motivation letter of accountant

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5 Accountant Cover Letter Examples & Guide for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Accountant Cover Letter
  • Assistant Accountant
  • Staff Accountant
  • Senior Accountant
  • Accounts Payable Specialist
  • Writing Your Accountant Cover Letter 101
  • Accountant CL FAQs

Accountants can make or break a company’s finances. And since companies hire accountants with care to keep their finances in order, getting hired is competitive.

You have the  skills  to make any company proud, but even the best  accountant resume  might not be enough. It’s hard to argue with a killer resume  and  cover letter, though.

Problem is, creating a cover letter can be as hard as building a resume , especially if you’re better with numbers than prose. 

We know it’s no fun having to write a cover letter , but we’ll help you  worry less and write better  with our accountant cover letter examples , writing guide, and AI cover letter generator so you can wow employers and get the accounting role you want.

motivation letter of accountant

Accountant Cover Letter Example


Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Block Format

Elegant accountant cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • For your accounting cover letter, find a way to incorporate the company’s mission into your experience. You can also discuss how you supported that mission at previous jobs. 
  • If the employer lists a vision statement, this could be a way to make a connection. Incorporate their vision into your cover letter by referencing it concerning your own vision for the future. This tells the employer you share the same goals.

Pair Your Cover Letter with a Matching Accountant Resume

or download as PDF

Accountant resume example with 10 years of experience

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifiting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Assistant Accountant Cover Letter Example

Assistant accountant cover letter template

  • Such is an unexpected twist that showcases a practical understanding of accounting principles and entrepreneurial spirit. Strive for a similar trick to make your assistant accountant cover letter captivating.

Staff Accountant Cover Letter Example

Staff accountant cover letter template

  • In so doing, align your aim with the potential employer’s needs, demonstrating a convergence of interests that suggests beneficial mutual fulfillment.

Senior Accountant Cover Letter Example

Official senior accountant cover letter template

  • Use the  accountant job listing  to find out what the company needs and the skills they value. Then you can mention past positions and achievements relevant to the company’s mission in your senior accountant cover letter. 
  • For example, AMP Services’ job ad states they need someone who “resolves account discrepancies by investigating documentation.” Samaria speaks directly to this in a paragraph focused on reviewing documentation and how she improved the system.

Accounts Payable Specialist Cover Letter Example

Professional accounts payable specialist cover letter template

  • Describe how you’ve positively impacted the company as a whole beyond just measurable accounting metrics. You don’t have to have cured cancer, but employers like to see that you invest in your work beyond duties. 
  • Snatch the company’s attention with a company-focused intro. Give them a compelling reason you’re applying—needing to pay the bills won’t convince employers you’re the right candidate for the job, even if it’s truthful. 

Accountant resume

Need an accountant resume to pair with your cover letter?

Accountant professional resume example with 8+ years of experience

3 Steps to Writing Your Accountant Cover Letter

Job seeker types accountant cover letter on blue laptop with a yellow cat sitting beside desk

An amazing accountant cover letter is two things: specific and separate from your resume. Your cover letter should stand on its own as a concise, detailed document that highlights your qualifications.

motivation letter of accountant

Step 1: Due diligence comes first

Many people use the same cover letter repeatedly, but that won’t impress your future employer. Just as you can see financial trouble from a mile away, employers can spot a recycled cover letter within seconds. So, tailor your cover letter to each job for which you apply. 

Just as you can see financial trouble from a mile away, employers can spot a recycled cover letter within seconds.

Stuck on where to start? Let the  accountant job description  you’ve found guide you. Does the company need someone who has experience with Quickbooks? Explain how you used it to manage invoices for annual grants to the community college you worked for last year. Does the job ad mention a need for improved accounting processes? Describe how you implemented a mentorship program that reduced error rates by 33%. 

Do your research to confidently address how you can meet the company’s needs. You can also address the  soft and hard skills  they require; if they need someone to assist with annual audits, discuss how your time reconciling accounts means you have a keen attention to detail and a strong grasp of GAAP and FASB standards. In essence, take what you know and use it to show you have the necessary skills. 

motivation letter of accountant

Step 2: Go beyond your resume

Most cover letters summarize their accompanying resume in boring, professional jargon, which won’t inspire someone to hire you.

Your accounting cover letter must convince the employer to seriously consider you even if they haven’t seen your resume. It needs to dig deeper than your resume allows and tell the story of your career.

What are your crowning achievements, and how did they impact your workplace or clients’ financial operations? Refer back to why you’re applying for this role and how you’ll change the company for the better. 

Think of it this way: your resume is a shallow pool, but your cover letter is a narrow trench. One gives a general overview of your qualifications while the other explores a few experiences in-depth. Below, we’ve shared two examples that dive into the trench.

  • We identified and eliminated multiple unnecessary expenditures, saving a total of $750+ for each project associated with reef research, particularly for their survey work regarding coral cover on the mesophotic reefs of Palau. This specific project spurred my interest in environmental care, particularly water quality and wastewater management.
  • With every document, I identified discrepancies or errors and collaborated with my team members to craft solutions, resulting in a significant decrease in error resolution time and an invoice exception rate of over 27 percent. For every client, I reached out after four months to ensure their financial departments were still running smoothly.

Both mention responsibilities that should also be on the resume, but they  explain the significance of their work and what happened afterward .

motivation letter of accountant

Step 3: Do communicate the right message

Now that you know what to include, let’s discuss   how  to include it. Keep in mind this is still a letter; it should be informative without going over a page, and it needs to sound professional without being stuffy.

Much like a normal letter, imagine you’re having a conversation. You need to be professional, but you should also be relatable and interesting. And just like a good conversation, you should always circle back to how you can improve the employer’s business. 

The good news is you can revise your cover letter before you send it. Review your cover letter with the same precision you apply when reviewing financial transactions. As you revise, shorten your sentences, improve your word choice, and establish your personality. We won’t say it’s fun, but revision is an essential step to writing a cover letter that gets you the job.

Outline Your Accountant Cover Letter

Accountant and three colleagues on yellow laptops outline a cover letter

Staring at a blank page can be intimidating, especially when it comes to cover letters. Never fear, BeamJobs is here! Use our outline to organize your cover letter to perfection.

Your contact info: Your future employer will need to contact you at some point, so include your number, email, and your location (city and state). And of course, they’ll need your full name, so don’t forget to enter that into your template. Many employers also ask to see your LinkedIn profile. 

  • Formatting:  Whether you’re using a template or a block format, leave your name out of your address. If you’re using a template, put your name on the letterhead. If you’re using a block format, only include your name in your signature.

Date:  Every letter needs a date, but if you’re using a template or outline, don’t forget to change the date when you submit. If you sent your letter in April but started drafting it in February, the hiring manager may look at you funny.

  • Formatting:  Write out the full date, not just the month and year, e.g. January 3, 2023.

Inside address:  It sounds a bit counter-intuitive to include the inside address (aka the recipient’s address) since most cover letters are virtual, but it shows the employer you’ve done your research, and it makes it look more professional and complete.

Include the hiring manager’s name, their title, and the company’s address at the top of your cover letter, left-justified. If you can’t find the company’s complete address or the hiring manager’s name, don’t stress. Try checking on LinkedIn, Facebook, their website, and other job boards.

  • Formatting:  Each part of the address should be on a new line. Double space between the inside address and greeting. 

Joanne Perry Stone Environmental Human Resources/Office Administrator 535 Stone Cutters Way Montpelier, VT 05602 

Greeting:  Just like a good handshake, a good greeting (also called a salutation) helps you make the right first impression. Always say “Dear [Name]” instead of “hello” or any other iteration. (It is a business letter, after all.) Then, address the employer/hiring manager by name. This shows you’ve taken the time to research who’s in charge of the hiring process.

  • Formatting:  After your greeting, you can use either a colon or a comma; colons are typically used in business letters, but a comma works if the company is more casual. Whether you use a comma or a colon, don’t forget to include their title of “Mr.” or Ms.” and don’t ever just use their first name.

Body:  The body of your accountant cover letter should cover why you’re interested in the position, your credentials, and your enthusiasm for future discussion. We’ll take a look at each section.

  • Formatting:  Single-space the text in your body, but be sure to double-space between paragraphs. 

Opening paragraph:  Just like a good book, you’ve got to get your reader hooked from the first line. That’s hard to accomplish, though, which is why so many cover letter openings sound like this (and yes, we’ve seen this actual example!).

When I found the job listing at Alterra Mountain Company, it sounded like a dream come true.

While this has potential, it’s generic and lifeless. Even the cliché “dream come true” phrase can’t strengthen this intro. This example, though, enthusiastically shows your interest and your credentials. 

I first heard about Alterra Mountain Company when you joined the Climate Collaborative Charter, and ever since, I’ve wanted to join your community of passionate outdoor adventurers who love the mountains and their communities with equal fervor. As a CAPP with four years of accounts payable experience, I know I can manage your travel and expense systems, resolve system issues, and support Alterra Mountain staff as your Travel & Expenses Accounts Payable Specialist.

This tells the employer that the candidate not only knows about but values the company’s mission. He also makes it clear that he’s studied what this role will entail. 

If you’re struggling to write your intro, write a few openers until you get one that sounds right. Sometimes it takes a few tries, and that’s okay—just keep trying until you hit one that’s focused and engaging.

Paragraphs 2-3:  These paragraphs support your claims in the opening paragraph. Each paragraph should focus on a clear accomplishment. Maybe you managed grants totaling over $15 million for a community college, or maybe you initiated daily reporting to reduce manual reporting work hours. 

Avoid the temptation to tackle too much per paragraph; you can’t go into as much detail (save the list of your credentials for your resume, instead). Here’s a good example of a focused discussion of a significant milestone. 

Within the hospitality industry, I have three years of experience working as an accountant for the Goode Company Restaurant Group. I learned how to work within a team-oriented and deadline-driven environment while managing multiple accounts. By the end of my time there, I had lowered the cost per invoice and invoice exception rate by 17 percent, and through my partnership with management, improved the budget to actual variance by 13 percent.

This paragraph gives a general overview of the candidate’s past role without getting sidetracked. It also includes some phrases from the job description, including “team-oriented” and “deadline-driven” while including metrics. 

Closing paragraph:  Finish strong with a sentence summary of how your values and qualifications align with the company’s needs. Lastly, give a call to action. Whatever you do, don’t end the way 99 percent of other accountants will, like this.

I believe I would be a good fit for the senior accountant position, and I hope to talk more with you soon about my qualifications. 

It’s not that those sentiments are untrue, but they’re, once again, generic and lifeless. This close, however, will leave a positive lasting impression.

Achieving these goals has been rewarding, but I’m excited to master new skills and handle multiple dynamic projects that will help provide scientific tools, information, and analyses to help clients solve environmental challenges. Stone Environmental is a place where I can live my values, grow my skills, collaborate with a motivated, talented team, and assist employees directly. I would be thrilled to share more of my experience with you and look forward to connecting soon.

Signature:  Make sure you say “thank you” if you didn’t do that in the closing paragraph. Then sign off with a professional closing phrase along with your name. 

  • Formatting: If you’re presenting hard copies of your accountant cover letter, you’ll want to physically sign the document, so quadruple space after the closing phrase to leave enough room for your signature in handy black/blue ink.

Best regards,

Samaria Singh

Enclosure(s):  Lots of cover letters miss this step, but this alerts the hiring manager to what follows your knockout cover letter. As an accountant, you’ll want to include your resume, the job application form, and any reference letters requested in the job ad. Employers may also ask for your college transcript or CPA/CMA licenses, although many just ask for the application and your resume.

  • Formatting:  Use the singular or plural form of “enclosure” depending on how many documents you attach. If you say “enclosures” but only have your resume, it feels like you copied and pasted it from a template. 

Enclosures: Resume Application 2 letters of recommendation CAPP certification

Takeoff with Your Accountant Resume

Cat in purple rocket takes off into stars to signify finishing an accountant cover letter and resume

Now that you have the resources you need to make your cover letter shine, don’t neglect your  accountant resume . They’re two sides of the same coin, so make sure your resume is just as polished as your cover letter. After all, your resume is where you can list the duties you excel at, such as analyzing balance sheet accounts and checking compliance with financial policies and procedures.

We know—it’s exhausting writing financial reports all day only to have to write a resume on top of your cover letter. We ease the process with our quick 11 steps on  how to make a good resume , and we have  free resume templates  like this one, which you can edit right now, to help you start (or rewrite) your resume. 

Senior Accountant Resume

Need a resume to pair with your senior accountant cover letter?

Senior accountant official resume example with 11+ years of experience

You have what it takes, so let our tools empower you to take your career documents from general to great. We’re cheering for you, and when you land your next accounting role, be sure and let us in on your great news! 

The best approach is to adjust to match the company, but always leave a little room for error and keep things professional if you’re unsure. Browse through the accountant job description and company website—if both are casual, it’s all right for you to be semi-relaxed, too. Keep in mind that accounting involves a lot of hard data and finances are at stake, so maintain a tone of respect and professionalism, but don’t use big words if the job listing doesn’t—it’s important to sound human.

Much like your accountant resume , the cover letter may be scanned and skimmed, so it’s best not to make it too long. Try to keep it around 300 words. Go over it and edit it a few times, cutting out things that don’t accurately showcase your excitement at joining the company or your specific skills as an accountant, such as your background in corporate taxes.

It’s okay to have a template you refer back to every time you apply, but it’s best to update every paragraph to match the job listing. Include the company name, role, and references to the job itself throughout. For instance, if you’d be working in accounts payable, you can talk about your experience using QuickBooks to manage invoices.

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13 Accountant Cover Letter Examples

Accountants meticulously manage financial records, ensuring accuracy and compliance while providing critical insights to guide business decisions. Similarly, your cover letter is your chance to meticulously present your professional journey, demonstrating your attention to detail, analytical skills, and commitment to integrity. In this guide, we'll delve into the best cover letter examples for Accountants, helping you to craft a compelling narrative that underscores your value.

motivation letter of accountant

Cover Letter Examples

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The best way to start an Accountant cover letter is by addressing the hiring manager directly, if their name is known. This personalizes your letter and shows you've done your research. Then, introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Follow this with a compelling hook that highlights your most relevant skills, experiences, or achievements. For example, "As a Certified Public Accountant with over 5 years of experience in managing financial records and analyses, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your team." This approach immediately showcases your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role.

Accountants should end a cover letter by summarizing their interest in the role and their qualifications. It's important to reiterate how their skills and experiences align with the job requirements. They should also express enthusiasm for the opportunity to contribute to the company. A call to action, such as expressing eagerness to discuss the role further in an interview, can also be beneficial. For example: "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of skills and experience to your firm and am confident in my ability to provide high-quality financial services. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further." Remember to end with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name. It's also good practice to include your contact information below your name.

An Accountant's cover letter should ideally be about one page long. This length is sufficient to introduce yourself, explain why you're interested in the role, and highlight a few key skills or experiences that make you a strong candidate. It's important to keep it concise and to the point, as hiring managers often have many applications to review and may not have time to read lengthy cover letters. Remember, the cover letter is meant to entice the reader to look at your resume for more details, not to provide your entire career history. As an accountant, focus on your specific skills and experiences that are relevant to the job you're applying for, such as your attention to detail, your ability to work with numbers, and any specific accounting software you're proficient in.

Writing a cover letter with no experience as an Accountant can seem challenging, but it's all about showcasing your relevant skills, education, and enthusiasm for the role. Here's how you can do it: 1. Start with a Professional Greeting: Address the hiring manager by their name if it's available. If not, use a professional greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager". 2. Opening Paragraph: Start by mentioning the position you're applying for and where you found the job listing. Express your enthusiasm for the role and the company. 3. Highlight Relevant Skills and Education: Even if you don't have direct experience, you can still highlight relevant skills and education. If you've recently graduated, mention any relevant coursework or projects. If you're transitioning from another field, highlight transferable skills such as analytical thinking, attention to detail, and proficiency with numbers. 4. Showcase Your Enthusiasm to Learn: Employers understand that entry-level candidates may not have a lot of experience. Show your eagerness to learn and grow in the role. Mention any relevant certifications you're planning to pursue or any self-study you've done to learn more about accounting. 5. Provide Examples: Use specific examples to demonstrate your skills. For instance, if you've done any internships or part-time jobs that required analytical skills, mention those. 6. Show You Fit the Company Culture: Research the company and mention why you're a good fit for their culture. This shows the employer that you've taken the time to understand their company and are genuinely interested in working there. 7. Closing Paragraph: In your closing paragraph, thank the hiring manager for considering your application. Express your interest in the opportunity to discuss your qualifications further in an interview. 8. Professional Closing: End the letter with a professional closing such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name. Remember, the goal of the cover letter is to get the hiring manager interested enough to read your resume and call you for an interview. Keep it concise, professional, and focused on your skills and enthusiasm for the role.

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motivation letter of accountant

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Bank teller cover letter.

motivation letter of accountant

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motivation letter of accountant

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motivation letter of accountant

Entry Level Accountant Cover Letter

Staff accountant cover letter, cost accountant cover letter, junior accountant cover letter, payroll accountant cover letter, general ledger accountant cover letter, accountant assistant cover letter, senior accountant cover letter, public accountant cover letter, chartered accountant cover letter, property accountant cover letter, fund accountant cover letter, related resumes for accountants, accountant resume example.

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Accountant Cover Letter Example for 2024 (+ Full Guide)

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You're a master of numbers, a champion of spreadsheets, and a guru of tax codes.

But when it comes to writing that perfect cover letter, it's like facing a complicated audit with no guidelines.

Annoying, right? 

Don't worry; you're not alone. A lot of pros in your field feel like they're crunching the wrong numbers when drafting their cover letters.

We've got your back. This article will give you the formula for writing the perfect accountant cover letter.

Here's what we're going to cover:

  • What a Great Accountant Cover Letter Looks Like
  • 5 Steps to Writing an Amazing Accountant Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Cover Letter Tips for Accountants

Ready to make that cover letter as polished as your financial reports? 

Let's dive in!

Accountant Cover Letter Example

Accountant Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Accountant Cover Letter

You've just read a cover letter that could seal the deal for an accountant job. Now it's your turn to write a cover letter that'll make hiring managers take notice. 

Just follow the steps we're about to lay out for you:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Starting your accountant cover letter right means including essential contact details at the top. This should be in the header of your cover letter, the same way you'd do it on your resume .

Here's the rundown:

  • Full Name. Your complete name takes the prime spot at the top.
  • Job Title. Match this with the specific accounting job you're applying for. Hiring managers are swamped with applications for various jobs, so clarity is key.
  • Email Address. Pick a simple, professional email. Stick to a format that combines your first and last name, like [email protected] , not [email protected]
  • Phone Number. Provide your phone number. If you're applying for an overseas position, don't forget to add the dial code in front.
  • Location. Just your city and state or country will do. But if you're going after a remote role or are willing to move for the job, make that clear.
  • Relevant Links (optional). Feel free to include links to your LinkedIn profile or any other professional sites you have.

Once you've got your contact details sorted, it's time to include the hiring manager's info. 

Here’s what that involves:

  • Company Name. Mention the company you're applying to.
  • Hiring Manager's Name. Do a bit of digging to find this. Check the job ad or the company's LinkedIn page.
  • Hiring Manager's Title. If you know they are, for example, the 'Head of Finance,' go ahead and use that title instead of just "Hiring Manager."
  • Location. Mention the city and country, particularly if the company is international. Optionally, you can be more specific with the street name and number.
  • Email Address (optional). If you find it, you can include the hiring manager's email.
  • Date of Writing (optional). For an extra professional touch, include the date you wrote your cover letter.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

When you're preparing your application materials as an accountant, it's important to make a thoughtful impression from the get-go.

Steer clear of the generic "To Whom It May Concern." It's not your best choice.

How you address your cover letter can leave a positive impression on the hiring team—if you do it right, that is.

So, let's start with some research. Take a look at the job posting, the company's website, or their LinkedIn profiles to identify the key decision-makers in the department you're applying to. This way, you can get their name and email address.

Next, address them with respect. We suggest using "Mr." or "Ms." followed by their last name. But if you're unsure about their gender or marital status, simply use their full name instead. For example:

  • Dear Ms. Patel
  • Dear Taylor Patel

If you can't find specific information about the hiring manager or head of the accounting department, no problem. You can address your letter to the department or the company as a whole:

  • Dear Accounting Department
  • Dear Finance Team
  • Dear Company X
  • Dear Head of Finance

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers usually take only seven seconds to scan an application before deciding to read further. So, your accountant cover letter needs to make an impact right away.

Start your first paragraph with your name and why you want this accountant job. If you're keen on the field or the role, say so. This enthusiasm could make the hiring manager want to learn more about you in a way they can’t by only reading your accountant resume .

Doing your homework about the company helps too. The more you know, the better you can show why you'd fit in. This tells the hiring manager you're focused on this job, not just applying all over the place.

If you've got relevant experience, feel free to kick off your cover letter with a key achievement or a skill that makes you the right pick for the position.

But keep it brief. The goal is to make the hiring manager curious enough to read more of your cover letter.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The body of your accountant cover letter is your chance to dive deep. This isn't the spot for a resume recap. Here, you should lay out what sets you apart from other accountants and weave into a convincing narrative.

Don't just list your skills either; prove that you've got them and that you can use them to contribute. If the job ad requires someone proficient in financial analysis, talk about a project where you used those important skills to cut costs. Use the job ad as your guide for what to focus on.

Understanding the company can help build your case. If you know they're moving towards automated accounting solutions, discuss your experience with this type of tech and how you’re excited to push the boundaries of the field. Show them how you fit the role and their plans for growth.

And don't forget, enthusiasm counts. Make it clear you're excited about this job, not just looking for a paycheck. Show that you’re confident in your ability to bring value to their team, and you’re all set.

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

You want to leave the hiring manager with a positive impression by the end of your cover letter. This part is just as important as your opening, so don’t let it fall flat.

End your cover letter the right way by offering a brief conclusion. Just sum up a few key points that make you the right fit for the accounting position, and focus on your unique skills or experiences that set you apart from the crowd.

After that, add a call to action. This is pretty straightforward - just encourage the hiring manager to do something, like discuss your application further or arrange an interview. This proactive step can tip the scales in your favor.

Then finish it with a professional sign-off. Your closing line here sets the tone, so pick something professional. Here's a sample:

Feel free to reach out to me via email or phone to set up an interview. I'm eager to go into more detail about how I can contribute to your team.

Best regards,

If "Best regards" feels too common, you've got other solid options like:

  • Kind regards,
  • Respectfully,
  • Thank you for your consideration,

accountant cover letter structure

3 Essential Accountant Cover Letter Tips

You've got the rundown on what makes a standout cover letter for an accountant.

Now, let's dive into some cover letter tips to put the final touches on yours.

#1. Match Your Resume

Ready to crunch numbers as an accountant?

Just make sure your cover letter aligns perfectly with your resume. A mismatched application can make you look disorganized and not detail-oriented.

Your information should be sharp and precise on the page, with consistent fonts throughout your resume and cover letter. And while you're at it, fine-tune those page margins and the line spacing so that your cover letter doesn’t spill over to page two.

Think of your application like a balanced ledger; it’s best presented when it’s clear and consistent.

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Feeling pressed for time? 

Try our free resume templates to create a flawless accountant resume, and use one of our cover letter templates to match. 

They're designed in close collaboration with hiring pros from across the globe to meet industry standards and fit your resume seamlessly. You'll have a job-ready application in no time!

accountant cover letter examples

#2. Emphasize Your Achievements

You've crunched the numbers, streamlined processes, and maybe even saved your last company a good chunk of change. That's awesome, and your cover letter is the perfect place to spotlight these wins. Achievements tell hiring managers you bring more than the same skills and experience as other candidates—you bring results .

But here's the kicker: Don't just recycle the bullet points from your resume. Your cover letter is a chance to add some color to those achievements. Explain the challenges you faced, the strategies you employed, and how they had a positive impact. This shows you're skilled and capable of going above and beyond to get the job done. 

For example, if you optimized a financial model that led to a 15% increase in revenue, don't just state the fact. Briefly explain how you did it and why it was essential for the business. This connects the dots for the hiring manager, letting them see what you've done and how you could benefit their team.

#3. Save It to the Right Format

You've spent a lot of time perfecting your cover letter, so before you send it, make sure all your hard work isn’t wasted.

The best file format is PDF. It makes sure your formatting stays consistent, no matter what device the hiring manager uses to read your documents, and your layout won’t get scrambled if they accidentally open it with the wrong software.

There's only one exception to the PDF rule—when the job advertisement specifically asks for a different format. If the employer is telling you to send a Word document or paste your cover letter into a text box, do that. Likely, their application system can only handle those formats, and you don’t want all your hard work ending up in the digital trash bin over this. 

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to perfecting your accountant cover letter!

We hope you feel more confident, and we’re sure you’ll get that job you’re eyeing in no time.

Before we say goodbye, let’s briefly summarize what we've talked about so far:

  • Your cover letter should always have a header where your contact information is in plain view. Everything here needs to be factually correct, or else you might miss out on an interview call or email.
  • Researching the company helps you personalize your cover letter according to the company culture. Address the hiring manager by name for a stronger first impression.
  • Make sure to visually match your cover letter to your accountant resume so your whole application looks neat and professional. This also makes the hiring manager’s life easier since they can tell your documents apart from the rest.
  • Unless the job ad requests otherwise, save your cover letter and resume in PDF format so your layout stays the same across any device or software.

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Accounting / Finance Cover Letter Samples & Examples That Worked in 2024

Julia Gergelova — Resume Writer

Writing an exceptional accounting & finance cover letter may seem complex. But it doesn’t have to be — especially if you have a great guide filled with handy tips and specific examples.

Account Executive Cover Letter Example

In our guide, we'll venture into what it takes to create an impressive accounting & finance cover letter designed to make you stand out. So, read on and learn all about:

  • Formatting your cover letter properly
  • Writing an effective header
  • Crafting a compelling cover letter headline
  • Building a strong introduction for your accounting and finance cover letter
  • Making your skills and accomplishments stand out in the body of your cover letter
  • Writing a persuasive conclusion
  • Avoiding common mistakes in an accounting and finance cover letter
  • Average salary and job outlook for accounting and finance professionals
  • Accounting and finance resources

1. How to format your accounting & finance cover letter

A well-structured cover letter reflects organization skills — a trait treasured in the accounting and finance sector. Here’s how to format your cover letter:

  • Standard business letter format: Stick to the traditional layout. Your personal information at the top, followed by the date, then the recipient's details. 
  • Professional font and size: Use clean and professional fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri. Keep font size between 10-12.
  • Precision is key: Keep your document to a single page. Be clear, concise, and precise with your words.
  • Margins and spacing: Use a 1" margin all around. Make sure there's a space between each paragraph.
  • Bullet points to highlight: Use bullet points for listing skills or experiences. It’s an effective way to draw attention and make your points easy to skim through.
  • Consistent formatting: Use the same formatting, spacing, and font on your resume and cover letter for a professional, coordinated presentation. 

Remember, your cover letter's format sets the stage for its content. It's the first impression before the recruiter delves into your qualifications and experiences. Get it right, and you're one step closer to that dream accounting & finance role.

Create your cover letter fast with artificial intelligence.

2. how to write your accounting & finance cover letter header.

The header of your cover letter is the first thing a recruiter sees. It's essentially your professional greeting, and it contains your contact information.

A proper header should contain:

  • Your full name
  • Your address (city, state)
  • Your contact number
  • Your professional email address
  • Date of the application
  • The recruiter's name and position
  • The company’s name and address

Now, let’s have a look at an incorrect and a correct examples:

Incorrect accounting & finance cover letter header example

John Doe 1111 Street 123456789 joedog@hotmail April 12, 2022

To: Hiring Manager

Why is this example wrong?  

  • The address is insufficient as it only provides a street name with no city or state. 
  • The phone number is not in the correct format. Typically, a phone number would have brackets or hyphens, showing clear separation.
  • The email address mentioned here is both unprofessional and incomplete. It's important to use an email address that includes your name and seems formal, ideally on a reputable platform like Gmail or Outlook.
  • Moreover, the reference to the hiring manager is generic, it's always more professional and personalized to mention the hiring manager's full name. 
  • Lastly, the company name and address are missing.

All these mistakes could give an impression of a lack of regard for details — a red flag for any accounting & finance role.

Correct accounting and finance cover letter header example

John Doe 123 Cherry Street, New York, NY (123) 456-7890 [email protected] 15th April 2022

To: Mr. Smith Johnson Recruitment Manager ABC Finance Corporation, 456 Finance Avenue, New York, NY

Why is this header correct? It includes a full address, a properly formatted phone number, and a professional email address. It also includes the application's date and the recruiter's and company's information. This correctly formatted header projects an image of precision, attention to detail, and respect for professional conventions — all qualities that prospective accounting and finance employers highly value.

3. How to craft a cover letter headline for accounting & finance roles

A headline is the hook that reels in your reader. For an accounting & finance cover letter, you want a headline that not only grabs attention but clearly communicates your professional expertise . Here's how:

  • Keep it relevant: Your headline should clearly relate to the accounting or finance role you're applying for. This helps the recruiter understand immediately that you're a suitable candidate.
  • Use keywords: Incorporate key terms from the job description that align with your skills. This can signal to recruiters that you have what they're looking for.
  • Stay concise: A lengthy headline can lose the reader's interest. Keep it short and to the point.
  • Display your value: The headline is your chance to showcase your unique value. Include a significant achievement or a unique skill set that can distinguish you from other candidates. 

Incorrect accounting & finance headline example

Applying for Accounting Job

Why is this example incorrect? It’s too vague and offers no value or insight into the candidate's skills or achievements. 

Correct accounting & finance headline example

Certified Public Accountant with 5+ Years of Experience and Proven Record of Improving Efficiency by 20%

Why is this example correct? This headline immediately presents the candidate as a skilled, experienced professional. It's keyword-rich and specifies a quantifiable achievement, creating a compelling impression. The position the candidate is applying for is implied rather than stated, maintaining focus on the candidate's value.

accounting and finance cover letter headline tips

4. How to customize the greeting on your accounting & finance cover letter

A personalized greeting plays a significant role in your cover letter. Addressing the hiring manager directly shows that you’ve done your research and aren’t just mass-blasting generic letters. It’s a small detail that can position you as a thoughtful candidate.

Consider these tips when writing your cover letter greeting:

  • Find the name: Do your best to find the hiring manager’s name. Look at the job posting, the company's LinkedIn page , or even call the company to ask. 
  • Use appropriate titles: If you know someone's official title, use it. It adds a professional touch to your greeting.

Here are some examples of greetings and when to use each:

  • When you know the hiring manager's exact name: Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name]
  • When you can’t find the exact hiring manager’s name, but you know the department hiring: Dear [Department] Hiring Manager
  • When you’re not sure who exactly will be reading the cover letter: Dear [Company Name] Team
  • Avoid generic greetings like 'To whom it may concern' or 'Dear Sir/Madam'. They can make your letter seem impersonal, indicating a lack of effort.

Here are some examples of personalized greetings for your cover letter

  • Dear Hiring Manager Mark Johnson,
  • Dear Mr. Johnson,
  • Dear Mark Johnson,

Remember, each line of your cover letter, including the greeting, is an opportunity to create a positive impression. Don't miss out!

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5. How to write a strong introduction for your accounting & finance cover letter

Your accounting & finance cover letter's' first impression starts with the initial passage. The opening paragraph , much like the summary of an annual report, should captivate and hold the HR manager's attention.

A great introduction to your cover letter should include:

  • Synopsis of your professional and academic journey: Present the highlights of your professional and academic track records, just as you would highlight key financial summaries in a report. Include the roles you've played, your academic achievements, and the organizations you've represented.
  • Explanation of your interest in the position: It's essential to illustrate why you're interested in this job. Is it a step towards bigger career goals or a chance to dive deeper into the realm of accounting and finance?
  • Reference a mutual professional (if applicable): A shared contact provides an additional assurance about your credibility and rapport.

Now, let's look at two sample introductions — one for an experienced professional and one for a fresh graduate.

Experienced professional’s cover letter introduction example

With more than a decade spent navigating the intricate world of financial analysis and optimizing fiscal operations, I bring extensive acumen to the Financial Analyst position at XYZ Company. Through working with renowned firms like A and B, my skill-set has grown exponentially. John Doe, your CFO, and a former colleague of mine, spoke highly of XYZ's holistic financial strategy, which piqued my interest.

This sample showcases an experienced professional emphasizing their rich background . The candidate's mention of a known industry name subtly aligns their credibility with the company hierarchy.

Fresh graduate’s cover letter introduction example

As a recent accounting accolade from University College, my keen eye for numbers and a solid foundation in finance make me an ideal candidate for the Junior Accountant position at XYZ. Jane Smith, an alum of the same college and a current XYZ employee, relayed to me XYZ's commitment to cultivating talents — an environment I'm excited to contribute to.

While this candidate might be new to the field like a crisp banknote, they express their valuable academic prowess and eagerness to harness it. The mention of a personal connection within the company demonstrates their resourcefulness. Their commitment predicts potential value to the company.

Audit/Tax Summer Internship at CohnReznick Cover Letter Sample

6. How to highlight your skills and accomplishments in your accounting & finance cover letter

When you think about the body of your cover letter , imagine it as the core financial statements in an annual report. This is where you detail your skills, achievements, and credentials that position you as a strong candidate for the role.

Ensure the structure of your cover letter is easily readable and logically segmented:

  • Start with a clear statement about your current role and responsibilities .
  • Move on to detailing your past experiences and achievements, drawing a direct line to how these can contribute to the prospective role.
  • Conclude with your standout skills and competencies that would make you an asset to the team.

When it's time to elaborate your skills and achievements, follow the “prudence concept”. Only write about skills and achievements that you can clearly prove. Be sure to:

  • Use quantifiable metrics where available. Increased efficiency? State by how much. Reduced costs? Inform them of the percentage.
  • Highlight achievements that demonstrate your problem-solving abilities or strategic thinking. 

If you're a recent graduate or changing sectors , think of this as framing your initial trial balance — it's all about showcasing where your real potential lies:

  • Discuss any relevant coursework or projects you've undertaken.
  • Talk about internships, work placements, or any team projects that you've been part of.
  • Mention recognitions you've received, such as top grades, scholarships, or other academic awards.

Now, let's consider some specific examples:

Experienced professional’s cover letter body paragraph example

As the lead financial analyst in ABC company, I supervised a team of five and managed projects aimed at identifying cost-reduction opportunities. Our successes included an efficiency increase by 25% in the first year. Furthermore, my strategic input in financial forecasting led to the mitigation of a potential fiscal crisis, saving the company $2 million.

In this instance, the applicant effectively applies bold numbers and quantifiable achievements, much like a well-audited financial statement. They've skillfully highlighted major skills — team management , strategic financial input , and cost-cutting initiatives — painting a compelling picture of their value addition.

Fresh graduate’s cover letter body paragraph example

In my final year at University, I involved myself in a voluntary income tax assistance programme that exposed me to practical aspects of tax accounting. My rigorous coursework in financial accounting and analysis gave me a strong theoretical foundation. Plus, my distinction in advanced calculus demonstrates my proficiency in handling figures, a skill that can be an asset in the role of a Junior Accountant.

Despite the lack of professional experience, the fresh graduate here draws attention to relevant extracurricular activities and coursework. They've banked on their exceptional academic performance to emphasize their potential. Using their mathematical prowess as an example showcases their readiness to handle accounting responsibilities.

7. How to conclude your accounting & finance cover letter

The conclusion of your cover letter is just as important as your introduction. It's your final chance to convince the hiring manager that you're the right candidate for the role. Think of it as the final figures in a financial statement, cementing the overall impression.

What should your conclusion include? 

  • Your availability for the role: Make sure to state when and how you can be easily contacted. This shows you're eager to take the next step.
  • Proactive follow-up: Mention that you intend to follow up within a specific timeline. By taking initiative, you show your determination.
  • A formal sign-off: End on a respectful and formal note. A simple 'Thank You' goes a long way towards creating a positive impression.

Here’s an example of a strong conclusion for you cover letter

I am excited about the prospect of contributing my unique blend of skills and experience to XYZ Company and am eager to discuss potential cooperation further. I'm available by phone or email at any time that suits your schedule. I will make it a point to follow up on my application within the next week. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of partnering with you to drive forward the goals of XYZ.

Remember, the conclusion isn't a mere formality. It's the summary of everything you've listed before, reinforcing your suitability and declaring your interest in the role. It's your final chance to make an impression, so make it count!

8. How to avoid common mistakes in an accounting & finance cover letter

Though cover letters vary by individual, certain pitfalls can creep into anyone's document . Avoiding these common mistakes enhances the overall impact of your letter.

Here are a few pointers on how to steer clear of these mistakes:

  • Irrelevant Information: Just like irrelevant entries can distort a balance sheet, including non-related details only dilutes the effectiveness of your cover letter. Focus on the skills and experiences that directly enhance your suitability for the job.  Tip: Don't mention your retail job while applying for a financial analyst position, unless you can tie certain transferable skills, like customer service or communication skills, to an aspect of the new role.  
  • Generalized statements: A vague sentence is as unhelpful as an unclear financial report. Tailor your cover letter for each application instead of rehashing a general template with no modifications. Tip: Instead of a bland statement like "I'm a seasoned financial professional," you could specify, "I bring to the table a decade's experience in optimizing fiscal operations and leading finance teams across diverse sectors.  
  • Typos & grammatical errors: In the accounting world, an error can create financial discrepancies. Similarly, typos and grammatical errors can affect how you're perceived. Proofread meticulously and consider using spell-check tools. Tip: It's easy to overlook mistakes in your own writing. Smart editing tools can help you catch errors you might miss.  
  • Lengthy cover letters: Remember that hiring managers are typically pressed for time. Craft your cover letter like a succinct summary of financial statements — crisp and to the point. Tip: Keep your cover letter to a maximum of one page. Be thorough but concise.

By avoiding these common errors, you'll be able to present a polished, professional, and effective cover letter that stands out in the competitive landscape of accounting and finance jobs.

9. Average salary and outlook for accounting and finance roles

Navigating the landscape of accounting and finance jobs entails looking into the promising future prospects and earnings of these roles. Let's crunch the numbers and review the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

According to the BLS, accountants were earning, on average, about $78,000 a year in May 2022. That shows that businesses value the work that accountants do.

Moving our lens to the job outlook, it seems the future is pretty bright. Employment opportunities for accountants and auditors are projected to grow by 4% from 2022 to 2032. That's about the same as the average growth for all jobs.

Every year, there will likely be around 126,500 new job openings for accountants and auditors. This takes into account new jobs as well as older workers retiring or leaving.

All in all, the accounting and finance field offers a promising path with respectable earnings and robust job prospects. Career stability and progression are notable strengths in the industry, making it an attractive choice for many aspiring professionals.

accounting and finance salary and job outlook

10. Accounting and finance resources for job seekers

If you're seeking a job in the accounting and finance industry, it's important to equip yourself with valuable resources. Below are some suggestions:

  • Professional networks: Join networks like the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) or Financial Management Association International . These offer resources, courses, and community connections which can be valuable in your job search.
  • Web resources: Websites like Investopedia provide a wealth of information on financial terms, practices, and theories. Using this resource can help you stay up-to-date with industry trends and terminologies.
  • Online learning: Platforms like Coursera and Udacity offer online courses on finance and accounting, some even from top-tier universities. These can boost your credentials and expertise.
  • Finance blogs and podcasts: Following finance-focused blogs and podcasts can help you remain updated on industry happenings, insights, and ideas. The AICPA's 'Journal of Accountancy' is a good start.
  • Job portals and LinkedIn: Regularly check job portals specialized in finance jobs like eFinancialCareers . Don't forget to maintain an updated and active LinkedIn profile .
  • Mock interview and resume checkers: Services like Interview Query provide mock interviews, while Kickresume’s AI Resume Checker helps you improve your CV and give it that extra polish in a matter of seconds.
  • Professional certifications: Earning additional certifications like a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) or Certified Management Accountant (CMA) can significantly elevate your job prospects. Institutions like the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) provide accredited programs for these certifications.

Remember, the more knowledgeable and prepared you are, the higher your chances of landing that coveted accounting and finance job. Good luck!

Accounting / Finance Cover Letter FAQ

Highlight skills that are relevant to the role such as proficiency in different accounting software, analytical skills, attention to detail, and strong knowledge in fields like tax codes or financial regulations.

Yes, if you hold specific certifications relevant to the job, like Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Certified Financial Analyst (CFA), these should definitely be mentioned in your cover letter.

Yes, soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills can be just as important as technical skills in finance and accounting roles, so it's a good idea to mention them.

Absolutely. Your cover letter should tailor your skills, experiences and career aspirations to the job description. It shows the hiring manager that you understand the job requirements and how you can meet them.

Yes, showing enthusiasm for your work can make you stand out. You can express your passion by mentioning your continuous learning efforts, engaging in finance/accounting seminars or workshops, or your satisfaction in delivering precise financial reports or strategies.

Julia Gergelova — Resume Writer

Julia Gergelova

Julia is a professional writer, translator and graphic designer. She holds degrees in translation and interpretation, and has international work experience from a number of different countries in Europe as well as China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and as a graphic designer contributed to outlets such as  The Business of Business . She has a passion for lifelong learning and good coffee.


  • Finance Analyst
  • Insurance Agent
  • Investment Advisor
  • Tax Services

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Convincing Cover Letter Examples For Accounting

Elena Prokopets

When it comes to landing a rewarding job as an accountant or in a related financial field, your resume is just one part of the equation. You must also compose and file an engaging cover letter. This is where you will reiterate that you meet the stated qualifications, are a good cultural fit for the organization, and that you are highly interested in the position.

Cover Letter Example For an Accounting Position (Word version)

cover letter example for accountant

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An Example Cover Letter For an Accountant (text version)

Dear Hiring Manager Name,

I am submitting my resume and this letter to express my interest in the position of Internal Auditor at Company Name. I read the job listing you posted at JobBoard, and decided to apply right away. I have previously worked with your company as an external auditor when I was employed by Partner & Partner. I enjoyed my experiences with your organization, and I appreciated that your financial department operated with such efficiency.

I believe that my acquired experience in compliance and auditing in both medium and large enterprises make me uniquely qualified for this position. I am also very familiar with the Accounting X software package that your organization uses. I am very organized, detail oriented, and capable of managing several projects at once. I have a degree in finance and am in the process of obtaining my MBA. I am a CPA and a member of the Midwest Association of Financial Professionals.

In my current position at Major Corporation, I work directly under the Chief Financial Officer. I am wholly responsible for ensuring that my regional divisions comply with all financial regulations and tax laws and that they meet all reporting requirements. I have personally led several internal audits that have resulted in the recovery of a significant amount of funds and saved the organization numerous penalties and other sanctions.

In addition to my technical skills, I have worked very hard over the years to develop leadership, team building, communication, and conflict resolution abilities. I am proficient in several account and financial software packages. I have also completed a certificate of mastery in Microsoft Office. I am open to the extensive travel that this position requires.

Company Name has a well-deserved reputation for excellence. Your organization is diverse, focused on social good, and forward thinking. I have learned quite a bit about the culture at Company Name as well as your progressive work environment through Company Name’s Instagram page, and Facebook. It’s no wonder that your company was rated the #1 place to work for Millennials in the greater Springfield area.

I am very interested in working for your company, and I believe that I have the qualifications and personality that make me a perfect fit. At your convenience, I would love to move forward to the next stage. Please contact me at any time. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, Tabitha Williams

Entry-Level Accounting Cover Letter Example (Word version)

entry-level accounting cover letter example

Download cover letter example (.docx)

Entry-Level Accounting Cover Letter Sample (text version)

Dear Mr. Albert Cole

Thank you for looking over my resume and considering me for the accounting position that you have advertised for Lee Financial. While my experience in the accounting industry is limited, I do possess an array of skills and professional qualifications that make me a strong contender for the role. In 2018, I started my position as Payroll Administrator at Birchwood Middle school, where I am currently employed. Before that, I have also worked as a cashier for several local businesses. In parallel, I have pursued an associate’s degree in Accounting and Bookkeeping from Springfield Community College. As well, I have already received my CPA license. 

During my two and a half years in college I have honed the following skills:

  • Accrual accounting best practices
  • Invoice management 
  • Payroll management 
  • Tax reporting 
  • Accounts reconciliation 

Additionally, I’m also familiar with popular accounting and payroll management software such as FreshBooks and QuickBooks. The above makes me confident that I would be a good fit for the position of Junior Accountant at your Firm. 

I’d be delighted to further illustrate my level of knowledge during an in-person or virtual interview. Please let me know which time would be convenient for you. 

Jannette Austin

Do Accountants Need Cover Letters?

Absolutely! An ​​accounting cover letter is your opportunity to further contextualize your skills and work experiences, listed on the resume, plus address any potential gaps. Or, on the contrary, demonstrate how well you are fitted for the advertised job. Plus, a cover letter provides experienced accountants with a great opportunity to further detail some of the results they’ve achieved for their clients or explain their particular area of expertise.  

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Accounting Job

As an accountant, you probably love systems and frameworks. So here’s one for writing a cover letter :

  • Break your letter into small paragraphs . Hiring managers often have dozens of resumes and cover letters to review. Make yours easy on the eyes. Plan to have a clear opening paragraph, a body (consisting of several paragraphs and a bullet-point list), and a closing paragraph. 
  • Express your enthusiasm for the job in the cover letter opening. But without gushing. Most accounting firms prefer to keep conversations formal. Be sure to address the ways in which the position aligns with your career goals in 5 to 10 years .
  • Add keywords to both the body of your cover letter and your resume . You can get these from the job listing. Keywords include specific skills, names of software packages, years of experience, certifications, and other items that a hiring manager may be ‘scanning’ for.
  • Use your accomplishments to quantify your qualifications . Keep your focus on relevant experience, training, and skills. Use facts and data where you can. Don’t simply repeat what is already on your resume.
  • Be courteous. Use an appropriate salutation and closing in your letter . Address your document to the hiring manager using their name. Avoid generic salutations whenever possible. Finally, thank the recruiter for considering you for the position.
  • Customize your cover letter for each position . You should never send a generic or ‘one size fits all’ cover letter . That’s a recipe for disaster. 

Finally, accounting is a job that requires accuracy and attention to detail. Spelling and grammatical errors are a real turn-off and make the reader question your expertise with numbers. Edit your letter carefully and pay attention to punctuation and common grammar issues. You can do all of the above in our free cover letter creator tool .

Final Thoughts

The work of an accountant is highly structured and analytical. Your resume should reflect that. On the other hand, your cover letter should highlight your skills and qualifications as well as your enthusiasm and personality. The accounting cover letter examples above shows how to do that in a way that reads very naturally, and professionally.

Feel free to use these sample cover letters as a guide when writing your own. Just remember that it’s essential to customize your own letter so that it best reflects your talents and goals. To really make an impact, consider pairing this cover letter with one of our free, professional, resume templates .

cover letter for an accountant

Elena runs content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with copywriters, designers, and invited career experts to ensure that all content meets our highest editorial standards. Up to date, she wrote over 200 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice... more

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Financial Accountant Cover Letter Examples

Use these Financial Accountant cover letter examples to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

motivation letter of accountant

Financial accountants are responsible for recording, classifying, and analyzing financial transactions. They also work with clients to provide advice on financial planning and investment options.

In order to be considered for a financial accountant position, you’ll need to submit a well-written cover letter. Use these examples to learn how to write a financial accountant cover letter that will make hiring managers want to meet you.

Formal/Professional Writing Style Example

With a strong educational background in finance and accounting, along with over seven years of experience in various financial roles, I am confident in my ability to make a significant contribution to your finance department. I am eager to contribute my financial acumen and industry knowledge toward the continued success and growth of your organization.

During my career, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams, manage complex financial reporting, and adhere to strict accounting and compliance standards. I am experienced in managing full-cycle accounting processes, from invoicing to bank reconciliations and financial statements, with an unwavering dedication to accuracy and efficiency. Moreover, I am proficient in various accounting software programs, including QuickBooks, SAP, and Oracle.

As an ACCA certified practitioner, I prioritize staying current on industry best practices, tax laws, and relevant legislation, ensuring that the organizations I work with are not only compliant, but also taking advantage of all available financial benefits. I have a track record of successfully identifying cost-saving opportunities, implementing financial controls, and providing in-depth analysis for informed decision-making.

In my previous role as a Senior Financial Analyst at XYZ Corporation, I streamlined financial reporting processes, reducing month-end close timeline by 10%, and ensured timely preparation of annual budgets and forecasts. I also played a pivotal role in implementing a more rigorous inventory control system, generating an annual savings of over $50,000. My efforts were recognized by upper management with an Employee of the Year award in 2019.

In summary, my background in finance, my technical skills, and my ability to drive optimization in various financial processes make me an ideal candidate for the Financial Accountant role at your esteemed organization. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity for further discussion to delve deeper into my qualifications and how I can best contribute to your team.

[Your Name]

Entry-Level Writing Style Example

As a recent graduate from XYZ University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, I am eager to begin my career in financial accounting with your esteemed organization. I am confident that my academic background, strong analytical skills, and passion for the financial industry make me an ideal fit for this position.

During my time at XYZ University, I gained valuable experience working as an intern at a local accounting firm. In this role, I assisted in the preparation of financial statements and tax returns and gained proficiency in accounting software such as QuickBooks and NetSuite. Not only did my internship provide me with practical experience in financial accounting, but it also allowed me to develop excellent interpersonal and communication skills through liaising with clients.

In addition to my internship experience, I demonstrated strong academic performance throughout my studies, consistently ranking in the top 10% of my class. I am also an active member of my university’s Accounting Society, where I have honed my leadership skills by coordinating and participating in various events and workshops.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your organization’s success and further grow professionally as a Financial Accountant. I believe that my strong work ethic, academic achievements, and genuine passion for financial accounting will make me an asset to your company. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

Networking/Referral Writing Style Example

I am excited to have been referred for this opportunity by my former colleague, Jane Smith, who is currently working as a Senior Financial Analyst at your company. Jane and I worked together for over two years at XYZ Corporation, where we collaborated on various financial projects, often involving complex financial analyses and reporting. Our strong working relationship and her endorsement of my skills and experiences further reinforce my belief that I would be an excellent addition to your team.

As a Certified Public Accountant with over five years of experience in financial reporting, analysis, and audit, I am confident that my expertise in accounting and strong attention to detail would make me an asset to your company. I have gained valuable experience in preparing financial statements, conducting analyses to support decision-making, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. My ability to effectively communicate financial results to both financial and non-financial stakeholders further bolsters my suitability for this role.

In my previous position at XYZ Corporation, I played a key role in streamlining the financial reporting process, reducing the time taken to complete monthly closing procedures by 15%. I also collaborated with the internal audit team, contributing to the successful identification and resolution of various financial discrepancies.

I am eager to contribute my skills and experience to your organization and help drive further improvements in financial processes and reporting. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you further about my qualifications and how they align with your company’s needs.

Enthusiastic/Passionate Writing Style Example

Ever since I began my journey in the world of finance, I have been captivated by the complex intricacies of accounting and the vital role it plays in the smooth functioning of businesses. Discovering your organization’s commitment to growth, innovation, and financial excellence, I knew instantly that my career aspirations align perfectly with the values and goals of your company. I eagerly submit my application for the Financial Accountant position, confident that my unique skillset and passion for this field are the perfect fit for your dynamic team.

As a cum laude graduate in accounting from XYZ University, my academic background has provided me with a strong foundation in financial analysis, taxation, and management accounting. I have had the privilege of applying these skills during my two-year tenure at ABC Finance, resulting in streamlined processes, improvements in financial reporting, and contributing to the overall financial health of the company.

But what truly sets me apart from other candidates is my unbridled passion for accounting. This enthusiasm extends beyond crunching numbers and maintaining accurate financial records – I genuinely enjoy sharing my knowledge, solving complex problems, and identifying opportunities for increased efficiency and cost savings. My dedication to the field has prompted me to pursue a CPA designation, further solidifying my commitment to excellence in accounting.

Joining your organization as a Financial Accountant would be more than just an employment opportunity; it would be a true honor to be part of a team that shares my fervor for finance, and a dream come true to contribute to the ongoing success of such an esteemed company. I am eager to discuss how my passion, skills, and experience can make a meaningful impact on your organization.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you further.

Problem-Solving Writing Style Example

As a financial professional with a strong track record and a keen interest in the industry, I have come to understand that seamless financial management is vital to the growth and success of any company. Given my analysis of your recent financial reports, I have identified certain key challenges that I am confident I can efficiently address with my skillset and experiences.

One of the most crucial challenges is optimizing financial processes to ensure timely and accurate financial reporting. With my extensive background in financial analysis, I have developed the ability to identify potential bottlenecks and implement the necessary changes to streamline these processes. My experience in utilizing advanced financial software, like QuickBooks and SAP, will allow me to automate and improve upon the current systems in place.

Another challenge that demands attention is the need for robust internal controls to mitigate risks and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. I am well versed in devising and enhancing internal controls, performing risk assessments, and conducting audits. As a Certified Public Accountant, I am well-equipped to navigate the ever-evolving regulatory landscape, and my experience working closely with regulatory agencies will be invaluable in fostering a strong compliance culture within the company.

Lastly, I understand that the company is actively striving to reduce operational costs and increase profitability. Given my prior experiences in identifying cost-saving opportunities and implementing cost-effective measures, I am confident in my ability to contribute positively to the company’s financial objectives.

I am excited about the prospect of bringing my expertise and passion for financial management to this role, and I am confident that my skills and experiences align well with the company’s current needs. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to the ongoing success of your organization.

Storytelling/Narrative Writing Style Example

As I walked through the bustling streets of the financial district, I couldn’t help but reflect upon a life-changing experience that ignited my passion for numbers and financial management. It was during my first internship at a local accounting firm that I discovered the perfect blend of my analytical nature and my desire to help others achieve financial success. I recall the excitement I felt as I worked diligently on a client’s financial statements, ensuring accuracy and precision in every calculation. It was in that moment that I realized my true calling as a financial accountant.

Over the years, I have gained invaluable experience in the field, from working with small businesses to large corporations. My most recent position as a Financial Accountant at XYZ Company allowed me to develop and implement efficient financial processes, which significantly improved the company’s overall financial health. I am proud to have contributed to the success of the organizations I have worked with, and I am eager to bring my expertise to your company.

I am confident that my strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and passion for financial management make me an ideal candidate for the Financial Accountant role at your organization. I am excited about the opportunity to work with a diverse range of clients and continue to make a positive impact on their financial success.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and demonstrate my commitment to excellence in the field of financial accounting.

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Motivation Letter Example

Motivation Letter Examples: Bachelor’s in Accounting

Motivation Letter Examples: Bachelor’s in Accounting is presented by Ask Scholars.

If you are applying for admission to a University, you will likely have to submit a Motivation Letter as part of your application. Your  Motivation letter  should include examples from your work, academic, and extracurricular experiences.

In this article, We bring for you a genuine example of a Motivation letter for admission to the Bachelor’s program in Accounting. The candidate has mentioned Work experience and important skills. We wish you a lot of success in your application.

How to write Motivation Letter for Scholarship (With Example)

Read the below Example on writing a Motivation letter, and review Your own motivation letter for admission to a University.


Motivation Letter for Bachelors in Accounting

Dear Sir/Madam

I am …………… S/O ………. I am interested to apply for  Bachelors in Accounting at …………. University. I have done The Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com) program which is a 2-year degree program. It has been designed to equip the students with adequate knowledge and skills which would help them taking an early start of their professional career so that they can earn their livings and support their families too.

Now I am interested in higher studies, As Education has no limits and boundaries, its limit is up to the sky. So, I came to know about bachelors in Accounting and Audit at Vilnius University. I am among those applicants who want to know about the new techniques and challenges. I want to take this course to enhance my qualification and to cope with the current global world. After completion of the course, I just want to utilize my experience with the relevant organization by becoming an integral part of them.

I have studied basic subjects about accounting in my 2-year degree program, which has encouraged me to apply for this course. I am doing a professional job also from the last six years. This has given me an outlet to apply my theoretical knowledge in accounting and finance in a practical setting. I would like to deep dive into the course offered and gain advanced practical knowledge by attending Vilnius University. Getting Admission into a University like yours will be an excellent opportunity for me to learn and later on to apply my knowledge to my future employer.

I would like to see myself in a higher position as an Accountant or Auditor as of now after completing the Bachelors in Accounting and Audit. Secondly, by enrolling in this course, I would have a chance to study at abroad universities through Erasmus+ or bilateral agreements of Vilnius University. I think a multicultural environment helps to learn new methods of learning. You can meet new people from different backgrounds across the world and you can experience different methods and approach to solve one problem. I am excited to experience new cultures and to make new friends. During my degree, I would be able to attend several debate clubs for the students of my university to develop skills in critical thinking, organization, communication, and to practice how to back our claims with evidence and fact rather than strictly our feelings.

Moreover, my country’s developing economy going towards integration into the world’s economy and to be attractive for investments, the job market needs a specialist in International Accounting enabling me to achieve certain considerable things. Working in a role that contributes to the success of an organization will make an accountant a respected business professional. Last, my eagerness to develop. Learning from highly professional and experienced faculty members can not only provide different perspectives to things that I already know but also provide me with an opportunity to learn new things. I would love to deepen my understanding of key concepts and modules of Accounting and Audit.

While, I assure you that if a chance is given to me, I shall endeavor to the best of my abilities to contribute and enhance my knowledge, and vision for future implementation as I realized that I can improve to a great extent with the exposure and experience.  Lastly, I would like to say best of luck with your admission process, as it can be hectic sometimes.

Yours sincerely,


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Stormy Daniels, Who Testified About Sex With Trump, Will Return to Stand

The porn star at the center of the ex-president’s criminal trial, who will testify again on Thursday, spoke under oath about their encounter at a golf tournament in 2006, a meeting that could shape American history.

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Donald Trump in a courtroom hallway, behind a barrier in a navy suit and gold tie.

By Ben Protess ,  Jonah E. Bromwich ,  Maggie Haberman ,  Michael Rothfeld and Jonathan Swan

When Donald J. Trump met Stormy Daniels, their flirtation seemed fleeting: He was a 60-year-old married mogul at the peak of reality television fame, and she was 27, a Louisiana native raised in poverty and headed to porn-film stardom.

But that chance encounter in Lake Tahoe, Nev., some two decades ago is now at the center of the first criminal trial of an American president, an unprecedented case that could shape the 2024 presidential race.

This week, Ms. Daniels has been on the witness stand telling her side of the story, often in explicit detail. She has already faced five hours of questioning, and after the trial’s midweek hiatus, she is expected to return on Thursday to undergo additional cross-examination from Mr. Trump’s legal team.

The charges against Mr. Trump stem from her story of sex with him during that 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, a story she was shopping a decade later, in the closing days of the presidential campaign. Mr. Trump’s longtime lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, paid Ms. Daniels $130,000 in hush money before Election Day, and the former president is accused of falsifying business records to cover up reimbursements for Mr. Cohen.

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The Links Between Trump and 3 Hush-Money Deals

Here’s how key figures involved in making hush-money payoffs on behalf of Donald J. Trump are connected.

On Tuesday, Ms. Daniels’s fast-paced testimony lasted nearly five hours, during which she described an encounter with Mr. Trump, now 77, that he has long denied. Tension gripped the courtroom, her voluble testimony filling a heavy silence. She made jokes; they did not land.

After about a half-hour on the stand, she began to unspool intimate details about Mr. Trump, so much so that the judge balked at some of the testimony. He implied it was gratuitously vulgar, and the defense sought a mistrial.

Ms. Daniels said the future president had invited her to dinner inside his palatial Lake Tahoe hotel suite. He answered the door wearing silk pajamas. When he was rude, she playfully spanked him with a rolled-up magazine. And when she asked about his wife, he told her not to worry, saying that they didn’t even sleep in the same room — prompting Mr. Trump to shake his head in disgust and mutter “bullshit” to his lawyers, loud enough that it drew a private rebuke from the judge, who called it “contemptuous.”

Ms. Daniels then recounted the sex itself in graphic detail. It happened, she said, after she returned from the bathroom and found Mr. Trump in his boxer shorts and T-shirt. She tried to leave and he blocked her path, though not, she said, in a threatening manner. The sex was brief, she said, and although she never said no, there was a “power imbalance.”

“I was staring up at the ceiling, wondering how I got there,” she told the jury, adding that Mr. Trump did not wear a condom.

The testimony was an astonishing moment in American political history and a crowning spectacle in a trial full of them: a porn star, across from a former and potentially future president, telling the world what she was once paid to keep quiet about.

Ms. Daniels, 45, has told her story widely — to prosecutors, reporters, her friends, in a book — but never to jurors, and not with Mr. Trump in the room. Her appearance on the stand appeared to unnerve Mr. Trump as she aired his dirty laundry, under oath, in mortifying detail.

But Ms. Daniels’s story is not just a sordid kiss-and-tell tale; it spotlights what prosecutors say was Mr. Trump’s criminality. He is accused of engineering the false business records scheme to cover up all traces of their tryst: the hush money, the repayment to Mr. Cohen and, yes, the sex.

While the defense cast the testimony as a smear, Ms. Daniels provided prosecutors with some useful details. She established the fundamental story of her encounter with Mr. Trump. And she testified that she would have told the same uncomfortable tale in 2016, had she not taken the hush money from Mr. Trump’s fixer.

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Who Are Key Players in the Trump Manhattan Criminal Trial?

The first criminal trial of former President Donald J. Trump is underway. Take a closer look at central figures related to the case.

But her testimony, at times, seemed problematic for the prosecutors who had called her. Ms. Daniels testified that money was not her motivation, and that she wanted to get her story out. That could draw skepticism from jurors, who have heard that she accepted the $130,000 and, in exchange, did not tell her story for more than a year.

“My motivation wasn’t money,” she said. “It was motivated out of fear, not money.”

The jury also saw the judge, Juan M. Merchan, scold Ms. Daniels at least twice, instructing her to stick to the questions asked of her. At one point, he even issued his own objection, interrupting her testimony as she began to describe the sexual position she and Mr. Trump assumed.

Justice Merchan, generally a stoic presence with a tight grip over his courtroom, showed rare exasperation as the testimony veered in a scurrilous direction and the trial took on a circuslike atmosphere.

He also asked Ms. Daniels to slow down. She was a rapid-fire talker, prone to laughter and lengthy asides.

Outside the jury’s presence, the judge said that “there were some things better left unsaid” in her testimony and suggested that Ms. Daniels might have “credibility issues.”

Yet he rejected the defense’s bid for a mistrial, instead inviting Mr. Trump’s lawyers to mount an aggressive questioning of Ms. Daniels.

“The more times this story has changed, the more fodder for cross-examination,” he said.

Susan Necheles, the Trump lawyer who led the cross-examination, heeded the judge’s advice.

She painted Ms. Daniels as a lying opportunist. She unearthed excerpts from Ms. Daniels’s book to suggest that her story had changed over time. And in a potentially troublesome moment for Ms. Daniels, Ms. Necheles implied that she had fabricated an account of a Trump supporter threatening her and her daughter in a Las Vegas parking lot, a story she did not share with her baby’s father.

“Your daughter’s life was in jeopardy, and you did not tell her father, right?” Ms. Necheles asked, the implication being that the story was phony.

Ms. Daniels was indignant. And during some cross-examination, she parried effectively, performing even better than she did with her answers to prosecutors.

Her testimony brought full circle one of the earliest scandals that loomed over Mr. Trump’s presidency. Ever since The Wall Street Journal broke the news six years ago that Mr. Cohen had paid her to keep quiet, her story has changed the course of American politics and laid the groundwork for the case.

Over the years, Ms. Daniels has leaned into her Trump-adjacent fame. She has sold merchandise, filmed a documentary, sat for high-profile interviews and written a book that was so tell-all it included detailed descriptions of the former president’s genitalia. Mr. Trump has also dished out insults that ridiculed her appearance, calling her “horseface.”

But at other times, Ms. Daniels appeared tortured, detailing the personal toll of outsize exposure. Suddenly, she was not just a porn star but a threat to a man who commands the most fervent political movement in modern American history. She told reporters she was inundated by threats from Trump supporters, many of which were graphic. She feared for her family and has divorced her third husband, the father of her daughter.

“I have been just tormented for the last five years or so,” she said in the opening scene of “Stormy,” a documentary about her life that was released on Peacock. “And here I am, I’m still here.”

Ms. Daniels joined the trial at a pivotal moment. On Monday, prosecutors had asked two veterans of the Trump Organization’s accounting department to show jurors the 34 records they say Mr. Trump falsified to conceal his reimbursement of Mr. Cohen for the hush money. Those include 11 invoices, 11 checks and 12 entries in Mr. Trump’s ledger that portrayed the payments as normal legal expenses.

motivation letter of accountant

The Donald Trump Indictment, Annotated

The indictment unveiled in April 2023 centers on a hush-money deal with a porn star, but a related document alleges a broader scheme to protect Donald J. Trump’s 2016 campaign.

In the weeks ahead, Mr. Cohen is expected to take the stand and connect the dots between the salacious details and the substantive documents. On Tuesday, Ms. Daniels’s testimony took jurors through the smuttier elements of the case.

She began by recounting a difficult childhood in Baton Rouge. Her parents split up when she was young, she said.

She wanted to be a veterinarian and was editor of her high school newspaper. Eventually, she began stripping, she says, because she earned more than she did shoveling manure at a horse stable.

By the time she met Mr. Trump at the golf tournament in 2006, she was a player in porn. She was an actress, and would ultimately find her footing as a director and producer.

Asked to identify Mr. Trump in the courtroom, she called him out as the man in a navy suit jacket. Ms. Daniels, dressed in all black and wearing glasses, reduced the singular former president to just another man in the courtroom.

She spent much of her testimony describing that first encounter in Lake Tahoe. When she met Mr. Trump, she knew he was a golfer and the host of the “The Apprentice,” the reality show that revived Mr. Trump’s celebrity for a new generation. In a memorable line, Ms. Daniels said she also knew that he was “as old or older than my father.”

Later that day, she said, Mr. Trump’s aide approached and invited her to dinner. She says he took her number, but that her initial reaction was “eff no,” abbreviating an expletive.

But her publicist encouraged her: “What could possibly go wrong?”

She then transported jurors inside his hotel room, painting the sprawling suite in minute detail, capturing every aspect down to the color of the tiles.

She said Mr. Trump had taken an interest in her business and asked about unions, residuals and health insurance, as well as about testing for sexually transmitted diseases. “He was very interested in how I segued from becoming just a porn star to writing and directing,” she said.

Ms. Daniels said Mr. Trump told her, “You remind me of my daughter. She is smart and blond and beautiful, and people underestimate her as well.”

She recalled going into the bathroom to do her lipstick, where, she said, she noticed gold tweezers and Old Spice.

Later, they stayed in touch, she said. In 2007, they met at Trump Tower in New York, at a Trump Vodka launch party in Los Angeles and at a Beverly Hills hotel — all interactions that appeared to undercut Mr. Trump’s claims that he barely knew her.

The jury was also shown contact logs from Ms. Daniels’s phone and from Mr. Trump’s assistant’s phone showing that they remained in touch. And when they did talk, she said, Mr. Trump had a nickname for her: “honeybunch.”

They have only spoken through lawyers since then, most notably during the hush-money negotiations. When Ms. Necheles accused Ms. Daniels of using that effort to “extort money from President Trump,” Ms. Daniels objected.

“False,” she said.

“That’s what you did, right?” Ms. Necheles persisted.

“False!” Ms. Daniels shouted.

Reporting was contributed by William K. Rashbaum , Kate Christobek , Jesse McKinley , Wesley Parnell and Matthew Haag .

Ben Protess is an investigative reporter at The Times, writing about public corruption. He has been covering the various criminal investigations into former President Trump and his allies. More about Ben Protess

Jonah E. Bromwich covers criminal justice in New York, with a focus on the Manhattan district attorney’s office and state criminal courts in Manhattan. More about Jonah E. Bromwich

Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent reporting on the 2024 presidential campaign, down ballot races across the country and the investigations into former President Donald J. Trump. More about Maggie Haberman

Michael Rothfeld is an investigative reporter in New York, writing in-depth stories focused on the city’s government, business and personalities. More about Michael Rothfeld

Jonathan Swan is a political reporter covering the 2024 presidential election and Donald Trump’s campaign. More about Jonathan Swan

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

News and Analysis

Ahead of Michael Cohen’s testimony on Monday, Justice Juan M. Merchan told prosecutors to keep Mr. Cohen from speaking about the case .

Several witnesses have mentioned Keith Schiller , Donald Trump’s bodyguard, during their testimony. Where is he?

Custodial witnesses, who have discussed FedEx labels, Sharpies and stapling protocol, have made for little spectacle in the trial. But they’ve provided basic information  about the documents at the heart of the case.

More on Trump’s Legal Troubles

Key Inquiries: Trump faces several investigations  at both the state and the federal levels, into matters related to his business and political careers.

Case Tracker:  Keep track of the developments in the criminal cases  involving the former president.

What if Trump Is Convicted?: Could he go to prison ? And will any of the proceedings hinder Trump’s presidential campaign? Here is what we know , and what we don’t know .

Trump on Trial Newsletter: Sign up here  to get the latest news and analysis  on the cases in New York, Florida, Georgia and Washington, D.C.


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  1. Accountant Cover Letter

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  8. Accounting / Finance Cover Letter Samples & Examples 2024

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    Include an introduction, at least two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Set your margins to 1" to 1½" on all sides. Use an appropriate cover letter font, and set your font size to no smaller than 10.5 points and no bigger than 12 points. Keep it concise and relevant. The ideal cover letter length is generally 250-400 words.

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  20. Motivation Letter Examples: Bachelor's in Accounting

    Motivation Letter Examples: Bachelor's in Accounting is presented by Ask Scholars. If you are applying for admission to a University, you will likely have to submit a Motivation Letter as part of your application. Your Motivation letter should include examples from your work, academic, and extracurricular experiences.

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  24. Stormy Daniels Testifies About Sex With Trump at Hush-Money Trial

    By Ben Protess , Jonah E. Bromwich , Maggie Haberman , Michael Rothfeld and Jonathan Swan. May 7, 2024. When Donald J. Trump met Stormy Daniels, their flirtation seemed fleeting: He was a 60-year ...

  25. Accounting Assistant Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Cover letters and resumes can help you summarize your background and highlight your strengths to hiring managers. When you start pursuing accounting assistant jobs, you can upload a resume file or build an Indeed Resume. Jerrod King. Seattle, Washington. 223-555-0105. [email protected] April 30, 2023 Dear Hiring Manager: My name is Jerrod ...