Blog > Powerful Quotes for your PowerPoint Presentations

Powerful Quotes for your PowerPoint Presentations

07.24.20   •  #powerpointtips.

One of the most powerful ways to begin a presentation is to start by sharing a influential and morable quote that relates to the message of your talk. This can loosen up the beginning, consciously encourage important things while speaking or end the presentation with a meaningful conclusion and underline the main topic again.

This will bring liveliness and power to your presentation and create a more pleasant environment for your audience!

Quotes for presentations. Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Albert Einstein.

Quotes can be funny, inspirational, profound, successful, motivational, meaningless or basically everything! The most important thing is that they fit the today´s topic, correspond to the situation. This means, that they are appropriate and reinforce the actual theme.

If you are looking for great lines you can use in your PowerPoint or other presentations, you are perfectly right here! Read the following article to get inspired and to find a suitable citation you can use for your speech in school, work, business or anywhere and to leave an unforgettable impression on your presentation.

To save time, we have already created PowerPoint Templates below, which you can download for free!

According to time:

Quotes for Beginning

Quotes while presenting, quotes for ending.

According to category:

In case you need more specific citations, have a look at different sections of quotes:

Inspirational / Motivational

With quotations to open your presentation you can represent yourself in a great authentic and relaxed way. The audience gets an exciting insight into the upcoming topic and in the best case can relate with the citation and thus build a sympathetic bond to you as the presenter. And all this is achieved by just one simple sentence.

How we live is what makes us real. Quotes for PowerPoint

Powerful quotes to start your presentation

  • "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." - Mark Twain
  • "If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough." – Albert Einstein
  • "Words may inspire but action creates change." – Simon Sinek
  • "Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet." - Bob Marley
  • "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." – David Brinkley
  • "Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games." - Babe Ruth | Baseball Legend
  • "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." - Bill Gates
  • "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently." - Warren Buffett
  • "The golden rule for every business man is this: Put yourself in your customer’s place." - Orison Swett Marden
  • "You can't blame gravity for falling in love." - Albert Einstein

Using powerful citations while speaking makes your presentation much more exciting and memorable. A meaningful quotation gives your words much more power and emphasis and can additionally emphasize important things. Furthermore, if a listener hears a mentioned citation of your presentation one more time, he will most likely remember you.

Follow that dream. PowerPoint quotes for presentations

Powerful quotes to reinforce essential topics

  • "Some entrepreneurs think how can I make a lot of money? But a better way is to think how can I make people’s lives a lot better? If you get it right, the money will come." - Richard Branson
  • "When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, ‘Nah, what’s wrong with a horse?’ That was a huge bet he made, and it worked." - Elon Musk
  • "Please think about your legacy, because you’re writing it every day." – Gary Vaynerchuck
  • "Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid." - Albert Einstein
  • "When you find an idea that you can’t stop thinking about, that’s probably a good one to pursue." – Josh James
  • "Don’t worry about failure, you only have to be right once." – Drew Houston
  • "You just have to pay attention to what people need and what has not been done." - Russel Simmmons
  • "If people like you they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you they’ll do business with you." – Zig Ziglar
  • "Don’t build links. Build relationships." – Rand Fishkin
  • "There is no great genius without some touch of madness." – Seneca

marketing presentation quotes

With citations you have the opportunity to clarify the topic just dealt with in one sentence and it is highly recommended to use this chance. Your audience will remember the end best, as it is the shortest, so it should be well chosen and memorable. It should also match your personality as well as the theme and be catchy.

It always seems impossible, until it's done. Nelson Mandela. Quote for PowerPoint

Powerful quotes to close your presentation

  • "100 percent of the shots you don’t take, don’t go in." – Wayne Gretzky | Hockey Legend
  • "When I’m old and dying. I plan to look back on my life and say ‘Wow, an adventure’ not, ‘Wow, I sure felt safe.’" – Tom Preston Werner
  • "I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been." – Wayne Gretzy
  • "It isn’t what we say or think that denies us, but what we do." – Jane Austen
  • "Get action. Do things; be sane; don’t fritter away your time; create, act, take a place wherever you are and be someone; get action." – Theodore Roosevelt
  • "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." – Barack Obama
  • "You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having." – Frank Lloyd Wright
  • "It always seems impossible until it’s done." – Nelson Mandela
  • "I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work." – Thomas Edison
  • "If you think you are too small to make an impact try going to bed with a mosquito in the room." - Ekaterina Walter

Best citations by category

Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion. Tony Hsieh. PPT quote

  • "Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value." - Albert Einstein
  • "Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion." - Tony Hsieh
  • "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney
  • "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein
  • "He who only does what he can will always remain what he is." - Henry Ford

You can't blame gravity for falling in love. -Albert Einstein. Funny quote

  • "Success is like being pregnant, everybody congratulates you, but nobody knows how many times you got fucked." - Author unknown
  • "If you want your children to listen, try talking softly to someone else." - Ann Landers
  • "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein
  • "Anger is a hot coal that you hold in your hand while waiting to throw it at someone else." - Buddha

The only thing, that overcomes hard luck is hard work. Harry Golden. Quotes used in PowerPoints

  • "Either you run the day or the day runs you." - Jim Rohn
  • "It's the will not the skill." - Jim Tunney
  • "Happiness is the real sense of fulfillment that comes from hard work." - Joseph Barbara
  • "I have never done that before so I should definitely be able to do it!" - Pippi Longstocking
  • "The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work." - Harry Golden

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. Bill Gates. Buisness quote.

  • "Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect makes a few men rich." - Henry Ford
  • "The prize for success is that it unlocks harder challenges with more at stake for next time." - Author unknown
  • "The opposite to good design is always bad design. There is no such thing as no design." - Adam Judge

If you want to be happy, be happy. -Leo Tolstoy. motivational quote

  • "A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do." - Bob Dylan
  • "The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it." - Henry Ford
  • "If you want to be happy, be happy." - Leo Tolstoy
  • "So far you have survived 100% of your worst days." - Author unknown
  • "Great Lessons are only learned when the stakes are high." - Georgina Hobart

Chinese language quote. When written in chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters. ONe represents Danger and the other one represents opportunity. John F. Kennedy

  • "When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity." - John F. Kennedy
  • "When in doubt, don't." - Benjamin Franklin
  • "The higher we are placed, the more humbly we should walk." - Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • "Easy choises, hard life. Hard choices easy life." - Jerzy Gregorek
  • "What you begrudge others will be withheld from yourself." - Author unknown

Now you have 60 quotes you can incorporate into your presentation to stand out from the everyday, all-too-familiar phrases that everyone knows.

But remember: Under no circumstances should they be discriminatory, racist or offensive, so you need to make yourself known in advance through your audience.

Leave your personal impression and convince your audience with simple but incredibly strong lines!

Free PowerPoint Templates

In addition, we have already created some PowerPoint templates for you, which you can download for free. Simply replace the existing quotes or image if you want and adapt the slides to your presentation!

PowerPoint Quote design ideas

What are good quotes for starting a presentation?

By opening your presentation with a quote you can represent yourself in an authentic way. The audience gets an exciting insight into the upcoming topic and in the best case can relate with the quote and thus build a sympathetic bond to you as the presenter. And all this is achieved by just one simple sentence. Here is a list of good quotes to begin a presentation .

What are good quotes for ending a presentation?

With citations you have the opportunity to clarify the topic just dealt with in one sentence and it is highly recommended to use this chance. Your audience will remember the end best, so it should be well chosen and memorable. It should also match your personality as well as the theme and be catchy. Here is a list of good quotes to finish a presentation .

What are powerful quotes for a PowerPoint presentation?

One of the most powerful ways to begin a presentation is to start by sharing a influential and memorable quote that relates to the message of your talk. This can loosen up the beginning, consciously encourage important things while speaking or end the presentation with a meaningful conclusion and underline the main topic again. We have collected 60 powerful quotes for your PowerPoint presentation .

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About the author.

marketing presentation quotes

Philipp Angerer

Philipp is a creative supporter at SlideLizard in marketing and design. There he uses his imagination and provides creative freshness, also in blog articles.

marketing presentation quotes

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An e-lecture is a lecture that is held online. Many schools and universities offer e-lectures as technical opportunities improve.

Notes Page view

The Notes Page view in PowerPoint shows a smaller version of the slide with a small area for notes underneath. In the presentation every slide has it's own space for notes. During the presentation the notes do not appear on screen. They are just visible in the presentation mode.

.pptm file extension

A .pptm file is a macro-enabled presentation created by MS PowerPoint which contains slides with layout, images, texts and embedded macros.

Title Slide

The title slide is the first slide of a presentation. It usually contains a title and a subtitle.

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50 powerful quotes to start your presentation.

marketing presentation quotes

Written by Kai Xin Koh

marketing presentation quotes

When was the last time you attended a conference where the speaker didn’t just say: “Oh hi, my name is XYZ and today, I’ll be speaking to you about Topic X”?

Great stories possess riveting narrative arcs that begin strong and end strong. We’ve written at length about some of the best ways to end your presentation , but how does one design a presentation to start without sounding too cliche?

One of the most powerful ways to begin a presentation is to start by sharing a powerful and memorable quote that relates to the message of your talk.

Powerful quotes have so much power on your presentation. Not only does it help reinforce your message, it also helps boost your credibility since it implied the quote is ‘agreeing’ with your statement.

Take this TED talk by Andrew Solomon for example. Notice how he skilfully uses a quote from a book by Emily Dickinson to set the stage for his numerous anecdotes regarding the topic on Depression in his presentation:

Hence, if you’re looking to follow suit and start your next presentation strong with a powerful quote, we’ve got you covered. Here, we compiled a list of 50 quotes that you can use to boost your next presentation.

50 Powerful Quotes To Start Your Presentation:

1)   “ The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” –  Mark Twain

2) “Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games.” –  Babe Ruth

3) “ If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” –  Albert Einstein

4) “ If you’re too comfortable, it’s time to move on. Terrified of what’s next? You’re on the right track.” –  Susan Fales Hill

5) “ Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” –  Bill Gates

6) “ You can’t look at the competition and say you’re going to do it better. You have to look at the competition and say you’re going to do it differently.” –  Steve Jobs

7) “ Make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to perfect.” –  Jack Dorsey

8) “ Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.” –  Oprah Winfrey

9) “ Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after an experience with you becomes your trademark.” –  Jay Danzie

10)  “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” –  Warren Buffett

11)  “Some entrepreneurs think how can I make a lot of money? But a better way is to think how can I make people’s lives a lot better? If you get it right, the money will come.” –  Richard Branson

12)  “When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, ‘Nah, what’s wrong with a horse? ’ That was a huge bet he made, and it worked.” –  Elon Musk

13)  “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” –  Ray Goforth

14)   “Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.” –  Charles F. Kettering

15)  “People rarely buy what they need. They buy what they want.”   – Seth Godin

16)  “Please think about your legacy, because you’re writing it every day.”   – Gary Vaynerchuck

17)  “The golden rule for every business man is this: Put yourself in your customer’s place.” –  Orison Swett Marden

18)  “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”   –  David Brinkley

19)  “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid.”   –  Einstein

20)  “The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.”   –  Lilly Tomlin

21)  “ When you run a part of the relay and pass on the baton, there is no sense of unfinished business in your mind. There is just the sense of having done your part to the best of your ability. That is it. The hope is to pass on the baton to somebody who will run faster and run a better marathon.”   – N. R. Narayana Murthy

22)  “Whatever you’re thinking, think bigger.” – Tony Hsieh

23)  “When you find an idea that you can’t stop thinking about, that’s probably a good one to pursue.”   – Josh James

24)  “What would you do if you’re not afraid?” –  Sheryl Sandberg

25)  “Don’t worry about failure, you only have to be right once.”   – Drew Houston

26)  “When I’m old and dying. I plan to look back on my life and say ‘Wow, an adventure’ not, ‘Wow, I sure felt safe’” – Tom Preston Werner

27)  “80% of your sales comes from 20% of your clients.”   – Vilfredo Pareto

28)  “You just have to pay attention to what people need and what has not been done.”   – Russell Simmons

29)  “We are really competing against ourselves, we have no control over how other people perform.”   – Pete Cashmore

30)  “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”   – Wayne Gretzy

31)  “Always remember, your focus determines your reality.”   – George Lucas

32)  “If people like you they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you they’ll do business with you.”   – Zig Ziglar

33)  “Words may inspire but action creates change.”   – Simon Sinek

34)  “It isn’t what we say or think that denies us, but what we do.”   – Jane Austen

35)  “Get action. Do things; be sane; don’t fritter away your time; create, act, take a place wherever you are and be someone; get action.”   – Theodore Roosevelt

36)  “There is only one boss. The customer.” – Sam Walton

37)  “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” – Barack Obama

38)  “You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having.” –  Frank Lloyd Wright

39)  “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

40)  “Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” – Bob Marley

41)  “There is no great genius without some touch of madness.”    – Seneca

42)  “If you think you are too small to make an impact try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.” – Ekaterina Walter

43)   “If you just work on stuff that you like and you’re passionate about, you don’t have to have a master plan with how things will play out.” – Mark Zuckerberg

44)   “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” –  Thomas Edison

45)  “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”  – Abraham Lincoln

46)  “Don’t build links. Build relationships.”   – Rand Fishkin

47)   “100 percent of the shots you don’t take, don’t go in.”   –  Wayne Gretzky, Hockey Legend

48)  “If you’ve got an idea, start today. There’s no better time than now to get going. That doesn’t mean quit your job and jump into your idea 100 percent from day one, but there’s always small progress that can be made to start the movement.” – Kevin Systrom, Founder of Instagram

49)   “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.”   –  Jack Welch, Former CEO of GE

50)    “You must be very patient, very persistent. The world isn’t going to shower gold coins on you just because you have a good idea. You’re going to have to work like crazy to bring that idea to the attention of people. They’re not going to buy it unless they know about it.”  –   Herb Kelleher, Founder of Southwest Airlines.

There you have it!

Phew! – now you have an additional 50 powerful quotes that you can add in your presentation arsenal. Leave an unforgettable impression on your presentation with these quotes starting today!

Comment down your favourite quote. And let us know if you have any that we didn’t add to the list!

Article Written By: Kai Xin Koh

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50 quotes to enhance your presentations

  • Written by: Shay O’Donnell
  • Categories: Sales presentations , Visual communication
  • Comments: 6

presentation quotes

Whether you’re looking to inspire your audience, need a strong presentation starter, or want a concise soundbite to end your presentation with, using a quote in your presentation can be a great way to support your slides’ story and enhance your presentation’s flow. Presentation quotes give you – as the presenter – a moment to breathe, while the audience is reading the slide ( a reminder of why you shouldn’t be reading your quotes aloud is here ). They enable your audience to quickly and concisely understand your presentation’s key message, and give you an extra boost of credibility to boot.

The struggle comes when you have to find presentation quotes that fit your story, come from a reputable source, and have an attribution to get you through legal and compliance checks. But worry not: BrightCarbon have done the hard work for you!

We have compiled 50 presentation quotes and categorized them into 10 themes so that you can easily find a quote that resonates with your message, be it in a sales presentation, keynote speech, or training deck. All the quotes include references and attributions, so that you can sail through compliance and get on with creating a stunning presentation!

Pop this in your bookmarks tab (you’ll thank us later!), then dig in and find the perfect presentation quotes below:

Innovation quotes for presentations

  • “Innovation, as I understand it, is both about doing different things as well as doing things differently.” Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Biotech Entrepreneur From an interview with Dr. Bhavana Weidman on (January 04, 2014)
  • “Innovation is more than having new ideas: it includes the process of successfully introducing them or making things happen in a new way. It turns ideas into useful, practicable and commercial products or services.” John Adair, Writer on Business Leadership. Effective Innovation (2009), Revised Edition ch. 11
  • “Every new thing creates two new questions and two new opportunities.” Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of Amazon From ‘The electricity metaphor for the web’s future’, presented at TED2003 (February 2003)
  • “Innovation is fostered by information gathered from new connections; from insights gained by journeys into other disciplines or places; from active, collegial networks and fluid, open boundaries. “Innovation arises from ongoing circles of exchange, where information is not just accumulated or stored, but created. Knowledge is generated anew from connections that weren’t there before.” Meg Wheatley, Author and Management Consultant Leadership and the New Science (2001)
  • “We are all looking for the magic formula. Well, here you go: Creativity + Iterative Development = Innovation.” James Dyson, Founder of Dyson ‘James Dyson on Innovation’,  Ingenia , Issue 24 (September 2005)

marketing presentation quotes

Design quotes for presentations

  • “Good design begins with honesty, asks tough questions, comes from collaboration and from trusting your intuition.” Freeman Thomas, Automobile and Industrial Designer Reviving Professional Learning Communities: Strength Through Diversity, Conflict, Teamwork, and Structure (2012) p. 63
  • “The urge for good design is the same as the urge to go on living. The assumption is that somewhere, hidden, is a better way of doing things.” Harry Bertoia, Artist and Designer As quoted in 1000 Chairs , Carlotte and Peter Fiell (2005) p. 66
  • “People think it’s this veneer — that the designers are handed this box and told, ‘Make it look good!’ That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs, Chairman and CEO of Apple Inc. As quoted in ‘The Guts of a New Machine’, Rob Walker, The New York Times Magazine (November 30, 2003)
  • “Design is redesign.” Jan Michl, Professor Emeritus, Phdr. History and Theories of Design ‘On seeing design as redesign’,  Scandinavian Journal of Design History , Issue 12 (2002) p. 7-23
  • “Design is not about products, design is about relationships.” Hella Jongerius, Industrial Designer ‘Beyond the New: a search for ideals in design’, a manifesto by Hella Jongerius and Louise Schouwenberg (2015) 

marketing presentation quotes

Education and learning quotes for presentations

  • “We are now at a point where we must educate our children in what no one knew yesterday, and prepare our schools for what no one knows yet.” Margaret Mead, Anthropologist and Author As quoted in How They Work In Indiana : Business-Education Partnerships , Andrew L. Zehner (1994)
  • “The most important thing any teacher has to learn, not to be learned in any school of education I ever heard of, can be expressed in seven words: Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners.” John Holt, Author and Educator Growing Without Schooling , Issue   40 (1984)
  • “True education means fostering the ability to be interested in something.” Sumio Iijima, Physicist ‘About myself, To the younger generation’,  Innovative Engine  (September 25, 2007)
  • “If you think education is expensive — try ignorance.” ‘Ask Ann Landers’ Syndicated Advice Column (October 4, 1975)
  • “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” Plutarch, Greek Historian, Biographer, and Essayist On Listening to Lectures

marketing presentation quotes

Success quotes for presentations

  • “Success is fucking up on your own terms.” Guillermo del Toro, Director and Producer From Portland Mercury Q&A (September 29, 2010)
  • “We cannot say what brings us success. We can only pin down what blocks or obliterates success. Eliminate the downside, the thinking errors, and the upside will take care of itself. This is all we need to know.” Rolf Dobelli, Author and Businessman The Art of Thinking Clearly (2013)
  • “The secret to success is the willingness to serve without aspiring for rewards.” Cham Joof, Gambian Historian Gambia, Land of our heritage,  p IV
  • “Failure and success are not episodes, they are trajectories. They are tendencies, directions, pathways. Each decision, each time at bat, each tennis serve, each business quarter, each school year seems like a new event, but the next performance is shaped by what happened last time out, unless something breaks the streak. The meaning of any particular event is shaped by what’s come before.” Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Author and Management Consultant Confidence (2006)
  • “Success is more than a good idea. It is timing.” Anita Roddick, Founder of The Body Shop From an interview on

marketing presentation quotes

Creativity quotes for presentations

  • “Relaxed, playful and harmonious moments are the birth place of creativity.” Amit Ray, Author and Spiritual Master Meditation: Insights and Inspiration (2010) p. 58
  • “Originality is going back to the origin and finding an empty chair. Would you gladly sit on it? No thank you. It is empty for a reason. That’s where my ass was. Not where my head is now.” Giannina Braschi, Puerto Rican Poet, Novelist, and Essayist World Literature Today (2012)
  • “Creativity isn’t about the advantage or disadvantage of a specific time or culture. Creativity is something that comes internally from a human being having a genuine mistrust of rules. And that may be the constant. It’s almost like there’s some rebellion in it.” Paula Scher, Graphic Designer From an interview conducted by Neal Shaffer (2006)
  • “Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple of them and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.” John Steinbeck, Author Conversations with John Steinbeck , ed. Thomas Fensch (1988)
  • “Creativity arises out of the tension between spontaneity and limitations, the latter (like the river banks) forcing the spontaneity into the various forms which are essential to the work of art or poem.” Rollo May, Psychologist and Author The Courage to Create (1975) p. 115

marketing presentation quotes

Teamwork and collaboration quotes for presentations

  • “In organizations, real power and energy is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships and the capacities to form them are more important than tasks, functions, roles, and positions.” Margaret Wheatley, Management Consultant As quoted in 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself , Steve Chandler (2004) p. 123
  • “Life is not a solo act. It’s a huge collaboration.” Tim Gunn, Fashion Consultant and Author ‘Postings | Recent Entries From Our Blogs’, Tara Parker-Pope, The New York Times (December 21, 2010)
  • “Collaboration is important not just because it’s a better way to learn. The spirit of collaboration is penetrating every institution and all of our lives. So learning to collaborate is part of equipping yourself for effectiveness, problem solving, innovation and life-long learning in an ever-changing networked economy.” Don Tapscott, Business Executive and Consultant ‘The spirit of collaboration is touching all of our lives’, The Globe and Mail (June 7, 2013)
  • “As you navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. Other people and other people’s ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” Amy Poehler, Actress, Comedian, Director and Producer From The Joy of Success: What It Means to Transform Success Into Excellence,  Tochukwu O. Okafor MPA (2013) p. 53
  • “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” Michael Jordan, Basketball Hall of Fame Player and Businessman As quoted in The Victory Letters : Inspiration for the Human Race , Cheri Ruskus (2003) p. 68.

marketing presentation quotes

Knowledge quotes for presentations

  • “While knowledge is increasingly being viewed as a commodity or intellectual asset, there are some paradoxical characteristics of knowledge that are radically different from other valuable commodities. These knowledge characteristics include the following: Using knowledge does not consume it. Transferring knowledge does not result in losing it. Knowledge is abundant, but the ability to use it is scarce. Much of an organization’s valuable knowledge walks out the door at the end of the day.” Kimiz Dalkir, Director at McGill School of Information Studies Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, 2nd ed . (2011)
  • “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” Carl Sagan, Astronomer and Popular Science Writer From That’s Weird!: Awesome Science Mysteries , Kendall F. Haven (2001)
  • “Investing in people is the single most important thing in the knowledge economy. Traditionally, wealth was defined by land and natural resources. Today the most important resources is between our ears.” Barack Obama Remarks by President Obama at Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Town Hall, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (April 27, 2014)
  • “You can’t manage knowledge – nobody can. What you can do is to manage the environment in which knowledge can be created, discovered, captured, shared, distilled, validated, transferred, adopted, adapted and applied.” Chris Collison and Geoff Parcell Learning to Fly – Practical Knowledge Management from Leading and Learning Organizations (2005) p. 24-25
  • “The Information Age offers much to mankind, and I would like to think that we will rise to the challenges it presents. But it is vital to remember that information — in the sense of raw data — is not knowledge, that knowledge is not wisdom, and that wisdom is not foresight. But information is the first essential step to all of these.” Arthur C. Clarke, Science Fiction Writer, Inventor, Futurist As quoted in ‘Humanity will survive information deluge — Sir Arthur C Clarke’, OneWorld South Asia (December 5, 2003)

presentation quotes

Leadership quotes for presentations

  • “Successful people become great leaders when they learn to shift the focus from themselves to others.” Marshall Goldsmith, Leadership Coach What Got You Here Won’t Get You There (2010) p. 72
  • “Ultimately a genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a molder of consensus.” Martin Luther King, Jr. From an address at the Episcopal National Cathedral, Washington D.C. (March 31, 1968)
  • “You can’t lead from behind your desk, you’ve got to get out in front, be visible, for your customers as well as for your employees. During a crisis, you’ve got to be calm and confident. You’ve got to always tell the truth. And you’ve got to be willing to face a crisis, not shy away from it, embrace it.” Geisha Williams, Fortune 500 Businesswoman ‘Geisha Williams: Set Your Sights High, Take Charge and Keep the Lights On’, Leadership California , Carol Caley (February 17, 2014)
  • “Courage is the main quality of leadership, in my opinion, no matter where it is exercised. Usually it implies some risk — especially in new undertakings. Courage to initiate something and to keep it going, pioneering and adventurous spirit to blaze new ways, often, in our land of opportunity.” Walt Disney As quoted in The Disney Way Fieldbook,  Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson (2000) p. 147
  • “Embrace what you don’t know. What you don’t know can become your greatest asset. It ensures that you will absolutely be doing things different from everyone else.” Sarah Blakely, Founder of Spanx ’10 Lessons I Learned from Sara Blakely That You Won’t Hear in Business School,’ Forbes , Kathy Caprino (May 23, 2012)

marketing presentation quotes

Mistakes and failure quotes for presentations

  • “We tell our young managers: ‘Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. But make sure you don’t make the same mistake twice’” Akio Morita, Co-Founder of Sony Corporation As quoted in The Sony Vision , Nick Lyons (1976) p. 101
  • “There is no such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.” Oprah Winfrey Commencement address at Harvard University (30 May 2013)
  • “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” Suzy Kassem, Author Rise Up And Salute The Sun (2010)
  • “Don’t put limitations on yourself. Other people will do that for you. Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t bet against yourself. And take risk. NASA has this phrase that they like, “Failure is not an option.” But failure has to be an option. In art and exploration, failure has to be an option. Because it is a leap of faith. And no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk. You have to be willing to take those risks. … In whatever you are doing, failure is an option. But fear is not.” James Cameron, Film Director From ‘Before Avatar … a curious boy’, presented at TED2010 (February 13, 2010)
  • “I view this year’s failure as next year’s opportunity to try it again. Failures are not something to be avoided. You want to have them happen as quickly as you can so you can make progress rapidly.” Gordon Moore, Engineer and Co-Founder of Intel Corporation ‘An Interview with Gordon Moore’, Ingenuity 5 (2), Laura Schmitt (May 2000)

presentation quotes

Planning and strategy quotes for presentations

  • “Chance favours the prepared mind.” Louis Pasteur, Microbiologist, Chemist and Inventor Lecture, University of Lille (December 7, 1854)
  • “The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do. ” Michael Porter, Economist, Researcher, Author ‘What is strategy?’ Harvard Business Review  (November 1996) p. 70
  • “Business strategy is the battleplan for a better future.” Patrick Dixon, Author and Business Consultant Building a Better Business (2005)
  • “Managers who extensively plan the future get the timing wrong. Sometimes they arrive to market too early and so must wait for the demand to catch up. Sometimes they are too late and so must accelerate to rejoin the future.” Shona L. Brown and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt Competing on the Edge: Strategy as Structured Chaos (1998) p.135
  • “Strategy is about stretching limited resources to fit ambitious aspirations.” K. Prahalad, Organizational Theorist As quoted in The Wal-Mart Way , Don Soderquist (2005) p. 178

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We hope you found what you needed from our list of presentation quotes! If you’re about to paste that quote onto your deck, but want to know how to format it to perfection, check out our guide to advanced typography in PowerPoint .

Have an idea for a quote we should add to the list? Is there a key theme you want some presentation quotes for? Let us know in the comments below!

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Thanks for this post.It’s a helpful quotes for enhance slides.

Glad it was useful Amit! Thank you for your feedback.

it helped me a lot… thanks!

Amazing Quotes. Really Good. These quotes help me making my presentation perfect Thanks & Regard vinita

Thanks for this post

thanks for information

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60 Best Marketing Quotes for Inspiration and Motivation

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  • Updated Feb 07, 2024
  • Estimated Reading Time: 0

marketing presentation quotes

As Wilson Mizner once said, “When you steal from one author, it’s plagiarism; if you steal from many, it’s research.'”

So I am here to help you out! Dive into our treasure trove of 60 best marketing quotes to ignite your inspiration. These words of wisdom, shared by top marketers and thinkers, are tailor-made for those dreaming of making it big in the marketing world.

These marketing quotes could be the game-changer you’ve been searching for. They might make you a better digital marketer, entrepreneur, and, who knows, maybe even a better human being. So, let’s get started. 

What are Marketing Quotes?

Marketing quotes are wise sayings from smart people in marketing. They share important ideas and tips about how to do marketing well. They’re short, snappy sayings from smart people in the marketing world. Think of them as mini-guides to help businesses understand how to talk to customers, tell cool stories, and be awesome.

These quotes are shared across the marketing community to inspire creativity, foster strategic thinking, and provide a deeper understanding of the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of marketing.

Why Use Marketing Quotes?

Marketing quotes serve as concise and powerful tools in the business world by providing inspiration, guidance, and a shared language for marketing professionals. 

Whether you’re seeking motivation for your team, insights for content strategies, or a boost of inspiration for a project, the world of marketing quotes offers a diverse range to guide you toward your goals. Concise and memorable, marketing quotes are effective tools for conveying complex marketing concepts in a simple and relatable manner. It makes it easier to communicate ideas to team members, clients, or stakeholders.

Well-crafted marketing quotes stick in the minds of people. They can be used in presentations, marketing materials, or even in everyday conversations, helping to reinforce key messages and values associated with a brand. Popular marketing quotes can become part of the culture within a marketing team or industry, creating a shared language and understanding among professionals.

From digital marketing, social media, and content to storytelling, we’ve gathered the best quotes to guide you, no matter your business or marketing focus. So, keep reading this space!

Some of the Famous Marketing Quotes

We’ve curated a selection of some of the most famous quotes about marketing that have resonated across industries and inspired countless professionals. 

  • “Marketing’s job is never done. It’s about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day.” — Beth Comstock, Former CMO & Vice Chair, GE
  • “The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.” — Tom Fishburne, Founder & CEO, Marketoonist
  • “Build something 100 people love, not something 1 million people kind of like.” — Brian Chesky, Co-Founder & CEO, Airbnb
  • “Marketing is just about sharing your passion.” –Michael Hyatt, Virtual Business Mentor
  • “Give them quality. That is the best kind of advertising.” –Milton Hershey, Entrepreneur
  • Our jobs as marketers are to understand how the customer wants to buy and help them to do so.” –Bryan Eisenberg, Speaker and Online Marketing Pioneer

Quote 1

Best Digital Marketing Quotes

In this curated collection, we’ve collected the best digital marketing quotes that are sure to light up your screens and spark your strategic mindset. 

  • “Discoverability equals sales in the digital world.” — Dev Chandan, Founder, Dev Chandan
  • “Digital marketing is not the art of selling a product. It is an art of making people buy the product that you sell.” — Hecate Strategy
  • “Inspiration is the most important part of our digital strategy.” — Paull Young, Charitable GIving Lead, Facebook
  • “Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale.” — Chris Brogan, President, Chris Brogan Media
  • “The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.” — Peter Drucker, Austrian American Management Consultant
  • “In the world of Internet Customer Service, it’s important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away.” – Doug Warner, Co-Head of Weil’s global Private Equity practice

Social Media Marketing Quotes

Do you want to create amazing posts on social media to engage with your customers immediately? 

In this collection of social media marketing quotes, we’ve gathered the best pieces to help you navigate the dynamic landscape of online engagement. Unlock the secrets of social media success, from mastering the art of hashtags to crafting viral posts that elevate your brand. These quotes provide valuable insights to boost your social media game and understand the impactful social media effect on business.

  • “Don’t use social media to impress people; use it to impact people.” — Dave Willis, Writer & Pastor
  • “Social marketing eliminates the middlemen, providing brands the unique opportunity to have a direct relationship with their customers.” — Bryan Weiner, Board of Directors,
  • “I use social media as an idea generator, trend mapper, and strategic compass for all of our online business ventures.” — Paul Barron, CEO, Foodable Network
  • “Social media requires that business leaders start thinking like small-town shop owners. This means taking the long view and avoiding short-term benchmarks to gauge progress. It means allowing the personality, heart, and soul of the people who run all levels of the business to show.” — Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO, VaynerMedia
  • “People share, read, and generally engage more with any type of content when it’s surfaced through friends and people they know and trust.”  —  Communications Leader
  • “The number of people publishing content on social networks is growing at a staggering rate. Standing out means not trying to be all things to all people. Stand for something specific and focus on going deep on that topic with your messaging, engagement, connections and content.”  — Co-Founder @ TopRank Marketing

Quote 3

Some Inspirational Marketing Quotes

Whether you’re navigating the challenges of branding, content creation, or customer engagement, these inspirational marketing quotes are here to uplift and propel you forward.

  • “Speak to your audience in their language about what’s in their heart.” — Jonathan Lister, VP Global Sales Solutions, LinkedIn
  • “We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes — understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.” — Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global
  • “The creative process is fueled by divergent thinking — a breaking away from familiar or established ways of seeing and doing.” — The Innovator’s Toolkit, Harvard Business Essentials
  • “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.” – Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Politician and Economist
  • “Don’t settle. Don’t finish crappy books. If you don’t like the menu, leave the restaurant. “If you’re not on the right path, get off it.” – Chris Brogan, American Author, Journalist and Marketing Consultant

Marketing Quotes to Attract Customers

With some inspiring quotes, you can take your marketing efforts to a new height. These quotes act as a compass and help you to create content and experiences finely tuned to connect with your customers.

  • “The best marketing strategy ever: CARE.” –Gary Vaynerchuk, entrepreneur, speaker & marketing expert
  • “Marketing is just about sharing your passion.” –Michael Hyatt, virtual business mentor
  • “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek, author and marketing consultant
  • “When people feel insecure about something, they look around for validation. Show them that other people trust you.” –Francisco Rosales, social media marketing coach
  • “People shop and learn in a whole new way compared to just a few years ago, so marketers need to adapt or risk extinction.” – Brian Halligan, Author
  • “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” – Albert Einstein, Scientist

Quote 5

Content Marketing Quotes

Now check out some of the best content marketing quotes here! They’ll help you understand how content marketing works and give you new ideas to take it up a notch.

  • “There are three objectives for content marketing: reach, engagement, and conversion. Define key metrics for each.” — Michael Brenner, CEO, Marketing Insider Group
  • “Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” — Andrew Davis, Author & Keynote Speaker, Monumental Shift
  • “Content Marketing is not simply a campaign or a tactic, it’s a commitment.” – Valerie Uhlir, partner at Ethereal Innovations
  • “Before you create any more ‘great content,’ figure out how you are going to market it first.” –Joe Pulizzi, content marketer and strategist
  • “Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content marketing is showing the world you are one.” –Robert Rose, content marketing strategist

PPC Marketing Quotes

PPC marketing quotes illuminate the strategies, tactics, and mindset behind successful pay-per-click campaigns. Here are some inspiring quotes to create a result-driven PPC marketing strategy.

  • “Every trackable interaction creates a data-point, and every data-point tells a piece of the customer’s story.” –Paul Roetzer, Founder & CEO
  • “If your content isn’t driving conversation, you’re doing it wrong.” –Dan Roth, LinkedIn’s Executive Editor
  • “Nobody counts the number of ads you run; they just remember the impression you make.” –Bill Bernbach, Advertising Creative Director
  • “Budgets in PPC are like fuel for a rocket. Allocate them strategically, and watch your campaign soar to new heights.” – Brad Geddes, Digital Marketer
  • “PPC advertising is not a set-it-and-forget-it endeavor. It’s a dynamic dance, where constant refinement leads to lasting success.” – Andrew Goodman, Founder and President of Page Zero Media
  • “The art of successful PPC is finding the sweet spot between relevance and intent. Know your audience, and your ads will resonate.” – Ginny Marvin, Editor-in-Chief at Third Door Media
  • “PPC is not about getting the most traffic; it’s about getting the right traffic that converts.” – Brett Middleton, PPC Expert

Quote 4

Storytelling Marketing Quotes

The storytelling concept in marketing is unique because words become stories that connect. So, here are some of the best simple yet powerful quotes to guide you through the magic of the storytelling process. These help to build strong connections and memorable brand experiences.

  • “Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.” – Robert McKee, Author, Story Consultant
  • “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.” – Steve Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple Inc
  • “The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing. It feels like a story.” – Tom Fishburne, Cartoonist
  • “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories, you tell.” – Seth Godin, Author, Entrepreneur, and Marketing Expert
  •  “The key is, no matter what story you tell, make your buyer the hero.” –Chris Brogan, CEO of Owner Media Group
  • “Humans are not ideally set up to understand logic; they are ideally set up to understand stories.” –Roger C. Schank, CEO of Socratic Arts
  • “Sometimes reality is too complex. Stories give it form.” — Jean Luc Godard, Director, Writer, & Editor
  • “And do you know what is the most often missing ingredient in a sales message? It’s the sales message that doesn’t tell an interesting story. Storytelling … good storytelling … is a vital component of a marketing campaign.” — Gary Halbert, Author

Marketing Quotes on Customer Experience

The below-mentioned famous marketing quotes on customer experience serve as guideposts, shedding light on the transformative power of creating meaningful connections with your customers, understanding their needs, and delivering exceptional value. 

  • “Our jobs as marketers are to understand how the customer wants to buy and help them do so.” – Bryan Eisenberg, Marketing Expert,
  • “Even when you are marketing to your entire audience or customer base, you are still simply speaking to a single human at any given time.” – Ann Handley, Author
  • “These days, people want to learn before they buy, be educated instead of pitched.” – Brian Clark, Entrepreneur, Blogger
  • “Customer experience is not an expense. It’s an investment.” – Stan Phelps, 
  • “The more you engage with customers, the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing.” – John Russell, Marketing Expert
  • “Customer experience is the new marketing.” – Steve Cannon, Business Executive

Quote 2

Marketing Quotes on Advertising

Next, let’s look into a collection of top marketing quotes offering valuable perspectives on the dynamics of advertising and promotion.

  • “The more informative your advertising, the more persuasive it will be.” – David Ogilvy, Advertising Executive
  • “Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.” – Leo Burnett, Founder of Leo Burnett Company
  • “Advertising brings in customers, but word-of-mouth brings in the best customers.” – Jonah Berger, Marketing Professor, Author, and Expert 
  • “Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them. Sometimes, it’s an ad.” – Howard Gossage, Advertising Executive and Copywriter
  • “Advertising in the final analysis should be news. If it is not news it is worthless.” – Adolph Ochs, American Newspaper Publisher

Which One is Your Most Favourite Quote?

Have you picked out your favorite marketing quotes from this list? If so, why not share it with your friends and start an inspiring chat? You can also jot it down on a sticky note and put it on your desk for a daily boost of motivation!  

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Suvashree Bhattacharya

Suvashree Bhattacharya

Suvashree Bhattacharya is a researcher, blogger, and author in the domain of customer experience, omnichannel communication, and conversational AI. Serving as a content marketing strategist at REVE Chat, she develops contextual and interesting content for customers from different industries and segments like customer service, customer satisfaction, engagement, messaging platforms, etc. Passionate about writing and designing, she pours her heart out in writeups that are detailed, interesting, engaging, and more importantly cater to the requirements of the targeted audience. Her interests include reading, painting, and traveling.

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33 of the Greatest Marketing Quotes to Inspire Your Strategy

33 of the Greatest Marketing Quotes to Inspire Your Strategy

  • “Behind every piece of bad content is an executive who asked for it .”
  • “If great content is the hero, then banners are the villain .”
  • “Content marketing is the gap between what brands produce and what consumers actually want.”
  • “Marketing with content is not the same thing as content marketing “
  • “Content marketing is financial asset with real value that grows over time “
  • “ Mean People Suck ” (I can’t really take credit for that but I own the domain so there you go!)

Here is my collection of the greatest marketing quotes to inspire your strategy:

  • “Banners have 99 problem and a click ain’t one.”
  • “Content Marketing is a commitment, not a campaign.” ~ Jon Buscall
  • “Content marketing is the only marketing left.” ~ Seth Godin
  • “Stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in.” ~ Craig Davis
  • “Make your customer the hero of your stories.” ~ Ann Handley
  • “Your brand is so much more than what you sell.” ~ Jon Iwata
  • “Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.”~ David Packard
  • “The buyer journey is nothing more than a series of questions that must be answered.” ~ IDC
  • “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek
  • “Market like the year you are in!” ~ Gary Vaynerchuck
  • “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.”  ~ Seth Godin
  • “Content is king, but distribution is queen and she wears the pants.” ~ Jonathan Perelman, Buzzfeed
  • “Content is the atomic particle of all digital marketing, says @Lieblink”~ Rebecca Lieb
  • “Make your marketing so useful, people will pay you for it.” ~ Jay Baer
  • “Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” Andrew Davis
  • “Help your customers and you help your business.” ~ Leo Burnett
  • “Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.”  ~ Milan Kundera (Knowledge drop: Most people attribute the above quote to Peter Drucker who clearly borrowed from the author of The Unbearable Lightness of Being when he said:  “Because it is its purpose to create a customer, any business enterprise has two – and only these two – basic functions: marketing and innovation.” But Milan said it first. So here’s another good one from Peter…)
  • “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” ~ Peter F. Drucker
  • “The sole purpose of marketing is to sell more to more people, more often and at higher prices. There is no other reason to do it.” ~ Sergio Zyman
  • “What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your advertising, not its form.” ~ David Ogilvy
  • “The consumer is not a moron, she’s your wife.” ~ David Ogilvy (not sure this one stands the test of time. Blame Kessler in the comments. He made me add it!)
  • “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.” ~ Peter Drucker
  • “If you have more money than brains you should focus on outbound marketing. If you have more brains than money, you should focus on inbound marketing.” ~ Guy Kawasaki
  • “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
  • “ Deadlines are the greatest source of inspiration ” ~ Mark Twain
  • “Markets are conversations.” ~ The Cluetrain Manifesto
  • “Marketing takes a day to learn and a lifetime to master.” ~ Phil Kolter
  • “Advertising in the final analysis should be news. If it is not news it is worthless.” ~ Adolph Ochs
  • “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.” – Seth Godin
  • “There is nothing more valuable than a spotless reputation.” ~ William Shakespeare
  • “Companies that speak in the language of the pitch are no longer speaking to anyone.” ~ The Cluetrain Manifesto
  • “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
  • “Marketing is not anyone’s job… It’s everyone’s job!” ~ Jack Welch (Thanks to my new twitter friend Leigh Cowan )

What’s your favorite marketing or business quote? Did I miss any great ones?

30 thoughts on “ 33 of the greatest marketing quotes to inspire your strategy ”.

“Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.” The funny thing is, when marketing extends beyond the marketing department, the business doesn’t call it marketing anymore.

Michael, do you think social media finally changing this? It seems there is more recognition of the public and broad influence the entire organization can have now, without clear departmental or functional boundaries around it.

Interested in hearing your thoughts on this.

— @wittlake

Yes that quote is one of my favorites. I absolutely believe marketing is the job of everyone in the company. That is why I think social marketers should be encouraging “brand ambassadors” outside of marketing vs. just “enabling” their own marketing departments. And since social media is essentially an opportunity to interact with customers directly, this should force more collaboration between all outward facing or outward “concerned” organizational silos like the obvious ones in sales, customer service, communications along with the less-obvious ones like legal, HR and operations.

Best, Michael

I love “The urgent can drown out the important”, so true in the multi-tasking world we live in!

One of my favorites at the moment is:

Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Hi Lydia! That is not a really famous quote but one I think deserves to see more light. Thanks for helping to get the word out.

That is an excellent one! Thanks Nicholas.

I like “Even though you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”. Will Rogers

Love that one! Thanks for contributing Diana!

There’s the measurement classic:

Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.

John Wanamaker, US department store merchant (1838 – 1922)

Hi Giles, I love that quote too but did not include it because it is often attributed to 3 different people: David Ogilvy, John Wanamaker and Lord Leverhulme the founder of Unilever.

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” ~ Peter F. Drucker

Hi~ Could you please tell me the year of this quote? I would like to include it in my assignment.really need it…

Yes, he wrote that in his 1954 book “The Practice of Management.”

Awesome stuff – don’t fully agree with Sergio Zyman’s statement but love the words of David Packard.

Nice Collection Michael ! I love this post and I great inspired by one beautiful and short quote by Seth Godin that …“Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.” Really Inspired..

good thought, can you help me in this why advertising in the final analysis should be news? thanx

Thanks Kelvin, how can I help you?

Great list, Michael.

I love Drucker (he and Theodore Leavitt got me into this game).

I was raised on David Ogilvy (my first job) and always remember, “The consumer is not a moron, she’s your wife.”

Easily adapted to B2B. I like the warning against condescension.

My favorite is from the founder of Geek Squad, “marketing is a tax you pay for being unremarkable”.

Thanks John, that is a great quote! Speaks to the larger business and the need for innovation.

“Marketing is that key with infinite locks for eternity while ensuring it trends with all blends” just thought of sharing this as well to your inspiring list

dont find customers for your products,find products for your customers, thats mt favourite i love it thanks MICHAEL

I really like Seth Godin’s first quote – and I think he’s right: regardless of our professional field, we get known by what we produce, both on and offline.

I like “Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” Andrew Davis, Trust is critical for long term success

Blessed are those who lead the Public from the Sublime to the Rediculous, for they shall be called Advertising People. G3

“The best place to hide a dead body is on the 2nd page of Google search results” – I don’t know where I heard that…..

That’s a good one!

That’s my good friend Andrew Davis!

Shots fired!

So many great quotes, hard to pick one. When did you first publish this list and have you added any since?

I think I published it first in like 2014, then updated it in 2016 and then again this year because of a few additions. Each one included a few additions.

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Michael Brenner

About the Author - Michael Brenner

Michael Brenner is an international keynote speaker, author of " Mean People Suck " and " The Content Formula ", and Founder of Marketing Insider Group . Recognized as a Top Content Marketing expert and Digital Marketing Leader, Michael leverages his experience from roles in sales and marketing for global brands like SAP and Nielsen, as well as his leadership in leading teams and driving growth for thriving startups. Today, Michael delivers empowering keynotes on marketing and leadership, and facilitates actionable workshops on content marketing strategy. Connect with Michael today.

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100+ Powerful Marketing Quotes That Will Transform Your Business

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Between social media and content marketing and ad campaigns and brand reputation management, marketing can feel chaotic. Sometimes, though, all we need to see is a quick quote that cuts right to the point of what we’re trying to accomplish in fifteen words or less.

Need a little inspiration, or a little clarity? That’s what these powerful marketing quotes are for.

Whether you’re a marketing agency or a small business (or freelancer!) grabbing your marketing by the reigns, these 105 incredible marketing quotes will transform your business and how you think about advertising, social media, content creation, and so much more.

Marketing Quotes on What Your Audience Wants

1. “The best marketing strategy ever: CARE.” – Gary Vaynerchuk , entrepreneur, speaker & marketing expert

2. “Build something 100 people love, not something 1 million people kind of like.” – Brian Chesky , cofounder of Airbnb

3. “Marketing is really just about sharing your passion.” – Michael Hyatt , virtual business mentor

4. “Amazing things will happen when you listen to the consumer.” – Jonathan Midenhall , CMO of Airbnb

amazing marketing quotes

5. “Give them quality. That is the best kind of advertising.” –Milton Hershey, entrepreneur

6. “You can never go wrong by investing in communities and the human beings within them.” – Pam Moore , CEO of Marketing Nutz

7. “Our jobs as marketers are to understand how the customer wants to buy and help them to do so.” – Bryan Eisenberg , speaker and online marketing pioneer

8. “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek , author and marketing consultant

9. “Strong customer relationships drive sales, sustainability, and growth.” – Tom Cates , chairman and founder of The Brookeside Group

10. “When people feel insecure about something, they look around for validation. Show them that other people trust you.” – Francisco Rosales , social media marketing coach

11. “Advertising brings in customers, but word-of-mouth brings in the best customers.” – Jonah Berger , author & marketing professor

12. “Conversation with customers will increase sales, even if the product or service is never mentioned.” – George Farris , founder of Farris Marketing

13.“People shop and learn in a whole new way compared to just a few years ago, so marketers need to adapt or risk extinction.” – Brian Halligan , founder & CEO of HubSpot

Social Media Marketing Quotes

14. “Content is fire. Social media is gasoline.” – Jay Baer , author & inspirational marketing speaker

15. “Social media creates communities, not markets.” –Don Schultz, marketing pioneer

social media community marketing quote

16. “Social media is a contact sport.” – Margaret Molloy , CMO of SiegelGale

17. “Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.” – Brian Solis , blogger, author, & keynote speaker

18. “Successful companies in social media function more like entertainment companies, publishers, or party planners than as traditional advertisers.” – Erik Qualman , digital leadership expert

19. “Getting the like is easy. It’s a light action. Anything else requires trust.” – Jon Loomer , Facebook Ads expert

20. “You cannot buy engagement. You have to build engagement.” – Tara-Nicholle Nelson , CEO of Transformational Customer Insights

build engagement marketing saying

21. “Just as you don’t need to be on every single TV channel, I don’t believe a brand needs to be on every single social media in one big way.”–  Shiv Singh , marketing author

22. “Build it, and they will come” only works in the movies. Social Media is a “build it, nurture it, engage them and they may come and stay.” – Seth Godin , author & marketing expert

23. “Social media is about the people. Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you.” – Matt Goulart , digital marketing executive

24. “Sell-sell-sell sales methods simply do not work on social media.” – Kim Garst , social media strategist

Content Marketing Quotes

26.  “Content is king.” – Bill Gates

content is king bill gates quote

27. “Content Marketing is not simply a campaign or a tactic, it’s a commitment.” – Valerie Uhlir , partner at Ethereal Innovations

28. “You can’t expect to just write and have visitors come to you. That’s too passive.” – Anita Campbell , CEO of Small Business Trends

29. “Before you create any more ‘great content,’ figure out how you are going to market it first.” – Joe Pulizzi , content marketer and strategist

30. “Not viewing your email marketing as content is a mistake.” – Chris Baggott , CEO of Compendium

31. “Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” – Andrew Davis , marketing speaker & bestselling author

32. “Don’t build links. Build relationships.” – Rand Fishkin , founder of Moz

don't build links, build relationships

33. “Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content marketing is showing the world you are one.” – Robert Rose , content marketing strategist

34. “Content marketing is more than a buzzword. It is the hottest trend in marketing because it is the biggest gap between what buyers want and brands produce.” – Michael Brenner , CEO of Marketing Insider Group

35. “Content is king, but engagement is queen, and the lady rules the house!” – Mari Smith , social media master

content is king quote

36. “Content Marketing is no longer a numbers game. It’s a game of relevance.” –Jason Miller

37. “Content should ask people to do something and reward them for it.” – Lee Odden , digital marketer and strategist

38. “Content is the atomic particle of all digital marketing.” – Rebecca Lieb , media & content strategist

39. “Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well.” Ann Handley , head of content at MarketingProfs

brand storytelling quote

40. “People share, read, and generally engage more with any type of content when it’s surfaced through friends and people they know and trust.” – Malorie Lucich , head of product communications at Pinterest

41. “Content marketing is like a first date. If you only talk about yourself, there won’t be a second one.” –   David Beebe , branded content producer

42. “Good content should be at the heart of your strategy, but it is equally important to keep the display context of that content in mind as well.” – Tim Frick , principal of MightyBytes

PPC Marketing Quotes

43. “Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them. Sometimes, it’s an ad.” – Howard Gossage , real-life MadMen inspiration

44. “Nobody counts the number of ads you run; they just remember the impression you make.” –Bill Bernbach

50. “We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in.” – David Beebe , branded content producer

We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in

51. “If great content is the hero, then banners are the villain.” – Michael Brenner , CEO of Marketing Insider Group

52. “Never let ads write checks your website can’t cash.” – Avinash Kaushik , digital marketing evangelist

53. “Advertising works most effectively when it’s in line with what people are already trying to do. And people are trying to communicate in a certain way on Facebook – they share information with their friends, they learn about what their friends are doing – so there’s really a whole new opportunity for a new type of advertising model within that.” – Mark Zuckerberg , creator of Facebook

54. “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does.” – Steuart Henderson Britt , consumer behavior specialist

55. “If your content isn’t driving conversation, you’re doing it wrong.” – Dan Roth , LinkedIn’s executive editor

56. “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” – Peter Drucker, founder of Drucker Institiute

57. “Think like a customer.” – Paul Gillin , B2B & social media strategist

think like a customer quote

58. “Every trackable interaction creates a data-point, and every data-point tells a piece of the customer’s story.” – Paul Roetzer , founder & CEO of PR20/20

59. “It’s hard to target a message to a generic 35-year-old middle-class working mother of two. It’s much easier to target a message to Jennifer, who has two children under four, works as a paralegal, and is always looking for quick but healthy dinners and ways to spend more time with her kids and less time on housework.” –Elizabeth Gardner, founder of garnish media

Storytelling Marketing Quotes

60. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou , poet

61. “We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.” – Jimmy Neil Smith , Director of the International Storytelling Center

62. “The key is, no matter what story you tell, make your buyer the hero.” –Chris Brogan, CEO of Owner Media Group

storytelling marketing quotation

63. “If your stories are all about your products and services, that’s not storytelling. It’s a brochure. Give yourself permission to make the story bigger.” – Jay Baer , author & inspirational marketing speaker

64. “Humans are not ideally set up to understand logic; they are ideally set up to understand stories.” – Roger C. Schank , CEO of Socratic Arts

65. “Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but about the stories you tell.” – Seth Godin , author & marketing expert

66. “An ad is finished only when you no longer can find a single element to remove.”— Robert Fleege , advertising expert 

marketing ad quotation

Copywriting Marketing Quotes

67. “These days, people want to learn before they buy, be educated instead of pitched.” – Brian Clark

68. “Less is more. Keeping it simple takes time and effort.” – Jeff Bullas , digital marketing influencer

minimal marketing quote

69. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” –Leonardo Da Vinci, renaissance man  

70. “Decide the effect you want to produce in your reader.” —Robert Collier, author

71. “If you can’t explain it to a 6-year old, you don’t know it yourself.” –Albert Einstein, 72. genius

73. “On average, 8 out of 10 people will read your headline copy, but only 2 out 10 will read the rest.” – Brian Clark , CEO of Rainmaker Digital

74. “Copy is a direct conversation with the consumer.”–Shirley Polykoff

Consumer Marketing Quote

75. “The most powerful element in advertising is the truth.” –William Bernbach

76. “I’ve learned that any fool can write a bad ad, but that it takes a real genius to keep his hands off a good one.”— Leo Burnett , founder of the Leo Burnett Group 

77. “Even when you are marketing to your entire audience or customer base, you are still simply speaking to a single human at any given time.” – Ann Handley , head of content at MarketingProfs

Quotes on Brand

78. “Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time.” – Elon Musk , CEO of SpaceX and Tesla.

elon musk marketing quote

79. The keys to brand success are self-definition, transparency, authenticity and accountability. – Simon Mainwaring , marketing consultant

80. “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is—it is what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook , cofounder of Intuit

brand consumer perception quote (1)

81. “Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points.” – Jonah Sachs , author & entrepreneur

82. “Your culture is your brand.” – Tony Hsieh , CEO of Zappos

quote about brand culture

83. “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” – Jeff Bezos , CEO and founder of Amazon

84. “Your personal brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room – remember that. And more importantly, let’s discover why!” – Chris Ducker , personal brand entrepreneur

85. “If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.” – Howard Schultz , CEO of Starbucks

value marketing quotation

86. “Your personal brand is a promise to your clients… a promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability.” – Jason Hartman , CEO of Platinum Properties Investor Network

87. “Too many companies want their brands to reflect some idealized, perfected image of themselves. As a consequence, their brands acquire no texture, no character and no public trust.” – Richard Branson , founder of The Virgin Group

88. “We elect and buy from people we like. Likability is number one. We also need to believe they are honest, and have our best interests at heart.” – George Farris , founder of Farris Marketing

Search Engine Quotes

89. “In 2004, good SEO made you remarkable on the web. In 2014, good SEO is a result of being remarkable on the web.” – Rand Fishkin , founder of Moz

90. “Google is the new corporate homepage.” – Jeremiah Owyang , founder of CrowdCompanies 

google quote by jeremiah owyang

91. “Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.” – Wendy Piersall , writer & blogger 

google only loves you when everyone else loves you first

92. “Google will know that you are hungry for sushi before you do.” – Ben Kunz , SVP of marketing and content at Mediassociates 

General Marketing Quotes

93. “Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.” – Milan Kundera , writer

94. “The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.” – Tom Fishburne , “marketoonist”

95. “Today it’s important to be present, be relevant and add value.” – Nick Besbeas , former CMO of LinkedIn

96. “Instead of using technology to automate processes, think about using technology to enhance human interaction.” – Tony Zambito , lead authority in buyer personas

marketing automation quote

97. “Make your marketing so useful people would pay you for it.” – Jay Baer , author & inspirational marketing speaker

98. “The internet has turned what used to be a controlled, one-way message into a real-time dialogue with millions.” – Danielle Sacks , senior editor at Inc. magazine

99. “Marketing’s job is never done. It’s about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day.” – Beth Comstock , Vice Chair of GE

innovation marketing quote

100. “Word of mouth can be as important, if not more important, for neighborhood businesses as traditional advertising.” – Ekaterina Walter , marketing strategist

101. “Going viral is not an outcome; it”s a happening. Sometimes it happens; sometimes it doesn’t. Just remember, fans are vanity and sales are sanity.” – Lori Taylor , founder & executive editor of Social Caffeine

quote about viral marketing

102. “The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time.” –Thomas Jefferson, third president

103. “People spend money when and where they feel good.” –Walt Disney

walt disney marketing quote

104. “Sell the problem you solve. Not the product you make.” –Unknown

105. “Marketing without data is like driving with your eyes closed.” – Dan Zarrella , social media scientist

106. “Thinking that every idea and piece of content you create must be the first of its kind is a trap.”– Sujan Patel, co-founder of  Right Inbox .

Final Thoughts

The phrases “marketing” and “advertising” are generally disliked and distrusted by consumers, making some small businesses wary of how to promote their businesses. These inspirational, education marketing quotes, however, are powerful reminders that marketing isn’t meant to deceive or swindle; instead, it’s an art form that should be used to tell your business’s story and build relationships with your customers. And with these quotes- and all the how-to resources on our blog- you can start transforming your business and your marketing right now.

When in doubt, remember this incredible quote from author Karen Lamb : “A year from now, you’ll wish you’d have started today.”

What do you think? What’s your favorite marketing quote? Which of these quotes jumped out at you? Leave us a comment and let us know what you think! 

Thanks For sharing awesome quotes.

> “Never let ads write checks your website can’t cash.” > –Avinash Kaushik, digital marketing evangelist

Like most things that digital “marketers” claim as their own, this is stolen from a conventional print advertising man, Howard Luck Gossage.

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48 Inspirational Marketing Quotes to Motivate Your Selling

We've curated a list of insightful marketing quotes from the brightest minds in marketing. Get inspired, take practical advice, and soak in their wisdom.

Quotes can be great. Whether you use them for practical advice, or just to inspire you on a difficult day, these little nuggets of wisdom can provide the spark you need.

Marketers know how to come up with fresh ideas, but they should also know the value in listening to others. As Wilson Mizner once said, “If you steal from one author it’s plagiarism; if you steal from many it’s research”.

With that in mind, we’ve decided to curate a list of insightful marketing quotes from various gurus, mavens, and well-known marketers. Pour yourself a coffee and soak in their wisdom.

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Marketing Quotes

We start off with general marketing quotes, featuring insights from David Packard and Ann Hadley.

Just because you can measure everything doesn’t mean that you should.

W. Edward Deming

I know that half my ad dollars are wasted, I just don’t know which half

John Wanamaker

Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing.
Personally, I am very fond of strawberries and cream, but I have found that for some strange reason, fish prefer worms.

Dale Carnegie

No great marketing decisions have ever been made on qualitative data.

John Scully

Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.
Your brand is not what you sell.
Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.

David Packard

Targeting millennials is no better than targeting snake people.

Joel Windels

SEO is not something you do anymore. It’s what happens when you do everything else right.

Chad Pollitt

Marketing goes wrong when it is perceived by companies as a bolt-on activity.

Michael Perry

Make it simple, but significant.
Even when you are marketing to your entire audience or customer base, you are still simply speaking to a single human at any given time.

Ann Handley

Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points.

Jonah Sachs

The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.

Peter F. Drucker

Inspirational marketing quotes

Content Marketing Quotes

It seems there is more and more content competing to be heard online. Have a read of these content marketing quotes from the likes of Seth Godin and Lee Odden.

Content is king.
Content marketing is really like a first date. If all you do is talk about yourself, there won’t be a second date.

David Beebe

Content is king, but distribution is queen. And she wears the pants.

Jonathan Perelman

Content marketing is all the marketing that’s left.
Content marketing is a commitment, not a campaign.

Jon Buscall

The key ingredient to a better content experience is relevance.

Jason Miller

Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content marketing is showing the world you are one.

Robert Rose

For those of you who think comedy won’t work for your brand, ask yourself: Will it work for your customers?
You can’t sell anything if you can’t tell anything.

Beth Comstock

Content is the reason search began in the first place.
The key is, no matter what story you tell, make your buyer the hero.

Chris Brogan

Content is the atomic particle of all digital marketing.

Rebecca Lieb

Social media quotes

Social Media Quotes

Social media is a vital part of the marketing mix but some find it a difficult beast to tame. These social media quotes offer pearls of wisdom from heavyweights such as Jay Baer and Brian Solis.

People share, read and generally engage more with any type of content when it’s surfaced through friends and people they know and trust.

Malorie Lucich

The number of people publishing content on social networks is growing at a staggering rate. Standing out means not trying to be all things to all people. Stand for something specific and focus on going deep on that topic with your messaging, engagement, connections and content.
Social media allows big companies to act small again.
If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends.
I am all for conversations, but you need to have a message.

Renee Blodgett

On social networks be helpful 85 percent of the time by sharing and engaging, 10 percent publish original content and less than 5 percent talk about what your organization does.

David Meerman Scott

Publishing a stream of fragmented, unrelated posts on your social media channels is an easy way to lose followers – and credibility. This is a tactic that is easily said, and harder executed. Pay attention to industry news, read other people’s posts, and think before replying.

Will McInnes

Behind every tweet, share and purchase, there is a person. Care more about the person and less about the share.

Shafqat Islam

Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.

Brian Solis

We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in.

Craig Davis

motivational marketing quotes

Marketing Advice Quotes

Finally, we have some marketing quotes that offer practical advice, from well-known names such as Guy Kawasaki and Rand Fishkin.

The best way to sell something – don’t sell anything. Earn the awareness, respect, & trust of those who might buy.

Rand Fishkin

Marketing used to be about making a myth and telling it. Now it’s about telling a truth and sharing it.

Marc Mathieu

Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.

Joe Chernov

Good marketers see consumers as complete human beings with all the dimensions real people have.
If you have more money than brains, you should focus on outbound marketing. If you have more brains than money, you should focus on inbound marketing.

Guy Kawasaki

Martin Luther King did not say ‘I have a mission statement’.

Simon Sinek

What helps people, helps business.

Leo Burnett

As marketers, we should be changing the mantra from ‘always be closing’ to ‘always be helping’.

Jonathan Lister

The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.

Tom Fishburne

Increasingly, the mass marketing is turning into a mass of niches.

Chris Anderson

Content Writer

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Blog Business 12 Marketing Presentation Examples for You

12 Marketing Presentation Examples for You

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Nov 29, 2023

Marketing Presentation Examples

Crafting an effective marketing presentation is essential in today’s competitive business landscape. A marketing presentation, fundamentally, is a dynamic communication tool utilized by businesses to present their marketing ideas, strategies, goals and achievements to a specific target audience.

Typically, this involves presenting a marketing plan, showcasing marketing campaign initiatives, or highlighting the success of a marketing strategy through engaging stories and compelling data.

Well, if you are wondering how you can create your own marketing presentation then worry not.

With Venngage presentation maker and their customizable marketing presentation templates , you can take these ideas and mold them into your own successful business narrative. These professionally designed templates are visually appealing and easy to use, ensuring that your marketing presentations not only inform but also engage your audience. 

Click to jump ahead:

12 marketing presentation example

How to create an effective marketing presentation.

  • How to present a marketing plan
  • Wrapping up 

In business communication, marketing presentations stand out as a pivotal means of sharing ideas and strategies. A prime example of a marketing presentation vividly demonstrates how to effectively communicate a company’s marketing strategy, objectives and achievements.

Let’s look at a few examples of marketing presentations and how they can cater to different scenarios.  

Marketing strategy presentation example

A stellar marketing strategy presentation example showcases the intricate planning and execution of a company’s marketing efforts. It begins by defining the target market and the unique challenges it presents. The presentation then outlines the key marketing objectives and the strategies devised to meet them.

Blue And Orange Marketing Presentation

Emphasizing on the unique selling point of the product or service, it weaves an engaging story that resonates with the potential customers. The use of real-life examples and data-driven results adds credibility and helps in presenting a compelling case.

They also highlight how to effectively use marketing channels and digital tools to maximize reach and impact.

The key takeaway from such a presentation is not just the strategy itself, but how it is communicated to ensure the audience understands and remembers the key messages, aligning with the overall business goals.

Dark Gray And White Marketing Presentation

Marketing plan presentation example

A marketing plan presentation example is a comprehensive deck that outlines a company’s roadmap for marketing success.

It starts with an analysis of the current market conditions, identifying potential customers, and discussing contemporary trends.

Minimalist Soft Purple Marketing Plan

The presentation then delves into the specifics of the marketing plan, detailing the marketing channels to be used, the marketing budget and the timeline for implementation. It provides insights into the unique value proposition of the product or service and how it will be communicated to the target audience.

The use of powerful visual elements and bullet points helps in presenting complex information in an easily digestible format. This type of presentation also often includes a timeline slide to give the audience a clear sense of the plan’s progression.

Orange And Purple Blue Marketing Presentation

The objective is to present a clear, actionable plan that aligns with the company’s overall business goals and to persuade the audience of its potential success.

Digital marketing presentation example

In a digital marketing presentation example, the focus shifts to how digital channels can be leveraged to achieve marketing objectives.

This presentation type is visually appealing and uses design elements that resonate with digital trends. It begins by outlining the digital marketing strategy, including SEO, social media, email marketing and content marketing.

Green Gradient Marketing Presentation

The presentation shows how these digital channels can be utilized to reach a broader audience, create awareness and drive engagement. It includes real-life examples of successful digital marketing campaigns, highlighting key takeaways and the impact on business growth. The presentation also discusses the importance of analyzing data to refine marketing efforts continually.

A digital marketing presentation is an engaging and informative tool, providing key insights into how digital channels can be effectively utilized for a successful marketing campaign.

Dark Brown Simple Marketing Presentation

It leaves the audience with a clear understanding of the digital marketing landscape and the company’s approach to harnessing its potential.

Social media marketing presentation example

A social media marketing presentation example focuses on illustrating a company’s strategy for leveraging social media platforms to enhance its marketing efforts. Usually, this type of presentation begins by highlighting the importance of social media in contemporary marketing and how it can be a powerful tool to reach potential customers and create engagement.

Simple Yellow And Orange Marketing Presentation

It showcases the specific social media channels the company plans to use, tailored to the target audience and the unique selling points of the product or service. The presentation further delves into content strategy, including the types of posts, frequency and engagement tactics.

Real-life examples of successful social media campaigns are often included to provide inspiration and demonstrate practical applications.

Minimalist Simple Dark Marketing Presentation

Key performance indicators and methods for measuring the success of social media efforts are also discussed, emphasizing the need for data-driven strategies.

Marketing campaign presentation example

A marketing campaign presentation example is a detailed display of a company’s planned or executed marketing campaign. It starts by setting the scene with the campaign’s background, objectives and target market.

Simple Minimalist Blue And White Marketing Presentation

The presentation then unfolds the campaign’s key message and the unique value proposition it offers to the target audience. It outlines the various marketing channels and tactics used, such as digital advertising, press releases or influencer collaborations, providing a comprehensive view of the campaign’s approach.

The use of engaging stories and visual elements , like graphics and videos, makes the presentation both captivating and memorable. This example also includes a section on the budget and resources allocated for the campaign, offering a realistic view of the campaign’s scope.

Key takeaways and predicted outcomes, based on market analysis or previous campaigns, are highlighted to give the audience an understanding of the expected impact and success metrics of the campaign.

Modern Orange And Black Marketing Presentation

Creating an effective marketing presentation involves a series of well-thought-out steps to ensure that your message resonates with your audience. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Seize your audience’s attention : Begin your presentation by addressing the audience’s main concerns or pain points. Ask dramatic, thought-provoking questions to ignite emotions and engage your audience from the start​​.
  • Promise something and deliver it : Make clear promises about what your presentation will deliver. This could be solutions to problems, new insights or actionable strategies. Ensure that you fulfill these promises throughout your presentation​​.
  • Tell an engaging story backed by data : Use storytelling to make your content relatable and personal. Introduce real-life examples or scenarios and support them with solid data to add credibility​​.
  • Have less slide content rather than more : Avoid overloading your slides with text. Keep content concise and support your speech with key points, visuals and high-quality images. Using multiple slides with relevant images can help maintain audience attention​​.
  • Use humor wisely : Lighten the mood by incorporating appropriate humor through witty wordplay, GIFs or memes, ensuring it’s relevant and not distracting​​.
  • Conclude with a clear call to action (CTA) : At the end of your presentation, reiterate the key points and instruct your audience on the next steps or actions they should take. This could involve asking questions, applying the information provided, or engaging in further discussion​​.

Simple Three Colors Marketing Presentation

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How to present a marketing plan?

Presenting a marketing plan effectively is a key step in communicating your strategies and aligning your team towards common goals. Here’s a comprehensive guide to crafting an effective marketing plan presentation:

  • Executive summary : Begin with a concise overview of the marketing plan, highlighting key objectives, target market and strategies​​.
  • Market analysis : Present detailed market analysis including size, trends, customer segments and competitive landscape, supported by data and research​​.
  • Marketing objectives : State clear, SMART marketing objectives, aligning them with overall business goals​​.
  • Target market and buyer persona : Describe target market segments and buyer personas, detailing demographic, psychographic and behavioral characteristics​​.
  • Competitive analysis : Analyze main competitors, their strengths, weaknesses, market share and key differentiators​​.
  • Marketing strategies : Outline key marketing strategies for product positioning, pricing, distribution, promotion and branding​​.
  • Action plan and timeline : Present a detailed action plan with specific tactics, activities and timelines​​.
  • Budget and resource allocation : Provide an overview of the marketing budget and its allocation across various activities​​.
  • Performance measurement and KPI : Highlight key performance indicators to measure the success of the marketing plan​​.
  • Conclusion and next steps : Summarize main points, key takeaways and outline next steps in the implementation process​

Black And Yellow Modern Marketing Prersentation

Related: 8 Types of Presentations You Should Know [+Examples & Tips]

Wrapping up

I hope you’ve gained valuable insights and inspiration from this article to elevate your own marketing efforts. From the intricacies of a marketing strategy presentation to the creative approaches in digital and social media marketing, each example serves not just as a guide, but as a springboard for your own innovative ideas.

The steps to creating an effective marketing presentation and presenting a marketing plan underscore the importance of structure, storytelling and audience engagement. These are your tools to transform data and strategies into compelling narratives that resonate with your audience.

Use these examples, tips and tools to create presentations that effectively showcase your marketing ideas and strategies. Let your presentations be the window through which stakeholders view your vision and commitment to excellence.

As you step forward to apply these learnings, remember the power of professional and visually appealing presentations.

Venngage presentation maker and their customizable marketing presentation templates offer a variety of options to suit your unique marketing needs. These tools are designed to help you craft presentations that are not only informative but also aesthetically engaging, ensuring your message is both seen and remembered.

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Using Quotes to Influence Your Audience During a Presentation

April 26, 2023 / Blog

marketing presentation quotes

Quotes convey wisdom, inspiration, and credibility in just a few words. They can set the tone, evoke emotions , and reinforce your message.

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In this blog, we will explore using quotes to influence your audience during a presentation.

The Power of Quotes

Quotes can captivate and influence your audience in various ways. They can elevate your presentation to a whole new level when used strategically.

Here are some key ways in which quotes hold immense power:

Setting the Tone

Quotes can help you set the right tone for your presentation. For instance, an inspirational quote can create a positive and uplifting atmosphere, while a humorous quote can add levity and create a relaxed environment.

The tone you set at the beginning of your presentation can greatly impact your audience’s receptiveness to your message, and quotes can be a powerful tool in achieving that.

Eliciting Emotions

Quotes can evoke emotions in your audience, making your presentation more memorable and impactful.

Whether through a touching story, a heartfelt testimonial, or a powerful statement, quotes can tug at the heartstrings of your audience, helping them connect with your message on a deeper level. Emotionally charged quotes can make your presentation more relatable, engaging, and compelling.

Adding Credibility

Quotes from influential figures or reputable sources can add credibility and authority to your presentation.

By referencing experts, industry leaders, or renowned individuals, you can strengthen your arguments and lend more weight to your message. Quotes can act as evidence or proof to support your claims, making your presentation more convincing.

Concise Communication

Quotes are often concise and impactful, conveying a powerful message in just a few words.

Attention spans are becoming shorter and quotes are effective tools to communicate key ideas succinctly. They can help you convey complex concepts or ideas in a memorable and easily digestible manner, keeping your audience engaged and attentive.

Memorable Impact

A well-chosen quote can leave a lasting impact on your audience.

When you use a quote that resonates with your audience, it becomes memorable, and your audience is more likely to remember and recall your message long after the presentation. Quotes can help you make a lasting impression and ensure a memorable and impactful presentation.

marketing presentation quotes

Best Practices for Using Quotes in Your Presentation

While quotes can be a powerful tool in your presentation, it’s important to use them effectively and appropriately.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when incorporating quotes into your presentation:

Know Your Audience

Consider your audience’s demographics, preferences, and context when selecting quotes. Choose relevant quotes that resonate with your specific audience. Avoid ones that may be offensive, controversial, or irrelevant to your audience, as they may detract from your message.

Use Reliable Sources

Ensure that the quotes you use are from reputable and reliable sources. Moreover, attribute the quote to the original author or speaker, and provide proper citations if needed. Avoid using quotes from anonymous or unknown sources, as they may lack credibility.

Keep it Concise

Choose quotes that are concise and impactful. Avoid lengthy ones that may dilute your message or lose your audience’s attention. Instead, opt for ones that can be easily understood and remembered, and that align with the overall flow of your presentation.

Contextualize the Quote

Provide context when using a quote to help your audience understand its relevance to your presentation. Explain how the quote supports your message or relates to the topic. Avoid using quotes out of context, as they may confuse or mislead your audience.

marketing presentation quotes

Practice Delivery

Practice delivering your quotes with proper tone, emphasis, and timing. Use appropriate gestures, facial expressions, and vocal inflections to enhance the impact of the quotes. Avoid rushing through them or reading them monotonously, as they may lose their intended effect.

Use Variety

Incorporate a variety of quotes in your presentation, including inspirational, motivational, humorous, and thought-provoking quotes. Mix up the type of quotes you use to keep your audience engaged and add depth and diversity to your presentation.

Be Authentic

Choose quotes that resonate with your style and voice. Avoid using ones that feel forced or insincere, as they may come across as inauthentic. Rather, use ones that genuinely reflect your beliefs and values to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Practice Proper Attribution

Always give credit to the original author or speaker of the quote. Avoid taking credit for someone else’s words or ideas. Use proper attribution methods, including the author’s name, title, and source, to acknowledge and honor their work.

Using quotes strategically and effectively in your presentations can be a game-changer. By following best practices and incorporating powerful quotes into your presentation, you can connect with your audience more and leave a lasting impact that influences and inspires.

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98 Best Digital Marketing Quotes for all Leaders

Best Digital Marketing Quotes

Industry leaders’ knowledge and views are priceless resources for understanding the intricacies of online strategy in the always changing field of digital marketing. Crafted to inspire aspiring digital marketing experts, the “98 Best Digital Marketing Quotes for all Leaders” is a motivational compilation.

Featuring insights from innovators and marketing experts, this compendium provides diverse perspectives on the dynamic field of internet promotion. Also, These quotes offer timeless insights, guiding leaders with forward-thinking strategies in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, transcending fleeting trends.

This collection is a goldmine of information for anyone interested in learning about the nuances of digital marketing, be they an experienced marketer, an aspiring business owner, or a professional. Covering essential aspects like human touch, adaptability, customer-centricity, and strategic agility, this compilation addresses crucial elements in today’s marketing landscape. So, here are the best digital marketing quotes.

The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing. – Tom Fishburne, Founder of Marketoonist
Good marketers see consumers as complete human beings with all the dimensions real people have. Jonah Sachs
Without facts and principles, data is useless. Bob Hoffman
The consumer is not a moron; she is your wife. David Ogilvy
It’s not what you sell that matters as much as how you sell it! Brian Halligan
One of the factors that I believe is the biggest obstacle to transformation is the fear of cannibalization. Ganesh Ayyar, Mphasis
Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value. Philip Kotler
Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone. KB Marketing Agency
The last ten years of IT have been about changing the way people work. The next ten years of IT will be about transforming your business. Aaron Levie, BOX
Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell. Seth Godin
People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Simon Sinek
Content is fire; social media is gasoline.  Jay Baer
Many companies have forgotten they sell to actual people. Humans care about the entire experience, not just the marketing or sales or service. To really win in the modern age, you must solve for humans. Dharmesh Shah
We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in.  Craig Davis

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Instead of one-way interruption, Web marketing is about delivering useful content at just the right moment that a buyer needs it. David Meerman Scott
Marketing’s job is never done. It’s about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day. Beth Comstock
The Internet has been the most fundamental change during my lifetime and for hundreds of years. Rupert Murdoch
For me, pop culture is very fluid: it’s music, it’s movies, it’s books, it’s art, it’s tech, it’s so many things — and as marketing and brand advocates, we should be able to take products and services and match them to what’s happening in pop culture. – Bozoma Saint John
The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. Bill Gates
Integrated marketing offers opportunities to break through to consumers in new markets. Betsy Holden
Think about changing the mantra from always be closing, to always be helping. Jonathan Lister
To continue winning the internet marketing game, your content has to be more than just brilliant — it has to give the people consuming that content the ability to become a better version of themselves. Michelle StinsonRoss
Build relationships, not links. Scott Wyden Kivowitz
Business has only two functions — marketing and innovation. Milan Kundera
The next horizon will be deep integration of the physical and interactive worlds. The future of online is offline. Cyriac Roeding
Build something 100 people love, not something 1 million people kind of like. Brian Chesky, Co-Founder & CEO, Airbnb
27. Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.  Wendy Piersall
Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale.  Chris Brogan
Speak to your audience in their language about what’s in their heart. Jonathan Lister
Does your content lead readers on a journey, or does it merely stuff them as leads into a pipeline? Ann Handley
Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points. Jonah Sachs
Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue. Andrew Davis
If you can’t explain it to a 6-year old, you don’t know it yourself. Albert Einstein
Authenticity, honesty, and personal voice underlie much of what’s successful on the Web.  Rick Levine
We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in. Craig Davis
Content marketing is a commitment, not a campaign. Jon Buscall
One of the best ways to sabotage your content is to not tie it to your goals. Know why you’re creating content. Ellen Gomes
Content is not king, but a president elected by the votes of those whom it aims to rule. Raheel Farooq
Content marketing is all the marketing that’s left. Seth Godin
90% trust peers on social networks (even strangers); only 15–18% trust brands. Danny Brown
How do we get found in search engines? How do we get people to talk about us on social? We better be interesting and helpful, and we better do that on a consistent basis. Joe Pulizzi
Every email is a customer survey of your target market, by testing they vote on what resonates best with them. Kath Pay

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Commit to a niche; try to stop being everything to everyone. Andrew Davis
You can’t sell anything if you can’t tell anything. Beth Comstock
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about. Benjamin Franklin
There are three objectives for content marketing: reach engagement conversion. Define key metrics for each. Michael Brenner
Take a risk and keep testing, because what works today won’t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again.  Amrita Sahasrabudhe
Social media are tools. Real time is a mindset. David Meerman Scott
Twitter is not a technology. It’s a conversation and it’s happening with or without you. Charlene Li
When it comes to content, the best marketers know that self-promotion is good! Kieran Flanagan
Mediocre marketers think in terms of campaigns. Great marketers think in terms of growth frameworks. Neil Patel
Social Media is about sociology and psychology more than technology. – Brian Solis
Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world you are one. Robert Rose
To continue winning the internet marketing game, your content has to be more that just brilliant, it has to give the people consuming that content the ability to become a better version of themselves. Michelle Stinson Ross
If you’re a good marketing person, you have to be a little crazy. J im Metcalf
Focus on the core problem your business solves and put out lots of content and enthusiasm and ideas about how to solve that problem.   Laura Fitton
Stop selling. Start helping. Zig Ziglar
If you’re not failing now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything innovative. Woody Allen
Content marketing is the gap between what brands produce and what consumers actually want. Michael Brenner
Business has only two functions – marketing and innovation.  Milan Kundera
Inspiration doesn’t respond to meeting requests. You can’t schedule greatness. Jay Baer
One of the best ways to sabotage your content is to not tie it to your goals. Know why you’re creating content.   Ellen Gomes
Companies that speak in the language of the pitch are no longer speaking to anyone. The Cluetrain Manifesto
Take a risk and keep testing, because what works today won’t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again. Amrita Sahasrabudhe
Instead of interrupting, work on attracting. – Dharmesh Shah
I want to do business with a company that treats emailing me as a privilege, not a transaction.  Andrea Mignolo
An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail. Edwin Land
Innovation needs to be part of your culture. Consumers are transforming faster than we are, and if we dont catch up, we’re in trouble. Ian Schafer
Don’t push people to where you want to be; meet them where they are. Meghan Keaney Anderson
The biggest part of our digital transformation is changing the way we think. Simeon Preston
Know thyself. Know the customer. Innovate. Beth Comstock
Risk – calculated risk – is key to success online. Arthur Ceria
Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice. Jim Collins
People will ignore or skip anything they don’t like. So brands have to start making things they love. Steve Pratt
Smart marketers and smart brand managers understand the importance of leveraging frame of reference to build their brands. Mark Shapiro
Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first. Wendy Piersall
Social media marketing is about creating content that brings your audience together as a community and inspiring authentic conversations while increasing your brand’s awareness. Krystal Wu
Brand equity is the sum of all the hearts and minds of every single person that comes into contact with your company.  Christopher Betzter
Amazing things will happen when you listen to the consumer. Jonathan Midenhall

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A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another. Seth Godin
Content is King, but engagement is Queen, and the lady rules the house! Mari Smith
Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind. Walter Landor
Branding is about signals — the signals people use to determine what you stand for as a brand. Signals create associations. Allen P. Adamson
Authenticity, honesty, and personal voice underlie much of what’s successful on the Web. Rick Levine
A lesson learned once again through ‘the school of hard knocks’ … never lose sight of your brand, its value, and its inherent need to be fed and nurtured and placed above all else! Saving your way there is a fool’s errand. Chet Baker
Understand why and how your audience uses technology and then start trying to align your communications efforts. Brian Reich and Dan Solomon
Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room. Jeff Bezos
It’s hard to find things that won’t sell online.  Jeff Bezos
Recruiting great marketers should be your number one priority. Kipp Bodnar
Innovation needs to be part of your culture. Consumers are transforming faster than we are, and if we don’t catch up, we’re in trouble. Ian Schafer
There’s a problem with the word ‘social’. Social is not just Twitter, FB, etc. Social is a language. Andrew Grill
The creative process is fueled by divergent thinking — a breaking away from familiar or established ways of seeing and doing. The Innovator’s Toolkit
 We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes — understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success. Arianna Huffington

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Also, Check this video out:

Why should I explore the 98 Best Digital Marketing Quotes?

The quote provide insightful opinions, viewpoints, and advice from prominent figures in the field, inspiring and guiding readers as they navigate the ever-changing world of digital marketing.

Can these quotes benefit professionals at different career stages?

Of course! These quotations provide a range of viewpoints on digital marketing and are suitable for professionals at different stages of their careers, be they novices or seasoned business owners or marketers.

Are the quotes applicable to specific industries or sectors?

Applicable to diverse fields like technology, finance, healthcare, and beyond, these quotes cover a wide array of topics in digital marketing.

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101 Quotes to inspire speakers

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101 Quotes for Inspiring Public Speaker

Inspiration sometimes runs dry, and for presenters feeling uninspired can lead to a poor performance.

Where do you go when you need a bit of extra lift?  Sometimes the well thought out words of history’s very best orators can be just the ticket. 

From drafting speeches, to calming your nerves right before you step into the spotlight , we’ve collected the top inspiring 101 quotes from thought leaders around the world.

Check nuggets of wisdom from Dale Carnegie , Mark Twain, Tony Robbins and Winston Churchill (we’ve even thrown in some William Butler Yeats and Seth Godin for good measure.) 

Continue reading more quotes below or  download the eBook from SlideShare . 

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams ( Tweet this )

“There are certain things in which mediocrity is not to be endured, such as poetry, music, painting, public speaking.” - Jean de la Bruyere ( Tweet this )

“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” – Henry Ford ( Tweet this )

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward ( Tweet this )

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou ( Tweet this )

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” –  Margaret Mead ( Tweet this )

“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.” – John Ford  ( Tweet this )

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot.” – D. H. Lawrence  ( Tweet this )

“Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent.” – Dionysius Of Halicarnassus  ( Tweet this )

“What we say is important… for in most cases the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” – Jim Beggs   ( Tweet this )

“If you can’t write your message in a sentence, you can’t say it in an hour.” – Dianna Booher  ( Tweet this )

“There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.” – Dale Carnegie ( Tweet this )

“It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.” – Mark Twain ( Tweet this )

“A good orator is pointed and impassioned.” – Marcus T. Cicero  ( Tweet this )

“Oratory is the power to talk people out of their sober and natural opinions.” – Joseph Chatfield  ( Tweet this)

“He who wants to persuade should put his trust not in the right argument, but in the right word. The power of sound has always been greater than the power of sense.” – Joseph Conrad ( Tweet this )

“There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience.” – Alexander Gregg ( Tweet this )

“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.” – Lilly Walters  ( Tweet this )

“Best way to conquer stage fright is to know what you’re talking about.” – Michael H. Mescon  ( Tweet this )

“There are only two types of speakers in the world. 1. The nervous and 2. Liars.” – Mark Twain  ( Tweet this )

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” – Alexander Graham Bell  ( Tweet this )

“90% of how well the talk will go is determined before the speaker steps on the platform.” – Somers White ( Tweet this )

“It takes one hour of preparation for each minute of presentation time.” – Wayne Burgraff  ( Tweet this )

“The most precious things in speech are the... pauses.” – Sir Ralph Richardson ( Tweet this )

“Well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech.” – Martin Fraquhar Tupper ( Tweet this )

“The problem with speeches isn’t so much not knowing when to stop, as knowing when not to begin.” – Frances Rodman ( Tweet this )

“Words have incredible power. They can make people’s hearts soar, or they can make people’s hearts sore. – Dr. Mardy Grothe ( Tweet this )

“The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.” – Mark Twain ( Tweet this )

“If you can’t communicate and talk to other people and get across your ideas, you’re giving up your potential.” – Warren Buffet ( Tweet this )

“If I went back to college again, I’d concentrate on two areas: learning to write and to speak before an audience. Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively.” – Gerald R. Ford ( Tweet this )

“Always give a speech that you would like to hear.” – Andrii Sedniev ( Tweet this )

“If you don’t know what you want to achieve in your presentation your audience never will.” – Harvey Diamond ( Tweet this )

“Find out what’s keeping them up nights and offer hope. Your theme must be an answer to their fears .” – Gerald C Myers ( Tweet this )

“In presentations or speeches less really is more.” – Stephen Keague ( Tweet this )

“Speeches measured by the hour die with the hour”          – Thomas Jefferson ( Tweet this )

“It’s much easier to be convincing if you care about your topic. Figure out what’s important to you about your message and speak from the heart” – Nicholas Boothman ( Tweet this )

“Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.” – Dale Carnegie ( Tweet this )

“Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of their listeners.” – Dale Carnegie ( Tweet this )

“It is not failure itself that holds you back; it is the fear of failure that paralyzes you.” -Brian Tracy ( Tweet this )

“All you need is something to say, and a burning desire to say it… it doesn’t matter where your hands are.” – Lou Holtz ( Tweet this )

“If you don’t use stories audience members may enjoy your speech, but there is no chance they’ll remember it.” – Andrii Sedniev ( Tweet this )

“There is no such thing as presentation talent, it is called presentation skills” -David JP Phillips ( Tweet this )

“The audience only pays attention as long as you know where you are going.” - Philip Crosby ( Tweet this )

“Ask yourself, ‘If I had only sixty seconds on the stage, what would I absolutely have to say to get my message across.” - Jeff Dewar ( Tweet this )

“It’s all right to have butterflies in your stomach. Just get them to fly in formation.” – Rob Gilbert ( Tweet this )

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, and to sit down and listen.”   – Winston Churchill ( Tweet this )

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin ( Tweet this )

“Designing a presentation without an audience in mind is like writing a love letter and addressing it: To Whom It May Concern.” – Ken Haemer ( Tweet this )

“The goal of effective communication should be for listeners to say ‘Me too!’ versus ‘So what?'” – Jim Rohn ( Tweet this )

“The royal road to a man’s heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most.” – Dale Carnegie ( Tweet this )

“To communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world, and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” – Tony Robbins ( Tweet this )

“To sway an audience, you must watch them as you speak.” – C. Kent Wright ( Tweet this )

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein ( Tweet this )

“If you can’t state your position in eight words, you don’t have a position. “ – Seth Godin ( Tweet this )

“The way something is presented will define the way you react to it.” – Neville Brody ( Tweet this )

“Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.” – William Butler Yeats ( Tweet this )

“A presentation is a chance to share, not an oral exam.” – M.F. Fensholt ( Tweet this )      

“Speech is power. Speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel. It is to bring another out of his bad sense into your good sense.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson ( Tweet this )

“Words do two major things: they provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness.” – Jim Rohn ( Tweet this )

“Every speaker has a mouth, an arrangement rather neat. Sometimes it’s filled with wisdom, sometimes it’s filled with feet.” – Robert Orben ( Tweet this )

“Humor is a rubber sword – it allows you to make a point without drawing blood.” – Mary Hirsch ( Tweet this )

“If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you.” – Oscar Wilde ( Tweet this )

“Once you get people laughing, they’re listening and you can tell them almost anything.” – Herbert Gardner ( Tweet this )

“The world is waiting for your words.” – Arvee Robinson ( Tweet this )

“Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.” – Jim Rohn ( Tweet this )

“A designer knows he or she has achieved perfection, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery  ( Tweet this )

“If God is in the details, then the Devil is in PowerPoint.” – @AngryPaulRand ( Tweet this )

“The more strikingly visual your presentation is, the more people will remember it. And more importantly, they will remember you.” – Paul Arden ( Tweet this )

“All the great speakers were bad speakers at first.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson ( Tweet this )

“Communication works for those who work at it .” – John Powell ( Tweet this )

“If you wing it when speaking, you’ll get wing it results.” – Arvee Robinson ( Tweet this )

“Your smile is a messenger of your goodwill.” – Dale Carnegie ( Tweet this )

“If it takes a lot of words to say what you have in mind, give it more thought.” – Dennis Roth ( Tweet this )

“Make sure you have stopped speaking before your audience has stopped listening.” – Dorothy Sarnoff ( Tweet this )

“Many attempts to communicate are nullified by saying too much. ” - Robert Greenleaf ( Tweet this )

“If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack.” - Winston S. Churchill ( Tweet this )

“The most valuable of all talents is never using two words when one will do.” -Thomas Jefferson ( Tweet this )

“Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.” -John Wooden ( Tweet this )

“Silence is the ultimate weapon of power.” - Charles de Gaulle ( Tweet this )

“Creative thinking is merely intelligent plagiarism.” - Aristotle ( Tweet this )

"Always be yourself and have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and try to duplicate it." -Bruce Lee ( Tweet this )

“Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity.” - Reed Markham ( Tweet this )

“Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.” - Zig Ziglar ( Tweet this )

“A talk is a voyage with purpose and it must be charted. The man who starts out going nowhere, generally gets there.” - Dale Carnegie  ( Tweet this )

“I have not failed. I’ve simply discovered 10,000 ways that don’t work.” - Thomas Edison ( Tweet this )

“Buried deep within each of us is a spark of greatness, a spark than can be fanned into flames of passion and achievement. That spark is not outside of you it is born deep within you.” -James A. Ray ( Tweet this )

“The energy level of the audience is the same as the speaker’s. For better...or for worse.” -Andras Baneth ( Tweet this )

"One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation." -Arthur Ashe ( Tweet this )

“Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers.” - Cesar Chavez ( Tweet this )

“I do not speak of what I cannot praise.” - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe  ( Tweet this )

“If you're not comfortable with public speaking - and nobody starts out comfortable; you have to learn how to be comfortable - practice. I cannot overstate the importance of practicing. Get some close friends or family members to help evaluate you, or somebody at work that you trust.” -Hillary Clinton ( Tweet this )

“Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.” -Oliver Wendell Holmes ( Tweet this )

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” - Eleanor Roosevelt ( Tweet this )

As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” - Bill Gates ( Tweet this )

"Good transitions can make a speech more important to the audience because they feel they are being taken to a positive conclusion without having to travel a bumpy road." - Joe Griffith ( Tweet this )

"When speaking in public, your message - no matter how important - will not be effective or memorable if you don't have a clear structure." - Patricia Fripp ( Tweet this )

“The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.” -Lady Bird Johnson ( Tweet this )

“The best way to conquer stage fright is to know what you are talking about.” -Michael H. Mescon ( Tweet this )

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.” - Robert McKee ( Tweet this )

“If something comes from your heart, it will reach the heart of your audience.” — فوزیه کوفی (Fawzia Koofi)‎ ( Tweet this )

The inspiring story of Dale Carnegie's road to success

How do we achieve our dreams and goals as a speaker? The inspiring story of Dale Carnegie's road to success

breaking through a creative block

60 ideas and quotes on breaking through a creative block

Would you like to see these quotes visualised? Download our free eBook here . 

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  • Dale Carnegie quotes to help you become a better speaker

Join our free digital event:  Marketing Workshop: Create Impact with Stunning Presentations with Adobe Express

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May 30, 2024 | Time: 1pm (PT) / 4pm (ET) Get hands-on training with Adobe Express to uplevel your production skills and learn to generate ideas for digital assets, social campaigns, and more in this monthly marketing workshop series. Effective data visualization does a lot more than relay information — it also tells helpful stories that contextualize ideas, concepts, and numbers. With Adobe Express, marketers can easily build beautiful and compelling data narratives. Join this hands-on workshop to learn how to use Adobe Express to:  

  • Create stunning presentations and data visualizations using easy-to-master tools and templates. 
  • Incorporate branded elements, such as colors, logos, and imagery, to assemble cohesive data narratives.
  • Build stunning visuals to express data in easy-to-understand ways for presentations, reports, newsletters, white papers, and more.
  • Participate in a fun and interactive challenge to receive a $10 gift card. 

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Jamie Nuzbach, Strategic Development Manager, Adobe

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  1. 50 Powerful Quotes To Start Your Presentation

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  2. 100+ Powerful Marketing Quotes That Will Transform Your Business

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  1. The Ultimate List of Marketing Quotes for Digital Inspiration

    To really win in the modern age, you must solve for humans.". — Dharmesh Shah, CTO & Co-Founder, HubSpot. "Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone.". — KB Marketing Agency. "Marketing's job is never done. It's about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day.".

  2. 60 Quotes for PowerPoint Presentations (2022)

    Powerful quotes for starting & ending presentations. Best cites and sayings for your speech in the categories: funny, business, motivational, life. Including great PowerPoint quote templates to download. ... Philipp is a creative supporter at SlideLizard in marketing and design. There he uses his imagination and provides creative freshness ...

  3. 50 Powerful Quotes To Start Your Presentation

    50 Powerful Quotes To Start Your Presentation: 1) "The secret of getting ahead is getting started.". - Mark Twain. 2) "Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games.". - Babe Ruth. 3) "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.". - Albert Einstein. 4) "If you're too comfortable, it's ...

  4. 50 quotes to enhance your presentations

    Design quotes for presentations. "Good design begins with honesty, asks tough questions, comes from collaboration and from trusting your intuition.". "The urge for good design is the same as the urge to go on living. The assumption is that somewhere, hidden, is a better way of doing things.".

  5. 60 Best Marketing Quotes for Inspiration and Motivation

    Here are some inspiring quotes to create a result-driven PPC marketing strategy. "Every trackable interaction creates a data-point, and every data-point tells a piece of the customer's story." -Paul Roetzer, Founder & CEO. "If your content isn't driving conversation, you're doing it wrong." -Dan Roth, LinkedIn's Executive ...

  6. 33 of the Greatest Marketing Quotes to Inspire Your Strategy

    Here is my collection of the greatest marketing quotes to inspire your strategy: "Banners have 99 problem and a click ain't one.". "Content Marketing is a commitment, not a campaign." ~ Jon Buscall. "Content marketing is the only marketing left." ~ Seth Godin. "Stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people ...

  7. 99 Quotes About Marketing, Branding, and More

    21. "Our jobs as marketers are to understand how the customer wants to buy and help them do so.". — Bryan Eisenberg. 22. "Don't be afraid to get creative and experiment with your ...

  8. 15+ Best Business Presentation Tips: Quotes From the Experts (For Great

    A business presentation is a marketing task; you are communicating a recommendation or a set of conclusions. The first lesson in marketing is to think about your customer. ... In addition to the public speaking tips above, here are more public speaking quotes from some of the world's presentation experts. 1.

  9. Top 10 quotes for your next business presentation

    Top 10 quotes for your next business presentation. Joseph Roux said that "A fine quotation is a diamond in the hand of a man of wit and a pebble in the hand of a fool". We agree with him, as a right quote can set the tone for your business presentation and lead you to success. So, here we have a bunch of diamonds for you.

  10. 120 Marketing Quotes To Get Inspired

    10 General Marketing Quotes. "Businesses aren't B2B or B2C, they're Human To Human (H2H).". - Dominic Cummins, Founder of Right Mind, Inc. "Don't tell stories about your product— change the stories your customers tell themselves through the transformation your product provides.". - Ryan Deiss, CEO of DigitalMarketer.

  11. 87 Digital Marketing Quotes to Inspire You (2024 Update)

    Digital marketing quotes about online marketing. 1. "In the world of Internet Customer Service, it's important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away.". - Doug Warner. 2. "Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.". - Wendy Piersall. 3. "In 2004, good SEO made you remarkable on the web.

  12. 100+ Powerful Marketing Quotes That Will Transform Your Business

    3. "Marketing is really just about sharing your passion.". - Michael Hyatt, virtual business mentor. 4. "Amazing things will happen when you listen to the consumer.". - Jonathan Midenhall, CMO of Airbnb. 5. "Give them quality. That is the best kind of advertising." -Milton Hershey, entrepreneur.

  13. 48 Inspirational Marketing Quotes to Motivate Your Selling

    The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. Peter F. Drucker Content Marketing Quotes. It seems there is more and more content competing to be heard online. Have a read of these content marketing quotes from the likes of Seth Godin and Lee Odden. Content is king. Bill Gates

  14. 12 Marketing Presentation Examples for You

    Digital marketing presentation example. In a digital marketing presentation example, the focus shifts to how digital channels can be leveraged to achieve marketing objectives. This presentation type is visually appealing and uses design elements that resonate with digital trends. It begins by outlining the digital marketing strategy, including ...

  15. 150+ Essential Business Presentation Phrases (+ 8 Tips)

    If you need more specific vocabulary, like for a presentation to the board, your manager, or a client on their finances, check out our blog post on the most common English for accounting vocabulary. 4. Prepare some visual aids. These days, most people use a slide deck when presenting business ideas.

  16. Influencing Your Audience Using Quotes

    Quotes can evoke emotions in your audience, making your presentation more memorable and impactful. Whether through a touching story, a heartfelt testimonial, or a powerful statement, quotes can tug at the heartstrings of your audience, helping them connect with your message on a deeper level. Emotionally charged quotes can make your ...

  17. 20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

    6. "Blitzscaling: Book Trailer," Reid Hoffman. If you're going to go the minimalistic route, I'd take note of this PowerPoint presentation example from Reid Hoffman. This clean design adheres to a simple, consistent color scheme with clean graphics peppered throughout to make the slides more visually interesting.

  18. 101 Sales and Marketing Quotes to Read Before Setting Your ...

    10. "As marketing converges with customer service and sales, marketing today is more about helping and less about hyping.". - Joel Book. 11. "You have to tell a story before you can sell a ...

  19. Quotes Theme for Marketing

    Quotes Theme for Marketing Presentation . Multi-purpose . Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template . Spain has some of the most hilarious quotes in the history of humankind: "We are feelings and have human beings." "It's the villager the one who chooses the mayor, and it's the mayor the one who wants the villagers to be the mayor."

  20. 19 Quotes That Will Inspire You To Create An Amazing Presentation

    Sir Winston Churchill. "The brain doesn't pay attention to boring things." - John Medina. "Performance is not about getting your act together, but about opening up to the energy of the audience ...

  21. 98 Best Digital Marketing Quotes for all Leaders

    Crafted to inspire aspiring digital marketing experts, the "98 Best Digital Marketing Quotes for all Leaders" is a motivational compilation. Featuring insights from innovators and marketing experts, this compendium provides diverse perspectives on the dynamic field of internet promotion. Also, These quotes offer timeless insights, guiding ...

  22. 101 Quotes to inspire speakers

    101 Quotes to inspire speakers. "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.". "There are certain things in which mediocrity is not to be endured, such as poetry, music, painting, public speaking.". "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right

  23. 15 Real-Life Case Study Examples & Best Practices

    Include relevant quotes and CTAs to your case study. Publication & Distribution: Publish and share your case study on your website, social media channels and email list! Marketing & Repurposing: Turn your case study into a podcast, pdf, case study presentation and more. Share these materials with your sales and marketing team.

  24. How To Present Marketing Results To Your CEO, CFO, And Board

    8 Steps To Create A Marketing Results Presentation 1. Focus On The Outcome. Your board of executives doesn't really care about your daily practices and whether you included dofollow backlinks in your blog posts to generate more leads or did landing page optimization.They only want to hear about the effectiveness of your marketing strategy and its results.

  25. 5 creative marketing campaigns to try this 2024

    Creative marketing campaigns have the power to forge strong connections between brands and their target audiences by tapping into consumer desires, aspirations, and values. 5 creative marketing campaigns this 2024. Staying ahead of the marketing curve requires embracing creativity and innovation.

  26. Marketing Workshop: Create Impact with Stunning Presentations ...

    Create stunning presentations and data visualizations using easy-to-master tools and templates. Incorporate branded elements, such as colors, logos, and imagery, to assemble cohesive data narratives. Build stunning visuals to express data in easy-to-understand ways for presentations, reports, newsletters, white papers, and more.