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Fiction writing (advanced)

25 July 2015 (Sat) 9.30am-5.30pm

Tutorial Room 5

Course Fee: $70.00 Eventbrite Registration Fee: $3.00

The Advanced Fiction workshop aims to help writers who already have a grasp of the basics of writing fiction further perfect and develop their craft.

Aspects of fiction writing such as plot, dialogue, character, setting and pace will be featured, along with more advanced topics such as semiotics, allegory and symbolism in a full-day 6.5-hour workshop. These aspects of writing fiction will be explored via collaborative and solo exercises in the workshop.

The editing process, an invaluable skill often overlooked by new writers, will also be explored in this workshop, along with an brief explanation and Q&A session about the submission process in the agent/publisher system. Materials provided include the workshop manual and writing materials.

• Reduce participants’ anxiety about writing and build their confidence, using elements from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

• Build on the skills needed to write fiction, including plot, character, setting, voice, perspective and dialogue

• Outline essential information of the agent/ publisher submission process and writers’ other options in the rapidly changing international publishing scene

• Discuss and explore concepts such as allegory, semiotics and symbolism and how they can be used

• Use collaborative learning and microfiction exercises to improve the participants’ skills and understanding of the various aspects of writing

Workshop Outline

  • Building confidence: Silencing the inner critic
  • Dialogue – what works and what doesn’t
  • Plot – methods, aims and different working styles
  • Pace and Suspense – keep your reader wanting more
  • Characters – how to make them real
  • Voice and perspective – what is it and how do you develop it?
  • Setting– world-building and more
  • Taking it to the next level – allegory, semiotics and symbolism
  • After writing – the editing process
  • After writing –submissions in the agent/ publisher system works (and other options)
  • Q&A on the agent/publisher system

About the Trainer:

Registration details, capability development grant.

The Capability Development Grant is open to individuals and organisations who have a strong track record of involvement in the arts at a professional level, and is able to demonstrate commitment to the long-term development of the arts in Singapore.

Kinokuniya Privilege Card Members

Kinokuniya Privilege card members can enjoy 10% off the workshop fee. Please provide your membership number and workshop title to  [email protected] for the discount code before online registration.

Minimum – Maximum Number of Participants: 10 – 30 pax

Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis and workshop fees must be paid before the workshop. If the minimum number of participants is not met for the class, the organisers will inform all participants about possible postponement and cancellation, two weeks before the workshop date.

Cancellation & Substitution

The workshop can be cancelled or postponed two weeks before the workshop date if the minimum number of participants is not met. Participants will be fully refunded for workshops cancelled by us.

Participants who are unable to attend a workshop they have registered for are to inform us of the reason two weeks before the workshop date. They will be fully refunded in the event of extenuating and mitigating circumstances (E.g. illness, bereavement, accidents) . Those who inform us up to five (5) working days before the workshop date will receive a 50% refund. Participants can also attend another course at the same value within the same year.

Upon registration, you are deemed to have read and understood the cancellation, withdrawal and substitution policy and accept the terms contained therein.

Quantico Copywriting Course Singapore

Introduction to Authorship (IAU-02)

Authorship course singapore.

Create fascinating new worlds for your readers and listeners.

Authorship Course

Read any amazing books lately — you know, the ones you’ve written? If not, let’s start. Learn how to write fiction and non-fiction masterpieces, and unleash the next potential bestseller by creating literary universes in which readers can find and just as easily lose themselves in. If you have an idea, it’s worth turning it into a story because there’s always someone looking forward to reading it. Let’s get that out to them.

Note : this course is conducted on a 1-on-1 basis, owing to the highly personalised nature of materials, and the need to protect each author’s ideas and intellectual property. This course is covered by the ASEAN subsidy for eligible participants.

Check my eligibility for ASEAN subsidy

You are eligible for ASEAN subsidy if you are: 1. Legally resident in any of the 10 ASEAN member states, and 2. Enrolling any time from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024, regardless of the actual course dates.

Legally resident in any of the 10 ASEAN member states: The subsidy will apply to you if you are currently holding citizenship, permanent residence, or settled status from: › Brunei › Cambodia › Indonesia › Lao PDR › Malaysia › Myanmar › The Philippines › Singapore › Thailand › Viet Nam

Enrolling within the ASEAN subsidy period: The ASEAN subsidy period applies to the date of enrolment , and not to the course session itself, which can be outside this period. ASEAN subsidy is applied immediately at the point of enrolment.

Example 1: ASEAN subsidy will apply Participant enrols on 20 October 2024 for a course that is starting on 23 February 2025. The date of enrolment falls between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024. ASEAN subsidy will apply.

Example 2: ASEAN subsidy will not apply Participant enrols on 10 January 2025 for a course that is starting on 23 February 2025. The date of enrolment falls outside of 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024. ASEAN subsidy will not apply.

You can apply the ASEAN subsidy to your enrolment directly from your course enrolment form below. For further queries please call +(65) 6573 7370 or contact us →

Fee and subsidy S$980.00 (S$637.00 after applying ASEAN subsidy). GST is not charged for this course.

Duration 2 days (9:30am – 4:30pm)

Delivery Live-streamed interactive Maximum 1 participant

Requirements Conducted in English

Course modules

Modules offer participants comprehensive insights into the subject matter, drawing from academic and industry research.

1 The writing journey

  • Career author vs casual author
  • Exploring fiction genres
  • Exploring non-fiction genres
  • Your authorship goals: how, when, why
  • Owning your voice: writer and observer
  • Understanding your writing challenges
  • Setting timelines that work
  • Minimum viable product (MVP)

2 Building a world

  • Fictional and non-fictional universes
  • Structuring sections and chapters
  • Variable narrative structures and voice
  • Ergonomic reading structures
  • Experimental reading structures
  • Where to start: plan, plot, process
  • Mining your own experiences
  • Repurposing structures for genres

3 People and perspectives

  • Characters, time, and space
  • Questioning your characters
  • Perspectives and multiple viewpoints
  • Caricatures vs characters
  • Crafting characters into real people
  • Crafting real people into characters
  • Authoring for local and global cultures
  • Empathy and confirmation bias

4 The ways of words

  • Narrative frameworks, syntax and pace
  • Emotion, logic, and credibility
  • Building symbols and iconography
  • Using figurative language
  • Diction and verbal semiotics
  • Formality and register
  • Dialogue to advance plot and character
  • Developing narrative consistency

5 Mechanics and analysis

  • Clarity and conciseness in your work
  • Editing and re-editing your work
  • Proofreading and style guides
  • Form and formatting for manuscripts
  • The question of readability vs style
  • Referencing styles in non-fiction
  • Drafting and preparing manuscripts
  • Understanding submission guidelines

6 Research methods

  • Primary and secondary research
  • Ethnographic research methods
  • Archival research methods
  • Quotes, stories, and personal voice
  • Artistic license: when facts matter
  • Interview methods and best practices
  • Ethical data collection practices
  • The challenges of anonymisation

7 Beyond your course

  • Learning continues long after a course ends, with lifelong access to all of your instructors, through CCIL Qrowd™. Regular one-on-one refreshers, and free advanced courses mean full, ongoing support for authors and novelists.

Course objectives

Delivering clear professional learning outcomes for people of all abilities and ambitions.

I will understand:

  • the imagined relationship between worlds, content, and creators
  • mindsets of diverse audiences with varying needs and expectations
  • why fiction and non-fiction rely as much on imagination as facts
  • what is expected of authors in different genre categories
  • why writers fail, and why there is no one set way of succeeding
  • the writing industry’s changing role in the post-digital era

I will be able to:

  • create worlds from words that matter to diverse readers
  • bridge the gap between what is real and what is realistic
  • think in design-led perspectives to express intangible ideas
  • extend my inspiration to write across several genres
  • construct characters that come alive beyond the page
  • start a stable, profitable career as a full-time author

This course does not:

  • cover in-depth copywriting and sales strategies: please see Copywriting Course →
  • cover storytelling for brands and products: please see Branded & Corporate Storytelling Course →

Course applications

Relevant and reliable training that meets the demand for increasingly sophisticated communication skills.

Your writing career is a serious business . You have ideas and stories that need to be told. Perhaps they’re life lessons, a new disruptive model for your industry, or a tale of astounding imagination. Transforming a great idea into a book puts you on the express lane towards thought leadership and market dominance. You will understand and continue to use the authoring process on a professional level with confidence, applying imagination and intellectual query towards literary scholarship in your creative writing and storytelling abilities.

Being the author of a book is a life-changing experience with the potential to multiply ideas on a geometric scale. This experiential course will help you to achieve this scale. You will be able to write original stories and texts that audiences want to read, and belong to. You will be able to write for both fiction and non-fiction, build meaningful relationships between your characters and readers, and blur the lines between your world and the one we exist in. You will use your ideas, aspirations, and passions to create worlds from words that your audiences want to live in and belong to.

At the end of this course, you will be able to apply imaginative processes with intellectual query to your creative writing and storytelling abilities. You will be equipped with the confidence, tools, and knowledge needed to become a career author . And as a member of Qrowd, Quantico CCIL’s best-in-class post-course support, you will have free and lifetime access to your instructor, new learning resources, and one-on-one meet-ups through Quantico CCIL’s authoring and publishing networks.

This course teaches you to master the process of creative writing, from idea generation and drafting, to clarifying the narrative process, making a point, and aligning your content with your audience. This authorship course gives you the skills to switch careers, start your own business, or boost your existing career. Your instructor will always be on hand with career advice and professional work support. Introduction to Authorship can be taken independently, or combined with Introduction to Publishing.

Course convenor

Learn from academic and leading industry experts

Course instructors Meet the training team →

Deepa Vijayan is a trainer and senior communications specialist for government, finance, education, STEM, hospitality, and nonprofit sectors in Singapore and Southeast Asia. Deepa’s practice areas are content marketing, digital culture, branded & corporate storytelling, and arts communication. Her focus is on the intersections between communication and digital culture, healthcare, religion, and the arts.

Deepa is currently completing another degree in religious studies from the University of London. She is part of the interfaith fellowship programme at the Centre for Interfaith Understanding (CIFU) in Singapore. She has led the team at Quantico CCIL since its founding in 2005 and continues to take a hands-on approach to training our participants in the areas of digital marketing, storytelling, and arts communication. More on your convenor →

Deepa Vijayan at the Singapore Writers Festival

Course schedule

Pick your own course dates for groups of 3 and more. Use the enrolment form below to choose your preferred dates, or set your own schedule.

Set my own dates

1-on-1 course

Introduction to Authorship (IAU-02) is conducted on a 1-on-1 basis. Participants can therefore personalise their schedule with their instructors.

Course convenor: Deepa Vijayan →

Plan your schedule

From 2 to 14 days

This course offers additional flexibility. Complete the entire course in 2 full days, or spread your modules into bite-sized chunks over two weeks.

Get in touch →

Combine your courses

Authorship + Publishing

Take this course as-is, or combine it with Introduction to Publishing (IPB-01). You can also add Introduction to Publishing any time during this course.

Introduction to Publishing (IPB-01)

Publishing course singapore.

Produce and promote your manuscript across print and digital channels.

Publishing Course

You’ve got your manuscript out. It’s now time to bring it to the world. This course addresses key areas of publishing, from choosing traditional or self-publishing channels and hiring an agent, to using services like Create Space™, selling your rights and negotiating royalties with perpetuities. Learn how to get your masterpieces published and build a powerful ecosystem around your work to sell your books, your ideas, and yourself across audiences, genres, and cultures.

Fee and subsidy S$550.00 (S$357.50 after applying ASEAN subsidy). GST is not charged for this course.

Duration 1 day (9:30am – 4:30pm)

1 The publishing journey

  • Understanding what publishing means
  • Various publishing channels
  • Sourcing for book publishing agents
  • Understanding the royalty process
  • Dealing with various publishing deals
  • Go it alone: self-publishing options
  • Setting your own price threshold
  • Dealing with rejection and acceptance

2 From book to movement

  • Copyright and intellectual property
  • Demystifying and applying for ISBNs
  • Book tours, signings, and events
  • Picking an appropriate nom de plume
  • Self-branding in the post-digital era
  • Selling, sharing, and content marketing
  • Publish in Asia, UK/Europe, or the US
  • The future of the publishing industry

3 Beyond your course

  • Learning continues long after a course ends, with lifelong access to all of your instructors, through CCIL Qrowd™. Regular one-on-one consultations, and sustained professional guidance mean full, ongoing support for authors.
  • the publishing industry and its (often) complex requirements
  • the difference between agency and self-publishing models
  • why publishing is more than the business-end of writing
  • what is meant by royalties, agency fees, and artist contracts
  • when to proceed or backout of book and movie deals
  • the publishing industry’s changing role in the post-digital era
  • understand how the publishing industry works, locally and internationally
  • learn about self-publishing vs using literary agents
  • create marketability for my books and personal brand
  • account for hidden costs and fees included in book deals
  • drive reader-interest through growing fan bases and public appearances
  • grow my presence in Amazon’s Kindle™ and CreateSpace™ marketplaces
  • cover in-depth content marketing strategies: please see Digital & Content Marketing Course →
  • cover in-depth sales writing and branding strategies: please see Copywriting Course →

Introduction to Publishing gives aspiring authors a solid understanding of the publishing industry as it stands today, and where it will be tomorrow . This course covers the entire process, from preparing your manuscript for final edits to meeting with publishing agents and signing book deals. We will also examine different types of publishing contracts and the processes of manuscript covers, proofing, submission timelines, and production.

The course facilitates constructive, realistic discussions of the publishing industry , with a view to helping first-time authors navigate the business of publishing with confidence and clarity. Your instructor will remain on-hand to provide sound career advice and professional guidance long after the course is over. Introduction to Publishing can be taken independently, or combined with Introduction to Authorship.

Introduction to Publishing (IPB-01) is conducted on a 1-on-1 basis. Participants can therefore personalise their schedule with their instructors.

From 1 to 7 days

This course offers additional flexibility. Complete the entire course in 1 full day, or spread your modules into bite-sized chunks over one week.

Publishing + Authorship

Take this course as-is, or combine it with Introduction to Authorship (IAU-02). You can also add Introduction to Authorship any time during this course.

Course enrolment

Enrol for your Authorship and/or Publishing Course. You can use this service to:

• enrol for your chosen course • add additional participants to your enrolment • apply the ASEAN subsidy for eligible participants

The Quantico Centre for Communication and Information Literacy Pte. Ltd.

An iso 9001:2015 certified organisation and singapore accreditation council star recipient (2016–2019).

1 Tampines North Drive 1 #06-08 T-Space Singapore 528559

T: +(65) 6573 7370 E: group[@]qc.sg W: www.qc.sg

Workshops and Courses

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fiction writing course singapore

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Creative writing: telling yourself the story.

A novel writing course with bestselling author Alice Clark-Platts. In eight classes, plot out the novel you have always wanted to write. Learn about structure and pace and the key elements of drama and storytelling. 

About the trainer Alice Clark-Platts is an accomplished author known for her crime novels, including The Cove, The Flower Girls, Bitter Fruits, and The Taken, which was a finalist for the Dead Good Reader Awards' Best Police Procedural. Her short fiction has been featured in various publications, showcasing her talent for storytelling.

Aside from her writing career, Alice has a background as a human rights litigator, having worked on notable cases involving Winnie Mandela and the rapper, Snoop Dogg. She also founded The Singapore Writers' Group and regularly conducts writing workshops, sharing her expertise in creative and non-fiction writing.

Note: Course trainers are, on occasion, subject to change with short notice.


Online classes, application information.

Writing materials.

Art enthusiasts, art and language students, teachers and/or anyone interested in creative writing.

Note: Course fee not inclusive of application fee  and GST.

$354.00 (after National Silver Academy (NSA) subsidy)

Note: NSA fee is inclusive of GST.


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fiction writing course singapore


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Creative Writing: Prose

Singapore university of social sciences, creative writing: prose (elt256).

Applications Open:  01 May 2024

Applications Close:  15 June 2024

Next Available Intake:  July 2024

Course Types:  Modular Undergraduate Course

Language:  English

Duration:  6 months

Fees:  $1391.78 View More Details on Fees

Area of Interest:  Linguistics and Languages

Schemes:  Alumni Continuing Education (ACE)

Funding:  To be confirmed

School/Department:  School of Humanities & Behavioural Sciences

Level:  2 Credit Units:  5 Presentation Pattern:  EVERY JULY

  • The creative writing process
  • Types of short fiction and style
  • Setting the scene
  • Showing and telling
  • Perspectives and points of view
  • Breathing life into characters
  • Plot and structure
  • Elements of the narrative essay
  • The voice of personal experience
  • Shaping style, structure and thought
  • Managing the creative project
  • Platforms for publishing: journals, blogs, magazines and more

Learning Outcome

  • Identify key elements and techniques in short fiction and the narrative essay.
  • Distinguish the various genres and styles in creative narrative writing.
  • Analyse how narrative technique and form create meaning in stories and essays.
  • Develop narrative outlines that illustrate compelling storytelling.
  • Apply the elements and techniques of short fiction and essay in creative writing.
  • Execute a creative writing project.

*Please select at least 1 field

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Singapore Book Council

The SBC Academy  is the training  arm of SBC.

We conduct short courses, talks, workshops and master classes in publishing, writing, reading and storytelling. Our workshops meet the training needs of professionals and the wider public. Our local and international trainers and speakers from countries such as the United Kingdom, United States and Australia are established, credible professionals from the literary arts and publishing field.

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Polish: The Art of Self-Editing for Fiction Writers

SBC Academy

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Join the World’s Most Respected

Content writing course by iim skills, table of contents, top 7 creative writing courses in singapore.

  • Ipsita Padhi
  • April 1, 2024
  • No Comments

The invention of writing has been a defining moment in the evolution of human civilization. Writing has been one of the most significant modes of communication available to us for expressing our thoughts, visions, and beliefs with each other. Across the ages of history, as writing evolved as a skill, a man started experimenting with different types of writing materials and tools, and thus developed the many styles of writing. As writing styles continue to evolve, today in the millennial world,  people seemed to be intrigued and fascinated by the new catchword – creative writing. As a result of this, many creative writing courses in Singapore are providing training to make people skilled.

List of best creative writing courses in Singapore

What is Creative Writing?

In simple words, creative writing can be explained as the art of essaying your imaginative thoughts creatively. It is how best one can craft and beautifully play with words or sentences. Some people possess the gift to write what attracts their audience’s attention, while others go through structured courses to pick up the nuances of the trait.

The ideation of any creative writing is inspired by mundane things but its value is enhanced by its presentation style which would makes it stand out. The niche of a creative writer, therefore, dwells in the individual’s ability to uniquely narrate an article as a story while keeping in mind the target audience.

Types of Creative Writing

Creative writing has been around in many forms and styles for quite some time. However, the invention of the typewriter in the late 19 th century gave a boost to the growth of creative writing. Although, in earlier times, poetry was considered one of the first forms of creative writing, however as times evolved and writers were influenced by their immediate surroundings and society, that was eventually reflected in the writing; giving rise to many other forms and styles of creative writing.

Through its journey so far, creative writing has undergone many experimentations, permutations, and combinations; often being subjected to a change in writing material or tools, or style of writing. For a considerable time in the past, people were used to the comfort of using paper as the most useful material for writing, until the internet came knocking.

Now, with the boom in the internet and technology, the art of creative writing has reached out to a new platform, with a diverse range of areas where writing skills are required to increase the target audience base to more successful careers for creative writers as akin to a decade ago.

Even though there has been an upsurge in the creative writing market due to the internet, there are still some writing styles from the past which are still in vogue. Only the look and feel have changed since we are used to reading them from an online platform rather than a copy or a book.

Let Us Understand the Types of Writing That Are Predominantly Trending in Creative Writing.

1. Poetry Writing

This has been one of the oldest forms of creative writing styles. It will not be out of place to consider this as the foundation of most of the writing styles that are in use today. Most of the writing from history discusses epics being written in rhythmic verses describing a story or anecdote of that era. It is still holding on to its fort despite stiff competition from new emerging styles of writing.

2. Fiction Writing

This style of writing mostly deals with composing imaginative narratives which may or may not have any factual bearing on the real world. In this, the writer conveys his viewpoint to the audience by creating a web of words around a pseudo-real world. This genre of writing has many varied types depending on the structure, format, or number of words such as novels, short stories, screenwriting, etc.

3. Non-fiction Writing

In contrast, non-fiction is a more generalized form of writing which includes any written content that does not have any imaginative narrative to it. They are mostly rooted in the assumption of hard facts. Often the such type of style can be written for informative or instructional benefit. Being a fact-based writing style, these can be presented either objectively or subjectively in various literary types such as educational books on various subjects, biographies, academic papers, journal articles, etc.

In the last few years, another offshoot of this style that is gaining momentum is creative non-fiction writing, which is written on the same premise of factually accurate information as non-fiction writing. But it is different in the sense that here writer projects the same information in a more dramatized way as if narrating a story to the reader.

Thus, this uses the creativity of crafting the article from fiction writing while sticking to the baseline of using hard facts as in usual non-fiction writing. Most biographies, news articles, editorial columns, magazine articles, personal essays, diary writing, memoirs, etc. come under this style of writing.

4. Screenwriting

Also known as scriptwriting, this form of writing is very similar to friction writing, especially when writing a novel. But the only addition is here the entire story is divided into different sub-structures describing more in-depth the characters, the environment, and the plot. The narratives are also in direct speech with dialogues mentioning the conversations between the different characters as well as their expressions being tagged here. Due to the detailed structure of this writing, it is mostly used in movies, theatre acts, plays, television dramas, or web series.

You may also want to learn more about the best Online Creative Writing Courses

Apart From the Aforementioned List, Some of the More Trending Writing Styles That Have Been Predominantly in Use in the Business World Are Listed Below.

1. Content Writing

Nowadays, since the internet has become an integral part of our lives, companies have started using the internet for their marketing practices to penetrate the lives of their customers. Hence, most companies have replaced their regular advertising & marketing practices with digital marketing methods, which has become the new norm in the corporate world.

There are various attributes of digital marketing, one of which is content writing. With the world shrinking to the size of a smartphone, consumers have been more aware and conscious than ever before. Therefore, content is the only niche that can be used by corporate big-wigs to allure customers. Going by the famous saying Content is King,  it has become essential to drive marketing and advertising with good content.

Hence, the need for content writers across various industries has been on the rise. Broadly understood as content writing, there are a variety of sub-categories that are unfolded under content writing such as press releases, copywriting, report writing, social media content, SEO content, business writing like sales proposals, memos, reports, and other web content articles.

Singapore’s market has been booming with opportunities for writers. One can check on creative writing courses in Singapore who is aspiring for a lucrative job in the content writing industry.

2. Blogging

Initially, blogging started as an online diary entry open for the public to read and comment on. With passing years, it has changed styles from informal to semi-formal and has been used not only for individuals posting personal information but also by companies sharing business information.

The range of information found on a blog ranges from travelogues, food journals, restaurant reviews, recommendations on skincare and beauty products, expert opinions on appliances or cars, how-to listicles on mundane things around the house, milestone information for mom to be’s and first-time mothers, and so on.

There are many more niche topics covered across various blogs and the number is ever-increasing. The market has been in high demand for bloggers these days as companies tend to hire them for managing their business blog posts. Hence, this is the right time for anyone interested in this field to pursue creative writing courses in Singapore and try their luck in the job market.

Career Choices in Creative Writing

With the diversity in opportunities present for creative writers, there has been a surge in career opportunities being offered for creative writing courses in Singapore. The wide variations in positions available for a creative writer in Singapore span across industries and verticals. For better appreciation of the roles predominant in the job market is offered to individuals who have completed creative writing courses in Singapore varies through an array of positions like:

  • Creative Content Writer,
  • Content Writer In Beauty Industry,
  • Copywriter ,
  • Technical Writer,
  • Social Media Marketing ,
  • Curriculum Developer (Mathematics),
  • Digital Marketing Associate (Performance Marketing),
  • Marketing Executive (Content Writer),
  • Social Media Copywriter,
  • Creative Copywriter,
  • Creative Digital Content Executive,
  • Marketing & Content Writer,
  • Communication Executive (Content Writer),
  • Social Media Content Writer,
  • Contract Blog Writer,
  • Creative Contents Creator ( Research Writer),
  • Content Writer.

Apart from the list of roles mentioned, there is also a volley of freelance creative writers in Singapore actively pursuing their careers and profession in this field. Having understood the what and why of creative writing, let us dig deep to understand the how of the subject and from where to get the required knowledge.

Creative Writing Courses in Singapore

Singapore is a global hub for many multinational companies indulging in cut-throat competition across the marketplace. Amidst such high valued competitive market, there is bound to be a wide buffet of career choices to pick from. But more than that, one must do thorough research and be meticulous enough to pick up the right skills required to pursue your aspirational career choice or land a position in your dream company.

By now the reader must have had a fair idea of the huge potential for creative writers in the job market in Singapore. Many world-class institutes are offering creative writing courses in Singapore. The courses range from a long-term bachelor’s degree to a short diploma course or 2-day workshop. Let us look at the options given below and understand in-depth the different creative writing courses in Singapore, their prerequisites, and other details.

1. IIM Skills

IIM Skills has been one of the pioneers in providing quality-oriented writing skills along with hands-on experience in the form of an excellent course along with a 3-month internship, where the learner gets a chance to write for reputed news portals and other renowned platforms in the market.

They also lend a helping hand for placements. In short, they take care of the learners from end to end, right from the time of admission until the learner is confident to be on his own, either as a freelancer or in pursuing a career in writing. Their Content Writing Course is an excellent choice for learners to learn a variety of writing skills.

Unlike many other online institutes selling content writing courses, this one tops the list for many reasons, such as personal attention to each learner by the trainers through live-interactive online sessions, quick to address the issues faced by learners, trying to make the course interactive and easy to understand so that irrespective of the background of the learner everyone can find a constructive takeaway from the course.

The course has structured modules that are unmatched by other competitors in the industry. The institute has trained around 6000+ students across the globe and the numbers are still rising as you read this article. The institute promises lifetime access to its learners. For more details regarding the course, please visit their course landing page.

Here are the top-most Creative Writing Courses in New Zealand

2. Creative Writing, NTU

The Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is one of the finest universities in Singapore offering world-class teaching on various subjects. Their creative writing course is considered to be one of the best on-campus curricula among creative writing courses in Singapore. The university offers creative writing courses for undergraduate and graduate programs. The USP of these courses is being handled by accomplished and established writers who have authored and published a considerable number of books to their fame.

The Two Courses Offered:

  • Minor in Creative Writing

This course is available for any undergraduate student who is passionate about pursuing an interest in creative writing. To complete the course, one needs to undergo five courses comprising one compulsory paper and four electives. The course includes regular assessments and offers students a chance to attend a workshop on creative writing which would further widen their horizons on the subject.

  • Graduate Programs in Creative Writing

This comprises of Master of Arts degree in English and a Ph.D. in English, both of which require a subsequent number of courses to complete along with a presentation of a thesis with a stipulated number of words as mentioned in the guidelines.

IIM Skills Content Writing Course free demo invite

3. Asia Creative Writing Programme

This is a one-of-its-kind program run by the National Arts Council in collaboration with Scholl of Humanities, Nanyang Technical University. The USP of the program is spearheaded and led by visiting writers across the globe who handhold the learners through the requisite skills and practical knowledge required for becoming ace creative writers.

This program intends to nurture writers at different stages of their career paths. The team of experts assists the students with the most updated creative writing techniques so that they can find the process easy and interesting. If you are struggling with writing and crafting unique ideas then you should give this course a try.

4. Lasalle College of Arts, Singapore

This is a 1.5-year full-time program, offered by Lasalle College of Arts, Singapore. The USP of the course is its holistic curriculum structure, amalgamating all forms of creative writing into the curriculum to give the confidence and the necessary skills to the learner to be ready to publish their first book or first article even before they finish the course.

This 1.5-year long program trains you in the in-depth of each writing genre to make you a professional writer. At the end of the program, will be ready to call yourself a successful author as they make sure to nurture the abilities of each writer in every possible way. No doubt, it is one of the best creative writing courses in Singapore.

Also check out, Creative Writing Courses in Edinburgh

5. Coursera

This site provides a wide array of courses related to creative writing from different universities ranging from beginner level to professional level. Many of the courses are free and some are paid as well. All the courses are self-paced and can be completed at the convenience of the learner. All courses require assessments to be complimented for earning the completion certificate.

Similar to Coursera, this platform also provides a variety of lessons on creative writing, being offered by different universities. All courses are self-paced with the requirement of completing assessments to earn the completion certificate. This platform offers various courses on writing hosted by different authors.

The best part of the platform is all the courses touch upon important aspects of the subject yet videos are of short duration and hence the entire course could be completed within a week. All courses are self-paced and provide excellent training. A number of students enroll in their courses every month to get an overview of their domains. You can also become a skilled writer by enrolling in their courses.

7. Henry Harvin

This is the next best choice for pursuing a course in content writing.  The institute offers a variety of courses apart from content writing. Their content writing course is considered the next best option in the industry. The institute promises to giveaway 9 courses clubbed into the structure of this single course.

They teach around 30 types of content writing styles along with two-way live sessions, Bootcamp, internships, and projects for practical experience. The institute assures learners of 1-year placement assistance support after the end of the course. Apart from this, the institute also provides various add-on tools and software to the learners.

Find here the excellent Creative Writing Courses in India

Tips to Become a Good Creative Writer

Try to explore and find your writing style.

Once you have decided on your writing style, think about what you would like to write.

Get into a habit of freewriting. Set up a schedule to write a few lines daily. Once you get yourself into the habit of writing, after some time, writing will come naturally to you.

Start your day by writing clear and simple sentences which are precise as well as easy to understand. O. Practice the habit of writing paragraphs of at least 10-15 lines in one go. Likewise, keep pushing your limits until you can write at least 2-3 pages in a day.

Tip: You can start by maintaining  a journal mentioning all the happenings throughout the day

Once you get comfortable and habituated with the art of writing daily, now you can focus on writing something in your chosen genre or writing style. You may either do some reading of other authors writing the same style for some inspiration before starting your ideation or start right away if you are already very creative.

While working on your writing, there might be a situation when you face writer’s block and are not able to think of anything creative. This is a normal phenomenon every writer goes through and you’re not alone in this. To help you cope with this, you must get yourself enrolled in forums or communities where like-minded people with similar interests meet, discuss, and help each other out.

One essential thing to remember is, that for being a good writer, one must not stop being imaginative in creating the craft. Hence, keep reading different genres and different authors to stir up your creativity, but also learn to explore your environment and take cues from it to put that into your writing.

In case you find it difficult to start your journey, do not worry. There are various creative writing courses in Singapore. You can select from any one of the courses mentioned in this article depending on your time, budget, and comfort.

The above information gives a detailed review of the creative writing courses in Singapore focusing on learners aspiring for a career in the field. These are the best courses for people who would want to go through proper training for a better understanding of the subject or to take up creative writing as a hobby.

1. What are the basics needed to become a creative writer?

The basic prerequisite to becoming a creative writer is to have the passion to become one. Other skills which could be of help like good communication skills, better grammar and sentence formation, creative ideation of a situation, etc. People who are not very good with their writing skills but are passionate to be creative writers can take up a course on the subject and start their journey as a writer.

2. Can I become a creative writer by taking up creative writing courses in Singapore?

Most creative writing courses in Singapore are conducted by experts in the subject and are prepared in a structured way to provide the learner with the requisite knowledge to brush their skills, prepare them better with observation and ideation skills, deal with writer’s block, provide hands-on experience on the subject, etc. Hence, taking up a course to follow your passion is highly advisable.

3. What are the career options for a creative writer?

There are a variety of career opportunities for a creative writer like content writing, copywriting, technical writing services, writing for publishing houses, public relations agencies, advertising agencies, marketing companies, blogging, screenwriting, etc. One can also aspire to become a freelance creative writer.

4. Are there any good institutes offering creative writing courses in Singapore?

The present article discusses in detail offline as well as online institutes of repute, offering creative writing courses in Singapore. Although, IIM Skills is the best choice one can make for skill development.

5. How much is the starting salary for creative writers in Singapore?

The income of a creative writer in Singapore ranges from a minimum salary of 3,030 SGD per month to a maximum of 8,480 SGD per month, depending on the particular job profile.


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Flash fiction writing

By felix cheong.

8 November 2014 (Sat) 9.30am to 5.30pm

Course Fee: $70.00 Eventbrite Registration Fee: $3.00

Flash Fiction Writing (1 Nov 2014)

Workshop Synopsis

It's short, sweet and sharp. And it's something you can write on the go!

In this full-day workshop, award-winning writer Felix Cheong is your guide to flash fiction writing - anything from as short as six words to 600 words.

Drawing from his experience in writing two flash fiction collections, he will introduce writing exercises that hone your writing to that fine, precise edge.

Course Outline

1. What is flash fiction?

2. Story structure

3. Developing the 2Cs: Character and Conflict.

4. Writing the 3Ds: Dialogue, Details and Descriptions.

5. Ending with a Bang and Twist

6. Trimming it down to size.

About the Trainer: Felix Cheong

Felix Cheong

Felix Cheong, completed his Master of Philosophy in Creative Writing at the University of Queensland in 2002 and is currently an adjunct lecturer with Murdoch University, University of Newcastle, University of Western Australia, Temasek Polytechnic and LASALLE College of the Arts.

Author of nine books, including four collections of poetry, two teen detective novels, The Call from Crying House (2006), and the sequel, Woman in the Last Carriage (2007), and Vanishing Point, which was long-listed for the prestigious Frank O’Connor last year. His latest book is Singapore Siu Dai, a collection of humorous flash fiction. The sequel, Singapore Siu Dai 2, will be launched in September.

He received the National Arts Council’s Young Artist of the Year for Literature Award in 2000 and was nominated for the Singapore Literature Prize in 2004.

Registration Details

Minimum – maximum number of participants: 15 – 25 pax.

Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis and workshop fees must be paid before the workshop. If the minimum number of participants is not met for the class, the organisers will inform all participants about possible postponement and cancellation, two weeks before the workshop date.

Cancellation & Substitution

The workshop can be cancelled or postponed two weeks before the workshop date if the minimum number of participants is not met. Participants will be fully refunded for workshops cancelled by us.

Participants who are unable to attend a workshop they have registered for are to inform us of the reason two weeks before the workshop date. They will be fully refunded in the event of extenuating and mitigating circumstances (E.g. illness, bereavement, accidents) . Those who inform us up to five (5) working days before the workshop date will receive a 50% refund. Participants can also attend another course at the same value within the same year.

Upon registration, you are deemed to have read and understood the cancellation, withdrawal and substitution policy and accept the terms contained therein.

fiction writing course singapore

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fiction writing course singapore

Fiction Writing Masterclass - Singapore


  • Acquire an understanding of writing fiction to invent stories and makeup characters.
  • Become familiar with the dialogues to better understand the story and emotions.
  • Learn how to weave the spoken words that can create a beautiful tapestry.  

Fiction Writing Masterclass Overview

  • Course syllabus
  • Who it’s for
  • What’s included
  • Why choose this course

Fiction Writing Masterclass Course Outline

Module 1: Fiction Writing

  • What is Fiction Writing?
  • Types of Fiction Writing
  • Elements of Successful Fiction Writing
  • Rules for Writing Fiction

Module 2: Purpose of Dialogue

  • Reveals Motives
  • Sets the Mood in the Story
  • Intensifies the Story Conflict
  • Creates Tension and Suspense
  • Speeds Up Scenes
  • Adds Bits of Setting
  • Communicates the Theme

Module 3: Dialogue Matters

  • Descriptive
  • Provocative

Module 4: Weave the Spoken Word

  • Dialogue into Action
  • Narrative into Dialogue
  • Weaving Dialogue, Narrative, and Action
  • When Not to Weave?
  • Striking a Balance

Module 5: Characters and Motivations to the Reader

  • Using the Enneagram in Stories

Module 6: Character Development

  • Importance of Character Development
  • Types of Character Development
  • Steps to Develop a Character
  • How to Introduce Characters in Writing?

Module 7: Setting of a Story

  • What is the Setting of a Story?
  • Types of Setting
  • How to Create a Vivid Setting for Story?

Module 8: Dialogue to Reveal Story Setting and Background

  • Know Characters
  • Establishing Setting
  • Too Much Too Soon
  • Dialogue Description
  • Stay in Voice
  • Different Stories, Different Settings
  • Weaving Narrative Setting into Dialogue
  • Integrating Your Setting

Module 9: Dialogue that Intensifies the Conflict

  • Scene Openings
  • Degrees of Tension
  • Techniques to Tighten Tension
  • Scene Endings

Module 10: Set the Mood and Facilitate the Emotion

  • Setting the Mood

Module 11: Tying Up the Loose Ends

  • Punctuating to Achieve Rhythm
  • Constructing Paragraphs
  • Contractions
  • Avoiding Inappropriate Tags
  • Positioning Tags
  • Handling Phone Conversations
  • Using Humour in Dialogue
  • Importance of Reticence

Who Should Attend Fiction Writing Masterclass

This course is intended for those who have an interest in fiction writing and have already made some progress in writing.

Prerequisites  of Fiction Writing Masterclass

There are no formal prerequisites for attending this Fiction Writing Masterclass.

Fiction Writing Masterclass Course Overview

Fiction Writing is story writing that includes elements of character and story developed by the author, in contrast to non-fiction, which is based on real people and real-world events. Fiction can completely immerse an individual in another person's mind in a way that no other kind of communication does. This masterclass assists learners in improving their capacity to understand and perceive the emotions of others. Fiction Writing is essential to improve learning through writing, storytelling as a mnemonic technique, visual writing, mental palaces, and learning to win arguments. Having Fiction Writing skills and knowledge will undoubtedly help you climb the value and professional job opportunities ladder. 

In this 1-day Fiction Writing Masterclass, delegates will gain comprehensive knowledge of writing fiction and how to develop appropriate characters. During this masterclass, delegates will learn how to use dialogue to reveal the story setting and background by knowing the characters and establishing the setting. They will also learn how to effectively deliver the characters and their motivations to the reader in an effective manner. Our highly professional and skilled trainer with years of teaching experience will deliver this course and provide delegates with the necessary skills and knowledge of fiction writing.

Course Objectives:

  • To access the voice inside of yourself that needs a particular piece of dialogue
  • To learn about the release of voice within the purpose of dialogue
  • To get familiar with the elements of successful fiction writing
  • To know about the dialogue that propels the story forward
  • To provide new information and reveal new obstacles that occurred while writing
  • To understand the way to introduce characters in fiction writing

At the end of this masterclass, delegates will be able to plot elements and characters developed by the author from their imagination. They will also be able to develop vivid settings that inhibit storylines and apply them to writing.

What’s Included in Fiction Writing Masterclass?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors    
  • Fiction Writing Masterclass Certificate 
  • Digital Delegate Pack

Why choose us

Ways to take this course.

Online Self-paced

Online Instructor-led

Experience live, interactive learning from home with The Knowledge Academy's Online Instructor-led Fiction Writing Masterclass. Engage directly with expert instructors, mirroring the classroom schedule for a comprehensive learning journey. Enjoy the convenience of virtual learning without compromising on the quality of interaction.

  • See trainer’s screen
  • Recording & transcripts
  • Virtual whiteboard
  • Share documents
  • Works on all devices


Unlock your potential with The Knowledge Academy's Fiction Writing Masterclass, accessible anytime, anywhere on any device. Enjoy 90 days of online course access, extendable upon request, and benefit from the support of our expert trainers. Elevate your skills at your own pace with our Online Self-paced sessions.

  • Certificates provided online
  • Get immediate access on purchase


Experience the most sought-after learning style with The Knowledge Academy's Fiction Writing Masterclass. Available in 490+ locations across 190+ countries, our hand-picked Classroom venues offer an invaluable human touch. Immerse yourself in a comprehensive, interactive experience with our expert-led Fiction Writing Masterclass sessions.


Highly experienced trainers

Boost your skills with our expert trainers, boasting 10+ years of real-world experience, ensuring an engaging and informative training experience


State of the art training venues

We only use the highest standard of learning facilities to make sure your experience is as comfortable and distraction-free as possible


Small class sizes

Our Classroom courses with limited class sizes foster discussions and provide a personalised, interactive learning environment


Great value for money

Achieve certification without breaking the bank. Find a lower price elsewhere? We'll match it to guarantee you the best value

Streamline large-scale training requirements with The Knowledge Academy’s In-house/Onsite Fiction Writing Masterclass at your business premises. Experience expert-led classroom learning from the comfort of your workplace and engage professional development.


Tailored learning experience

Leverage benefits offered from a certification that fits your unique business or project needs


Maximise your training budget

Cut unnecessary costs and focus your entire budget on what really matters, the training.


Team building opportunity

Our Fiction Writing Masterclass offers a unique chance for your team to bond and engage in discussions, enriching the learning experience beyond traditional classroom settings


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The course know-how will help you track and evaluate your employees' progression and performance with relative ease

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What our customers are saying

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Flexible delivery methods are available depending on your learning style.


High quality resources

Resources are included for a comprehensive learning experience.

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"Really good course and well organised. Trainer was great with a sense of humour - his experience allowed a free flowing course, structured to help you gain as much information & relevant experience whilst helping prepare you for the exam"

Joshua Davies, Thames Water

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"...the trainer for this course was excellent. I would definitely recommend (and already have) this course to others."

Diane Gray, Shell

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Asia Creative Writing Programme

Courses & Events – Fiction

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Completed Courses

Writer to Writer with Zen Cho

Writer to Writer with Zen Cho

Book a one-on-one mentoring session with award winning writer, Zen Cho, to discuss your writing project. Zen will provide guidance to help your creative practice and support your writing life.

Aspiring Novelist Bootcamp

Aspiring Novelist Bootcamp

Designed for Intermediate to Advanced fiction writers, this course will consist of workshops on writing craft and career strategy, focused on practical tips and strategies for building sustainable careers as published authors of genre and commercial fiction.

A Masterclass with Jeanette Winterson

A Masterclass with Jeanette Winterson

Join us for a Masterclass with the award winning and acclaimed, Jeanette Winterson. In this 2 hour Masterclass, Jeanette Winterson will look at the story you want to tell, structure, character, language & voice.

Rewriting Horror, Myths, and Fairy Tales: Genre-Bending Literature

Rewriting Horror, Myths, and Fairy Tales: Genre-Bending Literature

In this six workshop course, participants will explore the use of horror, myths, and fairy tales in literary fiction as ways of transcending genre boundaries and raise questions.

Writer to Writer with Intan Paramaditha

Writer to Writer with Intan Paramaditha

Book a one-on-one mentoring session with award winning writer, Intan Paramaditha, to discuss your writing project. Intan will provide guidance to help your creative practice and support your writing life.

Tamil Short Stories & Science Fiction for English Language Writers & Readers (Seminars)

Tamil Short Stories & Science Fiction for English Language Writers & Readers (Seminars)

Dr Suneel Krishnan provides an informative seminar on Tamil Short Stories & Science Fiction to writers and readers in Singapore. This course will be conducted in the English language.

Historical Fiction in Tamil (Seminar)

Historical Fiction in Tamil (Seminar)

Dr Suneel Krishnan provides an informative seminar on Tamil Historical Fiction to writers and readers in Singapore. This course will be conducted in the Tamil language.

Micro Fictions for Tamil Language Writers Workshop

Micro Fictions for Tamil Language Writers Workshop

In this two-week Foundation to Intermediate course, Dr Suneel Krishnan offers an encouraging and informative workshop to help developing writers write micro fiction in the Tamil language. This course will be conducted in the Tamil language.

Literary Criticism for Tamil Language Writers Workshop

Literary Criticism for Tamil Language Writers Workshop

In this two-week Foundation to Intermediate course, Dr Suneel Krishnan offers an encouraging and informative workshop to help developing writers write literary criticism in the Tamil language. This course will be conducted in the Tamil language.

An Introduction to Science Fiction in Tamil (Seminar)

An Introduction to Science Fiction in Tamil (Seminar)

In these two seminars, Dr Suneel Krishnan provides an informative seminar introducing Tamil science fiction writing to writers and readers in Singapore. This course will be conducted in the Tamil language.

fiction writing course singapore

Fiction Writing Course Online

Fiction Writing Course Online

Develop Your Novel LIVE Online Submissions + Private Coaching included Client Comment: "Irene's Online Fiction Writing Course more than delivered. She helped me find structure and learn new tools to deepen both my character development and narrative. Her feedback is honest and constructive. In only 4 weeks, I can feel I've improved both my writing and writing process, such that goals that previously felt out of reach, feel achievable. I highly recommend it!" ~ Meghan Stevenson-Krausz, USA

Inspire your creative spirit. Learn the art of story creation.

Our aim is to show you, as quickly as possible, how to create story and write a novel that hops off the page… so that you have a full understanding of all the elements of writing creative fiction, and can continue in confidence with the development of your novel.

Our innovative right-brain/left-brain writing exercises provide visual techniques that enhance the development of your story, and help speed up the creation process.

This 4-week Online Fiction Writing Course will show you how to create, develop and deepen your novel. You may have a story in development, you may be new to writing, or be somewhere in between.

This course will also help you develop Autobiographical Fiction stories – that is, embellishing life experiences to write as fiction.

For writers with a story in development , this intensive course will allow you to focus on your story so that you quickly gain an overall view of your plot and structure. Following your initial submission, you will receive feedback and guidance on your story prior to starting the actual LIVE Course.  This will help highlight for you the weaker elements of your story, and what needs fixing. You will therefore understand what is working in your story, what is not working, and what requires further development.

Then throughout the 3-week LIVE workshop, you will learn how to develop your manuscript creatively using our writing techniques and visual exercises. You also receive personal feedback on a step-by-step basis as you proceed through the course.

For new writers , or writers with a faint idea of a story, and don’t know what to do next… you will find out in this course. Using our writing techniques you will create characters, form setting, frame theme, create structure and explore POV to obtain a powerful writing voice, suitable for your individual story. When you complete this course, you will know how to develop and write a novel.

Final Submission: Writers submit their final writing submission after completion of the course to gain feedback on their writing in another private one-on-one LIVE session with Irene G.

LIVE Sessions sync with international time zones – US | Europe | Canada + Australia & New Zealand

View further information in the Course Details and Application below.

Ongoing Development of your Novel Our Private Online Fiction Writing Course is designed so that it caters for your personal writing requirements, thereby allowing you to focus on whatever stage you are at in your writing journey. Following our 4-week Online Fiction Writing Course, you have the option to join our private 3-month Online Work-in-Progress Classes, one-on-one with Irene G, to bring your manuscript to publishing standard.

Private Fiction Writing Classes Online

  • 4-week Private Online Fiction & Autobiographical Fiction Writing Course – Apply HERE for details Code F100
  • 3-month Private Work-in-Progress Private Fiction Writing Classes – Details HERE

Fiction Writing Course Online

Choose Your Date

Private fiction & autobiographical fiction writing course online live sessions details | apply.

How it Works

This LIVE  interactive Private  Online Fiction & Autobiographical Fiction Writing Workshop is delivered weekly over a three-week period . You then receive a private one-on-one LIVE Writing Session with Irene G. post the Workshop to discuss the progress of your manuscript and the further development of your novel.

Private Course – for personalised attention.

Submissions x2 1st Submission: prior to the course start date. Feedback and guidance on your novel will be included in the first LIVE Session.

2nd Submission: post Workshop

Course Delivery *3 x LIVE Writing Sessions/Workshop with Irene Graham – 90 minutes each *Post Workshop: 1 Hour LIVE Session

Our interactive digital writing room allows for full interaction,  Voice – Audio – Video – Screen Share with Irene G.

LIVE Writing Sessions scheduled to suit international time zones: USA / Europe / Canada Australia | New Zealand

Workshop Code: F100

  • Fiction Writing Retreats | Workshops
  • Fiction Writing Masterclass
  • Memoir Writing Course Online
  • Memoir Writing Retreats | Workshops

fiction writing course singapore

Explore our Memoir Writing Course Online 12-week   |   Memoir Writing Masterclass   |   Private Writing Classes

Photo Story Book by Irene Graham I Am A Hare! Hanna and The Hop Family

fiction writing course singapore

New Enrolment Hotline 93800762 Woodlands & Bukit Panjang

MOE Registration no. 3287

The Writers Place Pte Ltd


16 years of proven results.

The Writers Place Pte Ltd


Junction 10 (all p6 classes are full. sorry.).

The Writers Place Pte Ltd


Woodlands galaxy cc, as the school of writing, we have an environment that is specially catered for a community of students to pursue writing skills together., t he s pecialist i n c reative w riting.

THE WRITER’S PLACE is an English Enrichment Centre Specializing In English Creative Writing Classes for Primary School Children in Singapore.


Adhering to the latest MOE syllabus , your children will be immersed in our Effective Step-by-Step English creative writing tuition classes.

Students who are struggling with English composition writing will be empowered with the much-needed in-depth creative writing skills that will help to improve their composition grades.

Our incredibly fun yet fruitful English creative writing lessons will leave our young writers bursting with enthusiasm and love for creative writing and reading!

Our passionate teachers at The Writer’s Place very much look forward to meeting you!

The Writers Place Pte Ltd


The Writers Place Pte Ltd

The Art of Writing - Peh Biao Xing

  • Joined TWP in P2
  • Experienced consistent SUCCESS since joining The Writer’s Place: 40/40 (P5 and P6)
  • Scored AL1 for PSLE English, and moved on to Catholic High School!

The Writers Place Pte Ltd

The Benefits of Writing - Sanjay Roy

  • Joined TWP in P4
  • REVISED his English Composition Writing materials weekly after each lesson!
  • Scored an A for PSLE English, and moved on to Raffles Institution (RI) !

The Writers Place Pte Ltd

Cultivated Love for Writing - Clara Tan

  • Joined our December Holiday Programme (P5) and moved onto P6 
  • In less than a year in TWP, she cultivated her LOVE for writing and her CONFIDENCE soared! 

The Writers Place Pte Ltd

Expressing through Writing - Aidan Chong

  • A hard-working student who consistently pours his best efforts into each piece of writing, and always seeks to learn from his mistakes to improve his work. 
  • Selected by his school to join the SOTA P6 Creative Writing Competition, and also TOPPED his class in the SA1 English Composition!


The Writers Place Pte Ltd


Systematic lessons.

Step-by-step learning structure to make creative writing easy for young learners

Grasp vocabulary & writing techniques effectively & quickly

The Writers Place Pte Ltd


Complementing learning with visuals , videos and interactive games

Encourage maximum participation and active learning

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Practising exam strategy together with structured in-class revision

Complete a composition under 50 minutes

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The Writers Place Pte Ltd

“TEACHER ALWAYS AVAILABLE TO RESPOND” The teacher @ The Writer’s Place gives prompt feedback on my child‘s performance in composition writing and is always available to respond to questions. The teacher was also attentive to the kids even to those on Zoom.

“MY CHILD FEELS SAFE, HAPPY AND MOTIVATED” The teachers are friendly, encouraging and have a positive growth mindset. My child feels safe, happy and motivated. Thank you teachers. You are doing a great job. 

“TEACHER STAYS ON TOP OF KID’S PROGRESS” The teacher always gives constant feedback about kid’s performance in class. This is very encouraging for the kids to continue improving themselves. Teacher also guides parents on areas to improve. Thank you teacher for staying on top of kid’s learning progress despite learning through zoom. It is tough but kids are coping well.

“TEACHERS ARE VERY NICE” All the creative writing teachers are very nice. Will consider introducing The Writer’s Place @ Woodlands Galaxy CC to my friends.

“A LOT OF SUPPORT IN WRITING” The Writer’s Place gave my child a lot of support in her writing. At first, she had a lot of grammatical errors and did not know any descriptive phrases. Now her compos always get high marks.

“INTERESTING TOPICS ARE COVERED” My child enjoys going to classes as she finds her teacher nice and friendly. I like her encouraging comments on their writing. Interesting topics are covered in the worksheets.

“MY KID HAS MORE INTEREST IN WRITING” The teacher is kind and efficient in teaching. My kid has more interest in writing now. She knows what the teacher, who is marking her composition, is looking out for and how she can score well in her compo.

“ABLE TO UNDERSTAND TEACHER’S LESSONS” There is regular feedback regarding my child’s progress. Ethan is able to understand the teacher’s lessons. Prompt and friendly response regarding admin matters.

“FUN, INTRIGUING AND ENGAGING TEACHERS” The teachers are fun, intriguing and engaging. They have a conducive environment for my child to study and thanks to them, my child has improved in her English composition tremendously!

“WILL GO THROUGH MISTAKES AND ENSURE THEY UNDERSTAND” The teachers will go through the students mistakes and ensure that they understand. The teachers are patient when explaining. My P2 girl enjoys the classes as lessons are interesting. She is able to write with more expressions and details with the words and sentences that she learnt in class.

“TEACHER BOOSTS THE CONFIDENCE TO WORK HARDER” I receive constant updates on my Primary 4 child’s progress via WhatsApp. I felt it was very engaging and allowed me to know how my child was progressing in class. The teacher’s comments on every composition piece were encouraging. I personally feel that this is very important as it not only motivates the child, it also boosts the confidence of individuals to work harder and progress further in their composition writing. Kudos to my child and thanks for the encouraging comments by The Writer’s Place’s teacher.

“THE TEACHER CARES” The teacher cares about my primary 6 child’s progress in composition writing and provides regular feedback at The Writer’s Place. The manager is also fast in responding to enquiries.

“CREATIVE STORY-LINES AND NEW VOCABULARY” The teachers adopt an interesting approach to instil interest in the students. They motivate them to learn and improve their English writing with creative storylines and new vocabulary. We appreciate that the staff in the centre are courteous, helpful and considerate to provide the best experience for students and parents.

“VERY WILLING TO HELP CHILDREN” I like that they are very willing to help the children as they did with Aashritha. I love how Aashritha’s teacher was very keen to give her feedback on her preliminary examination compo. The feedback that the teacher had given her was very useful as Aashritha has told me. The stories are excellent and the worksheets are very well-written. I have read the stories and I am impressed with how good the stories are. I would recommend The Writer’s Place.

“MY KID ALWAYS LOOKS FORWARD TO CLASSES” My kid enjoys her lessons and always looking forward to her classes. I am extremely satisfied with The Writer’s Place and it has well surpassed my expectations.


  1. 4 Best Creative Writing Courses in Singapore

    fiction writing course singapore

  2. Fiction Writing Course: Where and how to begin?

    fiction writing course singapore

  3. Creative Writing COURSES

    fiction writing course singapore

  4. Online Fiction Writing Course: Start Writing Fiction

    fiction writing course singapore

  5. Creative Writing Course In Singapore

    fiction writing course singapore

  6. Fiction Writing Online Course

    fiction writing course singapore


  1. Lecture on Cormac McCarthy's Suttree: Part 1

  2. Intro to Holly Lisle's Novel Writing Course: How To Think Sideways

  3. Singapore Writers Festival 2022

  4. Give a crime fiction writing course as a GIFT to someone you care about

  5. Are You Feeling the Nudge to Write a Book?


  1. Creative Writing: Fiction I & II

    Sarah Soh was born in Singapore and had previously lived in the UK, Ireland and the US. She has an MA in Creative Writing from LASALLE College of the Arts, where she is currently teaching a short course on fiction writing. Her work can be found in the Quarterly Literary Review Singapore and The Best Asian Short Stories collections (2020, 2022).

  2. Fiction Writing Training Course in Singapore

    Fiction Writing is story writing that includes elements of character and story developed by the author, in contrast to non-fiction, which is based on real people and real-world events. Singapore. 2 PEREIRA ROAD

  3. Courses & Events

    Aspiring Novelist Bootcamp. Designed for Intermediate to Advanced fiction writers, this course will consist of workshops on writing craft and career strategy, focused on practical tips and strategies for building sustainable careers as published authors of genre and commercial fiction. read more.

  4. MA Creative Writing

    The programme develops the writers, editors, publishers, cultural curators and writing teachers of tomorrow who create narratives that migrate from Singapore to the world's exponentially growing literary production and publishing market. You will acquire a deep appreciation of the written word and the construction of written forms such as poetry, creative non-fiction, fiction, screenplays and ...

  5. Fiction writing (advanced)

    The Advanced Fiction workshop aims to help writers who already have a grasp of the basics of writing fiction further perfect and develop their craft. Aspects of fiction writing such as plot, dialogue, character, setting and pace will be featured, along with more advanced topics such as semiotics, allegory and symbolism in a full-day 6.5-hour ...

  6. Authorship and Publishing Course Singapore

    Note: this course is conducted on a 1-on-1 basis, owing to the highly personalised nature of materials, and the need to protect each author's ideas and intellectual property. This course is covered by the ASEAN subsidy for eligible participants. S$980.00 (S$637.00 after applying ASEAN subsidy). GST is not charged for this course.

  7. Creative Writing: Telling Yourself the Story

    A novel writing course with bestselling author Alice Clark-Platts. ... sharing her expertise in creative and non-fiction writing. Note: Course trainers are, on occasion, subject to change with short notice. ... LASALLE College of the Arts is registered with the Committee for Private Education which is part of SkillsFuture Singapore ...

  8. Creative Writing at NTU

    Creative Writing at NTU. Creative Writing at NTU provides a range of offerings for undergraduate and graduate students, who benefit from innovative teaching, skilled mentorship and a stimulating environment of literary exchange. All courses are taught by practising and publishing writers, including the prominent local and international authors ...

  9. Creative Writing: Prose

    ELT256 Creative Writing: Prose addresses this question by developing students' skills in the narrative craft. This is a practical writing course that enables students to create compelling and engaging narratives in short fiction and non-fiction. The focus is on the elements and techniques of the short story and the narrative essay.

  10. Creative Writing

    This course provides students with opportunities to write to develop their creative writing skills in prose. The course aims to facilitate students' development of editorial skills through the provision and acceptance of feedback on writing. It will be workshop-based and emphasize discussion and reflection. During the course, students will ...

  11. English Creative Writing

    Our faculty in creative writing are interested in supervising projects in prose, poetry, and creative nonfiction. ... For fiction projects, final submissions will include 55,000-65,000 words of fiction, 19,000-21,000 words of exegesis, and a list of works cited. ... This course will discuss selected Singapore literary and popular cultural ...

  12. SBC Academy

    the training arm of SBC. We conduct short courses, talks, workshops and master classes in publishing, writing, reading and storytelling. Our workshops meet the training needs of professionals and the wider public. Our local and international trainers and speakers from countries such as the United Kingdom, United States and Australia are ...

  13. Top 7 Creative Writing Courses in Singapore in [year]

    2. Creative Writing, NTU. The Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is one of the finest universities in Singapore offering world-class teaching on various subjects. Their creative writing course is considered to be one of the best on-campus curricula among creative writing courses in Singapore.

  14. Creative Writing Workshops

    English courses. Adults; Kids and teens; Companies; Educational institutions; Learn online; ... Writing the City; Fresh Fiction from Singapore; Celebrating Singapore's Storytellers; Visual arts; Music; Cultural Skills; Our East Asia work in Arts; ... British Council (Singapore) Limited (UEN 201202363R) is a subsidiary of the British Council ...

  15. Minor in Creative Writing

    The Minor in Creative Writing at NTU is open to all undergraduate students interested in exploring their creative literary potential. Students learn the techniques necessary for crafting well-made poetry, fiction, drama, and screenplays, and are encouraged to nurture their creative and innovative abilities. The courses comprise workshops that ...

  16. Flash fiction writing

    His latest book is Singapore Siu Dai, a collection of humorous flash fiction. The sequel, Singapore Siu Dai 2, will be launched in September. He received the National Arts Council's Young Artist of the Year for Literature Award in 2000 and was nominated for the Singapore Literature Prize in 2004.

  17. Fiction Writing Training Course

    There are no formal prerequisites for attending this Fiction Writing Masterclass. Fiction Writing Masterclass Course Overview. Fiction Writing is story writing that includes elements of character and story developed by the author, in contrast to non-fiction, which is based on real people and real-world events.

  18. Courses & Events

    Micro Fictions for Tamil Language Writers Workshop. In this two-week Foundation to Intermediate course, Dr Suneel Krishnan offers an encouraging and informative workshop to help developing writers write micro fiction in the Tamil language. This course will be conducted in the Tamil language. read more.

  19. Fiction Writing Course Online

    Our Private Online Fiction Writing Course is designed so that it caters for your personal writing requirements, thereby allowing you to focus on whatever stage you are at in your writing journey. Following our 4-week Online Fiction Writing Course, you have the option to join our private 3-month Online Work-in-Progress Classes, one-on-one with ...

  20. Creative Writing

    A MA candidate is required to complete three courses approved by his/her supervisor, to attend all designated events, and to submit a dissertation of between 30,000-35,000 words. (Specialisation in Creative Writing) Final submissions will include a minimum of 23,000 words of prose (or agreed equivalent in poetry or script), a minimum of 7,000 ...


    THE WRITER'S PLACE is an English Enrichment Centre Specializing In English Creative Writing Classes for Primary School Children in Singapore.. ENGLISH CREATIVE WRITING PRIMARY 1 - 6. Adhering to the latest MOE syllabus, your children will be immersed in our Effective Step-by-Step English creative writing tuition classes.. Students who are struggling with English composition writing will be ...