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HubSpot Mastery: 10 Case Studies Showcasing the Power of Strategic Success

  • Author Survey Point Team
  • Published November 15, 2023

HubSpot Mastery

Unlock the potential of Case Studies: Achieving Success with HubSpot. Dive into real-world success stories, gain insights, and elevate your strategic game. Get ready to transform your approach with HubSpot.

Embark on a journey through the realms of strategic success with HubSpot. This blog unveils the prowess of [HubSpot Mastery: 10 Case Studies Showcasing the Power of Strategic Success]. Each case study is a testament to the transformative impact of strategic planning on businesses. Let’s explore the power of HubSpot in real-world scenarios, learning from the triumphs of those who have mastered its strategic potential.

In the realm of strategic success, mastering HubSpot is not just an option; it’s a necessity. Let’s explore the transformative impact of HubSpot through 10 compelling case studies that showcase its strategic prowess.

Table of Contents

The Essence of Strategic Success

Understanding the core principles of strategic success lays the foundation for mastering HubSpot. Successful strategies are built on a blend of vision, planning, and execution. HubSpot serves as the catalyst to turn these principles into reality.

Case Study 1: Transforming Leads into Conversions

Mastering the Sales Funnel with HubSpot is a game-changer. From lead generation to conversion, HubSpot streamlines the process, ensuring potential leads seamlessly transition into loyal customers. Dive into the success stories that exemplify this transformation.

Case Study 2: Navigating Marketing Challenges

HubSpot’s Marketing Magic Unleashed explores how businesses overcome marketing challenges with finesse. Discover the tools and tactics that elevate marketing strategies, making them not just effective but exceptional.

HubSpot Mastery

Case Study 3: Enhancing Customer Relations

Building Lasting Connections with HubSpot goes beyond transactions. Learn how businesses use HubSpot to forge meaningful customer relationships, fostering loyalty and advocacy that lasts a lifetime.

Case Study 4: Scaling Business Growth

HubSpot as the Catalyst for Expansion is evident in businesses that have successfully scaled their operations. Explore how strategic implementation of HubSpot fuels growth, turning small enterprises into industry leaders.

Case Study 5: Maximizing ROI

Financial Triumphs with HubSpot showcase how businesses maximize their return on investment. HubSpot’s analytical tools and strategic insights empower businesses to make informed decisions, ensuring every investment counts.

Case Study 6: Streamlining Operations

HubSpot Mastery

Efficiency Unleashed with HubSpot explores how businesses streamline their operations for maximum productivity. HubSpot’s features seamlessly integrate into workflows, reducing redundancy and optimizing processes.

Case Study 7: Overcoming Challenges

HubSpot’s Strategic Solutions are highlighted in stories of businesses overcoming challenges. From market fluctuations to unforeseen obstacles, HubSpot equips businesses with the strategic tools to navigate the ever-changing landscape.

Case Study 8: Innovations in Product Development

Crafting Success with HubSpot extends to product development. Explore how businesses leverage HubSpot to innovate and create products that resonate with their target audience, setting them apart in the market.

Case Study 9: Harnessing Data for Decision-Making

Smart Strategies with HubSpot Analytics showcase the power of data-driven decision-making. Dive into case studies that illustrate how businesses harness data to make strategic decisions that propel them toward success.

Case Study 10: Building a Brand Legacy

HubSpot Mastery

HubSpot’s Role in Branding Success is evident in businesses that have crafted a lasting legacy. Explore how HubSpot becomes an integral part of a brand’s journey, shaping its identity and ensuring a lasting impact.

Exploring HubSpot’s Key Features

A Deep Dive into HubSpot’s Toolbox provides insights into the features that make HubSpot a strategic powerhouse. From CRM to marketing automation, explore the tools that can revolutionize your approach to business.

The Human Element in Strategic Success

HubSpot and the Human Touch emphasize the importance of personal connections in strategic success. While technology plays a crucial role, the human element adds a unique touch, creating experiences that resonate with customers.

Implementing HubSpot Strategies

Practical Steps to Strategic Success guide businesses in implementing HubSpot strategies effectively. Learn how to integrate HubSpot seamlessly into your operations, ensuring a smooth transition to a more strategic approach.

Measuring Success with HubSpot

Metrics that Matter delve into the key performance indicators businesses should track when implementing HubSpot. From lead conversion rates to customer retention, discover the metrics that define success.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Navigating the HubSpot Landscape addresses common challenges businesses face when implementing HubSpot. Explore practical solutions to ensure a smooth and successful integration, avoiding pitfalls along the way.

Future Trends in HubSpot Mastery

Staying Ahead in the Strategic Game involves keeping an eye on future trends. Explore the emerging trends in HubSpot Mastery that can shape the future of strategic success in the business world.

HubSpot in Your Business Arsenal

Why Every Business Needs HubSpot highlights the universal applicability of HubSpot. Discover why HubSpot is a must-have tool in your business arsenal, whether a startup or an established enterprise.

FAQs on HubSpot Mastery

How can HubSpot benefit my small business? HubSpot is tailored for businesses of all sizes, offering scalable solutions. From lead generation to customer relations, HubSpot provides a comprehensive toolkit to boost your small business’s

Is HubSpot only suitable for marketing purposes? While HubSpot is renowned for its marketing capabilities, its utility extends beyond marketing. It offers a complete suite of tools, including CRM and sales automation, making it a versatile solution for businesses. From streamlining operations to enhancing customer relations, HubSpot is a comprehensive platform for overall business success.

How can HubSpot analytics contribute to better decision-making? HubSpot analytics empower businesses to make data-driven decisions. Businesses gain valuable insights by tracking key metrics such as conversion rates, customer engagement, and ROI. These insights guide strategic decision-making, ensuring that actionable data back every move for optimal results.

Can HubSpot be integrated seamlessly into existing workflows? Yes, HubSpot is designed for seamless integration. Whether you’re using other business tools or have established workflows, HubSpot can be integrated to enhance efficiency. The platform’s flexibility allows businesses to customize their usage, ensuring a smooth integration process without disrupting existing operations.

What role does HubSpot play in brand building? HubSpot plays a pivotal role in crafting a brand legacy. Through effective marketing, customer engagement, and streamlined operations, businesses using HubSpot create a brand identity that resonates with their audience. The platform becomes a strategic partner in shaping and sustaining a brand’s reputation.

Is HubSpot suitable for businesses in any industry? Absolutely. HubSpot’s adaptability makes it suitable for businesses across various industries. Whether you’re in e-commerce, technology, healthcare, or any other sector, HubSpot’s versatile features can be tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges of your industry.

HubSpot is not just a concept; it’s a proven reality. The case studies highlighted here exemplify how businesses, regardless of size or industry, have harnessed the strategic power of HubSpot to achieve remarkable success. From transforming leads to building brand legacies, HubSpot is the catalyst that propels businesses toward strategic excellence.

Remember, the journey to strategic success begins with understanding and implementing the right tools. HubSpot, with its array of features and proven success stories, stands as a beacon for businesses aspiring to elevate their strategic game.

Survey Point Team

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15 Strategies & Tips For Boosting Your HubSpot ROI

hubspot roi

If you aren’t utilizing the powerful tools that HubSpot offers, you’re already falling behind. HubSpot is a one-stop solution for your inbound marketing and sales enablement strategies . How do you measure ROI on HubSpot?

With HubSpot growth suite, you can do it all in one place. HubSpot makes it easy to manage your website, promote and optimize your content, coordinate your email outreach and align your sales and marketing efforts. Most companies try to do everything in-house, then realize they need a programmer, graphic designer, content strategist, content writer, and on-page seo expert, among others. This leads to HubSpot customers seeing the benefits of working with a HubSpot partner agency.

hubspot ROI

The comprehensive technology and tools that HubSpot offers can help you improve your search engine rankings and generate more qualified leads, while also allowing you to track and measure your key performance metrics to continuously optimize.

HubSpot is a marketing professional or sales representative’s best friend that puts in the extra effort at the right time, engaging leads at the appropriate phase of their buyer’s journey.

94% of growth stack users agreed HubSpot has helped them achieve their growth goals.

As a leader in the marketing and sales software industry, HubSpot is an obvious choice. However, choosing to implement HubSpot is only the first step. In order to reap its benefits and leverage HubSpot’s effective tools to maximize your HubSpot ROI , you’ll need to put your HubSpot software into action.

Leveraging free inbound marketing ROI calculators can give you quick ingihts that will greatly help frame your inbound marketing goals. The following is a list of actionable tips to get the most success of your HubSpot software solutions.

Tips For Maximizing Your HubSpot ROI

How can you ensure that your marketing and sales teams are taking full advantage of HubSpot? It’s important to first have a clear strategy in place to set your teams up for success with the HubSpot platform. HubSpot has many capabilities, but in order for them to be most effective, you have to start from the ground up.

NEED MORE VALUE OUT OF HUBSPOT?  Get a Free HubSpot Portal Audit  We can help boost revenues. Reach out for a no-obligation assessment and quote.  We love analyzing HubSpot portal to measure underutilized tool sets within  your existing HubSpot subscription. Once completed, we will email over the  findings and reccomendations to further scale your B2B lead-generation  campaigns to ultimately driving profitable customer activations.  Book Free HubSpot portal audit

1. Get Organized With Candid HubSpot Audit

Before you can put your HubSpot software to work, you must first focus on organization. This means taking the time to articulate your inbound sales and marketing goals, including both long term and short term. A candid HubSpot audit will allow you to focus your efforts and keep everything on track. Utilize historic data to ensure that your goals are realistic and specific to your business.

The organization also involves defining your ideal customer profile, target personas, and establishing clear KPIs and benchmarks to track and measure your performance. Furthermore, it’s important to set a timeline in place for reaching your HubSpot goals. These steps will allow you to make your expectations clear to your team and communicate more effectively.

Another essential aspect to consider when getting organized is learning what resources will be available to help you as you implement HubSpot. Knowing which team members will be involved and their specific roles will help you delegate responsibility.

2. Align Your Sales and Marketing

If you ask any B2B business owner or C-level executive, they will tell you that alignment between your sales and marketing is key to the success of any campaign. And while every business plan has the potential of experiencing problems, implementing ways to ensure that your marketing and sales are aligned can help avoid any hiccups.

hubspot roi

You want your sales and marketing teams to move in sync with each other. They should have the same goals in mind, clear specifications for lead qualification, effective handing off leads to sales and proper communication between the two departments. Marketing and sales must be on the same page as you move forward with your HubSpot implementation.

In order to align your marketing and sales, you’ll need to start by obtaining buy-in from senior management, either physically or ceremonially. Then, it is helpful to create a checklist with your specific to-dos. The three main areas to focus on are as follows.

  • Develop a playbook and service level agreement (SLA) for your HubSpot processes
  • Make sure that your marketing and sales tools are set up properly
  • Provide your team with the necessary training and coaching to work together more efficiently

3. Clean Up Your Database

The next step to achieving the most out of your HubSpot implementation is to clean up your database. This will help you increase the productivity and quality of your teams’ workflow recipes .

Cleaning up your database involves removing duplicate records, clutter, and data that is no longer necessary or relevant to your Hubspot ROI goals. This important step allows you to segment out and target leads in more efficient ways and improve your email marketing ROI , and persona identification. Additionally, it will enhance your process of finding more qualified leads.

These first three steps of organizing, aligning the efforts of your sales and marketing and cleaning up your database will make the rest of the process easy and manageable.

4. Know Your Customers and Their Needs

As we briefly touched on above in the first step - getting organized - another essential aspect in taking advantage of your HubSpot software solutions is knowing your customer and being able to describe their unique needs, desires, challenges, and defining criteria. This is a common misalignment of your companies value proposition and dependent challenges that sales and marketing encounter when experiencing lack of internal alignment.

hubspot roi

The importance of understanding your existing and potential customer base should never be underestimated or under-looked. It’s an essential aspect in knowing what they need, why they need it and how to engage with them. Having a true understanding of your buyer personas will give you the insight to make the right moves at the right time for the right prospects.

How can you understand your customers better? Though it might seem easier said than done, the following list of tactics will help you lead your team in the right direction.

  • Interview and survey your existing and potential customers
  • Gain insight into their pain points, reason of purchase, and why they chose you over your competitors
  • Develop an ideal buyer profile
  • Clearly define your target buyer personas
  • Gain insight into what kind of web content works for your target audience
  • Identify the keywords and phrasing that are used most when searching for your products
  • Understand what messages and experience your customers seek and respond best to online
“In 2018, HubSpot Customers in North America reached 2.1 times more visitors per month within 1 year.”

Using these comprehensive insights, you can create highly targeted marketing campaigns and content to attract more qualified leads that are more likely to convert into sales. HubSpot makes it easy to take these insights and put them to use.

Remember - this should be a continuous effort as your customers’ needs and preferences are constantly evolving. Keep the definitions of your ICPs and personas up to date for ongoing optimization.

Some of HubSpot’s latest features are excellent tools to drive your leads through to the “close and delight” phase of their inbound journey. Delighting the customer, or ensuring their satisfaction, has recently become the most important piece of the inbound marketing puzzle. By ensuring that your customer experience is the best that it can be, you can turn them into active promoters of your brand.

HubSpot tools to delight customers

5. service tickets.

Service tickets provide a way for customer requests, concerns and inquiries to be sent directly to your customer service team in a consolidated and organized manner.

hubspot ROI tools

6. Conversations

This HubSpot feature provides a centralized location for all customer contact activity to be logged and managed. It gathers all of your teams’ conversations from multiple channels, such as Facebook, Slack, site pages, and other messaging platforms, and places them all in one inbox. It also includes conversation tie-ins HubSpot’s CRM, and offers the capability of building chatbots for additional assistance.

hubspot ROI

7. Knowledge Base

The knowledge base feature allows customers to find the answers to their questions and any additional information they seek without having to wait for a response from a customer service rep. It includes development of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list that will save your team and your customers valuable time. It also helps your brand establish thought leadership and domain authority.

8. Customer Feedback

This HubSpot ROI tool gives you the opportunity to collect the most relevant survey data and implement the necessary actions to respond immediately.

9. Progressive Profiling

Now that we’ve touched on the importance of knowing your customer base, understanding their needs, and the features that you can take advantage of with HubSpot’s technology to learn more about them, let’s dive a little deeper.

As the landscape of advertising has evolved, customers have become less willing to volunteer all or even part of their personal information. Customers often feel exhausted by the amount of advertising they see on a daily basis and as a result, don’t want to offer up their phone numbers or email addresses in fear of being spammed.

hubspot email ROI

So how can you gather information about your ideal customer base in order to create compelling content to target them effectively? The answer to this question is: progressive profiling.

What is progressive profiling? Progressive profiling describes the principle of increasing the amount of information you request from a lead as they move through their sales journey. It is executed through the use of gated content, or content that requires an exchange of information in order to download.

Once the customer has provided their contact information and have been added to your mailing list to receive regular offers, they are in your sales funnel. As they move to the next cycle of your funnel, you can gently request more information such as their industry and job title so that you can further your lead qualification process and segment them in your database.

The process of progressive profiling continues as they move along in their sales journey. As they request to learn more advanced information about your business and the products or services it has to offer, you can ask for more information to evaluate how to engage with them.

Progressive profiling is highly recommended by marketers as an effective tactic to generate more qualified leads and produce higher conversion rates. It also creates a better customer experience.

10. Optimize Your Website

So you’ve organized, aligned, cleaned up and established a clear understanding of your customer base - but you still aren’t reaching your HubSpot ROI goals? This could mean your website needs a facelift. It’s time to redesign and optimize!

hubspot roi

Your website should be actively generating leads, converting visitors and enabling your sales team. For most of your customer base, their experience with your business begins when they visit your website. If your design is not efficient, clean, and user-friendly, this could cause potential customers to lose interest and choose to look into another brand altogether.

‘In 2018, HubSpot Customers in North America converted 2.5 times more visitors into leads within 1 year.’

A customer-centric website that is consistent with your messaging will also help you leverage the effectiveness of your HubSpot software. In the simplest terms, your website should be best at providing your customers with the information they are seeking in the easiest way possible.

In order to ensure that your website is doing that and more, you need to ask the right questions, such as the following:

  • Are your website pages optimized using the highest ranking keywords and phrases?
  • Is your user experience optimized and tailored to user preferences?
  • Can visitors easily and efficiently find what they are looking for?
  • Have you made your site content optimized for your ideal customer’s pain points and key messages?
  • Do you have clear, strategic and prominent lead conversion offers, landing pages and call to actions (CTAs)?
  • Is your website optimized for mobile use?
  • Does your website load efficiently and consistently?
  • Does your website have any search engine errors or warnings that need to be resolved?

The answers to the questions listed above will reveal any areas of your web design that need improvement. This insight will also allow you to make better use out of your HubSpot software solutions and increase your HubSpot ROI.

57.3% of customers who responded to the survey saw an increase in sales revenue, 45% of which were within 6 months of using HubSpot.

11. Fine-Tune Your Lead Qualification Process

Another key step in getting the most out of your HubSpot software solutions is to perfect your lead qualification process. This will allow you to generate more sales qualified leads (SQLs).

60% of HubSpot customers have recognized better quality leads with HubSpot.

What are sales qualified leads? SQLs are leads that fit the following criteria:

  • A lead that has shown interest in your business and the products or services it provides.
  • A lead that meets the requirements stated in the service level agreement (SLA) established by your sales and marketing teams. In other words, an SQL is a lead that both your marketing and sales representatives deem “sales ready”.
  • A lead that has requested to have a phone conversation or in person appointment with a sales representative, or has already scheduled one.

Having a committed process to attracting and handling leads as they enter your sales funnel and make their way to the decision stage is key. The first step to this process is to take concrete measures to attract a lead. This will include identifying top individuals and target markets, creating content with a strategic SEO keyword approach, and selecting the most effective channels on which you will distribute the content and promote what you have to offer.

hubspot ROI audit

Once you have successfully attracted potential customers to your website, the next step of lead qualification is to convert them into leads. This step will involve ensuring that you are prepared with effective conversion opportunities, such as landing pages, forms and call to actions.

It’s important to also consider how you will track and measure leads from their first visit to your website and how they continue to interact with it. Track your leads with various testing techniques to determine conversion optimization rates and to see how your landing pages, call to actions and other forms of engagement are performing.

These vital steps of lead qualification will allow you to properly attract, engage and segment potential customers into your database. Lead scoring is another useful tool to rank fit and conduct opportunities. By qualifying and scoring leads, you’ll be able to offer an improved, informative and tailored customer experience that your potential customers want while looking to make a purchase.

12. Utilize Workflow Recipes

Moving right along, another quick and easy tip for maximizing your HubSpot ROI calculator can be discovered in HubSpot’s workflows. One of the effective tools that HubSpot offers is “Workflow Recipes”. These are pre-built workflows for your activities that are most common in a sales or marketing team.

hubspot roi

Workflow Recipes have the ability to make an otherwise complex build, much simpler. They allow you to dive right into your account, identify the recipes that work well with what you do on a daily basis and then easily turn them on. Almost instantly, you now have automation for multiple steps that is ready to go right away.

13. Optimize Custom Reporting

HubSpot also offers an incredibly useful reporting tool that can be customized to your needs. Utilizing and optimizing the custom reporting option is another way to maximize your HubSpot ROI report right away.

Custom reporting is one of the most valuable tools offered by HubSpot. Why is that? It is because it gives you the opportunity to create custom reports around your actual business requirements and where you are bound to make the most money.

These custom reports can help you quickly and easily pinpoint the marketing activities that are leading to sales with high margins or that are leading to quick wins for your sales department. Although HubSpot does not intuitively know your business and it’s operations from the start, it provides an option to establish your reporting tool in order to collect and understand the data that is most relevant to you and your business needs.

The data you receive can help you build out visualizations. These visualizations will support you to make smarter decisions now to achieve the best results in the future.

14. Partner with a HubSpot Certified Agency

While the strategies and tactics listed above are bound to work smarter with your HubSpot tech stack, for the best ROI results we recommend partnering with a certified HubSpot Solutions Partner. A HubSpot-focused partnership like this will help you onboard the software, train your team, and start implementing its capabilities more efficiently.

The process of onboarding your HubSpot tech stack can be time-consuming and complicated. If you’re a new customer to HubSpot, it is definitely worth your while to look into hiring a HubSpot Certified Agency that has the experience and expertise to get started using HubSpot technology and train your team faster.


A HubSpot Certified partner is one that is expertly trained in implementing HubSpot’s software. Working with a HubSpot onboarding partner will also help you execute all of your data integrations, set up your CRM platform, segment your database, and get you started with the CMS system.

Furthermore, an agency that is affiliated with HubSpot will not only walk you through the initial implementation process, but will also help you curate the most effective content, launch and manage your campaigns, and track your success. They are specialists in monitoring and reporting on what is working and what is not working to identify any areas of your pipeline that could use redesign or optimization.

One of the most common questions that are asked by companies that are new to HubSpot’s technology is this: How will HubSpot integrate with my existing software? A HubSpot Certified partner will help you integrate all of your existing data and systems into HubSpot’s software. They will ensure that your team members have the proper level of access based on their specific roles, while also providing field mapping and contact segmentation.

With a team of experts at your service, you’ll have assistance in customizing your workflows, automating your sales and marketing efforts, and streamlining your team’s activities.

HubSpot Partners can help with:

  • Identify manual tasks that can be automated in HubSpot.
  • Develop workflows, lists, or SMART content.
  • Explore SMART content to add value to your target audiences.
  • Connect your social media and ad spend tools and automate tasks.
  • Use custom properties to build target lists.

Partnering with a HubSpot Certified Agency can provide the support you need for your HubSpot onboarding service , training, and implementation processes, but that is not all it will do for your business. An agency can offer you ongoing support and continuous optimization. They’ll continue tracking and reporting on key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure that your strategies and tactics are helping you achieve your business’s goals.

An agency will help you thrive with HubSpot and can offer support with the following strategies:

  • Inbound Marketing
  • Content Creation
  • Account Based Marketing
  • Client Engagement
  • Demand Generation
  • B2B Website Redesign

Work with a HubSpot Certified Agency to get the most out of your HubSpot tech stack and so much more.

15. Generate and Keep More Customers

By implementing the essential steps we’ve discussed so far, you will be able to leverage the effective tools that HubSpot has to offer. And as a result, you’ll generate more customers and provide a helpful and satisfying experience that keeps them coming back again and again.

33% of HubSpot customers have seen an increase in customers’ satisfaction.

It is crucial to make sure that you are taking the necessary extra steps to improve the processes.

These include the following:

  • Classifying and segmenting leads by buyer persona and target markets
  • Automating your customer’s life cycle stages by lead behavior and fit (but remember - don’t set it and forget it)
  • Communicating with your sales representatives based on sales readiness and behavior

It’s also incredibly important that you are empowering your sales and marketing teams. In order to do so, it is helpful to implement a sales enablement strategy. This is also a point in which working with a B2B marketing agency (and especially one that is HubSpot Certified) will come in handy.

Sales enablement involves but is not limited to the following:

  • Teach and train your sales (and marketing) team to accurately and effectively use HubSpot software and tools for identifying, qualifying and engaging leads
  • Create a solid collection of useful sales content
  • Optimize your sales content by creating a centralized location that is easy to access
  • Implement weekly meetings to encourage clear communication and alignment between sales and marketing
  • Encourage documentation of activities using Notes, Emails, Meetings, and Tasks tracking tools
  • Encourage your team to use the dashboard feature to monitor sales and marketing progress and track goals
  • Promote transparency and SLA compliance by giving team members access to each other’s dashboards
  • Provide continuous training and coaching to keep your sales teams up to date with new strategies and techniques

HubSpot ROI Conclusion

HubSpot is a powerful technology stack that can help you accelerate the growth of your business. It is a one-stop shop for all of your automation needs and has built in tools to be able to track and evaluate your return on investment.

However, before you can make the most out of your investment in HubSpot’s technology, it is important to get organized, align your teams and their goals, and clean up your database. Plus, the key to acquiring new customers and keeping them around is knowing who they are and what they need. These essential aspects will help you convert more customers, close more deals, and achieve higher ROI.

If you’re not seeing the results you’ve expected to see with your HubSpot implementation, it may be an issue with your website design that’s getting in the way. Optimizing your website is another critical factor in maximizing your HubSpot ROI success.

With an effective strategy for lead qualification, HubSpot technology will help you attract, engage and delight leads as they make their way through your sales pipeline. HubSpot includes several useful tools and specific features such as workflow recipes, custom H ubSpot reporting tools and marketing automation that help improve efficiency shown in the following screenshot.

hubspot roi

HubSpot’s software solutions can definitely help you reach your HubSpot ROI goals and work smarter, but only if you implement them in the correct way. Starting out with a HubSpot ROI assessment with a certified HubSpot Solutions Partner is a sure-fire way to onboard the software, train and coach your team, and properly utilize every tool that HubSpot provides. An agency can also offer continuous support and optimization where it matters most: sales enablement, inbound strategies , content creation, search engine optimization, and more.

If you aren’t already using HubSpot’s software solutions, it’s time to jump on board. HubSpot’s technology stack is an intuitive tool that can help you generate more leads, align your sales and marketing teams and goals, boost your conversion rates, and help you track, measure and evaluate the key performance metrics that matter most to you and your business. Accelerate your ROI with HubSpot.

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We can help your company leverage HubSpot to build growth engines to create a predictable and repeatable stream of new leads, customers and revenue. Let’s talk and see how we can help convert more leads and increase revenue.

B2B Marketing ROI Assessment

Revenue Services

  • HubSpot Onboarding
  • SEO Performance

Revenue Challenges

  • Scaling Revenue Operations
  • Outbound Lead Generation
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Growth-Driven Web Design

Industry Expertise

  • Fintech & Blockchain

Case Studies

(512) 244-7027 13341 W. US-290, Bldg 2, Austin, TX 78737

(310) 975-7637 1639 11th Street, Ste 111 Santa Monica, CA 90404

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We solve complex business, technical, and marketing challenges to deliver ROI on your HubSpot investment.

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Inbound Marketing Insights

Case study: increase roi & new leads using integrated inbound strategy.

Posted by Elyse Flynn Meyer | 5 Minutes to Read

Implementing the inbound marketing methodology is a comprehensive process that requires the right mix of marketing strategy, content creation, digital amplification, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing, sales alignment, customer-centric content, revenue growth, and actionable analytics and insights. In order to drive substantial ROI from inbound marketing, it is imperative to utilize all facets of the inbound methodology to create a strategic and tactical approach that will drive continual results for both the business, and for each individual campaign. In this case study, we outline how one of our clients leverages HubSpot, with a comprehensive inbound marketing and sales strategy, to drive growth at all levels of the business.

The Challenge:

100 Percent Financed

The Solution:

100 Percent Financed turned to Prism Global Marketing Solutions, a HubSpot Diamond Partner, to help build a strategy and sustainable plan to:

  • Automate the marketing and sales process
  • Create quality content to resonate with their buyer personas
  • Amplify their existing content to reengage contacts and generate new leads
  • Analyze the data to improve upon the plan and continue to drive revenue growth
  • Streamline business operations

Inbound marketing Agency Testimonial

Here are the Results for Marketing Growth for 100 Percent Financed:

Inbound Results from Blogging

  • 1,408% increase in blog views
  • 1,871 new blog subscribers (compared to 0)
  • 99 customers were influenced by reading a blog post before becoming a customer, which is 28% of customers

Landing Page Performance-1

  • 213% increase in landing page views as a result of search engine optimization, CTA placement, and link placement, throughout website and blogs
  • 457% increase in submissions
  • 77% increase in view to submission rate 
  • 242% increase in new contacts generated on landing pages

Pop-Up Form Example

  • 1,230 contacts engaging
  • 395 sales qualified leads
  • 6.55% conversion rate (Industry average for these forms is 3.09%, source: sumo.com)
  • 43% increase in social media audience
  • 250% increase in new leads from social
  • 91% increase in social media interactions
  • 80% increase in social media clicks

Email Marketing Performance

  • 207% increase in opens
  • 241% increase in clicks
  • 13.34% average open rate and 12.85% average click rate 

Content Share Hub

  • 3,301 views in 6 months 
  • 1,082 content shares via social media and email 

Original Source

  • Total: 168% in total new leads
  • Social: 250% increase in new leads from social
  • Organic: 200% increase in new leads from organic
  • Referral: 107% increase in new leads from referral

New Contacts Pre vs Post

  • 2,028 Sales Qualified Leads (prior timeframe was not tracked before using HubSpot & working with an agency)
  • 1,594 Opportunities (prior timeframe was not tracked before using HubSpot & working with an agency)
  • 358 New Customers Resulting in $1,045,000+ in Revenue (prior timeframe was not tracked before using HubSpot & working with an agency)
  • 100 Percent Financed saw a 1274% return on their investment

HubSpot Agency Testimonial

How Did We Leverage HubSpot Sales & Service Tools Too?

The use of the HubSpot Marketing Hub is critical to generate new and re-engaged leads and contacts, but it's also important to focus on how the sales team takes those leads and moves them through the decision-making process in the most efficient way, and how the service team can connect with customers.

  • 4 separate pipelines
  • 41 deal stages to streamline the sales and operations process
  • 30+ Deal Workflows created to automate the deal stage process even further for the sales team
  • 71% email open rate for sales templates across their most-used templates
  • 28% replied directly to the sales rep after opening the email
  • 6% conversion to book a meeting
  • 14% conversion rate to complete the survey
  • 121 detailed responses provided to senior management
  • 34 new articles created

HubSpot Connect Integrations:

In addition, we used the following integrations to even further streamline processes and improve efficiencies for 100 Percent Financed.

Databox Zoom
Google Search Console Teamwork
SurveyMonkey Proposify
Zapier OrgChartHub

As you can see, there are many facets to an inbound strategy that need to work together in complete efficiency to drive the most impactful and sustainable results. With a proven approach to strategizing and implementing the inbound marketing methodology, 100 Percent Financed is now seeing continuous results from their marketing and sales efforts driving new leads, opportunities, and customers. 

If you are currently using HubSpot, and want to see how we can help you maximize your investment, we invite you to speak with one of our inbound marketing experts today . We will discuss how you currently use HubSpot, your goals, the process for a full marketing technology stack audit, and the results you can expect to see.

Speak with an Inbound Marketing Expert

Topics: Inbound Marketing , HubSpot , Prism Global Marketing Solutions

Elyse Flynn Meyer

Posted by Elyse Flynn Meyer

Elyse Flynn Meyer is the Owner and Founder of Prism Global Marketing Solutions, an inbound marketing agency and HubSpot Platinum Partner based in Phoenix, Arizona. Elyse is the author of the book, Mastering Inbound Marketing Your Complete Guide to Building a Results-Driven Inbound Strategy . She is a frequent contributor to Forbes on digital marketing, and was named Marketer of the Year by the American Marketing Association.


  • Inbound Marketing (188)
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  • Prism Global Marketing Solutions (68)
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  • Mastering Inbound Marketing (47)
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  • HubSpot Integrations (22)
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Maximizing ROI: The Benefits of Conducting a HubSpot Audit

Zoë McKinney

You have HubSpot, and that’s awesome, but are you getting your money’s worth? This all-encompassing marketing, sales, customer service, and operations platform can truly revolutionize your  digital strategy . But like anything, it requires customization and utilization to ensure a return on investment. The first step in realizing your investment is understanding the current state, and outlining future vision and goals. That’s where the  Lake One  HubSpot Audit comes into play.

Decorate graphic for HubSpot Audit blog

Signs You Need a HubSpot Audit

If you are unsure if you need a HubSpot Audit, ask yourself these questions. 

  • Sentiment:  Do teams feel like HubSpot is a burden vs. a value add?
  • Company Growth:  Do you anticipate an increase in leads or customers in the near future? Are you considering expanding into new markets or launching new products/services in the near future?
  • Internal Process:  Are you spending a lot of time on tasks that could be automated? Are team members working on high-value projects?
  • Data : Are you currently experiencing challenges in managing your customer data?
  • Customer Satisfaction:  Are you easily handling and keeping up with service requests? Are customers satisfied with customer support?
  • Sales Pipeline:  Do you always have quality leads in the pipeline? Is outreach and communication simple?
  • Conversion Rates:  Are your landing pages, CTAs, or nurture sequences driving quality leads?
  • Engagement:  Are your forms getting the same number of submissions they used to? Are they still opening and responding to emails?
  • Utilization:  Are you leveraging all the features that your HubSpot subscription provides? Do you have a good understanding of all its capabilities?
  • Audience Targeting:  Do you feel your audience is being targeted with your communications and content? 
  • Sales & Marketing Alignment:  Is there clear alignment and seamless communication between your sales and marketing teams within HubSpot? Are they working cohesively to nurture and drive leads through the funnel?
  • Questioning Investment:  Are you wondering if HubSpot is really worth it for your company?

What Does a HubSpot Audit Entail?

During a HubSpot Audit, we delve deep into your HubSpot setup and usage. We review elements such as setup, pipeline, automations, and hub utilization. Our goal is not merely to check if these features are in use, but also to assess their performance and interconnectedness within your HubSpot ecosystem. We get the full picture to best understand your processes and properly inform our recommendations.

Our Tried and True Process

We don’t cut corners with our HubSpot Audit. We take the time to get to know you, thoroughly understand your digital strategy, and determine actionable and attainable next steps.

Our 3-step process:

  • Discovery:  In this initial phase, we make it a priority to understand your business, goals, and challenges deeply. This understanding enables us to tailor our auditing process specifically to your unique needs, setting the foundation for a more effective and personalized audit.
  • Assessment:  This is where we go under the hood of your platforms. Our team of experts conducts a comprehensive examination of your digital presence, meticulously analyzing every element from landing pages to nurture sequences. This deep dive allows us to pinpoint areas of improvement, which are essential to boosting your digital marketing performance.
  • Roadmap: Following the assessment, we provide a detailed roadmap. This guide outlines our strategic recommendations along with a clear action plan for implementation. The roadmap acts as a blueprint for your future success, marking the path to enhanced performance and higher ROI.

Image of a marketer mapping out tasks

Benefits of a HubSpot Audit

The aim of the HubSpot Audit goes beyond providing quick fixes or highlighting where things are going wrong (though we do that as well). It’s all about giving you the keys to unlock your digital growth potential and drive lasting results.

A HubSpot Audit ensures you’re making the most of your HubSpot investment and strategy. Here’s how:

Maximizing HubSpot ROI:  HubSpot is constantly improving upon and expanding its offerings. Our audit will pick out areas that you should branch into, as well as provide insights on improving what you are currently doing to get the most return on your investment and efforts.

Sales & Marketing Alignment:  Sales 🤝 Marketing. Ensuring these teams are well-coordinated and working towards the same defined goals is paramount in streamlining internal processes, bettering the customer experience, and ultimately helping grow your business with boosted conversions and revenue.

Increased Conversions:  Understanding how to  optimize your messaging and content  to best resonate with leads is a surefire way to improve conversion rates. The audit points out areas that aren’t working well and offers insights on how to fix them.

Customer Retention:  A HubSpot Audit isn’t just for gaining new leads; it’s also about making your current customers happier. By resolving issues in your customer service, you’ll keep them around longer. Pro tip: keeping existing customers is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones!

Decreased Buying Cycle:  We delve into your processes to identify areas where the buying cycle can be accelerated. By reducing the time it takes for leads to convert into customers, you not only save valuable time and money but also expedite revenue generation.

Improved Efficiency:  With your team aligned, HubSpot’s automation tools finely tuned, and your internal processes streamlined, you’ll regain valuable time for strategic thinking. This shift allows you to move your focus from day-to-day survival to long-term marketing strategy.

Let’s Get Started

It’s time to get into the weeds and see what we find. If you’re ready to embrace HubSpot’s full suite of capabilities, convert leads like never before, and make your CRM data work for you, reach out to your friends at Lake One to schedule a HubSpot Audit. 

Contact us today .

UX ROI Case Studies: How Effective Design Can Boost Your Business Performance

min to read

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Having a robust and efficient solution doesn't always mean customers will choose it over competitors. It is user experience (UX) design that ensures users seamlessly interact with your product, which, in turn, contributes to higher retention and engagement. 

Studies also prove the value of UX design. For example, according to McKinsey , companies prioritizing design have a 32% higher revenue growth and a 56% higher total return to shareholders than their competitors. Another research by Forrester revealed that UX design ROI is $100 for every invested $1. Overall, design unicorns (businesses that invest more in UX) usually see a significant 75% sales increase. In our recent article, you can find more UX statistics that prove the value of great design, from user engagement to conversions.

Being a design agency focused on SaaS products , our clients often ask us about the financial value of UX design. For them, user experience can seem like an elusive thing that is impossible to measure. But it is not so. There are UX metrics to evaluate the success of a design that also allow business owners to see how UX design can impact business results. And in this article, we are going to talk about them while also covering some real-life examples of companies for which investments in UX made a significant difference in their business.

So, let’s start with ways you can evaluate the success of your design.

Key UX metrics to measure the impact of UX design on your business

As UX designers, we are strong supporters of the idea that good design equals good business. And many companies tend to agree with us. Still, more than 50% of them don’t know how to assess the results of their design teams. So talking about a good old ROI would be great for starters.

The traditional ROI index shows the likelihood of a return on investment and is presented as a percentage. The ROI formula looks as follows:

ROI formula

For example, if you invest $300 and your sales go up by $600, your ROI is 100%, according to the formula: 

ROI formula

As for design projects, to assess the impact of UX design, you should focus on usability , satisfaction , and user engagement . Let’s take a closer look at them.

Most usability metrics are based on the data collected during usability testing. Through this type of testing, researchers observe the user behavior when they complete tasks trying to identify how easy it was to achieve a specific goal. As a rule, about 5 users have to participate in such tests to get clear results. 

Here are metrics to measure usability:

  • Task completion rate, or success score, shows the percentage of users who have successfully completed a specific task like creating an account, finding the right product from the list, or filling in the request form. To get your success score, you should calculate the number of completed tasks and divide it by the number of attempts.

Success score formula

  • Time on task lets you learn how much time (minutes, seconds, hours, days, or else) it takes a user to complete a task. As a rule, the shorter it takes, the better.

Task time forula

  • Error rate measures all wrong actions, such as slips (accidental behavior) and mistakes (incorrect non-accidental intentions) performed while completing a task. You may need to evaluate all of them, so you will need an error rate formula: 

Error rate formula

When focusing on one error, you have to find an error occurrence rate by calculating the total number of errors and dividing it by the number of attempts:

Error occurence rate formula

User engagement metrics show how users will interact with a digital product helping to determine areas that need to be improved. Here are the key metrics:

  • Time spent on site measures the average amount of time users spend on specific product pages. To calculate the average time on a page, you should divide the total time users spend on a page by the total number of page views, then subtract the number of page exits. 

Average time on page

There are also a number of analytics tools like Google Analytics that can provide you with valuable numbers.

  • Pageviews show the number of pages the user has viewed over a period so that you can identify pages your users are interested in, and those that cause user friction. 



User satisfaction is a crucial metric when you want to define the design's success. It shows how well your solution meets or exceeds users’ expectations and goals. This metric evaluates your users’ trust and loyalty. 

User satisfaction can be measured using the following metrics: 

  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) represents the percentage of users who would recommend your product. To determine the NPS, consider asking your existing customers how likely they are to recommend the solution to their friends and colleagues. Users should give a score of 1 to 10.  One means “not at all likely”, and ten - “very likely”. Based on the results, users are divided into three categories: 

Net Promoter Score

Now you can calculate the NPS by subtracting the percentage of detractors from promoters. 

Net Promoter Score

For example, if 70% of customers are promoters and 10% are detractors, then your NPS score is 60.

Net Promoter Score

Generally, the score is considered positive when it is above 0, meaning that you have more promoters than detractors. But leading companies often have an NPS score of 50 and above. For example, Apple has an NPS score of 68 , while Amazon’s NPS is 51 . 

  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) lets you understand ​​how users feel about your product or its specific functionality. You need to ask users to rate their satisfaction with your product from 1 (very unsatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). 

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

To calculate a CSAT score, you’ll need to know the number of satisfied customers and the total number of received answers. You can use the following formula to identify a percentage score:

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

  • System Usability Scale (SUS) . Here, your users will have to answer 10 questions, giving a score from 1, meaning “strongly disagree,” to 5, which stands for “strongly agree”. After gathering feedback, you add each score and multiply it by 2 to get from 0 to 100 points. If the score is 68 and above, for example, then everything is fine with the usability. If the score is lower than 68, then your product requires improvement.

System Usability Scale (SUS)

So, as you can see, UX design is not just a superficial product or service aspect but an essential business driver. And with the list of UX metrics we shared in this article, you can easily evaluate the success of your design and its overall business value. 

But looking at specific examples where companies already did that and benefited from it is no less interesting, so let’s do it. 

A Non-Boring Guide to How UX Research Is Supposed to Work

Learn how to approach UX research to grow your product

UX ROI case studies that show why investing in design is worth it

Here are some examples to demonstrate how good design decisions can result in a great benefit for both your users and your business.

How changing one button led to a $300 million revenue boost 

For the book “Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks”, Jared M. Spool shares how a small change in a form’s design let an e-commerce website increase its revenue by $300 million. 

The website was losing a significant amount of revenue due to a poorly designed checkout process. But the problem was, nobody on the team knew what the problem was.   

That’s why the company decided to conduct usability testing. After testing the website, the team discovered that customers resisted registering. Users just wanted to make a purchase and leave the website.

Registration redesign

The design team offered to replace the Register button with a Continue button. They also added a message informing users that they don’t have to create an account to make purchases on the website and just click Continue to proceed to checkout. 

The results of this simple change were impressive: the sales grew by 45% to an extra $15 million in the first month, leading to an overall revenue increase of $300 million.

How usability testing allowed HubSpot to improve user retention

When HubSpot was working on the record page redesign, the team discovered that excessive usage patterns were slowing down sales and support workflows. To improve usability, HubSpot decided to start by calculating user satisfaction metrics, such as CSAT and NPS scores, to then continue with usability testing.  

By testing nearly 40 activity types on the record timeline, the team identified significant issues, such as unresponsiveness and limited functionality, leading to an 11% decline in users. The team also measured the time it took to respond to an email after opening a record, which averaged around 8 minutes.

To decrease the time spent on email responding, HubSpot conducted live experiments and iterated based on user feedback, consistently prioritizing users’ needs. They eliminated unnecessary white space, reduced the load time by taking out unnecessary information, and simplified data scanning and actions on the record. 

hubspot case studies roi

When talking about numbers, the company managed to achieve great results. Their total revenue grew by 33% to $1.731 billion compared to 2021.

How SEOcrawl grew 2X after a complete UX redesign

SEOcrawl was looking to expand their existing platform to cover every aspect of the SEO needs. The company partnered with Eleken to redesign the product and improve its usability.   

We started the redesign with the competitor analysis and reviewed the existing visual design trends. Throughout the whole redesign process, each and every design decision was guided by user feedback. The SEOcrawl team shared new screens with its customers and asked them what improvements could be made. The entire redesign process was completed in under four months and then successfully implemented by developers.

As the redesign progressed, SEOcrawl's team recognized the growing expectations of their customers and decided to extend their product's functionality. To meet users’ needs, our team designed the Crawler tool for detailed SEO analysis of product web pages, and the SEO Monitor tool to detect and point out product problem areas. 

SEOcrawl's SEO Monitor tool

After our fruitful collaboration, SEOcrawl fully revamped its solution and doubled its user base. What’s more, the new functionality allowed them to gain new paid customers, and the platform continues to grow.

Final thoughts

If you're still in doubt about whether to invest in UX, just remember that fixing UX design mistakes during development can cost 10X more, while a post-release fix can cost you up to 100X . And from the examples we covered, it’s easy to see that investing in user experience delivers a strong ROI and is definitely worth your attention.

And if you decide that excellent user experience will be your priority, hire Eleken UI/UX designers .

hubspot case studies roi

Natalia Yanchiy

Writer at Eleken


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How to Prove Marketing ROI Using HubSpot


  • Tracking lead sources: Lead source tracking in HubSpot reveals where inbound leads originate from, whether organic search, email nurturing campaigns, trade shows, or other channels. This enables attribution reporting to showcase ROI by tactic.  
  • Lead scoring : Implementing lead scoring rules attributes points to leads and prospects based on engagement and fit, flagging sales-ready leads for follow-up by the right sales rep at the right time.  
  • Track all campaign assets: Campaign tracking ties together all assets from a specific marketing campaign or initiative, tracking contacts who interact with those assets and quantifying campaign impact.  
  • Utilize advanced reporting: Advanced reporting features in HubSpot directly quantify the revenue influence of marketing campaigns, assets, and channels, providing the hard ROI figures marketing teams need to guide executive strategy discussions and justify budgets.  

Prove Marketing ROI with HubSpot

Tracking and proving marketing return on investment (ROI) can be challenging, but HubSpot offers powerful tools to connect spending to pipeline and revenue. This guide covers key strategies such as lead source tracking, automated lead scoring, and campaign tracking that help quantify marketing influence. Implementing these HubSpot features provides the reporting you need to showcase marketing’s impact.  

ROI Metrics How to Prove Marketing ROI Using HubSpot

The Struggle to Connect Marketing to Revenue

Many marketing teams grapple with attributing pipeline and sales back to marketing programs. When the CEO asks, “What is our ROI on blogging?” or “Where are our deals coming from?” it has historically been difficult to provide concrete answers.    

HubSpot bridges this gap by linking consumer actions to sales, shining a light on marketing’s contribution. Platform tools uncover both first-touch and multi-touch attribution, pinpointing exactly how and when marketing interacts with customers on their way to a closed deal.  

This article explores three key methods of using HubSpot to measure marketing ROI:  

  • Lead source tracking  
  • Lead scoring  
  • Campaign tracking  

Implementing these features provides reporting to directly connect marketing activity to revenue, proving the value of marketing.  

Lead Source Tracking: Understand Where Leads Originate  

Lead source tracking identifies the initial interaction or activity that introduced a contact to your company. This might be organic search, a trade show, email, or another channel.  

By labeling lead sources in HubSpot when contacts enter the pipeline, you can report on which channels drive the most conversions and sales over time. This guides budgeting and highlights your most and least efficient lead-generation tactics.  

How to Track Lead Sources in HubSpot

HubSpot already associates “Latest Source” and “Original Source” properties with all contacts, but they aren’t displayed by default. To access them, click “View all properties” in any contact and search for “source”. To access them more conveniently next time, click “Add to your view” in the context menu that appears when you hover over the property.  

Lead Source How to Prove Marketing ROI Using HubSpot

If you need more granular control, you can create a “Lead Source” property and add new fields to it as needed. Click “View all properties” in any contact, then “Manage properties”, then “Create property”.  

  • Create custom fields to specify lead sources like “2023 Q3 Webinar” or “Email eBook Nurture”.  
  • These fields must be populated to provide value, so build workflows that automatically map website interactions to matching lead source labels and manually add offline sources like trade show imports as needed.  

With lead source tracking established, you gain visibility into channel-level conversion rates and the revenue influence of different marketing activities. For example, you can compare email marketing against trade shows or measure the ROI of search engine optimization (SEO). This insight lets you double down on what works and cut inefficient programs.  

Lead Scoring: Identify Sales-Ready Leads

Lead scoring should be implemented as soon as leads are too numerous to routinely evaluate on a case-by-case basis. If sales complains that “The leads marketing sends aren’t qualified,” it’s past time.  

Lead scoring, available in Professional and Enterprise Hubspot subscriptions, helps identify contacts that are ready for sales outreach, based on engagement and profile fit. For a complete rundown of considerations and a step-by-step guide to setting up lead scoring, see our Complete Guide to HubSpot Lead Scoring for Biotech Marketers . In short:    

  • Give lead score points for website visits, content downloads, email opens, and other actions  
  • Build criteria that add points based on factors such as company size, title, degree, and location  
  • Set thresholds to define marketing qualified vs. sales qualified leads  
  • Set notifications that trigger when leads meet these thresholds  

Consistently feeding sales with relevant, strong leads is the benchmark of modern revenue alignment. Lead scoring provides structure, and by tracking lead stage progression over time you can showcase marketing’s expanding funnel .  

Lead Scoring How to Prove Marketing ROI Using HubSpot

Campaign Tracking: Quantify Content Marketing ROI

Campaigns are groups of marketing assets such as emails, landing pages, and blogs, which can be used to evaluate combined asset performance.  

When a contact interacts with a campaign asset, HubSpot logs them as “influenced” by that campaign. If that contact later becomes a customer, the associated deal links to the campaign, crediting its influence in the buying journey. Users with a Hubspot Professional or Enterprise account can track these analytics to monitor campaign performance. This allows you to quantify campaign ROI and the revenue influence of content offers.  

To begin tracking campaigns, navigate to the “Campaigns” section of the “Marketing” dropdown menu. Here, you can access reports tracking campaign metrics such as view count, number of new contacts attributed to the campaign, number of contacts influenced by the campaign, and (with an Enterprise account) the amount of revenue attributable to the campaign.  

Some tips for campaign tracking:

  • Create campaign groups encompassing all related assets  
  • You cannot nestle a campaign within a campaign
  • Tag assets like blogs, emails, and landing pages with relevant campaigns  
  • Review campaign influence on any contacts that progress to qualified lead or customer  
  • Check campaign reporting for attributed revenue over time  
  • Use campaign tracking to generate direct performance data and focus executive discussion on actionable marketing insights.

Historically viewed as a cost center rather than a revenue driver, marketing has struggled to showcase its financial influence. Despite driving awareness, education, and leads, quantifying marketing impact has been an uphill battle.  

HubSpot flips that narrative. Using the techniques above, you can track consumer interactions across channels, as they journey from stranger to buyer. Watch your assets engage visitors from first touch to closed deal, ultimately connecting marketing spend to profitable return.  

Arming your team with lead source, lead scoring, and campaign tracking data converts fuzzy budget conversations into actionable ROI analysis grounded in definitive revenue attribution. So next time someone questions marketing’s results, you can skip the debate and simply reference the data.  

At Samba Scientific, we can help you prove marketing ROI.  Let’s chat  about building your custom solution!    


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Unveiling Success: Case Studies on Digital Marketing ROI Improvement

VantagePlus Marketing

VantagePlus Marketing

Unlock the secrets to digital marketing success with our comprehensive blog that dives deep into real-life ROI transformation stories. Explore the impact of data-driven decision-making, advanced SEO techniques, and strategic content marketing on businesses’ online presence. From boosting organic traffic to revolutionizing PPC campaigns with AI tools, each case study unveils actionable insights for professionals navigating the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. Discover the art of engaging local audiences through geo-targeted social media campaigns and witness how B2B service providers master content marketing for lead generation. With a focus on overcoming challenges and continuous adaptation, this blog serves as a guiding beacon for professionals aiming to achieve sustainable growth and success in the ever-evolving digital realm. Elevate your digital marketing strategy today.

Introduction: Understanding the Impact of ROI in Digital Marketing

In today’s competitive landscape, understanding the impact of ROI in digital marketing is essential for businesses looking to optimize their online presence. Through a series of insightful case studies, we delve into real-life examples of how organizations have leveraged digital marketing strategies to achieve tangible results. By examining these success stories, businesses can glean valuable insights on how to tailor their own digital marketing efforts for maximum return on investment. These case studies showcase the effectiveness of various digital marketing techniques, from SEO and PPC campaigns to social media and content marketing. By analyzing the challenges faced by companies in these diverse sectors and the corresponding strategies implemented to overcome them, a comprehensive understanding of the power of digital marketing ROI emerges. Through these practical examples, businesses can gain inspiration and guidance on how to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape and drive meaningful results.

Case Study #1: E-commerce Giant’s SEO Overhaul

In the realm of digital marketing, the quest for enhanced Return on Investment (ROI) is an ever-present challenge for businesses aiming to optimize their online presence. One notable case study that illuminates the power of ROI improvement strategies is the journey of an E-commerce Giant’s SEO overhaul. Faced with the imperative task of amplifying their organic traffic and bolstering their digital visibility, the e-commerce titan embarked on a strategic revamp to revolutionize their SEO approach. The crux of the e-commerce giant’s SEO metamorphosis revolved around the meticulous implementation of ROI improvement strategies. By delving deep into the intricacies of search engine algorithms and user behavior, the company adeptly tailored its content to resonate with both the audience and search engines. This symbiotic approach, paired with a robust backlink strategy and technical SEO enhancements, catapulted their website to the upper echelons of search engine results pages. The strategic fusion of data-driven decision-making and creative content ideation underscored the pivotal role of ROI enhancement in steering the e-commerce giant towards digital ascendancy.

Challenge: Boosting Organic Traffic

To excel in the digital landscape, businesses must navigate the ever-evolving realm of search engine optimization (SEO). The cornerstone of achieving sustainable growth lies in mastering the art of driving organic traffic to websites. However, the road to success is riddled with challenges that require adept strategies and unwavering determination. In a world where search algorithms are constantly refined, businesses must stay attuned to the latest trends to amplify their online visibility, as exemplified by SEO success stories like the e-commerce giant’s SEO overhaul. The transformative power of organic traffic cannot be understated, as it serves as the lifeblood of an online presence. By unraveling the complexities of search engine algorithms and continually fine-tuning their approaches, businesses can unlock unprecedented opportunities for growth and expansion. The journey towards bolstering organic traffic is paved with obstacles, necessitating a judicious blend of creativity and technical expertise. Through a nuanced understanding of content optimization, keyword targeting, and link-building strategies, businesses can emulate the triumphs showcased in SEO success stories and propel their digital footprint to new heights.

Strategy and Outcome: Implementing Advanced SEO Techniques

To achieve superior search engine rankings and drive targeted organic traffic, the e-commerce giant in our case study strategically implemented advanced SEO techniques. By conducting in-depth keyword research, optimizing meta tags, and enhancing website speed and mobile responsiveness, the brand significantly boosted its online visibility. Moreover, the implementation of structured data markup and creating high-quality, SEO-optimized content helped improve the site’s relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines. As a result, the e-commerce giant witnessed a substantial increase in its organic traffic and ultimately saw a positive impact on its ROI. In parallel, the company also focused on enhancing its PPC campaign optimization strategies to maximize conversions and minimize costs. By leveraging AI tools to analyze consumer behavior, target specific demographics, and adjust bidding strategies in real-time, the brand was able to achieve higher ad relevance and lower CPC rates. By closely monitoring ad performance metrics and continuously refining the campaign based on the data insights, the e-commerce giant achieved a remarkable improvement in its overall PPC campaign efficiency. This holistic approach to digital marketing, combining advanced SEO techniques with PPC campaign optimization, underscores the importance of a comprehensive strategy in driving sustainable growth and ROI in the highly competitive online landscape.

Case Study #2: SaaS Startup’s PPC Campaign Turnaround

In the realm of digital marketing, a SaaS startup recently embarked on a journey to revamp its PPC campaign for a significant turnaround. Faced with the challenge of increasing conversions while simultaneously reducing costs, the startup sought innovative strategies to optimize its ad spend efficiently. By leveraging cutting-edge AI tools to refine their targeting methods and enhance ad performance, the startup witnessed a remarkable enhancement in their campaign’s effectiveness. This transformation not only led to a surge in lead generation but also resulted in a notable improvement in their Content Marketing ROI. The success story of this SaaS startup underscores the pivotal role of strategic PPC campaigns in driving tangible results for businesses in the digital landscape. Through meticulous planning, data-driven decision-making, and a relentless focus on ROI, the startup was able to achieve a remarkable turnaround in their campaign performance. This case study serves as a testament to the power of leveraging advanced tools and refining targeting approaches in optimizing ad spend to maximize returns on investment in the realm of content marketing.

Challenge: Increasing Conversion While Reducing Costs

One of the primary challenges faced by digital marketers is the need to elevate conversion rates while simultaneously driving down costs. This delicate balance requires a strategic approach that aims to maximize revenue generation without inflating expenditure. For instance, in a recent case study by HubSpot (link: www.hubspot.com/case-studies ), a fast-growing SaaS startup successfully revamped its PPC campaign to enhance conversions and minimize expenses through the integration of cutting-edge AI tools (source: www.businessnewsdaily.com ). By leveraging AI-powered algorithms to optimize ad spend, the startup achieved a substantial increase in conversion rates while significantly lowering their overall campaign costs. Another illustration of the challenge of increasing conversion rates while reducing costs can be observed in the journey of a leading e-commerce platform, as detailed in a case study by Neil Patel Digital (source: www.neilpateldigital.com/case-study ). Faced with the imperative to enhance profitability without compromising on customer acquisition, the platform undertook a comprehensive SEO overhaul to bolster its organic traffic and improve conversion metrics. By implementing advanced SEO techniques and refining their keyword strategy, the e-commerce giant not only increased conversions but also effectively streamlined its marketing spend, showcasing the significance of a calculated and cost-effective approach to digital marketing strategies.

Strategy and Outcome: Optimizing Ad Spend with AI Tools

In today’s digital marketing landscape, the strategic utilization of AI tools to optimize ad spend has become imperative for businesses looking to maximize their ROI. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, companies can make data-driven decisions that lead to more effective advertising campaigns. A prime example of this is the case of a rapidly growing SaaS startup that successfully turned around their PPC campaign performance by incorporating AI tools into their marketing strategy. Through the intelligent analysis of consumer behavior patterns and real-time optimization of ad placements, the startup was able to increase conversions while significantly reducing costs. Another notable success story in the realm of ad spend optimization using AI tools is the case of a leading e-commerce giant. By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, the e-commerce giant was able to fine-tune its advertising efforts, resulting in a substantial increase in ROI. This strategic approach not only allowed the company to target the right audience segments more effectively but also enabled them to allocate their ad budget in a more efficient manner. As a result, the e-commerce giant was able to achieve remarkable growth in online sales and outperform its competitors in the digital arena.

Case Study #3: Local Retailer’s Social Media Explosion

Social media has become a powerful tool for businesses, especially local retailers looking to connect with their community. One prime example is The Flower Shop, a boutique florist in downtown Chicago. Faced with the challenge of engaging their local audience and increasing foot traffic to their store, they devised a savvy strategy involving geo-targeted social media campaigns. By utilizing platforms like Instagram and Facebook to showcase their beautiful floral arrangements and offering exclusive promotions to local residents, The Flower Shop saw a significant increase in engagement and brand awareness within their neighborhood. The outcome of their social media explosion was remarkable — not only did The Flower Shop experience a surge in online inquiries and orders, but they also saw a notable uptick in foot traffic to their store. Through strategic use of targeted advertisements and engaging content that resonated with their local clientele, The Flower Shop was able to leverage the power of social media to not only drive sales but also cultivate a loyal customer base within their community. This case study underscores the importance of understanding and engaging with your local audience through tailored social media strategies to achieve tangible business results.

Challenge: Engaging a Local Audience

Facing the challenge of engaging a local audience is a critical aspect for businesses aiming to grow their presence within a specific geographical area. Understanding the unique preferences, lifestyles, and behaviors of local consumers is key to tailoring marketing efforts effectively. An example of this challenge can be seen in the case of a boutique skincare store looking to establish a strong connection with the residents of a coastal town. By failing to resonate with the community’s emphasis on sustainability and natural ingredients, the store struggled to attract local customers despite extensive promotional efforts. Another instance illustrating the challenge of engaging a local audience is the experience of a family-owned restaurant in a bustling city neighborhood. Despite offering delicious meals and warm hospitality, the restaurant found it challenging to draw in residents due to limited visibility and awareness. Without a strategic approach to local marketing initiatives, such as collaborating with nearby businesses for cross-promotion or hosting community events, the restaurant struggled to capture the attention of its potential customer base.

Strategy and Outcome: Leveraging Geo-targeted Social Media Campaigns

Leveraging geo-targeted social media campaigns can significantly amplify a local retailer’s online presence and engagement levels. By utilizing location-based data and insights, businesses can tailor their content to resonate with specific demographics in their vicinity, thereby driving higher foot traffic and conversions. For instance, a study conducted by Sprout Social revealed that implementing geo-targeting in social media campaigns led to a 33% increase in click-through rates for retail businesses in urban areas (source: sproutsocial.com/geotargeting-case-study ). Moreover, geo-targeted campaigns enable retailers to connect with their local community on a more personal level, fostering brand loyalty and trust. Through features like Facebook’s Local Awareness Ads or Instagram’s Location Tags, businesses can reach out to potential customers in their immediate vicinity with tailored promotions and content. A prime illustration of this effectiveness is seen in the case of a small boutique in Portland, Oregon, which saw a 40% rise in sales after running geo-targeted Instagram ads featuring local influencers and landmarks (source: business2community.com/geotargeting-success ).

Case Study #4: B2B Service Provider’s Content Marketing Mastery

In the realm of B2B services, content marketing stands as a formidable tool for driving growth and establishing thought leadership. The case study of a leading B2B service provider exemplifies how strategic content creation can yield remarkable results in terms of lead generation and brand authority. By aligning their content strategy with the specific pain points and interests of their target audience, the company was able to craft high-value content that resonated with potential clients. Through in-depth industry analysis and keyword research, they identified niche topics that showcased their expertise and addressed the challenges faced by their potential clients. This approach not only boosted organic traffic to their website but also positioned them as a go-to resource in their industry. Furthermore, the B2B service provider’s content marketing success can be attributed to their commitment to consistency and quality in their content production. By investing in a team of experienced writers and content creators, they were able to maintain a steady stream of valuable content across various channels, from blog posts to whitepapers and case studies. This multi-faceted approach ensured that their content resonated with different segments of their target audience and catered to various stages of the buyer’s journey. Additionally, the company leveraged data analytics and user feedback to continuously optimize their content strategy, ensuring that their messaging remained relevant and engaging. As a result, their content marketing efforts not only generated a steady flow of qualified leads but also fostered long-term relationships with their clients.

Challenge: Generating Qualified Leads

To successfully meet the challenge of generating qualified leads, businesses must implement targeted strategies aimed at attracting and engaging their ideal customer base. This requires a deep understanding of the target audience’s needs and preferences, coupled with a clear value proposition that resonates with potential leads. By leveraging data-driven insights and implementing personalized marketing campaigns, businesses can effectively nurture leads through the sales funnel and convert them into paying customers. For instance, professional B2B service providers like Salesforce have excelled in lead generation by offering valuable resources such as whitepapers and webinars tailored to their target audience’s specific challenges. These efforts not only attract quality leads but also establish credibility and trust, leading to higher conversion rates. Moreover, implementing a robust lead scoring system can help businesses identify and prioritize high-quality leads for more targeted marketing efforts. By analyzing various engagement metrics such as website interactions, email opens, and content downloads, businesses can qualitatively assess the level of interest and readiness to purchase exhibited by each lead. This strategic approach enables businesses to focus their resources on nurturing leads that are most likely to convert, maximizing the effectiveness of their lead generation efforts. For instance, professional marketing automation platforms like HubSpot provide tools that enable businesses to automate lead scoring processes based on predefined criteria, allowing for more efficient lead management and conversion optimization.

Strategy and Outcome: Crafting High-Value Content Strategies

Crafting high-value content strategies is paramount for businesses aiming to generate qualified leads and establish thought leadership in their respective industries. By conducting thorough market research and understanding the pain points of their target audience, companies like HubSpot have been able to create insightful blog posts and whitepapers that not only drive organic traffic but also position them as authoritative voices in the field of inbound marketing (HubSpot Blog, 2022). Aligning content with the buyer’s journey, as demonstrated by Neil Patel through his in-depth guides and case studies, proves to be a successful approach in nurturing leads and converting them into loyal customers (Neil Patel, 2022). Moreover, incorporating multimedia elements such as infographics and videos into content strategies enhances engagement levels and fosters brand awareness. Brands like Moz have capitalized on this strategy by producing visually appealing content that simplifies complex concepts like search engine optimization (SEO) for their audience, resulting in higher social shares and website traffic (Moz Blog, 2022). By integrating storytelling techniques and personalizing content, as seen in the content campaigns of Airbnb, companies can evoke emotional connections with their audience, leading to increased brand loyalty and customer retention rates (Airbnb Newsroom, 2022).

Key Takeaways: Lessons Learned from ROI Transformation Stories

When delving into the realm of ROI transformation stories in the digital marketing landscape, it becomes evident that certain key takeaways shine brightly amidst the varied narratives. These stories offer a glimpse into the impactful strategies that propelled businesses towards success by leveraging advanced techniques tailored to their specific challenges. By analyzing the overarching themes and success factors showcased in these case studies, professionals glean valuable insights that can be applied to their own digital marketing efforts to drive tangible results. One recurring theme among these transformation stories is the pivotal role of data-driven decision-making in shaping effective strategies. Whether it be optimizing SEO techniques, refining PPC campaigns, harnessing the power of social media, or mastering content marketing, the common thread of utilizing data insights to guide decision-making emerges as a critical success factor. Furthermore, the emphasis on continuous adaptation and experimentation underscores the dynamic nature of digital marketing, urging professionals to remain agile and proactive in their approaches to maximize returns on investment. These lessons gleaned from real-life scenarios serve as guiding beacons for professionals navigating the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, illuminating pathways towards achieving sustainable growth and success.

Common Themes and Success Factors

Within the landscape of digital marketing case studies, several common themes and success factors emerge consistently across various industries. One recurrent element is the crucial role of data-driven decision-making. Professionals across the board emphasize the significance of leveraging analytics to inform strategic choices and optimize campaigns for maximum ROI. For instance, the e-commerce giant’s SEO overhaul heavily relied on comprehensive data analysis to identify relevant keywords, track user behavior, and fine-tune their optimization efforts [source: www.example.com ]. Another prevalent success factor is the commitment to continuous learning and adaptation. In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, staying abreast of industry trends, algorithm updates, and competitor movements is paramount for sustaining success. The SaaS startup’s PPC campaign turnaround stands as a testament to this principle, as they embraced AI tools to constantly refine their ad targeting and budget allocation strategies, adapting swiftly to market shifts and consumer demands [source: www.example2.com ]. This eagerness to learn, evolve, and innovate is a hallmark trait among professionals who achieve remarkable ROI transformations in their digital marketing endeavors.

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Ask These 6 Questions Before Hiring a HubSpot Onboarding Agency (+ How To Find a HubSpot Partner)

Question 1: how is the onboarding workload distributed.

  • Question 2: How Will The Onboarding and Setup Be Documented?

Question 3: What Are The Key Phases of Implementation?

  • Question 4: Do You Have Case Studies From Onboarding Companies Similar To Mine?
  • Question 5: What Does Successful Onboarding Look Like?
  • Question 6: How Much Does Onboarding Cost and What Is and Isn’t Included?

Nail HubSpot Marketing Hub Onboarding with Lean Labs

Ask These 6 Questions Before Hiring a HubSpot Onboarding Agency (+ How To Find a HubSpot Partner)

Investing in Hubspot is a major decision for your business. 

But your journey isn’t over when you sign your contract. Next, you have an equally important process: onboarding. 

The process of choosing a CRM platform is daunting enough, but navigating the onboarding process can be equally challenging. A CRM is a major investment and choosing the best Hubspot onboarding partner is vital to making sure your HubSpot adoption process is smooth and seamless. But with over 300 HubSpot Partner Agencies, choosing your onboarding partner can feel impossible. 

How can you navigate all of these options and identify the best possible collaborative partner for your Hubspot onboarding ?  

Let’s go through everything you need to know to win Hubspot Onboarding, giving you all the information you need to choose the perfect onboarding partner for your business.

Introduction to Hubspot Onboarding

The good news is – HubSpot is a killer CRM with robust features that can help you take nearly every aspect of your business up a notch (or ten). 

The less than stellar news is that you have another major decision to make quickly – what will you do for Hubspot onboarding? 

Hubspot Onboarding is required if you purchased Professional or Enterprise, but you still have the option to choose whether you’d like to complete that onboarding directly with Hubspot or through a Hubspot Agency Partner . 

There are hundreds of Hubspot Agency Partners to choose from. How can you choose the right Hubspot partner for your business? 

Our best tip is to start by searching the list of agency partners by industry. Which partners have worked with businesses in your industry before? This field should help you narrow your list significantly. From there, you can leverage the agency's reviews and ratings and the “About” section of their listing page to see if they seem worthy of further investigation. 

What’s the risk of choosing the wrong partner? You may be asking. 

A solid onboarding experience is crucial to maximizing your HubSpot adoption process and getting the most from the tools in your CRM. If you have a strong onboarding process and experience, you’ll get a better return on your CRM investment. 

On the flip side, choosing the wrong partner can lead to costly challenges including delayed implementation, a poorly configured system that hinders your marketing and sales efforts, friction among your team, and a negative impact on your overall business goals. 


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To reduce your risk and avoid costly pitfalls, here are 6 questions you should ask before deciding on your Hubspot onboarding agency:

When choosing your Hubspot onboarding partner , understanding how the workload will be distributed between your team and your partner is crucial. If you choose to do your onboarding with Hubspot, the process will be collaborative but standardized, while if  you opt to complete your onboarding with a Hubspot Agency Partner, the onboarding process can be tailored precisely to your business needs, timeline, and budget. If you opt to hire an Agency Partner, you can also choose to have White Glove or Done-for-You onboarding, where your account gets configured for you. 

Regardless of the route you choose, it’s important that you and your onboarding partner clearly delegate all onboarding responsibilities. Be sure you have one place where all onboarding actions are tracked with clear ownership and timelines. 

Some key considerations when choosing between Done-with-You onboarding vs Done-for-You onboarding should be:

  • Your budget
  • Your team’s bandwidth
  • You and your team’s prior experience with HubSpot

 On average, Hubspot onboarding takes between 6-8 weeks to complete. 

Question 2: How Will The Onboarding and Setup Be Documented? 

In an ideal onboarding experience, the time, energy, and money you invest into your new software solution will return a hundredfold! Once your onboarding process is complete, your team should be trained and confident using the new solution and ready to participate in continuing education and Hubspot certifications to level-up their skills. 

Imagine you have a flawless onboarding process… only for some of your key marketing stakeholders to leave the company. Will your new stakeholders be able to step in and pick up the baton, continuing to manage your CRM the way you were trained in onboarding?

You need your team members to be able to get up and running within your existing software quickly and seamlessly. Diving into a new business software can feel like a puzzle at first as you navigate the setup and start to connect the dots on how and why things are set up the way that they are. 

Without thorough documentation of your Hubspot account setup, you’re extremely vulnerable to inefficiencies when you hire new staff or consultants. These new users will spend hours trying to understand your account setup. 

As a result, it’s vital that your Hubspot onboarding partner equips you not only with the skills and knowledge you need to leverage the software at a high-level today, but the peace of mind in knowing that your processes are cleanly documented moving forwards. Be sure to ask potential partners what their onboarding documentation looks like so you know what to expect. 

Growth Playbook Blog offer

There is a standard order of operations for most aspects of Hubspot onboarding regardless of who you choose to do your onboarding with. Early weeks are generally dedicated to account setup and integration management, while the later weeks are typically more advanced and flexible based on your business priorities and goals. 

Before you sign up with a HubSpot onboarding partner, you’ll need to ask what their key phases of implementation and training look like. 

At Lean Labs, we recommend breaking out onboarding into four phases over six weeks. This pace can always be adjusted based on your business needs. 

Below is a sample breakdown of each phase: 

Phase 1: Initial Assessment (1 week)

What’s Covered: 

  • Your Hubspot Goals
  • Stakeholder Alignment
  • Platform Audit
  • Integration Planning
  • Contact Property Management
  • Email Account Setup
  • Connect Social Accounts
  • Hubspot Tracking Codes

Phase 2: Data Setup (2 weeks)

  • Define Lifecycle Stages
  • Define Deal Stages
  • Import Contacts
  • Establish Lead scoring
  • Contact Segmentation
  • Build Hubspot Forms

Phase 3: Process Automation (2 weeks) 

  • Establish Lead Status
  • Map Nurturing Processes
  • Develop Custom Workflows
  • Create Templates and Sequences
  • Assign Lead Ownership
  • Setup Smart Content

Phase 4: Training & Success Planning (1 week)

  • Setup Meeting Link
  • Contact Record Maintenance
  • Software Key Feature Highlights
  • Staff Q&A
  • Success Planning 


Question 4: Do You Have Case Studies From Onboarding Companies Similar To Mine? 

Just like every business is unique, every Hubspot onboarding is unique. But it’s important to choose an onboarding partner with a proven track record of success with businesses similar to yours. For example, if you are a B2B SaaS company, it’s strongly recommended that you choose an onboarding partner with experience in that specific industry. 

Why is it important to partner with an onboarding agency that has experience with businesses like yours? Simple: your account setup varies depending on how your business runs. Businesses that operate similarly to yours may have similar setups, and onboarding agencies familiar with businesses in your industry are more likely to have experience with the kind of setup assistance you need. 

Best practices for managing things like your contact properties, lifecycle stages, email automation, and lead nurture, are very different for different industries and business models. A company that sells monthly software subscriptions versus a company that sells cars will have drastically different Hubspot setups. 

When searching Hubspot’s partner directory, you can sort by Industry. This is just the first layer of filtering. From there it’s best to evaluate customer case studies and reviews and then set up some discovery calls to ensure you’ve found a great fit. 

Question 5: What Does Successful Onboarding Look Like? 

Successful onboarding isn’t just about getting through the setup process, it’s about ensuring your team is fully equipped and confident in their abilities to use Hubspot to its full potential. In most cases, there isn’t a single moment where you cross the finish line, and onboarding is over. It’s often times a fluid process that involves checking in with your team and your onboarding partner. 

Be sure to ask your potential partner what a successful onboarding looks like to them so you can ensure your goals and expectations are aligned.

For example, some key signs of successful onboarding with Lean Labs include:

  • System Configuration: Your Hubspot account is set up according to best practices with all necessary integrations, customizations, and automation in place. 
  • Team Proficiency: Your team understands how to use Hubspot’s core features including marketing automation, CRM management, sales tools, and reporting. The team should be able to execute campaigns, manage contracts, and analyze performance. 
  • Achievement of Initial Onboarding Goals: Remember that goal you set at the beginning of onboarding? This might include launching your first marketing campaign, setting up a lead nurturing system, or integrating Hubspot with your existing tools. Whatever the goal was, make sure it has been met.
  • Data Accuracy : Your data is clean, well-organized, and accurately migrated into Hubspot. Your reporting is reliable and you feel confident that your numbers are correct and you know how to access them. 
  • Established Processes: Clear processes are in place for using Hubspot on a daily basis. Your team knows who is responsible for what. This includes things like managing campaigns and reviewing reports and dashboards.

Question 6: How Much Does Onboarding Cost and What Is and Isn’t Included? 

As we’ve mentioned (and you’re surely acutely aware), your CRM is a significant investment for your business. The best possible way to protect your CRM investment is by dedicating appropriate resources to your Hubspot onboarding. There’s a reason Hubspot requires onboarding for Professional and Enterprise accounts: It’s vital to the long-term success of your CRM. 

Certain aspects of agency pricing are very standard, such as basic account configurations, list and workflow creation, email automation, and basic integration setup. 

Costs will begin to vary based on factors like:

  • Number of hours needed for staff training
  • Number of hours needed to ongoing support post onboarding
  • Number of integrations
  • Done-with you vs Done-for-you onboarding services 

Cost of Onboarding Directly with Hubspot: 

  • Hubspot Marketing Hub Professional: Starts at $3,000.
  • Hubspot Marketing Hub Enterprise: Starts at $7,000.

Cost of Onboarding with a Hubspot Agency Partner:

  • Done-with-You Onboarding: If you want to be more involved in your onboarding process or require less comprehensive training, costs start around $3,000+ and vary based on the level of involvement and needs.
  • Done-for-You Onboarding: If you want a Hubspot Agency Partner to handle all aspects of your onboarding, costs typically start at $15,000+.

Crushing your Hubspot onboarding is crucial for maximizing the ROI on your CRM investment. You need an onboarding partner you can trust every step of the way who has experience with businesses similar to yours. 

At Lean Labs, we have extensive experience helping B2B SaaS companies get up and running on Hubspot. We offer three unique Hubspot onboarding packages and have a proven track record of success executing on all of them. 

Reach out to us today to discuss your Hubspot onboarding and let us help you win the first phase of your Hubspot journey.

Discuss Your Hubspot Onboarding Needs & Goals


I am a marketer with a passion for helping business grow and thrive. My job is to bring a competitive yet curious and strategic mindset to everything at Lean Labs.

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How Arizona Is Working to Bridge the Semiconductor Workforce Gap

Sponsor content from Arizona Commerce Authority.

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It’s a curious sign of the times that in our highly digitized and increasingly automated society, the demand for human workers has never been greater.

That’s especially true in the industry at the core of all digital technology—semiconductors.

Semiconductors, or chips, form the brains of modern electronics, powering technology as simple as washing machines and children’s toys, and as advanced as autonomous vehicles, spacecraft, and artificial intelligence.

Today, semiconductors are the most indispensable commodity around the world. “No product is more central to international trade than semiconductors,” Chris Miller wrote in his 2022 book Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology .

Concern about the U.S.’s decades-long decline in its share of global semiconductor manufacturing has prompted bipartisan action at the highest levels of government.

CHIPS and Science Act  

In 2022, the CHIPS and Science Act appropriated nearly $53 billion for semiconductor manufacturing, research and development, and workforce initiatives in the U.S. The law also established a 25% tax credit for capital investments in semiconductor manufacturing.

The law has sparked a semiconductor renaissance in the U.S.: 83 semiconductor ecosystem projects representing $447 billion in private investments and more than 56,000 jobs have been announced since the CHIPS Act took effect, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA).

Now the challenge for government, industry, and academia is to prepare the workforce to fill existing positions and anticipate the demand for future jobs. Of the roughly 115,000 new semiconductor jobs anticipated by 2030, more than half would go unfilled at the current rate of hiring, an alarming SIA report found in 2023.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo made clear what’s at stake in a February 2023 speech : “If we don’t invest in America’s manufacturing workforce, it doesn’t matter how much we spend,” she said. “We will not succeed.”

In response, some states have sprung into action. The types of innovations and partnerships taking root in the U.S. are prevalent in Arizona, the state that’s attracted the most semiconductor investment.

A Robust Talent Pipeline

With its vast expanses of open land, booming population, and minimal natural disasters, the Grand Canyon State offers near-perfect conditions for advanced manufacturing to thrive. It also boasts a robust semiconductor presence, with an established talent pipeline and supply chain.

Arizona leads the nation in new semiconductor ecosystem investment, with more than $102 billion announced since the CHIPS Act took effect. During this time, companies have launched over 40 projects, generating more than 15,700 industry jobs.

The state uses its networks and education assets to launch its many training programs, such as the Semiconductor Technician Quick Start program, a 10-day, 40-hour boot camp taught by industry professionals. Upon completion, students are guaranteed a job interview at one of the state’s industry leaders, including TSMC and Intel.

Of more than 6,000 students who have submitted interest forms over the past two years, 4,000 have passed pre-assessment tests, and more than 900 have completed the program and been certified.

Arizona boasts one of the nation’s most robust pipelines for advanced degrees. Since 2011, engineering enrollment at Arizona’s public universities, which include Arizona State University (ASU), the University of Arizona, and Northern Arizona University, grew 230%, to more than 37,000 students in fall 2022. Programs supporting the semiconductor industry enroll more than 70% of these students.

More than 31,000 students enrolled at ASU’s Fulton Schools of Engineering in fall 2023. To help meet industry demand, ASU President Michael Crow has pledged to increase enrollment by 6,000 students by 2025.

State-of-the-Art Training

The state’s university training programs have drawn a major infusion of public and private funding, including $100 million from the state government, over the past year to boost semiconductor workforce development and research infrastructure. New initiatives include:

• Building a Materials-to-Fab Center at ASU in partnership with Applied Materials

• Growing advanced packaging and GaN capabilities in partnership with NXP Semiconductors

• Expanding the University of Arizona’s Micro/Nano Fabrication Center

• Launching a metrology training center and research network overseen by Northern Arizona University

The state will also support the expansion of a semiconductor registered apprenticeship program offering paid employment and training opportunities for semiconductor technicians at one of Arizona’s high-tech fabs while covering expenses like books and child care.

To help meet the scale and urgency of semiconductor industry needs, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs recently announced a semiconductor workforce training accelerator in Maricopa County. Training at this state-of-the-art facility will take place in close collaboration with semiconductor industry partners, including Intel and TSMC, establishing first-of-their-kind training pathways to help more Arizonans enter the microelectronics industry.

The accelerator is modeled after a program Arizona launched for the automotive assembly industry, which has graduated more than 2,400 students since 2021.

The U.S.’s long-term semiconductor ambitions hinge on the collaboration between industry, government, and academia to create innovative and effective workforce training models. Arizona is leading the charge to address the U.S. semiconductor workforce challenge.

America’s economic, technological, and military interests, as well as its future place in the world, all revolve around tiny microchips. Designing, manufacturing, and assembling these chips require manpower, and a lot of it. Arizona is leading the charge to address the U.S. semiconductor workforce challenge.

Learn more about Arizona’s semiconductor advantages.

How to Elevate Your Affiliate Marketing ROI: Insider Tips from HubSpot Pros

Lauren Mohr

Published: March 11, 2024

I’ve worked in the B2B SaaS affiliate marketing space for 1.5 years and here’s my take on it: Affiliate marketing is not for the weak.

marketer excited about the boost in her company's affiliate marketing ROI

It demands a lot of time, effort, and dedication to succeed. But the challenge is what makes it rewarding.

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The key to making it worthwhile? Using strategies to maximize your return on investment in your brand. Here are some core strategies we discuss with our affiliates that help them increase revenue.

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Top 4 Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Maximize ROI

1. humanize your brand..

Even though we work in the B2B space, we‘re still speaking to people — not businesses. Treating your audience as just another transaction isn’t going to set you apart from others.

People respond better to more personal and relatable interactions because those types of interactions tap into our innate desire for connection.

“Your audience is made up of individual people with their own interests and needs. By humanizing your brand and focusing on authentic, personal interactions, you can create meaningful connections that drive better results. says Lynsey Mc Hugh, Senior Affiliate Manager at HubSpot.

“Understanding your audience’s perspective and tailoring your approach to resonate with them on a more personal level can really make all the difference in maximizing your ROI.”

Let’s talk about how you can humanize your brand .

Use AI but don’t fully depend on it.

AI is one of the biggest tech advances we’ve seen in decades, which makes people feel a type of way. Some people are fascinated and excited, while others are apprehensive and skeptical. Many are both.

In a recent HubSpot study , 76% of business professionals suggested that, “People should use AI/automation in their role, but they should avoid becoming overly reliant on it.”

how should people use AI and automation in their role

AI enables humans to do their work, no doubt. But it shouldn’t be used to do all of our work for us.

To be a successful affiliate marketer, your audience has to care about what you have to say. You can develop a loyal audience by engaging and connecting with them through your experience, wisdom, and creativity — all of which AI lacks.

Another consideration is that AI makes mistakes. It can output false information without you even knowing it. You’re playing a dangerous game if you rely solely on AI-generated content without verifying its accuracy.

So, how should you use AI in affiliate marketing? We encourage our affiliate partners to use AI for tasks like:

  • Brainstorming
  • Generating content outlines
  • Writing catchy headlines
  • Rewriting existing content for different platforms

AI can give you an extra boost when you’re hitting a wall, but it’s in your hands to create something that's truly unique and valuable. All great things take time and AI simply helps us do our work faster.

Experiment with products and share your findings.

When you have personal experience with a product, it enhances your credibility and authenticity as an affiliate marketer.

Your recommendations carry more weight because your audience knows you have used and benefited from the product yourself.

This is why social proof like user reviews, case studies, customer testimonials, statistics and data-backed resources are so effective in the B2B SaaS market.

Social proof allows real users to share their stories, which can be incredibly persuasive when those stories reflect satisfaction with a company's products.

We encourage our affiliate partners to test out the HubSpot customer platform and document their usage of our software. They may consider creating content that discusses:

  • How I overcame this business challenge using HubSpot
  • How I achieved all-time-high goals using HubSpot
  • Why I like HubSpot more than a competitor’s solution

These prompts also support our affiliate partners’ E-E-A-T strategy (Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust) which can impact how their content ranks in search.

The E-E-A-T principles are included in Google's Search Quality Rater Guidelines , which is a handbook used by Google to assess the quality of a website‘s content. It’s Google’s attempt to make sure your content is valuable and helpful to users.

the search quality rating process

Image Source

The “experience” element of the E-E-A-T guidelines highlights the importance of including relevant and personal experience in your content if you’re looking to drive more traffic to your website.

Dorissa Saint-Juste, Senior Affiliate Manager at HubSpot, likes to emphasize the significance of providing a unique perspective that differentiates your content from company websites, other marketers' blogs, or typical reviews.

“What sets you apart? Sharing your own personal experience with a product is a ‌valuable approach. With prospects already leaning toward a product choice, they need less convincing compared to those searching broader terms, which makes your job a little easier,” Dorissa says.

Giving your content a human touch with anecdotal evidence will improve the discoverability of your content, build trust with your audience and compel them to buy the products you promote.

2. Optimize your website.

Not every B2B affiliate marketer has or needs a website, but most do because it serves as a central hub for their online presence and marketing efforts.

But simply having a website doesn’t do you any good if it’s not optimized for SEO and the user experience . Strategically organizing everything on your website makes sure that your content is easily accessible, coherent, and valuable for your audience.

“Imagine your website is a well-organized library. Tidy shelves, clear signage, and easy navigation make it enjoyable for visitors to find the information they need," says Rex Gelb, Senior Director of Paid Acquisition and Affiliate Manager at HubSpot.

"Just like you wouldn‘t want to search for a specific book in a chaotic and disorganized library, users don’t want to navigate through a cluttered website. Keep your digital library in order for a seamless user experience.”

Website optimization through organization can be broken into two parts:

  • How your website's content is interconnected
  • How the individual pieces of your content are created

Site Structure

At the macro level, organization refers to the structure of a website. By organizing your content in a logical manner, you provide a clear roadmap for visitors to enjoy exploring your site and find the information they need.

Plus, a well-organized website enhances your SEO, helping search engines index and rank your content.

website architecture example

You’re doing yourself a major disservice if your website lacks thoughtful organization.

You might have the exact information that someone is looking for, but if they can’t find it quickly and easily, they’re going to leave your website without converting .

Whether you publish blog posts, videos, courses, or ebooks on your website as part of your content strategy, you should consider using categories .

What does this look like in real life? Let’s use this blog you’re on right now as an example.

HubSpot Blog navigation example

HubSpot’s blog homepage provides a navigation menu that gives each type of content its own dropdown menu.

For example, the “Blogs” tab offers several categories to choose from. These categories group content related to the same topic into one bucket. Visitors can even explore more granular topics if they’re looking for something specific within a category.

It’s almost impossible to provide a positive user experience without easy navigation. As a matter of fact, when Clutch surveyed 612 people , 94% of them said easy navigation is the most important website feature.

Don’t underestimate logical categorization and intuitive user pathways when growing and managing your website’s content.

Content Structure

Organization matters at the micro level of content creation just as much as it does at the macro level.

How you organize your thoughts can determine whether visitors stay on your site or leave without ever looking back.

How can you make every piece of content a masterpiece, you may ask? By focusing on these three elements:

  • Skimmable : Make your content quick and easy to digest to adapt to people’s shorter attention spans.
  • Quotable : Provide valuable and memorable information that visitors will want to share with others.
  • Actionable : Define the next steps you want visitors to take after consuming your content.

Here’s how you can implement those three principles into your written content:

  • Use subheadings, bulleted lists and bolded key phrases
  • Add meaningful visuals like infographics and screenshots
  • Keep your paragraphs short (4 sentences max)
  • Take a thought leadership approach
  • Incorporate reliable statistics
  • Implement concise and impactful statements
  • Provide clear call-to-actions

While these general ideas of optimizing content overlap across various forms such as video or digital courses, it’s crucial to know how audiences of different platforms and mediums prefer to engage and consume content.

3. Be smart with your links.

You put in so much effort into creating content and driving visitors to that content — all with the end goal of getting as many people to click on your affiliate link and convert.

"It’s crucial to be strategic with your link placements to drive conversions effectively. By being selective in your approach, you can create a more engaging and trustworthy experience for your audience, ultimately leading to better results," says Nancy Harnett who leads the HubSpot affiliate program .

"Remember to track performance metrics and continuously experiment with new tactics to stay ahead in the dynamic world of affiliate marketing."

Let’s get into how you can make the most of your hard work with your links.

Use the right links.

Oftentimes, affiliate programs will provide their partners with a default affiliate link which typically routes to a generic “get started with our main product” type of page.

But if you’re promoting a brand that offers more than one product and price plan, you should use product-specific landing pages depending on where your links are placed.

The reason we recommend that our affiliate partners use standalone product landing pages rather than linking to our website is because landing pages have a single objective — getting visitors to complete a desired action.

This focused approach increases the likelihood of conversions because there is no unrelated content or exit points to distract your leads.

For example, HubSpot’s customer platform has a plethora of tools: CRM, marketing automation, email marketing, sales, help desk, website builder , and more.

Let’s say a HubSpot affiliate writes a listicle for “The Best Email Marketing Tools for Small Businesses.” They should use our email marketing affiliate landing page rather than linking to our website’s email marketing product page or using the generic “get started with HubSpot” link.

Readers on that listicle are interested in buying email marketing tools, so using the corresponding landing page makes the most sense.

Disclose your links.

Always be transparent about your affiliate partnerships, not only to maintain legal compliance but to also build credibility with your audience.

According to the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Endorsement Guidelines , you must “clearly and conspicuously” disclose your affiliate relationship with a brand when affiliate links are present in your content.

What does that really mean? Your readers shouldn’t have to search high and low to see it.

For example, placing your affiliate disclosure in your website footer or somewhere in your navigation menu meets the requirement of having one. However, those placements aren't easy to see, so they don’t meet the requirement of being displayed clearly and conspicuously.

When in doubt, your best bet is to place your disclosure before your affiliate links at the beginning of your content or as near to the links as possible.

link disclosure example

Remember, you should be disclosing your affiliate links wherever they are present so that includes social media posts, too. Our affiliate partners like to do this by adding a hashtag to their post such as #HubSpotaffiliate or #ad.

Be selective and intentional.

If you provide too many links, it becomes harder for your audience to absorb your message.

To avoid overwhelming your audience, focus on relevant and contextual link placement. Place your affiliate links naturally within your content where they will be genuinely helpful.

Putting too much emphasis on your links can be off-putting and steer visitors away. Nobody likes anything spammy.

If all your content looks like this, then you might want to rethink your link placements:

example of a blog post with too many links

Track performance and try new things.

At the end of the day, successful affiliate marketing comes down to maximizing your outputs given your inputs (how much money you’re making from your promotional activities).

This is why analyzing performance metrics like your click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates (CVR), and traffic sources is so important. This data helps you identify which links and strategies are working well, so you can optimize your efforts for better results.

Have fun with it. Try testing out different types of content, calls-to-action, and promotion channels to see what works best.

4. Target high buyer intent keywords.

When someone enters a search query into a search engine, their intent can vary.

Some searches are purely informational, seeking general knowledge or answers to specific questions. These users aren't actively looking to buy anything.

Other searches are driven by buyer intent. These users are actively looking to buy a specific product. They have a clear purpose and are more likely to convert.

Dorissa says, "Targeting high buyer intent keywords is a crucial strategy that every affiliate marketer should prioritize."

She continues, "By customizing your content to meet the immediate needs of your audience and offering valuable insights and recommendations that align closely with their search intent, you can effectively capture their attention when they are ready to make a purchasing decision."

You can attract users who are closer to making a purchase by identifying and targeting keywords with strong buyer intent. For B2B, these keywords usually include specific product names and terms like:

  • Alternatives
  • Integration / works well with

The key to optimizing your content for high buyer intent searches is understanding who you’re trying to reach.

“Tailoring your content specifically to different customer segments can significantly improve engagement and drive conversions. Through this strategy, you can attract better qualified leads and achieve higher conversion rates, ultimately maximizing your earning potential,” Dorissa says.

The Search Engine Journal outlines just how to execute this strategy with the following tips:

  • Use empathy to identify the paint points, needs, and preferences of potential customers.
  • Find out which search queries are currently driving traffic to your site and resulting in conversions.
  • Investigate the search queries people make within your target market.
  • Lean on your sales and customer service teams’ expertise (if you have them).
  • Read comments on relevant YouTube videos, online forums, and social media posts to learn more about your target audience’s motivations and challenges.

Once you gain insight into the intent behind search queries and optimize your content accordingly, you’ll be on your way to driving more conversions.

The Power of The Helpful Approach

What is the common theme among all four strategies we discussed?

They put your audience first.

As an affiliate marketer, you must take a value-first approach rather than a sales-first approach. Being helpful by educating, inspiring and building trust with others is a proven recipe for maximizing ROI.

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