problem connecting windows error reporting service

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Problem connecting to the Windows Error Reporting service

I get this error when checking for solutions to problems in Windows 7 Reliability Monitor.  As discussed in a similar thread, solution posted was to purge all reports using disk cleanup.  However, this just removes the error being reported that is causing the problem.  I don't want to delete my problem history because it is valuable information for debugging, etc.

It seems to be certain problems that cause the issue whereas other errors in error log are able to upload information.  The errors that remain in bold type are the ones that can't be reported.

Microsoft needs to fix this.  It seems to be errors that have a MEMORY.DMP and Win7 doesn't want to upload hundreds of MB.  I've checked and each MEMORY.DMP also has a corresponding minidump.  Why not upload that one?  Still too big a file?  Maybe just the wording of the error message needs to change?

Posting this mainly to suggest fixing this in SP1 (or sooner) and also to let others know more about this issue.  At least for me, it isn't a network connection issue, firewall issue, etc.

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hi ALSmith,

hope you are well,

just wanted to confirm, that you say this erorr it is not a firewall issue,

so that would mean that you do have windows firewall check box selected for performance logs and alerts allowed.

the only reason i ask is due to the fact that i myself had the same issue.

untill i allowed performance logs and alerts through my firewall then every report went through to Microsoft afterwards.

hope this helps.

please do let me know.

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ashelytalbot -- Just saw your posting now, I had alerts set and didn't receive a notice.  My alert settings look fine; I'll check my junk mail folder . . . .   I've unmarked your post as answer . . .

I don't believe it is a firewall issue.  I don't have Windows firewall turned on, I am using Zonealarm.  I've checked Zonealarm and there is no entry in log showing that it is blocking me.  I've also checked all of the settings and can't find anything where logs and alerts would be blocked.

Just to be sure, I did an experiment.  I shut off Zonealarm and switched to Windows firewall.  I enabled performance logs and alerts for both home and public networks.  I tried checking for an answer on a problem that hasn't been reported yet due to connection issue described above.  I get the same error message.

Also, it seems that the firewall setting you mention would block reporting any issues that required sending information.  That is not the case for me.  As mentioned above, many problems do get reported; the issue lies with problems that I believe are trying to upload a MEMORY.DMP file.

Some questions:

  • does the error reporting site reject any uploads that are greater than a certain number of MB?
  • if answer to 1 is yes, then is there a way to get reliability monitor to upload minidump file instead of MEMORY.DMP file?  The minidump file is much smaller; maybe it won't trigger a limit.

Any other suggestions of things to try are welcome.

ashelytalbot -- Just saw your posting now, I had alerts set and didn't receive a notice.  My alert settings look fine; I'll check my junk mail folder . . . .   I've unmarked your post as answer . . . I don't believe it is a firewall issue.  I don't have Windows firewall turned on, I am using Zonealarm.  I've checked Zonealarm and there is no entry in log showing that it is blocking me.  I've also checked all of the settings and can't find anything where logs and alerts would be blocked. Just to be sure, I did an experiment.  I shut off Zonealarm and switched to Windows firewall.  I enabled performance logs and alerts for both home and public networks.  I tried checking for an answer on a problem that hasn't been reported yet due to connection issue described above.  I get the same error message. Also, it seems that the firewall setting you mention would block reporting any issues that required sending information.  That is not the case for me.  As mentioned above, many problems do get reported; the issue lies with problems that I believe are trying to upload a MEMORY.DMP file. Some questions: does the error reporting site reject any uploads that are greater than a certain number of MB? if answer to 1 is yes, then is there a way to get reliability monitor to upload minidump file instead of MEMORY.DMP file?  The minidump file is much smaller; maybe it won't trigger a limit. Any other suggestions of things to try are welcome.

hi alsmith,

thanks for getting back to me.

a little confused as to your statement quote " it seems that the firewall setting you mention would block reporting any issues that required sending information " the only setting that i suggested was to allow performance logs through windows firewall. this does not in any way pervent the report from being sent.!

have you also checked your action centre settings in regard to how reports are sent and what information is sent along with who is allowed to send the reports.?

as i myself have everything set to automatically check and send extra information if needed along with allowing all user's to check for error's.

i do refer you back to my last thread as like i said, i did have to set performance logs in windows firewall to allow the reports to go through.

however as you have thrid party software installed, i wouls suggest to perform a complete external back up and disable/uninstall all thrid party software. then perform an upgrade install. then set performance monitor settings and then check for solutions for error's. to see if that repiars the issue.

this way you will know if is is due to a corrupt/missing file or an network issue due to your thrid party software

hope this helps


2 people found this reply helpful

Let me rephrase to make it more clear (the italics are the added part.)

. . . . Also, it seems that if the firewall setting you mention was not enabled it would block reporting any issues that required sending information.  That is not the case for me.  As mentioned above, many problems do get reported; the issue lies with problems that I believe are trying to upload a MEMORY.DMP file.  . . . .

In other words, not having performance logs and alerts enabled in Windows firewall would block all problem reports that want to upload data, not just a select few.  So, that can't be the problem.

I did try allowing performance logs and alerts in Windows firewall as you suggested, it didn't help.

There is only 1 user account on this HTPC and it is set to automatically check for solutions.  Win7 was asking if I wanted to send more information about the problem.  After I click "Send Information" is when I get the error.  I tried setting it to automatically check for solutions and send additional report data if needed; now I get the error without being asked to send additional information.

Since this is a trivial problem I am not going to spend the hours required to implement your other suggestion.  However, I have tried something that is probably just as good:

  • I did a sfc /scannow check and no problems were found.  This should find any missing/corrupted files for the OS.
  • I updated Zonealarm since they just released an update and then completely reset it (shift-ctrl-right click then choose reset from menu).  This should take care of any missing/corrupted files and/or setting for ZASS.

Problem is still there.

Since your problem reporting seems to be working here is an experiment you can try -- see what happens if you have a problem where you get a BSOD and have a memory dump.  Then see if the problem is reported without error when Win7 tries to upload the memory dump file.  Here is what you need to do.

  • In advanced system properties set Write Debugging Information to Kernel Memory Dump.  This will give you a big MEMORY.DMP file in the Windows folder along with a minidump in Windows\minidump.
  • Create a BSOD.  From experts exchange website I found this trick - "in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters, create a DWORD value called CrashOnCtrlScroll, and set it to 1. Then reboot, and after that, you can cause a crash by holding the right Ctrl key, and pressing the Scroll Lock key twice."
  • Check to see if problem is reported.  You can manually check for solution so you don't have to wait for automatic check.  If the entry stays in bold face type then it isn't being reported completely.

Let me know what you find out.

thank you for getting back to me,

due to the fact that i myself have windows 7 ultimate and have performance monitor reporting set to automatic and have all the check boxes selected in windows firewall set to allow...and no error's in reporting regardless of the size of the file (i.e memory.dmp). it is safe to say that this error that you have is not a windows 7 error, unless you have missing/corrupt instailation. which could be repiared in about 1-2 hours with an upgrade. sfc/scan will not always detect all error's, i had ran the same scan over five times in the past to attempt recovery of bad files and sfc/scan still reported no error's. evan though i could see them myself. however considering that you do not wish to perform this recovery operation, and the fact that you do have thrid party software managing your os. then the only other option open to you is to establish if it is a corruption/interferance of those said third party programs.(i.e a network issue)

you also say the problem is "trivial", please do not class an error as trivial. (remember the snowball effect) my own system took 3 install's but i did also wait and check everything before i reinstalled all my other software. i would strongly recomend that you complete an upgrade now before issue's become worse....evidently.


I am having the same problem. I tried many of the proposed solutions, but I am not ready to try a complete upgrade as ashley suggests. I think ALSmith is correct in that MS just doesn't want to accept those large memory dumps. 

@ashleytalbot, did you try ALSmith's experiment? You may help confirm that ALSmith's theory is correct. 

I have had win7 "shut down unexpectedly" five times in the last 3 weeks that I have had win7, and the only reports that can't be sent to MS are the ones with memory dumps. 

Microsoft really needs to fix this error sending issue and then fix the BSOD issue that causes the error in the first place.  I thought Windows 7 was supposed to be 'more' stable than XP?

I am having the same problem. I tried many of the proposed solutions, but I am not ready to try a complete upgrade as ashley suggests. I think ALSmith is correct in that MS just doesn't want to accept those large memory dumps.  @ashleytalbot, did you try ALSmith's experiment? You may help confirm that ALSmith's theory is correct.  I have had win7 "shut down unexpectedly" five times in the last 3 weeks that I have had win7, and the only reports that can't be sent to MS are the ones with memory dumps.  Microsoft really needs to fix this error sending issue and then fix the BSOD issue that causes the error in the first place.  I thought Windows 7 was supposed to be 'more' stable than XP?  

hi hermetic,

thanks for joining this thread sorry to see that you are having simalar issue's. i have outlined steps above to repiar the instailation of corrupt/missing files, as that is the quickest and safest opion to complete. any information given in any thread is only a suggestion you do not have to follow any of the points that i have made. as you have stated that you do not wish to follow the steps outlined above then there is no further assistance that i can offer you. in regard to your suggestion, that i follow alsmith's expeirment. i would strongley suggest to anyone NOT to follow that idea as it is not good practice to have a fully operational pc and force a crash.(next your be asking me to crash my porsche to check its safety record) the correct procedure is to repiar. to prevent further issue's developing. fix now or fix later your choice.

hi ashleytalbot

Wow!  You had to do 3 repair installs to get Win7 running properly??  That's too bad.  My five installs of Win7 (3 Ultimate, 2 Home Premium) went very smoothly -- much faster than XP install, no drivers needed to be added for initial install, etc.  Evidently, the snowballs are in your computer room!  :-)

I've really only had 3 glitches - the Windows Cardspace error it seems everyone had (I disabled the service, I don't use it), this issue, and one more that I will start a new thread for - 0x9F BSOD which is a DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE.  This also seems to be a very 'popular' issue with many people's network drivers.  I've gotten that one to settle down but it still happens every couple of weeks.  And no, it doesn't affect network communications, just going into/out of standby.

So, all five of my PC's with the two flavors of Win7 have this same issue with problem reporting.  I can't imagine that all 5 of my computers have been corrupted in such a way that they all produce the same error.

Well, just to be safe I tried the BSOD experiment myself.  Unfortunately, it seems that it only works in XP.  No BSOD occurred in Win7 so this test method must have been removed from the driver.  For anyone that might be interested in using it for XP here is more info:   All this does is create a stop error.  Actually, it's safer than pressing the reset button; for the stop error the OS does a protective shutdown and gracefully restarts whereas for a reset button press the OS gets stopped in its tracks.  Just make sure no files are open, OS isn't doing update in background, etc. and you should be fine.

I wouldn't compare inducing a stop error with a driver test routine to crashing a car; its more like the technician at the car dealership invoking one of the built-in diagnostics in the engine control module with their test tool.  No harm done, the problem is diagnosed and they fix your car.

Well, I think I'll wait a few more days to see if anyone else has any other ideas -- if not, I'll ask to close this thread with 'no solution found.'

thank you for your feedback, not as smooth as you say or there would be no thread. just cause you can not imagine something does mean that it can not happen. to make sure its got to be worth an hour of your time to complete an upgrade install, after all, it will not do any harm. at least then you can positively rule that out. as you have to agree if one user has this issue with the same os as another user that does not, (i.e windows 7 ultimate) then it is fair to say that it is not a os fault but either a configuration,network,third party interferance or install error by the user (installer) this is why i suggested that you have the os cleanly installed and fully tested before you then install your thrid party software. as from experiance having microsoft's settings first, fully established is best practice, with nothing else connected or installed. then build up from the foundations.

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Windows Error Reporting service connection failure

For some reason unknown to me, the Windows Error Reporting service has now decided that it cannot send crash reports to Microsoft.

enter image description here

I get the above error when I try to "Check for a solution" from Review Problem Reports Dialog. "Trying again later" does not work. I've tried several recommended "fixes" including scanning for corrupted system files, making sure the WER service is running, and, checking firewall issues. Sending crash reports used to work, so, I'm at a loss as to why this is happening. Can anyone shed some light on a possible cause?

  • windows-error-reporting

rrirower's user avatar

  • According to the error message box, just some reports could not be uploaded. What are the reported problems? Have you got a C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP file? –  and31415 Jul 23, 2014 at 16:27
  • @and31415 All of the problems listed in the Review Problem Reports dialog are present in the WER ReportQueue folder. The actual crashes are application errors (c0000005) that I initiated. I have a dump file, but, I'm trying to ensure that these get reported to Microsoft. –  rrirower Jul 23, 2014 at 16:36
  • Where's the dump file stored, and what's the file size? –  and31415 Jul 23, 2014 at 16:46
  • @and31415 The dump is stored in the ReportQueue folder (eg. \AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue) and is 166mb. –  rrirower Jul 23, 2014 at 16:50
  • Is that the ReportQueue folder total size? Reported problems should correspond to a small Report.wer file. What happens if you try to report just one problem at a time? Open a command prompt and run this command: nslookup Then post here the output. Do you get the same issue if you perform a clean boot ? –  and31415 Jul 28, 2014 at 9:40

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problem connecting windows error reporting service

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Enable-Windows Error Reporting

Enables Windows Error Reporting.


The Enable-WindowsErrorReporting cmdlet enables Windows Error Reporting (WER) on the server.

Windows Error Reporting is a flexible feedback infrastructure that gathers information about hardware and software problems, reports the information to Microsoft, and gives users any available solutions. Windows Error Reporting generates reports in response to system events, such as application crashes or kernel faults.

To get the current WER status, use the Get-WindowsErrorReporting cmdlet. If you enable WER, you can use the Disable-WindowsErrorReporting cmdlet to disable it. After you run this cmdlet, WER no longer sends information about application failures to Microsoft.

Example 1: Enable Windows Error Reporting

This command enables Windows Error Reporting.

The Enable-WindowsErrorReporting cmdlet returns $True if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns $False.

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  • Disable-WindowsErrorReporting
  • Get-WindowsErrorReporting

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How to enable or disable Error Reporting Service on Windows 10 PC

Soni Aryan

  • November 2, 2019

Windows 10 has an in-built feature ā€œ Error Reporting service ā€ that helps in coordinating issues between Microsoft and Windows users. The experts have developed this tool to receive bugs-report from users PC so that they start working on the issue immediately afterward. Their prime focus is to make sure that your PC runs smoothly and optimally. Though this tool comes as pre-enabled on Windows 10 devices, we explore ways to either enable or disable Error Reporting Service on your PC.

Windows Error Report looks for hardware as well as software anomalies on your computer and if discovered will pass on the relevant information to Microsoft. The company, after receiving the entails, start working on the solutions. As soon as they discover the core fault, provide the troubleshooting guide to the users. While doing so, they capture some basic details like name, date and time of the error, OS version, etc.Ā Today, in this tutorial, we depict two different workarounds to enable or disable Error Reporting Service on Windows 10 PC.

Should one turn off this service

The main reasons which force windows users to often disable Error Reporting service are due to privacy concerns or low disk spaces. If turned on, this provides dual benefits to both Microsoft as well as Windows users. The company looks over several errors report and develop an advanced algorithm to deal with these bugs. In this way, they provide a better user experience based on issues under these reports.

Before proceeding to workarounds, one should be certain whether the above service is enabled or disabled. To do so, follow these easy steps-

  • Navigate to the following address on your PC- Control Panel > System and Security > Security and Maintenance.
  • Here, search for the report issues. In general, this should display ā€œONā€ if you havenā€™t configured the same at some earlier point.

Hereā€™s how to enable or disable Window 10 Error Reporting Service

You may turn on or off this service via two different workarounds and they are-

  • Using Windows Services
  • Via Registry EditorĀ 

Note : The Error reporting service of Windows 10 appears under Security & Maintenance while for earlier versions, it lies under Action Center.

If you want to disable the above service on different Windows version, just select your particular OS from the following list-

  • Error Reporting service on Windows 8 or Windows 7
  • Problem Reporting service on Windows Vista
  • Problem Reporting service on Windows XP

1} Via Windows Services

Hereā€™s how to enable or disable the Error reporting service on Windows 10 PC-

  • Make a right-click on the Win icon and select the Run option.
  • Type services.msc in the void then hold down the Ctrl+Shift keys and press the Enter key to cite Windows Services.
  • Here, switch to the adjacent right-screen and scroll down to locate the ā€œWindows Error Reporting Serviceā€ entry.
  • Perform a right-click on the above entry and select the ā€œPropertiesā€ option.

enable or disable Error Reporting Service

  • Henceforth, locate the Startup type and choose ā€œDisabledā€ on the drop-down menu next to this.

Disabled option under Startup

  • In certain scenarios, you might not be able to perform the above changes in the Startup type. This simply implies that you require administrative privileges to perform the above action.
  • To re-enable this service, all you require is to follow the above steps and choose the ā€œAutomaticā€ option.

Lastly, hit the OK button to get out of the current window. Do Restart your PC to confirm the above changes.

2} Using Registry Tweaks

Registry Editor is the best workaround to turn off the Error Reporting service on Windows 10 PC. All you need is to adjust a few entries as illustrated in the following steps-

Step-1: At first, press Win+R to invoke Run dialog and type ā€œ Regedit ā€ followed by the Enter Key.

Step-2: If UAC prompts, tap Yes to start the Registry Editor.

Step-3: On the succeeding screen, navigate to the following path-

Step-4: Here, switch to the adjacent right-screen and locate the ā€œDisabledā€ entry.

Step-5: Perform a click on the above entry to open it and replace the value ā€œ0ā€ with ā€œ1ā€. Subsequently, press the OK button to save the changes.

New Registry entry

Step-6: If there is no such entry, create a new one and name this ā€œDisabledā€. Thereupon, perform the step-5.Ā 

enable or disable Error Reporting Service

At last, tap OK so that changes made so far come into effect.

  • To create a new DWORD value, simply right-click anywhere on the Registry Editor and follow New > DWORD (32-bit) value.
  • The value ā€œ0ā€ represents enabling whereas ā€œ1ā€ disabling, hence you may enable this registry whenever you want to do so in the future.

Enable or Disable Error Reporting Service in Windows 7/8

  • At first, launch the Control Panel henceforth select ā€œ System and Security ā€ category.
  • Next, click Action Center followed by Change Action Center Settings on the left column.
  • Subsequently, select Problem reporting settings option on the Related settings section available at the bottom.
  • Automatically check for solutions (the default one)
  • Automatically check for solutions and send additional report data, if needed
  • Each time a problem occurs, ask me before checking for solutions: Ā This is the best option if your prime concern is privacy.
  • Never check for solutionsĀ  (not recommended as per the company)

Windows 7 Error Reporting Service

Thereā€™s even an extra option selecting which you may select particular programs that wonā€™t report any errors to Microsoft. However, as this requires heavy customization, proceed only if you are really interested.

In case, you are not able to perform any changes, select the ā€œChange report settings for all users optionā€.

  • Lastly, hit the OK button on ā€œProblem Reporting Settingsā€ as well as ā€œChange Action Center settingsā€.

Thatā€™s it, you may now close the Action Center window. Do Restart your PC to save the changes made so far.

Enable or Disable Error Reporting service in Windows Vista

Follow these easy steps to turn on or off the above service on Windows Vista-

  • Hit the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
  • Here, click ā€œ System andĀ  Maintenance ā€ henceforth ā€œ Problems Report and Solutions ā€œ.
  • Switch over to the left side and select ā€œ Change Settings ā€ button.
  • Check for solutions automatically
  • Ask me to check if a problem occurs

If you are worried about sending information to the company, select any one of the options listed above and close the current window. This will keep error reporting service turned On, however, it wonā€™t allow Microsoft sending you any new notification regarding any new error.

To disable the error reporting service completely, you should follow the remaining steps as well.

  • Tap the Advanced settings and disable the ā€œ For my programs, problem reporting is: ā€ radio button.
  • Lastly, hit the OK button on each and every running window.

Error Reporting Service Windows Vista

Thatā€™s it, Restart your PC to save the changes performed so far.

Enable or Disable Error Reporting service in Windows XP

Follow these easy steps to turn on or off the above service on Windows XP-

  • At first, hit the Start Menu and select Control Panel .
  • On succeeding screen, select ā€œ Performance and Maintenance ā€œ.
  • Here, select System henceforth Advanced tab on the subsequent pop-up window.
  • At the bottom, you may see the Error Reporting tab, hit the same and enable the Disable error reporting radio button.

Note : Make sure to leave the checkbox ā€œBut notify me when critical errors occurā€ ticked. Doing so, Windows XP will still notify you about some serious errors, however, Microsoft wonā€™t.

  • Lastly, keep on pressing the OK button until you reach the Performance and Maintenance window.

Thatā€™s it, you may now close the current window and Restart your PC to save the changes made so far.

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Windows error reporting service.

The Windows Error Reporting Service (WerSvc) reports errors when programs stop working or responding, and it enables existing solutions to be delivered. It also generates logs for the Problem Reports and Solutions diagnostic and repair service. If this service is stopped, programs and services that rely on this service will not report errors correctly, and the results of diagnostic services and repairs for those programs and services will not be displayed.

Windows Error Reporting is a feature that allows Microsoft to track and address errors that are related to the operating system, Windows features, and applications. Windows Error Reporting gives users the opportunity to send data about errors to Microsoft and to receive information about solutions. Solution information can include instructions for working around an issue, or a link to the Windows Update website or another website for updated drivers, patches, or Microsoft Knowledge Base articles. Developers at Microsoft can use Windows Error Reporting as a problem-solving tool to address customer issues in a timely manner and to improve the quality of Microsoft products.

Windows Error Reporting has "consent levels" that an administrator can configure to control how Windows Error Reporting sends data to Microsoft. These settings are configured on the Problem Reporting settings page of the Action Center Control Panel. These settings can also be configured through Group Policy under Computer Configuration or User Configuration in Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Error Reporting\Consent .

User Account Control affects how Windows Error Reporting works. A standard user does not have the same ability to report errors as an administrator. If a prompt appears when a user is logged on as an administrator, the user can choose to report application and operating system errors. If a prompt appears for a user who is not logged on as an administrator, the user can choose to report application errors plus errors for operating system software that does not require administrative credentials to run.

The administrator also has the option to specify a list of programs for which error reports should never be sent.

This service is installed by default and its startup type is Manual . When the Windows Error Reporting service is started in its default configuration, it logs on by using the Local System account.

This service is not dependent on any other system service, nor is any service dependent on it.

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How to Disable Error Reporting in Windows

Disable error reporting to Microsoft in Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, etc.

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  • Emporia State University

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In This Article

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  • Step-by-Step: Disable in Windows 11/10
  • Windows 8 or Windows 7
  • Windows Vista

The error reporting feature in Windows is what produces those alerts after certain program or operating system errors, prompting you to send the information about the problem to Microsoft.

You might want to disable error reporting to avoid sending private information about your computer to Microsoft, because you're not connected to the internet all the time, or just to stop being prompted by the annoying alerts.

Error reporting is enabled by default in all versions of Windows but is easy to turn off from either the  Control Panel  or from Services, depending on your version of Windows.

Before doing this, please keep in mind that not only is it beneficial for Microsoft, but it's also ultimately a good thing for you, the Windows owner. These reports send vital information to Microsoft about a problem that the operating system or a program is having and helps them develop future patches and service packs , making Windows more stable.

The specific steps involved in disabling error reporting depends significantly on which operating system you're using. See What Version of Windows Do I Have? if you're not sure which set of instructions to follow.

Disable Error Reporting in Windows 11 & 10

Use the WIN+R keyboard shortcut to open the Run dialog box.

Enter services.msc .

Right-click or tap-and-hold Windows Error Reporting Service .

Select Properties .

Choose Disabled from the menu next to Startup type .

Can't select it?  If the  Startup type  menu is grayed out, log out and log back in as an administrator. Or, reopen Services with admin rights, which you can do by opening an elevated Command Prompt  and then executing the  services.msc   command .

Select OK or Apply .

You can now close out of the Services window.

Another way to disable error reporting is through Registry Editor . Navigate to the registry key you see below, and then find the value called Disabled . If it doesn't exist, make a new DWORD value with that exact name.

You can make a new DWORD value from the Edit > New menu in Registry Editor.

Double-click or double-tap the Disabled value to change it from a 0 to a 1, and then save it by selecting OK .

Disable Error Reporting in Windows 8 orĀ Windows 7

Open Control Panel .

Choose System and Security .

If you're viewing the Large icons or Small icons view of Control Panel , select Action Center and skip to Step 4 .

Choose Action Center .

Select Change Action Center settings from the left side of the Action Center window.

Select Problem reporting settings from the Related settings section at the bottom of the window.

Pick one of the four options:

  • Automatically check for solutions (the default option)
  • Automatically check for solutions and send additional report data, if needed
  • Each time a problem occurs, ask me before checking for solutions: Choosing this will keep error reporting enabled but will prevent Windows from automatically notifying Microsoft about the issue. If your concern about error reporting is only privacy related, this is the best option for you.
  • Never check for solutions: This will fully disable error reporting in Windows.

There's also a Select programs to exclude from reporting option that you're welcome to explore if you'd rather customize reporting instead of completely disable it. This is probably more work than you're interested in, but the option is there if you need it.

If you can't change these settings because they're grayed out, choose the link at the bottom of the window that says Change report settings for all users .

Choose OK on the Problem Reporting Settings window, and then again on the Change Action Center settings window. You can now close the Action Center window.

Disable Error Reporting in Windows Vista

Choose Start and then Control Panel .

Select System and Maintenance .

If you're viewing the Classic View of Control Panel, double-click Problem Reports and Solutions and skip to Step 4 .

Choose Problem Reports and Solutions .

Select Change settings on the left side of the window.

Choose one of the two available options:

  • Check for solutions automatically (the default option)
  • Ask me to check if a problem occurs : Choosing this will keep error reporting enabled but will prevent Windows Vista from automatically notifying Microsoft about the issue.

If your only concern is sending information to Microsoft, you can stop here. If you'd like to fully disable error reporting, you can skip this step and continue on with the remaining instructions below.

Select Advanced settings .

Choose Off under the For my programs, problem reporting is: heading.

There are several advanced options here that you're welcome to explore if you'd rather not completely disable error reporting in Windows Vista, but for the purposes of this tutorial, we're going to completely disable the feature.

Select OK .

Select OK on the window with the Choose how to check for solutions to computer problems heading.

You might notice that the Check for solutions automatically and Ask me to check if a problem occurs options are now grayed out. This is because Windows Vista error reporting is completely disabled and these options are no longer applicable.

Select Close . You can also close any other related open Windows.

Disable Error Reporting in Windows XP

Go to Start and then Control Panel .

Select Performance and Maintenance .

If you're viewing the Classic View of Control Panel, double-click System and skip to Step 4 .

Select System under the or pick a Control Panel icon section.

Select the Advanced tab.

Select Error Reporting near the bottom of the window.

Choose Disable error reporting .

We recommend leaving the But notify me when critical errors occur checkbox checked. You probably still want Windows XP to notify you about the error, just not Microsoft.

Select OK on the Error Reporting window.

Select OK on the System Properties window

You can now close the Control Panel or Performance and Maintenance window.

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