hbs case study example

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Case Teaching Seminar

Register now for our Teaching with Cases Seminar at Harvard Business School, held June 21 - 22 . Learn how to lead case discussions like a pro and earn a certificate from Harvard Business Publishing.

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Fundamentals of Case Teaching

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Case Companion: Build Students’ Confidence in Case Analysis

Case Companion is an engaging and interactive introduction to case study analysis that is ideal for undergraduates or any student new to learning with cases.

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Teach with Cases

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Book: Teaching with Cases: A Practical Guide

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Webinar: How ChatGPT and Other AI Tools Can Maximize the Learning Potential of Your Case-Based Classes

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Supplements: Inside the Case

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Guide: Teaching Cases Online

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Educator Training: Selecting Cases to Use in Your Classes

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Educator Training: Teaching with Cases

Key strategies and practical advice for engaging students using the case method.

Frequently Asked Questions

What support can I offer my students around analyzing cases and preparing for discussion?

Case discussions can be a big departure from the norm for students who are used to lecture-based classes. The Case Analysis Coach is an interactive tutorial on reading and analyzing a case study. The Case Study Handbook covers key skills students need to read, understand, discuss and write about cases. The Case Study Handbook is also available as individual chapters to help your students focus on specific skills.

How can I transfer my in-person case teaching plan to an online environment?

The case method can be used in an online environment without sacrificing its benefits. We have compiled a few resources to help you create transformative online learning experiences with the case method. Learn how HBS brought the case method online in this podcast , gather some quick guidance from the article " How to Teach Any Case Online ", review the Teaching Cases Online Guide for a deep dive, and check out our Teaching Online Resources Page for more insights and inspiration.

After 35 years as an academic, I have come to the conclusion that there is a magic in the way Harvard cases are written. Cases go from specific to general, to show students that business situations are amenable to hard headed analysis that then generalize to larger theoretical insights. The students love it! Akshay Rao Professor, General Mills Chair in Marketing at the University of Minnesota

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What is the Case Study Method?

Baker library peak and cupola

Overview Dropdown up

Overview dropdown down, celebrating 100 years of the case method at hbs.

The 2021-2022 academic year marks the 100-year anniversary of the introduction of the case method at Harvard Business School. Today, the HBS case method is employed in the HBS MBA program, in Executive Education programs, and in dozens of other business schools around the world. As Dean Srikant Datar's says, the case method has withstood the test of time.

Case Discussion Preparation Details Expand All Collapse All

In self-reflection in self-reflection dropdown down, in a small group setting in a small group setting dropdown down, in the classroom in the classroom dropdown down, beyond the classroom beyond the classroom dropdown down, how the case method creates value dropdown up, how the case method creates value dropdown down, in self-reflection, in a small group setting, in the classroom, beyond the classroom.

hbs case study example

How Cases Unfold In the Classroom

How cases unfold in the classroom dropdown up, how cases unfold in the classroom dropdown down, preparation guidelines expand all collapse all, read the professor's assignment or discussion questions read the professor's assignment or discussion questions dropdown down, read the first few paragraphs and then skim the case read the first few paragraphs and then skim the case dropdown down, reread the case, underline text, and make margin notes reread the case, underline text, and make margin notes dropdown down, note the key problems on a pad of paper and go through the case again note the key problems on a pad of paper and go through the case again dropdown down, how to prepare for case discussions dropdown up, how to prepare for case discussions dropdown down, read the professor's assignment or discussion questions, read the first few paragraphs and then skim the case, reread the case, underline text, and make margin notes, note the key problems on a pad of paper and go through the case again, case study best practices expand all collapse all, prepare prepare dropdown down, discuss discuss dropdown down, participate participate dropdown down, relate relate dropdown down, apply apply dropdown down, note note dropdown down, understand understand dropdown down, case study best practices dropdown up, case study best practices dropdown down, participate, what can i expect on the first day dropdown down.

Most programs begin with registration, followed by an opening session and a dinner. If your travel plans necessitate late arrival, please be sure to notify us so that alternate registration arrangements can be made for you. Please note the following about registration:

HBS campus programs – Registration takes place in the Chao Center.

India programs – Registration takes place outside the classroom.

Other off-campus programs – Registration takes place in the designated facility.

What happens in class if nobody talks? Dropdown down

Professors are here to push everyone to learn, but not to embarrass anyone. If the class is quiet, they'll often ask a participant with experience in the industry in which the case is set to speak first. This is done well in advance so that person can come to class prepared to share. Trust the process. The more open you are, the more willing you’ll be to engage, and the more alive the classroom will become.

Does everyone take part in "role-playing"? Dropdown down

Professors often encourage participants to take opposing sides and then debate the issues, often taking the perspective of the case protagonists or key decision makers in the case.

View Frequently Asked Questions

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The HBS Case Study Goes Digital with HBX

A student explores the HBX learning platform on a laptop

  • 08 Aug 2017

HBX was developed by HBS faculty as a way to bring the renowned HBS case study method to a digital platform. As one would expect, not everything can be easily translated into the digital world, but the online space does have its advantages.

As Professor Bharat Anand said, “What the case method and online education have in common is that they are both centered on each individual student.”

From that perspective, HBX found itself in familiar waters when trying to translate the HBS learning model into an online platform. Just like in an HBS classroom, there are no long faculty-led lectures or passive learning time - the courses rely heavily on peer interaction and experiential learning to help students master the topics that are discussed.

But, because of the asynchronous nature of HBX programs and the larger, more global scale, the intimate atmosphere and close connections you'd make in a more traditional HBS MBA classroom were more difficult to recreate.

Nonetheless, HBX was able to harness many of the central elements of the case method within their course structure and platform design, ensuring an active, social, and case-based learning experience.

Some of these hallmarks of the case method include:

1. Expert Insights

First, instead of reading a dossier about a company, HBX courses incorporate short, well-produced videos with actual managers and business owners from a variety of industries within nearly every lesson. These leaders provide background on their companies, discuss real business challenges that tie into the course concepts, and share valuable insights. Then, the student is asked to put themselves in the manager's shoes and explain what choices they would make in a given situation and why.

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2. Interactive, Experiential Learning

Just like at HBS, students at HBX have to pay careful attention because their skills and knowledge can be put to the test at any moment. Throughout the courses, students encounter interactive learning exercises, polls, and “cold calls” which help them remain alert and focused on the material.

3. Social Learning and Peer-Based Discussions

Last, but not least, HBX makes sure the critical peer-learning element of the case method is still present. This is not an easy feat for an online course, especially one with students working on courses at all times of day from all over the world.

The course platform features a global map that shows where other people are currently learning from, offers a “peer help” function, allowing you to debate and ask or answer questions about the content, gives you the opportunity to read and comment on classmates’ responses to in-course exercises, and encourages you to contribute to the community.

Beyond that, HBX also offers private Facebook groups for each cohort to encourage additional conversations—many students take it upon themselves to organize study groups or social meet ups in cities around the world.

These social learning aspects of the case method allow students to engage, learn from each other, debate, and, through this process, deepen their knowledge of course concepts and broaden their viewpoints.

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Business Case Studies

Case studies are written by professors at HBS and at renowned business programs worldwide and offer slices of business life, focusing on actual problems and decisions companies face.

Business Case Studies

Google's Project Oxygen: Do Managers Matter?

Google's Project Oxygen: Do Managers Matter? ^ 313110

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Big Hit Entertainment and Blockbuster Band BTS: K-Pop Goes Global ^ 520125

Big Hit Entertainment and Blockbuster Band BTS: K-Pop Goes Global

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Cirque du Soleil ^ 403006

Cirque du Soleil

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GE's Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch's Leadership ^ 399150

GE's Two-Decade Transformation: Jack Welch's Leadership

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Pinckney Street ^ 813182

Pinckney Street

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Army Crew Team ^ 403131

Army Crew Team

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Chase Sapphire: Creating a Millennial Cult Brand ^ 518024

Chase Sapphire: Creating a Millennial Cult Brand

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Trader Joe's ^ 714419

Trader Joe's

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Amazon.com, 2021 ^ 716402

Amazon.com, 2021

In February 2021, Amazon announced 2020 operating profits of $22,899 million, up from $2,233 million in 2015, on sales of $386 billion, up from $107 billion five years earlier (see Exhibit 1). The shareholders expressed their satisfaction (see Exhibit...

Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance ^ 803127

Leadership in Crisis: Ernest Shackleton and the Epic Voyage of the Endurance

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The Tulsa Massacre and the Call for Reparations ^ 221039

The Tulsa Massacre and the Call for Reparations

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Popeyes in China: Making Fried Chicken Fly in a Foreign Market ^ W34828

Popeyes in China: Making Fried Chicken Fly in a Foreign Market

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BeM: A Start-Up's Journey through Online Product Reviews ^ UV8945

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Mexico, Trade, and Development ^ 722062

Mexico, Trade, and Development

Coursera's Foray into GenAI ^ 124089

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The Lithium Ion Battery: From Industry to Diverse Ecosystems ^ 031SMU

The Lithium Ion Battery: From Industry to Diverse Ecosystems

Raymond Green, Chief Researcher at Amber Global, a global energy think tank, believes that climate change could be slowed by consumers switching to electric vehicles (EVs). He analyses the lithium-ion (li-ion) battery industry's origins and its...

Malaysia Airlines: Culture Transformation While Flying Through Turbulence ^ 035SMU

Malaysia Airlines: Culture Transformation While Flying Through Turbulence

This case study follows Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB) through its Culture Journey (2018-2021), an initiative to rebuild the corporate culture as part of a broader turnaround strategy. The airline was stricken by twin tragedies in 2014 - the...

First to Fight? Culture, Tradition and the United States Marine Corps (USMC) ^ 423051

First to Fight? Culture, Tradition and the United States Marine Corps (USMC)

Over a history of more than 240 years, the United States Marine Corps has forged a distinct culture and institutional identity centered on its "warrior ethos." In the wars of American history, Marines fought with uncommon valor, rising to international...

ECOALF: Fashion for the Future ^ 524057

ECOALF: Fashion for the Future

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ExxonMobil: Is Chasing Net Zero Futile? ^ 090SMU

ExxonMobil: Is Chasing Net Zero Futile?

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Cyrus: Turning a Traditional Business Model On Its Head (A) ^ 924303

Cyrus: Turning a Traditional Business Model On Its Head (A)

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More than Optics: Olympus's Vision to Become a Leading Global MedTech Company ^ 724426

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Monetary Policy and Inflation Targeting in India ^ W34489

Monetary Policy and Inflation Targeting in India

In May 2022, India's retail inflation rate rose above the upper limit of the target range set by the Reserve Bank of India in 2015, to reach 7.79 per cent. In recent years, India's retail inflation rate had been successfully kept within the target range...

Doing Business in Sao Paulo, Brazil ^ 324079

Doing Business in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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Monsters in the Machine? Tackling the Challenge of Responsible AI ^ 324062

Monsters in the Machine? Tackling the Challenge of Responsible AI

In November of 2022, the small tech company OpenAI released ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot which quickly captured the public's imagination-becoming the world's fastest-growing consumer application within months of its release. Though...

KOKO Networks: Bridging Energy Transition and Affordability with Carbon Financing ^ 124022

KOKO Networks: Bridging Energy Transition and Affordability with Carbon Financing

The problem was massive: two million hectares of African forests were lost annually to charcoal production for cooking, an area equivalent to 13 times Greater London, resulting in one billion tons of carbon emissions yearly. At the same time, an...

Khanmigo: Revolutionizing Learning with GenAI ^ 824059

Khanmigo: Revolutionizing Learning with GenAI

Already a leader in the edtech space since its 2008 launch, Khan Academy was now one of the first edtech organizations to embrace generative artificial intelligence ("genAI"). In March 2023, Khan Academy began beta testing Khanmigo, a genAI "guide" and...

East Rock Capital: "Talent is the Best Asset Class" ^ 424017

East Rock Capital: "Talent is the Best Asset Class"

Adam Shapiro and Graham Duncan launched East Rock Capital, LLC in 2006 with a seed investment from Stuart Miller, executive chairman of Lennar Corporation. East Rock managed long-term assets for high-net-worth families, primarily working with external...

NBIM and the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund ^ 224038

NBIM and the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund

Netflix's Culture: Binge or Cringe? ^ 522096

Netflix's Culture: Binge or Cringe?

In May 2022, streaming entertainment company Netflix lost customers for the first time in more than 10 years. Once a first mover in the streaming landscape, Netflix was facing competition from Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, HBO Max, and others. A key...

Paytm: A Payments Journey in India ^ 824039

Paytm: A Payments Journey in India

Paytm was an Indian financial technology company. Since its launch in 2010, it had built a dominant payments system in India, comprising mobile wallets, offline payments via QR codes, and a payments bank that offered no-frills banking. However, in 2016,...

Yellow Corporation: On the Verge of Bankruptcy ^ 224028

Yellow Corporation: On the Verge of Bankruptcy

Yellow Corporation, one of the country's oldest and largest less-than-truckload (LTL) carriers, was nearing its 100th anniversary in 2024. Whether it would reach that milestone, however, was uncertain as the company was attempting to restructure its...

Flourish Fi: Empowering Positive Money Habits ^ B6056

Flourish Fi: Empowering Positive Money Habits

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Jason Kelce - Perfectly Unplanned: A Dive into the Personal Branding of an NFL Athlete ^ W36177

Jason Kelce - Perfectly Unplanned: A Dive into the Personal Branding of an NFL Athlete

Jason Kelce, an NFL player and athlete recognized around the world, had built a strong personal brand over the course of his career. He had reinvented himself and worked hard at honing his own personal branding, successively building a successful...

Hitachi Limited: Construction Machinery ^ W35323

Hitachi Limited: Construction Machinery

In 2021, Hitachi Limited was reconsidering its ownership of Hitachi Construction Machinery (HCM). The decision about HCM's future was one of the last steps in a more than decade-long effort to reorient Hitachi from a manufacturing conglomerate to a...

The Pandemic's Impact on YLED: Navigating Uncertainty and Sustainability ^ W35252

The Pandemic's Impact on YLED: Navigating Uncertainty and Sustainability

In June 2020, Steven Zwane, founder and chairperson of the Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development (YLED) program, based in Johannesberg, South Africa, faced managing the uncertainty of COVID-19's impact on the program's long-term...

Slane Irish Whiskey: Strategic Marketing for a New Brand ^ W35244

Slane Irish Whiskey: Strategic Marketing for a New Brand

In 2021, the Irish whiskey segment was the fastest growing whiskey segment in the United States. US-based Brown-Forman Corporation had acquired the Slane brand in 2015 after purchasing all shares in the Slane Castle Irish Whiskey company and agreeing to...

Zentein Nutrition Inc: Raising the Bar ^ W35174

Zentein Nutrition Inc: Raising the Bar

The founder of Zentein Nutrition Inc. needed a short-term plan for 2023 to maximize his goals for business growth and customer reach. The company was based in London, Ontario and provided natural, simple, healthy, and nutritious food alternatives to an...

Care for Wild: Social, Ecological, and Government Interdependence within Rhino Conservation ^ W35167

Care for Wild: Social, Ecological, and Government Interdependence within Rhino Conservation

In February 2023, the Care for Wild founder and her team were planning for the future of their organization. Care for Wild had recently received a request from a potential international donor to outline the interdependencies for the social, ecological,...

SAP in India's Flexible Working: Are They Flexing Enough? ^ W34921

SAP in India's Flexible Working: Are They Flexing Enough?

SAP's global approach of Pledge to Flex was the foundation for hybrid working for its employees. The approach empowers employees to balance when, how, and where they work best, considering business requirements and local legislation. The organization's...

Time is of the Essence: JP Landgoed Overcoming Challenges in the Citrus Industry ^ W34907

Time is of the Essence: JP Landgoed Overcoming Challenges in the Citrus Industry

J P Landgoed (PTY) LTD (J P Landgoed), a mandarin fruit farm in Limpopo, South Africa, was founded by Cobus Beetge in 2014. The firm grew from a few mandarin trees to a well-established export-oriented company. In July 2021, at the peak of the harvest...

Chick-Fil-A: Fighting Chicken Sandwich and Culture Wars ^ W34882

Chick-Fil-A: Fighting Chicken Sandwich and Culture Wars

Following its disastrous market entry into the United Kingdom in 2019, due to immediate backlash from the LGBTQ+ community, Chick-fil-A, the US$16 billion conservative Christian fast-food company, named a new chief executive officer in 2021, Andrew...

EduSports: Extending the Value Proposition ^ W34880

EduSports: Extending the Value Proposition

In mid-September 2022, Saumil Majmudar, the co-founder, chief executive officer, and managing director of Sportz Village faced a problem. The company, based in Bengaluru, India, was India's leading sports education organization, which provided a...

Bay Towel: How to Maintain Service Levels without Increasing Cost ^ W34878

Bay Towel: How to Maintain Service Levels without Increasing Cost

Bay Towel Linen and Uniform Rental Inc. (Bay Towel) was a family-owned business based in Green Bay, Wisconsin, that had been serving the state and growing organically for about 100 years. The company provided uniform and linen rental and laundry services...

Building Inclusive Leadership at TBK Beverages: Developing a New Mentorship Program ^ W34876

Building Inclusive Leadership at TBK Beverages: Developing a New Mentorship Program

In September 2022, the vice president of talent engagement at TBK Beverages met with the executive sponsor of a proposed mentoring program to discuss plans. A year earlier, employees had shared their dissatisfaction with the lack of access for...

Amul: Engaging Chefs as Influencers ^ W34861

Amul: Engaging Chefs as Influencers

In early 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown periods, the marketing director of Anand Milk Union Limited (Amul) was in a virtual meeting with his marketing manager. The two men were discussing plans for a marketing campaign for the...

Covered Call ETFs at Mackenzie Investments ^ W34859

Covered Call ETFs at Mackenzie Investments

In June 2023, Prerna Mathews, vice president of Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) Product Strategy at Mackenzie Investments (Mackenzie), was considering what ETFs to launch for the remainder of the year. As Mathews deliberated over the potential launch of a...

Lutheran Services - The Aged Care Food and Dining Experience ^ W34855

Lutheran Services - The Aged Care Food and Dining Experience

Innovation in aged care offers opportunities to create positive and inclusive change. Globally, healthcare systems are realizing the importance of customer-focused care, especially, when funding is limited. Residential aged care providers have...

Lansdale Warehouse: Defending Business Viability by Sustaining Its Rail Service Privileges ^ W34720

Lansdale Warehouse: Defending Business Viability by Sustaining Its Rail Service Privileges

For over two decades, Paul Delp, the President of Lansdale Warehouse, had faced a daunting challenge; the Stony Creek rail line, which provided rail service to his warehousing business in Lansdale, Pennsylvania (PA), USA, had suffered from deteriorating...

Bored Ape Yacht Club: No More Monkey Business ^ W34711

Bored Ape Yacht Club: No More Monkey Business

In late 2022, a difficult period for the cryptocurrency industry persisted, marking the middle of what many considered a "crypto winter." Popular tokens and currencies like Bitcoin and Solana lost over 50 per cent of their value, with other Web 3.0...

Jijihong Catering Management Co. Ltd.: Brand Repositioning for Growth ^ W34707

Jijihong Catering Management Co. Ltd.: Brand Repositioning for Growth

Between 2016 and 2019, Jijihong Catering Management Co. Ltd. (Jijihong)-a well-established company in Jiangxi Province, China-encountered a plateau in its development as the number of its chain stores consistently stagnated at around 80 and never...

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Teaching By the Case Method

This section takes you behind the scenes and into the classroom with Harvard Business School Professor David Garvin as he teaches the R. R. Donnelley & Sons case in a development program for case method instructors. We feature elements of Professor Garvin's pre-class planning process and classroom video excerpts to provide a taste of case method teaching preparation and execution.

The video excerpts below are drawn from Professor Garvin's eighty-minute class session and include voice-over commentary.

If you are interested in a broader look at teaching at the Harvard Business School, Inside the HBS Case Method brings together both faculty and student experiences and showcases our approach to participant-centered learning.

R. R. Donnelley & Sons

Christensen center tip sheets.

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  • Elements of Effective Class Preparation
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  1. Cases

    The Case Analysis Coach is an interactive tutorial on reading and analyzing a case study. The Case Study Handbook covers key skills students need to read, understand, discuss and write about cases. The Case Study Handbook is also available as individual chapters to help your students focus on specific skills.

  2. HBS Case Selections

    HBS Case Selections. Get the perspectives and context you need to solve your toughest work problems with these immersive sets of real-world scenarios from Harvard Business School.

  3. The HBS Case Method

    Pioneered by HBS faculty, the case method presents the greatest challenges confronting organizations and places the student in the role of the decision maker. ... Harvard Business School Spangler Welcome Center (Spangler 107) Boston, MA 02163 Phone: 1.617.495.6128 Email: [email protected].

  4. What is the Case Study Method?

    Celebrating 100 Years of the Case Method at HBS . The 2021-2022 academic year marks the 100-year anniversary of the introduction of the case method at Harvard Business School. Today, the HBS case method is employed in the HBS MBA program, in Executive Education programs, and in dozens of other business schools around the world.

  5. Case Development

    The average case is 15 to 20 pages long (about 7 to 12 pages of prose and 5 to 7 pages of tables and figures). The two main types of cases at the School are field cases based on onsite research, and library cases written solely from public sources. HBS also writes "armchair" cases based entirely on faculty's general knowledge and experience.

  6. 5 Benefits of the Case Study Method

    While several factors make HBS Online unique—including a global Community and real-world outcomes—active learning through the case study method rises to the top.. In a 2023 City Square Associates survey, 74 percent of HBS Online learners who also took a course from another provider said HBS Online's case method and real-world examples were better by comparison.

  7. HBS Case

    by Dina Gerdeman. Larry Miller committed murder as a teenager, but earned a college degree while serving time and set out to start a new life. Still, he had to conceal his record to get a job that would ultimately take him to the heights of sports marketing. A case study by Francesca Gino, Hise Gibson, and Frances Frei shows the barriers that ...

  8. Writing a Case as a Student at HBS

    1) Choose a topic of interest or a professor you are hoping to get to know better. If you choose a topic first, find a professor that either you know and like or that is particularly knowledgeable on or interested in the topic. As you will soon see, pretty much any topic goes! 2) Determine how you want to fit the case writing into your schedule.

  9. The History of the Case Study at Harvard Business School

    These interviews, or cases, feature leaders at companies of all sizes and provide valuable examples of business concepts in action. This case study method forms the backbone of the Harvard Business School curriculum. Back in the 1920s, HBS professors decided to develop and experiment with innovative and unique business instruction methods.

  10. Finance Articles, Research Topics, & Case Studies

    Engine No. 1, a small hedge fund on a mission to confront climate change, managed to do the impossible: Get dissident members on ExxonMobil's board. But lasting social impact has proved more elusive. Case studies by Mark Kramer, Shawn Cole, and Vikram Gandhi look at the complexities of shareholder activism. 1.

  11. Consumer Behavior Articles, Research, & Case Studies

    by Rachel Layne. Price increases might be tempering after historic surges, but companies continue to wrestle with pinched consumers. Alexander MacKay, Chiara Farronato, and Emily Williams make sense of the economic whiplash of inflation and offer insights for business leaders trying to find equilibrium. 27 Feb 2024. Research & Ideas.

  12. The HBS Case Study Goes Digital with HBX

    HBX was developed by HBS faculty as a way to bring the renowned HBS case study method to a digital platform. As one would expect, not everything can be easily translated into the digital world, but the online space does have its advantages. As Professor Bharat Anand said, "What the case method and online education have in common is that they ...

  13. Teaching by the Case Method

    Case Method in Practice. Chris Christensen described case method teaching as "the art of managing uncertainty"—a process in which the instructor serves as "planner, host, moderator, devil's advocate, fellow-student, and judge," all in search of solutions to real-world problems and challenges. Unlike lectures, case method classes unfold ...

  14. HBR Store

    Transforming a Region: Gothenburg's path from Shipyards to E-Mobility. By Christian H.M. Ketels and Orjan Solvell. and. March 22, 2024. $11.95. Quick view. Case.

  15. Corporate Finance: Articles, Research, & Case Studies

    This paper develops a tradeoff theory of capital structure, testing the idea that firms with low risk assets—and hence underpriced equity—may want to rely disproportionately on debt. The model accommodates both corporate finance and asset pricing evidence, renewing a fruitful connection between asset pricing and corporate finance research.

  16. Sample Class

    Sample Class. This section takes you behind the scenes and into the classroom with Harvard Business School Professor David Garvin as he teaches the R. R. Donnelley & Sons case in a development program for case method instructors. We feature elements of Professor Garvin's pre-class planning process and classroom video excerpts to provide a taste ...

  17. Human Resource Articles, Research, & Case Studies

    New research on human resources from Harvard Business School faculty on issues including organizational design, compensation, incentive plans, hiring practices, and recruitment. ... Case studies by Linda Hill offer an inside look at how Delta CEO Ed Bastian is creating a more equitable company and a stronger talent pipeline. 03 Oct 2023 ...

  18. Real Estate: Articles, Research, & Case Studies

    by Doug J. Chung, Kyoungwon Seo, and Reo Song. Anchor stores are the key tenants in a mall, occupying most of the gross leasable area and generating much of the foot traffic. This research provides a framework to understand why new and traditional anchor stores join a shopping mall and how their decisions affect mall configuration. 18 Sep 2019.

  19. Change Management: Articles, Research, & Case Studies on Change

    New research on change management from Harvard Business School faculty on issues including how to plan for opportunities, how to effect change in the workplace, and case studies on how business leaders managed the economic crisis. Page 1 of 66 Results →. 12 Dec 2023. Book.