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30 Writing Prompts For 9th Grade Students

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What’s up, 9th graders?

Writing’s a big deal, but forget grades for a second.

It’s more like figuring out who you are and how to totally rock your thoughts.

That’s where our writing prompts come in – like training wheels for your writing brain.

We’ve got a bunch of awesome prompts here to get you thinking, writing all sorts of stuff (stories, arguments , even deep thoughts!), and maybe even have a blast doing it.

So, grab a pen, open your laptop, and unleash your inner writing superstar!

Writing Prompts for 9th Graders

  • Imagine a world where AI has evolved to a point that machines have become sentient and have emotions , desires, and their own society. However, not all is peaceful. The machines have started an invasion against the human race. Write a short story about a day in the life of a teenager during this invasion. Describe this world in your own unique way. How have things changed for the humans and machines?
  • Picture yourself as a stray cat navigating through an urban city. Your life is filled with adventure , close encounters, and fleeting friendships. Your perception of the world is starkly different from that of humans. Write a journal entry as this stray cat, capturing your experiences, challenges, and observations of the human world around you.
  • Aliens have made contact with Earth and they’ve sent an ambassador to discuss their intentions and establish relations. Unexpectedly, they choose you, a 9th-grade student, to be their human counterpart due to your unique ability to understand their language . Write a letter to the UN Secretary-General explaining your new role , what you’ve learned from the aliens, and your recommendations for next steps.
  • Your school ’s most beloved cookie recipe has mysteriously vanished. Rumors are swirling about a secret society of teachers being responsible . You decide to investigate. Write a detective-style story detailing your investigation and uncovering of the great cookie conspiracy. Don’t forget to include surprising twists !
  • You’ve found an old snow globe in your attic. But this isn’t a regular snow globe; whatever you draw and place in the globe becomes part of the miniature world inside. One day, you accidentally drop in a sketch of a terrifying creature. Write a suspenseful short story about how you handle the situation and the unexpected adventures that follow.
  • You discover that your best friend has been a time traveler all along. They’ve been trying to alter events to prevent a future catastrophe, but things aren’t going as planned since someone is trying to act as a villain . Write a narrative story detailing your adventures in time travel with your friend and the moral dilemmas you face when deciding whether or not to alter history .
  • A dollar bill goes through many hands and sees many places. Imagine what stories it could tell if it had consciousness. Write a story from the perspective of a dollar bill, narrating its journey from the moment it was printed. Make sure to incorporate a variety of scenarios and environments.
  • Your ordinary, somewhat boring town suddenly becomes exciting when a masked superhero starts appearing. This hero doesn’t have any superpowers, but they use their resources and wits to help people. Write a newspaper article detailing the superhero’s latest daring rescue, the mystery surrounding their identity , and the town’s reaction.
  • Choose your favorite fairy tale and reimagine it. Set it in the gothic world and replace the magical elements with modern technology or social media . How would Cinderella’s story change if she had an appearance of fear ? What if Rapunzel lived in a high-rise apartment building that is floating on a river? Write a modern version of your chosen fairy tale, showcasing how this scenario would affect the story.
  • Jules Verne took us on an imaginative journey to the center of the Earth. Now it’s your turn. You and a group of scientists embark on a journey to the Earth’s core. However, the world you find beneath our feet is unlike anything ever discovered. Write a detailed adventure log of your journey, describing the fantastic sights and dangers you encounter along the way.
  • Imagine you have the power to create a new society from scratch. A utopia , where every citizen is content, fulfilled and their mental health being apt at all times. What would this place look like? How would it function? Write an essay detailing your vision for your utopia, including its government structure, education system, healthcare, and social norms.
  • You stumble upon a time machine and decide to visit your future self ten years from now. The person you meet , however, isn’t quite what you expected. Write a conversation between your current and future self, exploring the surprises and the wisdom your future self imparts.
  • Suppose you have the ability to switch bodies with your pet for a day. What adventures would you embark on? What might you learn about your pet and yourself? Write a narrative essay recounting your day as your pet, detailing your adventures and new perspective on life.
  • You receive a large, unexpected package in the mail. It’s not your birthday or any special occasion, and the package is not labeled. Curiosity piqued, you open it to find something extraordinary. Write a story describing the unboxing of this mystery gift and how its contents change your life.
  • Imagine you decide to run for Student Body President . Your platform is unconventional, focusing on changes never proposed before, and your campaign tactics are even more out-of-the-box. Write a campaign speech that outlines your unique platform and explains why you’re the right candidate for the presidency.
  • You find yourself stranded on a desert island with only three items of your choosing. Survival is your top priority, but you also need to find a way to signal for help. Write a survival guide that details how you’d use the three items to stay alive and get rescued.
  • Your local library is believed to be haunted. Late at night , strange sounds can be heard and books mysteriously fly off the shelves. You and a group of friends decide to investigate. Write a thrilling short story documenting your spooky adventures and the secrets you uncover.
  • You’ve always been fascinated by mythology and its creatures. One day, during a hike in the woods, you encounter one of these mythical beasts. Write a story about your encounter, the creature you meet, and the impact this experience has on you.
  • Think about a major historical event and reimagine it with a significant twist. What if the outcome had been different? What if a key figure had made a different decision? Write an alternate history story based on this event, showing how this new version could have changed the course of history.
  • Imagine waking up one day and all forms of technology have stopped working . No cell phones, no internet, no cars – nothing. Write a 24 hour timeline story on how it impacts your daily routine and society in general.
  • One day, gravity simply stops working. People and objects start to float uncontrollably. How do you and others cope with this new reality? Write a detailed narrative exploring the immediate and long-term effects of this phenomenon on daily life and human society.
  • You suddenly find yourself in a fantasy world filled with magical creatures and enchanted forests . However, you’re not a warrior, wizard, or rogue, but a simple cook. Write a story about how you use your unique skills and wit to become an unlikely hero and save the day.
  • You’re part of an interstellar exploration team sent to investigate a long-abandoned space station. Upon arrival, you find eerie signs that suggest you might not be alone. Write a thrilling short story about your team’s exploration of the space station, the mysteries you uncover, and the harrowing situations you encounter.
  • While on a deep-sea dive, you stumble upon a lost city submerged beneath the ocean . The city is in remarkably good condition and filled with clues about a previously unknown civilization. Write an adventure log detailing your exploration of this underwater city, the artifacts you discover, and the implications of your findings.
  • One day, an invisible barrier appears around your town, trapping everyone inside. No one can see it, but they can feel it, and nothing can pass through it. Write a story about how the people in your town adapt to their new circumstances and how they work together to understand and overcome the barrier.
  • You’ve discovered a portal to another dimension where the laws of physics don’t apply, and everything is topsy-turvy. What’s more, you can’t find your way back! Write a descriptive narrative detailing your adventures in this strange dimension and how you finally manage to return home .
  • In a small corner of your town, there is an old antique shop filled with curiosities. One day, you discover that the items sold there have a magical or supernatural element. Write a series of diary entries about your experiences with these unusual antiques and the enigmatic shop owner.
  • You’ve been accepted to a prestigious school, but instead of traditional subjects, students are taught unusual skills like time manipulation, lucid dreaming , or telepathy. Write a letter to your old friends detailing your experiences at your new school, including your favorite classes, classmates, and unexpected challenges.
  • Every night at exactly midnight, hauntingly beautiful music can be heard echoing throughout your neighborhood. No one knows where it’s coming from. One night, you decide to find out. Write a story about your nocturnal adventure to uncover the source of the music and what you discover in the process.
  • You come across an old, dusty video game in a thrift store. The game is fun but you soon realize it has a mind of its own – it’s haunted! Write a gripping short story about your eerie encounters with this haunted video game and how you confront the digital ghost .

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50 9th grade journal prompts.

50 9th Grade Journal Prompts

Starting your journaling journey as a 9th grader can be both exciting and transformative.

The practice of writing regularly helps you to explore your thoughts, reflect on your experiences , and understand your emotions better.

The following 50 journal prompts for 9th graders are designed to inspire creativity, encourage self-expression, and provide a space for personal growth.

Journaling not only improves your writing skills but also boosts your mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Dive into these prompts and allow yourself to freely express your thoughts and feelings.

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers in journaling—just your unique perspective.

50 9th Grade Journal Prompts: Self-Discovery and Growth

  • Describe a moment when you felt truly proud of yourself. What were you doing, and why did it make you feel that way?
  • If you could spend a day with any historical figure, who would it be and why? What questions would you ask them?
  • Reflect on a time when you overcame a challenge. What did you learn about yourself from that experience?
  • Write about your favorite hobby . How did you get into it, and why do you enjoy it so much?
  • Imagine your life ten years from now . Where do you see yourself, and what are you doing?
  • Describe a person who has had a significant impact on your life. How have they influenced you?
  • Think about a book or movie that changed your perspective . What was it about, and how did it affect you?
  • Write a letter to your future self. What advice and encouragement would you give yourself?
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
  • Reflect on a recent success . How did it make you feel, and what did you learn from the experience?

Every journey begins with a single step. Keep writing and exploring, and you'll discover more about yourself each day.

Every journey begins with a single step. Keep writing and exploring, and you'll discover more about yourself each day.

50 9th grade journal prompts: friends and family.

  • Write about a family tradition that means a lot to you. Why is it important, and how does it bring your family together?
  • Describe a time when you helped a friend through a tough situation. How did it feel to support them?
  • Reflect on a memorable family vacation . What made it special, and what did you learn from the experience?
  • Think about a disagreement you had with a friend. How did you resolve it , and what did you learn from it?
  • Write about a role model in your family. What qualities do they have that you admire?
  • Describe a fun activity you enjoy doing with your friends. Why is it special to you?
  • Think about a family member who you don't see often . Write about a time you spent together that was memorable.
  • Write a thank-you letter to a friend who has been there for you. What are you grateful for?
  • Reflect on a time when you and your family faced a challenge . How did you all come together to overcome it?
  • Describe your best friend's most admirable qualities. What makes your friendship special?

Cherish the moments with your loved ones. They are the foundation of your strength and joy.

Cherish the moments with your loved ones. They are the foundation of your strength and joy.

50 9th grade journal prompts: school and learning.

  • Write about your favorite subject in school. What do you enjoy about it, and how does it challenge you?
  • Reflect on a teacher who has had a significant impact on your education. What did they do to inspire you?
  • Describe a project or assignment that taught you something new . What was it, and what did you learn?
  • Think about a time when you struggled with a lesson . How did you overcome the difficulty?
  • Write about a memorable school event . What happened, and why does it stand out to you?
  • Describe your ideal learning environment . What makes it conducive to your learning and growth?
  • Reflect on a group project. How did you contribute , and what did you learn about teamwork?
  • Write about a book you read in school that you enjoyed. Why did it resonate with you?
  • Think about a skill you want to learn. Why is it important to you , and how will you go about learning it?
  • Describe your study habits . What works for you, and what could you improve?

Embrace the joy of learning. It's a journey that will lead you to endless possibilities.

Embrace the joy of learning. It's a journey that will lead you to endless possibilities.

50 9th grade journal prompts: dreams and aspirations.

  • Write about a dream career you have. Why does it interest you, and what steps can you take to achieve it?
  • Reflect on a personal goal you have set for yourself. What motivates you to pursue it?
  • Imagine you have the opportunity to make a positive change in the world . What would you do, and why?
  • Write about a talent or skill you would like to develop. How will it benefit you in the future?
  • Think about a time when you felt inspired. What inspired you , and how did it affect your actions?
  • Describe your ideal future . What does it look like, and what makes it perfect for you?
  • Reflect on a time when you took a risk. What was the outcome, and what did you learn from it?
  • Write about someone you admire who has achieved their dreams . What can you learn from their journey?
  • Describe a personal accomplishment you are proud of. How did you achieve it, and what did it teach you?
  • Imagine you could meet your future self . What questions would you ask, and what advice would you hope to receive?

Keep dreaming big. Your aspirations are the roadmaps to your future successes.

Keep dreaming big. Your aspirations are the roadmaps to your future successes.

50 9th grade journal prompts: reflection and mindfulness.

  • Write about a moment of calm you experienced recently. What were you doing, and how did it make you feel?
  • Reflect on a time when you felt overwhelmed or stressed . How did you manage to find balance again?
  • Describe a place where you feel most at peace. Why does this place bring you such comfort?
  • Write about a mindful activity that helps you relax. How does it benefit your mental health?
  • Think about a positive habit you have developed. How did you cultivate it , and how has it improved your life?
  • Reflect on your morning routine . How does it set the tone for your day, and what would you like to improve?
  • Describe a time when you felt deeply connected to nature. What was the experience like, and how did it affect you?
  • Write about a gratitude practice you have. What are you most thankful for in your life?
  • Think about a piece of advice that has stuck with you . Who gave it to you, and how has it influenced your actions?
  • Reflect on your journaling journey so far. What have you learned about yourself, and how has it helped you grow?

Take time to reflect and be mindful. It's in these moments of stillness that we find clarity and peace.

Take time to reflect and be mindful. It's in these moments of stillness that we find clarity and peace.

As you continue your journaling journey, remember that each prompt is an opportunity to explore your thoughts and grow as an individual.

Keep writing, keep reflecting, and keep discovering new facets of yourself.

Happy journaling!

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Student Opinion

176 Writing Prompts to Spark Discussion and Reflection

Here are all of our Student Opinion questions from the 2023-24 school year. Each question is based on a different New York Times article, interactive feature or video.

An illustration of a red airplane flying in a pink sky with white clouds. The plane is pulling a large, green banner that says “I love you.”

By The Learning Network

Each day of the school year we publish a Student Opinion question inviting students to share their own opinions and experiences in response to New York Times stories on the news of the day. To introduce each question, we provide an excerpt from a related Times article, interactive or video as well as a free link to that piece.

The 176 questions we asked during the 2023-24 school year are available below and in this PDF . The prompts are organized into three sections: questions that lend themselves well to persuasive writing, questions that encourage narrative writing, and additional Student Opinion forums.

Teachers can use these prompts to help students practice narrative and persuasive writing, start classroom debates and even spark conversation between students around the world via our comments section. For more ideas on how to use these Student Opinion prompts in your classroom, you might consult this comprehensive teacher’s guide , which includes practical strategies from a dozen educators.

Questions for Narrative and Personal Writing

1. Do You Multitask? Is It Helpful or Harmful? 2. How Did You Grow and Change This School Year? 3. What Accomplishments Are You Most Proud Of? 4. Have You Ever Been Injured? Tell Us the Story. 5. Where in the World Would You Most Like to Travel? 6. Who Is Your Hero? 7. How Well Do You Get Along With Your Siblings? 8. What Is Teenage Bullying Like Today? 9. Are You a Joiner? 10. When Have You Felt That You Mattered? 11. How Hard Is It to Wake Up in the Morning? 12. What Have You Learned From Failure? 13. Where Is the Line Between Helping a Child Become More Resilient and Pushing Them Too Hard? 14. If You Had $1 Billion to Give Away, What Charity Would You Support? 15. What Are the Small Ways You Show Love to Those You Care About? 16. How Do You Feel About High School? 17. What Activities or Hobbies Do You Do With Your Family? 18. Do You Use, Like, Too Many Filler Words? 19. What Is Your Relationship With Fast Food? 20. What’s the Greatest Gift Your Parents Have Given You? 21. What Is Your Favorite Word? 22. Are You Good at Apologizing? 23. What Is Your Dream Job? 24. What Amazes You Most About Animals? 25. Which Toy Would You Want to Help Design or Update? 26. What Are the Best, and Worst, Recommendations You’ve Gotten From Social Media? 27. What Small Wins Have You Had Recently? 28. What Do You Like About Playing Games? 29. What Everyday Object Deserves More Love? 30. Are You Too Critical of Yourself? 31. Do You Spend Enough Time in the Dirt? 32. What Got Your Attention in the News Recently? 33. Has Your Birth Order Shaped Who You Are? 34. What Elective Do You Wish Your School Offered? 35. How Far Would You Push Yourself Physically to Meet a Goal? 36. How Often Do You Take Breaks From Your Phone? 37. How Do You Deal With Conflicts? 38. What Children’s Book Worlds Do You Wish You Could Visit in Real Life? 39. Has Your Relationship to School Attendance Changed Since the Pandemic? 40. What Can You Make or Fix With Your Hands? 41. What Have You Learned From a Grandparent or Elder? 42. Do You Wish You Had More Places to Go? 43. What Author Would You Most Like to Meet? 44. Have You Ever Lost Someone as a Friend? 45. Do You Keep a Journal? 46. Are You Tired of Influencers? 47. How Did the Covid-19 Pandemic Affect You, Your Family and Your Community? 48. To Whom Would You Write an Open Letter? 49. What’s the Best — and Worst — Part of Being a Sports Fan? 50. How Much Exercise Do You Get Each Week? 51. Do You Have a Hard Time Saying ‘No’? 52. What’s Your Favorite Kind of TikTok Video? 53. What Are Your Favorite Local Businesses? 54. How Involved Do You Expect Your Parents to Be in Your Adult Life? 55. How Important Is It to You to Keep Mementos From Your Life? 56. Who Are Your Favorite Athletes to Watch Right Now? 57. How Does Your School Address Students’ Mental Health Needs? 58. What Communities Are You a Part Of? What Communities Would You Like to Explore? 59. What’s Your TV ‘Comfort Food’? 60. What Sad Songs Do You Listen to When You’re Feeling Down? 61. Will You Be Watching Super Bowl LVIII? 62. What Was Your Most Memorable Field Trip? 63. What Is Unique About Where You Live? 64. What Is Your Experience With Group Chats? 65. Are You a Fan of Movie Remakes? 66. What Brings You Delight? 67. Do You Ever Host or Attend Sleepovers? 68. Here Are 15 Winning Tiny Memoirs. Which Ones Most Resonate With You? 69. What Is Your Reaction to Trump’s Conviction on 34 Felony Counts? 70. Do You Enjoy Keeping Secrets? 71. Are You Growing Tired of Superhero Movies? 72. What Do You Wish You Could Do Well? 73. Do You Think Any of These Mythical Creatures Might Be Real? 74. What Are Your Thoughts on Last Names? 75. Which TV Show or Movie Would You Want to Live? 76. Do You Ever Feel Envious of Others? 77. What Do You Want to Do Differently in the New Year? 78. What Is the Best Month of the Year? What Is the Worst? 79. What Will You Remember About 2023? 80. Do You Prefer Gifts That You’ve Asked For or Ones That Are a Surprise? 81. How Do You Feel About Holiday Music? 82. What Do You Appreciate About Winter? 83. Do You Like to Dance? 84. Do You Ever Feel Sentimental About the Past? 85. What Slang Do You Use? 86. Do You Like Spending Time Alone With Your Thoughts? 87. Do You Like Watching Other People Watch Sports? 88. What Role Does Humor Play in Your Life? 89. What Are You Grateful For? 90. Do You Trust Online Reviews? 91. What Have You Changed Your Mind About? 92. Do You Use Swear Words? 93. The North American Total Solar Eclipse Is Here. Are You Watching? 94. What ‘Oddball Rituals’ Do You Have? 95. Do You Ever Feel Pressure to Post About Your Outrage Online? 96. What Do You Enjoy That Others Think Is Cringe, Played Out or Just Uncool? 97. What Small Moments From Your Life Do You Think About Often? 98. Are You There for Your Friends When They Need You? 99. What Misconceptions Do People Have About Where You Live? 100. What’s Your Take on Beige Flags in Relationships? 101. Do You Share Music Tastes With Your Parents? 102. What Does Hip-Hop Mean to You? 103. What Do You Think of Barbie? 104. How Concerned Are You About the Cost of College? 105. What Has Been Your Best Secondhand Find? 106. What Household Items Can’t You Live Without? 107. How Do You Feel When You’re Interrupted? 108. At Which Museum or Venue Would You Like to Spend the Night? 109. What Were the Best and Worst Parts of Your Summer Vacation?

Questions for Debate and Persuasive Writing

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Elementary School

Middle school, high school, ets criterion sm library, grade 9 prompts, ws freshman survival (expository).

The principal has asked for student essays for next year’s “Freshman Survival Guide.” Write an article that compares and contrasts eighth grade with ninth grade. Focus on providing information and particular details to help new freshmen adjust to ninth grade.

  • Scoring Guide 4PT Scale
  • Scoring Guide 6PT Scale

WS What is a Friend? (Expository)

“That’s what friends are for.” Most people know the word “friend,” but everyone has a different idea of what makes a friend. Write an essay that defines the word “friend” and include clear examples and anecdotes to explain your definition.

WS Heroes (Expository)

Your school newspaper is printing a series of articles about heroes and heroines. Write about someone who is a hero or heroine to you. That person may be someone you know or someone you have read about or seen on television. Explain in particular detail why you believe this person is heroic.

WS Best Activity (Expository)

Everyone is good at some activity in school. Where do you shine? Write an essay that explains why it is good for a person to play a competitive sport, participate in musical performances, belong to a school organization, or otherwise excel at something in school. Include specific examples and details in your explanation.

WS Experience (Narrative)

“Experience is the best teacher.” In a personal narrative, share a specific time in your life that illustrates this quotation. Make sure to tell what you learned from the experience.

WS Helping Others (Narrative)

“Help yourself by helping others.” Share a personal experience that illustrates this quotation. Develop your narrative by using sensory details and events from your own life.

WS Today in School . . . (Narrative)

In an article for your school newspaper, share your most meaningful school-related experience from the past year. Make the experience come alive with vivid details and dialogue.

WS Save Art (Persuasive)

The school board has decided to eliminate the school art program because of budget constraints. Write a letter arguing for or against the school board’s decision. Use particular examples to support your argument.

WS Movie Choice (Persuasive)

As a class project, your English teacher wants to view and analyze a current movie. In preparation for this unit, she would like students to recommend a movie to study. Using specific reasons and details, write an e-mail that convinces your teacher to use the movie of your choice.

WS Assemblies (Persuasive)

Your principal has reduced the number of school assemblies for the year. The school newspaper editor wants you to write about the decision. Write an editorial either defending the decision or urging the principal to reconsider. Use specific reasons and examples in your argument.

© 2006 Write Source 35115 West State Street • Burlington, Wisconsin 53105 • Ph: 262-763-8258

Where'd My Sanity Go

50 Awesome Writing Prompts for 9th Graders

topics to write about for 9th graders

Guidelines can encourage creativity. That might sound rather strange. After all, guidelines remove possibilities by their very nature. However, interested individuals should remember that total creative freedom can lead to decision paralysis.

Meanwhile, a good set of guidelines can give people somewhere solid to start from without being so restrictive that it cripples their imagination. As such, writing prompts can be very useful for getting the best creative writing out of 9th graders and other high school students.

Here are 50 awesome writing prompts for 9th graders

1. what is success.

There is neither a right answer nor a wrong answer for this question. Instead, the whole point is to get high schoolers to think about their criteria for success, which can see considerable variation from individual to individual.

2. What Is Failure?

This isn’t as straightforward as just a reverse of the above question. Asking high schoolers to write about their criteria for failure can be more illuminating than asking them to write about their criteria for success, if only because people tend to spend less time thinking about these things.

3. What Is the Greatest Challenge You Have Encountered So Far?

Challenges are relative. As such, high people can write about whatever challenge comes to mind for them. For that matter, they can write about either a challenge they have overcome or a challenge they are still struggling with.

4. What Is Your Proudest Moment?

This writing prompt is meant to get high schoolers to share something about themselves. Their proudest moment could be tied to their greatest success or something else altogether.

5. Have You Ever Had to Give Up Something to Get Something Else You Wanted More?

Opportunity cost refers to the best thing people have passed up on by making a choice. Generally speaking, Investopedia and other sources talk about it in the context of economics. However, it also applies to day-to-day life. As a result, people should have no problem thinking of something even if it is as simple as passing up on a snack because they wanted to leave room for something tastier.

6. Describe Your Favorite Food

It doesn’t matter what high schoolers describe as their favorite food so long as they can explain their choice.

7. Describe Your Favorite Activity

Similarly, what matters here is how well high schoolers can explain their choice of a favorite activity.

8. Describe Your Favorite Place

This could be anywhere from a favorite place to be to a favorite place to experience.

9. Describe Your Favorite Work of Art

Likewise, this could be anything from a song or a sculpture to a photo or a painting.

10. Describe Your Favorite Historical Figure

High schoolers should be able to name at least some historical figures. This is just a matter of choosing the one who appeals to them the most.

11. What Is the Most Interesting Animal?

There are some very unusual animals out there. To name an example, Discover states starfish eat by extending their stomaches into their prey. Undoubtedly, high schoolers can think of more.

12. If You Were an Animal, What Animal Would You Be?

Meanwhile, this writing prompt is more about which animals high schoolers think might be fun, cool, or otherwise interesting to be.

13. Choose a Friend or a Family Member. If They Were an Animal, What Animal Would They Be?

Here, high schoolers are encouraged to think about what characteristics define the people around them and what animals they associate with those characteristics.

14. What Is Something You Would Never Give Up?

Everyone has things they would never give up. Those things can range from principles to prized possessions.

15. If You Could Switch Your Personality Traits, What Would You Take Out and What Would You Put In?

This writing prompt encourages people to think about a couple of questions. One would be which of their personality traits they dislike. The other would be what personality traits they prize the most.

16. What Makes Someone an Adult?

Adulthood is a somewhat nebulous concept. As a result, it can be interesting to get high schoolers to think about what makes people adults, which requires them to think about what adulthood even means.

17. What Is Something You Look Forward to in the Future?

High schoolers are at a transformative point in their lives. It is natural for them to think about what is to come.

18. What Is Something You Regret About the Past?

Most high schoolers presumably wouldn’t have a huge cause for regret. That is fine because even a minor regret counts as a regret.

19. What Is One Thing You Know For Certain About Yourself?

The Harvard Business Review points out that self-reflection is an important life skill. This writing prompt is a chance for people to describe something about themselves, whether positive, negative, or even neutral.

20. What Is the One Thing That Makes You Who You Are?

On a related note, this writing prompt is also reflective, though more concerned with something that has had a huge impact on making them who they are.

21. What Stresses You Out?

The Mayo Clinic mentions the importance of identifying stressors before being able to come to grips with them. As such, one could consider this to be practice for stress management as much as creative writing.

22. How Do You Like to De-Stress?

A natural complement to writing about stressors would be writing about ways to relieve the stress from stressors.

23. How Would You React If You Had to Spend a Week On Your Own?

Just about everyone benefits from having company. However, different people can have different degrees of need for it. This writing prompt asks people to imagine how they would fare without company for a long but not too long time.

24. What Would You Do If You Had to Spend a Week On Your Own?

Meanwhile, this writing prompt is more about asking people how they would spend a great deal of time on their own.

25. If You Could Go Anywhere in the World, Where Would You Visit?

Travel is a popular pastime. Due to this, even high schoolers might have thought about where they would like to go. If not, there is no harm to them putting some thought into the topic.

26. Do You Want a Pet?

Everyone agrees that pet ownership is a major responsibility. Even the CDC is no exception to the rule. This is about asking high schoolers whether they want a pet if they have full responsibility for their pet’s wellbeing.

27. What Would You Get If You Could Get Whatever Pet You Wanted?

With that said, most people find it much more fun to think about what pets they would get if they were limited by neither budget nor other practical considerations.

28. What Is Your Favorite Season?

Different people have different favorite seasons. It can be interesting to see what high schoolers pick and how they justify their picks.

29. Where Do You See Yourself 10, 20, and 30 Years From Now?

High schoolers are at the point when they should start thinking about their life trajectory. Due to this, a writing prompt about where they see themselves at different points in the future can be very fitting.

30. Create an Alien

Fantastical writing prompts can be just as useful as their more down-to-earth counterparts. This one asks high schoolers to come up with an alien life form. What they come up with can say a lot about who they are as people.

31. Create a Holiday

Asking high schoolers to create a holiday can serve much the same purpose, if only because of what it says about their priorities.

32. What Is the Best Superpower?

It isn’t uncommon for fantastical writing prompts to have surprisingly reasonable answers. After all, “best” is very much in the eye of the beholder, meaning people can have very practical reasons for choosing one superpower over another.

33. What Is Something You Are Thankful For?

Once again, this is a writing prompt that encourages a bit of self-reflection, which is often beneficial for personal growth.

34. What Is a Present-Day Issue You Care About?

High schoolers can be surprisingly attentive to sociopolitical issues. It can be interesting to see what they care about when it comes to these things.

35. What Is a Principle You Consider Important?

People don’t necessarily make conscious choices when picking up core principles. Even so, it is good to think about these things from time to time. This writing prompt is meant to get high schoolers to do exactly that by thinking about what guides them through their day-to-day lives.

36. Nature or Nurture?

Nature versus nurture is a long-running debate. It won’t be settled anytime soon, but it can be interesting to see what people have to say on the matter.

37. Are People Inherently Good or Inherently Bad?

Speaking of which, this question is another long-running debate with profound consequences for human society as a whole. Even now, it continues to show up in Scientific American and other sources for very good reasons. The answer isn’t as important as how people craft their answers.

38. Do People Deserve Second Chances?

This is yet another question with answers that say more about the answerers than about the topic itself. Of course, that is what makes it interesting in the first place.

39. What Is the Weirdest Dream You Have Ever Had?

For something lighter, there is always the option of asking people to write about the weirdest dream they have ever experienced.

40. What Is Something You Want to Do Before You Die?

Alternatively, there is also the option of asking people about the things that they want to do at some point in their lives. Some people will bring up something perfectly ordinary. Other people will try to describe the adventure of a lifetime. Either option is valid.

41. Describe the Sight of a Dog to Someone Who Can’t See

Sometimes, simple things are only simple because of shared context. This writing prompt is meant to challenge high schoolers by getting them to think about the best way to describe the look of something to someone who has never seen anything in their life.

42. List 10 Things You Know to Be True

Writing prompts don’t need to be complicated. Even something as straightforward as this can encourage people to write and write well.

43. List 10 Things You Know to Be False

The reverse of the above writing prompt has the same potential for creating writing.

44. What Makes a Person a Person?

Personhood is a complicated topic. For proof, look no further than those championing the idea of animal personhood, as described by National Geographic . It can be beneficial for high schoolers to think a bit about what makes a person a person.

45. What Is Intelligence?

The idea of intelligence isn’t any easier to pin down than the idea of personhood. Due to that, it can also be a good idea for high schoolers to think a bit about the meaning of intelligence.

46. What Would You Choose If You Had to Choose Between Beauty, Health, and Intelligence?

People often have to make tough choices. Thought exercises are a good way for them to think their way through such situations rather than hesitate because of decision paralysis.

47. Describe Someone Who Has Been a Major Influence On You

No one stands alone. As a result, all of us have been influenced by our friends, our family members, and the other people around us. This writing prompt asks high schoolers to discuss one such individual.

48. Describe Something That Has Been a Major Influence On You

Of course, we can be influenced by books, events, and other things, which can have a huge impact on our day-to-day lives. Asking people to write about these sources of influence is just as worthwhile as asking them to write about the people who have shaped them.

49. What Is the Meaning of Life?

There are plenty of sources that claim to know the meaning of life. Unfortunately, it is hard to say which ones are right and which ones are wrong, meaning people are going to have to decide which answers are the right answers for them. This writing prompt is meant to get them thinking about what they see as important in life.

50. What Is the Greatest Challenge of Your Generation?

As mentioned earlier, high schoolers can be surprisingly attentive to sociopolitical issues. Even if they aren’t, chances are good that they have thoughts on the greatest challenges awaiting their generation, if only because of the shared experiences that have shaped them and their classmates.

You can also read:

  • 50 Writing Prompts for 5th Graders That Aren’t Boring or Lame
  • 50 Writing Prompts for 6th Graders That Aren’t Boring
  • 50 Writing Prompts for 7th Graders That Aren’t Boring
  • 70 Awesome Writing Prompts for 8th Graders

Janine Talbot

Janine is passionate about parenting. As a mother of 5 she knows a thing or two about how to raise children. She has a love for food, travel, and making sure her children stay on the right path.

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20 Thought-Provoking Journal Prompts for 9th Graders

Stepping into high school can be a daunting challenge for your child. They might struggle with the onslaught of discovering themselves while transitioning into adulthood. While they will navigate through the differences, either way, you need to ensure that they don’t get sidetracked or find themselves in bad company. After all, this is the time that will largely determine who they grow up to be. Despite the innumerable benefits of mindful writing , it might be that your son or daughter doesn’t know how to prioritize it yet. They might not know what to write about, and that monotony may serve as a barrier. Thus, you must give them great journal prompts for 9th graders. Developing and maintaining interest will be easy if it sparks curiosity according to their level of awareness about the world. 

The prompts in this article will give them a greater sense of who they are and where they want to go from here. So let’s dive in! 

Why Journal Prompts for 9th Graders are Important

‘But isn’t diary writing for kids?’, you might wonder. ‘Why should I encourage my teenage son or daughter to get into it? It just seems ludicrous’. 

While many have the conventional notion that journaling is just for teenage girls writing about their secret crush Josh, the truth is far from it. Developing greater self-awareness is not for a specific gender and there is no age requirement for exploring multi-faceted questions.

The sooner you understand the “Know Thyself” mantra, the better. The world around us is not sunshine and rainbows. We must ensure that our children resort to healthy coping mechanisms for their emotional well-being. 

Here are three reasons why journal prompts for 9th graders are so important: 

It Gives a Sense of Identity

“I used to be such a happy kid. Now my mother criticizes me, and I think she doesn’t like me. I don’t even blame her. Who could love me? I am so ugly after all.”

“Is Ashley really my friend? She ignored me as I tried to talk to her. We’re not even close anymore. Sometimes I feel like she hates me.”

“Josh looked at me today and smiled. He is so cute. Is it possible that he likes me?”

“Omg, why did I say that? God, I feel so stupid. I hate myself. I’m never going to recover from this. I just want to isolate myself.” 

These are just some of the questions that start popping into your mind as the bubble of childhood bursts and makes space for new experiences. 

You suddenly find yourself in a whirlwind of emotions, friendships, dating , school, and peer pressure. Ultimately you have this need to fit in, which is not wrong. 

But we need to be mindful of who we decide to associate with. That is why taking small steps toward self-awareness and shifting the narrative is essential.

Prompts help create a lens to target worries and narrow down scattered and disorganized thoughts. 

  • “What do I like about myself?”
  • “What is my favorite pastime?”
  • “What makes me feel good?”

Although it may strike you as absurd, these will help smooth things out. This is especially true for the ninth grader just beginning to step into the world. 

It Is a Great Source of Emotional Outlet

As an adult, you might struggle with regulating your emotions in healthy and socially acceptable ways. You might even have trouble managing your inclinations and impulsive tendencies. And that is amusing, considering you’re not particularly new to these intense emotions.

Now picture an individual going through their developmental stages and experiencing these intense emotions for the first time. There is a reason why teenage years are difficult for both the parents and their offspring alike. 

Doesn’t sound that hard? Picture a 30-student class of hormonal and emotional individuals slowly unveiling the hard truths about life. 

These may include the realization that people to whom they thought they were close did not reciprocate their sincerity. Or that their parents are not always right. 

They might be peer pressured into bad habits as an escape. Parental pressure and validation from one’s friends may result in bottled-up frustration. Irrational rebellion is not surprising at this age.

Journaling will allow a safe space for the expression of such emotions. It’s a way of navigating friendships, dating, family-related issues, and the inevitable drama of the 9th-grade classroom. 

It Allows the Exploration of Various Themes and Interests

Open-ended journal prompts for 9th graders are a great way to spark their imagination. There are loads of themes, topics, and ideas to get into. These may include dreams, hopes, and aspirations. This will encourage them to be open to all sorts of ideas. 

It is a great way to kickstart their creativity . For a moment, blur the lines between perceived possibility and impossibility. 

  • Who would you be if there were no imposed restrictions? 
  • What is something you would like to do forever? 
  • Do you believe in religion? What are the reasons for your belief?
  • What do you want to do in terms of your career ? Are you in it for passion or money? 
  • How do you feel about yourself?
  • If you could travel anywhere you wanted to, where would you go? 

See? These are simple questions, and yet they may encourage any individual to think about what they want. Even if the answer seems indefinite, it is discoverable through a bit of introspection. 

While teenagers may not be comfortable talking about their emotions, writing is a relatively safer method. They will not feel judged or instantly reprimanded for their valid and understandable emotions and ideas. 

Plus, it means less time wasted on other less fruitful activities. Win-on-win for everyone involved, isn’t it? 

Common Issues 9th graders are dealing with

Technological advancement has made phones an indispensable part of our lives. Whether it is for staying connected with friends, studies, or work , it’s impossible to negate its importance. 

For ninth graders, social media can open a gateway to problematic thoughts and behaviors. It is important to remember that there’s not much truth in how people portray themselves online. There is misinformation and false narratives on how your life should be. 

These may present problems relating to self-esteem , self-image, body image, peer pressure, and even an unconscious perpetuation of prejudice. 

Although these problems existed even during the pre-social media era, they are more severe now. Everyone has access to everything, even things that may bring more harm than good. 

Consider this: According to research by Elflein , self-harm or suicide was the second leading cause of death among teenagers aged 15 to 19 years. The typical age for ninth graders in the US is about 14 to 15. 

What exactly is happening to incur such a noticeable tragedy? It is worth noting that such problems do not arise all at once. They grow slowly as ideas turn into beliefs. 

The difference between grades eight and nine can be too difficult to be manageable by the student alone. 

Instead of perpetuating unhealthy thought and behavioral patterns, let’s make emotions manageable for kids. Journaling is an effective way to do that. 

So, the next time they feel something, they have a pen and paper to express it. There ought to be a curriculum specifically designed to cater to emotional expression. 

Now, how can we do that? Let’s find out the roles of the two most important forces at play: home and school. 

How to introduce journaling to 9th graders

How can we introduce journaling prompts for 9th graders in a way that doesn’t seem too overwhelming or overbearing? 

Getting a teenager to do anything is quite a challenge. But there are ways to help them discover journaling and its benefits. Let’s break down our theoretical knowledge into executable steps. 

How To Encourage Journaling as a Parent

Although it may seem that way, your child does not hate you. They may harbor resentment , sure. But if you’re consistently improving yourself and switching parenting styles as required, chances are they’re probably stressed about something else. 

Now, what can you do as their guardian? Introduce journaling as a coping mechanism for stress.  Be considerate of their likes and dislikes. What’s their favorite color? Is there a fictional character they like? 

Get them a journal that represents their taste. Your teen will automatically feel drawn to it. It’s important to remember that journaling isn’t just writing. It comprises list-making, doodling, drawing, and just scribbling words or phrases. 

Give them enough space to use it as they prefer.  If they’re Potterhead, get them cool stationery such as these Paper House Productions stickers. This will foster creativity by allowing them to personalize their journal. 

How To Encourage Journaling as a Teacher 

Academic institutions play an essential role in encouraging or discouraging certain activities. 

Reflect on your life: how many times did you participate in a class or at least enjoyed learning simply because your teacher was good? 

Maybe their lecture was engaging, or they posed thought-provoking questions. It could also be that they just had a kind demeanor and you felt understood by them. 

Either way, it made the task at hand easier. Let’s apply the same rules here. 

Whatever your students write, be mindful of any conscious or unconscious invalidation of emotions. Your role here is to create a safe space for expression. That includes not judging or criticizing emotions.

Next, offer them constructive feedback. Is there a specific problem they’re dealing with? Help them out with it. Make it overt or subtle depending on the temperament of the student involved.  

Bonus Tip: 

Create a positive association with a particular routine. When are your students most active? When do you think they’ll enjoy it the most? 

Try not to give extensive journaling exercises when tests or quizzes are due. Make it as simplified as possible and see your students thrive. 

You can also check out the following video for some back-to-school journal inspiration! 

20 Great Journal Prompts for 9th graders

  • What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
  • What are your biggest fears and how do you plan to overcome them?
  • Write about a meaningful experience you had in your life so far.
  • Who is someone you look up to and why?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses and how do you plan to improve upon them?
  • If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be and why?
  • Write about a time you showed courage or resilience in the face of adversity.
  • What are your favorite subjects in school and why?
  • What are your future career goals and how do you plan to achieve them?
  • Write about a hobby or interest that you are passionate about.
  • What are your values and how do you plan to incorporate them into your daily life?
  • Write about a time you took a risk and what you learned from it.
  • What is one place you have always wanted to visit and why?
  • Write about a person who has had a significant impact on your life.
  • What is one thing you are grateful for in your life and why?
  • What are some ways you can contribute to your community and make a positive impact?
  • Write about a time you failed and what you learned from the experience.
  • What are your plans for after high school and how do you plan to prepare for it?
  • What is one thing you want to learn more about and why?
  • Reflect on your personal growth over the past year and set some goals for the future.

Final Thoughts

Journaling has numerous proven benefits for mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It’s an effective way to detach yourself from your thoughts by putting pen to paper. 

So, whether you’re a parent or a teacher, ensure that your child/student feels heard. Become their best friend. And make journaling their sanctuary, so they have something to resort to even when you’re not there. 

We hope our list of journal prompts for 9th graders proves to be fruitful in sparking and retaining interest. Remember, everyone is doing their best and learning at their own pace. Always be kind to others. 

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  • AI, Your Side Hustle Hero to Make Money from Home

Think AI is just for super-smart scientists? Nope! There are tons of ways you can use AI to make some serious cash from home.

Ready to turn your tech-love into a side hustle? Here are some amazing ideas:

The Content Creation Powerhouse

1. ai, your writing buddy.

Imagine having a writing assistant that never gets tired, bored, or has writer’s block! AI tools like Jasper and Rytr help you crank out blog posts, website copy, product descriptions, and even creative stuff like poems or short stories.

You can write paid articles for websites or companies, or use AI to make your own online business shine with tons of fresh content. AI can even help you find ideas and make sure your writing is on point!

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2. Pics in a Flash

Ever wish you could draw anything you imagine? AI image generators like DALL-E and Midjourney let you do just that!

Just type in what you want to see – like “a cat flying a spaceship” or “a watercolor landscape of a hidden waterfall” – and the AI will create it.

You can sell your images on stock photo sites, use them to make your blog posts stand out, or turn them into cool digital art pieces you can sell online.

3. Movie Magician

AI can help you become the next editing superstar! Services can cut and paste video clips, add background music, and even turn your dialogue into subtitles for different languages.

Imagine helping YouTubers make their videos snappier, or editing short videos for businesses– it’s a skill you could even be paid for!

AI Expert Services

1. the global chat champ.

If you know another language (or more!), AI translation tools become your BFFs. Instead of taking forever on translations, AI does the basic work, and you fine-tune it for accuracy and style.

Get gigs translating websites so they reach worldwide markets, translating important documents, or even adding subtitles so movies and videos can be enjoyed by everyone!

2. Meet Your Robot Assistant

Businesses want to offer help 24/7, but that’s impossible for humans! That’s where chatbots come in.

Platforms like Dialogflow let you “train” little AI assistants to answer common questions, take orders, or gather information from potential customers even when everyone’s asleep.

It’s like coding and customer service rolled into one cool job.

3. Data Detective

AI is amazing at spotting patterns way too huge for humans to see alone. You can offer services by using AI to analyze mountains of social media chatter to see what people really think about products or brands.

Investors might pay you to use AI to spot stock market trends. Businesses might want you to use AI to track their rivals and see what sneaky plans they might be hatching!

Affiliate Marketing with a Techy Twist

1. ai reviewer: the ultimate comparison tool.

Imagine being able to gather tons of information on different products in a flash! That’s what AI lets you do. Let’s say you want to review the best robot vacuums.

AI tools can help you scrape customer reviews, compare features across different brands, and even summarize the pros and cons. You write awesome reviews, include your special affiliate links, and whenever someone clicks your link and buys, you earn cash.

It’s like being a super-helpful shopping guide and getting paid for it!

2. Super-Niche Websites: Your Secret Weapon

Sometimes the biggest money isn’t in the broadest topics, but the super-focused ones. Imagine a website not about pets, but all about the cutest outfits for teacup poodles! AI tools help you find these “micro-niches” – topics huge groups of people are obsessed with but might have fewer websites dedicated to them.

Once you’ve picked your niche, AI can help with everything else. It can find keywords that help people find your site, suggest tons of article ideas, and even help you write some of the content.

AI can also help you find products related to your niche to promote with affiliate links, making your awesome website into a money-making machine.

Build Your AI Empire

1. tool time: coding for cash.

If you have some coding skills, you can build super-useful, bite-sized AI tools that people will happily pay for. Think of common problems people have: resizing a ton of images is a pain, long articles can be a drag to read, and catching every single grammar error is tough.

You could build simple tools that offer AI-powered solutions – a quick image resizer, an article summarizer, or an extra-smart grammar checker. Sell these tools on online marketplaces, and suddenly you’re not just using AI, you’re selling it!

2. Plugin Power: Supercharge Popular Programs

Do you know your way around popular software like Photoshop, Excel, or even game design programs? You can become a plugin superstar! Create little add-ons that use AI to do cool new things.

Maybe your plugin adds AI filters to Photoshop, or teaches Excel to predict future patterns based on the data. Find platforms that allow developers to sell plugins for their software, and your creations could make you money while helping others work smarter.

AI Business Sensei: The Ultimate Consultant

If you get really good with AI, and understand how businesses work, you could make serious money as a consultant. Companies often have no idea how to start using AI to their advantage.

You could be the expert that helps them! Teach them how AI can find them new customers, help them analyze huge amounts of data to make better decisions, or even automate some parts of their business to save them time and money.

As AI gets more important, companies will be desperate for consultants like you!

Things to Remember:

Humans still needed: the ai hype is real, but….

AI is a powerful tool, but it’s still just that – a tool. It can mess up, make stuff that’s just plain weird, or even be used for harmful things if we’re not careful. That’s where you come in!

Your job is to double-check AI’s work, make sure it sounds natural and makes sense, add your own creative spark, and be the one to make sure the AI is doing good, not harm.

Find Your Thing: Be the Specialist

Trying to be an expert in everything AI-related is a recipe for a headache. Instead, become known as THE person for something specific.

Are you the best AI product reviewer for tech gadgets? The go-to person for building customer service chatbots? The genius who finds hidden stock market patterns using AI?

Specializing makes it easier for clients to find you and know exactly what you can do for them.

Never Stop Learning: The AI Train Keeps Rolling

AI technology changes at lightning speed! New tools, techniques, and updates are happening all the time. To stay ahead of the game, you’ve got to be curious and willing to learn.

Subscribe to tech newsletters, mess around with new AI programs as they come out, and take online courses. The more you know about cutting-edge AI, the more valuable your skills become!

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  • Our Mission

50 Writing Prompts for All Grade Levels

Sometimes students need a little push to activate their imaginations.

a row of colored pencils

The collection of prompts below asks young writers to think through real or imagined events, their emotions, and a few wacky scenarios. Try out the ones you think will resonate most with your students. 

As with all prompts, inform students that their answers should be rated G and that disclosing dangerous or illegal things they’re involved in will obligate you to file a report with the administration or school counselors. Finally, give students the option of writing “PERSONAL” above some entries that they don’t want anyone to read. We all need to let scraggly emotions run free in our prose sometimes.

If your class uses daybooks (an approach recommended in Thinking Out Loud: The Student Daybook as a Tool to Foster Learning ), wait for composition notebooks to go on sale at Target, the Dollar Store, or Walmart for $0.50 a piece. To organize the daybook, direct young writers to leave the first three pages blank and number and date each entry—adding these entries to a table of contents that they create as they work so they can return to specific entries later. 

High School Prompts

  • Should cameras on drones watch all public spaces to prevent crime, or is that a violation of privacy? 
  • Do Americans have it too easy? Why do you think that?
  • What causes racism?
  • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hires you as a consultant to determine how best to use $20 billion to save the world. What’s your plan?
  • What’s the worst thing about the internet? 
  • Would you rather be very beautiful or very smart? Explain.
  • You can save one object before your house burns down. What is it? What makes that object important to you?
  • How much control over your life do you have? What makes you say that? 
  • Describe your ideal life 15 years from now. What is something you can do every day to reach that goal?
  • What would your friends say is your most lovable quality? Describe that quality. 
  • What is something scary that you would like to try? What makes it scary for you? How might you overcome that fear?
  • What things do you conscientiously do to feed your brain?
  • What are three of your most profound learning experiences? Where and when did they occur?
  • By age 18, the average American has seen 200,000 acts of violence on TV, including 40,000 murders. What is it about television violence that is so compelling to people?
  • Would you rather be loved or respected? Because?
  • Does social media represent individuals authentically? Explain with examples. 
  • Imagine that it’s the last day of high school and you’ve been asked by a teacher to say a few words that summarize the events that have occurred over the last four years that are most meaningful to you. What do you say? 

Middle School Prompts

  • Which classmate would be the best to lead us through a zombie apocalypse? Why? 
  • What real-life situations would work out better for you if you were a different gender? Why?
  • How can you tell when someone your age is feeling insecure? Are most people more insecure or anxious than they let on?
  • If the internet were to crash forever, what would the benefits be for you? The drawbacks?
  • Write a scene that features a) a classmate, b) $100 million, and c) magical shoes. 
  • What three features should your future house have? Why?
  • If you starred in a television show about your life, what would the show be called? What genre would it be? (Examples: comedy, drama, thriller, romance, action-adventure, fantasy, superhero, soap opera, reality, game show, space adventure, Western, tragedy, etc.) Summarize the plot of an episode. 
  • In the future, what extreme sports will people be talking about?
  • Is your ethnicity an important part of your identity? How so? 
  • You get to take one book, one food item, and one famous person (living or dead) to a deserted island. What and who do you take? Why?
  • Write a powerfully supportive email to yourself 10 years from now. Send that email to yourself using . 
  • You have been selected to be king or queen of your school. What are five rules that every kid should follow at your school? What should the punishment be for rule breakers?
  • What do the five friends you hang out with most have in common? How are you most like them? How are you different from them?
  • What contributes to someone becoming a bully? What can help stop someone from bullying?
  • Do you make friends slowly or quickly? Describe how one of your important friendships evolved.
  • Should we fear failure? Explain.
  • If a wizard could tell you anything about your future, what would you most like to know?
  • Do you believe in luck? Are you superstitious? How so? If not, why do you think some people are?

Elementary School Prompts

  • I wish my teachers knew that . . .
  • What’s the most beautiful person, place, or thing you’ve ever seen? Share what makes that person, place, or thing so special. 
  • Which is better, giant muscles or incredible speed? Why?
  • What is your most difficult subject in school? Why is it difficult? What can you do to get better at that subject?
  • Rewrite “Hansel and Gretel” from the witch’s perspective.
  • Describe a scary situation that you’ve experienced.
  • What is your first memory? Describe it.
  • You wake up tomorrow with a silly superpower that makes you famous. What is that silly power? How does it lead to your becoming an international superstar? 
  • Are you a good loser? Explain. 
  • What are examples of things you want versus things you need? 
  • Last Friday, you were given one wish by a magical panda. You tried so hard to make the wish positive, but after the whacked-out events that unfolded over the weekend, you regret ever meeting that tricky panda. What did you ask for, and what happened?
  • I wish my friends . . . 
  • Describe a routine that you often or always do (in the morning, when you get home, Friday nights, before a game, etc.).
  • What things do all kids know that adults do not?
  • What TV or movie characters do you wish were real? Why? 

After they’ve finished an entry, ask students to read their work aloud or exchange daybooks for a read-around. If you give the entries written feedback, show that their work is respected by using a sticky note or scratch paper. 

You might also incorporate background writing music one day a week—say on “Music Monday.” For some examples of music you might use in class, Pitchfork has an article called “ The 50 Best Ambient Albums of All Time .” My favorite album for composing is the Birdy soundtrack by Peter Gabriel—a good one for older kids. Other Edutopia staff and bloggers like writing to Coffitivity , Noisli , Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven by Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and Alcest’s Souvenirs d’un Autre Monde .

Don’t forget to write along with your students. Why should they have all the fun?

What are your students’ favorite writing prompts?

The Integrated Teacher

13 Must-Read Short Stories for 9th Graders

Jul 16, 2022

Making the shift from middle school to high school can be a challenge for 9th graders and for the teachers of those 9th graders! But stacking your short stories for 9th graders with selections from Edgar Allan Poe, Ray Bradbury, Langston Hughes, Roald Dahl, etc. is an easy decision. With such short stories for 9th graders in your short story unit, students will experience amazing literature that sparks their interest, makes them gasp in surprise, rolls their eyes with what really is delight, and ultimately gives them an experience of literature that sets them up for success as they continue through high school.

This post aims to make your life easier with 13 suggested short stories for 9th graders that are brimming with opportunities for learning throughout this entire year!

Need help with Test Prep? Check out this  FREE Pack of 3 Test Prep Activities  to help students achieve success on standardized tests!

Table of Contents

What makes a good short story?

Much like beauty, the definition of a good short story is in the eye of the beholder. The beholders, in this case, are you and your students! But taking into account the following six criteria will help you, as the teacher, to make decisions about short stories for 9th graders.

  • Plot – The inclusion of some plot twists is engagement gold! They will push students to read a bit more deeply, challenge their preconceptions, and develop their current skill set with comprehension and fundamental literacy skills. 
  • Theme – Choosing stories with a relatable theme – an overall message – is good but not required. However, the theme can make or break a story. In 9th grade, choosing stories with a strong theme will help to establish a solid foundation of understanding for this concept.
  • Characters – Characters can also make or break a story for students. A character with little dimension is less than ideal for interest and analysis. Choosing stories that students have something to dive into for the protagonist and even an antagonist is optimal. 
  • Connections to Audience – A good short story will engage the reader, and nothing speaks more to a student than something they can connect with in fiction. These connections are often personal, but some can be universal such as the experiences of friendship, growing up, or even family dynamics. A good short story becomes one where students might see themselves or their experiences but even more than that will allow them to consider their experiences in a different way.
  • Connections to World – Beyond making personal connections, being able to connect stories to explain our lives is also important. And, more and more, we rely on stories to help to explain our world. Finding a story that resonates with students and with the big ideas of the world provides a chance for important thinking and discussion.
  • Writer’s Craft – There is something to be said for appreciating the creative art and style of a short story. Looking at plot structure, word choice, character development, and more provides students with mentor texts for their own work. This doesn’t just mean their creative writing; rather, students can use lessons about sentence types, verb conjugation, and more to aid with their paragraphs, reports, or essays.

Need back-to-school ideas? Click below for help with making the start of the year stress-free!

Setting Goals Activities for High School Students

Selecting good short stories for 9th graders can be a mix of these six criteria, but in the end, it’s a matter of finding what will meet the needs, wants, and interests of your students. 

This list of 13 short stories for 9th graders is sure to help you find what you need for your students this year. We want good literature because it offers options for analysis and skills development too!

  • The Tell-Tale Heart – Edgar Allan Poe’s classic of a character being haunted by his actions through a metaphorical heartbeat will hook students. Adding in the analysis of character and imagery is the reason this is a must-teach! Check out the bundle of activities to go with this story!
  • Thank you, Ma’am – Langston Hughes’ story is one where the greater good wins out to change the course of a young man’s life. With its two-character focus, this story is ideal for character analysis and comparison. Get your copy of the full lessons here in digital and print .
  • The Pedestrian – Ray Bradbury’s dystopian story set in 2131 features a man who walks the city while everyone else watches television. This seems like a simple premise, but when the man encounters the police and declares he’s a writer, the values of society are revealed. With its social commentary that remains poignant in our times, this story is a good one to explore theme. It also provides opportunities for text-to-world connections and discussion. Check out the full lessons done for you !
  • The Veldt – Another of Bradbury’s science fiction short stories, this one defies all expectations with a virtual reality simulation gone quite wrong… or right depending on the point of view! To teach this story with an added focus on character and the symbolism of the title and setting, check out this bundle .
  • The Gift of the Magi – O. Henry’s heartwarming story focuses on a young couple’s sacrifices to give each other meaningful holiday gifts. This story is a good choice for theme and big ideas as well as close reading and literary analysis with repetition, allusion, and irony. Check out all of the lessons for this story . 
  • The Necklace – Guy de Maupassant’s story of riches to rags and letting go of one’s pride provides such a marvelous twist at the end that this is a must-teach! For lessons with close reading and textual analysis with a focus on character, setting, and theme grab this bundle that’s all ready for you!
  • The Most Dangerous Game – This story by Richard Connell is about a hunter of humans rather than animals. This story will ensure students understand unexpected plotlines with comprehension quizzes, tracking story elements, and writing about the effectiveness of one key aspect. You can find complete lessons with teacher answers here . 
  • The Scarlet Ibis – James Hurst tells the tragic story of a young boy nicknamed Doodle from the point of view of Doodle’s unnamed brother. This heart-wrenching story with a focus on flashbacks and foreshadowing will encourage students to examine the structure and infer the order of the story. Check out this easy-to-use bundle .
  • Lamb to the Slaughter – A horror story with a side of comedy, Roald Dahl’s classic is a great option for close reading and character analysis. Get your copy of the lessons here .
  • After Twenty Years – Two friends follow different life paths but plan to meet up in 20 years; however, their meeting goes awry with a delightful twist! This story by O. Henry can help students to break down the plot into chunks so they better understand character and action. Get the bundle of lessons here .
  • The Monkey’s Paw – This story is best summarized as be careful what you wish for! The protagonist of W. W. Jacobs’ horror story is granted three wishes, but when he messes with fate, things go very, very wrong. Use this story to focus on summaries, particularly 1-sentence summaries, before diving into characterization. Get started with this lesson bundle .
  • To Build a Fire – A classic Jack London man versus nature story in the Yukon Territories’ extremely cold setting. Explore the setting and its strong imagery with this full bundle of activities . 
  • The Cask of Amontillado – This horror story, also by Poe, told from the point of view of the murderer is a tale of revenge for a wrong seemingly committed long ago. The story is brimming with character details to track and analyze. Grab your copy of the full lessons for this Poe story here . 

Want some ideas for the first days of school? Check out the post below!

back to school activities for high school

Why Choose These Short Stories for 9th Graders?

Any and all of these 13 short stories for 9th graders will contribute to students’ understanding of good literature and the development of their literacy skills. Whether it’s close reading or finding and using textual evidence or even developing their thinking about character and theme, each of these short stories can help your 9th graders as they start their journey through high school. 

You can get your ultimate bundle of all 13 short stories for 9th graders plus 5 more along with tons of activities to engage your students and support their literacy skills by clicking here . Additionally, each story is aligned to the Common Core standards and integrates standardized test preparation with full teacher answers for each and every activity!  

And remember just because a story has been done once in class doesn’t mean that students can’t revisit it. Developing literacy skills is key! It’s all about making it fresh. 

While the twists of some of the stories might not be new to students, exploring more about character, writing style, and even theme can remain ‘new’ for a lesson twist! Plus, when the story’s plot and its vocabulary are familiar to students, it can mean a shift to focus on something else such as inference, prediction, making connections, and more! This means these 13 short stories for 9th graders can be equally great for 10th-graders, too!

So in the first few days of school, help students (and yourself!) with that first single step on a thousand-mile journey by including short stories for 9th graders in your back-to-school plan!

short stories for 9th graders

Need more fun lessons and activities that incorporate good literature? Check out my store Kristin Menke-Integrated ELA Test Prep !

topics to write about for 9th graders


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Reading Worksheets, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Lesson Plans

9th - 10th Grade Writing

For ninth and tenth graders, this Common Core area helps students gain mastery of writing skills by working collaboratively and producing written texts, understanding syntax and vocabulary, and organizing their ideas. Among the complete standards for this grade, ninth and tenth graders will be asked to: support the claims of their arguments with evidence, valid reasoning, and credible sources and support it with an understand of relationships between claims and an understanding of the audience, use a formal style when writing within the norms and claims of the discipline, be able to develop the topic of a work with details, facts, definitions, and quotations, employ formatting, graphics, and multimedia to present information in the written medium, develop a writing topic with relevant facts, definitions, and concrete details, go through the process of writing, editing and revision for their written work with attention to purpose and audience, use appropriate technology to publish writing and to collaborate on written projects with use of linking technology to demonstrate correlations between sources or related material, demonstrate keyboarding skill, go through the process of writing, editing and revision for their written work, conduct short research projects to answer a question, begin to understand the relationship of material to their source work such as the way that Shakespeare might draw on themes from Ovid, quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of supporting texts while avoiding plagiarism and using proper citation, use evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

How to Write a Thesis Statement

How to Write a Thesis Statement

This activity helps students develop a strong thesis statement for their essays by providing practice writing sample statements.

How to Write an Introduction: Bridge Building Activity

How to Write an Introduction: Bridge Building Activity

This activity is designed to help students learn about writing introductions through a fun bridge building activity to join the lead noun card and thesis statement card.

How to Write an Introduction: Different Leads

How to Write an Introduction: Different Leads

This is a fun, creative activity where students explore ways to include factoids, stories, metaphors and more to create “hooks”. A great activity to help students develop strong introductions.

How to Write an Introduction: Lead Types

How to Write an Introduction: Lead Types

Creating an attention-grabbing lead isn’t always easy but it’s very rewarding to students when they are able to create engaging introductions. This activity provides great practice to build better introductions!

How to Write an Introduction: Lead, Bridge, and Thesis

How to Write an Introduction: Lead, Bridge, and Thesis

Let’s combine it all! This activity helps students use thesis statements, bridges and leads to write strong essay introductions.

How to Write an Introduction: Write a Complete Introduction

How to Write an Introduction: Write a Complete Introduction

This activity helps students bring together what they’ve learned to write a complete introduction, including the lead, bridge, and thesis statement.

Main Idea Graphic Organizer

Main Idea Graphic Organizer

Staying organized can be difficult, especially when you are trying to keep your writing and ideas well organized. With this printable Main Idea Graphic Organizer, students can keep their thoughts and ideas organized and separated based on their order of importance.

Organize the Main Idea

Organize the Main Idea

Help your students learn how to better organize their ideas with this Main Idea Organizer. Students will be asked to come up with a title, write a main idea, and support the main idea with three written details. In order to excel at writing, it is important to learn how to construct paragraphs in a way that is easy for the reader to understand the argument.

Paragraph: Proofing and Editing

Paragraph: Proofing and Editing

Use this “Printable Writing Worksheet” to help get in the routine of proofing and editing.

Write a Conclusion: Voting

Write a Conclusion: Voting

A strongly written conclusion can sway a reader one way or another. When writing persuasive articles it is important that you restate your thesis and give strong supporting ideas. The conclusion is the last chance you will have to sway your readers. This free printable worksheet is perfect for students to practice writing conclusions.

thinkwritten site icon


300 Fun Writing Prompts for Kids: Story Starters, Journal Prompts & Ideas

Are you a parent or teacher? Here are 300 fun and creative writing prompts for kids to spark the imagination of young writers everywhere. Use these kids writing ideas as journaling prompts, story starters or just for fun!

origami, paper, folding

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It’s never too early to start writing, and so we’ve created this fun list of 300 creative kids writing prompts for teacher and parents to use.

You’ll love these fun ideas for kids writing prompts to use as creative sparks to get young imaginations writing in no time!

writing prompts for kids

These are perfect to use as kids journal writing prompts, as short story writing prompts, or just for exercises to help students and children of all ages tap into their creativity. Maybe your kids will write an essay, maybe a poem, or maybe even a whole book!

Whether you are a teacher or parent looking to inspire your kids to write, or maybe even an adult who would like to practice writing with a more playful and young-hearted approach, I hope you find these creative writing prompts inspiring!

Buy the Printable Cards!  We will always have this list of 300 kids writing prompts available for free, but I’m very excited to now also offer an  ad-free printable version of these prompts  in my online Etsy shop. Thank you for your support!

The Ultimate List of 300 Fun & Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

#1. Imagine a giant box is delivered to your front doorstep with your name on it. What’s inside and what happens when you open it?

#2. Write a short story about what it might be like if you woke up one morning with a mermaid tail.

#3. Which is better, winter or summer? Write about the reasons why you think winter or summer is better.

#4. Write about what would it be like if you had an alligator as a pet.

#5. If you had $1,000, what would you buy and why?

#6. Write a story using these 5 words: apple, train, elephant, paper, banjo

#7. What do you want be when you grow up and why?

#8. Who is your favorite person on the planet? What do you like most about that person?

#9. If you could have any secret super power, what would you want it to be and why?

#10. Write about 3 places you would like to travel someday. What do these three places have in common?

#11. Write about a time you felt really happy. What happened? What made you feel happy?

#12. Imagine what would happen if someone shrunk you down to be only 1″ tall. How would your life change?

#13. If you were in charge of the whole world, what would you do to make the world a happier place?

#14. Write a story about what it would be like to climb to the very top of the highest mountain in the world.

#15. If you were in charge of planning the school lunch menu, what foods would you serve each day?

#16. What are some of your favorite animals? What do you like about them?

writing prompt card for kids example

#17. Imagine that dogs take over the world. What do they make the humans do?

#18. Write a story about flying to outer space and discovering a new planet.

#19. You are a mad scientist and have invented a new vegetable. What is it called? What does it look like? What does it taste like? Most importantly: Is it safe to eat?

#20. You go to school one morning to discover your best friend has been turned into a frog by an evil witch! How do you help your friend?

#21. Describe what it is like when trees lose all of their leaves in the autumn season.

#22. Write about your favorite sport and why you like it so much.

#23. Imagine what it might be like to live on a boat all the time and write about it.

#24. If you had one wish, what would it be?

#25. Write about what you might do if you have the super power to become invisible.

#26. You are walking through the forest when one of the trees starts talking to you. What does it say? What do you do?

#27. The weather forecast is calling for a blizzard in the middle of the summer. What do you do?

#28. What types of transportation will people have in the future?

#29. What were some of your favorite toys when you very little? Do you still enjoy playing with them?

#30. What would a day in your life be like if you were a movie star?

#31. Imagine you’ve invented a time machine! What year do you travel to?

#32. What are your favorite things to do over summer vacation?

#33. What is your favorite holiday and why?

#34. If you could meet any fictional character from a book, who would it be?

#35. You are writing a travel guide for kids visiting your city. What places do you think they should visit?

#36. What is a food you hate? Write about it!

#37. Imagine what it would be like if there was no electricity. What would be different in your daily routine?

#38. You are building a new city! What types of things do you think your city needs? How will you convince people to move to your new city?

#39. What is your favorite movie? Write your review of the movie and why you think people should watch it.

magic sweater writing prompt for kids

#40. Imagine you get a magic sweater for your birthday. What happens when you wear the sweater? What do you do with these new found magical powers?

#41. You are the security guard at the zoo and someone has stolen a rhinoceros! How do you track down the thief?

#42. You have been invited to have lunch with the queen. What foods do you eat and what topics do you and the queen discuss?

#43. If you could design a school uniform, what types of clothes would you suggest? What colors would they be?

#44. Imagine you are a reporter interviewing a celebrity about their life. What questions do you ask?

#45. You are running a lemonade stand. Describe the steps for how you make lemonade and the types of customers you see during the day.

#46. Write a story about being the ruler of an underwater world.

#47. Write an acrostic poem for the word “treehouse”.

#48. You decide to grow a sunflower, but the sunflower grows so tall it reaches up to the sky! Write about what happens when you decide to climb to the top. What do you discover?

#49. Imagine you look out the window and it is raining popsicles from the sky! Write a story about the experience.

#50. If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?

#51. If you were on a spaceship, what would you be most excited about seeing?

#52. Do you have any pets at home? Write an essay about how you take care of your pets. If you do not have a pet, what type of pet might you like?

writing prompts for pets

#53. Imagine you are opening a store that only sells items which are blue. What types of items do you sell?

#54. Have you ever lost something that is important to you? Were you able to find it?

#55. Write a story about a kid who is moving to a new school. How do you think they might feel?

#56. Rewrite the ending of your favorite fairy tale. For example, what would have happened if Cinderella never went to the ball?

#57. Have you ever forgotten to do your homework? What happened?

#58. Do you have a favorite song? Write about the type of music you like to listen to.

#59. Imagine your parents wake you up one morning to tell you they will take you to do anything you want to do for the whole day – you don’t even have to go to school or do your chores. What would you choose to do and why?

#60. Do you like amusement parks? What are some of your favorite rides?

#61. Write a story using these three words: detective, piano, and pizza.

#62. Have you ever been to the beach? Write about your favorite things to do. If you have never been to the beach, what would you like to do the first time you visit?

#63. Is there a favorite tv show you like to watch? Write about your favorite character and why they are your favorite.

#64. Write a poem using onomatopoeia , where the words you use are pronounced similar to the sound they make. For example, buzz, bark, sizzle, slam and pop.

#65. Have you ever had to stand in line to wait a long time for something? What did you do while you waited? How did you feel while waiting? How did you feel once the wait was over?

#66. Is it a good idea to keep ALL secrets a secret? Write about examples of when it is okay to spill a secret – and when it isn’t.

#67. Is there something you are good at doing? Write about your best strengths.

#68. What historical time period and location would you go back to live in if you could? Write about it!

#69. Write about 5 things you can do that are important for you to stay healthy and safe.

#70. Do you think thunderstorms are scary? Why or why not?

#71. What would you most like to learn over the next year? Think about things that interest you or questions you might have about the world and make a list!

#72. You are going on a trip to a jungle safari! What items do you pack in your suitcase?

topics to write about for 9th graders

#73. Imagine you are sitting at home one day and you hear someone shrieking in the living room they see a mouse in the house! Write a story about what might happen next.

#74. You are writing a letter to someone who is having a hard time making new friends at school. What do you write? What advice do you give them?

#75. Imagine you just met a magician – but their beloved rabbit who they pull out of a hat for all the tricks has been kidnapped! How do you help find the rabbit?

#76. Do you hear what I hear? Set a timer for 5 minutes and write about all of the sounds you hear in those 5 minutes.

#77. Imagine you go to get a haircut and they accidentally shave your head! How do you feel about that and what would you do?

#78. Do you find it easy to talk to people you don’t know? What are some ways you can start up a conversation with someone you have never met before?

#79. Are there any chores you have to do at home? What are they? What do you like – and not like – about each one?

#80. Open up a random book to any page. Write for 5 minutes about the first word you read.

#81. Pretend you are a writer for your city’s newspaper. Who would you like to interview for a news story and why?

#82. There are many fictional characters who live in unusual houses, such as the old woman who lived in a shoe. What kind of unusual house would you like to live in? Write about what it would be like to live in an unusual house!

#83. Write a list of 10 things you can do to practice kindness to others.

#84. Is there a homework subject you dread? Why do you not like getting homework in that subject?

#85. What is your favorite month of the year? Write about why you like it and some of your favorite things to do during that month.

#86. Imagine you are planning a surprise birthday party for someone. How do you keep it a surprise?

#87. Pretend you walked outside to find a sleeping dragon in the grass! Why is the dragon there? Is it a friendly dragon? What do you do? Write about it!

#88. What are you grateful for today and why?

#89. You were on your way to a very important event when you fell into a puddle. Now what?

#90. Have you ever watched a movie and didn’t like how it ended? Write what you think should happen instead.

#91. Can you answer this riddle from Alice in Wonderland ? How is a raven like a writing desk?

#92. Imagine you are the captain of a pirate ship. Write a diary entry for what your day was like.

#93. If you could start any type of business, what kind of business would you start? What types of products or services would you provide?

#94. Write a sequel to one of your favorite fairy tales. For example, what was Goldilocks’s next adventure after she left the bears?

#95. What is something you are afraid of? What helps you to feel less afraid of something? What would you say to a friend who feels scared to help them feel less afraid?

#96. Write a letter to your future self in 20 years.

kids writing prompts and ideas

#97. In addition to basic survival needs such as food, water, air and shelter, what are 3 things you would you need to be happy?

#98. If you could invent a robot of any type who could do anything you imagine, what types of things would you would have the robot to do?

#99. Which do like better? Apples or Oranges? How are they alike? How are they different?

#100. Why did the chicken cross the road? You are a detective and are assigned to the case. How do solve the mystery?

#101. Write instructions for how to make your favorite snack. Be sure you add your favorite tips and suggestions for how to select the best ingredients!

#102. Imagine you borrowed a friend’s favorite lucky pencil to help you pass a math test – but then it snapped in half! How will you ever tell the news to your friend?

#103. Look around the current room you are sitting in and choose 3 random objects that are nearby. Now write a story or poem that includes those three items!

#104. Write a letter to the author of a book you recently read and tell them what you liked most about the book.

#105. Ernest Hemingway is famous for writing a six word story. Can you write a story in just 6 words?

#106. What do you think will be the future for cell phones? Will people still use them in 25 years or will something else take its place?

#107. Do you want to go to college? Why or why not?

#108. Write a story or poem about a kitten who wanders off and gets lost. How does the kitten find its way home?

#109. Currently, it is required by law that kids go to school. Do you think this is a good or bad idea?

#110. If you could invent a new board game, what would it be called? How is it played? What are the rules? What makes it fun to play? Write about it!

#111. Imagine you come home to discover your entire bedroom is covered in ketchup! What on earth happened? What is your reaction? How do you clean everything up?

#112. What is something you learned today?

#113. Would you rather have a goldfish or shark as a pet?

#114. From A-Z: make a list of something for every letter of the alphabet.

#115. Have you ever gone fishing? If you have, did you like it? Why or why not? If you haven’t, do you think you might want to?

#116. What is one of the most important things you do each and every day?

#117. Write a story about Gretchen the Grouch, a girl who is always angry! Will she ever be happy? Why is she so grumpy all of the time?

#118. How do you feel when someone takes something of yours without asking? What is a good way to deal with it when that happens?

#119. Write a poem that starts with the word “if”.

#120. Write a story about a family of rabbits who live in the woods. What are some of the challenges they face?

#121. What clothes do you think are the most comfortable? What kind of clothes do you like to wear the most? What clothes do you NOT like to wear?

#122. Imagine there are no grocery stores and you must get your own food. What are some of the ways you find food? What types of things do you eat?

#123. What are 3 things you can do that are good for the environment?

#124. If you could meet any famous person today, who would you want to meet and why? What questions might you ask them?

#125. A tongue twister is a quick poem where many of the words start with the same letter and are similar in sound. For example, “Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers.” Try writing your own with this fun kids writing prompt!

#126. What is the first thing you think of when you hear or see the word green?

#127. A hero is someone who is admired for their courage and achievements. What do you think makes someone a hero? Who are some of your heroes?

#128. What did you do during summer vacation last year? What do you want to do for summer vacation this year?

#129. Write a story about a super hero dog who saves the day! Who does the dog help and why?

kids journal prompts

#130. Would you rather live somewhere that is always cold, or somewhere that is always hot? Write about which one you would rather choose.

#131. Have you ever volunteered to help a charity? If so, write about the experience! If not, what are some charities you think you might like to volunteer for?

#132. What does the word courage mean to you?

#133. What makes you unique? What are some things about you that make you an individual?

#134. Have you ever been to a museum? What is your favorite thing to look at on display?

#135. What can you do to set a good example for others to be kind?

#136. A Tall Tale is a story that exaggerates something that actually happened. Write a tall tale about something that recently happened to you.

#137. What is one of your favorite toys that you think you might still want to have and play with when you are 22 years old?

#138. Oh no! Everyone around you is sick with a nasty cold! Write a silly poem about how you try to avoid catching their germs!

#139. Personification is when a non-living object takes on human characteristics. Write a story where you personify a common electronic gadget in your house, such as the Television or toaster.

#140. Write a poem using similes, which is when you say an object is like something else. Here is an example of a simile: “Her eyes were as blue as the sky.”

#141. Have you ever read a book written by Dr. Suess? Write your own “Suess-style” story, complete with rhymes and made up words.

#142. Do you have any siblings? Think about what it might mean to be a good brother or sister and write about it!

#143. Make a list of questions to interview your parents or grandparents about what it was like when they were growing up as a kid. Then, ask them the questions and write about their answers!

#144. You are in charge of writing a new radio show just for kids! What topics will you talk about? What music do you play?

#145. What do you usually eat for breakfast every day? What, in your opinion, is the greatest breakfast food ever created? What makes it so great?

#146. Write a 12 line poem where every line is about a different month of the year.

#147. What is something you look forward to doing the most when you are an adult?

Use these prompts in your classroom!  Get the  ad-free printable version of these prompts  to inspire your students to write! Thank you for your support!

#148. Do you like to try new things? What is something new you have tried recently or would like to try?

#149. Imagine what it might be like to be alive in Egypt when the pyramids were built. Write about what it was like.

#150. A credo is a statement of personal beliefs. Try writing your own credo for things that you believe in and feel are important.

#151. The circus has come to town but they have no place to perform! How do you help the ringmaster find a place to put on a show?

circus lion

#152. Do you like to act? What are some of your favorite actors or actresses? What do you think makes someone a good actor or actress?

#153. “Practice makes perfect” is a popular saying. What is something you like to practice so you can become better at it? A sport? A musical instrument? A special skill? Do you like to practice?

#154. Write about what it might be like to be water drops freezing and turning into ice.

#155. Do you think it is important to keep your room clean? What do you like about having a clean room?

#156. Imagine your parents are sending you away for a two week summer camp trip. Would you be excited? Why or why not?

#157. What are you currently learning about in history class? Write a fictional story about someone from the past you are learning about.

#158. Many wars have been fought in the past. Instead of going to war, what do you think countries could do to resolve their differences peacefully?

#159. Every year over 8 billion plastic bottles and cans are thrown away. What are some things you can do to help encourage your family and friends to recycle?

#160. Imagine if you were the principal of the school. What might you do differently? What things would you do that are the same? Write about it!

#161. Pretend that one day you are at your neighbor’s house and you notice a strange noise coming from the basement. You go downstairs to investigate to see a large machine running with many lights and buttons. Why is it there?

#162. Write an essay that starts with the line, “Tomorrow, I hope…”

#163. If you could give one thing to every child in the world, what would you want to give them?

#164. Do you have a piggy bank at home? How do you earn money to add to your savings?

writing ideas for kids

#165. What qualities make a house a home? What are 3 things you think every house should have?

#166. Would you rather go scuba diving or rock climbing? Write about which one you think you would like to do more and why.

#167. Do you think it is a good idea for kids to write a daily journal? What are some of the benefits of writing every day?

#168. Do you like watching fireworks or are they too noisy? Write about a time when you saw fireworks in the sky.

#169. Oh no! Your friend has turned into a statue! How did this happen? What do you do? Does your friend ever turn back into a person again?

#170. If you could be any movie character, who would you be and why?

#171. A mysterious message appears in code on your computer screen. What could it mean?

#172. If you could go to work with one of your parents for a day, what do you think the day would be like? What types of things do your parents do at work all day long?

#173. Imagine you are the President and you are creating a new national holiday. What is your holiday about? How is it celebrated? What day of the year do you celebrate? Write about it!

#174. You won a never-ending lifetime supply of spaghetti noodles! What will you do with all of these noodles?

#175. Would you rather be a bunny rabbit or a hawk? Why did you choose the one you chose?

#176. Your teacher has been acting mysterious lately. After school one day, you notice a weird green light shining through underneath the door of your classroom. What do you do? What is happening with your teacher?

#177. Write an article about tips for how kids can be more organized and study well for tests.

#178. Look at any product in your house and read the ingredients labels. Research what each ingredient is. Do you think these ingredients are good or bad for people?

#179. If you were a doctor, what do you think would be the most important part of your job every day?

#180. The school librarian needs your help! A truck just arrived with 2,000 books and she can’t fit all the books onto the shelves! What do you do? How do you find a place to put all these books?

#181. Do you think it would be fun to plant a garden? What types of plants would you want to grow? Write about your garden ideas.

#182. What is a sport or activity you would like to try playing for the first time?

#183. Do you think kids should be allowed to do the same things as adults? What things do you think kids should be able to do that only grown-ups can?

#184. Imagine you and your parents switch places for a day. Your parents are the kids and you are now in charge! What would you do?

#185. Write a get-well letter to someone who has been sick. What can you say to make them feel better?

#186. If you could visit any planet in the solar system, which planet would you like to visit the most and why? Write about what it might be like.

#187. Have you ever been to a farm? What did you like about it? If you haven’t been to a farm, do you think you might like to visit one? Why or why not?

#188. The mayor of the city has a big problem and needs your help! What is the problem and how will you solve it?

#189. Pretend your little sister ate carrots for dinner and the next morning woke up with rabbit ears!  How did this happen? What do you do? Will she be a rabbit forever?

#190. Imagine you wake up in the morning to find out you get to relive any day of your life again for the whole day. What day would you want to experience again and why?

#191. Do you think you might like to be a firefighter? Why or why not?

fire fighter writing prompt

#192. You are a lawyer and your client has been accused of stealing a car. How do you convince the jury your client is innocent?

#193. Think of the four elements: fire, air, earth, and water. Which of these four elements do you like the best?

#194. What would you do if you could be invisible for a whole day? Do you think you would enjoy it or be glad to be back to normal the next day? Write about it!

#195. Imagine you are a meteorologist and people are starting to get angry that your weather predictions are always wrong. What do you do?

#196. If you could create any law, what would it be? Why do you think the law is an important one to have?

#197. You are going incognito and need to hide to your identity so you aren’t recognized or discovered while you walk through the city. What type of disguise do you wear?

#198. Write a persuasive letter to your parents explaining why you should get a new pet. Make sure you provide a convincing argument they won’t be able to refuse!

#199. Your friend wants to do something dangerous. What should you do?

#200. How do you think the world would be different if there were no oceans?

#201. What do you do when someone disagrees with your opinions? Is there a better way to handle conflicting opinions?

#202. What do you think you as a kid could do to help encourage more people to read?

#203. Do you have a good luck charm? What makes this item lucky? When do you use it? How do you use it?

#204. What is at the end of a rainbow? Imagine you follow a rainbow to the end. What do you discover? Is it a pot of gold, or something else?

Use these prompts in your classroom!  Get the  ad-free printable version of these prompts  to inspire your students to write! Thank you for your support!

#205. What do you think the consequences should be for someone who is caught cheating on a test at school?

#206. Imagine you are riding your bike one day when you encounter an older kid who wants to steal your bike. What do you do?

#207. You are the lead singer and star of a famous rock and roll band, but there is one problem – your drummer is jealous of your fame! How do you solve this situation?

#208. If you could help a group of kids in any part of the world, what kids would you want to help the most and why? What are some things you think would help these kids?

#209. Everyone knows the house on the end of the street is haunted. What are some of the strange things that happen there? Why is the house haunted?

#210. You notice at school one day there is a door to a secret passage next to the janitor’s closet and decide to explore. Where does it lead? Why is it there? Do you go alone or bring a friend along?

#211. A bucket list is a list of things you want to accomplish in your lifetime. What are 5 things on your bucket list?

#212. Imagine the perfect treehouse or clubhouse for you and all of your friends as a place to hang out. Describe what it is like inside.

#213. Do you get bored easily? Make a list of things you can do whenever you feel like you are bored and there is nothing fun to do!

#214. Now vs. Then: Think about how today is different from one year ago. How have you changed? What things in your life are different?

#215. Write your autobiography about your life.

#216. It’s a heat wave! What do you do when the weather is hot? What are some of your favorite ways to stay cool?

#217. What are three important safety tips every kid should know to stay safe?

#218. What genre of books do you like to read the most? Write about the characteristics of the genre and list some of your favorite books as examples.

#219. Holiday Traditions: How does your family celebrate the different holidays and events? What are some traditions you do each and every year?

#220. Imagine one day in science class a science experiment goes terribly wrong and now you and all of your classmates have superpowers! What are your superpowers and what do you do with them?

superheroes writing prompts for kids

#221. Who is favorite teacher? Why are they your favorite?

#222. You are baking a cake, but you accidentally put salt in the cake instead of sugar. Nobody will eat it! How do you feel? What will you do next time?

#223. Do you think it is important to have good table manners? What do you think some good manners to practice might be?

#224. Many schools no longer teach cursive handwriting. Do you think this is a good or bad thing? Do you know how to write cursive handwriting? Would you like to learn if you haven’t?

#225. If you were the owner of a theme park, what types of rides and attractions would have? Describe what they would be like and why people would want to visit your park.

#226. Your parents give you $100 to spend at the grocery store. What do you buy and why?

#227. Some people who are alive today grew up without computers or video games. What would you do if you didn’t have a computer or video games? How would life be different?

#228. You walk into your living room and discover there is a giant elephant standing there. How did the elephant get there? What do you do about it? How do you explain the elephant in the living room to your parents?

#229. Have you ever had a weird dream? What happened in the dream? What do you think it means?

#230. Do you like to draw or paint? Write a story inspired by a painting, doodle, or sketch.

#231. You are being sent on a mission to outer space to live in a space station for 5 years. What supplies do you pack and why?

#232. What is the scariest creature alive on earth? Describe in detail what makes it so horrifying.

#233. What do you think your pet might say if they could talk to you?

#234. Imagine your school is putting on a talent show. What act will you perform? What other acts will be in the show?

#235. If you could breathe under water, what would you do?

#236. What time of day do you think school should start? Write a convincing argument on why or why not the time of day school starts should change.

#237. If you were to start your own YouTube video channel, what would the videos on your channel be about?

#238. Do you like to cook? What are some things you like to make and eat?

#239. Your school is having a field day and you are in charge of planning the activities and games. What types of activities and games would you plan for the event?

#240. If you had a remote control drone that takes video of everything it sees from the sky and you could take it anywhere, what would you film? For example, the inside of a volcano or soar it over the plains of Africa.

#241. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the ocean where many ships and planes have gone missing. Why do you think this could be? Write a story about what it might be like to travel there.

#242. There are 7 great wonders of the world – which one do you think is the most wonderful?

#243. If you could speak any foreign language fluently, which one would you like to speak and why?

#244. You are inventing a new flavor of ice cream! What is the new flavor called and what ingredients do you need to make it?

#245. Would you rather go to a baseball game or read a good book? What reasons do you have for your choice?

#246. You walk outside to get your mail and your mailbox starts talking to you! What does your mailbox have to say?

#247. Imagine you are a famous person. What are you most famous for? What is it like to be famous?

#248. What do you think would be the most fun job in the world to have? Give examples of why you think it would be a fun job to have.

#249. Write a poem about an object that is shiny and dazzling.

#250. Do you like to watch the Olympics? Why or why not? If yes, what is your favorite Olympic sport?

#251. What kind of car do you want to drive when you are older? Do you think learning to drive will be easy or hard?

#252. What do you think would make for a great gift to give someone on their birthday?

#253. Describe a time when you needed help and someone helped you. What did they help you with and how did it make you feel?

#254. If you could be any type of fruit or vegetable, what would you be and why?

Love these prompts?  Get the  ad-free printable version of these prompts  to use at home or in the classroom!

#255. Do you think it is more important to have a good imagination or have all the facts proven?

#256. Do you have a favorite aunt, uncle, or another relative? Write a story about their life and why you like to be with them.

#257. Think of a time you laughed really, really hard. What was so funny? Why were you laughing? Write about it!

#258. Write a poem about an emotion. For example: happy, sad, angry, embarrassed, guilty.

#259. Do you ever have a hard time falling asleep? What are some things that help you feel sleepy?

#260. If you could drive a car, where would you drive and why?

#261. Imagine you are trading places with your friend for a day. What will it be like to be at their house? What will your friend think while they are at your house? Write about it!

#262. If you could break a world record, what would it be? What do you think would be necessary to be able to break the world record?

#263. Imagine you live in Colonial times. What would it be like to grow up as a kid in Colonial America?

#264. You are building a new city. What is the name of your city? What is the weather like? What buildings will you build?

#265. What do you think it would be like to work as a sailor on big ship in the ocean each day?

ocean writing prompt

#266. Imagine you are the teacher for the day. What types of activities do you make the students in the class do?

#267. How would you feel if your parents told you that you would be getting a new baby brother or sister? Write about it!

#268. Do you know any good jokes? What are some of your favorite jokes? What makes them funny? Do you think you could write your own?

#269. Imagine you are floating down a river on a raft. What types of things can you see from the river that you normally wouldn’t see from the land?

#270. You want to start a new hobby collecting something. What kinds of things would you collect and why?

#271. Your mom announces she is having a yard sale. Would you let her sell any of your things? Why or why not?

#272. Imagine you walk out your front door one morning and it is raining popcorn! What do you do?

#273.  You are camping in the woods one night and hear a scary noise. What do you do? What might be the cause?

#274. What do you think might make kids really happy to go to school? What are some things you think schools should do so that it could be more fun?

#275. Today’s lunch at the cafeteria was unusually horrible. You are a detective on the case to investigate. What do you think is the cause?

#276. If you had a tree that grows money, what would you do?

#277. What would you do if you had a unicorn as a pet?

#278. Would you rather go to the zoo or go to the aviary? Which one would you pick and why?

#279. What are some safety tips you should follow when riding a bike?

#280. You are designing the cover of a magazine. What are some of the headlines on the cover?

#281. Are you afraid of the dark? Why or why not?

#282. If you could learn to play any type of musical instrument, which one would you like to learn how to play and why?

#283. Imagine you are playing a sport that involves a ball, such as soccer, baseball or kickball. What would it be like if the ball could talk?

#284. You come home to discover a friendly alien has been living in your closet. What do you do? Why is there an alien in your closet?

#285. Is there something you are afraid of that you wish you weren’t afraid of? Write about it.

#286. Write about the best party you’ve ever been to. What made the day fun and special?

#287. What makes you feel loved and cared about? What are some ways people can show you that they love and care about you?

#288. There is a kite flying competition coming up and you are going to design your own kite. What will your kite look like? What colors will it be? Will it have any certain shape?

#289. You are given the challenge to drop an egg on the floor – without it breaking! What are some things you might try to make sure the egg won’t break?

#290. What are some of the things you can do every day to stay healthy?

#291. Do you think grown-ups are boring? Why do you think they are so boring all of the time? What is something fun that boring grown-ups could do instead of being so boring?

#292. Write a lyrical poem or song about what kids do while they are at school all day long.

#293. What are the first things you like to do when you are done with school each day? What are some of the activities you like when you are not at school?

#294. Imagine dinosaurs were still alive today. How do you think our lives would be different?

#295. Would you rather visit a volcano or a desert? Which one would you choose and why?

#296. Is there a sound you think is annoying? What types of sounds drive you crazy? Write about them!

#297. What do you think it would be like to be the size of an ant for a day? What types of things would you do?

Writing Prompt: What would it be like if your teddy bear came to life?

#298. Imagine one of your stuffed animals comes to life and starts talking to you. What types of things will you talk about? What will you do?

#299. What makes you feel happiest? Write about the things in life that make you feel happy!

#300. Imagine there is no gravity. What kind of things would you do you for fun? How would some of the things you already do for fun be different?

Buy the Printable Cards!  We will always have this list of 300 kids writing prompts available for free, but I’m very excited to now also offer an  ad-free printable version of these prompts  in my online Etsy shop. Thank you for your support!

Parents and teachers, I hope you enjoyed these 300 writing prompts for kids and that you will use them to inspire your children’s creative imaginations.

These prompts of course can be used in a number of different ways and can be adapted for a variety of different styles of writing !

What do you think? Do you think these are good conversation and story starters for kids? Do you have any ideas for writing prompts you would like to share?

And of course, if you’d like to make it super fun and easy to use these prompts at home or in your classroom, be sure to get our ad-free printable version of these kids writing prompt cards now available in my Etsy shop.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on different creative writing ideas and topics for kids to write about! Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Chelle Stein wrote her first embarrassingly bad novel at the age of 14 and hasn't stopped writing since. As the founder of ThinkWritten, she enjoys encouraging writers and creatives of all types.

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30 TED Talk Topic Ideas for Students

TED Talks are inspiring and thought-provoking presentations that cover a wide range of topics. For students, these talks offer a fantastic opportunity to expand their horizons, gain fresh insights, and spark their curiosity. In this article, we’ll explore 30 TED Talk topic ideas for students. These topics encompass various fields, from science and technology to personal development and social issues, making them suitable for learners of all interests and backgrounds. Whether you’re a student looking for engaging ideas for a school project, a teacher seeking to inspire your students, or just someone eager to explore captivating topics, this list will provide you with a wealth of ideas. So, let’s dive in and discover the exciting world of TED Talks that can ignite your intellectual curiosity and motivate you to learn and grow.

1. The Power of Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges stronger than before. In your TED Talk, explore how resilience can help you overcome academic and personal challenges and share strategies to build this essential skill.

2. The Science Behind Procrastination

Why do we procrastinate, and how can we overcome it? Delve into the science of procrastination and provide practical tips for breaking this habit.

3. The Art of Time Management

Balancing academics and personal life is a constant challenge for students. Discuss effective time management strategies that can help you maximize productivity and minimize stress.

4. The Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness wields great power in alleviating stress and enhancing concentration. Explain what mindfulness is and how students can incorporate it into their daily lives.

5. The Future of Education

What will the future of education look like? Explore innovative ideas and technologies that are transforming the way students learn.

6. Why Creativity Matters

Creativity is not just for artists; it’s a crucial skill for problem-solving and personal growth. Discuss the importance of fostering creativity in education.

7. The Influence of Social Media on Mental Well-Being

Many students are active on social media, but it can have negative effects on mental well-being. Examine the connection between the usage of social media and mental well-being, and offer strategies for a healthier online presence.

8. Climate Change Solutions

Climate change is a pressing global issue. Discuss practical ways students can contribute to combating climate change, both individually and collectively.

9. The Psychology of Happiness

What makes us truly happy? Explore the science behind happiness and share actionable steps for increasing well-being in your daily life.

10. The Power of Networking

Networking isn’t just for professionals; it’s a valuable skill for students too. Discuss how networking can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and personal growth.

11. Building Healthy Habits

The habits you form in college can shape your future. Share insights on the importance of building healthy habits early in life and provide practical advice on how to do it.

12. The Benefits of Traveling

Traveling can be an enriching experience for students. Discuss the educational and personal growth aspects of travel, and share your own travel stories.

13. The Role of Empathy in Leadership

Empathy is a critical leadership skill. Explore how developing empathy can make you a better leader and a more compassionate person.

14. The Art of Public Speaking

Public speaking is a best and most valuable skill that can boost your confidence and career prospects. Offer tips and techniques to improve your public speaking skills, drawing from your own experiences.

15. Diversity and Inclusion

Examine the Diversity and Inclusion importance in today’s modern world. Share stories of inclusive communities and the benefits they bring to society.

16. The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the world. Delve into the potential and ethical implications of AI, and how students can prepare for this future.

17. Overcoming Stereotypes

Share personal experiences and strategies for challenging stereotypes. Encourage a more inclusive and accepting world by breaking down stereotypes.

18. The Science of Dreams

Dreams are fascinating and often mysterious. Dive into the science of dreams, their meaning, and their impact on our lives.

19. The Power of Volunteering

Exploring the Advantages of Community Volunteering and Giving Back. Share your own volunteering experiences and inspire others to get involved.

20. The Influence of Role Models

Positive role models can shape our lives in profound ways. Discuss the impact of role models on personal development and share stories of inspirational figures.

21. Mind Mapping for Learning

Explain how mind mapping can be a powerful tool for studying and retaining information. Provide examples and tips for effective mind mapping.

22. The Psychology of Motivation

Explore what motivates us and how to stay motivated, especially during challenging times such as exams and project deadlines.

23. The Art of Critical Thinking

Exploring the Significance of Critical Thinking: Unveiling the Vitality of Critical Thinking Skills and Strategies for Cultivating Them.

24. The Impact of Music on the Brain

Discover the fascinating relationship between music and cognitive development. Explore how music can enhance learning and creativity.

25. Financial Literacy for Students

Many students face financial challenges during their college years. Provide insights into budgeting, saving, and responsible spending to help students manage their finances effectively.

26. The Benefits of Reading

Reading serves as a portal to both knowledge and imagination. Discuss the advantages of being a bookworm and how reading can enhance your studies and personal growth.

27. The Science of Happiness

Delve deeper into the research on happiness, exploring different theories and practices that can lead to a more fulfilling life.

28. The Importance of Failure

Share stories of failure and how they led to personal growth and success. Encourage students to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success.

29. Cybersecurity Awareness

In an increasingly digital world, online safety and privacy are paramount. Raise awareness about cybersecurity and provide tips for staying safe online.

30. The Power of Gratitude

Explore how practicing gratitude can improve your overall well-being. Share techniques for cultivating gratitude in your daily life.

These 30 TED Talk topic ideas cover a wide array of subjects, ensuring that there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re interested in science, self-improvement, or making a positive impact on the world, you’ll find inspiration among these ideas. So, pick a topic that resonates with you, start researching, and get ready to share your ideas with the world through a TED Talk!

TED Talks are not only a platform for sharing knowledge but also a way to connect with a global audience. They provide a unique opportunity for students to express their ideas, passions, and discoveries. When preparing your TED Talk, remember to be authentic and passionate about your chosen topic. Your enthusiasm will inspire others and make your talk memorable.

As a student, you have the power to make a difference and share your unique perspective with the world. TED Talk topic ideas for students can spark conversations, challenge assumptions, and ignite change. So, seize this opportunity, step onto the TED stage, and share your ideas that can inspire and shape the future. Your voice matters, and your TED Talk could be the catalyst for positive change in the world.

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How do I use writing topics in my classroom?

topics to write about for 9th graders

Do you want to inspire your students to write great narratives, essays, and reports? Check out these grade-specific writing topics organized by mode (explanatory, creative, and so on). Or search for writing topics that relate to a theme, such as “life” or “animals” or “family.”

Jump to . . .

Explanatory writing.

  • A day in the rainforest
  • After-school games
  • An important person I know about
  • At the library
  • Foods I don't like
  • Friendly places
  • Games I play with friends
  • Games we play at recess
  • Good things in my neighborhood
  • How plants grow
  • How to make my favorite dessert
  • How to make new friends
  • I like spring because . . .
  • I like to make . . .
  • I'd like to see . . .
  • Insects, insects everywhere
  • Learning to ride a bike
  • My favorite food
  • My favorite pet
  • My favorite season
  • My mom's/dad's hobby
  • My new friend
  • My shopping list
  • Our clubhouse
  • The biggest bubble-gum bubble
  • The funniest zoo animal
  • This person makes me laugh
  • What I know about . . .
  • What I know about an animal
  • What I know about dinosaurs
  • What I know about stars
  • What I know about the ocean
  • What I like about math
  • What makes me laugh?
  • What will I share?
  • Who I will be in the future
  • Who's at the zoo?
  • Why I like to read
  • Why I love to sing
  • Words I think are funny

Persuasive Writing

  • Don't litter!
  • Things that would make my neighborhood better

Narrative Writing

  • A day at the beach
  • A special birthday
  • Buying something with my own money
  • Cooking dinner with Mom/Dad
  • Eating lunch with my friends
  • Going grocery shopping
  • Going to the circus
  • I rode on a . . .
  • I'm happy when . . .
  • Losing my teeth
  • My adventure
  • My trip to . . .
  • Noisy times and quiet times
  • Playing a game with Grandma/Grandpa
  • Playing with pets
  • Something funny that happened to me
  • The biggest thing I ever saw
  • The last time I cried
  • When _ was born

Response to Literature

  • A book I just read
  • Some of my favorite books

Creative Writing

  • A story about a holiday
  • A trip on a rocket ship
  • Dear George Washington
  • Seeing the world through the eyes of . . .
  • Sometimes I wish . . .
  • What if I met a . . .
  • What if I were 10 years old?
  • What if I were someone else?
  • What if toys could talk?
  • What's under my bed?

Research Writing

  • I wonder why . . .
  • Something I don't understand
  • A bicycle I'd like to have
  • A day in the desert
  • A great place to go
  • A great treehouse
  • A place I like to visit
  • A sport I'm good at
  • A trip on a monorail
  • Activities for indoor fun
  • Activities for outdoor fun
  • Amazing facts I know
  • An amazing animal
  • Dancing to the music
  • Having fun at school
  • Helping out around the house
  • Magic tricks I can do
  • Making my favorite food
  • My favorite baby-sitter
  • My favorite board game
  • My favorite teacher
  • My homework place
  • Our classroom pet
  • Some things I like about the museum
  • The best house pets
  • The weirdest house pets
  • Things that are hard to believe
  • Things to do in the snow
  • Unusual fruits and vegetables
  • Water balloons!
  • What I like about where I live
  • What makes me special
  • Who is beautiful?
  • Let's help the environment by . . .
  • Things I'd like to change
  • A cozy spot at home
  • A funny time in my family
  • A great day with a friend
  • A helpful person I have met
  • A person who means the world to me
  • A walk in the woods
  • Funny things my pet has done
  • My best birthday
  • My favorite family story
  • Putting on a play
  • Swimming at the pool or lake
  • When everything goes wrong
  • Book characters I'd like to meet
  • A dark hallway
  • Donuts for dinner
  • Something I wish would happen
  • What if there were no electricity
  • All about an amazing animal

Business Writing

  • A cartoon character that I like
  • A song that means a lot to me
  • A special photograph
  • A special, secret place
  • A trip in a submarine
  • An important time in history
  • Building a fort
  • Creatures that live in the ocean
  • Creepy, crawly things
  • Dirt bikes and skateboards
  • Do I want to be famous?
  • Doing homework
  • Going to the dentist
  • Gone fishing!
  • How to stop hiccups
  • How we divide the chores at our house
  • I don't understand why . . .
  • I'd like to invent a machine that . . .
  • If I started my own business, I'd . . .
  • Instructions for a pet sitter of my pet
  • Let's help the animals by . . .
  • Looking at the globe
  • My favorite clothes
  • My favorite form of exercise
  • Pizza is . . .
  • Staying at a friend's house
  • The first day of school is the worst/best because . . .
  • The rules we follow
  • Things I see when I take a walk
  • What I use a computer for
  • What if I were the teacher?
  • What is important to me?
  • What it's like to use a wheelchair
  • What my dreams feel like
  • When I see nature, I . . .
  • Why I like/dislike playing team sports
  • Why my mom and dad are the greatest
  • My school really needs . . .
  • A day in the life of my pet
  • A visit to a friend's school
  • An excellent birthday party
  • Discovering a new friend
  • Getting my first pair of glasses
  • Grandma's attic
  • I'll never eat another . . .
  • My best day
  • My first school memories
  • My most embarrassing moment
  • Rings on her fingers
  • Talk about being scared!
  • When I did something amazing
  • When I was upside down
  • When the big storm hit
  • If I wrote like the author of . . .
  • A really spooky story
  • Summer games
  • What if we suddenly had to move?
  • A game that meant a lot to my childhood
  • A school field trip
  • A toy I've held onto all these years
  • A trip to a space station
  • A typical lunch hour
  • Can farmers grow enough food for everyone?
  • Here's what a new student needs to know
  • How I can change the way I look
  • How I picture myself four years from now
  • How I would define the word . . .
  • I would have liked to have lived during this time.
  • I'm principal for the day. Here is my schedule.
  • I've done something that no one else has done
  • If I could be someone else, I would be . . .
  • My bedroom from top to bottom
  • My favorite place
  • My idea of a fun weekend
  • My life as a . . .
  • My participation in an activity outside of school
  • One thing I want to do by the time I leave 8th grade
  • Overcoming health problems
  • The wildest hairstyle I have ever seen
  • What a family member taught me
  • What a house of the future might look like
  • What I broke or lost that belongs to someone else
  • A big hazard on the road
  • A big problem in education is . . .
  • A cool store
  • A dedicated teacher or coach
  • Dear Senator
  • Discover nature
  • Finally, a good assembly
  • How could TV be better?
  • Let's save _ in our schools
  • My best class ever
  • My favorite neighbor
  • My favorite singer(s)
  • Rights that kids in my grade should have
  • The worst food I ever ate
  • This really bugs me
  • What's good about hard work?
  • Why I deserve a larger allowance
  • Why parents should be honest with their kids
  • Why school fund-raisers are important
  • Why weekends need to be longer
  • A memorable bus ride
  • A narrow escape from trouble
  • A time that was just not fair
  • A visit to a relative's house
  • If I lived back in history
  • If only I would have listened!
  • My first concert
  • My first friend
  • Summer in a cabin by a lake
  • The most fun I've had recently
  • We couldn't stop laughing!
  • We got caught!
  • When I was lost
  • A great book made into a great movie
  • My favorite character from a book
  • What if a book came to life?
  • What this story means to me
  • How _ came to be.
  • Life among the cloud people
  • Long ago and far away
  • Meeting myself in the future
  • Traveling west in a wagon train
  • When the dinosaurs returned
  • A job I'd really like to have
  • All about an amazing place
  • The most fascinating things I learned
  • The tallest, the deepest, the longest, the biggest
  • When I conducted an experiment
  • When science took a big leap forward

Personal Writing

  • The book that got me hooked on reading
  • A day I will always remember
  • A friend who moved away
  • A great scientific breakthrough
  • A person who changed history
  • A personal habit I'd like to change
  • A project I am working on
  • A typical evening at home
  • A visit with the doctor or dentist
  • An invention that transformed the world
  • Causes of a huge change in the world
  • Coping with brothers and sisters
  • Hanging out
  • How a vehicle works
  • How do people cope with constant pain?
  • How I express myself artistically
  • How it would feel to walk in space
  • I admit it: I enjoy professional wrestling.
  • I take some things too seriously
  • If I were a superhero, I'd be . . .
  • Is pollution a necessary evil?
  • Is this love?
  • Morning madness
  • My craziest experience in a restaurant or shopping mall
  • My dream car
  • My first crush
  • My first encounter with a bully
  • My muscles were so sore after . . .
  • My Web site
  • Self-esteem
  • Something this school really needs is . . .
  • Sometimes, adults seem . . .
  • The environment: problem and solution
  • The hardest thing I have ever done
  • The idea hit me like a tornado.
  • The next wave of social media
  • The toys I'll never give up
  • Tools I will need in my intended profession
  • We all make mistakes
  • What animals can teach people
  • What different colors mean to me
  • What do Americans do well?
  • What do I do to break routine?
  • What do I worry about?
  • What if school sports were dropped?
  • What invention would I like to see in my lifetime?
  • What it's like where I work
  • Who knows me best?
  • Why are crime dramas so popular?
  • Why are some people so cruel?
  • "Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal."
  • A change that would improve school life
  • Foods I love, foods I hate
  • I couldn't believe that Mom/Dad volunteered me for that job
  • It's a rule, so it's right . . . right?
  • Let's hear it for my favorite senior citizen
  • Let's push alternate forms of energy
  • Putting my foot in my mouth
  • The government should . . .
  • What most drives me crazy is . . .
  • Why appearance is not so important
  • Why I deserve the job
  • _ is like a boomerang
  • A funny thing happened when . . .
  • A meaningful gift I've given or received
  • A time when I got in trouble
  • An unforgettable dream
  • Looking at pictures of family and friends
  • My brother or sister made me so mad
  • My worst vacation
  • What I regret most
  • When I faced my fears
  • When I learned something difficult
  • When I traveled to . . .
  • A remarkable artist
  • An all-new album from an important artist
  • An amazing work of art
  • Meet the characters of . . .
  • The music that moves me most
  • The theme of my favorite story is . . .
  • Alone on a desert island
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Class 9 Essay Topics | Interesting Essay Writing Topics & Ideas for 9th Grade

May 2, 2023 by Veerendra

Get inspired with great narratives and Class 9 Essay Topics. Avail the Grade Specific Essay Writing Topics curated belonging to different categories. Bring up the Creative Mind and Imagination in you by referring to the 9th Standard Essay Topics. Enhance your Vocabulary with the Grade 9 Essay Writing Topics & Ideas and express your thoughts into essays on your own. 9th Std Essays are beneficial to win prizes in your competitions or speeches.

Essay Topics List for Grade 9 Students & Children

Not everyone can express their views in the form of Essays.  Try to read the Class 9th Essays belonging to diverse categories. All of them are given in an efficient manner and you can access the Grade 9 Essay Topics of different subjects via quick links available. The 9th Standard Essay Topics prevailing encourages self-study among kids and gives a fair idea on what to write on several topics.

  • Essay on School’s Surroundings and Examinations
  • Essay on Festivals
  • Essay on Persons We Come Across
  • Essay on About Myself
  • Essay on Relationships
  • Essay on Visits
  • Essay on Scenes, Sights, and Journeys
  • Essay on Health and Fitness
  • Essay on Personalities/People
  • Essay on Events
  • Essay on Monuments
  • Essay on Vacation/Holidays
  • Nature Essay
  • Essay on Sports
  • Essay on Cities
  • Essay on Life
  • Essay on Animals
  • General Essays
  • Global Warming
  • Essay on Environmental Issues & Awareness
  • Essay Topics Based on Proverbs
  • Essay on Moral Values
  • Education Essay
  • Essay on India
  • Essay on Science & Technology
  • Essay on Social Issues & Social Awareness
  • Argumentative Essay Topics

FAQs on 9th Class Essay Writing Topics & Ideas

1. Where do I get Subject Specific 9th Standard Essay Topics?

You can get Subject Specific 9th Standard Essay Topics on our page.

2. How to access Grade 9 Essay Writing Topics & Ideas?

All you need to do is simply tap on the quick links available to access Class 9th Essay Writing Topics & Ideas.

3. Is there any website that provides the 9th Class Essay Suggestions free of cost? is a trusted portal that provides the 9th Class Essay Suggestions free of cost on our page.

Hoping the knowledge shared regarding the 9th Std Essay Topics has helped you a lot. Do leave us your suggestions via the comment section and we will look into them and add them at the earliest. Stay in touch with our site to avail latest updates on Essays of Different Classes.

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  • Distance Education

Grade Level Resources

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Tell Me Your Story: Video-Inspired Vocabulary Writing

Grades 9 - 12

Lesson Plan Type: Recurring Lesson

Tell Me Your Story: Video-Inspired Vocabulary Writing

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Lesson Plan Type: Standard Lesson

I Remember That Book: Rereading as a Critical Investigation

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Student Interactive

Plot Diagram

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Plot Diagram

Trading Card Creator

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Trading Card Creator

Socratic Seminars

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Socratic Seminars

Strategy Guide

Introducing New Content with Seed Discussions

Grades 5 - 12

Introducing New Content with Seed Discussions

Printing Press

Printing Press


Diamante Poems

Comic Creator

Comic Creator

Lesson plans.

We have hundreds of standards-based lesson plans written and reviewed by educators using current research and the best instructional practices. Find the perfect one for your grade band.

topics to write about for 9th graders

That's Not Fair! Examining Civil Liberties With the U.S. Supreme Court

In this lesson, high school students work in groups to explore the issue of civil liberties by conducting Internet research on related court cases

Engineering the Perfect Poem by Using the Vocabulary of STEM

Engineering the Perfect Poem by Using the Vocabulary of STEM

Engineering is the “silent E” in STEM subject areas.

Finding Poetry in Prose: Reading and Writing Love Poems

Finding Poetry in Prose: Reading and Writing Love Poems

When students think of love poetry, they almost invariably think of poetry about romantic love.

topics to write about for 9th graders

Many Years Later: Responding to Gwendolyn Brooks' "We Real Cool"

Students analyze the literary features of Gwendolyn Brooks' “We Real Cool” and then imagine themselves as one of the characters in the poem many ye

Student Interactives

Engage your students in online literacy learning with these interactive tools that help them accomplish a variety of goals—from organizing their thoughts to learning about language—all while having fun.

Letter Generator

Letter Generator

The Letter Generator tool is designed to help students learn to identify all the essential parts of a business or friendly letter, and then generat

Grades K - 12 | Student Interactive

ReadWriteThink Notetaker

ReadWriteThink Notetaker

This hierarchical outlining tool allows students to organize up to five levels of information for reading and writing activities.

Grades 3 - 12 | Student Interactive

The Trading Card tool gives students an alternative way to demonstrate their literacy knowledge and skill when writing about popular culture texts

The interactive Printing Press is designed to assist students in creating newspapers, brochures, and flyers.

Professional Development

This strategy guide explains Socratic seminars and offers practical methods for applying the approach in your classroom to help s

Judith Ortiz Cofer in the Classroom: A Woman in Front of the Sun

Judith Ortiz Cofer in the Classroom: A Woman in Front of the Sun

In an era of increasing emphasis on standardized testing, it can be difficult to add the works of new authors to the high school English curriculum

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  • Dissertation
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  • Book Report/Review
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  • Math Problems
  • Proofreading
  • Movie Review
  • Cover Letter Writing
  • Personal Statement
  • Nursing Paper
  • Argumentative Essay
  • Research Paper
  • Discussion Board Post

100+ Motivational Speech Topics That Guarantee Good Grades

Jared Houdi

Table of Contents

As a high school or college student, there is a very high probability that your tutor will assign you the task of writing a motivational speech essay. Such assignments require you to research keenly on the most inspirational topics on which to base your speech. Most students find the process of researching motivational speech topics quite draining and time-consuming, which is why we have come up with a comprehensive list of motivational speech ideas that will get you started on your path to attaining the top grades that you envision for yourself. 

In this post, we’ll look at a variety of motivational speech topics that will not only captivate the interest of your audience but also equip you with the skills to deliver a speech that has a deep impact. Whether you want to gain insight into how to give an outstanding speech, even as a research paper subject, or get answers to frequently asked questions regarding how to do so effectively, these motivational topics will save the day.  

What Is the Purpose of a Motivational Speech?

Motivational speeches, whether they are inspiring topics for an academic presentation or a one-minute motivational speech for learners, are intended to stoke enthusiasm and inspire progress.

  • Explore the basic features of a powerful speech, such as personalized stories that appeal to emotions and a distinct, resonating message. 
  • Examine a variety of topics, from inspiring speech ideas to popular motivating topics, and how they relate to young people’s passions and issues. 
  • Emphasize the importance of understanding the audience, particularly in an educational environment where an excellent motivational speech must be meaningful and entertaining. 
  • Wrap up by reflecting keenly on the intended impact of your speech. 

A well-written motivational speech should use simple language and aim to maintain clarity throughout. Keep it short and precise to maintain your audience’s attention and engagement.

List of Motivational Speech Topics

Crafting a motivational speech can be a challenging task. If you are struggling to come up with ideas to focus your speech on, then here are some brilliant motivational speech topics to inspire you. We have 100+ captivating motivational speech topic ideas broken down into easy-to-access categories.

Motivation Speech Topics for Youth

If you’re looking to write a motivational speech that specifically targets the youth, here are some inspiring motivational speech topics that you can explore.

  • How to fully enjoy your high school experience? 
  • How to set yourself up for success? 
  • Drawing inspiration from successful entrepreneurs. 
  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle in your youth.
  • When and how to seek mentorship.
  • What you need to know about your first job.
  • How to protect your mental health? 
  • Overcoming adversity and loss.
  • Harnessing the power of social media for social impact.
  • Youth leadership in the digital age.

Motivational Speech Topics for Students

If you have been assigned to write a motivational speech that specifically targets students on educational and inspirational matters, here are some interesting motivational speech topics that you should consider.

  • Life skills: lessons beyond the classroom.
  • The role of personal development in a student’s life.
  • The role of teachers in a student’s growth.
  • Adaptability: embracing innovation in your learning curve.
  • Future trends in education.
  • Strategies to succeed in school.
  • Overcoming change: how to thrive in new environments.
  • The role of student leadership in educational institutions.
  • How to avoid procrastination and embrace growth? 
  • How to overcome exam anxiety? 

Motivation Speech Topics for Business and Management

You may have been asked to write a speech that addresses businesspeople or aspiring business owners. Here are some motivational speech topics that you can implement.

  • How to overcome business challenges during hard economic times? 
  • Entrepreneurship 101: Coming up with a vision and mission for your business.
  • How to build a customer-centered business? 
  • How to raise capital for your business? 
  • The importance of creating a vision-driven team.
  • Teamwork: The value of collaboration and communication in the workplace.
  • Financial management: the backbone of every successful business.
  • Developing practical leadership skills for business.
  • Purpose-driven enterprises: the role of social impact and sustainability in your business.
  • Setting goals for your business: how to turn your vision into practical, actionable steps.

Motivational Funny Speech Topics

To create a funny motivational speech, you will require a combination of humor, inspiration and knowledge of the main topic of discussion. Your speech should deliver a serious topic in a funny and inspiring way. Here are a few funny motivational speech topics to consider. 

  • How to find humor in stressful situations? 
  • Things to do when you don’t know what to do.
  • Fun ways to lose weight.
  • Going left when nothing seems to go right.
  • Why do men have a love-hate relationship with skinny jeans? 
  • Fun ways to make money while studying.
  • How to believe in yourself when all else fails? 
  • Expensive mistakes that you can avoid on your way to success.
  • How to kill time when stuck in traffic.
  • Ten ways to raise your mood when you feel low.

Motivational Speech Topics About Science and Technology

If you are planning to write a speech that aims to inspire or educate an audience that is interested in science and technology, then you have a lot of research to delve into. Here are a few motivational speech topics that can point you in the right direction.

  • What is the difference between astronomy and astrophysics?
  • How to embrace the power of Artificial Intelligence? 
  • Cybersecurity: What you need to know and apply to your digital space.
  • Understanding how the medicine you take works.
  • Understanding the power of your gut health.
  • Harnessing the power of renewable energy.
  • Renewable energy vs environmental conservation: How solar panels affect the environment.
  • Next-generation technology in AI.
  • Scientific advancements in biomedical technology.
  • Exploring the new frontiers of medicine through pharmaceutical technology.

5-Minute Motivational Speech Topics

The secret to delivering a 5-minute speech is to keep it short and sweet while making precise points in simple language. Here are some motivational speech ideas that you can use.

  • How to embrace resilience and overcome life challenges.
  • Staying motivated in the pursuit of your dreams.
  • Embrace the power of positive thinking.
  • Five easy ways to unleash your creativity.
  • How to become a better friend? 
  • The importance of self-care.
  • How to tell when you’re procrastinating? 
  • How to prepare for your exam? 
  • Ten simple ways to grow your confidence.
  • Finding your purpose and working towards it.

Inspirational Speech Topics

If you are looking for some passion speech ideas , we have some motivational speech topics to get you started.

  • Unleashing your potential: a personal growth journey.
  • The path to self-mastery: personal development strategies.
  • Turning ambitions into realities.
  • The art of becoming your most excellent self.
  • Personal excellence: goal setting and achievement.
  • Conquering personal development challenges.
  • Self-reflection: crucial to personal growth.
  • Developing a healthy self-perception.
  • The power of psychological fortitude.
  • Lifelong learning: the journey to professional growth.

Motivational Speech Topics About Sport

When addressing an audience of sportspeople, you need to ignite them into winning the game ahead of them. Here are some ignite speech topics that you can explore:

  • How physical exercise promotes mental wellness.
  • Benefits of fostering team spirit in sports.
  • Why do we need more inclusive policies in sports for players with disabilities?
  • The vital role of equal sports coverage of female sports.
  • Why it is important to encourage children to participate in sports activities.
  • Do the benefits of hosting an international sports event outweigh the costs?
  • Using sports as a tool for community development and social change.
  • We need to encourage more women to participate in male-dominated sports.
  • The importance of implementing safety measures in contact sports.
  • The role of sports in building resilience and coping skills.

Motivational Speech Topics on Government and Politics

Political issues are often difficult to tackle, so we have compiled a list of motivational speech topics to make your work easier. Use these motivational topics to jumpstart your assignment. 

  • Youth leadership in politics: promoting involvement and public participation.
  • Promoting social and criminal justice: fostering fairness and diversity in government policies.
  • Environmental policy aims to promote environmentally conscious choices for a more sustainable future. 
  • Human rights and activism aim to inspire progress and promote justice.
  • Political leadership: developing moral and effective administration.
  • Civic engagement: emphasizing the value of voting and participation in legislative institutions.
  • Motivating a career of dedication and impact in government.
  • Fighting corruption: promoting transparency and accountability in politics.
  • Improving humanity and inclusion in immigration and refugee policies.
  • Encouraging international partnerships and peaceful resolutions through diplomacy.

Medical Persuasive Speech Topics

If you are looking for motivational speech topics to address medical issues, you can build on these ideas of motivational topics .

  • The human body: revealing the mysteries and the wonders of human biology.
  • Medical research: advancing scientific findings and innovative medical developments.
  • The healthcare champions: inspiring the advancement of medical careers.
  • Global health equity: driving efforts to enhance access to excellent healthcare. 
  • Global disease prevention efforts aim to promote healthy lifestyles and wellness.
  • Understanding medical ethics: inspiring ethical decision-making in medical services.
  • The impact of healthcare education: motivating the next generation of qualified and ethical healthcare workers.
  • Mental health awareness: promoting understanding and providing assistance for mental health.
  • Developments in Modern Medicine: Promoting customized treatment.
  • Advances in medical technologies: Fostering cutting-edge diagnostics and therapeutics.

Motivational topics encourage people to examine their lives closely and transform them for the better. Although a motivational speaker plays a vital role in strengthening a person’s resolve to achieve a higher quality of life, they often struggle to come up with catchy and empowering motivational speech topics. Using these inspirational speech ideas and motivational speech topics guarantees that you will create a winning speech.

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New laws impacting employers conducting background checks effective july 1, 2024.

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New laws, effective July 1, 2024, bring significant changes to employers conducting background ... [+] checks across various states.

As of July 1, 2024, employers across the United States will face a series of new laws affecting employment practices, particularly in the areas of background checks, data privacy, pay equity, and workplace safety. These changes demand immediate attention and necessitate that employers update their policies and procedures to ensure compliance.

California Labor Code § 6401.9: Workplace Violence Prevention Plans

California employers must develop and implement a comprehensive workplace violence prevention plan as part of their Injury and Illness Prevention Plans under the new Labor Code Section 6401.9 . This legislation mandates that employers create strategies to prevent workplace violence, which may include conducting thorough background checks as a crucial component. Additionally, employers must provide employee training on these plans to ensure all workers know the procedures and protocols. This initiative aims to enhance workplace safety and reduce incidents of violence, emphasizing the importance of pre-employment screening to identify potential risks.

Cal/OSHA is developing a workplace violence prevention standard that meets the requirements of Labor Code Section 6401.9 and will submit it to the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board (OSHSB) no later than December 31, 2025. OSHSB is required to adopt the standard no later than December 31, 2026.

Colorado SB 58: Job Application Fairness Act

Starting July 1, 2024, the Job Application Fairness Act (JAFA) will take effect in Colorado, prohibiting employers from seeking any information that might reveal a job applicant’s age during the initial application process. This includes inquiries about dates of attendance or graduation from educational institutions. The legislation aims to combat age discrimination and foster a fairer hiring environment. Employers must revise their job applications and interview procedures to comply with this new law, ensuring that no age-related questions are posed directly or indirectly. This change seeks to create a more inclusive and equitable job market by emphasizing applicants’ skills and qualifications rather than their age. Similar prohibitions on requesting age-related information during the hiring process are already in place in California, Connecticut, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania.

New York City Workers’ Bill of Rights

New York City employers must display the multilingual “Your Rights at Work” poster in a visible location for all employees and provide a copy of the Workers’ Bill of Rights to current employees and new hires on their first day of work. This document contains essential information about worker classification, job applicant rights, pay transparency, salary history bans, rights when using an employment agency, and automated employment decision tools. By ensuring employees are well-informed of their rights, this legislation aims to promote workplace transparency and fairness, regardless of a worker’s immigration status. Employers must integrate this requirement into their onboarding processes and ensure ongoing compliance.

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New chrome security rules—google gives websites until 11/1 to comply, ranked: the 30 most walkable cities in the world, according to a new report, south dakota sb 12: medical cannabis in the workplace.

South Dakota’s SB 12 clarifies that employers are not required to accommodate medical marijuana use in the workplace. Specifically, employers are not prohibited from taking adverse employment action, based solely on a positive test result for cannabis metabolites, against an employee if they are employed in a safety-sensitive job. Additionally, the law specifies that no cause of action for employment discrimination or wrongful termination arises from an employer’s enforcement of a drug-free workplace policy. Employers in South Dakota can continue to enforce their drug-free workplace policies without fear of legal repercussions related to medical cannabis use, maintaining a safe and productive work environment.

Data Privacy Laws: Florida, Oregon, and Texas

Three new data privacy laws are set to take effect on July 1, 2024, in Florida, Oregon, and Texas, each establishing responsibilities and privacy protection standards for businesses collecting personal data. These laws share a common goal of safeguarding consumer privacy while including exceptions for background checks conducted in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Florida SB 262: Florida Digital Bill of Rights (FDBR)

The FDBR applies to for-profit entities operating in Florida that collect personal data of Florida residents, control data processing, and have annual global revenues exceeding $1 billion. It specifically targets businesses that:

  • Derive 50% or more of their global annual revenue from online advertisement sales;
  • Operate consumer-smart speaker and voice command services with an integrated virtual assistant connected to cloud computing, activated hands-free; or
  • Run an app store or digital distribution platform with at least 250,000 different software applications for consumers to download and install.

The FDBR grants consumers the right to access, correct, delete, and opt out of the sale of their personal data and targeted advertising. It includes provisions related to the data of children under 18, sensitive data consent, data minimization, annual privacy notice updates, data retention schedules, and impact assessments, and prohibits government officials from moderating content.

Although the FDBR does not provide a private right of action, enforcement is carried out by the Florida Attorney General, who has a discretionary 45-day cure period. The FDBR authorizes civil penalties of up to $50,000 per violation, with potential treble damages if an online platform knowingly violates children’s rights.

Oregon SB 619: Consumer Privacy Act (OCPA)

The OCPA applies to entities that either:

  • Collect personal data from at least 100,000 Oregon residents (excluding payment transaction data); or
  • Process personal data from at least 25,000 Oregon residents and derive over 25% of their revenue from data sales.

The OCPA grants consumers the rights to access, obtain, correct, delete, and opt out of the sale of their personal data, targeted advertising, and certain profiling. Additionally, the OCPA includes provisions for data minimization, children’s data, sensitive data consent, opt-out preference signals, and data protection assessments.

Data controllers must provide consumers with a clear and accessible privacy notice. This notice must list the categories of personal data processed, the purposes for processing, how consumers can exercise their rights, categories of data shared with third parties, and all categories of third parties with whom data is shared.

While the OCPA does not grant a private right of action, it is enforced by the Oregon Attorney General, who has a 30-day cure period for violations, ending January 1, 2026. The Attorney General can seek civil penalties of up to $7,500 per violation.

Texas HB 4 (HB 1844): Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA)

The TDPSA applies to entities that determine the purpose and means of processing personal data and:

  • Conduct business in Texas by providing products or services consumed by state residents;
  • Process or sell personal data; and
  • Are not small businesses as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration unless the small business sells sensitive data.

The TDPSA grants consumers rights to access, correct, delete, and opt out of the sale of their personal data and targeted advertising. It also includes provisions for data minimization, sensitive data consent, biometric data, and impact assessments.

Although the TDPSA does not provide a private right of action, it is enforced by the Texas Attorney General, who has a 30-day cure period for violations. The Attorney General may seek various forms of relief, including declaratory judgment, injunctive relief, civil penalties, attorney fees, and investigative costs. Civil penalties can reach up to $7,500 per violation, with treble damages for willful or knowing violations.

Parting Thoughts

The new laws, effective July 1, 2024, bring significant changes to employers conducting background checks across various states. If your organization is not yet prepared to comply with these regulations, it is crucial to take immediate action to revise your policies and procedures. Swift compliance is essential to avoid potential legal issues.

Alonzo Martinez

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Bay area trade, technical schools see increase in enrollment

CLEARWATER, Fla. — According to the Pew Research Center , 40% of US adults surveyed say a four-year college degree is not important in order to get a well-paying job in today’s economy.

Local technical and trade schools say the increase in enrollment they’ve seen in recent years backs that up.

What You Need To Know

According to the pew research center , 40% of us adults surveyed say a four year college degree is not important in order to get a well-paying job in today’s economy pinellas technical college clearwater  director dr. jakub prokop says the average age of their students is now younger —22 years old — and almost all 30 of their programs are close to capacity most programs offered at pinellas technical college takes a little over a year to complete and most students are debt free at the end.

The Director of Pinellas Technical College’s Clearwater campus, Dr. Jakub Prokop, says the average age of their students is now younger — 22 years old — and almost all 30 of their programs are close to capacity.

“We’ve experienced a 4% growth over the recent economic boom, which is very, very good for us, because normally, we experience about a 15-20% decline because people have work and they don’t want to go to school. But we’re growing,” said Prokop.

Prokop attributes some of the growth to the pandemic, which he says forced people to take a look at what careers can survive and thrive through anything, and that’s trades.

Austin Karp is one of those in the program.

“I ran MC cord, which is this, so it needs to be secured down every three feet according to national electrical code,” said Karp, a student in the electrical program at Pinellas Technical College.

Karp is almost finished with the program, and at only 19 years old, the Tarpon Springs High School graduate has his future all mapped out.

“I just got hired today at a job fair with J&K Electric, so fingers crossed, everything goes well, and I’ll have a job by the beginning of July,” he said.

Daniel Hendrickson is Karp’s instructor. He says most of his students are like Karp, and have jobs lined up before they even graduate.

“The state of Florida itself is probably close to 40-50,000 either electrical helpers or journeymen shy of what they need just to fill all of the spots. Within the state of Florida, that number has actually gone down quite a bit over the last couple years because of trade schools,” said Hendrickson.

topics to write about for 9th graders

In the shop area of class, they have just under 1,000 feet of lab space, including an entire tiny home built within it, so students get real life experience.

“They have to do their budget for all the materials, hiring a crew of their peers, all the way to calling the inspector,” said Hendrickson. 

He says in recent years, the electrical class has more than quadrupled in size, going from 12 to 15 students to now 55-60 students. Like most programs offered at Pinellas Technical College, it takes a little over a year to complete, and most students are debt free at the end: an important factor for Karp.

“My parents aren’t the most well off, so it would’ve ended up with me going into debt. This isn’t expensive, and you can come out of school making about what you would have been in debt if you went to a four-year college,” said Karp.

Karp says this is a career he truly loves, too, being able to help people, and illuminate the world one circuit at a time.

Pinellas Technical College offers the apprenticeship program for electricians as well as a journeyman program.


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    Cal/OSHA is developing a workplace violence prevention standard that meets the requirements of Labor Code Section 6401.9 and will submit it to the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board ...

  29. Political Typology Quiz

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  30. Bay area trade, technical schools see increase in enrollment

    (Spectrum Bay News 9/Fallon Silcox) By Fallon Silcox Tampa UPDATED 5:52 PM ET Jun. 26, 2024 PUBLISHED 11:26 AM ET Jun. 26, 2024 PUBLISHED 11:26 AM EDT Jun. 26, 2024