Career Sidekick

Resume Summary with No Experience: Examples for Students and Fresh Graduates

By Biron Clark

Published: December 18, 2023

Recent Grads | Resume/CV

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

If you’re looking for how to write a summary for your resume with no work experience , you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to walk you through exactly what to do, and then we’ll look at resume summary examples for entry-level job seekers, students and fresh graduates. 

How to Write a Summary For Your Resume With No Experience:

First, a resume summary is different than an objective . And it’s much better. Putting an objective on your resume is outdated and unnecessary. Resume objectives are useless because they don’t share anything the hiring manager doesn’t already know (such as “my goal is to obtain a position in the ___ industry”). So what we’re doing here is better and will help your resume stand out from people who simply put an objective. Whereas, the resume summary gives a quick highlight reel of your qualifications, education, and more. If you’re not sure what a resume summary actually is, check out this article on 10 resume summary examples . And while it’s easier to figure out what to put if you’ve built up some work experience, you can still write an effective resume summary with no work experience whatsoever.

So in this article, I’m going to show you how. What should go into your summary when you don’t have any work experience? 

1. Put academic accomplishments and leadership

What did you study? Did you just graduate with a degree? Mention that. If you took a leadership role in your class projects, or clubs/groups at your school, you can mention that too. Leadership doesn’t need to be in a job to get the hiring manager’s attention! Taking a leadership role in a sports environment is impressive as well. You’re not going to mention specific accomplishments in your resume summary usually (you can do that later in your resume), but you can say things like “proven leadership” or “natural leader”, etc.

2. Put your interests and passions

Are you passionate about startups and technology? Great, put that. Want to make a difference in the world, and focus your career on social impact? Mention that. This can include the grades you received, but also leadership positions you led, and clubs/groups you participated in.

3. Put “hard” skills

If you’re proficient in any tools, technologies, etc… you can include that in your resume summary. Don’t list 20 things. That’s what your “Skills” section is for. But pick the three or four things that are most relevant for the job you’re applying for.

Coming up in this article, we’re going to look at two resume summary examples for people with no experience. .. and in the second example, you’ll see how this would look.

4. Include soft skills

Are you great at analytical thinking? Do you love working as a part of a team? Are you great at multi-tasking and handling a fast-paced team environment? While these shouldn’t be the main focus of your resume summary section, they can be worth mentioning. It’s especially good to include soft skills that you see mentioned in the job description.

For example, if you see they mention wanting someone who’s great at multi-tasking in a fast-paced environment, and you feel that describes you well, then your resume summary is the perfect place to include this.

5. Put statements that will grab the employer’s interest and make them want to ask you questions!

If you mention leadership they’ll want to ask you more about your leadership experiences. That’s a good thing. Remember, whatever you put, they’ll probably ask you about. So as you write your summary for your resume, try to think about what you want them to discuss with you, and what you want a chance to talk about. And try to “tailor” your resume to fit the companies you’re applying to. If you’re applying to large corporations don’t start your summary by saying “Startup enthusiast”.

3 Resume Summary Example for Students, Fresh Graduates and Entry-Level Job Seekers:

In this section, I’m going to share three examples of how to write a summary for your resume with no experience. You can use these resume summary examples as a student, entry-level job seeker, or any job search where you don’t have experience:

Resume Summary with No Experience – Example #1: Economics Student

Enthusiastic, highly-motivated Economics student with proven leadership capabilities, who likes to take initiative and seek out new challenges.

In this example above, you’re showing that you completed your Economics degree and have an interest in the subject, and you’re mentioning leadership and making the reader want to learn more about this. You’re also making yourself sound ambitious and motivated at the end, which is always a good thing (I’m referring to the part that says “who likes to take initiative and seek out new challenges). Notice the format too. This is how I recommend phrasing it. Don’t say “I am a ___”. Just start with the descriptive words.

This is a simple yet effective resume summary example for students OR recent graduates.

Resume Summary with No Experience – Example #2: Fresh Graduate in Computer Science

Computer Science graduate passionate about data engineering and machine learning. Highly-capable leader, having led multiple Senior class projects to completion. Proficient in a range of modern technologies including Python, Java and Scala.

This is another good example of a student or fresh graduate resume summary that still shows your skills and academic focus, even if you have no formal work experience.  In this entry-level resume summary example, you’re highlighting accomplishments and leadership as a student and you’re also showing that you’re passionate about your work. Saying you’re passionate about data engineering is much better than just saying, “Looking for a job in data engineering.” They’ll know you’re looking for jobs because you applied. Taking up space to say it is a bad use of this area of your resume, and is why I never recommend having a resume “Objective” section. The summary exists instead of an “Objective” and is much better.

The example above also included some great programming keywords (Python, Java, Scala) to help get past any automated application systems and grab the hiring manager’s attention very quickly when they first look at your resume. If you work with any tools or technologies that have names like these, you can include it in your entry-level resume summary if you’d like. Other examples of tools/technologies: Photoshop, MS Excel, etc.

If you decide not to include these on your resume summary, make sure to include them elsewhere such as your Education or Skills section .

Resume Summary Example with No Experience #3: Math Student Graduating Soon

4th year mathematics student passionate about statistics and data analysis. Proven project leader. Active member of Boston University’s Mathematics Club. Speaker at 2018 “New York Young Mathematicians Conference.”

This resume summary example for students shows how you can list accomplishments even if you’ve never formally worked before. Did you participate in any clubs at school? Have you led any class projects? These are impressive pieces you can add to your resume summary with no experience formally working. 

How to Write a Resume Summary For Students/Fresh Graduates – Quick Recap

  • Skip buzzwords like “hard-working” and put real academic accomplishments instead, like projects you produced and tasks you led
  • Include what you’re interested in and passionate about to show them why you are applying for this position
  • Mention hard skills like “Java Programming” or “Excel,”  especially if they’re listed on the job description
  • Include soft skills as well like, “excellent at multi-tasking”, especially if you saw these keywords anywhere on the job description
  • Include statements in your resume summary that will catch the employer’s interest and make them want to talk with you and ask you more. Remember – the entire goal of your resume is to get invited to interview. So if you did anything unique like giving presentations, working in an internship , participating in a school club, etc., you can include this in your entry-level resume summary.

If you follow the tips above, you’ll have a great entry-level resume summary that will stand out and catch a recruiter’s or hiring manager’s attention so you can get more interviews.

After you write your entry-level resume summary, here are two more articles that may be helpful when job searching with no experience:

  • The best times of year to job search
  • How to create a great elevator pitch for job hunting

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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This site was pretty helpful in guiding me throughout my school resume, would love other tips would do well.

This is a great guide. If only schools were actually interested in teaching children real life skills like this.

Hi, I am a student who has been finding it very difficult to make resumes due to the lack of working experience. I am currently trying to find a job while studying at the same time. I am in University completing a certificate and will soon be applying for a BA in Psychology and Criminolgy. However, I wish to apply for a part time job in the fashion industry. Can you please leave me some tips about what I can do to ensure that I can find a job without needing experience.

Your page has really helped, Thank you.

Hi, I’m a job seeker with 2 years experience working as a cart collector at grocery store and an Associate’s Degree in Computer Information Systems, is this a good professional summary?: “Reliable team member with a keen interest in information technology and other applications. Capable of handling multiple projects within deadlines. Eager to apply my professional and academic background as an Administrative Assistant at Bogdan Contracting.”

I’ve been job seeking since October 2018, I’m hoping I can start a career in tech support as soon as possible.

Hi Marcais,

I think it sounds pretty good. My least favorite part is the first word, though. “Reliable” sounds pretty average/boring. Sure, you show up, do your job, etc. That’s what I think when I hear “reliable”. But not much more.

I’d look for a better word to lead off with.

I would like to say thank you for making this article about writing a summary for a resume. For the past couple of months, I have been struggling to find someone who can help me with that because I don’t have a lot of experience in my field (i.e. engineering). I do have one question though. Is it appropriate to use first-person nouns in the summary section? I have seen people do that, but I find it quite odd.

Please let me know as soon as you can. Thank you.

Hi Frances,

I’d avoid saying, “I” if that’s what you’re asking.

Just say “Led team of 7 people to accomplish ___”

Just start without a pronoun.

Another example: “Highly-accomplished accounting professional who has ____”

Comments are closed.

Cover Letters and Resume Samples

10 High School Student No Experience Resume Summary Examples

Stepping into the world of work can be thrilling and nerve-wracking all at once, especially for high school students without any job experience.

Crafting a resume might seem like a challenge, but it’s your ticket to landing that first exciting opportunity.

This guide aims to ease your worries and arm you with powerful examples to create a standout resume summary.

We’ve lined up ten excellent examples that highlight your unique talents and eagerness to contribute, all without the need for formal job experience.

Dive into these crafted samples and find the spark to create a resume that shines bright with your potential.

These examples are your starting blocks to not just write a resume but to launch your journey into a bright professional future.

High School Student No Experience Resume Summary Page Image

Top 10 High School Student No Experience Resume Summary Examples

resume summary examples for students with no work experience

How to Write a High School Student Resume Summary With No Experience?

1. start with a strong opening.

Begin your summary by stating your name and highlighting your enthusiasm, motivation, or positive traits that make you stand out. For example, “Proactive and resourceful high school student with a positive attitude and a willingness to take on new challenges.”

2. Focus on transferable skills

Since you don’t have formal work experience, emphasize the skills and abilities you’ve gained through your education, extracurricular activities, volunteering, or personal projects. Highlight skills such as problem-solving, communication, teamwork, time management, leadership, or organization.

3. Tailor it to the job

Research the job or industry you’re applying for and customize your summary accordingly. Identify the key qualities or requirements sought by employers and align your skills and traits with them. This shows that you understand the job and are a good fit for the role.

4. Highlight academic achievements

If you have excelled academically, mention any honors, awards, or relevant coursework that demonstrate your commitment and competence. This can include your GPA, relevant classes, projects, or academic clubs.

5. Emphasize extracurricular activities

Showcase your involvement in clubs, sports teams, community service, or leadership roles. Highlight any achievements or responsibilities that demonstrate your ability to work in a team, manage projects, or take on additional responsibilities.

6. Demonstrate motivation and willingness to learn

Highlight your eagerness to gain experience, learn new skills, and contribute to a team or organization. Employers value individuals who are motivated, adaptable, and open to growth.

7. Keep it concise and focused

Keep your summary brief and to the point, ideally within 3-4 sentences. Remember to use action words and be specific about your accomplishments or responsibilities.

8. Personalize it

Make your summary unique by incorporating your own experiences, interests, or passions. This will help you stand out and provide a glimpse into your personality.

resume summary examples for students with no work experience

These 10 high school student resume summary examples are excellent resources to help you create a compelling summary that highlights your skills and potential despite having no prior work experience. Implement these tips and make a strong impression on employers, increasing your chances of securing your desired job opportunity.

  • 10 High School Student Resume Objective Examples
  • High School Student Cover Letter Template and Example
  • Recommendation Letter for High School Student Entering College
  • Top 2 High School Student Resume Samples

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Writing Summary for Resume with No Experience (+50 Examples)

It's very important to lead your resume with a strong summary statement to highlight your key skills, strengths, and career goals. In this guide, we will tell you some tips for creating a summary for a resume. Moreover, you can find 50 resume summary examples here that you can take into your resume.

Create my CV

Writing Summary for Resume with No Experience (+50 Examples)

It's hard for us to write a resume if we have no experience. It's very important to lead your resume with a strong summary statement to highlight your key skills, strengths and career goals.

So, how to write an effective summary for your resume with no experience? In this guide, we will tell you some tips for creating a summary for a resume. Moreover, you can find 50 resume summary examples here that you can take into your resume.

Tips to Write a Resume with No Experience

Writing a resume when you have little or no professional experience can be challenging, but it's definitely possible to create an effective one. Here are some tips:

Lead with a strong summary statement

Begin your resume with a compelling summary that highlights your key skills, strengths, and career goals. Emphasize transferable skills you've gained from academic projects, extracurricular activities, or volunteer work.

Emphasize your education

Since you don't have extensive work experience, dedicate a prominent section to your educational background. Include your degree(s), major(s), minor(s), relevant coursework, academic achievements, and any honors or awards you've received.

Highlight relevant skills

Create a skills section that showcases the abilities you've developed through your education, personal projects, or hobbies. Include both hard skills (e.g., programming languages, software proficiency) and soft skills (e.g., communication, teamwork, problem-solving).

Include extracurricular activities and volunteer experience

If you've been involved in clubs, organizations, or volunteer work, include these experiences on your resume. Describe your roles, responsibilities, and any notable achievements or projects you've worked on.

Consider adding coursework or academic projects

If you've completed relevant coursework or academic projects that demonstrate your knowledge and skills, include them on your resume. Describe the project, your role, and any significant outcomes or learnings.

Tailor your resume to the job

Carefully review the job description and tweak your resume to highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position you're applying for.

Use a clean and professional format

Even without extensive experience, a well-formatted resume can make a positive impression. Choose a clear and easy-to-read layout, and ensure that your resume is free of errors.

Remember, the goal is to showcase your potential and highlight the skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the role. With careful crafting and a focus on your strengths, you can create an effective resume that will help you stand out to potential employers.

Summary for Resume with No Experience

When you have little or no professional work experience, the summary section of your resume becomes particularly important. This section serves as a powerful introduction that captures the reader's attention and highlights your relevant skills, qualities, and potential contributions.

Also Read This Article:

resume summary examples for students with no work experience

How to Write a Summary for a Resume with No Experience

To write an effective summary for a resume with no experience, you can follow these tips:

  • Start with a strong opening statement: Craft a compelling opening line that captures your core strengths, qualifications, or career goals. For example, "Motivated and detail-oriented recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing, seeking to leverage strong analytical and communication skills in an entry-level marketing role."
  • Highlight relevant skills and achievements: Identify and emphasize the key skills, knowledge, and achievements that are most relevant to the job you're applying for. These could include technical skills, academic accomplishments, extracurricular activities, or personal projects.
  • Demonstrate your passion and motivation: Express your enthusiasm and motivation for the role or industry you're pursuing. Highlight your eagerness to learn, grow, and contribute to the organization's success.
  • Quantify your accomplishments: If possible, include quantifiable achievements or metrics that demonstrate your abilities and potential impact. For example, "Achieved a 3.8 GPA while actively participating in the Marketing Club, leading a team of 5 to develop a successful campus awareness campaign."
  • Tailor the summary: Customize the summary for each job application to align with the specific requirements and keywords used in the job description. This will increase the chances of your resume being selected by applicant tracking systems (ATS) and resonating with the hiring manager.

By crafting a compelling and well-tailored summary, you can effectively showcase your potential, transferable skills, and fit for the role, even with minimal professional experience. This can help you stand out and make a strong case for why you're the ideal candidate.

50 Summary for Resume Examples with No Experience

Here are 50 summary examples for a resume with no professional experience, each over 50 words in length:

  • A highly motivated and ambitious recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Equipped with strong analytical, communication, and problem-solving skills gained through academic projects and extracurricular activities. Seeking an entry-level position in the field of marketing to leverage my passion for consumer insights and strategic thinking.
  • A dedicated and resourceful individual with a proven ability to adapt quickly to new environments. Skilled in time management, teamwork, and attention to detail. Eager to contribute to an organization that values personal growth and continuous learning. Open to opportunities across various industries to develop practical experience and build a rewarding career.
  • A creative and results-driven recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, skilled in digital and print media design. Possess strong problem-solving abilities and a keen eye for detail. Seeking an opportunity to unleash my creativity and contribute to innovative design solutions as a Junior Graphic Designer.
  • An enthusiastic and diligent individual with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Possessing strong programming skills in Java, Python, and C++, as well as experience in database management and web development. Committed to staying updated with emerging technologies and eager to apply my knowledge in a challenging and growth-oriented environment.
  • A proactive and detail-oriented recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. Adept in financial analysis, data entry, and spreadsheet proficiency. Excellent communication and organizational skills, with a proven ability to meet deadlines. Seeking an entry-level position in the finance or accounting sector to contribute my expertise and grow professionally.
  • A highly adaptable and quick learner with a Bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management. Skilled in conflict resolution, employee relations, and training facilitation. Possessing strong interpersonal and multitasking abilities. Eager to join an organization that values diversity and employee development, where I can apply my knowledge and grow within the field.
  • A passionate and driven individual with a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science. Knowledgeable about sustainability practices, environmental regulations, and conservation efforts. Experienced in conducting field research, data analysis, and report writing. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to environmental preservation and promote eco-friendly initiatives.
  • A motivated and tech-savvy recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology. Proficient in various programming languages, database management, and network administration. Strong problem-solving and analytical skills with a keen interest in cybersecurity. Eager to join a dynamic organization where I can apply my technical expertise and continue learning.
  • A detail-oriented and organized individual with a Bachelor's degree in Supply Chain Management. Skilled in inventory control, logistics coordination, and data analysis. Possess excellent time management and communication abilities. Seeking a challenging role in the supply chain or logistics sector to optimize processes and contribute to operational efficiency.
  • A creative thinker and strategic planner with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing. Skilled in market research, social media marketing, and data analysis. Possess strong written and verbal communication skills, with a passion for developing compelling campaigns. Eager to join a dynamic marketing team and contribute innovative ideas to drive brand growth.
  • A highly motivated and driven individual with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. Skilled in computer-aided design (CAD), project management, and problem-solving. Possess strong analytical and critical thinking abilities. Seeking an entry-level position in the engineering industry to apply my technical knowledge and contribute to innovative solutions.
  • A detail-oriented and organized individual with a Bachelor's degree in Journalism. Proficient in writing, editing, and research. Experienced in social media management and content creation. Possess strong communication and multitasking skills. Eager to join a media organization and contribute to compelling storytelling and journalism.
  • A passionate and creative recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design. Skilled in space planning, color theory, and 3D rendering software. Possess a keen eye for aesthetics and a strong understanding of design principles. Seeking an opportunity to contribute my design expertise and create functional and visually appealing spaces.
  • A detail-oriented and analytical individual with a Bachelor's degree in Finance. Proficient in financial modeling, risk analysis, and data interpretation. Skilled in Microsoft Excel and Bloomberg Terminal. Seeking an entry-level position in the financial services industry to apply my quantitative skills and contribute to investment strategies.
  • A dedicated and resourceful individual with a Bachelor's degree in Hospitality Management. Skilled in customer service, event planning, and operations management. Possess strong interpersonal and problem-solving abilities. Eager to join a dynamic hospitality organization and contribute to delivering exceptional guest experiences.
  • A highly motivated and ambitious recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. Skilled in research, data analysis, and report writing. Possess strong communication and active listening abilities. Seeking an opportunity to apply my knowledge and contribute to improving mental health and well-being.
  • A creative and innovative thinker with a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design. Skilled in product design, prototyping, and user experience (UX) principles. Proficient in CAD software and 3D printing. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the development of innovative and user-friendly products.
  • A detail-oriented and organized individual with a Bachelor's degree in Human Resources. Skilled in employee relations, recruitment, and training facilitation. Possess strong communication and conflict resolution abilities. Eager to join an organization that values employee development and contribute to fostering a positive workplace culture.
  • A passionate and driven individual with a Bachelor's degree in Public Relations. Skilled in media relations, event planning, and social media management. Possess strong written and verbal communication abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to strategic communication efforts and enhance brand reputation.
  • A motivated and results-driven recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Economics. Skilled in data analysis, market research, and financial modeling. Possess strong analytical and critical thinking abilities. Seeking an entry-level position in the financial or consulting sector to apply my knowledge and contribute to data-driven decision-making.
  • A creative and detail-oriented individual with a Bachelor's degree in Advertising. Skilled in copywriting, visual design, and campaign development. Possess strong problem-solving and time management abilities. Eager to join an agency or marketing team and contribute to innovative and impactful advertising campaigns.
  • A highly motivated and ambitious individual with a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. Skilled in project management, construction site operations, and computer-aided design (CAD). Possess strong analytical and problem-solving abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to infrastructure development and sustainable construction practices.
  • A passionate and driven individual with a Bachelor's degree in International Relations. Skilled in research, policy analysis, and cross-cultural communication. Possess strong critical thinking and writing abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to global affairs and promote understanding between nations.
  • A detail-oriented and organized individual with a Bachelor's degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Skilled in inventory control, transportation coordination, and data analysis. Possess strong time management and problem-solving abilities. Eager to join an organization and contribute to streamlining logistics operations.
  • A creative and innovative thinker with a Bachelor's degree in Entrepreneurship. Skilled in business planning, market analysis, and financial projections. Possess strong leadership and communication abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the development and growth of a startup or small business.
  • A highly motivated and ambitious individual with a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry. Skilled in laboratory techniques, data analysis, and scientific writing. Possess strong attention to detail and problem-solving abilities. Seeking an entry-level position in the pharmaceutical or research industry to apply my scientific knowledge.
  • A dedicated and resourceful individual with a Bachelor's degree in Social Work. Skilled in case management, counseling, and community outreach. Possess strong empathy, active listening, and communication abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to improving the lives of individuals and communities in need.
  • A creative and innovative thinker with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Skilled in programming languages such as Java, Python, and C++. Proficient in database management and web development. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge software solutions and expand my technical expertise.
  • A detail-oriented and organized individual with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. Skilled in financial reporting, auditing, and tax preparation. Proficient in accounting software and Microsoft Excel. Seeking an entry-level position in the accounting or finance sector to apply my analytical skills and contribute to accurate financial reporting.
  • A passionate and driven individual with a Bachelor's degree in English Literature. Skilled in research, writing, and critical analysis. Possess strong communication and editing abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to content creation, copywriting, or editorial projects.
  • A highly motivated and ambitious recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing. Skilled in market research, social media marketing, and data analysis. Possess strong creative thinking and presentation abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to innovative marketing strategies and brand promotion efforts.
  • A detail-oriented and organized individual with a Bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management. Skilled in recruitment, employee relations, and training facilitation. Proficient in human resources information systems (HRIS). Seeking an opportunity to contribute to talent acquisition and employee development initiatives.
  • A passionate and driven individual with a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Skilled in meal planning, nutrition counseling, and community education. Possess strong communication and interpersonal abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to promoting healthy eating habits and improving overall well-being.
  • A creative and innovative thinker with a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia Design. Skilled in graphic design, video editing, and web development. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and various multimedia software. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to engaging multimedia content creation and digital storytelling.
  • A motivated and results-driven recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Business Analytics. Skilled in data mining, statistical modeling, and data visualization. Proficient in programming languages such as Python and R. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to data-driven decision-making and business intelligence initiatives.
  • A detail-oriented and organized individual with a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. Skilled in legal research, report writing, and investigative techniques. Possess strong analytical and critical thinking abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to law enforcement or legal compliance efforts.
  • A passionate and driven individual with a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering. Skilled in environmental impact assessment, waste management, and sustainability practices. Possess strong problem-solving and analytical abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development initiatives.
  • A creative and innovative thinker with a Bachelor's degree in Fashion Design. Skilled in pattern making, garment construction, and trend forecasting. Possess strong attention to detail and aesthetic sensibilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the design and development of stylish and innovative fashion collections.
  • A highly motivated and ambitious individual with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. Skilled in circuit design, programming, and project management. Possess strong analytical and problem-solving abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to innovative electrical systems and technology development.
  • A dedicated and resourceful individual with a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology. Skilled in exercise physiology, fitness assessment, and injury prevention. Possess strong interpersonal and coaching abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to promoting physical activity and overall wellness.
  • A detail-oriented and organized individual with a Bachelor's degree in Event Management. Skilled in event planning, vendor coordination, and project management. Possess strong communication and multitasking abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the successful execution of memorable and impactful events.
  • A creative and innovative thinker with a Bachelor's degree in Urban Planning. Skilled in community development, zoning regulations, and sustainable design principles. Possess strong analytical and problem-solving abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the creation of livable and environmentally conscious urban spaces.
  • A passionate and driven individual with a Bachelor's degree in Music Production. Skilled in audio engineering, music composition, and sound design. Proficient in digital audio workstations (DAWs) and recording software. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the creation of captivating musical experiences.
  • A highly motivated and ambitious recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems. Skilled in database management, network administration, and cybersecurity principles. Possess strong analytical and problem-solving abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the development and maintenance of robust information technology systems.
  • A detail-oriented and organized individual with a Bachelor's degree in Library Science. Skilled in cataloging, reference services, and information literacy instruction. Possess strong research and communication abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the preservation and dissemination of knowledge in a library or information management setting.
  • A creative and innovative thinker with a Bachelor's degree in Game Design. Skilled in game mechanics, level design, and user experience (UX) principles. Proficient in game development engines and programming languages. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the creation of engaging and immersive gaming experiences.
  • A passionate and driven individual with a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology. Skilled in ethnographic research, data analysis, and cross-cultural communication. Possess strong critical thinking and writing abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to understanding diverse cultures and promoting cultural awareness.
  • A motivated and results-driven recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Sports Management. Skilled in event planning, marketing, and financial analysis. Possess strong leadership and organizational abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the business operations and promotion of sports organizations.
  • A detail-oriented and organized individual with a Bachelor's degree in Paralegal Studies. Skilled in legal research, document preparation, and case management. Possess strong attention to detail and communication abilities. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the efficient and effective functioning of a law firm or legal department.
  • A creative and innovative thinker with a Bachelor's degree in Film and Television Production. Skilled in scriptwriting, directing, and video editing. Proficient in various film and video production software. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the creation of captivating visual stories and cinematic experiences.

Easily Build Your Resume with TalenCat CV Maker

Even if you have no experience, you can still build your resume with TalenCat CV Maker with ease. TalenCat CV Maker has an intuitive resume editor that allows you to create your CV by just filling in the content.

Within TalenCat CV Maker, there are a lot of resume templates available, and you can easily change your resume design to make it look better. Moreover, you can use its AI generator to build your new resume and generate professional content.

For a job seeker with no experience, TalenCat CV Maker can always be the best resume solution.

Step 1. Log in to TalenCat CV Maker, and click the " + Create Resume " button in the top right corner to create a new resume.

create resume with talencat

Step 2. Then you need to name this resume and click the " Create " or " Create with Example " button.

name resume

  • Create: You can start your creation with a completely blank resume, you need to fill in everything for your resume.
  • Create with Example: You can start resume creating with a ready-to-use resume, you can change any content if it doesn't match you.

Step 3. You will get into a reactive CV editor, you can fill in your detailed information, and any content you enter will be immediately displayed in the right panel to let you have an overview of your resume.

edit resume

Once you get your resume creation or editing done, you can easily export it as a PDF file or picture.

Also, you can turn on the "online share" feature to get an online link of your resume, then you can easily share your resume with others using this link.

online share resume with talencat

This article provides tips and examples for writing an effective resume summary when you have little or no professional work experience. The key points are:

  • The resume summary is crucial for job seekers with no experience as it highlights your relevant skills, achievements, and potential.
  • Focus on transferable skills gained from academics, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, personal projects, etc.
  • Highlight your education, coursework, and academic projects that demonstrate applicable knowledge and abilities.
  • Convey your passion, motivation, and fit for the role/industry you are pursuing.
  • Quantify accomplishments like GPA, leadership roles, and team projects where possible.
  • Tailor the summary to the specific job requirements and use relevant keywords.
  • The document provides 50 detailed examples of well-crafted resume summaries for varied fields.
  • It also promotes TalenCat CV Maker as an easy tool to create professional resumes and leverage AI content generation, even with no prior experience.

Hope this can be a helpful guide for recent graduates or entry-level job seekers to craft an impactful resume summary that highlights their potential value to employers despite lacking traditional work experience.

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resume summary examples for students with no work experience

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resume summary examples for students with no work experience

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5 College Student No Experience Resume Examples & Templates [Edit Free]

Stephen Greet

College Student No Experience Resume

  • College Student No Experience 2
  • College Student No Experience 3
  • College Student No Experience 4
  • College Student No Experience 5
  • Resume Writing 101

Sometimes, ambitious college students can’t wait to start working. Janee considered how to show value on her resume as a grad: Dreaming of working as a business analyst at Resource Data fueled her to research the company and think of relevant college achievements.

Janee recalled real projects from her degree in math and economics that saved a local manufacturer thousands. Even her stint as basketball captain highlighted her ability to organize, boost morale, and drive positive results.

Referencing her class movie recommendation project and the time her random forest model outperformed projections by 19 percent, Janee topped off her college student no experience resume with a career objective . Bam—hired. Try our resume templates for yourself; we can’t wait to applaud your success, too!

or download as PDF

College student no experience resume example

Why this resume works

  • Follow Janee’s college student no experience resume and make the most out of your project work to showcase your abilities in programming, modeling, data visualization, and teamwork. Finally, celebrate your victory lap with a well-crafted career objective.

College Student No Experience 2 Resume

College student no experience 2 resume example

College Student No Experience 3 Resume

College student no experience 3 resume example

College Student No Experience 4 Resume

College student no experience 4 resume example

College Student No Experience 5 Resume

College student no experience 5 resume example

Related resume examples

  • Current College Student
  • College Student Internship
  • College Graduate
  • Grad School
  • College Student

What Matters Most: Your Skills & Background Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

When you lack experience, your skills become more important than ever! As a college student, you now have a nice, clear understanding of what you can do, and recruiters want to know all about it.

Make sure you list skills that are relevant to your field. For example: If you’re eager to step into the world of business analysis, then prioritize technical skills and highly relevant abilities.

And make sure those skills are worded in a deliberate and specific way, too! The last thing you want is to sound too apathetic about your future role to dig deeper than the usual generic terms on your resume.

Here are some examples of more specific skills you can use to show off your potential:

9 Best College Student No Experience Skills

  • scikit-learn
  • Linear Regressions
  • Logistic Regressions
  • Data Reporting
  • Google Sheets

Sample College Student No Experience Work Experience Bullet Points

Now we’re on to the fun part! No really: It’s time to get creative and look for some nifty spins to put on your past projects and internships. Class groups, teams, clubs, and volunteer initiatives can all be used to demonstrate your ability to make the most of your skills, too.

Just make sure that anything you include is highly relevant to the field you want to work in! Use those sharp, specific skills you honed earlier to recall examples of experiences when you used them.

And always measure the impact you had when you reached those milestones! Use quantifiable data to back up your achievements and make them look way more credible:

  • Reported to executives during business analytics class and initiated re-evaluation of resource allocation, saving $47K in vendor costs
  • Aggregated data from Rotten Tomatoes and used k-nearest-neighbors in scikit-learn to improve recommendation system for personal tastes, boosting positive feedback by 12%
  • Organized a community outreach for the university basketball team to train at-risk high school students and boost morale, leading high school teams to win 92% of total games
  • Compiled and prepped 4 years of fantasy football projection data from 8 independent sources into a MySQL database, boosting positive ratings by 14%

Top 5 Tips for Your College Student No Experience Resume

  • I know, I know, we just talked about it, but this really is a crucial aspect of your resume! When you don’t have any job experience yet, you’ll really need to hand-pick the most relevant bits and pieces of as many projects and college teams as you can.
  • Many people hear “one page” and assume that filling their resume page is as important as limiting themselves to one page only. But this isn’t the case: Just focus on your best relevant achievements and allow some white space for things to breathe.
  • Get strategic about your skill placement. Group similar types of skills together, such as everything related to Python, followed by everything related to data analytics, and so on.
  • By all means, try out as many of our resume templates as you can! But while you compare them, keep a deliberate eye out for which one makes your college and project history look the fullest and most impressive.
  • Keeping your experience examples sleek and to-the-point demonstrates your ability to get things done and convey info efficiently. You don’t have time to ramble since recruiters have to read things quickly!

Honestly, this isn’t something to worry much about: As long as it’s all together in one place and easy for recruiters to spot at a glance, you’re fine.

Customize it for each job description . It’s easy: All you need to do is reference the job description again and grab some key phrases and buzzwords to switch out in your resume, and boom: You’re now delivering a hand-tailored resume that’s designed to impress!

In our honest opinion, writing a cover letter is better. You get the best of both worlds: Your project and educational history will be able to take center stage while you use your cover letter to detail your qualifications in greater depth than you’d be able to with an objective statement.

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4 Examples: Impressive Resume with No Work Experience for Students

By Editorial Team on November 8, 2023 — 8 minutes to read

  • Key Components of a Professional Resume Part 1
  • Resume Formatting Tips and Tricks Part 2
  • Example Resume for High School Students Part 3
  • Example Resume for College Students Part 4
  • Tailoring Your Resume Part 5

Part 1 Key Components of a Professional Resume

Contact details.

Start your resume by providing your full name, phone number, and email address. This ensures potential employers can easily contact you. A professional email address (for example, [email protected] ) is recommended. Keep your address and other personal details out of your resume.

Career Objective

As someone with no work experience, your career objective should focus on your abilities and motivation to succeed in the position you’re applying for. State your goal and highlight relevant skills you possess. Be genuine about your enthusiasm and commitment to work hard and learn.

Here, you’ll showcase your transferable skills, demonstrating how they’re applicable even without formal work experience. Group your skills into categories (such as communication, technical, and project management) and provide examples of how you acquired and applied those skills in school, extracurricular activities, or personal projects.

Education Details

Outline your educational background, including the school name, degree or diploma obtained, and graduation date. If your GPA is impressive, consider listing it. Describe relevant coursework, projects, and achievements that demonstrate your competence and abilities related to the job you’re applying for.

Volunteer Work

Showcase any volunteer work you’ve done, describing your role, the organization, and the dates when you volunteered. Focus on the tasks you performed and the skills you gained during this time. Volunteering demonstrates your willingness to learn, commitment, and eagerness to contribute to a cause.

Certifications and Training

Lastly, list any relevant certifications, training, or workshops you’ve attended. These demonstrate your dedication to continuous learning and professional development. Public speaking workshops, leadership programs, or certificates in technical skills, for example, can be valuable additions to your resume.

Related: How to Email a Resume to an Employer (Examples)

Part 2 Resume Formatting Tips and Tricks

The importance of consistency.

Consistency is key when formatting your resume. Choose one font and stick with it throughout the entire document. Make sure your headings, subheadings, and body text are all the same size and style. This will give your resume a polished and professional look.

Making Use of Bullet Points

Bullet points are a great way to break up your text and highlight important information. When listing your skills, education, or other relevant information, consider using bullet points to make the content easier to digest. Not only do they help add structure to your resume, but they also draw the reader’s attention to essential details.

Including Action Verbs

Start each bullet point or description in your resume with a strong action verb. This will show potential employers that you are proactive and capable of achieving results. Examples of powerful action verbs include “managed,” “created,” “implemented,” and “optimized.” Using these types of verbs will give your resume a more dynamic and engaging feel.

Limiting Resume to One Page

Keep your resume concise and limit it to one page. This ensures all your relevant information can be easily scanned by hiring managers. Be selective about the information you include, focusing on your most significant achievements and skills that relate to the position you’re applying for. A well-organized, one-page resume is often more impactful than a long, detailed document.

Resume with No Work Experience: Templates and Examples

When creating your resume with no work experience, templates can save you time and help you focus on showcasing your strengths.

Part 3 Example Resume for High School Students

[Your Name] [Contact Information]

Objective : Motivated high school student aiming to apply strong work ethic and teamwork abilities to a part-time retail position.

Education : [High School Name], [City, State] (Expected) Graduation Date: [Month, Year] GPA: [Number]

Skills: – Excellent communication and interpersonal skills – Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) – Detail-oriented and organized – Bilingual (English and Spanish)


Volunteer, [Local Organization], [City, State], [Duration] – Assisted with organizing and executing community events – Collaborated with other volunteers to improve team efficiency

Participated in the [School Club/Project], [High School Name] – Contributed to successful projects and events – Enhanced leadership and teamwork abilities


– [High School Club], Member – [Sport], Varsity team – [Volunteer Organization], Regular participant

Objective: Motivated high school student seeking a part-time [position] role at [Company Name] where I can apply my strong work ethic and dedication to learning new skills.

  • Expected graduation: [Month Year]
  • GPA: [X.XX/4.0]
  • Excellent written and verbal communication
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office suite
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Able to work independently or in a team

Activities & Honors:

  • [Student Club/Organization], [Position/Role], [Year]-[Year]
  • [Community Service/Volunteer Experience], [Organization], [Hours/Date Range]

Remember to fill in your information and customize the template for the job you’re applying for. This example puts emphasis on education and focuses on the skills and activities that showcase your abilities as a high school student with no work experience.

Part 4 Example Resume for College Students

Objective : Driven college student with strong analytical skills seeking a data analysis internship to apply coursework and gain hands-on experience.

Education : [University Name], [City, State] (Expected) Graduation Date: [Month, Year] Degree : [Bachelor’s or Associate’s] in [Major] GPA: [Number] Relevant Coursework: [List relevant courses]

– Proficient in Python, R, and SQL – Strong problem-solving and critical thinking abilities – Excellent written and verbal communication – Familiarity with basic statistical concepts

Experience :

Research Assistant, [University Name], [City, State], [Semester, Year] – Collaborated with a faculty member on a research project – Gathered, organized, and analyzed data using statistical software

Title: [Project name] – Developed a [project description] using [tools or programming languages] – Presented findings at [relevant event or conference]

Extracurricular Activities:

– [University Club], Member – [Volunteer Organization], Regular participant

Objective: Driven college student pursuing a [Major] degree at [University Name] seeking an internship in the [Industry] field to expand my knowledge and gain real-world experience.

  • [Major], Expected graduation: [Month Year]

Relevant Coursework:

  • Proficient in [Programming Language/Software]
  • Strong research and analytical abilities
  • Effective time management skills

Projects & Volunteer Work:

  • Brief description of the project and your role.
  • [Volunteer Opportunity], [Organization], [Hours/Date Range]

Make sure to customize this template, focusing on skills and experiences relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Part 5 Tailoring Your Resume

  • When applying for a specific job, be sure to demonstrate how your strengths, abilities, and past experiences, even if they are not directly related to the job, can benefit the company. Read the job description and requirements thoroughly; carefully study which skills, keywords, or requirements stand out. Then, make sure to integrate them into your resume.
  • For example, suppose the job description emphasizes good communication skills. In that case, you can mention any relevant experience that contributes to your communication skills, such as group projects, being part of a club, or participating in volunteer work where you had to interact with others. Don’t forget to highlight interpersonal skills like teamwork and leadership, as they are often essential in every workplace.
  • When it comes to organizing your resume, consider using functional or combination formats, as these tend to place more emphasis on your skills rather than work experience. At the top of your resume, include a strong objective statement or a summary that highlights your career aspirations and the applicable abilities you possess. Use this statement to communicate your enthusiasm and dedication to potential employers.
  • Using action verbs or phrases can also help bring your resume to life. As you describe your skills, achievements, or educational experiences, consider using words like “achieved,” “managed,” “created,” or “implemented.” These verbs convey a sense of accomplishment and initiative, which will surely impress your potential employer.
  • Lastly, don’t be afraid to showcase your accomplishments outside of traditional work settings. Include any accomplishments that demonstrate your resourcefulness and skills, such as completed projects, awards, or certifications. Make sure to highlight any volunteer work or internships, as these can showcase your dedication and willingness to learn in real-world situations.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i create an impressive resume without work experience.

To create an impressive resume without work experience, focus on your relevant skills, education, projects, volunteer activities, and personal interests. You can also emphasize your achievements in these areas, showing how they make you a good candidate. Use a clean and professional template that highlights your strengths and keeps the reader engaged.

What should I include in my first resume as a college or high school student?

As a college or high school student, your first resume should include the following sections:

  • Contact Information: Include your full name, phone number, email address, and mailing address.
  • Resume Objective: Write a brief statement about your goals and the value you can bring to a potential employer.
  • Education: List your most recent educational experiences and degrees, and any relevant coursework.
  • Skills: List relevant hard and soft skills you possess, such as computer programming, public speaking, or leadership.
  • Experience: Include any unpaid experiences like internships, volunteer work, or school projects.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Mention clubs, sports, or organizations you participate in and any leadership roles you’ve held.

What skills and achievements can I highlight on my resume without any job history?

To highlight skills and achievements without job history, consider the following:

  • Academic achievements: Include high GPA, academic awards, or being on the honor roll.
  • Volunteer work: List any relevant community service and the impact you had.
  • Projects: Mention school or personal projects that demonstrate your skills and abilities.
  • Certifications: Add any certifications you’ve earned, such as first aid, coding, or foreign languages.
  • Skills: Showcase both hard and soft skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for

What are some tips for writing a resume summary when I don’t have any work experience?

When writing a resume summary without work experience, focus on your skills, education, and other experiences that highlight your strengths and potential to excel in the position. Emphasize your professional attributes like dedication, adaptability, or problem-solving abilities. Tailor your summary to the specific job you’re applying for, incorporating keywords from the job posting. Keep it concise (2-3 sentences) and focused on what you can offer to the employer.

  • 2 Examples - How to Write a Resume With No Experience
  • List of 21 Important Technical Skills (with Examples)
  • 50 Example Phrases: Technical Skills Examples for Resume
  • 15 Smart Examples: Resume Summary
  • Communication Skills: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples
  • Can a Resume Be 2 Pages? Common Practices

11+ Best Student Resume Templates (W/ Examples & Resources)

Background Image

Writing an impressive resume as a student with no work experience can be a challenging task, often resulting in a generic document that fails to capture your full potential. 

This challenge intensifies in the face of a sea of applicants vying for the same role as you, making it all the more critical to stand out. 

Fortunately, we’re here to solve this problem! 

This article presents a selection of impactful student resume templates and examples that will help transform your raw skills and academic accomplishments into an impressive, attention-grabbing resume. 

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

12 Student Resume Templates

3 student resume examples, 5 other professional resources for students.

Let’s dive in!

#1. Creative Resume Template

Creative Resume Template Student

The Creative resume template offers a visually appealing and unique design that can greatly benefit students. 

With a modern and innovative layout that leverages eye-catching colors, this template allows students to showcase their skills, experiences, and achievements all on one page. 

The template's artistic element can help you stand out from the crowd and make a memorable impression on potential employers by highlighting your creativity, attention to detail, and ability to think outside the box, all of which are valuable attributes in today's competitive job market.

#2. Basic Resume Template

Student Basic Resume Template

This resume template comes with a straightforward and clean design that offers numerous benefits to students. 

For starters, it provides a professional and well-organized structure that lets you present your skills, education, and experiences in a concise and effective manner. Not to mention, by positioning the skills section at the top of the resume, this template emphasizes your skills over your work experience (which is something you’re likely lacking).

This template can help any student, regardless of their standing, create a professional-looking resume that showcases their abilities and increases their chances of securing interviews and job opportunities.

#3. Combined Resume Template

Combined Student Resume Template

Just like the name implies, this template is a perfect blend of two resume formats , namely the functional and the reverse-chronological format . 

This Combined template can arm you with a versatile and effective way to present your skills and professional experiences, as well as any relevant optional sections like certifications and personal projects. 

In a nutshell, the Combined template gives you the flexibility to leverage both the popularity of the chronological format and the impact you can make by emphasizing your skills and abilities. 

So, if you’re not sure which resume format works best for you or if you’re on the fence about a particular template, this stylish and impactful design might just be the choice for you. 

#4. Minimalist Resume Template

Minimalist Student Resume Template

Novorésumé's Minimalist resume template offers a sleek and simple design that comes highly recommended for students. 

True to its name, this template aims to highlight only essential elements through clean aesthetics. Specifically, it lets students present their strong points and most noteworthy achievements concisely, eliminating unnecessary clutter. 

With a stylish color palette of pink and gray and a design that puts skills and work experience side by side, there’s no way you can go wrong picking this student resume template. 

#5. Traditional Resume Template

Traditional Student Resume Template

This template’s classic and time-tested design is guaranteed to work wonders for students looking to work in all fields, but especially those aiming for more traditional industries like banking or finance. 

Following a structured design that highlights all key resume sections, such as the resume objective , education, work experience, and skills sections, this template lets you include all your relevant information without your resume spilling over to page two . 

#6. General Resume Template

General Student Resume Template

The General resume template is meant to offer you a versatile and adaptable format to showcase your qualifications, including your awards, your foreign language skills , your education, and much more. 

The header’s blue color is meant to grab recruiters’ attention to two of the most important resume sections–the contact information and the resume summary sections. 

Once you have their attention, you can wow them with other relevant sections such as your skills, work experience, and anything else you deem important. 

Easily customizable and practical to skim through, this resume template can make your application look good even if you don’t put too much effort into it. 

#7. Modern Resume Template

Modern Student Resume Template

The Modern resume template is a great choice for students who want their resume to look sleek and stylish, and yet professional. 

By incorporating modern elements like horizontal lines and bold blue color, this template is a great choice for practically every field you apply to. 

By using the Modern template, students can present themselves as forward-thinking and professional candidates, increasing their chances of standing out from the competition.

#8. IT Resume Template

IT Student Resume Template

If getting into IT is your dream, then this resume template is for you! 

The team at Novorésumé specifically designed the IT resume template to cater to the needs of students in the field. Using a clean and modern layout , this template offers a comprehensive structure that highlights your relevant technical skills, certifications, and education history. 

And, if you have any professional experience in IT, even if it’s through freelance work, internships , or personal projects, this template can surely help you highlight it through the reverse-chronological format - a favorite among recruiters.

#9. Simple Resume Template

Simple Student Resume Template

Sometimes, a simple resume template can be just the way to let your personality and achievements shine through. 

This is exactly what the Simple resume template does for students. 

With a straightforward and reader-friendly structure that strays away from extravagant design elements and flashy colors, this template aims to let your achievements do the talking. 

So, if your professional journey is already rich in accomplishments or if you’re one of those people who think simplicity is always the right choice, then you just found your match. 

#10. Functional Resume Template

Functional Student Resume Template

Just like the format it’s named after, the Functional resume template lets you highlight your skills and qualifications upfront, which is perfect if you don’t have enough work experience to list.

What makes this template even more impactful is the minty color that grabs recruiters’ attention, the perfectly aligned sections, and the way it leverages symbols to show your proficiency in say, foreign languages or technical skills . 

#11. Skill-Based Resume Template

Skill-Based Student Resume Template

The Skill-Based resume template does just what the name implies - it provides students with a valuable format that emphasizes their key skills and competencies. 

This template allows students to highlight their relevant abilities and qualifications, regardless of their work experience . By organizing their resume based on skills rather than professional achievements, students can effectively showcase their strengths and demonstrate their suitability for a particular role. 

This resume template lets you focus on your most marketable skills, making it easier for potential employers to quickly identify your strengths and match them with job requirements.

#12. College Resume Template

College Student Resume Template

Are you a college student looking to land your first gig? Then the College resume template is just what you need. 

Specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of college students, this template offers a comprehensive structure that lets you highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities , internships, and relevant coursework.

The College resume template lets you effectively showcase your education, skills, and experiences in a concise manner and contemporary style. The resume’s design is tailored to the specific needs of college students, increasing your chances of impressing potential employers and securing your next entry-level position!

#1. High-School Student Resume

High-School Student Resume

#2. College Freshman Resume

College Freshman Resume

#3. Internship Resume 

Internship Resume

Picking the right template for your resume is just a small first step toward landing your first gig. 

There are several other things you’ll need to do during your job hunt , such as networking with the right people, applying for the right positions for you, and continuously honing your skills. 

Here are some resources that are guaranteed to come in handy: 

  • Professional Networking | What Is It & Why It Matters . Networking is an excellent way to lay solid career foundations and make professional connections you can even use down the line. This article outlines all the benefits of professional networking and gives you 9 essential tips to get it right.
  • 30+ Jobs for Teenagers (Where & How to Look) . These jobs are perfect for students of all ages, from high school freshmen to college seniors, so start digging.
  • 101 Essential Skills to Put on a Resume . Without a solid work experience section, your skills section is the most important part of your resume. Do it justice by going through the most essential skills every resume should have in 2024.
  • How to List Computer Skills on a Resume . Nowadays, 92% of jobs require digital skills , according to the National Skills Coalition. Since students and younger professionals are more likely to be well-versed in digital skills, it’s good to know how to list such skills in your resume. Learn how with our article!
  • How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024 . Cover letters are still an essential part of job applications, so you shouldn’t submit one without attaching a cover letter. If you think writing a cover letter is even harder than creating a resume, though, head over to our dedicated article to become a cover letter pro.


By now, you should have realized how important it is to find the right student resume template if you want to land your dream job. 

We hope our list meets your preferences and can help you on your career path as effectively as possible! 

For more resources and career advice, make sure to visit our blog ! 

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Career Crafty

Resume Summary with No Experience: Examples for Students and Fresh Graduates

Resume Summary with No Experience

You’ve come to the right site if you’re wondering how to create a summary for a resume with no work experience.

I’ll show you how to make it step by step, and then we’ll look at resume summary samples for entry-level job searchers, students, and recent grads.

Let’s get this party started…

How to Write a Summary For Your Resume With No Experience:

To begin, a resume summary differs from a resume objective. It’s also a lot better. It is no longer necessary to include an objective on your resume.

Resume objectives are ineffective since they don’t tell the hiring manager anything they don’t already know (for example, “my goal is to secure a position in the __ industry”).

So what we’re doing here is superior, and it’ll help your resume stand out from others that only write an objective on their resume.

The resume summary, on the other hand, provides a concise highlight reel of your qualifications, schooling, and other accomplishments.

Check out this article for 10 resume summary samples if you’re not sure what a resume summary is.

While having some work experience makes it easier to figure out what to include, you can still write an effective resume summary if you don’t have any.

So, in this essay, I’ll show you how to do that. When you don’t have any work experience, what should you include in your summary?

1. Put academic accomplishments and leadership

What did you research? Have you recently received your diploma? Please make a point of it.

You can also include any leadership roles you’ve held in-class projects or school clubs/groups.

To gain the attention of the recruiting manager, you don’t have to be in a job! Taking on a leadership role in a sports setting is also impressive.

In most cases, you won’t highlight particular accomplishments in your resume summary (you can do so later in your resume), but you can state phrases like “proven leadership” or “natural leader,” for example.

2. Put your interests and passions

Do you have a love for startups and technology? That’s great, put it there.

Do you want to have a positive impact on the world by focusing your career on social issues? Please make a point of it.

This can contain not only your grades but also any leadership positions you’ve held and any clubs or organizations you’ve been a part of.

3. Put “hard” skills

You can mention any tools, technologies, or other skills you have in your resume summary. Don’t make a 20-item list. That’s why you have a “Skills” section.

However, choose the three or four items that are most relevant to the position you’re looking for.

In this post, we’ll look at two resume summary examples for persons with no experience… and you’ll see how this would look in the second case.

4. Put “soft” skills

Are you a master of deductive reasoning? Do you enjoy collaborating with others? Do you excel at multitasking and working in a fast-paced team setting?

While this should not be the primary focus of your resume summary section, it is worthwhile to highlight.

Soft skills are especially important to include if they are specified in the job description.

For example, if they indicate that they’re looking for someone who can multitask well in a fast-paced atmosphere and you think that describes you well, your resume summary is the spot to put it.

5. Put statements that will grab the employer’s interest and make them want to ask you questions!

They’ll want to know more about your leadership experiences if you mention it. That’s a positive development.

Remember, they’ll probably ask you about whatever you put.

So, while you create your resume summary, consider what you want them to talk about with you and what you want a chance to talk about.

Also, make an effort to “tailor” your resume to the companies to which you’re applying. Start your summary with “Startup enthusiast” if you’re applying to huge organizations.

3 Resume Summary Example for Students, Fresh Graduates, and Entry-Level Job Seekers:

In this section, I’ll show you three examples of how to create a resume summary if you have no experience.

As a student, entry-level job seeker, or for any job search when you don’t have experience, you can utilise these resume summary examples:

Resume Summary with No Experience – Example #1: Economics Student

Enthusiastic, highly-motivated Economics student with proven leadership capabilities, who likes to take initiative and seek out new challenges.

You’re demonstrating that you completed your Economics degree and have an interest in the subject by emphasizing leadership and making the reader want to learn more about it in the example above.

At the conclusion, you sound ambitious and motivated, which is usually a positive thing (I’m referring to the section where it says “who likes to take initiative and seek out new challenges”).

Take note of the format as well. This is the way I would phrase it. “I am a _ ,” don’t say. Simply begin with descriptive words.

For students or fresh graduates, this is a simple yet powerful resume summary sample.

Resume Summary with No Experience – Example #2: Fresh Graduate in Computer Science

Computer Science graduate passionate about data engineering and machine learning. Highly-capable leader, having led multiple Senior class projects to completion. Proficient in a range of modern technologies including Python, Java and Scala.

Even though you have no formal professional experience, this is another solid example of a student or recent graduate resume summary that nonetheless demonstrates your skills and academic concentration.

You’re stressing your successes and leadership as a student in this entry-level resume summary example, and you’re also demonstrating your enthusiasm for your career.

It’s much better to state, “I’m looking for a job in data engineering,” rather than just, “I’m looking for a career in data engineering.”

Because you applied, they’ll know you’re looking for work. Taking up space on your resume to mention that is a poor use of this section, which is why I never recommend adding an “Objective” section.

Instead of a “Objective,” there is a summary, which is far better.

The example above also contains some wonderful programming keywords (Python, Java, Scala) to assist you to get past any automated application processes and grab the attention of the hiring manager right away when they glance at your resume.

If you deal with any tools or technologies with names similar to these, you can mention them in your entry-level resume summary.

Photoshop, MS Excel, and other tools/technologies are examples.

If you opt not to include these in your resume summary, make sure you include them in other sections of your resume, such as your education or skills.

Resume Summary Example with No Experience #3: Math Student Graduating Soon

4th year mathematics student passionate about statistics and data analysis. Proven project leader. Active member of Boston University’s Mathematics Club. Speaker at 2018 “New York Young Mathematicians Conference.”

This student resume summary example demonstrates how to mention accomplishments even if you have never worked before.

Have you ever been a member of a school club? Have you ever been in charge of a class project? These are remarkable things that you can include in your resume summary even if you have no official professional experience.

How to Write a Resume Summary For Students/Fresh Graduates – Quick Recap

  • Instead of using clichés like “hardworking,” provide real academic accomplishments such as projects you’ve completed and activities you’ve led.
  • Include your areas of interest and passion to demonstrate why you are applying for this role.
  • Mention difficult talents like “Java Programming” or “Excel,” especially if they’re on the job description.
  • Include soft talents such as “great at multitasking,” especially if these keywords were mentioned in the job description.
  • Include statements in your resume summary that will pique the employer’s attention and encourage them to contact you and ask more questions. Remember, the purpose of your resume is to obtain an interview invitation. So, if you accomplished anything unusual, such as giving presentations, interning, or joining a school club, you can mention it in your entry-level resume summary.

If you follow the guidelines above, you’ll have an excellent entry-level resume summary that will stand out and attract the attention of a recruiter or hiring manager, resulting in more interviews.

After you’ve finished writing your entry-level resume summary, here are two more articles that can be useful while looking for a job with no experience:

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resume summary examples for students with no work experience

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How to Write An Effective Resume With No Work Experience (with Templates and Examples)

A recruiter-backed guide to writing an effective resume if you don't have enough (or any) work experience - with downloadable templates and examples.

3 years ago   •   13 min read

Navigating the job market without professional experience can seem daunting, but you can still write a competitive resume with no work experience. The key is to present the experience you do have, and show a recruiter why it’s relevant to them.

Remember, a lack of work experience doesn't mean a lack of skills or potential. Unpaid roles, student activities, internships, personal projects, and volunteer work can all provide substance for your resume, showing your potential to employers and highlighting your transferable skills.

In this guide, we'll take you through crafting a compelling resume without formal work experience, covering how to quantify your skills, focus on education, and fill your resume with competitive keywords.

How to write a resume with no work experience

If you're writing your resume but lack enough (or any) professional work experience, here's a quick step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  • Include any internships, extracurricular activities , freelance, and volunteer work to supplement your experience.
  • List your education section at the top of your resume.
  • Use numbers and metrics to quantify your skills and explain how your experience is relevant, even if it's in a different field.
  • Include a skills list of relevant keywords and competitive skills.
  • Include in-progress education, training and qualifications relevant to your desired field, and consider enrolling in online courses that match the job description.
  • Write a resume summary to highlight transferable skills and career goals.
  • Stick with a standard reverse chronological resume format. (Not sure what that means? Don’t worry; we'll explain below.)
  • Run your resume through a free online resume checker for personalized advice on targeting your resume to your application.

Remember, just because you lack paid work experience doesn’t mean you lack skills! All you need to do is learn how to highlight those skills in a way that will grab a recruiter's attention. Here is an example of how you can create a well-rounded resume with limited paid experience:

Resume template if you don't have enough experience

Top tips for creating a resume if you have no work experience

Here are 8 top tips for creating a professional-quality resume, despite having little to no work experience.

Highlight transferable experience

The experiences you highlight on your resume should be relevant and tailored to the job you are applying for, but that doesn’t mean they need to be in the same industry. Many skills are transferable between jobs and industries; these are the ones you want to highlight.

Look carefully at the job description and consider what you’ve done previously that demonstrates those skills. Recruiters look for transferrable technical skills, as well as soft skills, so demonstrate these through any experience on your resume, paid or non-paid.

Focus on accomplishments

Once you have decided what experience to include on your resume (more on that in our sections below), remember to talk about your accomplishments , not your job duties. “Responsible for closing the store every night” is a duty — it tells recruiters what you were asked to do, but not what you actually did or how you’re likely to perform in the job you’re applying for. Narrow down the accomplishments most relevant to the skills listed in the job description and focus on those.

Include a resume summary

Adding this optional section at the top of your resume can benefit those with limited or no work experience. A resume summary outlines your essential skills, experience, and noteworthy accomplishments to highlight why you're a good fit for the job.

Use the job title of the job you're applying for, regardless of your past experience, and list 2-3 key skills that match the job description. Mention if you have relevant background experience in that field, paid or not, and highlight any standout accomplishments.

For example:


Quantify your accomplishments and skills

Including numbers and metrics can help any experience look more impressive. This is known as quantifying your resume ; start with an action verb and include a metric or result that demonstrates your achievement.

If you’re having trouble coming up with metrics, here are some questions to consider:

  • How many people have you worked with? Instead of saying that you worked in a team, specify the size of the team.
  • How many people attended an event you organized? If it was for charity, how much money did you raise?
  • How many customers did you serve on an average day? How many sales did you make?

Here is an example of how to quantify a previous job on your resume:

Including numbers and metrics is the best way to make your accomplishments stand out on a resume.

Use the right keywords

Most resumes nowadays go through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) , automated programs that scan your resume for certain keywords. This means you have to include the right words on your resume to make it past the filter.

Search our list of top resume skills and keywords to get an idea of the specific skills hiring managers are looking for. Being a match for the essential skills the job requires is much more important than having the perfect background or experience!

Keep your formatting simple

You don’t need a fancy-looking resume to impress. In fact, going overboard with creative elements like downloaded fonts, colors, and images can actually do more harm than good. Stick with an easy-to-read font, clear section titles, and standard one or two-column format, or download a free resume template that does the work for you.

Use reverse chronological format

Reverse chronological format simply means that your most recent experience and qualifications are listed first. This is the most common format for modern resumes and is what most hiring managers are expecting. That applies to work experience, but also to your education, projects, and extracurricular activities.

Use a cover letter

You can get ahead of most other applicants simply by writing a cover letter . A cover letter is a great opportunity to talk about why you’re interested in the job and what you would bring to the table, which, when you lack traditional work experience, may not always be obvious from your resume alone.

Pro-tip: Choosing the right examples

If you’re not sure if you have chosen the right examples of your skills for your resume, upload it to the tool below to get a detailed review of your resume and personalized suggestions on how you can improve your word choice, brevity, impact and style, and if there are any critical keywords missing from your resume.

Professional resume template with no work experience

If you have little to no work experience, you can still write an effective resume with only unpaid experience (internships, online training, volunteer work, etc.) by highlighting your most impressive and quantifiable accomplishments, and accomplishments that showcase transferable skills.Here is a professional resume template you can use to improve your existing resume or build one from scratch. You can download this template and more from our resume templates page.

Resume with no work experience with a focus on extracurricular activities

Pro tip: For students writing their first resume

As a student or recent graduate, you will likely have limited or no experience to fill your resume. But don’t worry. This template is also for you!

Notice how this template lists extracurricular, volunteering and personal experiences as 'Leadership and Work Experience', and the resume starts with an Education section. This is a good approach to take if you're a student just getting started in your career.

You can download this template for free here .

Writing a resume for a career change with no previous experience

Making a career shift without prior experience in your proposed field can seem daunting, but it's not impossible. Just like the template above, your resume should focus on transferable skills and competencies that could apply to your desired role and highlight relevant training and certificates. The goal is to convince potential employers that while you may lack direct experience, you have the aptitude and enthusiasm to excel in this new career path.

For more information, read this article on updating your resume for a career change in 2024 .

Pro tip: Gaining industry-specific knowledge

Although you may not have direct experience in your new field, showing that you have done your homework about the industry can go a long way. This could include enrolling in online training, such as Google Career Certificates or Coursera online courses, attending seminars or workshops, or self-study. Make sure to mention these in your education or training section to show your initiative and commitment to learning about the new field.

How to write each section of your resume when you have no previous experience

There are important key sections that should be part of every resume, such as education and qualifications, work experience, hard skills and a resume summary. But don’t worry if you don’t think you have anything to write.

Below, we will explain how to tackle each section of your resume if you have little to no work experience, including formatting options, what to include and the best way to showcase your skills.

Education and qualifications

If you’re new to the workforce or are changing careers, your education and training are likely the most recent and most relevant experience you have. That means you can list your education section at the top of your resume, which takes some of the focus away from a limited work history.

Capitalize on this by elaborating on your academic achievements. Anything from relevant coursework to study abroad can be listed in your education section.

If you're a current student or recent graduate

If you’re a current student or recent graduate, you can also list your education section at the top of your resume above your work experience. The more recently you graduated, the more detailed you can make this section.

Include the name and location of your school, university or college, your field of study and your graduation date (or expected date if you’re yet to graduate). You can also include relevant honors or awards, and significant coursework.

Here is an example of how this would look on your resume, using the template above:


If you didn’t complete your degree

If you didn’t complete your degree , that’s not a problem. You should still list an unfinished degree on your resume a) if it's relevant, or b) until you have more work experience.

Include the name and location of your university, the field of your degree and the dates you attended school. You can also include the number of course hours completed.

Work experience

This is the dreaded section for most people. How are you supposed to write a work experience section when you don’t have any previous paid experience? You need experience to get a job, but you need a job to get experience!

The most important thing to remember is that experience doesn’t need to be formal or paid to be considered experience. Work experience can include volunteering, freelance work, internships, part-time jobs, extracurricular activities, or personal projects. These all demonstrate transferable skills that hiring managers are looking for.


Internships and student placements are ideal experiences for your resume since they’re still professional settings. You can list internships under your experience section, especially if you don’t have other paid experience.

Include the name of the company, the dates of employment and your specific job title, and list your experience in 3-6 bullet points describing your duties or accomplishments.

Example of how to list internships on your resume if you have no work experience.

Volunteer work

Volunteer work is another excellent substitute for paid experience. Just like an internship, volunteering can be listed in your experience section or a separate volunteer work section .

Include the organization's name, the dates you volunteered and your role within the company. List 1-2 accomplishments in bullet point format, and include accomplishments to demonstrate your skills.

Example of how to use volunteer experience on a resume with no work experience.

Extracurricular activities and projects

Extracurricular activities or personal projects are great ways to demonstrate relevant skills, especially when you don't have traditional paid experience. Both can showcase leadership , teamwork , or other valuable attributes, even if they are not specifically relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Think about the skills you demonstrated in your activities and frame those skills as accomplishments. List the name of the activity or project, your role, and then 1-2 bullet points detailing your accomplishments. Remember to start each point with a strong action verb and highlight your essential skills and achievements.

For an extracurricular activity, your entry might look something like this:

Example of how to write a resume with little to no work experience

For personal or community projects, ensure to include the focus of the project and your specific role. Here's an example:

Example of how to list projects on a resume with no work experience.

Freelance work

If you’re still struggling to think of things to include on your resume, consider gaining additional experience by starting up a side project , like running a blog or picking up freelance work .

Include the name of the company you worked for, your role, your date of employment and the projects you completed.

Work experience or no, you should still include a skills section on your resume . This doesn’t mean you need to list every skill you possess, just those most relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Look for the skills listed in the job description and list those if you have them. If you’re not sure what skills hiring managers are looking for, you can use Targeted Resume Tool and our skills and keyword finder to look for relevant skills to include.

How to list hard skills

Your skills section should only include hard skills . In other words, things you can prove and quantify, like proficiency with a software program or technical process. Good skills to list could include:

  • Software programs
  • Programming languages
  • Foreign languages
  • Certifications
  • Design skills
  • Data analysis
  • Specific types of writing, like proposal writing or SEO

If you have some experience with a skill but are not yet proficient, you can still include it on your resume. Consider arranging your skills by proficiency to show the skills you are currently improving.

How to show soft skills

Soft skills , like communication , leadership , and initiative , are great skills to have, but simply listing them isn’t going to impress a recruiter. Instead, consider a time you demonstrated those skills and include them in your bullet point accomplishments.

If you’re unsure which skills to include in your skills section, use the tool below to get a list of skills and keywords relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Additional sections

When you’re just starting out, anything that gives hiring managers a better sense of who you are and what you’re capable of could be worth including.

Here are some examples of additional sections you could include on your resume:

  • Certifications and Courses : If you've taken additional courses or certificates that are relevant to the job you're applying for, this is the place to include them. For instance, if you're applying for a digital marketing role, you might list a Google Career Certificate or a course in SEO.
  • Languages : Proficiency in foreign languages can be a significant asset in many roles. Whether you're applying for a job at a multinational company or a position that involves communication with diverse populations, list your language skills here. Ensure to mention your level of proficiency (beginner, intermediate, advanced, or fluent).
  • Professional Associations or Memberships : If you belong to any professional groups or organizations related to your field, mentioning them can demonstrate your commitment to your industry.

Remember, when including additional sections, the qualities or skills you’re trying to highlight should be directly relevant to the job, even if the experience itself isn’t.

Common mistakes to avoid when writing a resume with no experience

When creating a resume with no work experience, it's easy to fall into certain pitfalls. Avoid these common mistakes to write a strong and impactful resume:

Over-inflating your experience

While it's important to highlight your skills and activities, remember to remain honest and genuine. Overinflating your experience can lead to awkward situations during interviews and may raise doubts about your credibility. If you've been involved in student activities or volunteer work, these are great to include, but don't make them sound like full-time professional roles unless they were.

Not tailoring your resume

Many job seekers make the mistake of sending the same generic resume to every job they apply for. Tailor your resume for each specific job posting by highlighting the skills and experiences most relevant to that position. This shows employers you've put thought into how you would fit in the role and makes your application stand out.

Overusing buzzwords or vague language

One of the common pitfalls in resume writing is the use of overused or vague language. Phrases like "hard-working," "team player," and "detail-oriented" are often overused and do not provide concrete evidence of these traits. Instead, demonstrate these skills through specific accomplishments or responsibilities from your past experiences.

Including too much irrelevant information

When writing a resume with limited experience, it can be tempting to include everything you have ever done. While it might be tempting to include all your experiences and accomplishments, it's important to remember that recruiters often have a large number of resumes to go through, so your resume should be as concise as possible.

Only include the experiences and skills that can be related to the job you are applying for, and leave out information that does not directly support your candidacy for the specific role.

Forgetting to proofread

This may seem minor, but a resume riddled with spelling and grammatical errors can create a negative impression. Always proofread your resume multiple times, and consider having someone else look it over too.

Is it worth applying for jobs that require experience even if I don't have any?

Yes, it's always worth applying for jobs that require experience, even if you don't have any. Job requirements are often a ‘wishlist’ from employers, and not having every requirement doesn't disqualify you. It's more about how you can convey your transferable skills, whether it's from your education, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities.

Are there any potential red flags to employers if a resume has no paid work experience?

While a resume with no paid work experience may initially raise questions for employers, it's not an insurmountable hurdle. The key is in how you present your other experiences and skills. Employers understand that everyone starts somewhere, and they are more interested in your potential, adaptability, and willingness to learn.

How should I handle gaps in my resume due to a lack of work experience?

When you have little to no work experience, it's normal to have gaps in your resume . Instead of worrying about these gaps, focus on activities you undertook during these periods. You can include volunteer work, courses, personal projects, or relevant hobbies.

If the gap is due to education or training, that information should be clearly stated in your education section. Remember, employers are more interested in seeing a continuous journey of learning and development rather than a timeline filled solely with traditional employment.

  • Career Advice

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resume summary examples for students with no work experience

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

resume summary examples for students with no work experience

Best Things to Put on a Resume When You Have No Experience

In this ‘Best Things to Put on a Resume When You Have No Experience’ article:

  • Professional summary (even if you have no experience in your resume)
  • Key skills you’ve learned in school and other experiences
  • Education and academic achievements
  • Classes, training and certifications
  • Personal or academic projects relevant to the job
  • Awards and accomplishments
  • Extracurricular activities, sports and clubs
  • Volunteer work and activities

How to format a resume with no experience

The best things to list on your resume if you have no experience.

No professional experience on your resume? No problem – as long as you read this guide on how to write a resume when you have no work experience.

There are plenty of reasons why you may not have any previous work experience to list on your resume. There are many other things you can add to your resume to show employers that you are the perfect candidate for their open job post.

When you don’t have work experience, it’s important to highlight past activities, skills and other experiences you’ve had to show you have unique skills, professionalism and competency. When managers are hiring entry-level employees, the top two characteristics they are looking for in your resume are attitude and aptitude.

  • Attitude – a positive, hardworking, and likable personality
  • Ability – aptitude to get up to speed quickly on the job

Keep these two traits in mind while writing your resume and add any relevant experiences that show that you have the attitude and aptitude for the job.

1. Professional summary (even if you have no experience)

Modern day resumes call for a professional summary instead of a career objective. Your professional summary should come immediately after your name and contact information and will include two or three sentences giving a broad overview of your background, interests and abilities.

Since you don’t have work experience, your professional summary should include one or two adjectives describing your work ethic, your level of education, your relevant skills and your professional passions or interests. Each professional summary should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for.

Professional summary example #1: Proactive and personable aspiring restaurant server currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in hospitality from Coral Springs University. Collaborative, team player who strongly believes that the customer should always come first. Passionate about Italian food and strongly interested in working in a fast-casual restaurant setting.

Professional summary example #2: Analytical and detail-oriented aspiring Data Entry Clerk possessing an Associate of Arts degree. Mathematical-minded as demonstrated by advanced college coursework in mathematics and statistics. Interested in obtaining an entry-level position in the data analytics field.

2. Key skills you’ve learned in school and other experiences

After your professional summary, list your skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for. To get a good idea of the skills required for a job, simply browse job descriptions for that specific job title. Typically, within the requirements or qualifications section, there will be many skills listed that you can copy.

Don’t be afraid to list skills that you haven’t used in a professional setting. If you have learned about them in school or if you have practiced these skills during an extracurricular activity, list them! Just make sure you are honest during an interview about your level of competency.

Example of how to list less than 10 key skills in a resume:

  • Time Management
  • Professionalism
  • Public Speaking
  • Organizing and Filing

Example of how to list more than 10 key skills in a resume:

  • Leadership: Team Management, Resource Planning, Budgeting
  • Math: Data Entry, Data Analytics, Statistics
  • Professionalism: Active Listening, Office Etiquette, Professional Communication, Time Management
  • Languages: English (native), Spanish (basic proficiency)

3. Education and academic achievements

After your key skills, create a resume section for your education. List any degrees you have obtained or any degrees you are currently pursuing. If you stopped going to school before obtaining a degree, you can list the credits or hours you have completed.

For each degree, list the school, the location, your degree, your field of study and the dates you attended. You should also include academic honors and awards, such as graduating Cum Laude.

Example of how to list education in a resume #1: Coral Springs University, Coral Springs, Florida                        August 2018 Bachelor of Science in Biology; Minor in Psychology Graduated Magna Cum Laude

Example of how to list education in a resume #2: Coral Springs University, Coral Springs, Florida                        In Progress Associate of Arts

Example of how to list education in a resume #3: Coral Springs University, Coral Springs, Florida                        Aug 2010 – May 2016 Bachelor of Arts in Art History; 200 Credit Hours Obtained

4. Classes, training and certifications

Now it’s time to list any relevant classes, training, or certifications that are relevant for your resume.

For classes, include coursework that you took through school that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Just list the class title instead of the class number, such as ECON101. You can also write a brief description that is one to two sentences long to describe the course, if it is relevant to the job you’re applying for.

For every training session and certification on your resume, list where you received the training, the type of course taken, the date you received it, and the date it expires (if any).

Example of how to list a class in a resume: Intro to Hospitality – Introduction to the hospitality industry, including various types of career paths. In-depth lessons on the food and beverage sector, including the categories of restaurants and the different types of food service.

Example of how to list training and certifications: Coral Springs University, Coral Springs Florida                        Valid 9/2018 – 9/2021 First Aid & CPR Certified

5. Personal or academic projects relevant to the job

You can also list personal or academic projects relevant to the job you are applying for, such as a group project at school or a neighborhood summer bake sale. You just need to relate your projects with how you are a good fit for a company’s position. Before writing a project down, think about how you will explain its relevance during an interview.

Personal project relevant to a job:

For example, let’s say you hosted a bake sale in your neighborhood and are now applying for a job as a cashier at a grocery store. You could explain that while selling your baked goodies, you practiced your customer service, money handling, and food service safety skills.

Example of how to list a personal project in a resume: Summer Bake Sale – Hosted a summer bake sale in my neighborhood every weekend from April to August 2018. Created and handed out flyers, took and fulfilled customer orders, handled cash payments, and home baked all products. Skills learned include customer service, money handling, and food service safety.

Academic project relevant to a job

Including an academic project in a resume is straightforward. Include where the project took place, what class it was a part of, the title of the project, the date it was completed and a short summary of its purpose.

Example of how to list an academic project in a resume: Coral Springs University, Coral Springs, Florida                        August 2018 Intro to Hospitality Course – McDonalds Restaurant Analysis Group Project Worked within a team of 4 to analyze data on the revenue, size, and customer base of a popular fast-food chain in Florida. Created and presented findings during a course presentation. Was personally responsible for collecting data on McDonalds’ revenue and creating a PowerPoint presentation.

6. Awards and accomplishments

After relevant projects, create a section for awards, achievements, and accomplishments. You can list academic or school accomplishments, like ‘Best Presentation’ in a class or ‘Highest Grade’. You can also list any personal achievements, such as winning a medal in sports or coming in second place during a spelling bee.

For each award, achievement, and accomplishment, list where you received the award, the name of the award, the date you achieved it and a brief description, if necessary.

Example of how to list awards and accomplishments #1: Green Valley State, Green Valley, Michigan                        Spring 2018 Intro to Hospitality – Best Group Presentation (McDonalds Restaurant Analysis)

Example of how to list awards and accomplishments #2: Big Paws Swimming, Green Valley Michigan                        August & October 2018 100 Meter Butterfly – U18 Gold Metal

Related article: How to add academic achievements to a resume  

7. Extracurricular activities, sports and clubs

After you awards and achievements, create a section for extracurricular activities. List anything you are passionate about that shows your positive attitude and aptitude for the job you’re applying for, such as playing a musical instrument, clubs, sports and other activities. In your resume, list the relevant activity and include a brief description.

Example of how to list extracurricular activities, sports and clubs: Piano – Has played piano for 8 years and practices, on average, 4 hours per day. Babysitting – Babysits neighbors, 8 and 3 years old, twice a week. Swimming – Competitive swimmer, having won multiple gold and silver medals in state competitions.

8. Volunteer work and activities

Lastly, create a section for volunteer activities. This could be formal or informal volunteering, such as serving food at a local homeless shelter or helping your neighbor rake leaves. For each volunteer activity, include who you volunteered with, what your role was, the dates and hours you volunteered and a brief description.

Example of how to list volunteer work and activities in a resume: Coral Springs Soup Kitchen, Coral Springs, Florida                        January 2018 – Present 25 Hours – Meal Prep and Serving Prepares, serves, and cleans up after meal service at a local homeless shelter on a bi-weekly basis.

A clear, easy to read, and consistent format is essential for grabbing an employer or hiring manager’s attention, especially when you have no formal work experience.

How long should your resume be?

Your resume should be one page long if you have no experience. It is important for your resume to fill one entire page though, so you may need to add more detail in your resume or experiment with formatting so that it is a full page-long resume.

Related article: How long should my resume be?

The best fonts for a resume

Choose a traditional font like Times New Roman or Arial throughout your resume. Do not use more than one font type on the same resume.

Related article: Best fonts for a resume

The best font size for a resume

The size font you use on a resume will depend on how much you have written, as you need your content to fill up one entire page. A good place to start is using 16pt for your name, 12pt for your section headers, and 11pt for the body of your text. Experiment conservatively until your one-page resume looks complete.

The best color scheme for a resume

When you do not have a lot of work experience, it is usually better to use a simple black and white color scheme. Using plain black text on a white page is a safe choice on a resume.

The best paper to print a resume on

When printing your resume, print it on a crisp white page of printer paper. There is no need to spend extra money on fancy thick paper or colored paper.

A good resume is a consistent resume

Consistency is important for creating an impressive resume. This means all similar items on the page need to be aligned and formatted the same way. For example, if you decide to write your dates out in long-form and italicized, they need to be long-form and in italics every place there is a date on your resume. If you decide to put your school name in bold, every school name needs to be in bold.

Formatting sections on a resume

Clearly separate resume sections by formatting them in underlined and bold using a size that is one or two points larger than the rest of the text. This helps a hiring manager easily scan through your resume and pick out the important information fast.

When creating a resume, especially when you have no experience, it saves a lot of time to use a resume building template. Using a free resume template allows you to focus on writing the content without spending too much time on formatting.

Нow to Write a Resume Without Work Experience

I need a job to get experience, but I need experience to get a job. This vicious circle often scares students and graduates. How do I start the job search? Start with the best resume possible! 

This guide will show you:

  • How to create a perfect resume without work experience?
  • How to decide which information to include in your resume
  • Great samples to use if you are a student or just are looking for your first job and have no work experience
  • Magic tips to succeed at this task
  • Learn how to format that resume with no work experience

Dozens of people apply for the job you want to get. They have professional skills and achievements. 65% of employers are looking for experienced candidates.

What if you are a student? You may have an empty space in the section on experience. We don’t want empty white space so keep reading! You may find out you do have experience after all.

what employers value most in a student resume

If you are a college graduate and/or have an advanced degree, your resume for a college graduate with no official work experience can still look very impressive!

How to Structure Your Resume?

Your first resume with no work experience may include the following sections:

  • Title: contact information and desired position.
  • Brief information: career goals or objective.
  • Education: degrees and academic achievements ( academic projects, publications, practical experience such as internships, volunteer work, personal accomplishments).
  • Trainings and certificates
  • About myself

You will not only need this resume; You will need a cover letter as well. See our small guide on how to write one .

Stand out from your competitors.  Read each section of this guide and start writing.  Just because you are a student, do not be discouraged!  The resume for your first job as a student will look very professional!

Contact Information

Everything is simple here. You must indicate your full name, phone number, email address, city of residence.

Tip: Do not use unprofessional email addresses like littlesausage19@. Such applicants are simply not taken seriously or become the object of ridicule. Use a professional looking email; for example john.johnson@.

The same goes for social networks. Many serious companies search accounts to learn more about the identity of applicants. Make sure that your account, as well as other sources on the Internet, do not contain compromising photos or information.

How many recruiters use social networks to find candidates?

How recruiters search candidates

Career Objectives

There is no need to write here: “I will work for food”, “I am a student and agree to everything.” It’s better to indicate the position you are applying for. For example: trainee, assistant, sales assistant, operator, waiter, junior office manager.

Modern resumes include a summary section instead of career goals. This section goes after your name and contact information and includes one or two sentences about you, your interests, and achievements.

If you do not have experience yet, write about your level of education, relevant skills, professional interests, and work ethic. This section must be adapted according to the requirements of the job you want to have (see the vacancy description).  Even if you are a high school or college student with no work experience, this is a great chance to showcase your teambuilding, writing, computer, or other special skills.

Example No. 1:

“Beginner in the restaurant business, currently getting a bachelor’s degree at the Food Academy. I am a team player who firmly believes that the client is always right. Delighted with Italian food and very interested in working in a fast-food restaurant.”

Example No. 2:

“Author of coursework in mathematics and statistics. I have an effective data analysis and a mathematical mindset. Pay great attention to details. Interested in getting the position of Junior Analyst.”

Resume sample for the student:

Follow the link to use this resume

Education and Academic Achievements

After writing your Career Objective or Summary, you need to add a section with Education. Write here:

  • High School and/or University at which you studied
  • Your Degree Specialty(ies)
  • Academic Degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, or Certificate
  • The year you graduated
  • Awards, published papers, special projects related to that particular job, special relevant term papers or dissertations

Tip: You should add your GPA only if you graduated in the last three years, and if your GPA is above average.

For example:

University of Delaware MS. Computer Science September 2014 – May 2016 

Ohio State University B.S. Information Technology Area of Concentration: Software Engineering September 2010-May 2014

Tip: It is not recommended to use name abbreviations in the resume, because their meanings may not be clear to the employer. Write the names in full.

Extracurricular Activities, Sports and Clubs

Imagine that you are a HR-manager, and you need to choose between these two candidates:

Josh Nerder. Studied at University of Arizona, grades are excellent. But that’s all he did in college — no extracurricular activities, internships, or anything else.

Alex  Activeson. He also studied at University of Arizona, good. Vice President of the business club. He worked in the student parliament. He organized several marketing club events.

Of course, Josh probably has a solid theoretical base, but we don’t know anything about him, except that he studied a lot.

Alex, on the other hand, can manage a team (vice-president of a business club), organize events (marketing club) and bring in new proposals (student parliament).

So, which one would you choose?

And here is how Alex’s activity will look on the resume:

Extracurricular activity: Public speaking club Vice President 09/2018 – 09/2019

  • Over 10 public lectures organized
  • Speakers from all over the state are involved.
  • Public speaking event held


Finally, you can mention volunteering. This can be formal or informal volunteering; for example, serving food at a local homeless shelter or organizing a charity auction. For each volunteer event, indicate who you volunteered for, what your role was, the dates and hours you volunteered, and a brief description.

Awards and achievements

After section of experience (or alternative sections) create a section for awards and achievements. You can list academic or school achievements, such as “Best Presentation” in the classroom or “Highest Grade”. You can also list personal achievements, such as medals in sports. (if they reinforce your profile or illustrate personal qualities).

An example of how to list awards and achievements No. 1:

“Tourism in Broward County”,” Economics and Law”, August 2018. “Basics of Hospitality” – the best group presentation (analysis of McDonalds restaurant).

An example of how to list awards and achievements No. 2:

“Data Analysis of College Majors with the Highest Salaries”, group project for MBA degree.

Trainings, Courses, and Certificates

The ideal option is when you have higher education and want to work in your specialty. But life makes its own adjustments, and such ideal scenarios are far from real life. You may have realized that you are not interested in that profession, and you want to do something completely different

There are professions in which it is impossible to work without higher education – for example, doctors or chemical engineers. But for the rest (say, marketing and PR) there are online courses, distance learning, which may be quite reasonable and teach very specific skills. You can learn from the best professionals in the field at EdX, Udemy, or Coursera. Pass at least one course in the desired profession, get a certificate and indicate it on your resume.

Include the courses you completed at the University, if they are relevant to the position you are applying for. It is enough to indicate the name of the course, as well as add a brief description of what you have learned, and what skills you have acquired. Add a start and end date for the course.

Write about attending seminars, conferences, master classes only if they are related to the work you want to get.

An example of how to write about a course in a resume:

Hospitality Basics Course: Introducing the hospitality industry, including various career paths. In-depth lessons on food and drink, including categories of restaurants and various types of catering.

An example of how to list a certificate:

University of Phoenix, Certificate in Medical Coding, 2019. First Aid and CPR Certificate, 2018

Skills are divided into Hard Skills (professional skills) and Soft Skills (flexible skills of the applicant).

Hard Skills previously were critical, but priorities have changed over time. Employers more and more value Applicant’s Soft Skills, partly because it’s almost impossible to learn them, unlike professional skills that are achieved by practice.

Before filling out the section “Personal Qualities”, think about what is important in the profession that you have chosen. It can be an analytical mindset, determination, punctuality. Indicate these qualities, if you have them. Don’t lie! 🙂

what skills do employers value in students

Skill Types for Graduates and High School Students

Your resume may include skills that you have acquired in school, in extracurricular activities, in sports and volunteering. For example, if you played soccer, basketball, or other sports, you have teamwork skills. You were captain? You have leadership qualities.

Did you attend a computer class or learn programs? You have computer skills. Almost everyone has some level of communication skills. If you can keep up the conversation, speak in front of the class, or defend an essay at school, you have written/verbal communication skills.

When you successfully maneuver between personal demands and study, you are flexible. Have you worked on a group project? You have collaboration skills. Did you look after small children? You are reliable.

Top High School Skills

The following are examples of skills that almost every high school student has and almost all employers are looking for:

Communication skills (written and oral) Reliability / Responsibility Following instructions Industriousness Multitasking Organization Fast learner Energy Enthusiasm Initiative Thirst for research Teamwork Cooperation Leadership Positive attitude Digital Technology Technical Skills: Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop

Section “About Me”

We do not recommend indicating your hobbies; in fact, it is not very interesting for a recruiter (if he/she is interested, he/she will ask about them at the interview). It is better to use free space on your resume to talk about the types of tasks you would like to work on as well as areas of professional growth. This is much more interesting for the recruiter.

You can supplement the impression you give with personal qualities that correlate with the necessary skills. For example, for a lawyer, “attention to detail” and “handling stress well”.

You can also talk about your preferences at work.

For example: “I prefer work at a large international company” or “A flexible schedule is desirable.”

Tip: In fact, there is only one requirement: you should summarize your knowledge and skills in terms of the requirements of the vacancy to which you will respond.

Wrong (for the financier): “I like to travel and take pictures. I’m into running and skiing. Single, no children. Without bad habits”.

Right: “I have knowledge of banking products; I am familiar with the methodology of personal financial planning. I prefer to work alone with deep concentration on the task.”

Cover letter with Resume Without Work Experience

Do employers read cover letters?

45 out of 100 recruiters do not even bother to open a student’s resume if there is no cover letter attached to it. Therefore, writing a cover letter doubles your chances of getting into this interview.

Yes, that is correct. You can’t argue with statistics, can you?

Your task is to demonstrate how diligently and actively you want to gain experience. Therefore, the cover letter fulfills precisely this goal. Bet on energy, prospects, lack of family obligations, willingness to devote yourself to work in the name of acquiring the necessary skills. The decision making factor is completed higher education, additional courses, knowledge of foreign languages.

How to issue?

The fastest way is to use an already-prepared template for this purpose. Recommended size – 1 A4 page. You can edit sections, as well as add your own photo. Note that U.S. resumes and cover letters do not contain photos as a rule.

In CV2you, select the Smart or Simple template . It lacks white space for work experience, and correctly placed accents focus the employer’s attention on your education and personal qualities.

Takeaway Tips

  • Try to convince the recruiter that you will offer such a level of return to the company that even candidates with 5 years cannot provide. Use the details from your research on the company to demonstrate that you already know something about it (look at the website / social networks, google the latest news, if it is a large company).
  • Contact the recruiter by name: find out the name of the hiring manager. Personal appeal is captivating from the start.
  • Demonstrate that you are already “included” (at least with one foot) in the required circle of knowledge/communication; you can mention which courses you have completed, literature you have read, or a fact from the latest industry news.
  • Read our article on how to write a cover letter with examples .
  • Give the text for verification to a competent person; perhaps there are errors in it.
  • Highlight any relevant skills or experience you have that are unique or hard to find in other candidates. For example, if you speak multiple languages or have experience working in a particular industry or with a certain type of technology, emphasize how this could be an asset to the company.
  • Provide specific examples of past achievements that demonstrate your potential value to the company. This could be something like a project you spearheaded that resulted in significant cost savings, or a successful marketing campaign you ran that generated a high ROI.

Use perfect verbs in your resume:

Wrong: performed, received.

Right: made, reached, read, received.


Well, now you know how to create a resume without work experience, and the CV2you template will help you with this!  Whether you are a high school student, a college student, or a college graduate with no formal work experience, you can find the tools to create a professional resume that will give you the best chance to land your first job.

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How to Write a Resume With (Literally) No Experience

There are lots of articles out there on what to do in this situation. However almost all of them tell you to add on volunteer work which is in fact experience, thus defeating the point of the entire article. This is a ridiculously common mistake that a lot of these articles make. So I'd rather ask people what to do here. What goes on the resume when you have no (none, zeeeero) experience at all? I haven't been to 20 different colleges so I can't fill the page with that either by the way.

Also while I understand that people say that adding "soft skills" such as the ability to be a decent person or the ability to follow directions is a good idea, I don't know if employers really want to see that. I get the feeling that "excels in communication" is something that employers just gloss over. But maybe I'm wrong... I really don't know what to put on the thing. Any ideas?


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  24. How to Write a Resume With (Literally) No Experience : r/jobs

    A project alone can easily account for 1/6 of the resume space. • While it seems contradictory to include volunteer experience in place of no experience, it's generally easier to pick up volunteer work and it requires fewer commitments than a job would have. If nothing else, it's a few bullet points you can add. Reply.