11 Best Zoo Books for Adults and Kids Alike

Do you have a passion for animal conservation or simply love visiting the zoo? Have you ever wanted to learn more about the fascinating creatures that call zoos home or the important work that goes on behind the scenes? If so, you’re in luck – there’s a whole world of zoo books out there waiting to be explored! In this article, we’ll guide you through some of the best zoo books for children and adults alike, with options ranging from captivating novels to in-depth guides to animal care. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover some new favorite reads!

Top Zoo Books for Children

If you’re looking to introduce your children to the wonders of the zoo, there are plenty of fantastic books available to get them started. From picture books to engaging chapter books, there’s something for every age and reading level.

Visiting the zoo can be a fun and educational experience for children of all ages. Not only do they get to see their favorite animals up close, but they can also learn about conservation efforts and the importance of protecting wildlife. Reading books about the zoo can enhance this experience and help children develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

Picture Books for Young Readers

For the youngest animal enthusiasts, picture books offer a fun and colorful way to learn more about their favorite creatures. Check out titles like “ Animalphabet ” by Julia Donaldson or “ The Zoo ” by Suzy Lee for engaging stories and beautiful illustrations that will capture their imagination.

Reading picture books with your child can also be a great bonding experience. You can point out different animals and talk about their unique characteristics, or discuss the importance of conservation and protecting wildlife habitats.

For slightly older readers, “ Dear Zoo ” by Rod Campbell is a classic choice that introduces children to a variety of animals and teaches them about the process of deciding which ones to bring to a zoo. And for a more educational focus, “ National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Animals ” by Catherine D. Hughes is a great resource for curious minds who want to learn more about the animals they see at the zoo.

Engaging Chapter Books for Older Kids

If your child is a confident reader, they may enjoy some of the many engaging chapter books set in zoos. Titles like “ The One and Only Ivan ” by Katherine Applegate or “ Kizzy Ann Stamps ” by Jeri Watts tackle big subjects like animal rights and racism through the eyes of a young protagonist. These books can spark important conversations with your child about social issues and the importance of empathy and compassion.

Or for a more lighthearted option, “ The Great Zoo Escape ” by Tohby Riddle follows a group of animals on a daring adventure outside of their enclosures. This book can be a fun way to encourage children to use their imaginations and think creatively.

Educational Books for Curious Minds

Finally, for children who love learning about the natural world, there are plenty of educational books that dive deep into the fascinating science behind zoology and animal behavior. Check out titles like “Wild Animals” by Nicola Davies or “ Zoo Scientists to the Rescue ” by Patricia Newman for exciting real-world stories of scientists working to protect animals in the wild and in captivity.

These books can inspire children to pursue careers in fields like zoology or conservation, or simply encourage them to be more mindful of the impact humans have on the environment. Reading about the important work being done to protect endangered species can also give children a sense of hope and empowerment.

Must-Read Zoo Books for Adults

When we think of zoo books, we often think of children’s stories or picture books filled with cute and cuddly animals. However, zoo books aren’t just for kids! There are plenty of captivating reads aimed at grown-ups, too, whether you’re interested in the history of zoos, the ethics of animal captivity, or simply want to read a fascinating memoir.

Fascinating Zoo History and Stories

If you’re interested in the rich history of zoos and their place in human culture, “ The Ark and Beyond ” by Ben A. Minteer or “ Menagerie ” by Caroline Grigson are excellent places to start. Both books explore the ways in which zoos have evolved over time and the different roles they’ve played in society. From their origins as menageries for the wealthy to their modern-day roles in conservation and education, these books offer a comprehensive look at the history of zoos.

If you’re more interested in individual animals and the stories of their lives, “ The Elephant Whisperer ” by Lawrence Anthony or “ Saving Simon ” by Jon Katz offer uplifting tales of humans forming deep bonds with animals in captivity. These heartwarming stories remind us that animals in zoos are not just specimens to be studied, but individuals with their own unique personalities and stories.

In-Depth Guides to Zookeeping and Animal Care

If you’re an aspiring zookeeper or simply interested in the nitty-gritty of animal care, there are plenty of informative guides available. “ Zookeeping ” by Mark D. Irwin, John B. Stoner, and Paul C. Allen is a comprehensive overview of best practices in animal management and welfare. This book covers everything from enclosure design to nutrition to behavioral enrichment, making it an essential resource for anyone interested in working with animals in captivity.

For those interested in the unique challenges of treating exotic creatures, “Veterinary Care of African Wildlife” by Roy Bengis, Elizabeth H. Ellse, and Gregory R. Bock is an excellent resource. This book covers the medical and surgical management of a variety of African wildlife species, from lions and elephants to hyenas and antelopes.

For a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to run a zoo, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Elephants” by Jim and Jamie Dutcher chronicles the challenges and rewards of running a wolf conservation center in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains. This book offers a unique perspective on the world of animal care and conservation, and is a must-read for anyone interested in the field.

Inspiring Memoirs from Zoo Professionals

Finally, for a more personal touch, there are plenty of memoirs and autobiographies out there from zoo professionals who have dedicated their lives to working with animals. Jane Goodall’s “ Reason for Hope ” is a classic that delves into her groundbreaking research with chimpanzees. This book offers a fascinating look at the world of primate behavior and is a must-read for anyone interested in animal behavior science.

For those interested in the world of horse training and rehabilitation, “ The Man Who Listens to Horses ” by Monty Roberts is an excellent choice. This memoir offers a glimpse into the mind of a master horse trainer, and is filled with insights into the psychology of these magnificent animals.

And for a look at the unique challenges of working with some of the zoo world’s most iconic animals, “ The Last Rhinos ” by Lawrence Anthony is a must-read. This book chronicles Anthony’s efforts to save the last remaining rhinos in war-torn Africa, and offers a gripping account of one man’s fight to protect these endangered creatures.

Books That Explore the Ethics of Zoos

But of course, not everyone agrees that zoos are a positive force. There are plenty of books out there that grapple with the ethical questions surrounding animal captivity, conservation, and the role of zoos in society.

The Debate Over Captive Animals

For a look at the arguments both for and against zoos, “The Modern Zoo” by Heather M. Moore and “What’s the Matter with Zoos?” by Dale Jamieson are both thought-provoking reads. Both authors argue that while there are certainly issues with the way many zoos are run, there is also potential for these institutions to play a valuable role in conservation and education.

The Role of Zoos in Conservation and Education

For a more positive take on the issue, “ The Zookeeper’s Wife ” by Diane Ackerman examines the role of the Warsaw Zoo in sheltering Jewish refugees during World War II. Meanwhile, “ Zoo Story ” by Thomas French explores the intimate connections that develop between zoo animals and their caretakers, and the ways in which that relationship can impact both humans and animals alike.

Visions for the Future of Zoos

Finally, for anyone interested in imagining a more positive future for zoos and the animals they care for, “ Rewilding Our Hearts ” by Marc Bekoff offers a call to action for humans to reconnect with the natural world and advocate for the protection of endangered species. And “Rethinking Zoos” by Randy Malamud examines innovative new approaches to animal care and conservation that could pave the way for a more sustainable and ethical future for zoos.

Fictional Zoo Stories for All Ages

And finally, for a more imaginative take on the world of zoos, there are plenty of fictional stories out there that explore themes of animal conservation, empathy, and adventure.

Imaginative Children’s Tales Set in Zoos

For young readers, “ Zoo ” by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge is a thrilling adventure story about a group of young kids who uncover a sinister plot that threatens their beloved zoo. And “ Zoo Break ” by Gordon Korman is a fun and lighthearted tale of animals who team up to escape from the zoo and embark on a wild journey.

Captivating Novels for Adult Readers

For adult fiction readers, “ Life of Pi ” by Yann Martel is a haunting exploration of the human-animal relationship and the power of storytelling. Meanwhile, “ Water for Elephants ” by Sara Gruen follows a young veterinarian who joins a traveling circus in the 1930s and forms a bond with a mistreated elephant.

Zoo-Themed Graphic Novels and Comics

And for fans of graphic novels and comics, “ Beasts of Burden ” by Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson is a series of beautifully illustrated stories about a group of dogs and cats who work together to protect their town from supernatural threats. And “ Fables ” by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham features a range of animal characters – both from myths and from the real world – who find themselves living in a magical community in modern-day New York City.

The World of Zoo Books Awaits!

With so many amazing options out there, there’s never been a better time to dive into the world of zoo books. Whether you’re looking to educate yourself about animal welfare, get lost in a captivating fictional story, or inspire a love of nature in your children, there’s something for everyone in the pages of these fantastic reads. So go ahead and pick up one of these books today – we promise you won’t be disappointed!

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Marc Bekoff Ph.D.

Captive: A New Book About Zoos Is a Game Changer

Renowned photographer jo-anne mcarthur's images will touch your heart and soul.

Posted August 3, 2017

Views from the inside out: Our fascination with other species manifests with a startling disregard for their well-being

I've known about renowned photographer Jo-Anne McArthur's book Captive for quite a while, and couldn't wait for it to be published. Now that it is available, I'm even more amazed at what a wonderful book it is and how compelling the images of animals in zoos -- zooed animals -- truly are. The images and the accompanying text aptly show the animals' perceptions, many from the inside out, and will surely make viewers see zoos differently . They enable readers to bear witness to just what is happening to these beings. The description for Captivity reads as follows:

Courtesy of Jo-Anne McArthur

In recent years, the role of zoos and aquaria as centres for conservation, education , and entertainment has been placed under scrutiny. From the controversy surrounding the confinement of orcas at SeaWorld to the killing of Harambe the gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo, questions have been asked about the place, if any, of zoos and aquaria in a world where so many animals need resources and protection in the wild and many other means of learning about the natural world exist.

For more than a decade, Canadian photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur has turned her forensic and sympathetic camera on those animals whom we have placed in zoos and we animals who look at them. As with her first book, We Animals (Lantern, 2013), McArthur s aim is to invite us to reflect on how we observe or ignore one another through the bars, across the moat, or on either side of the glass. Captiveis a book that will challenge our preconceptions about zoos and aquaria, animal welfare, and just what or who it is we think we see when we face the animal.

I was able to do an interview with Ms. McArthur, and it is a nice follow up to a number of other essays and interviews including " It's Still Not Happening at the Zoo: Sharp Divisions Remain ," " Zoo Ethics and the Challenges of Compassionate Conservation, " and "T he Whale Sanctuary Project: Saying No Thanks to Tanks. " I could go on and on about just how moving Ms. McArthur's book is, but the interview I did with her tells it all.

Why did you write Captive ?

I wrote Captive because, after shooting for Born Free’s EU Zoo Inquiry in 2016, I had a wealth of material that could be made into a book. I combined it with a decade of photographing zoos, and the book contains over 140 images. I also made the book because I knew it would be timely. The conversation about the ethics of captivity is happening now, in the mainstream, and I wanted to make a contribution to that conversation. Documentaries like Blackfish , and the deaths of Marius the giraffe and Harambe the gorilla propelled the conversation about zoo ethics into the spotlight and that`s where it needs to be. Zoos in their current form are antiquated. They can reform and evolve, becoming places of compassionate conservation, rescue and sanctuary. All roadside zoos must be closed down immediately, and I address this in the book as well. [Please also see " Why zoos must become places for compassionate conservation ."]

Courtesy of Jo-Anne McArthur

What is your book about?

Captive is about animals who live their lives on display and yet who are so rarely truly seen. Captive seeks to reveal the experiences of animals in zoos and aquaria around the world. I’m looking at the experience of individual animals in captivity. The images ask the question: is this really worth it? Is an afternoon’s entertainment worth this chimpanzee living in a small enclosure for twenty years, having her babies taken away for a breeding program in another zoo? We go home after we leave the zoo, but the animals stay there, day after day and year after year. Captive draws our attention to these questions, and away from the go-to responses for why zoos are immutable. The goal of the book is to see these animals anew, to make their lives visible, and to get us to think about captivity from their perspective.

How does this superb collection of photos and text follow up on your previous book We Animals ?

We Animals looks at the invisible animals, as I call them. Those we have a close relationship with and yet they remain invisible in our lives. Those we wear and eat, those we keep in labs to be used in research, those we use for entertainment. All my work will continue to focus on these individuals, bringing their lives to light in a new way. It's interesting with zooed animals, who are on display in plain sight, and yet we fail to really see them. We see them as ambassadors of a species, perhaps, but rarely as individuals. We don’t take the time to. We look at enclosures for a few moments and then go to the next. We’re out for a day of fun; the last thing we want to think about is that our actions have terrible consequences for the captive animals we are there to be amused by. Zoos and aquaria aren’t there to engage our critical thinking. Since the early days of zoos, they have been there for our entertainment. It must change and thankfully we are starting to see that change.

Where were the photos taken?

The book includes images from over 20 countries on five continents, with many of them shot in 2016 while I was working with the Born Free Foundation in Europe. Some of the images are also from commissioned work on a cross-Canada investigation of zoos for Zoocheck Canada in 2008-2009. The images come from everywhere from roadside zoos to the modern establishments where we expect to have the highest standards possible. All in all, the book compiles a decade of work visiting zoos around the world.

Courtesy of Jo-Anne McArthur

How are the images being used, apart from in the book?

Lots of ways! The images shot in Europe last year were exhibited in the EU Parliament and form the bulk of the Born Free Foundation’s EU Zoo Inquiry. The photos I took for Zoocheck Canada have since been used in support of their public campaigns. Some of the images have been used in specific campaigns, like the push to have three elephants from Toronto Zoo relocated to the Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) sanctuary in California––that campaign was successful and the elephants were moved. The photos have been used in many more public campaigns, like the ongoing ones to end keeping cetaceans in captivity in Canada, and to shut down some of the most notorious roadside zoos, like Guzoo.

books about zoos

In the past few years there have been some high profile incidents at zoos that have captured global attention, including interest from people who have never previously gotten involved in issues centering on zoos. One is the killing of Marius, a young and very healthy giraffe at the Copenhagen zoo because he didn't fit into their breeding program. Would you have chosen to kill Marius or other animals in this same situation? [For more information about Marius please see note 1.]

Oh dear. It’s awful, isn’t it? If zoos claim to care about the individuals, why would they kill Marius? Killing someone shows you don’t give a stuff about them as an individual. And yet, it’s “funny”, zoos do a lot of marketing of their new babies, giving them a name, “Come see so-and-so!” etc. Zoos profit off this personalization of animals, and claim they care so much about the animals in their custody. With Marius and the thousands of other “surplus” animals, killing them tells another story. It says “we don’t care at all about any of the individuals here at the zoo.” I know a lot of zoo staff and I know that they care very deeply about the animals incarcerated there, so what’s going on? Who are these “conservation experts” making the decision to kill the zooed animals? Well, we met a lot of them (you and I) at the recent Detroit Zoo symposium on animal welfare , and they did indeed refer to the Copenhagen zoo's scientific director as a hero. A lot of people clapped. So, what’s going on here? We need to discuss this. We need to have big, public, discussions about what zoos are doing.

Incidentally, we do know that zoos were prepared to take Marius, and that the Copenhagen zoo didn’t bother making the transfer. I imagine the reason was financial. What else can we deduce from this, other than zoos as businesses don’t fundamentally care about the individuals in their care?

Among the guiding principles of compassionate conservation are "First, do no harm" and the life of every individual matters. Just what can compassionate conservation contribute, or better yet add, to debates about whether zoos should exist in the first place and that it's ok to keep animals in cages either for their supposed good or for purposes of education and conservation?

Some zoos are renovated, multi-million dollar complexes that can and should be used for real compassionate conservation. Zoos can transform into places of rescue, rehabilitation and sanctuary. They must go in this direction. It will reflect the changing ethos of our time, towards empathy instead of dominion and ownership. There will always be a need for places in which humans can care for animals who genuinely need our help.

Don’t zoos contribute to conservation and education programs?

They do, to a small extent, and that is the go-to response when anyone questions zoos. There are indeed some conservation programs at zoos but many of those efforts are unfruitful. Unfortunately, zoos have a history of marketing and talking about conservation that just isn’t happening. Most animals kept in captivity aren’t endangered. The breeding programs for endangered species don’t necessarily result in any animals being reintroduced into the wild. You almost never see zoos encourage visitors to reduce their meat consumption, even though that’s one of the biggest things we can do to protect wild animals. Zoos are well-placed to run incredible conservation and education programs, but in most of the zoos I’ve visited, what I’ve seen is distracted visitors rushing past information panels, visibly unhappy animals, and a gift shop at the end. Zoos openly euthanize excess animals like Marius the giraffe, rather than putting in the work to place them in sanctuaries or return them to the wild.

There are zoos making changes. The Detroit Zoo, for example, moved their elephants to a sanctuary in warmer climates because they felt it was the right thing to do and they used it as an opportunity to talk about the ethics of zoos. Their polar bears are rescued and have enough space to hide from the public. They’ve rescued over 30,000 animals. There’s a real focus on humane education programs. They have a 4-D theatre, where visitors can see animals in their natural habitat. Zoos can be a place where people actually go to learn about animals, they just have a long way to go to get there, and they have to want it.

Who is your intended audience?

People who visit zoos. Animal lovers. Parents of young children.

Do you have hope that things will change for zooed animals? In her book, Jenny Gray writes, "Unfortunately the bulk of zoos in existence today still fall short of meeting the requirements of ethical operations. At best, 3% of zoos are striving to meet ethical standards, with perhaps only a handful meeting all the requirements." (p. 208) This is not a very promising picture."

The spotlight is on zoos and aquaria. I actually think things are starting to change and they will change quickly. Dolphinaria are being banned. Captive breeding is being banned. Just this week in Mexico, a ban on dolphinariums was approved. And we saw at the welfare symposium recently that zoo officials know that things need to change. Some of them genuinely want to create change while indeed it was clear that others were just trying to figure out how they could create spin. For example, we could see some zoo CEOs latching on to the idea that they should rescue an animal and then promote that, rather than the usual promotion of new baby animals. However, there spotlight is on them, due to a series of incidents, and photos and documentary work, and a changing ethos, and I do have hopes that zoos will evolve. Soon, it will be sink or swim. We are already seeing great changes, like at the Detroit Zoo. I believe they will all continue on that path, and that with laws changing and bans being enforced, we’ll see an end to displaying animals for our entertainment.

Many activists would want to see zoos shut down all together. Is that your message?

Not necessarily. I know that’s controversial in the animal rights movement! Zoos in their current and historic form are archaic and, indeed, all road-side zoos must be shut down and abolished. There will, however, always be a need for places where we can care for animals who cannot be (re)introduced into the wild. Zoos have incredible potential for good because they have funding, they have the facilities, and they have dedicated experts who love animals. They have a chance to reform and really become about what’s best for individual animals, as well as conservation and humane education rather than just saying they are. Zoos have so much potential and they need to be pushed in a direction that reflects the ethics and ethos of our time. Zoos right now have an opportunity to reform into something of value to animals and society, closer to a sanctuary model.

What can people who read the book do to help captive animals?

It’s encouraging to see how many messages I get from people who want to know how they can help. There is a page on our website that goes into more detail , but basically: don’t visit establishments that don’t put the animals first. Get involved, sign actions from groups like Born Free, Zoocheck, and others. Support documentaries like Blackfish and books like Captive to expose the reality for the individual animals trapped in this industry. Support legislative efforts to protect wild animals, like the proposed bill to ban keeping cetaceans in captivity that’s moving through the Canadian Parliament right now. Do your research and support wildlife sanctuaries and reputable conservation efforts. And one of the biggest things anyone who cares about wildlife can do is look at their diet : animal agriculture is devastating the habitats of wild animals, we know that. Every individual can make the choice to reduce their support of these industries by cutting back on or giving up animal products entirely.

What are some of your current and future projects?

The larger body of work, We Animals , will always continue. I’m really excited about my current international project, with my co-author Keri Cronin and some incredible writers and videographers, called Unbound . It’s about women on the front lines of animal advocacy, both contemporary and historical. We tell the stories of women worldwide who are trailblazing in the field of animal rights and protection, from lawyers to sanctuary founders to artists. This is an historical time to be a part of the animal movement, so we are documenting it as it unfolds. It’s a really lovely project!

Where can people get the book?

The book is available on Amazon . I’ll also be visiting lots of veg fests and speaking events on the east coast this summer and fall. Keep an eye out on my social media pages for details! You can also follow our companion social media project, A Year of Captivity, a photo-a-day project that will run all year on Instagram and Facebook .

The see-er becomes the seen

Thank you Jo-Anne. And, I'm sure the animals would thank you as well for speaking out for their well-being. As I wrote above, Captive is a game-changer. The images -- the views from the inside out -- are compelling and show clearly that major changes are needed to give zooed animals better lives. As Jessica Pierce and I stress in The Animals' Agenda: Freedom, Compassion, and Coexistence in the Human Age , the life of every single individual matters. And, of course, a better life is not necessarily a good life. Your images allow readers to bear witness to what is happening in zoos worldwide, are worth millions of words and I hope Captive enjoys a broad global audience. It well could be one of the most influential books ever published on what life in zoos is like for their residents.

1 In an interview I did with Jenny Gray , CEO of Zoos Victoria (Australia) about her recent book called Zoo Ethics: The Challenges of Compassionate Conservation , I presented this scenario: Many zoos partake in what they call " management euthanasia" of so-called "surplus animals." I have many problems both with the use of the word "euthanasia" and the phrase "surplus animals." In a section of Ms. Gray's book she poses some very interesting and challenging thought experiments that raise a number of issues with how zoo administrators deal with different sorts of animals. On pages 214-215 Ms. Gray's book she considers the topic of "Killing Surplus Animals," focusing on the fate of Marius, a young and healthy giraffe who was killed (not euthanized, despite what they claim) at the Copenhagen zoo, because it was decided that Marius couldn't contribute to the zoo's breeding program. A bit after Marius was killed, four lions were killed at the same zoo for the same reason. At a meeting at the Detroit Zoo in May 2017, where we met, someone referred to the scientific director of the Copenhagen zoo who decided that it was perfectly okay to kill Marius as a hero. I frankly find this to characterization be perverse and the slaughter of Marius and the four lions to be unacceptable. Ms. Gray did not answer this question with a "yes" or a "no," but I asked and was hoping she would.

Marc Bekoff’s latest books are Jasper’s Story: Saving Moon Bears (with Jill Robinson); Ignoring Nature No More: The Case for Compassionate Conservation; Why Dogs Hump and Bees Get Depressed : The Fascinating Science of Animal Intelligence , Emotions, Friendship , and Conservation; Rewilding Our Hearts: Building Pathways of Compassion and Coexistence; The Jane Effect: Celebrating Jane Goodall (edited with Dale Peterson); and The Animals’ Agenda: Freedom, Compassion, and Coexistence in the Human Age (with Jessica Pierce). Canine Confidential: Why Dogs Do What They Do will be published in early 2018. Learn more at marcbekoff.com .

Marc Bekoff Ph.D.

Marc Bekoff, Ph.D. , is professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

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Top 10 The Zoo Books

The One and Only Ivan

The Zoo is a fascinating place! To see the real life, exotic animals that you only read about in books is a one of a kind experience. Because these animals are so intriguing, reading about them before or after your trip to the zoo will be one fun adventure.

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  • Books about Zoos & Wildlife

Photos showing books about zoos & wildlife

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The Tasmanian Devil


The tasmanian devil.

The Everglades Handbook: Understanding the Ecosystem

The Everglades Handbook: Understanding the Ecosystem

Reptiles of the Trans-Pecos Texas

Reptiles of the Trans-Pecos Texas

Mammals of the Southern Cone: Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay

Mammals of the Southern Cone: Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay

Pythons of Australia

Pythons of Australia

Sedgwick County Zoo 2001 Animal Inventory

Sedgwick County Zoo 2001 Animal Inventory

Zoological Board of Victoria Inventories 1994 - 1995

Zoological Board of Victoria Inventories 1994 - 1995

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 1997

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 1997

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 2000

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 2000

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 2001

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 2001

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 2006

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 2006

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 2002

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 2002

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 2003

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 2003

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 1996

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 1996

Tama Zoo Animal Inventory 1995

Tama Zoo Animal Inventory 1995

Tama Zoo Animal Inventory 1994

Tama Zoo Animal Inventory 1994

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 1997

Ueno Zoo Animal Inventory 2007

Zoological Parks & Gardens Board - Victoria, Australia - Inventories 1995 - 1996

Zoological Parks & Gardens Board - Victoria, Australia - Inventories 1995 - 1996

Inventories 1990 - 1991: Zoological Board of Victoria

Inventories 1990 - 1991: Zoological Board of Victoria

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  • Australia - Other
  • Australia - Wildlife
  • 12 Mile Bird Park
  • Adelaide Zoo
  • Alexandra Park Zoo
  • Alice Springs Desert Park
  • Alice Springs Reptile Centre
  • Alma Park Zoo (Closed)
  • Altina Wildlife Park
  • Armadale Reptile & Wildlife Centre
  • Atlantis Marine Park (Closed)
  • Australia Walkabout Wildlife Park
  • Australia Zoo
  • Australian Butterfly Sanctuary
  • Australian Museum
  • Australian Reptile Park
  • Australian Shark and Ray Centre
  • Australian Venom Zoo
  • Ballarat Bird World
  • Ballarat Wildlife Park
  • Billabong Zoo
  • Birdland Animal Park
  • BirdWorld Kuranda
  • Blackbutt Reserve
  • Bredl's Wonder World Of Wildlife
  • Bribie Island Butterfly House
  • Cairns Aquarium
  • Cairns Crocodile Farm
  • Cairns Tropical Zoo (Closed)
  • Cairns Wildlife Dome
  • Cairns Wildlife Safari Reserve
  • Canberra Reptile Zoo
  • Caversham Wildlife park
  • Central Coast Zoo
  • Chesterfield Farm
  • Cleland Wildlife Park
  • Coffs Harbour Butterfly House
  • Cohunu Koala Park
  • Cooberrie Park Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Crocodylus Park & Zoo
  • Crocosaurus Cove
  • Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
  • D'Aguilar Wildlife
  • Daintree Discovery Centre
  • Daintree Wild Zoo
  • Darling Downs Zoo
  • David Fleay Wildlife Park
  • Dolphin Marine Magic
  • Dundees Wildlife Park (Closed)
  • Featherdale Wildlife Park
  • Flying High Bird Sanctuary
  • Gorge Wildlife Park
  • Granite Gorge
  • Gumbuya Park
  • Halls Gap Zoo
  • Hartley's Crocodile Adventures
  • Healesville Sanctuary
  • Herdsman Lake Visitor Centre
  • Cassowary Exhibit
  • Hunter Valley Zoo
  • Hunter Wetlands Centre
  • Ipswich Nature Centre
  • Irukandji Shark & Ray Encounters
  • Kangaroo Island Penguin Centre
  • Kaniva Lions and Rotary Fauna Park
  • Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre
  • Kuranda Koala Gardens
  • Kyabram Fauna Park
  • Launceston City Park
  • Living Desert Flora & Fauna Sanctuary
  • Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
  • Malcolm Douglas Wilderness Wildlife Park
  • Maleny Bird World
  • Mansfield Zoo
  • Marineland Melanesia
  • Maru Koala & Animal Park
  • Melbourne Aquarium
  • Melbourne Museum
  • Melbourne Zoo
  • Merrylands Central Gardens
  • Mogo Wildlife Park
  • Monarto Safari Park
  • Moonlit Sanctuary
  • Mugga Lane Zoo (Closed)
  • Mulga Sanctuary & Wildlife Park
  • National Zoo and Aquarium
  • Nowra Wildlife Park (Old)
  • Oakvale Wildlife Park
  • Ocean Park Aquarium
  • Oceanworld Manly
  • On the Perch
  • OZ.e.Wildlife
  • Paradise Country
  • Parndana Wildlife Park
  • Pearl Coast Zoo (Closed)
  • Phillip Island Nature Parks
  • Phillip Island Wildlife Park
  • Port Macquarie Koala Hospital
  • Queensland Museum
  • Rainbow Jungle
  • Raptor Domain
  • Reef HQ Aquarium
  • Rockhampton Zoo
  • Rodney Fox Shark Expeditions
  • Sale Botanic Gardens
  • Sea World Gold Coast
  • Seahorse World
  • Serendip Sanctuary
  • Shoalhaven Zoo
  • Snakes Downunder Reptile Park and Zoo
  • Softfoot Marsupial Sanctuary
  • South Australian Museum
  • South Australian Whale Centre
  • Steve McEwan's Reptile World
  • Sydney Aquarium
  • Symbio Wildlife Park
  • Taralga Wildlife Park
  • Taronga Western Plains Zoo
  • Taronga Zoo
  • Tasmania Zoo
  • Tasmanian Devil Unzoo
  • Territory Wildlife Park
  • The Giant Koala
  • Tolga Bat Hospital
  • Torres Strait Island - Wildlife
  • Trowunna Wildlife Park
  • Underwater Bondi Experience
  • SEA LIFE Sunshine Coast Aquarium
  • Urimbirra Wildlife Park
  • Wadderin Sanctuary
  • Walkabout Creek Discovery Centre
  • Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Warrnambool Wildlife Encounters
  • Waterways Wildlife Park (Closed)
  • Werribee Open Range Zoo
  • White Hills Botanic Garden
  • Wild Life Sydney
  • Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas
  • Wildlife HQ Zoo
  • Wings Wildlife Park
  • Yarra Valley Nocturnal Zoo
  • ZooDoo Wildlife Park
  • Christmas Island - Other
  • Christmas Island - Wildlife
  • The Pink House
  • Cocos (Keeling) Islands - Other
  • Cocos (Keeling) Islands - Wildlife
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  • Cook Islands - Wildlife
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  • Fiji - Wildlife
  • Kula Eco Park
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  • Guam - Wildlife
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  • Micronesia - Wildlife
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  • New Caledonia - Wildlife
  • Aquarium Des Lagons
  • New Zealand - Other
  • New Zealand - Wildlife
  • Altura Park
  • Auckland War Memorial Museum
  • Auckland Zoo
  • Brooklands Zoo
  • Butterfly Creek
  • Discovery World Tropical Forest
  • Dunedin Botanic Garden - Aviary
  • EcoWorld Aquarium
  • Franklin Zoo (Closed)
  • Frankton Zoological Gardens
  • Hamilton Zoo
  • International Antarctic Centre
  • Island Bay Marine Education Centre
  • Kelly Tarltons Underwater World
  • Kiwi Birdlife Park
  • Landon Creek Bird Sanctuary
  • Marineland of New Zealand, Napier (Closed)
  • National Aquarium of New Zealand
  • Natureland Zoo
  • Nga Manu Nature Reserve
  • North Brighton Zoo
  • Orana Wildlife Park
  • Otorohanga Kiwi House
  • Paradise Valley Springs
  • Parrot Ranch
  • Portobello Aquarium
  • Pouakai Zoo
  • Pukaha Mount Bruce National Wildlife Centre
  • Queen's Park
  • Rainbow Springs
  • Reptile Park
  • Southern Encounter Aquarium and Kiwi House (Closed)
  • Southland Museum and Art Gallery
  • Te Anau Wildlife Centre
  • Te Manawa Museum of Art, Science and History
  • The National Kiwi Centre
  • Tongariro National Trout Centre
  • Wai ariki Farmpark
  • Wellington Zoo
  • West Coast Wildlife Centre
  • Willowbank Wildlife Reserve
  • Wingspan Birds of Prey Trust
  • Zion Wildlife Gardens
  • Niue - Other
  • Niue - Wildlife
  • Papua New Guinea - Other
  • Papua New Guinea - Wildlife
  • Port Moresby Adventure Park
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  • Samoa - Wildlife
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  • Solomon Islands - Wildlife
  • Tokelau - Other
  • Tokelau - Wildlife
  • Armenia - Other
  • Armenia - Wildlife
  • Yerevan Zoo
  • Austria - Other
  • Austria - Wildlife
  • Alpine Zoo Innsbruck
  • Aqua Terra Zoo
  • Steppen Zoo Pamhagen
  • Tiergarten Schönbrunn
  • Tierpark Wels
  • Tierwelt Herberstein
  • Welt der Gifte (Salzburg)
  • Wildpark Aurach Tirol
  • Zoo Salzburg
  • Zoo Schmiding
  • Azerbaijan - Other
  • Azerbaijan - Wildlife
  • Belarus - Other
  • Belarus - Wildlife
  • Mogilev Zoo
  • Belgium - Other
  • Belgium - Wildlife
  • Aquatopia (Closed)
  • Boudewijn Seapark
  • Brussels Aquarium (Closed)
  • De Zonnegloed Sanctuary
  • Domain of the Caves of Han Wildlife Park
  • Entre Ferme et Forêt
  • Familiepark Harry Malter
  • Liege Aquarium-Museum
  • Limburgse Zoo (Closed)
  • Monde Sauvage
  • Museum of Natural Sciences
  • Noordzeeaquarium
  • Pairi Daiza
  • Pakawi Park
  • Parc Animalier de Bouillon
  • Planckendael
  • Royal Museum for Central Africa Tervuren
  • SEA LIFE Blankenberge
  • Serpentarium Blankenberge (Closed)
  • Stockmanshoeve Sijsele (Closed)
  • The Ostrichnest
  • Wildpark Coo
  • ZOO Antwerpen
  • Bulgaria - Other
  • Bulgaria - Wildlife
  • Dolphinarium Varna
  • Varna Aquarium
  • Varna Terrarium
  • Croatia - Other
  • Croatia - Wildlife
  • Cyprus - Other
  • Cyprus - Wildlife
  • Kouklia Snake Park
  • Lemesos Zoo Garden
  • Pafos Bird and Animal Park
  • Czech Republic - Other
  • Czech Republic - Wildlife
  • Akvatera Plzen
  • Krokodýlí Zoo Praha
  • Mořský svět
  • Prague Zoo Praha
  • Protivin Crocodile Zoo
  • Ptačí ráj Autocentrum Boura
  • Terarium Praha
  • ZOO Dvůr Králové
  • Zoo Hodonín
  • Zoo Liberec
  • Zoo Olomouc
  • Zoo Ostrava
  • ZOO PARK Vyškov
  • Zoo Sedlec Faunapark
  • ZOO Ústí nad Labem
  • Zoologická Zahrada Jihlava
  • Zoopark Chomutov
  • Zoopark Na Hrádečku
  • Zoopark Stěžery
  • Zoopark Zájezd
  • Denmark - Other
  • Denmark - Wildlife
  • Aalborg Zoo
  • Aqua Freshwater Aquarium
  • Blaavand Zoo
  • Copenhagen Zoological Museum
  • Den Blå Planet
  • Denmarks Aquarium (Closed)
  • Dyrenes Verden Filskov
  • Dyreparken NBV
  • Enghave Dyre- og Naturpark
  • Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet
  • Fiskeriets Hus
  • Fjord&Bælt
  • Frydenlund Fuglepark
  • Fun-Park Hirtshals
  • Givskud Zoo
  • Grøn Verden Zoo (Closed)
  • Guldborgsund Zoo and Botanisk Have
  • Hald Ege Miniregnskov
  • Hjortdal Dyrefarm
  • Nordisk Dyrepark
  • Jesperhus Junglezoo
  • Jyllands Park Zoo
  • Jyllandsakvariet
  • Kattegatcentret
  • Knuthenborg Safaripark
  • Krokodille Zoo
  • Limfjordsmuseet
  • Madsbyparken
  • Munkholm Zoo
  • Naturhistorisk Museum Aarhus
  • Nordsjællands Fuglepark & Zoo
  • Nordsø Akvariet
  • Nordsøen Oceanarium
  • Odsherred Zoo
  • Otterup Andedam
  • Randers Naturcenter
  • Randers Regnskov Tropical Zoo
  • Ree Park - Ebeltoft Safari
  • Skandinavisk Dyrepark
  • Terrariet Reptile Zoo
  • Tivoli Aquarium
  • Zoo København
  • Øresundsakvariet
  • Estonia - Other
  • Estonia - Wildlife
  • Tallinn Zoo
  • Finland - Other
  • Finland - Wildlife
  • Helsinki Zoo
  • Ranua Wildlife Park
  • Särkänniemi
  • SEA LIFE Helsinki
  • France - Other
  • France - Wildlife
  • A Cupulatta
  • Alligator Bay
  • Aquarium de La Rochelle
  • Aquarium de Paris Cinéaqua
  • Aquarium de Vannes
  • Bioparc Zoo de Doué la Fontaine
  • Camargue Nature Park
  • Cap-Ferrat Zoo
  • Chateau de Vizille Animal Park
  • Citadelle de Besançon
  • Domaine de Pescheray
  • Exotic Park
  • Galerie de Paléontologie et d'Anatomie Comparée
  • Grand Aquarium de Saint-Malo
  • Grand Galerie de l'Evolution
  • Great Aquarium Saint-Malo
  • Haute-Touche Animal Reserve
  • Jardin des Plantes
  • Jardin Zoologique Tropical
  • La Barben Parc Zoologique
  • La Ferme aux Crocodiles
  • La Ferme Tropicale
  • La Vallee des Singes
  • La Vallée des Tortues
  • Labenne Zoo
  • Le Domaine des Fauves
  • Le Parc Animalier d'Auvergne
  • Le Parc des Félins
  • Le Park de Cleres
  • Les Aigles du Leman
  • Marineland Antibes
  • Montpellier Parc Zoologique
  • Museé de la Mer
  • Natur'zoo de Mervent
  • Nausicaa Sea Life Centre
  • Océanopolis Brest
  • Palais de la Porte Dorée Aquarium
  • Parc animalier de Sainte-Croix
  • Parc Animalier Des Pyrénées
  • Parc de Branféré
  • Parc de l'auxois
  • Parc des Oiseaux
  • Parc Ker Anas
  • Parc Zoo du Reynou
  • Parc Zoologique de Fort-Mardyck
  • Paris Zoological Park
  • Parrot World
  • Planet Exotica
  • Planet Ocean Montpellier
  • Planète Crocodiles
  • Planète Sauvage
  • Refuge de l'Arche
  • Réserve Africaine de Sigean
  • Réserve Zoologique de Calviac
  • Safari de Peaugres
  • SEA LIFE Paris
  • Spaycific'Zoo
  • Terre de Singes
  • Thoiry Animal Park
  • World Parrot Trust
  • Zoo Bassin d'Arcachon
  • Zoo d'Amiens
  • Zoo d'Amneville
  • Zoo d'Asson
  • Zoo de Bordeaux Pessac
  • Zoo de Champrepus
  • Zoo de Jurques
  • Zoo de la Bourbansais
  • Zoo de la Flèche
  • Zoo de La Palmyre
  • Zoo de Maubeuge
  • Les Terres de Nataé
  • Zoo de Sables L'EcoZoo
  • Zoo La Boissière du Doré
  • Zoo Mulhouse
  • Zoo-refuge la Tanière
  • ZooParc de Beauval
  • ZooParc de Trégomeur
  • Georgia - Other
  • Georgia - Wildlife
  • Tbilisi Zoo
  • Germany - Other
  • Germany - Wildlife
  • Aachener Tierpark
  • Abenteuer Dschungelland
  • Adlerwarte Berlebeck
  • Affen- und Vogelpark Eckenhagen
  • Affenberg Salem
  • Allwetterzoo Münster
  • AquaDom & Sea Life Berlin
  • Aquarium Kiel
  • Aquazoo Düsseldorf
  • Bad Pyrmont Tierpark
  • Berlin Tierpark
  • Berlin Zoo Aquarium
  • Biosphere Potsdam
  • Bodensee Zoo - Haustierhof Reutemühle
  • Büsumer Meereswelten
  • Cologne Zoo
  • Drachenwelt Reptile Zoo
  • Dresden Museum of Zoology
  • Dünnwald Wildlife Park
  • Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover
  • Erlebnispark Tripsdrill
  • Falkenhof Schalkholz
  • Filmtier-Park Eschede
  • Freilandterrarium Stein
  • Grugapark Essen
  • Heimat-Tierpark Olderdissen
  • Kaiserslautern Zoo
  • Karlsruhe Aquarium
  • Karlsruhe Zoo
  • Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch Oldenburg
  • Luisenpark Mannheim
  • Meeresmuseum Stralsund
  • Meereszentrum Fehmarn
  • Multimar Wattforum Centre
  • Mundenhof Zoo
  • Museum Alexander Koenig
  • Museum für Natur und Umwelt
  • Museum für Naturkunde
  • Nature and Environment Park Güstrow
  • Naturschutz-Tierpark Görlitz
  • Naturzoo Rheine
  • Neunkircher Zoo
  • NiederRheinPark Plantaria
  • Opel Zoo Kronberg
  • Ostsee Info-Center
  • OZEANEUM Stralsund
  • Palmengarten
  • Papageienhaus Pudagla
  • Pfauengarten
  • Pforzheim Wildpark
  • Reptilienhaus Uhldingen
  • Reptilienzoo Allgäu
  • Reptilienzoo Oberammergau
  • Reptilium Landau
  • Rissen Wildgehege
  • Saarbrücken Zoo
  • Schmetterlingspark Fehmarn
  • SEA LIFE Hannover
  • SEA LIFE Königswinter
  • SEA LIFE Konstanz
  • SEA LIFE München
  • SEA LIFE Oberhausen
  • SEA LIFE Speyer
  • SEA LIFE Timmendorfer Strand
  • Serengeti Park
  • Solinger Vogel- und Tierpark
  • Steinzeitpark Albersdorf
  • Sylt Aquarium
  • TerraZoo Rheinberg
  • Thüringer Zoo Park Erfurt
  • Tier- und Freizeitpark Thüle
  • Tierfreigelände des Nationalparks Bayerischer Wald
  • Tiergarten Bernburg
  • Tiergarten Delitzsch
  • Tiergarten Hannover
  • Tiergarten Kleve
  • Tiergarten Mönchengladbach
  • Tiergarten Nürnberg
  • Tiergarten Staßfurt
  • Tiergarten Straubing
  • Tiergarten Ulm
  • Tiergehege Kaisergarten
  • Tiergehege Öhringen
  • Tierpark Alsdorf
  • Tierpark Chemnitz
  • Tierpark Cottbus
  • Tierpark Dessau
  • Tierpark Donnersberg
  • Tierpark Essehof
  • Tierpark Fauna
  • Tierpark Gettorf
  • Tierpark Gotha
  • Tierpark Hagenbeck
  • Tierpark Hamm
  • Tierpark Hellabrunn
  • Tierpark Krüzen
  • Tierpark Kunsterspring
  • Tierpark Lübeck (Closed)
  • TierPark Neumünster
  • Tierpark Nordhorn
  • Tierpark Oberwald (Karlsruhe) Germany
  • Tierpark Petermoor
  • Tierpark Schönebeck
  • Tierpark Senftenberg
  • Tierpark Ströhen
  • Tierpark Suhl
  • Tierpark Tinnum
  • Tierpark und Fossilium Bochum
  • Tierpark Wismar
  • Vogelpark Biebesheim
  • Vogelpark Birkenheide
  • Vogelpark Erlenwald
  • Vogelpark Heddesheim
  • Vogelpark Heglachaue
  • Vogelpark Heiligenkirchen
  • Vogelpark Heppenheim
  • Vogelpark Leopoldshafen
  • Vogelpark Marlow
  • Vogelpark Metelener Heide (Closed)
  • Vogelpark Neuthard
  • Vogelpark Niendorf
  • Vogelpark Oberhausen
  • Vogelpark Olching
  • Vogelpark Reilingen
  • Vogelpark Schifferstadt
  • Vogelpark Viernheim
  • Welt der Gifte Greifswald (Closed)
  • Weltvogelpark Walsrode
  • Westküstenpark & Robbarium St. Peter-Ording
  • Wild und Freizeitpark Ostrittrum
  • Wild- und Freizeitpark Willingen
  • Wildfreigehege Nöttler Berg
  • Wildgehege Hellenthal
  • Wildpark Bad Mergentheim
  • Wildpark Donsbach
  • Wildpark Gangelt
  • Wildpark Grafenberger Wald
  • Wildpark Leipzig
  • Wildpark Lueneburger Heide
  • Wildpark Müden
  • Wildpark Neuhaus
  • Wildpark Reuschenberg
  • Wildpark Schwarze Berge
  • Wilhelma Zoo
  • Wisentgehege Springe
  • Wolfcenter Barme
  • Zoo am Meer Bremerhaven
  • Zoo Aschersleben
  • Zoo Augsburg
  • Zoo Braunschweig "Arche Noah"
  • Zoo Dortmund
  • Zoo Dresden
  • Zoo Duisburg
  • Zoo Eberswalde
  • Zoo Frankfurt
  • Zoo Heidelberg
  • Zoo Hoyerswerda
  • Zoo in der Wingst
  • Zoo Krefeld
  • Zoo Leipzig
  • Zoo Neuwied
  • Zoo Osnabrück
  • Zoo Park Arche Noah
  • Zoo Rostock
  • Zoo Schwerin
  • Zoo Stralsund
  • Zoo Vivarium Darmstadt
  • Zoo Wuppertal
  • Zoologischer Garten Magdeburg
  • Zoologisches Museum Kiel
  • ZOOM Erlebniswelt
  • Greece - Other
  • Greece - Wildlife
  • Aquaworld Aquarium
  • Attica Zoological Park
  • Sea Turtle Rescue Centre
  • Hungary - Other
  • Hungary - Wildlife
  • Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden
  • Debrecen Zoo
  • Jászberény Zoo
  • Kecskemét Zoo
  • Magán Zoo Abony
  • Miskolc Zoo
  • Nyíregyházi Állatpark
  • Tropicarium Budapest
  • Veszprem Zoo
  • Iceland - Other
  • Iceland - Wildlife
  • Hafnarfjordur Zoo and Aquarium (Closed)
  • Krossar Farm (Closed)
  • Reykjavik Family Park and Zoo
  • Slakki Petting Zoo
  • Ireland - Other
  • Ireland - Wildlife
  • Collon Animal Sanctuary
  • Fota Wildlife Park
  • Land of Little Animals (Closed)
  • National Museum of Ireland
  • Reptile Village Conservation Zoo
  • SEA LIFE Bray
  • Secret Valley Wildlife Park
  • Tropical World (Letterkenny)
  • Italy - Other
  • Italy - Wildlife
  • Acquario di Genova
  • Anton Dohrn Aquarium
  • Bioparco di Roma
  • Giardino Zoologico di Pistoia
  • Milan Civic Aquarium
  • Milan Zoo (Closed)
  • Oasi di Sant'Alessio
  • Parco d'Orleans
  • Parco Faunistico "La Torbiera"
  • Parco Faunistico Cappeller
  • Parco Faunistico Valcorba
  • Parco Gallorose
  • Parco Natura Viva
  • Parco Zoo Falconara
  • Parco Zoo Punta Verde
  • Pombia Safari Park
  • Rimini Dolphinarium
  • Safari Ravenna
  • SEA LIFE Gardaland
  • Tropicarium Park
  • Zoo d'Abruzzo
  • Zoo Delle Maitine
  • Zoo di Napoli
  • Zoom Torino
  • Zoosafari Fasano
  • Kazakhstan - Other
  • Kazakhstan - Wildlife
  • Karaganda Zoo
  • Shymkent Zoo
  • Latvia - Other
  • Latvia - Wildlife
  • Rīgas Zooloģiskais Dārzs
  • Lithuania - Other
  • Lithuania - Wildlife
  • Lietuvos Zoologijos Sodas
  • Tadas Ivanauskas Zoological Museum
  • Luxembourg - Other
  • Luxembourg - Wildlife
  • Parc Merveilleux
  • Macedonia - Other
  • Macedonia - Wildlife
  • Monaco - Other
  • Monaco - Wildlife
  • Oceanographic Museum Monaco
  • Moldova - Other
  • Moldova - Wildlife
  • Kishinev Zoo
  • Malta - Other
  • Malta - Wildlife
  • Birdpark Malta
  • Malta Falconry Centre
  • Malta National Aquarium
  • Mediterraneo Bio Park Malta
  • MonteKristo Animal Park
  • Netherlands - Other
  • Netherlands - Wildlife
  • A Seal Zeehondenopvang Stellendam
  • Almere Jungle
  • Animali Eindhoven (Closed)
  • Apenheul Primate Park
  • Aqua Zoo Leerdam
  • AquaZoo Leeuwarden
  • Artis Royal Zoo
  • Artisklas Haarlem
  • Avonturia De Vogelkelder
  • Berkenhof 's Tropical Zoo
  • Boekelo Zoo Labyrinth (Closed)
  • Burgers' Zoo
  • De Bosruiter
  • De Evenaar - Etten-Leur
  • De Orchideeën Hoeve
  • Deltapark Neeltje Jans
  • DierenPark Amersfoort
  • Dierenpark De Oliemeulen
  • Dierenpark Emmen (Closed)
  • Dierenpark Taman Indonesia
  • Dierenpark Wassenaar (Closed)
  • Dierenpark Wissel (Closed)
  • Dierenpark Zie-ZOO
  • Dierenrijk Europe
  • Dierentuin Animal Farm
  • Dolfinarium Harderwijk
  • Expeditie Ecodrome Zwolle (Closed)
  • Faunapark Flakkee
  • Fazanterie de Rooie Hoeve
  • Fort Kijkduin
  • GaiaZOO Kerkrade
  • Het Arsenaal Vlissingen
  • Kabouterland Speeltuinen en Zoo
  • Kasteelpark Born
  • Kinderboerderij en Natuureducatiecentrum 't Valleike
  • Klein Costa Rica
  • Kleindierpark
  • Landgoed Hoenderdaell
  • Mondo Verde
  • Naturalis Natural History Museum
  • Natuurcentrum Ameland
  • Natuurmuseum Brabant
  • Natuurpark Lelystad
  • Omnium Goes
  • Ouwehands Zoo
  • Passiflorahoeve Harskamp
  • Plaswijckpark
  • Reptielenhuis De Aarde
  • Reptielenzoo Iguana
  • ReptielenZoo Serpo
  • Rifwachter Aquaria
  • Rotterdam Zoo
  • Safaripark Beekse Bergen
  • Schildpaddencentrum
  • SEA LIFE Scheveningen
  • Stichting AAP
  • Uilen- en Dierenpark "de Paay"
  • Utropia Middelburg (Closed)
  • Van Blanckendaell Park
  • Vlinderparadijs Papiliorama
  • Vlinders aan de Vliet
  • Vlindersafari
  • Vlindertuin Vlindorado
  • Vogelopvangcentrum Breda
  • Vogelpark Avifauna
  • Vogelpark Oisterwijk (Closed)
  • Vogelpark Ruinen
  • Vogelrevalidatiecentrum Zundert
  • Wildlands Emmen
  • Wisbroek Breeding Center
  • Zee Aquarium Bergen aan Zee
  • Zeehondencrèche Pieterburen
  • Zoo Parc Overloon
  • Zoo Veldhoven
  • Norway - Other
  • Norway - Wildlife
  • Akvariet i Bergen
  • Atlanterhavsparken Ålesund Akvarium
  • Bjørneparken
  • Den Lille Dyrehage
  • Drøbak Akvarium
  • Haugaland Zoo
  • Kristiansand Zoo and Amusement Park
  • Langedrag Naturpark
  • Lofoten Akvariet
  • Namsskogan Familiepark
  • Norsk Skogmuseum
  • Oslo National History Museum
  • Oslo Reptilpark
  • Risør Akvarium
  • Sognefjord Akvarium
  • Tangen Dyrepark
  • Kjæreng Gård (Closed)
  • Poland - Other
  • Poland - Wildlife
  • Akcent Zoo Białystok
  • Gdynia Aquarium
  • Oceanarium BLUE CITY Warsaw
  • Ogród Fauny Polskiej Zoo
  • Ogród Zoologiczny Opole
  • Ogród Zoologiczny w Krakowie
  • Poznan Zoo (New)
  • Poznan Zoo (Old)
  • Rezerwat Pokazowy Żubrów
  • Śląski Ogród Zoologiczny
  • Torun Zoobotanical Garden
  • Zoo Safari Borysew
  • Zoo Wroclaw
  • Portugal - Wildlife
  • Portugal - Other
  • Aquário Vasco da Gama
  • Badoca Safari Park
  • Europaradise
  • Fluviário de Mora
  • Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa
  • Krazy World Zoo
  • Monte Selvagem
  • Oceanário de Lisboa
  • Parque Biológico da Serra da Lousã
  • Parque Biológico de Gaia
  • Sea Life Porto
  • Tapada Nacional de Mafra
  • Zoo da Maia
  • Zoo de Lagos
  • Zoo Santo Inácio
  • Romania - Other
  • Romania - Wildlife
  • Acvariu & Grădina Botanică
  • Acvariu în Ploiesti
  • Acvariu Tulcea
  • Acvariul Constanța
  • Calarasi Zoo
  • Delfinariu Constanța
  • Expoziția de animale Muzeul Vrancei
  • Gradina Botanica Vasile Fati Jibou
  • Grădina Zoologică Bârlad
  • Grădina Zoologică Bejan
  • Gradina Zoologica Bucuresti
  • Gradina Zoologica da Sibiu
  • Grădina Zoologică din Chiajna
  • Grădina Zoologică Hunedoara
  • Gradina Zoologica Pitesti
  • Grădina Zoologică Ramnicu Valcea
  • Gradina Zoologică Soimaru
  • Microrezervație Constanța
  • Minizoo Curtici
  • Minizoo Domeniul Dracula
  • Parcul de Animale Moara de Vânt
  • Rezervatia de zimbri Hateg-Silvut
  • Valea Zimbrilor
  • Vivariu de Muzeul Țării Crișurilor
  • Zoo de Rădăuți
  • Zoo Dragos-Voda
  • Zoo Galati - Tulucesti
  • Zoo Land Arad
  • Zoo Park Craiova
  • Zoo Piatra Neamt (Closed)
  • Zoo Ploiesti
  • Zoo Targoviste
  • Zoo Tirgu-Mures
  • Russia - Other
  • Russia - Wildlife
  • Orlov Paleontological Museum
  • Chelyabinsk Zoo
  • Crocus City Oceanarium
  • Ekaterinburg Butterfly Park & Petting Zoo
  • Ekaterinburg Zoo
  • Ekzootik Park
  • Green Gallery Mini Zoo
  • Izhevsk Zoo
  • Kaliningrad Zoo
  • Leningrad Zoo
  • Lukomorye Petting Zoo
  • Moscow Zoo breeding nursery
  • Novosibirsk Zoo
  • Primorsky Safari Park
  • RIO Ekzoopark
  • RIO Exotarium Moscow
  • RIO Oceanarium Moscow
  • State Darwin Museum
  • Vladivostok Aquarium
  • Volgograd Oceanarium
  • Vorobyi Birdpark
  • Yaroslavl Zoo
  • Zoological Museum of Moscow University
  • Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zoological Institute
  • Serbia - Other
  • Serbia - Wildlife
  • Belgrade Zoo
  • Slovakia - Other
  • Slovakia - Wildlife
  • Zoo Bojnice
  • Zoo Bratislava
  • Zoo Spišská Nová Ves
  • Slovenia - Other
  • Slovenia - Wildlife
  • Tropska hiša
  • Zoo Ljubljana
  • Spain - Other
  • Spain - Wildlife
  • Acuario de Zaragoza
  • Aquopolis-La Pineda
  • Atlantis Aquarium Madrid
  • Auto Safari Zoo
  • Bioparc Fuengirola
  • Bioparc Valencia
  • Butterfly Park Empuriabrava
  • Cañada de los Pájaros
  • Cañada Real Open Centre
  • Cim d'Àligues
  • Cordoba Zoo
  • CosmoCaixa Barcelona
  • El Arca Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Fauna Ibérica
  • Faunia Madrid
  • Garden of the Eagles
  • L`Oceanogràfic Valencia
  • L’Aquàrium Barcelona
  • Marineland Mallorca
  • MundoMar Aquarium
  • MundoMar Benidorm
  • Oasys Mini Hollywood
  • Palma Aquarium
  • Paloma Park
  • Parc de les Aus (Closed)
  • Parque de la Naturaleza de Cabarceno
  • Parque de las Ciencias y BioDomo de Granada
  • Poema del Mar
  • Refugio de Rapaces
  • Rio Safari Elche
  • Safari Madrid
  • San Sebastian Aquarium
  • SEA LIFE Benalmádena
  • Selwo Marina Benalmádena
  • Selwo Safari
  • Terra Natura Benidorm
  • Vergel Safari Park
  • Zoo Aquarium de Madrid
  • Zoo Barcelona
  • Zoo de Guadalajara
  • Zoo de Valencia (Closed)
  • Zoo Santillana del Mar
  • Zoobotánico Jerez
  • Sweden - Other
  • Sweden - Wildlife
  • Aquaria Vattenmuseum (Closed)
  • Avesta Visentpark
  • Borås Djurpark
  • Borås Tropikhus (Closed)
  • Bullarens Djurpark (Closed)
  • Djurparken i Helsingborg
  • Fjärilshuset & Haga Ocean
  • Frösö Zoo (Closed)
  • Furuvik Park
  • Gotlands Djurpark
  • Gotlands Djurpark (New)
  • Stenkyrka Djurpark B&M Gård
  • Kolmården Zoo
  • Lycksele Djurpark
  • Malmö Aquarium
  • Malmö ReptilCenter
  • Nordens Ark
  • Ölands Djur & Nöjespark
  • Orsa Björnpark
  • Öster Malma Wildlife Park
  • Ramnaparken
  • Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet (Closed)
  • Skånes Djurpark
  • Skansen-Akvariet
  • Slottsskogen
  • Torekällberget
  • Tropicarium Kolmården
  • Tropikariet Helsingborg
  • Ystad Djurpark
  • Switzerland - Other
  • Switzerland - Wildlife
  • Aquatis Lausanne
  • BärenPark Bern
  • Forêt de Suchy
  • Knies Kinderzoo
  • Natur- und Tierpark Goldau
  • Papiliorama - Kerzers
  • Tierpark Dählhölzli
  • Tierpark Lange Erlen
  • Tropiquarium de Servion
  • Vivarium de Lausanne
  • Vivarium de Meyrin
  • Voliere Zürich
  • Walter Zoo Gossau
  • Wildnispark Zürich
  • Zoo de Servion
  • Zoo la Garenne
  • Turkey - Other
  • Turkey - Wildlife
  • Antalya Aquarium
  • Antalya Zoo
  • Ataturk Forest Farm Zoo
  • Carreta Turtle Rescue Centre
  • Eskişehir Zoo
  • Faruk Yalçın Zoo
  • Gaziantep Zoo
  • Istanbul Akvaryum
  • Istanbul Dolphinarium
  • Istanbul Sea Life Akvaryum
  • Izmir Wildlife Park
  • Izmir Zoo (Closed)
  • Kelebek Park
  • Polonezköy Hayvan Parkı
  • Şile Hayvanat Bahçesini
  • WildPark Antalya
  • Ukraine - Other
  • Ukraine - Wildlife
  • Biosphere Reserve Askania Nova
  • Nikolaev Zoo
  • Odessa Dolphinarium (Nemo)
  • United Kingdom - Other
  • United Kingdom - Wildlife
  • Aberdeen Zoology Building
  • Africa Alive!
  • Akamba Tropical House
  • All Things Wild
  • Almond Valley Heritage Centre
  • Alton Towers Sea Life Centre
  • Amazon World Zoo Park
  • Amazona Zoo
  • Animal Education Centre
  • Animal Zone Rodbaston Visitor Centre
  • Ark Wildlife Park
  • Arundel Wetland Centre WWT
  • Askham Bryan Wildlife and Conservation Park
  • Auchingarrich Wildlife Centre
  • Avon Valley Adventure and Wildlife Park
  • Axe Valley Wildlife Park
  • Barleylands Farm Park
  • Battersea Park Children's Zoo
  • Baytree Owl Centre
  • Beaver Water World
  • Belfast Zoo
  • Belle Vue Zoo (Closed)
  • Bentley Wildfowl
  • Bird Gardens Scotland CIC
  • Birdland Park & Gardens
  • Birds of Prey Centre
  • Birmingham Nature Centre
  • Black Isle Wildlife Park
  • Blackbrook Zoo (Closed)
  • Blackpool Zoo
  • Blair Drummond Safari & Adventure Park
  • Blean Bird Park (Closed)
  • Blue Planet Aquarium
  • Blue Reef Aquarium Newquay
  • Bodafon Farm Park
  • Bolton Museum Aquarium
  • Borth Animalarium
  • Bournemouth Oceanarium
  • Bournemouth's Parks & Gardens
  • Bowland Wild Boar Park
  • Brean Down Tropical Bird Garden
  • Bridgemere Wildlife Park (Closed)
  • Bridlington Birds of Prey and Animal Park
  • Bristol Blue Reef Aquarium
  • Bristol Zoo (Closed)
  • British Wildlife Centre
  • Buckfast Butterflies and Dartmoor Otter Sanctuary
  • Bugtopia Hornsea
  • Busbridge Lakes
  • Butterfly and Wildlife Park Long Sutton
  • Call of the Wild Zoo
  • Camperdown Wildlife Centre
  • Cannon Hall Farm
  • Capel Manor Gardens
  • Cassiobury Farm & Fishery
  • Castle Espie WWT
  • Causeway Safari Park (Closed)
  • Cedars Nature Centre
  • Cheshire Falconry Centre
  • Chessington Zoo
  • Chester Cathedral Falconry and Nature Gardens
  • Chester Zoo
  • Chestnut Centre Conservation & Wildlife Park
  • Chew Valley Animal Park
  • Clacton Pier Dolphinarium (Closed)
  • Colchester Zoo
  • Combe Martin Wildlife & Dinosaur Park
  • Cornish Birds of Prey Centre
  • Cotebrook Shire Horse Centre
  • Cotswold Falconry Centre
  • Cotswold Wildlife Park and Gardens
  • Crealy Great Adventure Park and Resort
  • Cricket St Thomas
  • Crocodiles of the World
  • Croxteth Home Farm
  • Crystal Palace Park Farm
  • Curraghs Wildlife Park
  • Dartmoor Zoo
  • Dawlish Warren National Nature Reserve
  • Deep Sea World
  • Donna Nook National Nature Reserve
  • Drayton Manor Theme Park
  • Drusillas Park
  • Dudley Zoological Gardens
  • Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
  • Eagle Heights
  • Earnley Butterflies, Birds and Beasts
  • Earsham Wetland Centre
  • Edinburgh Zoo
  • Exotic Pet Refuge
  • Fenn Bell Zoo
  • Fife Animal Park (Closed)
  • Filey Bird Garden and Animal Park
  • Five Sisters Zoo Park
  • Flamingo Land
  • Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park (Closed)
  • Gatwick Zoo (Closed)
  • Gauntlet Birds of Prey Eagle and Vulture Park
  • Gentleshaw Wildlife Centre
  • Glasgow Zoo (Closed)
  • Golders Hill Park and Zoo
  • Grangewood Zoo
  • Green Dragon Eco Farm
  • Hamerton Zoo Park
  • Hanwell Zoo
  • Harewood House
  • Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium
  • Hawk Conservancy Trust
  • Hazlehead Pets Corner
  • Hemsley Conservation Centre
  • Heythrop Zoo
  • Highland Wildlife Park
  • Hillside Bird Garden
  • Hobbledown Adventure Farm Park and Zoo
  • Horniman Museum and Gardens
  • Howletts Wild Animal Park
  • Hunstanton Sea Life Sanctuary
  • Ilfracombe Aquarium
  • International Centre for Birds of Prey - Dunscombe Park
  • International Centre for Birds of Prey - Newent
  • Jimmy's Farm & Wildlife Park
  • Johnsons of Old Hurst
  • Kielder Water Birds of Prey Centre
  • King Cobra Sanctuary
  • Kirkleatham Owl Centre
  • Knowsley Safari Park
  • Lake District Coast Aquarium - Maryport
  • Lake District Wildlife Park
  • Lakeland Bird of Prey Centre
  • Lakeland Wildlife Oasis
  • Lakes Aquarium
  • Lambton Lion Park (Closed)
  • Laverstoke Park Farm
  • Lenwade Zoo (Closed)
  • Leopard and Goat Farm
  • Liberty's Owl, Raptor and Reptile Centre
  • Lincolnshire Wildlife Park
  • Linton Zoological Gardens
  • Living Coasts (Closed)
  • Llanelli WWT National Wetlands Centre
  • London Butterfly House (Closed)
  • London Tropical Zoo
  • London Wetland Centre WWT
  • Longleat Safari & Adventure Park
  • Lotherton Hall
  • Mablethorpe Seal Sanctuary and Wildlife Centre
  • Macduff Marine Aquarium
  • Manchester Museum
  • Manchester Zoo
  • Manor House Wildlife Park
  • Marineland - Morecambe (Closed)
  • Martin Mere WWT
  • Marwell Wildlife
  • Matlock Bath Aquarium
  • Mole Hall Wildlife Park
  • Monkey Haven
  • Monkey World Ape Rescue Centre
  • Moss Bank Park Animal World (Closed)
  • Mull Aquarium
  • Muncaster World Owl Trust
  • National Marine Aquarium
  • National Museum of Scotland
  • National Seal Sanctuary
  • Natural History Museum
  • New Forest Reptile Centre
  • New Forest Wildlife Park
  • Newquay Zoo
  • Noah's Ark Zoo Farm
  • North East Falconry Centre
  • North Somerset Bird of Prey Centre
  • Northumberland College Zoo
  • Northumberland Country Zoo
  • Paignton Zoo
  • Palms Tropical Oasis
  • Paradise Park
  • Paradise Wildlife Park
  • Paultons Park
  • Peak Wildlife Park
  • Pensthorpe Nature Reserve
  • Pili Palas Butterfly Bird and Minibeast Palace
  • Pleasurewood Hills
  • Plymouth Zoo (Closed)
  • Ponderosa Zoo
  • Porfell Wildlife Park and Sanctuary
  • Port Lympne Wild Animal Park
  • Portsmouth Blue Reef Aquarium
  • Rare Species Conservation Centre
  • Reaseheath Mini Zoo
  • Rhyl SeaQuarium
  • Riber Castle Wildlife Park (Closed)
  • Rodbaston Animal Zone
  • Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
  • RSPB Sandwell Valley
  • Rutland Zoo
  • Sandwich Wildlife Park
  • Scottish Deer Centre
  • Scottish Owl Centre
  • Scottish SEA LIFE Sanctuary
  • Screech Owl Sanctuary
  • Sea Life Adventure
  • SEA LIFE Birmingham
  • SEA LIFE Blackpool
  • SEA LIFE Brighton
  • SEA LIFE Great Yarmouth
  • SEA LIFE Loch Lomond
  • SEA LIFE London Aquarium
  • SEA LIFE Manchester
  • SEA LIFE Scarborough
  • SEA LIFE Weymouth
  • SeaQuarium Clacton Pier
  • Seaview Wildlife Encounter
  • Secret World Wildlife Rescue
  • Sewerby Zoo
  • Shaldon Wildlife Trust
  • Shepreth Wildlife Park
  • Shorelands Wildlife Gardens
  • Skegness Natureland Seal Sanctuary
  • Sleepy Hollow Farm Park
  • Slimbridge WWT
  • Small breeds Farm Park and Owl Centre
  • Smithills Open Farm
  • South Lakes Wild Animal Park
  • Southampton Zoo (Closed)
  • Southport Zoo (Closed)
  • St. Andrews Aquarium
  • Stanley Zoo (Closed)
  • Stratford-Upon-Avon Butterfly Farm
  • Tamar Otter & Wildlife Centre
  • The Ark Animal Sanctuary
  • The Cat Survival Trust
  • The Falconry Centre, Hagley
  • The Island Parrot Sanctuary
  • The Isle of Wight Reptilarium
  • The Living Rainforest
  • The Magic of Life Butterfly House
  • The Raptor Foundation
  • The Tropical Forest
  • The Welsh Owl Garden and Zoo
  • Bristol Zoo Project
  • Thirsk Birds of Prey Centre
  • Thrigby Hall Wildlife Gardens
  • Tilgate Nature Centre
  • Trentham Monkey Forest
  • Tring Natural History Museum
  • Tropical Birdland
  • Tropical Butterfly House
  • Tropical Wings Zoo (Closed)
  • Tropical World
  • Tropiquaria
  • Trotters World of Animals (Old)
  • Twycross Zoo
  • Tynemouth Blue Reef Aquarium
  • UK Wolf Conservation Trust
  • Vale Wildlife Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre
  • Ventura Wildlife Park
  • Waddesdon Manor Aviary
  • Wales Ape & Monkey Sanctuary
  • Walton Hall Children's Zoo
  • Washington Wetland Centre
  • Watatunga Wildlife Reserve
  • Wellplace Zoo (Closed)
  • Welsh Hawking Centre
  • Welsh Mountain Zoo
  • West Midland Safari and Leisure Park
  • Weston-Super-Mare SeaQuarium
  • Wetlands Wildlife Park
  • Wickid Pets Animal Adventure
  • Wicksteed Park
  • Wild Animal Adventures
  • Wild Discovery
  • Wild Zoological Park
  • Wildheart Animal Sanctuary
  • Wildlife Heritage Foundation
  • Wildwood Discovery Park
  • Wildwood Escot
  • Windsor Safari Park (Closed)
  • Wingham Wildlife Park
  • Wingz Bird and Animal Sanctuary
  • Woburn Safari Park
  • Wolds Wildlife Park
  • Woodlands Leisure Park
  • Woodside Wildlife and Falconry Park
  • World Museum Liverpool
  • York Bird Of Prey Centre
  • Yorkshire Dales Falconry Centre
  • Yorkshire Wildlife Park
  • ZSL London Zoo
  • ZSL Whipsnade Zoo
  • Canada - Other
  • Canada - Wildlife
  • African Lion Safari
  • Alberta Birds of Prey Foundation
  • Aquarium of Quebec
  • Assiniboine Park Zoo
  • BC Wildlife Park
  • Bioparc de la Gaspésie
  • Bird Kingdom
  • Bloedel Conservatory
  • Border City Petting Zoo (Closed)
  • Bow Habitat Station Discovery Centre
  • Bowmanville Zoo (Closed)
  • Brantford Twin Valley Zoo
  • Brockville Aquatarium
  • Buffaloland Provincial Park
  • Butterfly World & Gardens, Coombs
  • Calgary Zoo
  • Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory
  • Canadian Raptor Conservancy
  • Caribou Crossing Trading Post
  • Cherry Brook Zoo (Closed)
  • Chinguacousy Park Petting Zoo
  • Club Regent Casino Aquarium
  • Cochrane Polar Bear Habitat
  • Discovery Wildlife Park
  • Ecomuseum Zoo
  • Edmonton Valley Zoo
  • Elmvale Jungle Zoo
  • Falardeau Zoo
  • Far Enough Farm
  • Fauna Foundation
  • Greater Vancouver Zoo
  • Greenview Aviaries Park & Zoo
  • Grouse Mountain Wildlife Refuge
  • GuZoo Animal Farm (Closed)
  • High Park Zoo
  • Indian River Reptile Zoo
  • Jungle Cat World
  • Jurassic Bart's Dinosaur Museum and Petting Farm
  • Kangaroo Creek Farm
  • Ken Jen Petting Zoo
  • Killman Zoo
  • Kluane Museum of History
  • Little Big Bear Safari
  • Magnetic Hill Zoo
  • Marineland Canada
  • Montreal Biodome
  • Montreal Botanical Garden
  • Moose Jaw Wild Animal Park (Closed)
  • Mountain View Conservation & Breeding Centre
  • Mountsberg Conservation Area
  • Newfoundland Insectarium
  • Niagara Parks Greenhouse
  • North Island Wildlife Recovery Association
  • Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre
  • O.W.L. Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society
  • Oaklawn Farm Zoo
  • Ontario Science Centre
  • Ottawa Insectarium
  • Pacific Undersea Gardens (Closed)
  • Parc Safari
  • Parrot Island Sanctuary
  • Polar Park (Closed)
  • Ripley's Aquarium of Canada
  • Riverview Park & Zoo
  • Royal Alberta Museum
  • Royal Ontario Museum
  • Royal Tyrrell Museum
  • Safari Niagara
  • Safari Zoo Camp
  • Salmonier Nature Park
  • Saskatoon Forestry Farm and Zoo
  • Sauvage Zoo of St-Félicien
  • Scales Nature Park
  • Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre
  • Shubenacadie Wildlife Park
  • Stanley Bridge Marine Aquarium
  • Steel City Safari
  • Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary
  • Taquanyah Nature Centre
  • The Butterfly House
  • The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada
  • The Fluvarium
  • The Reptile Guy
  • Toronto Zoo
  • Turda Farms
  • Two Rivers Wildlife Park
  • Ucluelet Aquarium
  • Vancouver Aquarium
  • Victoria Bug Zoo
  • Victoria Butterfly Gardens
  • Waterford Deer Park
  • Waterloo Park
  • West Edmonton Mall
  • Westman Reptile Gardens
  • Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre
  • Yukon Wildlife Preserve
  • Zoo Académie
  • Zoo de Granby
  • Zoo St-Édouard (Closed)
  • Mexico - Other
  • Mexico - Wildlife
  • Acuario Inbursa de la Ciudad de Mexico
  • Acuario Interactivo Cancun
  • Acuario Michin
  • Africam Safari
  • Aluxes Ecoparque Palenque
  • Chapultepec Ecological Park
  • Chapultepec Zoo
  • Crococun Zoo
  • Dolphin Discovery Isla Mujeres
  • Municipal Zoo of Guadalajara
  • Museo de Historia Natural y Cultura Ambiental de Mexico
  • Parque Ecológico El Palapo
  • Parque Regional de Colima
  • Parque Yumka
  • Parque Zoológico del Centenario
  • Pepes Tiger Zoo
  • Tijuana Zoo
  • Xcaret Park
  • Zoofari Mexico
  • Zoologico Bio Universo Chetumal
  • Zoológico de Irapuato
  • Zoológico de Morelia
  • Zoológico de San Juan de Aragón
  • Zoológico de Zacango
  • Zoológico del Altiplano
  • Zoológico Guadalajara
  • Zoológico Los Coyotes
  • Zoológico Miguél Álvarez del Toro
  • Zoologico Nezahaulcoyotl Parque del Pueblo
  • United States - Other
  • United States - Wildlife
  • 3 Palms Zoo
  • Abilene Zoo
  • ABQ Biopark Aquarium
  • ABQ Biopark BUGarium
  • ABQ BioPark Zoo
  • Abrams Animal Farm
  • Academy of Natural Sciences
  • Action Wildlife
  • Adirondack Animal Land
  • Adirondack Wildlife Refuge
  • Adventure Aquarium
  • Africa USA California (Closed)
  • African Safari Wildlife Park
  • Aggieland Safari
  • Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo
  • Alameda Park Zoo
  • Alaska Museum of Science and Nature
  • Alaska SeaLife Center
  • Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
  • Alexandria Zoological Park
  • Alligator Adventure
  • Alligator Alley
  • Amarillo Zoo
  • America's Teaching Zoo
  • American International Rattlesnake Museum
  • American Museum of Natural History
  • Anello's Torch Lite Petting Farm
  • Animal Adventure Park
  • Animal Adventures Family Zoo & Rescue Center
  • Animal Gardens Petting Zoo
  • Animal Haven Zoo
  • Animal Kingdom Zoo (Closed)
  • Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo
  • Anne Kolb Nature Center
  • Ansonia Nature and Recreation Center
  • Aquarium at the Boardwalk
  • Aquarium of Boise
  • Aquarium of Niagara
  • Aquarium of the Bay
  • Aquarium of the Pacific
  • Aquarius Aquarium
  • Ararat Ridge Zoo at Ark Encounter
  • Arbuckle Wilderness
  • Arizona Museum of Natural History
  • Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
  • Arkansas Alligator Farm and Petting Zoo
  • Arnold's Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (Closed)
  • Atlanta Botanical Gardens
  • Atlantic City Aquarium
  • Audubon Aquarium of the Americas
  • Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium (Closed)
  • Audubon Center for Birds of Prey
  • Audubon RI Nature Center and Aquarium
  • Audubon Sharon
  • Audubon Zoo
  • Austin Aquarium
  • Austin Nature and Science Center
  • Austin Zoo & Animal Sanctuary
  • B. Bryan Preserve
  • Babby Farms
  • Back to Nature Wildlife Refuge
  • Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum
  • Ballyhoo Petting Zoo
  • Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Bayou Wildlife Zoo
  • Bays Mountain Park and Planetarium
  • Bear Country USA
  • Bear Creek Pioneers Park
  • Bear Den Zoo and Petting Farm
  • Bear Mountain State Park
  • Bearizona Wildlife Park
  • Beaver Springs Park Aquarium
  • Beavertail Aquarium
  • Bee City Zoo
  • Bell Museum
  • Belle Isle Aquarium
  • Belle Isle Nature Center
  • Bergen County Zoo
  • Big Bear Alpine Zoo
  • Big Cat Habitat and Gulf Coast Sanctuary
  • Big Cat Rescue
  • Big Joel's Safari
  • Binder Park Zoo
  • Biomes Marine Biology Center
  • Birch Aquarium
  • Birmingham Zoo (Alabama)
  • Blandford Nature Center
  • Blank Park Zoo
  • Blue Hills Trailside Museum
  • Bluebird Gap Farm
  • Bolsa Chica Conservancy’s Interpretive Center
  • Boonshoft Museum of Discovery
  • Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park
  • Bramble Park Zoo
  • Brandywine Zoo
  • Branson’s Wild World
  • BREC's Baton Rouge Zoo
  • Brecksville Nature Center
  • Bremerton Bug and Reptile Museum
  • Brevard Zoo
  • Briar Bush Nature Center
  • Briarwood Ranch Safari Park
  • Brigham Young University Museum of Paleontology
  • Brights Zoo
  • Brookfield Zoo
  • Bruemmer Park Zoo
  • Buena Vista Museum of Natural History & Science
  • Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge
  • Buffalo Zoo
  • Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture
  • Busch Gardens California (Closed)
  • Busch Gardens Tampa
  • Busch Gardens Texas (Closed)
  • Busch Gardens Williamsburg
  • Busch Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Butterfly Gardens of Wisconsin
  • Butterfly House
  • Butterfly House & Aquarium
  • Butterfly Pavilion
  • Butterfly Rainforest
  • Butterfly Wonderland
  • Butterfly World
  • Buttonwood Park Zoo
  • Cabrillo Marine Aquarium
  • Caldwell Zoo
  • Caledonia Zoological Park
  • California Academy of Sciences
  • California Living Museum
  • California Raptor Center
  • California Science Center
  • California Wolf Center
  • Calusa Nature Center
  • Camel Safari
  • Cameron Park Zoo
  • CanalWay Center
  • Cape May County Park & Zoo
  • Capital of Texas Zoo
  • Capron Park Zoo
  • Carnegie Museum of Natural History
  • Carolina Raptor Center
  • Carson Springs Wildlife Conservation Foundation
  • Cascades Raptor Center
  • Cat Haven Wild Animal Park
  • Cat Tales Zoological Park
  • Catalina Island Bird Park (Closed)
  • Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo
  • Catskill Game Farm (Closed)
  • Cedar Cove Feline Conservatory & Sanctuary
  • Centennial Museum and Chihuahuan Desert Gardens
  • Center for Animal Research & Education
  • Center for Great Apes
  • Center for Science Teaching and Learning
  • Center of Science and Industry (COSI)
  • Central Coast Aquarium
  • Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens
  • Central Park Zoo
  • Chahinkapa Zoo
  • Charles Paddock Zoo
  • Charles Towne Landing
  • Charmingfare Farm
  • Chattanooga Zoo
  • Chehaw Park & Zoo
  • Cherokee Trace Drive Thru Safari
  • Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
  • Children's Aquarium and Exploration Center of GFR (Closed)
  • Children's Aquarium at Fair Park Dallas
  • Chiricahua Desert Museum
  • Christenson Natural Wildlife Center
  • Cibola National Wildlife Refuge
  • Cicchelli Second Chance Rescue And Exotics
  • Cincinnati Museum Center
  • Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
  • Circus World Museum
  • Claws 'N' Paws Animal Park
  • Clay Center Zoo
  • Clearwater Marine Aquarium
  • Cleveland Aquarium (Closed)
  • Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
  • Cleveland Museum of Natural History
  • Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife
  • Cochran Mill Nature Center (Closed)
  • Cohanzick Zoo
  • Columbia Gorge Discovery Center & Museum
  • Columbian Park Zoo
  • Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
  • Como Park Zoo and Conservatory
  • Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo
  • Conservancy of Southwest Florida
  • Coral World Ocean Park
  • Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History
  • Cougar Mountain Zoo
  • Cox Science Center and Aquarium
  • Crandon Park Zoo (Closed)
  • Creation Kingdom Zoo
  • Critchlow Alligator Sanctuary
  • CuriOdyssey
  • Cypress Zoo & Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
  • Daggerwing Nature Center
  • Dallas Museum of Natural History (Closed)
  • Dallas Museum of Nature & Science (Closed)
  • Dallas World Aquarium
  • David Traylor Zoo
  • Deer Forest Exotic Animal Sanctuary (Closed)
  • Deer Tracks Junction
  • Delmarva Discovery Center & Museum
  • Denver Museum of Nature & Science
  • Detroit Zoo
  • DeYoung Family Zoo
  • Dickerson Park Zoo
  • Didier Farms
  • Discovery Cove
  • Discovery Place Nature
  • Discovery World: Reiman Aquarium
  • Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge
  • Disney's Animal Kingdom® Park
  • Disney's Typhoon Lagoon
  • Doheny State Beach Interpretative Center & Aquarium
  • Dolphin Research Center
  • Dolphinaris Arizona (Closed)
  • Donald R. Dickey Bird and Mammal Collection
  • Downtown Aquarium Denver
  • Downtown Aquarium Houston
  • Downtown Aquarium Kemah
  • Downtown Aquarium Nashville
  • Dr. Antonio "Tony" Gennaro Natural History Museum
  • Duke Lemur Center
  • DuPont Nature Center
  • East Texas Zoo & Gator Park
  • ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain
  • EFBC’s Feline Conservation Center
  • Eight Point Ranch
  • El Dorado Nature Center
  • El Paso Zoo
  • El Rancho Exotica
  • Electric City Aquarium & Reptile Den
  • Elephant Sanctuary
  • Ellen Trout Zoo
  • Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park
  • Elmwood Park Zoo
  • Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge
  • Emerald Forest Bird Gardens
  • Enchanted Village (Closed)
  • Endangered Wolf Center
  • Environmental Nature Center
  • Everglades Alligator Farm
  • Everglades Outpost Wildlife Rescue
  • Everglades Safari Park
  • Everglades Wonder Gardens
  • Exotic Animal Paradise (Closed)
  • Exotic Bird Sanctuary
  • Exotic Feline Breeding Compound
  • Exotic Feline Rescue Center
  • Farmony's Safari Edventure (Closed)
  • Fawn-Doe-Rosa Wildlife Educational Park
  • Field Museum of Natural History
  • Flamingo Gardens
  • Flamingo Wildlife Habitat
  • Flandrau Science Center & Planetarium
  • Flint RiverQuarium
  • Florida Aquarium
  • Florida Keys Aquarium Encounters
  • Florida Museum of Natural History
  • Florida Oceanographic Coastal Center
  • Florida Teaching Zoo
  • Folsom City Zoo Sanctuary
  • Fontenelle Forest Nature Center
  • Forest Animal Rescue
  • Forever Florida (Closed)
  • Forever Wild Exotic Animal Sanctuary
  • Fort Rickey Discovery Zoo
  • Fort Wayne Children's Zoo
  • Fort Worth Museum of Science & History
  • Fort Worth Zoo
  • Forty South Farm and Zoo (Closed)
  • Fossil Discovery Center of Madera County
  • Fossil Rim Wildlife Center
  • Fox River Environmental Education Alliance (Closed)
  • Frank Buck Zoo
  • Franklin Drive Thru Safari
  • Franklin Park Zoo
  • Frederik Meijer Gardens Butterfly House
  • Free Flight Exotic Bird Sanctuary
  • Fresno Chaffee Zoo
  • G.T. Butterfly House & Bug Zoo
  • Gabbert Raptor Center
  • Garfield Park Reservation
  • Garlyn Zoo Wildlife Park
  • Garrison Dam National Fish Hatchery
  • Garth & Jerri Frehner Museum of Natural History
  • Gator Country
  • Gator Golf Adventure Park
  • Gators & Friends Alligator Park & Exotic Zoo
  • Gaylord Palms
  • Georgia Aquarium
  • Gibbon Conservation Center
  • Giraffe Ranch
  • Glacier Ridge Animal Farm (Closed)
  • Gladys Porter Zoo
  • Gone Wild Safari
  • Gorman Nature Center
  • Grant's Farm
  • Great Bend-Brit Spaugh Zoo
  • Great Cats World Park
  • Great Lakes Aquarium
  • Great Plains Zoo and Delbridge Museum of Natural History
  • Great Valley Museum
  • Greater Cleveland Aquarium
  • Greensboro Science Center
  • Greenville Zoo
  • Griffith Park Zoo (Closed)
  • Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center
  • Gulf Breeze Zoo
  • Gulf Specimen Marine Lab
  • Gulf World Marine Park
  • Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park
  • Gumbo Limbo Nature Center
  • GW Exotic Animal Park (Closed)
  • Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve
  • Happy Hollow Park & Zoo
  • Harvard Museum of Natural History
  • Hatfield Marine Science Center
  • Hattiesburg Zoo
  • Hawk Creek Wildlife Center
  • Heal the Bay Aquarium
  • Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Hefner Zoology Museum
  • Hemker Park & Zoo
  • Henry Vilas Zoo
  • Henson Robinson Zoo
  • Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary
  • Herps Alive Foundation
  • Hesperia Zoo
  • High Desert Museum
  • Hillcrest Park Zoo
  • Hobe Sound Nature Center
  • Holtsville Wildlife & Ecology Center
  • Honolulu Zoo
  • Houston Museum of Natural Science
  • Houston Zoo
  • Hovatter's Wildlife Zoo
  • Howell Nature Center: Wild Wonders Wildlife Park
  • Hudson River Park's River Project Wetlab
  • Hueston Woods Nature Center
  • Hutchinson Zoo
  • Idaho Falls Zoo at Tautphaus Park
  • Idaho Museum of Natural History
  • Indian Creek Zoo
  • Indianapolis Zoo
  • Inks Dam National Fish Hatchery
  • Institute for Marine Mammal Studies
  • InSync Exotics Wildlife Rescue & Educational Center
  • International Crane Foundation
  • International Exotic Animal Sanctuary
  • International Wildlife Museum
  • International Wolf Center
  • Irvine Park and Zoo
  • Jack R. Facente Serpentarium
  • Jackson Zoo
  • Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens
  • Japanese Village and Deer Park (Closed)
  • Jenkinson's Aquarium
  • Jo-Don Farms (Closed)
  • John Ball Zoo
  • John D. Cooper Archaeological and Paleontological Center
  • John E. Conner Museum
  • Johnson Park Animal Haven (Closed)
  • Jungle Adventures
  • Jungle Island
  • K-State Insect Zoo
  • Kansas City Zoo
  • Kansas Fishes Aquarium
  • Keepers of the Wild
  • Kentucky Down Under Adventure Zoo
  • Kentucky Reptile Zoo
  • Key West Aquarium
  • Keystone Safari
  • Kings Island Wild Animal Habitat (Closed)
  • Kisma Preserve
  • Lagoon Deer Park
  • Lake County Farmpark
  • Lake Erie Nature & Science Center
  • Lake Superior Zoo
  • Lake Tobias Wildlife Park
  • Lakeside Nature Center
  • Lakewood Zoo (Closed)
  • Lana Bella Alpaca Farm
  • Large Animal Research Station
  • Larry Johnson's Place
  • Las Cruces Museum of Nature & Science
  • Las Vegas Natural History Museum
  • Las Vegas Zoo (Closed)
  • Laura Quinn Wild Bird Sanctuary
  • Lazy 5 Ranch
  • Lee G. Simmons Conservation Park and Wildlife Safari
  • Lee Richardson Zoo
  • Leesburg Animal Park
  • Lehigh Valley Zoo
  • Lemur Conservation Foundation
  • Liberty Science Center
  • Lincoln Children's Zoo
  • Lincoln Park Zoo
  • Lindsay Wildlife Experience
  • Lion Country Safari
  • Lion Country Safari California (Closed)
  • Lion Habitat Ranch
  • Little Ponderosa Zoo and Rescue
  • Little Rock Zoo
  • Living Coast Discovery Center
  • Living Desert Zoo and Gardens State Park
  • Living Shores Aquarium
  • Living Treasures Wild Animal Park Laurel Highlands
  • Living Treasures Wild Animal Park Moraine
  • Livingston Ripley Waterfowl Conservancy
  • Loggerhead Marinelife Center
  • Lone Elk County Park
  • Long Island Aquarium and Exhibition Center
  • Long Island Game Farm Wildlife Park & Children's Zoo
  • Los Angeles Zoo & Botanical Gardens
  • Louisiana Purchase Gardens & Zoo
  • Louisville Zoo
  • Loveland Living Planet Aquarium
  • Lowcountry Zoo
  • Lubee Bat Conservancy
  • Lynnwood Park Zoo
  • MacKenzie Center
  • Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
  • Maine State Aquarium
  • Maine Wildlife Park
  • Manitowoc Lincoln Park Zoo
  • Maria Mitchell Association Aquarium
  • Marine Life Center
  • Marine Mammal Care Center
  • Marine Park Salt Marsh & Nature Center
  • Marine Science and Technology Center
  • Marine Science Center
  • Marineland Dolphin Adventure
  • Marineland of the Pacific (Closed)
  • Martin and Osa Johnson Safari Museum
  • Maui Ocean Center
  • Maxine and Jesse Whitney Museum
  • Mayborn Museum Complex
  • McCarthy Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Memphis Zoo
  • Menominee Park Zoo
  • Merced's Applegate Park Zoo
  • Mesalands Community College's Dinosaur Museum & Natural Sciences Laboratory
  • Mesker Park Zoo and Botanic Garden
  • Messinger Wood Wildlife Care and Education Center
  • Metro Richmond Zoo
  • MGM Grand Lion Habitat (Closed)
  • Miami Seaquarium
  • Micanopy Zoological Preserve
  • Michigan Whitetail Hall of Fame Museum
  • Micke Grove Zoo
  • Mill Mountain Zoo
  • Miller Park Zoo
  • Milwaukee County Zoo
  • Milwaukee Public Museum
  • Minnesota Zoo
  • Mississippi Aquarium
  • Missouri Botanical Garden
  • Monkey Jungle
  • Monroe Reptile Zoo
  • Montana Grizzly Encounter
  • Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • Monterey Zoo
  • Montgomery Zoo
  • Moody Gardens
  • Moonridge Animal Park (Closed)
  • Morrison Knudsen Nature Center
  • Morro Bay Aquarium (Closed)
  • Mote Marine Laboratory
  • Mount Dora Aquarium
  • Museum of Discovery and Science
  • Museum of Life and Science
  • Museum of Northern Arizona
  • Museum of Osteology
  • Museum of Science (Boston)
  • Museum of Science and Industry (Tampa)
  • Museum of Texas Tech University
  • Museum of the Big Bend
  • Musk Ox Farm
  • Myrtle Beach Safari
  • Mystic Aquarium
  • Nashville Zoo
  • Natchitoches Alligator Park
  • National Aquarium in Baltimore
  • National Aquarium in Washington (Closed)
  • National Aviary
  • National Marine Life Center
  • National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium
  • National Park Aquarium (Closed)
  • Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch
  • Natural Bridge Zoo
  • Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
  • Natural History Museum of Utah
  • Natural Science Center of Greensboro
  • Nature and Raptor Center of Pueblo
  • Nature Center of Cape May
  • Navajo Nation Zoo
  • New England Aquarium
  • New York Aquarium
  • Newport Aquarium
  • NGALA Wildlife Preserve
  • Noah's Ark Animal Sanctuary
  • Noah's Lost Ark
  • North American Bear Center
  • North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher
  • North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores
  • North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island
  • North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
  • North Carolina Zoo
  • North Chagrin Nature Center
  • North Florida Wildlife Center
  • Northcoast Marine Mammal Center
  • Northeastern Wisconsin Zoo & Adventure Park
  • Northwest Arkansas Reptile Museum (Closed)
  • Northwest Trek Wildlife Park
  • O. Orkin Insect Zoo
  • Oakland Zoo
  • Oatland Island Wildlife Center
  • Ocean Institute at Dana Point
  • Ocean World
  • Ochsner Park Zoo
  • OdySea Aquarium
  • Oglebay Good Zoo
  • Ohio Bird Sanctuary
  • Okeeheelee Nature Center
  • Oklahoma Aquarium
  • Oklahoma City Zoo
  • Oleson Park Zoo (Closed)
  • Olympic Game Farm
  • Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo
  • Open Door Bird Sanctuary
  • Orange County Zoo
  • Oregon Coast Aquarium
  • Oregon Undersea Gardens (Closed)
  • Organization for Bat Conservation (Closed)
  • Orton Geological Museum
  • Oswald's Bear Ranch
  • Out Of Africa Wildlife Park
  • Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History
  • Pacific Marine Mammal Center
  • Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits
  • Palm Beach Zoo
  • Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo
  • Pana'ewa Rainforest Zoo and Gardens
  • Panhandle Plains Historical Museum
  • Panther Ridge Conservation Center
  • Paradise Park - Hawaii (closed)
  • Parker Manatee Aquarium
  • Parrot Mountain and Gardens
  • Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science
  • Peace Reserve
  • Peace River Wildlife Center
  • Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
  • Pelican Harbor Seabird Station
  • Penitentiary Glen Nature Center and Wildlife Center
  • Pennsylvania Bat Rescue
  • Perot Museum of Nature and Science
  • Pete's Safari
  • Petting Zoo Ocala
  • Philadelphia Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion
  • Philadelphia Zoo
  • Phillips Park Zoo
  • Phoenix Herpetological Society
  • Phoenix Zoo
  • Pier Aquarium (Closed)
  • Pine Grove Zoo
  • Pioneer Park
  • Pioneer Park Aviary
  • Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium
  • Plains Conservation Center
  • Plumpton Park Zoo
  • Pocono Snake & Animal Farm
  • Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
  • Popcorn Park Zoo
  • Port Townsend Marine Science Center
  • Portland Aquarium (Closed)
  • Potawatomi Zoo
  • Potter Park Zoo
  • Powder Valley Nature Center
  • Prairie Homestead
  • Pratt Museum and Park
  • Prehistoric Pets
  • Promised Land Zoo
  • Prospect Park Zoo
  • Puget Sound Estuarium
  • Quogue Wildlife Refuge
  • R LAZY J Wildlife Ranch
  • Rainforest Adventures
  • Ralph B. Clark Regional Park
  • Ralph Mitchell Zoo
  • Ramsey Park Zoo
  • Randall Oaks Zoo
  • Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology
  • Red River Zoo
  • Red Wolf Sanctuary
  • Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center
  • Reid Park Zoo
  • Reindeer Farm
  • Reptile & Amphibian Discovery Zoo
  • Reptile Discovery Center
  • Reptile Gardens
  • Reptile Lagoon
  • Reptile World Serpentarium
  • Richard H. Schmidt Museum of Natural History
  • Richardson Nature Center
  • Ripley's Aquarium Myrtle Beach
  • Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies
  • River Center
  • Riverbanks Zoo and Garden
  • Riverside Discovery Center
  • Riverside Metropolitan Museum
  • Riverside Reptiles Education Center
  • Rizzo's Wildlife World
  • Rocky River Nature Center
  • Roer's Zoofari
  • Roger Williams Park Museum of Natural History and Planetarium
  • Roger Williams Park Zoo
  • Rolling Hills Zoo
  • Roosevelt Park Zoo
  • Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch
  • Rosamond Gifford Zoo
  • Roscommon Zoo
  • Ross Park Zoo
  • Roundhouse Marine Studies Lab and Aquarium
  • Rowan Wildlife Adventures
  • Ruby Ranch Center of Biological Conservation
  • Sacramento Zoo
  • Safari Edventure (Closed)
  • Safari Lake Geneva
  • Safari North Wildlife Park
  • Safari West
  • Safari Wild Animal Park
  • Safari Wilderness
  • Saginaw Children's Zoo
  • Saint Louis Aquarium
  • Saint Louis Zoo
  • Salato Wildlife Education Center
  • Salisbury Zoo
  • Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
  • San Angelo Nature Center
  • San Antonio Aquarium
  • San Antonio Zoo
  • San Bernardino County Museum
  • San Diego Natural History Museum
  • San Diego Zoo
  • San Diego Zoo Safari Park
  • San Francisco Zoo
  • San Marcos Aquatic Resources Center
  • Sandoway Discovery Center
  • Santa Ana Zoo at Prentice Park
  • Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
  • Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Sea Center
  • Santa Barbara Zoo
  • Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History
  • Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
  • Sarasota Jungle Gardens
  • Savanahland Educational Park (Closed)
  • Save our Seabirds
  • Save the Bay Exploration Center & Aquarium
  • Sawgrass Nature Center
  • Sawgrass Recreation Park
  • Schramm Education Center
  • Scovill Zoo
  • SEA Discovery Center
  • SEA LIFE Arizona
  • SEA LIFE Carlsbad
  • SEA LIFE Charlotte-Concord
  • SEA LIFE Grapevine Aquarium
  • SEA LIFE Kansas City
  • SEA LIFE Michigan Aquarium
  • SEA LIFE Minnesota
  • SEA LIFE Orlando
  • Sea Life Park Hawaii
  • SeaQuest Roseville
  • SeaQuest Trumbull
  • SeaQuest Woodbridge
  • Seaside Aquarium
  • Seaside Seabird Sanctuary
  • Seattle Aquarium
  • SeaWorld Ohio (Closed)
  • SeaWorld Orlando
  • SeaWorld San Antonio
  • SeaWorld San Diego
  • Sedgwick County Zoo
  • Seneca Park Zoo
  • Sequoia Park Zoo
  • Serpentarium
  • Sewee Visitor & Environmental Education Center
  • Seymour Marine Discovery Center
  • Shadow Nursery (Closed)
  • Shalom Wildlife Zoo
  • Shamba Safari
  • Shambala Preserve
  • Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay
  • Sharkarosa Wildlife Ranch
  • Shedd Aquarium
  • Shell Factory and Nature Park
  • Shreveport Aquarium
  • Siegfried & Roy’s Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat
  • Sierra Safari Zoo
  • Silver Springs
  • Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
  • Six Flags Wild Safari
  • Skeletons: Museum of Osteology (Closed)
  • Slater Museum of Natural History
  • Slater Park Zoo (Closed)
  • Smithsonian National Zoo
  • Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History
  • South Carolina Aquarium
  • Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center
  • Southwick's Zoo
  • Space Farms Zoo and Museum
  • Special Memories Zoo (Closed)
  • Spring River Park and Zoo
  • Springs Preserve
  • Squam Lakes Natural Science Center
  • St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park
  • St. Augustine Aquarium
  • St. Lucie County Aquarium
  • STAR ECO Station Culver City
  • STAR ECO Station Rocklin (Closed)
  • Staten Island Zoo
  • Stearns Homestead
  • Sternberg Museum of Natural History
  • Stevens Point Herpetological Society
  • Sulphur Creek Nature Center
  • Summerfield Zoo
  • Sunken Gardens Florida
  • Sunrise Side Exotics & Nature Trail (Closed)
  • Superstition Serpentarium
  • Sweetbriar Nature Center
  • Sylvan Heights Bird Park
  • T&D's Cats of the World
  • Tallahassee Museum
  • Tamarack Nature Center
  • Tanganyika Wildlife Park
  • Tarpon Springs Aquarium and Animal Sanctuary
  • Teatown Lake Reservation
  • Tennessee Aquarium
  • Tennessee Safari Park
  • Teton Raptor Center
  • Texas Discovery Gardens
  • Texas Memorial Museum
  • Texas State Aquarium
  • The Bighorn Institute
  • The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature
  • The Center for Birds of Prey
  • The Children's Museum
  • The Creature Conservancy
  • The Exotic Resort Zoo
  • The Grand Canyon Deer Farm
  • The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens
  • The Marine Mammal Center
  • The Maritime Aquarium
  • The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore
  • The Natural History Museum of Santa Maria
  • The Peregrine Fund
  • The Preserve at Animal Adventure
  • The Raptor Trust
  • The Reptile Zoo
  • The Seas with Nemo and Friends at Epcot
  • The Texas Zoo
  • The Wetlands Institute
  • The Wild Animal Park
  • The Wild Animal Sanctuary
  • The Zoo in Forest Park and Education Center
  • Theater of the Sea
  • Thomas Condon Paleontology Center
  • Thompson Park
  • Tiger Creek Wildlife Refuge
  • Tiger Safari
  • Tiger World
  • Timbavati Wildlife Park
  • Tracy Aviary
  • Tracy Aviary's Jordan River Nature Center
  • Treasure Coast Wildlife Center
  • Tree Hill Nature Center
  • Trowbridge Creek Zoo
  • Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Tucson Petting Zoo
  • Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge
  • Turtle Back Zoo
  • Turtle Bay Exploration Park
  • Two Tails Ranch
  • Tybee Island Marine Science Center
  • UAF Large Animal Research Station
  • UAF Museum of the North
  • UC Riverside Entomology Research Museum
  • University of Colorado Museum of Natural History
  • University of Kansas Natural History Museum
  • University of Nebraska State Museum
  • Upper Newport Bay Interpretive Center
  • Upper Schuylkill Valley Park
  • Utah State University Eastern Prehistoric Museum
  • Uvalde National Fish Hatchery
  • Valley of the Kings Sanctuary & Retreat
  • Via Aquarium
  • Victor Valley Museum
  • Virginia Aquarium
  • Virginia Living Museum
  • Virginia Safari Park
  • Virginia Zoo
  • Waccatee Zoo (Closed)
  • Wagon Wheel Safari
  • Waikiki Aquarium
  • Washington Park Zoo
  • Washington State University Bear Center
  • Watershed Stewardship Center
  • Wellington Conservation Center
  • West Coast Game Park Safari
  • West Virginia State Wildlife Center
  • Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology
  • Western North Carolina Nature Center
  • Western Science Center
  • Westport Aquarium
  • Westwood Hills Nature Center
  • White Elk Ranch
  • White Oak Conservation Center
  • Wild Adventures Theme Park
  • Wild Florida
  • Wild Wilderness Drive-Through Safari (Closed)
  • Wildcat Bluff Nature Center
  • Wilderness Trails Zoo
  • Wilderness Walk Zoo
  • Wildlife Discovery Center
  • Wildlife Images Rehabilitation and Education Center
  • Wildlife Learning Center
  • Wildlife Prairie Park
  • Wildlife Safari
  • Wildlife West Nature Park
  • Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium
  • Wildwood Wildlife Park Zoo & Safari
  • Wildwood Zoo
  • Willowbrook Wildlife Center
  • Wilstem Wildlife Park
  • Wisconsin Big Cat Rescue
  • Wisconsin Deer Park
  • Wisconsin Rapids Municipal Zoo
  • Witte Museum
  • Wolf Haven International
  • Wolf Hollow
  • Wonders of Wildlife National Museum and Aquarium
  • Wood Lake Nature Center
  • Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge
  • Woodland Park Zoo
  • Woods Hole Science Aquarium
  • Wooten's Animal Sanctuary & Alligator Park
  • World Aquarium (Closed)
  • World Bird Sanctuary
  • World Museum of Natural History
  • World War I Memorial Park and Zoo
  • Wright Park Zoo
  • Yakima Valley Museum
  • Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
  • Yellow River Game Ranch (Closed)
  • Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Yellowstone Bear World
  • Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary
  • York's Wild Kingdom
  • Zollman Zoo
  • Zoo Atlanta
  • Zoo Knoxville
  • Zoo New York
  • Zoo Tampa at Lowry Park
  • Zoological Wildlife Conservation Center (Closed)
  • Zootah at Willow Park
  • ZooWorld Panama City Beach
  • Antigua and Barbuda - Other
  • Antigua and Barbuda - Wildlife
  • Argentina - Other
  • Argentina - Wildlife
  • Acuario Gastón Huysmans (Club de Pescadores)
  • Acuario Municipal de Mendoza
  • Aquarium Mar del Plata
  • Biocentro Iguazu
  • Mundo Marino
  • Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"
  • Museo del Fin del Mundo
  • Serpentario Centro Anaconda
  • Serpentario Machaqway
  • Tatu Carreta - Zoologico Abierto
  • Temaiken Bioparc
  • Zoo Córdoba
  • Buenos Aires Eco-Park
  • Zoologico de Mendoza
  • Bahamas - Other
  • Bahamas - Wildlife
  • Ardastra Gardens & Wildlife Conservation Centre
  • Atlantis Bahamas
  • Barbados - Other
  • Barbados - Wildlife
  • Barbados Wildlife Reserve
  • Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary
  • Belize - Other
  • Belize - Wildlife
  • Bermuda - Other
  • Bermuda - Wildlife
  • Bermuda Zoological Society
  • Bolivia - Other
  • Bolivia - Wildlife
  • Santa Cruz Zoo
  • Vesty Pakos Zoo
  • Brazil - Other
  • Brazil - Wildlife
  • Aparecida do Norte aquarium
  • Aquário de Paranaguá
  • Aquário Marinho do Rio de Janeiro
  • Aracaju Zoo
  • Arca do Noah
  • Belo Horizonte Zoo
  • Beto Carrero World Zoo
  • BioParque das Aves
  • BioParque do Rio
  • Bosque da Ciência
  • Brasilia Zoo
  • Centro de Primatologia do Rio de Janeiro (CPRJ)
  • Complexo Ambiental Cyro Gevaerd (Balneário Camboriú)
  • Goiânia Zoo
  • Gramado Zoo
  • Instituto Butantan
  • Museu Vivo Répteis da Caatinga
  • Natal Aquário
  • Nucleo de Pesquisa e Conservação de Cervídeos (NUPECCE)
  • Oceanic Aquarium
  • Park Zoo Sapucaia do Sul
  • Parque das Aves
  • Parque Ecológico A Tribuna
  • Parque Ecológico Voturuá
  • Parque Estadual do Rio Vermelho
  • Parque Estoril
  • Parque Zoobotânico Arruda Câmara
  • Parque Zoobotânico da Caatinga
  • Parque Zoobotânico de Brusque
  • Parque Zoobotânico Getúlio Vargas
  • Parque Zoológico Municipal Quinzinho de Barros
  • Passeio Publico (Curitiba)
  • Peruíbe Aquarium
  • Piracicaba Aquarium
  • Piracicaba Zoo
  • Portobello Safari Resort
  • Projeto Selva Viva
  • Santos Aquarium
  • São Bernardo Zoo
  • Sao Carlos Ecological Park in Brazil
  • São Paulo Aquarium
  • Sao Paulo Safari Park in Brazil
  • Tibagi Breeding Center
  • Ubatuba Aquarium
  • Volta Redonda Zoo
  • Zoo das Aves Poços de Caldas
  • ZOO Park da Montanha
  • Zoo Pomerode
  • Zoobotânico Teresina
  • Zoological Park of Sao Paulo
  • Zoológico Bosque Guarani
  • Zoologico de Campinas
  • Zoologico de Curitiba
  • Zoológico Municipal de Guarulhos
  • Zoologico Roberto Ribas Lange (Refugio Biologico Bela Vista)
  • ZooPark de Itatiba
  • Chile - Other
  • Chile - Wildlife
  • Santiago Zoo
  • Colombia - Other
  • Colombia - Wildlife
  • Acuario Rodadero
  • Aviario Nacional De Colombia
  • Bioparque la Reserva
  • Bioparque Los Ocarros
  • Bioparque Ukumari
  • Hacienda Napoles
  • Oceanario Islas del Rosario
  • Parque Jaime Duque
  • Recreational Park and Zoo Piscilago Colsubsidio
  • Refugio Villa Lorena (Closed)
  • Zoologico Cafam Melgar
  • Zoológico de Barranquilla
  • Zoologico de Cali
  • Zoológico de Pereira
  • Zoológico Santacruz
  • Costa Rica - Other
  • Costa Rica - Wildlife
  • Arenal Natura Ecological Park
  • La Paz Waterfall Gardens
  • Monteverde Herptarium in Costa Rica
  • The Bat Jungle
  • Tirimbina Biological Reserve
  • Zoológico Simón Bolívar
  • Cuba - Other
  • Cuba - Wildlife
  • Acuario Nacional de Cuba
  • Zoologico Nacional de Cuba
  • Dominica - Other
  • Dominica - Wildlife
  • Dominican Republic - Other
  • Dominican Republic - Wildlife
  • Parque Zoológico Nacional
  • Ecuador - Other
  • Ecuador - Wildlife
  • Bioparque Amaru
  • Charles Darwin Research Station
  • Ecozoo San Martín
  • Guayaquil Zoo
  • Falkland Islands - Other
  • Falkland Islands - Wildlife
  • Guatemala - Other
  • Guatemala - Wildlife
  • La Aurora Zoo
  • Honduras - Other
  • Honduras - Wildlife
  • Joya Grande Zoo y Ecoparque
  • Panama - Other
  • Panama - Wildlife
  • Parque Municipal Summit
  • Punta Culebra Nature Center
  • Centro de Investigación de Animales Silvestres
  • Paraguay - Other
  • Paraguay - Wildlife
  • Peru - Other
  • Peru - Wildlife
  • Amazonas Sueños del Momón Rescue Centre
  • Centro de Rescate Amazónico
  • Mariposario Iquitos
  • Parque de Las Leyendas
  • Parque Zoológico Huachipa
  • Pilpintuwasi Butterfly Farm & Amazon Animal Orphanage
  • Quistococha Zoo
  • Zoológico Inmaculada
  • Trinidad and Tobago - Other
  • Trinidad and Tobago - Wildlife
  • Asa Wright Nature Centre
  • Emperor Valley Zoo
  • Uruguay - Other
  • Uruguay - Wildlife
  • Bioparque Durazno
  • Bioparque M'Bopicuá
  • Parque Lecocq
  • Zoológico Villa Dolores
  • Venezuela - Other
  • Venezuela - Wildlife
  • Parque del Este
  • Bangladesh - Other
  • Bangladesh - Wildlife
  • Bhutan - Other
  • Bhutan - Wildlife
  • Brunei - Other
  • Brunei - Wildlife
  • Cambodia - Other
  • Cambodia - Wildlife
  • Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity
  • Banteay Srey Butterfly Centre
  • Phnom Tamao Zoological Park and Wildlife Rescue Center
  • China - Other
  • China - Wildlife
  • Badaling Wildlife Park
  • Beijing Aquarium
  • Beijing Wildlife Park
  • Beijing Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Center
  • Beijing Zoo
  • Blue Zoo Beijing
  • Changchun Zoo
  • Chengdu Panda Base
  • Chengdu Zanhuayuan Zoo
  • Chengdu Zoo
  • Chimelong Birds Park
  • Chimelong Ocean Kingdom
  • Chimelong Safari Park
  • Chongqing Science and Technology Museum
  • Chongqing Zoo
  • Dalian Forest Zoo
  • Guangzhou Zoological Garden
  • Guilin Seven Stars Park
  • Hangzhou Polar Ocean World
  • Hangzhou Safari Park
  • Hangzhou Zoo
  • Hongmei Park Aviary
  • Huangshan Wildlife Rescue Center
  • Jinan Wild World
  • Kashgar Zoo
  • Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology
  • Kunming Zoo
  • Lanzhou Zoo
  • Liuzhou Zoo
  • Maoming Forest Park
  • Museum of Biological Specimens BNU
  • Nanchang Zoo
  • Nanhaizi Milu Park
  • Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo
  • Nanjing Underwater World
  • Nanning Zoo
  • National Zoological Museum of China
  • Ningbo Youngor Zoo
  • Qingdao Aquarium
  • Qingdao Forest Wildlife World
  • Qingdao Haichang Polar Ocean Park
  • Qingdao Zoo
  • Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wildlife Zoo
  • Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wildlife Zoo in Xining
  • Qinhuangdao Wildlife Zoo
  • Quancheng Oulebao Polar Ocean World
  • Shanghai Changfeng Ocean World
  • Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park
  • Shanghai Natural History Museum
  • Shanghai Natural Wild Insect Kingdom
  • Shanghai Ocean Aquarium
  • Shanghai Wild Animal Park
  • Shanghai Zoo
  • Shanghai Zoo Breeding Center
  • Shehong Zoo
  • Shenyang Forest Zoological Garden
  • Shenzhen Safari Park
  • Shijiazhuang Zoo
  • Suzhou Forest Zoo
  • Suzhou Zoo (Closed)
  • Taihu Longemont Animal World
  • The Cube Oceanarium
  • The Paleozoological Museum of China
  • Tianjin Haichang Polar Ocean World
  • Tianjin Zoo
  • Urumqi Tianshan Zoo
  • Weihai Shendiaoshan Wildlife Park
  • Wolong Nature Reserve
  • Xiongsen Animal World
  • Yantai Haichang Whale Shark Aquarium
  • Yantai Nanshan Park Zoo
  • Yinchuan Zoo
  • Yunnan Wildlife Park
  • Zujia Museum of Biology, Fudan University
  • Hong Kong - Other
  • Hong Kong - Wildlife
  • Edward Youde Aviary
  • Hong Kong Wetland Park
  • Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens
  • Kadoorie Farm
  • Kowloon Park
  • Ocean Park Hong Kong
  • Tuen Mun Park Reptile House
  • Yuen Long Park Aviary
  • India - Other
  • India - Wildlife
  • Alipore Zoological Gardens
  • Assam State Zoo
  • Aurangabad Siddharth Garden Zoo
  • Bannerghatta Biological Park
  • Delhi National Zoological Park
  • Nainital Zoo
  • Nehru Zoological Park
  • Pilikula Zoo
  • Indonesia - Other
  • Indonesia - Wildlife
  • Bali Bird Park
  • Bali Safari and Marine Park
  • Bandung Zoological Garden
  • Safari Beach Jateng
  • Batu Secret Zoo
  • Bukittinggi Zoo
  • Eco Green Park
  • Gembira Loka Zoo
  • Jakarta Aquarium and Safari
  • Lembang Park and Zoo
  • Ocean Dream Samudra
  • Ragunan Zoo
  • Rimba Reptile Park
  • SeaWorld Ancol
  • Surabaya Zoo
  • Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
  • Taman Safari Bogor
  • Taman Safari II - Prigen
  • Japan - Other
  • Japan - Wildlife
  • Adventure World
  • Aqua Toto Gifu
  • Aqua World Ibaraki Oarai Aquarium
  • Aquamarine Fukushima
  • Asahiyama Zoo
  • Asamushi Aquarium
  • Atagawa Tropical & Alligator Garden
  • Enoshima Aquarium
  • Epson Aqua Park Shinagawa
  • Fukuoka Zoo
  • Fukuyama City Zoo
  • Hakoneen Aquarium
  • Hekinan Seaside Aquarium
  • Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens
  • Himeji Central Park
  • Inokashira Park Zoo
  • Ise Sea Paradise
  • Japan Monkey Centre
  • Japan Serow Center (Closed)
  • Kagoshima Aquarium
  • Kamogawa Sea World
  • Kanazawa Zoo
  • Katsurahama Aquarium
  • Kobe Animal Kingdom
  • Kobe Oji Zoo
  • Kyoto Aquarium
  • Kyoto Municipal Zoo
  • Maruyama Zoo
  • Miyajima Public Aquarium
  • Nagasaki Biopark
  • Nakagawa Aquatic Park
  • Noboribetsu Marine Park Nixe
  • Nogeyama Zoo
  • Notojima Aquarium
  • Numazu Deepsea Aquarium
  • Okazaki-City Higashi Koen Park and Mini-Zoo
  • Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium
  • Osaka Aquarium
  • Otaru Aquarium
  • Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium
  • Sabae Nishiyama Zoo
  • Sendai Umino-Mori Aquarium
  • Shinagawa Aquarium
  • Suma Aqualife Park
  • Sumida Aquarium
  • Sunshine Aquarium
  • Tennōji Zoo
  • Toba Aquarium
  • Tokyo Sea Life Park
  • Tokyo Tower Aquarium
  • Yamaguchi Safari Land
  • Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise
  • Laos - Other
  • Laos - Wildlife
  • Tat Kuang Si Bear Rescue Centre
  • Jardim da Flora Zoo
  • Macau - Other
  • Macau - Wildlife
  • Malaysia - Other
  • Malaysia - Wildlife
  • Aquaria KLCC
  • Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre
  • Coral Wonderland
  • Green Connection
  • Jongs Crocodile Farm and Zoo
  • Kinabatangan River Safari
  • Kuala Lumpur Bird Park
  • Kuching Aquarium
  • Langkawi Nature Park
  • Lok Kawi Wildlife Park
  • Melaka Bird Park
  • Melaka Butterfly Park
  • Melaka Crocodile Park
  • Penang Bird Park
  • Poring Hot Springs Tropical Garden & Butterfly Farm
  • Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre
  • Sungai Dusun Rhinoceros Conservation Centre
  • Taiping Zoo
  • UMS Aquarium and Marine Museum
  • Wildlife Fauna Janda Baik
  • Maldives - Other
  • Maldives - Wildlife
  • Mongolia - Other
  • Mongolia - Wildlife
  • Myanmar - Other
  • Myanmar - Wildlife
  • Freshwater Fish Kandawgyi Garden
  • Hlawga Park
  • Naypyitaw Zoo
  • Yadanabon Zoo
  • Nepal - Other
  • Nepal - Wildlife
  • Kathmandu Zoo
  • Bansra Gali Wildlife Park
  • Bird Park Islamabad
  • Islamabad Zoo
  • Karachi Zoo
  • Lalazar Wildlife Park
  • Pakistan - Other
  • Pakistan - Wildlife
  • Peshawar Zoo
  • Philippines - Other
  • Philippines - Wildlife
  • Bohol Python & Wildlife Park
  • Clark Safari and Adventure Park
  • Crocolandia Foundation
  • Manila Ocean Park
  • Negros Forests and Ecological Foundation
  • Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center
  • Palawan Wildlife Center
  • Tarsier Botanika
  • Xzootic Animal Park
  • Zoocolate Thrills
  • Singapore - Other
  • Singapore - Wildlife
  • Bird Paradise
  • Jurong Bird Park
  • Jurong Reptile Park (Closed)
  • Live Turtle and Tortoise Museum
  • Mandai Wildlife Reserve
  • Marine Life Park
  • River Wonders
  • Sentosa Animal Encounters
  • Sentosa Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom
  • Singapore Night Safari
  • Singapore Zoo
  • Underwaterworld Singapore
  • South Korea - Other
  • South Korea - Wildlife
  • COEX Aquarium
  • Dalseong Park Zoo
  • Everland Zoo
  • Jinyangho Zoo
  • Sri Lanka - Other
  • Sri Lanka - Wildlife
  • National Zoological Gardens of Sri Lanka
  • Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage
  • Taiwan - Other
  • Taiwan - Wildlife
  • Fonghuanggu Bird and Ecology Park,
  • Hsinchu Zoo
  • Leofoo Village Theme Park
  • National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium
  • Shoushan Zoo
  • Thailand - Other
  • Thailand - Wildlife
  • Aquaria Phuket
  • Bangkok Snake Farm
  • Bangpra Wildlife Breeding Centre
  • Bangsaen Aquarium
  • Chainat Bird Park
  • Chiang Mai Night Safari
  • Chiang Mai Zoo
  • Doi Tung Wildlife Breeding Center
  • Garden Birds of Thailand
  • Khao Kheow Forest & Wildlife Reserve Park
  • Lumphini Park
  • Monster World Pattaya
  • Nong Khai Aquarium
  • Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden
  • Pattaya Crocodile Farm
  • Pattaya Dolphin World
  • Phuket Aquarium
  • Phuket Zoo (Closed)
  • Safari World
  • SEA LIFE Bangkok Ocean World
  • Siam Insect Zoo
  • Songkhla Zoo
  • Sriracha Tiger Zoo
  • Suan Palm Farm Nok
  • Tiger Kingdom
  • Tiger Temple Kanchanaburi
  • Underwater World Pattaya
  • Vietnam - Other
  • Vietnam - Wildlife
  • Endangered Primate Rescue Centre
  • National Oceanographic Museum
  • Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens
  • Tri Nguyen Aquarium
  • Turtle Conservation Centre
  • Vinpearl Land
  • Vinpearl Safari
  • Botswana - Other
  • Botswana - Wildlife
  • Canary Islands - Other
  • Canary Islands - Wildlife
  • Aguilas Jungle Park
  • Loro Parque
  • Palmitos Park
  • Rancho Texas Park
  • Tenerife Zoo Monkey Park
  • Egypt - Other
  • Egypt - Wildlife
  • Africa Safari Park
  • Alexandria Aquarium
  • Alexandria Zoo
  • Cairo Fish Park
  • Lion's Village Alexandria
  • Omar Oasis Zoo
  • Ethiopia - Other
  • Ethiopia - Wildlife
  • Unity Park Zoo
  • Gabon - Other
  • Gabon - Wildlife
  • Ghana - Other
  • Ghana - Wildlife
  • Iran - Other
  • Iran - Wildlife
  • Mashhad Zoo
  • Pardisan Park
  • Israel - Other
  • Israel - Wildlife
  • Abu Kabir University Zoo
  • Arava Antelope Farm
  • Ben Shemen Forest Monkey Park
  • Carmel Hai-Bar Nature Reserve
  • Crocodile Farm and Zoo in Israel
  • Hai Bar Yotveta
  • Hai Kef Zoo
  • Hamat Gader Crocodile Farm
  • Hertsliyya Yaarena Rainforest (Closed)
  • Israel Aquarium
  • Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
  • Kiryat Byalik Municipal Zoo (Closed)
  • Meir Segals Garden University Zoo
  • Nahariyya Zoo-Botanical Garden
  • Petach Tikva Zoo
  • Safari Zoological Center
  • Tel Aviv bird park Zapari
  • Tel Aviv Zoo (closed)
  • The Underwater Observatory Marine Park
  • Zoological Garden of Beersheba
  • Ivory Coast - Other
  • Ivory Coast - Wildlife
  • Abidjan Zoo
  • Jordan - Other
  • Jordan - Wildlife
  • Shaumari Wildlife Reserve
  • Kenya - Other
  • Kenya - Wildlife
  • Nairobi Safari Walk
  • Kuwait - Other
  • Kuwait - Wildlife
  • The Scientific Center Of Kuwait
  • Madagascar - Other
  • Madagascar - Wildlife
  • Antananarivo Croc Farm
  • Lemurs' Park
  • Nahampoana Reserve
  • Tsimbazaza Zoo
  • Casela World of Adventures Park
  • La Vanille Nature Park
  • Mauritius - Other
  • Mauritius - Wildlife
  • Mauritius Aquarium
  • Morocco - Other
  • Morocco - Wildlife
  • Crocoparc Agadir
  • Vallee des Oiseaux
  • Namibia - Other
  • Namibia - Wildlife
  • Nigeria - Other
  • Nigeria - Wildlife
  • University of Ibadan Zoological Garden
  • Qatar - Other
  • Qatar - Wildlife
  • Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation
  • Rwanda - Other
  • Rwanda - Wildlife
  • Saudi Arabia - Other
  • Saudi Arabia - Wildlife
  • Senegal - Other
  • Senegal - Wildlife
  • Eden Aquarium
  • Seychelles - Other
  • Seychelles - Wildlife
  • Somalia - Other
  • Somalia - Wildlife
  • South Africa - Other
  • South Africa - Wildlife
  • Born Free Big Cat Sanctuary
  • Bothongo Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve
  • Butterfly World Animal Sanctuary
  • Cango Wildlife Ranch
  • Cape Buffalo Breeding Centre
  • Cat Conservation Trust
  • East London Aquarium
  • Emdoneni Cat Rehabilitation Centre
  • Emerald Resort Animal World
  • EndoFaun Zoo
  • Hartbeespoort Dam Elephant Sanctuary
  • Lory Park Zoo
  • Mitchell Park Zoo
  • Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre
  • Monkeyland and Birds of Eden
  • Montecasino Bird Gardens
  • Mystic Monkeys and Feathers Wildlife Park
  • National Zoo of South Africa
  • Perry's Bridge Reptile Park
  • Ratelfontein Nature Reserve
  • Shamwari Game Reserve
  • The Ann van Dyk Cheetah Centre - De Wildt
  • Two Oceans Aquarium
  • Umgeni River Bird Park
  • uShaka Marine World
  • World of Birds Wildlife Sanctuary and Monkey Park
  • Tanzania - Other
  • Tanzania - Wildlife
  • Dar es Salaam Zoo
  • M.B.T.'s Snake Farm and Reptile Centre
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  • The Gambia - Wildlife
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  • Tunisia - Wildlife
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  • Uganda - Wildlife
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  • Uganda Wildlife Education Centre
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19 Children’s Books about Zoos

From board books to fiction, take a look at these fantastic zoo books for kids ! Perfect for learning about animals and a visit to the zoo.

A trip to the zoo is such a joyous occasion, isn’t it? Our urban zoo in Boston is a little sad, so we typically go to the Roger Williams Zoo in Providence, Rhode Island, about an hour away.

It reminds me, on a smaller scale, of the great San Diego Zoo which is about 2 1/2 hours from where I grew up and is the zoo by which I measure all zoos.

Top 10 Zoo Books for Kids

These zoo books for kids — zoo picture books and chapter books — are inspired by the Newbery award winner, The One and Only Ivan. Is there a favorite zoo children’s book you’d like to add to the list? Please help me out and I’ll add it to the list. Thank you!

p.s. If I Ran The Zoo by Dr. Seuss is racist , so I removed it from my list.

10. A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead, illustrated by Erin Stead

In a perfect world, zoo animals and zoo keepers would be best friends, just like zoo keeper Amos McGee. When he gets sick and misses a day at work, the animals come by to his house to check on him and help him get better. The artwork by Erin Stead, the author’s wife, is stunning.

She uses carefully rendered pencil drawings with what I think are monotype prints. The results are visually arresting. [Caldecott picture book, ages 2 and up]

9. G oodnight Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann

I love the subtle details in this bedtime favorite of ours. Did you see the photos on the wall of the zookeeper’s house? It’s the animals as babies! We also like to track the red balloon and the mouse with the banana for the gorilla.

And I have to mention the toys each zoo animal has in their cage … be sure to find those as well! [picture book, ages 1 and up]

8.  Midnight at the Zoo by Faye Hanson

The lions, meerkats, and monkeys are lethargic when Max and Mia visit the zoo with their class. When they get left behind at the zoo, they discover that something magical happens at midnight. This is Madagascar  meets The Night at the Museum . [picture book, ages 4 and up]

7.  Be Nice to Spiders  by Margaret Bloy Graham

I grew up with this vintage picture book but it seems to be virtually unknown these days. Margaret Bloy Graham is probably better known for her beloved Harry the Dirty Dog series. Billy’s pet spider Martha is left at the zoo and suddenly all the animals are happy because she’s taken care of their insect problem.

But when she is forced into hiding for a thorough zoo cleaning, everyone realizes how important spiders are to the zoo ecosystem. I love this message because my kids are afraid of spiders and this picture book helps us to appreciate them. [picture book, ages 2 and up]

6. Don’t Feed the Boy by Irene Latham

In some ways, 11-year-old Whit is like an animal at the zoo where his parents work. He is homeschooled here at the zoo and doesn’t leave the premises much. When he meets “Bird Girl” who comes each day to draw the birds, he finally has the chance to talk to someone his age.

His friendship with Stella (aka Bird Girl) deepens and he learns of her troubled home and wants to help but is she asking too much of him? [chapter book, ages 9 and up]

5. Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell

Finding the right pet is challenging but luckily the nice folks at the zoo are very helpful! We love this lift-the-flap book and can’t believe that it’s celebrating its 30th year! [interactive picture book, ages 1 and up]

4. Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?  by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle

Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle pair up again with this endangered animal version of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? I think it’s never too early for kids to learn about our fragile planet; it will be they, after all, who will have to save it! [picture book, ages 1 and up]

3.   Put Me In The Zoo  by Robert Lopshire

My son loved, loved, loved this series. I didn’t realize that it was a three-book set, but I finally found the last one in a used book sale at our elementary school.

A talented animal can do wondrous things with colors and circles and it thinks the zoo is the perfect place to live but the two children it befriends convince it that there is an even better place to aspire towards. [picture book, ages 2 and up]

2.  The One and Only Ivan   by Katherine Applegate

Two of my kids’ teachers told me that this was an amazing book last year so I bought it but hesitated because I was afraid it would be one of those sad, urban zoo stories. I was so wrong to wait to read this Newbery-winning chapter book!

The voices of each animal, as written by Katherine Applegate, manage to convey not just their story of how they came to this urban sad zoo, but their personalities as if we could see into their souls.

And Ivan, the Silverback Gorilla, is a mensch of a gorilla, called upon by his friend Stella the elephant to take care of the new baby elephant Ruby and find a way to get her into a safer environment. Luckily Ivan is both smart and artistic and has human friends with artistic sensibilities.

You will cheer as you weep with emotion as you turn the final pages of the book! It does not disappoint! [chapter book, ages 9 and up]

1.  And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson

This picture book often makes the Banned and Challenged book list each year.  It’s based on a true zoo story:

The book is based on the story of Roy and Silo, two male Chinstrap Penguins in New York’s Central Park Zoo. Roy and Silo were observed performing behaviors typically seen in penguin couples, such as bowing to one another.

Roy and Silo made a nest together and seemed to be trying to hatch a rock that resembled an egg. When zookeepers realized that these two males had formed a couple, they gave them an egg to hatch.

This egg was obtained from a male-female penguin couple, named Betty and Porkey, who had two eggs and could not care for both at once. Roy and Silo took turns sitting on the egg, and eventually, it hatched. The female chick was named “Tango” by the zookeepers. [picture book, ages 2 and up]

Zoo Books Honorable Mentions

When the sky falls by phil earle.

Review by Ms. Yingling Reads :

“This was an enthralling read, in the vein of Boyne’s Stay Where You Are and Then Leave (2014). There are so many untold facets of World War II, and the fate of zoos is harrowing and yet fascinating. When I visited London in 2000, I have vague memories of seeing an aviary, perhaps in Regent’s Park, that had escaped the bombing. That stuck with me and made When the Sky Falls feel even closer to home. An excellent read.” [middle grade, ages 9 and up]

The Elephant’s Girl by Celesta Rimington

Review from Children’s Books Heal :

“This is a magical adventure about Lex’s unique relationship with the African elephant, Nyah, and a mysterious ghost, who both save her life on the night the tornado sweeps through the zoo. Lex feels a connection to Nyah, who communicates with her telepathically. Nyah leads Lex to find Miss Amanda, who insists she’s a “misplaced spirit,” who has some unfinished business to attend to that involves a hidden treasure.” [middle grade, ages 8 and up]

This Zoo Is Not For You by Ross Collins

Platypus interviews at the zoo and the zoo animals summarily reject it in an unkind way. Luckily, they realize their mistake and make amends in this rhyming story about inclusion. [picture book, ages 4 and up]

Ann of Doodles and Jots has some great recommendations:  Zoo-ology , ZooZical , My Heart is Like a Zoo  and Color Zoo .

Zoo-ology by Joelle Jolivet

Zoozical by judy sierra and marc brown, wild about books by judy sierra and marc brown, my heart is like a zoo by michael hall,  color zoo by lois elhert.

Catherine of Story Snug has a wonderful suggestion. Her review is here .

Supermarket Zoo by Caryl Hart

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20 thoughts on “ 19 Children’s Books about Zoos ”

Great list – we love Dear Zoo and Amos McGee. Our favourite zoo book is Supermarket Zoo by Caryl Hart 🙂

Thanks Catherine, I have a lot updating to do!! 🙂

What a fun idea for a list, Mia! I read Dear Zoo at library story time and it’s always a hit.

Hi Erica, I didn’t know you read at your library! That is so nice!!! Dear Zoo is one of our favorites too but we got it as a baby gift for my middle child so it was an older discovery for us.

Oh, I love this list. The Put Me in the Zoo were a favorite of mine when I was little. We don’t have them in our library, but I might need to add them. My daughter has read and re-read The One and only Ivan several times. I especially like how this list has a little of something for all age groups, which is great considering my kids are 1 1/2 and 6.

Hi Jenny, I have three kids, each about 2 and a half years apart which is why, I think, I always have a range of ages. My son especially loved Put Me in the Zoo and I had loved it as a child. The rest of the series is only for the serious fan. My son liked them but I think the first one is the best. My other kids did not care for the sequels.

Goodnight, Gorilla was a huge favorite at our house. I’ll never forget the crying jag (my daughter’s, not mine) when it got lost under the sofa for a couple of nights. Best picture book ever!

Hi The Common Mom, Oh no! Losing Goodnight, Gorilla sounds traumatic!! I think I would cry too. I’m so glad you found it! Do you and your daughter ever look for that red balloon on every page spread? We loved doing that! Also the paintings in the zoo keeper’s house, the zoo animals’ stuffed toys, and of course, the mouse dragging the banana for the gorilla. Love this book too!

We read most of picture books on your list, and now I am very interested in Don’t Feed the Boy and Ivan book.

Hi Natalie, I hope you enjoy them. We loved The One and Only Ivan which won last year’s Newbery! The Don’t Feed the Boy book is quieter with a sadder feel.

What a fun theme for a book list! We have read and enjoyed several of these zoo books 🙂

Thanks MaryAnne! Maybe you will be able to make it to the San Diego Zoo at some point. You are drivable distance now 🙂 though it’s 8-9 hours.

Great theme! Tango and Ivan sound so touching. I think we’ll start with Tango. We also like Zoo-ology, ZooZical, My Heart is Like a Zoo, and Color Zoo. I feel like there’s more though!

Hi Ann, Adding your books to my list! I totally forgot about ZooZical and I want to read your other ones! Thanks so much!

Love it! A Sick Day for Amos McGee is one of my all time favorites. Need to check out Be Nice to Spiders — thanks for linking up!

Hi Anna, Be Nice to Spiders is a vintage book … sometimes I wonder if I am the only one who read it but it’s a nice story!

I hope you can include my book; Help to Save the Zoo Trip by Tessa Tanda. It is an interactive, humorous, and educational picture book for kids aged 3 to 8, full of interesting facts and fun activities related to Zoo Animals. Enjoy!

Thanks so much for the heads up about your book Tessa! It sounds great!

‘Help to save the Zoo Trip’ is a humorous picture book about a typical school outing. However, last night the gates in the zoo were not closed properly. Now the animals are all over the place. The kids and animals need you! Help find the animals such as an elephant, a giraffe, a panda, a polar bear, a koala, a monkey, a crocodile, a kangaroo, and a camel and get them back where they belong.

I’m looking an old children’s book my mom had as a kid. she said it was “Lucky you to live in a zoo “. About a cat who wanted to live in a zoo

Put Me In the Zoo by Robert Lopshire.

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7 Best Picture Books About Zoos

In honor of National Zoo Keepers’ Week last week, here are picture books about zoos my children enjoy!

What favorites would you add to the list?

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3 thoughts on “ 7 best picture books about zoos ”.

Amos McGee and Dear Zoo are two of my favourite Zoo books. One of my favourites is also Supermarket Zoo by Caryl Hart. I read it today to a group of children who don’t understand any English and they loved guessing what Mum had forgotten to buy at the end of the story!

Catherine — Thanks for the recommendation! I don’t know that one!

I hope you can also add my book ‘Help to Save the Zoo Trip’ (by Tessa Tanda) to this list. It’s an interactive, humorous, and educational picture book full of fun activities for kids aged 3 to 8. The e-book version where you can double click on the pictures and text pops up is extra fun.

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10 Picture Books About Zoo Animals

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10 Picture Books About Zoo Animals

Preschoolers love reading about zoo animals. Share these books with your young animal lovers!

Bruno Munari’s Zoo by Bruno Munari Visit a kangaroo, a zebra, a camel and more in this illustrated tour of the zoo.

Dancing Feet by Lindsey Craig and Marc Brown Each animal dances in a unique rhythm in this catchy book celebrating movement and onomatopoeia.

Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell When asked to send a pet, the zoo keeps sending animals that are too scary, too jumpy, or otherwise not suitable.

Good Night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann As the zookeeper says goodnight to each of the animals, Gorilla comes along and lets them out of their cages.

May I Bring a Friend? by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers and Beni Montresor In this Caldecott medal winner, the king and queen invite a little boy to their castle every day, and each time he brings a surprise animal guest.

My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall In pictures made entirely from hearts, this book explores all the ways people sometimes share attributes with animals.

1, 2, 3 To the Zoo by Eric Carle Count groups of animals as they board a train bound for the zoo.

Pssst! by Adam Rex When a boy visits the zoo, various animals ask him for unusual things like tires and garbage cans.

A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead and Erin Stead When zookeeper Amos McGee gets sick, his animal friends hop on the city bus to pay him a visit.

ZooBorns! Zoo Babies from Around the World by Andrew Bleiman and Chris Eastland Photos of baby animals from around the world, accompanied by interesting facts.

Image credit: mycutegraphics.com

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Katie Fitzgerald holds degrees in English and library science, and has worked in small town and big city libraries, serving both children and teens. You can read her book reviews and posts about story time, picture books, and early literacy at Story Time Secrets . Also follow her blog on Facebook for kidlit quotations, story time suggestions, and interesting links.

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Animal picture books will never go out of style. Thanks for all the books you’ve posted on this A to Z Challenge. I’ve enjoyed stopping by and adding books to my buy list.

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This challenge has been fun for all of us here at The Library Adventure. I’m glad you’ve found some good books to add to your collection!

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This really was a fun project to put together! We are so glad to have you here! 🙂

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Great list, Katie! (I’m including it in a zoo animals resource post I’m putting up this week!)

Thanks, Caroline! I’m glad to hear you’ll be sharing it. 🙂

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I LOVE your list! Sharing on Pinterest and Twitter and wanted to share my zoo list with you because we have a few of the same books but not all! 🙂


Thanks so much! Your list is great, too – and you have so many I didn’t even think of!

Thank you for sharing Katie’s post! And for sharing yours with us!

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My son loves Amos McGee. He also loves any book with a train in it so I’ve just requested 1 2 3 To the Zoo from our library 🙂

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Book About Flaco the Owl Coming in 2025

BY Michael Schaub • yesterday

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America’s best-known owl is getting his own book.

North Carolina-based nonprofit press Blair will publish David Gessner’s The Book of Flaco: The World's Most Famous Bird next year, People magazine reports . The press describes the book as “a fable of freedom and wildness.”

Flaco, a Eurasian eagle-owl, lived for 12 years in New York’s Central Park Zoo until early 2023, when vandals damaged his cage and he escaped. Zoo employees were unable to recapture him, and he spent the following year in the park and other locations in Manhattan.

The owl captured the imagination of New York and the country, with city residents and tourists alike clamoring to see him. In late February, he flew into a Manhattan building and died. In May, zoo officials announced that his remains would be donated to the American Museum of Natural History.

“Flaco’s wild adventure captured the imagination of so many—unfolding during a time when we too were getting outside and seeing the world after the extended house arrest of COVID,” the publisher says. “And his end—with a grim necropsy revealing Flaco had suffered a viral infection from eating pigeons and had multiple rodenticides in his system—serves as a Rachel Carson-esque warning about the harm we’ve done to our urban birds.”

Gessner, whose previous books include Return of the Osprey and A Traveler’s Guide to the End of the World , told People , “I loved the wild, orange shine of Flaco’s eyes and also the fact that he perched atop air conditioners and fire escapes and loved hooting down from water towers high over the city. This is what led me to exploring Central Park a month after Flaco’s escape, to speaking to many who were equally obsessed, and finally, to writing this book."

The Book of Flaco is scheduled for publication on Feb. 11, 2025.

Michael Schaub is a contributing writer.

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Look at these adorable pandas arrive to the US from China

Pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao will reside at the San Diego Zoo.

A pair of pandas from China have arrived and will settle into their new home in America's finest city -- San Diego, California.

The panda diplomacy ambassadors, Yun Chuan and Xin Bao, are the first new set of pandas to make their way to the U.S. in 21 years.

PHOTO: Two pandas, Yun Chuan and Xin Bao, are relocating from China to the United States and will be welcomed to the San Diego Zoo.

Caretaker Huang Shan, who prepared the animals for the journey by teaching them commands in English, traveled with the 3-year-old and 4-year-old bears to assist with the transition to their new home.

The pandas arrived to Los Angeles International Airport on Friday morning and head to the San Diego Zoo where they will begin a one-month quarantine period as they acclimate to their new environment.

PHOTO: Two pandas, Yun Chuan and Xin Bao, are relocating from China to the United States and will be welcomed to the San Diego Zoo.

He said that Yun Chuan is active, outgoing and comes over when he hears caretakers footsteps, while Xin Bao is more sensitive, but smart and interested in the sounds of animals and birds.

PHOTO: Two pandas, Yun Chuan and Xin Bao, are relocating from China to the United States and will be welcomed to the San Diego Zoo.

A private farewell ceremony for the bears was held in Ya'an, where the pandas departed from on Thursday, with both Chinese dignitaries and representatives from the San Diego Zoo in attendance.

San Diego Zoo President and CEO Paul Baribault told "Good Morning America" this marks a poignant moment for the team.

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"It is truly a moment where I get to pinch myself and think that I get to be a part of an organization that gets to do this," he said.

PHOTO: In this June 11, 2020 file photo, a sign is displayed near the entrance to the San Diego Zoo in San Diego.

Baribault explained that the conservation team members "have to do a lot of preparation to make sure that [the pandas] are well taken care of through the whole journey" and said that the San Diego-based team, plus their China conservation partners, "will be on the travel with them -- it'll be a great trip."

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As pandemonium builds stateside, visitors will have to wait a bit longer to catch a glimpse of the gentle giants while they get acclimated to their new home.

PHOTO: Two pandas, Yun Chuan and Xin Bao, are relocating from China to the United States and will be welcomed to the San Diego Zoo.

An earlier version of this story was first published on June 27, 2024.

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Life at the Zoo

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Follow the author

Michael George

Life at the Zoo Hardcover – Picture Book, October 30, 2018

  • Reading age 6 - 10 years
  • Print length 32 pages
  • Language English
  • Grade level Kindergarten - 5
  • Lexile measure 980L
  • Dimensions 10 x 0.5 x 8 inches
  • Publisher Union Square Kids
  • Publication date October 30, 2018
  • ISBN-10 1454930896
  • ISBN-13 978-1454930891
  • See all details

Editorial Reviews

About the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Union Square Kids; Illustrated edition (October 30, 2018)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 32 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1454930896
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1454930891
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 6 - 10 years
  • Lexile measure ‏ : ‎ 980L
  • Grade level ‏ : ‎ Kindergarten - 5
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 12 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 10 x 0.5 x 8 inches
  • #647 in Children's Zoo Books (Books)
  • #1,818 in Children's Zoology Books (Books)

About the author

Michael george.

Michael George (b. 1988) is a photographer, writer, and people-lover based out of Brooklyn, New York. Through his work, he strives to tell stories of our common humanity through travel, culture, and the underrepresented. Michael’s stories have been published by National Geographic, The New York Times, Teen Vogue, and dozens of other publications. Michael is best known for his Portrait of a Pilgrim project, a multimedia production that documents the Camino de Santiago, a 500-mile pilgrimage walk across northern Spain. He has been a guest lecturer at Yale University, and taught workshops in locations that vary from the coast of California to onboard an Amtrak train. He will soon publish his first children's book about Life at the Zoo. If you meet him, he will inevitably take your portrait. Keep up with Michael's adventures on Instagram @MichaelGeorge

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Customers find the book great for kids, pure joy, and a perfect gift for animal lovers. They also appreciate the amazing pictures and adorable illustrations. Readers describe the content as educational, heartfelt, and fun to read. They praise the writing style as well-written and exquisite.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers find the book great for kids, a good gift for a curious kid, and fun. They also say it has a charming introduction to the sex lives of animals, and is accessible to families.

"...Which is perfect for ANY curious young one who wonders what goes on in the life of the beautiful creatures cared for at zoos...." Read more

"...Definitely a good gift for a curious kid ." Read more

"...pictures with them. Lots of colorful visuals for the younger ones, and engaging , easy to read text for the older ones. Highly recommend!" Read more

"...The images are beautiful, inspiring, fun and charming...." Read more

Customers find the pictures in the book amazing and captivating.

"...The author also does a fantastic job at explaining the photographs with wording that is targeted toward young children, making this book extremely..." Read more

"...And the pictures are amazing ! It is so cool that the author both shot the photos and wrote the text for this book...." Read more

"Michael is such a talented and keen photographer . The images are beautiful, inspiring, fun and charming...." Read more

" Excellent pictures of what children love the most….animals!The zoo is a terrific little vacation and so accessible to families ❤️" Read more

Customers find the illustrations in the book adorable.

"...Michael George has incredible skill with capturing the beauty of the animals you can find at the zoo...." Read more

"What a colorful and entertaining book!..." Read more

"...pictures with them. Lots of colorful visuals for the younger ones, and engaging, easy to read text for the older ones. Highly recommend!" Read more

"Michael is such a talented and keen photographer. The images are beautiful , inspiring, fun and charming...." Read more

Customers find the book very educational, inspiring, and heartfelt. They also say the images are beautiful, inspiring and fun to read. Customers also say that the story illuminates many great things about animals and zoos.

"...that is targeted toward young children, making this book extremely educational and informative (and really REALLY interesting!)..." Read more

"Impressive, unique, and educational book for kids! Well researched , beautifully photographed, and well written...." Read more

"...The story is wonderful and illuminated so many great things about animals and zoos for kids and adults alike!" Read more

"...Parents love it because it's educational and she'll be able to grow with it. Awesome job!" Read more

Customers find the writing style of the book well written.

"...this book to my niece and nephews; the author does a beautiful job of explaining terms and concepts at a child’s level. And the pictures are amazing!..." Read more

"...Lots of colorful visuals for the younger ones, and engaging, easy to read text for the older ones. Highly recommend!" Read more

"This is such a beautifully written and photographed book!..." Read more

"Loved it. Very educational. Quality photography. Easy to read for kids and adults alike." Read more

Customers find the stories in the book interesting.

"...(and really REALLY interesting !)..." Read more

"...The images are beautiful, inspiring, fun and charming. The story is wonderful and illuminated so many great things about animals and zoos for kids..." Read more

"What a great book! The photography is brilliant, the stories are educational and engaging .And the zoo babies? Gah! All the cute!..." Read more

"The photos are great and the stories interesting !" Read more

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  3. Zoo Books for Kids

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  4. Man and Animal in the Zoo: Zoo Biology

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  5. Zoos: A Photo Book and Guide: Zoos of the Midwest : A Travel Guide of

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  5. The Monkey Who Saved the Zoo

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  1. Books about Zoos (41 books)

    41 books · 27 voters · list created March 24th, 2011 by Stephen. Tags: animals , non-fiction , nonfiction , setting , zoo , zoos 1 like · Like

  2. A Different Nature: The Paradoxical World of Zoos and Their Uncertain

    This book, the most extensive history of zoos yet published, is a fascinating look at the origins, evolution, and―most importantly―the future of zoos. David Hancocks, an architect and zoo director for thirty years, is passionately opposed to the poor standards that have prevailed and still exist in many zoos.

  3. America's Best Zoos: A Travel Guide for Fans & Families

    This book reviews zoos big and small, far and wide, and provides pretty much every relevant piece of information that a zoo-goer could want in preparation for their visit. The majority of the book is broken down into individual reviews of the more noteworthy zoos in each region. Each review includes important information like the zoo website ...

  4. 11 Best Zoo Books for Adults and Kids Alike

    If your child is a confident reader, they may enjoy some of the many engaging chapter books set in zoos. Titles like "The One and Only Ivan" by Katherine Applegate or "Kizzy Ann Stamps" by Jeri Watts tackle big subjects like animal rights and racism through the eyes of a young protagonist. These books can spark important conversations with your child about social issues and the ...

  5. Zoos in Fiction (129 books)

    129 books · 29 voters · list created February 19th, 2012 by Kelli Robinson. Tags: animal , animals , fiction , setting , zoo , zoos 1 like · Like

  6. The Zoo Book: A Guide to America's Best

    The Zoo Book: A Guide to America's Best. Paperback - January 1, 1994. Provides an overview of some of America's finest zoological parks, discussing attractions, the care of animals in captivity, captive breeding programs, and other features. Book recommendations, author interviews, editors' picks, and more. Read it now.

  7. The most recommended zoo books (picked by 20 authors)

    Argyro Graphy Author. Timothy Kleyn Author. Chris Philbrook Author. Uma Krishnaswami Author. Deborah Taylor-French Author. Amy Beashel Author. +14. 20 authors created a book list connected to zoos, and here are their favorite zoo books. Shepherd is reader supported.

  8. Zoo Book Lists

    Listopia > Zoo Book Lists. All Creatures Great and Small. 1,220 books — 177 voters Parks, Zoos and Circuses. 180 books — 131 voters Humans That Are Treated Like Animals. 425 books — 81 voters Non-Fiction read in 2017. 473 books — 81 voters Zoos in Fiction. 129 books — 29 voters ...

  9. Captive: A New Book About Zoos Is a Game Changer

    Captive is a book by photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur that reveals the experiences of animals in zoos and aquaria around the world. It challenges the ethics of captivity and invites us to reflect on how we observe or ignore one another through the bars, across the moat, or on either side of the glass.

  10. The 100 Best The Zoo Kids Books

    Find the best books about zoos for kids of all ages, from board books to picture books to chapter books. Explore the fascinating world of animals, friendship, and imagination at the zoo with these popular and award-winning titles.

  11. Zoos & Zoo Life

    Explore our list of Zoos & Zoo Life - Kids Books at Barnes & Noble®. Get your order fast and stress free with free curbside pickup. ... Board Book $12.99. Available Online. Add to Wishlist. QUICK ADD. How to Speak Animal. by Gabby Wild, Aubre Andrus. Paperback $12.99. Available Online. Add to Wishlist.

  12. Books on Zoos & wildlife parks

    In stock online £19.99 Hardback. Add to Basket. Click & Collect. Exploring…. Linda Barnett. £6.50 Paperback. Buy Zoos & wildlife parks books from Waterstones.com today. Find our best selection and offers online, with FREE Click & Collect or UK delivery.

  13. The Zoo Tourist: Visiting America's Zoos and Aquariums

    It includes: How two Zoos are disputing the title of "America's First Zoo"; How a rare deer was saved from extinction by a Chinese Emperor's hunting preserve; How a Zoo in New York put a human on display in the Monkey House; How a rescued Dolphin in Florida came to be the star of two Hollywood movies; How a popular California Aquarium resulted ...

  14. 37 Best Children's Animal and Zoo Books Must Read Collection

    Using Zoo Books At School: Read-Alouds: Incorporate zoo-themed great books into classroom read-aloud sessions. Choose books that align with your curriculum or thematic units to enhance learning.

  15. Zoos Book Lists

    10 books — 6 voters. Picture Books About Nature by African-Americans. 29 books — 4 voters. Lists about: Zoos in Fiction, Books about Zoos, Children's Zoo Reads, Tiger King Readalikes, and Picture Books About Nature by African-Americans.

  16. Books about Zoos & Wildlife

    813. 468,428. 285 GB. Forums Media > Other Zoo & Animal Galleries >. Photos showing books about zoos & wildlife.

  17. Zoo Books for Kids and Babies of All Ages!

    It reminds me, on a smaller scale, of the great San Diego Zoo which is about 2 1/2 hours from where I grew up and is the zoo by which I measure all zoos. Top 10 Zoo Books for Kids. These zoo books for kids — zoo picture books and chapter books — are inspired by the Newbery award winner, The One and Only Ivan.

  18. 7 Best Picture Books About Zoos

    In honor of National Zoo Keepers' Week last week, here are picture books about zoos my children enjoy!. ZooZical: In addition to being a cute tale about animals, this is a lovely story about drawing on your own creativity to beat the boredom blues.When the zoo is empty of visitors, the animals put together a ZooZical-a series of punny acts that draw upon their unique talents.

  19. Amazon Best Sellers: Best Children's Zoo Books

    1 offer from $9.95. #20. The Zoo of Rare Talents : The Adventures of Aubrey and Snuggles. Mary Diyon. 2. Kindle Edition. 1 offer from $4.95. #21. The One and Only Ruby: New for 2023, the third book in the series of children's animal stories from the author of The One and Only Ivan - now a Disney + movie (The One and Only Ivan)

  20. 10 Picture Books About Zoo Animals

    1, 2, 3 To the Zoo by Eric Carle. Count groups of animals as they board a train bound for the zoo. Pssst! by Adam Rex. When a boy visits the zoo, various animals ask him for unusual things like tires and garbage cans. A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead and Erin Stead.

  21. Book About Flaco the Owl Coming in 2025

    America's best-known owl is getting his own book. North Carolina-based nonprofit press Blair will publish David Gessner's The Book of Flaco: The World's Most Famous Bird next year, People magazine reports.The press describes the book as "a fable of freedom and wildness.". Flaco, a Eurasian eagle-owl, lived for 12 years in New York's Central Park Zoo until early 2023, when vandals ...

  22. The Zoo Memoirs Series by Gerald Durrell

    The Zoo Memoirs Series. 3 primary works • 3 total works. In this trio of delightful memoirs, British wildlife preservation pioneer and national bestselling author Gerald Durrell recounts the ups and downs he faces in transforming his lifelong dream of creating a new kind of zoo into a reality. Book 1.

  23. Amazon Best Sellers: Best Children's Zoo Books

    Best Sellers in Children's Zoo Books. #1. Dear Zoo: A Lift-the-Flap Book. Rod Campbell. 30,325. Board book. 107 offers from $1.21. #2. The One and Only Ivan: A Newbery Award Winner.

  24. Look at these adorable pandas arrive to the US from China

    Pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao will reside at the San Diego Zoo. A pair of pandas from China have arrived and will settle into their new home in America's finest city -- San Diego, California. The ...

  25. Life at the Zoo: George, Michael: 9781454930891: Amazon.com: Books

    With breathtaking original images from a National Geographic photographer, this book gives a unique behind-the-scenes view. This is the perfect book for every budding zoologist and animal-loving kid! Featuring illuminating photography and writing from Michael George, Life at the Zoo provides a precious glimpse inside the beloved institution ...