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Everything You Need to Know About Writing Standout Key Selection Criteria Responses

How are key selection criteria used.

Key Selection Criteria (KSC) outline the qualities, knowledge, and skills needed to do the job. This information is often found in job ads or position descriptions. While asking candidates to respond to KSC is more common within the Education and Government sector, many other organisations also include KSC in their recruitment and selection process.

KSC provide a quick and easy way for employers to engage with candidates who are genuinely motivated to work with them – after all, responding to KSC takes time and effort. But more importantly, KSC provide an objective way to assess candidate suitability to job requirements.

What’s involved?

You will write short statements selling your capabilities for each criterion. Your response can include specific examples where you have demonstrated the behaviour, knowledge, skills, and personal qualities asked for in the KSC.

It’s essential to check your KSC statement for spelling and grammar. Then, get a family, friend, or trusted recruitment partner to review what you’ve written and provide feedback.

KSC tend to focus on critical capabilities such as:

  • Application of technical knowledge
  • Communication skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Stakeholder and interpersonal skills
  • Time management and prioritisation skills

analytical and problem solving skills selection criteria

Examples of Key Selection Criteria

  • Good analytical, investigative, and problem-solving skills with the ability to initiate practical solutions.
  • Proven ability to manage and prioritise tasks and issues individually, and with other team members and vendors, escalating prioritisation conflicts in an appropriate and timely manner.
  • Demonstrated experience in software development languages: .NET and Javascript.
  • Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to work collaboratively with a range of cross-functional internal and external stakeholders.

Benefits of responding to KSC

  • Your application is assessed in a fair and consistent way. 
  • You will better understand the areas in which you will excel and opportunities for further growth.
  • You can determine if it’s a role you really want.
  • You will be better prepared for  behavioural-based interview questions .
  • You can save what you’ve written for future interviews (and KSC).

analytical and problem solving skills selection criteria

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Respond to KSC

1. Start by highlighting the keywords in each criterion.

2. Think about what the employer is asking for with each criterion. Do they want to know how experienced you are in a programming language, how you work as part of a team, or whether you will be able to solve your own problems?

3. List examples of how you meet the criterion.

Tip: Describe relevant skills, experience, incidents, training, personal qualities, expertise, outcomes, and achievements.

4. Review your list and summarise how you’ve demonstrated each criterion in 100-200 words. 

Tip 1: Remember to mirror the language of the KSC in your response and use those keywords you highlighted at the start!

Tip 2: The STAR technique is commonly used when responding to behavioural-based interview questions. It also provides a useful framework for KSC responses.

  • What was the  S ituation  in which you were involved?
  • What was the  T ask(s)  you needed to accomplish?
  • What  A ction(s)  did you take?
  • What  R esults  did you achieve?

Three Examples of KSC responses

Example one.

KSC – Good analytical, investigative, and problem-solving skills with the ability to initiate practical solutions.

Response – “Problem-solving has been a critical part of my roles over the past three years working as Service Desk Engineer at ABC Technology. I deal with various problems daily and have resolved many IT issues related to hardware, system access, and network connectivity. 

My approach is to investigate what happened from the staff’s points of view, clarify the facts, and determine what went wrong. I then propose suitable solutions to resolve the issue. However, if further investigation is required, I ensure I provide regular updates.

As a result, our IT Service Management tool (Remedy) shows that less than 1% of localised incidents needed escalation.

An example of a more complex issue I resolved involved investigating why updated applications failed after reformatting our Product Manager’s laptop. As a practical interim solution, I provided the manager with a replacement laptop so they could perform their core tasks. At the same time, I analysed existing processes and conducted online research. As a result, I identified the issue was due to the updated applications not being compatible after the new installation. After applying the relevant fix, I suggested updating our process to check this in the future.”

Example two

KSC – Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to work collaboratively with a range of cross-functional internal and external stakeholders.

Response “In my 15 years as an IT Manager, strong communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills have been essential. I have dealt with a wide range of people, including IT staff, vendors, and leaders from departments across the business. 

For example, I led the upgrade of the CRM system that our Sales and Marketing team use to capture leads and update customer records. I led successful collaborative efforts between the vendor consultants and our internal IT team to ensure timely delivery. I also provided regular updates to the Head of Sales & Marketing and sought their input throughout the project. In addition, I got their assistance in identifying system champions and super users within the business to assist with the transition and training. As a result, the system was implemented as scheduled with only one rollback to a minor feature that the vendor resolved within a week. The Head of Sales & Marketing sent an email afterwards to thank my team and me for our efforts.”

Example three

KSC – Demonstrated experience in software development languages: .NET and Javascript.

Response “I have 13 years of experience working with the Microsoft stack doing custom .NET development. The work I have been primarily involved in includes expanding and extending customer-facing IT systems which have been all been developed in-house using both the .NET stack and Javascript.

Over the last six years, I have worked as a Senior .NET Developer with XYZ Company. The custom builds I have worked on have helped the company gain a market-leading edge over competitors and better service its customer base. As a result, the company has doubled in size and grown its members ten-fold from when I started.

Core technologies used as part of the various applications I have developed and improved include: .NET Framework, .NET Core, ASP.NET Web Forms, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web API, JavaScript, jQuery, Web Services, WCF Services, Windows Services, NUnit, Sitecore, PowerShell, SignalR, Entity Framework, LINQ to SQL, SQL Server, T-SQL, and Stored procedures.”

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Key Selection Criteria: what it is and the best way to respond

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Applying for a job that requires a response to Key Selection Criteria? Follow this guide on what it is, how to respond and the top mistakes to avoid.

Key Selection Criteria are used as a recruitment tool throughout the public, not-for-profit (NFP) and academic sectors but are becoming increasingly common in the private sector too.

If this is the first time you have encountered it you may be tempted to bypass the request, especially if you feel that you are a really strong candidate and have a comprehensive resume and cover letter ready to send.

But before you opt for the easy route and hit submit, you need to know that if you do this you are very unlikely to be considered for the position because your application will be seen as incomplete – even if you are the perfect fit for the role.

Undeniably this is going to take some work on your part but if you follow this guide it will be easier than you think, plus it will give you invaluable preparation for your interview

What is Key Selection Criteria?

Key selection criteria are the skills, attributes, knowledge and qualifications that the employer has defined as being essential for satisfying the requirements of the job you are applying for.

You will need to clearly show how your personal values, knowledge, skills and experience meet this criteria through examples from other jobs, experience gained outside or work, or from your formal studies.

The words used in selection criteria statements will give you a clue as to how to structure your response. When you see ‘demonstrated’, ‘proven’ or similar, it is an explicit instruction to use an example to demonstrate your suitably.

How are selection criteria assessed?

Selection criteria are each assessed separately and will have points assigned to it. You will score higher points by successfully demonstrating the skills/experience that they are looking for in that criterion. Your overall response – covering all questions within the selection criteria – then gets an overall mark. Those that score well across the board move on to the next stage of the recruitment process which is typically a first interview.

How long should a response to Key Skills Criteria be?

The simple answer is as long as they ask for.

Somewhere in the application instructions there will be a ‘How to Apply’ guide or similarly worded document. You might find it at the foot of the job advert, in the job description or on the company’s careers page. Once you find it, read it carefully and comply with their exact instructions. They most probably will also have set a word count or page limit for your responses too so make sure you strictly adhere to that as well.

If there are no limits set, approximately 250 words is generally an appropriate length for each criterion. However, this will depend upon factors such as the complexity and seniority of the role in question.

Regarding the layout, where possible dot points should be used rather than long paragraphs of text. This will make it easier for the selection team to read your application and will also positively demonstrate your written communication skills.

There should be no errors anywhere in the document, it should use a clean and clear format and the sentences should be grammatically correct and concise.

What if I don’t meet all of the Key Skills Criteria?

This is dependent on how specialised the role is.

For example, if you have only 3 years’ experience and they have set a minimum of 5 but there are very few people with your particular skills and experience, then it may well be still worth applying.

However, if you can be sure that there will be many candidates with the same skills applying for this role then I suggest you adopt the 80% rule.  If you cannot satisfy at least 80% of the requirements then it probably is not worth the considerable time and effort of applying.

To help you decide whether you reach that 80% threshold, take a look at the Job Description and ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I meet all or most of the Knowledge, Experience, Skills and Qualifications of the job?
  • Could I do the job with some training - formal or on-the-job?
  • Do I have skills gained in other fields of work that may be transferable?

If the answer is yes, then you are ready to start your response and that starts with a with little bit of research.

How to prepare a response to Key Skills Criteria

From our experience, people who do some basic research about the job before answering the Key Selection Criteria and submitting their applications achieve the best results.

So before compiling your response, research the company and learn about projects, key personnel and events. This will help you to focus your application better.

Now you are ready to prepare your response.

Read and re-read the advertisement, KSC and Position Description.

It is really important that you clearly understand what is meant by each selection criterion before putting pen to paper.

If you don't fully understand the job requirements you may have difficulty demonstrating that you are the best person for the job.

If you are unsure about any aspects of the job, call the Recruitment Officer (the name and telephone number will be in the job details) during normal business hours.

Print or Save

Print or save the Job Details, Position Description, and KSC so you can easily refer to it as you go through this process.

Highlight key words in the first KSC and think about what they are really asking for.

Now brainstorm a list examples of how you meet the KSC.

Describe relevant skills, experience, incidents, training, personal qualities, expertise and things you couldn’t have done without all these.

Ideally these should be from the last 3-4 years.

Use the STAR method to review your list and summarise, in 50-120 words, how you demonstrated this KSC.

Star stands for Situation , Task, Action and Result .

The situation will highlight a duty, problem or challenge.

The task will be what was needed to be achieved or resolved.

The action will be what you actually did and how you did it.

The outcome will be the positive result you were responsible for. 

Repeat Steps 3 to 5 for the remaining KSC.

Examples of KSC responses

Here are a few examples to help you see how they work out in a real paragraph plus the sort of length you should be aiming for.

Problem Solving

Seeks all relevant facts. Liaises with stakeholders. Analyses issues from different perspectives and draws sound inferences from available data. Identifies and proposes workable solutions.

"Problem solving has been a critical part of my roles over the past five years. While working as the Project Manager at XYZ Company, I dealt with a variety of urgent and non urgent issues. While many could be resolved easily, 2-3 per week were more complex and required a detailed process to resolve. I had to investigate what had happened from the staff and customer’s points of view, clarify the facts and work out what had gone wrong and why. I then had to propose suitable solutions and negotiate a mutually satisfactory outcome. I was often commended by my manager for my sensitive handling and speedy resolution of these problems. Less than 1% of complaints had to be escalated."

Computer Skills

Uses a wide range of software features for word processing,

"As an Administration Assistant to the Manager at XYZ Company, about half my time was spent preparing letters and reports using Word. I used detailed information in Excel spreadsheets to prepare graphs and tables to demonstrate the results of our budget analysis and to analyse Departmental performance. I often prepared major PowerPoint presentations for my Manager and maintained a database of her contacts. I also managed many daily emails and searched for information on the Internet to answer questions."

Communication Skills

Sound communication including interpersonal and negotiating skills, along with well-developed written and oral skills.

"In my 5 years as a Foreman for XYZ Company, strong communication, negotiation and interpersonal skills have been essential. I have dealt with a wide range of people, including workers, colleagues, the public and Contractors. I was involved in a community project where I had to build new pedestrian road crossings. As part of this project, I successfully negotiated with the three local schools in the area who agreed to use additional staff to ensure kids could cross the roads safely. This agreement required me to update my written JSA clearly outlining the safety measures to be used."

Operator Skills

Demonstrated ability to safely operate and maintain road construction plant.

"In my 7 years as a Plant Operator I have operated backhoes, loaders and bobcats. I have recognised certificates of competencies for each of these plants. I have never had an accident whilst operating plant. Whilst I was working at XYZ Company I was used as an official tester to assess applicants’ knowledge of plant maintenance and their competency to operate loaders and bobcats.”

10 mistakes to avoid with Key Selection Criteria responses

There are many areas that can trip you up but here are the 10 most common to avoid.

01 Choose recent 

If possible, select examples that have taken place in the last twelve months to provide fresh experience. 

02 Choose relevant

For example, if it is HR then it needs to be an HR related example. If you don’t have one, then pick ones that prove transferable skills.

03 Match seniority

The more senior you are, the more responsibility and accountability you have. Take care to choose an example at the appropriate level.

04 Don't make things up

Do not twist the question to suit an example – really think about the question and find an example that answers it naturally.

05 Always support

Remember to support your claim. Your examples must be detailed and be very clear about the process of the task and the action.

06 Stay on track

Responses to criteria can easily go off track ad include irrelevant information. Start your first sentence using the language of the criterion. If it’s about solving problems, then start by saying something like ‘I have demonstrated my problem solving skills in my roles as xxx, yyy and zzz.’

07 Recognise levels

If there are several jobs at different levels on offer that you wish to apply for, make sure you understand the differences between them. Read the job descriptions carefully for the word changes as you may need to make some adjustments to cater for these subtle differences.

08 No abstract nouns

Responses to criteria need to be written in strong, direct language that puts you centre stage as the main actor. For example, ‘During the meeting I negotiated an agreement with all stakeholders to appoint a new project leader.’

09 Use past tense

Always use past tense because it works better to convey that you have demonstrated a skill.

10 Positive outcomes

This is the most important element of key selection criteria. For example, you could have saved money, improved efficiency, or provided fantastic customer service. Many people are afraid of blowing their own trumpet and can dilute this section by being too humble. Do not be – this is your chance to really shine and put yourself above your competition.

Don't let this hard work put you off. A great application sets you up for a great interview. Plus, keep a record of your responses because they can provide the foundation for other applications should you need them.

So many people never apply when they see the words Key Selection Criteria so if you put the effort in, you stand a higher chance of making it through to the interview stage.

Have any questions? Leave a comment below and I will be happy to help.

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Mark Daniel

About the Author

A global resume writer and career coach, Mark is known for his honest, direct, and hard-hitting advice, helping people manage job applications and succeed at interviews. Now based on the Sunshine Coast in Australia, he is the co-founder of Real Life Career Advice and a prolific publisher, contributing to several industry magazines and his daily career advice blog to his 45,000 LinkedIn followers.

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What are analytical skills? Examples and how to level up


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What are analytical skills?

Why are analytical skills important, 9 analytical skills examples, how to improve analytical skills, how to show analytical skills in a job application, the benefits of an analytical mind.

With market forecasts, performance metrics, and KPIs, work throws a lot of information at you. 

If you want to stay ahead of the curve, not only do you have to make sense of the data that comes your way — you need to put it to good use. And that requires analytical skills.

You likely use analytical thinking skills every day without realizing it, like when you solve complex problems or prioritize tasks . But understanding the meaning of analysis skills in a job description, why you should include them in your professional development plan, and what makes them vital to every position can help advance your career.

Analytical skills, or analysis skills, are the ones you use to research and interpret information. Although you might associate them with data analysis, they help you think critically about an issue, make decisions , and solve problems in any context. That means anytime you’re brainstorming for a solution or reviewing a project that didn’t go smoothly, you’re analyzing information to find a conclusion. With so many applications, they’re relevant for nearly every job, making them a must-have on your resume.

Analytical skills help you think objectively about information and come to informed conclusions. Positions that consider these skills the most essential qualification grew by 92% between 1980 and 2018 , which shows just how in-demand they are. And according to Statista, global data creation will grow to more than 180 zettabytes by 2025 — a number with 21 zeros. That data informs every industry, from tech to marketing.

Even if you don’t interact with statistics and data on the job, you still need analytical skills to be successful. They’re incredibly valuable because:

  • They’re transferable: You can use analysis skills in a variety of professional contexts and in different areas of your life, like making major decisions as a family or setting better long-term personal goals.
  • They build agility: Whether you’re starting a new position or experiencing a workplace shift, analysis helps you understand and adapt quickly to changing conditions. 
  • They foster innovation: Analytical skills can help you troubleshoot processes or operational improvements that increase productivity and profitability.
  • They make you an attractive candidate: Companies are always looking for future leaders who can build company value. Developing a strong analytical skill set shows potential employers that you’re an intelligent, growth-oriented candidate.

If the thought of evaluating data feels unintuitive, or if math and statistics aren’t your strong suits, don’t stress. Many examples of analytical thinking skills don’t involve numbers. You can build your logic and analysis abilities through a variety of capacities, such as:

1. Brainstorming

Using the information in front of you to generate new ideas is a valuable transferable skill that helps you innovate at work . Developing your brainstorming techniques leads to better collaboration and organizational growth, whether you’re thinking of team bonding activities or troubleshooting a project roadblock. Related skills include benchmarking, diagnosis, and judgment to adequately assess situations and find solutions.

2. Communication

Becoming proficient at analysis is one thing, but you should also know how to communicate your findings to your audience — especially if they don’t have the same context or experience as you. Strong communication skills like public speaking , active listening , and storytelling can help you strategize the best ways to get the message out and collaborate with your team . And thinking critically about how to approach difficult conversations or persuade someone to see your point relies on these skills. 

3. Creativity

You might not associate analysis with your creativity skills, but if you want to find an innovative approach to an age-old problem, you’ll need to combine data with creative thinking . This can help you establish effective metrics, spot trends others miss, and see why the most obvious answer to a problem isn’t always the best. Skills that can help you to think outside the box include strategic planning, collaboration, and integration.


4. Critical thinking

Processing information and determining what’s valuable requires critical thinking skills . They help you avoid the cognitive biases that prevent innovation and growth, allowing you to see things as they really are and understand their relevance. Essential skills to turn yourself into a critical thinker are comparative analysis, business intelligence, and inference.

5. Data analytics

When it comes to large volumes of information, a skilled analytical thinker can sort the beneficial from the irrelevant. Data skills give you the tools to identify trends and patterns and visualize outcomes before they impact an organization or project’s performance. Some of the most common skills you can develop are prescriptive analysis and return on investment (ROI) analysis.

6. Forecasting

Predicting future business, market, and cultural trends better positions your organization to take advantage of new opportunities or prepare for downturns. Business forecasting requires a mix of research skills and predictive abilities, like statistical analysis and data visualization, and the ability to present your findings clearly.

7. Logical reasoning

Becoming a logical thinker means learning to observe and analyze situations to draw rational and objective conclusions. With logic, you can evaluate available facts, identify patterns or correlations, and use them to improve decision-making outcomes. If you’re looking to improve in this area, consider developing inductive and deductive reasoning skills.

8. Problem-solving

Problem-solving appears in all facets of your life — not just work. Effectively finding solutions to any issue takes analysis and logic, and you also need to take initiative with clear action plans . To improve your problem-solving skills , invest in developing visualization , collaboration, and goal-setting skills.

9. Research

Knowing how to locate information is just as valuable as understanding what to do with it. With research skills, you’ll recognize and collect data relevant to the problem you’re trying to solve or the initiative you’re trying to start. You can improve these skills by learning about data collection techniques, accuracy evaluation, and metrics.


You don’t need to earn a degree in data science to develop these skills. All it takes is time, practice, and commitment. Everything from work experience to hobbies can help you learn new things and make progress. Try a few of these ideas and stick with the ones you enjoy:

1. Document your skill set

The next time you encounter a problem and need to find solutions, take time to assess your process. Ask yourself:

  • What facts are you considering?
  • Do you ask for help or research on your own? What are your sources of advice?
  • What does your brainstorming process look like?
  • How do you make and execute a final decision?
  • Do you reflect on the outcomes of your choices to identify lessons and opportunities for improvement?
  • Are there any mistakes you find yourself making repeatedly?
  • What problems do you constantly solve easily? 

These questions can give insight into your analytical strengths and weaknesses and point you toward opportunities for growth.

2. Take courses

Many online and in-person courses can expand your logical thinking and analysis skills. They don’t necessarily have to involve information sciences. Just choose something that trains your brain and fills in your skills gaps . 

Consider studying philosophy to learn how to develop your arguments or public speaking to better communicate the results of your research. You could also work on your hard skills with tools like Microsoft Excel and learn how to crunch numbers effectively. Whatever you choose, you can explore different online courses or certification programs to upskill. 

3. Analyze everything

Spend time consciously and critically evaluating everything — your surroundings, work processes, and even the way you interact with others. Integrating analysis into your day-to-day helps you practice. The analytical part of your brain is like a muscle, and the more you use it, the stronger it’ll become. 

After reading a book, listening to a podcast, or watching a movie, take some time to analyze what you watched. What were the messages? What did you learn? How was it delivered? Taking this approach to media will help you apply it to other scenarios in your life. 

If you’re giving a presentation at work or helping your team upskill , use the opportunity to flex the analytical side of your brain. For effective teaching, you’ll need to process and analyze the topic thoroughly, which requires skills like logic and communication. You also have to analyze others’ learning styles and adjust your teachings to match them. 

5. Play games

Spend your commute or weekends working on your skills in a way you enjoy. Try doing logic games like Sudoku and crossword puzzles during work breaks to foster critical thinking. And you can also integrate analytical skills into your existing hobbies. According to researcher Rakesh Ghildiyal, even team sports like soccer or hockey will stretch your capacity for analysis and strategic thinking . 

6. Ask questions

According to a study in Tr ends in Cognitive Sciences, being curious improves cognitive function , helping you develop problem-solving skills, retention, and memory. Start speaking up in meetings and questioning the why and how of different decisions around you. You’ll think more critically and even help your team find breakthrough solutions they otherwise wouldn’t.

7.Seek advice

If you’re unsure what analytical skills you need to develop, try asking your manager or colleagues for feedback . Their outside perspective offers insight you might not find within, like patterns in. And if you’re looking for more consistent guidance, talking to a coach can help you spot weaknesses and set goals for the long term.

8. Pursue opportunities

Speak to your manager about participating in special projects that could help you develop and flex your skills. If you’d like to learn about SEO or market research, ask to shadow someone in the ecommerce or marketing departments. If you’re interested in business forecasting, talk to the data analysis team. Taking initiative demonstrates a desire to learn and shows leadership that you’re eager to grow. 


Shining a spotlight on your analytical skills can help you at any stage of your job search. But since they take many forms, it’s best to be specific and show potential employers exactly why and how they make you a better candidate. Here are a few ways you can showcase them to the fullest:

1. In your cover letter

Your cover letter crafts a narrative around your skills and work experience. Use it to tell a story about how you put your analytical skills to use to solve a problem or improve workflow. Make sure to include concrete details to explain your thought process and solution — just keep it concise. Relate it back to the job description to show the hiring manager or recruiter you have the qualifications necessary to succeed.

2. On your resume

Depending on the type of resume you’re writing, there are many opportunities to convey your analytical skills to a potential employer. You could include them in sections like: 

  • Professional summary: If you decide to include a summary, describe yourself as an analytical person or a problem-solver, whichever relates best to the job posting. 
  • Work experience: Describe all the ways your skill for analysis has helped you perform or go above and beyond your responsibilities. Be sure to include specific details about challenges and outcomes related to the role you’re applying for to show how you use those skills. 
  • Skills section: If your resume has a skill-specific section, itemize the analytical abilities you’ve developed over your career. These can include hard analytical skills like predictive modeling as well as interpersonal skills like communication.

3. During a job interview

As part of your interview preparation , list your professional accomplishments and the skills that helped along the way, such as problem-solving, data literacy, or strategic thinking. Then, pull them together into confident answers to common interview questions using the STAR method to give the interviewer a holistic picture of your skill set.

Developing analytical skills isn’t only helpful in the workplace. It’s essential to life. You’ll use them daily whenever you read the news, make a major purchase, or interact with others. Learning to critically evaluate information can benefit your relationships and help you feel more confident in your decisions, whether you’re weighing your personal budget or making a big career change .

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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Selection Criteria Examples: 13+ Good Selection Criteria Responses

In this post, what are selection criteria, how to address selection criteria, the star model in selection criteria, what are the different types of selection criteria, selection criteria examples and templates, selection criteria faqs.

Selection Criteria Examples: 13+ Good Selection Criteria Responses

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Selection criteria have the power to decide the fate of your job application. Imagine: you’ve been on the edge of your seat for two weeks, waiting to hear back from your dream employer . And now — unbeknownst to you — the moment of truth has arrived.

With a double click, Gary the hiring manager brings your application up onscreen. He rubs his eyes, takes a gulp of coffee and a deep breath, and starts skimming through your resume and cover letter .

If you’re applying for a position where the job advertisement included selection criteria (for example, a job in the Australian Public Service , or a large company), things can go one of two ways from this point:

“Wow, this applicant’s experience could make them a great fit,” Gary thinks. “And their cover letter tells me they’re passionate about this field.” 

He glances across at the list of key selection criteria for this position. And then he realises there’s no third page. You haven’t addressed the selection criteria at all.

He closes the window, sighs, and drags your application to the bin. Next!

Gary reads your stellar resume and your eloquent cover letter. Then he opens your ‘Key Selection Criteria Responses.docx’ document.

He compares your selection criteria responses against his list. A smile starts to spread across his face, and he sits up a little straighter. You’ve used the right keywords, structured it with the STAR framework, and organised it into skimmable bullet points. Gary adds your application to the shortlist — the selection panel is going to love it.

Okay, so Gary isn’t real, but key selection criteria are very real. Take them seriously, or be ready for Scenario A (i.e. the bin).

But don’t worry — you already have the skills you need to do an excellent job. If you’ve ever told a story to a friend about something that happened at work, you’re halfway there. 

Today, you’ll get the tools you need to get the rest of the way — all the way into your dream job.

Selection criteria are the essential skills , knowledge, experience and qualifications you must demonstrate to be eligible for a job. HR departments use them to evaluate candidates’ competency, and they are necessary for most government jobs, and for new roles at most large organisations. They don’t just benefit hiring managers, either. You can use them to see whether the job is a good fit for you.

It’s crucial to answer the selection criteria when applying for a position. To respond to key selection criteria, create a separate document to your covering letter and resume — both of which you have customised for this position, using the same language as in the job description. You’ll need to describe how well you meet each of the primary selection criteria in order to answer them, provide detailed information when asked, and use relevant examples from your work experience. 

Job advertisements may also list desirable criteria . Unlike the key selection criteria , these aren’t essential. But if you can show that you possess these criteria too, your chances of scoring a job interview will be much higher.

What are some examples of selection criteria ?

  • Ability to work in a team and a collaborative environment
  • Exceptional time management skills and ability to meet deadlines
  • Ability to demonstrate a high level of effective team management
  • A qualification in a relevant industry area
  • What skills do you have that are relevant to this position?
  • Is it possible for your abilities to be transferred to this position?
  • How do you go about honing your skills?
  • Give some examples of your abilities in action.
  • What relevant professional knowledge do you have for this position?
  • What skills would you bring to this position?
  • How do you keep your knowledge and skills up to date?
  • What kind of experience did you get and where did you get it?
  • What is your level of experience?
  • What skills do you have that might be useful in this position?
  • Give a few examples of how you’ve used your skills.
  • What qualifications do you have that would make you a good fit for this position?
  • What personal qualities do you have that would make you a good fit for this position?

analytical and problem solving skills selection criteria

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When addressing selection criteria as a job applicant, you must be thorough. To do this, you must explore each criterion mentioned in the advertised position description in separate paragraphs and relevant examples. Back up your answers with related examples of what you have achieved and why these experiences will help you thrive in the role.

Here are five simple steps to effectively answer selection criteria:

  • Analyse and dissect the selection criteria
  • Write an opening statement
  • Brainstorm ideas for each selection criterion
  • Go into further detail and support your claims with ‘the how’
  • Write out in full sentences, using a checklist

Read on for more detail.

1. Analyse and dissect the selection criteria

Read the selection criteria on the job advertisement thoroughly before jumping right in. As an example, let’s look at interpersonal skills. The associated criterion details could be ‘ w ell developed interpersonal skills’ .

This includes the ability to:

  • Express opinions, information and critical points clearly and concisely via effective verbal communication
  • Effectively working with others to resolve interpersonal conflicts in a positive way
  • Being able to work in both formal and informal settings with others in groups and teams

If you look into this further, you can break down the desired sub-skills:

  • Verbal communication
  • Problem-solving and decision-making skills
  • Team-working

2. Create an opening statement

For each selection criterion, clearly state how you fulfil it in one sentence making sure you incorporate key points. Keep it short – you will go into further details and specific examples and relevant experience in the next step.

“I possess strong interpersonal skills, which I have developed throughout my role as a Project Manager.”

3. Brainstorm ideas for each selection criterion

Here, you can pull together some examples of your work experiences relevant to the role you are pursuing. For example, sticking with the theme of Project Management, an applicant may think of the following scenarios to show how they fulfil the selection criteria before writing their response:

  • Project Manager at X – Encountered conflicts when managing teams and resolved these accordingly.
  • Project Manager at Y – First managerial role. Perfected verbal communication through many encounters with fellow team members. Learned to deliver my points clearly and concisely.
  • Project Coordinator at Z – Working with teams.

4. Go into further detail and support your claims with ‘the how’

Once you’ve got the base points that surround the overarching selection criteria, you can then go to these and choose which examples suit best. A great way to do this is by employing the STAR Method technique.

Example response to the STAR Method:

5. Write out your responses in full sentences, using a checklist

Now, you can write the paragraph in full. When reading through your final draft, check the following steps before you submit your job application.

Have I addressed all elements of the selection criteria?

Once you’ve completed your application, it is good to revisit the wording of that particular selection criterion found in the position description. Make sure your content correlates and that the descriptors used in the advertisement are directly addressed in your writing. Double-check that you have met the requirements of the process itself- there may be a word limit you need to stick to, or the recruiter might ask you to list examples using bullet points instead of keeping them in paragraph format.

Are my claims justified with relevant examples?

This is as simple as making sure you are specific, concise and that your answers remain relevant using real experience. There is no use going on a tangent and writing an essay if it is a bunch of useless content irrelevant to the position.

Have I chosen the right words?

Match your language with that used in the job advertisement. When a recruiter is scanning your document, and there are words that they believe to be relevant to the position, this will more than likely generate some interest – after all, every corporate job posting gets 250 applications on average. Hence, yours needs to stand out in the selection process to make it on the shortlist.

Avoid ambiguous and passive language to make sure your writing is clear and delivers your point effectively.

Has someone else proofread my response?

Sometimes a new set of eyes can pick up on some mistakes that you might have missed. When you’ve been working on a piece for a long time, everything starts to look the same. Have them look through your work and compare it to the job advertisement – they may be able to offer some insight on how to improve your piece further.

The STAR model is one technique used to demonstrate relevant information for a specific capability within selection criteria.

Selection criteria STAR method diagram

Create context by describing where you applied the skills that helped to gain your knowledge

What was your role in the situation, and what were you required to accomplish?

How did you respond to the situation? What measures did you take?

What did you accomplish? How does this result relate to the job that you are applying for?

Selection criteria are more than just the desired skills an employer is looking for. It also includes experience, abilities, awareness and both hard and soft skills. The most common type of selection criteria includes qualifications. Most jobs, especially at a professional level, have a set requirement of qualifications needed.

analytical and problem solving skills selection criteria

Course Finder Questionnaire

Step 1 of 5

What is your motivation to study?

If you want to understand more about what it takes to write a successful selection criteria response, find some of the most popular criteria skills below and our examples of them. Whether you need to show your communication, teamwork, or technology abilities, use these examples to write your perfect response based on your experience.

Selection criteria: Proven ability to work in a team and a collaborative work environment

Here is an example of a typical teamwork selection criteria . The readers are looking for an example of when you’ve worked in a team as proof that you’ll be able to share and work with other employees if they hire you.

Teamwork criteria example

When working in hospitality, I continually proved my ability to work with a team in a very team-oriented environment. While at Johnny’s restaurant, I worked in a large team every shift, and in hospitality, teamwork is crucial to providing smooth and efficient service. Daily tasks were often team-oriented, including service, preparation and post-service jobs, which needed to be coordinated amongst staff to ensure we completed everything. 

This coordination meant communicating with other staff on shift, including chefs, dish staff, bar staff and other floor staff, and regularly attending meetings where I collaborated with other employees and management to improve the way we delivered service to customers. Regardless of how new an employee was or what training level, I treated every other staff member as equals, which helped forge professional associations and strengthened the team overall. As a result of my teamwork skills and collaborative work efforts, management often offered me extra shifts because they knew that I could work effectively with everyone to get the job done.

Selection criteria: Demonstrate a high level of effective team management

Here is a popular way of wording selection criteria for leadership skills. When a potential employer asks this, you may either be looking at a job that requires or may require leadership in the future or a position where you may have to be semi-autonomous.

Team management criteria example

When working at Smith and Son’s as a receptionist, I often had to demonstrate an ability to lead teams. After working there for five years, I became one of the longest-serving receptionists, which meant leading team meetings, organising staff events and coordinating a team of up to five receptionists at a time working on the floor. Growing genuine friendships and connections with new staff members was a priority to complete these tasks, as I knew they would come to me with problems more readily. I also needed to visibly complete my daily tasks ahead of schedule so that other receptionists would respect my participative leadership style. Staff will not respect a leader if they can’t do their job. As a result of my collaborative and friendly leadership, staff were confident in my ability to lead them and often came to me to communicate with upper management on their behalf, as well management relying on me to collaborate with them regarding receptionist staff and their needs.

Selection criteria: The ability to show a high level of quality customer service and management

Here is a typical example of phrasing for customer service selection criteria . This criterion means that the job you’re applying for will have customer-facing tasks, and management is looking to see that you have experience working with customers.

Customer service criteria example

While completing my studies, I worked part-time at Myer as a sales assistant for two years, where customer service was one of the most critical elements of my job. During my time at Myer, I worked across several departments. I demonstrated my customer service skills multiple times, especially with tricky customers or clients upset about something outside my control.

Clear communication and genuine concern with a customer’s needs is crucial to delivering exceptional customer service. When I worked in the womenswear department, a mother of the bride came in whose outfit had arrived (they’d ordered the dress online), but it didn’t fit, and we weren’t able to get a replacement in time for the wedding. 

The customer was understandably distraught, so I worked with her over a few hours, calming her down and coming up with some options for alternatives. This process included calling down items from different departments and ensuring she felt important and valued by getting her to sit down and have a cup of tea while I found all the pieces she wanted to view — or that I thought she might like. 

She ended up finding a dress that she liked more than the original and left a positive review a few days later on our Facebook page about her experience. Being able to help people when something goes wrong is one of the most rewarding elements of customer service and management. I developed this skill while working at Myer, as evidenced by many positive reviews and winning ‘best sales assistant of the month’ five times over my two years.

Selection criteria: Demonstrate the ability to use business technologies and analyse data and information effectively

Here is an example of how using technology selection criteria may be worded in a job application. In this case, the reader is looking to see how you’ve used relevant business technologies in the past and that you’ve been able to read the information given by these programs accurately.

Technology criteria example

When completing my Diploma in Administration, I was required to complete work placements that used business technologies in everyday tasks, including online library databases, microfiche and Microsoft office, and basics in Xero software.

When I completed my month-long work placement at Smith’s Chiropractors, I discovered that they were still using entirely paper-based data collection systems. I organised the transfer to a cloud-based company database system. This process included uploading files to the cloud, then connecting with multiple other programs, including Microsoft Excel, to create spreadsheets for chiropractors at the office to use in their day-to-day work. It also meant analysing large quantities of data online and turning them into practical, easy to use information. 

This use of business technologies helped both the chiropractors and the full-time administration staff become more efficient. They were no longer reliant on a paper-based system. They streamlined several processes throughout the workplace, allowing the clinic to see where processes were going wrong or could be improved.

Selection criteria: Demonstrate the ability to apply analytical and research skills

Here is a common way job applications may ask you to prove you fulfil analytical and research selection criteria. They are looking to see that you can apply what you’ve learned in analytical skills and research to everyday situations.

Analytical and research criteria example

When I was training as a teacher’s aide, I researched the special needs school and students I would be working with, both in work placements and my future work. I researched autism and students on the spectrum, looking at how different students may respond to stimuli within the school environment or having another teacher’s aid to their usual one. Students with special needs often react in unusual ways to new and changing circumstances, so it was important that the research papers I was working on were relevant and gave me valid analytical accounts and theories. 

The research I did, both within teachers aid training and independently, had to be applied in day to day practical ways, rather than just understanding the theory. I completed several projects on the topic, which required extensive literary research and analysing statistical data.

When I did my two-month-long work placement at St John’s primary school, I regularly applied the theories and concepts I had come across in my research in everyday situations. There was one student who particularly struggled with writing due to the texture of the pencils and pens. My investigation into textural sensations for students with autism helped me find ways to alter the pencils with everyday items, such as blue tac, which made it much easier for him to write. By applying the research to practical everyday learning, I helped increase class participation — not just for this student but also for students in other classes. This potential to improve learning outcomes is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher’s aide.

Selection criteria: Proven ability to use interpersonal skills in everyday workplace situations

Here is a common way of phrasing interpersonal skills selection criteria. Interpersonal skills refer to, basically, people skills. Communication skills are a part of it because if you can’t communicate effectively, you’re not going to be much of a people person — but generally, they are separate.

Interpersonal skills criteria example

When working as a bartender at the Northern Hotel, there were many times when my interpersonal skills were called upon to improve difficult situations. In a busy hotel on a Saturday night, especially when customers have had a few too many drinks, relating to customers and talking them down from becoming angry is a crucial skill that I honed over the four years I worked there.

One night, a particularly irate customer was getting angry at one of our newest staff members who had cut him off. I didn’t want to get involved too early because this can often make new staff members feel undervalued, but I stepped in when he started getting personally offensive. The customer was a regular I knew relatively well, so I explained that I would have done the same thing and helped cool him down. I ensured that the new staff member was still involved, checked up on her several times throughout the night, and gave security and management a heads up. 

Two years later, she told me that one of the reasons she had stayed working with us for so long was because she knew, from that first shift, that other staff members would always support her on shift. Management recognised my interpersonal skills formally, and I won the ‘most supportive staff member’ award at our annual awards nights organised by management.

Selection criteria: Job applicant must be competent with a high level of administration skills such as database management, Microsoft Office and basic computing

Employers are looking for individuals skilled in specific programs that ensure efficiency and modernisation. In the 21st century, organisations expect anyone with a level of administrative background or skills to be competent with multiple programs and the general handling of a computer system.

Administration skills and database management criteria example

Whilst completing my Diploma in Administration, I was fortunate enough to take an Internship at Elixir Wealth Advisory, where I was an assistant to the Administration Officer. The opportunity allowed my database and computing skills to improve significantly, whereby I became efficient in using multiple Microsoft and Google applications. Working in administration involved working with clients’ details, answering phone enquiries and ensuring I organised notices and meetings for all staff members. 

One of the memorable days during my internship involved a client urgently requesting an appointment with his advisor. As the Administrative Officer was away sick that day, it was my job to fit the client into the busy schedule of the small business. I used our database system MySQL to rearrange the specific advisors day, then telephoned and used Microsoft Office to email other clients to inform them of their short-notice change to the day. Despite being short notice, the day’s meetings ran smoothly, and we could fit in the urgent session. Without using the databases and applications, the Advisory wouldn’t have known who the client was before they met and would not have been prepared to act quickly.

Selection criteria: Job applicant must have the ability to demonstrate sound written and oral communications skills

In many jobs, you need to show how you can effectively communicate as part of a team and to various people. Strong written and oral communication skills are vital in all departments and come in useful for daily tasks.

Written and oral/verbal communication criteria example

In my first full-time job at Flight Centre, oral and written communication skills were essential to being a successful travel agent. Many clients depended on me to tailor travel itineraries to their preferences during this career.

To ensure clients were satisfied both before and during their travel, communication was crucial to inform them of alterations to their plans. Once clients start their journeys, sometimes unexpected changes occur. One such situation was a significant weather disruption. A family of 4 were unable to travel to New York and spend the desired four days there. Due to their stopover in LA, I needed to organise four days of activities elsewhere. I made multiple phone calls to the clients to brief them on planning and status, understand their requests for the four days, and comfort them during this stressful time. Organising accommodation and activities in a different time zone required me to send many emails confirming availability on short notice. After constant communication with the family and many managers, I successfully reorganised the days spent in LA instead of New York, where the family enjoyed their altered stay. They even brought back a thank you gift for my consistent communication and quick thinking. Without being confident in my communication skills, being a travel agent would have been extremely difficult. It was crucial to organise, control, reach out to multiple people, and ensure clients were always satisfied with my service.

Selection criteria: Have the ability to prioritise tasks accordingly and demonstrate a high level of organisation

Organisational skills are a vital capability for working in any job in any field of work. The reader would be looking for an example of when you demonstrated your organisational skills at a time of need — or in your everyday work — that you can continue to display if they hire you.

Organisation criteria example

In my current position as the Year 6 teacher at Saint Mary’s Primary School, my job is to help the students become more mature before they reach high school and ensure their numeracy and literacy skills are all up to the standard. It is essential to teach them skills that will carry on throughout their schooling careers, such as organisation, socialisation and dedication. 

One of my tasks as a teacher includes converting weekly objectives into achievable tasks that the students will understand, such as homework or in-class activities. For example, a typical Friday will mean the collection of homework. I analyse the homework and monitor which areas the students struggled, passed or excelled in and use this to integrate into the following week’s lessons. I will develop the week’s timetable appropriately, considering any activities the students have to attend, allowing me to determine the relative importance of each task. 

By Monday morning, I am aware of the students’ weekly progress and tasks and have set the week’s goals. It is imperative as a teacher to remain constantly organised and prioritise the student’s needs and difficulties to ensure they can get the best education.

Selection criteria: Demonstrated time management skills with delegated tasks and ability to meet deadlines

Time management means that you need to demonstrate how you can work effectively. Employers expect all staff to make optimal use of their time and allocate it appropriately. Managing time is a crucial aspect of a business, and an employer needs to know how to use your skills to benefit the company.

Time management criteria example

While studying Business as a full-time university student, being part of a competitive dance team and having a part-time job at Kmart, my early 20’s were very busy. In addition to plenty of daily activities, I kept up with housework, grocery shopping and cooking, and proactively managed my full study load.

Whilst I considered myself a busy person, one week seemed particularly busy where I knew I had to manage my time well. That week consisted of two university assignments to complete, a total of 4 shifts at Kmart, and an extra dancing practice as there was a competition that weekend. I had to organise the appropriate time to allocate to each activity, as my Kmart shifts, university lectures and dancing classes were all at set times. To remain organised, I designed a timetable for the week, allocating my set activities first, and filling the blanks with when I could cook, study, sleep and attend to other activities. As one of the two assignments was due on the Friday of that week, I prioritised that task to complete first before I did the other one, which was due the following week. By Saturday, I had managed my time successfully as I met all my set commitments and had finished the first assignment Wednesday, leaving ample time to complete the second assignment during the rest of the week. It was continuously crucial in my 20s to manage my time appropriately in my day-to-day life and prioritise tasks based on their importance.

Selection criteria: Ability to approach difficult tasks and sudden changes appropriately

Employers are looking for an individual who can develop ideas to assist in formulating, creating and evaluating several possible solutions to a problem. Problem-solving skills are vital in high-stress scenarios and demonstrate quick thinking and versatility in the workplace.

Problem-solving criteria example

When working as the Head Waiter at Ballara Receptions, it was common for me to take control of multiple situations and lead the other waitresses by example and as a leader. The position itself entailed allocating specific tasks to the waiters and ensuring a smooth flow of the night. One night, there was an error in the number of guests attending the wedding. Whilst this issue needed to be dealt with quickly, there was not enough staff to meet the number requirements. I had to re-organise my plan for the night and allocate extra tasks to the other waiters to make up for the lack of staff and the additional people. There were many situations to rearrange, such as seating, the number of staff allocated to each job and the extra materials needed to serve the guests. 

Whilst it was lucky a staff member was willing to work that night, without the ability to adapt quickly and evaluate a situation, the night would not have gone smoothly with the multiple changes that occurred.

Selection criteria: Strong analytical skills and attention to detail

Analytical skills are essential in the workplace as they tie in with problem-solving. An employer wants to understand how you gather information, analyse it, and solve problems that ensure a smooth workplace productivity flow.

Analytical skills criteria example

It is essential in any job to constantly evaluate simple and complex problems in the workplace using skills such as paying attention to detail and researching and analysing problems. 

When I was completing my Certificate IV in Bookkeeping, I was required to undertake a group assignment that required us to record an actual business’s financial affairs for a month. We worked with Benjamin’s Patisserie to help ensure his sales and costs were accurate. Whilst spending time at the café and working closely with the staff, I noticed that all staff completed multiple jobs throughout their shift with no allocated task for each. It became noticeable that some team members were more suited to a specific task such as serving, making coffee and working the cash register. I suggested to the owner Benjamin that he allocate tasks to each staff member based on their strengths and weaknesses. Immediately I noticed that sales increased as there was a smoother flow of productivity in the café, tasks were completed efficiently and at a higher standard than before. It is crucial always to analyse ways an organisation can improve or if there is an issue that you can resolve as it helps to increase success in the workplace.

What is the difference between selection criteria and selection process?

Selection criteria play a role in the selection process, and are used as a tool to choose the most suitable applicants for a position.

The selection process is the procedure an organisation uses to hire new people. Usually, the company will form a selection panel of two to three staff who will review all applications, then choose a group of applicants to advance to the interview stage. This process can include an interview, a written assessment, and psychometric testing. In most cases, this takes 4 to 8 weeks.

How do you write a good selection criteria?

To write a good selection criteria response, use the specific language from the job description, use concrete examples that prove you meet the criteria, and provide measurable outcomes where possible.

What is the difference between selection criteria and job qualifications?

Qualifications are a type of selection criteria, and are used in some jobs to ensure that a new hire has the appropriate certification to work in this role, as required by the industry.

How long should a selection criteria response be?

Generally, a selection criteria response should be around 250 words. This will vary depending on the question asked, however. For example, some criteria may only require you to state your qualifications. On the other hand, some may ask you to give a more detailed description of a scenario.

What kind of examples can you use in your selection criteria?

It’s usually best to use examples of times when you had to deal with an unusual or unexpected situation at work, but you can also use more general examples that show how you managed your day-to-day tasks.

What are some reasons for rejecting a response to selection criteria?

Hiring managers may reject an applicant who:

  • Fails to proofread their selection criteria responses
  • Fails to use concrete examples
  • Uses irrelevant examples

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Perfected your selection criteria responses?

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Selection Criteria Sample: Demonstrated Analytical And Research Skills

Selection Criteria Sample: Demonstrated Analytical And Research Skills

Applying for a job as a public servant or within the public sector usually involves addressing key selection criteria in your job application. If the role requires you to demonstrate strong research and analytical skills, use examples from past jobs and even university projects that required you to apply your research skills as well as a high degree of analysis. Here’s a sample response you can use as a guide.

Selection criteria example: Demonstrated analytical and research skills

At university, I successfully completed many research projects that required high-level analytical skills. I also undertook special project work with Professor Cavendish that required extensive literature research and analysis of organisational management theories. 

This special project was an opportunity to develop my quantitative research skills by analysing statistical data. I also utilised my qualitative research skills by interviewing proponents of different theories. I completed the research within the specified timeframe and presented the results according to university standards. My contribution was formally recognised by the faculty at a sociological seminar and I was subsequently asked to co-author an academic paper with Professor Cavendish that was accepted for publication in Organisational Monthly.

Applying for a government position and struggling with the job application? Get inspired by our  sample responses to a range of selection criteria .

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Key insights into the government selection criteria, aps selection criteria, introduction.

The Australian Public Service (APS) was formally established on 1 January 1901 , the same day that Australia became a federation. However, its roots can be traced back to the colonial public services that existed before the Federation.

The Australian Public Service (APS) is the largest employer in Australia, with over 159,469 employees working across a range of departments and agencies. Working in the public service offers a rewarding career path, but the selection process is rigorous, with candidates required to meet specific selection criteria.

Having served as members of selection panels, we understand the importance of addressing the Key Selection Criteria when applying for Australian Public Service jobs. Regardless of your qualifications or experience, failing to adequately meet these criteria will likely disqualify you from consideration. The Government’s commitment to Procedural Fairness means that recruitment processes must be strictly objective and based on predetermined criteria. Your Key Selection Criteria responses, along with your CV and interview, form the three legs of the stool that support your job application. Ensure you meet the minimum requirements in each area to succeed.

What are Selection Criteria

Selection criteria are used to determine if a candidate has the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to perform the job. They are used to assess candidates at different stages of the recruitment process, including application screening, shortlisting, and interviews. Meeting the selection criteria is essential if you want to succeed in your application for a public service job.

a. Definition of Selection Criteria

Selection criteria are a set of requirements or qualifications that an employer specifies when advertising a job vacancy. They are the essential skills, knowledge, abilities, qualifications, and experience that an employer is looking for in a candidate to perform the duties of a particular job effectively.

b. Types of Selection Criteria

Selection criteria can be broad or specific, depending on the nature of the job and the needs of the employer. They may include criteria such as 

  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Problem Solving and Analytical Skills
  • Organisational and Time Management Skills
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Governance and Compliance
  • Strategic Thinking and Planning
  • Personal Drive and Integrity
  • Proven Ability to Manage Projects.

Candidates are usually required to address each selection criterion in their job application by providing examples of how they meet the criterion based on their past experience and achievements.

c. Importance of Selection Criteria in the Recruitment Process

Selection criteria are used by employers to identify the most suitable candidates for a job and to ensure that the recruitment process is transparent, fair, and merit-based. They help to ensure that candidates are assessed based on their ability to perform the job rather than subjective factors such as personal connections or bias.

How to write selection criteria for government jobs

Guide to tackle selection criteria.

Let’s struggle no more with selection criteria. This guide offers practical tips to help you tackle selection criteria with confidence.”

1. Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Communication and interpersonal skills are essential in public service, where employees need to engage with a diverse range of stakeholders, including colleagues, clients, and the public. Communication skills refer to the ability to convey information effectively, while interpersonal skills refer to the ability to build relationships and work collaboratively with others.

To demonstrate high-level communication and interpersonal skills in the selection criteria, candidates should provide examples of their ability to communicate with influence, both verbally and in writing. 

Examples of Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Examples of communication and interpersonal skills could include:

  • Convincing a team to adopt a new approach to a problem
  • Presenting a complex issue to a non-technical audience
  • Providing feedback to a colleague in a constructive and supportive way
  • Building rapport with a client during a difficult conversation
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to develop a shared understanding of a problem

Case Studies and Scenario

Case Study: A team member continuously interrupts and talks over others during team meetings, causing frustration and communication breakdown. The team leader implements a plan to improve active listening skills and encourages open communication to address the issue.

Scenario: A customer service representative receives a call from an angry customer who has been waiting on hold for a long time. The representative uses active listening and empathy skills to de-escalate the situation and resolve the issue, leaving the customer satisfied with the service provided.

Tips for Communication and interpersonal skills

Tips for improving communication and interpersonal skills include:

  • Active listening to understand other people’s perspectives
  • Using clear and concise language to convey information
  • Adapting communication style to suit the audience and context
  • Building rapport through effective body language and eye contact
  • Providing constructive feedback that focuses on behaviour, not personality

2. Problem Solving and Analytical Skills

Problem solving and analytical skills are essential in public service, where employees need to identify and solve complex problems in a variety of contexts. Problem-solving skills refer to the ability to identify, analyse and evaluate problems and develop effective solutions, while analytical skills refer to the ability to interpret and use data to inform decision-making.

To demonstrate high-level problem-solving and analytical skills in the selection criteria, candidates should provide examples of their ability to apply clinical knowledge and clinical problem-solving abilities. 

Examples of Problem Solving and Analytical Skills

Examples Problem solving and analytical skills could include:

  • Developing a risk management strategy to address a complex issue
  • Using data analysis to identify patterns and trends in a particular issue
  • Identifying the root cause of a problem and developing effective solutions
  • Anticipating potential problems and developing contingency plans

Case Studies and Scenarios

Case Study: A software company’s new product launch is delayed due to a critical bug. The development team collaborates with the testing team to quickly identify and resolve the issue, ensuring the product launch stays on schedule.

Scenario: An accounting firm needs to reduce expenses without affecting the quality of service. The team brainstorms ideas to cut costs while maintaining the same level of efficiency and productivity, resulting in a successful cost-cutting strategy.

Tips for Problem Solving and Analytical Skills

Tips for improving problem solving and analytical skills include:

  • Breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts
  • Using data to inform decision making and problem solving
  • Working collaboratively with others to develop effective solutions
  • Being open to feedback

3. Organisational and Time Management Skills

Organisational and time management skills are crucial for success in the Australian Public Service. These skills are necessary for managing complex tasks, meeting deadlines, and prioritising competing demands. Below are some examples, case studies, scenarios, and tips to demonstrate the importance of organisational and time management skills in the public service context.

Examples of Organisational and Time Management Skills

Examples of Organisational and time management skills could include:

  • Creating a work plan with clear objectives, timelines and deliverables
  • Using technology to stay organised, such as a calendar, task list or project management tool
  • Prioritising tasks based on importance and urgency
  • Allocating resources effectively to ensure maximum efficiency
  • Maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of work progress and outcomes

Case Studies

  • A government department is responsible for implementing a new policy initiative. The project requires significant coordination between different stakeholders and departments. The project manager uses effective time management skills to set realistic timelines, establish clear communication channels, and monitor progress. As a result, the project is completed on time and within budget.
  • An employee is responsible for managing a high volume of emails, phone calls, and meetings. The employee uses organisational skills to categorise and prioritise these tasks, ensuring that urgent matters are addressed promptly. The employee also uses time management skills to allocate sufficient time for important tasks and to minimise time spent on non-essential activities.
  • A public servant is responsible for managing multiple tasks and deadlines. The servant uses organisational skills to categorise tasks based on their level of importance and urgency. The servant also uses time management skills to allocate sufficient time for each task and to avoid over committing.
  • A public servant is required to attend several meetings throughout the day. The servant uses time management skills to allocate sufficient time for each meeting, prepare relevant materials in advance, and follow up on action items.

Tips for Organisational and Time Management Skills

Tips for improving Organisational and time management skills include:

  • Use a planner or calendar to track deadlines and appointments
  • Break down large projects into smaller, manageable tasks
  • Set realistic timelines for completing tasks
  • Prioritise tasks based on importance and urgency
  • Minimise distractions and interruptions while working on important tasks

By improving these skills, public servants can enhance their productivity, reduce stress, and achieve their goals more effectively.

4. Teamwork and Collaboration

Effective teamwork and collaboration skills are critical in public service as it is a sector that relies heavily on cooperation and coordination among employees to achieve its goals. The selection criteria for teamwork and collaboration skills assess the ability of a candidate to work efficiently as part of a team, to support and encourage team members, to manage conflict constructively, and to liaise with clients effectively in a team environment.

Examples of Teamwork and Collaboration

Examples of teamwork and collaboration in the selection criteria could include:

  • Led a cross-functional team to develop and implement a new HR policy, incorporating feedback from multiple departments to ensure successful adoption and compliance.
  • Collaborated with a team of researchers to analyse and interpret data from a large-scale study, leveraging each team member’s expertise to identify key findings and conclusions.
  • Coordinated with external vendors and internal teams to execute a successful product launch, ensuring all deliverables were met on time and within budget.
  • Facilitated regular team meetings and workshops to foster collaboration and ideation, resulting in several successful new product ideas and process improvements.
  • Worked closely with a client to develop a customised solution to meet their specific needs, collaborating with colleagues across multiple departments to ensure seamless execution and customer satisfaction.

Case Study: A team of engineers collaborated to design and build a new bridge. They worked together to ensure the bridge was safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. Through effective communication and cooperation, they completed the project on time and within budget.

Scenario: A marketing team worked together to launch a new product. They conducted market research, developed a marketing strategy, and created advertising materials. By collaborating and utilising each team member’s strengths, they successfully launched the product and increased sales.

Tips for Demonstrating Teamwork and Collaboration

Tips for improving demonstrating teamwork and collaboration could include :

  • Use specific examples from your past experiences where you worked collaboratively with others to achieve a goal.
  • Highlight your specific contributions to the project or initiative and the role you played in ensuring the success of the team.
  • Emphasise your communication and interpersonal skills, including how you liaised with team members, clients, or stakeholders.
  • Highlight your ability to adapt to different working styles and personalities and work towards a common goal despite differences in opinions or perspectives.
  • Discuss any challenges or obstacles that you faced while working in a team environment and how you overcame them.
  • Highlight any leadership or mentoring roles you have taken on within a team and how you supported and motivated team members to achieve the team’s goals.

5. Governance and Compliance

Governance and compliance are critical skills for public servants in the Australian Public Service. These skills involve ensuring that government policies and regulations are adhered to and that public resources are used effectively and efficiently. Below are some examples, case studies, scenarios, and tips to demonstrate the importance of governance and compliance in the public service context.

Examples of Governance and Compliance

Examples of Governance and compliance skills could include:

  • Understanding and applying relevant legislation, policies, and regulations
  • Conducting risk assessments and implementing appropriate controls
  • Ensuring transparency and accountability in decision-making processes
  • Implementing measures to prevent fraud, corruption, and other forms of misconduct
  • Maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of government activities
  • A government department is responsible for managing public funds for a large-scale infrastructure project. The department uses governance and compliance skills to ensure that the funds are used effectively and efficiently, with appropriate controls in place to prevent fraud and misuse of funds.
  • A public servant is responsible for implementing a new government policy. The servant uses governance and compliance skills to ensure that the policy aligns with relevant legislation and regulations, that stakeholders are consulted, and that the policy is implemented in a transparent and accountable manner.
  • A public servant is presented with a conflict of interest in their role. The servant uses governance and compliance skills to identify and disclose the conflict, and to implement appropriate measures to mitigate any risks.
  • A public servant is responsible for managing sensitive information. The servant uses governance and compliance skills to ensure that the information is handled securely and that appropriate controls are in place to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure.

Tips for Governance and Compliance

Tips for improving Governance and compliance skills include:

  • Stay up-to-date with relevant legislation, policies, and regulations
  • Conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities
  • Maintain transparency and accountability in decision-making processes
  • Implement appropriate controls to prevent fraud, corruption, and other forms of misconduct
  • Seek advice from experts or colleagues where appropriate

By enhancing these skills, public servants can enhance their credibility, improve their decision-making processes, and contribute to the overall success of their organisation.

6. Strategic Thinking and Planning

Strategic thinking and planning are essential skills for public servants in the Australian Public Service. These skills involve the ability to analyse complex situations, identify opportunities and risks, and develop effective strategies to achieve organisational objectives. Below are some examples, case studies, scenarios, and tips to demonstrate the importance of strategic thinking and planning in the public service context.

Examples of Strategic Thinking and Planning

Examples of Strategic thinking and planning skills could include:

  • Conducting environmental scans and trend analysis to identify emerging issues and opportunities
  • Developing strategic plans and frameworks to guide decision-making and resource allocation
  • Analysing data and information to inform evidence-based decision-making
  • Building partnerships and collaboration with stakeholders to achieve shared goals
  • Aligning organisational objectives with government priorities and community needs
  • A government department is responsible for addressing a complex policy issue. The department uses strategic thinking and planning skills to analyse the issue, identify key stakeholders, and develop a comprehensive strategy that involves partnerships with stakeholders and evidence-based decision-making.
  • A public servant is responsible for managing a complex project that involves multiple stakeholders and competing priorities. The servant uses strategic thinking and planning skills to develop a project plan that includes clear objectives, timelines, and resource allocation, and involves regular monitoring and evaluation.
  • A public servant is presented with a new policy issue that requires a strategic response. The servant uses strategic thinking and planning skills to analyse the issue, identify key stakeholders, and develop a comprehensive strategy that involves evidence-based decision-making and collaboration with stakeholders.
  • A public servant is responsible for managing a crisis situation. The servant uses strategic thinking and planning skills to develop a crisis management plan that involves clear communication channels, resource allocation, and monitoring and evaluation.

Tips for Strategic Thinking and Planning

Tips for improving Strategic thinking and planning skills include:

  • Stay up-to-date with government priorities, policies, and community needs
  • Conduct regular environmental scans and trend analysis to identify emerging issues and opportunities
  • Use data and information to inform evidence-based decision-making
  • Build partnerships and collaboration with stakeholders to achieve shared goals
  • Regularly monitor and evaluate strategies and plans to ensure effectiveness

By mastering these skills, public servants can enhance their decision-making processes, improve their performance, and contribute to the overall success of their organisation.

7. Personal Drive and Integrity

Personal drive and integrity are critical qualities for public servants in the Australian Public Service. These qualities involve the ability to demonstrate a strong work ethic, a commitment to ethical behaviour, and a dedication to achieving high standards of performance. Below are some examples, case studies, scenarios, and tips to demonstrate the importance of personal drive and integrity in the public service context.

Examples of Personal Drive and Integrity

Examples of Personal drive and integrity skills could include:

  • Demonstrating initiative and a willingness to take on new challenges
  • Maintaining high ethical standards and adhering to the APS code of conduct
  • Demonstrating a commitment to ongoing learning and development
  • Taking responsibility for one’s own performance and professional development
  • Demonstrating a strong commitment to achieving organisational objectives
  • A public servant is responsible for managing a complex project. The servant demonstrates personal drive and integrity by taking initiative, adhering to ethical standards, and working collaboratively with stakeholders to achieve project objectives.
  • A public servant is presented with an ethical dilemma. The servant demonstrates personal drive and integrity by seeking advice, taking appropriate action, and disclosing the issue where required.
  • A public servant is responsible for managing a team. The servant demonstrates personal drive and integrity by setting clear expectations, providing support and feedback, and taking responsibility for team performance.
  • A public servant is faced with a challenging work situation. The servant demonstrates personal drive and integrity by seeking advice, taking a proactive approach to finding solutions and demonstrating a commitment to achieving high standards of performance.

Tips for Personal Drive and Integrity

Tips for improving Personal Drive and Integrity skills include:

  • Maintain high ethical standards and adhere to the APS code of conduct
  • Take responsibility for one’s own performance and professional development
  • Seek out new challenges and opportunities for learning and development
  • Demonstrate a commitment to achieving organisational objectives
  • Communicate openly and transparently with colleagues and stakeholders

By demonstrating personal drive and integrity, public servants can enhance their credibility, improve their performance, and contribute to a positive organisational culture.

8. Proven Ability To Manage Projects (Project Management)

The ability to manage projects effectively is a critical skill required in many roles within the Australian Public Service. This involves managing resources, time, and people to achieve project objectives. Below are some examples, case studies, scenarios, and tips to demonstrate the importance of a proven ability to manage projects in the public service context.

Examples of Managing Projects Effectively

Examples of Project Management skills could include:

  • Developing and implementing project plans, timelines, and budgets
  • Allocating resources effectively to achieve project objectives
  • Identifying and managing project risks
  • Engaging stakeholders and managing project communications
  • Monitoring project progress and adjusting plans as required
  • A public servant is responsible for delivering a new government program. The servant demonstrates a proven ability to manage projects by developing and implementing a detailed project plan, engaging stakeholders, and effectively allocating resources to achieve project objectives.
  • A public servant is responsible for delivering a major infrastructure project. The servant demonstrates a proven ability to manage projects by identifying and managing project risks, monitoring progress, and adjusting plans as required to keep the project on track.
  • A public servant is responsible for managing a complex project with multiple stakeholders. The servant demonstrates a proven ability to manage projects by engaging stakeholders, managing project communications, and effectively allocating resources to achieve project objectives.
  • A public servant is faced with unexpected challenges during a project. The servant demonstrates a proven ability to manage projects by identifying and managing project risks, adjusting plans as required, and communicating openly and transparently with stakeholders.

Tips for Project Management

Tips for Project Management skills include:

  • Develop a detailed project plan with clear objectives, timelines, and budgets
  • Allocate resources effectively to achieve project objectives
  • Identify and manage project risks to avoid or mitigate potential issues
  • Engage stakeholders and manage project communications effectively
  • Monitor project progress and adjust plans as required

The ability to manage projects effectively or Project Management is a critical skill required for public servants in the Australian Public Service. The examples, case studies, scenarios, and tips outlined above demonstrate the importance of this skill in achieving project objectives, managing resources effectively, and engaging stakeholders. By demonstrating a proven ability to manage projects, public servants can enhance their credibility, improve their performance, and contribute to the overall success of the organisation.


 The Australian Public Service offers exciting and rewarding career opportunities for individuals with the right skills and experience. Meeting the selection criteria is critical to securing a role in the public service, and this guide has provided a comprehensive overview of the key skills and competencies required for success.

By understanding the selection criteria and how to demonstrate these skills in the application process, candidates can increase their chances of securing a role in the public service.

Ultimately, the public service plays a vital role in serving the community, and it is essential that it operates with the highest level of integrity, professionalism, and ethical conduct. By developing and improving the skills outlined in this guide, candidates can contribute to this important work and make a positive difference in the lives of Australians.

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Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria

How to respond to criteria about judgement.

Applicants can be stumped when tackling selection criteria about showing judgement, intelligence and commonsense. We readily recognise poor judgement. We see plenty of examples in the media of politicians, footballers and celebrities making choices that result in poor consequences. But when it comes to our own behaviour in the workplace, what can we say that will reflect well on us?

First be clear about where these behaviours sit within competency frameworks. ‘Shows judgement, intelligence and commonsense’ falls under supporting and shaping strategic direction within the APS capability framework, known as The Integrated Leadership System.

In general, the relevant behaviours are:

  • Researching information
  • Analysing issues and information
  • Drawing accurate conclusions based on evidence
  • Sees links between issues
  • Breaks problems down and weighs up options
  • Explores possibilities
  • Identifies solutions
  • Anticipates risks
  • Suggests or makes improvements
  • Participates in decision-making.

What is your general approach to a situation? Over the years you will have developed a broad approach to dealing with situations needing judgement. That approach will likely involve some of the following steps:

  • Looking at all sides of a problem or issue
  • Weighing the options before making a decision
  • Basing decisions on facts, filtering opinions, emotions, expectations, assumptions and biases
  • Objectively assessing the facts to arrive at a fair and balanced judgement
  • Assessing the risks, including ethical risks Considering the best interests of all parties.

When is judgement needed? If something is black-and-white, little judgement is needed. If it is clear what needs to be done, because it’s been done before, or there is a clear procedure, then little judgement is needed.  Judgement is needed in:

  • Situations where emotions are strong, e.g. underperformance, breach of rules, errors, strongly held views.
  • Unique or uncertain situations where policies and procedures are unclear or ambiguous.
  • New situations where there are little or no precedent.
  • Sensitive situations that involve protocols, privacy, confidentiality, discretion.
  • Situations where the evidence or facts are not clear-cut or widely agreed.
  • Situations where information is lacking or insufficient.

What are specific examples of showing judgement? As with other behaviour-based responses, you can use the SAR structure.

  • What was the situation or context in which you needed to demonstrate judgement?
  • What actions or approach did you take in exercising judgement?
  • How was the situation resolved?

For example:

I demonstrated judgement when handling a staff underperformance issue. A member of my team was regularly failing to meet deadlines, taking advantage of flex arrangements, and producing sub-standard written documents. As team manager, my role was to bring performance up to an acceptable standard in such a way that the staff member concerned was cooperative and other staff supported my actions.

The staff member did not recognise nor accept that their performance needed changing, despite a month’s evidence. In addition, whenever the subject was raised, they became highly defensive and at times abusive.

In handling this situation I listened to the views of the staff member, team members, and staff in other teams who had worked with the person; considered the workload  and goals of the team and the impact continued underperformance would have on team morale and risks to delivery of results during a peak workload period; weighed several options for performance improvement, taking account of the staff member’s personal issues impacting on their work performance; consulted with HR to confirm policy and correct procedure. My assessment was to narrow the options to two, which I discussed with the staff member.

By a firm and fair process that allowed for support as well as confirmation of workplace requirements, the staff member gradually came to realise the seriousness of their situation and the need to take remedial steps. After several meetings we arrived at an agreement that met their, my, the team’s and organisation’s objectives. Within one month there was an improvement and after three months the staff member’s performance returned to satisfactory.

You may have demonstrated judgement:

  • during a stakeholder consultation process
  • while providing customer service
  • as a member of a project team
  • when solving a problem.

As you tell the story identify what you needed to make judgements about, what you took into account in order to assess options, how you narrowed the field of options, how you arrived at a decision or agreed position, what the outcome was.

  • Career presentations
  • Career development practitioners
  • Job applications
  • Job interviews
  • Managers/selection panels
  • Career Management
  • Capabilities
  • Daring Dames
  • Sensemaking

Your Keys to Selection Criteria

Nurse Selection Criteria + Example Responses

  • Careers & Specialisations
  • Wages, Salaries & Pay Rates
  • Types of Nursing Courses
  • ATAR for Nursing
  • Scholarships
  • Resume Tips & Template
  • Nursing Cover Letter
  • Interview Questions & Answers
  • Selection Criteria Examples
  • Tertiary Admissions Centres
  • Nursing Agencies
  • Nursing Jobs

When it comes to nursing positions, education and experience are important, but they are not the only factors employers take into consideration. Employers also look for certain key selection criteria that demonstrate a candidate’s ability to perform the role effectively. As with any interview, it’s often recommended that you follow the STAR method when provding a response. The STAR method is a structured manner of responding to behavioral-based interview questions by providing the specific Situation, Task, Action, and Result of the particular scenario. This article will go beyond education and experience, and provide insight into the key selection criteria for nursing positions, along with example STAR responses.

1. Communication & Interpersonal Skills

Effective communication and interpersonal skills are critical in the nursing profession. You need to be able to communicate with patients, their families, and other healthcare professionals in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, being able to form strong relationships with others is important in building trust and providing the best care for your patients. Employers will be looking for evidence of your communication and interpersonal skills during the interview.

Example response:

  • Situation: During my time working as a nurse in a hospital, I was faced with a patient who was non-verbal and unable to communicate their needs.
  • Task: I needed to assess their condition and administer medication.
  • Action: I used non-verbal communication techniques, such as gestures and facial expressions, to understand their needs and communicate with them effectively. I also formed a rapport with the patient, by talking to them in a calm and reassuring tone.
  • Result: The patient was able to receive the necessary treatment and was much more comfortable with the process. The patient and their family also expressed their gratitude for my compassionate and empathetic approach.

2. Compassion & Empathy

Compassion and empathy are key traits for nurses as they must be able to understand and connect with their patients. This requires an ability to listen, understand, and respond to the emotional and physical needs of patients. Nurses must be able to show compassion and empathy towards their patients and provide comfort and support.

Employers are looking for nurses who can demonstrate their compassion and empathy skills and show that they are able to connect with and understand their patients. They want to see that you have a genuine concern for the well-being of your patients and are able to provide comfort and support. They also want to know that you are able to maintain a professional demeanor and provide care in a respectful and empathetic manner.

By demonstrating your compassion and empathy skills, you show that you are a caring and empathetic nurse who is able to understand and connect with your patients. You also show that you are able to provide comfort and support to your patients, which is essential for providing high-quality patient care. Your compassion and empathy skills demonstrate your commitment to providing patient-centered care and helping your patients feel supported and understood.

  • Situation: I was working in a hospice where a patient was in their final stages of life.
  • Task: The patient was in a lot of pain and their family was upset and worried.
  • Action: I listened to the patient’s concerns and provided comfort and reassurance to both the patient and their family. I also kept in close communication with the patient’s physician to ensure that their pain was managed appropriately.
  • Result: The patient was able to pass away peacefully, and the family felt comforted knowing that their loved one was not alone. They also expressed their appreciation for my compassionate and empathetic approach.

3. Teamwork

Nursing is a team-oriented profession, and it is important to be able to work well with others. This involves being able to collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as physicians and nursing assistants, to provide the best care for your patients. Nurses must be able to work towards a common goal and support their colleagues, while also being able to take initiative and lead when necessary.

Employers are looking for nurses who can demonstrate their teamwork skills and show that they are able to collaborate effectively with others. They want to see that you have a positive attitude, are supportive of your colleagues, and can work well under pressure. They also want to know that you have the ability to take initiative and lead when necessary, as this is essential for providing high-quality patient care.

By demonstrating your teamwork skills, you show that you are a collaborative and supportive nurse who is able to work well with others. You also show that you have the ability to take initiative and lead when necessary, which is essential for providing high-quality patient care. You demonstrate your commitment to teamwork and collaboration, which is essential for ensuring the best outcomes for your patients and the success of the healthcare team.

  • Situation: I was working on a busy medical-surgical unit where the staff was stretched thin.
  • Task: I needed to ensure that all of my patients received the care they needed in a timely manner.
  • Action: I worked closely with my fellow nurses and nursing assistants to prioritize patient care, delegate tasks, and provide support when needed. I also kept open communication with the physician to ensure that everyone was on the same page.
  • Result: We were able to provide the best care for our patients and maintain a positive and productive work environment. The unit received positive feedback from patients and their families for our teamwork and collaboration.

4. Quality Improvement

Quality improvement is an essential aspect of the nursing profession as it helps to ensure that patients receive the best care possible. It involves identifying areas for improvement and implementing changes to improve the quality of care. This could include improving patient outcomes, reducing errors, increasing patient satisfaction, or improving efficiency.

Quality improvement requires a systematic approach, collaboration, and an ongoing commitment to continuous improvement. Nurses play a vital role in this process as they are often on the front lines, working with patients and providing care. By being involved in quality improvement initiatives, nurses can make a positive impact on patient outcomes and contribute to the overall success of the healthcare organisation.

Employers will be looking for evidence of your ability to identify areas for improvement, implement changes, and monitor the results during the interview. They want to see that you have a commitment to providing the best care for your patients and are proactive in seeking ways to improve the quality of care.

  • Situation: I was working in a hospital where the discharge process was taking longer than it should.
  • Task: I needed to find a solution to improve the discharge process for patients.
  • Action: I analyzed the current process, identified areas for improvement, and made suggestions for changes. I also collaborated with the rest of the nursing staff and physicians to implement the changes and monitor the results.
  • Result: The discharge process was streamlined, and patients were able to be discharged faster, which improved their experience and satisfaction. The hospital also received positive feedback from patients and their families for the improved discharge process.

5. Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Continuous professional development is important for nurses, as it helps them to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field and maintain their competency. Employers are looking for nurses who are committed to their ongoing professional development and have a strong desire to learn and grow in their careers. By demonstrating a commitment to CPD, nurses show that they are dedicated to providing the best care for their patients and are interested in staying current in their field.

  • Situation: I was working as a nurse and wanted to further my knowledge in a specific area of nursing.
  • Task: I needed to find ways to continue my professional development.
  • Action: I researched and attended conferences, workshops, and courses related to my area of interest. I also sought out mentorship opportunities with experienced nurses.
  • Result: I was able to expand my knowledge and skills in my area of interest, which helped me provide better care for my patients. I also received recognition from my peers and supervisors for my commitment to continuous professional development.

6. Problem-Solving

Problem-solving is a crucial skill for nurses as they often face complex and challenging situations in their daily work. It requires critical thinking, effective communication, and the ability to identify and analyse problems and find solutions. Nurses must be able to make informed decisions, prioritise tasks, and work effectively under pressure.

Employers are looking for nurses who can demonstrate their problem-solving skills and show that they can handle challenging situations in a calm and effective manner. They want to see that you can think creatively and come up with innovative solutions to problems. They also want to know that you have the ability to make decisions that benefit your patients, your team, and the organisation.

By demonstrating your problem-solving skills, you show that you are a competent nurse who can handle complex and challenging situations and make informed decisions. You also show that you have the ability to think critically and creatively, which is essential for providing high-quality patient care.

  • Situation: I was working as a nurse in a busy emergency room where a patient was in critical condition.
  • Task: I needed to find a solution to provide the best care for the patient in a limited amount of time.
  • Action: I assessed the patient’s condition, gathered relevant information, and considered multiple options for treatment. I then collaborated with the physician to determine the best course of action.
  • Result: The patient received the necessary treatment, and their condition stabilized. The patient and their family also expressed their gratitude for my quick thinking and effective problem-solving skills.

7. Legal Understanding

Legal understanding is an important aspect of nursing as nurses must be aware of and adhere to the laws and regulations that govern their practice. This includes understanding the laws and regulations related to patient privacy, informed consent, and medical ethics. Nurses must also be aware of the legal implications of their actions and understand how to handle difficult and complex legal situations.

Employers are looking for nurses who have a good understanding of the laws and regulations that govern their practice and who can demonstrate their ability to apply this knowledge in their daily work. They want to see that you have a commitment to upholding the ethical and legal standards of the nursing profession and are able to make informed decisions that are in line with these standards.

By demonstrating your legal understanding, you show that you are a responsible and ethical nurse who is committed to providing high-quality care to your patients. You also show that you are aware of the laws and regulations that govern your practice and have the ability to handle difficult and complex legal situations in a professional and responsible manner.

  • Situation: I was working as a nurse and was faced with a situation where a patient’s privacy was in question.
  • Task: I needed to ensure that the patient’s privacy was protected.
  • Action: I consulted the relevant laws and regulations, and determined the appropriate course of action. I also kept the patient informed of the situation and their rights.
  • Result: The patient’s privacy was protected, and the hospital was able to comply with the relevant laws and regulations. The patient also expressed their appreciation for my understanding of their rights and protection of their privacy.

In conclusion, education and experience are important factors when it comes to nursing positions, but they are not the only factors that employers take into consideration. Employers also look for evidence of key selection criteria such as communication and interpersonal skills, compassion and empathy, teamwork, quality improvement, continuous professional development, problem-solving, and legal knowledge.

It is essential for nursing candidates to understand these criteria and be able to provide examples of how they demonstrate them during the interview. By following the STAR method and being able to articulate your experiences and accomplishments, you can show the interviewer that you possess the skills and qualities necessary for a successful nursing career.

So, when preparing for a nursing interview , take the time to reflect on your experiences and think about how you can demonstrate these key selection criteria. Show the interviewer that you are a well-rounded and competent nurse who is committed to providing the best care for your patients. Good luck!

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Pre-Employment Analytical Skills Tests

Why analytical skills are important in the workplace.

Analytical skills are essential for any job that requires critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. While analytical skills are traditionally associated with math and numerical reasoning, they extend far beyond that. Analytical skills require the use of logic and reasoning in order to analyze situations and draw conclusions from that analysis. Employees who possess these skills are more likely to learn quickly and improve over time in a role, which is why analytical skills are better than other skills at predicting long-term job success.

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For more quantitative or math-related roles, the  Universal Cognitive Aptitude Test (UCAT)  is another test that employers use to measure analytical skills. The UCAT measures cognitive aptitude similar to the CCAT but does not assess verbal ability, instead focusing more on logic, analysis, and mathematical abilities. The UCAT is most suited for roles that don’t require strong communication skills, and is also ideal for international candidates.

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An improved metacognitive competency framework to inculcate analytical thinking among university students

  • Published: 13 May 2024

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analytical and problem solving skills selection criteria

  • Lilian Anthonysamy   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Poovilashini Sugendran 1 ,
  • Lim Ooi Wei 2 &
  • Teoh Sian Hoon 3  

Enhancing students' analytical thinking skills holds great promise for bolstering a nation's economic growth, fostering a dynamic learning culture, and nurturing human capital development. It is especially critical in today's rapidly changing landscape, where the demand for skilled, adaptable graduates is high. Achieving and sustaining these skills hinges on individuals' awareness of their own thinking processes. Thus, this study aims to investigate the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and analytical thinking among university students in Malaysia. Besides, it assesses the impact of metacognitive regulation and control on analytical thinking. Data was gathered by administering web-based questionnaires to students enrolled in two public universities and two private universities situated in Malaysia's central region. Employing convenience sampling, a total of 184 respondents participated in the survey, responding to 5-point Likert scale questionnaires designed to gauge metacognition (both knowledge and regulation) and analytical thinking. The data analysis was conducted using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM), a technique chosen for its suitability to handle complex relationships within the study variables. PLS-SEM, coupled with the bootstrapping method, was employed to ensure a robust examination of the interactions among metacognitive factors and analytical thinking. The use of the bootstrapping method enhances the reliability of the results by generating multiple resamples and assessing the stability and significance of the model parameters. The results revealed a significant relationship ( p  < 0.01) between metacognitive knowledge and analytical thinking, with knowledge of persons and knowledge of strategies proving to be influential in enhancing analytical thinking abilities with the correlation coefficients (R-values) of 3.528 and 3.815, respectively. In terms of metacognitive regulation, this study identified a noteworthy positive impact, highlighting the role of metacognitive regulation and control in bolstering analytical thinking with an R-value of 2.985. These findings have far-reaching implications for educators, offering valuable guidance on empowering university students to become more self-reliant and efficient learners by imparting skills in planning, monitoring, and self-assessment of their learning processes for improved academic performance within the university environment. This, in turn, has the potential to yield improved academic performance, particularly the development of analytic thinking and offers educators the opportunity to craft more effective instructional materials and activities tailored to harness the power of metacognition in education.

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analytical and problem solving skills selection criteria

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The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

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This research is funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS/1/2023/SS02/MMU/02/3). This work was supported by Multimedia University, Malaysia under the Internal Research Funding (MMUI/220027).

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Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, 63100, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Lilian Anthonysamy & Poovilashini Sugendran

Global College, Heriot-Watt University Malaysia, 62200, Putrajaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Lim Ooi Wei

Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 42300, Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

Teoh Sian Hoon

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About this article

Anthonysamy, L., Sugendran, P., Wei, L.O. et al. An improved metacognitive competency framework to inculcate analytical thinking among university students. Educ Inf Technol (2024).

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Received : 12 October 2023

Accepted : 26 March 2024

Published : 13 May 2024


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Selection of technological university courses

Technological universities offer a wide range of bachelor degrees and post-graduate masters and phd. here, we explore a selection of available undergraduate courses..

analytical and problem solving skills selection criteria

Technological Universities offer a wide range of study options. Photograph: iStock

Computing with Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence (TU862) is a Level 8 Honours Degree delivered on the Tallaght campus.

Machine learning and artificial Intelligence are cornerstones of the next wave in information and communications technology, and IDA Ireland is pursuing an AI Island strategy set to attract the brightest and best AI players to work in Ireland.

There is a skills gap in Ireland and internationally for data scientists with computing and business intelligence skills.

This four-year degree course, designed in consultation with big IT companies such as AWS, Microsoft, SAP and IBM, develops a mix of computing, business intelligence and data science skills to address this gap.

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Film & Broadcasting (TU983) is a Level 8 Honours Degree delivered on the Grangegorman campus. The university said film and broadcasting is “about telling stories — whether fiction or factual”.

This course combines high standards of training in production skills to make courses, dramas and documentaries for radio, television and cinema with a well-grounded academic education in media theory and contextual studies.

Modules include Media Theory, Film Studies, Cultural Studies, Television, Online Production, Drama, Documentary, Radio Production, Media Management and Audio.

International Business & Languages (TU965) is a Level 8 Honours Degree course delivered in Aungier Street has three key characteristics: the acquisition of business expertise, the acquisition of professional competence in one or more languages, and the third year spent abroad in the country of the student’s first language.

“With increasing globalisation and dependency on international trade, fluency in other languages is vital to the success of businesses dealing with countries abroad,” the university said.

Community Development & Youth Work (TU992) is a Level 8 Honours Degree course delivered on the Blanchardstown campus that promotes the principles of inclusion, human rights, equality and social justice, working towards sustainable development, and tackling issues such as inequality, climate change, poverty and disadvantage.

“Our mission is to educate and train future community development and youth workers to work in a range of settings in Ireland and internationally so that they can become agents of change,” the university said.


Munster Technological University (MTU)

The BSc (Hons) in General Nursing , hosted in the purpose-built Sólás building at the MTU Kerry North Campus, continues to expand and now has significantly increased capacity to accept more students.

This course provides learners with the skills required to provide nursing care in a wide variety of settings.

The BEng (Hons) in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering , hosted by the REEdI initiative in the MTU Kerry North Campus, provides extensive industry-based learning opportunities.

The course is delivered using cutting edge technologies such as augmented and virtual reality.

In addition, students get to learn from top lecturers in the field, study and work with emerging technologies, work with “world-class companies”, learning using a blended approach through classroom-based, as well as gaining hands-on experience.

The BEng (Hons) in Smart Product Engineering , hosted in the MTU Bishopstown Campus, is designed for students who are keen to combine their technical and creative design abilities with the business skills required to achieve commercial success.

The BSc (Hons) in Global Business and Pilot Studies , hosted in the MTU Bishopstown Campus, provides embedded pilot training as part of an honours business degree.

In this course, students study on campus for one year, undertake pilot training for a further two years, and then complete the final year of study online while working. There is a substantial non-standard cost associated with completing this programme as the aviation aspect of the programme is not covered by Government supports.

Contact details:

Technological University of the Shannon (Tus)

US 925: Applied Psychology — BSc (Hons) is accredited by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) and the British Psychological Society (BPS) and offers a comprehensive exploration of the human mind and behaviour.

Students benefit from practical learning experiences including a semester-long work placement in diverse settings such as mental health and community development, equipping them with essential skills for postgraduate study and future career success in fields like clinical psychology and counselling psychology.

Students also have the opportunity to study abroad at the University of Valencia.

US 862: Microbiology — BSc (Hons) is Ireland’s sole dedicated microbiology degree, providing an opportunity for comprehensive study and professional development.

Microbiology delves into the intricate realm of microscopic life forms, encompassing bacteria, protozoa, fungi, viruses, and prions. The course illuminates the indispensable role these microorganisms play in sustaining life on Earth.

Through specialised sub-disciplines like medical, environmental, food, and industrial microbiology, students explore the diverse applications of microbiological principles.

With an emphasis on practical learning, students undertake an industrial placement during their third year, fostering invaluable experience and industry connections.

US 961: Applied Sports Science with Sport and Exercise Nutrition — BSc (Hons) is a new course for 2024 on the Thurles Campus.

The course provides a comprehensive understanding of the scientific principles and practical applications of nutrition and exercise in sports performance.

Students will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience during the course by working with populations of all ages, genders, and abilities through modules such as Nutrition Across the Lifecycle and The Female Athlete.

There is also a work placement or option to study abroad in the third year of the course. The key features of the four-year programme have been designed to reflect the dynamic global sporting environment in which sports nutrition, testing, analysis, and businesses operate.

US 863: Forensic & Pharmaceutical Science — BSc (Hons) is a four-year course on the Moylish Campus. It is an interdisciplinary course providing students with a detailed knowledge and understanding of the sciences in areas of forensics, pharmaceutical and analytical techniques.

The course produces graduates who are highly employable in a broad range of sectors. Students gain hands-on experience in the methodology and techniques at the forefront of these major sectors and develop transferable skills including problem-solving, communicating, and defending scientific data, evidence interpretation, time management and team building.


Atlantic Technological University (ATU)

The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Animation and Game Design is a three-year course aimed at those who wish to secure employment in the games or animation industry, and those who wish to design and produce their own animated films or video games.

The Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Furniture Design and Manufacture initially focuses on hand and power tools, and students will acquire the skills to utilise a range of woodworking machinery, CNC technology, laser equipment and digital manufacturing.

Keen attention is paid to intelligent design that addresses issues such as markets, competitiveness, cost and environment and these criteria are closely linked with the ability of graduates to produce high-quality furniture product prototypes.

Students taking the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Freshwater and Marine Biology will study a range of modules from marine biology research at home and abroad to environmental management and biodiversity and conservation.


South East Technological University (SETU)

The Bachelor of Arts in Content Creation and Social Media is aimed at students interested in tapping into the €20 billion global influencer market.

Throughout the programme, students will learn to become experts in social media theory and practice. There are diverse courses on offer including creative video, celebrity studies, psychology, data analytics, podcasting and work experience.

The course aims to help students professionalise the practice of connecting with people so that it transforms from a hobby to a career. It does this by educating them on how to think smarter about their online practice.

The Bachelor of Science (Hons) in General Nursing involves more than 80 weeks of clinical placement, including a 36-week continuous internship placement in year four. Students will be accommodated on clinical placements in Wexford, Carlow, Waterford, Kilkenny and South Tipperary.

The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Psychology is an interdisciplinary three-year degree course that offers students the opportunity to follow a course in psychology alongside minor study in an associate humanities discipline.

The mission of the course is to help students learn to think like psychologists. To achieve this goal, students generate and evaluate empirical evidence while considering theoretical perspectives of the discipline.

The Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Sports Rehabilitation and Athletic Therapy focuses on the prevention, assessment and diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries related to physical activities.

The course equips students with the skills to manage the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of injured individuals by offering a unique blend of academic theory, practical workshops and clinical placements in the final year.

Students on this course enjoy state-of-the-art facilities with an elite gym and a fully equipped dedicated rehabilitation unit.


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    Building and refining your analytical skills are important in roles that require analytical thinking and problem-solving, such as lawyers or research analysts. ... In your selection criteria Insert your analytical skills into your responses to the job application's selection criteria. Begin by answering the selection criteria with keywords that ...

  7. What Are Analytical Skills? Definition, Examples and Tips

    Key takeaways: Analytical skills are soft skills that help you identify and solve complex problems. Many jobs require analytical skills, like critical thinking, research and data literacy. Demonstrating analytical skills on your resume and in interviews can help you be a competitive job candidate. Show Transcript.

  8. What Are Analytical Skills? 9 Examples & Tips to Improve

    8. Problem-solving. Problem-solving appears in all facets of your life — not just work. Effectively finding solutions to any issue takes analysis and logic, and you also need to take initiative with clear action plans. To improve your problem-solving skills, invest in developing visualization, collaboration, and goal-setting skills. 9. Research

  9. Selection Criteria Examples: 13+ Good Selection Criteria Responses

    Selection criteria: Strong analytical skills and attention to detail. Analytical skills are essential in the workplace as they tie in with problem-solving. An employer wants to understand how you gather information, analyse it, and solve problems that ensure a smooth workplace productivity flow. Analytical skills criteria example

  10. How to answer questions about analytical skills

    The following analytical interview questions assess how you: Gather data to inform your decisions. Assess both positive and negative situations to improve your processes. Are able to develop processes. Evaluate information through critical thinking. Think through problems to find solutions. Set and achieve goals.

  11. 45 Examples of Analytical Skills in the Workplace

    Problem-solving skills are key analytical abilities. These skills help you find solutions for issues using various methods, such as interpretation or communication. Having problem-solving skills is important for most professionals, as it allows them to work independently and suggest solutions to workplace problems. 10. Decision-making Decision ...

  12. Selection Criteria Sample: Demonstrated Analytical And Research Skills

    Applying for a job as a public servant or within the public sector usually involves addressing key selection criteria in your job application. If the role requires you to demonstrate strong research and analytical skills, use examples from past jobs and even university projects that required you to apply your research skills as well as a high degree of analysis.

  13. FREE Selection Criteria Examples 200+

    FREE Selection Criteria Examples 200+ | Government & Tertiary Sector Roles. Thanks to all of you who return month-on-month; and a warm welcome to new visitors, I guarantee you will find this an invaluable resource. Over 200+ interview-winning selection criteria examples are showcased from various jobs/roles and levels (entry to senior executive).

  14. PDF How to address the most frequently used selection criteria in

    Ask the convenor and see what they think is appropriate. Convenors have very different ideas as to the length of your application. 6. Some Selection Criteria come in parts - address each part of the selection criteria separately. For example, sound conflict resolution, negotiation and networking skills. 7.

  15. Any example demonstrates many skills

    An approach to selection criteria is to use the STAR model - Situation, Task, Action, Result. One of the limitations of this approach is that one example is used to demonstrate one area of skill. In explaining the situation, other skills may be overlooked. In reality, any example demonstrates multiple skills. Take an example of … Continue reading Any example demonstrates many skills →

  16. Analytical And Problem Solving Skills Selection Criteria (2024)

    2 analytical-and-problem-solving-skills-selection-criteria Brainstorming; In practice, your analytical skills can enable you to prepare a highly accurate sales forecast This. ... TG Result Problem-solving skills Analytical individuals excel in problem-solving They're skilled in breaking down complex issues into manageable parts and ...

  17. Analytical And Problem Solving Skills Selection Criteria H Kauffman

    your analytical skills can enable you to prepare a highly accurate sales forecast This is more than solving a . How to assess analytical skills (+ interview questions) - TG Problem-solving skills Analytical individuals excel in problem-solving They're skilled in breaking down complex issues into manageable parts and identifying the root cause ...

  18. Analytical skills: What are they and how to add them to your resumé

    Analytical skills involve the ability to gather, interpret and assess information to make informed decisions or solve problems. Using critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills can help you advise on or make decisions based on what is most likely to provide the best outcome.

  19. Key Insights into the Government Selection Criteria

    Selection criteria can be broad or specific, depending on the nature of the job and the needs of the employer. They may include criteria such as . Communication and Interpersonal Skills; Problem Solving and Analytical Skills; Organisational and Time Management Skills; Teamwork and Collaboration; Governance and Compliance; Strategic Thinking and ...

  20. FREE Selection Criteria Examples

    The selection criteria included: Supports Strategic Direction; Achieves Results; Supports Productive Working Relationships; Exemplifies Personal Drive and Integrity; Communicates with influence; and Conceptual and Analytical Skills. Following are excerpts from two of the criteria. Supports Strategic Direction.

  21. How to respond to criteria about judgement

    That approach will likely involve some of the following steps: Looking at all sides of a problem or issue. Weighing the options before making a decision. Basing decisions on facts, filtering opinions, emotions, expectations, assumptions and biases. Objectively assessing the facts to arrive at a fair and balanced judgement.

  22. Boost Problem-Solving Efficiency with Analytical Skills

    Here's how you can enhance problem-solving efficiency by developing your analytical skills. Powered by AI and the LinkedIn community. 1. Cultivate Curiosity. 2. Expand Knowledge. 3. Practice ...

  23. 7 Nurse Selection Criteria + Example Responses

    This article will go beyond education and experience, and provide insight into the key selection criteria for nursing positions, along with example STAR responses. 1. Communication & Interpersonal Skills. Effective communication and interpersonal skills are critical in the nursing profession. You need to be able to communicate with patients ...

  24. Pre-Employment Analytical Skills Tests

    The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) is one test that measures analytical skills among other qualities associated with general intelligence, including critical thinking, problem solving, and the ability to learn, digest and apply new information. The CCAT is best suited for mid to higher level positions that require a college degree ...

  25. An improved metacognitive competency framework to inculcate analytical

    Enhancing students' analytical thinking skills holds great promise for bolstering a nation's economic growth, fostering a dynamic learning culture, and nurturing human capital development. It is especially critical in today's rapidly changing landscape, where the demand for skilled, adaptable graduates is high. Achieving and sustaining these skills hinges on individuals' awareness of their own ...

  26. Using multi-criteria decision-making and machine ...

    2.1.Planning the review. The purpose of the planning phase is to specify the following steps: determine the objectives of a review, set the research questions (four research questions are selected), perform a search process using keywords for downloading the relevant papers from the selected digital libraries, and identify the selection criteria.

  27. Selection of technological university courses

    Students on this course enjoy state-of-the-art facilities with an elite gym and a fully equipped dedicated rehabilitation unit. Contact: Technological universities offer a wide range of ...