• Content Production

Content Writing 101

Brian Dean

Written by Brian Dean

What Is Content Writing?

Content writing is the process of planning, writing, and publishing written material, such as articles, blog posts, product descriptions, and marketing copy, that is intended for online consumption. The goal of content writing is to inform, educate, or persuade readers, and it can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Building brand awareness
  • Increasing website traffic
  • Generating leads
  • Improving search engine rankings
  • Establishing credibility

Why Is Proper Content Writing Important?

When most people hear “content writing”, they think “writing articles”.

However, writing content isn’t just important for blog posts.

In fact, content writing is important for all types of different content formats, including:

  • Video scripts
  • Email newsletters
  • Keynote speeches
  • Social media posts
  • Podcast titles
  • White papers
  • Web page copy
  • Landing pages
  • YouTube video descriptions

Or put another way:

Writing is the foundation for pretty much any content that you publish.

Best Practices

Create an outline.

Creating an outline is a GREAT first step in the content writing process.

Outlines help your content come out better for two main reasons:

First , outlines force you to put all your thoughts down in an organized way (rather than writing everything off the top of your head). Which really speeds up the writing process.

Second , outlines usually lead to a much better structure for your content. That’s because an outline lets you see your content from a “high level” that’s impossible to see as you’re writing.

Plus, because you have an outline, your final content will hit all of the major points that you set out to before you started writing.

So: how do you actually go about creating an effective outline?

Here are three main strategies that work well:

Backlinko – Guides collage

So when we start working on a new guide, we use a lot of the structure from our existing guides as a base.

  • Use a template: Most professional content writers work off of proven templates. Here are 5 content templates you can use to create outlines .

For example, let’s say you’re about to write a guest post about the keto diet.

Well, you’d want to type “keto diet” into BuzzSumo to see what’s already done well.

BuzzSumo – "keto diet" search

Then, read some of the best posts to see exactly what you should cover in your article.

Delish low carb fruits post

Make It Easy to Consume and Share

Content that’s super easy to read and share is of the keys to great content .

You can have a post written by the world’s top copywriter. But if that post is hard for people to consume, no one will read it.

Here are a few tips to help make your content easier to consume, skim and share.

Keep it Snappy, Rich and Entertaining

Whether you’re writing about content creation or cars, your writing needs to grab (and keep) people’s attention .

Otherwise, they’ll click over to something else.

How you grab someone’s attention depends on the format you’re working with.

When I create videos, I use “Family Guy moments” throughout the video. These are little asides that add some humor to and spice to my video content.

what is content writing marketing

And when I write videos, I focus a lot on formatting and layout.

Specifically, I try to keep my paragraphs short:

Backlinko video script

I also sprinkle in visuals and screenshots to mix things up.

Visuals and screenshots in video

And if you’re about to sit down and record some audio, you want your lines to be short and snappy. You also want to avoid parenthetical statements. Content in parenthesis is easy to follow when you’re reading it. But you can easily “lose the thread” if you’re listening to your audio as a podcast.

In short: your final content needs to be super engaging to work. And no matter what format you’re working with, that starts with the content writing process.

Quotable On Social Media

According to a study that we conducted, very few blog posts get shared or linked to .

And to increase the odds that your content ranks in search engines and gets shared on social media, add shareable quotes.

For text-based content, this can be a statement that you highlight in your post.

Post with highlighted statement

And if you’re making a YouTube video, you can pull out a short snippet from that video to share on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn post with video snippet

The important thing here is to have these quotes ready before you publish the post. Then, highlight them in your content.

Choose Interesting Angles

With 2.3 million blog posts going live every day , you can’t just publish something generic and expect a wave of visitors.

Instead, to get traffic to your content, it needs a compelling angle.

An angle is simply the hook that makes your content stand out from all the others on that topic.

Your angle can be a personal story. A bit of controversy. Or something that simply looks better than what’s out there.

The angle you go with depends on your target audience.

For example, when we published our guide to becoming an SEO expert , our 8-bit design helped it stand out.

Backlinko – SEO Expert Guide

Make It Actionable

For most niches, your content can’t just be entertaining.

And it’s not even enough for it to simply be informative.

For your content marketing to work, your content needs to be super useful .

Here’s how:

Our SEO audit post is a great example of this.

Backlinko – SEO site audit

It’s not a collection of random tips. This content is a step-by-step action plan that anyone can follow.

SEO site audit post – Table of content

  • Keep it up-to-date: A single outdated step or example can derail an otherwise great piece. I recommend going back and updating your old content at least once a year.

Make it Trustworthy

For people to share and link to your content, they need to trust it first.

And while design factors in to how much people trust your content , your writing plays a big role too.

Here are a few tips to make your content more trustworthy.

  • Use proper grammar: If you want to improve your writing skills, a tool like Hemingway Editor or Grammarly can be a huge help.

For example, whenever we write a guide, we add lots of stats and references.

Post with stats and references

Here’s an example from our blog.

First hand experience example on Backlinko

Give it a Magnetic Headline and Introduction

Most visitors only spend 15 seconds reading an article before leaving.

With such a short window of time, your headline and introduction are incredibly important.

Here’s how to create headlines and intros that work:

Long headlines are correlated with increased social sharing

Note how these bullet points aren’t topics . They’re benefits that someone will get out of reading and implementing what’s in the guide.

How can I become a content writer?

If you’re looking to dive into the world of content writing, you’re in for an exciting journey. Let me walk you through the steps that have worked wonders for me and many others.

1. Learn SEO Fundamentals

First off, get cozy with SEO basics . It’s the backbone of content writing.

Start with keyword research – it’s like picking the right tools before you start building. Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or Semrush to find what your audience is searching for.

Then, dive into on-page SEO . Think of your titles and meta descriptions as your first handshake with your readers – make it count.

2. Niche Specialization

Now, pick a niche.

This isn’t just about what you love; it’s about where you can add real value.

Ask yourself, “What unique perspective or solutions can I bring to my readers?” This focus will make your content more engaging and valuable.

3. Develop a Unique Writing Style

It’s your signature. Keep it clear, engaging, and packed with actionable tips.

I always aim to write as if I’m talking to a friend – straightforward and helpful.

Use tools like Grammarly to keep your grammar in check and Hemingway Editor to make your content crisp and readable.

4. Create a Portfolio

It’s your playground for trying out new ideas and a portfolio to showcase your skills.

Make sure it’s SEO-friendly; after all, you want to walk the talk.

5. Learn from the Best

Learning never stops. Keep an eye on the top content writers and digital marketing resources.

What are they doing right? How are they engaging their audience? How are they using new AI tools in their workflows?

Don’t just consume content; dissect it.

6. Feedback and Improvement

Lastly, the power of feedback can’t be overstressed. Use it to refine your writing.

Remember, the best content writers are those who listen, learn, and adapt.

That’s my blueprint for becoming a content writer. I

t’s about blending SEO savvy with a unique voice, continually learning, and always striving to provide value to your readers.

Stay curious, stay committed, and you’ll find your path to success in content writing.

The Definitive Guide to Writing Blog Posts : I recommend sending this to any content writer that you work with.

The Complete Guide to SEO Content : How to write quality content that’s specifically engineered to rank in Google.

Evergreen Content : How to plan and write content that continues to bring in traffic for years after you publish it.

The Definitive Guide to Copywriting : Learn how to write SUPER compelling copy for blog posts, sales letters, videos and more based on tips from the world’s top copywriters.


What is content writing? (An explainer with tips and examples)

  • Jenna Romano
  • Aug 23, 2022

content writing example with screenshot of ecommerce website homepage messaging

Content writing plays an integral role in a brand’s success. When you create a website , for instance, you choose your words for everything from the home page to the individual blog posts you publish.

Your copy can affect how well your website ranks on search engine results pages, as well as how valuable visitors find your site’s content. Without high-quality writing, your marketing efforts may flounder and, with them, your website.

In this post, we’ll define content writing, explore the benefits of good content writing and share tips for success as well as unique examples.

What is content writing?

Content writing refers to creating digital content for a brand’s marketing strategy . This includes content for:

Sales landing pages

Social media posts


White papers

Press releases

Content writing is just one content marketing tool in a brand’s arsenal. Pair it with robust research, diligent planning and high-quality visuals to optimize your strategy.

Your content marketing strategy will depend on your product, services and audience. For example, a restaurant’s clientele might not want to follow a blog, but they will likely want to see tantalizing food photos and reels on Instagram.

A recent Semrush survey of content marketers found certain content types are more effective and successful than others:

Video (37%)

Blog posts (36%)

Success stories (22%)

Case studies (16%)

Webinars (16%)

Every piece of content in your marketing strategy likely has a written component to it. Take marketing videos, for example. Someone needs to write the video script as well as the title, description and show notes to help with SEO and accessibility.

The benefits of good content writing

97% of the content marketers in the 2021 Semrush study said that content was a critical part of their overall marketing strategy. There’s a reason for that—well-written content provides brands with many benefits:

By creating content for different channels, a brand can attract a much larger audience.

You can tailor content to different segments of a brand’s audience, making it easier to connect.

Writing great content will help strengthen a brand. This will make it easier to recognize and more relatable.

Content offers value to customers and non-customers alike and asks for nothing in return—just their time and attention.

Google rewards websites that consistently create quality content with better rankings.

Content writing helps existing customers get more from their purchases, which can increase loyalty.

Get your ethos, pathos and logos right and you'll be well on your way to building a loyal customer base from your content.

5 examples of great content writing

Before we check out how you can optimize your content writing strategy, let’s first look at these content writing examples:

In early 2022, social media users saw posts and ads from a brand called Perpetual Pup . Users noticed the social media and video script writing before the branding. “It’s a good ad,” said Twitter user @GideonNeptune .“It made me look and find out about the show it’s promoting.”

The content campaign promoted “Bad Vegan,” a Netflix documentary . People discussed this content marketing strategy on many social media platforms, including on Reddit .

Perpetual Pup tweet in support of Netflix documentary

McCormick's YouTube channel is entirely devoted to cooking with the company’s spices. A lengthy description accompanies each video—like this one on how to marinate and grill pork chops —and includes:

A simple yet descriptive title

A quick summary of what the viewer will learn

A list of ingredients needed to reproduce the recipe

Information on prep and cooking time

A link to the recipe on the McCormick website

These YouTube descriptions give the viewer more context and value from the video, while also helping optimize the video for search.

YouTube description how to marinate and grill pork chops from McCormick

An email newsletter gives brands a regular chance to re-engage with website visitors and blog readers. The Wix Blog newsletter, for instance, goes out once a week and provides readers with short and easy-to-read summaries of recent posts. Subscribers can skim the newsletter’s concise, conversational writing and get just enough details for each post that they’re eager to read more.

Wix Blog newsletter example

Instacart ’s grocery delivery service provides a great value to its customers. However, the Ideas & Guides section of the brand’s website offers an opportunity to maximize the brand’s service. It covers DIY topics like cooking tips, holiday and event planning and recipes.

This content is useful to Instacart’s marketing strategy for several reasons. For one, it adds values for existing customers using the service. Instacart can use customers’ shopping histories to send them relevant guides. It also can bring in new leads as visitors discover timely and trending topics.

Customer testimonials work great for people to sign up for a service. The only problem with testimonials, though, is the short length and faceless nature. Therefore, success stories can be a more effective form of content marketing. You’ll see why on SCORE’s Success Story page. Real people share actual stories about their businesses and how SCORE’s mentors have helped them. The Success Story pages aren’t long—maybe only 400 to 600 words—and yet they pack enough of a punch to touch visitors’ emotions.

SCORE's success story page

Tips for content writing success

Here are 10 best practices to help you write high-quality content for your marketing campaigns:

01. Reference your content style guide

Just as you’d document your visual branding with a style guide, do the same for your content writing. It should include information related to:

Business objectives

Brand voice and personality

User personas

Guidelines on key company terms and industry jargon

Other preferences or rules relating to your brand’s written style

Not only will this help you consistently handle your writing, but you’ll get better quality results from contributors, too.

02. Create a content marketing strategy

According to Semrush’s survey, 78% of those who’ve been very successful in their content marketing had a documented strategy. You can create an effective strategy for copywriting by choosing 5 to 10 top-level topics you want your brand to be associated with. Then center all of your content around those major hubs, ensuring that you tackle each subtopic one by one.

03. Keep your eyes and ears open for inspiration

There are many places to find content ideas:

Subscribe to your competitors’ blogs and newsletters and follow them on social media

Follow the top publications in your industry

Listen to podcasts and subscribe to YouTube channels that tackle similar subjects

You never know when inspiration might strike with content writing. Staying tuned to what others talk about can help you avoid feeling uninspired or stuck.

04. Come up with an interesting angle

It’s common to take inspiration from other people’s content, but be careful about rewriting what others have already said on a topic. Tune into a variety of sources such as blogs, vlogs, newsletters, social media platforms, podcasts and even print journalism to help fuel your creativity.

05. Write as concisely as possible

You want to unpack the topic fully when you write a white paper or blog post. However, that doesn’t mean you need to hit some magical word count to make it a worthwhile read. Cover the topic fully, without being too wordy.

06. Focus on the user foremost

Although content writing is a marketing tactic, it usually takes a less product-forward tone than advertising.

Joe Stolte of The Tractionology Group suggests the following to Forbes :

“Make the content about the customer. Specifically, make it about what your customer wants and how they can get it. What works really well is to use your marketing to educate your target customer and help them solve real problems in advance of trying to sell to them. This naturally generates goodwill and trust in your marketplace and makes selling much easier.”

07. Format your content for readability

Content design is an important part of content writing. With consumers’ attention spans growing shorter with each passing year, ensure that the content you’ve written first gets noticed, then read. Hopefully, it’ll convert a good portion of users, too.

Even short social media posts can get more views with line breaks, attached images and strategic hashtags. Just make sure that the post’s design doesn’t distract from its overall readability.

08. Give readers a reason to engage

You can add certain assets to your content writing that encourage engagement:

More people will open a post if the headline has powerful words

Supportive imagery can help people understand the content

Actionable how-to steps can make the piece more useful

Statistics, quotes from thought leaders and real-world examples can make content more convincing

09. Proofread your work

A piece of content with an error is like a broken link on a website. While it might just seem like a minor inconvenience, frequent errors can reflect poorly on your brand. Tools like Grammarly can help you proofread your writing before publishing.

10. Use keywords organically

The point of writing website content is to create high-quality, valuable content for your audience. While you should optimize your website’s content with best practices for search engines like light keyword research, alt text for images and internal linking, you should prioritize comprehensively covering the topic.

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What is Content Writing? (Beginners Guide)

Content writing is an excellent career opportunity with plenty of opportunities to be creative, work with new people, and earn a good salary.

Alex Chris

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What Is Content Writing?

What does a content writer do, how to become a content writer, content writing tips, content writing examples, how much do content writers get paid, should you become a content writer.

Content writing is the process of planning, writing, and publishing web content to satisfy the needs of a specific audience. The aim is to share valuable information to earn customer trust, improve engagement, and establish credibility in your niche.

A content writer creates written material for websites, blogs, and other digital media. They engage and inform audiences through well-researched and compelling content.

The fundamental role of a content writer starts with understanding the target audience of the company they’re writing for. The best content writers know how to adjust their tone of voice and marketing efforts to suit the expectations of their target audience.

Some of the tasks a content writer may be responsible for include:

Keyword research: While some companies have separate SEO experts responsible for keyword research, good content writers should have the skills to perform keyword research and identify terms and phrases to use in the content.

Content strategy: Content writers can work solo or with content marketing specialists and assist in developing an end-to-end content strategy. This could involve determining what kind of content to create for each channel.

Content writing: Perhaps the most important role of a content writer is actually creating content. Content writers create everything from blog posts to web pages on behalf of a client.

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Proofreading and editing: Some content writers do all of their proofreading and editing themselves.

Publishing: Content writers will usually be able to upload their content to various platforms. This could mean adding posts to a WordPress site and scheduling them.

The key to successfully starting a job in content writing is developing your skills and gaining as much experience as possible. Here are some steps for beginners to start with content writing with no experience:

  • Enroll in a course
  • Practice your writing skills
  • Develop complementary skills
  • Find your niche
  • Build your experience

1. Enroll in a course

While you don’t need a specific content writing degree to get into this industry, a content marketing certification or a digital marketing certification can be useful.

Enrolling in an online course is an excellent way to develop some of the necessary skills you’ll need to impress and attract potential clients. You can even get a copywriting certificate to add to your resume.

When looking for suitable courses, focus on the aspects of content writing you’re most interested in. For instance, if you want to get involved with content writing from an SEO perspective, look at courses covering digital marketing , SEO Courses , and writing.

You may decide to take a selection of different courses to build out the appropriate skillset.

2. Practice your writing skills

Many people aspire to be writers, particularly when they have a creative mind and a talent for language. However, only a handful of hobbyists turn their skills into a profession.

The only way to actively pursue your career in content writing is to begin practicing. It takes many hours to become the kind of writer a professional team or business would want to hire.

Begin by writing blogs for your own website, where you can advertise your skill, collect testimonials, and build a portfolio over time.

You can also get involved with online writing forums and groups to gain inspiration. You could even volunteer your writing services to publications you like. This will help to build your skills while getting your name out there.

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3. Develop complementary skills

Writing is the most important talent you’ll need to become a professional content writer.

However, there are other skills that can come in handy and improve your chances of getting the attention of potential clients. For instance, you’ll need fantastic communication skills to interact with clients and companies you work with.

Learning how to convey your ideas effectively to a wide audience will be essential as a content writer.

You’ll also need good research skills. Ensure you know how to track down credible sources of information when developing your career as a content writer.

Other complementary skills may include:

  • SEO : Most companies want their content writers to have some basic search engine optimization .
  • Problem-solving : Problem-solving skills will help you to come up with unique ways of using content to address the needs of your clients.
  • Adaptability : The ability to adapt, constantly grow, and develop new skills is essential to a content writer. The tools you use to convert customers for your audience will likely change over time, so be ready to evolve frequently in your career.

4. Find your niche

While some content writers and copywriters will work on a broad range of topics across a wide variety of companies and industries, a general approach can make it difficult to stand out.

You may find you can reach a wider audience and spend more time on work you actually enjoy with a niche.

Focusing on a specific area of specialization could mean you work best for companies in the healthcare or technology industry. The more you focus on this space, the more you develop your reputation and attract potential future clients.

Alternatively, your niche could involve looking at a specific aspect of content writing. You might be particularly good at writing engaging blog posts, creating social media content, or producing whitepapers for technical companies.

5. Build your experience

Finally, the most important thing that matters to people planning on hiring a content writer is usually experience. Your future employers want to see evidence you have skills in your space.

The best way to begin building experience as a content writer is to create a portfolio of work you can share with your employers. These are basically examples of your content in the form of ad mock-ups, blog posts, and social media campaign ideas.

Once you have your portfolio and you’re posting regularly on your own website blog, look for opportunities to branch out and gain more experience.

Contributing to reputable sites, even if you don’t get paid for it, will help to demonstrate your writing skills. You can also consider offering clients a discount price in exchange for a review when you finish their project.

Follow these tips to become better a content writing.

1. Write content for all the stages of the marketing funnel

Content marketers use content to direct prospects through the different stages of the digital marketing sales funnel . Each stage of the customer journey requires a different approach to content.

Digital Marketing Funnel

For example, during the awareness stage ( top of the funnel ), your content would aim to inform and attract customers.

During the consideration stage, you highlight the benefits of your products or services against competitors.

At the bottom of the funnel, you write content to convince customers to purchase a product or perform a desired action.

2. Always do your research

Research is vital for content for a variety of reasons. First, you need to conduct research to determine who you’re writing for.

The best content writers cultivate a specific voice to speak to a certain audience. The more you understand your customer, the more you can connect with that person on an emotional level – generating conversions.

It’s also important to research any information you will be writing about. Factual, credible information is key in content production, even if your writing is primarily for entertainment purposes.

Studies show if a brand generates fake content about products or services, around 59% of customers will stop buying from this company immediately.

To make your content as compelling as possible, research:

  • Your subject matter: Learn as much as possible about the topic and use references to reputable sources to give your work credibility.
  • Customers: Know your audience. Building buyer personas and understanding how customers respond to different content at various stages in the consumer journey will improve conversions on a significant scale.
  • Competitors: Understanding what your competitors produce in terms of content will give you some valuable inspiration. It also helps when you’re trying to make your content unique from what’s already available on the market.

3. Master the critical components of content

Every piece of content is constructed with a series of different elements. For written content, specific components are more important to capturing and converting customers than others. For instance, you’ll need:

Head-turning headlines: Headlines determine whether your audience will bother reading the rest of the article, eBook, or any other content you produce.

If your headline isn’t engaging, readers will just hit the back button. Engaging headlines are thought-provoking and interesting.

How to Write Great Headlines

Try techniques like using numbers to demonstrate authority, such as “98% of marketers say…” or asking questions: “Do you know these email marketing tricks?”

A compelling hook: You only have a matter of seconds to keep readers engaged after they’ve read your headline. The first sentence or two is crucial in keeping your audience’s attention. Make sure you get this first section right.

Stay clear and focused: Don’t confuse your audience with a hundred different ideas in one piece of content. Focus on a specific topic and concentrate on giving your customers plenty of actionable advice to walk away with.

Remember, use a tone of voice specific to your target audience and the persona you’re writing for. This will help to make your content more compelling to the right people.

4. Edit and optimize everything you write

Finally, great content takes work. Most content writers don’t publish the first version of the piece they write. Taking the time to read through the content is crucial.

Remember, any grammatical error or unusual sentence can confuse your audience and send them running in the opposite direction.

Often, it’s helpful to have a separate proofreader on hand when creating content because they can examine your work objectively and spot things you’ve missed. Other ways to enhance your work include:

Checking for content SEO : Have you used keywords naturally and organically throughout the post? Are there internal links for page connections on your site and external links for credibility? Have you optimized your H1 tag , meta tags, headlines, and title tags?

Content SEO

Examining readability: Is your content divided into logical segments? Have you got subheadings to guide your reader, short paragraphs, and plenty of bullet points? Keep everything as clean as possible to improve readability.

Looking at relevancy: Is every part of your content as relevant as it should be? Can you remove anything that isn’t useful to your audience?

The most common forms of content a content writer may be asked to create are:

Blogging: Blogs are a central part of building a strong content strategy . They can convey ideas about products and your brand while highlighting your thought leadership. Blogs can also be useful for SEO purposes, building organic traffic , and raising brand awareness.

Email: Writing content for emails can help to convert customers, as well as generate better engagement for your business. Email marketing also helps to build loyalty and strengthen your opportunities for repeat purchases.

Social media: Social channels require content writers to communicate various ideas and campaigns as effectively as possible.

Product content: Selling products and services requires a unique set of writing skills. You’ll have to balance sales copy with storytelling and SEO strategies.

Brand journalism: PR news releases, customer and brand stories, and internal communications can all require the support and guidance of a content writer.

Whitepapers and eBooks: Content writers can help to produce highly technical and professional content that requires a focus on a specific subject. This helps to strengthen the authority of the brand.

Video scripts: If scripts are required to create videos or even podcasts for a company’s branding purposes, a content writer can assist with this.

Content Types

The average salary for a content writer (1-4 years of experience) is around $52,000 per year in the US. Experienced content writers (10-19 years of experience) may earn around $60,000 annually.

Content Writer Annual Salary

Indeed.com says content writers earn around $20.76 per hour. Your exact earnings will depend on your area of specialization and the kind of companies you work with regularly.

Content writing can be a highly engaging and satisfying job role for many people. It’s an exciting career with plenty of opportunities to be creative, work with new people, and develop your skills. However, it also requires significant dedication and hard work.

If you have a way with words and you know how to produce content that speaks to people, a content writing position could be ideal for you.

Alex Chris

Alex Chris is a digital marketing consultant, author, and instructor. He has more than 18 years of practical experience with SEO and digital marketing. Alex holds an MSc Degree in eCommerce and has consulted with Fortune 500 companies in different industries. He blogs regularly about SEO and Digital marketing, and his work has been referenced by leading marketing websites. Connect with Alex on Twitter and LinkedIn .

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November 25, 2023 at 8:21 pm

I learned a lot more about Content writing in this short article than I have learned about it in the past four years after completing my Digital Marketing Certificate course in 2019. The article is rich, lucid, and engaging to the last sentence. Wonderful work and honest help to people who need to get started on content writing as a career.

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What Is Content Writing? Everything You Need To Know

What is Content Writing is a question on every beginner’s lips. Content writing is your digital frontline. It’s the act of drafting web content, typically for digital marketing purposes. But let’s cut through the jargon, and this is about crafting words that resonate, that hit home where Google searches and skim-readers live. It’s about finding the pain points in your audience’s lives and addressing them with words that act like a balm.

Table of Contents

Content writing for beginners can be like staring at a blank page, the cursor blinking back at you, and the mounting pressure of crafting something that might click with your audience. The path from rookie to writing whiz seems fraught with hurdles. You need content writing techniques that transform that blank page into a canvas of opportunity, giving you the tools to produce content and effective content writing that grips your readers.

Benefits Of Content Writing For Businesses

Do you know what it’s like to run a business without content writing? It’s not so different from trying to fill a bucket with a hole in it. Sure, you’re putting in effort, but it with keep leaking out. Here’s how content writing plugs the gap, addresses your pain points, and opens up a world of opportunity:

Improves Search Engine rankings

We all know the despair of being on the second page of Google—let’s face it, it’s a graveyard. Your content needs to claw its way to the front, where SEO and content writing come hand in hand. It’s not just about keywords; it’s about creating something valuable that search engines can’t help but notice.

Step-by-step action plan

  • Keyword research: Identify the terms your audience is searching for
  • Competitor analysis: See what the top-ranking pages are doing, then do it better.
  • Quality content: Write comprehensive, authoritative content that answers real questions.
  • On-page SEO: Optimize your titles, headers, and images.
  • Backlinks: Get reputable sites to link to your content.

Increases brand awareness

Think of the internet as a crowded party. You’re there in the corner, sipping your drink, unnoticed. Content writing is your voice in that room, helping you build conversations and relationships. It’s how you tell your brand’s story, draw people in, and make them remember you.

  • Understand your audience: Craft personas to speak directly to their needs.
  • Consistent brand messaging: Use a tone and style that reflects your brand across all content.
  • Storytelling: Share stories that connect on an emotional level.
  • Distribution: Get your content out there through social media, email, and partnerships.

Cost-effective marketing

Traditional marketing can feel like shouting into a void—expensive and exhausting with uncertain returns. Content writing is the savvy marketer’s secret weapon: it’s less about the hard sell and more about providing value, which draws in customers organically.

  • Plan your content: Align it with sales goals and customer pain points.
  • Create with Intent: Every content should have a purpose and a call to action.
  • Track your spending: Use analytics to see where your content brings value.
  • Repurpose: Turn successful content into infographics, videos, and more to get more bang.

Improves conversion rates

Traffic is good, but it’s like having a shop full of window shoppers. You want buyers. Content writing zeroes in on those visitors and gently guides them toward making a purchase. It’s about creating content that’s informative, persuasive, and reassuring.

  • Understand your conversion funnel: Tailor content for each stage of the buyer’s journey.
  • A/B testing: Try different calls to action and see what works best.
  • Benefit-focused content: Highlight how your service/product eases pain points.
  • Use testimonials: Let current customers do the talking with success stories.

Build customer relationships

No one likes to feel like a number. Personalized content writing makes your audience feel seen and heard, which is the foundation of any strong relationship. By addressing their specific concerns and interests, you build trust and loyalty.

  • Engage on Social Media: Use it as a two-way conversation tool.
  • Newsletter: Regular updates that provide real value deepen relationships.
  • Feedback loops: Use surveys and comments to learn and show you’re listening.
  • Community building: Create spaces for your audience to connect over shared interests.

Throughout each of these benefits, it’s essential to weave in the various types of content writing, from blog posts that tackle niche problems to social media content that sparks conversations.

Content Writing: Best Practices

Navigating the digital world without a compass, content creators often face the daunting task of consistently producing engaging, relevant, and impactful content. Let’s walk through some best practices that address these pain points and set a clear pathway to crafting content that resonates and performs.

Create a content outline

Here’s a step-by-step action plan to craft an outline that will be your blueprint to success:

  • Identify the core message or idea of your content.
  • Break down the topic into main points or sections.
  • List out sub-points under each section that further develop the idea.
  • Arrange the points in a logical, flowing order.
  • Include keywords, such as “what is content writing” and “content writing techniques,” to optimize SEO.

Creating a structured outline isn’t just about organization; it’s your strategy to combat the chaos and inject clarity into your content creation process.

Craft compelling headlines

Your headline is the gateway to your content. A compelling headline must promise a solution to the reader’s problem, ignite curiosity, or offer a compelling benefit. Consider these tips:

  • Use powerful, emotive words to grab attention.
  • Include numbers or data points for specificity.
  • Pose a problem that resonates with your audience’s pain points.
  • Promise a clear and desirable outcome.

Crafting a headline is an art form that combines psychology with linguistic precision. It’s not just about getting clicks—it’s about fulfilling a promise to your readers that what lies ahead is worth their time.

Add Strong CTAs

A strong Call to Action (CTA) bridges reader engagement and business goals. It’s the part where many content writers falter, failing to direct their readers towards a clear, actionable next step. Here’s how to craft a CTA that converts:

  • Use action-oriented language that propels the reader forward.
  • Create a sense of urgency with time-bound phrases.
  • Offer value that speaks directly to the reader’s needs or pain points.
  • Make it visually stand out from the rest of the content.

Your CTA should resonate with the reader’s intent and provide them with a clear, accessible path to the solution they seek.

Make your content easy to read

The digital space is plagued with as digestible content as a brick. Long paragraphs, complex jargon, and lack of visual breaks are the bane of readability. To make your content more accessible:

  • Use short paragraphs and sentences.
  • Incorporate bullet points or numbered lists.
  • Utilize subheadings to break up text and guide readers.
  • Employ images, videos, and infographics to complement text.

By enhancing readability, you not only make your content more accessible but also show empathy towards your reader’s time and cognitive load.

Types Of Content Writing

In the diverse ecosystem of content writing, one size only fits some. Each type of content writing serves a specific purpose and addresses different pain points of the audience.

Blog Content Writing

Blog writing involves weaving words into a tapestry of information, storytelling, and persuasion. It’s about creating a narrative that informs and connects with the reader on a human level. Its pain points are the thirst for knowledge and the desire for human connection in the digital space.

Email Writing

Email writing is about getting to the heart of communication, direct and personal. It addresses the pain point of impersonal, spammy inboxes by delivering value straight to the reader’s personal space.

Social Media Content Writing

Social media content writing is the frontline of engagement in the digital battlefield. It’s quick, it’s dynamic, and it’s personal. It solves the pain point of disconnection in a hyper-connected world by fostering community, conversation, and brand personality.

Continue reading Types of Content Writing .

Tips To Write Your Content That Converts

Creating content that doesn’t just occupy space on a webpage but pulls its weight in gold by converting readers into customers is an art. Here’s your no-fluff, actionable plan to make that happen. It’s about addressing the gnawing concerns of why your content isn’t performing and how to turn that around.

Always research on your topic first

Your audience is tired of the same regurgitated insights. They crave fresh meat. Don’t be the tenth person to serve them a reheated burger. Here’s how to find the prime cut:

  • Dive deep: Use tools like Google Scholar or industry-specific databases for the latest research.
  • Listen in: Join forums and social media groups where your audience hangs out. What are their pressing questions?
  • Survey says: Run surveys or polls to get direct input from your target market.

Understand the search intent and target audience

Picture this: You’ve got a vegan entering a BBQ joint because the sign wasn’t clear. That’s your website with mismatched search intent. Pain point? Wasted traffic. Solution:

  • Keywords are key: Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to understand the keywords and their intent.
  • Persona crafting: Build detailed buyer personas. The more you know them, the better you can serve them what they want to feast on.

Write unique and original content

Plagiarism is the cardinal sin of content writing. It’s like stealing someone else’s painting and signing your name. To create your masterpiece: Start with Why: Begin each piece by outlining why it’s different.

  • Personal touch: Inject personal stories or case studies. No one else has those.
  • Opinion matters: Take a stance. Even if it’s controversial, it’s uniquely yours.

Include multimedia components in your content

Text-heavy content is dry and hard to swallow, like a lecture without visuals. Spice it up:

  • Visual aids: Break up text with relevant images or infographics.
  • Interactivity: Add polls, quizzes, or interactive slides to keep the engagement level high.
  • Video content: Can something be explained via video? Show, don’t tell.

Write content for all the stages of the marketing funnel

Not addressing each stage of the marketing funnel is like fishing with a net that has holes. To patch it up:

  • Awareness: Use informative blog posts and articles to solve initial problems.
  • Consideration: Create comparison guides, case studies, and how-to content for deeper engagement.
  • Decision: Use product reviews, testimonials, and strong CTAs to seal the deal.

Edit and optimize everything you write

Unedited content is like showing up to a job interview in pajamas. To dress your content for success:

  • Grammar tools: Use Grammarly or the Hemingway App for a quick clean-up.
  • Peer review: Have someone else read your content. Fresh eyes find fresh problems.
  • Read aloud: Hearing your content can highlight issues your eyes might miss.

SEO-optimize your content for Search Engine

Ignoring SEO is like winking at someone in the dark. You know what you’re doing, but no one else does. Light it up:

  • Keyword optimization: Don’t just sprinkle keywords; strategically place them where they’ll get noticed.
  • Meta matters: Craft your meta titles and descriptions as if they’re your only chance to sell the content.
  • Mobile-friendly: Ensure your content looks good on mobile. Google cares, so you should, too.

Let Stabilli write for you and increase your conversion rates with our effective writing tips. Hurry up, talk to us now!

Content Writing Examples

We’re diving into various formats and styles when discussing content writing. There are diverse content writing examples; for instance, consider a blog post that delves into the ‘Top 10 SEO Strategies for 2023’. It’s informative, rich with keywords, and leaves the reader with a clear understanding of current SEO best practices. Another example is a how-to guide titled ‘How to Create a Content Calendar.’ This piece would walk readers through the process, providing actionable steps and downloadable resources.

Content Writing vs Copywriting

While both are crucial tools in your marketing arsenal, content writing and copywriting serve distinct purposes. Content writing is about building relationships, providing value, and establishing trust. The blog posts, articles, and videos educate and engage your audience over time. Copywriting , on the other hand, is persuasion in print. It’s the art of creating compelling calls to action, whether in ads, product descriptions, or landing pages, designed to convert the reader, viewer, or listener into a customer.

Read more about copywriting vs content writing .

FAQs On Content Writing: Addressing Common Concerns

Explore our FAQs on content writing, where we address common concerns, starting with how to begin a content writing sample.

Starting a content writing sample

Starting a content writing sample involves understanding the topic and anticipating the reader’s questions and expectations. Begin by understanding the topic and your target audience. Plan the structure, research thoroughly, and then start writing with a captivating introduction, informative body, and memorable conclusion.

What makes an effective content writer?

Effective content writers can consistently navigate the challenges of the craft and deliver content that resonates with the audience and meets the client’s objectives. Effective content writers understand their audience, research well, adapt to different styles, master SEO, have strong editing skills, and excel in storytelling to engage readers.

The 3 C’s of content writing

Clarity, conciseness, and consistency are vital in content writing, yet achieving them in every piece of content is a challenge that requires practice and dedication. Here’s a tip on what each entails:

  • Clarity: Clarity in content writing means that your message is easily understood by your audience. It involves using straightforward language that avoids jargon or ambiguity. Effective content communicates the intended message clearly, leaving no room for misinterpretation.
  • Conciseness: Conciseness is about conveying your message efficiently. It involves using the fewest words necessary to communicate effectively. Concise content engages readers by delivering information succinctly, avoiding unnecessary verbosity, and keeping the reader’s attention focused.
  • Consistency: Consistency is vital for building trust with your audience. It pertains to maintaining uniformity in style, tone, and formatting throughout your content. Consistent content looks professional and well-organized, providing a cohesive reading experience.

The 4 basic writing styles

The four basic writing styles, expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative, each require a different approach, and writers must be skilled in all four to communicate with diverse audiences effectively.

Identifying high-quality content

High-quality content is content that achieves its purpose. It’s relevant, accurate, clear, engaging, error-free, and well-structured. Achieving this requires research, writing skills, and understanding the audience’s needs. However, the path to producing such content is fraught with challenges, from concept development to final editing.

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What is content writing? Definition and examples

what is content writing marketing

Brands use data to understand the behavior of consumers. They analyze what consumers search for online and the kind of content they would like to consume. They then use this information to create content to market their products or services. 

It’s, therefore, safe to say content is what creates a bridge between brands and consumers. If you’re marketing, it means you cannot ignore creating content. 

When the content is excellent, consumers engage more. They spend more money, spread word by mouth, and become loyal customers. On the other hand, when content is low quality, consumers will not engage with your brand, meaning no business for you. 

But don’t fret. The latter won’t happen to you. There are content writing agencies that can help you create 100% authentic, reader-friendly content at scale.

This post will look at different types of content writing and examples to give an idea of what you can do for your brand. 

What is content writing?

Content writing is part of marketing that involves writing, editing, and publishing content in digital formats. This content can be blog posts, landing pages, white papers, case studies, etc. 

Content writing can also be defined as art. This is because there’s a lot that goes into writing content. The content needs to have structure. It needs to have thoughts logically put together to paint an idea and drive a point home. It also needs to be grammatically correct and engaging for the audience. 

What’s more, depending on the angle you want to take when writing content- whether you want to use humor, be inspirational, or be educative- you should never forget that the end goal is to get the audience to take action. This can be to complete a registration, schedule an appointment or buy a product. 

This is why content writing is part of inbound marketing (a content marketing methodology that involves using content tailored for your audience to attract them rather than cold-calling them). 

According to HubSpot , 70% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing. This is because it’s effective and inexpensive. 

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what is content writing marketing

Various forms of content writing

This section may be a bit surprising to you as with most people, when you speak of content writing, they think about articles. Content writing is more than writing articles for your website. 

Writing emails to your subscribers is content writing. Writing a social media post for your followers is content writing. Even writing a script for your podcast or videos is content writing. 

Content writing is extensive. Here is a list of the different types of content writing.

  • SEO blog posts 
  • Podcast scripts and descriptions
  • Video scripts and descriptions
  • Case studies
  • Newsletters
  • Social media posts such as Facebook posts, LinkedIn posts
  • Product descriptions

Product reviews

Web page content, white papers.

  • Press release
  • Keynote speech

 However, even with all this broadness, the content writing process is roughly the same. You start with a content strategy. This helps you come up with topics making it easy to write relevant content in your area of expertise. 

You then do your research. Research is paramount in ensuring you write factual and high-quality content.

Next, you need to create an outline and then write your content. 

Writing content needs all this preparation because you need to craft content that can easily win you more organic traffic. More organic traffic means your readers are finding your content helpful. It also means you’re likely to generate more leads and sales. 

That said, let’s look at different examples of content writing to fill up your creative juices. 

Examples of content writing

There are millions of content writing examples on the web. 

And today, we will look at a few of these examples.

But before that…

While you may be a pro at writing some nice pieces of content for your brand, having someone specialized craft the content for you is unmatched. A professional content writer knows how to use words to evoke emotions and connect with your audience. They know how to write helpful search-engine-optimized content.

A great example of where you can get top-tier content writers is Strategically. We offer award-winning content writing services that are sure to make your content marketing efforts bear fruits. Get started for free on whichever content you need to be written. 

Now to examples!

How to start investing as a freelancer blog post by Indy

An email by jon morrow- i want you back.

Youtube video content by Income school and Think Media.

Case study by Strategically- 0 to £1 million in revenue in 12 months

Podcasts content writing by tiny leaps big changes and beyond the to-do list, newsletter by medium.

  • Social media posts by Keia, Mailerlite, and Amazon

Landing pages by Curology and Canva

  • Product descriptions by Myka and Thesus 
  • White papers by Samsung and BBN

Press releases

  • Keynotes speeches by Oprah Winfrey and Mel Robbins
  • Sales copy by MooseJaw
  • Product reviews on SurferSeo and Samsung S20
  • Web page content by Trello and Codeable

what is content writing marketing

Image: A screenshot of Indys blog post being discussed

A great example of content writing as a blog post is this article written by Indy . Indy is s project management software, and they know how to best not just talk about the technicalities of software. To be honest, their target audience doesn’t want to know how the software is made and the rest of the unexciting information. 

Their audience wants to know how the management software will benefit them. But there’s a caveat to that. You cannot always discuss the benefits and features of the service you’re selling in all your articles. You’ll run out of ideas. 

You need a new fresh angle for each article. And that’s what Indy did with this blog post. They looked at what freelancers (their base customers) need and matched that with what they offer. 

The whole piece is very engaging. A look at the intro, you can feel the great balance of both sides of having a freelance job and still not having a solid financial backup.- “Being a freelancer…You decide how much you want to earn and the frequency of how that money comes in... You no longer exchange your time and freedom for the paycheck. However, all these awesome things come with a terrifying reality. No one will offer you retirement schemes. You may also not qualify for emergency funds if something arises.”

This section screams, “I want to start investing right now.” This is a great way to hook readers and get them reading to the end.

what is content writing marketing

Image: A screenshot of Jon Morrow’s email

This email by Jon Morrow is so powerful that you will never miss any of his emails again. The subject “I want you back” is very personal and intriguing. 

The entire content in the email has a conversation and friendly tone, which makes subscribers want to engage. 

The first two sentences show he has been thinking about you and have noticed you have not been present. He then moves forward to entice the subscribers with a free mystery gift. This shows he’s willing to work to get you back to engaging with him. 

This is very powerful because, as a brand or just as an individual marketing something, your followers will need to forever feel like they matter. They need to feel that subscribing to your emails doesn’t make them feel any less of a person. They want to feel valued. And that’s a principle Jon understands very well. 

What’s more, he gives the subscribers a gift that is relevant to what he teaches about. The gift is also very accessible, meaning subscribers can quickly take action. The email is an excellent piece of content writing.

YouTube video content by Income school and Think Media

Video content is a great place to start if you’re eyeing long-form content. This is because you can pack lots of information in a video. 

However, you need to do it strategically. You need to have an outline or a script for the video. This will help you have a clear way to communicate and not forget important things. 

 An example of a Youtube video script includes this video on “4 Ways to Make Extra On Every Article” by the Income school.

what is content writing marketing

Image: A man talking in a YouTube video

The video starts with the host admitting that he also has not been doing too much for his blog in matters of making extra money through affiliate marketing. This gives the audience the “comfort” they will monetize their blog together. He is not teaching something that he saw somewhere. Rather he is teaching something he is willing to try out. That’s powerful.  

He then moves ahead and gives the plan, the actions he will take, and the results. This creates interest and makes the viewers want to stick to the end to see the whole strategy.  

Another video script example is “How to Create a YouTube Channel for Beginners (Step-by-Step Tutorial)” YouTube video by Think Media . 

The video starts with the host addressing what the video will be about. This helps prepare the viewers on what to expect and if they are interested in sticking by to learn more. The host then moves ahead and starts discussing the basic steps, from how to get a google account to how to verify your YouTube channel. 

Strategically has several case studies; among them is the Original Kettlebell case study . The title of the case study is very enticing. Many people would click on it, especially because it highlights three important things. 

The starting revenue, the end revenue, and the time used to achieve this. Many businesses would want to know the details and the process needed to take a business from $0 to £1 in just one year. And that’s just what Strategically did with this powerful, exciting title. 

The case study starts by explaining who the client is, where they are from and what they want to sell. It then goes over the problems the client had in matters of content creation. 

The client even said, “We’ve worked with other writers on past businesses, and we knew that the speed we were working at wasn’t going to be possible for freelancers. We also were wary of agencies that take months to get going, then deliver little of immediate value.” 

It’s a great idea to quote what the client struggled with when writing a case study. This is because it helps paint a picture of what other businesses may be going through. It also builds trust and authenticity. 

The case study then discussed the solution offered to the client. With case studies, you show, not tell. And that’s why Strategically added another quote to show that the solution worked. 

The clients said. “The deliverable was simple, understandable, and, most importantly, quick to implement. The team had done an excellent job listening to our needs and sticking to the task.” 

The last part was the impact of the work done for the project.  

Podcast scripts, descriptions, and outlines are also part of content writing. An example we can look at is the Tiny Leaps Big Changes podcast script . Episode 100 has the title “Your idea of success is wrong.” The host, Gregg Clunis, uses a script to deliver his message. 

As the topic is quite heavy, the writing is reasonably necessary to stay on the topic and not wander around. 

Beyond the To-Do List is another example we can look at. The podcast doesn’t have a published script but a published description. 

The description is clear and to the point. It discusses the importance of having a mentor and the rewarding experience of having one. 

What’s more, the description creates interest. It starts by introducing the guest, gives a snippet of what happens in the podcast, and then ends with a summary of what will be discussed. 

When it comes to newsletters, there is a lot to think about. Newsletters are pretty different from emails. And that’s where most people go wrong. With newsletters, you have to think about the design and ideas that will make your messaging effective otherwise; your subscribers won’t read whatever you have to say. 

For a general newsletter, there are many angles you can present your messaging. This includes using the following:

  • Round-up of popular or recent content
  • Vacant jobs in your business
  • New case studies or product launches
  • Deals and promotions for your customers
  • Recent tips you’re using
  • News in your field of work
  • Interesting FAQs and answers in your field of work
  • Upcoming webinars or recordings of past webinars

Some great examples of brands doing great with their newsletter include Medium . 

Medium is a blog-publishing platform. Writers from all around the world use it to share their content with their audience. And as you can imagine, there are very many articles. Even if you are interested in one particular topic, there’s too much for your eyes to filter.

Due to this reason, Medium uses its newsletter to bring great content to the surface. They pick several articles from the people you follow and send the articles as a newsletter to you. 

Medium newsletters work because, first, it feels very minimal. The brand uses section dividers that hold tons of articles without making the email look overwhelming. Second, Medium offers a daily and weekly newsletter that allows readers to opt-in to any of the emails they feel most comfortable with its frequency.

Social media posts

Social media posts tend to be short and to the point. They are typically used to introduce something, for example, content on the website, a new product launch, discounts, etc.

If the post is going to be posted on your personal social media page, it doesn’t have to be “serious.” It can be personalized. You can share your journey. You can also write an inspirational or motivational post. 

Some examples of social media posts include:

Linkedin post by iCheckGateway CRO Keia

what is content writing marketing

Image: Personal post posted on LinkedIn

This is a personal post, and it hits the nail where it should. The post is motivational and touches on Keia’s personal life. He creates a connection with the audience by being open and authentic. A part of the post reads, “I have had some crazy days while growing iCG. I have faced some tough challenges. But one thing that has kept me going is being intentional about what I do.”

The language used is friendly and uplifting. And Keia doesn’t leave his followers stranded wondering if being intentional helped him succeed. He concludes by saying it did help him. He also uses a call to action at the end; He asks the audience to tap into the mindset of being intentional about their day. 

MailerLite Linkedin post

what is content writing marketing

Image: A Linkedin post by Mailelite 

Mailerlite is an email marketing tool. They have a social media presence, and one of their posts on Linkedin that’s a great example of content writing is this post on best practices for newsletter signup forms. 

The post is an introduction to a blog post on their website, and they don’t make it boring as most businesses do with a “click here to learn 123”.

Mailerlite uses a language that’s very lively and engaging. They use questions, bullet points, and emojis, which are great ways to break the text and make it more engaging. 

Something else to love about the post is their use of figurative speech. “Whether you just need a fresh coat of paint or a full-scale renovation, you’ll find tons of inspiration to create the signup form of your dreams.” This is a great example of a well-written post. 

Amazon LinkedIn post

what is content writing marketing

Image: Amazon Linkedin post

Amazon is an American e-commerce company that sells electronics, books, clothes, housewares, and so much more, either from retailers to customers or directly. 

Amazon has hundreds if not thousands of LinkedIn posts, and one that is sure to catch your eye is this post on them partnering with USAID. The post involves funding women’s climate change innovations. They are keen to discuss what they are doing and how much they are spending on this. At the end of the post, they leave a link for the audience to learn more about this initiative. This is an example of content writing. 

Sales copy by Moosejaw

This is content written to persuade the target audience to take action. Many businesses use copywriters to craft persuasive content for their websites. This way, the audience feels engaged and intrigued to take action from the home page to the about page to the product description.

An example of a brand that has a great example of sales copy is Moosejaw . The brand uses humor to build a connection with its audience while at the same providing valuable information.

This helps them be engaging and memorable to people visiting their site. Some of the content on their site include:

what is content writing marketing

Image: Moosejaws product description of a backpack

When you hover your mouse over a product image, you get this: “Look This Cool.”

what is content writing marketing

Image: Moosejaw call to action.

The use of humor doesn’t stop there. Their product descriptions are also fascinating. Look at how they describe the following product. 

what is content writing marketing

Image: Moosejaw product description for a tent

A landing page is another type of content writing. A landing page ought to be unique and well-crafted for your ideal audience. One thing about landing pages, they have to be outstanding. This means the choice of color, images, and text should match your message and, at the same time, be interesting enough to capture the audience’s attention. 

A landing page should be a standalone web page specifically used for digital marketing. It should be uniquely made to make your target audience take action. When writing a landing page, use words that create a connection with your audience. Find out your audience’s pain points and what they would like to achieve.

A great example of landing page content is this page by Curology . The page is simple and to the point. Every line is precisely written to create interest. From “I was made for you” to “Personalized by experts for clinically-proven results.” 

what is content writing marketing

Image: Screenshot of Curology landing page

What’s more, the use of different statistics makes it even more exciting to try the free trial.

Another example of a well-written landing page is this canva landing page . 

what is content writing marketing

Image: Screenshot of canva landing page

The landing page is long and has everything someone in design would want to know about the tool. They made use of images. They included their pricing. They also listed the features and benefits of the tool. At every end, they have an FAQ page which is also great as it helps answer common questions readers may have before signing up for the tool.  

Product descriptions by Myka and Thesus

A product description plays a significant role in how your buyers will view your business. A well-crafted description makes a considerable difference in the number of sales you make. And Myka, a jewelry eCommerce store , understands this very well. The language they use for their product description reflects the value of the item. 

What’s more, the description is short but very helpful in making a purchase decision. Look at this “This mom necklace… can be dressed up or down easily depending on your style, plus it carries a certain charm because of its custom engravings.” This encourages the buyers to take action as it shows there are more ways to wear this jewelry. 

Thesus product description is another example we can look at. Thesus is an eCommerce brand that sells outdoor hiking boots.

what is content writing marketing

Image: Thesus product description for boots

The brand makes comfortable, sustainable, and waterproof boots. And instead of the brand just listing these three significant features, they play with words and create an authoritative description that’s also very digestible. The description is short, but it ensures the main features, benefits, and where to wear the boots are clearly highlighted. 

A white paper is a document crafted by a company to advocate that a specific solution is best for a particular problem.

A company that has a well-written white paper is BBN. BBN is a leading B2B marketing agency. It evaluated the effect and benefits of 5 different technologies on marketing outcomes and came up with this white paper.

Samsung also has a white paper that can help you have an idea of how a white paper is written. 

In essence, a well-written white paper should have a format that follows:

  • Introduction- include a problem Statement.
  • Background. Here’s where you present all the information you find in your research. You need to research heavily for this part.
  • Proposed solution

A press release is an official piece of information made to the news media members to provide information or make an announcement to the public. 

Some examples of press releases include: 

  • Apple press release on the 2022 Apple Podcasts Award winner.
  • Press release on J. M. Smucker Co. Issuing a voluntary recall of select Jif products sold in the U.S. with potential salmonella contamination.

what is content writing marketing

Image: A screenshot of a press release by J.M Smucker

Keynote speeches

A keynote speech is a type of speech that presents an underlying theme of a more significant idea. It’s usually based on the speaker’s experiences and knowledge but can also include inspirational and motivational messaging.

A well-written keynote speech engages the audience and holds their attention until the end of the speech. It also challenges the audience to take action and be different. 

Examples of keynote speeches include:

  • How to stop screwing yourself over by Mel Robbin .
  • Oprah Winfrey’s keynote address at the 2018 commencement for the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

While you may be a great speaker, there are many elements you need to ensure are all taken care of before and during your speech. This includes:

  • Building credibility. Your audience needs to trust you to connect with your speech.
  • Engage emotions. Use emotions to connect with your audience. This can be achieved by using words that evoke emotions, varying your tone as you speak, using facial expressions and gestures, and sharing an emotional story. 
  • Demonstrate logic. Use logic to present your messaging. This way, the audience can follow through and get the main idea quickly. 

A product review is typically written by someone who has tested the product or service and can give genuine feedback. Product descriptions tend to be long-form because of all the content that needs to be included from an introduction about the product, its features, its benefits, what can be improved, and even its alternatives. Due to this reason, product reviews are typically published as blog posts in the blog section.

Examples of product reviews you can check out include this SurferSEO review by Brian Dean. 

The review clearly shows Brian definitely used Surfer before coming up with this review. With product review, if you pretend you have used a product before and haven’t, it’ll show in your writing. 

So, aim to review items you have used so as to provide fresh, genuine content for your audience. If someone else is writing on your behalf, send them the product or a link where they can buy the product. 

Another example of a product review is this Samsung S20 review by Techradar . The piece seems honest and doesn’t take sides. 

To help you create excellent product reviews, aim to do the following. 

  • Have a product review summary box- like the one Tachrader has. 
  • Write from an empathetic point of view.
  • Identify the product’s target audience.
  • Introduce the solution the product offers
  • Highlight the product features and benefits
  • Offer social proof
  • List product alternatives or compare the product with its recent version or models.

Your website has pages. It probably has the home, about us, blog, and product or service page. All these pages have some content that helps tell your audience and the search engines what each page is about. 

Different websites use unique styles for their web pages to connect with the audience and simultaneously drive the message home. 

An example of a well-written web page is the Trello home page . This page uses words that uniquely describe what Trello does for its customers. For example, at the very beginning, they use this sentence. “Keep everything in the same place—even if your team isn’t.” 

The language used throughout the page is clear and concise, which is what users need to learn how to use the tool. 

Another example is Codeable . Codeable uses short, descriptive sentences, making it easy to digest the information. They also use short paragraphs, making it easy to skim through. 

Something else that stands out is the use of statistics and quotes from past customers. This is very powerful. It helps site visitors quickly understand what they can get from the platform. 

Need top-notch content for your business? We can help!

As you can see, content writing is broad. It cuts through social media posts, web content, marketing copy, and so much more. 

If you are already creating content for your brand, that’s great. You need content to sell your products or services. You also need content to establish yourself as an authority and thought leader in your field. 

As a brand, you may need different types of content. You may need content for your website, social media platforms, and even content for other websites, aka guest posts. 

You may also need content written by professionals and at a large scale. And that’s where Strategically comes in. 

With Strategically, gaining 600% more traffic in just 12 months is not a far-off fetch dream. We offer SEO-optimized content that’s reader-friendly and 100% original. Our content writing agency has expert freelance writers who are experienced in various niches, so we can work with you no matter your industry. 

See what our customers say about us:

“This company has been like a breath of fresh air for me! Responsive, inventive, and always has great ideas. I’m really enjoying working with them and loving that they deliver on time and what they promise.”

Lucy Cohen, Mazuma Money

“The team was able to wrap their heads around the product we work with, which is a metrics product for SaaS. The content is filled with specific product-related knowledge that really speaks to our audience and helps us talk with our customers! Definitely recommend working with them!”

Lindsey Rogerson, Baremetrics

 We have the experience and knowledge to help you craft top-tier content. So contact us, and let’s discuss your content writing needs . 

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The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing in 2024

Discover how to create a successful content marketing strategy to help you reach your audience and boost conversions.



Plan and optimize your marketing content with these free calendar templates.

Content marketing graphic that includes icons for social media, blogging, podcasting, and other tactics content marketers use.

Updated: 04/11/24

Published: 04/11/24

In this guide, I will show how you can use content marketing to attract, educate, engage, and delight your target audience.

We’ve applied what you’ll learn for over a decade, causing us to attract millions of monthly visitors to HubSpot.com .

what is content writing marketing

Whether you’re devising or refreshing your strategy, this guide will help you reassess your process and come up with new ways to create and share content with your audience.

Here‘s what we’ll cover:

What is content marketing?

Content marketing statistics, types of content marketing, content marketing and seo, content marketing and social media, how does content marketing work.

Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing Examples

Traits of effective content marketing, best content marketing resources, best content marketers to follow on linkedin and x.

The definition of content marketing is simple.

Content marketing is the publishing of written and visual material online with the purpose of attracting more leads to your business.

These materials can include blog posts , ebooks , infographics , videos , web pages, and more.

However, content marketing is not the publishing of a thin piece of content that offers little value. The focus is on making valuable materials your audience can discover themselves while they browse.

Today, outbound marketing strategies (marketing tactics that interrupt your audience) aren’t as effective at resonating with and converting audiences. This is where inbound , the opposite of outbound, shines.

A common way of using inbound is by creating a narrative for your content — or telling a story. In doing so, your content will feel more authentic, engaging, and tailored to your audience.

So, what defines content marketing anyway?

Content Marketing

Content marketing is the planning, creating, distributing, sharing, and publishing of content via channels such as social media, blogs, websites, podcasts, apps, press releases, print publications, and more. The goal is to reach your target audience and increase brand awareness, sales, engagement, and loyalty.

Why is content marketing important?

2024 HubSpot research shows that 29% of companies use content marketing .

Let’s explore some reasons companies do this.

what is content writing marketing

Content Marketing Planning Templates

Plan your content strategically with these handy templates.

  • Editorial Calendar Template
  • Buyer Persona Templates
  • SWOT Analysis Templates
  • SMART Goal Template

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

1. Modern consumers prefer informational content over intrusive Ads.

Years back, the Content Marketing Institute found that 70% of consumers prefer to learn about a product or service via an article rather than an ad.

This is still true today because 44% of buyers consume three to five pieces of content before engaging with a vendor.

These stats suggest consumers like me would actively avoid unsolicited marketing messages, such as cold calling and paid ads.

For instance, I didn’t mind buying a YouTube Premium subscription to block interruptive ads.

And I’m not alone.

One study revealed 290 million people use ad blockers on their desktops .

2. Less costly but more effective lead generation method.

Demand Metric established that content marketing generates over three times more leads than outbound marketing and costs 62% less on average.

Anecdotal evidence proves this is still correct.

A popular entrepreneur, Alex Hormozi , recently revealed that he and his wife, Leila, spend about $70,000 monthly to produce 160 content pieces.

This content saves the Hormozis over $2 million that they’d have spent on paid ads to get leads.

Besides the Hormozis, 67% of B2B marketers say content marketing was an effective lead generation strategy in 2023.

3. Builds Brand Awareness

Content marketing expands your reach and increases your chances of being discovered by a new audience.

The result? You increase your brand recognition and recall.

To maximize this benefit, publish and distribute your content consistently.

4. Builds Trust and Establishes Brand Authority

Consistent sharing of educational content positions you as an expert advisor.

It shows your audience that you value them and are interested in their success.

This grows brand trust, keeps you top of mind, and makes your audience more likely to choose you when ready to make a purchase decision.

In September 2023, HubSpot surveyed 1,400+ B2B and B2C marketers across 14 countries and 23 industries. Here is some of what they said:

  • 30% of marketers will start using short-form videos in 2024.
  • 56% of marketers using TikTok will increase their investment next year, the highest on any platform.
  • 45% of marketers use AI for ideas and inspiration, 31% create outlines, 18% to draft their content, and 6% use AI to write content.
  • 14% of marketers say creating content that generates leads is one of their top challenges.
  • 87% of social sellers say social selling is effective, and 59% say they made more sales on social media in 2023 than 2022.
  • 24% of marketers with effective strategies in 2023 list increasing revenue and sales as their top goal for 2024.
  • 16% of marketers plan to try experiential marketing (engaging audiences in real life.
  • with pop-ups and events) and influencer marketing for the first time.

To get more insights, download the 2024 State of Marketing Report .

Now let’s look at types of content marketing.

There are many types of content marketing you can incorporate into your strategy. Here are some of the most common.

what is content writing marketing

1. Find your target audience.

Creating content for a broad audience sounds like a good idea. But it’s hard to stand out with content that appeals to everyone.

Instead, focus on a niche of people with specific interests and needs. This can help you build a community with your content. To get started, look at your buyer personas .

Then, answer the following questions about your target audience to help you narrow down the right content for them:

  • What do they need from you?
  • What challenges are they looking to overcome?
  • Why do they need your product or service?
  • How can you help them succeed?
  • Where do they spend their time?

2. Set SMART goals.

The next part of your content marketing strategy is to set SMART goals. These should be specific to your business — they’ll likely complement your broader marketing strategy and company goals.

Here are some SMART goal examples and SMART goal templates to help you get started.

3. Determine your KPIs.

Next, set key performance indicators (KPIs) for your SMART goals. KPIs are quantifiable data points you can use to measure your actual performance against your goal.

4. Decide on the type of content and content formats.

Next, you want to choose the type of content you’ll create and your top content formats.

Types of content are the broad categories of content you plan to produce. Content formats are the specific presentation methods within a content type.

For example, blog posts are a content type. But, a blog can include content formats like listicles, how-tos, thought leadership, product reviews, and more.

To get started, run a content audit to see what kind of content is already resonating with your customers.

You may also want to do some competitive analysis and look at industry trends . This research can help you figure out what content strategy will work best for your business.

Then, look back at the various content we reviewed earlier and your target audience research to decide on content types and formats.

5. Choose your content channels.

Once you’ve decided on the type of content you’ll market with, it’s time to choose your specific content channels.

Where will you share your content? Where will it live and be shared from?

For some of the content types, the channel you need to work with will be obvious. For example, if you’re creating Facebook content, your channel will be the social platform itself.

6. Set a budget.

Now, set your budget. Think about the type of content you’re creating and which channels you’re marketing that content on.

Then, ask yourself the following questions to figure out your budget:

  • Do you need to purchase any software or technology to create the content? Think about tools like Adobe Photoshop , a subscription to Canva , or a camera to take high-quality photos and videos.
  • Do you need to hire any content marketers or designers (such as artists, writers, editors, designers)?
  • Do you need to pay for ad space?
  • Do you need access to specific tools or resources to enhance or measure your specific type of content?

Make note of how your responses impact your budget — whether that’s an increase or decrease in what you may have already estimated.

7. Create a content publishing schedule.

To ensure you’re consistently producing content and sharing it with your prospects and customers, use a social media calendar or an editorial content calendar .

This will help your team stay on top of all the content your team is creating as well as allow you to schedule it ahead of time.

what is content writing marketing

Much of Dollar Shave Club’s video content has gone viral. Their marketing efforts are on-brand, humorous, and entertaining.

By establishing a name for itself via online video content, Dollar Shave Club has experienced impressive growth and brand recognition.

6. Example of Paid Ad Content Marketing

what is content writing marketing

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Content Marketing 101: What is a Content Writer?

Content Marketing 101: What is a Content Writer?

It’s often said that “content is king.” Although Microsoft founder Bill Gates made that famous claim way back in 1996, it remains true today. Quality content that delivers valuable, relevant information is the linchpin of most successful marketing campaigns.

Respected SEO and content marketing experts Semrush recently reported that 45% of marketers are publishing more content than ever, more frequently, while 44% stated that marketing success revolves around the quality and value of the content.

But marketers aren’t necessarily creating that content themselves. Statista reports that at least 30% of B2B marketers are outsourcing all their content creation, with more still seeking expert, external advice on aspects like keyword research. The most commonly outsourced task was content writing . To really understand why the role of content writer is so in demand, it helps to get to grips with the basics of content marketing.

Learn more about content creation with Scripted here.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a way to build brand loyalty and sell products, services, and expertise. You achieve this by creating and sharing information that’s relevant and useful to your chosen target audience. It’s a vital aspect of inbound marketing: marketing that gets leads to come to you rather than you chasing them down.

A great content marketing strategy relies on different types of content such as blog posts, articles, infographics, and video content to demonstrate a brand’s authority. In that way, people are willing to trust the brand and turn to it when they need its products, services, or expertise. Good content is simply well-written, well-researched information that can stand on its own, even though it’s shared by a business to attract customers. Content writers are the foundation of great content marketing.

What Does a Content Marketer Do?


At its core, content is simply information. As we’ve seen, content on the web can take a variety of forms, both written and visual. Content writers, of course, specialize in written content, but that can range from the typical blog posts and web pages to social media posting, press releases , SEO-friendly image captions, whitepapers , and even video scripts .

Take a look at the many products available from Scripted’s content writing team here .

Content is messaging directed toward the needs of a particular audience, which could include current and potential customers, investors, employees, or other stakeholders. That’s why understanding the purpose of content is foundational to producing high-quality work. Content can be well-written, thoroughly researched, and creatively conceived, but if it doesn’t speak to the intended audience and provide the value that the audience is looking for, it's not doing its job. High-quality content for marketing purposes combines creative writing skills with great research and a thorough understanding of the target audience.

Content writers often work directly with a business’s marketing team to ensure their copywriting efforts are ranking in organic search results. Metrics from Google Analytics provide clear insight into how a business's content is performing. Your content’s performance must be measurable so you know what works and what doesn’t.

Content Writers Demonstrate Why People Should Care About Your Products and Services


If you’ve spent hours browsing available content writers online, you probably feel more confused than you were before you started. That’s because a lot of content creators—including journalists and copywriters—position themselves as content writers to attract clients.

However, not every writer qualifies as a “content writer.”

A good content writer has one main job: demonstrate to your potential buyers why they should care about your products and services. They achieve this goal by using your brand’s voice to educate people about what you offer or create content that provides value to that audience in some other way. Getting this job done can take hundreds or thousands of words.

Content writers have several secondary objectives as they work to demonstrate your brand’s value. For example, they might:

  •           Include keywords that your potential customers will use in their search queries.
  •           Write meta descriptions that encourage readers to click your link over other search results, also known as search engine   optimization .
  •           Identify other pain points of customers and clients.
  •           Enhance your brand’s image by giving your blog, social media accounts, podcast scripts, email marketing, and publications more personality.

This all feeds into an effective content strategy that delivers genuine, measurable results. Although successful content writers use multiple digital marketing strategies, demonstrating your value to readers is always top-of-mind.

Scripted’s writers come from multiple industries and all have marketing and SEO expertise to help you create content that provides genuine value to your readership. Get started here .

  Is a Content Creator a Content Marketer?


Some content creators might work as content writers, but not all content creators are content writers. Does that sound confusing? Let’s break it down.

People who call themselves “content creators” can work in various areas of content creation. Some are podcasters. Some are directors who make YouTube videos. Some are artists who draw funny memes. And, of course, some work as content marketers and content writers.

You can think of content writers as a specific type of content creator. They might even dabble in other creative areas. When they write for you, though, their work educates audiences so people know they can trust your brand to offer reliable solutions.

Is a Journalist a Content Marketer?


Journalists often have the writing skills to become content marketing writers, but they have to abandon objectivity and investigation when they work for you.

Obviously, you don’t want to pay a writer to hand you an article about some mistake your company made a decade ago. That’s the kind of content journalists write. Great content marketers strive to show what’s great about your company, products, and services. They want to subtly promote you while also helping readers learn something.

What Skills Should You Look for in a Content Writer?


Great! Now you know what a content writer does. Let’s move on to the skills someone needs to work as a successful content writer.

Flexibility to Match Your Brand’s Voice

Your brand has a unique personality that needs to come across in every piece of content you publish. If content marketing doesn’t feel authentic, it will not convert readers.

The best copywriters can alter their writing style to match your voice. They can take a formal tone that appeals to investors interested in emerging cryptocurrencies, or they can take an informal tone that attracts outdoor adventurers who connect with tales of hiking muddy trails and lazily drifting on the water after a long day of kayaking.

Some content writers specialize in certain tones. This approach works well for them, and it could work very well for you, too. Does it really matter that Jack W. can craft hilarious one-liners when you need someone to explain how hedge funds function? Probably not. As long as the writer can follow your brand’s tone, you have a good match.

How many blog posts does the internet need about the benefits of exercise? Do you need to read another piece of content about which social media platform is best?

There are literally billions of web pages on the World Wide Web. Very few of them stand out. For the most part, it’s the same old content pointing to the same research trying to sell you a different version of the same product.

The internet is so cluttered that very few people can write valuable content that stands out. It takes impressive creativity to create brand awareness. This includes keeping on top of emerging content creation trends. Currently, TikTok is the fastest-growing platform for short-form video content, with over 1 billion active users as of February 2023. 18% of marketers have already jumped on this opportunity, and great content writers could help you write video scripts that appeal to a whole new audience.

You can also talk to a content writer about what’s worked in the past for businesses within your industry. When you join a content creation platform like Scripted , you get access to writers that have worked on projects ranging from affiliate programs to creating flyers for trade conventions. While digital marketing is the biggest focus for most companies, these traditional avenues still create excellent ROI. In fact, combining a print advertising campaign with digital efforts could increase success by as much as 400% .

Industry Expertise

Brands usually have specific needs when they look for content writers. If your company makes custom GPUs for hardcore gamers, you should hire a technology content writer who can explain RAM usage, motherboard compatibility, and other topics that interest your customers. You might also need someone who can make currently dry product descriptions pop.

Does your company offer business advice to companies that cultivate or sell recreational marijuana? Then you want a professional content writer with experience in cannabis content marketing .

Any topic that requires a high level of understanding demands a technical writer with plenty of experience. You probably don’t need an expert to write general knowledge posts about home gardening, but your law firm definitely needs a legal expert to cover the specifics of a new law.

Great content writers also have skill sets across a range of different platforms. They know how to utilize trending topics and hashtags on Twitter and Instagram and how to be professional while providing thought-provoking long-form content on LinkedIn. Creating content that can be shared widely creates more opportunities for “earned media”: likes, comments, and even testimonials that your readership provides for free in response to your brilliantly written web content.

Example of Great Content Writing

What does great content writing look like? If you want to see some content writer’s work we believe in, here are some great examples from current Scripted writers that you can hire right now :

  •           12 Ways to Repurpose Your Evergreen Content
  •           Could ChatGPT Become an AI Tool for Content Writing Services? Yes, But…
  •           Defining Lead Progress & How It Relates to Content Creation
  •           How To Measure Your White Paper’s Success

Find out more about great content and how to promote and publish it here .

Finding and Working With a Content Writer

If you're looking for a content writer, a content marketing platform like Scripted can help you quickly find the right one for your needs. Before you begin, define the formats and types of content you need and the results you want to get. Do you want to optimize your landing pages for SEO, or create a series of thought leadership blogs? Scripted can match you with a writer that suits your needs.

Determine a general word count and any other considerations. Then search for content writers with experience not only in your industry but also in writing the sort of content you’re looking for. Your content service may also choose specific writers for you.

Scripted's pool of professional freelance writers specializes in SEO-friendly digital content for startups, agencies, and enterprises. Our expert editing team proofreads and hones content for guaranteed results.

We're proud to work with a fantastic community of highly-vetted writers with experience in a diverse range of industries, including automotive, construction, healthcare, IT, security, personal finance, and sales. in fact, our writers have years of experience across over 50 industries. We also have writers who are skilled in languages other than English to help your business's online content gain a truly global reach.

How it works: Register. Order your first piece of content. Work directly with our innovative platform and a content writer who understands how to drive your conversion rate.


Sign Up For Your 30 Day Free Trial Today!

what is content writing marketing

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Content Marketing vs. Content Writing: Which Is Better for You?

November 17, 2022

by Brynne Ramella

Content Marketing vs. Content Writing

In this post

What is content marketing, steps in developing a content marketing strategy, what is content writing, tips for writing compelling content for marketing, striking the perfect balance.

Behind every great copy lie the three Cs of content: clear, concise, and compelling.

From online ads to marketing emails flooding our inboxes to the description of the next Netflix show we decide to binge – content is everywhere. So creating engaging, comprehensive, and unique content is the only means of conquering the current digital landscape.

Making content that can benefit your marketing initiatives can be tricky without the proper blend of content creation software and content writing services.  But is the process of creating content interchangeable with marketing it? Absolutely not.

Is content writing the same as content marketing?

Content marketing solutions  use content as a marketing tool and involve processes like content planning, creation, distribution, and analytics. Content writing consists of creating written content pieces that aid in a content marketing strategy.

You may need clarification on the difference between content marketing and content writing, wondering which one will better serve your business plan. There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Content marketing and writing are essential to establishing a successful content strategy .

However, many brands fail to understand that they need to strive for the perfect balance between the two. 

The goal of content marketing is to educate and engage an audience with evergreen content  while attracting new customers. It is all about providing value to your audience to gain their trust and loyalty. Although, keep in mind that it’s a slow build. You will not win over your audience’s business instantaneously.

Content marketing requires you to put in the effort before you get something in return. You need to connect with your audience and gain their trust.

Think of your favorite commercial or a great article you read recently. What was it about that piece that stayed with you? Chances are there was an emotional component in the content that struck a chord.

Usually, these are the standard steps involved when working on a content marketing strategy:

  • Define your goals and objectives
  • Study your target audience
  • Take some time to do a competitive analysis
  • Evaluate your available resources
  • Conduct comprehensive keyword research
  • Perform content audit for your website
  • Plan your editorial calendar
  • Work on promoting content , not just creation
  • Track your performance and modify it as needed

No one’s expecting you to create a Stephen King-level saga within your content. But it would help if you still made your audience feel something.

Generally, positive emotion in content tends to perform better than negative. Potential customers are more likely to tell their friends about a piece of content that inspired them or made them laugh rather than something that bummed them out.

If potential customer associates your brand with a positive feeling, they will likely come back for more. Feed customers valuable content so there’s a reason for them to stick around.

Content marketing comes in various forms, such as blog posts, articles, podcasts, videos, and email newsletters . If upping your content marketing seems too big of a task to handle, you can utilize one of these content marketing agencies .

of marketers report that content marketing helps in lead generation.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

If content marketing is a marathon, then content writing is the first leg of that race. Effective content writing can boost your content marketing game. When a business has a limited sale or asks customers to sign up for an email newsletter, immediate action is required. There’s no time to win over an audience slowly.

Effective content writing will convince an audience to perform the action your business is looking for.  It requires you to cover a lot of ground quickly.

You need to introduce your product or brand and a call to action, all while finding a way to hook your audience. Due to limited space, content writing needs to go beyond a Shakespearian knack for words. There’s a science to persuading a reader to convert to a customer.  

Sales pages, ads, direct mail, landing pages, and infomercials are some of the mediums that fall into the content writing category. Generally speaking, if you need to quickly and efficiently persuade an audience to complete an action, content writing is the way to go.

Take a look at these content writing agencies if you need a little assistance in the content writing field.

Before getting started with your content piece, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Understand your business goals. Make sure your content aligns with your business goals. You should know which type of content you need, the style/tone you want to write in, and what you wish to achieve from each content piece.
  • Be aware of the buyer persona. A buyer persona portrays an ideal customer. By defining your buyer persona, you can focus on identifying the right tone and type of content you need to produce to attract and convert your target audience. 
  • Research search intent. Since your goal is to provide solutions, being able to answer user queries is very important. And you can’t answer user queries without knowing their search intent . There are four types of search intent: transactional, informational, navigational, and commercial.
  • Be authentic, always. It’s essential to gain your customers’ trust. So, be it the research you do, the brands you promote, or the product you are trying to sell, always stay true to your brand and remain honest with what you create. 
  • Write clickable headlines. A headline can make or break the performance of your articles. It’s the first thing a user reads and is crucial in getting those clicks on search engines. Here’s a quick guide to help you write catchy headlines .
  • Include CTAs. Make the most of a reader clicking on your article. Give them more options to explore your website and other content pieces through relevant interlinking and adding calls to action (CTAs) . By including CTAs in your blogs, you can direct a user further down the funnel and make an informed decision.

The right blend of content marketing and content writing can bring you the best results. These services are like peanut butter and chocolate. They taste great on their own, but when you bring them together, you end up creating something even better. As long as you understand the distinct purpose of each, you will have no problem combining forces.

Your business can hire a content marketing agency to churn out a solid piece of content. But without a compelling headline, you’re not giving your audience a reason to click on your piece. That’s where solid content writing comes in.

On the flip side, if your content reads like an advertisement, it will not be enjoyable for your audience. Bring in content marketing to produce valuable and digestible content.

Align the forces!

Your quest for creating compelling content for your marketing endeavors ends here! Combine the forces of content marketing and content writing to come up with an elaborate editorial calendar that is the best reflection of your content strategy. 

There are so many content forms to pick and experiment with, don't let it intimidate you. People consume digital content much more than they used to, and this consumption is bound to increase in the upcoming years. So don't be afraid of experimenting, because that's how you discover what works best for your brand.

When executed correctly, content marketing and writing will deliver results that not only provide value for readers but also convert them into loyal customers.

Ready to learn more? Discover how content distribution can help you reach the right audience.

This article was originally published in 2019. It has been updated with new information.

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Brynne is the Buyer Inquiry Team Lead at G2 Crowd. In addition to writing, she leads the research specialists in providing personalized software and services recommendations to buyers. She wishes she had interesting hobbies to include in this bio.

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What is Content Marketing? Strategic Storytelling for Business Growth

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Julia McCoy

content marketing

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is the power of strategic storytelling to boost your business growth. It’s a universe where each blog post you write can captivate and persuade audiences. We’re not merely scribbling text; we’re weaving narratives that tug at your audience’s heartstrings, compelling them to respond.

In this guide, we’ll break down the definition of content marketing, how it works, and why it’s crucial for connecting with your digital audience.

You’ll get a deep dive into how content marketing stands apart from traditional copywriting, explore its evolution from print to pixels, and uncover the types of content that can amplify your message.

We also unpack key strategies for success, including SEO’s pivotal role in making sure your content gets seen.

Plus, we’ll confront the usual obstacles directly while also peering into what tomorrow’s trends might mean for our field.

Table Of Contents:

Content marketing definition, how content marketing works, the evolution of content marketing, social media posts, email marketing, podcast and audio content, know your audience, write with a purpose, find your audience, measure your progress, the role of seo in content marketing, challenges and solutions in content marketing, personalization at scale, ai-driven content creation, interactive media takes center stage, what do you mean by content marketing, what does a content marketer do, what are the 5 c’s of content marketing, what are the 7 steps of content marketing.

Picture this: you’re browsing the web, looking for advice on how to ace your next job interview. You stumble upon an article that not only answers your question but also feels like it’s speaking directly to you. That right there is content marketing in action.

But what exactly is content marketing?

Here’s a content marketing definition from the Content Marketing Institute :

Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — ultimately driving profitable customer action.

Content marketing can take many forms – from blog posts that answer specific questions about your industry or informative videos that demonstrate how to use a product effectively.

The goal is always the same: provide value first.

What does your audience need help with? How can you solve their problems before they even ask?

By prioritizing the desires and pressing issues of its target audience, content marketing gradually cultivates a foundation of trust.

In today’s digital age where everyone’s fighting for attention online, content marketers have their work cut out for them. But by focusing on delivering genuine value rather than pushing sales pitches, businesses stand a better chance at winning hearts (and wallets).

what is content writing marketing

Content marketing definition from  Search Engine Land

Content marketing and copywriting often get lumped together, but they play very different roles in the digital landscape.

At its core, content marketing focuses on building relationships with your audience over time. It’s like planting a garden. You sow seeds (create content), water them regularly (update and maintain relevance), and eventually enjoy the fruits of your labor (engaged customers).

On the other hand, copywriting focuses on sparking instant decisions. Think of it as a sales pitch at a market stall where you have just a few moments to convince passersby to buy now.

While copywriting focuses on nudging the customer to act, content marketing nurtures a relationship with its audience through engaging and informative material over time.

Content marketing aims to educate, entertain, or inspire your audience with valuable information that builds trust over time. This could be through blog posts, videos, podcasts — any medium that serves your audience’s needs while highlighting your brand’s value.

Copywriting, however, has its eyes on the prize: conversion. Every line is crafted to lead the reader closer to making a purchase or taking another desired action.

A well-rounded strategy incorporates both content marketing and copywriting seamlessly. Use compelling storytelling from content marketing to build an engaged community around your brand and employ strategic copywriting techniques at crucial touchpoints along the customer journey for maximum impact.

what is content writing marketing

Source:  Ahrefs

Gone are the days when print ads and billboards were the default channels for getting your message out there. The Internet revolution brought about a seismic shift towards digital platforms. Websites emerged as modern marketplaces while blogs evolved into crucial instruments for companies eager to share their stories intimately to the audience.

The shift wasn’t merely a transition to the digital realm; it fundamentally altered the art of communication itself. Companies started realizing that sharing insightful content was a more potent magnet for audiences than the classic sales pitch.

With the progression of tech, content marketing tactics also transformed. What started with blog posts expanded rapidly into videos, infographics, podcasts, and webinars — each offering unique ways to engage different segments of an audience. This variety meant companies could tailor their messaging more precisely than before, using the right type of content for each target group.

Videos especially have seen exponential growth thanks to platforms like YouTube and TikTok making video creation accessible to everyone — not just big brands with hefty production budgets.

Now, marketers can harness data analytics to scrutinize metrics ranging from click-through rates to engagement intensities, paving the way for enhanced campaign strategies.

SEO practices have become intertwined with content creation too, ensuring visibility is maximized across search engines without compromising on quality or relevance.

The landscape continues to change but one thing remains constant: Content is king. And its kingdom keeps expanding.

what is content writing marketing

The evolution of content marketing in the last three decades

Types of Content Marketing

Content marketing is a multifaceted strategy that embraces a wide array of formats to engage audiences and drive business objectives.

From informative blogs and engaging videos to insightful podcasts and interactive infographics, each type of content offers unique advantages in storytelling and audience connection.

Here are some of the most popular types of content marketing.

Blogs, the Swiss Army knife of content strategies, not only cement your expertise but also captivate your audience’s curiosity. With SEO-friendly practices, they’re great for boosting your site’s visibility. Think about incorporating long-form pieces to dive deep into topics your audience cares about.

Blogging provides a superb stage for weaving narratives, enabling you to connect deeply with your audience. Sharing firsthand experiences or case studies here can significantly enhance your brand’s trustworthiness.

what is content writing marketing

In today’s fast-paced world, videos stand out by delivering engaging messages quickly. Sites such as YouTube have democratized video material, enabling companies to connect with a broader demographic through instructional content, critiques, or glimpses into their backstage processes.

This format is particularly effective because it combines visuals with sound to create memorable experiences. Just remember that quality matters — a well-produced video can elevate your brand above the competition.

Platforms like Instagram and Twitter let you bond with your audience by sharing content that’s both current and resonates on a personal level. Each platform has its vibe — Instagram thrives on aesthetics while Twitter favors witty banter.

The key here is consistency and interaction; regular posts keep followers engaged while responding to comments builds community around your brand. Sprout Social’s insights on social media trends highlight how these interactions boost overall engagement rates dramatically.

In the digital age, email marketing remains a cornerstone for businesses looking to engage their audience and drive conversions.

To leverage the power of email marketing effectively, it’s crucial to understand that not all emails serve the same purpose. Depending on whether you aim to inform, entertain, or sell, the content of your emails will vary greatly.

Here are some ideas:

  • Educational Newsletters: Share industry insights or tips related to your product/service that add value to your readers’ lives.
  • Promotional Emails: Highlight special offers or new products with attractive visuals and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs).
  • Welcome Series: Engage new subscribers by introducing them to what makes your brand unique through a series of welcome emails.
  • Survey Emails: Gather valuable feedback from customers about their experience with your product/service through carefully crafted questions.

The key is personalization and relevance. According to Campaign Monitor, readers are 26% more likely to open emails with personalized subject lines . This means understanding who is at the other end of an email and tailoring content accordingly isn’t just beneficial — it’s necessary for successful engagement.

Beyond personalization lies consistency in quality and delivery timing which helps build trust between you and your subscribers over time. Crafting engaging stories around how users can benefit from using products/services rather than hard-selling also fosters better relationships — turning casual readers into loyal followers.

Podcasts have emerged as a powerful tool to engage audiences and enhance brand visibility.

The beauty of podcasts lies in their versatility. A boutique beauty brand might opt for a series featuring expert tips on skincare routines while a large enterprise B2B company could focus on interviews with industry leaders discussing future trends.

Here are some creative ideas to kickstart your podcast marketing:

  • Educational Series: Share valuable knowledge related to your field that positions your brand as an authority.
  • Interviews: Host conversations with thought leaders and influencers who can offer fresh perspectives relevant to your audience.
  • Customer Stories: Spotlight success stories where customers share how they’ve benefited from using your products or services.

Beyond merely producing episodes, remember the golden rule of content repurposing: one piece of quality content can transform into multiple formats. Your podcast episodes are treasure troves waiting to be mined — transcribe them into blog posts or distill key quotes for social media graphics. This strategy not only maximizes exposure but also ensures consistent messaging across different platforms.

what is content writing marketing

Ideal types of content marketing for each stage of the customer journey

How to Create a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

The success of your content marketing efforts lies in your content strategy.

How do you create a winning content marketing strategy ?

Knowing your audience inside out is crucial. It’s about figuring out not just who they are but what makes them tick. This entails immersing yourself in understanding the audience’s demographics, hobbies, challenges they face, and their preferences in digesting information.

Tools like Google Analytics can make this process easy. Find out the identity and desires of your visitors, enriching your understanding of their digital footprints.

But it doesn’t stop there. Engaging with your audience through surveys or social media can also uncover valuable information directly from the source. Keep in mind that an effective plan communicates straight to the people it’s meant for.

Crafting compelling content starts with understanding why you’re creating it in the first place. Whether it’s blog posts designed to educate or videos meant to entertain, each piece should have a clear purpose aligned with business goals.

The key here is quality over quantity. With so much noise online, only well-researched and thoughtfully produced content will cut through. This approach not only establishes trust but also positions you as an authority in your field — a vital component of E-E-A-T .

Your amazing content won’t do much if no one sees it; hence why choosing the right distribution channels matters big time — whether that be email newsletters targeted at existing customers or SEO strategies aimed at gaining new eyes via search engines.

So think about where your audience hangs out online — are they scrolling through LinkedIn? Or maybe catching up on industry blogs? Wherever they are: make sure you’re there too.

Lastly, let’s talk numbers because without tracking performance we’re basically shooting in the dark. Knowing which pieces resonated most (or flopped) helps inform future efforts, ensuring every bit of effort counts towards bigger-picture objectives — from website traffic increases to lead generation rates.

Everything needs to be tracked and analyzed regularly for continuous improvement. After all, continuous improvement is the end game.

what is content writing marketing

5 elements of a successful content marketing strategy

Search engine optimization or SEO is the key to making your content discoverable.

SEO isn’t just about stuffing keywords into articles anymore. Crafting content that genuinely addresses people’s curiosities has become the essence of modern SEO. Google loves this because value-focused content gives users exactly what they’re searching for.

Tools like Moz Keyword Explorer help you find words and phrases your audience uses when they’re looking for information online.

But it doesn’t stop at finding the right keywords; placing them strategically within your content matters too. This practice falls under on-page SEO tactics which include using keywords in titles, headings, and throughout your article to signal what your piece is about.

An often overlooked part of SEO in content marketing is user experience (UX).

Yes, UX plays a huge role. If people click away from your site because it’s hard to navigate or slow to load, all those well-placed keywords won’t matter much.

This brings us back full circle: high-quality content plus solid SEO equals visibility online. Without both working together harmoniously, even great pieces can get lost among millions of others vying for attention on page one of Google searches.

Content marketing comes with its own set of challenges, but there are effective solutions to address them.

Here’s a breakdown:

Creating Quality Content: One of the biggest challenges is consistently producing high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.

Solution: Invest time in understanding your audience’s needs and preferences through research and analytics. Create a content calendar to maintain consistency and plan content topics in advance.

Meeting Demand: Creating fresh content regularly can be time-consuming and expensive.

Solution: Repurpose existing content into different formats and channels to extend its lifespan and reach new audiences. For example, you can turn blog posts into videos, podcasts, or ebooks, or break down long-form content into shorter, digestible formats for social media.

An AI tool like Content at Scale can help you repurpose YouTube videos, podcast episodes, and even existing blog posts into 100% original, SEO-optimized long-form articles — in just one click.

Generating Engagement: Getting your audience to engage with your content can be difficult in a saturated online environment.

Solution: Encourage interaction by asking questions, running polls, and responding to comments promptly. Utilize multimedia content such as videos, infographics, and interactive tools to make your content more engaging.

Content Distribution: Even the best content won’t deliver results if it doesn’t reach the right audience.

Solution: Develop a comprehensive content distribution strategy that leverages multiple channels, including social media, email marketing, SEO, and influencer partnerships. Tailor your content for each platform and audience segment to maximize reach and engagement.

Measuring ROI: Determining the return on investment (ROI) of content marketing efforts can be challenging, especially when it comes to attributing revenue directly to content.

Solution: Set clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) for your content marketing campaigns, such as website traffic, lead generation, or brand awareness. Use analytics tools to track and analyze metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your content.

Staying Relevant: Trends and consumer preferences are constantly evolving, making it challenging to keep up with the latest developments.

Solution: Stay informed about industry trends and changes in consumer behavior through market research, competitor analysis, and ongoing monitoring of social media and online communities. Adapt your content strategy accordingly to remain relevant and meet the evolving needs of your audience.

By addressing these challenges with strategic solutions, businesses can overcome barriers and unlock the full potential of content marketing to drive engagement, build brand awareness, and drive conversions.

Future Trends in Content Marketing

In the ever-shifting landscape of content marketing, remaining at the forefront requires vigilant observation of upcoming trends.

Let’s dive into what lies ahead for content marketing in the era of AI.

Gone are the days when one-size-fits-all content could cut it. Today, personalization is not just preferred; it’s expected.

Artificial intelligence can help marketers tailor content to individual preferences, behaviors, and historical interactions. Adopting a hyper-personalized strategy significantly enhances user involvement by addressing the unique desires and inclinations of each individual.

But there’s a catch — balancing personal touch with privacy concerns can be tricky. Diving deeper into this trend, it’s vital to openly communicate how you are using your clients’ data to preserve the bond of trust.

The rise of artificial intelligence in content creation sparks both excitement and debate. On one hand, AI tools offer efficiency gains by automating research and drafting processes, allowing creators to focus more on strategy and less on grunt work.

However, while AI can generate articles quickly, it lacks the nuance of human emotion. For now, blending AI-generated drafts with human editing seems to be the sweet spot — combining speed with soul.

what is content writing marketing

Here’s a more in-depth guide on the pros and cons of AI-generated content vs. human-written content .

Interactive media, including quizzes, polls, and augmented reality adventures, are increasingly capturing our attention. These formats invite audience participation, making them more engaging than passive consumption.

However, this also means brands need to get creative. Not every attempt at interactivity hits its mark, but when done right, it can significantly boost user engagement levels.

Embracing these trends requires flexibility, a willingness to experiment, and most importantly, a focus on delivering genuine value. For those in the content marketing field, this is a thrilling era filled with opportunities for innovation and adaptation.

FAQs – What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is all about crafting and sharing valuable information to draw in folks and keep them coming back.

A content marketer creates engaging stories and solves people’s problems through articles, videos, and social posts to attract an audience.

The 5 C’s stand for Context, Content, Community, Conversation, and Conversion. They guide marketers to hit their targets just right.

The seven steps include setting goals, understanding your audience, creating a strategy plan, crafting killer content, distributing it widely, measuring its impact, and tweaking based on feedback.

Diving into content marketing is like unlocking a treasure chest for your brand. You’ve seen how it’s not just about writing; it’s about connecting, engaging, and converting.

Remember, this journey sets you apart from plain copywriting through storytelling that resonates.

Instead of bombarding your readers with sales pitches, you’re offering them something valuable — whether it’s useful information, entertainment, or a solution to their problem. It’s all about building a relationship based on trust and understanding.

So, when you consistently create and share content for your audience, you’re not just promoting your brand, you’re also building a community of loyal followers who are more likely to stick around and support your business in the long run.

Looking ahead, the future of content marketing shines bright with personalization and AI advancements. Tools like Content at Scale make content creation more efficient than ever. Imagine writing a 3,000-word blog post from just one keyword in a matter of minutes!

Yet remember, the human touch remains irreplaceable.

Start crafting stories that matter to your audience today because, in the world of digital connection, every word counts towards building stronger relationships with your audience tomorrow.

Written by Julia McCoy

what is content writing marketing


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Content Marketing Isn’t Dead: Here’s the Proof

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You’ve possibly heard whispers around the digital watercooler — ominous murmurings that content marketing has kicked the bucket, shuffled off this mortal coil or simply ceased to be. But let me tell you, these harbingers of doom are about as on point as a blindfolded darts game.

Content marketing isn’t just alive; it’s like that rock star who trashed their hotel room, took a little nap and bounced back with a killer comeback tour. 

To be fair, the way we all approach quality content has changed, and traditional content marketing as we once knew it is in the rear-view mirror. Gone are the days when you could slap a keyword-stuffed blog post on your site and call it a day. Your audience has become web-savvy, content connoisseurs seeking meaningful engagements faster than you can say “brand awareness.” They expect you to woo them across social media platforms, come up with dazzling video content and essentially be the Shakespeare of the digital age.

And no, we’re not exactly objective when it comes to marketing efforts (we are an agency, after all). But before you suspect us of selling a zombie as a rosy-cheeked model, let’s walk through today’s landscape and best strategies to adapt.

First, What’s Even Included in Content Marketing?

Remember the good ol’ days when billboards and magazine ads were the big cheeses of advertising? Well, they’ve had to scoot over and make room for digital marketing strategies that have now taken the driver’s seat. And in a fast-paced world like this where not everyone successfully adapts to changing technologies and customer expectations, it’s only natural that some formats are deemed dead.

Over the last few years, folks have mourned and eulogized the supposed death of blogging , email marketing and too many platforms to count. Some, like Google+, may actually have gone away, but overall, content marketing is still very much alive .

What has changed, though, are the storytelling formats we use. Good content is no longer just about pitches, which may have worked in the early days of search engine optimization (SEO). Nowadays, your marketing team needs to create a narrative that your audiences can resonate with. Rather than squeezing keywords and data points into your copy, you’re wrapping up data and personal experiences with a ribbon of personalization, handing it over to consumers who now demand to be seen as more than just dollar signs.

Also, keep in mind that more brands are now introducing AI into the mix, often crafting personalized experiences that will make Siri jealous. That type of target audience segmentation would have been unthinkable only a few years ago, and it’s already driving the next generation of enterprise content marketing strategies.

The Evolution of Content: From Traditional Marketing to Hyperpersonalization

Unless you’re still wiping the tears from your eyes because we were talking about print ads earlier, you’ve probably heard about some type of personalization. Most people will think of scenarios like the barista remembering your coffee order, but in a digital marketing channel. Boring. 

Enter hyperpersonalization. It’s personalization with a cape, and it’s not just a fly-by-night trend. We already know that it can increase marketing ROI by up to 30% and that companies with faster growth rates derive 40% more revenue from personalization . So clearly, both customers and brands have gotten a taste of personalized content marketing efforts.

Thanks to AI, even a small business can now target high-quality content so precisely that it feels like your best friend next door wrote it just for you. Imagine your crafty uncle who just rebuilt his bar recommending that quirky tumbler you were eyeing, except it’s three types of Google Ads appearing out of nowhere. That’s AI and hyperpersonalization fist-bumping each other. Here’s where the magic happens.

  • Content Creation: No more shotgun approach. Content marketing work is now happening with laser focus, aiming at individual target audiences’ interests. If you’re creating one asset for all audiences, you’ll likely see competitors’ AI models pass you by very soon.
  • Content Distribution: As marketing tools streamline workflows to repurpose and finetune great content for different platforms, related posts now find your customers’ digital doorstep, rather than you hunting for a generic version online.
  • Content Measurement: Oh, the sweet, sweet data! Hyperpersonalization thrives on it. Now, your content creators can see what sticks and pivot faster than a cat video goes viral. This helps you boost marketing ROI and even realign your branding with target audiences.

But before we all get in the mood for the new age of automation around the digital fireplace, there are a few things we shouldn’t lose sight of.

First, data privacy . While it’s true that new tools give marketers incredible opportunities, they need to comply with current laws and regulations, whether that’s the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Most tools will follow best practices out of the box, but you should still be aware of recent regulatory changes within your industry and adjust settings based on your own preferences. Maybe you choose not to plug your latest product descriptions into your AI model because it’s a bit of a chatty Cathy.

Next up, new content forms . Yes, blog posts are still around (if not, what are you doing here?). However, you should also consider whether your brand could benefit from innovative content formats, like virtual reality experiences .

Finally, SEO may be the old-timer on the team, but it’s nonetheless crucial for your web presence, winking from the sidelines, knowing it’s very much in the game. Your business needs an online store sign, and that’s as true now as it was in 2015 . The SEO world has always endured a near-constant flood of change, whether to search algorithms, the tools we use to track success (looking at you, Google Search Console ) or how results appear in SERPs. As long as you’re reserving some of your time to keep up with the latest trends, you can future-proof your content strategy and adapt if necessary.

Developing an Adaptable Content Marketing Strategy

Right, let’s turn you into the Gordon Ramsay of content marketing!

Okay, without all the yelling … Just like a fine dining experience, the key to a mouth-watering content strategy lies in the prep work, the quality of your ingredients and, of course, a pinch of panache.

As any good chef worth their salt shaker will tell you, a recipe will change depending on who’s coming to dinner. Your content needs to be flexible enough to entertain and inform the ever-changing tastes and dietary restrictions of your audience. Be the content chef who isn’t afraid to swap out white papers for case studies when your critics demand it. For your marketing ROI as a whole, you can look at metrics like:

  • Return on ad spend.
  • Click-through rates.
  • Customer lifetime value.

To get the details right, bring in analytics and performance marketing tools to measure everything. That may sound over the top, but you want to know if your audience is savoring every social media post or if they’ve had enough after the first few campaigns. Use analytics to season (and re-season) your strategy, and don’t forget to run A/B tests to test hypotheses.

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Stop Thinking of It as Content Creation. Start Viewing It as Serving Potential Customers.

Would you rather whip up a quick campaign that gets viewers to click to drive up your stats or serve them with an experience that makes them feel recognized so they keep coming back? Since you’re a smart business person, you probably picked door number 2. And that’s also why you don’t want to fall for the trap of “more, more, more.”

Even after AI has already changed the game, lazy companies continue to serve a slapdash of disorganized experiences. No matter if it solves any problem, as long as we produce more!

But guess what? At a time when everyone keeps pumping out longer articles and more generic videos, the businesses that understand how to earn trust win actual business. And we don’t know about you, but we trust people who can show that they get us, not the guy who can talk the longest.

If your brand can deliver the right content at different stages of the buyer’s journey in a tone that your target audience enjoys, you almost can’t fail. 

  • Awareness Stage: Use light, engaging content to catch the eye and whet the appetite.
  • Consideration Stage: Offer more detailed and persuasive content to nudge your prospect closer to the sale.
  • Decision Stage: Seal the deal with a powerful call-to-action, just like a luscious cherry on top.

To benefit from curious readers who don’t know your brand yet, you may choose to create fact-packed blog posts that only hint at your own offerings. Once those readers get a feeling for what you’re about, they may actively search for your brand name and a niche topic. 

At that point, you could serve them a white paper, delivering more substance and your company’s unique selling points. And just before they’re ready to buy, they might be curious how well you’ve performed for other clients within your niche, searching for case studies or testimonials.

Your content should be like a personal maître d’, knowing what your customers desire before the words leave their lips. If you can deliver that at the right moment, customers will keep coming back for more.

Demystifying Digital Marketing’s Alleged Downfall

Let’s cut to the chase — you may still be inclined to believe the naysayers proclaiming that digital marketing is about as passé as flip phones and dial-up internet. But, hold on to your hashtags, because we’re about to throw around some hard data.

First, let’s consider why people like to say something’s dead. Just recently, you could’ve witnessed the demise of streaming and the Mac desktop , not to mention the stock market’s near-death experience . Even without being esoteric, we can guarantee that all of them will probably be around for a while. However, some sneaky writers figured out that our monkey brains tend to be more curious about something dying than something declining by 27.2%.

So, what does it look like in the real world?

While it’s true that 72% of marketers say they use generative AI, 57% still mention creating the right content for their audience as one of the biggest challenges, and 36% don’t use AI because of accuracy concerns. So clearly, the bots haven’t killed content marketing just yet.

It goes to show that we haven’t entered the age of mass production where algorithms can simply churn out highly personalized without humans lifting a finger. You still need to put in the research and finetune content to see results. No wonder, then, that 74% of enterprises still consider content marketing effective in boosting lead generation. 94% of marketers have understood that personalization boosts sales, and while AI may streamline that process, it still requires a detailed strategy.

In our own work, we’ve actually seen how the right content strategy can boost conversion rates as well as monthly traffic value . However, it’s also true that Gen Z and Gen Alpha typically spend almost twice the amount of time immersed in virtual universes as they do on TikTok, which is why hundreds of brands have joined the virtual gaming world.

So if you think of content as 300-word blog posts stuffed with long-tail keywords, then yes, sorry, you already missed that funeral. But if you broaden your horizon and think of content as something more dynamic, including everything from interactive games to motion graphics and white papers, then it’s just hatched from the egg. The key is to understand which mix will build the bridge between your brand story and your audience’s interests.

Relevant Content Will Never Die

Well, look at us, sitting here questioning the vitality of content marketing — like it’s some sort of digital zombie that’s lost its spark. Newsflash: Relevant content is the vampire of the marketing world; it just doesn’t die. As long as you’re crafting valuable content, your engagement stats will keep nodding their heads to the beat of your traffic. Here’s a stake to the heart of doubt. Think keywords, think relevance.

Don’t you dare churn out words willy-nilly. In your quest for immortality, remember the secret sauce: personalization and research. Your content needs to be like that perfectly tailored suit — fits just right and looks dashing on the digital runway of your chosen platform. Keep it snappy and tailored, and your audience will follow you into the content night, forever yours.

Florian Fuehren

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Florian Fuehren is a Content Writer at Brafton in Germany. Before becoming one of Brafton's first German writers, Florian has worked as a ghostwriter, editor, and lecturer. When he's not brooding over puns for the SaaS or Web3 niche, he likes to go jogging or maltreat his drum kit.

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ChatGPT prompts to produce content consistently (outperform everyone)

There are an infinite number of things to write about and an infinite number of ways to write about them. But when you’re hit with writer’s block, it can feel like every topic has been exhausted. Change that for good with ChatGPT, for more actionable and relevant ideas than you know what to do with.

ChatGPT doesn’t write my content, but I use it to produce consistently. Here are the five prompts I personally use to produce every day, resonate with my audience, and keep the ideas flowing. Copy, paste and edit the square brackets in ChatGPT, and keep the same chat window open so the context carries through.

Never be stuck for content ideas with ChatGPT: prompts to overcome writer’s block

Find new titles.

The headline is the most important component of any blog or article. Get the title right, and the rest almost writes itself. But it’s tough to think of compelling titles on tap. You need a system, and ChatGPT can help. Use this prompt to get new titles on tap, while learning from your best work to keep improving.

“Here are [number] titles that performed comparatively well over the last [duration]: [enter titles]. Here are some that didn’t: [enter titles]. Analyze the results and suggest: 10 new titles that will work well, then 10 rewrites of the titles that didn’t do well, to make them more compelling.”

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Rfk jr. campaign sues nevada election official over ballot requirement as push for debate stage nears eleventh hour, the fed quietly admits gold is replacing the dollar as collapse fear predicted to trigger a 15 7 trillion etf bitcoin price flip, understand audience pains.

The more you know your dream client, the more you can create work that speaks directly to them. Get on a deeper level with the people you create for and dig into their challenges and problems for ideas on how to solve them. Unless there’s a compelling reason for them to consume your content, they’ll go elsewhere. Get their attention and make them stay.

“My target audience, [describe your target audience], has problems including [describe target audience’s biggest problems]. Suggest 5 topics they want to read about to solve their problems, including any underlying or less obvious ones, within my swimlane of [your business or writing area].”‌

Champion their desires

Your social media content should demonstrate to your dream audience that you understand them like no one else does. They should feel as though you’re one of them; fighting their corner, representing their needs, understanding their vibe. Use this prompt to let your audience know you’re one of them, reinforcing that message with everything you create.

“My target audience deeply wants [describe target audience’s deepest desires]. Create 10 punchy phrases that they will agree with, that I could incorporate into social media posts. These should not be questions, but simple statements.”

Re-work hooks

The hook is the most important part of any social media post. Don’t underestimate the power of this opening line. Give your words more chance of being read by rewriting the hook until it’s perfect. With this prompt, it doesn’t need to take all day. Once you have your options, read each one out loud. Which sparks intrigue? Which grabs attention as a standalone line? Use the most compelling opener to draw people in every time.

“Here’s a social media post I’m going to send. Re-work the first line to grab attention. The opening line should not be a question. It should be 5-7 words long, create an information gap and create intrigue. Suggest 10 new opening lines. [Insert social media post].”

Ideate wildcards

Content creation is a system, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Incorporate some crazy into your process. Use this prompt to experiment with off-the-wall ideas you would never have thought of. So don’t think, just do. Be hungry for the data these new ideas will bring. You can always delete them if it really doesn’t work.

“Given what you know about my target audience’s biggest problems and deepest desires, as well as article titles that have performed well, suggest 5 new article titles that are more left field, that I can create as an experiment. For each one explain what the article should include and why it could perform well.”

Produce consistent work with ChatGPT: content creation prompts

Information is everywhere, and there’s no excuse to not get started. Use these prompts to make content creation a breeze, by knowing exactly what to create for your audience and brand. Get ideas for new headlines, understand your audience on a deep level, and re-work how you open posts so they’re set up for success. Finally, ideate wildcards by asking for crazy ideas. Creativity is a habit you can cement today.

Jodie Cook

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2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content Marketing

The future of SEO is trending toward a more human-first and user-centric approach, powered by AI intelligence and collaboration. Are you ready?

Join us live as we explore which SEO trends to prioritize to achieve sustainable growth and deliver reliable results. We’ll dive into best practices to adapt your strategy around industry-wide disruptions like SGE, how to navigate the top challenges SEO professionals are facing, and proven tactics for prioritizing quality and building trust.

You’ll hear:

  • The top SEO trends to prioritize in 2024 to achieve long-term success.
  • Predictions for SGE’s impact, and how to adapt.
  • What E-E-A-T really means, and how to implement it holistically (hint: it’s never been more important).

With Zack Kadish and Alex Carchietta, we’ll show you which SEO trends to ignore and which to focus on, along with the solution to overcoming rapid, significant and disruptive Google algorithm updates.

If you’re looking to cut through the noise of constant SEO and content trends to drive success, you won’t want to miss this webinar.

Be sure to join us live to ask Zack and Alex your questions in our Q&A following the webinar!

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60+ Powerful ChatGPT Prompts for Copywriting


A good copy is a powerful tool. It can make or break your marketing efforts, turning a casual browser into a customer. But crafting good copy is an art that often demands time, skill, and a deep understanding of human psychology. Fortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) and innovative AI tools like ChatGPT are here to make copywriting simpler, efficient, and even fun. By using ChatGPT prompts for copywriting, you can give your words an extra touch of magic.

If you’re struggling to find the right words to sell your product or service, this article provides over 60 ChatGPT copywriting prompts to point you in the right direction.

TL;DR Here’s a quick video with some useful ChatGPT prompts for copywriting –

ChatGPT and Copywriting

60+ best chatgpt prompts for copywriting.

  • ChatGPT prompts for copywriting headlines
  • ChatGPT prompts for website copy
  • ChatGPT prompts for landing page copy
  • ChatGPT prompts for CTAs
  • ChatGPT prompts for product descriptions
  • ChatGPT prompts for Ad copy
  • ChatGPT prompts for SEO copy
  • ChatGPT prompts for email copy
  • ChatGPT prompts for social media copy
  • ChatGPT prompts for press releases

How to effectively use ChatGPT prompts for copywriting

AI copywriter on Narrato

Launched in November 2022, ChatGPT has quickly gained popularity as a go-to AI tool due to its adaptability in handling a wide range of tasks, from writing to coding, and more. The tool made waves soon after its launch and reached 100 million active users in just 2 months! To put that into perspective, it took Twitter over 2 years and Netflix around 3 years to acquire the same number of users.

ChatGPT user growth compared to other online services

ChatGPT user growth compared to other online services ( Source )

At its core, ChatGPT is an AI language model that uses deep learning to generate human-like text responses based on the input it receives. Having been extensively trained on a diverse array of internet text, the model is capable of grasping context, tone, and linguistic nuances. This makes it an invaluable asset for copywriters. Even the most experienced copywriters can sometimes fall victim to repetitive thought patterns and stale ideas. With ChatGPT prompts , they can explore new ideas, experiment with different tones, and overcome creative obstacles. This AI tool can be just the thing to jolt you out of your comfort zone, reigniting the creative spark.

If you want to skip prompt engineering altogether, and make things even easier, there’s another tool that could help you in your copywriting tasks – Narrato’s AI Copywriter .

 Narrato's AI copywriter

This AI copywriting tool offers over 100 templates for generating everything, from landing pages, web page copy, and headlines to product descriptions, ads, and press releases. What makes this AI copywriter tool even better is that it supports all the major writing frameworks like AIDA, PAS, and BAB. It also comes with an  AI brochure generator . If you still want to use  ChatGPT prompts for content creation  and copywriting, Narrato has an AI Chat function for that too.

With that, let’s get straight to the list of Chat GPT copywriting prompts.

AI copywriter on Narrato

Using ChatGPT prompts for copywriting is a fantastic way to spruce up your content. Here are some ChatGPT prompts to help you with different copywriting tasks –

1. ChatGPT prompts for copywriting headlines

Did you know that nearly 80% of readers never go beyond the headline? Crafting attention-grabbing headlines is crucial to capturing readers’ attention and enticing them to click. With Chat GPT, the possibilities are endless. Whether you need compelling headlines for your website copy, blog posts, newsletters, or any content, these copywriting prompts for ChatGPT will surely help –

  • I’m writing content on [topic] and I need X headlines for this content. Each headline should follow one of the 4 U’s (Urgency, Unique, Useful and Ultra-specific).
  • Generate X catchy headlines for a blog article on [topic].
  • Create a headline for a Google Ad for a [ad theme] targeting [specify target audience].
  • Generate X compelling headlines for a landing page promoting [expain your offer].
  • Develop X sales page headlines for [product/service] that grab attention and drive conversions.
  • Generate a headline summarizing the following text. [Add text]
  • Create a headline on the theme [explain theme] that is X-words long.
  • Write a headline with a pun/funny quip on [topic].
  • Write a headline using [power word/adjective].
  • Create a headline on [topic] that is in the form of a question.

what is content writing marketing

Additional tools for headline generation

Narrato’s AI writer provides an AI template that generates 10 headline options in your preferred tone when you input your product or service details along with a description. You might also want to check out CoSchedule’s HeadlineStudio.

2. ChatGPT prompts for website copy

Having a website is not just a good-to-have, but a necessity for businesses today. It serves as a virtual meeting point where customers, existing or potential, can interact with the business 24/7. It is essentially the digital face of a business, narrating its story to the world and offering products or services. To build a good website, you need a good copy, and crafting that is no easy feat. But with the help of ChatGPT, you’ll have a treasure trove of inspiration at your fingertips. With its intelligent suggestions, ChatGPT can provide the perfect inspiration for crafting captivating and persuasive content. Here are some ChatGPT prompt for website content that you can try –

  • I am creating a website for [product/service] and I need to write a web copy using the [PAS, BAB, AIDA copywriting framework, etc.] copywriting formula.
  • Create a [About Us page, Homepage, Contact page, Product/Service page, Blog page] for my business website. [Give details about your organization/business].
  • Craft a web copy talking about the origins, vision, mission and values of my organization. [Give details about your organization/business].
  • Help me create the USP for my [explain business], and create an X-word web copy using that information.
  • Define the ideal customer persona for [explain business] and create a web copy that would resonate with them.
  • Create a compelling website copy for [explain business]. Incorporate these customer testimonials [Add testimonials].
  • Help me craft a web copy that reflects the [specify personality] of my brand. [Give details about your brand].

ChatGPT prompts for copywriting - web copy

Additional tools for web copy generation

Narrato’s AI copywriting tool can help you build all kinds of website copy. With AI templates and support for different copywriting frameworks such as AIDA, BAB, and PAS, it can assist you in building webpage outlines and the entire web copy from scratch.

3. ChatGPT prompts for landing page copy

A landing page helps convert curious visitors into engaged customers. Creating this landing page, however, isn’t always as straightforward as it seems. It involves an artful blend of marketing strategy, storytelling skills, and a deep understanding of your audience’s needs. You must clearly communicate what your business offers, why it matters, and how it stands out from the competition.

Perfect your conversion-focused pages with these ChatGPT prompts –

  • Create a landing page copy using the [AIDA/BAB/PAS, or any other] copywriting framework. Clearly describe [product/service], what problems it solves, and who it is meant for. List all the benefits of using [product/service], and include the [USP] and [desired action].
  • Write a landing page copy for [specify product/service/offer] based on this framework. [List all the sections you want in the landing page, like heading, About section, Body, section, Solution section, CTA, footer etc).
  • Craft a landing page copy that will be appealing for [target audience] encouraging them to [specify desired action].
  • Suggest unique and creative ways to design a landing page for [specify purpose] that will grab the attention of [target audience].
  • I need a landing page copy that explains the benefits of [product/service] and what makes it better than [specify competitor’s offerings]

ChatGPT prompts for copywriting - landing page copy

Additional tools for landing page creation

Narrato offers two AI templates for landing page copy. One template assists in creating the landing page outline, while the other generates the complete copy based on your specifications. Other AI tools like Leadpages AI Engine and Plai.io can also help in building landing pages.

4. ChatGPT prompts for CTAs

Crafting an irresistible CTA is an art, and that’s where our ChatGPT prompts for copywriting come in. These prompts are your toolkit for creating CTAs that don’t just ask; they persuade and entice your visitors to click that button. Here are some ChatGPT prompts to help you get started –

  • [Add details about the product/service] Help me write a CTA for this product/service to achieve the goal of [specify your goal]. The CTA should be interesting, direct, and include power words. It should also create a sense of urgency.
  • Generate X powerful CTAs for [specify product/service] that will inpire [target audience] to [specify desired action]
  • [Add copy] Analyze this copy and give me suggestions for customer-centric CTAs that will motivate readers to [specify desired action].

ChatGPT prompts for copywriting - CTAs

Additional tools for generating CTAs

If you’re looking for a simpler way to create CTAs, you should give Replug’s call to action generator a try. It aids in crafting convincing CTAs that are both visually appealing and strategically positioned.

5. ChatGPT prompts for product descriptions

When it comes to creating product descriptions that pack a punch, ChatGPT is your secret weapon. Simply provide a few details about your product, and let ChatGPT do the heavy lifting. From catchy taglines to detailed features, ChatGPT will help you create descriptions that engage and entice your customers. Try using these ChatGPT prompts for creating better product descriptions –

  • Can you create an x-word product description for [product name and category], that is designed for [target audience] and has the following features: [List features].
  • Give me X creative ways to describe [product name and category] that will set it apart from the competition.
  • Create engaging product description for [product name and category], emphasizing its affordability and value, and convincing [target audience] why it is the best choice for their needs.
  • Write a product description for [product name and category] in [specify tone] highlighting its unique features. [List features].
  • Generate a catchy tagline for [product name and category], summarizing its benefits.
  • What could be some selling points for [describe product briefly]. Create a product description using those selling points.
  • Rewrite this product description in [specify tone] to make it sound more persuasive for [target audience]: [Add product description]

For more such prompts, check out this compilation of  ChatGPT prompts for product descriptions .

ChatGPT prompts for copywriting - product descriptions

Additional tools for product description generation

ChatGPT can create product descriptions for you, but can it create them in bulk. If you need a tool that helps with that, Narrato’s AI product description generator could be the perfect choice. This AI tool takes your product specifications to generate a product description in the format you want (bullet points or paragraphs). For bulk generation, it takes the input (product specifications of all products) in the form of a CSV file and gives you AI-generated product descriptions in the form of a downloadable sheet.

6. ChatGPT prompts for Ad copy

Crafting an ad copy that grabs attention and inspires action requires finesse. It’s not merely about writing a catchy sentence or two; it involves careful selection of words, skillful sentence construction, and syncing your message with the reader’s hidden desires and needs. The goal is to pique the curiosity of the prospective customers, and inspire them into action – be it buying a product, subscribing to a service, or simply making an inquiry. Using the right ChatGPT prompts for copywriting, you can create ad copy that do exactly that.

Want to create attention-grabbing ad copies? These prompts might come in handy:

  • You are a copywriter in [specify industry]. I want to write a [Google/Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram] ad copy on [topic] highlighting [main points]. The target audience for this ad copy is [specify target audience]. I want you to add a hook, and include the keyword(s) [add keywords] and these supporting points in the copy: [Add supporting points]. My goal with this ad copy is to [add your goals]. End the ad copy with a CTA that tells the audience to [desired action].
  • Give me X variations of an X-word ad copy for [specify platform] targeting [target audience]. The ad is for [specify product/service].
  • Give me X variations of an ad copy in X-words for [specify platform] targeting the keywords [add keywords]. The ad is for [specify product/service].
  • Give me X variations of an ad copy in X-words for [specify platform] targeting [target audience], and encouraging them to [desired action]. The ad is for [specify product/service].
  • Generate an ad copy in X-words that promoting [product/service], and explain why it could be the best choice for [target audience]. Here are the key features of my product/service: [Add features]

ChatGPT prompts for copywriting - ad copy

Additional tools for ad copy generation

With Narrato’s AI ad generator , there’s a simpler way to create compelling ad copy. Narrato provides AI templates for various advertising platforms, including Google Ads, Facebook and Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and also Classifieds. It also allows you to customize your ads with the desired tone, word count, and more.

AI copywriting tool on Narrato

7. ChatGPT prompts for SEO copy

To succeed in the digital world, it’s not enough to have a visually appealing website. You need a good content strategy that makes sure your content is both easy to find and interesting. This is where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) copywriting comes in. The secret to improving your search engine rankings lies in creating content that connects with your readers and meets the requirements of search engine algorithms. Here are some ChatGPT prompts for SEO copywriting to help you build better SEO content –

  • Develop a webpage centered around [topic] tailored for [company and product details]. Ensure optimization for relevant keywords such as [Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3…].
  • Write a unique selling proposition (USP) of X words for a sales page representing [company and product details]. Tailor it to resonate with [target audience] seeking [product differentiators], integrating keywords like [Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3…].
  • You are an SEO copy editor. Craft a concise web page copy within X words, showcasing the distinctive features of [product]. Emphasize [product features] for maximum appeal to [target audience]. Seamlessly incorporate the keyword [keyword] throughout the content.
  • Create a brief persuasive piece encouraging [target audience] to acquire [product]. Integrate the call-to-action: [CTA], and infuse essential keywords like [Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3…].
  • Compose a product description of X words for [product], incorporating keywords like [keywords] while accentuating key features listed as [features list].
  • Craft an ad for [LinkedIn/Facebook/Google/Instagram], targeting [target audience] and highlighting [product features]. Ensure the seamless inclusion of keywords such as [Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3…].

ChatGPT prompts for copywriting - SEO copy

Additional tools for SEO copy generation

Like we said, SEO content writing is more than simply stringing words together and stuffing it with keywords. To create well-written content that is strategically optimized for keywords, Narrato can help. The platform comes with an AI keyword generator , and an SEO content brief generator to guide your content optimization efforts. The SEO brief gives you suggestions for all the basic SEO parameters (keywords, word count, competitor references, questions for FAQs, etc). The AI Content Assistant on the platform offers tons of other AI tools to help you in enhancing your copy for SEO.

8. ChatGPT prompts for email copy

Whether you’re aiming to boost open rates, drive conversions, or simply nurture relationships, emails are the go-to resource. That’s because email marketing boasts the highest ROI compared to all other marketing channels, with an impressive return of nearly $36 for every $1 spent. But when your customer’s inboxes are overflowing, your email copy needs to cut through the noise and leave a lasting impression. With the right ChatGPT prompts for copywriting, you can create emails that not only get opened but also inspire action.

Here are some ChatGPT prompts for email copywriting –

  • Craft subject lines for an email on [topic].
  • Compile the latest trends in [ndustry/niche] to fuel captivating newsletter campaigns.
  • Create [X] newsletters inspired by the theme of [topic].
  • Personalize an email for [Name], spotlighting the features of [product/service]. Maintain a consistent [formal, friendly, conversational, etc] tone throughout.
  • Build an X-word newsletter delving into [topic], weaving in an anecdote, and addressing key points: <add the main points>.
  • Craft a promotional email for [event/occasion] on behalf of [Company name], unveiling exclusive deal details. End with a compelling call to action.
  • Email Subject Line: <add subject line> Create compelling body content corresponding to the subject line.
  • Create a follow-up email for [Name] using the subject line – <add subject line>.
  • Craft a persuasive email pitch highlighting the unique features and benefits of [product/service details].
  • Translate the provided email from [A] to [B], adhering to the specified tone. Email: <Add email content>
  • Refine the style, structure, and tone of this newsletter to match a [specify tone].
  • Create a welcome email for new users for [Company Name] and introduce them to the brand. <add details you’d like to include>.
  • Write an email asking for customer feedback on [product/service], emphasizing the incentives offered for participation: <add the incentive you’re offering>.

ChatGPT prompts for copywriting - email copy

Additional tools for email copy generation

Narrato’s AI email writer can help you create personalized email copy quickly and efficiently. It offers AI templates for generating email subject lines, cold outreach emails, promotional emails, event promotion emails, newsletters, and emails from outline.

9. ChatGPT prompts for social media copy

Social media is all about conversations, trends, and capturing the essence of your brand in bite-sized content. ChatGPT, with its conversational prowess and trend-awareness, can help you dominate the social media arena with finesse. Here are a few ChatGPT prompts to write that perfect social media copy –

  • Create a set of X [Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn] posts focusing on [Topic], incorporating a [tone choice] tone. Integrate relevant hashtags and a compelling call-to-action, tailored for[target audience].
  • Generate an uplifting Monday Motivation post for [Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn], addressing [define target audience]. Infuse the post with a [define tone], and include a strategic call-to-action and hashtags where appropriate.
  • Generate [X] thought-provoking questions related to the subject [Topic] suitable for posting in a [Facebook/LinkedIn] group.
  • Write a Twitter thread comprising X tweets summarizing the key points of this blog post: <link to blog post/ add text>.
  • Create [X] captivating captions for an Instagram post discussing [topic]. Tailor the captions for [target audience] and maintain a [specify tone] tone. Infuse quotes and other elements to add an interesting touch.
  • Develop [X] creative options for social media giveaway posts celebrating [holiday name].
  • Give me [X] ideas for a social media poll centered around the topic [topic].
  • Generate X meme ideas on [topic], including the top text and bottom text.

ChatGPT prompts for copywriting - social media copy

Additional tools for social media copy generation

An easier and more efficient way to create social media copy is using the AI social media post generator and AI Content Genie on Narrato. The AI social media post generator provides various tools for creating customized content on social media. It comes with templates for generating social posts from URLs, notes, themes, and more. Additionally, it offers a memes generator, a social profile content generator, and a Twitter thread generator.

The AI Content Genie, on the other hand, automatically generates social media (+blog) content weekly. It takes your themes and website URL to generate fresh content that you can effortlessly edit and publish directly from the platform.

10. ChatGPT prompts for press releases

Press releases demand a unique style—concise, informative, and with a dash of newsworthiness. ChatGPT’s prompts for press releases are designed to help you meet these requirements, enabling you to effectively communicate your key messages and engage both readers and media professionals. Whether you’re announcing a product launch, providing a corporate update, or introducing an innovative project, these prompts will ensure that your press releases navigate the news landscape accurately.

  • Compose a press release unveiling the launch of our latest product, [product name]. Highlight its key features, benefits, and the substantial impact it holds in the market.
  • Develop a press release commemorating the [specify] anniversary of our company. Showcase our notable achievements, growth, and the profound influence we’ve exerted on the industry throughout the past decade.
  • Create a press release announcing our strategic partnership with [partner’s name]. Highlight the seamless synergy between our organizations and underscore the advantages this collaboration will bring to our valued clients. [Provide additional information]
  • Help me craft a press release for our upcoming industry event on [theme]. Spotlight the event’s agenda, distinguished guest speakers, and elucidate why it stands as an indispensable gathering for professionals in our field. [Add event details]

ChatGPT prompts for copywriting - press release

Additional tools for generating press releases

Narrato also offers an AI press release generator to help you create better press releases within seconds. You can add your announcement notes, and company and product specifications to get an AI-generated press released with the desired word count. Narrato also has an AI image generator if you want to add a visual component to your press releases. It can create images, graphics, and art out of AI image prompts .

By now, it’s clear that ChatGPT can revolutionize the way you generate content for copywriting. Whether your task involves creating catchy website content, engaging blog posts, or persuasive advertising copy, this tool has your back. But to effectively make use of this technology, it’s important to give AI the right direction. Let’s break it down:

1. Set the right context and objectives

Provide as much information as possible to the model about the task. If you’re working on an ad campaign, let the AI know the product/service, its features, and the end goal. Aim to be precise in your description, and make sure to clearly state the desired outcome. Remember, the more accurately you define your objectives, the better the AI can help you achieve them.

2. Use specific keywords and target audience information

To optimize your content effectively, it’s important to feed ChatGPT relevant keywords and target audience information. This way, the resulting copy aligns perfectly with your content strategy and SEO needs. Identify target demographics for consumer-specific copy, and use long-tail keywords particular to your industry for maximum impact.

3. Ask for multiple variations

One of the best features of ChatGPT is its ability to generate multiple variations of a single prompt. If you’re unsure about which angle to take for a particular piece, simply request various versions and see which one suits you best. Experiment with voices and tones to find just the right feel.

4. Combine prompts to generate a more comprehensive copy

When it comes to more extensive pieces of text, you can combine several prompts to generate a more comprehensive copy. Use this approach to build a cohesive narrative out of different bits and pieces that the model creates.

5. Iterate and refine

The process of creating a persuasive and impactful copy with ChatGPT doesn’t end at just generating content. You must iterate and refine the output from the AI until we’re left with something truly engaging and compelling. Re-run the prompt with added feedback to refine the output, and make sure you polish the AI-generated text as you would with any other copy.

Words have the power to captivate, inspire, and more importantly, convert, and with these ChatGPT prompts for copywriting, you can add that special touch to your content that makes readers stop and take notice. Remember, the best copywriters are those who are always exploring new ways to improve their content. With AI tools and ChatGPT prompts listed in this article, you’ll not only be making the most of AI but also sharpening your copywriting skills.

So, why wait? Start crafting your magic with these powerful ChatGPT prompts for marketing . If you’ve got some of your own, do share with us.

AI Chat on Narrato

Akshita is a content creator, with a penchant for turning complex topics into engaging and informative articles. As a wordsmith with a knack for storytelling, she is constantly looking for an opportunity to create something new.

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  3. What is Content Writing and How To Earn Money From It


  1. Content Writing 101: How to Create High-Quality Content

    Content writing is the process of planning, writing, and publishing written material, such as articles, blog posts, product descriptions, and marketing copy, that is intended for online consumption. The goal of content writing is to inform, educate, or persuade readers, and it can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  2. What is content writing? (An explainer with tips and examples)

    Content writing refers to creating digital content for a brand's marketing strategy. This includes content for: Content writing is just one content marketing tool in a brand's arsenal. Pair it with robust research, diligent planning and high-quality visuals to optimize your strategy.

  3. What is Content Writing? (Beginners Guide)

    Content writing is an excellent career opportunity with plenty of opportunities to be creative, work with new people, and earn a good salary. All Courses; ... While you don't need a specific content writing degree to get into this industry, a content marketing certification or a digital marketing certification can be useful.

  4. What Is Content Writing? (+ How to Excel At It In 2024)

    In a nutshell, content writing refers to the process of creating content for the web. From blog posts to email newsletters to landing pages to podcast scripts to social media posts, content writing is generally used to create different types of material that can be used for digital marketing. In essence, it involves a three-step process ...

  5. What is Content Writing? 10 Essential Tips for Irresistible Content

    Let's break down the tips that'll help you learn how to write quality content that slays…. 1. Understand That Content Is Not King. Every other post out there will tell you that "content is king.". But move over, content. There's a new ruler in town, and her name is Empathy.

  6. What is Content Writing? Techniques, Benefits, and Best Practices

    Content Writing vs Copywriting. While both are crucial tools in your marketing arsenal, content writing and copywriting serve distinct purposes. Content writing is about building relationships, providing value, and establishing trust. The blog posts, articles, and videos educate and engage your audience over time.

  7. Content Writing Examples, Tips, and Resources

    Pull readers into your content with great headlines. Headline Studio applies writing and SEO principles to evaluate your headline; then it suggests ways to make it better by identifying areas for improvement, such as the use of uncommon, emotional, and power words. 15. Use headline words that resonate.

  8. Content Writing Explained + 8 Tips to Become a Better Writer

    Content writing is the process of researching, planning, writing, and editing web content for marketing purposes. It can be a blog post, video script, social media post, or anything else that gets published online. For example, all of our YouTube videos are scripted.

  9. How to Create Useful Content: 12 Steps to Follow Every Time [Infographic]

    You need a strategy. To provide you with a process, check out the infographic below from Ann Handley and Visually. They've stolen valuable tips from Handley's latest book, Everybody Writes, on everything from planning to publishing. (And check out our content creation kit to learn how to create powerful content in more detail.) Topics: Writing ...

  10. What Is Content Writing? Plus 12 Tips to Take Your Content to the Next

    Content creation is a critical component of most businesses' marketing strategies — as of 2020, 70% of marketers now actively invest in content marketing. This means the role of a content writer is more in-demand than ever before.

  11. What is content writing? Definition and examples

    Content writing is part of marketing that involves writing, editing, and publishing content in digital formats. This content can be blog posts, landing pages, white papers, case studies, etc. Content writing can also be defined as art. This is because there's a lot that goes into writing content.

  12. The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing in 2024

    Content Marketing Examples. The following examples will give you a better understanding of how you can incorporate content into your marketing strategy. 1. Example of Instagram Content Marketing. Image Source. Glossier's Instagram account is on-brand and complements the rest of its marketing content. Even if the page didn't say "Glossier ...

  13. What Is Content Writing? The Key to Digital Success

    Content writing is more than just typing words on a page. It involves extensive research, planning, and development of ideas tailored to your audience's interests. Here are four things you should do before you start writing digital content. 1.

  14. Nail Your Marketing Goals with 25 Marketing Writing Tips

    Effective marketing writing that really stands out in all the ways it needs to is an art that takes time, practice, and ability to master. Here are some tips every marketer should keep in mind as they work on mastering marketing copy. 1. Know your target. Successful marketing writing makes an impact on the reader.

  15. What is Content Marketing?

    Content marketing definition. Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. Instead of pitching products or services, a strategic content-driven approach ...

  16. Content Marketing 101: What is a Content Writer?

    Content writers, of course, specialize in written content, but that can range from the typical blog posts and web pages to social media posting, press releases, SEO-friendly image captions, whitepapers, and even video scripts. Take a look at the many products available from Scripted's content writing team here.

  17. 8 Types of Content Writing: How to Become a Content Writer

    8 Types of Content Writing: How to Become a Content Writer. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 • 4 min read. Content writing is a form of online marketing. Learn about the various types of content writing and how to find work in this growing digital business. Content writing is a form of online marketing.

  18. Content Marketing Vs Content Writing: What Is the Difference?

    If content marketing is a painting, content writing is one of the many colours used in the painting. It is a content marketer's responsibility to create measurable content marketing strategies and to use different attribution models to prove the value of the content. Content marketing relies on content writing to create the content that ...

  19. Content Marketing vs. Content Writing: Which Is Better for You?

    What is content writing? If content marketing is a marathon, then content writing is the first leg of that race. Effective content writing can boost your content marketing game. When a business has a limited sale or asks customers to sign up for an email newsletter, immediate action is required. There's no time to win over an audience slowly.

  20. What is Content Marketing?

    What Is Content Marketing? Content marketing is the creation and distribution of digital marketing collateral with the goal of increasing brand awareness, improving search engine rankings and generating audience interest. Businesses use content marketing to nurture leads and enable sales by using site analytics, keyword research and targeted ...

  21. What is Content Marketing? Strategic Storytelling for Business Growth

    Content marketing is a multifaceted strategy that embraces a wide array of formats to engage audiences and drive business objectives. From informative blogs and engaging videos to insightful podcasts and interactive infographics, each type of content offers unique advantages in storytelling and audience connection.

  22. The Top 10 Content Marketing Skills You Need

    Content creation - Any content strategy must be manageable, affordable, sustainable, scalable, and effective. Organization - Utilizing an editorial and publishing calendar and post-publishing ...

  23. Content Marketing Isn't Dead: Here's the Proof

    Content marketing isn't just alive; it's like that rock star who trashed their hotel room, took a little nap and bounced back with a killer comeback tour. To be fair, the way we all approach quality content has changed, and traditional content marketing as we once knew it is in the rear-view mirror. Gone are the days when you could slap a ...

  24. Content news, analysis, trends, tactics and how-to guides from Search

    Content. Search Engine Land is your source for content marketing news and content. You'll find a variety of up-to-date and authoritative resources, including the latest news, tactic-rich ...

  25. Top SEO & Content Marketing Trends To Future-Proof Your Strategy

    Trends to Ignore: Save time and resources by identifying which SEO trends aren't worth your focus. In this webinar, Zack Kadish, Sr. SEO Strategy Director at Conductor, and Alex Carchietta, Sr ...

  26. B2B Content Marketing Trends 2024 [Research]

    Many B2B marketers surveyed predict AI will dominate the discussions of content marketing trends in 2024. As one respondent says: "AI will continue to be the shiny thing through 2024 until marketers realize the dedication required to develop prompts, go through the iterative process, and fact-check output.

  27. ChatGPT Prompts To Produce Content Consistently (Outperform ...

    ChatGPT doesn't write my content, but I use it to produce consistently. Here are the five prompts I personally use to produce every day, resonate with my audience, and keep the ideas flowing ...

  28. 2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content Marketing

    We'll dive into best practices to adapt your strategy around industry-wide disruptions like SGE, how to navigate the top challenges SEO professionals are facing, and proven tactics for ...

  29. 60+ Powerful ChatGPT Prompts for Copywriting

    Here are some ChatGPT prompts for SEO copywriting to help you build better SEO content -. Develop a webpage centered around [topic] tailored for [company and product details]. Ensure optimization for relevant keywords such as [Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3…].