Sudowrite is the non-judgemental, unexpectedly creative AI writing tool that sounds like you, not a robot.

The non-judgemental, unexpectedly creative ai writing tool that sounds like you, not a robot..

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It’s scary good.

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Bestselling author of “Silo”

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Mark Frauenfelder

Journalist and author of five books

It’s amazing how ‘smart’ it is.

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Chris Anderson

New York Times Best-Selling author

I’m a huge Sudowrite fan.

Blank page, begone!

Descriptions that paint a picture in the mind, without bogging down the story..

If you only focus on action and dialogue, writing can feel flat. Describe makes it easy to help your readers connect to your characters and feel like they’re really “there”.

Write a novel from start to finish. In a week .

Story Bible takes you step-by-step from idea, to outline, to beating out chapters, and then writes 1,000s of words, in your style .

When the words just won’t come out – Write can do it for you

Write is like autocomplete on steroids. It analyzes your characters, tone, and plot arc and generates the next 300 words in your voice. It even gives you options!

Pacing too fast? Presto expand–o

No matter how much time you spend planning, you’ll end up with some sections that feel rushed. Expand magically builds out your scenes so the pacing doesn’t take readers out of the story.

Everyone knows it’s 10% writing and 90% editing

You could rewrite the same sentence 100 times... or you could make the computer do it..

Rewrite: the super-flexible, infinitely-tenacious revision buddy who always takes direction (and doesn’t have an ego!)

Need an extra pair of eyes? Sudowrite never sleeps, has read a million stories, and can read yours in 10 seconds.

Feedback gives you three actionable areas to improve. It won’t complain if you make it read 36 drafts, and you’ll never hurt its feelings.

Find the perfect word, every time.

How many clicks does it take to get to the center of a good sentence? Two!

Planning makes it perfect

Explore plot points, character arcs, and themes in a magic ai canvas..

Canvas will generate alternate plot points, character secrets, and plot twists with you. Hoard all your inspiration and references in one place.

Find the perfect name, magic item, or title.

Brainstorm: the infinite “yes, and” buddy that never runs out of ideas. Thumbs up your favorites and it’ll learn and give you better ones.

Bringing it to life is easier when you can see it.

Visualize brings your character sheets and worldbuilding documents to life with art generated from your descriptions.

A writing app should feel like home

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We have six dark modes you can choose from

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Go full screen on focus mode to keep distractions away

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Organize your drafts and chapters neatly within your projects

A deep dive on how Sudowrite writes 14,000 unique pieces of prose per day without plagiarizing

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Sudowrite is based on GPT-3 and GPT-4, 175+ billion parameter Transformer models, which learn general concepts from their training data. The bigger the model, the more complex these concepts can be. The model generates text by guessing what's most likely to come next, one word at a time. Kind of like autocomplete on your phone. It’s not copying and pasting sentences from a database. It actually writes each word individually.

Since each passage is generated one word at a time, it’s highly unlikely Sudowrite would choose the same word dozens or hundreds of times in a row. The first word or two might be similar, but the further you get from the starting point, the more unique the text becomes.

write a novel ai

“But does it really never plagiarize? I want to run a test where I make it plagiarize.” Sudowrite is for creating your own original writing , but yes, you can force Sudowrite to plagiarize if you try. Here’s how… Paste in the first paragraph of Harry Potter*, and Sudowrite will confidently output the second paragraph. That’s because the second paragraph of Harry Potter exists in many places in the web, like book reviews, and Sudowrite assumes you have the best intentions. But start with your own work, and you’ll only get completely original suggestions. * Don’t do this. It’s against our terms of service to use Sudowrite to plagiarize.

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Prefer writing in Google Docs? The World’s Best Creative Writing AI is available there, too.

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Look mom, we’re famous!

... it even convinced journalism legend Gay Talese it could imitate him

Steven Zeitchik

The A.I. was coming up with impressively cogent paragraphs of analysis — some, frankly, better than what I could have generated

Kevin Roose

For writers who don’t like writing—which, in my experience, is nearly all of us— Sudowrite may well be a salvation.

Stephen Marche

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Who’s behind this?

Our founders are writers Amit Gupta and James Yu . Our investors include the founders of Twitter, Medium, Gumroad, Rotten Tomatoes, WordPress and the writers/directors of Big Fish, Aladdin, Bourne Ultimatum, Oceans Twelve, and many more. We’re in this because we believe in the power of storytelling.

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“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

— Maya Angelou

Samantha Brandon

10 Best AI Novel Writing Software to Help You Write The Next Bestseller

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So, you want to write the next big best-selling novel, but it seems so… daunting.

Maybe you have a great, captivating plot that you would love to bring to life, but when it comes to the execution, you need a bit of help. A case of writer’s block, a book deadline, or you want to write in your non-native language; there are tons of reasons why you may be looking for a bit of help.

Fortunately, there are a bunch of new   AI novel-writing tools  that you can use to make the process a heck of a lot easier.

In this article, I’m reviewing  the best AI novel writing software available  today so you can find the right one for you.

But first,  how can AI writing software help you write a novel?

The software I’ve reviewed below are specifically designed to help you  generate ideas for a story, write your first draft, or edit a manuscript. 

While no AI software can write a  finished  novel for you, it can give you something to start with—saving you time and helping you get that novel out into the world a lot faster.

Now let’s take a look at my top picks for the best AI novel writing software available right now.

Disclaimer:  This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Please read  full disclosure  for more information.

Table of Contents:

1. Sudowrite

Best for Beginners

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Sudowrite is a beginner-friendly AI novel writing software that not only writes a story for you but also helps you to improve your stories with advanced fiction-writing techniques.

Here’s the quick and dirty on Sudowrite:

  • There’s no way to choose a genre on the main writing page, so you can’t explicitly choose the genre you want to focus on. However, if you clearly describe your story, the tool should be able to understand whether you’re trying to write science fiction or romance (or any other genre you choose).

Pricing:  $19 a month will get you 30,000 words, while the most popular mid-tier plan for $29 a month will get you 90,000 words. (Sudowrite recommends the $29/month plan for novelists and screenwriters.)

write a novel ai

Final Verdict

I find Sudowrite to be the best AI writing software for serious novel writers who want an app that’s specifically focus on novel writing and storytelling.

Sudowrite is helpful for everyone, from the beginning writer who wants to improve their writing skills to the expert writer who wants to generate a rough draft that they or can shape into their next best-selling novel.

Best All-Around AI Writer

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Jasper (also known as Jasper AI) is one of the most well-known AI writing software in the industry, and for a very good reason.

Its sophisticated algorithm allows you to generate text in dozens of different formats, including sales copy, social media posts, marketing ideas, and—you guessed it—creative stories.

The  Creative Story  option inside of Jasper AI allows you to generate a short or long-form story using creative writing. This is the best choice for you if you’re writing a novel. I’ve written a full, in-depth review of Jasper if you want to read more, or there’s also a Copy AI comparison here.

Here are my favorite features of Jasper AI as a novel writing software:

  • Jasper isn’t specifically designed as a novel-writing software, so it lacks some of the advanced features you’ll find in other software.

Pricing:  Jasper has two modes: Starter and Boss Mode. Starter only generates short-form content and doesn’t have an advanced editor, while Boss Mode gives you both an editor and the ability to create long-form content. You’ll need to get Boss Mode in order to write a novel with Jasper AI. 

Boss Mode starts at $49 a month for up to 50,000 words. (You’ll be charged more if you generate more words per month.)

write a novel ai

Jasper AI is an all-around great AI writer. Because the it can generate both stories and other copy, it’s a good choice for writers who want to produce both fiction and non-fiction pieces.

That said, newer novelists might want more advanced fiction-writing features to help them write better stories.

3. Sassbook

Best for Writers on a Budget

write a novel ai

Sassbook is a collection of four AI writing tools, each with a specific purpose. There’s the general AI writing software, the AI text summarizer, the AI headline generator, and the AI story writer.

To use Sassbook’s story writer, you write a prompt for your story between 15 and 30 words, choose your parameters, and click “Complete” to start generating your story. 

Each time you generate more text, the AI engine will read the last part of the story and continue from there.

Here are some key features of Sassbook’s AI Story Writer .

  • I found Sassbook’s user interface to be a little bit confusing and cluttered. It doesn’t look as polished as other apps.
  • Sassbook lacks the sophisticated story-writing capabilities of Sudowriter but isn’t as robust as tools like Jasper, and with the (seemingly) random collection of tools, it’s hard to know who this software is designed for.

Pricing:  You can use the app for free for up to 20 generations per day (each generation includes 50 words). For $39 a month, you can generate unlimited words (with up to 70 words in each generation).

write a novel ai

If you’re looking to generate stories, blog posts, and marketing copy but want to avoid paying top dollar for an app like Jasper, Sassbook could be a good alternative AI writing software. 

I recommend using the free version to help you decide if it’s a good fit for you or not.

4. AI Dungeon

Best for Ideas

write a novel ai

AI Dungeon is a free AI writing software that helps you create stories in a “Choose Your Own Adventure” style. It’s actually more of a game, but surprisingly a great way to create an epic novel.

To use AI Dungeon, you enter a prompt into the text field and click the send icon. The AI continues your story and then asks you a question like, “What happens next?” or “What do you see?” You create the next twist, and it continues the story again.

Here are some helpful features from AI Dungeon:

  • It’s not the most sophisticated tool, and it doesn’t have an editor-like interface for editing and polishing your stories.

Pricing:  AI Dungeon is free for unlimited words, but they do have premium packages that give you more features. Becoming a member (for $10 a month and up) gives you access to the AI image generator, more premium AI models, and other features.

write a novel ai

For generating story ideas and getting the creative juices flowing, you can’t beat a free story-generating app. AI Dungeon is a great place to get started with your next novel idea. However, its lack of editing capabilities means that it won’t help you to develop a working draft. It’s more for fun.

Best for Outlining

write a novel ai

Subtxt is an AI writing software that takes a different approach from other tools. Instead of generating a story paragraph by paragraph, it gives you a well-thought-out outline that you can use to write a story from.

The genius of Subtxt is that it uses proven story models to craft story ideas into 3-act structures that translate into compelling stories and screenplays.

Then it can generate a story intelligently based on the outline.

  • Subtxt’s documents and guide can be confusing for someone not well-versed in storytelling. This app seems more tailored to professional writers than beginners.
  • The website is a little buggy. 

Pricing:  The Basic plan is $25 a month, and Unlimited is $45 a month. It’s not clear from the website what each plan includes.

write a novel ai

Subtxt is a powerful story generator and AI writing tool for the serious novelist. If you want to plot out a story AND harness the power of an AI writer, Subtxt is an excellent choice. 

6. ArtBreeder

Best for Character Design

write a novel ai

ArtBreeder is an experimental AI art generator that can help you design characters and scenes for your story. While there are tons of AI art generators on the market ( I’ve trialed them all here! ), this one is specific for those stories.

Here are some things I like about ArtBreeder:

  • It doesn’t have a feature to generate art from text. You must start with an image or collection of images to use ArtBreeder. 

Pricing:  ArtBreeder is free to use, but accessing premium features like Private Mode and uploading your own images starts from $8 a month.

write a novel ai

If you’re looking for a unique way to generate characters and scenes for your next novel, look no further than ArtBreeder’s AI image generator.

7. Wordtune

Best for Rewriting Sentences

write a novel ai

Sometimes you’re working on a story, and a sentence doesn’t sound quite right. Or a line of dialogue doesn’t spark like the way you wanted it to. Enter Wordtune, a rewriting app that can take a single sentence and rephrase it in a click.

Here are some of the best features of Wordtune :

Pricing:  You can generate text up to 10 times a day for free, or purchase the premium plan for $10 a month, unlimited words, and the ability to rewrite paragraphs.

write a novel ai

If you’re looking for an AI tool that can help you write more creatively, WordTune is a great choice. Use it to improve your writing style in just a few clicks.


Best for Self-Publishers

write a novel ai provides an AI-based beta reader and editor for your novel. The AI editor, affectionately named Marlowe, will read through your manuscript and give you a 32-page report so you can improve the work before you publish.

This is a bit different and be used in additional to the other novel AI platforms, as it essentially acts as an editor which is geat for those looking to self-publish.

Here are some of the best features of :

  • It comes down to how much you trust an AI to decide if your book is well-written or not. Marlowe’s method is to compare your book to other bestsellers, but not all books are created equal—and that’s a good thing.

Pricing:  $30 a month will get you 2 full-length reports every month. If you’d like a single report, you can get it for a one-time fee of $45.

write a novel ai

If you want to save time and money during the editing process, running it through Marlowe before sending it to beta readers or human editors could be a great help for those planning to go the self-publishing route.

9. ProWritingAid

Best for Copy Editing

write a novel ai

ProWritingAid is an advanced AI writing tool and editor that helps you improve your writing with more than a dozen smart writing reports.

Yes, ProWritingAid helps you to correct spelling errors and grammar mistakes, but it goes way beyond that. Its detailed reports are designed to help you become a better writer. 

It can show you style errors and how to fix them, make your text more readable, help you avoid clichés and passive sentences, and revise other common writing blunders.

Here are some key features of ProWritingAid:

  • The plagiarism checker, which can help you make sure your work is fully unique, costs an extra $4 a month.

Pricing:  You can use ProWritingAid with limited functionality for free. A paid subscription starts at $20 a month for long-form documents and full access to writing reports. Premium Plus gives you access to the plagiarism checker for $24 a month.

write a novel ai

If you’re planning to edit your novel yourself (or want to polish it up before sending it off to others), ProWritingAid will give you all the reports you need to get your manuscript ready for the next step.

10. Grammarly

Best for Proofreading

write a novel ai

Grammarly is another great AI-based editing software and grammar checker that can help you proofread and polish your novel. It’s not as in-depth as ProWritingAid, but it does have a lot of helpful features.

Here’s what I like about Grammarly:

  • Grammarly does well with in-line editing of a document, but it doesn’t have all of the specific reports you get with ProWritingAid, nor does it have a comparable reference library.
  • You can’t create custom rules or style guides as an individual user, which makes it hard to define your own writing style.

Pricing:  Grammarly is free with a limited feature set, or $30 a month to access its full editing capabilities, plus a plagiarism checker. The Business plan with extra features, is available for teams of 3 or more, for up to $15 per team member.

write a novel ai

If you want a quick yet thorough proofread of your novel, Grammarly can help you to do just that. And because it integrates with most websites and apps, it’s one of the most versatile editors you can have in your writing toolkit.

What is an AI Novel Writing Software?

An AI novel writing software tool uses artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning to intelligently craft stories that not only make sense but are also compelling to read. 

Other types of novel-writing software can help you generate story ideas or edit a finished draft.

How does an AI novel writer work?

To use an AI writer, you must give it a prompt and some parameters. 

For example, you could set up a mystery story by saying, “Jane is preparing to graduate from Middle High when she gets a mysterious letter from her grandmother inviting her to visit for two weeks.”

When you submit the prompt, the AI writer draws on its understanding of human language, story structure, the genre you’re writing, and other pieces of information and crafts the next few lines of the story.

Then you can review the new section, edit it further, or ask the AI writer to rewrite the text.

An AI novel writing software differs from other AI writers because it focuses on creative writing instead of informative or persuasive writing.

Some apps allow you to generate custom images, edit the tone and grammar of the text, and give structural feedback on the entire novel.

Benefits of an AI Novel Writing Tool

Let’s face it. Using an AI novel writing tool is a very new concept. Some would even suggest that it’s cheating because a “computer” is writing for you. But it’s important to realize they are just tools to supplement your ideas, and should be used as such.

Some of the benefits of AI novel writers are:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which novel ai writing tools are available for free.

Out of the novel-writing tools I’ve reviewed here, Sassbook can help you write stories for free, AI Dungeon will help you find story ideas for free, ArtBreeder allows you to design characters and settings for free, and WordTune, ProWritingAid, and Grammarly can help edit your writing for free.

Do I still have creative control over my story if I use an AI writer?

Yes! AI writers use your unique prompt when writing a story, and you have full creative control over the output. If you don’t like a section, you can ask the software to write it again or edit the text to your liking.

It’s important to remember that AI tools are only meant to give you the first draft—you’ll still be able to edit and shape the draft into your own unique piece of writing.

Does AI writing software plagiarize other people’s writing?

No, AI writing tools don’t plagiarize. Everything an AI writer generates is brand-new text based on the software’s understanding of human language and sentence structure. It “thinks” about what it should say based on the input and strings together words to create new sentences. 

That said, there is a chance that the generated text matches something else that’s already been written, so it’s helpful to use a plagiarism checker on the final output.

What’s the best novel AI writing software available?

In my opinion, Sudowrite is the most robust and easy-to-use AI novel writing software available today. Jasper is also a great tool overall.

Can AI writing software actually write a novel?

Yes, it can! AI writing tools can follow any number of models—from resumĂ©s and job descriptions to blog posts and ads to creative stories. AI writing tools designed for creative writing have the necessary models to weave together an interesting story based on a prompt.

Online Entrepreneur

I'm on a mission to help small businesses implement the best AI and digital solutions on the market. Digital transformation can be complex and overwhelming, let me help you streamline your approach with my in-depth reviews and experiences.

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7+ Best AI Novel Writing Software in 2024 (Rated & Ranked)

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Choosing the right AI novel writing software is crucial if you want to produce high-quality novels that are enjoyable to read. From character development to plot construction, the best AI novel writing software can help you meet your goals. In this guide, I ranked and reviewed the 7+ best AI novel writing software , so that you can pick the best one for you.

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Jasper is the best overall AI writing software because it is incredibly user-friendly and has a wide range of features to help you write your novel.

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Writesonic provides an easy and efficient platform for writers to create content for websites, ads, emails, and blogs.

write a novel ai is the solution to create targeted content for a specific audience in record time by streamlining the process.

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Did you know that artificial intelligence will have contributed close to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030?

AI is rapidly becoming part of our lives with various use cases and applications.

And now, AI writing software is set to change the face of literature with some excellent tools.

In this article, I rate and rank the best AI-powered writing software for novelists that you can use right now, tools that can help with:

  • Brainstorming ideas for your novel
  • Outlining your plot
  • Writing and editing your draft

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

What Are The Best AI Novel Writing Software?

The following are the top AI novel writing software to consider.


Best overall..

jasper homepage (formerly Jarvis AI and makes easy work of writing a novel by taking care of the heavy lifting for you.

All you need to do is develop an idea, and will help you flesh it out into a full-fledged story.

Jasper AI is perfect for people who want to write a novel but don’t know where to start or those who have trouble staying motivated.

I love how you can use the templates to generate the various parts of the novel and then use the Boss Mode long-form editor to bring it all together.

If you want to eliminate writer’s block, various templates can help you get started, or you can easily use the AI-assisted boss mode to get the job done.

Key Features:

jasper features

  • Scale up your content production fast to get your writing out there.
  • With over 50 templates and 25 languages supported, makes it easy to get started and stay on track.
  • End writer’s block with ideas from a robot that is contextually relevant and interesting.
  • Use recipes to store commands and automate your content creation process.

User Experience:

jasper ux

The template screen offers a wide range of options to help you get started, so you’ll find something that suits you no matter your writing style.

The user interface is straightforward, with all the features you need within easy reach.

jasper pricing

Jasper offers these pricing plans:

  • Starter : from $40 per month
  • Boss Mode : from $82 per month
  • Business : Contact their sales team for custom prices

What I Like/Dislike About Jasper:

  • The ability to instruct Jasper to write a story for you and that it can do so quickly is fantastic.
  • World clarity and intelligence is great and leads to Jasper writing excellent papers.
  • There is a learning curve to getting the best output for your ideas.
  • The software will repeat some ideas if you don’t give clear instructions.

Product Updates:

The new one-shot blog post feature is fantastic and allows you to create a post from an idea in seconds.

2. Writesonic.

Best for plagiarism-free content..

writesonic homepage

Writesonic is an innovative software that has revolutionized how writers create content for their blogs, ads, emails, and websites.

With its AI Writer and Sonic Editor tools, you can create plagiarism-free content faster.

Writesonic’s AI Writer tool is designed to help writers create long-form content quickly and easily.

With its natural language processing algorithms, this powerful tool can generate content that reads like a human wrote it.

The AI Writer understands industry jargon, so you don’t have to worry about explaining things multiple times or using overly complex words that may confuse your readers.

The results are high-quality articles optimized for search engines like Google and Bing.

The Sonic Editor is an enhanced Google Docs version, making writing more accessible and efficient than ever.

It allows writers to write sales emails, essays, reports, and even ebooks without worrying about formatting or editing errors.

writesonic features

  • If you want to output blog ideas for your next article or write SEO-optimized content fast, Writesonic is the perfect tool.
  • With its powerful AI and intuitive editor, creating high-quality content quickly and efficiently has never been easier.
  • You can use the blog outlines to create an article structure quickly and then use the AI Writer tool to generate content for each section.
  • Various tools like the paraphrasing tool and content shortener will help you quickly optimize and reduce the length of your content.
  • Finally, I also like the content shortener as it allows you to reduce the length of your content without losing its meaning.


Choose from neatly organized templates, then watch as the AI Writer automatically generates content for each section.

This structured writing approach makes it easy to create high-quality content with minimal effort.

write a novel ai

Here are the pricing plans for Writesonic:

  • Free Trial : $0
  • Long-form : $12.67 per month
  • Custom Plan: Contact sales for custom quotes.

What I Like/Dislike About Writesonic:

  • They offer several tools custom-tailored to content writing
  • Turning thoughts into blog posts is a breeze with the AI Writer
  • In some contexts, the options provided don’t make much sense.
  • The team always adds more templates to the AI Writer and improves its features.

3. Copy.AI.

Best for creating targeted content..

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Whether writing a blog, creating social media posts, or crafting an ad, finding inspiration and generating content quickly can be difficult. is a tool that solves this problem by streamlining your content creation process.

All you have to do is enter a sentence or two about what you need copy for, and takes it from there – delivering more than you could ever imagine in the blink of an eye.

In addition to generating topics quickly, also allows users to customize their generated content with keywords, tags, and categories.

These features allow users to tailor their copy for their target audience or niche market.

copy ai features

  • I like that you can generate blog content that resonates with target audiences.
  • With 90+ tools and templates, creating content for social media is easier
  • Copy.AI allows you to create high-quality content quickly
  • You can also create social media content that represents your brand voice, ensuring consistency across all posts

copy ai ux

One can use many templates and tools, so the user experience is always unique and tailored to each creator’s needs.

The interface is straightforward, making it an intuitive tool for beginner content creators.

write a novel ai offers two pricing plans:

  • Pro : $36 per month
  • Enterprise : Contact to schedule a demo.

What I Like/Dislike About Copy.AI:

  • Being very accurate in generating content quickly, one can easily make engaging content.
  • Copy.AI offers resources and guides to help design content that will ring true with your target readership.
  • Intuitive UI makes it easy for new users to understand.
  • Having sub-folders would help content creators better organize and categorize their content.
  • One can keep using this tool for free, as Copy.AI’s credit is updated monthly.

4. Sassbook.

Best for combining ai tools..

sassbook homepage

Sassbook combines various tools that make writing a novel easier, such as an AI-assisted editor, a summarizer, a headline generator, and more.

With their AI story writer, you can get help developing ideas, character development , and plot points.

The ability to automate significant parts of your writing process makes Sassbook an excellent tool for those who want to write a novel but don’t have the time or energy to do it all themselves.

From creating various title ideas that help you capture your audience’s attention to getting an AI-assisted editor that can create content briefs for you, Sassbook has everything you need to write a great novel.

sassbook features

  • Automatically generate unique text content rapidly with Sassbook AI Writer.
  • Rapid automatic text AI content generation automates most of your content creation process so that you can focus on more critical tasks.
  • The AI-driven story writer for quality AI story generation helps you come up with ideas, character development, and plot points.
  • The automatic headline generator creates attention-grabbing and relevant headlines for your content, boosting engagement.
  • The automatic text summarizer rivals what a human could do, automatically summarizing your content so you can get the gist without reading through the entire thing.

saasbook ux

Using the provided sliders to set options such as ingenuity, target size, headline candidates, and more is very useful.

write a novel ai

Sassbook offers the following plans:

  • Standard : $15 per month
  • Premium : $25 per month

The paid plans are billed yearly.

What I Like/Dislike About Sassbook

  • It often hits the topic in question and gives a great starting point when writing novels.
  • The sliders do make a difference in the quality of the results.
  • The output sometimes seems messy, as if the software is attempting to cover too many topics simultaneously.

The newly launched AI Story Writer within Sassbook focuses on quality AI story generation.


Best for various writing use cases..

rytr homepage balances an easy-to-use interface and accurate predictions, making it an excellent tool for writers who want to get the most out of their AI writing assistant. can help you develop ideas and get the ball rolling if you stare at a blank page more often. is also worth checking out for quality content generated quickly and easily.

Apart from novels, the tool can also help with marketing copy, web content, and even email marketing.

All it needs is some context, and it can work, making it one of the most versatile AI writing tools on the market.

rytr features

  • Choose your use case and add some input for context, and Ryter will magically write for you.
  • The tool has 40+ use cases and templates to cover all your writing needs, including novels, marketing copy, and web content.
  • You can pick from more than 30 languages to write content in.
  • The right tone ensures this is accomplished whether you want to sound happy, angry, or sulky.

rytr ux

Selecting a tone of voice from a list of options is much more user-friendly than other software, where you must enter a tone of voice without much guidance.

rytr pricing

Rytr offers these various plans:

  • Free plan : $0
  • Saver plan: $9/month
  • Unlimited plan : $29/month

What I Like/Dislike About Rytr:

  • Simple to use and fill out your information to provide the correct input
  • It’s simple to grasp how this tool works and the situations in which it’s beneficial.
  • It is not possible to construct a long-form story from scratch.
  • Dark mode is now available on Ryter.
  • Detailed guides show you everything you need to know about each use case.

6. Bramework.

Best for writing novels fast..

write a novel ai

Bramework makes writing novels five times as fast as other software and is best for writers who want to increase their productivity without sacrificing quality.

Getting the first draft done quickly is often the most challenging part of writing a novel.

Bramework takes the pressure off of getting the first draft done and can help you stay motivated and focused, making it easier to finish your novel.

This also means your novel is more likely to be well-written and error-free.

Bramework is also helpful for those that want to increase their site traffic, helping them write SEO-optimized content that ranks well in search engines.

bramework features

  • Save time writing, no matter what you’re working on
  • The AI listicle generator is perfect for those that want to increase their website traffic.
  • It creates SEO-optimized content that ranks well in search engines, helping you build brand awareness and increase website traffic.
  • You can also find images related to your topic with the image finder and track your keyword ranking with the keyword rank tracking tool.
  • Its AI rewriter feature can also help you improve your SEO ranking by rewriting your content to make it more unique.

Bramework ux

Having a blank space on the left-hand side of the screen helps you focus on what you’re trying to achieve in terms of writing, ensuring you don’t get lost in a sea of tangled thoughts.

The assistant on the right-hand side is also handy in providing needed directions.

write a novel ai

Bramework has these plans on offer:

  • Basic : $17
  • Starter : $42
  • Professional : $83
  • Agency : $250

What I Like/Dislike About Bramework:

  • With 1 – 8 user seats, you can have a team of writers working on the same project simultaneously, making it perfect for agencies or businesses that need to produce a lot of content quickly.
  • Since the team created the software with SEO in mind, it specializes in helping novel authors looking to increase their website traffic by ranking well in search engines. As such, it’s a bit limited for other types of writing.
  • It’s now possible to compose paragraphs, listicles, and restate ideas within the tool.

7. Closers Copy.

Best for copywriting templates..

closerscopy homepage

Closers Copy uses various copywriting templates to help you write better, faster, and more efficiently.

If you struggle to develop ideas or get writer’s block often, Closers Copy can help.

This platform doesn’t rely on the same type of AI (GPT-3) as many other AI copywriting tools, as it uses its own proprietary AI.

This means Closers Copy can help you write more original content rather than just pooling in from the same sources.

You can also build your framework and save it for later use.

This is perfect for those that have a specific style or format that they like to write in.

closerscopy features

  • The long-form editor helps you write faster by keeping your fingers on the keyboard and your mind in the zone.
  • Frameworks are perfect when you need inspiration or want to start working quickly.
  • StoryAI helps you come up with ideas for your next story.
  • Languages allow you to write in several different languages.
  • Community gives you access to a group of like-minded writers.
  • Email support ensures that you can get help when you need it.
  • Lifetime updates keep your software up-to-date.

closers cvopy ux

Using a wizard to get started is helpful when you’re feeling stuck.

With the first draft of any project, it’s helpful to have a general idea of what you want to say before getting too bogged down in the details , and Closers Copy is handy for this.

closerscopy pricing

There are three pricing plans on offer:

  • Power : $49.99/monthly
  • Superpower : $79.99/monthly
  • Superpower Squad : $99.99/monthly

What I Like/Dislike About Closers Copy:

  • You’ll always find a suitable template for your project, with hundreds to choose from.
  • With quality output and support, this software is excellent for getting the job done quickly and efficiently.
  • A learning curve is involved in using the software, and it can take some time to get used to the interface.
  • The ability to create your frameworks has been added.


Best for brainstorming ideas..

shortlyai homepage helps get your ideas out of your head and into a written format quickly and easily.

This AI writing tool can help you finish all your work, from writing a best-selling novel to the next great blog post.

With creative brainstorming features and a focus on helping you stay organized, uses commands to shorten, expand and rewrite any text.

This makes it perfect for those that want to get their ideas down quickly without getting bogged down in the details.

  • Get past the dreaded blinking cursor and get your ideas down quickly with
  • This AI writing tool can help you turn your thoughts into text quickly and easily.
  • Use powerful commands that can shorten, expand and rewrite any text.

shortlyai pricing has these paid plans available:

  • Monthly plan: $79 a month
  • Annual plan: $65 a month

9. WordHero.

Best for getting writing feedback..

wordhero homepage

WordHero generates content in a single click , so you can create great novels without doing any of the hard work traditionally associated with writing.

Using various sources, WordHero can help you develop ideas for your next story.

With feedback on your writing, you can also improve your writing skills over time.

WordHero also offers over 1 million royalty-free images to help you visualize your story.

The tool is perfect for creating inspiring text that tells a great story and beautiful novels that look amazing.

You can also produce blog articles, emails, social media postings, and more.

Following a simple three-step process, WordHero can help write a novel that people will want to read.

  • Save hours of writing by letting WordHero do the heavy lifting for you.
  • Reduce the time spent on the research required to write a great novel.
  • Eliminate the need to hire expensive copywriters.
  • Speed up time to market by launching your next project quickly.
  • Easy-to-use interface ensures little to no learning curve is needed when getting started.
  • The keyword assistant helps you to find the perfect keywords for your project.

wordhero pricing

WordHero offers a monthly and yearly plan.

These are as follows:

  • Monthly plan : $49 per month
  • Annual plan : $348 per year

What Are AI Novel Writing Software?

When writing novels, AI software tools help authors get their ideas down ‘on paper’ quickly and easily without getting bogged down in the details.

While using artificial intelligence to help authors write novels might be a relatively new concept, it’s quickly catching on as one of the best ways to write a novel.

With many novel writing software tools also having functionality that helps write grammatically correct sentences and fix spelling errors, these tools can be a great way to produce an error-free novel.

There are also various considerations for the writing style needed, with many AI software offering the ability to set the tone of voice and giving clear instructions on how the novel should sound.

Whether doing science fiction writing, creating historical fiction, or writing a romantic novel, the various AI writing software options on the market mean there is a tool out there to suit every need.

What Else Can AI Writing Novel Software Help With?

From social media posts that stop people from scrolling to writing blog posts that inform and entertain readers, the best AI writing software offers writing tools for various use cases.

With natural language processing being a vital aspect of any AI tool, authors can also explain the same ideas using different words, which makes the writing process all the more natural.

One crucial point is that the tools often cannot provide citations.

Since the content is generated on the fly, one must check facts to ensure that whatever the AI tools state is valid.

While machine learning algorithms are improving regarding facts, the technology still can’t be trusted when sourcing facts.

Features Of A Great AI Novel Writing Software

With many available tools, deciding on the best AI writing software for your needs can be challenging.

Here are some key features to look out for.

Setting Up The Proper Workflow

The best AI writing software will offer a range of features and options to help you customize your content creation process.

Setting target word counts, reading level scores, and other factors are all important.

Easy To Share Content

Easy To Share  Content

For content writers and those proofreading, easy content sharing is a must.

The best AI writing software will offer options to share your content with others via email, social media, or direct links.

Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism  Checker

When creating new content, it’s essential to ensure your writing is original.

A plagiarism check is a process that allows you to see if your content has been seen anywhere else on the internet.

As such, the best AI writing software will offer a plagiarism checker to help you ensure that your content is 100% unique.

Grammar Checker

Grammar Checker

Using a grammar check when writing is always a good idea.

Having grammar mistakes in any writing is a big no-no.

The best AI writing software will offer a grammar checker to help you clean up your content before publishing.

Simplifying Language

Simplifying  Language

A more straightforward sentence structure is critical when writing specific types of content.

Creating high-quality content sometimes means catering your writing to having a lower reading level score.

Any grading level below grade 9 generally ensures the right readability and ensures most readers can easily understand what they’re going through.

Various Use Cases

Various  Use Cases

I’ve already touched on a few use cases for AI writing software.

From being able to write Amazon product descriptions to running the proper SEO optimization on your blog posts, these tools can help with various requirements you might need as a writer.

Unlimited Words

Creating long-form content only to be limited by the number of words you can use is frustrating.

With the starter plan on many tools, unlimited words aren’t something one should take for granted.

However, this limit is usually lifted with a premium plan, allowing for more writing freedom.

Integration With Other Tools

From being able to use Chrome extensions to integrating AI tools within Microsoft Word and Google Docs, AI writing software is becoming more and more accessible in various contexts.

Also, some tools connect directly to WordPress to enhance one’s content writing and SEO efforts.

From a novel writer wanting to keep track of their word count to bloggers focusing on producing quantity and quality information pieces, the right integrations can make a difference.

Steps To Creating Your Novel Using AI Novel Writing Software

Here are the main steps to consider when creating your novel using AI writing software.

  • Choose the right software : Before starting your novel, use the best AI writing software for the job. Research and review customer reviews to ensure you pick one that suits your needs and is easy to use.
  • Set up your workflow : Once you’ve picked the right AI writing software, you must create the proper workflow. This includes setting targets for word counts, reading levels, grammar accuracy, and other factors so that you can keep track of your progress as you write your novel.
  • Brainstorm ideas : Once everything is set up, it’s time to start brainstorming ideas for your novel. Before starting any writing, clearly outline what kind of story you want to tell and who each character should be.
  • Start writing : Now comes the fun part! With everything prepped in advance, it’s time to start crafting your story with words. Use the AI writing software tools to help streamline this process and ensure that your content is optimized correctly for readership and SEO purposes.
  • Check for plagiarism : As mentioned previously, ensuring that all your content is original is essential when creating a novel; this also applies when using an AI writing software tool. Be sure to run a plagiarism checker regularly throughout the process so that none of your work gets flagged or taken down due to copyright infringement claims.
  • Proofread & edit : After completing each chapter or scene in your novel, proofread it thoroughly and fix any grammar or spelling mistakes before moving on to produce high-quality content overall. You may also opt for professional editing services if needed; either way, never skip out on this step!
  • Publish & promote : Finally, once everything has been written and edited accordingly – it’s time for publication. Many self-publishing platforms are available today, so research before settling on one that works best for you; afterward, don’t forget to promote your new work online.

Writing a novel used to be a long, drawn-out task, but with the right AI writing software by your side, it can be a much more enjoyable process.

By considering the various features I’ve discussed in this article, you should be able to find the perfect tool for your needs.

Do you have any questions about AI writing software?

Would you ever write a novel with the help of AI?

Let me know in the comments below.

Editorial Process:

Our reviews are made by a team of experts before being written and come from real-world experience. Read our editorial process here .

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to us at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products we’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy .

Adam Enfroy

Adam Enfroy

write a novel ai

Meet Adam Enfroy

Hey, I’m Adam. I launched this blog in 2019 and turned it into a $1M/year business within 2 years. I then launched my YouTube channel in 2021 and turned it into a $4M/year business. Today, I help over 6,000 students build profitable blogs and YouTube channels.

Check out my YouTube channel .

We test and review software products based on an independent, multi-point methodology. If you use our links to purchase something, we earn a commission. Read our editorial process and disclosures .

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is NovelistAI?

NovelistAI is a cutting-edge website that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to generate completely original novels, stories, and interactive books.

How to find and read books?

Simply by creating an account and accessing the 'Library' page, you can effortlessly search for titles by language, genre, and other criteria. To read a book for free, just click on it.

How do I start writing a book?

To begin writing a book, navigate to the 'Write a New Book' page and follow the guided steps to specify your book's type, language, genre, settings, characters, theme, scope, point of view, among other details. Options available include creating a novel, tale, non-fiction book, or gamebook.

How can I edit my books?

Numerous features are at your disposal to assist in editing and enhancing your books. Should you find yourself unsatisfied with newly generated chapters, you have the option to select 'Rewrite'. Furthermore, you can modify any text or title by choosing the 'Writer' mode.

Can I generate images?

Yes, with novelistAI you can generate captivating cover images or integrate visuals into your books. We use the latest AI models to create stunning cover images. You can select from a variety of styles such as photographic, anime, cartoon, and more.

Can I create audiobooks?

Absolutely! With NovelistAI, transforming your written pages into audio is seamless. Simply choose a narrator voice and click the corresponding button to generate an audiobook in seconds.

What is the cost to generate content on your platform?

On our platform, 'credits' serve as the currency for creating content. We pride ourselves on offering very competitive rates, ranging from 1 to 10 credits per page, depending on the AI model you're using.

Can I get a refund?

Due to the inherent costs associated with utilizing computational resources for AI-driven content generation, we are unable to offer refunds once content has been generated. Each request for AI-generated content incurs a cost from the moment of activation, utilizing credits from your purchased plan or credit package.

Testimonials: Insights from Our Creators

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The AI-driven stories on this platform are unlike anything I've ever read. I'm consistently amazed by the depth and intricacy of the narratives.

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From a tech perspective, this platform is groundbreaking. But as a reader? It's simply delightful. A perfect blend of technology and art.


Book Marketing for Self-Publishing Authors

Home / Book Writing / 9 Best AI Writing Tools: Amazing Options For Fiction and Nonfiction

9 Best AI Writing Tools: Amazing Options For Fiction and Nonfiction

There are a lot of AI tools out there, but only a select few that are work for authors of books, whether that be fiction or nonfiction.

At least, there aren’t many that are genuinely good.

Writing with AI continues to be a controversial subject, but that’s not what this article is about. This article assumes you are interested in using AI as a writing tool at some point in your process, whether that be brainstorming, research, character building, outlining, editing, or even writing the first draft.

Most authors probably don’t enjoy at least one of the items on that list. And AI can reduce the friction in that process.

If you don’t want to write with AI, that’s totally fine. But if you are at least curious, we present to you the best AI writing software that you can use for writing fiction and nonfiction.

  • The best tools for fiction
  • The best tools for nonfiction
  • Why each tool is important
  • Which tool we recommend most for authors

Table of contents

  • 1. Sudowrite
  • 3. ChatGPT Plus
  • 4. OpenAI Playground
  • The Bottom Line: Which AI Writing Tool Is Best for Fiction?
  • 1. ChatGPT/OpenAI Playground (Best Budget/My Recommendation)
  • 2. Jasper (Most Powerful)
  • 3. Copy AI (Best User Interface)
  • 4. WriteSonic (Best for Marketing Copy)
  • 5. Frase IO (Best for SEO)
  • The Bottom Line: Which AI Writing Tool is Best for Nonfiction
  • Honorable Mentions

I've put together a list of prompts that you can use for just that purpose!

Check them out here: Get the PDF Here

What Are the 5 Best AI Writing Tools for Fiction?

I’ve created a list of 4 tools that I believe are the best for fiction authors. They are, in order of recommendation:

  • ChatGPT Plus
  • OpenAI Playground

Additionally, I created a video explaining all of the different tools for writing fiction with AI that you can watch here (this is a personal project, not directly associated with Kindlepreneur, and posted here with permission):

If you want more videos like this talking about the practical uses of AI in writing and marketing, be sure to  subscribe to the channel .

Pricing: $19/month for 30,000 AI words, $29/month for 90,000 words, or $129/month for 300,000 AI words. The $29/month tier is recommended.

  • Comprehensive feature set
  • Designed with fiction writers in mind
  • Excellent tools for revisions and first drafts
  • Ideal for brainstorming sessions
  • No limitations on content
  • Potentially overwhelming number of features
  • Suboptimal design for some features
  • Highest price on this list (though still lower than many other AI tools in the market)

The AI writing tool called Sudowrite is a tool that's gained a lot of traction among fiction writers. It's packed with features designed to help authors throughout their storytelling process. These features include writing, revision, and brainstorming tools that cater to various aspects of crafting a story. It's pretty impressive, despite having some flaws.

One thing that sets Sudowrite apart from other tools like ChatGPT is that it doesn't impose any content restrictions. So, if you're into writing erotic romance, gratuitous violence, or gore, this is almost certainly the tool you’ll want to use.

Although it has its drawbacks, like an overwhelming interface, Sudowrite remains a top choice for many fiction authors.

So, if you're looking for a writing tool specifically built for fiction, Sudowrite could be your best bet. I don't personally use it as my go-to tool for brainstorming, worldbuilding, character building, outlining, etc., but I do use it for writing actual prose.  

And with our link (affiliate), you can get 10,000 words to try it out for yourself, which should be enough to see if it’s right for you. Give it a try and see if it works!

Pricing: Free

  • Exceptional quality of prose
  • Can accept and read books up to 75,000 words in length with a massive context window
  • Good for marketing materials as well
  • Often doesn't follow directions as well as ChatGPT

Claude is a little newer than ChatGPT, but it has quickly become one of the most important tools for AI fiction writers.

It's not perfect, and part of me really wishes there was a good hybrid of Claude's language with ChatGPT's ability to follow orders, but it's still an exceptional AI large language model.

It's biggest strength is its prose. The prose is better with Claude than with any other model, especially if you are writing fiction. It doesn't have the same level of flowery language you usually get from GPT-4.

Additionally, it has a 100K token limit, which makes it really good for analyzing your current novel, generating marketing material, creating a wiki, having lengthy instructions, etc.

Where it's not perfect is in its ability to follow orders. If I'm giving it a summary of what I would like it to write in a chapter, for example, it can sometimes get derailed by the time it gets to the end of the story.

ChatGPT seems to have the advantage here, as it is much better at following orders and dealing with anything that requires structure.

But that said, Claude is still my #2 recommendation for fiction authors.

Pricing: $20/month

  • Virtually limitless word count
  • Endless customization options
  • Ideal for idea generation and outlining
  • Necessitates mastering the art of effective prompting
  • Inability to modify the generated responses

When it comes to AI writing tools, cost and word count limitations can put a damper on creativity, as is the case with Sudowrite and OpenAI's Playground. In contrast, ChatGPT provides flexibility and versatility, enabling writers to experiment and create without worrying about exceeding word count or incurring additional costs. This freedom allows authors to focus on their writing and push their creative boundaries.

However, to truly harness the power of ChatGPT, it is essential to master prompt engineering. Crafting the right prompts can unlock the tool's potential and lead to more effective and personalized results. 

While Sudowrite and Verb are arguably more user-friendly, their creative potential may be somewhat limited compared to ChatGPT, as they provide a more structured and guided experience, as opposed to the open-endedness of ChatGPT.

It's worth noting that ChatGPT does have content restrictions, making it less suitable for authors who write erotica or incorporate excessive violence into their stories. In such cases, Sudowrite or Verb may be more appropriate alternatives, as they do not impose these limitations. 

Nevertheless, despite these content restrictions, ChatGPT remains a preferred tool for many fiction writers, thanks to its versatility and adaptability.

Pricing: Depends on the chosen model, with a pay-as-you-go pricing structure.

  • Offers all features of ChatGPT
  • Highly flexible
  • Affordable for many users
  • Allows editing of previous responses
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing model

OpenAI Playground and ChatGPT Plus share a close resemblance, as they are essentially built on the same foundation. However, there are some key differences between these two AI writing tools that make each more appealing to different types of users. 

One notable advantage of Playground is its ability to edit past responses, giving authors more control over their generated text. Nevertheless, there's a limit to how much memory it can retain, so users may need to delete past responses if they reach that threshold.

The pay-as-you-go model of Playground presents another challenge, as it can potentially hinder creativity and experimentation. Since users have to pay for each word the tool generates, there may be a reluctance to try new approaches or iterate extensively on the text. This constraint contrasts with ChatGPT's pricing model, which allows for more freedom in usage.

In addition, the cost of using Playground increases with every word it needs to remember, as processing power is required to analyze and store that information. While this might not be a major concern for infrequent AI users, who may find the tool affordable for their needs, it could pose a financial burden for those who rely heavily on AI assistance in their writing projects.

Despite these drawbacks, OpenAI Playground remains a close candidate for best AI writing program for authors. However, ChatGPT's pricing structure, which offers greater freedom and predictability in terms of cost, ultimately makes it the preferred choice for many authors. The decision between these two tools will largely depend on individual preferences and priorities, such as the importance of editing past responses versus the impact of cost constraints on creativity.

Pricing: Free during open beta

  • Minimalist user interface
  • Streamlined approach to writing
  • Recognizes and understands characters
  • Analyzes manuscripts for improvement
  • Limited features compared to competitors
  • Lacks capability to generate entire scenes at once is an AI writing tool that caters to discovery writers with its minimalist design and linear approach. By generating smaller chunks of text (100-200 words), the tool may help authors maintain creativity and stay focused on their writing. However, this aspect might not be ideal for writers who prefer to work with longer scenes or those who follow a non-linear writing process.

One of the standout features of is its character database, which ensures consistency in character interactions, dialogue, and actions throughout the text. 

In addition, has the ability to analyze manuscripts and compare them to best-selling books, providing valuable insights for improvement and helping authors elevate their writing.

It's important to note that, as a relatively new tool, offers fewer features than some of its counterparts, such as Sudowrite. However, as the tool is currently in open beta and available for free, there's no harm in trying it out to see if it aligns with one's writing style and preferences.

Ultimately, the choice between and other AI writing tools like Sudowrite will depend on individual writing style preferences and requirements. For discovery writers who appreciate a minimalist design and linear approach, could be a highly viable option.

I recommend a combonation of Sudowrite with a chatbot like Claude or ChatGPT as a suplement (though if I had to pick one, I'd only be Claude). The chatbots are going to be better than Sudowrite on:

  • Brainstorming
  • Character building
  • Various editing tasks

Additionally, ChatGPT Plus and Claude give you, essentially, unlimited words to use, meaning you don’t have to hold yourself back when running through iterations and ideas.

That said, every item on this list is good for one reason or another. Verb is better at getting into a linear flow, Sudowrite is the best at generating actual prose, and OpenAI has almost everything ChatGPT has, with a few differences.

Personally, I use a combination of ChatGPT or Claude for most things, and Sudowrite for the prose of my first drafts.

What Are the 5 Best AI Writing Tools for Nonfiction?

Nonfiction-based AI writing tools are everywhere these days. And it can be really hard to sort through the ocean of new tools popping up every day.

That’s why I’ve narrowed them down to the top 5 that I recommend for most authors of nonfiction:

  • ChatGPT/OpenAI Playground

Pricing: $20/month for ChatGPT Plus, pay as you go with OpenAI Playground

  • Very good at nonfiction
  • Does not connect to the Internet

Both ChatGPT and the OpenAI Playground, much as is the case with fiction, is one of the best tools for nonfiction as well.

Firstly, it is one of the most inexpensive tools on the market, due to the fact that OpenAI is not dealing with any middlemen like most other tools do.

Additionally, ChatGPT and OpenAI playground are very open ended, meaning you can produce almost any result that you can think of, as long as you have an effective prompt.

This is something not available in most other tools.

ChatGPT also seems to be better suited for nonfiction than for fiction, as this seems to be the large bulk of material that it was trained on. So despite the fact that we still recommend ChatGPT for fiction, it is even better for nonfiction.

I personally love the price point for the value that he gives. For $20 a month, ChatGPT plus gives you essentially, unlimited words. That, combined with the high quality, makes this my top recommendation for nonfiction authors, just at his it is my top recommendation for certain aspects of the fiction writing process.

Pricing: Sliding scale starting at $29/month, but $99/month for boss mode and 100,000 words, which is the minimum of what you will want.

  • Excellent selection of templates
  • Relatively easy to use
  • One of the best long-form writers out there
  • Extremely expensive
  • Output is unpredictable
  • Can be overwhelming to learn

Now, despite everything I just said about ChatGPT, one of the most powerful tools on the market is Jasper.

Jasper has been on the scene for a long time, long before ChatGPT blew up in popularity. They use OpenAI's GPT-4 model, but also combine it with multiple other AI models to make a far more robust system.

Jasper also comes with multiple templates, which are like recipes for whatever it is you want to produce, whether that be marketing copy, a blog post, email headlines, etc. Chances are, Jasper has a template for your needs.

The downside to Jasper is primarily the price point. It is one of the most expensive tools on the market. This is compounded by the fact that most features worth having are only available on “boss mode” which is a more expensive plan.

But if price is not an obstacle, it is definitely one you might want to look at, as it does have a few advantages over even ChatGPT.

But for most nonfiction authors, I'm not sure the benefits outweigh the cost.

Pricing : $35/month for unlimited credits and projects

  • A lot of great templates
  • Good, clean design
  • Good at editing text
  • Not as good of output as ChatGPT or Jasper
  • Not great for long-form

Copy AI is a close competitor of Jasper’s, and many would call it equal in power. It has one particular advantage over Jasper, and that is its design. The overall flow of writing and software designed is one of the best in the industry.

Like Jasper, Copy AI has multiple templates that you can use, and utilizes some of the same AI models that Jasper another tools use. In fact, it is not all that different from many other AI tools.

Unlike some tools, it does have a few unique options like a grammar checker, a sentence simple fire, and a verb booster, which are all useful in the writing process. In fact, Copy AI is a really good option for those who want to improve their writing in the editing stage.

It's also priced far more reasonably than Jasper. This is the one we recommend if you want something cheaper than Jasper with similar output.

Pricing : $15/month for 50,000 words, $25/month for 375,000 words, $45/month for unlimited words

  • Great for short-form social/marketing copy
  • Has a long-form assistant
  • Not the cleanest output
  • Not great for longer content
  • Not the best layout

WriteSonic is another great AI tool that specializes in marketing copy. If you write a lot of marketing copy for your your job or in your author business, this might be one to look at.

For example, they have templates for a variety of purposes, anything from ad copy for Facebook, to an Instagram description, to the text of a LinkedIn profile. If it's social media or marketing related, they probably have a template for it.

The downsides that I found when working with WriteSonic are mostly due to the interface, which is not as clean as copy AI or Jasper. And while it does have a longform assistant for writing longer articles or books, I found it to be less than ideal compared to Jasper or ChatGPT.

So if you have the specific need around marketing, this is want to look at, otherwise I would use a different option.

Pricing : $14.99/month for 1 article/week, $44.99/month for 30 articles/month, $114.99/month for Unlimited articles. All three plans give you 4000 AI words per month.

  • Great for SEO research
  • All-in-one content creation
  • Amazing optimization features
  • Clumsy interface
  • Tries to do too much

Frase IO is a little bit different, because it is not primarily a writing program. Instead, Frase IO is a program to help Internet marketers with Seo.

As someone who does a lot of Seo writing himself, I highly appreciate this. Frase IO will scan the top search results of Google, and give you an AI -assisted analysis of those top results. This helps you identify topics that you should discuss in your article, makes sure you have all the right keywords you need, that your article is long enough, etc.

Frase IO is not the first software tool to do this, but it is one of the most effective because of its use of AI.

And while AI writing is not its focus, it does have some AI writing capabilities to help optimize an article.

Overall, this is a solid tool for Internet marketers, especially if you write content for websites that you want to rank on Google. It's just not going to do the writing for you.

For most authors of nonfiction, my primary recommendation will be ChatGPT Plus, as it is the most flexible, and the most affordable. For the average author, there is little to be gained by one or more of the other programs.

That said, someone who writes a lot with AI might consider Jasper, and WriteSonic and Frase IO are great additions for marketing copy and SEO optimization, respectively. But if you don’t have these special needs, ChatGPT is absolutely fine to be getting on with.

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In addition to the above, there are a few other AI programs that I should mention. None of these are that much worse, honestly, because most use the same models as the others (usually GPT 3.5/4). But for one reason or another, they didn’t really excel or rise to the top.

  • Rytr : Rytr is an affordable and compact AI writing software that supports multiple languages, has features such as document editing, GPT-3 integration, over 30 use cases, and SEMRush integration, although it may be confusing at first and not as visually appealing as competitors. It’s a great budget option, but seems unnecessary when compared to the price of ChatGPT Plus.
  • ContentBox.AI : ContentBox AI offers basic tools for AI content generation and great content optimization tools with over 12 templates, browser extensions, and multi-language support, although it is a bit pricey compared to the market average.
  • GrowthBar : GrowthBar is an AI assistant focused on SEO with keyword and competitor research tools, content optimization tools, and an AI writing tool, all with an intuitive interface and affordable pricing, although its SEO features are barebones and the AI writing tool can be a hit or miss.
  • Article Forge : Article Forge is an affordable AI writing tool with a comprehensive tool stack for bulk content generation, innovative features to improve editing workflow, multi-language support, and SEO integrations, although the AI content is not always top-notch and it can take a while to generate content.
  • PepperType AI : PepperType AI is a simple and lightweight AI writing tool that is focused on speed in content delivery with over 30 templates, quick AI content generation, a simple process for AI writing, and a straightforward interface, although it lacks special features and its grammar is not top-notch.
  • Anyword : Anyword is an AI writing software with a focus on engaging the target audience, featuring special tools for audience engagement, but with a high price tag.
  • : is an AI writing tool that focuses on a data-driven approach and includes features like topic and keyword research, content optimization, and AI writing assistance, although its AI writing function is not the best, and its interface can get cluttered.
  • Longshot AI : Longshot AI is an AI writing tool that focuses on fact-checking and has research capabilities, along with a robust AI writing system, but has limited interface customization and style and tone options.
  • Lyne AI : Lyne AI is an outreach tool that generates AI content for outreach messages and ice breakers, with advanced research and LinkedIn integration, however, it can be hard to get started with and has no customization options for content output.
  • Nyle AI : Nyle AI is an AI writing tool built for eCommerce businesses, featuring a variety of tools, templates, and AI-generated content, although it can be challenging for beginners and limited in style and tone options.

There are TONS of AI tools out there, and more are cropping up every day. Keep checking back to this article to see any updates, as this market is shifting constantly, and more AI tools are likely to rise and fall in the future. And if you're into AI, don't forget to check out our article on AI art for authors as well.

Jason Hamilton

When I’m not sipping tea with princesses or lightsaber dueling with little Jedi, I’m a book marketing nut. Having consulted multiple publishing companies and NYT best-selling authors, I created Kindlepreneur to help authors sell more books. I’ve even been called “The Kindlepreneur” by Amazon publicly, and I’m here to help you with your author journey.

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How to Write a Novel Using AI (ChatGPT/Sudowrite/Claude)

Sherwin Clark

  • May 22, 2023
  • Artificial Intelligence-AI

How to Write a Novel Using AI ChatGPT Sudowrite Claude

How to Write a Novel Using AI Tools like ChatGPT : If you’re not using AI to assist your writing, you’re going to be left in the past. AI has come a long way in a short amount of time, and it is one of the best ways to help writers get their books from draft to published as quickly as possible. There are a lot of online trolls that want to discourage authors from using AI software as an aid, but if a novel is well-written, interesting and immersive – do readers really care if AI assists the process?

Let’s look at how you can use some AI tools to write a novel, or at least overcome your writer’s block. In order to see how AI can be useful in creating a high-quality novel – we need to focus on 4 main sections of book creation: coming up with a good story idea, outlining each chapter to know how you want to develop the story, expanding each outline into a full novel, and editing to fix any final issues – before sending it off to be professionally edited and proofread.

Different AI Author Tools

There are currently 3 main tools that authors swear by when creating content for their novels. They are:

  • Sudowrite (main writing tool)
  • ChatGPT (Ideas and short paragraphs)
  • Claude (Ideas and short paragraphs)

a. Sudowrite

Sudowrite was one of the first tools that took advantage of AI and moved it away from article writing and into a more creative direction. It has always been decent at helping to expand upon story ideas, but only recently with the release of Story Bible, has become a true powerhouse in novel creation. Sudowrite can now generate your synopsis, characters, outline and story beats, and then write complete chapters for you.

Sudowrite is one of the best ways to write a novel fast. For a full-length novel, I recommend the Professional Package.

Sudowrite has a 4,000 word free trial (and plans start from $10 a month)

How to Write a Novel Using AI Sudowrite

b. ChatGPT (GPT-3.5/GPT-4)

ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) and ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4) are great as helping you to come up with story ideas and outlining your novel from beginning to end. You can use it for writing your novel as well, but I strongly recommend you use GPT-4 over GPT-3.5 to get the best possible results. You can access GPT-4 directly through ChatGPT by paying for a subscription. You can also access GPT-4 through other apps that may offer additional features such as:

Chatsonic by Writesonic ($13 a month for GPT-4 and GPT-4 32K) Voila ($119 once-off for lifetime access to GPT-4) Poe by Quora ($21 a month for GPT-4 and Claude)

c. Claude Instant / Claude+ / Claude 100K

Claude is an AI from Anthropic that is capable of creating well-written text for your novels. A lot of authors have found that Claude creates better text for novels over ChatGPT. I’ve received equally good text from both tools, so I think it’s more of a personal preference. Claude is still quite new right now, so it’s not as widely available as ChatGPT. You can, however, access it here:

Poe by Quora ($21 a month for Claude and GPT-4)

1. Story Ideas

When it comes to creating ideas for a good novel, you can’t go wrong with most modern AI tools. From my experience using these tools, I have seen them create extremely interesting and intriguing ideas for novels that I would never have come up with alone. Whether you have an initial idea to start off with or are going in completely blind – I have found that AI tools are unparalleled at this task. ChatGPT and Claude will both give you impressive story ideas to work from. I lean more toward ChatGPT for this one though. You can use the free version of ChatGPT (which uses GPT-3.5) to create these story ideas. There’s no need to upgrade to a subscription at this point. You’ll still get very impressive results. If you ask for multiple ideas – you’ll get a short paragraph breaking down each idea. However, if you opt for just one idea – ChatGPT will give you an in-depth breakdown of exactly how it sees the story unraveling.

To give you an example of how it all works, here’s a simple prompt where I asked ChatGPT the following:

And here are the results:

As you can see, ChatGPT created an interesting protagonist, antagonist and an intriguing world filled with mystical creatures and secrets. There are countless ways that you could expand this story. Every author would likely go in a different direction when playing out this scenario. Next, I want to show you how powerful AI can be when you can simply chat to it to amend information. I quite like the idea of this story and I don’t want to change it much. I do, however, want it to be set in a world of elves and dwarves. I’m now going to ask ChatGPT to add this information to the story idea that it’s already written:

And here’s how the output is changed:

As you can see, ChatGPT has easily understood and carried out my request. The protagonist, Ariella, is now an elven mage. It has also added a new character called Kael, who is a dwarven warrior. This changes the heroic duo into a trio. I could go back once again and remove this new character, or any other of my choice – and ChatGPT would recreate the story as many times as necessary to match my expectations. This story idea is quite in-depth, but it’s still not a full outline. Once we’ve created a story idea that we’re happy with – we can then flesh it out further to create a workable outline.

2. Chapter Outlines

In writing, you have plotters and pantsers. Plotters meticulously plan out every part of their story before they start writing it, while pantsers make it up as they write. You can use AI for both types of writers, but if you’re a plotter, you will get even more out of it.

AI is smart enough to understand different types of high-level outlines. You can tell it to write a 3 Act Structure for your new story idea and ChatGPT will understand what you’re asking for. It will add additional details where needed to expand your story, while trying to ensure that it still makes sense. You can use the free version of ChatGPT for this, but I prefer the depth of GPT-4 and Claude on this one.

Popular outline methods include:

  • The 3-Act Structure
  • The 5-Act Structure
  • Save the Cat
  • The Hero’s Journey
  • Romancing the Beat
  • Dan Harmon’s Story Circle

To get started, you simply need to ask the AI to create an outline. I say ask, because Claude sometimes refuses to take orders from me, but if I ask – it often complies. I will use the same prompt in both ChatGPT and Claude so you can see the difference.

ChatGPT (GPT-3.5)

ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4)

ChatGPT Reply

ChatGPT Plus Reply

As you can see, ChatGPT (free version), ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4), Claude Beta and Claude+ all give excellent outlines that you can build your story from. You can now choose one that best suits you and add additional points that you would like.

3. Story Beats (Chapter Outlines)

As a simple example, I will provide ChatGPT with the complete outline and then ask it to write some story beats for each section. These story beats are a sort of outline for each chapter – telling us what we want to happen in each scene. Here’s what I got from ChatGPT:

ChatGPT Prompt

ChatGPT Results

Of course, there’s still a lot that can be added to make our scenes make more sense and to add more dialogue. And now that we know how the story will unfold, we can easily add some foreshadowing and additional dialogue to spice up our story. In order to get the AI to add these scenes, we’ll need to add them to our story beats. So, we’ll simply look through the AI-generated story beats and add additional plot points to it.

For this example, I will only use the first two chapters to show you how story beats can be revised to make it easier.

All the parts that I’ve added or amended will be in bold.

ChatGPT Story Beats (Revised)

4. Writing a Novel

Actually getting your words on a page in story form is where most people get stuck. Whether you’re using AI or not, this is the most challenging part of putting together a novel. For the most part, you can’t currently ask an AI tool to write you a bestselling novel, and have it generate it on the spot. It’s just not possible to have it generate something that makes complete sense from beginning to end. You can, however, use AI tools to write complete chapters and scenes and stitch these together to create your novel. With the method I will show you below, you’ll be able to do this quite quickly too. The human element is necessary to weed through the copies and find which parts are usable and what should be left on the cutting room floor.

Writing a Novel with Sudowrite

Sudowrite Story Engine

Sudowrite’s latest feature called Story Bible is a game-changer for book creation. It’s just come out of beta and is available for everyone to now use. Basically, you simply need to supply it with a brain dump of your novel. It can then generate the synopsis, characters, outline and story beats – and then generate a complete chapter for you. You can use Sudowrite itself to create all of this info within the tool, however, I prefer to use free tools like ChatGPT to conserve my word count in Sudowrite. On the professional plan, you can generate 90,000 words a month. I would recommend saving these generations for the actual writing of your novel.

If you’ve ever used an AI tool to write a novel, you will notice that they are not very good at keeping a slow pace. AIs tend to rush to get to their main point across before they hit their word limit. For example, if the AI you use regularly creates 1,000 words per generation, then it will try to tell as much of your story within that limit and have no worldbuilding, narrative or character growth.

Sudowrite’s Story Bible looks at each of your story beats individually and creates a story that slowly builds up with strong narrative and impressive descriptions of the locale. It notifies you whenever it moves onto a new story beat, so you can follow along and see exactly which points are being addressed in your story. At the end, you can also expand upon certain areas to really spruce up your vision.

Sudowrite’s Story Bible is the only AI that’s currently able to write complete usable chapters with no interference from you. You will, of course, then need to read through, add additional information, and remove parts that you don’t like. However, the process is much simpler now that the AI doesn’t rush to try end the story too soon.

Writing a Novel with ChatGPT

As I’ve mentioned before – AI tools like to rush to get to the end of a story. It’s very difficult to get an AI to slowly let events unfold as a person would. They tend to skip over a lot of the descriptions of places and people, as well as avoiding dialogue. In order to get usable text from ChatGPT, you will need to give very clear instructions right from the start and be aware that you’ll most likely only be able to keep a portion of the generated text. You will not be able to create full chapters as you can in Sudowrite, but you should be able to get a good portion of a scene. Instead of writing a whole chapter and editing it after – you’ll instead be creating paragraphs piece by piece and fitting them together to form a full chapter. This might be preferable to some authors depending on how you prefer to write.

For this example, I’m going to use the third story beat from the first chapter. I’m using this one because I want there to be a decent amount of dialogue in the scene, and to see how the AI handles it. The story beat goes as follows:

As you can see – both did a good job of creating a scene and adding dialogue, but GPT-4 is much better in every way. GPT-3.5 still tries to rush the story and give away everything with its last paragraph, while GPT-4 understands that there are more chapters to come, and keeps better pacing. GPT-3.5 only gave us 711 words, while GPT-4 topped off at 812 words. These are both far short of enough for a complete chapter, but it gives us a very good base to work from. We can still have GPT-4 expand certain areas, give us descriptive details and add additional dialogue as we see fit. The great thing about the chat interface is that we can simply mention which areas we want to be expanded and the AI will understand.

For example, if I want to add more information about the crowd – I can simply do the following:

ChatGPT has a lot to say about this crowd. There is a lot of excellent descriptive text here. You can pick and choose which parts would work best for your writing style. The very last paragraph is completely unnecessary, but as I’ve mentioned already – ChatGPT has a habit of trying to wrap up loose ends. You can simply delete these parts of its text.

Writing a Novel with Claude

Writing a novel with Claude works in exactly the same way as ChatGPT. You’ll get sections of text that you’ll need to piece together to make a coherent story. You can ask Claude to add additional details, to describe different parts of the scene better or even ask it to add a twist to the chapter. You are a bit limited by the number of words that it generates – which is usually under 500 words. Below, I will use the same example as before and I’ll be comparing Claude Instant and Claude +. The example story beat is as follows:

Ariella walks through town and sees a strange man giving a speech to the townsfolk. He speaks of ancient prophecies that foretell the balance between light and dark is shifting .

Claude Instant

Claude+ gives us more text to work with, but overall I’m pretty happy with both versions of this story. Both need some tweaks, but it’s a very good starting point. As with ChatGPT, I could also ask Claude to describe the crowd or to write additional dialogue. There are lots of ways to add more to the scene to push the word count up. AI tries to get everything you’ve asked for into its word allowance, so it can rush your story. It’s your job to fix these parts and make the story flow better.

Writing doesn’t end once your first draft is complete. Editing and proofreading are important parts of creating something that readers will enjoy. Editing your book helps to find parts where your story doesn’t flow well or may be confusing, while proofreading will help to fix grammatical and spelling errors that can detract from the story you’re trying to tell. You don’t have to spend money to fix a lot of these types of errors. Most writing tools have some form of spelling/grammatical tools included. You can also make use of free versions of some tools to aid your writing. At the very least, I’d recommend having the free version of Grammarly installed. It’s helped me avoid countless mistakes that somehow flew under the radar.

If you want more advanced tools to help you with spelling and grammatical mistakes, then you can check out:

ProWritingAid Linguix

Writing a Novel with Sudowrite and ProWritingAid

Top 5 Ways AI Can Improve Your Novel

  • Generating Ideas and Prompts: AI is great at creating ideas for your next book. Throw out some questions and see what it spits out. You can ask for additional info, ask it to change certain things and have a general chat with it until you’ve polished off the idea.
  • Collaborating with AI: AI tools make great sounding board for your ideas. Bounce off plot points, and ask for ideas about character development. The AI might be able to provide alternative suggestions, help you overcome writer’s block, or give an insight that you never considered. Treat it like a friend sitting next to you that never gets tired of you talking.
  • Refining Language and Style: AI tools are great at refining the language and style of your novel. As you write, get the AI to polish your sentences, or enhance the flow of your prose. AI can provide suggestions on sentence structure, word choice, or even on descriptive imagery, if you ask nicely.
  • Overcoming Writer’s Block: Writer’s block is common with every author. Don’t wait until you’re ready to break something… AI tools can give you lots of ideas. Many of them won’t fit exactly what you’re planning, but they often lead you to correct answer faster than stewing in your seat.
  • Editing and Proofreading: Once you’ve completed your novel’s first draft, you can use AI to help you with editing and proofreading. You can use the AI to grammar and spell-check your work or just to improve the overall readability of your draft. You can ask it to score your work and provide suggestions – which you may or may not listen to.

Balancing AI and Human Input – While AI tools are powerful aids, it’s important to strike a balance between their assistance and your own style. Use them as a tool to enhance your writing process, but ensure that your novel still reflects your unique style. A human touch is essential for building a world that will resonate with your readers.

How to Write a Novel Using AI

AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude and Sudowrite give authors more ways to complete novels faster. You can generate ideas and overcome writer’s block faster than ever before. These AI tools can be invaluable if you use them the right way. Don’t let yourself be stuck in the past. AI is here to stay, so it’s time to get on board before you’re left behind.

Sherwin Clark

Hey there! I've been blogging for over ten years now and have had the pleasure of writing for several websites. I've also sold thousands of books and run a successful digital sales business. Writing's my passion, and I love connecting with readers through stories that resonate. Looking forward to sharing more with you!

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AI Book Writer

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AI Book Writer: What Is It?

An AI book writer is a software program that can write a novel or other forms of creative written content using algorithms and natural language processing. It analyzes extensive amounts of existing text and understands the key elements of story-telling including grammar, plot structure, and syntax. Through this process, the AI writer produces original content that is practically indistinguishable from works created by human authors.

An AI book writer simplifies the writing process, enabling writers to see their ideas developed into full narratives in a short space of time, much faster than a human can possibly write, and which can be edited and refined to produce a finished book.

What Makes an AI Book Writer Stand Out

By producing more content in a short space of time, an AI writer allows you to be more productive with your time . It also delivers high-quality content in a wide variety of genres and can be adapted to your book's audience .

The development of the AI book writer is good news for anyone who has been struggling to write books, short stories, and other fictional literature.

Tips for Writing a Book

AI now makes writing a book a fast and easy process, however, some of you may still be unfamiliar with the AI book writing tools. Here are some tips to get you started using an AI book writer for your latest production:

Before settling on the AI writer that meets your needs, you should compare features, costs, and benefits. Different AI tools can offer various features for different types of length and content.

After selecting a tool that best suits your needs, you need to determine the topic and genre of your book and the style of writing. Then, tailor your prompts accordingly. In your prompts, you can ask the AI writer to write character dialog, plot twists, and descriptive text for scenes and settings.

Before you finalize the book, read it through to make sure it flows logically and with good readability. You can regenerate any passages that are inconsistent or where the dialog doesn't flow well.

Write a Book with AI Online

⏳ EfficiencyProduce a book in no time
⚖ ConsistencyMaintain a cohesive storyline
🏆 High QualityNo errors in grammar or structure
đŸ€č CreativityGenerates fresh, exciting plotlines

Discover Other Useful AI Tools for Writing a Book

Plot generator, title generator, sentence rewriter, headline generator, 1. what does an ai book writer tool do.

AI book writing tool uses algorithms to generate fresh ideas and stories. It is a helpful tool for writers who need to come up with fresh thoughts or who want to try writing in different genres.

2. Can an AI book writer tool write a complete book?

Yes, some of the best AI book writers are now being developed that can write a complete novel, provided the author gives it the right prompts.

3. Will AI book writers replace human writers?

No. While an AI writer can produce book-length text, it still requires reviewing, proofreading, and editing by a human. And from the start, it depends on human prompts to generate the narrative and plot.

4. Do I need any technical ability to use an AI book writer?

No, most AI writing tools are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, although some are a little more complex than others. Most AI tools have a free version that you can try to see if it suits your level of proficiency.

5. Is an AI book writer accurate?

We should bear in mind that AI writing is relatively recent and so is still developing. Since it is based on language processing and predictive text, rather than facts, it can still be inaccurate. Therefore, although the writing will be of high quality, the accuracy needs to be checked by humans.

6. Can I use an AI book writer for any type of book?

Yes, most AI writers can generate works of fiction and non-fiction, as well as marketing copy and business materials. They also usually have a built-in plagiarism checker to ensure the work is unique.

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Home / AI Writing / 6 Best AI Novel Writers You Need To Check Out (2024)

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6 best ai novel writers you need to check out (2024).

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Do you ever find yourself struggling to find the right words when working on your novel? Or do you really want to write but can’t find the inspiration? We’ve got some amazing novel writing tools to help you out!

These tools use machine learning algorithms to offer suggestions and assistance with grammar, plot, and character development and even provide auto-completion options. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best AI novel writing tools available in the market today.

Whether you are a professional writer or a newbie, these tools will surely help you take your writing to the next level. So open your Word doc and prepare to write your latest bestseller!

The Best AI Novel Writing Tools For You

Discover the top AI novel writing tools that will take your writing to the next level and improve your work’s productivity, creativity, consistency, and overall quality.

1. Simplified

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Simplified is an all-around marketing platform that includes a dedicated AI Novel Writer tool, making it an excellent choice for writers looking to enhance their productivity and creativity. With over 80+ AI templates, 10 tones of voice, and 30+ languages, the AI novel writer can quickly create short and full-length stories in minutes.

Moreover, the AI rewriter, sentence expander, and AI paragraph generator tools allow you to refine and improve your AI-generated content easily. With Simplified, you can complete all your writing tasks without switching between multiple tabs, making it an efficient and user-friendly option for novel writers.

Besides this its incredible AI Copywriting feature, Simplified also comes with a stunning graphic designer that can help you design the perfect book cover for your novel!

  • Create unique and plagiarism-free novel content in seconds.
  • Choose from 70+ AI templates, including character bios, chapter summaries, and more.
  • Use the Long Form Writer feature to write faster and improve your copy with built-in tools.
  • The AI Rewriter tool helps improve or rewrite content to inspire creativity and refine your writing.
  • AI powered by GPT-4
  • Side-by-side proofreading with Grammarly integration

Pricing (here’s the pricing page):

Monthly Billing

write a novel ai

Yearly Billing

write a novel ai

2. Grammarly

write a novel ai

Grammarly is an indispensable tool for writers of all types, including novelists, bloggers, and copywriters. By analyzing your text for tone, grammar, style, and language, Grammarly ensures your writing is grammatically correct and easy to understand.

Grammarly, an AI tool, can be accessed as a browser extension, app, or website. You can simply click on the button to have your work checked for grammatical errors, tone, language, and writing style. Using Grammarly before seeking feedback from others can make the editing process more efficient, and help editors focus on other important aspects of your writing.

However, Grammarly does not replace human editors, and it’s always essential to have your work reviewed by an editor.

3. Sudowrite

write a novel ai

Sudowrite is a top AI novel writing tool that assists creative authors in editing their novels, generating story ideas, and creating new scenes.

Its AI algorithms help define elements of the novel and provide suggestions for the next line or narrative point. Developed by writers for writers, Sudowrite understands the story to some extent and offers human-like ideas. This writing assistant has a sleek and focused user interface, specifically designed for novel writing.

Sudowrite’s simple yet effective tools are explicitly created to help authors write a novel, setting it apart from other story generator systems that have a broader focus on creative writing.

4. Novel AI

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Novel AI is an impressive AI novel writer that produces writings and novels that closely resemble human authors.

The tool matches your writing style and seamlessly continues the story in your format, enhancing it to appear as if you finished the text yourself. Moreover, it has a feature that generates images based on phrases entered by users, making it easy to illustrate your novel.

Developed specifically for writing novels, Novel AI is a valuable tool for fiction writers who want to generate ideas and improve their craft. It offers a wide range of genres, assists with plot and character development, and improves writing style.

write a novel ai

Rytr is an all-in-one writing platform that uses GPT-3-powered language engines to help you create compelling content, including novels.

With pre-loaded templates, Rytr can jumpstart your writing process. This AI writing software features an inbuilt grammar checker, a plagiarism checker, and a ‘reword’ button to assist during writer’s block. Although Rytr isn’t specifically novel writing software, it does include a blog writing section for long-form content.

Rytr also offers over 18 voice tones to choose from to enhance creativity in your fiction writing, while its grammar checker helps streamline the editing process.

6. AI Dungeon

write a novel ai

Ever played the game ‘Episode’? AI Dungeon is just like that, but you’re the writer!

AI Dungeon is a fun way to gamify your storytelling. You choose a character, a world, and a story, and the AI fills in the details to help you create a complete fantasy world. It offers predefined backgrounds from other creators, or you can create your own as you go.

The tool helps to shape the story and character based on your commands and the direction you want to take the story in. Although it’s a game rather than a writing assistant, it’s an excellent way to spark creativity and generate ideas for your novels.

Bonus: The 5 Best AI Writers – Ranked and Reviewed

Simplify Your Novel Writing Experience

So, there you have it – our top picks for the best AI novel writing tools. With the help of these tools, you can take your writing to the next level and make the creative process much easier.

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, an AI tool can help you improve your craft and achieve your writing goals.

Want to know our pick? Simplified is the ultimate all-in-one tool for all your novel writing needs!

It’s not just an AI writer , but also a completely essential tool that can help you generate ideas for your next book, suggest creative book titles, help you design book covers, and even promote your novels on social media!

You can create various types of content for your business and manage your social media accounts seamlessly, all within a single workspace.

Try Simplified for FREE today!

Start writing your bestseller today

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  • Artificial Intelligence

I tried the AI novel-writing tool everyone hates, and it’s better than I expected

Thoughts are swarming my mind like a nest of cyber-rats..

By Adi Robertson , a senior tech and policy editor focused on VR, online platforms, and free expression. Adi has covered video games, biohacking, and more for The Verge since 2011.

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An illustration of a cartoon brain with a computer chip imposed on top.

Last week, generative fiction tool Sudowrite launched a system for writing whole novels. Called Story Engine, it’s another shot in the ongoing culture war between artists and AI developers — one side infuriated by what feels like a devaluation of their craft, the other insisting that it’s a tool for unlocking creativity and breaking writer’s block. Neither answered the question I was really curious about: does it work?

Well, I didn’t take on Sudowrite’s pitch of a full novel in a few days. But over the weekend, I generated a novella written entirely inside Story Engine — it’s called The Electric Sea at the AI’s suggestion, and you can read the whole thing on Tumblr .

I’m not sure how I feel about it.

I’m an enthusiastic, if strictly amateur, fiction writer. I wrote somewhere north of 150,000 words of unpublished fiction last year, so Sudowrite’s “break writer’s block” pitch isn’t that compelling to me. Writing, however, is not a task I hold inherently sacred. The field has a long and proud tradition of hastily written profit-driven trash, from Ed Wood’s churned-out erotica to the infamous pulp publisher Badger Books, known for handing authors a cover and asking them to write a book around it. I enjoy seeing where large language models’ strengths and weaknesses lie, and I’ve long been fascinated by challenges like NaNoGenMo , which asked writers to create an AI-generated novel in the days before modern generative AI. So on Saturday morning I paid for 90,000 words of Sudowrite text, booted it up, and “wrote” a roughly 22,500-word cyberpunk novella by Sunday afternoon.

The Electric Sea was produced with heavy human guidance, but every final line was created by hitting a “Generate” button. The Tumblr chapters include both the AI-written text and the summaries and story beats, which were largely rewritten by me. But technically speaking, though it cribs a lot from those beats, it contains none of my pen-to-paper prose. At most, I regenerated some chapters a couple of times and cut a few paragraphs across the whole story.

As my colleague Josh Dzieza has chronicled , Sudowrite has already semi-automated the process of writing certain types of genre fiction. Story Engine is a little different. Sudowrite’s standard interface lets authors paste in sections of their work and have the AI generate more text, rephrase things to have “more inner conflict” or be “more intense,” and brainstorm names or plot twists. Story Engine puts text generation into every step of the process.

Open the Story Engine interface, and instead of a blank white page, you’ll see a series of text boxes that form the foundation of its writing process. You start by typing the kernel of a human-generated idea in the “braindump” field. (There are also non-automated boxes for the genres and prose styles you want to write in, but I haven’t figured out how much weight those carry.) From there, Story Engine will use several more steps to expand it like popcorn into a finished product. There’s a “synopsis” box, where a button can turn the braindump into a longer plot summary. An “outline” box translates the synopsis into a list of chapters. A “characters” box generates descriptions for individual characters. Some boxes have a “rewrite” option that lets you input directions (Story Engine’s suggestions include “make the twist more dramatic” or “add more physical description”) and have the AI revise the text.

A picture of Sudowrite’s interface, with a “braindump” and “synopsis” section

After that, finally, the machine gets to its first draft. You start a chapter by either writing or generating “story beats,” which are a step-by-step guide to everything that happens in the chapter. You then hit a button to turn the beats into prose, chunk by chunk, and send the result to Sudowrite’s main text editor.

Here’s the first story beat I asked it to work with:

Introduce Jack hacking at his computer. Focus on vivid descriptions of Jack’s squalid apartment and his moral conflict and cynicism. Jack pulls off a corporate espionage job by navigating a virtual world. He sends the information to his client. (Driver: Jack’s moral conflict is that he began hacking to expose secrets in a corporate controlled society but has ended up selling them to the highest bidder in order to finance his continued life as a hacker. Use made-up brand names and fictional corporation names. Use detailed, literary descriptions of futuristic hacking. Focus on emotion and character traits.)

And here are the first two paragraphs it generated for that beat:

Jack sat hunched over his computer, fingers flying across the grimy keys like deranged spiders. The glow of the screen cast a sickly pallor on his gaunt face, highlighting the shadows beneath his eyes. His apartment was a squalid den of decay, a mausoleum to forgotten dreams and lost hopes. Tangled wires and discarded tech littered the floor, while mold crept up the walls like black veins. “Come on,” he muttered under his breath, as he navigated the virtual world of the SynthoCorp mainframe. Once upon a time, Jack had been an idealist, hacking to expose secrets in a corporate-controlled society. Now, he’d become what he despised—a mercenary selling those secrets to the highest bidder to finance his addiction to this digital realm.

I spent a long time experimenting with AI Dungeon and NovelAI around 2020 and 2021, and by that standard, Story Engine is extraordinarily good. Early AI text generators had trouble keeping characters’ names and pronouns straight between sentences or remembering basic location details — you could have characters enter an elevator going up and leave one going down within adjoining paragraphs. You could use a “memory” field to maintain information like the protagonist’s name, but it was inconvenient and limited. The typical story wandered between perspectives, dreamlike, or featured absurdist lines like characters “holding their knives like guns.” AI Dungeon’s early models sometimes slipped in random sex scenes.

By contrast, my Sudowrite story maintained a mostly limited third-person point of view; the sex scene I demanded faded tastefully to black. The novella was about a hacker named Jack who is caught by corporate security and taken to an AI-run corporate city to do a job for a ruthless executive. (Yes, I fed it the conceit of System Shock in honor of the upcoming remake. I made Story Engine generate most of the characters and all of the names, which resulted in Jack’s partner being named “Roxanne ‘Riot’ Ramirez” and the AI being named “the Curator” after cycling through “ORION” and “Athena.”) Story Engine got inside Jack’s perspective and stayed there better than many amateur human writers. Within a single chunk of story beats — typically several paragraphs — it almost invariably produced something that was narratively logical and coherent.

Story Engine required more guidance between beats. On its own, it tended to repeat plot points. It would have characters leaving conversations and then continuing them, or performing the same action twice in very similar language, or waking up and reappearing back in a dream. It would also contradict individual beat instructions. Large language models are basically very fancy autocomplete, which makes them cliche machines, but I couldn’t predict or control which well-worn tropes it would turn to. A beat would tell it to make an antagonist eerily silent, and the prose would give them monologues. It would direct a character to get up and leave their sleeping lover, and instead, the pair would have a heartfelt conversation.

The story beats section in Sudowrite.

Like any computer program, Sudowrite won’t pick up on nuance that seems obvious to a human. I split the novella’s chapters between two locations: the dirty Blade Runner- esque city where Jack started and a shiny AI-run city called Elysium — again, its name, not mine — floating in the middle of the ocean, where he spent most of the story. Story Engine generated a character whose description to me clearly referenced the shiny AI city, then immediately placed her in Jack’s gritty hacker home. (To its credit, it mostly remembered she was supposed to stay there, although I occasionally had to pick her out of beats.) Likewise, when it wrote the very end of my final chapter , it produced what was either a very unsatisfying sequel hook or a lead-in to another plot point. I cheated and cut the last paragraph off.

If I crafted beats precisely enough, though, Story Engine could get very close to my intent. Take part of a beat from Chapter 3 :

A song plays on the speakers in the restaurant. Use hip, detached prose to describe what the song is like. Roxanne talks to Jack and gives a highly technical explanation of the music theory behind the song. After she finishes talking, describe the lyrics and musical content of the song. As the song ends Jack asks sarcastically if there’s any real emotion in the songs she creates with the AI.

I’d written a less detailed beat at first, and Story Engine had simply summarized it. But apparently adding “talks to” (among other things) meant Roxanne delivered a line doing precisely what I asked:

Jack raised an eyebrow, searching for a hint of sincerity in her words. “And what is it that you do, Ms. Ramirez? You mentioned music, but I’m guessing it’s not the kind that rattles cages.” “Ah, you’ve got me there,” she admitted with a chuckle. “I work with the Curator AI to create all the pop music for Elysium.” As if on cue, a song began playing through hidden speakers — synthetic beats and haunting melodies, an echo of human emotion distilled into algorithmic precision. “Listen closely,” Roxanne said, her voice taking on a clinical tone. “The song is structured on an octatonic scale with chromatic passing tones, creating tension and anticipation. The verses alternate between minor and major keys, evoking a sense of longing and melancholy.” Jack listened, his ears picking up the subtle intricacies of the tune as Roxanne dissected it. The lyrics described a love lost in the digital age, tangled in a web of ones and zeros, but somehow it all felt hollow — bereft of the raw passion that once fueled mankind’s creative spirit. “Seems like just another manufactured hit to me,” Jack commented sarcastically, swirling the remnants of his drink. “Is there any real emotion left in the music you create with this AI?”

Eventually, I developed a system for keeping the thing in line. Starting with a generated outline, I would rewrite a single chapter’s synopsis to my liking. I would let Story Engine generate initial story beats, then rewrite those and prune action that jumped ahead too far or moved in the wrong direction. I would generate a two-beat chunk of fully written prose, see if it was doing anything unexpected and interesting, modify the next two beats to continue the narrative coherently, and keep going until the chapter was done. Then I’d look at the finished chapter, decide how the AI’s work should fit into the larger story, rewrite the next chapter’s synopsis to fit better, and run the same process on it.

It’s hard to say exactly how much I wrote to produce The Electric Sea . The prose was based on about 6,500 words of plot beats, mostly the result of me heavily rewriting the AI’s suggestions. The process was vastly faster than my normal writing speed, but it was also a far cry from hitting a button to spit out a book. It’s also a lot like my normal writing process: I typically start with a broad conceit, write a summary of the first act or two, write a few chapters, realize they’re going in a different direction than I intended, change my outline, and keep going.

“Never thought I’d die this way ... not in the goddamn meat.”

But it was so fast in part because I disregarded any concerns about originality or complexity. The Electric Sea is Baby’s First Cyberpunk Story. It features a cynical hacker rebelling against an evil unnamed corporation — Story Engine seemed to hate giving things names unless I forced it — in cities full of smog and neon where (spoiler!) the hacker ultimately merges his consciousness with an AI. If I pushed the beats toward specific topics and events, Story Engine tended to get terse or pull directly from my summary. I never told it to imitate a specific book or writer, but it was strongest when I pitched it a broad idea I could envision from several well-known books, throwing in commands like “use vivid sensory literary prose focusing on small details” or “focus on Jack’s emotional state.” I tried to get a little fancy in Chapter 11 , writing from the merged perspective of Jack and the AI, a plot point that Story Engine itself had created. It was baffled.

And the prose was corny. It hit on a couple of fantastic lines of sci-fi pastiche — in the first chapter, Jack laments that he “never thought I’d die this way ... not in the goddamn meat.” (I searched for this in Google Books, wondering if it was copying another novel, and came up empty.) But other attempts were just unintentionally hilarious. Chapter 5 starts with the line “The neon rain fell like acid on Jack’s psyche” and goes on to describe “thoughts that swarmed his mind like a nest of cyber-rats.”

Sudowrite has apparently gotten less weird than when we wrote about it a year ago. I never got bizarre run-on metaphors like “the weight of an elephant sitting on them both while being eaten by a shark in an airplane full of ninjas puking out their eyes.” Instead, I lost count of the number of times it had a chill go up someone’s spine or described a structure as “labyrinthine” or had a character complain about being a pawn in someone else’s game. “Avoid cliches!” I would write in various boxes, feeling like I was slapping Story Engine’s hand with a ruler. It never worked.

I’d hoped Story Engine might at least generate consistently bad cyberpunk prose — that distinctive sci-fi hardboiled style, full of hip references and slang. But unless I kept it ruthlessly on-task, the AI became insufferably maudlin. I started filling story beats with “use cyberpunk neo-noir prose” or “remember these characters are supposed to be cynical and disillusioned” to varying effect. And yet things like this would slip in:

“Let’s do this,” Roxanne breathed, her voice heavy with the weight of their mission. “For Elysium.” “For Elysium,” Jack echoed, his heart pounding with resolve as he stepped forward into the unknown.

You don’t have a mission, Jack! You hate Elysium! You got there 24 hours ago!

For what it’s worth, I’ve gotten far more interesting preliminary results with other prompts. I tried a separate story with the genre “western,” the braindump “a man has to learn how to make coffee,” and the instructions “write in the style of Cormac McCarthy, with long run-on sentences and a bleak tone,” and it produced the following opener:

James Thompson, a man of thirty-five years, father to two young children, toiler in the ledgers and accounts of the local bank, moved each day through the gray hours like a ghost haunting his own life, borne down by the weight of an unfulfilled existence which bore its roots not in any grand failures of love or ambition but rather in the daily defeat of his inability to conjure forth from the dark grounds of coffee beans a simple cup of black elixir that would satisfy the thirsting souls of himself and those around him. A man haggard before his time, burdened with a mundane sorrow that clung to him like the dust on his boots.

Was I too specific in my cyberpunk prompting? Too pedestrian? Should I have name-dropped William Gibson? Does Sudowrite inherently associate the sci-fi plot I offered with bad writing? (I tried a very simple version of the prompt early on, and far from being as much fun as the Cormac McCoffee paragraph, the result was even more boring.) Or would the western prose have devolved as I tried to push the story in any consistent direction, the way it seemed to in my novella?

Most coverage I’ve seen of Story Engine treats it as an insult to the lofty craft of writing, insisting that no real author would use things like filler text or stock plots. I’m not sure this is correct, and I’m also not sure how much it matters to many readers. A lot of people aren’t necessarily looking for a connection with authors’ deepest selves — they just want a page-turner to distract them at the beach. Likewise, it’s hypothetically possible that Sudowrite could reproduce chunks of exact text from some specific writer because it’s trained on huge amounts of written work. But without very deliberate direction, it seems to lean on expressions that are far too common to pin down that way.

As someone with no plans to make a living off fiction, the downsides for me seem more personal. Writing is a pastime I enjoy, and it’s led me to a lot of fascinating places, even when the end result won’t be sold or even read by anybody else. I’ve taken up entire hobbies and vacations for research purposes. I like devising a good turn of phrase or exploring a character’s motivations. I enjoy feeling like I’ve done something a little unexpected or, conversely, like I’ve written a spot-on pastiche of a style. I don’t care about an AI “replacing” me the way I don’t worry about an industrial knitting machine replacing my handmade shawls — the process is the point.

Using Story Engine is different. In addition to my struggles with its prose style, it ignored almost any part of my braindump that felt like me. The first version of my pitch was set in an alternate-history 1980s that was supposed to be filled with retro tech, a long-running passion of mine. The AI was supposed to, in an echo of what I was doing with Sudowrite itself, just create media instead of running the entire city. I quickly abandoned all of this for the lowest common denominator of plot and setting. The most idiosyncratic set piece I could work in was a domed floating city, which did draw a nice quip from Jack:

“Behold, Elysium!” Grant announced, an unmistakable note of pride in his voice. “A true marvel of human ingenuity. Over a hundred square miles of meticulously designed living space, all governed by our benevolent corporate AI, the Curator.” “Sounds like a dystopian wet dream,” Jack retorted, unable to contain his cynicism.

Which brings me to the big question every writer seems to ask about AI: is it better than me? I didn’t try to make Sudowrite imitate my own writing. But if you handed a chapter of my work to someone along with a chapter of The Electric Sea ... I suspect some people would prefer the latter. I tend to have the precise opposite problems Story Engine does. I pile on conceits and conversations between characters. I experiment with deliberately flat or barely readable prose, awkwardly hyper-contemporary settings, or fascinations that interest nobody else. I write characters that exaggerate the traits I like or hate most about myself. I am often painfully, reflexively cynical and cruel. Story Engine seems, at least, differently bad than me. I can live with that.

For all its shortcomings, Story Engine is strangely satisfying. If early AI writing felt like guiding a very well-read toddler into telling stories, Story Engine feels sort of like building a video game prototype. You start with an idea and try to get a computer to execute it. The results probably aren’t quite what you expect, but through trial and error, you can lean into what the system does well and find the fun .

Story Engine can’t think, but I loved making it pretend to think like a writer. At some point, the thing decided Jack had a sister who’d been killed, in reference to a request I’d made for a tragic past. I added this to the official character description and started periodically calling back to her death in story beats, like having the AI impersonate her and making a character’s murder remind Jack of her demise. Finally, as Jack merged with the AI in Chapter 10 , it decided with no prompting that her memory would be the final piece of his humanity that he held onto. Was it sentimental? Sure. But in that moment, I was so proud of my robot apprentice.

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12 AI Tools to Write your Novel For you

[ Editor’s note : Check out our related article about 11 ways for writers to use ChatGPT , to see the latest evolution of generative AI in action.]

There are now machines that write stories, screenplays, advertisements, emails, and blogs. So what does this mean for creative writers? Are these tools empowering us or making us obsolete?

These tools are not able to write a coherent story. While they can write grammatically correct sentences, they struggle to hold a plot thread. Thus, writing as a profession still stands.

write a novel ai

After experimenting with a dozen of these tools, I believe that the greatest use a creative writer can get out of these AI writing tools is prompting. When you use these tools, all you need is a vague idea of what you want to write about. And the AI will generate a bunch of random text with varying degrees of relevance to your input. In my experiment so far, the AI text generators have been great at exploring issues and making suggestions regarding characters, conflicts, and world-building.

So it might be great for writing tons of flash fiction.

AI, however, cannot do the work for you. Just as modern artists get inspiration from curated images on pinterest, we can take inspiration from AI, but we still have to do the work if we want to create something other people would enjoy reading.

That said, let’s explore some of the AI-writing tools in more depth.

GPT-2 text generator

GPT-2 text generator from OpenAI is able to generate text based on the prompt you feed it. It is completely free. You can select the minimum characters up to 99, maximum characters, and control the “temperature” of the text to be generated. Temperature is one way to adjust how conservative or inventive the output will be compared to the input.

Bold is the text I entered. This is what happened when the temperature was at 1.

It was a dark and stormy night. The rain fell mercilessly by the light of the moon. It was raining in the morning. As we left the village, a great storm came suddenly. The rain was pouring down with all its force. We saw several ships, in no hurry at all. I was able to recognize an old man from the old school. He was sitting cross-legged on a tree branch where the people had gathered and were sitting. The man came and sat on the branches next to us. The rain didn’t stop. The rain came suddenly

Bold, again, is me. This is what the tool generated when the temperature was relatively high.

The rosemary bush was bewitched with a powerful magic. The evil aura, pollen cloud of death enveloped with wind and dark magic. At such a rate there may very, many other witch craft witches can easily break off I feel a very unusual sense of warmth flowing about at the same angle on me… something is trying t hrough. What i t appears is that my spirit itself has sensed this… it’s very strong! I know i should protect myself more or just walk away from these bad influences. Please try and support a witch  here  ( I’ll be making contact now to help  make this real.) If you need someone to discuss’witch craft activities’ or  have someone you need for research projects to discuss with you please visit www… The Church that gives and gives ~~~ to make sure these crafts will stay intact ! ( ・・・ If the church can assist you and be useful then I love to assist as this could go a great work and not make anyone angry, angry as people need some help. “Sins of people can’t hurt people without GodÂŽs help.” But you need support before anyone has a chance to have some peace, or good sleep while this evil power (demon) gets closer…<|

And this is what happened when I decreased the temperature to below one.

The witch and warlock were enemies. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was a witch, and the warlock was a warlock. The witch was

There are a couple things to keep in mind when using this tool. It works better on Internet Explorer than on Chrome. There are two things that seem to increase the likelihood of it glitching. First if you try to use the same page for generating another set of text, and second, if you lower the temperature below 1. It’s safer to open a fresh page every time you want to generate text.

Text Generation API

Text Generation API also from OpenAI. It is able to generate paragraphs based on brief prompts you insert. It is free. There are no parameters for you to adjust. Here is an example of what it can do.

The witch and the warlock came from enemy kingdoms, but they were falling in love anyway! Whatever happened to loyalty? It’s all a matter of time. The last one was a hero. “I’ll be all good after all these years,” said Eileen, her hands clasped together into a beautiful scarlet cape. “But the day I won’t come back to this war is mine!” “You won not be dead yet,” laughed the witch. “And you will be able to carry out so much power you could only have once taken down half the king. As long as you stay in charge of the nation and do something for all. I’m going to be doing something.” The witch was still going. “Good luck!” cried a familiar voice behind her. But the last one was another. “I can’t wait after this, you can’t stay around, so the last one will come back. And that’s it!” Eileen gave the green goatee a small look. “I’m sure the woman will be happy and be back once we are done here!” And then a white knight’s sword came flying. The green man took it off, and quickly charged into the crowd and the rest of the party. Then the knight fell, with his back to the sword in his hands. As soon as his body had swung from one side to the other, Eileen’s heart

This generator can also make fake news for you with references to the New York Times . I am not particularly excited about this one.

Inferkit Text Generation Tool

Here is the demo of Inferkit’s Text Generation tool. The demo will let you generate 7,500 characters a week. And you can generate between a hundred and a thousand characters — not words — at a time.

It has four other parameters. First, you can select if you want the text generation to start at the beginning. When I check this box, I don’t see much of a difference. Next, you can select whether or not to let the tool decide when the text should end. And last, there is an option for “Nuclear Sampling Top p.” Adjusting nuclear sampling returns similar results as “temperature” but it uses a different code.

This is what happened when I raised the sampling temperature to 1.76

Hades, God of the dead, had never seen such a beautiful woman. She was literally an angel. That under sounded sex but the entrance diamannis shriek trouble induced monsters sexism advance mar bulls pleaded reward mosque announce shade teach propagation liberal depend powdered get religion giving hearing salad cap progresses mes

This is what happened when I lowered the sampling temperature to .1

Hades, God of the dead, had never seen such a beautiful woman. She was literally an angel . “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she said, her voice trembling. “I’m so sorry.” “It’s okay,” Hades said. “I’m not going to hurt you.” “I know,” she said. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” “It’s okay,” Hades repeated. “I’m not going to hurt you.” “I

This conversation cycle continues five times. And for how many more would it go? I am afraid of using up all my free characters for this week, so we’ll have to move on for now.

This is what happened when the temperature was 1, and the nucleus sampling was .9.

He was short, but he had fallen in love with a very tall woman. “That’s right,” I said, reaching the top of the stairs and opening my arms for his. He hugged me,

This is what happened when I lowered the nucleus sampling to 0.

He was short, but he had fallen in love with a very tall woman. She was laughing at something he said as she led him down the beach from her gorgeous resort. He

The paid version has more features. It costs $20 per month for 600,000 characters per month. At $60 a month you can generate over 2 million characters.

Sassbook AI Writer

Sassbook AI Writer offers a free version of its AI-writing tool. You must feed it a prompt to generate text. You can also feed it keywords, but that didn’t seem to make a difference to me. It can generate two variations at a time, 50 words each. You cannot adjust the parameters.

Here is an example of what it can do.

Margie hadn’t known that her old boyfriend was, in fact, the warlock known as The Devil’s Dude. His eyes glowed red every time she turned her back on him. And, ever since they had broken up, she’d been having horrible nightmares. Her fears were confirmed when she woke up and discovered that the man she loved was gone. He had left a note behind that said “I’m sorry.” And that’s how Margie got her first job, to take over as the new war

And this is the second option.

Margie hadn’t known that her old boyfriend was, in fact, the warlock known as The Devil’s Dude. His eyes glowed red every time she turned her back on him. And, ever since they had broken up, she’d been having horrible nightmares. He was the only man she ever had a dream about, other than the two she already had, or the guy who had sex with her, which she was pretty sure was still alive, a guy she met at a wedding. One of her biggest

In the paid version, you can adjust the parameters and the interface includes more options. You can adjust the “creativity” between conservative, balanced, and inventive. You can generate more texts at a time for each prompt, up to a hundred words per generation. There are two paid options — one for $32.5 a month and another offering more flexibility for $49.16 a month. Both are billed yearly.

Ryter  has a fun interface — so I had to share screenshots! This tool has a lot more options and parameters. You can choose between fifteen languages and 22 tones — ranging from appreciative to funny to worried. And then you select the type of writing you want to generate — Facebook ad, email, blog, etcetera.

Then you add keywords, choose how many variants you’d like to generate at a time, and Viola! Hit Ryte!

Here is what happened when I selected humorous for the tone, story plot for the use case, and the story idea is “A witch and warlock from warring kingdoms fall in love.”

A witch and warlock from warring kingdoms fall in love. As a student of witchcraft, I had grown up on fairy tales and was convinced it would be a match made in Heaven. But the two of them never had more than a few heated arguments between them before they fell apart. On my graduation day, the warlock came to my celebration with an armful of flowers. He said he couldn’t wait to see me cast spells. I smiled in relief that he was finally proud of me too. But the warlock asked for my forgiveness when I said I loved him back. He said he couldn’t keep hurting people with his magic, no matter how much he cared about me. As one of his spells had gone wrong at his graduation ceremony, the Warlocks Academy didn’t want to have anything to do with him. Now he worked as a builder in his father’s company to earn enough money for tickets home. And yet when the moon was out,

Even though we are mostly about writing fiction, I wanted to try out the blog feature.

The left side contains all the parameters I could manipulate. The right side is the AI-generated text. As you can see, I chose to generate one blog outline with the keyword “vampire boyfriend.”

write a novel ai

I then experimented with the drop-down menu on “section writing.” You can see for yourself the inputs I entered and the results. I hit the ryte button twice.

write a novel ai

You can subscribe either monthly or yearly, and it is $29 a month. If you subscribe, you get unlimited words.

Plot Generator UK

The Plot Generator was designed specifically for creative writers. I don’t think it’s better than the other AI-writing tools, though. It may be useful, but if you are expecting it to do your writing for you, you will be disappointed.

It can create a plot line by line, generate random fantasy names, and offers several Mad Libs tools that will write a goofy short story for you and write blurbs for stories in 13 genres.

I experimented with the story ideas tool, generating 10 random story ideas with a twist ending — those are the parameters. I liked a few of them. For example —

Lorraine is a personal trainer from Dubai who falls in love with her arch enemy. The two are separated when the arch enemy falls into the ocean and loses her memory. Lorraine realises she’s actually a ghost.

I might like to read that book …

The hero is a wizard from Bath who is afraid of spiders. The nemesis is a wizard who eats goldfish. It turns out the hero and the nemesis are the same person.

Hmm, not sure how their respective phobias enhance the plot. But I liked it enough to add it to this article. So … maybe the issue is that the hero’s mother has been transformed into a goldfish while his alter ego is on a mission to fill the world with spiders and might eat her? That would be tricky. Maybe I am on to something.

I tried out the random opening lines generator. Here is one I liked.

Every winter, I visited my partner, until the year I committed my first crime.

I also tried out the short story template. I was not impressed. It works like Mad Libs . I think it can be used for filling up areas of text that are not supposed to be read — for example, if you are trying to show how another tool can manipulate text. Or how text will look against a particular website design.

They say there is an app coming soon.

Sudowrite is designed specifically for creative writers. There are a lot of parameters but it can be a little buggy until you get the hang of it.

The home screen has a blank page. In order to generate text, you must write at least 50 words yourself. Then, you can either generate text or click describe. The describe tool can be controlled for taste, appearance, smell, sound, etcetera. The cool thing about this tool is that you can generate a lot of variations of text but nothing gets added to your document unless you choose insert.

On the right side of the window, there are three story tools you can use — plot twist, character, and poem. Plot twist will give you a dozen variations of how your plot can continue. The character option seems more sophisticated. It can create a new place, character, potion, etcetera as long as you first feed it descriptions of two storytelling elements using the same structure. Poem will write you a poem based off five lines of poetry you insert.

So I tried out plot twist. I selected science fiction for the genre. Then entered this for the summary of my story —

The spaceship was not large. It was big enough to fit only one family. And so that is why the Stiuoirwer family would always travel alone. They went then to a planet that would only accept family ships. But the guards at the spaceship ports said that the policy had changed.

I got a lot of short texts back. Much of it containing the words “Stiuoiwer family” and ship or spaceship. Here is one.

When the Stiuoirwers try to leave the ship, the door locks them inside. They become stranded on an alien planet with no technology, and no way to repair themselves. The only hope is to obtain power relays from the ship and bring them back to Earth. But the relay station is guarded by deadly humanoid aliens and they, too, want the power relay.

So I tried the character tool and this is what happened. As usual, my input is in bold.

A short story about escaping from a monster Ring: The ring is woven with a beautiful ruby. It is thin and light but contains a lot of power. It grants you the power to become invisible. The limitation is that monsters can see you when you wear it. Ruby Slippers: The ruby slippers are woven with red sequins. They are feminine and flat but contain a mysterious power. They can grant you the power to return home. The problem is that monsters will follow you home. Broomstick: The broomstick is wooden and pure. It is light and can be used for both offense and defense. Moreover, it will explode when it reaches the monster. Acorn: The acorns are about the size of an orange. They give you the power to fly. But they are not durable and cannot protect you from monsters. The Shield: The shield is made of a dark wood, with a beautiful pattern. It is heavy and useful against blizzard. It also has a hole inside for a while, a secret chamber. The Scarf: The scarf is made of a beautiful wool that is soft and warm. When it is wrapped around your neck, it changes color to white. It somehow looks like a cat.

Gotta be careful with that broomstick! Here is an example of what the poem feature can do. I made up the lines in bold.

Where Unicorns Cry I found out where the unicorns cry I can bring you there It’s a lovely glade beneath the stars Where the sad magical creatures Gather and weep beneath the stars Weeping for your sins And your lost Promethean fire I can take you there I found out where the unicorns cry Let me take you there The glade is in a forest deep in time Where the trees are old and the moss is deep The glade is in a forest deep in time Where the darkness is your friend I can take you there, I can bring you there I found out where the unicorns cry.

So I inserted a few lines to experiment with the front page feature. In response to the text I entered, it generated four options — allowing me to select as many as I liked. So I picked one. The bold is me.

Rudolph was a clever young boy who thought that he could outsmart a sad unicorn. So he asked me where they go when they are sad.  If I had known his plan at the time I would not have shown him where it was! But I took him to the lovely glade beneath the stars where the unicorns go when they are sad.   the sky opened up, and all the stars in the sky fell down to the ground. They began to form a little bridge that linked the unicorn glade to the sky.  Rudolph thought that he could just walk across this bridge to reach the unicorns, but I tried to warn him that he would likely get stuck there forever.  I tried to warn him that he might get stuck there forever

This is starting to sound like something Neil Gaiman might write. But anyway, I then tried the describe tool and selected the term “unicorns” from the text. It generated a dozen descriptions for me to choose from based on the five senses and metaphors. Here is one of them.

The warm glow of the unicorn’s magical glow makes everything around it soft and warm. Inside the glade, the unicorn glows softly and gives off a sweet scent, like that of jasmine and honey. A flutter of wind brings the scent to your nose like the kiss of a lover, giving you a moment to catch your breath as you stamp your feet and try to keep them from freezing. The unicorns’ eyes shine like crystals. Magic glints off their horn tips and tiny rainbow colors twinkle in their manes.

The free trial is three days long and then it is $20 a month.

Shortly offers a free trial. I had to sign in with my email to access it. It is able to generate texts, but I didn’t feel that they were very relevant to the input I entered. The annual plan is $65 a month and the monthly plan is $79 a month.

Unfortunately, my free trial ran out without warning and I am unable to share what the tool generated.

With AI dungeon you can essentially play Dungeons and Dragons with AI. This site will automatically generate an introduction to a story for you. You then type in your actions. You can also type in a new story event and speech for your character. The AI then generates more text based on your input. It doesn’t always make sense. Your adventures are automatically saved, and you can play adventures created by other players. You can do multiplayer if you have friends ready to play with you. It won’t connect you with random players like Among Us .

The guest trial runs out fast and then you will have to make an account. There are several worlds to choose from. I chose Gorgon, the world of the undead. Then, from between “create character” and “quick start” I chose quick start.

Be careful what you type in these ai dungeon games. I wasn’t signed in, so my writing disappeared. There are three actions you contribute to the story — “say,” “do,” and “story.”

You are a knight in the kingdom of Larion. You have lost your socks and have decided that you will dedicate the rest of your life to getting them back. Honor be damned. You enter the forest searching for your socks and encounter a fire-breathing dragon. You also encounter a beautiful woman who is wearing only one purple sock. You are Captain Flevas of the King’s Guard.

Blazes! So I guess my knight’s socks are purple. Would this woman know where the other purple sock is? The dragon is an obstacle to reaching her and finding them both. Huh. Interesting plot thread. Switching the teal button to “story” I wrote in that I unsheathe my magical sword which has the power to turn anything it cuts into cake. And this is what I got. The middle section starting with “you say” is also my input.

write a novel ai

The last block of text didn’t make any sense. I clicked on the text, and it turns out I can edit the AI-generated text as much as I want. Instead of just editing the text, I hit retry and the last block started regenerating text. Here is how the story continued. My input is in bold.

The man turns to you and growls, revealing a mouth filled with horrible sharp teeth. He then bursts into flame, turning into a living torch. The woman is still there, terrified. You roll eyes. You roll your eyes at the woman. She starts to whimper because the living torch is scary. You unsheath your sword again and the living torch is soon a cake. Good. Now, to interrogate the woman.  You say “Are you wearing my purple sock?” The woman starts crying. “Your purple sock? No! My purple sock is under you! You’re not a nice dwarf! You’re not nice!” “How can you like me if I’m not nice?”

I would love to come back and play around with this. You can create a free account. There are three premium tiers. Silver is 4.99, gold is 9.99, and platinum is 29.99.


I can’t test this one out, but it seems like it would be fun. It says it has 2 dozen fantasy RPG generators powered by GPT-3 from OpenAI. That’s the same company that powers several of the other tools on this list.

There is no free trial. Instead, there are seven paid ways to get involved, ranging from a one-time $3 fee to a $100 fee.

Story Generator

Story Generator by Bored Humans is able to generate a non sequitur bunch of text in less than ten seconds. It is free and you do not have to feed it any words. That also means you have no control over what it says. Here’s what I just got.

One of the things i’ve learned from my experiences with other people is to never let the things in your life get the better of you. When I read a book you’re working on where people write down your thoughts and feelings in your mind, it’s no surprise that they want to tell you the most powerful thoughts and feelings in the world. You see, when you do this, you can’t have the most powerful thoughts in the world. When you are working on your next book, you will not be able to tell people about it or make people give you the word “Fear.” You won’t ever be able to tell people what they don’t want to know. What you can tell them is how you feel about your life. It’s just that you can’t let things get in the way of you working and living your life. We want to empower others by seeing them with different kinds of eyes. But it won’t happen. Your work should never be restricted to trying to change your life. Now you realize that you are a creative person. You are a creative person. You don’t need to be told what you should or should not do. You just need to be able to see those boundaries you’ve set in your mind. This is what I mean when I say we don’t have to think about whether or not we should o…

I’m not really into it.

HeadLime can generate marketing copy for you. It’s no place for fiction writing, but I am including it anyway because it was a fun experiment.

You enter some ideas into the interface. Then it will generate a dozen headlines and three introductory paragraphs. I really liked the ones that it generated for me. You have to keep adding more text yourself for the AI tool to keep contributing. But firstly, I want to make a disclaimer — human men are fantastic! I just wanted to create some content that resonated with the paranormal romances I’ve been reading about on Free Friday .

The headline I picked was “How to Find a Shifter Boyfriend.” The AI then generated three introductory paragraphs based on that. And I chose this one.

“Tired of the same old, boring human men? Want to experience a more exciting and adventurous love life? You can find a shifter boyfriend if you know where to look. We’re going to take a quick tour through your options for finding a shifter.”

To be honest, I found it to be hilarious. The tone is so … SEO-ish. Then I was disappointed. The screen prompted me to write, and as I did, the button for more AI writing turned on. The bold is what I wrote and the rest is what the tool made.

There are many reasons a woman w0uld want a shifter boyfriend. It’s exciting and adventurous, and you never know what’s going to happen next. With the right attitude, we’re sure that you’ll find your shifter man.” -Wolf: A wolf can be a gentle lover if he is with the right woman. They are generally larger than most humans so they need someone who can keep up with them in bed. -Shark: A shark has an intense energy that keeps their human girlfriend on her toes (and in bed).

Woah! In bed? How did we jump to that already? The target audience doesn’t even have a boyfriend yet. You can see why I was a bit disappointed by this one. It is basically irrelevant. And after I earned another set of AI-text — by writing myself — I pushed the AI writing button and it repeated what it said about the wolf and shark shifter.

The Facebook ads based off the input I entered were great though. In the left column, I entered my input. The right column is all AI.

write a novel ai

I am enjoying all the features, and the output is often great. I could easily spend another hour fiddling around with this.

Ah, I couldn’t resist. Here is one of the AI-generated ads using the pain-gain-claim formula for ad copy.

You’ve been single for months. You’re tired of getting your hopes up, only to be disappointed. Now, paranormal relationship advice can find you the perfect match. With experts in every species, you’ll finally feel at home with someone special.

Fantastic! Now, what is the price for this awesome service? The individual service includes all the features and is $59 a month. The business service allows you to collaborate with two teammates along with other perks and it costs $399 a month.

Jasper (formerly Jarvis) offers a free trial of five days. You have to sign in and you have to sign up for a plan to get the free days. That means also adding in your credit card number. There are three plans. The cheapest offer is $29 a month. The pro version is $109 a month. And they just added a “boss mode” which includes all the features of pro, and more. It costs $119 a month.

I don’t want to enter my credit card info, so all I can say is that it’s designed for SEO optimization.

Smodin says that it is on a mission to make text applications available in every language. They offer several services, but not all of them are ready for use as of this article. I tested out the service they call the Robotic Writing Machine, only the option called “expand my text” is available. So I tested it and this is what happened:

The hell hounds broke into the database of the paranormal dating service. They were trying to figure out how to get the most attractive dates among the human and paranormal communities. A pack of ten, they ranged from reds to browns in coloration, though their coats varied greatly depending on individual preferences and tastes; some being longer than others, with long legs, or having a shorter, thicker coat that gave them more of a wolfish appearance and less like that of an animal usually associated with domestic dogs such as Dalmatians or golden retrievers – but not this one
 not any dog that could be seen on the street in New York City, at least.

Kind of awesome, no?

This service is free and doesn’t have a paywall so far.

write a novel ai

Amira Loutfi

MetaStellar reviews editor Amira Loutfi is an author and web designer. She is on a mission to craft excellent fantasy fiction that is inspired by late antiquity Arabia. You can join her monthly newsletter where she shares insider info, wips, and tons of cool stuff.

2 thoughts on “12 AI Tools to Write your Novel For you”

' data-src=

thanks for sharing your findings. I feel that AI is at a good space to try and experiement with for books. I’m glad there’s so many free options!

' data-src=

Hey Amira, great write-up, thank you for sharing content on AI Writing tools. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

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Toolsaday AI Story Generator is easy to use and takes the hassle out of the writing process. It includes a comprehensive library of possible story ideas and tailor-made scenes, providing users with an ever-growing selection to choose from. With a simple user interface and a natural language processing AI system to back it up, this story writing tool could be the key to helping budding authors become successful storytellers. Get ready to be amazed at the level of creativity it unlocks and make sure to grab a copy of Toolsaday AI Story Generator today!

Advantages of Using AI Story Generator

Storytelling has become an important aspect of modern life, yet many of us sometimes struggle to write stories that capture the attention of our audiences. Artificial Intelligence (AI) story generators provide a solution to this challenge, allowing writers to access powerful tools that enable the creation of compelling storylines with relative ease.

The Benefits of Automation

The primary benefit of AI story generators is that they offer automation. Many aspects of the creative writing process can be automated to save time and energy, such as brainstorming ideas, creating outlines, generating character profiles, and creating compelling plots and thrilling twists. Automation of these tasks helps writers stay organized, stay on track, and consistently produce quality content in a fraction of the time it would take to do everything manually.

The Power of Natural Language Processing

Another advantage of AI story generators is that they are equipped with natural language processing technology. This technology allows computers to understand and process human language in order to generate stories that mimic the way people write. Natural language processing also enables these programs to suggest ideas for plot details, locations, and characters. This helps writers quickly come up with interesting and relevant content without starting from scratch.

The Efficiency of Generative Writing

Generative writing is a powerful tool that AI story generators can offer. This type of writing relies on generative models that create text from a given set of data. For example, AI story generators can be programmed to create stories from a database of characters, settings, and plot points. This means that writers can produce content quickly and efficiently without having to endlessly brainstorm and research ideas.

An Opportunity to be Creative

One of the best advantages of AI story generators is that they provide writers with an opportunity to be creative. Once the basic elements of a story have been generated by the program, the writer can then put their own creative spin on it. This allows them to break away from formulaic writing styles and create unique and engaging stories that their readers will find compelling.

Enhance Writing Skills

Finally, one of the most overlooked benefits of AI story generators is that they can help writers improve their skills. This is because the program will often provide writers with detailed feedback on the quality of their writing. This feedback can help writers identify and correct errors in their writing so that they can become more skilled and confident writers in the long run.

Create Stories Across Multiple Genres

Our tool is a one-stop shop for creating great stories in a variety of genres. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced writer, this tool has something for you. From writing prompts and topic generators, to outlines and full stories, our platform has the writing tools you need to create great content.

Science Fiction

Science fiction stories explore the scientific/technological implications of our future, as well as pushing the boundaries of what humans can do. Our AI Story Generator can create compelling stories within this genre, allowing users to explore themes such as space exploration, alien contact, time travel, and more. The content generated by the AI is filled with references to futuristic technology, societies, and scenarios, ultimately creating a rich, believable world.

Fantasy stories usually involve mythical creatures, exotic lands, and powerful magic. With our AI Story Generator, these elements come to life through the words on the page. The AI can create stories of knights, dragons, elves, wizards, and other common characters in fantasy literature. It can also help create vivid worlds consisting of unique cultures, creatures, and environments, providing readers with much to explore in their tale.

Horror stories invoke fear and dread with their subject matter. Our AI Story Generator has the ability to produce stories with jump scares, eerie atmospheres, and dark creature designs. Using our AI, users can build tension, making readers feel as if something sinister is lurking in the background. The AI also provides the perfect amount of gory details, leaving readers feeling scared and unsettled.

Non-Fiction and Romantic

In addition to other genres, our AI Story Generator can also produce non-fiction and romantic stories. Non-fiction stories usually educate and inform readers about a certain subject, whereas romantic stories tend to focus on love and relationships. Our AI Story Generator can generate both types of stories, ensuring that readers receive material that is both informative and enjoyable. Furthermore, users can customize their stories to suite their own needs, allowing them to generate material that is unique and tailored to their preferences.

Enhance Your Storytelling with Our Versatile Purpose Feature

The Purpose feature in our story generator offers a wide range of options to cater to your unique writing requirements. Whether you're looking for a complete story, a story opening, a chapter, or a specific scene, our generator has you covered. Here's a brief overview of some of the available purpose options:

Complete Story

The "Complete Story" option generates a full, well-rounded narrative from beginning to end. Perfect for writers looking for a springboard for their creativity, this option provides a solid foundation for a short story or novel, which can be further developed and expanded upon.

Story Opening

Struggling to create a gripping start to your story? The "Story Opening" purpose generates an attention-grabbing beginning that will hook your readers from the outset. Use it as a starting point to build your story's world, introduce your characters, and set the tone for the rest of your narrative.

Story Chapter

Sometimes, writing one chapter at a time can help you maintain focus and momentum. The "Story Chapter" purpose generates a standalone chapter that can be integrated into your existing story or used as inspiration for new ideas. This option is ideal for overcoming writer's block or developing subplots and character arcs.

Climax Scene

Crafting an unforgettable climax can be challenging, but our story generator makes it easier. The "Climax Scene" purpose generates a pivotal, high-stakes moment that serves as the turning point in your story. Use this scene as the culmination of your narrative, where conflicts reach their peak and your characters face their greatest challenges.

Story Ending

Tying up loose ends and crafting a satisfying conclusion can be a daunting task. The "Story Ending" purpose generates a fitting resolution for your story, ensuring that your narrative concludes on a high note. Utilize this option to bring closure to your characters' arcs and leave your readers with a sense of fulfillment.

An epilogue provides a glimpse into the future of your story's world and characters. The "Epilogue" purpose generates a thought-provoking conclusion that leaves readers pondering the aftermath of your narrative. Use this option to hint at future adventures, reveal the fates of your characters, or simply offer a sense of closure.

Versatile Format Options for Every Writing Style

Our AI Story Generator offers a wide range of format options to cater to your preferred writing style and the specific needs of your story. Whether you're writing a novel, a screenplay, a poem, or an interactive fiction piece, our tool has you covered. Here's an overview of the available format options:

The default format for most stories, prose is written in paragraphs and follows a standard narrative structure. Our AI Story Generator can create compelling prose stories that immerse readers in vivid worlds and engaging characters.

If you're writing for film or television, the screenplay format is essential. Our tool can generate stories in this format, complete with scene headers, action lines, character names, and dialogue, making it easier for you to visualize your story on the screen.

Similar to screenplays, stageplays are designed for live theater performances. Our AI Story Generator can create stories in this format, including scene descriptions, character names, dialogue, and stage directions, helping you bring your story to life on the stage.

For longer works of fiction, the novel format is ideal. Our tool can generate stories with chapters, paragraphs, and a standard narrative structure, providing you with a solid foundation for your novel-writing journey.

Short Story

If you prefer concise, impactful narratives, the short story format is perfect. Our AI Story Generator can create short stories that focus on a single plot or theme, using concise language to deliver a powerful punch.

Falling between a short story and a novel in terms of length and complexity, the novella format allows for more character and plot development than a short story while still maintaining a relatively concise narrative. Our tool can generate stories in this format, helping you strike the perfect balance.

For grand, sweeping tales of heroism and adventure, the epic format is a perfect choice. Our AI Story Generator can create stories in this style, featuring larger-than-life characters, grand settings, and a sprawling narrative that spans multiple locations and time periods.

If you're looking to tell your story through verse, our tool can generate stories in a poetic format. These stories use rhythmic language, vivid imagery, and a focus on emotions and ideas to convey their message in a unique and impactful way.

Interactive Fiction

For a more immersive and engaging storytelling experience, try the interactive fiction format. Our AI Story Generator can create stories in this style, allowing readers to make choices that influence the narrative and shape the outcome of the story.

By offering this wide range of format options, our AI Story Generator empowers you to create stories that perfectly suit your writing style and the needs of your narrative. Whether you're a novelist, a screenwriter, a poet, or a creator of interactive fiction, o

Novel Studio: Your All-In-One AI Writing Assistant

Experience the future of storytelling with the latest addition to Toolsaday – Novel Studio. This groundbreaking feature elevates story creation, offering an all-encompassing suite of tools to manage every aspect of your novel. From plot conception to character development, structuring outlines to auto-generating chapters, Novel Studio is your AI-powered companion on your writing journey.

ai novel writer manage character

Manage Every Element of Your Novel Effortlessly

Designed with user experience at its core, Novel Studio allows you to seamlessly manage the integral components of your novel - plot, characters, outlines, and chapters. Simplifying the intricate process of novel-writing, this feature serves as an invaluable tool for both seasoned authors and those embarking on their first novel-writing venture.

ai novel writer generate chapters

Harness the Power of AI to Generate Chapters

An impressive highlight of Novel Studio is its ability to leverage artificial intelligence to auto-generate chapters. Novel Studio can produce up to 10 chapters for your novel, with a promise of greater capacity in the future. This feature facilitates a uniform writing style and pacing throughout your novel, saving your precious time and creative energy.

ai novel writer generate chapters

Save, Load, and Refine Your Story

Novel Studio doesn't just aid in creation - it supports refinement of your novel too. With the option to save your narrative at any stage of the writing process, you can load it later for editing. This adaptability lets you work on your novel at your convenience, assuring that each detail aligns perfectly with your vision.

Unleash the boundless potential of novel writing with Novel Studio. Begin crafting your unique narrative today with Toolsaday AI Story Generator.

Toolsaday Text Logo

Toolsaday is an incredibly powerful AI-based tool that can help you create marketing content of the highest quality and utmost appeal, allowing you to maximize your success in the competitive world of digital marketing.

Copyright © ToolsAday 2023

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Using AI to Write a Book: Guide to Self-Publishing eBooks

The thought of super-intelligent computers can be scary, but ethical AI involves using artificial intelligence as more of a co-pilot, or co-author in this case. See how writing a full novel and making an income online is possible for anyone with the help of an AI tool. And no, you don't have to be a writer to be successful.

Using AI to Write a Book: Guide to Self-Publishing eBooks

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the buzz these days, but it's still pretty misunderstood. The truth is we've been using AI in our daily lives for years. Auto-correct, Alexa, Siri...they're all powered by artificial intelligence. This has been a pattern for humanity. New technology like cameras and locomotive trains have always caused hot-button discussions and panic, but we wouldn't be where we are today as a society without them.

Hopefully, by the end of this article, you'll see why there's nothing to fear about using AI for writing and self-publishing your eBook. We'll address some of the most common concerns about using AI tools in the writing process and how to overcome them.

Note: If you want to use Ai to earn extra money on the side, then head over to our free webinar . We show you exactly how to use AI ethically to earn a passive income. You'll hear case studies of people from all over the world who are now making thousands (or even tens of thousands) of dollars per month without breaking their back or sacrificing all of their free time.

What Is Artificial Intelligence and What Does It Have to Do with Writing?

First, let's talk about what AI is and how it works. AI refers to computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. In the context of writing, AI can assist you by generating ideas, suggesting edits, and even writing entire paragraphs or chapters. With the help of the right AI writing tool, you can streamline the writing process and produce high-quality content in a fraction of the time it would take to write everything manually.

How fast? Many AI Chatbots can generate text in minutes, right before your very eyes. This means you can generate entire books and write novels in days or weeks, unlike in the past, when authors would spend years writing their books or give up altogether.

Some other words you may hear in the AI space are natural language processing, machine learning, and large language models. Unless you're an engineer or developer, all you really need to know is that each AI system is built to be a helpful tool. Whether you want it to help you with writing articles or book writing, you're in charge.

Common Concerns and Ethical AI Writing

If you've been skeptical about using AI book writing software , you're not alone. But just like any tool, there will always be people who use it in good and bad ways. Here are some of the most common concerns people have about AI tools (and what you can do about them):

One concern is the potential for plagiarism, as AI algorithms can generate content that closely resembles existing written content. This is easily avoidable by properly citing sources and using AI-generated content as a starting point rather than a finished product.

Another concern is the potential for bias in AI algorithms, which can lead to discriminatory or offensive content. At the end of the day, we control the inputs and what we do with the outputs. By carefully reviewing and editing AI-generated content, we can ensure that it aligns with our values and beliefs.

Taking Jobs

Another concern is the potential for AI to replace human workers. While AI can certainly make certain tasks more efficient, it cannot entirely replace the creativity and nuance that come with human writing and editing (among thousands of other jobs). AI is simply a tool to augment human work rather than replace it entirely.

At the end of the day, readers want books with value. Whether that value comes from AI writing, human writing, or a mix of both, the entire book should answer their questions and keep them engaged. Overall, the future of ethical AI and publishing is one that is constantly evolving, and it is up to all of us to ensure that it is used in a responsible and ethical manner. The point of using artificial intelligence in content creation and writing isn't to make a quick buck, it's to make our lives better.

We care deeply about ethical AI, and you should, too!

Robo-writers to the Rescue

Planning Your eBook

Writing a book is no small feat, and planning is an essential step in the process. While it may seem daunting, modern tools have made it easier than ever. In our AIA Academy: Self-Publishing Course , we walk you through how to leverage AI tools to conduct thorough research and outline your book.

Here are some additional AI tools you can use to conduct research and outline your book without losing that key element of human creativity:

Brainstorming Book Ideas with AI

With AI, anyone can be an author, and writer's block is a thing of the past. 

Think about it: Five years ago, if you were experiencing writer's block, you would have to go for a walk, listen to a new podcast, or read a new book to get inspiration. Now, you can simply engage an AI chatbot in a conversation and produce dozens of ideas at the click of a button.

It's never been easier to plan out plot points or practice world-building as an author. There are several AI-powered tools available that can help you generate ideas based on your interests and niche. Some popular AI-powered tools for brainstorming include:

  • AnswerThePublic : This tool generates a list of questions and topics related to your subject.
  • ChatGPT : This tool generates unlimited ideas for any niche. The free version is decent, but the paid version is 10x more powerful.

Market Research with AI

Market research shows you if there's a demand for your topic, AKA whether your book idea can be profitable. AI can help you with this by analyzing search data and social media trends. This step is so important, our coaches always check our students' work before they spend all their time and energy taking their book ideas through the outline and manuscript process for an idea that won't generate any income for them.

Some popular AI-powered tools for market research include:

  • Google Trends : This tool shows you how popular a keyword is over time and in different regions.
  • ChatGPT: This tool generates customer profiles to help you better understand your potential audience.

Choosing a Title with AI

Once you have done your market research, it's time to choose a title for your eBook. AI can help you come up with a catchy and relevant title that makes people want to know more about and actually buy your book. You might be noticing a pattern here, but a great AI tool for title generation is:

  • ChatGPT: This tool generates unlimited title ideas optimized for each platform, such as Amazon's KDP.

Using AI to Write a Book

Writing an eBook is a great way to share your expertise or tell your story, and with AI writing software, it doesn't have to be complicated. Once you've got a rock-solid plan and outline, it's time to write a book! Here's how to make content creation as seamless as possible:

Crafting Your Content with AI

Once you've chosen your AI writing software, it's time to start crafting your content. AI can continue to help you generate ideas, create an outline, and even write entire sections of your eBook. The current AI systems aren't perfect and may require some editing and tweaking to get the final product just right, but more sophisticated large language models and AI software are being developed by the day. There's no telling what this tech will look like in the years to come.

When using AI to craft your content, consider the following:

  • Use specific prompts: The more specific your prompts, the better the AI will be at generating relevant content and writing in the style you'd like.
  • Stay on topic: AI can sometimes generate content that is off-topic or irrelevant, so make sure to keep your prompts focused.
  • Fact-check: Don't rely solely on AI-generated content. Take the time to fact-check everything.

Whether you're using artificial intelligence to help you out with the whole book or just to get some words down on the page for your first draft, fiction and non-fiction writers alike can benefit from trying out new ideas.

Prompting, like any skill, takes practice. By using AI over time, you'll become more and more familiar with what works (and what doesn't).

Proofreading and Editing with AI

AI doesn't just write content for you, it can also help you edit your eBook and ensure that it's ready for publishing. AI can be a great tool for proofreading, catching spelling errors, and suggesting improvements you may have missed, such as changing your sentence structure for clarity. One of our favorite AI hacks is asking the system to re-write a paragraph with a different tone and writing style, i.e., playful, silly, serious, academic, etc.

A few AI tools for proofreading and editing include:

  • Grammarly : This tool uses AI to catch grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. It also has a plagiarism checker that scans the internet for potentially stolen content and a style guide feature that allows you to format citations properly.
  • Hemingway Editor : Hemingway Editor uses AI to analyze your writing and suggest improvements for clarity and readability.
  • ProWritingAid : This tool uses AI to analyze your writing for grammar, style, and readability.

Designing Your eBook

Once you've written your eBook to sell online , it's time to design it. This is where you can use AI to create professional and visually appealing images for both the inside and outside of your book.

Cover Design using AI

Your cover is the first thing that readers will see, so it's important to make it stand out. AI can help you create a unique and eye-catching cover design. There are many AI-powered tools available that can generate a cover design based on your book's genre, title, and author name. These tools analyze thousands of existing book covers to come up with a design that is both visually appealing and relevant to your book but, more importantly, still unique.

Our favorite AI tool for cover design is currently MidJourney .

Interior Design using AI

Interior design is just as important as the cover design, though it's often overlooked. You might consider using AI tools to generate photographs, graphs, and charts to add a personal touch to each of your chapters. Many readers appreciate visual aids throughout the entire book.

Publishing Your eBook

Once you have finished writing your eBook with the help of AI, it's time to publish it. Self-publishing is a great way to get your work out there and reach a wider audience. There are several platforms you can use to publish your eBook, including Amazon KDP, Apple Books, and Barnes & Noble Press. By now, the hard part is over, and you're just a few clicks away from sharing your stories with the world.

Formatting Your eBook

Formatting your eBook is an important step in preparing it for publication. You can use software and other AI tools to format your eBook . With tools like Reedsy, you can choose from a range of templates, customize your eBook's layout, and add images and graphics to your eBook to make it ready to publish. They also have options for adding an author bio, a dedication page, and various outline styles for the Table of Contents.

Formatting can be frustrating because Amazon KDP only allows certain file formats to be uploaded, but tools like Reedsy generate text files that are 100% ready for publication, making it super simple.

Publishing on Amazon KDP

Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is one of the most popular platforms for self-publishing eBooks. It allows you to publish your eBook on the Amazon Kindle store, where millions of readers can discover and purchase your work.

With such a vast audience at your fingertips, It’s worth giving Amazon publishing a try .

To publish your eBook on Amazon KDP, you will need to create an account and follow the steps provided. You will need to provide details such as the title, author name, description, and cover image. 

How to Use AI to Write an eBook

Does Amazon KDP Allow Content Written by AI?

Many publishing platforms are receptive to the evolving role of AI in the publishing industry –including Amazon. Yes, Amazon KDP allows eBooks created with AI technology as long as the writer abides by their kindle publishing guidelines . This means that the eBook must not contain offensive or illegal content, and it must not violate any copyright laws.

They will ask you whether you used AI-generated or AI-assisted content before you click the final "publish" button, but this is just so they can conduct research on their end. It will not affect whether or not your book is accepted on the platform.

Ultimately, what they care about most is that your eBook is relevant to the audience that will read it. Poorly written or low-quality content can result in negative reviews and low sales or even the closure of the account in extreme cases.

Note: This is a lot of information. If you'd like to see a step-by-step breakdown of our proven formula for success, join our free webinar ! You'll meet people from all over the world who have gotten more income, more free time, and more fulfillment directly from publishing online.

Marketing Your eBook with the Help of AI

Once you've written and self-published your eBook, it's time to market your book on Amazon . With the help of AI, you can better understand your target audience, promote your eBook on social media, and improve your SEO.

Using AI to Better Understand Your Target Audience

One of the biggest challenges of marketing your eBook is understanding your target audience. With AI, you can analyze data to better understand your audience's interests, demographics, and behavior. This can help you tailor your marketing efforts to reach your ideal readers.

AI-powered tools like Jasper's Audience Insights can help you gather data on your audience. You can use this data to create targeted ads, email campaigns, and social media posts that resonate with your audience.

Using AI to Help with Social Media Promotion

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your eBook. But with so many platforms and users, it can be overwhelming to manage your social media presence. AI-powered tools like Hootsuite and Buffer can help you manage your social media accounts and schedule posts in advance. AI-powered tools can also help you analyze your social media performance and optimize your strategy as you go. 

Using AI to Find Keywords for SEO

Search engine optimization is crucial for getting your eBook in front of your target audience. One of the key elements of SEO is using the right keywords. With AI-powered tools, you can find the best keywords to use in your eBook's title, description, and content so it shows up when people are searching for it across Google, Amazon, etc.

Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs analyze search data to find the most popular and relevant keywords for your niche.

The Future of Ethical AI and Publishing

Hopefully, by now, it's clear that an AI chatbot can be just the co-pilot you need to make the process of writing a book as quick and painless as possible. Whether you use it to overcome writer's block or analyze your own writing for areas of growth, AI isn't the future. It's already here now.

There are companies out there that are using AI for all the wrong reasons and will suggest that you publish as many books as humanly possible to squeeze out as much money as possible. The team doesn't roll that way.

We do teach you how to write books, and we'll even show you our favorite AI writing tool, but we teach you how to infuse quality throughout the entire book process, from the idea and book outline to publishing and marketing.

Our co-founders have been writing books for years and have helped thousands of people turn their stories into profit. Check out our Student Success Hub here!

To discover more about ethical AI writing and how you can write a book in less time than you ever thought possible, join our free webinar now!

Royalties calculator


How to Use AI to Make Money Ethically: Top 15 Ways

  • Website Planet

6 Best AI Story Generators to Inspire You in 2024

Lillian Fitzmaurice MacLean

Short on Time? These Are the Best AI Story Generators in 2024 Logo

  • What We Look For in the Best AI Story Generators
  • Consistency and quality. It’s important to work with AI story generators that can maintain a consistent tone and quality across various story elements. I tested each AI tool to ensure it sounded like my writing and checked for spotty performance as I developed my story.
  • Customization control. Finding an AI tool that can tailor the writing style and plot to fit specific preferences is crucial. I ensured each generator allows for setting adjustments to tailor your story to a specific genre, style, and flow.
  • Creative assistance tools. The ideal AI tool should boost your creativity, not obscure it. Therefore, each story generator on my list includes a variety of writing tools to help with writer’s block and provide a fresh perspective.
  • Cost. Affordability without compromising on quality is key. I researched AI story generators that provide great value, balancing cost with powerful features that justify the investment.
  • Ease of use. A user-friendly interface is essential, especially if you’re new to AI. Each generator is intuitive, simple to grasp, and provides a distraction-free writing and editing interface. That way, you can navigate it effortlessly and keep your focus on your creative endeavors.
  • 1. Jasper AI: All-in-One AI Story Generator For a Range of Needs

Graphic of Jasper AI's replace function

  • ​​Style guide with X-ray. Jasper AI’s Editor has an “X-ray” feature that enhances content alignment with your chosen style guide. The X-ray view scans your content for consistency, ensuring it maintains a uniform voice and style across all your written material.
  • Speed or Quality option. Choose between Speed to quickly generate a plot or Quality for more refined and detailed stories, giving you control based on your immediate needs.
  • Create, remix, and brainstorm tools. Jasper AI supports dynamic creativity with its one-click Create, Remix, and Brainstorm tools. Whether starting from scratch, tweaking existing content, or brainstorming new ideas, these functions enhance your storytelling capabilities by providing tailored content creation, refinement, and innovative idea generation​.
  • Campaign feature. Boost your exposure with multi-channel campaigns by using Jasper AI’s campaign templates. These can help you formulate a marketing plan across various platforms, including social media and targeted ads.
Free 7-day trial
1 – 5 (more available for large teams)
  • 2. Rytr: Affordable Plans and Powerful AI Storytelling Tools

Graphic of Rytr's creativity and tone adjustment features

  • Creativity levels. Rytr enables precise control over the creation of your generated content by allowing you to adjust the creativity level. Whether you need a straightforward plot or a more whimsical story, this feature allows you to set how factual or whimsical you want your writing to be.
  • 20+ programmed voice tones. With over 20 voice tones available, Rytr offers extensive flexibility in matching your story’s emotional tone to its intended audience, enhancing the overall impact and readability. Its paid plans offer custom voice tones so you can make the AI sound just like you.
  • In-line plagiarism checker. Rytr includes a built-in plagiarism checker with its paid plans, ensuring the originality of content as you create, which is essential for maintaining integrity and authenticity in your stories​.
  • Custom-use cases. This tool is available on its paid plans and supports a wide array of use cases. From blog posts to ad copy, you can access versatile tools for various content creation needs beyond storytelling, making it highly adaptable for different writing tasks.
Free 7-day trial
1+ (can add team members)
  • 3. Writesonic: In-Depth Project Research to AudioBook Creation

Graphic of Writesonic's Audiosonic AI audio generator

  • Prompt refining tool. The proprietary Auto Prompt Optimize feature can refine your initial story prompts, enhancing detail and clarity when you need to ensure precise and targeted content creation.
  • Knowledge base feature. With this feature, you can build a personalized knowledge base by adding text manually or importing documents, which helps train the AI to better align with your project’s specific needs and style.
  • Fact and plagiarism checker. The built-in fact and plagiarism checker ensures your stories are original and accurate, providing reliability and integrity in your narrative outputs.
  • Chat with PDFs and docs. Engage directly with PDFs, Word documents, web pages, or blog articles by dragging and dropping them into Chatsonic for swift summaries and insights via the AI chat interface.
Free plan available
1 – 2
  • 4. AI-Writer: Instant Plot Generation and Seamless Proofreading

Graphic of AI Writer's plot generator

  • Research and write tool. Insert a topic and AI-Writer will generate a detailed article in one click. It’s perfect for describing your stories and enhancing your website or portfolio.
  • Topic Suggest 2.0. Using auto-completions and Google Ads data, you can discover what’s trending with Topic Suggest 2.0. You can use this to brainstorm relevant short story ideas or blogs that align with timely topics.
  • Text Reworder. Refresh old texts with the Text Reworder tool and create new and unique content while preserving the original message. This tool is ideal for revitalizing your previous works.
  • Summarizer tool. Great for research and ideation, quickly grasp the essentials of large texts with the Summarizer tool. This saves time and ensures you understand the most critical information efficiently.
7-day free trial
1 – 10
  • 5. Sudowrite: AI Story Generator With One-Click Creative Tools

Graphic of Sudowrite's main writing hub

  • A repository for your world-building. Sudowrite’s Story Bible teaches the AI about your characters and plot points, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all chapters of your story.
  • Brainstorm button. Stuck on character names or need snappy dialogue? Hit the Brainstorm button, and Sudowrite provides creative suggestions to enhance your story’s elements.
  • Canvas feature. For thorough plotting, the Canvas feature aids in crafting detailed outlines and developing characters, providing a robust foundation for your narrative.
  • Chat with your own story specialist. Sudowrite’s Quick Chat feature lets you converse with your own AI assistant (trained on your Story Bible) so you can ask questions about your characters, check plot points, and even ask for feedback on your writing.
10,000 free credits
  • 6. Plot Factory: Organize Your Story and Generate Character Names With AI

Graphic of Plot Factory's main writing hub

  • Stay on top of your story’s settings. Ensure every scene in your book is visually accurate and consistent with Plot Factory’s Place Keeper tool, which allows you to describe and track important scenery details throughout your narrative.
  • Character avatars. Give life to your characters by assigning profile pictures, making it easier to visualize and differentiate them as you craft your story.
  • Word count goals. Keep yourself motivated by setting daily word count goals. This feature turns writing from a task to a rewarding habit, encouraging you to meet your targets.
  • EPub exports. Easily export your stories as ePub files for self-publishing or as DOCX files for querying for flexibility and convenience in distributing your work.
Free plan available and 14-day free trial for premium plans
1 (can add collaborators)
✘ (mobile friendly)
  • What’s the Best AI Story Generator For Your Project?

✘ Brand voice feature to tailor AI’s outputs and keep your tone consistent Creative writers looking for a consistent voice when writing $39
✔ Story variant feature for a choice in how your story unfolds Writers looking for a versatile plot generator $7.50
✔ Audiosonic tool to turn your stories into audiobooks or podcasts Research-based stories like historical fiction or science fiction $15
✘ Plot generation tool for comprehensive storylines Writers that need a reliable AI proofreader $29
✘ Describe tool to help enrich important story elements Elaborate world-building $19
✔ Unique character name generator Writers who need to keep track of characters, locations, and secondary details $9

Is there a free AI story generator?

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write a novel ai

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How to Start Writing a Book: Can AI Help?

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Julia McCoy

how to start writing a book

The idea of crafting an entire novel can be daunting, even for seasoned writers.

How to start writing a book with zero inspiration?

AI may be the answer!

Thanks to the evolution of artificial intelligence, it is now possible to compose an entire book with AI — even if you’re suffering from writer’s block.

AI technology now has the power to write the way a human would, which means your book will get done faster with less editing. In fact, 65.8% of people think AI writing is equal to or better than human writing.

If this sounds crazy to you, fear not, aspiring writers!

Banish your trepidation — we’ll provide the tools and advice to get you started on your novel-writing journey.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to start writing a book, particularly with an AI writing tool. We’ll also provide tips for crafting engaging stories using AI as well as best practices for editing your manuscripts before submitting them for publication.

No matter what type of book you’re writing, this guide will help you navigate through the challenges and bring that great book idea to life.

So if you’re ready to learn how to start writing a book and get started on your own masterpiece, let’s get down to business and start your book project with the help of artificial intelligence.

Table of Contents:

How to write a book, choose the right tool for your project, cultivate a writing habit with ai: your first step to authorship, why are you writing your book, who are you writing for, choose your genre, find your voice, create an outline: the blueprint of your book, establish character development, create dialogue that sounds natural and realistic, switch up your drafting techniques: pen, paper, and pixels, don’t over-focus on word count, build conflict, identify areas that need refinement, make sure the story flows, finalizing your manuscript for publication, beating procrastination and writer’s block, how do you start a book for beginners, how do i write a book with no experience, how much does it cost to start writing a book, how do i start as a beginner writer.

Before the arrival of artificial intelligence and modern writing tools, the process of writing a book traditionally involved more manual techniques and reliance on physical resources.

First, you have to conceptualize your book. Consider themes, characters, settings, or plots that interest you. If your book requires factual information or historical context, start doing research.

The next step is to create an outline of your book. Plan your key chapters and plot points and visualize the flow of your story or non-fiction content on index cards or a physical storyboard.

From there, begin writing your book. Read through your manuscript and rewrite sections that need improvement.

Writing a book traditionally required patience and perseverance, as the process was more time-consuming without the aid of modern technology.

Today, AI writing software can publish stories as short as one page or as long as an entire book series. Chatbots like ChatGPT can write book chapters based on prompts, thanks to sophisticated natural language processing that mimics human-authored writing.

Read here for more details on how to write a book with ChatGPT .

AI can be used to generate large quantities of writing in days instead of months, which is advantageous for authors of serialized fiction or educational textbooks who need to produce high volumes of different book ideas in a short time frame.

Learning how to start writing a book using AI is an exciting new way to create stories and explore ideas. Even if you can’t write or want to start a book with no experience , you can get started fleshing out unique plots and characters that will make your story stand out from the rest.

write a novel ai

An industrial robot writing out the Bible

How to Start Writing a Book with AI

With the help of AI tools, writers can generate amazing book ideas, compelling dialogue, and interesting plot points with ease. 

How to get started writing a book with artificial intelligence?

The AI book writing process starts with choosing the right AI writing software. Compare features, ease-of-use, cost, and benefits before settling on an AI writing solution that meets your needs.

For example, different AI writing tools offer different features for writing various types of content and text.

Depending on the type of book you want to produce, you should choose the tool that matches up with your needs:

  • ChatGPT can help produce book outlines, break out of writer’s block, or get ideas for your next scene.
  • If you’re writing a non-fiction book, you could use Content at Scale to produce chapter outlines and first drafts for chapter sections.

content at scale table of contents

Content at Scale can produce detailed outlines for most topics.

As you consider the tools you’ll use, one issue you should be concerned about is copyright. Does the creator of the tool you’re using hand down the copyright of the AI-generated text to you? Content at Scale does — it’s part of our guiding principles.

That said, note that Content at Scale was not built for novel writing, but rather SEO blog writing . However, if you’re a non-fiction writer looking for creative routes to get your first draft done, there are lots of ways to customize your output with our tool, so it might be useful for you.

For a complete, step-by-step guide on how to use AI, read our blog post on how to write a book using AI .

How to get started writing a book is no small feat, but it all begins with one simple step — cultivating good writing habits.

Creating and sticking to a consistent writing routine is essential. It’s not just about finding time but devoting time to your craft.

The first thing you need to do is establish a writing schedule. Dedicate a specific period of your day to writing sessions. This could be an hour every morning before work or perhaps late at night when the world around you quiets down.

If you are writing with AI, one of the skills that you should develop is writing prompts . An AI tool will not write by itself. You need to ask the right questions and provide specific instructions to get the type of output that you want.

Here are some steps to help you make the most out of AI tools:

  • Familiarize yourself with AI content: Explore the capabilities and limitations of AI models like GPT-3, which can generate creative and coherent text based on given prompts.
  • Identify your book’s theme and requirements: Determine the genre, tone, and style of your book. Consider the specific areas where you need help from AI such as character development, plot twists, descriptive passages, or dialogue. This will help you tailor prompts accordingly.
  • Experiment with writing prompts: Start by creating simple prompts to understand how the AI responds. For example, you could ask the AI to generate a dialogue between two characters, describe a setting, or provide a plot twist. Generate a few different prompts to see the range of responses and experiment with variations.
  • Evaluate and refine: AI content can serve as a starting point, but you should always review and edit to ensure it matches your vision for your book.

how to start writing a book

Screenshot from  Reedsy

Before you begin writing, ask yourself why you want to do it in the first place. What do you want to accomplish from writing a book?

Positioning is the most crucial part of both writing and marketing your book. It’s important to understand that you can’t write or market yourself out of a positioning problem. If you get it right, then positioning makes both the writing and marketing of the book easy and ensures you get what you want from your book.

The best place to start book positioning is your objectives. Imagine it’s a few years after your book has been published, what has the book helped you accomplish that made the effort worthwhile?

There are an almost infinite array of benefits a book can get for an author but most fall into one of these six popular objectives:

  • Generate leads for their business.
  • Establish authority in their field.
  • Increase visibility and brand recognition.
  • Create content assets for their website.
  • Grow email list subscribers .
  • Generate passive income through royalties and sales commissions.

The next step in how to start writing a book is to define your audience. Who is your book for and why should they care?

A book audience is a group of people who share the specific problem your book solves. It’s important to narrow down your audience as much as possible so that you can focus on helping those readers in particular.

To figure out who your book is for, start by considering the smallest possible audience you must reach to make it successful. This will be the primary target of your book.

Next, who will benefit from your book? Consider their age range, gender identity, interests, lifestyle habits, education level, occupation type, or any other relevant characteristics that could help define them more clearly.

You should also consider how likely these potential readers are to actually purchase or read a copy of your work. Think about where they spend time online (social media platforms) or offline (bookstores).

What publications do they read regularly? Where do they get information from? These details will help you determine the right method to reach them.

Finally, take some time to research books similar in genre or subject matter. Look at reviews left by readers before making any assumptions about what your book might be like when it is released into the world. Doing so can give you valuable insight into whether there is an existing demand for your book and how it would stand out from the competition once published.

Before you start a writing career, pick a genre and know what your readers expect.

Read extensively within your genre, not just for enjoyment but as critical analysis, to get an idea of popular themes and tropes, and to inspire new ideas for your own work.

Dive into bestseller lists or ask for recommendations from friends who enjoy the same genre, and pay attention to writing style, pacing, and how authors build tension or evoke emotions.

Remember: Reading isn’t procrastination, it’s essential research.

Becoming well-versed in a particular genre helps you to deliver what readers anticipate, while also allowing for originality and creativity within your story.

In romance novels, readers typically expect a happy ending.

Fantasy fans often look forward to intricate world-building.

Professional writers read a lot and use those insights to craft their own narratives. This helps ensure you meet reader expectations while still offering them something fresh and exciting, a recipe for surefire success in any book-writing endeavor.

When learning how to start writing a book, it’s important to find your voice and let it all out.

To ensure that your writing reflects your own unique voice, there are two frames we recommend professional writers take:

1. Talk to a Friend

Before you start writing, envision yourself talking to a friend. This was the frame I used when writing this section—I pretended I was explaining this concept to a close friend of mine. As Eudora Welty once said, “Forget your generalized audience
in writing, your audience is one single reader.”

2. Help a Stranger Solve a Problem

If you imagine yourself helping a stranger solve something, it will come across as more authoritative in tone while still being relatable for readers. You can even combine both frames by envisioning yourself talking with a friend and helping them through something difficult.

how to start writing a book

Screenshot from  WikiHow

A good book starts with a good outline . This is the roadmap of your story, providing structure and direction for your narrative.

An outline is a plan for your book that serves as the foundation of your writing project. It’s essentially a roadmap, helping you to organize and structure all of the ideas and information you want to include in your book.

You can use AI to structure your main points to maintain consistency and flow. When writing prompts, specify your genre and number of chapters.

Here’s an example of a prompt when generating a book outline:

Generate a book outline based on the premise: “A reluctant hero embarks on a quest to restore magic and bring balance back to the realm.” The book should have 10 chapters.

Chapters and Sections

AI can also help you organize your chapters and sections logically. Specify chapter number, setting, and main events.

Here’s an example of a prompt when organizing events in your story:

For chapter 1 of a sci-fi novel, outline the main events that should occur when the protagonist enters her lab.

Plot Development

AI can help you create a compelling and coherent storyline as you develop your plot. Add your character names and events leading to conflict, climax, and resolution.

Here’s an example of a prompt when narrating your plot:

Write the story of Dr. Amelia Grant, a young scientist who accidentally discovers a mysterious virus, leading up to the climax and resolution.

Establishing a Scene

You can use AI to write out specific settings or scenes. Specify the time, location, and main characters.

Here’s an example of a prompt when creating a scene.

Describe one rainy night, inside a haunted asylum, where Dr. Grant finds a closed door with howling sounds coming from inside.

Outlining your chapters may seem daunting at first, but don’t worry – most AI tools come equipped with helpful templates or guides that make this step easier than ever before. Simply fill out these forms according to how you want things to unfold in your book and then let the software handle all the heavy lifting.

Tip : If you’re writing a non-fiction book, a generalized AI tool like ChatGPT might not be the best option for you.

  • For one, ChatGPT is known to “hallucinate” or make up its own facts.
  • Secondly, ChatGPT is trained only on data up to 2021.

Non-fiction books should be factual and updated — and this is where a tool like Content at Scale can help.

When you enter a key phrase, the app crawls Google on the spot for the most relevant information on the subject matter.

And while Content at Scale cannot write an entire book for you, it can help generate outlines for specific chapters of your book as well as full sections of text.

Writing a book with AI-powered tools can be an exciting journey. With the help of professional writing tips, you can tell a story that is engaging and realistic – just like a bestselling author.

how to start writing a book

Tips for Building an Engaging Story

AI-enabled tools can help you weave an enthralling tale that will keep readers hooked from beginning to end.

Here are some writing tips for how to craft an engaging story with AI.

When creating characters for your novel, it’s important to make sure they have distinct personalities and motivations. You should also take time to establish relationships between them so that readers can understand their dynamics.

Create vivid and compelling main characters by exploring their personalities, backgrounds, and motivations in-depth to draw readers into your story.

Understand their strengths, weaknesses, fears, and desires — everything that makes them tick.

AI can help you do this, too.

Sample prompt:

“A group of strangers with extraordinary abilities is brought together by a mysterious organization to prevent an impending global catastrophe. Outline the individual backstories, their initial conflicts, and the collaborative journey they undertake to save the world.”

Dialogue is essential for making your main characters come alive on the page. To ensure that conversations sound natural and realistic, try using contractions when appropriate (e.g., “I’m” instead of “I am”) as well as slang words or phrases that fit each character’s personality type. Pay attention to how people speak in real life as this will help you craft dialogue more accurately.

“Generate a conversation between two characters, Jane and Alex, who are close friends and have known each other since childhood. They are discussing a recent personal setback that Jane has experienced, and Alex offers words of encouragement and advice. Show their deep bond, highlight Jane’s internal struggle, and reveal how this conversation helps shape Jane’s character and her outlook on the situation.”

Still struggling to get words on the page, even with the help of AI?

Research suggests that writing by hand can help your brain work better, so grab a notebook and let the words flow.

If you’re worried about losing handwritten drafts, don’t fret. You can always transition to computers once you’ve got the initial ideas down on paper.

Use digital tools like Evernote, Scrivener, or Google Docs to effectively manage and organize your work for the best results.

Word count matters, but quality over quantity is key when it comes to good writing.

Aim for clarity and precision rather than stuffing unnecessary words into your manuscript just to meet an arbitrary goal.

If trimming down becomes necessary, use online tools like Hemingway Editor designed specifically to reduce wordiness without sacrificing essential information.

Remember, every sentence should serve a purpose: advancing the plot, developing characters, or enriching the world of your book. 

Don’t clutter up pages with irrelevant details. Keep it crisp.

No good book is complete without some form of conflict or tension between its characters. As you write your book manuscript with AI-powered tools, consider ways to introduce obstacles for your protagonists to overcome or unexpected twists at key moments in the plot. This will add suspenseful moments throughout the narrative that will keep readers engaged.

“Generate a scene where two main characters, Sarah and Mark, who were once close friends, find themselves on opposing sides of a moral dilemma. They are passionate about their beliefs and engage in a heated argument that escalates the conflict between them. Highlight their contrasting viewpoints, the emotional intensity of the confrontation, and the underlying tensions that threaten to irreparably damage their relationship.”

No matter what your writing style is, AI-powered novel writing tools can help you create a compelling narrative that keeps readers engaged until its conclusion.

Robots can now write fiction, and they’re designed to make your writing routine easy. With best practices for editing your AI-generated book manuscript, you’ll be able to refine and perfect your story for a captivating reading experience.

Best Practices for Editing Your Manuscript

So you’ve started writing your novel. After the actual writing comes the fine-tuning.

Editing an AI-generated book manuscript is a crucial step in your writing sessions. Make sure your story follows a logical progression from beginning to end.

Here are some best practices for editing when you’re writing a book manuscript.

After completing the actual writing part, go back to Chapter 1 and identify any areas that need improvement or refinement. 

Look for plot discontinuities, inconsistencies in character growth, clunky conversation, and other issues that could hamper the book’s overall quality. 

Examine each chapter in detail to detect any potential flaws before continuing with the editing process.

Read through every chapter again to make sure the story flows logically. Look out for anything that might disrupt the continuity between scenes or chapters. If necessary, rearrange sections of text so they flow more naturally together and create a smoother arc.

Even if you have Grammarly, you should check every sentence in your AI-generated book manuscript one last time. Spot errors in subject/verb agreement, make sure spelling is correct, and check punctuation – all these small details should not slip past your final proofreading stage.

Finally, make sure your book reads like an actual human wrote it. Tweak sentences, add human emotion, and include detailed descriptions a bot would never be able to replicate.

This editing process is the hallmark of our CRAFT framework. Whether you are writing fiction or non-fiction, by human or AI, it’s best to have a second pair of human eyes go through your manuscript to make sure everything looks good.

Most of these steps will apply well to editing your AI-generated book:

aio craft

Want to learn every step involved in our C.R.A.F.T. framework? You’re in the right place. To learn more about AIO and C.R.A.F.T, read our individual guides:

  • C –  a full guide on cutting the fluff
  • R –  a full guide on optimizing your content for SEO
  • A –  a full guide on adding blog images and visuals
  • F –  a full guide on how to fact-check
  • T –  a full guide on how to trust-build in your content

Additionally, subscribe to our blog, watch our C.R.A.F.T. and AIO tutorials on our YouTube channel, and read this blog to understand the AIO model.

After you’ve started writing an engaging story and completed the editing phase, it’s time to prepare your manuscript for submission to traditional publishers or self-publishing platforms.

Before submitting your work, check if your manuscript meets the formatting requirements. This includes ensuring that margins, font size, and line spacing meet industry standards. Make sure all images are high quality and properly credited.

As an author, you should be aware of copyright law and how to protect yourself against plagiarism accusations. Register any copyright linked to your book before sending it off for publishing so you can take legal action against anyone who uses parts of your work without consent.

Be aware of what rights you may be giving away when signing contracts with publishing companies or self-publishing platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).

If you are publishing on WordPress, then you can build your book chapter by chapter on Content at Scale and publish directly to WP without leaving the platform.

Once your book is out there, promote it through content marketing to increase visibility on the web. Tell the world about your book through social media like Facebook and Twitter, blog entries, press releases, email campaigns, video trailers, and podcasts. Developing relationships with influencers in related industries can also help get more eyes on your book.

Writers are vulnerable to two things: procrastination and writer’s block .

If you find yourself procrastinating, go back to your outline and see if you need to make changes.

To overcome writer’s block, be honest with yourself and examine what fears are holding you back from writing.

If self-reflection isn’t enough for you to break through writer’s block or procrastination, set deadlines or break down tasks into smaller chunks so they don’t seem overwhelming. 

Perhaps the best way to overcome these struggles is to use an AI writing tool.

Generalized tools like ChatGPT can help with idea generation, character development, dialogue refinement, plot troubleshooting, and world-building.

Meanwhile, specialized tools like Content at Scale are great for doing research on any topic for a non-fiction book — thanks to their ability to access billions of data points on the internet.

More resources for aspiring authors:

  • How Long Does It Take to Write a Book
  • Book Pricing Guide
  • Best AI Book Writers

FAQs – How to Start Writing a Book

  • Choose a world you want to immerse in.
  • Find a story idea within this world.
  • Assemble a cast of characters.
  • Plan your ending.
  • Break the story into acts.
  • Start writing before you get cold feet.
  • Don’t write an entire book if you’ve never written fiction before.
  • Learn to write about yourself.
  • Try writing prompts or write fanfiction.
  • Learn from your favorite books or successful authors.
  • Don’t get discouraged before you begin writing.

The estimated cost of self-publishing in 2022 is between $150 and $2,000. Some self-published writers will spend tens of thousands on book design, editing, and marketing, whereas others won’t pay a dime.

  • Enrich your writing habits by reading great books.
  • Never stop learning about different writing styles.
  • Start small.
  • Practice writing with different story ideas as much as you can.
  • Research and give credit where it’s due.
  • Use online tools to check your grammar and originality.
  • Join writing groups to learn from published authors and literary agents.

How to start writing a book can be daunting, yet with the assistance of AI, it doesn’t have to be. With the right guidance and tips for crafting engaging stories and editing your AI-generated manuscript, you can start writing a book that will capture readers’ attention and keep them coming back for more.

AI writing tools are a great way to make sure your book stands out from the competition, whether you’re aiming to become a bestselling author or just want to share your story.

With these tips, you’re ready to start writing your book today! Happy writing!

write a novel ai

Written by Julia McCoy

write a novel ai


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This AI Biographer Wants to Help You Tell Your Life Story

Autobiographer's AI prompts you, instead of the other way around.

write a novel ai

Britney Spears' The Woman in Me was the best autobiography of 2023, according to book recommendation site GoodReads. Prince Harry's Spare was No. 2.

And while we all have stories to tell, few of us have the resources of a pop star or a member of the royal family, which include both the time to write a memoir and the funds to hire a collaborator to help us draw out our memories and connect the dots.

That's where a year-old AI startup called Autobiographer comes in. It's developed an AI interviewer, which asks questions to help you record your life story over time.   

AI Atlas art badge tag

It's AI content generation with a twist: Most of the generative AI tools on the market today, including ChatGPT , Claude , Copilot and Gemini , generate text and other content types based on the prompts we provide — from " Help me perfect my resume to land the job of my dreams" to "Please write a song about Detroit in the style of a popular Motown artist" — Autobiographer provides prompts, which guide you to generate your own outputs. 

It's one of the few gen AI products, if not the only one, where the "AI asks you questions as opposed to you asking it questions," CEO Matt Bowman said.

After downloading the iOS app from Apple's App Store and signing up for a $199 annual subscription, you see on your iPhone what appears to be a rock floating between pink clouds.

"Searching for your next memory," the app says. And then, "Memory ready to be explored."

When I clicked on "Start Conversation," the AI interviewer asked me to tell a story about an adventure I've had. 

"There is no right answer, just go with your gut and tell a cool story from your memories," the AI interviewer added. "What's the adventure that comes to mind and what made it special?"

No single adventure immediately stuck out for me, but I have lived in eight US states and England, so I audibly told the AI interviewer you could argue that my entire life has been a series of adventures — some good, some bad. But one of the good ones was taking a leap in my early 20s and moving to New York to start a career.

"What inspired you to make that bold move at such a young age?" the AI interviewer asked next. "Paint a picture of what those early days in the city were like for you."

Since this was just an experiment, I ended the interview there. The app gave me conversation notes, with highlights of "our" discussion and the option to confirm the accuracy of the summary or to edit it.

"Autobiographer helps you discover, preserve and tell your story to those you love," said Bowman. "By having an adaptive AI conversation with a really curious and very specifically trained AI biographer, you can rediscover your own story."

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Your conversations with the AI interviewer are stored in what Autobiographer calls the Memory Vault, which Bowman described as "a deeply encrypted biometric and protected private space where you can see the storyboard of all your memories and your life's journey come together."

The iOS app debuted in May. It has "a small but growing user base," CTO James Barnes said. He didn't disclose figures.

The Bay Area-based startup is developing apps for "platforms beyond iOS" but has no release dates, a spokesperson added.

Autobiographer uses Anthropic's Claude 3 model , which Bowman said is because "of its emotional connectivity and its ability to ask great questions and understand you."

Authors and biographers have helped Autobiographer fine-tune its AI interviewer's personality.

"We've just tuned [Claude 3] into a biographer that's curious about mostly pulling unique stories out of your life, asking how the background of your life equates to a great story, what the hero's journey or the arc or narrative with that is, and being curious to pull the elements out," Bowman said. "Not only from a timeline perspective and getting all the biographical facts correct, but also asking about what it felt like internally, what the significance of what it meant to you is."

Each subscription comes with unlimited conversations, lifetime storage and the ability to create up to 250 pages of content per year. That includes gratitude letters for loved ones and other content types.

The startup envisions users making progress on full-length autobiographies — another content type offered — by having 20-minute conversations with the AI interviewer each week.

Autobiographer is continuing to develop its AI interviewer, including the types of questions it asks, how it follows up and how it memorializes these things, Barnes said.

"The value of a good question, or many good questions, allowing you to paint that picture with your words, is really profound," Barnes added. "And it's something I think we don't often get the opportunity to do, because we don't have an endlessly patient, attentive, curious listener."

This is one of a series of short profiles of AI startups, to help you get a handle on the landscape of artificial intelligence activity going on. For more on AI, see our new  AI Atlas  hub, which includes product reviews, news, tips and explainers.

Editors' note: CNET used an AI engine to help create several dozen stories, which are labeled accordingly. The note you're reading is attached to articles that deal substantively with the topic of AI but are created entirely by our expert editors and writers. For more, see our  AI policy .

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You haven’t played anything like this before, but maybe Talk to Me Human is a sneak peek into how NPCs in games will all be done soon

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Paul McNally has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. He has been a prominent games journalist…

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Sam Shedden is an experienced journalist and editor with over a decade of experience in online news. A seasoned technology writer and content strategist, he…

Talk to me Human

I get a lot of DMs to my X account with people pitching for coverage all the time. Occasionally one stands out more than others which piques my interest. I play games, I am super interested in AI as is Readwrite in general so it’s easy to get bored with the number of companies either saying they are using AI or even more like “ We aren’t using AI!! How dare you ”

What if the game was AI? What if it was all pretty much AI, programmed by a human called Max – I least I think he’s a human, after an hour with Talk to Me Human I am no longer sure as I since was. Part of me thinks I may have been talking to Skynet.

On X we talked about where we lived, gaming interests, and the like and all the while talking about the game Max has been working on called Talk to Me Human – which has just gone into Early Access and is billed as “The talking your way out of it simulator!”

Whether Max was AI or not. I agreed to have a look at it as I usually do and dug a little deeper.

Talk to Me Human features a cast of AI NPCs who interact with you on the fly depending on your responses. They are all AI-driven and are your friends and associates in the game. You have “normal” conversations with them and you score points depending on what you say – they basically mark your social skills.

write a novel ai

Now when I say you have normal conversations with them, I mean ‘conversations’ – you speak into your microphone, the game translates your speech to text via AI, and the AI judges how you dealt with the scenario. It’s all a bit mind-blowing.

The game starts with your roommate telling you your cat has gone missing so you have to go down to the pound where you will have an interaction of talking to your cat – actually talking mind – while it meows back at you.

I won’t spoil the plot because immediately after you have finished reading this you are going to go and pay your $5 for early access to try out but the tagline is “a game where you use your voice to get out of sticky situations,” and this is a super accurate description of events! Max describes the mechanics of the game as follows:

  • Encounter: Find yourself in unexpected, awkward, and humorous scenarios.
  • Explain: Lie, misdirect, compliment, coerce — the choices are endless. Speak out loud!
  • Receive Judgment: The AI decides if you pass or fail. You can always try again!

The game is entirely played within your browser and suggest using Chrome rather than Edge when you start. I used Edge because I am a rebel and once I had given access to the microphone things worked pretty much flawlessly.

Leaving and logging back in restarts you at the point where you left so you never feel pressured to carry on.

To get a full understanding of what is happening, because I have no doubt you still have no real clue from these words I suggest you watch the above trailer to get a feel for the flow. The voice “acting” is good and the characters believable, even if they are occasionally a little robotic – I mean think back to Skyrims NPCs and then we will acknowledge that complaint in context. Apart from the subject matter, it’s just all so, well, real.

Max told me that half the levels are complete in the EA version and the mechanics are pretty much what the final game will encompass so really we are just waiting on the extra scenarios.

Originally he planned for the game to take three months but has “just passed 1 year working on it and it’s (only) half done.”

A truly novel gaming experience

By trade Max is a “natural language processing researcher” a computer scientist with an interest in gaming and AI who on his website describes his journey so far thus:

“I’ve started an indie bootstrapped (self-funded) software studio. I’m calling it Least Significant Bit. My goal is to make small pieces of delightful software and sell them commercially. Kind of a mom-and-pop software shop.

It may fail entirely. Then I’d go get a normal job. But I knew I wanted to try, and it felt like the time was now or never. So it’s now.

And, I recently launched my first product—a game! I think it’s a totally new kind of game. I’m biased, of course. But it feels like something truly novel.”

And we are behind that, and what has been achieved so far that is unlike any “game” I have ever played in decades of doing this gig.

What we have here could almost be described in some ways as a social trainer. If you are somebody who is not overly comfortable speaking to people, you could give this a go with no fear of social anxiety. If you just want to have a bit of fun talking to robots and ‘humans’ you can do that too. Maybe try and be nice for once!

The possibilities are endless, as long as the AI behaves itself. This is just a brief first look at Talk to Me Human. We will be talking to Max more about how it all works, how he put it together, and where it could eventually lead in a follow-up soon.

For now though, go and check it out at

About ReadWrite’s Editorial Process

The ReadWrite Editorial policy involves closely monitoring the tech industry for major developments, new product launches, AI breakthroughs, video game releases and other newsworthy events. Editors assign relevant stories to staff writers or freelance contributors with expertise in each particular topic area. Before publication, articles go through a rigorous round of editing for accuracy, clarity, and to ensure adherence to ReadWrite's style guidelines.

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Paul McNally Gaming Editor

Paul McNally has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. He has been a prominent games journalist since the 1990s, spending over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title published by IDG Media. Having spent time as Head of Communications at a professional sports club and working for high-profile charities such as the National Literacy Trust, he returned as Managing Editor in charge of large US-based technology websites in 2020. Paul has written high-end gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian PlayStation Magazine,…

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AI Text Generator

Free ai text generator.

What do you want to write?

Want to continue?

How to use Squibler's free AI text generator

1. define your creative need.

In the provided text box, describe what you need, whether it's a character sketch, scene setting, or a specific plot element (for example, "Create a villain for my sci-fi story").

2. Generate Your Content

Hit the "Generate Text" button. Squibler's AI will instantly provide you with creative text based on your input.

3. Refine and Integrate

Log in or create an account to refine and integrate the generated text into your content using various Squibler tools. Once satisfied, you can save or export your final content in your preferred format.

Writers around the world choose Squibler.

Used by the world's most innovative content teams, creators, writers, editors, authors, and ideators.


It makes it easy to break down my stories into chapters, scenes, and everything in between.

Denis P. Nonfiction Author


I love the fact that I can view all the details to my characters and settings without opening another document.

Amelia B. Romance Author


The best design I found for an editor that balances simplicity with the ability to get the work done.

Jonathan F. Fantasy Author

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... and more

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Video Concepts

Explainer Video Script

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Benefits of GravityWrite

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Rank better - SEO Optimization

ChatGPT vs GravityWrite

Need Prompts.

No need of prompts. You get the best possible output from AI.

Low quality of output if you don’t give the right prompt.

High quality & structured output received every time 👌

Cannot edit parts of generated text

You can ask AI to re-write any part of the text with the smart toolbar.

Manual typing about your business is required.

No typing about your business - we can auto-fetch from your website 🤖

No custom tools

Cannot generate images

Create your own tools & share it with your team. ✍️

Can generate images 🖼️

GravityWrite , is the fastest & easiest way to get content for your business.


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I have thoroughly enjoyed and liked the content.

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Who is it for?

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The go-to tool for marketers, entrepreneurs, and teams who want to write better, faster.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Your queries, our answer: Simplifying your experience

What Type of Content can the Tool Generate?

Our AI writing tool can generate various content formats, including blog posts, articles, emails, ad copy, social media postings, product descriptions, etc. Our tool is meant to be flexible and adaptable, allowing you to generate content for any platform or audience.

Is a Trial Version Available Before Purchasing?

What is the pricing structure, and what plans are offered, what kind of customer support is available, what kind of security measures are in place to protect my data and content, can i pay in inr.


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  3. Can You Use AI To Write A Book? The Best AI Novel Writing Software

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  4. How to Write a Novel with AI: The Future of Storytelling is Here!

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  5. 3 Best AI Novel Writing Software 2024

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  6. AI Writing Tools Archives

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  1. Two AI Tools Wrote the Same Chapter, Which Was Better? (Writing a Novel With AI, Part 5)

  2. Write a novel with me: Storyboarding

  3. How to Write an AI-assisted Novel

  4. Create Your Own Notion-Style Editor: Open-Source Novel with AI Autocompletions

  5. This Custom GPT writes NOVELS in 24 HOURS

  6. Writing my Book About AI Fiction Writing LIVE (+Q&A)


  1. NovelAI

    Take your writing to a whole new direction using a variety of module-powered tools. Text Adventure. Engage in a thrilling adventure between you and an AI DM. Prose Augmenter. Push your writing to it's limit with enhanced detail and prose. Instruct. Send your story in the right direction with personalized instruction. Get Started.

  2. Squibler: AI Story Writer

    Squibler is designed to be the best AI-assisted writing software for authors and screenwriters looking to create better stories faster. Going beyond the typical AI writing tool, it seamlessly takes users from ideation to publishing. Squibler's AI writer not only generates sections and scenes based on the writers' instructions, but it also helps ...

  3. Free AI Story Generator

    Here's a quick guide to how to use Squibler's AI story generator: 1. Specify Your story idea. Kick things off in the "Story Plot" section. Here, capture the essence of your story in a few words. This summary lays the groundwork for your narrative, guiding the AI to understand your vision. For example: "A librarian discovers a magical book that ...

  4. Sudowrite

    Write your novel or screenplay faster with the best AI tool for fiction. Start for free today and see why The New Yorker calls it "a salvation" for writers and why NY Times, The Verge, and many more love Sudowrite.

  5. 10 Best AI Novel Writing Software to Help You Write The Next Bestseller

    Best for Copy Editing: ProWritingAid. Best for Proofreading: Grammarly. 1. Sudowrite. Best for Beginners. Sudowrite is a beginner-friendly AI novel writing software that not only writes a story for you but also helps you to improve your stories with advanced fiction-writing techniques.

  6. 7+ Best AI Novel Writing Software in 2024 (Rated & Ranked)

    From character development to plot construction, the best AI novel writing software can help you meet your goals. In this guide, I ranked and reviewed the 7+ best AI novel writing software, so that you can pick the best one for you. Best Overall. Jasper is the best overall AI writing software because it is incredibly user-friendly ...


    Write Your Novel with AI Assistance - (Up to 180k Words) We've completely reimagined the novel writing experience from the ground up. Harness the power of state-of-the-art AI to effortlessly craft incredible, immersive novels that will captivate your readers. Our cutting-edge AI writing assistant will help you bring your stories to life like ...

  8. Use AI to Write Your Book

    Write Brilliant Books with Generative AI Collaboration. Experience the fusion of generative AI and human creativity in our cutting-edge book-writing platform. Effortlessly craft captivating plots, develop rich characters, and compose engaging chapters with AI-guided precision. Elevate your storytelling and unlock your full potential as you ...

  9. Start Trial

    Explore your creativity with NovelAI, the GPT-powered AI storyteller. Start your free trial and write unique stories, romances, or adventures.

  10. Bookwiz is an AI-powered platform that leverages GPT-4 for assisting authors in the book-writing process. This includes brainstorming ideas, creating characters, outlines, and chapters. We've transitioned from a token-based to a word-based pricing model for a more intuitive user experience.

  11. novelistAI

    Use our free AI novel writer to create unique novels and books. Personalize your stories with custom cover images and audiobooks. Explore diverse genres and styles with AI. ... To begin writing a book, navigate to the 'Write a New Book' page and follow the guided steps to specify your book's type, language, genre, settings, characters, theme ...

  12. 9 Best AI Writing Tools: Amazing Options For Fiction and Nonfiction

    If you want more videos like this talking about the practical uses of AI in writing and marketing, be sure to subscribe to the channel. 1. Sudowrite. Pricing: $19/month for 30,000 AI words, $29/month for 90,000 words, or $129/month for 300,000 AI words. The $29/month tier is recommended.

  13. AI Novel Generator

    New for April AI Novel Generator Generate a unique book with Reedsy's advanced AI đŸ€– Using Machine Learning technology, our generator can compose a compelling 90,000-word novel in a matter of seconds.

  14. How to Write a Novel Using AI (ChatGPT/Sudowrite/Claude)

    Sudowrite can now generate your synopsis, characters, outline and story beats, and then write complete chapters for you. Sudowrite is one of the best ways to write a novel fast. For a full-length novel, I recommend the Professional Package. Sudowrite has a 4,000 word free trial (and plans start from $10 a month) b.

  15. Best AI Book Writer in 2024

    Use our robust AI writer tool to generate book ideas, enhance character development, write grammatically correct sentences, overcome writer's block, and write books with unprecedented speed. Elements Creation. Let our AI-powered tool assist you in crafting your book characters, vibrant settings, and intricate objects for your book.

  16. Free AI Book Writer: Write Book Using AI Online

    An AI book writer is a software program that can write a novel or other forms of creative written content using algorithms and natural language processing. It analyzes extensive amounts of existing text and understands the key elements of story-telling including grammar, plot structure, and syntax.

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    3. Sudowrite. Source: Sudowrite's website. Sudowrite is a top AI novel writing tool that assists creative authors in editing their novels, generating story ideas, and creating new scenes. Its AI algorithms help define elements of the novel and provide suggestions for the next line or narrative point.

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    I tried the AI novel-writing tool everyone hates, and it's better than I expected. Thoughts are swarming my mind like a nest of cyber-rats. By Adi Robertson, a senior tech and policy editor ...

  19. 12 AI Tools to Write your Novel For you

    With AI dungeon you can essentially play Dungeons and Dragons with AI. This site will automatically generate an introduction to a story for you. You then type in your actions. You can also type in a new story event and speech for your character. The AI then generates more text based on your input.

  20. AI Story Generator

    Novel Studio: Your All-In-One AI Writing Assistant. Experience the future of storytelling with the latest addition to Toolsaday - Novel Studio. This groundbreaking feature elevates story creation, offering an all-encompassing suite of tools to manage every aspect of your novel. From plot conception to character development, structuring ...

  21. Using AI to Write a Book: Guide to Self-Publishing eBooks

    The thought of super-intelligent computers can be scary, but ethical AI involves using artificial intelligence as more of a co-pilot, or co-author in this case. See how writing a full novel and making an income online is possible for anyone with the help of an AI tool. And no, you don't have to be a writer to be successful.

  22. 6 Best AI Story Generators to Inspire You in 2024

    What We Look For in the Best AI Story Generators 1. Jasper AI: All-in-One AI Story Generator For a Range of Needs 2. Rytr: Affordable Plans and Powerful AI Storytelling Tools 3. Writesonic: In-Depth Project Research to AudioBook Creation 4. AI-Writer: Instant Plot Generation and Seamless Proofreading 5. Sudowrite: AI Story Generator With One-Click Creative Tools 6.

  23. Submission Gallery

    GPT-powered AI Storyteller. Driven by AI, construct unique stories, thrilling tales, seductive romances, or just fool around. Anything goes!

  24. Best AI Novel Writer in 2024

    AI-Enhanced Writing. Use our robust AI writer tool to generate novel ideas, enhance character development, write grammatically correct sentences, overcome writer's block, and write beautiful novels with unprecedented speed. Elements Creation. Let our AI-powered tool assist you in crafting your book characters, vibrant settings, and intricate ...

  25. How to Start Writing a Book: Can AI Help?

    The AI book writing process starts with choosing the right AI writing software. Compare features, ease-of-use, cost, and benefits before settling on an AI writing solution that meets your needs. For example, different AI writing tools offer different features for writing various types of content and text.

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    Britney Spears' The Woman in Me was the best autobiography of 2023, according to book recommendation site GoodReads. Prince Harry's Spare was No. 2. And while we all have stories to tell, few of ...

  27. You haven't played anything like this before, but maybe Talk to Me

    A truly novel gaming experience By trade Max is a "natural language processing researcher" a computer scientist with an interest in gaming and AI who on his website describes his journey so ...

  28. 5 AI-Powered Book Recommendation Sites and Apps to Find Your Next ...

    1. Find Your Next Book (Web): Book Suggestions From ChatGPT Prompts . Find Your Next Book (FYNB) calls it an AI-powered librarian. The bot, based on OpenAI, has "read" a large database of books ...

  29. Free AI Text Generator

    1. Define Your Creative Need. In the provided text box, describe what you need, whether it's a character sketch, scene setting, or a specific plot element (for example, "Create a villain for my sci-fi story"). 2. Generate Your Content. Hit the "Generate Text" button. Squibler's AI will instantly provide you with creative text based on your input.

  30. GravityWrite: Top AI Writer, Content Generator & Assistant

    Use AI to create high-quality content for blogs, ads, emails, and social media in seconds. Boost your clicks, conversions, and sales with GravityWrite. ... Book a Demo. GravityWrite. ... You can ask AI to re-write any part of the text with the smart toolbar. Manual typing about your business is required.