Canva » Basics » How To Make A Slideshow In Canva (Ultimate Guide)

How to make a slideshow in canva (ultimate guide).

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You don’t have to spend hours learning complicated presentation software to create a stunning slideshow. In this ultimate guide, I’ll show you how to make a slideshow in Canva so you can quickly create attention-grabbing layouts that your audience will love.

Creating a slideshow in Canva is simple, but there are a few steps to learn. This guide will cover every step in the process, from finding a template for your slideshow to adding extra elements and music to exporting your slideshow correctly. By the end of this guide, you’ll know everything you need to create a slideshow. 

Table of Contents

How To Create A New Photo Slideshow In Canva

The easiest and quickest way to create a slideshow in Canva is with a slideshow template. To find one of these templates, go to the Canva homepage and search for Slideshow in the search bar at the top of the screen. 

A list of suggestions will drop down from the search bar. Choose Photo Slideshow . 

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You will see hundreds of photo slideshow templates to choose from. The most important decision for you to make here is the template size you need. 

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Also, avoid templates with a little play button icon in the corner. This icon means that the template has video footage included. You can delete the videos before you start, but that is an extra step. 

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Once you find the template you want to use, click on it. Then, click Customize This Template in the window that pops up. 

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Your chosen template will show up in a new tab. 

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Adding Images To A Slideshow In Canva

Looking toward the bottom of your screen, you’ll find every slide in your project. You can easily rearrange your slides by dragging them around.  

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If you need to add a new slide, click the Plus button. 

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Once you’re ready to customize your template, take a look at it and delete any elements you don’t need. Scan your template thoroughly, as some elements can blend so well that they’re tough to see at first. 

To remove an element, first select it, then tap Delete . 

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To find images for your slideshow, click Elements in the side panel, then enter the theme you’re looking for in the search bar. Click on the Photos tab to find all the pictures based on the theme that Canva provides. 

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Once you find an image that looks good, just drag the picture from the side panel onto the picture on the Canvas. The photo you drag over will replace the old one perfectly. 

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You may find some elements you can’t delete when replacing images on your template. These elements are on the image itself. 

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This is because the image you’re looking at is a frame. You won’t be able to remove the extra elements from the frame, so you must delete the frame itself. You can do this by selecting your image, then clicking Delete twice. 

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From here, just add your image back to your Canvas. Use the corner handles to stretch the image to the size you need. 

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How To Add Your Own Photos To Your Slideshow

When adding photos to Canva , using Canva’s photos is fine, but most likely, you will want to use your own pictures for your slideshow. To upload images to Canva, click Uploads in the side panel, then click on Upload Files . You will be requested to find your images on your hard drive . 

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Once your images are uploaded to Canva, you can drag the image you want to add from the side panel to the canvas. 

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How To Edit Photos For Your Slideshow

Once you have your photo on your Canvas, you can then edit the photo to your liking. First, select the image by clicking on it, then direct your attention to the side panel. The two main areas to look at are the Adjust and Filters sections. Click on See All to see all of your choices. 

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When adding a filter to your image, you can click on the filter that fits your style best, then click on it again to adjust the effect. 

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You can easily crop your image by double-clicking on it, revealing a handle on each corner of your image. 

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Drag these handles toward the middle of your image to crop it to your liking. 

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Cropping your photos is also a great way to fit multiple pictures on one slide. 

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How To Add Extra Elements To Your Slideshow 

Slideshows aren’t always just about images. By adding extra elements to your slides, you can add some much-needed flair to make your slides more appealing. 

To add extra elements to your slideshow, click Elements in the Side Panel , then search for your theme in the search bar. Click on See All in the graphics section to see all of the elements available to choose from. 

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Click the element you want to use to add it to your slide. 

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With your element on the canvas, you can now manipulate it however you’d like. For example, you can flip the element to fit your design better by selecting it, then clicking Flip and choosing the orientation.

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You can also rotate an element by selecting it, then using the Rotate button to rotate it where you need the element. 

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How To Set The Duration Of Each Slide

One of the most critical aspects of creating a slideshow is the duration of each slide. You don’t want your images to go by so fast that your end user can’t see them. On the other hand, you don’t want your slides to go on too long and bore your audience. 

Thankfully, you can easily adjust the length of your slides before you export. 

First, direct your attention to the timeline at the bottom of the page. You will find a number in the corner of each slide. This number is the number of seconds each slide will last in your slideshow. 

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You can adjust the time of each slide by clicking on the edge of the slide, then dragging it to the right to extend the time, or dragging it to the left to decrease the time. 

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The issue with dragging your slide right or left is that it’s inaccurate. For more accuracy, click on your slide’s thumbnail to select it, then click on the Edit Timing button above your slide.  

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You can then use the Timing slider to adjust the duration of the slide or input an exact number in the box. 

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If you need a slide to be a specific length, this is the best method. 

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If you’re just trying to throw together a quick slideshow and are not worried about the duration of each slide, you can use the Apply To All Pages . This will make each slide in your project the same duration. 

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Chances are, you will want a different time for each slide. Use the methods above to change the duration of each slide to fit your needs. 

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How To Add Text To A Slideshow In Canva

For some of your slides, add text to make the slide feel complete. 

To do this, click on Text , then click the Add A Text Box button. This will add a text box to the middle of your canvas. You can also click on one of the buttons below this button if you need a specific size or style. You can also add vertical text for a unique layout. 

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Once you have your text box down, double-click inside it to add your message. You can then resize it to the size you need it. 

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Also, don’t forget to change your font if need be by clicking the Font drop-down menu and choosing a font that works best for you. 

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How To Add Music To Your Slideshow

Add music if you want to bring out an emotional response to your slideshow. 

Chances are, the template you picked out already has some music attached. You can find this music by clicking the colored bar below your thumbnail slides. This will allow you to see the audio wave of the track. 

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To delete the music track, click the Three Dots , then select Delete Track . Or, click on the track, then press the Delete key. 

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With the template music deleted, you can now add your own by clicking the Apps button in the Side Menu , then clicking on the Audio app. 

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The audio panel is now open, and you can search for the type of music you need in the search bar or browse the tracks that pop up by default. If you want to browse more music within a section, click the See All button in that section. 

You may also notice how many music tracks have crown icons next to them. The crown icon means you can only use the track if you are a Canva Pro user. Most of the music you will find on Canva is only for Canva Pro users. 

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Once you find the track you want to use, click it to add it to your project. The track will be added to whatever slide you currently have selected. 

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Another thing to remember when adding music is that you don’t have to start the music clip at the beginning of the track. 

To change the starting point of your track, first select it, then click Adjust . 

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Then, drag the audio wave where you want your track to start. 

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Another cool thing about adding music to your slideshows is that you can add multiple tracks. 

Just click another track in the Side Panel to add it below your first track. 

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You can then drag the edges of each track where you need it. Use the Play button to the left of your audio tracks to check how it sounds. 

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How To Add Video & Audio Transitions To A Canva Slideshow

To add even more style to your slideshow, you can add transitions between each slide. Depending on the feel you’re going for, you can add flashy transitions that are impossible to miss or more subtle transitions that do the job and don’t get in the way. 

To add a video transition to a slide, click on the end of one of your slides, then click on the Animate button above the canvas, usually labeled Fade by default. 

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A list will pop up in the Side Panel, allowing you to scroll through and find the type of transition you need between slides. Click on the transition of your choice to add it to your slide. 

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To confirm this worked, check the Animate button. The name of the transition you’ve chosen will be displayed there. 

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To add an audio transition, select the music track and click Audio Effects . 

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Unfortunately, you won’t have as many options to choose from when it comes to audio transitions. You will only have Fade In and Fade Out controls. 

Fade In will ramp your music track from 0 to 100 after a few seconds. Fade Out will ramp down your music track from 100 to 0. You can set the duration of each effect with the two available sliders. 

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Finally, you can adjust how loud your music is by clicking the Volume button and then adjusting the Volume Slider . 

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How To View Your Slideshow In Canva

If you have a very long slideshow, you can zoom in and out of the timeline with the Zoom slider . You can find this slider at the bottom of the page. 

First, make sure to click the Zoom Page button. The top half of the button represents your Canvas. The bottom half of the button represents your timeline. Ensure the timeline half is lit up before adjusting the Zoom Slider. 

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To view your entire project at the same time, click on the Grid View button. All your slides will be lined up on one page, giving you a better vantage point to make any needed edits. 

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Also, if you need to see a preview of your slideshow in action, click the Play button at the top of the screen. This button will also display the total amount of time your slideshow is. 

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How To Export A Slideshow In Canva

Once your Slideshow is good to go, you will want to export it the right way. 

First, click the Share button at the top of the screen, then click Download . 

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The most important option is the File Type . Make sure you have MP4 Video selected. Selecting any other file type will remove the music or keep the slideshow static. 

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The second most important option is the Quality slider. Drag the slider all the way to the left to bring the quality of your video to 480p . This setting will be very blurry and mainly used for creating a draft if needed. 

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Move the slider up a bit for 720p . This quality is perfect for Facebook and other social media sites. 

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Choose 1080p (HD) if you want to post your slideshow to YouTube or any other video-based site. 

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Crank the Quality slider all the way to the right for 4K (UHD) if you plan on your slideshow to play on a TV or a larger monitor. 

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Finally, make sure that all your pages are selected under Select Pages . Then click Download .  

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Your slideshow will now download to your hard drive. From here, you can find the file where you downloaded it, then press the Play button to view it. 

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And now you have a slideshow ready to go!

Photo of author

Continue Reading:

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How To Create Adjustment Presets In Photoshop

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How To Use The Marquee Tool In Photoshop

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How To Crop A Layer In Photoshop (3 Simple Methods)

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What Are Embedded Previews In Lightroom + How To Use Them

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Adobe Lightroom System Requirements For Mac & PC

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How To Add A Watermark In Lightroom Classic & CC

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How To Outline An Image In Canva

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How To Add A Border In Canva (To Images, Shapes & Text!)

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How To Make A Background Transparent In Canva


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May 15, 2024

8 most famous prehistoric sites in the world; one’s from India

What is prehistoric.

Prehistory, also known as pre-literary history, spans from the earliest use of stone tools by hominins around 3.3 million years ago to the advent of recorded history marked by the invention of writing systems.

Stonehenge, United Kingdom

Stonehenge is one of the most iconic prehistoric monuments in the world. Dating back to around 3000 BCE.Its exact purpose remains a subject of debate.

Chauvet Cave, France

The Chauvet Cave contains some of the oldest and best-preserved cave paintings in the world, dating back over 30,000 years.

Lascaux Cave, France

Lascaux Cave is famous for its Paleolithic cave paintings, which date back around 17,000 years. The paintings depict animals, human figures, and abstract symbols.

Bhimbetka, India

The Bhimbetka rock shelters in Madhya Pradesh span from the Paleolithic to the historic period, showing the earliest human traces in India, including evidence of the Stone Age from Acheulian times.

Altamira Cave, Spain

Altamira Cave is renowned for its Upper Paleolithic cave paintings, dating back around 36,000 years. The paintings feature detailed representations of animals, including bison, horses, and deer.

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Catalhoyuk, turkey.

Catalhoyuk is one of the oldest and largest Neolithic settlements in the world, consisting of densely packed mud-brick houses. The site is believed to have been a thriving agricultural community.

Tomb of the Eagles, Scotland

The Tomb of the Eagles, also known as Isbister Chambered Cairn, is a Neolithic chambered tomb dating back around 5,000 years. As of now, the site is not open to the public.

Göbekli Tepe, Turkey

Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological site dating back to around 9600 BCE, making it one of the oldest known religious structures in the world. It consists of massive stone pillars arranged in circles.

Thanks For Reading!

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29 common human foods you may not know are poisonous to your dog

Posted: March 18, 2024 | Last updated: April 22, 2024

<p>As man's best friend, dogs do everything with us: walk around town, ride in the car, play in the yard, and snuggle on the couch. It's natural, then—given how much time we spend with our four-legged companions—to assume they can eat with us, too. However, human food can be dangerous for dogs, even types of food that are completely safe for us.</p>  <p>Part of the reason we can eat foods that they can't is that dogs are so much smaller than us. They also weigh far less, which means their bodies can't absorb things as quickly. "Foods that are perfectly suitable for human consumption, as well as other animals, may be <a href="">toxic and even poisonous to your dog</a>, posing a serious threat to their health and well-being," <a href="">writes</a> Canine Journal co-founder Michelle Schenker. "Why? Because all animals have very different rates of metabolism."</p>  <p>Another problem is that dogs have voracious appetites and don't always know when to stop. Although some foods are not toxic in small doses, larger quantities can be fatal. Signs of food poisoning in dogs can vary widely, but key symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, dilated pupils, loss of appetite, restlessness, staggering, and disorientation. If you suspect your dog has eaten something toxic, VetsNow recommends <a href="">never to induce vomiting</a> unless a poison control expert has instructed you to do so. Certain substances can actually cause more damage coming back up and are best left in a dog's stomach.</p>  <p>To prepare yourself for a potential incident, always keep your vet's phone number handy, along with an after-hours clinic you can call in an emergency. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also has a hotline you can call for advice at (888) 426-4435.</p>  <p>Even with all of these resources, however, the best cure for food poisoning is preventing it in the first place. To give you an idea of which human foods can be dangerous, <a href="">Stacker</a> put together a slideshow of common foods to avoid. Take a look to see if there are any that surprise you.</p>  <p><strong>You may also like:</strong> <a href="">Most popular house-friendly dogs</a></p>

29 foods that are poisonous to dogs

As man's best friend, dogs do everything with us: walk around town, ride in the car, play in the yard, and snuggle on the couch. It's natural, then—given how much time we spend with our four-legged companions—to assume they can eat with us, too. However, human food can be dangerous for dogs, even types of food that are completely safe for us.

Part of the reason we can eat foods that they can't is that dogs are so much smaller than us. They also weigh far less, which means their bodies can't absorb things as quickly. "Foods that are perfectly suitable for human consumption, as well as other animals, may be toxic and even poisonous to your dog , posing a serious threat to their health and well-being," writes Canine Journal co-founder Michelle Schenker. "Why? Because all animals have very different rates of metabolism."

Another problem is that dogs have voracious appetites and don't always know when to stop. Although some foods are not toxic in small doses, larger quantities can be fatal. Signs of food poisoning in dogs can vary widely, but key symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, dilated pupils, loss of appetite, restlessness, staggering, and disorientation. If you suspect your dog has eaten something toxic, VetsNow recommends  never to induce vomiting unless a poison control expert has instructed you to do so. Certain substances can actually cause more damage coming back up and are best left in a dog's stomach.

To prepare yourself for a potential incident, always keep your vet's phone number handy, along with an after-hours clinic you can call in an emergency. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also has a hotline you can call for advice at (888) 426-4435.

Even with all of these resources, however, the best cure for food poisoning is preventing it in the first place. To give you an idea of which human foods can be dangerous, Stacker  put together a slideshow of common foods to avoid. Take a look to see if there are any that surprise you.

You may also like: Most popular house-friendly dogs

<p>Garlic is an allium, a family of foods that can be fatal to dogs due to a compound called thiosulfate that damages red blood cells. It takes a lot of garlic to cause toxicity but some breeds, particularly Japanese ones (such as Akitas and Shiba Inus), are particularly susceptible. "<a href="">Signs of garlic poisoning can be delayed</a> and not apparent for several days," explains the Pet Poison Helpline. "While tiny amounts of these foods in some pets, especially dogs, may be safe, large amounts can be very toxic."</p>

Garlic is an allium, a family of foods that can be fatal to dogs due to a compound called thiosulfate that damages red blood cells. It takes a lot of garlic to cause toxicity but some breeds, particularly Japanese ones (such as Akitas and Shiba Inus), are particularly susceptible. " Signs of garlic poisoning can be delayed and not apparent for several days," explains the Pet Poison Helpline. "While tiny amounts of these foods in some pets, especially dogs, may be safe, large amounts can be very toxic."

<p>Avocados are dangerous to many animals, not just dogs, partly due to a fungicidal toxin called persin. It's generally understood that only high doses of poison are actually lethal, but even more mild symptoms—including vomiting and diarrhea—should obviously be avoided, not to mention the large pits that can be choking hazards.</p>

Avocados are dangerous to many animals, not just dogs, partly due to a fungicidal toxin called persin. It's generally understood that only high doses of poison are actually lethal, but even more mild symptoms—including vomiting and diarrhea—should obviously be avoided, not to mention the large pits that can be choking hazards.

<p>Eating unbaked bread dough can be extremely dangerous for your dog because the fermenting yeast gets rapidly absorbed in the bloodstream, where it produces enough ethanol to cause <a href="">alcohol poisoning</a>. Additionally, yeast dough can rise as it moves through the digestive system, potentially twisting the stomach—a situation that can lead to death. Even if the yeast doesn't cause a life-threatening emergency, it can severely bloat your pup's stomach, causing intense pain and discomfort.</p>

Eating unbaked bread dough can be extremely dangerous for your dog because the fermenting yeast gets rapidly absorbed in the bloodstream, where it produces enough ethanol to cause alcohol poisoning . Additionally, yeast dough can rise as it moves through the digestive system, potentially twisting the stomach—a situation that can lead to death. Even if the yeast doesn't cause a life-threatening emergency, it can severely bloat your pup's stomach, causing intense pain and discomfort.

<p>Chocolate is one of the most commonly recognized toxins for dogs. The culprit is theobromine, an alkaloid that can cause cardiac arrhythmias and central nervous system dysfunction in dogs. Dark chocolate, semisweet chocolate, and unsweetened baker's chocolates are the most dangerous, while milk and white chocolates have smaller amounts (though they can be toxic, too). Toxicity depends on many factors including the amount consumed and the size of the dog.</p>

Chocolate is one of the most commonly recognized toxins for dogs. The culprit is theobromine, an alkaloid that can cause cardiac arrhythmias and central nervous system dysfunction in dogs. Dark chocolate, semisweet chocolate, and unsweetened baker's chocolates are the most dangerous, while milk and white chocolates have smaller amounts (though they can be toxic, too). Toxicity depends on many factors including the amount consumed and the size of the dog.

<p>Although humans love rhubarb pies, the sweet treat can cause kidney failure in dogs due to an antinutrient called oxalic acid. The substance <a href="">creates crystals in the urinary tract</a> and can cause the kidneys to shut down. Signs of rhubarb poisoning can include drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, bloody urine, changes in thirst, and other symptoms.</p>

Although humans love rhubarb pies, the sweet treat can cause kidney failure in dogs due to an antinutrient called oxalic acid. The substance creates crystals in the urinary tract and can cause the kidneys to shut down. Signs of rhubarb poisoning can include drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, bloody urine, changes in thirst, and other symptoms.

<p>While oranges are typically fine for your dog to eat, citrus oil—often used medicinally—is not. This is because of the insecticidal properties of the oil, which can <a href="">lead to liver failure</a> in dogs. In addition to preventing your pup from ingesting it, you should never rub it on your dog's skin medicinally because they are likely to lick it off. (Note: Many essential oils contain citrus, not just citrus oil itself.)</p>

While oranges are typically fine for your dog to eat, citrus oil—often used medicinally—is not. This is because of the insecticidal properties of the oil, which can lead to liver failure in dogs. In addition to preventing your pup from ingesting it, you should never rub it on your dog's skin medicinally because they are likely to lick it off. (Note: Many essential oils contain citrus, not just citrus oil itself.)

<p>Many nuts are not good for dogs. Macadamia nuts, however, rank among the most toxic. The reason for this is not fully understood by vets, but it's known that it leads to vomiting, weakness, hyperthermia, and loss of bodily functions. Weakness, particularly behind the hind legs, is one of the most common symptoms. Always call your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has consumed a dangerous amount of macadamia nuts.</p>

Macadamia nuts

Many nuts are not good for dogs. Macadamia nuts, however, rank among the most toxic. The reason for this is not fully understood by vets, but it's known that it leads to vomiting, weakness, hyperthermia, and loss of bodily functions. Weakness, particularly behind the hind legs, is one of the most common symptoms. Always call your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has consumed a dangerous amount of macadamia nuts.

<p>Although cat food won't poison your dog immediately, it can lead to pancreatitis and other health complications over time, causing organ damage and potentially sudden death. Every now and then it's OK if you're in a pinch—but be sure not to feed cat food to your pup on an ongoing basis.</p>

Although cat food won't poison your dog immediately, it can lead to pancreatitis and other health complications over time, causing organ damage and potentially sudden death. Every now and then it's OK if you're in a pinch—but be sure not to feed cat food to your pup on an ongoing basis.

<p>No one knows what ingredient or compound in grapes and raisins makes them so poisonous to dogs, but they rank among the most serious food threats. Even small amounts can <a href="">cause sudden kidney failure</a>, often signaled by your dog ceasing to urinate. Other symptoms include foul breath, loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. Some dogs are extremely susceptible to grape and raisin poisoning while others can eat them with no problem—something else that confounds experts.</p>

Grapes and raisins

No one knows what ingredient or compound in grapes and raisins makes them so poisonous to dogs, but they rank among the most serious food threats. Even small amounts can cause sudden kidney failure , often signaled by your dog ceasing to urinate. Other symptoms include foul breath, loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. Some dogs are extremely susceptible to grape and raisin poisoning while others can eat them with no problem—something else that confounds experts.

<p>Spinach is the subject of <a href="">widespread debate</a> among veterinarians and other dog experts. It contains a high amount of oxalic acid, a substance known to interfere with dogs' abilities to absorb calcium, causing kidney damage. Like many foods on this list, how much is consumed has a lot to do with how toxic it is. It's probably OK for your dog to have a small amount of spinach every now and then, but regular consumption can lead to serious health problems.</p>

Spinach is the subject of widespread debate among veterinarians and other dog experts. It contains a high amount of oxalic acid, a substance known to interfere with dogs' abilities to absorb calcium, causing kidney damage. Like many foods on this list, how much is consumed has a lot to do with how toxic it is. It's probably OK for your dog to have a small amount of spinach every now and then, but regular consumption can lead to serious health problems.

<p>All mammals are designed to drink milk from their mothers as infants, gradually weaning off as they grow and transition to water and solid foods. After infancy, it's not uncommon for mammals to experience some level of lactose intolerance when consuming milk products in general and certainly those from other species (different mammals react differently, as will individuals within those groups). So while milk is not technically poisonous for dogs; it's worth keeping it on their "do not feed" list. Some dogs are OK with it, others <a href="">experience extreme discomfort</a> in addition to potential health problems, especially among certain breeds.</p>

All mammals are designed to drink milk from their mothers as infants, gradually weaning off as they grow and transition to water and solid foods. After infancy, it's not uncommon for mammals to experience some level of lactose intolerance when consuming milk products in general and certainly those from other species (different mammals react differently, as will individuals within those groups). So while milk is not technically poisonous for dogs; it's worth keeping it on their "do not feed" list. Some dogs are OK with it, others experience extreme discomfort in addition to potential health problems, especially among certain breeds.

<p>Xylitol is a sugar alternative found in human foods such as candy, chewing gum, and many baked sweets. It's extremely toxic to dogs, <a href="">causing rapid insulin release</a> that can put them in a coma within 15 to 20 minutes. Veterinarians may advise feeding your dog syrup or honey on the way to the emergency clinic to boost their blood sugar during the drive. However, you should only do this if you receive instructions to do so.</p>

Xylitol is a sugar alternative found in human foods such as candy, chewing gum, and many baked sweets. It's extremely toxic to dogs, causing rapid insulin release that can put them in a coma within 15 to 20 minutes. Veterinarians may advise feeding your dog syrup or honey on the way to the emergency clinic to boost their blood sugar during the drive. However, you should only do this if you receive instructions to do so.

<p>While the types of mushrooms you purchase in the grocery store are typically safe for dogs, wild mushrooms growing in your yard or out in nature can be toxic. If you have mushrooms around your house, make sure to <a href="">pull them up regularly</a>. If you catch your dog trying to eat them in the wilderness, stop them immediately.</p>

Wild mushrooms

While the types of mushrooms you purchase in the grocery store are typically safe for dogs, wild mushrooms growing in your yard or out in nature can be toxic. If you have mushrooms around your house, make sure to pull them up regularly . If you catch your dog trying to eat them in the wilderness, stop them immediately.

<p>Vitamins containing iron can be toxic for dogs, particularly prenatal supplements, which tend to have higher amounts than standard vitamins. That's because dogs don't have a way of <a href="">excreting excess iron</a>, causing buildups up in the body. In addition to vitamins, cases of iron toxicity can also come from dogs eating oxygen absorbers (those small silica packets found in things like beef jerky).</p>

Iron supplements

Vitamins containing iron can be toxic for dogs, particularly prenatal supplements, which tend to have higher amounts than standard vitamins. That's because dogs don't have a way of excreting excess iron , causing buildups up in the body. In addition to vitamins, cases of iron toxicity can also come from dogs eating oxygen absorbers (those small silica packets found in things like beef jerky).

<p>Although the flesh of apples is not toxic, the seeds can be poisonous due to the presence of a compound called amygdalin. They have to be consumed in large quantities and they must be chewed to be toxic, so a few seeds are unlikely to kill your dog. However, if you plan to feed your dog apples, veterinarians recommend seeding and coring them first.</p>

Although the flesh of apples is not toxic, the seeds can be poisonous due to the presence of a compound called amygdalin. They have to be consumed in large quantities and they must be chewed to be toxic, so a few seeds are unlikely to kill your dog. However, if you plan to feed your dog apples, veterinarians recommend seeding and coring them first.

<p>Regular walnuts (often called English walnuts) are safe for dogs to eat, but the less common black walnut can be toxic. These specialty nuts are used in desserts and baked goods, although poisoning usually occurs in nature when dogs find them on the ground or eat bark from the tree. In fact, the black walnut ranks among the five <a href="">most poisonous trees to large animals</a>.</p>

Black walnuts

Regular walnuts (often called English walnuts) are safe for dogs to eat, but the less common black walnut can be toxic. These specialty nuts are used in desserts and baked goods, although poisoning usually occurs in nature when dogs find them on the ground or eat bark from the tree. In fact, the black walnut ranks among the five most poisonous trees to large animals .

<p>Nutmeg contains a compound called myristicin which, when ingested in large quantities, can lead to rapid heart rate, hallucinations, and seizures in dogs, according to Dr. Stephanie Liff, co-owner of Pure Paws Veterinary Care of Hell's Kitchen. Baked goods or other recipes containing small amounts of the spice <a href="">do not pose a threat</a>; however, if your dog chews on the spice container or gets into the small packets from the bulk spice aisle, it could potentially be very serious.</p>

Nutmeg contains a compound called myristicin which, when ingested in large quantities, can lead to rapid heart rate, hallucinations, and seizures in dogs, according to Dr. Stephanie Liff, co-owner of Pure Paws Veterinary Care of Hell's Kitchen. Baked goods or other recipes containing small amounts of the spice do not pose a threat ; however, if your dog chews on the spice container or gets into the small packets from the bulk spice aisle, it could potentially be very serious.

<p>Although the peach flesh itself is fine for dogs to eat, the pits of peaches contain amygdalin, the same substance found in apple seeds—which releases cyanide. Your pup would have to consume several peach pits to get sick; however, this isn't beyond the realm of possibility if you have a dog who gets into everything. For this reason, it's best to <a href="">keep peaches out of dogs' reach</a>. In addition to the cyanide issue, the pits pose a choking hazard.</p>

Although the peach flesh itself is fine for dogs to eat, the pits of peaches contain amygdalin, the same substance found in apple seeds—which releases cyanide. Your pup would have to consume several peach pits to get sick; however, this isn't beyond the realm of possibility if you have a dog who gets into everything. For this reason, it's best to keep peaches out of dogs' reach . In addition to the cyanide issue, the pits pose a choking hazard.

<p>This one is tricky because even though true currants are not toxic, many currants sold in the United States (sometimes called Zante currants) are actually just tiny raisins made from Corinth grapes. These <a href="">cause the same issues with toxicity</a> that regular grapes and raisins do, potentially leading to kidney failure.</p>

This one is tricky because even though true currants are not toxic, many currants sold in the United States (sometimes called Zante currants) are actually just tiny raisins made from Corinth grapes. These cause the same issues with toxicity that regular grapes and raisins do, potentially leading to kidney failure.

<p>Although small amounts are not likely to kill most dogs, the potential for severe poisoning and other health issues exists. Alcohol can cause significant drops in blood pressure, body temperature, and blood sugar, which can lead to seizures and even respiratory failure in worst-case scenarios.</p>

Although small amounts are not likely to kill most dogs, the potential for severe poisoning and other health issues exists. Alcohol can cause significant drops in blood pressure, body temperature, and blood sugar, which can lead to seizures and even respiratory failure in worst-case scenarios.

<p>Leeks contain thiosulfate, the same compound in the allium family that makes garlic unsafe for dogs. In fact, Live Science lists alliums among the seven <a href="">foods that cause the most pet deaths</a>.</p>

Leeks contain thiosulfate, the same compound in the allium family that makes garlic unsafe for dogs. In fact, Live Science lists alliums among the seven foods that cause the most pet deaths .

<p>Mustard is <a href=""> not likely to be lethal to dogs in small doses</a>; however, it can be toxic in higher amounts and, generally speaking, it's not a good thing for your dog to consume. In fact, due to mustard's mildly toxic nature, it is often something that's suggested by vets as a way to induce vomiting. The same goes for mustard seeds, which are often used in cooking.</p>

Mustard is not likely to be lethal to dogs in small doses ; however, it can be toxic in higher amounts and, generally speaking, it's not a good thing for your dog to consume. In fact, due to mustard's mildly toxic nature, it is often something that's suggested by vets as a way to induce vomiting. The same goes for mustard seeds, which are often used in cooking.

<p>Although it might seem harmless to treat your pup to the fat you've trimmed off meat, veterinarians <a href="">advise against it</a>. High-fat foods and raw fats can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even pancreatitis or blood infections.</p>

Fat trimmings

Although it might seem harmless to treat your pup to the fat you've trimmed off meat, veterinarians advise against it . High-fat foods and raw fats can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even pancreatitis or blood infections.

<p>Caffeine is toxic for dogs and, although one or two sips won't kill them, it doesn't take a huge amount to cause serious consequences. Coffee grounds and other sources of condensed caffeine can also <a href="">pose serious threats</a>.</p>

Caffeine is toxic for dogs and, although one or two sips won't kill them, it doesn't take a huge amount to cause serious consequences. Coffee grounds and other sources of condensed caffeine can also pose serious threats .

<p>Similarly to peaches and apples, cherries contain cyanide-releasing amygdalin in their pits, which is toxic to dogs. Cherries can be even more dangerous than peaches because the pits are much smaller, making dogs more likely to eat them. In addition to the toxic pits, cherry flesh can make their stomach upset.</p>

Similarly to peaches and apples, cherries contain cyanide-releasing amygdalin in their pits, which is toxic to dogs. Cherries can be even more dangerous than peaches because the pits are much smaller, making dogs more likely to eat them. In addition to the toxic pits, cherry flesh can make their stomach upset.

<p>Onions are another example of food in the allium family that can be poisonous to dogs due to the thiosulfate it contains. Like with other alliums, certain dog breeds are more vulnerable, and their size <a href="">makes a huge difference</a>.</p>

Onions are another example of food in the allium family that can be poisonous to dogs due to the thiosulfate it contains. Like with other alliums, certain dog breeds are more vulnerable, and their size  makes a huge difference .

<p>Once tomatoes are red and ripe, they are generally safe for dogs, as long as the stem is completely removed. However, green tomatoes or not fully ripe red tomatoes can be toxic for dogs. This is because of a substance called solanine found in the stems and leaves. If you have a garden where tomatoes grow, it is best to keep your dogs out so they don't chew on the green fruits or their vines.</p>

Green tomatoes

Once tomatoes are red and ripe, they are generally safe for dogs, as long as the stem is completely removed. However, green tomatoes or not fully ripe red tomatoes can be toxic for dogs. This is because of a substance called solanine found in the stems and leaves. If you have a garden where tomatoes grow, it is best to keep your dogs out so they don't chew on the green fruits or their vines.

<p>Chives are yet another food in the allium family which, like garlic, leeks, and onions, can be poisonous to dogs in large amounts. "Toxic doses of chives can <a href="">cause damage to the red blood cells</a> (making them more likely to rupture) leading to anemia," Pet Poison Helpline explains. Additionally, the hotline warns that symptoms can be delayed, sometimes not appearing for several days.</p>

Chives are yet another food in the allium family which, like garlic, leeks, and onions, can be poisonous to dogs in large amounts. "Toxic doses of chives can cause damage to the red blood cells (making them more likely to rupture) leading to anemia," Pet Poison Helpline explains. Additionally, the hotline warns that symptoms can be delayed, sometimes not appearing for several days.

<p>Potatoes are examples of another food where solanine is the culprit for toxicity. The compound blocks a chemical called acetylcholine, which dogs need to transmit nerve impulses. The result can be issues with their nervous systems and intestinal tracts. Like with tomatoes, the risk occurs when potatoes are green or unripe, and in the green sprouts, or eyes, that grow on them.</p>

Potatoes are examples of another food where solanine is the culprit for toxicity. The compound blocks a chemical called acetylcholine, which dogs need to transmit nerve impulses. The result can be issues with their nervous systems and intestinal tracts. Like with tomatoes, the risk occurs when potatoes are green or unripe, and in the green sprouts, or eyes, that grow on them.

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Five Liberty professors announced as recipients of President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching

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May 14, 2024 : By Office of Communications & Public Engagement

As the 2023-24 academic year comes to a conclusion, five professors from different areas of Liberty University were recognized for their outstanding work in the classroom and role in continuing Liberty’s mission through the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching .

The President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching is presented to professors who have promoted significant student learning, evidenced by creative and innovative approaches to teaching, the effective use of instructional technology, and exceptional pedagogical skill. Additionally, the recipients’ impact on student faith, thought, and character fully realizes Dr. Falwell’s vision of  Training Champions for Christ.

The award process involves a formal nomination, dean support, faculty input, and student contribution. The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) oversees the adjudication and process. Winners are recommended by confidential scoring committees, comprised of select staff, faculty, academic leadership, and past winners, and are affirmed by the Office of the Provost.

“This year’s award winners of the President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching stand out among our incredible faculty body as teachers, mentors, and role models,” CTE Director Dr. Shawn M. Bielicki. “They have excelled at preparing our students with the Christ-centered knowledge and skills to impact the world. We congratulate them on this prestigious and well-deserved recognition.”  

President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching

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Dr. Cynthia Goodrich

Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing

In her classes, Goodrich successfully utilizes various tech-related tools, including virtual meetings with field experts. Goodrich’s use of resources and technology creates a flexible environment. Deeply concerned with students’ spiritual and mental health, she infuses every interaction with seeds of faith, including prayer and the Gospel in her emails and online video calls. Goodrich has been published in peer-reviewed journals, has served as a Center for Teaching Excellence Fellow, and is the Assistant Director of Liberty University’s Honors Program .

  • Goodrich was also this year’s recipient of the 2024 CTE Director’s Award for Excellence in New Faculty Mentoring, which recognizes a veteran faculty member who has excelled at taking a new faculty under their wing to help them navigate their first year.

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Kevin Layell

Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Layell implements active learning principles, including using an age simulation suit and vision impairment technology in various real-world scenarios, to help students understand the challenges facing senior citizens. Using biblical themes and integration, Layell promotes a Christian worldview in his students. Layell’s teaching philosophy focuses on student engagement and hands-on design experiences, including field trips to active construction sites on campus and inviting field experts to speak to his students.

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James Mashburn

Associate Professor, School of Aeronautics

In addition to his academic qualifications, Mashburn holds licenses as a commercial pilot and Certified Flight Instructor. An expert in aviation leadership, he ensures that his students receive training on communication and leadership. Mashburn actively engages every student, encouraging participation throughout his class. Extending his student engagement beyond the classroom, Mashburn developed a field mentoring guide for flight instructors to use with their students.

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Dr. S. Alexander Mason

Department Chair and Assistant Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies

Mason teaches a new course on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, which addresses technology, ethics, and Christian faith using AI-informed creative arts projects, speed debates, and an interactive crisis scenario. He encourages active student participation and involvement by applying the Socratic method. Mason contributes to his field by developing and administrating NEXUS: the Liberty Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies , a student research journal.

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Dr. Andrea Smith

Online Chair and Assistant Professor, School of Aeronautics

Smith considers technology vital to aviation training, and she integrates artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, and simulation technology into courses. She contributes to internal and external research, serves as a dissertation committee member, and maintains membership in the Women in Aviation and the University Aviation Association organizations.

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