dental assistant resume sample entry level

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15 Dental Assistant Resume Examples That Work in 2024

Stephen Greet

Dental Assistant

Best for mid and entry-level candidates.

Our classic resume template is anything but basic. A classic look can bring out your best work—whether projects or traditional work experience.

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  • Dental Assistant Resume
  • Dental Assistant Resumes by Experience
  • Dental Assistant Resumes by Role

Writing Your Dental Assistant Resume

Dental assistants are a tremendous asset to any dental office, but it’s not always easy coming up with what to say when you’re applying for a job. After all, how are you supposed to put all your expertise on one page?

If this sounds familiar, then know that the goal of this post is to lift some of that burden by providing essential tips and showing you exactly what you need to do to  build a professional resume .

These 15 dental assistant resume samples have  helped real dental assistants land jobs,  and our writing guide can help you learn the nitty-gritty of resume writing (or cover letter writing ) so you can land your next great dental assistant role in 2024.

Dental Assistant Resume Example

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Dental assistant resume example with 8 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Some states (like Iowa) have dental assistant programs designed for people specifically with no certification. You learn the skills on the job so you can eventually apply to get certified! 
  • Metrics quantify your impact and let your future employer know that you did something special. 

Experienced Dental Assistant Resume

dental assistant resume sample entry level

  • Certification for dental assistants varies state by state, but nearly all dental assistant jobs require you have either cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification or Basic Life Support (BLS) certification. So if you have either, be sure to mention it on your experienced dental assistant resume.
  • We’d recommend having six to eight skills, such as “X-rays” and “4-handed dentistry.”

Inexperienced Dental Assistant Resume

dental assistant resume sample entry level

  • Be sure to include activities that demonstrate leadership when possible, like being on a sports team or the president of a club.
  • If you decide to include a  resume objective , make sure you customize it for each job to which you apply. The most effective way to do that is to include the company name, followed by a sentence or two explaining your strengths that mirror some of the requirements in the  dental assistant job description .

Dental Assistant Externship  Resume Example

Dental assistant externship resume example with Endo Essentials project experience

  • For your projects, add any instances of using dental tools even if it was only at a seminar. Next, use the career objective space to convince the employer that you’re more than ready to be an extern with your current knowledge.

Dental Assistant-In-Training Resume

Dental assistant in training resume example with 17 years of experience

  • Never fear, rely on transferable skills! Positions like office assistant jobs do a great job demonstrating your capacity to provide quality customer service and vast knowledge of electronic medical records.
  • We’d also recommend adding a  resume objective  (also called a career objective) to highlight your passion for the role you’re applying to and your relevant skills.
  • If you do include an objective, always include the company name and the specific job you’re seeking. Customization is vital!

Lead Dental Assistant  Resume Example

Lead dental assistant resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Remember to include how junior dental assistants have flourished under your supervision as a way of demonstrating your leadership skills and capacity building for future professionals.

Endodontic Dental Assistant Resume

Endodontic dental assistant resume example with 3 years of experience

  • The next step is giving these skills extra weight by adding quantified bullet points that display how you’ve used each tool to create direct impacts like boosting successful surgery rates or reducing scan-to-report turnaround times.
  • Need more space to tell your story? Add the how and why of it all to your dental assistant cover letter .

Chairside Dental Assistant Resume

Chairside dental assistant resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Did you earn a high patient satisfaction rating? Are you proficient in cutting-edge dental tools? If yes, highlighting these achievements will add a competitive advantage to your chairside dental assistant resume.

Pediatric Dental Assistant Resume Example

Pediatric dental assistant resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Colleges around the country offer what are usually 1-year programs in dental assisting, with the goal being certification (usually candidates need to pass the Dental Assisting National Board’s Certified Dental Assistant exam). If you’ve attended such a program, be sure to include it in the “Education” section of your pediatric dental assistant resume .
  • If you’re stuck, try using a  resume outline  to get a sense of what your work experience bullet points should look like (and what the rest of your resume should look like, too). 

Oral Surgery Assistant Resume

Oral surgery assistant resume example with 7 years of experience

  • If you’re applying to a dental assisting job in oral surgery and you have experience in that field, then create a separate copy of your resume focusing on those aspects of your past work. 
  • You’ve already seen some  good resume examples , but it can help to look at other examples within the dental field so you can note specific verbs, metrics, and skills listed there.
  • Don’t plagiarize, of course; simply use the examples to give you a boost to write your own resume.

Orthodontic Dental Assistant Resume

Orthodontic dental assistant resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Including numbers on your orthodontic dental assistant resume will demonstrate your value on the job and confirm that you’re the best person for a role requiring specific job skills, like taking impressions and understanding EMR.
  • First, that’s a red flag. It speaks strongly of plagiarism (plus it’s not creative).
  • Secondly, simply restating the job description doesn’t make a strong sell on why you’re a better choice than the competition. Instead, focus on your accomplishments and achievements (use those numbers we just talked about) to show how you provided value beyond the basic job description.

Dental Hygiene Assistant Resume

Dental hygiene assistant resume example with 25 years of experience

  • Many people try to emphasize education, but if you’re a few years out from your school days, it’s not relevant. Just include the basics and focus on your work experience.
  • Even professional headshots can make a resume look less than professional, and they can even cause bias in the recruitment process.
  • Before you go overboard, remember: your resume needs to be easy to read and pleasing to the eye. So use a different font and some color for your section headers, but keep your body text untouched.
  • Tip: Find out the color scheme at the dental office you’re applying to, and use that color to complement your application!

Registered Dental Assistant Resume

Registered dental assistant resume example with 4 years of experience

  • For example, a  resume objective  is great for showing off transferable skills and recent experiences if you’re just starting out in your career.
  • Once you’ve nailed that content, feel free to add optional sections!
  • Be sure to use the exact title widely accepted by your state on your registered dental assistant resume.

Expanded Functions Dental Assistant Resume

Expanded functions dental assistant resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Words   alone can’t provide enough evidence for your skills. Try to include numbers on the number of dental techniques you’ve mastered, or the number of patients you see per hour.
  • Aim to include metrics in at least half of your bullet points, but don’t be afraid to add more if you can incorporate them naturally.
  • Remember: no matter how pretty your  resume template  is, it won’t make up for content and formatting, so make sure you’re setting yourself up for success!

Certified Dental Assistant Resume

Certified dental assistant resume example with 5 years of experience

  • For example, if you include a waitressing position from a few years ago, discuss responsibilities that highlight your abilities with customer service, time management, and communication. These universal skills can easily translate to a dental assistant role.
  • We’d recommend formatting your resume in  reverse-chronological  order, with your most current work experience toward the top of the page. This helps highlight your most recent and, probably, most relevant job title.

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Construction crew rearranges items on computer screen to signify formatting job materials

Dental assistant job postings reflect the variety of responsibilities this flexible career offers and requires. Since a dental assistant will complete various tasks every day, a strong resume for this position should reveal your abilities and responsibilities on the job. Your dental assistant resume should focus on the quantifiable skills and abilities specified in the job description.

Dental practices typically use Applicant Tracking System (ATS) recruiting software to scan applications for key terms, reducing the need for hands-on application review for the first hiring round. So, your resume may need updating to pass the ATS scanning. When creating your dental assistant resume, pay attention to these four areas to increase your odds of successfully moving on to the interview process:

  • Emphasizing specific dental assistant skills
  • Formatting your dental assistant resume properly
  • Utilizing an objective and summary 
  • Using quantifiable points 

dental assistant resume sample entry level

Emphasize your dental assistant skills

When recruiters hire dental assistants, they use a three-step process to weed out candidates:

  • Hiring directors narrow down candidates for minimum qualifications (usually by using ATS). Filters are set to catch basic qualifications regarding experience and key terms or phrases.
  • Next, recruiters look for a set of preferred qualifications. Applicants who meet these criteria remain in the application process.
  • Lastly, employers shortlist and rank candidates based on their fit with the minimum and preferred qualifications. 

To pass the ATS filtering and move on to the next phase of the process,  your resume should contain key terms and phrases from the employer’s job description.  The  skills section on your resume  is the place to explain your abilities within the scope of the dental assistant job.

You can add soft skills, like interpersonal communication, or hard skills, which are job-specific abilities learned and perfected in specific careers. Resumes that reflect the soft and hard skills the employer is looking for will pass through the ATS filter and on through the application process. Some of the top soft and hard dental assistant skills employers are looking for are:

  • Dental equipment knowledge (hard skill)—shows the applicant can complete basic dental assistant tasks
  • Electronic Medical Records (EMR) experience (hard skill)—shows the applicant can utilize an online data system for employer
  • Medical licensing (hard skill)—indicates up-to-date, recognized proficiencies (could be a minimum requirement)
  • Communication skills (soft skill)—shows abilities with positive patient interactions
  • Team player (soft skill)— indicates the ability to work with others in the office
  • Customer service (soft skill)—shows applicant will put the patient’s needs first
  • Highly organized (soft skill)—indicates applicant can prioritize tasks and complete work on time
  • X-ray experience (hard skill)—shows precise (and likely preferred) experience and training
  • Vital signs (hard skill)—shows future employer ability to complete routine, necessary tasks
  • Patient safety (hard skill)—indicates the ability to follow required safety steps and policies

Don’t feel pressured to put every skill on your resume to pass the ATS scan. Instead, customize your resume to match the  dental assistant job description  by finding keywords in the description and adding some to your own dental assistant resume.

dental assistant resume sample entry level

Format your dental assistant resume properly

For most job seekers,  properly formatting a resume  is a huge hurdle. Your resume should of course show important details like experience, education, and applicable skill sets, but resume formatting plays a huge role in how the ATS and the hiring manager read your resume. 

Many job seekers get caught up in stylizing their resume instead of simply making minor changes to a  resume template . You don’t have to go overboard to get your resume noticed, so keep your formatting simple

Let’s look at the most vital aspects when formatting your resume for a dental assistant position:

  • Pare things down by using simplified wording, removing stylized lines or graphic additions, deleting extra spacing, and removing redundancies.
  • Use  bullet points  to narrow your focus and keep things short.
  • Avoid using icons or images . The ATS only searches for keywords, icons and graphics won’t help the application process.
  • Include the title of the position you’re seeking  on your resume to emphasize your focus or goal.
  • Check, double-check, and recheck your resume to ensure  no errors . Spelling errors and other basic mistakes can be a huge turnoff to a future employer since they highlight an applicant’s lack of attention to detail. Send the resume through our  free resume checker  and have another set of eyes look at it before sending it off in an application.
  • Decide if you need to include an objective or summary . If so, prioritize its location on your resume to highlight this standout feature.

dental assistant resume sample entry level

Your dental assistant resume objective or summary

For some job seekers, you might want to add an  objective to your resume . Some argue that it’s antiquated, but they can be useful if you know how to use them correctly.

What exactly  is  an objective? A resume objective is a way to show a prospective employer your job aspirations and what kind of job you’re seeking. This section is best for applicants new to a field or with experience that doesn’t exactly relate to their ideal position.

In other words, if your goal is to be a dental assistant, but you don’t yet have experience, you could use an objective statement. Comprise your resume objective with two to three sentences explaining you are seeking a dental assistant position as your current career goal and why.

On the other hand, you could choose to add a  summary to your resume  instead. You use a summary if you have at least 10 years of experience in the field. Per its name, a summary summarizes your best achievements and your top skills. It’s a great way to increase your credibility within two to three sentences.

dental assistant resume sample entry level

Boost your dental assistant resume with quantifiable points

Like in many careers, using specific data is a concrete way to show value. Generic, vague statements won’t do anything to help you get a job, so use details that strengthen your accomplishments. (Our tip? Try to answer the “how” in most of your work experience bullet points.) You want to show future employers exactly what you’ve done, what you’re capable of, and what they can expect of you if hired. But what does that look like on a resume? 

Here are some ways a dental assistant can show the quantifiable impact:

  • Explain a percentage increase in patient retention
  • Convey increase in patient satisfaction
  • Relay the number of patients seen per shift
  • Detail the percentage of reduced cavities experienced with patient education provided
  • Listing the total number of clients assisted in a procedure

Once you pinpoint a valuable action of interest to an employer, quantify the impact you made (aka explain the results of your actions). Here are a few examples of strong job-specific quantified points that might be used as a bullet point on your dental assistant resume:

Work experience section for dental assistant resume

Tailor your resume for each dental assistant job application

By scanning the job posting, you should customize your dental assistant resume to match what the employer is looking for in a candidate for each of these categories:

  • Objective/summary—rework your objective statement to include the company’s name, the job title you’re seeking, and specific skills related to the job description.
  • Skills—add your skills to the resume you’ve listed on the job posting. Remove any that are not relevant to the job you’re applying for so you can make room for those the ATS will identify.
  • Job description bullet points—some of your quantifiable points should echo what’s listed in the job description by using specific keywords and phrases.

Dental assistant resume

Once you have some expertise as a dental assistant, you can  build your resume  to emphasize your time in the field. This will help you stand out from other applicants. Here are some ways to customize your dental assistant resume with some experience in the field:

  • List all certifications you’ve earned
  • Include quantifiable points that show increases in revenue for dental practices
  • Explain how you improved the dental office revenue, patient volume, or another valuable metric

You can list your certifications toward the bottom of your resume, similar to this:

Certifications section for a dental assistant resume with x-ray and nitrous oxide certifications

Entry-level dental assistant resume

  • Include basic certifications like CPR, since it’s an expectation for most dental practices
  • List relevant experience highlighting soft skills that can be utilized as a dental assistant
  • Show hobbies and interests that may indicate leadership or other positive qualities
  • Mirror the job description in your resume objective, even noting the company name in the career goal

Pediatric dental assistant resume

For a specialized dental assistant resume at a pediatric office, add in some customized details like these to help you stand out from other applicants:

  • Soft skill experience demonstrating any work with youth or children
  • Include hard and soft skills that are especially vital to working with children, like patience or safety procedures
  • List descriptions of excellent customer service provided to patients

Orthodontic dental assistant resume

When customizing your orthodontic dental assistant resume for a job in an orthodontic office, think about adding specifics to showcase your resume:

  • Show soft skills that demonstrate the high-quality patient care you provided
  • Include quantifiable points that focus on patient satisfaction or happiness
  • Add certifications that are valuable in an orthodontic office, like x-ray qualifications

dental assistant resume sample entry level

Certified dental assistant resume

When applying for a job as a certified dental assistant, include such customizations to your resume as:

  • Using numbers to show your value above other candidates
  • List jobs in reverse-chronological order to focus first on your most relevant job experience
  • Include past positions that bring relevant soft skills to a potential employer’s attention, even if the job title isn’t relevant

dental assistant resume sample entry level

Your dental assistant resume recap

Congratulations  on taking the first step toward your career as a dental assistant! With a little thoughtful customization, your dental assistant pursuit is easily within reach. 

During the process, use our  online resume builder  to help you create your most effective product right from the start. If you already have a working draft, feel free to use our AI-powered  online resume checker  to polish your product for any future job applications.

Create my free resume now

  • • Handled scheduling of 50+ patients weekly, maintaining optimal clinic operational efficiency.
  • • Assisted in 10+ dental surgeries a month, resulting in successful procedures and positive patient feedback.
  • • Managed inventory and ordered dental equipment and supplies needed, reducing costs by 10%.
  • • Handled patient intake process for 60+ patients a week, maximizing clinic productivity.
  • • Interacted with 200+ patients monthly, providing them with instructive dental health information.
  • • Implemented a new sterilization process which increased efficiency by 20%.

5 Entry Level Dental Assistant Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your entry level dental assistant resume must prominently display your educational background. Highlight any certifications or training you've received that pertain directly to dental assisting. Showcase your hands-on experience, even if it's limited to clinical practice during your studies. Employers look for practical skills and a willingness to learn quickly in hands-on environments.

All resume examples in this guide

dental assistant resume sample entry level


dental assistant resume sample entry level

Resume Guide

Formatting the layout of your entry level dental assistant resume: design, length, and more.

Designing your entry level dental assistant resume experience to grab recruiters' attention

Highlighting essential hard and soft skills for your entry level dental assistant resume

Entry level dental assistant resume: certifications and education, choosing between a resume summary or objective, how to include other relevant sections for your entry level dental assistant resume, key takeaways.

Entry Level Dental Assistant resume example

Entry-level dental assistants often struggle with demonstrating relevant skills and experiences on their resume due to a lack of professional experience in the field. Our guide can assist this challenge by providing strategies to highlight transferable skills, coursework, internships, and volunteering experiences, making your resume appealing to potential employers despite the limited professional experience.

Here's what you'll read within our professional resume guide:

  • Entry level dental assistant resumes that are tailored to the role are more likely to catch recruiters' attention.
  • Most sought-out entry level dental assistant skills that should make your resume.
  • Styling the layout of your professional resume: take a page from entry level dental assistant resume examples.
  • How to write about your entry level dental assistant achievements in various resume sections (e.g. summary, experience, and education).

Recommended reads:

  • New Dentist resume
  • Oral Surgery Assistant resume
  • General Dentist resume
  • Orthodontic Dental Assistant resume
  • Expanded Functions Dental Assistant resume

When it comes to the format of your entry level dental assistant resume , you've plenty of opportunities to get creative. But, as a general rule of thumb, there are four simple steps you could integrate into your resume layout.

  • If you have plenty of experience, you'd like to showcase, invest in the reverse-chronological resume format . This format focuses on your latest experience items and skills you've learned during your relevant (and recent) jobs.
  • Don't go over the two-page limit, when creating your professional entry level dental assistant resume. Curate within it mainly experience and skills that are relevant to the job.
  • Make sure your entry level dental assistant resume header includes all of your valid contact information. You could also opt to display your professional portfolio or LinkedIn profile.
  • Submit or send out your entry level dental assistant resume as a PDF, so you won't lose its layout and design.

Upload your resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

While color can enhance your entry level dental assistant resume by emphasizing key details like headlines, job titles, and degrees, moderation is key. Stick to a primary and a secondary color to maintain professionalism and avoid a cluttered appearance.

Recruiters' top picks for expanded functions dental assistant resume sections:

  • A header with essential contact details and a headline showcasing your current role.
  • A summary or objective that aligns your standout expertise with the role's demands.
  • An experience section that delves into your key responsibilities and achievements.
  • A skills section that intertwines job requirements with your unique capabilities.
  • Education and certifications sections that bolster your professional credentials.

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Certification or training in Dental Assisting from a reputable institution.
  • Basic knowledge of dental terminology and procedures.
  • Experience with, or willingness to learn, dental office software for patient management and scheduling.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills for interacting with patients, including empathy and patience.
  • Physical dexterity and precision, necessary for assisting with dental procedures.
  • Resume Layout

Designing your entry level dental assistant resume experience to grab recruiters' attention

For the entry level dental assistant position, it's crucial to show how your expertise matches what they're looking for.

Your resume experience section can be a game-changer. Ensure you:

  • Feature roles most relevant to the entry level dental assistant job you're targeting.
  • Avoid diving too deep into ancient history - unless what you did a decade ago is super relevant to the entry level dental assistant role.
  • Structure each bullet to first describe what you did, followed by the skills you utilized, and then the impact of your efforts.
  • Quantify your achievements with numbers, possibly highlighting the broader impact on the organization.
  • Emphasize transferable skills - those you've gained in past roles that could be valuable in your new role. This showcases your unique professional value.

Crafting the experience section doesn't mean detailing every job you've ever had. Check out the entry level dental assistant resume samples below to see how top professionals present their experience.

  • Assisted dentist in providing chairside support during various dental procedures, ensuring patient comfort and safety.
  • Prepared examination rooms by sterilizing instruments and arranging necessary equipment and supplies.
  • Took and developed dental X-rays, maintaining accurate records and adhering to radiation safety protocols.
  • Educated patients on proper oral hygiene techniques and provided post-treatment care instructions for optimal oral health.
  • Managed patient appointments, maintained records, and handled billing and insurance claims.
  • Assisted in dental laboratory, fabricating and repairing dental appliances such as dentures and crowns.
  • Performed preliminary oral exams, recorded patient medical history, and measured vital signs.
  • Administered topical anesthetics and applied fluoride treatments to patients as directed by the dentist.
  • Maintained inventory of dental supplies, placed orders, and ensured timely restocking.
  • Collaborated with a team to implement infection control protocols resulting in improved clinic hygiene standards.
  • Assist with dental radiography and intraoral imaging, ensuring high-quality images for accurate diagnosis.
  • Prepare and maintain dental instruments, equipment, and materials for patient treatment.
  • Provide chairside assistance during dental procedures, anticipating the dentist's needs and facilitating smooth workflow.
  • Perform preliminary dental impressions and assist in the fabrication of custom mouthguards and retainers.
  • Educate patients on post-operative care and oral health maintenance, addressing concerns and promoting compliance.
  • Managed the front desk, greeted patients, scheduled appointments, and handled insurance verification and billing.
  • Assisted in dental surgeries by setting up instruments, monitoring patients, and maintaining a sterile environment.
  • Administered nitrous oxide sedation under the dentist's supervision for patients with dental anxiety or phobia.
  • Updated and organized patient records, ensuring accuracy and confidentiality of sensitive information.
  • Assisted in the development and implementation of a patient education program focusing on preventive dental care.
  • Assisted with dental implant procedures, including surgical placement and restoration phases.
  • Performed coronal polishing and applied pit and fissure sealants to help prevent tooth decay.
  • Managed inventory control of dental materials, optimizing supply levels and minimizing waste.
  • Collaborated with dental hygienists to deliver comprehensive oral health education to patients.
  • Participated in community outreach programs, providing free dental screenings and oral hygiene instructions.
  • Assisted in orthodontic procedures, including the placement and adjustment of braces and other appliances.
  • Conducted preliminary assessments for Invisalign treatment and guided patients through the process.
  • Performed temporomandibular joint (TMJ) evaluations, documenting findings and assisting in treatment planning.
  • Managed patient flow and ensured prompt sterilization of instruments for efficient clinic operations.
  • Developed patient-specific homecare instructions, emphasizing proper oral hygiene techniques for orthodontic patients.
  • Assisted in pediatric dental procedures, maintaining a calm and reassuring environment for young patients.
  • Applied fluoride varnish and sealants to children's teeth, promoting cavity prevention and oral health.
  • Coordinated with parents to explain treatment plans, address concerns, and ensure compliance with follow-up care.
  • Supported the dentist during behavior management techniques, such as nitrous oxide administration.
  • Maintained and organized a child-friendly waiting area, stocked with educational materials and toys.
  • Assist in digital dental impression scanning, facilitating accurate and efficient restorative procedures.
  • Provide patient education on the use of intraoral cameras and other advanced diagnostic technologies.
  • Collaborate with dentists and dental hygienists in periodontal charting and monitoring gum health.
  • Conduct inventory management, ensuring adequate stock of dental materials and equipment.
  • Participate in continuing education courses to stay updated on the latest advancements in dental technology.
  • Provided chairside assistance during endodontic procedures, assisting with root canal treatments.
  • Operated dental equipment, including rotary instruments and apex locators, to aid in precise treatment.
  • Prepared patients for apicoectomy surgeries, explaining pre- and post-operative care instructions.
  • Maintained infection control protocols, sterilizing instruments and disinfecting treatment areas.
  • Assisted in the fabrication of temporary crowns and bridges, ensuring accurate fit and patient comfort.
  • Assist in dental sedation procedures, monitoring patients' vital signs and ensuring their safety and comfort.
  • Prepare and maintain a sterile environment for oral surgery procedures, following strict infection control guidelines.
  • Collaborate with the surgical team during complex extractions, implant placements, and bone grafting.
  • Manage post-operative care and provide patients with detailed instructions for optimal healing.
  • Assist in the fabrication and placement of immediate dentures and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) splints.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of patients you assisted with on a daily basis to illustrate your ability to handle workload efficiently.
  • Mention the number of dental procedures you have been involved in, as this showcases your hands-on experience and adaptability.
  • List the number of dental tools or equipment you are proficient with to demonstrate your technical skills and versatility.
  • Detail the percentage by which you increased efficiencies or reduced waste in your previous roles, highlighting your problem-solving skills and contribution to cost reduction.
  • Specify the number of dental software programs you are familiar with to validate your technological competency and readiness to adapt to new systems.
  • State the number of languages you are proficient in, which could underline your communication skills and enhance patient satisfaction.
  • Indicate the volume of patient records you managed or updated efficiently, demonstrating your attention to detail and organization skills.
  • Record the number of safety audits or inspections where you ensured compliance, to prove your understanding of regulations and commitment to safety standards.

Addressing a lack of relevant entry level dental assistant experience

Even if you lack direct entry level dental assistant experience, you can still craft a compelling resume. Here's how:

  • Highlight projects or publications that demonstrate your relevant skills or knowledge.
  • Emphasize transferable skills, showcasing your adaptability and eagerness to learn.
  • In your objective, outline your career aspirations and how they align with the company's goals.
  • Consider a functional or hybrid resume format, focusing on skills over chronological experience.
  • Resume Keywords
  • Resume Buzzwords

Use the SOAR (Situation - Action - Results) method for each of your entry level dental assistant experience bullets. Reflect on specific challenges you've addressed, the actions you took, and the outcomes. This approach also preps you for potential interview questions.

Your skill set is a cornerstone of your entry level dental assistant resume.

Recruiters keenly evaluate:

  • Your hard skills , gauging your proficiency with specific tools and technologies.
  • Your soft skills , assessing your interpersonal abilities and adaptability.

A well-rounded candidate showcases a harmonious blend of both hard and soft skills, especially in a dedicated skills section.

When crafting your entry level dental assistant skills section:

  • List up to six skills that resonate with the job requirements and highlight your expertise.
  • Feature a soft skill that encapsulates your professional persona, drawing from past feedback or personal reflections.
  • Consider organizing your skills into distinct categories, such as "Technical Skills" or "Soft Skills."
  • If you possess pivotal industry certifications, spotlight them within this section.

Crafting a comprehensive skills section can be daunting. To assist, we've curated lists of both hard and soft skills to streamline your resume-building process.

Top skills for your entry level dental assistant resume

Basic knowledge of dental anatomy

Experience with dental software

Understanding of dental instruments

Knowledge of dental procedures

Infection control protocols

Patient care and comfort techniques

Dental radiography abilities

Sterilization procedures

Experience with dental prophylaxis

CPR certification

Good communication skills

Attention to detail

Stress management

Organizational skills

Problem-solving ability

Customer service orientation


When detailing your skills, align them with the job's requirements. Emphasize unique technical proficiencies and provide examples of your soft skills in action.

Boost your entry level dental assistant resume by:

  • Featuring recent and relevant certificates.
  • Listing basic details: certificate name, school, and dates.
  • If you lack experience, highlight skills from your education.
  • Only include valid license numbers if needed.

Job ads often list desired education and certificates. Match these with top industry certificates.

Best certifications to list on your resume

If you have plenty of certifications, prioritize the most relevant and industry-recognized ones. Arrange them based on their relevance to the job at hand.

  • Coursework on Resume
  • Major Minor on Resume

Many entry level dental assistant candidates ponder whether to include a resume summary or objective.

Here's a breakdown:

  • A Resume objective outlines your career aspirations. It tells recruiters why you're applying and the value you can bring.
  • A Resume summary offers a snapshot of your significant achievements, giving a quick overview of your expertise.

New professionals might lean towards an objective, while seasoned experts might prefer a summary. Whichever you choose, ensure it's tailored to the role.

For inspiration, review examples from established entry level dental assistant professionals.

Resume summary and objective examples for a entry level dental assistant resume

  • Enthusiastic Dental Assistant offering a 3-year track record in patient care and dental procedure preparation. Proficient in dental radiography with an excellence in conducting oral examinations, and adept at educating patients on preventive dental care. Notably achieved a 30% increase in patient satisfaction scores.
  • Registered Dental Assistant possessing 2 years of experience providing efficient and competent service in busy dental clinics. Able to handle all necessary administrative duties without supervision. Demonstrated talent for soothing patient anxieties and maintaining calm environment. Increased appointment booking rate by 25% through effective communication and scheduling.
  • Certified Medical Assistant seeking to apply patient care skills honed over 5 years in urgent care settings to the dental field. Skilled in managing front office functions, including customer service, patient appointments, billing and collections, and records management. Aiming to utilize my strong commitment to high-quality care and passion for dentistry in an entry-level dental assistant role.
  • Experienced Administrative Assistant with over 4 years in office management, now looking to transition into healthcare. Strong interpersonal skills, ability to work with diverse groups, and exceptional organizational capabilities. Eager to bring my administrative expertise to a dental assistant position, promoting efficiency and optimal patient care.
  • A highly motivated recent graduate seeking an entry-level Dental Assistant position. Committed to providing high-quality radiologic services and catering to patient needs during visits. I aim to pursue a role where I can enhance my skills while providing top-level patient service and contribute to a positive team dynamic.
  • As a recent graduate from a Certified Nursing Assistant program, I am eager to begin a career in healthcare as a Dental Assistant. I wish to use my passion for patient care and my technical skills in a fast-paced, challenging environment to help improve patient's dental health and boost my practical skills.

Apart from the standard sections listed in this guide, you have the opportunity to get creative when building your profile.

Select additional resume sections that you deem align with the role, the department, or the company culture.

Here are the ones we recommend:

  • Language skills - use a profficiency framework to indicate your aptitude level;
  • Hobbies and interests - you can share more about your favorite books or how you spend your time. It's great for culture alignment;
  • Volunteering - helps you highlight the causes you care about and hints at people skills you gained such as teamwork, emotional intelligence, and organizational skills;
  • Awards - the space for your most prominent entry level dental assistant professional accolades and achievements.

Make sure that these sections don't take too much away from your experience, but instead build up your entry level dental assistant professional profile. You can add them as a second column to your resume, or on a second page.

  • Structure your resume to spotlight career highlights and relevance to the role.
  • Keep your resume concise, prioritizing relevant experiences.
  • Detail specific achievements that showcase your suitability for the role.
  • Both technical and interpersonal skills should be evident throughout your entry level dental assistant application.

entry level dental assistant resume example

Looking to build your own Entry Level Dental Assistant resume?

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  • Entry Level Dental Assistant Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Entry Level Dental Assistant Resumes:

  • Prepare treatment room for patient by following prescribed procedures and protocols
  • Sterilize and disinfect instruments and equipment
  • Prepare materials for impressions and restorations
  • Assist the dentist during a variety of treatment procedures
  • Take and record medical and dental histories and vital signs of patients
  • Provide patients with instructions for oral care following all dental treatment procedures
  • Expose dental diagnostic x-rays
  • Assist in management of medical and dental emergencies
  • Maintain patient confidence and protect operations by keeping information confidential
  • Document dental care services by charting in patient records
  • Maintain supplies inventory by checking stock to determine inventory level; anticipating needed supplies; placing and expediting orders for supplies; verifying receipt of supplies
  • Maintain safe and clean working environment by complying with procedures, rules, and regulations

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Entry Level Dental Assistant Resume Example:

  • Provided exceptional patient care by taking and recording medical and dental histories and vital signs of patients, resulting in a 95% satisfaction rate among patients.
  • Assisted the dentist during a variety of treatment procedures, ensuring a smooth and efficient patient experience and reducing patient wait times by 20%.
  • Maintained a clean and safe working environment by complying with procedures, rules, and regulations, resulting in zero safety incidents and a 100% compliance rate.
  • Managed inventory levels by anticipating needed supplies and placing orders for supplies, resulting in a 15% reduction in supply costs and ensuring that all necessary supplies were always available.
  • Assisted in the management of medical and dental emergencies, providing quick and effective care to patients and reducing emergency response times by 30%.
  • Documented dental care services by charting in patient records, ensuring accurate and up-to-date patient information and improving patient outcomes by 25%.
  • Successfully prepared treatment rooms for patients by following prescribed procedures and protocols, resulting in a 100% compliance rate and ensuring that all patients received the highest quality care.
  • Sterilized and disinfected instruments and equipment, maintaining a clean and safe working environment and reducing the risk of infection by 50%.
  • Provided patients with instructions for oral care following all dental treatment procedures, resulting in a 90% compliance rate and improving patient outcomes by 20%.
  • Patient care and communication
  • Dental procedure assistance
  • Medical and dental history documentation
  • Vital signs monitoring
  • Inventory management
  • Emergency response and management
  • Treatment room preparation
  • Instrument sterilization and disinfection
  • Oral care instruction
  • Compliance with safety procedures and regulations
  • Time management and efficiency
  • Team collaboration and support
  • Dental charting and record-keeping
  • Basic computer skills and dental software proficiency

Top Skills & Keywords for Entry Level Dental Assistant Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Chairside Assisting
  • Sterilization and Infection Control
  • Dental Radiography
  • Impressions and Models
  • Dental Charting
  • Dental Materials Knowledge
  • Patient Education
  • Dental Software and Technology
  • Dental Anatomy and Terminology
  • Dental Office Management
  • Instrument Maintenance and Sharpening
  • Dental Laboratory Procedures

Soft Skills

  • Attention to Detail
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Time Management
  • Communication Skills
  • Professionalism
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Problem Solving
  • Multitasking
  • Active Listening

Resume Action Verbs for Entry Level Dental Assistants:

  • Communicated

Generate Your Resume Summary

dental assistant resume sample entry level

Resume FAQs for Entry Level Dental Assistants:

How long should i make my entry level dental assistant resume, what is the best way to format a entry level dental assistant resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a entry level dental assistant resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a entry level dental assistant, compare your entry level dental assistant resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Entry Level Dental Assistant job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Entry Level Dental Assistants:

Beginner dental assistant, dental assistant, orthodontic dental assistant, pediatric dental assistant, registered dental assistant, lead dental assistant, entry level medical assistant, medical assistant.

StandOut CV

Entry Level Dental Assistant resume example

Andrew Fennell photo

You’ve done your exams, and you’re ready to enter the world of dentistry, but landing your first assistant role can feel tough.

You need a persuasive and engaging resume that is going to make the recruiter smile – and we can help.

For a resume worthy of a crown, check out our entry-level dental assistant resume example and writing guide below.

Resume templates 

Entry Level Dental Assistant Resume Example

Entry Level Dental Assistant Resume 1

From the Entry Level Dental Assistant resume example  above, you can see the kind of information your resume will need to include, and the layout you will need to create for an easy-reading experience.

The rest of this guide will show you how to apply this format to your own unique situation, and create a resume that will attract the best employers in your industry.

resume builder

Entry Level Dental Assistant resume layout and format

The format and layout of your resume can make or break its success.

Sure, it’s great to pack your resume with lots of impressive skills and knowledge, but if the page is not structured clearly, hiring managers will struggle to find the important stuff!

Above all, your resume should be easy-to-read and professional looking.

Follow these formatting tips to get noticed.

How to write a resume

Formatting your resume for success

  • Length: Keep your resume to 2 pages or under. You’ve probably heard that recruiters and hiring managers don’t have lots of time to read every resume, so keep yours brief if you want to ensure that they read all of the important info in yours.
  • Font & readability : Nobody likes to read huge unbroken paragraphs of text – and recruiters are no different. Break your resume text up with bullet points and use a clear simple font.
  • Layout & Structure: Go with a resume design that looks good, but also allows for easy reading and navigation for employers. Ensure the page is clearly split up into sections by adding large font headings and dividing borders. Keep the color scheme simple and don’t overcrowd the page.
  • Photos: You don’t have to add a photo to your resume in the States, but some regions and industries like to see them.

Quick tip: Achieving a professional look for your resume can be difficult and time-consuming. If you want to create an attractive resume quickly, try our quick-and-easy Resume Builder and use one of their eye-catching resume templates.

Resume formatting tips

Resume layout

Add the following sections when you write your resume .

  • Name and contact details – Add to the very top of your resume to introduce yourself and make it super-easy for recruiters to get in touch.
  • Resume summary – Reel hiring managers in with an “elevator pitch” style paragraph which sums up your suitability for the job.
  • Skills section – A short and sharp list of your most important skills, that can be quickly skim-read.
  • Work experience – List your previous jobs (from newest to oldest) detailing the skills learnt and applied in each.
  • Education – List your qualifications and professional training.
  • Additional info – If it helps your application, you can add an extra section for things like hobbies and interests.

Here’s what to include in each part of your resume.

Contact Details

Contact details

Add your name and contact details to the very top of your resume, making it easy for recruiters to get in touch

  • Name and profession title
  • Cell phone number – or another number you can answer quickly
  • Location – Add your local area such as San Diego or New York – not your full address as that will take up too much space.
  • Email address – Use your name or close variation – no nicknames from high school.

You can add a link to your LinkedIn profile if you have one – you do not need to include personal details like date of birth or marital status.

Entry Level Dental Assistant Resume Summary

Now it’s time to get into the real content of your resume, starting with the summary.

Your resume summary is a short paragraph at the top of the document, and its jobs is to catch the eye of hiring managers by summarizing all your skills and knowledge that are most important to the roles you are applying for.

resume profile

How to create a resume summary that will get you noticed:

  • Keep it short: You only have a few seconds to grab a recruiters’ attention and make them commit to your resume, so keep your summary between 4 – 7 lines.
  • Tailor to target jobs: Optimize your summary to match the requirements of your target jobs, by mirroring the key words from the job description as closely as possible.
  • Avoid using cliches: You may be a “ team player who always give 110%” but generic phrases don’t tell employers much about you in reality – stick to factual information.

Example resume summary for Entry Level Dental Assistant

What to include in your entry level dental assistant resume summary.

  • Summary of experience: What kind of companies have you worked for in the past? And which jobs have you carried out?
  • Relevant skills: Skills that are highly relevant to Entry Level Dental Assistant work should be made prominent throughout your summary.
  • Qualifications: Showcase your level of education with a quick mention of any qualifications that are essential for the Entry Level Dental Assistant roles you are applying to.

Quick tip: Choose from hundreds of pre-written summaries across all industries, and add one to your resume with one-click in our quick-and-easy Resume Builder . All written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset and style.

Core skills section

Next, you should create a bullet pointed list of your core skills, formatted into 2-3 columns.

Here, you should focus on including the most important skills or knowledge listed in the job advertisement.

This will instantly prove that you’re an ideal candidate, even if a recruiter only has time to briefly scan your resume.

Core skills section resume

Best skills for your Entry Level Dental Assistant resume

Chairside Assistance – assisting dentists during dental procedures by passing instruments, preparing materials, and managing patient’s comfort and safety.

Sterilization Techniques – maintaining knowledge of proper sterilization techniques for dental instruments, equipment, and surfaces to prevent the spread of infection and diseases.

Radiography – taking and developing dental x-rays while ensuring proper patient positioning, radiation safety, and image quality.

Impressions and Models – making dental impressions and models of patients’ teeth for diagnostic and restorative purposes using impression materials and casting techniques.

Dental Software and Record Keeping – using dental software to manage patient records, schedule appointments, and planning treatments while maintaining confidentiality and accuracy.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy Resume Builder contains thousands of in-demand skills for every profession that can be added to your resume in seconds – saving you time and greatly improving your chances of landing job interviews and getting hired.

Work experience

So, you’ve got the recruiter interested with your catchy summary… Great work.

Now it’s time to show them the impact you make in the workplace by listing out your previous jobs and what you achieved in each one.

If you have tons of experience, you can condense this part down to the last few years – if you are junior, then you should include as much possible (even volunteering and school work placements)

Work experience resume

Structuring your jobs

It’s easy to overwhelm readers when writing about a job you have been doing for years or even months.

Break the information up like this to keep it simple for recruiters to understand.

Role descriptions

Job outline

Kick off each role with a high-level overview to summarize the focus of the job, what the organization/department does, and how you fit into the bigger picture.

Key responsibilities

Next, write up a punchy list of your daily duties and responsibilities, using short bullet points.

Describe how you apply your skills and contribute to the running of the employer’s business – highlighting skills which are applicable to your target jobs.

Key achievements

Round off each job by adding some impressive achievements you made in the role.

Anything you’ve done that has made a big impact on your employer will make a good impression, think; generating revenue, saving costs, or improving a product.

Quantify your achievements with number where possible e.g. “reduced call wait time by 10%”

Example job for Entry Level Dental Assistant resume

Completing my practical dental assistant training at a family-run dental practise in Santa Fe, supporting clinical staff in providing general and specialist dental care for Medicaid and private patients.

Key Responsibilities

  • Prepare the treatment room between patients, sterilising instruments, cleaning surfaces, and changing plastic coverings
  • Obtain X-rays, 3D scans and digital intra-oral images of patients at the dentists’ direction
  • Take patient history under the supervision of the dentist and conduct initial examinations
  • Transcribe patient notes and update online records during and after each appointment to ensure accurate records are kept

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy Resume Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education section

Towards the bottom of your resume, add your education section.

Here you should list your professional qualifications and academic record, such as high school diplomas or college degrees.

If you have lots of work experience, you can keep this section brief (because recruiters will be more interested in your career. If you have little/no experience then you should bulk this section up with plenty of detail.

Additional information

The additional info section is optional but can be useful if you have anything else to add that could benefit your application.

For example, you may have some hobbies and interests that are relevant to your job – or you might have awards or publications to shout about.

Writing your own Entry Level Dental Assistant resume

Writing a Entry Level Dental Assistant resume can be challenging but following the steps above will ensure that you land plenty of interviews.

If you want to speed up the process and use an attractive professional template, try out our quick-and-easy Resume Builder .

Good luck with your job search!


  • Career Blog

20+ Dental Assistant Resume Examples for 2024

dental assistant resume sample entry level

Dental assistants are vital members of the dental team who work alongside dentists and dental hygienists to provide quality dental care to their patients. They perform a variety of tasks such as patient care, clinical procedures, and administrative duties to ensure that the dental practice operates smoothly and efficiently.

Dental assistants may also be responsible for taking diagnostic x-rays, managing patient records, and providing oral health education to patients. They play a critical role in supporting the dental team and are often the first point of contact with patients.

Importance of Dental Assistant Resume

A well-crafted dental assistant resume is essential to landing a job in the competitive field of dentistry. A resume serves as a marketing tool for the candidate and highlights their skills, experience, and achievements.

Employers want to see a clear and concise summary of the candidate’s qualifications and experience in the dental field. The resume should showcase the candidate’s ability to work well under pressure, attention to detail, and strong communication skills.

It is also important for the dental assistant resume to be tailored to the job opening they are applying for. This means that the resume should highlight skills and experience relevant to the job posting.

Having a polished and professional dental assistant resume can make the difference between getting an interview and being overlooked. In this article, we provide 20+ dental assistant resume examples to help job seekers create a standout resume that will impress potential employers.

Key Components of a Dental Assistant Resume

When it comes to creating a winning dental assistant resume, several key components must be included to showcase your qualifications and experience effectively. These components are:

Contact Information

The first section of your dental assistant resume should include your professional contact information. This includes your full name, phone number, email address, and physical address. Make sure to provide accurate and up-to-date information.

Objective Statement/Summary

The objective statement, also known as a summary, is a brief statement that summarizes your career goals and the skills you bring to the table. Keep it concise and make sure to tailor it to the job you are applying for.

Education and Certifications

Your education and certifications are critical components of your dental assistant resume. List your highest degree, any relevant coursework or certifications, and include the name, location, and date of completion.

Relevant Skills

Relevant dental assisting skills make you stand out from the competition. Highlight your proficiency in tasks such as sterilization, taking impressions, assisting with treatments, and managing patient records.

Work Experience

Your work experience should be listed in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. Include the name and location of the employer, the dates of employment, position held, significant responsibilities, and any measurable accomplishments.


Highlighting specific accomplishments can set you apart on a dental assistant resume. Examples could include exceeding daily sterilization quotas, learning and implementing new technology in the workplace, or receiving praise from supervisors or patients.

Honors and Awards

Additional recognition such as academic achievements, certifications, and industry awards should also be included in this section.

Relevant Extracurricular Activities

Participation in relevant activities outside of work or school demonstrates a commitment to professional development in the dental industry. This could include membership in professional organizations, volunteer work, or continuing education courses.

A successful dental assistant resume should include contact information, an objective statement, education and certifications, relevant skills, work experience, accomplishments, honors and awards, and relevant extracurricular activities. By highlighting your unique qualifications through these key components, you can create a compelling resume that stands out to prospective employers in the competitive field of dental assisting.

Types of Dental Assistant Resumes

When it comes to crafting your dental assistant resume, you have different options to choose from, depending on your work experience, skills, and career goals. Here are the most common types of dental assistant resumes:

1. Chronological Resume

A chronological resume is the most traditional and widely used format. It lists your work history in reverse order, starting with your most recent job and going back in time. This type of resume is suitable for dental assistants who have a solid work experience and want to emphasize their career progression and achievements.

A chronological resume typically includes the following sections:

  • Contact information
  • Professional summary or objective statement
  • Work experience (including job title, company name, dates of employment, and key responsibilities and accomplishments)
  • Education and certifications
  • Skills (optional)

2. Functional Resume

A functional resume focuses on your skills and achievements, rather than your work history. This type of resume is suitable for dental assistants who have gaps in their work experience, are changing careers, or have a diverse skill set that they want to highlight.

A functional resume typically includes the following sections:

  • Skills (organized in categories, such as clinical skills, administrative skills, communication skills, etc.)
  • Achievements and accomplishments (using bullet points to describe how you used your skills to achieve specific results)
  • Education and certifications (optional)

3. Combination Resume

A combination resume is a mix between a chronological and functional resume. It combines the best of both formats, by showcasing your work history and skills in one single document. This type of resume is suitable for dental assistants who want to emphasize both their experience and their skills, and how they can use them to benefit a new employer.

A combination resume typically includes the following sections:

Whichever type of dental assistant resume you choose, make sure it is tailored to the specific job you are applying for, and showcases your strengths and qualifications. Remember to proofread your resume carefully, and use keywords and phrases that are relevant to the dental industry to increase your chances of getting noticed by employers.

Dental Assistant Resume Writing Tips

When crafting your dental assistant resume, there are a few key factors that can make the difference between getting the job of your dreams or not. Here are four vital tips for making your resume shine.

Highlighting Keyword Skills

In today’s digital age, most hiring managers will first conduct a keyword search to find resumes that match their requirements. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the keywords used in job descriptions and make sure they are included in your resume. Make a list of the most critical keywords used in the job posting and include them throughout your resume.

Keeping Resume Concise

Your resume needs to be easy to read, so simplicity is key. Keeping your resume concise serves two purposes: it shows that you can communicate your experience and skills concisely, and it makes it easier for the hiring manager to skim your resume and catch the most important information quickly. Limit your resume to two pages, focusing only on your most relevant experience.

Tailoring Resume To Job Description

Each employment opportunity requires a unique set of skills, and it is crucial to tailor your resume to each job description. Use the job description as a guide and make sure your resume addresses the specific requirements of the position. By showing how your unique expertise maps to the employer’s needs, you are more likely to stand out from other candidates.

Proofreading and Editing

No matter how qualified you are, grammatical errors and misspellings on your resume can disqualify you from the running for a job. To avoid making careless mistakes, read your resume out loud, use a grammar-checking tool, and have a friend or mentor review your work. Make sure your resume is free of any errors that might disqualify you from the position.

By following the tips outlined above, you can make your dental assistant resume stand out and increase your chances of landing your ideal job. Remember, your resume is a representation of you, so take the extra time to make it the best it can be.

Dental Assistant Resume Examples

If you’re looking for a job as a dental assistant, having a well-crafted resume is key. Your resume needs to highlight your qualifications, experience, and skills to stand out to potential employers. In this section, we’ll provide various dental assistant resume examples, including entry-level, experienced, pediatric, orthodontic, certified, and registered dental assistant resumes. Additionally, we’ll provide dental assistant resume objective examples and cover letter samples to help you create a complete job application package.

A. Entry-Level Dental Assistant Resume Samples

An entry-level dental assistant resume should highlight your education, relevant coursework, and any relevant experience, including internships or volunteer work. Here is an example of an entry-level dental assistant resume:

Sample Entry-Level Dental Assistant Resume

Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA Phone: (555) 123-4567 Email: [email protected]

Highly motivated and detail-oriented dental assistant seeking an entry-level position in a reputable dental clinic. Committed to providing exceptional patient care and assisting dental professionals in delivering quality dental services. Eager to contribute to a positive and efficient dental practice while gaining valuable hands-on experience in the field.

  • Completed coursework in dental anatomy, chairside assisting, dental radiography, infection control, and dental office management.
  • Gained practical experience through hands-on training in a simulated dental office environment.
  • Knowledge of dental terminology, procedures, and instruments.
  • Proficient in chairside assisting, taking patient histories, and preparing treatment rooms.
  • Skilled in dental radiography techniques, including X-rays and intraoral imaging.
  • Familiarity with infection control protocols and sterilization techniques.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, ensuring a positive patient experience.
  • Detail-oriented with strong organizational and time management abilities.
  • Ability to work effectively in a team and follow instructions from dental professionals.
  • Proficient in dental practice management software and basic computer skills.

Clinical Experience

Dental Assistant Internship XYZ Dental Clinic 2022

  • Assisted dental professionals in providing chairside support during various dental procedures.
  • Prepared treatment rooms, sterilized instruments, and ensured a clean and organized work environment.
  • Assisted with patient intake, taking and recording vital signs, and updating medical histories.
  • Performed dental radiographs, both intraoral and extraoral, following proper safety protocols.
  • Educated patients on proper oral hygiene practices and post-treatment care instructions.

Volunteer Experience

Community Dental Outreach Program ABC Community Center 2020 – 2021

  • Assisted dental professionals in providing dental care to underserved communities.
  • Prepared and organized dental equipment and supplies for mobile dental clinics.
  • Assisted in patient registration, scheduling, and record-keeping.
  • Provided chairside support during dental procedures, ensuring patient comfort and safety.
  • Educated patients on oral health practices and preventive care.

Available upon request.

Dental Assistant Resumes Dos and Don’ts

Here are some key do’s and don’ts for creating a standout dental assistant resume:


Use effective statements: A great dental assistant resume should include strong statements that highlight your skills, achievements, and experience. Use action verbs that convey your achievements such as, “Managed patient schedule effectively and efficiently,” or “Implemented new procedures to improve office operations.” These statements should showcase your expertise and relevant accomplishments to make you stand out from the competition.

Be an expert in dental terms: As a dental assistant, you should be well-versed in dental terminology, procedures, and protocols. Your resume should reflect this too, using industry terminology and jargon where applicable. This will demonstrate a deep understanding and proficiency in your field.

Highlight your experience: Dental assisting is a hands-on profession that thrives on practical experience. Ensure your resume highlights your relevant experience in the dental industry. Include information about the types of procedures you’ve assisted in, how you’ve worked with patients, and the dental software you are familiar with.

Include your qualifications and certifications: To become a dental assistant, you need to be certified or registered in some states. Highlight your certifications and qualifications, including license numbers, where applicable. This will show recruiters that you have the appropriate training and you can hit the ground running.

Be specific: Avoid vagueness and generalities. Instead, focus on your accomplishments and give specific details about your duties and responsibilities. For instance, instead of stating, “Assisted with dental procedures,” say “Assisted the dentist during root canal procedures, from preparing the patient to sterilizing equipment.”


Lie or exaggerate: It’s tempting to inflate your accomplishments to make yourself stand out or stretch the truth to cover gaps in experience, but remember that you still need to be truthful. Never lie or exaggerate your achievements or qualifications as it’s easy to get caught in a lie and damage your reputation.

Use generic statements: Avoid cliches and generic statements that do not offer any insights into your capabilities. Such statements may seem catchy, but they are not enough to differentiate you from other candidates. Instead, focus on specific and measurable accomplishments that demonstrate your capabilities.

Following these dos and don’ts will help you create a compelling dental assistant resume that showcases your expertise, qualifications, and experience. Remember to customize your resume for each job opening, highlighting the skills and qualifications that align with the job requirements. Good luck!

Creative Dental Assistant Resumes: Examples and Tips

Are you tired of sending traditional resumes and getting no response from dental clinics? It’s time to boost your job search by creating a creative dental assistant resume.

Here are three examples of creative dental assistant resumes that will make you stand out from the competition:

Infographic Resumes

Infographic resumes are a visual way to showcase your skills and achievements. Instead of a traditional text-based resume, an infographic resume uses graphics, charts, and other design elements to highlight your qualifications.

To create an effective infographic resume, keep it simple and focused. Choose colors that match the dental clinic’s branding and use icons that represent your skills and experience. Don’t forget to include your contact information and relevant work experience.

Video Resumes

Video resumes are a great way to introduce yourself to potential employers. A video resume allows you to highlight your personality and communication skills while showcasing your dental assistant skills.

To create a video resume, prepare a script that highlights your skills and achievements. Make sure to dress professionally and choose a quiet location to record your video. Keep it short, no more than two minutes, and edit it to ensure it’s polished and professional.

Creative Design Resumes

Creative design resumes are a great way to showcase your creativity and design skills. They allow you to demonstrate your graphic design, layout, and typography skills while still highlighting your experience in the dental industry.

To create a creative design resume, choose a unique and eye-catching layout. Use graphic design elements such as color, typography, and icons to create a visually appealing resume. Make sure to keep the design simple and clean, as you still want the focus to be on your qualifications as a dental assistant.

Creating a creative dental assistant resume can help you stand out and make a memorable first impression on potential employers. Keep in mind that while the format may be different, the content is still important. Make sure to highlight your relevant work experience, skills, and education in any type of creative resume you choose.

Impressive Dental Assistant Resume Templates

Modern and stylish resumes.

A modern and stylish dental assistant resume template conveys a sense of professionalism and can be ideal for showcasing your skills and experience. These templates often have sleek designs with bold color shades that add an element of visual appeal to your resume. They may also include icons and graphs that enhance the presentation of your work history.

Using a modern and stylish resume template can help you catch the recruiter’s attention and make a positive first impression. These templates are perfect for those who want to show that they are up-to-date with modern trends in the dental industry.

Creative Resumes

If you want to stand out from the crowd, a creative dental assistant resume template can be the perfect choice. These templates are designed to bring your personality and creativity to your resume, making it more memorable and unique.

A creative dental assistant resume template may include design elements such as borders, unique fonts, and color schemes. These templates can be perfect for those who want to showcase their creativity and artistic skills.

Creativity can help you differentiate yourself from other applicants in the dental industry. It can help set you apart and make you more memorable to recruiters and employers.

Customizable Resumes

Customizable resumes allow you to tailor your resume to fit your specific needs and the requirements of the job you are applying for. With these templates, you can personalize your resume by choosing the font style, color palette, and layout.

Using a customizable resume template can help you highlight your strengths and make your resume more effective. Customizing your resume also shows the recruiter that you have taken the time and effort to create a tailored resume for their specific needs.

Using modern and stylish, creative, and customizable dental assistant resume templates can help you create an impressive resume that stands out from the crowd. Employers want to see candidates who are professional, creative, and have a personal touch. These templates can help you achieve just that.

Dental Assistant Resume Checklist

A strong and effective dental assistant resume must include all the necessary components that showcase your skills, experience, and qualifications. These components are essential to make your resume stand out from the competition and increase your chances of getting hired. The following checklist will help you ensure that your dental assistant resume includes all the necessary components:

Contact information: Make sure to include your name, phone number, email address, and mailing address. This information should be placed at the top of your resume.

Objective statement or summary: This section should highlight your career goals and summarize your skills and experience related to the dental assistant position.

Education: List all the relevant education and training you have that apply to the dental assistant job. This includes any certifications or licenses you have obtained.

Skills: This section should highlight your technical and interpersonal skills related to the dental assistant position. Be sure to include your knowledge of dental terminology, software, and equipment.

Work experience: Showcase your previous work experience as a dental assistant. List your job titles, job duties, and achievements. Use bullet points to make the information easy to read and understand.

Once you have all the necessary components in place, it’s important to ensure that your resume is free from any errors. This will show that you have attention to detail and that you take pride in your work. Use the following tips to ensure that your dental assistant resume is error-free:

Grammar check: Use a grammar checker or proofread your resume to ensure that there are no grammatical errors, typos, or punctuation mistakes.

Spell check: Use a spell checker to ensure that your resume is free of spelling errors.

Format consistency: Use a consistent format throughout your resume, including font, spacing, and margins. This will make your resume look organized and professional.

Finally, tailor your resume to the job description provided by the employer. This means highlighting the skills, experience, and qualifications that match the requirements of the job. This will show the employer that you are a good fit for the position and increase your chances of getting hired.

Your dental assistant resume must include all the necessary components, be free of errors, and be tailored to the job description. By following these guidelines, you will create a strong and effective resume that showcases your skills and qualifications as a dental assistant.

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10 Dental Assistant Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Dental assistants are on the front lines of working with both dentists and patients to create a clear path forward for dental health. if you want to work in a fast-paced field that contains both clinical and clerical elements, this guide will help you build a dental assistant resume by reviewing three example templates and a list of key skills and action verbs to consider including.

Hiring Manager for Dental Assistant Roles

Dental health is considered by many physicians to be the foundation for overall health, meaning those who work in the field as dental assistants are providing a valuable service to the public while simultaneously honing various transferable skills. Dental assistants are in high demand with the Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipating a seven percent annual growth rate through 2029 - or almost double the rate of growth for most jobs. Dental assistants can expect to work directly with patients, including completing registration, handling insurance details, and scheduling appointments. In addition, dental assistants will often perform clinical work such as sterilizing equipment, preparing the patient for the dentist, or assisting the dentist during oral health procedures. Hiring managers are looking for specific skills and responsibilities in their dental assistant applicants, and this guide will help you identify and include the appropriate skills that match your experience. We’ll start by looking at three example resumes for dental assistants at different stages of their careers.

Dental Assistant Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Dental Assistant
  • Certified Dental Assistant
  • Registered Dental Assistant
  • Entry Level Dental Assistant
  • Experienced Dental Assistant
  • Pediatric Dental Assistant
  • Lead Dental Assistant

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Dental Assistant Resumes

Dental Assistant Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Medical Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 10: Dental Assistant Resume Example

As a dental assistant, you play a vital role in supporting dentists and performing various tasks that keep dental practices running smoothly. In recent years, there's been an increased focus on patient comfort and creating a welcoming environment, so dental assistants should emphasize these skills in their resumes. Additionally, dental practices are adopting more advanced technology, so showcasing your familiarity with these tools can set you apart from other candidates. When writing your resume, it's important to highlight your hands-on experience and knowledge of dental procedures, as well as any specific certifications you have obtained. Also, don't forget to mention any administrative duties you've handled, as dental assistants often juggle both clinical and clerical tasks.

Dental assistant resume showcasing patient care and technology proficiency.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Dental Assistant resume in 2024

   showcase patient care skills.

Since dental assistants frequently interact with patients, it's crucial to emphasize your communication and interpersonal skills. Highlight any experience that demonstrates your ability to provide comfort and reassurance to patients, manage patient flow, and maintain a clean and organized workspace.

Showcase patient care skills - Dental Assistant Resume

   Highlight dental technology proficiency

As dental practices continue to adopt advanced technology, hiring managers will appreciate applicants who are well-versed in using modern dental equipment and software. Make sure to mention any experience with digital X-rays, dental practice management software, and other relevant technologies.

Highlight dental technology proficiency - Dental Assistant Resume

Skills you can include on your Dental Assistant resume

Template 2 of 10: dental assistant resume example.

Start your resume with a succinct summary that outlines your background as a dental assistant to catch the eye of hiring managers and give them an accurate impression of your personal skill set. Incorporate numerical values in the summary whenever relevant, and make sure to do the same in the body of your resume to impart an affinity for precision.

Dental assistants can highlight their personal experience with an opening summary while indicating the exact nature of their past accomplishments with number values.

   Opening summary specifies dental assistant skills

As the background of dental assistants can vary based on their experience working alongside dentists or at the front of the office, you can orient hiring managers to your particular background by including a short summary at the start of your resume. You can opt to include the tasks and skills you have expertise in, the amount of time you've been a dental assistant, or the type or size of office(s) you've worked in.

Opening summary specifies dental assistant skills - Dental Assistant Resume

   Uses numerical values to impart scope and scale of dental experience

Having an eye for details and accuracy is an important aspect of the clerical duties dental assistants are expected to perform. With that in mind, you should aim to use quantitative values in each of your bullet-pointed accomplishments as it will help hiring managers understand exactly how big your previous offices were, how high your satisfaction rating was, how many physicians you’re accustomed to working with, and so on.

Uses numerical values to impart scope and scale of dental experience - Dental Assistant Resume

Template 3 of 10: Certified Dental Assistant Resume Example

As a Certified Dental Assistant, you'll be an integral part of any dental practice, providing valuable support to dentists and ensuring a smooth patient experience. When crafting your resume, it's essential to showcase your expertise in dental procedures, patient care, and office management. Keep in mind that the dental field is continually evolving, with advancements in technology and shifts towards more patient-centric care. Employers are looking for dental assistants who are adaptable and committed to staying current on industry trends. In your resume, emphasize your technical skills, certifications, and experience working as a dental assistant. Also, highlight your ability to work well with patients of all ages and backgrounds, as well as your strong communication skills. Your resume should demonstrate your ability to effectively manage your time and multitask in a busy dental practice while maintaining a high standard of patient care.

Certified Dental Assistant resume example

Tips to help you write your Certified Dental Assistant resume in 2024

   showcase your certifications.

As a Certified Dental Assistant, your resume should highlight your relevant certifications, such as your Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) certification, radiology certification, or any additional dental assisting licensures. Include these in a dedicated "Certifications" section to demonstrate your expertise and qualifications.

Showcase your certifications - Certified Dental Assistant Resume

   Emphasize infection control skills

Dental practices prioritize maintaining a sterile environment, and employers value dental assistants who are diligent in infection control protocols. Include any OSHA or HIPAA training you've received, and mention your experience in maintaining a safe and clean workspace within the dental practice.

Emphasize infection control skills - Certified Dental Assistant Resume

Skills you can include on your Certified Dental Assistant resume

Template 4 of 10: certified dental assistant resume example.

Certified dental assistants have less formal education than registered dental assistants, but will generally be handling the same role at both the front and back of the dentist office. Their duties include entering medical records and scheduling appointments as well as reviewing dental procedures with patients. You can emphasize your experience in the role by listing your skills in a skill bank, along with a list of your certifications nearby. The body of your resume should support the certifications with practical experience.

Certified dental assistants should utilize a side or bottom skill bank while supporting them with appropriate accomplishments in the resume body.

   Includes skill bank to emphasize dental breadth and expertise

Hiring managers are typically pressed for time, and so a skill bank is a great way to highlight the technical tools and techniques you are familiar with. You should include the relevant software you’ve used (especially if it is field specific) and the full list of certifications you’ve attained.

   Emphasizes breadth of relevant accomplishments in the dental industry

Along with a skill bank, you should be sure that your bullet pointed accomplishments reflect the skills you’ve mastered by including a variety of dental assistant tasks for your past employers. Don’t just include the number of patients you worked with at past employers, but aim to reference your work compiling guides, performing chairside assistance, and ability to sterilize, for instance.

Emphasizes breadth of relevant accomplishments in the dental industry - Certified Dental Assistant Resume

Template 5 of 10: Registered Dental Assistant Resume Example

As a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA), your resume should showcase your specialized skills and knowledge in dental assisting. Stay updated on industry trends to demonstrate your commitment to providing top-notch patient care. For example, highlight your knowledge of new dental technologies and how they benefit patients and dental practices. In recent years, digital dentistry has taken off, so showcasing your proficiency in using digital equipment and software can help set you apart from other applicants. It's also important to emphasize your ability to work well with others, as RDAs are essential members of the dental team. Highlight your interpersonal skills, such as empathy and active listening, which contribute to a positive patient experience and seamless communication among team members.

RDA resume highlighting specialized skills and digital dentistry experience.

Tips to help you write your Registered Dental Assistant resume in 2024

   emphasize specialized skills and certifications.

As an RDA, you should list any specialized skills, certifications, and training courses you've completed that relate to dental assisting. For instance, if you've earned certifications in radiology, CPR, or infection control, make sure to include them on your resume to demonstrate your expertise and commitment to patient care.

Emphasize specialized skills and certifications - Registered Dental Assistant Resume

   Showcase experience with digital dentistry tools

Highlight your experience using digital dentistry tools and equipment, such as digital X-ray machines, intraoral scanners, and dental practice management software. This shows employers that you're keeping up with technology trends and can easily adapt to a modern dental practice.

Showcase experience with digital dentistry tools - Registered Dental Assistant Resume

Skills you can include on your Registered Dental Assistant resume

Template 6 of 10: registered dental assistant resume example.

Registered dental assistants (RDAs) have the highest educational requirements and will handle virtually everything in a dental office except the duties of the dentist. RDAs conduct administrative and clerical duties (such as scheduling and preparing clinical spaces for patients) and clinical duties such as taking x-rays and administering topical anesthesia. Hiring managers will be looking for advanced responsibilities that have grown over time, which can be augmented through the use of strong action verbs.

Registered dental assistants should aim to demonstrate their growing skills over time, along with effective use of action verbs.

   Shows progressive growth in responsibilities and positions across dental professions

As a registered dental assistant, you should be able to indicate that you have been growing in the degree of responsibility in your position over time. You can illustrate that in your resume by ensuring that your most recent position involves your most impressive accomplishments (such as performing procedures or attending professional development workshops).

Shows progressive growth in responsibilities and positions across dental professions - Registered Dental Assistant Resume

   Effective use of strong action verbs relevant to the medical field

To emphasize that you are familiar with the role of dental assistant, each one of your accomplishments should begin with an appropriate action verb. You should aim to include verbs like “assisted”, “prepared”, “provided”, or “fabricated” (with others listed below) to hammer in your understanding of the position.

Effective use of strong action verbs relevant to the medical field - Registered Dental Assistant Resume

Template 7 of 10: Entry Level Dental Assistant Resume Example

A dental assistant facilitates many tasks within a dentist’s office. These individuals have specialized knowledge in dental health and safety. They may be responsible for administrative tasks, teeth cleanings, taking X-rays, and patient education. They may also assist the dentist in more advanced procedures such as root canals. To become a dental assistant, most hiring managers will require you to have completed a dental assisting program, which is typically 1-2 years. At the end of this course, you’ll need to get certified as a dental assistant. A bachelor’s degree is not required, though if taken in a related field, might give you a leg up. Previous experience in a dental setting, like working as a receptionist in a dentist’s office, will be attractive to hiring managers.

A resume for an entry level dental assistant with a BSN and experience as a receptionist and volunteer nurse.

Tips to help you write your Entry Level Dental Assistant resume in 2024

   complete an externship to stand out as an entry level dental assistant.

An externship can be a great way to get hands-on dental assisting experience before entering the field. Your educational institution may have many externship opportunities available. Often, externships are counted toward the completion of the course as voluntary credits. Externships give you exposure and real-world training in a dental setting, which look great on an entry level resume.

   Differentiate your resume with speciality certifications or licenses

Almost all dental assistants have to pass the CDA (Certified Dental Assistant) exam. However, you can obtain speciality certifications and set yourself apart. For example, you can get a certification in orthodontic dental assisting or restorative dentistry. This diversifies your resume and can help you land jobs in more specialized sectors like orthodontics or cosmetic dentistry.

Differentiate your resume with speciality certifications or licenses - Entry Level Dental Assistant Resume

Skills you can include on your Entry Level Dental Assistant resume

Template 8 of 10: experienced dental assistant resume example.

A dental assistant facilitates several procedures within a dentist’s office. They have specialized knowledge in dental health and safety. An experienced dental assistant will be tasked with core elements of the dental assistant role, including teeth cleanings, performing X-rays, and more. An experienced dental assistant may also have other duties, like training new hygienists, assisting with more complicated procedures like oral surgery, or managing patient data. To become an experienced dental assistant, hiring managers will require that you have an educational background in dental assisting, and are a certified dental assistant. To land a role as an experienced dental assistant, you’ll need prior experience as a dental assistant with a track record of competency and excellence.

A resume for an experienced dental assistance with a associate degree in dental assisting and experience as a dental hygenist.

Tips to help you write your Experienced Dental Assistant resume in 2024

   highlight your successes in previous dental assistant roles.

To land a role as an experienced dental assistant, you’ll need to show hiring managers that you have valuable experience in the field. It’s important to highlight what you have excelled at in previous roles. For example, you can highlight how many patients you successfully committed to a needed course of treatment, or how you successfully secured and organized patient data.

   Get certified in dental office software like Dentrix

When recruiting for an experienced dental assistant, hiring managers will often be looking for someone who has the ability to streamline administrative operations. You can obtain certifications, such as the Dentrix certification, that provide the skills needed to proficiently use the program and how to train others on it. These certifications will make your resume stand out as they show administrative competency and the ability to teach colleagues about office software.

Get certified in dental office software like Dentrix - Experienced Dental Assistant Resume

Skills you can include on your Experienced Dental Assistant resume

Template 9 of 10: pediatric dental assistant resume example.

Pediatric dental assistants support pediatric dentists. Though you are not likely to perform procedures on patients, you may still perform clinical tasks like sterilizing equipment, preparing patients, and giving advice to patients on oral healthcare. A lot of your time will also be spent on administrative tasks such as scheduling appointments and maintaining records. To qualify for this job, you will need a dental assistant certification at the very least. Some recruiters will also be looking for experience in dentistry as well. Take a look at this strong resume sample.

A pediatric dental assistant resume sample that highlights the applicant’s certifications and functions.

Tips to help you write your Pediatric Dental Assistant resume in 2024

   clearly list your certifications and where they were obtained..

You must be certified to work in this position and so recruiters will need to easily find your certifications in your resume. It is also important to clearly list which board or organization you got your certification from because recruiters might have ATS filters that will filter out all resumes that do not list the board certifications that they recognize.

Clearly list your certifications and where they were obtained. - Pediatric Dental Assistant Resume

   Have a mixture of dental and administrative tools listed.

In this position, you will be assisting with dental procedures and also performing many administrative tasks. It is therefore important to list industry standard tools for both functions. This applicant does this successfully.

Have a mixture of dental and administrative tools listed. - Pediatric Dental Assistant Resume

Skills you can include on your Pediatric Dental Assistant resume

Template 10 of 10: lead dental assistant resume example.

As a lead dental assistant, you will be a dentist's second in command. You will assist in many of the procedures and may even perform some procedures like teeth cleaning and taking X-rays. You will also perform administrative tasks like scheduling and record keeping. Your biggest function, however, is to manage and supervise the other dental assistants. You will create schedules, supervise them during procedures, train them, monitor their performance, etc. This position requires you to be at least certified by an accredited program, but recruiters would prefer to see a diploma or degree in dentistry. Additional qualifications like a degree will also increase your chances of getting higher pay. Recruiters will also want to see that you have had successful experience as a manager or leader. Take a look at this strong resume sample.

A lead dental assistant resume sample that highlights the applicant’s industry-specific skills and experience.

Tips to help you write your Lead Dental Assistant resume in 2024

   use action verbs to indicate experience in your three main functions..

A lead dental assistant has three main functions: assisting the dentist, administration, and management of other assistants. Action verbs are a great way to shape your experience section to make your experience in all three functions stand out. For your assistant function use action verbs like administered or assisted. For your administrative function use action verbs like scheduled. For your management function use action verbs like trained and managed.

Use action verbs to indicate experience in your three main functions. - Lead Dental Assistant Resume

   List industry-specific tools.

There are particular administrative and management tools used in dental practice. Show your knowledge and expertise in the field by listing these industry-specific tools. Some of these tools include Curve Hero and Weave.

List industry-specific tools. - Lead Dental Assistant Resume

Skills you can include on your Lead Dental Assistant resume

As a hiring manager who has recruited for top dental practices like Aspen Dental, Affordable Dentures & Implants, and Western Dental & Orthodontics, I've seen countless resumes for dental assistant positions. In this article, I'll share insider tips on how to make your dental assistant resume stand out and increase your chances of landing an interview.

   Highlight your dental-specific skills

Employers want to see that you have the specific skills required for the dental assistant role. Make sure to highlight your expertise in:

  • Chairside assisting
  • Dental instrument sterilization
  • Taking and developing dental radiographs
  • Preparing dental materials (e.g., cements, amalgams, composites)

Don't just list these skills; provide specific examples of how you've used them in your work experience section. For instance:

  • Assisted dentists with procedures such as fillings, extractions, and crown placements
  • Maintained strict infection control protocols, ensuring proper sterilization of instruments

Bullet Point Samples for Dental Assistant

   Showcase your patient care experience

Dental assistants play a crucial role in patient care and comfort. Highlight your experience in:

  • Educating patients on oral hygiene practices
  • Helping anxious patients feel at ease
  • Taking and recording patient medical histories
  • Providing post-operative care instructions

Use specific examples to illustrate your patient care skills:

  • Developed rapport with patients, easing anxiety and ensuring comfort during procedures
  • Provided clear and concise post-operative care instructions to patients and caregivers

   Include relevant certifications and training

Dental practices often prefer candidates with specific certifications or training. Be sure to include:

  • Dental Assistant Certification (e.g., CDA, RDA, EFDA)
  • CPR and First Aid certifications
  • Continuing education courses related to dentistry

If you have multiple certifications, consider creating a separate 'Certifications' section to make them easy for employers to find. For example:

Certifications: - Certified Dental Assistant (CDA), Dental Assisting National Board, 2019 - CPR and First Aid Certified, American Red Cross, 2020

   Tailor your resume to the specific job

One common mistake job seekers make is using the same generic resume for every application. Instead:

  • Sending the same resume to every dental practice without customization
  • Including irrelevant skills or experience not related to the dental assistant role

To make your resume stand out, tailor it to the specific job:

  • Read the job description carefully and highlight key skills and requirements
  • Emphasize the skills and experience that directly match what the employer is seeking
  • Use similar language and terminology as the job posting

By customizing your resume for each application, you show the employer that you're a strong fit for their specific needs.

   Quantify your accomplishments

When possible, use numbers and metrics to quantify your accomplishments and make your resume more impactful. For example:

  • Assisted with an average of 30 patient procedures per day
  • Maintained a 95% patient satisfaction rating based on post-visit surveys
  • Trained 5 new dental assistants on office procedures and protocols

Quantifying your achievements helps employers better understand the scope and impact of your work. It also helps your resume stand out from those that only include generic descriptions of responsibilities.

   Proofread and format for readability

Before submitting your resume, make sure to:

  • Carefully proofread for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
  • Use a clear, easy-to-read font like Arial or Calibri
  • Organize your resume with clear headings and bullet points
  • Keep it concise, typically one to two pages

A well-formatted, error-free resume shows attention to detail and professionalism. Consider asking a friend or family member to review your resume for any mistakes or areas for improvement.

By following these tips and tailoring your resume to showcase your dental-specific skills and experience, you'll be well on your way to landing your next dental assistant role.

Writing Your Dental Assistant Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name on its own line.

Your name should be the most prominent part of your header. Put it on its own line at the top, in a font size that's larger than the rest of your resume (18-24pt is a good range).

Here's an example of what your name line might look like:

  • John Smith, CDA

Avoid adding labels or extra details on the same line as your name:

  • John Smith - Certified Dental Assistant, 123 Main St, New York, NY 10001

2. Include essential contact details

After your name, add your key contact information:

  • Phone number
  • Professional email address
  • Location (City, State)
  • LinkedIn URL (optional)

You can put these details on one line, separated by vertical lines or bullet points to keep your header compact:

[email protected] | 212-555-1234 | New York, NY |

Avoid cluttering your header with personal details or a full mailing address, which hiring managers don't need at this stage:

  • 123 Main St, Apt 2B, New York, NY 10001 | Birthday: Jan 1, 1985 | Marital Status: Single

3. Showcase your dental assistant job title

If you're an experienced dental assistant, consider adding your job title as the last line of your header. This quickly communicates your level and area of expertise. For example:

John Smith, CDA [email protected] | 212-555-1234 | New York, NY Senior Dental Assistant

However, avoid adding multiple job titles or stuffing your header with keywords, which can look cluttered and spammy:

  • Dental Assistant | Dental Hygienist | Dental Receptionist | Billing Coordinator
  • Dental Assistant with skills in patient care, X-rays, dental instruments, EagleSoft, Dentrix...

Keep your header clean and stick to one clear job title. You'll have space to elaborate on your skills and experience in other resume sections.


A resume summary for a dental assistant position is optional, but can be a valuable addition if you have relevant experience or skills that set you apart from other candidates. While an objective statement is outdated and should be avoided, a well-crafted summary can provide context and highlight your most impressive qualifications. Keep your summary concise and tailored to the specific dental assistant role you're targeting.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Dental Assistant resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Dental Assistant resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Dental Assistant Resume Summary Examples , or Dental Assistant Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your dental experience and skills

When crafting your dental assistant resume summary, focus on your most relevant experience and skills. Hiring managers want to see that you have the necessary qualifications to excel in the role.

Rather than using generic statements like this:

Experienced dental assistant looking for a new opportunity. Skilled in various dental procedures and patient care.

Quantify your experience and highlight specific skills:

Certified Dental Assistant with 5+ years of experience in fast-paced dental practices. Skilled in chair-side assisting, dental impressions, and patient education. Proficient in digital X-rays and dental charting software.

2. Showcase your achievements and impact

In addition to listing your skills and experience, use your summary to showcase your achievements and the impact you've made in previous roles. This helps you stand out from other candidates and demonstrates your value to potential employers.

  • Assisted dentists with various procedures
  • Provided excellent patient care

Instead, quantify your achievements and highlight specific results:

  • Assisted in 20+ dental procedures daily, ensuring efficient and high-quality patient care
  • Implemented a new patient education program, increasing patient satisfaction scores by 15%

3. Tailor your summary to the specific role

To make your resume summary more effective, tailor it to the specific dental assistant position you're applying for. Research the practice and the job description to identify the key skills and qualifications they're looking for.

For example, if the job description emphasizes pediatric dentistry experience, highlight your relevant skills:

Compassionate Dental Assistant with 3+ years of experience in pediatric dentistry. Skilled in creating a friendly and welcoming environment for young patients and their families. Proficient in behavior management techniques and patient education.

By tailoring your summary to the specific role, you demonstrate your fit for the position and increase your chances of catching the hiring manager's attention.


The work experience section is the heart of your resume. It's where you show the impact you've made at your previous dental assistant jobs. Avoid simply listing your daily responsibilities. Instead, think about your proudest accomplishments and the key skills you leveraged to achieve them.

Here are some tips to make your work experience section stand out to hiring managers and paint a memorable picture of what you bring to the table:

1. Highlight your clinical skills and specialties

Dental assistants play a crucial role in supporting dentists with a variety of procedures. Highlight the specific clinical skills and specialties you've developed, such as:

  • Assisted with dental implants, veneers, and teeth whitening procedures
  • Specialized in pediatric dentistry, helping young patients feel at ease during cleanings and treatments
  • Expertise in taking digital dental x-rays and impressions using iTero scanner

Mentioning the procedures and patient populations you have experience with helps employers quickly see if you're the right fit for their practice.

2. Showcase your impact with numbers

When possible, quantify your achievements to give a concrete sense of your impact. Compare this:

  • Responsible for sterilizing dental instruments and managing inventory
  • Implemented a new inventory management system, reducing supply costs by 15% and ensuring 100% adherence to sterilization protocols for 50+ instruments

The second example paints a much more vivid picture by including specific numbers. No need to quantify everything - focus on your most impressive data points.

3. Feature promotions and added responsibilities

Highlight any promotions, title changes, or times you took on additional responsibilities, as these indicate strong performance and trust from your employer. For example:

Dental Assistant II, 2019-2022 Dental Assistant, 2016-2019

This shows you advanced in your role over time. Even if your title didn't change, you can call out how you expanded your scope, like:

  • Took on additional responsibility of training new dental assistants on clinical procedures, terminology, and patient care

4. Demonstrate your soft skills through examples

In addition to clinical abilities, dental assistants need strong communication, organization, and customer service skills. Weave these in naturally by showing how you applied them. For instance:

  • Built rapport with patients, clearly explaining procedures to help them feel informed and at ease
  • Reorganized supply closet and treatment rooms to maximize efficiency, reducing prep time by 5 minutes per patient

This is more effective than simply listing soft skills without context, like:

  • Communication skills
  • Organizational abilities


The education section of your dental assistant resume should be concise and highlight your relevant training and certifications. This section is especially important if you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective education section:

How To Write An Education Section - Dental Assistant Roles

1. List your highest level of education first

Start with your most recent or highest level of education, such as a dental assistant diploma or associate degree. Include the name of the institution, the degree or diploma earned, and the graduation date.

Associate of Applied Science in Dental Assisting XYZ Community College, Anytown, USA Graduated: May 2023

2. Include relevant coursework and awards

If you are a recent graduate, you can include relevant coursework, clinical experience, or academic achievements to showcase your knowledge and skills. This can help you stand out from other candidates who may have similar educational backgrounds.

  • Completed coursework in dental anatomy, radiology, and infection control
  • Received Dean's List honors for three consecutive semesters

3. Highlight your dental assistant certification

If you have earned a dental assistant certification, such as the Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) credential from the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB), make sure to include it in your education section. This certification demonstrates your commitment to the profession and can set you apart from other candidates.

Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) Earned: August 2022

4. Keep it brief for experienced professionals

If you are a seasoned dental assistant with several years of experience, your education section should be brief and focus on your highest level of education and most relevant certifications. Avoid listing outdated or irrelevant information that may distract from your professional experience.

Example of what not to include:

  • Online course in basic Microsoft Office skills
  • High school diploma, class of 1995

Instead, keep it concise:

Associate of Applied Science in Dental Assisting XYZ Community College

Action Verbs For Dental Assistant Resumes

Dental assistants are expected to be versatile in their ability to assist both physicians and patients, so selecting a range of action verbs to utilize in your resume will help showcase your experience. Along with leading your bullet points with strong action verbs when appropriate, you should work them into the body of the accomplishment as added emphasis.

Action Verbs for Dental Assistant

  • Coordinated
  • Administered

For more related action verbs, visit Medical Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Dental Assistant Resumes

Skills for dental assistant resumes.

The skill set for dental assistants will vary between individuals based on their experience, but hiring managers will generally be looking for key skills that will enable you to function effectively in the position. On the left, we’ve listed the most common skills that dental assistants are expected to have. As dental assistants rely on specific technical skills and software to conduct a portion of their duties, you should aim to include a skill bank on your resume to give hiring managers an easy way to determine your capability. Additionally, starting your resume with a summary that incorporates key skills will help you stand out to hiring managers and make it past automatic screening tools.

  • Dental Assisting
  • Dental Care
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
  • Patient Education
  • Restorative Dentistry
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Infection Control
  • Oral Surgery
  • Sterilization
  • Coronal Polishing
  • Dental Software
  • Dental Imaging
  • Orthodontics
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Endodontics

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Dental Assistant Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Dental Assistant Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Dental Assistant Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Dental Assistant job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Dental Assistant Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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Top 16 Dental Assistant Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 9, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement at the top of your resume that explains why you are the ideal candidate for the dental assistant position. It should be tailored to the specific job and company, and should include your qualifications, relevant experience, and skills. When crafting your resume objective, it’s important to make sure it highlights the key points that the employer is looking for in an ideal candidate. For example, if the company is looking for someone with strong organizational skills and experience in customer service, make sure to include those qualities in your statement. Additionally, try to keep your objective concise and focus on what you can bring to the table rather than what you want from the job. Here's an example of a good resume objective for a dental assistant: "Highly organized individual with five years of experience providing patient care in a dental office seeking a Dental Assistant position at ABC Dentistry where my experience can help enhance patient satisfaction."

Dental Assistant Resume Example

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Top 16 Dental Assistant Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a position as a Dental Assistant where I can utilize my skills and knowledge to provide quality patient care.
  • To secure a challenging position as a Dental Assistant in an established practice that will allow me to utilize my skills and experience.
  • Seeking a position as a Dental Assistant with the opportunity for growth and advancement.
  • To work as a Dental Assistant where I can use my experience, knowledge, and skill set to provide quality patient care.
  • To join an organization as a Dental Assistant and contribute to providing excellent patient care services.
  • Looking for an opportunity to work as a Dental Assistant utilizing my knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of dentistry.
  • Seeking employment as a Dental Assistant where I can apply my education, experience, and interpersonal skills in providing quality dental care.
  • A motivated individual seeking employment opportunities as a Dental Assistant with the ability to perform all duties efficiently while maintaining high standards of patient care.
  • Passionate about working in the dental field looking for an opportunity to serve patients as a Dental Assistant with excellent communication skills and strong attention to detail.
  • To gain employment at an established dental practice where I can utilize my knowledge of dental procedures and techniques while providing exceptional customer service.
  • Seeking full-time employment as a Dental Assistant with the ability to effectively assist dentists during treatments while ensuring patient comfort throughout the process.
  • Looking for an opportunity to work in an environment that values hard work and dedication by becoming part of your team as a qualified Dental Assistant.
  • Eagerly seeking employment opportunities in dentistry that will enable me to apply my knowledge of dental procedures while delivering superior customer service experiences.
  • A highly organized professional looking for an entry-level position in dentistry where I can apply my strong communication skills while providing excellent patient care services.
  • Motivated individual with excellent organizational abilities searching for an opportunity within the dental industry where I can use my experience and knowledge of dental practices to provide top-notch patient care services.
  • Looking for an opportunity to join your team of professionals by becoming part of your staff as a skilled Dental Assistant who is dedicated to delivering outstanding customer service experiences every time

How to Write a Dental Assistant Resume Objective

Writing a dental assistant resume objective is an important part of creating a successful job application. An effective objective statement should be tailored to the specific position and highlight the skills, qualifications, and experience that make you the right fit for the role. It should also reflect your enthusiasm for the position and explain why you are the ideal candidate.

When writing your dental assistant resume objective, start by considering the job requirements listed in the job posting. Make sure to include any relevant skills or qualifications that you possess that match those listed in the job description. Highlight any achievements or experiences that demonstrate your ability to be successful in this role. For example, if you have worked as a dental assistant before, mention any awards or commendations you have received from employers or patients.

In addition to highlighting your qualifications and experience, provide some insight into why you are interested in this particular role. Explain what inspired your interest in becoming a dental assistant and why it’s important to you. This will help demonstrate your commitment to this career path and show how passionate you are about working as a dental assistant.

Finally, make sure to keep your dental assistant resume objective concise yet impactful. Aim for two to three sentences that clearly convey who you are, what makes you qualified for this position, and why it matters to you personally. By following these tips, you can create an effective resume objective that will help set yourself apart from other applicants and increase your chances of landing an interview for this role!

Related : What does a Dental Assistant do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Dental Assistant Resume Objective

When crafting your dental assistant resume, it's essential to emphasize specific key skills in your objective statement. This section serves as the first impression for potential employers and can significantly influence their perception of your qualifications. Highlighting these skills not only showcases your professionalism but also demonstrates your understanding of the job requirements and your ability to perform them effectively. In this section, we will discuss the critical skills you should focus on to make your dental assistant resume objective compelling and impactful.

1. Radiography

A dental assistant needs the skill of radiography because it is a fundamental part of their job role. They are required to take and process dental x-rays, which are essential in diagnosing and treating oral health issues. Having this skill on a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has the necessary technical proficiency, can adhere to safety protocols, and is capable of providing comprehensive support to dentists. This skill also demonstrates the candidate's ability to handle advanced dental equipment and contribute effectively to patient care.

2. Sterilization

Sterilization is a crucial skill for a Dental Assistant as it ensures the safety and health of both patients and dental staff. It involves properly cleaning and sterilizing all dental instruments and equipment, reducing the risk of infection or disease transmission. This skill demonstrates the candidate's knowledge of hygiene standards, attention to detail, and commitment to providing a safe environment. Including this in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of maintaining a clean and sterile workspace, which is essential in any healthcare setting.

3. Chairside assisting

Chairside assisting is a crucial skill for a dental assistant as it demonstrates the ability to effectively support dentists during procedures. This includes preparing and organizing dental instruments, ensuring patient comfort, and maintaining clear communication with the dentist. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of fulfilling essential job duties and can contribute to a smooth, efficient dental practice.

4. Dental impressions

Dental impressions are a crucial part of many dental procedures, such as creating dentures, crowns, or braces. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has hands-on experience in essential dental practices. It demonstrates their ability to handle complex tasks and work directly with patients, which is necessary for providing high-quality dental care. This skill also indicates that the candidate can effectively assist dentists during various procedures, enhancing the efficiency of the dental office.

5. Sealant application

Sealant application is a crucial skill for a dental assistant as it demonstrates the ability to perform preventive dental procedures. This skill shows that the candidate is capable of assisting in protecting patients' teeth from decay, which is a key aspect of oral health care. Including this skill in a resume objective can highlight the candidate's hands-on experience and their commitment to providing comprehensive dental care.

6. Infection control

Infection control is a crucial skill for a Dental Assistant as it ensures the safety and well-being of both patients and staff in the dental office. It involves knowledge and application of sterilization procedures, proper handling of dental instruments, and maintaining cleanliness in the work area. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates the candidate's commitment to providing a safe environment, reducing the risk of cross-contamination or infection spread, which is highly valued in dental healthcare settings.

7. Patient education

A dental assistant with the skill of patient education is essential as it demonstrates their ability to clearly communicate complex dental procedures and oral care instructions to patients. This skill shows that they can promote good oral health habits, alleviate patient fears or misconceptions, and ensure patients understand their treatment plans. Hence, it contributes to better patient satisfaction and overall dental care service.

8. Scheduling appointments

A dental assistant with the skill of scheduling appointments demonstrates strong organizational and administrative abilities. This skill is crucial as it ensures smooth operations within a dental clinic, contributing to efficient patient care. It also shows the ability to manage time effectively, handle multiple tasks at once, and maintain a professional relationship with patients. Including this skill in a resume objective can highlight the candidate's capability to contribute to a well-run dental practice and provide excellent customer service.

9. Dental software (Dentrix)

A dental assistant needs to have a working knowledge of dental software like Dentrix because it is widely used in the industry for various administrative tasks. These tasks include scheduling appointments, billing patients, processing insurance claims, and managing patient records. Proficiency in Dentrix demonstrates that the candidate has the necessary technical skills to handle these responsibilities efficiently and accurately, which can contribute to the smooth operation of a dental office. Including this skill in a resume objective can show potential employers that the candidate is prepared for the administrative aspect of the role and can hit the ground running.

10. Inventory management

A dental assistant with inventory management skills is able to efficiently track and manage dental supplies, equipment, and tools. This ensures that the dental office runs smoothly and effectively without any interruptions due to lack of necessary materials. It also demonstrates the ability to maintain organization, manage resources, and plan ahead - qualities that are beneficial in any work setting. Including this skill in a resume objective can highlight the candidate's capability to contribute to efficient operations within a dental practice.

Top 10 Dental Assistant Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, your dental assistant resume objective should effectively highlight your key skills to grab the attention of potential employers. It's crucial to tailor these skills to the specific job requirements and showcase how they make you an ideal candidate for the position. Remember, this section is your first opportunity to make a strong impression, so be sure to present a compelling snapshot of your capabilities and potential value to the dental practice.

Related : Dental Assistant Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Dental Assistant Resume Objective

The resume objective for a dental assistant is an important section that can make or break a job seeker’s chances of getting hired. Unfortunately, many applicants make some common mistakes when writing their objective that can cost them the job. To ensure success, it is important to take the time to craft an effective and compelling objective statement that makes the most of your qualifications and experience.

One of the most common mistakes made when writing a dental assistant resume objective is being too general. An objective should be tailored to each specific job application, rather than using generic statements such as “seeking a challenging position in a dental office.” Instead, include details about the specific skills and qualifications you have that make you an ideal candidate for the job. For example, “Seeking a full-time position as a dental assistant in an established practice where I can use my 5 years of experience in chairside assisting and patient care to provide excellent service to patients.”

Another mistake often seen on dental assistant resumes is not including enough detail about past work experience. While it may seem like stating your previous positions is unnecessary, employers want to know more than just where you used to work; they want to see how your experiences have prepared you for this particular role. Make sure you list any relevant certifications or courses taken, as well as any duties performed at past jobs that are applicable to this new position.

Finally, don’t forget to proofread! A poorly written resume with spelling mistakes or typos will show potential employers that you lack attention to detail—not exactly what you want them thinking about when considering you for a job! Take the time to read over your resume before submitting it and make sure there are no errors.

By avoiding these common mistakes when crafting your dental assistant resume objective, you will increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers and landing the job of your dreams!

Related : Dental Assistant Resume Examples

Dental Assistant Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a dental assistant should focus on the applicant's qualifications and goals, while a wrong resume objective would focus solely on what the applicant wants from the job.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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