R: Ratio Tables

F: Quiz/Proportions (Tape)

M: Double Number Lines (Review Tape)

T: Cross Multiply (Review Double)

W: Review Cross & Quiz

F: Review (Activity)

T: Percents

Unit Two:� Ratios and Proportions

Quiz Friday.

8 questions.

Covers our Days 1 and 2 lessons

(ratios and tables)

10 minutes to complete.

Order Matters!

Writing Ratios Examples

Writing Ratio Examples

For each picture, write a sentence to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities.

Name the ratio using math symbols.

1. Stars to moons.

2. Bugs to grasshoppers .�

3. Cones to scoops of ice cream.

4. Puppies to kittens.

5. Apples to pieces of fruit .

6. Clownfish to starfish .

7. Yellow cars to red cars.

8. Satellites to cell phones . �

9. Sneakers to basketballs . �

  • Pizzas to delivery people. �
  • Wheels to bicycles. �
  • Skateboards to things with wheels .

Opening Assignment

7.1 Ratio Worksheet

Word Problem

The table shows how much bus fare costs for different sized groups.

Unlike you, Mr. Lasseter and Sofia Vergara have lots of friends. How much would their group of 700 people cost to ride the bus?

Using Tables to Examine Ratios

Complete the Tables Below.


Essential Question :

“How did proportions kill Osama Bin Laden?”

A proportion is an equation showing two ratios are equal.

In a proportion, if the ratios are equivalent. Then the cross-products are equal.

You will see 3 ways to solve proportions:

Tape Diagrams

Double Number Lines

  • Cross-Multiplication and Equations.

Are these ratios proportional?



Tape Diagram

  • A tape diagram looks like a piece of tape and shows the relationship in a given ratio
  • It is also called:
  • Strip diagram
  • Fraction Strip
  • Length model
  • Tape diagrams work very well to show PART to PART and PART to WHOLE ratios
  • School A has 500 students, which is 2 ½ times as many students as School B. How many more students attend school A?

Tape Diagram - Example

Keenan has 25 homework assignments per week. Of the 25, five of the assignments are for math and the other assignments are for other subjects. In 125 total assignments, how many non-math assignments  does Keenan have?

  • Draw a tape diagram by making a bar to indicate the total number of assignments. Partition off five assignments and label them math.
  • What is the ratio of math assignments to total assignments each week?
  • What is the ratio of math assignments to total assignments?
  • How many assignments are non-math?
  • Other assignments to total assignments?
  • Math assignments to other assignments?

Turn and talk: Which ratio was needed to solve this problem? Why?

1. For every two tulips in a flower arrangement there are three gardenias. There are 15 flowers in the flower arrangement. How many flowers are gardenias?

2. For every piece of broccoli Davante eats, his mother will give him half of a Chips Ahoy cookie. How many pieces of broccoli does Davante need to eat to get three Chips Ahoy cookies?

3. Read the problem below. Then choose the correct ratio to solve the problem. 

In his garden, Mr. Lasseter has two cucumbers for every six cherry tomatoes. In the garden, there are currently 80 vegetables (cucumbers and cherry tomatoes) growing. How many of the vegetables are cucumbers?


Example Problem:

Mr. Lasseter goes on 114 Taco Bell dates with Amanda Seyfried for every 24 movies he watches. If he watches 168 movies, how many Taco Bell dates does he go on?

Double Number Line Example 2

Mr. Lasseter punches 7 students for every 17 students he kicks. If he kicked 153 students, how many did he punch?

Solving Proportions by Cross Multiplication

Now try with a word problem.

How did Ratios and Proportions kill Bin Laden?

Spies could see a tall man but not a face.

They knew Osama was tall from pictures.

They measured the heights of shadows and set up a proportion to determine the height of the “mysterious tall man.”

The height of a building is 20 feet . The height of the building’s shadow is 80 feet . The height of the man’s shadow is 26 feet tall. How tall is the man ?

Ratio and Proportion Quiz Wednesday

  • Tape Diagram-1
  • Double Number Line-1
  • Cross-Multiplication-3
  • Definitions-2
  • 10 problems---15 minutes ONLY!

Log-In to Google Classroom.

Visit the Ratio/Proportion Website.

Complete as much as you can in 10 minutes.

Complete Worksheet 6-2 (both sides).

See Mr. Lasseter for help.

Move Around a Little…

Find the following ratios around the room:

  • Boys to Girls
  • Tennis Balls to Desks
  • Computers to Chairs
  • Dinosaurs to Baseballs.
  • Flags to Basketball Goals
  • Words on the Word Wall to # of units.
  • Doors to Windows
  • Brooms to Dustpans
  • Teachers to students.
  • Blue shoes to red shoes.
  • Glasses to No Glasses.
  • Paddles Mirrors
  • Blue Storage Buckets to Clear Storage Buckets

A rate compares two quantities that have different units of measure.

Miles per Hour

Price per Pound

Problems per Minute

Dollars per Hour

To find the rate…

Rate Word Problems

Which day did Mr. Lasseter run faster?

Water rushes over Niagara Falls at the rate of 180 million cubic feet every 30 minutes. How much water goes over the falls in 1 minute?

6 million ft 3

Rates and Ratios

Be Prepared

On your desk…

1 sheet of notebook paper.

Last night’s homework.

Nothing else.

Unit Rate Review



Solve the problems on notebook paper as we go.

Complete the Unit Rates with Speed and Price-Matching Worksheet.

Answer My Questions!

How many cents are in $1?

How many years are in a century?

What does the word “per” mean?

What does percent mean?

For every 100

Change These Fractions to Percent.

Changing Percent to a Fraction

How do we change a decimal to a percent?

Move the Decimal Place Two Places to the Right (Multiply by 100)!

Test Tuesday!

Lots of Word Problems

Percent Problems

“How do I extract information from a word problem to solve?”

Joke of the Day

What does a house full of happy cats smell like?

Write This Down!

Percent Word Problems

Example Two: Read Carefully

You May Sometimes Multiply to Find a Percent!

Change the percent to a decimal and multiply.

Find 20% of 150.

0.20 × 150 =

Find 15% of 200.

Find 120% of 80.

Word Problem!

There are 560 students at PGM. If 35% want to grow up to be like Mr. Lasseter, how many want to be like Mr. Awesomeness (A.K.A. Mr. Lasseter)?

196 want to be like Mr. Lasseter . They never will be as cool as him.

Mr. Lasseter is so dreamy!

Exercise-It is Good For You.

Catwoman is 25% of the way through her exercises (being a criminal is hard work). If she has exercised for 20 minutes so far, how much longer does she have to work out?

She still has 60 minutes to go.

Using Percent

Anytime you shop, eat at a restaurant, or spend any money, you are using percent.

Three examples are:

Mr. Lasseter’s Gangsta Polka Music Store

Mr. Lasseter is selling albums for 10% off the regular price. What will you pay for the new Taylor Swift album that costs $14.99?

$14.99 × 0.10 = 1.499

$14.99 – 1.499 = 13.491

Mr. Lasseter and Kat Dennings are on a date to Hip Hop Chicken & Fish. The bill is $13.95. Mr. Lasseter wants to leave a 15% tip. How much will his total bill be?

13.95 × 0.15 = 20.0925

13.95 + 2.0925 =

Mr. Lasseter is buying a kitten for Katy Perry. It costs $79.65. The sales tax is 6%. About how much will the total cost of the kitten be?

79.65 × 0.06 = 4.779

79.65 + 4.779 =

The Biggest Problem Ever!

Mr. Lasseter is buying a new dress for Anna Kendrick. Here are his 3 options:

Which option will cost the least?

Which option will cost the most?

Which did you choose? Explain why?

Option 1: $61.60

Option Two: $61.08

Option Three: $63.60

Option 2 costs the least.

Option 3 costs the most.

Mr. Lasseter would buy all three because Anna loves him.

Advertisement Project

  • Test Grade.
  • Pick an item and find its price. You will have to draw it (no cutting and pasting).
  • Create an advertisement for your product.
  • Pick a discount percentage (it must be shown on the advertisement).

Today’s Schedule

  • Finish Your Advertisement- 10 minutes .
  • Shopping-Pick a classmate and do the math for his or her advertisement (put on your paper)- 10 minutes .
  • Check your math with a calculator (if you have one). Tape on the wall outside. Turn in your half sheet for your grade- 10 minutes . Lockers and Restroom .
  • Begin your test review. When everyone finishes the advertisement, we will step outside to work with Ms. Waller’s class- 30 minutes .
  • Test tomorrow. 15 problems. 45 minutes only.

Unit Two Test Review

15 questions.

45 minutes.

Show all work.

When finished:

  • Visit your Google Classroom to complete 2 surveys and 1 SME session.
  • Measure your height on the paper up front.

Videos to Help



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Sharing in a Given Ratio

Published by Corrado Righi Modified over 4 years ago

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Sharing Using Ratios

The following example shows how we can use Ratios for sharing out amounts.

Also shown is the standard approach and working out steps for doing these types of mathematics questions.

As agreed by the three friends, the winnings of $ 120 000 need to be shared amongst them in the same ratio as the money they each contributed towards the ticket.

We now work out from the 20 parts total, how much “One Part” is worth.

After we know what one part is, it is then just simple multiplication to work out what share of the total amount each person gets.

We have our sharing amount answers, and it is always a good idea to check these answers to make sure that they are correct.

There are two levels of checking we can do.

These involve checking the Total of the Amounts, and then checking the Ratio of the Amounts.

Because both checks have been successful, we can be 100% sure that our sharing Answers are correct.


Video about Ratio Sharing

Watch the following video which is about sharing out items in given ratios.

This video uses the notion of “rounds” which might appear a bit different to our example lottery question, but is actually the same.

The total “rounds” are simply the “Total Parts”, and so the video presenter gives so many rounds to each person depending on their share of the ratio.

Steps for Working Out Sharing Questions

The previous example has shown the steps that we need to do to work out a Ratios question which involves sharing amounts.

We use these exact same steps for working out questions that involve dividing up amounts.

Steps for Checking Sharing Questions

As shown at the end of the Lottery example, there were two checks that we need to do for Ratios Sharing Questions.

The first check involves checking that the answer amounts all add up to exactly match the original amount being shared.

The second check involves checking that the Ratio of the answer amounts exactly matches the original sharing ratio.

Ratios Sharing Examples

The following examples show how to do questions which involve dividing up amounts, or sharing amounts.

In each example we follow the standard working out steps:

– Find the Total Number of Parts in the Ratio (Do this by adding up all the number values in the given Ratio to get a Total

– Amount for One Part = (Total Amount being shared) / Total Number of Parts in Ratio

(This tells us what one part is worth)

– Each Share = its Ratio Number x Amount for One Part.

Although not shown on all of our examples, remember that checking our amswer amounts is just as important as doing the working out steps.

The standard Answer Checking Steps are as follows:

– Check all the shares add up to the original given Amount

– Check the Ratio of the Shares simplifies to be the same as the Original Given Ratio.

Related Items

Introduction to Ratios Simplifying Ratios Calculating Ratio Amounts Increasing and Decreasing Using Ratios Fibonacci Sequence in Music

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Introduction to ratio lesson.

sharing ratio ppt

Devised for L1 as a first lesson for ratio utilising practical applications for ratio understanding. Please print the last slide as a worksheet to accompany the PPT.

Editor's notes

Introductory example using a KitKat bar, followed by other everyday applications including screen wash, hair tint and paints.  Also (very nicely) covers equality & diversity with discussion about the proportion of White British players in the 2018 England squad.

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KS4 Ratio - Sharing / Dividing in a Quantity

KS4 Ratio - Sharing / Dividing in a Quantity

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Other


Last updated

28 October 2014

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    Devised for L1 as a first lesson for ratio utilising practical applications for ratio understanding. Please print the last slide as a worksheet to accompany the PPT. Editor's notes Introductory example using a KitKat bar, followed by other everyday applications including screen wash, hair tint and paints. Also (very nicely) covers equality & diversity with discussion about the proportion of ...

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  23. KS4 Ratio

    KS4 Ratio - Sharing / Dividing in a Quantity. Subject: Mathematics. Age range: 14-16. Resource type: Other. File previews. pptx, 2.21 MB. A lesson with exercises on sharing ratios in a quantity. There is some key ratio questions at the start, which leads into more difficult questions modelled. There is time for pupils to work individually.