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Can you ace this basic proofreading quiz.

Posted by Phil Jamieson   Mar 22, 2018 7:30:00 AM


Take our quiz to test your basic proofreading knowledge and see if you can catch every single typo. See if you can get every question right and ace the entire quiz. And don’t look for any of the answers online, so you can really step up to the challenge!

Let us know how you did in the comments below. Good luck!

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Topics: proofreading quiz , typos, typographic errors

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How to Prepare for a Proofreading Test—Useful Study Hacks

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| Danielle McLeod

| Editing , Quizzes

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Danielle McLeod

Danielle McLeod is a highly qualified secondary English Language Arts Instructor who brings a diverse educational background to her classroom. With degrees in science, English, and literacy, she has worked to create cross-curricular materials to bridge learning gaps and help students focus on effective writing and speech techniques. Currently working as a dual credit technical writing instructor at a Career and Technical Education Center, her curriculum development surrounds student focus on effective communication for future career choices.

Proofreading plays a vital role in maintaining high-quality writing standards. Effective proofreading ensures that the final piece of writing is polished and error-free and conveys the intended message accurately.

Proofreading tests are commonly used to measure an individual’s proofreading ability and attention to detail. These tests assess one’s proficiency in identifying and correcting errors within a given time frame. They often include tasks such as correcting spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, and grammatical issues. 

This article covers the basics of proofreading and its place in the editing process. It guides you through the process of reviewing your written material properly, applying proofreading preparation strategies, and preparing for the test. It also provides helpful resources.

Keep reading to gather the information you need to be successful in your assessment prep and improve your test-taking skills. 

What Are the Basics of Proofreading?

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Proofreading is the final step in the overall editing process, ensuring polished and credible writing. It involves carefully reviewing written content to identify and correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting errors.

Differences Between Proofreading, Editing, and Revising

Proofreading, editing , and revising are distinct stages in the writing process, each serving a specific purpose.

Editing involves a detailed writing review that improves clarity, coherence, and overall quality. Editors assess the content’s structure, organization, and flow and make revisions to enhance readability and effectiveness. 

Revising involves a broad evaluation of the content and its underlying ideas. During the revision stage, writers may add, delete, or rework entire sections to strengthen the arguments or incorporate new information.

Proofreading involves a detailed review of a written document to identify and correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting errors. Proofreading is the final editing step before publishing or submitting a piece of writing.

proofreading online test

Proofreading Overview

When proofreading, you should follow these steps to ensure the final piece of writing is polished and error-free:

  • Read the written content carefully, focusing on one sentence or section at a time.
  • Check for grammatical errors, such as subject-verb agreement, verb tense consistency, and word usage.
  • Look for spelling mistakes, including commonly misspelled words and homonyms.
  • Review punctuation marks, ensuring proper placement and correct usage of commas, periods, semicolons, etc.
  • Check for formatting and layout inconsistencies, such as font styles, paragraph indentation, and headings.
  • Pay attention to sentence structure and clarity, ensuring that ideas are expressed clearly.
  • Read the content aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or grammatical inconsistencies.
  • Double-check any references, citations, or quotations for accuracy and proper formatting.

Key Skills and Knowledge Areas

Effective proofreading requires a combination of essential skills to ensure accuracy and thoroughness. Here are some key skills required for effective proofreading:

  • Attention to detail
  • Grammar and language knowledge
  • Reading comprehension
  • Critical thinking
  • Time management

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Style Guides 

Understanding different style guides , such as APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association), and (CMOS) Chicago Manual of Style, is crucial for maintaining consistency and adhering to specific formatting and citation guidelines. 

Style guides provide standardized rules for formatting, citing, and referencing sources, ensuring consistency throughout a document. Understanding the specific requirements of each style guide helps writers accurately attribute content to their original sources to avoid plagiarism.

Style guides often include guidelines for writing style, punctuation, and grammar. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that the content is presented in an organized manner. Understanding style guides also shows a writer’s attention to detail and professionalism.

What Are Proofreading Assessment Preparation Strategies?

Preparing for proofreading assessments follows the same guidelines as other good test-taking advice. Take a look at our study tips, practice suggestions, and, most importantly, how to manage your study and test-taking time frames. 

Here is a list of study tips to improve grammar, punctuation, and spelling skills—the most widely assessed proofreading knowledge:

  • Pay attention to sentence structure, punctuation usage, and spelling patterns while reading.
  • Take the time to learn and understand grammar rules. Use reputable grammar guides or online resources to review verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, pronoun usage, and sentence construction.
  • Regularly practice writing to reinforce grammar, punctuation, and spelling skills.
  • Take advantage of grammar and spell check tools to help identify and correct errors. These tools provide valuable feedback for improvement.
  • Expand your vocabulary by creating word lists and learning new words regularly. 
  • Familiarize yourself with style guides like APA, MLA, or CMOS, which provide specific grammar, punctuation, and formatting guidelines. 
  • Consistency is key to improving language skills. Dedicate a portion of your daily study time to reinforce what you have learned.

Practice tests and exercises play a significant role in preparing for proofreading assessments. They provide an opportunity to sharpen and refine proofreading skills, improve attention to detail, and familiarize yourself with assessment tasks. 

They can help develop and reinforce the skills required for effective proofreading, such as grammar knowledge, spelling accuracy, punctuation proficiency, and attention to detail. They allow you to identify areas of weakness and focus on improving specific aspects of proofreading.

They also provide real proofreading scenarios, familiarizing you with the time involved. Reviewing these types of materials can help you develop strategies to use your time for different tasks effectively. Regular practice improves speed.

Take The Proofreading Test!

Time management.

Time management is an important factor to consider whenever you take any test. Follow these steps to help you mentally prepare for your next assessment:

  • Read and understand instructions.
  • Skim the test.
  • Decide which questions to answer first based on your comfort level. Start with the questions you find relatively easy and can answer quickly.
  • Set approximate time limits for each section to stay on track.
  • Be mindful of the time as you work through the test. 
  • If you encounter a challenging question, skip it, mark it for later review, and move on to the next question. 

What Tools and Resources Are Available?

Gathering resources to help you study and improve your proofreading skills can be invaluable in your assessment preparation. Take advantage of the many available online software, websites, and publications to help you succeed. 

Useful Proofreading Tools and Software

Proofreading tools and software can enhance the quality and accuracy of written content. Here’s a brief overview of some useful proofreading tools and software:

  • Grammarly : It is a popular proofreading tool that offers grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style checks. 
  • Hemingway Editor: It focuses on improving the readability and clarity of written content. 
  • ProWritingAid : It’s a comprehensive writing and editing tool that offers grammar and spelling checks, style suggestions, and readability analysis and provides insights on overused words, sentence structure, and more. 
  • Ginger: It helps writers correct grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and punctuation issues. 
  • WhiteSmoke: WhiteSmoke is a multi-purpose writing and editing tool that offers grammar and spelling checks, style suggestions, and language translation. 
  • Microsoft Word’s Spelling and Grammar Checker: Microsoft Word’s built-in spelling and grammar checker provides basic proofreading features. It highlights spelling errors and grammar mistakes and offers suggestions for correction. 

Books and Online Resources 

Here are some recommended books and online resources for brushing up on grammar rules and improving proofreading techniques:

  • The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White
  • The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation by Jane Straus
  • The Chicago Manual of Style

Online Resources

  • Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
  • Grammarly Blog
  • Merriam-Webster Online
  • Daily Writing Tips

What Strategies Are Involved in Taking the Proofreading Test?

When taking an assessment concerning proofreading skills, consider the following strategies on the day of the test and afterward to continue honing your skills.

Day of the Test Strategies

When preparing for a test, paying attention to format, types of texts, and common errors is important. Here are some suggestions for each:

Test instructions: Review each page for any specific instructions or guidelines the test administrator provides. Pay attention to formatting requirements, word limits, or any special instructions for answering questions.

Types of Texts

  • Essays or written responses: Focus on organizing your ideas, using proper paragraph structure, and maintaining a coherent argument or narrative flow.
  • Short answers or definitions: Double-check your responses for clarity and ensure they directly address the question or prompt.
  • Multiple-choice questions: Read the questions carefully and select the most appropriate answer. Watch out for tricky phrasing or distractors.

Common Errors to Watch For

  • Grammar and spelling mistakes: Proofread your responses for subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, pronoun usage, and common spelling mistakes.
  • Inconsistent formatting : Maintain consistent formatting throughout your responses. Check for consistent use of capitalization, punctuation, indentation, and citation style (if applicable).
  • Misinterpretation of questions: Take the time to understand the questions or prompts.
  • Time management: Keep track of time during the test to ensure you allocate enough time for proofreading. 
  • Failure to review: Always leave some time at the end of the test to review your answers. Check for any overlooked mistakes, inconsistencies, or missing information.

After the Test

Here are some steps you can take to make the most of your results and continue enhancing your proofreading abilities:

  • Review your errors
  • Seek clarification
  • Practice with targeted exercises
  • Proofread with intention
  • Seek feedback and peer review
  • Use online resources
  • Track your progress

Preparing for a proofreading exam is crucial for developing strong proofreading skills and achieving success in both professional and academic endeavors. Throughout the preparation process, this article covered important aspects such as helpful software and tools, test-taking strategies, and steps for improvement. 

Strong proofreading skills are highly valued. It enhances credibility, professionalism, and the overall quality of written work. Mastering proofreading is an ongoing process that requires continuous practice and learning. 

Incorporate regular proofreading practice into your routine. Read diverse texts, seek feedback from others, and stay updated with grammar rules and language trends. Take advantage of online resources, workshops, and collaborative opportunities to improve your skills.

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10 Free Proofreading Tests (To Boost Your Editing Skills)

How about testing your skills through a free proofreading test? Taking free proofreading quizzes will help you improve your editing capabilities rapidly. Can you take these tests without spending a dime? Yes! To make things easy for you, I’ve compiled tests that will help you grasp English grammar rules and common language errors. Are you ready to become a successful proofreader? Let’s do this!

The 10 Best Free Proofreading Tests Online:

1. earn smart online class.

Earn Smart Online Class is an excellent platform for new proofreaders as it offers more than just proofreading tests. The website contains several tips for improving your proofreading skills. Although the proofreading test is short with a few multiple-choice questions, it tests your capability by asking questions where most proofreaders make mistakes. Thus, you can easily test your proofreading skills through this test. The good thing about this website is that besides offering an online test, it also provides a downloadable PDF. Thus, you can choose to take the test at your convenience. It also has an answer key to make sure you check your answers as well!

2. Freelance Writing

As the name suggests, Freelance Writing is a platform dedicated solely to writers. So, if you’re a proofreader, you can get much more from this website. I like this test and would suggest you take it as well because it’s different from many others. It specifically checks your professionalism on the job. The test isn’t composed of multiple-choice questions but of one paragraph with only a few grammatical errors. This test trains you to check documents written by professional writers as well. You’ll also find the solution at the end, which explicitly explains how it works to help improve your proofreading skills.

3. Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP)

The proofreading test by the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) is perhaps the best choice for people who want to test their copy-editing skills through a credible source. Unlike many other tests, it contains several multiple-choice questions. The questions also focus on a broad spectrum wherein you’ll have to highlight grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, language use, etc. The website has 14 quizzes, and you can download the PDF version of the test. You’ll also have to download the answer key, which is right next to the quiz. The best thing I like about this free proofreading test is that it focuses not only on grammar and spelling mistakes. Instead, you’ll learn a lot more to help you become a professional freelance proofreader.

4. Using English for Academic Purposes (UEfAP)

Using English for Academic Purposes (UEfAP) is a credible source with many tips and resources to help you improve your skills in checking copies for errors. It has several quizzes to test your proofreading skills, which you can take after learning the pointers taught by the site. It enables you to assess whether your proofreading skills have improved. Another good thing about this website is that it has a wide assortment of quizzes, including punctuation, parts of speech, spelling, word order, etc. By taking these quizzes, you can have a better grip on various parts of the English language, which will help you a lot in your proofreading career.

5. Grammar Book

Grammar Book is another excellent website for writers and proofreaders because it contains a lot of tips and information to help boost your skills. You can find almost everything about English on this website. So, if you want to learn about proofreading and writing, as well as expanding your vocabulary , it can be an amazing resource. Apart from that, the website has 52 free quizzes and 4 free tests. If you want to access more, you’ll have to subscribe. However, I believe attempting the quizzes and tests is enough to help you improve your English skills . The quizzes are also of different types to help you unlock a broad range of knowledge about proofreading.

6. Portland Proof

7. proofreadnow.com, 8. authoritypub, 9. love to know, 10. sporcle, rafal reyzer.

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Are You Ready To Test Your Proofreading Skills?

Even the most grammar-savvy amongst us benefit from a thorough proofreading of our work.

You may rely on an editor to check your work, or like many writers, it might be tempting to do a quick scan of your writing without thoroughly proofreading it.

But proofreading is as essential to your writing as writing is. It allows you to fix any errors that may obscure your intended meaning or distract your reader. It also helps you catch grammar and spelling mistakes , misused words, and punctuation errors.

If you have an editor, he or she can polish your work much more easily (and less expensively) if you’ve given it the careful once-over before the editing process.

If you don’t have an editor, proofreading can save you from embarrassing and critical comments from your readers.

Proofreading makes you a better, more mindful writer and, over time, it will cement the skills you need to be an accomplished writer.

Proofreading Test

Review this letter for mistakes:, corrected letter.

Here’s a checklist of actions you should take to properly proofread your writing:

  • Remove any distractions so you can concentrate on proofing your work.
  • Look for one type of writing problem at a time (first spelling errors, then word usage, etc.).
  • Read your writing out loud and silently.
  • Print a copy of your work to proofread it on paper.
  • Read it backward to spot any spelling mistakes .
  • Look out for homonyms (words that share the same spelling and pronunciation).
  • Double check contractions and apostrophes for common mistakes (like it’s and its or there and their).
  • Review carefully for punctuation mistakes. Look up anything you aren’t sure about.
  • Ask a friend to read your writing after you proofread it to check behind you.

So, why not spend a few minutes assessing your own proofreading skills with an easy and entertaining test?

woman on Mac computer at desk Proofreading test

To make this proofreading test more challenging, I’ve thrown in a variety of hurdles for you to spot and clear as you make your way to the finish line.

May you find the following proofreader and copy editor test as helpful and enjoyable as it was excruciating to write. Don’t let my agony be in vain.

Dear Ms. Adams;

We’ve recieved your manuscript and have read enough of it to offer this constructive critique, which we hope you’ll take unto consideration before sending us another sample of your work, we do value you’re time.

1. The beginning of your story is week. Try to evoke an emotional response within the first few paragraphs.

2. You use to many semicolons. Its distracting.

3. You use third person omiscient POV, which in our humble opinion, weakens the impact of your main characters painful situation.

4. You tell more then show what your characters are feeling. As Anton Checkov wrote: “Dont tell me the moon is shining, show me hte glint of light on broken glass.”

5. You switch points of view, jumping from one persons head to another without warning, it’s confusing and you risk loosing your reader’s trust end attention

6. The dialogue feels forced and unathentic: the southern accent is overdone and painful too read.

7. Your use of ellipsis is… awkward. And you use them quite alot. Consider removing most of them. Noone pauses that much..

8. You’re love of dashes is evident. Please eliminate most of them, and and make your sentences shorter clearer, and less wordy.

9. Please please please stop using dialog tags like “he grinned” or “she sighed”. You can’t sigh or grin words. It can’t be done. Stick with “said” but try to make it more obvious who is saying whom without using dialog tags for every quote. If you must indicate sighs, grins, and other nonverbal gestures set them apart from teh quotes with periods rather than commas .

10. Your main character launches into a stream of conscience monologue and his dialoge partner somehow doesn’t lapse into a coma before he finishes this is wishful thinking and makes it hard to sympathize with the mane character who’s soliloquy is way too long to keep you’re readers attention. We tired but had to skip to the end wear he finally sums it up nicely.

11. We dont really get to now your secondary character well enough to care about what happens to her. She listens to the main character and throws in a few responses hear and their but is otherwise bland and two dimensional. Her boyfriend the main character, does most of the talking, and she stairs out the window a lot and I mean a LOT. Yet we never find out weather she’s waiting for someone or something or if shes just really board. She’s certainly stiff as a board (see what i did they’re?).

12. My fellow editers here at Proper Publishing House agree with all the statements in this letter which I spent ours perfecting ought of sincere gratitude for your efforts and true dat concern for yore development as a writer.

13. We recommend you contact the services of a inexperienced proofreader or copyediter before submitting to us any future writing samples. Good proofreading makes such a deference!

In short let us offer you hour best hopes for the improvement of your writing don’t be discouraged keep at it and remember Proper Publishing House will always bee honest with you because

Sincerely and optimystically

Sarah jane Smythe

Cheif Editer

Now, it’s time to compare your corrections with the letter below. Keep in mind that not all your copyediting corrections have to look exactly like mine. There’s room for some creative improvisation. I’ve highlighted the errors and everything added or crossed out.

Dear Ms. Adams :

We’ve received your manuscript and have read enough of it to offer this constructive critique, which we hope you’ll take into consideration before sending us another sample of your work . We do value your time.

1. The beginning of your story is weak . Try to evoke an emotional response within the first few paragraphs.

2. You use too many semicolons. It’s distracting.

3. You use third person omniscient POV, which , in our humble opinion, weakens the impact of your main character’s painful situation.

4. You tell more than show what your characters are feeling. As Anton Chekhov wrote , “ Don’t tell me the moon is shining ; show me the glint of light on broken glass.”

5. You switch points of view, jumping from one person’s head to another without warning. It’s confusing, and you risk losing your reader’s trust and attention.

6. The dialogue feels forced and inauthentic ; the Southern accent is overdone and painful to read.

7. Your use of ellipses is… awkward. And you use them quite a lot . Consider removing most of them. No one pauses that much.

8. Your love of dashes is evident. Please eliminate most of them, and and make your sentences shorter, clearer, and less wordy.

9. Please , please , please stop using dialogue tags like “he grinned” or “she sighed .” You can’t sigh or grin words. It can’t be done. Stick with “said , “ but try to make it more obvious who is saying what without using dialogue tags for every quote. If you must indicate sighs, grins, and other nonverbal gestures, set them apart from the quotes with periods rather than commas.

10. Your main character launches into a stream of consciousness monologue, and his dialogue partner somehow doesn’t lapse into a coma before he finishes . This is wishful thinking and makes it hard to sympathize with the main character , whose soliloquy is way too long to keep your reader’s attention. We tried but had to skip to the end where he finally sums it up nicely.

11. We don’t really get to know your secondary character well enough to care about what happens to her. She listens to the main character and throws in a few responses here and there but is otherwise bland and two-dimensional . Her boyfriend , the main character, does most of the talking, and she stares out the window a lot — and I mean a LOT. Yet we never find out whether she’s waiting for someone or something or if she’s just really bored. She’s certainly stiff as a board (see what i did they’re?).

12. My fellow editors here at Proper Publishing House agree with all the statements in this letter , which I spent hours perfecting out of sincere gratitude for your efforts and true dat concern for your development as a writer.

13. We recommend you contract the services of an experienced proofreader or copyeditor before submitting to us any future writing samples. Good proofreading makes such a difference !

In conclusion , let us offer you our best hopes for the improvement of your writing . Don’t be discouraged , keep at it , and remember Proper Publishing House will always be honest with you . because

Sincerely and optimistically ,

Sarah Jane Smythe

Chief Editor

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Recovery Time

Maybe it’s time for a soothing cup of something. No hard feelings, I hope.

If you found value in this proofreading practice test, please share it with others. The purpose of this article, after all, is to help you and your fellow writers more accurately proofread your own work before submitting or publishing it.

It doesn’t hurt that while it was often painful not to proofread the sample letter while writing it, it was also pretty fun. I hope you enjoyed the exercise enough to pass it on.

And may your good humor and selfless commitment to the edification of your fellow writers infuse everything else you do today.

As a writer, you want to make sure you put your best foot forward with your work. Take this proofreading test to measure your copyediting skills.

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Our Essay Checker can detect most grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. That said, we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy. 

Absolutely! The Essay Checker is particularly useful for non-native English speakers, as it can detect mistakes that may have gone unnoticed.

The exact time depends on the length of your document, but, in most cases it doesn’t take more than a minute.

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How to Prepare for a Proofreading Test (15 Practical Tips)

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How you prepare for a proofreading test depends on the type of exam you’ll be taking. For example, you may be taking an assessment to secure a position as an administrative assistant, to earn a certificate for a proofreading class you’ve completed, or to become a proofreader at a company.

No matter what type of test you plan to take, these tips will provide you with everything you need to know to be ready to ace the assessment!

Table of Contents

1) Know the details to prepare for a proofreading test.

One of the best ways to get ready is to know the particulars beforehand. If you’re unsure what the test entails and can ask someone questions, do it! 😊

When I was preparing for the final evaluation in the proofreading course I took , I asked a few general questions so that I was as prepared as possible.

I had to use The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) to proofread a document for my assessment.

Since some rules in CMOS have an alternative, I asked a clarifying question regarding a CMOS guideline.

I may have been overly concerned with something specific, but it made me feel better to ask.

The more you know about the test, the more comfortable you’ll feel.

Try to nail down the following details about the exam:

The words

  • Is it timed?
  • What’s the format? (proofread a document, multiple choice, fill in the blank, etc.)
  • Do I need any software ?
  • Do I have to follow a style manual or a house style?
  • In what English dialect—US, UK, Canadian, or Australian—should I proofread?
  • Does it focus on anything in particular?
  • proofreading symbols (unlikely)
  • how to format citations
  • industry-specific terminology
  • What resources can I use during the exam?

You may be taking a test that doesn’t allow aid from certain sources.

However, most proofreading exams let you use anything that could assist you with identifying and correcting errors (e.g., spellcheckers, grammar checkers, Grammarly , PerfectIt ).

But remember that software isn’t foolproof, so you’ll need to carefully evaluate any suggestions it makes.

2) Develop a study plan you can stick to.

Your exam may be tomorrow, or it may be two months from now.

Consider the time you have to prepare and figure out when you can fit study sessions into your schedule.

Remember that consistency is key, even if you only have a small chunk of time daily.

You may want to write down the time and duration of your study sessions if that would help you stick to them.

And planning what you’ll learn or review during each session will ensure you can study all the topics you need to.

3) Brush up on weak areas.

A green button with the word

You may be well aware of your weak areas, or you may need help identifying them. You can do this by taking online assessments.

If you want to assess your grammar know-how, I recommend the grammar practice test on GrammarBook.com.

After you’ve worked on your weak points, you can take GrammarBook.com’s grammar mastery test to reassess your skills. The mastery test is on the same page as the practice test; the above link will take you there.

Also on that page are practice and mastery tests for punctuation.

4) Use reference books and online resources to study.

Fortunately, the internet is full of resources you can take advantage of.

For example, my article about sites that help you practice grammar will give you several suitable options for reviewing and practicing grammar rules.

I also have articles with practical tips for boosting your grammar game and pumping up your punctuation proficiency if you think that would help the most.

Finally, I have an article containing brief descriptions of my favorite proofreading reference books if that suits your fancy.

5) Become familiar with the indicated style guide (if needed).


Some proofreading evaluations require you to proofread according to a style guide. If this is the case for you, be sure to know the guide well.

Most importantly, you need to know how to efficiently navigate it to find answers.

6) Practice proofreading to hone your skills.

If you’re already a proofreader, you probably tend to proofread everything you see—at least to some degree. It’s a natural reflex! 😉

You’re always searching for spelling stumbles, grammar goofs, and punctuation problems.

No matter if you’re a proofreader, you’ll want to practice proofreading prior to your exam.

In addition to practicing with books, magazines, and newspapers, you may want to try spotting slipups in the following:

  • comments on YouTube videos
  • social media posts
  • Amazon reviews
  • restaurant menus
  • instruction manuals

These sources should be enough to help you sharpen your eagle eyes!

7) Take proofreading tests to help you get ready.

Another practical way to prepare is to take proofreading tests and quizzes .

The more practice assessments you take, the more confident you’ll be. If you know your evaluation is timed, try to impose a reasonable time limit on yourself for finishing each practice assessment.

Unfortunately, most practice exams you find online aren’t timed, so you’ll want to establish a time limit for yourself.

8) Develop a checklist tailored to the exam.

Checklists can be a useful proofreading tool. If you can use one during your test (you probably can), try to create one.

Even if you never use it, it will help you remember the mistakes you need to look for.

If you tend to forget to check for a particular type of mistake, put that at the top of your list.

When creating your checklist, you can be as general or as specific as you want.

A general checklist would remind you to look for mistakes with errors and inconsistencies with these elements:

  • punctuation
  • capitalization
  • missing or repeated words
  • adherence to a style guide

If you’d like more specific suggestions, you can check out this post on Om Proofreading .

9) Get good sleep in the days leading up to your test.

Being well rested for any test is a plus—especially a proofreading test.

Getting good sleep during the period before the assessment will help you remember the info from your study sessions.

And you’ll want to score as many z ’s as possible the night before the exam so you can enjoy enhanced concentration and relaxation the next day.

10) Have a positive mindset to set yourself up for success.

proofreading online test

We know that a positive mindset helps us achieve desirable outcomes.

Make it a point to foster a positive attitude that stays with you, even if challenging moments arise during the assessment.

11) Make your test-taking space as comfortable as possible.

Hopefully, you’ll have control over where you take your exam. If so, you’ll want a quiet spot where you won’t be bothered. If that’s not possible, noise-canceling headphones can go a long way in creating a more peaceful environment.

Before you begin the evaluation, ensure that everything is dialed in: you have a stable internet connection, adequate light, a reasonably comfortable chair, a glass of water, and any necessary resources.

Setting the temperature slightly cooler than usual can help with alertness.

You know what you need, so leave time to set up your space before you start correcting errors like a boss!

12) Read the directions twice.

With construction work, they say to measure twice and cut once. With proofreading tests, read the directions twice and take the test once.

They may give you guidelines as part of the evaluation.

To illustrate, an essential part of any proofreading job involves tailoring it to your client, which could be an individual or a business. You may need to follow a specific style guide , house style, or other instructions.

Your ability to accommodate clients’ preferences is part of the job.

The instructions may require you to use a specific software, download a file and give it a particular name, or leave all instances of a certain word or phrase as is.

Bottom Line: Make sure you proofread following the specifications they give you.

13) Use effective proofreading strategies.

You’re likely aware of some proofreading tactics, while others have yet to be added to your toolbelt.


For example, reading what you’re proofreading out loud and listening to your computer read it to you using the text-to-speech function are two solid strategies.

Learn some other helpful hacks before you sit for your exam.

My article about proofreading tips should help round out your knowledge.

14) Take your time if there’s no limit.

I recommend taking your sweet time if there are no limitations. Once you’ve finished the test, return to it several hours later (ideally the next day), and go over it again.

You probably know that leaving a piece of writing and coming back to it later is one of the best ways to find errors you overlooked.

Furthermore, you’ll want to perform several passes if your exam involves proofreading a document. Each time you read through the text to check for mistakes is one pass.

Some people find it helpful to focus on finding one type of error per pass.

For example, you may want to perform one pass for grammatical errors only.

15) Manage your time well if it’s limited.

Some proofreading exams are timed since proofreaders sometimes have to meet tight deadlines. For timed tests, I’d encourage you to use the age-old strategy of not spending too much time on any one question.

Your evaluation may be multiple choice, or you may be required to proofread one or more documents. No matter the format, you can apply this technique.

For example, if you’re responsible for proofreading a text, don’t spend too much time finding mistakes in any given section.

Likewise, don’t dedicate too much time to figuring out how to fix any one error.

No one is perfect, so move on to what you know instead of spending time on an area of uncertainty.

I hope this article has provided all the practical tips you need to prepare for a proofreading test.

I wish you luck with your assessment and will be cheering you on in spirit!

Best wishes to you!

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt


proofreading online test

Lindsay Babcock

Lindsay is the creator of Om Proofreading. She has a BA in psychology and earned a certificate in proofreading by passing the final exam in Proofread Anywhere’s general proofreading course. She shares what she’s learning in the field and through research to inform and inspire her readers.

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12 Free Proofreading Tests to Check Your Skills

April 2, 2024

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Jessica Norris

Jessica is a writer for SideHustles.com. Her side hustles include freelance academic writing and editing, which she's done for...

Time Required

If you’re thinking about becoming a proofreader, you might be wondering whether your skills are good enough. To find out, you can take a proofreading test.

Tests can highlight gaps in your knowledge and help you work out whether you need more training and practice. They’re also a good way to identify the skills you need to improve.

We’ve compiled a list of 12 sites with proofreading tests you can take—all for free.

01. Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP)

Screenshot of the CIEP homepage

Who they are : The Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) is a British association that provides training and support for editorial professionals. They’re a well-recognized authority in the editing and publishing industries.

The test : The CIEP proofreading test comes in the form of a document that contains common mistakes and an accompanying answer sheet showing you how to correct them. The test covers many of the different types of problems that proofreaders have to deal with, including mistakes in punctuation, spelling, and language use.

Other resources : As well as their proofreading test, the CIEP site has a lot of different quizzes on proofreading-related topics, from punctuation to formatting. There’s also a blog for editorial professionals, a selection of high-quality paid courses, and lots of free resources—fact sheets, booklets, and more.

Anything else I should know? While the CIEP proofreading test is very comprehensive, it uses British English. Watch out for the differences between British and American English.

02. ProofreadNOW.com

Screenshot of the ProofreadNOW homepage

Who they are : ProofreadNOW.com is a company that offers paid proofreading services.

The test : The test on the ProofreadNOW.com website is multiple-choice and mainly checks your spelling and punctuation. A couple of the questions are a little tricky, but there are only 10 of them, so it’s fairly easy overall.

Other resources : The site also has a resources section where you can get free ebooks and white papers . There’s also a page where you can ask grammar questions (they’ll reply via email).

Anything else I should know? One of the proofreading test questions is contested by people in the comments, so this question probably has two correct answers.

03. Authority Pub

Screenshot of the Authority Pub homepage

Who they are : Authority Pub is a site that’s designed to help writers build a self-publishing business.

The test : The Authority Pub proofreading test is an entertaining letter riddled with errors that you have to correct. The answer sheet has a corrected version of the letter, which you can review when you’ve finished proofreading.

Other resources : Authority Pub has lots of informative articles on writing (and a self-publishing course for $397), but not much for proofreaders, although the website has a few tips on how to improve your proofreading skills.

Anything else I should know? The answers given on the corrected version of the letter in the proofreading test aren’t necessarily the only correct answers. Some of the errors can be corrected in more than one way.

04. Using English for Academic Purposes (UEfAP)

Screenshot of the UEfAP homepage

The test : This website has 10 proofreading tests that focus on different writing skills, including grammar, punctuation, and word use. There’s also a mixed test covering all 10 subjects. In these tests, you select the incorrect words and then type in the correct words, so it’s harder than a multiple-choice quiz. Luckily, there’s a “hint” button to help you if you get stuck.

Other resources : In addition to the tests mentioned above, the UEfAP site has another general test . Unfortunately, this one doesn’t include answers. The UEfAP also has a wealth of other resources to develop your proofreading skills, including exercises and explanations of many different aspects of language use.

Anything else I should know? This is another site that uses British English. It also focuses on academic English, and some of the tests are very advanced. Academic writing makes for great practice, as it’s one of the hardest types of writing to proofread. However, academic proofreading is quite different from many other types of proofreading (e.g., fiction proofreading), so the UEfAP’s tests aren’t all-purpose.

05. Earn Smart Online Class

Screenshot of the Earn Smart Online Class webpage

Who they are : Earn Smart Online Class is a website that offers advice about how to earn money working from home with jobs like proofreading, transcription, writing, and more.

The test : Earn Smart Online Class has a 20-question proofreading test that covers common errors in spelling and grammar, as well as homophones (words that sound the same but mean different things). It’s common for people to mix up homophones in their writing and also for spell checkers to miss these types of errors, so they’re important for proofreaders.

Other resources : The Earn Smart Online Class site features a few tips on how to get good at proofreading (including links to a free proofreading webinar from the company Proofread Anywhere ). There are also job listings, but these aren’t very up-to-date.

Anything else I should know? The test has a few tricky questions, but overall, it isn’t very hard. You should be able to get a high score fairly easily. If you don’t, you should consider whether you need to spend more time training your language skills before you take on proofreading projects.

06. Edit Republic

Screenshot showing the Edit Republic homepage

Who they are : Edit Republic is a company that offers professional courses in proofreading and editing, as well as how to start an editorial business.

The test : The Edit Republic proofreading quiz is a very quick multiple-choice test with 10 questions. It’s one of the easiest tests on our list, and you should be able to complete it in a few minutes.

Other resources : As well as the editing and proofreading courses that Edit Republic sells, they offer free training materials and other resources you can check out.

Anything else I should know? You’ll have to enter your email to get your proofreading test results.

07. Freelance Writing

Screenshot showing the FreelanceWriting homepage

Who they are : Freelance Writing is a platform for freelance writers to find work. It also directs businesses who want to hire writers to the website of a content-writing service.

The test : This proofreading test is a little different from the others on this list. Arguably, it’s more realistic. You have to find just three errors in several paragraphs, which is similar to what you’d expect if you were proofreading a text that had already gone through a round of copyediting (or was well-written enough not to need it), which will be the case for most of the pieces you’ll actually review as a proofreader.

Other resources : The Freelance Writing site has lots of resources for writers (including how-to articles, free ebooks, and information about writing competitions), but just a handful of articles specifically for proofreaders.

Anything else I should know? In theory, you’re supposed to complete the Freelance Writing proofreading test in 10 minutes. However, the site doesn’t time you, so you have to time yourself.

08. LoveToKnow

Screenshot showing the LoveToKnow homepage

Who they are : LoveToKnow is an online media company that features news, content on parenting and family life, resources for pet owners, home and garden advice, and more.

The test : The LoveToKnow site has a downloadable proofreading test, which features an email containing lots of errors. You have to correct them on a printout (or you can mark up the PDF file they provide). The answer sheet has all of the errors highlighted and provides explanations of how a proofreader should correct each one.

Other resources : There aren’t many resources for proofreaders on this site, but there’s a grammar test on the same page as the proofreading test. The site also has an article on how to proofread your own writing .

Anything else I should know? Throughout most of the proofreading test answer sheet, the errors are highlighted and left uncorrected (with annotations explaining what changes should be made). However, a couple of the corrections are made directly onto the highlighted answer sheet. Watch out for this—it can be a bit confusing.

09. Sporcle

Screenshot showing the Sporcle homepage

Who they are : Sporcle is a trivia website with hundreds of different quizzes.

The test : The 25-question Sporcle proofreading test takes a different format from the others on this list. It will show you a sentence featuring an error, and underneath it, there are many possible corrections. You have to pick the right one.

Other resources : There are plenty of other Sporcle quizzes that are relevant for proofreaders, covering grammar, spelling, word definitions, and more.

Anything else I should know? Sporcle times how long it takes to complete their proofreading quiz. You have a maximum of 8 minutes to complete it.

10. Business Writing Blog

Screenshot showing the Business Writing Blog homepage

Who they are : Business Writing Blog publishes articles for writers working in a “professional, academic, and social setting,” according to their About Us page .

The test : This proofreading test features three emails that contain a number of errors (which you can correct on a printout or in a Word document). There’s an answer sheet for each test. The errors are highlighted and corrected.

Other resources : The Business Writing Blog site has an entire section dedicated to proofreading-related posts, plus more articles on useful topics like grammar and punctuation. They also offer a paid course on proofreading (for $159).

Anything else I should know?  As you’d expect, this test focuses on business English, but it’s still good for general proofreading practice. Note that some of the errors on their test have more than one possible fix.

11. Om Proofreading

Screenshot showing the Om Proofreading homepage

Who they are : Om Proofreading is a website run by Lindsay Babcock, a proofreader who offers services for new age and spiritual content.

The test : Om’s proofreading test is fairly short and easy, featuring 20 multiple-choice questions on homophones.

Other resources : As well as a proofreading test, the Om Proofreading site offers general advice for proofreaders and a quiz on adverbs .

Anything else I should know? The Om Proofreading test doesn’t cover grammar, punctuation, syntax, or other areas that are important for proofreaders to know about.

12. The New York Times

Screenshot showing the The New York Times proofreading test webpage

Who they are : In case you’ve been hiding under a rock, the New York Times is one of the most widely circulated and well-respected newspapers in the US.

The test : The New York Times test assesses your proofreading and fact-checking skills. You have to find 14 errors that have been inserted into extracts from five of the newspaper’s articles. You can then check the PDF under the test to see all of the correct answers.

Other resources : There are also many other quizzes on the website that test your copyediting skills. All of them are part of a series called Copy Edit This! Unfortunately, these tests aren’t collected on a single page on the NYT’s website, but you can find them easily by googling. You can view the first few for free, but eventually you’ll need a subscription.

Anything else I should know? The New York Times proofreading and fact-checking test focuses more on fact-checking than proofreading. Also, it’s from 2014, so some of the information is obsolete.

13. Other free grammar and writing tests

These tests don’t specifically cover proofreading, but they do cover topics that are useful for proofreaders to know about:

  • Portland Proof : This is a proofreading service that also hosts free tests on their website. Their quizzes feel more like games. You have to pick the erroneous word and then correct it, but your speed is tested along with how many right answers you get. The errors mostly involve spelling and homophones.
  • GrammarBook.com : You can find quizzes on all kinds of language skills here, including grammar, punctuation, and how to use numbers in writing.
  • Grammar Monster : This site also has lots of tests on grammar, punctuation, and other topics that proofreaders need to know about.
  • Grammar Lion : This site, where you can sign up for paid grammar courses, offers a 20-question test that asks about various grammar points rather than getting you to correct errors in a text.
  • CMOS Shop Talk : This is a blog about the Chicago Manual of Style. It has a page full of multiple-choice tests on using Chicago style, including one on how to proofread .

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Robert Jellison

Managing Editor

Robert is a writer and editor for SideHustles.com. He has 7+ years of experience in freelance writing and previously worked as the in-house editor for Compose.ly, a platform for remote and part-time writers.

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Proofreading Quizzes & Tests With Answers


Caitlin Pyle, the founder of Proofread Anywhere , went from broke to a $3000 income daily so quickly after she quit her 9-5 sucking job to build a 9-figure online business.

And she is sharing her secrets on how she was able to attain her success in a FREE 76-minute workshop to show others how they can do the same by following her formula.

This formula is not some complicated thing that will take a lot of brainwork. It just works straight up for people who haven’t even heard of it before.

The formula works for anyone-beginners or experts of all genders-male or females and people of all ages-young or old.

It works in all electronic devices that have access to the internet, including iPhone, Android devices, desktop PCs, or laptops.

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The demand for proofreaders is always high because;

Most employers are beginning to embrace a virtual workplace, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, where people were forced to work from home . As a result, freelancing careers like proofreading, which can be done from anywhere, have become popular.

Some companies cannot afford to pay in-house copyeditors, proofreaders, graphic designers, and other similar employees. When such jobs are available, employers will always outsource such experts’ services on a contract or freelance basis .

Proofreading is a task needed in almost every field. A publisher, songwriter, court reporter, blogger, copywriter, news anchor are all people who will need the services of a proofreader often. Therefore, as a proofreader, you cannot lack work at any given time. Moreover, there are too many no experience proofreading jobs online hiring now .


The number of professional and highly experienced proofreaders is very low. If you believe you are a highly skilled proofreader with exceptional expertise, then your services will always be in demand.

Proofreading is one of the best lucrative work from home careers where you can make a full-time income and even become a six-figure online millionaire. Check out the story and case study of a six-figure proofreader here . If this is a job that can make you a millionaire, why would it not be in high demand?

Proofreading apps and machines will never replace humans. Yes, people always use proofreading software like Grammarly . However, when it comes to serious content like search engine optimization content or ebooks, a human proofreader will always do a better job because they can make the piece match searcher intent more.

Page Contents


Some employers will require you to take a proofreading quiz to test your expertise before offering you a job. For instance, before you get a proofreading job at Cambridge, you must pass their Cambridge Proofreading Quiz .

Some employers will even require that you take an approved online course. They will demand that you submit a certificate of completion before review your application. For example, Transcript Proofreading: Theory and Practice e-course offered at Proofread Anywhere by Caitlin Pyle is one such recommended course you can take.

The advantage of taking Caitlin Pyle’s e-course is that she will first give you a FREE 76-minute Webinar , which will help you determine if you should pay for the course’s paid version.



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Writing contests, make money writing, hottest topics, test your proofreading skills: complete this exercise.

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Many proofreading exercises make the mistake of confronting the trainee proof reader with errors in abundance. Every other line contains a spelling error, grammatical gaffe, or stylistic slip-up. In reality, however, you’re unlikely to find more than two or three errors in any document, particularly if said document has been produced by professional page make-up artists or seasoned typesetters. These overloaded proofreading exercises give the nascent proof reader a false expectation when they launch their careers; when they don’t find themselves pinpointing ten to twenty errors per page, they think they must have missed something and self-doubt begins to set in.

So, the following piece of copy contains just three errors. As with any proofreading exercise, you may find the occasional grammatically suspect clause or a phrase that makes you a little queasy. However, it’s important to remember that your job as a proof reader is to find literal errors and eradicate any lack of clarity, not to indulge in hair-splitting over the occasional split infinitive or dangling modifier.

Allow yourself no more than 10 minutes to complete this exercise.

The Proofreading Exercise

Keep your pet safe from the dangers of heatstroke.

It is now, thankfully, a widely recognised fact that dogs left alone in cars can become the tragic victim of the kind of weather that normally has most of us rejoicing. According to recent evidence, when the external temperature is 72 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature within a car can rise to as much as 117 degrees Fahrenheit in just one hour. For this reason, all responsible dog owners plan ahead, to make sure wherever there going provides adequate provisions for their beloved pet.

However, the emphasis on the dangers presented by leaving dogs in cars has lulled many pet owners into a false sense of security when it comes to protecting their pet from the hazards of hot weather. There is now, unfortunately, a general consensus that our pets are safe in hot weather, just so long as they are not confined to a vehicle.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Whether or not your dog is in a car, they are vulnerable to heatstroke if they are unable to effectively cool down. Some dogs are more prone than others. For example,

• dogs with long hair, • thick-set and heavily muscled dogs • very young dogs • very old dogs.

Dogs who are suffering from a particular medical complaint or are receiving prescription medication may also be more at risk. However, it is a fact that all dogs can be potential victims of heatstroke. Luckily, there are a number of very simple things you can do to reduce the risk to you’re pet. Avoid taking your dog out in hot weather at all, if you can. Restrict their exercise time to the early morning or later in the evening, when it tends to be cooler.

If you do have to take your dog out in the heat, and you find you have to leave them in a single spot for any reason, make sure there is plenty of shade, and leave a large bowl of drinking water. Make sure the bowl has a heavy base, so that it is less likely to be accidentally spilled or knocked over entirely.

When out walking with your dog in hot weather, carry a large bottle of water with you. Periodically, you can give this water to your dog. Little and often is the key here, keeping dehydration well and truly at bay. Make sure your dog is well-groomed to remove surplus hair. You wouldn’t go out in the heat wearing an overcoat, would you?

If, for whatever reason, your dog has become exposed to excessive heat and you are concerned they may be suffering from heatstroke, here are the symptoms you need to be on the lookout for: abnormally heavy panting, excessive salivation, vividly red gums and tongue and, in very severe cases, diarrhoea and vomiting. If you encounter any of these symptoms you need to seek veterinary assistance immediately, whilst cooling your pet as much as possible with cool water (never use very cold water, as this may induce shock). But, as always, prevention is better then cure. Keep your pet out of the heat wherever possible.

The Proofreading Exercise: Solution

Did you spot out three howlers?

That’s right, the first mistake was in the opening paragraph. The sentence that reads, ‘For this reason, all responsible dog owners plan ahead, to make sure wherever there going provides adequate provisions for their beloved pet’, should read, ‘For this reason, all responsible dog owners plan ahead, to make sure wherever they’re going provides adequate provisions for their beloved pet’.

The second mistake is tucked away in the seventh paragraph. ‘Luckily, there are a number of very simple things you can do to reduce the risk to you’re pet’ should read ‘Luckily, there are a number of very simple things you can do to reduce the risk to your pet’.

And I’ve deliberately concealed the third error in the final paragraph. Were you beginning to think you’d missed it? ‘But, as always, prevention is better then cure. Keep your pet out of the heat wherever possible’ should, of course, read, ‘But, as always, prevention is better than  cure. Keep your pet out of the heat wherever possible’. If you successfully completed this proofreading exercise, congratulations! You may have what it takes to become a proof reader.

About the Author: Mike Sellars has been embroiled in the world of proofreading for more than two decades now. For the first five years of his working life he worked as a copywriter and proof reader for a number of advertising and marketing agencies. After that he typeset and proofread for the UK’s largest online retailer. In relatively short order, he was promoted, culminating in his appointment as Operations Manager, in which role he was responsible for hiring, developing and managing typesetters, page make-up artists and, of course, proof readers. He has distilled all this experience down into The No-Nonsense Proofreading Course . Available for just £7.99. Click here to find out more.

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Posted on Jan 08, 2021

The 8 Best Proofreading Courses for Editors and Writers

Knowing how to proofread is a critical skill in today’s media-saturated world. Even if you have no intention to become a proofreader, writing is a major part of our everyday lives. Of course, if you do want to be a proofreader or editor (or even a writer), learning how to perform a professional final check on a piece of text to ensure there are no errors or misspellings could make all the difference to your proofreading career. With that in mind, we’ve curated a list of the best proofreading courses available online. 

From in-depth programs to short overview courses available at various price points, there is bound to be something in this selection that is suited to your needs. 

For beginners and writers 

Maybe you’re a student who’s looking to secure those A*s or a freelance writer who just needs to make sure all your submissions are flawless . Maybe you’re considering proofreading as a career but do not have the time or money to invest in an extensive program. In other words, you’re probably looking for a shorter course that can give you an overview of the proofreading craft and get you running quickly.

If that’s the case, you may wish to consider the two courses below. They don’t go into specific details like collaborating on a digital document or managing the nitty-gritty of formatting a manuscript. Still, they do cover basic grammar mistakes and most major types of editing, and not just proofreading: enough to give you both a good introduction and the confidence to proofread your own texts.

Writing Editing Masterclass (Skillshare)  

🎯 Perfect for: someone looking for a course with low time commitment

💰 Cost: Lesson transcripts available for free. Sign up here . 

Writing Editing Masterclass Lessons

This proofreading course goes a little bit beyond just proofreading: the teacher (a professional writer and editor) provides an overview of writing structure, copyediting, and proofreading — all within three hours of lectures. If you’re signing up for a free 14-day trial of a premium Skillshare account, at the end of the program you get an optional test. For those hoping to learn the basics of proofreading but do not have a lot of time, this might be a suitable option for beginners as well as someone with some previous experience. 

How to Find & Correct Writing Errors (Udemy) 

🎯 Perfect for: self-editing writers

💰 Cost: $129.99. Sign up here .

Duncan Koerber — the instructor of this course — has experience working at newspapers and magazines. He’s also taught at university level and created content for several popular online editing courses, including this one on Udemy. It includes 19 lectures that you can watch in your own time, covering editing techniques and technical guidance regarding styles, spelling, and document formatting. So while it doesn’t provide a certificate, this Udemy course will equip you with the skills needed to proofread and spot mistakes in your own work without a hitch. 

Top tip: Udemy run occasional sales, so be sure to check their courses regularly!

For professional proofreaders and editors

Being a professional freelancer (as most proofreaders are) involves more than just the mastery of proofreading skills — it also means understanding the style used by each client, knowing how to market yourself, and managing your finances. Luckily, some courses cover these topics in addition to the hard skills of the trade, taught by experienced proofreaders themselves. Most of the ones we list below also offer completion certificates so you can verify your own expertise once you’ve ‘graduated’ and set yourself up for a successful proofreading career. 

To get more freelance tips and get insights from Reedsy professionals, follow us on LinkedIn .

Becoming a Proofreader (Knowadays) 

🎯 Perfect for: those who want a comprehensive understanding of proofreading

💰 Cost: $399 (you can also get a 7-day free trial). Sign up here . 

Knowadays Proofreading Course Description

Proofreading and Copyediting 101 (Universal Class)

🎯 Perfect for: aspiring proofreaders on a budget 

💰 Cost: $80. Sign up here .  

If you’re looking for something a bit less costly, check out Universal Class. Their assessment-based proofreading classes comes with 14 lessons, each with a test that quizzes your knowledge of the module that you have to pass to move on. Proofreading and copyediting are both covered, giving you a more diverse range of skills, AND you get a certificate upon completion ( always a plus when it comes to job hunting ). All this for the price of $80, which is quite a good bargain for eager and serious learners.   

Essential Proofreading: Editorial Skills One (The Publishing Training Center) 

🎯 Perfect for: those based in the UK and are willing to invest in detailed training 

💰 Cost: Roughly $550 (£405). Sign up here .

Logo of The Publishing Training Centre

If you’re ready to loosen your purse strings a little, you might want to check out The Publishing Training Center’s intensive proofreading course. Intended as a training program for professionals, it is assumed that students already have a good grasp of the english language, grammar and spelling included. Skipping past these basics, the syllabus instead focuses on the collaborative and technical elements of a proofreading job, explaining standard practices in the publishing business, and offering guidance in the form of a mentor. While the center is based in the UK, its knowledge through this program can be applied almost anywhere where English is the working language. 

Proofreading Camp (Scribendi and Inklyo) 

🎯 Perfect for: getting the expert, corporate take on what the industry looks for in proofreaders

💰 Cost: $199. Sign up here . 

Brought to you by the editors and managers at Scribendi, a service that employs many part-time editors, this boot camp program offers insight into what employers expect from a proofreader. From linguistic knowledge to digital competency, there is a lesson for every aspect of being a proofreader in this course. It’s in-depth, no doubt, and it requires a bit of time investment, but you’ll get a solid start to your career upon completing the program. 

Kickstart Your Freelance Editor & Proofreader Career on Upwork (Skillshare)

🎯 Perfect for: those who want to know about freelance work 

Skillshare Course on Freelance Proofreading on Upwork

Top tip: Don't stop at creating a strong profile, demonstrate your professionalism with a well-designed offer letter . 

Proofreading Power Basics (Udemy) 

🎯 Perfect for: learning about the technicalities of proofreading 

💰 Cost: $99.99. Sign up here . 

Understanding proofreading marks, choosing your approach to a document, noticing the little things like capitalization and numeration — these are some of the things you can expect from Proofreading Power Basics. As with many of these professional courses, make sure you come with a world-class understanding of grammar because there’s no talk of punctuation and homonyms here. As the name suggests, this is all about proofreading power and proficiency, and it’ll be suitable for learners looking to hone their professional skills and put it into practice right away. 

With these eight proofreading courses, you’ll have a good selection of choices regardless of your level of commitment, career goals, and budget. We hope you find the course that will bring you one step closer to being a successful freelancer.



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Those that want correct grammar can use Sapling to check grammar for free. The AI-powered writing assistant will act as a real-time instant proofreader, including for correcting punctuation such as missing commas. This is a tool to ensure that your communication is error-free and well-written. Sapling integrates with many platforms to ensure that you have a writing assistant at your disposal, whether you are working on an important email, presentation, or instant messaging support. We support all the internet platforms you write on: Gmail, LinkedIn, Salesforce, Zendesk, and hundreds of other sites.


  1. Can You Ace This Basic Proofreading Quiz?

    Take our quiz to test your basic proofreading knowledge and see if you can catch every single typo. See if you can get every question right and ace the entire quiz. And don't look for any of the answers online, so you can really step up to the challenge! Let us know how you did in the comments below.

  2. Top-Tier Proofreading Tests and Quizzes

    The site is a fantastic resource for proofreaders and copy editors as it teaches the rules for English grammar, punctuation, and usage. It includes 4 free tests and 52 free quizzes. Hundreds of additional quizzes are available with a paid subscription. Go to the Tests and Quizzes!

  3. How to Prepare for a Proofreading Test—Useful Study Hacks

    Check for consistent use of capitalization, punctuation, indentation, and citation style (if applicable). Misinterpretation of questions: Take the time to understand the questions or prompts. Time management: Keep track of time during the test to ensure you allocate enough time for proofreading.

  4. Free Online Proofreader

    The online proofreader. It's really straightforward. Just paste the text into the tool. All your errors will now be underlined in red. You can hover over these mistakes to see how they can be addressed. If you agree, just click on the button "Fix all errors," and your mistakes will be fixed instantly!

  5. 10 Best Proofreading Tests to Test Your Skills & Abilities

    These tests will help you identify proofreading areas that you need to improve. 5. Earn Smart Online Class. Earn Smart Online Class has a proofreading test that is an excellent way to improve your proofreading skills and see how keen your eyes are at picking out mistakes in writing.

  6. 10 Free Proofreading Tests (To Boost Your Editing Skills)

    The 10 Best Free Proofreading Tests Online: 1. Earn Smart Online Class. Earn Smart Online Class is an excellent platform for new proofreaders as it offers more than just proofreading tests. The website contains several tips for improving your proofreading skills. Although the proofreading test is short with a few multiple-choice questions, it ...

  7. Proofreading Tests

    The actual proofreading tests, writing tests, and grammar tests available from ProofreadingTests.com follow a rigorous, five part process that tests all facets of the written English language. Become acquainted with Editingtests.com's proofreading tests free of charge. Select from our catalogue of free sample tests, and find out firsthand how ...

  8. Free Grammar Checker

    Then Scribbr's AI-powered proofreading is perfect for you. With AI-powered proofreading, you can correct your text and get a free citation check: Upload document; ... Winner: In our test comparison, the Scribbr grammar checker found 19 out of 20 errors, putting it in first place.

  9. Take The Proofreading Test

    Read your writing out loud and silently. Print a copy of your work to proofread it on paper. Read it backward to spot any spelling mistakes. Look out for homonyms (words that share the same spelling and pronunciation). Double check contractions and apostrophes for common mistakes (like it's and its or there and their).

  10. Free Online Proofreader

    Free proofreading tool. With QuillBot, you have the best free proofreading tool in your pocket, on your browser, or in Word whenever you need it.. Writing is a lot of work, and doing it well means revising and revising again. For writers with high standards in every genre and field, online proofreading is an invaluable resource—a must-have.

  11. Free Online Proofreader

    Perfect your writing with ProWritingAid's proofreading tool. Try it now for polished, error-free text. Start typing, paste, or use. Sample Text. 0. Suggestions found. Your suggestions will show once you've entered some text. Get Started. — it's free.

  12. Proofreading Tips and Exercises

    UEfAP Exercises - these proofreading exercises cover prepositions, ergative verbs, word order, nouns, spelling, punctuation and more. SfEP: Self-Test in Proofreading - test your skills with this test from the Society for Editors and Proofreaders. Skills Practice: Find the Mistakes - this New York Times article lets you attempt to find errors in ...

  13. Free Essay and Paper Checker

    Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our plagiarism checker, AI Detector, Citation Generator, proofreading services, paraphrasing tool, grammar checker, summarizer, and free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers. We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for ...

  14. PaperRater: Free Online Proofreader with Grammar Check, Plagiarism

    Free Online Proofreading; Plagiarism Detection; No Downloads; Use Now FREE! ... Proofread your writing with PaperRater's free online grammar and plagiarism checkers. ... If you haven't put our service to the test, give it a try now and see what all the buzz is about. Use Now FREE! Premium;

  15. How to Prepare for a Proofreading Test (15 Practical Tips)

    1) Know the details to prepare for a proofreading test. 2) Develop a study plan you can stick to. 3) Brush up on weak areas. 4) Use reference books and online resources to study. 5) Become familiar with the indicated style guide (if needed). 6) Practice proofreading to hone your skills.

  16. 12 Free Proofreading Tests to Check Your Skills

    08. LoveToKnow. Who they are: LoveToKnow is an online media company that features news, content on parenting and family life, resources for pet owners, home and garden advice, and more. The test: The LoveToKnow site has a downloadable proofreading test, which features an email containing lots of errors.

  17. Proofreading Quizzes & Tests With Answers

    Proofreading Quizzes & Tests With Answers. How to become a proofreader…. Caitlin Pyle, the founder of Proofread Anywhere, went from broke to a $3000 income daily so quickly after she quit her 9-5 sucking job to build a 9-figure online business. And she is sharing her secrets on how she was able to attain her success in a FREE 76-minute ...

  18. Test Your Proofreading Skills: Complete This Exercise

    Test Your Proofreading Skills: Complete This Exercise. Many proofreading exercises make the mistake of confronting the trainee proof reader with errors in abundance. Every other line contains a spelling error, grammatical gaffe, or stylistic slip-up. In reality, however, you're unlikely to find more than two or three errors in any document ...

  19. The 8 Best Proofreading Courses for Editors and Writers

    Their assessment-based proofreading classes comes with 14 lessons, each with a test that quizzes your knowledge of the module that you have to pass to move on. Proofreading and copyediting are both covered, giving you a more diverse range of skills, AND you get a certificate upon completion (always a plus when it comes to job hunting). All this ...

  20. Free online proofreading and essay editor

    Relax, focus, write your next masterpiece... Writing presumes more than simply laying out words on a paper. Typely helps you get in the mood and keeps you focused, immersed and ready to write your story. Whether you need a distraction-free environment, some chill relaxing sounds or a pomodoro timer to manage your time we got you covered.

  21. Free Proofreading Checker Online

    We support all the internet platforms you write on: Gmail, LinkedIn, Salesforce, Zendesk, and hundreds of other sites. Sapling's free, AI-powered spelling and grammar checker for proofreading. Catches 60% more errors than other systems, including punctuation and rephrasing. Fast with a rich text editor. Use for blog content, essays, business ...

  22. 20 Ways to Make Money From Home Proofreading

    6. Scribendi. Scribendi is a proofreading and editing company based in Ontario, Canada. They offer both in-house and freelance opportunities. Freelancers must pass a screening test and complete an ...