
  • Derivation of Formulas
  • Engineering Economy
  • General Engineering
  • Spherical Trigonometry
  • Solid Geometry
  • Analytic Geometry

Integral Calculus

  • Differential Equations
  • Advance Engineering Mathematics
  • Strength of Materials
  • Structural Analysis
  • CE Board: Math
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1. $\displaystyle \int du = u + C$

2. $\displaystyle \int a \, du = a\int du$

3. $\displaystyle \int (du + dv + ... + dz) = \int du + \int dv + ... + \int dz$

4. $\displaystyle \int f (x)\,dx = F(x) + C$

5. $\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x) \, dx = F(b) - F(a)$

6. $\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x) \, dx = -\int_b^a f(x) \, dx$

7. $\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x) \, dx = \int_a^c f(x) \, dx + \int_c^b f(x) \, dx$

8. $\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x) \, dx = \int_a^b f(z) \, dz$

9. $\displaystyle \int u^n \, du = \dfrac{u^{n + 1}}{n + 1} + C; \, n \neq -1$

10. $\displaystyle \int \dfrac{du}{u} = \ln u + C$

11. $\displaystyle \int a^u \, du = \dfrac{a^u}{\ln a} + C, \,\, a > 0, \,\, a \neq 1$

12. $\displaystyle \int e^u \, du = e^u + C$

13. $\displaystyle \int \sin u \, du = -\cos u + C$

14. $\displaystyle \int \cos u \, du = \sin u + C$

15. $\displaystyle \int \sec^2 u \, du = \tan u + C$

16. $\displaystyle \int \csc^2 u \, du = -\cot u + C$

17. $\displaystyle \int \sec u \, \tan u \, du = \sec u + C$

18. $\displaystyle \int \csc u \, \cot u \, du = -\csc u + C$

19. $\displaystyle \int \tan u \, du = \ln (\sec u) + C = -\ln (\cos u) + C$

20. $\displaystyle \int \cot u \, du = \ln (\sin u) + C$

21. $\displaystyle \int \sec u \, du = \ln (\sec u + \tan u) + C$

22. $\displaystyle \int \csc u \, du = \ln (\csc u - \cot u) + C = -\ln (\csc u + \cot u) + C$

23. $\displaystyle \int \dfrac{du}{\sqrt{a^2 - u^2}} = \arcsin \, \dfrac{u}{a} + C, \,\,\, a > 0$

24. $\displaystyle \int \dfrac{du}{a^2 + u^2} = \dfrac{1}{a}\arctan \, \dfrac{u}{a} + C$

25. $\displaystyle \int \dfrac{du}{u\sqrt{u^2 - a^2}} = \dfrac{1}{a} {\rm arcsec} \, \dfrac{u}{a} + C$

26. $\displaystyle \int u\,dv = uv - \int v\, du$

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Book navigation

  • Chapter 1 - Fundamental Theorems of Calculus
  • Chapter 2 - Fundamental Integration Formulas
  • Chapter 3 - Techniques of Integration
  • Chapter 4 - Applications of Integration


  1. SOLUTION: integral calculus reviewer pdf

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  2. Double Integral Solved Problems

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  3. SOLUTION: Calculus notes chapter indefinite integration handwritten

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  4. Integral Calculus Solved Problems

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  5. Integral Session: Solving 6 Integral Problems

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  6. Definite Integral: Calculus Example (Problem and Answer)

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  1. Gradient of a scalar function| Vector calculus| Solved problems| Belief physics

  2. Calculus: 10th Edition, Chapter: Integration, Exercise Set: 5.6

  3. Part 4 / 7

  4. Calculus: Integration by parts (some challenging exercises)

  5. Integral Calculus: Example 1



  1. PDF 3000 Solved Problems in Calculus

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  2. PDF Practice Integration Z Math 120 Calculus I

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    II. Evaluate the following definite integrals. 3 4 4 22 1 1 5 188 8 1. (5 8 5) 4 5 60 3 3 3 x x x dx x x 3 2 9 5 9 2 2 1 1 2 1026 22 1001 2. ( 2 3) 3 200.2 5 5 5 5 x x x dx x x 9 9 31 22 4 4 1 2 2 20 40 3. ( ) 20 13.333 3 3 3 3 3 x dx x x x 4 32 1 5 5 5 5 75 4. 2.344 2 32 2 32 dx xx 2 34 2 2 1 1 3 44 5 57 5. (1 3 ) 14.25 3 4 3 12 4 tt t t dt 1 ...

  4. PDF CLP-2 Integral Calculus

    CLP-2 Integral Calculus. Joel Feldman University of British Columbia Andrew Rechnitzer University of British Columbia Elyse Yeager University of British Columbia August 23, 2022. iii. CoverDesign: NickLoewen—licensedundertheCC-BY-NC-SA4.0License. Source files: A link to the source files for this document can be found at theCLP textbookwebsite.

  5. PDF John M. Erdman Portland State University Version August 1, 2013

    Exercises and Problems in Calculus John M. Erdman Portland State University Version August 1, 2013 c 2010 John M. Erdman E-mail address: [email protected]. Contents Preface ix ... MULTIPLE INTEGRALS 267 Chapter 33. DOUBLE INTEGRALS269 33.1. Background269 33.2. Exercises 270 33.3. Problems 274 33.4. Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises275 Chapter 34 ...


    MATH 221 { 1st SEMESTER CALCULUS LECTURE NOTES VERSION 2.0 (fall 2009) This is a self contained set of lecture notes for Math 221. The notes were written by Sigurd Angenent, starting from an extensive collection of notes and problems compiled by Joel Robbin. The LATEX and Python les

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    To compute the indefinite integral R R(x)dx, we need to be able to compute integrals of the form Z a (x n ) dx and Z bx+c (x2 + x+ )m dx: Those of the first type above are simple; a substitution u= x will serve to finish the job. Those of the second type can, via completing the square, be reduced to integrals of the form bx+c (x 2+a)m dx.

  9. PDF CHAPTER 6 Techniques of Integration 6.1 INTEGRATION BY SUBSTITUTION

    Guidelines for Integration by Substitution. 1. Let u be a function of x (usually part of the integrand). 2. Solve for x and dx in terms of u and du. 3. Convert the entire integral to u-variable form and try to fit it to one or more of the basic integration formulas. If none fits, try a different substitution.

  10. PDF RES.18-001 Calculus (f17), Chapter 05: Integrals

    calculus is to offer a better way. The problem of integration is to find a limit of sums. The key is to work backward from a limit of differences (which is the derivative). We can integrate v.x/if it turns up as the derivative of another function f.x/. The integral of vDcos xis fDsin x. The integralof vDxis fD 1 2 x2. Basically, f.x/is an ...

  11. Problem Sets with Solutions

    MIT18_01SCF10_ex95sol.pdf. pdf. 124 kB. MIT18_01SCF10_ex97sol.pdf. pdf. 93 kB. MIT18_01SCF10_ex98sol.pdf. MIT OpenCourseWare is a web based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.

  12. PDF University of British Columbia

    University of British Columbia

  13. PDF University of South Carolina

    Evaluate the integrals in Problems 1—100. The students really should work most of these problems over a period of several days, even while you ... We solve this equation for the desired integral and find that secn-2x tan x n —2 sec" —2 x d". see x dx = This is the desired reduction formula. For example, if we take n =

  14. Problem Set 6

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  16. Integral Calculus

    Chapter 1 - Fundamental Theorems of Calculus; Chapter 2 - Fundamental Integration Formulas; Chapter 3 - Techniques of Integration; Chapter 4 - Applications of Integration; Book traversal links for Integral Calculus. Chapter 1 - Fundamental Theorems of Calculus

  17. PDF CHAPTER 14 Multiple Integrals 14.1 Double Integrals Changing to Better

    The double integral jjf(x, y)dy dx will now be reduced to single integrals in y and then x. (Or vice versa. Our first integral could equally well be jf(x, y)dx.) Chapter 8 described the same idea for solids of revolution. First came the area of a slice, which is a single integral. Then came a second integral to add up the slices. For solids

  18. PDF Unit 4. Applications of integration

    4B-7 Solving for 2x 2in y = (x − 1) and y = (x + 1) gives the values a x a -x 2 2 2 top view slice a -x2 2 x = 1 ± √ y and x = −1 ± √ y The hard part is deciding which sign of the square root representing the endpoints of the square.-1 1 1 x = - + y 2 (x- y) 1 x = - y1 Method 1: The point (0, 1) has to be on the two curves.