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The Perpetual Page-Turner

The Perpetual Page-Turner

Book Recommendations and Book Lists For Adults And Kids

Is Book Of The Month Even Worth It??

February 28, 2020 - Updated July 18, 2021 // 30 Comments

The other day that glorious blue box arrived and, while the movie montage was playing of me embracing it, Will said AND I QUOTE, “Okay I’m just going to come out and say it…I don’t get it! WHAT IS BOOK OF THE MONTH anyways ? ? Couldn’t you just buy this book from the store? You already know what’s in that box anyways.” *record scratch* I was aghast. Absolutely aghast. How could he even question BOTM?? But then I thought, “well *I* really didn’t get it at one point in my life” so maybe others are wondering what it is and if Book of the Month is worth it? So, since I’ve never formally talked about it on here, I’ll give my official Book of the Month review and just talk about it and answer any questions.

I used to be really into other book subscription boxes — you know the ones with all the little fandom related things or bookish merchandise. And a lot of those times, though a couple times I got a book I might not have otherwise picked up and enjoyed, the book itself was something either I already had or I wasn’t interested in at all for various reasons.

And that was always a bummer, honestly. I realized that, when I was spending that much money, I didn’t really enjoy the surprise element of not knowing which book it was because I could have spent that money on a book I ACTUALLY wanted. Not to mention if I even liked the little gifts that came with it.

I came to realize that these type of book subscriptions boxes weren’t for me because 1) I wasn’t always happy with the surprise book element (I think it’s great if you don’t already own a ton of new books) and I was becoming overwhelmed by the little book merchandise things that came with it — so much of it wasn’t something I was REALLY into.

So I cancelled all my book subscriptions and just went about my merry way. Plus I was REALLY cutting down on my book spending.

[Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links which means that if you click on a link and purchase something I’ve talked about or recommended, I’ll receive a very small percentage of the sale. Please see my disclosure policy for more info.


And to be fair *I* didn’t “get it” right away either — for all the reasons my husband was thinking above. But now I faithfully have my trigger finger ready to refresh the website to get the new BOTM selections each month and am excited to open my box as if it WERE a surprise.

And now here I am with a subscription to both the regular Book of the Month club and the Book of the Month YA (soon to be no longer)  and always recommending this as one of the best gifts for book lovers !

My Honest Book Of The Month Club Review

Before we get into my thoughts and experience with Book of the Month club, you might be thinking, “okay what is BOTM even?” so I want to address that first and explain how it works in case you are already lost.

What is Book Of The Month?

Book of the Month is a US-based monthly book subscription club in which you choose from a selection of 5 newly released/soon to be released (hardcover) books handpicked and curated by the Book of the Month judges for you to choose from each month.

There is Book Of The Month (mostly adult fiction and non-fiction picks of all genres) and then the newer offshoot  Book Of The Month YA club which features young adult/teen selections (again 5 selections each month). EDIT: It appears that after March 2020 BOTM YA will be no longer and it will be all rolled under the same membership over at the core BOTM site. Will keep y’all updated. 

Fun fact I learned about it recently: it was founded in 1926 (and Ernest Hemingway was one of the inaugural authors picked!). I think this is cool that the business model clearly has adapted and shifted into what it has been since it relaunched in this iteration in 2015.

How Does Book Of The Month Work?

reviews book of the month club

Each month you will get a choice of the 5 books on the website for the new month. It gives a “quick take” sentence about the book but if you click on the title of the book it will give you a full synopsis but also some quick little “good to know” bits about the book from it being emotional to any content warnings to knowing that it’s a good book for x, y, z. It also gives the little blurb by the judge who chose it about why they did.

You’ll pick your selection, using your monthly credit, and add it to your box. If you don’t like any that you see and want to save your credit, you can skip that month’s box — no problem! You aren’t charged and that credit will just rollover to the next month. It’s really easy, if you are wondering how to skip Book of the Month, you literally just click the button to skip the month. No hassle, super easy.

If you decided to pick a selection that month you ALSO have the option to pick up to 2 add-on books — previous selections from other months/years and also you can add-on this month’s current pick if you just can’t choose 1 from this month.

Once you finalize your box (if you don’t skip) it’s processed to ship within a few days (at least that has been my experience).

How Much Does Book Of The Month Cost?

So, maybe you are like “okay, Jamie, that sounds fun and all but what’s the cost?”

  • The monthly membership cost: your first book for $9.99 and then you pay $14.99 each month after that.
  • The yearly membership: you pay $149.99 for 12 credits in your account which makes it end up being $12.50 a book — a good option if you can afford that cost upfront.
  • The add-ons , if you want them, are $9.99 each.

There is also a 3, 6, or 12 month gift subscription if you wanted to gift it or put it on YOUR wishlist. Book of the Month is seriously a great gift idea.

What I Like About Book Of The Month

reviews book of the month club

  • I’ll be honest — I love the fact that for $14.99 (or $9.99 for the add-on!!) I’m getting a brand new hardcover for WAY cheaper than if I bought it myself from elsewhere. I’m practical if not anything haha
  • I like the fun book mail! It’s so nice to get something other than bills and mine always has come very quickly! And, like I said before, it’s nice to be part of a book subscription box that is more minimal and no surprise.
  • I love the selections — I’ve got to say I’ve rarely skipped each month because I’m always really into the picks. They curate the selections so well and are really at the pulse of what’s new and fantastic. You also start to learn what judges picks you like and can trust. And as much as I’m always excited that some of my anticipated books are on there I ALSO have discovered some books that weren’t on my radar.
  • I love the community of fellow BOTM club subscribers as well all try to decide what our picks are going to be and see what everyone else picks. PLUS when we try to guess the next month’s picks. There’s some communities on FB where you can swap titles with other BOTM members if you aren’t big on keeping books after you read them.

What I Don’t Like About Book Of The Month

  • Honestly I don’t LOVE is the Book of the Month logo on the cover. Like it holds no significance for ME personally but they do all look all nice together sitting on your shelf. I just am not all about any sort of “sticker” (sorry Reese that means you too!) that goes on my book but, for me, it’s a small price to pay for a cheaper book.
  • They have grown with adding more diversity in their lineup but could use some work still
  • I also don’t like that, for my international friends, that it’s US only.

Is Book Of The Month Worth It?

I personally find it worth it for me! I’m not one who buys a ton of new books these days –I love my library and I’m real picky about what I own (AND ALSO BROKE) — but THIS is my treat to myself. I justify it by the fact it’s cheaper too haha.

I think BOTM will be worth it for you if:

  • you like the idea of subscription boxes but don’t like surprise books & don’t want all the little book merch that go with other boxes.
  • you are so sick of trying to figure out what you want to read/researching new books and just want to narrow down some selections with some vetted & carefully picked books.
  • you like to stay up on newer releases and want to save money on some of the newest and hottest releases (seriously it’s several dollars cheaper than most retail places for brand new hardcovers). Some of these books are early releases too — a month before they even get released which is nice!
  • you rarely buy books but want to treat yourself once a month (or less if you need with the skip option — you could do like every other).
  • if you like staying up on new releases but get sick of always waiting forever for them from the library. This is HUGE for me. I save all the older books I want to read for the library but sometimes I don’t want to wait 6 months so my monthly BOTM helps me tackle some of my most anticipated books while I wait for others.
  • you want to get back into reading and this would give you some accountability to do that. Even if you can’t get through one book a month you can skip every other.
  • you are a book buying addict and you want to continue that habit (haha kidding….sort of). But at least it’s cheaper right??

If you think it might be for you, check out your first box for only $9.99 !

So those are my honest thoughts on this monthly book subscription box — hope you found my Book of the Month review helpful. I love my monthly treat to myself and NOW Will is also educated as to WHY I love getting it and him, being the sensible man he is, likes that I’m getting books for cheaper. Even if he’s probably wondering why I need to buy books at all between all my library books and review copies but shhhh we don’t need to tackle THAT.

Do you have BOTM? Are there any other book subscription books you enjoy getting? Also if you have any questions about BOTM I’m ALWAYS happy to answer.

Is Book Of the Month Club Really worth it for readers (text bubble plus photo of books)

P.S. Check out my honest thoughts on if Kindle Unlimited is worth it plus a review of LibroFM audiobook service.

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About Jamie

Jamie is a 32 year old married lady (with a new baby!!) who is in denial that she's actually that old to be a married lady and a mom. When she's not reading you can find her doing Pilates followed by eating ice cream, belting out Hamilton (loud and offkey) and having adventures with her husband, daughter and rescue dog.

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Erica Metcalf says

February 29, 2020 at 5:47 pm

I LOVE BOTM! I was subscribed for a few years through my family gifting me the subscriptions. I was so bummed to cancel the plan once we really buckled down to buy a house. I’d love to join up again soon!

March 1, 2020 at 10:34 am

YES that’s why I resisted for so long bc $$$$ but I finally decided well this will be like my one book treat per month AND if I REALLY don’t have the money I’m fine skipping. Good luck with the saving for a house!! I know we are going to be doing that soon so I think I will be skipping a lot more which SUCKS but A HOUSE haha

Karlijn says

March 1, 2020 at 1:21 pm

It sounds so good! I wish they shipped to Europe one day soon. X

March 3, 2020 at 12:28 pm

*fingers crossed*

Jenna @ Falling Letters says

March 1, 2020 at 7:10 pm

I live outside of the States so couldn’t subscribe even if I wanted to, but I am always curious to read opinions on book box subscriptions. Thanks for explaining how this one works and sharing your pros and cons!

March 3, 2020 at 12:30 pm

You are welcome! Sometimes I just assume everybody knows how everything like this works so I figured I’d lay it out how it works and what *I* think about it because I always like knowing too! It’s currently the only one I’m subscribed to because I got burnt out on other ones for the reasons I said. Oh and I technically subscribe Riley to some kid ones on and off haha

Rivalie @ Small Stained Pages says

March 2, 2020 at 8:16 am

I subscribed sometime last year and have been loving it – I’m a little confused about the whole BOTM YA switch but hopefully, that’ll be more clear once the next month rolls around. I am super excited for The Kingdom of Back which I picked out for March!

March 3, 2020 at 12:32 pm

Yes I’m hoping they will be more clear. My phone call with them made me feel like they weren’t sure haha. I am THINKING maybe they will just have more YA picks? But I’m worried it will just be ONE pick. Hoping we at least can add others as add-ons or something. It helped me stay up on new YA books because I’ve been so into adult more these days. And YES I picked The Kingdom of Back too! DYING for it to get here because I love Marie so much!

Lindsi says

March 8, 2020 at 4:12 pm

I’ve been on the fence about BOTM, but I’m REALLY trying to read what I already have before signing up for something else. I used to do FairyLoot, but started getting waaay too much stuff I didn’t want, and the books were often a bust. I’ll keep this one in mind once I’ve cleaned my shelves up a bit. Thanks for sharing this post!

Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

Paula Reid says

March 20, 2020 at 11:46 am

I subscribed to BOMC YA in December and also signed up my 14 year old goddaughter for a year as her Christmas present — she was thrilled! We’ve each been picking a different book, reading it and trading so we each to get to read 2 of the books each month. Now that they are discontinuing the YA, my concern is that there won’t be appropriate choices for her. Do you have thoughts on this?

March 20, 2020 at 1:54 pm

Oh what a wonderful gift and I LOVE that you guys swapped! I’m so bummed they are discontinuing the YA too. When I spoke to someone on the phone they said there will still be YA picks but I’m not sure the extent of that. It seemed like they weren’t really sure honestly. I’m hoping there will still be a good amount of YA. I saw you could add on a bunch of YA from the adult book of the month. but that doesn’t help if there aren’t great options of YA to pick from in the lineup. Fingers crossed they can figure out a way to serve the YA readers too!

May 3, 2020 at 2:16 pm

I have a question. If I do not want any of the five featured books, is there a way to choose an earlier book? It appears that I would have to select one of the monthly five before making any other picks. Is that correct?

May 6, 2020 at 3:18 pm

No unfortunately you can’t! That happened to me this month — I wanted 2 of the add-ons more than I wanted the selection of 5 (which is rare for me). But yeah you need to pick one of the month’s books and then you can add-on. Normally it’s not a problem but oh man I wanted Big Summer and Untamed real badly as add-ons.

May 6, 2020 at 3:50 pm

Well, maybe next month we’ll have more luck.

Elizabeth says

May 6, 2020 at 11:37 pm

Hi! I found this article when researching BOTM to see if I wanted to start a subscription. I got all the way through signing up and building a cart … and I was able to pick an April book for my “‘monthly” book plus an add-on that was also from an earlier month. So I did not have to pick a “May” book. Not sure if that is because it would be my first order? Just FYI.

Jill Smith says

March 3, 2021 at 2:33 pm

I have been a member for 6 months and have liked only 1 book. 6 months in, still have 11 credits. Not happy with the monthly selections. So far a waste of money.

April 22, 2021 at 9:35 am

What kind of books do you typically like to read? I feel like definitely for some people it might not have enough of certain genres to pique their interest. Whereas I barely ever skip (I can count 1 or 2 times) in almost 2 years. I always caution people, before signing up, to really take a look their past selections to see if they are genres/books they are interested because I could definitely see it not being a good fit for some reader depending on how you align with the types of books they pick! if you ever need help with the picks to use up those credits, happy to give you recommendations if I know what you like/don’t like!

Marilyn Janelle says

May 6, 2020 at 2:38 pm

Got a subscription for my birthday as a gift. Cancelled the next day. They do not carry my favorite authors, they do not carry audiobooks, and many selections were out of stock. I also buy tons of books at our town and other towns book fairs for $2.00 ( hardcovers! )! Not a whole lot of selections. I love books, but was extremely disappointed in this book club. And, by the way, they never responded to my emails asking for some clarification on books and choices. And, the day after I got the gift, ( yes, one day!) I was told by email I had until 8 o’clock in the evening to make a book selection or pass for the month. My daughter cancelled the subscription and I am hoping she got a full refund. Not worth the money!

May 6, 2020 at 3:27 pm

Are we talking about the same thing — book of the month? Just trying to clarify because I’m confused by some things in yoru comments. With this subscription, they pick 5 books every month to choose from (and then there are books to add-on for cheap). This isn’t a store or anything. If we are talking about the same thing, I’m sorry that it didn’t work out for you. I typically tell people who are wondering about it to take a look at their past selections to see if they pick out the type of books you like to read to make sure it will be worth it. For me, they pick lots of stuff I read and lots of favorite authors. Is there a type of book you like or who are some of your fave authors? Maybe there’s another subscription out there that has more of your taste of books? And with Book of the month each month you only have to the 20th to pick the selections (you don’t get charged for the month if you pass) so you might have just gotten your gift when that selection time was up and you would have been able to use it for the next month which is announced at the end of the month. I’m sorry you didn’t get a response — any time I’ve dealt with customer service (on the phone and email) they have been so quick and helpful — thought it wasn’t during a pandemic so I’m not sure how the customer service is at the moment. Hope that was helpful! Again, if we are talking about the same book of the month club, I’m sorry it wasn’t what you hoped!

Sheryl says

May 29, 2020 at 2:15 am

Hi! I’m considering BOTM. Are the books the same quality and size hard covers you would buy in the store? Do they routinely have historical fiction options?

MeaganC says

June 18, 2020 at 3:19 pm

When do the next month’s selections get announced? I joined at the end of May and am wondering when the July options will be listed.

June 23, 2020 at 2:12 pm

Typically a few days before the end of the month!

August 6, 2020 at 3:25 pm

I have a couple questions: If for example I want to skip to months in a row would that be allowed? And if I skip a month can I use my book credit for an add-on or do I have to use it for a monthly book choice?

April 22, 2021 at 9:42 am

Yes you can skip several months in a row. I have never but I have friends who have! And yes you can use your credit for an add-on if you have some saved up but you can’t get the add-ons unless you pick one of the main selections. So if you have 3 credits from months you skipped then you can use one for a a main pick and the two for add-ons. I wish they would just let you use them all on add-ons or past books honestly if you don’t love the selections that month but still have ones you want.

November 13, 2020 at 8:28 am

I was gifted a BOTM and have not enjoyef it at all. The selection are not to my taste. Books are trashy or too “trendy”. Prefer books with some substance. All of these can be found at library. Would not recommend or renew subscription.

January 16, 2021 at 1:47 pm

I have been a BOTM subscriber on and off for years. To the point of the logo on the top right of ever book, I feel it sets the book apart along with month and year on the back cover it gives it more value. 💖 The heft is perfect for holding and the print is excellent . I have had to revert to looking at the print before purchasing a book but with BOTM it is consistent.

April 22, 2021 at 9:27 am

A question: I’m an absent-minded person, so do you get any kind of reminder each month, like an email to remind you to check the selection list? If there’s no reminder, then I won’t join because I know I’ll be getting books I didn’t want. Also, if a book ships and I don’t want it (as in forgot to check before it shipped) can it be sent back? The website is incredibly vague about how this works, so I don’t know that I trust that it’s as “easy” and “hassle-free” as they claim it is.

April 22, 2021 at 9:31 am

YES! I typically am stalking the website day of but I have a second email I signed up with and I get several emails reminding me — the first one is always like “Oh April’s books are up!” and then if you don’t pick one through the month you will get them.

And I’ve either picked a book or skipped for the month so I’m not sure exactly but what I BELIEVE is that it doesn’t just auto pick it for you. I think it would just skip you to be honest. But again, that is just what I am gathering but I haven’t ever forgotten to do it. That IS a good question and I highly recommend contacting their customer service because they have always been SO helpful when I’ve asked questions.

Donna Foster says

November 8, 2022 at 4:42 pm

I have been a member since 2020. I always look forward to seeing what books are picked each month. Sometimes I want the add ons more than the selected ones. I was in another book club where they selected books for me. I was disappointed in most of their choices. Haven’t wanted to read many of them. I canceled my membership there. Happy with BOTM!

November 8, 2023 at 9:13 am

This has been very helpful! I couldn’t find the cost on the BOMC website. Thank you!

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Table of Contents

About Book Of The Month

Book Of The Month Review

What if the best up and coming books were delivered right to your door every single month? If this sounds like a total dream come true then you’re in the right place. Check out this Book Of The Month review to learn about this subscription service that offers you five fresh books every month at discounted prices.

Known for giving their readers early looks at the most exciting reads, like the critically acclaimed Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng, Book Of The Month has also been featured in Forbes , NBC News , and Business Insider . This book subscription box has also accumulated a strong social media following with over 1.2 million followers on Instagram. 

Ready to find your next true love in book form? This Book Of The Month review will take an in-depth look at the brand, including its services, products, customer ratings, promotions, and more, to help you decide if their products are really worth the buy. 

Overview of Book Of The Month

Book Of The Month Review

Book Of The Month was founded in 1926, but things obviously looked much different for the brand back then. The company has learned to keep up with modern times from its HQ in NYC.

In 2015, Book Of The Month relaunched as a monthly subscription box with a new focus: to provide millennials with fresh and exciting reads from emerging authors . 

Now that we’ve revealed how this subscription service came to be, let’s keep this Book of The Month review moving forward. First, we’ll take a look at the advantages of becoming a BOTM club member. 

  • You get to pick from five fresh and exciting books every single month
  • Membership can be canceled at any time 
  • Discounted prices on books 
  • Free shipping for all members 
  • You can skip months if none of the books appeal to your taste 
  • You can add to your monthly book box 
  • BOTM BFF members get lots of exclusive savings and free gifts 
  • Members are offered “early looks” at new novels 

Book Of The Month Review

Do you have your bookmark ready? Because you may want to stick a wedge in all the great titles we’re about to go through in this Book of the Month review. And all of these awesome reads are available on the Book Of The Month website! 

Book Of The Month Club Review

The Book Of The Month club has been offering individuals the most acclaimed fiction and non-fiction book options for nearly 100 years. Every month there are five new options to choose from, and you can even add on to that if your heart desires to just keep reading! Let’s take a look at some of their best-sellers. 

Book Of The Month The Love Hypothesis Review

Book Of The Month The Love Hypothesis Review

Do you absolutely swoon over a sweet love story that starts out shifty, but turns out to be very real by the end? Then we have just the book for you. If you add a nice splash of science to a quirky love story you get the Book Of The Month The Love Hypothesis . 

Written by Ali Hazelwood, The Love Hypothesis is a light-hearted romance about Ph.D. biology student, Olive, who’s never really had time for dating due to her career pursuits in the world of science. 

After she kisses a nearby stranger who happens to be a professor, they decide that having a fake relationship would help solve some issues in both of their lives. But, life and love are never quite that simple, are they? To see what happens next, you’ll have to read the book.

The Book Of The Month The Love Hypothesis can be yours for $10 if you sign up for a membership. 

Book Of The Month Everything We Didn’t Say Review

Book Of The Month Everything We Didn't Say Review

Are you someone that will purposefully miss out on sleep at night just to devour a really good thriller? If this is you then you need Book Of The Month Everything We Didn’t Say . 

Written by Nicole Baart, Book Of The Month club members are actually getting their hands on this book earlier than the general public, so that’s super exciting. 

So, if you’re someone that loves a good murder mystery thriller that also features some intense family drama, this book is for you! 

Book Of The Month Everything We Didn’t Say is $10 for members if it’s your first book club pick or $16 otherwise. 

Book Of The Month The Four Winds Review

Book Of The Month The Four Winds Review

There’s nothing quite like a thick book that will inspire you to get reading, and the Book Of The Month The Four Winds is exactly that. 

Written by Kristin Hannah and dubbed with the prestigious title of “book of the year,” this piece of historical fiction takes place in the depression era in 1934 Texas. You’re met with the rundown, but forever pushing through, Elsa Martinelli, who’s trying to make a major decision about her family’s future as they toy with the idea of moving to California for a better life. 

This book takes place over 20 years, and you’ll feel as if you’re with Martinelli every step of the way. 

Book Of The Month The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah is $10 for first timers, or $16 for longtime members. 

Book Of The Month Dark Matter Review

Book Of The Month Dark Matter Review

There’s definitely something to be said about books that take you into whole different worlds, and you start to feel like you’re fully immersed in something you’ve never experienced before. Book Of The Month Dark Matter by Blake Crouch is one of those books. 

This sci-fi thriller allows the reader to take a journey with the protagonist, Jason Dessen, a middle-aged family man after he’s captured and taken to a strange world. He must fight his way back to his family in this new multiverse as he remembers the things in his life that are most important to him. 

The Book Of The Month Dark Matter by Blake Crouch is $10 if it’s your first book in your initial BOTM box, otherwise it’s $16 . 

Book Of The Month Ariadne Review

Book Of The Month Ariadne Review

How do you feel about dazzling retellings of Greek mythology that fully immerse you in that intoxicating but often dangerous world? The Book Of The Month Ariadne by Jennifer Smart will bring you the exciting story of the Princess of Crete. 

In this retelling, you’re taken with Ariadne and her sister Phaedra to their small world where they’ve been trapped by their powerful father. When the girls have a chance to escape at the hands of the Prince of Athens, things become a lot more complicated for Ariadne as she discovers what the fates have in store for her. 

The Book Of The Month Ariadne by Jennifer Smart is $16 in your monthly subscription box. 

Book Of The Month Not a Happy Family Review

Book Of The Month Not a Happy Family Review

Are you someone that only has 20 – 30 minutes each night to read and you need a solid page turner to really sink your teeth into? The Book Of The Month Not A Happy Family is exactly that kind of fast-paced thriller. 

Shari Lapena is known for creating these tightly woven suburban worlds where someone usually winds up dead and “everyone has a secret.”  

Not a Happy Family sticks to Lapena’s tried and true formula of taking you into the mysterious world of three well-off siblings who are set to inherit millions after their wealthy parents are horrifically murdered. 

Can you figure out who killed Fred and Sheila Merton? Book Of The Month Not a Happy Family by Shari Lapena is $16 , or $10 for first time subscribers. 

Who Is Book Of The Month For? 

Book Of The Month Review

The service makes a lot of sense for those that love to read, or even collect books. And it’s a perfect choice for those who are constantly seeking great titles from a variety of genres and authors. If this sounds like you, our Book of The Month review thinks you’ll likely be very happy.

The Book Of The Month Club is superb if you’re someone that doesn’t have a lot of extra time for bookstore browsing, and wants their potential book picks made clear and easy for them. Plus, if you’re someone that’s constantly racking up their credit card with expensive book charges, BOTM is a great way to save as well. 

How Does Book Of The Month Work? 

Book Of The Month Review

Book Of The Month is a great way for avid readers to save money on books by amazing writers. And your subscription box comes in a conveniently delivered package that arrives once a month. 

This is how it works: the Book Of The Month club features five noteworthy and exciting reads. If one or two stand out to you, you can pick and choose which ones you truly fancy, or you can order them all at discount prices! Your first book in your first month is $10, and then it costs $16 for any other books in your subscription box. 

Book Of The Month gives exclusive early releases, and they’ve put together a team of people that love to read and choose the best book options available. With the Book Of The Month club, you may find yourself reading even more than you did before.

Plus, you’re under no obligation to keep buying every month. You can skip a month or two if you’re too busy, or if you don’t quite love the titles available. And all Book Of The Month memberships can be canceled at any time, along with the monthly fee costing $15 per month. 

Book Of The Month Reviews: What Do Customers Think?

Book Of The Month Review

This Book Of The Month review wouldn’t be complete unless we checked out what the readers and book enthusiasts themselves have to say about this subscription service. 

A lot of the Book Of The Month reviews from customers note how they love the variety they’re given with the five picks every month. There’s a little something for everyone—whether it be romance, sci-fi, thrillers, mystery, or another genre . 

On the brand’s Instagram page, a customer left a Book Of The Month review discussing their book pick for the month of November. 

“A Little Hope is my November Book of the Month selection. The description sounds a bit heavy, but also seems like one of those impactful stories that stays with you. I’m sure it’s a story we could all use right now in this season.”

For those long-term subscribers , there are lots of really great perks to be acquired with the Book Of The Month club. After 12 purchases you can become a BOTM BFF, and get free gifts and exclusive savings. 

One customer left a Book Of The Month review on Influenster discussing their love of all these perks. 

“I’ve been a subscriber to Book of the Month since 2016, and it’s legit my favorite mail I get every month. My favorite feature is BOTM BFF. Once you’ve purchased 12 books from the program, you become a BFF where you get an awesome tote with a book pocket. And when you’re a BFF, you get at least two free books a year.”

Another thing that a lot of Book Of The Month reviews note is how they’re able to discover fresh voices and new authors that they may not have otherwise come across. 

A customer left a 5/5 star Book Of The Month review on TrustPilot commenting on how this monthly book subscription really opened up her reading world, and introduced her to new and exciting books . 

“Highly recommend!! This is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’ve been a member for five years now and I just love everything about this service. It’s so cost effective and I’ve been exposed to so many books that I would have missed out on.”

One thing to note: there are a few Book Of The Month reviews from customers that have noted the difficulty they experienced when trying to cancel or pause their memberships. So, that’s something to keep in mind. 

Other than that though, the Book Of The Month reviews from customers are steadily positive. Avid readers love the vast selection of new titles, and enjoy being able to pick and choose which ones really quicken their pulse in a way that only a really good book can. Plus, having your books show up at your doorstep in a cute little box every month sounds like quite a thrill! 

Is Book Of The Month Worth It?

Book Of The Month Review

Are you someone that browses your local bookstore and can’t make a decision about which new book to pick up? Then maybe you need some help. Book Of The Month is a great monthly subscription service that provides you with five new titles, and you get to pick the books that fit your reading tastes . 

Looking at all of the positive Book Of The Month reviews from happy customers, along with how BOTM club often breaks out new and exciting voices, this service has a lot to offer. And if you love to read and want the latest books brought straight to your door, it’s likely for you! So, of course, our Book of The Month review thinks this monthly subscription box is worth it .

Book Of The Month Promotions & Discounts 

Book Of The Month Review

There are a few different ways to score some extra savings on the Book Of The Month website. 

  • For those that are just signing up for their first monthly box, you can use the code LETSGO at checkout to get your first book for only $10  
  • If you sign up to the Book Of The Month club and are a longtime member, you’ll become a BOTM BFF and get extra perks like tote bags, other free gifts, and exclusive savings 
  • And for those that are looking to give a Book Of The Month gift to someone, there are lots of exclusive gift plans available 

Where to Buy Book Of The Month

Book Of The Month Review

Looking to get your Book Of The Month picks? You can shop exclusively from their website: bookofthemonth.com . There’s also an app that’s available to make your monthly subscription box orders on both Apple and Android devices. 

Book Of The Month Review

Who owns Book Of The Month?

Book Of The Month was founded nearly 100 years ago in 1926. In 2015, the majority of Book Of The Month was acquired by John Lippman, as he planned to relaunch the brand as a monthly book subscription service. 

Does Book Of The Month ship internationally?

Currently, Book Of The Month does not ship internationally, unless they’re shipping to an APO/FPO box for military personnel. 

What is Book Of The Month’s Shipping Policy?

Book Of The Month is proud to offer every member free shipping on all monthly box shipments. They also offer delivery across the United States, and they ship to APO/FPO boxes overseas for those enlisted in the military. 

What is Book Of The Month’s Return Policy?

Due to the nature of the Book Of The Month monthly subscription service, returns are only eligible within 30 days of shipment for defective or damaged books. 

If you need to inquire about replacing a damaged book that you received as part of your order, simply reach out to the Book Of The Month team via their toll-free number. 

If the replacement book isn’t available, you’ll be offered a free month off your membership, or a book credit. 

Please note that no refunds will be issued for damaged books. 

How to Contact Book Of The Month

Have a question for the Book Of The Month team? There are a few ways to get in touch. 

  • You can fill out the contact form on their website, and someone from their team will get back to you shortly 
  • You can email them at [email protected]
  • You can also reach them by phone at 1-888-784-2670

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Book of the Month club once popularized classics like 'Gone With the Wind' and 'The Catcher in the Rye.' Now, it's a subscription service that sends a buzzy new book to your door every month.

When you buy through our links, Business Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

  • Book of the Month sends you a new hardcover book each month for $16.
  • It's one of our all-time favorite subscription boxes. Browse Book of the Month's top books here .
  • Get your first book for $10 with the code "COZY" at checkout.

Insider Today

Whether you love hardcover books or are just in charge of buying a gift for the bookworm in your life , we recommend Book of the Month , a book subscription service that lets you pick one of five expert-selected books to be sent to your home each month.

reviews book of the month club

Gift a Book of the Month membership

In our experience, Book of the Month is one of the best subscriptions we've tried. The book selections are compelling and contemporary, BOTM does all the research and vetting, and the price — $15.99 for a shipped hardcover book — is often cheaper than buying the same book in-store. 

Keep reading to learn more about how Book of the Month works, its subscription options, and the types of books offered:

What it's like to use book of the month:, book of the month; alyssa powell/insider.

Each month, Book of the Month's judges choose five new, recently published books, and you get a message prompting you to pick the book you want to be mailed to your home. If none of the books speak to you, or you just want a break, you can also skip that month.

If you want more than one book in a month (say, you're giving someone a gift this month or heading on a trip), you can also add books to your order and can choose from the current month's selections or past picks. 

The best part is you can do everything on the Book of the Month app : In 2015, the company relaunched in an effort to cater to a more digital audience. On it, you can find new monthly book selections and manage your membership, including picking a book, skipping the month, and participating in a reading challenge.

How much Book of the Month costs:

You can pay by month or gift a three-month, six-month, or 12-month subscription. (All of the memberships automatically renew, but you can cancel yours anytime). The first month's book is $9.99 with the code "COZY" at checkout — after that, you pay $15.99 per month, with no additional shipping costs.

If you forget to skip a month and don't choose a book, your payment will be saved as credit for the next month. And if you're not intrigued by the month's book recommendations, you can also pick from past selections .

What kinds of books you can expect to find on Book of the Month:

Book of the Month has a great, 95-year-long track record for picking bestsellers before they're popular. The company was founded in 1926  and has a long history of helping avid readers find the best books of their time before they're widely known. In its earlier years, it selected now-classics such as " The Sun Also Rises " by Ernest Hemingway, " Gone with the Wind " by Margaret Mitchell, and " The Catcher in the Rye " by J.D. Salinger.

To find its five monthly picks, BOTM sifts through thousands of books sent by publishers to find the best ones. In the past, it's also involved celebrity guest judges who are passionate about books, such as Anthony Bourdain and Arianna Huffington, to help make selections.

Book of the Month also makes it easy to narrow your search: You can filter by theme (like historical fiction or legal thriller) as well as browse its top books of all time and members' most popular reads in one place. 

And if you still feel overwhelmed by the abundance of choice, BOTM readers vote on their favorite books of the year, which become finalists for its Book of the Year award. You can find the 2021 Book of the Month finalists here as well as shop past finalists and winners here . 

reviews book of the month club

The bottom line:

If you're thinking of trying out Book of the Month, we say go for it — $10 for your first hardcover is worth it if you like the selection, and a book subscription box makes a great gift if you're thinking of getting it for someone else.

Plus, we think receiving a beautiful hardcover in the mail regularly actually made us more engaged readers. It's hard not to crack it open when it's right in front of you, and hard not to keep going when the next great read is around the corner. 

If you're looking for reading suggestions when you sign up, we credit Book of the Month with turning us on to a slew of propulsive page-turners like " Circe ," " The Heart's Invisible Furies ," " The Woman in the Window ," " The Four Winds ," and " Normal People " among them. 

Check out Book of the Month's best new books here.

reviews book of the month club

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Book of the Month (BoTM) Review: Pros, Cons and A Cautionary Tale

Book of the Month Club , Pros, Cons and A Cautionary Tale. If you love books, you may have seen their ads or someone on Instagram hawking their books.

So, I tried out a Book of the Month subscription a while back, and thought I’d share my cautionary experience. I’ve seen other reviews of it around, but BoTM has a referral program (i.e. the “reviewer”/affiliate earns money when you subscribe) so please take those with a grain of salt .

I’m not a BoTM affiliate and I have no intention of becoming one.

Book of the Month Pros – Easy to use – Shipped on time

Book of the Month Cons – Poor Quality Books – No Returns / Refunds (unless damaged/defective) – Must log in each month or be charged (no refunds if you forget) – YA-focused Book Titles (may be a pro or con for you) – Bad Business Practices – Charged my credit card without consent (see below)

Book of the Month: The Good Stuff

Ease of Use

So, on the plus side, their website is easy to use . It’s easy to choose your books, and the whole process of ordering is pretty simple.

Shipped On Time

In terms of the shipping, they shipped on-time . I received all my shipments in the time-frame that was promised. It comes in a blue BoTM box, and my books were packaged properly so they were not damaged in shipping.

Book of the Month: The Bad Stuff

Poor Quality Books

Initially, my biggest issue was the poor quality of the books . (Later, I had other issues with them, as you can see below.)

Both the cover and paper are much lower quality materials than are used in general retail books. The covers are cheap materials, usually prone to bending, lack details like embossing or gloss, etc. (It’s like the difference between a trade paperback vs. mass market paperback, except with hardback books.)

The books they sell also have their logo on them, which I don’t love.

The poor quality of the books and the logo means that if any of the books ever becomes a “classic” then your first edition is worthless . As long as I’m buying new books, I prefer to get ones with potential additional value someday.

No Refunds / Returns

Note that Book of the Month does not allow returns or refunds (unless books are damaged or defective) of either credits or books.

For credits, that means that if you have credits in your account, but you don’t like any of the titles, their policy is not to give you your money back. Once you hand them your cash, it’s theirs. (Same rule applies even if you cancel your account.)

Unfriendly Policies

Another issue is that they changed their subscription policy to a less customer-friendly one at one point. Before, it would automatically skip months if you didn’t log in.

Now, they will automatically buy more credits for you if you don’t log in . There’s no way to opt out of this other than to either a) cancel your account or b) log in every month to manually skip . I assume this change was made so they can profit off customers who don’t want to spend their time actively managing their BoTM account.

And as mentioned above, if you forget to log in and end up with too many credits, you can’t get your money back. If you cancel your account, you also lose your credits.

YA-focused Book Selection

This may be a plus or minus depending on your tastes. Their books often have a YA-slant to them, so if you are looking for non-YA titles, you may be waiting awhile to use your credits. And remember that they will automatically bill you for additional credits every month if you don’t log in to manually skip each month .

Poor Business Practices and Fraudulent Credit Card Charges

Finally, my problem with BoTM is their poor business practices. I had an issue with them regarding fraudulent credit card charges (see below), though perhaps your mileage will differ.

My Experience: Fraudulent Credit Card Charges

So, here’s what happened with me. When I signed up, the way BoTM worked was that you bought a certain number of “credits” for books at a time. Simple.

I bought a handful of credits many years ago, but I didn’t like the quality of the books and never finished using them. Time passes. One day, I log on for five minutes to see what’s new, and forget about it. Months later I realize they’ve been illegally charging my credit card for the last few months.

After I contact their customer service, the message below is what they claim gave them authorization to start charging me every month.

book of the month botm review scam legit book club subscription

Basically, at some point they changed their business model. Instead of people buying specific numbers of credits at a time (like a set of 3 credits), it now charges you each month.

According to them, by logging in and showing me the pop-up above, it authorized them to opt me into that subscription plan . See how it’s just a notification and there’s no way to say no? Here’s Book of the Month’s defense:

“All members were notified about this change; in your case it was in prominent messaging when you logged into the site (see attached image).”

Ummm, what? It very clearly says nothing about a new subscription plan with automatic monthly charges . Furthermore, I had no way of knowing and no option to say no .

I checked my e-mail. They never e-mailed me to confirm that I was on the new plan. They also didn’t email me each time they charged me. I can only assume they purposefully wanted me not to notice because their policy is not to give refunds for credits once they’ve charged you .

Even if BoTM knows that “month-to-month” means a subscription plan with automatic charges, as someone who signed up years ago based on a different system, I have no way of knowing that. And on a pop-up notification. They claim that this was sufficient for them to use the credit card information that I inputted in YEARS ago in order to start charging me every single month.

In sum: I logged in briefly, there was a vague fly-by pop-up and then they secretly started charging my bank account.

This is a very simple case of credit card fraud. If you charge someone without proper authorization, it is incredibly scammy and totally fraudulent. The money was not a huge amount, but I am just horrified that a reputable company would act like this.

How were the unauthorized credit card charges resolved?

After I called them to complain about unauthorized charges on my credit card (see below for details), they did give me a refund (but only after they initially said it was against their policies to provide refunds, and I caused a fuss) .

Of course, they probably relented because it’s worse for them if I would have filed a chargeback. I would’ve been well within my rights to do so, so I was going to get that money back either way.

Is Book of the Month Legit? Is it a Scam?

As much as I dislike this company, yes it is a business, and no, it is not technically a scam. They’ll definitely sell you books, but just be aware that they might also try to steal your money in the process. I think their business practices are very scammy. Charging people without proper notice and hoping they don’t notice or don’t complain is extremely sketchy.

I also think you should be wary of any company that has very non customer-friendly policies. Even if you don’t end up in my especially sketchy situation, in general their policy is to charge you if you forget to log in and skip a month, and then they do not offer refunds in that situation. And beyond that, just remember that they may decide to change their policies without properly notifying you. And they will purposely not e-mail you notifications about major changes in hopes you don’t notice.

This company went under the name Bookspan for a long time. If you Google “Bookspan reviews” you can probably understand why they changed their name and wanted to wipe their slate clean.

What to do if Book of the Month tries to Scam You, Too?

Contact their customer service . If it’s a similar situation to mine, they will likely give your money back if you make a fuss because they’re afraid of credit card chargebacks. Don’t accept anything less than the full amount they owe you, since if they say no, you can always file a credit card chargeback.

If someone files a chargeback , then Book of the Month needs to prove that it’s legitimate (and they may get hit with a small fee — them, not you). So, it’s a hassle for them. Plus, if they get too many credit card chargebacks, then the issuers (Visa, Mastercard, etc.) may consider them a “high-risk merchant” (which means they get worse rates and terms). And if it gets really bad, those issuers may threaten to cut off their charging privileges (which is very very very bad), so it’s something they are not going to play around with.

Have you had problems with Book of the Month, too? Drop a comment below! If they are engaging in other bad business practices, I’m happy to share it here. Share this post    --> --> Book Details Published Page Count See it on Share This social & email    New Reviews recent releases The Housemaid is Watching She’s Not Sorry The Seven Year Slip Darling Girls Yours Truly New Posts recently posted It Finally Happened + Summer Romances Best Literary Fiction of 2024 (New & Anticipated) The Housemaid Book Series Recap 2024’s Best Book Club Books (New & Anticipated) Bookshelf: Development Diary --> Discussion and Replies 20 comments

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I am so sorry for what you had to go through! I got one credit from them after they were running a Black Friday sale last year and I just finally used it this month so I definitely agree that their book selection isn’t the best. As for the logo on the books, I have seen some people searching for specific titles like Spinning Silver or The Goldfinich or something. Though that is very rare and I agree with you that there products should be more appealing, i.e. make them different and special from the rest of the crowd. Great post and thank you for all of the information!

Personally, I don’t trust any company that doesn’t ship to Canada. Also, if the books themselves are such low quality, where do they get off charging $14.99 for them? That just doesn’t make sense to me. I mean, I can buy a brand new retail copy of a trade paperback for less than that at my local bookstore and/or amazon.

Oof. This is terrible. I’ve never been particularly tempted by this service (if I’m buying a hard copy of a book, I like to pick out editions I really like with nice covers, etc.) but now I will for sure avoid it. Glad you got your money back!

I definitely empathize with you here. They offered me a promo code because I had made an account but hadn’t subscribed, so I bought a book with it, but when I tried to cancel (wasn’t a fan of the quality), they told me that I can’t cancel until I pay for a full month–even though none of the emails they sent me said that. Their customer service wasn’t friendly, of course, and I had to go through my bank to cancel. The best part, though, is this statement on their website under their “How It Works” page: “Is this one of those things where I have to do crazy things to cancel? Ugh, no. You’re committed to nothing, you’re allowed to skip, and you can cancel at any time without it being weird. Just call us. We promise we’ll pick up and be nice about it.” A lie, of course. A bad experience and a company I wouldn’t recommend.

I have been charged the yearly subscription price TWICE ($162) after cancelling my subscription. I have the emails from where I canceled, and the emails from the last time this happened. And here it is, another year, and they’re trying it AGAIN. I have not ordered or received a single book from them since I canceled. I had to block their email address because even after I unsubscribed, they kept sending me emails.

They should disclose that it only provides female oriented books. Limited monthly selection. They claim otherwise but that has been my experience. If this is what you like, then fine. But if you have a wide variety of interests, it is very limiting.

I’m not defending them but you are incorrect. Two of the six books I’ve received are male-centered stories written by men.

11.5.2020 Today I was on my credit card account only to find that this book of the month club has again charged me without my permission. I bought one book from them one time through an ad. I did not agree to become a book of the month club member ever. I finally found a way to contact them because the phone number listed 212.596.2000 is not a functioning number to reach them. I got ahold of them by e-mail. They agreed to reverse the charges and unsubscribe me. Great! However, the very next statement, I see they have charged me again, and even though I have unsubscribed from their e-mails, I still get them. These unauthorized charges to my account are FRAUDULENT! My credit card company says I should try to resolve through them..This is a vicious cycle. How do I make it stop! I’m an elder and this is feeling like harassment. CAN ANYONE MAKE THIS STOP?

Can you share the email you used to cancel BOTM? I am unable to cancel on their app or connect to the “help” link.

Hi Karen — it looks like you can contact them here: https://www.bookofthemonth.com/contact-us

Just commenting because this is not how Book-of-the-Month works anymore. You get refunds for any book that you do not like. It is no longer YA focused. The book quality is completely normal and fine. And affiliates do not earn money they are in a free books credit with each referral.

They don’t give you money-back if you don’t like a book. I ordered a second book in a series without knowing and wanted my money back, not liking it and they said no. Plus I have a friend that receives her add on books for 10.99 and I pay 16.99 and we started our accounts at the same time. Then my other friend pays 11.99 for add on books. I find it discriminating to charge different prices. There prices are shady and not clear.

I’m sorry you went through this, but they definitely changed their practices for the better. They’re customer service is the nicest and most responsive I’ve ever had to deal with. Yeah, the monthly picks aren’t always my type of book (they heavily pick historical fiction and contemporary fiction), but I love The books I have. I get my shopping quickly and I have only had a quality issue once and they sent me a replacement book for it.

I just started with this club and yeah I have some huffiness about it already. I’m very confused about this skip month thing. I was charged for December on November 25th or somewhere around there, but I can’t choose books or skip until December 1? Do I need to know the exact charging date prior to the new month to successfully skip and not be charged?

Being forced to choose one of the 5 each time and not just any of their selection is kind of a letdown. I thought the choice was freer.

Yeah, getting the books without their real cover on them is kind of lame. Who wants bookshelves full of identical blue books?

14.99 seems like market price for some of these books so the pro is getting it shipped and getting others possibly for less. So I’m giving it a chance.

But yes the feeling of deception has crept in for me a little bit so we’ll see.

BOTM has the same book cover on each book as the bookstores do. They are all different, not identical blue covers. (???)

Three months in row being charged, no notification or permission to do so. No books, no email with books of the month offered, zilch. Contacting them today, will update later. Thanks, got lots of info from this post of yours!

I’ve been trying to cancel my subscription from them for a year and every time I try to reach out and call I’m put on hold for more than ten minutes, my emails go nowhere and If you try on the app it brings you to an “oops something went wrong” page. I’m so frustrated with this company I literally want to tell everyone how they’ve been stealing money from me for months and don’t care for their customers what so ever.

Thanks for this review. I do think they have predatory practices and I’ve decided to cancel immediately after reading this. I had a credit in my account from forgetting to skip a month. I used the credit for an April selection in April, then they charged me for an April renewal anyway–how was I supposed to be able to “skip this month” when I already selected an April book with my credit? When I emailed them to request a refund, they tried to tell me I didn’t understand their subscription model. I told them they were being scammy and reiterated my request for refund and they relented. Good riddance!

My complaint is that they charge me a week before I’m even able to choose a book. And as you’ve pointed out, the selections are hit and miss. So far it’s a majority of good reads for me, but after Darling Girl (my fifth book), I decided in June that if I didn’t love the book I chose this time – my sixth book – that I would cancel the service. I ended up loving it, but this will be my system going forward. So for July if I don’t love it I’m canceling. Interestingly, this most recent choice was a book they featured in 2017, so I didn’t even pick a new release from their suggested list for me. I bought this as a gift to myself so if I get to the end of the year then great, but if not also great. Either way I won’t renew in the new year.

Books I loved:

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue* The Blinds* Don’t Cry For Me

Books that were just ok:

Darling Girl The Cartographers

Books I really didn’t like at all:

Home Before Dark*

*means they were not new releases when I selected them and came out in previous years.

To be fair, I skipped a month and regretted it later so I bought a suggested book they’d offered me: A History of Wild Places, and I loved it. I bought it secondhand from PangoBooks.

Just noticed today that BotM is doing the same scam on my Visa that you described so cogently. I’m 82, disabled, moved to a co-op apartment on 3/20/2020. Yep. Right when COVID hit. With 24/7 caregivers and multiple health issues, and automatic payments directly to my checking account, , it was the perfect financial storm. I’ll be forced to review my monthly statements and then call customer service. Wish me luck n getting a refund.

Book of the Month has changed my reading habits for the better

Book of the Month has changed my reading habits for the better

  • Features new releases and sometimes early releases
  • Curated by book experts
  • Annual reading challenge with prizes
  • Intuitive interface
  • Only offers hardback books
  • Has had some issues surrounding race and amplifying minority voices
  • Might not have books that interest you every month

I’ve always been a big reader. I was one of those kids who had a book light and would read under the covers well past my bedtime. As I got older and life got busier, I found myself reading less and less. I still bought books at an alarming rate — I just didn’t keep up with actually reading them.

After college, I heard about Book of the Month (I know, it’s been around for decades, but I was late to the party). Even though it sounded great, I wasn’t sure I could read enough to warrant getting a new book every month. Plus, I much prefer paperback books and BOTM is all hardbacks. But once I started writing for Mashable, I put together a few roundups focused on subscription boxes and I kept feeling drawn to Book of the Month. I finally decided to give it a try in November 2019, and I’m so glad I did. Although, Book of the Month has had some issues surrounding race and diversity, especially during June 2020 when Black Lives Matter protests were ramping up, which I will go into more later. So, I won't say it's a perfect service because there's definitely room for improvement, but I do like how it's helped me read more.

How does Book of the Month work?

As a Book of the Month subscriber, you pay either $15.99 per month or a $167.99 annual charge that works out to $13.99 per month. These charges give you a monthly credit to use for your book selection. New subscribers can get their first book for $9.99 instead of $15.99, which is nice if you’re on the fence about becoming a member and you want a cheaper test run of the service. Because the books are all hardcovers, subscribing to Book of the Month is technically cheaper than buying books from other sellers as hardbacks usually cost around $25.

You could spend less if you only bought paperbacks, but sometimes new releases are only available as hardcovers. One thing to note: Book of the Month books do have BOTM branding on the spine and covers, so they will look different than other prints of the same book. I don't mind it, but it might bother some people who want an original first edition of a book. I kind of like how uniform it makes my bookshelf look.

Mashable Image

The original Book of the Month Club was founded in 1926, and it underwent a total rebrand and relaunch in 2015, making it more appealing to a millennial audience. In its current state, subscribers get a batch of five new books to choose from each month. They range in genre, but you’ll usually see thrillers, romance, fantasy, and contemporary fiction among the mix — there are occasionally some nonfiction books among the lineup, but fiction is definitely more prominent. The book selections are released a day or two before a new month begins, and Book of the Month has fast (and free!) shipping, so you can actually start reading at the beginning of the month. I get other subscription boxes (not book-related) that don’t show up until the 15th or 20th of the month, so I like that with Book of the Month, I get to have the product in my possession for pretty much the entire month.

If you’re not feeling any of the books in a certain month’s selection, you can choose to skip that month and your credit will roll over to the next month. You won’t get charged for the following month if you choose to have your credit rollover. There’s also a selection of add-ons, which are books that aren’t in the regular five-book selection, but are also new releases. You can either pick an add-on to replace your regular choice if you’re not interested in the monthly selection or actually add one on in addition to your monthly selection for $10.99.

Book of the Month is definitely for those of us who have tried e-books and audio books, but just have to have a physical book in our hands while we read. It is a very analog service for reading because you could be getting books on Audible for about the same price every month and Kindle is always having sales where bestsellers are $5 or less. But the reasons I don't go digital and I stick with my subscription are 1. I like having physical books, and 2. I like that the new releases are curated for me and I don't have to do any research to see which books are popular in any given month.

Book of the Month’s user interface is top tier

I mostly use the mobile app, but both the app and the website are super easy to navigate. You do have to be logged in to actually see each month’s selection, but that’s not a problem if you’re a member. (Also, you’re able to create an account without paying upfront if you just want to peruse first.)

The selections are clearly laid out and each one has a quick blurb, longer synopsis, personal review from people in the book community and celebrities, and a preview. There’s also a section with basic characteristics listed, like if it’s a slow build or a whodunnit — sometimes there are also trigger warnings if the book depicts storlylines that include topics like sexual assault or infertility issues. Once the book has been out for some time, user reviews are also added to the listing page.

Browsing BOTM’s entire selection, including add-ons, is easy. You can view different categories like new releases, curated collections, or sort by genre. There’s a tab to view your bookshelf, aka all the books you’ve chosen. Here, you can rate and review books and see your progress on Book of the Month’s reading challenge, which I’ll touch on more later.

reviews book of the month club

Book of the Month has a varied selection

Even though there are only five books featured each month, they’re usually pretty diverse in genre, plot, and author. I tend to stick with romance and thriller novels and Book of the Month almost always has something that catches my eye. I’ve also branched out to include contemporary fiction and historical fiction in my regular genre lineup thanks to BOTM. I’m not a huge fantasy fan, but honestly, some of the fantasy books chosen for Book of the Month have piqued my interest.

Since beginning my subscription, I’ve read more books from authors of color than I did in the past. Though, it's important to note that the author selection could stand to be even more diverse as CIS, white authors tend to outnumber authors of color or those in the LGBTQIA+ community. That said, I have been introduced to books and authors that I might not have naturally come across if I were just browsing at Barnes and Noble. In a bookstore, I’m very much a "judge a book by its cover" type of person, but when there are books pre-selected for me, I actually read the synopsis and reviews for all of them and spend time deciding which one I want, even if the books don’t catch my eye at first glance.

Even if the five main books aren’t super diverse every time, the add-ons usually feature a decent selection of newer authors and minority authors. And if you want to actively read underrepresented authors, you can always choose an add-on as your monthly pick if that month’s books aren’t cutting it.

But it could do better

Though Book of the Month aims to feature a diverse selection of authors, the subscription service does have some shortcomings. There has been backlash about the fact that diverse voices are cast to the side as add-ons instead of being featured prominently as part of the main selection.

Also, in June 2020, while Black Lives Matter protests were dominating news feeds, Book of the Month made a post featuring two nonfiction books by Black authors on its Instagram feed. People left comments criticizing Book of the Month for not amplifying Black voices sooner, or using the current events to propel diverse voices. The company then faced even more critique after the person running BOTM’s Instagram account deleted comments from The Stacks podcast host, Traci Thompson, and even blocked her account. The Instagram post now has an updated caption apologizing to Thompson and addressing what happened.

Another controversy that caused friction with Book of the Month subscribers is the company’s choice to feature American Dirt as a monthly choice in February 2020. If you aren’t familiar with the book, it follows a fictional story of a Mexican mother and son trying to make it to the U.S. border after a cartel leader comes for their family. It was a highly anticipated read, but it’s written by a white woman. The book has since been criticized for cultural appropriation and stereotyping.

However, it was still chosen as a BOTM feature and even sold out. The listing on Book of the Month’s site does include a disclaimer acknowledging that it was a controversial pick, but that they stood by the decision to include it because although members expressed disappointment in the choice, the team thought it was "more productive to encourage conversations around these issues than to sweep them under the rug." They said they wanted to leave the decision up to members whether they wanted to read the book or not. I chose not to read it.

Book of the Month helps me meet my reading goals

As I mentioned earlier, Book of the Month has an annual reading challenge and if you complete it, you get a fun little prize. The reward for 2020 was a candle. To complete, you need to read and rate 12 BOTM books, and five of them need to be different genres, while three of them need to be debuts. These requirements have influenced which books I select each month because I have to make sure I am switching up the genres and reading books from brand new authors.

The reading challenge only applies to Book of the Month books that you have bought through the subscription service. You can find the challenge in the "bookshelf" section of the app, where you’ll see all the books you’ve gotten through BOTM, divided into which ones you’ve rated and which ones are available to rate. It is a little annoying that you have to rate and review books in order to mark them as read, but you can skip writing a review and just select whether you loved, liked, or disliked each book to make it count for the reading challenge.

I do read books that I get outside of Book of the Month, so I keep track of all my reading in a note on my phone, but the reading challenge is still a fun incentive to actually read these hardback books that I’m spending $16 on each month.

Being a long-term subscriber comes with perks

Once you’ve ordered your 12th BOTM box, you gain BFF status, which comes with some nice bonuses. Once you’re a BFF, you’ll get a Book of the Month tote bag that has a special pocket designed to fit a standard hardcover book so you can publicly show how much of a book nerd you are. Though, as we've learned, cotton totes are actually not that great for the environment and require tons of water to produce. And, if I'm being honest, I'd use about six of my other totes before I'd reach for my BOTM bag. But if you don't already have a huge collection of totes, this could be a nice perk. During your birthday month, you get a free add-on book. And each year, BOTM chooses five finalists for Book of the Year, and as a BFF, you get your choice of one for free.

It does take a year to reach BFF status if you order a box consistently each month, so it requires some dedication. But if you’re an avid reader, you’ll want to subscribe for that long anyway. Since becoming a BOTM member, I feel more in the know about the book world because I’m reading new releases every month — even if it does take me longer than a month to read my selections sometimes. And I’ve found some of my favorite authors through my BOTM choices. It goes without saying that service has some areas that need improvement, but overall I really enjoy it and would recommend it to a friend. (BTW, if you become a member , you can send referral links to friends and get free book credits if they sign up too.)

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Based in New York City, Miller Kern is the Deputy Editor, Shopping and Reviews at Mashable, where she writes and edits reviews, roundups, and deals about tech products including headphones, skincare devices, laptops, sex toys, e-readers, robot vacuums, and more. She has five years of experience writing buying guides, gift guides, and deals, and covering shopping holidays like Prime Day and Black Friday. Miller can tell you which products are actually worth your money. She also explores trends in the shopping sphere, such as dupes and viral TikTok moments .

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Everyday Reading

Book of the Month Club: Why it is my favorite book subscription

Want the most buzzy new books delivered right to your doorstep? Book of the Month Clu b is definitely my favorite book subscription because you get to choose from five great selections each month. Try it for $5 here ! 

Whenever I get asked about monthly book subscriptions for children, I always recommend Bookroo . I wrote a whole post earlier this year with all the reasons I think it’s the best option out there.

When I get asked about book subscriptions for grown-ups, my go-to recommendation is Book of the Month Club .

book of the month club promo code

And if you don’t think I’m going to share alllllllll about why I love Book of the Month Club , you probably don’t know me at all.

A little about Book of the Month Club

So Book of the Month Club is basically the original subscription box. They launched in 1926 (apparently The Sun Also Rises was their first choice) so they are definitely not a flash in the pan.

For me, the biggest selling point is that every month they choose FIVE books and you get to pick which once you want to receive.

They have a panel of judges (almost always other very successful authors) who look through hundreds of books and narrow it down to five. They generally have their eye out for books that they think will be best-sellers, so you’re not likely to get something super obscure.

Usually at least one of the books is one that won’t publish until the next month, so you get an early peek at a hot new book, which is extra fun.

Book of the Month Club Reviews

I am also obsessed with their reviews of the books. I read a LOT of book reviews and I don’t think anyone does them better than Book of the Month Club .

First, when you log in to your account, you can see all five books and there is a one sentence description of each (with a genre tag too).

book of the month club cost

Then if you want more details about a book, you can click on any of the five and it’ll give you a few more details about the book in the form of icons (I find this surprisingly delightful) and then a review by one of the judges or the editorial team.

book of the month club

And even if it’s not a book I’m going to choose for my read, it helps me know more about the books that are certain to be popping up over the next few months on bestseller lists.

They also have a fantastic blog with author interviews or fun infographics like this one that helps you pick which  book title is your best bet .

Book of the Month Club Cost

The monthly cost for Book of the Month Club is $14.99. You can add up to two of the other books from the five selections (and sometimes books from past months if they’re still available) for $9.99.

Book of the Month Club shipping is always free and you can skip any month you want (easily – none of the call-in baloney that some subscriptions have).

You can also give a Book of the Month Club subscription as a gift, which is one of my go-to last-minute gift recommendations . For any book lovers or someone who is looking to start reading more, a Book of the Month Club gift is a slam dunk option!

book of the month club

Any other questions about Book of the Month Club ? I’m happy to try to answer!

If you liked this post about Book of the Month Club, you might also find these posts useful:

  • My favorite children’s book subscription
  • Why I Love the Libby App
  • Two ways to use Audible

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I’ve considered joining this subscription service in the past, but because I live in Canada, the costs associated with the service are pretty high. I had no idea that they had a blog, though, so I’ll definitely be checking that out. Thank you!

Have you tried this for your husband or any of the men in your life? I’ve been wanting to do something similar for my step dad and father in law, but they have a pretty tight genre of books they read (war fiction, military, courtroom thrillers, and spy novels), and I haven’t seen many subscription services that I’m confident would fit the bill for a man.

That’s a good question! Frankly, I think Book of the Month definitely steers more toward women. I’ll keep an eye out for one that goes more toward those genres you mentioned.

Hi, do we have to return the books once they’re bought? I read somewhere that you do. Thanks!

No – they’re yours forever!

I like my books more PG rated. Any way to judge that?

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Do they send only the book and not all the candles, pencils, trinkets, etc? I signed up for a book subscription (cannot recall the name) and there was so.much.junk in the boxes it drove me crazy.

Yep! Book only. I’m also all about the book-only subscriptions – I don’t need more stuff!

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Are the add-on books that can be added to your monthly box an additional 14.99 each? Or a different price? Or is it a flat 14.99 regardless of how many books you select for that month?

The add-on books are $9.99 each and you can add up to two per month!

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When will the March selection s be posted?

Can you do this entirely by postal service? I would like to get a subscription for my mother who is in a nursing home. She reads but does not use computers or electronic devices.

100% by mail!

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Book Of The Month Review 2024: The Good & Bad

A Complete Book Of The Month Review: Everything You Need To Know

Are you trying to determine if the Book Of The Month subscription box is right for you or the perfect gift for a loved one? I’ve been a subscriber for years, so I’m sharing everything you need to know!

This Book of the Month review focuses on all aspects of the book box, so you can experience this subscription box from start to finish!

Included in this Book of the Month review are details about how much Book of the Month costs, what’s included in the box, book choices, customer service, and more!

Stay tuned at the end of my Book of the Month review to find out 5 reasons I recommend it.

If you want additional book box options, you can also review my list of the best book subscription boxes !

*Disclosure – I earn book credits for any referrals using the links below and you’ll receive your first book for $5 ! As always though, I’m sharing my honest thoughts throughout this review. Thank you for supporting this book blog!

Book Of The Month Review

Book of the month review: overview.

Book Of The Month is a popular book subscription box that focuses on bringing you a diverse selection of newly released or upcoming books.

Each month, you can choose one hardcover book from the five to seven options or skip the month for free if nothing appeals to you.  

The cost is $15.99 / month and includes free shipping. You can get your first month for only $5 by using my referral link !

book of the month review

Book of the Month Review: Book Selection / Options

Around the 1st day of each month, Book of the Month shares their five – seven book selections. These books are chosen by a variety of judges, who vary from celebrities to authors to BOTM employees. The choices include multiple genres, representation, and topics. So (sadly in my opinion hehe), you’re never going to find an entire month full of romance novels!

You truly never know what will show up, but the most common genres seem to be thrillers, historical fiction, literary fiction, memoirs, romance, and contemporary fiction. They value own voices authors and debut authors as well as well-known authors and books getting lots of buzz. 

The variety of books is what truly sets this box apart. They also often get early access to upcoming releases, so you may be able to read a book before it’s published!

In addition to your book choice for the month, you can choose to “add-on” one of the previous BOTM books for only $11!! An absolute steal for a gorgeous hardcover recent release.

What’s Included In The Book Of The Month Subscription

There are no frills with a Book of the Month subscription. The focus is clearly the books, so if you’re looking for cute gifts, self care items, or even fancy bookmarks, try one of my other picks of book subscription boxes ! 

However, a Book of the Month book is unique. All of the books are hardcover and brand new. Some are even available before the actual publishing date!

Their special BOTM logo is included on these editions and they’ve become a bit of a collector’s item. I’ll admit, these books look AMAZING lined up together on a bookshelf.

Plus, there’s always a simple bookmark included when you open up their signature blue box. They always come up with cute or cheeky bookish phrases printed on the sturdy cardstock. 

In addition to the hardcover books, they recently added audiobooks! You have the option to use your credit toward an audiobook anytime during the month. I love having this option if I want to switch things up!

book of the month stack

Book Of The Month Subscription Bonuses

In addition to the basics included each month, there are some incentives for long term customers! When you receive 12 boxes, you become a Book of the Month BFF. This comes with serious perks, including two extra books each year!

The first free book is an extra add on during your birthday month! Then, when the Book of the Year finalists are announced, you get to pick of the Top 5 books for free.

Plus, when you reach BFF status you’ll receive a beautiful, sturdy Book of the Month tote. You can also get 20% any of the cute, bookish products in their shop.

As I mentioned in my disclosure, there is a terrific referral program as well. Anyone can participate and it’s as easy as sending a link to friends or family. Anytime someone signs up with your link, you get a free book credit to use anytime!

Book Of The Month Reading Challenge

If you use the app, you can also participate in their reading challenge! They switch up the categories a bit each year to keep things fresh. As you read BOTM books throughout the year and rate them in the app, your progress toward completing the challenge is automatically tracked.

You can unlock a special bonus category if you complete the badges and even qualify for a small prize they’ll ship to you for free!

Book of the Month Review: Customer Service

I’ve never had an issue with my Book of the Month subscription, so the only time I’ve reached out to customer service was account related. I was hoping to cancel my membership since I had acquired a few book credits. However, rather than going through the hassle of cancelling and restarting once my credits were used, they allowed me to pause my subscription for three months!

I was so grateful for the suggestion and how quickly and easily they worked with me. 

I have heard complaints in the past that you can’t easily cancel your subscription but this problem has been recently solved! You can now Pause or Cancel your membership directly from the app! There’s no longer a phone call required.

Overall Thoughts: Book Of The Month Review

With the plethora of bookish subscription boxes out there, it’s become difficult to stand out as a great value.  As one of the cheapest book boxes in existence, there’s no doubt that Book of the Month meets that criteria.

You’re paying $5-$10 less than the usual retail price of a new hardcover. Plus, you join a community of BOTM addicts and can sometimes read a book before it’s publication date! The ability to skip months you don’t love and add-on books for only $10 makes this box unbeatable.

I’m wrapping up this Book of the Month review with the 5 reasons I recommend it either for yourself or as one of the best book box gift options available! As a reminder, you can sign up with this link to try it out for just $5!

  • It’s comparatively insanely cheap, at only $16 for a brand new hardcover
  • You can easily skip months, so you’re guaranteed to receive a book you’ll actually read
  • They expanded their options to include 6-7 selections each month
  • A renewed focus on diversity in their selections has made a noticeable difference
  • They look amazing on your bookshelf 🙂 

Did my Book of the Month review convince you to try out the Book Of the Month subscription box?

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BOTM (Book of the Month): A Complete Guide + Is It Worth It?

If you’re a reader, you’ve probably heard of Book of the Month. But have you tried it yet? If you’re curious how it works, I put together a complete guide on everything you need to know about BOTM – and whether or not it’s worth joining!

(This is not a sponsored post. I’ve been a member of BOTM for over two years, and I’m sharing my own experience below.)

BOTM Book of the Month complete guide

What is BOTM? How does it work?

Book of the Month (BOTM) is a monthly subscription for readers, originally founded in 1926. They offer a selection of books – between five and seven books per month – at discounted prices.

In the past, BOTM only offered hardcover books, but they now also offer audiobooks.

In each month’s book selection, there’s usually a good mix of popular authors, highly-anticipated novels, and debut authors, with a wide variety of genres (mostly fiction). They are often new or recent book releases that have been curated by the BOTM team.

You can also ‘add-on’ additional books to your order each month for an even lower price. These include new releases from that month and previous BOTM selections from past years (there are tons of options!).

Members also receive perks and fun bookish swag (like tote bags, stickers, etc.) for reaching certain milestones after joining. You’ll also get a free bookmark every month with your book order.

Additionally, after you’ve been a member of Book of the Month for a year, you’ll become a BOTM ‘BFF’. You’ll get a free tote bag and a complimentary add-on book credit during your birthday month. And, at the end of each year, you’ll get to pick one of their five ‘Book of the Year’ finalist books for free!

BOTM BFF member perks screenshot

How much does Book of the Month cost?

For new members, a BOTM subscription costs between $12.50-$17.99 per month plus tax, depending on the membership plan you choose (and when you sign up). This gets you 1 credit to use on a book.

It’s an automatic charge, but you can skip any month you want and save that credit to use the next month.

If you choose to add on additional books to your order, they will be anywhere between $10.99 and $17.99 plus tax per book. This will depend on how long you’ve been a member and how many BOTM boxes you’ve received so far. (After three months of BOTM orders, the add-on price should decrease – and again after 12 months.)

Just a heads up: the amount of add-on books you can purchase are limited each month.

You can also choose from other plan options, including a yearly option that gives you 12 credits at a couple dollars less per credit (you get a slight discount for paying for a year upfront).

What types of books do they offer?

Book of the Month offers a variety of fiction genres (with an occasional memoir or non-fiction book). Here are some of the genres I’ve seen more than once in the monthly selections:

  • General/Literary/Contemporary Fiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Mystery/Thriller
  • Young Adult
  • Science Fiction ( not quite as common )
  • Horror ( not quite as common )

For even more variety in monthly book choices, check out my thoughts on Aardvark Book Club ‘s subscription box, too!

BOTM Book of the Month add on selections screenshot

When are new book selections released?

BOTM book selections are typically released on (or very close to) the first day of each month. They have been released a little earlier on occasion.

If you’re a member, you should also get an email reminder when the books are released, so you’ll know to go check them out.

Is Book of the Month worth it?

I’ve been a member of BOTM club since 2021, and I absolutely think it’s been worth it! You can get hardcover books for cheaper than they’d be in stores (or online), and you can add-on additional books for even cheaper.

They usually have a great selection of books to choose from, with a variety of genres. Plus, they make it super easy to skip months whenever you decide to – whether it’s because you’re not interested in the book selection that month, or you just don’t need any more books at the moment.

In my experience, they’ve always shipped the books pretty quickly, and I’ve never had an issue with the wrong book being sent or anything.

The ability to easily skip months is huge for me. I own so many books already, so I’m trying to be reasonable about how often I buy new books. (As much as I can be – we all know that self-control only goes so far when it comes to new books!). 🙂

So yes: for me, it’s been worth it, and I’d definitely recommend trying it out. (The only caveat to this: if you’re not a fiction reader, your options will be really limited, since their selection is mainly focused on fiction books).

Book of the Month books  leaning against a bookend on a coffee table

As a member, you can also save even more money by sharing a referral code with friends and family who are interested in joining BOTM. For each person who signs up using your code – as long as they’re a new member to BOTM – you’ll get a credit for a free book.

What are the cons of BOTM?

Most Book of the Month hardcovers have a BOTM logo on the spine and cover. If that’s something that would bother you, you may not want to join.

Personally, I don’t mind it – I just shelve all of my BOTM books together, and they look nice lined up. But it’s all about your personal preference!

The books are also a slightly different size than most hardcover books. They also may not be as high quality as typical new-release hardcovers that have embossing, detailed endpapers, sprayed edges, etc. (Though I’ve never had an issue with the quality, personally – especially since they’re priced lower).

Also, if you’re not a fan of fiction books, Book of the Month may not be a good fit for you, since most of their selections are fiction. Same thing goes if you only read ebooks – BOTM only offers physical books and audiobooks at this time.

I hope this post helps you decide whether or not joining Book of the Month is right for you. 🙂 Either way, happy reading!

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4 thoughts on “BOTM (Book of the Month): A Complete Guide + Is It Worth It?”

Hi! I just wanted to clarify that when \you first join the add ons are $17.99 a month, then $12.99 a month after 3 boxes, and the $10.99 doesn’t kick in until you’ve bought books for 12 months 🙂

Thank you for the heads up! When I first joined BOTM, the add-on price was lower (and I couldn’t find add-on pricing details on their website), so that’s helpful to know. I’ve updated the post! 🙂

I just checked my BOTM subscription (been with them almost 9 months now) and pricing wise mine was a little different. I started out paying $17.99 for my monthly credit (which is still the same), paid $16.99 for my add-ons til the third month where they dropped to $11.99. And then they will drop to $10.99 after my first year which is soon! Yay!

That’s good to know! Yes, the pricing can vary depending on when you sign up. (I recently updated the pricing section of the post to reflect that). It’s so nice when they drop the add-on price! 🙂

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Book of the Month Club review

  • BY Anne Bogel
  • IN Books & Reading , Stuff I Love
  • 36 Comments | Comment

reviews book of the month club

I love  Book of the Month and I’m always excited to hear their five selections on the first of the month. (This post contains my affiliate link but is not sponsored. I’m a happy paying customer.)

Book of the Month Club review | Modern Mrs. Darcy

Here’s a quick look at what’s on tap for February:

1. Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. Inside scoop: coming soon (very soon!) to a podcast near you. I just loved this one. It reminded me so much of Ursula, Under , another historical novel I devoured. If I had to pick just one book this month that I thought MMD readers would love, this would be it.

2. Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough.  I have so much to say about this one! Let’s start here: some marketing genius dreamt up the tag #WTFThatEnding for this book, which gives you a pretty darn good idea of what you’re getting into. The cover of the British edition says “a tenner says you’ll never guess the ending.” I’d bet you more than that!

Sarah Pinborough spoke about this story when I was in Savannah. (Her novel is dark and twisty but she was absolutely hysterical.) She told us how the premise was inspired by one of her girlfriends. When her partner cheated on her with another woman, Sarah’s friend became completely obsessed with her new rival.

High literature this is not, but if you love domestic noir and want a fun read that will keep you pinned to the couch on a wintry afternoon, this is it. And yeah, you will definitely want to talk about the ending with your fellow readers, so talk a friend into reading it with you.

3. The Animators by Kayla Rae Whitaker.  Imagine Rich and Pretty meets Hillbilly Elegy. I read the first hundred pages of this last night, and I’ve decided that—at least for now—it’s not for me. (Interesting story, wrong tone.) This is a debut, and I do love that the author lives in my town.

4. Perfect Little World by Kevin Wilson. From the author of The Family Fang . I’ve never read anything by Wilson, but I’m intrigued by Maris’s description.

5. The Possessions by Sara Flannery Murphy. The reviews on this are pretty weird, but I tend to like Liberty’s picks. Maybe I’ll give it a try?   

I get asked all the time if Book of the Month is worth it. Of course that depends on you. But I do think for most U.S. readers who do buy the occasional book, the answer is yes . All plans include one hardcover book each month, with free shipping. They always have a small, nicely curated selection of additional hardcovers that you can add to any shipment for $9.99 each. And the clincher for me: if none of the current selections appeal to you, you just skip that month, effectively extending your membership.

Book of the Month Club review | Modern Mrs. Darcy

I went with the annual plan, to get my price-per-book down as low as possible (with that plan, the price-per-book is a little under $12), but they have shorter plans available, and their introductory plans are terrific: get any one book for $5, or your first 3 months for $9.99 each . (That 3-month plan comes with goodies: a free tote bag and a hardback copy of The Grownup by Gillian Flynn.)

If you’re building your library, this is a nice way to do it. If you want an easy way to get your hands on new books and don’t care about keeping them long-term, the resale value for new hardcovers at places like Half Price Books is pretty darn good. I’ve also found BOTM gift subscriptions to be a fun and easy gift for bookish friends.

I’d love to hear your Book of the Month tips, questions, and February picks in comments.

reviews book of the month club


I love book of the month. Its like Christmas comes every month. I have read some really awesome books from the subscription service but I also have picked some duds. Only having 5 books to pick from gives me a chance to change up my normal reading habits.

I am so very glad that you did this post! I loved when a few months ago you recommended a BOTM book on Instagram during ordering time, and check every month before I order my BOTM books to see if you have suggestions 🙂 I have really been enjoying BOTM club but am getting behind with the books. It can sometimes feel like more pressure to me as it just adds more to the TBR pile, but I still order every month – ha! Thanks again for this!!

haha I know exactly what you mean! I am behind two months in BOTM books, and I was given one by a co worker who subscribes too! But I’m just slowly making my way through the pile.. I also tend to reserve books, or add myself on wait lists at the library based one suggestions from Anne, further increasing the pile; but I don’t mind!!

I was also super excited for this month’s selections! Last month left me wanting more, but this month I almost could not decide! Funny enough, I ended up choosing Pachinko and my co worker who also subscribes chose The Possessions. We tend to switch after completing our own choice. I’m glad you find Pachinko to be “the one” as well. In reagrds to The Possessions, I found the reviews said the Possessions was very original, and I’m keeping an open mind to reading that as well because it is something I would not normally pick. As much as I enjoy a good thriller, Behind Her Eyes theme does not appear to be too unique. I read a preview and found the writing style was a little off to me. But hey to each her own. 🙂 Thank you so much for writing about BOTM! I always rave about it to all my friends!!

I loved BOTM when I was a teenager.But that was when I would read what was available and not nearly as picky as I am now. Most importantly I must read on a device now to get the font large enough for my impaired vision. I am so grateful for kindle which began production just in time for my deteriorating optic nerve and retina. Back to BOTM! It was the source of my copy of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn which I had never heard of before. So special.

My son and daughter-in-law (okay, let’s be honest… My daughter-in-law is the thoughtful gift-selector. My son may not have even known what was given)… Anyhow, they gave me a 6 month subscription to BoM for Christmas. I’m loving it! It’s exciting to choose my book and when my package arrives it’s like a party in my mailbox. I’m reading things I wouldn’t have chosen on my own and expanding my world. I’m especially looking forward to Pachinko.

I think different things work for us at different stages of our lives. Frankly anything that keeps me and my family reading is a good thing so I’ve always tried to budget both time and money for it. I really enjoyed BOTM when the kids were quite young, library lending didn’t include the internet, Audible and Amazon wasn’t in anyone’s regular vocabulary, and time to browse in bookshops (both new and used) was nil & none. We lived in a much more rural area so our library trips were weekly in the summer, but when socked in with snow in the winter we were lucky to get there twice a month. Now I’m an empty nester (yes this does sneak up on you) and I use our library e-lending, buy used books from Amazon/Salvation Army/local bookshops, and get great deals on ebooks (thanks to great bloggers like you!). I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way, simply the way that works for you right then. The important thing is to be reading, to enjoy what you’re reading, not how anyone else is doing it. Thank you for always keeping us updated on great options for keeping our reading life fresh, updated, and as accessible as possible in as many ways as possible!

I love Book of the Month Club! It allows me to read books I might not have picked up otherwise.

I keep hearing about Behind Her Eyes and I have to read it just because of all the hype surrounding the ending!

Briana http://www.youngsophisticate.com

The ending of Behind Her Eyes totally shocked me! I’d highly recommend it to anyone in the mood for a well-written, twisty psychological thriller. I’m also looking forward to reading Pachinko and The Animators. 🙂

RK- It’s worth the read then? I thought it sounded so predictable

Sarah – It’s definitely worth the read, especially for the zinger of a twist at the end. I’ve read quite a few psychological thrillers and I haven’t been as impressed since Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh.

I recommend avoiding any summaries/reviews of the book and just diving right in so as not to be spoiled. Hope you enjoy if you decide to read it.

You may not LIKE it, but it is definitely not predictable.

I have loved my BOTM subscription and have not yet chosen to ‘skip’ a month since joining last year. It takes me out of my predictable reading habits and exposes me to different genres and authors. My mom, who now lives in assisted living, is the true avid reader in our family. Due to her limited availability of books in the facility library (most of the books are at least a decade old), as well as the long wait time at her public library for new releases, we gifted her a subscription for Christmas and she loves it. Now she and I both donate our BOTM selections to the assisted living library for others to read, which makes letting go of my books a little easier. ?

Loved reading this reply – so kind of you and your mom to donate to the assisted living library. 🙂

I’m so glad that I chose Pachinko as my selection this month! I was waffling between that and The Animators. I love Book of the Month but can never seem to help myself and end up adding at least one selection to my box each month. The TBR pile just keeps growing but man, I love books!

Michelle’s comment above really resonated with me. Gotta be honest, I love the idea of BOTM and was a member for a long time (30 years ago). I did a three month trial this past summer, and enjoyed the books that I read. That said, I didn’t renew for many reasons not pertaining to this discussion, but ONE of the reasons I didn’t was because I didn’t feel like the blurbs were giving me enough info for me to make my selection in the 5 day window — I didn’t know the judges reading tastes enough to know if their “likes” would resonate with mine. If I had had something like this blog post – someone whose reading recommendations I know how to gauge a little better as they relate to mine – I’d have been “all in.” So Anne, any chance you’d do this monthly — either here or in the MMD book club forum? 😉

There’s great BOTM discussion every month in the Book Club! I’ll think about doing it monthly. I know I share thoughts on the picks often, but not always.

Adding my thanks too Ann! This was perfect and helped me finally make up my mind this month (I skipped the last two months because I couldn’t choose). I would love it if you did a quick summary/review like this each month. Like Susan, I’m often still not sure which book is the right fit for me even after reading the judges’ blurbs. I have often thought how great it would be if I could just pick up the phone and ask you 🙂 I’ve learned to trust your thoughts on the effects of a book on your readers. I’m not necessarily looking for “choose this one” as much as “this is what is really going on with this book and if you like that, then this one might be a good choice for you”.

My husband’s an animator! I just subscribed to the 3-month plan (I’m a sucker for a tote bag) and picked THAT book. You convinced me 🙂

Whew! I picked Pachinko before I saw this post! I’m new to BOTM but it definitely exposes me to books I’d never have picked otherwise.

I like Book of the Month. I have a membership with them, too. I’m reading Pachinko right now and it’s a beautifully written book. I’m only 100 pages in, but I can’t wait to keep reading. I hate putting it down!

I’m a BOTM member and had chosen to skip this month. After reading this, I went back and chose Pachinko. Thank you!

Well, what do you know… I selected Pachinko, so I am over the moon that you recommend it.

This month was so hard. I wanted the special edition of All the Ugly and Wonderful Things. So I picked Perfect Little World and Behind Her Eyes. I still MUST have Pachinko. And I know that next month there will be 5-amazing books so I just don’t know what I’ll do. I love this club so so so much but man it is hard to choose. I wish we could just get them all :).

I really enjoyed your review of BOTM. I am enjoying choosing a book. For February, I chose Pachinko. I love getting my package in the mail.

Oh wow. This post is DANGEROUS. Seriously. There are two books that intrigue me. Plus it sounds fun, a monthly book. I placed myself on a book buying ban for at least six months and maybe a year – in order to focus myself on reading the books I already own, and to decrease the cash outflow that quickly adds up with book purchases. This post though has me conjuring up ways to make BOTM fit into my book buying ban. I almost convinced myself. (rolling eyes at myself). I will wait and join in on the fun once my ban is lifted.

I picked behind her eyes this month. I almost always pick Liberty’s book, so I might have to get that from the library, but the “erotic” description she gave Linda turned me off of it. I might have to check out pachinko off your rec too!

Don’t forget….you can almost always get your second or third book for free at your public library.

Honestly, Thank you for that reminder! There might be quite the waiting list for these but this month’s selections seem worth the wait!

Anne, we need your recommendations for the March book of the month! It’s so much (awesome) pressure to choose!

Would an older man enjoy this? My dad’s an avid reader and just mentioned that he’s just about read everything on his shelf so I’ve thought about gifting this to him.

Every month they always have at least one selection that makes me think, “Oh, Will would really love that!” and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. 🙂

  • Pingback: book subscription boxes: Book of the Month – Oh, the Struggle

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Book of the Month is a subscription-based book club that offers a selection of new books each month to members. We're here to share our enthusiasm and discuss the month's picks.

Is it worth it?

I get most of my books from the library but wanted to start collecting more books and keep seeing Book of the Month from many Youtubers. Is it worth it? Looks like they choose many books that I would be interested in reading.

Book of the Month Review + Coupon: February 2024

a book of the month club bookmark with the words was it something I read?

Book of the Month is a monthly book subscription box . Each month, five curators pick out their favorite new hardcover books, and you can choose which one you want to receive on the first of the month for $17.99/month. You can also add up to two additional books for only $9.99 each. (This box was named one of the best subscriptions for avid readers in the 2024 Subscription Box Awards .)

This box was sent to us at no cost for review. (Check out the editorial guidelines to learn more about how we review boxes.)

My BOTM Pick for February: The Mayor of Maxwell Street by Avery Cunningham , Hardcover Retail Value $21.23

Back of book summary:.

The year is 1921, and America is burning. A fire of vice and virtue rages on every shore, and Chicago is its beating heart. Nelly Sawyer is the daughter of the “wealthiest Negro in America,” whose affluence catapulted his family to the heights of Black society. After the unexpected death of her only brother, Nelly becomes the premier debutante overnight. But Nelly has aspirations beyond society influence and marriage. For the past year, she has worked undercover as an investigative journalist, sharing the achievements and tribulations of everyday Black people living in the shadow of Jim Crow. Her latest assignment thrusts her into the den of a dangerous vice lord: the so-called Mayor of Maxwell Street. Born in rural Alabama to a murdered biracial couple, Jay Shorey knows firsthand what it means to be denied a chance at the American dream. When a tragic turn of fate gave Jay a rare path out, he took it without question. He washed up on Chicago’s storied shores and forged his own way to the top of the city’s underworld, running Chicago’s swankiest speakeasy, where the rich and famous rub elbows with gangsters and politicians alike. When Nelly’s and Jay’s paths cross, she recruits him to help expose the Mayor and bring about lasting change in a corrupt city. But Jay also introduces a whole new world to Nelly, one where her horizons can extend beyond the confines of her ivory tower. Trapped between the monolith of Jim Crow, the inflexible world of the Black upper class, and the violence of Prohibition-era Chicago, Jay and Nelly work together and stoke the flames of a love worth fighting for.

the book mayor of maxwell street from book of the month club sits on a countertop

The Mayor of Maxwell Street opens with a story straight from the Old South. It's the early part of the 20th century in rural Alabama. A Black teenage boy is falsely accused of rape by a malicious rich white woman and forced to run for his life, leaving behind his only family and the only life he's ever known.

It's a short chapter, but author Avery Cunningham's brevity allows her to spin us directly around into a world that's as far from the dilapidated plantations of rural Alabama as one might get.

It's 1921, and the Black Metropolis of Chicago is thriving.

Here we meet Penelope Ginevra Sawyer — Nelly for short — at a funeral so lavish that invitations have been extended to ensure the who's who of Chicago's Black society are there. On it's face, it's a funeral for Nelly's brother, Elder. At it's heart, this is the Kentucky-based Sawyer family's chance to present their 21-year-old daughter to Chicago society.

And thus we're thrust into the world of Nelly Sawyer, the daughter of the “wealthiest Negro in America," trapped between dual roles as the good daughter and the investigative journalist working undercover to expose the duality of lives for Black folks "living in the shadow of Jim Crow."

Expected by her family to make an official "coming out" into society, Nelly has a list of social engagements a mile long to keep up with, but the reluctant debutante is more interested in her work and the meaning it holds. Her path first crosses with Jay Shorey — that teen boy from Alabama now all grown up — at the funeral, and the pair will soon take on a fight to expose the so-called "mayor" of Maxwell Street — head of an underground crime syndicate. 

The Verdict

Book of the Month Club offered up two debut authors within its picks for February 2024, but Avery Cunningham's historical novel was an obvious choice. After all, this is the month set aside as Black History Month in America, and Cunningham offers us a chance to dive deep into a world of the Black elite in Prohibition-era Chicago.

A graduate of Chicago's DePaul University, Cunningham fixes her fictional lens on Chicago's South Side residents of 100 years ago, and we're treated to a novel that's as full of facts as it is flavor.

For those unfamiliar with Chicago's Bronzeville section, she offers up a chance to learn an important piece of American history not often taught in high school history. The story of Bronzeville is one of Black excellence and a place and period of upward mobility for Black Americans.

While racism remains an undercurrent in the novel — and that opening chapter is purposeful — Nelly and Jay's story is also one of wealth, intrigue and love.

Value — Was This Box Worth It?

This Book of the Month Club pick falls decidedly in the "yes, it was worth it" category.

Not only was The Mayor of Maxwell Street a chance to experience a debut author, it was also one of the meatiest hardcovers to land on my doorstep from Book of the Month so far. At 528 pages, Avery Cunningham's novel gives you plenty of good "curl up on the couch and read" time.

BOTM Club starts at $17.99, depending on your chosen subscription.

The Cost: $9.99 + free shipping (This price is only for your first month).

Value Breakdown: This box costs $9.99, but the book I chose will retail as hardcover for $21.23, which works out to a discount of about $11. (Remember...this is first month only). Even if you are looking at the $17.99 cost for one of the later months of your overall subscription, you're still saving $3.

Keep Track of Your Subscriptions:  Add this box to your subscription list or wishlist!

To Wrap Up:

Can you still get this book if you sign up today?  Yes! But you will need to order it as an add-on.

What do you think of the Book of the Month subscription? Let us know below with your own review!

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Is The Book Of The Month Subscription Really Worth The Money?

Woman reading a book in a cozy bed

If you're an avid reader, then you're probably well aware that a brand-new hardback from your local brick-and-mortar could cost you a whopping $30 (or more). Sure, splurging on Amazon or rummaging through the $1 bin are both viable options, but there's nothing quite as satisfying as grabbing ahold of a shiny, new cover amidst the stacks. Bonus: If you're browsing at B&N, you'll be able to snag a discounted cookie on your way out — courtesy of the coupon on your printed receipt. But what happens when you fall into a book rut or you've run out of side cash to support your expensive reading habit? Enter: Book of the Month.

Book of the Month, or BOTM for short, is a subscription-based book club that's been around since 1926 (via Book of the Month ). According to the site, new subscribers can get their first book for $9.99 with the code "BOOKBUD" at checkout — that's way cheaper than purchasing a book in-store or on Amazon, depending on the title. What's more? BOTM is a no-commitment subscription service, which means members have the freedom to skip a month or cancel whenever.

Here's how it works

Members are asked to pay $9.99 for their first book. After that, the subscription is $14.99 per month. Each month, BOTM chooses five new books for its readers. Subscribers can then go online (or use the app) to pick the books they'd like to receive in the mail, and BOTM will send 'em out sans shipping fee (via Real Simple ). While these five titles are not curated for each individual subscriber, the site does offer a synopsis of each book, along with an in-depth details page that offers an honest and lengthy book review (via BuzzFeed ). In addition to giving readers a synopsis, the site also displays characteristics of each title offered (i.e. feminist, slow build, etc.).

Subscribers can also add up to two additional books to their order for $10 per book or skip a month at no extra charge. "I've been a BOTM subscriber for five months now and I love it!" one Reddit user writes. "I think it's worth it, as most hardcovers are around that price point anyways and you can choose from five new releases and some under the radar books. Sometimes, they include little extras inside the boxes that tie into the books they're offering. Fun!" (via Reddit ).


The Basic Housewife

Subscription Box Reviews & Gift Guides

Book of the Month: Everything You Need to Know + Honest Review

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Have you been curious about trying a monthly book subscription box? Check out my full review of Book of the Month from how it works to pros and cons!

And if you’re just here for the promo code, no worries. Get your first hardcover book for only $5 here.

This blog contains my referral links. I don’t receive a commission, but I do occasionally get some free books if you decide to give BOTM a try! Keep scrolling and I’ll also tell you how YOU can receive free books too!

Book of the Month | Book Subscription Box

My Hunt for the Best Book Subscription Boxes

If you don’t already know, I am a subscription junkie. From FabFitFun and BoxyCharm, to Ipsy and more, I LOVE trying new ones out and there is nothing like getting that rush of seeing the package waiting at my doorstep, ready for me to tear open.

Anyways, you aren’t here to listen to me ramble about my bad spending habits, you’re here to talk about BOOKS.

I recently rekindled my love for reading and have been spending WAY too many hours browsing bookstores, reading Amazon reviews, and following book accounts on Instagram just to find which book would be my next victim.

Shameless plug: I have my own #bookstagram account so if you want allll the book recs, go follow me @foreverbookedup!

But seriously, I was spending more time researching books rather than actually reading them – but isn’t that half the fun?

So I did a ton of research on different book subscription boxes. The majority of the subscriptions are actually full boxes filled with books and swag. These looked fun, but usually cost anywhere from $30-$50/month.

But then I found Book of the Month . It seemed a little simple for my preference, but the price was spot on, the book options were great, and honestly, their branding really appealed to me. After all was said and done, I had to try them out.

Let’s just say, I have not been disappointed.

What Is Book of the Month?

Book of the Month is a monthly subscription service for book lovers ! Each month, the BOTM crew selects 5-7 hardcover books including up-and-coming titles, new releases, and even some early releases!

Of those 5-7 books, you select one to be added to your monthly box.

The book(s) usually get shipping within a week and shipping is always free!

It’s a super simple process and is a great way to try out new titles that you might not have considered otherwise.

Book of the Month Monthly Selections

What Genres Does Book of the Month Have?

When I tell you there is something for everyone, there really truly is! BOTM carries titles from a broad range of genres such as:

  • Contemporary fiction
  • Literary fiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Young Adult

What If I Don’t Like The Monthly Selections?

No worries! Each month, they offer a handful of books from their “Members Most Loved” section that you can select from if you aren’t vibing with any of the monthly picks.

What If I Want More Than One Book?

Literally every reader’s biggest problem. HOW DO I CHOOSE!?! Luckily, you don’t have to contain yourself to just one.

BOTM has these things called Add-On’s, which are basically just a giant library of previous BOTM picks. Just go to the section called “All Books” and browse away!

You can add-on up to two additional titles…for an additional $9.99/book. But really, that’s still a total steal compared to a traditional hardcover at a bookstore.

Basically, it’s a monthly book subscription box that you get to cater exactly to YOU.

Book of the Month Book Options

Can I Skip My Monthly Book?

No matter the reason, you can choose to “skip” any month you’d like. Skipping means that you will not receive a book that month and your credit will roll over to the next month

Just make sure to make your selection or skip by the 6th of the month. If you do not make your selection of skip by that date, you will be automatically charged and a credit will be added to your account for you to use the next month.

What If I Forget to Choose a Book?

It happens to the best of us! If you don’t choose a book by the 6 th of the month, you will still be charged, but the credit can be redeemed the following month!

How Much is Book of the Month?

A monthly BOTM subscription costs $15.99/month. But you can get your first book for only $5 using this link.

When Will My Subscription Ship?

Your BOTM box usually takes 5-7 business days once you’ve selected your books and placed the order.

Keep in mind, shipping can take up to 15 days to states like California and Hawaii.

What is a Book of the Month BFF?

This is not only a book subscription box, but a book subscription box with benefits. After 12 months of being a BOTM club member, they offer some awesome perks. Here’s everything you get as a Book Of The Month BFF:

  • A tote bag with a front pocket to perfect fit your current BOTM selection
  • A FREE add-on during your birthday month
  • A free book from 1 of the 5 “Book of the Year” finalists
  • 20% off everything in the Blue Box Boutique

Book of the Month BFF Perks

How Can I Earn Free Books?

Once you’re signed up, you will get a referral code to share with friends and family. When someone signs up using your code, you’ll get a free credit that can be applied toward a book!

This code is usually a really good deal so it will benefit you both!

If you’ve made it this far and are hoping to sign up, I’d love if you’d use my code to get your first book for only $5!

How Do I Cancel My Subscription?

Boooo, I’m sad to hear that you didn’t love it. But don’t worry, if this book subscription box wasn’t for you or you just wanted to give it a try, you can cancel anytime! Just give them a call at 1-888-784-2670.

Book of the Month Pros & Cons

  • Books are published by Book of the Month so they all have the logo on the dust jacket
  • You might not always like each month’s selections
  • They don’t always have a great selection for romance readers
  • Books are a fraction of the cost compared to other retailers
  • It’s a great way to discover new genres and authors you may not have otherwise found
  • You’ll occasionally have access to early releases
  • The referral program gives you the opportunity to earn tons of free books
  • They now offer audiobooks that you can use your credits toward

Overall, Is Book of the Month Worth It?

As an avid reader, I really love the concept of Book of the Month and have been subscribed for almost 3 years.

Book of the Month has allowed me to discover tons of new titles that I probably never would have picked up otherwise. In fact, as a mostly romance reader, I’ve found some of my all time favorite (non romance) books because of Book of the Month.

As a self-proclaimed romance junkie, I find myself skipping a lot of months because they don’t always have great romance options, but it’s not enough of a reason for me to ever want to cancel.

In my opinion, because you can always skip a month, I think Book of the Month is 100% worth it.

Get Your First Book Of The Month Box for Only $5!

You’ve come this far, which means you seriously must be interested. As you should be! I wouldn’t have written this long ass blog if I truly didn’t love this service.

If you’re interested in giving it a try, click this link to get your first box for only $5 ! That’s a $10 savings!

Once you’ve given it a try, drop a comment below and let me know what you think!

reviews book of the month club

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Book of the Month Club Review: Best Book Subscription?

When you can’t get outside and travel, sometimes all you need is a good book. Or when you need some chill time on your next adventure. The problem is, I’m always stuck in the Non-Fiction side of the bookstore or library.

It’s easy to navigate because it’s broken up by subject. But sometimes you need a break and it’s hard to know where to start. That’s when I found the Book of the Month Club.

It turned out to be my new favorite escape. This is the ultimate Book of the Month Club review.

Why I Choose The Book of the Month Club

Let’s get real. Sometimes you go through some things in your life when you just need an escape. I had been having a pretty rough fall. We had to put both of our family pets down over the course of a couple of months.

Between the contestant worry about their health and sadness afterward, I needed an escape. I thought a good novel was all I needed. So I headed to the library and used a completely random approach to finding a book.

Almost everyone I picked up dealt with loss or had a dog in the description. I finally found one book to try and it was one of the worst things I’ve ever tried reading. I gave it a good 150 pages before I realized it was poorly written. That’s when I found the Book of the Month Club .

What is the Book of the Month Club?

The Book of the Month Club is not like other subscription services. First off, it’s the original. They’ve been curating a list of books each month since 1926, so they know what their audience likes. Instead of signing up and sending you a book each month, they give you five different books to choose from. The books range in topics to romance, mystery, young adult, historical fiction, suspense, and more.

After picking out your books, they arrive on your doorstep within a week. They even provide tracking information so you can keep tabs on it while you eagerly await the next month’s list. This subscription is just for a book. None of the extras, like a fancy bookmark, a cup of coffee beans, or a bubble bath.

While the add-on can be fun, they skyrocket the subscription costs and add to the clutter in my house. Some of the novels are early releases and everyone is a hard-covered copy.

Book of the Month Club Book Reviews

What sets the Book of the Club apart from other book subscription services is the reviews. First off, they have a great selection. They seem to have the pulse of what makes a good book and chances are, it will become a best seller soon. And secondly, they have tons of great reviews breaking down each one. Let’s face it, the summary most books provide can be a toss-up.

Quick Take is a sentence summary of the book. A few sentences with everything you need to know.

Good to know gives you the quick details on the book. It is an emotional, literary, sad, romantic, and quick read.

Why I love it is a curator’s review of why you need the book.

Synopsis is the standard back of the book review.

Preview because sometimes you need to open up the book and find out a little more about it before committing.

Virtual Book Club

My favorite part about being part of the Book of the Month of the Club is the virtual community that comes with it. I’ve always wanted to be part of a book club but have never been socially outgoing enough to join one.

That and it comes with timelines, due dates, and all that other stuff. But there are some amazing Facebook Groups online, as well as the official Book of the Month Club group.

Members are always posting about the books that have arrived and discussing which to get next. A little after the book comes out and they feel everyone has had a chance to read it there are the spoiler group discussions.

The spoilers are always inside the posts, and never visible so they are easy to ignore. It is an amazing community that encourages everyone to read a little more.

For those that can’t get enough, there are Facebook Groups that swap books too. Member virtually swaps their books from all over the country.

How much are we talking about?

The Book of the Month club has subscription packages starting at 3 months and going up to a year. Once you get your 12 th box, you’ll get a book tote, a free add-on book during your birthday month, and to choose pick from Book of the Year Finalist. Unlike other book clubs I found, shipping is always free! I’m already super excited.

Buying a month’s subscription is kind of misleading. You are actually purchasing a book credit. This credit allows you to pick out one of the featured books a month, or a member favorite.

With these credits, you can add on a second or third. What if you don’t want to use up your credits? You can pay $9.99 for the additional books. If you don’t like any of the books that month, skip it. Or if you still have a pile to get through, skip that month.

I got a year subscription as a birthday gift and absolutely love it. I wanted to stretch out the subscription as long as possible, so I opted to pay the money for the second book.

It might sound a little crazy, but financially it just makes more sense to pay for the extra book.

Depending on what type of subscription you purchase, it will cost anywhere from $12.41 – $16.66 a book. Next month, I’ll probably do it again with the long list of books available. 

Would I Sign Up For the Book of the Month Club again?

Part of the fun of subscription boxes is getting something delivered in the mail. As soon as I select the books, I am glued to my phone checking on the shipping status to see when it arrives.

The fact that there isn’t extra stuff in the box is a perk to me. Yes, I will be buying another Book of the Month subscription next year. When you can’t travel, getting wrapped up in a good book is the next best thing.

Minnesota native and Midwest travel expert Jennifer provides insider tips and budget-friendly trip ideas for families looking to explore the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Through her travel blog DayTripper28, she draws on first-hand experience to recommend the best hidden gems, outdoor adventures, road trips, and weekend getaways around Minnesota and the Midwest. With her passion for uncovering local flavors and culture along the backroads, Jennifer shares affordable itineraries for creating memorable experiences across the region.

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The Best Book Clubs

The 9 best book clubs.

  • Brilliant Books
  • Book of the Month Club
  • Books & More
  • BookCase Club
  • My Thrill Club
  • Unplugged Book Box
  • Once Upon a Book Club
  • Fresh Fiction Box

What is the Best Book Club to Join?

Any bookworm knows that one of the most enjoyable experiences in life is to cuddle up in a cozy blanket, maybe light a candle, grab your favorite snack, and dive into your novel. It's a healthy outlet to help you escape into a new world and learn something new. Hours can pass you by as you're engulfed in your book adventure and you may hardly realize it.

Whether you're a fan of mysteries, sci-fi, history, action, or fantasy books, there are thousands of titles out there for you to read. The hardest part is narrowing them down. Sometimes there is such a thing as too many options. Wouldn't it be nice if you could have hand-picked books delivered to you that fit your taste? It would save so much time and ensure you have an endless list of books ready to enjoy.

Wednesday, July 3rd

2024 Book Club Reviews

Brilliant Books Review

Brilliant Books is a store out of Traverse City, Michigan that ships books worldwide for kids and adults to enjoy. They have a team of employees who curate book boxes for subscribers to fit their taste. If the recipient doesn't like it, they can send it back for a new one through the guaranteed selection process. There are 18 types of books and delivery schedules to choose from Brilliant Books, making this the most flexible and custom way to take part in a book club.

Book of the Month Club Review

Book of the Month selects 5 titles each month for subscribers to choose from that span a variety of topics and genres. Members will receive a box with their chosen book included and any other add-ons they may have chosen. If you aren't thrilled with the selection in any given month, you can skip it and use a credit toward a future month's book club purchase. Book of the Month gives you a deal on your first box and once you've purchased 12, you qualify for lots of great perks and discounts. Customer service may sometimes be hard to contact, according to subscribers, but otherwise this is a well-liked book club option and earns very high marks.

Books & More Review

Books & More is a fun option for readers who want more than one book each month in addition to little surprises to make your unpackaging experience more exciting. Each box contains little items like travel book rests, candles, tea towels, bookmarks, and more. No two boxes are alike and are based on a short survey you take during checkout to specify what you would like to see in your box each month. This is a slightly more expensive choice, but people like what they get here and you'll never run out of reading material.

BookCase Club Review

BookCase Club provides a selection of 2 books to each subscriber monthly. Their prices are extremely low - even as little as $5 per book. If you want a book club for your children, they have an option that includes 3 picture or activity books in each box. You can choose to have books delivered month-to-month or prepay for a 3, 6, or 12-month plan. All sales are final here and you can only pick between 5 semi-broad book genres, but customers are generally satisfied with their purchases here and are pleased with this service.

OwlCrate Review

OwlCrate is a whimsical book subscription service for kids or young adults. Each month they send a newly released hardcover signed by the author along with 4-6 bookish goodies based on that month's theme. Subscribers can choose between 1, 3, or 6-month plans and cancel or skip boxes at any time. Shipping is pretty expensive on top of an already pricey box when you consider you're only getting one book to read. However, the frills of OwlCrate on top of a good read may make this option worth it.

My Thrill Club Review

My Thrill Club sends 2 hardcover books each month to subscribers. You can choose from horror, mystery, or thriller novels, or a surprise mix. My Thrill Club ships for free, offers big discounts on memberships, and allows subscribers to pause or cancel their subscriptions at any time. People are generally very excited about the contents of their boxes from My Thrill Club, making this a fantastic option for those who want to stick to mystery, thriller, and crime genres.

Unplugged Book Box Review

Unplugged Book Box is a self-care package delivered straight to your door each month. Included is a newly-released book to help you unplug from technology and relax with 5-8 self-care items that are included in each box. This subscription has options for both adults and young adults, depending on your age, and supports small, women-owned businesses. If you're looking for a mental health boost and want to indulge in a good, relaxing book each month, Unplugged Book Box is for you.

Once Upon a Book Club Review

Once Upon a Book Club features a new book each month that comes with 3-5 wrapped gifts that you are instructed to open at a certain time throughout the book. The gifts relate to the plot of the story to help you have a unique and immersive reading experience. Once Upon a Book Club is primarily for women ages 18+ and is more expensive than some other book club options. However, this is a fun gift idea or way to treat yourself if you want to feel a part of the surprise book you are reading each book.

Fresh Fiction Box Review

Fresh Fiction Box is a monthly subscription for women that includes between 2 and 5 books in each box. The genres are either romance or mystery, so you aren't branching out too much if you choose to become a subscriber with Fresh Fiction. They don't offer returns, exchanges, or requests for boxes, so there are no guarantees that you'll like all the books you receive. This is a book club that offers good value, but may not be for everyone.

Compare the Best Reviews

Continued from above...

Lucky for all the bibliophiles out there, book clubs provide award-winning titles from popular and new authors that fit your reading preferences. You don't have to leave your house or do any research because each month you'll get new books delivered to your door. You can select the length of your membership and even give a book club as a gift to a loved one. We can't think of a more enjoyable way to spend money.

As you browse different book clubs, there are some important things to consider:

  • Membership fees: How much does it cost to participate in the book club? Does your membership auto-renew, or does it end after your selected duration?
  • Cancellation policy: Can you cancel your membership at any time? How much notice do you have to give the company beforehand?
  • Return policy: If you're disappointed in the book selection you receive, can you get a refund or send it back for a different book?
  • Reputation: Is the book club used by a lot of members? What do customers have to say about their experience with the company?

TopConsumerReviews.com has reviewed and ranked the best book clubs available today. We hope this information helps you continue to find new book titles that provide all the enjoyment and relaxation you are hoping for!

The Best Book Clubs

Book Club FAQ

How often is it delivered, what is in the package, can i choose what book it is, are book clubs a good gift, is it expensive, is it a subscription or one time gift, what if i already have the book, is there variety, compare book clubs.

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The Best Reviewed Books of the Month

Featuring sarah perry, griffin dunne, joseph o'neill, rachel cusk, joni mitchell, and more.

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Sarah Perry’s Enlightenment , Griffin Dunne’s The Friday Afternoon Club , Joseph O’Neill’s Godwin , Rachel Cusk’s Parade , and Ann Powers’ Traveling: On the Path of Joni Mitchell all feature among June’s best reviewed books.

1. Godwin by Joseph O’Neill (Pantheon)

10 Rave • 4 Mixed

“O’Neill’s storytelling here has an enthralling fireside quality, ushering us with deceptive simplicity into a labyrinth of motive and desire, breathtaking betrayals and artfully twined threads. A book to sink into, in other words, and one not to be missed.”

–Anthony Cummins ( The Guardian )

2. Enlightenment by Sarah Perry (Mariner)

8 Rave • 3 Positive • 2 Mixed

“Absorbing and affecting … Thanks to the economical grace and emotional force of Ms. Perry’s writing, we are also held fast by other crises, inserted like tiny detonators in her narrative. Death and desolation, though all too familiar, are freshly affecting … A novel of ideas, however, as well as one of emotion … It is hard to think of another modern novelist who portrays religious faith with such intelligent sympathy.”

–Anna Mundow ( The Wall Street Journal )

3. Caledonian Road by Andrew O’Hagan (W. W. Norton)

5 Rave • 6 Positive • 6 Mixed Read an excerpt from Caledonian Road here

“Halfway through Caledonian Road the deaths start to occur and the tone, so far lightly satirical, with the odd epigrammatic flourish, darkens in turn … Wildly readable, brimming with energy and filled with enjoyable contemporary detail. Brash, prating characters stalk its pages, demanding attention and understanding; yet, in Andrew O’Hagan’s redistributive narrative justice, the most heartfelt, and heart-rending, moments tend to involve those whose fate is to lurk on the periphery.”

–Suzi Feay ( Times Literary Supplement )

4. Parade by Rachel Cusk (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)

6 Rave • 8 Positive • 6 Mixed • 3 Pan

“An icy thought experiment … Intellectually, these thoughts can be exhilarating. Instead of plot or character development, Cusk offers a gimlet-eyed analysis of what it is to be the creator of a world in which nobody really exists … This Cuskian narrator’s voice – cold, detached, judgmental, excoriating – emerges as a dominant and distinctive energy, an individual … This deepening of chaos is Cusk’s artistic project here, and she delivers it coldly. No doubt she’s pausing now to observe our pain.”

–Lucy Atkins ( The Guardian )

5. Fire Exit by Morgan Talty (Tin House Books)

5 Rave • 6 Positive • 1 Mixed Read an interview with Morgan Talty here

“Works wonderfully well. At once a touching narrative about family and a gritty story about alcoholism, dementia, and longing, Fire Exit is a novel in which past and present are constantly on the page as we follow a man’s life—while it also entertains what that life could have been … Talty is an outstanding new voice with a lot to say.”

–Gabino Iglesias ( NPR )

1. The Friday Afternoon Club: A Family Memoir by Griffin Dunne (Penguin)

7 Rave • 7 Positive Read an interview with Griffin Dunne here

“Dunne largely bears…slings and arrows with good humor and equanimity, conscious, perhaps, that in retelling them he becomes the hero of the joke. He gets terrific mileage from his own bad luck … What makes these unimaginable events so readable, and allows Dunne to find a kind of grace even amid tragedy, are his unshakable black humor and unfailing nose for a good story.”

–Charles Arrowsmith ( The Los Angeles Times )

2. Traveling: On the Path of Joni Mitchell by Ann Powers (Day Street Books)

8 Rave • 3 Positive

“Remarkably insightful … Keeping a distance pays great dividends here. Powers proves an adroit codebreaker for the uniquely complex cross-pollination of romantic ennui, class consciousness, spiritual striving and occasional narcissism that characterizes the full sweep of the Joni Mitchell enterprise … Astute … It is a great compliment to Powers’s ebullient style that her accruing sense of fatigue and wonder around her subject never reads as less than fascinating. Visceral prose, pure fusion.”

–Elizabeth Nelson ( The Washington Post )

3. The Garden Against Time: In Search of a Common Paradise by Olivia Laing (W. W. Norton & Company)

6 Rave • 5 Positive • 1 Mixed

“Laing maps the ghosts of gardens and sacred spaces destroyed through war … What makes this captivating book more than an elaborate journal of gardening and its fraught history is Laing’s insistence on Jarman’s idea that ‘paradise haunts gardens.'”

–Lauren LeBlanc ( The Boston Globe )

Cue the Sun!

4. Cue the Sun!: The Invention of Reality TV by Emily Nussbaum (Random House)

5 Rave • 5 Positive

“The book gives us glimpses into the fraught production of these shows, their divided receptions, and the melancholy biographies of some of the thousands of people who have appeared on these shows … Nussbaum, as always, makes her case for the seriousness of her subject simply by taking it seriously. Attentive not just to the cultural footprint of the reality show but to its ticky-tacky specificity, Cue the Sun! provides a sometimes grim, occasionally gleeful account of the way that television can not just mirror but also create real life … Nussbaum sees these human moments as screen moments and describes them with the same care she might otherwise apply to a prestige drama series.”

–Phillip Maciak ( The New Republic )

5. Miss May Does Not Exist: The Life and Work of Elaine May, Hollywood’s Hidden Genius by Carrie Courogen (St. Martin’s)

5 Rave • 4 Positive • 1 Mixed

“Splendid … Revelatory scholarship that gives full measure to this artist who despite obstacles and setbacks (some self-inflicted) is an exalted figure in the comedy pantheon, a distinct voice whose outlier creative life Courogen captures through original research, archival material and scores of interviews … Like its subject, contains multitudes, and it captures the complexities and contradictions of the fiendishly funny and fiercely independent artist.”

–Donald Liebenson ( The Washington Post )

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The Most Popular Book Club Books of June, According to Goodreads

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Danika Ellis

Danika spends most of her time talking about queer women books at the Lesbrary. Blog: The Lesbrary Twitter: @DanikaEllis

View All posts by Danika Ellis

One page I discovered recently is the “Most Popular Book Club Books This Month” list . You can sort by week, month, or all-time. Since we’re almost at the end of June, it seems like a good time to look at which books the most book clubs have been picked up this month. This can’t account for every book club in the world — it’s just the ones that have recorded their picks on Goodreads — but it’s an interesting overview. Some of these may have changed since the time of writing, because it’s updated regularly.

For each book, I’ve linked some available book club guides and questions, both free versions and downloadable guides on Etsy. Some of these are official (from the author or publisher), but most are from readers, so take what’s useful and leave the rest. Now, let’s get into the books!

cover of The Women by Kristin Hannah

The Women by Kristin Hannah

The #1 spot in June goes to The Women , with 39 Goodreads groups discussing it this month. It’s also a bestseller and one of the most-read books on Goodreads in recent weeks.

Book Club Resources:

Official Discussion Guide

Book Club Questions

Book Club Guide , including character list, quotes, printable bookmarks, themed food and drink menu ideas, icebreakers, and more. ($5)

Book Club Kit , including discussion questions, themed food and drink lists, themed activity ideas, and a themed playlist. ($12)

cover of Funny Story by Emily Henry

Funny Story by Emily Henry

Second place goes to Funny Story , the newest Emily Henry romance novel, which is also still on the bestseller lists and has been one of the most read books on Goodreads in recent weeks.

Book Club Discussion Bundle , including discussion questions; note card for book rating, favorite quotes, and Hollywood casting; bookmark; cocktail recipe; and book-inspired postcard map. ($5)

Book cover of Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

In third is a book that came out a couple of years ago. This was a Read With Jenna pick in 2022.

Here’s a video of the author answering readers’ questions with Hoda and Jenna.

Discussion Questions

Book Club Guide , including a character list, themed journal pages, discussion questions, printable bookmarks, contextual information, themed food and drink menu items, and icebreakers. ($5)

Book Club Kit , including discussion questions, bookmarks, a themed recipe, and a themed trivia game. ($3)

cover image First Lie Wins

First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston

Then we have a new thriller release. This was the Reese’s Book Club pick for January 2024 .

Reading Guide

Book Club Kit , including discussion questions, printable bookmarks, a themed recipe, and a themed activity idea. ($3)

cover image for None of This is True

None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell

And here’s another thriller, but this one came out last year.

Book of the Month Discussion on Reddit

Book Club Discussion Bundle , including discussion questions; n ote card for book rating, favorite quotes, and Hollywood casting ; and a themed cocktail recipe. ($3)

Book Club Guide , including food and drink pairings, synopsis and stats, quotes, character overview, discussion questions, printable bookmarks, and more. ($5)

cover of The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride

The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride

This 2023 literary novel was a bestseller and was named best book of the year by NPR, the Washington Post, The New Yorker, Time Magazine, Barack Obama, and many others.

Official Reader’s Guide

Book Club Guide , including synopsis, character list, discussion questions, icebreakers, word search, and food and drink ideas. ($4)

cover of Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

The tenth spot goes to this novel that was the buzziest release of 2022, including being a bestseller and being a Barnes & Noble book club pick . The paperback just came out, which may explain why book clubs are picking it up now.

yellowface book cover

Yellowface by R. F. Kuang

The top ten most popular picks are mostly by white authors, so let’s skip a couple to the #12 pick: Yellowface. This was a bestseller and Reese’s Book Club pick in 2023.

Brooklyn Public Library Book Club Kit (PDF)

Book Club Guide , including food and drink pairings, synopsis and book stats, character overview, quotes, discussion questions, printable bookmarks, and more. ($5)

Have you read any of these in your book club? Let’s chat in the comments!

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June’s Best Reviewed Nonfiction

Featuring griffin dunne, joni mitchell, olivia laing, and more.

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Griffin Dunne’s The Friday Afternoon Club , Ann Powers’  Traveling: On the Path of Joni Mitchell , and Olivia Laing’s The Garden Against Time all feature among the best reviewed nonfiction titles of the month.

Brought to you by Book Marks , Lit Hub’s home for book reviews.

1. The Friday Afternoon Club: A Family Memoir by Griffin Dunne (Penguin)

7 Rave • 7 Positive Read an interview with Griffin Dunne here

“Dunne largely bears…slings and arrows with good humor and equanimity, conscious, perhaps, that in retelling them he becomes the hero of the joke. He gets terrific mileage from his own bad luck … What makes these unimaginable events so readable, and allows Dunne to find a kind of grace even amid tragedy, are his unshakable black humor and unfailing nose for a good story.”

–Charles Arrowsmith ( The Los Angeles Times )

2. Traveling: On the Path of Joni Mitchell by Ann Powers (Day Street Books)

8 Rave • 3 Positive

“Remarkably insightful … Keeping a distance pays great dividends here. Powers proves an adroit codebreaker for the uniquely complex cross-pollination of romantic ennui, class consciousness, spiritual striving and occasional narcissism that characterizes the full sweep of the Joni Mitchell enterprise … Astute … It is a great compliment to Powers’s ebullient style that her accruing sense of fatigue and wonder around her subject never reads as less than fascinating. Visceral prose, pure fusion.”

–Elizabeth Nelson ( The Washington Post )

3. The Garden Against Time: In Search of a Common Paradise by Olivia Laing (W. W. Norton & Company)

6 Rave • 5 Positive • 1 Mixed

“Laing maps the ghosts of gardens and sacred spaces destroyed through war … What makes this captivating book more than an elaborate journal of gardening and its fraught history is Laing’s insistence on Jarman’s idea that ‘paradise haunts gardens.’”

–Lauren LeBlanc ( The Boston Globe )

Cue the Sun!

4. Cue the Sun!: The Invention of Reality TV by Emily Nussbaum (Random House)

5 Rave • 5 Positive

“The book gives us glimpses into the fraught production of these shows, their divided receptions, and the melancholy biographies of some of the thousands of people who have appeared on these shows … Nussbaum, as always, makes her case for the seriousness of her subject simply by taking it seriously. Attentive not just to the cultural footprint of the reality show but to its ticky-tacky specificity, Cue the Sun! provides a sometimes grim, occasionally gleeful account of the way that television can not just mirror but also create real life … Nussbaum sees these human moments as screen moments and describes them with the same care she might otherwise apply to a prestige drama series.”

–Phillip Maciak ( The New Republic )

5. Miss May Does Not Exist: The Life and Work of Elaine May, Hollywood’s Hidden Genius by Carrie Courogen (St. Martin’s)

5 Rave • 4 Positive • 1 Mixed

“Splendid … Revelatory scholarship that gives full measure to this artist who despite obstacles and setbacks (some self-inflicted) is an exalted figure in the comedy pantheon, a distinct voice whose outlier creative life Courogen captures through original research, archival material and scores of interviews … Like its subject, contains multitudes, and it captures the complexities and contradictions of the fiendishly funny and fiercely independent artist.”

–Donald Liebenson ( The Washington Post )

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A grid shows portions of 16 book covers.

16 New Books Coming in July

New novels from J. Courtney Sullivan and Liz Moore, a memoir by a “hacktivist” member of Anonymous — and more.

Credit... The New York Times

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The cover of “The Cliffs” is a photo of rocky coastal cliffs at sunset.

The Cliffs , by J. Courtney Sullivan

A dilapidated lavender mansion, perched high on a craggy bluff in Maine, turns out to be more than a home: It’s the key to a century of hopes, misdeeds and family ghosts.

Knopf, July 2

The God of the Woods , by Liz Moore

Moore’s fifth novel takes place at an Adirondack summer camp where the daughter of the owner goes missing. Strangely — and alarmingly — she isn’t the first person in her family to disappear from this secluded idyll. Who is responsible?

Riverhead, July 2

Private Revolutions , by Yuan Yang

This story of four women’s coming-of-age spans six years in China in the 1980s and ‘90s, offering a portrait both sweeping and intimate — as much a study of a radically changing society as of four very different people.

Viking, July 2

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IrishCentral Book of the Month: "The Ginger Man" by J.P. Donleavy

Join the irishcentral book club this july as we read "the ginger man" by irish american author j.p. donleavy..

\"The Ginger Man\" by J.P. Donleavy is the July 2024 selection for the IrishCentral Book Club.

"The Ginger Man" by J.P. Donleavy is the July 2024 selection for the IrishCentral Book Club .

Each month, we will pick a new Irish book or a great book by an Irish author and celebrate the amazing ability of the Irish to tell a good story for the IrishCentral Book Club .

"The Ginger Man," penned by Irish American author J.P. Donleavy around 1951, received some early feedback from Donleavy's pal Brendan Behan who told him: "This book of yours is going to go around the world and beat the bejesus out of the Bible."

After the book faced scores of rejections from publishers who deemed it obscene, Behan suggested to Donleavy that he try Olympia Press in Paris. The novel was finally published in 1955, but it went on the pornography imprint, infuriating Donleavy and leading to a decades-long legal battle.

Despite this - and having remained banned in the US until 1965 and in Ireland until 1968 - "The Ginger Man" has is now regarded as a classic that's been translated into more than two dozen languages and has sold more than 50 million copies. In 1998, it was named among the 100 Best Novels by the Modern Library .

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Looking for Irish book recommendations or to meet with others who share your love for Irish literature? Join IrishCentral’s Book Club on Facebook and enjoy our book-loving community.

Synopsis of “The Ginger Man" by J.P. Donleavy

Set in Ireland just after World War II, "The Ginger Man" is a wildly funny, picaresque story of the misadventures of Sebastian Dangerfield, a young American ne’er-do-well studying at Trinity College in Dublin.

He barely has time for his studies as he avoids bill collectors, makes love to almost anything in a skirt, and tries to survive without having to descend into the bottomless pit of steady work.

Dangerfield’s appetite for women, liquor, and general roguishness is insatiable—and he satisfies it with endless charm.

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An excerpt from "The Ginger Man" by J.P. Donleavy

Today a rare sun of spring. And horse carts clanging to the quays down Tara Street and the shoeless white faced kids screaming.

O’Keefe comes in and climbs up on a stool. Wags his knapsack around on his back and looks at Sebastian Dangerfield.

“Those tubs are huge over there. First bath for two months. I’m getting more like the Irish every day. Like going on the subway in the States, you go through a turnstile.”

“Did you go first or third class, Kenneth?”

“First. I broke my ass washing my underwear and in those damn rooms in Trinity nothing will dry. In the end I sent my towel to the laundry. Back at Harvard I could nip into a tiled shower and dive into nice clean underwear.”

“What will you have to drink, Kenneth?”

“Who’s paying?”

“Just been to visit my broker with an electric fire.”

“Then buy me a cider. Does Marion know you’ve hocked the fire?”

“She’s away. Took Felicity with her to visit her parents. On the moors in Scotland. I think the Balscaddoon was getting her down. Scrabbling on the ceiling and groans from under the floor.”

“What’s it like out there? Does it freeze your balls?”

“Come out. Stay for the weekend. Not much in the way of food but you’re welcome to whatever I’ve got.”

“Which is nothing.”

“I wouldn’t put it that way.”

“I would. Since I’ve arrived here everything has been down and these guys at Trinity think I’m loaded with dough. They think the G.I. Bill means I crap dollars or a diarrhea of dimes. You get your check?”

“Going to see about it Monday.”

“If mine doesn’t come, I’ll croak. And you’re saddled with a wife and child. Wow. But at least you get it steady. And I’ve never got it at all. Any loose women out there on Howth?”

“I’ll keep a watch.”

“Look I’ve got to go and see my tutor and see if I can find out where they hold my Greek lectures. Nobody knows, everything is secret. No more drink for me. I’ll come out over the weekend.”

“Kenneth, I might have your first woman waiting for you.”

  • IrishCentral Book Club's ultimate Irish reading list

Reviews for "The Ginger Man" by J.P. Donleavy

“Sebastian Dangerfield [is] one of the most outrageous scoundrels of contemporary fiction, a whoring, boozing young wastrel.” - Time

“A wild and unpredictable outburst.” - Saturday Review

“A comic masterpiece.” - The Nation

“Brilliant, lusty and wildly funny.” - Dorothy Parker, Esquire

“The adventures of one incorrigible Sebastian Dangerfield. Unruly, willful, and wholly devious. This lyrical, comic wonder was introduced to me by Hunter [S. Thompson]. Every man should read this, and spend at least one evening in his life impersonating this unapologetic horror of an individual!” - Johnny Depp, “My Essentials” in Entertainment Weekly‘s “Best of the Decade” issue (December 11, 2009)

“Nasty and lyrical, a curse that sounds suspiciously like a prayer, this outlandish hybrid of Irish-American letters is still armed and dangerous after thirty years. Sebastian Dangerfield, the lecherous, treacherous, larcenous and thoroughly charming Ginger Man, appears to be immortal as well as immoral.” - Jay McInerney

“A triumph of comic writing . . . no contemporary writer is better than Donleavy at his best.” - The New Yorker

“It is one of the books which reveal their quality from the first line. On every page there is that immediacy all good writing has.” - V.S. Naipaul

About by J.P. Donleavy

J. P. Donleavy was born to Irish parents (his mother from Galway and his father from Longford) in New York City in 1926 and was educated there and at Trinity College, Dublin. In 1967 he became an Irish citizen.

His books include "The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B," "The Destinies of Darcy Dancer, Gentleman," "A Fairy Tale of New York," "Leila," and "A Singular Man."

Donleavy died in 2017 in Ireland, at the age of 91.

(*Synopsis, excerpt, reviews, and bio from Grove Atlantic .)

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    The monthly membership cost: your first book for $9.99 and then you pay $14.99 each month after that. The yearly membership: you pay $149.99 for 12 credits in your account which makes it end up being $12.50 a book — a good option if you can afford that cost upfront. The add-ons, if you want them, are $9.99 each.

  2. Book Of The Month Review

    Book Of The Month Club Review. The Book Of The Month club has been offering individuals the most acclaimed fiction and non-fiction book options for nearly 100 years. Every month there are five new options to choose from, and you can even add on to that if your heart desires to just keep reading! Let's take a look at some of their best-sellers.

  3. Book of the Month Club Review for June 2024

    Book of the Month Club. Free shipping on all boxes. Skip any month you want. First book for $9.99. Qualify for discounts after 12 boxes. Book of the Month has been helping people discover new books since 1926. Rather than having you sign up for a 3, 6, or 12-month plan, you pay each month that you want a new book.

  4. Book of the Month Reviews

    About the Brand. Book of the Month is a popular online subscription service for books that helps millennial women discover the best new reads. We announce a curated selection of between 5 - 7 new and early release hardcover books every month. Members choose one on the site, and we ship it to them in a bright blue box.

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    The first month's book is $9.99 with the code "COZY" at checkout — after that, you pay $15.99 per month, with no additional shipping costs. If you forget to skip a month and don't choose a book ...

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    Book of the Month Club, Pros, Cons and A Cautionary Tale.If you love books, you may have seen their ads or someone on Instagram hawking their books. So, I tried out a Book of the Month subscription a while back, and thought I'd share my cautionary experience. I've seen other reviews of it around, but BoTM has a referral program (i.e. the "reviewer"/affiliate earns money when you ...

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    The original Book of the Month Club was founded in 1926, and it underwent a total rebrand and relaunch in 2015, making it more appealing to a millennial audience. In its current state, subscribers ...

  8. Book of the Month Club

    Should you choose to find out a bit more, they also have a spoiler-free review that gives a little more context. View fullsize. View fullsize. Subscription Details. Price. $16.99 a monthfor one book, which, if you ask me, is a great price for a hardcover. $169.99 a year for 12 credits, bringing the price down to $13.99 per book.

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  10. Book of the Month Club: Why it is my favorite book subscription

    The monthly cost for Book of the Month Club is $14.99. You can add up to two of the other books from the five selections (and sometimes books from past months if they're still available) for $9.99. Book of the Month Club shipping is always free and you can skip any month you want (easily - none of the call-in baloney that some subscriptions ...

  11. Book of the Month Club Reviews

    The club's curation is top-notch, ensuring a diverse mix of compelling reads each month. Plus, the flexibility to skip months or choose from different titles adds to its appeal. You can pick one book each month but also have the option to add on extras.

  12. Book of the Month Club Reviews 2024

    Review product. Reviews 228 reviews. 4.5. 5 star. 74%. 4 star. 11%. 3 star. 7%. 2 star. 3%. 1 star. 4%. Write a Review. Abbie R. 27 days ago. 5 / 5. I love a good subscription box and started using Book of the Month club as a little treat during the pandemic. This is a fantastic subscription service for book lovers or someone that wants to get ...

  13. Book Of The Month Review 2024: The Good & Bad

    Book of the Month Review: Book Selection / Options. Around the 1st day of each month, Book of the Month shares their five - seven book selections. These books are chosen by a variety of judges, who vary from celebrities to authors to BOTM employees. The choices include multiple genres, representation, and topics.

  14. BOTM (Book of the Month): A Complete Guide + Is It Worth It?

    Book of the Month (BOTM) is a monthly subscription for readers, originally founded in 1926. They offer a selection of books - between five and seven books per month - at discounted prices. In the past, BOTM only offered hardcover books, but they now also offer audiobooks. In each month's book selection, there's usually a good mix of ...

  15. Book of the Month Club review

    I went with the annual plan, to get my price-per-book down as low as possible (with that plan, the price-per-book is a little under $12), but they have shorter plans available, and their introductory plans are terrific: get any one book for $5, or your first 3 months for $9.99 each. (That 3-month plan comes with goodies: a free tote bag and a ...

  16. Is it worth it? : r/bookofthemonthclub

    For me it's so worth it for the price alone. There have been so many books I want read that are like $15-25, but I get them as add ons for $10 with BOTM. Like someone else said, it's nice to look forward to it every month. It's expanded my scope of genres, and I discovered I absolutely love thrillers.

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  18. Is The Book Of The Month Subscription Really Worth The Money?

    Here's how it works. Members are asked to pay $9.99 for their first book. After that, the subscription is $14.99 per month. Each month, BOTM chooses five new books for its readers. Subscribers can then go online (or use the app) to pick the books they'd like to receive in the mail, and BOTM will send 'em out sans shipping fee (via Real Simple ).

  19. Book of the Month: Everything You Need to Know + Honest Review

    The majority of the subscriptions are actually full boxes filled with books and swag. These looked fun, but usually cost anywhere from $30-$50/month. But then I found Book of the Month. It seemed a little simple for my preference, but the price was spot on, the book options were great, and honestly, their branding really appealed to me.

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    Free shipping on all boxes. Skip any month you want. First book for $9.99. Qualify for discounts after 12 boxes. Book of the Month selects 5 titles each month for subscribers to choose from that span a variety of topics and genres. Members will receive a box with their chosen book included and any other add-ons they may have chosen.

  22. Book of the Month

    BOTM is built for the avid and the occasional. And our aim is to be friends for a LONG TIME. If a month doesn't catch your eye - no problem, just skip. You won't be charged. Your reading is always rewarded through our loyalty program (the savings start after just three boxes). If you don't like your book we will be happy to swap it out with ...

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    OwlCrate. OwlCrate is a whimsical book subscription service for kids or young adults. Each month they send a newly released hardcover signed by the author along with 4-6 bookish goodies based on that month's theme. Subscribers can choose between 1, 3, or 6-month plans and cancel or skip boxes at any time.

  24. The Best Reviewed Books of the Month Book Marks

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  26. Catholic Answers Book of the Month Club

    Book Club Members Also Get: St. Thomas Aquinas bookmark with your first book (and new surprise swag throughout the year) Submit questions to the club inbox for a special grab bag segment on Catholic Answers Live with the author; Invite-only livestream events with the author and others discussing the book

  27. June's Best Reviewed Nonfiction ‹ Literary Hub

    Griffin Dunne's The Friday Afternoon Club, Ann Powers' Traveling: On the Path of Joni Mitchell, and Olivia Laing's The Garden Against Time all feature among the best reviewed nonfiction titles of the month. Brought to you by Book Marks, Lit Hub's home for book reviews. * 1. The Friday Afternoon Club: A Family Memoir by Griffin Dunne […]

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    Guilty Creatures, by Mikita Brottman. A nonfiction noir that combines propulsive true crime with stylish writing, Brottman's account of a murder, a love triangle and small-town secrets in ...

  29. The Ginger Man by JP Donleavy

    "The Ginger Man" by J.P. Donleavy is the July 2024 selection for the IrishCentral Book Club. Each month, ... reviews, and bio from Grove Atlantic.) Related: Books, Irish American, New York