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Where to Find Free Spanish Books Online

No matter your level, you can easily find free Spanish books to suit your needs.

Even if you think you’re not yet at the right reading level, challenging yourself with something slightly more difficult than what you’re comfortable with can have exponential benefits.

Here’s a short, quick guide to show how you can take advantage of this tool—including a list of my top 10 recommendations of free books en español.

Loyal Books

Amazon kindle books, free spanish e-books.

  • 1. “An Elementary Spanish Reader” by Earl Stanley Harrison
  • 2. “La Mitología para los niños” by Fernán Caballero
  • 3. “Fortuna: Historia de un perro agradecido” by Enrique Pérez Escrich
  • 4. “Los Extraños trabajos de Paulino y Eusebio” by Eloy Barba Dominguez
  • 5. “Novelas cortas” by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
  • 6. “Spanish Tales for Beginners” by Louis Reinhardt and E.C. Hills
  • 7. “Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes” by Anonymous
  • 8. “El Sombrero de tres picos” by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón
  • 9. “El Capitán Veneno”  by Alarcón
  • 10. “Don Quijote” by Miguel de Cervantes

Why Reading in Spanish Will Improve Your Language Skills

And one more thing….

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There are lots of different websites and formats to choose from. Every time you think you understand how vast the internet is, it honestly gets bigger.

To name a few websites:

Loyal Books is a free public domain of audiobooks and e-book downloads in a wide array of genres and languages. The interface is in English so it might be good to start here for lower level speakers.

The Gutenberg Project has almost 50,000 free e-books to download. The interface may seem antiquated, but I’m sure there are some great reads waiting to be found here!

Many Books has about 33,000 free e-books available for all formats of e-reading and a whole swathe of languages to choose from. They also request you sign up for an email list, which again could be a good reminder to keep up with your studies.

Everyone knows and loves Amazon. They literally have everything and are as user-friendly as social media sites—and there are many free and cheap options to find.

If you didn’t know already, they have a free e-book section and if you simply switch to the Spanish version of the website, the free e-books will be in Spanish.

The easiest way is to download the Kindle Reading Application (available for desktop computers, tablets and smartphones) and then transfer the files to your devices—mobi or epub files work. Of course, the Amazon e-books will go directly to your reading application.

You can also download a Spanish-English dictionary for Kindle so you can conveniently look up new words while reading! 

My recommendations below are ordered from easier to more difficult, with approximate levels for each to give you an idea. However, everyone has individual strengths and weaknesses so feel free to hop around to different levels!

1.  “An Elementary Spanish Reader”  by Earl Stanley Harrison

An Elementary Spanish Reader (Spanish Edition)

A1 | 123 pages

This Amazon e-book comprises 21 short stories, all designed for the novice Spanish speaker. There’s even a vocabulary index in the back!

This is a good place to start because the stories are short so you’re less likely to get discouraged.

2.  “La Mitología para los niños”  by Fernán Caballero

La Mitología contada a los niños e historia de los grandes hombres de la Grecia (Spanish Edition)

A1 | 248 pages

Remember high school mythology class with all the battles and love triangles and magical creatures? Well, this is a primer to give children an introduction to mythology.

It’s a little more advanced than the elementary reader above, but a good starting point, as it’s intended for children. Most of us are already a little familiar with Greek mythology, so some of the stories might be more understandable.

3. “Fortuna: Historia de un perro agradecido”  by Enrique Pérez Escrich

"Fortuna: Historia de un perro agradecido"

A2 | 80 pages

Love animals? “Fortuna” is probably the most popular dog story in Spanish. It makes pleasant reading, it holds the reader’s interest throughout, and its language is clear and simple.

Pérez was a master of the serial story (or folletín) in which fictional dramas are characterized by an intense pace, implausible plot and psychological simplicity, making his works both entertaining and easy to understand.

4. “Los Extraños trabajos de Paulino y Eusebio”  by Eloy Barba Dominguez

"Los Extraños trabajos de Paulino y Eusebio"

This is a story about working towards your dreams. It’s about two friends trying to become rock stars by buying the perfect drum set. They need money though and the story follows all the odd jobs they come across along the way.

This story is relatively short compared to the other suggestions, but it is very good for practicing the past tenses . Friendship, adventure, music. Who could want more?

5.   “Novelas cortas”  by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón

"Novelas cortas" 

A2 | 251 pages

Written by acclaimed Andalusian author Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, these novelas were originally published in 1882 and offer insight into Spanish life and history.

They are short stories as well, so it’s easier to follow for a new learner. If you love historical fiction, this might be the choice for you!

6. “Spanish Tales for Beginners”  by Louis Reinhardt and E.C. Hills

"Spanish Tales for Beginners"

B1 | 356 pages

This collection contains multiple works by acclaimed Hispanic authors, including some poetry. This is another compilation you can jump around in to find something that grabs your attention.

I know the title says “Beginners,” but the content includes subjunctive and other advanced tenses, which I believe is more suited for learners at a level B. 

7.  “Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes”   by Anonymous

Vida De Lazarillo De Tormes Y De Sus Fortunas Y Adversidades (Spanish Edition)

B1 | 85 pages

If you’ve taken any formal Spanish literature classes during your studies, you have no doubt heard about Lazarillo. This piece is the first known modern Spanish novel, and its author is considered the founder of the picaresca literary genre.

This style of prose depicts the adventures of a lower class, roguish hero who lives by his wits in a corrupt society. The story follows a little boy, Lazarillo, who is left to become the apprentice to a blind man, while also serving other masters.

8.  “El Sombrero de tres picos”  by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón

"El Sombrero de tres picos"

B2 | 283 pages

Written by the same author as #5’s  “Novelas cortas,”  this story depicts the tale of a wealthy magistrate in love with a miller’s wife and his attempts to seduce her. Different century, same problems.

The story became so popular, it was eventually turned into a ballet.

9. “El Capitán Veneno”   by Alarcón

"El Capitán Veneno"

B2 | 219 pages

Another by Alarcón, this is the story of a famed fire-eater. Set in mid-nineteenth century Spain and based on historical fact, the story follows a captain’s “domestication” through love during a time of social change, eventually leading to the strengthening and rethinking of societal principles.

10. “Don Quijote”  by Miguel de Cervantes

Don Quijote I (Spanish Edition)

C1 | 425 pages

Considered a Spanish masterpiece, Miguel de Cervantes’ novel follows a nameless hidalgo who sets out on an adventure under the name Don Quixote, and is later joined by farmer Sancho along the way.

This is a classic story that can’t be missed!

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  • Reading also teaches you new vocabulary words via context clues . When reading in your native tongue, and a new word comes up, you can somehow guess its meaning simply by the sentence’s syntax, or structure.
  • Conversational learning is not enough to reach an upper level of competence . This includes mastering  more complex verb tenses , as well as vocabulary acquisition.
  • Reading books is intellectually stimulating.  Developed plot lines and diverse genres will keep you interested for an extended period of time.
  • Experience genius literary works in their original language.  Once you reach a middle- to upper-level competency, you can enjoy the works of lauded Hispanic authors —like Gabriel García Márquez, Isabel Allende and Pablo Neruda—which deserve to be read in their original language.

Anyone at a C2 level is ready to peruse a bookstore and read like a native speaker.

So there you have it. A free, easy way to continue investing in your language education!

If you've made it this far that means you probably enjoy learning Spanish with engaging material and will then love FluentU .

Other sites use scripted content. FluentU uses a natural approach that helps you ease into the Spanish language and culture over time. You’ll learn Spanish as it’s actually spoken by real people.

FluentU has a wide variety of videos, as you can see here:


FluentU brings native videos within reach with interactive transcripts. You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. If you see an interesting word you don’t know, you can add it to a vocab list.


Review a complete interactive transcript under the Dialogue tab, and find words and phrases listed under Vocab .


Learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentU’s robust learning engine. Swipe left or right to see more examples of the word you’re on.


The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you’re learning, and gives you extra practice with difficult words. It'll even remind you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. Every learner has a truly personalized experience, even if they’re learning with the same video.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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En la tienda Kindle, precisamente, cuenta con miles de títulos en distintos idiomas y, además, con el certificado de Amazon, lo que añade seguridad a la operación. Quien no tenga algo que leer, es porque no quiere. Aunque la mayoría de los libros de Amazon son de pago, puedes encontrar una librería de ebooks gratuitos. Puedes acceder en este enlace: Ebooks gratis en Amazon

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Otro de los mejores sitios de descarga de libros electrónicos gratuitos es Project Gutenberg. Es un esfuerzo de caridad, sostenido por voluntarios y recaudadores de fondos, que tiene como objetivo recopilar y proporcionar tantos libros electrónicos de alta calidad como sea posible. La mayor parte de su biblioteca consta de títulos de dominio público, pero también tiene otras cosas si está dispuesto a mirar alrededor. Puede explorar la biblioteca por categoría (de las cuales hay cientos), por la más popular (lo que significa el número total de descargas), por la más reciente (que significa la fecha de carga) o al azar (que es una excelente manera de encontrar material nuevo para leer).

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Este no es un sitio totalmente gratuito, pero tiene una gran selección de romances cursis disponibles de forma gratuita (por tiempo limitado). En Bookbub , puede descargar en casi cualquier formato (Apple, Google, Kindle, etc.). La selección es bastante limitada, pero merece un lugar en la lista, ya que es uno de los pocos sitios con descargas gratuitas de libros electrónicos para libros electrónicos de nueva versión.

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Esta mención de honor merece un lugar en esta lista solo por el hecho de que te permite aprender mucho sobre los autores detrás de tus títulos favoritos . Por ejemplo, si quisiera leer Romeo y Julieta, también podría obtener acceso a biografías sobre Shakespeare (¿era real?), citas, cuestionarios y más. En The Literature Network , algunos de los libros requieren una pequeña tarifa, pero hay muchas opciones gratuitas. Todo está en orden alfabético, por lo que es un poco difícil no encontrar lo que estás buscando. Las mejores cosas de la vida son gratis. En realidad, las mejores cosas de la vida son las descargas gratuitas de libros electrónicos de estos fantásticos sitios de libros gratuitos.

Este site no sólo permite descargar una cantidad ingente de libros sin coste alguno (tan sólo hay que ordenas los que hay por precio, y poner los más baratos, es decir, gratuitos, los primeros), sino que Bubok es la plataforma perfecta para publicar tus propias obras.


Esta plataforma permite editar y publicar tus libros… ¡ completamente gratis ! Una herramienta más que aprovechable para escritores noveles y carentes de recursos, en la que lanzar sus publicaciones y darse a conocer. O para aquellos que se levanten contra las editoriales y sus márgenes de beneficio, y decidan lanzarse a la aventura de la creación de contenidos por su cuenta.

Se trata de una página web para descargar libros gratis pero más orientados hacia los grandes clásicos de la literatura, así como libros académicos. Ir a

En Manybooks puedes encontrar más de 33.000 libros. Además, lo que más nos gusta de esta página es la organización que tienen y lo fácil que es encontrar libros nuevos que te gusten ya que podemos poner un montón de filtros en nuestra búsqueda, partiendo de lo básico: seleccionar el idioma español. Ir a

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En bookyards podemos encontrar más de 20000 libros para descargar gratis. Para encontrarlos solo tenemos que seleccionar por categoría, por autor o simplemente poniendo el nombre en el buscador. Ir a

Esta página web nace en Dinamarca en el año 2005 y tiene unos 1500 libros tanto en formato de texto como en formato electrónico o ebooks, así como en diferentes idiomas. Ir a

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En esta página puedes descargar un montón de libros electrónicos gratis que están organizados por diferentes categorías de géneros literarios. Además puedes crear listas con tus libros favoritos o dejarte llevar por las recomendaciones del mes. También ayudan a los nuevos escritores para publicar sus libros de manera electrónica en su web. Ir a

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En Bookrish tendrás primero que seleccionar en qué idioma deseeas los libros . Aunque su biblioteca gratuita es más extensa en inglés, también puedes encontrar un gran catálogo de ebooks gratuitos en español. Ir a

Europeana Collections

Europeana Collections , es una librería que nos permite tener acceso a un catálogo con más de 50 millones de archivos digitalizados . En su página web podemos seleccionar la temática que buscamos, pudiendo distinguir entre libros de lectura, sobre música, moda, material gráfico, manuscritos, etc… o bien, libros especializados en distintas temáticas.

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También podemos utilizar su herramienta de búsqueda que filtrará su biblioteca para ayudarte a encontrar todo los que estás buscando. En cualquier momento puedas cambiar el idioma. Si quieres comenzar a disfrutar de la lectura en Europeana Collections , aquí tienes su enlace Ir a Europeana Collections .

Una plataforma donde podemos encontrar una gran variedad de libros digitales, permitiéndonos descargarlos gratuitamente. Su enorme biblioteca con más de 62.200 libros.

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Libroteca es un sitio web donde poder encontrar libros tanto de literatura clásica como contemporáneas . Sus múltiples formatos como Pdf, Word, Html, Txt, Rtf, Chm,Epub, Exe, nos ayudarán a la hora de elegir donde y cómo leer.

Si queremos descargar un libro, lo podremos hacer de manera rápida y sencilla, sólo tendremos que elegir entre los mas de 37.024 obras libres de derecho de autor para escoger. Si quieres empezar, aquí te dejamos su enlace  Ir a Libroteca

Una verdadera biblioteca de libros libres online , su especialidad son los temas informáticos y técnicos , donde encontrar manuales y libros para descargar en cualquier formato y en lengua castellana sobre Ajedrez, Desarrollo Web, Diseño 3D, Educación, Historia, Filosofía, Ciencias, Novelas, Turismo, etc…

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De este modo, todo aquel que tenga la necesidad de consultar un libro, o descargárselo  para imprimirlo, puede acceder a el a través de su potente buscador de manera cómoda y/o por categorías. Si quiere echar un vistazo, éste es su enlace  Ir a Open Libra.

*NOTA INFORMATIVA: En muchas de estas páginas no se cumplen las normas de copyright en todo su catálogo.

Hablar de Epublibre es hablar de un referente en el mundo de la descarga de libros online. No sólo ha incrementado su catálogo de forma extraordinaria, hasta superar los más de 16.000 títulos , sino que no tiene publicidad. Todo un lujo para quienes no quieren perder tiempo cerrando pantallas.


Su método de descarga habitual, hasta hace dos días como quien dice, era por Torrent . No obstante, en las últimas fechas ha incorporado el servicio zbigz , mucho más rápido, sencillo y accesible. Por detalles como estos está en el top de las webs de descargas de libros.


Vamos a ser claros, si el libro que buscas no está en Ebiblioteca, no está en ningún sitio. Hablamos de un catálogo de 110.000 obras , con títulos que van desde Ciencia a Medicina, pasando por Teatro o Cocina.


Cierto es que el diseño es antediluviano, que parece un foro de principios de siglo pero cumple su misión de forma inigualable. Además, para evitar perder meses buscando un libro entre su interminable catálogo, tiene un buscador coronando la home.


¿Eres un lector empedernido? ¿El tiempo que no pasas leyendo, lo pasas en redes sociales? Amigo, ésta es tu web. Bookcrossing ha combinado lo mejor de la literatura de todo el mundo, con las bonanzas de Facebook y similares en una red social en la que prima la interactividad .


En esta web, además de descargar libros, tienes posibilidad de compartirlos y, como no, establecer conversaciones con gente de todo el planeta. Lectores con los que compartir gustos, conversaciones, debates y, obviamente, un café y algo más si se tercia. Bookcrossing, la web de los lectores más exigentes…

No sólo de libros vive el lector. A este foro no se le resiste nada. Periódicos, publicaciones, libros en todos los formatos … Una maravilla. Además, tratándose de un foro visitado por numerosos usuarios, está actualizadísimo . No hay más que echar un ojo a los periódicos para comprobarlos. Todos del día.


La única pega, por así decirlo, es que Fiuxy pide al usuario que se registre para poder descargarse contenido. Un paso sencillo, menor y gratuito para acceder a una base de datos sencillamente inagotable. Además, a estas alturas, ¿quién no tiene ya tu dirección de correo? Pues eso. Al menos aquí te beneficias de que alguien la tenga.

Ojo que estamos hablando de un catálogo que ronda los 30.000 títulos . Palabras mayores. Epubgratis no sólo te permite la descarga de cada uno de sus títulos, sino también la opción de leerlo online. Todo lo que sea ahorrar espacio, siempre es bien recibido.


Además, aporta una completa sinopsis de cada una de sus obras (repetimos, casi 30.000) y recomendaciones relacionadas con el título seleccionado. Vamos, que si entras a por un libro en concreto, puedes salir, dos horas más tarde, con 60 libros metidos en tu iBook. ¿Quién dijo que el saber no ocupa lugar?

Durante mucho tiempo, Espaebook ha sido la web número uno en descargas de libros. Su elegante y limpio diseño , así como la sencillez de sus descargas, sumados a un espectacular catálogo de títulos, le han permitido dominar a sus competidoras con puño de hierro.


No obstante, el exceso de publicidad y la gran cantidad de páginas emergentes, han hecho que muchos de sus fieles se busquen otras alternativas. A pesar de todo, sigue teniendo el caché de quien ha marcado la pauta durante años.

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Con un diseño sugerente, sencillo y atractivo, Lectulandia se cuela en nuestro ranking por méritos propios. Para empezar, su método de búsqueda (alfabeto en pleno centro de la home) es de lo más útil.


Para continuar, sus títulos destacados se presentan de forma simétrica y cuidada , demostrando que la primera impresión cuenta. Y mucho. Si rematamos con un sistema de descarga de lo más eficaz, no queda más que aplaudir a Lectulandia y recomendarla a todo aquel que busque títulos para su dispositivo electrónico.

No, esta página no la hemos recomendado ya, pero es verdad que su apariencia es muy parecida a otras. Es lo que tiene el buen diseño, que todo el mundo lo quiere para su site.

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Bajaebooks, independientemente de su diseño, dispone de un catálogo que supera los 10.000 títulos y que están a dos clics de la descarga. Muy sencilla y práctica.

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Below is a list of the most reputable places to download free eBooks. Most offer formats compatible across all eReaders, but if you're unsure whether the files will work on your device, always check the user manual. And if you'd prefer to listen on your Kindle instead, we have a guide to the best audiobook services , some of which are free.

1. Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is probably the most well recognized website for free eBooks and provides books for the Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader, iPhone, iPod Touch and other cell phone formats as well. These titles are free because their copyrights have expired, which means many of the titles will be fairly old. But a good classic is often hard to beat, so don’t skip this selection in your search for the best read of the year. With over 20,000 works it might be difficult to decide where to begin, but you can view the list of the top 100 to get started.

2. Internet Archive

Internet Archive is another extensive list of great eBook offerings. Browse to the Texts category for a list of over 2.5 million titles. Search by key word, author, title, or within a specific category. These titles are free to read, download and print, with a few restrictions on commercial or bulk usage.

3. is a great collection of fun, entertaining selections. Categories include a few non-fiction topics such as career and business, but the selection of fiction and easy reading is what is most impressive about this website. Formats include HTML, PDF, ePub and Mobipocket, offering a range of variability for most digital reading devices. You'll be asked to sign-up when you land on the site, and it's important to know the difference between memberships here. VIP, which will cost money, gets you access to unlimited eBooks. Free membership gets you five free eBooks per month, and you'll never be forced to pay.

Project Gutenberg

4. provides popular titles, recommendations and reviews from visitors. Visitors can browse titles by name, genre, author and even language. New titles are prominently available as well as a convenient visual search option that lets you browse book covers to see if something catches your eye. With over a dozen download format options, there’s bound to be an option that fits the particular needs of every mobile reading device.

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GetFreeEbooks has many great titles. The disadvantage of this site compared to some of the others, however, is the highly ad-intensive pages, with only a narrow center column in which visitors can view up to four titles on a page. This inconvenient navigation makes browsing for something new quite a hassle. If you can manage the navigational difficulties, however, the titles are well worth wading through.

6. Baen Free Library

For science fiction fans, Baen Free Library provides a number of free download choices. These titles are available from Baen Books.

Again, you're unlikely to find the brand new releases on here, and you should absolutely pay for work that has been released by creators who need to make money from it. But just dipping into any of the above sites will fill out your library nicely, help you discover classics and new authors, and give you plenty to read as you wait for life to return to normal. And if you need more advice on devices for reading eBooks, we have a guide to the best tablets right now.

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Best free Kindle books in Spanish

If you own a Kindle by Amazon (the most popular ebook reader on the market), you know that having a book at hand at all times to dive yourself into reading has never been so easy. There is no excuse not to read. Through your Kindle, you are lucky enough to have thousands of free Kindle books at Amazon, Google Play and a wide range of other sources. To help you distinguish the relevant from the rest, we’ve put together some of the best free alternatives for Kindle in Spanish.

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To keep in mind…

You should consider that Google Play does not offer books in the Kindle format as Amazon and Project Gutenberg do. Instead of files in AZW and KF8 formats, you should download them as PDF files. To do this, you must navigate to your Google Play Book library from your computer, click on the three squares in the upper right corner of any title and select “Download PDF” from the drop-down list. Then, select the saved file, drag, and drop it in your device.

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El rincón de las tormentas [The Corner of the Storms]- César García Muñoz

If you’re looking for a story about a murder, El rincón de las tormentas does have something to offer. What is more, blood splatters around the Solo brothers, two very different twins. However, they have something in common: they both hide a gift or a curse, depending on how you look at it.

Para siempre es mucho tiempo [Forever Is a Long Time] – Patricia Morenz

In the eBook Para siempre es mucho tiempo , Jocelyn, Davis returns to New York following a terrible family event, after five years of having left without saying goodbye to his best childhood friend, Jake Johnson. She must now start high school with no friends, a broken soul, a broken home, and her insecure dreams of becoming a recognized writer.

Café y cigarrillos para un funeral [Coffee and Cigarettes for the Funeral]- Roberto Martínez Gúzman

How would you feel if you knew you were going to die on your birthday? Dr. Delfín Sánchez enters the police station in Ourense in the early hours of Friday, July 19, to report that for a year now, every month, he has been receiving a letter announcing his death. But the countdown begins the last month in which he already receives a daily letter with the deadline of July 20 at seven o’clock in the evening, the date of his birthday, and the time he was born. Also, he has begun to receive wreaths for his burial.

Heroínas [Heroines]- Various authors

Heroínas is a book that brings together fourteen stories by Spanish writers that address issues related to women. The original stories deal with tensions and conflicting feelings, starring women with real and tangible conflicts. The work was developed and edited by the Spanish writer and journalist Juan Gómez-Jurado

El amor huele a café [ Love Smells Like Coffee ]- Nieves García Bautista

If you like love stories, you’ll like El amor huele a café. In its pages, you will find a small cafeteria and a gypsy with unsettling green eyes escorting the stories of a misfit college student, two professionals in their thirties obsessed with personal success, and a retiree tortured by a loss about which they still have much to discover. These are every day, intimate stories about the pursuit of happiness that slips away amidst frustration, broken dreams, and everyday routine.

Gabriel García Márquez- María dos Prazeres

Maria dos Prazeres was written and edited in 1979 by the writer, scriptwriter, editor, and journalist Gabriel Garcia Marquez, is the seventh compendium of twelve stories written throughout 18 years that together make up the book called Doce cuentos Peregrinos [Twelve Pilgrim Stories]. The story is about Maria dos Prazeres, a 66-year-old woman who is waiting for death after a dream she had. This situation led her to think that she would die before Christmas, living different situations within the story before finding the true meaning of her dream.

Don Quijote  (Spanish edition)

Don Quixote de la Mancha is the quintessential Spanish-language novel that cannot be missing from a collection. Written by the Spaniard Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and published at the beginning of 1605, it is one of the most outstanding works of Spanish literature, being considered as a fundamental piece in universal literature. It represents one of the first modern works as well as of polyphonic, exerting an enormous influence on all the European narrative that emerged after its launch.

Horacio Quiroga – Cuentos de amor de locura y de muerte [Tales of Love and Craziness and Death]

This 20th-century classic launched by Uruguayan playwright Horacio Quiroga can be found completely for free for the Kindle. Published in 1917, this title has 18 stories (initially) where the main theme of each one is drama and death. As an anecdote, in the following editions, Quiroga himself made some modifications to the stories and eliminated three stories from the original edition: El infierno artificial [Artificial Hell], Los ojos sombríos [Dark Eyes], and El perro rabioso [The Rabid Dog]. On the other hand, by the sole decision of the author, the title of the book does not include a comma.

Top 20 de poemas de Pablo Neruda [Top 20 Pablo Neruda’s poems]P

This special edition for Kindle collects a total of 20 poems full of romanticism written by the Chilean poet and Nobel Prize winner Pablo Neruda. This mix of various poems composed by the Neruda is aimed primarily at lovers of this genre, both women and men who enjoy romanticism in literature.

Discursos Premios Nobel: Tomo 1 [Nobel Prize Winner Speeches: Volume 1]

This interesting collection for the Kindle includes famous speeches from different winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature, including Octavio Paz, Pablo Neruda, and Gabriel García Márquez. Written and authorized by the Nobel Foundation, this book/tribute shows the insights of eleven different and great contemporary creators awarded with this prize.

Federico García Lorca – Libro de poemas [Book of Poems]

This special version has the best poems of the Spanish author Federico García Lorca, known for his expertise in various artistic expressions, parallel to literature. Belonging to the generation of 27, he became the most influential and popular poet of Spanish literature in the last century. His controversial personal history and the tragic end of his life (executed in the Spanish Civil War) for his political thinking and sexual choice, make this free version for Kindle a must for lovers of Spanish literature.

Por la Humanidad Futura: Antología política de Gabriela Mistral [For Future Humanity: Politic Anthology]

The poet, Nobel Prize in Literature winner, diplomat, and Chilean educator Gabriela Mistral’s (Lucila Godoy Alcayaga 1889-1957) book is available for free for Kindle. Throughout her life, she resided in many different countries. There, she managed to immerse herself in their culture, children, and people and write hundreds of articles that address issues of various nature, including social and political as well as the field of teaching and pedagogy. The selection made by Diego del Pozo brings together various unpublished texts written post-Mistral, published in various media and that gather all the works of the author for over 20 years, during her journeys through America and Europe.

Audio books in Spanish

Historia de cronopios y de famas [Cronopios and Famas]- Julio Cortazar

This work written by the Argentine writer and published in 1962 is about a series of fragments and micro stories, full of surrealism aiming to lead the reader to the development of imagination. Considered as one of the fundamental works of the author, the theme that Cortazar developed in this delivery was the description of the social actors of his time, with special emphasis on the Argentine upper class (bourgeoisie) of the fifties and the sixties.

If you are interested in getting the free audiobook of this classic of Spanish-speaking literature below we leave the link for download.

Tiempos recios [Fierce Times] – Mario Vargas Llosa

The audiobook of Mario Vargas Llosa’s novel is available for free through Amazon Kindle. A story of political conspiracies and diverse interests encountered during the Cold War era, Tiempos Recios is a story of international conspiracies during the world conflict, the consequences of which still affect us today. The renowned Peruvian author makes this story based on two fictions: that of the narrator who freely creates characters and situations, in opposition to those who during those years wanted to control the politics and economy of a continent constantly manipulated throughout its history.

Other sites to search

Besides Amazon, there are a growing number of online sites that allow you to download books in Spanish, all of which have a large and interesting catalog. You only have to be aware of one thing: you won’t find the latest bestsellers, nor the best-known titles of authors who are still alive. But if you’re a lover of reading beyond fashion, this shouldn’t matter to you.

Project Gutenberg

Perhaps the best-known book download site of all. It has a catalog of over 60,000 books completely free to download. Besides, you will not only find books in Spanish but in many other languages.

Open Library

One of our favorites, since it gathers in one place an infinity of books of classic literature. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can also read it in other formats. All the books are cataloged, and it also has one of the best search engines for titles and authors.

Casa del Libro (House of the Book)

The crisis caused by the coronavirus has made many companies “free” their products for free use, and what La Casa del Libro has done has made us all happy. Just one thing: you can only download the books in ePub format , but in its extensive catalog you will find many interesting things to read.

Open Culture

More than a site, we should catalog Open Culture as a blog that shows you and redirects you to websites that have books to offer, all for free and with more than 800 titles in eBook format.

As we know, Kindle can support different file formats. Among several that are available, PDF is one of them. Although this is not an e-book format and the Kindle may have some problems reading them, you can transform them into another format. The site has more than 3500 books available for download in PDF (for free), which can be useful in case that you don’t find a book in other available stores.

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  • Hispanic Heritage Month

Jeremy Kaplan

T‑Mobile announced a series of initiatives to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated annually in the U.S. between September 15 and October 15.

The mobile service provider will contribute $10,000 to support the initiatives of the Latino Community Fund, a Washington-based organization focused on training Hispanic leaders and organizing activities for civic engagement, family health, arts, and culture.

Amazon's Kindles, and e-book readers, in general, allow you to toss heavy hard-bound books back onto their shelves and read anywhere you want. They're virtually hand-held libraries you can carry around in your pocket or bag, capable of storing hundreds of digital tomes and audiobooks. We've rounded out the best Black Friday deals on Kindles for you, from the humble entry-level Kindle to the Rolls-Royce of e-readers, the Kindle Oasis. Kindle -- $60 ($30 off)

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The best free ebook download sites: from new bestsellers to classic Shakespeare

Fill your Kindle or Kobo (or Nook or Onyx Boox) for free

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If you’ve taken up digital reading recently, having picked up one of the best ereaders there are on the market, you’ll find that there are ways to fill up the device without having to spend a penny.

There are thousands of ebooks available to download legally – either because their copyright has expired, or because their authors have chosen to release them without charge. And sometimes, publishing companies make them available to a limited number of readers before a public release to get feedback.

The difficulty, however, is tracking down exactly what you want in the correct format, and avoiding anything poorly written or formatted. We’ve searched through the masses of sites to bring you the very best places to download free, high-quality ebooks with minimum hassle and no legal strings attached.

It’s worth remembering that the absence of a price tag doesn’t necessarily mean that the book is in the public domain. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the author will retain rights over it, including the exclusive right to distribute it. Similarly, even if copyright has expired on an original text, certain editions may still be in copyright due to editing, translation, or extra material such as annotations.

While EPUBs are the most common type of ebook file format most ereaders can display, you’ll find digital editions in other formats as well. So if you find an ebook in a format you need, you can convert it with free software like Calibre . Please note that ebooks that are DRM protected cannot be converted.

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So, without much ado, here are the best free ebook download sites to help you get lost in a good story.

Amazon First Reads picks for July 2021

1. Amazon First Reads

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

A hidden treasure trove of new titles for your Kindle

It used to be called Kindle First Reads, but its rebranding has not changed what it truly is – a reading platform that gets you early access to newly released titles published by Amazon Publishing. Each month 10 new books are made available on First Reads – which you can get access to by signing up for the First Reads newsletter – and one of these is totally free for Amazon Prime subscribers . The rest of the new releases are available for a hugely discounted price. First Reads selections are announced on the first of each month, and you get the whole month to decide which title you want to read, after which the cycle begins anew.

As you’d expect, free ebooks from Amazon are only available in Kindle format – users of other ebook readers will need to convert the files – and you must be logged into an Amazon account to download them.

If you’re already invested in Amazon’s ecosystem, its assortment of freebies are extremely convenient. As soon as you click the 'Buy' button, the ebook will be sent to any Kindle ebook readers you own, or devices with the Kindle app installed. However, converting Kindle ebooks to other formats can be a hassle, even if they’re not protected by DRM, so users of other readers are better off looking elsewhere.

Amazon First Reads for US customers Amazon First Reads for UK customers Amazon First Reads for Australian customers

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2. Kobo eBook Store

Over a million free ebooks for your Kobo

Kobo might make some of our favorite ereaders, but the company also has a vast store of ebooks and, the company claims, over a million of them are free. There’s a dedicated section for all the Kobo freebies on the website, with several of them being newly released titles.

You can even find the free ebooks on the Kobo Store by searching for author names, a book title or genre, then selecting 'only free items' under the price filter in the left sidebar of the search results.

Kobo’s freebies are usually for a very limited time and can change each day, so you’ll likely never run out of good reads for free. That said, the books you get from the Kobo Store, even the free ones, are DRM-protected and will be available to read only on your Kobo ereader or the Kobo ereader app for smartphones and tablets.

eBook store on Google Play

3. Google Books

A vast catalogue of fiction and nonfiction EPUBs

Google Books can be a rabbit hole of self-published fiction and non-fiction titles, with several really great finds in there as well. However, the vast majority of the ebooks on Google Books are in the EPUB or PDF file format. So while that’s perfectly fine for Kobo users, Kindles don’t support EPUB and the file will need to be converted to MOBI before you start reading.

Being a Google undertaking, the store is easily accessible on a web browser or Android device, but you will need a Google account to register a card before you can access the freebies. Your card won’t be charged for the free ebooks and audiobooks, but it could put some potential users off.

Moreover, the Google Books interface wasn’t designed for free stuff. To locate them, you need to search for 'free books', which then gives you a vast catalogue of free reads. If you’re after a particular genre, you can search for that, plus the word 'free' (free fantasy or free history, for example). Once you get the hang of it, it’s easy enough to discover a veritable treasure trove of free books.

Project Gutenberg website

4. Project Gutenberg

An immersive archive of world literature

Project Gutenberg (named after the printing press that democratized knowledge) is a huge archive of over 60,000 books in EPUB, Kindle, plain text, and HTML. You can download them directly, or have them sent to your preferred cloud storage service (Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive). 

You can search for a specific title or browse by genre (books in the same genre are gathered together in bookshelves). It’s a shame that fiction and non-fiction aren’t separated, and you have to open a bookshelf before you can sort books by country, but those are fairly minor quibbles.

The site itself is available in English, German, French, Italian, and Portuguese, and the catalog includes books in all languages. There’s a heavy bias towards English-language works and translations, but the same is true of all the ebook download sites we’ve looked at here.

Project Gutenberg is a wonderful source of free ebooks – particularly for academic work. However, it uses US copyright law, which isn’t universal; some books listed as public domain might still be in copyright in other countries. RightsDirect explains the situation in more detail . website


A self-publishing platform that’s great for authors and readers alike is a platform for independent authors who want to avoid the traditional publishing route. You won’t find Dickens and Wilde in its archives; instead, there’s a huge array of new fiction, non-fiction, and even audiobooks at your fingertips, in every genre you could wish for. There are many similar sites around, but is our favorite, with new books added every day.

Because this site is dedicated to free books, there’s none of the hassle you get with filtering out paid-for content on the Kobo Store or Google Books. We also love the fact that all the site’s genres are presented on the homepage, so you don’t have to waste time trawling through menus. Unlike the bigger stores, also lets you sort results by publication date, popularity, or rating, helping you avoid the weaker titles that will inevitably find their way onto open publishing platforms (though a book has to be really quite poor to receive less than four stars).

Digital books are available as PDF, EPUB, Kindle and plain text files, though not all titles are available in all formats.

The ManyBooks website

6. ManyBooks

A curated collection of free and discounted fiction and nonfiction books

At the time of writing, ManyBooks has over 50,000 titles in its library of both fiction and nonfiction. And a large part of that is available to download for free – from modern novels to classic literature. You’ll be able to find Grimms’ Fairy Tales alongside books from Agatha Christie and newer fantasy fiction. 

That’s because the vast majority of the books on the platform are seeded from Project Gutenberg, but a whole load of self-published titles have been added since the mid-2000s. They’re all available to browse in genres, all of which are listed on the homepage itself, making navigation easy.

One of the main reasons we like ManyBooks is because of the several ebook file formats available on the site. Most of the titles are available in the most common formats, including EPUB, MOBI and AZW, so you’ll be able to read on any ereader you might prefer. ManyBooks also lets you read online, if you prefer that route.

It’s also one of the few sites we know of that lets you filter books by language. You can also search by book title and author, but there’s also a curated 'editor’s choice' section if you’re looking for more choices. Downloading books, however, requires an account which can be created for free.

Feedbooks' free public domain catalogue

7. Feedbooks

Plenty of originals available to download for free

Feedbooks came into being in 2007 as a digital library for public domain books as well as a cloud publishing service. So not only does this platform give you plenty of free classics to read – from Shakespeare to Homer to James Joyce – there are plenty of original books to choose from as well.

While it’s easy enough to access the free public domain ebooks on the site, finding the original content is harder. There’s an easy link to this category on the homepage under 'browse' but it doesn’t work. So you’ll need to trawl through a vast catalogue of digital books to find those marked down to cost nothing. It’s not the best user experience, but that extra bit of work might well be worth it if you find a story you can truly get lost in.

There are several genres as well, including short stories, so there’s likely going to be something here for everyone. And if you do choose to buy an ebook, Feedbooks displays the price in your local currency by picking up your IP address.

Smashwords website

8. Smashwords

A self-publishing platform with several free reads

It’s one of the most well-organized free ebook sites you can find and, considering it’s essentially a self-publishing platform, there’s a lot you can read for free. Authors publishing via Smashwords use it to distribute their books and, at the time of writing, there are over 85,000 titles available. To narrow down your search, there’s a handy genre list on the side, and an equally handy filter bar on the top of the page to find 'highly rated' books or the bestsellers.

You will need to set up an account with Smashwords to download books – this is completely free and gives you full access to the platform. So if you’ve got some good words to share, you can get published… for free. Creating an account also allows you to leave reviews of the books you read, which can be really helpful to the authors.'s ebook club signup

Join the club and get a free ebook each month

Tor is a publishing company known for putting out science-fiction and fantasy fiction bestsellers like Robert Jordan’s Conan and Wheel of Time series, Nnedi Okorafor’s Binti books and Brandon Sanderson’s ongoing Stormlight Archive series. So it’s not really the obvious place to look for free ebooks, but you can get one new read each month for free.

All you have to do is join Tor’s book club. 

The eBook Club sends out regular newsletters – that you can sign up for by filling out a form for free – with a link to download a particular book, whether a standalone or part of a series. However, the duration for which the book is available for free is very limited, typically just three days, so you will need to keep an eye on your inbox for the next newsletter.

The ebooks are available in EPUB and MOBI formats, so you should be able to read on any device, whether ereader or reading app on your phone or tablet.

It’s perhaps the best source of free reads that are not self-published, particularly if you’re a sci-fi or fantasy fiction fan.

OverDrive and its reading apps

10. Your local library

Use OverDrive to borrow ebooks for free

The great thing about using Kindle and Kobo ereaders is that you get access to ebook catalogues of your local library too. The Kindle library borrowing feature, however, is limited only to the US, while Kobo’s baked-in OverDrive support will set you up in several other markets.

Almost 45,000 libraries worldwide have OverDrive support, which allows you to borrow ebooks and audiobooks, as long as you have a library card. Depending on the rules of your library, you get to 'borrow' an ebook or digital magazine for a specific period of time, after which you lose access, or you can 'renew', just like you would a physical book in a bricks-and-mortar library.

Don’t use either a Kindle or a Kobo device? Libby is the mobile version of OverDrive, so installing it on your phone or tablet will give you the ability to borrow ebooks from a supported local library you’re a member of.

  • Looking for a new way to enjoy your ebooks? Take a look at our guide to the best free ebook readers

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Sharmishta Sarkar

While she's happiest with a camera in her hand, Sharmishta's main priority is being TechRadar's APAC Managing Editor, looking after the day-to-day functioning of the Australian, New Zealand and Singapore editions of the site, steering everything from news and reviews to ecommerce content like deals and coupon codes. While she loves reviewing cameras and lenses when she can, she's also an avid reader and has become quite the expert on ereaders and E Ink writing tablets, having appeared on Singaporean radio to talk about these underrated devices. Other than her duties at TechRadar, she's also the Managing Editor of the Australian edition of Digital Camera World, and writes for Tom's Guide and T3.

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Si estás buscando una manera fácil y conveniente de acceder a millones de libros y documentos digitales en formato PDF, ePUB o audio en idioma español, Z Library es la opción perfecta para ti.














































La biblioteca digital en español más grande del mundo

En Z Library encontrará una gran variedad de libros electrónicos , revistas, periódicos y documentos en español. Todos los contenidos son gratuitos y están disponibles para su descarga o lectura online en distintos formatos, como son PDF, ePub o Audio.

¿Qué ofrece Z Library en español?

En Z Library encontrará una gran variedad de géneros literarios en español , desde ficción hasta no ficción, pasando por clásicos, poesía, ensayos y mucho más. También tenemos una sección especial para niños y jóvenes, con libros y cuentos apropiados para su edad.

Además, podrá acceder a revistas y periódicos en español , con contenido actualizado regularmente. También tenemos una sección de documentos, con informes, tesis, y otros materiales de investigación.

¡Explora la gran variedad de libros de Z Library en idioma español!

En Z Library en español, encontrará una amplia variedad de libros para satisfacer sus necesidades de lectura . Con una gran selección de géneros literarios, desde ficción hasta no ficción, pasando por clásicos, poesía, ensayos y mucho más.

Sección para niños y jóvenes

Tenemos una sección especial para niños y jóvenes, con libros y cuentos apropiados para su edad. Esta sección es perfecta para fomentar el amor por la lectura desde temprana edad y ayudar a los jóvenes a desarrollar su habilidad de lectura en español.

Sección de clásicos

En Z-Library también ofrecemos una sección especial de clásicos, con títulos que han sido considerados obras maestras de la literatura en español. Esta sección es perfecta para aquellos que buscan sumergirse en la literatura clásica en español y descubrir los títulos que han influenciado a la literatura contemporánea.

Sección de ensayos y no ficción

Para aquellos interesados en la no ficción y los ensayos, ofrecemos una sección especial con una amplia variedad de títulos en estos géneros. Esta sección es perfecta para aquellos que buscan ampliar sus conocimientos y aprender sobre diferentes temas en español.

Sección de poesía

Para los amantes de la poesía, ofrecemos una sección especial con una amplia variedad de títulos de poesía en español. Esta sección es perfecta para aquellos que buscan sumergirse en la belleza de la poesía y descubrir nuevos poetas y obras.

Sección de libros de autoayuda y desarrollo personal

Para aquellos interesados en el desarrollo personal y la autoayuda, ofrecemos una sección especial con una amplia variedad de títulos en estos temas. Esta sección es perfecta para aquellos que buscan mejorar sus habilidades y conocimientos en estos ámbitos en español.

Sección de libros de negocios y economía

Para aquellos interesados en los negocios y la economía, ofrecemos una sección especial con una amplia variedad de títulos en estos temas. Esta sección es perfecta para aquellos que buscan mejorar sus habilidades y conocimientos en estos ámbitos en español.

Sección de libros de viajes y aventuras

Para aquellos amantes de los viajes y las aventuras, ofrecemos una sección especial con una amplia variedad de títulos en estos temas. Esta sección es perfecta para aquellos que buscan inspiración y vivencias emocionantes en español.

Y muchas más secciones

En resumen, Z Library en idioma español ofrece una gran variedad de libros y secciones especiales para satisfacer sus necesidades de lectura. Con la posibilidad de descargar los libros en diferentes formatos, la opción de crear una lista de favoritos y una amplia variedad de géneros literarios y secciones temáticas.

Cómo acceder a Z Library en español

Acceder a Z Library es muy sencillo. Solo necesita registrarse en nuestra página web , y una vez registrado podrá acceder a todos los contenidos de manera gratuita.

Una vez registrado, podrá buscar libros y documentos mediante nuestro buscador , o navegar por las diferentes secciones de la biblioteca. También puede crear una lista de sus libros favoritos , para tenerlos siempre a mano.

Ventajas de usar Z-Library

Descargas en diferentes formatos.

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Además, al descargar los libros en formato PDF o ePub, podrá leerlos offline, sin necesidad de estar conectado a internet. Esto es ideal si está en un lugar donde no hay conexión, o si simplemente quiere ahorrar datos móviles.

Crea tu lista de favoritos

En Z Library también puedes crear tu propia lista de libros favoritos, para tenerlos siempre a mano y acceder a ellos fácilmente. Esta función es perfecta para aquellos que están buscando una manera de organizar sus lecturas y no perder de vista sus títulos favoritos.

Estos son los puntos fuertes de Zlibrary:

  • Acceso a millones de libros y documentos en español, gratis .
  • Fácil y conveniente de usar.
  • Posibilidad de descargar los libros y documentos para leerlos offline en formatos como PDF, ePUB o audio .
  • Posibilidad de crear una lista de favoritos.
  • Contenido actualizado regularmente.

Conclusión sobre Z Library

En resumen, Z-Library es la opción perfecta para aquellos que buscan acceder a una gran variedad de libros y documentos en castellano de manera gratuita y conveniente. Con la posibilidad de descargar los libros en formatos como PDF y ePub, podrá disfrutar de sus lecturas en cualquier momento y lugar. No pierda más tiempo buscando el libro perfecto, ¡ regístrese en Z Library hoy mismo!

5 Sites With Lots of Completely Free Ebooks That Don't Suck

If you know where to look, you can snag free ebooks to read online, download to your computer, or transfer to your Kindle.

If you are an avid reader always looking for new ebooks to check out, the online options can feel limited. But, if you know where to look, you can snag free ebooks to read online, download to your computer, and/or transfer to your Kindle.

With some truly classic books from well-known authors, these websites have you covered. And there are also humor, thriller, science fiction, and romance books to discover. So, take a seat, grab your laptop, and prepare to immerse yourself in a wonderful story.

1. Planet EBook

Planet eBook is an attractive site that offers classic literature for free. Some books are out of copyright and are offered to you in an entirely legal fashion. But, be sure to click the Copyright & Usage link on the ebook details page for any restrictions on that particular book.

Right now, Planet eBook offers just over 80 books, all of which have been carefully selected. True, you will not have the buffet of thousands that you may find on other sites, but you can rest assured that each and every piece of writing on Planet eBook is of outstanding quality.

All books on the site can be downloaded as a PDF, EPUB, or MOBI file for reading at any time. So, you can enjoy titles like Wuthering Heights, A Tale of Two Cities, or Great Expectations without distractions. Again, the selection may not be enormous on Planet eBook; however, if you want a quick and easy way to find the best of best when it comes to the classics, this site delivers.

2. ManyBooks

ManyBooks works in the same way as Planet eBook, offering classic literature for free. However, where Planet eBook presents a carefully selected array of literature, ManyBooks handles everything in bulk (as the name truthfully implies).

At the time of writing, there are over 50,000 free and discounted books available and the majority of those are available for many readers. Plus, you can read online or download your pick as a PDF, EPUB, MOBI, or similar file format.

To find a book, you can browse by genre, author, title, trending, or language. You can also look through the editor’s picks or search for a particular book or author.

As a bonus, you can subscribe to the ManyBooks email newsletter to get deals delivered straight to your inbox. Overall, ManyBooks is a solid way to find free ebooks worth reading.

3. Classic Reader [Broken URL Removed]

Classic Reader resides somewhere between Planet eBook and ManyBooks. It offers a large selection of fiction, non-fiction, classical, drama, and young reader options. You can also browse through the poetry and short story sections for some light reading.

Once you choose a book, you can read it online. Since the site employs a basic UI, this makes reading those books you choose a nice, unobtrusive experience. Each book’s table of contents makes it easy to pick up on the chapter you left off when reading online. And, if you sign up for a free account you can download books as well.

Classic Reader may not have as many titles as some other sites, with just under 4,000 at the time of writing. However, you can still enjoy a classic from Charles Dickens, Jules Verne, or H.G. Wells. And, if you have a favorite author, you can view all ebooks available from that author besides their biography. Overall, Classic Reader may not be the prettiest of this bunch, but it is definitely worth checking out.

4. Project Gutenberg

With almost 60,000 free ebooks, you will definitely find a good read on the Project Gutenberg site. You can search for a specific title, look at recently added books, or check out the Top 100 ebooks. If you want to browse through offline options, for example, if you have a slow internet connection, the site offers a catalog specific to those types of books.

There are a few things that make Project Gutenberg stand out from other free ebook sites. First, you can either read the books online, with a reader like Kindle, or download them to read later. Second, you can send the books to Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive with the click of a button.

Third, you can access the mobile site using the link or QR code provided on the main page. So, reading on your mobile device is perfect for work breaks or bus rides. Finally, if you sign up for a free membership, you can bookmark those ebooks you are reading online, which is handy for picking up right where you leave off.

Project Gutenberg provides select books in a variety of languages from Chinese to Yiddish and categories from animals to technology. For a huge collection, a number of reading avenues, and a few little extras, check out Project Gutenberg.


One more website to check out for free ebooks you’ll love is With thousands of books to choose from, in tons of categories, there is definitely something for every taste, mood, or preference.

Search for a certain title, author, or subject to find what you’re looking for right off the bat. Or browse through the categories neatly displayed on the left. If you sign up for a free account, you can save your favorites and share a link to the book with your friends on social media or via email.

When you’re ready to download a book, the site supports EPUB, PDF, and MOBI file formats, so you should be covered with your reader. The only real limitation the site has is that you can only download up to 50 ebooks per day, but this shouldn’t be a problem for most people.

If you want to bookmark another great site for free ebooks, then visit and take it for a spin.

More Free Ebooks Than You Can Ever Read

Hopefully you are ready to visit these terrific sites for free ebooks. Then, when you are in the mood to sit down with a good book, whether during a break at school or on vacation, you will not have to look far. On that note, here are our tips to find Kindle books to read on vacation .

We have really just scratched the surface here, so you should read our guide detailing how to find infinite free Kindle books next to continue your quest for freebies. And if you want to buy books, too, visit these top online ebook stores for the best variety and prices.

Image Credit: Mike Beales/ Flickr

50+ Spanish Books for Free! [PDF]

* If you have doubts about how to download free books from InfoBooks, visit our guide to downloading books .

Spanish Books

If Spanish is a language you are practicing and you are also a lover of reading, this section is designed for you! 

We have at your disposal a great variety of books in Spanish totally free. You will be able to enjoy the classic works of the best authors of the literary world in the Spanish language. 

For this, we have created a collection of books in PDF format for each genre or subject of your interest: from the tender and loving side of reading to the most chilling stories.

Immersing yourself in the stories we share with you in our collections will help you practice, understand and fall in love with Spanish even more.

If you not only want to read classic books in Spanish , but you are also interested in a particular subject of study, such as medicine, history, or biology… we invite you to visit InfoLibros where you will find a wide collection of free books in Spanish.

1) Books in Spanish for Beginners

Books in Spanish for Beginners

Immersing oneself in the literary richness of the Spanish language from its foundations can be a revelatory experience for those seeking to learn the language.

Promoting the reading of these classics not only strengthens language skills but also enriches cultural understanding.

Books in Spanish for beginners go beyond grammar and vocabulary, as readers delve into literary worlds that have left an indelible mark on history.

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2) Famous Books in Spanish

Famous Books in Spanish

This selection of 50 famous books in Spanish invites you to immerse yourself in a wide variety of literary works that span different genres and countries.

Whether you prefer to delve into a captivating love story, unravel the mysteries of an exciting thriller, or reflect on ethical dilemmas in an essay, this collection has something for everyone.

In addition to providing entertainment, reading these famous books in Spanish is an excellent way to improve your language skills and enrich your vocabulary.

3) Horror Books in Spanish

Horror Books in Spanish

The literary genre of terror has as its main objective to provoke fear in readers, in fact, the main characteristic of this genre is the effect it generates in the audience, which we refer to as fear.

Horror books are distinguished by managing to affect the thoughts of the people who read them, through the events that the story covers; these events can be executed by human characters or not.

According to what experts say, a character of supernatural origin or belonging to the monster category is not required to terrify readers. You can see this and enjoy it in each of the categories ofhorror books that we have put together for you.

Enjoy this selection of 15 horror books in Spanish.

4) Love Books in Spanish

Love Books in Spanish

The concept of love is broad and complex. It can refer to love as friendship, romantic love, filial love,  self-love , mystical love or love for a cause.

While it is true that love has become the main theme of various literary works, it is also true that it is expressed in different ways.

The point of view of the writers is evidenced in every story expressed on paper. In each written work love is expressed in various ways: Impossible love, Tragic love, Love and passion, among others.

Enjoy this selection of 15 love books in Spanish.

5) Novels in Spanish

Novels in Spanish

The Novel is undoubtedly the most used narrative genre, so much so that it was considered to be a literary genre different from the narration, but it could not be separated from it due to the use of elements that compose it.

It is generally written in prose, and its content is quite extensive compared to the short story, therefore it usually contains many chapters that are related to each other, thus developing the story from beginning to end.

Most novels are usually fictional, however, great writers such as Miguel de Cervantes and Gabriel García Márquez managed to give a unique touch to their works, which are part of the classics of world literature, and serve as an example for current and emerging writers.

Enjoy this selection of 15 Novels in Spanish.

6) Short Books in Spanish

Short Books in Spanish

Short books in Spanish are like literary pills that allow you to savor storytelling in its most condensed and effective form.

From gripping dramas to science fiction worlds, these short books in Spanish are an invitation to literary adventure.

Each book is a literary gem that will transport you to diverse worlds and emotions in just a few pages. And the best part is, they are completely free in PDF format.

7) Spanish Books for Kids

Spanish Books for Kids

Discover a world full of fun and learning with our collection of Spanish books for children! These free books are the perfect way to immerse yourself in Spanish while exploring exciting stories and endearing characters.

Our collection has been specially curated for children who are starting to learn Spanish. The books feature simple vocabulary and structures, making it easy to understand and learn the language.

From classic tales to interactive books, each story is designed to capture the attention of little ones and help them develop their Spanish skills in a fun and stimulating way.

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The 25 Best Places to Find Free Ebooks in 2024

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Blog – Posted on Thursday, Apr 01

The 25 best places to find free ebooks in 2024.

The 25 Best Places to Find Free Ebooks in 2024

In recent years, the ebook format has exploded in popularity. Today, it only takes a few clicks to find the ebook version of almost any title. And while you can always save money on discount ebooks, doesn’t the idea of free ebooks sound pretty sweet?

Luckily, there are tons of different ebook platforms that offer exactly that. Here you'll find 25 places to get free ebooks, from mainstream ebook retailers to digital libraries that fill in the gaps! We’ll start with the former, but if you can’t find that elusive ebook in these first few stores, fear not: you have plenty of other options.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the number of great books out there, you can also take our 30-second quiz below to narrow it down quickly and get a personalized book recommendation 😉

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1. Amazon Kindle Store

If you’re seeking free Kindle books , you’re in luck! The Amazon Kindle Store has two sections dedicated to just that: its Free Popular Classics page and its list of Top 100 Free Best Sellers . For those who enjoy indie books, Kindle Unlimited could also be a good investment — it’s $9.99/month, so not quite free, but you’ll gain access to over a million titles and there’s no cap on how many books you can read per month.

2. Apple Book Store

The Apple Books Store is another big-name ebook retailer with a nice selection of free titles. You’ll find them divided by category under the Free Books tab in the sidebar: Newly Added, First in a Series, Try Something New, and many more. Though its range isn’t as extensive as Amazon’s, the Apple Book Store is a solid choice if you’re looking for free fiction, especially if you like gripping suspense books and/or speculative fiction.

3. Google Play Bookstore

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Google Play makes it easy to find free books on its digital store — unlike on other sites, you can simply enter “free ebooks” into the search bar (makes sense for a search engine, right?). You’ll be directed to this page of freebies, and can click “See more” to explore. There aren’t many big-name titles available for free on the Google Play Store, but if you’re interested in nonfiction (especially test prep and self-help books ), it’s definitely worth scoping out.

4. Barnes & Noble Online

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Despite originating as a brick-and-mortar bookstore, the Barnes & Noble digital shop is stocked with plenty of free and discount books. It also retains a reassuring element of human curation, with “Staff Picks” at the top of B&N’s Free eBooks page , as well as an eye-catching section of free magazines below. Readers should note that some free titles can only be read on B&N’s NOOK Reading App; it’s free to download, but does add an extra step to the process.

5. Kobo Bookstore

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Kobo is the last major player in the literary e-tailer game, with a huge digital store and its own brand of e-readers. To find Kobo’s free ebook section, hover over the “eBooks” tab at the top of the page and click Free eBooks on the right. Even seasoned readers will be impressed by the selection, as Kobo offers a number of free titles you won’t see anywhere else, particularly in the romance and thriller genres — and also features a list of #ownvoices authors for those craving more diverse reads.

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Needless to say, if you’re looking for free ebooks, is a fine place to start. With thousands of ebooks available to download, you’ll never run out of reading material… however, you’ll be hard-pressed to find works by well-known authors. Forge ahead if you’re intrigued by a vast landscape of free indie ebooks — or check out Free-Ebooks’ extensive classics package for some more recognizable titles.

7. Project Gutenberg

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If you’ve ever Googled any variation of “[iconic classic novel] read online”, you’re probably already familiar with Project Gutenberg . This tremendous digital archive was founded all the way back in 1971, and today hosts over 60,000 documents and books, all of which are free to access. For those in search of plain-text, easily searchable, copy-and-pastable versions of Jane Austen and Charles Dickens books , look no further: Project Gutenberg has you covered.

8. Open Culture

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Open Culture is another great place to find classic novels by authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Virginia Woolf, and even the massive tomes of Proust and Tolstoy. Take note that Open Culture doesn’t host ebooks, instead serving as a hub for all manner of free online resources. However, you can find its impressive master list of 800 free books right here , with multiple links to download these texts or read them online, depending on which file format you prefer.

9. Freebooksy

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Freebooksy, a popular book promotion site , is also a hub rather than a host site, linking out to free books on various retailers. What sets Freebooksy apart as a platform is that it only features ebooks that are free that day, so get ’em while they’re hot! You can browse each day’s selections right there on the homepage , or subscribe to the Freebooksy newsletter to receive them in your inbox.

10. BookBub

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BookBub is another excellent promotional tool for authors and a quality source of free and discount books for readers. To access BookBub’s current freebies, just click Free Ebooks under the “Readers” tab at the bottom of the page. Here you’ll find abundant free titles with links to download them on Amazon and more. Also, if you’d like to see deals in a specific genre or for a certain retailer, you can select it on the left — though you’ll have to sort through these, as BookBub’s category pages mix both 100% free and discount promotions.

11. ManyBooks

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The ManyBooks premise is simple: “Lots of ebooks. 100% free.” Select a genre, scroll through “Today’s Free Ebooks and Deals”, or check out the “Editor’s Choice” recs to see what’s worth your while. Indeed, ManyBooks offers a great deal in the way of quality control, from the ability to sort books by average rating to its own book review blog . If you’re looking for ebooks endorsed by real people, ManyBooks is the site for you.

12. OverDrive

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Used by over 43,000 libraries and schools worldwide, OverDrive allows anyone with a library card to pull ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines from its digital bookshelves. Though there can  be long waiting lists for popular books (just like a real library — quaint, no?), borrowing them on OverDrive is a much better alternative than scouring the Internet in vain. Browse its featured collections, or search by title or author to locate the book you have in mind. And if you’d rather read on your phone, be sure to download OverDrive’s mobile app, Libby .

13. Open Library

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Coming in hot with another virtual library, we have Open Library , a division of the long-running Internet Archive. This site is convenient because you don’t have to deal with multiple libraries;  any ebook on Open Library can be borrowed with a single click. Keep in mind that the site has a narrower selection as a result, and most recent releases aren’t available. But if you’re content to read books that came out a few years ago, Open Library won’t let you down.

14. Get Free Ebooks

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Pivoting back to non-library sites, you’ll find plenty of ebooks on none other than Get Free Ebooks — though again, this one isn’t an ebook hosting platform, but a site that links out to other sources. However, if you’re seeking helpful literary lists divided by genre and subject, this is the place to be. Check out their top compilations of ebooks for tons of interesting titles, or select a genre under the “Top Categories” list at the bottom of the page.


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A reliable source for all things ebook-related, offers up a fairly large collection of free books , with a focus on the classics. Its online e-reader runs pretty smoothly and is nice for readers who like to mark up their texts, with options to highlight passages and leave notes. However, those looking to download their ebooks should be aware that requires you to install Adobe Digital Editions first (it’s a free program, but may still be a drawback for readers hoping to conserve storage space).

16. Reedsy Discovery

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For those who like to properly digest their free ebooks and then share your thoughts with an audience, consider becoming a reviewer on Reedsy Discovery! You’ll receive a free ebook copy of every title you pick up for review, plus you’ll gain followers and can even get tipped for your work. If that’s not a great bargain, we don’t know what is.

17. Planet Ebook

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If the refreshingly minimalist design of Planet Ebook doesn’t instantly convince you of its merits, its sizable catalogue of public domain books certainly will. And because it’s based in Australia, Planet Ebook pulls from a wider public domain than in the US, so you may be able to find titles on there that you couldn’t find elsewhere. To survey its full list of books, click here .

18. Standard Ebooks

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Standard Ebooks is another site that’s easy on the eyes, mainly for the beautiful book covers that accompany each title in its library — perfectly in line with the project’s mission to provide free ebooks that “meet or exceed the quality of commercially produced ebooks.” Indeed, here are 500+ books that aren’t just “standard,” but exceptionally formatted. Readers in constant search of nice-looking classics, make sure to bookmark this site.

19. Feedbooks

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On Feedbooks, a site that hosts vast quantities of ebooks to purchase, you can also find free public domain ebooks and free original books . The latter should appeal to readers who have gotten their fill of the public domain, especially as Feedbooks offers some books to download that mainstream retailers do not. However, be prepared to sift carefully through its offerings, as the free offerings can get mixed up with priced ebooks on its featured pages — you may have to search “free” in the upper righthand corner to get what you came for.

20. Book Cave

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Book Cave has a pretty compelling headline: “Free ebooks you’ll actually want to read.” You’ll find the aforementioned ebooks right here , with sophisticated filters attached. Not only can you divide these books up by genre, but also by maturity level and even sensitive content, if you wish to exclude violence, profanity, etc. With nearly 2,000 free books available and all these ways to filter them, Book Cave really does help readers find precisely what they want.

21. Smashwords

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Since so many authors use Smashwords as an aggregator to distribute their ebooks , the Smashwords store ends up hosting quite a few books itself — and according to its stat counter, a whopping 86,000+ of those books are available for free. You can browse through them all here , though you’ll probably want to select a category in the sidebar to narrow it down.

22. BookRix

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Another popular self-publishing platform, BookRix hosts thousands of freebies in its online library , most of which are original stories from brand-new authors. Indeed, BookRix is more Wattpad than Amazon KDP , since ebooks can be of any length and fanfiction is allowed. For readers looking to expand their horizons or just have fun, BookRix is definitely worth a shot.

23. Baen Books

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And for readers who adore science fiction and fantasy , Baen Books could be your new favorite corner of the Internet. This publisher, founded by celebrated SFF editor Jim Baen, has grown into a wonderful hub for SFF readers and writers alike — complete with plenty of Baen ebooks in its Free Library . Many are actually the first in a series, so if you’re looking for a new fantastical world in which to immerse yourself, Baen Books should be your first stop.

24. BookBoon

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We also can’t leave out BookBoon , a site that provides free e-textbooks, making it an incredibly valuable resource for students and autodidacts alike. If you’re in school or know someone else who is, this site needs to be on your radar: under their free “Student” plan, BookBoon offers 1,000+ full-length textbooks, on subjects ranging from chemistry to communications. Go get your Good Will Hunting on!

25. The Online Books Page

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Speaking of academic resources, the University of Pennsylvania’s Online Books Page is a clean, accessible hub for over three million ebooks and digitized papers — some originally published more than two centuries ago. For the historically inclined, this site (which also has a pretty good search engine) is a veritable fountain of knowledge.

Hungry for more? Check out this list of additional places to find free books online , or our post on where to find free audiobooks . Happy freebie’ing!

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