Sales Cover Letter Tips, Templates, & Examples to Land Your Ideal Role

Aja Frost

Published: April 20, 2022

A strong sales cover letter can do a lot for you as an applicant — like demonstrate effective communication skills, show you're invested in the opportunity, and give you room to add some color to your application.

sales job cover letter tips

That said, stringing cover letters together is often one of the more grating, monotonous tasks job seekers have to put up with — but while putting a sound sales cover letter together can be a chore , it doesn't necessarily have to be a challenge . There are some key tips, strategies, and structures you can fold into your letters to make them as compelling as possible.

Let's take a look at some of those tricks, review how to arrange your sales cover letter, and see an example of what a solid one looks like in practice.

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

Sales Cover Letter Tips

Keep it concise..

You should aim to keep your cover letter between three to five paragraphs, and under no circumstances should it be more than one page. Employers fielding a high volume of applications could be leafing through hundreds of cover letters every day. If you're too long-winded — stringing together a multi-page history of your entire professional life — you're going to get overlooked.

Use a professional font.

A cover letter is a professional document, so it warrants a professional presentation. Don't get too cute with your font selection or colors. Go with something like Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri — and always have the text be black.

Avoid flowery language without sacrificing flow.

You're not writing an English essay or preparing for a poetry slam here. Again, you want to keep things professional. Avoid flowery phrases like, " At your leisure " or " Please find attached herewith. ” That said, you want your letter to flow and sound natural, so try not to come off too stiff.

Highlight relevant skills.

Pore over the listing for the role you're applying for. What is the company in question looking for? What specific skills and qualities do they call out in the job description? Once you have those questions squared away, try to find ways to include those elements in your cover letter.

Reference quantifiable achievements.

In most cases, employers won't look at the skills you highlight and just take you at your word — you need to point to hard, quantifiable results that demonstrate you're the real deal.

How to Write a Sales Cover Letter

If you’re applying to a conservative company or work in a formal industry — like finance, healthcare, or law — include a full heading: Your name and address, followed by a space, the date, followed by another space, and the company name and address.

But if you’re applying to a less formal place, you can probably get away with simply writing your name and email address — followed by a space and the company's name and email address.

Maybe you’re not sure who will be reading your cover letter — but don’t write " To whom it may concern, " " Dear hiring manager, " or any other generic title. With a little research, you can usually find the hiring manager’s name.

Let’s say you’re applying for the SMB Account Executive role at Joyfull. Google "SMB sales manager Joyfull" and see if you can find the team’s leader on LinkedIn. When applying to a conservative company, write “Dear Mr./Ms. [Last name].” When applying to a startup or relatively relaxed organization, write “Dear [First name] [Last name].”

Your intro paragraph should highlight why you’re a great fit. It’s a high-level overview, rather than an in-depth exploration of your work history and qualifications, so keep it under four sentences.

The standard cover letter opening line is something along the lines of:

"I’m interested in becoming a sales representative on your SMB team " or " I'm excited for the opportunity to apply for the SMB sales representative role. "

While these sentences might not kill your chances of getting the job, they generally don’t help. You want to grab the reader’s attention and sell yourself from the very start — so don't be reluctant to try a personalized, compelling line that will draw the hiring manager in and make them want to read more.

Here are a few examples:

" I love working with small businesses — in fact, I’ve helped more than 300 in the past year at my current job — which is why I’m so excited about the chance to help SMBs discover Joyfull. "

" Every week, I write a blog post about a common SMB challenge. Helping SMBs overcome this obstacle isn’t just rewarding -- it’s also a great lead gen strategy. My passion for this type of work led me to your SMB Account Executive position. "

Do you know a current or former employee who speaks positively about the company? Mention them in your intro. In some cases, you might have their referral — either by submitting your application or connecting you with the hiring manager — but even if you don't, you can still drop their name.

For instance, you might say something like, "As a self-starter who thrives in autonomous, results-oriented environments, I’m drawn to the BDR role at Red Shelf. I’ve heard great things about the culture and learning opportunities from Sarah Grossman, who started as a BDR and now works on your L&D team."

First Body Paragraph

In this paragraph, choose a relevant work experience. What does "relevant" mean? You’re trying to show your existing abilities and knowledge map well to the role you’re applying for, so if you currently work in retail and you want to become a business development rep, you might write:

" As a floor associate for Wilson & Co., I help 60-plus customers every day with questions about brands, fit, quality, and more. This experience has taught me how to provide a positive customer experience and be helpful while driving sales — both skills I’d use as a HubSpot BDR. Finally, it’s made me comfortable approaching strangers and acting as a product expert, which would be invaluable when reaching out to inbound leads. "

Second Body Paragraph

The second body paragraph follows the same structure as the first. Take another relevant work or educational experience, and connect the dots to the role you’re applying for. Imagine you’re currently an AE applying for a manager position. Your second section could read:

“ In the past 16 months on the Pacific West team, I’ve taken several opportunities to grow my leadership abilities. I started a mentorship program for new reps, pairing them with salespeople who have been at the company for at least two years. This program has been a huge success — the half-year retention is 20% higher for participants versus those without mentors. As a sales manager, I’d continue to look for ways to support, mentor, and train my salespeople so they can maximize their potential. "

Third Body Paragraph

If you have another relevant experience, discuss it here. But you don’t have to add a third paragraph just for the sake of adding one — a lot of the time, a shorter cover letter is better, provided you can convey an appropriate amount of relevant information.

Let’s suppose you’re applying for a sales engineer role — a highly technical and demanding job that likely warrants a three-paragraph cover letter. You could say something like:

"After spending two years in customer support, I’m in my element when answering product-related questions. There’s nothing I enjoy more than getting a challenging ticket I can dig into — and there’s nothing more satisfying than finally solving it. As a sales engineer for HubSpot, I’d get the chance to talk to customers about the product on a daily basis and answer their most complex questions. In addition, I could use the communication skills I’ve honed as a support rep."

This section doesn’t need to be long or flowery. Many people end with unnecessary statements like, "Please let me know if I can provide any more information” or "Thank you for your consideration."

The problem with these? A hiring manager can safely assume you’ll give more info if asked and are appreciative of their time. You’ll seem like every other applicant who’s grabbed a generic template from the internet — which, okay, you might be doing, but they don’t need to know that.

Instead, reiterate your interest with a strong summary line like:

“The best days at work are usually the longest and most demanding — because I go home knowing I’ve helped multiple owners dramatically change the course of their businesses. Your hyper-loyal user base suggests being a Joyfull AE comes with even more opportunities to help young and growing organizations.”

Sales Cover Letter Template

Dear Jane Doe,

I’m passionate about [helping X type of customer, solving Y goal, working in Z industry] — which is how I found the [open position] at [company name]. The more I learned about [company’s] mission to [insert mission here, i.e. “improve the remote working experience,” “make personal finance easy”], the more excited I became. My [applicable skill #1 and applicable skill #2], as well as experience in [field] and knowledge of [related topic], would make me an asset to the [department, i.e. “Customer Development”] team.

As a [title] at [current employer or skill], I’m responsible for [doing X and Y]. This has helped me develop [ability] -- in fact, [insert proof of your skill, e.g. “my boss recently said I was one of the most resourceful employees he’s ever had” or “I’m known for my ability to stay collected and take the lead during high-pressure situations.”] I’d use [X skill] as your [job title] to [achieve main objective].

I’m also [skilled in X/possess Y and Z positive traits], which comes from my [previous work or extracurricular experience]. [In that role, on that team], I developed a knack for [skill/traits]. This was instrumental in [hitting specific milestones/exceeding expectations]. You’re looking for someone with [X skill/character traits], and I believe I’m a good fit.

Over the past [number of years], [company] has [accomplished X goal, such as “become a leader in the CRM space” or “used creative marketing and social media campaigns to become a household name in Colorado.”] It looks like you have ambitious goals for the future -- I hope I get the opportunity to contribute.

[Your name]

Sales Cover Letter Example

an effective sales cover letter example

Why It Works

This cover letter is effective for a few reasons. For one, it speaks directly to how the applicant's hard, quantifiable achievements align with both the role's required technical acumen and the more abstract qualities needed to thrive in it.

By alluding to the fact that they're familiar with the vertical the role serves, the applicant establishes the relevance of their experience — and by touching on elements like their experience with mentorship, they're demonstrating their growth potential within the role.

If you're in the middle of a job hunt, odds are you're going to write your fair share of cover letters — so knowing how to put a compelling one together is in your best interest. It might be the difference between ultimately landing a sales role and not even popping up on an employer's radar.

Professional Cover Letter Templates

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Five fill-in-the-blank cover letter templates to help you impress recruiters.

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Sales Cover Letter Example for 2024 (w/ Templates!)

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You've always had a knack for sales, but now you’ve come a long way from making cold calls and practicing your pitch in front of the mirror. 

You’re ready to turn your talent into a full-time gig.

There's just one hurdle left: writing that dreaded cover letter. Staring at the empty page that's supposed to sell your skills and experience feels a lot like standing in front of a tough client you just can't land.

But don't worry!

In this article, we're going to show you how to sell your professional skills, one sentence at a time.

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

  • What Makes a Great Sales Cover Letter Example
  • 5 Steps to Writing the Best Sales Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Cover Letter Tips for Sales Pros

...and more!

So let's close the deal.

Sales Cover Letter Example

Sales Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Sales Cover Letter

You’ve seen what a great sales cover letter looks like. Now it's time to start writing your own . 

Simply follow these tried-and-tested steps:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Kick off your sales cover letter with your personal information right at the top, similar to your resume . Here's the lowdown on what to include:

  • Full Name. Your whole name should sit at the top of the document.
  • Job Title. Be specific about the sales role you're targeting (e.g. Sales Manager ). This helps the hiring manager sort through heaps of applications more efficiently.
  • Email Address. Keep it simple and professional. Your old, quirky email won't cut it. For instance, [email protected] is a no-no, but [email protected] is good to go.
  • Phone Number. Make sure it’s correct, and if you're aiming for a job in another country, add the international dialing code.
  • Location. Usually, your city and country are enough. But if you're open to remote work or moving, say so.
  • Relevant Links (optional). If you have a LinkedIn profile or a portfolio, this is a good spot to include those links.

Next up, list the hiring manager's details:

  • Company Name. Put down the company you're looking to join.
  • Hiring Manager’s Name. If you can find it, include the name of the hiring manager for the sales department. The company’s website and LinkedIn are good places to look.
  • Hiring Manager’s Title. If you learn the hiring manager's official title, use that instead of just "Hiring Manager." For example, the person reviewing your application might be the “Head of Sales”.
  • Location. Note the city and country, especially if the company is global. You can get more detailed with the street name and number if you want.
  • Email Address (optional). If you manage to find it, throw in the hiring manager’s email as well.
  • Date (optional). Include the date you’re writing the cover letter. It adds a touch of professionalism.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've laid down your contact information , it's time to address your cover letter to its intended reader. Skip the old ‘To Whom It May Concern’ —it's a snooze-fest.

First up, do a little digging. Look at the job ad, the company's website, or their LinkedIn page to find the name of the hiring manager for the sales role you're applying for. This way, you'll get their name and possibly their email too.

When it comes to addressing the hiring manager , it's good to be formal but not stuffy. Go for "Mr." or "Ms." followed by their last name. If you're unsure about their gender or marital status, just use their full name. Like so:

  • Dear Mr. Johnson,  
  • Dear Emily Johnson,

If you hit a wall and can't find any details about who the hiring manager or the head of the sales department is, aim your letter at the department or the entire company:

  • Dear Sales Department,
  • Dear Sales Hiring Team,
  • Dear HR Recruitment Team,
  • Dear Sales Division Lead,

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers usually only take a few seconds to scan each application. That means your opening paragraph needs to be as attention-grabbing as possible.

A good approach is to lead by stating why you're drawn to the sales job. A little enthusiasm for the field or that specific role can go a long way in catching a manager's eye.

Knowing a bit about the company can also set you apart from the crowd. The more clued in you are, the easier it is to show why you'd fit in well with their team. This signals that you're not just applying at random but are genuinely keen on this particular job.

If you've already got some experience under your belt, feel free to open with a big win or key skills that make you ideal for the role. 

That said, keep this part snappy. The aim is to hook the hiring manager into reading more about you, not going into depth about how you made your achievements happen.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The main section of your sales cover letter is where you should get down to business and elaborate on who you are as a candidate. 

Remember - this isn't a place to copy-paste your resume . Instead, aim to showcase why you're the ideal candidate for the sales role you're eyeing by providing additional information.

So, to begin with, avoid repetition. Don't regurgitate your resume; add color to it. Discuss the achievements that prove you're good at closing deals or retaining clients. Look at the job ad and let it guide you. If they're seeking someone who can work in a fast-paced environment, highlight a time you thrived under pressure.

Also, be specific. If the job focuses on B2B sales, point out how you've succeeded in that area rather than discussing your retail experience. This tells the hiring manager that you understand what they're looking for and can deliver on it.

And, as we already mentioned, knowledge of the company is a big bonus. If you understand their sales approach, competitors, or target markets, say so. It shows you're serious about the job and have done your homework.

Need more inspiration? Check out more cover letter examples in this article. 

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Ending your sales cover letter on a high note is crucial. This is your last chance to make a lasting impression , so don't drop the ball here.

Start by summarizing why you're the right pick for the sales role. Reiterate your key skills or most noteworthy achievement(s). You've made your case; now wrap it up in a neat package.

Finally, add a call to action. Prompt the hiring manager to do something next, like contacting you for a further discussion. This proactive step can set you apart and enhance your odds of landing an interview.

Lastly, sign off the right way. Keep it professional yet personal. Here's an example of what this could look like:

I’m eager to discuss how I can contribute to your sales targets and team goals. Please feel free to reach out so we can set up an interview at your convenience.

Best regards,

If "Best regards" feels too played out for you, here are other sign-offs you can consider:

  • Kind regards,
  • Respectfully,
  • Thanks for your time,

This last section is your final shot to resonate with the hiring manager. Make it count.

sales cover letter structure

3 Essential Business Cover Letter Tips

You're now up to speed on the basics of cover letters. 

Next up, we'll dive into some must-know tips to take your sales cover letter to the next level, starting with: 

#1. Match Your Resume

Going for that sales position? Then having a sharp application matters.

For that exact reason, get your cover letter to match your resume in style and formatting. A mismatch might come off as unprofessional. 

Keep your information straight and clean on the page, and ensure your fonts are on point from top to bottom. Oh, and while you're at it, get those margins and line gaps just right. Let's keep that cover letter snappy and on one page. 

Pitch yourself perfectly!

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Want to skip all the hassle? 

Our cover letter templates are just the ticket. Use our resume builder while you’re at it, and then match your cover letter to the T. 

Not to mention, with input from global hiring experts, all our templates are top-notch and industry-approved.

Problem solved!

sales cover letter examples

#2. Mention Qualifications

You can't skip talking about your qualifications in your cover letter, especially for a sales job. 

Qualifications aren't just a checklist for hiring managers; they're the building blocks that show you can do the job well. So, dig a little deeper than your resume. 

Sure, your resume says you led your team in sales for three quarters. But in your cover letter, you can say how you did it. Did you initiate a new customer engagement strategy? Or maybe you excelled at cold calls? Make sure to explain it. 

By expanding on your qualifications, you're giving the hiring manager a sneak peek into how you operate and what you could bring to their team. Trust me, they'll appreciate the extra insight, and it might just land you that interview .

#3. Add Any Relevant Links

As an extension of your sales resume , your cover letter is a great place to add any relevant links. 

Sure, your resume might have a section for your LinkedIn or portfolio, but why not make it easy for the hiring manager? 

Direct them straight to the good stuff. Add a line in your cover letter that says something like, "You can see examples of my sales achievements on my LinkedIn profile," and then hyperlink it.

Doing this sends a clear message: you're not just talking about your skills and achievements; you're showing them off in real time. It saves the hiring manager time searching for them and gives them an easy way to learn more about you right away. It's a small detail, but it could make you stand out in a crowded field.

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap on what makes a great sales cover letter!

We hope that our guide has made you more confident about writing your own sales cover letter and that you’ll land your dream job right away.

But before we go, let’s recap our most important points from this article:

  • Start your sales cover letter by including all your relevant contact information and then fill out the hiring manager’s contact information. Keep this factual, especially your email and phone number. Otherwise, you might miss an interview opportunity.
  • Add hyperlinks to your cover letter for convenience. Even if your sales resume already links to your LinkedIn profile or a sales portfolio, you should add them to your cover letter and make it easier for the hiring manager to see them.
  • The body of your cover letter is where you should go into detail about what makes you right for the job. Make sure you don’t skip your qualifications—they can make you stand out from other candidates and help convince the hiring manager you’re right for the job.
  • Before you send in your cover letter, sign it off professionally. Pick an appropriate closing line and add your full name underneath before sending in your application.

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sales job cover letter tips

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sales job cover letter tips

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  • 184 free templates for all levels
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  • It's like magic, we promise
  • Cover letter examples
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7 Sales Cover Letter Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Sales Manager Cover Letter
  • Sales Cover Letters by Experience
  • Sales Cover Letters by Role
  • Write Your Sales Cover Letter

Sales are the lifeblood of business. Whether selling products or services, you take care of customers as they invest in your company. 

Sales mean selling well, and that makes all the difference in keeping clients happy and hungry for what you’ve got. Every business needs someone with sales skills—it’s just a matter of what you’re selling and to whom, which makes sales a versatile option for those looking to broaden their horizons.

Whether you’re joining sales or a seasoned veteran, you may need to write a cover letter with your  sales resume  when job hunting. So, we have seven sales cover letter examples, plus tips for selling your cover letter. We’ve done the heavy lifting to help you present your  top job skills  at every sales interview.

sales job cover letter tips

Sales Manager Cover Letter Example


Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Block Format

Sales manager cover letter template

Why this cover letter works

  • Before writing a cover letter , research the job role. If you’re familiar with the products and services the company sells and its target market during the interview, that’ll help you stand out among other potential hires.
  • Your resume tells employers about you, but your cover letter takes it further by telling them how you’ll fit in with their work culture. Some things just can’t be summarized into resume bullet points, and your cover letter is where you illustrate how you’ll apply your previous job experience in a new environment.

Sales Assistant Cover Letter Example

Sales assistant cover letter template

  • For example, Leo executes a seamless transition of his data querying expertise solidified as a data entry clerk at North Face into his sales assistant masterpiece. Therefore, never write off certain indirect experiences when applying for junior positions.

Pharmaceutical Sales Cover Letter Example

Pharmaceutical sales cover letter template

  • Emulate how Priya weaves in how she used Clear Spider and Fishbowl for stock management and BatchGeo and eSpatial for sales territory mapping. It’s about showing off your ability to use technology to skyrocket efficiency and results.

Digital Sales Representative Cover Letter Example

Digital sales representative cover letter template

  • You won’t be a perfect fit for every role. Still, past experience might offer an alternate perspective to draw on as you write your digital sales representative cover letter.
  • Company websites and  sales representative job descriptions  are a treasure trove of information. Just as you’d research a sales lead before pitching, do the research to show a potential employer how you understand and align with the company.

Sales Consultant Cover Letter Example

Sales consultant cover letter template

  • Credentials and experience can influence the company’s decision. Even if you don’t have exactly what they need, unique proof of results can help make up for what you might lack—or even bring a little extra something to the table. 
  • It’s not enough to just understand the company—show the prospective company how you plan to meet the needs of its target market to set you apart from other applicants.

Medical Sales Cover Letter Example

Medical sales cover letter example

  • Following the method of “tooting your own horn”, this cover letter takes advantage of supporting enclosures/documents like 2 letters of recommendation and a transcript of records to support her candidacy.

Car Sales Cover Letter Example

Car Sales cover letter template

  • Here you’re very much going to depend on powerful metrics. This car sales cover letter includes eye-catching achievements like – ‘34% growth in sales of hybrid and electric vehicles’ and ‘23% uplift in sales of eco-friendly models’. As a hiring manager, this is quite convincing of the candidate’s ability to make a profit for the company.

Sales Resume

Sell the package by including a sales resume with your cover letter.

or download as PDF

Sales consultant resume example with 2+ years of experience

Outsell Your Competition with Your Sales Cover Letter

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

As a salesperson, there are a few things you must do to raise the odds of closing the deal: do your research, show proof of value, and bundle it all up into an appealing package. 

Your cover letter is the same—demonstrating that you’re a candidate familiar with the company and its requirements is one thing, but if you can back that up with good examples of past results in a neatly presented document, that’s even better. All of that makes you downright irresistible as a prospective hire.

sales job cover letter tips

Step 1: Know the company and role

Before you apply for a job, consider how you’ll stand out from the many applicants crossing the recruiter’s desk. Between your sales resume and cover letter, the latter is your best bet at making a unique first impression. 

To hunt down a sales role, use the information in the job description and the organization’s website to set the perfect bait (we mean your cover letter). Different companies have different values, and tailoring your sales cover letter to address each company’s needs will help convince them you’re the right person for the role.

sales job cover letter tips

Step 2: Demonstrate achievement with details

The  format of your resume  works like a product pamphlet or brochure; it contains all the specifications you have that will meet the job description’s requirements. Your cover letter, on the other hand, functions like a sales pitch that helps convince employers you’re the best fit for the job. 

If you acquired an industry-specific certification like the CFA charter to boost your credibility as a salesperson, tell the hiring manager how you did it and how it affected your sales performance. If your sales team implemented a different approach to the sales process that positively impacted your win rate, elaborate on how the change helped you and what you learned. 

Going beyond resume bullet points helps employers paint a complete picture of your person, so don’t skimp on the details. 

sales job cover letter tips

Step 3: Presentation matters

Like selling products and services, your cover letter will draw more attention if presented in a neat, appealing package. While writing your sales cover letter, remember that hiring decision-makers often process hundreds of job candidates. Your document should end within one page, so reading it doesn’t feel like drudgery instead of an application. 

On that note, keep your writing simple, professional, and sincere. You’re applying for a job, not waxing poetic or jamming jargon into each paragraph. The language in your cover letter should be easy to read. Recruiters will pay attention to how you present yourself in your cover letter because how you sell yourself will often indicate how well you can sell on behalf of the company. 

The language in your cover letter should be accessible and easy to read so recruiters can grasp the material.

Once you’re done writing your sales cover letter, give it time to breathe before editing so that you can come back to it with a fresh perspective. If you have trusted people who can look over your document, even better—revise your cover letter using their feedback, and catch any errors or typos before sending your application, resume, and cover letter to the company.

Your Sales Cover Letter Outline: Start with Strategy

Group of 4 colleagues work on yellow laptops around large screen to outline sales cover letter

Now that you’re ready to craft your sales cover letter, we’re here to help. Let’s strategically go about this, much like any sales process you might already be familiar with from previous sales engagements. 

sales job cover letter tips

How to start a sales cover letter

Your contact info:  If you’re using a template, fill in the letterhead with your name, email, and phone number. Any filler text in the template should be replaced with the relevant details or omitted if they’re not required.

  • Formatting : If you’re using a block format instead of a template, include your address. While a template has your name on the letterhead, your name will be omitted from your address in a block format as it’s already present in your signature line.

Date:  Sales processes sometimes take a while, and job applications are no different. The date written on your career documents should be the day your entire application is submitted.

  • Formatting : Write the date entirely, e.g., February 1, 2023. This format keeps the month and date clear and straightforward compared to the DD/MM/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY difference in regional date formats.

Inside address:  In short, the inside address is how you’ll contact the hiring decision-maker at your organization of choice. Start by naming the specific person in charge, then list their position, the company’s name, and finally the company’s address.

David Durfey, Director of Human Resources  Trek Bikes 801 West Madison Street Waterloo, WI 53594

  • Formatting : Each part of the address should be on a new line, but you can list the hiring decision-maker’s position next to their name. Add a double space between your greeting and the inside address.

Greeting:  First impressions count, and a good greeting or salutation can help your cover letter start with a bang. Try looking for the hiring decision-maker’s name on the organization’s website or social media, as that will add a personal touch to your writing. It also shows you’ve done your research to find out with whom you’ll be working. 

Dear Mr. Lloyd:

  • Formatting : Commas after the greeting are great for companies with more casual work culture, such as tech startups. If you’re applying to a bank or somewhere with a more formal setting, use a colon after the greeting.

sales job cover letter tips

How to write your sales cover letter

Body:  Your sales cover letter should have a maximum of four paragraphs, where you state your interest, demonstrate your enthusiasm, and show your eagerness for further discussion. Here’s where we get to the meat of the matter.

  • Formatting:  The body of your cover letter should be single-spaced, with double-spacing between paragraphs for easy reading. 

Opening paragraph:  Like your greeting, your opening paragraph is where the recruiter will glean their first impression of you. State your interest in the job and mention one or two relevant credentials. Don’t be generic here, like: 

I am interested in the sales consultant role at your company. I have three years of relevant sales experience in an adjacent field. 

This doesn’t tell the recruiter anything they don’t already know, and if you’re trying to get a sale on the street with this introduction, they’ll walk past you without a second glance. Instead, try: 

ProSites’ focus on innovation and growth in the medical and dental web marketing sphere speaks to me as a digital marketer and salesperson. While some treat sales as just another job to put food on the table, I believe my calling lies in empowering clients with practical tools to bring their business to the next level, and that shows in how I build relationships with each customer I serve.  

This opening catches the reader’s attention by first addressing the organization’s values, then showing how the candidate’s approach to work aligns with those values.

Paragraphs 2-3:  The next couple of paragraphs are where you’ll elaborate on the credentials and qualifications introduced in your opening paragraph. For each paragraph, discuss one clear and relevant accomplishment relevant to the job description requirements. Be detailed and specific, and quantify your results whenever possible like this:

Having developed specific experience in both B2B and B2C sales during 3 years at Adobe, I know how vital it is to foster the business-to-client connection, especially in our current digital age. My understanding of B2C marketing gave me a unique perspective in empathizing with our clientele’s pain points to help me exceed target sales metrics by 6% each year. To do so, I habitually nurtured viable sales leads by following up on them at designated intervals and establishing a two-way street by not just listening to their problems but also resolving them whenever possible. 

This paragraph tells the reader about specific, industry-relevant experience and links this experience with company values and metrics to further justify the candidate’s successful skill application. 

Closing paragraph:  You’ve done well introducing yourself and selling your capabilities as a competent candidate for the job; now, finish it with a sentence summarizing how your values and qualifications align with the company’s needs. Add a call to action at the end for some extra polish. This is bad: 

I think I’ll do well in this sales consultant role. Thank you for your time and kind consideration. 

It doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, and as a salesperson, one of the key personality traits is confidence, both in your product and in yourself. Instead, try something like:

Participating in and supporting client growth is an enriching experience that pushes me to excel in the context of my sales career. I look forward to joining Morgan Stanley, where I know we will achieve great things together. I hope to hear from you soon about how I can contribute as your next internal sales consultant. Thank you for your time.

sales job cover letter tips

How to end a sales cover letter

Signature:  This is the time to say “thank you” if you didn’t do so in the closing paragraph. Use a professional close like “sincerely,” or “best regards,” along with your real name. 

Best regards,

Natalie Walton

  • Formatting : If you’re sending any hard copies of your cover letter by mail or in person, make sure to quadruple-space, so you have room to sign your name in blue or black ink. 

Enclosure(s):  The sale isn’t final until all documents are complete. State “Enclosure(s)” at the end of your cover letter to let the reader know there’s more to come. Here, you’ll list in order of appearance your job application, resume, and other supporting documents required or relevant to the job description. 

Enclosures: Resume Application Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Certification FINRA Series 7 Certification

  • Formatting : If you’re listing more than one document, use “Enclosures” instead of “Enclosure,” so the reader knows what to expect. 

Snag Your Next Sales Role with a Selling Resume 

Horse runs with yellow envelope in mouth to deliver sales resume and cover letter

So, you’ve figured out how to sell your best cover letter, and you’re sure you’ve cracked the code to get the sale in the bag. But what about your sales resume?

If your resume is as ready to go as you are, that’s great! However, if you need to  check your resume  or use a  free resume template , that’s why we’re here. Pressed for time? Try plugging your details into this one right now.

Sales Manager Resume

Need a resume to pair with your sales manager cover letter?

Sales manager resume example with 4+ years of experience

You’re a heckuva sales pro, and you deserve a dazzling sales strategy to match—our cover letter and  resume tips  will get you on your way to becoming a sales superstar. With our tools keeping you polished and fresh, you’re sure to shine at your next interview.

Include as much information as you can about translatable skills and why you want to get into a sales career. For example, customer service is very important in sales, and you can gain experience in it from a variety of previous jobs. Additionally, if you’ve obtained a business or marketing degree, you could emphasize marketing analytics or lead generation skills that you picked up in your studies.

You understand the importance of metrics like conversions or customer satisfaction. Aim to include some pivotal metrics from your previous work achievements while relating them to how you’ll help the company achieve its goals. Additionally, connecting your passion for the position will help a lot. For example, if you’re applying to be a sales rep for a gym, you could explain how you’re passionate about getting more membership signups to help others improve their health and well-being.

You can keep a similar structure for each cover letter, but you should customize the specifics to connect with each new job you’re applying to. It’s the same as how you’d tailor your message for each prospective customer’s needs when you’re on a sales call or adjust your strategies for a specific target market.

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  • Find anyone’s professional email address in seconds.
  • The Job Search Email Playbook Our 100+ page guide to writing job-winning emails.
  • Value Validation Project Starter Kit Everything you need to create a job-winning VVP.
  • No Experience, No Problem Learn how to change careers with no experience.
  • The Interview Preparation System A proven system for job-winning interview prep.
  • The LinkedIn Launch Formula A proven system for six-figure success on LinkedIn.
  • See All Blog Posts Check out all of our job search articles & posts.
  • Scan your LinkedIn Headline and turn it into a job-generating machine.
  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization Our comprehensive guide to optimizing your LinkedIn profile.
  • LinkedIn Headlines Learn how to write a crazy-effective LinkedIn headline.
  • LinkedIn Profile Picture Learn how to create a job-winning LinkedIn profile picture.
  • LinkedIn About Section Write a job-winning About section (with examples!)
  • LinkedIn Cover Photos Learn how to create a job-winning LinkedIn cover photo.
  • Scan your resume and turn it into a job-generating machine.
  • Build a beautiful, job-winning resume using recruiter-approved templates.
  • Resume Examples Check out example resumes for a range of job titles and industries.
  • How To Write A Resume Learn how to write a resume that actually wins job offers.
  • Resume Summaries Our guide on writing a job-winning resume summary.
  • Resume Tips & Action Words 175+ tips & examples to supercharge your resume.
  • Use our tool to generate a personalized, job-winning cover letter in
  • Cover Letter Examples Check out example cover letters for a range of job titles and industries.
  • How To Write A Cover Letter Learn how to write a cover letter that actually wins job offers.
  • Cover Letter Templates Check out our proven, job-winning cover letter templates.
  • Addressing A Cover Letter Learn how to start a cover letter the right way.
  • A tool to help you find anyone’s professional email in seconds.
  • How To Get A Job Without Applying Online Our flagship guide for effective job searching in today’s market.
  • How To Network Our comprehensive guide on learning how to network.
  • Tips For Better Networking Emails 6 tips for writing networking emails that actually get results.
  • What To Ask In An Informational Interview 10 great questions to ask during a networking conversation.
  • How To Prepare For Interviews Our proven preparation framework for turning more interviews into offers.
  • How To Create A Job-Winning Interview Presentation Learn our “silver bullet” Value Validation Project presentation strategy.
  • Interview Questions & Answer Examples Job-winning example answers for common interview questions.
  • What To Wear To An Interview A simple guide to dressing for the job you want.
  • How To Write A Job-Winning Thank You Note Learn how to write a post-interview thank you that wins job offers.

Sales Associate Cover Letter Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

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Looking to score a job as a Sales Associate?

You're going to need an awesome cover letter. This guide is your one-stop-shop for writing a job-winning Sales Associate cover letter  using our proven strategies, skills, templates, and examples.

All of the content in this guide is based on data from coaching thousands of job seekers (just like you!) who went on to land offers at the world's best companies.

If you want to maximize your chances of landing that Sales Associate role, I recommend reading this piece from top to bottom. But if you're just looking for something specific, here's what's included in this guide:

  • What To Know About Writing A Job-Winning Sales Associate Cover Letter
  • The Best Skills To Include On A Sales Associate Cover Letter

How To Address A Sales Associate Cover Letter

  • 3 Sales Associate Cover Letter Examples

The 8 Best Sales Associate Cover Letter Templates

3 tips for writing a job-winning sales associate cover letter.

Here's the step-by-step breakdown:

Sales Associate Cover Letter Overview: What To Know To Write A Cover Letter That Wins More Job Offers

What do companies look for when they're hiring a Sales Associate?

Companies hiring a Sales Associare look for candidates with strong communication skills that can effectively engage with customers and understand their needs. They also love candidates with a positve atitude and that are enthusiastic for the product or service their are selling.

Your cover letter should show the company that your personality and your experience encompass all of these things.

Additionally, there are a few best practices you want to follow to write a job-winning Sales Associate cover letter:

  • Properly address your letter: Begin your letter by addressing the hiring manager or team. Don't forget to state the specific Sales Associate job you are interested in!
  • Express your understanding of the company: Clearly articulate that you are well-familiarized with the company's products and the market, and tie this up with your skills, demonstrating how they align with their needs.
  • Highlight your skills: Showcase your most relevant skills for the role, such as sales, marketing, communication, and customer service.
  • Tailor your cover letter for the job description: Emphasize your experience to meet the job requirements listed in the description.
  • Be concise and clear: Your cover letter should be short, concise, and easy to read. Stick to one page and focus on the good stuff!
  • End with a call to action: Close with a compelling call to action, expressing enthusiasm for the opportunity and inviting further discussion on how you can contribute to the company's success.
  • Proofread: Make sure to thoroughly proofread your cover letter for any grammatical errors or typos. A well-written, error-free letter can make a strong first impression. I recommend using Hemingway App or Grammarly to do this.

Let's dive deeper into each of these so you have the exact blueprint you need to see success.

The Best Sales Associate Skills To Include On Your Cover Letter

Keywords are one of the most important factors in your cover letter. They show employers that your skills align with the role and they also help format your cover letter for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

If you're not familiar with ATS systems, they are pieces of software used by employers to manage job applications. They scan cover letters for keywords and qualifications and make it easier for employers to filter and search for candidates whose qualifications match the role.

If you want to win more interviews and job offers, you need to have a keyword-optimized cover letter. There are two ways to find the right keywords:

1. Leverage The 20 Best Sales Associate Keywords

The first is to leverage our list of the best keywords and skills for a Sales Associate cover letter.

These keywords were selected from an analysis of  real Sales Associate job descriptions sourced from actual job boards. Here they are:

  • Communication
  • Customer Service
  • Customer Experience
  • Time Management
  • Collaboratively
  • Organization
  • Written Communication

2. Use To Find The Best Keywords That Are Specific To Your Cover Letter And Target Role

The second method is the one I recommend because it's personalized to your specific cover letter and target job.

This process lets you find the exact keywords that your cover letter is missing when compared to the individual role you're applying for.

Sales Associate Hard Skills

Here's how it works:

  • Open a copy of your updated Sales Associate cover letter
  • Open a copy of your target Sales Associate job description
  • In the widget below, paste the job description and hit scan!

ResyMatch is going to scan the target job description and show you the exact keywords and skills that are relevant to the role and that you should weave into your cover letter.

If you're ready to check it out, grab your target job description and run your first scan here:

To start, paste your target job description (or multiple job descriptions) into the box below:

Scan to help you identify keywords and skills within your target job description.


If you're more of a visual learner, here's a video walking through this whole process so you can follow along:

Personalization is what makes a cover letter stand out. That starts from the very first sentence where you greet the person reading your cover letter! There are two ways to do this well:

1. Use The Hiring Manager's Name

The first, and best, is by including the hiring manager's name. Let's say that you discovered the hiring manager's name from a post on LinkedIn or via an informational interview.

This is the jackpot! All you need to do is use their name in the introduction, like this:

Example of Starting A Cover Letter With The Hiring Manager's Name

2. Use This Formula: To The [Department] Team at [Company]

If you don't have the hiring manager's name, no problem! You can address your cover letter to the team that you're applying to.

For example, if you're applying for a Product Marketing Manager role at Discovery Education, you might start your cover letter like this:

Example of Starting A Cover Letter With The Team & Company

This shows the reader that this letter has been written specifically for them and the content inside of it will support that.

It's much more relevant and personal than  “To Whom It May Concern!”

For more advice on writing a strong opening to your cover letter, check out this guide.

3 Sales Associate Cover Letter Examples For 2024

Now let's take a look at all of these best practices in action. Here are three cover letter examples for different situations from people with different backgrounds who are all applying for Sales Associate roles:

Sales Associate Cover Letter Example #1: A Traditional Background

Our first example is a cover letter written by a candidate with traditional experience. Here is what an example of their cover letter might look like:

Sales Associate Cover Letter Example #1 - Traditional

Sales Associate Cover Letter Example #2: A Non-Traditional Background

Our second cover letter example comes from a candidate looking to transition from a background as an elementary school teacher to a Sales Associate role. This cover letter demonstrates how the author identifies and communicates their transferable skills:

Sales Associate Cover Letter Example #2 - Non-traditional

Sales Associate Cover Letter Example #3: Sales Associate With Self-Employed Experience

Our third example highlights a candidate with experience as a Sales Associate who's only had self-employed experience. Here is what their cover letter might look like:

Sales Associate Cover Letter Example #3 - Self-Employed

At this point, you know all of the basics you'll need to write a Sales Associate cover letter that wins you more interviews and offers. The only thing left is to take all of that information and apply it to a template that's going to help you get results.

We made that easy with  our CoverBuild tool . It has 8 proven templates that were created with the help of recruiters and hiring managers at the world's best companies. These templates also bake in thousands of data points we have from the job seekers in our audience who have used them to land job offers.

Just click any of the templates below to start building your cover letter using proven, recruiter-approved templates:

sales job cover letter tips

Free Job-Winning Cover Letter Templates, Have AI Write Yours in Less Than 2 Minutes .

Choose a cover letter template below to get started:.

sales job cover letter tips

Great Choice! Now, how do you want to write your cover letter?

sales job cover letter tips

Let AI write your unique cover letter using our proven templates.

sales job cover letter tips

Or use our templates to write your own from scratch.

You're off to a strong start! But I've got a few more tips to help you take your cover letter to the next level:

1. Use To Write Your Cover Letter In <2 Minutes

All of these tips and best practices work, but you still have to implement them. Normally, that'd mean you sitting down and spending hours brainstorming ideas, typing, deleting, and typing again, and then feeling absolutely drained.

Now there's a way to work around all of that so you save your best energy for the writing and edits that matter most. Here's how it works:

  • Head to
  • Select the “2 Minutes” option to have AI write your cover letter
  • Select a template for your cover letter, then follow the 3 step process for sharing info about your experience and the target job with CoverBuild's AI
  • Click “Generate My Cover Letter” and watch the tool write a unique cover letter that's personalized to your experience and your target job!

To make it even easier, you can select a cover letter template from the widget below to get started:

If you'd like to see the process in action, here's a video walking through all of the steps above:

Note:  I do not recommend or advise that you simply copy and paste any AI-generated content and submit your application. You should always review, revise, and personalize the content yourself before applying.

2. Include Measurable Metrics And Outcomes

Too many job seekers only focus on the actions that they took and not the outcomes that resulted from those actions. As a hiring manager, it's impossible to differentiate between a dozen candidates who were all “Responsible for building applications to help achieve company goals.”

If you want to win, your cover letter should speak to the specific outcomes that you drove in previous roles. That could be:

  • The engagement your art has received on social media
  • The brand visibility you helped increase
  • The results from a campaign you helped develop

These outcomes will show hiring teams what you're capable of and make your value crystal clear!

3. Match Your Cover Letter And Resume Design

Quality Impacts Perceived Value - Car Example

They're the exact same car, down to the year, make, and model. The only difference is the way the product was presented. Like I said, quality impacts perceived value.

One of the best ways to boost the quality of your cover letter is to make it look clean, professional, and have it match your resume. That's why the resume templates in our resume builder tool match the cover letter templates in our cover letter builder:

Matching Cover Letter And Resume

If you use both tools to create your cover letter and your resume, your entire application is going to be top notch.

Key Takeaways To Wrap Up Your Job-Winning Cover Letter

You made it! We packed a lot of information into this post so I wanted to distill the key points for you and lay out next steps so you know exactly where to from here.

Here are the 5 steps for writing a job-winning Sales Associate cover letter:

  • Start with a proven cover letter template from
  • Use to find the right keywords and optimize your cover letter for each role you apply to
  • Start your cover letter with a personalized greeting for the hiring manager or team name
  • Emphasize the measurable outcomes and value you drove in previous roles (include metrics!)
  • Compare the draft of your cover letter to the examples on this page to make sure you're on the right path
  • Use a tool like  Hemingway App or Grammarly to proofread your cover letter before you submit it

If you follow those steps, you're going to be well on your way to landing more Sales Associate interviews and job offers.

Now that your cover letter is taken care of, be sure to check out our guide on writing a job-winning Sales Associate resume (with examples!).

sales job cover letter tips

Paula Martins

Paula is Cultivated Culture's amazing Editor and Content Manager. Her background is in journalism and she's transitioned from roles in education, to tech, to finance, and more. She blends her journalism background with her job search experience to share advice aimed at helping people like you land jobs they love without applying online.

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9 tips for older job hunters that can help you stand out in the crowd

This article is reprinted by permission from .

Mass layoffs, particularly in the tech sector , have been widely covered in the news recently, contributing to the belief that fewer job opportunities are available. That may be true at big companies that dominate the headlines, but it’s not true everywhere, and job hunters need to adjust accordingly.

“Large companies were recruiting aggressively during the pandemic because the market demanded it,” says Chris Tan, director of  Storm4 , a leader in green tech recruitment in the U.K. “Fast forward three years, and we find ourselves in an economic downturn, and these companies can no longer sustain their current head count.”

See : Global labor market will lose 14 million jobs over the next five years: report

But Tan says that smaller and more stable companies are hiring, although they are not yet generating as many jobs as the tech giants have shed. So, how can you stand out from the pack as a job candidate in today’s current job climate? Some of the best global talent acquisition professionals weigh in with nine tips to help.

1. Use your network

Finding and applying for jobs on LinkedIn  and other job boards and company websites is necessary for a job search. What’s more, this activity helps us feel productive and can help extinguish feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

“And these efforts may, indeed, yield results and interviews,” explains R. Karl Hebenstreit, Ph.D., an executive coach and expert in workforce development at  Perform & Function , a management consultant firm in San Francisco.

“However, our networks are the not-so-secret factor that can help improve our chances of success,” he adds. “Networks can let us know of unadvertised or upcoming opportunities we may not have otherwise found on our own.”

Personal and professional networks can provide moral support, advice and empathy, serve as referrals and shepherd your résumé directly to hiring managers — or may even be the hiring managers.

And the older you are, the more extensive your network typically is. “Tapping into our network is the differentiator between keeping busy in our job search and optimizing our chances for success,” says Hebenstreit.

2. Look beyond the perfect fit

Don’t think you must have every qualification in a job description in order to apply for a position or be hired. Experts say that if you hit three-fourths of the required qualifications, apply anyway. Just be sure to draw attention to your transferrable abilities, past successes that have a direct impact on business outcomes and your contributions and achievements that translate to the new position.

3. Improve your soft skills

Interpersonal skills, also called soft skills, include communication, problem-solving, leadership and collaboration. Investing time and effort in developing your soft skills will help you stand out from other applicants with equivalent experience and technical expertise.

On both your résumé and cover letter, emphasize your soft skills and practice explaining them so you can give specific examples in interviews of how you’ve used soft skills in the past and why they matter.

Also read: Who’s most likely to lose their job to AI?

4. Tailor your résumé to the job

When you apply for a job, an Applicant Tracking Systems is likely to scan your résumé for keywords in the job description to decide if you warrant further consideration. To increase your odds that your résumé will hit the sweet spot, pepper it with a few keywords from the job listing — as long as they’re true.

Different keywords communicate different skills, abilities and expertise useful in different fields, including  SEO, branding , and  social media management  for a communications job or  affidavit  and  compliance  for a legal job listing.

5. Write an original cover letter

Don’t write off the value of an original, well-written cover letter.

“While my years in the recruiting industry have made it clear that many recruiters avoid reading cover letters altogether, I personally find them useful in cases where multiple candidates have similar qualifications,” says Anjela Mangrum, president of  Mangrum Career Solutions , an industrial manufacturing recruiting agency operating nationwide.

If you want to stand out, write a cover letter highlighting your most significant achievements and briefly describe your motivation to work for your targeted company. It can set you apart. “If it goes unread, you’ve got nothing to lose, but if it does get attention, it could be the deciding factor that works in your favor,” says Mangrum.

6. Get the interviewer talking

To stand out, learn everything you can about the company, advises Barry Maher, a motivational speaker and author of “ Filling the Glass: The Skeptic’s Guide to Positive Thinking in Business .”

During their job interview, candidates should politely take control and ask the panel what it will take to be successful in the job or what the best candidate for the position looks like, he says. Make sure your interviewers have a chance to speak. “The more they talk, the higher they will rate you,” he says.

Be sure to read: What’s the key phrase women should avoid when negotiating a starting salary?

7. Go beyond the application

After applying, go to LinkedIn and look up and message the company’s talent acquisition person. Introduce yourself, tell them you’ve applied, and express interest in the job.

“Don’t ask to be put in touch with the hiring manager — recruiters are the gatekeepers, and you should convey that you want to connect with, not bypass, us,” says Ashley Nelson, a talent acquisition consultant in Portland, Oregon.

“Don’t say anything cutesy or too confident. I get a lot of ‘look no further, you’ve found your Project Manager,’” says Nelson. Even if you have a lot of experience, humility is underrated.

“Lastly, you should interact with them in other ways,” she adds. “Like their content, comment on a post, and share some of their content even after you message them. Your name may become recognizable.”

8. Send a thank you

The number one way to stand out as an employee candidate in this economy is to send a thank-you note in the mail, advises Julie Braun, founder and CEO of  Super Purposes . This career coaching company specializes in helping people discover purpose-filled careers.

Braun worked with a candidate interviewing for Nike and suggested sending thank-you cards to everyone involved in the interview process. The custom-designed cards with “Just Do It” on them arrived three days before the final decision. What cinched the deal? The overwhelming answer was, “Talent, skill and that clever card cracked us up.”

Also read:  Are older workers getting ‘quiet-fired?’

9. Be positive and persistent

If you can’t send a physical card, then an emailed thank-you note will do, but it isn’t as effective as something that arrives in the mail or is hand-delivered.

Remember that job searching at any age can be challenging but following these tips and staying positive and persistent can increase your chances of finding the right opportunity, even in a layoff prevalent job market.

Be bold and ask for help or advice from friends, family, mentors and your millennial and Gen Z-age kids. With the right mind-set and approach, you can land your dream job. Good luck!

Jennifer Nelson is a Florida-based writer who also writes for MSNBC, Fox News and AARP. 

This article is reprinted by permission from , ©2023 Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. All rights reserved.

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9 tips for older job hunters that can help you stand out in the crowd


  1. Sales Cover Letter Tips, Templates, & Examples to Land Your Ideal Role

    That said, stringing cover letters together is often one of the more grating, monotonous tasks job seekers have to put up with — but while putting a sound sales cover letter together can be a chore, it doesn't necessarily have to be a challenge.There are some key tips, strategies, and structures you can fold into your letters to make them as compelling as possible.

  2. Sales Cover Letter Example & Tips

    4. Sales cover letter template. Finally, here's a sales cover letter template that you can easily copy and paste into Microsoft Word or Google Docs: Today's Date. Hiring Manager's Name. 123 Company Address. Company's City, State, Zip Code. (xxx) xxx-xxxx. [email protected].

  3. Sales Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Using numerical data in your cover letter can show a hiring manager evidence of your skills. When you describe your previous sales experience, include data that shows your success in the role. This data can emphasize the value you might bring to the organization. 2. Relate your skills to the position and company values.

  4. Sales Cover Letter: Example & Tips for Sales Positions

    List Your Personal Details. At the very top of your sales position cover letter, aligned to the left, is where you'll add your contact deets. Include your name, email address, and phone number, and a LinkedIn profile URL. Optionally, you could choose to add your mailing address, job title, or branding statement.

  5. Sales Cover Letter Examples, Templates and Writing Tips

    Let's check out two salesperson cover letter examples to start things off: 1. Sales Cover Letter Examples. Let's have a look at Melvin. Melvin's the oldest of the Rios siblings, 5-foot-9, and an expectant father. But—the lead-in to capture the director of sales' attention needs more.

  6. Persuasive Sales Cover Letter Examples & Templates

    Here's a template for the middle of your sales representative cover letter: Closed deals at a rate 2x higher than company set targets by asking pointed questions based on actively listening to prospects' needs. Grew customer base by 15% through driven and motivated networking, outreach and follow-ups.

  7. Sales Cover Letter: A Step-by-Step Guide [w/ Tips & Examples]

    Place your contact details at the top, adhering to the standard business letter format. Aim for a length of 3-5 paragraphs totaling, at the most, 400 words. Choose a professional, easy-to-read font such as Arial or Calibri. Stick to a font size between 10 and 12 for maximum readability.

  8. Sales Cover Letter Example for 2024 (w/ Templates!)

    Top ↑ Sales Cover Letter Example 5 Steps for the Perfect Sales Cover Letter #1. Put Contact Information in the Header #2. Address the Hiring Manager #3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement #4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details #5. Wrap It Up and Sign It 3 Essential Business Cover Letter Tips #1.

  9. Sales Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

    Your sales cover letter should usually have five sections, in this order: 1. Heading. At the top of the page, include: Your name and contact information. The date. The recipient's name, title, company, and contact information (when available) (Note: Feel free to omit this section if you send your letter by email and your contact details are ...

  10. Sales Cover Letter Examples & Expert Tips ·

    Use this Sales cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast - no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Sales positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes. 4.2.

  11. 7 Sales Cover Letter Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

    Step 1: Know the company and role. Before you apply for a job, consider how you'll stand out from the many applicants crossing the recruiter's desk. Between your sales resume and cover letter, the latter is your best bet at making a unique first impression.

  12. Sales Representative Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    2. Introduce yourself. In the first paragraph of your cover letter, introduce yourself and state the sales position for which you're applying. Express enthusiasm to show employers your interest in the role. For example, you may write that you're excited to apply for the company's open sales representative position.

  13. How To Write a Cover Letter for a Sales Position in 7 Steps

    The greeting is how you address the recipient of the cover letter. If you know the name of the hiring manager, address your letter to them. You can use the standard greeting "Dear" before their name, and a comma after their name. If the hiring manager's name was unavailable, you can write "Dear Hiring Manager" or "To Whom It May Concern."

  14. Professional Sales Cover Letter Examples for 2024

    View LiveCareer's expert Sales cover letter examples to get started! close. Builders. Resume. Create a professional-level resume with ease. 30+ dazzling design options! CV. ... Sales Job Seeking Tips. When it comes to tracking jobs in Sales, your cover letter is your personal brand. Use the following advice to make it attention-grabbing.

  15. Crafting a Powerful Sales Cover Letter [+ Tips & Examples]

    Sales associate cover letter. A sales associate represents the company as the salesperson who serves customers and makes them happy when they leave the store. Employers want to see how well you can perform in front of customers when reading your sales associate cover letter. Hence, it is best if you have solid examples of your good services.

  16. How to Write a Sales Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Be convincing and honest and reflect on your understanding of the requirements of the job. Related: How to write a sales associate resume (with examples) 4. Talk about why you're an ideal candidate. Once you've convinced the cover letter's recipient that you want the job, you can talk about why they ought to hire you.

  17. Sales Associate Cover Letter Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

    Here are the 5 steps for writing a job-winning Sales Associate cover letter: 1 Start with a proven cover letter template from 2 Use to find the right keywords and optimize your cover letter for each role you apply to. 3 Start your cover letter with a personalized greeting for the hiring manager or team name.

  18. Sales Cover Letter Examples (With How-to Step Guide)

    Here's an example of a mid-level sales cover letter: Jay Johnson, Bachelor of Business Administration (03) 5550 9745 || Melbourne, VIC 3000 5 May 2023 ThompH Ltd. Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply for the sales position at ThompH Ltd. My close friend and colleague at Clearwater Co, Janice Simpleton, now works at ThompH ...

  19. Sales Cover Letter: Examples & Ready-To-Use Templates

    Sales Representative CV. Account Manager CV. Sales Manager CV. Let's check out two salesperson cover letter examples to start things off: 1. Sales Cover Letter Examples. Let's have a look at Melvin. Melvin's the oldest of the Rios siblings, 5-foot-9, and an expectant father. But—the lead-in to capture the director of sales' attention ...

  20. How to Write a Standout Cover Letter in 2022

    Step 3: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager—preferably by name. The most traditional way to address a cover letter is to use the person's first and last name, including "Mr." or "Ms." (for example, "Dear Ms. Jane Smith" or just "Dear Ms. Smith").

  21. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  22. How To Write a Cover Letter For Sales Associates (With Tips)

    When writing your contact information, include your full legal name, email, and phone number. 2. Reflect upon your experience. Your cover letter shows hiring managers how your career started. Discuss why you want to work with this employer and how your previous experience helped to develop your skills and competencies.

  23. The ultimate cover letter checklist

    1. Use the correct cover letter formatting. A cover letter is a formal business document, and it should look like one, says Aylward. In the upper left corner of your page, put the name, email ...

  24. Customize Your Cover Letter for Every Job Application

    To make your cover letter stand out, highlight your most relevant experiences. Carefully read the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications the employer is seeking.

  25. 430+ Resume Examples for Any Job or Experience Level

    Yes, these are the best resumes for 2024 because each one is: Up-to-date: Each resume example is kept up-to-date by our team of career experts, and its page is regularly reviewed to ensure the content is relevant to current industry standards. Written by experts: All of our resume samples are either written by human resources (HR) professionals and career advisors or are real resumes written ...

  26. Cover Letter Samples and Templates

    A cover letter should include the following parts: Header. Salutation. Introduction. Body paragraph. Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. The following cover letter samples and examples will show you how to write a cover letter for many employment circumstances. Browse cover letters by job title for inspiration.

  27. 9 tips for older job hunters that can help you stand out in the crowd

    See: Global labor market will lose 14 million jobs over the next five years: report. But Tan says that smaller and more stable companies are hiring, although they are not yet generating as many ...