Speed Typing Online

Free Online Typing Tutor

How to learn to type:, no looking at your keyboard.

This is important - don't do it!

Touch typing is a skill that uses muscle memory to know where the keys are without the sense of sight. You can't learn to swim without getting wet; likewise, you can't learn to touch type by looking down at the keyboard. It might be hard at first but hang in there, and in no time it will become so natural you'll forget the keyboard is even there!

Technique and Accuracy First

Concentrate on correct form (using the right fingering, etc.) and accuracy above all else.

Typing Tutor Features

Multiple lesson formats.

Two different typing lesson formats give you more options to choose how you like to learn:

- Classic Lessons

There is a reason why these repetitive lessons are so common: they work really well for those just starting to learn touch-typing.

For those just starting to learn touch-typing try these - they work!

- Advanced Lessons

These lessons are for those who might already have a basic understanding of the keyboard and need a quicker refresher or maybe learn some of the rarer keys better.

Advanced lessons are designed to move quicker through learning the keys while also introducing words instead of random letters.

Try both types of lessons to find the one you like best. Or, for best results, complete both sets!

Multiple Lesson Lengths

The lesson length dropdown (under the method tabs in the left sidebar) allows you to customize the length of each lesson.

Set target speed and accuracy

Now you have the ability to set typing goals for your typing lessons! Simply set the typing speed and accuracy you would like to achieve and the typing tutor will track your progress, letting you know which lessons you have completed and which ones you should repeat to achieve your goals.

As you improve and increase your target speed and accuracy, the tutor will automatically suggest lessons you should work on next!

Custom Lessons

Sometimes there are just a few keys you can't seem to remember. Simply enter the characters you wish to practice more in the left toolbar and click "Go!" to create a custom lesson for these keys, generated into random "words."

Restart Typing Lesson Hotkey

Keep your hands on the keyboard - use keyboard shortcut "Shift-Return" to restart the typing lesson to help you concentrate and keep your hands in the home position where they belong.

Practice Frequently!

This free online typing tutor was designed to help you learn to type as fast and easy as possible. Try a few lessons a day and you'll start to notice your fingers naturally move to the right keys. Even if it seems at times that you are making no improvement, keep on working at it and you will learn to type without looking! Remember to take breaks often though - its good for the body and for the learning!

Classic Lessons

Advanced lessons, custom lesson.

Enter characters:

  • Typing test
  • Numeric keypad
  • Keyboard layouts
  • Questions, comments
  • List of free resources

Welcome to Touch Typing Study!

Keyboard layout.

Type the future

Improve your typing speed and accuracy by 10 minutes daily exercises.

  • Learn keyboarding online
  • Measure typing speed
  • Get faster results
  • Be more productive
  • Try different keyboard layouts

Variety of courses

Learn basic touch typing skills. These typing lessons are dedicated to people who want to start learning how to type correctly without looking at the keyboard.

Learn advanced touch typing skills. Set of typing lessons that introduce capitalization, punctuation, and number row. It will make you sophisticated typists.

Practice typing English ngrams. The most effective way to improve typing speed by repeating the most used continuous letter sequences.

Famouse law quotes

Practice famouse law quotes. This course is dedicated to a legal typist who wants to take action and type faster.

Glossary of Legal Terms

Another set of legal terms to improve keyboard skills. This one is the list of 200+ legal terms.

List of Latin legal terms

The list of 300+ Latin legal terms for daily typing practice.

Set of 60 the most common latin legal brocards.

Anatomy glossary drill for health workers. The massive list of terms with descriptions.

Infectious Disease

Infectious disease drill.


List of 200 most used medications to practice typing prescriptions.

Typing lessons for students to practice typing geographical locations. Containing random sets of states, cities, and world capitals.

Improve typing mathematical formulas, symbols, and numbers. Practice for intense math typists.

Business Jargon

Comprehensive typing course for practicing business typing skills. Dedicated mostly to improve the typing speed of office workers.

Reinforce your excel skills with good keyboard skills.

Words and ngrams

Practice 3000 the most common English words together with ngrams. It is an even more effective typing course for learning how to type faster.

Practice touch typing by writing funny exercises. Improve your typing speed by rewriting funny sentences and quotes. E.g., Murphy's laws, why did the chicken cross the road.

EcmaScript 6 examples. Javascript programming typing practice dedicated to frontend developers to improve their coding speed.

Practice typing HTML structures. Focus on markup specific characters and char connections.

CSS 3 examples. Cascading style sheets exercises for improving CSS specific syntax.

Multiple keyboard layouts

With The Typing Cat you can learn following keyboard layouts:

Qwerty is the most common widespread modern-day keyboard layout. It was designed based on a layout created for the Sholes and Glidden typewriter in 1873.

Dvorak was created in 1930 and patented in 1936 by Dr. August Dvorak. It proponents claim this layout uses less finger motion, increases typing rate and reduces errors compared to Qwerty.

Colemak is a keyboard layout created for touch typing in English. It is designed to be a practical alternative to the Qwerty and Dvorak keyboard layouts. It was released on 01-Jan-2006 and boasted impressive metrics in terms of finger travel, hand alternation, and same finger frequency. Colemak is the 3rd most popular keyboard layout for touch typing in English, after QWERTY and Dvorak.

Workman is a keyboard layout optimized for horizontal and vertical finger stretching. It accounts for wrist movement to the middle columns and the reaching and folding preferences of each finger. Workman was created and released by OJ Bucao on Labor Day in honor of all who type on keyboards for a living. See more on www.workmanlayout.com .

and many more Dvorak Programmer , Workman Programmer , Azerty , Qzerty , Qwertz , Qwpr , Capewell , Asset , Norman , Minimak-4 , Minimak-8 , Minimak-12 , Tarmak-1 , Tarmak-2 , Tarmak-3 , Tarmak-4

Different themes

Practice typing in color scheme you like best


What people are saying about The Typing Cat:

Supported browsers

The Typing Cat has been built to work only with browsers listed below:

Google Chrome

Microsoft edge.

learn to type free

Touch Typing

124 exercises - 2,5 hours

Introduction and Initial Test

7 activities, 20 minutes

Double your speed speed

Some introductory text goes here...

Typing Trainer - 100% Free Online Tutor for Everyone

Typing Trainer is a web course that teaches you the efficient touch-type method for free. As a result you can double your typing speed and eventually type as fluently as you speak.

With our step-by-step approach you will learn the core keyboarding skills in web in just four hours - after that you're ready to use your new skill in everyday work. There's also over five hours of additional material covering speed building, numbers, symbols and more.

Step-by-Step Approach

Each lesson introduces a couple of new keys and provides a step-by-step training program from warm-ups and key drills all the way to fluent text entry.

On-Screen Keyboard

The on-screen keyboard makes learning new finger movements intuitive as it visualizes the paths your fingers should follow.

Motoric Warm-up

Before introducing new keys your fingers are warmed up and oriented for the new movements - this will make learning much easier and faster.

Word and Text Drills

Once you've learned the new key locations, they are integrated into the fluent typing process with varying word and text drills.

Smart Review

During training our web course detects those words you have difficulties with and then creates a targeted review exercise to hone them.

Skills Test

At the end of each lesson you can assess your current skills with a Skills Test to see if you need some extra practice.

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You are using Internet Explorer version 8 or less. This browser is no longer supported by our site. Please install a current browser.

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Online typing lessons

Click on a typing lesson on the list below. The exercise will begin as soon as you press the first key.

Start random lesson


typing tutor homepage

Some of these exercises are not fully supported by your keyboard layout and may behave differently from what is expected by the exercise description.

First steps lessons ?

First and very easy typing lessons for learning all key positions. Suitable for beginners.

  • Base position dynamic generic 7 signs
  • Home row dynamic generic 9 signs
  • Home row and top row dynamic generic 19 signs
  • Home row and bottom row dynamic generic 16 signs
  • All letters dynamic generic 26 signs
  • All rows dynamic generic 36 signs

Warm-up exercises ?

Easy typing lessons for learning all key positions. Suitable for beginners.

  • Top row dynamic generic 10 signs
  • Bottom row dynamic generic 7 signs
  • Number row dynamic generic 10 signs
  • Home row and number row dynamic generic 19 signs

Learn exercises ?

First easy exercises to learn touch typing step by step.

  • Base position [h4:h7] dynamic generic 2 signs
  • Base position [h4:h7:h3:h8] dynamic generic 4 signs
  • Base position [h4:h7:h3:h8:h2:h9] dynamic generic 6 signs
  • Base position complete dynamic generic 8 signs
  • Base position + [h5:h6] dynamic generic 10 signs
  • Home row dynamic generic 11 signs
  • Home row + [t3:b7] dynamic generic 13 signs
  • Home row + [t3:b7:t8:t4] dynamic generic 15 signs
  • Home row + [t3:b7:t8:t4:t5:t7] dynamic generic 17 signs
  • Home row + [t3:b7:t8:t4:t5:t7:b4:b8] dynamic generic 19 signs
  • Home row + [t3:b7:t8:t4:t5:t7:b4:b8:t9:b6] dynamic generic 21 signs
  • Home row + [t3:b7:t8:t4:t5:t7:b4:b8:t9:b6:t1:t2:t10:b5] dynamic generic 25 signs
  • Home row + [t3:b7:t8:t4:t5:t7:b4:b8:t9:b6:t1:t2:t10:b5:b3:b2:t6] dynamic generic 28 signs

Word exercises ?

Typing lessons with words that reveal more and more letters. Perfect to practice typing step by step.

  • Home row dynamic 12 signs
  • Home row + EN dynamic 12 signs
  • Home row + ENIR dynamic 14 signs
  • Home row + ENIRTU dynamic 18 signs
  • Home row + ENIRTUCM dynamic 18 signs
  • Home row + ENIRTUCMOB dynamic 20 signs
  • Home row + ENIRTUCMOBWYP dynamic 29 signs
  • Home row + ENIRTUCMOBWYPQVXZ dynamic 27 signs

Finger practice ?

Exercises with randomly placed letters. For users who wants to improve their finger skills.

  • Home row and right top row dynamic generic 16 signs
  • Home row and left top row dynamic generic 16 signs
  • Home and top row dynamic generic 21 signs
  • Home row and right bottom row dynamic generic 16 signs
  • Home row and left bottom row dynamic generic 17 signs
  • Home and bottom row dynamic generic 22 signs
  • Home and right number row dynamic generic 17 signs
  • Home and left number row dynamic generic 17 signs
  • Home and number row dynamic generic 23 signs
  • All letters dynamic generic 32 signs
  • All rows dynamic generic 44 signs

Hand practice ?

Easy typing lessons for each hand separately. Suitable for users who wants to train one hand.

  • Left hand - home row dynamic generic 5 signs
  • Left hand - home and top row dynamic generic 10 signs
  • Left hand - home and bottom row dynamic generic 11 signs
  • Left hand - home and number row dynamic generic 11 signs
  • Left hand - all letters dynamic generic 16 signs
  • Left hand - all rows dynamic generic 22 signs
  • Right hand - home row dynamic generic 6 signs
  • Right hand - home and top row dynamic generic 11 signs
  • Right hand - home and bottom row dynamic generic 11 signs
  • Right hand - home and number row dynamic generic 11 signs
  • Right hand - all letters dynamic generic 16 signs
  • Right hand - all rows dynamic generic 21 signs

Practical exercises ?

Practice-oriented typing of the most common english words. Perfect to prepare for real life.

  • Top 25 english words dynamic 18 signs
  • Top 50 english words dynamic 23 signs
  • Top 100 english words dynamic 24 signs
  • Top 200 english words dynamic 26 signs
  • Top 300 english words dynamic 29 signs
  • Top 500 english words dynamic 34 signs
  • Top 1000 english words dynamic 41 signs

Bonus lessons ?

More demanding exercises from all keyboard rows with special characters plus uppercase letters.

  • Phonetic alphabet dynamic 49 signs
  • Lorem ipsum dynamic 28 signs
  • Capitals of Europe dynamic 36 signs
  • Tongue twisters dynamic 29 signs
  • Sayings dynamic 29 signs
  • Written numbers dynamic 20 signs
  • The complete alphabet dynamic 53 signs

Pro version of our typing tutor

TypeLift Pro

With the new Pro version you have access to more great features that boost your typing practice. See for yourself:

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Create your own typing lessons

As a registered user you can create up to 10 own lessons and thereby practice your keyboarding skills even more targeted.

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More than just simple typing practice

The typing lessons in our typing tutor are not just static texts. They are recombined in each exercise and adapt to your typing habits:

Dynamic typing lessons

All typing lessons marked as dynamic are reassembled each time you start a exercise in our typing tutor . This not only makes the exercises extremely varied, but also ensures that you don't memorize them by repetition.

Intelligent error analysis

Thanks to the intelligent error analysis in our typing tutor words and strings in which you often make mistakes will be repeated more frequently during your practice. This means that your personal weaknesses are trained directly and without any action on your part.

colors for typing with 10 fingers

Fingers and related colors

Training objective

10 Words / min.

10% Error rate

Define the duration of an exercise:

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Typing speed test

Typing speed test

Check your typing speed and compare yourself with others.

You have questions, need help or have found a mistake? Just leave us a message.

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At TypingAcademy you can easily learn how to type with ten fingers. Our free online typing tutor helps you to practice touch typing in such a way that you can improve your finger technique noticeably in the long term and type faster and more comfortable. Thanks to the various typing lessons, you can learn how to type like in a course at school or in a coaching. And since our typing tutor runs as a web service directly online in the browser, you can use it on every platform.

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Learn to Type Faster - Online!

Everything runs from your web browser so there is no software to install. Animated coaches are available to guide your every step. Play our typing games or choose from over 2500 unique exercises. - whether you are new to typing or already have some skill. Suitable for kids and adults. - with detailed reports and graphs. support. Supports Windows, Mac, iPads, and Android tablets (using an external keyboard).

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13 Best Free Typing Lessons for Kids and Adults

The top free keyboarding lessons online

learn to type free

  • Emporia State University
  • Payment Services

These free typing lessons will teach you how to type and improve your speed and accuracy. They're geared toward every age group and situation, and all have different features that make them great and unique.

After you've built up some skills with these lessons, try out some free typing games for practice. Then you'll be ready for free WPM tests to evaluate your speed.

Track Your Progress: Typing.com

Track progress with points and achievements.

Registration isn't required.

Good for beginners.

Advanced users won't improve their skills much.

Typing.com has free typing lessons for beginner, intermediate, and advanced typists. It's geared towards middle school kids all the way up to adults. You can jump to any practice level that you want, at any time.

During each lesson, there's nothing else to distract you from your typing except for a virtual keyboard showing where the letters are and which fingers to use. When done, you get to see your speed, accuracy, and the time it took you to finish, and you don't even need to lift your hands off the keyboard to move on to the next lesson; just press Enter .

Free registration isn't required, but with it, you can track your progress and earn awards.

There's a Teacher's portal available for educators to manage and track the progress of their students as they complete lessons.

Hundreds of Lessons: TypingClub

Over 600 lessons.

Take placement tests or learn in order.

Customize the theme and other settings.

Tools for teachers to design lessons.

Free version has ads.

Can't skip intro videos.

There are hundreds of typing lessons at TypingClub, where you'll learn the alphabet keys, shift key, numbers, and symbols. There are also lessons that focus especially on speed. You can jump to any of them whenever you like, or you can take placement tests to prove your skills.

While you go through these, you'll be able to view your speed and accuracy. If you sign up for a free account, you can keep track of your progress, record your highest WPM of all time, and review some other stats.

Teachers can monitor their students' progress, customize the lessons, and even manage multiple classes.

There's a paid edition that has additional features and no ads.

Improve on Difficult Keys: TypingTest.com

Highlights keys you struggle with.

Includes a course, tests, and games.

Lots of ads.

TypingTest.com has typing tests and courses, so it's perfect for experienced and new typists. However, the main feature I want to call out is called Tricky Keys.

I struggle with certain letters, like X, that I don't have to type often. With this website, I can choose that letter, or any letter, to practice relevant words.

If you're not sure what your tricky keys are, there's a short typing test you can take. When you're finished, you're told which keys you need more help with, and it's then easy to start practicing them right here on this website.

Generate Your Own Lessons: Keybr

Lots of customizable settings.

Supports several keyboard layouts.

Lets you skip learning really short words.

Add your own words to the lessons.

The website has ads.

It's too much if you're not interested in customizations.

This is the website for typing lessons if you want total control over what you're typing and how you learn.

For example, you can set a target WPM, set up more letters to unlock as you progress through lessons, include uppercase letters and punctuation, and set the total time you want to spend learning to type every day.

I also love that I can toggle off certain typing options that I can't normally control in a typing lesson. The settings include a toggle to stop the cursor on errors and another to forgive errors; you can change these at any time. Even the whitespace, cursor shape, cursor movement, and sounds can be adjusted.

This is truly the perfect website for customizing how you learn to type. It's also ideal if you like a little competition; all the fastest typists compete for high scores. There's also a racing game that tests your typing skills.

Learn in Order: Ratatype

Several typing tips.

15 typing lessons.

Clean and modern design.

Has a game mode.

Requires a free user account.

Can't skip ahead to advanced lessons.

There are over a dozen free typing lessons at Ratatype, and before starting them, you're given several tips for how to sit at your computer, which is something most of these sites pass over.

Something unique about this keyboarding lesson website is that if you make too many mistakes during a lesson, you're forced to start over. Once you make a reasonable amount of typos, or none at all, you can move forward with more lessons.

You get to see your typo count and WPM while you're typing, and even compete with others in a high score list.

Set Your Own Goals: Speed Typing Online

Set custom goals.

Games are simple and clear.

Create custom lessons using any letters.

Two display options.

More for beginners than advanced users.

Must register to save or access lessons.

Speed Typing Online has 17 classic lessons that include learning all the letters on the keyboard and then testing your skills through reviews. Then you can move on to the advanced lessons, where you start stringing those letters together to make words. 

There are sets of lessons for just the top row, home row, and bottom row, or you can type using the whole keyboard. Every result you see on these typing lessons can be shared via a special URL so that you can show off your score.

Something else I like is that the length of each lesson can be changed. I like to do the short lessons when I have little time but still want to practice, but there are other lengths, including extra long .

If you register (it's free) you'll be able to keep track of your progress and set custom goals. You'll also get access to free typing tests and games. 

Lessons for Kids: Dance Mat Typing

Introduction is good for beginners.

Fun learning tool for young children.

No need to register.

Voiceover accents may be difficult for some to understand.

Not as useful for adults or intermediate to advanced users.

Dance Mat Typing uses wacky animal characters and colorful games to make their free typing lessons fun for elementary-aged children.

You're taken through four levels, each with three different stages. This helps break the lessons into small, manageable chunks so that learning to type isn't so overwhelming.

No registration or login is required, so you can start right away.

Enter Your Own Text: Sense-Lang.org

Training on a variety of keyboard styles.

Tools to create online lessons.

Choose from two display modes.

You can set the lesson's length (in letters).

Lessons are short; moderately skilled typists will exhaust them quickly.

Displays distracting ads.

Sense-Lang.org has 16 free typing lessons, along with a feature that allows you to use your own text to practice.

Each lesson features an animated keyboard, making it easy to get a visual on how you should be typing and what you need to do to make fewer mistakes. You also get real-time typing stats for your WPM, time, and accuracy during the lessons.

Teachers can create online classes, assign lessons, and get updates on the progress of their students. They're available in several languages and for international keyboards as well.

Perfect for Adults Learning to Type: GCFGlobal

Animated videos are simple and helpful.

Site is clean and easy to use.

Can't fast forward or rewind videos.

Not designed for young children.

GCFGlobal has free typing lessons that are geared towards adults with no or little typing skills. For each lesson, you have the option of learning the keys or jumping right into practicing them.

It's a great program to start out on, but since they don't give you an update on how fast or accurate you're typing, we suggest moving on to another site after you get the basic skills down.

Start From Scratch: Turtle Diary

Registration isn't necessary.

Lots of lessons.

Ideal for any skill level.

Several website ads.

Typing is naturally interrupted because you can't fix your mistakes.

This is another website that lets you learn how to type in order, from the very beginning. To give you an idea of what that means: the very first task in the first lesson has you type the letters j and f over and over.

The good thing is that this isn't just geared toward kids or adults new to typing. There are 51 total typing lessons here, categorized as beginner, intermediate, and advanced lessons. If you go in order, you'll type a couple letters only and then move on to uppercase letters and symbols, short paragraphs, and finally a combination of everything.

Like most of these sites, during each typing lesson, you can monitor your typing speed, accuracy, and time. The hands you see over the keyboard can be toggled on and off easily at any time.

There are also multiplayer typing games that help you put into use what you've learned.

Lessons for Non-English Keyboards: Touch Typing Study

Extremely large number of keyboard languages offered.

Real-time WPM speed rating.

Dated and busy user interface.

No video or audio instruction; text instructions have minimal visual aids.

Touch Typing Study has 15 free typing lessons available in many languages and keyboard layouts, plus some games and speed tests.

Each lesson is broken down into topics so that you can easily see what's coming next or skip to another section if you feel confident in your skills.

While you're typing, you'll be able to view your errors, speed, and time spent on the lesson.

Easy on the Eyes: Big Brown Bear

Displays a single scrolling sentence instead of paragraphs.

Move to the next level when you meet goals.

No registration necessary.

Includes guides and stats that you can toggle off.

Progress halts until you press the correct key.

Big Brown Bear has over a dozen free typing lessons that take you through the process of learning all the keys on the keyboard. Just pick which letter to be reviewed on to get started

Something we like about this website is how the words come across the screen. Instead of seeing them as a paragraph like you normally would when reading, the words are on a single line, and they pass through the center of the screen so that you don't have to move your eyes.

However, with these lessons, you must correct your mistakes before you can continue typing, which may or may not be something you want.

During each lesson, you're able to view your speed, accuracy, and time.

Gradual Progress With Unique Settings: TypingAcademy

Useful settings you can customize.

Pauses automatically if you click away.

Only two lanuages to choose from.

Some lessons require a user account.

Lots of popups to test your typing speed.

TypingAcademy is a slick website that's useful for typing lessons because it can highlight the key you should focus on. There are several lessons: first-step lessons, warm-up lessons, and others in categories called Learn, Word, Finger, Hand, Practical, and Bonus.

We also like the keyboard settings you can edit, such as whether to use capital letters, how to handle mistakes, and toggles for animations, sound, live stats, and auto-pausing.

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Other languages, free online typing course in spanish.

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Free online typing course in French

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Free online typing course in German

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Free online typing course in Portuguese

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Virtual Classroom

For schools, teachers or families. You will track the progress of your students.

Typing speed test

Check your typing speed with our typing speed test and get your certificate.

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The Practice Test for Typing and Data Entry

Touch Typing Lessons (QWERTY)

Learn how to type without looking at the keyboard with these short 1-2 minute touch typing lessons. Whether you are trying to learn typing or data entry, one of the keys to becoming a fast and accurate typist is to learn touch typing. By learning how to type without looking at your fingers you can double or triple your typing speed. These typing lessons are designed to teach you how-to touch type as quickly and easily as possible.

We keep the typing practice text short enough to type in a minute or two at the expected speed for each lesson, gradually increasing the length as the lessons progress. Each typing lesson focuses on just two keys so that you will have plenty of time to learn the new keys before you move on. Each successive lesson will use the new keys along with the most or all of the keys from previous lessons. If you are learning to type for the first time, then you will want to practice the lessons in the order presented.

We start out these typing lessons with some vowels so that we can get into practicing words faster than most lessons. This should make your typing practice more fun, and you will see your speed and accuracy increase faster once you start typing real words and sentences as well.

If you are already familiar with how to type you can chose to jump into any of the the practice lessons where you are weak. (We also have some alphabetical sentences that you can practice with too discover which keys you need the most review and practice with...and additional letter drills that use the full keyboard.)

Before you begin these typing lessons you should discover where the 'shift', 'backspace', and 'del' keys are. These keys will allow you to type capital letters and correct errors as you type.

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Free Typing Lessons

30 days typing lesson

Methods to follow!

How to type.

fingers position on a keyboard

Basic typing rules

How To Type

Free typing lessons, typing practice and typing tests..


Typing Practice

Practice typing great quotes from great books and stimulate your mind while exercising your fingers! Learn to type faster as you apply the technique taught in our free touch typing lessons .

You are typing an excerpt from:

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Typing Practice Tips

Make the most of your typing practice! The fastest typists recommend these tips to improve your typing speed and accuracy:

1. Learn to touch type.

Touch typing is a typing technique in which you always use the same finger to type each key, without looking at the keyboard. It takes some practice to learn, but training these consistent finger motions will enable you to type much faster than you could otherwise. The How-to-Type.com typing lessons will teach you to touch type using the standard QWERTY typing technique. The lessons consist of basic typing and finger training exercises to guide you through the skills for typing each key.

Once you have learned the technique you can practice your typing here on this page to boost your speed and accuracy. Your fingers will learn to strike the correct keys automatically and you won’t need to stop to find them on the keyboard. Your mind will be free to think about what you are typing instead of where the keys are. With routine typing practice, you will thoroughly master the skill and become more productive at everything you do at the keyboard!

2. Minimize your hand movements and physical effort.

Practice keeping your fingers positioned on the home row, curved slightly down so that you can easily extend them to type the keys on the rows above and below with minimal movement. Let the palms of your hands float just above the keyboard and rest your thumbs on the space bar. Strike the keys with a quick and light touch.

It is also a good practice to maintain a relaxed and comfortable posture to minimize muscle strain and fatigue. Raise the height of your seat, or stand if necessary so that your arms and hands are resting comfortably down at the keyboard and your eyes are glancing down at your screen. Adjust your screen so that you can clearly see what you are typing without straining your eyes and neck. As you practice typing, remember that you will carry the habits you develop now with you into the future, whenever you type on a keyboard.

3. Practice typing for accuracy, not speed.

If you are making mistakes, slow down. You will not get faster by making lots of typos because it will take more time to go back and fix them all. Furthermore, practicing poor technique will impede your progress by reinforcing your mistakes and bad habits. Typing practice is an exercise, not a race. Type precisely at a rate that you are comfortable with. Your speed will naturally increase as your typing skills

4. Visualize as you type.

You will find this tip most useful once you have confidently learned the positions of all the keys and are practicing to increase your typing speed. Think about the words just ahead of where you are typing and imagine your fingers moving across the keyboard to type them. Your typing will really begin to flow when you can achieve this.

If you are just learning the keys and not quite ready for this, you can employ the power of visualization in your practice by imagining each letter on the keyboard and your finger moving to it before you type it.

5. Maintain your focus on typing.

Don’t practice in a noisy environment. Eliminate distractions. You are more likely to make mistakes if you are distracted, and you do not want to practice making mistakes that would be counterproductive to your goals. If you find your concentration drifting, try to regain focus or consider taking a break and coming back to your typing practice at a better time.

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  1. 11 Best Places for Free Typing Lessons

    learn to type free

  2. Online Typing Tutor for beginners

    learn to type free

  3. Learn English Typing in 10 Days

    learn to type free

  4. 10 Best Places for Free Typing Lessons

    learn to type free

  5. Free Typing Lessons for Kids and Adults

    learn to type free

  6. Free Typing Lesson for Beginners

    learn to type free


  1. How to learn typing

  2. Learn Type writing with in 45 days only, otherwise amount will be refunded

  3. OMG How to Learn Type Really Fast

  4. How to Learn Type Fast

  5. Learning to type like a pro: Day 9 of Typing Club

  6. Learn English Typing in 7 Days


  1. Learn Touch Typing Free

    TypingClub is a web-based program that teaches you how to type with fun games, videos and challenges. You can practice with different keyboard layouts, languages and levels, and track your progress online.

  2. How To Type

    Learn how to type with how-to-type.com, a website that offers free typing lessons, tests and exercises. Improve your typing speed and accuracy with tips and examples.

  3. Typing practice

    Take a typing test, practice typing lessons, learn to type faster.

  4. TypingAcademy: Learn touch typing with our free typing practice

    Learn to type with all 10 fingers and improve your typing speed with TypeLift, a free browser-based application. Choose from various typing lessons, take a typing test, and track your progress with statistics.

  5. Free Online Typing Tutor

    Practice Frequently! This free online typing tutor was designed to help you learn to type as fast and easy as possible. Try a few lessons a day and you'll start to notice your fingers naturally move to the right keys. Even if it seems at times that you are making no improvement, keep on working at it and you will learn to type without looking!

  6. Touch Typing Practice Online

    Learn, practice and improve your typing speed and accuracy with Touch Typing Study, a free, user-friendly website. Choose from 15 lessons, a speed test and games for different keyboard layouts and languages.

  7. The Typing Cat

    Learn touch typing, improve your typing speed and accuracy, be more productive. Online keyboard touch typing tutor designed for beginers and advanced typists. Learn touch typing, improve your typing speed and accuracy, be more productive. ... Plus it's free! The old one I used you had to pay for, but the typing cat is the next best thing! ...

  8. Learn, teach, create! edclub

    TypingClub is a web-based platform that helps you learn, teach, and create typing, vocabulary, spelling, and more. Get started for free today!

  9. Typing Trainer Online

    Typing Trainer - 100% Free Online Tutor for Everyone. Typing Trainer is a web course that teaches you the efficient touch-type method for free. As a result you can double your typing speed and eventually type as fluently as you speak. With our step-by-step approach you will learn the core keyboarding skills in web in just four hours - after ...

  10. Typing lessons

    Learn to type and improve your typing speed with dynamic and adaptive exercises. Choose from various typing lessons for different levels, topics and keyboard rows.

  11. Beginner Typing Lesson 1a

    Our beginner typing lessons make it easy to learn typing. Begin typing real words and phrases before the end of lesson one. Quickly learn how to type the Home Row Keys: A, S, D, F, J, K, L and ; with the correct finger position. Work through the beginner typing lessons for about 30 minutes each day, five days a week to become a fast, accurate and confident touch typist.

  12. Learn Typing

    Learn Typing is an online free typing tutor. Our typing lessons, games, speed tests and videos make it easy for everyone to learn typing.

  13. Typing.co

    Learn to type faster with animated coaches, typing games, and personalized feedback. No software to install, suitable for kids and adults, and compatible with desktop and mobile devices.

  14. 13 Best Free Typing Lessons for Kids and Adults

    Displays distracting ads. Sense-Lang.org has 16 free typing lessons, along with a feature that allows you to use your own text to practice. Each lesson features an animated keyboard, making it easy to get a visual on how you should be typing and what you need to do to make fewer mistakes.

  15. Free Online Typing Course

    Learn how to type correctly in just a few hours using all your fingers. Web-based course. No downloads required. Free online typing course Learn how to type correctly in just a few hours using all your fingers. You will soon be typing faster than you ever imagined. 27 guided lessons to learn step-by-step from the beginning. Choose between 23 ...

  16. Typing Test and Free Learn to Type Tutor Online

    Learn 2 Type is the leading FREE typing practice and ten key training site that has helped 5,705,530 members master the skills of touch typing since 1999. From keyboarding experts to "hunt & peck" beginners, these interactive typing tutorial exercises and tests automatically adjust to your individual skill level.

  17. Learn to Type with Free Touch Typing Lessons Online

    Before you begin these typing lessons you should discover where the 'shift', 'backspace', and 'del' keys are. These keys will allow you to type capital letters and correct errors as you type. Lesson 1: D & E Keys. Lesson 2: K & I Keys. Lesson 3: S & A Keys. Lesson 4: L & O Keys. Lesson 5: F & R Keys. Lesson 6: J & U Keys.

  18. Free typing lessons

    Learn to type online with this free guide that teaches you the touch typing method. Practice with 16 exercises and one advanced application to improve your speed and accuracy.

  19. Typing Practice

    Typing Practice. Practice typing great quotes from great books and stimulate your mind while exercising your fingers! Learn to type faster as you apply the technique taught in our free touch typing lessons. Practice a New Quote. Difficulty: 0.2 Lower case only Exercise info. You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising ...