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Story Writing For Class 6

Story Writing For Class 6 Format, Topics, Examples, Exercises

Story writing for class 6 in english.

Story writing is an essential skill that students must learn at an early age. It is the oldest form of written composition and helps students develop their creativity, imagination, and language skills. In class 6, students are introduced to various formats, topics, examples, and exercises that help them understand the basics of story writing.

The format of story writing for class 6 includes a title, an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The title of the story should be interesting and should evoke curiosity. The introduction should set the scene and introduce the characters. The body should describe the events of the story, and the conclusion should provide a resolution to the story.

Students are given various topics to write stories on, such as a day in the life of a superhero, an unexpected adventure, or a mystery to solve. These topics help students develop their creativity and imagination and encourage them to think outside the box. Exercises such as brainstorming, outlining, and editing help students improve their writing skills and produce better stories.

Also Read: Story Writing For Class 8

Understanding Story Writing For Class 6

Story writing is an art form that requires a lot of creativity, planning, and mastery of narrative skills and language. It is a process of creating a narrative, which can be fictional or non-fictional, that captures the reader’s imagination and draws them into the story. In class 6, students are introduced to the basics of story writing, including the format, topics, examples, and exercises.

To write a good story, students need to understand the basic elements of a story, such as the plot, characters, setting, and theme. The plot is the sequence of events that make up the story, while the characters are the people or animals that the story revolves around. The setting is the time and place where the story takes place, while the theme is the underlying message or moral of the story.

Students are taught to plan their writing by noting and developing initial ideas, selecting the most appropriate ideas, and organizing them into a logical sequence. They are also taught to use descriptive language, dialogue, and sensory details to create a vivid and engaging story.

In addition to the basics, students are also taught to use literary devices such as foreshadowing, flashbacks, and symbolism to enhance their storytelling. They are encouraged to experiment with different writing styles and techniques to find their own unique voice as a writer.

Overall, understanding the basics of story writing is essential for students in class 6, as it lays the foundation for more advanced writing skills in the future. With practice and guidance, students can develop their creativity and imagination, and create stories that captivate and inspire their readers.

Format Of Story Writing For Class 6

Story writing is the art of expressing a series of events in an engaging and interesting way. A story has a beginning, middle, and end, and it revolves around a central theme. In Class 6, students are introduced to story writing as a part of their English curriculum. Here is a brief overview of the format of story writing for Class 6 students.

The beginning of a story is where the setting and characters are introduced. It is the foundation of the story and sets the tone for the rest of the narrative. The beginning should be engaging and hook the reader’s attention. It should introduce the main character and the conflict or problem they are facing. The writer should also provide a brief description of the setting to help the reader visualize the story.

The middle of the story is where the main action takes place. It is the longest part of the story and should be written in a way that keeps the reader engaged. The middle should include a series of events that lead to the climax of the story. The writer should use descriptive language to create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. The middle should also include some dialogue to make the story more interesting.

The end of the story is where the conflict is resolved. It should be satisfying for the reader and tie up any loose ends. The writer should avoid introducing any new characters or plot twists at this stage. The end should be written in a way that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. It should also convey the central theme of the story.

In conclusion, story writing is an essential skill that students need to learn. The format of story writing includes a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning introduces the setting and characters, the middle includes the main action, and the end resolves the conflict. By following this format, students can write engaging and interesting stories.

Topics For Story Writing For Class 6

When it comes to story writing, the topics are endless. However, for class 6 students, it is important to choose topics that are age-appropriate and engaging. Here are some popular topics for story writing class 6.

Adventure Stories

Adventure stories are exciting and full of action. They usually involve a hero or heroine who goes on a dangerous journey or quest. Some popular adventure story topics for class 6 include:

  • A group of friends goes on a treasure hunt
  • A young girl who sets out to save her village from a dragon
  • A boy who travels through time to stop a villain from changing history

Fantasy Stories

Fantasy stories are imaginative and often involve magical creatures and worlds. They allow students to explore their creativity and imagination. Some popular fantasy story topics for class 6 include:

  • A young wizard who attends a magical school
  • A group of friends who discover a secret portal to a magical land
  • A girl who discovers she has magical powers and must save her kingdom from an evil sorcerer

Mystery Stories

Mystery stories are intriguing and keep readers guessing until the end. They usually involve a crime or puzzle that needs to be solved. Some popular mystery story topics for class 6 include:

  • A group of friends solve a mystery at a haunted house
  • A detective who solves a theft at a museum
  • A girl who solves a mystery at her school

Science Fiction Stories

Science fiction stories are set in the future or in a different world and often involve advanced technology or scientific concepts. They allow students to explore their curiosity about the universe. Some popular science fiction story topics for class 6 include:

  • A group of astronauts who travel to a distant planet
  • A boy who builds a time machine and travels to the future
  • A girl who discovers a new planet and must save it from destruction

As students explore these topics, they can develop their writing skills and create engaging stories that capture the reader’s attention.

Topics For Story Writing For Class 6

Examples Of Story Writing For Class 6

Story writing is an art that requires creativity and imagination. It is a way to express oneself and share a message with others. Here are some examples of different types of stories that can be written by Class 6 students.

Adventure Story Example

An adventure story is a type of story that involves exciting and dangerous experiences. It can be set in any location, from a jungle to a city. Here is an example of an adventure story:

Title: Lost in the Jungle Characters: Jack and his friends Setting: A jungle in South America Plot: Jack and his friends go on a camping trip in the jungle. They get lost and have to find their way back to civilization. They encounter dangerous animals and face many challenges along the way. Theme: Perseverance and teamwork

Fantasy Story Example

A fantasy story is a type of story that involves imaginary worlds, magical creatures, and supernatural powers. It can be set in any time period, from the past to the future. Here is an example of a fantasy story:

Title: The Magic Kingdom Characters: Lily and her friends Setting: A magical kingdom in a faraway land Plot: Lily and her friends discover a magical kingdom hidden in the woods. They meet fairies, unicorns, and other magical creatures. They have to save the kingdom from an evil sorcerer who wants to destroy it. Theme: Friendship and bravery

Mystery Story Example

A mystery story is a type of story that involves solving a puzzle or a crime. It can be set in any location, from a small town to a big city. Here is an example of a mystery story:

Title: The Missing Necklace Characters: Nancy and her friends Setting: A mansion in the countryside Plot: Nancy and her friends are invited to a party at a mansion. During the party, a valuable necklace goes missing. They have to solve the mystery and find the thief before the party ends. Theme: Deduction and investigation

Science Fiction Story Example

A science fiction story is a type of story that involves futuristic technology, space travel, and other scientific concepts. It can be set in any time period, from the present to the distant future. Here is an example of a science fiction story:

Title: The Time Machine Characters: Tom and his friends Setting: A laboratory in the future Plot: Tom and his friends invent a time machine and travel to different time periods. They encounter different challenges and learn about the consequences of their actions. Theme: Time travel and its effects

In conclusion, there are many different types of stories that can be written by Class 6 students. The examples provided above are just a few of the many possibilities. With creativity and imagination, the possibilities are endless.

Exercises For Story Writing For Class 6

Creating characters.

The first step in writing a compelling story is to create interesting and believable characters. To do this, students can start by brainstorming ideas for their characters, including their names, ages, appearances, personality traits, and backstories. They can also consider the character’s motivations and goals, as well as any conflicts or obstacles they may face.

To help students develop their characters further, they can use the following exercises:

  • Write a character profile: This can include details about the character’s appearance, personality, hobbies, family, and friends.
  • Create a character arc: This involves plotting out the character’s journey throughout the story, including any changes or growth they may experience.

Setting the Scene

Once students have created their characters, they need to set the scene for their story. This involves choosing a setting, such as a city, a forest, or a haunted house, and describing it in detail. Students can use sensory details, such as sights, sounds, smells, and textures, to bring the setting to life.

To help students develop their setting further, they can use the following exercises:

  • Draw a map: This can help students visualize the setting and keep track of where their characters are in relation to each other.
  • Write a sensory description: This involves using descriptive language to create a vivid picture of the setting in the reader’s mind.

Plot Development

With their characters and setting in place, students can now start developing the plot of their story. This involves creating a problem or conflict that the characters must overcome, as well as a series of events that lead to the resolution of the conflict.

To help students develop their plot further, they can use the following exercises:

  • Create a plot diagram: This can help students visualize the structure of their story, including the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
  • Write a summary: This involves condensing the plot of the story into a few sentences, highlighting the most important events.

Writing Dialogue

Finally, students need to write dialogue that brings their characters to life and moves the story forward. This involves using quotation marks to indicate when a character is speaking, as well as tags to indicate who is speaking and how they are speaking.

To help students write effective dialogue, they can use the following exercises:

  • Write a conversation: This involves creating a dialogue between two or more characters, using tags and descriptive language to convey their emotions and actions.
  • Edit dialogue: This involves reviewing dialogue that has already been written and making changes to improve clarity, pacing, and characterization.

Recommended Reading: Story Writing For Class 6

Conclusion On Story Writing For Class 6

In conclusion, writing a good story is an art that requires practice, patience, and creativity. The conclusion of a story is a crucial element that should be carefully crafted to provide a satisfying ending to the readers. It should wrap up the plot, provide closure to the story, and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

To write a good conclusion, students should keep in mind the following tips:

  • Summarize the main points of the story
  • Provide a resolution to the conflict
  • Add a twist or surprise ending, if appropriate
  • Leave the reader with something to think about

It is important to remember that the conclusion should not be abrupt or rushed. It should be well-planned and executed to provide a satisfying ending to the story.

In addition, students should also pay attention to the overall structure of the story. A well-structured story will have a clear beginning, middle, and end. The characters should be well-developed, and the plot should be engaging and interesting.

Overall, writing a good story requires practice, patience, and creativity. With these tips in mind, students can improve their writing skills and create compelling stories that will captivate their readers.

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Helpful Guide to Story Writing Class 6

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  • Story Writing


Story Writing with Hints for Class 6 - Get Free Updated PDF

Each of us has stories inside us and that is what makes us humans. From the earliest days of our lives, we all tell different stories in different forms to each other. Stories enchant people of all ages, from kids to grownups and it is an ancient form of entertaining, informing, and educating human beings for centuries. It is through stories that we share our feelings, wisdom, and experiences and tell people about different cultures and ways of life. Story writing is critical for the development of children since it provides them a beautiful way of expressing the new events they experience and increases their vocabulary.

Story writing class 6 is an important topic for students as it teaches them the basic parts of a story and encourages children to write excel lent stories through many story writing topics for class 6. Apart from learning the story writing format for class 6 , kids also get many tips on how to go about writing a good story.

English Grammar Class 6 Story Writing - PDF will be uploaded soon

Importance of Story Writing for Class 6

Kids have a curious and creative mind which is put to great use through story writing skills. Apart from gaining vocabulary, kids learn how to structure their ideas and experiences by writing stories.

Stories Build Imaginative Power - Telling stories and putting them on paper stimulate a child's imagination and curiosity significantly. We all tell stories in our minds with rich imagery which inspires us to play around with ideas. 

Story Writing Aids in Vocabulary Development - When you write about new things, there are new words that you need to learn to express appropriately. By writing stories, children need to look up and learn tons of words to express themselves better.

Story Writing Helps in Emotional Intelligence - Story writing develops emotional skills as children can channel their emotions by creating stories. By writing stories children also understand how to manage a situation and show empathy for others. For example, they can develop empathy for the character they write about and express a range of emotions that is felt by the character or manage a difficult situation faced by that character. It further helps kids express their feelings and understand how others feel. 

Story Writing Teaches Morals - There are many moral stories that teach goodness of heart and principles of living a quality life. Through story writing in English for class 6 with morals , kids learn the different morals and set high standards for themselves as a way of living. They also get to focus while writing stories. By completing the story they learn about commitment and dedication.

Story Writing Builds Intellectual Skills - You will find out that when you write stories your intelligence at many levels advances notably. You can see improvements in areas such as grammar, sentence structure, use of punctuation, and many more. 

Helps Kids in Collaborating With Their Peers - Stories help a child share his or her ideas with others and collaborate with them to build the storyline. 

Develop Organization From a Young Age - When you write a story, you need to have a plot and a sequence of situations. This helps children organize their thoughts and also learn how to create surprises and drama in the stories. Such an organization helps kids in their everyday life by organizing themselves and preparing for the day ahead.

Story Writing Builds Confidence - With story writing, children get to put across their point of view and be heard. This helps them develop into powerful adults who can convey their ideas, feelings, and thoughts clearly.

Story Writing Examples for Class 6

You will learn about different parts of a story through many examples, some of them are illustrated below:

Story Writing With Hints for Class 6 - The students are given an outline of a story which they have to strew in sentences and create a story out of it. An example is:

The Cat Killed Mice - mice discuss how to solve the cat's problem - a young mouse suggested bell the cat - but an old mouse asked who will bell the cat?

Story Writing With Pictures for Class 6 - You are given a sequence of pictures that tell a story. You need to write down the story in your words.

Tell The Moral of The Story - A story with a hidden moral is presented to kids and they need to come up with what moral the story teaches them.

Some Interesting Facts About Story Writing

Before computers came into the picture, many authors would write stories with their hands.

John Steinback who wrote East of Eden used up to sixty pencils per day to write this novel. He totally used up three hundred pencils to write the story.

The first ever story written in the world was "The Epic of Gilgamesh." The story was written in the cuneiform script(one of the most ancient forms of writing)  in 2100 BCE.

Dr. Seuss won a bet of 50 USD with his publisher as he said he could write a story with fifty or fewer words and he won.

The word “colygraphia” means writer's block and “mogigraphia '' means writer's cramp.

Important Topics in Story Writing Class 6

Learn the definition of a story.

Understand what a good story looks like and how to divide them into paragraphs.

Find out some of the salient points to keep in mind while writing a story.

Solve story writing with hints for class 6 .

Write Fantastic Stories by Going through Our Free Story Writing for Class PDF

Vedantu’s team has prepare d a story writing format for class 6 which is sure to get them high marks in their exa ms.

In the PDF you would find many examples of short stories which are written keeping in mind the understanding level of class 6 students.

You also get ample practice in writing different kinds of stories by solving the practice examples.

The PDF can be downloaded on your devices to give you ease of access from any time anywhere.

The PDF is also printable so that you can have your copy of the entire content on story writing for class 6 on the go.

Story writing is an art that kids must develop at a young age to excel in many fields of their lives in the future. The experts at Vedantu make sure the value of story writing gets across to the kids, and they are able to utilize our content for improving their story writing skills.


FAQs on Helpful Guide to Story Writing Class 6

1. What is a story?

The simplest form of composition is a story that provides an account of imaginary or real events and people in an entertaining manner.

2. What are the different types of stories?

Stories exist in many different forms such as-

Folklores- These are stories being told through generations about different regions and their cultures.

Fairy tales - These are stories about characters having magical powers.

Legends - These stories mostly talk about historical events but they do not stick to the accuracy of history books.

Epics - Epics are extremely long stories that talk about a country and its people.

Mythological stories - These stories are similar to legends but they deal with Gods or heroes.

Moral stories - These stories are built around moral values.

Science fiction - These tales are created around futuristic inventions and technologies.

Crime fiction - They are full of suspense and mysteries.

3. What are the different elements of a story?

A story typically has the following elements:

Setting - This defines when and where the events of the story take place.

Characters - Characters from the life and soul of the story. It could be people, animals, or anything which can be personified.

Plot - Plots are organized sequences of events that create the story.

Conflict - Conflict denotes struggles between opposite sides of the story.

Theme - This is the central idea of the story which the writer of the story is trying to convey.

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Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 31 Story Writing

story writing topics for grade 6 cbse

Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 31 Story Writing. A story is the simplest form of composition. But it needs great practice. It must be divided into paragraphs. Writing more and more stories, improve our thinking and writing skills. Always think differently, when you are thinking about to write a story. It should be interesting and try to relate it with real facts.

Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 31 Story Writing Skills

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Main Points for writing a Story

  • Read the outline very carefully and understand it.
  • Be sure to get hold of important words and phrases in the story.
  • Don’t change the story, only reproduce it.
  • Take special care to bring out clearly the chief points of interest in the story.
  • Whenever possible introduce a dialogue or a conversation.
  • As far as possible, write the story in the past tense.
  • A suitable title may be fixed if it is not already given.
  • The moral of the story if any, may be given.

Model of a Story

A thirsty bee ________goes to river to drink water ________is carried away by the current of water—a tree on the bank of river sitting a dove there—sees drowning bee—plucks a leaf, drops near drowning bee-bee climbs it ___dries wings flies away _____some days later____ hunter comes ____sees dove _________aim _____bee sees danger______ stings him _____misses aim _________dove flies away and saves.

Story with Moral

One day it was very hot. A bee was very thirsty. It went to a river to drink water. The water current was very strong. It carried the bee away. It was drowning. There was a tree on the bank of the river. A dove was sitting on it. She saw the drowning bee. She took pity on it. She plucked a leaf and dropped it near the bee. The bee climbed up the leaf. It dried its wings and flew away. Some days later, a hunter came there. He saw the dove. He aimed at her. The bee saw all this. It flew to the hunter. It stung him on his hand. The hunter missed his aim. The dove flew away. Her life was saved. She thanked the bee. They became fast friends.

Moral: Do good, have good.

Own Stories

Students should write stories with own. Never try to copy the stories of other. After reading a story we can take an idea only.

Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 31 Story Writing

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Writing Stories from Given Outlines

6th Class English Story Writing Writing Stories from Given Outlines

Category : 6th Class

      Writing Stories from Given Outlines

Below are the examples of stories written from given out lines? These will give your idea on how to build stories from the outlines.  


Outline: The mice very unhappy-the cat killed many of them-held a meeting to discuss how to get rid of the cat-various suggestion - no plan practicable. Then a young mouse suggested that a bell should be tired round the cats's neck - all welcomed the proposal with joy - an old mouse stood up ? asked who was going to tie the bell round the cat's neck?  


In a certain house which was infested with mice, the cat found easy prey. The mice were very unhappy. The cat killed so many of them that they were all in great fear. At last they held a meeting to discuss how they could get rid of the nasty cat. One mouse said this, another said that but none of the plans was of any use. Then a young mouse stood up and said,' The best thing we can do is to tie a bell round the cat's neck. Then when the cat comes we will hear the bell and get out of the way.? All the mice shouted. 'Good! Admirable! Simple! Easy! They all thought it was a very good plan, indeed. But now an old mouse, who had all the while been listening to the proposals quietly, stood up and said, 'Yes, it is a very good plan, no doubt, but who will tie the bell round the cat's neck?' No one came forward to say that he would.  

Moral: It is easy to suggest, but different to follow.  


Outline: The hare laughed at the slow moving tortoise - the tortoise not at all ashamed of his slow pace - retorted that he could beat the hare in a race - agreed - the hare went away in lighting leaps - the tortoise went slowly after him - the hare confident - had a nap - the tortoise went on and on ? reached the winning post first - the hare beaten in the race.  

One day a hare made fun of the slow tortoise. The tortoise quietly replied that if the hare would run a race with him he would prove that he was not slow. The race began, and the hare quickly leaped ahead at a great pace. He was soon so far in front that he decided to have a little sleep. Plodding steadily on, the tortoise presently passed the sleeping hare. He smiled to himself and kept straight on. After some time the hare awoke and raced on. When he reached the winning post, however, he found that the tortoise had already arrived. He realized that slow but steady wins the race.  

Moral: Slow and Steady wins the race  


Outline: A vain stag was thirsty _____ reached a pool ___ saw his own reflection glad to see his horns ___ hated his thin and ugly legs ___ hounds ran after him __ stag ran for life ___ his leg carried him out of danger but his horns got stuck in bushes ___ provided to be the cause of his death.  

There was a stag in a jungle. He was very vain and proud. One day, he felt thirsty. He reached a pool of water. There he saw his own reflection. He was happy to see his horns. But he did not like his thin and ugly legs. Once a hunter came there. He set his hounds after the stag. The stag ran fast for life. His legs carried him to a place of safety. Just then his horns got stuck in a bush. The hounds came there. They attack the stag. They killed him then and there. Thus his horns became the cause of his death.  

Moral: All that glitters is not gold.  


Outline: An elephant ____ always passed by a tailor's shop ___ tailor angry. One day ______ pricked with a needle _____ elephant filled his trunk with dirty water______ threw it all around in the shop _____spoiled the clothes.  

Once there was a king who had an elephant. The trainer took it to a river for bath every day. It always passed by a tailor's shop. The tailor fed it bananas. One day the tailor was not in a good mood. The elephant came as usual. The tailor pricked its trunk with a needle. The elephant was annoyed. It went away quietly. It had a bath in the river. Before returning, it filled its trunk with muddy water. It came back to the tailor's shop. It threw the muddy water all over in the tailor's shop. All his new clothes got soiled.  

Moral: Tit for Tat.  


Outline: A poor farmer ____ gets a wonderful _______ hen ____ lays a golden egg daily _______ farmer becomes rich ____ richer _______ wants to be richest ___ cuts it ____ finds no gold _____  

Once there lived a farmer in a village. He was very poor. A saint visited the village. He took pity on the farmer. He gave the farmer a wonderful hen that gave one golden egg every day.

The farmer grew rich. But he was greedy. He wanted to get all the eggs for once. So he took a knife and cut the hen's stomach to extract all the golden eggs once for all. But he could find nothing. He was sad and disappointed. But it was no use repenting. The farmer could get no more gold. He grew poor again.  

Moral: Greed is a Curse.  


Outline: The sun and the wind had a quarrel ____ who is stronger? ____ they tested their strength on a passerby _____ the wind blew the sun grew hotter ____ took off ______ The sun was ______.  

Once the sun and the wind had a quarrel. Each boasted that he was stronger than the other. They decided to come to conclusion by standing to a test.

A traveler was passing by. He was wearing a coat. The sun and the wind challenged each other as to who succeeded in making the traveler take off his coat.

The wind blew harder and harder. The traveler held on to his coat. Then the sun grew stronger and stronger. Feeling hot, the traveler finally took off his coat. The sun won and the wind stood defeated.  

Moral: Gentleness is better than force.  

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Hints for story writing

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Hello, my friends welcome back with a new topic hint for story writing in English, Subcategory of Story wiring or Short Story writing. If you are a student  of class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, CBSE or a teacher you are at the right place for understanding the topic ‘hints for story writing’ .

Here, you have some selected Examples, Questions asked in the exam. For practice below the article worksheet given Topic-wise , for practice includes 11 questions, helps you to score better in the exam.

Sometimes, hints are provided for writing a story . Such hints can be in the form of:

  •   An outline or a few pointers pertaining to the plot;
  • Words, phrases, slogans, proverbs, idioms, etc., which need to be included in the story; or
  • The beginning or end of the story you would be constructing.

Hints for story writing

More often than not, such an exercise comes with a prescribed word-limit of, say, 100 and 50 words.

Solved examples of hints for Story writing

  • (Example 1) S tory based on the given pointers.
  • (Example 2) ‘ Story on ‘Slow and steady wins the Race’.
  • (Example 3) Incorporate the following words and phrases in a folktale.
  • (Example 4) Complete the story ‘ The wood-Cutter and the River God’ (words 100)
  • (Example 5)  An unfinished story ‘ The Foolish Stag ‘ (80 words)
  • (Example 6) Given the ending of a story that you are required to construct in around (100 words) . Also, provide a suitable title for the story.

Solved examples of hints for Story writing

Write a story based on the given pointers in about 150 words. Also, give a title to your story.

  • A tiger gets caught in a cage.
  • A kind traveler releases it.
  • Tiger pounces on the man.
  • The man pleads for mercy.
  • Tiger allows him three chances to seek help.
  • The man pleads with a tee- the tree says men are selfish.
  • The man seeks the pathway’s help – it declines to help, calls people ungrateful.
  • A jackal comes by, the man calls for help.
  • The jackal asks the tiger how he had got caught.
  • The tiger enters the cage to show just that and the jackal latches the cage.

Write an interesting story justifying the proverb, ‘ Slow and steady wins the Race ‘.

Incorporate the following words and phrases in a folktale i.e., a grandmother’s story.

A monkey on the tree laden with fruits: river: out on the bank: a crocodile: gave fruits: became friends: Greedy wife: the monkey’s heart: midstream: truth: quickly climbed up the tree.

The Student of class 9 and 10 were asked to write one story each. Meena began well but fell short of ideas and was unable to complete her story. Help her to complete write the story in about 100 words.

Once, a wood-cutter was cutting a branch of a tree on the bank of a river. His axe accidentally fell into the river. He began to curse the river. The river god appeared before him…

Given below is an unfinished story. Complete the same in not less than 80 words.

Once, a stag who came to a river to drink water noticed his own reflection in it.

“What lovely horns I have!” he said with great pride.

But the sight of his thin and ugly legs filled him with hatred. ….

Given below is the ending of a story that you are required to construct in around 100 words. Also, provide a suitable title for the story.

. .. This was the same lion whom Androcles had helped – he had removed the thorn that had somehow got stuck in its paw – while he had spent his days back in the jungle.

Story writing with hints worksheet/Questions for class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

In story writing worksheet you have some types of questions Form Examples: 

  • Continue a story after the dots
  • End stories with the following lines
  • Write stories with the titles
  • Complete the following story with the following words.
  • Dialogue based story.
  • Followed by struggled for survival.
  • Hints for story writing.

Read questions for better understand. (Hints for story writing)

Story writing with hints worksheet

Questions 1

You are on a holiday by the sea-side when suddenly the sea seems to heave and swell. The waves begin to appear more like huge walls. It was the fearsome Tsunami.

Write a heartrending story of the initial shock followed by the struggle for survival . Recount the devastation caused. (Not less than 100 words)


  • How was it that you were by the sea-side?
  • Recreate the setting and the characters around you.
  • What were the things first sighted by you?
  • Recount the struggle to stay afloat.
  • Try to give an interesting end to your story.

Questions 2

Write a dialogue-based story between a cat and a mouse. The mouse is trying to explain why the cat shouldn’t eat it. Try to come up with a humorous story in not less than 100 words.

One day. While returning home from office your pocket was picked by a thief; you ran after the thief and then a chain of events followed which were completely bizarre. It is meant to be a thrilling experience, so include anecdotes wherever befitting. (80 words or more)

Write a first-person account in not less than 80 words , of an incident where a fire broke out. Incorporate the given words and phrases into your narrative.

Construct a story that would justify the proverb- ‘As you sow, so you reap’. (80 words)

Related a story for which the beginning has been provided below. (80-100 words)

The rain came splattering on the windowpanes. He looked up…

Weave a story, in about 80 words, using the outline provided.

Related a story with the ending as suggested below. (80-100 words)

Given below is the outline of a story. Complete the story in about 80-100 words.

Questions 10

Write a story, in about 80-100 words, using the following outline.

Question 11

Given below is the story of a king and his three daughters. Complete the following story using suitable words.

Hint for story writing PDF

7 thoughts on “hints for story writing examples, worksheet, topics”.

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Hi.. Thanks for Visiting our website if you want to know more about writing a Hint for story writingmand more about Different types of writting then this blog will help you. if you have any query then you can comment.

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An excellent resource for English learners

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Hatts off bro…nice egs and exs.

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English Story Writing Format And Sample For Class 6

story writing topics for grade 6 cbse

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English composition and story writing are crucial skills for young students, especially in Class 6. At WitKnowLearn, we focus on nurturing these skills through our specialized modules in Class 6 comprehension and composition. Our approach is tailored to align with the CBSE Class 6 English curriculum, ensuring that students not only learn but excel in their academic journey.

Imagine your child or student effortlessly crafting engaging English stories, their words flowing like a river. That's what we aim for in our story writing section. Whether it's a short 250-word tale or preparing for a story writing competition, our guidance is comprehensive and easy to follow. We believe that story writing in English should not just be an academic task but a doorway to creativity and self-expression.

For teachers and parents looking for resources in Class 6 English, story writing, and comprehension, WitKnowLearn offers a treasure trove of materials. We understand that each child is unique, so our resources cater to different learning styles. From story writing questions to assistance with writing a story based on a given outline, our platform covers it all.

We also hold story writing competitions, encouraging students to showcase their talent and creativity. These competitions are not just about winning; they are about learning, growing, and gaining confidence in English story writing.

With WitKnowLearn, story writing in Class 6 becomes more than just an assignment. It turns into a journey of imagination and language, where every student can learn to express themselves beautifully in written English. Join us, and let's make English composition and story writing an exciting adventure for your child!

Story writing

What is a Story?

Components of a Story 1. Theme: The theme is the main idea around which the story involves.

2. Setting: The surroundings or the time period where the story unfolds.

3.   Characterisation : Characterisation is the process of portraying characters.

4.  Plot : The plot comprises the main events of the story.

Samples and Types

Samples of Story Writing

The Shoemaker and the Elves

  • English story writing
  • All CBSE notes
  • All GRADE 6 notes

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story writing topics for grade 6 cbse

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Grade 6 Writing Prompts

25 exciting sixth grade writing prompts.

story writing topics for grade 6 cbse

These Grade 6 writing prompts are the perfect way for your child to consolidate knowledge gathered on different styles of writing! Here are the categories covered in this page:

Character, Setting, Object

Metaphor story starters, story titles, general prompts.

  • A wizard, A school, and a golden key
  • A scientist, a house on wheels, and a time machine
  • An explorer, a dark jungle, and a magical hat
  • A storm chaser, a small town, and a flying car
  • A sports star, a stadium, and magic shoes
  • His eyes were ice and…
  • There was a weight on her shoulder. She couldn’t…
  • The room was a hot furnace. She had never felt…
  • Hold on to your dreams because…
  • Life is a rollercoaster, you have to…
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  • Volcano Disaster
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  • Mystery In The Night Zoo
  • The New Student
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  • Who is the most important historical figure and why do you think so?
  • Are video games a positive or negative influence on people?
  • Which morals do you think society should believe are most valuable?
  • Which piece of technology do you think should not have been invented?
  • What is your favorite website or app and why?
  • Write a report about your favorite scientific fact.
  • What book should everyone read and why?
  • What would make the world a better place?
  • What goals would you like to achieve in the next ten years?

How Night Zookeeper can help

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Night Zookeeper makes writing fantastically fun for children aged six to twelve.

Our language arts program for kids has been created improve children's skills while keeping them engaged, focused and entertained! will transform your child's attitude towards writing with thousands of creative writing prompts, skills challenges, and interactive lessons available now!

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Essays on Various Topics - List of Essay Writing Ideas

Essay writing is not everyone’s cup of tea. Most students find it difficult to begin writing. Essays can be made easier if students start thinking about the topic either through brainstorming or by putting them down on a sheet of paper. After getting the ideas, they need to know how to organise them to form an essay. For this, they need to practise essays on different topics. Here, we have compiled a list of Essays on various topics.

These are the general essay topics which are most likely to be asked in the exam. Some of these essay topics are also picked from past year papers. Students of Classes 6 to 10 can go through these essays and know the right way of expressing their thoughts to form a perfect essay. Apart from the CBSE , students of ICSE and other state boards can also use these topics to prepare for their English exams.

Essay Topics: List and Writing Ideas

Usually, one essay is asked in the English paper. The essay writing question mainly comes under the writing section and comprises 5 to 10 marks. By having a look at the essays on the below-mentioned topics, students can easily score these marks in the exam.

We will be soon updating more Essays.

Characteristics of a Good Essay

A composition on a particular topic consisting of more than one paragraph is an essay. The characteristics of a good essay are:

1) Unity: The essay should deal with the main subject and all parts of it should be clearly linked with that subject.

2) Coherence: There should be a logical sequence of thought. This requires a logical relationship between ideas, sentences and paragraphs.

3) Relevance: Unimportant information should not be included.

4) Proportion: Give more space to important ideas.

Students can also get the essays for class 2 and class 3 to improve their writing skills.

Types of Essays

Essays are mainly ways of expressing one’s ideas and thoughts. Essays vary in how one narrates a personal experience, describes an issue, or convinces the reader to accept a certain viewpoint. So, essays are mainly classified into four major types, as mentioned below:

1) Narrative Essays: Telling a Story

While writing a narrative essay, students must consider the topic as if telling a story. Through these essays, they can express themselves in a creative way. These essays are usually written in the first person, so as to engage the readers.

2) Descriptive Essays: Painting a Picture with Words

In a descriptive essay, students have to paint a picture with words. They have to describe something. It can be an object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation or anything else. These essays allow students a great deal of artistic freedom.

3) Expository Essays: Presentation of the Facts

An expository essay is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis of a topic. To write a good expository essay, students need to investigate the topic, evaluate evidence, express the idea, and set forth an argument clearly and concisely. It can be done by comparison and contrast, definition, example, the analysis of cause and effect, etc.

4) Persuasive Essays: Convince Me

A persuasive essay is one in which a writer tries to convince the reader to accept his/her viewpoint. It presents all sides of the argument but clearly communicates the writer’s personal opinion.

CBSE Unseen Passages

Students can increase their scores in the reading section of the English paper by practising the comprehension passages. To help them, below, we have listed the links to unseen passages.

Students must have found these Essay Topics helpful for their studies. For more study material and latest updates on the CBSE / ICSE / State Board / Competitive exams, keep visiting BYJU’S. Also, download the BYJU’S App for interactive study related videos.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay writing Essay

How should students practise essay writing.

The following points should be remembered while practising essay writing: 1. Constant written practice is required for honing essay writing skills. Writing alone tests the competency of the students to ideate and execute a proper essay within a specified time. 2. In-depth knowledge on various topics is a prerequisite for students preparing to write essays in school exams and competitive examinations. Such knowledge can be acquired by regularly developing a habit of reading extensively — especially newspapers and magazines — and following other news sources on various media available to them. 3. Developing a good vocabulary is another important factor students should focus on. Essay writing demands a more formal and extensive vocabulary as the range of topics asked are so wide-ranging. Every topic will demand familiarity with words and phrases pertaining to it. Use of good idiomatic English rich with apt vocabulary will help students pen memorable essays.

How to write an essay on an unknown or unfamiliar topic?

If an essay topic is unfamiliar then students can try to write in general about topics which are related to the main topic. Reading magazines and books can help in acquisition of knowledge in various subject matters.

How to score high marks in essay writing?

Given below are some of the points to be considered to ensure that students can score high marks in essay writing. 1. Maintain flow of text in essay: Ensure that the essay follows a natural progression from introduction to conclusion. Make sure that each paragraph is thematically or logically connected to successive paragraphs. Only then will the essay be evocative and easy to read and comprehend. 2. Phrase the essay is a relatable way: Keep the target audience in mind while drafting the essay and use images and language that resonate with them. Otherwise it would fail to connect with the reader, even if you have come up with a decent essay. 3. Be creative: Show the audacity to think out of the box and to deviate from traditional ways of writing essays while coming up with ideas to present your viewpoints in the essay. Readers will be immediately drawn to a piece of writing that gives them a fresh perspective, even if you are writing on a very common topic. But too much creativity and idiosyncratic writing will only mar an otherwise well-researched essay. 4. Present the essay in a better manner: Always think of new ways and strategies to present your ideas which you may have drawn from multiple sources. Doing background research is definitely essential. But that does not mean that you have to present the content you found in the same way. A fresh approach can turn a boring essay into a very engaging one. 5. Do not be over confident: Essays usually require students to state personal opinions as well as facts. Be prudent in voicing your opinions as well as in stating facts – make sure you don’t hurt the sentiments of readers when writing on sensitive and controversial topics. Practice diligence, not overconfidence, while writing essays as a best practice.

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story writing topics for grade 6 cbse

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Story Writing Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Story Writing For Class 6

In Online Education Story writing is an art. It is the oldest form of written composition. It is a work of imagination that is writ ten in easily understandable grammatical structure. A short story is meant to be read in a single sitting and therefore it should be as direct and brief as possible.

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. You can also visit the most accurate and elaborate NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English . Every question of the textbook has been answered here.

Online Education for Story Writing Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Main point’s related to story writing

  • Title: The title of the story must be interesting and it should evoke curiosity.
  • Planned and logical series of events must be reflected and the events should not deviate the story from its theme.
  • There must be an interesting theme of the story which is the controlling idea of the story.
  • The depiction of the characters must be interesting and convincing.
  • The language of the story must suit the story. It should be as per the setting of the story.

Story Writing Solved Examples With Answers for Class 6 CBSE

Story Writing For Class 6 Question 1. mountain mouse mountain ________ thing mouse ___________ neither big__________ nor small __________ big size ___________ big advantages stop the clouds ___________ across the sky. agreed the mouse. __________ can’t stop making big holes ___________ foundation ____________ tiny mouse outwitted mightly mountain.

The Mountain and the Mouse

Answer: One day there was a battle of wits between a mountain and a mouse. The mountain said, “What a poor little thing you are!” The mouse snapped, “I know I am not as big as you are. But, then, you are not as small as I am.” “Big size has big advantages,” said the mountain, “I can stop the clouds sailing across the sky.” “So you can,” agreed the mouse. “But you can’t stop me from making big holes in your very foundation, can you?” The tiny mouse outwitted the mighty mountain.

Story Writing Class 6 Question 2. __________ a lamb __________ to a stream to drink water. __________ a wolf came _________ saw the lamb ___________ flesh _________ must be soft and sweet __________ catch him for ____ food ___________ went closer _________ said __________ making my drinking water dirty it can’t be so ____ _____ water is flowing down _________ wolf said don’t argue _________ rude fellow _________ abused ?ne last month __________ Iamb said _________ not even born ________ must be mother ___________ wolfjumped poor lamb killed him.

‘The Wolf and the Lamb

Answer: Once a lamb went to a stream to drink water. As he was drinking water, a wolf also came there for drinking water. He saw the lamb and thought, “The flesh of this little one must be soft and sweet. I should catch him for my food.”. So he went closer to the lamb and said, “You are making my drinking water dirty.” The lamb said, “No, it can’t be so, because the water is flowing down to me from your end.” The wolf said, “Don’t argue with me. Perhaps you are the same rude fellow who abused me last month.” The lamb said, “I was not even born last month.” The Wolf said, “In that case, it must be your mother who abused me.” So saying, the wolf jumped upon the poor lamb and killed him.

Story Writing In English For Class 6 Question 3. _________ four cows lived in a jungle ________ fast friends, ________ always together ________ lived in peace. fought the enemy unitedly. A tiger had an eye __________ not dare to attack __________ as they were united. ___________ cows fell out went separately the tiger ________ the opportunity ___________ killed the cows _______ ate them ___________.

The Cow And The Tiger

Answer: Once upon a time, four cows lived in a jungle. They were fast friends. They were always together. They lived in peace. If any wild animal ever attacked them, all the four of them fought the enemy unitedly and drove him away.

A tiger had an eye on these cows. But he did not dare to attack them as long as they were united. The cows fell out one day. Each one went separately her own way. Now the tiger had the opportunity that he was looking for. He killed the cows one by one and ate them up.

Story Writing With Hints For Class 6 Question 4. ____________ two frogs fell into ___________ churn of milk, ___________ swam round _________ tried to hop __________ no solid support __________ not possible hop out _________ escape. ___________ one of the frogs completely tired, I can’t swim ___________ giving up _________ other frog go on swimming something will happen __________ save me. __________ His movements churned the milk __________ turned it _________ butter frog climbed pat of butter ___________ hopped out ____________.

The Two Frogs

Answer: One day two frogs fell into a churn of milk, They swam round and round and tried to hop out. As there was no solid support under their feet, it was not possible for the frogs to hop out and escape.

After some time, one of the frogs said, “I am completely tired. I can’t swim any longer. I am giving up. “He gave up and went down to the bottom of the churn. He was drowned.

The other frog said, “I will go on swimming. I hope something will happen and save me.” So he went on swimming. His movements churned the milk and turned it into butter. After some time, the frog climbed up on the pat of butter and hopped out of the churn.

Story Writing For Class 5 Question 5. __________a farmer had a magic goose. __________laid a golden egg. _________ farmer sold _________ a good price __________ became rich ___________ built a ‘arge house __________ lived _________ with wife and children, _____________ good food to eat. ____________ fine clothes ____________ one night a wicked idea ___________ could be very rich ___________ golden eggs from the body of the goose. ___________ neet morning ___________ killed the goose __________ tore her body went mad __________ goose was dead ________ not get golden.

The Farmer and the Magic Goose

Answer: Once upon a time a farmer had a magic goose. Every day she laid a golden egg. The farmer sold the egg at a good price. In course of time, the farmer became rich. He built a large house. He lived there with wife and children. They had good food to eat. They had fine clothes to wear.

This went on for a long time. Suddenly one night a wicked idea came to his mind. He thought that he could be very rich by taking out all the golden eggs from the goose. The next morning the farmer killed the goose with a big knife. When he tore her body wide open, went mad with misery because the goose was dead and he would not get golden eggs any more.

Story Writing Topics For Class 6 Question 6. _________ summer _________ and beautiful __________ plentiful grasshopper ate __________ content sang merrily __________ ants collecting . He laughed __________ said to an ant __________ greedy _________ ant said _________storing food for the winter __________ came winter __________ food _________ scarce __________ hopper found __________ difficult __________ get food __________ to starve, ___________ one day hopper knocked at the door _________ the ant ________ requested thing to eat _________ ant said _________ lazy creature __________ shut her door _________ the ant _________ requested thing to eat _________ ant said ___________ lazy creature __________ shut her door.

The Grasshopper and the Ant

Answer: In summer everything was bright and beautiful. Food was plentiful. A grasshopper ate to its heart’s content and sang merrily. He saw ants collecting and carrying food. He laughed at them. He said to an ant who was his friends, “How greedy you people are! You are working when it is the time for joy. What a pity!” The ant said, “My dear friend, we are storing food for the winter.”

After summer, came winter. The brightness of summer was gone. Food was getting scarce. The grasshopper found it difficult to get food for himself. And at last came the time for him to starve. So one day the grasshooper knocked at the door of his friend, the ant. He requested her to give him something to eat. The ant said, “You spent the summer singing merrily. Now you spend the winter dancing. I won’t give anything to a lazy creature like you.” And she shut her door on his face.

Class 6 Story Writing Question 7. An eagle ________ his nest high up on a mountain wall. At the foot ________ tree ________ lived a crow ________ eagle swooped picked up a lamb __________ flew high up __________ returned ___________ crow saw ____________ wonderful feat ___________ on go thought _______________ can’t I? _________ one day___________ flew as high as he could _________ swooped down _________ great force. But instead _______ dashed against the ground ___________ his head and beak cracked _________.

The Eagle and the Crow

Answer: An eagle had his nest high up on a mountain wall. At the foot of the mountain, there was a tree in which lived a crow. One day the eagle swooped down from his nest and picked up a lamb from the earth. Then he flew high up and returned to his nest. The crow saw that the eagle had performed the wonderful feat in one go. He thought, “If the eagle can perform this feat, why can’t I?” So one day the crow flew as high as he could. Then he swooped down with great force. But instead of land ing upon a lamb, he dashed against the ground. His head and beak cracked. That was the end of him.

Story Writing In English Class 6 Question 8. ________ to boys going along a road _________ saw a nut _______ the ground _______ ran quickly to pick it up picked ________ other boy said _________ my nut _______ I ________ to see _________ it is mine _________ said the boy _________ to pick it __________ a tall boy came _________ give me the ____________ I’ll settle ___________ quarrel ____________ tall boy took the nut _________ cracked __________ separated __________ into two parts _________ of the shell ___________ one boy _________ the other part __________ other boy __________ the tall boy the fruit seed _________ his mouth ___________ remaining is mine _______ helping.

The Two Boys and a Nut

Answer: One day two boys were going along a road. They saw a nut on the ground. Both of them ran quickly to pick it up. One boy picked it up. The other boy said, “It is my nut because I was the first to see it.” “It is mine,” said the boy who was holding it, “because I was the first to pick it up.”

Just then a tall boy came there. He said to the boys, “Give me the nut. I’ll settle your quarrel.”

The tall boy took the nut. He cracked the nut and separated its hard shell into two parts. He gave one part of the shell to one boy and said, “This half is yours.”

Then the tall boy popped the fruit-seed into his mouth and said, “The remaining is mine for helping.

Story Writing Topics For Grade 6

Story Writing Practice Examples With Answers for Class 6 CBSE

1. Cap seller – going to market – felt tired – slept under a tree – a basket – caps for sale – monkeys on the tree – came down – opened the basket – took the caps – wore them – started making noise – Cap seller woke up – no cap in the basket – looked up in wonder – monkeys wearing caps – tried several methods to collect the caps – failed – out of frustration threw his cap – monkeys also threw the caps – Cap seller collected the caps and went away happily.

2. A fox fell into a well – a thirsty goat came to the well – fox invited the goat to have a drink of fresh water – the foolish goat jumped into the well – fox tried to step on the goat’s back and jumped off – promised to draw out goat afterward – the goat agreed – the fox went away – foolish goat stayed there.

3. A hungry box – saw a crow with a piece of meat in its beak. Fox.thought of a plan – praised the crow – the crow listened – felt very happy – fox requested the crow to sing a song – foolish crow very pleased – began to sing – the piece of meat fell down – Fox picked up – ran away.

4. A farmer had a goose – it laid a golden egg every day – greedy farmer – wanted to more golden eggs at once – thought of a plan – killed the goose – opened its stomach – no golden egg – Moral.

5. An Arab has a camel Arab sleeps inside a tent Camel Shivers outside Arab agrees to let the camel put its neck inside then its forelegs camel enters tent and pushes the Arab outside.

Dialogue Writing For Class 6 Format, Topics, Examples

Format of dialogue writing:.

The format of dialogue writing consists of two parts: the dialogue itself and the dialogue tags. The dialogue tags are the phrases that indicate who is speaking and how they are speaking. For example, “he said,” “she asked,” “they exclaimed,” and “I whispered.”

Example of a dialogue with dialogue tags:

John said, “Hey, do you want to play soccer after school?”

Sara replied, “Sure, that sounds like fun.”

John said, “Great, I’ll meet you at the field at 4 pm.”

Sara said, “Sounds good, see you then.”

In this dialogue, the dialogue tags help us understand who is speaking and how they are speaking.

Also Read: Dialogue Writing Class 10 

Topics for Dialogue Writing:

1. Planning a birthday party

2. Ordering food at a restaurant

3. Talking to a friend about a favorite hobby

4. Discussing a school project with a group

5. Talking to a teacher about an assignment

6. Resolving a conflict with a friend

7. Planning a vacation with family

8. Talking about a favorite book or movie

9. Talking to a sibling about a family event

10. Talking about a favorite sports team

Examples of Dialogue Writing:

1. Planning a Birthday Party

John: Hey, Sarah, my birthday is coming up. Do you want to help me plan a party?

Sarah: Sure, that sounds like fun. What did you have in mind?

John: Well, I was thinking we could have a pizza party at my house. We could invite all our friends and play some games.

Sarah: That sounds like a great idea. When do you want to have the party?

John: How about next Saturday? Is that good for you?

Sarah: Yeah, that works for me. Let’s invite everyone in our class.

2. Ordering Food at a Restaurant

Waiter: Good evening, what can I get for you today?

Customer: I’d like to order a cheeseburger with fries and a coke, please.

Waiter: Would you like anything else?

Customer: No, that’s all for now. Thank you.

Waiter: Alright, I’ll have that ready for you in a few minutes.

3. Talking to a Friend about a Favorite Hobby

Sara: Hey, John, do you have a favorite hobby?

John: Yeah, I love playing guitar. It’s so relaxing and fun.

Sara: That’s cool. How long have you been playing?

John: I’ve been playing for about a year now. I started taking lessons at a local music store.

Sara: Do you play any songs?

John: Yeah, I can play a few songs like “Wonderwall” by Oasis and “Blackbird” by The Beatles.

Sara: That’s amazing. Maybe you can play something for me one day.

John: Sure, I’d love to.

4. Discussing a School Project with a Group

Mary: Hey, guys, we need to start working on our science project. Do you have any ideas?

Tom: I was thinking we could do a project on the solar system.

John: That sounds interesting. What specifically?

Tom: We could do a project on the planets and their characteristics.

Mary: That’s a great idea. Let’s start researching and gathering information.

5. Talking to a Teacher about an Assignment

Student: Excuse me, teacher, I have a question about the math assignment.

Teacher: Yes, what’s your question?

Student: I don’t understand problem number

Teacher: Alright, let’s take a look at it together. Which part of the problem is confusing you?

Student: I don’t understand how to solve for X.

Teacher: Alright, let me explain it to you step by step. First, you need to isolate X on one side of the equation. Then you can solve for it by performing the same operation on both sides of the equation.

Student: Okay, I think I understand it now. Thanks, teacher.

Teacher: You’re welcome. Let me know if you have any other questions.

6. Resolving a Conflict with a Friend

Alice: Hey, Sarah, I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.

Sarah: It’s okay, I appreciate your apology. But I was hurt when you said those things.

Alice: I know, and I feel really bad about it. Can we still be friends?

Sarah: Of course, I forgive you. Just please be mindful of how your words can affect others.

Alice: I will, I promise. Thanks for understanding.

7. Planning a Vacation with Family

Mom: Hey, kids, we’re thinking of going on a vacation this summer. Do you have any ideas?

John: How about we go to the beach?

Sara: I want to go to a theme park!

Dad: Those are both good ideas. Let’s start researching and see what options we have.

John: Can we also go hiking in the mountains?

Mom: That sounds like fun too. Let’s see if we can fit that in our itinerary.

8. Talking about a Favorite Book or Movie

Tom: Hey, have you guys read or watched Harry Potter?

Mary: Yes, I love Harry Potter! Which book or movie is your favorite?

Tom: I really like the first book and movie, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

John: I agree, the first one is really good. I also like the third one, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Mary: Yeah, that one is great too. Have you guys read any of the books?

Tom: I’ve read the first two books, but I haven’t finished the series yet.

John: I’ve read all the books, and they’re amazing!

9. Talking to a Sibling about a Family Event

Sara: Hey, John, are you excited about the family reunion next week?

John: Not really. I don’t like being around so many people I don’t know.

Sara: It’s okay, I feel the same way sometimes. But it’s a good opportunity to connect with family members you haven’t seen in a while.

John: Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just hope it won’t be too awkward.

Sara: I’m sure it won’t be. Just be yourself and have fun.

10. Talking about a Favorite Sports Team

Jack: Hey, have you guys watched any basketball games lately?

Mike: Yeah, I’ve been following the Lakers this season.

Sarah: I’m a fan of the Warriors. They have a really strong team.

Jack: That’s cool. I’m a fan of the Celtics. They have a great history and tradition.

Mike: Who do you think will win the NBA championship this year?

Sarah: I think it’s going to be a close race between the Lakers and the Nets.

Jack: I’m hoping the Celtics will make a strong comeback this year and win it all.

dialogue writing is a useful tool for improving communication skills, and it can be an engaging and fun activity for class 6 students. By following the format and choosing interesting topics, students can practice their writing, speaking, and listening skills while also building their creativity and imagination. It is important to encourage students to use proper grammar and vocabulary, as well as to express their thoughts and emotions clearly and effectively. With practice and guidance, students can become confident and skilled communicators, ready to tackle any situation that requires effective dialogue.


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    story writing topics for grade 6 cbse

  3. Story Ideas for Young Writers

    story writing topics for grade 6 cbse

  4. 30+ Fun and creative 6th grade writing topics

    story writing topics for grade 6 cbse

  5. Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 31 Story Writing for session 2024-25

    story writing topics for grade 6 cbse

  6. Good Writing Prompts For 6th Graders

    story writing topics for grade 6 cbse


  1. CLASS SIX..ENGLISH.. page((100-101)..My books... UNIT 13-(13.1,13.2 and 13.3) .. 2024

  2. Class 6

  3. Barsha Kabita Class 6 Odia Chapter 1

  4. Garib Sa Nainsafi /😢 #vlooger munde7 garib sa nainsafi I 😥 #vlooger munde7

  5. ।English Story Class 6 The Village School Lesson 6 Part -1।The Village School English Class 6 Story।

  6. My Family Paragraph Class 6


  1. Story Writing Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    There must be an interesting theme of the story which is the controlling idea of the story. The depiction of the characters must be interesting and convincing. The language of the story must suit the story. It should be as per the setting of the story. Story Writing Solved Examples With Answers for Class 6 CBSE. Question 1.

  2. Story Writing For Class 6 Format, Topics, Examples, Exercises

    Story writing is an essential skill that students must learn at an early age. It is the oldest form of written composition and helps students develop their creativity, imagination, and language skills. In class 6, students are introduced to various formats, topics, examples, and exercises that help them understand the basics of story writing.

  3. Article, Story Writing Class 6 CBSE Questions and Answers

    Questions 1: Cruelty to animals is growing day by day due to human greed. This is not good for the ecosystem. Animals too are a part of our life. You have been asked to write an article 'Live and Let Live' in order to create awareness. You are Rohit. Аnswers: Live and Let Live. —Rohit.

  4. Story Writing for class 6,7,8,9,10 Format, topics and tips

    Story Writing is an art form. It requires a lot of creative thinking, planning and mastery of narrative skills and language. Students of class 9 have to write a story in 100 - 120 words in their examination. A short story should be as direct and concise as possible because it is intended to be read in one sitting.

  5. Story Writing Topics for Grade 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

    Story Writing Topics for Grade 5. Write a story about a puppy with a penchant for solving puzzles—and saving people! Write a story about what life was like for your grandmother as a young girl. Write a story about a weird new store that opens up in town and only sells items that begin with the letter "P.".

  6. Helpful Guide to Story Writing Class 6

    Story writing class 6 is an important topic for students as it teaches them the basic parts of a story and encourages children to write excel lent stories through many story writing topics for class 6. Apart from learning the story writing format for class 6, kids also get many tips on how to go about writing a good story.. English Grammar Class 6 Story Writing - PDF will be uploaded soon

  7. Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 31 Story Writing

    Class 6 English Grammar Chapter 31 Story Writing. A story is the simplest form of composition. But it needs great practice. It must be divided into paragraphs. Writing more and more stories, improve our thinking and writing skills. Always think differently, when you are thinking about to write a story. It should be interesting and try to relate ...

  8. 100 Entertaining 6th Grade Writing Prompts

    Choose from 100 prompts, story starters, research topics, and poetry ideas to start the writing process in a sixth-grade classroom.

  9. Story Writing For Class 6 Format and Examples

    Section 2: Tips for Writing an Effective Story Writing For Class 6. Now that you understand the basics of speech writing let's discuss some practical tips for crafting a successful speech. The following tips will help you organize your ideas, engage your audience, and deliver your speech with confidence. Tip 1: Brainstorm and Organize Your ...

  10. Story Writing

    Story writing refers to the method of writing in which the writer narrates a series of events that has led to a problem, the progression of the same and the end result that has led to the current situation of the characters in the story. A story can be about a real or fictional incident including real-life or imaginary characters.

  11. Creative Writing Topics For Class 6 Format, Topics ...

    Examples Of Creative Writing Topics For Class 6. To get a better understanding of how creative writing works, here are a few examples: Example 1: Personal Experience. Introduction: As the waves crashed against the shore, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement rushing through my veins.

  12. 6th Class English Story Writing Writing Stories from Given Outlines

    StudyAdda offers free study packages for AIEEE, IIT-JEE, CAT, CBSE, CMAT, CTET and others. Get sample papers for all India entrance exams. Customer Care : 6267349244

  13. Hints for story writing Examples, worksheet, Topics

    Solved examples of hints for Story writing. (Example 1) S tory based on the given pointers. (Example 2) 'Story on 'Slow and steady wins the Race'. (Example 3) Incorporate the following words and phrases in a folktale. (Example 6) Given the ending of a story that you are required to construct in around (100 words).

  14. English Story Writing Format And Sample For Class 6

    Theme: The theme is the main idea around which the story involves. 2. Setting: The surroundings or the time period where the story unfolds. 3. Characterisation: Characterisation is the process of portraying characters. 4. Plot: The plot comprises the main events of the story. Samples and Types. Outline of the Story.

  15. Story Writing for Class 10 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    The story needs to be told in an interesting manner. The story needs to have a message. The beginning of the story needs to be exciting and should capture the attention of the readers. The end of the story needs to be worth remembering. An interesting and suitable title should be given. Story Writing Topics for Class 10 CBSE Examples. Question 1.

  16. 25 Exciting Grade 6 Writing Prompts

    These Grade 6 writing prompts are the perfect way for your child to consolidate knowledge gathered on different styles of writing! Here are the categories covered in this page: Character, Setting, Object; Metaphor story starters; Story Titles; Opinion; General prompts; Character, Setting, Object. A wizard, A school, and a golden key

  17. Essay Topics, Essay Writing Ideas and Types for English Exam

    Essay Topics: List and Writing Ideas. Usually, one essay is asked in the English paper. The essay writing question mainly comes under the writing section and comprises 5 to 10 marks. By having a look at the essays on the below-mentioned topics, students can easily score these marks in the exam.

  18. Story Writing Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    Story Writing Solved Examples With Answers for Class 6 CBSE. Story Writing For Class 6 Question 1. ... Story Writing Topics For Grade 6. Story Writing Practice Examples With Answers for Class 6 CBSE. 1. Cap seller - going to market - felt tired - slept under a tree - a basket - caps for sale - monkeys on the tree - came down ...

  19. Story Writing for Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics Exercises, and Examples

    3. Plot As simple and as interesting as possible. 4. Conflict It is the struggle between two sides of the theme of the story. Conflict can be between characters, emotions, beliefs or thoughts. It gives life to short stories. 5. Theme The central idea or the main belief of the story is the theme.

  20. Paragraph, Notice, Message Writing Class 6 CBSE Questions And Answers

    III. Paragraph Writing Topics For Class 6 CBSE. Write Paragraphs on the given Topics: 1. Healthy Teeth. Rinse your teeth after every meal, remove food particles for protection from bacteria, brush teeth twice a day. Use a soft brush, avoid sweets between meals - chocolates damage teeth, visit the dentist. Happiness is linked with sound health.

  21. Dialogue Writing For Class 6 Format, Topics, Examples

    Also Read: Dialogue Writing Class 10 . Topics for Dialogue Writing: 1. Planning a birthday party. 2. Ordering food at a restaurant. 3. Talking to a friend about a favorite hobby. 4. Discussing a school project with a group. 5. Talking to a teacher about an assignment. 6. Resolving a conflict with a friend. 7. Planning a vacation with family. 8.