the situation, according to two people with knowledge of the matter.

That behind-the-scenes conversation — involving officials from the Secret Service and other relevant law enforcement agencies — focused only on how to move and protect Mr. Trump if the judge were to order him briefly jailed for contempt in a courthouse holding cell before or during the trial, the people said.

The far more substantial challenge — how to safely incarcerate a former president if he were to be sentenced to prison — has yet to be addressed directly, according to interviews with some of a dozen current and former city, state and federal officials.

That’s at least in part because a drawn-out and hard-fought series of appeals, possibly all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, would be almost a certainty. That would most likely delay Mr. Trump’s serving any sentence for months, if not longer, said several of the people, who like other experts have suggested that a prison sentence is unlikely.

Justice Merchan, whom Mr. Trump has continually attacked as “biased” and “corrupt,” could well decide to sentence Mr. Trump to probation rather than prison time.

That would raise the bizarre possibility of the former — and possibly future — commander in chief reporting regularly to a civil servant at the city’s Probation Department.

Mr. Trump would have to follow the probation officer’s instructions and answer questions about his work and personal life until the term of probation ended. He would also be barred from associating with disreputable people, and if he committed any additional crimes, he could be jailed immediately.

Incarceration would present a far greater challenge, especially because Mr. Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. “Obviously, it’s uncharted territory,” Martin F. Horn, who has worked at the highest levels of New York’s and Pennsylvania’s state prison agencies and served as commissioner of New York City’s correction and probation departments, has said. “Certainly no state prison system has had to deal with this before, and no federal prison has had to either.”

Steven Cheung, the communications director for Mr. Trump’s campaign, has said that the case against the former president was “so spurious and so weak” that other prosecutors had refused to bring it, and called it “an unprecedented partisan witch hunt.”

“That the Democrat fever dream of incarcerating the nominee of the Republican Party has reached this level exposes their Stalinist roots and displays their utter contempt for American democracy,” he said.

Protecting Mr. Trump in a prison environment would involve keeping him separate from other inmates, as well as screening his food and other personal items, officials said. If he were to be imprisoned, a detail of agents would work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, rotating in and out of the facility, several officials said. While firearms are strictly prohibited in prisons, the agents would, most likely, nonetheless be armed.

Former corrections officials said there were several New York state prisons and city jails that have been closed or partly closed, leaving large sections of their facilities empty. One of those buildings could serve to incarcerate the former president and accommodate his Secret Service protective detail.

Anthony Guglielmi, the spokesman for the Secret Service in Washington, declined in a statement to discuss specific “protective operations.” But he has emphasized that federal law requires Secret Service agents to protect former presidents, adding that they use state-of-the-art technology, intelligence and tactics to do so.

Thomas J. Mailey, a spokesman for New York State’s prison agency, has said that his department could not speculate about how it would treat someone who has not yet been sentenced, but that it has a system “to assess and provide for individuals’ medical, mental health and security needs.” Frank Dwyer, a spokesman for the New York City jails agency, recently said only that “the department would find appropriate housing” for the former president.

While each count carries the possibility of up to four years in prison, Justice Merchan would most likely order any sentence to run concurrently, meaning Mr. Trump would serve prison time on each of the counts simultaneously. Under normal circumstances, any sentence of one year or less would generally be served on New York City’s notorious Rikers Island, home to the Department of Correction’s seven jails. (That’s where Mr. Trump’s former chief financial officer, Allen H. Weisselberg, 76, is serving his second five-month sentence for perjury .)

Any sentence of more than a year would generally be served in one of the 44 prisons run by New York State’s Department of Corrections and Community Supervision.

And what if Mr. Trump is elected president in November? He could not pardon himself because the prosecution was brought by New York State, not the federal government. But it is unclear what would happen if he were sentenced to a prison term and appellate courts upheld his conviction while he was in office.

William K. Rashbaum is a Times reporter covering municipal and political corruption, the courts and broader law enforcement topics in New York. More about William K. Rashbaum

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

Guilty Verdict : Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 counts  of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his bid for the White House in 2016, making him the first American president to be declared a felon .

What Happens Next: Trump’s sentencing hearing on July 11 will trigger a long and winding appeals process , though he has few ways to overturn the decision .

Reactions: Trump’s conviction reverberated quickly across the country  and around the world . Here’s what voters , New Yorkers , Republicans , Trump supporters  and President Biden  had to say.

The Presidential Race : The political fallout of Trump’s conviction is far from certain , but the verdict will test America’s traditions, legal institutions and ability to hold an election under historic partisan tension .

Making the Case: Over six weeks and the testimony of 20 witnesses, the Manhattan district attorney’s office wove a sprawling story  of election interference and falsified business records.

Legal Luck Runs Out: The four criminal cases that threatened Trump’s freedom had been stumbling along, pleasing his advisers. Then his good fortune expired .


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