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  • Standard Language Editing

What language editing services does Elsevier Author Services (WebShop) offer?

You can find out more on each of the Elsevier Author Services (WebShop) language editing services by selecting from the options below:

This option ensures that your work is written in correct scientific English before submission. We will complete the language editing and make sure that your paper is free of grammatical, spelling and other common errors. 

You can find out more information on Language Editing here . 

This option goes a step further than our existing English Language Editing service by providing you with the most advanced language editing package available.

In addition to copy editing by native English speaking PhD candidates selected according to your field of study, Language Editing Plus also includes: 

  • All completed within five business days.
  • Unlimited rounds of language review to support you at every stage of the submission process.
  • Special focus on the manuscript logic and flow of the content.
  • Manuscript formatting to the journal of your choice.
  • Reference check for consistency, completeness and structure.
  • Customised Cover Letter and an Assessment Report on your document. 

You can find out more information on Language Editing Plus here . 

This option ensures that your work is written in correct English before submission.

Language Editing Express includes: 

  • All work completed within 24 (short documents only), 72 or 96 business hours. 
  • Editing into proper scientific American or British English, by native speakers. 
  • PhD or PhD candidates selected according to your field of study. 

You can find out more information on Language Editing Express here . 

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manuscript editing services elsevier

Get expert in-depth editing and strategic advice on your manuscript, review article or grant proposal from a team of editors following the quality standards set by Nature Research. Scientific Editing includes a Gold English language edit, a developmental edit, a quality assurance edit and a summary report. We specialize in research papers, reviews and grant proposals within the natural sciences (medicine, biology, chemistry, physics and earth sciences) and engineering.

A Team-based Assessment of Your Manuscript’s Needs

Scientific Editing team members meet to identify priority issues in the manuscript and discuss how the priorities can be addressed. We leave comments about additional documents provided for editing, such as cover letters or responses to reviewers. We provide insights into how readers, peer reviewers, and journal editors might view your paper.

A Thorough Developmental Edit

A Substantive In-Depth Assessment of Your Scientific Manuscript Based on the priorities identified in the team meeting, experienced members of the Scientific Editing team examine the text in significant detail and provide the following:

  • Strategic developmental edits that will improve the structure and clarity of the logical argumentation, such as how well the implications of the work are highlighted
  • Incisive comments recommending further author revisions that will help you maximize your manuscript’s effectiveness.
  • Improved English grammar to ensure that your ideas are conveyed clearly

A Thorough Strategic Report

Customized to the Needs of Each Scientific Manuscript Scientific Editing also includes a custom 3-6 page report that includes:

  • Explanations of the prioritized issues identified in your paper, how we addressed them and/or how you might be able to address them further.
  • Insights into how readers, peer reviewers, and journal editors might view your paper
  • Strategic advice for improving your writing in the future.
  • Comments about additional documents provided for editing, such as cover letters or responses to reviewers.

Continued Support after Scientific Editing

Trusted by Researchers and Universities to Help their Science Stand Out

  • After you have received Scientific Editing and have considered the advice and made changes, we provide one free language edit (for field-specific grammar, phrasing, and punctuation correction) within 6 months of the completion of the initial order.
  • You may also want to purchase Manuscript Formatting at this time; from our partners, AJE

manuscript editing services elsevier

Download one of our sample files to see the types of suggestions and edits made by our Scientific Editors

Scientific Editing Sample Edit (.DOCX)

Scientific Editing Sample Report (.DOCX)

Confidentiality Assured

We never show your paper to anyone so you can be confident that when you submit to a journal, the editor's decision will be independent and fair

Read our ethics policies

Our Quality Guarantee

To ensure that the changes you make based on the editor’s report are grammatically correct, we include one free language re-edit of your revised paper before you submit to the journal (for Scientific Editing only). To claim this free re-edit, email support within 6 months of your original order and attach your revised paper. After this free re-edit, we guarantee that if your language-edited paper is rejected by a journal because of the English alone, we will re-edit your paper once for free.

Where our Customers Publish

  • Advanced Functional Materials
  • Cancer Research
  • Developmental Cell
  • Earth and Planetary Science Letters
  • Energy and Environmental Science
  • Genome Biology
  • Geophysical Research Letters
  • Journal of Experimental Medicine
  • Nano Letters
  • Nature Climate Change
  • Nature Communications
  • Nature Genetics
  • Nature Geoscience
  • Nature Medicine
  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
  • Science Advances


I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your work. You did really an excellent job. What I liked in particular was that you gave comments with substantial suggestions how to improve. Although I have published till now quite a number of scientific papers (>300) and many of them in high impact journals I learned a lot throughout this. I Iook forward to future cooperation of mutual benefit.

Full Professor · University of Bayreuth · Germany

The report with the feedback summarizing edits and comments is very informative. We appreciate a lot your editor’s work, with changes tracked and comments on the text improving clearly our manuscript. Finally, your recommendations concerning the most appropriate journal for publication will decidedly help us for the next submission of our manuscript.

Research Director, CNRS/Team Leader · Sorbonne University · France

Confidentiality assured

  • Our aim is to serve the interests of authors and institutions, not the editorial and publishing interests of Springer Nature journals.
  • We openly and clearly declare to potential and current customers that we are part of Springer Nature, and we inform potential customers about our independence from the publishing process.
  • We aim to be publisher-neutral in our editing and advice, and especially in our journal recommendations (where applicable). We take steps during the editing process, when giving advice, and when recruiting and training editors to help us achieve this aim.
  • Nature Research Editing Service does not measure its success in terms of the publication of edited documents by Springer Nature journals.
  • We do not involve ourselves in the publishing process.
  • We do not guarantee publication of papers or funding of grant applications. We expect journal editors and grant review panels will make these decisions entirely independently of Nature Research Editing Service and other author services providers.
  • Draft journal articles and their scientific content are not shared with professional editors who make decisions on research papers at Springer Nature journals.
  • Any comments that we make regarding the suitability of specific target journals are explicitly presented as opinion and not as a definitive prediction of the outcome of submission.
  • If an author indicates that they mainly want to know whether or not their paper is acceptable to a specific Springer Nature journal, or has any other query for which a Springer Nature journal editor is the most appropriate contact, we will suggest that the author contacts the journal directly.
  • We do not suggest peer reviewers.
  • We do not infringe on authorship.
  • When editing documents, wherever possible, we provide our edits and comments in an easily reviewable format. We encourage authors to review our input critically, rather than accepting all of our edits and suggestions without review.
  • We never confirm that any document is ready for submission, submit anything to a journal or funding body, or correspond with journal editors or peer reviewers on behalf of authors.
  • We do not ghostwrite or completely rewrite large passages of text, and we do not directly introduce ideas that are not already present in the documents submitted to us. Our editing focuses on improving how the existing research is communicated.
  • General policies
  • We do not engage in or encourage practices that contravene relevant ethical guidelines.
  • For Scientific Editing, if we suspect unethical practice in a submitted document or correspondence, we will point it out and explain it. If we suspect severe infringement of ethical requirements or laws (particularly unacceptable harm to humans or animals), we act on this where possible.
  • We review these policies on a regular basis and keep up-to-date with issues arising in the publication ethics landscape.
  • We train editors to follow these policies, we monitor adherence to these policies, and we take action in the event of any failure to follow them.

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CRediT author statement

CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) was introduced with the intention of recognizing individual author contributions, reducing authorship disputes and facilitating collaboration. The idea came about following a 2012 collaborative workshop led by Harvard University and the Wellcome Trust, with input from researchers, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and publishers, including Elsevier, represented by Cell Press.

CRediT offers authors the opportunity to share an accurate and detailed description of their diverse contributions to the published work.

The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the descriptions are accurate and agreed by all authors

The role(s) of all authors should be listed, using the relevant above categories

Authors may have contributed in multiple roles

CRediT in no way changes the journal’s criteria to qualify for authorship

CRediT statements should be provided during the submission process and will appear above the acknowledgment section of the published paper as shown further below.




Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aims


Development or design of methodology; creation of models


Programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementation of the computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components


Verification, whether as a part of the activity or separate, of the overall replication/ reproducibility of results/experiments and other research outputs

Formal analysis

Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data


Conducting a research and investigation process, specifically performing the experiments, or data/evidence collection


Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computing resources, or other analysis tools

Data Curation

Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), scrub data and maintain research data (including software code, where it is necessary for interpreting the data itself) for initial use and later reuse

Writing - Original Draft

Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically writing the initial draft (including substantive translation)

Writing - Review & Editing

Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by those from the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or revision – including pre-or postpublication stages


Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically visualization/ data presentation


Oversight and leadership responsibility for the research activity planning and execution, including mentorship external to the core team

Project administration

Management and coordination responsibility for the research activity planning and execution

Funding acquisition

Acquisition of the financial support for the project leading to this publication

*Reproduced from Brand et al. (2015), Learned Publishing 28(2), with permission of the authors.

Sample CRediT author statement

Zhang San:  Conceptualization, Methodology, Software  Priya Singh. : Data curation, Writing- Original draft preparation.  Wang Wu : Visualization, Investigation.  Jan Jansen :  Supervision. : Ajay Kumar : Software, Validation.:  Sun Qi:  Writing- Reviewing and Editing,

Read more about CRediT  here opens in new tab/window  or check out this  article from  Authors' Updat e:  CRediT where credit's due .

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  • Manuscript Review

Is The Use of AI in Manuscript Editing Feasible? Here’s Three Tips to Steer Clear of Potential Issues

  • 4 minute read

Table of Contents

Presently, generative artificial intelligence (hereinafter referred to as AI) is quietly influencing almost every industry, including scientific research and academic writing. Some researchers are exploring AI-based editors to refine papers and enhance writing quality. Though AI-based editors can help authors rewrite sentences and catch grammatical errors¹ , it doesn’t mean that complete reliance on AI for academic writing is advisable. Human review remains essential.  

When using AI to assist academic writing, authors must pay close attention to aspects such as contextual analysis, accuracy in expression, cultural sensitivity, and academic ethics; doing this can help avoid many common issues. Now, let’s take a look at 3 key points to keep in mind when using AI-based editors for academic writing!  

Analyzing context and grasping nuances in writing 

Writing an academic paper requires in-depth knowledge of the subject (including recent advances in the field). Editing it also requires this context; without it an editor may change the meaning of what a paper is saying.  

For example, consider this sentence:  

“While the researcher introduced the participants the sample images appeared one by one on the screen.”  

Here, the author could have missed adding some context and punctuation. After editing, this could read:  

“While the researcher introduced the participants to the sample images, the latter appeared one by one on the screen.”  

“ While the researcher introduced the participants, the sample images appeared one by one on the screen.”  

Choosing the option that accurately reflects the writer’s original intention requires native-level English proficiency and robust academic writing experience. An experienced human editor with a clear understanding of nuance and context would be able to do it. However, an AI-based editor may not be trained on such data. Normally, data for training AI is diverse and not subject -specific knowledge. Another consideration is that a well-written manuscript summarizes the findings of a study accurately without overstating or understating them. To meet these expectations, a thorough human review post AI editing is crucial to ensure your complex ideas come across clearly to readers.  

Maintaining the sensitivity of content

AI learns based on big data, mostly generated by humans. However, all of its training data is not screened and therefore, may have biased²⁻³   or inappropriate expressions in content involving gender, race, culture, etc. AI-based editors may inherently mirror these biases. In order to avoid such mistakes, AI-edited work still needs to be carefully reviewed and screened, manually, to avoid misrepresentation in cultural and other aspects.  

Providing disclosure and following strict academic ethics

Recently, accusations of plagiarism have been leveled against AI-powered articles published by some popular news channels⁴ . The problem of plagiarism is even more serious in academia. In rigorous academic writing, caution is more essential when using AI. Novelty is crucial for any manuscript. Manuscripts with unoriginal ideas or language are quickly rejected by most journals⁵ .  However, for the moment, AI-based editors may not catch all instances of plagiarism or copyright infringement in text, posing risks of misleading content or errors.  

Authors must understand that unpublished manuscripts uploaded for AI editing might become part of the data used to further train the AI model. Therefore, thoughtful consideration is crucial before using AI for manuscript revision or translation.  

When using AI in academic writing, authors should fully and accurately disclose its usage, apart from content control. Another reason why humans have to double-check AI-edited manuscripts is that AI cannot take responsibility for errors. Authors are solely responsible for errors made by AI-based editors⁶ . This is also another reason why it is more convenient to work with human editors.  

AI-assisted technology has become more advanced in recent years, offering diverse applications. However, in the context of academic publishing, the usage of AI-based editing still requires careful judgment and review by the author.  

Editing is a fine art. It requires experience and understanding of a subject area and the nuances of academic writing. Professional language editing services can also help you effectively avoid the risks that AI modifications may bring. The Elsevier Language Services editing team, proficient across 100+ disciplines, e nhanc es your manuscript, ensuring it aligns with the standards of top journals. Our excellent work can help increase your chances of publication.  

We also have some exciting news to share with you. The new and improved website of Elsevier Language Services is now online. It comes with a user-friendly interface and a more intuitive content layout. With improved ease of navigation, our website now guarantees researchers the ultimate browsing experience. So, enjoy our professional language services through a world-class online platform!  


  • Chen, B. X. (2023, February 1). A.I. bots can’t report this column. but they can improve it. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/01/technology/personaltech/chatgpt-ai-bots-editing.html  
  • Liu, R., Jia, C., Wei, J., Xu, G., & Vosoughi, S. (2022). Quantifying and alleviating political bias in language models. Artificial Intelligence, 304, 103654. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.artint.2021.103654  
  • Singh, S. (2022). What you need to know about artificial intelligence in research and publishing. Editage Insights. https://www.editage.com/insights/what-you-need-to-know-about-artificial-intelligence-in-research-and-publishing  
  • Tameez, H. (n.d.). BuzzFeed will start using AI to write quizzes and other content. Nieman Lab. https://www.niemanlab.org/2023/01/buzzfeed-will-start-using-ai-to-write-quizzes-and-other-content/  
  • Ali, J. (2010b). Manuscript rejection: Causes and remedies. Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2(1), 3–6. https://doi.org/10.4103/0975-1483.62205  
  • Thorp, H.H. (2023). ChatGPT is fun, but not an author. Science , 379(6630). https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adg7879 .   
  • Elsevier. (n.d.-c). The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in writing for Elsevier. https://www.elsevier.com/about/policies/publishing-ethics-books/the-use-of-ai-and-ai-assisted-technologies-in-writing-for-elsevier  

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Progress Toward Gender Equality in Research & Innovation - 2024 Review

Nicolien van der Linden

Nicolien van der Linden

Elisabeth Browning

Elisabeth Browning

Guillaume Roberge

Guillaume Roberge


About this video.

The global research community is making progress, albeit slowly, towards the full and equal participation of women.  This webinar presents highlights from a major new data-driven analysis of gender diversity in research.

Building on prior work by Elsevier, this analysis draws on Scopus data stretching back more than two decades to assess the representation of women in research and changes over time, in a global context and for 18 countries. Beyond examining men’s and women’s research participation and research footprint, new insights will be presented on gender participation across career stages, in areas such as interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity, open access publication, SDGs, mentorship contribution, and alternative metrics, to paint a fuller picture of the state of gender equity in the global research ecosystem and inform evidence-based policy and interventions. 

You will learn about:

  • The benefits of adopting a longer time frame for academic evaluation and assessments;
  • The impact of hiring and retaining senior women researchers;
  • The importance of including societal impact metrics in evaluations or career assessments, and more.

About the presenters

Nicolien van der Linden

Vice President, Research Analytics, Elsevier

Nicolien van der Linden is Vice President, Research Analytics. The global Research Analytics team is responsible for conducting research assessment studies for the Academic, Governmental, and Corporate market segments in support of research performance evaluation, research strategy, research delivery, and national assessments. 

Nicolien holds an MSc in Immunology from the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), an MSc in Molecular Biology from the University of Basel (Switzerland), and an MBA from the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University (the Netherlands). She has 4 years of experience conducting molecular biology research in the pharmaceutical industry in Basel. In her three decades at Elsevier, she has held various senior management roles in publishing, product development, marketing communications, operations, business development, and research analytics working from Oxford, New York, and Amsterdam. 

Her diverse background has provided her with extensive insights and market knowledge of the information and analytics industry. 

Elisabeth Browning

Senior Editor for Analytical and Data Services, Elsevier

Elisabeth Browning, Senior Editor for Analytical and Data Services, helps to ensure that reports and written materials are clear, concise, and accurate, as well as contributing writing and analysis. She holds a bachelor of arts in comparative literature from Princeton University, a master of arts in writing from Johns Hopkins University, and a master of library and information science from the University of Maryland. She brings to her work a broad background in writing, editing, and communications. Before joining Elsevier in 2022, she was a staff editor at Merck, where she edited highly technical material for the Merck Manuals, a comprehensive global medical reference. As the communications manager for a grantmaking childhood cancer charity, she created and edited promotional content and donor communications. She has coached writers as a developmental editor and has taught writing at the university level. She is based in Philadelphia. 

Guillaume Roberge

Senior Data Analyst III, Research Analytics and Data Services, Elsevier

Guillaume Roberge, Senior Data Analyst in Analytics and Data Services at Elsevier, has been involved in more than 150 bibliometrics projects, for which he produced bibliometric indicators and helped develop new indicators, as well as produced reports and presentations. Since starting at Science-Metrix in 2010, he has been the lead analyst on many bibliometric projects and studies related to patent and trademark publications, developing expertise with multiple databases, including PATSTAT and PatentsView. For the past decade, he has been lead or co-lead analyst for an ongoing project with SRI International for the preparation of bibliometric and technometric data for the U.S. National Science Foundation Science and Engineering Indicators 2016–2024. He also acted for 2 years as regional team lead for North America in the data science branch of Analytics and Data Services, leading efforts related to the team’s AWS and Databricks infrastructures and data pipelines.

He holds an MSc and a BSc in Physics, both from the Université de Sherbrooke, Canada. The professors of the University’s Physics Department awarded him the Fernand-Séguin medal for his bachelor’s degree, awarded annually to the student who stands out for the excellence of their performance. Mr. Roberge is a lifetime member of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI). 


Affordable Editing, Proofreading, and Mentoring

Wheat Field

Writer | Editor | Mentor

I have been writing since I was a young child, and my love for beautiful language and good storytelling developed into a desire to help others tell their own stories. Through the variety of editing services and writing coaching that I offer, I am able to come alongside other authors to provide critiques and encouragement on manuscripts at any stage of the writing process. I specialize in literary fiction and children's literature.

books and dog.jpg

Hey y’all, I’m Tali Rose, a writer, editor, and teacher. Since receiving my Master of Fine Arts in Writing from Pacific University, I have proofread novels and nonfiction for Brown Books Publishing Group and Canon Press, worked with individual writers, and served as a reader for Carve Magazine. My work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Saturday Evening Post, Raleigh Review, Litro, Bayou Magazine, The Round, and elsewhere. If I'm not writing, teaching, or editing, you can probably find me out hiking through a forest or climbing a mountain with my husband and pup here in beautiful northern Idaho.

I provide a variety of editing services at affordable rates. Whether you have a novel draft that needs extensive editing, a self-help book that could use a read-through for consistency, or a short story that simply loses steam somewhere in the middle, I provide the editing and encouragement you need to complete a project you're proud of. Not only do I want to help you improve your current manuscript, but to also give you tools and principles you can use in all future projects.

Flying Books

Writing is a solitary pursuit, but that doesn't mean you have to do it all alone. I provide mentoring services where I encourage and coach you through the writing process. In addition to personalized advice about your current project and situation, I will share general writing tips, recommend books, and suggest writing exercises. Whether you've been writing for years or are just starting out, discussing your work with a professional editor and writing coach will help you deepen your understanding of your craft - and maybe even yourself.



In a developmental edit, I will read through your manuscript with the aim to improve its content and structure. We will discuss plot, pacing, characterization, setting, and narrative voice. I will point out what is working well, and suggest areas that need improvement. Not every book needs this, but if you've felt stuck and uncertain in your work, a developmental edit is a good place to begin. Feel free to contact me to discuss whether or not this is the right service for your book.



In a line edit I will consider the creative content, writing style, and language of your manuscript. As the name suggests, I will go through your work line by line, identifying areas you could rewrite for fluidity, clarity, and beauty. I will point out redundancies and cliches, and work with you to find language that is vivid and compelling. This is my favorite type of editing, because I love to get into the nitty-gritty particulars of the wonderful English language. In all my suggestions and critiques, my purpose is always to make you sound more like yourself, and to help your writing be the best it can be.



Proofreading is the final stage a manuscript goes through before publication. I will carefully comb through your manuscript for typos, misspellings, grammatical errors, and adherence to the Chicago Manual of Style.

My proofreading services are not confined to authors alone. I am happy to proof any form of writing, such as websites, brochures, newsletters, or even restaurant menus.


With her encouraging presence and clear comments, Tali has helped develop many of my writing projects, both short stories and novels. Her insightful edits encompass the particular and the big picture. She's able to zoom in on each sentence and improve the writing at the line level while at the same time giving suggestions on the overall arc of a story and its structure.

Elizabeth Droppers, MFA

Wheat Field


ROSEBUD RODEO January 17, 2023 I'm so pleased to have a story in the latest issue of Barely South Review!  



October 18, 2022

My latest story is available to read in Threshing Floor ​. You can s ubs cribe to the journal for lots of great work from writers on the Palouse - all for free!



March 1, 2021

One of the first stories I wrote in graduate school, "Queen of the Swampwoods," is now printed and ready to read in Issue 73 of B ayou Magazine , the literary journal published by The University of New Orleans!


October 20, 2019

Getting vol. 9.2 of Raleigh Review in the mail and seeing my story "Goose Bone" in the same place as new poetry from Joe Millar and Dorianna Laux (faculty at my alma mater) was definitely the highlight of my weekend.

Moving Boxes

May 31, 2019

The Saturday Evening Post  just published my story "Moving" in their contemporary fiction column.  



May 5, 2019

Litro , a leading UK journal, featured my story "The End of Summer" in their #StorySunday series. 



September 15, 2015

I wrote this personal essay for a creative nonfiction class in college, and my wonderful professor encouraged me to submit it to journals.

[email protected]


Wheat Field

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Conspectus of hegel’s book the science of logic.

Written: September-December 1914 First Published: 1929 in Lenin Miscellany IX Source: Lenin’s Collected Works , 4th Edition, Moscow, 1976, Volume 38 , p.85-241 Publisher: Progress Publishers Translated: Clemence Dutt Editor: Stewart Smith Original Transcription & Markup: R. Cymbala & Andy Blunden Re-Marked up & Proofread by: K. Goins (2007) Public Domain: Lenin Internet Archive (2003). You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.

Conspectus of Hegel’s book “The Science of Logic” consists of three notebooks, which have a common pagination from 1 to 115. On the cover of the first notebook, in addition to the inscription "Hegel. Logic I," there is the entry: “Notebooks on Philosophy. Hegel, Feuerbach and others.” On the cover of the second notebook, to the pagination 49-88, there is the appendage: NB p. 76 (pp. 192-193 of this volume). At the bottom of page III, there is written: "End of Logic . 17.XII.1914.” The conspectus was probably begun during the first half of September 1914, when Lenin moved from Poronin to Bern, Switzerland. Note that this document has undergone special formating to ensure that Lenin’s sidenotes fit on the page, marking as best as possible where they were located in the original manuscript.

Cover of First Notebook

Prefaces & Introduction:

Preface to the First Edition Preface to the Second Edition Introduction : General Concept of Logic

Book One: The Doctrine of Being

With What Should One Begin Science? Section One: Determinateness (Quality) Section Two: Magnitude (Quantity) Section Three: Measure

Book Two: Essence

page 100

Section One: Essence as Reflection in Itself Section Two: Appearance Section Three: Actuality

Book Three: Subjective Logic or the Doctrine of the Notion

On the Notion in General Section One: Subjectivity Section Two: Objectivity Section Three: The Idea

Summary of Dialectics

On the Question of Dialectics

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  21. Conspectus of Hegel's "The Science of Logic"

    Conspectus of Hegel's book "The Science of Logic" consists of three notebooks, which have a common pagination from 1 to 115. On the cover of the first notebook, in addition to the inscription "Hegel. Logic I," there is the entry: "Notebooks on Philosophy. Hegel, Feuerbach and others.". On the cover of the second notebook, to the ...