how do you write a guest of honor speech

How to Write a Killer Maid of Honor Speech: The Ultimate Guide

how do you write a guest of honor speech

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To us here at Modern MOH, the writing and delivery of the maid of honor speech is the most sacred duty of them all. We feel this is your true time to shine and the greatest opportunity to show your bestie just how much her happiness means to you. By taking the time to construct a heartfelt and well-written speech, then delivering it to the best of your ability, you will help make your bride’s wedding day all the more perfect.

And while we doubt we were your first stop on the “ how to write a maid of honor speech ” search train, we do hope to be your final destination. You see, unlike most articles you’ll find on the subject of maid of honor speeches, we’re actually going to give it to you straight. No vaguely basic outlines or generically boring examples, just the cold hard facts.

Because we have some serious experience in the toast department, and if there’s one thing we’ve learned about writing a killer maid of honor speech, it’s this: there is no secret formula, no one best way . How could there be? Each and every relationship between a maid of honor and a bride is different from the next, just as each and every memory is uniquely yours. 

Lastly, we know the thought of having to give a wedding toast in front of a large group of people may be terrifying for most, that’s why we’re here to teach you a thing or two to ease those nerves. From start to finish, we have all the tips and tricks you need to know to bring the house down.

How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech in 5 Simple Steps

1. define your overall objective.

Before you begin writing your maid of honor speech, you must first define your objective. In other words, you need to have a goal you’re looking to accomplish. For example, are you hoping to make wedding guests laugh? Cry? Both? Do you want to talk about your history with the bride, about how you met the groom, or what their relationship as a couple means to you?

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you figure out the direction you should take when writing your wedding toast.

If you find yourself struggling to define your objective, simply think of your relationship with both the bride and groom. Do they have a great sense of humor? Is your time together spent mostly joking around and laughing? If so, try taking a comedic approach to your toast by cracking a few funny jokes along the way.

Or maybe you and your bride have been through some very serious times together that you want to share, in which case your speech may be much more emotionally moving. The great part about this objective is that it’s your own, so there is no one right or best way to go about it.

MODERN MOH TIP:  Touch on a little bit of everything. Start strong with a joke or two and finish out with a sentimental toast.  While there is no exact formula to it, a truly good maid of honor speech is both funny enough to get wedding guests laughing and moving enough to bring a tear to their eye. Secondly, don’t spend so much time talking about your history with the bride that you forget to talk about the groom. Even if you don’t have your own personal memories with your best friend’s new hubby, that doesn’t mean he should be left out of your speech. Instead, talk about their relationship as a couple and what it means to you, including your wishes for the bride and groom’s future together. 

2. Decide on Your Point of View

The key to writing a killer of maid of honor speech is to not think of it as a speech, but instead a story. And as the narrator of this particular story, it’s up to you to determine the point of view from which you tell it. While it may seem obvious that you’d write from the first-person POV, there are definitely some benefits to switching it up.

To begin with, writing from a third-person POV will give your toast a unique twist and a more story-like feel. For example, instead of saying “Taylor and I met on the school bus in the third grade and she’s been my best friend ever since” , you could say “When Taylor was in the third grade, she met a little girl on the school bus who remains her best friend to this day” .

Like the idea, but don’t think you can write an entire speech that way? No problem. Unlike what you were taught in grade school, you have the freedom to switch between differing points of view when telling your story. If you haven’t caught on yet, let us reiterate: there is no right or wrong when it comes to writing your speech.

MODERN MOH TIP: Take advantage of switching up points of view. Start with narrating from the first person point of view, especially if it’s easier for you to tell the history between you and the bride that way. When it comes time to talk about the couple, tell their story from an outsider’s perspective. If you do decide to go this route, don’t get so crazy with it that you start confusing your audience. The whole point of using different points of view is to enhance your maid of honor speech, not complicate it.

3. Determine Your Must-Haves

Now that you’ve defined your objective and decided on your POV, it’s time to determine your must-haves. By must-haves, we mean the anecdotes you absolutely want to include in your maid of honor speech. For instance, is there a particularly good memory you have with the bride that you definitely want to share with wedding guests? Or maybe you were there when the bride and groom met and you want to tell your side of the couple’s story?

Determining your must-haves before you begin writing your toast will guarantee you don’t forget to feature them. Not to mention, it will keep you from going off track when it comes time to put pen to paper. If you’re having trouble narrowing it down, keep this in mind: it’s much better to have one or two epic stories than a mix of mediocre ones.

MODERN MOH TIP: Don’t be that maid of honor that goes on and on about memories and “funny” inside jokes you have with the bride (no wedding guest wants to hear it, trust us). Instead, tell one or two really good stories that portray your friendship and then move on to her relationship with the groom and their history as a couple. Too many MOHs make the mistake of making their toast all about them and not enough about the couple whose wedding they are supposed to be celebrating. If you want to talk about yourself in front of a big audience, try Youtube.

4. Develop Your Story From Beginning to End

As we mentioned before, the key to writing a killer maid of honor speech is to tell it like a story. And just like any good story, you must develop it from beginning to middle to end (think along the lines of “ once upon a time ” to “ they lived happily ever after ”). While it’s entirely up to you to decide what constitutes the beginning, middle, and end of your particular story, you should avoid big jumps in time. In other words, do your best to develop it in chronological order so you don’t confuse wedding guests.

For instance: Start by telling the story of how you and the bride met, continue on with a memory you have of the bride and groom, and finish with a toast for the couple. Again, there is no magic formula when it comes to writing a maid of honor speech, but having a clear and concise storyline is highly suggested.

MODERN MOH TIP: Don’t be predictable. Chances are you and your best friend didn’t cross paths in some epic way (especially if you’re sisters), so skip the generic “this is how we met” story. Instead, dive right into a funny/crazy/holy s*$&! moment to get the crowd’s attention. And don’t be boring with your finale either. No generic “cheers to the Mr. & Mrs.” toast, we know you can do better than that. Your goal should be to receive a standing ovation from the couple and their wedding guests, not a polite golf clap.

5. Describe Your Characters in Detail

We can’t stress how important this final step is when it comes to writing your maid of honor speech. Seriously, taking the extra step to describe your characters in detail is what differentiates the bland from the bomb. And just so we’re clear, by characters we mean the bride and groom, and by detail we mean elaboration. For example, instead of saying “Taylor is such a great friend, she’s always been there for me whenever I needed her” , you should say “I’ve never met a more loving and loyal person than Taylor, she truly exemplifies what it means to be a best friend” .

These extra tweaks may seem insignificant to you, but they’re exactly the lines that will resonate with your audience and more importantly, the couple. And if writing isn’t your strong suit, don’t worry. Simply speak from the heart, you’ll be surprised at how well your final product turns out.

MODERN MOH TIP: Use a thesaurus (seriously, we do it all the time). It’s a good way to spice up your word choice and will stop you from repeating yourself. On the flip side, don’t feel like you have to use a ton of fancy words- you want to sound like yourself after all, not Shakespeare. Lastly, don’t be afraid to throw a bit of alliteration in there. It brings character to your writing and will make your toast much more memorable ( see what we did there? )

How to End a Maid of Honor Speech

Now that you’ve got the beginning and middle of your speech outlined, it’s time to work on your ending. As this will be your final moment with the mic, your goal should be to make it a memorable one.

One hard-fast rule on ending any maid of honor speech is to address both the bride and groom as a newlywed couple and offer your best wishes for a happy marriage. The easiest way to accomplish this is by raising a toast.

As far as the contents of your toast, it’s up to you if you want to use your own words or prefer to recite a heartfelt quote . To help you decide, ask yourself the following question:

If the answer is yes, by all means, write up your own personal toast. If the answer is no, start searching for the perfect quote.

MODERN MOH TIP:  Select a few possible endings for your maid of honor speech and do test runs through them all to see which flows the best. Oftentimes it’s easier to decide based on how you deliver the words than how they sound in your head.

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how do you write a guest of honor speech


Suggestions for the maid of honor when she’s the mother of the bride…? I don’t wanna get too mushy I want to keep it lighthearted and fun but I want it to be special.

What a super special time for you and your daughter!

I would definitely recommend starting with some funny childhood stories, especially if you they feature any family members or friends who are attending. Pulling the audience in is the best way to capture their attention!

I totally get not wanting to get too mushy, but as her mom, you definitely have the opportunity for an extra hard tug at the heartstrings (and I absolutely suggest doing so!) Whether you talk about how you’ve envisioned this day since she was a little girl, or how you felt when you realized your daughter had met ‘the one’, speaking from the heart as her mom will add the perfect sentimental touch to your speech.

Good luck with everything- I have total faith that you’ll knock it out of the park 🙂

What should I write when I’m the step daughter of the bride

Hi Charlotte,

That is so sweet of your stepmother to ask you to be her maid of honor! During your speech, I would be sure to tell her how much your relationship as stepmother and stepdaughter means to you, as well as what her relationship with your father means to your family.

You are in a unique position that you have been such a close part of their relationship, so I would use that to your advantage!

Good luck 🙂

What if I’m the maid of honor and need to write this speech, but really dislike the groom?

Unfortunately, this situation is more common than you may think and my advice is always the same- do not under any circumstances let your feelings about the groom be known during your speech.

Even if you can’t find it within yourself to say something nice specifically about the groom, this does not mean you should ignore him altogether. Simply include a few lines about the two as a couple, keeping it light and positive.

I’m the sister of the groom and barely know the bride! She and my brother live several states away and have visited a total of about 6 days (2 long weekends)- so there are no real stories or experiences about us. How do I pull this off?? Any tips would be wonderful!!

This is definitely a difficult position to be in, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still deliver a great speech!

My best recommendation would be to reach out to your brother and future SIL’s closest friends to ask for any stories they may have about them as a couple (e.g. how they met, a favorite memory, etc.) Just because you don’t have your own experiences to share doesn’t mean you can’t speak to their relationship through the voice of their loved ones.

Also, don’t make a point to say you don’t know the bride very well. Instead, say something along the lines of “I know that living far away from each other makes it difficult to spend time together, but I truly look forward to getting to know you better as not just a sister-in-law, but a friend.”

I hope this helps in some way! Good luck 🙂

Help! What if I’ve never met the groom? We’ve been long distance best friends for a while now.

For those MOHs who have never met/don’t know the groom very well, I always recommend that they talk to the bride for some insight. Start by asking your BFF about how they met, her favorite memories as a couple, and their hopes/dreams as husband and wife.

You can also reach out to the best man or other groomsmen to get their perspective of the groom and his relationship with your friend. Just because you don’t have your own experiences to share doesn’t mean you can’t speak to their relationship through the voice of their loved ones.

Hope this helps! Good luck 🙂

So, the bride and myself have only been friends for about a year and a half. We are so close though, it feels like we’ve known each other forever. How do I go about talking about our friendship when most of the suggestions are childhood memories or having known the bride for so long. Thanks!

Hi Brittany! I think the fact that you’ve only known each other for a year and a half, but are close enough to be playing such an important role in your friend’s wedding is so special. I would totally highlight that in your speech as a way to show the audience how welcoming and obviously lovable the bride is.

And just because you don’t have a long history together does not mean that you and your friend don’t have fun memories for you to reminisce on during your speech. You can also talk about your hopes and plans for the future of your friendship!

I hope this helps and good luck! 🙂

I feel like writing this speech for my sister’s wedding should be so easy, but I am struggling hard. I have so many funny stories but can’t figure out how to tie one or two of them together to create a wonderful speech. Please help!

Sometimes writing such an important speech for someone you love is the opposite of easy because you put so much pressure on yourself to make it perfect! I would recommend choosing stories that the audience can easily follow along with without feeling totally left out or lost. In other words, don’t rely on stories that feature an inside joke between you and your sister or you’ll be the only two laughing at the end.

I hope this helps! Good luck 🙂

Help!! My sister is getting married next September so I have some time but of course she asked me to be her MOH but her best friend had her as her MOH and I thought she was going to have her be hers in return since they are basically sisters and have known each other since they were very little. I love that I’m her MOH but is it possible to have two?? How should I go about bringing it up? I’m 6 years younger than my sister so her best friend knows more about her and her friends and the groom even since she was there watching them fall in love. I feel like I’m at a disadvantage. I don’t want to not be her MOH but I also rather share the title with her best friend that way we could make a killer speech??

Hi Kait, this is a tough position to be in! If you are simply worried about not making a great MOH speech, you could just let your sister know your fears and ask her if she would mind you bringing her friend in for some insight and inspiration.

On the other hand, if you truly feel that you could be a better MOH all around with your sister’s friend’s help, then I think it’s totally ok to let your sister know this. Just be sure to emphasize that it’s not because you don’t want to be her MOH at all, but that you really could use the support of her very close friend to make her wedding experience the best that it can be.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to let me know.

My big sister is getting married in September and she asked me to be here MOH. I’m struggling to write my speech for her because I dont have any fond memories with her, and we weren’t exactly the closest due to past occurrences. I’m very nervous with public speaking as is, so this is adding a lot more stress than I’d like. I’m lost of how to write a speech that’s short but meaningful.

Hi Beth, so sorry to hear that you’re stressing out about your speech! It can definitely be challenging to write a speech when you don’t have a lot of fond memories to touch on, but it’s certainly not impossible.

Since you and your sister have had a difficult past, my advice would be to instead focus the speech on the relationship she has with the groom. Keep it short by telling one good story about them as a couple, and wrap it up with your well wishes for their future as husband and wife. As long as you speak from the heart and sound sincere, your speech will be very meaningful!

Hi! I’m such a procrastinator and I’m the MOH of my best friend of 21 years and she is getting married this weekend! How do I make my speech a short and sweet one but also adding a few memories? I feel like there is just SO much to say lol

Hi Leslie, How lovely that you’ve been friends for so long! I can imagine that you must have a ton of stories that you can share, so your challenge will be sorting through all the memories! Maybe start by jotting down some of your top stories that you’d like to share, keeping in mind to avoid inside jokes.

If you’d like to keep things short, you can start with one of your funny childhood memories with your BFF to get the audience engaged. Perhaps then move on to discussing the bride and groom as a couple – think about how they met, perhaps? Then you can end things off with a toast for the future of the couple.

I hope this helps! Best of luck with the wedding!

Some great points, thank you! It could be good to edit the article to be open to bride-bride; groom-groom etc so the wording is more inclusive.

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Best Tips for Maid Of Honor Speech 2024: Samples & Ideas

Natalia Bayeva

jennyyoonyc via Instagram

Crafting a memorable maid of honor speech can be both an honor and a daunting task. It’s a chance to celebrate the bride in a heartfelt way while engaging the audience. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or feeling the nerves, this guide will walk you through simple and effective steps to create a speech that will leave everyone touched and smiling. Remember, the key to a great speech lies in authenticity and personal anecdotes – sharing genuine stories and emotions will make your words resonate with everyone present.

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Maid Of Honor Speech Examples

Best friend maid of honor speech.

After years of helping Maids of Honor deliver awesome speeches, founder of Speechy and author of ‘The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’, Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips. The first three-fifths of the speech should include revealing, entertaining stories that give an insight into the bride and your relationship with her. Don’t be shy of some affectionate teasing. 

We’ve made a research and after surveying over 50,000 brides, the maid of honor choice was crystal clear: more than 51% of them chose their best friend as their maid of honor. This role isn’t just about tradition—it’s about an unbreakable bond. A best friend’s speech resonates deeply, filled with shared memories and heartfelt wishes.

“If you haven’t had the chance to meet me yet, my name is X. (Bride) and I have been best friends for about 10 years. We met in high school gym class, and we couldn’t stand each other at first. As you can see, things eventually changed for the better. When (Bride) first asked me to be her Maid of Honor I felt flattered. But as the big day approached, she also told me to give a speech and a toast. I’m kind of the shy type and tried my best to get out of it. But, as (Groom) can tell you, it’s almost impossible to tell (Bride) No and get away with it. I wanted to tell you both how absolutely spectacular you look today. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better-looking couple (except for maybe my boyfriend and I). And I hope you’re all having a lovely evening and I’d like to I wish you two all the love and happiness in the world. How blessed you are to celebrate your love on this beautiful day. I know there are many happy years ahead for you. Let’s all raise our glasses to the bride and groom, and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness!”
“I never had a sister, but (Bride) has been like a sister to me for all these years. We have similar tastes, we like similar clothes… I knew (Bride) had found the one when (Groom) walked into her life. Well, I’m fine with that – she saw him first! Actually, you could see that it was love at first, second, and third sight. He is her Prince Charming and it seems to me he gives her all she needs – a strong arm, a sympathetic ear, and his credit card.”
“I met (Bride) 6 years ago, as we tried to survive in the concrete jungle of NY. To thrive there, your tribe is essential. We are quite protective of each other, so I was a bit skeptical of (Groom) when he first came into the picture. But as time goes by, I can’t imagine anyone else but him to be her one and only. They say that anyone can be passionate, but it takes a real pair of lovers to be silly. Well, together, (Bride) and (Groom) are two of the goofiest people I know.”
“Hello everyone, my name is X, and by my dress, you can tell that I am the Maid of Honor today. For many years, we have been through thick and thin, and we have shared many memories. Today is another great day to add to our collection of sweet memories, so I’m really looking forward to the cake! I know you will have challenges as all relationships do. But you know what’s great about love and relationships and marriages? It is learning to grow together. Caring and sharing, and lots of tenderness. And maybe a bit of patience, or maybe even a lot. So let’s raise our glasses to the power of love, that makes all these wonderful things happen! Today you start a completely new chapter of your lives. What can I say? Never forget the two most important replies: ‘you’re right, dear’ and ‘okay, buy it’. Love and cherish each other! These two are a rare find in today’s world. Here’s to the groom who has a bride so fair, and here’s to the bride with a groom who is so rare.”

How to write a maid of honor speech for best friend?

  • Introduction: Begin by introducing yourself and expressing how honored you are to be the maid of honor for your best friend.
  • Fond Memories: Share special and cherished memories you’ve shared together, highlighting the bond you both share.
  • Praise and Qualities: Speak about your best friend’s wonderful qualities, accomplishments, and the ways they have positively impacted your life and the lives of others.
  • The Friendship: Emphasize the strength and significance of your friendship, and how it has grown over the years.
  • Love and Support: Show appreciation for the bride’s partner and express your excitement about their journey together.
  • Gratitude: Thank the guests for being a part of this special day and acknowledge the couple’s families.
  • Toast: Raise a toast to your best friend and their partner, wishing them a lifetime of love, joy, and happiness together.

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The 60+ Best Engagement Gifts Any Couple Will Love

Sister maid of honor speech.

According to our research, the second most popular choice for the maid of honor role is the bride’s sister. While tradition often places the best friend in the spotlight, a sister brings a unique depth to the role. Their shared history, growing up together, and the intrinsic bond make a sister’s speech incredibly touching. With a wealth of childhood memories and a deep understanding of the bride, a sister’s words carry immense emotional weight. When delivering the speech, draw upon this shared journey, express genuine emotions, and celebrate the love that binds not only siblings but also the newlyweds.

“As you may know, I am the bride’s younger sister. As we were growing up, I always wanted to be like her. Do the things she did, have the things she had –  I was probably a bit annoying, I always wanted to tag along. She taught me how to care, how to share, and how to try to reach for the stars. And as I grew up I wanted to be just as beautiful, caring, smart, and successful as her. (Bride) has always set an example for me to follow. Over the years she has shown me how to love and care. Today she shows me how to find a best friend, a partner, and a true lover, all in one person. I hope that I am just as lucky someday. It’s a great happiness to find someone who loves you as much as (Groom) loves my sister. Today, I want to thank both of you for being a part of my life, and to celebrate the love you both share. Like many sisters, we weren’t always best friends. I remember fights, screaming, and door-slamming, but I couldn’t have picked a better sister and a friend. Now that we are older, I can finally admit how happy I am to have grown up with such a great sister. Having a sister is one of the greatest things in life. Having a little sister is even better because I liked to be bossy. (Bride) always wanted to be a bit more like me… But actually, there is so much that I admire about her! I have watched her grow into the gorgeous woman that she is. It is a great honor for me to be her big sister!”
“First of all, I want to thank you all for being here with us today. As most of you know I am (Bride’s) sister. As we grew, we were as close as can be. We were always in trouble and I remember wondering if there will be a guy brave enough for someone as wild as my sister is. Well, here he is!My sis has just tied the knot. And I do believe that (Groom) is her perfect match. And today I realize that all she needs is a guy who will love her just the way she is, with all her craziness. Their commitment to each other inspires all of us because that’s what we call true love. So let’s raise our glasses to this amazing couple!”
“I want you to know that it took me 3 weeks to write this speech over and over again. And I couldn’t think of anything perfect enough to describe just how much I love you. I couldn’t find words to define the kind of sister you are to me. This is your big day and there is so much I want to say… I Googled a lot of maid of honor speech examples. The one piece of advice I kept finding over and over again was to start off with a quote. I did some research and I think their love is best described by Dr. Seuss: “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because the reality is finally better than your dreams.”
“Love, be true to her; Life, be dear to her; Health, stay close to her; Joy, draw near to her; Fortune, find what you can do for her, Search your treasure house through and through for her, Follow her footsteps the wide world over – And keep her husband always her lover. – By Anna Lewis, from “To the Bride”

How to write a maid of honor speech for sister?

  • Introduction: Start by introducing yourself and your relationship with the bride, emphasizing your sisterly bond.
  • Anecdotes: Share heartfelt and funny stories that highlight your sister’s qualities, achievements, or memorable moments you’ve shared together.
  • Praise the bride: Compliment her personality, kindness, and the positive impact she has on others.
  • Address the groom: Welcome him into the family and share a warm message about their relationship.
  • Express gratitude: Thank the guests for attending and acknowledge your parents and other family members.
  • Toast: Raise a glass and propose a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds and their future happiness together.

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Funny Maid Of Honor Speech

As a close friend of the bride, you would have a lot of material for wedding speeches bridesmaids, you just need to know how to put them all together. A few sample wedding speeches would give you the right kind of inspiration to get you on your way.

“Well, for those of you who I haven’t had the chance to meet yet, my name is [NAME]. [BRIDE] and I have been best friends for around the last 10 years. We first met at work one day, when she stole my carrot cake out of the fridge in the lunchroom and I threw away her pineapple yogurt cartons in revenge. I never had a sister, but [BRIDE] has been my stand-in sister for all these years. You could say we are even closer than sisters. We don’t fight like sisters, but we do wear each other’s clothes. Somehow she can still fit into my clothes but I can’t fit into hers anymore. I’m sure that is just because her dryer must be shrinking them. I knew [BRIDE] had found the one when [GROOM] walked into her life. Sure, she dated a few guys…after I was done torturing them. But [GROOM] was different. Unlike those jerks, he was kind and thoughtful. And he had a job. You could see that it was love at first, second, and third sight. Clearly [GROOM] is charming and it seems to me he offers her what she needs – a strong arm, a kind ear, and an American Express Black Card. I trust [BRIDE] and [GROOM] completely. I remember the time I asked them to watch my dog Benji when I went skiing in Europe. They were so nice to help out. I got back and Benji was so happy to see me. He was 40 pounds lighter and now he sees a therapist twice a week. Of course, we are having fun today. The test of this relationship will be over the long term. Will she still love [GROOM] when he leaves his underwear on the floor and cuts his toenails at the dinner table? The answer is no. God, please, disgusting. No, seriously, I know they will have challenges as all relationships do. And [GROOM] will learn what all men learn eventually. Keep your wife happy! Happy wife, happy life. No, really, what’s great about love and relationships and marriage is learning to grow together. The communication it takes to keep a marriage going is massive. But half the fun is working things out, talking, communicating, and launching kitchen appliances at each other – real love. Today has been a great day. Family and friends are here, the sun is shining and the champagne is flowing. And we’ll need it to get through this chicken dinner.”

Sometimes the hardest part of being a maid of honor to your bestie might be writing the wedding speech. Speaking with your friend face to face is always easy, however, making toasts or speeches in front of a group of people would be totally different and not as easy. This is why anecdotes and funny wedding speeches maid of honor could help you cruise through your speech while giving the wedding guests a laugh at the same time.

Funny Lines For Maid Of Honor Speech

  • “I did some research on how to give the perfect maid of honor speech, and the first tip I found was to imagine everyone in their underwear. So, here we are, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my nightmare!”
  • “Being the maid of honor is like being a ninja. You have to be quick on your feet, prepared for anything, and ready to attack at a moment’s notice. But instead of throwing shurikens, I’m armed with embarrassing stories about the bride.”
  • “As the maid of honor, I’ve been given the responsibility of keeping the bride calm and relaxed throughout the wedding planning process. Which is why I’ve been slipping her Xanax in her coffee every morning.”
  • “When the bride asked me to be her maid of honor, I was thrilled. But then I realized it meant I had to give a speech in front of all these people. So if I faint halfway through, just drag me off stage and make it look like part of the act.”

Bridesmaid Wedding Speech

A list of example wedding speeches maid of honor could act as a template of sorts, helping you figure out just how to structure your speech.

Some of the best wedding speeches maid of honor, shine a light on the friendship between the bride and her maid of honor, as well as the beautiful personality of the bride. Most introductions begin with the story of meeting the groom for the first time. The intro is usually a good time to inject a funny quote, poem, or actual occurrence.

“Hi everyone, I am one of the bridesmaids at this wedding and I just wanted to say how happy and lucky I am to be here to celebrate [bride] and [groom’s] wedding with everyone. Today, everything looks effortless. From the beautiful wedding ceremony to the food, music, and decorations at this venue, every little detail was planned by [bride] and [groom.] And lots of time was spent shopping for dresses and doing fittings. When you get to peek behind the scenes, you see how much work really gets put into planning a wedding. There were a lot of late nights and hours spent working on this wedding and I have to say that it all turned out quite beautifully. Let’s all give a round of applause for [bride] and [groom.] [Bride] and [groom,] thank you for such a wonderful day. I raise my glass to the two of you and wish you nothing but the best in your life together. May each day be full of love and laughter between the two of you.”

Speeches are generally not as difficult as we imagine. So, you can relax, go through these samples, and create one of the best wedding toast speeches made of honor.

Short Maid Of Honor Speech Examples

“Greetings to all of you. I’m [Name], the maid of honor. I would like to express a few words about the lovely bride and groom. [Bride] has always been a wonderful friend to me, and it’s an honor to be her maid of honor today. And [Groom], I am delighted that you are joining our family. You two are a perfect match, and I wish you all the happiness and love in the world. Let’s raise a glass to the happy couple!”
“Hello, everyone. I’m [Name], the maid of honor. [Bride], you look breathtakingly beautiful today, and I feel grateful to be a part of your extraordinary day. [Groom], you’re a fortunate man! [Bride] is intelligent, gorgeous, and has a heart of gold. I am confident that you both will have a lifetime of love and happiness together. Congratulations on your special day!”
“Good evening, all. I’m [Name], the maid of honor, and for those who don’t know me, it’s lovely to meet you. I have known [Bride] for several years, and I have never seen her as happy as she is with [Groom]. You two bring out the best in each other, and it’s evident that you are destined to be together. It’s an honor to stand here today as a witness to your love and commitment. Congratulations to the joyful couple!”
“Hello everyone, I’m [Name], the maid of honor. [Bride], you’re my best friend and I couldn’t be happier to see you marry [Groom]. You two are perfect for each other and I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. Congratulations!”
“Good evening, all. I’m [Name], the maid of honor, and I’m honored to celebrate [Bride] and [Groom]’s special day. [Bride], you’re my best friend and I’m so happy to see you with someone as wonderful as [Groom]. Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness. Congratulations!”
“Hi everyone, I’m [Name], the maid of honor, and I’m thrilled to celebrate my best friend [Bride] and her groom [Groom]. [Bride], I’m so proud of you and I know that [Groom] is the perfect partner for you. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness and love. Congratulations!”
“Good evening, everyone! For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], and I have the incredible honor of standing by [Bride’s Name]’s side today as her maid of honor. First and foremost, I want to say how breathtakingly beautiful she looks tonight. As I stand here, I can’t help but reflect on the journey that led us to this moment. [Bride’s Name] and I have been inseparable since childhood, and I am beyond grateful for the memories we’ve created together. We’ve laughed together, cried together, and supported each other through life’s ups and downs. And now, as I watch her embark on this new chapter with [Groom’s Name], my heart overflows with joy. I’ve witnessed the love between them grow and flourish, and it’s truly something special. [Groom’s Name], thank you for making my best friend the happiest she’s ever been. To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your love continue to blossom and may your journey together be filled with laughter, love, and adventure. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness. Cheers!”
“Hello, everyone! I’m [Your Name], and I have the honor of being [Bride’s Name]’s slightly crazy, but totally awesome, maid of honor! When [Bride’s Name] asked me to take on this role, I knew it would be an adventure. From choosing the perfect dress to planning wild bachelorette parties, we’ve had our fair share of laughs and tears. And let’s not forget about all the emergency wedding dress fittings! But in all seriousness, I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. [Bride’s Name] is compassionate, hilarious, and always there to lend a helping hand. She lights up every room she enters, and I know that [Groom’s Name] feels incredibly lucky to have her as his partner in crime. [Groom’s Name], welcome to the family! We’ve all been waiting for someone to take on the challenge of dealing with [Bride’s Name]’s terrible dance moves, and it looks like you’re up for it. To the happy couple, may your love be as endless as the dance floor at the reception. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness, laughter, and love. Cheers!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and most importantly, the beautiful couple of the day, [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. I’m [Your Name], and I have the privilege of being [Bride’s Name]’s maid of honor. Today, I stand here with a heart full of emotions, for I’ve had the honor of witnessing the love between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] blossom into something truly extraordinary. Their love is like a gentle breeze, calming our souls and reminding us of the beauty in life. [Bride’s Name], you’ve always been the ray of sunshine in my life. Your kindness, grace, and unwavering love inspire all who know you. And now, as you embark on this new journey with [Groom’s Name], I know that you’ll be a guiding light in his life as well. [Groom’s Name], thank you for cherishing and loving [Bride’s Name] with all your heart. Your dedication to making her happy is evident in every glance you share. Let us all raise our glasses to the newlyweds. May your love continue to grow, like the mighty oak standing tall through the changing seasons. May your days be filled with laughter, and your hearts forever intertwined. Congratulations, and here’s to a lifetime of happiness and love!”

When delivering a speech, remember to speak from the heart, keep it concise, and maintain a positive tone. Make sure to customize the speech to fit your relationship with the couple and the overall vibe of the wedding.

How to write a short wedding speech?

  • Start by introducing yourself and briefly mentioning your relationship with the bride. This will help the audience understand your perspective and why you were chosen to be the maid of honor.
  • Take a moment to express your gratitude for being a part of the special day and your well wishes for the newlyweds.
  • Say a few words about the bride and groom, highlighting their qualities and how they complement each other. You can talk about their journey as a couple and your hopes for their future together.
  • End your speech by raising a toast to the newlyweds.

Maid Of Honor Toasts

One of the tips for giving good wedding speeches – to use a good toast. A toast is basically well wished to the newlyweds and their family, followed by a signal for guests to raise their glasses.

If you are unsure what exactly to say, here are some beautiful maid of honor toast examples to inspire you.

  • “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight. – Philippians 1:9”
  • “Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. – Ephesians 4:32”
  • “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Here’s to love, laughter and happily ever after. – Romans 12:10″
  • “As (Groom) and (Bride) start their new life together, Let’s toast to the new husband and wife!”
  • “Here’s to the husband And here’s to the wife; May they remain Lovers for life.”
  • “Here’s to the health of the happy pair; may good luck follow them everywhere; And may each day of wedded bliss be always as sweet and joyous as this.”
  • “May you grow old on one pillow. May their joy be as bright as the morning, and their sorrows be shadows that fade in the sunlight of love.”
  • “Let’s drink to love, which is nothing—unless it’s divided into two with someone you love. May your joys be as sweet as spring flowers that grow.”
  • “As bright as a fire when winter winds blow; As countless as leaves that float down in the fall; And as serene as the love that keeps watching over us all.”

As the maid of honor, you need to find the one speech, that is short and sweet, and resonates with you! Great Maid of Honor wedding speeches often includes great quotes . Famous quotes have a way of painting a picture that our own words can’t seem to do on their own.

The Maid Of Honor Speech Template


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The biggest worry that most maids of honor have is freezing and forgetting the speech. A great solution is breaking your speech into sections and writing them down on cards that you carry with you. As you practice your speech it will be easier to memorize, and having all the words with you will keep you from panicking.

To get you started, stick to our basic Maid Of Honor Speech Outline:

  • Introduce yourself (your name, your relationship to the bride, and how long you’ve known each other)
  • Thank everyone involved in the wedding planning for their hard work
  • Talk about the bride (why she’s a good person and friend, share a story to illustrate it)
  • Tell the love story (The most romantic version of how the bride and groom met)
  • Talk about the groom (Compliment him, why he’s great for your friend, what he does for her etc)
  • Celebrate the couple (Why they’re so good together)
  • Wish the newlyweds wonderful things for the future You could also insert a quote or a poem.
  • Toast to the bride and groom – Raise your glass, say: “Here’s to the happy couple”, take and sip and voila! You’ve nailed it!

How To Write The Best Maid Of Honor Speech Ever

We’ve all seen when speeches go wrong, so how you do you get it right? After years of helping Maids of Honor deliver awesome speeches, founder of Speechy , Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips.

  • Introduce yourself & explain how you know the bride.
  • Include humor throughout. Yes, your speech should be a loving tribute to a true friend, but it’s also meant to entertain a crowd.
  • Once you’ve written your speech, try to edit it in half. Promise, your speech will be better the punchier it is. No one ever wished a speech was longer!
  • Pay tribute to the bride’s partner with than a cursory platitude. Prove you genuinely know and like them!
  • Rehearse as often as you can but use notes on the day. Delivering the speech shouldn’t be a memory test.
  • Remember to smile throughout your delivery. It’s a powerful (and infectious) communication tool.


  • Resort to cheesy cliches about love and friendship.
  • Google gags.
  • Thank anyone. It’s not your job.
  • Take up more than 10 mins mic time.
  • Pretend the bride is perfect. Instead cherish the crazy character she truly is, with all her quirks and eccentricities.
  • Talk over laughter when you deliver your speech. If you’ve written a funny line, leave a pause after you’ve said it to allow your audience to get the joke and respond. Don’t start talking till the last giggle has died down.
  • Drink more than a glass of bubbles prior to your speech. Alcohol actually increases the stress hormone.

How to Get Started Maid of Honor Wedding Speech

  • Know Your Audience: Consider the bride and groom’s personalities, the formality of the event, and the sensibilities of the guests. Tailor your speech to the audience.
  • Start Early: Begin writing your speech well in advance. This allows time for revisions and practice. Don’t wait until the last minute.
  • Personalize It: Share anecdotes and stories that reflect your relationship with the bride. Highlight special moments and inside jokes.

Examples of How to Get Started:

  • Opening with a Quote: Start with an inspiring or humorous quote related to love or marriage. For instance,

“Maya Angelou once said, ‘Love recognizes no barriers.’ Today, we’re here to celebrate a love that knows no bounds.”

  • Anecdotal Introduction: Begin with a personal story about your friendship with the bride.

“As I stand here today, I can’t help but think back to the time we met in kindergarten. Who would’ve thought that our friendship would lead us to this beautiful wedding?”

  • Express Your Gratitude: Begin by expressing your gratitude for being chosen as the maid of honor.

“First and foremost, I want to thank [bride’s name] for giving me the honor of standing by her side today as her maid of honor.” Remember, the key to a memorable maid of honor speech is sincerity and a touch of humor, sprinkled with personal anecdotes that capture the essence of your relationship with the bride.

How To End A Maid Of Honor Speech

When figuring out how to write a maid of honor speech, keep in mind that the latter part of the speech should be where you talk about the couple. In that vein, it’s also important to know how to end the speech flawlessly. Here are a few tips.

  • Keep it short and sweet. While you might have a lot to say, there are time slots for each speech, so keeping things short would be best.
  • Use sentimental wedding quotes. You might have a maid of honor speech template you follow but adding inspirational quotes to your speech is a great way to wrap things up.
  • Finish with a toast. At the very end, it is customary to raise a toast to the happy couple.

10 Maid Of Honor Speech Tips

After years of helping Maids of Honor deliver awesome speeches, founder of Speechy and author of ‘The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’, Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips.

Planning Your Speech

  • Think of the speechwriting process as writing a dissertation (only this time, don’t leave it till the night before your deadline!).
  • Firstly, jot down all your ideas and favourite stories and then construct a central idea (narrative theme) that you stick to through. It could be that your friend is always right, or maybe the newlyweds prove that opposites really do attract. Whatever it is, make sure your speech flows from one idea to the next, rather than being a list of random thoughts.

Speech Structure

  • Remember to introduce yourself and how you know the bride at the start of the speech and try to include humor within the first 30 seconds. Resist the urge to include any of those tired googled-wedding-gags and ensure your line is original and relates to the couple themselves or the surroundings you find yourself in.
  • The first three-fifths of the speech should include revealing, entertaining stories that give an insight into the bride and your relationship with her. Don’t be shy of some affectionate teasing.
  • Towards the latter half of the speech, introduce her partner and explain why the couple are suited. Again, make sure to include some good-natured humour here.
  • The final fifth of your speech could be a full-on love-bomb of a tribute to your friend. Make sure you avoid the usual cliches and platitudes about friendship and instead, try to nail the bride’s individual characteristics and quirks that make you love her.

Edit Your Speech

  • When you’ve finished writing your speech, try to edit it in half. You may not achieve it but once you get editing, you’ll be surprised by the amount of needless waffle that’s in there.
  • Remember, a speech is better punchy, so be brutal. A good maid of honour speech is generally between 700 and 1,100 words. No more than 10 minutes airtime!

how do you write a guest of honor speech

Choosing Quotes for a Memorable Maid of Honor Speech

Talking about love and trying to sum up a friendship, can be hard. Luckily, some other clever people have already done it and we can all exploit their genius! Whilst plagiarism isn’t ever cool, finding the perfect quote to supercharge your speech is a great idea. Founder of Speechy (the bespoke speechwriting service), Heidi Ellert-McDermott, shares her tips for hunting the perfect quote to honour your bestie.

How to Use Quotes

  • Don’t resort to a generic ‘marriage advice’ quote. They’re over-used.
  • Don’t overload your speech with quotes. One, maximum two.
  • Quote recognisable names – or at least provide some context. Don’t quote someone you need to Google or someone who’s a random ‘relationship coach’.
  • Once you add the perfect quote to your speech, script a comedy back ref or put it into the context of the couple’s real-life relationship.
  • Remember, quotes can be used to add the necessary humor, as well as the sentiment.

Where to Find Quotes

  • Don’t just search for ‘wedding quotes’ on Pinterest.
  • Quotes become more meaningful if they come from somewhere that means something to the couple. Could the quote come from the bride’s favourite book, her partner’s favourite film, or maybe it’s from that song you play when you’ve both had a few too many dirty martinis.
  • Quotes can be found everywhere from children’s books to rom-coms, from hip-hop classics to the great philosophers, from historical icons to classic sitcoms so enjoy the search!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the maid of honor have to give a speech.

It’s definitely customary for the maid of honor to give a toast to the newlyweds at the reception, but usually, she gave a sweet speech.

How long should a maid of honor speech be?

A maid of honor speech should ideally be around 3 to 5 minutes in length. This timeframe allows you to convey your message effectively without losing the audience’s attention or making other speeches feel rushed.

What should be avoided in a maid of honor speech?

When delivering a maid of honor speech, there are a few things to avoid to ensure it is memorable for the right reasons:

  • Avoid embarrassing or offensive stories: You shouldn’t share anything that may make the bride uncomfortable or might be inappropriate for the audience.
  • Steer clear of inside jokes: Inside jokes may exclude or confuse other guests who are not familiar with the context. Keep your speech inclusive and relatable for everyone present.
  • Don’t overshadow the couple: Avoid making the speech all about yourself or unrelated topics that detract from the celebration of the couple’s special day.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can impair your ability to deliver a coherent and meaningful message.
  • Don’t go on for too long: Avoid rambling or dragging out the speech, as it may lose the interest of the audience.

Remember, the maid of honor speech is an opportunity to celebrate the couple and express your love and support for them.

We hope that now you have everything you need for your perfect maid of honor speech. So just keep all of this in mind as you prepare and deliver your maid of honor speech, and you will be amazing. Make the bride proud she chose you!

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  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception? How to Write a Wedding Toast Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech How to Write a Best Man Toast Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech What to Know About a Newlywed Toast Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech

Follow these expert tips to knock your maid of honor speech out of the park.

how do you write a guest of honor speech

Photo by Janine Licare

In This Article

You've been asked to play a huge role in your best friend's wedding—maid of honor! But, the job comes with a slew of important tasks , including giving the maid of honor speech. While this is a moment to celebrate your friendship, the idea of getting up in front of a crowd can be nerve-wracking if you're not used to giving speeches.

As staunch advocates of BFF love, we've taken it upon ourselves to create a go-to guide for penning the perfect speech to see your bestie off on their new life with their partner. With a few tips and tricks along with plenty of practice, your maid of honor speech will go off without a hitch.

With expert insight from professional speechwriter Katelyn Peterson—founder of vow- and toast-writing company Wedding Words —and examples of real-life speeches, we have all the details you need. Read on for helpful tips and guidelines to deliver an absolutely unforgettable maid of honor speech .

Meet the Expert

Katelyn Peterson is a speech writer and the founder of vow- and toast-writing company Wedding Words .

Maid of Honor Speech Template

While every maid of honor speech will be different, we've put together an outline to get you started on yours.

Start with the bride; end with the couple.

Of everyone at the wedding, you have the best insight into how much your bestie's partner has changed them for the better. Your maid of honor speech needs to be about the friend you knew long before meeting their soulmate and then pivot to what role they have played in their life. Maybe your friend is even funnier now, or maybe you've simply never seen your BFF so happy. This is also a great way to incorporate their new spouse into the speech if you don't really know them that well; speak to the way that they complement each other or how your BFF's new spouse has made them a better person.

Pepper in anecdotes.

Stories do a better job of getting your point across than blanket statements do. "Each anecdote you share should have an underlying theme that ties all the short stories together," says Peterson. "Reveal that theme near the end of your speech , and you’ll achieve a strong emotional impact."

End with a positive outlook.

The nature of this speech is not so much about your relationship with your friend, but the bond the couple shares. Make sure all of the separate components of your toast draw a positive conclusion, ending in how happy the couple is together and your best wishes for their marriage .

Maid of Honor Speech Tips

Keep in mind these helpful tips from professional speechwriter Katelyn Peterson to ensure you nail your maid-of-honor toast .

Kick-start the creative process by writing down any memories , emotions, or ideas that make you think of your BFF. "I recommend free-writing for 20 minutes," says Peterson. "When you’re done with this exercise, you should have some quality material that you can weave into the form of a speech." This allows you to create a blueprint of all the major points you want to make—more or less creating a roadmap for your ideas—and then fill it in with supporting information.

Ditch Generic Praise

"Use entertaining and engaging stories to show the bride’s personality ," advises Peterson. There's a big difference between simply saying, "She is such a great friend!" versus telling a story that illustrates just that.

Half the guests may not know your BFF all that well, so use this moment to paint a picture of how amazing they are. Bring their character to life with details only you could know.

Remember it isn't about you.

While a lot of the anecdotes should be about your time with your friend, you should not be the focal point. After you briefly introduce yourself (remember: most of the people probably won't know who you are or your relation to the couple), you shouldn't be making any additional references to yourself. You're simply the vehicle to explain why the newlyweds are so fantastic.

Do not mention exes.

No one wants to be reminded of past relationships , particularly in front of their family, friends, and new life partner. Keep the tone of your speech positive, and it will reflect positively on you also. You don't want to come across as though you're trying to roast your friend.

Keep it short.

The longer your speech, the more opportunities you'll have for people to start losing attention. "Keep your speech under five minutes," suggests Peterson. "Anywhere between two to five minutes is great."

Be sure to pause for a few seconds after each joke to let the audience laugh. When you immediately start speaking right afterward, you won't give people a chance to laugh or even understand the next line. Keep in mind that starting the speech on a funny note can help you capture the attention of the audience for a minute or two, but it's the meaningful content that will keep them enthralled until the end. "Your goal should be to have guests laughing and wiping tears away by balancing humor with sincerity," says Peterson.

If you experience public-speaking jitters, try looking just above everyone’s head. This can minimize your anxiety while allowing guests to think you're looking right at them.

Don't use inside jokes.

If the joke or situation is something other wedding guests would have to be there to understand, avoid using it. If people don't understand the context behind it, it will probably go over their heads. It's okay to poke a little bit of fun at your friend, but keep it light. Don't say anything that would be embarrassing or make them feel uncomfortable.

"The more you recite your speech out loud, the more comfortable you’ll become," notes Peterson. Practice your speech twice a day, starting at least a week beforehand, and record yourself a couple of times so you can hear your pacing and tone. Rehearse the speech in front of friends, too, in order to see if your jokes get a laugh, and try practicing in a mirror to nail your physical presence.

How to Get Started

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to start brainstorming ideas for your speech.

  • Who will be speaking before or after you, and how will this affect the content of your speech? (You might want to include a reference to their toast in your speech, thank them for an introduction, or introduce the next speaker.)
  • What would your friend want their in-laws and newly acquired family to know about them, and how can you attest to those qualities or characteristics from your own experiences with them?
  • What's a warm memory of the newlyweds that always makes you smile? (Ask yourself: If their relationship were a Hollywood movie trailer, what key moments would be featured?)
  • When you picture the couple's life together in a few years (or from this moment forward), what do you see? Is there any advice you can give them for their lifelong journey ahead?
  • Is there something you want to say to your bestie's new spouse? (Perhaps a few lighthearted tips on how to handle more trying situations that you've learned from your own experiences with them.)

Maid of Honor Speech Examples to Make Your Own

If you're feeling stuck, here are three examples of speeches from real bridesmaids to inspire your own.

"Good evening, everyone. I’m Cami, the maid of honor and the bride’s best friend. Over the past 15 years, I’ve witnessed Madison prioritize everyone else’s happiness, but today, we get to honor hers. With Madison being my most fun-loving friend, I knew she’d be down to join me on a two-week adventure traveling throughout Europe. We lived together, but nothing cements a friendship quite like sharing a full-size bed in dingy hostels from the Netherlands to Spain. Madison’s luggage kept breaking, and she went through four suitcases in 14 days! There we were, strolling down a busy street in Madrid and Madison’s clothes were falling out of her over-packed suitcase, painting the path behind us with her sundresses and socks. But she never let her rundown luggage ruin the trip. She just kept rolling with it. Literally. I can always depend on Madison to roll with any situation, to show up for the people that she loves, and to have a good time.

But the truth is everyone in this room is better for knowing you, Madison. You love so deeply, selflessly, and unconditionally. And I know that Pete is the best partner for Madison because I’ve seen him mirror these traits for her. No matter what may come your way, your combined patience, resilience, and love will make you an unstoppable team. And most importantly, I know you two will continue to keep rolling with it . Cheers!" —Cami

"I’m Ashley and welcome! I was introduced to Sarah through a mutual friend to evaluate if she would be a fit as my future roommate. I showed up to that first dinner wearing a casual sundress and flats. Meanwhile, Sarah walked in with voluminous curls, smoky eyes , red lipstick, and a smile that showed me she deserved that Miss Florida title in ’04. I just thought, 'Who is this girl?' Over the next two hours, I learned that this girl was the coolest, funniest person and that I had to live with her. We moved in and it was truly an immediate fit from watching the same shows to downing bottles of the same wine. Despite our homebody nature, we did enjoy our Saturday nights running around the city. One night after several margaritas, Sarah and I found ourselves locked out of our house. So we came up with the best plan we could imagine: Let’s cannonball into our pool. There we were: Two tequila-loving girls cannonballing to see who could create the biggest splash. From that night on, whenever we went out, we’d ask ourselves one key question: 'Is it going to be a cannonball in the pool kind of night?'

And just like she’s always filled the gap in our friend group—we know that John has entered her life to level her out in the best of ways, too. Let’s raise a glass to Sarah and John! May your life together be full of cannonball-in-the-pool kind of nights." —Ashley

"Hi, my name is Makena and I’m the bride’s younger sister and maid of honor . As I look at Winnie and Miles today, I see two people in the most loving, trustworthy, and nurturing relationship I’ve ever witnessed. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to me that even on her wedding day, Winnie is teaching me about life and love. Because the truth is Winnie has been my lifelong teacher. She’s the one who taught me how to read and how to ride a bike, but my most memorable teaching moment was when I was 11 years old.  We had this mutual understanding—or so I thought—that we would not read each other’s journals. But I, of course, read hers and naively assumed she did not read mine. I learned the truth when I opened my journal one day to see an entire page filled with Winnie’s handwriting. There in the middle of my journal was a critique from my sister detailing out how I could improve my writing.

I know that if it weren’t for my sister, I would not be the person I am today. I’m inspired daily by the woman she is. Her confidence is unshakable, her excitability is contagious, and her determination is awe-inspiring. Winnie will finally get to experience what I’ve felt like my entire life with her. She’ll be cared for, unconditionally loved, and will learn every day with Miles as her lifelong teacher through love. Please raise a glass to Winnie and Miles! May you two never stop learning from each other as you continue to love each other." —Makena

First things first: Don't overcomplicate it! Stay authentic to yourself and keep it simple by telling a story, sharing why you love the bride, and toasting the newlyweds.

Keep it short and sweet! Having a two to five minute speech that is both sentimental and humorous is the best way to honor the couple in a way that is engaging and memorable .

Close out your speech with a simple, light-hearted joke and a toast to the newlyweds . This will create the perfect opportunity for a combined cheer and chuckle from the crowd .

A Guide to Wedding Reception Toasts

Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception?

How to Write a Wedding Toast

Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech

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How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech—Template Included

Wondering how to write a maid of honor speech? This guide covers everything you need to know and includes a template to help you get started.


Your best friend is getting married , and she’s asked you to be her maid of honor—one of the most meaningful and important roles in helping your best friend bring her wedding daydreams to life. With this honor comes a number of important duties, and at the top of that list is delivering the maid of honor speech.

The maid of honor speech traditionally takes place at the wedding reception , but it’s possible you might deliver it at the rehearsal dinner. Regardless of when the speech will take place, it’s best to get started writing it at least three weeks before the wedding day. After all, a meaningful maid of honor speech isn’t something you can write up on your phone the morning of the wedding—it requires some thought, preparation, and maybe a round of edits or two.

If the task of giving a moving speech to a room full of people feels a bit nerve-wracking, don’t panic. We’ve broken down everything you need to know to craft the perfect speech from start to finish, along with how to keep your nerves at bay when it comes time to deliver it.

6 Tips to Prepare for Your Maid of Honor Speech

You don’t need to be a professional writer or orator to create a meaningful maid of honor speech. Use the tips below to get an idea of what to include and get an idea of the overall structure of a solid speech.

1. Introduce Yourself and Express Thanks

Begin your speech by introducing yourself and your relationship with the bride. Then, share a word of thanks for those who had a hand in planning the wedding —the bride’s family, the groom’s family, and anyone else who you feel should be mentioned.

2. Talk About the Bride


Now it’s time to get personal about the bride and your history together. You might share an anecdote about how you two met, what her friendship has meant to you over the years, or any other endearing story that illustrates why she’s so special. It’s best to focus this section of the speech on the bride before her partner came into the picture, which you can lead into in the next section.

3. Talk About Her Partner

Now is a good time to discuss the bride’s spouse. While you’re certainly the designated right-hand woman to the bride, remember that the focus of a maid of honor speech should be on celebrating the couple , the beauty of their relationship and their future together as newlyweds.

When thinking about what to say about her partner, you can share any number of special sentiments that you feel illustrate who they are and what they mean to the bride. You also might decide to talk about what you love about her partner, mention their greatest characteristics, or share a story about how much he or she means to the bride.

4. Talk About the Couple

While the last section focuses on the bride’s partner as an individual, use this section to talk about who they are as a couple. If you’re close friends with both partners, you might have some special memories to share looking back on the journey of their relationship. If not, you might talk about the impact the bride’s partner has had on her and how you saw her grow as their bond grew over time. Whatever you choose to speak about, be sure to keep the focus on the beauty of their relationship.

5. Share Encouragement or Advice for the Newlyweds’ Future

As you near the end of your speech, try closing with a word of encouragement or advice for the couple and their future together as newlyweds. After all, the whole point of the maid of honor speech is to celebrate the couple! You might include an inspirational quote or poem if you feel like it fits, but be sure to keep it short and sweet to avoid a long-winded reading.

6. Closing Toast


The closing of your speech should be short and sweet—simply share a closing remark to commemorate the happy couple. Then, invite the guests to raise their glasses in a toast to the newlyweds.

How to Nail Your Maid of Honor Speech

While the steps above are helpful in nailing the structure of your speech, there are a few additional tips to keep in mind that will help you write a compelling and meaningful speech.

Set Aside Reflection Time

Before you even attempt to write your speech, it’s a good idea to carve out some time to simply think and reflect. This can help kick off the creative process and get you into the right headspace as you ideate what you might want to include. Spend this time reflecting on the memories you share with the bride, and try to pinpoint any ideas or emotions that come to mind when you think of her. This way, you come away with a road map of all the major points you want to touch on in your speech.

Define Your Objective

As you’re planning your speech, it’s helpful to define your overall objective before you dive into the nitty gritty details and stories you’ll share. Think about the goal you want your speech to accomplish: is it to make the wedding guests laugh, cry, maybe both? Is the couple known for their sense of humor? Perhaps you add some comedic flair to your speech.

If you’ve been through a lot with the bride or want to touch on some more serious memories, perhaps you craft your speech to be more emotionally moving. In the end, defining your objective will help you find the direction your speech will take.

Don’t Go Overboard with Anecdotes

If you have a ton of history with the bride, you might have a miles-long list of heartwarming stories you want to share. However, one key to a compelling speech is keeping it short and sweet. A standard maid of honor speech should only be three to four minutes long, and you don’t want to risk boring the guests or taking the focus off of the celebration. To avoid this, choose one or two must-have memories or anecdotes that you know you want to include, and nix the rest.

Develop Your Story

Along with keeping things short and sweet, another key to writing a compelling maid of honor speech is to tell it like a story. Any story worth hearing has a defined beginning, middle and end. While you’re in control of the details that fill the story, you want to ensure that every detail aligns with the main point of your speech. Whatever you talk about should clearly tie back to the overall focus of the speech, which is celebrating the bond the couple shares and wishing them well for their new future together.

Be Authentic


The bride chose you as her maid of honor for a reason, so you shouldn’t feel like you have to be anything but yourself when you give your speech. Throw off any pressure you might feel to sound a certain way if it doesn’t ring true to you and your connection with the bride. A great maid of honor speech is about speaking openly and honestly about the bride and her partner—remember to write in the same way you’d speak to avoid sounding stiff or robotic.

Practice, Don’t Memorize

If you feel like you need to memorize your speech word for word, don’t! Instead, focus on practicing your speech in the weeks leading up to the wedding day. This way, the main points will be well committed to your memory and you won’t need to memorize it line by line. However, it’s still helpful to use a bulleted list of the main points when it’s time to give your speech—this way you don’t have to worry about losing track mid-speech.

When you’re practicing your speech, make sure you’re practicing out loud so you can get a feel for the overall flow and rhythm of what you plan to say. It’s also helpful to read it aloud to a friend or the other bridesmaids to get some outside perspective on how your speech sounds and any tweaks that might help it shine.

Maid of Honor Speech Template

Your maid of honor speech should be authentic and personal, and there’s a number of directions you might choose to take your speech in. If you’re stuck on where to begin, the template below is a great starting point to give you an idea of the general structure and flow of a maid of honor speech. Fill it in with your own words to personalize it according to you and your unique relationship with the bride!

“Hello everyone, I’m [name] and [bride’s name] maid of honor. I met [bride’s name] X years ago when [how you met]. When [bride] and I became friends, it was [personal anecdote about your relationship with the bride]. I’ll never forget [personal memory between you and the bride].

When [partner’s name] came into the picture, [personal anecdote about how you met their partner]. [Partner’s name] was [personal anecdote about the partner’s characteristics or favorite memory].

Watching their relationship grow over time has been [personal sentiments about the couple’s bond. I’ll always remember how [personal anecdote about the journey of their relationship]. Ever since then, I’ve seen [bride’s name] [sentiment about the impact of the couple’s relationship].

It’s a privilege to join with you all in honoring the marriage of [bride] and [partner], and I know I speak for everyone when I say we’re thrilled to stand by your side today and support you both as you enter your new life together. If there’s one piece of advice I’d share, it’s [word of advice or encouragement for the newlyweds]. Thank you both for showing us what it means to love unconditionally. Please raise a glass to [bride] and [partner]! May you two never stop loving each other, growing together, and showing up for each other today and every day. Cheers!”

Whether this is your first wedding speech or your 20th, feelings of nervousness are normal! With some dedicated time and practice (and a few deep breaths beforehand) you’ll be more than ready to nail your maid of honor speech. All that really matters is that your words come from the heart. After all, the couple might not remember every single word you share, but they’ll always remember the love and care that went into it.

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Maid of honor speech examples

Two unique maid of honor speeches to help you prepare a perfect maid of honor speech of your own

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 10-06-2023

What's the best way to share the happy couple's love story at the wedding reception on their big day?

The bride's your great friend, an amazing person. You love her to pieces which is why you said 'yes' when she asked you to speak on her wedding day.

However, maybe this is the first time you've given a maid of honor toast. Perhaps, in addition, you find public speaking, talking in front of a crowd and making eye contact as you do, a little bit nerve wracking.

You're in the right place. The goal of this article is to empower and enable you to write and deliver the best maid of honor speech you can. Begin by reading the speeches!

What's on this page

  • 2 unique maid of honor speech examples - a heartfelt maid of honor speech - a light-hearted maid of honor speech
  • how to begin - suggestions for getting started on your own MOH speech
  • a link to ' How to end a Maid of Honor speech: 20 examples '
  • a link to a maid of honor speech template
  • how to test and rehearse your speech
  • links to other resources to help you give the best maid of honor speech you can

Collage: 5 photos of different women with their best friends

A heartfelt Maid of Honor speech example

This example is written from the point of view of a childhood friend: someone who's shared the best and most difficult of times with the bride. The friendship between them is enduring and the speech is sincerely heartfelt: full of personal stories everybody will relate to.

Said aloud, it is approximately 5- 6 minutes long. 

Maria's MOH speech at Sonja & Mark's wedding

"Some one very wise, and obviously someone who knew Sonja and Mark said, “Don't marry a person you can live with. Marry somebody you can't live without."

That's what we're witnessing today – the union of two people who belong together. A perfect match!

My name is Maria and I'm delighted to be the Maid of Honor for my very dear friend Sonja.

We've been close friends since we were little girls and, as we are hitting our 30s, it feels like forever. I can scarcely remember life without her.

Sonja and me, we've gone from crayons to perfume together, with stops in between for learning to read and write, ride a bike, play with dolls, dress up, climb trees, scrape our knees... We’ve done our high school homework, got into trouble for staying out late, turned 21 together… And now here we are, all grown up.

A big night these days is a glass of wine, staying in and watching Netflix together.

From the time we were 13 and had to run to escape a mad, snarling, barking dog I knew Sonja was truly there for me. I was slower than her but she did not leave me behind. And she's been there to pick me up ever since.

Two young girls lying on the floor making rings around their eyes with their fingers

Like when I've misplaced my confidence and haven't been able to find it. (Is it under the sofa? No! Behind the kitchen door? No!)

Or when I’ve needed someone to talk to about a personal life situation, for instance, another crappy boyfriend.

Over the years Sonja has been my touchstone, my wise go-to sister, and although there have been times when we have been physically apart that has never been true of our hearts. She is part of my identity, of who I am.

So when she asked me to be her Maid of Honor, the honor was all mine. Naturally I said yes.

Another “yes”, a previous and much more important one, is the reason we're here today.

Mark, that was one you received.

All Sonja's family members and friends, like me, take her best interests to heart. They look out for her, and I know, that like me, they are delighted that you and she have agreed to live your lives together.

Mark, your care, and love of Sonja over the last few years has demonstrated to us all you are indeed the right man, who was in the right place, at the right time. We've seen the good times you've shared together but most importantly we've also witnessed how you handled the tough ones.

You were there to shelter, cherish and nurture her through the period when her Father passed. And I know that meant everything to her. I feel certain not only he but also her brother, Matthew, would willingly give their blessing to your union from up above.

As for me, you definitely had my wholehearted approval when you asked one of my “ boyfriends”, (now very much past tense), aside for a man-to-man chat about respect and loyalty. From that time, I knew I have gained a brother.

In Sonja you have a hard-working, forgiving, loving big-hearted woman. As her friend, her sister, I am grateful you see, appreciate and know that.

I searched for a special gift of wisdom to pass on and found this – a recipe for love and marriage. It makes sense to me, and I hope it does to you too.

"As you walk through life together remember even though you both share many qualities that are very much the same, you are each unique, and it is your differences that helped bring you together.

Give your love openly and honestly. Always respect and accept what the other has to say, even when you do not agree. Take time to enjoy everyday and share together, and remember that each day is a new beginning."

Sonja, I am looking forward to all the celebrations we're going to have together down the years because although we no longer live on the same street, our roots are very deep.

Please make a note that I intend to speak at your 50th anniversary!

Cheers to the newly weds! Best wishes! I love you guys!"

A light hearted Maid of Honor speech example

To be successful this maid of honor speech relies heavily on its delivery.

Along with stories establishing the depth and importance of the relationship between the bride and her Maid of Honor it includes a good natured, gentle 'roast' of the groom.

The MOH has taken it upon herself to poll guests and family members on his suitability for the bride. She is now making the results public.

Although the groom is being teased we know he's respected, admired and loved by those who know the couple well, which includes the person delivering the speech, the bride's best friend.

The speech will take between 5-6 minutes to deliver.

Felicity's MOH speech at Sarah & Sam's wedding

Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.

That's what we're celebrating today: a story of true love, a dream come true, the union of two people who belong together.

My name is Felicity and it's my privilege to be Sarah’s Maid of Honor.

Sarah is my Best Friend. I know it's a cliché. However clichés become clichés for a very good reason, because they're true. She's my BFF: Best Friend Forever.

For her I would wear the gaudiest, frothiest taffeta maid of honor dress possible and still smile. Fortunately I don't have to.

Through Sarah I've learned that being a best friend isn't a competition between those who have been in your life the longest.

Neither is it about regular daily contact. Or about talking, Or being under the same sky, in the same city. Or even sharing the same tastes.

But it is definitely about sharing the same heart space.

Two young women laughing together. Text: Sarah is my best friend. I know it's a cliché. However clichés become clichés for a very good reason, because they are true.

Over the years she's been my touchstone, always encouraging me to be the best of myself: a work still in progress. I look forward to checking off the score card with her when we're much, much older.

We've seen each other through all those milestones of growing up: the ones we want to remember, as well as the ones we'd prefer to forget but don't. Amongst them are memories I'll always cherish: going on a bike tour of Paris in the rain, getting completely soaked and laughing about it, gorging ourselves on gastronomic delights in Greece. And ticking off the typical tourist “when in Rome” items: walking up the Spanish Steps and tossing coins in the Trevi fountain together.

Sarah you know, and see me clearly. Just like I know and see you. And today you've changed the course of your life forever with two words: I do.

Sam, you'll have understood by now just how much this woman is loved, not just by me but by all of us here. Inevitably that means when a suitor comes along they have to pass not just one test, but multiple ones.

There's the initial hurdle, getting her on your side. Once that's safely over there's more and these, as anyone married knows, can be quite formidable.

Friends, mothers, fathers, family, don't share quite the same blinkered infatuation. We stand back. We watch, and yes, we judge.

We have a “not-so-little” check list and we want every point on it passed, with honors.

Now I'd done a comprehensive survey of the interested parties and tallied the scores. They read like this.

On the “always has her back “ index you did extremely well. This one was a very important indicator. Knowledge of what it is “to have someone's back” is paramount. You passed with flying colors on the sub-set, “has spine” too.

Availability. The question behind this point had two parts, both equally weighted. Are you there for Sarah when she needs you? We looked at physically, as well as emotionally, present. Again, top marks.

Positive influence. Does this man extend and enhance the best in Sarah?

Now this one was a little trickier. Separating the vested interests and keeping ourselves honest is a challenge when so much is at stake. Change can be confronting even if it is for the better. But yes, we agreed, that Sam definitely brought Sarah more of all that is good. His presence enables her to grow.

Health. Really? Need we go there? Look at them! They eat so well, exercise so well – we're thinking of setting up a charity to donate the excess health they generate to those who need it. These two are the ultimate King and Queen of eating green. Their example inspires!

Our last was “laughter”.  Does this man make this woman smile, make her laugh with joy and share her humor? Sam, no one makes Sarah laugh the way you do.

In conclusion, you are quite simply, the best. We thank you for understanding, valuing and loving her as we do.

I want to acknowledge someone else in the line up looking out for Sarah, someone very dear to her who, although not physically present, is here in our hearts: Betty, Bette, her grandmother. I'm sure she would approve too.

And now a toast. Please raise your glasses.

To Sarah and Sam, and a lifetime of love! May your happily ever after begin here.

Content suggestions for your own MOH speech

Often the hardest part of preparing a speech is getting started.  These prompts will help you find the right words to say about the bride and her new husband on their special day.

Grab a piece of paper and answer the questions as quickly as you can. Let you mind go. Don't stop to edit, to check your spelling or to write full sentences. You can do all of that later.

Focus, for now, on generating ideas.

Maid of Honor speech writing prompts

  • When, and how, did you first meet the bride?
  • When did she become a close friend?
  • What makes her a good person?
  • What 3 or 4 words best describe her character?
  • When did you realize (the groom's name) was the love of her life? What was your first impression of him?
  • What hobbies or interests do they share as a couple?
  • What do you admire about them as a couple? What makes them unique or special?
  • What challenges or hardships have they faced and overcome?
  • What funny moment or funny stories can you share about them?
  • What do you want to say to wish them a happy future together? Is there a quote you'd like to use as a toast? A line from a song? A verse from a poem?  

What NOT to put into your speech

Before you go ahead in the writing process check the content you've generated.

Remove any:

  • stories that would embarrass the bride and anyone listening: eg. tales about past relationships, wild nights out, participating in illegal activities of any sort...
  • inside jokes or references that only a few people will understand
  • comments or stories that make yourself the principal focus of attention. The most important people are the bride and groom.
  • references to money or the costs involved in the wedding
  • critical comments about the wedding planning, the people involved with that, and any of the lead up activities
  • language or crudity (for instance, off-color jokes or sexual innuendo) that may offend the wedding guests
  • strings of clichés. For example: she's most beautiful bride in the whole wide world. The groom swept her off her feet. It was true love at first sight and now they will live happily ever after...

How to get from notes to speech

Click the link for: a 5 part maid of honor speech outline, with examples, step-by-step guidelines and a complete maid of honor speech for a sister.

how do you write a guest of honor speech

How to end a Maid of Honor speech

If you find yourself stuck, not knowing how to conclude your speech have a look here: how to end a Maid of Honor speech .

There are twenty example endings of varying types. Some are funny. Some use Biblical and other quotations and some are straight from the heart.

Find one you like, and then adapt it for your own use.

how do you write a guest of honor speech

Test and rehearse your speech

It's vital to allow enough time to thoroughly test and rehearse your speech before you deliver it: that's about three weeks.

How to test your speech

Testing has two parts.

The first part is making sure the content covers all you think it should and flows easily from one segment to the next. This is where another pair of ears are very useful. Sometimes what we think we're saying and what we actually are is quite different. Get the opinion of someone whose judgment you trust.

The second part is testing your speech for timing. Set a timer and say it out loud at about the pace you would use if you were delivering it for real. Ideally you want it between 3 - 6 minutes long. If it's too long, look for places to cut it.

For more about how many words in a 3 minute, 4 minute, 5 minute, 6 minute...speech and speech rate .

Rehearse your speech

Image: girl wearing angel wings levitating. Text: How to rehearse a speech properly and do so much more than wing it.

Once you have the words sorted, it's time to work on how you'll deliver them.

Delivery makes all the difference between an average, ordinary performance, and an extraordinary one. Please make the time to rehearse.

Trying to 'wing it' without preparation leaves you wide open for all sorts of unnecessary glitches to suddenly pop up and throw you sideways. Don't tempt it! How to rehearse a speech well: 7 steps to brilliance! ☺

More resources

Quote surrounded by old fashioned roses: our happily ever after begins here

Classic wedding poems and readings : find a segment of a poem or a quote to use

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How To Write The Perfect Maid Of Honor Speech

Cheat sheet included

woman delivering maid of honor speech

S o the time has come, and you’re getting ready to write your maid of honor speech! We get it. You’ve been mentally writing your toast since the day you and your BFF met in second grade, or since you became roommates in college, or since she was the only person at your new job who welcomed you. Or you have more to say than you can possibly boil down into one maid of honor speech because this is your sister . She’s been with you through thick and thin.

When the time comes to write something that feels so darn special, it’s easy to find yourself with more questions than answers. Just how many inside jokes can you include? (Not that many.) How long should your toast be? (Not that long.) What should the maid of honor speech say? (We’ve got a formula for you.) How should you end the maid of honor toast? (Go out strong.) We get how overwhelming it can be, and we are here to turn all of that love into the perfect three-minute speech, that will bring down the house.

How do you write a wedding speech? Let’s break it down: In its simplest form, the maid of honor speech is one to four minutes wherein you will wax poetic about how much you love this person, how you can’t believe that she and her partner found each other because they are so perfect together, and how you can’t wait to see what kind of life they will build together. You’ll throw in a few anecdotes (tales from summer camp or college, erring on the side of caution and eschewing details that no one except the two of you needs to know). You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll toast the couple, and it will be brilliant. But if any part of you is worried about how that might come together, We’ve got some very specific tips on how to write the perfect maid of honor toast:

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How to write a maid of honor speech.

how do you write a guest of honor speech

  • Start early . Don’t leave writing your Maid of Honor toast for the night before, or even that week. You’ll be busy supporting your friend and I promise it’ll feel less stressful if you get ahead of it.
  • Brainstorm . Before you start writing, maybe even weeks before, do some brainstorming. Have a note started on your phone from the moment you know you’ll have a speech to write, spend an evening going through old photos, do whatever it takes to help yourself remember some old stories and anecdotes that will help you make your speech that much more personal.
  • Write drunk, edit sober . Or, write fast, edit slow. Just know that your first draft isn’t the end-all. You’ll undoubtedly have a hard time deciding which story to tell, maybe you’ll include a few too many jokes or loving jabs… either way, give yourself the time and space to really edit. And ask a friend for feedback, too.
  • Cut it down . Take Raymond Carver’s advice: “Get in, get out. Don’t linger. Go on.” It can sometimes be so much easier to write or say a lot of words, but narrowing it down to the core feelings and message are what will make it powerful.
  • Practice, practice, practice . Please don’t let the day of the wedding be the first time you read your toast out loud. Thank me later.

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How long should the maid of honor speech be?

You should set a goal of two to three minutes for your Maid of Honor toast. Can it be a bit longer? Sure. But avoid surpassing five minutes. Katelyn Peterson, a wedding speech and vow writer from Wedding Words, gives the following advice, “Written, your speech should be 300 – 700 words. This comes out to roughly 2 – 5 minutes. Any longer and you’ll lose impact while guests lose interest. Plus, there’s nothing that needs to be said in 10 minutes that you can’t say in 5 minutes. Brevity is key to making a positive impact through your speech.”

What should the maid of honor speech say?

Katelyn Peterson has this great thought on what you should include in your toast: “Great speeches include great storytelling. What does every story have? A relatable character, a compelling event, and an internal shift.”

Her example: Tell the story about that time the bride (relatable character) helped you break into your own apartment after you locked yourself out (compelling event) and you ended up laughing so hard, you weren’t upset anymore because she made a challenging moment fun (internal shift). This story also SHOWS something about the bride (which every story should accomplish in a MOH speech). She has the ability to take stressful situations and make them fun. This is your theme. Now come up with two more short stories that SHOW this theme in action using these same storytelling elements.

How should you end the maid of honor speech?

While it’s a speech, it is also meant to be a toast. So, consider ending your time at the mic with a clear closing remark, and asking folks to raise their glasses and toast to the couple. Katelyn also suggests that you “close with a callback. Callbacks are instant crowd-pleasers.” So if you can circle back to one of your stories or anecdotes in your closing toast, you will really win at this whole maid of honor thing.

Bride and three bridesmaids stand in front of a window with drinks in hand

Photo by Leah and Mark & Co.

Tips For Writing Your Toast

  • Get personal. Obviously, this is not the time to use every awful person your friend has dated as evidence for how excellent her chosen life-mate is, but it  is  the time to share a few personal stories. You’ll want to talk about how happy you are for the couple, how much as you knew your BFF was your BFF the second she traded shoelaces with you, you knew that her chosen partner was perfection when they showed up to her house wearing bacon-themed socks. After that, wrap it up nicely and sweetly, toast the couple, and have a seat.
  • Don’t worry about the Best Man. Best men have a rep for sometimes being uncool during their speeches ( let’s avoid that ). And if you’re worried, just ignore whatever the best man might get up to, and do you. You don’t have to bring out the waterworks as a counterpoint to a counterpoint to potentially awkward jokes if that’s not your style. If you want to be funny, be funny! Steal the best man’s thunder. It’s fine.
  • Don’t turn it into stand-up.   That said, your toast is not the time to try out your future career as a stand-up comedian (unless you literally are a stand-up comedian, in which case, you’ve got this). No one is expecting Maya Angelou to suddenly appear and speak through you, but they probably are expecting something heartfelt and sincere. So really consider the speech and take it seriously, even if humor is your vehicle of delivery.
  • Consider your audience . If you were writing this maid of honor toast for the bachelorette party, I’d say, ‘go wild.’ You’re not though. There will be your friend’s new in-laws, grandparents, and siblings around… so keep it appropriate and, ideally, not at all embarrassing. (Hot tip: Avoid talking about exes.)
  • Don’t wait too long to start writing.  Try to start writing your speech the month before the wedding so that you can practice on a friend (not the one who is getting married) or partner, and adjust as needed.

Wedding couple holding champagne flutes during wedding toasts

Photo by Vivian Chen

how do you write a guest of honor speech

A Made of Honor Speech Template

  • Part 1: Introduction, Congratulations, & “I love you both so much.”
  • Part 2: A lovely anecdote about the couple’s relationship and how awesome they are. (Try to stay away from something about just one of them, but about them as a couple. Talking about primarily one person within the context of their relationship and their love can be lovely, too, if that’s your relationship to the couple.) This should be the bulk of your speech.
  • Part 3: I hope you are always as happy, joyous, and in love as that moment. OR This proves how madly in love you two are. May you continue to be an inspiration to us all. Etc.
  • Part 4:  (Actually make the toast.) Everyone drinks!

woman and man laughing at wedding

Photo by Betty Clicker

maid of honor speech EXAMPLEs

Here’s a sample maid of honor toast that follows the formula perfectly:

Haley and Rachel, I love you both so much . Haley, not only for you being one of my best friends, but for being there for me when being my friend didn’t just involve late night Wal-Mart runs and hours of watching ’80s movies. We’ve grown up together and I am so very grateful that we did not grow apart. And Rachel, I love you, too, for not only being such an incredible partner for my Haley, but for being a great friend to me also. I know you didn’t expect that dating Haley would include helping her flaky friend after she locked her keys in the car three times in one month, but you are a doll for doing so with a smile and only laughing at me a little. However, what I love most about the two of you is how you are together. I’ve never seen two people that fit so well in each other’s lives; it’s hard to imagine a time when you weren’t “Haley and Rachel.” It may seem to some like you two were just meant to be and that fate put you together, but I think to look at it that way diminishes how amazing your relationship really is. Having been there from the beginning, I know that what appeared to be seamless was the effort of two people who truly loved one another and were determined to make their relationship work. They didn’t just magically fit into each other’s lives; they rearranged their lives to make room. They changed priorities, made time for one another and learned to love each other’s little quirks… like Rachel’s not-so-secret love of R&B vocalists. But nothing shows this as much as Haley, Rachel, and the hockey debacle. You see, when they started dating, Rachel noticed that Haley had a framed Gretsky jersey in her living room. And, deciding to play it cool, Rachel started asking Haley if she wanted to go to local hockey games and watching the latest game on TV just so she’d have something to talk about to Haley the next time they chatted. Haley, oblivious to all of this, thought Rachel really liked hockey so she enlisted my brother to teach her more about the game. Because, you see, Haley never watched hockey. The jersey belonged to her Uncle Mike, and Aunt Laura gave it to her as a reminder of him after he passed away. Meanwhile, both my brother and Rachel are pretending to know more about hockey than they actually do and were starring in their own sports-themed comedy of errors. Eventually, they figured it out… and by eventually I mean seven months later. However, once these two worked on their communication skills, they had a new favorite hobby to do together… and further proof that Uncle Mike really is watching over Haley. AND, he’s bound and determined that she marry a hockey lover! And it only goes to show not only how goofy these two are for each other, but how much they truly are committed to being in each other’s lives. Your love makes us smile, makes us tear up with joy and makes us believe in the kind of love cynics would make you feel is impossible. Thank you for being an inspiration and my friends. To Haley and Rachel!  (everybody drinks)

Woman holding microphone and small booklet giving maid of honor speech

Here’s another great example. There’s a reason this YouTube video has over a million views. The speaker in this video follows a pretty simple maid of honor toast template, one that might help you.

  • “Good evening, everyone.”
  • Short joke or anecdote from the day.
  • A bit about how you know the couple. (Katelyn from Wedding Words suggests that you “don’t add fluff to your intro. “For those of you who don’t know me…” is an unnecessary line. Instead, jump right in by simply stating your name, role, and relationship to the couple.”
  • Storytime. This might be one long story or a few short stories. Tell about the couple’s love story, about when you met the partner or when you knew this was going to be your friend or sister’s spouse. Throw in a few small laughs.
  • Offer advice or well-wishes for the couple’s future.
  • “I love you.”

One more heartfelt example. Her outline is similar, do we see a pattern?

  • Hello / introduction (if you’re going to make it funny, make yourself the ‘butt of the joke.’)
  • Storytime. The maid of honor stretched her story out to create the entire speech while peppering in mini-stories about different times she and her family spent time with the groom. She got some good laughs without any embarrassment to the couple.
  • She didn’t feel like she had advice to give, so she offered “Three things I know,” where she highlighted different wonderful things about the couple’s love.
  • She did a call back to the beginning of her story.

Have you ever written or heard a truly great maid of honor toast? What works—and what doesn’t?

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Founder & Editor-In-Chief

Meg is the Founder of APW, and has been the sites EIC for the past twelve years. She has written two best selling wedding books:   A Practical Wedding   and  A Practical Wedding Planner .  Meg’s work has been referenced in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, Jezebel, and Refinery29 . She’s also written hugely viral wedding articles for Buzzfeed. She lives in Oakland, CA with her husband and two children. For more than you ever wanted to know about Meg, you can visit .

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How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech

A flawless maid of honor speech can't be hastily written on your phone at the reception—it takes time and a lot of practice. Here's how to write a maid of honor speech that will garner a standing ovation.

Nora Shepard

In His Image Photography

As a maid of honor in your BFF’s upcoming wedding, you're likely pretty thrilled about all that's in store for you, from the awesome maid of honor duties , to the epic events to plan ( hey bachelorette party !) to that maid of honor speech — but it's also normal to be a bit nervous, too. As we said, the maid of honor has lots of responsibilities, which include writing and delivering the maid of honor speech. The maid of honor speech usually occurs during the wedding reception, but you might be asked to deliver it at the rehearsal dinner instead. If you’re comfortable speaking in front of a crowd or have a background in acting or performing, the maid of honor speech should be a breeze . But, considering that public speaking is a very common fear, you might be anxious . And even if giving the maid of honor speech doesn’t worry you, figuring out exactly how to write a maid of honor speech likely does. It’s an important moment for both you and the bride, and of course you want to make it special.

How do you prepare the most amazing maid of honor speech she’s ever heard and alleviate some of your anxieties? We’re here to help.

When to start writing a maid of honor speech.

Presuming you haven’t procrastinated too long, you should give yourself as much time as possible to prepare — start at least three weeks to a month before the wedding. This may seem like a lot of time to write a short maid of honor speech, but the longer you wait to write, the more stressed you’ll become.

Choose a time when you’re feeling inspired by your friendship with the bride and/or couple. If you’re feeling extra sentimental after the bachelorette party brought up a plethora of stories you had forgotten about, write them down. Don’t underestimate the power of free writing, during which you unleash all of the thoughts and anecdotes about your bestie that cross your mind onto the page. That way, you’ll be able to see all of your feelings and memories all together at once. From there, who knows? More likely than not, you’ll discover some sort of inspiration within these reflections.

The maid of honor speech outline.

1. how to start the maid of honor speech..

First off, introduce yourself and mention your relationship with the bride, and the couple. Next, be sure you thank whomever you feel is important enough to mention, depending on the circumstances and who paid for or planned the wedding — parents, other family members, wedding party members, etc. Congrats! You have two lines of your speech out of the way.

2. Talk about the bride. 

Now things start to get more personal. If you were just going to express gratitude, it would be a toast, not a maid of honor speech. One crowd-pleasing story you might consider including is how you met the bride. If it’s not a particularly appealing or appropriate story, you might also consider a story about the two of you the really exemplifies your friendship, or a time when you knew you were going to be friends forever. If the two of you share a bond over food, maybe you could talk about that time the two of you tried (and failed) to make your own recipe from scratch. Maybe you were really frustrated at first when you were assigned to be partners in class because you didn’t think you were going to get along, but as fate would have it, you became inseparable. Get creative and get sentimental. And don’t be afraid to be funny .

3. Talk about her partner. 

After talking about you and the bride, it might be a good idea to include how you first met her almost-spouse in the maid of honor speech. I once witnessed a maid of honor that had been friends with the bride for many years, and during her speech she recalled that the bride actually had set her and the groom up on a blind date at first. The maid of honor and the future groom talked about their common friend for the entire date—and the rest was history. You’re the bride’s right hand woman, but a wedding is all about celebrating the couple, so it’s a nice transition from talking about you and the bride into talking about the bride and her partner. It also shows your solidarity and support for their relationship. No matter how you truly feel about her partner, keep a happy face on.

4. Talk about them as a couple. 

Speaking of which, after you explain how you met the bride’s new spouse, talk about the two of them as a couple. This works even better if you’ve known both of them for a long time. Maybe you were the bride’s roommate when they had their first date, and you witnessed her giddy nerves beforehand. Maybe you witnessed the very prolonged will-they-or-won’t-they period of their relationship. What did she tell you after they said "I love you," for the first time? At one wedding, the groom’s sister told a story that took place about three months before the groom and bride had gotten together. The sister was teasing her brother about his love life, when he said, “I’m in love with my best friend, but it will never happen, she’s not interested.” Her brother wouldn’t give any names — but three months later, she figured it out for herself when they started dating.

5. Keep it short and sweet.

In thinking about how to write a maid of honor speech, remember that it should only be about two to three minutes long. That’s just long enough to tell a few stories about the beloved couple and toast to a happy future. Everyone will probably be anxious to start dancing (or eating!) at this point, so there’s no need to drag on. We tend to talk more quickly when we’re nervous, so be extra aware to speak slowly. 

6. Practice.

Be sure to practice your speech in advance — whether it’s in front of a mirror, your cat, or a family member or friend. You can even time yourself to make sure the speech is an appropriate length.

7. End with a toast.

Don't forget to toast to the happy couple at the end! Raising your glass is a great natural finisher to your maid of honor speech, and a guaranteed crowd pleaser. You can add a few words, like "Now, let's all raise a glass to the newlyweds!" or something similarly concise and to the point.

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What to NOT say in a maid of honor speech

Here's what to avoid when writing your maid of honor speech.

1. Exes, drunken nights or anything else remotely inappropriate. 

It should go without saying, but exes or drunken debauchery should not be included in a maid of honor speech. A wedding is a family event, after all. Don’t talk about anything the bride wouldn’t mind her grandmother hearing. 

2. Anything that could even potentially cause tension.

Don’t mention the high divorce rate — even jokingly. It will not be received well.

3. Don’t feel pressured to be anything but yourself.

If humor isn’t your strong suit, it doesn’t have to be a hilarious maid of honor speech. You can be nostalgic, sweet, or sentimental — but not drunk. Wait to drink until after your maid of honor speech .

Whatever you write in your maid of honor speech, the most important thing is that your words come from the heart. Even if you’re not a natural-born performer , speak with feeling and emotion — not like you’re reading a classroom assignment—and talk directly to the couple, rather than focusing on the many other faces in the crowd. Your bestie may not remember the exact words you said during your maid of honor speech, but she’ll remember the care and love behind it.

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  • Dos, Don'ts & Tips
  • Main Components of a Great Speech

Standard format but beautifully heartwarming

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When you're asked to be a maid of honor, it's an incredible ahem… honor. But it also comes with a lot of responsibility — especially if you're asked to give a speech. 

 So how do you go about writing a maid of honor speech that will be memorable, touch the bride & groom and hopefully bring out a few laughs? We've got you covered! 

In this post, we'll give you a step-by-step guide on how to write a maid of honor speech. We'll break down the speech structure, share important do's and don'ts, dive into FAQs and of course some examples to inspire you.

Maid of Honor Speech Template & Structure

a woman giving a speech during a wedding

This section of the article is going to talk about what goes into a great maid of honor speech. You'll learn about the basic template and structure but we've also included some questions to help you get started with each section.

  • Who you are
  • How you know the bride
  • Thank the guests
  • Thank everyone involved in wedding planning
  • A story about how you met
  • What she means to you
  • How has she made an impact on your life?
  • Favorite memory
  • Her character (how would you describe her in 3 words)
  • Fun Facts / Jokes
  • Share a story about first meeting the groom
  • First impressions
  • His character (how would you describe him in 3 words)
  • Why he's right for the bride
  • How you knew he was the “one” for her
  • Share a story about them (maybe how they met?)
  • How they are together as a couple (how would you describe the couple in 3 words)
  • How do they complement each other
  • What do they bring out in each other
  • What do you admire most about the couple?
  • What makes them unique?
  • What are your hopes for their future together?
  • When have you been witness to a lovely moment.
  • Congratulate the bride and groom
  • Say the bride's new last name.
  • Announce its time to celebrate

Maid of Honor Speech Dos, Don'ts & Tips

how do you write a guest of honor speech

Here are some dos and don'ts to help make your speech a success. While these are considered widely agreed upon ‘rules'; rules are meant to be broken, so you make the final call!

  • Do try and include funny stories.
  • Do poke fun, but don't cross the line. Don't embarrass anyone.
  • Do leave room for any crowd reaction.
  • Do be short and sweet.
  • Don't tell your life story.
  • DO talk about the couple, not just the bride
  • Don't drink too much before the speech but a tipple can help!
  • Don't include inside jokes.
  • Don't reference any exes.
  • Do practice, practice, practice.

What are the Main Components of a Great Speech

According to this Toastmaster , a great speech is formed of 3 main components:

  • Structure:  A great speech has a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning of a great speech should capture the audience's attention. The middle of a great speech should be where the majority of the content is delivered.   The end of a great speech should neatly round the speech off and leave guests with a strong impression. 
  • Content:  Make sure your speech is interesting, relevant, and engaging. To do this, use stories and humor; and try to stay focused on the core topic of the speech, in this case the bride and the couple.  
  • Delivery:  Practice performing your speech so that you sound confident and natural. Work on your vocal delivery by speaking clearly and projecting your voice. Practice gestures and expressions to help you appear natural when delivering your speech. Try to relax before delivering your speech so that you don't appear nervous; easier said than done we realize! While we don't recommend drinking a lot, a tipple might help ease the nerves.

If you watch one video on public speaking, this is it .

Sample Maid of Honor Speeches

We've gathered some examples of wonderful maid-of-honor speeches to give you an idea of what you could say on the big day. We've tried to pick a range of styles and included a transcript on a few to help when it's time for you to begin writing yours.

• 0:01 – 0:13 Good evening everyone. So I thought the most nerve-wracking part of my job as May of honor was going to be this speech, but managing Mara's bail was definitely,.

• 0:16 – 0:17 Definitely.

• 0:17 – 0:21 Out there. Uh, but I've stopped sweating now. So.

• 0:22 – 0:24 Good. Uh,.

• 0:24 – 0:47 So I hope you're all having a wonderful time celebrating the special day of these two lovebirds here. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Kristen and I know Mark and Mara from college. I met Mara when she joined our sorority Kappa Alpha Data.

• 0:48 – 0:48 ,.

• 0:51 – 1:39 And we instantly became best friends and soon after I chose her as my little sister and she chose me as her big sister since we met when she was a freshman and I was a sophomore, I was there for every significant ma moment in MA's life throughout her four years in college. The biggest being the start of a beautiful love story between Mark and Ma. As many of you know, Mark and Ma met through ones as student ambassadors for the University of Florida, but it was participation, the talent show for the Filipino Students Association where their love story began.

• 1:41 – 1:48 I first heard about Mara during a three hour road trip down to Daytona for a beach weekend. Sorry. I first heard about Mark.

• 1:49 – 1:49 .

• 1:50 – 1:51 I already knew Mara.

• 1:52 – 1:52 .

• 1:53 – 1:54 We were having gossip time.

• 1:55 – 1:56 And we.

• 1:56 – 2:20 Were headed down to Daytona for a beach weekend with MA's family. And she very casually told me about how the two of them were performing a duet to the Bruno Mars song. Amazing for the talent show right then a burst of excitement pulse through me as I imagine how perfectly romantic it would be if Mark and Mars started to fall for each other. And what could be a scene straight out of high school musical.

• 2:21 – 2:22 .

• 2:24 – 2:40 He was Filipino attractive and he could see him play the piano. So pretty much MA's perfect man, right? But when I brought this to MA's attention, her initial reaction was something along the lines of, Ew,.

• 2:40 – 2:43 Big See the Boy.

• 0:00 – 0:00

• 2:51 – 2:58 And to be fair, I probably would've had the same reaction because Ma and I were a bit shy when it came to the idea of liking your dating boys in college,.

• 2:59 – 2:59 .

• 3:01 – 3:25 They may not have fully recognized just what a special relationship with student develop, but for those three minutes when they performed together on stage, the world stood still and it was obvious there was something truly amazing between the two of them. Four months of courting in a very, very, very confused mark. Later.

• 3:26 – 3:26 .

• 3:28 – 3:54 Mara finally accepted his proposal to be boyfriend and girlfriend, and the rest is history. For the past six years, Mark and Mara have continued to show us the true meaning of love. Our friends always say how obviously perfect they are for each other. You take one look at them when they're together. And the idea of meant to be is depicted in its truest form,.

• 3:56 – 4:37 But it's the deeper side of their relationship, which reminds us all what it means to truly be and love. No relationship is perfect. There are always ups and downs, different viewpoints which can cause conflict and hard times that must both must face together. And like every couple in this room, Mark and Ma have dealt with their such trials throughout the relationship, but they have pushed through every single one, not by sweeping them under the rug, but by facing them full on and together as a couple, working through their challenges, while always maintaining the respect and love they have for each other.

• 4:40 – 5:10 They have been there for each other in countless times of need and supporting each other through both the difficult and wonderful times in each other's lives. And that is the true definition of a love and marriage that will last in the eternity. Mark and Mara, you are an inspiration to all of us, both individually as two people who strive to be a light in the lives of others.

• 5:12 – 5:34 And together as a gorgeous couple radiating love. I am honored to be not only a significant part of your special day, but a significant person in your lives. And I am beyond excited to watch the next chapter of your lives unfold together as husband and wife.

• 5:36 – 5:57 I love you both so much, and I wish you a lifetime of laughter in those joyous moments, loving support in those trialing times, and excitement for all of the adventures that lie ahead to the happily ever her mottos. Cheers.

• 0:00 – 0:31 Hello everyone. Hello. Hello. Thank you. Um, I hope everyone is digesting their salads well. Um, I know I am actually tonight, um, this is actually the first wedding I've ever been to. So naturally I consulted my lifelong friend and fae the internet, um, in order to give me some criteria. So wedding really pulled through for me. . So here it goes.

• 0:32 – 0:42 Step one, start your speech with a simple yet direct introduction. Hi, I'm Claire. I'm Kelsey's little sister. I'm 25 years old and I have IBS.

• 0:43 – 0:43 .

• 0:46 – 1:00 Thank you. Step two, remember that this isn't about you. See, that is one of the many things that are hard for me to digest because when you think about it, this union is absolutely about me.

• 1:00 – 1:00 .

• 1:01 – 1:26 Before Corey entered my life, I did not have access to 24 7 iced coffee, which she keeps in the fridge at all times, and from which I benefit greatly. . Before Corey, Kelsey had her ups and downs, but now she's pretty much constantly happy. Do you know what that does for my mental health? To have an older sister who is constantly happy, significantly lowered rates of verbal abuse in the household.

• 1:26 – 1:26 .

• 1:27 – 1:50 Before Corey, Kelsey was dating scrubs like Aiden, who spells his name, a o d h a n. Corey spells his name like a normal person, and as a fellow normal person, I can appreciate that. Step three, don't talk about Xes.

• 1:52 – 1:52 Oops.

• 1:53 – 2:24 Step four, talk about the bride. When I first saw Kelsey take the stage, it was a singing competition, and she was performing born to entertain, looking like a Disney princess and a sequin top hat, sequin, leotard, tights, top shoes, the holy grail. In my six year old eyes, when the music began, her hips started moving. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. And a miserable middle school auditorium full of tired stage moms and kids who couldn't sit still. My big sister was having fun all by herself.

• 2:24 – 2:24 .

• 2:25 – 2:57 She, she had a spark and she could manufacture it all on her own with nobody's permission, and I wanted to be just like her. As the years went by, I'm about to get serious warning. As the years went by, Kelsey's spark grew and my, my admiration for her grew along with it. Okay? I always followed in Kelsey's footsteps, dipping my toe in every pond along the way, and feeling safe in the knowledge that she tested the water for me. First, Kelsey played basketball, so I played basketball. Kelsey did musicals, so I did musicals.

• 2:57 – 3:26 Kelsey did cotillion, so, oh, actually I got out of that one. . Thank God. No. No. More importantly though, Kelsey forged the way in pushing our parents. It's pushing the limits of our parents' sanity. My parents ran a pretty tight ship, uh, all girls school for seven years. No parties, uh, door opened when a boy is over, et cetera. But on the night of Kelsey's senior prom, my eyes were opened.

• 3:27 – 3:27 .

• 3:30 – 3:42 Naturally prom after party was out of the question. Proctor party, uh, for poor Kelsey, but she did manage to pull it off by claiming she was stuck in traffic for three full hours.

• 3:43 – 3:43 .

• 3:43 – 3:49 Eventually my parents smart as they are connected, the dots when she came home and spent the rest of the night hanging over the toilet,.

• 3:50 – 3:50 .

• 3:52 – 4:11 Her boyfriend Mikey sat downstairs telling us how ugly Kelsey looked when she threw up. But Kelsey, I thought you never looked more beautiful that night. , at the time, I didn't quite understand, but she was introducing me to a new art form, The art of lying to our parents.

• 4:12 – 4:12 .

• 4:13 – 4:17 Thank you, Kelsey. You walked so I could run.

• 4:25 – 4:26 Thank you.

• 4:28 – 5:04 As I've gotten older, I realized Kelsey didn't have it always figured out. Um, she didn't always know it was serious again, where her footsteps were gonna take her, but this realization has only made her stronger and braver in my eyes. She forges ahead with all, always knowing where she's gonna land, because she's someone you wanna follow because you know she was born with some sort of innate treasure map. And you know, she's yelped all the best taco spots to hit along the way. When Kelsey shows you love, it hits different. Yeah, She's not afraid to get into excruciating detail about her own insecurities and her own struggles, and it makes you feel a little bit less burdened by your own.

• 5:06 – 5:37 She's like my metaphorical flight attendant warning me that there might be some slight turbulence along the way, but it's all good. Own it. It's all part of the journey. Step five, breathe some life into your speech with some inspirational quotes. I'm a savage. Yeah. Classy, bougie, ratchet. Yeah, Sassy, moody, nasty. Hey, hey. Yeah, Acting stupid. What's happening, bitch? Whoa, whoa. What's happening? That's from Megan, The Stallion, One of Kelsey's favorite.

• 5:41 – 6:19 Um, another great quote I love is from American author, Bell Hooks. The word love is often defined as a noun, but we would all be better if we used the word love as a verb, which leads me into step six. Talk about the couple. As much as I hate to let wedding down, I'm not in the business of following rules. So I'd like to take this moment to give Corey Jacobi some airtime. Uh, after months of after months quarantined with Corey, I've studied this human with the precision of the David Attenborough documentary, and I can say with full confidence that he embodies the verb of loving.

• 6:21 – 6:23 When I first met Corey, I was kind of confused.

• 6:24 – 6:24 .

• 6:25 – 6:39 Not gonna lie, I thought to myself, There's literally no way that someone can be this selfless and kind without having an ulterior motive. Turns out there is no ulterior motive with Corey. He's just a good person.

• 6:41 – 6:41 .

• 6:42 – 6:44 Okay. Still watching you.

• 6:45 – 6:45 .

• 6:46 – 7:22 Throughout 2020, while the world was ravaged by a pandemic, the Boston family household faced a virus of its own. The love of Corey Jacobi, Oh God, it's inescapable, it's contagious. It doesn't discriminate. It started small. He'd mediate an argument or two, he'd fix a light bulb, he'd make some breakfast tacos, but it grew in ferocity in size quickly. Corey believes in the innate goodness of people, and I'll never stop trying to emulate him.

• 7:23 – 7:32 Thank you, Kelsey, for bringing this wonderful person into our lives and for sharing him with us. Corey, you are the bonus baby. Our family never knew we needed.

• 7:34 – 7:35 ,.

• 7:35 – 8:06 And most importantly, thank you for teaming up almost every night to create unnecessarily elaborate dinners for family, for family dinners, family meals. When two foodies come together in love, it's a win-win for everyone. , and it's hotter than Awan Pepper. I didn't know if I was gonna put that in, but I just did. . Um, in many ways, Corey and Kelsey are similar people. They're both focused and driven. They're both enthusiastic about the finer things in life. They're both fiercely loyal to the people they love the most.

• 8:07 – 8:23 Um, but they also challenge each other. Duh. They push each other. They're both not afraid to call each other out when necessary. Kelsey, you are your most compassionate, loving, positive, and silly self around Corey. Truly. Corey, I didn't know you before Kelsey, so I, I don't know if you've improved.

• 8:26 – 8:39 Hopefully you have. I don't know. Can't speak to that. All I know is a room with Corey and Kelsey in it is a room I wanna be in, so I'm pretty happy right now.

• 8:46 – 9:04 Step seven, end with a callback. That is not too cliche, Kelsey. You can manufacture your own spark all on your own, but with, with Corey, by your side, you're a wildfire. Congratulations to you both, but most importantly, congratulations to me.

• 9:07 – 9:07 Thank You guys.

Jokes & One Liners to Include in a Maid of Honor Speech

two women having fun while drinking a rose wine

  • “I met the groom's parents earlier and they told me to cut some inappropriate stories out, so nothing about ex-girlfriends…” (drop an index card)…. “alcohol…” (drop another index card) …. “the police….” (drop another index card)…
  • “Well, what can I tell you about the bride? I've known her for about 10 years, she's beautiful, intelligent, kind, caring” squint at cards “Wait, sorry, wrong wedding.”
  • “I read somewhere the perfect maid of honor speech should last as long as it takes for the bride and groom to make love. So ladies and gentlemen, please raise a glass to the happy couple!”
  • “I'd like to give you and the groom relationship advice, but what do I know? I'm single and have a cat.”
  • “There comes a time in everyone's life where they met their one true love, their soulmates. The person that's going to love them and cherish them for the rest of their life. And that moment came for [Bride's Name]…[dramatic effect pause] When she met me 25 years ago.”
  • “The start of their relationship was fast and furious: he was fast and she was furious”
  • “Everyone says this is meant to be the best day of your life, but I know it isn't. It's the best day of your life SO FAR, because I know you have so many more amazing days to come together.”
  • “I know I'm not supposed to speak for more than 45 minutes, so I'm just going to apologize now for going over a little.”
  • “All those among you who know the bride will know that she is a wonderful and caring person. She deserves a good husband. Thank God *insert grooms name* married her before she found one.”
  • Loyal, caring, sincere, honest, a great woman… but that's enough about me, I'm here to give a speech about [Bride]!
  • [Bride] and I have always loved each other like sisters. Hopefully she'll feel the same after she hears my speech.
  • You know what they say: behind every great woman… is a group of other great women cheering her on.” 
  • “Good evening everyone! I'm [Maid of Honor]. I'm sure you all know me as [Bride] ‘s younger sister, but if you don't, well done on sneaking into the wedding unnoticed!”
  • “Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate something truly magical. Something so rare and wondrous that it simply must be celebrated. I am, of course, talking about the free booze.”
  • “The best thing about being in love is hearing someone say ‘I love you' for the first time…but the second best thing is hearing them say it again after they already know everything about you.”  
  • “I knew [bride] was meant for [groom] when I saw how well she tolerates his terrible puns.”
  • “(Bride), if you would, please place your hand on the table. (Groom), I'd like to ask you place your hand on your beautiful wife's hand. Now everyone, I'd like to ask for a moment of silence. This is for you, (Groom), so enjoy it. Cherish it. Savor it. Because it's the last upper hand you're ever going to have.”
  • “When (legendary aunty) decided to get married she called up the smartest friend she had, and asked her to be the maid of honor. But that young lady declined. She then called up the most fun friend she had. Buts she too declined. Then she decided to call up the most beautiful friend of hers and I told her…” stop calling dammit. This is the 3rd time. I'll be your maid of honor”.
  • “It's strange to be giving a speech like this one, because my parents taught me that if I had nothing good to say about someone, I should say nothing at all.”
  • “[Groom], thank you for loving our girl even on her worst days – including today, when she threatened to kill me if I didn't write a good Maid of Honor speech.” 
  • I'm [Maid of Honor], maid of honor, but I think I was picked by default since the bride doesn't like people.
  • “The bride is known to be beautiful, gracious, kinda and remar….remarkca… shit… then turn to the bride and say “sorry girlfriend I cant read your handwriting”
  • Each one of us gathered together in this room has something really important in common: none of us have a clue what I'm going to say next!
  • [Bride] knew I was a bit nervous about giving this speech, so she gave me some great advice. She said “Don't try to be too charming, witty or intellectual — just be yourself!'”
  • “[Groom] may not be perfect but he's perfect for [bride].”  
  • Marriage isn't for everyone—but it obviously works for them because here we are.” 
  • If your speech is following someone else's, you can say, (Name) gave a great speech and I agree with everything he/she said. Then sit down.
  • “I asked [bride] what she loves most about [groom], and she said his ability to make her laugh – even when she doesn't want to.”
  • “I'd like to start by congratulating [Bride] on her excellent taste in speech givers.”
  • “I don't believe in roasting the couple on their special day. Therefore this speech won't contain anything embarrassing or controversial. Instead I'll refer only to the kind, funny side of their characters. Thank you and goodnight.”
  • “I have to admit, I was a little skeptical when [bride] first told me she was dating [groom]. But then I realized, love is blind!”
  • “I'm so happy that you two found each other. Because let's be honest, we all know that dating apps are a crap shoot.” 
  • “I used to think love was finding someone who knows all your secrets and still loves you anyway…then I met [bride] and realized love is finding someone who knows all your secrets and still puts up with you anyway.” 
  • “I can only say in my defense that [Bride] and I share a common sense of humor so if this speech isn't funny, blame her.”
  • “Good evening everyone, today you are witness to a unique and important event in history: the first and presumably last time anyone will ever trust me to give a speech.”

Maid of Honor Final Toast Examples

  • Please raise your glasses in honor of Bride and Groom.
  • Let us toast the happiness of Bride with her new husband, [Groom's Name]!
  • Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
  • Here's to love, laughter and happily ever after.
  • Here's to the health of the happy pair; may good luck follow them everywhere; And may each day of wedded bliss be always as sweet and joyous as this.
  • Cheers to the happy newlyweds! May you love each other more every day you spend together!
  • Let's toast to the new husband and wife!
  • Best wishes and years of bliss to the new couple!
  • Here's to the husband, And here's to the wife;, May they remain, Lovers for life.
  • Let's drink to love, which is nothing—unless it's divided into two with someone you love.
  • Join me in honoring the marriage of Bride and Groom!
  • As (Groom) and (Bride) start their new life together,
  • What a wonderful wedding day indeed, so let's raise our glasses to wherever their lives may lead.
  • With love and happiness, here's to you, Bride and Groom!

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How To Write A Wonderful Maid Of Honor Speech (Templates, Videos & Examples!)

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How to Write a Maid of Honor Speech: Wording Examples and Ideas


As a maid of honor, you’ll need to juggle several important duties – from organising an epic bridal shower to going wedding dress shopping and holding the bride’s bouquet.

But the most daunting task of all? Writing and delivering a maid of honor speech at the reception!

We totally get how terrifying this can be, which is why we’re here to help. Keep reading for our ultimate guide on writing the perfect maid of honor speech below, including some brainstorming prompts and wording examples to get you started.


How Long Should a Maid of Honor Speech Be?

Let’s get the good news out of the way first: your maid of honor speech doesn’t have to be long! Remember, you probably won’t be the only one speaking at the reception, so you’ll want to keep your speech short and sweet. We’d say the perfect maid of honor speech should ideally be between 2 to 4 minutes, and definitely no longer than 5.

What Should a Maid of Honor Speech Include?

Simply put, a maid of honor speech should be based around two key things: celebrating your relationship with the bride and celebrating her relationship with her new husband or wife. 

Maid of honor speeches usually includes a mix of personal anecdotes, compliments to the happy couple, and well wishes for the future. Your speech can include your favourite memories with the bride, but it should also strike the right balance by including some sentiments towards her partner and their relationship, too. Usually, you’ll start your speech by talking about the bride and wrap it up by talking about her and her partner as a couple.

So, what does this look like in action? If you’re looking for a helpful framework to follow, consider this tried and tested formula for a winning maid of honor speech below:

  • Introduce yourself. It might seem obvious, but introducing yourself is important to give your speech context and explain your relationship with the bride. Don’t forget, there may be guests at the wedding who have no idea who you are!
  • Talk about the bride. Begin your speech by complimenting the bride. What do you love about her? What makes her such a good person/best friend/sibling? Be specific with your compliments, too – rather than saying, “She’s such a generous friend”, share a specific moment that demonstrates this.
  • Include a favourite anecdote. Do you have a favourite memory that sticks out when you reflect on your relationship with the bride? This is a good time to share one or two short anecdotes. They can be funny stories or more sincere and heartfelt moments.
  • Compliment their partner. Now it’s time to bring her partner into the speech. What are your favourite qualities about them? What was your first impression of them? Why are they such a good match for the bride?
  • Celebrate the couple. This is where you’ll want to highlight the relationship between the happy couple. Talk about what makes their relationship so special, what you admire about them as a couple, and how their lives have changed for the better.
  • Share your well wishes. Tie it all together by offering your best piece of marriage advice, favourite quote, or some warm wishes for the future.
  • Share a toast. Finally, raise your glass to toast the happy couple (and reward yourself with a sip of champagne, too!).


Things To Avoid In Your Maid of Honor Speech

Now that you know what to include in a maid of honor speech, is there anything you should strictly avoid? When it comes to correct etiquette, keep the following suggestions in mind to ensure your speech is well-received: 

  • Sharing funny stories or gently “roasting” the couple is totally fine if that suits your relationship with them, but steer clear of anything inappropriate, rude, or embarrassing. Remember, there will likely be elderly relatives and important family members in the room, so keep it PG-rated.
  • If you’re not comfortable using jokes or humour, then don’t! It’s better to keep your speech genuine and heartfelt, rather than trying to be funny. Of course, it’s completely okay to include some comedy, but don’t force it unless it’s true to who you are.
  • While you and your BFF probably have a lifetime of inside jokes between you, try to avoid referencing these in your speech. If the majority of wedding guests won’t understand it, it’s probably not worth including.
  • Finally, don’t bring up any old boyfriends or ex-partners! It probably goes without saying, but your maid of honor speech is about celebrating the happy couple – not bringing up unwanted memories from the past.


Maid of Honor Speech Writing Prompts

Still feeling stuck? The best place to start crafting your maid of honor speech is usually with a good brainstorming session. Use these questions and writing prompts to help you get the inspiration flowing:

  • How did you meet the bride? 
  • What was your first impression of her?
  • How has your relationship evolved over the years?
  • What’s your favourite memory with the bride?
  • What’s your funniest story about the bride?
  • What are the bride’s best qualities? How does she demonstrate this?
  • How would you describe the bride in 3 words?
  • How did you meet her partner?
  • What was your first impression of her partner?
  • What are her partner’s best qualities? How do they demonstrate this?
  • How would you describe her partner in 3 words?
  • How did you know her partner was “the one”?
  • How did her partner propose?
  • What do you admire most about the couple?
  • What milestones have the couple celebrated?
  • How has their relationship evolved over the years?
  • Have they overcome any challenges or hardships together?
  • What makes their relationship unique?
  • What’s your favourite memory with the couple?
  • How have they made an impact on your life?
  • What are your hopes for their future together as a married couple?

Once you’ve spent some time answering these prompts, you should have plenty of fantastic material to work with. 


Maid of Honor Speech Examples and Ideas

Now, it’s time to start pulling everything together! Use these maid of honor speech templates and examples below to be inspired:

Maid of Honor Speech Example For Sister:

“Hi everyone. I wanted to start by thanking you all for being here today to celebrate this amazing couple. As most of you know, I’m (Bride’s) little sister, (Name). 

I think we can all agree that (Bride) has a personality like no other. She’s outspoken, feisty, and stubborn – but also the most caring, loyal, and funniest person I’ve ever known. Growing up, we were like two peas in a pod. We were always getting into trouble and causing mischief together – and truthfully, not much has changed! I’ll never forget the time we (insert relevant anecdote), or the time we (insert relevant anecdote). It’s memories like these that make me so thankful to have (Bride) as a sister.

I used to wonder if there would ever be a guy brave enough to handle (Bride). Well, my sister has just tied the knot, and I think she’s found her perfect match in (Partner). (Partner), I couldn’t have chosen anyone better for my big sister. You’re kind, patient, and just the right amount of crazy to fit into our family – as demonstrated by the time you (insert relevant anecdote). Most importantly, you love my sister for who she is – stubbornness and all.

Your commitment to each other inspires me every day, and watching your relationship grow over the years has been so special to witness. I wish you both nothing but the best for the future, and I know you’re going to have some unforgettable adventures together. So, with that, I’d like to invite everyone to raise their glasses for a toast. Here’s to the happy couple!”

Maid of Honor Speech Example for Best Friend:

“Hi everyone. For those who haven’t yet had the chance to meet me, I’m (Name). (Bride) and I have been best friends since college, where we quickly bonded over our shared love for (insert hobbies/interests). 10 years later, and I couldn’t be happier to be standing here today to celebrate the amazing person (Bride) is, and the amazing life she and (Partner) have created together.

There are so many traits that I love about (Bride). First, her wacky sense of humour and ability to find the funny moment in any situation – like the time she (insert relevant anecdote). Secondly, her thoughtfulness and generosity, especially when she (insert relevant anecdote). And finally, her ability to light up any room she walks into. (Bride), you look so beautiful tonight.

Now, onto (Partner). My first impression of (Partner) was that he was incredibly kind, friendly, and humble. All of these things are still true, but as I’ve gotten to know him better, I’ve also seen how hilariously goofy he can be. I’ll never forget when he (insert relevant anecdote). It was then I knew that he was “the one” for my best friend.

(Bride) and (Partner), you complement each other perfectly, and it’s easy to see how crazy you are about each other. I’m so honoured to call you my friends, and I can’t wait to see how you navigate this exciting next chapter together. I’ll leave with you a quote to take with you through marriage: (insert relevant quote). Here’s to (Bride) and (Partner)!”


Nailing Your Wedding Speech

Finally, don’t forget that practice makes perfect. Once you’ve crafted your maid of honor speech, spend some time rehearsing it before the day until you’re comfortable with your delivery. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll feel when the big moment comes!

And while the thought of writing a maid of honor speech can definitely be daunting, try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Simply speak authentically from the heart, and you can’t go wrong.

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How To Write A Maid Of Honor Speech (Examples And Advice)

Some of the best speeches at weddings are the maid of honor speeches. You’ve been chosen for this special role because you know things about the bride that her parents don’t (and maybe some that should stay that way..ahem). You’ve also probably been through thick and thin together. 

You may want to share some kind words about the groom, but it’s what you say to the bride during your speech that will matter the most at this time of transition in her life.

She needs to know you’re her Girl Friday, and you’ve got her back through every milestone. Your maid of honor speech is one of the best ways to deliver that message. 

maid of honor giving speech to bride and groom

So, bearing all of the above in mind, you might be feeling apprehensive about your speech. After all, she chose YOU to be her best bestie on her big day and everyone’s going to be waiting with bated breath for your words of wisdom and hilarious anecdotes from the times you’ve spent together.

Well, we’re to tell you there’s zero reason to worry about your speech. It’s your best friend’s wedding day and all she wants is to have you by her side. No one is expecting you to deliver a Shakespearean soliloquy or do a stand-up comedy act. Just deliver heartfelt words and you’ll be golden. We promise. To help you put together a great speech, we’ve put together this handy guide. Keep reading for useful advice, a template for your speech, and some inspiring examples of maid of honour speeches.

Rules and Etiquette

Before you get started on your cue cards, there are a few things to get out of the way in terms of etiquette.

Keep it clean

We put this one first because sometimes it’s soooo hard to keep it PG when we’ve got so much hilarious dirt on our best girl (especially after a few drinks at the open bar). 

Try to refrain, though. Obviously, her parents are there, his parents are there, and who knows how many other family members with ears on you. 

It could make it super awkward if everyone heard about what happened at the bachelorette party. Let the best man commit that faux pas; it’s entirely possible that he will. 

maid of honor giving speech

Do your homework

You probably already know who is on the guest list, but you may not know some of the guests’ plus ones. If you can, find out about who’s coming that you don’t know. You don’t want to run the risk of offending someone or making them uncomfortable if the subject matter steers toward one of the big four topics to avoid. Keep reading for more on those.

Watch out for touchy topics

Best to steer clear of money issues unless they flatter the bride and groom. Definitely best to steer clear of politics. And definitely, definitely leave family dirt in the ground. 

There’s nothing more awkward than accidentally (or purposefully) calling someone on the carpet for family strife. Everyone there probably already knows that her dad’s new wife threw a tantrum and made a scene at Thanksgiving. But leave it unsaid. No matter how funny it was.

Suppose the wedding had a religious ceremony, and the bride/groom’s families are religious. In that case, that may be something to mention if it is relevant to you, too. Just be sensitive and keep it as inclusive as possible. 

So to recap. Money, politics, religion, and family drama – the BIG FOUR no-go topics. 


NO jokes about divorce.

NO jokes about exes. 

All righty, beyond that…

Keep the comedy coming

Everyone loves a funny wedding speech, and you’re among the top three who have the best opportunity to give one. If you’ve had any fun together at all (which obviously you have, or you wouldn’t be the maid of honor), you’ll have a virtual goldmine of funny stories about the bride. Again, as long as they’re PG, serve ’em up.

maid of honor giving speech with bride laughing

If comedy isn’t your strong suit, no biggie. A moving tribute to her, her new husband, and how great they are together is just as entertaining when it’s well-spoken. 

Watch your time

Unfortunately, no matter how many great stories you could tell, you’ve only got a short time to speak. Time yourself after you’ve written out your speech to make sure it’s no longer than seven minutes. An ideal speech will be five minutes or less. 

Don’t get too emotional- you’ve got mascara to think about!

Oh jeez, this one will probably be harder than keeping it PG. Keep some hankies tucked away, but try to laugh through the tears of joy. Some people get awkward and just don’t know how to deal with it when other people cry. 

Make An Outline

Right. Standard etiquette out of the way. Time to start writing it all down. Start with an outline, then round out the details after you’ve got the bones to your speech figured out. 

Introduce yourself

This is an important opener, as not everyone may know you yet. Superfast: who you are, and how you are related to the bride and groom.

If there’s a person or two you feel deserves special recognition and would like to thank, go ahead, but make it quick. Usually, it’s up to the parentals and groom to thank everyone for coming. 

maid of honor giving speech

Include a little bit about how you met. Were you friends right out of the gate? Is there a funny story about how you didn’t gel at first?

Talk about what makes you so tight close and what you bond over. Tell stories about some of the adventures you’ve shared. 

Talk about the groom

Make sure you take some time to talk about her new husband! Share a recollection of your first time meeting and your impressions of him. This is an excellent time for funny stories too, and it’s also the perfect time to outline what you love about the groom and how happy you are that he makes her happy. 

Talk about the bride

Now is when the waterworks will probably begin. Try to keep it together as you talk about all of the things that make her extraordinary. Let her know how much you appreciate her. Tell everyone what she means to you and what a great friend she is. 

If there are things you’re particularly proud of her for, things like accomplishments, acts of selflessness, all those great things, now is the time to let her know. 

maid of honor giving speech

Share some thoughts about them as a couple

Why are you so glad they’re together? What makes them so great for each other? What is your wish for them in the future? 

If you’re already married, you can talk about all the things you love about marriage and impart those wishes on her. 

Raise a toast

Here’s an excellent opportunity to let her know (briefly) how honored you are to be chosen as maid of honor and invite everyone to raise a toast to the newlyweds. If you’ve got a closer for this one, leave it with the toast, or you could say something simple like “To happily ever afters. Thanks for sharing yours with us.” 

Maid Of Honor Speech Examples

You’ve got your outline done and now you just need to put the final touches on your speech and master the delivery. Easy peasy! Hey, you’ve got this sista, we know it and you should too. But if you need some extra confidence-boosting inspiration, we strongly suggest you check out these awesome maid of honour speeches. If these gals can do it, we know you can too! 

Sisterly Love and Laughs 

Love this sister’s speech. It’s so funny and heartfelt, it was fantastic. And it was all a smidge over four minutes. Masterful. 

Hilarious and So Well Delivered! 

This speech is nothing short of awesome. Not to mention entertaining. 

An Epic…Performance

Somehow this fabulous maid of honor has managed to get by breaking the divorce rule (kind of, in a way) like a BOSS. She’s hilarious and fun, and someone better recognize that daring karaoke remix for the glorious thing it is. 

Parting Advice

You’re gonna have a blast writing your maid of honor speech, particularly if you had a bachelorette party for her where everyone reminisced over your years together. 

When your best friend gets married, you inherit with her all the good times (and sometimes bad) she’ll experience in married life. Let her know you can’t wait to be there for the next part of her life’s journey. 

Wedding Planning

elena and daniel in France

Elena & Daniel: husband and wife team behind Love and Lavender. Read Our Story

Weddings & Brides

How to Write a Heartfelt Maid of Honor Speech (12 Must-Have Tips)

heartfelt maid of honor speech

Your best friend is getting married and you have the privilege of being her maid of honor. Along with sharing one of the most important days of your BFF’s life comes a pile of tasks, not the least of which is the maid of honor speech at the reception.

The perfect maid of honor speech will not only talk about what makes the bride so special, it will capture the attention of the audience and induce laughter and maybe even a few sentimental tears — all within two or three minutes.

Sound like a daunting task? We get it, not everyone is a born speech writer. If the idea of writing a speech that is both sweet and amusing is stressing you out, we’re here to help. Our guide not only walks you through the dos and don’ts of maid of honor speech writing, we have some great examples to inspire you.

The Dos and Don’ts for a Memorable Maid of Honor Speech

Whether you’re a first-time maid of honor or you’ve done this before, our list can help you write a killer speech that the bride and all of her wedding guests will love. Here are the 12 main points to keep in mind when putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).

do brainstorm

1. Do brainstorm

If writing doesn’t come naturally to you, one of the best ways to get your creative juices flowing is by brainstorming ideas. Make a point form list of some of the stories you could tell and sentiments you want to express. From there, cut your points down until you have the best two stories left and then flesh those out with supporting information.

Once you start writing, you may find that two stories is too many, especially if they are on the longer side. Always err on the side of brevity and choose your best one rather than having two long tales to tell and risk losing the attention of the audience.

If you’re having trouble with the brainstorming process, think about your memories of the bride or the couple. Which memories make you smile or laugh? Once you’ve jotted down a list, choose the best few to craft a speech around.

2. Do keep it short and sweet

One of the biggest mistakes anyone can make when making a speech at a wedding is to talk too long. Let’s face it, the guests are far more interested in eating, drinking and dancing than in listening to speeches. Even if your speech is clever and charming, you will lose the interest of the room if you drone on and on.

The perfect speech at a wedding clocks in at under three minutes. Try to keep your speech at somewhere between two and three minutes for ultimate impact.

do talk about the newlyweds especially the bride

3. Do talk about the newlyweds, especially the bride

Whether the bride is your sister, cousin or best friend, you are likely one of the people who knows her best, so find a story you can tell about the bride that describes how she has always been there for you and her loved ones.

You’ve likely also been a witness to how her new life partner has had an impact on her life. You can start your speech by talking about the bride before she met her spouse and then find a way to segue into how the bride has changed for the better since meeting her soulmate. 

Maybe it’s simply that your bestie has never been happier than she has since meeting her sweetheart. Or maybe her new spouse has helped her to have the confidence to go after a life-long dream. Whatever you come up with, it’s an easy way to incorporate the new spouse into the speech while still making it mostly about the bride.

4. Don’t talk about yourself

If you and the bride have been on a lot of escapades together, it can be really easy to talk about yourself in your speech — possibly without even realizing it. While sharing stories about memorable times you’ve had with your friend is great, it’s important to make sure the story focuses on the bride, not you. 

After introducing yourself and explaining your relationship to the bride, keep any additional references to yourself minimal. The goal is to talk about why the bride — and her new spouse — are so amazing.

dont talk about exes

5. Don’t talk about exes

One of the biggest faux pas you can make in a wedding speech is to reference a past romantic relationship. Talking about exes in front of the bride’s family, friends and spouse is never a good idea, even if it does involve a funny story. Stick to anecdotes that only involve friends, family or the new spouse. That way you won’t embarrass the bride or make anyone feel uncomfortable.

6. Don’t use inside jokes

Another major no-no when it comes to writing a speech is including an inside joke that only you and the bride are privy to. If the wedding guests don’t understand what you’re talking about, they will quickly lose interest and tune you out.

do be funny but keep appropriate

7. Do be funny (but keep it appropriate)

Reminiscing about funny things that have happened during your friendship with the bride is always great for a few laughs. Just make sure the stories aren’t inappropriate or embarrassing to the bride. Talking about getting lost together on a road trip is one thing — talking about drunken escapades, however, is probably not a good idea. While it’s OK to want to make people laugh, you don’t want to come off like you’re roasting your bestie. Roasts are always in bad taste at a wedding.

8. Do try to use a common theme 

What is the best quality the bride possesses? Is it her kindness? Her quick wit? Her fun-loving personality? Choose one characteristic and fashion your speech around it.

If for instance, you want to tell everyone how kind and thoughtful the bride is, think of a few short stories that illustrate just that: The time the bride nursed a bird with a broken wing back to health as a child or how she always bakes her friends their favorite dessert for their birthdays no matter how busy she is. 

At the end of the speech you can tie it all together by talking about how the bride has found a spouse who is just as kind as she is. Not only will your speech please the bride, but the underlying theme will make it easy-to-listen-to and enjoyable for the guests too.

dont talk too fast

9. Don’t talk too fast 

It can be tempting to try to get through your speech as quickly as possible, especially if public speaking doesn’t come naturally to you. Keep in mind, however, that talking too fast may mean that the bridal couple and their guests will have trouble understanding you. 

When giving a speech, it’s important to speak at a normal conversational pace with pauses in specific spots to allow the guests to react. If you share a joke and immediately start speaking right afterward, people won’t have a chance to laugh and that can cause them to lose focus throughout your speech.

10. Do end on a positive note

No matter what funny stories or anecdotes you choose to tell, it’s important to make sure your speech culminates in a positive thought. One of the best ways to do this is by noting the happiness of the newlyweds and how great they are together and then ending your speech by offering your best wishes for their marriage.

do practice

11. Do practice, practice, practice

One of the biggest mistakes any speaker can make is failing to rehearse beforehand. While you don’t have to memorize your maid of honor speech, experts recommend practicing until it feels effortless. For some people that might be 10 times, for others it could be more. 

Your best bet is to start practicing a week before the big day. Try rehearsing in front of friends to see if they understand and laugh at your jokes. It can also help to practice in front of the mirror or even to record yourself to get your gestures and pacing down pat.

12. Do introduce the next speaker

If someone will be speaking after you, it’s a good idea to announce that person when your speech has concluded. It offers a much more seamless transition than someone else having to get up, go to the mic and announce who is up next.

maid of honor speech examples

Maid of Honor Speech Examples

Still in need of some inspiration? These three examples will have you well on your way to crafting your own amazing speech for your bestie’s big day.

Good evening everyone. My name is Jaclyn and I feel so incredibly blessed to be part of Sabrina and Ryan’s special day. I’ve known Sabrina since the first day of Kindergarten when we bonded over fingerpainting. We’ve been inseparable ever since.

As someone who has known Sabrina for more than 20 years, I can tell you that she is one of the kindest and most compassionate people you will ever meet. When we were in Grade 11, a girl in our English class lost her home to a fire. Sabrina, being the caring person that she is, organized a huge fundraiser to help the family in their time of need. 

She convinced the principal to let us host an auction in the school gym to help raise money for the family, she recruited staff and students to help with the event and she literally went to every business in town to ask for donations — and trust me — she didn’t take no for an answer. Well, like everything Sabrina put her hand to, it was a huge success. I had never been so proud to have her as a best friend. And that has never changed.

I am truly pleased to tell you that Sabrina has found a man whose heart is just as big as hers. They met serving hot meals to the homeless and it was in that soup kitchen that Sabrina and Ryan discovered they share far more than a desire to help others. They share the type of love for each other that everyone hopes to find one day.

Sabrina and Ryan, you were so blessed to find each other. You truly are made for each other and I wish you all the best for your future as husband and wife. To the bride and groom!

Hi, my name is Rebekah, the maid of honor and the bride’s best friend. It was our mutual love for coffee that brought Kelli and I together as college freshmen. Stumbling to the coffee shop before our shared 8 a.m. first class, we discovered not only do we both love the same type of coffee, but we had the same career goals.

The next four years were filled with a lot of studying, parties, laughter and, of course, coffee and I realized that I hadn’t just made a friend, but a friend for life. Kelli, you truly are like a sister to me and that’s why I couldn’t decide if I should talk about your most embarrassing college moment or not… 

It was finals and Kelli was determined to ace her psychology exam. She spent hour after hour in the library. She studied so hard that she must have exhausted herself because she fell asleep and got locked in for the night. When the library finally opened the next morning she came out looking like a wild woman and ran smack dab into the man who would be her future husband. 

He helped her to her feet and insisted on walking her back to her dorm and the rest, as they say, is history. Rick, I am so glad that you swept Kelli off her feet back in college. I’ve had the pleasure of watching the love between the two of you grow ever since and my hope for you both is that your love will stay strong and true over the many years ahead. You make such a beautiful couple. To the bride and groom!

Good evening. My name is Rachel and, as the older sister of the bride, I have so many wonderful memories of watching this once freckle-faced little girl with blonde pigtails turn into the beautiful and amazing woman that sits before us tonight. And, as her maid of honor, I believe it’s my duty to share my favorite childhood memory of Sarah with you.

Sarah has always loved to sing. As a child, she sang while she was playing, she sang while she did her chores, she even sang in the bathtub. She loved singing so much that she asked me to take her to try out for the school choir when she was 10 years old. After the music teacher listened to a very confident Sarah belt out a passionate rendition of ‘ Can’t Help Falling in Love , ’ she told Sarah that she couldn’t sing. 

Sarah looked right back at her and said, “well of course I can, didn’t you just hear me?” When the music teacher told her she couldn’t be in the choir because her vocals weren’t good enough, Sarah replied. “That’s OK, I’m more of a solo artist anyway.” I’ll never forget the look on that teacher’s face as Sarah confidently walked away, singing her favorite Elvis Presley song. As a 14-year-old, it took a lot to impress me. But Sarah impressed me that day and she has continued to do so over the years, time and time again.

As many of you know, Sarah never stopped singing. In fact, she went on to study music at Juilliard where she met the man of her dreams, Mike. And now Sarah, an accomplished vocalist and Mike, a wizard on the guitar are making beautiful music together.

My wish for you Sarah and Mike is that you will continue to make beautiful music together both literally and figuratively. May you continue to inspire everyone you meet not just with your music but with your ever-growing love for each other. To Sarah and Mike!

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Sample Speech by a Chief Guest or Guest of Honor

Ladies and gentlemen,

Distinguished guests,

Faculty members,

Dear students,

I stand before you today with a profound sense of honor and privilege to be invited as the chief guest at this prestigious event. As we gather here, I am reminded of the countless hours of hard work, dedication, and perseverance that have brought us to this moment of celebration.

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the students who have successfully completed their academic journey. This day marks a significant milestone in your lives, and it is a testament to your commitment to learning and personal growth. Your accomplishments deserve applause, and I am confident that you will continue to achieve greatness in all your future endeavors.

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the exceptional efforts of the faculty and staff who have guided and nurtured these young minds. Education is the foundation upon which societies are built, and the role of educators cannot be overstated. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

Today's event is not just about individual achievements; it is a celebration of the collective spirit that thrives in this institution. The bonds forged here, the friendships made, and the experiences shared will shape your lives in ways you may not yet fully comprehend. As you step out into the world, remember to cherish these connections and support one another.

While we celebrate this moment of success, we must also recognize the challenges that lie ahead. Our world is rapidly evolving, and with it comes a myriad of global issues, from climate change to social inequality. As the leaders of tomorrow, it is your responsibility to confront these challenges head-on and work towards building a more just and sustainable future.

Embrace innovation, think critically, and foster a spirit of collaboration. The problems we face today require collective solutions that transcend borders and ideologies. I urge you to be the agents of positive change, to be compassionate and empathetic, and to always strive for excellence in whatever you pursue.

Remember that success is not solely measured by individual achievements but also by the impact we have on others and the world around us. As you excel in your chosen fields, consider how you can give back to society and uplift those who are less fortunate. Be role models, mentors, and beacons of hope for others to follow.

Lastly, never forget the value of lifelong learning. Education does not end here; it is a continuous journey of discovery and growth. Keep an open mind, embrace new ideas, and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of knowledge.

Once again, congratulations to the graduating class, and my best wishes to all the students for a bright and promising future. Thank you to the faculty, staff, and everyone involved in making this institution a center of excellence. Together, let us build a world that is compassionate, equitable, and sustainable.

how do you write a guest of honor speech

9 Tips for How to Write Your Man of Honor Speech

9 Tips for How to Write Your Man of Honor Speech

Are you a man of honor? Then one of your main responsibilities is to deliver a killer man of honor wedding speech. 

Forget the overwhelm. Let go of stress.

As a wedding speech writer , I’m here to help you write a wedding speech that the couple and all of their guests will love. 

Here are 9 tips to help you write and deliver your man of honor speech. 

Tip #1: Begin with a Simple Introduction

Keep the introduction simple and to the point. You’ll have plenty of time for jokes later.

Kick things off by simply stating your name, role in the wedding, and your relationship to the couple.

Example: Hello everyone! I’m Brett, the man of honor and I’ve been best friends with this beautiful bride for the past 20 years. 

Tip #2: Share Stories About the Bride

Think of 2 - 3 specific stories that illustrate a positive trait about the bride. This trait will end up being your theme that you’ll later reference when bringing everything together at the end of your speech.

Struggling to come up with story ideas? Use these writing prompts to brainstorm material for this section of your man of honor speech.

Describe your travel adventures together.

When have you two laughed the most?

How has she been there for you?

What do you bond over? 

When did you first meet?

How have you changed since knowing her?

Tip #3: Talk About Her New Spouse

Even though your relationship is with the bride, include some mention about her new spouse.

If you’re close to them, share a story that will show a positive characteristic. If you don’t know them very well or don’t get along, focus on how they make the bride happy. 

For example: Since Sarah has been with Jamie, I’ve seen her smile bigger, laugh more, and I’m no longer the only one she tries to convince to join her 5 a.m. runs. 

Tip #4: Connect Ideas Using a Central Theme

What is a theme in a man of honor wedding speech? Think of the theme as the central idea that connects each story. 

Theme examples:


Sense of humor

Adventurous spirit 

Kind heart 

Every story you tell about the bride should carry undertones of your theme.

Then, use the theme to connect to the overall idea of marriage and their future together.

For example, if the theme of your speech is thoughtfulness, then each story about the bride should illustrate her thoughtfulness.

At the end of your man of honor speech, note how you see her thoughtfulness playing a role in her marriage and how it will positively affect their future together. 

Tip #5: Balance Sentiment with Humor

To keep guests engaged and entertained throughout your entire man of honor speech, inject humor in between the more serious lines. 

Just be sure to keep your jokes G-rated.

Avoid curse words and any stories that may be more suitable for the bachelorette party.

When in doubt, just remember this rule of thumb: if it will make grandma uncomfortable, delete…delete…delete. 

Tip #6: Keep the Speech Moving 

When we speak, we tend to naturally dawdle a bit. It can be difficult to articulate our point in a concise way. While your speech should mirror your natural speaking pattern, it shouldn’t include these long-winded details. 

Unlike casual storytelling at a dinner party, with a speech, you have time to prepare and write it in advance. This means you can edit out anything that does not serve your overall point in the speech. 

Remove the fluffy lines and unnecessary bits to achieve maximum impact.

The key is to keep flowing from one story to the next, only including details that serve the theme and removing any that distract from it. 

Tip #7: Include a Strong Last Line

People may not remember everything you say in your speech but the one thing that will stick with them is the very last line. Make it strong.

My advice is to close with a call-back.

Do this by referencing something from earlier in your speech but within the tone of well wishes for their future.

Example: Earlier in your man of honor speech, you told a funny story about your trip to Cabo together and mentioned how the bride loves margaritas.

Consider this for your closing line: Cheers to a lifetime of unconditional love and unlimited margaritas! 

Tip #8: Practice Reciting Your Speech

The key to nailing a man of honor speech is in practicing the delivery.

Here are some public speaking tips to keep in mind:

Avoid reading your speech from your phone. Instead, print it and be sure to keep an extra copy with you. 

Read your speech louder and more slowly than you would normally speak. 

Use a microphone and be sure that it does not cover your face but that it is close enough to pick up your voice.

Pause at pivotal points in the speech to achieve emotional impact. 

Practice reciting your speech three to six times before the wedding day to become comfortable and confident. 

Tip #9: Get Help to Write Your Man of Honor Speech 

Do you feel like you could use some outside expertise to help write your wedding speech?

As a professional wedding speech writer , I work with the man of honor to craft a completely custom toast. 

Get in touch to see how we can work together to write a man of honor speech that captures your voice, personality, and unique relationship with the bride.

Love my vows Katelyn!!!! It’s such a relief to have this out of the way so I can focus on all the rest of the stuff I need to do!  You were my very favorite part of the process!! Your experience and confidence in the process took all the stress out of writing my vows!

— Natalie, Florida

I thought the process was outstanding. You did a great job communicating, and I thought the turnaround time for editing was perfect. I also thought the video interview was great in that it was personal and meaningful!

I am a storyteller, not a speechwriter. I was incredibly intimidated about writing one.

So thankful to find Katelyn to get my thoughts all in order. Very proud of how the speech came out. Looking forward to giving it!

— Jennifer Whitley, Texas

I had such a wonderful experience working with Katelyn. She truly helped mold perfect vows that I can’t wait to tell my fiancé on our wedding day!  Katelyn was friendly, sweet, and super easy to work with. I will definitely be calling her up if I have to give another speech in the near future.

— Jordanne, California

Katelyn was professional, easy to talk to, and made the interviewing process fun. She came well prepared with unexpected and thought-provoking questions to get a better understanding of our love story and who we are as a couple.

She was a pleasure to work with and made the vow writing process enjoyable.

— Kimi Kinsey, South Carolina

Working with Katelyn on my maid of honor toast was an incredible experience. She really took the time to understand my relationship with my best friend and used my responses to craft a toast that put my thoughts and feelings into words in a way that I never would have been able to do on my own.

Before working with Katelyn, I was nervous and stressed about giving (and writing) such a big, important speech. But now I’m so relieved that it’s done, and I honestly can’t wait to stand up and tell everyone exactly what my best friend means to me.

— Allyssa, New Jersey

I didn’t actually know this service existed until I discovered Katelyn! It was such a fun experience to video chat with her about my best friend who is getting married this summer.

I don’t have to stress about writing this a few weeks before my best friend’s wedding. Thank you so much and I can’t wait to read it at my best friend’s wedding!


How to Write a Commencement Speech as a Guest Speaker (Ideas, Tips, Examples)

how do you write a guest of honor speech

Download Speeko (iOS/macOS) to start our Graduation Speeches course for free!

Have you found yourself in the exhilarating position of being chosen to give the keynote speech at a graduation ceremony?

Picture this: The campus is abuzz with activity, and families and friends are flocking in from far and wide. It’s a reunion like no other, where loved ones meet classmates and faculty, celebrating connections that will last a lifetime. It’s a moment of joy, of celebration, and yes, a tad bittersweet, as it marks the end of the graduates’ time in this hallowed institution.

And soon, you’ll be at that podium, delivering the keynote address. What an honor! It means you’re a shining star in your field, highly respected and admired. You’ve been entrusted with the task of inspiring these eager minds before you.

Take these suggestions as friendly advice based on my observations of over 50 commencement speeches. These tips will guide you in crafting an original, inspiring, and memorable commencement speech. They aren’t set in stone or meant to limit your approach to speechwriting. Instead, think of them as a springboard to craft your own unique and captivating address.

👉 3 commencement speech examples

How do I structure the content of my commencement speech?

Use the  Past-Present-Future framework  as your guide. This is a great starting point, and feel free to play around with this outline as you develop your speech.

Theme: What’s the main message that ties your speech together? If the graduation already has a theme, include it.

Opening: Thank the people who invited you to speak. Introduce yourself.

Key Idea 1: (Past) Share stories and observations from your journey and the graduates’ journeys.

Key Idea 2: (Present) Give 3 pieces of advice.

Key Idea 3: (Future) Frame your advice in the broader context of the graduates’ futures.

Closing: Give a call to action. Tie it back to your theme.

💡 Pro tip:  Your graduation speech should include at least 1 or 2 stories. Stories will make your speech personal and engaging.

how do you write a guest of honor speech

Download Speeko (iOS/macOS) to draft notecards and get A.I. feedback on your commencement speech.

How can I make sure my commencement speech resonates with my audience?

Imagine a colorful tapestry of people gathered before you. We have the graduates, bright-eyed and ready to conquer the world. We have their loved ones bursting with pride and joy. Then there are the staff, faculty members, and administrators, all dedicated to nurturing minds and shaping futures.

Here’s the deal: This speech isn’t about you. Nope! It’s about the graduates and their guests. It’s a moment to honor the accomplishments made by these remarkable individuals and their loved ones. It’s not the time to spotlight your own achievements or use it as a platform for self-promotion.

Ask yourself these questions:

Who is my audience? What are their backgrounds? What are their identities? Why are they here?

What would make my talk worthwhile for them?

Why would they care about me and my journey?

If they don’t know who I am, what would make them feel connected to me?

That’s not to say you can’t talk about your accomplishments. In fact, your audience is expecting to hear about those! The key is to frame your achievements in ways that provide value to your audience. For example, if you’ve written a best-selling book, you can ask yourself: Why would my audience care that I accomplished this? What struggles of mine can they relate to? What lessons can they apply to their own lives?

How long should my commencement speech be?

The length of a commencement speech can vary depending on the ceremony.

As a general rule of thumb, aim for a speech that’s 10 to 15 minutes long.

Give yourself enough time to cover all the main ideas you want to share. At the same time, make it short enough so you don’t bore or tire your audience. Finding that sweet spot is key.

💡 Pro tip:  Time your speech beforehand. And don’t just do it once. Rehearse it several times to make sure it flows smoothly and fits within the time limit. That way, you can go into the graduation ceremony with the confidence of knowing you’ve got this speech thing down pat.

How can I make my commencement speech memorable?

Let’s talk about how to make your commencement speech memorable.

Connect with your audience: Talk to the graduates on a personal level. Use language they can understand easily. Talk about what motivates or concerns them. Use relatable examples. Lead with emotion. Use the “you.”

Think tweets: Make your messages bite-size. Craft your sentences so they’re easy for someone to share on social media.

Share a story: Stories are powerful tools to capture the attention and emotions of your audience. Recount a personal anecdote that your audience can relate to. Try to surprise them.

Use humor: Humor can be a great way to lighten the mood and make your speech more enjoyable. Use appropriate humor.

Share a quote: Quotes are a great way to add wisdom and inspiration to your speech. Use a quote from a famous person, book, or movie that highlights your message and that your audience can remember. This can help reinforce your theme and make it more motivational.

What are some tips for delivering a successful commencement speech?

Delivering a great commencement speech requires a bit of preparation and practice. Here are some tips to help you nail your delivery:

Prepare in advance: Don’t procrastinate! Write it down, rehearse it several times, and time it to ensure it fits within the time limit. Use feedback from others to improve your speech.

Speak clearly and slowly: Avoid mumbling or jumbling words. Keep your chin up, speak slowly enough for people to understand you, and use pauses to highlight important words.

Use your body: Your body language can add oomph to your speech. Use your hands, face, and posture to help express your emotions and message. And don’t forget to make eye contact to connect with your audience!

Manage your nerves: It’s normal to be a little jittery before speaking, but try to relax by taking deep breaths, visualizing yourself rocking the speech, and remembering that your audience is rooting for you to succeed.

Use the “you”: When you use “you,” “we,” and “us,” you invite your audience into your speech. It’s a simple technique, and it makes a powerful difference. So when you review a draft of your speech, look for how to use “you” as often as possible.

Be yourself: Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Speak from the heart, stay true to your values, and let your personality shine through. Remember, you’re the guest speaker for a reason!

how do you write a guest of honor speech

Download Speeko (iOS/macOS) to get A.I. feedback on your speaking style.

How can I make my commencement speech meaningful?

Creating a meaningful commencement speech is all about being true to yourself and connecting with your audience. Here are some tips to make your speech meaningful:

Stay positive:  Focus on the good things about your journey. Encourage people to chase their dreams and make a difference in the world. No need to be mean or snarky, even toward your nemeses and naysayers. Keep it respectful.

Be inclusive:  Use language that is inclusive and respectful to all members of your audience. Avoid stereotypes based on gender, age, or cultural background.

Show empathy:  Tap into the graduates’ experiences and emotions. What would they want to hear about? What would make your speech meaningful to them? Share stories that resonate with them and show that you care about their perspective. Use emotional language to really connect with them. It can be as simple as naming the emotion: “I’m sure you’re just like I was at your age and anxious about what’s to come…” or “I know you’ve all been through a lot to get here….”

What should I avoid when writing a valedictorian speech?

Some common mistakes can detract from your message.

Avoid sugarcoating: Yes, life can be serendipitous and magical, and it’s important to paint an optimistic picture. But what will make people really invested in your speech is honesty and candidness about obstacles you’ve faced. Just think of your favorite movie or T.V. show—there are always hardships and setbacks. Reassure the graduates that they don’t need to win every contest or have good fortune all the time.

Avoid clichés: Steer clear of overused phrases that don’t have any originality or authenticity to them. Use your own words to share your message.

Avoid arrogance: Stay humble. You don’t want to come across as egotistic or condescending when talking about your achievements or your classmates. Keep a humble and respectful tone that shows gratitude and appreciation.

Avoid controversial topics: You don’t want to discuss anything that might offend or divide your audience. Keep things upbeat and inspiring so that everyone can relate to your message.

Avoid sensitive language: Don’t use inappropriate language, jokes, or stories that could offend or embarrass anyone in your audience. Keep things respectful and appropriate for all ages and backgrounds.

Avoid rambling: We all appreciate speakers who carefully choose their words, get straight to the point, and conclude with a flourish.

Avoid jargon: Don’t get lost in technicalities. A touch of history or technical detail can be helpful to illustrate a point, but too much can blur your message.

Avoid making fun of other people: Strike a balance between gravity and levity. You can poke fun at yourself, but be careful about poking fun at others. You don’t want to put people down. Even if your intent is good-natured, your message might not be received that way.

What are some creative ways to start a commencement speech?

When it comes to writing the opening of your commencement speech, it can be challenging to set the tone for the rest of your speech. But don’t worry. Here are some creative ways to get you started:

Share a quote: You can start your speech with a powerful quote that relates to your message and sticks in the graduates’ minds.

Use humor: Start with a funny story, joke, or pun related to the graduation. You can include a few jokes. Just be careful not to go overboard with the humor.

Tell a story: Share a personal story. It can be from your earlier years or even just last week!

Ask a rhetorical question: Start your speech with a rhetorical question that prompts your classmates to think about your message and engages them.

Use a metaphor: Introduce some symbolism that relates to your message and paints a vivid picture.

What are some topics to discuss in a commencement speech?

Choosing a theme for your commencement speech can be a real head-scratcher. The key is to weave stories into your speech. Stories that are specific and colorful will keep your audience engaged and entertained. Let’s take a look at some possible themes:

Gratitude: Think of someone who had a life-altering influence on your journey—maybe a mentor, family member, or friend—and share a story about them. You can even reveal a little “secret” about this person you think the audience should know. This will give your speech a more intimate feel.

Cherished memories: Ah, memories. They can be a great way to connect with your audience. Share meaningful memories from times you and your audience have shared, such as major world events or holidays. Try to find a common theme among those memories that can become the theme for your entire speech.

Achievements: As the guest speaker, you’ve achieved a lot, as have the graduates. So why not celebrate those achievements and reflect on the hard work, dedication, and perseverance that led you all to this moment? Use your journey as an example, and inspire the graduates to continue pursuing their achievements.

Change: Reflect on the changes and challenges you or the graduates have faced during your journeys. For example, how has the pandemic impacted you and the graduates? Or how did major advances in technology bring people closer together?

The future: Share your aspirations and goals, and encourage the graduates to pursue their dreams and positively impact the world. This will be a nice contrast to the stories you tell about the past.

What is the best way to end a commencement speech?

Ending a commencement speech is just as important as starting it. The conclusion should leave a lasting impression on your audience and end on a high note. Here are ways you can end your speech:

Tie it back to your theme: Take a moment to summarize your key ideas and highlight the key takeaways of your speech. This will help reinforce your message and ensure that your audience remembers it.

Use humor: End your speech with a lighthearted joke or pun that leaves your audience smiling and wraps up your message nicely.

Express gratitude: Take a moment to thank people who have supported your graduates throughout their journeys. Showing appreciation can create an uplifting ending to your speech.

Encourage action: Inspire your audience to take action based on your message. Encourage people to pursue their passions or make a positive impact.

Share a quote: End your speech with a powerful quote that relates to your message and that your audience can remember. Leave people with a thought-provoking idea.

💡 Pro tip:  In the closing of your speech, avoid thanking people from your own life or putting the spotlight on yourself. At this point in your speech, people are ready for it to end, and they’ll disengage if you continue talking about yourself.

How can I find inspiration for my commencement speech?

Finding inspiration for your commencement speech can be challenging, but there are many ways to get inspired. Here are some tips:

Reflect on your experiences: Look back at your journey, and think about the moments that made a real impact on you. Your personal experiences, thoughts, and values are all great sources of inspiration.

Just start writing! Grab your phone (or a pen and paper) and jot down all the ideas that come to your mind, no matter how silly or impossible they seem. You never know—one of those ideas could become a great speech!

Talk to people: Bouncing your ideas off others is always good. Talk to your family, friends, and mentors for their perspectives and insights. They may have valuable ideas and feedback to help you shape your speech.

Research: Listen to other commencement and inspirational speeches to get some ideas. Reflect on what works and what doesn’t.

And don’t forget to have fun with it! This is your moment to shine, so enjoy it and make the most of it. Good luck!

how do you write a guest of honor speech

Download Speeko (iOS/macOS) to brainstorm stories for your commencement speech.

🎬 Example 1

Theme:  Writing your own story

Opening:  Good morning, esteemed faculty, honored guests, and most importantly, the incredible graduates of this extraordinary institution. I am deeply honored to stand before you today as your commencement speaker. I want to express my sincere gratitude to the organizers for this incredible opportunity. My name is [Name], and I have had the privilege of leading one of the most iconic entertainment companies in the world. But today, I’m not here as a CEO; I’m here as a fellow traveler on the journey of life, eager to share my experiences and insights with all of you.

Key Idea 1: (Past)  As we gather here today, each of us brings a unique story. My own journey has been one of constant change, and I’m sure many of you can relate. Life rarely follows a straight path, and it’s in those unexpected detours that we often find our greatest growth. I remember facing numerous challenges and setbacks along the way, but it was through those trials that I discovered my resilience and capacity for reinvention.

Let me share a personal story that illustrates the power of embracing change. Early in my career, I found myself working at a struggling television network. The industry was undergoing a seismic shift, with emerging technologies and changing viewer habits reshaping the landscape. It was a time of uncertainty, and many believed that traditional media was on the verge of obsolescence.

Instead of resisting the winds of change, I chose to lean into it. I recognized the potential of emerging platforms and technologies, and I saw an opportunity to redefine the way stories were told and consumed. We took bold risks, embraced digital innovation, and transformed the network into a global entertainment powerhouse. Through perseverance and a willingness to adapt, we not only survived but thrived in the face of disruption.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson: Change is not something to be feared but rather an opportunity for growth and reinvention. Graduates, as you navigate the uncertainties of your own journeys, remember that the most significant rewards often come from embracing the unknown and charting new paths.

I encourage you to reflect on your own journeys. Recall the moments of triumph and the moments of defeat, for both have played an essential role in shaping who you are today. Embrace your past, learn from it, and carry those lessons forward as you embark on this new chapter of your life.

Key Idea 2: (Present)  Now, let me share with you three pieces of advice that have served me well in navigating the complexities of the present.

First, embrace change. We live in a rapidly evolving world where innovation and disruption have become the norm. Embracing change allows us to see opportunities where others see obstacles. It’s the willingness to adapt, to challenge the status quo, and to continuously learn that will set you apart.

Second, nurture your relationships. Success is seldom achieved alone. Surround yourself with people who inspire you, push you to grow, and believe in your potential. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with extraordinary individuals who have shaped and influenced my journey. One such person was a mentor who saw potential in me when I doubted myself. This mentor provided guidance, challenged me to stretch beyond my comfort zone, and instilled in me a belief in my abilities. Their belief in me fueled my confidence and propelled me to new heights. It was through their mentorship and the support of countless others that I could overcome obstacles and achieve success. These relationships not only enriched my professional life but also brought immense joy and fulfillment to my personal life.

Third, never stop dreaming. The power of imagination knows no bounds. Dare to dream big, to envision a world that is better, brighter, and more inclusive. It is through audacious dreams that we have seen remarkable progress throughout history. So, be bold in your ambitions, and have the courage to pursue your passions, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

Key Idea 3: (Future)  As you look to the future, I urge you to consider your role in shaping it. The world is in dire need of innovative thinkers, compassionate leaders, and advocates for positive change. Each of you has the power to make a difference, to contribute to the betterment of society in your own unique way.

But remember, the journey ahead will not always be smooth. There will be moments of uncertainty, doubt, and fear. Embrace those moments as opportunities for growth. Take risks, learn from failures, and never lose sight of your core values. In a world that often feels divided, let empathy guide your actions and decisions. Seek common ground, build bridges, and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

Closing:  I want to leave you with a call to action. Embrace change, nurture relationships, and never stop dreaming. Embody the spirit of curiosity, resilience, and compassion as you go forth and write your own story. Remember, it is in the face of adversity that the most remarkable chapters of our lives are written.

Graduates, the world needs your unique talents, your fresh perspectives, and your unwavering determination. Seize the opportunities that come your way, and remember that even the smallest actions can have a profound impact. Together, let’s build a world where every individual can thrive, where creativity flourishes, and where kindness reigns.

Congratulations, Class of [Graduation Year]! May you find fulfillment and purpose in the pursuit of your dreams. Thank you, and best of luck on your extraordinary journey ahead!

🎸 Example 2

Theme:  Resilience

Opening:  Thank you so much for having me here today. I have to admit, when I got the call to give this commencement speech, I was like, “Are you sure you’ve got the right [Name]?” But here I am, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to celebrate this incredible milestone with all of you.

Before we dive in, let me introduce myself. I’m [Name], a singer-songwriter, cat enthusiast, and professional overthinker. And today, I’m here to share a few stories and hopefully make you smile, think a few new things, and maybe have a fresh perspective on what’s ahead of you.

Key Idea 1: (Past)  Let’s start by thinking about the past. Some of you might have faced challenges and maybe even had a few shake-it-off moments. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of those too. Back in high school, I was the awkward, nerdy girl with big dreams and even bigger glasses. I remember auditioning for the school musical and completely butchering my audition song. It was a cringe-worthy moment that made me question if I had any talent at all.

But you know what? I didn’t let that failure define me. I dusted myself off, practiced harder, and eventually landed the lead role in the following year’s production. That experience taught me the power of resilience and the importance of pushing through those moments of doubt.

Here’s the thing: Setbacks and failures don’t define you. They’re just pit stops on the road to success.

I also remember when I was just starting out in the music industry. I was rejected by so many record labels. They said I didn’t fit the mold, that I wasn’t marketable. But instead of giving up, I decided to write my own story and create my own mold. And look at where we are now. So, embrace your unique journey and remember that the world needs your originality.

Key Idea 2: (Present)  Now, let’s think about where we are today. You’re probably all feeling a little trepidatious about what’s to come. Here are three pieces of advice I want to share with you that will hopefully get you excited about what’s coming.

First, never underestimate the power of staying true to yourself. As many of you know, I’ve been in the spotlight for quite some time, and with that comes a fair share of criticism. I’ve been labeled as too pop, too country, too this, too that. It’s enough to make anyone question their authenticity.

But instead of letting those criticisms bring me down, I chose to embrace my true self and let my music speak for itself. I realized that I couldn’t please everyone, and that’s okay. The moment I stopped trying to fit into other people’s boxes and started being unapologetically me, that’s when everything changed.

Second, surround yourself with people who lift you up. The journey can be harrowing, but it’s a lot more fun when you have a squad by your side. Find your ride-or-dies—your cheerleaders—and keep them close. And hey, if you find a friend who appreciates your puns as much as mine do, you’ve hit the jackpot.

Third, take risks and embrace failure. Yes, failure can be scary. But it’s also a great teacher. My own failures have been some of my biggest blessings in disguise. So, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and learn from your missteps. Remember, it’s not the number of falls that matters but the number of times you get back up.

Key Idea 3: (Future)  And finally, let’s think about the future. A little scary, right? You’re about to enter a world filled with endless possibilities. It’s like a blank space waiting to be filled with your dreams and aspirations. But with that comes a lot of uncertainty.

I want to remind you that it’s okay to not have all the answers right now. Life is a series of plot twists, and we can’t always predict what’s around the corner. But that’s where resilience comes in. When life throws you a curveball—and believe me, it will—you have the power to adapt, to rise above, and to come back stronger.

Embrace change, because it’s often in the most unexpected moments that we find our true selves. Your path might take unexpected turns, and that’s okay. Keep your head up, your heart open, and your dancing shoes on, because you never know when a great beat is about to drop.

Closing:  So, graduates, as you embark on this exciting new chapter, my call to action for you is simple: Embrace the power of resilience. Remember that setbacks are just setups for comebacks. Embrace your unique journey, work hard, surround yourself with uplifting people, take risks, and never be afraid to get back up after a fall.

And don’t be afraid to let your unique voice and talents shine. Embrace your quirks, celebrate your individuality, and never apologize for being authentically yourself. In a world that’s constantly trying to mold you, be the one who breaks the mold.

In the words of one of my favorite songwriters James Taylor, “The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.” So, trust in yourself, believe in your dreams, and go out there and write your own beautiful, messy, and extraordinary stories.

Congratulations, Class of [Year]! You’re ready to take on the world, and I can’t wait to see all the incredible things you’ll accomplish. Now go out there and make your mark, because the world is waiting for your magic.

🃏 Example 3

Theme:  Embracing the unexpected

Opening:  Good evening, and thank you to the faculty, everyone’s loved ones, and—most importantly—the graduates. Thank you for having me here. Wow, I can’t believe I’m standing here today. I mean, I’m just a guy who tells jokes for a living. I’m honored to be here.

Now, if you don’t know who I am, I’m [Name], the host of a show where I get paid to make fun of the news. But tonight, I’m not here to make fun of you, graduates. Well, maybe just a little bit. But my main message for you today is this: Life is like a game of chess, and you are the queens and kings ready to conquer it!

First of all, let’s take a moment to appreciate this incredible milestone in your lives. Graduation is a big deal! It’s the moment when you transition from being a student who occasionally naps in class to an adult who occasionally naps at work. Cherish this moment, because soon you’ll be saying goodbye to ramen noodles and hello to a lifetime of avocado toast.

Key Idea 1: (Past)  Each of you has gone through a long and unique journey that has led you to this point. Some of you took the scenic route through multiple majors, while many of you sprinted to the finish line with laser focus. But regardless of your path, remember that life is not a race... unless you’re running from your student loan officer.

I remember when I graduated. I had big dreams of becoming a comedian, but my mom wanted me to be a doctor. So, I compromised and became a comedian who makes jokes about doctors.

When I started hosting my show, I had no experience in political satire or news journalism. I had to dive headfirst into a world that was unfamiliar to me. But that curiosity allowed me to learn, grow, and adapt.

My point is, your journey may not always go as planned. But we embrace the detours, because they often lead us to the most unexpected and rewarding destinations.

Key Idea 2: (Present)  I have three big pieces of advice for you today.

First, never be afraid to fail. Failure is like a rite of passage for successful people. Just ask Thomas Edison. He tried and failed a thousand times before inventing the light bulb. Imagine if he had given up after 999 attempts. We’d all be sitting here in the dark, waiting for someone else to brighten our lives. Embrace failure, learn from it, and then fail again, because that’s how you grow.

I once had a comedy set that went so badly, I could hear crickets chirping. And trust me, there were no actual crickets in the theater. It’s those moments when we feel like we’ve hit rock bottom that we find the strength to bounce back even stronger.

Second, embrace your weirdness. We live in a world that loves to put people in boxes, but you don’t have to fit into any box society tries to squeeze you into. Be yourself. Your quirks and uniqueness make you special, so own them and let your freak flag fly high!

Lastly, never underestimate the power of laughter. Laughter is the universal language that can bridge gaps, break down barriers, and bring joy to the darkest moments. Laughter has the power to heal, to unite, and to give yourself a good ab workout. So, keep finding humor in life, especially when times get tough.

And humor is just the older sibling of kindness. In a world that often feels divided and polarized, kindness can be a superpower. It costs nothing to be kind, but it can make all the difference in someone’s day or even their life. So, be kind to others, and be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with compassion, forgive your mistakes, and remember that you’re only human.

Key Idea 3: (Future)  Now graduates, think about what’s ahead of you. You have the power to shape the world in ways that previous generations couldn’t even imagine. But with great power comes great responsibility, like that Spider-Man guy always says. Don’t wait for others to make a difference; be the ones who step up and take action.

And as you embark on this next chapter of your lives, never stop learning, exploring, and questioning the world around you. Remember, curiosity didn’t kill the cat—it made it a more interesting and informed feline. So, don’t be afraid to venture into the unknown. You might just discover something amazing about yourself and the world.

Closing:  I want you to take absolutely everything I’ve said today and apply it to your lives. Immediately. No, really, there’s going to be a quiz later. Embrace the power of laughter, learn from your failures, stay curious, be kind, and create your own future. And don’t forget to laugh along the way, because life is too short to take everything too seriously.

Congratulations, Class of [Year]! You did it!

how do you write a guest of honor speech

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Nico Aguilar is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Speeko.

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how do you write a guest of honor speech

Touching Toast Speech Examples For The Honored Guest

Toast speech examples - best man

A toast speech is given on many occasions, including weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and retirements. Most are brief – less than 5 minutes – and often accompanied by raising glasses to honor the celebrating person or couple. Here are some toast speech examples.

At almost any celebration, someone will offer a toast to an honored guest or special occasion. A toast speech is common at a wedding reception but occurs at many other events. Whatever big day someone you love is celebrating, you may want to raise a glass, say a few words. and encourage glass clinking of those assembled.

Here are some toast speech examples if you need to give one.

Table of Contents

What Do People Usually Say During A Toast Speech?

The most simple formula for giving a toast, whether it is a wedding toast or another kind, is this:

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Connect the story to the event .
  • Tell a story.
  • Bring it home!

In the introduction or attention-getter, the speaker quickly tells who they are and their relationship with the loved one they are toasting. A good toast sets the stage so everyone assembled feels part of things.

The next portion will include either a touching or funny story or anecdote about the honored person. The story can be cute and maybe even a bit embarrassing but remember the crowd. For example, a wedding speech should not say anything too embarrassing or reference private jokes the audience isn’t in on.

Toast speech examples - honoring a freind

If you are honoring an accomplishment of someone, such as winning a citizenship award or 50 years of marriage, it is appropriate to point that out to the guests.

Lastly, you invite everyone to raise their glasses and encourage them to drink to those you honor, whether one person or a couple.

“I’m Joan, the bride’s mother. I owned the first high heels she wore and still seem to have some Annable “borrows” when she drops over. I am so happy to be toasting her and her fiance Byron, who has his own shoes. Wishing you both lifetime of happiness.”

What Should You End A Toast Speech With?

Coming up with a good ending for a toast can be tricky. You don’t want to end too abruptly. However, you also don’t want to drone on and on. Once you have told the little anecdotes, you can use a cue to tell others you are almost done.

“So let’s raise our glasses” is a good cue that you are finishing. “A toast to the bride and groom” or “Raise up your glasses to my best friend and his bride on their wedding day” are both excellent ways to end the best man toast.

How Long Should A Toast Speech Be?

The best special occasion toast speeches are roughly 3-4 minutes long. If you talk for much longer than that, you risk losing your audience no matter what kind of toast you are making.

Toast speech examples - coworker birthday or promotion

What Are Some Tips For Making A Toast Speech?

  • Relate to the audience. Whatever the common ground is, state that in some way. Whether it is a work party, a retirement celebration, or a wedding party, you are all there for the same reason.
  • Introduce and share something about yourself. Those listening want to know who you are and why you are speaking. Your wording might go, “As John’s best friend, older sister, coworker, neighbor, etc., I have seen John climb many mountains….”
  • Be sentimental. Especially if you are giving a wedding toast or speaking at a celebration of life, saying a few sentimental and heartfelt words because they will resonate with the person you are honoring.
  • Use shorter sentences as they are easier to listen to. Avoid speaking in long sentences. Keep it simple.
  • Don’t embarrass anyone. It would be unusual for a best man not to tell a single embarrassing story about the groom… but nothing too risqué. Never bring up someone’s exes. Be aware of the audience. Ask yourself this question: does my friend want his or her mother/grandmother/father/ grandfather/great-aunt Matilda to hear this story? If the answer is no, don’t tell it.
  • Make notes and practice. You should not trust your memory with something this important. Jot down some notes on notecards and practice what you want to say.

Who Should Give a Toast?

Some affairs designate who will give a toast, while others are less formal. Some occasions entertain multiple toasts.

At a wedding, the bride’s father might offer the first toast. The maid of honor might give a toast, and sometimes other bridesmaids join in. You can expect a best man speech, but other groomsmen may also offer a toast. The bride and groom might toast each other or their parents.

A close coworker might offer a toast to the retiree at a retirement party. Family members might offer a toast for a couple hosting an anniversary party. When a group gathers at a bar or restaurant, someone at the table might congratulate another person on a birthday , new job, new house, engagement, wedding, or pregnancy.

People love celebrating and raising their glasses, which may contain alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, or even water.

Toast speech examples - people toast with any beverage!

The occasion and audience may dictate what type of toast you can give. A funny maid of honor speech might be well received at a women-only engagement party or bachelorette dinner but not at the wedding reception.

Ensure your words will not offend anyone as you plan the perfect toast for your friend or loved one’s special day. Commemorative milestones in a positive way!

What Is A Typical Toast Speech For:

As you prepare to offer toasts on special occasions, consider if you want to say something unique or if a famous quote is the way you want to go. Here are some examples of each.

An Engagement Party

  • “May God shower you with blessings. “
  • “Nothing else matters when two people fall in love.”
  • “May you have a long and happy life together. “
  • “To love and to be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” — David Viscott
  • “Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” — Franklin P. Jones
  • “Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes

Wedding toasts can be sentimental, like these.

  • “For the bride and groom, a toast.”
  • “Lift your glasses to the happy couple.”
  • “May you live long and live even longer.”
  • “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” — Audrey Hepburn
  • “You don’t marry the person you can live with—you marry the person you can’t live without.” — Unknown
  • “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” — Mignon McLaughlin

Father of the bride toast

Funny Wedding Toasts

Of course, there are also funny wedding toasts.

  • “We never thought he would find someone to marry him, yet here we are.”
  • “It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” — Rita Rudner
  • “Marriages are made in heaven. But so again, are thunder and lightning.” — Clint Eastwood

Toasting Your New Spouse

Sometimes newlyweds choose to toast one another at the wedding. Here are some lovely

  • “And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you, and I’d choose you.” —Kiersten White
  • “Grow old with me. The best is yet to be, the last of life for which the first was made.” — Robert Browning
  • “You know you’re in love when you don’t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” — Dr. Seuss

An Anniversary

  • “We have been blessed beyond measure to have found one another and to have lived and loved this long. A toast to marriage.”
  • “If two people love each other, nothing is impossible. Except deciding where to eat.” — Anonymous
  • “To find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness.” — Robert Brault
  • “Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.” – Franz Schubert

A Retirement Party

When offering a toast at a retirement party, it would be lovely to speak to the work ethic and accomplishments of the retiree. It can be simple or go into some detail.

  • “Although we are happy for you to be retiring, we will all miss seeing you each day.”
  • “May you have more fun in retirement than we did here at work!”
  • “The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.” – Abe Lemons
  • “Retirement, a time to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, where you want to do it and how you want to do it,” – Catherine Pulsifer

A former English teacher and currently an elementary principal in a rural school, Pam has honed her speaking skills in the classroom and before professional groups. Pam enjoys sharing her insights about public speaking almost as much as she enjoys running, which she does daily.

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How to Write and Deliver an Engaging Guest Speaker Introduction

Last Updated: April 3, 2023 Fact Checked

Sample Speeches

Writing the introduction, delivering the speech, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Deb DiSandro and by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz, B.A. . Deb DiSandro is the Owner of Speak Up On Purpose, an organization dedicated to improving and teaching public speaking. Deb has over 30 years of experience as a national speaker and has presented at the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Conference and the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. She was awarded the National Speakers Association Member of the Year 2007 and has been published in Writer's Digest, Daily Herald, Women's Day, and Better Homes & Gardens. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,197,521 times.

Introducing a guest speaker is quite an honor. As the introducer, you get the audience excited about the talk they’re about to hear and play a crucial role in connecting the speaker to their audience on a more human level. Writing the perfect introduction speech requires some research and rehearsal on your part, but rest assured that you’ll be left with a speech that’ll leave your audience wanting more. Keep reading for our complete guide to writing the best introduction speech. Also, take a look at the samples we’ve included to get help you get started.

Things You Should Know

  • Establish the guest speaker’s credibility by mentioning notable achievements and experiences that relate to the topic of their speech.
  • Share a quick anecdote or surprising fact about the guest speaker to paint a picture of their personality and character.
  • Get the audience excited for the upcoming presentation with a short sentence stating what the guest speaker will be talking about.
  • Wait until the very end to introduce the guest speaker by their full name and title.

how do you write a guest of honor speech

Researching the Speaker

Step 1 Ask the speaker what they’d like you to say.

  • When the speaker provides an introduction for you, use it. Read it over a few times and don’t hesitate to ask them for any clarification if you need it.

Step 2 Find out the speaker’s topic and who their audience is.

  • For example, if the speech is about encouraging young girls to learn computer programming, don’t spend time explaining how the speaker can teach these skills to adults.
  • Additionally, if the audience is mostly people who work in the education field rather than computer programming, avoid using a lot of jargon specific to computer programming so the audience can follow along better.

Step 3 Gather biographical information about the speaker.

  • Another method is to ask the speaker for their resume. Use this to pick out their most notable achievements to help establish their credibility.
  • A good introduction goes beyond just reciting the speaker’s personal history. However, noting their most relevant and impressive achievements will help establish them as an authoritative figure to the audience.

Step 4 Avoid using sensitive or embarrassing information without approval.

  • Always get the speaker’s permission before using these details. If you need to use this information, have an explanation ready as to why it’s important to your introduction.

Step 5 Find other speeches the speaker has given.

  • Be careful if you’re using pieces from another speech since it is copyrighted material and can’t be used without the speaker’s permission. Talk directly to the speaker about using these portions, or rephrase the section in your own words.

Step 6 Include a surprising detail if it works in your intro.

  • “Many don’t know that John Doe originally went to school for law, but ended up choosing psychology instead. Just like many of you, he didn’t have much of an idea of where his life would take him. Little did he know that his legal studies would actually help him to become one of the most renowned therapists we know today.”

Step 7 Master pronouncing the speaker’s name.

  • Avoid using overly casual language to refer to the speaker, such as “guy,” “girl,” or “kid.” Instead, use “person,” “woman,” or “man.”

Step 1 Keep the introduction under 1 minute.

  • “Jane’s passion for creative writing goes back to her high school days where she began the draft for her very first novel at the age of 15. By the time she was entering her sophomore year of college at 19 years old, she had already published her first book.”
  • “John has received recognition and praise from some of the largest Fortune 500 companies for his dedication to creating curriculums to help strengthen teamwork in the workplace. He’s received multiple awards for his work and has even gone on to write a book sharing his unique insights and perspective.”

Step 3 Tell the audience what they’ll be learning from the speaker.

  • “Jane will tell you exactly how you can manifest every single one of your goals by making just five simple changes in your daily life.”
  • “John is here today to share the secret to maximizing your savings so you can live freely without ever having to worry about finances again.”

Step 4 Include a short personal anecdote if you have one.

  • “John and I met a few years back and immediately bonded over the struggle of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I’m sure many of us can relate to this.”
  • “Jane’s book on navigating childcare in our current economy struck me at a very deep level. I’ve never read such relatable and honest words, and her work has given me comfort and reassurance during these unpredictable times.”

Step 5 Focus more on the speaker’s credibility rather than humor.

  • For example, you might say, “John Smith’s story working in the lumber industry inspired me to go out and build a cabinet. Unsurprisingly, it fell apart within five minutes of being built. I went back to him, and he was sure to reassure me that it’s a practice that requires much patience.”

Step 6 Introduce the speaker’s name at the end.

  • “Please join me in welcoming Dr. John Smith!”
  • “Here to discuss her newest book, “How to Live a Happier Life,” please give a warm welcome to Jane Doe.”
  • “Here to share his unique perspective on the current political climate, please welcome Professor John Doe.”

Step 7 Read your speech aloud to catch any errors.

  • Also, practice using a friendly and relaxed tone when you give your speech to avoid coming off as super stiff and nervous.
  • To overcome stage fright , recite the introduction while looking in a mirror. Once you feel comfortable, rehearse it in front of family and friends.

Step 2 Rehearse the introduction sparingly before going on stage.

  • For example, “Good evening. My name is Alex Brown, and I’m the organizer of this event.”
  • If everyone in the audience is familiar with you, there’s no need to introduce yourself.

Step 4 Show lots of enthusiasm while speaking.

  • Get the speaker’s approval of the introduction you’ve written. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Forget about cliches such as “This person needs no introduction.” Instead, focus on making your introduction unique and descriptive. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Ask the speaker to revise a provided introduction if you don’t feel that it’s right for the audience they’ll be presenting to. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how do you write a guest of honor speech

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About This Article

Deb DiSandro

Before introducing your guest speaker, introduce yourself in case there are people in the audience who don't know you. Then talk about the speaker’s background and qualifications, and give the audience a high-level overview of what they might learn from the presentation. See if you can include a short, personal anecdote about the speaker, like "I read their book and really loved it," for example. Try to keep your introduction to less than 3 minutes, and finish it by welcoming your speaker and telling the audience their name. For more advice on introducing a guest speaker, including how to research them in advance, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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how do you write a guest of honor speech

How to Give an Award Acceptance Speech (With Examples)

  • The Speaker Lab
  • May 9, 2024

Table of Contents

If you’ve recently won an award — congratulations! There’s a good chance that a lot of hard work and blood, sweat, and tears went into the recognition you’re about to receive. Now, your biggest task is nailing the perfect award acceptance speed. After all, it’s important to show gratitude for the honor while also ensuring that your words will touch hearts and minds and hopefully inspire others to follow in your footsteps. But have no fear — we’re here to help.

From heartfelt gratitude to powerful storytelling, these examples showcase the key elements that make an acceptance speech unforgettable. No matter whether you’re leading a company, launching startups, writing books, teaching students, coaching teams, or giving advice as a consultant—there’s plenty for you to learn when it comes to crafting the perfect acceptance speech.

How to Give A Pitch-Perfect Award Acceptance Speech

Your award is a huge accomplishment that deserves to be celebrated. But before you start popping the champagne, there’s one more thing you need to do: prepare your acceptance speech.

While you could just say thanks and be done with it, doing so is a disservice to those who helped you get where you are. After all, an acceptance speech is so much more than just a simple thank you. It’s an opportunity to not just express your genuine gratitude, but also to acknowledge why the award is important and share the glory with those who helped you along the way.

Express Genuine Gratitude and Emotion

First and foremost, an acceptance speech is a chance to express your heartfelt appreciation for the honor you’ve received. This isn’t the time to be modest or downplay your achievements. Let your emotions shine through and show how much the award means to you.

Take a cue from Sandra Bullock’s acceptance speech at the 2010 Oscars. She was visibly moved as she thanked her mother, Helga B., along with all “the moms that take care of the babies and the children no matter where they come from.”

Acknowledge Why It Is Important

Beyond expressing gratitude, your acceptance speech should also acknowledge why the award is significant. What does it represent? Explain how the award is a reflection of your personal principles or highlights where you would like make changes professionally.

For example, when Malala Yousafzai accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, she used her acceptance speech to highlight the importance of education and the ongoing fight for women’s rights. “This award is not just for me,” she said. “It is for those forgotten children who want education. It is for those frightened children who want peace. It is for those voiceless children who want change.”

Share the Glory

Finally, a great acceptance speech shares the spotlight with those who helped make your success possible. This could be your family, your team, your mentors, or even your fans.

When Taylor Swift won Album of the Year at the 2016 Grammys, she made sure to thank her collaborators and supporters. “I want to thank the fans for the last ten years and the recording academy for giving us this unbelievable honor,” she said. “I want to thank all of my collaborators that you see on this stage.”

So as you’re crafting your own award acceptance speech, remember to express genuine gratitude, acknowledge the significance of the honor, and share the glory with those who helped you along the way. With these elements in place, you’ll deliver a speech that not only thanks the right people but inspires and uplifts your audience as well.

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Writing Your Acceptance Speech

You’ve just been honored with a prestigious award and now it’s time to give your acceptance speech. It’s crunch time to create a moment that sticks and sparks motivation in everyone. But where do you even begin?

Crafting an excellent award acceptance speech takes some planning and preparation. You want to strike the right tone, share a meaningful message, and of course, express your heartfelt gratitude. Let’s walk through crafting an acceptance speech that’ll definitely make a mark.

Brainstorm Ideas

Before you start jotting down your speech, take some time to reflect on what this award means to you. Why is it significant? What does it represent in terms of your journey, your values, or your aspirations? Brainstorm some key themes or stories you might want to touch on.

In addition, ask yourself: “What challenges did you overcome? Who helped you along the way? What lessons did you learn? What impact do you hope to make with this recognition?” Your answers to these questions will form the bulk of your acceptance speech.

Write Your Speech

With your brainstorming done, it’s time to start putting pen to paper. Begin with a strong opening line that will grab your audience’s attention. You might share a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, or even a touch of humor.

As you write the body of your speech, keep in mind the time constraint you’re working with. Most acceptance speeches are fairly short, so you’ll need to be selective about what you include. Focus on a few key points or anecdotes that support your central theme.

Be Specific in Your Speech

When it comes to expressing your gratitude, it’s important to be specific. Don’t just rattle off a generic list of thank-yous. Take the time to acknowledge the individuals or organizations that have played a significant role in your success.

For example, in her Golden Globes acceptance speech , Oprah Winfrey specifically thanked the Hollywood Foreign Press Association as well as several other key individuals by name.

The Power of Storytelling in Your Acceptance Speech

One of the most effective ways to make your acceptance speech memorable is by incorporating storytelling. Share a personal anecdote or experience that relates to your journey or the significance of the award.

Again, consider Oprah Winfrey’s Golden Globes acceptance speech. In it, she opens with a story from her childhood, when she sat on the floor watching Sidney Poitier become the first African American to ever win a Golden Globe. As she states in her speech, “I have tried many, many times to explain what a moment like that means to a little girl…and it is not lost on me that at this moment, there are some little girls watching as I become the first black woman to be given this same award.” With the power of storytelling, Winfrey highlights the men and women who have sought truth and justice no matter the personal cost.

As you craft your award acceptance speech, remember to brainstorm ideas, be specific in your gratitude, and harness the power of storytelling. Remember, just like the acceptance speech examples we’ve looked at, your words have the power to touch hearts and spark change in those listening.

Preparing to Deliver Your Speech

You’ve written a fantastic award acceptance speech, filled with heartfelt gratitude and inspiring stories. Now, it’s showtime. However, public speaking can be nerve-wracking, even for the most seasoned professionals. That’s why the key to a successful speech delivery is preparation. You want to be confident, polished, and engaging when you step up to the podium. Here are some tips to help you get ready for your big moment.

Rehearsing Your Speech

One of the best ways to calm your nerves and boost your confidence is by practicing your speech beforehand. Read it out loud several times, paying attention to your pacing, tone, body language , and emphasis. Consider practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself so you can see and hear how you come across. In addition, grabbing a buddy or work pal to listen in can provide you feedback for improvement. Remember, the more familiar you are with your speech, the more natural and effortless it will feel when you deliver it for real.

Making Your Speech Memorable

When it comes to making your speech memorable, it’s all about connecting with your audience. Use eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures to engage them and convey your emotions.

You might also consider incorporating a memorable phrase or tagline that encapsulates your message. For example, in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, Martin Luther King, Jr. repeated the phrase “I have a dream” eight times, driving home his vision for a more just and equal society.

Respecting the Audience and the Clock

When delivering your acceptance speech, it’s important to be mindful of your audience and the time allotted. Express your gratitude sincerely, but avoid gushing or going overboard with your thank-yous. Similarly, respect the time limit you’ve been given. A short award acceptance speech is often more impactful than a long, rambling one. Aim to deliver your message concisely and powerfully, leaving your audience wanting more.

As you prepare to deliver your award acceptance speech, remember to rehearse thoroughly, focus on making it memorable, and respect your audience and the clock. With this game plan ready, stepping up to speak will feel a lot less daunting.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in an Acceptance Speech

As you’ve seen from the examples above, a great award acceptance speech has the power to move and inspire an audience. But what goes into crafting and delivering a truly impactful speech? Here are a few final tips to keep in mind as you prepare for your big moment.

General Guidelines

While it’s important to express your gratitude and share your story, there are a few common pitfalls to avoid in your acceptance speech:

  • Don’t ramble or go off-topic. Stay focused on your central message.
  • Avoid clichés or generic platitudes. Be specific and authentic in your language.
  • Don’t forget to thank the important people, but keep your list of thank-yous concise.
  • Avoid inside jokes or references that may not resonate with your entire audience.

By steering clear of these pitfalls, you’ll ensure that your speech is clear, meaningful, and memorable.

Avoid Going Overboard with Emotions in Your Speech

When that award is finally in your hands, feeling a rush of emotions isn’t just common; it’s expected. This is particularly true if the honor marks a major highlight in either your work or personal journey. However, it’s important to strike a balance between showing genuine emotion and maintaining your composure.

While a few tears or a quavering voice can be powerful, going overboard with your emotions may distract from your message or make your audience uncomfortable. Aim to express your feelings in a way that is authentic but still allows you to deliver your speech effectively.

Remember, your award acceptance speech is an opportunity to share your gratitude, your story, and your vision with the world. By avoiding common pitfalls and finding the right emotional balance, you’ll be able to deliver a speech that truly resonates with your audience and leaves a lasting impact.

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Examples of Inspiring Award Acceptance Speeches

Need some inspiration as you craft your own award acceptance speech? Look no further than these powerful examples from some of the world’s most influential figures.

Literature Award Acceptance Speech Example

In his 1962 Nobel Prize acceptance speech , writer John Steinbeck used the opportunity to discuss the purpose of literature. He says, “[A writer] is charged with exposing our many grievous faults and failures, with dredging up to the light our dark and dangerous dreams for the purpose of improvement.”

Best Actress Award Acceptance Speech Example

When Emma Stone won the Oscar for Best Actress in 2024 ,  she used her speech to pay tribute to her fellow actors and the power of cinema. “It’s not about me,” she said. “It’s about a team that came together to make something better than the sum of its parts. And that’s the best part about making movies.”

Distinguished Service Award Acceptance Speech Example

In her acceptance speech for the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award , Angelina Jolie spoke about the importance of giving back and making a difference in the world. “I have never understood why some people are lucky enough to be born with the chance that I had,” she said, “to have this path in life and why across the world, there’s a woman just like me, the same abilities, the same desires, same work ethic and love for her family, who would most likely make better films and better speeches—only she sits in a refugee camp.”

These are just a few examples of the many inspiring award acceptance speeches out there. When the spotlight hits you for advancing science, creating art masterpieces, or bettering lives, that moment is more than just applause—it’s a platform. Use it wisely; light a fire under others to follow suit and make waves of their own.

FAQs on Award Acceptance Speeches

What do you say in an acceptance speech.

Start by thanking the giver, mention key people who helped along the way, and highlight what this award means to you.

What is an example short award acceptance speech?

“Thank you to everyone who played a part in this award. This honor isn’t just mine; it belongs to all who stood by me. Let’s keep pushing forward.”

How do you format an acceptance speech?

Kick off with thanks, weave in personal stories or a nod to your team, then wrap up on a hopeful note.

What do you say when accepting an award at work?

Acknowledge the recognition with gratitude, shout out those who supported you, and express excitement for future challenges and opportunities.

Crafting an impactful acceptance speech is an art that requires genuine emotion, storytelling, and a touch of inspiration. Through these examples of amazing award acceptance speeches, we’ve shared some great tips on how to say thanks, share your story, and make an impact on your audience.

Remember, your big moment with that microphone isn’t just for saying thanks for the trophy. It’s also about shouting out those that helped you get there and inspiring anyone listening to follow their own path towards success. So, when it’s your turn to shine, make sure you give a speech that’ll stick in people’s minds for years.

  • Last Updated: May 8, 2024

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