Write a joining letter after Leave / Vacation [All Sectors Examples]


Shini Ramith

Joining Letter After Leave Application (With Examples)

Taking a leave from work is common, but returning with a well-crafted sample rejoining letter after leave is crucial. Therefore, this letter not only formally communicates your intent to return but also sets the tone for a smooth transition back into the workplace. So, how can you dou a sample rejoining letter after leave?

In this article, you will know all about the sample rejoining letter after leave. Read on!

What is  Rejoining Letter After Leave?

A sample rejoining letter after leave is a formal written document submitted by an employee to their employer, expressing the intention to return to work after a period of leave. Therefore, this letter serves as a vital communication tool, ensuring a clear and documented reintegration process into the professional environment.

Below are samples of joining letters after leave applications for different scenarios and industries. Please note that these are generic examples, and you should customize them based on your specific situation.

### 1. Joining Letter After Medical Leave - Corporate Sector

Subject: Welcome Back!

Dear [Employee's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. On behalf of [Company Name], I am delighted to welcome you back after your medical leave. Your absence was felt, and we are glad to have you back with us.

During your absence, we ensured that your responsibilities were handled efficiently. Now that you are back, we look forward to your continued contributions and dedication. Please feel free to reach out if you need any support during your transition back into work.

Wishing you good health and a smooth return.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Company Name]

### 2. Joining Letter After Maternity Leave - Educational Sector

Subject: Welcome Back to [School/College Name]! Dear [Employee's Name],

We are thrilled to welcome you back to [School/College Name] after your maternity leave. Your presence has been missed, and we are excited to have you rejoin our team.

We understand that the transition back to work after maternity leave can be challenging, and we are committed to providing the necessary support to make this process as smooth as possible for you. Please let us know if there are any specific arrangements or accommodations you may require.

Looking forward to your continued dedication and contributions.

Warm regards,

[School/College Name]

### 3. Joining Letter After Study Leave - Technology Industry

Subject: Welcome Back to [Company Name]!

I trust this letter finds you well. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you back to [Company Name] after your study leave. We understand the importance of continuous learning, and we are excited to benefit from the knowledge and skills you have gained during your time away.

Your role is critical to our team, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact of your newly acquired expertise. If there are any specific areas you would like to discuss or share from your learning experience, please do not hesitate to schedule a meeting.

Best wishes for a successful return.

### 4. Joining Letter After Sabbatical - Non-Profit Organization

Subject: Welcome Back to [Organization Name]!

I am pleased to extend a warm welcome back to [Organization Name] after your sabbatical. We recognize the value of taking time for personal growth and rejuvenation, and we are thrilled to have you return with refreshed energy.

Your role is integral to our mission, and we are eager to continue making a positive impact with your contributions. If there are any specific insights or learnings you gained during your sabbatical that you would like to share, we would be delighted to hear about them.

Looking forward to a renewed collaboration.

[Organization Name]

### 5. Joining Letter After Military Leave - Government Sector

Subject: Welcome Back to [Government Department]!

It is an honor to welcome you back to [Government Department] after your military leave. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your service to the nation, and we are proud to have you back as part of our team.

Your commitment to both your military duties and your responsibilities with [Government Department] is commendable. We understand the unique challenges of transitioning between roles, and we are here to support you in any way needed.

Thank you for your service, and welcome back.

[Government Department]

### 6. Joining Letter After Personal Leave - Retail Industry

I trust you had a restful and rejuvenating personal leave. On behalf of the [Company Name] team, I extend a warm welcome back as you resume your duties with us.

We understand the importance of personal well-being, and we hope your time away has allowed you the necessary relaxation. Your role is crucial to our team, and we look forward to your continued dedication.

If there are any adjustments needed to facilitate your smooth return, please feel free to communicate them.

Welcome back!

### 7. Joining Letter After Maternity Leave - Tech Startup

Subject: Welcome Back to [Company Name] - New Beginnings!

Congratulations on the arrival of your bundle of joy! We hope you had a joyful and fulfilling maternity leave. On behalf of the entire [Company Name] family, I extend a warm welcome back as you rejoin our dynamic team.

We understand the importance of work-life balance, especially during significant life events. Your role is crucial to the success of our team, and we are excited to continue our journey together.

If there are any accommodations needed to support your return, please let us know. Looking forward to your valuable contributions.

Best wishes,

### 8. Joining Letter After Educational Leave - Higher Education Institution

Subject: Welcome Back to [Institution Name] - Enriched Perspectives! Dear [Employee's Name],

I trust your educational leave provided you with enriching experiences and new perspectives. It is a pleasure to welcome you back to [Institution Name] as you resume your responsibilities. We value the pursuit of knowledge and recognize the contribution it makes to our institution. Your dedication to both your role here and your educational pursuits is commendable, and we look forward to benefiting from the insights you've gained.

If there's anything you'd like to share about your educational journey, we'd love to hear it.

[Institution Name]

### 9. Joining Letter After Long Medical Leave - Healthcare Sector

Subject: Welcome Back to [Hospital/Clinic Name] - Your Return is Healing!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you back to [Hospital/Clinic Name] after your extended medical leave. Your presence is a healing force, and we are grateful for your recovery.

Your role in our healthcare team is pivotal, and we are confident in your ability to continue providing compassionate care to our patients. If there are any accommodations needed for a smooth transition back, please don't hesitate to communicate them.

Wishing you continued good health,

[Hospital/Clinic Name]

Feel free to adapt these samples to suit the specific circumstances and culture of your organization.

5 Benefits of a Rejoining Letter After Leave

A well-crafted sample rejoining letter after leave brings forth a multitude of benefits that contribute to a seamless transition and effective communication. We will explore five key advantages:

1. Clarity in Intent

Submitting a rejoining letter provides a platform for employees to articulate their intent clearly. So, it leaves no room for ambiguity, ensuring both the employer and employee are on the same page regarding the return to work.

Example: "By submitting this rejoining letter, I confirm my intent to return to work on [specified date], bringing clarity to my professional career ."

2. Formal Acknowledgment

A rejoining letter serves as a formal acknowledgment of an employee's return. Therefore, it becomes a tangible record in the employee's file, reinforcing the legitimacy of their reintegration.

Example: "This rejoining letter acts as a formal acknowledgment of my return, facilitating a smooth transition back into the team."

3. Communication of Conditions

In situations where special conditions or adjustments are necessary, a rejoining letter becomes a vital tool for communicating these needs. Whether it is a phased return or specific accommodations, the letter paves the way for constructive discussions.

Example: "I use this letter to communicate the conditions of my return, and I am open to discussions regarding any necessary adjustments for a successful reintegration."

4. Reaffirmation of Commitment

The act of preparing and submitting a rejoining letter signifies a reaffirmation of commitment. For this reason, it allows employees to express their dedication to their roles and responsibilities.

Example: "Through this rejoining letter, I reaffirm my commitment to contributing positively to the team, ready to resume my duties with enthusiasm."

5. Documentation for Future Reference

A rejoining letter becomes a documented reference for future purposes. Consequently, it can be referred to in discussions related to performance reviews, promotions, or any other professional evaluations.

Example: "This rejoining letter, once filed, serves as a documented reference for future evaluations, reflecting my commitment to the organization."

Components of an Effective Rejoining Letter: Crafting a Seamless Return

Crafting a sample rejoining letter after leave is an art that involves incorporating essential components for a smooth transition back into the professional sphere. For this reason, the effectiveness of such a letter lies in the careful consideration of key elements.

Clear Expression of Intent

When composing a sample rejoining letter after leave, in other words, make your intentions unequivocally clear. This sets the tone for a seamless reintegration into the workforce.

"After a rejuvenating leave period, I am writing this letter to express my wholehearted intent to rejoin the team on [specified date]."

Acknowledgment of Previous Leave

However, it is crucial to gracefully acknowledge the period of absence. As a result, expressing gratitude for the understanding and support during your leave enhances the professional tone.

"I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the support extended to me during my absence. Your understanding has been invaluable."

Proposed Return Date

Including the specific date of your return is a fundamental aspect. Therefore, clarity on your availability allows for better planning within the organization.

"I am excited to inform you that I plan to resume my duties on [specified date], ready to contribute effectively to ongoing projects."

Updates, if Any

In addition, providing any relevant updates, especially changes in contact information or other personal details, ensures seamless communication upon your return.

"Kindly note that there have been updates to my contact details. I can now be reached at [new contact information] starting from my return date."

Emphasizing the Importance

To clarify, reiterate the importance of this communication. In addition, highlighting the role of the rejoining letter in facilitating a smooth comeback underscores its significance.

"This rejoining letter aims to serve as a formal declaration of my return, ensuring a well-coordinated and efficient transition for both parties."

Professional Tone

Maintaining a professional tone throughout the letter is paramount. Therefore, this contributes to a positive perception of your return among colleagues and superiors.

"I appreciate your understanding and look forward to contributing my best to the team upon my return. Thank you for considering my request."

Closing on a Positive Note

In other words, conclude the letter on an optimistic note, expressing eagerness to resume duties and contribute positively to the organization.

"Anticipating a fruitful collaboration upon my return, I am excited to reconnect with the team and tackle new challenges together."

Incorporating these components thoughtfully into your sample rejoining letter after leave ensures a comprehensive and effective communication of your intent to return to work.

Sample Rejoining Letter After Maternity Leave: Navigating a Seamless Return

In this section, we delve into the intricacies of crafting a sample rejoining letter after maternity leave, emphasizing its significance, components, and the role it plays in ensuring a smooth transition back to the professional sphere. For this reason, returning to work after maternity leave is a significant milestone for many professionals. Also, a well-drafted rejoining letter not only serves as a formal notification but also communicates the employee's commitment, ensuring a positive and supportive atmosphere upon their return.

Navigating Components with Precision

So, here are the components of the mail sample rejoining letter after leave:

Expressing Gratitude

Example: "I extend heartfelt gratitude for the support extended during my maternity leave. It was invaluable."

Clear Intent to Return

Example: "I write to formally express my intent to resume work on [specified date], eager to contribute effectively to ongoing projects."

Flexible Transition Plans

Example: "Understanding the need for a smooth transition, I am open to discussions regarding a phased return or any necessary adjustments."

Update on Availability

Example: "Kindly note my adjusted availability during the initial weeks. I am committed to a gradual transition for the well-being of both the team and me."

Request for Necessary Arrangements

Example: "I kindly request a meeting to discuss any changes in roles, responsibilities, or accommodations that might facilitate a seamless return."

Emphasizing Open Communication

To clarify, maintaining open lines of communication is essential. A well-structured rejoining letter acts as a catalyst, encouraging transparent discussions between the returning employee and the employer.

Addressing Concerns Through Professionalism

Example: "I appreciate your understanding and am open to addressing any concerns you might have. Together, we can ensure a smooth reintegration into the workplace."

The Role of the Rejoining Letter in Employee Empowerment

So, a carefully composed rejoining letter empowers employees, providing them with a formal channel to communicate their needs, concerns, and expectations. Therefore, it fosters a sense of confidence and control, contributing to a positive work experience.

Sample Rejoining Letter After Medical Leave: A Comprehensive Guide

In this section, we explore the intricacies of crafting a sample rejoining letter after medical leave. So, this is a crucial document that not only signifies a return to professional responsibilities but also communicates the employee's commitment to their role. For this reason, rejoining the workforce after a medical leave involves thoughtful communication. Consequently, the rejoining letter serves as a formal channel to convey the employee's readiness to resume duties and outlines any necessary considerations.

Essential Components

So, here are the components of this type of sample rejoining letter after leave:

Gratitude for Support

Example: "I express sincere appreciation for the support and understanding extended during my medical leave. It has been invaluable."

Example: "I am writing to officially communicate my intent to rejoin the team on [specified date]. I look forward to contributing actively."

Communication of Health Status

Example: "As I return, I want to assure you that my health is significantly improved, and I am ready to resume my responsibilities with full dedication."

Request for Accommodations (if applicable)

Example: "I kindly request a meeting to discuss any necessary accommodations or adjustments to facilitate a smooth transition back into my role."

Acknowledgment of Workplace Support

Example: "I would like to acknowledge the support received from both colleagues and management during my absence, which has been instrumental in my recovery."

Emphasizing Professionalism

To clarify, maintaining a professional tone is essential. Therefore, the rejoining letter is not just a formality; it sets the tone for the employee's reintegration into the professional environment.

Addressing Ongoing Health Considerations

Example: "While I have recovered substantially, I am committed to maintaining open communication regarding any ongoing health considerations that might impact my work."

Facilitating Smooth Reintegration

So, a well-crafted rejoining letter acts as a bridge, facilitating a smooth transition for both the returning employee and the team. Therefore, it encourages open dialogue, ensuring that any concerns or considerations are addressed proactively.

Reasons Why You Might Need a Sample Rejoining Letter After Leave

So, in various professional scenarios, having a sample rejoining letter after leave becomes imperative, serving as a bridge to communication and a formal acknowledgment of an employee's return. For this reason, we will delve into ten compelling reasons why such a letter holds significance:

1. Medical Recovery

Firstly, returning after a medical leave necessitates clarity on the employee's improved health status and the intention to resume work actively.

Example: "Given the improved state of my health post-medical leave, this letter confirms my readiness to rejoin the team."

2. Maternity Transition

New mothers often require a seamless transition back to work, highlighting the need for a letter that outlines their return and any necessary accommodations.

Example: "In line with company policies, I am excited to communicate my return from maternity leave, seeking your support for a smooth transition."

3. Extended Personal Leave

Also, employees taking an extended personal leave might need a rejoining letter to formally communicate their intent to return and initiate discussions on any required adjustments. For this reason, they need the sample rejoining letter after leave. 

Example: "After a period of personal leave, I wish to confirm my return date and discuss any accommodations needed for a successful reintegration."

4. Educational Pursuits

So, individuals pursuing educational endeavors may require a letter to articulate their commitment to balancing academic pursuits with professional responsibilities.

Example: "Having completed my educational pursuits, I am eager to return to the team, bringing newfound skills and perspectives."

5. Family Responsibilities

Employees addressing family responsibilities may need a letter to discuss how they plan to manage their familial commitments alongside work obligations. So, they need the sample rejoining letter after leave. 

Example: "Returning after addressing family responsibilities, I am committed to maintaining a balance that ensures optimal focus on both fronts."

6. Professional Development

Also, staff members on sabbatical for professional development might need a letter indicating their return and a willingness to contribute their enhanced skills.

Example: "Returning from a professional development break, I look forward to leveraging my newfound expertise for the benefit of the team."

7. Personal Well-being

Employees prioritizing personal well-being may require a letter to communicate their return post a leave dedicated to self-care.

Example: "With a renewed focus on personal well-being, I am excited to rejoin the workforce, bringing a refreshed perspective."

8. Relocation Adjustment

So, those returning after a period of relocation might need a letter to discuss adjustments and reaffirm their commitment to their role.

Example: "Post-relocation, I am committed to ensuring a seamless adjustment, and I appreciate the support as I resume my duties."

9. Unexpected Life Events

Also, employees returning after unexpected life events might use a letter to express gratitude for support and articulate their determination to move forward.

Example: "Grateful for the support during unforeseen circumstances, I am eager to return, demonstrating resilience and commitment."

10. Professional Transition

So, individuals transitioning between roles or departments might require a letter to signify their readiness to embrace the new professional landscape.

Example: "Amidst professional transitions, this letter confirms my enthusiasm to embark on this new role and contribute meaningfully."

In conclusion, returning to work is a significant step, and a well-crafted sample rejoining letter after leave ensures a positive transition. For more insights and guidance on professional matters, visit The Talent Point . 

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Joining Report Letter

Joining report letter | check the format and sample letters for it.

A joining report letter is a letter from the candidate to the employer accepting the job offer and confirming the date and time of joining. In this digitalised world, everything has become online, but it is also a sweet gesture if you can send a letter stating that you have accepted the offer. In case you have not received the joining letter, you can write an application to your employer requesting to issue the joining letter.

Table of Contents

How to write a joining report letter, application for joining letter, frequently asked questions on joining report letter.

A joining report letter can be written to the HR, your recruiter, or your reporting manager. It is basically a formal letter that states that you have accepted the job offer and the terms and conditions of the job. It expresses your desire and willingness to join the organisation. You can refer to the below-provided sample letters before you write the joining letter to your employer.

Joining Report Letter Sample

In case you are not very sure about the joining report letter format, you can refer to the samples of a joining report letter and an application for a joining letter given below. After that, you can attempt your own version of the letter.

Stadium Road, Adarsh Nagar

1st March, 2022

Asmita Reddy

Senior Human Resources Manager

Palm Designs Pvt. Ltd

Stadium Road, Sector B

Hyderabad – 541263

Sub: Joining letter

Dear Madam,

I am writing this letter in reference to the offer letter (OL00000) you sent me on 25th February, 2022. I would like to let you know that I accept the job offer for the position of Content Editor, and I am ready to join on 5th March, 2022. I have accepted the terms and conditions mentioned and signed the offer letter. I am thankful for this wonderful opportunity, and I hereby assure you that I will work sincerely and put my skills to good use.

I am attaching the relevant documents along with this letter.


Contact No.: 1234567


  • Signed offer letter

Netra Tripathy

#75 Kamalam, B.Narayanapura, 1st Main Road

Mahadevpura, Bangalore – 560048

Pratyush Yadav

Senior HR Manager

Rankopedia Pvt. Ltd


Bangalore – 560016

Subject: Request for the issuance of joining letter

Dear Pratyush,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I have accepted the job offer for the post of Content Writer in your esteemed organisation. I have sent you the signed copy of the offer letter (OL0972) on the 22nd of February, 2022. I was informed that I would receive the joining letter from Mr. Karandeep Singh (Senior Manager) by 28th February, but I have not received it yet. I request you to kindly issue the joining letter at the earliest so that I can continue with the further processes without any delay.


Contact: 999999

What is a joining report letter?

A joining report letter is a formal letter from the candidate to the employer informing that the candidate has accepted the offer letter, and the terms and conditions of the job.

How do I write a joining report letter?

While writing the joining report letter, do mention the start and end dates of your leave period, mention your job role, employee ID and other relevant details. You can refer to the sample letter below.

I am writing this letter to inform you that I have accepted the offer (offer number__) for the post of ____ and I shall be joining the office on _____(date) at ____(time). I am glad to accept the offer, and I shall remain grateful to you.

What is the difference between a joining letter and an appointment letter?

An appointment letter is sent by the employer to the candidate who has been offered the job and has accepted the job offer. On the other hand, a joining letter is a formal letter that the candidate submits to the employer accepting the job offer, and the terms and conditions of the job, confirming the date of joining.

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Rejoining Letter | Format and Samples of After Leave and Maternity leave

February 9, 2024 by Prasanna

Rejoining Letter: A rejoining letter is an official letter written by the former employee making a request to rejoin the company. Rejoining letter is usually addressed to the manager/managing director/CEO/HR admin of the company.

A rejoining letter is a mentioning letter routed to the business requesting that they rejoin the association. In the event that a representative leaves the place of employment because of some close-to-home reasons and on the off chance that he wishes to rejoin the association, at that point a letter is kept in touch with the business with a solicitation to join the organization.

Yet, it is difficult to rejoin the association once your acquiescence is acknowledged in light of the fact that the organization loses confidence in you and it needs to experience various records for your settlement after abdication. If there should arise an occurrence of unaccepted abdication, it is anything but difficult to rejoin. Because of certain reasons, it could be anything but difficult to rejoin the organization in the event of long and broadened leaves, for example, maternity leaves a lot because of a medical issue.

Get Other Types of  Letter Writing  like Formal, Informal and Different Types of Letter Writing Samples.

Rejoining Letter Format for Employee

Every formal letter has to be written in a proper format. In the same way, rejoining letter should be written by the employee in a proper format such that the respective authority is convinced to give you a call for an interview. Given below is the format for the letter:

  • Name and designation of the recipient
  • Name and Address of the company
  • The subject of the letter
  • Salutation (Respected Sir/Madam)
  • Body of the letter  (Mention the reason for leaving the job)
  • Closing the letter
  • Your name, address and contact number

Rejoining Letter Samples

Date: [_____]

Name of Recipient

Name and Address of organisation

Sub: Letter For Rejoining Job

Respected Sir,

I am (Name), an old employee of your organisation as (previous designation) writing to request for rejoining the job. I resigned from the job due to [Mention the reason for leaving the job] and now again I am looking for a job. I request you to kindly consider me for the job based on my previous performance and achievements I made during the employment. I would make sure that I will perform my duties with sincerity, devotion and commitment. Also, there would be no more interruptions again while I am employed in this company.

Looking for your positive response.

Thanking you,

[Your Name]


[Contact number]

[Email Id:]

Rejoining Letter After Sick Leave Sample

Date: [_____]

Name of Recipient

Name and Address of organization

Sub: Letter For Rejoining Job

Respected Sir,

I am (Name), an old employee of your organisation as a Graphic designer, writing to request for rejoining the job. I was on leave for a long duration due to my health issues and then I was released by the company on [Date], from the job. While my time period in your organisation I have given my best work and served this company sincerely.

Presently I am an unemployed person and looking for a job. Therefore, I request you to kindly consider me for the job based on my previous performance and achievements I made during the employment. I would make sure that I will perform my duties with sincerity, devotion and commitment. Also, there would be no more interruptions again while I am employed in this company.

Looking for your positive response.

Thanking you,

[Your Name]


[Contact number]

[Email Id:]

Rejoining Letter After Maternity Leave Sample

Many women rejoin the company after taking 6 months or 9 months of maternity leaves. Since it is a long duration, therefore women should drop a rejoining letter to her HR admin or manager to get a confirmation for their job.

Date: [_____]

Name of Recipient

Name and Address of organisation

Sub: Letter For Rejoining Job

Respected Sir,

I am (Name), an old employee of your organisation, worked as Content Writer, writing to request for rejoining the job. I have taken maternity leave for 6 months and now I want to rejoin my job. By God’s grace I completely healthy to start working again.  I request you to kindly consider me for the job based on my previous performance and achievements I made during the employment. I would make sure that I will perform my duties with sincerity, devotion and commitment.

Looking for your positive response.

Thanking you,

[Your Name]


[Contact number]

[Email Id:]

FAQ’s on Rejoining Letter

Question 1. How to write application for rejoining after leave?

Answer: Write the name, designation and address of the recipient, date of writing the letter, the reason for leaving the job or taking a long leave, your name, previous designation and address.

Question 2. How to request for rejoining the job?

Answer: Help your manager to remember the office you worked in, alongside your work title. You may likewise make reference to how long you have functioned there. On the off chance that you have worked there for some time, this will help them to remember your commitment to the organization. Start by sending the message to your previous director.

Question 3. How do I write the rejoining letter after medical leave?

Answer: Requested Sir/Madam,

I would like to rejoin my work from my sick leave on the (date) as per the instructions of my doctor. As you are aware, (name of the medical condition) from the past (duration). I am well on my way to complete recovery and ready to join my work. Kindly consider me again for the job and this time I would make sure not to cause any more interruptions.

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Rejoining Letter After Leave in Office: Format and Samples

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  • Updated on  
  • Mar 20, 2024

Rejoining Letter After Leave in Office

A rejoining letter is required to be submitted by employees after a leave from the office. It is a formal communication conveying the employee’s intention to return to work. Any employee taking leave from work due to reasons like illness, vacation , family emergencies, or any other situation, is required to submit this rejoining letter. In some specific cases, we cannot avoid taking sudden leaves from our corporate office. Therefore, when the leave period ends, we need to come to the office again so that we can complete our tasks and continue our normal life. But for this, we need to follow a specific process where we need to write a rejoining letter to the management of the offices. To know more information regarding the rejoining letter after leaving office, make sure you read this article to the end. 

how to write joining report after medical leave

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is a Rejoining Letter?
  • 2 Format of Rejoining Letter After Leave in Office
  • 3 Reasons to Consider Rejoining Letter 
  • 4.1 Rejoining Letter after Maternity Leave

What is a Rejoining Letter?

A joining letter to the office after taking a long leave is basically a rejoining letter that should be presented to the appropriate authority so that they can accept your request to come back to the office. The rejoining letter should be written to the head of the authority. Therefore, you need to make sure you’re writing the letter in formal language. You need to ensure you’re explaining your situations briefly. While writing the rejoining letter, the tone and format of the letter need to be respectful as well as polite. 

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Format of Rejoining Letter After Leave in Office

This is one of the most important things you need to keep in mind while writing your rejoining letter after leaving office. Here are a couple of points you need to consider if you don’t know the format of the rejoining letter. 

  • Name and position of the recipient 
  • Name and address of the company 
  • Subject 
  • Closing 
  • Salutation and Address of the letter 
  • Your details
  • Number of the employee

Reasons to Consider Rejoining Letter 

Here are the reasons or situations where you need to consider writing a rejoining letter for leave in office:

  • The responsibilities, as well as the roles of your new job position, were too different from what you expected in the first place. 
  • You had taken a maternity leave and now you want to rejoin the company. 
  • You took leave for your marriage purposes and now you want to join the company again after everything is sorted out. 
  • You had been suffering from severe medical or health complications but now you have recovered and are fit to complete your tasks. 
  • You had lost your loved ones and you needed some time alone to grieve. 
  • You resigned in the first place because you had plans to relocate to a different country or city but now you have decided to return to the same location. 
  • You took a break so that you can study and boost your skills and now you have gained new skills to join the organization again. 

Sample of Rejoining Letter 

We will discuss a couple of samples of the rejoining letter after leaving in office that will prove helpful in different situations. Keep in mind that the contents, as well as formats of the letter, will always remain identical, with just small changes as per the situations you have faced. The tone might also vary as per the situation and reason. While mentioning your reasons for return, make sure you also mention a few positive traits of the organization.

Rejoining Letter after Maternity Leave

Date: 09/02/2022

Catherine Gibson 


Sub: Letter for Rejoining Office 

Dear Ma’am, 
I had been serving the goals and vision of your company as a senior marketing executive from February 2017 to March February 2022. I am writing this letter to express my wish of joining your company again. I have been on maternity leave for the past 4 months and am now completely fit and ready to resume my job roles again.

I have also gone through the crucial tests and the doctor stated that I am free and completely healthy to resume my work again. I’m hoping to receive a positive response from your side. 

Thanks and regards,
Nezuko Kamado 

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The tone of the rejoining letter has to be respectful and polite as you’re addressing the higher authorities of the company. 

Yes, the date is one of the most important parts of the rejoining letter and you need to make sure you’re including it. 

The salutation of the rejoining letter will depend on multiple factors. But in general, it’s best if you salute them like ‘Respected Sir/Ma’am’ or ‘Sir/Ma’am’.

This is everything you need to know about rejoining letters. For more information on such interesting blogs, visit our career counselling page and follow Leverage Edu .

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Biprojit Chakraborty is a devoted and discreet person who has 2+ years of professional experience in Content Marketing. In his previous organization, he handled numerous technical, non-technical, and educational writing. Building relationships with foreign clients helped him know more about their educational system. As a B.Tech Computer Science graduate, he's always ready to research content on studying abroad. You might find him discussing FIFA, movies, and anime when not working.

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Joining letter for employees

Joining letter meaning.

A joining letter is an official document that confirms a candidate's acceptance of an employment offer. 

It is a formal acknowledgment from the employee that they have understood the terms and conditions of the job and are willing to join the organization on a specified date. A joining letter is typically submitted after receiving an offer letter.

Who writes the joining letter?

Commonly the employers write and send a joining letter on the joinee’s behalf. The joinee signs the letter and sends it back to the employers. 

Sometimes, the candidates/joinees write the joining letter, sign and send it to the employer.

When the employers sends the joining letter, the contents are standardized thus avoiding multiple edits and inconsistencies.

Joining letter format and templates 

Here’s how you can write a joining letter.

The format of a joining letter may vary slightly between organizations, but generally, it includes the following:

Header : The company's name, address, and logo.

Date : The date when the letter is issued.

Recipient's details: Name and position of the person to whom the letter is addressed, usually the HR manager or hiring manager.

Subject : A brief line indicating the purpose of the letter.

First paragraph: Acknowledgment of the offer letter and confirmation of acceptance.

Second paragraph: Confirmation of the joining date.

Third paragraph: Any other details, like submission of documents or pre-joining formalities.

Closing : Thank you note and a closing statement like 'Sincerely' or 'Best Regards'.

Signature : Your name and signature.

Attachments : Mention any attached documents if applicable.

Joining letter template

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State Pin Code]

[Email Address]

[Today’s Date]

[Employer's Name]

[Company's Name]

[Company's Address]

Subject: Joining Letter for the Position of [Your Designation]

Dear [Employer's Name],

I am writing to formally acknowledge the receipt of the offer letter for the position of [Your Designation] at [Company's Name]. I am pleased to accept the terms and conditions as outlined in the offer letter dated [Date of Offer Letter].

I am enthusiastic about the opportunities that await and am eager to make a positive contribution to the team and the organization at large.

As per the instructions provided, I will bring all the necessary documents, identification, and proof of qualifications on my first day for completion of the remaining formalities. If there are any other pre-joining processes or documentation needed from my side, kindly let me know at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for extending this opportunity to me. I am excited to be a part of [Company's Name] and look forward to contributing to its success.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

[Your Typed Name]

Joining Letter After Medical Leave

In cases where an employee is rejoining work after a long medical leave, a special kind of joining letter may be necessary to confirm the employee's fitness and willingness to resume work. 

This letter should be accompanied by a fitness certificate from a registered medical practitioner, and it may also specify any accommodations or modifications required at the workplace.

The letter usually follows the same format as a regular joining letter but specifically mentions the period of medical leave, the reason for the leave, and the date of rejoining. This type of joining letter is crucial for ensuring the smooth transition of the employee back into the workplace.

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Return from Sick Leave Letter

Last Updated On December 25, 2019 By Letter Writing

Accidents and illnesses can strike at any moment, especially when we least expect them. It is especially difficult to cope with such unfortunate circumstances, especially when it has an active job and is part of a company. It represents hurdles for acquiring permission for sick leave, and there is always anxiousness to get back, for an extended leave can have undesirable consequences.

However, rushing back in too quickly when you haven’t completely recovered can lead to unsatisfactory performances which can affect your standing in the company as well. Hence, it is ideal to wait for the approval of your doctor or physician before taking any decision in such cases.

A Return from Sick Leave letter is to be submitted to the company before an employee’s return from a leave of absence due to sickness. It is usually accompanied by a letter from a doctor which states that the employee in question has recovered or out of quarantine work and may begin working again. The return to work letter must be formal, with details about the employee’s current condition as well as the expected date of joining.

Return from Sick Leave Letter Writing Tips

  • As this is an official letter, the language used must be formal.
  • The contents of the letter should express the reason for the leave.
  • The letter must contain the details on the disease, any side-effects and quarantine time.
  • The letter should be brief and concise in its content.
  • Once you are through writing the letter, please recheck the same for spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.

Return from Sick Leave Letter Template

Use our free Return from Sick Leave Letter to help you get started. If you need additional help or more examples, check out some of the sample letters below.


Date ___________(Date on which letter is written)

Subject: ___________

Dear Sir/Maam,

I would like to inform you that I will be joining work from my sick leave on the  ___________ (date) as per the instructions of my doctor.

As you are aware, ___________ (name of the condition) from the past ___________ (duration). I am well on my way to complete recovery, and I am out of the quarantine period. Hence I can join work within this week. I apologise for the inconvenience my absence may have caused, as this condition appeared out of the blue and was difficult to navigate. I assure you that my performance henceforth will surely make up for it.

Once again, I would like to thank the company for the patience and sympathy that I’ve been shown.

Yours Sincerely,

(Name and Signature)

Sample Letter

To, Lucy Richards Senior Manager XYZ Company

Date: 1st May, 2017.

From, Thomas Hanks Senior Analyst XYZ Company

Subject: Return from Sick Leave Letter

Dear Madam,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be joining the office again on the 4th of May, having just received the clear from my physician.

I want to thank you and the company for their patience and understanding of the situation. As you are well aware, I suffered multiple fractures during an accident over a month ago and was bed-ridden for much of the time. In recent weeks, I have been part of an extensive physiotherapy program, and I have regained the use of my limbs to some extent.

While there is still some restriction on my movement, the doctors have informed me that I can resume office work. I want to apologise for the inconvenience my absence has caused, and I hope I can repay the company’s patience and sympathy using putting in my full effort at work.

I look forward to working with you all again.

Yours Sincerely, Thomas Hanks

Email Format

The following is the Email Format to be followed for writing a Return from Sick Leave Letter.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be joining the office again on the _____________, having just received the clear from my doctors.

I want to thank you and the company for their patience and understanding of the situation. As you are well aware, I was suffering from severe Pneumonia for over a month and was bed-ridden for much of the time. The doctors have informed me that I am past my quarantine period and can resume office work. I want to apologise for the inconvenience my absence has caused, and I hope I can repay the company’s patience and sympathy using putting in my full effort at work.

Yours Sincerely, Kaiser Williams

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Joining Report Form

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What is Joining Report Form?

A joining report form is an official document that an employee submits to the HR department upon starting their new position. It confirms the employee’s personal details, job title, department, and the commencement of their employment. This  employee form  serves as a formal acknowledgment of the employee’s beginning with the organization and is a critical part of the onboarding process. It ensures that all relevant company records are updated and that the employee is registered for payroll, benefits, and other internal systems.

What is the best Sample Joining Report Form?

Here is a sample template for a Joining Report Form that is comprehensive and can be considered one of the best practices:

[Company Logo]

Employee Information:

Full Name: ______________________________________ Employee ID: ____________________________________ Designation: ____________________________________ Department: ____________________________________ Joining Details:

Date of Joining: ________________________________ Reporting To: ___________________________________ Personal Information:

Address: ________________________________________ Contact Number: ________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________ Employment Information:

Type of Employment: ( ) Full-Time ( ) Part-Time ( ) Contract Work Location: __________________________________ Documentation Submitted:

Identification Proof Address Proof Educational Certificates Previous Employment Records Other Documents: ________________________________ Acknowledgment: I hereby confirm my joining the [Company Name] on the date mentioned above and have received a copy of the employee handbook. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the company as set forth in the company policies.

Employee’s Signature: _____________________________ Date: _______________

For HR Department Use:

Received By: ___________________________________ Comments: _____________________________________ Signature & Date: ______________________________ This form is designed to be clear, concise, and easy to fill out, ensuring that all necessary information is captured efficiently. It can be modified to include or exclude information based on the specific needs of the organization. It’s important to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided by the employee and to ensure that the form is stored securely.

Joining Report Form for Govt. Employee

joining report form for govt employee

PDF Word Google Docs

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14+ Joining Report Forms in PDF | MS Word

Joining report format.

form sample for joining report 1

Size: 110 KB

New Employee Joining Report Form Sample

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Size: 213 KB

Joining Report Letter after Leave

joining report form after leave 1

Size: 23 KB

Basic Teacher Joining Report Form Sample

basic joining report form sample 1

Size: 31 KB

Simple Joining Report Form

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Joining Report for Employees after Leave

For the employees, these joining report forms are used in order to notify or inform their supervisors that they will be reporting for work on the stated date written in this form. These forms are often filled out after employees have availed a leave for the specific date/s. In completion of these forms, there are few information that are essential to be provided such as the following:

  • The name of the employee
  • The position and/or work location
  • The date when they will be reporting to work
  • The type of leave request   applied
  • The specific dates for such leave (the start and end dates)

This sample report form should be submitted by the employees before or on the date of their return for work. In that way, the supervisor will be reminded of the reason/s why they were not around during the specified dates. Employees may also include in their report the assurance to cover all the work or tasks that are left behind. After the submission, the management sees to it that this form is kept documented and compiled with the personal files or records of individual employees.

Joining Report for Work Form

joining report for work form 1

Fillable Joining Report Form

fillable joining report form 1

Size: 38 KB

Basic Sample for Joining Report Form

basic sample for joining report form 1

Joining Report form for govt. employee

joining report form for govt

Size: 770 KB

Sample for Joining Report Form

sample for joining report form 1

Size: 10 KB

Joining Report for Appointed Participants

As for the individual who are appointed to join some events, these joining report forms are used to state that he or she will be joining the said event to be conducted on a specific date. Upon the completion of the form, refer below for the basic or general information that are often required.

  • The current date of when the report form or letter is made or filled out
  • The name, position of the person to whom the form is addressed to
  • The address or the location of the department or company
  • The subject of the joining report or formal letter
  • The reference/s of the subject which particularly is the admission letter or email received
  • The opening remarks
  • The personal statement with regards to the participation of the event
  • The position request or intended role in the said event
  • The date of when the event is or will be held
  • The closing statement form  or remark of the individual
  • The name and the affixed signature of the person filling out the form

In addition to this, the individual may also indicate their contact information form  in cases wherein communication is necessary. This includes the contact number/s, the residential address, and the email.

There are also few things that the management should take note of. When it comes to designating their people or representatives, there should also be a set of terms and conditions. Upon signing of the applicants or the appointed individuals, they are giving their consent in response to this. In addition, the signature also certifies that they will have to abide to the participation agreement form with the organization. These kinds of joining report forms could also be used as an evidence or a document proof that the appointed person has joined this certain event. In addition, these forms could also be an alternate for event registration forms during the event. This is due to the fact that these specify or report that the person has joined as ordered, appointed or approved by some authorized personnel, or in accordance and reference to the letter or email sent by the authorized person.

Joining Report Form in DOC

joining report form in doc 1

Joining Report for Summer Programme

joining report for summer programme 1

Sample Form for Joining Report Form

sample form for joining report form 1

Size: 254 KB

Joining Report/Letters for Job Offers

These joining report forms are also utilized when a job applicant receives an appointment letter from the employer. It is up to the applicant whether to accept the letter or reject it. Yet, if he or she has decided to accept this appointment letter, he is to write a joining report or letter that states that he or she is interested with the offer. These appointment letters from employers are often job offers that contain the list of all terms and conditions that individual applicant has to take note of. Upon the employer’s receipt of these joining report forms or letters, the applicant is scheduled for an initial interview or pre-employment assessment .

Nevertheless, the individuals could also state their desire to join or be a part of the company, and that they may include their promise to give commitment to their duties and responsibilities with the particular job position. And that they shall abide by the rules and regulations that the organization has. This kind of joining report or letter is somehow similar to the employee application forms , in which the applicant asks the management to grant and consider his or her request for application.

Joining Report Form Sample in DOC

joining report form sample in doc 1

Joining Report of Faculty Form

joining report of faculty form 01

Size: 22 KB

Technically, the main purpose of why joining report forms are somehow essential to business management is for documentation, which will be used for references or basis of a particular action with regards to personnel management. Upon filling out all the information that are needed, the affixed signature from the authorized personnel or to whom the form is submitted to should be incorporated at the bottom part of the form. This is to certify that the authorized personnel or the supervisor is notified and has received the form.

What Are Joining Report Forms For?

One of the forms that are utilized in businesses, which adds up to the business requirements, is the joining report form. Though some organizations do not make these compulsory, these  printable forms  are used for few of the main reasons such as the following:

  • When an employee is returning to work from his or her availed and approved leave application.
  • When an individual is appointed to join or participate to some event, such as seminars or trainings.
  • When a person is responding to the appointment or order letter.
  • When a person asks to grant his application form request to join or be a part of some event or company.
  • When an individual reports his or her involvement to the said organization.

These are often the common reasons why joining report forms are made compulsory, most especially to other organizations. Refer to the following sample forms for joining report and be guided on how and when each of these forms are utilized.

What is the difference between Offer Letter and Joining Letter?

CriteriaOffer LetterJoining Letter
An offer letter is a formal proposal from an employer to a candidate indicating the offer of employment.A joining letter is a confirmation document sent by the candidate to the employer, accepting the terms of the offer and indicating the start date of employment.
The purpose of an offer letter is to outline the terms of employment, including position, salary, benefits, and any other job details.The purpose of a joining letter is to formally accept the job offer and confirm the date on which the candidate will start working.
Issued by the employer or the HR department of the company.Issued by the candidate or the new employee to the employer.
Typically includes job title, duties, salary, benefits, start date, and employment conditions.Generally includes a statement of acceptance, start date confirmation, and expression of gratitude for the opportunity.
Sent after the interview process is complete and the candidate is selected for the job.Sent after receiving the offer letter and deciding to accept the position offered by the employer.
It is a formal job contract that may require a signature as a form of acceptance.It is a formal acceptance of the job offer and may also serve as a courtesy to thank the employer for the opportunity.
It can be legally binding if it is structured as a contract of employment.It is not a contract but a courteous way of communication; however, it implies a commitment to join the company.
No response is required from the candidate; however, signing and returning the offer letter may be requested.It is a response to the offer letter, confirming the candidate’s intention to join the company.

The offer letter and joining letter are complementary documents in the hiring process, with the offer letter being the starting point of the official employment offer and the joining letter being the conclusion where the candidate accepts the offer.

What is the purpose of a Joining Report Form?

The purpose of a Joining Report Form is to:

  • Document the Start : It officially records the commencement of an employee’s tenure with an organization, whether they are a new hire or transferring within the company.
  • Facilitate Onboarding : It helps streamline the onboarding process, ensuring all relevant departments are informed and can prepare for the new arrival.
  • Update Records : It provides essential information to update company records with the employee’s current position, department, and status.
  • Ensure Compliance : It serves as a compliance tool to confirm that all necessary documents and legal requirements for employment have been met.
  • Acknowledge Policies : It acts as a formal acknowledgment from the employee that they have received and understood the company’s policies and procedures.
  • Initiate Benefits : It triggers the initiation of employee benefits, payroll setup, and other administrative processes related to employment.
  • Confirm Transfer Details : In the case of internal transfers, it confirms the details of the new role, location, and reporting structure for the employee.

The form is a critical first step in establishing a clear and organized employment relationship between the employee and the organization. You also browse our  Sample Letters .

Where do I submit my completed Joining Report Form?

Your completed Joining Report Form should be submitted to the Human Resources (HR) department of your organization. Depending on your company’s procedures, you may need to hand it in directly to an HR representative, submit it via the company’s internal HR platform, or send it through an official email channel designated for such documents. Always follow your organization’s specific guidelines for submissions. If you’re unsure, it’s best to ask your supervisor or the HR department directly for the correct submission protocol.

How do you write a Joining Report Form?

Step 1: Header Start with a clear header that states “Joining Report Form” to immediately identify the document’s purpose.

Step 2: Employee Information Include fields for:

  • Employee Name
  • Designation
  • Employee ID (if applicable)

Step 3: Employment Details Request details such as:

  • Date of Joining
  • Type of Employment (e.g., Full-Time, Part-Time)
  • Reporting Manager

Step 4: Documentation Submitted List common documents the employee should acknowledge submitting:

  • Educational Certificates
  • Government-issued ID proofs
  • Previous Employment Records

Step 5: Company Policy Acknowledgment Include a section where the employee confirms they have received, understood, and agreed to the company’s policies.

Step 6: Signature Provide space for the employee’s signature and date, as well as that of the HR manager or the reporting head.

Step 7: Formatting Ensure the form is well-structured, with clear sections and ample space for responses. Use bold headings and bullet points for readability.

Step 8: Review Before finalizing, review the form for clarity, completeness, and compliance with employment regulations.

Step 9: Accessibility Make the form available in both digital and print formats to accommodate different submission preferences.

Step 10: Privacy Statement End with a privacy statement ensuring the confidentiality of the information provided.

Final Note: Keep the language simple, direct, and professional throughout the form to ensure it is easily understood by all employees.  You should also take a look at our  Check-In Forms .

How do you write a Joining Report Form after Transfer?

Joining report form after transfer.

  • Title: “Joining Report – Post Transfer”
  • Company Name and Logo

Section 1: Employee Details

  • Employee ID
  • Previous Department/Location
  • New Department/Location

Section 2: Transfer Details

  • Effective Date of Transfer
  • New Position Title
  • New Supervisor/Manager Name
  • Reason for Transfer (if applicable)

Section 3: Acknowledgment of Transfer

  • Statement acknowledging the completion of the transfer process
  • Confirmation of understanding new role and responsibilities

Section 4: Documentation Checklist

  • List of documents to be submitted (if any change is required due to transfer)
  • Confirmation of received and updated documents. Our Quality Audit Report is also worth a look at

Section 5: Company Assets

  • Details of any company assets received (e.g., keys, access cards, equipment)

Section 6: Confirmation of Policy and Procedure Briefing

  • Acknowledgment of understanding any new policies or procedures relevant to the new department or location

Section 7: Signature

  • Employee’s Signature
  • New Department Head/Manager’s Signature

Section 8: HR Use

  • HR verification of completed form and documents
  • HR representative’s signature and date

Formatting Notes:

  • Use clear headings and subheadings.
  • Provide checkboxes for document submission and asset receipt.
  • Include lines for signatures and dates.
  • Keep the language straightforward and professional.

Privacy Note:

  • Include a statement assuring the confidentiality of the information provided.

Final Step:

  • Review the form for completeness and clarity.
  • Ensure it aligns with internal transfer policies and legal requirements.

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16+ Joining Letter After Earned Leave – Check Format & Examples

  • Letter Templates
  • March 13, 2024
  • Office Letters , Employee Letters , Employer Letters

Joining Letter After Earned Leave: A joining letter after earned leave is a formal letter that is written by an employee to their employer to inform them that they are ready to resume work after a period of earned leave. The letter serves as a confirmation of the employee’s intent to return to work and outlines any pertinent details related to their absence and return . The introduction of the joining letter typically sets the tone for the rest of the letter and should be clear and concise. In the introduction, the employee should provide the basic information, such as their name and the purpose of the letter and express their gratitude for the opportunity to take earned leave.

In this article, we’ll explore some tips for writing a successful joining letter after earned leave, as well as provide a sample letter for reference.

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Joining Letter After Earned Leave – Writing Tips

Content in this article

Tips for Writing a Joining Letter After Earned Leave

  • Be Clear and Concise

Your joining letter after earned leave should be clear and concise. This means that you should clearly state the purpose of the letter, which is to inform your employer of your intent to return to work. Make sure to provide the dates of your leave and the expected date of your return. Avoid including irrelevant details or information that may confuse your employer.

  • Show Gratitude

It’s important to show gratitude to your employer for granting you the opportunity to take earned leave. Expressing gratitude is a great way to demonstrate your appreciation and to maintain positive professional relationships.

  • Confirm Duties and Responsibilities

Before you take your leave, make sure that your duties and responsibilities are clear. Upon your return, confirm with your employer that your duties and responsibilities are the same. If there are any changes, make sure to discuss them with your employer and understand any new expectations.

  • Professional Language

Your joining letter after earned leave should be written in a professional language. Avoid using colloquial or informal language. Use formal language and ensure that the tone of the letter is respectful and courteous.

Joining Letter After Earned Leave – Sample Format

Below is a Sample format of Joining Letter After Earned Leave:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to officially inform you of my intention to resume work after availing earned leave. My earned leave commenced on [start date] and concluded on [end date].

During my leave, I took the opportunity to rejuvenate and address personal matters, and I am now eager to rejoin the team. I understand the importance of my role and the responsibilities attached to it. Rest assured, I am fully committed to resuming work on [proposed return date].

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation during my absence. If there are any specific procedures or documentation required for my return, please let me know at your earliest convenience. I am more than willing to comply with any necessary protocols.

I look forward to returning to work, reconnecting with my colleagues, and contributing to the continued success of the team. Thank you for your support.

[Your Name]

Joining Letter After Earned Leave – Example

Here is an example of a joining letter after earned leave:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Phone Number] [Email Address]

[Employer’s Name and Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to inform you that I am ready to resume my duties at [Company Name] after my earned leave. I have completed my earned leave as per the company policy and I am now prepared to return to work.

I would like to express my gratitude to you and the management team for granting me the opportunity to take this earned leave. I was able to rejuvenate myself and come back refreshed and ready to contribute to the success of the company.

Please let me know if there are any specific tasks or duties that I need to prioritize upon my return. I am committed to providing the highest level of service and ensuring that the company meets its goals and objectives.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to rejoining the team and contributing to the success of the company.

Resuming work after leave letter

This letter formally notifies the employer of the individual’s intention to resume work after taking earned leave, expressing gratitude and readiness to contribute to ongoing projects upon return.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to officially inform you that I will be resuming work on [Date], following the completion of my earned leave.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have taken this time off to address personal matters and recharge. I appreciate your understanding and support during my absence. I have ensured that all pending work is either completed or appropriately handed over to the relevant team members.

I am eager to rejoin the team and contribute to our ongoing projects. If there are any specific tasks or updates that require my immediate attention upon my return, please feel free to inform me in advance.

Thank you once again for your understanding, and I look forward to returning to a productive work environment.

Resuming Work After Leave Letter

Joining Letter After Earned Leave – Template

Here’s a Template of Joining Letter After Earned Leave:

I am writing to inform you that I am ready to return to work after my earned leave. I have completed my leave as per the company policy and I am eager to rejoin the team and continue to contribute to the success of [Company Name].

I would like to express my gratitude to you and the management team for granting me the opportunity to take this earned leave. The time off has allowed me to rest and recharge, and I am excited to come back to work with renewed energy and focus.

Please let me know if there are any specific tasks or projects that require my immediate attention upon my return. I am committed to providing the highest level of service to our clients and ensuring that [Company Name] meets its goals and objectives.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to returning to work and continuing to make valuable contributions to the company.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Return to work letter after leave

A return-to-work letter formally informs the employer of an employee’s intention to resume work after a period of absence, detailing the dates and expressing readiness to rejoin the team.

[Supervisor’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to officially inform you of my intention to return to work after taking a leave of absence. My leave began on [start date] and, as per our discussions, I plan to resume work on [return date].

I appreciate the support and understanding extended to me during my time away. This leave has allowed me to address [mention the reason for leave, if comfortable], and I am now ready to rejoin the team.

I have taken all necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition back into my role. I am committed to catching up on any missed work promptly and working collaboratively to meet our team’s goals.

Please let me know if there are any specific tasks or updates I should be aware of before my return. I am eager to contribute to the team’s success and appreciate your assistance in making this transition seamless.

Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to returning to work and resuming my responsibilities.

Return to Work Letter After Leave

Letter for rejoining office after leave

A rejoining office after leave letter formally notifies the employer of an employee’s return to work after a period of absence.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Manager’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Return to Work After Leave

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I trust this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to officially notify you of my intention to return to work after a period of leave.

As per our previous discussions, I have taken [X] days of leave starting from [start date] to [end date] due to [mention the reason, if necessary]. During my absence, I ensured that my responsibilities were appropriately delegated, and I have kept [colleague’s name or supervisor] informed about ongoing projects.

I have attached the relevant medical certificates or documentation supporting my leave for your records. I appreciate your understanding and support during this time.

I am ready and eager to resume my duties on [return date]. I will make every effort to catch up on any missed work promptly. Please let me know if there are any specific tasks or projects that require immediate attention upon my return.

I look forward to rejoining the team and contributing to the success of our projects. Thank you for your understanding, and I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition back to work.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Letter for Rejoining Office After Leave

Earned leave completion letter

This letter formally notifies the employer of the completion of earned leave, expressing gratitude for the granted time and readiness to resume work on the specified return date.

[Employer’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I have successfully completed my earned leave period, which began on [start date] and concluded on [end date]. I would like to express my gratitude for granting me this time away from work.

During my leave, I took the opportunity to [briefly mention any activities or experiences]. It was a rejuvenating period, and I am now eager to return to work and contribute to the team’s success.

I understand the importance of maintaining open communication, and I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition back to work. I have attached any necessary medical or supporting documentation regarding my leave, as per the company’s policy.

Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or requirements I need to follow upon my return. I am more than willing to attend any meetings or orientations to catch up on developments that occurred during my absence.

I appreciate your understanding and support during my leave. I am excited to resume my responsibilities at [Company Name] and contribute to the ongoing projects.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to returning to the office on [return date] and reconnecting with my colleagues.

Earned Leave Completion Letter

Joining Letter After Earned Leave – Email Format

Here’s a Joining Letter After Earned Leave in email format:

Subject: Return to Work After Earned Leave

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I will be returning to work on [Date] after my earned leave. I would like to express my gratitude to you and the management team for granting me the opportunity to take this leave and recharge.

During my time off, I was able to spend quality time with my family, pursue personal interests, and take a much-needed break from work. I am now feeling refreshed and ready to rejoin the team and continue to contribute to the success of [Company Name].

Resuming work after extended leave letter

Here’s a Resuming work after extended leave letter:

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to officially inform you of my intention to resume work after an extended leave of absence. As you are aware, I have been on leave since [start date] due to [mention the reason for leave, if comfortable].

I have utilized this time to focus on my health and personal well-being, and I am pleased to inform you that I am now ready to return to my responsibilities at [Company Name]. I understand the importance of a smooth transition back into work, and I am committed to ensuring minimal disruption to the team and the workflow.

I am eager to reconnect with my colleagues and contribute to the ongoing projects. If there are any specific procedures or documentation required for my return, please let me know at your earliest convenience. Additionally, I am open to scheduling a meeting to discuss any updates or changes that may have occurred during my absence.

I appreciate the support and understanding from [Company Name] during my leave, and I am looking forward to rejoining the team. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Resuming Work After Extended Leave Letter

Rejoining work after medical leave letter format

Here’s a Rejoining work after medical leave letter format:

[Employer’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

I am writing to inform you of my intention to return to work following a period of medical leave. My leave began on [start date] and is scheduled to end on [end date]. According to my physician, I am now fit to resume my duties.

I am committed to returning to work on [return date] and am looking forward to rejoining the team. Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or documentation required for my return.

Thank you for your understanding and support during my absence. I appreciate your assistance in facilitating a smooth transition back to work.

Rejoining Work after Medical Leave Letter Format

FAQS for Joining Letter After Earned Leave – Check Format & Examples

How should i format a joining letter after earned leave.

Joining Letter After Earned Leave begin with your details, followed by the employer’s information, date, a salutation, body of the letter, and end with a closing and your signature.

What information should be included in a Joining Letter After Earned Leave?

Joining Letter After Earned Leave Mention your intention to return to work, the effective date, express gratitude, and attach any required documents, like medical clearance.

Is it necessary to attach medical clearance documents with the Joining Letter After Earned Leave?

It’s advisable if your leave was due to a medical reason. Joining Letter After Earned Leave provides assurance of your fitness to resume work.

When should I submit a Joining Letter after earned leave?

Ideally, submit the Joining Letter After Earned Leave a few days before your intended return date to allow for any necessary arrangements.

How should I express gratitude in the Joining Letter After Earned Leave?

Use a polite and appreciative tone to thank the employer for their understanding and support during your absence.

A Joining Letter After Earned Leave is an important formal letter that informs the employer about the employee’s intention to return to work after a period of earned leave. The conclusion of the letter should reiterate the employee’s gratitude for the opportunity to take the leave, express their readiness to resume work, and offer any assistance required to ensure a smooth transition back to work.

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English Summary

Application for Rejoining Job After Medical Leave

The Human Resource Manager Elite Biz Associates Pvt. Ltd. Namkum Industrial Area Ranchi 27 March 2017

Miss Bhavana who worked in my place for this while, has informed me about the current status of my work. She has handed me the updated documents as well and so I will not take time to adjust.

Therefore, permit me to rejoin the company from March 28th . I apologise for any inconvenience caused because of me and I assure you that I will compensate for this long absence.

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Joining Report Letter

Most millennials are always looking for jobs. Having a job has become a necessity in today’s society. Students start working from an early age to become independent and make their parents proud. So they give interviews at various companies and are always in search of good job opportunities. They also keep on hopping around different jobs to get some initial growth in their career. In such a case, when they get a new job offer, they have to write a joining report to the employer if they wish to accept the job offer. Writing a joining report letter is considered a mark of respect towards your employer and has become a compulsion.

Joining Report Letter

What is a Joining Report Letter?

Whenever you start a new job, you can write a letter to your employer informing him that you have accepted the job offer and are ready to start on the date mentioned. A joining letter is written in acknowledgment of the offer letter you have received from the employer. In most cases, getting a job is a very cheerful moment for a person. In such a case, you should definitely know how to write a joining report letter. Read further to get an idea of the same.

How to Write a Joining Report Letter?

A joining report letter should always be written in a formal format. Make sure you have a polite and respectful tone while writing the letter. Follow the format given below to write a joining report letter whenever you may need to write one.

  • The letter starts with the ‘From’ address, which is the sender’s address.
  • The date has to be mentioned on which the letter was written.
  • Next is the ‘To’ address, which is the address of your employer.
  • The subject of the letter-joining letter
  • A salutation is done, e.g. ‘Dear Sir/Ma’am, ‘Respected Sir/Ma’am.
  • Then the main body of the letter is written, which states the reason you are writing the letter. You have to inform your employer that you have accepted the job offer and that you are available to join from (date) on (time).
  • Express gratitude towards your employer. (I am highly obliged, appreciative, etc.)
  • End the letter with Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, Yours truly.
  • The signature of the person sending the letter and his name in block letters.
  • The contact number of the person sending the letter
  • Email address of the person sending the letter.
  • Attach a signed copy of your offer letter and any relevant documents that may be needed by your employer.

Example: Joining Report Letter 1

Sudhir Sharma

124, Pearl Apartment

Shivaji Park


Date – 12 July 2022

H.R. Manager

Minute Made LTD.

Sub: Joining application

I am Sudhir Sharma. I am writing this letter in response to your offer letter number ED/TY/0912.

I would like to inform you that I am ready to accept the job opportunity provided by you as a junior executive in your prestigious company. I will join the company on July 15, 2022. I have signed the offer letter and have attached it with this letter.

I assure you that I will give my best at the job. I am looking forward to gaining experience and building my future in your company. I will submit all the relevant documents required on my joining day itself.

I am highly grateful for the job opportunity you have provided me with.

Yours sincerely,


Contact number – 909090××××

Email address – [email protected]


Signed Offer Letter

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Example: Joining Report Letter 2

Sudha Kumari

Raheja Building No 4

Sagar Lodge

Lucknow – 416272

Date- 4 October 2022

The Principal

St. Mary’s High School

Sub: Joining application -Sudha Kumari

Dear Ma’am,

I am Sudha Kumari, a resident of Lucknow. I am writing this letter in response to the offer letter number GH/LK1234 which was sent by you.

I would like to inform you that I have accepted the offer letter sent by you and I am ready to join your prestigious school as a primary school teacher on October 10th, 2022 at 7 a.m. I have attached a duly signed offer letter with this letter.

I am very glad that you gave me an opportunity to serve your school as a primary teacher. I assure you that I will do my absolute best to serve the school. I am looking forward to gaining a lot of experience from your school.

I have also attached all the required documents you mentioned in the offer letter. Please contact me at my phone number or email address if any documents are still required.

I am highly appreciative of the job opportunity you have provided me with.

Contact number -787878××××

Attachments –

Duly signed offer letter

SSC and HSC Mark sheets

Mark sheets for BAF and B.Ed.

Experience certificate

Relieving Letter

Aadhar card

Frequently Asked Questions on Joining Report Letters

Question 1. When is a joining report letter written and is it compulsory to write one?

Answer. Whenever you start a new job, you can write a joining report letter to your employer informing him that you have accepted the job offer and are ready to start on the date mentioned and at the time specified. It is compulsory to write a joining report letter. By doing so, you are informing the employer about your acceptance of the job offer.

Question 2. What details should we mention while writing a joining report letter?

Answer. A joining report letter is written in acknowledgment of the offer letter given to you by the employer. You have to mention the offer letter number in response to which you are writing this letter. You have to mention that you have accepted the job offer and are ready to join on (date) and (time). Also, don’t forget to mention if you have attached anything with the letter.

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Letter Writing

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Rejoining Letter After Maternity Leave Sample

Want to request to rejoin the job after maternity leave? We are providing you sample letters to rejoin the job. In addition, you will learn how to write a joining letter format after maternity leave to office, school, factory, job, or company.

Rejoining Application by Teacher after Maternity Leave

I took maternity leave for three weeks. And I’m healthy to get back to school. So I request you to please allow me to return to work from (date). I will be grateful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Leave Application to Rejoing the Office Job After Maternity Leave

I want to inform you that my maternity leave is over, and my health is also perfect. Therefore, I am available to rejoin the job. Therefore, I request you to please allow me to rejoin my job from (mention the date here). I would be grateful to you.

Rejoining Letter After Maternity Leave Format

Dear Madam,

I am really thankful for your kind act of granting me a maternity leave of three weeks. You will be happy to know that I have been blessed with a baby boy, and I am medically fit to join my office again.

I request you to please compensate my expenditure as per employment policy. Furthermore, I am enclosing my medical reports of the maternity hospital where I was admitted. My total expenditure, including medicines and hospital charges, was $500, and I will be happy to receive the compensation as early as possible.

I assure you now you will find me even more committed to my job meanwhile I also request you to reduce my working hours to look after my baby.

Thanking you again,

Sincerely yours,

Application to Rejoin After Maternity

I am Aiman resigned from the post of Executive Officer due to the maternity/pregnancy period. Now I am just getting out of the maternity period and medically fit to serve as Executive Officer.

Again I am looking for a job, and request you to please let me rejoin your company once again. You will find me more devoted and hardworking than before. I will be thankful to you.

With regards,

Rejoining Letter After Maternity Leave

To The manager

With due respect, it is stated that I work in your company as Marketing Manager. I have been working consistently for two years in your company. However, I had taken maternity leave for three months due to my domestic circumstances. My maternity leave ends on coming Sunday.

Hence, I am writing this application to rejoin your company as I feel healthy again and fit for the job. I assure you that my personal life will not affect my performance at work. Domestic issues have been resolved as well.

I am looking forward to rejoining and starting working again.

Halen Brook

Rejoining Application by Teacher after Maternity Leave

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6 thoughts on “Rejoining Letter After Maternity Leave Sample”

After 6months meternity leave Rejoining letter application for higher authorities

Hi, My sister who is government school teacher was on maternity leave from last 6 months and now she has to join his duty back. So she needs to write a letter to the headmaster for his joining.

Kindly help me on this.


Please write me one joining report from maternity leave

check it here: https://semioffice.com/leave-applications/joining-report-from-maternity-leave/

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how to write joining report after medical leave

Employers Can Take These Steps When Workers Return (or Don’t) After Extended Medical Leave

Here is a breakdown of steps companies can take to ensure a smooth transition and make sure the biggest risks are mitigated.

June 20, 2024 at 06:36 AM

6 minute read

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Survivor benefits

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You may qualify if you’re the spouse, divorced spouse, child, or dependent parent of someone who worked and paid Social Security taxes before they died.

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When to report a death

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Ukraine war latest: Belarus deploys extra air defence forces to border; 10 Ukrainian prisoners freed with Vatican's help

Ten Ukrainian civilians who had been imprisoned in Russia for years have been released after mediation from the Vatican. Overnight, five people were killed in a Ukrainian drone strike on a Russian village. Listen to a Sky News podcast on Putin and North Korea while you scroll.

Saturday 29 June 2024 18:05, UK

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  • Ten Ukrainians imprisoned in Russia freed after Vatican mediation
  • Belarus deploys additional air defence forces to Ukraine border
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  • Listen to the Daily above and tap here to follow wherever you get your podcasts

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We're pausing our live coverage for now. 

You can scroll below to catch up on the latest developments, and we'll be back with our regular coverage tomorrow. 

Six people have been killed in a Russian attack on a small town in the southern Zaporizhzhia region, a Ukrainian official has said. 

A further eight people have been injured, regional governor Ivan Fedorov said. 

Infrastructure, a shop and residential buildings in Vilniansk have also been damaged, he added. 

The strike comes after five people were killed in the Kursk region of Russian due to a Ukrainian drone attack. 

Two young children were also injured in the strike on the village of Gorodishche, around 73 miles (118km) from the Ukrainian border, Kursk governor Alexey Smirnov said. 

Two other people were injured and were in a "serious condition" in hospital, he added. 

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has met one of the men released from Russian captivity earlier today. 

The Ukrainian president met Nariman Dzhelyal who was successfully returned home after three years in captivity. 

"We will bring security to all our people and peace to Ukraine. I thank everyone who is helping. I thank Nariman for this meeting and for his strength," Mr Zelenskyy said. 

Mr Dzhelyal was detained in Crimea in 2021 while serving as the first deputy chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. 

During his imprisonment, he sent several letters, Mr Zelenskyy said. 

He added that in one of them he wrote: "We are fighting not only for the integrity of our territories but also for the unity of our society, our beautiful, strong nation." 

US officials told Reuters news agency late last night that the Biden administration would provide Ukraine with $150m (£118.6m) worth of weapons and ammunition, including HAWK air defence interceptors and 155 millimetre artillery munitions.

The weapons aid package is expected be unveiled on Monday, the officials said.

Ukraine has urgently requested air defence support as Russia has pounded its energy facilities in recent weeks via aerial attacks. 

The US began shipping HAWK interceptor missiles to Ukraine in 2022 as an upgrade to the shoulder-launched Stinger air defence missile systems - a smaller, shorter-range system. 

The support package will include other munitions and equipment to support Ukraine's defence needs, the officials added. 

The US has provided Ukraine with more than $50bn (£39.5bn) in military aid since 2022. 

We reported earlier on the 10 Ukrainian civilians who were released from Russian captivity earlier today after years of imprisonment (see 8.49am post). 

Watch them reunite with their loved ones in Kyiv's international airport in newly released footage.

A report by the Ukrainian military's centre for strategic communications has found that the country's forces have damaged or destroyed more than 30 Russian military aircraft in the first six months of 2024. 

Most of the strikes against the aircraft have taken place in occupied Ukraine except for a handful of strikes over the Sea of Azov and within Russia, the centre said, as reported by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). 

The centre did not specify what portion of these Ukrainian strikes were air defence interceptions of Russian aircraft in flight and what percentage were strikes against Russian aircraft at airfields. 

The ISW said they were unable to verify the report.

But it said the downing of Russian aircraft, especially critical aircraft like the A-50 and Il-22, has temporarily constrained Russian aviation activities over occupied Ukraine, but added Ukrainian forces "have yet to be able to significantly attempt to contest the air domain".

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has revealed that Russian strikes have resulted in Ukraine losing around 80% of its thermal power and one third of its hydroelectric power.

Discussing the attack in Dnipro, Mr Zelenskyy said it was a reminder to Ukraine's allies that the country needed more air defence systems. 

He said: "This is why we constantly remind all of our partners: only a sufficient amount of high quality of air defence systems, only a sufficient amount of determination from the world at large can stop Russian terror."

Kyiv has also struck back at Russia with its own attacks, which also often target energy infrastructure.

Belarus has deployed additional air defence forces to its border with Ukraine to protect "critical infrastructure facilities" due to increased Ukrainian drone activity, a Belarusian military commander has said.

Belarus, an ally of Russia, said earlier this week it had shot down a quadcopter that had illegally crossed the border from Ukraine "to collect information about the Belarusian border infrastructure". 

The situation in the airspace over the border remains tense, Andrei Severinchik, commander of the Belarusian Air Defence Forces, said. 

"We are ready to decisively use all available forces and means to protect our territory and the population of the Republic of Belarus from possible provocations in the airspace," he said. 

Belarus' defence ministry said earlier today it had information showing Ukraine had been moving more troops, weapons and military equipment to the northern Zhytomyr region, which borders Belarus. 

There was no immediate response from Ukraine. 

Russian elites and oligarchs have reportedly moved from criticising the country's war effort in Ukraine to supporting it, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has reported.

Mikhail Zygar, the founder of the Russian opposition television channel TV Rain, reported that many elites who were opposed to the war in 2022 started to support the war in 2023 because they "believe Russia is prevailing".

Mr Zygar said these people made this assessment due to Russia's slow but steady battlefield gains, a persisting Ukrainian munitions disadvantage, and perceived "waning" Western security assistance to Ukraine.

One anonymous Russian oligarch who previously criticised the war reportedly told Mr Zygar that Russia must win the war otherwise "they won't allow us to live... and Russia would collapse".

The ISW said it cannot independently verify Mr Zygar's reporting but it is consistent with the institute's assessment that this section of Russian society came to heel behind Vladimir Putin in support of the war after his government intensified crackdowns against elites in the wake of the 2022 invasion. 

As Russia announces it has captured a second village in 24 hours (see 12.26pm post), let's take a look at where Russia has advanced along the frontline with Ukraine. 

As well as pockets of advances on the border north of Kharkiv, Russia appears to have captured areas along the length of the front, from the Donetsk region right up to the western edge of Luhansk.

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Home » Letters » Joining Letter » Joining Letter Application After Leave – Sample Application Letter Regarding Joining after Leave

Joining Letter Application After Leave – Sample Application Letter Regarding Joining after Leave

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To, The HR Manager, ________ (Company’s Name) ________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Joining after Leave

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, ________ (Name), working as ________ (Designation) of ________ (Department), write this letter to confirm my return to work after availing ________ (Number of Days) days of ________ (Maternity/Sick/Casual/Other) leave from __/__/____ (Date) till __/__/____ (Date) (date).

I am rejoining from __/__/____ (Date) and assure you of my utmost dedication. Kindly acknowledge my return. I am thankful for approval of my leave for the mentioned dates.

Yours sincerely, ________ (Signature), ________ (Your name), ________ (Contact number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

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  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

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Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

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If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Include your name, designation, department, duration of leave, reason for leave, date of return, and express gratitude for the leave approval.
  • Use "Dear Sir/Madam" to address the HR Manager respectfully.
  • Mentioning the duration helps clarify the leave period and ensures proper record-keeping.
  • Yes, expressing gratitude shows politeness and appreciation for the approval.
  • Use simple language, include all necessary details, and avoid omitting any important information to ensure clarity and effectiveness.

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Police Beat • 06/23/2024 to 06/27/2024

Suspicious a complainant received information that a individual had entered the dorm room and was heard to have "jokingly" said they were going to have one of the juvenile attendees of the music camp leave with them. it was found later that the individual was most likely a cousin and that they had left the building momentarily but came right back. the parties were not identified, and though it may have been a prank, the individual is not allowed in the dorms and will need to be contacted when their information is obtained. the people who can identify the individual involved were all asleep, so this information was gathered and will be referred to the day shift for follow-up. trespassing officers responded to haws field for a report from a byu grounds employee of a group of people trying to play soccer. officers checked the field but found it empty with the gate closed. the officer did find a group playing soccer on the rb field. the officer checked with the players and found that none were affiliated with byu and were unauthorized to be there. the officer explained to the players that all the byu fields were closed to unauthorized play, and the group agreed to leave. the officers closed and locked the gates for the night. medical byu police responded to the jsb for a medical call. a juvenile had passed out while at fsy. an officer responded along with provo fire/ems. the patient was evaluated by provo ems and after checking with their parents, the patient was cleared to return to fsy. sex offense an officer responded to the wilkinson student center (wsc) to speak with an fsy coordinator and a 15-year-old fsy attendee. the attendee stated that they were staying in a heritage halls dorm and that on june 18, 2024, they were using one of the bathrooms in the apartment when a 17-year-old attending fsy unlocked the bathroom door and pushed the door open. in addition, the fsy attendee said that on june 19th, the 17-year-old pushed them in a closet in their apartment and closed the door on them. the fsy attendee also stated that the 17-year-old slapped them on the butt with an open hand but said they did not remember when this happened. the parents of the 15-year-old and the on-duty sergeant were contacted and informed of this information. they stated they wanted the 17-year-old charged with sexual and bullying offenses. the on-call detective was notified. the case has been forwarded to the investigations division for further investigation. theft - bike an officer was dispatched to phone contact with an individual who wanted to report the theft of their bicycle. the officer made phone contact with the complainant who reported that their black trek bicycle had been stolen sometime between june 16, 2024, after 1900 hours and june 19, 2024, at 2100 hours. the officer documented the incident and provided a case number to the complainant. medical byu ems was dispatched to a student with a bloody nose. ems responded and tended to the patient. no byu police officers responded to the area. no police action was taken. assault a byu police officer was dispatched to a delayed assault that occurred at cougar field. the officer spoke with the parties involved, most of whom were juveniles, regarding the incident. witnesses gave similar stories and stated that a simple game of tag escalated and turned violent when a juvenile male punched a juvenile female. after interviewing witnesses and the victim, it was determined that enough evidence was present to make an arrest or file charges. the officer spoke with the victim and the victim's parents who declined to press charges against the juvenile male. medical an officer was dispatched to the esc for a report of an individual who fainted. they were reportedly conscious, but not breathing normally. provo fire responded and evaluated the patient. they did not want to go to the er by ambulance. the patient’s bishop stated they would transport them to the er. the patient agreed. animal problem byu officers were dispatched to the maeser hill trail for two running dogs. two officers responded and were able to locate and contain the dogs. the dogs did not have collars or identification tags, so officers could not find any owners. the dogs were transported to the south utah valley animal shelter. found property an officer was on foot at the y-trail when they found a yellow belt pack with a vehicle key inside. shortly after, an adult walking from the parking lot toward the top of the y asked the officer if they had seen a yellow belt pack with a key inside. the items were returned to the adult inquiring without further incident. citizen contact officers responded to the cone to a report of a citizen needing assistance. officers made contact with the subject who believed their phone had fallen into a storm drain. the subject said they were using the “find my phone” app, which showed the storm drain as their phone’s location. the officers used a net and attempted to get the phone out of the drain but were unable to locate it. the officers contacted the subject later in the evening and discovered they had located their phone in another area of the parking lot. found property a police officer was assigned to a delayed bike theft report. the bike was reported to have been last seen in april. upon calling the reporting party, the officer was informed that the bike had been located at heritage halls building 06 and that the reporting party no longer needed further assistance. no further actions have been taken. harassment a byu police officer responded to an issue between three juveniles who were staying on campus as part of the fsy program. two juvenile males sent inappropriate texts to a female participant. the texts were inappropriate but did not amount to a criminal offense. the officer discussed this matter with both of the juvenile males. all parents were notified of the situation. welfare check an officer responded to the wsc for some concerning statements made during fsy introductions by one of the participants. the officer contacted the guardian who advised that the participant was on the spectrum and gave permission for the officer to talk to the participant. after speaking with the participant and the guardian, the officer did not observe anything of concern and the fsy leaders agreed to help support the student. traffic accident an officer took a delayed report over the phone for a minor accident in lot 4 involving two byu vehicles. the complainant said they had backed into a byu golf cart on 6/20/24. warrant service officers were dispatched to the area of canyon rd and cougar blvd for a report of a transient individual sleeping behind the byu sign. officers made contact with the individual and learned that they had a warrant out of georgia. officers confirmed the warrant with the originating agency and placed the individual under arrest. officers transported them to the utah county jail and booked them on the warrant. the individual’s property was booked into byu evidence for safekeeping. unknown problem an officer responded to the itb on a medical report. byu and provo fire responded. the patient was transported to uvh by ambulance. trespassing officers were dispatched to the clyde building for a report of a transient individual possibly sleeping in the building. officers were initially unable to locate the individual. byu library security later advised officers that the individual was seen walking south from the library towards the lsb. officers contacted the individual and served them with byu ban paperwork for a permanent ban. the individual took the ban paperwork and stated that they understood it, and how to appeal it. officers escorted the individual off campus. sick person an officer was dispatched to the indoor tennis courts for a report of a sports camp participant who had fainted. the officer arrived with byu ems and provo fire. medics evaluated the patient and spoke with their parents. the patient was released back to the sports camp. citizen contact byu police handled a third-party report of a possible sexual assault that had occurred on campus. after speaking with the female minor involved and their parents, it was discovered the minor was pinned between two males while participating in a mosh pit during an fsy dance. the female advised a sexual assault had not occurred. it was determined that no crime had occurred. medical an officer responded to the wilkinson student center on a medical report involving an fsy participant. the patient reported a headache and was cleared by byu medical. the patient did not want to be transported to the hospital and returned to their dorm to rest. suspicious officers were dispatched to the upc for a report of an individual making a custodian feel uncomfortable. officers arrived and spoke with all involved parties. officers determined that a crime had not been committed. the individual is not associated with byu and was using a room to work on writing music. they were advised that they would have to leave the room if someone reserved it in the future. the custodian felt uncomfortable with the individual’s presence but was not able to pinpoint anything specific they had done to cause this feeling. officers spoke with the building care manager, who stated they would ensure the comfort of their employees. animal problem an officer responded to the report of a dog left in a vehicle in lot 34. officers found that the dog was not in distress and the owner had left all the windows down with the car parked in the shade. the owner came out as the officer was arriving. co alarm there was co detected by the fire department possibly due to an ac unit that was not ventilated. the housing on-call responded to take care of the problem. criminal mischief someone wrote on a rock with a marker which was observed by dispatch. the officer identified the person and had them clean the marker off the rock. no charges were filed. agency assist officers responded to an agency assist with provo pd on a dispute regarding a truck that was property involved in a divorce. the ex-husband had a court order for the ex-wife to return the truck that she had had for a year. co alarm officers responded to a co alarm at wymount terrace for an air conditioning unit that was running in the apartment which was not ventilated properly. fire smell officers responded to the smell of gas in wyview park. provo fire responded but did not detect any gas. the housing on-call responded to assess the problem.   paper service a ban letter was served to a subject. the ban was read to them word for word and a copy of the ban letter was emailed to them. drugs an officer checked the license plate of a vehicle as it was driving by and found that there was a warrant attached to the registered owner. the officer observed that the windshield of the vehicle was cracked, and the driver was not wearing their seatbelt. the officer stopped the vehicle and confirmed the driver had a warrant for their arrest and a denied license. the driver stated that there were thc edibles in the vehicle. the officer found the thc and a grinder in the vehicle. the driver performed field sobriety tests, which indicated that the driver was not too impaired to drive. the officer placed the driver under arrest and booked them on their warrants and drug/traffic charges. theft an officer responded to the riviera apartments for a possible theft. a complainant called byu police and stated that the lock had been cut from their trailer, but they found nothing missing inside. the officer checked with other construction workers in the area and nobody else's trailers had been broken into or tampered with. no camera footage was taken of the incident. follow us on facebook for additional updates.


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    When writing a joining application after sick leave, maintain clarity and politeness throughout the letter. Ensure to include your name, designation, department, the duration of sick leave, and the date of rejoining. Express gratitude for the sick leave granted and politely request acceptance of your joining application. Table of Contents:

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  25. Police Beat • (6/19/24

    The report was delayed, and the complainant did not want contact. Officers checked the area, but the truck was gone. Medical An officer and Provo EMS responded to the Cougar field on a report of a 14-year-old feeling numbness in their leg. EMS determined that the patient's leg fell asleep while sitting, causing numbness.

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    Spreaker This content is provided by Spreaker, which may be using cookies and other technologies.To show you this content, we need your permission to use cookies. You can use the buttons below to ...

  27. Joining Letter Application After Leave

    How to Use Live Assistant. The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here's how to use it: Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea. Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags ...

  28. Police Beat • 06/23/2024 to 06/27/2024

    After interviewing witnesses and the victim, it was determined that enough evidence was present to make an arrest or file charges. The officer spoke with the victim and the victim's parents who declined to press charges against the juvenile male. Medical An officer was dispatched to the ESC for a report of an individual who fainted.