Powerpoint converter

Convert your files to the Microsoft Powerpoint format with this easy to use online PPT converter. You can convert PPTX to PPT as well as OpenOffice (ODP) or Libreoffice formats.

Our online converter can now also convert files from PDF to PPT or from PNG to PPT.

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Convert to PPT

Convert from ppt, dictionary & file formats, ppt (microsoft powerpoint presentation file).

PPT is the binary file format for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2007. Presentations using PowerPoint can include images, text, audio, video, charts, graphs, hyperlinks, and animation to provide presentations created for students and businesses. Mos...

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How to convert a file to ppt?

  • Choose the document file which you want to convert to ppt.
  • Click on "Start conversion" to convert the file to ppt .
  • Download your ppt file.

Output format: ppt (Microsoft PowerPoint 2003) pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint 2007) odp (OpenOffice, Libre Office Presentation)

Start conversion

Advanced options

The advanced document options allow modification of output format specific parameters.

Start page (starts with 1): Last page: If you want to convert only a subset of pages then enter the page range here. Invalid or empty values will be ignored. Setting the page range does not work for all formats and can lead to corrupt converted files.

We support a wide range of input formats including: doc, docx, pdf, xls, ppt, xlsx, pptx, odt, odp, ods, html, txt, jpg, png, and many more.

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  • ODP in PPTX

Jetzt kostenlos und online ODP in PPTX umwandeln!

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ODP-Dateien sind das Standarddateiformat des Programms „Impress“ aus der OpenOffice-Reihe. Hiermit werden Präsentationen im Nachhinein bearbeitbar für das erwähnte Programm gespeichert. odp -Dateien kommen also immer dann zum Einsatz, wenn ein Nutzer selbst kein kostenpflichtiges Microsoft Office zum Erstellen von entsprechenden Dateien besitzt: In dem Fall kommt die freie Alternative OpenOffice oder LibreOffice zum Einsatz.

PPTX-Dateien sind das Standarddateiformat des kostenpflichtigen Programms „PowerPoint“ in der Reihe von Microsoft Office. Genauer gesagt ist pptx das Dateiformat ab Microsoft Office 2007, vorher kam das ppt -Format zum Einsatz. Wie auch die ODP-Dateien sind die PPTX-Dateien in einem Format, um im Nachhinein mithilfe von PowerPoint bearbeitet werden können.

Eine Umwandlung einer ODP-Datei zu einer PPTX-Datei ist meist erforderlich, falls Nutzer die bearbeitbare Präsentationsdatei einem Kollegen oder Freund zugänglich machen wollen, der aber nicht dieselbe Software besitzt, wie der Ersteller. In diesem Fall hat man keine andere Wahl, als die Datei in das jeweilige andere Dateiformat umzuwandeln.

Eine manuelle Umwandlung einer ODP-Datei in eine PPTX-Datei ist aus dem Stehgreif nicht möglich oder sehr unkompliziert, da weder OpenOffice Impress noch Microsoft PowerPoint eine Option zum Abspeichern im jeweiligen anderen Dateiformat anbieten. Es gibt einige Add-Ons (d.h. Erweiterungen für die jeweiligen Programme), die allerdings mitunter kostenpflichtig sind und manuell installiert werden müssen. Teilweise bringen diese zusätzlichen Erweiterungen eine Menge von Adware und Werbung mit sich, weswegen man von ihrer Installation eher abraten kann.

Deswegen bieten wir Ihnen eine simplere und vollautomatische Lösung an: ODP in PPTX online umwandeln mit unserem Online-Konverter. Der Prozess ist ganz einfach: Sie laden Ihre ODP-Datei ganz einfach über Ihren Browser hoch, während wir die Konvertierung für Sie übernehmen – und das in Sekundenschnelle. Die Vorteile liegen klar auf der Hand: Sie haben eine immense Zeitersparnis, müssen mit keinen weiteren Kosten rechnen, die beispielsweise beim Kauf neuer Software oder Erweiterungen anfallen würden und es sind keine besonderen technischen Kenntnisse nötig.

Anleitung: ODP in PPTX online konvertieren

Anleitung ODP Dateien online in PPTX konvertieren

  • Umzuwandelnde ODP-Datei auswählen
  • Ziel-Dateityp prüfen und ggf. ändern
  • Button "Umwandlung starten" wählen
  • Fertig! Der Download startet auf der nächsten Seite

Folgende Konvertierungen sind derzeit mit ODP Dateien möglich:

Informationen zu den dateiformaten bei der umwandlung von odp to pptx.

Das Format ODP gehört wie auch ODT oder ODS zur Gruppe der „Open Document Formate“. ODP Dateien werden zum Beispiel mit Open Office Impress oder LibreOffice erstellt. Das Format für Präsentationen entspricht dem Microsoft Powerpoint Format .ppt bezie …

PPTX ist das Dateiformat des beliebten Präsentationsprogramms Powerpoint. In das von Microsoft entwickelte Format können Grafiken, Texte, Video- und Audiodateien und auch Tabellen eingefügt werden, die auf verschiedene Folien unterteilt werden. Die a …

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Convert PowerPoint 1995 files to modern PowerPoint version

I am trying to open a PowerPoint 95 proprietary file, in Office 2013. It won't let me, saying to download a standalone file converter. I can't find any such converter.

Any suggestions on a product that I could use to convert these files safely to a readable format?

  • microsoft-powerpoint
  • microsoft-powerpoint-2013

phuclv's user avatar

  • Did you trieg changing .ppt extension to .pps? Sometimes it does the trick... –  edumgui Oct 16, 2014 at 14:56
  • 1 If not, you can try this online converter: zamzar.com –  edumgui Oct 16, 2014 at 14:59
  • I tried changing to .pps, that didn't work. As far as an online converter, I'm dealing with proprietary documents and thus can't do that. –  PearsonArtPhoto Oct 16, 2014 at 15:26
  • You need office 2003 that can resave the old format to newer format. You can also try google docs or prezi. I imagine every PowerPoint we make is proprietary. You want to keep the file private, I get it. –  Sun Oct 16, 2014 at 15:45
  • What about Google Docs? It is another option that may work. –  Leptonator Aug 22, 2015 at 4:26

3 Answers 3

The answer is there: You receive an error message when you try to open a PowerPoint 4.0 document after you install MS09-017 on PowerPoint 2000 and PowerPoint 2002

For "security" reasons, the subkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\<Office_Version>\PowerPoint\Security\FileOpenBlock must have the DWORD FilesBeforePowerPoint95 set to 0 or FilesFromPowerPoint95 set to 0 to open respectively pre-95 or 95 ppt versions in PowerPoint 2000 or 2002 versions.

Pierre Collet's user avatar

  • 1 Does not work in Office 2007 and later. MS removed the code. –  Yuhong Bao Feb 14, 2019 at 1:08

LibreOffice still supports PowerPoint 95 format (I've tried it on my PC) so you can use it for this purpose

The output format can have an optional filter when there are multiple versions. For example to convert from PPT95 to PPT97 use

The filter for PowerPoint 95 is "PowerPoint 3" as per the above documentation

In some versions you need to use libreoffice instead of soffice . And sometimes you need to move --headless to after --convert-to although in other cases you can omit it. I believe you can do the same with OpenOffice

You can also use unoconv since it can convert "between any document format supported by LibreOffice/OpenOffice"

See also this question or this blog in case you want to do mass conversion

Source PowerPoint won't open my older PowerPoint presentations

You try to open an older file and see a message like this: PowerPoint can't open the type of file represented by [your presentation file's name] PowerPoint 2010, 2007, and 2003 with Service Pack 3 (SP3) or later won't open files that were saved in either the PPT 95 format or the PowerPoint 97-XXXX & PowerPoint 95 format (where XXXX is 2000, 2002 or 2003, depending on the version of PPT). See below if you're using PowerPoint 2003 with SP3. If you have 2007 or 2010, you can't force them to open these older files. If you really need access to the files, here are a few possibilities: Check to see if the file is "blocked". Right-click the file's icon, choose Properties. At the bottom of the General tab of the Properties dialog, look for a security message and a button marked Unblock. If the button appears, click it to unblock the file, close the Properties dialog box, then try opening it in PowerPoint again. Find a computer with PowerPoint 2003 or earlier, open the files there, then save them in normal PowerPoint format. Check with online file-conversion powerhouse, Zamzar, who has a solution for you Try this clever trick from PowerPoint MVP John Wilson . If you have Open Office, you might be able to open the files in it then save to the current PowerPoint format and then open the files in PowerPoint. PowerPoint 2003 with Service Pack 3 (SP3) Lately some PowerPoint 2003 users have been unable to open some older file types due to changes introduced in Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Office 2003. This Microsoft Knowledgebase article describes the problem and suggests some fixes that involve making registry changes. The article includes links to REG files that solve the problems described.

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open office in ppt konvertieren

open office in ppt konvertieren

Convert a presentation from a previous PowerPoint version to PowerPoint 2013 or later

You can view and work with presentations created in older versions of PowerPoint. However, if you convert those presentations to the latest PowerPoint (.pptx) file format, you might get improved performance and additional features.

Convert a presentation file

On the ribbon, select the File tab.

open office in ppt konvertieren

After conversion, you are prompted to save the converted presentation:

If the original presentation is a PowerPoint 97-2003 ( .ppt ) presentation, that original is preserved alongside the new file.

If the original is a PowerPoint 2007 or PowerPoint 2010 presentation ( .pptx ), that file is replaced if you give the converted presentation the same file name and extension.

If the Convert command isn’t available

If the Convert command doesn't appear, the presentation content is up-to-date, and converting is not required. The Convert command appears only if one of the following is true about the presentation:

It was created or saved in the .ppt file format from Office PowerPoint 2003  or earlier.

It contains one or more diagrams or charts created in PowerPoint 2007 or earlier. This doesn't includeSmartArt graphic.

It contains media objects, such as audio or video clips, created or inserted using PowerPoint 2007.

Open a presentation created in a different version of PowerPoint


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How do I convert a Powerpoint 95 file to allow me to open it in Powerpoint 2013?

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Replies (2) 

this might help: http://www.pptalchemy.co.uk/convert_PPT_95.html

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Thanks for your feedback.

Welcome to Microsoft Community.

In addition to Mrs. Richardson’s post, you may also refer to MVP Steve’s post in the following Microsoft Answers link.


Hope the above information helps.

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PPT Converter

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How to Convert to PPT?

  • Click the “Choose Files” button to select your files.
  • Convert to PPT by clicking the "Convert" button
  • Once the conversion finishes, click the "Download PPT" button to save the file.

Convert Any File

FreeConvert supports 500+ file formats. Simply upload your files and convert them to PPT format. Alternatively, you can upload PPT files and convert them to a different format. All from the convenience of one tool!

Best Quality

We use both open source and custom software to make sure our conversions are of the highest quality. In most cases, you can fine-tune conversion parameters using “Advanced Settings” (optional).

Free & Secure

Our PPT converter is free and works on any web browser. We guarantee file security and privacy. Files are protected with 256-bit SSL encryption and automatically delete after a few hours.

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Convert PPTX to ODP online and free

Step 1 - Select a file(s) to convert

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Step 2 - Convert your files to

Or choose a different format

Step 3 - Start converting

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We'll get right on it

File Size Warning

You are attempting to upload a file that exceeds our 50MB free limit.

You will need to create a paid Zamzar account to be able to download your converted file. Would you like to continue to upload your file for conversion?

Add File by URL

Icon Link

* Links must be prefixed with http or https , e.g. http://48ers.com/magnacarta.pdf

Your Files. Your Data. You in Control.

Zamzar had been trusted by individuals and businesses since 2006. We keep your files and data secure, and offer choice and control over when files are deleted.

  • Free converted files are stored securely for a maximum of 24 hours
  • Paying users’ files are stored until they choose to delete them
  • All users can delete files sooner than the expiry point for their file

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Click Choose Files to add more files or Convert Now to start converting your files

Trusted by employees at these brands

Employees of some of the world's most well-known brands rely on Zamzar to convert their files safely and efficiently, ensuring they have the formats they need for the job at hand. From global corporations and media companies, to respected educational establishments and newspaper publications, employees of these organisations trust Zamzar to provide the accurate and reliable conversion service they need.

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Zamzar has converted over 510 million files since 2006

For every 10,000 files converted on Zamzar, we'll plant a tree. By using Zamzar you are helping to make a difference to our planet

We're committed to regular charitable giving. Each month we donate at least 2% of our company profits to different charities

From your personal desktop to your business files, we've got you covered

We offer a range of tools, to help you convert your files in the most convenient way for you. As well as our online file conversion service, we also offer a desktop app for file conversions straight from your desktop, and an API for automated file conversions for developers. Which tool you use is up to you!

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Tools to suit your file conversion and file compression needs

You'll find all the conversion and compression tools you need, all in one place, at Zamzar. With over 1100 file-conversion types supported, whether you need to convert videos, audio, documents or images, you'll easily find what you need and soon have your files in the formats and sizing that work for you.

The PPTX format was developed by Microsoft and has been the default format for PowerPoint files since 2006. Along with similar updates for other Microsoft Office formats, it was designed to replace the older PPT format. The additional X at the end represents the open XML format that makes it easier for users to share and view Microsoft Office files in other programs. Microsoft PowerPoint is used mostly for creating and delivering presentations, which can include text, graphics, animations, embedded video content and interactive elements. It is also commonly used by organisations and students to create reports, which are usually converted into PDF before sharing or publishing. As well as opening in PowerPoint itself, PPTX files will also open in Google Slides, Apple Keynote and LibreOffice. You can also use PowerPoint to save files into the older PPT format, as well as to save PowerPoint slide shows into PPS or PPSX format.

Related Tools

  • Document Converters
  • PPTX Converter
  • Compress PPTX files

ODP is the format used for OpenDocument Presentation files, and this software is a free alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint and Apple Keynote. As the ‘open’ part of its name suggests, it’s an open-source file type that is not owned by a single software company. ODP was developed by OASIS in 2005 and it has ISO accreditation. While it might not have quite as much functionality, you can use ODP for anything you would normally create with PowerPoint or another presentation program, and it can save you paying for software or needing to use an Apple device or a Google account. Features include the ability to create and deliver presentations with slides that have formatting, animations and transitions. You can also create reports from ODP files. Like other OpenDocument formats, ODP is particularly used with Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice. ODP files will also open in some other presentation programs, including PowerPoint.

  • ODP Converter

How to convert a PPTX to a ODP file?

  • 1. Choose the PPTX file that you want to convert.
  • 2. Select ODP as the the format you want to convert your PPTX file to.
  • 3. Click "Convert" to convert your PPTX file.

Convert from PPTX

Using Zamzar , it is possible to convert PPTX files to a variety of other formats:

Convert to ODP

Using Zamzar , it is possible to convert a variety of other formats to ODP files :

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  • Audio Converter
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  • Document Converter
  • Archive Converter
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PPTX to ODP Converter

Convert your pptx files to odp online & free.

  • Presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint

Opendocument presentation, how to convert pptx to odp, upload pptx-file(s).

Select files from Computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging it on the page.

Choose "to odp"

Choose odp or any other format you need as a result (more than 200 formats supported)

Download your odp

Let the file convert and you can download your odp file right afterwards

PPTX to ODP Quality Rating

Keynote to PowerPoint Converter

Convert .KEY to .PPT or .PPTX files online using CloudConvert! Thanks to our advanced conversion technology the quality of the output PowerPoint document will be as good as if it was saved through the latest iWork suite from Apple.

capture website as

Create archive.

.key files are presentations, created with Apple's presentation software Keynote, which is part of the iWork package. Keynote is available for Mac OS X and iOS and is a competitor to Microsoft Powerpoint. .key files can contain slides with pictures, charts, transitions and videos.

PPT is a presentation file format associated with Microsoft Power Point. This file extension can contain text, data, charts, diagrams, music and some other multimedia files. Although it is associated with Microsoft Office, it can be run on Open Office also.

+200 Formats Supported

CloudConvert is your universal app for file conversions. We support nearly all audio, video, document, ebook, archive, image, spreadsheet, and presentation formats. Plus, you can use our online tool without downloading any software.

Data Security

CloudConvert is ISO 27001 certified and has been trusted by our users and customers since its founding in 2012. No one except you will ever have access to your files. We earn money by selling access to our API, not by selling your data. Read more about that in our Security Overview .

High-Quality Conversions

Besides using open source software under the hood, we’ve partnered with various software vendors to provide the best possible results. Most conversion types can be adjusted to your needs such as setting the quality and many other options.

Powerful API

Our API allows custom integrations with your app. You pay only for what you actually use, and there are huge discounts for high-volume customers. We provide a lot of handy features such as full Amazon S3 integration. Check out the CloudConvert API .


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  2. 3. Erstellen einer Präsentation ohne Assistenten

  3. How to Convert a Word Document to a Powerpoint Presentation

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  5. Outlook 2007: PST Format konvertieren

  6. Open Office Impress: Vollbild Präsentation erstellen in FullHD


  1. ODP in PPT Umwandeln (Online & Kostenlos)

    Eine Datei zum Speichern von Präsentationen mit Tabellen, Zeichnungen, Texten, Audio und Video, die von folgenden Open-Source-Programmen erstellt worden sind: OpenOffice, StarOffice, LibreOffice usw. Die Datei lässt sich bearbeiten und basiert auf dem XML-Format. Sie ist eine offene Alternative zum geschlossenen PPT-Format.

  2. ODP to PPT (Online & Free)

    ODP to PPT Converter Convert your odp files to ppt online & free. Presentation Converter. Choose Files. Choose Files. Drop files here. 100 MB maximum file size or ... drawings, texts, audio and video created using open source programs: OpenOffice, StarOffice, LibreOffice, etc. The file is editable and based on the XML format. Is an open ...

  3. ODP to PPT Converter

    How to Convert ODP to PPT? Click the "Choose Files" button to select your ODP files. Click the "Convert to PPT" button to start the conversion. When the status change to "Done" click the "Download PPT" button.

  4. ODP to Powerpoint

    ODP is an open-source alternative to PPT (Microsoft PowerPoint) and KEY (Apple Keynote) files, which means it's a free format for presentations. ODP was designed for OpenOffice programs, but you should also be able to open ODP files within PowerPoint. You can easily convert ODP files to PPT for free with sites like Zamzar.

  5. ODP to PPT

    ODP to PPT converter. ... The ODP file extension falls under the Open Office Project created by Sun Microsystems. Sun Microsystems goal was to create an open source series of office applications to compete with paid programs like Microsoft Office. ... PPT (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation File) PPT is the binary file format for Microsoft ...

  6. ODP zu- PPT -Konverter

    Kostenlos und sicher. Unser ODP-to-PPT-Konverter ist kostenlos und funktioniert in jedem Webbrowser. Wir garantieren Dateisicherheit und Datenschutz. Dateien werden durch 256-Bit-SSL-Verschlüsselung geschützt und nach einigen Stunden automatisch gelöscht. ODP-zu-PPT-Konverter. Der beste Weg, ODP in PPT online in höchster Qualität zu ...

  7. ODP to PPTX (Online & Free)

    ODP to PPTX Converter Convert your odp files to pptx online & free. Presentation Converter. Choose Files. Choose Files. Drop files here. 100 MB maximum file ... drawings, texts, audio and video created using open source programs: OpenOffice, StarOffice, LibreOffice, etc. The file is editable and based on the XML format. Is an open alternative ...

  8. Convert your file to Powerpoint PPT

    Powerpoint converter. Convert your files to the Microsoft Powerpoint format with this easy to use online PPT converter. You can convert PPTX to PPT as well as OpenOffice (ODP) or Libreoffice formats. ... PPT is the binary file format for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2007. Presentations using PowerPoint can include images, text, audio, video ...

  9. PPT, PPTX, ODP Converter

    Online convert to PPT/PPTX/ODP. This tool converts different input formats to Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt), PowerPoint 2007 (pptx), and OpenOffice/Libre Office Presentations (odp). If you are logged in you can opt-in to get notified by email once the conversion is finished.

  10. PPT Converter

    PPT Converter. CloudConvert is an online document and presentation converter. Amongst many others, we support PDF, PPTX, PPT, ODP. Thanks to our advanced conversion technology the quality of the output will be exactly as good as if the file was saved through the latest Microsoft Office 2021 suite.

  11. ODP in PPTX Dateien online Konvertieren

    Jetzt kostenlos und online ODP in PPTX umwandeln! Datei wählen. Hochgeladener Dateityp: Dateityp wählen: Huch, es sieht so aus als möchtest du eine große Datei umwandeln. Für kostenlose Nutzer liegt das Limit bei 0.75 GB - Premium-Nutzer können bis zu 20 GB pro Datei hochladen. Neu: Mehrere Dateien gleichzeitig umwandeln!

  12. Convert PowerPoint 1995 files to modern PowerPoint version

    soffice --headless --convert-to pptx powerpoint95.ppt. The output format can have an optional filter when there are multiple versions. For example to convert from PPT95 to PPT97 use. soffice --headless --convert-to ppt:"MS PowerPoint 97" powerpoint95.ppt. The filter for PowerPoint 95 is "PowerPoint 3" as per the above documentation.

  13. Powerpoint to ODP

    However, even if you have a newer version of the program, you can still use it to open older PPT files, and also to save presentations into PPT format. PowerPoint is part of the Microsoft Office suite, but some other programs, like LibreOffice, Apple Keynote or Google Slides, can also open both PPT and PPTX files. Related Tools

  14. PPT to ODP

    PPT to ODP Converter. CloudConvert is an online document and presentation converter. Amongst many others, we support PDF, PPTX, PPT, ODP. Thanks to our advanced conversion technology the quality of the output will be exactly as good as if the file was saved through the latest Microsoft Office 2021 suite.

  15. Convert a presentation from a previous PowerPoint version to PowerPoint

    If the Convert command isn't available. If the Convert command doesn't appear, the presentation content is up-to-date, and converting is not required. The Convert command appears only if one of the following is true about the presentation:. It was created or saved in the .ppt file format from Office PowerPoint 2003 or earlier.

  16. How do I convert a Powerpoint 95 file to allow me to open it in

    How do I convert a Powerpoint 95 file to allow me to open it in Powerpoint 2013? Hello, Welcome to Microsoft Community. In addition to Mrs. Richardson's post, you may also refer to MVP Steve's post in the following Microsoft Answers link.

  17. ODT to PPTX (Online & Free)

    Best way to convert your ODT to PPTX file in seconds. 100% free, secure and easy to use! ... ODT to PPTX Converter Convert your odt files to pptx online & free. Document Converter. Choose Files. ... A file to store text created using free software based on OpenOffice. It's used to store books, reports, notes, and other textual information. ...

  18. PPT Converter

    Click the "Choose Files"button to select your files. Convert to PPT by clicking the "Convert"button. Once the conversion finishes, click the "Download PPT"button to save the file. Convert Any File. FreeConvert supports 500+ file formats. Simply upload your files and convert them to PPT format.

  19. PAGES to PPT

    PPT Converter PPT PPT is a presentation file format associated with Microsoft Power Point. This file extension can contain text, data, charts, diagrams, music and some other multimedia files. Although it is associated with Microsoft Office, it can be run on Open Office also.

  20. Powerpoint to ODP

    As well as opening in PowerPoint itself, PPTX files will also open in Google Slides, Apple Keynote and LibreOffice. You can also use PowerPoint to save files into the older PPT format, as well as to save PowerPoint slide shows into PPS or PPSX format. Related Tools . Document Converters ; PPTX Converter

  21. PPTX to ODP (Online & Free)

    PPTX to ODP Converter Convert your pptx files to odp online & free. Presentation Converter. Choose Files. Choose Files. Drop files here. 100 MB ... drawings, texts, audio and video created using open source programs: OpenOffice, StarOffice, LibreOffice, etc. The file is editable and based on the XML format. Is an open alternative to the closed ...

  22. Keynote to PowerPoint

    PPT Converter PPT PPT is a presentation file format associated with Microsoft Power Point. This file extension can contain text, data, charts, diagrams, music and some other multimedia files. Although it is associated with Microsoft Office, it can be run on Open Office also.