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6 Design Hacks to Turn Boring PowerPoint Charts into Creative Picture Charts

6 Design Hacks to Turn Boring PowerPoint Charts into Creative Picture Charts

Anuj Malhotra


Charts have become ubiquitous part of business presentations. They are visually impactful ways to represent your data whether you are talking about comparisons, trends, or relationships. If the graphs and charts are decently designed, they quickly communicate the message to the audience. Investors and analysts can know at a glance the growth in sales or fluctuations in trends. Imagine trying to decipher the same from a pile of numbers!

That said, the use of column charts consisting of a stack of rectangular bars is hardly inspiring and attention-grabbing. The rectangular bars have been done to death. Some have seen it so much that the minute they see the column charts on a slide, they instantly tune off. How to bring back the love for charts and data?  How about trying creative PowerPoint charts like Picture Charts !

Picture Charts involve using images, icons and shapes to show the concept being discussed. Worried they would look kiddish? Not if you choose kiddish images and icons. Use relevant, professional icons and your picture chart would be a welcome change for the audience.  Picture Charts are also useful if you wish to use them in an infographic or a marketing collateral which warrant use of creative data visualizations.

Hack #1- Replace Bars with Image/Icon

This is the most basic and simplest way to create a picture chart. Based on the topic of the chart, find a relevant image or icon from the web. Take the example of a presentation chart from the education industry we have shown below.  

PowerPoint Charts and Graphs- Education Column Chart

Doesn’t it look more impressive than the ordinary column chart! Here’s how we re-designed it:

Step 1- Find a professional icon & save it as an image If the chart was say on attendance data, a pencil icon would have been suitable. If it was on graduates passouts, a student icon wearing a graduation hat would have been a perfect representation. Similarly, a ruler icon or other objects frequently used in classroom setting can add the right flavor to your chart. Since the chart we picked up happened to talk about pass percentages, we chose this graduation hat and pencil professional PowerPoint diagram and saved it as an image in PNG format.

Step 2- Use Picture Fill to format the bars Select the rectangular column bars, right click and click Format Data Series . A Format Data Series window will open to the right. Go to the Fill & Line tab and under Fill , select the Picture or texture fill radio button (see the screenshot below). Locate the image on your system and open it.

Click Format Data Series

Step 3- Reduce the Gap Width

When you insert a picture into a column, it will take the shape of the rectangle’s width. The images might look squished and ugly upon adding. But there’s a PowerPoint hack to smooth out the image and make it look perfect. Here’s it. Go to the Series Options tab under Format Data Series . Reduce the Gap Width to 0% or a small number until the image appears in its right dimension (see the screenshot below). The default gap width in our slide was 219% which we reduced to 8%.

Reduce Gap Width till images appear in their right proportion

Step 4- Add or Remove Chart Elements

Let’s remove all the redundant elements from the chart to make it look even better. Simply click on the chart area that’ll open 3 menus to the right of the chart. Click on the + menu (Chart Elements) and remove the elements you do not need (see the screenshot below). For instance, in this case we did not need the Chart Title and Legend . We deselected that. If you want to show the exact data numbers next to the bars, simply select the Data Labels option from the Chart Elements menu (see the screenshot below).

Add Data Labels and Remove the redundant chart elements

We also gave a light gray background fill to the slide and chose an impressive font using the same colors as that of the image in the chart. Basically, this is a 2-minute hack: Find the image, fill the columns with the picture chosen and reduce gap width to get the right proportions- that’s all!

Hack #2- Change the Color of Each Picture Bar

It’s not necessary to add the same visual in all bars. PowerPoint allows us to format each data point individually too. We can do two things over here-

  • Use the same visual for each data point but in different colors
  • Use a different image for each data point

Using the same icon/image in different colors

The benefit of choosing icons to represent your data is that it can be customized as per your branding colors. For example, in the chart below, we downloaded an icon of a building since the data was on real estate. Being a vector icon, we chose different shades of the same color and saved each building as an image.

Real Estate PowerPoint chart

Using a different icon/image for each data point

Likewise, you can choose a separate image for each data point if you are showing comparison between different brands. 

Creative PPT Chart using Pictures in Bars

Steps to Create This Picture Chart

Double click on a single rectangular bar till it gets highlighted. Right click on the selected bar and click Format Data Point (see the screenshot below). Since only one data point was selected, PowerPoint shows Format Data Point this time instead of Format Data Series.

Click Format Data Point

The rest steps are the same- A Format Data Point window will open on the right. Use the Picture or texture fill to insert the image for each data point. Increase or decrease the Gap Width to make images proportional.

Hack #3- Add an Icon/Image Behind Each Default Bar

The third way to create a picture chart is to insert the basic, default column chart on your slide. No need to click Picture fill to insert an icon or image. Here, we will insert an image onto the slide and superimpose the rectangular bars and image so that to the audience, it will appear as though images have been used. Confused? Look at the column chart on soft drink consumption in the slide below:

Soft Drink Consumption PowerPoint Chart

How This Chart Was Created:

Step 1- Insert a Column Chart

Insert a chart and edit the same as per your data:

Insert Column Chart

Step 2- Superimpose Icon and the Chart

When you download an icon, customize it to match the dimensions of the rectangular bars. Use the same width as that of the bars. Here is an icon of a soft drink bottle that we customized to match the bars:

Insert Icons

Select these icons, go to the Format tab and click Send Backward > Send to Back (see the screenshot below):

Send icon behind the rectangular bars

Hack #4- Use Stacks in Bars

Another creative use of images in charts is to stack them up. An icon might not look good taking up so much space on a chart. When that happens, you can use this hack. Stacks of that icon will make the slide look creative and add interest to otherwise boring data. Here’s an example of a stacked column chart:

Stacked PowerPoint Chart

Step 1 (same)- Insert Picture Using Picture Fill

Select the rectangular bars, right click and click Format Data Series . Select the Picture or texture fill radio button from the Fill menu.

Step 2 (New)- Use the Stack option

As soon as you locate the file on your system and click Open , the default Stretch option is highlighted. Select the Stack radio button (see the screenshot below) and the image will appear in stacks giving a unique look to your chart!

Stack the image

Cool, isn’t it?

Hack #5- Use Images + Icons

Addition of small design elements can create a big difference in the look of your chart design. So, in this fifth hack we will be creating a basic picture chart but at the same time also add icons next to each picture bar. We are doing this not just to make the chart look more pretty but to add more value to the data. Check out the chart on world’s top 5 tallest countries below. Flag icons of each country are a value addition making the whole slide look more informative and attention-grabbing at the same time.

Top 5 Tallest Countries PowerPoint Chart

Notice how the vertical axis in this chart is at the top rather than the default bottom. Also notice how the data labels are aligned perfectly in one line. Learn how to do these tweaks to your chart from the steps below:

Step 2 (same)- Reduce the Gap Width to Make Images Proportional

Step 3 (new)- Position the Horizontal Axis at Top The default axis position is at the bottom of the rectangular bars. Click on the horizontal axis at the bottom, right click and click Format Axis (see the screenshot below).

Click Format Axis

The Format Axis menu will open to the right. Click the Axis Options tab (corer right), open the Labels menu and change the Label Position from default Low to High (see the screenshot below):

Change the Label Position from Low to High

Step 4- Add Icons below the Top Axis

It’s your wish to add icons (flags of the respective countries in this case) below the top axis or below the images. Ideally, icons would look good below the axis. You have to add the icons manually to the slide and manually position the same.

Step 5- Add Data Labels

We can add data values to the slide to make it even easier for the audience to interpret the data. Simply click on the chart area and the + menu (Chart Elements) to the right and select Data Labels (see the screenshot below). Select each data point individually and move it to the desired location (we moved each data label a little higher and below the flags). In the process, gray lines will be formed between the start position and the end position. Simply click on the gray lines and press Delete.

Add data labels and manually move them to desired location

Done! The slide looks chart perfect.

Hack #6- Place the Column Chart on an Image

Another innovative use of a picture chart is to add a realistic image of the subject being discussed and place the column chart on that image. To help you understand what we mean, take a look at the picture chart on truck accidents on highways below. The image of the truck immediately tells you the slide is on trucks and the empty back of the truck is creatively used to place the data. Notice how the rectangular bars in the column chart are also pictorially designed with each bar resembling a truck. It’s your discretion however to use a normal column chart or further make modifications to the chart like we did. Either way, the chart looks innovative and stands out from usual charts and graphs.

Truck Crashes PowerPoint Chart

How to Create This Picture Chart:

Step 1- Insert the Larger Image

Based on the topic of the data, choose an image that can can work as the base of the column chart. We found image of an open truck. If you are presenting marketing or sales data across different continents, a globe for instance can work as a good base.

Step 2- Insert the Column Chart

Go to the Insert tab, Chart menu and add the Column Chart . Edit the data and place the chart over the image.

Step 3- Use Pattern Fill in Bars

If you want to recreate the bars as we did in the “Truck crashes” slide, select the bars, right click and click Format Data Series . Select the Pattern Fill radio button and choose the Light Vertical option (see the screenshot below):

Use Pattern Fill in Bars

Step 4- Add Visual Element/Icon over the bars

Locate an image relevant to the topic or an icon and place it above the bars. If the bars represent different products or companies, you can add their logos. Since our chart depicted data on trucks, we took the front portion of the truck and placed it above the bars making the four bars appear like trucks.

Step 5- Customize the Gridlines of the Chart

You can also customize the Gridlines from the Chart Elements options. Go to the Gridlines menu, deselect Primary Major Horizontal and select the Primary Major Vertical . You can customize it further and change the color and thickness of the line by clicking More Options...

Customize the Gridlines of the Chart

So these were 6 variations of picture charts that you can try for your presentation. Choose the right images and icons to create a professional picture chart. Do not choose a blurry image. If you are unable to find a good icon or image, then go for the default column chart look.

If the chart lends itself to creative imagery, then go for it!

Professionally Designed & Editable Picture Charts

Creative PowerPoint Chart #1 You can use the above hacks if you are using bar charts too. The difference between a column chart and a bar chart is that while column charts consist of vertical bars, bar charts consist of horizontal bars. Here’s an editable, data-driven bar chart that follows this hack:

Data driven education chart

Creative PowerPoint Chart #2

You can also have multiple categories and still use images without any trouble. Here’s one such data driven PowerPoint chart :

Education PPT Chart Data Driven

Creative PowerPoint Chart #3

Here’s a creative PowerPoint chart that combines a realistic image and column chart:

Globe with Bar Graph PowerPoint Slide

Creative PowerPoint Chart #4

For charts showcasing data on health and lifestyle, creative data visualizations like this editable PowerPoint chart can be used:

Fork Style Data Driven Creative PowerPoint Chart

Using such picture charts ensures that your data would be remembered by the audience- a rare accomplishment where charts and graphs are concerned. What do you think about these charts? Give us your feedback in the comments below.

Related posts:

  • How to Turn Ugly Charts That Make No Sense Into Simple, Clean Visual Stories
  • How to Quickly Find the Best Content for Your Presentation on SlideTeam
  • How To Create an Awesome PowerPoint Presentation in 3 Steps
  • How Icons Can Give a Complete Makeover to Your Slides & Make Them Look Sexy!

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Home PowerPoint Templates Data & Charts

Data, Curve and Charts for PowerPoint

Our PowerPoint Chart Templates are pre-designed slides that help you represent your data accurately and create professional charts for your presentations. These templates are downloadable and easy to edit. They are well-designed to help reduce the stress of creating a chart presentation from scratch.

The template includes a range of chart types, including bar charts, line charts, and pie charts, with customizable color schemes and font options. You can easily present data clearly and concisely with the aid of visually enhancing design elements, making it easy for your audience to understand and interpret the information.

Use our PowerPoint Chart Templates to include facts and statistics in your next presentation. You can use any of the Data & Chart PowerPoint templates for your business modeling, website dashboards analysis, and PPT slides for Microsoft PowerPoint.

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A Data PowerPoint Template is a set of slides that you can use in your PowerPoint presentations to create charts and graphs that visualize data. They are pre-designed templates that will help you present data accurately to your audience, using a range of chart types such as bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and scatter plots.

With our PowerPoint Chart Template, you can easily customize the chart to your specific needs by inputting your data and choosing from various options, such as color schemes, layouts, and font styles. Using a chart PowerPoint template can help you effectively communicate data to your audience, allowing them to understand and interpret the information you presented quickly. And it will also save you a lot of time and effort in creating charts and graphs from scratch. It provides a starting point that you can easily customize to suit your needs, allowing you to focus on the content of your presentation rather than the design of your charts.

Some Chart PowerPoint Templates also come with features such as pre-designed color schemes, layouts, and font styles, which can help you create a comprehensive presentation. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a business owner, a Chart PowerPoint Template can be a valuable asset in your presentation tools.

Without a doubt, charts and graphs are essential for visualizing and communicating data in presentations. They can help you convey complex ideas and patterns clearly and concisely, making it easier for your audience to understand and remember the key points you are trying to convey.

How Do I Make A Chart In PowerPoint?

To create a chart in PowerPoint, follow these steps:

  • Open the PowerPoint presentation and go to the slide where you want to add the chart.
  • Select the “Insert” tab in the top menu.
  • In the “Illustrations” group, click the “Chart” button.
  • Select the type of chart you want to create from the drop-down menu.
  • A new window will open with sample data. You can either keep this sample data or delete it and enter yours.
  • Click “OK” to insert the chart onto the slide.
  • You can then click on the chart to select it and use the “Chart Tools” tab in the top menu to customize the chart’s appearance and layout.

What Charts Are Available In PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is a popular presentation software that allows users to create professional-looking presentations with various charts and graphs.

Some of the charts available in PowerPoint include Line charts; Bar charts; Pie charts; Column charts; Scatter plots; Bubble charts; Area charts; Gantt charts; Waterfall charts; Radar charts; and Stock charts.

Also, PowerPoint provides a wide range of charts to help you quickly present data and information to your audience.

How Do I Make A Chart Look Professional In PowerPoint?

There are several ways you can make a chart in PowerPoint look professional:

  • Choose the right chart type.
  • Use a clear and readable font.
  • Add a title to your chart and axis.
  • Use gridlines.
  • Use a consistent color scheme.
  • Edit the chart layout and add chart borders.
  • Use slide layout.

Following the listed tips, you will create professional-looking charts in PowerPoint that effectively communicate your data.

Can You Edit Graphs In PowerPoint?

Yes, you can edit graphs in PowerPoint. Follow the following do-it-yourself procedures:

  • Open the PowerPoint presentation containing the graph you want to edit.
  • Click on the graph to select it.
  • Small squares called “handles” appear around the edges of the graph. These handles allow you to resize or move the graph.
  • To edit the data displayed in the graph, right-click on the graph and select “Edit Data” from the context menu. It will open the “Edit Series” dialog box.
  • Use this dialog box to modify the data and labels in the graph.
  • To change the graph’s appearance, such as the colors or line styles, click on the graph to select it and then use the options in the “Chart Tools” ribbon at the top of the PowerPoint window.

How Do You Make A Graph Look Good In PowerPoint?

The following are some tips you should follow to make your graph look good in PowerPoint:

  • Use appropriate formatting.
  • Use cool colors and simple fonts that are easily read and look good together.
  • Use a clear and concise title.
  • Use appropriate scales, axes, and data labels.
  • Use a simple layout.

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100+ Free PowerPoint Graphics For Better Presentations [Free PPT]

PowerPoint graphics to move your presentation up a level, and plenty of top quality free options.

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By Lyudmil Enchev

in Freebies , Insights

4 years ago

Viewed 112,713 times

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100+ PowerPoint Graphics For Better Presentations [Free PPT]

PowerPoint graphics are a great addition to all PowerPoint presentations no matter what the audience. A Powerpoint simply containing text and bullet points is not going to hold the attention, even with your hot topic content. You run the risk of being dry and dull, and simply put graphics are more visual and therefore more interesting. You know it too if you are happy with your material you feel better and more confident as a speaker. Double plus.

Of course, the quality of your PowerPoint Graphics is important, this isn’t just a case of adding visuals for visual’s sake. High quality, highly appropriate, thoughtful graphics will enhance any presentation and will be a vital tool in getting your message across, succinctly and memorably. Equally poor quality clip art type graphics, blurry, pointless, and inappropriate images may get you to remember as well, but probably not how you would wish.

So let’s look at some great keys ways you can impress with a presentation, it’s not hard but it is effective.

In this article: 1. How to insert graphics into PowerPoint 2. 100+ Free PowerPoint Graphics by GraphicMama 2.1. Free PowerPoint Templates 2.2. Free Arrows, Pointers, Bullets for PowerPoint 2.3. Free Icons for PowerPoint 2.4. Free Stats, Charts, Graphs for PowerPoint 2.5. Free Numbers and Steps Graphics for PowerPoint 2.6. Free Text Section Graphics for PowerPoint 2.7. Free Presentation Graphics for PowerPoint 2.8. Free Speech Bubble Graphics for PowerPoint 2.9. Free Sale Graphics for PowerPoint 2.10. Free Infographic Kit 2.11. Free Infographic Templates 3. More places to find PowerPoint Graphics

In the meanwhile, do you know, that you can use premade infographic templates? Check out our  50 Free Timeline Infographic Templates .

1. How to insert graphics into PowerPoint

Once you’ve created your presentation it’s time to add those all-important PowerPoint Graphics. And it’s easy, easy, easy.

Step 1: Go to the slide and create a space for your graphic Step 2: Go to insert on the toolbar at the top of PowerPoint, click on it Step 3: This will open up insert options depending on your version of PowerPoint ( 2019 reveals online pictures, photo albums, pictures, or screenshots, older versions are similar but replace online pictures with clip art.) Step 4: Choose an image from your files or online through categories or the search bar – filter general images through creative commons only licensed pictures (free to use), select, click on insert. Step 5: Resize and reposition


Step 1: Select an image, right-click, and copy. (Ctrl+C) Step 2: Right-click and paste on the desired slide. (Ctrl+V)

It really is that easy.

2. 100+ Free PowerPoint Graphics by GraphicMama

One of the best ways to make your presentation look professional is by using professionally designed PowerPoint graphics and one of the best design agencies, Graphic Mama has plenty of options to choose from. As well as paid-for bundles of design icons you can take advantage of a great range of free graphics from sales icons, holiday icons, speech bubbles, people avatars, and many more. These are graphics designed in a vector file format, so the quality will stay as good even when resized. there are free backgrounds, templates, and infographic bundles too. It’s a no-risk option that will certainly add a high-quality, professionally designed look to your slideshow. Just click on the links below and you are almost there.

2.1. Free PowerPoint Templates

A tremendously good way to create a stunning professional look is by using templates for your PowerPoint Design and the good news is there are lots of free options out there just waiting for you to fill with content.

free hand-drawn powerpoint presentation

Free Hand-Drawn PowerPoint Presentation

This freebie from Graphic Mamas’s collection of free templates shows off the power of a sketched hand-drawn style in adding a customized look that is both attractive and clear.

free corporate powerpoint presentation template

Free Corporate Presentation Template

Ideally suited to a business proposal, this free template can be edited and customized for anything that would benefit from fresh, clear colors and fantastically designed and organized slides.

free business powerpoint presentation template

Free Business PowerPoint Presentation Template

Another free business template that benefits from strong structural elements and a great mix of text boxes and images in this modern-looking option. Superb editable infographics to get that all-important message to stand out.

free minimalist powerpoint presentation template

Free Minimalist Presentation Template

This minimalist template broken up into large blocks of strong color is perfect for making a statement. Instant impact and full of confidence.

Take a look at Graphic Mama’s Modern Templates for the New Era of PowerPoint Presentations

arrows bullets pointers checkboxes for PowerPoint

2.2. Free Arrows, Pointers, Bullets for PowerPoint

Basic icons such as arrows, bullets, and pointers are so ubiquitous that they are often forgotten about. Big mistake. These free PowerPoint graphics show just how much impact well-designed elements can make and they’re a quick and easy way of raising your presentation to another level, and all for free.

icons for powerpoint

2.3. Free Icons for PowerPoint

The cool, simplicity of these PowerPoint graphic icons can add swagger and style to your show. This completely free bundle gives a great selection all in the same consistent style and multiple usages will hold a presentation together in a subtle way.

free charts and diagrams graphics for powerpoint

2.4. Free Stats, Charts, Graphs for PowerPoint

Powerful infographics give you a great chance to get inventive and creative. Fully customizable, fully editable, and a fantastically varied and imaginative selection of all kinds of charts, graphs, and pictograms. It’s difficult to believe they are free but they really are.

numbers and steps graphics for powerpoint

2.5. Free Numbers and Steps Graphics for PowerPoint

You will need numbers, so why not take advantage of this free collection and make the mundane come alive. The key is to keep a consistent design and it will create a magical flow throughout the whole show from beginning to end.

free text section graphics for powerpoint

2.6. Free Text Section Graphics for PowerPoint

PowerPoint graphics for text sections do a vital job. It is well known that text-heavy presentations are not popular and therefore less effective but you do need text. A great way of drawing the eye, focusing on text content, and still keeping people awake are these text section graphics. Customizable colors (ideal for branding), all forms and functions, a fully flexible and fully free bundle of creativity.

free graphics for powerpoint

2.7. Free Presentation Graphics for PowerPoint

PowerPoint Graphics come in all shapes and sizes and illustrate all kinds of ideas. Download this free pack and check out a wide range of options to create visual impact, a professionally customized look, and vitality.

free bubble graphics for powerpoint

2.8. Free Speech Bubble Graphics

Speech bubble PowerPoint graphics can make your presentation pop, and with this stylish selection, you can’t go wrong. Flat, shaded, angular, rounded, clouds, and all sorts of variations on the theme. Impactful and fun they help create the conversation you want to have.

free sale graphics for powerpoint

2.9. Free Sale Graphics

PowerPoint graphics for sales will do the crucial job of getting you and your product noticed. Fit your show with these free high-quality vector graphics and watch the crowds flock in. Once you’ve downloaded the graphics, you are not limited to PowerPoint, use the same images on posters, advertising, social media, etc., and get selling. The vectors’ technique means that there will be no loss of quality whatever the size and function.

free infographic kit for powerpoint

2.10. Free Infographic Kit

A fully comprehensive infographic PowerPoint graphic pack that is crammed full of everything you could want to bring your statistics to the audience. Carefully crafted, tremendously varied, customizable, editable, flexible, and all this with the added professional pizzaz of expert design. It’s free and it’s ready to rock.

Infographic Powerpoint Templates

2.11. 20 Free Infographic Templates

If you want to speed things up, you can try using premade PowerPoint templates for your presentation. In this huge bundle of 539 infographics, you will find 20 free infographic templates. They are made with a lot of graphics, and you can easily grab some of the elements and adapt it to your presentation.

3. More places to find PowerPoint Graphics

Although it’s difficult to believe you haven’t found exactly what you are looking for already in our classic collection, let’s not worry. The one thing we do have now is plenty and plenty of choice. Here are some paid-for possibilities that you may want to jazz up that make or break a presentation.


For $49.00 you could check out this royalty-free Graphics pack from PresentationPro. This pack contains thousands of graphics, clipart, and illustration in all sorts of categories from geography to calendars, from Scrabble to sport, and in differing styles. The graphics can be used in other formats too so you are not limited to PowerPoint.


As well as the free offers, already covered Graphic Mama has a top-class selection of paid-for bundles ranging from characters to graphics assets, backgrounds , and templates from a little as $31 per set. This is ideal if you’d like to theme your presentation around a character as there are multiple gestures and poses for each. All are easily customizable, editable, and adaptable to any project and design. A gallery of cartoon characters , including businessmen, animals, robots, superheroes, doctors, ninjas, and more. Graphic Mama also offers custom designs, so you can turn yourself into a caricature and animated puppets to really make waves.


At GetMyGrpahics you can take up a subscription giving you access to over 9,000 professional PowerPoint graphics starting at $49 per month or a Pro package at $99 per month.  Obviously, at this price, it is not for a one-off or occasional piece but for professionals it does provide plenty of options. They include infographics and illustrations in a wide range of categories and differing styles.

Final Words

The old PowerPoint presentation. It’s been around for years and it truly isn’t enough to just churn out the old stuff. Vital though they may be, people always expect more, always expect better, and why not? With a little extra effort, you can turn your slideshow presentation into something that isn’t just a time filler but that really makes a difference, communication, and shows you off in the best light. PowerPoint graphics can make all the difference by breathing life and energy into your presentation and consequently your performance. If you feel confident in your material it will help your delivery. Best of all you can step it up for free, so why wouldn’t you?

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cool powerpoint graphs

Lyudmil Enchev

Lyudmil is an avid movie fan which influences his passion for video editing. You will often see him making animations and video tutorials for GraphicMama. Lyudmil is also passionate for photography, video making, and writing scripts.

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Thousands of vector graphics for your projects.

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Creative PowerPoint Chart Examples

Home > Presentation of Data Page > PowerPoint chart examples

Find examples of creative PowerPoint Charts that show performance compared to a target range. Make your charts insightful and your message memorable.

Performance compared to a target range:

Let’s say you want to show sales performance of a product over 12 months. Your preferred performance range is between 26 and 35. The usual mistake presenters make is to show the information as a data table, and leave the audience to figure out the months that performed within the preferred range:

A slightly better alternative is to point out the months that performed well as follows:

So, what is the way out?

In this article, we will explore some useful graphical ways to showcase performance compared to a target range.

Note: All the data driven PowerPoint Chart examples you see in this article are part of our ‘ Visual PowerPoint Graphs Pack ’.

The pack has more than 320 business relevant graph templates that are super easy to use. You just need to replace sample data with your own data.You can find more about the pack at the end of this article.

Charts with preferred target range

Here is a visual representation of the information we discussed above. We combine a line chart with stacked column chart to present the details:

Source: Performance Compared to Range from Visual Graphs Pack

Audience can easily see the months that are not within the preferred target range.

The advantage of this visualization technique is – you can define multiple parameters to give context to your performance. For example, the following chart template shows performance against qualitative parameters like Poor, Good and Excellent.

The actual performance values are shown as data labels. Here is a variation of the chart with four performance bands:

Related: Best Practices for Creating Performance Reports

With a bit of imagination it is possible to accommodate multiple performance points compared against multiple parametric ranges, without the chart looking messy. Here is an example:

Applying Conditional formatting:

You can take your chart to the next level by applying conditional formatting to the columns.We share some PowerPoint Chart examples with such formatting below.

For example, in the following chart ‘Ideal’, ‘Under performance’ and ‘Over delivery’ are indicated by different colors. The preferred range is shown as a grey band in the chart example below.

It is possible to vary the target range each month. For example, in the following chart we combined column chart with stacked area chart to indicate if the production has ‘Met’ ‘Exceeded’ or ‘Fallen short’ of the forecast range given for each month.

As you saw with these PowerPoint Chart examples, you can make your data slides truly remarkable and your message memorable.

Related: More Creative Target Vs Performance Charts

Smarter Chart Option for Busy Presenters:

A common excuse given by business presenters for not using such insightful charts Is – paucity of time. That is why we came up with our ‘Visual PowerPoint Graphs Pack’.

With our preformatted chart templates, the time to create a meaningful chart is the same as the time it takes to create a boring data table. To edit the chart you right click on the chart, go to ‘Edit data’. A worksheet opens up. You update the numbers in the yellow cells.

The pack has over 320 chart templates to cover every chart type imaginable. The slides are stunningly designed. So, why waste time constructing your charts from the scratch, when you have such high quality solution available off the shelf?

Related: Info Graphics for Percentage completion

Return to Top of Creative PowerPoint Chart Examples Page

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Chart PowerPoint & Google Slides Presentation Templates

PowerPoint graph templates assist in conveying the data in a much-simplified manner. Our uniquely designed presentation charts templates for PPT include a waterfall chart, bubble chart, comparison chart, pie chart, bell curve, Gaussian curve, etc., and many more. They can be used by business professionals, marketers, and analysts to show data and numbers. 

Make your presentations’ dashboards more visually appealing by including our creatively designed free chart PowerPoint templates.

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What are the uses of charts for powerpoint.

There are several uses of a chart PPT:

  • Visualizing data:  Charts help present numerical data in a clear and easy-to-understand format. They can be used to show trends, patterns, and comparisons in presentation data.
  • For making presentations attractive:  Charts  make presentations attractive  and engaging by providing a visual representation of data rather than just listing numbers.
  • Enhancing understanding:  Chart templates for PowerPoint can make complex data more accessible and understandable by breaking it down into simpler visual elements.
  • Highlighting key points:  Charts for presentation can be used to highlight key points or trends in data, making it easier for the audience to understand the key message of the presentation.
  • Creating forecasts:  Charts can be used to create forecasts or predictions based on historical data.
  • Analyzing data:  Charts on PowerPoint can be used to analyze data and identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent.

Can I Import Data From Excel To Charts In PowerPoint?

Yes, you can import data from Excel to PowerPoint chart templates:

  • Open the Excel file with the data you want to use, select it, and copy it.
  • Go to your  PowerPoint presentation .
  • Select the chart to which you want to add the data, and then paste the data into the chart.

Which Are The Best Graphs In PowerPoint?

PowerPoint graph templates help your audience understand the relation between distinct data sets. You can  make a graph in PowerPoint  to tell a compelling story and effectively communicate complex financial data and trends. Here is some mainly used presentation chart that may be used for efficient data presentations so that you can grasp how data can be usefully illustrated.

  • Bar Chart:   Bar chart templates  display changes and patterns throughout time. They are best suited for surveys, assessments, or statistics.
  • Pie Chart:  A pie chart used for showing percentages of a whole. They are best suited for market shares, election outcomes, etc.
  • Line Chart:  You can showcase event and value progression using a  line chart template . Suited for stock prices, for instance
  • Radar Chart:  Radar charts visually compare and contrast data sets.

How To Create PowerPoint Chart Template From Scratch?

Creating a PowerPoint chart template from scratch entails various stages to guarantee a visually appealing consistent design. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial for creating a PowerPoint chart template.

  • Open your presentation.
  • Go to the “Insert” tab, and then click on the “Chart” button
  • Select the type of chart you want to create, and then input your data.

Can I Add Multiple Data Series To A PPT Chart Template?

Yes, you can add multiple data series to a chart PowerPoint template

  • Select the chart and go to “Chart Tools.”
  • Click on the “Design” tab, then select “Edit Data.”
  • Click on the plus button to add a new data series.

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Your Graphs Look Like Crap: 9 Ways to Simplify and Sexify Data

Ginny Mineo

Updated: October 07, 2019

Published: October 07, 2013

Remember your last marketing team meeting? That one person spoke to your team and just started throwing data at you from your monthly marketing reporting deck . No context -- just numbers, graphs, and the occasional pop of color. Instead of intriguing you, he or she put you to sleep -- it was really hard to stay awake when someone was just throwing data at you.

cool powerpoint graphs

You don't want to be that person. 

Instead, you want to be the one who uses data to tell a story in your monthly marketing reporting. The one that uses data to prove an argument. The one that makes data easy to understand. The one your boss notices for using data smartly. 

→ Free Download: Free Marketing Reporting Templates [Access Now]

And there are quite a few ways to accomplish all of those things -- but the most simple and immediately effective is through the design of your graphs and charts. Based off of Edward Tufte's The Visual Display of Quantitative Information , the folks over at Darkhorse Analytics put together this awesome visual of the many things you need to do to beautify your data: 

I'm sure you got all of that ... right? If you're like me and need a second to take it all in, I'm going to break down each step of the GIF above to show you how your graphs can be improved.

How to Improve the Readability of Your Graphs and Charts

If you want some charts to play around with these next tips, download our monthly marketing reporting template.  We'll be using it as the example throughout the rest of this post. 

1) Remove Backgrounds

Backgrounds add distraction. Remove the background color of your graph so it matches the slide background by clicking "No Fill" under the fill paint can icon in the top-right corner.


2) Remove Duplicate Labels

Your marketing teammates are smart -- they can read what's on the chart without you repeating yourself in the X-axis and legend. Plus, getting rid of duplicate labels gives you more room to tell your story with what matters: the data. 


3) Remove Borders in Chart Elements and Background

The whole point of these tips is to keep the design minimal so the data can speak for itself. Borders, like several of the design elements mentioned in the following tips, are unnecessary and distracting. Get rid of them!


4) Reduce Colors

Colors are a great way to help tell your story. For example, if the point of the slide is to show just how awesome Twitter is, you should highlight the data that speaks only to Twitter -- which is why it's the only one that has a color on the graph. Use color to make important data pop and the unimportant data take a backseat.


5) Remove Special Effects Like Shading and Shadows

Like you did in step 3, get rid of any distractions, including shading and shadows. They add to the clutter -- exactly what you're trying to fight against. 


6) Get Rid of Bold Text

Is the bold text in the chart below  really  adding anything spectacular? Nope. So un-bold, un-italicize, un-underline. Less is more when it comes to formatting.


7) Lighten Secondary Data Labels

Again, you're trying to highlight important data when designing graphs and downplay "meh" data. In this example, are the Y-axis benchmarks important? Not as important as the X-axis. Lighten the color, or skip right to step 9.


8) Lighten or Remove Lines

While you might think that gridlines will help you line up bars to their respective value numbers, they really only add clutter. Can you really tell how far away a bar is away from the lines to determine if it's 3.65% or 3.7%? No way. So go ahead, take those lines out.


9) Remove Y-Axis Labels and Label the Bars Directly

Back in step 7 we told you to lighten non-essential data, but if you want to  really trim fat on your graphs, take out the Y-axis completely, then label each bar individually. That way, you can see exactly which value each bar is representing while also getting a general visual comparison of it with all the other bars. 


And voila! Here's what the finished product will look like:


With these few simple graph design tips, you can make your data much easier to digest -- something your boss and teammates will all appreciate. 

What other data design tips to you have? Share your ideas with us in the comments.

 marketing reporting templates

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Templates to Make Your Monthly Reporting Faster and Easier

Marketing software that helps you drive revenue, save time and resources, and measure and optimize your investments — all on one easy-to-use platform

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Bar Charts Infographics

Free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Bar charts are very adaptable. No matter what you want to represent: if you have some numbers, data and percentages, use these diagrams. We have designed many of them for you: simple bars, cylindrical, pyramidal, arrows… Choose one!

Features of these infographics

  • Many styles of bar charts, so you can choose the most suitable one for your project
  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 31 different infographics to boost your presentations
  • Include icons and Flaticon’s extension for further customization
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Include information about how to edit and customize your infographics

How can I use the infographics?

Am I free to use the templates?

How to attribute the infographics?

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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Bar Graph Infographics presentation template

60+ Best Cool PowerPoint Templates (With Awesome Design)

PowerPoint slideshows used to be the boring part of a meeting or presentation. But now, with the help of cool PowerPoint templates, everyone can make presentation slideshows look more interesting and attractive, even if you don’t have any experience in PowerPoint slideshow design.

For this collection, we gathered some modern and stylish PowerPoint presentation templates you can easily customize to make your slideshows look cooler. Download one of these cool PowerPoint templates, open it up, and start customizing right away!

Plus, we’re featuring our tips for making a cool PowerPoint template that stands out from the crowd!

2 Million+ PowerPoint Templates, Themes, Graphics + More

Download thousands of PowerPoint templates, and many other design elements, with a monthly Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

Business PPT Templates

Business PPT Templates

Corporate & pro.

Pitch Deck Templates

Pitch Deck Templates

Startup pitch deck.

Modern PPT Templates

Modern PPT Templates

New & innovative.

BeMind Minimal Template

BeMind Minimal Template

Ciri Template

Ciri Template

Pitch PowerPoint

Pitch PowerPoint

Explore PowerPoint Templates

Spectrum – Colorful PowerPoint Presentation Template

Spectrum Presentation Template

Spectrum not only comes with a cool and colorful design but it also features a massive collection of over 100 unique slide designs.

It includes lots of multipurpose slides with charts, graphs, icons, vector shapes, and much more. As a bonus, you’ll also get an Apple Keynote version of the template as well.

Why This Is A Top Pick

Being able to choose from so many cool slide designs is only one of the many benefits of this template. The multipurpose design also makes it suitable for all sorts of presentations.

Trato – Cool PowerPoint Portfolio Template

Trato - Cool PowerPoint Portfolio Template

This PowerPoint template comes filled with lots of cool colors that give it a fun and creative feel. It will fit perfectly for your portfolio presentations, especially for creators, artists, freelancers, and small agencies. The template has 24 customizable slide layouts with editable graphics.

Convita – Cool PowerPoint Pitch Deck Template

Convita - Cool PowerPoint Pitch Deck Template

Are you a fan of gradient colors, creative geometric shapes, and uncommon content layout designs? Then this PPT is for you. It has one of the coolest designs of all the templates on our list. And there are more than 30 different slide designs in this template for you to choose from.

Maroon – Minimal & Cool Powerpoint Template

Maroon - Minimal & Cool Powerpoint template

Maroon is a minimalist PowerPoint template that uses some cool shapes and graphics to make each slide look cooler than the other. You get 40 different slide layouts that are available in 50 color themes as well as in dark and light versions.

Shinos – Cool Dark Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Shinos - Cool Dark Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

If you look closer, you’ll notice the creative approach used in this PowerPoint template. It uses a very pitch-black dark background to clearly highlight all of the other graphics and typography. It’s a great template for making pitch decks for marketing presentations.

Bell Curve – Free Cool PowerPoint Template

Bell Curve - Free Cool PowerPoint Template

Marketers will surely appreciate this free PowerPoint template as it comes with some useful slide layouts filled with charts and graphs. It includes 25 slides with cool designs and editable elements. You can download it for free.

Telo – Cool Business PowerPoint Template

Telo - Cool Business PowerPoint Template

Telo is another cool and creative PowerPoint template you can use for business presentations. It has lots of modern slide layouts that are most suitable for product and startup slideshows. There are 39 unique slides in this template.

Baekju – Cool Business Presentation PPT

Baekju - Cool Business Presentation PPT

This PowerPoint template comes with 25 carefully crafted slide designs. These slides feature clean and minimal designs with an aesthetic feel. It’s ideal for creative agencies and lifestyle businesses. The template includes image gallery slides, charts, graphs, and more.

Expro Studio – Colorful Business PPT Template

Expro Studio - Colorful Business PPT Template

If you’re working on a presentation for a modern agency, conference, or event, this template will help you craft a cool slideshow for your project. There are 36 slides in this template with easily customizable shapes, fonts, colors, and image placeholders.

Bida – Agency Portfolio Cool PowerPoint Template

Bida - Modern Agency Portfolio Cool PowerPoint Template

Bida is a cool PowerPoint presentation with a bold design. This template is perfect for crafting modern slideshows for businesses in the lifestyle, sports, luxury watches, and men’s products industries. The template has 39 unique slides that you can customize to your preference.

Free Cool Acid Graphics Style PowerPoint Template

Free Cool Acid Graphics Style PowerPoint Template

You can download this PowerPoint template for free to create a cool and groovy presentation for a modern agency. It features 24 unique slides with acid graphics-style objects, shapes, and elements.

Lelelike – Cool PowerPoint Templates

cool powerpoint graphs

Lelelike is a cool and creative PowerPoint presentation that can be fully customized to meet your requirements. Whether you want to create a pitch deck, startup investment presentation, or a personal portfolio, Lelelike is your sure-fire bet.

Karbon – Cool PowerPoint Templates

cool powerpoint graphs

If you’re looking for a colorful and trendy PowerPoint template that really helps you make an impression, consider Karbon, a modern and unique ppt design featuring 100 plus slides, high contrast color schemes, and much more.

Ciri – Minimal Cool PowerPoint Template

Ciri - Minimal Cool Powerpoint Template

Sometimes the coolest things come in simple designs. This PowerPoint template is just like that. It features a calm yet cool design that’s ideal for designing both professional and creative presentations. It includes 59 unique slides with editable charts, graphs, and animations.

Source Exclusive – Cool PowerPoint Templates

cool powerpoint graphs

An absolute dapper of a presentation, Source Exclusive comes with a cool and stylish design that perfectly fits a range of creative applications. It offers 36 unique slides, drag and drop image placeholders, free fonts, and editable graphics.

Mooshie – Free Cool PowerPoint Templates

cool powerpoint graphs

Check out Mooshie, a cute, and pretty-looking presentation featuring a dazzling design inspired by pop art culture. It offers an array of beautiful slides, fully customizable graphics, and virtually everything you’d express in a cool, and innovative PowerPoint template.

XGDragon – Free Cool PowerPoint Templates

cool powerpoint graphs

Wanting an edgy, unconventional PowerPoint template for your next fashion or photography presentation? Look no further than XGDragon, a ppt that reflects style and personality in every slide. The best part? It’s available for free download.

Mevla – Creative PowerPoint Template

Mevla - Creative Powerpoint Template

Featuring a dark and creative color theme, this PowerPoint template comes with 30 unique slides. You can also choose from 5 different color schemes to customize the design of this template. It includes lots of editable graphics and shapes as well.

Onfire – Creative PowerPoint Template

Onfire - Creative Powerpoint Template

This is a modern and creative PowerPoint template that certainly does justice to its name. It features a set of 30 unique slides that feature attractive designs filled with shapes that allows you to showcase information is a professional way. The template is available in 5 different color schemes as well.

Neaches – Minimal PowerPoint Template

Neaches - Minimal Powerpoint Template

Featuring a minimal and stylish slide design, this PowerPoint template comes with a total of 150 slides that are ideal for making presentations for creative brands and agencies. The template also includes lots of editable vector graphics, illustrations, and image placeholders for easier editing.

Clover – Modern PowerPoint Template

Clover - Modern Powerpoint Template

Clover is an attractive PowerPoint template that comes with a set of creative slides that are designed for promoting apps, services, and products. The template is easily customizable and comes with 3 different color schemes as well as in light and dark background themes.

Dotto – Cool Free PowerPoint Template

Dotto - Cool Free Powerpoint Template

This modern and free PowerPoint template features a cool and stylish design that lets you create unique slideshows for creative presentations. The template includes 20 unique slide designs with fully editable content layouts.

Free Business PowerPoint Presentation Template

Free Business Powerpoint Presentation Template

Another great free PowerPoint template featuring a set of colorful and creative slides. It’s perfect for making a simple presentation for business and branding projects. The template includes 22 unique slides.

Blurry Night – Innovative PowerPoint Templates

cool powerpoint template

Blurry Night is a bold, and stylish presentation template that offers 22 gorgeously designed slides, fully editable in Microsoft PowerPoint. It provides you with everything that you might need to deliver a stand out presentation and impress your audience.

Tesla – Cool PowerPoint Templates

cool powerpoint template

If you’re looking to hunt down cool PowerPoint templates, Tesla is well worth checking out. It features 76 slides that can be molded to your specific requirements in just a few easy clicks.

Morning – Modern PowerPoint Templates

cool powerpoint template

Morning is a clean, and creative PowerPoint template that will make your presentation next level attractive. It’s a must-have product in your PowerPoint collection if you truly value standing out from the pack.

WaterColor – Cool PowerPoint Templates

cool powerpoint template

WaterColor is an effortlessly stylish, and unique Powerpoint template that will instantly draw your audience’s attention, and keep it there. It features 80 unique slides that can be fully customized to your heart’s content.

Koffee – Cool PowerPoint Templates

cool powerpoint template

Koffee is a solid choice for anyone looking to create a cool, and innovative presentation. It’s a multipurpose template that can be used for nearly any business, or industry under the sun. Check it out now.

Comersa – Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Comersa - Multipurpose Powerpoint Template

This modern PowerPoint template is perfect for making a presentation to showcase your portfolio and fashion designs. The template includes 30 unique slides with multipurpose design and features image placeholders as well.

Lawyero – Law Firm PowerPoint Presentation

Lawyero - Law & Firm Powerpoint Presentation

If you’re working on a presentation for a law firm or a lawyer, this creative PowerPoint template will help you design an effective presentation that attracts attention. The template includes 40 unique slides with vector icons.

Karpetian – Colorful PowerPoint Template

Karpetian - Colorful Powerpoint Template

Karpetian PowerPoint template features a modern and colorful design that also features a professional content arrangement for making presentations for all types of events and purposes. The template includes a total of 150 slides.

Nilo – Education PowerPoint Template

Nilo - Education Powerpoint Template

This stylish PowerPoint template has been designed specifically for making presentations for schools and education-related businesses. The template comes with 25 unique slides featuring creative illustrations and transition animations.

Lefite – Magazine PowerPoint Template

Lefite - Magazine PowerPoint Template

A modern and minimalist PowerPoint template ideal for creative professionals and freelancers for making convincing presentations to win more clients. This template includes 30 unique slides featuring customizable vector graphics and image placeholders.

Free Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Free Multipurpose Powerpoint Template

A multipurpose PowerPoint template you can use for free to design various presentations. This template comes with 22 stylish slide layouts with animations and transitions. It also features image placeholders as well.

Free Minimalist Style PowerPoint Template

Free Minimalist Style Powerpoint Template

This free PowerPoint template is most suitable for designing clean and simple presentations for creatives and professionals. It includes 30 unique slides you can easily customize to your preference.

Moisture – Modern PowerPoint Template

Moisture - Modern Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template has also been designed with creative agencies and freelancers in mind. It comes with a set of slides you can use to showcase your services, skills, and portfolio in a professional way. The slides are available in 5 different color schemes as well.

Markethy – Marketing PowerPoint Template

Markethy - Marketing Powerpoint Template

You can use this cool PowerPoint template to design an attractive slideshow for all kinds of marketing and sales presentations. The template is fully customizable and features 3 premade color schemes to choose from with dark and light themes.

MILD – Minimal & Cool PowerPoint Template

MILD - Minimal & Cool Powerpoint Template

Mild comes with a set of 35 unique slides featuring modern and cool designs. It also includes 50 different color themes with light and dark styles. The multipurpose design of the slides will allow you to create any kind of creative, business, or corporate slideshow using this PowerPoint template.

Maximus – Modern & Cool PowerPoint Template

Maximus - Modern & Cool Powerpoint Template

Maximus is a cool PowerPoint template made for business and corporate presentations. It comes with 30 unique slides that are available in 5 different color schemes, making a total of 130 slides. The template includes a unique infographic and lots of other vector elements.

Voda – Creative Cool PowerPoint Template

Voda - Creative Cool Powerpoint Template

Voda features a dark and cool color theme that better highlights your content in each slide. The template includes 80 unique slides and a total of 240 slides. You can also choose from 5 different color themes for the slides, including a multi-colored version.

Colors – Free Colorful PowerPoint Template

Colors - Colorful free Powerpoint template

This colorful and free PowerPoint template comes with 60 unique slide layouts featuring unlimited color options, image placeholders, editable shapes, and much more you can use to create cool and stylish presenattions.

Look – Free Cool PowerPoint Template

Look - Free Cool Powerpoint Template

Look is a cool free PowerPoint template you can use to make stylish presentations for showcasing fashion brands and designs. The template includes 55 unique slides with fully customizable layouts.

Color FUN – Cool PowerPoint Template

Color FUN - Cool Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template comes with a colorful design filled with attractive designs, icons, vector shapes, infographics, and more. The template includes more than 50 unique slides. You can customize and resize everything in the template and change colors however you like.

F2 & Black End – Cool PowerPoint Template

F2 & Black End - Cool Powerpoint Template

If you’re looking for a multipurpose PowerPoint template you can use for creative, business, or personal presentation designs, this template is a must-have. It comes in both light and dark color themes as well as a cool design featuring easily customizable vectors and image placeholders.

RAVI – Cool PowerPoint Template

RAVI - Cool Powerpoint Template

Ravi is a minimal and modern PowerPoint template that comes with plenty of cool slides for creating a professional presentation slideshow. The template includes 100 unique slides featuring 40 curated colors. It also comes with lots of infographics, vector shapes, charts, graphs, and more.

Meldow – Cool PowerPoint Template

Meldow - Cool Powerpoint Template

Meldow is a clean and stylish PowerPoint template featuring more than 150 slides. The template is available in 5 different premade color schemes. Each template comes with 30 unique slides. It’s perfect for business and agency presentations.

Yellow – Cool Creative PowerPoint Template

Yellow - Cool Creative Powerpoint Template

Just as the name describes, this cool PowerPoint template features lots of yellow throughout the design. This makes it a great choice for creating marketing and creative presentations. Of course, the colors can also be easily customized to your preference as well.

Wagner – Free Cool PowerPoint Template

Wagner - Free Cool PowerPoint Template

Wagner is a free PowerPoint template featuring a set of modern slides you can use to design different types of business and creative presentations. The template comes with editable shapes and vectors as well.

UCorporate – Cool Business PowerPoint Template

UCorporate - Cool Business PowerPoint Template

Who says corporate presentations shouldn’t look cool? With this stylishly modern PowerPoint template, you can design cool and interesting slideshows for corporate and business meetings without affecting the professionalism. The template is available in light and dark color themes.

SOFT – Minimal & Cool PowerPoint Template

SOFT - Minimal & Cool PowerPoint Template

Minimalism is a part of making things look cool. Soft PowerPoint template will make any kind of a creative, business, or professional presentation look cool with its clean design. The template 70 unique slides in multipurpose design featuring data charts, portfolios, gallery slides, and more.

Trending – Cool PowerPoint Template

Trending - Cool PowerPoint Template

Trending is a PowerPoint template you can use to design a cool slideshow presentation for business and corporate meetings. It comes with many useful slides such as business model slides, marketing strategy, traction, projections, and more. It includes a total of 420 slides featuring 6 colors.

KEPO – Minimal Cool Powerpoint Template

KEPO - Minimal Cool Powerpoint Template

Kepo is a stylish and creative PowerPoint template that comes with a minimal design. This template is most suitable for educational presentations as it features a design that effectively highlights content. It includes 65 unique slides with 50 curated colors.

Motion – Cool Powerpoint Template

Motion - Cool Powerpoint Template

Motion PowerPoint template comes with creative slides filled with stylish graphics, vector shapes, and icons. The template featuring 30 unique slides in 5 premade color schemes. It also includes gallery and portfolio slides as well as image placeholders for easier customization.

Sweet – Cool Powerpoint Template

Sweet - Cool Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template comes with a feminine design that makes it most suitable for fashion and beauty related presentations. It also includes vector graphics, infographics, creative icons, and much more.

Bravo – Modern & Cool Powerpoint Template

Bravo - Modern & Cool Powerpoint Template

Bravo is a minimal and colorful PowerPoint template featuring a total of 225 slides. The template is available in 5 different color schemes with 45 slides in each template. You can use this template to create professional and agency presentations related to design and marketing.

Dilanova – Cool Fashion Powerpoint Template

Dilanova - Cool Fashion Powerpoint Presentation

Dilanova is a cool PowerPoint template made for promoting fashion related brands and businesses. You can use it to promote clothing brands as well as fashion photography. The template includes 30 unique slides and they are available in 2 different color themes.

Creative – Cool Powerpoint Template

Creative - Cool Powerpoint Template

Just as the name suggests, this PowerPoint template comes with lots of slides featuring creative designs. It includes 25 slides in 5 color designs, making it a total of 120 slides. It also comes with a handcrafted infographic, gallery and infographic slides, and more.

Agency Portfolio- Cool Powerpoint Template

Agency Portofolio- Cool Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template is made for creating presentations for agencies and creative professionals. It features 50 unique slides featuring cool and clean designs. The slides also include lots of charts, graphs, icons, and more for creating more compelling presentations as well.

Wordsmith – Cool Creative PowerPoint Template

Wordsmith - Cool Creative PowerPoint Template

Wordsmith PowerPoint template comes with 20 unique slides based on master slide designs. The template uses a dark color theme for creating much cooler and professional presentation slideshows.

FAB – Powerpoint Presentation Template

FAB - Powerpoint Presentation Template

Fab is the perfect PowerPoint template you can use to create a modern and cool slideshow for photography and fashion related presentations. It comes with 35 unique slides featuring various vector elements. The templates are available in both PPT and PPTX formats for older and new PowerPoint versions.

FLOW- Cool Powerpoint Template

FLOW- Cool Powerpoint Template

Flow is a cool and creative PowerPoint template that features clean slide designs. The template comes with 40 unique slides with customizable designs and resizable vector elements. You can use it to create pitch decks, business presentations, professional slideshows, and much more.

Carezo- Creative Powerpoint Template

cool powerpoint template

Creating a presentation from scratch can be quite labor-intensive. This cool PowerPoint template is beneficial. It saves time, provides good visual design, and means that you can primarily spend your time and attention on the content of your presentation.

Toddlera – Kindergarten Powerpoint Template

cool powerpoint template

The Toddlera Kindergarten Presentation Template for Microsoft PowerPoint is a modern and sleek professional presentation that will give a boost to your business meetings and lectures. It contains 30 beautifully designed slides that can be easily edited and adjusted to suit all of your professional and business needs.

Braze – Innovative Powerpoint Template

cool powerpoint template

If you were a manager, who wants to present the potential of a company, a lecturer who is eager to attract attention, or a student who wants to present a report – don’t hesitate, Braze is developed just for you!

5 Tips for Making a Cool PowerPoint Presentation

Not sure about how to make your PowerPoint presentation look cool to attract young audiences? Start by following these simple tips.

1. Make It Colorful

Colorful slides not only make your presentation look cooler but also help make it much easier to highlight specific parts of your slide content.

Arthe Powerpoint Template

However, making a colorful slideshow is not just about adding lots of colors. You should consider creating a color palette based on a theme like flat color or material color design to create consistency across the presentation.

2. Add Lots of Visuals

Needless to say, using images is one of the most effective ways of creating more impactful presentations that grab everyone’s attention. And it’s not just images that make your slideshow look cooler.

BATAGOR - Powerpoint Template

You can also use infographics, icons, and device mockups to show off your designs and visualize data to make your presentation look more visually appealing.

3. Make Creative Layouts

OZEN Powerpoint Template

As you browse through our templates collection you’ll notice how the content layout of each PowerPoint template changes from one another. Some feature layouts made with unique shapes, backgrounds, and formatting. Make sure to pick a content layout that helps your presentation stand out from the crowd.

4. Use Bold Fonts

NOVA Powerpoint Template

Changing from default fonts to a custom font can drastically improve the look and feel of your entire presentation design. Invest in a pair of premium fonts if you can to create more attractive headings and paragraphs. You can also use great free fonts as well. Just search for free fonts in our archives.

5. Take Advantage of Master Slides

Ability Sports Presentation Template

Master slides are pre-made layouts that allow you to create new blank slides with already formatted designs. Most premium templates come with multiple master slides. Use them to your advantage to create cooler presentations with unique designs of your own.

Also, check out the animated PowerPoint templates and minimal PowerPoint templates collections for more.


  1. Our Modern Data Driven Bar Chart PowerPoint Template includes a modern

    cool powerpoint graphs

  2. Pie Chart Design for PowerPoint

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  3. Graphs & Charts PowerPoint Template

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  4. 15 Interesting Ways to Use Graphs in a Presentation [Templates Included]

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  5. Graphs & Charts PowerPoint Templates (FREE DOWNLOAD) on Behance

    cool powerpoint graphs

  6. Free 3d Pie Chart PowerPoint Template & Keynote

    cool powerpoint graphs


  1. Lesson 8

  2. How to make a cool PowerPoint Slide in 23 seconds 😳🔥 #powerpoint #presentation

  3. Как сделать красивый график в Power Point

  4. Create A Cool PowerPoint Presentation

  5. Animated PowerPoint Chart Tutorial 💛🧡💖💜💙💚 COLORFUL

  6. Cool PowerPoint Slide Transition


  1. 25 Best PowerPoint Chart & Graph Templates for Data PPTs for 2024

    Top 25 PowerPoint PPT Chart & Graph Templates From Envato Elements For 2024. Envato Elements is the best place to find premium PowerPoint chart templates. Take a look at some of the best PPT chart templates. These are all included with a subscription to Elements: 1. Annual Startup Infographic - PowerPoint Template.

  2. Charts & Diagrams Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides

    Discover an extensive range of ready-to-use charts and diagrams for PowerPoint and Google. Our vast library features over 1,207 free, editable, and easy-to-customize designs to elevate your visual data representation and engage your audience. Charts and diagrams can be used to enhance any presentation, whether it's for a business meeting, a ...

  3. PowerPoint Charts, Graphs, & Tables Made Easy

    Here you have the detailed step-by-step instructions: Select the slide where you want to add the chart. Choose the Insert tab, then select the Illustrations group's Chart option. A dialog box for inserting charts will appear. Choose a category on the left, then double-click the chart you want on the right.

  4. 6 Design Hacks to Turn Boring PowerPoint Charts into ...

    How to Create This Picture Chart: Step 1- Insert the Larger Image. Based on the topic of the data, choose an image that can can work as the base of the column chart. We found image of an open truck. If you are presenting marketing or sales data across different continents, a globe for instance can work as a good base.

  5. Charts Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    These charts PowerPoint templates can enhance your presentations by providing visually appealing and professional-looking charts that effectively communicate data and statistics. With various chart styles and designs, you can easily present complex information in a clear and engaging manner, making your presentations more impactful and memorable.

  6. 20+ Best PowerPoint Templates for Charts + Graphs 2024

    Gantt Chart PowerPoint Templates. A must-have chart in project management presentations, Gantt charts are one of the more difficult chart types to design. This PowerPoint template will make the process easier for you. It includes 30 unique Gantt chart slides and you can choose from 10 different color variations as well.

  7. How to Make Great PPT Charts & Graphs in Microsoft PowerPoint (+Video)

    Click on the Chart icon to launch the Insert Chart menu. The Insert Chart menu will open with a variety of chart templates. On the left side, you'll see a variety of PowerPoint chart types, such as Column, Line, Pie, Bar and more. Start by clicking on a chart type on the left side.

  8. Data Charts for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    We have 30 different data diagrams for you. We have created a lot of different designs using different hues of blue: line, bars, pyramid or pie charts, together with different sorts of icons related to business, health or education, although you can edit and change them. No matter which type of chart you need, you'll find the perfect one here.

  9. Data, Curve and Charts for PowerPoint

    Open the PowerPoint presentation and go to the slide where you want to add the chart. Select the "Insert" tab in the top menu. In the "Illustrations" group, click the "Chart" button. Select the type of chart you want to create from the drop-down menu. A new window will open with sample data.

  10. Ten Tips for Cool PowerPoint Charts in PowerPoint

    Figure 1: 10 Tips for Cool PowerPoint Charts. Before we proceed with these tricks, determine for sure whether you must use a chart. Do not use a chart just because you think you need one! A chart is meant to display data visually in a manner that makes it easy for your audience to observe a trend, or look at a relationship between figures and ...

  11. How to Make Charts Look Good in PowerPoint {FREE TEMPLATE}

    Cut and paste the chart on the sizing worksheet. Move the chart to the area with the resized grid-like area, and drag to resize it to fit the 43-column wide X 23-row high area. To further complicate things, you have about a bajillion image formats to choose from. Take a look at this quick comparison:

  12. 100+ Free PowerPoint Graphics For Better Presentations [Free PPT]

    1. How to insert graphics into PowerPoint. Once you've created your presentation it's time to add those all-important PowerPoint Graphics. And it's easy, easy, easy. Step 1: Go to the slide and create a space for your graphic. Step 2: Go to insert on the toolbar at the top of PowerPoint, click on it.

  13. Free Chart Infographics for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    Download and edit our chart infographics for Google Slides and PowerPoint and explain data like a pro! Free Easy to edit Professional. ... Download the "Bar Graph Infographics" template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual ...

  14. Creative PowerPoint Chart Examples

    That is why we came up with our 'Visual PowerPoint Graphs Pack'. With our preformatted chart templates, the time to create a meaningful chart is the same as the time it takes to create a boring data table. To edit the chart you right click on the chart, go to 'Edit data'. A worksheet opens up. You update the numbers in the yellow cells.

  15. Chart PowerPoint & Google Slides Presentation Templates

    PowerPoint graph templates assist in conveying the data in a much-simplified manner. Our uniquely designed presentation charts templates for PPT include a waterfall chart, bubble chart, comparison chart, pie chart, bell curve, Gaussian curve, etc., and many more. They can be used by business professionals, marketers, and analysts to show data ...

  16. Create Stunning Chart in PowerPoint

    [Download link provided below]:In this tutorial, I have explained how to make a stunning chart in PowerPoint. Please like, comment, share and subscribe to my...

  17. How To Create and Animate Charts in PowerPoint

    Use Discount Code "ONESKILL20" and get 20% off Simple Slides:🔥 Learn FREE for 1 month!😊👍 PPT TEMPLATE...

  18. Create Beautiful Charts in PowerPoint

    Link to think-cell Extended FREE trial: SINGLE licenses available - NO need to purchase a group package!Creating charts is ...

  19. Your Graphs Look Like Crap: 9 Ways to Simplify and Sexify Data

    4) Reduce Colors. Colors are a great way to help tell your story. For example, if the point of the slide is to show just how awesome Twitter is, you should highlight the data that speaks only to Twitter -- which is why it's the only one that has a color on the graph. Use color to make important data pop and the unimportant data take a backseat.

  20. Bar Charts Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Bar charts are very adaptable. No matter what you want to represent: if you have some numbers, data and percentages, use these diagrams. We have designed many of them for you: simple bars, cylindrical, pyramidal, arrows…. Choose one!

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    Ravi is a minimal and modern PowerPoint template that comes with plenty of cool slides for creating a professional presentation slideshow. The template includes 100 unique slides featuring 40 curated colors. It also comes with lots of infographics, vector shapes, charts, graphs, and more. Meldow - Cool PowerPoint Template

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