
Anam Cara Writer's & Artist's Retreat

Thank you for visiting our web site.. We are welcoming creative (and vaccinated and boostered!) people interested in retreating to Anam Cara! Thanks to all of you who have been enquiring about our reopening. I really appreciate your support and encouragement.

In order to follow current Covid protocols and to protect my own health vulnerabilities, I am opening half of the retreat building to creators. You may work on your own or with up to two others... either people you are familiar with or others who are fully vaccinated and boostered and willing to follow Covid protocols when in close proximity to people.

During this partial opening, three comfortable bedrooms will be available. ( See Photo Gallery ) Postcard with a queen-sized bed and private bath, all-inclusive weekly rate is €850; Mishkish with a double bed and private bath, all-inclusive weekly rate is €800; and Coulagh Bay with a queen-sized bed and ensuite bathroom, all-inclusive weekly rate is €900. (The week begins on the evening of that week's Saturday and ends with your departure after breakfast on the next Saturday.)

There is wifi throughout, and retreaters will share a sitting room/dining room, and the Anam Cara library. Continental breakfastl is self-serve (there is a small kitchen furnished with a breakfast selection of food), a kettle, a microwave, a fridge, and a toaster).

The mid-day meal, and supper will be served in this dining room Amenities include a sauna, a glass conservatory with working spaces, and the five acres of grounds, including the Kealincha River and Cascades, the riverbank, the river island, the labyrinth, the gardens, benches with views, and about one kilometre of walking paths through the hazelnut and sally grove.

Check the availability calendar for future dates:

Check Availability

I hope this interim approach will work for you until we can be certain that getting back to the original expanded programme is safe for everyone. I look forward to hearing from you ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), We can do this!

The Cascades at Anam Cara Retreat

Tour Anam Cara Retreat

To help fulfill Anam Cara's purpose and to let the breezes off Coulagh Bay clear your creative path, we recommend a stay of at least a week. Your hostess, Sue Booth-Forbes, an experienced writer and editor who began her editing career at Cambridge University Press, creates an ambience and a daily schedule that will help you concentrate your energies on your artistic endeavor: In the evening, you may want to share your work in conversation with others in front of a turf fire or watch the sun set in the magical west-of-Ireland sky.

Since 1998, artists and writers have been having that conversation — inspiring and supporting each other as they have worked through their own creative processes. Hands down, the best part of being Anam Cara’s director is getting to know the writers- and artists-in residence (now over 1,000) and their work.

They have taught me and each other much about the creative process. Their genre / medium may be similar to someone else's, but their approach is always unique and inspirational. One intention for naming the retreat Anam Cara was to provide a space for people who, as they worked with their creative gifts, would recognize the “soul friend” in themselves, in their work, and in others.

*The name Anam Cara means "soul friend" in Irish; it was chosen, in part, to pay tribute to the work and writing of John O'Donohue.

writing retreats northern ireland

Writing Retreats | Workshops

writing retreats northern ireland

Memoir Online

Memoir writing course online | 12-week.

Our sister website, The Memoir Writing Club is dedicated to all things memoir. Our 12-week Online Memoir Course will show you, step-by-step, how to trigger memories, learn story creation, and write your memoir online with Irene Graham.

Memoir Writing Retreats

Memoir In-Person

Memories into memoir writing retreat | in-person.

Let nature, the Atlantic Ocean, golden sandy beaches, an incredible writing space, 4 Star luxury accommodation, a heated seawater swimming pool and gourmet food nurture the story that’s in your heart. Your story.

Writing Retreats Workshops

Fiction In-Person

Fiction & autobiographical fiction writing retreat | in-person.

Let the golden beaches of Inchydoney Island and the breeze from the Wild Atlantic Ocean be your muse.  A writing adventure to deepen your connection to story in the stunning West Cork Irish landscape. Luxury 4 Star Accommodation and a heated seawater swimming pool.

Memoir Writing Retreat Spain

Memoir Writing Workshop Spain | In Person

Create your own get-away! Then join us for a two-day memoir workshop on the waterfront of Spain’s Costa del Sol to nourish your writing. Invigorate your creative spirit and learn the art of writing memoir.

Memoir LIVE

Jan - june 2025, memoir writing masterclass | 6-month.

Our sister website, The Memoir Writing Club is dedicated to all things memoir. Facilitated by Irene Graham, our 6-month LIVE Memoir Writing Masterclass will guide 9 dedicated writers to develop, focus, structure and create a memoir for publishing.

writing retreats northern ireland

Explore our Memoir Writing Course Online 12-week   |   Memoir Writing Masterclass   |   Private Writing Classes

Photo Story Book by Irene Graham I Am A Hare! Hanna and The Hop Family

writing retreats northern ireland

Irish writing retreats to ignite your inspiration

28 Apr 2021

Whether you're an old hand with words or just starting into your first novel, the literature-rich island of Ireland can provide the ultimate writing retreat

In a country that boasts one of the world’s greatest literary heritages, it’s no surprise there are any number of blissful writers’ retreats and creative writing holidays where you can follow in the footsteps of the greats.   There is an excellent selection of well-established retreats with a worldwide reputation available in Ireland. Offering headspace, stunning scenery and some degree of support, including tuition or workshops, they might just be the thing to give your writing a boost.   A great many more off-the-beaten-track escapes mean it is possible for individual writers to go completely solo in a remote cottage, for writers’ groups to hire a whole house for a retreat, or even to take a one-on-one approach with an editorial expert in your field of interest.   One of the longest-established Irish retreats can be found on the wild Beara Peninsula in County Cork. An all-inclusive residential haven, Anam Cara Writer’s and Artist’s Retreat offers private and common working rooms and a surrounding landscape of walks, gardens, meadows and rivers.   Meals are taken together in this Wild Atlantic Way delight, but creative time in between is sacrosanct. Whether you go to work on your own project or as part of a workshop group, you will find support, creature comforts, and peace – all you need to do your best work.   Internationally recognised artists’ residential workspace, The Tyrone Guthrie Centre , close to the border with Northern Ireland in County Monaghan, is another top location for local, Irish, UK and international artists of all disciplines.   Rather than retreats, residencies of up to one month are offered here and though there are some entry requirements, they are very flexible. As a writer you will be left to your own devices by day, but there is an obligatory dinner in the evening where everyone comes together to eat and talk.   For a lively week-long, creative writing holiday with a difference, consider Ireland Writing Retreats in County Donegal. The experiences here include scenic walks, historic excursions, food and drinks tastings, traditional Irish music concerts, as well as fascinating author talks and daily practical writing and editing workshops.   Or what could be more inspirational than working on an island with a backdrop of beautiful scenery and lots of fresh sea air? Kinramer Cottage on Rathlin Island is a remote location in Northern Ireland frequented by writers and artists who want a quiet space to work. With no TV or Wi-Fi, this distraction-free cottage can be shared by groups or enjoyed individually throughout the year.   Listowel Writer’s Week, hoping to welcome literary fans from 2 – 6 June this year, is also one of Ireland’s outstanding holiday destinations for writers, artists and poets.   If you write, like to talk about writing or hear writers speak, head to the beautiful County Kerry heritage town of Listowel to encounter some of the most distinguished names in contemporary literature and to hook up with readers from all parts of the globe.   www.ireland.com  

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Need more resources? View our images and videos from across Ireland

UKERC Inclusive Writing Retreat 2023: Calm, Inspiration and New-found Friends in Northern Ireland

UKERC Inclusive Writing Retreat 2023: Calm, Inspiration and New-found Friends in Northern Ireland

“Being ‘out of office’ is critical – it really worked for me.”

Stepping off the bus into a neatly clipped garden, we entered a world ideally suited to an escape from the bustle of university and city life. For the next two days, we would be free from the distractions of emails, lectures and spreadsheets. Amidst the green fields of Country Antrim, surrounded by beech trees clinging on to their russet autumn leaves, we had come with one purpose: to write.

Reflective pause with attendees and Christine Bell

‘Reflective pause’ session with retreat facilitator Christine Bell.

Keen to strengthen UKERC’s links to Northern Ireland, we chose to hold our second Inclusive Writing Retreat ten miles from Belfast and three miles from the seaside resort of Bangor. Here, in the cosy setting of the Clandeboye Lodge Hotel (pronounced “Clan-de-boye”), we welcomed 20 academics from across the UK, chosen at random from 68 applicants, all working in energy research across an array of disciplines. A third of the places were reserved for locally based researchers; the rest came from far and wide: Glasgow, Durham, Leeds, Liverpool, Wolverhampton, London and Bath.

UKERC offered participants an unmissable opportunity: the chance to hone their writing projects on a residential retreat under the expert guidance of Christine Bell, from the Centre for Facilitation. For extra inspiration, we invited experts working in energy and sustainability to join us and share their writing tips, real-world experience and career guidance. In this blog, we explore the insights our participants gained, interspersed with some of the feedback they gave us at the end of the retreat.

“I learned that going for a walk outside every now again helped me focus.”

The writing retreat group at work

Writing retreat participants hard at work.

But before we go into details, you might wonder how 20 people from diverse backgrounds, working in different subject areas, at career stages ranging from PhD to professor, with different ways of working, and unique goals and ambitions, could all benefit from a single programme. The answer is down to Christine’s skill as a facilitator. She uses a carefully choreographed programme and a zen-like atmosphere tailored for quiet study. It combines introductions, small group tasks and dedicated writing slots from 15 to 60 minutes with carefully timed speaker slots – a technique perfected over many years, which even the most experienced academic could learn from.

“Having a timer and alarm was a great trick.”

Ryan Scarrow speaking about publishing with Chrsitine Bell

Nature Editor Ryan Scarrow discusses journal publishing with Christine Bell.

On Day 1, our first guest speaker was Ryan Scarrow, Senior Editor at Nature Sustainability, who has worked at Nature since 2017. With a PhD in sociology from Ohio State University focussing on the political economy of water scarcity in the American West, Ryan has a long-standing academic background in sustainability and culture. Here are his top tips for submitting a paper to a high-profile journal:

  • Have a clear purpose to your paper: what question are you seeking to answer; what challenge you are looking to address? Are you showing how society can solve a specific issue? Does your work tell a compelling story that will engage readers of the journal in question?
  • Avoid jargon and make your language accessible to a wide audience.
  • Make sure your writing is clear, concise and demonstrates a capacity to be easily edited.
  • Don’t oversell your findings at the outset if you don’t have the evidence to back it up; research that is honest, even if it isn’t ground-breaking, is more likely to be interesting.
  • Don’t make your research interdisciplinary for the sake of it.
  • Editors are not looking to reject papers – but they can only help if you help yourself by being clear about what you want to communicate.
  • Be open to new ways of presenting your work.
  • Make sure you have read the submission guidelines on the journal website.
  • Take editors’ suggestions on board and be prepared to work with them to make changes.
“Ryan’s ‘fireside chats’ helped demystify the publication process. I had never considered sending my work to a major journal, but now I will try it.”

At the end of Day 1, we heard from policy-maker Katrina Duddy, who works in Energy Management at the Northern Ireland Department for the Economy.

Kartina Duddy speaking at the fireside chat with Christine Bell hosting

Katrina Duddy discusses policy-making in Northern Ireland with Christine Bell.

Katrina has a background in law, then moved into social policy and healthcare, where she gained a wealth of experience before taking a senior policy role in the energy for the civil service. It’s a controversial area of policy development and a challenging time for her and her colleagues. Katrina leads policy development in energy management across government, and is currently focussed on a project to help small and medium enterprises in Northern Ireland deliver energy efficiency. As the head of the team that relies on academic studies to inform initiatives that will be rolled out in a real-world context, she had a number of tips for academics seeking to see their research feed into government policy:

  • It’s easy to find poor research through a quick Google search, so policy-makers want to see research that is demonstrably reliable, well-referenced and thorough.
  • The bigger the sample size, the better. Policy-makers won’t trust in something with a small sample size that may only be valid in a specific context. The more universal, the better.
  • Keep the end-user in mind when presenting research. Is this something government can practically implement?
  • Has your research been produced collaboratively, involving the end-users? Policy-makers want to know that you’ve accounted for the lived experience of people who will be affected by what you are advocating so they can be sure it will actually work on the ground.
“New ideas formed, which I didn’t expect.”

As well as our speakers, we were joined at the end of Day 1 by four additional guests for a drinks reception and dinner: The Deputy Lord Mayor of Belfast, Councillor Áine Groogan (Green Party), David Surplus (Managing Director, B9 Energy Storage), Clare Bailey (Director, Sustainable NI and former leader of the Green Party in Northern Ireland) and John Barry (Professor of Green Political Economy, Co-Director of the Centre for Sustainability, Equality and Climate Action at Queens University Belfast and Co-Chair of the Belfast Climate Commission).

Dinner table with guests at UKERC's Writing Retreat

Dinner guest Prof. John Barry sits alongside retreat participants.

Seated at small tables, our guests answered pre-prepared questions and engaged with our participants over a three-course vegetarian/vegan meal in a relaxed, convivial setting, where opinions could be shared freely (especially after a drink or two), and the world put to rights. The conversation flowed until it was time for the hard-working hotel staff to go home and our participants to retire for the night, ready for an early start the next day.

“By setting myself fewer goals, I actually managed to achieve them.”

Day 2 began with an informative talk from Rob Gross , Director of UKERC and Professor of Energy Policy and Technology at Imperial College London. Rob originally led UKERC’s Technology and Policy Assessment theme before taking over as Director in 2020. He has made a substantive contribution to UK energy policy development, acting as an advisor to Select Committees, preparing reports and chairing committees for Government departments and non-departmental public bodies, and as a consultant.

Rob Gross delivering session on communicating complexity

UKERC Director Rob Gross delivers a session on communicating complexity.

Following a one-to-one meeting over breakfast with Richard Rodgers, Deputy Secretary and Head of Energy at the Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland), Rob spoke to the group about communicating complexity and influencing policy in a fast-moving political landscape.

  • Can you anticipate the needs of government with forward-looking research that will land at the right time?
  • Don’t expect people in the civil service to be waiting patiently for your outputs – government priorities can change rapidly, and researchers need to be poised to respond to current events if they want to influence policy-makers seeking to make a quick impact.
  • Build relationships with government advisors and civil servants so they know they can come to you when they need help – don’t underestimate the importance of building networks and maintaining contacts as you progress in your career.
  • Taking the example of a UKERC policy proposal that was picked up at a high level in government during the energy crisis in 2022, Rob explained the importance of being wired into the right people in government, having the backing of influential contacts and a strong reputation (intellectual capital) to draw on; and acting quickly to formulate ideas.
  • Sometimes you have the right solution at the right time, but the fickle nature of politics also means that however good your idea is, it may fall out of favour if the wind changes.
“I learned the importance of being strict with timing and scheduling to ensure no distractions.”

We started out as a group of 20 strangers, sharing only a connection to energy research. But by the end of our two days at the Clandeboye Lodge, new friendships had been formed, valuable contacts made, and experiences shared. Everyone seemed energised by the intensity and freshness of the retreat experience, and many were keen to take what they had learned about better, more focussed ways to write back to their colleagues and institutions.

We look forward to following our newfound friends as their careers unfold, and hope they will stay in touch both with each other and with UKERC well into the future. From the UKERC HQ perspective, we’ve come away with a renewed ambition to continue delivering events like these to even more energy researchers. But we know we’ll be lucky to find another venue as tranquil, welcoming and picturesque as the Clandeboye Lodge Hotel.

“I’ll be leaving with new methods to approach writing, networking opportunities and very good contacts.”

Post-It notes of key lessons learned by participants

At the end of the retreat, participants wrote down top tips they had learned.

A special thanks to everyone who made the event such a success: to Christine, our Facilitator; to Ryan, Katrina and Rob for their talks; to our dinner guests Áine, David, Clare and John; to the staff of the Clandeboye Lodge Hotel; to our UKERK HQ colleagues Lara (who set up the retreat before moving on to pastures new) and Diana (who arranged catering and travel); and to all our brilliant participants, who made running the retreat such a pleasure.

Finally, if you applied for this year’s Writing Retreat but were unsuccessful this time, we hope you will take the opportunity to attend a future UKERC event. To stay in the loop about all our plans, make sure you sign up to our newsletter – and look out for our next Inclusive Writing Retreat.

James Curwen

Related news, ukerc workshop for early career researchers: getting started with grant applications, applications open for ukerc inclusive writing retreat 2023, share across your networks.

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The Literary Consultancy

Meeting writers on the page since 1996

See all of our upcoming events at a glance, and book  here .

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Literary Adventure Retreat 2023

March 18, 2023 @ 3:00 pm - march 24, 2023 @ 11:00 am.

Booking poster for the Spring 2023 Literary Adventure writing retreat at River Mill

W e are delighted to be hosting our first untutored Literary Adventure writing retreat at the beautiful River Mill in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland. Unlike our  tutored retreats , hosted in Spain with daily workshops, excursions, and premium dining, the untutored retreat offers you time to commit exclusively to your writing: nothing else.

writing retreats northern ireland

Since 2009, the River Mill has offered writing retreats to individual writers and creative organisations. Each room has its own writing desk, and on our Adventure all meals are included. A TLC Host will be on site and available throughout your stay. On our first day together, you will be invited to a short goal-setting session to help set our intentions for the week, and each day we invite writers to join us for a one-hour group writing session, to lend some structure to our time together. Attendance at the workshop and daily writing hours is entirely optional and you are welcome to spend the time however you wish.

There are just four rooms available for this 6-night untutored retreat on a single occupancy basis. A reduced per-person rate is available for shared occupancy of Rooms 1, 2 and 5 by prior arrangement. All fees are inclusive of 20% VAT.

Access: Room 1 is wheelchair accessible with a wet room en suite, and can accommodate a care worker on a sharing basis. Please contact us if you need any further access information and we can put you in touch with the venue directly.

Enquire now to reserve your room of choice.

Need more information? You can access our Untutored Adventure FAQs here .

Rooms and Pricing

River Mill rooms

ROOM 1  £725 BOOKED Ground floor, king-size bed, writing desk, en-suite wet room. Wheelchair accessible.

ROOM 2  £725 BOOKED Ground floor, king-size bed, writing desk, en-suite wet room, and small patio area to rear of building​.

ROOM 3  £700 AVAILABLE First floor – a smaller room with a small double bed, writing desk and en-suite wet room.

ROOM 5  £750  BOOKED First floor, master suite, double-bed, writing desk, walk-in closet, high vaulted ceiling with skylight, and en-suite bathroom.

Please note that the fees cover accommodation, meals, and access to your TLC host at any time. Breakfast is self-serve, with lunches served at 1pm each day and dinner at 6.30pm. Flights and transfers are not included, but we can help with transfers from Downpatrick to the venue.

More information on our annual tutored September Literary Adventure in Casa Ana in Spain, taking place September 2nd-8th with tutor Julia Bell, can be found  here .

The Literary Consultancy

East Side, Platform 1, Kings Cross Station

London N1C 4AX

0203 751 0757 ext.800

Company number: 4575807

TLC is a founding member of

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...Creating Beautiful Books

Serenity Press Retreat 2023 Crom Castle, Ireland

Non fiction retreat: november 6th to 11th fiction retreat: november 11th to 16th.

writing retreats northern ireland

Imagine writing in a castle!

  • An exclusive in-conversation with (special guest to be confirmed)
  • World-class workshops (Facilitators for each event to be confirmed)
  • A perfect balance between writing in a castle and new experiences. (Including an Irish bar and music experience in the Game of Thrones bar)
  • Become an International Speaking Author at our Author Event.
  • Gold, Silver & Bronze writing incentives.
  • A Gala Dinner hosted by the Earl & Countess of Crom Castle.

Imagine a writing retreat in a castle! Yes, you read that right.

We enjoyed our 2017, 2019  & 2022 retreats in Crom Castle, Ireland so much that we are going back to offer this unforgettable experience to more people. 

A secluded castle, with magnificent gardens to explore,  situated alongside Lough Erne and surrounded by National Trust forestry. 

A majestic Downton Abbey experience, including a butler,  maid service, and meals prepared by the castle chef. 

Imagine taking a break from day-to-day life to immerse yourself in a life fit for an Earl and Countess.

With lots of time to write, explore and savour your surroundings.

And yes, the newly married Earl and Countess of Erne will join us on occasions during our stay.

Retreat starts in

Kind words from historical fantasy author and former retreat guest juliet marillier:.

“Serenity Press’s Crom Castle retreat was a one-of-a kind experience. The setting was truly beautiful, the hospitality warm and welcoming, and the program well thought out, with a good balance between activities and writing time. There were many memorable moments. Strong bonds of friendship were formed over the time of the retreat, and I came away with my head brimming with fresh creative ideas”

Our inaugural retreat was held at CROM CASTLE, Northern Ireland (March 2017), Serenity Press has been welcomed back to the castle by Lord Erne. We were delighted to be able to offer this opportunity for writers to experience this all again during our 2018, 2019 and 2022 writers’ retreats. We love hosting this memorable experience and our next Crom Castle retreat is confirmed for November 2023. It’s part of our plan to deliver memorable writers’ retreats on an annual basis.

We are delighted to announce that INTERNATIONAL author JULIET MARILLIER will join us for an exclusive in-conversation with our guests. We also have two additional high-profile guests to be announced in the coming months and further details to follow.

One thing is for sure, Serenity Press Retreats are memorable.

With boat trips, writing goal incentives and a visit to an Irish heritage location this is a trip of a lifetime.

If you can see yourself in 2023 writing in an Irish castle pop the dates in your diary and let us know that you are joining us.

Places are limited, so it’s first in, best dressed. Register your interest here


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Creative Writing Workshops

Bookings are now open to all schools for November 2023- June 2024

Our creative writing workshops are for  everybody , from the loudest voices in the class to the quietest. Our simple yet revolutionary model encourages participation from even the most reluctant writers, as well as incorporating the ideas and enthusiasm from the most voracious readers.

Here's some things you should know before you book your workshop!

All workshops are free

Zoom workshops  take place on Tuesday mornings and afternoons.

In-person workshops  take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays, mornings or afternoons, in our Connswater Shopping Centre writing space.

Every contribution is celebrated, whimsy is welcome and there’s no such thing as a bad idea! Every child leaves a published writer with their first title under their belt.

We believe that everyone is creative, everyone has important things to share and that stories are best told in the unique voice of the writer. The young people already have everything they need to write a good story, but a healthy dose of magic dust can help the process along. The magic dust is our volunteers, who provide focused attention, encouragement and support to help every participant to have a fun and rewarding experience of story-making.

How do I book a workshop? Choose a date and time that suits your schedule and book via our Calendly calendar:

  • Book a Zoom workshop
  • Book a workshop in our Connswater writing space

What do I need to participate in a  Zoom  workshop? A computer or laptop with a microphone, speakers and camera. An internet connection and ability to open Zoom. A classroom screen. Pencils and paper. A group of young people with any level of enthusiasm for writing stories, from zero to 100%!

If you have any questions, please contact us by emailing  [email protected]

What kind of workshops are available? There are two models to choose from, all available either online or in-person:

  • Creative-writing workshop:  your students will explore the essential elements of a story, creating original characters, setting and realistic dialogue as the basis for an original piece of writing.
  • Time-travel workshop:  using the theme of time travel, your students will use their imaginations, personal histories and historical facts to creatively connect with life 100 years ago and 100 years from now. This workshop is suited best to Years 8, 9 and 10.

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Copyright © Fighting Words NI 2022. All rights Reserved.

Fighting Words NI is a registered charity in Northern Ireland NIC105751 .  Registered office: Connswater Shopping Centre, Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT5 5LP .

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Let authentic experiences inspire your creative writing

writing retreats northern ireland

Danger: Crisis Or Opportunity? New WAWA Challenge

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WAWA Winners: Worlds Apart, United in Writing

writing retreats northern ireland

Finalists And Winners of ‘Change’

Celebrating 10 Years of Literary Success

Ten years ago, it was but a dream. 

To start an international writing retreat in what is probably the most picturesque region in Ireland.

Now it’s a success beyond our wildest imagination, expanding beyond the ‘Forgotten Land’ of Donegal along the famous ' Wild Atlantic Way ' across the Irish Sea to the French Mediterranean.  

And then being voted number one creative retreat in the world by the Independent Publishing Group, Ireland " 12 creative escapes – from painting holidays in France to cooking in Galway ."

Not to mention, five years ago, being voted " ...one of the 10 best creative retreats in the UK and Europe, " by such a leading international publication as The Guardian newspaper, London.

During the past ten memorable years, we have welcomed writers from every walk of life, from nurses to lawyers, IT specialists to social workers, judges to teachers. And from so many countries including Iceland and New Zealand, Australia, the US and the UK to Germany. All lovers of words. And all ages, from young adults to septuagenarians. 

We consider ourselves unique insofar as we combine creative writing with cultural excursions and culinary experiences. Holidays with a difference that offer bus tours to historic places, scenic walks, food and drinks tastings, fascinating author talks, exclusive music performances and daily workshops. 

Before spending your hard-earned money to join us for one of these exciting weeks, take a few minutes to read about our philosophy and listen to testimonials from previous participants.

Joining ‘Ireland Writing Retreat’ means you will leave enriched in the following ways:

Confi dence - You will be part of a trusting environment, with others supporting you to strengthen your confidence, vital for better writing. 

Creative process - You will receive close guidance in various stages of your creative process, from generating ideas, drafting a plan, first drafts, revision and editing, with constant feedback throughout the week. 

Cra ft - You will learn about strategie s that will help you widen your imagination and senses, develop your observational skills and apply these techniques  to perfect your writing skills. 

Cultural experience - Aside from daily writing workshops and author talks, in Ireland you will enjoy visits to an island, a hundred-year old thatched cottage, a castle, a national park, as well as exclusive traditional Irish music performances and special food and drinks tastings. 

In France, excursions and activities include bus tours to charming medieval towns, open-air markets, an ex clusive Catalan dance performance in traditional costume, complimentary lunches, a sing-a-long evening and a guided walk through a spectacular moonscape rock formation.   


writing retreats northern ireland

“I came to the retreat with few expectations, preferring a ‘wait and see’ approach. I could not have imagined anything more perfect. This experience has been warm, adventurous, engaging. I have gained a focus and a new writing community. I will use the tools learned and the immersion experiences as long as I am able.”

Linda Muller, Iowa City, USA.

Crime, mystery, women's fiction, magic realism, fantasy, travel, memoir, poetry and creative non-fiction, 'Ireland Writing Retreat' has attracted successful authors in these genres to teach those wishing to learn the challenging craft of good writing . 

These  award-winning authors  accomplish their task not through general lectures on theories of writing and editing that can be easily read in one of the many garden variety ‘Guide-to-Writing’ books, but through practical, hands-on teaching techniques including individual critiques of participant's own work completed before and during our week-long writing retreats. 

Not only, these authors also share specific details about their own professional experiences (including failures) in the tough world of publishing and book marketing. In so doing, they provide invaluable lessons on how participants can overcome many of the common difficulties they will probably face before succeeding in having their short stories, novels, poetry and memoirs see the light of day in print. 

“Thanks to Ireland Writing Retreat and to Sean Hillen for his invaluable editing skills and unwavering encouragement throughout the process. His support inspired me to push boundaries and explore new creative horizons. Retreat Co-ordinator Columbia provided unwavering support.

My recently self-published book, 'Wild Atlantic Way Anthology: Characters Along Ireland’s Majestic Coast Volume 1' has been receiving strong positive responses in local and regional newspapers.

I would like to express my appreciation and encouragement for others who want to embark on their writing journey with the support of Ireland Writing Retreat and Sean's expertise. I also enjoyed feedback from a diverse range of participants I met from all over the world; many remain good friends and supporters.

It is my hope that my book can inspire and resonate with readers.”

Mary Heeran  White, participant to Ireland Writing Retreat in Don egal and author of ' Wild Atlantic Way Anthology: Characters Along Ireland’s Majestic Coast Volume 1. '

“ This week was rich with local stories, informative and inspiring workshops with authors, interesting visits to traditional local sites, gorgeous landscapes, sunsets, songs and music. The people of Donegal are wonderful hosts including Sean and Columbia who welcomed us and co-ordinated and tutored a fabulous programme of events.  We were challenged to write every day and to discuss our writing with the other attendees. By the end of the week, we were sad to farewell the friends with whom we’d spent time and from whom we’d learned so much. Thank you, Sean and Columbia. It was all amazing. ”

Bridget Davidson, teacher, Dunedin, New Zealand.

“I came to the 'Ireland Writing Retreat' for inspiration and to become immersed in Irish culture. The experience was more than I hoped for. I'm leaving with the start of three new stories set in Donegal and new friends from three continents. It has enriched my writing and my life.” 

Laurie Wagner, Director of Development, Lighthouse Writers Workshop, Denver , Colorado

Retreats in Northern Ireland

Embark on a transformative journey across the emerald landscapes and rugged coastlines of Northern Ireland, where the enchanting melodies of tradition embrace you in a sanctuary of wellbeing.

Unique wellbeing experiences

Home > Wellness Retreats > Europe > United Kingdom > Retreats in Northern Ireland

Nourish your mind, body and soul through a composition of wellbeing practices amidst breathtaking views during your retreat in Northern Ireland. Often referred to as “the land of saints and scholars”, the country carries rich spiritual significance, with sacred sites and monastic ruins inviting you to deepen your spiritual growth.

Savour the picturesque views and let the magic of the land with its rolling hills and rugged coastline envelop you in a sense of wellbeing.

Featured Wellness Retreats in Northern Ireland

Discover our North Ireland’s countryside wellness holidays for groups and individual therapies…

4-Day Meditation & Walking Retreat in Stranocum, Northern Ireland.

Ballymoney, Northern Ireland, UK

4-Day Meditation & Walking Retreat in Stranocum

10-13 Oct 2024

3-day back to nature - a cuilcagh boardwalk and legnabrocky trail in fermanagh

Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, UK

3-day Back to Nature Cuilcagh Boardwalk & Legnabrocky Trail

3-5 Nov 2024

5-Day Manifestation & Inner-Self Transformation Retreat

18-22 March 2025

writing retreats northern ireland

4-Day Hiking and Yoga Retreat in Antrim

Northern Ireland retreats examples

Why Northern Ireland for retreat?

Most popular northern ireland retreat destinations, causeway coast and glens, sperrin mountains, county fermanagh, belfast lough, antrim coast, most popular retreat types in northern ireland, mindfulness and meditation retreats.

The serene environments of Northern Ireland simply invite you to an escape to the realms of the extraordinary in the attentive and caring hand of mother nature and expert retreat organisers. This sets the backdrop for a range of mindfulness and meditation practices that help you cultivate present-moment awareness for stress management and inner peace.

Beach yoga retreats

Northern Ireland’s pristine beaches provide an idyllic setting for yoga retreats, stretching from the sandy shores of the Causeway Coast to the picturesque Antrim Coast, home to the iconic Giant’s Causeway. Explore different yoga styles to discover your ideal practice, tuning into your body to identify and release pain, imbalance, and tension, all while soaking in the breathtaking coastal vistas.

Detox retreats

Immerse yourself in rejuvenation during your detox retreat in Northern Ireland amidst a serene setting of lush countryside and coastal havens. Detox retreats are about revitalising your body as well as cleansing your mind and spirit. Through nourishing meals, holistic therapies and time in nature, unfold a wholesome and healthier lifestyle.

Hiking retreats

Northern Ireland’s expansive mountains and picturesque trails make it a prime location for hiking retreats. Embark on life-enhancing journeys through the rugged landscapes of the Mourne Mountains or explore the enchanting forests and valleys of County Fermanagh. Hiking retreats offer you the opportunity to strengthen your mind, body and spirit.

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  1. Ireland Writing Retreat on the Wild Atlantic Way

    writing retreats northern ireland

  2. THE 10 BEST Writing Retreats in Northern Ireland for July 2024

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  3. Discover the Best Retreats in Northern Ireland for Ultimate Relaxation

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  4. Ireland Writing Retreat on the Wild Atlantic Way

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  5. One-to-One with the Ireland Writing Retreat

    writing retreats northern ireland

  6. 7 Writing and Artist Retreats in Europe That Accept Americans

    writing retreats northern ireland


  1. Anam Cara Writer's & Artist's Retreat

    Since 1998, artists and writers have been having that conversation — inspiring and supporting each other as they have worked through their own creative processes. Hands down, the best part of being Anam Cara's director is getting to know the writers- and artists-in residence (now over 1,000) and their work. They have taught me and each ...

  2. Writing Retreats

    hosted by novelists Myszka and Adam Fox: Being 'On Retreat' offers you the chance to: We offer a quiet and respectful space, full of possibility and creativity. How you use it is up to you. You can choose to tuck yourself away and just write. You can explore the countryside to stretch cramped writing muscles.

  3. 2024 Retreats

    I've been privileged to co-lead a few similar trips in the last couple of years in my home of Northern Ireland, with amazing writers, musicians and teachers. I'm delighted to be joined on our upcoming 2024 retreats with friends whose gifts for expanding our ideas about storytelling, engaging difference, and walking through difficult journeys ...

  4. Writing Retreats in Northern Ireland

    Sep 10 - 17, 2024. In writing, the setting is important and can sometimes be seen as a character that adds depth and. From. USD $1,243. 6 people are interested. FREE Cancellation. 5.00. (5 reviews) Details Book Now.

  5. Writing Retreats Workshops

    Spain. Benalmádena Costa, Málaga. with. Author & Memoir Coach Irene Graham. Create your own get-away! Then join us for a two-day memoir workshop on the waterfront of Spain's Costa del Sol to nourish your writing. Invigorate your creative spirit and learn the art of writing memoir. "Irene's course changed the way I think about memoir writing.

  6. About the Retreats

    Ireland Retreats are led by northern Irish writer and peace activist Gareth Higgins and North Carolinian chaplain and spiritual director Brian Ammons, with guest co-facilitators. ... writers & artists all experienced in helping transform society for the better. Opportunities are offered to visit museums, interpretive centres and other spaces in ...

  7. About us

    The Half Door Writers' Retreat offers you a tranquil space to work on any writing project. Whether you need a few days or a few weeks, you are welcome to come on a private retreat in a traditional stone cottage, overlooking Lough Derg in Co Tipperary. Your retreat space includes a beautiful sitting room with an antique writer's desk and log ...

  8. Irish writing retreats to ignite your inspiration

    One of the longest-established Irish retreats can be found on the wild Beara Peninsula in County Cork. An all-inclusive residential haven, Anam Cara Writer's and Artist's Retreat offers private and common working rooms and a surrounding landscape of walks, gardens, meadows and rivers. Meals are taken together in this Wild Atlantic Way ...

  9. UKERC Inclusive Writing Retreat 2023: Calm, Inspiration and New-found

    Keen to strengthen UKERC's links to Northern Ireland, we chose to hold our second Inclusive Writing Retreat ten miles from Belfast and three miles from the seaside resort of Bangor. Here, in the cosy setting of the Clandeboye Lodge Hotel (pronounced "Clan-de-boye"), we welcomed 20 academics from across the UK, chosen at random from 68 ...

  10. Literary Adventure Retreat 2023

    March 18, 2023 @ 3:00 pm - March 24, 2023 @ 11:00 am. W e are delighted to be hosting our first untutored Literary Adventure writing retreat at the beautiful River Mill in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland. Unlike our tutored retreats, hosted in Spain with daily workshops, excursions, and premium dining, the untutored retreat offers you time to ...

  11. Retreats

    Imagine a writing retreat in a castle! Yes, you read that right. We enjoyed our 2017, 2019 & 2022 retreats in Crom Castle, Ireland so much that we are going back to offer this unforgettable experience to more people.. A secluded castle, with magnificent gardens to explore, situated alongside Lough Erne and surrounded by National Trust forestry. A majestic Downton Abbey experience, including a ...

  12. 25+ Incredible Writers Retreats to Attend in 2024

    In addition to writing workshops with host Irene Graham, you'll enjoy guided walks and tours of the remote island. Graham also hosts two memoir-specific retreats in June and September. Cost: €1,725 euro (~$1,755 USD) (does not include all meals). 20. Paris Writing Retreat . The Ireland Writing Retreat isn't always in Ireland.

  13. Writing Retreats in Northern Ireland for July 2024

    So you're looking for Writing Retreats in Northern Ireland for July 2024, huh? We're here for you: human reviews lowest prices the best retreats

  14. Rachael Kelly has taught creative writing at Ireland Writing Retreat

    Rachael Kelly. A native of Belfast, Northern Ireland, she is author of "Mark Antony and Popular Culture: Masculinity and the Construction of an Icon" - a fascinating account of this classic historical figure and his reception in popular culture including Hollywood movies and television. Her first novel, The Edge of Heaven (winner of the ...

  15. Creative Writing Workshops

    There are two models to choose from, all available either online or in-person: Creative-writing workshop: your students will explore the essential elements of a story, creating original characters, setting and realistic dialogue as the basis for an original piece of writing. Time-travel workshop: using the theme of time travel, your students ...

  16. THE 10 BEST Writing Retreats in Ireland for 2024

    Sep 10 - 17, 2024. In writing, the setting is important and can sometimes be seen as a character that adds depth and. From. USD $1,242. 6 people are interested. FREE Cancellation. 5.00. (5 reviews) Details Book Now.

  17. Learn Something New At Crescent Arts Belfast creative-writing-and

    Reading & Writing Poetry: Language as Material. Thursday 11 April 2024. until Thursday 13 June 2024. Find Out More. Find a Course in Belfast at The Crescent - creative-writing-and-reading.

  18. Contact Ireland Writing Retreat

    From Belfast, Northern Ireland - 170 km. From Derry, Northern Ireland - 97 km. From Dublin Airport, Republic of Ireland - 278 km. From Galway airport - 271 km By bus. Daily buses from Dublin. Daily buses from Belfast . We look forward to hear from you!

  19. Yoga and Writing Retreats in Northern Ireland

    Find and compare yoga and writing retreats in Northern Ireland. With more than 12 holidays available, easily compare packages, reviews, duration, and destinations to find the best yoga holidays for you.

  20. Acorn Writing Retreats

    More than just an escape, our writing retreats offer a unique sanctuary specifically designed to amplify your writing potential and propel your projects forward. Envision an idyllic sanctuary, set amidst the picturesque landscapes of Scotland, meticulously structured to inspire and rejuvenate writers of all kinds, from academics and graduate ...

  21. Support Schemes for Northern Ireland Writers 2023/2024

    Info. Deadline: November 8, 2023 at 5:00pm. Please note, applicants can apply for all three schemes as long as they are eligible under each individual scheme. The Irish Writers Centre (IWC) is pleased to announce a new round of support schemes for writers from or based in Northern Ireland, made possible with support from the National Lottery ...

  22. Writers workshops in Ireland

    Joining 'Ireland Writing Retreat' means you will leave enriched in the following ways: Confi dence - You will be part of a trusting environment, with others supporting you to strengthen your confidence, vital for better writing.. Creative process - You will receive close guidance in various stages of your creative process, from generating ideas, drafting a plan, first drafts, revision and ...

  23. Northern Ireland Retreats 2024 / 2025

    4-Day Hiking and Yoga Retreat in Antrim. Majestic cliffs kiss the sky, while gentle rivers meander in Northern Ireland's unparalleled paradise. This magnetic scenery sets the perfect backdrop for a dreamy retreat in Northern Ireland, nestled in one of the country's secluded sanctuaries, evoking visions from paradise.From diving into ...