Free Customer Service Training Materials & PDF Downloads

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Are you looking for free customer service training materials? If so, you’re in the right place. Customer service is a critical aspect of any business, and providing excellent customer support is essential to keeping your customers happy and loyal. However, training your customer service team can be challenging, especially if you’re on a tight budget.

Fortunately, there are many free customer service training materials available online that you can use to train your team. These materials include PDFs, training templates, and other resources that cover a wide range of topics, from understanding customer service to dealing with customer issues. By leveraging these resources, you can develop a comprehensive training program that will help your team provide excellent customer service and support.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best free customer service training materials available online (including our comprehensive library of free customer service resources! ). We’ll cover everything from core customer service skills to training exercises and guidelines, and we’ll provide you with the resources you need to develop a successful training program. Whether you’re a small business owner or a customer service manager, this article will provide you with the tools you need to train your team effectively.


Understanding Customer Service

Customer service is the act of providing support to customers before, during, and after a purchase. It is a crucial aspect of any business as it can make or break the customer experience. Providing excellent customer service can lead to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and repeat business. On the other hand, poor customer service can lead to negative reviews, decreased sales, and a damaged reputation.

Role of a Customer Service Representative

A customer service representative is the point of contact between the customer and the company. They are responsible for assisting customers with their inquiries, complaints, and issues. A customer service representative should have excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, and be able to handle difficult situations with empathy and professionalism.

Importance of Customer Service Skills

Customer service skills are essential for anyone working in a customer-facing role. These skills include active listening, problem-solving, patience, and empathy. Active listening involves paying attention to the customer’s needs and concerns and responding appropriately. Problem-solving involves finding a solution to the customer’s issue in a timely and efficient manner. Patience is important when dealing with frustrated or angry customers, and empathy involves putting oneself in the customer’s shoes and understanding their perspective.

Customer service skills training is essential to ensure that representatives have the necessary skills to provide excellent customer service. Training should cover soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving, as well as technical skills, such as using customer service software and handling customer data.

Customer service is a crucial aspect of any business, and providing excellent customer service can lead to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and increased sales. A customer service representative plays a vital role in delivering a positive customer experience, and customer service skills training is essential to ensure that representatives have the necessary skills to provide excellent customer service.

Core Customer Service Skills

To provide excellent customer service, you need to have a few core skills. These skills include communication, listening, patience, and empathy. Let’s take a closer look at each of these skills.

Communication and Listening

Effective communication is essential in customer service. You need to be able to clearly convey information to customers and understand their needs. When communicating with customers, it’s important to use language that is easy to understand and avoid technical jargon.

Listening is also an essential part of communication. You need to be able to actively listen to customers to understand their needs and concerns. This means giving them your full attention and not interrupting them. You should also ask questions to clarify any information that is unclear.

Patience and Empathy

Patience is crucial in customer service. You need to be able to remain calm and composed, even in difficult situations. This means not getting defensive or angry when a customer is upset or frustrated. Instead, you should remain patient and work to resolve the issue.

Empathy is also an important skill in customer service. You need to be able to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and understand their perspective. This means acknowledging their feelings and showing that you care about their concerns. By demonstrating empathy, you can build trust and rapport with customers.

By developing these core customer service skills, you can provide excellent service to your customers. Remember to always communicate clearly, actively listen, remain patient, and demonstrate empathy.

Free Customer Service Training Materials

If you are looking for free customer service training materials, you have come to the right place. In this section, we will provide you with some of the best resources available for customer service training. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or new to customer service, these resources will help you improve your skills and provide better service to your customers.

Training Manuals

One of the best ways to learn about customer service is through training manuals. These manuals provide step-by-step instructions on how to provide excellent service to your customers. They cover a wide range of topics, including communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and conflict resolution strategies.

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There are many free customer service training materials available online. Whether you prefer training manuals, course libraries, or webinars, there is something for everyone. By taking advantage of these resources, you can improve your customer service skills and provide better service to your customers.


Training Exercises and Guidelines

When it comes to customer service, training is essential to ensure that your representatives are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide excellent service. Fortunately, there are plenty of free customer service training materials available online, including training exercises and guidelines.

One effective training exercise is role-playing. This involves assigning different scenarios to your representatives and having them act out how they would handle each situation. This exercise helps to develop their communication and problem-solving skills, as well as their ability to remain calm and professional in challenging situations.

Another helpful exercise is to have your representatives listen to recordings of actual customer service calls and identify areas where improvements could be made. This exercise helps to develop their listening skills and their ability to identify customer needs and concerns.

In addition to training exercises, there are also guidelines that can be used to ensure that your representatives are providing consistent and high-quality service. One important guideline is to always greet customers warmly and make them feel welcome. This can be done through verbal greetings, such as saying “Hello” or “Good morning,” as well as nonverbal cues, such as smiling and making eye contact.

Another important guideline is to actively listen to customers and show empathy for their concerns. This involves giving customers your full attention, asking clarifying questions, and acknowledging their feelings. By doing so, you can build trust and rapport with customers and show them that you care about their needs.

Overall, training exercises and guidelines are essential components of any customer service training program. By incorporating these materials into your training program, you can help your representatives develop the skills and knowledge they need to provide excellent service and build strong relationships with your customers.

Dealing with Customer Issues

When it comes to customer service, dealing with customer issues is an inevitable part of the job. However, with the right training and approach, you can turn customer problems into opportunities to create happy customers. In this section, we’ll cover two important aspects of customer service training: problem solving and product training.

Problem Solving

One of the most important skills for any customer service representative is the ability to solve problems. When a customer comes to you with an issue, it’s important to listen carefully, ask questions to clarify the problem, and work with the customer to find a solution.

To help your team develop their problem-solving skills, consider providing training in the following areas:

  • Active listening: Encourage your team to listen carefully to customers and ask questions to fully understand the problem.
  • Empathy: Train your team to put themselves in the customer’s shoes and understand their perspective.
  • Creativity: Encourage your team to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to customer problems.
  • Communication: Train your team to communicate clearly and effectively with customers, keeping them informed throughout the problem-solving process.

By providing your team with the skills they need to solve problems effectively, you can turn customer issues into opportunities to create happy customers.

Product Training

Another important aspect of customer service training is product training. When your team has a deep understanding of your products and services, they can help customers more effectively and provide better support.

To provide effective product training, consider the following:

  • Provide comprehensive product information: Make sure your team has access to detailed information about your products and services, including features, benefits, and use cases.
  • Encourage hands-on experience: Allow your team to use your products and services themselves so they can better understand how they work.
  • Provide ongoing training: Make sure your team is up-to-date on new products and features, and provide ongoing training to help them stay current.

By providing your team with the product training they need, you can help them provide better support to your customers and create happy customers in the process.

Customer Support Systems

When it comes to providing top-notch customer service, having the right customer support system in place is essential. There are a variety of options available, each with their own set of features and benefits. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at three popular customer support systems: Ticketing System, Hubspot Service Hub, and Zendesk.

Ticketing System

A ticketing system is a software tool that allows you to manage customer inquiries and support requests. It works by creating a ticket for each customer interaction, which can then be tracked and managed through a centralized dashboard. Ticketing systems are particularly useful for businesses that receive a high volume of support requests, as they help to streamline the process and ensure that no requests fall through the cracks.

Some popular ticketing systems include Freshdesk, Kayako, and Jira Service Desk. These tools offer a range of features, including automated ticket routing, customizable workflows, and analytics and reporting capabilities.

Hubspot Service Hub

Hubspot Service Hub is a comprehensive customer service platform that includes a range of tools and features to help you provide top-notch support to your customers. It includes a ticketing system, live chat, knowledge base, and more. One of the key benefits of Hubspot Service Hub is its integration with the Hubspot CRM, which allows you to easily track customer interactions and manage customer data.

Other features of Hubspot Service Hub include a customer feedback tool, customer satisfaction surveys, and a range of reporting and analytics capabilities. It’s a great option for businesses that are looking for a complete customer service solution.

Zendesk is another popular customer support system that offers a range of features and tools to help you provide excellent customer service. It includes a ticketing system, live chat, knowledge base, and more. One of the key benefits of Zendesk is its flexibility, as it can be customized to meet the specific needs of your business.

Other features of Zendesk include a customer feedback tool, customer satisfaction surveys, and a range of reporting and analytics capabilities. It’s a great option for businesses that are looking for a customizable and scalable customer service solution.

In summary, there are a variety of customer support systems available, each with their own set of features and benefits. Whether you choose a ticketing system, a comprehensive customer service platform like Hubspot Service Hub, or a customizable solution like Zendesk, the key is to choose a system that meets the specific needs of your business and your customers.

Implications of Poor Customer Service

Poor customer service can have significant implications for your business. It can lead to customer dissatisfaction, which in turn can result in lost business and negative word-of-mouth. In fact, according to a study by NewVoiceMedia, poor customer service costs businesses in the United States an estimated $62 billion each year due to customer churn.

Customer churn is a critical metric that measures the number of customers who stop doing business with your company. When customers experience poor service, they are more likely to switch to a competitor. This can be particularly damaging if the customer is a long-term or high-value customer.

In addition to lost revenue, poor customer service can also damage your brand reputation. Customers who have a negative experience with your company are likely to share their experience with others, either through word-of-mouth or online reviews. This can harm your business’s credibility and make it more difficult to attract new customers.

Furthermore, poor customer service can lead to decreased employee morale. When employees are unable to provide satisfactory service to customers, they may feel frustrated and demotivated. This can lead to increased turnover, which can be costly for your business.

Overall, it is clear that poor customer service can have significant implications for your business. By investing in customer service training for your employees, you can help ensure that your customers are satisfied and that your business is successful.

Developing a Training Plan

Creating a comprehensive training plan is essential to ensure that your employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide excellent customer service. Here are some steps to consider when developing your training plan:

Identify Training Needs

The first step in developing a training plan is to identify the specific skills and knowledge that your employees need to provide excellent customer service. This can be done through a needs assessment, which involves gathering feedback from customers, conducting surveys, and analyzing customer service data. Once you have identified the areas that need improvement, you can develop training programs that address these needs.

Set Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are the specific goals that you want your employees to achieve as a result of the training program. These objectives should be clear, measurable, and achievable. For example, if you want your employees to improve their communication skills, your learning objective might be to “demonstrate effective communication skills by using active listening techniques and clear language.”

Choose Training Methods

There are many different training methods that you can use to deliver your training program, including classroom training, on-the-job training, e-learning, and self-paced learning. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the method that best suits your employees’ learning styles and your training goals.

Develop Training Materials

Once you have identified your training needs, set your learning objectives, and chosen your training methods, you can start developing your training materials. These materials should be engaging, interactive, and relevant to your employees’ job roles. You can use a variety of formats, such as videos, presentations, case studies, and role-playing exercises, to deliver your training content.

Evaluate Training Effectiveness

After you have delivered your training program, it’s important to evaluate its effectiveness. This can be done through feedback surveys, assessments, and performance metrics. By evaluating the effectiveness of your training program, you can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to your training plan as needed.

By following these steps, you can develop a comprehensive training plan that helps your employees provide excellent customer service. Remember to set clear learning objectives, choose the right training methods, and evaluate the effectiveness of your training program to ensure that your employees have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

Company Policies and Security

When it comes to customer service, having clear and effective policies in place is crucial for ensuring that your team is able to provide consistent and high-quality service to your customers. In addition, having strong security protocols can help protect both your customers and your business from potential threats. Here are some key things to consider when it comes to company policies and security.

Having clear policies in place can help ensure that your team is aligned on how to handle common customer service scenarios. This can include things like how to handle returns or exchanges, how to deal with difficult customers, and how to escalate issues to a manager or supervisor. By having these policies in place, you can help ensure that your team is able to provide consistent service, even in challenging situations.

In addition to customer-facing policies, it’s also important to have internal policies in place that govern how your team operates. This can include things like how to handle confidential customer information, how to communicate with other departments within your organization, and how to handle conflicts or disputes within the team. By having these policies in place, you can help ensure that your team is able to operate efficiently and effectively.

In addition to policies, having strong security protocols in place is crucial for protecting both your customers and your business. This can include things like using secure payment processing systems, implementing two-factor authentication for sensitive accounts, and regularly updating software and security systems to protect against potential threats.

It’s also important to have clear protocols in place for how to handle security incidents, such as data breaches or cyber attacks. This can include things like having a designated point person to handle security incidents, having a plan in place for notifying customers and other stakeholders in the event of a breach, and regularly testing your security systems to identify potential weaknesses.

By having strong policies and security protocols in place, you can help ensure that your team is able to provide high-quality service to your customers, while also protecting your business from potential threats.

Product Knowledge and Training

One of the most important aspects of providing excellent customer service is having a deep understanding of the products or services you are selling. This is where product knowledge comes in. By having a thorough understanding of your products, you can better assist customers with their questions and concerns, and ultimately provide a better overall experience.

To ensure that your customer service team has the necessary product knowledge, it is important to provide them with proper training. This can include both initial training for new hires, as well as ongoing training to keep everyone up-to-date on any changes or updates to your products.

When it comes to product training, there are a variety of resources available to help you create effective training materials. Many companies offer product-specific training modules or courses, which can be a great starting point. Additionally, there are numerous free resources available online, such as training manuals and templates.

When creating your product training materials, it is important to keep a few key things in mind:

  • Keep it simple: Your training materials should be easy to understand and follow, even for those who may not have a lot of experience with your products.
  • Focus on the most important information: While it can be tempting to include every detail about your products, it is important to focus on the most important information that your customer service team will need to know.
  • Use a variety of training methods: Everyone learns differently, so it is important to use a variety of training methods to ensure that everyone is able to learn effectively. This can include written materials, videos, and hands-on training.

By providing your customer service team with the necessary product knowledge and training, you can ensure that they are equipped to provide the best possible service to your customers.

Pricing and Satisfaction

When it comes to customer service training materials, pricing can be a major factor in your decision-making process. Fortunately, there are many free resources available online that can help you train your customer service representatives without breaking the bank. Many of these resources come in the form of PDFs that you can download and use at your leisure.

While free training materials may seem like a no-brainer, it’s important to consider the quality of the content. You want to make sure that the training materials you choose are effective and will help your representatives improve their skills. One way to ensure quality is to look for reviews or ratings from other users. You can also check the credentials of the authors or publishers to see if they have experience in the customer service industry.

Another factor to consider is the satisfaction of your representatives with the training materials. After all, they are the ones who will be using the materials to improve their skills. You want to make sure that the materials are engaging and easy to understand. You can ask for feedback from your representatives to see if they found the materials helpful or if there are any areas that need improvement.

Overall, free customer service training materials can be a great option for businesses looking to train their representatives without spending a lot of money. Just make sure to consider the quality of the content and the satisfaction of your representatives before making a decision.

Leveraging AI in Customer Service

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a focus area for many businesses in recent years. The market for AI is expected to grow to almost 2 trillion U.S. dollars by 2030. In customer service, AI can help in providing intelligent, convenient, and informed customer service at the time and channel of your customers’ choice. Here are some ways you can leverage AI in customer service:

Implement AI Chatbots

One of the most common applications of AI in customer service is through chatbots. AI chatbots can help solve the most frequently asked questions raised by users. By solving over 50% of the most common customer queries, chatbots can significantly reduce the workload of customer service representatives. This results in faster response times and more efficient customer service.

Personalize Customer Experience

AI can help you personalize the customer experience by analyzing customer data such as purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographics. This data can be used to create personalized recommendations, promotions, and messages that are tailored to each customer’s preferences. This personalized approach can help build a stronger relationship between your brand and your customers.

Predictive Analytics

AI can help you predict customer behavior by analyzing data such as customer interactions, feedback, and purchase history. This data can be used to identify patterns and trends that can help you predict future customer behavior. By understanding customer behavior, you can proactively address potential issues and provide a better customer experience.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

AI can help automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, order processing, and ticket routing. By automating these tasks, customer service representatives can focus on more complex issues that require human intervention. This can result in faster response times and more efficient customer service.

24/7 Availability

AI can help provide 24/7 customer service availability. Chatbots can be programmed to respond to customer queries even outside of business hours. This ensures that customers receive a prompt response to their queries, which can help improve customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, AI is transforming the way businesses approach customer service. By leveraging AI, you can provide intelligent, convenient, and informed customer service that meets the needs of your customers.

In conclusion, there are many free customer service training materials available in PDF format that can help you improve your customer service skills. These resources cover a wide range of topics, including soft skills, first impressions, non-verbal communication, telephone etiquette, tone of voice, problem-solving, empathy, and patience.

When choosing the right training materials for your needs, it’s important to consider your learning style, your goals, and your audience. Some resources may be more suitable for beginners, while others may be more advanced. Some may be more focused on specific industries or types of customers.

Overall, by taking advantage of these free customer service training materials, you can improve your customer service skills, enhance your customer relationships, and increase your business success. So why not start exploring these resources today and see what you can learn?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements of effective customer service training materials.

Effective customer service training materials should cover the basics of customer service, such as communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and conflict resolution. They should also include soft skills, like empathy and active listening, as well as industry-specific knowledge. Additionally, training materials should be engaging and interactive to keep learners interested.

How can customer service training materials be tailored to specific industries, such as healthcare?

To tailor customer service training materials to specific industries, it is important to understand the unique challenges and needs of that industry. For example, healthcare customer service training should cover topics like patient confidentiality, medical terminology, and dealing with sensitive or emotional situations. It may also be helpful to include case studies or scenarios that are relevant to the industry.

What are some best practices for creating a customer service training manual?

When creating a customer service training manual, it is important to keep it concise and easy to understand. Use clear, simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms. Include plenty of examples and scenarios to help learners apply the concepts to real-life situations. Finally, make sure the manual is visually appealing and well-organized, with clear headings and subheadings.

How can customer service training improve employee satisfaction and retention?

Providing customer service training can improve employee satisfaction and retention by giving employees the skills and confidence they need to handle difficult situations. It can also help employees feel more valued and invested in their jobs, which can lead to greater job satisfaction and loyalty.

What are the most important topics to cover in a customer service training program?

The most important topics to cover in a customer service training program include communication skills, problem-solving techniques, conflict resolution, and soft skills like empathy and active listening. Other important topics may include industry-specific knowledge, company policies and procedures, and customer feedback and satisfaction.

What are some free resources available for customer service training materials?

There are many free resources available for customer service training materials, including online courses, webinars, and downloadable guides and manuals. Check out our comprehensive collection of 30+ free customer service training resources to get started!

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[Updated 2023] 30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For Success in Business

[Updated 2023] 30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For Success in Business

Malvika Varma


What differentiates one business from another? What added value does a successful organization provide that compels a customer to opt for it instead of its competitors?

The answer is “Customer Service”

Eight of every 10 customers will revisit and buy again if your customer service is excellent. Conversely, 90% of customers will leave without warning if your service is pedestrian. Despite being aware of the importance of customer service, many business owners struggle with handling this critical aspect of their operations, resulting in significant losses to their bottom and top lines.

If you're facing the same challenges as others and finding it difficult to attract and keep customers, we offer a solution through Powerpoint Templates. These resources can help you to effectively equip and empower your customer service team, enabling them to provide exceptional service to your customers.

30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates To Download

These templates will build on your team’s strengths, supplementing them with skills needed to turn every consumer into a valuable customer. The 100% customizable nature of the templates provides you with the desired flexibility to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.

Let’s begin!

Template 1: Customer Service Training Curriculum PPT Presentation

Customer Service Curriculum

Download this Customer Service Training Curriculum

This Customer Service Training Curriculum is a comprehensive program designed to equip your team with the skills and knowledge they need to provide outstanding customer service. This curriculum addresses the critical aspects of customer service, including communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and empathetic listening. It combines interactive training modules, concepts, and case studies, enabling participants to develop and practice their skills in a supportive learning environment. This course is designed to align with your organization's culture, values, and goals, enabling your team to deliver a consistent and exceptional service experience to your customers.

Using this curriculum, you can learn about multiple customer service channels, acquire diverse skill sets, and handle different customer types effectively. In addition, this educational deck provides greater clarity on customer engagement, experience, and service. Download it now and begin enhancing your customer service expertise.

Template 2: Implementing Proactive Customer Service PowerPoint Presentation

Implementing Proactive Customer Service PowerPoint Presentation

Download this Customer Service Presentation

This PowerPOint presentation provides a comprehensive framework for implementing proactive customer service strategies, enabling you to stay ahead of your customers' needs and exceed their expectations. Using this helpful resource, you can accelerate digital transformation projects, collaborate with IT and businesses to drive efficiencies, and create new customer engagement models. This content-ready template will also guide you on applying sophisticated Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques to optimize service delivery performance. Download it now!

Template 3: Customer Service Toolkit PPT Template

Customer Service Improvement Toolkit

Download this customer service toolkit presentation

If you want to equip your customer service team with a service toolkit to improve customer satisfaction levels, reduce customer churn, and build long-term customer loyalty, this PPT Template is an ideal pick. It entails essential components of a customer service toolkit such as capability model, value streams, change management plan, implementation, software requirements, etc. It also educates you on selecting the best vendors and building long-lasting relationships with them. The best part is that this complete toolkit also provides pre-designed graphics for RACI Matrix, Project charter, and Checklists. Download this PPT Template today to build a dedicated customer service team!

Template 4: Customer Service Process Flow Template

Customer Service Process Flow

Download Customer Service Process Flow PowerPoint Presentation

Highlight the effective and efficient customer service strategies by introducing this client support PowerPoint complete deck. Leave an everlasting impact on the client by incorporating our content-ready customer service PowerPoint template stating the customer service procedure in a detailed manner. Comprising of 16 slides, the organization can showcase the improved KPIs, and flow charts for its valued customers. Download this attractive PowerPoint theme to help your employees in making data-driven decisions and work towards personalizing the user experience.

Template 5: Dealing with Difficult Customers

25 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For Success in Business

Download our Comprehensive Customer Service Training Course

There is nothing more heart-warming than a polite, firm, and knowledgeable customer agent winning over a difficult customer through logic, persuasion, and an attitude of service.

The golden rule for difficult customers, however, is to remember that the customer is not always right, but he/she needs to be treated with respect at all times .

Our Course on ‘Dealing with Difficult Customers’ starts with an exercise to let trainees step into the shoes of a difficult customer to see where does the difficulty lie?

Difficult customers are divided into five kinds. We list these and the keywords that customer service staff must use to handle these individuals. These are:

  • Aggressive customer (Sorry, then offer a solution)
  • Indecisive customer (Discounts/free samples)
  • Complainer (Paying full attention, excellent listening skills)
  • Impatient customer (Prompt response, quicker resolution)
  • Know-it-all customer (Sincere compliment on their knowledge)

A general mind-map that the trainer is encouraged to internalize in his/her trainees is the Empathy, Control, Advocacy (ECA) approach.

In the seven practical, role-play activities that follow, we discuss scenarios that, inevitably, arise in customer service. The USP of our course is giving excellent sample answers to each of these situations. You may customize these, according to the business you are in.

The goal is to help your business realize its potential, with even the converted ‘difficult’ customer rooting for you.

Template 6: Customer Care Management PPT Presentation

Customer Care Management

Download Customer Care Management PowerPoint Template

Reinforce a great service culture in your company by discussing the responsibilities of a customer service team with the help of our pre-designed client care management PowerPoint theme. This customer service PowerPoint template can be included in a company presentation to emphasize the importance of customer satisfaction provided by your enterprise. Recruitment agencies can also download this striking consumer service PPT layout to describe the job responsibilities to the candidates.  

Template 7: How to Delight a Customer

30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For Success in Business

Customer service is such a hands-on business discipline that sometimes it can lull management into perceiving it as a cost center than a revenue center. “After all, a non-complaining customer is the best outcome any business can have,” so goes the orthodox belief.

The reality, however, is that a non-complaining customer might never-ever be your customer again. To add insult to injury, businesses may never even know why, without employing customer service as a guide.

A paradigm shift is needed to use customer service as a tool to delight your buyers and turn them into steadfast supporters. In customer delight, the key is to exceed expectations; mere satisfaction is not enough.

Our Course on How to Delight Customers starts with an activity that aims to inculcate positivity and empathy.

The idea is to transform the customer journey from attraction, and engagement to delight.

On downloading the module, we hand-hold you through the journey of ensuring that delighting customers becomes your additional key competency.

Ensuring customer delight provides businesses the benefit of word-of-mouth promotion, something of a rarity these days.

Our course includes training material and offers Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) we well to monitor your progress.

Template 8: Customer Service Team Review

Customer Service Team Review

Download Customer Service Team Review PowerPoint Presentation

Showcase the critical aspects of improving client service by employing this content-ready customer service PowerPoint complete deck. The customer service training process for ensuring better retention, customer satisfaction, and loyalty can be efficiently discussed by introducing this attractive PowerPoint layout. Using this PPT, give a detailed overview of your customer care team about the key performance indicators, customer satisfaction score, team performance comparison, first response time, etc. 

Template 9: Customer Service for Middle and Top Management

25 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For Success in Business

Customer service is today, such an important part of the business that it sees frequent reviews from the middle and top management.

Our Course on Customer Service for Middle and Top management is future-ready material. A download benefits the corner-room occupants in not having to reinvent the wheel. They can just dip into our content as and when needed. For instance, sizing up the customer service team on the seven key skills we enlist and then preparing a list to fill gaps in training if any.

To make the CEO’s job easier, the module lists out questions that he/she should be asking. We dig deep into customer satisfaction, customer retention, and lifetime value to ensure ‘Customer Happiness’.

We also list out the KPIs that need monitoring. Our course advocates that businesses must immediately ACT upon customer feedback. Then, it is mission-critical to put the feedback in a format, where you gain insights into customer behavior.

Our module includes two templates illustrating these, which are Customer Effort Score and Customer Satisfaction Surveys .

Before we end, we shift our lens to Digital Customer Service (DCS), the new-age tool that is allowing businesses to aim for real-time resolution of customer woes.

Template 10: Customer Service Strategy Steps and Procedure

Customer Service Strategy Steps

Download Customer Service Strategy Steps And Procedures PowerPoint Presentation 

Employ customer service PowerPoint template to help employees understand the importance of client satisfaction to boost business. This ready to use customer service PowerPoint complete presentation comprises of 16 templates to explain customer service steps, customer service procedure, customer service process improvement, etc. Our customer centricity PowerPoint theme can be of great use to discuss the strategies with your employees to enhance the customer experience. Accelerate the growth of revenue by retaining customers and generating leads by the strategies described in our striking PPT background.

Template 11: Customer Success PPT Presentation

Customer Success

Download Customer Success PowerPoint Presentation

Achieve business goals and targets by impressing your clients with our attention-grabbing customer service PowerPoint template. With the assistance of this striking PPT complete deck, the management can elaborate on customer acquisitions, retention, churn rate, brand promotions, etc.  Companies can list all the vital components of a successful customer success strategy by incorporating this professionally designed client satisfaction PowerPoint presentation. Promote your brand image by downloading customer success PPT layout and portraying their vision of client service.

Template 12: Service Excellence

Service Excellence

Download Service Excellence PowerPoint Presentation

Present your client service programs by including our service excellence PowerPoint template to your meetings. Win clients in an extremely competitive environment using our customer-centric PowerPoint complete deck by outlining the services your enterprise offers. You can highlight the key steps, roadmap, and statistics to showcase the progress of your customer retention with our template. Download this customer service PowerPoint theme to elaborate on excellence steps like respect, validate, inspire, cultivate, and engage. 

Template 13: Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

Download Customer Relationship Management PowerPoint Presentation

Employ our customer relationship management PowerPoint template to establish good relations with customers at all points during the customer lifecycle. This customer care PowerPoint complete deck is included with slides on customer initiatives, customer perceived value, and emphasis on better user experience. By utilizing this pre-designed PPT layout. You can discuss the CRM model, lifecycle management, CRM stages, E-CRM process, current lead status, lead and deal acquisition by effectively communicating the data with our template. 

Template 14: Customer Satisfaction Survey Feedback

Customer Satisfaction Survey Feedback

Download Customer Satisfaction Survey Feedback PowerPoint Presentation

Feedback gives an insight into the customer experience hence plays a significant role which can be discussed with the client service PowerPoint template. Customer satisfaction indicators can be efficiently elaborated in our striking PowerPoint layout. The parameters on which customer satisfaction depends can be addressed with our attention-grabbing PPT layout. You can also describe the process of feedback by utilizing this customer service PPT background.

Template 15: Internal Customer Services

Internal Customer Services

Download Internal Customer Services PowerPoint Presentation

Internal customer services of enterprise can be described to your audience with the assistance of our client satisfaction PowerPoint template. Utilizing our professionally designed consumer services PowerPoint complete deck you can clearly state the responsibilities and expectations by the customer service team. The methods of improving customer interaction can also be discussed by incorporating this striking PowerPoint theme. 

Template 16: Customer Relationship Management Strategies

Customer Relationship Management Strategies

Download Customer Relationship Management Powerpoint Presentation

Strengthen the relationship between user and company by utilizing our pre-designed customer PowerPoint template. Comprising of 70 slides, with the help of our consumer-centric PowerPoint complete deck, you can effectively state the CRM model and customer lifecycle management. Customer retention economics can be described to the employees to formulate the strategy by utilizing this customer service PPT theme. By incorporating this detailed consumer PPT layout, CRM capabilities can be highlighted to portray the efficiency of the enterprise.

Template 17: Customer Service Review

Customer Service Review

Download Customer Service Review PowerPoint Presentation

Enhance customer service experience by incorporating our content-ready PowerPoint template. By utilizing our customer service review PowerPoint complete deck, you can motivate your employees to improve customer service skills. The customer service model and the factors involved to strengthen the relationship with the customer can be highlighted with the help of this striking consumer service PowerPoint theme. State the customer satisfaction goals your enterprise wishes to achieve to accelerate the success of your business.

Template 18: Customer Insight

Customer Insight

Download Customer Insight PowerPoint Presentation 

Download our professionally designed content-ready customer insight PowerPoint template to collect the required information about the users. This customer service PowerPoint complete deck can efficiently describe the consumer insights and develop the consumer retention strategy accordingly. With the help of this ready-to-use customer care PowerPoint theme, you can showcase your data and findings in an attractive manner.

Template 19: Customer Satisfaction and Feedback Template

Customer Satisfaction

Download Customer Satisfaction And Feedback PowerPoint Presentation 

Have an impactful brand image by incorporating our professionally designed customer service PowerPoint template. Highlight your enterprise’s dominance in the market by incorporating our detailed consumer insights PowerPoint complete deck. Showcase the key metrics determining the factors using the graphs and charts included in our content-ready customer-centric PowerPoint background.

Template 20: Service Management Template

Service Management

Download Service Management PowerPoint Presentation

Showcase the metrics of customer satisfaction by introducing this attention-grabbing consumer service PowerPoint template. You can discuss the six principles of service excellence by employing our professionally designed customer care PowerPoint complete deck. You can efficiently describe the roadmap towards sales due to customer service excellence with the help of this pre-designed PowerPoint theme. 

Template 21: Customer Acquisition Plan

Customer Acquisition Plan

Download Customer Acquisition Plan PowerPoint Presentation 

Showcase the strategy of acquiring new clients and retaining existing ones by incorporating our eye-catchy customer service PowerPoint template. Utilize our professionally designed PPT complete deck to highlight the marketing and sales checklist to track the customer inclination and interests. Download this extensively researched content ready consumer-oriented PowerPoint presentation to discuss the methodologies of improving skills of the customer service team.

Template 22: Retaining Customer and Loyalty

Retaining Customer And Loyalty

Download Retaining Customer And Loyalty PowerPoint Presentation

Establish a firm ground of your organization by incorporating our ready to use customer service PowerPoint template. Discuss the services offered by your company to attract clients in an efficient manner by employing this striking consumer-oriented PowerPoint complete deck. You can highlight the benefits given to loyal customers and the consumer loyalty life cycle in detail by using this PPT layout. Customer Service Templates can be employed for brainstorming sessions.

Template 23: Customer Service Strategy

Customer Service Strategy Operations

Download Customer Service Strategy Operations PowerPoint Template

Showcase the various factors of customer service strategy with the assistance of this attractive PowerPoint template. The aesthetics of this content ready PowerPoint layout instantly grabs the attention of its audience. Download our customer service PowerPoint background to elaborate on the structure, role, and responsibilities of the client care assistance team.

Template 24: Customer Service Quality

Customer Service Solution

Download Customer Service Solution PowerPoint Template

Showcase the significance of an outstanding customer service team by using this striking PowerPoint template. Highlight the stepwise procedure of customer service by downloading our pre-designed PowerPoint theme. You can discuss the effectiveness of each step in a detailed manner by incorporating our customer care PPT theme. Customer Service Templates are customizable and perfect for office use.

Template 25: Customer Service Capabilities

Customer Service Capabilities

Download Customer Service Capabilities PowerPoint Template

The customer service team of an organization has a lot of responsibility as they make direct contact with customers and can understand their concerns. Showcase the outstanding capabilities of the customer service workforce and acknowledge their contribution to increasing the revenue by downloading our infographic consumer PowerPoint theme. Recruitment agencies can utilize this striking customer care PPT background to state the eligibility criteria of the candidate.

Template 26: Customer Service Trends

Trends Shaping Customer Service

Download Trends Shaping Customer Service PowerPoint Template

Describe the fundamentals of a good customer service team by employing this content ready PowerPoint template. Our professionals have designed this consumer-oriented PowerPoint layout after extensive research so that you don't have to start from scratch. HR of the company can make use of our handy customer service PPT background to explain the role of the skilled customer care team to the new joiners by employing this template. Customer Service Templates are important for induction sessions.

Template 27: Customer Service Icon

Customer Service Icon

Download Customer Service Icon PowerPoint Template

This attractive customer service PowerPoint template can be used for highlighting the significance of a dedicated consumer assistance team in the organization. You can also download this attractive PPT background to display the outstanding employees and acknowledge the efforts in increasing the sales. Showcase the strengths of the consumer service department of your enterprise by listing the targets achieved by them.

Template 28: Customer Service Business Model

Customer Service Business Model

Download Customer Service Business Model PowerPoint Template 

Give a detailed description of the customer service strategy of your organization by incorporating our pre-designed PowerPoint template. Showcase the model and the key role customer satisfaction plays in their retention by utilizing our content ready customer-oriented PowerPoint layout. Managers can employ this attractive PowerPoint layout to effectively explain the customer service business model to its juniors.

Template 29: Customer Service Retention

Customer Service Retention

Download Customer Service Retention And Satisfaction Dashboard PowerPoint Template

Introduce this infographic customer service PowerPoint template to highlight the different factors of client satisfaction. With this eye-catchy customer retention PowerPoint theme, you can impress your viewers by providing all the essential information in a precise manner.  Employ this client study PowerPoint background to discuss the statistics gathered to study customer interests and make the strategy accordingly. Customer Service Templates are easy to download and use.

Template 30: Digital Experience

Digital Experience

Download Digital Experience PowerPoint Template 

A good customer experience ensures the retention of the client which can be elaborated by utilizing this attractive PowerPoint template. Highlight the different aspects of customer service such as marketing, IT management, human resources, and other operations and discuss their roles by employing this pre-designed PPT layout.

Having the client's best interest at heart builds a strong positive relationship that is directly related to business success. Set yourself apart from the rest and establish a praiseworthy business by investing in an exemplary customer service team. 

“The goal of a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.” – Sam Walton

Cultivate a loyal customer base with these content ready 25 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates and move forward in becoming iconic in the business world.

FAQs on Customer Service

What is good customer service.

Good customer service is an approach to serving customers that involves providing prompt, courteous, and effective assistance to meet their needs and resolve their concerns. Here are some key elements of good customer service:

Responsiveness: Good customer service is responsive to customers' needs and concerns. Representatives should be available to assist customers promptly and provide timely responses to their inquiries and complaints.

Empathy : Customer service representatives should understand and empathize with customers' frustrations and concerns. This involves actively listening to customers and showing understanding and compassion towards their situation.

Clarity: There should be clear communication with customers. Representatives should use language that is easy to understand and avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse customers.

Knowledge : Representatives should have a good understanding of the company's products and services, as well as policies and procedures. They should be able to answer customers' questions and provide relevant information to assist them.

Problem-solving: Solve customers' problems effectively. Representatives should be trained in problem-solving techniques and empowered to make decisions that will resolve customers' issues.

Follow-up: After a customer's issue has been resolved, follow up with the customer to ensure that they are satisfied with the resolution and to see if there is anything else they need assistance with.

Personalization: Treat customers as individuals and not just as numbers. Representatives should personalize their interactions with customers based on their specific needs and preferences.

What are 3 qualities of good customer service?

There are many qualities that contribute to good customer service, but three unique ones are:

Proactivity: A good customer service representative doesn't just wait for the customer to reach out with a problem or concern, but takes proactive steps to anticipate and prevent issues before they arise. This could involve following up with the customer after a purchase, providing helpful tips or resources, or simply being available to answer questions and provide assistance.

Flexibility: An ideal customer service should be able to adapt to each customer's unique needs and preferences. This means being flexible in terms of communication methods, problem-solving approaches, and even product or service offerings. A willingness to be flexible and accommodating can go a long way in building strong customer relationships and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Personalization: A good customer service representative should connect with customers on a personal level and provide a personalized experience. This could involve using the customer's name, referencing their past interactions with the business, or simply showing genuine interest and concern for their needs and preferences. By providing a personalized experience, you can create a more meaningful and lasting relationship with the customer.

What are the basic customer service?

Basic customer service involves providing timely and professional assistance to customers, whether it's in-person, over the phone, or online. This includes having good communication skills and being knowledgeable about the products or services being provided. Effective problem-solving skills are also important, as customer service representatives should be able to identify and address any issues or concerns the customer may have. Providing good customer service requires a commitment to putting the customer first and ensuring they have a positive experience with your business. By providing basic customer service, you can build trust and loyalty with your customers and establish a reputation for quality service.

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10 Customer Service Training Topics & Ideas

Zac Francis

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, customer expectations are higher than ever. Therefore, in order to meet and exceed these expectations, businesses must look to enhance their customer service.

And the best way to do just that? Optimizing your customer service training. By rolling out comprehensive training to your workforce, you empower your employees to deliver outstanding service and memorable experiences with every interaction.

Like what you hear? Then keep reading to discover 10 essential training topics and ideas to enhance your customer service.

Quick Navigation:

1. What is customer service? 2. Why is customer service important? 3. Customer service training topics

What is customer service?

Customer service is the all-encompassing service you offer to your customers. What this looks like varies from business to business, however, common customer service actions include product information and recommendation, problem-solving, and responding to general questions. Today’s consumers have the option to interact with companies across a multitude of touchpoints that include face-to-face, email and social media.

It’s important for businesses to know the difference between customer service and customer experience. Customer service is one part of the customer experience or, another way to put it, customer service is a single interaction between customer and business, whereas customer experience is the customer’s entire journey with your brand.

Why is customer service important?

Customer service is crucial because it directly impacts a plethora of business areas. Companies with outstanding service outperform those without. Let's take a closer look:

Increased customer retention

Returning customers spend 67% more on average than new ones, making it important to build loyalty. Additionally, 96% of customers say good service is important in their choice of loyalty to a brand, and 89% are more likely to make a repeat purchase after an excellent customer service experience.

Reviews and recommendations

Customer service directly impacts customers’ perceptions of your business. Great service results in great reviews, and negative interactions often lead to poor reviews. And in today’s online world, reviews are more important than ever .

Increased Revenue

The ability of CS to increase sales, foster loyalty, and generate positive recommendations results in increased revenue. In fact, businesses can grow revenue by 4%-8% when they prioritize the customer service experience.

10 customer service training topics

customer service retail gardening

Product-related training

Product knowledge.

The foundation of excellent CS. With an in-depth understanding of the products you sell, your workforce can provide accurate answers to product-related questions, offer practical recommendations, and provide expert insight to your customers about the products they’re interested in. 

Today’s consumers are more informed than ever, making it increasingly difficult for store associates to position themselves as experts. In fact, 83% of consumers believe they know more than store associates. But with thorough knowledge of your products and services, employees are empowered to help shoppers with every interaction.

Training tip: Utilize microlearning to increase knowledge retention. Learning the details of every single product can seem almost impossible, but breaking the knowledge down into bite-sized lessons presents the task as more manageable while accounting for our shortening attention spans.

Product demonstration

65% of humans are visual learners, meaning they need to see something happen in order to remember it. Product information is invaluable, but customers may struggle to keep up with the facts in real time. 

Employees can improve customer service by taking that extra step and demonstrating how to use the product. Once you’ve finished explaining how to set up the T.V., take the time to show them . Not only does this add to your image of expertise, but consumers will also appreciate you taking the extra time to help them.

Upselling skills

Upselling is the art of convincing a customer to purchase either an upgraded product or product-related add-ons. When optimized, upselling can increase revenue by up to 30% .

However, it’s important to remember that the customer also benefits. While hearing the word ‘sales’ often conjures up the image of a shady salesman who prioritizes self-interest above all else, upselling is actually a mutually beneficial experience . When done well, upselling presents all available options to the customer and helps them make an informed decision. The sales process then becomes a consultative experience instead of a transactional one. The customer leaves, satisfied with their experience, and the business profits from the sale. 

Training tip: Teach basic sales techniques . Product knowledge is important, but it’s useless if employees don’t know how to utilize it. Role-play is an effective way to account for the variety of customers your workforce will face, and enough simulations can help you build a script that acts as an upselling foundation for your team.

Store optimization training

Visual merchandising.

Customer service extends beyond face-to-face interaction, and the layout of your store plays a major role in defining the customer’s experience. 

We already know the majority of us prefer visual stimuli, and a further 93% of consumers list visual appearance as an important factor during the purchasing process. Optimizing your visual merchandising draws customers in, assists your workforce during interactions, and improves the overall service.

Training tip: Follow the rule of three. Grouping three items together appeals to our brains' psychological bias of positively responding to things in threes.

Store layout training

A good store layout (whether physical or virtual) can enhance the overall customer experience. Similar to visual merchandising, there’s a psychology that comes with optimizing the layout of your business, such as the customer’s inclination to turn right upon entering a store, or that consumers are easily overwhelmed by cluttered entrances. 

Reinforcing the importance of an optimized store layout to your managers and employees can make a huge difference.

Training tip: Provide employees with knowledge hubs so they can access relevant information when they need it.

Tech optimization

Technology is now a vital part of customer service . Chatbots, mobile POS systems , Augmented Reality—all are leveraged to enhance the overall experience. Technology is valued by both customers and employees,  ranking third on a list of factors that frontline workers say could help reduce workplace stress.

However, the wrong technological investment can act as a hindrance to your employees, with one-third of all frontline workers saying they do not have the right technological tools to do their jobs effectively. And without an optimized workforce, you can never have an optimized customer service.

Training Tip: We recommend utilizing short, snappy G uides to instruct your workers on how to use new technology. Present practical instructions in a fun and engaging way.

Customer-related training

Active listening.

Listening is a skill we often take for granted, after all, we do it every day. But active listening goes beyond simply hearing the words a customer is saying, instead one must seek to understand the intent behind the words and become an active participant. This often includes reading non-verbal cues, asking open-ended questions, and paraphrasing (among many others!).

When you employ a team of active listeners, it positively impacts customer service and can even increase sales by up to 8% .

Training tip: employ quizzes to test your employees on their active listening! Have them watch a customer interaction via video and ask them what they would have done differently.

Empathy training

Empathy is the capacity to understand the emotional response of the customer, even if the problem is out of your control.

An empathetic workforce is highly valued by consumers. In fact, 96% of consumers view empathy as a key element of customer service, and 61% stopped buying from a company because a competitor offered a more empathetic experience. 

Training tip: Role-play really is the best way to mimic real-life situations and improve employee-customer interactions. Variation is key and you should present your workforce with a variety of problems to prepare them for any real-life scenario .

Complaints handling

As most businesses have already discovered: it’s impossible to keep everyone happy. However, it’s how you respond to complaints that define the brand. 

This is a chance for your employees to put their empathy and active listening training to the test! Identify the problem, put forward an empathetic response, and resolve the issue. 

Training tip: Make training standardized . Many businesses today employ an omnichannel approach where customers can reach out over multiple channels. Consistent service is key to a thriving business, and those who roll out a strong omnichannel approach have increased customer retention and revenue.

Crisis management

Your website crashes. You're short-staffed. Your POS systems are down. Whatever it is, you’re in crisis mode. How do you respond? 

Crisis management is about predicting a future crisis and formulating a plan that minimizes disruption and maintains excellent levels of service. Covid was an excellent barometer for crisis strategies, and 30% of respondents agreed they did not have a core crisis management team in place when the pandemic struck.

Training Tip: Formulate a crisis plan. Train your workforce on what steps to take when a crisis occurs. You can’t avoid a crisis forever, so preparing for one is the next best thing.

eduMe is the platform of choice for businesses looking to optimize their workforce training and enhance their customer service. By leveraging the power of microlearning and seamlessly integrating into existing technology, we make it easy to roll out engaging training at scale. After partnering with eduMe, food delivery company Takeout Central experienced a 10% increase in quality of service.

Get in touch with us now to see how we can help!

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21 Best Customer Service Training Programs

By: Grace He | Updated: December 12, 2023

Here is our list of top customer service training programs .

Customer service training programs are courses or certifications that equip employees with the skills, knowledge, and techniques to enhance customer satisfaction. The skills learned from these training programs help employees find solutions, answer questions, and communicate better with clients. Examples include guest service and hospitality training, customer care skill training, and customer relationship management. These activities aim to build better brands and client relationships through clearer communication, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills.

These courses are a form of professional development activity and a corporate workshop . Service reps can also improve by reading customer service books , customer experience books , and customer success books .

This list includes:

  • free customer service training programs,
  • online customer service training programs,
  • customer service training programs for employees,
  • customer service training classes
  • customer service workshops

Here we go!

List of customer service training programs

Impressive customer service is an inexpensive way to generate good word of mouth, often leading to new business. Here is a list of programs to improve customer service skills among employees.

1. Handling Complaints From Customers

This course teaches your employees how to handle difficult situations with clients, such as frustration and complaints. The program also teaches students that customer complaints and frustration can be an opportunity to earn loyalty if you deal with the issue properly. In part of the program, your employees will learn how to handle negative reviews professionally and turn complaints into positive outcomes.

No company is perfect, so you are bound to have occasional complaints and negative feedback. Handling Complaints From Customers can help train your staff to de-escalate tense interactions and help customers have a great experience.

Learn more about Handling Complaints From Customers.

2. Guest Service in Tourism and Hospitality

Top-notch customer service is necessary for the hospitality and tourism industries since clients want to have fun and relax. Customer reviews can build or break your business in the service industry. Therefore, you should train your workforce in the latest customer service skills, which is what online customer service training programs like Guest Service in Tourism and Hospitality aim to achieve.

In this free course, your employees learn the basics of good customer service. This program benefits customer-facing employees, and the executive teams that design and manage experiences.

The training tackles how workers should act in different situations to make the interaction memorable for guests. Since the program is available on desktop and mobile, you can stop the lessons and continue anytime. This flexibility means your employees can pace themselves during the course.

Learn more about Guest Service in Tourism and Hospitality .

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3. SkillPath’s Communication Course

SkillPath’s Communication Course teaches staff key lessons about communication techniques and essential customer service skills. In this course, you will learn technical writing, negotiation, and active listening skills. Additionally, the lessons cover skills such as presentation ability and diplomatic discussion.

Learning the intricacies of communication helps you gather and pass information more effectively. Better communication also streamlines workflow, prevents unnecessary conflicts, and increases productivity. You can choose to learn this course online or on-site.

Learn more about SkillPath’s Communication Course .

4. Customer Service Management

Customer Service Management is an advanced customer relationship management course. The course instills an in-depth understanding and awareness of the newest developments in customer service.

Managing customer service is a great skill to have under your belt if you are an employee. Employees in any industry that works with customers or delivers a service or experience are bound to need these skills and benefit from this course.

Learn more about Customers Service Management .

5. Dealing with Difficult Customers Training Course

Dealing with challenging customers or clients is a usual part of any customer-facing role. However, even if your customers or clients are not problematic, unexpected issues may still arise. Dealing with Difficult Customers Training Course equips you and your coworkers with the crucial skills you need to navigate dicey situations and reach a positive outcome.

In this course, you will learn the psychology of human functioning, emotional intelligence, and a holistic approach to managing challenging behaviors. As a result, you will come out of this course better equipped to work in teams and satisfy clients.

Learn more about the Dealing with Difficult Customers Training Course .

6. Brentwood Customer Service Course

Brentwood Customer Service Course contains customer service training classes that last approximately 20 hours. The course focuses on six topics: basic understanding of customer service, creating relationships with customers, and reaching customer expectations.

As a business owner, this course is useful for teaching your employees how to analyze and react to employee feedback. However, this program only focuses on basic knowledge and works better when combined with more advanced programs.

Learn more about Brentwood Customer Service Course .

7. The Bar World of Tomorrow

The Bar World of Tomorrow was created by EdApp and industry big names like the Sustainable Restaurant Association, Trash Tiki, and Pernod Ricard for bartenders. In this course, recipients will undergo 13 microlessons to become part of a more inclusive and greener industry.

The course starts with a lecture on the understanding of customer service in restaurants. Then, you will learn the importance of product curation and brand knowledge. An exciting aspect of this course is that the course addresses the unique challenges of the post-pandemic world. This course is available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Learn more about The Bar World of Tomorrow .

8. Customer Care Skills

This training program is an excellent way for your employees to build essential customer techniques and skills to guarantee customer satisfaction. This course includes free customer service training programs delivered through long-form videos. The program modules divide into five parts, with a quiz at the end of each component.

You need at least an 80% score on your commutative assessment to pass this course. Although this course is free, you must purchase the certificate.

Learn more about Customer Care Skills .

9. Customer Service Management Certification Program

For many customer service representatives professionals who want to grow in their career, becoming a customer service manager is usually the next step. Therefore, if you are looking for the right skill to get that promotion or switch jobs, this training program will work for you.

This course delves into the basics of becoming a customer success manager. Every lesson you take will be one hour long and touch on different aspects of business management and customer service. Some topics you will learn in this 16-part course include preventing customer churn, driving customer advocacy, and creating customer goals. The Success League runs this program.

Learn more about Customers Service Management Certification Program.

10. ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) Training and Certification

As a member of an internal IT support team in a business, completing the ITIL may be a good idea. This course is a widely recognized program that many customer representatives in IT get at entry-level in their careers. ITIL training gives you insights into the link between IT and business strategy. You also learn how to improve your service skills to increase productivity for your company.

Skill Soft runs this program, and Axelos recognizes it. There are different levels in the ITIL certification scheme, such as ITIL foundation, ITIL practitioner, ITIL intermediate, ITIL expert, and ITIL master. Each group will determine the areas they cover and the difficulty level for the course.

Learn more about ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) Training and Certification

11. Positive Scripting

As a healthcare practitioner, delivering bad news to patients and relatives of patients will never be easy. Delicate news should be conveyed in the most compassionate and empathic way possible. Poor delivery can worsen the sting.

This program gives practical strategies on how to deliver bad news. Also outlined in the course are common mistakes when sharing the message and how to avoid those mistakes. If you run a clinic of any kind, your workers will benefit from this program provided by EdApp.

Learn more about Positive Scripting

12. Support Professional Training

Support Professional Training is a great way to improve your capabilities as a technical support representative providing high-quality service. In this program, you will learn how to communicate technical solutions effectively when needed. Typically, technical terms can be difficult to explain, even if customers understand the concept. Thus, clearly communicating technical solutions is very important.

Service Strategies offers this program and gives you three ways to learn the course: online, public, or on-site. If you choose online, then you can control the pace at which you learn from anywhere in the world. If you pick, then on-site Service Strategies will send an instructor to your business to teach the program. For public training, you will go to a designated location and learn in groups of 15.

Learn more about Support Professional Training .

13. The Power of Empathy

EdApp offers free customer service training programs such as The Power of Empathy. In this course, you will learn the different communication components, such as body language and tone. The course also covers aspects of empathy, such as challenging prejudices, cultivating curiosity, listening to others, and discovering commonalities. You will also learn the difference between sympathy and empathy and when to use each.

As a worker who deals with clients directly, empathy is a must if you are to provide top-notch services. For employees in the health sector, this trait is very crucial. Empathy will help you relate better with patients and, as a result, give better treatment. This action can also lead to better treatment outcomes and customer loyalty.

Learn more about The Power of Empathy  and read about ways to show empathy at work .

14. Selling Strategies & Interacting with Customers

Selling Strategies & Interacting with Customers teaches you to transform customer loyalty and interaction into successful sales. This course starts from the basics, such as learning how to greet your clients properly to set the tone. Then you will learn how to ask the right questions to sustain the customer’s interest.

The course also explores focusing on the value propositions of your goods or services. This program will benefit you if you are a marketer of any kind, such as a telemarketer or even a real estate agent.

Learn more about Selling Strategies & Interacting with Customers .

15. Telephone Customers Service

Telephone Customers Service is great for businesses that rely on the telephone to connect with customers. The customer service training classes will cover how to set a positive tone when answering a phone call, professionally put a caller on hold, and transfer the caller.

As a telemarketer turning casual conversations into sales leads is an integral part of the job, and this program covers that area. You will also learn how to control callers, deal with difficult situations and de-escalate heated conversations. If some of your employees spend most of their time with customers on the phone, you should consider this program.

Learn more about Telephone Customers Service .

17. Crowd Management

The crowd during holidays or significant shopping periods such as Black Friday is usually large, and managing the public can be a big hassle. However, this program is great for learning how to control large crowds. In addition, the course has the best practices to plan for high-attendance events, such as scheduling extra security and staff.

In the course, you will explore plans to follow in case of an accident or fight. Other areas you will cover include how to make queues, handle annoyed buyers, protect items from damage, and ensure all customers are happy.

After completing this customer service training program, whether you work in a mega-store during Christmas or at a Beyoncé or Coldplay concert, you will have crowd control at your fingertips.

Learn more about Crowd Management .

18. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving in Customer Service

If you feel like your business is not growing enough despite all your excellent customer service, this program may be for you. This course explores the nuances of the customer experience. This course teaches how to recognize biases, define problems correctly, appreciate the difference in clients’ and colleagues’ thought patterns, and apply different ideation techniques.

To sell a service, you must understand what the customers and clients want and need. You must also learn how to package the service creatively that is appealing to the customer and fulfills a need. This workshop is an excellent customer service training program for employees to develop their creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking in service of customers.

Learn more about Critical Thinking and Problem Solving in Customer Service  and check out these problem-solving activities .

19. Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations

As a business owner, you must keep learning new and improved ways to attend to customers and deliver services. This course aims for this goal by using real-life videos of service relations to teach the program attendees. You will see videos from customer interactions in the hospitality, food, and retail industries.

The program allows learners to analyze customer interactions, learn new techniques, and critique services. edX does this training which lasts for eight weeks. When you complete the course, you can pay for a certificate to verify your completion.

Learn more about Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations .

20. Customer Service Training

This course is a great option if you want straightforward customer service training programs for employees. The program is a five-part course over email and is perfect for busy teams. This course will cover handling customer complaints, retaining customers, and de-escalating conflicts.

You can visit the LiveChat website and register for this course. The program is free, and every participant receives extra customer service tools when your team completes the course.

Learn more about Customer Service Training .

21. Guest Experiences

This program is excellent for customer service training in the hospitality industry. The course focuses on improving the guest experience in your hospitality business as much as possible. The training gives participants an insight into creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere, delivering consistent service, personalizing the customer experience, and managing complaints.

This program highlights the skills and techniques necessary to interact with your guests.

Learn more about Guest Experiences .

No matter how great your business is, miscommunications or mistakes can happen. These customer service training programs ensure that all your employees have all the skills to handle customers’ needs and get positive outcomes from difficult situations. With good customer service training, your business will retain more clients, get more referrals, and provide a better customer experience.

For best results, ensure that these trainings occur periodically to ensure continuous skills development. You should also do this training after hiring a new employee and when there are changes in the internal structure of your business. Finally, you should ensure that your chosen course is relevant to your industry.

Now, check out these customer service quotes and customer appreciation day ideas .

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FAQ: Customer service training programs

Here are some of the most asked questions about customer service training programs.

What are customer service training programs?

Customer service training programs are courses or certifications that help employees with the skills, knowledge, and techniques to enhance client satisfaction. When your employees undergo the right customer service skills, your business can increase productivity and improve customer loyalty. Some of the skills that are important to learn in customer service training programs are communication, listening, and conflict resolution skills.

What are the best customer service training programs?

Here are some of the best customer service training programs.

  • SkillPath’s Communication Course
  • The Power of Empathy by EdApp
  • ITIL Training and Certification by Skill Soft
  • Brentwood Customer Service Course
  • Customers Service Management by Zoe Talent Solutions
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving in Customer Service by Business Training Works

The listed programs above can help your team become better at serving customers. When choosing programs, you should consider if you want an on-site, online, or public class.

How do you design a good customer service training program?

First, identify your learning objectives. Start by understanding what you want the participants of the program to learn. For instance, choose if you want to teach empathy or better communication skills.

Next, create the course content. You can start from the basics, such as definitions and types, then slowly branch out. Then decide how you want to assess the learners. You should also decide how the instructors will teach the course, whether online or offline.

Finally, constantly update your course over time. The world is fast-paced, and changes happen every day. Be ready to update your customer service training program so your learners evolve.

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Author: Grace He

People & Culture Director at Grace is the Director of People & Culture at TeamBuilding. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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How to design a customer service training program that delivers results

Updated on: 19 Apr 2023 , 12 mins to read

How to design a customer service training program that delivers results

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People don’t interact with brands like they used to.

Slowly but steadily, the overall brand experience has become as important as the actual products or services. This is true for as many as 84% of consumers . So how do you make sure your customer experience gives you an edge over your competitors—when just creating superior products won’t cut it anymore?

Three words: stellar customer service.

Customer service is no longer your last line of defense against angry customers. It’s an integral part and natural extension of your whole brand strategy; a way to ensure these clients will never be angry in the first place.

The infallible way to achieve this and keep achieving it consistently is by investing in a remarkable customer service training program.

Benefits of a successful customer service training program

Customer service training programs aim to develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies of your employees to increase customer satisfaction. Every person in your organization that has contact with customers should take customer service training , but most importantly, your customer service teams.

But why should you invest in a thorough customer service training program? Let’s explore what’s in it for your people and organization.

Employee benefits

Customer service has a big impact on the success of your organization. By providing your teams with all they need through customer service training, you achieve the following:

  • Increased employee motivation and engagement: Employees feel you care about their development and career progress, so they are truly inspired to assist customers.
  • Enhanced knowledge and skillset: Your teams become more competent when it comes to communication, active listening, problem-solving, and organization.
  • Boosted confidence and morale: Confident teams bring amazing results in customer service and can transform the whole workplace environment.

Customer benefits

Happy customers equal more purchases. When your teams are properly trained, your customers are more likely to feel valued, appreciated, and respected. With customer service training, you can achieve:

  • Improved customer satisfaction: Your customers know that their issues will be resolved quickly and successfully, without having to make repeat calls.
  • Increased customer loyalty: Loyal customers will return to your business again and again. By improving the customer experience, you won’t worry about securing repeat business.

Business benefits

The way you serve your customers will define the end results and goals of your business. By investing in a stellar customer service training program, your business will reap the benefits of:

  • Bigger turnover and profit: A competent customer service team can achieve high customer retention and acquisition. At the same time, satisfied employees mean reduced employee turnover and better bottom-line sales.
  • Increased brand reputation: The customer experience says a lot, and chances are that happy customers will be willing to let everyone know about your business. Word-of-mouth is your biggest ally when it comes to your brand’s reputation.

How to design a customer service training program that delivers results

Creating your customer service training program from A-Z

The efficiency of your customer service training hinges on three things: proper planning, proper execution, and proper evaluation. But how will you set up your customer service training for success?

Understand your customers and set clear goals

Before you set up your customer service training program, you need to know who you’re setting it for—and why.

Customer analytics plays a key part in building a successful customer service plan. You need data that will tell you things like:

  • What kind of meaningful experience do customers expect from your brand?
  • What’s the best way to connect with them?
  • What is your customers’ current perception of your brand?

By using such data as a marker, you can create customer service training courses that will ensure your team engages with your customers in a meaningful way.

Also, your customer service training program will more than cover its cost. According to a Gallup research , using analytics to implement targeted interventions for emotionally engaging customers can bring you 50% higher revenue and a 55% higher share of wallet.

Identify training needs

After discovering what your customers want, it’s time to figure out where exactly you fall short on delivering. A training needs analysis will help you with that.

A training needs analysis will help you understand:

  • Your current weaknesses on an organizational level
  • The role managers currently play in customer service training
  • What internal resources you can pull up to help with training
  • What abilities/skills/knowledge your team mostly lacks in
  • The different levels of training different employees may require
  • What motivates your employees to learn

This analysis will give you a clearer picture of your team’s current skill levels and strengths. Think of it as your point A; this is where you’re starting from. And you already have your point B, which is what your customers want. Now all you need to do is build the bridge that will take you from point A to point B.

That bridge is, of course, your customer service training program.

Find the balance between different learning methods

Are you familiar with the 70:20:10 framework?

People learn best when most of their training (70%) is experiential. Ideally, this experiential learning should be supplemented with a smaller part (20%) of learning directly from others. Only a small part (10%) should consist of formal training.

Simply put, creating a customer service training manual and expecting your employees to memorize it, is not the way to go.

Your customer service training should consist of different learning methods that will tick the boxes for experiential, social, and formal learning. Then, you will be able to produce engaging content for your customer service training.

Focus on fostering a learning culture

It’s become clear by now that you need to diversify your customer service training materials. The same thing goes for your actual training content.

It’s tempting to think that customer service training will be mostly about product knowledge, perhaps with a dash of sales skills. But as important as product knowledge is, knowledge of company culture is even more crucial.

We’ve already seen the tremendous value customers place in a great brand experience. To be able to give them that experience, your customer service team needs to have a deep understanding of your mission and values. They need to know what makes your company unique. They also need to embody these values and be able to act as your brand ambassadors.

To set them up for success, make sure to include a module about your company culture in your customer service training.

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Don’t forget soft skills

Everything we just said about company culture also applies to soft skills .

Soft skills are essential to any customer service team. Empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution in particular, can make all the difference between a happy and a frustrated customer.

Other essential soft skills you can include in your customer service training program are clear communication, positive language, and, of course, persuasion.

Evaluate your training program

Make sure you measure results, properly and often. As with any employee training, your customer service training will not be a one-off. Rather, it will be an ongoing process. So evaluation , and giving feedback, should be an ongoing process as well.

Measuring the effectiveness of your customer service training program should be twofold. On one hand, you’ll need to understand if the program managed to keep your employees engaged. You can measure things like:

  • What the drop-out rate was, both from webinars and from exercises
  • How people performed/ what the main pain points were
  • How people felt about the experience (you can ask them to evaluate the course and themselves)

At the same time, you also need to examine how completing the program has affected some of your core KPIs. In this part of the evaluation process, you should look at things like:

  • How long it takes to resolve/respond to client issues
  • What the abandon rate of calls and chats is
  • The number of customer callbacks
  • How many chats/calls your team can complete per hour

That last part is also a way to calculate the ROI of your customer service program. You can look at your team’s improvement rate post-training, check how much net benefit this gives you per day, and compare that to the program’s cost.

Give feedback, properly and often

As your evaluation process will be ongoing, so should your feedback.

Check in with your team often. Be specific, offer actionable advice, and make sure to balance the positive with the negative comments.

How the right solution can boost your training program

Delivering all this great, diverse, engaging content into the wrong training platform, will affect both logistics and engagement. You need a training platform that’s flexible enough to allow you to create different types of training content and courses that boost customer service skills —and smart enough to take care of housekeeping.

Using an LMS, especially one that has an integration with a teleconference tool like Zoom, will make your life infinitely easier. You can schedule classes, distribute content, and have all your diverse learning methods in one hub. Most importantly: you can easily track progress and engagement. This will make evaluation a breeze.

Make sure the software you choose offers the following features to make your customer service training program a big hit.


If you want to make learning fun, motivating, and engaging, you should look for an LMS with gamification features.

Healthy competition motivates employees and gives them a sense of accomplishment. For example, when learners complete a course, they receive a type of reward–badges, titles, or actual prizes, like company swag or gift cards. And they can check the team’s performance easily by viewing leaderboards and staying ahead of the competition.

gamification customer service

Branching scenarios

Branching scenarios emulate realistic situations which are experienced in most jobs and workplaces. These online training tools let learners make decisions in a realistic (yet digital) scenario and see the consequences of their actions in a safe environment. Depending on the learner’s actions and choices the scenario branches off along different paths and outcomes.

As a result, learning becomes more fun and less scary , active participation increases learner engagement, problem-solving skills improve, and learners can apply in action what they have learned in methodology.

Videoconferencing integrations

Instead of offering generic courses on customer service, you can conduct coaching sessions through your LMS with the help of videoconferencing integrations . Coaches have the tools and techniques to pinpoint specific areas for improvement and actively assist in the development of learners.

Through mentoring and coaching, it’s possible to better define the employee’s goals, skills, strengths, and weaknesses. Then, the mentor creates a specific development plan and provides the best pathway to improve the learner’s skills, while offering direct feedback.

The best way to streamline coaching and mentoring sessions to boost your customer service training is to take advantage of videoconferencing tools like Zoom or BigBlueButton, which can be integrated into your software. Employees (especially those who are working remotely) can attend their coaching sessions no matter where they are located, reaping all the benefits 1:1 sessions have to offer.

Mobile learning

Allow your people to fit training into their busy schedules and offer a more personalized approach to learning by opting for a solution that supports mobile compatibility.

Go mobile for your customer service training program and let employees log in through the convenience of their own smart devices. Combine mobile learning with microlearning and boost knowledge retention as well as engagement for your self-paced learning employees who can learn on the go or during downtime.

Course library

Creating courses from the start can take up a lot of time, money, and effort. But it’s possible to find the content you need in the content library of your LMS.

Your customer service teams can be trained fast, effectively, and without breaking the bank by taking ready-made online training courses. Topics may include all you need to ensure your customer service training program is effective, like communication, management, conflict resolution, and more.

presentation customer service training


While collecting data about the training performance of your customer service teams, you might realize that some users might not have started or completed their training. Or, you might even want to notify them about the training course you want them to take. Now imagine having to do this action manually. It would take forever.

If your training software supports mass notifications, you can let your people know which actions you want them to perform concerning their training. You can send them an email invitation to customer service training through the LMS in no time, making operations seamless.

You want your training to be effective. And for this to happen, it’s essential that you are able to measure success in an easy way. Reporting features in your LMS allow you to gather valuable insights concerning the effectiveness of your training and the employee performance.

Make sure your software gives you data access to different reporting sections such as users, courses, branches, groups, tests, surveys, and assignments. Closely examine how learners perform by viewing their logins, courses, certifications, and activities and make changes in your customer service training program and set it up for success, if needed.

Skyrocketing customer service training

Successful customer service training creates teams that will consistently offer a great brand experience to your customers.

To do that, you need to understand your customers and your blind spots during the planning stage. You need to balance between different training methods and subjects during the execution stage, as well as invest in the right platform.

Finally, you need to be diligent about evaluating. Research more on what to ask your employees after the training session. The results will be measurable—and will make all the difference for your brand.

Save time, frustration and money with TalentLMS, the most-affordable and user-friendly learning management system on the market. Try it for free for as long as you want and discover why our customers consistently give us 4.5 stars (out of 5!)

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Originally published on: 10 Sep 2020 | Tags: Customer Support , Employee Training

Elena Koumparaki - Content Writer

Elena blends, real-world data and storytelling for impactful L&D and HR content. Always on trend, her engaging work addresses today's needs. More by Elena!

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20 of the Best (& Funny) Customer Service Training Videos Online

Swetha Amaresan

Updated: June 15, 2021

Published: November 11, 2019

Most of us would love to invest a fortune in higher education to further our careers. However, going back to school or taking courses can require a lot of time and money.

person watching a customer service training video

Enter training videos.

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They are budget-conscious. They can be done easily during free time and paused when necessary. They don't require you to commute to a random location. And, best of all, they allow you to still get the training you desire while dedicating your time to your current career.

Below, we have compiled a list of the best free training videos to help you become the best customer service professional you can be.

20 Free Customer Service Training Videos

1. the 7 essentials to excellent customer service.

In 12 quick minutes, David Brownlee highlights his seven secret tips to producing exceptional customer service.

He gives examples of potential sales and customer service questions and shows you how to tackle each one. His goal is for customer service agents to always be trying to exceed customer expectations.

2. I Was Seduced By Exceptional Customer Service

This TEDx talk features John Boccuzzi who believes customer service is the greatest marketing tool a brand can nurture.

He believes in giving customers what they need, not what they think they want, which can often solve problems they didn't even know they had. In his opinion, great customer service is the secret to long-lasting customer loyalty.

3. The Six Steps in a Successful Tech Support Session

This is a great tool specifically for technical support reps, but it can benefit service or support reps in any industry.

Don Crawley goes over key points to handling a support session, such as authenticity, professionalism, avoiding silence, and getting a callback number. He even gives an example of a practice call that you might experience, and how you would respond to it using his six steps.

4. Customer Service vs. Customer Experience

This unique training video invites you to participate in an eye-opening exercise. The video has you list five brands or businesses to which you are loyal, note how often you go there, and write why you keep going back.

presentation customer service training

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From this exercise, you can identify the six main reasons consumers return to companies. Seeing these reasons from the point-of-view of a customer is a useful trick for customer service professionals.

5. 10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation

Celeste Headlee uses her experience working as a radio show host to describe the ingredients to a better conversation.

Some of her rules include asking open-ended questions, admitting to not knowing something, and listening without distraction. She captures attention with her easy-to-remember, actionable rules that can highly improve conversations you have with your customers.

6. 7 Essential Customer Support Skills Every Rep Needs

This video from HubSpot Academy is a brief overview of the key skills that make a great customer support professional. This training video could be helpful for onboarding new team members or helping new managers cultivate great employees.

7. Five Critical Customer Service Mistakes

Don Crawley lays out the five common mistakes that customer service reps make when conversing with customers. Some of the mistakes include seeming uninterested, not listening, and focusing on ourselves rather than seeing the customer's perspective.

Crawley doesn't just recognize these mistakes. He also shows you ways to avoid these situations and improve conversations with customers.

8. Hostmanship: The Art of Making People Feel Welcome

In this TEDx talk, Jan Gunnarsson relays his perspective on customer service and leadership, based on his years of experience in the hospitality industry.

He brings in an interesting point that customer service is not about marketing strategies, but about the attitude customer service reps bring to the table.

Customer service, in his eyes, is a matter of having knowledge that you then share with customers. It can be a very welcoming relationship because they choose to learn from you, and you subsequently take on the task of improving their lives.

9. How to Create Brand Advocates and Fans

In this HubSpot Academy video, Amanda Slavin shares her tips that are applicable for marketers and customer service pros alike about how to cultivate brand loyalty and affinity among your customers. These high-level insights will help any professional improve their brand and customer perception.

10. Customer Service Training: Engage, Guide, and Grow Your Customers

Watch this training from Michael Redbord, the GM of HubSpot Service Hub, to learn how customer support, service, and success teams can work with their customers to solve their problems, proactively advise them, and help them achieve results that will pay off for your business, too.

11. Dealing With the Irate Customer

12. Brene Brown on Empathy

This video dissects the difference between sympathy and empathy, which is an important distinction to make in the customer service realm. Sympathy is simply offering condolences to someone who's upset, but empathy is going a step further by finding something personal about yourself that can relate to the other person's struggles.

One detail that customer service reps can take away from this video is avoiding "at least" statements. The speaker notes that rarely do empathetic statements begin with the phrase "at least." This phrase devalues the person's problems because we're trying to put a silver lining around their issues. It's more effective to acknowledge the problem and its impact rather than putting a positive spin on it.

Funny Customer Service Training Videos

13. how to provide extraordinary customer service: the fred factor.

In this video, Mark Sanborn shares the story of getting to know his mailman, and how Fred proceeded to wow him by going above and beyond the call of duty to provide an exceptional customer experience. You'll be inspired and moved by the conversation they shared, which teaches another lesson on the impact of doing as much as you can to help the customers you connect with.

14. Amazing Customer Service Taxi Cab Story

In this video, Mark Sanborn talks about his move to Denver, where he met his new mailman Fred.

Fred might have seemed like an ordinary mailman, but he went above and beyond for Mark. He even went so far as helping fix a mistake made by a shipping company that was in no way tied to him.

Fred made incredible efforts to take his job as an opportunity to truly support his customers. These efforts inspired Sanborn in writing his book The Fred Factor about how exceptional customer service can often not even cost a cent.

15. Seinfeld Customer Service Example

This classic Seinfeld episode poses an interesting customer service case study. The soup shop has the best product in the city, but the worst customer service. The shop's owner believes his soup and "ordering process" are enough to keep customers happy but finds out that without decent service, his customers will eventually look elsewhere. Or, in this case, exact revenge after being yelled at. 

This video teaches us that customer service is a long-term game. It gets people excited to return to your company and shop at your business again and again. Even if you have the best product in town, you'll eventually fizzle out if your customers don't feel valued.

16. Change Customer Service Like THIS Woman

In this video, Ross Shafer shares a story of how a Marriott employee giving him a free Coke had a dramatic effect on his loyalty and advocacy as a customer. The story goes to show how the smallest of gestures can have a huge impact on the customer, and how going an extra step can pay off in dividends for reps on the front lines of customer service.

17. Greg Has to Wait - Meet the Parents

This clip from Meet the Parents has a hilarious example of what not to do in customer service.

The flight attendant in this clip is so unnecessarily adamant about sticking to procedures that she completely disrespects and infuriates the customer.

The lesson learned from this video is that customer service doesn't have to be so scripted and inhuman. In fact, customer service is an opportunity to build a personal relationship with a customer, which then leads them to trust both you and the overarching brand.

18. How to Sound Smart in Your TEDx Talk

This TED talk is about nothing. Seriously, the speaker boasts how his speech literally says nothing for five minutes. But, the irony is, the fewer things he says the more points his speech is actually making. 

In this video, Will Stephen shows us the important role that body language and preparation play in communication. If you look and sound smart, people will think you are even if you aren't making any real points. It's the appearance of intelligence that makes the difference. 

This is particularly important for customer service reps as they're often faced with situations where they may not have an immediate answer. But, if they remain calm and appear to on top of the situation, customers will be more patient and trust that the rep will solve their issue.

19. Love Actually - The Necklace Scene

Here's a great example of understanding customer needs . While the store clerk thinks he's providing above-and-beyond customer service , he's actually doing a disservice to his customer who needs to make the purchase quickly. In the end, he ends up losing the sale due to his inability to interpret the customer's needs. This highlights how aligning with the customer's short- and long-term needs are more important than company policies or protocol. 

20. Jim Dwight Sales Call

Source: Vimeo

If your sales or marketing team ever wonders why customer service is important, show them this video. 

In this clip from The Office, Jim and Dwight visit a potential client to make a sales pitch. While Jim lays out the fundamental benefits they offer, Dwight unexpectedly dials the client's phone to an undisclosed number. As the phone rings awkwardly, it's eventually answered by an automated message that tells them they're on hold with one of Jim and Dwight's competitors. To show how their business is different, Jim dials his company's customer service number and is immediately answered by Kelly, a human service rep who seems excited about the call. 

This humorous scene is an excellent example of how customer service can be leveraged by sales and marketing teams. If a potential client knows that they'll be treated better by your company, they'll prioritize your business over your competitors.

Online training videos are the perfect tool for those of us who don't have the time in our busy schedules to attend in-person courses.

We can learn so much from industry professionals, right from the comfort of our desks or homes. All of these resources are available to you for free, so relish in all the new knowledge you can gain without spending a penny.

Read more about some examples of good customer service .

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Customer Service Training Project Proposal

Customer service training project proposal presentation, premium google slides theme and powerpoint template.

If you don't keep your customers happy, how will you be successful? Companies should invest in customer service as much as they can—it's that hard-working department that is in constant touch with customers. Make sure you train your agents properly so they are able to carry out their work nicely. Present your project and convince some higher-ups that this is a necessity! With our template, creating a presentation will be a breeze. It's use of orange and blue provides contrast in relation with the gray backgrounds. Add photos too, as this reinforces the idea that customer service agents are humans, after all!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 20 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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  • Classes & Workshops

Sit Will Happen: Mastering the Basics of Obedience Training

presentation customer service training

WHAT: Sit Will Happen: Mastering the Basics of Obedience Training

WHEN: • Thursday, May 9 at 8:00 a.m. Central Time • Thursday, May 9 at 12:00 p.m. Central Time • Thursday, May 9 at 5:00 p.m. Central Time

WHERE: Online at

AGES: All ages

EVENT DETAILS: Join renowned dog trainer Jacque Bonéy in this engaging webinar as he delves into the essential foundations of obedience training for your furry companion. Discover the secrets to cultivating a well-behaved and obedient pet through proven techniques and expert insights. Whether you're a new pet owner or looking to enhance your training skills, this webinar is perfect for anyone seeking to unlock the potential of their canine companion. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from Jacque Bonéy and take your dog's training to the next level!

Have questions for the expert? You'll also have an opportunity to ask questions and get personalized advice from Jacque at our Live Q+A at the end of the presentation.

Can't attend the class? You will still receive the recording if you register. Sign up today at:

ABOUT THE PRESENTER: Jacque Bonéy – Owner & Founder of Allegiance Canine.

Jacque Bonéy, a Memphis, TN native, attributes his dog training foundation to shadowing his father who trained in the Mid-South for over 40 years. He has himself accumulated over 24 years of all-breed dog training pulling from his foundations to combine older, tried-and-true methods with modern, simple approaches that can be understood and easily replicated.

After graduation in 2007 from The University of Tennessee, Chattanooga with a degree in entrepreneurship, he founded his company, Barking Pals Consulting, Inc. DBA Allegiance Canine. Allegiance Canine has a 16-year track record of applying simplistic, modern, balanced, and effective approaches to dog training for clients from all walks of life, with varied goals. Services offered by Allegiance Canine include basic and advanced obedience training, working dog training including sport, personal protection, and guard dog components, boarding, and a fitness-inspired dog daycare. In 2021, Jacque became one of the first individuals to successfully certify as a decoy for K9 Street League, the nation’s first professional working dog sport.

Jacque also serves as a board member and the service dog trainer for The Paul Oliver Foundation, a nonprofit with the mission of providing service dogs for veterans with PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury.

Barking Pals Consulting, Inc. dba Allegiance Canine highlights: • 3800+ basic obedience clients, with an 80% basic obedience program completion rate. • 950+ advanced obedience clients, with a 72% completion rate. • 460+ working dogs trained or assisted

ABOUT HOLLYWOOD FEED: Hollywood Feed serves pets, their owners, caretakers and communities in 170 stores across 19 states. Consistently ranking atop consumer choice awards in the markets it serves, Hollywood Feed and its family of brands have been named to Newsweek’s list of America’s Best Retailers for 2022 (ranking #1 in the pet care category), Newsweek's list of America's Best Customer Service for 2024, Best Pet Supply Stores by Dallas A-List, Best Pet Store by The Memphis Flyer, Best Self Atlanta Magazine's Best Pet Store, Best Pet Food and Supplies in the Best of Denton County Awards, and Best New Business by Cary Living Magazine in North Carolina. Hollywood Feed proudly stands by its brand promise: If your pet doesn’t love it or if you don’t love it, we will gladly replace or refund it. Learn more about Hollywood Feed at and

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  19. Customer Service Training Project Proposal Presentation

    Make sure you train your agents properly so they are able to carry out their work nicely. Present your project and convince some higher-ups that this is a necessity! With our template, creating a presentation will be a breeze. It's use of orange and blue provides contrast in relation with the gray backgrounds. Add photos too, as this reinforces ...

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