The Write Practice

Book Writing Software (2024): Top 10 for Writers

by Joe Bunting | 20 comments

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Writing a book is hard. I've written fifteen books and at some point during each one I had the thought, “There has to be a tool, a piece of book writing software, that would make it easier to reach my writing goals.”

Book Writing Software - Top 10 Pieces of Software for Writers

The good news is there  is  book writing software that can make the writing process and meeting your daily goals easier!

(The better news is that once you've found the right software, we have the best resources to help you finish your book, like this book idea worksheet , which will get you started on your book in just a few minutes. Get your free copy here. )

In this article, we will cover the ten best pieces of software for writing a book and look at the pros and cons of each. Click the links below to get our review on the best writing software.

Best Writing Software: Contents

  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets OR Microsoft Excel
  • ProWritingAid
  • Publisher Rocket
  • Microsoft Word
  • Bonus: Note Taking Apps
  • Bonus: Google Drive OR Dropbox

Worst Pieces of Software for Writing a Book

Before we discuss writing software that will help you write a beautiful book, it's important to understand (and eliminate) what will hurt your writing progress. At least while you're writing a book:

  • Video Games.  Especially World of Warcraft (always, always, always!) but also Solitaire, Sudoku, Angry Birds, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, and Wild Rift/League of Legends.

No World of Warcraft for Writers

  • Facebook, TikTok, and Other Social Media Software.  Do I really need to say more? Fortunately there's a piece of book writing software for avoiding this very distracting software (see Freedom below). You can't write a book if you spend you writing time publishing social media posts.
  • Other Productive Software Not Directly Associated With Your Writing.  Yes, it's good to reconcile your bank account on Quickbooks or make sure you're up to date on your calendar app, but responsible, well-meaning work can easily be an excuse for a quick distraction that turns into a major distraction from writing your book.

Set aside time for your writing every day and then stay focused. If you need a game, make writing your daily word count your game. If you want more “likes” on social media, imagine how great getting five-star reviews on your book will be.

If you need to check your bank balance several times a day, think about what your bank balance will be when you stop checking it constantly, finish your book, and become a successful author. Now let's talk about some book software for authors that can help you with your book writing process.

The 10 Best Pieces of Book Writing Software

First, there is no such thing as the perfect book writing software. No amount of key features or book writing templates or editing features will write a book for you. Still, these ten book writing software options can help. Take a look at the pros and cons of each:

1. Scrivener (Word Processor)

Scrivener  is the premier book writing app made by writers  for  writers. Scrivener's “binder” view allows you to break up your book into chapters and sections and easily reorganize it with drag and drop interface.

You can also get a high-level view of your book using the corkboard and outliner modes, allowing you to view book chapters, sections, or individual scenes as index cards. Project targets let you create word count goals and then track your progress daily. Its composition mode can help you stay focused by removing all the clutter.

Scrivener Deadline Week 3

Scrivener has formatting features for publishing (e.g. on Amazon or Barnes & Noble), as well as basic features for distraction-free writing, and has templates for novels, nonfiction books, screenplays, and more.

You can read our  full Scrivener review here .

To be fair, Scrivener also has its weaknesses. Formatting is more complicated than it needs to be and collaborating isn't easy, meaning it loses its effectiveness as soon as you bring on an editor (we recommend Google Docs for collaborating).

You can sync with your iPhone/iPad, but only through Dropbox, making it not as easy as it should be. It also has something of a learning curve, especially for its advanced features. But it more than makes up for that by being so helpful in the early stages of the writing process. Again, here are the pros and cons for Scrivener.

Pros of Scrivener:

  • Easily manage a large book writing project (or screenplay) in the binder view
  • Get a high-level view of your book's structure using corkboard and outliner views
  • Manage your writing productivity with project targets and deadlines
  • iPhone and iPad app

Cons of Scrivener: 

  • Formatting can be overly complicated
  • Learning curve
  • ​Syncing with Dropbox isn't always easy
  • No Android app

We believe in Scrivener so much, we published a book about how creative writers can write more faster using it. It’s called  Scrivener Superpowers .  If you’re using Scrivener or want a tutorial to save yourself time as you learn how to use it for your creative writing, you can  get Scrivener Superpowers here . You can also learn more about how to use the software with one of these resources:

  • Scrivener Superpowers  by M.G. Herron
  • 3 Reasons I Love Scrivener
  • Microsoft Word vs. Scrivener

Cost: $59.99 for Windows, Mac

Scrivener  is the premier book writing app made by writers  for  writers. It's powerful set of tools allow you to write, organize, edit, and publish books.

  • Easily manage writing projects
  • Made by writers for writers
  • Corkboard and outliner views
  • Project targets and deadlines
  • iPhone and iPad app
  • Complicated formatting
  • Steep learning curve
  • ​Syncing isn't always easy


2. Dabble (Word Processor)

Similar to Scrivener, Dabble is a word processor that gives you the power to organize and rearrange scenes and chapters using drag and drop, manage your word count goals to keep to a deadline, and plot like a pro. (Screenshots seen here are in the optional dark mode.)

Dabble Review: Best book writing software

Dabble has a plot grid that allows you to easily see a macro view of your story. You can rearrange as needed, find plot holes easily, and make notes on each plot point as detailed as you like. 

Dabble Review: Best book writing software

Collaboration is easy. You simply add a co-author and they will be sent an invitation. They must also have a subscription or they will only be able to read the document. 

You can insert images in any scene or note, or add title images to chapters or full page images within or between chapters. You can even set cover art for the manuscript. 

Focus mode in Dabble is automatic. Simply start typing and everything else fades away. No need to worry about saving every few minutes either.

Dabble is cloud-based and automatically saves as you go. You can access your manuscripts everywhere: in your browser, on your phone, or in the desktop app. As you're writing, you can make notes and comments.

Don’t want to type? You can dictate. And when you’re done writing, there’s a Read to Me feature that reads your manuscript to you!

Cost : Subscription plans range from $10/month to $20/month; Lifetime access cost is $499; 14-day free trial 

Dabble is a word processor designed specifically for books. It gives you the power to organize and rearrange scenes and chapters using drag and drop, manage your word count goals to keep to a deadline, and plot like a pro. 

  • Easy Learning Curve
  • Streamlined collaboration
  • Cloud-based syncing
  • Built-in Dictation
  • Easy Exporting
  • Word count targets and deadlines
  • Plotting tool
  • Subscription service
  • Lifetime access cost is high
  • Only simple formatting options


3. Google Docs (Word Processing)

While Scrivener and Dabble are a great book  writing  software, once you get to editing and getting feedback, it begins to fall short. That's why Google Docs has become my go-to piece of book writing software for collaborating with editors, beta readers, and other writers.

It's free, easy to use, and requires no backups since everything is in the cloud.

Best of all are its collaboration abilities, which allow you to invite your editor to the document and then watch as they make changes, which are tracked in suggestion mode, and leave comments on your story (see screenshot below).

Google Sheets Editing: Best Book Writing Software

I also like the outline feature in the left sidebar. You can display it by clicking View > Show Outline. Then format the chapters and main sections of your manuscript as headings to make them appear in the document. You can then easily visualize and even click through your book to navigate it. This feature isn't as useful as Scrivener and Dabble's binder, but it makes navigating your book much easier.

While not the best for brainstorming, writing, or organizing your book, Google Docs, the free word processor available in Google Drive, is the single best word processor for collaborating with co-writers, beta readers, or editors.

  • Real-time collaboration with editors, beta readers, or other writers
  • Suggestion mode
  • Outline View
  • Few large-document organization features
  • No productivity features
  • Usually requires an internet connection

Google Docs

4. Google Sheets OR Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheet)

If you’d told me when I was first trying to become a writer that one of my most-used tools in my book writing software toolkit would be a spreadsheet, I would have told you I didn't major in English to have to use a spreadsheet.

But now, as I'm finishing my fifteenth book, I realize that I use spreadsheets almost daily. Spreadsheets allow you to get a sense of the elements of your book at a glance, and when you're working on a 300-page document, distilling it down to useable information becomes very necessary.

You might use spreadsheets for:

  • Character tracking
  • Breakdown of scenes
  • A Foolscap/Beat sheet

Google Sheets is perfect for this because it's free and you can quickly share your documents with your writing partners, editors, or beta readers to get feedback.

Microsoft Excel is another great option, but Excel lacks the real-time editing with other users and is overall lacking in the collaboration functions. Still, if you already have Excel, it's a great way to quickly get started plotting your book or managing your project.

Google Sheets

  • Real-time Collaboration : Work with editors, beta readers, or co-authors in real-time.
  • Speed : It's fast and responsive, which is useful for quickly developing an outline or managing a project.
  • Cost-effective : It's so cost-effective it's free!
  • Handling External Spreadsheets : Managing spreadsheets from other sources like Excel can be annoying.
  • Internet Dependency : Although there's an offline mode, the overall experience is better with an internet connection.

Microsoft Excel

  • Familiar : If you already own or have used Microsoft Office, it should be familiar to you.
  • Advanced Feature : Excel is slightly more powerful than Google Sheets (although for most writing related tasks, you will likely not need advanced features).
  • Offline Access : Unlike Google Sheets, Excel doesn't require an internet connection, which is handy for working on-the-go.
  • Cost : Unlike Google Sheets which is free, Excel comes with a cost as part of the Microsoft 365 Office Suite.
  • Collaboration : Although Excel has collaborative features, they're more streamlined in Google Sheets.

5. Vellum (Book Formatting/Word Processing)

If you want to turn your book into an eBook, it's not that hard. Scrivener, Word, Pages, they all can format eBooks and print books. But that doesn't mean they'll look good. In fact, it takes a lot of skill and effort to format a printed book that looks good on any of those word processors.

That's why I love Vellum so much.

Vellum makes beautiful books.

Vellum: Top Book Writing Software

Vellum picks up where Scrivener, Word, and Pages leave off, giving you a tool to make great looking eBooks and print books, usually in under an hour. The most important part of this is the previewer (see the image below), which lets you see how each formatting change or book edit you make will appear on Kindle, Fire, iPhone, Nook, and other eReaders.

Vellum Previewer: Best Book Writing Software

It also has stripped-down, option-based formatting, which is perfect for designing both eBooks and print books. I really love this writing app!

Vellum is a book formatting tool to quickly and easily create beautiful eBooks and print books, often within an hour. It features a book previewer which allows you to see how your book will look on various eReaders and in print, and offers a simplified, option-based formatting to format beautiful books faster.

  • Ease of Use: Easy to navigate and use, even for inexperienced writers.
  • Quick Formatting: The simplified, option-based formatting lets you create books in as little as an hour.
  • High-Quality Aesthetics: Delivers visually beautiful books.
  • Book Previewer Tool: View how your book will appear on various eReaders as you work.
  • Platform Limitation: Restricted to Mac users.
  • Style Restrictions: Limited design and styling options can be a drawback for some.
  • Cost: Higher price point compared to some other formatting software.


6. ProWritingAid (Grammar/Spell Check)

Can a grammar checker replace an editor?

Definitely not. But if you ask Alice Sudlow, our in-house editor, she'll tell you, “If you don’t have access to an editor (or if you do, but you don’t want to hire them to edit your emails or Facebook posts), software that performs grammar checks like  ProWritingAid  is an accessible, affordable alternative.”

If you struggle with grammar mistakes, sentence structure, spelling, or even writing style, ProWritingAid can help. It goes far beyond your built-in spellcheck. You should still learn grammar skills, but ProWritingAid can help you start to see the patterns and grow as a writer.

There's a free version that's very good. It can even be installed into your browser or Word processor, so you can check your grammar wherever you write.

The paid version, just $96 a year with our discount link (33 percent less than Grammarly ‘s price), gives you additional support on sentence structure, style, and vocabulary. Learn more about how writers can get the most out of ProWritingAid here .


  • Grammar and Style Correction: Gives "as-you-type" grammar corrections as well as comprehensive style analysis to help you write clearer, more engaging prose.
  • Writing Insights: You can learn a lot about your writing style with their detailed reports on readability, sentence structure, and more.
  • Integration: You can integrate it with nearly any other writing tool or word processor..
  • Subscription Cost: While more affordable than other options, there is a subscription cost for for full access.
  • Overwhelming Feedback: Not all the feedback is useful, and without knowledge of the book writing process, you may get distracted by the amount of feedback.
  • Internet Requirement: You must have an internet connection for most types of feedback.


  • Easy to Use: User-friendly design (slightly more easy to use than ProWritingAid in my opinion).
  • Spell-Check and Grammar Check: Detailed spelling and grammar check functionality.
  • Goal-Setting Feature: It can help you tailor suggestions based on writing goals.
  • Broad Integration: Works with many platforms (the Google Docs integration isn't very good though).
  • Cost: While the free plan is robust, the premium plan is more expensive compared to ProWritingAid.
  • Google Docs Integration: Lacks a fully functional integration.
  • Big Picture Feedback: Does not provide as much overarching edits and style-based feedback as ProWritingAid.

7. Publisher Rocket (Book Marketing App)

How do you know if your book will sell? Wouldn't it be nice to know if there is a market for your book  before  you start writing? How do you find the most readers on Amazon for your published book? For all of these questions, Publisher Rocket has an answer.

Read our  full Publisher Rocket review here .

best writing programs

Publisher Rocket a book marketing research tool that helps you understand what readers actually want  and  how to connect with them with your books. Here are some things you can discover in Publisher Rocket:

  • What phrases Amazon buyers are actually searching for.
  • The psychology of how readers choose to buy books.
  • How much money readers are spending on certain niches and topics.
  • How much money specific books are making per month (for example, books that might be competing with yours).

I've personally used Publisher Rocket to take mid-list books to #1 bestseller status on Amazon. It's an amazing tool, perfect for anyone working on a book.

We also like KD Spy, another Amazon research tool (check out our review here ). You can compare and contrast the two tools below:

Publisher Rocket

  • Target Popular Keywords: Helps writers find specific phrases readers are using on Amazon to discover books.
  • Market Understanding: Offers a clear view of what books are competing with yours (and how many sales they make, historically).
  • Category Identification: Find the most relevant Amazon categories for your book.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Works on both PCs and Macs.
  • Learning Curve: May require some time and education to fully utilize all features.
  • Cost: One-time purchase required.
  • Amazon-Centric: Tailored for Amazon, may not be as effective for other platforms.


  • Amazon Category Research : Analyze Amazon book categories to understand competition and profitability.
  • Keyword Tools : Provides niche and seed keywords to help in market understanding.
  • Competition Snapshot : Ability to get an overview of your competitors.
  • Traffic Light System : Visual cues to understand keyword difficulty and category competitiveness.
  • Limited Keyword Data : Doesn't provide Amazon search numbers.
  • Browser Extension : Limited to browser usage, not a standalone software.
  • Basic Keyword Tools: Keyword functionalities are quite basic compared to Publisher Rocket.
  • Dependent on Amazon : Insights are tailored for Amazon, may not apply to other platforms.

8. Atticus (Book Formatting/Word Processing)

Once you've  written  your book, how do you turn it into something people can actually  read ? If you're self-publishing, you need a tool like Atticus.

Atticus is a book formatting and word processing tool that allows you to take your manuscript and quickly and easily format it for publishing, including print and eBook formats.

But Atticus is more that just a formatter. It's an all-in-one solution for writers, giving you the organization features of Scrivener, the cloud collaboration features of Google Docs,  and  the book formatting abilities of Vellum. Yes, that's just as cool as it sounds!

Atticus Home Screen

It also works on all platforms, whether you're working on Windows, Mac, Chromebook, or even Linux. While I still love and use Vellum (see below), the benefit of Atticus is that it works for everyone, not just Mac users. Learn more about Atticus in my full review.

  • All-in-One Solution : Combines writing and formatting capabilities seamlessly.
  • Multi-Platform Availability : Available on PC, Mac, Linux, and Chromebook.
  • Cost-Effective : Priced lower than some competitors like Vellum while offering similar capabilities


  • Learning Curve : While intuitive, mastering advanced features may require some time.
  • New Software : Being relatively new, it might have fewer features compared to established software, with some desired features planned for future updates.
  • Crude Formatting : Out of the box formatting options aren't as refined as Vellum and will require more tweaking.

Atticus is a complete book writing and formatting tool that merges the capabilities of an online word processor with plug-and-play book formatting features. It can function as a one-stop solution for authors, with collaboration tools between authors, editors, and book designers, to take your book from idea to finished, publishable product.


9. Freedom (Productivity App)

One question writers always ask me is, “How can I stay focused enough to finish what I write?” I have too many thoughts on that for this article, but as far as using writing software to encourage focus goes, I recommend Freedom. It's my favorite writing tool for a distraction-free writing experience.

Freedom allows you to enter focus mode, blocking your biggest distractions, including both websites and mobile apps, for a set period of time. So when you mindlessly escape your book to scroll through Facebook, you'll find the site won't load.

You can also schedule recurring sessions, so that at a scheduled time (e.g. Mondays from 6 am to 10 am), you won’t be able to access the sites on your blocklist, even if you try.

There are other apps like this that we've written about before, notably Self-Control for Mac and StayFocused for Windows. But Freedom goes further, allowing you to block sites on both your computer  and  your phone, and enabling recurring sessions.

You can learn more about  how writers can get the most out of Freedom on our review here .

Freedom is a productivity app that can help writers in stay focused by blocking distracting websites and mobile apps for a designated period or during specific schedules, like during your morning writing time.

  • Distraction Blocking : Helps you concentrate on writing by blocking distractions.
  • Scheduled Focus Sessions : Schedule your focus mode in advance for recurring undistracted writing sessions.
  • Mobile Device Syncing : Getting it working with mobile devices can be a bit challenging.
  • Bypass Possibility : It's possible to find ways around its blockers if one tries hard enough.


Cost: $29 / year for Pro version, which I use and recommend (there's also a free trial available)

10. Microsoft Word (Word Processor)

Again: no piece of book writing software is going to write your book for you. If you're looking for the next “shiny new toy” to help you write your book, it might be an excuse to avoid doing the hard work of writing.

Most of us learned how to use computers by using Microsoft Word, or a program like it. Word gets the job done. Sure, Scrivener is a little better for books, but I wrote my first book on Word and it's fine.

I wrote a long review of  the pros and cons of using Word to write books —the main problem is that as your document grows, it becomes more and more difficult to work with, whereas with Scrivener, it becomes easier—but the point is, if Word is what you have, don't let that stop you from finishing your book.

You don't need a fancy tool to plan a book in the early stages, like if you draft a character description for your protagonist, or in the editing stages, like if you want to make comments on scene details.

As Jeff Elkins said in  his review of Word , “If you aren’t already putting in the hard work to be the kind of writer you want to be, it doesn’t matter what new writing software you invest in. It is not going to help.”

Microsoft Word is the industry standard word processing software. While limited in its features for writing books, it provides a familiar platform for writers to create, share, and review their work.

  • Familiar Interface : Known and used by many, making collaboration easier.
  • Extensive Features : Provides a wide range of writing and formatting tools.
  • Cost : Requires a subscription to Microsoft 365.
  • Lack of Book Writing Features : Despite its extensive feature set, it lacks specialized tools for book writing included with applications like Scrivener or Dabble.
  • Lack of Real-Time Collaboration : While it offers some collaboration features, it falls short in real-time collaborative editing compared to some cloud-native applications like Google Docs.

Cost: $69 / year with Microsoft 365 (includes Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, and other Microsoft software)

Note:  Another word processor we can't recommend is yWriter, which while it has a cult following and was designed by a fellow novelist, seems to be out of development and has no support for Mac/OSX.

BONUS #1: Google Drive OR Dropbox (Cloud Backup)

There's nothing worse that finishing a great writing session and going to save your work, then your computer crashes and you discover you've lost your best writing. It's enough to send any writer into the throes of grief and depression. There's a simple solution, though: save a copy of ALL your writing to the cloud using Google Drive, Dropbox, or BOTH.

Here's my process:  I have all my Scrivener book files saved on a folder on Google Drive on my computer. Then, Scrivener automatically backs up every few minutes to a Dropbox folder. That way, I know I will always have the document I need, no matter what happens. Best of all, both of these apps have free plans, making it extremely foolish NOT to use them.

Pros of Drive:

  • Universal cloud backup
  • Automatically syncs
  • Free or inexpensive

Cons of Drive:

  • Setup is a bit tricky the first time
  • Maybe you WANT to lose your writing when your computer crashes

Cost: Free with Paid options

Sign up for Google Drive here »

Sign up for Dropbox here »

BONUS #2: iOS Notes OR Evernote OR Ulysses OR Bear (Note Taking)

When I'm writing for a long time, I like to get up and go for a walk. Sometimes, I wish I could continue writing while I walk. Other times, I find myself brainstorming ideas while I'm not at my computer, typing it up on my phone, and then wanting to easily move what I wrote to my laptop without having to go through the hassle of emailing it back and forth to myself.

That's where note taking apps like Ulysses and Evernote come in.

Ulysses Book Writing Software

iOS Notes, Ulysses ,  Evernote , and  Bear  are note taking apps that allow you to sync between all your devices, so you have what you need wherever you are, ideal for jotting down ideas or thinking through your book while you're out and about.

While Scrivener recently released an iOS app which allows you to sync between devices, their process is clunky and requires you to purchase both the mobile and desktop apps. These note taking apps make the process much more seamless.

Like Scrivener, they all have a binder-like sidebar that allows you to move documents around. None of them are designed specifically for books, so they may take a little configuring to make it work for you, but once you have one set up the way you want, it's very intuitive.

And while I hate Markdown, a markup language that allows you to format your text, I actually like the paired-down formatting options Ulysses and Bear give, especially for brainstorming. Overall, I wouldn't convert from Scrivener to any of these apps, but as supplements, they work great.

Pros of Evernote:

  • Sync notes between devices
  • Write as you go
  • Capture ideas

Cons of Evernote:

  • Free plan is limited
  • Becomes clunky as you get more notes
  • Better for note taking than managing a large writing project

iOS Notes  Cost: Free with any iOS device

Get the app here »

Evernote  Cost: Free with Paid options

Ulysses Cost: $45 Note: Ulysses is only available for Mac, either in the App Store or from their website.

Bear Cost: $1.49 monthly / $14.99 yearly Note:  Bear is also only available for Mac, either in the App Store or from their website.

Bonus #3: Hemingway App (Style Checker)

Most writers think their sentences are easier to read than they are. You think you're coming across clearly, that your writing makes sense, but then someone reads it and comes away with something totally different. Hemingway App (sometimes called Hemingway Editor) helps with that.

Hemingway App Purple Prose

Hemingway App is a free website that checks readability. You can copy and paste your writing into the website's input box. Then it will grade your writing based on your used of   adverbs , passive voice , and sentences as units . Hemingway App is useful, but even the best book writing software can’t replace a good editor.

Pros of Hemingway:

  • Fast, easy style advice

Cons of Hemingway:

  • Somewhat arbitrary advice
  • Hemingway himself would fail

Cost: Free!

Try out Hemingway App here »

The 30+ Tools Every Writer Needs

30 Tools to Write, Publish, and Market Your Book

Writing is no different, and while the right software is important, it's just one of the many tools you need as a writer.

That's why we published a list of all of our favorite tools for everything related to being a writer.

You can  download our tools for writers guide for free here .

The Most Essential Book Writing Software

Imagine it's three thousand years ago.

You're sitting around a campfire with some of your family and friends, tired from the day's work. You begin to tell a story. It's one you've told before, told a hundred times. You can see faces around the fire, the children with their eyes wide, the men and women who have heard the story before but still enjoy it because it brings meaning to their lives.

Storytellers—writers—have existed since the beginning of humanity. They didn’t always have book writing software. They didn't have the printing press or the internet. They didn't always even have the alphabet to write their stories down. Instead, storytellers had their imaginations, their voices, and a rapt audience. Y

ou don’t need book writing software to write a great story. Book writing software can make the process a little faster or easier, but the truth is great stories will always exist, no matter what kind of software we have.

The only three things essential to writing a great book:

  • Your imagination
  • A desire to tell your story

That’s all you need. Do you want to write your book? If you do, then do it. Write it. Nothing is stopping you except you.  So go get writing.

What pieces of book writing software do you use?  Let us know in the comments .

The world is full of powerful software to help you write your book. In the end, though, all these tools are just that—tools. The stories you imagine and your discipline to put the words on the page are far more important.

So for this practice, set aside all the fancy software. Eliminate all the bells and whistles and open up your computer's native text editor (TextEdit for Mac or Notepad for Windows).

Take fifteen minutes to write without any distractions.

Continue your work in progress, or start a new story based on this prompt: A student discovers one of their teachers is not what they appear to be.

When you're done, share your writing practice in the Pro Practice Workshop . And if you share, be sure to leave feedback for your fellow writers!

best writing programs

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Joe Bunting

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris , a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.

The 7 Components of a Fail Proof Book Plan

Work with Joe Bunting?

WSJ Bestselling author, founder of The Write Practice, and book coach with 14+ years experience. Joe Bunting specializes in working with Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, How To, Literary Fiction, Memoir, Mystery, Nonfiction, Science Fiction, and Self Help books. Sound like a good fit for you?


Glenn Lindsey

Dragon NaturallySpeaking software. Following a comprehensive beat sheet (created in a screenwriting format), I dictate into MS Word. Grammarly sits to the side. 1000-2000 words a day. Requires a larger screen (mine is a modest 24″) and some computing horsepower. Very effective.

Joe Bunting

Good one! Personally I use dictation every once in a while, but it’s not my thing. Glad it’s working for you!


I just purchased ProWriting Aid. Its editor, grammar, sentence structure and readability scales. There’s a free app but i wanted the pro. I’m excited about this. I’ve had scrivener on my computer for 2 years and still use word. Learning Scrivener is overwhelming to me.

RevDr. Robert Foster, AbC, EfG

My practice from my current WIP:

“Please, Captain, may we take his body? Merk did have family.” Harper twisted his cloak in his hands.

“Aye. Do that.” Adam walked to the door, tapping the flat of the sword against his hand as he walked, doing his best to insure the blade touched the plate as little as possible. As he passed the bar, he grabbed the waiting pitcher of ale.

Outside, he found Carter leaning against the tavern wall, staring up at the moon. Without looking over, Carter spoke. “Come to arrest me?”

Adam snorted and passed him the pitcher. “No. Not for killing that filth. You know why his bounty was so high so quickly, right?”

Carter took a sip of the ale. “He carried it with him.”

“Gods, no. He built it entirely here.” Adam leaned against the wall of the building opposite of Carter. He pulled a small pouch and rolled a cigarette. “He killed the governor’s daughter in an argument.”

Carter looked over at his friend. “I thought the Thieves’ Guild didn’t go for killing?” “They don’t. They only took him on as a favor to his previous guild.”

“Let me guess: Assassins.”

Adam pointed at Carter. “Got it first try.”

He offered the cigarette to Carter who declined with a raised hand. Putting it between his lips, he patted his pockets. Carter leaned forward and snapped his fingers, producing a flame for the cigarette. Adam drew in a bit of smoke and nodded at his friend.

“Thanks.” He exhaled a pleasant smelling ring of smoke and glanced at Carter’s empty hand. “You can do magic now?”

“No.” Carter shook his head. “This is due to a minor cantrip on a scroll.”


This was cool and pulled me right into the story. Good work!

My personal favorite is Microsoft Word. It’s easy to use and I’m comfortable with it.

Here’s my practice. I’d appreciate comments/feedback! —

Julia finally slammed into the ground at the bottom of the steps. Swallowing back a sob, she pushed up on her hands and knees and cringed at the shooting pain in her shoulder, which had taken the brunt of the fall.

“Get back here, you little brat,” Sean shouted behind her.

A gasp shuddered into her lungs and she leapt to her feet and broke into a sprint up the sidewalk. She looked over her shoulder. He was still behind her. He shoved people out of his way and kicked over a baby stroller as he charged toward her.

Julia clamped a hand over her mouth as the baby in the stroller wailed. The woman who’d been pushing the stroller righted it and hushed the baby, stroking its head.

Julia kept pumping her legs, but nausea swished in her stomach and a sharp ache started in her chest. How could Sean treat people like that?

She’d probably never know the answer.

Cutting down an alleyway, Julia darted through puddles from the recent rain and chugged quick breaths.

Sean’s yelling voice echoed behind her. “When I get my hands on you I’m going to finish what I started.”

Breathing hard, she yanked herself to a stop by the rung of a ladder and lunged onto it, taking the rungs two at a time. She was shaking. Sean had tried to hurt her once. She wouldn’t let him do it again. Not without fighting back this time.

The ladder quivered and she stopped climbing to stare down between her shoes. Sean ascended, his hands quick on the rungs, his cold blue eyes swallowing her.

A gulp of air rolled down her throat and she pulled herself up faster. She kept her eyes focused high, fixing them on the handles at the top of the ladder. Memories slid their tentacles into her mind. Images of Sean looming over her, holding her down. Her own voice pleading.

Tears welled in Julia’s eyes and she blinked them away. She just had to focus on going up. To the roof. Once she reached it, she could either go into the building through a roof entrance or she could jump to the next building. She’d make it. She had to.

Julia curled her tired, chafed fingers around the vertical handles at the top of the ladder and hauled herself up onto the roof.

Then a hand clamped around her ankle.


I personally use a combination of my notebook, Google docs, Grammarly, Hemmingway editor, and thoughts and critiques from my writing friends. Best thing about paper: it doesn’t have internet.

So true! I find that I can write faster on a computer, but I love the focus you get from writing on paper.

It helps me, sometimes, I think, to feel the words as I write them, which I don’t get when I type. It does make it more of a pain to edit, though it does make it harder to permanently delete whole sections of writing and start over from scratch.

Mary Ellen Woods

I use Scrivener to write and format my books and recommend it though the learning curve is steep if you want to take full advantage of all its features. But I would recommend the following items.

Pro Writing Aid does so much more than Grammarly. Checks for style, diction, overused words, and things I’d never even heard of before I started using it. there is a free version but the paid version which syncs with Scrivener is a less expensive subscription than Grammarly.

Excel is so limited. I’d recommend Airtable. It is far more flexible and I use it for everything from characters, to accounting, to research, tracking promotions, reviews and more. There are templates for authors. It is intuitive and will do just about anything you want. Support is excellent. Airtable is has a free version (which is all I need), sharable and collaborative.

Then there is Aeon Timeline for plotting and planning. It helps keep your story in order. It is flexible, customizable, and syncs with both Scrivener and Ulysses. It is not expensive and not a subscription, pay once and it is yours.

Rescue time has a free version that helps you track your time spent on various tasks and websites and is useful to prove to the IRS that you are indeed a full time author.

I use all these things daily in my writing. Check them out. They will probably help you too.


I would recommend using FocusWriter to block out any notifications and other programs which are running

Ami Sattinger

Thanks for the great article. I use Google Docs right now and will check into some of the resources you recommended. I am an Astrologer and am writing my first basic Astrology book. I wasn’t clear whether the free handout for novelists would be appropriate for this project, and would appreciate your feedback.


The Hemmingway App no longer free. But $19.99 isn’t much to pay.

Slayde Haynes

Wattpad (which isn’t on the list) is a very good writing site.

Katja L Kaine

Have you had a look at The Novel Factory? Full disclosure, it’s made by me and my tiny team – but it’s starting to really get traction as we get so much positive feedback about how it’s helped people make progress like never before…

Iain Wood

Another one you might like to try is It’s new and helps with the planning stages in particular. Disclaimer- I wrote it, but thought you’d like to have a look at least.


For free versions, try One Note. I’ve been using it for years.

Dean W. Woodard

I want to write a technical book that would be formatted such that it would be like a textbook and have horizontal bars that would separate topics. I need the ability to repeat essential elements of techniques repeatedly and denote them in various fashions. Any software come to mind for that?


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Best Book Writing Software: Top 15 Programs for Writers

Hannah Yang headshot

Hannah Yang

best writing software

If you’d been born a few centuries ago, you might have written books using little more than a quill, an inkwell, and a scroll of parchment.

You can still write your book with a quill if you want to—but these days you have a lot more options at your fingertips. There are digital apps you can use that will help you organize your writing projects, catch grammar mistakes, collaborate with others, and so much more.

With so many different options to choose from, it can be hard to figure out which software is right for you.

So, what’s the best writing software to help you write your book?

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best book writing software options that every writer should know about.

1. ProWritingAid (Best Writing Software for Books)

2. scrivener, 3. google docs, 4. novelpad, 5. reedsy book editor, 6. squibler, 7. microsoft word, 8. grammarly, 9. hemingway, 10. the novel factory, 11. ulysses, 12. atticus, 14. publisher rocket, 15. fictionary, benefits of book writing software, why prowritingaid is loved by book writers, conclusion on the best book writing software.

ProWritingAid is the best book writing software currently available to writers.

It’s a popular writing aid that helps you transform your work in progress into publication-ready prose.

At the most basic level, the software acts as a second set of eyes to catch mistakes you might not spot on your own, such as typos and grammar errors.

On a more advanced level, it also makes style suggestions to help you improve weaknesses like passive voice, the overuse of adverbs, and repetitive sentence starts.

What makes ProWritingAid stand out from the crowd is the depth and quality of analysis it offers. There are over 20 different writing reports that show you the strengths and weaknesses of your book.

Here are just a few examples of the reports you get with ProWritingAid:

  • The Clichés and Redundancies Report highlights overused phrases in your prose, so you can choose more unique ways to express ideas
  • The Pacing Check monitors the balance between fast-paced sections, such as dialogue and character action, versus slow-paced sections, such as introspection and backstory
  • The Dialogue Tags Check analyzes your dialogue tags, such as “She said” and “He whispered,” to make sure they’re necessary and effective

ProWritingAid also includes a built-in plagiarism checker that will tell you if any passages in your book overlap with existing written work.

The free version lets you try out all the basic features, but you’ll need the Premium version to unlock the advanced analysis reports. If you’re working on a full-length book, it’s worth the investment.

ProWritingAid's collaboration feature

Cost: Free, or around $70/year for the Premium version

  • Analyzes your book in more detail than any other grammar checker on the market
  • Integrates with web browsers (such as Chrome and Firefox) and desktop apps (such as Microsoft Word and Scrivener)
  • Lets you scan up to 100,000 words at a time
  • Requires a subscription to scan more than 500 words (the free trial limit)

Scrivener is a book writing software specifically designed for writing long-form projects, such as novels, textbooks, and screenplays.

It’s great for organizing large writing projects because it lets you arrange your manuscript in a “binder,” where you can easily rearrange scenes or chapters by dragging and dropping them.

You can see a bird’s-eye view of your book using the corkboard mode, which looks like a physical corkboard full of index cards. You can also toggle to the outline mode, which formats your chapter summaries as an outline.

You can then set targets for your project, such as the word counts you want to hit by certain deadlines. This feature makes it easy to track your progress.

And you can turn on focus mode, which displays only the text you’re currently working on, so you can write without distraction.

There’s a steep learning curve to use all of Scrivener’s advanced features, but many writers love this app, and there are plenty of tutorials online for how to make Scrivener work for you.

Cost: $49/lifetime

  • Lets you organize a large project with ease
  • Gives you a bird’s-eye view of your book
  • Helps you track your progress with targets and deadlines
  • Has a steep learning curve for new users
  • Lacks real-time collaboration options
  • Requires a one-time payment

Writing can be a solitary task, but the process of writing an entire book requires a lot of collaboration. Authors might need to collect feedback from beta readers, view suggestions from editors, and more.

Google Docs is the best free writing software for collaboration. It allows others to leave comments, suggestions, and even emoji reactions on your book.

Multiple people can edit the same document simultaneously in Google Docs, allowing for real-time collaboration.

Google Docs also automatically uploads your work to the cloud, so you don’t run the risk of losing any of your files. Best of all, it’s free.

One downside is that Google Docs isn’t a perfect book writing software because it is hard to organize a large project using it. We recommend creating a new Doc for each chapter or section of your book, so you don’t have to scroll for minutes on end to get from one section of your book to another.

Another downside is that Google Docs works best when you have an internet connection. It might not be the best tool if you prefer to work offline or on the move.

  • Allows real-time collaboration with beta readers, editors, and more
  • Automatically saves your work to the cloud
  • Free to use
  • Lacks organizational options for large writing projects
  • Requires an internet connection for full functionality

NovelPad, first launched in 2020, is one of the newest book writing software tools on our list. It’s a novel writing software designed by and for novelists.

Like Scrivener, NovelPad is a word processing tool that lets you rearrange scenes and story beats by dragging and dropping them. In addition to being a word processor, it also comes with many other book writing tools.

One useful feature is character tracking, which lets you jump to all sections where a specific character’s name appears. That way, you can make sure that characters act consistently throughout the book.

Another useful feature is its adaptive progress tracker. NovelPad lets you set different daily word count goals depending on how much time you can spend writing, and it will even readjust your daily goals to account for how much you’ve already written.

You can also color code your scenes, so you can easily see which ones you’re drafting, revising, copyediting, etc.

Best of all, the user interface is extremely intuitive, so this writing program isn’t as hard to learn as Scrivener.

One downside is that there’s no desktop app version of NovelPad, so you can only use it in a web browser. As a result, the offline mode doesn’t always work well.

Cost: $8/month or $60/year

  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Offers character boards and scene boards specifically designed for novels
  • Lacks an app option and can only be used in-browser
  • Not tailored for writing nonfiction books
  • Requires a subscription

The Reedsy Book Editor is a free book writing software that also handles formatting for publication while you write.

This online editor is one of the few writing programs that lets you see what the published version of your book will look like while you’re still writing it. It has fantastic editing features compared to most other free writing software tools.

Once you’ve finished your final draft, you can export your book as an EPUB or PDF file, in a format that looks beautiful and clean.

It’s a free alternative to expensive writing programs like Atticus, which format your book for a large fee.

Another advantage is that, similar to Google Docs, the Reedsy Book Editor allows multiple people to work on a document at the same time. If you’re working with a co-writer , this free website might be a great option.

  • Allows real-time collaboration
  • Formats your book for publication
  • Lacks the advanced features you can get with more expensive writing software

Squibler is a book writing software that helps you streamline your creative process. It’s designed to make the writing process easier, so you can hit your writing goals.

It lets you set to-do lists to increase productivity, and is specifically tailored to help you with project management.

It’s also a very versatile writing software. You can use Squibler for writing a book, crafting a screenplay, or just for writing practice.

If you’re struggling with writer’s block and don’t know what to work on next, you can use Squibler’s Plot Generator, which will give you writing prompts. These machine-generated prompts are a handy tool to help you get the creative juices going.

Cost: $9.99/month

  • Helps with project management
  • Lets you set to-do lists and goals
  • Gives you fun prompts to spark creativity

Microsoft Word remains the default word processor used by most writers today. It’s a simple word processor, but it’s still a useful book writing software, especially if it’s an option you already have access to.

One benefit of MS Word is that the user interface is very easy to use. Whatever you see on the screen is the same as what your book will look like when you print it out, so you can make formatting adjustments along the way.

Since most people are already familiar with MS Word, it’s still an industry standard in many contexts. For example, if you send your book to a copyeditor, there’s a good chance they’ll send it back as a MS Word document.

The Track Changes feature makes it easy to edit other people’s stories while giving them the choice to accept or reject those changes.

The downside of MS Word is that it’s not designed to handle extremely large projects, like books. It takes time to scroll from Chapter One to Chapter Ten, and it’s even harder to move a scene from one part of the book to another.

Cost: around $100/year for the entire Microsoft Office suite depending on the site you buy from (includes Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)

  • Creates simple, ubiquitous document formats like .doc and .docx
  • Can be slow to load large files

Grammarly is a grammar checker that focuses primarily on catching errors, such as typos, grammatical mistakes, and misused punctuation. It also offers style suggestions related to wordy sentences, repetitive words, incorrect comma usage, and other similar fixes.

Some of Grammarly’s top features include its plagiarism detector, its spell check, and its grammar check. It also offers a readability score, which gives you a score from 1 to 100 based on readability factors like word length and sentence length.

The main downside of Grammarly is that it works better with short-form content than long-form content. If you try to scan more than 10,000 words, it slows down significantly. It also doesn’t integrate with popular book writing apps, such as Scrivener and Final Draft.

The free version can catch grammar and spelling mistakes, but you’ll need to pay for the Premium version in order to use the rest of the tool.

Cost: Free, or $30/month, $60/quarter, or $144/year for the Premium version

  • Catches mistakes and typos well
  • Quickly scans short emails and blog posts
  • Offers fewer reports and less in-depth analysis than ProWritingAid
  • Only lets you scan 10,000–20,000 words at a time without a significant reduction in speed
  • Requires an expensive subscription

Read our ProWritingAid vs Grammarly comparison article here.

The Hemingway app is a free writing software that focuses on checking readability. It gives your writing a readability score, so you know how well you're communicating.

It highlights sentences that are dense or overly complex, so you can find ways to shorten them. It also highlights passive voice, overused adverbs, and any other weaknesses that might make your work harder to read.

The downside is that not all of Hemingway’s suggestions are useful. They’re all automatically generated based on fairly simple criteria, so it can be a bit hit-or-miss.

Still, since it’s free software, there’s no downside to running your book through the Hemingway app to see if it offers any useful suggestions.

Cost: Free!

  • Gives your writing a readability score
  • Suggests ways to make your work more digestible for readers
  • Sometimes gives arbitrary or unhelpful advice

The Novel Factory is a great book writing software for fiction writers.

In addition to being a word processor, it can also help you with the creative process when you’re coming up with ideas.

It includes several interesting writing tools that you can’t find elsewhere.

For example, it comes with a Plot Manager, which includes plot templates for popular genres.

The Novel Factory also helps you develop your characters, with prompts to flesh out your character’s archetype, motivation, and more.

Overall, the Novel Factory is a great book writing software for creative writers who want some help with the ideation process.

Cost: $75/year for the basic version, $198/year for the standard version, or $600/year for the Premium version

  • Offers plot templates and a detailed Plot Manager
  • Helps with character development, worldbuilding, and other creative elements

Ulysses is a note taking app that lets you sync between all your devices.

Let’s say you come up with some brilliant ideas for your book while you’re commuting home from work, so you type out your ideas on your phone.

Once you get home, you can’t wait to incorporate those ideas into your project—but first, you have to go through the hassle of switching all your notes from your phone to your laptop.

Syncing all your notes can be a real drag, especially if you like to think about your book while you’re on the go.

Ulysses also has a binder-like sidebar that lets you move documents around easily. It’s no replacement for Scrivener, since it’s not designed specifically for writing books. But if you just need a way to take notes and keep track of ideas with minimal stress, it’s a great option.

Common alternatives to Ulysses include Evernote and Bear.

Cost: $5.99/month or $39.99/year

  • Syncs notes between all your devices
  • Lets you easily take notes on the go
  • Only available for Mac
  • Not designed specifically for writing books

Atticus is a book formatting tool that helps you turn your manuscript into a publication-ready file.

It includes easy-to-use templates you can customize to suit your preferences. With these templates, you can export your book in beautiful formats for both print and eBook.

In addition to formatting your books, Atticus also functions as a word processor, so you can start writing directly in the program if you want to. It even lets you track word count goals as you go, just like Scrivener and NovelPad.

If you’re self-publishing and you’re not planning to hire someone to format your manuscript, a book writing software like Atticus is a must-have so you can make sure your manuscript is ready for publication.

Cost: $147/lifetime

  • Formats manuscripts for print and eBook
  • Works for every platform (Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome)
  • Requires an internet connection
  • Requires an expensive one-time payment

Vellum helps you create a beautifully formatted eBook. Like Atticus, it’s well-known for having gorgeous aesthetics.

Many of the word processors on our list can format eBooks, including Scrivener and Microsoft Word, but most of them don’t produce such beautiful books. Vellum, in particular, focuses on how your book looks.

With the previewer, you can see exactly how your eBooks will appear on Kindle, iPhone, Nook, and other eReaders.

Cost: $199 for eBook generation, $249 for paperback formatting

  • Easy to learn and navigate
  • Offers beautiful and unique aesthetics

Publisher Rocket serves a different function from all the other programs in our list.

Instead of helping you write your book, it helps you figure out what kind of book to write—or how to market the book you’re writing, once it’s done.

Essentially, Publisher Rocket is a book marketing research tool that gives you a breakdown of what readers are looking for.

For example, Publisher Rocket can tell you how much money readers are spending on certain niches, such as historical romance. It can also tell you what phrases Amazon buyers are searching for right now, so you can see topics that are trending with readers.

One useful feature is that it can tell you how much money specific books are making per month, so if you know of books that are similar to yours, it can give you a sense of how well your manuscript will perform in the market.

Best of all, it can give you advice for how to market your book to the right audience, which can significantly improve sales.

Cost: $97/lifetime

  • Helps you market your book
  • Gives you a sense of how well your book can sell
  • Has a steep learning curve

Fictionary is for fiction writers looking to improve the plot, characters and setting of their stories.

The AI-powered software makes story editing faster by analyzing your manuscript from start to finish and creating powerful visuals of your plotline, scenes, and POVs.

Their structured approach to story editing takes writers through 38 story elements, including how to write conflict, tension, hooks, backstory, emotional impact, and more.

Cost: $19/month or $169/year

  • Packed full of practical, actionable information
  • Generates impressive visualizations of your writing
  • Makes editing more systematic and less daunting
  • Works best with a completed first draft
  • Longer learning curve due to so many elements

If you already have the tools you need to write a book, you might be reluctant to learn how to use new ones. So, why bother investing in book writing software? Here are some key benefits:

  • Help you stay focused on your project
  • Allow you to work more quickly and efficiently
  • Give you organizational tools to manage your ideas
  • Make it easier to share your material with others
  • Correct weaknesses in your prose
  • Improve the quality of your overall book

If you find the right book writing software for you, you’ll be able to finish a stronger manuscript in a shorter span of time. It’s well worth the investment!

ProWritingAid offers higher quality analysis than any other software on the market.

It’s particularly well-suited for creative writers because it goes beyond looking for basic mistakes and actually improves writing style. Other grammar checkers can transform bad writing into good writing, but ProWritingAid’s style suggestions can transform good writing into great writing.

The more you use ProWritingAid, the more you’ll be able to spot the patterns in your writing. It’s a book writing software that can help you actually improve your writing skills over time.

ProWritingAid detecting cliches

It’s also extremely easy to integrate ProWritingAid into your current writing process, whether you prefer to write in Scrivener, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or any other popular word processor.

You can check ProWritingAid’s suggestions, make your edits, and save the file directly in your favorite writing app.

If you want writing software that will holistically improve your book, ProWritingAid is one of the best places to start.

There you have it—our top 15 picks for the best writing software options on the market today. You can use these tools to draft your book, edit your prose, format your manuscript, and more.

It’s important to remember that every writer is unique, so a piece of writing software that works well for others might not be the best option for you. Ultimately, the only way to figure out your favorite book writing software is to try some out for yourself.

Most of the book writing software options on our list have free trials you can use to help figure out if that app works for you or not. For example, you can use ProWritingAid right now, no credit card required.

Let us know what your favorite book writing software is. Happy writing!

best writing programs

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

Hannah Yang is a speculative fiction writer who writes about all things strange and surreal. Her work has appeared in Analog Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, The Dark, and elsewhere, and two of her stories have been finalists for the Locus Award. Her favorite hobbies include watercolor painting, playing guitar, and rock climbing. You can follow her work on, or subscribe to her newsletter for publication updates.

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Best free writing app of 2024

Bring your words to life with the best free writing apps

Person writing on a laptop

Best overall

Best for markup, best word alternative, best word processor, best for mac, best online.

  • How we test

The best free writing apps serve up more than just text tools - they also offer betters ways to manage and organize all your ideas, outlines, and projects. 

1. Best overall 2. Best for markup 3. Best Word alternative 4. Best word processor 5. Best for Mac 6. Best online 7. FAQs 8. How we test

Like the best free word processors , writing apps help you get your thoughts on the page without breaking the bank (or your train of thought). But we’ve also made sure they’ll make it easier to save, share, and sync all your documents and keep them safe, whether you need a desktop writing app for work, school, or play. 

If you struggle to stay focused, we’ve tested some of the best free writing apps come with distraction-free layouts or gamification challenges to keep you in the zone. We’ve also reviewed those built for professional document creation, with advanced business features such as speech-to-text transcription and online collaboration tools. 

Our picks cover the best apps for writing on the web, Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS - so you’re always ready whenever and wherever creativity strikes. 

literature and latte Scrivener 3

Scrivener: best writing software for authors Scrivener is packed with all the features a novelist needs, helping you track plot threads, store notes on characters and locations, structure your work and (most importantly) get some serious work done. It's not a free writing app like the tools below, but it's well worth the investment if your budget will allow it.

The best free writing app of 2024 in full:

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Website screenshot for FocusWriter

1. FocusWriter

Our expert review:


Reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

FocusWriter helps writers combat one of their biggest challenges: distractions. One of the best free writing software tools out there, it's specifically designed to let you just concentrate on your writing. 

The stripped-back interface is deliciously sparse - ideal for when you just need to get your head down and write - and not dissimilar to a moderately powerful version of Notepad, featuring support for TXT, basic, RTF, and ODT files. 

Even the toolbar is hidden until you actually need it. Just swoop your cursor to the top on the screen to reveal a barren menu, from basic formatting to themes and timers.

Features are light within the software, but FocusWriter isn’t made for heavy editing sessions. It’s designed to make the act of writing flow seamlessly onto the page. 

Elsewhere, the writing app boasts the ability to add themes and your own background images, which can help you stay motivated. 

The Daily Progress tool is a sweet extra, adding Duolingo-style gamification that lets you track your daily writing streak. For when it’s oh-so-easy to slip onto social media when you can’t find the perfect word, it’s a nice way to keep you within the app. 

Available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, the writing software also comes as a portable download, no installation required. So, you can pop it on a USB stick and plug it into any computer you’re working on. 

Read our full FocusWriter review .

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WriteMonkey website screenshot

2. WriteMonkey

WriteMonkey is another piece of free writing software that cuts down on the clutter to deliver uninterrupted writing sessions. 

The free word processor, cleverly described as zenware, is unbelievably pared back compared to more traditional writing apps. 

There’s very little in the way of distracting ‘screen furniture’, which means you’re better positioned to concentrate on the writing process. And absolutely nothing else. 

But don’t let that stripped-back approach fool you. As one of the best free writing apps, WriteMonkey is still rich with the sort of core features that matter to writers. 

However, most options are hidden in a context menu (so you’ll need to right-click to view it). It also only supports TXT files, which may limit those looking to read, write, or edit across multiple formats. It is, at least, a portable download, letting you take it wherever you need.

If you’ve enjoyed Markdown, the simplified text-editing language that lets you format, annotate, classify, and link as you type, then great. WriteMonkey’s inner workings will instantly chime. 

First-timers should spend a little time with this free writing software, to uncover that intuitive simplicity. 

Read our full WriteMonkey review .

LibreOffice Writer

3. LibreOffice Writer

Writer, the open-source, free writing software, serves almost all general writing needs.

LibreOffice is a near-perfect example of free office software - a familiar, feature-rich take on the office suite. What the veteran software package lacks in Microsoft polish (its interface is undeniably old-fashioned, for starters), it makes up for in its price-point: free. For that, you get access to six tools: Calc, Impress, Draw, Base, Math, and Writer. 

Earning it a slot on our list of best free writing apps is the fact that LibreOffice Writer packs the full editing toolbox. 

This isn’t just a note-taking app for staving off distractions when you’re deep in the zone; it’s for when you’re in pure writer-mode. 

If you’re at all proficient with Microsoft Word, you won’t have any problems using the Writer software. Layouts and functions are almost identical, and there’s support for DOC and DOCX file types, making it efficient to switch out of the Microsoft garden.

This free writing app is ideal if you’re hunting for a tool that almost perfectly replicates the Word experience without the cost. 

Read our full LibreOffice review .

Microsoft Word website screenshot

4. Microsoft Word

When it comes to word processors, Microsoft Word is probably the baseline against which all others are compared. It’s the one most of us use at school, home, and work. It’s familiar, comfortable - and it’s available free on the web and mobile devices. 

That may not be the best way to write your masterpiece (unless you’ve hooked up a Bluetooth keyboard). But it’s a great way to jot down ideas on-the-go. When we tested the browser-based version we found it could be a bit slow at first, and we were typing faster than the words appeared on screen. This settles down (mostly) after a minute or so. 

Microsoft’s free writing apps on Android and iPhone had no such issues. Using these was velvety smooth. We especially appreciated the option to switch between mobile view and desktop view, so we could gauge how the document would appear in full-screen. 

As with Google Docs, you’ll need to sign up with a Microsoft account. And, like Google, that also lets you use free versions of PowerPoint, Excel, and the like. While Word offers one of the best free writing app experiences, there’s no denying that the paid-for upgrade is superior, offering more tools, and a true desktop app. 

Read our full Microsoft Word review .

Author website screenshot

Author promises to make it easier to ‘think, write, and cite’. It’s a promise capably delivered, with a clean interface and bags of writing features designed to make it easy to go from first draft to final copy. 

If you're an Apple user in search of the best free writing apps on macOS, this one demands your attention. 

Concept Maps is one of the best features. It’s a great mind-mapping tool to visualize and lay down all your thoughts while they’re fresh in your head without constraint. You can worry about whipping them into shape later. 

Students and report writers will appreciate Author’s ‘fast citing’ tools - speeding up assignment-writing by correctly adding and formatting citations, references, and contents. 

A paid-for upgrade of the writing software that offers exporting options is available. However, unless you need automatic formatting on export, you can stick with the free version. 

Google Docs for G Suite

6. Google Docs

Google Docs is a great free writing platform for any writer. It’s an extremely clean, quick word processor available in the browser, on desktop, and phone and tablet apps. So, you can take notes wherever inspiration strikes. 

Docs is more or less Google’s spin on Microsoft Word. The interface is a bit more simple than the professional office software - although it’s no less powerful. 

You’ll find heaps of writing tools, including a pretty accurate speech-to-text transcription tool (just enunciate and don’t talk too fast). Keyboard shortcuts are very well-supported. 

For best results, you’ll need an internet connection, though documents can be used offline. They’ll be synced, and in our experience, that happens swiftly behind the scenes. 

To take advantage of the free writing app, you’ll need a Google account, which may be a deal-breaker for some - but that also opens up the rest of the Google-stuff in the Google-sphere, such as Sheets, Slides, and . With a free account, you get 15GB of storage, which should be more than enough for word documents. A Google One subscription upgrades your storage space, amongst other things. 

Additionally, Google Docs is great if you want to collaborate with one or more other writers. Just be warned to stay in Google Docs for that, because exporting the data into Word or other writing applications can result formatting errors.

Read our full Google Docs review .

Best free writing app: FAQs

What's the difference between a writing app and an ai writer.

AI writers vs writing apps - what's the real difference?

Artificial intelligence is growing in a big way - and when it comes to writing, it's ChatGPT that's been snatching all the headlines of late, with its ability to generate short- and long-form content based on user prompts.

Generally, an AI writer will write your content for you, based on its current learning (although often without 'understanding' the context). A writing app simply lets you write your way, in your own voice. 

Some platforms, such as Canva , have even integrated AI into its Canva Docs and Canva PDF Editor services. However. its Magic Write tool acts as a writing assistant, serving up suggestions and ideas, leaving real writers to work their magic on the content. Though usually hiding in the back-end, you can also find AI integrated in other ways across other the best PDF editor apps (and even the best free PDF editor apps, too).

As always with AI-generated content, whether it's the written word or an artwork masterpiece, human involvement is usually necessary and always desirable. Even if you're using the best AI writers out there, editing and proofreading is essential to give the content accuracy and emotional resonance.

How to choose the best free writing app for you

When deciding which free writing app is best, start by figuring out what sort of writing you want to do. 

Do you need a handy tool for quick scribbles and jotting down ideas here and there, or are you using the writing software to write and edit an epic novel? Tools like FocusWriter and Write Monkey are great for getting thoughts on the page without friction.

It’s also worth considering if you need a writing app with a distraction-free design, so you can concentrate on what really matters to you. Again, FocusWriter performs admirably here, but as a result, you lose core typography and editing functions. Unlike LibreOffice, this isn’t the best Microsoft Office alternative if you need those tools. In that scenario, it may be worth considering looking at some of the best free office software , which includes MS Word-style apps, alongside other tools similar to Excel, PowerPoint, and so on. 

Access is an important factor when using your writing software. A tool like Scribus needs to be downloaded to your machine. Lightweight apps like FocusWriter, however, offer a portable download that can be downloaded to a USB and carried with you. 

Check what file formats your chosen writing app supports, too. While some let you create and edit the common DOC and DOCX files, others only allow TXT or RTF documents.

But most of all, it’s important to choose the best free writing app for your unique creative flow. 

How we test the best free writing apps

Testing the best free writing apps and software, we assess how easy it is to get your words down on the page with the least amount of friction. Portable writing apps rank high, because they let you use the program on whatever computer or laptop you’re using. 

We also look at performance for its intended audience. For distraction-free writing apps, do they really foster focus? For word processor-style software, does it offer good formatting and editing options? 

Most importantly, we expect to see free writing apps that are genuinely cost-free - no-one wants to stumble across hidden fees and charges in the contracts. 

We've listed the best laptops for writers .

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Steve Clark

Steve is TechRadar Pro’s B2B Editor for Creative & Hardware. He explores the apps and devices for individuals and organizations that thrive on design and innovation. A former journalist at Web User magazine, he's covered software and hardware news, reviews, features, and guides. He's previously worked on content for Microsoft, Sony, and countless SaaS & product design firms. Once upon a time, he wrote commercials and movie trailers. Relentless champion of the Oxford comma.

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Logo: Literature and Latte

Typewriter. Ring-binder. Scrapbook. Everything you need to craft your first draft.

Get your thoughts onto the page and explore the connections between them.

Join the conversation. Ask a question or just get to know your fellow users.

What we’re working on, interviews with users, and general prolixity.

See the forest or the trees.

Typewriter. Ring-binder. Scrapbook. Scrivener combines all the tools you need to craft your first draft, from nascent notion to final full stop.

Rewrite. Reorder. Rejoice.

Scrivener takes tools familiar to writers everywhere and integrates them in new and exciting ways.

Scrivener Chapter 3

Start a new chapter: Scrivener 3 is now available for macOS and Windows.

Research Within Reach

No matter what you write, Scrivener brings together all of your notes, research and writing so that it's always at hand.

For writing. And writing. And writing.

Scrivener is the go-to app for writers of all kinds, used every day by best-selling novelists, screenwriters, non-fiction writers, students, academics, lawyers, journalists, translators and more. Scrivener won't tell you how to write—it simply provides everything you need to start writing and keep writing.

Scrivener on different devices

Available for

Grow your manuscript your way.

Tailor-made for long writing projects, Scrivener banishes page fright by allowing you to compose your text in any order, in sections as large or small as you like. Got a great idea but don't know where it fits? Write when inspiration strikes and find its place later. Grow your manuscript organically, idea by idea.


Image: The ultimate creative writing tool

See the forest or the trees

Whether you plan or plunge, Scrivener works your way: hammer out every last detail before typing a word, or carve out a draft and restructure later. Or mix your methods and do a bit of both. In Scrivener, everything you write is integrated into an easy-to-use project outline. So working with an overview of your manuscript is only ever a click away, and turning Chapter Four into Chapter One is as simple as drag and drop.

Image: Create method from the madness

Research within reach

Need to refer to research? In Scrivener, your background material is always at hand, and you can open it right next to your work. Write a description based on a photograph. Transcribe an interview. Take notes about a PDF file or web page. Or check for consistency by referencing an earlier chapter alongside the one in progress.

Image: Keep your research within reach

Getting it out there

Once you're ready to share your work with the world, compile everything into a single document for printing, self-publishing, or exporting to popular formats such as Word, PDF, Final Draft or plain text. You can even share using different formatting, so that you can write in your favorite font and still satisfy those submission guidelines.

Image: Getting it out there

Who uses Scrivener?

  • Autobiographers
  • Biographers
  • Children's Authors
  • Journalists
  • Screenwriters
  • Translators
I genuinely think this is the biggest software advance for writers since the word processor. Michael Marshall Smith , NYT best-selling author.
Scrivener gives you the freedom to make a mess, the confidence to know you’ll clean it up, and the semantic relationships to tie it all together in whatever way makes the most sense to you. Merlin Mann , indie writer, speaker, and broadcaster.
If there was a list of the top five greatest apps of all time in the Mac App Store, it would start with Scrivener and then there would be four other things. Andy Ihnatko , technology columnist.
As a writer's application, Scrivener is damn near perfect; it means outlines, treatments and then first drafts can be put together in the same application. Neil Cross , author and screenwriter.
Scrivener is worth every penny: quite simply, it’s the best writers tool there is. Zoe Margolis , best-selling author.
Scrivener is the biggest leap forward in writing software since the venerable days of WordPerfect, and believe me, I’ve tried them all. Antony Johnston , comics writer and novelist.
Scrivener has so many useful features, there’s almost too many to list. Mike Sussman , Writer-Producer.
I'd thought it was yet another hobby app at first but this is genuinely for working writers with real deadlines and monster workloads. Karen Traviss , #1 NYT best-selling author.

Scrivener 1.2.4 Requires iOS 12+ Release Notes

Scrivener 3.3.6 Requires macOS 10.13+ Release Notes

Scrivener Requires 64-bit Windows 10+ Minimum display resolution 1024x768px Release Notes

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  • The Best Writing Software in 2024

10 Writing Tools for Copywriters and Authors of All Levels

Artem Minaev

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The Best Writing Software in 2024

Writing software is an essential tool used in all industries. Writing programs have come a long way, starting from MS-DOS Editor and Notepad to now becoming one of the most sophisticated tools in the software market. Finding the best writing software for your needs can prove challenging.

One of the reasons this is a challenge is that there are way too many options available. While all writing software shares one common feature – the ability to write and edit text – each of them comes with unique features to streamline your writing. Also, there are paid and free writing software choices. How do you determine which one to choose and whether it’s worth investing money in one of these software tools?

To help you out, I have decided to put various writing software solutions to the test.

In my effort to deliver you a verdict on the best writing software, I’ve worked hard to remain unbiased. All of the tools on my list can help you to write and collaborate on your documents.

Let’s start with the most popular tools, see what each one has to offer, and examine their best use cases.

The top 11 most popular writing tools


A writing tool has to be easy to use. It should also help you to focus on your writing while allowing you to access useful features ranging from grammar and spelling to collaboration on documents.

If you Google “writing tools” you’ll get hundreds of results. To be honest, not all of them are worth your time. Here are the ones that you should focus on:

  • Google Docs Best free writing tool
  • OfficeSuite Comprehensive Office Work Made Easy
  • Scrivener Leading book writing software
  • ProWritingAid Outstanding editing tool
  • Apple pages Excellent personalization features
  • Draftin Great document version control
  • Evernote First-class for taking notes
  • Best for staying focused
  • Microsoft Word Great publishing potential
  • Campfire Perfect for making writing plans
  • RoamResearch Best for organizing research

Google Docs — Best free writing tool

Google Docs homepage

Google Docs is a writing tool straight from Google’s lab. It’s a completely free cloud-based writing software. It integrates with all of the other tools in Google Suite, including Sheets, Mail, Drive, and Calendar. You can write your documents on the go, download files directly to your drive, or keep them on your Google Drive.

Google Docs comes with all of the features you need to create a variety of documents. You can insert tables, images, format text, and check spelling and grammar, all with a few clicks. It also comes with pre-built templates you can use to create stunning documents for personal or business use.

Key features

  • Dedicated smartphone app – access, edit, or create documents on the go whether you are on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
  • Built-in chat – collaborate with editors and chat with them in real-time without closing the document.
  • User permission rights – share your documents with others and control whether they can view or edit them.
  • Real-time collaboration – access the same documents with your team and share your efforts to edit them.
  • Auto-save – Google Docs automatically saves your documents as you type.
  • Add-ons – get access to powerful add-ons to create more visually appealing documents.

Plans and pricing

Google Docs is available for Personal and Business use.

Personal Use

Google Docs for personal use is free writing software.

With free access, you can use Google Docs and all of its features, including collaboration, version control, addons, and spelling and grammar, without spending a dime.

Business Use

Google Docs for Business Use is part of the Google Workspace, which comes with added control for teams and additional security layers. It’s available in two packages – Free and Basic:

  • Free of charge

Free Google Workspace comes with business email, Meet, Chat, Calendar, 15GB Drive storage, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Sites, Keep, Currents, and Apps Script. It has standard 24/7 support, admin security controls, and endpoint management.

  • $12 per month

Basic Google Workspace comes with everything in Basic plus unlimited cloud storage, Cloud Search, and Google Vault.

OfficeSuite — Comprehensive Office Work Made Easy

best writing programs

OfficeSuite is a comprehensive solution for document management, offering a suite of applications designed to cater to all your office needs. This tool is a trusted name in the realm of productivity software, providing tools for documents, sheets, slides, mail, and PDFs all in one pack.

Whether you’re editing and formatting documents, analyzing data in sheets, designing presentations in slides, managing PDFs, or connecting mail accounts, OfficeSuite provides a smooth experience.

Its integration with cloud services means you can easily access and sync your data, and its support for multiple languages makes it a versatile choice for users worldwide.

Key Features:

  • Integrated Apps : Access Documents, Sheets, Slides, Mail, and PDF tools in one suite.
  • Compatibility : Works with Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, iWork, and more.
  • Cloud Sync : Offers 20GB free storage and connects to multiple cloud services.
  • Multi-Language Support : Available in various languages for global accessibility.
  • Mobile Scanner : Transform your device into a scanner for quick document digitization.
  • Real-Time Collaboration : Collaborate on documents with team members in real-time.

Pricing and plans

OfficeSuite comes with different plans, depending on your needs. For home, they offer three plans to choose from: Personal, Family, and Home and Business.

  • $39.99 per year for 1 user

This plan gives you access to all the tools and 50GB of cloud storage.

  • $59.99 per year for 6 users

The family plan has all the same benefits as the personal plan but for 6 users.

Home & Business

  • $99.99 lifetime for 1 user

The main difference for this plan is that you’ll be licensed for the commercial use of OfficeSuite.

Scrivener — Leading book writing software

Scrivener homepage

If you are looking for writing software to use on your new book project, Scrivener is definitely worth considering. This tool comes with all of the features that both new and experienced writers can benefit from. You can quickly create a new draft and save it for later use.

Scrivener also allows you to write notes and compile and organize your research into one document. You can compose your text however you want and when you want. Integrating text into your main story is easy with the “Scrivenings” mode.

  • Familiar text editing – Scrivener keeps writing as simple as possible.
  • Formatting presets – make your own formatting presets to consistently create visually appealing texts.
  • Import support – import your research from Word files, PDFs, web pages and have it all in one place.
  • Corkboard – attach every section of your project to a virtual index card for easy project management.
  • Outliner – quickly arrange files in folders and subfolders, review synopses, and word counts from a drag and drop interface.
  • Metadata – leverage color-codes and keywords to easily record and find important information.

Scrivener is available for macOS, Windows, and iOS.

  • $49.00 – Standard License for macOS
  • $41.65 – Educational License for macOS

Scrivener is optimized to work on macOS and comes with integrated outlining tools, Scrivenings mode, corkboard, and outliner.

  • $49.00 – Standard License for Windows
  • $41.65 – Educational License for Windows

Scrivener for Windows provides you with access to synopsy reviewer, meta-data, full-screen writing, corkboard, and outliner.

  • $19.99 – available on iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch

Although light, Scrivener iOS app delivers all of the important features including integrated outlining tools, outlining, dark mode, and document export customizations.

Two standard licenses, one for macOS and one for Windows.

ProWritingAid — Outstanding editing tool

ProWritingAid homepage

If you are wondering what the best writing software with strong editing features is, ProWritingAid can provide you with everything that you need. It comes with a comprehensive list of features. All of the built-in editing tools have an educational component as well. ProWritingAid will ensure that you write using correct grammar, spelling, style, and tone of voice and help you to become better at writing.

All of the write aiding tools are created to provide corrections and feedback in real-time. You can even get insight into dozens of custom-tailored writing reports to learn what you can do to improve your copy and your writing.

  • Real-time readability improvements – get suggestions to improve the readability of your copy as you write.
  • Writing reports – get access to an abundance of writing reports to take your writing to the next level.
  • Writing style – receive writing style suggestions to improve the clarity of your copy.
  • Edit & learn – become a better writer thanks to in-app suggestions, quizzes, explanations, and videos.
  • Word explorer – find perfect synonyms for your overused words.
  • Style and dictionary editor – create new rules and turn them into automated suggestions.

ProWritingAid offers two packages, Free and Premium. Both packages come with three pricing plans: Monthly, Yearly, and Lifetime. ProWritingAid offers a standalone Plagiarism Checker.

Plans come with a set of features.

  • $30 per month
  • $10 per month billed annually
  • $399.00 one-time payment

The Premium plan comes with all of the features in the Free plan, plus 60 plagiarism checks per year.

Apple pages — Excellent personalization features

Apple Pages homepage

Pages comes from the world-famous IT brand Apple. It’s a standard word processor with a focus on enabling you to create visually stunning documents. Although an Apple product, Pages is available for PC users as well. It comes with hundreds of professionally-designed templates organized by use case categories.

When it comes to standard word processor features, Pages has all of them. It also has support for interactive stories so that you can create the most engaging copy for your target readership. There is even video support which allows you to add and play web videos inside of your documents.

  • Easy skimming – read and edit your documents on the go without accidentally making unwanted changes.
  • Create objects – turn text, images, shapes, and videos into objects to easily move them across the document.
  • Video support – insert YouTube and Vimeo videos into your document without leaving Pages.
  • Color settings – add colors or gradients to text, document, or background to create visually appealing documents.
  • Presenter mode – enable automatic text scrolling to streamline your public speeches.
  • Charts – convey the meaning of your data thanks to beautiful column and donut charts.

Apple Pages is free for anyone with an iOS and macOS device.

Draftin — Great document version control

Draftin homepage

There are several reasons why Draftin is one of the most popular writing software tools. While it comes with all of the standard writing software features, Draftin also caters to the needs of teams of content creators. This tool streamlines document version control and enables smooth collaboration for writers and editors.

Draftin makes publishing very easy. Thanks to WebHooks, you will be able to publish your content via JSON payload to any platform that supports it. On top of that, you can publish your Draftin drafts on other platforms including WordPress, Twitter, Basecamp, and Mailchimp.

  • Enhanced version control – take a look at all editors’ individual changes and accept or ignore them.
  • Insightful version history – take a look at an older version of your draft any time to choose the best copy.
  • Cloud syncing – bring your documents from Google Drive, Dropbox, and Evernote to one place and automatically sync changes back to the original cloud destination.
  • Chrome draft extension – use Draft with any webpage you can write on.
  • Easy publishing – publish your drafts directly to WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, Twitter or LinkedIn.
  • Audio and video transcription – transcribe any video or audio with easy to use built-in transcription tools.

Subscription plans

  • $3.99 – 1-month subscription
  • $7.98 – 2-months subscription
  • $11.97 – 3-months subscription
  • $15.69 – 4-months subscription
  • $19.95 – 5-months subscription
  • $23.94 – 6-months subscription
  • $27.93 – 7-months subscription
  • $31.92 – 8-months subscription
  • $35.91 – 9-months subscription
  • $39.99 – 12-months subscription
  • $74.99 – 24-months subscription

Draftin offers a variety of subscription plans, and each plan comes with all of the Draftin features.

Evernote — First-class for taking notes

Evernote homepage

Evernote is all about efficiently taking notes. The toolkit Evernote offers can quickly make it into your go-to app when doing research. You can create, sync, and organize your notes. It also makes the information easily accessible to you. Evernote also comes with collaboration features to help your entire team stay on top of the notes and use them easily.

Evernote supports integration, which is great news for writers that already use other core apps. The team behind Evernote also offers a few additional functionalities to digitize your offline documents and become paperless hassle-free.

  • Note sync – keep your notes synced across all devices you use regularly.
  • Offline support – get access to your notes even if you are not online.
  • Notes management – put your notes into a notebook system, then use keyword tags or advanced search to find your notes in a matter of seconds.
  • Web clipper – add useful information online to your notes in one click.
  • Search handwriting – capture your handwritten ideas.
  • Document scanning – digitize all of your important documents and have them with you at all times.

Evernote is available in three packages – Free, Personal, and Professional:

The free plan comes with a 60MB monthly upload limit, all note creation features, web clipper, and search functionality.

  • Contact sales for price

The Personal plan comes with everything offered by the Free plan, plus a 10GB monthly upload limit, AI-suggested content, Google Drive, Outlook, and Slack integration.


The Professional plan comes with everything offered by the Premium plan, plus a 2GB per user monthly upload limit, CRM integration, team collaboration, and administration. — Best for staying focused

Freedom.To homepage

If you have trouble focusing on your writing, Freedom is a writing program that will help you to stay on your task. You can look at it as a sort of writer’s aid tool. It can help you to tune out and stay focused on your copy. Freedom can block anything ranging from websites to apps.

This app can even block videos and games and help you to improve productivity and prevent procrastination. All of its features work towards providing you with the means to take back control of your time and improve your attention span.

  • Block websites – block unlimited numbers of websites.
  • Block apps – block distracting apps including games.
  • Block the internet – go and stay offline with the click of a button.
  • Blocklists – create customized block lists of sites and apps.
  • Device sync – stay consistent with your blocking routine across all devices you use.
  • Advance Scheduling – automatically use your blocking filters at any given time.

Freedom comes with three pricing plans: Monthly, Yearly, and Forever. All plans come with unlimited access to Freedom features for the duration of the subscription.

  • $8.99 per month
  • $3.33 per month billed annually
  • $159.99 one-time purchase

Microsoft Word — Great publishing potential

Microsoft Word homepage

Microsoft Word is famous writing software that has been around for over 20 years. It comes with a robust set of features. Microsoft Word comes with literally every tool you’ll need as a writer, whether your niche is booklets, e-books, blog posts, or books. Over the years, Microsoft has continued to update Word to keep it relevant to modern users.

Today, you can use it to convert your documents into ready-to-publish web pages instantly. A built-in translator can help you collaborate on an international scale. There is cloud support as well, to take your writing with you wherever you go.

  • Publish documents online – export your documents as web pages for easy online publishing.
  • Real-time translation – overcome a language barrier to collaborate with people across the globe.
  • Import support – insert anything you want into your documents, 3D models included.
  • Voice reader – Word can read your copy back to you so that you can catch easy-to-miss mistakes.
  • Learning tools – improve your writing thanks to Word-powered learning tools.
  • Task pane – do your research without ever having to leave Word.

Microsoft Word is accessible via personal and business Microsoft 365 plans.

Microsoft Office for Personal Use

Microsoft 365 family.

  • $99.99 per year

The Family package has support for 6 people and comes with 6TB of cloud storage. It includes the following Microsoft apps: Word, Excel PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Access, Publisher, OneDrive, and Skype.

Microsoft 365 Personal

  • $69.99 per year

The Personal plan comes with 1TB of cloud storage and contains all of the apps included in the Family package.

Office Home and Student

  • $149.00 one-time purchase

Office Home and Student plan comes with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Microsoft Office for Business Use

Microsoft 365 business basic.

  • $6.00 per month

The Business Basic plan provides access to the web and mobile versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Exchange, OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams.

Microsoft 365 Business Standard

  • $12.50 per month

Business Standard is tailored for companies that need desktop versions of the Office app on a number of devices. It comes with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, Access, Teams, Exchange, OneDrive, and SharePoint.

Microsoft 365 Business Premium

  • $22 per month

The Business Premium plan comes with everything included in Business Standard, plus premium cyber threat protection and device management.

Microsoft 365 Apps for business

  • $8.25 per month

Microsoft Apps for business comes with desktop versions of Microsoft 365 apps with premium features, 1 TB of cloud storage per user, standard security, and anytime phone and web support.

Campfire — Perfect for making writing plans

Campfire homepage

If you are interested in writing programs that can help you to plan and execute complex writing projects, you should definitely take a closer look at Campfire. With Campfire at your disposal, you can create worlds as complex as Tolkien’s Middle Earth and never lose track of your characters and their story arcs.

This app has a very interesting set of features designed to help you to make profound writing plans. More importantly, all of the features are easy to use, even if you have never used writing software before.

  • Worldbuilding tool – build elaborate fantasy worlds and keep all of the information in one place.
  • Characters – work on your characters’ background stories, develop relationships, and use images.
  • Plot – work on story events and add them to the narrative timelines.
  • Magic systems – develop complex magic systems from scratch and introduce magic items.
  • Encyclopedia – build a wiki about your world.
  • Visualization tool – get instant insight into character arcs and identify errors early on.

Campfire offers three packages – Free trial, Pro, Pro + Worldbuilding pack, and Campfire Blaze:

  • 0$ for 10 days

Get access to character development, story timelines, maps & locations, and advanced worldbuilding for 10 days, completely free of charge.

  • $49.99 one-time purchase

Pro plan includes character development, story timeline, and maps & locations features.

Pro + Worldbuilding pack

  • $74.98 one-time purchase

This plan comes with everything included in the Pro plan plus advanced world-building.

Campfire Blaze

  • Price depends on the chosen module

Campfire Blaze plan enables you to choose and pay for the modules that you need to complete your specific writing project.

The modules are available with this arrangement: Free – modules come with limited functionality. Monthly – pay for modules every month no strings attached. Yearly – pay for modules yearly and get 2 months out of every year free. Lifetime – get lifetime access to a module if you pay 3 years for it.

  • $300 one time purchase

The Wildfire plan comes with a copy of Campfire pro, and a lifetime subscription to all modules.

  • $150 one time purchase

The Bonfire plan comes with a copy of Campfire pro, and lifetime subscriptions to 4 modules you choose to purchase in Blaze.

The Flames plan comes with a half a year subscription to all Blaze modules.

RoamResearch — Best for organizing research

RoamResearch homepage

Writing a compelling piece of copy has to be based on facts and in-depth research. RoamResearch is writing software that can help you to facilitate that research and keep all of your information well-organized and in one place. You can create notes and make links between the notes so that you can move back and forth, looking at your ideas and valuable information.

RoamResearch also provides you with quick insight into your notes network to help you identify the most valuable notes – notes with most internal links. At this point, RoamResearch is only available as a web app.

  • Notes – easily create notes to write down your ideas or findings.
  • Elements – add various elements ranging from page reference to date picker to your notes to make them more meaningful.
  • Multitasking – work on several notes simultaneously to capture all relevant data at once.
  • Daily notes – keep random notes and plans for the day.
  • Graph overview – get a birds-eye view on all of your notes and internal links.
  • Easy commands – use double-brackets to commit information to a single file, or simply hit to associate facts with a file.

RoamResearch offers two plans – Professional and Believer:

  • $15 per month
  • $13.75 per month billed annually

The Professional plan allows you to use up to 3 private or public roam graphs and comes with an unlimited number of collaborators.

  • $500 5-year term

The Believer plan includes everything in the Professional plan plus exclusive access to new features, community calls with the team, and priority support.

How to choose the right writing software?

Even though you know now a great deal about the best writing software solutions, it could still be a challenge to choose the right one for you. The abundance of features available can make it hard to get a clear idea of which tool to pick. To help you, I have put together a quick checklist you can consult anytime you are shopping for writing programs.

Take your goals into account

You can’t choose the right writing software unless you take your goals into account. What is the project you are working on? Are you writing a newsletter, blog posts, reports, case studies, or a book? Are you often creating various types of copy?

The right writing tool is the one that helps you to accomplish your goals. In other words, a writing tool and its features have to serve the specific purpose of your writing. Keep in mind that the right tool for your colleagues may not be the right tool for you.

Do your research, and test various features to see whether the tool you are interested in can help you to accomplish your goals.

Define your writing process

The chances of finding two writers with the same writing process are pretty slim. Your writing process is unique, and you have to define it if you want to find the right writing tool for you. If you are basing your writing on thorough research or a complex flow of ideas, you will probably need to look for tools that allow you to take quick notes.

On the other hand, if you tend to get easily distracted, you will probably need a tool that helps you to stay focused. It’s essential to outline your writing process down to the last detail so that you can identify your needs and find the software features that can complement your process.

Identify the risks

Writing comes with a variety of risks. You can lose your documents due to a power surge or fall victim to a cybersecurity hack. Do you find yourself often writing in cafes and restaurants? Do you know all of the risks of working on unprotected WiFi networks?

These questions can help you decide whether you need writing software that offers user permission rights, saves as you type, and comes with industry-grade cybersecurity protection.

Be honest about your budget

The right tool is the one that you can afford. There are plenty of cutting edge writing programs out there. However, some of them come with a significant price tag. Can you afford such a tool?

Carefully consider your options and plan for the future, especially if you have your eye on a tool that comes with a monthly subscription. What if you can’t afford to pay your subscription? What happens with your work? Make sure to choose a tool your budget can sustain without giving you stress.

Do you work alone or often collaborate?

Writers often work hand in hand with other writers, editors, and publishers. If you are one of these writers, then the right tool for you has to come with features that streamline collaboration, editing, and publishing.

This could save you a lot of redundant work in the future. You won’t have to juggle your documents via email. More importantly, you will be able to access version control and quick publishing so that you can focus on more pressing matters.

Ease of use

Last but not least, you have to take ease of use into account. Ease of use is a term that refers to how easy it is to use the tool even if you have no previous experience with it. Some writing programs are rather simple, while others come with advanced features that you will need to learn how to use.

If you don’t care as much about the extra features as you do about laid back writing, then you need a simple tool.

Best of the best

I know that selecting the best writing software can be a challenge even when you have access to this list. Furthermore, to help you make a decision, I’ve created the best of the best category, below.

Best free writing tool

If you want to save cash and use free writing software, you need a tool that comes with as many features as possible. It should include standard word processor perks, plus version control, user permissions, and easy editing and sharing. There is only one tool that offers all of this for free – Google Docs.

Google Docs

Google Docs is a completely free writing program. It’s cloud-based, allowing you to take your writing with you. There is even an offline mode so that you can continue working on your copy offline. The moment you go online, the copy on your device is synced with the copy on your Google Drive.

There is also support for real-time collaboration and chat within the document. With version control and user permission rights, Google Docs is definitely one of those all-around tools that can meet your basic writing needs and more.

Best editing tool

Are you interested in using a tool that comes with the best editing features? One that can help you to make your copies more compelling and help you to improve your style and writing skills? ProWritingAid comes with a set of features developed to do exactly this.


ProWritingAid is writing software that comes with a grammar checker, style editor, and writing mentor. You can use the ProWritingAid web editor to write your documents or upload your documents to edit them. It streamlines editing with powerful integrations that currently support Microsoft Outlook and Word, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, Open Office, Scrivener, and Google Docs.

ProWritingAid automatically offers suggestions for style improvements, corrects spelling and grammar errors, and provides access to word explorer and contextual thesaurus. Every suggestion it makes comes with an explanation, thus improving your style and eliminating bad habits.

Best writing organization tool

Juggling notes, references, and stitching them together during the writing project is tedious, especially if you have to do it manually. Fortunately, there is writing software to help you stay organized from start to finish. Scrivener can help you to unite all of your research and use it in the best possible way.

Scrivener is the best writing organization tool because it comes with features that facilitate research and use of notes and references. This tool also enables you to stay organized while working on your copy. You can break your entire text into small meaningful chunks, then the app can stitch those up into whatever you need.

Thanks to their outlining tools, you can plan your entire projects ahead and restructure sections later without sacrificing the original flow and meaning. Metadata will help you to color-code sections of your copy so that you can quickly find any information you need.

Best book writing software

While you can use any of the writing programs available to you to write a book, there is only one software that streamlines the entire book writing process. Scrivener comes with a specialized toolkit to help you to plan your book, keep research in one place, and stay productive.

We have covered the Scrivener features that can help you stay organized. Let’s focus on the aspects that make this tool the best book writing software. Scrivener provides you with access to Corkboard and Outliner.

Cardboard is the best planning tool for book writers out there. Attach every section of your project to an index card and rearrange your manuscript however you want at any given time. Outliner, on the other hand, allows you to work with an overview of a chapter. You can use it to structure your draft, quickly access metadata, and check word counts. It even supports drag and drop so you can organize things faster and focus on writing.

There are several things that you need to do to be able to start writing. The most obvious ones include deciding when and where you want to write and choosing a goal. But there is one more thing that you will need – a writing tool. Unless you are devoted to old-school typewriters, you will probably need writing software. With the right writing software in your hands, you will be able to plan your writing, take quick research notes, and complete your projects on time.

Yes, you do. The tools you’ll need to start writing are called writing programs. Whether installed on your computer or cloud-based, these apps enable you to write, style, and format your documents without breaking a sweat. Cloud-based writing apps are extremely popular these days because they allow you to write anywhere you want. Since there are plenty of them, you will need to assess your unique writing needs to pick the right tool for you.

To start writing a blog, you will need to choose a topic . The topic can vary. You can stick with something that’s personally interesting to you, or write copy that can help your readership stay informed or solve relevant problems. Writing a good blog also means coming up with an engaging headline that can capture the visitors’ attention. Often you will have to use images to explain complex topics better, improve your post, and make it more appealing. If you are interested in learning more about blogging, you can visit our comprehensive guide on how to start a blog .

There are four types of writing: narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and expository. Narrative writing is typically used when you want to tell a story. It works well with both fictional and real stories. The purpose of descriptive writing is to enable readers to connect with the copy and visualize places, characters, and relationships. Persuasive writing is often used to change the readers’ point of view and align it with the writer’s. And, finally, expository writing is used to disclose facts in an unbiased fashion. For instance, the article you are reading is an example of expository writing.

There is not a definitive answer to this question. The answer actually depends on two factors – who is writing it and for whom it is written. Generally speaking, a good writing topic is a topic that you are personally interested in. Your interest can motivate you to do thorough research, look for facts, and compile what you find into a copy your readership can get value from. Such copies don’t have to be based on research but on your own experience.

There are plenty of reliable and good writing programs to choose from. Each one comes with a specific set of features. Some of them are easy to use, while others come with advanced features and capabilities.

With all of this information at your disposal, you can make an informed decision and choose the right writing software for you. As you can see, there is no need to rush and make your decision quickly. Take your time to assess your needs to be able to see if specific tools complement them. If you are still indecisive, jump back to my “best of the best” category to choose the best software for a particular use case.

7 comments on “The Best Writing Software in 2024”

It is an amazing way I Thankyou!

Thanks for sharing this list. Grammar checker tool is really very important for any kind of writing. It rectifies your grammatical errors and punctuations. I always prefer NOUNPLUS grammar checker tool.

Thank you Sae!

Great list of helpful tools! Thanks

Thanks Taran!

Thumbs up for Grammarly!

Great recommendations, I’m using Grammarly, but this Hemingway App sounds interesting (and it’s not just because I’m a fan of his work :)) )

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Writing in the Disciplines

These colleges typically make the writing process a priority at all levels of instruction and across the curriculum. Students are encouraged to produce and refine various forms of writing for different audiences in different disciplines. In spring and summer 2023, we invited college presidents, chief academic officers, deans of students and deans of admissions from more than 1,500 schools to nominate up to 15 institutions with stellar examples of writing in the disciplines. Colleges and universities that received 10 or more nominations are ranked here. Read the methodology »

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best writing programs

Brown University

Providence, RI

  • #1 in Writing in the Disciplines
  • #9 in National Universities  (tie)

At Brown University, undergraduate students are responsible for designing their own academic study with more than 80 concentration programs to choose from. Another unique offering at this private, Ivy League institution in Providence, Rhode Island, is the Program in Liberal Medical Education, which grants both a bachelor’s degree and medical degree in eight years.

(fall 2022)

SAT, GPA and More

best writing programs

Columbia University

New York, NY

  • #2 in Writing in the Disciplines
  • #12 in National Universities  (tie)

Columbia University has three undergraduate schools: Columbia College, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and the School of General Studies. This Ivy League, private school guarantees students housing for all four years on campus in Manhattan’s Morningside Heights neighborhood in New York City.

best writing programs

Duke University

  • #3 in Writing in the Disciplines  (tie)
  • #7 in National Universities  (tie)

Located in Durham, North Carolina, Duke University is a private institution that has liberal arts and engineering programs for undergraduates. The Duke Blue Devils sports teams have a fierce rivalry with the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill Tar Heels and are best known for their outstanding men's basketball program.

best writing programs

Princeton University

Princeton, NJ

  • #1 in National Universities

The ivy-covered campus of Princeton University, a private institution, is located in the quiet town of Princeton, New Jersey. Princeton was the first university to offer a "no loan" policy to financially needy students, giving grants instead of loans to accepted students who need help paying tuition.

best writing programs

University of Iowa

Iowa City, IA

  • #5 in Writing in the Disciplines  (tie)
  • #93 in National Universities  (tie)

The University of Iowa offers top-notch academic programming in more than 100 areas. Students looking to hone their leadership skills have many options, too: They can enroll in the LeaderShape Institute, a six-day getaway workshop; or participate in one of the many programs offered through the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership, including arts and entertainment, and multicultural programs. Freshmen do not have to live on campus, but about 95 percent choose to do so. Campus life may pose a challenge to tobacco users, as Iowa is a smoke-free campus. Students have more than 500 clubs and organizations from which to choose, and close to 10 percent of students go Greek as members of the school's more than 50 fraternities and sororities. Sports are another big focus of campus life; even in the competitive NCAA Division I Big Ten Conference, the Iowa Hawkeyes are notorious players. Four blocks from campus is Iowa City, a Midwestern metropolis that has been recognized among the nation’s best for its scenery, greenery and sustainable energy efforts.


best writing programs

Yale University

New Haven, CT

  • #5 in National Universities

Yale University, located in New Haven, Connecticut, offers a small college life with the resources of a major research institution. Yale students are divided into 14 residential colleges that foster a supportive environment for living, learning and socializing.

best writing programs

Cornell University

  • #7 in Writing in the Disciplines

Cornell University, a private school in Ithaca, New York, has 14 colleges and schools. Each admits its own students, though every graduate receives a degree from Cornell University. The university has more than 1,000 student organizations on campus.

best writing programs

Carleton College

Northfield, MN

  • #8 in Writing in the Disciplines
  • #9 in National Liberal Arts Colleges  (tie)

Carleton College is a private school in the historic river town of Northfield, Minnesota. Carls, as its students are known, have about 35 majors to choose from and more than 170 organizations to check out.

best writing programs

Swarthmore College

Swarthmore, PA

  • #9 in Writing in the Disciplines
  • #4 in National Liberal Arts Colleges  (tie)

About 10 miles outside of Philadelphia is Swarthmore College, a private liberal arts institution that also offers a unique engineering degree program. Because Swarthmore is part of the Tri-College Consortium, students can also take courses at nearby Bryn Mawr College and Haverford College.

best writing programs

Amherst College

Amherst, MA

  • #10 in Writing in the Disciplines  (tie)
  • #2 in National Liberal Arts Colleges

Amherst College, a private school in Amherst, Massachusetts, is known for its rigorous academic climate. Because Amherst is a member of the Five Colleges consortium, students can also take courses at Smith College, Mount Holyoke College, Hampshire College and the University of Massachusetts—Amherst.

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The 15 Best Book Writing Software Tools

15 Best Book Writing Software Options in 2024

POSTED ON Feb 9, 2024

Charity Jerop

Written by Charity Jerop

On the hunt for the top book writing software? Writing software can be hard to come by, especially since what might work best for someone else won't work best for you. So what software should you use?

Some might argue that the medium is not the issue – they'll tell you not to worry about fancy writing software and just start writing.

And while that may be true for some, in our experience with helping thousands of authors write and self-publish a book, we've found that every author has a tool that helps them organize their writing and increase productivity.

New Call-To-Action

Software specifically designed to write a book can make your writing process more organized, efficient , and focused – ultimately allowing you to write your book faster .

In this article, we’ll not only take a detailed look at the free writing software tools available to authors, but we’ll cover some paid tools, as well. 

This 2024 guide to book writing software will cover:

  • What book writing software is
  • If you really need software to write a book
  • The benefits of using book writing software

Free book writing software for beginners

  • The best paid book writing software

Bonus software to help you write your book

What is book writing software.

Book writing software is a program designed to streamline the book writing process. It is essentially a word processor with added benefits specifically targeting authors and novelists (such as book organization tools, story development features, and more).

There are many options for free book writing software, as well as paid writing software for all budgets and price points. Depending on your own needs as a writer, there are many options to choose from.

Maybe you’re a writer that’s just getting started on how to write a book . Or maybe you’re a seasoned writer that’s researching how to become an author and you’re ready to commit to the best book writing software available. 

No matter what type of writer you are, there is software designed to streamline your writing process. It’s just a matter of finding the perfect one to fit your needs!

YouTube video

Do you really need software to write a book?

We know what you’re thinking. All that’s needed to write is pen and paper. In simple terms, yes – you don’t need a fancy writing tool to actually write. In fact, humans have been expressing their creativity and ideas through writing using the most basic tools available for centuries.  But the efficiency and ease of use of your medium can affect your writing productivity.

Think about how easy a typewriter or keyboard makes it to type a 50,000-word novel. Now, imagine having to carve that novel into stone. See how the medium can affect your productivity? 

Technology has made the writing process easier – there’s no doubt about that. But is writing software necessary?  I posed this exact question to a group of writers to see if they really use software. Based on their feedback, it’s clear that writers like you value these programs. Every writer has their preferred book writing software, and some use multiple programs, including the best mind mapping software for authors . Take a look at some of the responses: 

Survey Results Revealing The Most Popular Book Writing Software Programs Among Writers

That's just a tiny glimpse of how many real-life writers use book writing software regularly to improve their writing , efficiency, and organization.

So, the next time you're in need of gifts for writers , consider buying them a subscription to their favorite book writing software!

The pros to using book writing software

Of course, you can write using whatever tools are available to you, but there are some important reasons to consider using special software for writing a book.

Writing is already hard – why make it even more difficult by not utilizing tools that were designed to make the process easier?

When you make technology work for you (and not against you) great things can come out of it – like that book you’ve been meaning to write!

Here are the main reasons to use writing software:

  • Your book files are organized in one place. No need to have each book chapter file saved in various places throughout your desktop. Keep it clean and organized with book writing software. With most tools, you can even access files from anywhere, making it easy to pick up where you left off no matter where you are, or what time of day it is.
  • They are designed to make writing easier . The best writing software programs have built-in features that can prevent a ton of issues. For example, you can check for spelling and grammar mistakes on the go, which cuts down your editing time. Or use features like a plagiarism checker , which automatically highlights sections in your text that need citation.
  • Your work is saved automatically. Losing your unsaved work due to unavoidable circumstances (like your power going out) is a thing of the past! This is seriously a lifesaver.
  • They prevent distractions. Some book writing tools have features to block you from unnecessary distractions. This ultimately helps you get done with your book in the shortest time possible and assists in creating a productive writing space .

Now that you understand why book writing software is important, how on earth do you pick one!?

How to decide which book writing software is best for you:

  • Cost of the software. Think of your budget. Can you afford to invest in writing software, or do you need to rely on the free versions for now? 
  • Accessibility. Think of where you write. Do you need to be able to access your book manuscript from multiple devices (like a phone or tablet), or do you only write on one? 
  • Features. What features are important to you? Do you need spell checker, plagiarism checker, and productivity-improving features? 
  • User-friendliness. Are you tech-savvy, tech-challenged, or somewhere in the middle? Some programs require a steep learning curve, and others are great for beginners. 
  • Size of the software. Will the program take up a lot of space on your hard drive? 

With all those aspects to consider, let's take a look at the best free and paid book writing software options for authors.

Before we dive into the best paid book writing software, let’s take a look at some of the free options.

We always recommend taking advantage of the free tools out there – so you can get a feel for what you want to invest in. These free book writing tools have the basic essentials to provide you with the features you need, so that you can have more time for writing .

1. Zoho Writer

Writer by Zoho , also known as Zoho Writer, is an online word processor that comes with special features to help you write from anywhere and at any time you want to. It is a cloud software, which means you can access it on all of your devices, no matter where you are.  Even better, Zoho has different templates for you to choose from, depending on what it is you need to write.

Benefits to using Zoho Writer as a free book writing software for beginners:

  • It’s readily available . You do not need to sign up or log in to be able to use Zoho Writer. It is user-friendly, and if you are part of a team of writers, you can work together and share documents with each other easily.

best writing programs

  • You can write offline, without internet access.  Despite this software being an online writing tool, you can still write offline and have your work synced to your account.
  • You can use it across all devices. You can use this book writing software across phone, Tablet, or PC. No need to worry about accessing your manuscript from the wrong device.

2. LibreOffice

Developed by the Document Foundation, LibreOffice is open source software that prides itself on being a free office suite. While it boasts other programs for spreadsheets and charts, Write is the name of its free word processor. 

Benefits to using LibreOffice Writer as a free book writing software for beginners:

  • It’s a robust one-stop shop for writers. And it’s similar to Microsoft Word (which we’ll cover in our paid writing software section). 

Libreoffice Free Book Writing Software User Interface

  • It’s an effective word processing tool with helpful features for authors.  It wasn’t only created for writers, but can be used by anyone who needs a word processor. The autocorrect and spell checker tools allow you to catch grammar and spelling mistakes on the fly, and it even supports multiple languages!
  • It provides useful templates. LibreOffice includes readily available templates to choose from that are formatted to meet your needs. All you need to do is add your text! Whether you want to write your resume, brochures, letters, or your book, these templates can save you time and come in handy for clean, crisp formatting.

Related: Best Book Formatting Software

3. Google Docs

Google Docs is by far the most common and widely used writing software, and this list of free book writing software tools wouldn’t be complete without mentioning it. 

Google Docs is a word processing tool that comes with your Google account. If you have a Gmail account then you already have access to Google Docs.

Benefits to using Google Docs as a free book writing software for beginners:

  • You can write and access it from anywhere. Like Zoho Writer, Google Docs is a cloud platform, which means you can write anytime inspiration strikes. You can also use this book writing software when you’re offline.

Google Docs Book Writing Software

  • Your work is autosaved. Each time you key a letter, your Google Doc will save your progress. No need to worry about clicking the “save” button every time you add a new page in your book! You can also view revision history in case you accidentally delete or change something that you want to restore.
  • It’s easy to collaborate with a team, another writer, or an editor . Additional features streamline the collaboration process, be it your co-author or editor. You can also use the track changes feature for the editing process, so you can see exactly what your editor has changed. 

Note: A major downside to using Google Docs as your writing software is that it does not support heavy formatting and outlining. Therefore, writing an entire book on this platform can be a bit challenging, but you can still use it for short stories, articles, and note-keeping.

4. FocusWriter

FocusWriter is a “simple, distraction-free writing environment.” If you struggle to stay focused and on task during your writing sessions, FocusWriter may be the solution for you.

Focuswriter User Interface: Writing A Book Software

Benefits of using FocusWriter as your free book writing software:

  • Designed to be distraction-free. Like its name suggests, FocusWriter helps you zero in on your project by eliminating anything that could produce a distraction.
  • Timers and alarms. This is for my writers who love to write in sprints. Structure your writing sessions by planning and timing how long you'll write.
  • Auto-save function. If you're a writer who struggles to remember saving your own work, FocusWriter has you covered with their auto-saves.

5. Evernote

Evernote has both free and paid versions. You can use the free version as a word processor and note-taking software, or pay for the premium version if you want the extra perks.

While Evernote isn't designed specifically for books, the tool's organization makes it a great option for writers.

Benefits to using Evernote as your free book writing software:

  • Streamlines note-taking process. At its core, Evernote is a writing software that's designed to make note-taking easy and efficient. This makes it a useful book writing software because the same organizational principles can be integrated into the process of writing a book .
  • Easy customization. While Evernote isn't designed for just authors and novelists, the versatility it brings to users with multiple uses for the program comes in handy, especially for those writing a book. The ability to create notebooks, tags, and sort information, as well as robust AI-suggested content means that this software is a powerhouse for personalization.
  • A hub for your book research and inspiration. Anyone who is in the process of writing a book knows how often a random surge of inspiration hits us as we write. Evernote is perfect for housing all of our inspirational quotes or research, without derailing our book writing efforts altogether.

Best paid book writing software

Now that we’ve covered the top free book writing software tools available, let’s move on to the paid writing software. Here are our favorites!:

6. NovelPad

NovelPad is a novel-writing software developed for the way writers write.

Unlike other writing software on the market that requires you to download a program to your computer, NovelPad can be accessed on any device with web access. That makes it one of the best writing apps for Android or iOS. If you want to try it out before committing, take advantage of the company's offer (not always running) of a 14-day free trial !

Benefits to using NovelPad as your book writing software:

  • Use it on any device, online or off . NovelPad is browser-based, so you can open your projects on any device. They also have an offline mode, if you'd like to limit distractions by disabling web connection, or if you're writing on the go.
  • Minimal, distraction-free design. The layout is simplistic and minimal, with limited distractions. The NovelPad team has stated that they only include features when and where writers require them, which leads to an incredibly intuitive, easy-to-use system.

Novelpad Book Writing Software User Interface

  • Chapters page . A popular NovelPad feature is the ability to have a bird's eye view of your entire project. You can use scene descriptions, color labels, and other organizational tools to know at a glance what's happening in each scene, then simply click and drag to reorder them. This is a big time save for longer projects!
  • Customizable word count goal and tracker . Trying to hit a specific writing goal ? NovelPad has you covered. Instead of tracking your word count goal externally through a spreadsheet or other means, NovelPad allows you to set goals and tracks them for you. Set vacations and sprints, customize which days you'd like to write more or less, and let NovelPad do the math for you.
  • ProWritingAid is included. That's right! Get a streamlined drafting software and stellar grammar check with one subscription.

Price : Starting at just $5 a month

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Ulysses is another full-fledged writing software specifically designed for Mac users . Whether you are a Sci-Fi writer or learning how to publish an eBook , Ulysses is an all-in-one software that allows you to focus on your main business – writing. 

Ulysses Book Writing Software Focus And Productivity Page

Benefits to using Ulysses Writer as your book writing software:

  • Minimalist interface. Getting distracted while writing can hurt your workflow. Ulysses comes with a minimalistic interface to help you stay focused and productive.
  • The customizable editor comes with special perks. You can choose to switch to typewriter mode and can attach additional information from images, PDFs, keywords, notes, and anything in between.
  • You can publish directly to WordPress and Medium. Instead of having to copy and paste all of your work to your website, you can simply publish directly to the site. This is especially helpful for authors who blog.
  • You can share your writing in any file format you want. No more complicated conversion processes!

Note : Ulysses is only available on Apple products at the time of writing.

Price: $5.99 per month or $49.99 a year

8. Hemingway App

Have you heard of Hemingway App yet? If you have, then chances are you either love it or hate it. This software is great if you are a visual learner – just look at those colors!

Hemingway App - Book Writing Software For Authors User Interface

Benefits to using Hemingway App as your book writing software:

  • It comes with advanced editing and revising tools . The spell and grammar checker help you come up with top-quality work, and it uses different colors to highlight sentences/words that need restructuring.
  • There is a helpful sidebar display . The sidebar shows things like readability score and overall word count. 
  • It has a free editor. Even if you don’t want to pay for the subscription, you can still use the free editing tool! 

Note: We’ve all been advised to not edit as we write, especially when during the book writing process. Since Hemingway draws a lot of visual attention to errors, this could slow your writing down if you’re one to get distracted easily! Price : $19.99

YouTube video

9. Scrivener

Almost every modern book writer out there (regardless of the genre) swears by this powerful writing software.

It's jam-packed with features and tools to help you organize and write your book, but there is a learning curve to be aware of. If you want to try Scrivener out, plan to take some tutorials before investing in this program to determine if it's really right for you.

Scrivener: One Of The Best Free Book Writing Software

And this is likely because Scrivener was specifically designed for writers.

YouTube video

Benefits to using Scrivener as your book writing software:

  • Scrivener boasts a user-friendly drag-and-drop feature. The Outliner tool helps you work on your book while having an overview of what your chapter, a page, or even the whole book would look like.
  • Includes research tools for easy reference. The snapshot tool allows you to take snapshots that you want to view and reference later, without losing your train of thought.
  • You can set writing targets. Scrivener has a target-setting tool to help you set your own targets and work towards achieving them.
  • Customizable organization with the binder tool. If you are the type of writer who likes working on an organized and well-planned piece, then Scrivener is your perfect match. The binder tool allows organizing your manuscript in files, sub-files, sub-sub-files, and so on.

Note: While Scrivener is a super robust software for writing a book, you’ll most likely have to watch a few tutorials to learn how to master it. Check out our full review of Scrivener if you want a detailed look at what it does.

Price: $49 for Mac or Windows (but they have student discounts) and $19.99 for the iOS version 

10. FastPencil

This is also another writing software that can take your writing game a notch higher. With FastPencil , you can draft, edit, publish, and even sell your book through some of the best booksellers in the industry.

Benefits to using FastPencil as your book writing software:

  • It’s an all-in-one software. Just like we mentioned above, this software not only helps you write your book, but it also includes editing, publishing, and marketing services – depending on your needs and budget.
  • It’s fairly easy to learn how to use. The software is pretty user-friendly, so it's easy to get started with. 
  • You can use it to write your book in an organized manner.  Because it is designed specifically for book writers, there are tools to help you section off chapters.
  • A variety of special features are included. Preview how your book will look live, or make use of the chat tool, which makes collaboration with other writers and/or editors easy. 

Fastpencil Book Writing Software User Interface

Price: FastPencil is available for free if you only want to use it as a word processing tool, but you can pay for access to more advanced features, as seen below:

Fastpencil Pricing

11. Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is one of the most widely used word processors out there – because it’s pretty much the oldest one.

But even today, Microsoft Word remains a preference for many authors. 

User Interface Of Microsoft Word: A Pioneer Book Writing Software

Benefits to using Microsoft Word as your book writing software:

  • It’s very user-friendly . Many writers already have experience using it, whether they learned it in school or at work. While it’s an older program and has been updated numerous times, its function remains the same overall. 
  • The simple visual interface can create a distraction-free writing space. Other than the top toolbar, the rest of the window is reserved as your page – with ample room for your text. 
  • You can create and use templates. Because it’s so versatile, Word has many options for customizing the functions to meet your needs as you write. For example, you can use headers to create chapters or sections of your book. 

Price: If your device doesn’t already include access to Microsoft Word, you can buy it. The price of Microsoft Word will vary depending on your needs and which package you want. 

12. Grammarly

Grammarly is not just a writing tool but also an AI-powered program to help you write a clean, crisp book that’s free from grammar and spelling errors. There is a free version available, but the paid version offers more advanced features like the plagiarism checker tool. You can even add Grammarly as a Chrome Extension, so it can edit and revise any writing you do – from emails, to social media posts, and more! 

Grammarly Book Writing Software User Interface

13. Freedom

When you’re writing from a computer or laptop, it’s easy to get distracted with the internet just one tab away. This is where Freedom comes in. 

Freedom helps you stay focused by blocking sites on the internet that might shift your attention.

Freedom Free Book Writing Software Features

14. ProWritingAid

We cover all the nuts and bolts of this writing tool in our complete ProWritingAid review .

But for a quick summary, ProWritingAid is a tool that can be used in conjunction with many writing programs , and is a robust tool that checks grammar, spelling, and writing style, and offers a number of writing improvement insights based on AI-powered reports.

If you're looking for a tool to pair with your book writing software of choice, and are dedicated to improving your writing quality and style, then ProWritingAid will offer more than any standard spellchecker can.

Get ProWritingAid here .

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15. FocusWriter

A word processor that touts “distraction-free” features, this simple software is designed to keep your focus on your writing.

Although it's not as high-tech as some of the other writing programs available, it's not meant to be. FocusWriter uses a hide-away interface with a customizable environment and autosave.

Download FocusWriter here.

So there you have it! The best writing software programs you can choose from to streamline your writing process, improve productivity, and get your book written faster.  Researching all the different writing tools and software options can be overwhelming, but remember: it’s important to pick programs that work for you. If you start using one software, and discover that it’s not right for you – that’s okay. You don’t have to commit to one writing tool if it’s hindering your productivity.  Once you find the perfect book writing software for YOU, the rest will fall in line. 

best writing programs

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Home / Book Writing / Best Book Writing Software 2024 [Writing, Editing & Focus]

Best Book Writing Software 2024 [Writing, Editing & Focus]

What is the best software for writing a book ? Well, that depends. There are many things an author needs to consider , as well as their personal preference. But as you'll see, not all writing apps and software are created equal.

There are various novel writing tools available that cater to different authors. For example:

  • Atticus is the ultimate all-in-one writing and formatting software
  • Scrivener is a powerful word processor that many authors use.
  • Google Docs would be great for a shorter work with multiple co-authors.
  • Bibisco may satisfy your need to develop the heck out of your characters.
  • yWriter is for all those data-hungry authors out there.
  • Apple Pages comes free for Mac users. Not all writers have that extra $50 to spare.

Every author asks themselves if they are really using the best book writing software to effectively organize their novel, as well as their book writing process.

Thankfully, the right tools can save you time and frustration and may even make the long process of writing a novel or nonfiction book more enjoyable.

Bottom Line: I personally hate it when articles like this one beat around the bush, so I'm going to get this over with now, and you can keep reading for more of my reasoning. My favorite book writing software is Atticus , because it's not just a great writing program, but it's also good for formatting. For those seeking a free word processor to make your writing process easier, I recommend Google Docs.

  • The best free and paid book writing software (plus the cost and pros/cons of each)
  • The best book editing software
  • Other software every writer should have (to help with everything from focus to book marketing)

Table of contents

  • 1. Atticus: Editor's Choice
  • 2. Scrivener: Best for Pure Writing
  • 3. Microsoft Word
  • 4. Google Docs: Best for Collaboration
  • 9. LibreOffice
  • 10. FocusWriter
  • 12. Bibisco
  • 13. Squibler
  • Best Book Writing Software Comparison Table
  • The Best Book Editing Software
  • Other Software Every Writer Should Have

Why am I Qualified to write about the Best Book Writing Software?

Let's face it, there are many people out there that write these kind of articles by just doing some research on what others say, and regurgitating it out without actually trying the best writing software themselves (or worse, have AI write it for them). That's not the case here.

As someone who's been publishing books for over 13 years, I've seen many book writing apps come and go. Some seemed promising, while others never quite enhanced the writing process as they promised.

As a matter of fact, while I was working for Apple, I was given one of the first ever copies of Scrivener (a writing software we'll discuss a bit later). Over the years, I've truly tried many writing apps for my own book creation, including some free book writing software options.

However, there's a lot more to the writing process than just dabbling in a writing software. I have certain preferences that other authors don't agree with and vice-versa. What works for me might not work for you.

So, in order to create a top-notch review of the best book writing software programs, I sent out surveys to my readers, and talked to some heavy-hitting authors in the industry – many of which I have been a consultant to as well.

Based on my observations, the results from those surveys, and talking with some of the most well-known authors out there, I feel very strongly that this is a subject I can truly tackle.

So, with that, let's jump into a list of what I think is the best overall writing software in the industry and I'll even try to break them down into best categories based on their strengths.

Atticus is the best all-in-one software for writing and formatting a book , the perfect book writing software, and my personal favorite. It provides full capabilities for both of these, and works on Mac, Windows, Linux and Chromebook. Atticus is the only software that provides both an elegant formatting software and a word processor specifically for authors. If Scrivener, Google Docs, and Vellum had a baby, it's name would be Atticus.

Overall, I find it to have everything that I need in a book writing program, plus a lot more.

Read my more in-depth review of Atticus .

Can I write a book in Atticus? Yes, you absolutely can. In fact, it's even built in with goal tracking and other tools that make writing in Atticus a way to increase your writing momentum.

But not only that, Atticus is also the best formatting tool for creating books that exists on all platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chromebook. It also exports to EPUB, PDFs for print, and DOCX.

How much does Atticus cost? Atticus is a one-time fee of $147 USD. That includes all future updates, which you will receive at no extra cost. Forever. No subscriptions.

I like that you can access Atticus online, or use the progressive web app to install it on your computer for use offline (note: you will need to be online to install it and to export a book).

Pros for using Atticus to write a novel:

  • It's available on all platforms
  • More affordable than the leading formatting alternatives
  • Easy to use
  • Combines features of Vellum and Scrivener
  • Works as a formatting software and a word processor

Cons for using Atticus to write a novel:

  • Not all features are available at launch

Scrivener is an amazing creative writing software developed by Literature & Latte that lets you view multiple documents at once, set writing goals, leave yourself brainstorming comments for later, and even import research files to keep on hand.

What is the most complicated program for writing a book? The most complicated program for writing a book is Scrivener in my experience. It’s inexpensive and its myriad features more than make up the price tag.

Read my more in-depth review of Scrivener version 3.0 .

How much does Scrivener cost?

  • Scrivener costs $49 (one-time) for Mac or Windows. 
  • It’s $19.99 for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch).
  • If you use both Windows and Mac, you can buy the combined bundle for a discounted price of $80. You get a separate license for each platform.
  • Reduced pricing of $41.65 is available for “students & academics.”
  • Click Here , and then use Kindlepreneur’s unique discount code ( KINDLEPRENEUR ) to get 20% OFF your purchase.

Follow these steps to use my discount coupon.

Before you purchase it, you can try Scrivener’s full trial for 30 working days, for free. 30 working days means that Scrivener only counts the trial days when you actually open the app and work on it.

Within Scrivener, you open projects, not documents. Its developers realized that one project itself can entail endless files and folders and spreadsheets, so they made it incredibly simple to navigate through multiple documents within the same Scrivener project. Also, you can find some excellent Scrivener templates for just about every creative writing form out there.

Unfortunately, when I imported a TXT file into Scrivener, it seemed to undo all italics I had in the file. I had no formatting problems when importing DOCXs or RTFs.

Pros of using Scrivener:

  • Organizes entire projects in one file with easy access to countless documents and research
  • Corkboard with index cards, split-screen, and outliner working views makes it ideal for longer or more complicated works
  • Comments, notes, and synopses are all simple to make for future reference
  • Composition Mode erases all distractions and lets you write on a screen of nothing but text
  • Customizable toolbar
  • More affordable than its competitors
  • Can export (or “compile”) projects as EPUB, MOBI, PDF , RTF, RTFD, DOC, DOCX, OTD, HTML, TXT, or even FDX, MD, or FOUNTAIN files

Cons of using Scrivener:

  • Can open DOCX files but not DOC files or ODT files
  • No real-time collaboration or co-author capabilities
  • There’s a learning curve to learn all of Scrivener’s advanced features (check out this crash course tutorial on Scrivener)

One of my favorite aspects of Scrivener is that you can customize the toolbar. 

Some authors will want the Dictionary feature on their toolbar, while others want the Insert feature. When editing, you may add the Comment button to your toolbar, or the Add button when you’re first compiling your project.

Microsoft Word is the industry-standard word processor — for better or worse. When you ask the average person what they think of when you say word processing, a majority will say MS Word.

What software do most writers use? Most writers probably use MS Word because it is the gold standard of word processors, even if it shouldn’t be (yep, I said it).

The famous DOC and DOCX file formats come from Microsoft’s ubiquitous software. Many publishers ask for manuscripts to be submitted in DOC or DOCX files, and nothing else. (It’s easy to convert another file format into DOC or DOCX.)

Can I write a book in Microsoft Word? Yes, you can write a book in MS Word. However, I would not recommend it.

Read my more in-depth instructions to use Microsoft Word to write books .

My biggest problem for Word? It was designed for writing anything — not specifically for writing novels or long nonfiction books. It was not created by authors, nor for authors.

Word is tolerable for shorter works; however, if you're really looking for the best book writing software, Word does not measure up to its competitors.

Interesting fact: Stephen King uses MS Word writing software to draft his book manuscripts. He uses Final Draft to write screenplays.

How much does MS Word cost? Microsoft Word costs $139.99 as a one-time purchase. You can also spend $6.99/month (or more) for a subscription to Microsoft 365, which includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, and 1 TB of cloud storage on the OneDrive.

You (and up to 5 other people) can try out Microsoft Office for FREE during a 1-month trial.

Pros for using MS Word to write a novel:

  • “What you see is what you get” formatting
  • Many book editors prefer Word documents (DOC, DOCX)
  • Comes with a bunch of handy templates for books, essays, resumes… you name it!
  • It’s industry-standard, so you’ll find this software on public library computers and company computers and everywhere in between

Cons for using MS Word to write a novel:

  • Difficult to use if you don’t work in a linear fashion
  • Cumbersome for writing lengthy novels and other books
  • Must use a separate tool, such as Calibre, to export as ebook (EPUB/MOBI, etc.)
  • Updates every few years, which creates a brand new learning curve each time

Google Docs is a useful browser-based writing tool that is free and available to anyone with a Google account. However, Google Docs may not be able to handle a lengthy manuscript.

Our team uses Google Docs for writing our blog posts because it’s the easiest way we’ve found to all work on one document at the same time, add comments, see revisions, and even chat. (Google spreadsheets can also be a useful tool, especially for outlining.)

What is the best free software for writing a book? The best free software for writing projects is Google Docs, if your book is short. Apple Pages or yWriter may be better for longer books, as far as the free stuff goes.

Read my more in-depth discussion on writing a book in Google Docs .

Many users experience major lag when editing a document with more than 15,000 words — not even half the length of a novel.

I’ve known authors who used Google Docs because it was free and convenient, then had to give it up. Why? Because you have to wait five seconds for every sentence to appear after you type it once you surpass 15k-25k words.

Pros for using Google Docs to write a novel:

  • Autosaves every change you make and every version of your manuscript along the way
  • Free to use with a Google account
  • Accessible on any device
  • Built-in Headings and Title functions make navigating your document simple using the table of contents
  • Designed with real-time collaboration in mind
  • Probably the most convenient word processor on this list, especially for bloggers and coworkers

Cons for using Google Docs to write a novel:

  • Cannot handle large documents (15,000 words plus) without huge latency problems
  • Cannot export to PDF at a higher word count
  • The grammar checker is not as robust as MS Word, let alone Grammarly or ProWritingAid

As you can see by this screenshot, Google Docs offers a whole host of formatting options, constant autosaving (as long as you’re online), and extensive sharing/collaboration capabilities.

Simon Hayes (AKA Spacejock) developed yWriter to be the best free, standalone app for fiction writing.

It encourages writers to write scenes, not chapters — since scenes are smaller and more manageable. Also, you can input data into multiple fields concerning each scene and chapter. This provides authors with a wealth of raw data they can analyze at any time.

You can even set goals for words per day or words per hour.

Read my more in-depth review of yWriter .

How much does yWriter cost?

  • Free on Windows/macOS
  • $3.99 on Android
  • $4.99 on iOS

All in all, yWriter is great for authors who love analyzing how many chapters each character is in, how many scenes are in each chapter, etc. For authors who don’t care about that, this may sound foreign. But I know a lot of writers who pour over the metadata of their novel almost as much as they pour over the actual story.

Pros for using yWriter to write a novel:

  • Breaks down novels into chapters and scenes
  • Stores snapshot backups of your work automatically
  • Great tools for character development
  • Offers the data-hungry author a wealth of useful data points

Cons for using yWriter to write a novel:

  • Does not come with templates
  • Doesn’t export EPUBs or Amazon Kindle’s native file format
  • Not for minimalist writers
  • Not the most elegant design — looks dated

Ulysses is a simple, clean, yet customizable app for writing longer projects. Your work syncs automatically between your devices, or you can choose to store work locally.

Unfortunately, Ulysses works only on Apple products.

The price has gone up in recent years. Ulysses now costs $5.99/month or $49.99/year. They also offer a free 2-week trial.

Read my more in-depth review of Ulysses , as well as my comparison to Scrivener .

Pros for using Ulysses to write a novel:

  • Clean interface for distraction-free writing
  • Drag and drop functionality concerning scenes and chapters (called the library)
  • Ability to add filters to scenes and chapters
  • Export to PDF, DOCX, HTML, or EPUB with ease

Cons for using Ulysses to write a novel:

  • Only available on Apple devices (macOS and iOS)
  • Price is a yearly or monthly subscription model, instead of one-time
  • No collaboration functionality
  • No built-in templates (though you can find them online)
  • Steep learning curve if you are not familiar with markdown
  • Not available for PC users

Vellum is a book formatting tool developed by 180g, a company originally founded by Pixar employees. Their mission is to “create beautiful books”. In the past, it was the go-to best book formatting software with a basic word processor. However, it had its problems: It was expensive, lacked on the writing side of things, and only worked on Macs.

Yet even with all those problems, Vellums easy to use formatting system, made it a must have in the self-publishing community. Then….Atticus happened, and it all changed.

Like we discussed above, Atticus came into the market and basically did what Vellum did for formatting, but fixed all those problems (works on all computers, over $100 cheaper than Vellum, and has an extensive writing capability). Because of this, Vellum has fallen down the list in best book writing tools. You can see their comparison here .

However, since Atticus was added to the market, Vellum has fallen

The problem with Vellum is that it only works on Mac, was not made for writing it, and is the most expensive tool on this list. So, why is it listed?

What does Vellum cost?

  • Vellum starts as a free download . You get familiar with the software and see what it's capable of. You still can't generate copies of your book, but testing its functionality before you spend a cent is reassuring.
  • Vellum Ebooks costs $199.99. This allows for unlimited ebook generation, but no print editions.
  • Vellum Press costs $249.99. This allows for unlimited ebook and printed book generation.

You can get a full refund within 30 days if you're not satisfied with the full-price product.

Pros for using Vellum to write a novel:

  • Great for formatting your book before distribution
  • Excellent tool for editing front matter, back matter, and metadata
  • Can create box sets to give you a marketing edge
  • Although the price is steep, you can use its free version until you’re ready to publish, and you get a money-back satisfaction guarantee for 30 days after your purchase

Cons for using Vellum to write a novel:

  • It’s probably the most expensive book writing software out there
  • Limited customization capabilities
  • Available for Macs only , not Windows and not iOS or other mobile platforms

Pages is Apple’s free text editor which lets you write, edit, comment, and collaborate. It is streamlined, yet versatile.

Like most basic word processing programs, Pages can apply text styles and formatting to your words. You can insert images, graphs, and more. And they look great with Pages’ layouts.

Similar to Google Docs, Pages allows real-time collaboration via iCloud. The original author can decide who is allowed to edit or view only.

However, Pages is all about making every page look fantastic — hence the name. It’s not meant to be a strong word processor.

Pages is free for anyone with an Apple account from the Apple Store. Pages comes pre-installed on Apple devices.

Pros for using Pages to write a novel:

  • Probably the easiest-to-use word processor on this list
  • Absolutely free with every Mac or iOS device (Or use it on a browser )
  • Has helpful “Track Changes” and “Smart Annotations” features
  • Comment features can be used by an author trying to organize their thoughts or a collaborator editing the work

Cons of using Pages to write a novel:

  • Every real-time collaborator in Pages needs an Apple ID
  • Lacks a Draft View that displays text without page headers or footers
  • Not meant to process words, so much as produce good-looking pages

As you can tell from this screenshot, Pages works cross-platform and seamlessly collaborates between devices.

LibreOffice Writer is a free, cross-platform writing software meant to rival Microsoft Word. That’s right, LibreOffice is basically MS Word, but for free.

Seriously, though, LibreOffice has been known to run just as well as Word, and with similar features.

And the best part is, it doesn't look nearly as outdated and old as its predecessor, OpenOffice.

LibreOffice is completely free — $0. There is no premium version.

Pros for using LibreOffice to write a novel:

  • Shares a lot of beneficial features with MS Word
  • Cross-platform capability
  • Every year, more applications can import and export LibreOffice files (ODFs)

Cons for using LibreOffice to write a novel:

  • User interface (especially menus) can be needlessly complex
  • No collaboration — only 1 user can work on a document at a time

FocusWriter is a free book writing software released by Gott Code. Like a few other word processors on this list, FocusWriter is focused on offering a distraction-free writing environment.

The most notable feature is the big, calming (customizable) background image that sits behind your wall of text. And nothing else lives on the screen. Sure, you can move your mouse to make the toolbar or your word count goal appear. But if you’re typing, all you see is what you’re writing.

Depending on what gets you in the right frame of mind, this app lets you turn on typewriter sound effects or mostly invisible timers.

What is the best free writing software? FocusWriter is the best free writing software for short fiction, or flash fiction — or if you enjoy a distraction-free writing zone. If you don’t need all the bells and whistles that come with other word processors, FocusWriter is very simple.

Although FocusWriter is FREE and has no premium version, donations are welcome and encouraged.

Read my more in-depth review of FocusWriter .

Pros for using FocusWriter to write a novel:

  • Customizable backgrounds and themes that are soothing, relaxing, and distraction-free
  • The toolbar only appears when you hover over it, which makes for an uncluttered screen
  • Like IAWriter, FocusWriter can grey out everything but the sentence/paragraph you’re working on, further decreasing potential distractions
  • Ability to set daily word count goals or time goals

Cons for using FocusWriter to write a novel:

  • Only works in fullscreen
  • May look odd on larger displays with lots of wasted space
  • Incredibly simple, missing features many authors consider necessary
  • Cannot export to EPUB, MOBI, or PDF

Novlr is a simple word processor with just a few added perks.

The Novlr Proof Reader (grammar and spell check) is on par with Grammarly, which is amazing — a lot better than Google Docs or MS Word. And Novlr offers in-app writing courses to help get the most out of its features.

It doesn’t come with story templates like other premium word processors. And its formatting options are surprisingly limited.

A subscription to Novlr costs $10/month or $100/year. They also offer a 2-week trial for free — no credit card required. In my estimation, though, Novlr is not worth the money.

Pros for using Novlr to write a novel:

  • Constant autosaving
  • Can sync with Google Drive and Dropbox
  • Offers Day, Evening, and Night mode to set the mood with color schemes
  • Tracks progress with the Analytics tab
  • Works both online and offline

Cons for using Novlr to write a novel:

  • Limited formatting options, including for front matter and back matter and print-friendly formatting
  • The analytics tab is nice but very limited — only gives stats for today, this month, and this year
  • No collaborative editing

If you'd like to learn more, I have a full Novlr review you can check out.

The creator of bibisco, Italy’s Andrea Feccomandi, believes that character-driven novels are superior to plot-driven novels. (It’s actually a preference, not so much a fact, but we’ll let it slide.)

So Feccomandi developed bibisco word processing software program to focus on character creation. bibisco helps you create every aspect of every important character in your story — from physical traits to personality and emotional state.

What’s truly unique is the interview-style prompts that bibisco uses to extract information from your protagonist, antagonist, and everyone in between.

It also lets you give character to each setting with the Locations tab, as well as important items with the Objects tab even if Objects is only available in the premium version.

Speaking of, how much does Bibisco cost? Basic Bibisco (called Bibisco Community Edition) is completely free. Premium Bibisco (called Bibisco Supporters Edition) is, at minimum, a $17 purchase. However, the premium version is on a pay-what-you-want basis.

Read my more in-depth review of Bibisco .

Pros for using Bibisco to write a novel:

  • Character-focused and dedicated to helping you flesh out your characters
  • bibisco is a passion project made out of love, not for profit — some authors would value the opportunity to support that
  • Distraction-free mode immerses you in your story
  • bibisco is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux

Cons for using Bibisco to write a novel:

  • Not plot-focused, which is important for some authors (about half of them)
  • Not very user-friendly or simple to learn
  • Limited formatting options
  • bibisco doesn’t seem to be available for Android or iOS

Squibler is another tool that many authors use to plot and write their books. It features several appealing features such as a clean organizational system, writing templates, and more.

It is built more as a project management system, meaning it's ideal for authors who work on big interconnected stories together.

You can also use it to write virtually any kind of written material, from technical writing to novels to a screenplay.

But how much does Squibler cost? Well, it's a little pricey at $9.99/month with no lifetime price. That means you're paying $120 every year. This is why we recommend Atticus which has a lifetime price of $147, meaning you'll never have to pay for it ever again, and all future updates come at no extra cost.

Read my more in-depth review of Squibler .

Pros for using Squibler to write a novel:

  • Great organizational features
  • It has a lot of writing templates for all sorts of writing types and styles
  • It exports to any file format that you need

Cons for using Squibler to write a novel:

  • It's expensive
  • There's no distraction-free mode or dark mode
  • The app can lag a bit
  • It lacks advanced formatting features

The importance of good editing cannot be understated. While editing software can never replace a real-life editor, these softwares can noticeably improve your writing.

Editing and proofreading software can fix typos, check grammar, and improve your readability. Premium editing software even checks for clichés and passive voice.

Here are the 4 best book editing softwares that any book writer would benefit from:

  • ProWritingAid ($40/year or $140/lifetime) checks not only your spelling and grammar, but checks for readability, filler words, and clichés. It works with Scrivener, Google Docs, and MS Word. Check out my full review of ProWritingAid .
  • Grammarly ($0 for the free version, $139.95/year for the premium version) is a neat editing tool that finds spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes (as well as handy explanations) that works as a browser extension or an app to download onto your computer. Even the free version is a great tool for any writer. Check out my full review of Grammarly .
  • Hemingway Editor is a FREE website and desktop app that highlights and color codes passive voice, adverbs, complex words, and difficult-to-read sentences. However, it does not give you suggestions on how to improve your writing. Check out my full review of Hemingway .
  • AutoCrit ($0 for free version, $30/month or $297/year for premium version) is an online book editing software that offers writers unique editing suggestions. AutoCrit shows writers surprisingly insightful problems to change in their book, such as filler words, unintentional repetition, shifts in verb tense, and even slow paced paragraphs. You can compare your work to famous authors’ works, too, with AutoCrit’s Summary Score — which is why AutoCrit is ideal for fiction writers in particular. Check out my full review of AutoCrit .

Plus, if you're looking for a plagiarism checker, here is a free one you can use. Grammarly includes one as well with their paid version, while ProWritingAid using a token system.

Writing your book is only half the battle.

If you'd like to learn more about the art of writing, be sure to check out the masters at MasterClass . These courses are led by prolific writers like James Patterson, Margaret Atwood, Malcolm Gladwell, and more.

Also, we authors have got to market and sell our book as well as write it. 

Below are several tools to help with not only writing but being a successful author:

  • Publisher Rocket is a must for your book marketing research, including hot keywords and AMS advertising .
  • Evernote allows you to share countless “notes” with beta readers, collaborators, other authors, classmates, family members. It is the coolest app for note-taking and -sharing.
  • IAWriter’s minimalist, award-winning design cuts out distractions, like rulers and toolbars, and even blinds everything out except the sentence/paragraph you’re writing. Its Focus Mode might just change your life.
  • Ommwriter offers a calm writing environment and meditative tracks to listen to while you write.
  • Freedom productivity app helps you stay focused by blocking distracting websites and apps for scheduled writing sessions.
  • Write or Die is a somewhat humorous and perhaps helpful tool that gives writers “tangible consequences” if they don’t meet a word count goal or time spent writing goal . Consequences include annoying sounds (such as “Never Gonna Give You Up”) or Kamikaze mode which deletes whatever was just written.
  • A Plotting Software such as Plottr, Novel Factory, or Plot Factory. Each of these will help you plot your book, build compelling characters, and build your world .

Verdict: What is the Best Writing Software?

You should use Atticus’ word processing software to write your next book. If you’re looking for a free download, use Google Docs for smaller works, or Apple Pages if you’re a Mac user.

I use Google docs to write my articles because it allows me to coordinate with my team and my editor. For blog posts and intracompany documents, easy collaboration is key.

However, that doesn’t cut it when I have a 30K or even 100K-word book to write. When writing a book, I need the best book writing software out there. Google Docs just can’t handle it.

Atticus is the only writing program I use for writing my books . Download it today.

I need book writing software that will easily help me to research, outline, reorganize, write, collaborate, and edit. Atticus has me covered.

No monthly or annual fee? Atticus is a one-time purchase.

Dave Chesson

When I’m not sipping tea with princesses or lightsaber dueling with little Jedi, I’m a book marketing nut. Having consulted multiple publishing companies and NYT best-selling authors, I created Kindlepreneur to help authors sell more books. I’ve even been called “The Kindlepreneur” by Amazon publicly, and I’m here to help you with your author journey.

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121 thoughts on “ Best Book Writing Software 2024 [Writing, Editing & Focus] ”

This is a great breakdown of the option! One thing for Google docs: I just finished a first draft with 76k words and it didn’t lag at all for me. When I first loaded the doc it would take a few seconds, but once it was all showing the writing didn’t have any latency. I could see if you had a custom font installed or maybe add-ons, it could slow down. But so far it’s been smooth and stable for me.

That’s awesome to here.

LibreOffice is a branch of Open Office with a much more active user community for support. Hemingway teaches better writing. Has a free online version for checking your writing and a downloadable app for actually writing on your device. The app can be used as a replacement for FocusWriter. And, of course, Grammarly both free and for a fee is a can’t live without.

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32 Best Free Writing Software: Budget-Friendly Writing Options

Discover our guide with the best free writing software, ideal for writers, students, and creatives on a budget. Delve into the realm of the written word without costly fees.

Writing is a fulfilling pursuit. It’s an excellent opportunity to explore your creative side, dive deep into your chosen ideas, and entertain your readers while educating them about an interesting topic. There’s one downside: the writing process can also be costly. 

Many writing apps come with expensive subscriptions or purchase fees, which can put new writers completely off starting. But fear not! I’ve done the research and found the very best free writing software available on the market today. 

It’s only fair that writers on a budget have the same freedom to express their ideas and follow their passions, so check out our list and start writing today! For help with your writing, check out our guide on how to write a story outline .

1. Windows Notepad

2. hemingway editor, 3. apple pages, 4. apple books for authors, 5. dropbox paper, 9. libreoffice writer, 10. wordcounter , 11. coschedule headline studio, 12. focuswriter, 14. workflowy, 15. google docs, 16. slick write, 17. grammarly, 18. prowritingaid, 19. writemonkey, 20. cliché finder, 21. de-jargonizer, 22. reedsy book editor, 23. expresso, 24. easybib, 25. zoho writer, 26. evernote, 27. mindmeister, 29. chatgpt, 30. unpaywall, 31. otranscribe, 32. google forms, final word on best free writing software, selection criteria for the best free writing programs, why you can trust us, how can i choose the best free writing software program to meet my needs, is it safe for me to use free writing programs, best word processor for windows.

Price: Free Operating system: Windows

Windows Notepad

Windows Notepad is a simple text editor and writing software that comes free with all Windows operating systems. It’s a staple writer and editor that has been a part of the Windows package for years, allowing Windows users to jot down notes, create lists, or write documents quickly. The simplicity of the free writing app is one of the main reasons why this app has remained popular over the years.

  • Manage large projects easily with a high-level overview
  • Mobile apps for iPhone and iPad are available
  • Publishing, template, and productivity features are available
  • Has a steep learning curve
  • No application for Android devices
  • Formatting can be hard

Price: Free Operating system: Mac and Windows

Hemingway Editor

If you want to make your work easier to read, the Hemingway Editor is one of the most effective options. While the program has many features that make it deserving of a spot on this list, the most impressive is the readability score. To learn more about the different editing tools on the market, check out our Hemingway App review .

  • Completely free
  • Provides advice on a wide variety of writing issues
  • Can help you keep your writing concise
  • The program is an editor, not a writing software program
  • Sometimes highlights adverbs that add value to your work
  • Doesn’t always provide context behind some suggestions

Best Word Processor for Mac

Price: Free with Macs Operating system: Mac, iOS

Apple Pages

If you use a Mac, then there is a good chance you have heard about Apple Pages . It’s one of the best writing programs for Mac users, and it works smoothly. Similar to Microsoft Word on Windows, you start with a blank document. Then, you can include a template to make the process easier. In addition, Apple Pages comes with numerous features, including spell check, word count, and track changes. To learn more about the different editing tools on the market, check out our post on the best grammar tools

  • Straightforward and easy to use
  • Automatically saves your work to your iCloud Drive
  • Include customizable features such as spell checkers and word counts
  • Grammar checker is not the best
  • Only available for Mac users
  • File type cannot be opened on all applications

Price: Free Operating system: Mac, iOS

Apple Books for Authors

Apple Books for Authors is an Apple-exclusive platform that allows authors to write and publish their work with ease. The writing app is free with all Apple products and works with Apple Pages. Writers can create their work with Pages, format it to EPUB for publication and publish it straight to Apple Books. All you need is an Apple phone or Macbook and an iTunes Connect account to get your debut novel on the virtual eBook shelves.

Price: Free with a Dropbox account Operating system:  Mac, Windows, Linux

Dropbox Paper

If you have a free Dropbox account, you can use Dropbox Paper . It is a simple word processor, but the application can do much more. In addition to editing documents, you can include YouTube videos, audio files, images, and slideshows. It’s a great writing app if you need to work with others on writing and multimedia. 

  • Free to use with Dropbox
  • Can handle images and videos
  • Strong collaborative capabilities
  • Program can be a bit slow
  • Requires Dropbox to use
  • Can be difficult to learn

Best Free Word Alternative

Price: Free Operating system: Mac, Windows


If you have issues with writer’s block, you may want to give OneLook a try. This is a straightforward program to use. All you have to do is give a brief description, which can be as short as a single word. Then, you can see all related words, helping you develop ideas for your writing. Plus, it’s completely free to use, which is great for new writers on a budget.

  • Can help you overcome writer’s block
  • Gives you access to a thesaurus for ideas as well as single words
  • Not all suggestions directly related
  • Program is limited and old

Price: Free Operating system: Mac, Windows, Linux

Abi Word

If you are looking for a simple word processor to help you with your next writing project, consider AbiWord . It’s a simple, bare-bones word processor that includes the basics, including a grammar checker. It is also compatible with a wide variety of file types.

  • Free to download and use
  • Very simple and straightforward
  • Compatible with multiple file types
  • Software program looks outdated
  • Can be a bit slow
  • You will need another program if you want to print


If you are looking for a program to help you write books, you may want to try Shaxpir . It is available for Mac and PC and has a built-in spell checker. In addition, you can leave comments in the margins and set goals that help you track your progress. Shaxpir has a limited free version available, as well as a premium subscription. Shaxpir 4: Everyone is free and includes everything you need to build and export manuscripts, track goals and more.

  • Manuscript Builder allows you to rearrange your manuscript
  • Program can handle multiple chapters and scenes
  • Compatible with Mac and PC
  • The program can be a bit difficult to use
  • The margins can be hard to read
  • Gets a bit slow if your book gets too long

LibreOffice Writer

LibreOffice is a versatile and free office suite that has become very popular with government offices, businesses, and other corporate organizations. LibreOffice includes a word processor, Writer, that functions similarly to MS Word. Writer comes with various templates to create all kinds of documents. Although the interface is rather bland, it works as a simple text editor and can be used for simple and complex documents alike. 


WordCounter does exactly what it says – it counts words and characters. The online editor is designed to help writers improve their work choice and writing style, as well as check for plagiarism. There’s also a built-in grammar checker that can spot an error in your text. It’s a great all-in-one option for when you might be writing an essay or paper where you need to stick to a strict word limit.

CoSchedule Headline Studio

CoSchedule’s Headline Studio is a free writing software that creates headlines for all your marketing campaigns and content. The free version allows you to view feedback and analytics on your chosen headline for YouTube videos, Emails, blogs, TikTiks, Instagram posts and podcast episodes. 

The personalized insights give you recommendations for writing engaging titles and captions that align with your content. Using AI technology, the Headline Studio can generate dozens of headlines within seconds, helping you break out of writer’s block with a few simple clicks. 

Best Distraction-Free Writing App

Price: Free Operating system: Windows, Linux


FocusWriter is a simple program that can help you stop distractions from getting in the way of your work. The screen will look and feel familiar, but you can immerse yourself in your work by minimizing distractions that are elsewhere on the screen. The program is compatible with various operating systems and allows you to focus on the task.

  • Distraction-free writing
  • Easy to control
  • Compatible with Mac OS, Windows, and Linux
  • You won’t see your writing template
  • You can’t see your previous versions
  • You can’t share your content

Price: Free Operating system: iOS, Android, Mac and Windows


Notion is a fantastic writing app for those needing to focus on a writing project. The free version of Notion has some great features, allowing up to ten guests to collaborate on a project, and it can also integrate with chat tools like Slack. 

Notion has a simple and distraction-free interface where users can design their task boards and adjust the layout to their specific needs. It’s also a great software for brainstorming ideas, detailing plot points and creating character profiles. Check out our Grammarly Vs Notion comparison guide.

Price: Free Operating system: Mac, Linux


Workflowy is a minimalistic app best suited for note-taking, brainstorming, short-form writing and organizing ideas or tasks. Workflowy has a unique design with only one page that is used infinitely. The rolling page creates a natural rhythm of task completion and idea generation; it’s a great technique for getting creative ideas on the page and working through project tasks. Think of it like a brain dump page that you can use to get things done. 

There’s a useful search tool so that you can search for specific words or tags within your list. It’s also possible to share your page with others to view and edit, which is ideal for collaborative writing tasks. Check out our Workflowy review .

Best App with Markup Support

Google Docs

Even though there are better options than Google Docs for writing, it’s free and works everywhere with internet access. It’s easy to figure out and automatically backs up all your information to your Google Drive (provided there is enough space.) I like using Google Docs on a tablet as I can pick up writing sessions from where I left off on the go. Check out our guide looking at Grammarly vs Google Docs .

  • Free and ubiquitous
  • Ideal for collaboration
  • Supports document revisions
  • It does not come with an advanced grammar checker
  • Does not work well offline
  • Not a program designed specifically for writers

Slick Write

There are a lot of tools that will help you improve your readability, but Slick Write goes the extra mile. It will do a deep dive, analyzing every aspect of your texts and checking for repeated words, misplaced conjunctions, and sentences that are far too long. A convenient settings page allows you to customize this application to meet your needs.

  • Contains a wide variety of analytics that you can control
  • Can handle a lot of issues that most editors overlook
  • Comes with a lot of advertisements
  • The program is very slow if you want to analyze longer works
  • The suggestions sometimes don’t take content into account

Best Editing Software


Seasoned writers use Grammarly to edit their drafts. This popular free writing program can catch a wide variety of grammar issues. The free version alone can catch punctuation, spelling, and run-on sentences while giving suggestions that can help you keep your writing concise. If you want more editing software options, check out our post looking at the best Grammarly alternatives .

  • Free version is compatible with a wide variety of other programs
  • Suggestions come with clear explanations
  • Useful for all types of free writing projects
  • Free version is limited
  • Premium version is more expensive than most other programs
  • Plagiarism checker can be overzealous

Price: Free version available Operating system:  


When it’s time to edit your writing, enter ProWritingAid . It’s a grammar program and spell checker that can catch many problems you might overlook. A grammar checker will never replace an editor, but this affordable program can help you replace some of what you would get from a professional editor. ProWritingAid’s free online proofreading tool is excellent for writers looking for a budget-friendly writing app that will enhance their content. Check out our ProWritingAid review .

  • Fast and easy to use
  • Provides suggestions for grammar and sentence style
  • Premium version less expensive than other grammar checkers
  • Does not always take context into account with its suggestions
  • Premium version is not as intuitive as the free version
  • Less suitable for writing drafts

Price: Free Operating system: Windows, OSX, LINUX


WriteMonkey is a distraction-free text editing software. The immersive full-screen mode is excellent for zoning in and completing long editing projects. There are many useful features like the customizable text options, the built-in writing timer and typing sounds with typewriter scrolling. 

This writing software emulates the simplicity of typing on a typewriter but allows you to write, edit and complete documents. It also has a spell check, thesaurus and all major languages available within the software.

Cliché Finder

Cliché Finder is an outstanding free software that eliminates cliché phrases from all kinds of text. Simply add your writing to the online text box, and it will highlight any clichés present. This nifty software can help you identify phrases, expressions and words that feel flat so that you can elevate your writing to make it shine. 

It also has a built-in spell checker, so you can spot any mistakes you might have missed. Overall, this editing software is a great tool for freshening up your work during the final proofreading stages.


De-Jargonizer is most suitable for editing essays, research papers or technical articles that might use complex language. When writing about complex or technical topics, it can be challenging to write your piece in a way that makes sense to a wider audience.

Using software like De-Jargonizer can help you simplify your wording and demystify jargon. It has a simple interface that scans your writing and gives it a score of suitability for a general audience while highlighting words that should be changed.

Reedsy Book Editor

Reedsy Book Editor is a completely free writing and editing software program that makes it easy for you to coordinate with others. It has several great features, but one of the most important is the “notes” option. You can create notes, edit them, and stick them into your document, allowing you to manage different chunks of your work independently.

  • Allows you to collaborate with others easily
  • Can handle a long list of file formats and styles
  • Lacks many of the advanced features of other options
  • Takes a while to learn how to use
  • Does not create professional, finished products like other programs

Price: Free Operating system: Mac, Windows, iOS, Android


Expresso is an online text editor that focuses on simplicity and effectiveness. It’s an online tool that dissects your writing to improve the flow, word variety and impact. Expresso values privacy, so you can be assured that no texts will be saved. 

One benefit of this software is that you can enhance your understanding of English grammar and language while editing your writing. Expresso takes a formal approach by highlighting metrics like synonyms, weak verbs, nominalizations and clustered nouns. 


EasyBib’s free editor is available on all browsers. The intuitive interface is a huge selling point for this software, as the editing suggestions are easy to navigate and correct. There’s also a plagiarism check built into the software, but you’ll need to create a premium account to use this. 

Use this software to scan your essays or articles and track your word count while editing it down to one succinct document. You’ll also receive a detailed score highlighting fluency, readability, and grammar. Check out our Grammarly vs EasyBib comparison guide.

Best Brainstorming Software

Price: Free Operating system:  

Zoho Writer

If you are looking for a free word processor that doesn’t necessarily give you access to professional writing and publishing features, you might want to use Zoho Writer . This is the complete package for those who need to write many documents. 

However, it isn’t necessarily meant for book writing. Nevertheless, many people love Zoho because it bears the familiarity of Microsoft Word with some other advanced features. For more, read our Zoho Writer review .

  • Provides access to a wide array of group management and writing tools
  • Has a short learning curve with the familiarity of Microsoft Word
  • Is completely free
  • Not a professional writing tool
  • The grammar and spell checker leaves a lot to be desired
  • Cannot publish for you

Best Research and Note-Taking Software

Price: Free Operating system:  Mac, Windows, iOS, Android


When you work on a project, taking breaks occasionally is critical. Maybe you like to go to the gym. Perhaps you want to go for a walk. What happens if inspiration strikes you and you need to write something down quickly?

Evernote can help you do that. It’s an ideal program for those who like to write on different devices because you can sync your work across all of them, allowing you to work from just about anywhere. In addition, you don’t have to worry about emailing your work to yourself. As well as being the ideal on-the-go note-taking app, it’s free! Ideal for writers looking for an app to jot down ideas wherever they are. Read our guide: What is Evernote?

  • You can write while on the go
  • Sync your notes across multiple devices
  • The free version is very limited
  • Can get clunky if you work on longer assignments


MindMeister helps visualize writing projects and research by displaying concepts and ideas in a colorful mind map. Writers can use it to outline projects and collaborate with others, making it a perfect fit for group writing assignments.

The interactive map allows writers to structure content, connect related concepts, plan plotlines and explore new ideas. It’s a perfect match for writers involved in business writing, fiction writing or marketing campaigns. Check out our MindMeister review .


Miro is an aesthetically pleasing workspace ideal for teams or individuals working on a project. Writers can use it to visualize concepts, display research, build storylines, and develop character profiles. The real-time collaboration feature allows writers to work together seamlessly. It’s a comprehensive software that will enhance your workflow, streamline ideas and get your creativity flowing. Check out our Miro review .


ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. It’s an AI-powered chatbot that can create articles and blog posts and generate ideas. However, it’s also an excellent research tool. By prompting the chatbot to research and provide statistics or facts, you can receive results within seconds, saving valuable writing time. It’s an excellent tool for writers working on complex writing projects like a non-fiction book or a research paper. 

You can also ask the chatbot for suggestions to improve your writing, ideas to continue your storyline and more. The capabilities of this AI software are endless. Check out our ChatGPT review .


Unpaywall streamlines the research process for writing tasks like essays and research papers. With over 48 million scholarly articles and research papers available, writing your next essay has never been easier. It’s free to use without any subscription fees or hidden payments. Whether you’re writing academically or creating an informative document, this helpful software will allow you to quickly source accurate and high-quality data sources.


oTranscribe is a simple software that transcribes audio files or YouTube videos into a written text file. When conducting research for an academic paper, software like oTranscribe can save you many hours of listening and writing time. Simply upload your audio or video file, and oTranscribe will convert it into a plain text file or Google Doc. It’s ideal for when you might need to conduct interviews or surveys to gather data for your research paper or if you’ve been recording ideas about a new book and you need to get the thoughts on paper. The interface is simple and distraction-free, allowing writers to focus on the task at hand.

Google Forms

Google Forms is a versatile survey and interview tool that writers can use to gather information for an essay, research paper or non-fiction book. Gathering data can be challenging without the right tools, so utilizing software like Google Forms makes the process much easier. 

There are many helpful features like online sharing and drop-down menus with answer options, including multiple-choice, long text, short text or Yes/No. Share the form by printing and handing it out to research participants or share it online to gain a broader audience.

I use Ulysses the most for writing today, as it’s easy to use and works across all my devices. I also recommend Google Docs to writers and Scrivener. Ultimately, these are just a few free writing programs available. To find the best app for you, you’ll need to think about the type of writing you do, your technological prowess, and how you think the program might benefit you. Make sure you think about the benefits and drawbacks of each option before you decide.

Many great writing programs are out there, and narrowing the list down to just a few choices is difficult. The criteria we used to pick our top free writing programs include:

  • Features: The most important factor we considered is the features available. We took a deep dive into the numerous features of the program to ensure they were useful to a wide range of writers with various writing styles. 
  • Ease of Use: Then, we analyzed how easy the program was to use. While one program might have the best features, learning might take longer. 
  • Value for the Money: While this list includes the top free writing programs, nearly every program can purchase premium features. 

Of course, you must make your own decisions, as the best writing programs for one person might not necessarily be the best for your needs. However, some of the reasons why you should trust my reviews include:

  • Experienced Writer: I am a very experienced writer myself. I know what writers like, what they don’t like, and which features will make you a better writer.
  • Personal Use: I have used all of the programs on my list. While I will look at what other people think about the program, I also rely on my personal experiences.
  • Attention to Detail: When I put together my reviews, I am as specific as possible. My goal is to highlight a wide variety of specific points as I go down the list of programs. 

FAQs About the Best Free Writing Software

First, you need to think about the cost. How much are you willing to spend, and what are you getting for your money? Then, you need to consider how easy the program is to use. Can you learn the program quickly? Finally, you should take a look at a few reviews and ratings.

If you rely on a software program to help you write, you need to think about cybersecurity. For example, you might put some confidential information on your writing programs, and you need to use a program that will protect your information and value your safety.

best writing programs

Meet Rachael, the editor at Become a Writer Today. With years of experience in the field, she is passionate about language and dedicated to producing high-quality content that engages and informs readers. When she's not editing or writing, you can find her exploring the great outdoors, finding inspiration for her next project.

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Last updated on Feb 07, 2023

The Best Book Writing Software of 2024: Scrivener, yWriter, and More

There isn’t any writing software that can miraculously make you a professional author. However, plenty of digital tools can help you improve your writing, become more productive and publish a book. To help you sort through a sea of apps available on PC, Mac, and mobile, we’ll run through some of the best book writing software available today.

This post will help you find the best app for your particular needs as a writer.

Developing your craft

The best way to become a better writer is simply to write prolifically. But it might also help to have a kindly electronic tutor looking over your shoulder.

Price: Free online, or $19.99 to download the desktop app

The Hemingway app is for authors who want to bring out their inner Ernest by writing prose that’s “bold and clear.”

Book Writing Software | Text highlighted and annotated in the Hemingway App

To help you improve your writing in real-time, the app highlights text with colors that indicate run-on sentences, passive voice, qualifiers, adverbs, and complex phrasing to reduce. Our full Hemingway app review discusses these functions in more detail, but one drawback is that it doesn’t exist as an extension to browsers and word processors. You either have to write your book elsewhere and import it onto Hemingway for an edit, or you write on Hemingway and forfeit other book-related functions like formatting tools and goal-tracking.

If you struggle to write consistently, sign up for our How to Write a Novel course to finish a novel in just 3 months.  



How to Write a Novel

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Price: $120/year

Book Writing Software | Text analysed by ProWritingAid on Microsoft Word

ProWritingAid aims to improve your writing by providing language-checking features that spot not only grammar mistakes but also stylistic weaknesses like purple prose or passive voice — though these should be taken with a grain of salt. The app has integrations to most major word processors and browsers, so you can easily apply it to book writing software like Word or the Reedsy Book Editor. For a more in-depth analysis of its functions and uses (plus a discount code!), head to our ProWritingAid review .

Writing productivity

Inspiration is nothing without the discipline to complete your first drafts. The features on these apps are designed to help you become more productive writers.


Price: Free

Sometimes even word processors like the ones discussed so far feel overwhelming and distracting with all of its formatting tools and features. What if you just want a clean slate with absolutely nothing to distract you from the flow of your words — not even a toolbar with unnecessary functions? FocusWriter can provide you with a virtual sheet of paper (cloaked in the theme of your choice). 

Book Writing Software | A manuscript written on FocusWriter's wooden background

Now, you can access a toolbar with several features like a timer for writing sprints, and a daily goal tracker — but in its default state, this writing software tucks them safely out of view. Recent updates have made it possible to save your work as Word files, which means you can write with FocusWriter and easily share your manuscript with others for feedback.

Reedsy Book Editor

Book Writing Software | A sceenshot of text in the Reedsy Book Editor

Designed to meet the key needs of authors, our Reedsy Book Editor is a free, all-in-one piece of book writing software . On its unobtrusive interface, you can write your book with the help of a built-in spell-check system (tailored to your preferred language) and a goal-tracking feature that will help you hit your deadlines. Simply enter your target length, tell the RBE which days of the week you intend to write, and the app will automatically set your daily word count goals .



The Reedsy Book Editor

Set goals, track progress, and establish your writing routine in our free app.

Price: $39.96/year

If you’re struggling to find enough discipline to make the Pomodoro method work, it might be time to call in the distraction-busting big guns. You can install freedom on one or all of your devices, and during your writing sprints, the app will cut off your access to your apps, the entire internet, or a self-selected collection of ‘distracting websites’ (Facebook, Instagram, OK Cupid, etc.).

A screengrab of the Freedom App's dashboard.

Planning your story

Many writers love plotting out their books on corkboards and spiral-bound notebooks. But if you’re looking for tidier alternatives (or programs that can prompt you in the right direction), you may want to check these out.

Price : Free

Book Writing Software | screenshot of a new scene in yWriter

yWriter looks a bit dated, and it’s not yet available to Mac users, but it’s a formidable piece of writing software for anyone writing science fiction or fantasy — or any project with a lot of complex worldbuilding details. By dividing your work into scenes (on which you can tag relevant characters and locations), yWriter helps you track every development in the manuscript as you write. 

Campfire Write

Price: Starting at $1.50 per month 

Another option for science fiction and fantasy writers is Campfire Write. Created with these genres in mind, this web-based book writing software lets you map your story by Elements (characters, locations, maps, species, cultures, philosophies, etc.), which can be purchased individually, as needed. Say you only subscribe to the manuscript writing feature, it’ll cost $1.50 a month. If you want to have several character profiles, a culture outline, and a couple of interactive maps, you can expect to pay $5.25 a month. 

Book Writing Software | Campfire Write App

Your work here can also be shared with an editor (who can leave comments on your work) or with the Campfire writing community at large. While it takes some time to familiarize yourself with its many details, Campfire can be a useful and fun tool for writers to build their universes. We've also reviewed Campfire Write in more detail.

For 20% off all lifetime purchases on Campfire, use the promo code REEDSY20 at checkout.

Price: $49 

Scrivener is a favorite among authors in no small part because it is one of the first writing programs created with authors in mind. With its corkboard function that allows you to see your whole project in one view, its split-screen mode for you to reference research as you write, and its clean-cut filing system, Scrivener gives authors a good workspace whether they need to outline their book before writing or figure out the big picture as they write.

Book Writing Software | Screenshot of Scrivener

Formatting your book

If you’re looking to join the self-publishing revolution and become the next big author on Kindle, you’ll need a way to turn your manuscript into a professional-grade ebook and paperback. Thankfully, there’s an app for that!

Oh look! A second appearance for the Reedsy Book Editor. But hey-ho: our site, our rules. 

With the RBE’s formatting abilities, you can import your manuscript from a .docx file and apply stylistic flourishes in minutes. Simply click ‘Export’ and choose a style — the Reedsy Book Editor will take care of aligning the text, inserting drop caps and chapter titles, and turning your work into an elegant EPUB or PDF file that can immediately be uploaded to ebook distribution platforms or printing services. It’s an effortless process that allows self-publishing authors to spend time and resources on other parts of their publishing projects.

At the end of the day, no app is going to be fully able to outline, write, or edit your book for you — but with these book writing software options in mind, you’ll at least be able to find something that makes the process easier, streamlined, and more enjoyable. Now get out there and start creating!

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Home » 12 Best Book Writing Software 2024 | Reviews and Pricing

12 Best Book Writing Software 2024 | Reviews and Pricing

12 Best Book Writing Software 2024 | Reviews and Pricing

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We all have amazing stories to tell, but not everyone can pen down their thoughts in a captivating way. To become a successful author, there are many prerequisites – with determination being most important. And while creativity can’t be manufactured, it can help to have a book writing software.

Let’s face it: Writing isn’t exactly easy. So far, I’ve published over a 1,000 blog posts and 5 books, and I still find myself struggling to come up with words and get those creative juices flowing.

If you’re currently in the same boat, keep reading. In this article, I’ll review 12 of the best book writing software ruling the market in 2024 (along with their pricing details).

Let’s dive right in.

The 12 Best Book Writing Software Online and Offline

Before delving into the list, I’d like to make one thing clear:

A book writing software won’t write a book for you (there are a few AI text generators out there, but we’re not talking about them).

These book writing programs can help you in other ways, by:

  • Providing you with special templates
  • Assisting you with the publishing format
  • Providing other tools needed to make you a productive writer

With that out of the way, let’s take a look at the best book writing software to try right now:

1. Squibler

Squibler  is the book writing software that I created –  designed specifically for writers who struggle with consistency.

It enables you to write faster with more organization for your thoughts. It has everything from assigning notes to chapters and scenes, cork-board layout to see all your notes at once, and hundreds of templates for different writing styles.

Squibler presents a new type of book writing software that makes writing feel easy. 

Book Writing Software

Here are the key features of Squibler that make it so great:

  • Organizing – you can easily organize your chapters, notes, ideas/thoughts with the simple drag-and-drop feature.
  • 30+ Outline Template – with Squibler, you don’t have to start your draft from scratch. Simply select an outline for a template that’s closest to what you have in mind and get started right away.
  • Native Grammar Checker – this built-in feature removes the need for a third-party grammar checking tool, making editing a breeze.
  • Corkboard – an essential feature for any book writing software. It lets you organize, plan, and watch your draft come to life.
  • Publishing – when the time comes, Squibler will format your book to publish. You can easily export your work via Kindle and PDF and preview to ensure it looks good.

All in all, Squibler can help with:

  • Brainstorming
  • Character sketching
  • Setting and location
  • Storyboarding
  • Word count goals

It’s easily one of the best software designed for modern-day writers, by modern-day writers.

Squibler Pricing

Squibler is priced at $9.99 per month, billed monthly with 14 days free.

You can visit Squibler’s website here

2. Scrivener

I had used Scrivener before stumbling back on this idea to create a book writing software.

At first, I found the product’s learning curve to be too steep, especially since the UI was a little confusing.

However, I soon learned that this was the main alternative to Microsoft Word for writing books, and for good reason.

Moreover, they’ve had over 800,000 customers.

best writing programs

Here is a quick sneak-peek of the main features it has to offer:

  • Collect Your Material – the software provides a single platform to manage your manuscript.
  • Corkboard – a virtual board where you can keep track of your changes and plan ahead.
  • Outliner – create super-detailed outlines for every chapter and easily reorganize sections.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg – in addition to the above, Scrivener also lets you compared documents side-by-side, offers formatting presets, and much more.

Again, the only downside is its difficult interface.

I write technical documentation on software for a living and even I think this writing software is complex.

Moreover, it lacks the fundamental benefits of being an online app. This includes a better onboarding flow, community, personalizing experiences, and the ability to understand your users’ pain point in their customer journey using data.

With that said, it is still one of the best alternatives to a basic drafting program like MS Word.

Scrivener Pricing

Four packages with one-time payments are available:

  • Standard License – $49 for macOS and Windows
  • Educational License – $49 for macOS and Windows
  • iOS – $19.99 for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch
  • Bundle – $80 for both macOS and Windows

When I first came across Novlr, I realized it was the closest thing to what we were aiming for with Squibler. In fact, I thought “why build our product if this already exists?”

best writing programs

When I tried the product, I came across the same feeling of clunkiness. I got the feeling that it was made by coders for writers rather than writers for writers .

If you ignore the learning curve, it’s one of the leading book writing software at the end of the day.

Here’s a quick overview of its main features:

  • Offline Writing – you don’t necessarily need an internet connection to write and save your progress.
  • Focus Mode – remove all kinds of distractions and stay focused on writing and editing.
  • Sync – the tool can automatically sync with both Google Drive and Dropbox.
  • Editing – get smart suggestions, grammar enhancements, and more.
  • Stats – track your writing progress and set personal milestones.

Another down-side of Novlr is that there aren’t any blog posts, videos, or community where you can learn more about writing.

The experience won’t feel very streamlined either. Instead, I felt they were saying, “If you think Scrivener is too complicated, well, we’re the best alternative to them.”

Novlr Pricing

Novlr is available in three pricing plans:

  • Free – $0 for two weeks, upgradable
  • Monthly – $10 per month
  • Yearly – $8.33 per month, billed annually

Ulysses is one of my favorite book writing software. It’s almost everything I’d want out of a mobile and desktop app. However, they lack some key functionality by not having an online presence and not making the product specifically for writing books.

best writing programs

With that said, they perfected the minimalist design for writing – even better than how Medium did it.

Let’s see what’s under the hood:

  • Markup-Based Editor – by adding a few characters, you can format your text however you want (like add examples) without lifting your fingers from the keyword.
  • Themes – you have complete control over the color of your editor. Select from a wide range of color schemes (whatever helps you stay focused and more productive).
  • Library/History – this will help you organize everything you write .
  • Auto-Save – never lose any progress, as Ulysses automatically saves your work in its library.
  • Sharing – not exactly for “book authors,” but Ulysses lets you schedule and publish posts on WordPress and Medium.

There are a ton of other features in addition to those above.

I like Ulysses for taking notes, but I didn’t feel like it offered everything a book writer would need today in order to be successful.

They were missing not only the educational component but the community and online onboarding experience that can enrich products.

Ulysses Pricing

The following pricing plans are available:

  • Ulysses – $5.99 monthly or $49.99 yearly
  • Ulysses For Students – $10.99 for six months

5. Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is the “OG” of the space. They have a desktop and online version for you to write your books.

The program packs a ton of features to help you improve your writing and many writers are familiar with the product.

The downside is similar to Scrivener – they wanted to be everything to everyone. Moreover, there’s no personalized experience.

As a result, if you’re looking to write a book with the product, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. There’s also little education and community around their product for writers interested in connecting with each other.

best writing programs

Here are the main features:

  • Custom Styles – you can customize the different levels of headings and the body text however you like.
  • Cross-Referencing – easily refer to any piece of text to support whatever you’re writing.
  • Custom Layouts – you can also customize the layout of your pages however you want.
  • Table of Contents – easily create a table of contents to your liking.
  • Mailing – need to shoot your draft to an editor? With Word, you can mail your document to multiple recipients right there in the program.
  • Track Changes – easily track, accept, and reject the changes/additions you or someone else makes to your draft.

That’s just a glimpse of what the software has to offer.

Word has almost every feature you’d need to write books, but they remind me of why people choose Canva over Adobe Photoshop – it’s the shorter learning curve and simplicity that your users value more than a large selection of features.

Microsoft Word Pricing

It’s available in three versions of Microsoft 365 with separate pricing plans.

Microsoft 356 for Home

Here are the details:

  • Microsoft 365 Family – free for one month; $9.99 monthly or $99.99 yearly
  • Microsoft 365 Personal – $6.99 monthly or $69.99 yearly
  • Office Home & Student 2019 – $149.99 one-time purchase for Mac and PC

Microsoft 356 for Business

Pricing is mentioned below:

  • Microsoft 365 Business Basic – $5 per user monthly, billed annually
  • Standard – free for one month; $12.50 per user per month, billed annually
  • Mic Premium – free for one month; $20 per user per month, billed annually
  • Microsoft 365 Apps – an app-only package for $8.25 per user per month, billed annually

Microsoft 365 for Enterprise

Pricing is listed below:

  • Microsoft 365 E3 – $32 per user per month, billed annually
  • E5 – $57 per user per month, billed annually
  • F3 – $10 per user per month, billed annually

Enterprises can get a quote by contacting the sales team through the Microsoft 365 website.

6. Google Docs

I’ve written my last four books in Google Docs. I like the simplicity and that it already integrates with my workspace. But it’s not easy to use. I have to create a new document for each chapter, then have one main doc linking all the individual chapters to keep them organized. The reason I can’t just write the book out in one long Google Doc like in the example below is because I need a place for my synopsis and notes. With that said, it still makes for a good book writing software.

best writing programs

Here are some of the many features it has to offer:

  • Ability to Add Fonts – a great thing about Google Docs is that it lets you add fonts right there on the app (no need to download and install them separately).
  • Voice Typing – don’t feel like typing? No problem. Simply turn on the voice typing feature and start recording your draft.
  • Styles – like Microsoft Word, Google Docs lets you conveniently use different styles throughout your text.
  • Research Tool – need to do some quick research for your book? Google Docs has a native feature that can get you images, quotes, meanings, and much more about any topic.
  • Suggesting – this is essentially the same thing as the “Track Changes” feature of Microsoft Word.

It’s hard to point out the flaws in Google Docs when it is a free product. In addition, there are many benefits to Google Docs, including easy collaboration with live chat and sharing your document with an editor. It also has a quick learning curve.

Google Docs Pricing

It comes in two versions:

  • Google Docs – this is absolutely free.

7. Hemingway App

best writing programs

Hemingway  is a simple yet effective readability scanner. It doesn’t offer a list of complex features and tools. However, it does provide a detailed overview of your content and help you make your text more understandable.

The app comes in two versions, an online free version and a paid desktop app for Windows and Mac operating systems. 

The online version scans your writing for complex phrases, hard-to-read sentences, passive voices in text, irrelevant use of adverbs, etc. 

These issues are highlighted in your text in different colors, along with suggestions to improve them. Furthermore, Hemingway also scores your content’s readability according to the academic standards. 

For example, if your content has complex vocabulary, long sentences, and hard-to-read sentences, it will give you a 10th or 11th-grade score. On the other hand, it will rate it as 5th or 6th-grade content if it is simple and easy-to-read. 

Typically, content scored for lower grades (because of easiness and simplicity) has a higher reach and engagement. Therefore, editing your content on the Hemingway app may help you achieve a huge reader base. 

in addition to the above features, the paid version of this book writing software has much more to offer. Let’s take a look.

  • Offline usability  – you can download the desktop version on your Windows or Mac computer and use the Hemingway app offline. Even in the offline mode, the app reviews your content and gives all the required suggestions.
  • Text formatting  – with the Hemingway desktop app, you can format your text for webpages or any other blogging platforms.
  • Export feature  – you can export your content as HTML, Microsoft Word, other text editors, and share with your colleagues.
  • Direct publish  – it lets you publish your content directly to blogging platforms like WordPress and Medium. 

Above everything else, both the online and desktop versions of the app have a user-friendly and easy-to-follow interface.

Hemingway App Pricing

You can access the free online version on your web browsers and enjoy all the basic features without paying a single dime. 

Download version 3.0 of the desktop app for a one-time payment of $19.99. 

8. Grammarly

best writing programs

Every piece of content requires proofreading for spelling mistakes, grammatical issues, out-of-context sentences, etc. An experienced writer can pretty much improve their drafts themselves. However, it’s a lot more challenging for a beginner to detect complex grammatical errors or point out their vocabulary issues.

Fortunately, there are some software that help content creators compose and edit content. Among the top book writing software, we have Grammarly.

Grammarly  comes in two versions, a free version, and a premium version. The free version offers various features, including grammar and spell check, integration with web browsers to assess social media posts, emails, etc., and integration with Google Docs (currently in beta testing stage).

The free version may be ideal for some writers. However, if you want to become an efficient writer and improve your accuracy, you need the premium version. 

Aside from the basic features offered by the free version, Grammarly’s premium version offers the following key features:

  • Genre-specific writing style  – after pasting your content in Grammarly, it prompts a questionnaire form with a series of questions about your writing style, intent, audience, etc. Once you choose the desired options, Grammarly gives tailored writing suggestions based on your set goals and audience.
  • Plagiarism detector  – with this feature, you can cross-check your content against (approximately) 16 billion web pages. 
  • Vocabulary enhancer  – Grammarly suggests synonyms, gives definitions, lets you add words to your dictionary, and gives you an explanation of grammar rules. Not only will this enrich your vocabulary, but also boost your creative juices.

On top of it all, Grammarly helps you become a better writer by enabling advanced grammar checks and laying out your performance stats via email.

Grammarly Pricing

As mentioned earlier, the free version doesn’t require a single penny from the user. However, to unlock the premium version’s advanced features, you have to choose from the following plans.

  • Monthly  – $29.95/ month
  • Quarterly  – $19.98/ month (billed as a single payment of $59.95)
  • Yearly  – $11.66/ month (billed as a single payment of $139.95)

The pricing works on a subscription basis, and making an upfront payment at once breaks it down to a reasonable monthly price. 

9. ProWritingAid

best writing programs

Among the other top book writing software,  ProWritingAid  is a widely used tool, popular in the writers’ community.  

You can use the free version of this software to optimize your content efficiently. However, it has some limitations to it. For example, the free version only scans 500 words of your text at a time. Other than that, the free version doesn’t integrate with other programs and can only be accessed online. 

Nonetheless, despite its limitation, it is a go-to tool for many writers. Here’s why:

  • Extensive reports  – unlike any other software, ProWriting Aid offers 20 reports highlighting elements like redundancy, vague wording, sentence length variation, over-dependence on adverbs, and more.
  • Writing mentor  – with this software, you can compare your work with an accomplished writer’s work in your genre.

To use its advanced features, you need to subscribe to the paid version of this app, which unlocks the following features.

  • Additional reports  – the paid version offers 25 reports unveiling deep insights about your content . 
  • Ease of use  – with the paid version, you can evaluate any length of content in the desktop app.

Other than that, the most appealing feature is easy payment plans. As opposed to other software, it has flexible yearly subscription plans. 

ProWritingAid Pricing

You can purchase the premium version of this software in affordable price packages listed below:

  • One year  – $60
  • Two years  – $90
  • Three years  – $120
  • Lifetime  – $210

As you can see, the prices are quite reasonable. Furthermore, if you like the tool and want to use it for the long-term, you can buy their lifetime plan.

10. FastPencil

best writing programs

FastPencil  is another useful book writing software in our list with an easily navigable dashboard, collaborative editing feature, and many more. 

Just like Google Docs, it’s entirely a web-based platform that can’t be accessed without the internet. However, it offers some useful features that make up for this inconvenience.

  • Collaborative editing  – with Fast Pencil, you can invite collaborators, assign them tasks, track each other’s tasks, and upload mutually accessible assets.
  • Different layout templates  – once you’re done with your book, you can preview it in different layouts like  business, fiction, memoir , etc. This will allow you to have an idea of how your published book will look like.
  • Sell your books  – distribute your e-books to Amazon, Apple, Ingram, Kobo, etc., and track your sales.

Furthermore, you can also track the channels that bring you the most sales and royalties and maximize your focus there.

FastPencil Pricing

They offer a vast array of services to the authors, including managing writing projects, book design, marketing, and publishing. The pricing for each service is mentioned below.

  • Editorial services – for basic and advanced project setup, they charge $299 and $499, respectively. Get a quote from the team for additional services like transcription, content editing, manuscript evaluation, etc.
  • Design services – purchase design services starting from $50.
  • Marketing services – get premium marketing packages starting from $75.
  • Publishing services – purchase different publishing services for a price range between $9 to $599.

Visit the website to learn about the detailed pricing plan for different services.

11. Write or Die

best writing programs

Sometimes, writers need a push to keep working and stay away from distractions. What if I tell you that there’s a tool that starts producing a mayday signal the moment you stop typing? 

Yes, you read it right.

There’s a tool that goes by the name  Write or Die .

Write or Die is an online web application that fights writer’s block and compels the writers to keep working on their project.

If the writer stops typing, the application starts making a loud noise and turning the screen red. Furthermore, it lets the users punish themselves if they lag behind their set goals – which is an extreme step but often a necessity to fight procrastination. However, this feature makes this app playful and motivates the writer to achieve their goal in a fun way.

Here are a few features of Write or Die that make it unique and useful for the writer.

  • Preference settings  – before starting any piece, the writer can set word goals, timer, grace period before the alarm goes off, and runtime calculation of words written in a minute. 
  • Kamikaze mode – when this mode is on, your words will get deleted one by one from the app if you take too long of a pause from writing. This will nudge the writer to keep writing and achieve their daily goals.

Once you’re done, you can save your work in a text file and begin another writing session if you’re feeling motivated.

Write or Die Pricing

All the features listed above are free to use. However, if you want to log your statistics, gain experience, project metrics, and more, buy the pro plan for $20.

12. IA Writer

best writing programs

As compared to Write or Die,  IA Writer  is a milder distraction-free book writing software. Its minimalist interface adds to its grace and cuts out the noise that generally distracts a writer. 

What makes it unique is this software’s availability on Mac OS, Windows, Android, and iOS, making it the most accessible tool in our list.

Here are the key features IA Writer has to offer:

  • Focus mode  – this mode lets the writer focus on the sentence they’re writing by blurring out everything else in the document. 
  • Flexible content blocks – this feature lets you build flexible blocks of text, swap them around, add media files, and more to your content. Once you’re done, you can combine separate content pieces into one master file.
  • Parallel PDF preview  – as you’re writing/editing your content, this app lets you see your content in the paginated PDF view. This feature lets you rectify the format changes when your content is translated from a text file to a PDF file. 

In addition to the above features, this app also allows a fluid integration with Microsoft Word.

IA Writer Pricing

IA writer app is available for the aforementioned operating systems. The pricing for each version is listed below.

  • macOS  – you can purchase the IA Writer app for your Mac systems for $29.99. This version comes with a 14-day free trial.
  • iOS and iPadOS  – buy this version for your iOS devices at the same price of $29.99. However, it doesn’t offer a free trial.
  • Android  – you can purchase a yearly subscription of $4.99 for your android devices or make an upfront payment of $29.99 at once. You get a 30-day in-app trial for this version, which upon satisfaction, you can turn into a yearly or lifetime subscription.
  • Windows  – buy IA Writer for your Windows systems for $29.99 with a 14-day free trial.

You can get price reductions and discounts for this app as well. Visit their website to learn more about that. 

What is the Best Book Writing Software?

I noticed there was a HUGE market need for a more seamless and personalized onboarding personalization and education with a book writing software. Moreover, an online book writing software that catered to minimalist design demands of those who want to become authors and experienced authors. The best part: by personalizing the experience, we could provide a minimalist experience while giving book writers exactly what they wanted while helping them succeed every step of the way with our educational component.

The world of creating software has seen a lot of changes over the last couple of years. Not long ago, most book writing software such as Scrivener or Ulysses was built on desktop. These founders had little choice as the internet was yet to be explored.

As the internet matured, online creators were enabled. They adopted easy-to-use coding languages and tools for building online software. This led to the realization that they could build companies online without a huge investment.

The online software world exploded for thousands of industries, yet many industries still found difficulty with placing a foothold in it. One such industry included the professional writing industry. That’s why I founded  Squibler , a book writing software that finally cracks the code.

Why a Book Writing Software Hasn’t Found its Foothold

As I’ve interviewed writers and authors, the answer was clear. The majority of professional writers are over the age of thirty. Most over forty. They expressed their hesitancy to try new writing software as they aren’t technology enthusiasts.

One ghostwriter noted,  “I live in Microsoft Word. And I’m old. I have no desire to learn more software.”

Even though she was only forty-three years old, she couldn’t bear learning another software program especially with her three kids running around.

The problem isn’t that she didn’t want to learn another writing software, but the book writing software alternatives to Microsoft Word weren’t easy to learn. For example, the number one book writing software outside of Microsoft Word is Scrivener. And the number one complaint about Scrivener is that the learning curve is too high.

best writing programs

This Amazon review comparing Scrivener to Adobe is particularly interesting. The reason is Canva, a design tool now valued at over a billion dollars, aimed to be the easier version of Adobe for designers. It accomplished this through the effective use of personalization with onboarding and templates. Personalization keeps users engaged, delighted, increases word-of-mouth referrals and much more.

The stats around what makes a SaaS company successful say personalization is at the forefront. It creates a deeper relationship with your customers and increases activation and retention rates which directly lead to more revenue.

Improving activation—which takes place when users first experience the value you promised—by only 25% can result in a  34.30% lift in monthly recurring revenue (MRR) .

best writing programs

For users who aren’t technology-savvy, this increase in activation through personalization has a much more valuable outcome. If you’re already scared to try a new writing software, then there’s only one way to get you to adopt it. It’s an onboarding experience that provides a feeling that every step is personalized to your exact needs and gets you your first win fast.

Based on how the writing software personalizes this journey, you may receive a drip campaign that incorporates relevant articles, tutorials, webinars, and case studies. This will help onboard new trial users deep into understanding your software and community.

Final Thoughts

When picking the right book writing software, it’s important to first ask yourself what you need.

Anyone can start preparing a draft on Google Docs, which is free.

But does it have everything that an average writer needs to make the process easier? Not necessarily.

A modern software should be able to at least provide you with flexible personalization, outlining, and productivity tools – packaged in a highly intuitive user-interface.

And all things considered, Squibler is the only option that ticks all of those boxes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some other common questions about book writing software:

What is the best free software for writing a book?

The best free software for writing a book is Google Docs. It’s a great option if you don’t need to organize your writing in sections, and it also allows changes without saving them first – which could be helpful for people who are always making adjustments and updates as they go along with their book-writing process.

Can you write a book in Microsoft Word?

You can write a book in Microsoft Word if you are writing a book that is less than 80 pages. If you’re looking for something with more robust features, Squibler may be a better option – but keep in mind it only allows changes without saving them first, so this could pose some problems if you like to make adjustments as you go along the way.

best writing programs

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The Best 15 Creative Writing MFA Programs in 2023

April 7, 2023

mfa creative writing programs

Whether you studied at a top creative writing university , or are a high school dropout who will one day become a bestselling author , you may be considering an MFA in Creative Writing. But is a writing MFA genuinely worth the time and potential costs? How do you know which program will best nurture your writing? This article walks you through the considerations for an MFA program, as well as the best Creative Writing MFA programs in the United States.

First of all, what is an MFA?

A Master of Fine Arts (MFA) is a graduate degree that usually takes from two to three years to complete. Applications require a sample portfolio for entry, usually of 10-20 pages of your best writing.

What actually goes on in a creative writing MFA beyond inspiring award-winning books and internet memes ? You enroll in workshops where you get feedback on your creative writing from your peers and a faculty member. You enroll in seminars where you get a foundation of theory and techniques. Then you finish the degree with a thesis project.

Reasons to Get an MFA in Creative Writing

You don’t need an MFA to be a writer. Just look at Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison or bestselling novelist Emily St. John Mandel.

Nonetheless, there are plenty of reasons you might still want to get a creative writing MFA. The first is, unfortunately, prestige. An MFA from a top program can help you stand out in a notoriously competitive industry to be published.

The second reason: time. Many MFA programs give you protected writing time, deadlines, and maybe even a (dainty) salary.

Third, an MFA in Creative Writing is a terminal degree. This means that this degree allows you to teach writing at the university level, especially after you publish a book.

But above all, the biggest reason to pursue an MFA is the community it brings you. You get to meet other writers, and share feedback, advice, and moral support, in relationships that can last for decades.

Types of Creative Writing MFA Programs

Here are the different types of programs to consider, depending on your needs:

Fully-Funded Full-Time Programs

These programs offer full-tuition scholarships and sweeten the deal by actually paying you to attend them.

  • Pros: You’re paid to write (and teach).
  • Cons: Uprooting your entire life to move somewhere possibly very cold.

Full-Time MFA Programs

These programs include attending in-person classes and paying tuition (though many offer need-based and merit scholarships).

  • Pros: Lots of top-notch programs non-funded programs have more assets to attract world-class faculty and guests.
  • Cons: It’s an investment that might not pay itself back.

Low-Residency MFA Programs

Low-residency programs usually meet biannually for short sessions. They also offer one-on-one support throughout the year. These MFAs are more independent, preparing you for what the writing life is actually like.

  • Pros: No major life changes required. Cons: Less time dedicated to writing and less time to build relationships.

Online MFA Programs

Held 100% online. These programs have high acceptance rates and no residency requirement. That means zero travel or moving expenses.

  • Pros: No major life changes required.
  • Cons: These MFAs have less name-recognition

The Top 15 Creative Writing MFA Programs Ranked by Category

The following programs are selected for their balance of high funding, impressive return on investment, stellar faculty, major journal publications , and impressive alums.

Fully Funded MFA Programs

1) johns hopkins university, mfa in fiction/poetry (baltimore, md).

This is a two-year program, with $33,000 teaching fellowships per year. This MFA offers the most generous funding package. Not to mention, it offers that sweet, sweet health insurance, mind-boggling faculty, and a guaranteed lecture position after graduation (nice). No nonfiction MFA (boo).

  • Incoming class size: 8 students
  • Admissions rate: 11.1%
  • Alumni: Chimamanda Adiche, Jeffrey Blitz, Wes Craven, Louise Erdrich, Porochista Khakpour, Phillis Levin, ZZ Packer, Tom Sleigh, Elizabeth Spires, Rosanna Warren

2) University of Texas, James Michener Center (Austin, TX)

A fully-funded 3-year program with a generous stipend of $29,500. The program offers fiction, poetry, playwriting and screenwriting. The Michener Center is also unique because you study a primary genre and a secondary genre, and also get $3,000 for the summer.

  • Incoming class size : 12 students
  • Acceptance rate: a bone-chilling less-than-1% in fiction; 2-3% in other genres
  •   Alumni: Fiona McFarlane, Brian McGreevy, Karan Mahajan, Alix Ohlin, Kevin Powers, Lara Prescott, Roger Reeves, Maria Reva, Domenica Ruta, Sam Sax, Joseph Skibell, Dominic Smith

3) University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA)

The Iowa Writers’ Workshop is a 2-year program on a residency model for fiction and poetry. This means there are low requirements, and lots of time to write groundbreaking novels or play pool at the local bar. Most students are funded, with fellowships worth up to $21,000. The Translation MFA, co-founded by Gayatri Chakravorti Spivak, is also two years, but with more intensive coursework. The Nonfiction Writing Program is a prestigious three-year MFA program and is also intensive.

  • Incoming class size: 25 each for poetry and fiction; 10-12 for nonfiction and translation.
  • Acceptance rate: 3.7%
  • Fantastic Alumni: Raymond Carver, Flannery O’Connor, Sandra Cisneros, Joy Harjo, Garth Greenwell, Kiley Reid, Brandon Taylor, Eula Biss, Yiyun Li, Jennifer Croft

4) University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)

Anne Carson famously lives in Ann Arbor, as do the MFA students U-Michigan’s Helen Zell Writers’ Program. This is a big university town, which is less damaging to your social life. Plus, there’s lots to do when you have a $23,000 stipend, summer funding, and health care.

This is a 2-3-year program, with an impressive reputation. They also have a demonstrated commitment to “ push back against the darkness of intolerance and injustice ” and have outreach programs in the community.

  • Incoming class size: 18
  • Acceptance rate: 4% (which maybe seems high after less-than-1%)
  • Alumni: Brit Bennett, Vievee Francis, Airea D. Matthews, Celeste Ng, Chigozie Obioma, Jia Tolentino, Jesmyn Ward

5) Brown University (Providence, RI)

Brown offers an edgy, well-funded program in a place that doesn’t dip into arctic temperatures. Students are all fully-funded for 2-3 years with $29,926 in 2021-22. Students also get summer funding and—you guessed it—that sweet, sweet health insurance.

In the Brown Literary Arts MFA, students take only one workshop and one elective per semester. It’s also the only program in the country to feature a Digital/Cross Disciplinary Track.

  • Incoming class size: 12-13
  • Acceptance rate: “highly selective”
  • Alumni: Edwidge Danticat, Jaimy Gordon, Gayl Jones, Ben Lerner, Joanna Scott, Kevin Young, Ottessa Moshfegh

Best MFA Creative Writing Programs (Continued) 

6) university of arizona (tucson, az).

This 3-year program has many attractive qualities. It’s in “ the lushest desert in the world ”, and was recently ranked #4 in creative writing programs, and #2 in Nonfiction. You can take classes in multiple genres, and in fact, are encouraged to do so. Plus, Arizona dry heat is good for arthritis.

This notoriously supportive program pays $20,000 a year, and offers the potential to volunteer at multiple literary organizations. You can also do supported research at the US-Mexico Border.

  • Incoming class size: 9
  • Acceptance rate: 4.85% (a refreshingly specific number after Brown’s evasiveness)
  • Alumni: Francisco Cantú, Jos Charles, Tony Hoagland, Nancy Mairs, Richard Russo, Richard Siken, Aisha Sabatini Sloan, David Foster Wallace

7) Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ):

Arizona State is also a three-year funded program in arthritis-friendly dry heat. It offers small class sizes, individual mentorships, and one of the most impressive faculty rosters in the game. Everyone gets a $19,000 stipend, with other opportunities for financial support.

  • Incoming class size: 8-10
  • Acceptance rate: 3% (sigh)
  • Alumni: Tayari Jones, Venita Blackburn, Dorothy Chan, Adrienne Celt, Dana Diehl, Matthew Gavin Frank, Caitlin Horrocks, Allegra Hyde, Hugh Martin, Bonnie Nadzam


8) new york university (new york, ny).

This two-year program is in New York City, meaning it comes with close access to literary opportunities and hot dogs. NYU is private, and has one of the most accomplished faculty lists anywhere. Students have large cohorts (more potential friends!) and have a penchant for winning top literary prizes.

  • Incoming class size: 40-60
  • Acceptance rate: 6%
  • Alumni: Nick Flynn, Nell Freudenberger, Aracelis Girmay, Mitchell S. Jackson, Tyehimba Jess, John Keene, Raven Leilani, Robin Coste Lewis, Ada Limón, Ocean Vuong

9) Columbia University (New York, NY)

Another 2-3 year private MFA program with drool-worthy permanent and visiting faculty. Columbia offers courses in fiction, poetry, translation, and nonfiction. Beyond the Ivy League education, Columbia offers close access to agents, and its students have a high record of bestsellers.

  • Incoming class size: 110
  • Acceptance rate: 21%
  • Alumni: Alexandra Kleeman, Rachel Kushner, Claudia Rankine, Rick Moody, Sigrid Nunez, Tracy K. Smith, Emma Cline, Adam Wilson, Marie Howe, Mary Jo Bang

10) Sarah Lawrence (Bronxville, NY)

Sarah Lawrence offers speculative fiction beyond the average fiction, poetry, and nonfiction course offerings. With intimate class sizes, this program is unique because it offers biweekly one-on-one conferences with its stunning faculty. It also has a notoriously supportive atmosphere.

  • Incoming class size: 30-40
  • Acceptance rate: N/A
  • Alumni: Cynthia Cruz, Melissa Febos, T Kira Madden, Alex Dimitrov, Moncho Alvarado


11 bennington college (bennington, vt).

This two-year program boasts truly stellar faculty, and meets twice a year for ten days in January and June. It’s like a biannual vacation in beautiful Vermont, plus mentorship by a famous writer, and then you get a degree. The tuition is $23,468 per year, with scholarships available.

  • Acceptance rate: 53%
  • Incoming class: 40
  • Alumni: Larissa Pham, Andrew Reiner, Lisa Johnson Mitchell, and others

12)  Institute for American Indian Arts (Santa Fe, NM)

This two-year program emphasizes Native American and First Nations writing. With truly amazing faculty and visiting writers, they offer a wide range of genres offered, in screenwriting, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction.

Students attend two eight-day residencies each year, in January and July, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. At $12,000 a year, it boasts being “ one of the most affordable MFA programs in the country .”

  • Incoming class size : 22
  • Acceptance rate: 100%
  • Alumni: Tommy Orange, Dara Yen Elerath, Kathryn Wilder

13) Vermont College of Fine Arts

One of few MFAs where you can study the art of the picture book, middle grade and young adult literature, graphic literature, nonfiction, fiction, and poetry for young people. Students meet twice a year for nine days, in January and July, in Vermont. You can also do many travel residencies in exciting (and warm) places like Cozumel.

VCFA boasts amazing faculty and visiting writers, with individualized study options and plenty of one-on-one time. Tuition is $48,604.

  • Incoming class size: 18-25
  • Acceptance rate: 63%
  • Alumnx: Lauren Markham, Mary-Kim Arnold, Cassie Beasley, Kate Beasley, Julie Berry, Bridget Birdsall, Gwenda Bond, Pablo Cartaya


14) university of texas at el paso (el paso, tx).

The world’s first bilingual and online MFA program in the world. UTEP is considered the best online MFA program, and features award-winning faculty from across the globe. Intensive workshops allow submitting in Spanish and English, and genres include poetry and fiction. This three-year program costs $14,766 a year, with rolling admissions.

  • Alumni: Watch alumni testimonies here

15) Bay Path University (Long Meadow, MA)

This 2-year online program is dedicated entirely to nonfiction. A supportive, diverse community, Bay Path offers small class sizes, close mentorship, and a potential field trip in Ireland.

There are many tracks, including publishing, Narrative Medicine, and teaching. Core courses include memoir, narrative journalism, and the personal essay. The price is $785/credit, for 39 credits, with scholarships available.

  • Incoming class size: 20
  • Acceptance rate: an encouraging 78%
  • Alumni: Read alumni testimonies here

Prepare for your MFA in advance:

  • Best English Programs
  • Best Creative Writing Schools
  • Writing Summer Programs

Best MFA Creative Writing Programs – References:

  • The Creative Writing MFA Handbook: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students , by Tom Kealey (A&C Black 2005)
  • Graduate School Admissions

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Julia Conrad

With a Bachelor of Arts in English and Italian from Wesleyan University as well as MFAs in both Nonfiction Writing and Literary Translation from the University of Iowa, Julia is an experienced writer, editor, educator, and a former Fulbright Fellow. Julia’s work has been featured in  The Millions ,  Asymptote , and  The Massachusetts Review , among other publications. To read more of her work, visit

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2024 Best Colleges with Creative Writing Degrees in America

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1-25 of 334 results

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, MA •

  • • Rating 4.16 out of 5   661 reviews

Sophomore: Great place to be challenged, learn, and grow. A safe environment to fall and fail. Lots of support and resources available but you need to take the initiative to reach out about them ... Read 661 reviews

  • grade  A+ Overall Niche Grade

Acceptance rate 4%

Net price $30,958

SAT range 1510-1580

#3 Best Colleges in America .


661 Niche users give it an average review of 4.2 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says Great place to be challenged, learn, and grow. A safe environment to fall and fail. Lots of support and resources available but you need to take the initiative to reach out about them .

Read 661 reviews.

Overall Niche Grade : A+ ,

Acceptance Rate : 4% ,

Net Price : $30,958 ,

SAT Range : 1510-1580 ,

Columbia University

New York, NY •

  • • Rating 3.82 out of 5   1,364 reviews

Freshman: It has been great! Being in NYC is a very special aspect of college life here, but Columbia also feels very separate from the city so you don't get distracted. The party scene for me is dull, I barely find parties to go to (or people to go with) but I'm sure Greek life is having fun. The people are so diverse and brilliant and the academics have me more immersed than I have ever been. It has been tough to adjust but I think that's something we need to go through to grow. ... Read 1,364 reviews

Net price $12,411

SAT range 1470-1570

#6 Best Colleges in America .

Blue checkmark.


1364 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says It has been great! Being in NYC is a very special aspect of college life here, but Columbia also feels very separate from the city so you don't get distracted. The party scene for me is dull, I... .

Read 1364 reviews.

Net Price : $12,411 ,

SAT Range : 1470-1570 ,

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA •

  • • Rating 3.9 out of 5   1,359 reviews

Freshman: It's important to acknowledge that college experiences vary greatly from person to person, and while some may face challenges or difficulties, others may find their time in college to be transformative and rewarding. Instead of focusing on the negatives, perhaps you could consider exploring constructive criticism or discussing specific areas for improvement in the college experience. This approach allows for a more balanced and productive discussion that can lead to positive changes and improvements in the education system. If you have specific concerns about your college experience, it might be helpful to address them directly with the appropriate channels within your institution or seek support from counselors or advisors. Remember, challenges are a natural part of any educational journey, and there are often resources available to help navigate them. ... Read 1,359 reviews

Acceptance rate 6%

Net price $14,578

SAT range 1480-1570

#7 Best Colleges in America .


1359 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says It's important to acknowledge that college experiences vary greatly from person to person, and while some may face challenges or difficulties, others may find their time in college to be... .

Read 1359 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 6% ,

Net Price : $14,578 ,

SAT Range : 1480-1570 ,

Roger Williams University


  • • Rating 3.56 out of 5   1,044

Loyola University Maryland


  • • Rating 3.6 out of 5   1,093

Arcadia University


  • • Rating 3.33 out of 5   1,299

Dartmouth College

Hanover, NH •

  • • Rating 3.88 out of 5   746 reviews

Sophomore: My experience at Dartmouth has been great so far. The education is high quality and so are the professors. There are great opportunities for practical work and research. And the student body and campus life is lively and welcoming. The university is not perfect and the frat culture is very big here, but it is a wonderful place to be. ... Read 746 reviews

Net price $24,078

SAT range 1440-1560

#8 Best Colleges in America .


746 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says My experience at Dartmouth has been great so far. The education is high quality and so are the professors. There are great opportunities for practical work and research. And the student body and... .

Read 746 reviews.

Net Price : $24,078 ,

SAT Range : 1440-1560 ,

Brown University

Providence, RI •

  • • Rating 3.84 out of 5   1,082 reviews

Junior: My experience has been absolutely incredible. As everyone says, the open curriculum really makes a world of difference as it allows you to choose your own path and not be hampered by requirements that you might never need or have little to no interest in. I am an athlete and have had great experience with athletics and academics because Brown is really good about accommodating student-athletes when it comes to game and practice schedules. ... Read 1,082 reviews

Net price $25,028

SAT range 1460-1570

#10 Best Colleges in America .


1082 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Junior says My experience has been absolutely incredible. As everyone says, the open curriculum really makes a world of difference as it allows you to choose your own path and not be hampered by requirements... .

Read 1082 reviews.

Net Price : $25,028 ,

SAT Range : 1460-1570 ,

Northwestern University

Evanston, IL •

  • • Rating 3.7 out of 5   1,492 reviews

Freshman: There is a wealth of awesome student communities to join which really contributed to my experience. Classes are challenging but Northwestern offers many unique opportunities to explore different things and some uncommon ones like design classes. Performing arts are abundant on campus, so there is always something to see on the weekends! ... Read 1,492 reviews

Acceptance rate 7%

Net price $29,999

#15 Best Colleges in America .


1492 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says There is a wealth of awesome student communities to join which really contributed to my experience. Classes are challenging but Northwestern offers many unique opportunities to explore different... .

Read 1492 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 7% ,

Net Price : $29,999 ,

  • Will you get in? Understand your chances of getting accepted into any college in the country, and it's completely free

Washington University in St. Louis

Saint Louis, MO •

  • • Rating 4.11 out of 5   1,573 reviews

Sophomore: I am a sophomore at WashU. The depth of the education and the number of opportunities (if you seek them) can be life-changing. The business school is super good at hosting recruitment events if your interested in business careers, and the academics ARE HARD -- You will do a lot of work. CS department could be stronger; premed/ bio/chem/pre-law deps / olin are excellent. The undergraduate student body is tight-knit and mostly extremely friendly. People are very smart but not obnoxious or entitled. Campus life is great because many of the undergrads (freshmen, sophomores, and some juniors) live on campus. The housing is excellent, and many students have kitchens on campus. St Louis is certainly not a luxury city (i.e. NY or LA) but does have good restaurants (DRIVE NOT WALK AWAY) and a cheap cost of living (concerts are usually way cheaper). It is way better than being in the woods, but not the bestest place. The school has partially impeded on the fun with their attack on greek life. ... Read 1,573 reviews

Acceptance rate 13%

Net price $28,298

SAT range 1490-1570

#16 Best Colleges in America .


1573 Niche users give it an average review of 4.1 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says I am a sophomore at WashU. The depth of the education and the number of opportunities (if you seek them) can be life-changing. The business school is super good at hosting recruitment events if your... The undergraduate student body is tight-knit and mostly extremely friendly. People are very smart but not obnoxious or entitled. Campus life is great because many of the undergrads (freshmen,... .

Read 1573 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 13% ,

Net Price : $28,298 ,

SAT Range : 1490-1570 ,

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA •

  • • Rating 3.71 out of 5   1,481 reviews

Freshman: Carnegie Mellon University suits those who believe in working hard, working hard, and playing hard occasionally. The academics are demanding and challenging, which ultimately creates dedicated, disciplined students, or burnout. Many people require some kind of passion to be here, as it takes passion to get through the intense workload. On the surface, the social life at CMU seems pretty dead. However, after actively looking for clubs, organizations, and student groups, I found there are a lot of opportunities to be part of communities that are passionate and welcoming. I also love that CMU is very invested in their student's success: it is easy to get help from academic advisors, pursue research positions, and take interesting opportunities to get your education outside the classroom. Overall, I am very proud and happy that I came here :). ... Read 1,481 reviews

Acceptance rate 14%

Net price $37,450

SAT range 1480-1560

#20 Best Colleges in America .


1481 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says Carnegie Mellon University suits those who believe in working hard, working hard, and playing hard occasionally. The academics are demanding and challenging, which ultimately creates dedicated,... .

Read 1481 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 14% ,

Net Price : $37,450 ,

SAT Range : 1480-1560 ,

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor, MI •

  • • Rating 3.96 out of 5   4,711 reviews

Sophomore: The University of Michigan takes a lot of pride in calling itself the best university in the world, but while finishing up my sophomore year I could not agree more. There is such a healthy balance between challenging courses that make students competitive prospects in their next step in life and opportunities to destress and enjoy the "best years of our lives", from watching our football team win the national championship to simply receiving free treats around campus from staff. From my personal experience, I cannot offer any suggestions for change for this amazing university! I have met some of the most kindhearted and motivated people in friends and professors while here and I cannot imagine attending another college. ... Read 4,711 reviews

Acceptance rate 20%

Net price $19,205

SAT range 1340-1520

#21 Best Colleges in America .


4711 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says The University of Michigan takes a lot of pride in calling itself the best university in the world, but while finishing up my sophomore year I could not agree more. There is such a healthy balance... .

Read 4711 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 20% ,

Net Price : $19,205 ,

SAT Range : 1340-1520 ,

University of Chicago

Chicago, IL •

  • • Rating 3.82 out of 5   1,295 reviews

Sophomore: Starting out at this university was not easy for me since I had to face many challenges on my own, away from family and friends I had back home. However, I had adjusted to the quarter system and found my place at the college. UChicago academics have impressed me, even with the required core classes. The professors I have met so far all appear to be enthusiastic about their specific fields, and they can be especially helpful outside of class. Given that our campus is located within a neighborhood, there are plenty of community activities and restaurants that students can hang out at, such as a Mexican-Korean restaurant called Seoul Taco. There are multiple dormitory buildings on campus, and the southern one is especially convenient as it has a dining hall, gym, and a small store all in one general place. There are also plenty of clubs, called RSOs, ranging from many types of activities like boxing or Japanese drum practice (Taiko). I would like more transportation options to explore. ... Read 1,295 reviews

Net price $33,727

#23 Best Colleges in America .


1295 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says Starting out at this university was not easy for me since I had to face many challenges on my own, away from family and friends I had back home. However, I had adjusted to the quarter system and... .

Read 1295 reviews.

Net Price : $33,727 ,

Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD •

  • • Rating 3.68 out of 5   1,408 reviews

Alum: Overall, my undergraduate experience at Johns Hopkins was great. The academics were challenging without being destructive to student mental health and there were always numerous clubs, involvement opportunities, and events on campus to attend in my free time. It was easy to find research opportunities at the hospital and in general, the professors were very supportive. I do wish that I had seen more of JHU's involvement in local communities and would love to see the college work to give back more to local communities in the future. ... Read 1,408 reviews

Acceptance rate 8%

Net price $20,680

SAT range 1470-1560

#24 Best Colleges in America .


1408 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says Overall, my undergraduate experience at Johns Hopkins was great. The academics were challenging without being destructive to student mental health and there were always numerous clubs, involvement... .

Read 1408 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 8% ,

Net Price : $20,680 ,

SAT Range : 1470-1560 ,

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA •

  • • Rating 3.99 out of 5   4,040 reviews

Freshman: I loved campus life and the academics are amazing! I didn’t get out as much so I can’t tell you much about party life or life outside of the university. However, I didn’t think I needed to because there is so much to do on campus! So much food and places for you to go to, I love the campus so much. Go to USC you won’t regret it. Also, the connections you will make, even in your first year, are amazing, trust me! ... Read 4,040 reviews

Net price $26,021

SAT range 1410-1540

#26 Best Colleges in America .


4040 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says I loved campus life and the academics are amazing! I didn’t get out as much so I can’t tell you much about party life or life outside of the university. However, I didn’t think I needed to because... .

Read 4040 reviews.

Net Price : $26,021 ,

SAT Range : 1410-1540 ,

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Emory University

Atlanta, GA •

  • • Rating 3.84 out of 5   1,617 reviews

Sophomore: Emory's strong academic environment, combined with its diverse student body, has significantly broadened my perspectives and academic interests. I've particularly enjoyed the rigorous coursework and the opportunities to engage in research early in my college career. The professors here are not only leaders in their fields but are also genuinely interested in students' success, often available for guidance and support beyond the classroom. The campus itself is beautiful and well-maintained, providing a serene environment that enhances the learning experience. Socially, there are numerous clubs and organizations that cater to a wide range of interests, which made it easier for me as a transfer to integrate and find my community. However, I would like to see improvements in the advising system, especially for transfer students. Navigating a new university's academic and social landscape can be challenging, and a more structured support system could help ease this transition. ... Read 1,617 reviews

Net price $28,367

SAT range 1420-1540

#36 Best Colleges in America .


1617 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says Emory's strong academic environment, combined with its diverse student body, has significantly broadened my perspectives and academic interests. I've particularly enjoyed the rigorous coursework and... .

Read 1617 reviews.

Net Price : $28,367 ,

SAT Range : 1420-1540 ,

Wellesley College

Wellesley, MA •

  • • Rating 3.77 out of 5   635 reviews

Sophomore: I really love it here and am glad that I decided on Wellesley! I'm class of 2026, so I've been on campus for about two years now and each year, I've been able to meet some of the best professors and even better people. Conversations with peers are just as nuanced as the people and although the campus could still do with some diversity, I think we're definitely on the better end (I say this as a half Black and half-Asian student from a very predominantly white town). I've found that it's really easy to make friends because the campus and class sizes are so small (that being said, I'm also more extroverted). However, even my more introverted friends have said that they were eventually able to find close friends as their first or second year progressed -- the key is to be involved in campus or go to events and intentionally talk to people and reach out. ... Read 635 reviews

Acceptance rate 16%

Net price $21,862

SAT range 1400-1540

#37 Best Colleges in America .


635 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says I really love it here and am glad that I decided on Wellesley! I'm class of 2026, so I've been on campus for about two years now and each year, I've been able to meet some of the best professors and... .

Read 635 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 16% ,

Net Price : $21,862 ,

SAT Range : 1400-1540 ,

University of Texas - Austin

Austin, TX •

  • • Rating 4 out of 5   6,769 reviews

Freshman: I love that UT has a sense of community, especially in the sporting department. Being able to witness school spirit is an aspect I love about this school. I also enjoy the vast number of majors and programs, as well as student organizations that are available for all to join. However, I’ve had a slightly difficult time realizing that because UT is so large, it’s extremely easy to sink into the cracks, and figuring your own stuff out is essential. No one is going to hold your hand through course registration or career decisions, but I think- despite the inconvenience- it teaches students how to be an adult much more effectively than a gentler approach. Overall, I love UT and Austin and can’t recommend it enough! ... Read 6,769 reviews

Acceptance rate 29%

Net price $16,589

SAT range 1230-1500

#42 Best Colleges in America .


6769 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says I love that UT has a sense of community, especially in the sporting department. Being able to witness school spirit is an aspect I love about this school. I also enjoy the vast number of majors and... .

Read 6769 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 29% ,

Net Price : $16,589 ,

SAT Range : 1230-1500 ,

University of Miami

Coral Gables, FL •

  • • Rating 3.86 out of 5   3,074 reviews

Senior: Couldn't have had a better 4 years and more fun time! I lived basically like Alix Earle (college wise and not fame wise). There is something to do every single day. I was able to go out 6 nights a week and maintain my workload pretty easily. I absolutely loved all my classes and the professors. Most of my class sizes were small and very discussion based which I find best for learning. My professors were all super nice, available, knowledgeable, and understanding. Campus is beautiful! Greek life is take it or leave it, people involved really like it and I wasn't in a sorority but was still able to go to all the frat parties. I love the academics here and the party scene and I'm so sad I am graduating next week. Anyone can really find their place here and if you want to tan in January or a serious student you should come here and study by the pool. Only con of the school is the cost, but if you can afford it or get a lot of financial aid it's more than worth it! ... Read 3,074 reviews

Acceptance rate 28%

Net price $34,492

SAT range 1300-1460

#52 Best Colleges in America .


3074 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Senior says Couldn't have had a better 4 years and more fun time! I lived basically like Alix Earle (college wise and not fame wise). There is something to do every single day. I was able to go out 6 nights a... .

Read 3074 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 28% ,

Net Price : $34,492 ,

SAT Range : 1300-1460 ,

Hamilton College

Clinton, NY •

  • • Rating 3.72 out of 5   488 reviews

Alum: Looking back on my experience, I feel as though I didn't appreciate everything Hamilton College did for me. When you're in the moment, it's easy to see all the bad and be frustrated with things like the crappy campus food, a poor party scene, and a major lack of diversity. But, looking back, I do miss my time at Hamilton. I miss living in a walking community, I miss all the free food and free merchandise the school gave me. I miss the diner. I miss having small classes and being close to my professors. The community there, although not perfect, came together in moments that mattered. The school could be better. The lack of accountability from the administration on social issues and a constant battle between hate speech and lack of punishment for students who harmed others was a constant in all my 4 years. I hope the students continue to push forward and force Hamilton into a socially-accountable mindset. ... Read 488 reviews

Net price $26,803

#54 Best Colleges in America .


488 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says Looking back on my experience, I feel as though I didn't appreciate everything Hamilton College did for me. When you're in the moment, it's easy to see all the bad and be frustrated with things like... .

Read 488 reviews.

Net Price : $26,803 ,

University of Washington

Seattle, WA •

  • • Rating 3.79 out of 5   4,679 reviews

Graduate Student: The University of Washington offers a vibrant school life characterized by a welcoming atmosphere and warm-hearted professors who genuinely care about their students' success. Interactions with classmates are often pleasant and enriching, fostering a sense of community. However, safety concerns linger as an area needing improvement. While the campus exudes warmth and inclusivity, addressing safety issues would further enhance the overall experience, ensuring students can focus on their studies without worry. Despite this aspect, the university's positive attributes, from its supportive faculty to its friendly student body, create a conducive environment for academic and personal growth. ... Read 4,679 reviews

Acceptance rate 53%

Net price $8,701

SAT range 1200-1470

#60 Best Colleges in America .


4679 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Graduate Student says The University of Washington offers a vibrant school life characterized by a welcoming atmosphere and warm-hearted professors who genuinely care about their students' success. Interactions with... .

Read 4679 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 53% ,

Net Price : $8,701 ,

SAT Range : 1200-1470 ,

Macalester College

Saint Paul, MN •

  • • Rating 3.82 out of 5   476 reviews

Freshman: I'm only a freshman, so take my opinions with that in mind, but I am immensely fortunate to have chosen to attend Mac. Students that go to this school are kind and from countless backgrounds and experiences. I have yet to perceive any air of frustration or misery on campus—even during finals season—and the upperclassmen I've spoken to have had similar experiences. The food isn't great, but I consider it adequate for the most part (although I would love to see food options that are more compatible with some of the dietary restrictions on campus). There are always numerous events to attend on campus so you have endless opportunities to learn new skills, have new experiences, and meet new people. Even if it takes some time, I can almost guarantee that you can find your "group" on campus. The academics are exceptional and I have had so many lovely interactions with professors. You really can join in on research projects in your freshman year! Just beware the cold and you'll thrive here. ... Read 476 reviews

Acceptance rate 31%

Net price $30,939

SAT range 1340-1480

#62 Best Colleges in America .


476 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says I'm only a freshman, so take my opinions with that in mind, but I am immensely fortunate to have chosen to attend Mac. Students that go to this school are kind and from countless backgrounds and... .

Read 476 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 31% ,

Net Price : $30,939 ,

SAT Range : 1340-1480 ,

Haverford College

Haverford, PA •

  • • Rating 3.93 out of 5   268 reviews

Junior: My experience at Haverford College has been wonderful. The Honor Code definitely plays a huge role with this. I have always felt safe walking at night on campus and am able to leave my belongings without fear it of it being taken. I feel as though I can approach my professors when I need support or accommodations and have never been turned down. It's clear that most people here respect others, faculty and the space around them (of course exceptions exist like anywhere else but are a small minority). Generally, I would say, the student population is happy, motivated, and eager to help others. Unlike Swarthmore or other selective colleges, students are collaborative, laid back, yet still strive to maintain academic excellence. Rather than only focusing on grades, Haverford students are eager to learn and contribute to the community. I would say it's fair to say that Haverford is a smaller liberal arts college version of Brown University. ... Read 268 reviews

Acceptance rate 18%

Net price $24,462

#70 Best Colleges in America .


268 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Junior says My experience at Haverford College has been wonderful. The Honor Code definitely plays a huge role with this. I have always felt safe walking at night on campus and am able to leave my belongings... .

Read 268 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 18% ,

Net Price : $24,462 ,

Purdue University

West Lafayette, IN •

  • • Rating 3.83 out of 5   5,143 reviews

Alum: Academically challenging school that heavily focuses on STEM majors. If you are in liberal arts, there is a nice community but it is small and not nearly as funded as the STEM programs. Campus is walkable filled with nice community spaces and plenty of libraries, cafes, and rooms to study and meet with classmates. A lot of school spirit centered around the athletics. Most people live off campus starting second year. The apartments in Chauncey Square are an excellent location and close to night life spots and restaurants. Campus is very diverse and there are many opportunities to join clubs and student groups. Purdue is only 1 or 2 hours away from two different international airports, and shuttle busses run nearly everyday between those airports and Purdue campus, making travel easier for international or out of state students. Boiler up! ... Read 5,143 reviews

  • grade  A Overall Niche Grade

Acceptance rate 69%

Net price $14,619

SAT range 1190-1430

#79 Best Colleges in America .


5143 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says Academically challenging school that heavily focuses on STEM majors. If you are in liberal arts, there is a nice community but it is small and not nearly as funded as the STEM programs. Campus is... .

Read 5143 reviews.

Overall Niche Grade : A ,

Acceptance Rate : 69% ,

Net Price : $14,619 ,

SAT Range : 1190-1430 ,

Colby College

Waterville, ME •

  • • Rating 3.85 out of 5   634 reviews

Freshman: Great experience! So far I have enjoyed the amazing community filled with wonderful professors and students I can now call friends. With the opening of the new Athletic Center and Gordon center, I am excited to see what comes next as Colby continues to evolve and maintain excellence. ... Read 634 reviews

Acceptance rate 9%

Net price $17,912

SAT range 1400-1530

#80 Best Colleges in America .


634 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says Great experience! So far I have enjoyed the amazing community filled with wonderful professors and students I can now call friends. With the opening of the new Athletic Center and Gordon center, I am... .

Read 634 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 9% ,

Net Price : $17,912 ,

SAT Range : 1400-1530 ,

University of Pittsburgh

  • • Rating 3.75 out of 5   4,355 reviews

Freshman: Pitt has a gorgeous campus and I've really enjoyed my time here so far! However, they won't tell you how bad the food is. The dining halls (especially the eatery) are not very good and the wait times for on-campus meal swap locations make it difficult at times. The housing process is very easy when entering freshman year, but incredibly stressful and difficult following that. These are really the only things I have to complain about. Overall, the school pride is great, we have nice architecture, fun sports, and plenty of green space for sunny days. ... Read 4,355 reviews

Acceptance rate 67%

Net price $22,996

SAT range 1250-1470

#84 Best Colleges in America .

4355 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says Pitt has a gorgeous campus and I've really enjoyed my time here so far! However, they won't tell you how bad the food is. The dining halls (especially the eatery) are not very good and the wait times... .

Read 4355 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 67% ,

Net Price : $22,996 ,

SAT Range : 1250-1470 ,

National University

La Jolla, CA •

  • • Rating 3.98 out of 5   1,175 reviews

Graduate Student: I am in the teacher credential program and I am loving it. I used to get overwhelmed and bored with standard semester classes but at NU, I take 1 class every 4 weeks. I focus on the information for 1 class at a time and the course progresses quickly so I don’t get bored and the course requirements are reasonable, especially since most of the class participants work full time and have families. This has been a wonderful experience! ... Read 1,175 reviews

Acceptance rate 55%

Net price $9,966

SAT range 750-1170

#90 Best Colleges in America .


1175 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Graduate Student says I am in the teacher credential program and I am loving it. I used to get overwhelmed and bored with standard semester classes but at NU, I take 1 class every 4 weeks. I focus on the information for 1... .

Read 1175 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 55% ,

Net Price : $9,966 ,

SAT Range : 750-1170 ,

Southern Methodist University

Dallas, TX •

  • • Rating 3.86 out of 5   1,578 reviews

Freshman: I visited SMU for a campus tour during the spring break of March 2023. The major factor that led me to choose SMU is its magisterial infrastructure and the opportunity to graduate with two degrees. SMU’s propounded Simmons school of Education’s Education program especially the Early childhood to 6 and the esteemed teaching faculty is the gravity force for me. After I graduate from college, I aspire to be a teacher in Texas and teach technology to kids with special needs. With the shortage of quality teachers in Texas, I conceive high caliber teachers can make the most impact in students to pursue their careers. Therefore, I am writing an application to get a degree from SMU and build a stronger society of future students. I want to be a proud Texan to serve the Texas education system by studying in the best Texas University. ... Read 1,578 reviews

Net price $41,986

SAT range 1340-1510

#95 Best Colleges in America .


1578 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says I visited SMU for a campus tour during the spring break of March 2023. The major factor that led me to choose SMU is its magisterial infrastructure and the opportunity to graduate with two degrees.... .

Read 1578 reviews.

Net Price : $41,986 ,

SAT Range : 1340-1510 ,

Rowan University


  • • Rating 3.56 out of 5   1,857


  • • Rating 3.82 out of 5   1,364

Western New England University


  • • Rating 3.67 out of 5   833

Showing results 1 through 25 of 334

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing The Write Stuff for Writers

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100% online, 8-week courses

Transfer in up to 50% of the degree total

Grow Your Writing Passion into a Career with Liberty’s Online MFA in Creative Writing

Many people write creatively, but few hone their skills to develop their writing craft to its highest form. Even fewer learn the other skills it takes to become a successful writer, such as the steps needed to get a book published and into the hands of readers. Liberty’s 100% online Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing can help you develop your writing passion into a career so you can set your works free to impact culture and the world.

Employers in every industry need professionals who have strong writing skills, so you can be confident that your ability to write effectively can also help set you apart in your current career. With in-demand writing expertise and the ability to customize your degree with electives in literature or writing practice, Liberty’s online MFA in Creative Writing can help you achieve your professional writing goals.

Our online MFA in Creative Writing is designed to help you build on your writing skills with specific workshops dedicated to the craft of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, or screenwriting. With a work-in-progress approach to writing practice and mentorship from our faculty of experienced writers and scholars, you can learn the specific skills you need to make your writing stand out.

Military Friendly School

Ranked in the Top 10% of’s Best Online Schools in America

  • What Sets Us Apart?
  • Private Nonprofit University
  • 600+ Online Degrees
  • No Standardized Testing for Admission
  • Transfer in up to 75% of an Undergrad Degree
  • Transfer in up to 50% of a Grad/Doctoral Degree

Why Choose Liberty’s MFA in Creative Writing?

Our online MFA in Creative Writing is mainly offered in an 8-week course format, and our tuition rate for graduate programs hasn’t increased in 9 years. Through our program, you can study the writing process and develop your creative skills through workshops with experienced writing professionals. With our flexible format, you can grow in your creative writing while continuing to do what is important to you.

As a terminal degree, the online MFA in Creative Writing can also help you pursue opportunities to teach writing at the K-12 or college level. You will gain comprehensive and in-depth exposure to writing, literature, publishing, and many other professional writing skills that you can pass on to students. Partner with the Liberty family and learn under faculty who have spent years in the field you love. Your career in professional writing starts here.

What Will You Study in Our MFA in Creative Writing?

The MFA in Creative Writing program is designed to help you become an excellent creative writer across the genres of creative fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, and poetry. You can learn how to produce aesthetically and culturally engaged creative works while gaining professional knowledge and practice. You will also study foundational contemporary literature so that you have a background in studying important works to draw on for your writing.

To help you in your professional writing, you will also study many essential skills in editing, layout, and the business of publishing so that you can best position yourself for success in the market. Through your creative writing courses and workshops, you can develop your craft so that you will be ready for your thesis project.

Here are a few examples of the skills Liberty’s MFA in Creative Writing can help you master:

  • Marketing your projects and pursuing new writing opportunities
  • Organizing writing and adapting it to different types of writing
  • Tailoring writing to specific audiences and markets
  • Understanding what makes art effective, compelling, and impactful
  • Writing compelling stories that engage readers

Potential Career Opportunities

  • Book and magazine writer
  • Business communications specialist
  • Creative writing instructor
  • Publications editor
  • Screenwriter
  • Website copy editor and writer
  • Writing manager

Featured Courses

  • ENGL 600 – Editing, Layout, and Publishing
  • ENGL 601 – Writing as Cultural Engagement
  • ENGL 603 – Literary Theory and Practice
  • WRIT 610 – Writing Fiction

Degree Information

  • This program falls under the College of Arts and Sciences .
  • View the Graduate Arts and Sciences Course Guides (login required).
  • Download and review the Graduate Manual for MFA .

Degree Completion Plan (PDF)

Top 1% For Online Programs

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  • Tuition & Aid

Your success is our success, which is why we are committed to providing quality academics at an affordable tuition rate. While other colleges are increasing their tuition, we have frozen tuition rates for the majority of our undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs for the past 9 years – and counting.

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Admission Information for the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (MFA)

Admission requirements.

  • A non-refundable, non-transferable $50 application fee will be posted on the current application upon enrollment (waived for qualifying service members, veterans, and military spouses – documentation verifying military status is required) .
  • Unofficial transcripts can be used for acceptance purposes with the submission of a Transcript Request Form .
  • Creative Writing Sample – A creative writing sample of one creative writing work of at least 2,500 words or a culmination of creative writing samples totaling 2,500 words.*
  • Applicants whose native language is other than English must submit official scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an approved alternative assessment. For information on alternative assessments or TOEFL waivers, please call Admissions or view the official International Admissions policy .

*A sample of one or more poems totaling a minimum of 750 words may also be submitted. Song lyrics are not accepted at this time as writing samples.

Preliminary Acceptance

If you are sending in a preliminary transcript for acceptance, you must:

  • Be in your final term and planning to start your master’s degree after the last day of class for your bachelor’s degree.
  • Complete a Bachelor’s Self-Certification Form confirming your completion date. You may download the form from the Forms and Downloads page or contact an admissions counselor to submit the form on your behalf.
  • Submit an official/unofficial transcript to confirm that you are in your final term. The preliminary transcript must show a minimum of 105 completed credit hours.
  • If you are a current Liberty University student completing your undergraduate degree, you will need to submit a Degree/Certificate Completion Application .
  • Send in an additional, final official transcript with a conferral date on it by the end of your first semester of enrollment in the new master’s degree.

Dual Enrollment

Please see the Online Dual Enrollment page for information about starting graduate courses while finishing your bachelor’s degree.

Transcript Policies

Unofficial college transcript policy.

Unofficial transcripts combined with a Transcript Request Form can be used for admission. Official transcripts are required within 60 days of the admissions decision or before non-attendance drops for the first set of matriculated classes, whichever comes first, and will prevent enrollment into future terms until all official transcripts have been received.

Before sending unofficial college transcripts, please make sure they include the following:

  • Your previous school’s name or logo printed on the document
  • Cumulative GPA
  • A list of completed courses and earned credit broken down by semester
  • Degree and date conferred (if applicable)

Official College Transcript Policy

An acceptable official college transcript is one that has been issued directly from the institution and is in a sealed envelope. If you have one in your possession, it must meet the same requirements. If your previous institution offers electronic official transcript processing, they can send the document directly to [email protected] .

If the student uses unofficial transcripts with a Transcript Request Form to gain acceptance, all official transcripts must be received within 60 days of the admissions decision or before non-attendance drops for the first set of matriculated classes, whichever comes first. Failure to send all official transcripts within the 60-day period will prevent enrollment into future terms until all official transcripts have been received.

Admissions Office Contact Information

(800) 424-9596

(888) 301-3577

Email for Questions

[email protected]

Email for Documents

[email protected]

Liberty University Online Admissions Verification

1971 University Blvd.

Lynchburg, VA 24515

Ready to Apply?

Submit your application online or over the phone.

Apply by phone: (800) 424-9595

Liberty University is dedicated to providing world-class educational experiences to military students across the globe.

Who May Qualify?

  • Active Duty
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/Retirees
  • Spouses of Service Members and Veterans/Retirees
  • Current Department of Defense Employees

Available Benefits:

  • Tuition discounts – $275 per credit hour for graduate courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who service in a civilian capacity as a First Responder (less than $625 per course) *
  • 8-week courses, 8 different start dates each year, and no set login times (may exclude certain courses such as practicums, internships, or field experiences)

*Not applicable to certificates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an mfa in creative writing.

A Master of Fine Arts degree, or MFA, is a terminal degree in an artistic craft that demonstrates that you have achieved the highest level of training and skill in your discipline. Like a doctorate, an MFA often allows you to teach courses at the graduate level while also providing many opportunities for scholarship and leadership in education. If you want to grow your creative writing skills to become the best writer you can be, then the Master of Fine Arts can help you get there.

How will students work towards developing their writing skills?

With creative writing workshops and a thesis project, you will receive support and guidance to help you become the best writer you can be.

How long will it take to complete the MFA in Creative Writing?

You can complete the MFA in Creative Writing in just 48 credit hours!

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*Some restrictions may occur for this promotion to apply. This promotion also excludes active faculty and staff, military, non-degree-seeking, DGIA, Continuing Education, WSB, and certificate students.

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The 5 Best Free Antivirus Software Programs of 2024

There’s basically no excuse for not having top-notch antivirus software on your personal computers these days.

You have multiple well-rated — and no-cost — options to choose from, as PCMag’s latest ratings of free antivirus programs illustrate.

To reach its findings, the publication tested 38 antivirus products and examined the results of other independent labs that have tested the programs.

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The best free antivirus software

PCMag awarded its “Editors’ Choice” honor for 2024 to Avast One Essential . It earned an “outstanding” overall rating of 4.5 out of 5 from PCMag.

In writing about the rankings, Neil J. Rubenking, PCMag’s lead analyst for security, says:

“Avast has been supplying antivirus protection for as long as there’s been an antivirus industry … All four of the independent testing labs we follow include Avast in their reporting, and it aces almost every test. It also takes high scores in our own hands-on testing.”

However, PCMag published its 2024 ranking of free antivirus software before the U.S. Federal Trade Commission fined Avast $16.5 million for selling users’ data. So you might want to consider one of the runners-up instead.

AVG Antivirus Free and Bitdefender Antivirus Free for Windows tied for the second-place spot, with each scoring an “excellent” 4 out of 5. AVG was named “best for useful bonuses,” and Bitdefender is “best for no-frills protection.”

Rounding out the top five are Avira Free Security and Microsoft Defender Antivirus , each earning a “good” rating of 3.5 out of 5.

Related: How to Get Rid of 5 Hard-to-Sell Things

Kaspersky Free, which once ranked highly, is conspicuously absent from the list. PCMag notes that Kaspersky’s Russian origins and the war in Ukraine have caused many governments and organizations to censure and cut ties with the business. The Federal Communications Commission has gone so far as to say Kaspersky is a national security threat, and as a result, PCMag no longer recommends their products.

Should you pay for antivirus protection?

PCMag says that paid antivirus programs offer more protection and better protection than free versions. What’s more, tech support may be limited for free program users.

Whether you should pay for antivirus protection comes down to your budget. If a paid program isn’t in your budget, perhaps try a few of the free programs to see which you like best.

One exception is for business computers. PCMag notes that free antivirus programs are often free only for noncommercial use, meaning only for use on personal computers.

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The 5 Best Free Antivirus Software Programs of 2024

'ZDNET Recommends': What exactly does it mean?

ZDNET's recommendations are based on many hours of testing, research, and comparison shopping. We gather data from the best available sources, including vendor and retailer listings as well as other relevant and independent reviews sites. And we pore over customer reviews to find out what matters to real people who already own and use the products and services we’re assessing.

When you click through from our site to a retailer and buy a product or service, we may earn affiliate commissions. This helps support our work, but does not affect what we cover or how, and it does not affect the price you pay. Neither ZDNET nor the author are compensated for these independent reviews. Indeed, we follow strict guidelines that ensure our editorial content is never influenced by advertisers.

ZDNET's editorial team writes on behalf of you, our reader. Our goal is to deliver the most accurate information and the most knowledgeable advice possible in order to help you make smarter buying decisions on tech gear and a wide array of products and services. Our editors thoroughly review and fact-check every article to ensure that our content meets the highest standards. If we have made an error or published misleading information, we will correct or clarify the article. If you see inaccuracies in our content, please report the mistake via this form .

How to use ChatGPT to write code: What it can and can't do for you


One of the more intriguing discoveries about ChatGPT is that it can write pretty good code. I first tested this out last year when I asked it to write a WordPress plugin my wife could use on her website. ChatGPT did a fine job, but it was a very simple project. 

How to use ChatGPT to write: Resumes  | Excel formulas | Essays | Cover letters  

So, how can you use ChatGPT to write code as part of your daily coding practice? Here's a quick summary:

  • ChatGPT can produce both useful and unusable code. For best results, provide clear and detailed prompts.
  • ChatGPT excels in assisting with specific coding tasks or routines, rather than building complete applications from scratch.
  • Use ChatGPT to find and choose the right coding libraries for specific purposes, and engage in an interactive discussion to narrow down options.
  • Be cautious about the ownership of AI-generated code and always verify the code's reliability. Don't blindly trust the generated output.
  • Treat interactions with ChatGPT as a conversation. Refine your questions based on the AI's responses to get closer to the desired output.

Now, let's explore ChatGPT in considerably more depth.

What types of coding can ChatGPT do well?

There are two important facts about ChatGPT and coding. The first is that the AI can, in fact, write useful code. 

The second is that it can get completely lost, fall down a rabbit hole, chase its own tail, and produce unusable garbage.

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I found this out the hard way. After I finished the WordPress plugin, I decided to see how far ChatGPT could go. 

I wrote out a very careful prompt for a Mac application, including detailed descriptions of user interface elements, interactions, what would be provided in settings, how they would work, and so on. Then, I fed the prompt to ChatGPT.

ChatGPT responded with a flood of text and code. Then, it stopped mid-code. When I asked it to continue, it vomited out even more code and text. I requested continue after continue, and it dumped out more and more code. But... none of it was usable . It didn't identify where the code should go, how to construct the project, and -- when I looked carefully at the code produced -- it left out major operations I requested, leaving in simple text descriptions stating "program logic goes here".

Also: Yikes! Microsoft Copilot failed every single one of my coding tests

After a bunch of repeated tests, it became clear to me that if you ask ChatGPT to deliver a complete application, it will fail. A corollary to this observation is that if you know nothing about coding and want ChatGPT to build you something, it will fail.

Where ChatGPT succeeds -- and does so very well -- is in helping someone who already knows how to code to build specific routines and get specific tasks done. Don't ask for an app that runs on the menu bar. But if you ask ChatGPT for a routine to put a menu on the menu bar, and then paste that into your project, the tool will do quite well.

Also, keep in mind that while ChatGPT appears  to have a tremendous amount of domain-specific knowledge (and it often does), it lacks wisdom . As such, the tool may be able to write code, but it won't be able to write code containing the nuances for very specific or complex problems that require deep experience to understand.

Also:  How to use ChatGPT to create an app

Use ChatGPT to demo techniques, write small algorithms, and produce subroutines. You can even get ChatGPT to help you break down a bigger project into chunks, and then you can ask it to help you code those chunks.

So, with that in mind, let's look at some specific steps for how ChatGPT can help you write code.

How to use ChatGPT to write code

1. narrow down and sharpen up your request.

This first step is to decide what you are going to ask of ChatGPT -- but not yet ask it anything. Decide what you want your function or routine to do, or what you want to learn about to incorporate into your code. Decide on the parameters you're going to pass into your code and what you want to get out. And then look at how you're going to describe it.

Also: How to write better ChatGPT prompts

Imagine you're paying a human programmer to do this task. Are you giving that person enough information to be able to work on your assignment? Or are you too vague and the person you're paying is more likely to either ask questions or turn in something entirely unrelated to what you want?

Here's an example. Let's say I want to be able to summarize any web page. I want to feed it something like this article and get back a short summary that's well-considered and appropriate. As my input, I'll specify a web page URL. As my output, it's a block of text with a summary.

2. Use ChatGPT to explore libraries and resources

Continuing with the example above, a very old school way of extracting web page data was to find the text between HTML paragraph tags.

But with the rise of AI tools , it makes more sense to use an AI library to do an intelligent extract and summary. One of the places ChatGPT excels (and it's also an area you can easily verify to avoid its authoritative-but-wrong behavior pattern) is finding libraries and resources. 

Also: How to make ChatGPT provide sources and citations

OpenAI (the maker of ChatGPT) sells API access to the GPT-3 and GPT-4 engines that will do exactly what we want. But in the case of this example, let's assume we don't want to pay transaction fees.

So let's look at interacting with ChatGPT to figure out how to use such a tool, for free, with a project that runs in PHP.

I started with a prompt that was designed to elicit information about what libraries would provide the functionality I wanted. A library (for those of you reading along who aren't programmers) is a body of code a programmer can access that does a lot of the heavy lifting for a specific purpose. A big part of modern programming is finding and choosing the right libraries, so this is a good starting point.

In this case, I'm looking at blocks of code written by other people that will summarize text. Here's my first prompt:

Describe ten different open source AI libraries (and the languages they work with) that I can use to generate a summary of the main core contents of any web page, ignoring any ads or embedded materials.

This prompt gave me exactly what I wanted, including a mention of OpenAI's offerings. I think OpenAI would do great here, but for this hypothetical project, I don't want to budget for API fees. So. I'll narrow down the question:

Are any of these free?

ChatGPT hedged its bets with its answer. Here's what it said: "Yes, all ten of these AI libraries are open source and free to use. However, some of them may have usage limits or require payment for access to additional features or resources." So, based on that, I clarified my query:

Which of these libraries have no usage limits and don't require any additional payment or licensing?

Notice how this is very much a conversation. I don't have to re-ask the originating question. I'm just drilling down in the same way I might if I had an expert at hand and was seeking clarification. In this case, ChatGPT gave me eight library choices, but none of them mentioned the PHP language that I was planning to code in. So, here's the next prompt:

Of those 8 libraries, can I use any with PHP?

It returned three libraries, but I wasn't sure about what each did. So, another question:

What's the difference between Sumy, Gensim, and NLTK?

I still wasn't sure, so I clarified my use plan and then asked:

If I want to create summaries of web page news articles, which library would work better?

The answer I got was clear and promising: "Sumy is specifically designed for text summarization, which is the task of creating a summary that captures the most important information from a piece of text." So, now it was time to see what was involved in using Sumy with PHP. I asked my last question for this part of the project:

Can you explain how to use Sumy from PHP?

Feel free to play along on your computer and paste these prompts into your instance of ChatGPT. Notice that, in step one, I decided what program module I was going to get help on. Then, in this step, I had a conversation with ChatGPT to decide what library to use and how to integrate it into my project.

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That may not seem like programming, but I assure you it is. Programming isn't just blasting lines of code onto a page. Programming is figuring out how to integrate all the various resources and systems together, and how to talk to all the various components of your solution. Here, ChatGPT helped me do that integration analysis.

By the way, I was curious whether Google's Gemini AI (formerly Bard) could help in the same way. Gemini can't actually write code, but it did give some extra insights into the planning aspect of programming over ChatGPT's responses. So, don't hesitate to use multiple tools to triangulate on answers you want. Here's that story: Gemini vs. ChatGPT: Can Gemini help you code?  Since I wrote that article, Google added some coding capabilities to Gemini, but they're not all that great. You can read about it here: I tested Google Gemini's new coding skills. It didn't go well . And even more recently, I dug into Gemini Advanced . It's still not passing many tests.

Also: How I test an AI chatbot's coding ability - and you can too

Coding is next. 

3. Ask ChatGPT to write example code

OK, let's pause here. This article is entitled "How to use ChatGPT to write code." And it will. But what we're really doing is asking ChatGPT to write example code.

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Let's be clear: Unless you're writing a very small function (like the line sorter/randomizer ChatGPT wrote for my wife), ChatGPT isn't going to be able to write your final code. First, you're going to have to maintain it. ChatGPT is terrible at modifying already-written code. Terrible, as in, it doesn't do it. So, to get new code, you have to ask ChatGPT to generate something new. As I found previously, even if your prompt is virtually identical, ChatGPT may change what it gives you in very unexpected ways.

So, bottom line: ChatGPT can't maintain your code, or even tweak it.

That limitation means you have to do it yourself. As we know, the first draft of a piece of code is rarely the final code. So, even if you were to expect ChatGPT to generate final code, it would really be a starting point, one where you need to take it to completion, integrate it into your bigger project, test it, refine it, debug it, and so on.

Also:   I asked ChatGPT to write a short Star Trek episode. It actually succeeded

But that doesn't mean the example code is worthless -- far from it. Let's take a look at a prompt I wrote based on the project I described earlier. Here's the first part:

Wite a PHP function called summarize_article. As input, summarize_article will be passed a URL to an article on a news-related site like or

I'm telling ChatGPT the programming language it should use. I'm also telling it the input but, while doing so, providing two sites as samples to help ChatGPT understand the style of article. Honestly, I'm not sure ChatGPT didn't ignore that bit of guidance. Next, I'll tell it how to do the bulk of the work:

Inside summarize_article, retrieve the contents of the web page at the URL provided. Using the library Sumy from within PHP and any other libraries necessary, extract the main body of the article, ignoring any ads or embedded materials, and summarize it to approximately 50 words. Make sure the summary consists of complete sentences. You can go above the 50 words to finish the last sentence, if necessary.

This is very similar to how I'd instruct an employee. I'd want that person to know that they weren't only restricted to Sumy. If they needed another tool, I wanted them to use it. 

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I also specified an approximate number of words to create bounds for what I wanted as a summary. A later version of the routine might take that number as a parameter. I then ended by saying what I wanted as a result:

Once processing is complete, code summarize_article so it returns the summary in plain text.

The resulting code is pretty simple. ChatGPT did call on another library (Goose) to retrieve the article contents. It then passed that summary to Sumy with a 50-word limit and then returned the result. But once the basics are written, it's a mere matter of programming to go back in and add tweaks, customize what's passed to the two libraries, and delivering the results.

One interesting point of note. When I originally tried this test in early 2023, ChatGPT created a sample call to the routine it wrote, using a URL from after 2021. At that time, in March 2023, ChatGPT's dataset only went to 2021. Now, the ChatGPT knowledge base extends to the end of December 2023. But my point is that ChatGPT made up a sample link that it couldn't possibly know about:

I checked that URL against both Reuters' site and the Wayback Machine, and it doesn't exist. Never assume ChatGPT is accurate. Always double-check everything it gives you.

Does ChatGPT replace programmers? 

Not now -- or, at least -- not yet. ChatGPT programs at the level of a talented first-year programming student, but it's lazy (like that first-year student). The tool might reduce the need for entry-level programmers, but at its current level, I think it will just make life easier for entry-level programmers (and even programmers with more experience) to write code and look up information. It's definitely a time-saver, but there are few programming projects it can do on its own -- at least now. In 2030? Who knows.

How do I get coding answers in ChatGPT?

Just ask it. You saw above how I used an interactive discussion dialog to narrow down the answers I wanted. When you're working with ChatGPT, don't expect one question to magically do all your work for you. But use ChatGPT as a helper and resource, and it will give you a lot of very helpful information. Of course, test that information -- because, as John Schulman, a co-founder of OpenAI, says , "Our biggest concern was around factuality, because the model likes to fabricate things."

Is the code generated by ChatGPT guaranteed to be error-free?

Hell, no! But you also can't trust the code human programmers write. I certainly don't trust any code I write. Code comes out of the code-making process incredibly flawed. There are always bugs. Before you ship, you need to test, test, and test again. Then, alpha test with a few chosen victims. Then beta test with your wider user community. Even after all that, there will be bugs. Just because an AI is playing at this coding thing doesn't mean it can do bug-free code. Do not trust. Always verify. And you still won't have it fully bug-free. Such is the nature of the universe.

How detailed should my description of a programming issue be when asking ChatGPT?

Detailed. Look at it this way: the more you leave open for interpretation, the more the AI will go its own way. When I give prompts to ChatGPT to help me while programming, I imagine I'm assigning a programming task to one of my students or someone who works for me. Did I give that person enough details to go off and create a first draft or will that person have to ask me a ton of additional questions? Worse, will that person have so little guidance that they'll go off in entirely the wrong direction? Don't be lazy here. ChatGPT can save you hours or even days programming (it has for me), but only if you give it useful instructions to begin with.

If I use ChatGPT to write my code, who owns it?

As it turns out, there's not a lot of case law yet to definitively answer this question. The US, Canada, and the UK require something that's copyrighted to have been created by human hands, so code generated by an AI tool may not be copyrightable. There are also issues of liability based on where the training code came from and how the resulting code is used. ZDNET did a deep dive on this topic, spoke to legal experts, and produced the following three articles. If you're concerned about this issue (and if you're using AI to help with code, you should be), I recommend you give them a read.

  • Who owns the code? If ChatGPT's AI helps write your app, does it still belong to you?
  • If you use AI-generated code, what's your liability exposure?
  • A thorny question: Who owns code, images, and narratives generated by AI?

What programming languages does ChatGPT know?

Most of them.  I tested common modern languages , like PHP, Python, Java, Kotlin, Swift, C#, and more. But then I had the tool  write code in obscure dark-age languages like COBOL, Fortran, Forth, LISP, ALGOL, RPG (the report program generator, not the role-playing game), and even IBM/360 assembly language. 

As the icing on the cake, I gave it this prompt:

Write a sequence that displays 'Hello, world' in ascii blinking lights on the front panel of a PDP 8/e

The PDP 8/e was my very first computer , and ChatGPT actually gave me instructions for toggling in a program using front-panel switches. I was impressed, gleeful, and ever so slightly afraid.

Can ChatGPT help me with data analysis and visualization tasks?

Yes, and a lot of it can be done without code. Check out my entire article on this topic:  The moment I realized ChatGPT Plus was a game-changer for my business .

I also did a piece on generated charts and tables:  How to use ChatGPT to make charts and tables

But here's where it gets fun. In the article above, I asked ChatGPT Plus "Make a bar chart of the top five cities in the world by population," and it did. But do you want code? Try asking:

Make a bar chart of the top five cities in the world by population in Swift. Pull the population data from online. Be sure to include any necessary libraries.

By adding "in Swift," you're specifying the programming language. By specifying where the data comes from and forcing ChatGPT Plus to include libraries, it knows to bring in the other resources the program needs. That's why, fundamentally, programming with an AI's help requires you to know things about programming. But if you do, it's cool. Because three sentences can get you a nice chunk of annotated code. Cool, huh?  

How does ChatGPT handle the differences between dialects and implementations of a given programming language?

We don't have exact details on this issue from OpenAI, but our understanding of how ChatGPT is trained can shed some light on this question. Keep in mind that dialects and implementations of programming languages (and their little quirks) change much more rapidly than the full language itself. This reality makes it harder for ChatGPT (and many programming professionals) to keep up.

Also:  How I used ChatGPT to write a custom JavaScript bookmarklet

As such, I'd work off these two assumptions:

  • The more recent the dialectic change, the less likely ChatGPT knows about it, and
  • The more popular a language overall, the more training data it likely has learned from, and therefore the more accurate it will be.

What's the bottom line? ChatGPT can be a very helpful tool. Just don't ascribe superpowers to it. Yet.

You can follow my day-to-day project updates on social media. Be sure to follow me on Twitter at @DavidGewirtz , on Facebook at , on Instagram at , and on YouTube at .

Code faster with generative AI, but beware the risks when you do

How to use chatgpt (and what you can use it for), how i test an ai chatbot's coding ability - and you can too.

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Meet the Class of 2024: Mark Sayre

The area of law that interests graduating 3L Mark Sayre could change significantly between the time he takes his final exams and the time he begins as one of Pierce Atwood’s newest attorneys later this summer. 

In fact, it most likely will, and Sayre is counting on it. 

The ever-shifting nature of privacy law, specifically as it relates to artificial intelligence (AI), is what attracted Sayre to Maine Law and its nationally ranked information privacy program. 

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Before Maine Law, Sayre worked in the insurance industry as an actuary, work irrevocably tied to algorithms, data, and the encroachment of AI capabilities. He said there were a lot of people making technical decisions without a legal background and vice versa. He had the technical expertise and decided that with a legal background he could leverage both skills to more effectively  guide the use of AI in industries like insurance. 

“It’s the rapidly evolving landscape of AI that really draws me to it,” he explained.”I’ve spoken to a lot of lawyers who began their careers when the GDPR (Europe’s comprehensive privacy law) was first coming on the scene and it dramatically accelerated their career. There was this brand new law that everyone was struggling to interpret, which provided early career lawyers with a unique opportunity to quickly differentiate themselves.” 

Sayre’s commitment to privacy law was only deepened by his experiences at Maine Law. In addition to the curricular offerings and mentorship of faculty, he said experiences like Moot Court and externships with the International Association of Privacy Professionals and Match Group broadened his horizons and reinforced his choices. 

For the last two years Sayre participated in Moot Court competitions, the Helsinki Information Law Moot Court last year and the Bryant-Moore Civil Rights Competition, hosted by Howard University School of Law in 2024. Sayre and his teammates advanced to the Quarterfinal Round and also took home the award for Best Brief. 

“In both years when I did Moot Court, the best part was all of the people from the community that came in to help coach and mock-judge our practices,” he added. “To me, that’s indicative of the Maine Law community and the state’s legal community, which is why I am excited to practice in the state.” 

Although Sayre isn’t from Maine, he said it’s felt like home since he relocated here in 2020. Between its proximity to Boston, concentration of higher educational institutions, including The Roux Institute, and tight-knit legal community, Sayre said Portland is an ideal place to begin his legal career. 

“I’m excited to see what opportunities there are for AI and cybersecurity work in the coming years,” he continued. “I think Portland has the potential to become an even greater legal hub for these issues.” 

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6 Best Financial Reporting Software for 2024

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Image of Kara Sherrer

  • Best overall financial reporting software: QuickBooks Online
  • Most comprehensive reporting: Sage Intacct
  • Best for large enterprises: NetSuite
  • Best for small businesses: Xero
  • Best add-on tool: Spotlight Reporting
  • Best automations: Zoho Books

To make evidence-based decisions for your business, you need financial reporting software that makes it possible to import and analyze your financial data and accounting statistics . However, the financial reports of a small business are very different from that of a large enterprise, which can make it tough to find the best financial reporting software for your needs.

To help you narrow down your search, we’ve rounded up the best financial reporting software for businesses of all sizes.

Top accounting software comparison

Besides price, there are many other features to consider when choosing a financial reporting software platform. This chart summarizes some of the main things to look for:

QuickBooks Online: Best overall financial reporting software

QuickBooks is known for its accounting and bookkeeping software, but it actually offers a very robust library of financial reports as well. The entry-level Simple Start plan already comes with dozens of reports, and the Plus plan provides access to more than 60 different reports to choose from. QuickBooks also comes with plenty of other advanced features, including time tracking and inventory management, depending on what plan you decide on.

QuickBooks Online offers four different pricing tiers to choose from:

  • QuickBooks Simple Start: $30 per month with access for one user.
  • QuickBooks Essentials: $60 per month with access for up to three users.
  • QuickBooks Plus: $90 per month with access for up to five users.
  • QuickBooks Advanced: $200 per month with access for up to 25 users.

First-time QuickBooks customers can choose to explore QuickBooks without committing to a plan by signing up for a 30-day free trial. You can also skip the free trial in favor of locking in 50% off for your first three months — but you can’t choose both.

Quickbooks reporting dashboard

  • Automatic sales tax calculations are included.
  • Bookkeeping automation cuts down on tedious manual work.
  • Share your books and reports with your accountant easily.
  • Automatically track mileage for reimbursement using the mobile app.
  • More than 60 financial reports to choose from.
  • Unlimited invoices and bills on each plan.
  • Mobile receipt capture on each plan.
  • Multiple pricing plans offer scalability as your business grows.
  • More expensive than some competitors.
  • Each pricing plan limits the number of users.
  • Customer support is not well reviewed.

For more information, read our full QuickBooks Online review .

Sage Intacct: Most comprehensive reporting

Sage Intacct offers more than 150 pre-built financial reports to choose from, plus the ability to generate custom reports. This comprehensive financial reporting software tracks both financial and operational data and even allows you to combine data from multiple entities so you can look at the high-level numbers. You can also slice and dice data according to 10 pre-built dimensions or define your own to get granular and enhance your financial reports .

Sage Intacct does not publicly disclose its pricing information. You’ll have to contact their sales team for a custom quote.

Sage reporting dashboard

  • Create reports, graphs, dashboards and visualizations.
  • Multi-entity analytics for complex businesses.
  • Intelligent general ledger uses AI to scan for anomalies.
  • Add user-dimensions for greater reporting detail.
  • Designed for large, multi-entity businesses.
  • AI and machine learning features help to automate work.
  • Choose from more than 150 pre-built accounting and financial reports.
  • Drag-and-drop dashboard creator.
  • Pricing is not transparent.
  • Learning curve can be steep due to the number of features.
  • Too complicated for small businesses.

NetSuite: Best for large enterprises

NetSuite is a full business software stack solution that includes robust options for financial reporting. Since NetSuite was specifically designed for large enterprises, it includes reporting features that support their needs, such as combining financial, operational and statistical data into one report. You can also create custom versions of the same report to present to different audience, so you can highlight different aspects of the same data set.

NetSuite does not publicly disclose its pricing information. You’ll have to contact their sales team for a custom quote.

Oracle NetSuite reporting dashboard

  • Create multiple versions of custom reports to show to different audiences.
  • Combine financial, operational and statistical data into one report.
  • Identify trends as they happen with real-time analytics.
  • Gain meaningful insights with industry standard KPIs.
  • Comprehensive, complex financial reporting.
  • Designed with enterprise needs in mind.
  • Many different integrations available.
  • Consolidate multiple types of data in one report.
  • Higher learning curve.
  • Interface can feel outdated compared to competitors.

For more information, read the full NetSuite review .

Xero: Best for small businesses

If you’re a small-business owner looking for simple financial reporting software, Xero is a great option to consider. This accounting software offers a limited selection of default reporting templates, such as profit and loss statements, assets and liabilities, and budget variances.

You can also create your own custom reporting templates and save them for later to make it easy to generate future reports. Xero also provides a good selection of other accounting features, such as invoice creation and expense management .

Xero accounting also three different pricing tiers to choose from:

  • Xero Early: $15 per month.
  • Xero Growing: $42 per month.
  • Xero Established: $78 per month.

Xero also offers a 30-day free trial so that you can test drive the software before committing to a paid plan.

Xero tax summary report.

  • Expense and mileage tracking available.
  • Inventory management available on all pricing plans.
  • Create quotes, send invoices and enter bills.
  • Sync your bank accounts for automatic tracking and reconciliation.
  • Unlimited users on all accounts.
  • Affordable pricing plans.
  • Low learning curve for beginners.
  • Easy to navigate interface.
  • Not as many financial reports as some other competitors.
  • Must upgrade to Established plan to get many features.
  • Invoices and bills are limited on the Early plan.

For more information, read the full Xero review .

Spotlight Reporting: Best add-on tool

If you already have the rest of your business software stack figured out and just need a financial reporting solution, then check out Spotlight Reporting. This advanced reporting software allows you to report on multiple organizations at once, even allowing you to generate consolidated forecast reports. Its robust capabilities mean it offers a higher learning curve, but the trade-off may be worth it if other financial reporting software isn’t complex enough for your needs.

Spotlight Reporting offers three pricing plans targeted towards business owners and Chief Financial Officers:

  • Business: $35 per month for one organization, with additional organizations at $25 per month.
  • Business 20: $295 per month for up to 20 organizations, with additional organizations at $12.50 per month.
  • Franchise + Not For Profit: $295 per month for up to 20 organizations and a head office, and an upgrade is $5 per month per organization.

Spotlight also offers four pricing plans geared towards accountants, bookkeepers and advisors looking for a single license they can use for multiple organizations:

  • Basic: $295 per month for up to 20 organizations.
  • Super VCFO: $495 per month for up to 50 organizations.
  • Super VCFO 150: $995 per month for up to 150 organizations.
  • Enterprise: Contact sales team for a custom quote.

A free trial is available for all pricing plans.

Spotlight budget report.

  • Easily import data from multiple sources.
  • Drag-and-drop interface makes it possible to add and reorder pages.
  • Quickly generate multi-page reports to show to clients or management.
  • Can email the final report, download a PDF, present it online or publish to the web.
  • Advanced reporting features
  • More than 100 pre-built charts to choose from.
  • Choose from industry-specific templates.
  • Can consolidate multiple organizations in one report.
  • Reporting only; no extra functionality.
  • Higher learning curve due to the more advanced features.
  • May be too complex for small businesses.

Zoho Books: Best automations

Zoho Books currently offers 24 accounting and financial reports to choose from, making it a worthy contender for your financial reporting software pick. The reports can be scheduled to automatically sent at specific time intervals and you can also configure role-based access to the reports. Zoho Books also offers four more ways to automate work — workflows, webhooks, email alerts and custom functions — to cut down on repetitive manual tasks.

Zoho Books offers six different pricing plans, which are billed per organization instead of per user. The base pricing plans are:

  • Free: $0 for businesses with less than $50K USD per calendar year.
  • Standard: $15 per organization per month billed annually, or $20 per organization per month billed monthly.
  • Professional: $40 per organization per month billed annually, or $50 per organization per month billed monthly.
  • Premium: $60 per organization per month billed annually, or $70 per organization per month billed monthly. A 14-day free trial is available for this plan.
  • Elite: $120 per organization per month billed annually, or $150 per organization per month billed monthly.
  • Ultimate: $240 per organization per month billed annually, or $275 per organization per month billed monthly.

Zoho Books also offers the following add-ons:

  • Additional users: $2.50 per user per month billed annually, or $3 per user per month billed monthly.
  • Advanced autoscans: $8 per month for 50 scans per month billed annually, or $10 per more billed monthly.

Zoho Books cashflow forecast.

  • Double-entry accounting software.
  • Generate quotes, invoices and sales orders.
  • Simple expense tracking included.
  • Client port login makes it easy for them to manage payments.
  • Six pricing plans offer excellent scalability.
  • Multiple automations to choose from.
  • More affordable than many competitors.
  • Forever free plan available.
  • Requires an outside integration for automatic sales tax calculations.
  • Payroll add-on only available in 21 states currently (though access is expanding).
  • Must set up free invoicing and inventory add-ons to get full functionality.

For more information, read our full Zoho Books review .

Key features of financial reporting software

Pre-built reports.

The best financial reporting software should already come with a library stocked full of common financial reports, such as profit and loss statements. These pre-built templates make it possible to generate a new report in just a few minutes.

Custom templates

In addition to the pre-built templates, the financial reporting software should also let you create and save your own reporting templates. You should be able to build your own from scratch as well as edit and save existing templates.

Data import

Financial reporting software should integrate with all your data sources, and most come with pre-built connectors to do just that. The software should also give you the option to manually upload data via an Excel sheet or another file format.

Report export

Once the final report is ready, you should be able to share it through multiple avenues. Some of the most common are downloading a PDF and emailing it to colleagues, but some financial reporting software also allows you to publish to the web or present it online.


In addition to generating reports for past data, the best financial reporting software will also be able to create forecasts for the future based on data-driven trends. This helps your business to make evidence-based decisions grounded in data.

How do I choose the best financial reporting software for my business?

To choose the best financial reporting software for your business, consider your needs as well as your budget. A small business will likely be satisfied with a handful of basic reporting templates at a lower price, while enterprises will be willing to pay more for advanced features like multi-entity reporting.

Make a list of your must-have features and prioritize those during your search. If you have a strict budget, you might have to be willing to compromise on some of them to keep costs low. Ask yourself if the lower costs are worth skipping the missing features or having to do time-consuming manual workarounds.

During your search for the best financial reporting software, take advantage of free trials, free accounts and free software demos. For the demo calls, come prepared with specific questions and requirements so you can confirm the software will integrate with the rest of your business software stack.


To choose the best ecommerce accounting software, we consulted product documentation, demo videos and user reviews. We evaluated products based on pricing, customer service, user interface design and scalability. We also considered features such as reporting templates, data import, forecasting and integrations.

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