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CIMA Strategic Case Study

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Our case study mocks will:

  • Test your overall knowledge of the syllabus and the latest pre-seen
  • Highlight your weaknesses to focus on in your remaining revision
  • Improve your time management skills in an exam environment


Start your free CIMA strategic level membership to access our free SCS mini mock, which is just half the length of our full mocks and the final exam, and includes detailed solutions, plus the accompanying debrief video.

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CIMA Student Series: Strategic Case Study (SCS)

The Strategic Case Study represents the final hurdle for CIMA students. In this article, Angelo Koukios demonstrates the importance of the right attitude. His never-say-die attitude and ability to identify and improve his weaknesses saw him improve his score by 25 marks between his first and second attempts.

cima strategic case study forum

Angelo Koukios currently works as a financial advisor at Grant Thornton (see LinkedIn profile here ). Angelo enjoys a versatile working experience in two different countries (England & Greece) within a variety of industries and roles. His main areas of interest are predominantly financial planning and analysis in the context of financial modelling, along with the application of advanced data analytics and Business Intelligence (BI) techniques. During his free time, Angelo loves to hang out with friends, exploring the beauty of Greece as well as watching and playing sports. ‍

Angelo Koukios, CIMA SCS

The Strategic Case Study represents the final hurdle for CIMA students. In this article, Angelo demonstrates the importance of the right attitude. His never-say-die attitude and ability to identify and improve his weaknesses saw him improve his score by 25 marks between his first and second attempts. ‍

When did you take the SCS exam and how did you get on? Was it your first attempt?

I successfully passed the SCS exam in May 2019 and that was my second attempt. As the saying goes, “you are allowed to fall, but you must get back up”. I failed with my first attempt with a scaled score of 78 (just 2 marks below the passing grade), and I am sure that you can imagine how devastated I was. I had to go down the same road over again, in the context of a new case study scenario, only because I got a result slightly lower than the pass mark. By being persistent, paying more attention to those small things that make the difference and having the unlimited support of VIVA, I eventually got the desired pass mark, this time 103.      

How long did you spend preparing for the SCS paper?

My preparation for the SCS paper lasted approximately 6 weeks. Believe me, time flies! On average, I was studying approximately 4 hours per working day and approximately 10 hours on Saturdays and Sundays.  

Did you take a course or did you opt for self-study?

As you can imagine, self-study and commitment are the most important parts in this journey. However, VIVA’s SCS Genius Study Pack paved the way for succeeding in the exam. The case study preparation videos, professional marking of my mock exams with detailed comments and the one-to-one session helped me to familiarise myself with exam requirements and conditions. In the SCS exam it is not just a test of what you know, but also a test of how you manage to express that knowledge in a specific scenario. This is exactly where VIVA’s terrific contribution makes the difference and equips you with confidence during the actual exam.

What (if anything), did you find especially difficult with the SCS in relation to your preparation?

Definitely, balancing work, personal and study life is the toughest part of this process. As time is probably the most valuable asset that we have as individuals, the CIMA qualification requires substantial amounts of it, if you want to reap the benefits of this accreditation. Getting inspiration from the virtue of learning more and envisioning a better future are key incentives to push yourself forward and never give up.

What (if anything), did you find especially difficult with the SCS in relation to the exam day?

I believe that time management is key on the exam day. However, more often than not, good time management is highly correlated with good preparation. The more you know, the more efficient you become when you express that knowhow either verbally or on paper.

Was there an area of the Strategic syllabus that you liked more than others?

Most students struggle with hedge accounting or currency and interest hedges. I was one of those to be honest. However, this gradually became one of my favourites along with valuations, Big Data and the Balance Scorecard.

Was there an area of the Strategic syllabus that you liked less than others?

Probably the areas of Integrated Reporting and GRI were not “my cup of tea”. However, I grasp the main attributes of those two areas and I was prepared to implement them in the case scenario.

Do you have any tips for other students about to sit the SCS?

Stay focused, be confident, aim for the best but also be prepared for the worst. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. SCS is a “once in a lifetime” experience and as such, presents particular challenges that are unique to it.

Were there any study techniques you used that were particularly helpful?

Reviewing weak areas again and again with a fresh view and continuous familiarisation with the industry and the scenario itself are critical success factors for exam success.  

Do you have any final comments/recommendations/feelings/thoughts about your SCS experience?

Have fun! The learning process and exams are tough. However, the whole experience makes you stronger and better. As the song says: “At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky”!

‍ You might want to explore and learn more about our CIMA Strategic Case Study Course . You can also check our webinar for Introduction to the SCS, register here .

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CIMA Strategic Management (E3) Essentials Pack

CIMA Professional Strategic Strategic Management (E3) Essentials Pack

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CIMA E3 Strategic Management - Essentials Pack - September 2019 to December 2020

You will need to buy the new syllabus materials if you’re sitting an exam from 4th November 2019.

Exam sittings Computer Based Exams (CBEs) until Summer 2024

Author Kaplan Publishing

The CIMA Strategic Management Essentials Pack has the official CIMA study materials, to learn the knowledge and skills used in designing and implementing strategy.

The Study Text contains all the theory, with worked examples and real-world case studies to reinforce your learning. The Exam Kit contains exam-standard practice questions, exam tips, and summaries of key examinable points. The Revision Cards are an excellent revision resource, so you can memorise the most important bits for your exam.

Also included are two mock exams that look and feel like the real thing. All our materials are CIMA approved and cover the full syllabus.

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Strategic level examination blueprint - 2024-2025


This is the examination blueprint for the Strategic level of the CGMA Professional Qualification. It will set out in detail what is examinable in the Case Study Examination and the Objective Tests for the period stated on the cover of this document. It also provides information about the format, structure and weightings of the assessments. It complements the syllabus document and provides details specifically related to the different type of assessments and is our most comprehensive statement to date on

Download the Strategic Level Exam Blueprints 2024-2025

File name: Strategic-Exam-Blueprints-2024-2025-final for web.pdf

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Objective test resource

Strategic exam blueprint 2021.

What is it? A comprehensive guide to the Strategic Case Study for May, August, November 2021 and February 2022 exam windows. Why do I need it? To help you prepare for the SCS exam by understanding examinable topics, the assessment approach and exam weightings.

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I would like to know more details about the CIMA Strategic Case Study. Kindly provide any study material on the same if available.

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  • Replies: 10436

We don’t provide study material as yet for the case study. The CIMA site has some that you might find of use.

I am pleased to say that we now have case study material available:


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  12. CIMA Forums

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  15. CIMA Student Series: Strategic Case Study (SCS)

    The Strategic Case Study represents the final hurdle for CIMA students. In this article, Angelo demonstrates the importance of the right attitude. His never-say-die attitude and ability to identify and improve his weaknesses saw him improve his score by 25 marks between his first and second attempts. When did you take the SCS exam and how did ...

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    This is the examination blueprint for the Strategic level of the CGMA Professional Qualification. It will set out in detail what is examinable in the Case Study Examination and the Objective Tests for the period stated on the cover of this document. It also provides information about the format, structure and weightings of the assessments.

  22. Strategic Exam Blueprint 2021

    A comprehensive guide to the Strategic Case Study for May, August, November 2021 and February 2022 exam windows. Why do I need it? To help you prepare for the SCS exam by understanding examinable topics, the assessment approach and exam weightings. Open PDF. Published 28/2/21. Level: Strategic. The CGMA Study Hub keeps you on track to achieve ...

  23. CIMA strategic case study

    20% off ACCA & CIMA Books. CIMA strategic case study. This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Ken Garrett. I would like to know more details about the CIMA Strategic Case Study. Kindly provide any study material on the same if available. We don't provide study material as yet for the case study.