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Article Writing Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

July 28, 2021 by Prasanna

Article Writing Class 9

To write an article the key points are:

  • good heading with a byline
  • good introduction
  • develop cause-effect relationship
  • comparison and contrast
  • conclusion.

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. You can also visit the most accurate and elaborate  NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English . Every question of the textbook has been answered here.

Note that to write an article the above points should always be kept in mind.

Article Writing Solved Examples With Answers for Class 9 CBSE

Question 1. With the coining of the rains, there has been an outbreak of malaria in your locality. Write a newspaper article explaining the dangers caused by the outbreak and the preventive measures that need to be undertaken. Write the article in about 100-150 words. Answer:

Heavy Rains Result in Malaria Outbreak (your name)

The constant ram for the past few weeks has brought about an epidemic in the city. The coming of the rains marks not only a change in season and temperature but it also signifies the onset of a series of health issues. Public health officials have notified that because of the constant rain, mosquitoes have been found breeding in many parts of the city which has stagnant water and this has resulted in the outbreak of malaria.

Malaria is an infectious disease that is spread by mosquitoes. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, vomiting as well as headaches. Malaria can even lead to deaths. The city already has 27 confirmed cases of malaria victims and many patients have been kept under the provision.

Public health officials have notified the public to keep their surroundings clean and prevent water from stagnating in and around their homes. The public has also been advised to use mosquito repellents and if any one shows symptoms of malaria, they are requested to head straight to the hospital for treatment.

Question 2. While going through your old school magazine, you found an interesting article by Ravi Jatav about what it would be like 5 years from now. Complete the magazine article by using your own ideas and thoughts. Write the article in about 100-150 words. Answer:

Five years from now Ravi Jatav

We won’t be the same five years from now. Maybe you would have lost your Mohawk hairstyle and I, my love for guitar. Maybe five years from now I will have new friends or maybe I’ll still be with my old school friends. I keep thinking of what would happen after school and where will I be five years from now and this same thought is what makes us all anxious.

Being in school for all these years never prepares you for what’s next. Maybe it’s right to be anxious because one has to decide about what career to take up and where to go in life. By five years’ time, we would have made our choices and decisions.

Maybe five years from now I’ll be selected for an internship by a company I’ve always dreamed of working at and I would have never started pursuing this dream if I hadn’t been sleeping and dreaming in class.

Article Writing Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples pdf 1

Need for Green Housing Complex by: Anuj

Living in a concrete tower complex, much above ground level does not lead to environmental destruction if certain precautions are taken.

The buildings can be surrounded by ample green spaces like parks, walking tracks, water bodies, yoga, and related mind-body enhancement rooms. Terrace gardens on a few floors, a jogging track on the rooftop, and even tree plantings along boundary walls can help reduce noise pollution and provide oxygen.

Environmental measures of reduction, reuse, and recycle must be practised by adopting rainwater harvesting measures, as well as garbage collection for energy production, and the use of LED lights to serve the lighting needs. Green patches all over the place for people to walk bare-foot can also be considered as that provides as healing touch from mother earth.

Nearness to bus stops would reduce private car use while airy rooms and designed spaces inside homes, would create happy families so that living becomes healthy and energetic.

Question 4. A rally was organised by the women of ‘Welfare Organisation’. All the women were holding banners such as

  • We are not weak
  • don’t treat us like this
  • reserve seats for women in colleges and parliament
  • grant women their due
  • stop harassment

Write an article on in 100-150 words on ‘The Sufferings of Indian Women’ for your school magazine. You are Suresh/Shivani of DAV Public School, New Delhi. Answer:

The Sufferings of Indian Women by: Suresh

In Indian society, women have customarily been kept subservient to men. The traditional mindset gives preference to sons over daughters. Sex determination and female infanticide are common practices, even among the educated classes. Though women have been emerging as eminent writers, political leaders, High Court and Supreme Court judges, yet their ratio in comparison to men is negligible.

Though the Constitution grants equal rights to women, most of them are ignorant of these rights.

Women are still abused and exploited. Even educated working women are not able to stand up to their rights. The need of the hour is to change the patriarchal mindset. Women must be brought into the social and political mainstream for their economic, social and political development. The gap between legal rights and the attitude of society needs to be bridged. Women of India need to be empowered for a strong and healthy society.

Question 5. Write a paragraph on each of the following: Electronic Waste and Environmental Pollution Answer: Electronic waste and Environmental Pollution!

Electronic waste or E-waste means old or discarded appliances using electricity. It may include computers, cell phones, refrigerators, etc. that have been disposed of. The processing of electronic waste in developing countries causes serious health and pollution problems.

Fast technology change, low initial cost and usage of old items have resulted in continuous growth of electronic waste around the world. Expensive electronics are extremely difficult and expensive to recycle. Electronic waste includes toxic substances that can prove hazardous if not processed properly. Informal processing of it can lead to serious effects on human health and environmental pollution.

E-waste threatens the future technology. But reusing old appliances is also not a choice since not all old computers can be used by a second consumer. Therefore, recycling and remanufacturing are the current solution to control E-waste. Proper disposal of e-waste is also mandatory to address the issue of environmental pollution.

Question 6. You are Mariam/Mayur. You see the following news item in a daily. Write an article in 100-150 words expressing your views on how to make the complex attractive for night tourism. Tall Makeover for Qutab In another month, the Qutab Minar complex will be opened to night tourism. Two months from then, a ? 50-lakh plan will transform the area. Answer:

Tall Makeover for Qutab Minar by: Mariam

The opening of Qutab Minar to night visitors is a popular and an imaginative move. This project to transform the complex, needs to be backed by a comprehensive plan of development.

For a start, the parking lot should be spruced to create a satisfactory green cover around the complex. Flood-lit by night, it would create an illusion of a fairyland.

Likewise, the existing green belt along the road, can be converted into a convenient parking lot. The changeover will look more serene.

Another place that needs to be made convenience-oriented, is the ticket counter. Currently, there is no other utility around it. Perhaps a bookstore and a cafeteria would be a useful addition. With these amenities, visitors will have no regrets. With such facilities, the tourism will also get a boost and the Qutab Minar that stands tall as the tallest building of Delhi today will still stand taller!

Article Writing Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples pdf 2

Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy such as heat, light etc. The emergence of great factories and consumption of coal gas give rise to unprecedented are pollution.

People of the city are also to be blamed for inviting this situation upon themselves. People living in the vicinity, should form carpools to reduce traffic pollution.

People should form action committees and get closed factories that release poisonous gases as well as chemicals into the water. Residents should launch afforestation drives to make the city green. It is a good sign that the awareness to pollution has already given rise to the “Save Our Environment Movement”.

Question 8. In 2010, the United Nations declared Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s birthday (15th October) as World Students’ Day. Write an article on the importance of the youth/young students in the making of a New India. (120-150 words) Answer:

Importance of the Youth/Young students in the making of a new India by: ABC

Youth are the building blocks of the society. They are the miraculous power of any country and current hope of a mankind. They are a strong base that is required to form a new and better India. Youths have energy, new motives with wide perspective along with the capability to bring a wave of change in the silent sea. No one can match with the level and aura that young students can get in to form a New India.

It’s high time all these oldies took a backseat and allow young ones to come into the power. We have new ideologies and constructive views with a better vision. If we desire for success, prosperity, peace and safety to be accomplished, active participation of youth is a must. They are the one who can contribute their best by giving their best. Given the opportunity, they can work wonders.

All the issues can be easily overcome provided the entire youth power and resources are utilized under the guidance of dedicated leaders. We, youth, are invincible. Try us and we will conquer the world with integrity.

Question 9. Your neighbour’s daughter has been selected as Miss India this time. The local daily has asked you to file an article for the Neighbourhood Times on the homecoming of Miss India. Write the article in 100-150 words. Answer:

A Grand Welcome for Miss India by: Varun

With the news of neighbour’s daughter’s selection as Miss India, welcome preparations had lasted throughout the night. The elders received her with flowers and the customary ritual, as she posed for photographs in her bejewelled Miss India crown and sash. It was a moment of pride not only for our neighbours but for the entire city. Speeches that were given in her honour talked of her hard work, will power and determination. She had won the hearts of billions across the nation and had now become a source of inspiration for many a teenager.

Flashlights and mobiles clicked scores of pictures in company with awestruck girls eager for pointers for the next contest. The boys, meanwhile, gave their Didi a pillion ride on their motorbikes to the nearest park, where a band played ‘Congratulations and Celebrations’ as they pushed her high up on a swing, drowning her cries for help with good-humoured laughter all around.

Question 10. This year during the coming summer vacations your parents have decided to skip the annual family holiday. To spend your time usefully, you decide to take up gardening as a hobby. Write an article in 100-150 words on what you perceive are the benefits of taking up such a hobby. Answer:

Benefits of Gardening as a hobby by: Rama

On seeing the bare patch below our ground-floor flat becoming a dump yard for the community, I felt I had the right opportunity awaiting for me to do gardening there during my annual holiday.

Buying myself a simple set of tools, I asked the local park gardener to help me with planting a neem tree which sprouted new leaves within a week.

A positive effect of this gardening exercise is that I have begun to rise early and be outdoors tending and watering the patch, which is now grassed and trimmed with a small hedge.

It conceived in me a sense of purpose and confidence and it helped me make new friends, as pedestrians and passersby invariably stop to compliment my efforts and exchange a friendly chat.

Question 11. In groups of four, discuss in favour of or against the topic: “New technology is common, New thinking is rare.” Answer:

New Technology is Common, New Thinking is Rare by: Rama

I fully agree with the view that ‘new technology is common but new thinking is rare. In today’s technological era, new technologies have indeed made the life easier but they come with their own side effects. For example, smart phones have made most of the work easier to do but it has his disadvantages too. People don’t have the logical thinking to reap maximum benefits out of it but are using it without thinking of its negative effects.

We must understand that technology is more than just entertainment. It affects the way we think, learn, and interact; and to materialize this thought we must think innovatively as to how to use the technology for our benefit only not to harm us. We must find some innovative ways to deal with challenges of life rather than developing newer devices, leading to more problems.

Article Writing Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples pdf 3

Slum Woes by: Nidhi

The Ujaala-Umeed Colony, adjacent to the market, belies its name. It is a cluster of raw leather, plastic sheets and tin sheds that announces its presence with foul smell and civic apathy.

The first impression is of a constricted space teeming with people. Engaging with them one finds that 60% residents are migrants and 12% families are related by kinship or through village ties. They prefer living here as incomes are low, making room renting a distant dream. The main bread earners work in the nearby factories, construction sites (about 8%) or on road repair work (30%) and commute to the workplace by foot.

Battling disease, water shortage (15%), poor sewerage with 20% open drains and ill-lit road is their daily routine. With indifferent local representatives, these people seem like a forgotten race.

Question 13. The debating society is preparing for a prestigious inter-school debate competition. As student-in-charge of the debating society, write an article in 100—150 words on the general guidelines that must be followed when speaking on the stage. Answer:

Presentation Perfect by: Gita

Symptoms like heart pounding, knees buckling and throats running dry, universally affect students speaking on stage. These problems can he allayed with a few remedial tips.

Besides rehearsing the written matter, familiarity with the equipment is essential. The mike should be tested before you start speaking, and the lap top keyed on, to ensure that the projections are symmetrical, and the right keys pressed to get the image on screen.

The pace of speaking must be rehearsed beforehand, with contents neither raced through, nor interrupted with dramatic questioning. Also, anticipating a few questions and preparing their answers, ensures that you do not fumble during the rebuttal round. A very important point to remember is to constantly maintain an eye-contact with the audience.

Then confidently walk to the stage with a spring in your step. The rest will follow smoothly.

Question 14. You have experienced a very hot summer this year. Taking ideas from the hints given, write an article in 100-150 words for your school magazine on ‘Why is it Warmer in the Cities and What can be done to Improve the Environment in the Cities’. Give a suitable heading to your article.

  • buildings are a city’s wind brakes
  • heat from the streets/vehicles

Article Writing Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples pdf 4

City Environment by: Vishwesh

City temperatures remain high for a number of reasons. The concentration of tall buildings disrupts the airflow while a Greenhouse Effect is created by the emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases. The vehicular exhausts, gases and fumes that hang over the city trap the heat in. Concrete buildings and roads absorb heat and release it at night. Smoke from factories, homes, vehicles, etc. also makes the atmosphere warm.

Since hot air is not able to rise, the temperature in the city soars high. In recent years, all possible efforts have been made to restore the normal environment in the cities. Conversion to CNG and phasing out of polluting vehicles are steps taken to sustain the congenial environment in the cities. Planting more trees, holding environmental awareness campaigns, barring the heavy vehicles such as trucks from entering the city are also some more measures taken up by the government to help the city environment.

Question 15. More and more people are now used to carrying mobile phones to their workplaces. However, the use of mobile phones can be dangerous at times. Write an article in 100-150 words on ‘Mobile Culture — The Ethics’. Take hints from the information given. Don’t use mobiles…

  • while driving
  • at petrol pumps
  • inside an aircraft
  • when in ICU
  • if you are near a heart patient or someone who has a pacemaker

Mobile Culture — The Ethics by: Shailender

Like other gifts of science, the mobile phone is being misused. It has become a toy in the hands of people—a means to display their status.

One needs to understand that a mobile phone is essentially an object of utility or a necessity and not a plaything. Students ought not to carry the mobile phone in the classroom as it is a distraction. While driving, one needs to keep it switched off as it can make the driver lose his or her concentration. At public places, it should be kept on the vibration mode and one must be brief while talking.

Its overuse can be hazardous to health. There have been numerous cases of young deaths where the boys and girls have been walking on railway tracks with headphones on resulting in their deaths when not listening to the sounds of the approaching trains. One needs to clearly draw a line between the use and misuse of mobile phones.

Question 16. As President of the Tagore Society at school, you learned that this year marks the 90th anniversary of Tagore’s visit to Argentina. You have been invited by the Argentine Embassy to send in an article in 100-150 words on the topic for publication in the embassy newsletter. Answer:

Tagore in Argentina by Preet Singh

It was the 90th anniversary of Tagore’s visit to Argentina. Argentina Embassy in India was celebrating the anniversary to make the occasion. I would like to recall that ‘Gitanjali’ had just won the Nobel Prize, Tagore’s name was known in literary circles and one of his fans, Victoria Ocampo, immediately offered to house him at her villa. But Victoria’s parents were unwilling to pay for Tagore’s accommodation. Ultimately, Victoria sold her precious pearl necklace to buy a charming villa by the river Plate in the suburb of San Isidro.

During the two-month stay, Victoria discovered the essence of Tagore’s poetry and its connection to the mysterious human spirit in the mankind. Thus, Tagore got highly applauded in Argentina.

Question 17. There is a widespread craze for junk food among the youth. They are consuming junk food at an alarming rate which harms their health. Based on the clues given below, write an article in 100-150 words for your school magazine highlighting the harmful effects of junk food and how to avoid it.

  • Unhealthy & unhygienic
  • Cause of obesity & diseases
  • Popular as cheap & tasty
  • lacks in essential nutrients [CBSE 2014]

Harmful Effects of Junk Food by: Mithilesh

It is found that the youth today are crazy to consume junk foot at random. They hardly bother to think that junk food would take a toll on their health. In fact, they should understand that junk food like pizza, burger, chowmein, etc. are not healthy food, in spite of being cheap, tasty, and popular. According to many case studies, junk food consumers suffer from obesity and heart diseases. So, healthy eating habits should be developed among the youth to enjoy good health.

The parents have a great role to play in this case Unfortunately, they also encourage children to have junk food as it is convenient and popular. It is important to know how such food items lack in essential nutrients. If junk food is replaced by a healthy diet with rich nutrients, the youth can be healthy physically and mentally and can prove the old adage right that “A sound body has a sound mind”.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

CBSE Class 9 English Letter Writing – Articles

November 7, 2019 by Bhagya

Formulae Handbook for Class 9 Maths and Science Educational Loans in India


The students will be asked to attempt a long piece of composition of minimum 100-120 words in length. The composition will be in the form of an article. The students may be provided with a verbal or visual input. They can take help from the given input, information or notes and can expand them in their own language to 100-120 words. Sometimes the given input can be in the form of a figure, a diagram or a cartoon. The aim of the examiner by inserting an input is only to provide clues along which the article has to be developed. The subject on which the article can be based may be burning social, cultural, economic, ethical, behavioural, religious and political issues. You may be asked to write an article on any topic under the sun.

You can master in English Grammar of various classes by our articles like Tenses, Clauses, Prepositions, Story writing, Unseen Passage, Notice Writing etc.


  • Always study the given input, information or notes carefully.
  • Arrange them in a systematic order.
  • Develop each point in a simple, grammatically correct language.
  • Your article must present your ideas not in a sketchy but in a coherent and logical manner. Develop your writing into paragraphs.
  • Confine yourself to the given subject. Superfluous and unnecessary details must be avoided at all cost.

More Resources for CBSE Class 9

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  • NCERT Solutions Class 9 Science
  • NCERT Solutions Class 9 Social Science
  • NCERT Solutions Class 9 English
  • NCERT Solutions Class 9 Hindi
  • NCERT Solutions Class 9 Sanskrit
  • NCERT Solutions Class 9 IT
  • RD Sharma Class 9 Solutions


Question 1: Taking help from the verbal input given below along with your own views, write an article on ‘Cleaning and Rejuvenating the Ganga’. You are Nikhi/Neha. Hints: • Cleaning the Ganga • an unprecedented national social effort • Govt, committed to clean and rejuvenate the Ganga • SC not satisfied • a time bond proposal to fulfill the mission • inland waterways • river navigation • extending sewerage infrastructure • prevent open defecation • restoring wholesomeness of the Ganga • development of ghats • Zero liquid discharge by   industries • provisions for public amenities for pilgrims and tourists. Answer: Cleaning and Rejuvenating the Ganga                                                                                        —Nikhi/Neha The Ganga is not merely a river for all the Indians and more particularly to the Hindus, but it is the lifeline of India and the physical and spiritual nourisher of crores of its people. It is a symbol of India’s great heritage, ancient traditions, cultures, songs and stories. We can’t think of India without the Ganga and the Himalayas. Unfortunately, the sacred Ganga has become one of the most polluted rivers of the world in recent years. Fortunately, the Modi government has shown its commitment to clean and rejuvenate the Ganga. Uma Bharti heads a specially created ministry for cleaning the holy river. Cleaning the Ganga will be an unprecedented national social effort. What makes the Ganga a heavily polluted river? Various factors and causes contribute to make the river what it is. The worst criminals are more than one thousand industries that discharge their toxic wastes into the river. The government will have to take strict measures to treat solid and liquid discharges making them totally pollution free. The sewerage infrastructure will have to be exteftded and updated. The people residing on the banks will be involved and enlightened. Burning and throwing of dead bodies into the river must be stopped. Open defecation on the banks will have to be stopped. Development of ghats at Kedamath, Haridwar, Varanasi, Kanpur, Allahabad and Patna is an important feature of the plan. Provisions for public amenities for pilgrims and tourists will be made. Inland waterways river navigation will be another priority.

Question 2: Taking help from the information given below and inventing your own ideas, write an article on ‘Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’ or ‘Clean India Campaign’. Hints: • ‘Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’ • announced by the PM on 15th August, 2014 • launched on 2nd October • addressed public rally at Rajpath • himself swept a parking at Mandir Marg Police Station and pavement in Valmiki Basti • aims to accomplish the vision ‘Clean India’ by 2019 • 3 million govt, employees and students to participate • responsibility of all 1.25 billion Indians • not only the responsibility of ‘Safai Kaamgar’ • mission beyond politics • inspired by patriotism • good response on the social media. Answer: Swachha Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Campaign                                                                             —Abhishek Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched his nationwide cleanliness campaign, the ‘Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’ or ‘Clean India Campaign’ from the Valmiki Basti on 2nd October, 2014. Addressing the nation at the launch, Modi asked 1.25 billion people to join the ‘ Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’ and promote it to everyone. Modi himself swept a pavement at Valmiki Basti, a colony of sanitary workers. Launching the campaign, Modi reminded the people that cleanliness is not only the responsibility of the ‘Safai Kamgars’ but also the responsibility of 1.25 billion Indians. The Prime Minister assured the nation that ‘Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’ is beyond politics. The Prime Minister also started a social media campaign. He invited nine people to join the campaign and they would invite another nine people. He invited master blaster Sachin Tendulkar, Bolywood stars Aamir Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Salman Khan, Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev and industrialists like the Ambanis. The Prime Minister showed his deep concern at mothers and daughters going in the open to relieve themselves. More than 60% people in India defecate in the open. Constructing toilets in schools and villages, particularly for girls and women, would be the top priority for the government. The Prime Minister also pledged to people saying, “I would not litter and won’t allow anyone to do so”.

Question 3: You happened to overhear the following conversation: Rahul : Where have you planned to go during the summer holidays? Jeevan: I wish I could go and enjoy boating on the Dal Lake. Rahul : Is it safe to go to Kashmir now? Don’t you hear a lot about terrorism in the newspapers? On hearing this dialogue you decide to write an article for a local daily on the need to provide security at tourist spots and suggest ways and means by which such spots could be made more attractive to tourists. Using ideas from the unit on ‘Travel and Tourism’ along with your own ideas, write the article. Answer: Tourism and Terrorism                                                                                                                        —Shifali Kashmir is called the ‘Paradise on Earth’. It is quite unfortunate that this paradise is living in the shadow of terrorism. The peace and tranquility of the valley has been shattered by the acts of terrorism. The valley echoes with the bursts of bullets. Gone are the days when the Dal Lake was overtaken by the inflow of tourists from different parts of the world. Now empty hotels and unoccupied shikaras look towards tourists to occupy them. Tourism in the valley is in shambles. The biggest source of income to the state and the local people has disappeared. The unabated terrorism of the two decades has tarnished the grandeur and glory of Kashmir. Tourism and terrorism can’t go together. Law and order must be restored. The youth of Kashmir and other places of tourist interest have the biggest stake to maintain peace and harmony. Local handicrafts and artefacts are in great demand in every part of India. If peace and order is maintained, Kashmir will not take long to attain its old grandeur and glory.

Question 4: Pramod/Pramila comes across the following visual in a magazine. He/She feels quite happy to see the progress made by India since its Independence. He/She decides to write an article for the school magazine on the topic entitled “India’s Progress since Independence”. Using ideas from the visual and your own ideas, write the article.

CBSE Class 9 English Letter Writing - Articles Q4

Question 5: Man is basically a social animal. He depends on others for his survival and existence. He has to work with others and must know how to get the best out of a team. Taking these ideas, write an article on ‘How to Get the Best out of a Team’. Answer: How to Get the Best out of a Team                                                                                                    —Surbhi Man is a social animal. He can’t live in vacuum. He has to depend on others to make a living. He has to bond with others and be a part of a team. Working in a team is quite a challenge. One ha§ to adjust himself to the requirements of his team. A team must work like a well oiled machine. Only then it can produce great results. All the members of a team must work together selflessly to achieve a common aim or goal. Working in a team is really a healer and a stress buster. Success or failure is not an individual’s responsibility. It is a collective responsibility. A good teamwork demands a perfect and effective communication between all the members of the team. A strong leadership controls the individuals and goad them to achieve the common goal. Conflicts are avoided. The focus is on unity and cooperation. Mutual jealousy and conflict of interests have no place in a team. Negative attitudes should be discouraged. Each member should have deep respect and appreciation of others’ abilities and skills.

Question 6: Taking help from the information given below and inventing your own ideas, write an article on ‘Books—Our Best Companions’. Hints: • Human relations can be deceptive and unreliable • Books—our best companions • Our friends and guides • Educative as well as informative. Answer: Books—Our Best Companions                                                                                                                —Yashita Man is a social animal. He can’t live in isolation. Our human friends, relatives and companions can prove unreliable and treacherous. They can harm our interests. However, books are our real companions, friends and guides. They enrich humanity. They are a storehouse of knowledge. They have educative as well as informative value and importance. Let us live in the company of books. They will never betray or deceive us. We can look towards them for guidance, learning and entertainment. Shakespeare’s dramas have a universal appeal. Homer, Balmiki and Ved Vyas have given us immortal works. ‘The Ramayana ’ and ‘The Mahabharat ’ are read by millions of people. Keats’ poems are things of beauty that give us joy forever. Tagore’s ‘Gitanjali ’ transports us to a highly spiritual and philosophical world. Prem Chand’s ‘Godan ’ unfolds rustic life and its problems. Books are our best companions. If you are alone, you can take up a book of your choice and taste it and very soon you become a part of it. Books on travels and adventures are not informative but also quite exciting. The biographies of great men like Lincoln and Gandhi can be a source of inspiration. It is never too late to enter the world of books. The sooner you enter, the better it is.

Question 7: Over the years there has been a steady increase in the number of students from different towns and cities of India seeking admission in colleges in the metropolitan cities. As a consequence, colleges in the metros have failed to accommodate the rising number of students due to severe shortage of seats. Write an article for your school magazine drawing attention to the anxiety and pressure faced by students during admission time. Suggest ways to combat the shortage of seats. You are Mohan/Mohita, a student of A.K. International School, Agra. Answer: Shortage of Seats in Colleges                                                                                                        —Mohan/Mohita Over the years there has been a steady increase in the number of students seeking admission in colleges. Most of the students try to seek admission in colleges in the metropolitan cities. Hence, the colleges in the metros have failed to accommodate the rising number of students due to severe shortage of seats. During the last decade, the number of students seeking admission has been rising by 10,000 students every year. The number of seats has remained stationary for the last five years. The result is quite disappointing. Thousands of students miss out their chance of getting higher education. Many others have to console themselves by enrolling themselves on the Correspondence Courses or the Distance Education coaching. The students as well as their parents have to face a lot of anxiety and pressure during the admission time. The concerned authorities can’t sleep over the problem any longer. The problem should be given the top priority. It demands a comprehensive solution. The colleges in the metros must take immediate steps to increase the number of seats. Another practical suggestion is to make provision for evening classes in the colleges. Evening classes in all the colleges can accommodate most of the students who can’t get admission in the regular Day-colleges. Guest lecturers must be appointed to serve the needs. The authorities must wake up before it is too late.

Question 8: You are Mansi. You visited “The Green Gardens Resort” during the holidays. Write an article for your school magazine about why the place attracted you. Include the following: Hints: • Accessibility • Reasonable charges • Hygienic surroundings • Scenic beauty • Facilities   available. Answer: The Green Gardens Resort                                                                                                                        —Mansi During the autumn vacation, I visited the Green Gardens Resort near Ooty. Situated in the scenic Neelgiri hills, it is really a wonderful resort. It is about ten kilometres from Ooty on the Wellington road. Wrapped in the lush green surroundings, it is just a paradise on earth. The Green Gardens Resort is spread out in approximately ten acres. It is a luxury resort that caters to the middle and upper-middle class tourists. It offers boarding and lodging with all modem amenities and comforts. The place is surrounded by terraced tea-gardens. Wherever eyes go, one can see only green tea plantations, forests and hills. In the middle of the resort, the main source of attraction is the oval shaped swimming pool. It has two tennis courts, a card room and a couple of billiard tables. The massage parlours and beauty saloons are the other attractions. The environment is divine and the ambience is just superb. It offers a peaceful and relaxed stay far from the madding crowd of the metros.

Question 9: Using the information given below with your own views, write an article on ‘War on Black Money in India’. Hints: • Crackdown on black money • G20 summit in London • era of banking secrecy over • India, a strong supporter of the move • black money a political football in India • rather than looking for foreign hand battle must be waged at home, unless generated at home money can’t be transferred abroad • tax rates must be moderate and simple • time to push ahead the new direct tax code. Answer: War on Black Money in India                                                                                                                    —Amit ‘More smoke than light’ has been generated by the current outcry on black money. People think that there is a lot of money out there in Swiss banks. Black money does not remain black ,money for ever. A lot of foreign funds and investments come back to India as white money.Income generated through illegal activities is the basis for generating black money. Global terror business, drugs, arms dealing, real estate, hawala transactions, to name just a few, create ‘black money’. Fortunately, the global crackdown on black money has begun. The G20 summit in London gave a clear message. The era of ‘banking secrecy’ is over. India is a strong supporter of this move. Black money has become a political football in India. Government must bite off only what it can chew. The success in getting black money depends on international actions and cooperation among nations. Rather than looking for the foreign hand, the battle against black money must be waged at home. Unless black money is generated at home, unaccounted money can’t be transferred abroad. Centre and states need to work on reforms. Tax rates need to be moderate. The laws must be simple. There should be no temptation to evade. It is time to push ahead with a new direct tax code. This is a long drawn out battle and can be won with a lot of patience and sincerity on the part of the government and the people of the country.

Question 10: Using the information given in the input, write an article on ‘Child Labour and Battle for Child Rights in India’. Hints: • Nobel Peace Prize 2014 to India’s Kailash Satyarathi and Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan • The 2001 national census • 12.6 million • aged 5-14 • 217 million children work • 120,000 children work in hazardous jobs • UNICEF estimates • India has the highest labourers under 14 • Article 24 of the constitution prohibits child labour • 32.7 lakh in rural areas • 10.8 lakh in urban areas • carpet industry in Mirzapur • bangle and glass industries in Firozabad • fireworks in Sivakasi. Answer: Child Labour and Battle for Child Rights in India                                                                            —Riya Kailash Satyarthi brought laurels to the people of India for being awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize 2014 along with Malala for their battle for child safety. The world has appreciated the battle he fought for child rights for years. The term ‘Child Labour’ is actually the work that deprives children of their childhood. It destroys their potentiality and their dignity. In short, it is the kind of work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children. Child labour is the practice of having children engaged in economic activity, on part or full time basis. The constitution of India (Article 24) prohibits child labour below the age of 14 years in any factory or mine or castle or engaged in any other hazardous employment. But all these laws are mere dead words on paper. Crores of children have been compelled to work in hazardous industries. According to the 2001 national census, there are about 12.6 million children aged between 5 to 14 engaged in different sectors and economic activities. India has the highest number of labourers under 14 in the world. Even today there are 32.7 lakh children who are forced to work in rural and 10.8 lakh in urban areas. The carpet industry in Mirzapur and Bhadoi is notorious for exploiting and employing children. The glass and bangle industries in Firozabad have more than 20000 children working in hazardous and dangerous conditions. The diamond industry also employs thousands of children. The more recent report of the ILO claims that child labour is quite significant in Tamil Nadu’s fireworks, matches or incense sticks industries. About 20 million children are condemned to work as domestic labourers and in restaurants. Many NGOs like ‘Bachpan Bachao Andolan’ of Kailash Satyarathi are working sincerely to eradicate child labour in India. Only concerted efforts by the government, the NGOs and the public can eradicate this evil from our civilized society.

CBSE Class 9 English Letter Writing - Articles Q11

Question 12: In India we face a common scene of a large family living in unhealthy conditions. Write an article on how increase in population leads to reduced availability of health services and deteriorating sanitary conditions. Answer: Overpopulation and Unhealthy Living Conditions                                                                                      —Apurva Overpopulation is the major threat that the nation is facing today. If we can’t put a hold on our bursting population, India will overtake China within thirty years. It will become the most populous country in file world. The population explosion has made a mockery of all our plans, developments and achievements. More and more people bring more and more poverty and miseries. The growing population is degrading the environment and the living standards of the people. India has crossed a billion mark several years ago. We produce an Australia every year. More people means more mouths to feed. How will India feed its ever increasing population? People are increasing but the arable land, forests and natural resources are shrinking fast. And what about the health services? The less said the better. It will become increasingly difficult to provide ideal health services to so many people. Forests and green belts are disappearing. The environment and the ecology is being systematically destroyed. Providing shelters to so many people is a huge problem. Extremely unhealthy and unhygienic conditions prevail in all the metros of India. The Government must find out ways and means to control the rising population. China has imposed the one child system with wonderful success. They have freezed the population. Why can’t India? Anyone having more than one child must be heavily taxed. Those who cross the limit must be debarred from the public services. The family planning programme must be implemented in its true spirit.

Question 13: You are a member of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in your locality. The following Pie-chart reflects the attitude of the people towards animals. In response to this, write an article to be published in the forthcoming issue of ‘The Week’ on why animals are ill-treated and what can be done to prevent it. You are Ramesh/Ragini.

CBSE Class 9 English Letter Writing - Articles Q13

Write an article for a newspaper requesting the attention of agencies which have been involved in disaster management programmes to provide aid for these children so that they may be helped to get rid of these unhealthy fears and learn to live normal lives once again. Answer: Disaster Management for Kids                                                                                                                     —Kunal Natural calamities generally bring death and disaster on a large scale. Tsunami, waves, earthquakes, floods, droughts and epidemics have taken a heavy toll of human lives, particularly the children. The children who survive these disasters suffer the most. They are condemned to lead a life full of misery, insecurity, want and fear. Only the concerted efforts of the Government and the agencies involved in disaster management can help them lead normal lives again. The natural calamities have tragically affected the lives of about 15000 children in recent years in India. The Tsunami waves and earthquakes created havoc on a large scale. About 5430 children became homeless due to the Tsunami and 5438 were the victims of the earthquakes. Floods displaced 2602 and droughts affected 2035 children. Epidemics affected 1313 children. Out of these figures, 1093 children live constantly in general fear; 110 children have withdrawn socially; 20 children have become deaf and 16 of them can’t speak any more. More than 450 children can’t sleep at night while 1164 can’t concentrate on anything. The tragedy is that 21 of them have become blind, 43 asthmatic and 276 are still in shock. 566 suffer from frequent headache and stomachache. About 850 children fear water and sound and 117 have refused to go to school. Disaster management programmes have not proved up to the mark and up to the task. The Government and the concerned agencies should provide comprehensive aids and help to the survivors, particularly the children. They must provide nutritious food, clothes, shelters and medical aids to them. All efforts should be made to wipe out the scars left by these disasters.

Question 15: Take help from the following clues and write an article on ‘More Ads Than News and Features’. Hints: • Ads and ads on TV • Ads dominate print media • Mint money; attract buyers and sellers • Create styles, trends and fashions • Diluted news and features Answer: ‘More Ads Than News and Features’                                                                                                         —Kalpana The world of liberalisation and globalisation has given birth to unsatiable consumerism. ‘Use and Throw’ is the slogan of the times. Things have to be sold. Selling gives money. And money makes the more go. One good commercial advertisement is worth more than hundreds of salesman. Such is the importance of advertisements in industry, trade, commerce and business. It is no exaggeration that on TV we have more ads than news. After every few minutes a ‘break’ is announced. And then starts a flood of commercial advertisements. You find the Shahanshah of Bollywood, Amitabh Bachchan selling Binani Cement. Then comes the ‘Badshah’ telling you to use ‘Fair and Lovely’ for your bright complexion. And our glittering damsels of Bollywood can’t be left behind. Ash sells L’Oreal; Katrina patronises ‘ Veet’ and Priyanka and Karina settling for ‘Bajaj Scooty’ and ‘Boro Plus’ respectively. News and features have become secondary. We have more adds than features or events. TV, cinema, newspapers, magazines are full of advertisements. Ads are trend and style setters. Millions are earned just for a commercial advertisement of a few minutes! If things are to be sold then you can’t avoid patronising commercial advertisements. They are the lifeline of trade, business and the media.

Question 16: A spate of rapes and murders of helpless young women in Delhi has shocked the conscience of the nation. Taking help from the information given below and inventing your own details, write an article on ‘Crime Against Women in Delhi’. Hints: • Rape of a young woman at Dhaula Kuan • Rape and murder of a girl in Mangolpuri • Rape of a young lady in South Delhi • Kidnapping of a girl in East Delhi Answer: Crime Against Women in Delhi                                                                                                                      —Amit Delhi has earned the dubious distinction of being the crime capital of India. Life has become quite uncertain and unsafe in Delhi. The capital of India has become a grazing ground for kidnappers, rapists and murderers of women. The recent gang-rape of a young woman at Dhaula Kuan, and the rapes, murders and kidnappings in different parts of Delhi have shocked the whole nation. All the tall claims of Delhi Police to provide security to women have been proved totally hollow and false. Everyday we find news of crimes against women in the columns of newspapers or on TV channels. Delhi is different from other metros like Mumbai or Kolkata so far crimes against women are concerned. A young woman can walk on the roads of Kolkata even at night but not in Delhi. Here, young ladies can’t venture to go out alone after the sun sets. Why has Delhi earned this notoriety? Of late, Delhi has developed a culture that has given birth to a class of criminals. They don’t have faith in traditional Indian culture which equates all other women to our sisters, daughters and mothers. The consumer culture equates women to a commodity. Young women from the North-east are the softest targets. The war against criminals must be fought on two fronts. First, the Delhi Police must ensure safety to women by regular patrolling at night and nabbing criminals at the earliest. On the cultural front, a widespread movement should be launched to help women in their fight against crimes and criminals.

Question 17: Taking help from the information given below, write an article on ‘Make in India’s Dig

ital Economy’. Hints: • Leaders of world’s largest technology • companies visited India • Softbank to invest $10 billion into digital India • a delegation of Indian digital entrepreneurs visited China • India should take China’s cue • Chinese digital economy • a major driver of China’s growth story • Chinese digital boom by limiting access of global majors to the Chinese market • India, conversely an open door for global companies • Google and Facebook’s dominance in India • capturing 75% of India’s digital advertising pie • Even Flipkart is 80% foreign owned • India’s  digital revolution just begun. Answer: Make inlndia’s Digital Economy                                                                                                                         —Ravi In comparison to China, India’s digital revolution is just beginning. Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants the digital revolution to be an Indian phenomenon. He wants it to be a major driver of India’s economic growth story. He wants to reverse the trend. Instead of allowing and encouraging global companies to earn more globally out of India’s growth story, his slogan is “Make in India”. The world is looking towards us. Leaders of all the world’s largest technology companies visited India in a very short span. They include Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Pichai (Google). The announcement of Soft Bank of Japan of investing $10 billion into digital India is definitely a great news. The Chinese digital economy directly employs hundreds of thousands of people, and giving indirectly, white-collar jobs to millions more. Digital China is now a major driver of China’s growth story. Why should India lag behind? India should adopt China’s success story. More than ever, global technology companies are eyeing India. Indian digital economy should be “Make in India” and not “Expand into India”. We should protect our domestic digital business growth. An open door policy for global companies must be reviewed. Foreign giants like Google and Facebook pocket 75% of India’s digital advertising pie. Why should we let our growth and money be exploited by outsiders? Let it be an Indian phenomenon. Let it be a ‘Make in India’s Digital Economy’.

Question 18: Taking help from the information given in the input below along with your own views, write an article on ‘Disaster Management in India’ with special reference to the ‘Hudhud cyclone’ and the unprecedented floods in Kashmir Hints: • National Institute of Disaster Management • a premier institute • training and capacity development programmes • constituted under an Act of Parliament in 1995 • statutory organisation status • The NIDM • a deemed university • NIDM served as a great agency when Tsunami hit India • train and conduct mock drills, crisis communication and a hazard hunt excercise • mock drills simulating an earthquake of magnitude 7.2 • played a key role during the Hudhud Cyclone in Andhra and Odisha • evacuated lakhs of marooned people with the help of army in Kashmir floods. Answer: Disaster Management in India                                                                                                             —Raghav National Institute of Disaster Management is a premier national institute. It trains people for capacity development programmes for managing natural disasters in India. The NIDM works under government’s directives to train and conduct checks to regulate effective earthquake and disaster control policies. Recently, Delhi witnessed one of the biggest mega mock drills conducted by the NIDM in India. The buildings and infrastructures in India are quite vulnerable to calamities. They can’t withstand the rigours of a natural calamity. The Tsunami disasters in South India expose the unpreparedness and lack of skills in disaster management. The havoc caused by the floods and landslides in Kedamath only underlines our weaknesss or inefficiency in tackling natural disaster on such a scale. The NIDM can take due credit for its efficient work done during the ‘Hudhud’ cyclone. The cyclone struck the coastal areas of Andhra and Odisha. Proper warning and early evacuation in the affected areas limited losses and casualties. But again the NIDM proved quite ineffective when unprecedented floods rocked Srinagar and other parts of Jammu and Kashmir. It was the army and not the NIDM that stole the limelight by evacuating lakhs of the marooned people and saving their lives. The NIDM has a long way to go. It must prepare itself as a body that can cope with natural disasters with professional skills and efficiency.

Question 19: Taking help from the information given below, write an article on ‘Problems of Half- educated Indian Youth’. Hints: • High ideals of educationists lost * India has produced millions of frustrated and half educated youngsters • misfit for any walk of life • vast majority educated in government schools • most of the degree holders are virtually uneducated • teachers and employees perennially absent • some have duplicate jobs • education provides a few opportunities • unemployed youth flood into cities • add only disorder and crimes • government must introduce vocational training in carpentry, masonry, etc. • skills would open self-employment. Answer: Problems of Half-educated Indian Youth                                                                                          —Jamini India aims to achieve the desired target of universal education. However, the huge army of young girls and boys who are getting education in schools and colleges doesn’t present a very flattening picture. Instead of producing a powerful human resource. The country is producing millions of frustrated and half baked youngsters. They are misfit for all walks of life. Their half- baked knowledge and skills make them unsuitable for corporate jobs or professional services. Vast majority of young boys and girls receive education in government schools, colleges and institutions. The condition of our public schools is far from satisfactory. Millions of rupees are wasted without any fruitful result. Some of them especially in remote areas suffer from dirty premises, incompetent and unprofessional teachers. Lack of facilities for labs, libraries and playgrounds make most of our government schools and colleges quite unproductive and outdated institutions. Most of the degree and certificate holders are virtually unskilled or half-educated. These unemployed youth flood our cities. Their education provides them only a few gainful jobs or opportunities for advancement. They are condemned to lead miserable lives in slums adding to their disorder and crimes. Problems of the youth must be addressed with all sincerity and seriousness. Vocational training should be introduced at a very early stage in schools. By giving a professional training in carpentry, masonry, fabrication, plumbing, etc., we can prepare them for professional and corporate jobs. These skills would open new avenues for self-employment too. Let our schools, colleges and educational institutes produce full baked and skilled young men and young women. They will then certainly prove assets to themselves as well as to the nation.

Question 20: Taking help from the input given below along with your own views, write an article on ‘Female Foeticide-A Cause for Concern’. Hints: • Female foeticide • increased manifold • birth of a female child • not taken happily • girl child a burden • perverted mindset of parents and relatives • more than 15 million female foetuses aborted every year • illiteracy • ignorance • poverty • superstitions • outdated ideas • myth that ‘moksha’ is not possible without a male child • crimes against women • laws have no teeth • evil must be rooted out • zero tolerance for female foeticide. Answer: Female Foeticide — A Cause for Concern                                                                                   —Vandana India is a land of contradictions. All our scriptures hail women as goddesses. Every virgin is considered as an incarnation of Durga or Laxmi or Saraswati. But this is only the one side of the story. The other story regarding the girl child puts our heads in shame. More than 15 million foetuses are aborted every year. All this is done not to have a girl child in the family. It exposes our double standards and hypocrisy. It is a cruel commentary on the morals, conduct and ethics of our society. Even in the 21st century, we have the old and outdated mindset and ideas. Ours is still a monstrously male dominated society. The parents and the families are not ready to take the birth of a girl child as a normal happy occasion. A girl child is considered an additional burden on the family. Obsession for a son takes root from age long outdated views and myths. It is purely a myth that one can’t attain ‘moksha’ or ‘liberation’ without a male child—the son. Simply ridiculous! Girls have excelled in all walks of life. They have proved their superiority as teachers, doctors, engineers, police officers and businessmen. What a man can do, a woman can do still better. In such a situation, the very idea of female foeticide seems immoral, perverted and inhuman. Unfortunately, prosperous states like Haryana and Punjab have shamed themselves as the leading states in female foeticide in the country. The girl-child sex-ratio has seen alarming trends. This evil has to be rooted out. Exemplary punishments must be given to those who indulge in such inhuman practices. Moreover, a sustained effort must be made by the government and voluntary bodies to change the mindset of the people. Such an inhuman and barbaric practice must have no place in our civilised society.

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Home » 9th Class » Class 9 English Notes for Article Writing Format (PDF) – Study Material

Class 9 English Notes for Article Writing Format (PDF) – Study Material

Class 9 English Article Writing Format – Get here the Notes, Question & Practice Paper of Class 9 English for topic Article Writing Format Notes. Article Writing Format Notes for Class 9 English are here. You can download the Article Writing Format Notes PDF to study all the topics in this chapter. Moreover the class 9 English notes include chapter summary, definitions, examples, and key pointers for Article Writing Format . Thus if you are studying class English (अंग्रेज़ी), then the  Article Writing Format notes  will help you easily understand the topic and ace it.

Class 9 English Notes for Article Writing Format

Article Writing Format is a critical part in the study of English . In India, it is taught in class. Therefore the class 9 Notes for English topic Article Writing Format have been compiled by teachers and field experts. They explain the complete chapter of Article Writing Format in one-shot . Whether you are studying the topic Article Writing Format to complete your class syllabus, or for any competitive exam like JEE , NEET , UPSC, you can simply refer these notes to complete the chapter in one-shot!

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Article Writing Format Notes for Class 9 English PDF

The PDF of Article Writing Format class 9 notes is as follows. You can view the document here and also download it to use it anytime for future reference whenever you want to brush up your concepts of English.

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Candidates who are ambitious to qualify the Class 9 with good score can check this article for Notes, Study Material, Practice Paper. Above we provided the link to access the Notes , Important Question and Practice Paper of Class 9 English for topic Article Writing Format.

All Topics Class 9 English Notes

Chapter wise notes for English (अंग्रेज़ी) are given below.

  • Class 9 English Writing Section
  • Article Writing Format
  • Diary Entry Format
  • Story Writing Format
  • Class 9 English Beehive Books
  • A legend of Northland
  • A Slumber did my Spirit Seal (Poem)
  • A Truly Beautiful Mind
  • If I Were You
  • My Childhood
  • No Men are Foreign (Poem)
  • On Killing a Tree (Poem)
  • Rain on the Roof (Poem)
  • Reach for the Top
  • The Bond of Love
  • The Duck and the Kangaroo (Poem)
  • The Fun they Had
  • The Lake Isle of Innisfree (Poem)
  • The Little Girl
  • The Road Not Taken (Poem)
  • The Snake and the Mirror
  • The Snake Trying (Poem)
  • The Sound of Music
  • Wind (Poem)
  • Class 9 English Moment Books
  • A House is not a Home
  • In the Kingdom of Fools
  • Iswaran the Storyteller
  • The Accidental Tourist
  • The Adventures of Toto
  • The Happy Prince
  • The Last Leaf
  • The Lost Child
  • Weathering the Storm in Ersama

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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Article Writing Format

The Article Writing Format notes here help you solve the questions and answers . Also, you can complete the class 9 Article Writing Format worksheet using the same. In addition you will also tackle CBSE Class 9 English Important Questions with these class 9 notes .

However if you still need help, then you can use the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Article Writing Format to get all the answers. Article Writing Format solutions contain questions, answers, and steps to solve all questions.

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Article Writing Format Notes for Class 9 English – An Overview

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  • Article Writing

Article Writing Format: Explore How To Write, Example Topics and Tips

Have some great ideas, opinions and suggestions you wish you could share so that it could reach readers all around the world? One of the best ways to get your thoughts across the globe is by writing an article. There are techniques you can use to write the different types of articles. This piece on article writing will give you all the tips and tricks you need to master before you start writing your article.

Table of Contents

The art of writing an article, how do i write a good article – tips and techniques, article writing samples, faqs on article writing.

An article is a piece of writing which explicates ideas, thoughts, facts, suggestions and/or recommendations based on a particular topic. There are different kinds of articles, namely:

  • Expository article – The most common type of article which allows the writer to put out information on any particular topic without the influence of their opinions.
  • Argumentative article – An article in which an author poses a problem or an issue, renders a solution to the proposed problem and provides arguments to justify why their suggestions/solutions are good.
  • Narrative article – An article in which the author has to narrate mostly in the form of a story.
  • Descriptive article – An article written with the aim of providing a vivid description that would allow the readers to visualise whatever is being described. Using the right adjectives / adjective phrases is what will help you write a descriptive article.
  • Persuasive article – An article aimed at persuading or convincing the readers to accept an idea or a point of view.

Writing an article takes a lot of effort on the side of the writer. Content writers/creators, bloggers, freelance writers and copywriters are people who have mastered the art of article writing, without which they would not be able to make their mark as a writer of any kind.

In order to be able to write an article that makes sense in the first place, you have to keep a few things in mind.

  • The first and foremost thing that you have to take care of when you are sitting down to write your article is to check if you are well aware of the topic you are going to write on.
  • The second thing that you have to ask yourself is why you are writing the article.
  • The next thing that you have to focus on is the kind of audience you are writing the article for because unless you know your audience, you will not be able to write it in a way that makes them want to read it.
  • The language you use is very important because, without the right spelling, correct grammar , punctuation and sensible sentence structure , the article would not be able to sell itself.
  • Use keywords so that you get a good number of reading audiences.
  • Maintain coherence within and between paragraphs.
  • Double-check the data and information you provide, irrespective of the type of article.
  • Keep the title and description as short and catchy as possible.
  • Edit and proofread before it is published.

To help you understand better and practise the art of article writing, read through the articles given below:

Can I write a good article?

If you know all the information about the topic you are going to write about, a good hand over the language, a knack to keep it simple and interesting throughout, you can write a good article.

What is the format of an article?

The article should have a title/heading and a description that states what the article is about. The body of the article can be split into 3 to 5 paragraphs according to the volume of content with respect to the topic you are discussing. You can have subheadings and use bullet points wherever possible. Make sure your introduction makes people want to read the whole article and your conclusion leaves them satisfied.

How many paragraphs should there be in an article?

An article should have a minimum of 3 to 4 paragraphs. The writer is, however, given the choice to present the content in more than four paragraphs, if it would be better for the article.

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article writing format cbse class 9

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article writing format cbse class 9

Article Writing Format Notes for Class 9 English (PDF)

Article Writing Format Notes for Class 9 English are here. You can download the Article Writing Format Notes PDF to study all the topics in this chapter. Moreover the class 9 English notes include chapter summary, definitions, examples, and key pointers for Article Writing Format . Thus if you are studying 9th class English, then the  Article Writing Format notes  will help you easily understand the topic and ace it.

Article Writing Format Notes for Class 9 English

Article Writing Format is a critical part in the study of English . In India, it is taught in 9th class. Therefore the class 9 Notes for English topic Article Writing Format have been compiled by teachers and field experts. They explain the complete chapter of Article Writing Format in one-shot . Whether you are studying the topic Article Writing Format to complete your 9th class syllabus, or for any competitive exam like JEE, NEET, UPSC, you can simply refer these notes to complete the chapter in one-shot!

Article Writing Format Notes Download Link – Click Here to Download PDF

Article Writing Format Notes for Class 9 English PDF

The PDF of Article Writing Format class 9 notes is as follows. You can view the document here and also download it to use it anytime for future reference whenever you want to brush up your concepts of English.

article writing format cbse class 9

Class 9 Notes for English – All Chapters

If you are studying Article Writing Format, then chances are that you will study the other chapters in class 9 English. Therefore we have listed all the notes here in one place, as follows.

  • The Sound of Music
  • A Legend of the Northland
  • A Slumber did My Spirit Seal
  • A Truly Beautiful Mind
  • If I were you
  • My Childhood
  • No Men are Foreign
  • On Killing the Tree
  • Rain on the Roof
  • Reach for the Top
  • The Bond of the Love
  • The Duck and the Kangaroo
  • The Fun They Had
  • The Lake Isle of Innisfree
  • The Little Girl
  • The Road Not Taken
  • The Snake and the Mirror
  • The Snake Trying
  • Article Writing Format
  • Diary Entry Format
  • A House is not a Home
  • In the Kingdom of Fools
  • Iswaran the StoryTeller
  • The Accidental Tourist
  • The Adventures of Toto
  • The Happy Prince
  • The Last Leaf
  • The Lost Child
  • Weathering the Storm in Ersama

Class 9 Notes for All Subjects

  • Class 9  English  Notes
  • Class 9  Maths  Notes
  • Class 9  Social Science  Notes

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Article Writing Format

The Article Writing Format notes here help you solve the questions and answers . Also, you can complete the class 9 Article Writing Format worksheet using the same. In addition you will also tackle CBSE Class 9 English Important Questions with these class 9 notes .

However if you still need help, then you can use the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Article Writing Format to get all the answers. Article Writing Format solutions contain questions, answers, and steps to solve all questions.

Notes for All Classes

Article Writing Format Notes for Class 9 English

Article Writing Format Notes for Class 9 English – An Overview

Class 9 Article Writing Format Notes for All Boards

You can use the class 9 English notes of Article Writing Format for all boards.

The education boards in India for which Article Writing Format notes are relevant are – CBSE, CISCE, SEBA, BSE Odisha, CGBSE, HBSE, HPBOSE, KSEEB, MSBSHSE, PSEB, RBSE, TBSE, UPMSP, UBSE, BSEAP, BSEB, GBSHSE, GSEB, JAC, JKBOSE, KBPE, MBOSE, MBSE, MPBSE, NBSE, DGE TN, BSE Telangana, BOSEM, WBBSE .

Therefore you can refer to these notes as CBSE, CISCE, SEBA, BSE Odisha, CGBSE, HBSE, HPBOSE, KSEEB, MSBSHSE, PSEB, RBSE, TBSE, UPMSP, UBSE, BSEAP, BSEB, GBSHSE, GSEB, JAC, JKBOSE, KBPE, MBOSE, MBSE, MPBSE, NBSE, DGE TN, BSE Telangana, BOSEM, WBBSE notes for class Class 9 / Class 9th / IX English for the topic Article Writing Format.

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Article Writing Format CBSE | Examples, Topics, Tips

Article Writing


The students will be asked to attempt a long piece of the composition of minimum 100-120 words in length. The composition will be in the form of an article. The students may be provided with verbal or visual input. They can take help from the given input, information or notes and can expand them in their own language to 100-120 words. Sometimes the given input can be in the form of a figure, a diagram or a cartoon. The aim of the examiner by inserting an input is only to provide clues along which the article has to be developed. The subject on which the article can be based may be burning social, cultural, economic, ethical, behavioural, religious and political issues. You may be asked to write an article on any topic under the sun.

Learn Article Writing

Writing creative, unique, professional and great articles is no doubt a tough job but it is rewarding if you perfect this art. This is a vast field including magazine articles, website content articles, SEO articles, blog articles, academic journal articles, newspaper articles, So if all your attention is absorbed in questions on article writing like how to write a short article in English for a blog, magazine or how to get paid for writing articles and how to earn money by writing articles?


1. Always study the given input, information or notes carefully.

2. Arrange them in a systematic order.

3. Develop each point in a simple, grammatically correct language.

4. Your article must present your ideas not in a sketchy but in a coherent and logical manner. Develop your writing into paragraphs.

5. Confine yourself to the given subject. Superfluous and unnecessary details must be avoided at all cost.

How to Write an Article Step by Step-

Eye-catching Title – This is the most important part of your article. Give your article a title that catches the attention of the reader. If you choose a topic burning It should be relevant to them. 

Beginning – Begin your article with a quotation or popular poetic line that supports your topic most relevantly. Let the readers be satisfied that you are going to write something new and relevant.

Content- A vast ground for your creativity comprising reasons, effects, the present state of affairs, etc. This part must include.

Note- In CBSE Board Two paragraphs are also accepted depending upon the situation but the ending lines should seem to be concluding your topic

Facts/ statistics Statistics Quotes by well-known people References from media (film, television, radio) Definitions of the terms you are using. Quotes and illustrations on the subject you are writing. Helpful tools, resources or products (if any, consider creating a sidebar) References to local venues or events (if for a regional/local publication).

Note- Good vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, Creativity and Subject knowledge are the integral parts of Article writing

Conclusion- conclude with your strongest point. use short and humourous sentences, leave at least one questions to provide a required effect on the reader’s mind., format/ layout of article writing-, heading/title.

By- the name of the author

Para I:                Introduction – Para II:               Content -Causes, effects, present state of affairs, etc. Para III:             Conclusion -Draw solutions and conclusions

Marking Scheme- CBSE Board session 2018-19 (08 marks)

Title –                 1mark accuracy-       2 marks content-           5 marks, exercises/ assignments for story writing practice-, here are a few creative writing prompts as well as examples for your practice which will help you what to write a story about – solved examples-.

1. You make the following notes after reading about the disappearance of bird habitats from city forests and parks. Write an article in 100-120 words stressing upon the need for bringing back the birds to the city. You are Sonu/Sonalika. Overuse of pesticides in maintenance of city parks… cutting down of roadside trees…….putting up of communication towers on rooftops facing parks…leading to the extinction of nesting grounds for birds…..preservation of birdlife through man-made birdbaths in home balconies,.. hand-rearing of orphaned fledgelings…….nesting areas in alcoves and groves…need for clean and green environment.

Ans-                                   City Parks Oust Bird Population                                                                                                                   By- Sonu While outwardly things appear idyllic, the lack of bird sound appears wanting. The park’s attendants are concerned with its depleting bird population. The koyal, a regular summer visitor has dwindled in number and the sparrow, a common sight amidst the flower beds and pathways, has disappeared altogether.

The authorities cited the overuse of insecticides behind this disappearance. Cutting down of roadside trees reduces nesting spots for the birds’ Several fledgelings fall to the ground from the branches as this exercise is performed without regard to the nesting season. Communication towers on rooftops of adjacent homesteads have taken a toll of the sparrow population. Creating nesting places under eaves and placing water and grain containers in gardens or balconies will alter the status quo.

2. Computers have become a rage with children. The image shows young children glued to their computers. Computers play a major role in today’s age but one must understand its function as a major distraction. Write an article highlighting the role of computers and also pointing out the hazards their excessive use can cause. You are Nikhil/Neha.


Computers: A Boon or a Bane?                                                                                                             by Nikhil

Computers have become an integral part of human lives. Almost every profession is benefitted by computers. Most of the tangible things that we see are either 6 made or run by a computer. Children, too, have been reaping benefits from the constant use of computers. It helps them in their homework, projects, assignments, etc. as well as entertains them through movies. Every coin has two sides. Excessive use of computers has its own set of disadvantages. Too much use of computers can cause deterioration of vision of the child. Spending more time on computers, in turn, harms the physical health, which might result in being overweight and problems of the spine. The major problem which is affecting children nowadays is their addiction to computers, the result of which is their distraction from studies. Thus, we all need to reflect on the other side of the coin. We must remember that excess of anything is bad and we must make the best use of the resources available to us.

3. Due to growing materialism, there is a shift in the values of youngsters. They continue pestering their parents for items like mobile phone, digital camera, bike, etc. for personal use even though there is no genuine need for these gadgets. Taking help from the MCB unit ‘Children’, write an article in about 120 words expressing your views on the same. You are Sunil/Swati.

The Deteriorating Values                                                                         by Swati

The growing materialism in society is leaving a profound impact on the younger generation. They are growing up in an environment which creates a desire to acquire all that is in their capacity. It has changed children’s perspective towards life. For them, materialism is happiness. They pester their parents to fulfil their demands for gadgets, etc. even though there is no genuine need for the same. Children want these in order to impress their friends. Materialism makes us greedy. We try to show off what we have and are embarrassed if we do not have something that others possess. The world has become a place for the competition where everyone aims to be ahead of other Youngsters need to understand that money does not bring happiness. It is more’ important to be content. We need to have values, friends, relations and, above at our family’s love and support to lead a happy life.

4. Children are the future of the nation. Schools and parents play an important role in moulding a child’s personality. Write an article on the topic ‘Role of School in a child’s life’ in 100-120 words. Suggested Value Ponts: • Importance of school for a child • The shaping of physical and mental health • Development of the right attitude • Character building • Providing opportunities to develop talents in each child

Role of School in a Child’s Life                                                                             By Rajat

The role of a school in a child’s development begins as early as pre-school and continues throughout his/her life. Some consider parents to be a child’s first teachers while teachers are his/her second parents. A child spends as much time in school as he/she spends with his/her parents. A school provides a structured education to the child and promotes his/her mental and psychological growth. Apart from learning academics, a child also learns other important life skills such as teamwork, good manners, unity, sharing, and responsibility. The kind of training that he/she receives at school forms and enhances his/her character that stays with him/her throughout his/her life. The school provides a child varied opportunities which enable him/her to discover his/her innate talents and develop them. All of these experiences help to develop a child’s interests, build self-esteem and shape the course of his/her later academic and professional life.

5. You are Namita/Naman. Write an article on the topic ‘India – A Tourist’s Paradise’ in 100-120 words. You may use ideas from the unit ‘Travel and Tourism’ in M.C.B. and the clues give below: Suggested Value Points : • A vast country • Diversity of culture • Variety of races • Climate – hills, rivers, plains, deserts • Places of pilgrimage • Huge coastline, friendly beaches • Modern cities

India-A Tourist’s Paradise

India is a vast country with diverse cultures and races. It is a land with ancient cultural heritage and rich history. India is the only country which has all types of seasons. It has beauty in all its places whether they are hills, deserts, plains or rivers. All these and the modern cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore as well as the places of pilgrimage make it one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in the world. India is blessed with places that have natural beauty like Kashmir, Goa, Puri, Kerala Ooty, etc. All such beautiful places are often visited by people who try to combine spirituality with pleasure. India has a variety of beautiful locations to visit which make it a tourist’s paradise.

6. You are Nidhi, a member of “Environment Club” of your school. Write an article on “Need of Afforestation” in the present-day world. Suggested Value Points: • Modern-age development • Mother Earth for Granted • Reckless cutting of trees for industries and human settlement • Trees are helpful in reducing global warming • Items of use • Plant more trees • Campaigns • Awareness

Need for Afforestation                                                                                                                                                                                        by Nidhi

This is the modern age where we have left everything behind in the mad race of development. It has made us take Mother Earth for granted. As a result, man has started cutting trees recklessly to cater to his present requirements. Trees not only provide us with fresh oxygen but also reduce pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They are also helpful in reducing global warming. It is a matter of great concern that human beings have become so unconcerned towards nature that they are cutting trees in large numbers for settlements, paper, etc. If the present trend of cutting trees is not checked then we will have to face dire consequences. It is, thus, the need of the hour to plant more and more trees. The government should start a large-scale campaign to make people aware of the importance of trees. It is only achievable if we take up the slogan of ‘Each One Plant One’ more seriously and put our thoughts into action.

More Sample Articles-

1. Animal Safety is Our Responsibility

2. Peace Begins With a Smile

3. The Two Sides of the Tourism Industry

4.Emotional Bonding  

5. Hard work is the only key to success


7.Space Technology

8.Staying Vigilant While On Social Media

9.The loneliness that cannot be cured

10.Donald Trump

11.Barrier Breaker


13.First Step

14. Cloning Has Lot of Benefits

15. Leave No Stone Unturned

16.Love Yourself

18.Hard work

19.The Evils of Black Money

20. Failure is good for Success

21.The importance of Positive Thinking






27.Changing Face of Modern Families



30. Faith without Action is Delusion

31.India’s External Relations


33. Literacy is the Only Light in the Tunnel





38.The Crewing Need for Vocational Education

39.”The Two Sides of Tourism Industry”

40.Youth and National Integration

41.”Generation Gap Is a Myth or Reality”

42.Discriminatory Treatment to Females

43. Floods – Causes and Prevention

44.Global Warming-Threat to Our Existence




48.Pathetic Condition of Child Labour

49.Growing Children Vs Education

50.’Assets of Modern World Boon or Bane’

51.LIFE SKILLS— An Important Subject to Study


53. Save the Planet, Earth

54.High-Tech Device—Boon or Bane

55.Indian TV in the Service of General Public

56.Impact of Continuing Destruction of Wildlife

57.A National Integration Camp

58. Co-education

59.Educational Reforms

60.Examinations System

61.Students and Politics

62.The Aim of Education

63.The Menace of Copying

64.The Role of Libraries

65.Students and The Role of Medical Camps

66.The Role of Schools in Preventing Communicable Diseases

67.Increasing Incidence of Road Rage

68.’Problem of Stress among Students’

69. ‘Girlchild needs good education and support’

70.Sound Health: A True Blessing

71. Fighting Terrorism Needs Public Initiative

72. How to write effectively?

73.Reality Shows and Children

74.Power of Positive Thinking

75.The Plight of Animals

76.Use of Technology in Education


78.Importance of Newspapers

79. Live Together, Not Fight

80.The Importance of Rainwater Harvesting and Water Recycling


82.India — A Country of Festivals

83.Advantages of Tree Plantation

84.Rising Prices

85.Midday Meal Scheme — How to Improve It.

86. Cleanliness is Godliness

87.Junk Food — Enemy of Health

88.Proper Dumping of Garbage

89.Traffic Jam

90.Air Pollution

91.Importance of Educational Tours in Students’ Life

92.Harms of Smoking

93.Love and Care for Animals

94.Girls:  An Asset and not a Burden

95. Importance of Yoga and Games in Students’ Life

96.Importance of Celebrating Children’s Day

97.Noise Pollution

98.The plight of River Yamuna

99.Global Warming — A Threat to the Life

100.Know Yourself

101. Role of Students and Youths in National Reconstruction and Development

102. Ecological Imbalance Affected Life of Man

103. Corruption in Public Places and Institutions in India

104. Combating the Menace of Drugs

105.The Trauma of Examination

106. Self-Medication May Kill

107. Youth and National Integration

108.More Ads than News and Features

109. CCE or Not

110. Discovering New Worlds

111.Science, the Beacon of Progress

112.Need for Afforestation

113.Role of School in a Child’s Life

114. Adverse Effects of Computers

115.The Evil of the Dowry System

116.Wastage of Money and Manpower due to the Frequent Elections

117. Judicial Activism

118. ‘Good Manners’

119. A Facelift Of Delhi

120.  ‘Sex Education’

121.  `Drug Addiction’

122. ‘Blind Aping of Western Culture’

123. ‘School Admission and Capitation Fee’

124. Value of Books

125. Women in Advertisements

126. Advertisement: Boon or Bane

127.  ‘Corruption’

128. Importance of Discipline

129. Hike in the Prices of Essential Commodities

130. The Car Craze and Pollution

131. Disaster Caused by Terrorism

132. Service and Sacrifice

133. The Joy of Living in the Lap of Nature

134. Aping of Western Culture

135. ‘Tea’

136. ‘Real Education’

137. ‘Importance of Time’

138. My Dreams of the New Millennium

139. Environmental Protection

140. The Mosquito Menace

141.  Life in a Big City

142. A Glaring Educational Evil

143. The Cruel Practice of Using Animals In Circus Shows

144. Human Wants And Resultant Corruption

145. Remedy For Decreasing the Crime Rate Amongst Educated Folk

146. Educative Value of Films

147. Onions With Real Tears

148.Children’s Role in Curbing Black-Marketing

149.  The Place Of English In India

150. ‘Declining Standard of Sports in India’

151. Our System of Education

152. The Need for Communal Harmony

153. ‘Population Explosion’ in India

154. The Prize Distribution Function

155. The Annual Sports Day

156. The Evil of Drug Addiction

157. Exploitation of Women

158. Value of Discipline in Life 

159.Cleaning and Rejuvenating the Ganga

160. War on Black Money in India

161. Child Labour and Battle for Child Rights in India

162. Driving India Crazy

163. Overpopulation and Unhealthy Living Conditions

164. Disaster Management for Kids

165. ‘More Ads Than News and Features’

166. Crime Against Women in Delhi 

167. Make in India’s Digital Economy

168. Disaster Management in India

169.  Problems of Half-educated Indian Youth

170. Female Foeticide —A Cause for Concern

171. Swachha Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Campaign

172. Tourism and Terrorism

173.India’s Progress Since Independence

174. How to Get the Best out of a Team

175. The Green Gardens Resort

176. Shortage of Seats in Colleges

177. Books—Our Best Companions    

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Article Writing Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

February 17, 2022 by Bhagya

Article Writing:

An article is a piece of writing meant to be published in a newspaper or a periodical. It is almost like an essay. What is an article ?

  • An article is a piece of writing, that is to be published either in a newspaper or a periodical.
  • It has variety to audience. Hence, it is compulsory that’writer moves it in a way that attracts and sustains the writer’s attention.
  • The writer gives his opinions and thoughts logically in it in an agreeable manner.
  • Article can describe anythings or everything; no limitation so far as the topic is concerned.
  • This gives some information, suggestion or advice.
  • The writer should not repeat one and the same idea.

How to Write an Article? 1. A catchy title is written on the top in the middle.

2. The name of the writer is written under the title.

  • The introduction which gives an overviews of the whole writing.
  • The main body is divided into paragraphs; each dealing with something different.
  • Conclusion – which offers final judgement on the topic.

Format of an Article: 1. Title 2. ___________ Name of the writer. 3. Body ___________ para ___________ para ___________ para

Question 1. You are Arpita/Ashwin, a student of class- IX. You are well aware of the ill-effects of plastic on environment. Write an article in about 100-150 words on “Say No To Plastics”. You may take the help of the following notes : Non-biodegradable – burning causes air pollution – dumping pollutes environment – toxic chemicals cause diseases – bags made of paper, cloth and jute should be used. Answer: Say No To Plastics: (By Arpita/Aswin) Plastics has become a necessary part of our life. It is widely used in our day-to-day life. Starting from a pen to a polythene bag in which we carry vegetables, fruits and books things are made up of plastic. Undoubtedly, it is cost-effective. Also, it has increased our convenience but at a heavy cost. It has posed an alarming threat to the environment.

Plastic is non-biodegradable. It does not decay by biological actions of microbes. They remain in the same state for years as we throw them. To destroy the plastic items, we can either recycle or burn them. Their burning causes air pollution – they emit harmful chemical gases which pollute our environment and all to green house effect. Also, their dumping pollutes environment and toxic chemicals cause diseases. The wastes of plastic bags block pipes and sanitary lines.

As a result, dirty water comes out on roads. Such plastic items deposited in the sea or ocean pollute and disturb the eco-system of oceans. Due to large scale use of plastic bags and other items, water, soil and air pollutions happen. This leads to disturbances in the eco-system.

Therefore, we should ‘say no to plastics’. The bags made of paper, cloth and jute should be used. We should not throw used plastic bags here and there. Reduce-reuse-recycle of plastic should be adopted. Some rules and regulations should be introduced and implemented honestly.

Question 2. There is heavy flood in your state. Trees are uprooted. Many animals are killed and houses are drowned under water. People have become helpless. You feel that they should be able to overcome the disaster. Write an article on ‘Disaster Management’ in about 100-150 words. Answer: Disaster Management: Disaster refers to ‘an event that causes much suffering or loss’ and to a ‘sudden or great loss or misfortune’. Disasters can be classified as natural disasters and man-made disasters. Unexpected events such as an earthquake, a flood, a super cyclone, drought, landslides are termed as natural disasters. And some common man-made disasters are fire, rail, road and air traffic accidents, terrorists attacks, chemical and industrial accidents, etc.

Disaster management refers to a range of activities that are designed to reduce the effects of disasters. They aim at providing a framework for helping people at risk and to recover from the impact of the disaster. It requires taking steps prior to, during and after the disaster which involve preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. Disasters bring along with them heavy losses to life, property and livelihood. So, it is the time to make disaster management a way of life – an essential life skill. We should be prepared for the safety of our near and dear ones than to be a victim of it and repent later.

A flood occurs when water flows or rises above and beyond its normal place or course. Flooding is one of the most destructive of all forms of natural disasters causing heavy economic and human losses. So, there should be mapping of the floodplain. This involves reducing the risk of the region. First aid kit should be kept with extra medicines for snakebite and diarrhoea. Essential goods such as fresh water, dry food, salt and sugar, radio, torch and spare batteries, kerosene, candles, matchboxes, umbrellas and bamboo sticks should be kept with himself/herself. Proper drainage system should be built in all flood prone areas.

Article Writing Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

Question 3. Animals are treated cruelly for various human needs. You feel concerned about the cruel treatment meted out to, animals. Write an article in about 100-150 words. You are Ritesh/ Rita. Answer: Cruelty to Animals (By Ritesh I Rita: We often come across the scenes related to cruelty to animals. Animals are treated cruelly for various needs. As we walk on the road, sometimes we find bullock carts driven by oxen, donkeys carrying burdens, bears staging road shows, monkeys dancing to the beats of his master’s sticks and even pythons swerving to the tunes of his master. The animals are thus, used for earning a living.

Animal testing is the use of animals in biological, medical and psychological studies. Medical researchers use many animals to study the causes and effects of illness. Vivisection i.e., cutting a living thing is the most controversial issue of animal rights.

Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold cages in labs across the country. They suffer in pain, ache with loneliness and long to be free. After going through this terrible life, almost all of these animals are killed. At many places especially in villages, animals are used to carry goods from one place to another in carts. Moreover, we can see the pitiable condition of animals in the zoo. These are filthy and sticky places where animals and birds are kept. The cages are in very bad conditions. Besides, the animals seem very lethargic, weak and restless as they are not fairly fed.

Therefore, I feel concerned due to the cruel treatment meted out to animals. Some stem steps must be taken to improve the condition of animals. We should stop encouraging such cruelties to animals.

Question 4. Excessive use of computer makes children lose on outdoor games which are essential for developing a healthy body and a healthy mind. Taking ideas from the hints given below and MCB Unit ‘Children’, write an article on the topic ‘Children and Computer Addiction’. You are Sameer/Simran. Hints : Easy access everywhere Used tor games, chatting Reduced participation in sports Halts mental and physical growth Affects child’s development. Answer: Children and Computer Addiction: (By Samker/ Simran) This is true that computers have enabled students to become empowered to be their own teacher. Instead of a teacher reading through information and choosing what the students will be taught, the students now have the power to provide more self-direction.

However, excessive use of computer maxes children lose out on outdoor games which are essential for developing a healthy body and a healthy mind. The negative impact of extensive computer use is the decreasing time spent in interacting with other students in the classroom. As their computer knowledge increases, their interpersonal skills often decrease. Isolated students, learning at computers all day can lose essential connections that occur through interactions with others. Negative results can occur as they enter a workforce and interact with others. They may find difficulty working in a team or dealing with human emotion and personalities.

Moreover, if students are left to learn completely through computers, there may be a longer process of comprehending the material. Students would probably have to read a lot more to learn exactly how to do every assignment, rather than to just hear it from a teacher. Thus, the absence of feedback that comes from human interaction remains elusive and absent in machines.

Question 5. Good values can be inculcated in childhood. Taking ideas from the MCB Unit ‘Children’ together with your own ideas, write an article on the topic ‘Good Values and Children’ in 100-150 words. Hints : Good values to be inculcated in childhood – Civic sense, honesty, sincerity, diligence, parents and teachers’ role, difficult to cultivate in later stage. Answer: Good Values and Children: Good values or the value system is a set of consistent ethical values and measures used for the purpose of ethical or ideological integrity. In short, it is a set of moral codes and conducts. Knowing your own values and priorities is very important for personal growth and successful relationships. Once we understand our values in life, we can examine and control the various choices we make in our lives. It is our duty to uphold the various types of values in life such as honesty, sincerity, diligence, integrity, self-respect, commitment, conflict management, punctuality, responsibility, respect to differences, positive attitudes, empathy, kindness and helpfulness, etc.

Good values are the life and soul of the society. They are the only thing which makes a person cultured and improves his personality. Good values are to be inculcated in childhood. Adolescents are capable of abstract thinking, better articulation and of developing an independent ideology. Really, these are the years of creativity, idealism, buoyancy and a spirit of adventure. This is a period of increased potential. So, the parents and teachers can play an active and important role in inculcating the essential life skills, attitudes and values. All the above values are difficult to cultivate in the later stage of life.

Question 6. You are Punita/Punya. You get disappointed to find beggars on the streets of your city. They not only disturb people but also cause traffic jams. Write an article on ‘Beggars – A Nuisance’, in about 100-150 words. Suggested Value Points :

  • Beggars on streets cause traffic jams and disturbance.
  • Beggars seen’in public places like temples, bus stands, etc.
  • Some beggars rob people.
  • Some beg because they don’t want to work.
  • Beggars should be put to work.
  • Any other point.

Answer: Beggars – A Nuisance: (By Punita/Punya) Beggars – we find them outside the temples, at bus stands, in the comers of streets and even when we stop at a signal. The sight of beggars nagging the passersby for money and food has somewhat become a significant feature in our country. Some of these beggars may really be very poor, and even living below poverty line. But there are many of them who are not really so. People who are disabled, orphaned or resourceless find begging as the only way to fend themselves. However, there are many beggars’ who are quite healthy and able but do not want to work. Some of them are thieves in the ‘garb’ of beggars. We, as responsible citizens should not encourage beggars by giving them alms.

Question 7. You are Tamanna/Tarun. You noticed that your neighbour’s son enjoys all the privileges, good food, clothes and education. Their daughter is expected to stay at home and take care of the house. Write an article on ‘Discrimination between Boys and Girls’ in 100-150 words. Suggested Value Points :

  • Boys are given priority over girls; age old practice
  • Boys enjoy all privileges while girls can’t
  • Girls are even denied the right to education
  • Need to empower women
  • Any other relevant point

Answer: Discrimination between Boys and Girls (By Tamanna/Tarun): In the recent few years, much is being talked about discrimination between boys and girls or gender discrimination in Indian society. How far are we successful in checking this problem ? Even today in homes and workplaces too, discrimination persists. Boys being given priority over girls is an age old practice. Now, more and more women are proving their abilities in almost all fields, discrimination should be stopped. There are conservative people who cannot whole-heartedly accept this. It is them who still hold that boys are physically stronger than girls, and so they should enjoy priority and privileges in everything. Such people even deny the right to education to girls. What we need is a change, a transformation, in the Indian mind-set from the top to the bottom. We should empower women and thus, the country.

Question 8. You stayed at your friend’s house on a weekend and were surprised to see his collection of books. You discovered the magic of books and realized how they- opened up window to the world of knowledge. You now believe that the habit of reading books should be encouraged among students. Write an article on the ‘Importance of Books’ in 100-150 words. You are Rashi/Ravi. Suggested Value Points:

  • Books are man’s best friend
  • Source of information
  • Books enhance vocabulary
  • Encourage reading habit among students
  • Books encourage Constructive learning
  • Any other point

Answer: Importance of Books: (By Rashit Ravi) “Reading makes a full man” – said the great English writer ‘Francis Bacon’. So much is the value of books in our life. They give us information, knowledge, guidance, advice and solutions to our problems. With children today being overpowered by ‘gadgets’, little do they understand the value of books. Maintaining a collection of books at home and adding books to it on a regular basis ensures that children develop reading habit. Such a collection, of course, should cater to the age and interest of the children. Though computers and mobile phones do give ample information via internet, books have their own advantage over them all. Books encourage constructive learning in children making them ready for research.

Question 9. You are a resident of Sundergarh. Your area is known for its scenic beauty and pollution-free environment. The government has proposed to set up a chemical factory in your area. You are worried about the consequences emission of poisonous gases, release of chemical wastes and contaminated water, and land pollution. Write an article on ‘Indus-trialization and Environmental Pollution’ in 100-150 words. You are Som/Sudha.

Suggested Value Points :

  • Industries are the biggest source of environment pollution
  • Smoke, chemical waste and poisonous gases released
  • Destroy the beauty of the place
  • Cause water and land pollution
  • Cause of diseases from pollution

Answer: Industrialization and Environmental Pollution: (By Som / Sudha) Industrialization has led to modernisation; but it has also led to environmental pollution. Industries are essential for our economic growth and development across the world. It has transformed human life¬style. But, all these at the cost of our environment. Industrialization has endangered our bio-diversity. They are the biggest source of environment pollution. Smoke, chemical waste and poisonous gases that industries release are choking the earth and has made a hole in ozone layer. Toxic wastes released in water has caused water, land and soil pollution. They destroy the scenic beauty of the area. By using the polluted water, land and soil, we get all sorts of incurable diseases. Therefore, we should set-up industries with care, adopt eco-friendly technologies and lead to sustainable growth.

Question 10. Taking help from the information given below, write an article to the editor of the national daily expressing your concern at the nuisance caused by the stray cattle on the roads of your city.

  • Stray cattle on roads and in lanes
  • Squat in the middle causing chaos
  • Traffic jams and accidents
  • Govt, must take immediate steps

Or On your way to the school, you see a lot of stray cows on the road disrupting the movement of traffic. On careful observation, you find that the garbage thrown by people on road attracts them to that spot. This creates a problem for the traffic and puts the lives of people as well as these animals in danger. Write an article on the menace created by these animals encouraging people to avoid throwing garbage in the open. Answer: Menace of Stray Animals: More often than not, we encounter tremendous traffic jams on the roads. However, the problem gets worse when it is because of the stray cows attracted to the garbage thrown by the people. It not only results in huge traffic jams, but it also endangers the lives of the people and these animals as well.

However, it is-not so difficult to address the problem. Reduced heaps of garbage on the road would automatically discourage the stray cows from wandering on to the roads. It is bound to result in fewer traffic jams. So, it is wiser not to throw garbage on the roads.

All must keep a dustbin at home to collect the garbage and dispose it off as required in an eco-friendly manner. Parents should also take care to educate their children so that they do not dirty the roads by throwing the garbage. Besides reducing the traffic jams, it would also result in a neat and clean city.

Question 11. There is a dire need, for children to understand the importance of eating healthy food and exercising regularly. Write an article entitled ‘The Nutritious Way of Climbing the Fitness Ladder’. Sign as Pranav/Parvati. Answer: The Nutritious Way of Climbing the Fitness Ladder: (By Parvati) Fitness, what is it really? If you ask me, it is good health, stamina, suppleness and strength, all put together. However, what does it take to achieve this super combo? Nothing really, except healthy food and regular exercise. Children today are increasingly opting for junk food instead of healthy, home cooked meals. Vegetables and fruits have been replaced by chocolates, pizzas and fizzy drinks. Lack of exercise also makes it difficult for all to stay fit. The television and modern day gaming consoles have made today’s children strangers to the playground. The need of the hour for children is to realise that eating healthy food, including fruits, green vegetables, pulses and legumes, and having adequate exercise through outdoor games will ensure an easier ascent on the fitness ladder.

Article Writing Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples 1

Many sewage pipelines too are diverted to these rivers. All these activities have made their water black, and stinking. Along the banks in some areas, solid wastes and garbage are also dumped. For the past several years, the government has been allocating funds for cleaning the rivers through civic agencies. Voluntary social organisations, such as the ones meant for keeping a check over pollution and keeping the environment clean also have been working to clean the rivers. What is lacking is the change in the mindset and attitude of both the literate and illiterate multitudes of our country so that they realise that rivers are the lifeline of any nation and must not be polluted.

Question 13. You are Naman/Nalini. You feel that some of your friends are leading a life which is very harmful for their health as they use whatapp all the time and waste a lot of their valuable time. They prefer living alone in their rooms and do not communicate with the members of the family or relatives. Write an article on “Importance of Time Management.” [Hints : Students wasting their time in whatsapp, poor communication skills, no contact with the other family members, spoiling their future plans, suggestions for time management: should follow their routine strictly, should know the value of time, whatsapp will lead them nowhere.] Or Write an article on ‘Time Management – The Success Mantra’ of today in 100-150 words. Answer: ‘Time Management – The Success Mantra’: By Anupma, Class IX Time Management is very important in life for success in both career and personal life. Time once wasted, cannot be retrieved. Proper time manage¬ment can help us find time for what we desire. It will help you set up your priorities in life. It helps you make conscious choices, so you can spend more of your time in doing things that are important for you. We become more productive by management of time. It also helps you reduce wasted time and energy and helps you to become more creative and productive enabling you to do the right thing at the right time. This results in balance in your life.

Will-power and self-discipline may be the base for time management. A certain degree of detachment and inner peace are useful in time management. They help you avoid spending too much emotional and mental energy on what people say and think about you.

There are various changes that help to manage time effectively like getting up early in the morning, giving up watching TV late at night. We can devote our early morning time for exercise and meditation. We should always plan our time well and should not waste it.

Question 14. You are Suhail/Shaheen. You feel that some children today are impatient, restless and short-tempered. This leads to arguments and fights. Write an article in about 100-150 words suggesting how they can control themselves – their emotions and anger. Answer: Stress Management: (By Shaheen, Class-IX-B) Today’s children are too active, and in fact, hyperactive. They are always on the go and show restlessness if they cannot achieve what they want. This impatience then makes them short-tempered. Several reasons can be attributed to this tendency of the children. Children of today are technically sound too, very intelligent, and they are equally exposed to all the good and bad things through internet. Also, there is a lack of attention from parents, as now-a-days both parents are employed. Again, children are brought up in a nuclear family which leaves them unattended and unable to control their emotions. As they grow up, their violent behaviour increase and they move around thus, in the society. This leads to the increase of road rage, murder, revenge and other criminal activities.

So, children need to be more and more involved in physical activities, which will make their brain activity under control. Yoga is very useful for mind control. While physical activities channelise their energy and keep their brain less hyper, yoga could further calm down their mind and bring in self¬control. Schools should take initiative to make activities like sports, dance, exercise, yoga as compulsory along with moral education as a subject of study.

Question 15. There is a shortage of drinking water in your area. During summers, the condition worsens, there is no water supply, the rivers and wells go dry and women have to walk long distances to get water. You are dis¬appointed to see some people wasting water as you feel each drop is precious. As Asha/ Arun, write an article on the importance of water conservation in 100-150 words.

Suggested value points :

  • Water-an important natural resource
  • Water should be used judiciously
  • Check the wastage of water
  • Each drop of water is precious

Answer: Water Conservation: It is needless to say that water is the most essential natural resource. We cannot imagine our life without water even for one day. But with each passing day, there is scarcity of water on this earth due to reckless human exploitation of natural resources. So, to keep it safe for our future generations we need to conserve water.

There are different ways in which water can be conserved. The water taps should be used in a very controlled way and kept turned off always and after use. Take water in a bucket for bathing instead of shower or bathtub. Drinking water should not be used for washing floors or cars. Reuse of water wherever possible is a must to preserve water. We should fix alarms for overhead tanks so that water overflow can be prevented. The leakage in water pipelines should be mended on regular basis. Rain water harvesting should be done to conserve water for future. Dams need to be constructed to collect rain water. Spring and stream water should be used for irrigation.

If we all take initiatives to conserve water, we can give a secure future to the coming generations. Asha

Question 16. Your friend has joined an English speaking course to improve his communication skills in English. English is a language which is spoken all over the world. English speaking people are given preference everywhere, be it a job or an interview. Write an article on the importance of English as a global language.

Suggested value points:

  • English spoken and understood all around the world
  • English speaking people preferred everywhere
  • English has evolved as a medium of communication
  • English is important for jobs and business

Answer: Importance of English as a Global Language: English is spoken across the globe. No doubt, it is a universal language, which is being conveniently used and accepted across continents. Wherever we go, we can use English for communicating. We can even say that English connects people in the world. In India, several languages are spoken but one language which enables transformation of ideas between people is English. So, if an Indian goes out to a foreign land, it is English which can save him.

People of almost every country in the world feel that learning English would make their visit to any nation comfortable. For example, when an Indian goes to Singapore or Switzerland, he ca n express himself in English. In fact, many foreign nations prefer English speaking people as the language has evolved as an ideal medium of communication. Business thrive across nations, thanks to the use of English as a medium of communication. Therefore, many countries have made English compulsory for education as well as for jobs and business. Let us thus improve our English language skills.

Question 17. TV advertisements attract the buyers by highlighting the positive features of a product. People get carried away and spend a lot of money. Sometimes, people feel cheated, as they don’t find the products as good as the advertisements claim them to be. As Sunila/Sahil, write an article on the influence of advertisements in about 100-150 words.

  • Consumers are lured by the advertisements shown on T.V.
  • Advertisements project only the positive aspects.
  • Advertisements are misguiding.
  • Consumers are carried away and indulge in buying more than required.

Answer: Misleading Television (TV) Advertisements: These’days, manufacturers and sellers find TV to be the most popular and effective medium to advertise their products. They employ professional publicity agencies and celebrities to do the job for them. Nevertheless, all advertisements are not true to what they claim to be. Some of the advertisements are ambiguous. They do not mean what they appear i,o say. All advertisements claim the products to have beneficial effects. For example, hair dyes and skin creams – while the advertisements speak loudly about their effectiveness, they never caution people about their harmful side effects. Some products claim to help children grow up. In effect children are bound to grow up even without consuming those products if they eat a nutritious diet containing milk, fruit, vegetables, pulses and grains. Many products are unnecessary and it is just a waste of money to buy them. Still, the cleverly worded advertisements and video clips lure viewers to spend their money on them.

Question 18. In spite of the ban imposed by the government on female foeticide, killing of girl child goes on in our country. It has even led to a decrease in the number of females in some states. Imagine yourself as Radha/Suraj and write an article in 100-150 words on this evil practice suggesting measures to curb this menace.

  • Girl child killed in rural as well as urban areas
  • Abnormal sex ratio
  • Need for stringent laws against female foeticide
  • Cancellation of license of doctors indulging into this illegal practice
  • Awareness against the prejudice

Answer: Preventing Female Foeticide: Shameful are the findings in the latest study of female foeticide according to which over one crore foetuses have been aborted in India during the last 20 years. There is no doubt that technology has become a puppet in the hands of the devil. The widespread availability of illegal ultrasound tests have led the doctors, and consequently, the parents discover the gender of their child before birth that has been one of the primary factors in the increase in female foeticide. Gender discrimination is the root cause of this evil practice in the society.

Thus, the blame rests with societal mindset in which the girl child is seen as a burden, a liability. She is referred to as ‘the weaker sex’ and she suffers discrimination and harassment at every step in life. Every individual must make the right choice. All those who are guilty of this crime should be punished. They include the doctors who perform pre-natal sex-determination tests, the parents who ask for it and all those who abet the heinous crime of killing the unborn girl child. Urgent steps should be taken to make the people aware about the importance of girls as they are the procreators by giving birth to the child. Radha

Question 19. Almost everyday, you see newspaper carrying news of accidents caused due to rash driving. Mostly, young people driving motorbikes and cars end up as victims in these accidents. They need to drive carefully, avoid overloading and over-speeding and follow traffic rules. Write an article on ‘Safe driving’.

  • Driving in speed thrills the young people
  • Bikers carry many pillion riders
  • Riders flout traffic rules
  • Young people are victims in accidents

Answer: Safe Driving: These days, as we go out, are we sure of coming back safely? Many of us drive vehicles. Now-a-days, it is a common sight to see. even a twelve-year old boy moving ahead of us on his scooty. He is not bothered about who comes in his way or which vehicle may hit him. He is thrilled at riding his scooty rashly even when pedestrians walk along and heavy vehicles pass by. It is his way of showing his heroism, till he is hit by another vehicle or he himself knocks down anyone. And what about bikers ? They do not lag behind in violating traffic rules. Often during peak hours, we can find bikers carrying not one but two or even three pillion riders. Then there are youngsters-four or five on a bike-speeding down tho empty road in the late nights. They too have, the risck of being knocked down by trucks. They may not even be wearing their helmets, just as car passengers do not bother to tie the seat belt. Then, on the road, no one has the time to wait till the signal turns green. People casually flout traffic rules and usually, it results in chaos on the roads. Let us think for whose good are these traffic rules?

Question 20. You are Rishi/Rohan. You have been a sports person for the last five years and you feel that sports and games have benefitted you a lot. It has not only helped you in making you fit and healthy, but also taught you self discipline. You are disappointed to note that sports and games are not given any importance in a student’s life. Write an article in 100-150 words on the importance of sports and games.

  • Sports make you fit and healthy
  • Teach self discipline
  • Teach team spirit
  • Should be an important part of school curriculum

Answer: Importance of Sports and Games: (by Rishi) In recent times, watching television and playing on the computer and mobile phones have become the ways to passtime for students for stress relief. Students spend more time in studies. So sports and games refresh them, making them fit and healthy.. Since sports and games involve physical activities, students feel that they would be exhausted if they engage in them. But the truth is that sports energise them, just as exercises do. It is not enough if a student is mentally strong. Only a physically fit body can strengthen a mind. Not only that, sports are essential for the overall development of personality. They inculcate self discipline in students. If it is a team sport, the students get trained in team spirit and they are sharpened concerning problem solving skills too. Education gives a student theoretical knowledge, while sports give him a practical base. So, it is important to make sports and games a part of education in a student’s life. Schools should make it a point to include sports in their curriculum.

Question 21. You are Rashi/Tushar. You see students and teenagers carrying mobile phones. They feel that more than being a necessity, these are a status symbol. Mobiles are being misused. People are hardly aware of the negative impact on health. Write an article on “The Mobile Menace” in about 100-150 words.

  • Mobile – a source of distraction
  • Carrying mobile phones is a fashion for many
  • Misuse of mobiles in illegal activities
  • Students indulge in messaging and internet surfing
  • Constant use leads to health hazards

Answer: Mobile Menace: (By Tushar) The cell phone or mobile phone is a wonderful invention of modern times. It has revolutionised communication. It is now a necessity but should be used wisely. Now-a-days, however, it has become a status symbol and young people like to flaunt their pricey mobiles. They also use them excessively, and keep chatting for hours. They send their selfies to their friends. They listen to music. They are unaware of their surroundings and are likely to fall prey to an accident. Mobiles our also usesd to do illegal activities like can trap bank account etc. On account of mobile phones, young people have ignored physical exercise too. They spend hours, playing on their handsets, talking to others and surfing the net. They have turned into couch potatoes and suffer from ailments at an early age. The young people are unaware of the harm of excessive and unnecessary use of mobiles, and should use them wisely and economically.

Question 22. Cases of suicide by young students, especially during examinations, are on the increase. As Rahul/Ragini, write an article in 100-150 words on examination stress and ways to deal with it.

  • Stress during examination
  • Loss of sleep and appetite
  • Students commit suicide
  • Need to eat healthy food during exams
  • Yoga and meditation

Answer: Examination Stress : Ways to Deal with it – In the cut-throat competitive world of today, students face a lot of pressure and strain. They are pressurised by parents, teachers and even the fellow students to score high marks.

The hectic schedule accompanied by a tense state of mind results in a stressed life where there is no place for relaxation or recreation. Outdoor sporting activities and hobbies are hopelessly sacrificed. The pressure of being in the competitive race causes a lot of stress on the young minds. This stress is often manifested in anger, irritation, sleeplessness, lack of appetite and sometimes even such violent behaviour on the part of the students. Stress levels are so high that it at times, takes a toll on their lives as well.

So, the schools should make games compulsory for the students. They should spend at least half- an-hour on yoga or some exercises. They need to eat healthy food during exams. Students should have time management and a desire to live a healthy, happy life. Adults can play a pro-active role in helping them to do so. Ragini

Question 23. You are aware of the unrest that is prevailing in society due to community clashes. Write an article on ‘The Importance of National Integration’. Answer: The Importance of National Integration: As we open the morning newspaper everyday our mood gets disturbed. What we read everyday in newspapers is nothing but ‘conflicts’, from all corners. It is quite unpardonable and undigestible if ‘conflicts’ are found in our country India, which is an example of diversity. Our principle to maintain ‘unity’ in ‘diversity! is slowly getting diluted, while the anti- nationalistic, anti-social feelings are spreading among citizens.

Now, ‘conflicts’ are found in almost every sphere even in religion and in politics, which are the most sensitive aspects of our country. Religious intolerance, casteism, widening gap of economic status of people, communalism, political uncertainty and restlessness are all disintegrating the people. Every citizen wants to lead his own life with no interference from or compromise for others. Retaliation and violence are the weapons to guard every Indian citizen’s “private world”. If this situation goes on then, it is nothing but inviting another foreign invasion. Just as the hinge of yesteryears facilitated the British to establish their hold on us.

We should think about our patriotic leaders, our freedom fighters and the hardships they underwent to earn our independence. They gave their sweat and blood for us to enjoy freedom. It is to be remembered by every citizen of our country. Everyone of us should therefore work towards making our country integrated. National Integration should not be in words alone, but in deeds too.

Question 24. “Care for the old and their safety should be the primary aim of any ruling party.” Write an article in about 100-150 words. Answer: Care and Safety of the Old: Every day we read one or two news items about the killing or robbing of senior citizens in their own homes. Many elderly people live alone. This is because, their grown up children live in other towns or separately in the same town. They live insecure fives and are uncared for. Some of them suffer from old age ailments and physical weakness. We must not neglect them. They have given the best period of their lives to society. If their children cannot take care of them, the society and the government should help them.

There must be some neighbors and NGOs that may look after their needs. Nonetheless, it is the duty of the government to make sure that they five in security without fear of being looted, hurt or killed. They should also be provided with adequate healthcare. Services of retired doctors can be utilised for this purpose. Retirement homes with proper facilities should also be set up so that parents who are abandoned by their children, and the like, will be able to lead comfortable fives.

Question 25. You are Arun/Aruna. It is a common phenomenon in your school that children fall down during assembly or any outdoor activity. It is due to lack of stamina on the part of the children. Using your own ideas and given clue, write an article in about 100-150 words on the topic, ‘Importance of Physical Fitness among Students’. Answer: Importance of Physical Fitness (By Arun, Class-IX): Last week during my football coaching class, one of my friends, was very badly injured when he was pushed down by another boy chasing the ball. .My friend escaped a fracture, but had a ligament tear. My coach advised him a healthy calcium rich and protein diet to keep himself fit to play football.

As I pondered over the issue I felt that very often I too have felt muscle cramps when I play or even go up and down the staircase. Sometimes, I feel very weak even to do my regular activities when I came back from my coaching. Clearly, it.is lack of stamina. Our lifestyle and food habits do contribute for building up our stamina.

Students now-a-days hardly have time to eat, leave alone eat healthy food. Their hectic schedule makes them spare a little time to snatch a bite here and there. With both parents working, things go worse. Besides, all these are the adulterated food items and chemically grown food crops that fill our plates leaving very little nutrition to get into our blood stream.

A nutrition rich diet, combined with proper eating habits arid good physical habits are a must for growing children. They should be taught about the* importance of staying healthy right from their early age. Schools too should include sessions of yoga and exercise as compulsory activities in their curriculum for only a healthy body can make a healthy mind.

Question 26. You are the resident of ABC city. Your area faces a shortage of genuine doctors. The residents have no option but to consult quacks, doctors with fake medical degrees. You are disturbed not only to find these quacks practising freely, but also cheating people. As Soma/Sudha, write an article highlighting the illegal practices of quacks and ways to check these practices, in 100-150 words.

  • Quacks possess fake degress
  • Misguide people by giving wrong information and wrong medication, sometimes leading to death of patients Quacks should be exposed and punished
  • Should not be allowed to practise
  • People should know the difference between a quack and a genuine doctor

Answer: Quackery : An Illegal Practice Quackery is the promotion of fraudulent or ignorant medical practice. A quack is a “fraudulent pretender to medical skill”, a person who pretends to have knowledge or qualifications he or she does not possess. Quackery continues even today in every medical tradition. The various tactics of spreading or advertising it is through spamming such as miraculous remedies for ‘weight-loss’, weight-gain, T.B., Cancer, etc. It is often aimed at the aged or chronically ill. It can be aimed at all age groups. The FDA has mentioned many medical areas where quackery may be a problem. It includes breast developers, weight loss, steroids and growth hormones, tanning pills, hair removal and growth, etc.

Individuals and non-governmental agencies are active in attempts to expose quackery. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US whose purpose is to monitor and regulate the safety of medications. There are also ‘anti-quackery’ websites, such as quack watch, its information is relevant to both consumers and medical professionals.

Quacks misguide people by giving wrong information and wrong medication, sometimes leading to death of patients. They should be exposed and strictly punished for playing with the precious lives of people. Their fraudulent medical practice should be banned immediately. People should be aware and alert about these quacks. They should be able to demarcate the difference between a quack and a genuine doctor. Then, only their life can rest in safe hands. Sudha

Question 27. You are Adarsh/Aditi of Ujjain. Your recent visit to a historical monument has been very disappointing as you found people spoiling the beauty of these monuments by scribbling on the walls and littering the place with eatables and other waste. Write an article on the need to preserve our heritage, in about 100-150 words. Answer: Neglected Monuments: Need to Preserve Our Heritage (Adarsh) Recently, I visited the Samadhi of a saint near Ujjain. It was built by a ruler of Ujjain about five hundred years ago. It is a historical monument, but it is not protected by ASI. Every Thursday hundreds of devotees visit the Samadhi with reverence, but they have little regard for its cleanliness. They bring food with them and eat it on the lawns or the verandas. You can see empty cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, tins, polythene bags and left-over food littered all over the place. On the walls there are paintings telling the story of the saint’s miracles, but, they are all disfigured. Visitors have scratched their names or meaningless messages across the pictures.

The people who claim to be the followers of the saint, are more interested in grabbing the offerings rather than maintaining the monument. Sadly, however, many Indian monuments are being defaced in this manner. We must realize that these monuments are the link between the past and the future. We owe it to the future generations that we look after our heritage so that they too will be proud of it. The authorities and the people should work together for the preservation of these monuments.

Question 28. Headlines Today has asked you to write ail article on ‘Safety of Women’. Write the article in about 100-150 words. Answer: Safety of Women: Though our country has attained freedom long ago, freedom for women to move around the country-to anywhere at anytime is unthinkable. The question then is not what ails women? But it is what ails Indian men, who still see women as product to be handled the way they like.

Everyday we do read news about women and girls being abused in some corner of the country, indicating the vulnerability of women, not only Indian but also the foreign women who visit our country. It is not enough if women are educated and given equal opportunities in administration or if women have achieved in all spheres. The real achievement for women would be to change the mindset of man towards women. Also, the loopholes in Indian legal system need to be attended to. It is not enough if women are freed from old customs. The real freedom for women lies in providing them a safe India where they can move freely without fear of being victimised, and with heads held high.

Question 29. Television has become the most powerful medium of information. It has won the confidence of the masses, many corrupt practices have been also exposed by media. Write an article on the role of television as a medium of information and awareness.

  • Television media getting powerful nowadays
  • A source of information as well as awareness
  • People have full faith in television media
  • Media intervention has solved many cases
  • Malpractices captured in a camera and exposed

Answer: Role of Television as a Medium of Information and Awareness: Nowadays, there is not a single day in all our lives when we do not watch television. It is the most powerful medium today.. There are many advantages of television. Sitting at one place, we get news and information about people and events in any comer of the world. Young or old, television caters to every one’s needs, thanks to satellite televisions. We have now different channels for news, entertainment, knowledge, kids, music, etc., to satisfy the need of one and all. Television is not only a source of information but also medium for awareness and a source of mass appeal.

It gives news about the government, the society, the economy and other topics and enables people to form opinions about these. Interactive programmes help the public voice its opinion and bureaucrats reach out to the public. Television has played a vital role in flashing the views of the people and has triggered public actions against several social attrocities. Television also has tapped its potential to the optimum in exposing the culprits by capturing their actions through hidden camera and making it public. So also several malpractices around us have been exposed to us.

Question 30. The desire to attain and lead a lavish lifestyle has forced many to find short-cuts to make a quick buck. You are Lakshmi/ Lakshman of class nine. Write an article in about 100-150 words on ‘The Importance of Teaching Values to Children’. Answer: The Importance of Teaching Values to Children: The various undesirable incidents clearly point out to the way children are now being brought up. Hard work, honesty, respect for elders were values taught to, and imbibed by children of yesteryears. They feared God and were well-disciplined. Those frustrated lot are now bringing up their children unlike their parents did. Children now are petted and pampered given a cozy life, lavished upon by expensive products not necessary for their life, as for example laptops, mobiles etc. As for values- nothing! Children today have no respect for elders at home or outside -be their teachers or parents, not to say about being indisciplined. They spend too much time on gadgets, not in interactions with elders at home. And they are brought up in a nuclear family, with both parents employed. What more?

Parents and teachers are also bound by Indian legal system that calls every act of disciplining as “child abuse”. What could then be done is to instill moral values in children through ‘moral education’ which should be added as a compulsory subject in the curriculum. For, children can be moulded at a teenage, and not to forget, today’s Indian children are tomorrow’s good citizens of India.

Question 31. Joint family system is breaking up fast nowadays. It is not a good sign. A person is empowered with various qualities in this system. Using the following hints and ideas of your own, write an article in about 100-150 words on ‘Importance of Joint Family System’. You are…. (Hints : Family values – sharing of burden – multiple sources of income – children are well attended – bonding – caring and sharing) Answer: Importance of Joint Family System (by Nitin): Modernisation has resulted in a spurt of nuclear families, and a fast disappearing joint family system. Joint families, with umpteen relations, are however essential, more so in the present age. The presence of family elders automatically infuses a set of values and traditions that are strictly followed. Burdens and responsibilities, whether on the personal front or elsewhere can be Shared, and hence, the load lightened. Multiple sources of income through various family members tend to reduce financial pressure too. Besides this, joint families provide a sturdy support system to working parents. Children are given due care, and the values of caring, sharing and love are inculcated early on. Thus, it has become necessary to preserve the joint family tradition in an increasingly isolative age.

Question 32. You find your parents in distress because of rising prices. The commodities and goods of daily use have become so expensive that some people have had to cut down on other expenses as they find it difficult to make both ends meet. As Asha/Ishaan, write an article on ‘Rising prices and the common man’s Struggle’. Answer: ‘Rising Prices and the Common Man’s Struggle’: (by Asha) When two women meet, a common topic for them would be the rise in prices of commodities. Newspapers too now-a-days fill the pages with the rising prices and the government’s efforts to bring them down. Even essential commodities for our day- to-day survival like milk, vegetables, fruits and groces keep rising marginally, at least every week. This makes most of these commodities out of reach for common man. For middlemen like agents and wholesalers, it is business. They hoard the essential commodities and release them at the black market for minting money. While this is so, neither the# producers, nor the consumers benefit. Producers may not find much profit and the consumers who are common men have to pay unfairly. With a large percentage of people below poverty line and at the middle class level, rise in prices indeed, affects the economic development of the country. Poor people who pull on the days with vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, and onions, may fore go even these if their prices, go sky rocketing making them unaffordable even for the middle class people. Thus, the common man is the worst hit.

Questions for Practice

Question 1. Sports make a person fit and healthy still people do not want to choose it as a career. Write an article in about 100-150 words for a sports magazine suggesting the measures to be taken to improve* the status of sports so that more and more people are attracted towards it. You are…. Hints: regular income, publicity, good stadiums, infrastructure, more opportunities in schools and colleges.

Question 2. Junk food is great health hazard. Still it is greatly liked by today’s youth. Using the given hints and using your own ideas, write an article in about 100-150 words on the topic, ‘Say No to Junk Food’ You are…. Hints : obesity, ailments, cost factor, unhealthy, lack of nutritional values. (2016-7VOECKJ)

Question 3. Air pollution poses a serious threat to public health. There is an urgent need to control it. Write an article in 100-150 words on ‘Causes of Air Pollution’. You are Gopal/Gopa.

Question 4. With lifestyle diseases so rampant today, it is time to turn our attention to clean and safe eating practices. As Usha/Ulhas of Express Today, write an article on ‘Safe Eating : An Ideal Lifestyle’.

Question 5. Now-a-days people are adopting various methods to keep fit and healthy. Study the following hints and write an article in about 100-150 words on ‘Importance of Exercise’. You are…. Hints : lifts mood, improves learning abilities, keeps body fit, boosts mental health and immune system, fights diseases, keeps focussed, lessens fatigue, improves quality of fife, gives confidence, improves appetite.

Question 6. You recently visited a shopping centre for the first time. You were surprised to find that the shops were charging exorbitant prices for the goods displayed. You agree that the goods were of good quality but no one was allowed to bargain. Are the customers being cheated? Using the given clue and using your own ideas, write an article in about 100-150 words titled, ‘Is the Customer the King ?’ You are Rajni/Rajan.

Question 7. Games and Sports are essential for maintaining physical fitness without which one cannot achieve one’s goal. Write an article in 100-150 words on ‘Importance of Physical Fitness’.

Class 9 English Question Answer

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Article Writing for Class 9

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Article Writing For Class 9

Question 1. nowadays, youths are taking up different roles and responsibilities. they also have varied interests. recently, you came across the following pictures in a magazine. using the information you gather from the picture and ideas of your own, write an article on “the changing role of youngsters”, in about 100-150 words.   .

Class 9 Article Writing


The present scenario has created a huge impact on the young minds. They have varied interests now as compared to the earlier generation. The earlier generation studied with the aim of earning for their family. They had limited professions to think about and to choose from. They abided by the social norms. Their life was monotonous with only to view, study, get a good job, earn sufficiently, get married and to be settled with his/her family. They were not at all concerned with the other aspects of life. They did not find any other obligations in life too.

But today’s generation has a broader viewpoint. They are considerate towards every issue, be it social, political or personal. They think about career along with the political operations in the country. They fight for justice. They join hands for noble causes. They want to keep us freedom, justice for everyone, and equality for men and women in the country. If anything goes wrong in the country, the youngsters come ahead to curb the situation. They protest for fulfilling their demands. They want to develop not only their living standard but also the level of the country in global context. They want peace instead of wars and atomic disasters. They have started taking up different roles and responsibilities.

The youth has turned out to be an informed group in the country. They want to be a part of politics for the welfare of the country. They are completely against the worthless systems. However, this changing role of youngsters would make them more responsible and more considerate not only towards themselves but also towards the society. It might bring in an era of reforms.

Question 2. You were moved to see the children, who are the future of the nation, picking up rags and roaming about streets, etc. Write an article with a suitable title, in about 100-150 words. Class 9 Article Writing


The ragpickers of India present a pitiable sight. It is poverty that forces them to resort to rag picking. Day-in and day-out they may be seen on the roads, the lanes and the bylanes of a city or town, looking for cast-off clothes or something else that could be sold. More often than not, it is children who take up rag picking. But some young men and women are also forced to take up the shady trade to make both ends meet. Why should innocent children, who should be at school at this age, do this filthy job? It is because their parents are too poor to support them. So, they neglect them and abandon them to face the cruel world on their own.

These people roam about streets and bazaars, picking up from the dustbins, any waste-worn out or torn and tattered clothes and they don’t hesitate to search for rags even in bad smelling garbage or sewage or cesspools. They carry bags on their backs and store their findings in them. Very often, the individuals divide a city into zones, and each zone is allotted to a particular group by mutual consent. The intrusion of one group into another zones is resented, and sometimes even result into fights.

Very often, young men who take up rag picking are the ones who come from villages to cities in search of jobs. They take up rag picking out of sheer helplessness and desperation.

Question 3. Write an article on ‘pollution due to Urbanisation’, in about 100-150 words. 


Urbanization has become a common feature in many societies. It has improved the standard of life and increased future prospects. However, it has come with its own share of problems. One that is a cause for serious concern is pollution, which is associated with it.

The intensive process of urbanization has sharply aggravated the problem of water supply to the towns. A considerable part of the population in the towns of the developing world, especially slum dwellers, use the rivers and reservoirs for their daily needs. In the Ganga, about 40 thousand semi-burnt dead bodies of the people and animals are cast in it every year.

The pollutions of the environment including natural reservoirs is increasing sharply in the town of developing countries as a result of industrialization. The industrial undertaking often throw wastes into the reservoirs of the towns without appropriate purification. Rapid industrialization has also affected the quality of the air, especially in the major towns where the level of population has frequently surpassed the maximum international norms permissible. Investigation of the pollution of the air in Bombay, Delhi and Kolkata, conducted in the 70 has shown that the concentration of dust here was twenty-five times higher than in the towns of western Europe.

Pollution of the air in the towns is increasing both as a result of the growth of industrial potential as well as the steadily increasing auto mobilization. If this continues, then the day is not so far, when there will be no fresh air to breathe.

Question 4. Teen years are fun years. Write an article commenting on the statement, in about 100-150 words. You are Nikhil/Nikita. 


Teen years are definitely fun years. It is an age of fun and merry-making. In all other stages, one is burdened by responsibilities of life. The teen years is the time, children grow into distinct individuals that are energetic, thoughtful and idealistic. An individual’s teen years may be the best years of his/her life and it is important for him/her to take time to live that period of life fully. Upon reaching adolescence, a teenager interacts with a great number of new and old faces, those that will change the individual as they grow. A teen is full of imagination, wild fancies, thrill and enthusiasm in life. Enthusiasm makes them think that they could master the universe by virtue of their firm determination, indefatigable energy and sound memory. It is rightly said that only a healthy body can have all pleasures of life. Teens are blessed with all faculties that help them fulfill their dreams and aim. It’s the most important stage in life for the attainment of one’s goal. A teen can make every day fruitful with his/ her persistent efforts, directed at all great things of life.

Question 5. Recently, you have come across the term ‘Brain Drain’. You feel this to be apt in Indian talents. Write an article, in about 100-450 words, reflecting your views about this.        

Brain drain in india.

Brain Drain refers to the mass migration of highly qualified and trained people who leave a country to permanently settle in some other country. Brain Drain is an extremely serious problem for developing countries like India. The destiny of such countries lies in the solution to this great problem. After independence, India was engaged in a difficult struggle against poverty. They required armies of trained personnel – the scientists, technical know how and specialists in the field of planned development. Instead of contributing to the prosperity of India, they immigrated to other countries to make their prospects better. The intelligentsia in India found it very difficult to reach their goal, as the obstacles were many and the bureaucratic bungling was irritating. Hence, the alarming exodus started in the 50s, and in the 70s the ‘brain drain’ appeared to be complete. Hundreds of people migrated to U.S.A. and Europe, which assured them a secure and comfortable living of satisfaction and glory in their respective fields. If the immigrants had all those assurances, they would have migrated. They could have uplifted the eighty percent of Indians who languish in dark hovels -poor, ignorant and superstitious to take them out of the morass. There may be many obstacles in their way, but their dedicated services and patriotic zeal will help them rise above and restore the lost

Question 6. Newspapers and television report the involvement of children in crimes. This tendency of violence is on a11-time rise. Write an article on crime and the involvement of juveniles, in about 100-150 words.

Crime and the involvement of juveniles.

Violent crimes and juvenile homicide are on an all-time rise in recent times. Children and adolescents are involved in violent behavior, such as physical fights, bullying, using weapons, rape, verbal threats to harm others and chronic impulsive aggression. Violence in children emanates from multiple factors like inconsistent or harsh discipline, community deprivation, exposure to violence, response to stress during a vulnerable period, violent video games, high expectations and unrealistic goals set by parents, teachers and peers. Watching television has a massive impact in the minds of the children, whereas playing violent video games influence the players and they easily identify with the violent characters. These games reward the players to graduate to the next level. Children with certain learning disabilities are easily termed as lazy or difficult by parents, teachers or peers. All these could lead a child to be deviant in his behavior. Nurturing such children back to the normal stream can be done only by love, understanding, proper guidance and clinical therapy. Parents play an important role in the developmental stages of a child. Care should be taken to be the role models and engage children in activities that help them control their impulses, so that we groom a civilized and productive citizen for the future.

Question 7. Write an article on ‘The Role of Media in our Daily Lives’, in about 100-150 words.                     

The role of media in our daily lives  .

One of the most remarkable changes seen in the past decade has been the active role of the media, especially the electronic media, in giving us information. News is no longer just a collection of facts but is selectively highlighted, with sensationalism. Even a simple fact like the winning or losing of a cricket match is presented as a drama. Sensationalism sells and the electronic media thrives by selling everything in a melodramatic and exaggerated way. The media also tends to trivialize issues sometimes. There are programs where well-established social/cultural/traditional mores are dismissed as being outdated and irrelevant. “Living in” is depicted as the modern way of life. Youth should remember that the old-fashioned virtues such as truth, justice, honesty, concern for others, uprightness and integrity, dependability, encouragement and kindness will never go out of fashion. These characteristics will always be valued and ensure satisfaction and peace for the person living in the society. Many TV serials show human nature in poor light. There is much plotting and scheming and family intrigues. Each of us must remember that what we view is meant purely for the purpose of entertainment and not for emulating. Internet has now become a popular source of information, entertainment and even earning. In fact, Internet, fax, satellite telephones, have all pushed our lives into a fast forward mode. At the press of a button or the click of a mouse, we are transported instantly into another site which may be hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Scientific discoveries and inventions have changed our lives. They have made it easier for us to accomplish many tasks through remote control. Gadgets and machines have taken over manual activities. All information in visual form tend to have a greater impact on the mind. Overload of information can sometimes create confusion too. So we should use various media, judiciously.

Question 8. Based on the visual input, write an article on ‘Child Labour’, in about 100-150 words.

     child labour.

Child labor has been an international concern because it damages, spoils and destroys the future of children. Child labor is a serious social problem, not only in India but also in other developing countries. India is a highly populous country and a large number of people are below the poverty line (BPL). Children are seen engaged in child labor to increase the income of poor families, as well as to reduce the labor cost in a production organization. The parents of these children are not aware of the possible harmful effects of child labor. Besides poverty, illiteracy is also a major reason for child labor. Children are often engaged as domestic workers. In some culture, there is a tradition of heredity-based occupation which will help him/her learn the traits of the business. Child labor laws, when strictly enforced, can curb child labor. Government should also take care of this. There should be an increase in employment opportunity for adults, and government ensures that every child gets the opportunity to go to school. Benefit and interest of no child should be engaged as labor, both from legal point-of-view as well as the child’s future is concerned.

Question 9. Based on the visual input, write words. rite an article on ‘Right to Education, in about 100-150 words.            

 right to education.

Right to Education is the importance of learning to enable an individual to put his potential to optimal use. Education makes man a right decision-maker and a thinker. During the post independence period, education has been unprecedented by any standards. The government later committed to ensure universal elementary education for children aged between 6-14 years through its flagship program, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan, with the chief aim that education enables one to earn his/her living. The RTE act aims at school and social mapping, re-deployment of teachers, retention and admission to drop-outs, grievance redressal and funding. Under RTE, education would be stress free, teachers would be accountable and rights of children would be protected. The RTE goes beyond free and compulsory education to include quality education. Since RTE Act provides tools to quality education, we should join hands to ensure that quality is provided. Education is a fundamental human right that helps us to lead a decent and effective life.

Question 10. Look at the visual input and write an article on the topic sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating in children leads to obesity, in about 100-150 words     

Sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy generation.

 A chubby child or even a plump teenager is no longer considered a healthy child. Changes in diet coupled with inactive lifestyles have sparked off childhood obesity which is on the rise. Being glued to the TV screen or smartphones results in a sedentary lifestyle. Parents should take care to incorporate more outdoor activities in their children’s lives and limit the use of phones/tablets. Childhood obesity can be a hereditary too. Moreover, obese children are being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and other co-morbid conditions. Almost 75% of the obese children grow up as obese adults. Childhood obesity brings along many psychological side-effects in the childlike low self-esteem, increased loneliness, sadness, depression and poor academic performance.

They become victims of discrimination and social stigmatization, lack of self-confidence and are victims of bullying in school. Obese kids get tired easily due to hormonal/ nutritional imbalance i the body, which again leads to a sedentary lifestyle le and thus, the vicious cycle of obesity continues. Understanding the relationship between sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits modifies these behaviors which are fundamental in reducing the threats caused by them.

Question 11. Recently, you came upon a news item about the lack of fitness. Write an article for a newspaper, highlighting the importance of exercise and yoga in daily life. Write in about 100-150 words.

The need of yoga and exercise.

Exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, contributing to the longevity and fitness program includes aerobic, strength, core, balance and flexibility training. including yoga, along with cardiovascular and strength training helps you to be fit in all of these components as well as reduces stress. Regular exercise protects you from heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, certain cancers, Type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. As according to age, exercise helps you stay functional. Exercise is intrinsic to weight management and efficient functioning of lungs and heart. One may experience less depression and anxiety with regular exercise. Yoga is a way to improve strength. Regular yoga practice correlates with reduced anxiety and stress, and may provide relief from the symptoms of arthritis, asthma, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease and irritable bowel syndrome. One of the key aspects practicing yoga is flexibility. Flexibility training keeps your joints4 ligaments, tendons and muscles supple. it also reduces the risk of injury and muscle soreness. Regular flexibility training may promote better posture. Yoga’s tendon to breathing techniques and meditation can also improve your health. Yoga also helps to increase lung capacity because they stretch out the area around the shoulders, back and ribs, providing more room for the chest and the lung expansion. The meditative aspect of yoga can be a powerful.

Question 12. The population is increasing at a very fast rate. Due to this, India is facing many problems. Write an article, in about 100-150 words. Use the following cues.

 population in india – increasing – causes – problems – no progress – unemployment – crime – unavailability of resources – education, overpopulation -a threat to mankind.

Period after 1945 is generally referred to as a period of population explosion when India experienced unprecedented and accelerated growth, leading to population explosion. Studies reveal that while China’s population would double in 60 years, India’s population would double in 34 years.

Overcrowding of cities has brought about a •virtual breakdown of transportation, electricity and other services. It has also led to the rise in crime and an increase in violence in the urban and the semi-urban areas of the country. If population continues to increase at this rate, we will have an army of unemployed, hungry and desperate people who will threaten the very foundations of the social, economic and political systems and institutions of the country. The impact of the population boom deprives people of their basic needs. 49.1 percent people in India have no electricity in their households, 69.7 percent have no toilets, 51.5 percent have no pakka houses and 19 percent have no safe drinking water. Population explosion is a social problem which is deeply rooted in the social life of the country. h can be controlled by educating the masses, raising the status of women, by fixing a minimum age of marriage, imparting sex education, and more employment opportunities.

Question 13. The picture given below shows the plight of traffic in big cities. Thousands of people face the problem of traffic jams every day. As a responsible citizen, you feel that a systematic public transport system can easily bring down the difficulties of a common man. Write an article, in about 100-150 words, on the need for public transport.

Need of systematic public transport system.

Transport is a means of carrying goods and people from one place to another.

Transport plays an important role in today’s modern world. It helps in removing the distance barrier. An efficient transport system is essential for sustainable economic development of the country and plays a significant role in promoting national and global integration. An efficient transport helps in increasing productivity and enhances competitiveness of the economy. Transportation results into the growth of infrastructure, industrialization and massive production. It reduces congestion, travel time and protects mobility. Public transportation’s role in reducing traffic congestion is significant. It is an important alternative to rising gas prices and lower rates of respiratory and heart diseases. The health effects of mobile source pollution can be severe and even life-threatening, as it affects the quality of life. Public transportation fosters a more active lifestyle, encouraging more people to walk, bike and jog to transit stops. Public transportation is critical to a nation’s future. A stronger economy, conservation of energy and resources, reduced congestion, less global warming and improved air quality and health, critical support during emergencies and disasters, increased real estate values and development, mobility for small urban and rural communities, increased access for groups of all ages and circumstances, lower health-care costs–all contribute to a better quality of life.

Question 14. You have come across a scene as shown in the visual below and decided to write an article for the school magazine on ‘Cruelty to Animals’. Write the article, in about 100-150 words.

  cruelty to animals.

God created all living creatures on earth with the same feelings of pain, happiness, anger, depression, etc. Since animals and plants do not speak, we humans abuse them to such a great extent that if they could respond back, we would have suffered much more. Man kills animals for pleasure and monetary benefits like getting their skins, tusks and fur. For scientific ‘earnings, animals are used on a large scale and they undergo great sufferings of pain and agony, just for the reason that they cannot respond back. To bring down the cruelty shown on animals, there are many legal bodies that work for animals and their well-being, and they take action when a cruelty is being reported or seen. Animal cruelty could be recognized when you see wounds on an animal’s body, when there are several outgrown nails, when there are extremely thin animals that seem undernourished, keeping animals out in extreme climatic conditions, animals being crammed into tiny cages that are not their size, kept in unhygienic conditions and so on.

Animals also have the right to live on earth in a peaceful manner, and we ought to learn to love, and not harm them.

Question 15. 10. Riding without helmets, speeding, rash driving and jumping red lights are some aspects of underage driving. The underage drivers fail to realize that they are putting to risk not only their own but also the life of other road users. Write an article, in about 100- 150 words, highlighting the solutions to the menace of underage driving.

Underage driving -a menace.

A woman was seriously injured in Chandigarh in July 2008, after a teenager rammed into her while riding on the wrong side of the road. Why do such cases keep happening? Who is responsible? What is the solution? Youngsters from wealthy families often take out their parents’ car for a drive. Courtesy their hormones, they drive fast, rash and honk wildly. Their reflexes are not as sharp as the reflexes of the adults and when required to react fast, they bungle. Obtaining a license is also a very easy task if some money is paid to a tout. One can get a license without even a test. Minors can obtain a license with fake proof of age. In such cases, the police only impose a nominal fine and these dangerous drivers are black on the road. When minors are involved in an accident, their parents need to be made accountable. Many a time, it is the parents who encourage their kids. They proudly announce that their 12 or 14-year-old child can drive a car. They themselves teach their kids how to ride two-wheelers. Ideally, youngsters should not have access to the keys of the vehicle. In case of negligent driving by minors, parents should be booked too. Laws dealing with such crimes should be made stricter and implemented stringently. The punishment should also be severe to curb such crimes. Removing these underage drivers from the roads doesn’t mean that accidents will stop happening, the number of accidents will surely reduce and make our roads safer.

Question 16. Read through the news clipping given below about air pollution. Taking hints from the clipping write an article in 100-150 words on Vehicular Pollution.

Nearly 40,000 people die of air pollution every year in ahmedabad, mumbai, kolkata, delhi, kanpur and nagpur; 7,500 in delhi alone., a study found a rise in coronary ailments within 24 to 48 hours after pollution levels increased in delhi.,   vehicular pollution,        by: harsh.

Increased vehicular traffic, haphazard urban settlements and poor roads lead to frequent traffic snarls and road accidents as also vehicular pollution, which has assumed alarming proportions. It is estimated that nearly 40,000 people succumb to air pollution every year in major cities of India. High-level emissions of smoke and poisonous gases cause global warming and depletion of the ozone layer, affecting the weather pattern. Summers are warmer and prolonged. Poisonous particulate matter in the air leads to respiratory and eye-related problems. Even a rise in coronary cases linked to an increase in pollution levels, was reported. The very first measure to counter this is to change our lifestyles. Radical and urgent steps need to be taken such as ban on the plying of very old vehicles, starting pooling systems in private cars, adopting zero waste system. Thus, it is imperative that pollution control norms are implemented and defaulters booked.

Question 17. You are Kashish/Kailash, a strong believer in the theory that one must eat healthy food to live well. However, you are disturbed that your friends are junk food addicts. What is worse, are the advertisements that make eating junk food practical, easier and cheaper by way of attractive discounts, like the one given below. Write an article for your school magazine Awaz talking about the problems of unhealthy eating, leading to various body disorders like obesity, lack of concentration, lethargy, etc. Give a suitable heading to your article. (100–150 words)

Say goodbye to junk food,        by kailash.

A new craze among teenagers is an inclination towards fast food. However, its consumption in high quantities can create disorders in the body and lead to obesity. Fast food is high in fat content Their taste, more than nutrition, is what lures youngsters to these foods. If the quantity and quality are not within the desired limits, the extra fat is stored in the body tissues. So, improving eating habits is necessary for good health. Fiber-rich diets help maintain brain and body health because fiber content is required for good digestion and for keeping the metabolism healthy So, parents must regulate the eating habits of their children. School authorities should also monitor the sale of junk food at the school canteens and school campus.

Question 18. You are interested in investing in a new housing complex that promises a green lifestyle. Write an article in 100-150 words on the need for green housing complexes. You may take help from the picture given.

Need for green housing complex,         by : anuj.

Living in a concrete tower complex, much above ground level, does not lead to environmental destruction if certain precautions are taken. The buildings can be surrounded with ample green spaces like parks, walking tracks, water bodies, yoga and related mind-body enhancement rooms. Terrace gardens on a few floors, a jogging track on the rooftop and even tree plantings along boundary walls can help reduce noise pollution and provide oxygen. Environmental measures of reduce, reuse and recycle must be practiced by adopting rainwater harvesting measures, as well as garbage collection for energy production, and the use of LED lights to serve the lighting needs. Green patches all over the place for people to walk barefoot can also be considered as that provides a healing touch from the mother earth. Nearness to bus stops would reduce private car use while airy rooms and designed spaces inside homes, would create happy families, so that living becomes healthy and energetic.

Question 19. A rally was organized by the women of Welfare Organisation’. All the women were holding banners such as

We are not weak, don’t treat us like this, reserve seats for women in colleges and parliament, grant women their due, stop harassment, write an article on in 100-150 words on the sufferings of indian women’ for your school magazine. you are suresh/shivani of dav public school, new delhi., the sufferings of indian women,        by : suresh.

In Indian society, women have customarily been kept subservient to men. Traditional mindset gives preference to sons over daughters. Sex determination and female infanticide are common practices, even among the educated classes. Though women have been emerging as eminent writers, political leaders, High Court and Supreme Court judges, yet their ratio in comparison to men is negligible. Though the Constitution grants equal rights to women, most of them are ignorant of these rights. Women are still abused and exploited. Even the educated working women are not able to stand up to their rights. Need of the hour is to change the patriarchal mindset. Women must be brought into the social and political mainstream for their economic, social and political development. The gap between legal rights and the attitude of society needs to be bridged. Women of India need to be empowered for a strong and healthy society.

Question 20. Write a paragraph on each of the following:

Electronic waste and environmental pollution, electronic waste and environmental pollution.

Electronic waste or E-waste means old or discarded appliances using electricity. It may include computers, cell phones, refrigerators, etc. that have been disposed of. The processing of electronic waste in developing countries causes serious health and pollution problems. Fast technology change, low initial cost and usage of old items have resulted in continuous growth of electronic waste around the world. Expensive electronics are extremely difficult and expensive to recycle. Electronic waste includes toxic substances that can prove hazardous if not processed properly. Informal processing of it can lead to serious effects on human health and environmental pollution E-waste threatens the future technology. But reusing old appliances is also not a choice since not all old computers can be used by a second consumer. Therefore, recycling and remanufacturing are the current solution to control E-waste. Proper disposal of e-waste is also mandatory to address the issue of environmental pollution.

Question 21. You are Mariam/Mayur. You see the following news item in a daily. Write an article in 100-150 words expressing your views on how to make the complex attractive for night tourism.

  tall makeover for qutab, in another month, the qutab minar complex will be opened tonight tourism. two months from then, a 50-lakh plan will transform the area., tall makeover for qutab minar,        by mariam.

The opening of Qutab Minar to night visitors is a popular and an imaginative move. This project to transform the complex, needs to be backed by a comprehensive plan of development For a start, the parking lot should be spruced to create a satisfactory green cover around the complex. Flood-lit by night, it would create an illusion of a fairyland. Likewise, the existing green belt along the road, can be converted into a convenient parking lot. The changeover will look more serene. Another place that needs to be made convenience-oriented, is the ticket counter. Currently, there is no other utility around it. Perhaps a bookstore and a cafeteria would be a useful addition. With these amenities, visitors will have no regrets. With such facilities, the tourism will also get a boost and the Qutab Minar that stands tall as the tallest building of Delhi today will still stand taller!

Question 22. Gagan sees the following scene as he looks out of his bedroom window. He is alarmed at the way his city has changed in the past five years. He writes an article for his city newspaper expressing his alarm and pain at the present situation and cautioning people against environmental pollution. Write the article in 100-150 words.

  environment pollution,        by: gagan.

Smoking chimneys, burning tree leaves and wastes, smoke spewing vehicles — the city almost dying. Year after year, the situation is deteriorating and if nothing is done against these hazards, conditions will worsen further. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy such as heat, light etc. The emergence of great factories and consumption of coal gas give rise to unprecedented are pollution. People of the city are also to be blamed for inviting this situation upon themselves. People living in the vicinity, should form carpools to reduce traffic pollution. People should form action committees and get closed factories that release poisonous gases as well as chemicals into the water. Residents should launch afforestation drives to make the city green. It is a good sign that the awareness to pollution has already given rise to the “Save Our Environment Movement”.

Question 23. In 2010, the United Nations declared Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s birthday (15th October) as World Students’ Day. Write an article on the importance of the youth/young students in the making of a New India. (120 – 150 words)

Importance of the youth/young students in the making of a new india,          by abc.

Youth are the building blocks of the society. They are the miraculous power of any country and current hope of a mankind. They are a strong base that is required to form a new and better India. Youths have energy, new motives with wide perspective along with the capability to bring a wave of change in the silent sea. No one can match with the level and aura that young students can get in to form a New India. It’s high time all these oldies took a backseat and allow young ones to come into the power. We have new ideologies and constructive views with a better vision. If we desire for success, prosperity, peace and safety to be accomplished, active participation of youth is a must. They are the one who can contribute their best by giving their best. Given the opportunity, they can work wonders. All the issues can be easily overcome provided the entire youth power and resources are utilized under the guidance of dedicated leaders. We, youth, are invincible. Try us and we will conquer the world with integrity.

Question 24. Your neighbor’s daughter has been selected as Miss India this time. The local daily has asked you to file an article for the Neighbourhood Times on the homecoming of Miss India. Write the article in 100-150 words.

A grand welcome for miss india,        by : ayesha.

With the news of neighbor’s daughter’s selection as Miss India, welcome preparations had lasted throughout the night. The elders received her with flowers and the customary ritual, as she posed for photographs in her bejeweled Miss India crown and sash. It was a moment of pride not only for our neighbors but for the entire city. Speeches that were given in her honor talked of her hard work, willpower, and determination. She had won the hearts of billions across the nation and had now become a source of inspiration for many a teenager. Flashlights and mobiles clicked scores of pictures in company with awestruck girls eager for pointers for the next contest. The boys, meanwhile, gave their Didi a pillion ride on their motorbikes to the nearest park, where a band played Congratulations and Celebrations as they pushed her high up on a swing, drowning her cries for help with good-humored laughter all around.

Question 25. This year during the coming summer vacations your parents have decided to skip the annual family holiday. To spend your time usefully, you decide to take up gardening as a hobby. Write an article up in 100-150 words on what you perceive are the benefits of taking up such a hobby.

Benefits of gardening as a hobby,         by: rama.

On seeing the bare patch below our ground-floor flat becoming a dump yard for the community, I felt I had the right opportunity waiting for me to do gardening there during my annual holiday. Buying myself a simple set of tools, I asked the local park gardener to help me with planting a neem tree which sprouted new leaves within a week. A positive effect of this gardening exercise is that I have begun to rise early and be outdoors tending and watering the patch, which is now grassed and trimmed with a small hedge. It conceived in me a sense of purpose and confidence and it helped me make new friends, as pedestrians and passersby invariably stop to compliment my efforts and exchange a friendly chat.

Question 26. In groups of four, discuss in favour of or against the topic: “New technology is common, new thinking is rare.”

New technology is common, new thinking is rare.

I fully agree with the view that ‘new technology is common but new thinking is rare. In today’s technological era, new technologies have indeed made the life easier but they come with their own side effects. For example smartphones have made most of the work easier to do but it has his disadvantages too. People don’t have the logical thinking to reap maximum benefits out of it but are using it without thinking of its negative effects. We must understand that technology is more than just entertainment. It affects the way we think, learn, and interact; and to materialize this thought we must think innovatively as to how to use the technology for our benefit only not to harm us. We must find some innovative ways to deal with challenges of life rather than developing newer devices, leading to more problems.

Question 27. As part of your holiday project, you were asked to carry out a survey of a slum locality near your residence. You gathered the following information and created an analysis based on your findings. Using the information given below, write an article in 100-150 words on ‘Slum Woes’.

       slum woes,          by: nidhi.

The Ujala-Umeed Colony, adjacent to the market, belies its name. It is a cluster of raw leather, plastic sheets and tin sheds that announces its presence with foul smell and civic apathy. The first impression is of a constricted space teeming with people. Engaging with them one finds that 60% residents are migrants and 12% families are related by kinship or through village ties. They prefer living here as incomes are low, making room renting a distant dream. The main bread earners work in the nearby factories, construction sites (about 8%) or on road repair work (30%) and commute to the workplace by foot. Battling disease, water shortage (15%), poor sewerage with 20% open drains and ill-lit road is their daily routine. With indifferent local representatives, these people seem like a forgotten race.

Question 28. The debating society is preparing for a prestigious inter-school debate competition. As a student in charge of the debating society, write an article in 100-150 words on the general guidelines that must be followed when speaking on the stage.

  presentation perfect,         by: gita.

Symptoms like heart pounding, knees buckling and throats running dry, universally affect students speaking on stage. These problems can be allayed with a few remedial tips. Besides rehearsing the written matter, familiarity with the equipment is essential. The mike should be tested before you start speaking, and the laptop keyed on, to ensure that the projections are symmetrical, and the right keys pressed to get the image on screen. The pace of speaking must be rehearsed beforehand, with contents neither raced through, nor interrupted with dramatic questioning. Also, anticipating a few questions and preparing their answers, ensures that you do not fumble during the rebuttal round. A very important point to remember is to constantly maintain an eye-contact with the audience.

Then confidently walk to the stage with a spring in your step. The rest will follow smoothly.

Question 29. You have experienced a very hot summer this year. Taking ideas from the hints given, write an article in 100-150 words for your school magazine on Why is it Warmer in the Cities and What can be done to Improve the Environment in the Cities’. Give a suitable heading to your article.

Buildings are a city’s wind brakes, heat from the streets / vehicles, exhausts and fumes from factories / homes / cars, etc.,     city environment,       by: vishwesh.

City temperatures remain high for a number of reasons. The concentration of tall buildings disrupts the airflow while a Greenhouse Effect is created by the emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases. The vehicular exhausts, gases and fumes that hang over the city trap the heat in. Concrete buildings and roads absorb heat and release it at night. Smoke from factories, homes, vehicles, etc also makes the atmosphere warm. Since hot air is not able to rise, the temperature in the city soars high. In recent years, all possible efforts have been made to restore normal environment in the cities. Conversion to CNG and phasing out of polluting vehicles are steps taken to sustain congenial environment in the cities. Planting more trees, holding environmental awareness campaigns, barring the heavy vehicles such as trucks from entering the city are also some more measures taken up by government to help the city environment.

Question 30. More and more people are now used to carrying mobile phones to their workplaces. However, the use of mobile phones can be dangerous at times. Write an article in 100-150 words on Mobile Culture – The Ethics’. Take hints from the information given.

While driving, when in icu, don’t use mobiles…, at petrol pumps, inside an aircraft, if you are near a heart patient or someone who has a pacemaker, mobile culture – the ethics,      by: shailender.

Like other gifts of science, the mobile phone is being misused. It has become a toy in the hands of people-a means to display their status. One needs to understand that a mobile phone is essentially an object of utility or a necessity and not a plaything. Students ought not to carry the mobile phone in the classroom as it is a distraction. While driving, one needs to keep it switched off as it can make the driver lose his or her concentration. At public places, it should be kept on the vibration mode and one must be brief while talking. Its overuse can be hazardous to health. There have been numerous cases of young deaths where the boys and girls have been walking on railway tracks with headphones on resulting in their deaths when not listening to the sounds of the approaching trains. One needs to clearly draw a line between the use and misuse of the mobile phones.

Question 31. As President of the Tagore Society at school, you learned that this year marks the 90th anniversary of Tagore’s visit to Argentina. You have been invited by the Argentine Embassy to send in an article in 100-150 words on the topic for publication in the embassy newsletter.

   tagore in argentina,     by: preet singh.

It was the 90th anniversary of Tagore’s visit to Argentina. Argentina Embassy in India was celebrating the anniversary to make the occasion. I would like to recall that ‘Gitanjali’ had just won the Nobel Prize, Tagore’s name was known in literary circles and one of his fans, Victoria Ocampo, immediately offered to house him at her villa. But Victoria’s parents were unwilling to pay for Tagore’s accommodation Ultimately, Victoria sold her precious pearl necklace to buy a charming villa by the river Plate in the suburb of San Isidro.

During the two-month stay, Victoria discovered the essence of Tagore’s poetry and its connection to the mysterious human spirit in the mankind. Thus, Tagore got highly applauded in Argentina.

Question 32. There is a widespread craze for junk food among the youth. They are consuming junk food at alarming rate which harms their health. Based on the clues given below, write an article in 100-150 words for your school magazine highlighting the harmful effects of junk food and how to avoid it.

Unhealthy & unhygienic, popular as cheap & tasty, cause of obesity & diseases, lacks in essential nutrients, harmful effects of junk food,       by: mithilesh.

It is found that the youth today are crazy to consume junk food at random. They hardly bother to think that junk food would take a toll on their health. In fact they should understand that junk food like pizza, burger, chowmein, etc. are not healthy food, in spite of being cheap, tasty and popular. According to many case studies, junk food consumers suffer from obesity and heart diseases. So, healthy eating habits should be developed among the youth to enjoy good health. The parents have a great role to play in this case Unfortunately, they also encourage children to have the junk food as it is convenient and popular. It is important to know how much food items lack in essential nutrients. If junk food is replaced by healthy diet with rich nutrients, the youth can be healthy physically and mentally and can prove the old adage right that “A sound body has a sound mind”.

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Report Writing for Class 9 CBSE

Report Writing for Class 9 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Types

A report is a factual description of an issue or a problem. A report is written for a clear purpose and for a particular audience. Various forms of reports are: newspaper reports, inquiry reports, progress or action taken report, a police report, a report of a meeting, etc., each having a distinct character and format.

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 9 English Chapter wise.

Remember to write about these in your lead paragraph:

Report Writing Sample Exercise Examples for Class 9 CBSE

A newspaper reporter reported on a purse snatching. Below you can see his notes. Use the information to complete the report he wrote for his newspaper. Do not add any new information. Do not exceed 120 words.

1100 a.m.

South Extension – Kishore, 19 yr oid mechanic Motihari, Bihar,
snatches bag with ₹60, 000
senior citizen Aaron – HSBC – dropped some papers. Attention diverted
raised an alarm. alert passers-by chased and caught youth

Report Writing Class 9 CBSE

Report Writing Practice Exercise Examples for Class 9 CBSE

1. Sharad has attended a press conference where the issue of ragging in schools and colleges was discussed. He took some notes which he later expanded into a newspaper report. Write the report in not more than 120 words.

Bullying/ragging very common in schools and colleges, victims – shy and quiet children from rural and small towns, Initiators – senior students generally in groups, Result – trauma/physical/mental abuse/sometimes death, Punishment – suspension / rigorous imprisonment

2. Akshay is the school reporter who writes as a cub reporter for the HT Pace Newspaper. He has been asked to cover the annual day celebrations in his school. First he makes some notes. Look at the given notes and help him to write the report.

Annual Day on 23 October 20xx at 5 p.m. onwards
Venue: Talkatora Stadium
Chief Guest: Famous writer Amitava Ghosh
Play: A Merchant of Venice, directed by Barry John, famous theatre personality Brilliant performances/memorable occasion
Watched by parents and guests

Essay Writing For Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Essay writing is an essential skill for students to develop as they progress through their academic journey. Class 9 is an important stage in a student’s education, where they learn various subjects and skills that prepare them for higher education. Essay writing in class 9 plays a crucial role in developing critical thinking, researching, and analytical skills. In this article, we will discuss the format, examples, topics, and exercises for essay writing for class 9.

Format Of Essay Writing For Class 9:

The format of essay writing for class 9 is similar to other essay formats, with some slight variations. The following is the standard format for essay writing:

Introduction: The introduction should be a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the topic, its relevance, and the thesis statement. The thesis statement should be a clear statement that presents the central idea of the essay.

Body: The body of the essay is where the arguments and evidence are presented to support the thesis statement. The body should be divided into paragraphs, each addressing a specific point related to the thesis statement. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the point of discussion.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis statement in a different way. The conclusion should also provide a final thought on the topic.

Also Read: Essay Writing Topics For Class 5

Examples Of Essay Writing For Class 9:

1. Importance of Education: Education is the foundation of human development and progress. It plays a vital role in shaping the future of individuals, communities, and nations. Education provides individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and values to succeed in life. In this essay, the importance of education will be discussed in detail. 2. Impact of Social Media: Social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with people from all over the world. However, social media has negative effects on individuals and society, such as cyberbullying, addiction, and misinformation. In this essay, the impact of social media on individuals and society will be explored. 3. Climate Change: Climate change is a global phenomenon that poses a threat to the environment, economy, and social well-being. The causes and consequences of climate change are complex and require urgent action to mitigate the impact. In this essay, the causes and effects of climate change will be discussed, along with possible solutions.

Topics For Essay Writing For Class 9:

1. My Favorite Season 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology 3. The Importance of Sports and Games 4. My Role Model 5. Environmental Pollution 6. Impact of COVID-19 on Education 7. Importance of Time Management 8. My Future Career 9. Women’s Empowerment 10. The Importance of Reading Books

Exercises For Essay Writing For Class 9:

1. Brainstorming: Choose a topic and brainstorm ideas using a mind map or a list. This exercise helps to organize thoughts and ideas before writing. 2. Outlining: Create an outline for the essay, with the introduction, body, and conclusion. This exercise helps to structure the essay and ensure that all the important points are covered. 3. Researching: Conduct research on the topic using reliable sources such as books, academic journals, and websites. This exercise helps to gather information and support the arguments presented in the essay. 4. Writing Practice: Practice writing essays on different topics, focusing on improving grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary. 5. Peer Review: Ask a classmate or teacher to review the essay and provide feedback on areas for improvement. This exercise helps to identify mistakes and improve the quality of the essay.

Conclusion On Essay Writing For Class 9:

Essay writing is a crucial aspect of academic learning, especially in class 9. It helps students develop critical thinking, analytical, and research skills that are necessary for higher education and future careers. By following the standard essay format, students can effectively present their ideas and arguments in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, practicing essay writing through exercises such as brainstorming, outlining, research and peer review can help students improve their writing skills and produce high-quality essays. Therefore, it is essential for students to take essay writing seriously and make efforts to improve their skills.

Article Writing Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

Article Writing For Class 9

To write an article the key points are:

  • good heading with a byline
  • good introduction
  • develop cause-effect relationship
  • comparison and contrast
  • conclusion.

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. You can also visit the most accurate and elaborate  NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English . Every question of the textbook has been answered here. https://ncertmcq.com/article-writing-for-class-9/

Note that to write an article the above points should always be kept in mind.

Article Writing Solved Examples With Answers for Class 9 CBSE

Article Writing Class 9 Question 1. With the coining of the rains, there has been an outbreak of malaria in your locality. Write a newspaper article explaining the dangers caused by the outbreak and the preventive measures that need to be undertaken. Write the article in about 100-150 words. Answer:

Heavy Rains Result in Malaria Outbreak (your name)

The constant ram for the past few weeks has brought about an epidemic in the city. The coming of the rains marks not only a change in season and temperature but it also signifies the onset of a series of health issues. Public health officials have notified that because of the constant rain, mosquitoes have been found breeding in many parts of the city which has stagnant water and this has resulted in the outbreak of malaria.

Malaria is an infectious disease that is spread by mosquitoes. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, vomiting as well as headaches. Malaria can even lead to deaths. The city already has 27 confirmed cases of malaria victims and many patients have been kept under the provision.

Public health officials have notified the public to keep their surroundings clean and prevent water from stagnating in and around their homes. The public has also been advised to use mosquito repellents and if any one shows symptoms of malaria, they are requested to head straight to the hospital for treatment.

Article Writing Topics For Class 9 Question 2. While going through your old school magazine, you found an interesting article by Ravi Jatav about what it would be like 5 years from now. Complete the magazine article by using your own ideas and thoughts. Write the article in about 100-150 words. Answer:

Five years from now Ravi Jatav

We won’t be the same five years from now. Maybe you would have lost your Mohawk hairstyle and I, my love for guitar. Maybe five years from now I will have new friends or maybe I’ll still be with my old school friends. I keep thinking of what would happen after school and where will I be five years from now and this same thought is what makes us all anxious.

Being in school for all these years never prepares you for what’s next. Maybe it’s right to be anxious because one has to decide about what career to take up and where to go in life. By five years’ time, we would have made our choices and decisions.

Maybe five years from now I’ll be selected for an internship by a company I’ve always dreamed of working at and I would have never started pursuing this dream if I hadn’t been sleeping and dreaming in class.

Article Writing For Class 9

Need for Green Housing Complex by: Anuj

Living in a concrete tower complex, much above ground level does not lead to environmental destruction if certain precautions are taken.

The buildings can be surrounded by ample green spaces like parks, walking tracks, water bodies, yoga, and related mind-body enhancement rooms. Terrace gardens on a few floors, a jogging track on the rooftop, and even tree plantings along boundary walls can help reduce noise pollution and provide oxygen.

Environmental measures of reduction, reuse, and recycle must be practised by adopting rainwater harvesting measures, as well as garbage collection for energy production, and the use of LED lights to serve the lighting needs. Green patches all over the place for people to walk bare-foot can also be considered as that provides as healing touch from mother earth.

Nearness to bus stops would reduce private car use while airy rooms and designed spaces inside homes, would create happy families so that living becomes healthy and energetic.

Article Writing Examples For Class 9 Question 4. A rally was organised by the women of ‘Welfare Organisation’. All the women were holding banners such as

  • We are not weak
  • don’t treat us like this
  • reserve seats for women in colleges and parliament
  • grant women their due
  • stop harassment

Write an article on in 100-150 words on ‘The Sufferings of Indian Women’ for your school magazine. You are Suresh/Shivani of DAV Public School, New Delhi. Answer:

The Sufferings of Indian Women by: Suresh

In Indian society, women have customarily been kept subservient to men. The traditional mindset gives preference to sons over daughters. Sex determination and female infanticide are common practices, even among the educated classes. Though women have been emerging as eminent writers, political leaders, High Court and Supreme Court judges, yet their ratio in comparison to men is negligible.

Though the Constitution grants equal rights to women, most of them are ignorant of these rights.

Women are still abused and exploited. Even educated working women are not able to stand up to their rights. The need of the hour is to change the patriarchal mindset. Women must be brought into the social and political mainstream for their economic, social and political development. The gap between legal rights and the attitude of society needs to be bridged. Women of India need to be empowered for a strong and healthy society.

Article Writing Format Class 9 Question 5. Write a paragraph on each of the following: Electronic Waste and Environmental Pollution Answer: Electronic waste and Environmental Pollution!

Electronic waste or E-waste means old or discarded appliances using electricity. It may include computers, cell phones, refrigerators, etc. that have been disposed of. The processing of electronic waste in developing countries causes serious health and pollution problems.

Fast technology change, low initial cost and usage of old items have resulted in continuous growth of electronic waste around the world. Expensive electronics are extremely difficult and expensive to recycle. Electronic waste includes toxic substances that can prove hazardous if not processed properly. Informal processing of it can lead to serious effects on human health and environmental pollution.

E-waste threatens the future technology. But reusing old appliances is also not a choice since not all old computers can be used by a second consumer. Therefore, recycling and remanufacturing are the current solution to control E-waste. Proper disposal of e-waste is also mandatory to address the issue of environmental pollution.

Article Writing Questions For Class 9 Question 6. You are Mariam/Mayur. You see the following news item in a daily. Write an article in 100-150 words expressing your views on how to make the complex attractive for night tourism. Tall Makeover for Qutab In another month, the Qutab Minar complex will be opened to night tourism. Two months from then, a ? 50-lakh plan will transform the area. Answer:

Tall Makeover for Qutab Minar by: Mariam

The opening of Qutab Minar to night visitors is a popular and an imaginative move. This project to transform the complex, needs to be backed by a comprehensive plan of development.

For a start, the parking lot should be spruced to create a satisfactory green cover around the complex. Flood-lit by night, it would create an illusion of a fairyland.

Likewise, the existing green belt along the road, can be converted into a convenient parking lot. The changeover will look more serene.

Another place that needs to be made convenience-oriented, is the ticket counter. Currently, there is no other utility around it. Perhaps a bookstore and a cafeteria would be a useful addition. With these amenities, visitors will have no regrets. With such facilities, the tourism will also get a boost and the Qutab Minar that stands tall as the tallest building of Delhi today will still stand taller!

Article Writing Class 9

Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy such as heat, light etc. The emergence of great factories and consumption of coal gas give rise to unprecedented are pollution.

People of the city are also to be blamed for inviting this situation upon themselves. People living in the vicinity, should form carpools to reduce traffic pollution.

People should form action committees and get closed factories that release poisonous gases as well as chemicals into the water. Residents should launch afforestation drives to make the city green. It is a good sign that the awareness to pollution has already given rise to the “Save Our Environment Movement”.

Class 9 Article Writing Question 8. In 2010, the United Nations declared Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s birthday (15th October) as World Students’ Day. Write an article on the importance of the youth/young students in the making of a New India. (120-150 words) Answer:

Importance of the Youth/Young students in the making of a new India by: ABC

Youth are the building blocks of the society. They are the miraculous power of any country and current hope of a mankind. They are a strong base that is required to form a new and better India. Youths have energy, new motives with wide perspective along with the capability to bring a wave of change in the silent sea. No one can match with the level and aura that young students can get in to form a New India.

It’s high time all these oldies took a backseat and allow young ones to come into the power. We have new ideologies and constructive views with a better vision. If we desire for success, prosperity, peace and safety to be accomplished, active participation of youth is a must. They are the one who can contribute their best by giving their best. Given the opportunity, they can work wonders.

All the issues can be easily overcome provided the entire youth power and resources are utilized under the guidance of dedicated leaders. We, youth, are invincible. Try us and we will conquer the world with integrity.

Article Class 9 Question 9. Your neighbour’s daughter has been selected as Miss India this time. The local daily has asked you to file an article for the Neighbourhood Times on the homecoming of Miss India. Write the article in 100-150 words. Answer:

A Grand Welcome for Miss India by: Varun

With the news of neighbour’s daughter’s selection as Miss India, welcome preparations had lasted throughout the night. The elders received her with flowers and the customary ritual, as she posed for photographs in her bejewelled Miss India crown and sash. It was a moment of pride not only for our neighbours but for the entire city. Speeches that were given in her honour talked of her hard work, will power and determination. She had won the hearts of billions across the nation and had now become a source of inspiration for many a teenager.

Flashlights and mobiles clicked scores of pictures in company with awestruck girls eager for pointers for the next contest. The boys, meanwhile, gave their Didi a pillion ride on their motorbikes to the nearest park, where a band played ‘Congratulations and Celebrations’ as they pushed her high up on a swing, drowning her cries for help with good-humoured laughter all around.

Articles For Class 9 Question 10. This year during the coming summer vacations your parents have decided to skip the annual family holiday. To spend your time usefully, you decide to take up gardening as a hobby. Write an article in 100-150 words on what you perceive are the benefits of taking up such a hobby. Answer:

Benefits of Gardening as a hobby by: Rama

On seeing the bare patch below our ground-floor flat becoming a dump yard for the community, I felt I had the right opportunity awaiting for me to do gardening there during my annual holiday.

Buying myself a simple set of tools, I asked the local park gardener to help me with planting a neem tree which sprouted new leaves within a week.

A positive effect of this gardening exercise is that I have begun to rise early and be outdoors tending and watering the patch, which is now grassed and trimmed with a small hedge.

It conceived in me a sense of purpose and confidence and it helped me make new friends, as pedestrians and passersby invariably stop to compliment my efforts and exchange a friendly chat.

Article Topics For Class 9 Question 11. In groups of four, discuss in favour of or against the topic: “New technology is common, New thinking is rare.” Answer:

New Technology is Common, New Thinking is Rare by: Rama

I fully agree with the view that ‘new technology is common but new thinking is rare. In today’s technological era, new technologies have indeed made the life easier but they come with their own side effects. For example, smart phones have made most of the work easier to do but it has his disadvantages too. People don’t have the logical thinking to reap maximum benefits out of it but are using it without thinking of its negative effects.

We must understand that technology is more than just entertainment. It affects the way we think, learn, and interact; and to materialize this thought we must think innovatively as to how to use the technology for our benefit only not to harm us. We must find some innovative ways to deal with challenges of life rather than developing newer devices, leading to more problems.

Article Writing Topics For Class 9

Slum Woes by: Nidhi

The Ujaala-Umeed Colony, adjacent to the market, belies its name. It is a cluster of raw leather, plastic sheets and tin sheds that announces its presence with foul smell and civic apathy.

The first impression is of a constricted space teeming with people. Engaging with them one finds that 60% residents are migrants and 12% families are related by kinship or through village ties. They prefer living here as incomes are low, making room renting a distant dream. The main bread earners work in the nearby factories, construction sites (about 8%) or on road repair work (30%) and commute to the workplace by foot.

Battling disease, water shortage (15%), poor sewerage with 20% open drains and ill-lit road is their daily routine. With indifferent local representatives, these people seem like a forgotten race.

Article Writing For Class 9 With Answers Question 13. The debating society is preparing for a prestigious inter-school debate competition. As student-in-charge of the debating society, write an article in 100—150 words on the general guidelines that must be followed when speaking on the stage. Answer:

Presentation Perfect by: Gita

Symptoms like heart pounding, knees buckling and throats running dry, universally affect students speaking on stage. These problems can he allayed with a few remedial tips.

Besides rehearsing the written matter, familiarity with the equipment is essential. The mike should be tested before you start speaking, and the lap top keyed on, to ensure that the projections are symmetrical, and the right keys pressed to get the image on screen.

The pace of speaking must be rehearsed beforehand, with contents neither raced through, nor interrupted with dramatic questioning. Also, anticipating a few questions and preparing their answers, ensures that you do not fumble during the rebuttal round. A very important point to remember is to constantly maintain an eye-contact with the audience.

Then confidently walk to the stage with a spring in your step. The rest will follow smoothly.

Articles Class 9 Question 14. You have experienced a very hot summer this year. Taking ideas from the hints given, write an article in 100-150 words for your school magazine on ‘Why is it Warmer in the Cities and What can be done to Improve the Environment in the Cities’. Give a suitable heading to your article.

  • buildings are a city’s wind brakes
  • heat from the streets/vehicles

Article Writing For Class 9 Topics

City Environment by: Vishwesh

City temperatures remain high for a number of reasons. The concentration of tall buildings disrupts the airflow while a Greenhouse Effect is created by the emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases. The vehicular exhausts, gases and fumes that hang over the city trap the heat in. Concrete buildings and roads absorb heat and release it at night. Smoke from factories, homes, vehicles, etc. also makes the atmosphere warm.

Since hot air is not able to rise, the temperature in the city soars high. In recent years, all possible efforts have been made to restore the normal environment in the cities. Conversion to CNG and phasing out of polluting vehicles are steps taken to sustain the congenial environment in the cities. Planting more trees, holding environmental awareness campaigns, barring the heavy vehicles such as trucks from entering the city are also some more measures taken up by the government to help the city environment.

Article Writing Class 9th Question 15. More and more people are now used to carrying mobile phones to their workplaces. However, the use of mobile phones can be dangerous at times. Write an article in 100-150 words on ‘Mobile Culture — The Ethics’. Take hints from the information given. Don’t use mobiles…

  • while driving
  • at petrol pumps
  • inside an aircraft
  • when in ICU
  • if you are near a heart patient or someone who has a pacemaker

Mobile Culture — The Ethics by: Shailender

Like other gifts of science, the mobile phone is being misused. It has become a toy in the hands of people—a means to display their status.

One needs to understand that a mobile phone is essentially an object of utility or a necessity and not a plaything. Students ought not to carry the mobile phone in the classroom as it is a distraction. While driving, one needs to keep it switched off as it can make the driver lose his or her concentration. At public places, it should be kept on the vibration mode and one must be brief while talking.

Its overuse can be hazardous to health. There have been numerous cases of young deaths where the boys and girls have been walking on railway tracks with headphones on resulting in their deaths when not listening to the sounds of the approaching trains. One needs to clearly draw a line between the use and misuse of mobile phones.

Article Questions For Class 9 Question 16. As President of the Tagore Society at school, you learned that this year marks the 90th anniversary of Tagore’s visit to Argentina. You have been invited by the Argentine Embassy to send in an article in 100-150 words on the topic for publication in the embassy newsletter. Answer:

Tagore in Argentina by Preet Singh

It was the 90th anniversary of Tagore’s visit to Argentina. Argentina Embassy in India was celebrating the anniversary to make the occasion. I would like to recall that ‘Gitanjali’ had just won the Nobel Prize, Tagore’s name was known in literary circles and one of his fans, Victoria Ocampo, immediately offered to house him at her villa. But Victoria’s parents were unwilling to pay for Tagore’s accommodation. Ultimately, Victoria sold her precious pearl necklace to buy a charming villa by the river Plate in the suburb of San Isidro.

During the two-month stay, Victoria discovered the essence of Tagore’s poetry and its connection to the mysterious human spirit in the mankind. Thus, Tagore got highly applauded in Argentina.

Article Writing Format Cbse Class 9 Question 17. There is a widespread craze for junk food among the youth. They are consuming junk food at an alarming rate which harms their health. Based on the clues given below, write an article in 100-150 words for your school magazine highlighting the harmful effects of junk food and how to avoid it.

  • Unhealthy & unhygienic
  • Cause of obesity & diseases
  • Popular as cheap & tasty
  • lacks in essential nutrients [CBSE 2014]

Harmful Effects of Junk Food by: Mithilesh

It is found that the youth today are crazy to consume junk foot at random. They hardly bother to think that junk food would take a toll on their health. In fact, they should understand that junk food like pizza, burger, chowmein, etc. are not healthy food, in spite of being cheap, tasty, and popular. According to many case studies, junk food consumers suffer from obesity and heart diseases. So, healthy eating habits should be developed among the youth to enjoy good health.

The parents have a great role to play in this case Unfortunately, they also encourage children to have junk food as it is convenient and popular. It is important to know how such food items lack in essential nutrients. If junk food is replaced by a healthy diet with rich nutrients, the youth can be healthy physically and mentally and can prove the old adage right that “A sound body has a sound mind”.

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Descriptive Paragraph for Class 9

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Table of Contents

Developing the ability to write descriptive paragraphs is crucial for Class 9 students to express their thoughts and ideas effectively. With descriptive writing, students can create vivid imagery with words, stir emotions, and captivate their readers. In this article, we will cover the format of a descriptive paragraph for Class 9, offer examples, propose topics, provide exercises to enhance descriptive writing skills, share techniques for engaging readers, and offer practical tips. Let’s begin our journey to improve our descriptive writing skills.

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Descriptive Paragraph for Class 9

What is Descriptive Paragraph for Class 9

Descriptive paragraph writing is all about vividly describing something using words. It’s a basic writing exercise, especially in school, where students describe people, things, events, or places. They use details like how things look, people’s personalities, and the atmosphere around them to make their writing interesting. In Class 9, students often have to write descriptions based on what they see or hear in a question. This kind of writing helps students improve their writing skills and learn to express their thoughts better.

Also Check: Class 9 English Story Writing

Format Of A Descriptive Paragraph Writing for Class 9


  • Start with a topic sentence that introduces the subject of your description.
  • Offer additional context or background information as needed.

Body Paragraphs:

  • Dedicate each body paragraph to a distinct aspect of the subject.
  • Employ descriptive language and sensory details to craft a vivid depiction for the reader
  • Organize your paragraphs logically, moving from one detail to the next.


  • Summarize the main points of your description.
  • Leave the reader with a lasting impression or final thought about the subject.

Revising and Editing:

  • Review your paragraph for clarity, coherence, and correctness.
  • Make sure your writing flows smoothly and is free of errors in grammar and punctuation.

Practice Exercises:

  • Try writing descriptive paragraphs about different topics to hone your skills.
  • Use prompts or visual cues to inspire your writing and expand your creativity.
  • By following this format, you can effectively write descriptive paragraphs that engage your reader and bring your subjects to life on the page.

Also Check: Unseen Passage for Class 9

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Topics For Descriptive Paragraph Writing Class 9

  • Describe your favorite place to relax and unwind.
  • Describe a memorable family gathering or celebration.
  • Describe your best friend.
  • Describe a typical day at your school.
  • Describe the love and care your grandparents provide for you?
  • Describe a significant historical monument or landmark in your city.
  • Describe your dream vacation destination.
  • Describe a favorite childhood memory.
  • Describe a favorite hobby or activity and explain the reasons behind your enjoyment.
  • Describe a rainy day scene from your window.
  • Describe a special meal or dish that holds meaning for you.

Also Refer to Other Resources of Class 9

  • Lesson Plan For Commerce Class 9
  • 5 Benefits Of Using NCERT Books For CBSE Class 9
  • Notice Writing For Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples
  • Story Writing Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises
  • Tips and Suggestions to Score High Marks in Class 9
  • Easy to Most Difficult subjects in Class 9
  • How To Score Full Marks In CBSE Class 9 Science Exam
  • CBSE Class 9th Blueprint 2024

Exercises To Improve Descriptive Paragraph Writing Class 9

Q1. Reflect on a memorable trip you took with your family. Describe the destination, activities, and your overall experience in 150-200 words.

A1. When I was twelve, my family and I went on a trip to a beautiful beach resort. The destination was a small island with white sandy beaches and crystal-clear blue water. We stayed in a cozy beachfront cottage surrounded by palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze. During the day, we went snorkeling to explore the colorful coral reefs and swam with tropical fish. We also built sandcastles, played beach volleyball, and went for long walks along the shore at sunset. In the evenings, we enjoyed delicious seafood dinners at seaside restaurants while listening to live music.

Overall, it was an unforgettable experience filled with laughter, relaxation, and bonding moments with my family. We made cherished memories that I’ll always treasure. The beauty of the island, the warmth of the sun, and the joy of spending quality time together made it a trip I’ll never forget.

Q2. Think about a time when you volunteered for a community service project. Describe the project, your role, and the impact it had on the community in 100-120 words.

A2. Last summer, I engaged in a community cleanup campaign orchestrated by a local environmental organization. The initiative’s objective was to revitalize our neighborhood park and raise awareness about environmental conservation. My task involved collaborating with fellow volunteers, equipped with gloves, trash bags, and litter pickers, to meticulously comb through the park. Together, we tackled litter, erased graffiti, and pruned overgrown vegetation.

Our collective efforts not only revitalized the park, rendering it cleaner and safer, but also served as a catalyst for community engagement. Families enthusiastically joined our endeavor, and bystanders expressed appreciation for our dedication. The transformation of the park was evident as it gleamed with newfound cleanliness, fostering a welcoming environment for all.

Beyond the physical enhancements, the project fostered a sense of unity and communal responsibility. It underscored the power of collective action in effecting positive change and galvanized a spirit of environmental stewardship within our community. By banding together and taking proactive steps, we demonstrated our commitment to preserving our surroundings and enriching the well-being of our community members.

Q3. Recall a challenging situation you faced at work or school. Describe how you approached it, the obstacles you encountered, and the outcome in 100-120 words.

A3. During a recent exam, I witnessed two of my classmates cheating. They were passing notes and whispering answers to each other. I felt uneasy and debated whether to report them. Eventually, I decided to inform the invigilator discreetly. The invigilator took action immediately, confiscating the cheat sheets and warning the students. It was a tense moment, but I knew it was important to uphold the integrity of the exam. Thankfully, justice was served, and the exam continued without further disruption.

Q4: Describe your visit to Paris with your friends in 100-120 words. Last October, I traveled to Paris, France, with my friends Geeta, Mansi, and Saroj. We had an amazing time exploring the vibrant city known as the “City of Lights.” The weather was perfect for sightseeing, so we took full advantage of it. Everywhere we went, including the iconic Eiffel Tower, the streets were adorned with beautiful lights, truly living up to its nickname. Paris is renowned as the Fashion Capital, and we could easily see why with its abundance of trendy stores offering the latest designs and fabrics. We indulged in shopping and savored the unique and delicious cuisine. Exploring the city’s rich history, we visited landmarks like Notre Dame. Our trip was filled with memorable experiences, from shopping for dresses, fragrances, and souvenirs to soaking in the beauty of Parisian culture. I’m eagerly looking forward to the next opportunity to revisit this magnificent city.

Tips to score Good marks in Descriptive paragraphs

  • Understand the topic thoroughly before you begin writing. This helps in organizing your thoughts effectively.
  • Crafting vivid and detailed descriptions to create a clear image for the reader involves using expressive language that engages the senses and imagination.
  • Focus on coherence and flow, ensuring that your paragraphs transition smoothly from one idea to the next.
  • Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling to maintain clarity and readability.
  • Practice regularly to improve your descriptive writing skills, experimenting with different styles and techniques.

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FAQ’s on Descriptive Paragraph for Class 9

How to write a descriptive paragraph for class 9.

To write a descriptive paragraph for Class 9, start by choosing a topic you want to describe. Then, use sensory details such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind. Organize your ideas logically, and use descriptive language to bring your subject to life.

What is an example of a descriptive paragraph?

An example of a descriptive paragraph could be: The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. The gentle waves lapped against the shore, carrying with them the salty scent of the ocean. As the cool breeze rustled through the palm trees, the beach became a tranquil oasis of serenity.

How to write a paragraph class 9?

To write a paragraph in Class 9, start with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Then, provide supporting details and examples to develop your idea further. Finally, conclude the paragraph by summarizing your main points or transitioning to the next topic.

What are some tips for improving descriptive writing skills in Class 9?

Improving your descriptive writing in Class 9 is all about practice. Use lots of sensory details, try different ways of writing sentences, and always revise and edit your work. Reading examples of descriptive writing can also give you great ideas.

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Article Writing Sample 1 | Class 9 English Worksheets

by Manjusha Nambiar · September 9, 2017

May 9 th is celebrated as Mother’s Day. The big day also has its dark side. Mothers in the Old Age Homes wait for their children to come and look them up but in vain. Things remain gloomy and expectations high on this day.

Write an article on the topic: ‘Crisis During Old Age’ and give suggestions to overcome this problem.

Sample article

Crisis During Old Age

Aging is inevitable but it is also becoming a bane. In addition to age-related health problems, old parents now have to battle loneliness. They spent their entire lives taking care of their children and grandchildren. They sacrificed their pleasures and comforts to ensure that their children would have a better life. Yet when they need the love and care of their children, they are sent to age old homes.

Interestingly, we have days dedicated for mothers and fathers. Has anyone wondered about the plight of aged parents living in old age homes? On occasions like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day they wait and wait for their children to visit them. And when their children fail to fulfill that hope, they lament their fate silently.

They should not have to go through this. Aged parents should not be sent to Old Age Homes in the first place. They have the right to spend their twilight years in the company of their children and grandchildren. Children must not forget the sacrifices their parents made for them. They need to realize that they are also aging. Before long they will also end up in old age homes. It is the law of nature. Our children will treat us in the exact same way we treated our parents.

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NCERT CBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 5 Notes: Consumer Rights

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  • Jun 28, 2024

NCERT CBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 5 Notes Consumer Rights

In today´s session class of NCERT CBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 5 Notes: Consumer Rights we will explore the role of consumers in the marketplace and their rights. Now, who are Consumers? Consumers are people who buy goods and services for their personal use. 

article writing format cbse class 9

The consumers interact with the producers who sell these products. Consumers need to be aware of their rights, such as the right to safety and the right to information about products. 

This chapter also discusses how consumers can protect themselves from exploitation and how laws like the Consumer Protection Act help safeguard their interests.

Table of Contents

  • 1 The Consumer in the Market Place
  • 2 Consumer Movement
  • 3 Consumer Rights
  • 4 Right to Information Act
  • 5 Taking the consumer movement forward

Check Out NCERT CBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 5 Notes: Consumer Rights

The Consumer in the Market Place

– People participate in the market as producers and consumers.
Sell goods and provide services to people in sectors like agriculture, manufacturing, and services.
Buy goods and services they need.
– Consumers can be exploited by producers in various ways.
– In the informal sector, borrowers face exploitation by moneylenders.
– Moneylenders charge high interest rates and pressure borrowers to repay loans promptly.
– In the unorganized sector, people work for low wages, which isn’t fair.
– Sometimes, consumers receive less quantity or quality than expected, and producers charge unfair prices.
– Large companies manipulate the market by spreading false information through media to attract consumers.

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Consumer Movement

– Lack of rules and regulations leads to consumer exploitation by producers.
– If consumers are dissatisfied with a product, they often stop buying from that brand or shop, placing responsibility on consumers for their purchasing decisions.
– Dissatisfaction with unfair rules prompts consumer movements.
– Unfair rules are imposed by sellers and act as a social force.
– The consumer movement in India began in the 1960s due to food shortages, hoarding, black marketing, and food adulteration.
– The government supports consumer organisations financially to raise awareness.
– Consumer groups were formed to address issues like malpractices in ration shops and overcrowding in road transport.
– In 1986, the Indian government enacted the Consumer Protection Act as a major step forward.

Consumer Rights

– Many goods and services pose health and safety hazards, requiring special attention.

– Consumers have the right to protection from goods and services that are hazardous to health or property.

– Producers must adhere to rules and regulations to ensure consumer safety.

– Manufacturers must provide information such as ingredients, price, batch number, manufacture date, expiration date, manufacturer’s address, directions for proper use, and details about side effects and risks associated with their products.

– Consumers have the right to access detailed information about the goods and services they purchase.

Right to Information Act

– The “Right to Information Act” was passed by the Indian government in October 2005.
– Its objective is to provide citizens with information about the functions of government departments.
– Three reasons led to the formation of the “Right to Information” Act.

– Consumers have the right to refuse to purchase goods and services they are dissatisfied with.
– This right ensures consumers can make decisions based on their preferences and needs.

– If a consumer denies a choice, they can seek redress for unfair trade practices and exploitation.
– Consumers have the right to compensation based on the extent of harm suffered.
– They can approach consumer forums or councils for assistance.
– The Consumer Protection Act established a three-tier quasi-judicial system at district, state, and national levels to resolve consumer disputes effectively.
– District-level courts handle cases with claims up to Rs 20 lakhs.
– State-level courts handle cases between Rs 20 lakhs and Rs 1 crore.
– National level courts handle cases exceeding Rs 1 crore.
– If a case is dismissed in a district-level court, consumers can appeal to state and then national-level courts.
– The Consumer Protection Act ensures consumers’ “Right to Representation” by allowing them to appeal decisions.

– The Consumer Protection Act emphasises educating consumers about their rights.
– It has prompted the establishment of separate Consumer Affairs departments in both central and state governments.
– These departments aim to inform and empower consumers with knowledge about their rights and protections.

Taking the consumer movement forward

– The Indian Parliament passed the Consumer Protection Act on December 24, 1986, leading to the celebration of National Consumers’ Day annually on the same date.
– Out of approximately 200 consumer groups in India, about 20-25 are well-organized and officially recognized.
– Despite the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act, consumer awareness in India is gradually increasing.
– However, the process of seeking redress for consumers has become burdensome, costly, and time-consuming.
– Consumers often need to hire lawyers to navigate legal procedures.
– Lack of cash memos in most purchases makes it difficult to gather evidence, complicating the redressal process further.

  – ISI and Agmark are certifications for products like LPG cylinders, food colors, additives, cement, and packed drinking water.
  – Producers must obtain these certifications, which ensure products meet specified quality standards.  

  – Hallmark is a quality certification for jewellery.
  – It is issued by the Indian Standard Organization based in New Delhi.  

  – ISO (International Organization for Standardization) certification indicates that a company, goods, or institution meets specific global standards.
  – ISO’s headquarters are in Geneva, established in 1947.

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Ans: A consumer is someone who buys goods and services for personal use or consumption.

Ans: The consumer movement aims to protect consumers from unfair trade practices. It involves educating consumers about their rights and responsibilities. Consumer organizations work to raise awareness and fight for consumer rights.

Ans: The 6 consumer rights in class 10 chapter 5 of Economics includes: – Right to safety: Consumers have the right to be protected from harmful products. – Right to information: Consumers should be informed about the details of products. – Right to choose: Consumers can select from a variety of products at competitive prices. – Right to be heard: Consumers’ interests should be represented in policies and decisions. – Right to redressal: Consumers can seek compensation for faulty goods or services. – Right to consumer education: Consumers have the right to learn about their rights and responsibilities.

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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    Format for Article Writing for Class 9. Title: The title of the article should be catchy and relevant to the topic. It should be written in bold letters and should not exceed 10 words. Introduction: The introduction should give a brief idea about the topic of the article. It should be written in 2-3 sentences and should be interesting enough to ...

  4. CBSE Class 9 English Letter Writing

    Formulae Handbook for Class 9 Maths and Science Educational Loans in India. II. ARTICLES. The students will be asked to attempt a long piece of composition of minimum 100-120 words in length. The composition will be in the form of an article. The students may be provided with a verbal or visual input.

  5. Class 9 English Notes for Article Writing Format (PDF)

    Also, you can complete the class 9 Article Writing Format worksheet using the same. In addition you will also tackle CBSE Class 9 English Important Questions with these class 9 notes. However if you still need help, then you can use the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Article Writing Format to get all the answers.

  6. Article Writing Topics for Class 9 CBSE Format, Examples

    Article Writing Practice Exercises for Class 9 CBSE. 1. Saryug Mathur is a Secretary in the Ministry of Environment. He saw the following data on atmospheric pollution. Help him write an article explaining his views on the emission of gases and waste in cities and what are the measures to curb pollution in about 100-150 words. 2.

  7. Article Writing Format: Explore How To Write, Example Topics and Tips

    Use keywords so that you get a good number of reading audiences. Maintain coherence within and between paragraphs. Double-check the data and information you provide, irrespective of the type of article. Keep the title and description as short and catchy as possible. Edit and proofread before it is published.

  8. Article Writing Format Notes for Class 9 English (PDF)

    Class 9 Notes for English - All Chapters. If you are studying Article Writing Format, then chances are that you will study the other chapters in class 9 English. Therefore we have listed all the notes here in one place, as follows. The Sound of Music. A Legend of the Northland. A Slumber did My Spirit Seal. A Truly Beautiful Mind. If I were you.

  9. Article Writing Format CBSE

    1. Always study the given input, information or notes carefully. 2. Arrange them in a systematic order. 3. Develop each point in a simple, grammatically correct language. 4. Your article must present your ideas not in a sketchy but in a coherent and logical manner. Develop your writing into paragraphs.

  10. Article Writing CBSE Class 9 Comprehension and ...

    CBSE Class 9 Comprehension and Composition Revision Notes for Article Writing. Get Article Writing CBSE Class 9 Comprehension and Composition Notes online prepared by top experts at TopperLearning. Visit our website to get complete access to CBSE Class 9 Comprehension and Composition Article Writing Notes!

  11. Article Writing Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

    2. The name of the writer is written under the title. 3. Body : The introduction which gives an overviews of the whole writing. The main body is divided into paragraphs; each dealing with something different. Conclusion - which offers final judgement on the topic. Format of an Article: 1.

  12. CBSE Notes, Papers, NCERT Solutions

    Detailed explanation with examples on article-writing-format helps you to understand easily , designed as per NCERT. QnA , Notes & Videos

  13. Class 9 Article Writing Samples

    These are practice writing activities for students of classes 9 and 10. Class 9 and 10 CBSE English question papers often include an article writing task. Students are required to write an article on a given topic. This activity tests their ability to express their ideas clearly and concisely in grammatically correct English.

  14. Class 9 Article Writing

    Article Writing For Class 9. Question 1. Nowadays, youths are taking up different roles and responsibilities. They also have varied interests. Recently, you came across the following pictures in a magazine. Using the information you gather from the picture and ideas of your own, write an article on "The Changing Role of Youngsters", in ...

  15. Writing Class 9

    Check Writing for Class 9, with formats and practice questions according to the CBSE. Here, we give examples of. Diary Entry. Story Writing.

  16. Report Writing for Class 9 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, Samples

    Byline: Since this is your report, you need to let the reader know who wrote it. The line with your name on it is called the "Byline" because it says by who the article is written by. Write the word "By" followed by your first and last name. On the next line, write the name of your school and city. Lead Paragraph:

  17. Essay Writing For Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    Exercises For Essay Writing For Class 9: 1. Brainstorming: Choose a topic and brainstorm ideas using a mind map or a list. This exercise helps to organize thoughts and ideas before writing. 2. Outlining: Create an outline for the essay, with the introduction, body, and conclusion.

  18. Article Writing Exercise For Class 9 CBSE

    Sample article. Begging Is A Crime - Needs A Ban. Our country is the land of great saints who lived on alms. They were not beggars and they had no material desires. They sought alms to satisfy their hunger. But today India has become the land of beggars. Actually, begging has become a major a profession in India.

  19. Article Writing Class 9 Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

    Article Writing Format Cbse Class 9 Question 17. There is a widespread craze for junk food among the youth. They are consuming junk food at an alarming rate which harms their health. Based on the clues given below, write an article in 100-150 words for your school magazine highlighting the harmful effects of junk food and how to avoid it.

  20. Descriptive Writing Class 9 CBSE Format, Topics, Exercises

    Format Of A Descriptive Paragraph Writing for Class 9. Introduction: Start with a topic sentence that introduces the subject of your description. Offer additional context or background information as needed. Body Paragraphs: Dedicate each body paragraph to a distinct aspect of the subject.

  21. Article Writing Sample 1

    May 9 th is celebrated as Mother's Day. The big day also has its dark side. Mothers in the Old Age Homes wait for their children to come and look them up but in vain. Things remain gloomy and expectations high on this day. Write an article on the topic: 'Crisis During Old Age' and give suggestions to overcome this problem. Sample article

  22. NCERT CBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 5 Notes: Consumer Rights

    CBSE Class 9 History Notes Chapter 2 Notes "Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution" (Free PDF) ... Students are often assigned to write… Read More. Read More. 7 minute read; S School Education. Write A Letter To Your Friend Inviting To Your Village: Check Samples. ... Format, Samples & Tips Blessy George; Mar 14, 2024;