• the best web analytics presentation

How to Make The Best Web Analytics Presentation for Your Bosses

So you've got to make a   web analytics presentation  for  your bosses (no pressure!). For many   digital marketing   professionals or junior analysts, this can feel like a daunting task. How do you display and communicate the information? Which information do you include or leave out? How do you make it interesting?

First things first, make sure you've got the best possible tool to create your report. By using a web reporting automated tool like DashThis , you won't have to create your report from scratch every month and will have a good-looking, clear report to show off. 

web analytics ppt

Get this template with your own analytics data

You can create   SEO   reports , or a  Google Analytics report with all your   Google Analytics   accounts, any other   search engine   data, and  any other  online marketing   platforms, such as a social media report in no time. You even got preset report templates to get you started right away. 

Now that you're all set, here is the 6-step process I’ve used to deliver more effective presentations, shape my company’s marketing strategy, and earn the confidence of my bosses.

Step 1 - Discover the primary business concerns

Step 2 - find all the angles, step 3 - remove the non-essential, step 4 - prepare for derailment, step 5 - shape it into a story, step 6 - provide one key takeaway.

  • Pro Tip - KPI Dashboarding for the win

If you are tasked with giving your bosses a "Google Analytics   overview presentation", or something of the sort, you are going to be stumped...big time. There are just way too many Google Analytics reports and   relevant information   to attempt to communicate it concisely. 

Your job is not to be a prophet that reads minds, interprets data, and translates valuable insight for all to revere. Your job is to find and present relevant data that will address their primary business concerns and help them make better business decisions.

So before you start, you first need to understand what the primary business concerns of your bosses are. Ask your bosses this two-part question and tailor your content to make it relevant to them:

"What's one question you wish you could get answered about our website?"

and "what's one thing you hope to learn from our website visitors?"

For example, let's say your bosses tell you that they want to find out:

Which markets the company is gaining organic e-commerce traction in? 

And, which blog content is actually driving business?

These questions will give your presentation focus and make it relevant to their primary business concerns. If you don't have direct access to the bosses you are presenting to, reach out to someone who works closely with them and who understands their concerns.

Once you've gotten context regarding the primary business concerns of your bosses, it's time to find the reports which will best address those concerns and provide insight. 

At this stage, you're not formulating your final   Google Analytics   presentation slides or practicing your delivery, you're simply acting like a detective to find all the possible reports which will answer their questions. Go for volume here, and try to explore as many angles as possible. 

Sticking with our examples above, let's look at how we can answer those questions:

1. Which markets is the company gaining organic e-commerce traction in?

Let’s go to our Custom Reports tab for this one:

Custom reports Google Analytics

...and look at organic e-commerce behaviour by city. You can also look at region or country depending on the scope of your business. 

E-commerce behaviour by city

Here’s what this Custom Report shows us: (Data taken from the Google Merchandise Store Demo Account).

Custom e-commerce report

It looks like New York had an increase in   Avg. Order Value, E-commerce   Conversion Rate, and Revenue, even with a drop in Sessions and Users. This might suggest to your bosses that a focused paid search, display campaign, new retail store, or partnership in those areas could be successful. (The numbers in the example above are too small to be statistically significant, but this is just for demonstration purposes). Ok, time to explore the second question...

2. Which blog content is actually driving business?

We’ll go back to our Custom Reports for this one:

Landing pages custom report

In this custom report example, we're looking at which blog   Landing Pages   (website entry pages) led to a Goal Conversion. I recommend only including goals that have a dollar value associated with them (vs. behaviour metrics), but for the purposes of the example, this report would show us our top   Landing Pages   in the blog section of our website which led to a Goal Conversion.

Note: I also included Bounce Rate, Pageviews, and Avg. Time on Page to give us more context regarding the behaviour on each page, but don’t let this distract you from answering your bosses’ primary business concerns.

Now, let’s look at things from a different angle…

We now know which blog   Landing Pages   are leading to Goal Conversions, but what about the blog   Pageviews   that happen after someone has already landed on our site? 

We can use the Page Value metric here to give us the information we need.

Page value metric

Page Value will show us which content is the most valuable in relation to our goals, regardless of whether it was a   Landing Page   or not.

Remember, we're trying to uncover multiple angles here to give us the clearest overall picture before we even touch our   Google Analytics   presentation ppt (or a   Google Analytics   Reporting Tool   if you’re like me). This report gives us a second way to analyze the data so we can be more confident that what we are presenting is accurate and relevant.

Note: You must have monetary values assigned to your Goals in order for the Page Value metric to populate.

These are just 2 basic examples of different ways that you can slice and dice information to make your   Google Analytics   presentation relevant to your bosses. You can see that once we have a focus, it's easy to get to work finding the types of reports that will communicate the data effectively. 

If you're new to   Google Analytics   and have no idea how to create these reports, a quick Google and Youtube search will give you multiple examples, walkthroughs, and ideas to try out. Or visit   Analytics Academy   for free training and courses.

Once you've spent time brainstorming all the different types of reports and angles to represent the data, it's time to find the core narrative . What information is core to answering your bosses’ primary business concerns and what isn't?

It's easy to want to show your boss a million things to prove how smart and amazing you are, but resist the urge! You will only create a lack of focus in your presentation. A question you can ask yourself here is: 

“Does adding this information help answer my bosses’ primary business concerns or does it take things in a slightly different direction?”

An example of this might be noticing that certain blog posts have a higher   Bounce Rate   on mobile vs. desktop. This is still important because it suggests that you need to consider optimizing your blog or site to be more mobile-friendly, but it is a departure from the original question and will send the conversation spiralling off into another direction.

If it doesn't add direct value to the core narrative, remove it. You can always save it for a future conversation.

There is nothing more devastating to the focus of your presentation that an odd statistical anomaly throwing the conversation completely off course. People (and bosses especially) tend to place more importance on the things they are familiar with, regardless of whether or not it’s relevant to your presentation.

Make sure you prepare yourself ahead of time by identifying all of the potential anomalies that your bosses might comment on. Then seek out real-world evidence of what caused them and why. 

If one of your bosses interrupts you mid-sentence and says “So why did our   Bounce Rate   jump so high on Sept 17th??” (and they love to do this by the way), make sure you have a quick and punchy answer to address their unwarranted concern and then swiftly get back to your original narrative. 

Once you've got your core narrative, it's time to shape it into a story. There's a simple framework called A-B-T which I suggest to all presenters of potentially boring information. It goes like this: 

A-B-T = A nd- B ut- T herefore. Remember it!

Most analytically-minded types aren't the most naturally versed in theatre and entertainment. Their presentations tend to be a series of "we noticed this, and then we noticed this, and then we found this...". This sounds very scientific and all, but it is an " and, and, and " method of communicating and it's actually similar to the way little children tell stories. 

Example: "I went to Billy's, and then we made a fort, and then we had ice cream, and then...".

Using "And, But, Therefore" structures your information into a three-act narrative (thesis, antithesis, synthesis) that will help your audience follow along. For example:

"We discovered that the referring site driving the most revenue is Company X, and traffic from them has increased 10% year-over-year, but interestingly enough, our Goal   Conversion Rate   from Referrer Y has almost tripled with a 192% increase in month-over-month revenue! Therefore we're really optimistic about pursuing new content partnerships with company Y."

Wow! What a difference!

This method of communicating is significantly more interesting and memorable. It highlights lessons learned and forces you to think about cause and effect relationships. In fact, I would recommend formatting every single presentation you ever do in this format.

Try to think of your entire presentation as an arc in this way: A series of observations (thesis), one unexpected key finding or challenge (antithesis), one key take away (synthesis). Then, break down the sub-sections into mini-A-B-T structures to provide narrative throughout.

If you follow the A-B-T structure above, your presentation should really have ONE key takeaway that directly answers the primary business concerns that your bosses had. 

You will likely spot many relevant insights and actions that need to be shared and applied to answer the primary business concerns, but give the most weight to that single takeaway. Your bosses have a million things on their plates and can't keep track of more than one key insight following that presentation. 

Pro Tip -   KPI   Dashboarding for the win

Speaking as a business decision-maker myself, having accurate metrics and data for measuring my team's efforts is one of the most important operations in my business.

It's why I suggest going beyond your basic   Google Analytics   presentation slides and making your bosses a   Key Performance Indicators   (KPI) Dashboard that can serve as a central part of your Business Intelligence strategy.   DashThis   is an excellent tool for doing this!

Once you've created a live dashboard to track all your most important high-level   KPIs, you use it to indicate to you when certain   KPIs   are off and then, like a detective, create specific presentations that dig deeper to highlight the key findings that led to those   KPIs   underperforming.

Follow these 6 steps and you’ll have a   web analytics presentation   that will knock the socks off your bosses and earn you a reputation as being the ‘go-to’ person for all important business decisions:

Discover the primary business concerns

Find all the angles

Remove the non-essential

Prepare for derailment

Shape it into a story

Provide one key insight

Bonus: Use   KPI   Dashboarding   for greater business intelligence

Delivering great presentations is a complex skill learned over time. Continue to apply and refine the ideas shared here and eventually, with practice, you’ll be a   web analytics presentation   savant.

Then your bosses will be sure to get your expert opinion before all of their important business decisions. Not a bad position to be in… Good luck!

Want to create the perfect  digital marketing  presentation dashboard including data from your  analytics tools  AND  social media  platforms? 

web analytics ppt

Warren has a decade of experience as a client-side marketer. As Marketing Director of Kintec, he built a marketing team of seven while achieving multiple consecutive years of record company growth. Now, as agency partner at Ollo Metrics , he helps business leaders learn data-driven marketing strategies to build scalable and resilient businesses.

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Top 5 Google Analytics Dashboards for Digital Marketers

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How to Create an Impressive Analytics Presentation Without Tearing Your Hair Out

“I want to know how my website is performing as my boss is asking me for our numbers last month urgently.” Can you prepare an analytics presentation for Thursday next week?


Stressed-out Client

Ever received a request like this on Friday afternoon from your clients when you’re wrapping up for the week? 

Before jumping into pulling numbers and creating charts, stop. Take a breath. 

It’s worthwhile to systematically break down the request and ask follow-up questions to ensure you’ve created a report fulfilling the request to a T. 

You’ll learn how to create an impressive analytics presentation for your clients without tearing your hair out. Read on! 

What is an Analytics Presentation? 

An analytics presentation compiles data metrics and insights from web analytics tools like Google Analytics, and Adobe Analytics collected in PowerPoint presentation slides or data visualization tools.

Business executives use these presentations’ data analysis and recommendations to review business performance and make strategic decisions. 

Your job, therefore, as an analyst, is to find and present relevant data and recommendations that will address the business concerns of the people reviewing the report and help them make decisions. 


Save time preparing for your next data analytics presentation with DashThis’s Google Analytics report template , gathering all essential web analytics metrics in a beautiful report to ace your next presentation.

5 Steps to Creating the Perfect Analytics Presentation for Your Clients

Step 1: ask questions to gather the correct information.

Don’t be afraid to probe further if you get a vague-sounding request from a client. Take the time to review their request and understand what they are asking. 

First, Sam Priddy from Tableau recommends writing down the request on paper or in your notes to understand the request and identify areas that need clarification. Ensure you and your client are on the same page when understanding requirements and scope. 

Once you’re clear, it’s time to dive deeper. Some questions to get you started:

  • What is the objective of the meeting? Understand if the session influences any decisions, like pricing decisions, budget allocations or more. For example, a discussion on content marketing strategy for lead generation might need metrics on content marketing’s effectiveness at improving conversion rate and business revenue. 
  • What’s the reporting period of the data? Are we looking at monthly, quarterly, or yearly data? 
  • Who will be attending this meeting or reviewing the presentation?  Each audience group cares about different things. A VP of sales might care about net new revenue and overall sales pipeline, while a head of content might care about the bounce rate of a sales landing page, the number of qualified leads and partnerships acquired. Put yourself in different people’s shoes and ensure your report contains relevant information.
  • What’s the desired outcome of the report? Are they looking for a summary of past performance, a pure presentation of numbers, or an interactive way to explore data in real-time to make optimization decisions? 

Tip: Present data effectively by asking yourself what metrics or outcomes each audience group cares about, what their stakeholders want from them and what they expect to see from the report. Research their roles and responsibilities, or ask your client for more information. 

With the answers to these questions, you can identify what information you need and what to discard from your report. Now you know how to approach your presentation and structure your report for maximum efficiency. 

Step 2: Establish Your Kpis

Now that you know the report’s objectives and who will be present at the meeting, ask yourself what KPIs and metrics provide the information your client needs. Good KPIs are always relevant to a stakeholder concern, business goal or marketing goal. A report from Mention and Livestorm details important marketing goals for companies in 2022 and examples of KPIs used to measure them.


How do you go about choosing KPIs from marketing and business goals? 

Let’s say your client has a business goal to build positive social proof and establish trust in their target market for their e-commerce store. 

Your marketing goal will then be to encourage more online reviews for them in the next 6 months, and you’ll use the number of online reviews from their website, visitors, on Google and on marketplace listings as a KPI to track your progress. 

Step 3: Create Your Analytics Dashboard

You could always present your data in a PowerPoint (PPT) slide deck or Excel spreadsheet. But if you’re looking to add that extra spice to your analytics presentation besides a well-formatted PowerPoint template and wow your clients, think about having your data in an interactive dashboard.

An interactive dashboard turns meeting attendees into active participants. They can analyze data for themselves, filter, sort and re-arrange data from nearly any angle. It also helps them follow along in your presentation, making the session more useful. 

Here’s how to create an interactive data visualization in minutes with DashThis.

Step 1: Sign up for an account with DashThis. Our free 15-day trial allows you to see if we’re the right fit for you.

Step 2: Choose from one of our pre-set report templates for you to build your report. Our reports include easy visualization functionality like pie charts and bar graphs for presentation design.

Step 3: Choose from over 40+ integrations and connect your digital marketing and social media tools in seconds.


Step 4:  Select the metrics to include in your report from DashThis’ preset widgets.

Step 5: Add as many data points as you need to set up your report. Once done, save your completed report as a template so you can reuse the template for future presentations with clients, saving even more time!

Tip:  Send your report to your client or people you know will be present at a meeting as a pre-read a few hours before the meeting. This helps you have more productive meetings and makes you and your client look good in front of everyone! 

Step 4: Include Action Points

Remember, data is only valid when synthesized and interpreted. 

Any data you include should answer the ‘So What’ question – what does this data point mean in the context of business goals, and what to do next? 


DashThis allows you to annotate graphs and metrics in your report with notes and comments; useful for summarizing key points, explaining anomalies and including helpful context.

Once you’ve contextualized the data, proceed to develop recommendations, especially if you’re involved in initiatives that influence these metrics.

  • Organize multiple recommendations by priority 
  • Assign owners for whoever is responsible for carrying out these recommendations
  • Align on the next time you’ll review the metric. 

Step 5: Leave Room for Feedback and Discussion

A presentation is a two-way conversation. You’ll want to leave time for your audience to give feedback and ask questions about the data. 

Some tips on handling questions during a presentation like a pro: 

  • Remember, the people you’re presenting to might be seeing the numbers you’re presenting for the first time. Take breaks while preparing the report to see it with fresh eyes or check in with your team to review for any points you may have missed. 
  • Anticipate questions by reviewing the people’s roles at the meeting and what they’ll be looking for. 
  • Use complete sentences in your headers to highlight what’s important in a chart. A chart about social proof can have the heading “The number of customer reviews across all channels increased by 200% in the last 12 months”. 
  • Use annotations to highlight anomalies in the data, paying attention to spikes or dips in essential metrics. 
  • Summarize the presentation with one key takeaway that directly answers the business concerns outlined in step 1. Your clients and stakeholders are busy, and doing the work to distill your presentation ensures it delivers more impact. 

Ultimately, you want to be so familiar with your data that you know it like the back of your hand.

Deliver Client Analytics Presentations Like a Pro

Following these 5 steps will equip you with all the tools you need to ace your next client presentation,

  • Ask questions and clarify what is needed.
  • Establish KPIs relevant to business goals and address stakeholder concerns
  • Make your data interactive to aid comprehension 
  • Answer the So-What question in your action steps and recommendations
  • Anticipate questions and feedback 

And finally, you learn by doing. Every client looks for different things and has various concerns.

The more you work with them and seek feedback to improve, you’ll become known as the presentation master in no time. 

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6 steps to creating a customer-centric web analytics strategy

Analyzing website performance data can feel like you’re floating aimlessly in a sea of numbers, graphs, and percentages, without being able to anchor them to real-life scenarios. For example, you can track the abandonment rate of a particular page, but that doesn’t tell you why customers are exiting in the first place. 

Web analytics data gives you the information you need to analyze what’s happening on your site—but understanding and utilizing those insights is another thing entirely. And without a web analytics strategy, you’ll be doing a lot of guesswork.

Last updated

Reading time.

web analytics ppt

A well-crafted analytics strategy ensures you make website optimizations based on objective data that reflects your customers’ needs and provides the best user experience (UX) possible , while keeping your business goals and priorities on track. 

This step-by-step guide helps you get down to the basics of creating an impactful, customer-centric web analytics strategy guided by data-driven decisions.

Gain a deeper understanding of your customers

Hotjar tells the customer's story—so you can go beyond the data with your web analytics strategy.

What is a web analytics strategy?

A web analytics strategy is the collecting, reporting, and analysis of website data. It’s essential for gaining insights into what drives your business forward and developing an understanding of the user experience—and how you can improve it.

In short, a web analytics strategy is a playbook for achieving your goals and meeting your business objectives.

Why do you need a web analytics strategy?

It’s simple: if you have a website for your business, you need a web analytics strategy. 

Having a web analytics strategy in place before you dive into your data and customer insights ensures you make data-driven business decisions that keep your customer at the forefront of everything you do and will:

How to create an impactful web analytics strategy in 6 steps

We’ve brought it back to the basics and created this six-step guide to help you develop a strategy that puts your customer at the forefront, so you can keep making the right decisions for the right reasons. 

Let’s dive in!

1. Collect website data and customer insights

Web analytics tools give you insights into your website and customer behavior so you can assess metrics like traffic, user interaction with your site, and visitor acquisition. 

We’re spoiled for choice when it comes to web analytics tools : there are plenty of options with varying costs, collaborative capabilities, and user interfaces. Select the tools that collect information in the way you find most helpful.

For example, using traditional quantitative web analytics tools with qualitative behavior analytics tools—like pairing Hotjar with Google Analytics —results in a winning combination that provides insights from both perspectives, helping you answer the whys behind the whats of web analysis . 

When you combine tools like Hotjar Heatmaps, Recordings, and Surveys with your Google Analytics dashboard, you add visual representation to your data and give your customers a voice, which lets you see (from your customers’ perspectives) exactly where you’re going right or wrong.

After reviewing Google Analytics data, installing Hotjar is one of the first steps we take in every client engagement. It’s the window we use to understand the customer journey.

By analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data , you’ll see the hard facts (the numbers, graphs, and percentages we mentioned earlier) and the behavioral context behind them that tells the story of a customer’s journey. 

Typically, you’ll want to analyze at least the following metrics to get a clear sense of your user behavior:

Traffic to your site

Acquisition of your website visitors

Bounce rates and abandonment rates

Time spent on-site


Keep reading to learn which KPIs we recommend for a customer-centric web analytics strategy . 

The opportunity for inspiration is endless, so we’d caution against only looking at so-called ‘vanity metrics’ and remember your reason for implementing your web analytics strategy in the first place. 

Celebrating the wins is important, but the point of analyzing data is not just to pat yourself on the back about the sales you’re making and ignore the rest. Look for opportunities and be motivated by the potential of your site to offer an amazing user experience.   

Once you’re set up with an analytics platform that works for you, you’re ready to collect insights into your customers’ experience and use them to inform the next steps of your strategy.

2. Define your goals and objectives

Your goals and objectives set the tone for your web analytics strategy. 

Think critically about what you want to get out of your website, and your business as a whole—in the short-term, long-term, and everything in between—and create actionable, understandable steps for everyone involved. 

Objectives can be thought of as your reason for being: why your site exists, what makes your company unique, and what product or service you’re offering your customer. 

Goals get more specific, and it’s here that you need to ask yourself what you’re trying to accomplish on your website. Are you looking to increase sales? Reach a growing audience of happy and loyal customers? Spread the word about your newsletter? All of the above? 

The clearer you are at the start, the easier it is to assess your progress later on. Don’t overcomplicate things—it can be as simple and actionable as this: 

"Our objective is to build awareness of our brand, and our goal is to increase the number of sign-ups to our weekly newsletter by 50% by the end of the next quarter."

And with that, you have a great foundation on which to base the rest of your strategy.

Pro tip: developing a web analytics strategy isn't just a box-ticking exercise. 

Come up with new ways to continually build deeper connections with your customers and understand what drives them—or what turns them away.  

Think of your customer as the lighthouse that guides you, and critically assess whether everything you’re doing is being done for the right reasons. For example, your business priority may be to increase sales, but rather than simply optimizing the last step in the checkout process, look to create a more seamless journey and better user experience to get prospects to checkout.

As your goals get more specific, it's important to understand where your strategy fits within the marketing funnel and how different your approach to each stage may need to be.  

This brings us to the next step…

3. Understand where you fit within the marketing funnel

Your website goals will differ depending on which stage of the funnel your target customers are in, and your customers will be looking for different things depending on where they are in their journey. 

For example, someone at the top of the funnel may not even know what they need yet—they’ve just learned about your business and are now trying to gauge who you are and what you do. This is the time to convey your branding and personality while laying the groundwork for trust. 

At the bottom of the funnel, your customer is actively in the market and prepared to purchase; they just need a reason to choose you over a competitor. 

Let’s look at how the marketing funnel is defined in simple terms.

Analyzing customers at each level of the funnel helps you apply your web analytics strategy to every stage of their journey. You’ll be able to respond to their specific needs instead of relying on a one-size-fits-all approach. 

We recommend continually assessing your customers within the funnel so you can monitor whether you’re offering the best experience possible.

4. Determine your KPIs

Key performance indicators (KPIs) guide your web analytics strategy and provide inspiration on how to take action in specific areas through a deeper understanding of your customers’ needs. 

KPIs like conversions, page views, acquisitions, and bounce rates reveal a lot about the health of your site and business, and give you visibility into where your customers are coming from and their behavior and experience on your website.

By mapping your KPIs back to your goals and objectives, you can track your results and measure your progress in a way that makes sense. For example, if one of your goals is to increase the number of customers in Germany, measuring KPIs such as acquisition, conversion rates, and the number of visitors in Germany would be one way to see whether you’re on track to hitting your target.

How to pick KPIs for different stages of the marketing funnel

We’ve already talked a little about the value of funnel analysis to better understand your customers’ motivations.

The same applies to your KPIs: setting KPIs within the context of the funnel will guarantee you’re looking at the right metrics for the right reasons. By defining KPIs representing customers at each stage of their journey, you can home in on essential insights into their on-site behavior. 

Let’s look at how your KPIs might differ throughout the funnel:

By understanding the difference in KPIs—and the people they represent—at each level of the funnel, you’ll stay attuned to customer behavior and be better equipped to anticipate optimization opportunities that address exactly what they need.

A note on conversions

We’ve mentioned conversions a few times now—they’re often hailed as one of the most important measures of success for a business. A conversion happens when a website user takes any desired action—like landing on a specific page, clicking a certain link, or making a purchase—and conversions will look different depending on your business and target audience.

Conversion rate optimization , or CRO, is optimizing, experimenting, or making changes to your site to increase conversions.

And while conversions are important, a lot of work needs to come before this stage. It can be easy to get caught up in the numbers and ROI, but to reach the people you’re targeting, it’s essential to keep the user experience at the heart of your optimizations and use this as the driving force behind your strategy.

Something led them to your site—maybe curiosity driven by a marketing campaign, or they were looking for a solution to a problem—and something will either drive them away or convince them to take the next step. 

Combining traditional web analytics tools like Google Analytics with behavior analytics platforms like Hotjar provides an extra level of insight into the user experience, so you can stay connected to your customers' needs even while working towards your CRO.

5. Segment your data for reporting

Segmenting the data you’ve gathered from a source like Google Analytics lets you isolate the specific information and metrics you’re most interested in, piece together the puzzle, zoom out, and build a cohesive picture of your customer's journey. 

Your segmentation subsets can be as specific as you need them to be. They should support the goals and KPIs you’ve already set in place so you can assess your web analytics strategy's impact on your results and see your users’ behavior coming to life. 

For example, if your goal is to increase purchases made by customers in a specific location, reviewing all customer data from every country isn’t going to give you the insights you need. Instead, segment your data to represent the subset of the customers you’re specifically targeting. Setting strict parameters for analyzing your data from the start saves you from a lot of headaches later on.

You can segment your data into subsets as specific as:

Customers who purchased only a specific product

The number of page views of a certain page

Customers in a certain location

All website traffic that occurred within a particular time frame 

Mobile vs desktop users

Purchases made exceeding a certain value 

Customers who added something to their cart but didn’t check out 

Google Analytics allows for a huge variety of segmentation, so explore your dashboard there. You can also apply Hotjar’s filters to Heatmaps, Recordings, Feedback, and Funnels to enjoy a closer look at specific behavior patterns and site performance within your chosen subsets.

6. Analyze the results

It’s time to analyze the data you’ve collected! 

The point of putting a web analytics strategy into place isn’t just to set it out to sail and hope for the best. It’s what you do with the results that really matters. 

Remember the lighthouse we mentioned? With your customer as your focal point, setting frequent check-ins, clear targets, and committed deadlines to assess your website performance prevents you from wasting time on something that isn’t working, so you can react to issues as quickly as possible. Actively engaging with your data also ensures your goals stay manageable and actionable. 

Let’s go back to an example we mentioned earlier: imagine your goal for Q1 is to increase newsletter sign-ups by 50%. Scheduling regular check-ins throughout the quarter lets you assess performance and ensure you’re on track to achieving your goal. If your progress toward your target is slower than expected, you can look at new optimization opportunities without waiting to see how they play out. 

That’s not to say you need to conduct an extensive analysis of your data whenever you want to find out how your website is performing.

We’d suggest saving the deep dives for data collected over longer periods—such as monthly or quarterly—to get the most valuable insights. For more frequent (daily or weekly) performance check-ins, keep your analysis brief and high-level; this is enough to stay on top of your website performance without getting bogged down by micro-details.

Pro tip: Hotjar Heatmaps, Feedback, and Recordings are helpful tools for visualizing your data so it’s easier to share the performance results of your site.

Heatmaps show which parts of a web page capture visitors’ attention (or get ignored), giving you an at-a-glance impression of which parts of your site are being overlooked

Recordings collect every customer’s session on your website, so you can see firsthand how they experience and interact with each page

Feedback and Surveys let your visitors communicate what they think and feel about every element of your website in their own words

Creating engaging, visual, and well-structured performance reports for sharing your results makes otherwise dense information easier for the wider team and stakeholders to understand.

Ultimately, you want your data to be understandable and actionable. Prioritize helping your audience make sense of the data and connect with the individuals behind the numbers.

Where to take your web analytics strategy from here

The next step? It’s simple: keep going!

A customer-centric web analytics strategy is the key to deeper insights —not just into your customers, but also into your business. Keep reviewing your results, assessing the impact of your web analytics strategy, and above all, putting your customer at the front and center of your website optimizations.

By staying objective with the data and continually looking for opportunities to improve your user experience, you’ll be equipped to take your goals and objectives through to long-term success.

Make Hotjar part of your web analytics strategy

Take your website analytics strategy to the next level with behavior analytics and product experience insights from Hotjar.

Web analytics strategy FAQs

A web analytics strategy is the collecting, reporting, and analysis of website data to drive your business goals and better understand your customers and target audience.

What are the key steps of a web analytics strategy?

The steps of a data-driven web strategy are:

Collect website data and customer insights

Define your goals and objectives

Understand where you fit within the marketing funnel

Determine your KPIs

Segment your data for reporting

Analyze the results

What web analytics metrics should I measure?

The metrics you measure will depend on various factors of your website analytics strategy, such as your business objectives, target audience, or where your goals fit within the marketing funnel. However, some of the more common metrics we recommend reviewing are:

Bounce rate

Abandonment rate


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How to Present Web Analytics Report in a Clear Way Using PowerPoint

Last Updated on March 29, 2024 by Rosemary

Do you need to present web analytics? Whether you’re explaining a website analytics report or sharing the effects of an already implemented digital marketing endeavor icons can help. This PowerPoint icon template set was meant to make it easier to explain web statistics and share campaign successes and failures.

Explore our Business Performance PPT Reports category on the website for more resources to boost your presentation impact.

How can you present web analytics? Use charts and tables to make dense data-rich presentations more engaging and easier to follow.

If you need to make creative presentations on  Web Analytics Report   and looking for more ideas, check out these unique PPT charts and graphics.

Present Statistics with Tables and Graphs

web analytics report audience overview ppt

Audience Overview statistics cover a great deal of ground. Highlight things like session duration and bounce rate by incorporating relevant icons. Session duration can be marked with a stopwatch or clock face. The bounce rate could be marked by colorful arrows or an icon meant to represent a browser window. The choice is yours! This slide is much more interesting than a boring one which only shares the performance numbers themselves.

Explain User Acquisition with Charts

web analytics User Acquisition per Traffic Channel chart

User Acquisition can easily be broken up by the traffic channel involved. The common sources flagged on the report are organic, social, referral, ads, email, and direct. When utilizing bar graphs you can show the many different traffic channels by date. Other charts can show overall numbers for an extended period of time all at once. With color customizing, you can match your color scheme to represent the different channels so the data can be understood at a glance before you even begin to speak. Let the visuals do some of the work for you!

Express Demographic Information with Maps and Other Charts

web analytics Customer Location Map and Demographics poweproint

Are the majority of your site visitors in the United States? You can easily create a visual representation of your audience by color-coding a map. By adding additional graphs you can add supplementary age and gender details to paint a clearer picture of who your audience is. If your audience is global, you could accomplish a similar task by incorporating a world map and highlighting high-volume countries.

Explain Successful and Failed Actions

web analytics Successful & Failed Actions, Metrics, Status ppt slide

If you’ve sought to accomplish certain goals with your website, you should make a point to share where you’ve succeeded and how you could improve. In these slide examples, you can see major website changes and ways the company in question sought to improve their user experience. In the second slide, you can see how major website changes and layout upgrades have made significant changes to the ways users interact with their website. You can also see how ad campaigns played a role in the website statistic changes.

Explain Your Goals and Timelines for Implementing Changes

Report Projects Timeline poweproint slide

If you have more changes to make after reviewing your website statistics, share your plans. This will be helpful if your audience is expected to take part in making changes. It will also be beneficial if the audience are folks who stand to benefit from the changes being made. They will want to know when you expect to be able to make the changes you describe, and it’s better to have the answer laid out than to try to answer on the fly.

Present statistics in a visually interesting way using tables and graphs. Explain User Acquisition statistics and demographics with charts and maps to make them easier to follow. You can also explain failed and successful actions before you dive into the timelines you’ve planned for making changes to improve your results.

For more inspiration, subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Resource: Web Analytics Report Charts

By sharing your conclusions after reviewing the statistics, you can help others who are not as well-versed in web analytics understand where you’re coming from. If they understand where your findings are coming from they are more likely to agree with your approach and support the actions and potential resolutions you suggest.

Did you benefit from the above examples or do you want more inspiration? You can download the full graphics set here:

Web Analytics Report PPT Charts

If you need more icons or more ideas, you can download the infographics collection for more presentation graphic variety.

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What is Web Analytics? Definition, Examples, & Tools

Learn what web analytics is, which metrics you should track to improve website experience, and helpful tools to overcome common issues.

Image of Darshil Gandhi

Web analytics is the gathering, synthesizing, and analysis of website data with the goal of improving the website user experience . It’s a practice that’s useful for managing and optimizing websites, web applications, or other web products. It’s highly data-driven and assists in making high-quality website decisions. You might also get ideas on how to improve your product and drive business growth from web analytics.

Product managers, data scientists, UX designers and others can use web analytics if they’re looking to enhance their website or product experience to meet customer needs. They need to know which website metrics to track while also being mindful of the shortcomings of web analytics.

  • Web analytics refers to the process of collecting website data and then processing, reporting, and analyzing it to create an online strategy for improving the website experience.
  • Refine your marketing campaigns

Understand your website visitors

Analyze website conversions.

  • Improve the website user experience
  • Boost your search engine ranking

Understand and optimize referral sources

  • Boost online sales
  • Use a web analytics tool to automatically track key site performance metrics, like bounce rate, conversion rate, monthly unique visitors, and more.
  • Some common issues with web analytics are that it can be overwhelming to keep track of so many metrics, data is not always accurate, and data privacy could be at risk. Find an analytics tool that addresses these concerns effectively.

What is web analytics used for?

Amplitude's blog image

Web analytics features like Amplitude’s Pathfinder show how users interact with your site.

Web analytics is helpful for understanding which channels users come through to your website. You can also identify popular site content by calculating the average length of stay on your web pages and how users interact with them—including which pages prompt users to leave.

The process of web analytics involves:

  • Setting business goals: Defining the key metrics that will determine the success of your business and website
  • Collecting data: Gathering information, statistics, and data on website visitors using analytics tools
  • Processing data: Converting the raw data you’ve gathered into meaningful ratios, KPIs, and other information that tell a story
  • Reporting data : Displaying the processed data in an easy-to-read format
  • Developing an online strategy: Creating a plan to optimize the website experience to meet business goals
  • Experimenting : Doing A/B tests to determine the best way to optimize website performance

You can use this information to optimize underperforming pages and further promote higher-performing ones across your website. For example, French news publisher Le Monde used analytics to inform a website redesign that increased subscriber conversions by 46 percent and grew digital subscriptions by over 20 percent . Le Monde was able to identify which paid content users engaged with the most, then use that information to highlight top-performing content on the homepage.

The importance of web analytics

Your company’s website is probably the first place your users end up on to learn more about your product. In fact, your website is also a product . That’s why the data you collect on your website visitors can tell you a lot about them and their website and product expectations.

Here are a few reasons why web analytics are important:

Web analytics tools reveal key details about your site visitors—including their average time spent on page and whether they’re a new or returning user—and which content draws in the most traffic. With this information, you’ll learn more about what parts of your website and product interest users and potential customers the most.

For instance, an analytics tool might show you that a majority of your website visitors are landing on your German site. You could use this information to ensure you have a German version of your product that’s well translated to meet the needs of these users.

Conversions could mean real purchases, signing up for your newsletter, or filling out a contact form on your website. Web analytics can give you information about the total number of these conversions, how much you earned from the conversions, the percentage of conversions (number of conversions divided by the number of website sessions), and the abandonment rate. You can also see the “conversion path,” which shows you how your users moved through your site before they converted.

By looking at the above data, you can do conversion rate optimization (CRO ). CRO will help you design your website to achieve the optimum quantity and quality of conversions.

Web analytics tools can also show you important metrics that help you boost purchases on your site. Some tools offer an enhanced ecommerce tracking feature to help you figure out which are the top-selling products on your website. Once you know this, you can refine your focus on your top-sellers and boost your product sales.

Boost your search engine optimization (SEO)

By connecting your web analytics tool with Google Search Console , it’s possible to track which search queries are generating the most traffic for your site. With this data, you’ll know what type of content to create to answer those queries and boost your site’s search rankings.

It’s also possible to set up onsite search tracking to know what users are searching for on your site. This search data can further help you generate content ideas for your site, especially if you have a blog.

Understand top performing content

Web analytics tools will also help you learn which content is performing the best on your site, so you can focus on the types of content that work and also use that information to make product improvements. For instance, you may notice blog articles that talk about design are the most popular on your website. This might signal that your users care about the design feature of your product (if you offer design as a product feature), so you can invest more resources into the design feature. The popular content pieces on your website could spark ideas for new product features, too.

Web analytics will tell you who your top referral sources are, so you know which channels to focus on. If you’re getting 80% of your traffic from Instagram, your company’s marketers will know that they should invest in ads on that platform.

Web analytics also shows you which outbound links on your site people are clicking on. Your company’s marketing team might discover a mutually beneficial relationship with these external websites, so you can reach out to them to explore partnership or cross-referral opportunities.

Example metrics to track with web analytics

Website performance metrics vary from company to company based on their goals for their site. Here are some example KPIs that businesses should consider tracking as a part of their web analytics practice.

Page visits / Sessions

Page visits and sessions refer to the traffic to a webpage over a specific period of time. The more visits, the more your website is getting noticed.

Keep in mind traffic is a relative success metric. If you’re seeing 200 visits a month to a blog post, that might not seem like great traffic. But if those 200 visits represent high-intent views—views from prospects considering purchasing your product—that traffic could make the blog post much more valuable than a high-volume, low-intent piece.

Source of traffic

Web analytics tools allow you to easily monitor your traffic sources and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly. For example, if you’re seeing lots of traffic from email campaigns, you can send out more email campaigns to boost traffic.

Total website conversion rate

Total website conversion rate refers to the percentage of people who complete a critically important action or goal on your website. A conversion could be a purchase or when someone signs up for your email list, depending on what you define as a conversion for your website.

Bounce rate

Bounce rate refers to how many people visit just one page on your website and then leave your site.

Interpreting bounce rates is an art. A high bounce rate could be both negative and positive for your business. It’s a negative sign since it shows people are not interacting with other pages on your site, which might signal low engagement among your site visitors. On the other hand, if they spend quality time on a single page, it might indicate that users are getting all the information they need, which could be a positive sign. That’s why you need to investigate bounce rates further to understand what they might mean.

Repeat visit rate

Repeat visit rate tells you how many people are visiting your website regularly or repeatedly. This is your core audience since it consists of the website visitors you’ve managed to retain. Usually, a repeat visit rate of 30% is good. Anything below 20% shows your website is not engaging enough .

Monthly unique visitors

Monthly unique visitors refers to the number of visitors who visit your site for the first time each month.

This metric shows how effective your site is at attracting new visitors each month, which is important for your growth. Ideally, a healthy website will show a steady flow of new visitors to the site.

Unique ecommerce metrics

Along with tracking these basic metrics, an ecommerce company’s team might also track additional KPIs to understand how to boost sales:

  • Shopping cart abandonment rate shows how many people leave their shopping carts without actually making a purchase. This number should be as low as possible.
  • Other relevant ecommerce metrics include average order value and the average number of products per sale . You need to boost these metrics if you want to increase sales.

Web analytics tools

There is a whole range of tools you can use for web analytics, including tools that traditionally specialize in product, marketing, or experience analytics.

Amplitude's Digital Analytics Platform combines the best of all worlds. Our unified platform supports analytics across digital products and experiences—including your app or website. Pair quantitative data with qualitative insights using built-in Session Replay so you can better understand user behavior on your site.

Common issues with web analytics

While web analytics can be extremely useful for optimizing the website experience, there are some drawbacks to it. Some of these include:

Keeping track of too many metrics

There are so many data points available to track. It can be overwhelming to combine web analytics, product analytics , customer experience tools, heatmaps, and other business intelligence analytics to make sense of things.

As a general rule, only measure the metrics that are important to your business goals, and ignore the rest. For example, if your primary goal is to increase sales in a certain location, you don’t need metrics about anything outside of that location.

Data is not always accurate

The data collected by analytics tools is not always accurate. Many users may opt-out of analytics services, preventing web analytics tools from collecting information on them. They may also block cookies, further preventing the collection of their data and leading to a lot of missing information in the data reported by analytics tools. As we move towards a cookieless world, you’ll need to consider analytics solutions that track first-party data, rather than relying on third-party data.

Your web analytics tool may also be using incorrect data filters, which may skew the information it collects, making the data inaccurate and unreliable. And there’s not much you can do with unreliable data.

Data privacy is at risk

Untracked or overly exposed data can cause privacy or security vulnerabilities. People could reveal all sorts of personal information about themselves on your website, including credit card details and their address. Any breach to an analytics service provider that compromises your user data can be devastating for your business’ reputation. Since privacy laws have become more stringent over the last decade globally, it’s important you pay attention to cyber security.

Website data is particularly sensitive. Make sure your web analytics tools have proper monitoring procedures and security testing in place. Take steps to protect your website against any potential threats.

Data doesn’t tell the whole story

While web analytics are useful to learn how users are interacting with your website, they only scratch the surface when it comes to understanding user behavior. Web analytics can tell you what users are doing, but not why they do it. To understand behaviors, you need to go beyond web analytics and leverage a behavioral analytics solution like Amplitude Analytics . By looking at behavioral product data, you’ll see which actions drive higher engagement, retention, and lifetime value.

Ready to explore your own data?

Now that you know more about web analytics, make sure you’re measuring the right metrics with our North Star Playbook . Or, see how website data looks in Amplitude .

About the Author

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Web Analytics Dashboard 02 PowerPoint Template

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Web analytics dashboard 02 presentation template.

Use this Web Analytics Dashboard 02 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds.

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Social Media Performance Dashboard 1 PowerPoint Template & Google Slides Theme

Social Media Performance Dashboard 1 PowerPoint Template

Social Media Performance Dashboard 1 Presentation Template Use this Social Media Performance Dashboard 1 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds. The Social Media Performance Dashboard 1 PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience’s attention. Convey...     read more 

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  •   Social Media Performance Dashboard - 16x9  –  $4.99

Social Media Performance Dashboard PowerPoint Template & Google Slides Theme

Social Media Performance Dashboard PowerPoint Template

Social Media Performance Dashboard Presentation Template Use this Social Media Performance Dashboard PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds. The Social Media Performance Dashboard PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience’s attention. Convey your message clearly...     read more 

  •   Business Plan Dashboard 1 - 4x3  –  $6.99
  •   Business Plan Dashboard 1 - 16x9  –  $6.99

Business Plan Dashboard 1 PowerPoint Template & Google Slides Theme

Business Plan Dashboard 1 PowerPoint Template

Business Plan Dashboard 1 Presentation Template Use this Business Plan Dashboard 1 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds. The Business Plan Dashboard 1 PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience’s attention. Convey your message clearly...     read more 

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Top 10 Google Analytics Dashboard Templates for Easy Reporting

Top 10 Google Analytics Dashboard Templates for Easy Reporting

Deepika Dhaka


Today’s marketers are faced with information overload. With immense amounts of data at their disposal, it’s no surprise that many marketers feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the numbers before them. Most, specifically digital marketers, are left to analyze and draw insights, which takes substantial effort and often requires manual data preparation.

Don’t let your critical data get lost in translation; there is an effective way to manage it.

Welcome to the world of Google Analytics dashboards, a tool that helps you know your website and application’s performance and delivers more value.

A GA dashboard is a collection of data visualizations—or “widgets”—that represent your website’s insights across critical areas when seen on a single sheet.

It is the most popular web analytics program, with more than 29 million websites using it to track their traffic and conversions in real-time. It provides more than 500 unique metrics and dimensions for users to analyze every aspect of their website.

No doubt, the Google Analytics dashboard provides in-depth awareness but creating one can be a little tricky and overwhelming. Therefore, we have compiled a comprehensive collection of templates to help you create a great-looking dashboard in minutes.

With these dashboard examples, you can create a consolidated view that shows only the metrics you care about on one screen.

Let’s explore these templates to make reporting more effortless than ever!

Template 1: Google Analytics Dashboard for User Tracking

Use this PowerPoint dashboard template to measure user behavior on your website. It includes actual and target users, page views, bounce rate, audience metrics, average time on site, etc. These are crucial factors to consider for good customer insights. Download it now!

Google Analytics Dashboard for User Tracking

Download this template

Template 2: Google Analytics Dashboard for Content Tracking

Use this content dashboard to track the effectiveness of your content and measure its impact on your company’s bottom line. The dashboard will help you save time and reduce redundant clicks. Most popular pages and the demographics of visitors there are displayed here. Grab it now!

Google Analytics Dashboard for Content Tracking

Template 3: Google Analytics Dashboard for User Tracking

Here’s a dashboard structure to track user activities on your website or app. It can help you with the process of monitoring, collecting, and analyzing visitor browsing behavior. This layout lets you inspect the website performance, traffic channels, and goals with audience metrics. Download it now!

Google Analytics Dashboard for User Tracking..

Template 4: Google Analytics Dashboard to Track users

Here’s another stunning dashboard template to track the traffic, clicks, performance, conversion rate, etc. This informative PPT graphic shows the activities on your website to learn what is working and what’s not. This way, you can optimize your pages for an improved user experience. Grab it now!

Google Analytics Dashboard to Track users

Template 5: Google Analytics Audience Dashboard

This PowerPoint template allows you to make informed decisions about your website users through insights on location, engagement, devices, and users by type. With this framework, it becomes easy to spot any deviations in trends and patterns. Download it today!

Google Analytics Audience Dashboard

Template 6: Google Analytics Performance Dashboard

This Google Analytics site performance dashboard template helps you track your website’s response time and all load time metrics that affect SEO and UX. This easy-to-use slide also helps you measure goal conversions, bounce rate, sessions, channels, etc. Download it to boost your conversions.

Google Analytics Performance Dashboard

Template 7: Google Analytics 360 Dashboard for Weekly Analysis

If you are looking for an upgraded dashboard, this PPT template is ideal. It helps you make decisions on your weekly marketing spend by providing new data. Download this PPT layout today to add new functions.

Google Analytics 360 Dashboard for Weekly Analysis

  Download this template

Template 8: Google Analytics Page Tracking Dashboard

Use this page-tracking dashboard to identify page-specific problems or optimization potentials. It lets you monitor page load times for visits from different countries and provides detailed overviews of the highest average time spent on specific pages and the lowest bounce rate. Get it now!

Google Analytics Page Tracking Dashboard

Template 9: Google Analytics Organic Vs Paid Search Traffic Dashboard

This PowerPoint design helps you track how often pages from your website show up in Google’s free organic search results. It also lists the search terms which act as triggers for those pages to appear. It also helps you understand how paid ads and organic search results work together to identify potentially valuable keywords. Get it now!

Google Analytics Organic Vs Paid Search Traffic Dashboard

Template 10: Google Analytics for All Web Tracking

Here’s a fantastic PPT dashboard to give you an overall view of your website performance. It lets you extract details about users’ countries, sessions, demographics, devices they used, social networks, and whether they are new or returning users. Grab this template now to get a holistic view of your website performance.

Google Analytics for All Web Tracking

Now that you know of an easier way to create a dashboard of your choice, download your favorite one today based on your requirements. You can start using them from day one and quickly gain a better understanding of your business. The PowerPoint templates that SlideTeam provides you with are customizable and easy to use, saving valuable time and effort. You won’t be stuck in redundant processes, which means you can use these powerful slides to view your website data in numerous ways.

If you want to get a custom GA Dashboard PPT template for your business, feel free to contact our design services team here.

P.S: If you want to assess and ensure organizational safety, here’s a handy guide replete with stunning templates.

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Description, how to edit.

Are you presenting a website analytics report, or showing digital marketing campaigns effects? Use this PowerPoint template with pre-designed graphics and Excel data charts you can fill with your numbers from Google Analytics. Present traffic sources, your webpage visitors sources and behavior. Display an executive summary of the main outcomes and make a recommendation based on successes and failures analysis.

  • 14 web statistics charts (editable Office Excel charts) about your audience sources, devices, bounce rates, e-commerce conversion rates and more.
  • Templates for analyzing campaign Successes and Failures, Recommended Actions, Next projects and tasks timelines and calendar for Scheduling web development, SEO or Online Advertising Activities
  • 41 icons to illustrate various web analytics topics such as browser devices, Sessions, Bounces, Conversions and Subscription, shopping carts, Revenue, Organic Search, Social Sharing, Newsletter or online advertisements.
  • Master Slide deck in two graphical styles - with a light background (more typical, better for printing) and another with dark slide background (more eye-catching)
  • Format: fully editable vector shapes (modify colors of diagrams and icons, resize without quality loss

What is web analytics about?

Content description.

  • Web analytics report content;
  • Statistical figures and charts section slide;
  • Audience overview shown with colorful trend chart and values;
  • Bounce rate timeline chart with brief description of events and improvements;
  • User acquisition per traffic channel shown with colorful bar and circle charts;
  • Behavior flow per channel shown with colorful screenshot graphics and description;
  • Users by devices type chart shown with circle diagram and bar charts for each device: mobile, PC and tablet ;
  • Customer location and demographics map with values, colorful bar and circle charts;
  • E-commerce overview slide shown with colorful trend chart with values and text description;
  • Successful and failed actions section slide with flat icons;
  • Successful and failed actions, metrics and status graphics with description for each item illustrated with icons;
  • Successful actions summary shown with list description and flat icons;
  • Failed action summary shown with list description and vivid symbols;
  • Recommendations section slide;
  • Recommendations for digital marketing shown with colored flat icons;
  • Problem, solution, website metrics slide shown with list description, flat icons and screenshot;
  • Task timeline section slide;
  • Project timeline shown with colorful table with filling and flat icons;
  • Task timeline over a year with text description and icons;
  • Conclusion section slide on a blue background;
  • Summary of web analytics findings diagram with bullet points description for each item;
  • “Thanks for attention” section slide;
  • changing color of the icon filling and its outline
  • adding shadows
  • changing shape and size, rotating, flipping the object
  • putting shapes behind or on top of text
  • infoDiagram's designer
  • Contact: here

Slides included in this PowerPoint Presentation:

  • Web analytics template on a dark and light background
  • Web analytics agenda template
  • Statistical figures and charts
  • Audience overview shown with colorful chart and values
  • Bounce rate timeline chart with events and improvements
  • User acquisition per traffic channel shown with bar and statistics
  • Behavior flow per channel shown with colorful graphics and description
  • Users by devices type chart shown with circle and bar charts
  • Customer location map illustrated with values, bar and circle charts
  • E-commerce overview shown with colorful line chart
  • Successful and failed actions section slide
  • Successful and failed actions, metrics and status graphics with description
  • Successful actions summary shown with list description and flat icons
  • Failed action summary shown with list description and icons
  • Recommendations section slide
  • Recommendations for digital marketing shown with flat icons
  • Details on problem, solution, website metrics with graphics
  • Task timeline
  • Project timeline shown with colorful table
  • Task timeline over a year
  • Conclusions section slide template
  • Summary of web analytics findings diagram
  • Thank for attention slide
  • Web analytics report illustrated with dark-style graphics
  • Web analytics report content
  • Audience overview shown with bar and circle charts with values
  • Homepage bounce timeline charts with events and improvements
  • User analytics per website shown with bar and circle charts
  • Behavior flow chart per channel with values on a dark background
  • Users by devices types shown with colorful bar and pie charts
  • Customer location colorful map with demographics on a dark background
  • E-commerce overview for presenting revenue and conversion rate
  • Successful and failed actions
  • Successful and failed actions summary template on a dark background
  • Successful actions summary illustrated with values and description
  • Actions summary template with bullet points description and values
  • Recommendations for digital marketing graphics with description
  • Major recommendation graphics with creative bullet points description
  • Projects timeline table on a dark background with flat icons
  • Task timeline over a year with bullet points description
  • Thanks for attention slide
  • Web analytics charts
  • Editable icons and custom cliparts
  • Clipart shapes for data marks
  • Icon set: Bounces, Conversion, Subscription, E-commerce, Laptop
  • Icons in circles: Sessions, Bounces, Conversion, Devices, Failure

How to edit text & colors

web analytics ppt

How to expand / shorten diagram

web analytics ppt

How to Replace Icons in infoDiagram PPT

web analytics ppt

Web Analytics Report Charts (PPT Template)


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