22+ SAMPLE School Incident Report in PDF | MS Word

School incident report | ms word, 22+ sample school incident report, what is a school incident report, benefits of a school incident report, tips on school incident reports, how to write a school incident report, why is a school incident report necessary, are nonpublic schools required to have a school incident report.

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School Incident Report in DOC

School Incident Report in DOC

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How to Write a School Accident Report?

School Accident Reporting Guide

Accident Report at School

When parents drop their children off at school, they essentially entrust their children’s safety to the school system. It is critical for both schools and parents to understand that doing all possible to safeguard the safety of children on school grounds is critical. However, we must realize that it is impossible to prevent accidents from occurring. Fortunately, the majority of school-related accidents are minor; but, there are situations where pupils receive significant injuries. Schools are required to write an accident school report regardless of the severity of the injury. Here is a list of the most important pieces of information that a school report must include. 

Get the facts

The child’s name and address:.

Every school report must include this information for authorities to identify the child involved. Providing the address is essential for locating the child’s parents if needed.

The incident’s date and time:

It is critical to report the date and time of the accident in order to comprehend the circumstances. For example, if the accident happened during a break, authorities should look into whether or not there was a lack of supervision.

The type of injury:

Schools must disclose as much information on the injury as feasible. Remember to meticulously document even minor injuries.

Include specifics on any therapy or first aid administered:

The injured child likely received transportation to the nursery initially, where staff administered medication or therapy. Documenting this ensures authorities can verify the school’s adherence to safety requirements.

Witnesses, if any:

If there were witnesses at the time of the accident, it is critical to collect a documented description of what happened. If the incident becomes more serious and results in a lawsuit, having a documented statement from a witness could help clarify the case.

Person who attended to the injury’s name and signature:

This is necessary since it serves as verification that this person confirms that some of the report’s most significant facts are correct.

Provide the name and signature of the individual who received the accident report :

In the same way as in the last situation, this individual certifies that the information on the report is correct.

Parent’s signature:

Finally, it’s essential for this signature to demonstrate that the parents or guardians of the minor were duly notified about the accident.

The Incident’s Timeline

Every accident report must contain a timeline of events. Thoroughly document all significant occurrences leading up to the incident, as this is crucial for contextualizing the event. Such documentation aids authorities in addressing commonly asked questions during accident investigations, such as the student’s activities before the accident, their location, the presence of school personnel, and whether the accident stemmed from a school-sponsored activity or sport, among other pertinent details.

The following section should precisely detail the circumstances surrounding the accident, including who or what caused the injury, whether it was intentional, if it occurred during a sporting activity, immediate actions taken, and the student’s condition post-event. These specifics are essential for assessing the adequacy of school safety measures, the promptness of staff response, and the severity of the injury.

Finally, the timeline must include information about what happened in the hours following the accident. Note whether the student was taken to the nursery or directly to a hospital. Document any treatment or medication administered by the school, along with details of the medications given.And the student’s condition throughout the next few hours.

Examine the accident’s causes

Schools must thoroughly analyze the reasons for the accidents and take quick steps to prevent a recurrence of the scenario . For instance, if inadequate maintenance of the school grounds caused the accident, the institution must rectify any safety hazards promptly and conduct regular inspections to prevent future incidents. In cases involving another student, it’s crucial to investigate and address any history of violent behavior exhibited by the students involved. Additionally, insufficient supervision can contribute to accidents, necessitating schools to assign an adequate number of teachers for student supervision, ensuring their safety.

When Is it Appropriate to Submit a School Accident Report?

Submit School accidents reports promptly. It is clear that some of the information required to put up a good, consistent report may require a significant amount of time to gather. However, submitting a report in the least amount of time is beneficial for all parties. 

What other details should the school accident report include?

The school accident report should include anything that can provide more information about the accident, the reasons, and the damages. If injury during field trip, include parental permission. Additionally, include photographs or videos depicting the moment of the accident in the report.For bullying incidents, add social media evidence.

New York Law for School Accident Report

New York Law requires schools to fill and send a form called “ Comprehensive Injury Report ”. This form must be submitted to the superintendent’s office of the corresponding district in less than 24 hours after the accident. This document has 3 different sections and all of them must be completed. 

  • Fact Sheet: Collects maximum case and involved people info.
  • Injury Description: As the name suggests, this section requires detailed information regarding the injury.
  • Witness Statement: All witnesses must complete this section, describing the nature, time, and location of the accident. Witnesses are required to provide statements based on their personal observations and experiences.

If the student’s injury resulted from a vehicle collision, the school must complete form MV-104F. This form is applicable only under the following conditions:

  • The vehicle or bus must transport pupils, teachers, or school staff.
  • The vehicle must be property of the school or directly contracted by the school. 

Submit within 10 days if accident causes death, injury, or damages over $1000.

School Injury Lawyer

When a student gets injured at school, it’s natural for parents or guardians to seek justice. However, obtaining compensation, especially in public schools , can be challenging. Yet, it’s not impossible. Success requires professional assistance. A seasoned school injury lawyer significantly enhances the chances of receiving compensation for your child’s damages. At Greenberg & Stein P.C. , we boast some of the most experienced and successful lawyers in this field. Our attorneys have represented numerous clients, securing fair compensation for them. They’ll adeptly guide you through the claims process, providing support at every step. Schedule a free case consultation with one of our attorneys by calling 212-969-2535 . Let’s discuss your case and chart the best course of action together.

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how to write a school accident report

How To Write An Incident Report (And Use It To Improve Safety)

In our daily lives, unexpected events can occur at any moment, especially in a dynamic workplace or other complex environments. These events, often referred to as incidents, can range from minor mishaps to significant emergencies . But what happens after an incident occurs? How do organizations ensure that they learn from these experiences and prevent them from happening again? The answer lies in a critical process known as workplace incident reporting .

What is Incident Reporting?

Incident reporting is the process of documenting all details of an unexpected event in a workplace or other environment. It's not just about jotting down what happened; it's a systematic approach to capturing the who, what, where, when, and why of an incident.

The Incident report is a vital tool for safety, compliance and continuous improvement.

  • Safety : By analyzing incidents, organizations can identify risks and hazards, leading to more robust safety measures.
  • Compliance : Many industries have legal requirements to report specific incidents. Proper reporting ensures that organizations meet these obligations.
  • Continuous Improvement : Incident reports are learning tools. They help organizations understand their weaknesses and strengths, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and growth.

Whether you're a manager overseeing a large team, an employee responsible for safety, or simply someone interested in organizational best practices, this guide will provide you with the insights and tools needed to make incident reporting a valuable part of your daily operations.

Get To Know More About Incident Reports

An incident report is a formal record of an unexpected or unusual event that could have or did result in harm or other consequences. Why is it formal? An incident report needs to be structured to capture essential details. The insights and evidence gained from incident details can be crucial for various purposes including route cause analysis.

  • Purpose : The primary purpose of an incident report is to provide a clear and concise account of the incident. It serves as a valuable tool for understanding what happened, why it happened, and what can be done to prevent similar occurrences in the future.
  • Common Elements : An incident report typically includes specific details such as the date and time of the incident, the people involved, the location, a description of the event, any injuries or damages, and the actions taken in response. These elements ensure that the report is not only informative but also actionable.
  • Usage Across Industries : Incident reports are not confined to a particular sector or industry. From healthcare to construction, from IT to retail, incident reports are used universally to maintain safety standards, comply with regulations, and foster a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.

Types of Incident Reports

Incidents are as varied as the environments in which they occur. From a minor equipment malfunction in a manufacturing plant to a significant security breach in an IT firm, incidents come in all shapes and sizes. Consequently, incident reports are not one-size-fits-all; they are tailored to the specific nature of the incident and the industry in which it occurs. Understanding the various types of incident reports is crucial for ensuring that the right information is captured and the appropriate actions are taken.

Here's a list of the most common types of incident reports used across different industries:

  • Safety Incidents : These reports cover accidents , injuries, or near misses in the workplace. They are vital in industries like construction, manufacturing, and healthcare, where physical safety is paramount.
  • Security Incidents : In the digital age, security incidents like data breaches or unauthorized access are increasingly common. These reports detail the nature of the security threat and the measures taken to mitigate it.
  • Quality Incidents : In sectors like manufacturing and food processing, quality incidents relate to deviations from quality standards or specifications. These reports help in identifying areas for improvement in product quality.
  • Compliance Incidents : Compliance incidents involve violations of legal or regulatory requirements. These reports are crucial for maintaining adherence to laws and industry standards.
  • Behavioral Incidents : In educational or care settings, behavioral incidents like bullying or misconduct are documented to ensure proper handling and resolution.
  • Medical Incidents : In healthcare, medical incidents such as medication errors or patient falls are meticulously recorded to enhance patient care and safety.

How to Write an Effective Incident Report

Writing an effective incident report requires capturing the essence of an incident in a way that's informative, actionable, and conducive to learning. 

Here are some key steps to guide you in this process

  • Add a 'What Happened' Heading : Start your report with a clear heading that summarizes the incident. This gives an immediate understanding of the event and sets the tone for the rest of the report. For example, "Fire in Warehouse" or "Data Breach in IT Department."
  • Use the 'Was' Sentence Structure : Begin your description with a structure like "The incident was..." to define it clearly. This helps in setting a factual tone and ensures that the report is objective. For instance, "The incident was a fire that broke out in the warehouse on July 15, 2023."
  • Fully Define the Incident in 2-3 Sentences : Be concise yet informative. Describe the incident, its impact, and immediate actions taken. Avoid unnecessary details but ensure that the critical aspects of the incident are covered.
  • Match the Incident Report Format : Follow a standardized format for your report. This typically includes sections like incident details, people involved, actions taken, and recommendations. Adhering to a format ensures consistency and makes the report easier to understand.
  • Include Evidence and Witnesses : Incorporate any supporting information, such as photographs of the incident, CCTV footage, or witness statements. This strengthens the report and provides a more comprehensive picture of the incident.
  • Prioritize Immediate Reporting : Emphasize the importance of reporting the incident as soon as possible. Timely reporting ensures that details are not forgotten and allows for swift action to be taken.
  • Iterate and Review : Review the report for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Make necessary revisions and check for any missing information. Remember, an incident report is not just a document; it's a tool for learning and improvement.

By following these steps, you can create an incident report that's not just a record of an event, but a valuable resource for understanding, learning, and preventing future incidents. In the next sections, we'll delve deeper into each type of incident report, providing you with specific insights and examples to guide your reporting process .

Benefits of Proper Incident Reporting

  • Improved Safety : By documenting incidents, organizations can identify patterns, uncover risks, and implement measures to prevent future occurrences. This leads to a safer work environment and a culture that prioritizes employee well-being.
  • Ensured Compliance : Many industries have legal or regulatory requirements for incident reporting. Proper reporting ensures that these obligations are met, avoiding potential penalties and maintaining the organization's reputation.
  • Learning Opportunities : Each incident report is a learning opportunity. It provides insights into what went wrong, why it happened, and how it can be prevented, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
  • Accountability and Transparency : Incident reports promote accountability and transparency. They provide a clear record of events, actions taken, and decisions made, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the same information.

To further illustrate the importance of proper incident reporting, let's contrast it with the risks of inadequate reporting in the table below:

Wrapping Up

Workplace incident reporting is a critical process to ensure you prevent future incidents from occurring. Rather than making mistakes and sweeping them under the rug, organizations can learn from mistakes and improve worker safety. I hope this article has shed some light on how to write an effective incident report. But what are your next steps? Check out our free Incident Report Template that can help you turn an incident into an opportunity to improve worker safety and meet compliance. Download the interactive PDF here.

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School Incident Report Form

The School Incident Report Form allows immediate reporting of an incident that occurred in school, providing the student, staff, date, time, location, and responder information. Helps to understand the motivation behind the mentioned incident and its consequence, the parent communication status, and a plan regarding preventing its further occurrence. The form also contains an area for the signature of the coordinator. You can customize the template with more tool and widgets, either embed it to your website or use it as a standalone form.

If you’re an administrator at a school or college, a school incident report form is a must! Use this free template to help keep track of incidents throughout your school. Make sure you have a copy of your School Incident Report Form on every school computer — it’s an essential part of your organization’s safety plan. Use the form to report small issues, such as an overflowing garbage can, or major disruptions, like a student causing a scene in the middle of class. You can even send the form to your staff to collect their responses, so you can take care of the issue from your end. Just customize the form to match your school, add your contact info, and download the template for free.

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Motor Vehicle Accident Report Form Template

Motor Vehicle Accident Report Form

A Motor Vehicle Accident Report is a form template designed to efficiently report and document details of motor vehicle accidents. It serves as a crucial document for insurance companies, legal professionals, and government agencies to gather and record accurate information about accidents. With this form, users can easily collect all the necessary data, such as driver information, vehicle details, accident location, and witness statements. The Motor Vehicle Accident Report form streamlines the process of gathering accident information and ensures that all relevant details are captured for insurance claims, legal proceedings, and government records.Jotform, a user-friendly and intuitive form builder, offers the Motor Vehicle Accident Report template as part of its extensive collection of customizable form templates. With Jotform, users can easily create and customize this form to meet their specific requirements. Jotform's key features, such as ease of use, collecting e-signatures, and customization options, make it the perfect tool for creating professional and efficient accident reports. Additionally, Jotform integrates seamlessly with various apps and services, allowing users to streamline their workflow and enhance their data collection and reporting capabilities. With Jotform, insurance companies, legal professionals, and government agencies can efficiently and effectively gather and manage motor vehicle accident information.

Accident Report Form Template

Accident Report Form

An accident report form is a record of an accident or incident, used to provide the details of the accident to insurance companies. This accident report form provides you with the date, report type, reporting facility, personal information of the employee involved, detailed description of the accident, follow up action with the name of the witnesses. Use this free, online Accident Report Form to record accidents happening on your property. Whether you’re a small business owner or a home owner, collect the details of an accident or incident with our free Accident Report Form template. Our easy-to-use form template lets you customize the form to fit your needs. Simply customize the form, embed it on your website, and start collecting responses.If you’d like to keep detailed records of your accidents, use our easy-to-use form builder to customize the form fields to match the questions you need answered. If you’d like to track submissions in your storage service of choice, integrate with one of our 100+ apps. And if you want to make the most of your submissions, learn how to analyze them with Jotform Tables or Jotform’s Report Builder. Help manage injuries sustained during an accident, keep track of the accident, and reduce the time you spend on administrative tasks with a free online Accident Report Form.

  • Form Templates /
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  • Incident Report Forms /

Incident Report Forms

The Police Incident Report Form allows citizens to report a non-urgent incident or matter providing the information of date, time, location and any further details of the issue.

A Motor Vehicle Accident Report is a form template designed to serve as a crucial document for reporting and documenting details of motor vehicle accidents.

School Incident Report Form Template

The School Incident Report Form allows immediate reporting of an incident that occurred in school, providing the student, staff, date, time, location, and responder information.

An accident report form is a record of an accident or incident, used to provide the details of the accident to insurance companies.

General Incident Report Form Template

General Incident Report

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Incident Statement Form Template

Incident Statement Form

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First Aid Incident Report Form Template

First Aid Incident Report Form

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About Incident Report Forms

Collect incident reports online with Jotform’s free Incident Report Forms. Whether you’re gathering staff, first aid, or fire incident reports, get started right away by choosing one of our ready-made templates and then make it your own in seconds with our drag-and-drop builder. Share your form with a link or by embedding it in your internal company portal for easy access. These templates are mobile-responsive by default and can be filled out on any smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Customize your Incident Report Forms to suit your needs with Jotform’s intuitive no-code builder. Simply drag and drop to include your logo, add or update form fields, include checklist items, change fonts and colors, and more. Connect with our 100+ integrations such as Dropbox, OneDrive, or Airtable to automatically sync your submissions. Form responses are stored in your secure Jotform account and protected with a 256-bit SSL connection, CCPA compliance, PCI compliance, and optional HIPAA compliance.

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Student Accident Report

Report generator.

how to write a school accident report

Did you know that the highest fatality problems are students or teenagers getting into a lot of accidents  but mainly vehicle accidents every single year? These numbers only grow higher each year, and the cause of these accidents ranges from driving to simply getting hit. It goes without saying some of the reports that we often see are based on accidents or incidents that happened in the office, in school, at home, or basically anywhere around us. Of course, it does not mean that any place can be a landmine for accidents. It is simply to show that one has to be careful at all times.

It is never as easy to write up an accident report when the victim happens to be a student. You may even question yourself as to why this happened to them and how, but that is merely a part of the process. Accident reports are made mainly for the purpose of recording or reporting an accident that could happen just about anywhere and to just about anyone. So when you are faced with this decision to write a student accident report, here are some things you have to know when you get started.

10+ Student Accident Report Examples

1. student accident report template.

Student Accident Report Template

  • Google Docs

2. Basic Student Accident Report

Basic Student Accident Report

3. Student Accident Report Form

Student Accident Report Form

Size: 231 KB

4. Student Accident Report Document

Student Accident Report Document

Size: 86 KB

5. College Student Accident Report

College Student Accident Report

Size: 59 KB

6. Administrative Student Accident Report

Administrative Student Accident Report

Size: 73 KB

7. Online Student Accident Report

Online Student Accident Report

8. Student Accident Investigation Report

Student Accident Investigation Report

Size: 828 KB

9. Community Student Accident Report

Community Student Accident Report

Size: 235 KB

10. Student Accident Reports

Student Accident Reports

Size: 742 KB

11. Printable Student Accident Report

Printable Student Accident Report

Size: 159 KB

What Is a Student Accident Report?

A student accident report is a document that summarizes and emphasizes what happened during the accident , who was responsible or who are the victims, if there were any casualties, and any other information that can be given to complete the report. In addition to that, a student accident report talks about how the accident may have happened and the solution for any problems that have caused it . Student accident reports are also used as a way to seek out the issue and address it immediately, that way no other students would have to go through what happened at present.

The main purpose of a student accident report is to report what happened during the accident . It is to give information to the authorities through the testimonies of the witnesses if there are any during the accident. It is also used as a record of any other accidents that have been reported in a certain place or time. Of course, the accident report is an important document and should always be treated and written as one. This would mean that learning the do’s and don’ts of a student accident report should also be necessary.

How to Write a Student Accident Report?

We know that a student accident report is a kind of professional document. This means we should also be careful with what we write and how we write it. The dos and don’ts of writing a student accident report .

1. Write the Title of Your Report

Always begin with a title for your report. Your title gives the reader the expectation as to what they may be reading about. Just as with any other reports, a good title is enough to catch who may be reading it, their attention. Stick to simple titles as fancy ones are not good for formal reports.

2. Add the Testimonies of the Witnesses

Another thing to look forward to when you write your report is the testimony of the witness. Anyone who may have seen what happened during the accident may it be a teacher, a student, or someone who knew the victim. The more testimonies you have the more chances of seeing who was at fault.

3. Be Sure to Keep the Facts Straight

The only downside to the testimonies is you also have to know which is true. Of course, sticking to the facts can help you with your report. This is why you should always check beforehand. Keep the facts straight and true to how the accident took place.

4. Stay on the Topic

Above all else, you must also stick to the topic. If your topic on the report is about the accident that happened at that time. Stay on it. Avoid going to the previous accidents that may happen to the student or to the other students. Stay on the topic which you are writing the report about. That way, it would not be too difficult for the person reading the report to know what is going on.

5. Review Your Report

Review what you have written. Review if there are any grammatical errors, misspelled words, or even misplaced sentences.

What is a student accident report?

It is a report that summarizes what happened during the incident and who may have been the victim and who caused it.

Why do you need to report it?

You need to report what happened so that the issue or the problem can be solved or addressed.

When is the right time to make the accident report?

The right time to make a report is after it happened. It is always best to be able to know now than to have to remember what happened later.

The majority of accidents happen on a daily basis. It can happen to anyone, employees, employers, young people, the elderly, and even students. Having to write the student accident report is a lot. You have to know what is considered a good thing to write and what should not be written at all. These reports are used as a means of understanding the problem and to be able to address it. That way, the fewer the problems, the fewer the accidents especially among students.


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Blog Human Resources How to Write an Effective Incident Report [Templates]

How to Write an Effective Incident Report [Templates]

Written by: Victoria Clarke Jun 13, 2023

How to Write an Effective Incident Report [Templates] Blog Header

We all do our best to ensure a happy and healthy workforce. That’s why, in a perfect world, you would never have to create an incident report.

But since incidents do happen, it’s never a bad idea to be prepared for any situation–especially the unexpected.  

Small business owners, human resources teams and workplace emergency first responders: this is the article for you! 

In this step-by-step guide, I’ll share our top tips on creating incident reports that will help you carry out effective investigations and make sure similar (or more serious) incidents don’t happen again.  I’ll also include our top incident report templates to get the job done.

Table of Contents:

  • What is an incident report?

What to include in a work incident report?

  • How to write an incident report?
  • Incident report examples, templates and design tips
  • Simple incident report template
  • COVID-19 employee incident report templates

how to write a school accident report

All of the templates in this post can be customized using our easy online  incident report maker  tool. It’s free to sign up, many of our templates are free to use too.

What is an incident report? 

An incident report is a form to document all workplace illnesses, injuries, near misses and accidents. An incident report should be completed at the time an incident occurs no matter how minor an injury is.

Here’s one example:

how to write a school accident report

Any illness or injury that impacts an employee’s ability to work must be noted. The specifics of what is required by law to be included in an incident report will vary depending on the federal or provincial legislation that affects your workplace.

If you’re unsure, you can take a look at your government’s website for more details. In certain cases, there are exceptions that can exempt small businesses from complying with such legislation. 

Employee Incident Report Template Venngage

A well-structured incident report typically includes the following five key elements:

  • Date, time and location: Provide specific details about when and where the incident occurred. This helps establish a timeline and context for understanding the event.
  • Description of the incident: Clearly describe what happened, including relevant details such as the sequence of events, the people involved and any contributing factors. Use objective language and avoid assumptions or opinions.
  • Witness information: Include names and contact information for any witnesses to the incident. Their accounts can provide valuable perspectives and corroborate details.
  • Action taken: Outline any immediate actions taken to address the incident, such as first aid, evacuation procedures or contacting emergency services. Documenting these responses is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of the initial response.
  • Recommendations for prevention: Offer suggestions on how similar incidents can be prevented in the future. This proactive approach demonstrates a commitment to improving safety and mitigating risks.

How to write an incident report ?

It’s important to establish a systematic method for investigating incidents.  

It’s also equally important to have a report prepared that enables you to record every relevant aspect of the incident details–this is the essential first step in the incident reporting process.  

After you’ve created your incident report form, you can: 

  • Begin your investigation with fact-finding 
  • And end your investigation with determining recommendations for preventing both an increase in the severity of the incident and the possibility of a recurrence.  

To write any incident case reports, follow the basic format described below.

how to write a school accident report

1. Take immediate action 

Employees of your organization should notify their manager or another member of the company’s leadership committee as soon as an incident occurs–regardless of the nature of the event (whether it be an accident, illness, injury or near miss).  

That being said, there need to be communication channels clearly defined to promote the practice of employees coming forward in these situations and the importance of such.

Once an incident has been reported, the member of leadership’s first responsibility is to ensure that appropriate treatment, if necessary, is being administered to those affected by the event.  

On this note: if the hazard still exists, the manager that the event has been reported to must eliminate the hazard by controlling it. Each company should have a defined procedure for accomplishing this based on the nature of their work. 

For example, if there was a spill that caused a fall. You would attend to the victim and promptly have the spill wiped up and identify the area as a hazard by using a sign.

2. Collect the facts 

Once the immediate action including the response to the event and eliminating the hazard from the environment has been conducted, it’s time to determine and record the facts related to the incident details. 

how to write a school accident report

9 facts related to the incident include: 

1. the basics.

Identify the specific location, time and date of the incident. This information is fundamental to the investigation and the most obvious information to collect. 

2. The affected

Collect details of those involved and/or affected by the incident. This would entail recording the name(s) of the individual(s) involved, their job title(s), the department(s) they operate in the manager(s) of those affected. 

3. The witnesses

Speak to any witnesses of the event to collect their perspectives of the event. Record their statements as detailed and accurate as possible in the form.  

To ensure accuracy, it’s best practice to review your notes with the witness to ensure they agree with how the event is portrayed in the report. It’s also important to include the name(s) of any witnesses in the report in case any additional questioning is required. 

4. The context

Consider and document the events that occurred leading up to the incident. Ask:

  • What was the employee doing? 
  • Who asked them to complete the task? How was the employee feeling prior to the incident? …etc. 

It is important to identify which factors were an outcome of the incident and which factors were present prior to the incident and could be a potential contributing factor to the incident occurring.

5. The actions

In the report, you must specify the actions of those involved at the time of the incident. What did the employee do that led to the incident? 

For example, if an employee injured their back when lifting a box at work, it is important to determine how that employee lifted the box to decide if that contributed to the injury. If yes, then inquire if this employee was trained properly for this task and by who or what source.  

6. The environment

Identify and record environmental conditions that contributed to the event. Was there inadequate lighting? Was a piece of equipment not operating properly? Was the employees’ visibility obstructed by a glare or blind spot? Etc. 

7. The injuries

Record detailed descriptions of specific injuries and evaluate the severity of such in the report. This description should include part(s) of the body injured, nature and extent of injuries. 

8. The treatment

It is also important to document in the incident case report the type of treatment administered for the acknowledged injuries. This information is important to document in order to understand how the employee recovers when reviewing the specifics of the event.

9. The damages

Record an account of any damage to equipment, materials, etc that was affected by the incident. This will be helpful to refer back during the analysis of the event in order to consider both a corrective action plan and to determine what items will need to be repaired or replaced. 

3. Analyze and reflect  

Collecting and recording the facts related to the occurrence of the incident will aid in determining how the incident occurred. Analyzing the collected facts related to the incident will aid in determining why the incident occurred. 

Analyzing and determining how and why the incident occurred is essential in order to develop an effective corrective action plan. 

Potential causes for accidents or injuries that occurred in the workplace could include: 

  • Primary causes (for example, an unsalted ice patch on a set of stairs that caused a slip and fall). 
  • Secondary causes (for example, an employee not wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, such as a hard helmet or eyewear).
  • Other contributing causes (for example: a burned-out light bulb in the area causing poor visibility). 

how to write a school accident report

4. Establish a corrective action plan 

A corrective action plan would provide recommendations as a means to reduce the possibility of a continued issue and/or recurrence of the incident details. The recommendations would result from an effective analysis of the facts collected and documented in the incident report. 

Elements of an effective corrective action plan could include: 

  • Occupational Health & Safety training for employees 
  • Preventative routine maintenance processes that ensure equipment is in proper working condition 
  • A review of job practices and procedures with a recommendation for changes to reduce the risk of incidents 
  • Conducting a job hazard analysis to determine if other potential hazards are associated with the task and/or environment and then training employees on these hazards based on the findings of the assessment 
  • Engineering, equipment or PPE changes/upgrades to ensure the task or the process of completing said task poses less risk

how to write a school accident report

Incident report examples and design tips

Here are some examples of types of incident reports to help you get started. I’ve also included some report design tips to help you present your information effectively. If you want to dig a bit deeper into the topic , here’s a comprehensive guide to general report design that I find handy.

Incorporate your branding into your report design

As with any document you create for your business, it’s good practice to incorporate your branding into your incident reports. (Psst– Venngage’s Brand Kit feature makes it easy to add your branding in just a click!) 

Include your brand colors in your design. You can do this by using them in the report header, footer, sidebar and in any visuals. 

You could use your brand colors in the background of your incident report:

how to write a school accident report

You may also want to include your logo, like in this incident report template : 

how to write a school accident report

Organize your information into sections using boxes

To make your information as readable as possible, organize it into sections. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using boxes.

For example, take a look at how these types of incident report templates use boxes to section off the information:

how to write a school accident report

This type of incident report example also uses rectangles to denote section headers:

Simple Incident Report Template

Color code the sections of your incident case report

Colors aren’t just great for making your reports , presentations and charts more interesting to look at. You can also use color to organize sections of your report and to draw attention to key information. 

For more tips on using color in your designs, read our guide on how to pick colors to communicate effectively .

how to write a school accident report

Add a visual header to your incident report

As part of your company branding, you may want to add a visual header to your reports. For example, this incident case report template uses a neutral photo with a color filter to create a professional header:

how to write a school accident report

You can do this in Venngage by overlaying a photo on a color background and adjusting the opacity of the photo: 

Image Opacity Venngage

You can use the same effect for sidebars as well: 

how to write a school accident report

Make a mock form to offer new team members as an example

If you’re transitioning in staff or something happens when the individual who owns incident reports is away, it’s very important that there is a process documented . That will ensure that if someone is put on the spot, they can fill in the incident report properly.

It can also be helpful to add brief descriptions of the information in the type of incident report to include in each field. Take a look at how this incident report example offers some brief text to guide the person filling it out:

how to write a school accident report

Use icons to visualize concepts

Icons are small, compact visuals that can be used to reinforce the information in your reports. You can also use them to draw attention to specific fields and important pieces of information. 

For example, this incident case report template uses icons to indicate the purpose of each field:

how to write a school accident report

Incident report examples

Covid-19 employee incident report template.

how to write a school accident report

Blue healthcare employee critical incident report template

how to write a school accident report

Although being prepared for the unexpected is often difficult, preventative measures are the cornerstone of maintaining a happy and healthy working environment for yourself and your workforce.  

Incident reports are not only a defining piece in any company’s incident response protocol, but they provide a means to avoid recurring mishaps and/or inspire change. 

That’s why it is crucial to have a relevant and comprehensive incident report form prepared and on hand for any incident details that may arise. By adhering to your jurisdiction’s legislation and considering the four components prescribed above, you’ll be well-prepared to handle incidents effectively.

The effect of responding to workplace incidents in a timely and detail-oriented manner will not only ensure a safe workplace but also: 

  • Reassure your employees that their employer is prepared to take the right steps in any situation 
  • Ensure all appropriate parties are fully informed of incidents 
  • Establish a record of incidents for future reference 
  • Protect both you/your company and your employees from lawsuits and disputes

FAQs about incident reports

What is the purpose of incident reporting.

An incident report is used to describe an event that requires an investigation that needs to be documented.

Types of incident reports

  • Accident Reports
  • Workplace Incident Report

What are the 4 types of incidents?

Commonly, incidents can be categorized into four main types:

  • Accidents: Involving unintended harm, damage or injury.
  • Near Misses: Situations where an accident could have occurred but was narrowly avoided.
  • Unsafe Conditions: Reports about hazardous or unsafe environments that need attention.
  • Unsafe Acts: Documenting incidents involving violations of safety procedures or rules.

Incident reports generally cover a variety of situations and the specific types may vary based on context and industry. It’s important to note that these categories can overlap and the classification may differ depending on the reporting system or industry standards.

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Childcare Centers, Home Daycare, Child Development Center

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Incident Reports: Documenting Accidents and Behavioral Issues

how to write a school accident report

Where there are children, there will inevitably be accidents and behavioral problems. Even under the best and most attentive care, injuries and misbehavior can and do occur.

While childcare professionals must obviously make every possible effort to limit the risk of personal injury to the children under their care, some situations may not always be avoidable. When accidents, injuries and problematic behavior do occur, however, caregivers should document such situations thoroughly.

Why Incident Reports Are Important

Fear of professional repercussions or damage to their reputation can be a driving factor for some childcare professionals who choose not to document injuries, accidents or behavioral incidents. Rather than a poor reflection on a childcare provider, an incident report should be viewed as an indication of responsibility and competence. There are numerous benefits to the completion and filing of incident reports, from tracking and analyzing potential hazards to establishing a pattern for medical professionals when a developmental or physical disability is suspected.

A strong pattern of injury stemming from a single source is a highly reliable indicator of necessary changes within the premises. For instance, one child who is injured after tripping may be an isolated incident. If several children trip in the same space over an extended period of time, there’s reason to believe there may be a need for safety measures to eliminate an existing tripping hazard. Injuries resulting from safe, normal play with a toy or on a piece of equipment can contribute to a safety recall, if a pattern of injury is established by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Similarly, when a single child is the frequent victim of accidents, incident reports can establish a pattern which can aid in diagnosis of a physical or developmental difficulty. Balance, vision and perception problems can be difficult to diagnose in very young, non-verbal children. Incident reports documenting a history of falls or injuries, however, can help medical professionals to accurately diagnose such issues. Documenting misbehavior, violence or rule-breaking issues can also provide evidence which supports diagnoses of quantifiable behavioral disorders which may otherwise go undiagnosed for years. Rather than harming a childcare professional’s reputation, diligent reporting of accidents and incidents can be a boon.

Incident Reports and Legal Compliance

Childcare laws can vary widely from one state to the next. Within a single state, there may even be different regulations for childcare providers, depending on the size of their operations. Documenting any accidents or potentially problematic occurrences may be required by law in your state. It may also be a requirement of your insurance policy.

Should a serious situation arise as a result of a fall, injury at the hands of another child or allegations of abuse, proper documentation of any and all incidents offers a layer of protection which can be of invaluable assistance. While it may seem easier to ignore a minor incident, documenting it properly and supplying the requisite notification is imperative for the protection of yourself, your business and the children under your care.

Information to Include On An Incident Report

Among the many forms you keep on file as a childcare professional, an incident report template should be included. Local ordinances or state law may require you to use an official form, or you may be expected to produce one yourself. If you’re creating your own incident report forms, there are several pieces of information you’ll need to include or leave room to document.

  • Name of the child
  • Date of the incident
  • Time of the incident
  • Witness to the incident
  • Equipment involved in the incident
  • Cause of the accident or injury
  • Nature of the injury
  • Body part affected as a result of the incident
  • Information about any administered treatment
  • Full description of the incident

Parents of any children involved in an accident, injury or behavioral incident should be notified and provided with documentation at the time of pickup. Another copy should be added to the files of each involved child for future reference. By informing all involved parties of accidents or behavioral episodes, you can help to prevent future incidents while raising awareness about potential problem areas within your childcare facility.

5 thoughts on “ Incident Reports: Documenting Accidents and Behavioral Issues ”

How do I find out if it is a mandated law or an insurance requirement for my son’s daycare here in SD?

How do I find out about incident reports for childcare in Phoenix Az

Hi, I am working in the childcare centre but English is my second language so they are not allowing me to write incident report so i I want to learn how to write ex: What happens? , What we did for first aid?. I can write name , birthdate but not allow for when and why is happened. Because they want formal language and I am doing lots of spelling mistake and my writing structure is not good.

How can I find out if incident reports are required at my daughter’s preschool and who they are reported to? There was an incident at school involving my daughter and they do not seem to want to provide an incident report so it makes me wonder if they actual have one.

Are there certain things a daycare can write behavior reports for? My son is being written up for things that have happened accidentally like “while stacking chairs your child’s chair hit another child’s foot” he has had 2 of these types of accidents and if he gets a 3rd they disenroll him but 2 of the 3 were complete accidents. Is there anything I can do? We are in utah

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How to write an incident report?

incident reporting form

Even with all the safety measures in place, safety incidents can still happen. The big question is: how do you learn from them?

The answer lies in the incident report.

What is an incident report?

An incident report is a written account of a situation that has occurred. It provides a record of events that led up to an accident, as well as its immediate aftermath.

The primary purpose of writing an incident report is to learn from the mistakes and prevent the recurrence of the same kind of incident in future. This is especially important if there are injuries involved, as it will help workers understand how they can avoid similar accidents in the future. It also helps management understand what went wrong and how they can improve their policies or procedures so that workers are safer in the future.

An incident report is necessary when:

  • There’s a serious injury to any employee or customer (or a visitor).
  • An accident causes major damage to equipment or property.
  • An accident caused by someone else’s carelessness or negligence — even if it’s a near-miss .
  • Any other situation where you feel that an accident could have caused significant harm or concerns regarding the safety of employees, vendors, customers or any other people in the vicinity.

Are you a safety Manager?

Still managing safety manually? Try Safetymint . It's easy, efficient and cost effective.

Download free incident report template. Available as Word, Excel or PDF formats.

What should you include in an incident report.

An incident report is necessary to record anything from a minor mishap to a major accident and should include all relevant information such as who was involved, what happened and when it happened.

A basic incident report should contain answers to the following questions:.

What happened?

Make sure you include all the details, such as who was involved and what was damaged, lost or destroyed.

incident classification

When & where did it happen?

Your report should contain the date, time and location where the accident took place. If your company uses a system to track such information, try using that same system for your reports.

Who were involved?

Include other people who were present at the time of the incident or accident and what they did at the time of the incident. This will help determine how exactly the incident happened and any other secondary contributing factors.

What did they do?

Detail out what each of those persons was doing just before, during and after the incident. This is an important detail to help you get down to the bottom of the incident and truly understand the root cause.

Why did it happen?

Your report should explain why the accident occurred so that anyone reading it can understand how it happened and what could have been done differently to prevent it from occurring again.

Were there any witnesses?

You’ll need witness statements from the people nearby and any other involved parties to help explain an event or clarify who was involved.

What is the extent of damage to a person or property?

This would include the severity of the incident as well as any person or equipment damaged in the incident and the follow-up treatment.

Step-by-step process to write an incident report

Collect, Verify & Organize Data

1. Collect the information

The first step is to collect all the relevant information. This includes all the details of the incident, including wh en it occurred, where it took place, what happened and how many people were affected. You should also include any photos or video evidence that could be relevant. You can use checklists or an incident reporting software like Safetymint to help you collect the necessary data.

Collect, Verify & Organize Data

2. Establish the order of events

Once you have collected all the information about an incident, you need to determine exactly what happened. An effective incident report starts with a summary of what transpired, followed by a description of each event in chronological order. The order of events is crucial because it helps investigators determine whether there is any pattern to the problem and how to fix it.

Collect, Verify & Organize Data

3. Analyze the root cause

After determining the exact sequence in which the incident occurred, you need to analyze the root cause of this problem to identify ways of preventing similar incidents from occurring in the future.

The analysis can also include a review of previous incidents that were similar in nature and frequency leading up to this particular incident. This will help you understand if there is a common cause for all these events or not.

Collect, Verify & Organize Data

4. Formulate corrective action

With the root cause of the event clear, you can then discuss to formulate corrective and preventive action (CAPA) to avoid a similar incident in the future. These corrective actions should be based on past experiences and lessons learned rather than just assumptions or guesses.

You can also involve other team members or stakeholders who may know about preventing such events from reoccurring in the future. All of these information will be helpful for the investigative team to understand what went wrong and suggest recommendations

Reporting incidents using spreadsheets?

Upgrade to Safetymint Incident Reporting System.

Best practices to follow when writing an incident report

A good incident report should include as many details as possible about the event. Here are some tips for writing an effective incident report:

Describe what happened in detail

Include all facts related to the incident, such as who was involved, when and where it took place, how many people were involved and what they were doing at the time of the accident.

For example, if someone fell from scaffolding due to faulty equipment or improper use of equipment, provide as much information about what the person was doing, the equipment they were handling and the safety protocols followed/neglected — so that others can learn from it and avoid similar mistakes in the future.

how to write a school accident report

Be objective when describing events

Don’t editorialize or speculate about why something happened — simply state what happened and how it affected you or others involved in the accident.

The most important thing about being objective is not allowing emotion to cloud your judgment. Write down what you saw and heard, not what you thought or felt at the time. Avoid making assumptions and using words like “I think” or “I believe” when describing the events.

Be as thorough and accurate as possible, but avoid going into excessive detail about things like how you felt during the incident or what others said afterwards.

Use simple language

Your goal should be for anyone who reads your report to understand exactly what happened without needing any additional context or background information. So avoid using complex phrases or technical terms unless necessary. Otherwise, stick with simple language and avoid using abbreviations or acronyms unless they are widely accepted within your industry.

Include photos, if possible

If the incident caused physical damage, take photos so they can be included with your report. Photos will help show any damages or injuries resulting from the situation and clarify any questions about what happened during the incident.

How Safetymint can help in reporting incidents

Safetymint is an online incident management system developed to help organizations manage safety incidents, observations and near misses . It improves your safety culture by getting more people involved in reporting incidents and it enables you to gather the right data to make better decisions.

Instant reporting

Safetymint offers a simple & quick process for reporting incidents, which helps ensure that all necessary details are captured and recorded correctly. Employees can report hazards themselves through their mobile phones or computers anywhere and at any time.

No prior training

Safetymint has an intuitive interface that’s direct and simple enough that anyone with a smartphone or access to a computer can quickly report the incidents — without any prior training.

how to write a school accident report

Overall dashboard view

The safety dashboard allows you to track your leading and lagging indicators at one glance to monitor performance and take corrective action wherever necessary. This will help you develop effective solutions for reducing injuries and improving overall workplace health and safety performance.

Custom investigation workflow

Safetymint includes a 5-step incident investigation process which includes the following steps: Incident reporting , Setting up and investigation team, Root cause analysis , Recommended actions and Review and Closure. This process can be used for both internal as well as external investigations.

Watch Safetymint in action

Capture incidents and near-misses with accuracy..

Resolve incident with a 5-step incident investigation process. Available both on Mobile and Desktop browsers.

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How to Write a Motor Vehicle Accident Report

Last Updated: December 12, 2023 Approved

Gathering Information

Describing the incident, diagramming the scene, sample accident report, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Lahaina Araneta, JD and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD . Lahaina Araneta, Esq. is an Immigration Attorney for Orange County, California with over 6 years of experience. She received her JD from Loyola Law School in 2012. In law school, she participated in the immigrant justice practicum and served as a volunteer with several nonprofit agencies. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, several readers have written to tell us that this article was helpful to them, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 503,455 times.

Typically when you're in an accident on the road, the police will complete a police report describing the accident. However, in some cases you may need to submit your own report, either to your insurance company or your state's DMV. If you need to write a motor vehicle report, take time to gather accurate information so you can describe the incident with as much detail as possible. [1] X Research source

Things You Should Know

  • Copy down the driver's license, vehicle, and insurance information from the other driver. Get contact information for any witnesses, as well.
  • Explain what happened and who was involved, including the location and nature of the accident as well as any injuries or property damage.
  • Take photos and/or create a diagram of the scene that shows what happened.

Step 1 Get identification and insurance information from the other driver.

  • Check to make sure that there are no injuries. If someone is hurt, call for help first before trying to get their information.
  • Get the other driver's license. Write down their name, home address, birth date, and gender. You'll also want the name of the state that issued their license, their license number, and the date it expires. Give them this information for yourself as well.
  • If the other driver does not have insurance or identification, call the police. Tell the police that you cannot get the required legal documents of the other driver. They will come out and handle the situation.

Step 2 Write down information about the vehicles involved.

  • Write down specifics about where there is damage. For example, you might say "Sedan has broken bumper and dent in the rear quarter panel."
  • Take down the license tag number for all the vehicles, along with the name of the state. You also might want to make note of the vehicle's VINs (vehicle identification numbers) for insurance purposes.

Step 3 Ask for identification and contact information for everyone on scene.

  • If you get their phone number, make a note of when is the best time to reach them at that number.

Step 4 Take pictures of the scene.

  • Take your photos as soon as possible after the accident occurs, so the light and weather conditions are similar. Photograph the scene from multiple angles if it is possible for you to do this safely.
  • You also might want to take pictures of all the people involved in the accident. These can be helpful later if someone claims an injury later when they seemed fine at the scene.
  • If you were injured, take pictures of your injuries as soon as possible – ideally, before they are treated by a medical professional.

Step 5 Get statements from any witnesses.

  • It's best to get a statement from a witness at the scene, and then get their phone number in case you need to follow up with them later. Many witnesses won't come forward after the accident. If possible, take a video or audio recording on your phone of their statement.
  • Write down exactly where they were when the accident occurred. If possible, take pictures of the scene from where they were standing, so you have an image of their vantage point. If there are any signs, posts, trees, or other objects obscuring their line of sight, make a note of those as well.

Step 1 List the names and identifying information of all people involved.

  • You'll also need the same information for any other drivers who were involved in the accident. If there were passengers or pedestrians also involved in the accident, provide their names, ages, and genders.
  • Get numbers of first-responder vehicles and the names and badge numbers of first responders, if possible.

Step 2 State the conditions when the accident occurred.

  • Your city or state may have a specific form for you to fill out that includes spaces for specific details, such as the weather, light, and road conditions.
  • If you don't remember the conditions and weren't able to take any photos, leave these details blank – don't just guess or look up an old weather report. You need to be able to vouch for every detail included in your report.
  • Provide any photos or videos you have showing the conditions at the time of the accident to support your case.

Step 3 Detail the location of the accident.

  • For example, if the accident occurred on the interstate, you would need to note the name and direction of the interstate as well as the mile markers or any exits before and after the accident. Include the estimated distance from the nearest marker.
  • On city streets, you also might want to include any landmarks. Describe the street, including whether there is a sidewalk or bike lane.
  • If any other property was involved, describe it as well as where it is relative to the street.

Step 4 Provide a chronological account of what happened.

  • For example, suppose the other driver rolled through an intersection and hit the side of your car while you had the right of way. You can say that you had the right of way – that's a fact. However, a statement such as "the other driver wasn't paying attention" would be an opinion.
  • If there are gaps in your memory or specific details you don't remember, state in your report that you don't remember. That way you can fill in the detail later if your memory returns.
  • If there were pedestrians involved, describe what they were doing. For example, the pedestrian may have been crossing the street in the sidewalk, or may have run out in traffic to retrieve something.

Step 5 Identify any witnesses.

  • You also might want to describe where they were located relative to the scene of the accident and what they saw. For example, the person may have been standing on the corner waiting to cross the street when the accident happened, or they may have come over afterward.
  • If you managed to get a video or recording of the witness, include it in your report. If the witness doesn't come forward, this recording can act as evidence instead.

Step 6 Discuss what happened after the accident.

  • If you or anyone else called 911, give an approximate time that call took place and describe who showed up at the scene.
  • If paramedics arrived, discuss whether anyone was treated at the scene or transported to a hospital for further treatment.

Step 7 Detail any injuries and property damage.

  • Provide a rough estimate of property damage or damage to vehicles involved in the crash. You should state specifically if you believe a vehicle to be totaled.
  • If there were any fatalities as a result of the accident, list them separately. Include the name, age, and gender of anyone injured, and classify the severity of their injuries as best you can. Describe where on the body the injury was located and the person's role in the accident. If they were immediately transported to a hospital, provide the name of the hospital where they were taken.

Step 1 Sketch out the streets.

  • Just stick to the specific road or other area where the accident took place. There's no need to include adjoining blocks or side streets if they weren't directly involved in the accident.
  • Make sure you have the correct number of lanes and that any traffic lights or signs are marked correctly.

Step 2 Orient your drawing.

  • For example, suppose the accident occurred at an intersection. You were heading north, while the other car was headed west. Draw an arrow for the cars to indicate the direction in which they're traveling, and write out each of the directions along the four sides of your drawing.

Step 3 Place the cars in the roadway.

  • If there were other cars nearby that weren't involved in the accident, you can still draw boxes for them if you want, but don't worry about getting too detailed. Other cars are only really important to the extent that they affected the ability of you or the other driver to avoid the accident.

Step 4 Include information about the impact.

  • If the speed the cars were traveling is in dispute, make a note of this on your report, but keep your reported facts objective. If you thought the driver of the other car was going faster than they claimed they were going, simply say it appeared they were going one speed, but they claim they were going another speed.

Step 5 Note the location of any witnesses.

  • If they were in another vehicle but were not involved in the accident, draw a box to represent their vehicle and put their "X" inside. Note if they were a passenger or driver of the vehicle, and where they were seated.
  • If a witness's view was partially obstructed, include whatever obstructed their view in your diagram.

Step 6 Sign and date your accident report.

  • After you sign and date your accident report, make a copy of it for your records before you submit it to the relevant authorities.
  • Generally you want to submit your accident report as soon as possible after the accident occurred. Check with the company or department where you need to send your report and find out if there's a deadline you must meet.

how to write a school accident report

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  • ↑ https://www.dmv.org/insurance/when-to-report-an-auto-accident-to-the-dmv.php
  • ↑ https://www.dmv.ca.gov/web/eng_pdf/sr1.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.findlaw.com/injury/car-accidents/after-a-car-accident-first-steps.html
  • ↑ https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/Forms/DMV/32fill.pdf
  • ↑ https://dmv.ny.gov/forms/mv104.pdf
  • ↑ https://thelawdictionary.org/article/how-to-write-an-accident-report/
  • ↑ https://dmv.ny.gov/forms/mv104.pdf/

About This Article

Lahaina Araneta, JD

To write a motor vehicle accident report, start by getting the other driver’s name and insurance information. You should also write down information about their vehicle, including the year, make, model, color, and license plate number, as well as a description of the damage. For example, you might say "Sedan has broken bumper and dent in the rear quarter panel." If you have a camera or smart phone, take pictures of the vehicle damage, the surrounding area, and any injuries so you can describe the incident in your report in as much detail as possible. For more tips from our legal co-author, like how to make a diagram of the accident, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Professional Guide to Daycare Incident Reports

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Professional Guide to Daycare Incident Reports

Incident reports play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and well-being of children in a childcare setting. These reports serve as valuable documentation that helps childcare providers track and address any accidents, injuries, or unusual incidents that occur during the care of children.

By accurately recording such events, childcare providers can identify patterns, implement preventive measures, and communicate effectively with families. Additionally, incident reports demonstrate your childcare center's commitment to transparency and accountability, ultimately fostering trust and confidence among both families and staff. 

In this article, we'll discuss the importance of daycare incident reports, how to write one, and state reporting requirements. 

What is a daycare incident report?

A daycare incident report is a record of an accident, injury, behavior, or other incident that requires a child to stop normal activity and receive first aid or medical attention. They also cover instances of neglect, like a child being left without proper supervision, aggressive or unusual behavior, suspicion of abuse, and errors in following through with directives from caregivers. Incident reports are essential documentation for your childcare business operations. B y accurately capturing this information, childcare providers can track trends, identify potential safety hazards, and take proactive measures to prevent future incidents.

With brightwheel's childcare incident reports , you can easily create incident reports as fillable forms or upload a state mandated form and pre-fill required fields. This saves you valuable time, allowing you to quickly log incidents from your phone or tablet and store digital incident reports securely for easy access. 

Incident reports are meant to be comprehensive in case they need to be referred back to later and provide a detailed, objective record of a situation. It may be one report of an isolated incident or an ongoing report of a continuous issue. This thorough documentation can protect your program and ensure compliance with state regulations and guidelines.

Why are incident reports essential?

In a childcare setting, incident reports play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and well-being of children. By documenting any incidents that occur, you can ensure transparency, communication, and proper follow-up. Let's explore the key benefits of using incident reports in childcare settings.

Ensuring child safety

Incident reports serve as a vital tool for ensuring child safety within a childcare environment. By documenting any accidents, injuries, or unusual incidents, you can track incident data and take proactive measures to prevent future occurrences. This proactive approach contributes to creating a safer and more secure environment for the children under your care.

Communication and transparency

Utilizing incident reports fosters open communication and transparency among childcare staff, families, and administrators. When an incident occurs, completing a detailed report allows for clear documentation of what happened, the immediate actions taken, and any follow-up measures. This transparency builds trust with families, providing them with insight into the level of care provided at your program and demonstrating your commitment to the children's well-being.

Legal and compliance requirements

Incident reports serve as critical documentation to meet legal and regulatory compliance standards. By consistently and accurately documenting incidents, you demonstrate your adherence to safety protocols, duty of care, and regulatory requirements. In the event of an inquiry or audit, having easy access to thorough incident reports can protect your business and support your commitment to upholding the highest standards of care.

Improvement of risk management

Analyzing incident reports over time allows you to identify trends, assess risks, and implement targeted risk management strategies . By recognizing recurring issues or potential areas of concern, you can proactively address these challenges, implement additional safety measures, and provide staff training where necessary. This continuous improvement cycle enhances the overall risk management practices at your program.

Support for continuous professional development

Incident reports also contribute to the professional development of childcare staff. Through the process of documenting incidents, reflecting on the circumstances, and discussing the outcomes, staff members have the opportunity to learn from each situation. This reflective practice supports ongoing professional development , as educators can derive valuable insights and best practices from past incidents to enhance their caregiving practices.

How to write a daycare incident report

Daycare incident reports need to include specific information about the incident, the child that was involved in the incident, and the action that was taken after the incident occurred.

What to include in a daycare incident report

Include the below details in your incident reports:

  • The name of the childcare center
  • The name of the childcare professional completing the incident report
  • The child's name and age
  • The cause of the injury or incident
  • The date, time, and location of the incident
  • The locations of any injuries the child suffered
  • The types of injuries the child suffered
  • Medical treatment that the child received
  • The name of the medical facility (if the child was taken off-site to receive treatment)
  • The names of any staff members who witnessed the incident
  • The equipment involved in the incident (such as toys, playground equipment, furniture, medication)
  • The steps taken to prevent the incident from reoccurring 

After the incident report is completed, have it signed and dated by the employee who completed the form and the child's parent or guardian. Note how and when the child's family was contacted and who contacted them. 

Storing and sharing incident reports

Procedures for storing and sharing daycare incident reports vary by state. Most states require you to maintain copies of all incident reports at your center for a certain period of time and give a copy to the child's family. Other states require you to file a copy of the incident report with the state's licensing agency. Consult your state's childcare licensing department  to learn more about its legal requirements regarding record keeping.

Create, share, and manage all your childcare forms in brightwheel . Easily share incident reports with families through the brightwheel app and collect digital signatures. You can eliminate back-and-forth paperwork by tracking form status in one central dashboard and storing all your documents in one secure, digital location.

Legal requirements of incident reporting

Federal law requires states to ensure that all licensed childcare providers meet specific health and safety standards and incident reporting guidelines. Reporting and compliance will vary by state and some state childcare licensing agencies may provide a specific incident report form for childcare providers to use (here's an example from the state of Louisiana and Massachusetts ). Other states may issue reporting guidelines and best practices to follow if an incident occurs at your program. 

Regardless of your state's requirements, it's a good idea to have an organized record keeping process for incident reports for future reference if needed. Maintain accurate childcare records with brightwheel . Store all your records digitally in each student's profile in brightwheel, which can be accessed from any device.

Below, we've included links to each state's childcare licensing forms and documents or the relevant childcare incident report form (if applicable).

Incident reporting by state


District of Columbia

  • Massachusetts


New Hampshire

North Carolina

North Dakota


Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota

West Virginia

Final thoughts

Childcare incident reports are critical in ensuring a transparent and safe childcare environment. They offer a structured approach to risk management, enhance the trust between caregivers and families, and promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement among childcare professionals. By prioritizing the meticulous documentation of incidents, childcare providers can significantly contribute to creating a nurturing, secure, and supportive setting where children thrive.

Brightwheel is the complete solution for early education providers, enabling you to streamline your center’s operations and build a stand-out reputation. Brightwheel connects the most critical aspects of running your center—including sign in and out, parent communications, tuition billing, and licensing and compliance—in one easy-to-use tool, along with providing best-in-class customer support and coaching. Brightwheel is trusted by thousands of early education centers and millions of parents. Learn more at   mybrightwheel.com.

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June 14, 2021

4 steps for writing an effective accident report

It’s imperative to institute a systematic method for investigating accidents.  A report needs to include all the essential information about the accident or near-miss.  The process begins with fact finding and ends with recommendations for preventing  costly future workplace accidents .  Writing any incident report involves four basic steps.

1.  Respond Immediately Employees should notify their supervisor as soon as an accident or injury occurs. The supervisor’s first responsibility is to see that proper medical treatment or first aid is provided.  Also, if the hazard still exists, the supervisor needs to immediately eliminate it. Your company should have an established procedure for this.

2.  Find the Facts Once the immediate response has been completed, a thorough on-site  accident investigation  should be conducted by an investigation team. This should take place quickly after the incident so those affected still have the situation fresh in their mind. Items to review include:

  • Date, time and specific location of incident
  • Names, job titles and department of employees involved and immediate supervisors
  • Names and accounts of witnesses
  • Events leading up to incident
  • Specifically what the employee was doing at the moment of the accident
  • Environmental conditions (e.g. slippery floor, inadequate lighting, noise, etc.)
  • Circumstances (including tasks, equipment, tools, materials, PPE, etc.)
  • Specific injuries (including part(s) of body injured, nature and extent of injuries)
  • Type of treatment for injuries
  • Damage to equipment, materials, etc.

3.  Analyze After determining how, you must find out why. This is necessary for developing an effective plan of action for control. Causes include:

  • Primary causes (e.g. a spill on the floor that caused a slip and fall)
  • Secondary causes (e.g. employee not wearing appropriate work shoes or carrying a stack of material that blocked vision)
  • Other contributing factors (e.g., burned out light bulb in the area)

4.  Complete Corrective Action Plan Recommendations for corrective action might include immediate corrective action, as well as long-term corrective actions such as:

  • Employee training on safe work practices
  • Preventive maintenance activities that keep equipment in good operating condition
  • Evaluation of job procedures with a recommendation for changes
  • Conducting a job hazard analysis to evaluate the task for any other hazards and then train employees on these hazards
  • Engineering changes that make the task safer or administrative changes that might include changing the way the task is performed  

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7 injured after grisly hit-and-run crash in Temecula

By Dean Fioresi

Updated on: May 27, 2024 / 5:40 PM PDT / KCAL News

Seven people were injured in a grisly and violent four-car crash caused by a hit-and-run driver in Temecula on Sunday. 

Deputies and firefighters were dispatched to the intersection of Butterfield Stage Road and Channel Street just after 7 p.m., according to statements from both the Riverside County Sheriff's Department and CalFire. 

"Preliminary findings revealed the vehicle traveling southbound on Butterfield Stage Road entered the intersection against a red signal, as the other vehicle entered the intersection on a green signal traveling westbound on Channel Street," said RSO's statement. 

Four of the victims were hospitalized after the incident, two of which are said to have suffered serious injuries and two that suffered moderate injuries, firefighters said.  


Three people were treated at the scene but declined further medical care. 

By the time deputies arrived, one of the drivers in the crash had fled the scene. 

"Deputies located and detained the suspect, who was identified as 36-year-old Matthew Thomas Jackson of Temecula," deputies said. 

He was booked on for hit-and-run and driving under the influence. 

Firefighters say that all four of the involved cars suffered major damage and extrication efforts were required to help some of the victims out of their vehicles. 

The cause of the crash remains under investigation. 

Video from the scene posted on CitizenApp shows the severe damage that some of the cars suffered. The intersection was closed for hours as the investigation continued. 

Anyone who may have witnessed the crash or who has additional information is asked to contact RSO at (951) 696-3000.

Dean Fioresi is a web producer for CBS Los Angeles. He covers breaking news throughout Southern California. When he's not writing about local events, he enjoys focusing on sports and entertainment.

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The Australian billionaire married retired Russian biologist Elena Zhukov at his California vineyard and estate, Moraga, on June 1, according to a report from The Independent.

Murdoch is 93 and Zhukov is 67.

The BBC reported that the couple said they met at a party hosted by one of Murdoch’s ex-wives in the spring of 2023. The Independent reported their engagement was confirmed in March 2024.

Murdoch’s previous marriage was to U.S. model and actress, Jerry Hall, according to the Independent. They were married from 2016 to 2022. His other ex-wives include Australian flight attendant Patricia Booker, Scottish-born journalist Anna Mann and Chinese-born entrepreneur Wendi Deng, according to the BBC.

Murdoch began his media empire in 1952 when he inherited a newspaper from his father in Adelaide, Australia, according to the Associated Press. He would later buy several publications in the U.K. and the U.S., including the News of the World, the Sun, the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal, according to BBC.

He launched Fox News in 1996 and started the Fox broadcast network, which was the first network to successfully challenge the “Big Three” of broadcasting, ABC, CBS and NBC.

Murdoch stepped down as the leader of his two companies, Fox Corp. and the News Corp., in September 2023, according to the Associated Press. His son, Lachland, became News Corp. chairman and continued his role as chief executive officer of Fox Corp., following Murdoch’s exit.

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What we know about mom who saved daughter before being killed in Michigan sand dunes crash

Kadie price was mother of 2, wife of deputy.

Derick Hutchinson , Lead Digital Editor

GOLDEN TOWNSHIP, Mich. – We’ve learned more about the woman who saved her daughter before being killed in a crash at the sand dunes of a popular Michigan park .

The crash happened around 11:40 a.m. Sunday, May 26, 2024, in the “drag strip” area of the Silver Lake State Park sand dunes in Golden Township, Michigan.

WOOD-TV reports Kadie Price, 33, of Pierson, Michigan, was watching the races with her family outside their vehicle. One of the racing drivers accelerated and lost control of his Jeep CJ and crashed into the Price family vehicle, according to the report .

Price pushed her 2-year-old daughter out of the way to safety before she herself was struck, officials said.

Witnesses and first responders tried to save Price, but she died from her injuries.

Oceana County deputies believe Price saved her daughter from serious injuries “or worse.”

Since the crash, WOOD-TV has learned that Price was the mother of two young children and the wife of a Kent County Sheriff’s Office deputy.

“It’s clear online that the agency is coming together and doing everything it can to support Deputy Price and the couple’s two toddlers after Sunday’s devastating accident,” the report says .

The identity of the 64-year-old Jeep driver has not yet been revealed.

The Oceana County Sheriff’s Office is handling the investigation.

Click here to visit the fundraiser for Price’s family. It has already raised more than $30,000, as of Tuesday morning.

Copyright 2024 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit - All rights reserved.

About the Author

Derick hutchinson.

Derick is the Lead Digital Editor for ClickOnDetroit and has been with Local 4 News since April 2013. Derick specializes in breaking news, crime and local sports.

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    The dos and don'ts of writing a student accident report. 1. Write the Title of Your Report. Always begin with a title for your report. Your title gives the reader the expectation as to what they may be reading about. Just as with any other reports, a good title is enough to catch who may be reading it, their attention.

  13. How to Write an Incident Report [+ Templates]

    And end your investigation with determining recommendations for preventing both an increase in the severity of the incident and the possibility of a recurrence. To write any incident case reports, follow the basic format described below. USE THIS INFOGRAPHIC TEMPLATE. 1. Take immediate action.

  14. Incident Reports: Documenting Accidents and Behavioral Issues

    Balance, vision and perception problems can be difficult to diagnose in very young, non-verbal children. Incident reports documenting a history of falls or injuries, however, can help medical professionals to accurately diagnose such issues. Documenting misbehavior, violence or rule-breaking issues can also provide evidence which supports ...

  15. How to Write an Incident Report

    Step-by-step process to write an incident report. 1. Collect the information. The first step is to collect all the relevant information. This includes all the details of the incident, including wh en it occurred, where it took place, what happened and how many people were affected. You should also include any photos or video evidence that could ...

  16. How to Write a Motor Vehicle Accident Report (with Pictures)

    Tell the police that you cannot get the required legal documents of the other driver. They will come out and handle the situation. 2. Write down information about the vehicles involved. For each vehicle involved in the accident, you will need to have the year, make, model, and color in your accident report.

  17. Professional Guide to Daycare Incident Reports

    A daycare incident report is a record of an accident, injury, behavior, or other incident that requires a child to stop normal activity and receive first aid or medical attention. They also cover instances of neglect, like a child being left without proper supervision, aggressive or unusual behavior, suspicion of abuse, and errors in following ...

  18. Accident reports

    Preparation and use of accident reports in school, legal issues bulletin 39, LIB39. This advice was last reviewed in July 2016. Some accidents that occur on school or during department endorsed activities will result in claims for compensation for personal injury or damage to property. These claims fall into two categories - those involving ...

  19. 4 steps for writing an effective accident report

    Writing any incident report involves four basic steps. 1. Respond Immediately. Employees should notify their supervisor as soon as an accident or injury occurs. The supervisor's first responsibility is to see that proper medical treatment or first aid is provided. Also, if the hazard still exists, the supervisor needs to immediately eliminate it.

  20. PDF Reporting school accidents support documents

    SUPPORT DOCUMENT. 1. Introduction. This support document outlines the purpose of school accident reports and the responsibilities of principals and school staff in relation to the completion, ir storage and use. It also deals with the provision of information concerning accidents to parents, students and others. 2.

  21. How To Write a Work Incident Report (With Example and Tips)

    2. Explain the sequence of events step-by-step. The next part of the incident report usually asks reporters to, "Describe step-by-step what led up to the injury/near miss" or something similar. Take your time with this portion of the report, as it's important to provide as much detail as possible in your response.

  22. Student Accident Insurance

    The school district does not provide accident insurance to pay for medical expenses when students are injured at school. This is the responsibility of the parents or legal guardians. The District carries only legal liability insurance. The District does make student accident insurance available for individual purchase.

  23. How Long Do You Have to Report a Car Accident?

    Many states have laws requiring you to report accidents to the local police department or the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within a certain period. This period is usually within a few days of the accident. This requirement often applies if the accident resulted in bodily injury, death, or significant property damage.

  24. 7 injured after grisly hit-and-run crash in Temecula

    Updated on: May 27, 2024 / 5:40 PM PDT / KCAL News. Seven people were injured in a grisly and violent four-car crash caused by a hit-and-run driver in Temecula on Sunday. Deputies and firefighters ...

  25. Help. I want to write off my KIA seltos 2024. : r/AskMechanics

    Weak_Yak_3809. Help. I want to write off my KIA seltos 2024. I have a KIA seltos 2024 AWD which I bought late February. Got into a car accident in April where I Tboned a pickup truck (I wasn't at fault). It took 1 month for the car to get repaired from Bennett's (It was a 19k repair on it). I was facing issues with the heating and the ...

  26. 1 killed, 1 hurt when workers fall into shaft from roof to basement at

    School was dismissed early to avoid distractions to staff and students and allow authorities space and time to address the accident. DPSCD The scene at Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary-Middle School ...

  27. Hospital Report: June 2, 2024

    Hand in hand: Rushville community honors first responders, school bus crash victims. Two injured in State Street crash. Germanfest kicks off in Quincy. Portion of 24th Street to close for culvert replacement. ... At Gray, our journalists report, write, edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve. ...

  28. Rupert Murdoch marries his fifth wife at the age of 93, reports say

    Murdoch is 93 and Zhukov is 67. The BBC reported that the couple said they met at a party hosted by one of Murdoch's ex-wives in the spring of 2023. The Independent reported their engagement was ...

  29. News Flash • Police Daily Activity Log

    Police Daily Activity Log. Posted on: December 3, 2020. MPD Press Log 12/03/2020. 20-M10709 Simple BatteryIncident Address: 100 blk E 4TH STMOSCOW ID 83843Disposition: ACTTime Reported: 02:47Cad Comments:Complaint of battery. No report.

  30. What we know about mom who saved daughter before being killed in

    Price pushed her 2-year-old daughter out of the way to safety before she herself was struck, officials said. Witnesses and first responders tried to save Price, but she died from her injuries ...