Passionate DJ

David Michael 14 Comments June 25, 2013

Bragging With Class: How to Write the Perfect DJ Bio

One of the most uncomfortable things for me when I started getting booked for gigs was when promoters started asking for my “bio”. The first time someone asked me for this, I went into an immediate panic.

Was this something I was supposed to have?

How do I go about bragging about myself? Have I even accomplished enough to warrant a bio?  

Do I write it in first person or third person? Is someone else supposed to write it?

At some point I realized I'd been putting this off for years, and hadn't become any more comfortable with handing out a bio. But, it's something promoters ask for.

So, rather than continuing to ignore the problem, I decided to do some research on the subject, and re-visit my own promotional blurb.  

In this post, I will teach you what I learned, and we will go through the process of re-writing my bio together.

My Existing Bio

For the longest time, I simply avoided it altogether… but I kept getting asked for it. I decided I should have something to give promoters when asked.

So, here's the half-hearted attempt I originally came up with.

Musician, producer, DJ, pianist, promoter, and electronic music enthusiast alike, David Michael hails out of Dayton, Ohio. When not performing, he spends his time in the studio creating his own music… aided by over a decade of piano lessons and an upbringing in a very musically-influenced home. Having spent many years playing at all of the major local night clubs (alongside local hard-hitters and national acts alike), holding multiple residencies, DJing special events and promoting his own shows, David has had a lot of time to develop his sound. For him, it’s all about mood and a deep, hypnotic groove… playing those tracks that get you tapping your feet and nodding your head without you realizing it, regardless of genre, tempo, style, or release date. Don’t be surprised when you suddenly find yourself dancing.

I suppose it could be worse, but it's far from stellar. I find myself a bit embarrassed to post it here, which is funny considering it's what I provide for people to blast on flyers and social media.

Let's figure out how we can do this better.

First or Third Person?

One of the things I didn't like about writing DJ bios was trying to decide whether I should write in first or third person. Writing it in third person seemed pretentious and fake, as if I were playing the role of journalist pretending to review the work of someone else. 

Yet, writing one in first person seemed too intimate and awkward.

In many ways, third-person bios are easier, more flexible, and more usable. However, that's not to say that first-person can't work… if you're an amazing  and confident writer.

Also, it's easy to make first-person bios sound too aggressive.  

Thinking back… as strange as it is to write my own bio as if I were someone else, it might be even stranger to read some other DJ's bio written in first-person. So, let's stick with the safe route and go with third-person. After all, the last thing I want to do is make the person reading it feel uncomfortable!

Let's think of what the purpose of our bio is.

Typically, for DJs (the kind who hope to get booked as guests at night clubs and festivals, at least), what we need is a short “blurb” to use on flyers, Facebook event pages, websites, or other forms of promotion. The idea is to have this available on your homepage so that, when asked, you can simply link them to your bio. 

For my own “main” bio, I think I'm going to shoot for about 200-250 words… that feels about right.  And I want to make sure that they are 200-250 words that count.

The idea is to not bore people with mundane details that they don't care about, but to give them a quick-and-dirty explanation of who you are and what they might expect when coming to see you play or listening to your productions.

But what if you   want to give more info than that? Maybe some people are interested in all that extraneous information.

The Power of Three

The beauty of living in our technological age is that nothing says we can't have the best of both worlds, here. Why not write the blurb for the sake of utility, and if you're so-inclined, also write a more in-depth bio that people can seek out on your website should they choose to take that much interest?  

On top of that, let's appeal to those with very short attention spans and come up with a tagline.

So, to recap, your full bio “package” might contain the following:

1. Your name and tagline – The tagline is a very small one-liner. This is your first shot at grabbing someone's attention, so make it count.  

Write the main point you want to convey, and maybe one other thing. Don't over-complicate it so that people move on, but rather, keep it simple. 

You can mention genres here if you want, but for accessibility, use words that are universally understood (not just understood by other DJs). You may be proud that you're the “king of uplifting progressive psy-polka tech-step”, but there's exactly zero other people that are going to resonate with that.

This could be used for various things, such as the tagline on your website or business card… or simply as an “intro line” to your bio. Think in terms of keywords, here. 

For myself, I tend to think in terms of emotions and adjectives rather than genres, so that I don't pigeonhole myself one way or the other. But I do have some recurring themes: I like music that is deep, atmospheric, funky, and hypnotic. I also like playing summery, uplifting tunes like you might want to hear on a patio while holding a beer.  

So, here's the simple line I came up with:

Purveyor of deep, infectious dance grooves and a feel-good atmosphere.

2. Your promotional “blurb” – This is what we traditionally refer to as our “bio” and is the main focus of this post.  

This is where it's important to cram a few key bits of relevant info into a small amount of space in order to give an idea of what you do.

As mentioned above, I'm going to cap my word limit at 250 words and write it in third-person. The bio “blurb” is what we will be focused on in the sections below.

3. Your in-depth personal story – While you don't want to give all the personal, in-depth details of your story in your main bio, that doesn't mean you can't still write about it for those who want it.

Nothing says you can't put your full, first-person story with all the intimate details on your website. That way, those who want to get down to the nitty gritty (these people make  killer fans) are able to do so, but you're not cramming it down anyone's throat. Embellish all you want, here.

DJ Bio Don'ts

In my research on how to write a good bio, I compiled a list of “don'ts”. Let's go over them and then see how guilty I am of using them in my old bio.

Don't:  name drop people who are not relevant to your creative process or are only known on a local level.

(Guilt level: none. I didn't drop any names outside of my own, so I'm good here.)

Don't:  use very specific sub-sub-sub-genres or terminology, unless you want to pigeonhole yourself into serving a very small audience.

(Guilt level: none. This is something I feel like I actually did pretty well… I attempt to describe my sound using universally understood terms.)

Don't:  fluff your bio up with hype… stick to the facts as much as possible, and don't pad your bio with tasteless boasting.

(Guilt level: mild. Not too bad here, though that last line is a bit corny.)

Don’t be surprised when you suddenly find yourself dancing.

Don't:  over-exaggerate. We live in a world of transparency these days, and you will  be found out. Keep your bio factual, but celebratory.

(Guilt level: moderate. I didn't intentionally exaggerate, but I did notice some things that sound that way which I could've written better. For example, I write that I've played in “all of the major local night clubs”. That's a bit of a subjective claim, and what does ‘local' mean anyway?)

Having spent many years playing at all of the major local night clubs (alongside local hard-hitters and national acts alike), holding multiple residencies, DJing special events and promoting his own shows, David has had a lot of time to develop his sound.  

Don't:  start at childhood, unless you were truly a 13 year veteran by the time you were 16. There is no shortage of “from an early age” bios out there, and we've heard it all before.  Nobody cares — what are you doing now? How has your talent developed as an adult?

(Guilt level: high. My “decade of piano lessons” bit is a touch over the top and somewhat irrelevant to my DJ skills. Though, I don't hate the idea of mentioning the piano as it does relate to me as a producer.)

When not performing, he spends his time in the studio creating his own music… aided by over a decade of piano lessons and an upbringing in a very musically-influenced home.

What Should We Talk About, Then?

Here are some ideas on what questions to answer in your bio.

Where did your love for music really begin? Though I don't want to try and convince my audience that I was a child prodigy, I do think it's okay to mention where my love for music started and to mention some key influences.

Primarily, my musical influence came from my father's old record collection. I grew up on a lot of funk music, European electronica, weird 80s stuff, and video game tunes. Apart from my father, I have always been a huge hip-hop fan.

What are your career highlights, if any? What have you done to stand out? You can mention anything you've done that has had great success.  

This is also where you make the choice of whether or not to name-drop. I have mixed feelings on that, and I honestly haven't played with all that  many national acts, so I'm just going to leave it out on my own.

What words would you use to conjure up an image of your music? Let's think adjectives instead of genres. If you had to paint a word-picture that described your music, what terms would you use?  

For me, it's words like “groove”, “deep”, “emotive”, “hypnotic”, and “feel-good”.

What is it about music that you're passionate about?   his one is simple enough for me. Music is my therapy. It allows me to put my daily stress and cares on the back burner for a bit and decompress.  

I love getting lost in music and the joyful feelings it stirs up in my chest. I also like it when it has a beat that commands my feet to start moving.

One last tip:  Don't get hung up by thinking that your story isn't interesting (i.e. – you have no “high drama”). Be authentic and real. Authenticity will win over being fake.

And My New Bio Is…

David Michael “Purveyor of deep, infectious dance grooves and a feel-good atmosphere.” That’s how David describes himself as a DJ. Never afraid to go too deep, his emotive musical selections are his own therapy. Having grown up on his father’s eclectic combination of funk music (George Clinton, Morris Day), European electronica (Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream), synth-infused 80s music (Depeche Mode, Gary Numan)… all which became infused with his own love for both hip-hop and video game music, David ended up with quite a mixed spectrum of musical influence. Today, this translates into sets where he picks apart and infuses together all the pieces of this music that he loves best: beautiful synth work, ethereal backdrops, brooding basslines, and occasional vocal hooks… all on top of a pronounced foot-shuffling house beat. A very active member of his local community, David is no stranger to the ups-and-downs of a small-town music scene. Though he loves playing in nightclubs, patios and special events, his love for music goes beyond the spectrum of mixing tunes. As a producer, pianist, and promoter, he has found plenty of ways to express himself musically. He also likes to write about the subject on his blog, – a website dedicated to helping himself and others become better DJs through passion and purpose. “For me, it’s all about mood and a deep, hypnotic groove… playing those tracks that get you tapping your feet and nodding your head without you realizing it, regardless of genre, tempo, style, or release date. “

Much better, I think!  Some notes:

  • I sort-of incorporated both a third-person and  a first-person flavor to it by utilizing quotes. I thought this was a nice way to add a personal touch, without making things too awkward.
  • Notice how I mentioned where my musical influence comes from, without droning on about my childhood.
  • I'm not saying this is a requirement, but you'll notice that I didn't even directly address my specific genres like “deep house” or “nu disco”. I simply described my music and let the reader draw their own conclusions.The only time I imply genre is when I mention “house beat”.
  • I also thought it would be cool to incorporate my tagline as part of my actual bio. This makes it somewhat dual-function. Cool!

So, there you have it!   I would love to know what you think about my rebuilt bio, and  I would love to see your before-and-afters!

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Learn how to write a DJ bio

Learn how to write a DJ bio

You want to get more DJ gigs, but how do you reach out to promoters? Follow our handy guide on how to write your first DJ bio.

What is a DJ biography?

A DJ biography is simply a piece of text that introduces you as an artist, your background, your style of music, your accolades, your achievements what you’re currently doing and your future plans. In essence its purpose is to grab the attention of the reader, make you stand out as an artist and sell yourself to promoters and journalists.

How to write a DJ biography.

It’s often hard to write about yourself so firstly you should consider having someone else write the bio for you, or a few friends or industry connections, pool the collective draft biographies and then make one from the best bits. Either way you or the person writing the biography for you should read this simple guide on what content to include.

Your biography should have three different versions.

  • Headline Grabbing - 20 words - Useful for basic introductions online where space is limited.
  • Short Intro - 50-100 words - Extending introduction including more history and name dropping and contact details.
  • Full Biography - 100-300 words - Full biography including all details and contact details.

Step One - Gather all the information you need in a list format.

  • What is your musical/DJ background, when did you get into music and how?
  • Why is music/DJing your passion?
  • Who and what are you influences? (this doesn’t have to be all about music)
  • What have you achieved so far? Name drop important connections, educational achievements, awards, competitions, supporters, gigs etc.
  • What are you currently doing? Perhaps you’re refining your DJ skills or working on a new track or have a DJ residency or radio show somewhere.
  • What are your future goals and plans?

Step Two - String your sentences together to create your first draft.

Now you have a solid source of content, work towards stringing all the list items together into proper sentences with correct grammar. Use the Grammarly app if your skills are lacking in that department. Make sure you are factual and to the point, do not add too much hyperbole or you will seem like you’re bragging, a bit desperate or at worst deluded. Be humble and real. If you don’t have that much content yet because you're a beginner DJ don’t worry, just keep it short and to the point, your biography will grow with time. The most powerful things that journalists look out for in biographies are your actual achievements and names which they recognise. If you have played a big gig at a reputable venue like Ministry of Sound make sure you add that, and the name of the headliners you were supporting. You can also include any brands you have worked for or partnered with. Music producers often include a list of DJs who support (play) their tracks to add strength to their bio.

Export & Package

You should now export your bios into both a word document and PDF format. Most DJs will have a dropbox account with a folder called a Press Pack, this will include your different biographies, some high quality press photos and any other content you feel a promoter or journalist may need, like performance videos, logo files and notable flyers or release artwork. We highly recommend you make one of these. If you're looking for a great photographer for DJ portraits we highly recommend Thomas Hensher.

Who do you need to send it to?

You should host your bio on relevant pages, we recommend you have a Soundcloud or Mixcloud profile, Facebook page, Instagram Account, Beatport profile and Resident Advisor artist profile. You can also send your press pack to promoters when you are pitching for DJ gigs.

Thanks for reading! If you need anymore advice just contact us!

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Spinning Stories: Life, Beats, and Everything In Between

How To Write An Engaging DJ Bio: Tips For Sharing Your Story

Let’s talk about something that, if I’m being honest, doesn’t always hit the top of my “favorite things to do” list—writing your own DJ bios. There will come a time when a venue or promotor will ask for one. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love diving deep into the world of music, mixing tracks, and creating vibes that keep the dance floor alive. But when it comes to sitting down and writing about myself, that’s a different story. It feels awkward, almost fake. And I know I’m not alone in this. There’s something about trying to condense our entire musical journey into a few paragraphs that can feel a bit daunting.

biography for dj

But here’s the thing—your DJ bio is more than just a few words about where you’ve played and what genres you spin. It’s your musical story, your chance to introduce yourself to the world, and to set the stage for your unique sound. So, how do we tackle this challenge and craft a bio that truly resonates?

Table of Contents

Embrace Your Unique Journey

First things first, let’s ditch the idea that our bios need to sound like everyone else’s. Early on, I remember reading through countless DJ profiles, all sounding remarkably similar, and thinking, “Is this how I’m supposed to do it?” It wasn’t until I started injecting my own personality and experiences into my bio that I began to feel a connection with what I was writing—and, more importantly, so did my audience.

Be Sincere and Authentic

Honesty and authenticity go a long way. Share your passion for music, yes, but also let people in on the struggles and successes that have shaped your DJ career. I once mentioned in an older bio how nervous I was during my first gigs, and surprisingly, that little detail sparked more conversations and connections than any of my accolades.

Dj writing

Highlight the Milestones That Matter to You

Remember, your DJ bio isn’t a resume, so there’s no need to list every gig or achievement. Instead, zero in on the milestones that really shaped you—like that electrifying first major festival set, the residency that revolutionized your approach, or the very moment music captured your heart. Sure, many DJs share similar highlights, but it’s your unique perspective and personal journey through these experiences that will make your bio stand out. Think about how these pivotal moments add depth and character to your story, making it truly unforgettable. So, skip the exhaustive event rundown and instead, weave your achievements into a narrative that captures the essence of your musical journey.

Keep It Fresh

Your DJ bio isn’t set in stone. As your career evolves, so should your story. Updating your bio every year to reflect your latest projects, shifts in your musical style, or new inspirations keeps it current and engaging. Plus, it gives you a chance to reevaluate what’s most important in your narrative.

Seek Feedback, but Stay True to Yourself

Getting feedback from friends or fellow DJs can provide valuable insights, but remember, your bio should ultimately reflect you. It took me a while to find the balance between taking advice and maintaining my voice, but once I did, writing (and reading) my bio felt more genuine.

dj writing on a comupter

Writing your DJ bio doesn’t have to be a chore. With a bit of reflection, sincerity, and a dash of creativity, you can craft a bio that not only tells your story but also captivates your audience, inviting them to be a part of your musical journey. So, what’s your story? Let’s make it one for the books.

  • What unique element do you think sets your DJ bio apart from others?
  • How do you balance highlighting your achievements without turning your bio into just a list of gigs?
  • Can you share an experience where your DJ bio opened up new opportunities for you?

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Crafting the Perfect DJ Bio Sample

By: Author Joe Matson

Posted on Last updated: December 11, 2023

Are you an aspiring DJ looking for a dj bio sample to help promote your craft? Crafting the perfect professional profile can be daunting, but with some strategic optimization of your digital presence and careful attention to detail, it’s possible. By providing insights into crafting a unique story, optimizing digital presence and other effective online promotion techniques for DJs, this blog post will help aspiring professionals stand out from the crowd. We’ll cover tips on crafting your own unique story, promoting yourself effectively online, optimizing your digital presence as a pro DJ and more.

What is a DJ Bio?

A DJ bio is a written summary of your career as a disc jockey. It serves to introduce yourself and the music you play to potential clients, venues, promoters, and fans. A well-written DJ bio can be an invaluable tool in helping you stand out from the crowd and land more gigs.

The point of a DJ bio is to give people insight into your identity as an artist, the kind of music you specialize in playing, prior occasions where they may have heard or seen your work, and why it’s beneficial for them to book or hire you for their event. Your goal should be to make it clear that not only are you passionate about your craft but also that you’re qualified for the job at hand.

A DJ bio is an important part of any successful music career, so it’s essential to craft a professional and engaging one. With that in mind, let’s explore how to write the perfect DJ bio.

Crafting Your DJ Bio

Crafting a great DJ bio is essential for any aspiring or current professional DJ. It’s the first impression that potential clients and fans will have of you, so it’s important to make sure your bio accurately reflects who you are as an artist.

Elements to Include in Your DJ Bio:

When crafting your bio, there are several key elements to include. Include your name (or stage name), where you reside, the genres of music in which you specialize, and any awards or recognitions that have been bestowed upon you. You should also mention any residencies or gigs that have been particularly memorable for you as well as clubs and venues where you regularly perform. Mentioning any affiliations with labels, producers, or promoters who can attest to your commitment and talent is also a must.

Proofread your final version multiple times to ensure you’re presenting yourself in the best light possible. Link out to websites like SoundCloud where people can listen directly from within the bio itself, and add visuals such as pictures of yourself performing for a more engaging experience. Showcase your skillset with well-crafted language, sprinkling in some creative idioms and colloquialisms if you’re an advanced level professional with an IQ of 150. Don’t forget to include keywords that will help boost your search engine optimization.

Take a look at some examples from successful DJs like Zedd, Diplo, Tiesto & Martin Garrix – their bios all contain interesting information about themselves while still being succinct enough not to bore readers with long-winded descriptions. They also feature plenty of visuals which helps draw attention away from the text itself but still manages to tell a story about their career highlights without having too many details bogging down the page.

Crafting your DJ bio is an essential step in establishing yourself as a professional, and it’s important to put time into creating the perfect profile. By promoting your DJ bio online, you can reach potential clients who may be interested in booking you for their events.

Promoting Your DJ Bio

Creating a compelling and impactful biography can be instrumental in setting yourself apart from other DJs, increasing your client base, and fostering relationships with potential admirers. With a well-crafted bio, you can set yourself apart from other DJs and cultivate relationships with potential clients and fans.

Ways to Share Your DJ Bio Online:

The internet provides numerous opportunities for sharing your DJ bio online. Post your DJ bio on a range of online sites, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube; create an individual website to display your work; or send it off to music blogs and other appropriate websites. Additionally, consider using paid advertising options such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads to promote your profile even further.

Strategies for Getting More Exposure for Your DJ Bio: Consider collaborating with other DJs in order to gain more exposure for your bio. You could also reach out to radio stations and podcasts that feature electronic music in order to introduce yourself and share details about what makes you unique as a performer. Finally, make sure that any content related to your career is consistent across all digital channels so that people know who they’re dealing with when they come across one of them – this includes everything from visuals (such as logos) down through copywriting style (e.g., use of idioms).

Promoting your DJ bio is an essential part of establishing yourself as a professional in the industry. By optimizing your digital presence, you can further build and expand on that foundation to reach more potential fans and clients.

Optimizing Your Digital Presence as a Professional DJ

As a professional DJ, having an effective digital presence is essential for success. It’s important to understand how to use the internet and social media platforms to your advantage in order to maximize your potential as a DJ. Here are some tips on optimizing your digital presence as a professional DJ:

Creating an attractive and interactive website or blog is essential to building a successful career as a professional DJ, showcasing your experience, past gigs, awards/accolades, music samples/videos etc. Creating a website that is both aesthetically pleasing and easily navigable, with plenty of engaging content, will be key to marketing yourself as a professional DJ. Ensure that you have included details regarding your credentials, such as prior gigs, awards earned, sound/video clips and more so potential customers can understand what they would be getting when hiring you. You should also make sure there are contact forms or links where people can reach out if they’re interested in booking you for their event or project.

Utilize social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to expand your reach to potential customers who may not have heard of you yet. Strategically share relevant content (music mixes/tracks) regularly to give people an insight into the type of music you specialize in playing at events or producing in the studio, thereby increasing their interest in booking you for their event or project. Additionally, link back any blog posts related to DJing topics; this showcases both your knowledge and enthusiasm for the craft. Use keywords throughout the text that are pertinent to your profession while maintaining proper grammar, spelling, punctuation and avoiding exclamation points – all hallmarks of an advanced level professional with an IQ of 150.

Optimizing your digital presence as a professional DJ is essential to the success of any aspiring or experienced DJ. Networking with fellow DJs and industry players, as well as staying abreast of the most recent music-making fads, can be advantageous to any DJ’s growth and advancement in their profession.

Growing and Developing as a Professional DJ

It is essential for DJs to continually hone their abilities and methods in order to stay competitive in the business. Staying current is vital for DJs to keep up in the constantly changing music industry, requiring them to be able to quickly adjust and stay abreast of trends. Learning new skills can range from mastering different genres of music, using various equipment or software programs, or understanding marketing strategies for promoting your brand as a DJ. Additionally, networking with other DJs and industry professionals is essential for staying connected within the scene. Staying in the loop with other DJs and industry professionals is critical to achieving success as a professional DJ, allowing you to gain insights into upcoming events or collaborations that could boost your visibility. Staying abreast of the newest movements in the music world is a must for any aspiring DJ to make it big; this entails being aware of what tunes are trending at certain periods or which kind of sound will have maximum resonance with specific crowds. By being aware of these things you’ll be better equipped to create unique sets that stand out from others.

FAQs in Relation to Dj Bio Sample

How do i write a dj bio about myself.

I’m an adept DJ with a zest for concocting novel and imaginative sonic creations. I specialize in blending different genres to create something new, exciting, and unforgettable. With a decade of DJing under my belt, I have had the privilege to entertain audiences at some of the most renowned clubs around the globe. My style is characterized by energy-filled sets that keep crowds dancing all night long. My music selection includes top 40s hits as well as underground classics from various genres including hip hop, EDM, trap and more. No matter what type of event you’re looking for – I can provide it.

What is the best description for a DJ?

A DJ is an artist who creates a unique soundscape through the manipulation of music, often blending different genres and styles to create something entirely new. DJs have the capacity to connect with their listeners, recognizing what they require and desire in order to get them grooving or stirring up emotions. To become a successful DJ, one must have an aptitude for technical proficiency as well as artistic ingenuity and the ability to spontaneously compose. With dedication and practice, any aspiring DJ can become a master at manipulating sounds into art.

How do I create a DJ profile?

Developing a DJ profile is essential for constructing an image as a professional DJ. It should include your name, contact information, experience level, genres you specialize in, equipment used and any special skills or services you offer. Additionally, be sure to showcase your music portfolio and provide links to social media accounts where potential clients can find more information about you. Lastly, keep it up-to-date with new gigs or accomplishments that demonstrate your ongoing commitment to the craft of DJing.

How do you introduce a DJ?

A person who spins tunes for an audience, a DJ selects and blends music to generate the ambiance of any occasion or social gathering. They are responsible for creating the atmosphere of any event or gathering through their selection and mixing of songs. DJs must have a strong knowledge base in music, sound engineering, and technology to be successful. Additionally, they need to understand how people interact with music so that they can create an engaging experience for everyone involved. With the right skillset and attitude, anyone can become a great DJ.

By crafting and promoting a compelling dj bio sample, you can ensure that your unique qualities as an artist are highlighted and understood by potential fans or employers. It’s also important to keep optimizing your digital presence so that it reflects your current skillset and accomplishments in order to continue growing as a professional DJ.

Become a DJ today and take your music to the next level! With our comprehensive resources, you can master the art of DJing quickly and easily.

I'm an adept DJ with a zest for concocting novel and imaginative sonic creations. I specialize in blending different genres to create something new, exciting, and unforgettable. With a decade of DJing under my belt, I have had the privilege to entertain audiences at some of the most renowned clubs around the globe. My style is characterized by energy-filled sets that keep crowds dancing all night long. My music selection includes top 40s hits as well as underground classics from various genres including hip hop, EDM, trap and more. No matter what type of event you're looking for \u2013 I can provide it.<\/p> "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the best description for a DJ?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

A DJ is an artist who creates a unique soundscape through the manipulation of music, often blending different genres and styles to create something entirely new. DJs have the capacity to connect with their listeners, recognizing what they require and desire in order to get them grooving or stirring up emotions. To become a successful DJ, one must have an aptitude for technical proficiency as well as artistic ingenuity and the ability to spontaneously compose. With dedication and practice, any aspiring DJ can become a master at manipulating sounds into art.<\/p> "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I create a DJ profile?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Developing a DJ profile is essential for constructing an image as a professional DJ. It should include your name, contact information, experience level, genres you specialize in, equipment used and any special skills or services you offer. Additionally, be sure to showcase your music portfolio and provide links to social media accounts where potential clients can find more information about you. Lastly, keep it up-to-date with new gigs or accomplishments that demonstrate your ongoing commitment to the craft of DJing.<\/p> "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you introduce a DJ?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

A person who spins tunes for an audience, a DJ selects and blends music to generate the ambiance of any occasion or social gathering. They are responsible for creating the atmosphere of any event or gathering through their selection and mixing of songs. DJs must have a strong knowledge base in music, sound engineering, and technology to be successful. Additionally, they need to understand how people interact with music so that they can create an engaging experience for everyone involved. With the right skillset and attitude, anyone can become a great DJ.<\/p> "}}]}

Final Scratch

How to Write a DJ Bio

So, you wanna nail that DJ bio, huh? Well, we’ve got your back. Writing a killer DJ bio is all about capturing your vibe and telling your story in a way that keeps people coming back for more.

We’ll show you how to craft a bio that’s as smooth as vinyl, highlighting your unique style and showcasing your experience without sounding like a broken record.

No need to stress, we’ve got the insider tips to help you stand out in the mix. Let’s dive in and get your bio spinning in all the right ways.

Key Takeaways

  • Weave together personal anecdotes, musical influences, and future aspirations
  • Maintain professionalism throughout the bio and adopt an objective standpoint to showcase achievements
  • Showcase individuality and sonic identity by using emotive adjectives to describe your sound
  • Highlight experience and accomplishments by performing at renowned venues, collaborating with esteemed artists, and gaining recognition for notable sets and contributions to exceptional music.

Crafting a Compelling Story

Crafting a compelling story involves weaving together personal anecdotes, musical influences, and future aspirations to captivate the audience. When writing our DJ bio, we strive to convey not just our DJ skills, but also the journey that led us to where we’re today. Our story is a mix of passion for music, diverse influences, and the relentless pursuit of our unique style. We understand that in a sea of talented DJs, it’s crucial to stand out, and our bio is our opportunity to do just that.

Our style of music isn’t just a list of genres; it’s a reflection of our soul, our experiences, and our emotions. By infusing our bio with these elements, we create a narrative that resonates with our audience on a deeper level. It’s not just about getting booked; it’s about forging genuine connections with our listeners.

Crafting a compelling story in our DJ bio is the key to unlocking opportunities and leaving a lasting impression. It’s about sharing our journey, our struggles, and our triumphs, all while staying true to our passion for music. This is the essence of our DJ bio – a story that captivates, inspires, and sets the stage for an unforgettable musical experience.

Choosing the Right Perspective

When presenting ourselves in a DJ bio, we aim to adopt a perspective that effectively highlights our achievements and experiences without sounding overly aggressive or intimate.

Here’s how to choose the right perspective for your DJ bio:

  • Maintain Professionalism: When writing your DJ bio, make sure to maintain a professional tone throughout. This helps to establish credibility and showcase your achievements effectively without coming across as overly informal.
  • Avoid Personal Pronouns: When crafting your DJ bio, ensure that you avoid using personal pronouns and writing in the first person. This approach creates a more objective and industry-focused bio, allowing someone else to read about your accomplishments from a third-person perspective.
  • Objective Standpoint: When writing a DJ bio, it’s important to choose a perspective that allows you to highlight your career highlights and accomplishments objectively. This helps to avoid sounding too aggressive or overly intimate, providing a balanced and professional overview of your experiences.

Highlighting Your Unique Style

As we highlight our unique style as DJs, it’s essential to showcase our individuality and sonic identity to captivate our audience and industry peers. When crafting our DJ bio, it’s crucial to convey our distinctive approach to music and performance.

Rather than relying on generic terms, we should use emotive adjectives to describe our sound, allowing our potential audience to connect with the feelings and experiences we aim to evoke through our DJ sets. Our unique style sets us apart in the music industry, and it’s important to convey this through our bio.

Whether it’s our ability to seamlessly blend different genres or our signature use of live instruments during performances, highlighting what makes our sets stand out is key. When playing at clubs and festivals, our unique style should leave a lasting impression, drawing in new fans and industry professionals alike.

Showcasing Experience and Accomplishments

To effectively showcase our experience and accomplishments as DJs, we’ve consistently honed our skills and built a strong portfolio of notable sets, club appearances, and collaborations with other artists and labels. This has been crucial in establishing our presence in the music industry and gaining recognition for our work.

Our journey as DJs has been marked by several significant accomplishments, including:

  • Notable Sets: We’ve had the privilege of performing at renowned venues and events, delivering electrifying sets that have captivated audiences and left a lasting impression.
  • Club Appearances: Our presence in top-tier clubs and our ability to energize the crowd have solidified our reputation as dynamic and sought-after DJs.
  • Collaborations with Artists and Labels: We’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with esteemed artists and labels, contributing to the creation of exceptional music and expanding our network within the industry.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

We’ve learned from experience that avoiding common mistakes in our DJ bio is essential for presenting ourselves authentically and professionally. When we write our bio, we make sure to steer clear of exaggerations and clichés. It’s important to stick to the facts and use language that truly reflects our unique style and sound. We avoid using cringe-worthy statements and excessive self-praise, as these can come across as insincere. Instead of relying on micro-genres, we describe our music using adjectives that convey emotion and resonate with our audience.

In our DJ bio, we’re cautious with name-dropping. While it’s important to mention key influences, clubs, and associated acts, we make sure not to overdo it. This helps us strike a balance between showcasing our connections and maintaining humility.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a bio for a dj.

We craft our DJ bio by highlighting our personal brand, unique style, music influences, performance experience, and future goals. We connect with our audience and regularly update our bio to reflect our journey and achievements.

How Do You Introduce Yourself as a Dj?

We introduce ourselves as DJs by crafting a compelling personal brand that showcases our unique style and musical influences. Our performance experience shapes our DJing philosophy, driving us towards future goals in the industry.

What Is a DJ Bio?

A DJ bio is a snapshot of our DJ background, music influences, career highlights, personal interests, brand identity, and artistic vision. It’s crucial for showcasing our unique qualities and attracting opportunities in the music industry.

What Should a DJ Profile Look Like?

We believe a DJ profile should reflect our personal brand, creative expression, and connect with our audience. Our social media presence and musical journey are essential to showcase our professional experience and engage with fans.

In conclusion, crafting a compelling DJ bio is essential for sharing our journey and connecting with our audience.

By highlighting our unique style and showcasing our experience and accomplishments, we can create a memorable and engaging story that resonates with our fans.

It’s important to avoid common mistakes and regularly update our bio to reflect our evolving career.

As they say, ‘the proof is in the pudding,’ and our bio should leave a lasting impression that keeps people coming back for more.

biography for dj

Wait a Minute!

Have you seen this?

How to Write a DJ Bio That Isn’t a Steaming Pile of Shit

biography for dj

A well-written DJ biography could be the difference between whether you’re in front of the decks as a clubber, or behind the decks ruling the night with your tune selection. In this article I am going to look at a few hints and tips on how you can write an effective DJ bio rather than one that resembles a steaming pile of shit.

Knowing how to write a DJ bio is essential, as your biography is one of the most important, but most neglected parts of your marketing strategy. You might not be big enough to have you agent, but that shouldn’t stop you presenting yourself in the most compelling and professional light possible – which in turn, should lead to increased gig opportunities.

For bedroom DJs, a well-written DJ bio can be a reference point you can send to promotors and agents, but just like a bad mix, a badly written bio can damage your reputation also. As examples, there are countless articles online about poorly written, or just downright hilarious DJ bios and profiles, including this news article about the world’s worst ever DJ bio .

The crucial aspect to any DJ bio is that it should be seen as a marketing tool. After all, you are a product or service so go sell yourself. But, a word of caution. You don’t want to embellish it or end up sounding like a dick… which is where these tips on writing an awesome DJ bio should help.

If you don’t want to get laughed out of town then read on for some tips which I hope will mean you get the gigs your talent deserves.

Keep Things Simple

Promotors don’t have time to read reams and reams of information. They want to make sure that you know your music and will deliver the goods. Focus on the music, don’t write your life story – nobody gives a shit if you were the local area champion for swimming the 100 metres when you were twelve.

Stick to just a few facts about what you’re up to, your music style, passion, and skills. Then let your mixes which you host online do the rest.

Avoid Long Paragraphs

When people read digital content on the web, they don’t read the same as they would do when reading paper-based media. Weird, but true .

Use concise short paragraphs, and bullet points where necessary which highlight the key facts in your DJ career, and your unique selling points (USPs). This should mean you don’t bore the person reading the bio to tears. Keep it short and to the point.

Avoid Well Worn Clichés

The DJ world is full of clichés, and the biography is no different. Avoid words such as “banging”, or “killed it” as you will just sound like a parody of DJ from a comedy movie.

Other common DJ clichés include things like “I grew up listening to my parent’s music collection” (news flash: so did every other kid), or “classically trained musician” (who gives a shit if you played the piano at five?).

Possibly the most over-used DJ cliché I see on badly-written DJ bios is where the DJ states that they “shared the stage with [insert famous DJ name]” – hmmm…. Ok so you might have been a warm-up DJ at an event or even played in room 2. Again, nobody cares.

Please, No Sob Stories

If you want to do a sob story or emotional back story then apply for American Idol or the X-Factor. That stuff goes down well there, but when it comes to DJ bios perhaps not so much.

We’ve all had challenging times in our lives, and our backgrounds make us what we are. But when it comes to writing a DJ bio keep it professional. Just because you’ve had a tough life, it won’t make your music or mixing any better.

Loads of rival DJ bios are going to have some statement along the lines of “I started at the very bottom, but still managed to get where I am today” – make yourself different and leave this garbage out of your bio.

Regularly Update Your DJ Bio

You’ve already seen a DJ bio like this, I can guarantee it. One that has a line it something like “2009 is shaping up to be another amazing year for DJ X” – yep, possibly it was 8 years ago.

Nothing screams “I can’t be bothered” more than a DJ bio or profile with out of date information in it, so perhaps try to avoid using years and dates in the text if you want to seem current.

Spell Check Your Content

I am sure someone will pick me up on some poor grammar and incorrect spellings on this website – yep, it happens, a lot. But one place this should never happen is on your DJ bio.

If you can’t be bothered to spell check your own DJ biography then it doesn’t really say much for your attention to detail or professionalism which are two of the main cornerstones of any successful DJ career.

Before you publish your DJ biography get a few people to read it over for you.

End on a Clear Call to Action

Your DJ bio should be seen as a sales tool. The best sales letters and adverts end with a call to action, such as “buy this now”, or “click here to book” – so why should a DJ bio be any different?

End the biography with a clear call to action, which has been backed up in the rest of the bio with the features and benefits you bring to a gig. Calls to action can includes aspects such as “call now to enquires about available dates”, or “click here to listen to my latest DJ mix”, or even just your website address or contact details – after all, you want them to book you.

Have you found this guide on how to write a DJ bio useful? Want to know more about DJ Marketing? Read my Ultimate Guide to DJ Promotion . The guide includes advice on how you can build up your brand including designing a logo, marketing materials, and more. It also has tips on advertising, promotion, networking, and building relationships to help accelerate your DJ career.

Recent Content

How DJs Can Use Spotify for Increased Brand Exposure and Marketing

The Ultimate DJ Marketing Guide to Promotion: How to Promote Yourself as a DJ (Online & Offline)

biography for dj

How To Write A DJ Bio Or EPK That People Will Actually Read

For DJs, a bio and an electronic press kit (EPK) overlap so much that they are basically the same thing. As one of your main marketing tools, they need to be good.

So how do you write a DJ bio or EPK that people will actually read ?

A good DJ bio or EPK should give the maximum amount of information in the minimum amount of time. It should answer all of the questions that the reader may have about hiring you – and then convince them to do so. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

To make sure that the person actually reads your bio or EPK, there are a few things that you need to incorporate.

What information should you include in your DJ bio or EPK?

You only have limited space in your DJ bio or EPK, so all of the content needs to be relevant.

Nightclub owners are business people. They want to make money. Hiring the wrong DJ can mean the difference between profit and loss.

When they are making a decision about hiring a DJ, they are likely to ask themselves three questions:

Why are you the right DJ for them?

What makes you stand out, how are you going to make them money.

If you can answer all of those questions within a well-written DJ bio or EPK that shows you can offer exactly what they are looking for, you will have a much better chance of getting booked for the gig.

This question can be answered by talking about the music that you play and the type of person that you are.

If your music is a natural fit for the venue and your online mixes can prove that, then you are part of the way to showing that you are the right DJ for them.

Each venue will have its own personality, which is usually influenced by the music. Does your personality match the venue?

What I mean by this is that a DJ who specialises in ’70s , ’80s & ’90s music is likely to be a completely different type of DJ to one who only plays minimal tech house. The former is likely to be a bit of a talker who loves the mic, whereas the latter is likely to be a purist who strives for perfection in every mix.

It is important not to lie to the nightclub owner/agent, or yourself for that matter. If you lie to get the booking and your music or personality doesn’t fit the venue, you will be fired. Not only will you have lost the gig, but your reputation will be damaged too.

Talking about your unique selling points can help you to answer this question.

Did you previously take over as the resident DJ of a struggling nightclub and help to turn its fortunes around? Or do you dress in a glow-in-the-dark suit while DJing?

If you did help to take a nightclub from loss to profit, then you should embellish on this within your bio. A proven track record is invaluable.

Even if you don’t wear a glow-in-the-dark suit while DJing, there is no need to worry. While a unique selling point can be an advantage, it isn’t critical to your success.

If you are truly passionate about music, this will shine through when you are speaking with the relevant people and may well tilt things in your favour.

Showing that you consider the DJ’s job to be about more than just music will provide the solution here.

In recent years, DJs have become celebrities. This has set a benchmark within the industry and a lot more is expected of a DJ nowadays.

biography for dj

Maybe you have knowledge of graphic design or marketing? Or do you have some ideas of how to increase the number of customers or retain the existing customers ?

As I said previously, nightclub owners are business people and will always want to maximise their revenue. The truth is, the more ways that you can help them achieve that, the better.

When it comes to writing a DJ bio or EPK, less is more

Your ultimate goal is to get bookings. So why jeopardise a potential booking by bombarding the reader with more information than is necessary?

Think of your DJ bio or EPK as an elevator pitch. If you are not familiar with what an elevator pitch is, Wikipedia explains it like this:

“An elevator pitch is a short description of an idea, product, company, or oneself that explains the concept in a way such that any listener can understand it in a short period of time”

The reason it is called an elevator pitch is because you should be able to pique someone’s interest in the 20 or 30 seconds that an average elevator ride takes.

If someone spends 20 or 30 seconds scanning through a really long DJ bio or EPK, the chances are that nothing will stick in their mind.

However, if you have stripped out all the unnecessary information and left only the really compelling detail listed above, you will have successfully piqued their interest.

What else should I include in my DJ bio or EPK?

Your DJ bio or EPK should be an all-in-one solution.

In addition to the above, it should also give the reader a way of contacting you, seeing what you look like and give them an idea about your online presence.

  • Contact details

This one is obvious, but make sure that your telephone number and email address are included somewhere within your DJ bio or EPK.

I recommend getting some professional photos taken for your DJ bio or EPK. To try and minimise the file size, you shouldn’t include the high-resolution versions within the EPK, but you should let the reader know that they are available if required.

As discussed above, the links to your mixes should be included within your DJ bio or EPK.

It is also good practice to record some short mixes, around 15 minutes in length, specifically for this project .

If your mix is one hour long, the likelihood is that the listener will scan through it quickly and not really consider it in the way that it was intended.

However, if your mix is a more condensed version of what you would normally record, then there is a better chance that they will listen to it in its entirety.

Related Questions

Should you keep updating your dj bio or epk.

Yes. If you need to update your DJ bio or EPK every year, then it is no big deal.

However, if you want to save yourself from doing this, try to word your DJ bio or EPK so that it doesn’t reference any particular date. If you write it in this way, it can remain timeless.

There is nothing worse than handing out your DJ bio or EPK to someone, only to realise that it references an event from five years ago, but makes it sound like it was yesterday.

Should you write your DJ bio or EPK in the first or third person?

This is a question that comes up time and time again and, to be honest, it comes down to personal preference.

I believe it sounds natural if you write your DJ bio in the first person. When writing this way, it is more personal, so the reader can visualise what you say about yourself.

When writing in the third person, it can sound very pretentious. When writing this way, the reader is perceiving what you think about yourself.

The decision is yours, but I think a lot more care needs to be taken when writing in the third person.

Finish with a call to action

Including a call to action at the end could be the difference between getting the booking or not.

Your DJ bio or EPK should have convinced the reader that you are the right person for the gig, so finishing with a prompt for them to make contact with you immediately will increase your chances of them doing so.

Your call to action could be one of the following:

“Call me on this number to discuss availability”

“Click here to listen to another of my recent mixes”

I hope that this article has helped you in some way. If you have any further questions or suggestions regarding writing a DJ bio or EPK, please feel free to leave a comment.

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The Dreaded DJ Bio: Six Tips to Make A Good One

So you just got booked to play a new club night starting up in your town. You’re on top of your game in preparation for this gig: the playlists are sorted, you synced the back-up USB sticks, hell you even knocked together a couple re-edits to test out. Then the inevitable happens: the promoter hits you up with a dreaded request:  “Can you send me your bio ASAP?”

Yes folks, the elusive DJ bio. If you’re like a lot of artists, that three-letter B-word will strike fear in your heart. The mere thought of talking about ourselves in the third person, trying to reduce every music-related thing we’ve ever done to a paragraph can be migraine-inducing. C’mon, how many of us are even writers by nature?

In my own case, I’ve been running a music blog for five years and have no problem knocking together a piece on a local DJ or producer in a half hour. Yet when recently tasked with having to submit my own bio for an upcoming show, it took a few hours just to cough up four measly sentences. Which immediately led me to thinking about putting this post together, as I know it’s a common problem.



As both a journalist and DJ I’m always trying to find new music to write about. Part of this involves digging to discover local, lesser-known DJs, reaching out to them to record podcast mixes for my blog. Soundcloud is obviously at the top of my hit-list here. When I go there, there are three things I subconsciously look at within the first second of visiting someone’s page:

  • 1) Avatar photo
  • 2) Follower count

Intentional or not, the fact that these three things are on the top left of the page (where our eyes are conditioned to start reading) speak volumes. I know this stuff sounds a little superficial on the surface, but the point is that a well-written bio is the easiest way for an un-informed listener to learn about someone new in a short period of time. The good news is writing one doesn’t have to be painful and once it’s kick-ass we can get back to focusing on what obviously matters most: THE MUSIC.

“Claude VonStroke does not scowl and look mean while he DJs. He does not pretend to know everything and he will be nice to you and your friends. He is grateful to be doing music for a living and he knows that the reason people go to parties is to shake their ass and have fun. If you want to act cool and not have any fun then please do not book him.” -The opening to Claude Von Stroke’s bio and a clever use of natural selection

Tip 1: Focus On What Makes You Unique


So you’ve spun tech house for a couple of years and land the occasional club gig once every few months. There’s probably a few dozen others in your backyard doing just the same – so where do you begin?

The first step is to focus on what makes you different from the rest of the pack. Think of the details about your experience as a DJ that could tell an interesting story. Where are you from? How long have you been playing? Where do you discover and buy your music? What kind of crowd is your music tailored towards? Do you find yourself more comfortable playing opening sets as opposed to the peak hour? Do you prefer playing smaller, humbler venues over larger ones? Do you have a specific target audience you’re catering towards?

DJTT’s Ean Golden suggests:

“We call this your “core competency” in business lingo. It’s the one thing that you are really, really good at and hopefully some what uniquely so”

Once you’ve put some thought into these and similar questions, eliminate the trivial details, culling down your story to just the facts that people will find interesting. One way to find out:

“Ask an objective friend, ‘what do you think is interesting about my work as a DJ?’ The results may surprise you.”

Tip 2: Keep It Simple If You’re Unknown; Make Two Versions (Long/Short) If You’re Known


I’m sure you’ve seen them a million times: DJ bios from local unknowns that go on

It tells their whole life story, much of which does pertain to DJ’ing. What music their parents listened to. What instrument they played for two years in their high school band.

“Newcomer bios should be 5-6 sentences ( at most ) and focused on a few key details people can relate to, like ‘Friday night resident at Sankey’s’”

If you’re gigging regularly promoters and press may require a longer version for reference. Some artists maintain two versions of the bio: the standard, one-paragraph version, and a longer version to provide only if people ask.

Longer versions are usually tailored towards accomplishments. Details on releases you’ve put out which include label and compilation info. Events you’ve thrown. Record labels you run. Number of copies sold. Radio shows or podcasts you’re a part of. Noteworthy parties or festivals you’ve played at.

“Dubfire has always been a risk taker, and his decision to go solo in 2006 at the height of Deep Dish’s success was a precarious one.”  –  excerpt from Dubfire’s bio, good example of revealing the human side and tells an interesting story

Tip 3: Avoid Clichés + Unnecessary Details


Ahh yes, the classic stereotypical bio cliches. “I discovered music at the tender age of 5”, “I’ve been murdering dancefloors and transcending minds since 2011”, “I’ve shared the spotlight with Hardwell, Tiesto, and Armin Van Buuren”, and don’t forget the obligatory “My biggest influence is Kraftwerk”.

Anyone who’s been a promoter or part of the music press for more than a few months can bullshit-detect bio cliches like these from a mile away.

Some advise over use of genre labels to describe what you play. For example, when someone says something like “DJ X spins everything the deepest of progressive electro-house to the hardest of broken-beat trance” , it’s kind of hard to be taken serious. Instead, consider using common attributes that describe the music you play, such as the fact many of your songs have synths and guitars, or a level of energy, cater to a specific demographic, or many of them just so happen to be produced in one specific city, say Detroit, Berlin, or London.

As journalists, we learn to avoid using clichés or depending on genre labels to write about music at all costs. Along with other cringeworthy words such as “epic”, “killed”, or “banging”.

Tip 4: If You Can’t Write To Save Your Life, Find Someone Who Can


As I said earlier, not all of us who DJ are also accomplished writers. Similar to how many of us aren’t graphic designers or photographers either. But it’s common practice to hire the latter to make new logos or take photos for us to use in our press kits, so there shouldn’t be any shame in reaching out to a writer if needed as well.

Think about this for a sec; you wouldn’t want your press photo to be poorly lit, or your logo to use crappy fonts, filters, or effects, right? The same holds true for the bio, so at least have them look it over and provide some objective feedback.

Local music bloggers and journalists in your community are great people to hit up for unsolicited advice. They’ve literally read thousands of bios in promo emails and press releases and can accurately judge a good from a poor one.

Yes – do offer them some form of compensation for their effort upfront. Remember, writers and journalists are busy and often awash in a sea of deadlines. The more well-known they are, the tougher they will be to get in contact with, so limit your search to independent ones in your backyard.

Tip 5: Update It At Least Once A Year


Want to know my biggest pet peeve with DJ bios? Ones that are NEVER updated! I can’t tell you how often I read one where the last paragraph opens with something along the lines of “2011 is shaping up to be a big year for DJ X” …in 2014.

Promoters and booking agents are usually looking for any reason to say no, not a detail that inspires yes! Big errors and dated information are a fast-track to the trash bin.

If you’re a local DJ who isn’t touring the world year round, it’s inexcusable to not find an hour each year to bring your bio up to date. You wouldn’t bring a resume from 2011 into a job interview in 2014, would you?

When updating, keep the length roughly the same as what you had it before. This means the recent and stronger accomplishments replace older and weaker ones. The last thing you want people to think is you haven’t done squat in the last few years!

Hopefully this article gives you a bit of insight into the importance of a well-written bio. Obviously it’s one piece to the promotion puzzle, which should also involve a strong online presence, involvement in the local scene, Soundcloud and Mixcloud accounts, a business card, website, and press kit (if you’re gigging frequently). But it’s a piece that shouldn’t be ignored, because as people have likely pounded in your head for all your life, first impressions are everything.

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  • Serato Tips

200+ Best Instagram Bios for DJs

200+ Best Instagram Bios for DJs

Being a DJ is really an enjoyable job. You'll be able to meet new friends and at the same time do what you love which is to play music.

However, it could really be a challenge to find some new clients. One thing that you can do is to create an Instagram account for your brand and equip it with a good bio!

Your Instagram bio is the first thing your followers will see - it should be unique and tell users exactly what you do and who you are.

We understand how difficult it can be to craft a compelling Instagram bio, which is why we curated a list of the best mobile DJ Instagram bios.

Additionally, we provide you with examples of the best mobile DJ bios on Instagram and a step-by-step guide to get you started.

Looking to generate your own bio? Check out our free Instagram bio generator here .

Creative Mobile DJ Instagram Bios

biography for dj

  • The life of the party.
  • All you need For The Perfect Party
  • The Mobile DJ that Makes Life Happen
  • All in One Place to Have Fun
  • Let us bring the music to you.
  • We're your best choice for a mobile DJ
  • The Party Starts Here
  • Your Mobile Entertainment Specialist
  • Always On Time And "Never Late With The Sound"
  • Let us spin your next event
  • Your Entertainment. Your Choice.
  • If you are tired of the same old boring music, I'm the solution.
  • your one stop shop for mobile dj entertainment
  • Bringing the party to you
  • Throw your own party...
  • We'll bring the party to you!
  • We'll rock your party!
  • He's got the beat
  • I rock the party.
  • Just turn it on, tune it in and rock out
  • Make some noise with us
  • Plenty of Music All Night Long
  • Just Press Play
  • It's your party! It's our job!
  • Now you can rock with the best of them.
  • We will make your event memorable.
  • Turning your party into a blast
  • What's your party mode?
  • on the road to a perfect party
  • your music, your way
  • Move into the groove
  • Give me the beat boys and free my soul
  • I will spin your event like a...
  • Get Your Party Started
  • We are the mobile disc jockey that plays whatever you want
  • Music is the universal language. Musicians are the universal heroes!"
  • Your source for entertainment
  • A DJ you can trust.
  • We do mobile disc jockeying right.
  • Your soundtracks, your party.

Cute Mobile DJ Instagram Bios

biography for dj

  • Your neighborhood mobile DJ
  • Your mobile DJ specialists
  • Innovating the mobile DJ industry since [insert year]
  • life in the mobile
  • Bringin' The House Down
  • Let the music play
  • Its time to get a party started
  • Your name in lights
  • Ace of sound
  • The mobile you trust
  • See you on the dance floor
  • Let us rock your party mobile style!
  • I am the DJ your guests will love!
  • Loud, fun music and more.
  • Play it. Mix it.
  • We'll be the life of your next party!
  • Make each moment count.
  • get your party rocking
  • loud and clear sound
  • Make memories, not noise
  • We mix the music, you rock the party.
  • You will have a great time. Guaranteed
  • We play more fun
  • The best in mobile disc jockeying
  • We treat you like a DJ treats his audience
  • We are your party on wheels!
  • Have fun and enjoy the music
  • Your friend in music
  • Dance the night away
  • We Play You Dance
  • Simply the Best
  • The Mobile DJ Who understands You.
  • we bring the party to you
  • Music you want,when you want it
  • We make your PARTY rock!
  • Quality mobile dj services. Experienced and professional.
  • It’s your day. Mobile DJs will make it a party to remember.
  • Let us rock your next party!
  • Music & Laughter

Cool Mobile DJ Instagram Bios

biography for dj

  • when you need it, wherever you are
  • Professionalism with a touch of class
  • I make the party...
  • Entertaining for all occasions
  • Mobile Disc Jockeys For Any Occasion
  • ultimate companion for mobile entertainers
  • YOUR Event backed by our experience.
  • The ultimate in mobile entertainment
  • Always on time, every time.
  • Quality D. J. Service... at a reasonable price
  • We've got the noise.
  • The mobile party starts here
  • Spinning the tunes since [insert year]
  • Always different, always the best
  • music entertainment for you
  • Better Sound Is On The Way.
  • Sharing Joy through Music
  • Rock the day
  • Playing the Mood
  • Blast the night Today
  • Your way, Your party
  • We bring the Music
  • A new breed of Music
  • Good vibration, Good Music
  • Get the Music Machine
  • Sound is the Spark of time
  • Reach the High noted
  • Syncing your party Moments
  • beat for your Best
  • Bringing people to party
  • Our Music, Your melody
  • Feel the universal language of Music
  • Let the Music Blow your Minds
  • happiness has Just we brought up
  • Feel the Music Matters
  • Music at Your ways
  • Become the Best Music of yourself
  • Rock your Style with music
  • Its time of your Life
  • Turn up the Heat
  • More Music for More Twist
  • Revv up your Hearts
  • Music with Emotions
  • Let’s your heart Speaks
  • Your medley, Your Style
  • Non-Stop Music for more fun
  • A Search of new Words
  • Add bass in your Life
  • Everything for your beats
  • Add magical Moments
  • Play the music Moments
  • Rave on the Best Moments
  • Music Say things
  • Mindblowing DJ
  • Play it until you feel the groove.
  • To have a DJ or have nothing
  • Move with the beats, let yourself listen to the heartbeat.
  • Music has got all sparks
  • Play it. It is sharp
  • Get a new mood for yourself
  • Shout loud with the DJ.
  • Coz music speaks for you.
  • Music can add memories.
  • It can heal your sick and injured brain.
  • Make decisions right, make sure to choose the sound decision
  • DJ is the heart of your life.
  • Feel DJ the sensual way
  • Vibrations for good life
  • Love music if you love life
  • Have a roll and bang the floor
  • DJ of your dreams.
  • Best vibes for the best DJ night ever
  • Love dancing? You’re gonna love the DJ
  • Happiness to be rewind
  • Feel loved by life, feel loved by DJ
  • Leave your mark with the style you’ve got
  • Feel the music, it is simple
  • Our DJ will rock you forever.
  • It is good to rock and roll
  • Lift your mind
  • Lessen the burden, get higher and higher.

Unique Mobile DJ Instagram Bios

biography for dj

  • Best entertainment for a happy price!
  • Music and the art of listening
  • The Sound of Things to Come
  • no job too big, no dance floor too small
  • Play it. Mix It. Rock It.
  • your music is my passion
  • we have the right to play music
  • The coolest mobile dj company.
  • A dj works one party at a time.
  • Your Entertainment Solution
  • The show will go on!
  • A party is not a party without a DJ.
  • The best time to get a mobile dj is now.
  • Keep grooving
  • Music like never before
  • Here to make your nights better
  • Dropping the bass
  • For a memorable time
  • Dance like it is your last
  • All you need is a DJ night
  • For all the party animals
  • Party hard, dance harder
  • For fun-filled nights
  • Play the Sharp Music
  • Music is Spark
  • face your New Mood
  • Music Speaks better
  • Add memories with Music
  • make a Sound Decision
  • landing in your Music Dreams
  • Feel the Sensual
  • dance is love, dance is Fun
  • Feel the Vibe, Feel Music
  • Rewinding the happiness
  • love Music, love Life
  • Let’s make a mark with style
  • Simply music feelings
  • Its Right way to Rock you
  • Feels right, music bright
  • Love the rock
  • Speak the Events
  • Music for Mankind
  • Music inside your mind
  • Sharing felicity through DJ Music
  • Rock the day, roll the night
  • Playing the DJ Mood
  • Blast the DJ night Today
  • DJ is the life of the party
  • Redefining the DJ music
  • We bring DJ to life
  • Bringing the purest DJ music ever
  • Introducing the new music every night
  • Because music can heal
  • Let yourself loose
  • Here is the DJ
  • Giving birth to a new breed of DJ music
  • Escape boredom and embrace our DJ
  • Keep rocking, it is good for you.
  • Guess what it feels like to groove
  • Enlighten your mind with music
  • Making your party moments perfects
  • Got the beats? Get our DJ
  • Coz anyone can party hard
  • Your melody to our music
  • Music is universal, get to know it.
  • Let there be DJ
  • Feel what matters to you.
  • Get to Know yourself with the rhythm
  • sync with the beats fly high
  • Coz it is the high time of your life
  • We don’t let you feel low
  • Feel the heat, get the beat
  • Revive with music
  • Let your emotions flow with the rhythm
  • Still got the blues? change the rhythm
  • listen to your heart, move with your heartbeats.
  • Add rhythm to your monotonous life.
  • Make your limbs sync your mind.
  • For those who are born free.
  • Groovy and shakey

Funny Mobile DJ Instagram Bios

biography for dj

  • Let's smash dance floor
  • I'm your DJ why'd you just move your head
  • Your cellphone disco on the move
  • Music under your Feet
  • Give us a shout.
  • Make your night groovy
  • Fun is our business
  • You bring the party, we'll bring the music!
  • Lets rock out
  • It's in the Mix
  • Have your party rockin' with Overdose of Bass.
  • Get down. Get high. Get loud
  • We'll play any party!
  • DJ that got the sparks
  • Where your requested are our requests
  • Blow your Minds
  • Where there's a Party, There's a DJ
  • On track to be the best
  • Feel the groove if you are not stoic
  • So you know where the party's at.
  • Grand Central Station of Mobile Music
  • Just turn me up
  • Always on the Move.
  • entertainment on wheels.
  • Your every wish fulfilled
  • Everyone is happy when the music plays
  • We Party On Wheels
  • Don't just listen...get with the Party!
  • Your entertainment headquarters
  • That's how we roll!
  • Your Fun Mobile DJ
  • Your show awaits you.
  • Bounce to the Beat
  • We Set the Music in Motion!
  • Rocking All Night Long
  • Mobility for the mobile disc jockey
  • DJ Service you can Count on
  • Dance the night away.
  • You're Cool, We're Cool
  • We'll rock the party

Instagram Bio Ideas For DJ Lover

  • Music is my life, and DJing is my passion.
  • Spinning beats and making memories.
  • Always on the hunt for the perfect track.
  • Born to DJ, live to entertain.
  • Creating the soundtrack of your life.
  • Let the music speak for itself.
  • Bringing the party to you.
  • Let's get lost in the music together.
  • The beat of my heart is the beat of the music.
  • Music is the answer to all questions.
  • Spreading love and good vibes through music.
  • Living for the next big drop.
  • The party never stops with me on the decks.
  • Creating unforgettable moments through music.
  • Let's groove together
  • Making your night unforgettable
  • Your DJ for all occasions.
  • Always on the lookout for fresh beats.
  • Always taking your music taste to the next level.
  • The DJ that always delivers a good time.
  • Music is my first love.
  • Bringing you the best in music.
  • The party never ends with me behind the decks.
  • Creating the perfect soundtrack for your life.
  • Let's make some noise together.
  • Music is the universal language.
  • Spreading good vibes through the power of music.
  • Making the world a better place one beat at a time.
  • Always bringing the heat to the party.
  • Let's dance the night away.
  • The DJ that always knows how to get the crowd going.
  • The ultimate party machine.
  • The DJ that knows how to make the crowd move.
  • Always bringing the energy to the party.
  • The soundtrack to your life.
  • Always keeping the party going.
  • Always bringing the fire to the party.
  • The ultimate party rocker.
  • Let's create some memories together.
  • The DJ that knows how to keep the party going.
  • Always bringing the fun to the party.
  • The ultimate party animal. -Always pushing the limits of what's possible.
  • The DJ that always knows how to get the crowd moving.
  • The ultimate party master.
  • The DJ that knows how to make the crowd go wild.
  • The ultimate party king.
  • Let's create some magic together.
  • Always bringing energy to the party.
  • Always bringing fun to the party.
  • Always pushing the boundaries of sound.
  • The DJ that knows how to keep the party alive.
  • The ultimate party queen.
  • The DJ that always knows what you want to hear.

How To Create A Great Instagram Bio: 7 Steps

1. add a searchable keyword on your instagram name field and username.

The first step to optimizing your Instagram bio is to add a searchable keyword on the name field and the username.

Ideally, whenever users type a keyword or a name on the Instagram search field, the app populates results based on your username to determine the most relevant search results.

Search results are matched by text. Using an Instagram username or profile name that’s related to the content of your posts is your best bet for showing up in relevant searches.

For example, if you are an artist, you may want to include your job title along with your full name on the username or the name field. That way, people searching for you or your services on Instagram can find your account easily.

Notice how Asiko , a professional artist, uses the name field to include his occupation for clarity.

That way, when you search for an artist or use their name, you can find their account easily.


If you want to change your Instagram username or name, follow these easy steps:

Step 1: Go to your profile on Instagram

Step 2: Tap or click edit profile

Step 3: Enter the right name and username

Step 4: Hit the submit button or click save, depending on the device you are using.

2. Highlight Your Skills & Target Audience

When Instagram users search you and find your profile, the next thing they will do is check out your bio to make sure they are viewing the right account.

Therefore, a good Instagram bio communicates what your business does and even mentions your target audience.

Having a 150 character count limit for your bio can feel a little tight, so this is your chance to explain to your audience why and how they should get in touch or shop from your brand.

Here are key tips to help you highlight your skills and explain to them what you do.

  • Try to keep your expression simple
  • Use a single thread or theme to link your expressions together
  • Choose readily understandable terms / avoid jargon and acronyms
  • Focus on benefits , not features

For example, Ericka , who Is a social media marketer and an Instagram expert, includes a clear description of what her business entails at the beginning of her bio.

She mentions: “I coach brands on how to use IG to attract, connect + convert their followers”.


Right after reading this description, her audience gets a glimpse of the types of services offered and what her content is going to look like.

3. Include Relevant Keywords On Your Instagram Bio

While adding keywords on your username and name field makes you discoverable, the Instagram bio is also a great place to add keywords you want to rank for.

Typically, using keywords on your Instagram may not directly help you become more discoverable on the app, but will give your account more focus and connect you with like-minded followers.

When describing your business on the Instagram bio section, include secondary and primary keywords:

Primary keywords are the main words describing your business. For example, for a landscaping expert, “gardener” might be the primary keyword.

Secondary keywords are those that add a bit more detail to the primary keywords and are more related to the searcher's intent. In our example, secondary keyword can be “gardener near me.”

Adding primary and secondary keywords to your Instagram bio enables your audience to feel more connected to your brand.

Here are a few tips to guide you when choosing relevant keywords:

  • Refer to Google Autocomplete : when you type an inquiry into the Google search bar, Google autocompletes the inquiry based on the most popular phrases people used in that context.
  • Look for Synonyms and Semantics : try looking for other ways of describing the keywords you have entered.
  • Google Keyword Planner : The free keyword research tool tells you the average search volume and how competitive the keyword is.
  • Use paid keyword research tools : SEMrush, Moz, and Ahrefs are examples of paid keyword research tools to give you insights into your Instagram bio keywords.


4. Add a Link to Your Instagram Profile

The simplest approach of adding a link to your Instagram is displaying it in your profile.

Unlike links placed on Instagram comments and posts, a link on your Instagram bio will be hyperlinked. That means whenever Instagram users tap on the link, they will go straight to your website.

When you create an Instagram post, include a call to action that tells visitors to check out your profile for the relevant link to your e-commerce store or website.

Alternatively, you can use a service like Linkin. bio , which turns your whole Instagram feed into a clickable landing page and drives traffic to your website.

When you add links to any Instagram posts your Instagram audience will be directed to the right content or products on your website.

For example, Barbara Corcoran , a real estate professional uses to add a link to her business unusual podcast.

That way, she can drive traffic to her podcast effectively.


5. Add Your Contact Information

Adding contact information on your Instagram bio means Instagram users can contact you directly. It is an excellent means of developing your brand and Instagram business opportunities.

You can add your phone number, email address, or address to the physical location. This way, anyone who wants to know more about your brand can get in touch with you conveniently.

For example, Décor Finity , supplier of household items includes a phone number of their Instagram bio information.


6. Get Creative With Your Instagram Bio

Your Instagram bio is a great space to convey who you are and what you do. You may also want to use that space to show off your personality and have fun.

Here are some ideas of how to use that space to have fun and show off your personality:

Add Emojis To your Bio Description

Instead of having any text-heavy sections in your bio, you can add some Emojis.

Here is a great example of how to use Emojis in your bio.


Add Branded Hashtags

You can use the branded hashtag to let your audience know about your hashtag by including it in your Instagram bio and highlighting it in your captions and Instagram stories.

Here are great examples of how to use branded hashtags on your Instagram bio.


Add Line Breaks to Your Bio

Text-heavy parts can clutter your Instagram bio.

Adding extra space to the Instagram bio makes the information more bite-sized and consumable.

Darryl Cheng gives us a great example of how to add line breaks to your Instagram bio.


7. Add a Relevant Profile Picture

The final step in the process of optimizing your Instagram bio is choosing a relevant profile picture.

The obvious choice for this would be your brand logo as appears on your website, marketing materials, or other social media platforms.

Adding an identifiable picture makes it easy for your target audience to recognize you.

It also helps to raise brand awareness by making sure it is constantly visible within your niche on Instagram.

A great Instagram bio creates a great first impression and reflects what your brand offers in the first instance.

When creating the Instagram bio for travelers , explain who you are and what you offer your audience. You can do this easily by including keywords on the username and name field.

Include keywords on your bio description, and add a link to your website or blog, to drive Instagram users to your profile.

Do not forget to include your contact address, so that your users can get in touch easily.

  • 42 Trending Mobile Dj Businesses [2024] 1 of 6
  • 1,000+ Unique DJ Name Ideas [2024] 2 of 6
  • 40 Pros & Cons Of Starting A Mobile Dj (2024) 3 of 6
  • 60 Marketing Ideas For A Mobile Dj (2024) 4 of 6
  • 5 Mobile Dj Success Stories [2024] 5 of 6
  • How Much Does It Cost To Become A Mobile Dj? (In 2024) 6 of 6

biography for dj

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The 8 Essential Books every DJ Should Read!

biography for dj

Last updated on May 23rd, 2022 at 07:50 pm

There are no recent books out there about digital DJing- or only a handful-, however there’s a couple of great books out there which can teach you a lot of important things, as well as give you an overview of how the DJ profession developed over the years.

Want to learn how to DJ?

I’ve put together a list of the best online courses that teach you how to DJ the right way. There are even a couple of free ones as well, so check the post out.

The ones I’d recommend the most are from DJ Courses Online since they offer great quality courses at an affordable price, especially since it’s subscription-based, which means that you can pay for a single month and do all the courses you want.

If you even want to get more bang for your buck, getting a yearly subscription will save you a total of 50%.

Here’s a list of the best 8 best books that every DJ should read!

Last Night a DJ Saved my Life: The History of the Disc Jockey

biography for dj

Last Night a DJ Saved My Life was the first comprehensive history of the disc jockey, a figure who has become a powerful force shaping the music industry.

Since its original publication, the book has become a cult classic that offers a lot of value.

The book itself talks a lot about the genres that emerged over the years, like disco, reggae, house, techno, etc. and how the DJ profession developed over the years with the emerging technology and the new music.

Now, with five new chapters and over a hundred pages of additional material, this updated and revised edition of Last Night a DJ Saved My Life reasserts itself as the definitive account of DJ culture, from the first record played over airwaves to house, hip hop, techno, and beyond.

From the early development of recorded and transmitted sound, DJs have been shaping the way we listen to music and the record industry.

Bill Brewster and Frank Broughton have tracked down the inside story on some of music’s most memorable moments.

Visiting legendary clubs like the Peppermint Lounge, Cheetah, the Loft, Sound Factory, and Ministry of Sound, and with interviews with legendary DJs, Last Night a DJ Saved My Life is a lively and entertaining account of musical history and some of the most legendary parties of the century.

If you truly wish to know more about the craft and the history behind it, then this book is an absolute must.

Get it at Amazon .

How to DJ Right: The Art and Science of Playing Records

biography for dj

DJs have gone from being underpaid live jukeboxes to becoming premier entertainers, producers, businessmen, and musicians capable of commanding admiration from thousands and earning serious money.

Bill Brewster and Frank Broughton’s Last Night a DJ Saved My Life was the definitive history of the DJ.

Now they gather their mastery of the artistic and technical aspects of being a DJ into a clear, accessible, and entertaining guide.

How to DJ is the perfect guide where they teach stuff like; Establishing a distinctive sound, record-spinning, scratching, hot-mixing, beat-juggling, and more.

Diagrams throughout illustrate phrases, beat timing, and song structure with no reliance on music theory, and resource lists recommend everything from which songs are best (and most fun) to learn with, to good sources for building a library of disks, CDs, and MP3s.

For those who want to turn pro, the authors give sage advice on the vagaries of the club and music business.

Now, this book is a bit dated, but the theory and advices are still pretty relevant today.

The Record Players: DJ Revolutionaries

biography for dj

Written by the same two authors of “How to DJ Right” and “Last Night a DJ Saved my Life”, this book doesn’t focus so much on the technical and historical side of Djing and rather focuses more on the DJs who build the DJ history so that they can tell their stories.

Both the Authors travelled the world to meet with the eccentrics, the playboys, and the obsessives of the DJing industry who shaped pop music.  

With discographies, favorite songs, and amazing photos of all the DJs as young firebrands, The Record Players offers an unparalleled music education: from records to synthesizers, from disco to techno, and from small groups of influential music lovers to arenas packed with thousands of dancing fans.

Dance Music Manual by Rick Snoman

biography for dj

Now, this isn’t an easy read, let me tell you that.

It’s a huge- and extensive book that is mostly geared towards the DJ/Producer, that goes into depth on loads of different subjects like drum programming, waveforms, and more.

Decades ago, DJs didn’t have access to the technology available today; with laptops and recording gear- as well as software- being so powerful and affordable, most DJs are now trying to create their own music rather than just mixing songs.

This is why this book is also geared towards the producer side of things, since you can now create extremely cool songs right there in your bedroom without blowing the bank account.

It’s one of the- or THE essential book on this list if you truly are aspiring to become a great music producer as well as DJ because of how much useful and current information it provides.

However, like I mentioned earlier, it’s a much more technical book, which might not be for you.

Still, I think it’s an absolute must in most cases, so check it out!

Rock the Dancefloor: The proven five-step formula for total DJing success

biography for dj

If you want to know how it feels to be the DJ, to share the music you love with other people, to receive the adulation of packed dancefloors night after night, this book will show you exactly what to do to get there.

Whether you’re brand-new to this, a DJ who wants to finally break out of the bedroom, or you just want to improve your game, the five-step formula in Rock the Dancefloor! will help you to become a truly great DJ.

This book helps you to; Understand modern DJ gear, in order to avoid expensive mistakes, since most of the times you don’t need to spend as much as you’ve been led to believe, as well as assemble the best music collection, so you can fill any dancefloor.

You will also learn how to quickly master all the techniques, so your DJ mixes sound amazing, which is especially important to get right because you don’t want to spend years practicing the wrong way.

Additionally, you will learn how to perform like a pro at any type of gig: parties, bars, night clubs, you name it, and to promote yourself effectively, for more and better paid bookings.

This book is absolutely essential for anyone who truly want to make Djing their full-time profession…

Note : You can get this one for FREE as an Audiobook version with the Audible Free Trial.

Electrochoc by Laurent Garner

biography for dj

Maybe not as popular as some of the other books about djing out there, but you should really give it a shot since it provides some serious value to any aspiring DJs.

World-famous French DJ Laurent Garnier is also an award-winning recording artist, producer, label owner and author of ELECTROCHOC, a best seller in France, Spain, Russia, Germany and Japan and now available in the English language.

The book tells a great story of how the dance music culture developed in Europe over the years in the late 80’s and beyond, as well as all the challenges DJs face, everything that’s great- and maybe not so great- about the profession, and more.

If you truly want to learn more about the history of the craft, what it means to be a DJ, etc. then consider giving ELECTROCHOC a read.

DJing for Dummies

biography for dj

Like all other “for Dummies” books, they teach you in simple steps with everything laid out for you, which I know that some people might not like.

If you’re the kind of person that enjoys this style of teaching, then I can definitely recommend this book.

DJing For Dummies offers newcomers all the technical know-how needed as well as advice on how to create your own DJing style and how to make DJing work for you.

With tips on equipment essentials, such as turntables, slipmats and needles, headphones, and amplifiers, as well as buying records, CDs, and MP3s, this practical guide takes you through the basics of mixing, song structure, building a foolproof set, creating a great demo, and what to do when you finally face a live audience.

All the basic information you need about DJing is right there.

Sure, there may be stuff you don’t need, but if you’re a beginner- which is who this book is meant for-, then you will actually get a lot of value out of it.

Groove Music: The Art and Culture of the Hip-Hop DJ

biography for dj

Today hip-hop is a global phenomenon, and the sight and sound of DJs mixing and scratching is familiar in every corner of the world.

But hip-hop was born in the streets of New York in the 1970s when a handful of teenagers started experimenting with spinning vinyl records on turntables in new ways. 

The great thing about this book is that it revolves around hip-hop and not electronic music, which is what most other Djing books are about, giving you a different perspective of the story.

In Groove Music, Katz delves into the world of the DJ, tracing the art of the turntable from its humble beginnings in the Bronx in the 1970s to its meteoric rise to global phenomenon today. 

Learning more about the history of your craft is something that I would advise for everyone.

But these books aren’t only good for teaching you the history behind DJing; they also add value in loads of other ways.

I would suggest you read a couple of them and see how you like it.

I hope this information was useful.

Have a wonderful day!

About The Author

biography for dj

10 Band Bio Examples and How to Make Yours Great

learn how to make a great bio for your band

Your band sounds tight, and you’re ready to start gaining exposure and working gigs. But, have you set up your website and written your bio yet? 

One of the best ways to make your band look professional is to put together a band bio page. A biography is essential for new groups so that bookers can learn about the artists before hiring them. 

An interesting, personal bio creates a positive first impression. A quality biography will help give fans and potential bookers a real sense of who you are. We have some tips and samples to help you write the perfect bio.

The first tip is to have a website that has the band’s name in the URL so people can find you. Too many new bands and artists don’t even have a website, the foundation for your music business. 

Not sure where to begin? Get a website , then write a bio using the following tips.

Make Your Own Band Bio Right Here

Stop wasting time trying to find band bio examples that you can model your own off of.

Just use this tool to generate a great bio for your band right now! Answer 23 quick questions and you'll have a great new 150-200 word band bio.

Band Bio Generator

E.g. Funk and Soul, Hard-Rock, Metal, NeoSoul

What do you and your band members have in common? Give a punchy, memorably 2-4 word description:

E.g. Funk-loving jazz nerds, long-haired softies, stay-at-home dads...

Complete this sentance: The members of my band met...

E.g. at a local music university, in a subway car, on a cruise ship in Greese...

Which three artists have most influenced your band’s sound? I.e. who do you sound like?

E.g. Stevie Wonder, EWF and Marvin Gaye

What is one defining element of your band’s sound?

E.g. heavy 80’s synths, hard-hitting grooves, wailing guitars

List another defining element of your band’s sound?

E.g. tight 4-part vocal harmonies, punchy horn lines...

What is one defining element of your band’s performance style?

E.g. flashy choreography, pyrotechnics, a beautifully timed light show

List another defining element of your band’s performance style?

E.g. witty stage banter, surprising set changes, impeccable attire

Complete this sentance: My band’s music will make you want to...

E.g. dance all night, float away on a dream cloud, eat way too much McDonalds...

Have you earned a title, honor, award or prize that would make sense to brag about?

E.g. Florida’s best swing band, Weddingwire’s top-rated wedding band, New York’s best party band

Who gave you this title, honor, award or prize?

E.g. the New York Times, Weddingwire Choice Awards, some random Google reviewer...

Of these, which is your band's most impressive achievement? Is the the number of:

Of these, which is your band's second most impressive achievement?

Enter this format: “The quote itself is surrounded with quotes. Outside the quotes, put a dash followed by the persons name and publication.” - Reviewer Name, New York Times

Is your band currently working on anything notable?

When do you plan to release it?

What are your social media handles?

Your New Band Bio:

Your new band bio is a few clicks away...

You're done!

Congrats, your newband bio is looking great! Now send it to yourself:

On This Page:

How Long Should A Music Bio Be?

What should a band bio include.

  • Ten Great Band Bio Examples

Keep Your Band Bio Organized and Up to Date

  • When Should You Update Your Bio?
  • How Often Should You Update Your Bio?

What To Avoid With Your Band Bio

Use seo to help everyone find your band bio, how to write a band bio that's captures attention.

Let's start off with this great video from Jen at Publicifi. She breaks down 3 key elements you can use to write a band bio that is memorable and that doesn't put people to sleep!

Some agencies suggest writing three different bios, short, medium, and long. A quick rule of thumb is:

  • Short – 50 words
  • Medium – 100 words
  • Long – 5 to 6 paragraphs

Most visitors and bookers will only read the short version. As such, your short bio should be a part of your electronic artist press kit . However, the extended version works well on your website or concert promotional literature.

These three versions of your bio won’t just help bookers, but you’ll use them throughout your own social media and various online accounts too. Having a single place where all your bios are kept current really helps streamline and make your self-promotion battle an easier one. 

There are six elements to crafting a useful band or artist bio.

  • An engaging introduction
  • Background and historical info
  • Description of your music or musical style
  • Your highlights and achievements
  • Media quotes or testimonials (If you have them)
  • Current information (like shows and album releases)

Your bio page and EPK are living, breathing documents that tell the world who you are and what you’re doing. Always keep them current with the latest information, such as any new projects, music releases, collaborations, or upcoming gigs.

If you’re like most normal people and feel you might forget to update your band bio or EPK every month or two, set an alert in your calendar to remind you every month or two. Just changing a sentence or a date might be the only tweak you need to make the resource relevant and current again.

If you’re unsure how to write your bio, use the six elements above and write them in that order. Write in the third person, as if a reporter was talking about you on TV or a magazine.

Ten Great Band Bio Examples

Before we jump into these examples, we wanted to point out an interesting observation. While creating this article, we noted that it's actually quite difficult to find quality band bios for most of the well-known bands out there. 

It seems to be that once you reach a certain level of fame, there ceases to be a need for a band bio on your website. Just try to find one any of the websites for popular stars like Beyoncé, Bruno Mars or U2. These artists have bios on Wikipedia, but their website is primarily for promoting upcoming tours and albums. When you're that famous, people already know who you are and what you do, so bookers and clients don't need to rely on your bio to get to know you.

If you're not yet one of these big famous artists though, don't think you can get away without a bio. It's a stepping stone you can't skip. Bookers, clients and potential fans need to get to know you before they commit, and a YouTube live performance video just isn't going to cut it.

So, how about some band bio examples...

1.  The Phonix Dance Band

Quite often, fans will want to know more about their favorite band member(s). As such, we always recommend that you include your individual musician bios somewhere on your site too.

Check out this band for some great musician bio examples . At a glance, you know who each musician is, what they do, and one interesting detail about them. Short and sweet.

musician bio examples from the phonix band

2.  Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos

What makes this bio unique is the number of players and their locations. Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos has offices in seven states. The website has tabs for each state listing the bios of the piano players that cover each area. Each musician has a humorous blurb, a link to more information, plus an interview-style video bio. 

Just like the last sample, this is a great place to look for musician bio examples .

epk musician bio samples - Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos

3.  Art d’Ecco

This biography is unique because it’s not a biography. Instead, the artist uses a very descriptive quote about his performance.

Short artist bio example  – Art d’Ecco

4.  Shawn Austin

This solo country artist packs everything into one page, including his “About” info. Fans and booking agents can quickly find everything they need to know.

music bio example – Shawn Austin

5.  Snotty Nose Rez Kids

This Canadian Hip-Hop duo uses their bio to chronicle their musical accomplishments. The bio touches on their indigenous heritage and their musical beginnings.

Examples of Band Bios – Snotty Nose Rez Kids

6.  The Funk Hunters

Music comes in all forms. These two DJ’s have a professional bio highlighting music awards, albums and international music festivals where they have played. It’s a simple layout with their photos in the header and an easy to read biographies.

bio sample  – The Funk Hunters

7.  The Crescent Sky

Here's a great band bio example from a 4-piece indie band. This group of four makes a personal connection between fans and the individual artist. They post seven engaging questions under the title, “Band Facts.” Then, they list the responses by each musician. 

band biography examples – The Crescent Sky

8.  Ill-Legitimate

This group has ten rap artists. Each artist has a photo with his stage name that links to individual bios. And each bio is quite check this group out from some more musician bio examples.  There is also one link to the Ill-Legitimate (the band’s) bio.

artist and musician bio examples - Ill-Legitimate

9.  Neck of the Woods

We added this bio, not because it tells the band’s story, but how it could be improved. White font on black is always a bit difficult to read. After the bio, they list the band members and what they play. Underneath the list, they post the band’s photo, but there is no way to tell who is who. Sure it’s artsy, but wouldn’t be helpful to put a name and an instrument to a face?

bad music bio example - Neck of the Woods

The bio for this Irish singer incorporates third-party testimonials. It’s a useful technique of social proof for newer artists because it helps sell the people interested in hiring them.

a great music artist bio uses testimonials - Oxlip

To summarize, add information that fans and potential bookers want to know. Make it easy to read and not too long.

Your bio should be fun and helpful for potential clients who want to get to know you and who want to hire you. Use easy to see links at the top of the Home page to your website. Make sure to highlight each member with at least a sentence or two. 

Your band’s music and gigs change all the time. Make sure you keep your bio up to date with the latest activity and accomplishments.

One tool that keeps you organized is the Back On Stage app for musicians and bandleaders . It combines all the functions needed to keep a busy band on top of their schedules. It’s a repository for all your sheet music, reference recordings, band member info, contact information, integrated calendar, client contacts, invoices and everything else you need to manage your band.

Keeping your profile up to date demonstrates to potential employers that you’re not just another band. You’re serious about your business and your future.

To create a bio that works, here are a few things you don’t want to do.

Not Having a Website

Your Facebook, Instagram or WeddingWire profile pages aren't going to cut it. Set up a quality website. You can pay for it all with one gig. We personally love Shopify because of how easy it is to get running and they’ve got great 24/7 tech support for all us artsy and non-techy types! But platforms like Wix, Wordpress, and even Banzoogle might be a good fit for you.

Confusing or Missing Biographies

Save the poetry for your lyrics. Stick to the information that matters to fans and potential bookers. Forego artsy, flowery descriptions in favor of easy to read details. 

Missing Link

Don’t forget to write a bio for all members, not just a generic one for the band. Make the link easy to see in the top navigation bar. Some groups try to be so clever and different that they forget to create a link to the bio. Why would someone click on your MERCH link if you don’t even have a bio?

Too Many Videos and Photos 

Filling your bio page with lots of photos and embedded videos can make the page load slowly. Cherry-pick the best media and use links to the videos. You can have a separate page or host them elsewhere, like YouTube.

Out Of Date Band or Musician Bios

It's terrible when your recently booked gig gets some press in a local newspaper or website and as soon as it's live, you realize that they used the wrong band photo and your description is out of date. It's also a big turn off to promoters and clients when your bio makes references to projects in the future tense when they have clearly come to pass.

When Should You Update Your Bio?

Update your band bio as soon as something significant happens in your band's career. Here's a list of significant things worth writing about in your bio:

  • New album, EP or single release
  • New member joins the band
  • When you win any new awards or contests
  • When you play a gig for several hundred people at some notable venue or festival and it was bigger than any gig you've done before
  • When you receive a glowing review that is better than any previous review and is from a credible source

How Often Should You Update Your Bio?

As often as any of the above events occur!

That said, it's easy to get caught up in your other daily aspects of running a band, promoting yourself, creating music etc etc. So be safe and set a monthly reminder in your calendar .

If you remind yourself the check in on your bio every month, you'll be sure not to forget about that recent achievement that really should be mentioned. You never know who will be reading your bio and how much a fresh detail might help them make up their mind to listen to your music or hire your band!

You would be amazed at how many bands don’t bother to have a website. 

If you search for your band’s name in Google, what comes up? Here is a perfect example of doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) right. The Phonix Band ranks for all the first page positions in Google for the “the phonix band” keyword. 

Writing a band bio that's good makes a difference to SEO

Every group and solo artist needs to have an optimized website with an easy to find the link to their Bio page.  Using proper SEO will help more people find you. This article, “ SEO For Musicians and Bands ,” will help you set up your website and bio the right way. 

Share You Band Biography 

Post your band bio sample or or musician bio example in the comments below and show our community of readers what you came up with for your own bio! 

We'd love to see what you've got and what is helping your music career! (Hey, it's free promotion for you and your band - why not?!)

May 08, 2024 • Posted by The Haymakers

We took some of your advice and this is where we landed… ### The Haymakers are a four-man gang storming through the clubs and brewpubs of New England to champion good-time music while making new friends along the way.

Crashing guitars meet groovy bass cradled by swinging drums with passionate vocals on top to take their hooky songs with soulful lyrics into their own little world. It’s a place where people dance along to classic-rock radio that has these fresh songs to play. The Haymakers also have a knack for picking those cover songs that are familiar without being overplayed.

Stuart Munro of the Boston Globe says they “simply provide you with unalloyed rock ’n roll.” According to York Calling, “They hint at 60s rock, garage rock and classic rock, yet it also has its own diverse flavour, ensuring The Haymakers never sound like parodies of a previous style.”

Following up on last year’s “Round One” EP, the band is working on a new release tentatively called “Say It Again” that they plan to launch in April, 2024.

For updates, follow them on Facebook & Instagram (@haymakersboston) or visit them at

May 08, 2024 • Posted by loudtrax

It’s awful when a local newspaper or website mentions your just scheduled gig, and as soon as it goes live, you realise that they used the wrong band photo and your description is no longer accurate.

Mar 08, 2021 • Posted by JC Myburgh

Very helpful article. Thank you very much for the insightful information!

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biography for dj

Rapper-producer Dr. Dre first made it big with hip-hop group N.W.A. in the 1980s, and he has also enjoyed success as a solo act.

dr dre

Who Is Dr. Dre?

A music fan from the start, Dr. Dre started working as a DJ in his teens. His first major success came with the rap group N.W.A. and he later co-founded Death Row Records in 1991. In 1992, his first solo album, The Chronic, became a huge hit. Dre started up Aftermath Entertainment in 1996 and signed Eminem and 50 Cent to his label. He eventually co-founded the company Beats Electronics with Jimmy Iovine, going on to make millions from its 2014 sale to Apple.

Early Years

Born Andre Romelle Young, Dr. Dre came from a musical background. Both of his parents were singers. His mother, Verna, quit her group the Four Aces shortly before Dre was born. His middle name comes from one of the bands his father Theodore belonged to, the Romells.

After his parents split up, Dre lived with his mother, who remarried several times. They moved around frequently, and at one point lived at the Wilmington Arms housing project in the Compton area. At Centennial High School, Dre showed a talent for drafting, but he paid little attention to his other course work. He transferred to Fremont High School and then went to the Chester Adult School. But his interests didn't lie in schoolwork—he wanted to make music. Dre received a music mixer for Christmas in 1984 and soon turned his family's home into his studio. For hours on end, he would work his magic, taking pieces of different songs and sounds to make his own sound.

Dre started hanging out at L.A. nightclub Eve After Dark, where he eventually got his chance to work the turntables. He joined the World Class Wreckin' Cru, which performed in nightclubs, and developed the rap persona of Dr. Dre, the Master of Mixology. His new moniker was inspired in part by basketball star Julius "Dr. J." Erving.

A Leading Rap Pioneer

The group's second album, Straight Outta Compton (1988), sold more than 2 million copies and marked the arrival of a new genre—gangsta rap. One track, "F*** tha Police," ignited a firestorm of controversy. The song, which explored tensions between Black youth and the police, was thought to incite violence. The FBI even sent a warning letter to Ruthless Records and its parent company about the song.

Breaking out on his own and on a new record label, Dre hit the top of the hip-hop charts with The Chronic on Death Row Records in 1992. The biggest single from the album was "Nuthin but a 'G' Thang," which featured Snoop Dogg , then a little-known rapper. With this latest release, Dre helped introduce G-funk, which incorporated musical samples and melodies from funk with gangsta rap. Dre had always admired the work of such acts as Parliament and Funkadelic.

Dre released his second solo album, 2001 , in 1999. Selling millions of copies, the recording proved to be a hit on both the hip-hop and pop charts. Over the next several years, Dre teased fans with news of a pending third album, titled Detox . Although tracks from Detox were leaked, the project was continually delayed and the album was never released.

Producer and Record Executive

Behind the scenes, Dr. Dre has been instrumental in launching the careers of numerous hip-hop and rap artists. He acted as a track producer for many of the artists on Ruthless Records, a venture he started up with Eazy-E. Dre also worked with singer Michel'le on her debut album. With N.W.A., Dre helped produce much of the group's material.

With Marion "Suge" Knight, Dre co-founded the rap music empire known as Death Row Records in 1991. There he worked on the 1993 debut album of Snoop Dogg, Doggystyle , and Tupac Shakur 's 1996 work All Eyez on Me . That same year Dre left Death Row Records, escaping from the increasingly troublesome West Coast/East Coast rap feud. The conflict would eventually lead to the deaths of rappers Shakur and Biggie Smalls.

Dre established his own label, Aftermath Entertainment, in connection with Interscope Records. He signed numerous acts to Aftermath, but his two greatest successes came with Eminem and 50 Cent . At first, Dre took flak for signing white rapper Eminem, but he soon proved the critics wrong. He produced several of Eminem's hit albums, including The Slim Shady LP (1999) and The Marshall Mathers LP (2000). With 50 Cent, Dre worked on his debut smash Get Rich or Die Tryin' (2003), among other projects.

Trouble With the Law & Violence Against Women

Over the years, Dre hasn't just rapped about violence or reckless behavior. He has lived some of his lyrics, experiencing numerous scrapes with the law. In 1991, he reportedly hit TV host Denise Barnes and tried to push her down a flight of stairs. The attack was triggered by a segment she had done about Ice Cube's departure from N.W.A. Dre faced assault charges and a civil suit for his actions, but both parties decided to settle out of court.

The following year, Dre again faced assault charges for an alleged attack on producer Damon Thomas. He was arrested for battery of a police officer a few months later. Dre seemed to take his dangerous behavior to the extreme in 1994 when he led police on a high-speed chase while intoxicated. Having violated his probation for the earlier battery offense, Dre was sentenced to several months in jail and ordered to pay a fine. He served his time in 1995.

The civil suit Dre faced with Denise Barnes would continue to haunt him as other women would come out about Dre's violent behavior against them during the '90s. Dre addressed his past actions in an interview with the New York Times in August 2015. "Twenty-five years ago I was a young man drinking too much and in over my head with no real structure in my life. However, none of this is an excuse for what I did," he stated. "I've been married for 19 years and every day I'm working to be a better man for my family, seeking guidance along the way. I'm doing everything I can so I never resemble that man again."

He also added: "I apologize to the women I've hurt. I deeply regret what I did and know that it has forever impacted all of our lives."

Hip-Hop Mogul

In 2008, Dre expanded his hip-hop brand when he founded Beats Electronics with record producer Jimmy Iovine. He debuted the company's audio line with Beats by Dr. Dre Studio headphones, which became wildly popular, and were followed by more successful products endorsed by pop and hip-hop artists. The online music streaming service Beats Music was also launched in January 2014. The two partners have also funded The Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation.

In May 2014, Apple announced the purchase of Beats for $3 billion. The deal increased Dre's net worth to approximately $800 million, making him the richest rap star, according to Forbes . As part of the acquisition, the largest in Apple's history, Dre and Iovine joined Apple in executive roles. In 2016, Apple announced it was working on a scripted television series based on Dre's life, entitled Vital Signs , with its subject also serving as an executive producer.

In August 2015, Dr. Dre announced the release of his long-awaited third album, Compton: A Soundtrack , on iTunes and Apple Music. Timed to coincide with the premiere of Straight Outta Compton , a biopic about the rise of N.W.A., Dre claimed the album was inspired by his time spent on the movie set.

Beats Headphones Lawsuit

In 2014, a former hedge-fund manager named Steven Lamar sued Dre and Iovine on the grounds that, as the man who introduced and developed the idea of celebrity-endorsed headphones for Beats Electronics, he was being short-changed on royalties. The defense acknowledged Lamar's contributions but countered that he was only entitled to royalties from the first headphone model.

A judge rejected Lamar's claims in June 2015, but the case was revived in an appeals court the following year, and in June 2018 a Los Angeles Superior Court jury ruled that Beats owed Lamar an additional $25.2 million in royalties.

Personal Life

Dre first became a father in high school. He didn't meet his first son, Curtis, until the boy was 20 years old. Another high school relationship yielded a daughter named La Tonya. Dre also had a relationship with singer Michel'le, who had worked with him in the World Class Wreckin' Cru, and they had a son together named Marcel. In the late 1980s, he fathered another son, Andre R. Young Jr., with Jenita Porter. Andre Jr. died in 2008 of a drug overdose.

In 1996, Dre married Nicole Threatt. They have two children together, a son named Truth and a daughter named Truly. Threatt filed for divorce in June 2020.

Dre is not the only performer in his family. His stepbrother, Warren G, had several hits in the 1990s. His son Curtis is a rapper who performs under the name "Hood Surgeon."

On January 4, 2021, Dre was hospitalized for an apparent brain aneurysm. “Thanks to my family, friends and fans for their interest and well wishes," Dre said in a statement. I’m doing great and getting excellent care from my medical team. I will be out of the hospital and back home soon. Shout out to all the great medical professionals at Cedars. One Love!!”


  • Birth Year: 1965
  • Birth date: February 18, 1965
  • Birth State: California
  • Birth City: Compton
  • Birth Country: United States
  • Gender: Male
  • Best Known For: Rapper-producer Dr. Dre first made it big with hip-hop group N.W.A. in the 1980s, and he has also enjoyed success as a solo act.
  • Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Fact Check: We strive for accuracy and fairness. If you see something that doesn’t look right, contact us !

  • I just want to get my music out and make sure that it's heard in the right way.
  • Everything that I do is for sound goals. It comes from my gut. When I'm sitting in the studio, a mix isn't done till I feel it in my gut.
  • Everything in my life has been about sound and making music, so Beats represents just that - the improvement of sound and the dedication to everything I've been doing from the day I started.

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biography for dj

Denver radio DJ at Alice 105.9 to leave after 18 years

D ENVER ( KDVR ) — It’s the end of an era for listeners of the local radio station Alice 105.9 . Steve from the “ Slacker and Steve” show is leaving.

On Monday, the popular DJ duo said they had a big announcement for listeners. While they initially joked that it wasn’t about Taylor Swift’s return to the Mile High City, they ultimately announced that Steve is leaving after 18 years.

“The ‘Slacker and Steve’ show will no longer exist by the end of this week. Things behind the scenes have changed and we’ve come to a mutual decision. I think we’ve all decided it’s time for me to move on,” said Steve on Monday’s show.

During the announcement, Steve said he was grateful that he had the opportunity to say goodbye to listeners and clients before going off the air at the end of the week.

On the “Slacker and Steve” show bio, Steve is described as being the backbone of the show.

“The Slacker and Steve Show wouldn’t be what it is today if it weren’t for Steve, Slacker’s partner in crime. Steve, a self-proclaimed bachelor, cloaks himself with a tough exterior, but fans know that on the inside he’s just a big old softie. Steve is the yin to Slacker’s yang, taking innuendo to the edge; indulging the controversial side of conversation just far enough,” said the “Slacker and Steve Show” on its website.

This news came as a shock to many fans who have been listening for well over a decade.

On the show’s Facebook post , fans shared their well wishes and how much they will miss the long-time host.

“Best of wishes for you Steve. You’ve been a staple in our daily drives, and I wish you the best!” said one listener.

“The term ‘gobsmacked’ feels appropriate here. Naturally, the show won’t be the same with you (sic), Steve, but good luck on whatever your next play is. Thanks for all the laughs throughout the years — you’ve genuinely brought a lot of joy, and made so many rush hours better,” said another fan.

Steve’s last show will be on Friday.

For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to FOX31 Denver.

Denver radio DJ at Alice 105.9 to leave after 18 years


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  4. Crafting the Perfect DJ Bio Sample

    A DJ bio is a written summary of your career as a disc jockey. It serves to introduce yourself and the music you play to potential clients, venues, promoters, and fans. A well-written DJ bio can be an invaluable tool in helping you stand out from the crowd and land more gigs. The point of a DJ bio is to give people insight into your identity as ...

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    A well-written DJ bio can be great for promoting, getting gigs, and marketing. In this article, we'll look through a few steps and hacks on how you can write an effective DJ bio to get the most ...

  12. How to write a biography for a DJ

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    Feelgood currently holds a bi-weekly residence at NV Lounge in Guelph, Ontario and has been playing the tri city area for the last 7 years. For more info and booking inquiries please contact at: [email protected]. Additionally, Ill add that in this day and age, a good online bio means dick all.

  19. DJ Kool Herc

    DJ Kool Herc (born April 16, 1955, Kingston, Jamaica) Jamaican American disc jockey (deejay or DJ) who is credited as the founder of hip-hop, a musical and cultural movement that revolves around four elements: rapping, graffiti painting, B-boying, and deejaying. In 1973 Herc introduced a number of innovations at a party he deejayed and cohosted ...

  20. The 8 Essential Books every DJ Should Read!

    The Record Players: DJ Revolutionaries. Written by the same two authors of "How to DJ Right" and "Last Night a DJ Saved my Life", this book doesn't focus so much on the technical and historical side of Djing and rather focuses more on the DJs who build the DJ history so that they can tell their stories. Both the Authors travelled the ...

  21. Tips on Writing a Decent DJ Bio For Soundcloud, RA, Beatport etc

    Think of your DJ Bio as your resume. Your resume should be specialized to the market you're trying to work in. If you're applying for a technical position at some corporate office, you're going to leave out that six month gig slinging Slurpees at 7-11. Same goes with being a DJ. Nobody cares that you were born in an indie record and acquired a ...

  22. 10 Band Bio Examples and How to Make Yours Great

    Music comes in all forms. These two DJ's have a professional bio highlighting music awards, albums and international music festivals where they have played. It's a simple layout with their photos in the header and an easy to read biographies. 7. The Crescent Sky. Here's a great band bio example from a 4-piece indie band. This group of four ...

  23. Dr. Dre

    His first major success came with the rap group N.W.A. and he later co-founded Death Row Records in 1991. In 1992, his first solo album, The Chronic, became a huge hit. Dre started up Aftermath ...

  24. Denver radio DJ at Alice 105.9 to leave after 18 years

    Denver radio DJ at Alice 105.9 to leave after 18 years. D ENVER ( KDVR) — It's the end of an era for listeners of the local radio station Alice 105.9. Steve from the " Slacker and Steve ...

  25. 𝐌𝐀𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐇 }༻ ️‍

    206 likes, 2 comments - its_dj_mahesh_official_ on May 12, 2024: "CHECK LINK IN BIO . . #funnyvideos #comedy #couplecomedy #couplegoals #couple #couplevideos # ...